{"2-1-2001-5:47:0Sesther.buckley@enron.com 30-3-2001-3:30:0Sesther.buckley@enron.com 6-4-2001-6:34:0Sesther.buckley@enron.com 19-4-2001-7:37:36Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"2-1-2001-5:47:0Sesther.buckley@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-5:47:0", "esther.buckley@enron.com", "molly.carriere@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com donna.consemiu@enron.com robert.cook@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com nathan.hlavaty@enron.com wayne.lightfoot@enron.com james.mckay@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com steve.schneider@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com michael.walters@enron.com eric.wardle@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com mary.johnson@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com cheryl.jones@enron.com reid.hansen@enron.com darron.giron@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com gary.bryan@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com brian.riley@enron.com jeff.austin@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com dawn.kenne@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com j.fosdick@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com stephanie.gomes@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com robert.walker@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com joanne.harris@enron.com christy.sweeney@enron.com earl.tisdale@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28432135.1075854207466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 05:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: esther.buckley@enron.com\nTo: molly.carriere@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, donna.consemiu@enron.com,\n\trobert.cook@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\tnathan.hlavaty@enron.com, wayne.lightfoot@enron.com,\n\tjames.mckay@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com,\n\tsteve.schneider@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tmichael.walters@enron.com, eric.wardle@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, mary.johnson@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tlauri.allen@enron.com, cheryl.jones@enron.com, reid.hansen@enron.com,\n\tdarron.giron@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, gary.bryan@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tbrian.riley@enron.com, jeff.austin@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, dawn.kenne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com, j.fosdick@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, robert.walker@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.weissman@enron.com, joanne.harris@enron.com,\n\tchristy.sweeney@enron.com, earl.tisdale@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: FIRST DELIVERIES - RANGER OIL, ASPECT RESOURCES, LLC, AND CAMDEN\n RESOURCES\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Esther Buckley\nX-To: Molly L Carriere, Clem Cernosek, Donna Consemiu, Robert Cook, Howard B Camp, Lisa Hesse, Nathan L Hlavaty, Wayne E Lightfoot, James McKay, Mary M Smith, Steve HPL Schneider, Melissa Graves, Michael Walters, Eric Wardle, Jill T Zivley, Mary Jo Johnson, Rita Wynne, Lauri A Allen, Cheryl Jones, Reid Hansen, Darron C Giron, O'Neal D Winfree, Susan Smith, Gary Bryan, Gary A Hanks, Donald P Reinhardt, Vance L Taylor, David Baumbach, Robert Cotten, Brian M Riley, Jeff A Austin, Cynthia Hakemack, Dawn C Kenne, Lisa Csikos, Kristen J Hanson, J R Fosdick, Carlos J Rodriguez, Stephanie Gomes, Pat Clynes, Tom Acton, Robert Walker, George Weissman, JoAnne Harris, Christy Sweeney, Earl Tisdale, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSee attached files\n\n\n\n\n", "FIRST DELIVERIES - RANGER OIL, ASPECT RESOURCES, LLC, AND CAMDEN\n RESOURCES", "forward", [["see file", 0, "nninformation", ["files", "see"], "request", "see attached files returnlinen "], ["attach spreadsheet", 1, "information", ["attached", "files"], "information", "see attached files returnlinen "]], "See attached files\n\n\n\n\n", "<28432135.1075854207466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "30-3-2001-3:30:0Sesther.buckley@enron.com": ["30-3-2001-3:30:0", "esther.buckley@enron.com", "molly.carriere@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com donna.consemiu@enron.com robert.cook@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com nathan.hlavaty@enron.com wayne.lightfoot@enron.com james.mckay@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com steve.schneider@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com michael.walters@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com mary.johnson@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com cheryl.jones@enron.com reid.hansen@enron.com darron.giron@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com gary.bryan@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com brian.riley@enron.com jeff.austin@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com dawn.kenne@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com j.fosdick@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com stephanie.gomes@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com robert.walker@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com joanne.harris@enron.com christy.sweeney@enron.com earl.tisdale@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32653761.1075854298689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 03:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: esther.buckley@enron.com\nTo: molly.carriere@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, donna.consemiu@enron.com,\n\trobert.cook@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\tnathan.hlavaty@enron.com, wayne.lightfoot@enron.com,\n\tjames.mckay@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com,\n\tsteve.schneider@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tmichael.walters@enron.com, jill.zivley@enron.com,\n\tmary.johnson@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com,\n\tcheryl.jones@enron.com, reid.hansen@enron.com,\n\tdarron.giron@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, gary.bryan@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tbrian.riley@enron.com, jeff.austin@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, dawn.kenne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, j.fosdick@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, robert.walker@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.weissman@enron.com, joanne.harris@enron.com,\n\tchristy.sweeney@enron.com, earl.tisdale@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: FIRST DELIVERIES - SUEMAUR EXPLORATION AND ERGON EXPLORATION\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Esther Buckley\nX-To: Molly L Carriere, Clem Cernosek, Donna Consemiu, Robert Cook, Howard B Camp, Lisa Hesse, Nathan L Hlavaty, Wayne E Lightfoot, James McKay, Mary M Smith, Steve HPL Schneider, Melissa Graves, Michael Walters, Jill T Zivley, Mary Jo Johnson, Rita Wynne, Lauri A Allen, Cheryl Jones, Reid Hansen, Darron C Giron, O'Neal D Winfree, Susan Smith, Gary Bryan, Gary A Hanks, Donald P Reinhardt, Vance L Taylor, David Baumbach, Robert Cotten, Brian M Riley, Jeff A Austin, Cynthia Hakemack, Dawn C Kenne, Lisa Csikos, J R Fosdick, Carlos J Rodriguez, Stephanie Gomes, Pat Clynes, Tom Acton, Robert Walker, George Weissman, JoAnne Harris, Christy Sweeney, Earl Tisdale, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSee attached files\n", "FIRST DELIVERIES - SUEMAUR EXPLORATION AND ERGON EXPLORATION", "forward", [["see file", 0, "nninformation", ["files", "see"], "request", "see attached files returnlinen "], ["attach spreadsheet", 1, "information", ["attached", "files"], "information", "see attached files returnlinen "]], "See attached files\n", "<32653761.1075854298689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "6-4-2001-6:34:0Sesther.buckley@enron.com": ["6-4-2001-6:34:0", "esther.buckley@enron.com", "molly.carriere@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com donna.consemiu@enron.com robert.cook@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com nathan.hlavaty@enron.com wayne.lightfoot@enron.com james.mckay@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com steve.schneider@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com michael.walters@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com mary.johnson@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com cheryl.jones@enron.com reid.hansen@enron.com darron.giron@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com gary.bryan@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com brian.riley@enron.com jeff.austin@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com dawn.kenne@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com j.fosdick@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com stephanie.gomes@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com robert.walker@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com joanne.harris@enron.com christy.sweeney@enron.com earl.tisdale@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5637824.1075854189789.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 06:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: esther.buckley@enron.com\nTo: molly.carriere@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, donna.consemiu@enron.com,\n\trobert.cook@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\tnathan.hlavaty@enron.com, wayne.lightfoot@enron.com,\n\tjames.mckay@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com,\n\tsteve.schneider@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tmichael.walters@enron.com, jill.zivley@enron.com,\n\tmary.johnson@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com,\n\tcheryl.jones@enron.com, reid.hansen@enron.com,\n\tdarron.giron@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, gary.bryan@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tbrian.riley@enron.com, jeff.austin@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, dawn.kenne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, j.fosdick@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, robert.walker@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.weissman@enron.com, joanne.harris@enron.com,\n\tchristy.sweeney@enron.com, earl.tisdale@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: FIRST DELIVERIES - COMSTOCK OIL & GAS AND UNITED OIL & MINERAL\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Esther Buckley\nX-To: Molly L Carriere, Clem Cernosek, Donna Consemiu, Robert Cook, Howard B Camp, Lisa Hesse, Nathan L Hlavaty, Wayne E Lightfoot, James McKay, Mary M Smith, Steve HPL Schneider, Melissa Graves, Michael Walters, Jill T Zivley, Mary Jo Johnson, Rita Wynne, Lauri A Allen, Cheryl Jones, Reid Hansen, Darron C Giron, O'Neal D Winfree, Susan Smith, Gary Bryan, Gary A Hanks, Donald P Reinhardt, Vance L Taylor, David Baumbach, Robert Cotten, Brian M Riley, Jeff A Austin, Cynthia Hakemack, Dawn C Kenne, Lisa Csikos, J R Fosdick, Carlos J Rodriguez, Stephanie Gomes, Pat Clynes, Tom Acton, Robert Walker, George Weissman, JoAnne Harris, Christy Sweeney, Earl Tisdale, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSee attached files\n", "FIRST DELIVERIES - COMSTOCK OIL & GAS AND UNITED OIL & MINERAL", "forward", [["see file", 0, "nninformation", ["files", "see"], "request", "see attached files returnlinen "], ["attach spreadsheet", 1, "information", ["attached", "files"], "information", "see attached files returnlinen "]], "See attached files\n", "<5637824.1075854189789.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "19-4-2001-7:37:36Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-7:37:36", "robert.cotten@enron.com", [], [], "Message-ID: <2181015.1075845112752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 07:37:36 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: FW: FIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL GAS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nIs it alright if I enter the following deals?\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 09:35 AM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/18/2001 11:35 AM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tFW: FIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL GAS \n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty\t\t\tMeter\t\t\tVolumes\tDeal #\tPrice\t\t\t\tPeriod\t\tGlobal No.\nLouis Dreyfus Nat Gas Corp\t\t9874\t\t\t750mmbtu/d\tNYA\tIf del vols <300/d, 88% GD\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t>300/d, 100% GD less $0.29\t4/12-4/30\t96058618\n\nPure Resources, L.P.\t\t9882\t\t\t425mmbtu/d\tNYA\t100% GD less $0.14\t\t4/17-4/30\t96058384\n\t\nFYI, we will create and submit committed reserves firm tickets for the remaining term of the deals beginning with the appropiate month. Additionally, these are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBuckley, Esther \nSent:\tWednesday, April 18, 2001 10:53 AM\nTo:\tCarriere, Molly; Cernosek, Clem; Consemiu, Donna; Cook, Robert; Camp, Howard; Hesse, Lisa; Hlavaty, Nathan; Wayne E Lightfoot/HOU/ECT@ENRON; McKay, James; Smith, Mary; Schneider, Steve HPL; Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Walters, Michael; Zivley, Jill; Johnson, Mary Jo; Wynne, Rita; Allen, Lauri; Jones, Cheryl; Hansen, Reid; Giron, Darron; Winfree, O'Neal; Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Bryan, Gary; Hanks, Gary; Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Baumbach, David; Cotten, Robert; Riley, Brian; Austin, Jeff; Hakemack, Cynthia; Kenne, Dawn; Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Fosdick, J R; Rodriguez, Carlos; Gomes, Stephanie; Clynes, Pat; Acton, Tom; Walker, Robert; Weissman, George; Harris, JoAnne; Sweeney, Christy; Tisdale, Earl; Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tFIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL GAS \n\nSee attached files\n\n \n", "FW: FIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL GAS", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "nninformation", ["deals", "enter"], "request information", "daren, is it alright if i enter the following deals?"]], "Daren,\n\nIs it alright if I enter the following deals?\n\nBob\n\n", "<2181015.1075845112752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-8-2000-2:13:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 11-8-2000-2:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"10-8-2000-2:13:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["10-8-2000-2:13:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["melissa.graves@enron.com"], ["jennifer.blay@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "mary.johnson@enron.com", "christy.sweeney@enron.com", "trisha.hughes@enron.com", "hillary.mack@enron.com", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11145013.1075854186236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 02:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: melissa.graves@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata\n County, TX\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, mary.johnson@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.blay@enron.com, christy.sweeney@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, mary.johnson@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.blay@enron.com, christy.sweeney@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Melissa Graves\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach, Susan Smith, Vance L Taylor, Tom Acton, Mary Jo Johnson, Jennifer Blay, Christy Sweeney, Hillary Mack, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMelissa,\n\nDeal # 361155 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 08/09/2000 02:19 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata \nCounty, TX\n\nBob, \n\nThe following production is now on-line (behind an existing meter). Please \ncreate and enter a ticket into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Period - Volumes Price \nPrime Operating Company 6388 7/28 - 167 MMBtu/d 85% Gas Daily \n 7/29 - 382 MMBtu/d\n 7/30 - 370 MMBtu/d \n 7/31 - 415 MMBtu/d\n\nThis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio, attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThank you,\nMelissa\nX39173\n\n", "Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata\n County, TX", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 14, "information", ["created", "deal", "361155"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 15, "information", ["deal", "entered", "361155"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Melissa,\n\nDeal # 361155 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 08/09/2000 02:19 PM\n\t\n\n", "<11145013.1075854186236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "361155", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "11-8-2000-2:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-2:40:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["melissa.graves@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "jennifer.blay@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "mary.johnson@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com", "christy.sweeney@enron.com", "trisha.hughes@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com"], "Melissa,\nDeal # 362921 has been created and entered in Sitara.\nBob\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Melissa Graves 08/10/2000 02:54 PM\n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nChristy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth L Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa \nHesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata \nCounty, TX\nBob/Jennifer:, \nBob, \nThe following production is now on-line (behind an existing meter). Please \ncreate and enter a ticket into sitara based on the following:\nCounterparty Meter Period Volumes Price \nPrime Operating Company 6388 8/1/00-8/31/00 400 MMBtu/d 85% IF/HSC \n \nThis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio, attached to the gathering contract.\nOnce the paper is signed and reserves are published, Susan Smith will prepare \na formal deal ticket for the full term.\n \n \n \n \nJennifer, \nPlease prepare and transmit to Prime Operating Company, a first purchaser GTC \nbased on the following\ninformation:\nCounterparty: Prime Operating Company\nContract Date: 8/1/00\nTerm Expires: 8/31/00\nContract Type: First Purchaser GTC\nContract Price: 85% IF/HSC\nSitara No.: To be assigned\nTAGG No.: To be assigned\nMeter: 098-6388, facility 17385\nWells:\nFacility No. Facility Name Meter County\n50693 Uribe, A.A. #1 098-6388 Zapata\n \nMailing Address:\n 2900 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 475\n Houston, Texas 77042-6009\n Attention: Mr. Vern Elmore\nPayment Information: by check to the above address\nTelephone Number: (713) 735-0000\nFax Number: (713) 735-0090\nPlease provide me with a copy of the GTC for our files once completed.\nPlease call if you have any questions or need additional information.\nThank you, \nMelissa\nX39173\n--------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT on 08/10/2000 11:42 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Robert Cotten 08/10/2000 09:13 AM\n \nTo: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christy \nSweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nTrisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata \nCounty, TX \nMelissa,\nDeal # 361155 has been created and entered in Sitara.\nBob\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Melissa Graves 08/09/2000 02:19 PM\n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata \nCounty, TX\nBob, \nThe following production is now on-line (behind an existing meter). Please \ncreate and enter a ticket into sitara based on the following:\nCounterparty Meter Period - Volumes Price \nPrime Operating Company 6388 7/28 - 167 MMBtu/d 85% Gas Daily \n 7/29 - 382 MMBtu/d\n 7/30 - 370 MMBtu/d \n 7/31 - 415 MMBtu/d\nThis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio, attached to the gathering contract.\nThank you,\nMelissa\nX39173\n", ["Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata County, TX"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '361155']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 14, "information", ["created", "deal", "362921"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 15, "information", ["deal", "entered", "362921"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Melissa,\n\nDeal # 362921 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 08/10/2000 02:54 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<4413016.1075853990951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3936315.1075854186165.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "362921", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "3-4-2001-9:59:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 3-4-2001-15:17:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"3-4-2001-9:59:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["3-4-2001-9:59:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Vance,\nDeals for the following have been created and entered in Sitara. The deal \nnumbers are noted below:\nBob\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 09:23 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan \nSmith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: April 2001 Spot Purchases\nBob,\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of April, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \n\"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based \non the following information:\nCounterparty Meter Volume Deal # Price\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 692898 84% IF/HSC \nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 692026 100% IF/HSC less $0.265\nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 692011 84% IF/HSC \nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 712357 100% IF/HSC less $1.38\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 691873 84% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co. 6063 300mmbtu/d 421856 84% IF/HSC\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc. 6598 180mmbtu/d 691982 84% IF/HSC \nVintage Gas Inc. 9603 100mmbtu/d 712358 84% IF/HSC\nStone Energy 9696 4500mmbtu/d 690252 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration 9696 6500mmbtu/d 692844 100% IF/HSC less $0.16\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs) 0435 2714mmbtu/d 689849 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd. 0435 654mmbtu/d 689894 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nTri-Union Development 0435 149mmbtu/d 689905 100% IF/HSC less $0.055 \nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 692461 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", ["Re: April 2001 Spot Purchases"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['712357', 'price']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals for the following have been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals for the following have been created and entered in sitara."], ["note deal", 7, "information", ["deal", "noted"], "information", " the deal numbers are noted below: "]], "Vance,\n\nDeals for the following have been created and entered in Sitara. The deal \nnumbers are noted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 09:23 AM\n", ["<10234815.1075854190415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24635490.1075854355846.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "3-4-2001-15:17:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["3-4-2001-15:17:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13355356.1075845112048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 15:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Spot purchases - 04/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Daren J Farmer , O'Neal D Winfree \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe following deals have been entered today as wellhead purchases:\n\nDeal #\t\tMeter #\tCounterparty\tTr Zn\tNom\tPrice\n\n712357\t\t2630\t\tSwift Energy\t18\t21/d\t100% \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIFHSC less $1.38\n\n712358\t\t9603\t\tVintage Gas\t8\t100/d\t84% IFHSC\n\nBob", "Spot purchases - 04/01", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 2, "information", ["deals", "entered", "purchases", "wellhead"], "information", "the following deals have been entered today as wellhead purchases: deal # meter # counterparty tr zn nom price numeric numeric swift energy numeric numeric /d numeric % ifhsc less pricenumeric numeric numeric vintage gas numeric numeric /d numeric % ifhsc "]], "The following deals have been entered today as wellhead purchases:\n\nDeal #\t\tMeter #\tCounterparty\tTr Zn\tNom\tPrice\n\n712357\t\t2630\t\tSwift Energy\t18\t21/d\t100% \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tIFHSC less $1.38\n\n712358\t\t9603\t\tVintage Gas\t8\t100/d\t84% IFHSC\n\nBob", "<13355356.1075845112048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "2630", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "9603", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn"]}, "meter wellheadTnn": {"value": "meter wellheadTnn", "ne": "meter wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["meter wellheadTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "712357", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1 38", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "purchase wellheadTnn": {"value": "purchase wellheadTnn", "ne": "purchase wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["purchase wellheadTnn"]}}, true]}, "23-2-2001-3:9:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 27-2-2001-8:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"23-2-2001-3:9:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-3:9:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <1643646.1075854197863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 03:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Deals entered 3/01\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJulie,\n\nI have entered the following deals for wellhead meters in 03/01:\n\nDeal # Counterparty Meter #\n\n631403 Amerada Hess 0435\n631437 Anadarko Petr. 0435\n631449 Apache Corp. 0435\n631486 Barrett Resour. 0435\n632586 Cima Energy 6284\n632651 Columbus Energy 9758\n632978 Crosstex Energy 9843\n631504 Crosstex Energy 0435\n633028 Duke Energy 6347\n633111 EEX E&P 9695\n633154 El Paso Merchant 5923\n633184 El Paso Merchant 5848\n633227 Four Square Gas 9705\n631543 Meridian Resource 0435\n631580 Ocean Energy 0435\n631662 Seneca Resources 0435\n633360 Simray O & G 9739\n633380 Swift Energy 2630\n634419 Swift Energy 9643\n631737 Tri-Union Devel. 0435\n633427 Vintage Gas 9603\n631767 Walter O & G 0435\n634035 Whiting Petr. 6523\n\nBob", "Deals entered 3/01", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "deals entered datenumeric."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "information", ["deals", "entered", "meters"], "information", "julie, i have entered the following deals for wellhead meters in datenumeric : deal # counterparty meter # numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname petr numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname merchant numeric numeric orgname merchant numeric numeric orgname gas numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric orgname devel numeric numeric orgname gas numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname petr numeric "]], "Julie,\n\nI have entered the following deals for wellhead meters in 03/01:\n\nDeal # Counterparty Meter #\n\n631403 Amerada Hess 0435\n631437 Anadarko Petr. 0435\n631449 Apache Corp. 0435\n631486 Barrett Resour. 0435\n632586 Cima Energy 6284\n632651 Columbus Energy 9758\n632978 Crosstex Energy 9843\n631504 Crosstex Energy 0435\n633028 Duke Energy 6347\n633111 EEX E&P 9695\n633154 El Paso Merchant 5923\n633184 El Paso Merchant 5848\n633227 Four Square Gas 9705\n631543 Meridian Resource 0435\n631580 Ocean Energy 0435\n631662 Seneca Resources 0435\n633360 Simray O & G 9739\n633380 Swift Energy 2630\n634419 Swift Energy 9643\n631737 Tri-Union Devel. 0435\n633427 Vintage Gas 9603\n631767 Walter O & G 0435\n634035 Whiting Petr. 6523\n\nBob", "<1643646.1075854197863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "631403", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "633380", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "633028", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "631504", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "632978", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "634419", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "633427", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "633227", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn"]}, "meter wellheadTnn": {"value": "meter wellheadTnn", "ne": "meter wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["meter wellheadTnn"]}}, true], "27-2-2001-8:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["27-2-2001-8:29:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "brian.riley@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], "Vance,\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below. The deal \nvolumes entered were those listed on the March, 2001 Nomination spreadsheet.\nBob\nVance L Taylor\n02/26/2001 05:33 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: March \"Spot\" Purchases\n Bob,\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of March, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \n\"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based \non the following information:\nCounterparty Meter Volume Deal # Price\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 634035 100% IF/HSC less $0.95 \nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 633154 100% IF/HSC less $0.265\nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 633184 84% IF/HSC \nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 633380 100% IF/HSC less $1.45\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 633028 85% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co. 6063 300mmbtu/d 421856 100% IF/HSC less $0.95\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc. 6598 180mmbtu/d 643875 100% IF/HSC less $0.95 \nVintage Gas Inc. 9603 100mmbtu/d 633427 100% IF/HSC less $0.95\nStone Energy 9696 4500mmbtu/d 634058 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration 9696 6500mmbtu/d 634061 100% GD less $0.235\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs) 0435 2714mmbtu/d 631403 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nAnadarko Petroleum Corp. 0435 1104mmbtu/d 631437 100% IF/HSC less $0.10\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd. 0435 654mmbtu/d 631504 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nTri-Union Development 0435 149mmbtu/d 631737 100% IF/HSC less $0.055 \nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 643862 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", ["Re: March \"Spot\" Purchases"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['gas', '633427']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below."], ["note deal", 5, "information", ["deals", "noted"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deal", "entered", "2001"], "information", " the deal volumes entered were those listed on the march, numeric nomination spreadsheet."]], "Vance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below. The deal \nvolumes entered were those listed on the March, 2001 Nomination spreadsheet.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/26/2001 05:33 PM\n", ["<19207390.1075854196835.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15336896.1075854356446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "nomination volumeTnn": {"value": "nomination volumeTnn", "ne": "nomination volumeTnn", "patterns": ["nomination volumeTnn"]}}, true]}, "25-1-2001-3:53:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 25-1-2001-5:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-1-2001-0:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-1-2001-0:47:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:40:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 16-2-2001-0:37:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"25-1-2001-3:53:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["25-1-2001-3:53:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8709946.1075854202965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 03:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\nCc: susan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: susan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten\nX-cc: Susan Smith, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n", "Basin Production from GA 213", "reply", [], "FYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", "<8709946.1075854202965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "25-1-2001-5:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-1-2001-5:47:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6783902.1075854336865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 05:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n\n\n\n", "Re: Basin Production from GA 213", "forward", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 5, "nninformation", ["determine", "gas"], "intention", "i need for you, or the producer services group, to determine if you think the gas will flow for the month and at what price."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "i need for you, or the producer services group, to determine if you think the gas will flow for the month and at what price."]], "I need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\n", "<6783902.1075854336865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "26-1-2001-0:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-1-2001-0:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25039951.1075854336843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 00:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 01:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nDaren,\n\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\n\nvlt\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Basin Production from GA 213", "reply", [], "", "<25039951.1075854336843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "26-1-2001-0:47:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-1-2001-0:47:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32545394.1075854202705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 00:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nCc: vance.taylor@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vance.taylor@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Vance L Taylor\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren/Vance,\n\nDeal # 586954 has been created and entered in Sitara:\n\nDate Meter # Volume Price\n\n2/1/01 - 2/28/01 9696 5,000 100% Gas Daily less $0.16\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/26/2001 08:25 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 01:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nDaren,\n\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\n\nvlt\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Basin Production from GA 213", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "586954"], "information", "daren/vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara: date meter # volume price datenumeric - datenumeric numeric numeric numeric % orgname less pricenumeric "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deal", "entered", "meter", "586954"], "information", "daren/vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara: date meter # volume price datenumeric - datenumeric numeric numeric numeric % orgname less pricenumeric "]], "Daren/Vance,\n\nDeal # 586954 has been created and entered in Sitara:\n\nDate Meter # Volume Price\n\n2/1/01 - 2/28/01 9696 5,000 100% Gas Daily less $0.16\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/26/2001 08:25 AM\n", "<32545394.1075854202705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "586954", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "9696", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$0 16", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:40:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:40:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", ["robert.cotten@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Bob,\nAs mentioned earlier, Houston Exploration is also delivering gas to us at \nthis meter. The following production is now on-line and a ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based on the following:\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period \nHouston Exploration 9696 8000mmbtu/d 100% GD less $0.16 2/1 - 2/28\nFYI, I will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket if and when \nthe gas buyer terms the deal up. Additionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal \nand should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the \ngathering contract.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353 \n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 02/09/2001 \n02:46 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Robert Cotten 01/26/2001 08:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \nDaren/Vance,\nDeal # 586954 has been created and entered in Sitara:\nDate Meter # Volume Price\n2/1/01 - 2/28/01 9696 5,000 100% Gas Daily less $0.16\nBob\nDaren J Farmer\n01/26/2001 08:25 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 01:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \nDaren,\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\nvlt\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\nD\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\nFYI,\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n \nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n", ["Re: Basin Production from GA 213"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '586954']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 10, "nninformation", ["created", "ticket"], "intention", " the following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following: counterparty meter volumes price period orgname numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % gd less pricenumeric datenumeric - datenumeric fyi, i will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket if and when the gas buyer terms the deal up."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 11, "information", ["entered", "meter"], "information", " the following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following: counterparty meter volumes price period orgname numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % gd less pricenumeric datenumeric - datenumeric fyi, i will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket if and when the gas buyer terms the deal up."]], "Bob,\n\nAs mentioned earlier, Houston Exploration is also delivering gas to us at \nthis meter. The following production is now on-line and a ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period \nHouston Exploration 9696 8000mmbtu/d 100% GD less $0.16 2/1 - 2/28\n\nFYI, I will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket if and when \nthe gas buyer terms the deal up. Additionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal \nand should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the \ngathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353 \n", ["<26723979.1075854199752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22954734.1075854290159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15002594.1075854356778.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "8000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$0 16", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, true], "16-2-2001-0:37:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-0:37:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], "Vance,\nDeal # 624411 has been created and entered in Sitara.\nBob\nVance L Taylor\n02/09/2001 03:40 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald \nP Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nBob,\nAs mentioned earlier, Houston Exploration is also delivering gas to us at \nthis meter. The following production is now on-line and a ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based on the following:\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period \nHouston Exploration 9696 8000mmbtu/d 100% GD less $0.16 2/1 - 2/28\nFYI, I will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket if and when \nthe gas buyer terms the deal up. Additionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal \nand should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the \ngathering contract.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353 \n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 02/09/2001 \n02:46 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Robert Cotten 01/26/2001 08:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \nDaren/Vance,\nDeal # 586954 has been created and entered in Sitara:\nDate Meter # Volume Price\n2/1/01 - 2/28/01 9696 5,000 100% Gas Daily less $0.16\nBob\nDaren J Farmer\n01/26/2001 08:25 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 01:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \nDaren,\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\nvlt\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\nD\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\nFYI,\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n \nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n", ["Re: Basin Production from GA 213"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '586954']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "624411"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 624411 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/09/2001 03:40 PM\n", ["<7575304.1075854199140.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24926095.1075854290186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28198989.1075854356678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "624411", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "16-2-2000-9:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-4-2001-19:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"16-2-2000-9:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-9:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "I extended deal 93481 for another year.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 02/16/2000 04:50 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\nDaren,\nDeal 93481 expired 12/31/99, is there a new deal to replace it.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 \n04:48 PM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n02/16/2000 04:46 PM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nDone.\nThanks, Stella\nFred Boas\n08/20/99 06:53 PM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nStella:\nI set up the accounting arrangement on the HPLR transport contract \n012-64610-02-052 for January through June per Daren's instructions below. \nThe tracking ID for all 6 months is 34500.\nI also set up accounting arrangement on the HPLC transport contract \n012-41500-02-015 for July per Daren's instructions below. The tracking ID \nfor July is 34501. If you would, please put the transport contract in POPS \non Monday morning and call me when your done so that I can reallocate the \nmeters. I need to call Copano to tell them that their payment is on the way.\nI need the transport contracts, HPLR and HPLC put in for all 31 days of each \nof the respective months.\nAs always thanks in advance for your help,\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n08/20/99 04:50 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nFred, \nI had the typed the deal numbers incorrectly. July forward is on 93481. \nJanuary-June is on 69176.\nDaren\nFred Boas\n08/20/99 12:56 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene \nRichmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nDaren:\nI looked in Path Manager and I see two deals - 93480 and 93481, but I don't \nsee deal 69176 for July forward that you mentioned below. Also, please \nverify that the deal for January through June is 93481 and if the 69176 deal \nis correct for July forward.\nStella:\nI will need to set up accounting arrangements for these deals from January \nforward. From Daren's note below it appears that for January through June I \nwill need an HPLR transportation contract put in POPS. When Daren and I get \nthe deal number issue resolved for July forward I will need an HPLC contract \nput into POPS. Also for July forward, I will need the HPLC contract in POPS \nevery month through December to allocate Copano line gain to if it occurs.\nThanks to both of you,\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n08/19/99 11:16 AM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nFred, \nI have pathed the purchase from Copano for 1999 in MOPS. Jan-Jun is under \nHPLR (Sitara 93481). July forward is under HPLC (Sitara 69176). I \nunderstand that I cannot renom this to the pipe for prior months, because the \ncallout allocations will be affected. So, you will need to set up accounting \narrangements to get the nom into POPS.\nLet me know if you have any questions.\nDaren\nFred Boas\n08/19/99 08:01 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene \nRichmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nStella/Daren:\nWhat is the status of this request? Please let me know when I can reallocate \nthis meter, the customer has not been paid for 3 months and is complaining.\nFred\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nThanks for your help Robert.\nThanks again, Stella\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/12/99 04:29 PM\n \nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\n fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 04:29 \nPM ---------------------------\nLauri A Allen\n08/12/99 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\nDaren- FYI. There are deal tickets in Sitara to cover this transaction- \n#69176 for HPLR and #93481 for HPLC- but they have zero volume and were not \npathed in Unify. Could you get someone in your group to set these up for \nFred, please? Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 03:59 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n08/12/99 11:19 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\nStella:\nI need the above referenced contract put into POPS for January, May, June , \nJuly, and August 1999 forward. I need the contract in POPS for August \nforward because I never know when Copano will allocate line gain to itself.\nIn 1998 a spot contract was set up between HPLR and Copano Pipeline/South \nTexas, L. P. with a Synergi contract number 078-62210-101 and a Global number \nof 96016880 by Karen Lambert. Per Karen this old agreement was terminated by \nDan Hyvl due to HPLR business change to ECT. In 1999, when Copano began \nallocating line gain to themselves again I contacted Lauri, Karen, and \nyourself to see if I could get the contract in POPS. Karen sent me an e-mail \nindicating that she set-up a new contract for this HPLC line gain purchase - \nGlobal # 96022367 (I don't have a \"Synergi\" contract number). I know that in \n3/99 Lauri contacted Bernard Widacki at Copano to discuss this issue.\nI need Lauri to review this and then I need the contract to be put in POPS so \nthat I can correctly allocate the gas at this meter. I have not allocated \nany line gain in 1999 and the volumes are small. Karen is the most \nknowledgeable about this contract, so I suggest that any questions be \ndirected to her regarding contract issues. Karen worked with Bernard Widacki \nat Copano to set up the contract originally.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5310']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "information", ["deal", "extended", "93481"], "information", "i extended deal numeric for another year."]], "I extended deal 93481 for another year.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 02/16/2000 04:50 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<20656454.1075854171882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4875995.1075854026888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27146780.1075854055480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30907798.1075854159360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "93481", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "5310", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-4-2001-19:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["5-4-2001-19:24:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10522694.1075845111975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 19:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Canus Meter 5310\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nAccording to Vance's response to Lauri's email, the nominations should be revised upwards approximately 650/d on the gathering contract(s) at this meter. There is currently nominations of 1,353/d (1,153 gathering and 200 transport). The flow should be around 2,000/d. Is it alright to include the increase of 650/d with the other revisions to be made after trading on Friday?\n\nBob\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 04/05/2001 04:13 PM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/03/2001 12:07 PM\nTo:\tLauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tTom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tRE: Canus Meter 5310\n\nLauri,\n\nEffective 3/1/2001, HPLC amended its contract with Royal Production changing the price to 100% HSC less $0.16 and extending the term through 2/28/02. Consequently, for March, HPLC should be purhasing volumes from two wells at meter 5310. Effective April, HPLC amended the same contract releasing the L.G. Talbert #2 lease in the committed reserves agreement; Mike Morris is the gas buyer and expects volumes of approximately 2000mmbtu/d. For April I nom 1132/d; Bob, we should probably increase the nom to reflect the incremental production at this point.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tAllen, Lauri \nSent:\tTuesday, April 03, 2001 10:04 AM\nTo:\tVance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Cotten, Robert\nCc:\tActon, Tom; Terry, Edward; Vaughn, Kimberly\nSubject:\tCanus Meter 5310\n\nLouis Cox with Copano (the interconnecting party at this meter) informed me that effective March 1st, we should have been buying incremental gas from Royal Production at this point since they were no longer selling it to Copano. There have been no changes in the producer services noms at this point, however. This point appears to be on a 14 day chart and the last flow I have access to shows noms of 1332mm with BAV of 3497mm on March 18th. Bob/Vance- could one of you guys check into this and see what the nom should be? Copano says they're not getting the gas in April either, but they do not know how long HPLC is purchasing the incremental gas from Royal. Please let me know what the resolution is. Thanks.\n", "RE: Canus Meter 5310", "originEmail", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 10, "nninformation", ["nominations", "revised"], "intention", "daren, according to vance's response to lauri's email, the nominations should be revised upwards approximately numeric /d on the gathering contract(s) at this meter."]], "Daren,\n\nAccording to Vance's response to Lauri's email, the nominations should be revised upwards approximately 650/d on the gathering contract(s) at this meter. There is currently nominations of 1,353/d (1,153 gathering and 200 transport). The flow should be around 2,000/d. Is it alright to include the increase of 650/d with the other revisions to be made after trading on Friday?\n\nBob\n \n", "<10522694.1075845111975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "5310", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "1,353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "2-8-2000-2:34:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 2-8-2000-3:19:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 7-8-2000-8:9:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"2-8-2000-2:34:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["2-8-2000-2:34:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com stephanie.gomes@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13528824.1075853992514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 02:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 -\nCc: robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.gomes@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.gomes@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Robert Cotten, Vance L Taylor, Anita Luong, Stephanie Gomes, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI - \n\nIt apppears that any deliveries made during the time frame from 12/99 - \n04/02/00, were made without any contractual arrangements for purchase. \nTherefore, Vance explained to me that the volume of 1,517 Dth for the period \nshould have been allocated to the Strangers agreement, just as it was. Any \ndeliveries were unauthorized (UDOG) and the gas then belongs to HPL. Please \ngive Vance a call if you have any further questions regarding this issue.\n\nThank you all for your patience and assistance. I appreciate it!\n\nMary Jane", "Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 -", "reply", [["settle_resolve issue", 0, "information", ["issue", "resolved"], "information", "resolved issue: meter # phonenumber -."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 19, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " therefore, vance explained to me that the volume of numeric dth for the period should have been allocated to the strangers agreement, just as it was."]], "FYI - \n\nIt apppears that any deliveries made during the time frame from 12/99 - \n04/02/00, were made without any contractual arrangements for purchase. \nTherefore, Vance explained to me that the volume of 1,517 Dth for the period \nshould have been allocated to the Strangers agreement, just as it was. Any \ndeliveries were unauthorized (UDOG) and the gas then belongs to HPL. Please \ngive Vance a call if you have any further questions regarding this issue.\n\nThank you all for your patience and assistance. I appreciate it!\n\nMary Jane", "<13528824.1075853992514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "2-8-2000-3:19:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["2-8-2000-3:19:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com stephanie.gomes@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32480544.1075853992470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 03:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 -\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.gomes@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tmary.poorman@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.gomes@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tmary.poorman@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten, Anita Luong, Stephanie Gomes, Pat Clynes, Mary Poorman, Hillary Mack, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRobert,\n\nHPLC entered into a gas purchase agreement with the BJD-ESS Corporation \n(global #96036946) effective 4/1/2000 thru 3/31/2002. The meter produced an \naverage of 19mmbtu/d for the month of April, 2000. A deal ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based upon the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nBJD-ESS Corporation 6563 19mmbtu/d 85% IF/HSC 4/2/00 - 4/30/00\n\nGive me a call if there are any questions or concerns.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/02/2000 09:34 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita \nLuong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 - \n\nFYI - \n\nIt apppears that any deliveries made during the time frame from 12/99 - \n04/02/00, were made without any contractual arrangements for purchase. \nTherefore, Vance explained to me that the volume of 1,517 Dth for the period \nshould have been allocated to the Strangers agreement, just as it was. Any \ndeliveries were unauthorized (UDOG) and the gas then belongs to HPL. Please \ngive Vance a call if you have any further questions regarding this issue.\n\nThank you all for your patience and assistance. I appreciate it!\n\nMary Jane\n\n", "Re: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 -", "reply", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 21, "nninformation", ["created", "deal", "ticket"], "intention", " a deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based upon the following information: counterparty meter volume price period orgname numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % if/hsc datenumeric - datenumeric give me a call if there are any questions or concerns."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 22, "information", ["deal", "entered", "meter"], "information", " a deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based upon the following information: counterparty meter volume price period orgname numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % if/hsc datenumeric - datenumeric give me a call if there are any questions or concerns."]], "Robert,\n\nHPLC entered into a gas purchase agreement with the BJD-ESS Corporation \n(global #96036946) effective 4/1/2000 thru 3/31/2002. The meter produced an \naverage of 19mmbtu/d for the month of April, 2000. A deal ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based upon the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nBJD-ESS Corporation 6563 19mmbtu/d 85% IF/HSC 4/2/00 - 4/30/00\n\nGive me a call if there are any questions or concerns.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/02/2000 09:34 AM\n", "<32480544.1075853992470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "19", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "19", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false], "7-8-2000-8:9:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["7-8-2000-8:9:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["stephanie.gomes@enron.com", "hillary.mack@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "enron.purchasing@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <30899518.1075853991688.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 08:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 -\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tanita.luong@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tenron.purchasing@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tanita.luong@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tenron.purchasing@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd, Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Anita Luong, Stephanie Gomes, Pat Clynes, Mary Poorman, Hillary Mack, Enron Admin Purchasing, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 358125 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n08/02/2000 10:19 AM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita \nLuong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 - \n\nRobert,\n\nHPLC entered into a gas purchase agreement with the BJD-ESS Corporation \n(global #96036946) effective 4/1/2000 thru 3/31/2002. The meter produced an \naverage of 19mmbtu/d for the month of April, 2000. A deal ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based upon the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nBJD-ESS Corporation 6563 19mmbtu/d 85% IF/HSC 4/2/00 - 4/30/00\n\nGive me a call if there are any questions or concerns.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/02/2000 09:34 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita \nLuong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 - \n\nFYI - \n\nIt apppears that any deliveries made during the time frame from 12/99 - \n04/02/00, were made without any contractual arrangements for purchase. \nTherefore, Vance explained to me that the volume of 1,517 Dth for the period \nshould have been allocated to the Strangers agreement, just as it was. Any \ndeliveries were unauthorized (UDOG) and the gas then belongs to HPL. Please \ngive Vance a call if you have any further questions regarding this issue.\n\nThank you all for your patience and assistance. I appreciate it!\n\nMary Jane\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Resolved Issue: Re: Meter # 0986563 -", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal", "358125"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deal", "entered", "358125"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 358125 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n08/02/2000 10:19 AM\n", "<30899518.1075853991688.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "358125", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-6-2000-8:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 19-1-2001-8:33:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-6-2000-8:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-8:5:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <22619670.1075854080773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 08:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nom - Texlan Oil\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nTexlan revised their nom at meter # 6788 from 166/d to 365/d for July. Do \nyou want me to adjust?\n\nBob", "Revised Nom - Texlan Oil", "originEmail", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 0, "information", ["oil", "revised"], "information", "revised nom - texlan oil."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 3, "information", ["meter", "6788", "revised"], "information", "daren, texlan revised their nom at meter # numeric from numeric /d to numeric /d for july."]], "Daren,\n\nTexlan revised their nom at meter # 6788 from 166/d to 365/d for July. Do \nyou want me to adjust?\n\nBob", "<22619670.1075854080773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "6788", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "19-1-2001-8:33:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-8:33:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com"], "Karen,\nIt has been determined that the only valid deal is a wellhead purchase from \nTexlan at meter # 6788 in 11/00 and 12/00 production. Please reallocate the \nmeter to give all volume to Texlan. Thanks.\nBob", ["Meter #6788 - 11/00 & 12/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6788']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["deal", "determined"], "information", "karen, it has been determined that the only valid deal is a wellhead purchase from texlan at meter # numeric in datenumeric and datenumeric production."]], "Karen,\n\nIt has been determined that the only valid deal is a wellhead purchase from \nTexlan at meter # 6788 in 11/00 and 12/00 production. Please reallocate the \nmeter to give all volume to Texlan. Thanks.\n\nBob", ["<7997847.1075854204015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32549592.1075854286141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1302707.1075854357259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "6788", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "31-5-2000-10:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-6-2000-8:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"31-5-2000-10:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-10:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7088373.1075854168397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 10:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Revised Nomination - June, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBob, \n\nGo ahead and accept the nom revision. I believe that this is with PGE, not \nEl Paso. How do the rest of our noms compare with EOG? I f they have a \nhigher volume at another meter than we do, I would like to increase our nom \nthere. In effect, I want to keep our physical index position as close as \npossible to what we have in the system now.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 05/31/2000 04:04 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Revised Nomination - June, 2000\n\nDaren,\n\nCharlotte Hawkins is having trouble confirming the volume of 5,733 with El \nPaso. El Paso will not confirm the volume that high. EOG revised their \nnomination as follows:\n\nC/P Name Meter # Orig Nom Rev Nom\n\nEOG Res. 6296 5,733 2,300\n\nWill you approve revising the volume in Unify down to 2,300? Please advise. \nThanks.\n\nBob\n\n", "Re: Revised Nomination - June, 2000", "reply", [], "Bob, \n\nGo ahead and accept the nom revision. I believe that this is with PGE, not \nEl Paso. How do the rest of our noms compare with EOG? I f they have a \nhigher volume at another meter than we do, I would like to increase our nom \nthere. In effect, I want to keep our physical index position as close as \npossible to what we have in the system now.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 05/31/2000 04:04 PM\n\t\n\n", "<7088373.1075854168397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-6-2000-8:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-8:5:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26394391.1075854187834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 08:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Revised Nomination - June, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nFYI. Per our discussion, the following nominations were revised on EOG \nResources:\n\nMeter # Orig Nom Rev Nom Deal #\n\n5263 4,755 5,820 126355\n6067 3,726 4,600 126281\n6748 2,005 3,300 126360\n6742 4,743 10,120 126365\n6296 5,733 2,300 126281\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/31/2000 05:51 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Revised Nomination - June, 2000 \n\nBob, \n\nGo ahead and accept the nom revision. I believe that this is with PGE, not \nEl Paso. How do the rest of our noms compare with EOG? I f they have a \nhigher volume at another meter than we do, I would like to increase our nom \nthere. In effect, I want to keep our physical index position as close as \npossible to what we have in the system now.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 05/31/2000 04:04 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Revised Nomination - June, 2000\n\nDaren,\n\nCharlotte Hawkins is having trouble confirming the volume of 5,733 with El \nPaso. El Paso will not confirm the volume that high. EOG revised their \nnomination as follows:\n\nC/P Name Meter # Orig Nom Rev Nom\n\nEOG Res. 6296 5,733 2,300\n\nWill you approve revising the volume in Unify down to 2,300? Please advise. \nThanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Revised Nomination - June, 2000", "originEmail", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 0, "information", ["nomination", "2000", "revised"], "information", " revised nomination - june, numeric."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 7, "information", ["deal", "meter", "5263", "revised"], "information", " per our discussion, the following nominations were revised on eog resources: meter # orig nom rev nom deal # numeric numeric numeric , phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric , phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric , phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric , phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric , phonenumber numeric "]], "Daren,\n\nFYI. Per our discussion, the following nominations were revised on EOG \nResources:\n\nMeter # Orig Nom Rev Nom Deal #\n\n5263 4,755 5,820 126355\n6067 3,726 4,600 126281\n6748 2,005 3,300 126360\n6742 4,743 10,120 126365\n6296 5,733 2,300 126281\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/31/2000 05:51 PM\n", "<26394391.1075854187834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "5263", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "meter nominationTnn": {"value": "meter nominationTnn", "ne": "meter nominationTnn", "patterns": ["meter nominationTnn"]}, "meter origTnn": {"value": "meter origTnn", "ne": "meter origTnn", "patterns": ["meter origTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-4-2001-7:27:25Srobert.cotten@enron.com 26-4-2001-9:42:23Sl..taylor@enron.com 26-4-2001-9:48:21Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"26-4-2001-7:27:25Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-7:27:25", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["l..taylor@enron.com"], ["melissa.graves@enron.com", "george.weissman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <26454453.1075845112988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 07:27:25 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: l..taylor@enron.com\nSubject: RE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\nCc: george.weissman@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: george.weissman@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Taylor, Vance L. \nX-cc: Weissman, George , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Graves, Melissa , Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nVance,\n\nBased on the information below, nominations are being revised effective May 1, 2001:\n\nCounterparty\t\tMeter #\tOrig. Nom\tRev. Nom\n\nBarrett Resources\t0435\t\t1,536\t\t0\n\nSeneca Resources\t0435\t\t3,073\t\t4,609\n\n\t\t\t\tTotal\t4,609\t\t4,609\n\nBob\n\t\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 08:42 AM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tGeorge Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC continues to purchase gas from both Ocean and Seneca on a term basis; firm tickets were submitted for April origination beginning with the month of April. As for as Barrett, they are selling their gas under a JOA with Seneca; therefore, 100% of Barrett's production is being paid to Seneca. Consequently, you should see tickets in sitara for both counterparties.\n\nLet me know is you can't.\n\nvlt\nx36353\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCotten, Robert \nSent:\tTuesday, April 24, 2001 6:20 PM\nTo:\tTaylor, Vance L.\nCc:\tWeissman, George\nSubject:\tRe: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nVance,\n\nAre we still purchasing gas at meter 435 from Barrett Resources, Ocean Energy and Seneca Resources? They were on George's spreadsheet but they are not termed up. The only deals termed up are Mariner, St. Mary Land, Walter Oil & Gas and The Meridian Resource.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 04:25 PM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJanie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tMay Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the production month of May, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information:\n\nCounterparty\t\t\t\tMeter\t\t\tVolume\t\t\tPrice\nApache Corporation\t\t\t0435\t\t\t1409mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.10\nWhiting Petroleum Corp\t\t\t6523\t\t\t113mmbtu/d\t\t\t85% IF/HSC\t\t\nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP\t\t5923\t\t\t622mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.26\nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP\t\t5848\t\t\t203mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC \t\t \t\t\t Swift Energy\t\t\t2630\t\t\t 21mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $1.38\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing\t6347\t\t\t147mmbtu/d \t\t 85% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co.\t\t6063\t\t\t289mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc.\t\t6598\t\t\t 1mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC \t\nStone Energy\t\t\t\t9696\t\t 2745mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration\t\t9696\t\t 3407mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs)\t0435\t\t 1104mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.14\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd.\t\t0435\t\t\t 656mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.12\nTri-Union Development\t\t\t0435\t\t\t 149mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.055\t\nRanger Oil Company\t\t\t9871\t\t\t200mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\n\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nADDITIONALLY, If at all possible, please do not confirm the Apache and Crosstex deals as we expect to receive term firm contracts in the very near future.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request", "originEmail", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 6, "information", ["effective", "revised"], "information", "vance, based on the information below, nominations are being revised effective datenumeric , numeric : counterparty meter # orig."]], "Vance,\n\nBased on the information below, nominations are being revised effective May 1, 2001:\n\nCounterparty\t\tMeter #\tOrig. Nom\tRev. Nom\n\nBarrett Resources\t0435\t\t1,536\t\t0\n\nSeneca Resources\t0435\t\t3,073\t\t4,609\n\n\t\t\t\tTotal\t4,609\t\t4,609\n\nBob\n\t\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 08:42 AM\n", "<26454453.1075845112988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counterparty effective meter numericTnnnn", "effective meter numericTnnn", "effective numericTnn", "meter numeric origTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "meter origTnn": {"value": "meter origTnn", "ne": "meter origTnn", "patterns": ["meter origTnn"]}}, false], "26-4-2001-9:42:23Sl..taylor@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-9:42:23", "l..taylor@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "george.weissman@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25214377.1075845113066.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 09:42:23 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: l..taylor@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: RE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\nCc: george.weissman@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: george.weissman@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Taylor, Vance L. \nX-To: Cotten, Robert \nX-cc: Weissman, George , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Graves, Melissa , Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nBob,\n\nI'm still concern about April's nom; if we don't take it to zero, than we could have the possibility of the allocations group adding volumes to Barrett's April deal. This would be incorrect.\n\nvlt\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCotten, Robert \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 9:27 AM\nTo:\tTaylor, Vance L.\nCc:\tWeissman, George; Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Graves, Melissa; Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tRE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nVance,\n\nBased on the information below, nominations are being revised effective May 1, 2001:\n\nCounterparty\t\tMeter #\tOrig. Nom\tRev. Nom\n\nBarrett Resources\t0435\t\t1,536\t\t0\n\nSeneca Resources\t0435\t\t3,073\t\t4,609\n\n\t\t\t\tTotal\t4,609\t\t4,609\n\nBob\n\t\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 08:42 AM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tGeorge Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC continues to purchase gas from both Ocean and Seneca on a term basis; firm tickets were submitted for April origination beginning with the month of April. As for as Barrett, they are selling their gas under a JOA with Seneca; therefore, 100% of Barrett's production is being paid to Seneca. Consequently, you should see tickets in sitara for both counterparties.\n\nLet me know is you can't.\n\nvlt\nx36353\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCotten, Robert \nSent:\tTuesday, April 24, 2001 6:20 PM\nTo:\tTaylor, Vance L.\nCc:\tWeissman, George\nSubject:\tRe: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nVance,\n\nAre we still purchasing gas at meter 435 from Barrett Resources, Ocean Energy and Seneca Resources? They were on George's spreadsheet but they are not termed up. The only deals termed up are Mariner, St. Mary Land, Walter Oil & Gas and The Meridian Resource.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 04:25 PM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJanie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tMay Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the production month of May, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information:\n\nCounterparty\t\t\t\tMeter\t\t\tVolume\t\t\tPrice\nApache Corporation\t\t\t0435\t\t\t1409mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.10\nWhiting Petroleum Corp\t\t\t6523\t\t\t113mmbtu/d\t\t\t85% IF/HSC\t\t\nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP\t\t5923\t\t\t622mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.26\nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP\t\t5848\t\t\t203mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC \t\t \t\t\t Swift Energy\t\t\t2630\t\t\t 21mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $1.38\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing\t6347\t\t\t147mmbtu/d \t\t 85% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co.\t\t6063\t\t\t289mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc.\t\t6598\t\t\t 1mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC \t\nStone Energy\t\t\t\t9696\t\t 2745mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration\t\t9696\t\t 3407mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs)\t0435\t\t 1104mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.14\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd.\t\t0435\t\t\t 656mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.12\nTri-Union Development\t\t\t0435\t\t\t 149mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.055\t\nRanger Oil Company\t\t\t9871\t\t\t200mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\n\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nADDITIONALLY, If at all possible, please do not confirm the Apache and Crosstex deals as we expect to receive term firm contracts in the very near future.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request", "reply", [["add deal{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["adding", "deal"], "intention", "bob, i'm still concern about april's nom; if we don't take it to zero, than we could have the possibility of the allocations group adding volumes to barrett's april deal."]], "Bob,\n\nI'm still concern about April's nom; if we don't take it to zero, than we could have the possibility of the allocations group adding volumes to Barrett's April deal. This would be incorrect.\n\nvlt\n\n\n ", "<25214377.1075845113066.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-4-2001-9:48:21Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-9:48:21", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "l..taylor@enron.com", "george.weissman@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25110924.1075845113041.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 09:48:21 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: l..taylor@enron.com\nSubject: RE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\nCc: george.weissman@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: george.weissman@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Taylor, Vance L. \nX-cc: Weissman, George , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Graves, Melissa , Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nVance,\n\nAs we discussed yesterday, I will zero the confirmed column in POPS for Barrett and increase the same for Seneca.\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/26/2001 11:42 AM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tGeorge Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nSubject:\tRE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nBob,\n\nI'm still concern about April's nom; if we don't take it to zero, than we could have the possibility of the allocations group adding volumes to Barrett's April deal. This would be incorrect.\n\nvlt\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCotten, Robert \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 9:27 AM\nTo:\tTaylor, Vance L.\nCc:\tWeissman, George; Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Graves, Melissa; Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tRE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nVance,\n\nBased on the information below, nominations are being revised effective May 1, 2001:\n\nCounterparty\t\tMeter #\tOrig. Nom\tRev. Nom\n\nBarrett Resources\t0435\t\t1,536\t\t0\n\nSeneca Resources\t0435\t\t3,073\t\t4,609\n\n\t\t\t\tTotal\t4,609\t\t4,609\n\nBob\n\t\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 08:42 AM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tGeorge Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC continues to purchase gas from both Ocean and Seneca on a term basis; firm tickets were submitted for April origination beginning with the month of April. As for as Barrett, they are selling their gas under a JOA with Seneca; therefore, 100% of Barrett's production is being paid to Seneca. Consequently, you should see tickets in sitara for both counterparties.\n\nLet me know is you can't.\n\nvlt\nx36353\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCotten, Robert \nSent:\tTuesday, April 24, 2001 6:20 PM\nTo:\tTaylor, Vance L.\nCc:\tWeissman, George\nSubject:\tRe: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nVance,\n\nAre we still purchasing gas at meter 435 from Barrett Resources, Ocean Energy and Seneca Resources? They were on George's spreadsheet but they are not termed up. The only deals termed up are Mariner, St. Mary Land, Walter Oil & Gas and The Meridian Resource.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 04:25 PM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJanie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tMay Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the production month of May, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information:\n\nCounterparty\t\t\t\tMeter\t\t\tVolume\t\t\tPrice\nApache Corporation\t\t\t0435\t\t\t1409mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.10\nWhiting Petroleum Corp\t\t\t6523\t\t\t113mmbtu/d\t\t\t85% IF/HSC\t\t\nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP\t\t5923\t\t\t622mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.26\nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP\t\t5848\t\t\t203mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC \t\t \t\t\t Swift Energy\t\t\t2630\t\t\t 21mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $1.38\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing\t6347\t\t\t147mmbtu/d \t\t 85% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co.\t\t6063\t\t\t289mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc.\t\t6598\t\t\t 1mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC \t\nStone Energy\t\t\t\t9696\t\t 2745mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration\t\t9696\t\t 3407mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs)\t0435\t\t 1104mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.14\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd.\t\t0435\t\t\t 656mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.12\nTri-Union Development\t\t\t0435\t\t\t 149mmbtu/d\t\t\t100% IF/HSC less $0.055\t\nRanger Oil Company\t\t\t9871\t\t\t200mmbtu/d\t\t\t 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\n\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nADDITIONALLY, If at all possible, please do not confirm the Apache and Crosstex deals as we expect to receive term firm contracts in the very near future.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request", "reply", [], "Vance,\n\nAs we discussed yesterday, I will zero the confirmed column in POPS for Barrett and increase the same for Seneca.\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/26/2001 11:42 AM\n", "<25110924.1075845113041.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "9-8-2000-7:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 23-10-2000-7:6:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 24-10-2000-3:43:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 24-10-2000-3:48:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 24-10-2000-5:40:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 27-10-2000-3:46:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 22-3-2001-0:6:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 16-4-2001-13:51:8Sgary.hanks@enron.com 19-4-2001-5:26:9Scheryl.dudley@enron.com 19-4-2001-10:57:47Sshawna.flynn@enron.com": {"9-8-2000-7:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-7:24:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["david.baumbach@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18518280.1075854088370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 07:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: david.baumbach@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Noms - Gathering Contracts\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: David Baumbach\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDave,\n\nEffective 8/9, expected volumes were revised to the deal tickets on the \nattached sheet. The volumes were revised to those in the Avg column. In \naddition, a deal ticket was entered for Cokinos Natural Gas at meter 9842 \neffective 8/1 with a volume of 7,000/day. Also, deal ticket 344928 with a \nvolume of 800/day was changed from Trade Zone(s) 1 to 18.\n\nBob\n", "Revised Noms - Gathering Contracts", "originEmail", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 7, "information", ["deal", "revised", "volumes"], "information", "dave, effective datenumeric , expected volumes were revised to the deal tickets on the attached sheet."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 13, "information", ["revised", "volumes"], "information", " the volumes were revised to those in the avg column."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 19, "information", ["deal", "entered", "meter", "9842"], "information", " in addition, a deal ticket was entered for orgname natural gas at meter numeric effective datenumeric with a volume of numeric /day."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 32, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", " also, deal ticket numeric with a volume of numeric /day was changed from trade zone(s) numeric to numeric ."]], "Dave,\n\nEffective 8/9, expected volumes were revised to the deal tickets on the \nattached sheet. The volumes were revised to those in the Avg column. In \naddition, a deal ticket was entered for Cokinos Natural Gas at meter 9842 \neffective 8/1 with a volume of 7,000/day. Also, deal ticket 344928 with a \nvolume of 800/day was changed from Trade Zone(s) 1 to 18.\n\nBob\n", "<18518280.1075854088370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"avg column volumeTnnn": {"value": "avg column volumeTnnn", "ne": "avg column volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["avg column volumeTnnn"]}, "avg volumeTnn": {"value": "avg volumeTnn", "ne": "avg volumeTnn", "patterns": ["avg volumeTnn"]}, "column volumeTnn": {"value": "column volumeTnn", "ne": "column volumeTnn", "patterns": ["column volumeTnn"]}, "deal effective volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective volumeTnnn"]}, "29": {"value": "344928", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "800", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric trade zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "9842", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective meter numericTnnn", "effective numericTnn", "gas meter numericTnnn", "meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "effective meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["effective meter volumeTnnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "effective volumeTnn": {"value": "effective volumeTnn", "ne": "effective volumeTnn", "patterns": ["effective volumeTnn"]}, "gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}}, true], "23-10-2000-7:6:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["23-10-2000-7:6:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "katherine.benedict@enron.com"], [], "I am not sure who should handle this, so, I shared the \"wealth\". On deal \nticket 133259, purchase from Calpine, the deal is input at meter 4229, which, \nper the email below, was terminated. I have an unresolvable UA4 issue at \nmeter 4229 for September and for October. I have changed the meter \ndesignation for November forward, however, I receive an error in Sitara when \nI attempt to change either the prior or current month. This deal should have \nbeen changed to meter 6835 effective back in February of this year. Please \nlet me know what I can do to resolve this issue ASAP. \nThanks,\nMary\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 10/23/2000 02:01 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Cheryl Jones 10/03/2000 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18\nI just talked to the tech-Bobby Husky and he confirmed that meter 984229 has \nbeen removed. Now the other roos station is 986835.\nThanks,\nC.J. x67787\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron on 10/03/2000 \n08:51 AM ---------------------------\nKatherine Benedict@ECT\n09/20/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Cheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18\nCheryl,\nFYI - Here is the message from Mary Poorman in Logistics. \nMary,\nCheryl is going to call the field and find out if this meter should still be \nincluded on the termination list and also see if the field people see any gas \nflow on the meter.\nThanks,\nKathy\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000 \n09:56 AM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n09/20/2000 09:48 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Benedict/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \nSubject: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18\nKathy and I are trying to clean up an unaccounted for issue at the above \nreferenced meter. The system (Pops) does not show a BAV flow or an actual \nflow for prior months. Kathy phoned measurement to inquire about Mips \nvolumes and was informed that this meter is on a disabled status list back to \nFebruary, 2000. I am showing a purchase from Calpine at this meter (deal \nticket 133259) on gathering agreement \nI would greatly appreciate your help in determining the current status of \nthis meter and this deal. Please forward any information you may have.\nThank you for your time and patience,\nMary\n", ["Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [["settle_resolve issue", 44, "nninformation", ["issue", "resolve"], "intention", " please let me know what i can do to resolve this issue asap."]], "I am not sure who should handle this, so, I shared the \"wealth\". On deal \nticket 133259, purchase from Calpine, the deal is input at meter 4229, which, \nper the email below, was terminated. I have an unresolvable UA4 issue at \nmeter 4229 for September and for October. I have changed the meter \ndesignation for November forward, however, I receive an error in Sitara when \nI attempt to change either the prior or current month. This deal should have \nbeen changed to meter 6835 effective back in February of this year. Please \nlet me know what I can do to resolve this issue ASAP. \n\nThanks,\n\nMary\n", ["<4925682.1075853976322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20849756.1075854102595.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18080720.1075854185397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal meter purchaseTnnn": {"value": "deal meter purchaseTnnn", "ne": "deal meter purchaseTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter purchaseTnnn"]}, "13": {"value": "133259", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric purchase ticketTnnnn", "deal numeric ticketTnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "6835", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["issue numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric uaTnn"]}, "meter purchaseTnn": {"value": "meter purchaseTnn", "ne": "meter purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["meter purchaseTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "984229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "4229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "purchase ticketTnn": {"value": "purchase ticketTnn", "ne": "purchase ticketTnn", "patterns": ["purchase ticketTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2000-3:43:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-3:43:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["katherine.benedict@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Mary,\nHPLC currently has a gas purchase agreement (global #96014987) in place with \nCalpine that extends through 5/31/2001. Sitara deal no. 133259 correctly has \nthis contract attached to it. Effective 11/1/1998 the contract was amended \nreleasing Gouger wells no. 5 & 6. These wells were apparently the only \nproducing wells behind this point. Evidence being no measured volumes in \nMIPS. There are however other non producing wells behind this point. Is \nyour Sept & Oct UA4 issue the direct result of volumes being scheduled at \nmeter no. 4229? If so, for November, the nom at this point will be taken to \n1mmbtu/d until the wells behind this point began to produce.\nAs far as meter 6835 (Roos #1 C/P) is concerned, HPLC also has a contract \n(#96003771) in place with Cokinos Nat Gas that is currently in an \"evergreen\" \nstatus. The aforementioned wells were released from the Calpine contract; \nhowever, they were not added behind meter 6835. Therefore, I do not agree \nthat the deal (133259) should be edited to change the meter.\nHopefully this information is useful!\nvlt\nx3-6353\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/23/2000 02:06 PM\nTo: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18\nI am not sure who should handle this, so, I shared the \"wealth\". On deal \nticket 133259, purchase from Calpine, the deal is input at meter 4229, which, \nper the email below, was terminated. I have an unresolvable UA4 issue at \nmeter 4229 for September and for October. I have changed the meter \ndesignation for November forward, however, I receive an error in Sitara when \nI attempt to change either the prior or current month. This deal should have \nbeen changed to meter 6835 effective back in February of this year. Please \nlet me know what I can do to resolve this issue ASAP. \nThanks,\nMary\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 10/23/2000 02:01 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Cheryl Jones 10/03/2000 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18\nI just talked to the tech-Bobby Husky and he confirmed that meter 984229 has \nbeen removed. Now the other roos station is 986835.\nThanks,\nC.J. x67787\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron on 10/03/2000 \n08:51 AM ---------------------------\nKatherine Benedict@ECT\n09/20/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Cheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18\nCheryl,\nFYI - Here is the message from Mary Poorman in Logistics. \nMary,\nCheryl is going to call the field and find out if this meter should still be \nincluded on the termination list and also see if the field people see any gas \nflow on the meter.\nThanks,\nKathy\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000 \n09:56 AM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n09/20/2000 09:48 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Benedict/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \nSubject: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18\nKathy and I are trying to clean up an unaccounted for issue at the above \nreferenced meter. The system (Pops) does not show a BAV flow or an actual \nflow for prior months. Kathy phoned measurement to inquire about Mips \nvolumes and was informed that this meter is on a disabled status list back to \nFebruary, 2000. I am showing a purchase from Calpine at this meter (deal \nticket 133259) on gathering agreement \nI would greatly appreciate your help in determining the current status of \nthis meter and this deal. Please forward any information you may have.\nThank you for your time and patience,\nMary\n", ["Re: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 76, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "intention", " therefore, i do not agree that the deal ( numeric ) should be edited to change the meter."]], "Mary,\n\nHPLC currently has a gas purchase agreement (global #96014987) in place with \nCalpine that extends through 5/31/2001. Sitara deal no. 133259 correctly has \nthis contract attached to it. Effective 11/1/1998 the contract was amended \nreleasing Gouger wells no. 5 & 6. These wells were apparently the only \nproducing wells behind this point. Evidence being no measured volumes in \nMIPS. There are however other non producing wells behind this point. Is \nyour Sept & Oct UA4 issue the direct result of volumes being scheduled at \nmeter no. 4229? If so, for November, the nom at this point will be taken to \n1mmbtu/d until the wells behind this point began to produce.\n\nAs far as meter 6835 (Roos #1 C/P) is concerned, HPLC also has a contract \n(#96003771) in place with Cokinos Nat Gas that is currently in an \"evergreen\" \nstatus. The aforementioned wells were released from the Calpine contract; \nhowever, they were not added behind meter 6835. Therefore, I do not agree \nthat the deal (133259) should be edited to change the meter.\n\nHopefully this information is useful!\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/23/2000 02:06 PM\n", ["<30055573.1075853976005.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12920868.1075854102620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<384332.1075854185259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "133259", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "133259", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "4229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "984229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "6835", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "71": {"value": "6835", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "18", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric trade zoneTnnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2000-3:48:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-3:48:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["katherine.benedict@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Vance,\nThe issue is that the 4229 meter has been terminated in the system, per \nCheryl Jones, effective 2/00. Therefore, any purchases at that point, for \n02/00 forward, are UA4 and are probably having a negative impact on your \naccrual. I think perhaps this deal should be backed up to a wellhead level? \nThere have not been any measured volumes at 4229 since its termination, so, I \ndon't know where exactly the term Calpine deal is, physically. Your \nassistance in clearing this up is greatly appreciated.\nMary", ["Re: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [], "Vance,\n\nThe issue is that the 4229 meter has been terminated in the system, per \nCheryl Jones, effective 2/00. Therefore, any purchases at that point, for \n02/00 forward, are UA4 and are probably having a negative impact on your \naccrual. I think perhaps this deal should be backed up to a wellhead level? \nThere have not been any measured volumes at 4229 since its termination, so, I \ndon't know where exactly the term Calpine deal is, physically. Your \nassistance in clearing this up is greatly appreciated.\n\nMary", ["<18986118.1075853975958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30311710.1075854102644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8335225.1075854185235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "4229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "4229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2000-5:40:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-5:40:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "katherine.benedict@enron.com"], "Vance:\nPer our conversation, we have two possible options to resolve this deal, \ndepending on whether the wellheads are producing or not.\nProducing: If that is the case, the purchase from Calpine, and any contracts \nhedged to it will need to be backed up in the system to a wellhead level. \nOnce that is done, I will need to research in the system how those wellheads \nwere allocated and paid and reallocate to your Calpine deal. This will \nprobably have to go back to HPLC's ownership of HPLR's gathering assets.\nNon-producing: Should we determine that the Common Point and any wells \nbehind it have been shut-in, or P&A'd, we will need to reallocate this deal \nto zero, and unwind any hedges against it (or, move the hedges to another \ndeal, if possible. Since the deal is older, we probably sold lower priced \ncontracts against the production and a buy-back today would possibly result \nin a financial loss). \nIn either case, the deal needs to be cleaned up back to the date of last flow \nat meter 4229, which I am currently looking into. I will email you as soon \nas I ascertain that date.\nIn lieu of the past couple of days, we may need to look at all of the deals \nwhich were impacted by HPLC's aquisition of HPLR's gathering to ensure that \nthey are being captured properly, both at a book level and at a state filing \nlevel. Please let me know what your thoughts are as to how to accomplish \nthis.\nThank you again for all of your hard work in this area, \nMary", ["Re: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 28, "information", ["allocated", "deal"], "information", " once that is done, i will need to research in the system how those wellheads were allocated and paid and reallocate to your calpine deal."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 63, "information", ["flow", "meter", "4229"], "information", " in either case, the deal needs to be cleaned up back to the date of last flow at meter numeric , which i am currently looking into."]], "Vance:\n\nPer our conversation, we have two possible options to resolve this deal, \ndepending on whether the wellheads are producing or not.\n\nProducing: If that is the case, the purchase from Calpine, and any contracts \nhedged to it will need to be backed up in the system to a wellhead level. \nOnce that is done, I will need to research in the system how those wellheads \nwere allocated and paid and reallocate to your Calpine deal. This will \nprobably have to go back to HPLC's ownership of HPLR's gathering assets.\n\nNon-producing: Should we determine that the Common Point and any wells \nbehind it have been shut-in, or P&A'd, we will need to reallocate this deal \nto zero, and unwind any hedges against it (or, move the hedges to another \ndeal, if possible. Since the deal is older, we probably sold lower priced \ncontracts against the production and a buy-back today would possibly result \nin a financial loss). \n\nIn either case, the deal needs to be cleaned up back to the date of last flow \nat meter 4229, which I am currently looking into. I will email you as soon \nas I ascertain that date.\n\nIn lieu of the past couple of days, we may need to look at all of the deals \nwhich were impacted by HPLC's aquisition of HPLR's gathering to ensure that \nthey are being captured properly, both at a book level and at a state filing \nlevel. Please let me know what your thoughts are as to how to accomplish \nthis.\n\nThank you again for all of your hard work in this area, \n\n\nMary", ["<32067054.1075853975848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25529623.1075854102667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10330454.1075854185191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "984229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "65": {"value": "4229", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "27-10-2000-3:46:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-3:46:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "katherine.benedict@enron.com"], "Mary,\nHPLC meter number 0984229 was physically remove from service in December, \n1999. Typically, before HPL physically pulls a meter, production has ceased \nat minimum for 6 months or the production has been released. In the case of \nthe Roos common point, the producing wells were released and attached to \nmeter 0989740 in 11/98 and the remaining wells are non-producing. \nResultingly, the only viable option for resolution is option 2. We should \ntake the deal to zero by \"unwinding\" it. \nvlt\nx3-6353 \nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/24/2000 12:40 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18 \nVance:\nPer our conversation, we have two possible options to resolve this deal, \ndepending on whether the wellheads are producing or not.\nProducing: If that is the case, the purchase from Calpine, and any contracts \nhedged to it will need to be backed up in the system to a wellhead level. \nOnce that is done, I will need to research in the system how those wellheads \nwere allocated and paid and reallocate to your Calpine deal. This will \nprobably have to go back to HPLC's ownership of HPLR's gathering assets.\nNon-producing: Should we determine that the Common Point and any wells \nbehind it have been shut-in, or P&A'd, we will need to reallocate this deal \nto zero, and unwind any hedges against it (or, move the hedges to another \ndeal, if possible. Since the deal is older, we probably sold lower priced \ncontracts against the production and a buy-back today would possibly result \nin a financial loss). \nIn either case, the deal needs to be cleaned up back to the date of last flow \nat meter 4229, which I am currently looking into. I will email you as soon \nas I ascertain that date.\nIn lieu of the past couple of days, we may need to look at all of the deals \nwhich were impacted by HPLC's aquisition of HPLR's gathering to ensure that \nthey are being captured properly, both at a book level and at a state filing \nlevel. Please let me know what your thoughts are as to how to accomplish \nthis.\nThank you again for all of your hard work in this area, \nMary\n", ["Re: Meter 984229 - Roos Common Point - Trade Zone 18"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [], "Mary,\n\nHPLC meter number 0984229 was physically remove from service in December, \n1999. Typically, before HPL physically pulls a meter, production has ceased \nat minimum for 6 months or the production has been released. In the case of \nthe Roos common point, the producing wells were released and attached to \nmeter 0989740 in 11/98 and the remaining wells are non-producing. \nResultingly, the only viable option for resolution is option 2. We should \ntake the deal to zero by \"unwinding\" it. \n\nvlt\nx3-6353 \n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/24/2000 12:40 PM\n", ["<19081495.1075853975063.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15855915.1075854102691.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<69177.1075854184918.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-3-2001-0:6:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["22-3-2001-0:6:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nMike in Gas Control called and said meter # 9842 is flooded and has not \nflowed in a couple of days. The field tech said it will probably be a few \ndays before it resumes. Do you want the nom adjusted? It is at 8,034. The \ndeal # is 377169.\nBob", ["Meter # 9842"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "9842"], "information", "daren, mike in gas control called and said meter # numeric is flooded and has not flowed in a couple of days."]], "Daren,\n\nMike in Gas Control called and said meter # 9842 is flooded and has not \nflowed in a couple of days. The field tech said it will probably be a few \ndays before it resumes. Do you want the nom adjusted? It is at 8,034. The \ndeal # is 377169.\n\nBob", ["<25880935.1075854192950.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31027152.1075854296717.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13623818.1075854356220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "377169", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "9842", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-4-2001-13:51:8Sgary.hanks@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-13:51:8", "gary.hanks@enron.com", ["shawna.flynn@enron.com", "cheryl.dudley@enron.com", "michael.morris@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "earl.tisdale@enron.com"], "Meter 0989842 Tri-C Resources Gov. Daniel was shut in at approximately 12:00 PM on Friday April 13. The producer was shut in due to high hydrocarbon dew point.\nIf you have any questions please call me at 3.6449.\nThanks\nGary Hanks", ["Shut-in of Meter 989842"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [], "Meter 0989842 Tri-C Resources Gov. Daniel was shut in at approximately 12:00 PM on Friday April 13. The producer was shut in due to high hydrocarbon dew point.\n\nIf you have any questions please call me at 3.6449.\n\nThanks\nGary Hanks", ["<30795112.1075845112605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-5:26:9Scheryl.dudley@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-5:26:9", "cheryl.dudley@enron.com", ["james.mckay@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "shawna.flynn@enron.com", "michael.morris@enron.com", "earl.tisdale@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com"], ["gary.hanks@enron.com"], "I need help on this one. I spoke to Gary shortly after he sent this e-mail the other day. I wasn't sure what to say in the letter regarding how long they would be shut in -- Is there some repair that needs to be done to remedy the situation? Are we ever going to take the gas again? Should I tell them that it will remain shut in until the gas meets our specs?\nAt Gary's suggestion, I called Mike Morris & left a message, but haven't heard back from him. Therefore, I am sending this e-mail to see if anyone else can give me some advise on the contents of the notification letter that I need to send out.\nThanks in advance for any help that you can give me.\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Gary A Hanks 04/16/2001 03:51 PM \n \nTo: Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael W Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/Enron@EnronXGate, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Shut-in of Meter 989842\nMeter 0989842 Tri-C Resources Gov. Daniel was shut in at approximately 12:00 PM on Friday April 13. The producer was shut in due to high hydrocarbon dew point.\nIf you have any questions please call me at 3.6449.\nThanks\nGary Hanks\n", ["Re: Shut-in of Meter 989842"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [], "I need help on this one. I spoke to Gary shortly after he sent this e-mail the other day. I wasn't sure what to say in the letter regarding how long they would be shut in -- Is there some repair that needs to be done to remedy the situation? Are we ever going to take the gas again? Should I tell them that it will remain shut in until the gas meets our specs?\n\nAt Gary's suggestion, I called Mike Morris & left a message, but haven't heard back from him. Therefore, I am sending this e-mail to see if anyone else can give me some advise on the contents of the notification letter that I need to send out.\n\nThanks in advance for any help that you can give me.\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Gary A Hanks 04/16/2001 03:51 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<1173285.1075840436320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-10:57:47Sshawna.flynn@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-10:57:47", "shawna.flynn@enron.com", ["cheryl.dudley@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.morris@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "earl.tisdale@enron.com"], "I have a letter I can send on this one Cheryl. Mike please forward GPK to me.\n Cheryl Dudley 04/19/2001 07:26 AM To: Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael W Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/Enron@EnronXGate, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Shut-in of Meter 989842 \nI need help on this one. I spoke to Gary shortly after he sent this e-mail the other day. I wasn't sure what to say in the letter regarding how long they would be shut in -- Is there some repair that needs to be done to remedy the situation? Are we ever going to take the gas again? Should I tell them that it will remain shut in until the gas meets our specs?\nAt Gary's suggestion, I called Mike Morris & left a message, but haven't heard back from him. Therefore, I am sending this e-mail to see if anyone else can give me some advise on the contents of the notification letter that I need to send out.\nThanks in advance for any help that you can give me.\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Gary A Hanks 04/16/2001 03:51 PM \n \nTo: Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael W Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/Enron@EnronXGate, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Shut-in of Meter 989842\nMeter 0989842 Tri-C Resources Gov. Daniel was shut in at approximately 12:00 PM on Friday April 13. The producer was shut in due to high hydrocarbon dew point.\nIf you have any questions please call me at 3.6449.\nThanks\nGary Hanks\n", ["Re: Shut-in of Meter 989842"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9842']}", [], "I have a letter I can send on this one Cheryl. Mike please forward GPK to me.\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl Dudley 04/19/2001 07:26 AM \t ", ["<1800872.1075840436295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "29-6-2000-22:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-6-2000-2:16:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-6-2000-22:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-22:54:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10165547.1075854167167.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBob, \n \nUpdate our nom in Sitara to agree with their's.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 06/29/2000 02:42 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom\n\nDaren,\n\nMaynard Oil at meter # 6674 revised their nom from 4,920 to 5,595 for July.\n\nBob\n\n", "Re: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom", "reply", [], "Bob, \n \nUpdate our nom in Sitara to agree with their's.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 06/29/2000 02:42 PM\n\t\n\n", "<10165547.1075854167167.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "30-6-2000-2:16:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["30-6-2000-2:16:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20867387.1075854080707.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 02:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom\nCc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: O'Neal D Winfree\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nDeal # 140991 has been updated.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n06/30/2000 05:54 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom \n\nBob, \n \nUpdate our nom in Sitara to agree with their's.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 06/29/2000 02:42 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom\n\nDaren,\n\nMaynard Oil at meter # 6674 revised their nom from 4,920 to 5,595 for July.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom", "originEmail", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 2, "information", ["oil", "revised"], "information", " maynard oil - revised nom."]], "Daren,\n\nDeal # 140991 has been updated.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n06/30/2000 05:54 AM\n", "<20867387.1075854080707.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "140991", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-6-2000-8:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 29-6-2000-11:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-6-2000-8:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-8:3:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <20324794.1075854187395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 08:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Noms - Four Square Gas\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nFour Square Gas revised their noms for July as follows:\n\nMeter # Orig Nom Rev Nom\n\n6599 1,322 0\n1568 7 0\n6844 3,822 0\n\nDo you want me to adjust?\n\nBob", "Revised Noms - Four Square Gas", "originEmail", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 4, "nninformation", ["meter", "revised"], "request information", "daren, orgname gas revised their noms for july as follows: meter # orig nom rev nom numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric do you want me to adjust?"]], "Daren,\n\nFour Square Gas revised their noms for July as follows:\n\nMeter # Orig Nom Rev Nom\n\n6599 1,322 0\n1568 7 0\n6844 3,822 0\n\nDo you want me to adjust?\n\nBob", "<20324794.1075854187395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "6599", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric origTnnn"]}, "meter origTnn": {"value": "meter origTnn", "ne": "meter origTnn", "patterns": ["meter origTnn"]}}, false], "29-6-2000-11:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-11:24:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "Message-ID: <422650.1075853999786.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Noms - Four Square Gas\nCc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: O'Neal D Winfree\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nIt's in.\n\nBob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 06:23 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 06/29/2000 03:03 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Revised Noms - Four Square Gas\n\nDaren,\n\nFour Square Gas revised their noms for July as follows:\n\nMeter # Orig Nom Rev Nom\n\n6599 1,322 0\n1568 7 0\n6844 3,822 0\n\nDo you want me to adjust?\n\nBob\n", "Revised Noms - Four Square Gas", "forward", [], "Daren,\n\nIt's in.\n\nBob\n", "<422650.1075853999786.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "11-8-2000-2:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 26-9-2000-2:54:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"11-8-2000-2:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-2:40:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["melissa.graves@enron.com"], ["jennifer.blay@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "mary.johnson@enron.com", "christy.sweeney@enron.com", "trisha.hughes@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3936315.1075854186165.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 02:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: melissa.graves@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata\n County, TX\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, jennifer.blay@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, mary.johnson@enron.com,\n\tchristy.sweeney@enron.com, elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, trisha.hughes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, jennifer.blay@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, mary.johnson@enron.com,\n\tchristy.sweeney@enron.com, elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, trisha.hughes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Melissa Graves\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach, Jennifer Blay, Donald P Reinhardt, Susan Smith, Vance L Taylor, Tom Acton, Mary Jo Johnson, Christy Sweeney, Elizabeth L Hernandez, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMelissa,\n\nDeal # 362921 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 08/10/2000 02:54 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nChristy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth L Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa \nHesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata \nCounty, TX\n\nBob/Jennifer:, \n\nBob, \nThe following production is now on-line (behind an existing meter). Please \ncreate and enter a ticket into sitara based on the following:\n\nCounterparty Meter Period Volumes Price \nPrime Operating Company 6388 8/1/00-8/31/00 400 MMBtu/d 85% IF/HSC \n \nThis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio, attached to the gathering contract.\nOnce the paper is signed and reserves are published, Susan Smith will prepare \na formal deal ticket for the full term.\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\t\nJennifer, \nPlease prepare and transmit to Prime Operating Company, a first purchaser GTC \nbased on the following\ninformation:\n\nCounterparty: Prime Operating Company\nContract Date: 8/1/00\nTerm Expires: 8/31/00\nContract Type: First Purchaser GTC\nContract Price: 85% IF/HSC\nSitara No.: To be assigned\nTAGG No.: To be assigned\nMeter: 098-6388, facility 17385\nWells:\n\nFacility No. Facility Name Meter County\n50693 Uribe, A.A. #1 098-6388 Zapata\n \n\nMailing Address:\n 2900 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 475\n Houston, Texas 77042-6009\n Attention: Mr. Vern Elmore\n\nPayment Information: by check to the above address\n\nTelephone Number: (713) 735-0000\nFax Number: (713) 735-0090\n\nPlease provide me with a copy of the GTC for our files once completed.\n\nPlease call if you have any questions or need additional information.\n\nThank you, \nMelissa\nX39173\n\n\n\n\n--------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT on 08/10/2000 11:42 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 08/10/2000 09:13 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christy \nSweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nTrisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata \nCounty, TX \n\nMelissa,\n\nDeal # 361155 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 08/09/2000 02:19 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata \nCounty, TX\n\nBob, \n\nThe following production is now on-line (behind an existing meter). Please \ncreate and enter a ticket into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Period - Volumes Price \nPrime Operating Company 6388 7/28 - 167 MMBtu/d 85% Gas Daily \n 7/29 - 382 MMBtu/d\n 7/30 - 370 MMBtu/d \n 7/31 - 415 MMBtu/d\n\nThis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio, attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThank you,\nMelissa\nX39173\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Prime Operating Company, Uribe #1, Jennings Ranch Field, Zapata\n County, TX", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 14, "information", ["created", "deal", "362921"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 15, "information", ["deal", "entered", "362921"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Melissa,\n\nDeal # 362921 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 08/10/2000 02:54 PM\n\t\n\n", "<3936315.1075854186165.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "362921", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-9-2000-2:54:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-9-2000-2:54:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nFYI.\nBob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 09/26/2000 09:52 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Robert Cotten 09/26/2000 09:53 AM\n \nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deals not in Nomination - October, 2000\nVance,\nThe following deals are active but not in your nomination for October, 2000:\nCounterparty Name Meter # Deal #\nAransas Drilling 9645 130880\nCokinos Natural Gas 9676 279659\nJames C. Freeman 5547 133168\nGSF Energy 6353 138841\nHESCO Gathering 6392 93487\nNorth Central 0071 138550\nPrime Operating 6388 362921\nShoreline Gas 6722 166395\nSpinnaker Exploration 9848 379424\nPlease advise if the above deals should still be active. Thanks.\nBob\n", ["Deals not in Nomination - October, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '362921']}", [], "Daren,\n\nFYI.\n\nBob\n\n", ["<19120276.1075853981818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6291728.1075854097457.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6620239.1075854185896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "31-10-2000-7:39:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 28-3-2001-2:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"31-10-2000-7:39:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["31-10-2000-7:39:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "As requested by KCS Resources, the volume on deal # 125822 has been revised \nfrom 10,494 to 8,600/d effective 11/1/00.\nBob", ["Meter # 9658"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '125822']}", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 7, "information", ["deal", "125822", "revised"], "information", "as requested by kcs resources, the volume on deal # numeric has been revised from numeric to numeric /d effective datenumeric ."]], "As requested by KCS Resources, the volume on deal # 125822 has been revised \nfrom 10,494 to 8,600/d effective 11/1/00.\n\nBob", ["<18560369.1075853974329.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30986404.1075854104373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7572862.1075854184761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "125822", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "8,600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "9658", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "28-3-2001-2:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-2:8:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16785877.1075854297850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 02:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\ttom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Deal # 125822\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Edward Terry, O'Neal D Winfree, Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe expected volume on the subject deal has been changed effective 3/28/01:\n\nMeter # Trade Zone Counterparty From To\n\n9658 16 KCS Resources 6,500 5,700\n\nBob", "Deal # 125822", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", "the expected volume on the subject deal has been changed effective datenumeric : meter # trade zone counterparty from to numeric numeric kcs resources numeric numeric "]], "The expected volume on the subject deal has been changed effective 3/28/01:\n\nMeter # Trade Zone Counterparty From To\n\n9658 16 KCS Resources 6,500 5,700\n\nBob", "<16785877.1075854297850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "9658", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter numeric volumeTnnnnn", "counterparty deal meter numericTnnnn", "counterparty effective meter numericTnnnn"]}, "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meter zoneTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn": {"value": "deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn", "ne": "deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn"]}, "deal effective volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective volumeTnnn"]}, "deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volume zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meterTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meterTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "125822", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}}, true]}, "3-5-2001-11:34:15Srobert.cotten@enron.com 4-5-2001-7:57:31Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"3-5-2001-11:34:15Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["3-5-2001-11:34:15", "robert.cotten@enron.com", [], [], "Daren,\nFYI. The meter is not set up yet.\nBob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2001 01:33 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/03/2001 11:01 AM \n \nTo: Karl Stewart/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna Consemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Gulf Coast Pipeline Company\nDyersdale Area, Harris Co., TX\nMeters 4555, 6677, 9618 & 9889\nKarl, please activate meter 098-9889 so that Bob can attach deal 752482 to it. George 713.571.3159\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2001 10:54 AM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/02/2001 04:32 PM \n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mike Morris/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Gulf Coast Pipeline Company\nDyersdale Area, Harris Co., TX\nMeters 4555, 6677, 9618 & 9889\nBob,\nThe transport rates established for the meters subject to the 6/1/96 Gas Gathering Agreement between Gulf Coast Pipeline Company and Houston Pipe Line Company (96008709) were for staggered periods of time - thus the rate established for 6677 ended on 2/28/2001, the rate established for 4555 and 9618 ended on 4/30/2001 and there was no rate established for 9889 due to its recent set up. The rates for the period subsequent to the end dates for the first three meters are set forth below; the rate for 9889 was agreed to by the parties for May only. Please make sure that the proper transport rate is attached to each sitara deal as follows:\n meter 6677 sitara 166026 Lynx Energy Company, Inc. $0.20 for March, $0.65 for April and May\n \n meter 4555 sitara 139067 Danex Energy Company $0.65 for May\n meter 9618 sitara 138233 Gulf Coast Pipeline Company $0.65 for May\n meter 9889 sitara 752482 D & P Operating Company $0.65 for May\nThe 6/1/96 Gas Gathering Agreement has been terminated effective 5/31/01 and will be replaced by an Agreement dated 6/1/01 between Gulf Coast Pipeline Partners, L.P. and Houston Pipe Line Company.\nGeorge 713.571.3159\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 02:43 PM ---------------------------\nMichael W Morris\n05/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Transport rates on Gulf Coast Pipeline Partners\nGeorge,\nI informed you incorrectley on the transport rates on Gulf Coast for March, April, & May.\nThis is how it should be: \n Meter 6677\n March rate $.20\n April rate $.65\n May rate $.65\n Meter 4555\n May rate $.65\n Meter 9618\n May rate $.65\nWe need to amend the current Gulf Coast contract to reflect these changes. I told Tom Cones\nwe would have this amendment to him the first of next week. \n", ["Gulf Coast Pipeline Company Dyersdale Area, Harris Co., TX Meters 4555, 6677, 9618 & 9889"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '752482']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["meter", "set"], "information", " the meter is not set up yet."]], "Daren,\n\nFYI. The meter is not set up yet.\n\nBob\n\n", ["<6772106.1075845113344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-5-2001-7:57:31Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["4-5-2001-7:57:31", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["george.weissman@enron.com"], ["karl.stewart@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "cheryl.dudley@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "cathy.harris@enron.com", "donna.consemiu@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <2159604.1075845113371.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 May 2001 07:57:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: george.weissman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Gulf Coast Pipeline Company Dyersdale Area, Harris Co., TX\n Meters 4555, 6677, 9618 & 9889\nCc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com, karl.stewart@enron.com, donna.consemiu@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcheryl.dudley@enron.com, cathy.harris@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com, karl.stewart@enron.com, donna.consemiu@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcheryl.dudley@enron.com, cathy.harris@enron.com\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Weissman, George \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Winfree, O'Neal , Stewart, Karl , Consemiu, Donna , Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Hakemack, Cynthia , Meyers, Julie , Dudley, Cheryl , Harris, Cathy \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nGeorge,\n\nDeal # 752482 has been edited to reflect HPL meter # 9889. Initially, the deal was created with the location of Gulf Coast Pipeline Company.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/03/2001 11:01 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tKarl Stewart/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna Consemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tGulf Coast Pipeline Company\nDyersdale Area, Harris Co., TX\nMeters 4555, 6677, 9618 & 9889\n\nKarl, please activate meter 098-9889 so that Bob can attach deal 752482 to it. George 713.571.3159\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2001 10:54 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/02/2001 04:32 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tMike Morris/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tGulf Coast Pipeline Company\nDyersdale Area, Harris Co., TX\nMeters 4555, 6677, 9618 & 9889\n\nBob,\n\nThe transport rates established for the meters subject to the 6/1/96 Gas Gathering Agreement between Gulf Coast Pipeline Company and Houston Pipe Line Company (96008709) were for staggered periods of time - thus the rate established for 6677 ended on 2/28/2001, the rate established for 4555 and 9618 ended on 4/30/2001 and there was no rate established for 9889 due to its recent set up. The rates for the period subsequent to the end dates for the first three meters are set forth below; the rate for 9889 was agreed to by the parties for May only. Please make sure that the proper transport rate is attached to each sitara deal as follows:\n\n\tmeter 6677\tsitara 166026\tLynx Energy Company, Inc.\t\t$0.20 for March, $0.65 for April and May\n\t\n\tmeter 4555\tsitara 139067\tDanex Energy Company\t\t$0.65 for May\n\n\tmeter 9618\tsitara 138233\tGulf Coast Pipeline Company\t\t$0.65 for May\n\n\tmeter 9889\tsitara 752482\tD & P Operating Company\t\t$0.65 for May\n\nThe 6/1/96 Gas Gathering Agreement has been terminated effective 5/31/01 and will be replaced by an Agreement dated 6/1/01 between Gulf Coast Pipeline Partners, L.P. and Houston Pipe Line Company.\n\nGeorge 713.571.3159\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 02:43 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMichael W Morris\n05/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo:\tGeorge Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tTransport rates on Gulf Coast Pipeline Partners\n\n\nGeorge,\nI informed you incorrectley on the transport rates on Gulf Coast for March, April, & May.\nThis is how it should be: \n Meter 6677\n March rate $.20\n April rate $.65\n May rate $.65\n Meter 4555\n May rate $.65\n Meter 9618\n May rate $.65\n\nWe need to amend the current Gulf Coast contract to reflect these changes. I told Tom Cones\nwe would have this amendment to him the first of next week. \n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Gulf Coast Pipeline Company Dyersdale Area, Harris Co., TX\n Meters 4555, 6677, 9618 & 9889", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 22, "information", ["created", "deal"], "information", " initially, the deal was created with the location of gulf coast pipeline company."]], "George,\n\nDeal # 752482 has been edited to reflect HPL meter # 9889. Initially, the deal was created with the location of Gulf Coast Pipeline Company.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/03/2001 11:01 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", "<2159604.1075845113371.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"coast gulfTnn": {"value": "coast gulfTnn", "ne": "coast gulfTnn", "patterns": ["coast gulfTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "752482", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "9889", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "26-3-2001-19:39:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 3-4-2001-9:59:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"26-3-2001-19:39:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-3-2001-19:39:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <7814370.1075845112297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 19:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Spot Deals - April, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Daren J Farmer , Edward Terry , O'Neal D Winfree , Julie Meyers \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe following have been entered as spot deals for April, 2001:\n\nDeal #\t\tCounterparty\tMeter #\t\tTrade Zone\tVolume\n\n689849\t\tAmerada Hess\t0435\t\t09\t\t2,714\n689850\t\tAnadarko\t0435\t\t09\t\t1,104\n689851\t\tApache Corp\t0435\t\t09\t\t1,326\n689893\t\tBarrett Res\t0435\t\t09\t\t1,536\n690252\t\tStone Energy\t9696\t\t06\t\t4,030\n691156\t\tCima Energy\t6284\t\t05\t\t361\n689894\t\tCrosstex\t0435\t\t09\t\t656\n691773\t\tCrosstex\t6519\t\t05\t\t1\n691813\t\tCrosstex\t9843\t\t05\t\t106\n692651\t\tComstock\t9878\t\t08\t\t500\n691873\t\tDuke Energy\t6347\t\t21\t\t144\n691982\t\tEmbassy\t6598\t\t22\t\t1\n692011\t\tEl Paso Mer\t5848\t\t05\t\t203\n692026\t\tEl Paso Mer\t5923\t\t05\t\t622\n688602\t\tFour Square\t9705\t\t08\t\t776\n692207\t\tHelmerich & P\t9841\t\t06\t\t6,500\n692215\t\tHESCO\t\t9876\t\t05\t\t85\n692246\t\tHurd Ent\t5427\t\t18\t\t4\n689896\t\tOcean En\t0435\t\t09\t\t3,607\n689508\t\tPhillips\t\t6782\t\t06\t\t4,013\n692461\t\tRanger Oil\t9871\t\t09\t\t147\n689898\t\tSeneca Res\t0435\t\t09\t\t3,073\n692844\t\tHouston Ex\t9696\t\t06\t\t5,000\n689814\t\tPure Res\t9685\t\t05\t\t139\n689905\t\tTri-Union\t0435\t\t09\t\t149\n692898\t\tWhiting Petr\t6523\t\t12\t\t113\n\nBob", "Spot Deals - April, 2001", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "information", ["deals", "entered", "meter"], "information", "the following have been entered as spot deals for april, numeric : deal # counterparty meter # trade zone volume numeric amerada hess numeric numeric numeric numeric anadarko numeric numeric numeric numeric apache corp numeric numeric numeric numeric barrett res numeric numeric numeric numeric stone energy numeric numeric numeric numeric cima energy numeric numeric numeric numeric crosstex numeric numeric numeric numeric crosstex numeric numeric numeric numeric crosstex numeric numeric numeric numeric comstock numeric numeric numeric numeric duke energy numeric numeric numeric numeric embassy numeric numeric numeric numeric el paso mer numeric numeric numeric numeric el paso mer numeric numeric numeric numeric four square numeric numeric numeric numeric helmerich & p numeric numeric numeric numeric hesco numeric numeric numeric numeric hurd ent numeric numeric numeric numeric ocean en numeric numeric numeric numeric phillips numeric numeric numeric numeric ranger oil numeric numeric numeric numeric seneca res numeric numeric numeric numeric houston ex numeric numeric numeric numeric pure res numeric numeric numeric numeric tri-union numeric numeric numeric numeric whiting petr numeric numeric numeric "]], "The following have been entered as spot deals for April, 2001:\n\nDeal #\t\tCounterparty\tMeter #\t\tTrade Zone\tVolume\n\n689849\t\tAmerada Hess\t0435\t\t09\t\t2,714\n689850\t\tAnadarko\t0435\t\t09\t\t1,104\n689851\t\tApache Corp\t0435\t\t09\t\t1,326\n689893\t\tBarrett Res\t0435\t\t09\t\t1,536\n690252\t\tStone Energy\t9696\t\t06\t\t4,030\n691156\t\tCima Energy\t6284\t\t05\t\t361\n689894\t\tCrosstex\t0435\t\t09\t\t656\n691773\t\tCrosstex\t6519\t\t05\t\t1\n691813\t\tCrosstex\t9843\t\t05\t\t106\n692651\t\tComstock\t9878\t\t08\t\t500\n691873\t\tDuke Energy\t6347\t\t21\t\t144\n691982\t\tEmbassy\t6598\t\t22\t\t1\n692011\t\tEl Paso Mer\t5848\t\t05\t\t203\n692026\t\tEl Paso Mer\t5923\t\t05\t\t622\n688602\t\tFour Square\t9705\t\t08\t\t776\n692207\t\tHelmerich & P\t9841\t\t06\t\t6,500\n692215\t\tHESCO\t\t9876\t\t05\t\t85\n692246\t\tHurd Ent\t5427\t\t18\t\t4\n689896\t\tOcean En\t0435\t\t09\t\t3,607\n689508\t\tPhillips\t\t6782\t\t06\t\t4,013\n692461\t\tRanger Oil\t9871\t\t09\t\t147\n689898\t\tSeneca Res\t0435\t\t09\t\t3,073\n692844\t\tHouston Ex\t9696\t\t06\t\t5,000\n689814\t\tPure Res\t9685\t\t05\t\t139\n689905\t\tTri-Union\t0435\t\t09\t\t149\n692898\t\tWhiting Petr\t6523\t\t12\t\t113\n\nBob", "<7814370.1075845112297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter numeric volumeTnnnnn", "counterparty deal meter numericTnnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meter zoneTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volume zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "689849", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "meter numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "61": {"value": "691873", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "691156", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "690252", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}, "112": {"value": "692461", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric oil_oil0gasTnn"]}}, true], "3-4-2001-9:59:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["3-4-2001-9:59:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Vance,\nDeals for the following have been created and entered in Sitara. The deal \nnumbers are noted below:\nBob\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 09:23 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan \nSmith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: April 2001 Spot Purchases\nBob,\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of April, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \n\"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based \non the following information:\nCounterparty Meter Volume Deal # Price\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 692898 84% IF/HSC \nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 692026 100% IF/HSC less $0.265\nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 692011 84% IF/HSC \nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 712357 100% IF/HSC less $1.38\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 691873 84% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co. 6063 300mmbtu/d 421856 84% IF/HSC\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc. 6598 180mmbtu/d 691982 84% IF/HSC \nVintage Gas Inc. 9603 100mmbtu/d 712358 84% IF/HSC\nStone Energy 9696 4500mmbtu/d 690252 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration 9696 6500mmbtu/d 692844 100% IF/HSC less $0.16\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs) 0435 2714mmbtu/d 689849 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd. 0435 654mmbtu/d 689894 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nTri-Union Development 0435 149mmbtu/d 689905 100% IF/HSC less $0.055 \nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 692461 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", ["Re: April 2001 Spot Purchases"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['energy', '691873']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals for the following have been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals for the following have been created and entered in sitara."], ["note deal", 7, "information", ["deal", "noted"], "information", " the deal numbers are noted below: "]], "Vance,\n\nDeals for the following have been created and entered in Sitara. The deal \nnumbers are noted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 09:23 AM\n", ["<10234815.1075854190415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24635490.1075854355846.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true]}, "29-9-2000-6:10:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 27-2-2001-8:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 3-4-2001-9:59:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 24-4-2001-16:34:48Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-9-2000-6:10:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-9-2000-6:10:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["lisa.hesse@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com", "sabrae.zajac@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jennifer.martinez@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <24825837.1075854185740.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 06:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Mtr 6063 - Mokeen Lateral\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com, jennifer.martinez@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com, jennifer.martinez@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Ami Chokshi, Jennifer Martinez, Lisa Hesse, Julie Meyers, Sabrae Zajac, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 421856 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n09/29/2000 10:31 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie \nMeyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald \nP Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Mtr 6063 - Mokeen Lateral\n\nBob,\n\nJennifer Martinez struck a deal with Hesco (who apparently is the marketer of \nGMT's production) to purchase gas at meter 6063 in the name of HPLC. Please \ncreate and submit a \"spot\" ticket in sitara based upon the following \ninformation:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co. 6063 300mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.095 6/1 - \n10/31\n\nJulie please confirm.\n\nShould you have any questions, please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx6353\n\n", "Re: Mtr 6063 - Mokeen Lateral", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal", "421856"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deal", "entered", "421856"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 421856 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n09/29/2000 10:31 AM\n", "<24825837.1075854185740.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "421856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "27-2-2001-8:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["27-2-2001-8:29:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "brian.riley@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], "Vance,\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below. The deal \nvolumes entered were those listed on the March, 2001 Nomination spreadsheet.\nBob\nVance L Taylor\n02/26/2001 05:33 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: March \"Spot\" Purchases\n Bob,\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of March, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \n\"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based \non the following information:\nCounterparty Meter Volume Deal # Price\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 634035 100% IF/HSC less $0.95 \nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 633154 100% IF/HSC less $0.265\nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 633184 84% IF/HSC \nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 633380 100% IF/HSC less $1.45\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 633028 85% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co. 6063 300mmbtu/d 421856 100% IF/HSC less $0.95\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc. 6598 180mmbtu/d 643875 100% IF/HSC less $0.95 \nVintage Gas Inc. 9603 100mmbtu/d 633427 100% IF/HSC less $0.95\nStone Energy 9696 4500mmbtu/d 634058 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration 9696 6500mmbtu/d 634061 100% GD less $0.235\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs) 0435 2714mmbtu/d 631403 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nAnadarko Petroleum Corp. 0435 1104mmbtu/d 631437 100% IF/HSC less $0.10\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd. 0435 654mmbtu/d 631504 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nTri-Union Development 0435 149mmbtu/d 631737 100% IF/HSC less $0.055 \nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 643862 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", ["Re: March \"Spot\" Purchases"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '421856']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below."], ["note deal", 5, "information", ["deals", "noted"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deal", "entered", "2001"], "information", " the deal volumes entered were those listed on the march, numeric nomination spreadsheet."]], "Vance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below. The deal \nvolumes entered were those listed on the March, 2001 Nomination spreadsheet.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/26/2001 05:33 PM\n", ["<19207390.1075854196835.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15336896.1075854356446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "nomination volumeTnn": {"value": "nomination volumeTnn", "ne": "nomination volumeTnn", "patterns": ["nomination volumeTnn"]}}, true], "3-4-2001-9:59:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["3-4-2001-9:59:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Vance,\nDeals for the following have been created and entered in Sitara. The deal \nnumbers are noted below:\nBob\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 09:23 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan \nSmith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: April 2001 Spot Purchases\nBob,\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of April, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \n\"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based \non the following information:\nCounterparty Meter Volume Deal # Price\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 692898 84% IF/HSC \nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 692026 100% IF/HSC less $0.265\nCoastal Merchant Energy, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 692011 84% IF/HSC \nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 712357 100% IF/HSC less $1.38\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 691873 84% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co. 6063 300mmbtu/d 421856 84% IF/HSC\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc. 6598 180mmbtu/d 691982 84% IF/HSC \nVintage Gas Inc. 9603 100mmbtu/d 712358 84% IF/HSC\nStone Energy 9696 4500mmbtu/d 690252 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration 9696 6500mmbtu/d 692844 100% IF/HSC less $0.16\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs) 0435 2714mmbtu/d 689849 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd. 0435 654mmbtu/d 689894 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12\nTri-Union Development 0435 149mmbtu/d 689905 100% IF/HSC less $0.055 \nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 692461 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", ["Re: April 2001 Spot Purchases"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '421856']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals for the following have been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals for the following have been created and entered in sitara."], ["note deal", 7, "information", ["deal", "noted"], "information", " the deal numbers are noted below: "]], "Vance,\n\nDeals for the following have been created and entered in Sitara. The deal \nnumbers are noted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 09:23 AM\n", ["<10234815.1075854190415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24635490.1075854355846.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "24-4-2001-16:34:48Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-16:34:48", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["l..taylor@enron.com"], ["lisa.hesse@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "janie.aguayo@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "george.weissman@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "p..reinhardt@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], "Vance,\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below:\nBob\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 04:25 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request\nBob,\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the production month of May, 2001. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information:\nCounterparty Meter Volume Deal # Price\nApache Corporation 0435 1409mmbtu/d 745529 100% IF/HSC less $0.10\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 113mmbtu/d 749897 85% IF/HSC \nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP 5923 622mmbtu/d 749898 100% IF/HSC less $0.26\nEl Paso Merchant Energy, LP 5848 203mmbtu/d 749899 85% IF/HSC Swift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 749900 100% IF/HSC less $1.38\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 147mmbtu/d 749901 85% IF/HSC\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co. 6063 289mmbtu/d 421856 85% IF/HSC\nEmbassy Natural Gas Inc. 6598 1mmbtu/d 749907 85% IF/HSC \nStone Energy 9696 2745mmbtu/d 749909 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nThe Houston Exploration 9696 3407mmbtu/d 749910 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nAmerada Hess (Hess Energy Svcs) 0435 1104mmbtu/d 745527 100% IF/HSC less $0.14\nCrosstex Energy Services, Ltd. 0435 656mmbtu/d 745552 100% IF/HSC less $0.12\nTri-Union Development 0435 149mmbtu/d 745560 100% IF/HSC less $0.055 \nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 749911 85% IF/HSC if <300/d\n 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\nThese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\nADDITIONALLY, If at all possible, please do not confirm the Apache and Crosstex deals as we expect to receive term firm contracts in the very near future.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", ["Re: May Wellhead \"Spot\" Purchases - Request"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '421856']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: "], ["note deal", 7, "information", ["deals", "noted"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: "]], "Vance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 04:25 PM\n", ["<29955694.1075845112912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true]}, "30-3-2001-2:51:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 29-5-2001-14:53:42Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"30-3-2001-2:51:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["30-3-2001-2:51:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <29575623.1075854191006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 02:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: lauri.allen@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com,\n\to'neal.winfree@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Marathon Oil Company - 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Lauri A Allen, Daren J Farmer, Edward Terry, O'Neal D Winfree, Vance L Taylor, Julie Meyers, Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal # 705819 has been entered as a wellhead purchase from Marathon Oil \nCompany for April, 2001 production. The meter # is 6599, trade zone 8, \n5,000/d and a fixed price of $5.06.\n\nBob", "Marathon Oil Company - 4/01", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deal", "entered", "705819", "purchase"], "information", "deal # numeric has been entered as a wellhead purchase from orgname company for april, numeric production."]], "Deal # 705819 has been entered as a wellhead purchase from Marathon Oil \nCompany for April, 2001 production. The meter # is 6599, trade zone 8, \n5,000/d and a fixed price of $5.06.\n\nBob", "<29575623.1075854191006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6599", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numeric zoneTnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "numeric trade zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "705819", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "5,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productionTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$5 06", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["price pricenumericTnn"]}, "purchase wellheadTnn": {"value": "purchase wellheadTnn", "ne": "purchase wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["purchase wellheadTnn"]}}, true], "29-5-2001-14:53:42Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["29-5-2001-14:53:42", "julie.meyers@enron.com", [], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/29/2001 04:52 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/29/2001 03:44 PM \n \nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Morris/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON (bcc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: Marathon Oil Company\nMeter 098-6599\nNacogodoches Co., TX\nDeal 705819\nJulie, please change 705819 to a term deal and add May at IF/HSC less $0.18. George\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/29/2001 03:36 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/11/2001 02:58 PM\nTo: Kimberlee A Bennick/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FW: Marathon Agreement\nKim,\nWould you please generate and send a 1st Purchaser GTC based on the following information:\nDeal Maker: Brian Riley\nCounterparty: Marathon Oil Company\nContact: Ed Jaroch\nContract Type: First Purchaser GTC\nContract Term: April, May & June 2001\nContract Price: For April only Fixed Price of $5.06\n May & June 100% HSC less $.18\nReceipt Point: HPL meter no. 6599 Christian F #1 CDP; facility #59636\nCounty: Nacodoches Co., Tx\nPlease well listing below:\nIf you need additional information, let me know\nThanks,\nvlt\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Riley, Brian \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:57 PM\nTo: Taylor, Vance L.\nSubject: Marathon Agreement\nVance,\n Please make sure these wells are listed in the well bore dedication with Marathon :\nChristian #1\nChristian #2\nChristian F-1\nCharles Christian #1\nFFOT #1\nTatum #1\nTatum #2\nTatum #3\nThanks BR\n", ["Marathon Oil Company Meter 098-6599 Nacogodoches Co., TX Deal 705819"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '705819'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '705819']}", [], "\n", ["<16845516.1075845113742.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "28-9-2000-0:41:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 28-9-2000-3:52:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 28-9-2000-7:9:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-0:41:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-0:41:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33311217.1075854164747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: October Wellhead\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have rolled or input the following deals for October.\n\nCrosstex 138553 2\nDuke 418429 139\nHesco 394798 500\nSwift 418431 322\nTri-Union 418432 700\nVintage 403367 300\nWhiteoak 418434 96\nWhiting 418436 100\n\nSo, I am showing that the only deals we have outstanding for Oct are:\n\nCamden/9858 3000\nHeatherlock/6879 544 (previous deal#133010)\nNorth Central/5228 3000\n\nJulie - Please check these deals for the correct contract/terms. Also, \nplease look into Heatherlock. Vance is noming gas for this deal. However, \nthe deal ticket does not have an evergreen flag. When I tried to roll another \nmonth, I got a message that another contract was needed.\n\nThanks.\n\nD", "October Wellhead", "reply", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["deals", "rolled"], "information", "i have rolled or input the following deals for october."], ["show deal", 20, "information", ["deals", "showing"], "information", " orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric so, i am showing that the only deals we have outstanding for oct are: camden/ numeric phonenumber heatherlock/ numeric numeric (previous deal# numeric ) north central/ numeric phonenumber julie - please check these deals for the correct contract/terms."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 34, "nninformation", ["check", "deals"], "request", " orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric so, i am showing that the only deals we have outstanding for oct are: camden/ numeric phonenumber heatherlock/ numeric numeric (previous deal# numeric ) north central/ numeric phonenumber julie - please check these deals for the correct contract/terms."]], "I have rolled or input the following deals for October.\n\nCrosstex 138553 2\nDuke 418429 139\nHesco 394798 500\nSwift 418431 322\nTri-Union 418432 700\nVintage 403367 300\nWhiteoak 418434 96\nWhiting 418436 100\n\nSo, I am showing that the only deals we have outstanding for Oct are:\n\nCamden/9858 3000\nHeatherlock/6879 544 (previous deal#133010)\nNorth Central/5228 3000\n\nJulie - Please check these deals for the correct contract/terms. Also, \nplease look into Heatherlock. Vance is noming gas for this deal. However, \nthe deal ticket does not have an evergreen flag. When I tried to roll another \nmonth, I got a message that another contract was needed.\n\nThanks.\n\nD", "<33311217.1075854164747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"29": {"value": "133010", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["central numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "deal evergreenTnn": {"value": "deal evergreenTnn", "ne": "deal evergreenTnn", "patterns": ["deal evergreenTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "544", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "evergreen flagTnn": {"value": "evergreen flagTnn", "ne": "evergreen flagTnn", "patterns": ["evergreen flagTnn"]}}, false], "28-9-2000-3:52:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-3:52:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30801603.1075853981195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 03:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: October Wellhead\nCc: robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Robert Cotten, Vance L Taylor\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe Heatherlock deal had a Single Transaction Agreement attached to it. When \nthe contract ended the deal ended.\n\nThe other two I believe we just need a email from Vance or Donald setting up \na spot ticket.\n\nVance could you look into that? Do I have the wrong contract attached? Or \nis there a new contract. for Camden & North Central, are those just going to \nbe spot tickets?\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/28/2000 07:41 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: October Wellhead\n\nI have rolled or input the following deals for October.\n\nCrosstex 138553 2\nDuke 418429 139\nHesco 394798 500\nSwift 418431 322\nTri-Union 418432 700\nVintage 403367 300\nWhiteoak 418434 96\nWhiting 418436 100\n\nSo, I am showing that the only deals we have outstanding for Oct are:\n\nCamden/9858 3000\nHeatherlock/6879 544 (previous deal#133010)\nNorth Central/5228 3000\n\nJulie - Please check these deals for the correct contract/terms. Also, \nplease look into Heatherlock. Vance is noming gas for this deal. However, \nthe deal ticket does not have an evergreen flag. When I tried to roll another \nmonth, I got a message that another contract was needed.\n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n", "Re: October Wellhead", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 13, "nninformation", ["setting", "ticket"], "intention", " the other two i believe we just need a email from vance or donald setting up a spot ticket."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 20, "information", ["attached", "contract"], "information", " do i have the wrong contract attached?"]], "The Heatherlock deal had a Single Transaction Agreement attached to it. When \nthe contract ended the deal ended.\n\nThe other two I believe we just need a email from Vance or Donald setting up \na spot ticket.\n\nVance could you look into that? Do I have the wrong contract attached? Or \nis there a new contract. for Camden & North Central, are those just going to \nbe spot tickets?\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/28/2000 07:41 AM\n", "<30801603.1075853981195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "28-9-2000-7:9:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-7:9:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <25769346.1075853981062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 07:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: October Wellhead\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJulie,\n\nThe Camden and North Central contracts are new packages of gas that have yet \nto come on-line. Once production commences, I will request that a spot deal \nbe put in place.\n\nBob,\n\nPlease create and enter into sitara a ticket based on the following \ninformation:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nHeatherloch Municipal Utility District 6879 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12 10/1 - 10/31\n\nJulie, please confirm.\n\n\nThanks,\n\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n09/28/2000 10:52 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: October Wellhead \n\n\nThe Heatherlock deal had a Single Transaction Agreement attached to it. When \nthe contract ended the deal ended.\n\nThe other two I believe we just need a email from Vance or Donald setting up \na spot ticket.\n\nVance could you look into that? Do I have the wrong contract attached? Or \nis there a new contract. for Camden & North Central, are those just going to \nbe spot tickets?\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/28/2000 07:41 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: October Wellhead\n\nI have rolled or input the following deals for October.\n\nCrosstex 138553 2\nDuke 418429 139\nHesco 394798 500\nSwift 418431 322\nTri-Union 418432 700\nVintage 403367 300\nWhiteoak 418434 96\nWhiting 418436 100\n\nSo, I am showing that the only deals we have outstanding for Oct are:\n\nCamden/9858 3000\nHeatherlock/6879 544 (previous deal#133010)\nNorth Central/5228 3000\n\nJulie - Please check these deals for the correct contract/terms. Also, \nplease look into Heatherlock. Vance is noming gas for this deal. However, \nthe deal ticket does not have an evergreen flag. When I tried to roll another \nmonth, I got a message that another contract was needed.\n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: October Wellhead", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "nninformation", ["create", "ticket"], "request", " bob, please create and enter into sitara a ticket based on the following information: counterparty meter volume price period heatherloch municipal utility district numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % if/hsc less pricenumeric datenumeric - datenumeric julie, please confirm."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 17, "nninformation", ["enter", "ticket"], "request", " bob, please create and enter into sitara a ticket based on the following information: counterparty meter volume price period heatherloch municipal utility district numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % if/hsc less pricenumeric datenumeric - datenumeric julie, please confirm."]], "Julie,\n\nThe Camden and North Central contracts are new packages of gas that have yet \nto come on-line. Once production commences, I will request that a spot deal \nbe put in place.\n\nBob,\n\nPlease create and enter into sitara a ticket based on the following \ninformation:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nHeatherloch Municipal Utility District 6879 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12 10/1 - 10/31\n\nJulie, please confirm.\n\n\nThanks,\n\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n09/28/2000 10:52 AM\n", "<25769346.1075853981062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "$0 12", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-1-2000-5:56:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 21-1-2000-6:7:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": {"21-1-2000-5:56:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["21-1-2000-5:56:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["susan.smith@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "brian.riley@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <2412288.1075854122050.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 05:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: GMT. Inc.\nCc: susan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tbrian.riley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: susan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tbrian.riley@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Tom Acton, Carlos J Rodriguez, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves, Brian M Riley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nPlease create a spot ticket for gas that commence flowing on 1/14/00 at 8:30 \nam. The pertinent information is as follows:\n\nCounterparty Mtr. Volume Price\n\nGMT, Inc. 9814 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC\n\nShould you have any questions, please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "GMT. Inc.", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 1, "nninformation", ["create", "ticket"], "request", "tom, please create a spot ticket for gas that commence flowing on datenumeric at numerictime am."]], "Tom,\n\nPlease create a spot ticket for gas that commence flowing on 1/14/00 at 8:30 \nam. The pertinent information is as follows:\n\nCounterparty Mtr. Volume Price\n\nGMT, Inc. 9814 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC\n\nShould you have any questions, please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "<2412288.1075854122050.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"14": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "9814", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false], "21-1-2000-6:7:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["21-1-2000-6:7:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com brian.riley@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21217889.1075854032814.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 06:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: GMT. Inc.\nCc: tom.acton@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, brian.riley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tom.acton@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, brian.riley@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Tom Acton, Carlos J Rodriguez, Daren J Farmer, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves, Brian M Riley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nOooops! How about 100% IF/HSC LESS $0.10\n\nvlt\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/21/2000 01:56 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: GMT. Inc.\n\nTom,\n\nPlease create a spot ticket for gas that commence flowing on 1/14/00 at 8:30 \nam. The pertinent information is as follows:\n\nCounterparty Mtr. Volume Price\n\nGMT, Inc. 9814 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC\n\nShould you have any questions, please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: GMT. Inc.", "reply", [], "Oooops! How about 100% IF/HSC LESS $0.10\n\nvlt\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/21/2000 01:56 PM\n", "<21217889.1075854032814.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-2-2000-1:31:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 14-2-2000-8:9:0Ssusan.smith@enron.com": {"8-2-2000-1:31:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["8-2-2000-1:31:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], ["bryan.hull@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <24044551.1075854053671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 01:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Union Gas - Doehrman #1\nCc: bryan.hull@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: bryan.hull@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: Bryan Hull, Daren J Farmer, Julie Meyers, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nThe Doehrman #1 well came on line for first delivery on Monday, 2/7/00 at \n11:45am. The contract calls for intra-month pricing for deliveries that \ncommence after the first day of the month. Please create a one month \nbaseload firm deal ticket for the remaining days of the month based on the \nfollowing information:\n\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nUnion Gas Operating Company 9825 500mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10\n\n\nSusan will create a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of \nthe deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the \nreserves of this well; at such time, we will request that this ticket be \nzeroed out.\n\nIf you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "Union Gas - Doehrman #1", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 15, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "ticket"], "request", " please create a one month baseload firm deal ticket for the remaining days of the month based on the following information: counterparty meter volume price union gas operating company numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % orgname less pricenumeric susan will create a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of the deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the reserves of this well; at such time, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out."]], "Tom,\n\nThe Doehrman #1 well came on line for first delivery on Monday, 2/7/00 at \n11:45am. The contract calls for intra-month pricing for deliveries that \ncommence after the first day of the month. Please create a one month \nbaseload firm deal ticket for the remaining days of the month based on the \nfollowing information:\n\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nUnion Gas Operating Company 9825 500mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10\n\n\nSusan will create a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of \nthe deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the \nreserves of this well; at such time, we will request that this ticket be \nzeroed out.\n\nIf you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "<24044551.1075854053671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false], "14-2-2000-8:9:0Ssusan.smith@enron.com": ["14-2-2000-8:9:0", "susan.smith@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "bryan.hull@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22948732.1075854027538.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 08:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: susan.smith@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Lindholm Oil , Inc.\nCc: bryan.hull@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: bryan.hull@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Susan Smith\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: Bryan Hull, Daren J Farmer, Julie Meyers, Vance L Taylor, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Lindholm Oil , Inc. 6575 500 MMbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $.15\n\nI will create a committed reserves ticket for the remaining term of the deal \nonce our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the reserves of \nthis well, at such time, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out.\n\nPlease supply the sitara number once entered. If you have any questions, \nplease give me a call.\n\nSusan x 33321\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Susan Smith/HOU/ECT on 02/14/2000 03:25 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/08/2000 09:31 AM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Bryan Hull/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie \nMeyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMelissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Union Gas - Doehrman #1\n\nTom,\n\nThe Doehrman #1 well came on line for first delivery on Monday, 2/7/00 at \n11:45am. The contract calls for intra-month pricing for deliveries that \ncommence after the first day of the month. Please create a one month \nbaseload firm deal ticket for the remaining days of the month based on the \nfollowing information:\n\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nUnion Gas Operating Company 9825 500mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10\n\n\nSusan will create a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of \nthe deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the \nreserves of this well; at such time, we will request that this ticket be \nzeroed out.\n\nIf you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", "Lindholm Oil , Inc.", "forward", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 9, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "15", "ticket"], "intention", " lindholm oil , orgname numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % orgname less $ numeric i will create a committed reserves ticket for the remaining term of the deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the reserves of this well, at such time, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out."]], " Lindholm Oil , Inc. 6575 500 MMbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $.15\n\nI will create a committed reserves ticket for the remaining term of the deal \nonce our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the reserves of \nthis well, at such time, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out.\n\nPlease supply the sitara number once entered. If you have any questions, \nplease give me a call.\n\nSusan x 33321\n \n", "<22948732.1075854027538.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "29-11-2000-6:49:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 29-11-2000-8:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-6:49:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-6:49:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24442945.1075853968876.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 06:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 1594 for Nov.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe had flow on the first, prior to the shut in for work. I need a deal to \npick up the 500 and change that squeaked through the meter, please. My \nexceptions need to be cleared pretty quickly.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "Meter 1594 for Nov.", "reply", [], "We had flow on the first, prior to the shut in for work. I need a deal to \npick up the 500 and change that squeaked through the meter, please. My \nexceptions need to be cleared pretty quickly.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "<24442945.1075853968876.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-11-2000-8:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-8:34:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <33185222.1075854149912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 1594 for Nov.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nApply this volume to deal 101303. The point is on the ticket, but nothing \nwas nom'd that day.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/29/2000 02:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1594 for Nov.\n\n\nWe had flow on the first, prior to the shut in for work. I need a deal to \npick up the 500 and change that squeaked through the meter, please. My \nexceptions need to be cleared pretty quickly.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Meter 1594 for Nov.", "originEmail", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["apply", "volume"], "request", "apply this volume to deal numeric ."]], "Apply this volume to deal 101303. The point is on the ticket, but nothing \nwas nom'd that day.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/29/2000 02:49 PM\n", "<33185222.1075854149912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "101303", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1594", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "period_point ticketTnn": {"value": "period_point ticketTnn", "ne": "period_point ticketTnn", "patterns": ["period_point ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-5-2000-8:30:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 11-5-2000-7:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"9-5-2000-8:30:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["9-5-2000-8:30:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25356830.1075854011604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 9 May 2000 08:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Fred Boas, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\n\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n\n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\n\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\n\nAimee:\n\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\n\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\n\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\n\nThanks,\n\nFred\n\n\n", "Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters", "reply", [], "Daren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n\n- Aimee\n", "<25356830.1075854011604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-5-2000-7:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-7:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["fred.boas@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <26016936.1075854156413.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 May 2000 07:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Fred Boas, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\n\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\n\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\n\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n\n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\n\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\n\nAimee:\n\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\n\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\n\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\n\nThanks,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "mtr"], "information", "i have created deal numeric for the volumes at mtr numeric ."]], "I have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\n\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\n\n", "<26016936.1075854156413.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "266962", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-2-2000-7:9:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 3-2-2000-8:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"3-2-2000-7:9:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["3-2-2000-7:9:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14518624.1075854029976.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 07:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Bridgeback Error at Meter 1450 for 11/99\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Fred Boas\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Deal # 97929, meter 1450 expired Nov. '99. Is there a way for you to \nextend the deal or create a new one since there seems to be a little bit of \nflow each month?\n\n- Aimee\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 02/03/2000 03:06 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n02/03/2000 02:02 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Bridgeback Error at Meter 1450 for 11/99\n\nAimee:\n\nThere is a bridgeback error at the above referenced meter and month. The \nreason for the error is that the deal, # 97929 has expired. Please determine \nif the deal was to be extended or is there another deal to replace it?\n\nTo fix this I will set up an accounting arrangement but what I need from you \nis a valid deal number and the transportation contract that you want me to \nput the deal on.\n\nThanks in advance for your help,\n\nFred\n", "Bridgeback Error at Meter 1450 for 11/99", "reply", [["expire deal", 10, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "daren - deal # numeric , meter numeric expired nov."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request information", " is there a way for you to extend the deal or create a new one since there seems to be a little bit of flow each month?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 15, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request information", " is there a way for you to extend the deal or create a new one since there seems to be a little bit of flow each month?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "nninformation", ["deal", "flow"], "request information", " is there a way for you to extend the deal or create a new one since there seems to be a little bit of flow each month?"]], "Daren - Deal # 97929, meter 1450 expired Nov. '99. Is there a way for you to \nextend the deal or create a new one since there seems to be a little bit of \nflow each month?\n\n- Aimee\n\n\n", "<14518624.1075854029976.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "3-2-2000-8:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-2-2000-8:10:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <6443150.1075854159928.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 08:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Bridgeback Error at Meter 1450 for 11/99\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI've extended the deal for the rest of the year, with a -0- nom.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 02/03/2000 03:09 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Bridgeback Error at Meter 1450 for 11/99\n\nDaren - Deal # 97929, meter 1450 expired Nov. '99. Is there a way for you to \nextend the deal or create a new one since there seems to be a little bit of \nflow each month?\n\n- Aimee\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 02/03/2000 03:06 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n02/03/2000 02:02 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Bridgeback Error at Meter 1450 for 11/99\n\nAimee:\n\nThere is a bridgeback error at the above referenced meter and month. The \nreason for the error is that the deal, # 97929 has expired. Please determine \nif the deal was to be extended or is there another deal to replace it?\n\nTo fix this I will set up an accounting arrangement but what I need from you \nis a valid deal number and the transportation contract that you want me to \nput the deal on.\n\nThanks in advance for your help,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n", "Re: Bridgeback Error at Meter 1450 for 11/99", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 5, "information", ["deal", "extended", "-0", "rest"], "information", "i've extended the deal for the rest of the year, with a numeric - nom."]], "I've extended the deal for the rest of the year, with a -0- nom.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 02/03/2000 03:09 PM\n\n", "<6443150.1075854159928.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "-0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric residue_restTnnn", "numeric restTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "1450", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-2-2000-1:31:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 8-2-2000-9:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-2-2000-1:31:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["4-2-2000-1:31:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "george.grant@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16288061.1075854029769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 01:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Cilco Storage Withdrawal\nCc: george.grant@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: george.grant@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: George Grant, Pat Clynes, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Can you set up a deal for the Cilco withdrawal for Dec. 99 going \nforward? I know a deal has never been set up for this but volume management \nwants a deal set up so they won't have to set up an accounting arrangement \nevey month. Please let me know, I'd appreciate it.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee", "Cilco Storage Withdrawal", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "set"], "request", "daren - can you set up a deal for the cilco withdrawal for datenumeric going forward?"], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 9, "information", ["deal", "set"], "information", " i know a deal has never been set up for this but volume management wants a deal set up so they won't have to set up an accounting arrangement evey month."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 14, "information", ["deal", "set"], "information", " i know a deal has never been set up for this but volume management wants a deal set up so they won't have to set up an accounting arrangement evey month."]], "Daren - Can you set up a deal for the Cilco withdrawal for Dec. 99 going \nforward? I know a deal has never been set up for this but volume management \nwants a deal set up so they won't have to set up an accounting arrangement \nevey month. Please let me know, I'd appreciate it.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee", "<16288061.1075854029769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "8-2-2000-9:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-2-2000-9:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11467898.1075854159666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 09:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cilco Storage Withdrawal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe have no way to input a storage deal for Cilco. The way that the contract \nis set up, does not fit into the systems as they are.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 02/04/2000 09:31 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: George Grant, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cilco Storage Withdrawal\n\nDaren - Can you set up a deal for the Cilco withdrawal for Dec. 99 going \nforward? I know a deal has never been set up for this but volume management \nwants a deal set up so they won't have to set up an accounting arrangement \nevey month. Please let me know, I'd appreciate it.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n\n", "Re: Cilco Storage Withdrawal", "originEmail", [["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 9, "nninformation", ["fit", "contract"], "intention", " the way that the contract is set up, does not fit into the systems as they are."]], "We have no way to input a storage deal for Cilco. The way that the contract \nis set up, does not fit into the systems as they are.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 02/04/2000 09:31 AM\n\n", "<11467898.1075854159666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal storageTnn": {"value": "deal storageTnn", "ne": "deal storageTnn", "patterns": ["deal storageTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-3-2000-3:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-3-2000-5:37:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 23-3-2000-6:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-3-2000-6:58:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 23-3-2000-7:28:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": {"23-3-2000-3:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-3-2000-3:19:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["thu.nguyen@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10004568.1075854019698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 03:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Thu Nguyen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe actuals should be allocated to the new ticket which has been nom'd, \ntracked. and balanced.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/22/2000 07:33 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal 156071 Feb 00\n\nDaren,\n\n\nThis is one of the deals which you told me to zero out. Unfortunately, I do \nnot allocate PGEV. Also, Sherlyn has actualized PGEV and she has the \nsupport from the pipeline for the 1746918 volume. Please let me know if I \nhad missed something in our conversation. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n \n\n", "Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["allocated", "ticket"], "intention", "the actuals should be allocated to the new ticket which has been nom'd, tracked."]], "The actuals should be allocated to the new ticket which has been nom'd, \ntracked. and balanced.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/22/2000 07:33 PM\n\t\n\n", "<10004568.1075854019698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "156071", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false], "23-3-2000-5:37:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["23-3-2000-5:37:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10505785.1075854019630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 05:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00\nCc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Thu Nguyen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\n There are only two deals on PGEV pipeline: Deal #156071- valid 02/01/00 - \n02/29/00, and Deal # 208083 - valid for 02/01/00 - 02/06/00. Should there be \nanother deal for days 7-29?? Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 11:19 AM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nThe actuals should be allocated to the new ticket which has been nom'd, \ntracked. and balanced.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/22/2000 07:33 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal 156071 Feb 00\n\nDaren,\n\n\nThis is one of the deals which you told me to zero out. Unfortunately, I do \nnot allocate PGEV. Also, Sherlyn has actualized PGEV and she has the \nsupport from the pipeline for the 1746918 volume. Please let me know if I \nhad missed something in our conversation. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n \n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00", "reply", [], "Daren,\n\n There are only two deals on PGEV pipeline: Deal #156071- valid 02/01/00 - \n02/29/00, and Deal # 208083 - valid for 02/01/00 - 02/06/00. Should there be \nanother deal for days 7-29?? Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 11:19 AM\n", "<10505785.1075854019630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "156071", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "208083", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "23-3-2000-6:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-3-2000-6:53:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32605348.1075854170322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 06:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00\nCc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Thu Nguyen\nX-cc: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nNo, deal 156071 is good for days 7-29.\n\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nDaren,\n\n There are only two deals on PGEV pipeline: Deal #156071- valid 02/01/00 - \n02/29/00, and Deal # 208083 - valid for 02/01/00 - 02/06/00. Should there be \nanother deal for days 7-29?? Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 11:19 AM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nThe actuals should be allocated to the new ticket which has been nom'd, \ntracked. and balanced.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/22/2000 07:33 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal 156071 Feb 00\n\nDaren,\n\n\nThis is one of the deals which you told me to zero out. Unfortunately, I do \nnot allocate PGEV. Also, Sherlyn has actualized PGEV and she has the \nsupport from the pipeline for the 1746918 volume. Please let me know if I \nhad missed something in our conversation. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00", "reply", [], "No, deal 156071 is good for days 7-29.\n\n\n", "<32605348.1075854170322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "156071", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "23-3-2000-6:58:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["23-3-2000-6:58:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25752175.1075854019586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 06:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Thu Nguyen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren, I will still have interconnect variance at this deal. It will be \n1191626 instead of 1746918.\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 02:53 PM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nNo, deal 156071 is good for days 7-29.\n\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nDaren,\n\n There are only two deals on PGEV pipeline: Deal #156071- valid 02/01/00 - \n02/29/00, and Deal # 208083 - valid for 02/01/00 - 02/06/00. Should there be \nanother deal for days 7-29?? Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 11:19 AM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nThe actuals should be allocated to the new ticket which has been nom'd, \ntracked. and balanced.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/22/2000 07:33 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal 156071 Feb 00\n\nDaren,\n\n\nThis is one of the deals which you told me to zero out. Unfortunately, I do \nnot allocate PGEV. Also, Sherlyn has actualized PGEV and she has the \nsupport from the pipeline for the 1746918 volume. Please let me know if I \nhad missed something in our conversation. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00", "reply", [], "Daren, I will still have interconnect variance at this deal. It will be \n1191626 instead of 1746918.\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 02:53 PM\n", "<25752175.1075854019586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "23-3-2000-7:28:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["23-3-2000-7:28:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6583846.1075854019564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 07:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Thu Nguyen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\n I must be missing something. Can I meet with you today and show you what I \nhave?\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 02:53 PM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nNo, deal 156071 is good for days 7-29.\n\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nDaren,\n\n There are only two deals on PGEV pipeline: Deal #156071- valid 02/01/00 - \n02/29/00, and Deal # 208083 - valid for 02/01/00 - 02/06/00. Should there be \nanother deal for days 7-29?? Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 11:19 AM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00 \n\nThe actuals should be allocated to the new ticket which has been nom'd, \ntracked. and balanced.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/22/2000 07:33 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal 156071 Feb 00\n\nDaren,\n\n\nThis is one of the deals which you told me to zero out. Unfortunately, I do \nnot allocate PGEV. Also, Sherlyn has actualized PGEV and she has the \nsupport from the pipeline for the 1746918 volume. Please let me know if I \nhad missed something in our conversation. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Deal 156071 Feb 00", "reply", [], "Daren,\n\n I must be missing something. Can I meet with you today and show you what I \nhave?\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/23/2000 02:53 PM\n", "<6583846.1075854019564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "25-1-2001-3:53:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 25-1-2001-5:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 25-1-2001-5:58:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 26-1-2001-0:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-1-2001-0:47:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"25-1-2001-3:53:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["25-1-2001-3:53:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8709946.1075854202965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 03:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\nCc: susan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: susan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten\nX-cc: Susan Smith, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n", "Basin Production from GA 213", "reply", [], "FYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", "<8709946.1075854202965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "25-1-2001-5:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-1-2001-5:47:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19564161.1075854326894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 05:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n\n\n\n", "Re: Basin Production from GA 213", "originEmail", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 5, "nninformation", ["determine", "gas"], "intention", "i need for you, or the producer services group, to determine if you think the gas will flow for the month and at what price."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "i need for you, or the producer services group, to determine if you think the gas will flow for the month and at what price."]], "I need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\n", "<19564161.1075854326894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}, "producer serviceTnn": {"value": "producer serviceTnn", "ne": "producer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["producer serviceTnn"]}}, false], "25-1-2001-5:58:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["25-1-2001-5:58:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "john.peyton@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1284483.1075854202873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 05:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nCc: john.peyton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: john.peyton@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: John Peyton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\n\nvlt\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Basin Production from GA 213", "reply", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 13, "information", ["determines", "gas"], "information", "daren, i've just received word from basin to bring production on sometime today or tomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t numeric numeric , datenumeric ); if our facility planning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for all of february and be priced at numeric % orgname less pricenumeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "daren, i've just received word from basin to bring production on sometime today or tomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t numeric numeric , datenumeric ); if our facility planning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for all of february and be priced at numeric % orgname less pricenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\n\nvlt\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\n", "<1284483.1075854202873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"20": {"value": "$0 16", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "26-1-2001-0:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-1-2001-0:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25039951.1075854336843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 00:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 01:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nDaren,\n\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\n\nvlt\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Basin Production from GA 213", "forward", [], "", "<25039951.1075854336843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-1-2001-0:47:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-1-2001-0:47:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32545394.1075854202705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 00:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\nCc: vance.taylor@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vance.taylor@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Vance L Taylor\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren/Vance,\n\nDeal # 586954 has been created and entered in Sitara:\n\nDate Meter # Volume Price\n\n2/1/01 - 2/28/01 9696 5,000 100% Gas Daily less $0.16\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/26/2001 08:25 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 01:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nDaren,\n\nI've just received word from Basin to bring production on sometime today or \ntomorrow (they expect to get up to b/t 10,000-15,000d); if our facility \nplanning engineer determines that we can take the gas, then it will flow for \nall of February and be priced at 100% Gas Daily less $0.16.\n\nvlt\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2001 01:47 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Basin Production from GA 213 \n\nI need for you, or the Producer Services group, to determine if you think the \ngas will flow for the month and at what price. I will use your decision for \nour bidweek postion.\n\nD\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/25/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nFYI,\n\nHow would you want to handle for February nomination?\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2001 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brad Blevins 01/25/2001 10:56 AM\n\t\n\nTo: John Peyton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nick Cocavessis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve -HPL- Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nFlavin/GCO/Enron@Enron, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buck \nThomas/GCO/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Basin Production from GA 213\n\nI have reviewed the gas composition analysis from SPL of the Basin production \nfrom GA 213. While SPL's analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees \nF at 400 psig, it is both my and John Handley's opinion that the gas from the \nwellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken. We expect \nthe dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher. However, this was the best \nsample that could be obtained at the time. We have conferred with Steve \nSchneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the \nnext couple of days. Once the 6\" line has been pigged, the production flows \nstablilized and Mitchell's conditioning equipment lined out over the next \ncouple of days, HMS will need to take another sample at the meter run and \nhave SPL run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited \nbasis. Should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees F, then this \nproduction will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning \nequipment has been installed. In the meantime, HMS needs to keep a close \nwatch on all Southern Union city gates on Galveston Island to monitor for \nliquids fallout.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Basin Production from GA 213", "reply", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "586954"], "information", "daren/vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara: date meter # volume price datenumeric - datenumeric numeric numeric numeric % orgname less pricenumeric "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deal", "entered", "meter", "586954"], "information", "daren/vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara: date meter # volume price datenumeric - datenumeric numeric numeric numeric % orgname less pricenumeric "]], "Daren/Vance,\n\nDeal # 586954 has been created and entered in Sitara:\n\nDate Meter # Volume Price\n\n2/1/01 - 2/28/01 9696 5,000 100% Gas Daily less $0.16\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/26/2001 08:25 AM\n", "<32545394.1075854202705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "586954", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "9696", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$0 16", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-2-2000-8:55:0Stom.acton@enron.com 29-2-2000-9:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"29-2-2000-8:55:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["29-2-2000-8:55:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7714699.1075854024252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 08:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: WELL HEADS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaran, We have a few volume changes for the 1st of March, first EOG has \nchanged there volume for the gas at meter 6296 from 11,036 to 7100. I ran \ninto Laurie Allen in the hall and she said we were heavy there and that she \nwould visit with you abut it. The second one is Cokinos, they will not \nconfirm the volume at meter 9656. We have 922 and they want that they want \n950. I looked up there nom and that is what they asked for. Not much of a \nchange. Last is the one that you faxed down to me this mornings. Basin \nExploration wants to drop there nom due to well problems from 896 to 1. for \nthe whole month. Let me know what you think and I'LL get after it. Tom Cat \n!!! ", "WELL HEADS", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 3, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", "daran, we have a few volume changes for the datenumeric t of march, first eog has changed there volume for the gas at meter numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Daran, We have a few volume changes for the 1st of March, first EOG has \nchanged there volume for the gas at meter 6296 from 11,036 to 7100. I ran \ninto Laurie Allen in the hall and she said we were heavy there and that she \nwould visit with you abut it. The second one is Cokinos, they will not \nconfirm the volume at meter 9656. We have 922 and they want that they want \n950. I looked up there nom and that is what they asked for. Not much of a \nchange. Last is the one that you faxed down to me this mornings. Basin \nExploration wants to drop there nom due to well problems from 896 to 1. for \nthe whole month. Let me know what you think and I'LL get after it. Tom Cat \n!!! ", "<7714699.1075854024252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "29-2-2000-9:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-2-2000-9:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <24549352.1075854058121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 09:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: WELL HEADS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom, Go ahead and make these changes in Sitara.\n\nThanks.\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n02/29/2000 04:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: WELL HEADS\n\nDaran, We have a few volume changes for the 1st of March, first EOG has \nchanged there volume for the gas at meter 6296 from 11,036 to 7100. I ran \ninto Laurie Allen in the hall and she said we were heavy there and that she \nwould visit with you abut it. The second one is Cokinos, they will not \nconfirm the volume at meter 9656. We have 922 and they want that they want \n950. I looked up there nom and that is what they asked for. Not much of a \nchange. Last is the one that you faxed down to me this mornings. Basin \nExploration wants to drop there nom due to well problems from 896 to 1. for \nthe whole month. Let me know what you think and I'LL get after it. Tom Cat \n!!! \n\n", "Re: WELL HEADS", "originEmail", [["make change", 2, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", "tom, go ahead and make these changes in sitara."]], "Tom, Go ahead and make these changes in Sitara.\n\nThanks.\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n02/29/2000 04:55 PM\n", "<24549352.1075854058121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "13-10-2000-8:42:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 16-10-2000-5:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"13-10-2000-8:42:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-8:42:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com jeffrey.austin@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1142090.1075853978435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 08:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, jeffrey.austin@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, jeffrey.austin@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Jeffrey A Austin, Carlos J Rodriguez, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSorry about that, I had some tech difficulty with the first version and the \nsubject line, which was pertinent, was not included.\n\nMary \n\n - Good catch Carlos", "Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000", "reply", [], "Sorry about that, I had some tech difficulty with the first version and the \nsubject line, which was pertinent, was not included.\n\nMary \n\n - Good catch Carlos", "<1142090.1075853978435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-10-2000-5:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-5:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["jeffrey.austin@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29008709.1075854151575.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000\nCc: jeffrey.austin@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tfred.boas@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.austin@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tfred.boas@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Jeffrey A Austin, Carlos J Rodriguez, Pat Clynes, Fred Boas\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI created deal #439909 for August.\n\nJeff - I am assuming that the price for August is Gas Daily. Currently, we \nhave the September deal priced at Gas Daily also. Since this was flowing on \nthe first, should the price be at Inside Ferc HSC for September?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/13/2000 03:42 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J \nRodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000 \n\nSorry about that, I had some tech difficulty with the first version and the \nsubject line, which was pertinent, was not included.\n\nMary \n\n - Good catch Carlos\n\n", "Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deal", "439909"], "information", "i created deal # numeric for august."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "nninformation", ["flowing", "price"], "request information", " since this was flowing on the first, should the price be at inside ferc hsc for september?"]], "I created deal #439909 for August.\n\nJeff - I am assuming that the price for August is Gas Daily. Currently, we \nhave the September deal priced at Gas Daily also. Since this was flowing on \nthe first, should the price be at Inside Ferc HSC for September?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/13/2000 03:42 PM\n", "<29008709.1075854151575.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "439909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "980437", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-10-2000-7:33:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 30-10-2000-8:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-7:33:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-7:33:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32152728.1075853974742.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 07:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: October flow at meter 982694 Zavisch #2\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Robert Cotten, Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have measurement actuals for the first 14 days at this meter with no deal \nin the system. This is wellhead production. Please advise.\n\nMary", "October flow at meter 982694 Zavisch #2", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 0, "information", ["flow", "meter", "982694"], "information", "october flow at meter numeric zavisch # numeric."]], "I have measurement actuals for the first 14 days at this meter with no deal \nin the system. This is wellhead production. Please advise.\n\nMary", "<32152728.1075853974742.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "30-10-2000-8:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-8:58:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <18091288.1075854104015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 08:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: October flow at meter 982694 Zavisch #2\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThis should be allocated to the liquids group's transport.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 03:33 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: October flow at meter 982694 Zavisch #2\n\nI have measurement actuals for the first 14 days at this meter with no deal \nin the system. This is wellhead production. Please advise.\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: October flow at meter 982694 Zavisch #2", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 0, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " october flow at meter numeric zavisch # numeric."]], "This should be allocated to the liquids group's transport.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 03:33 PM\n", "<18091288.1075854104015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "982694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-6-2000-22:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-7-2000-5:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"14-6-2000-22:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-6-2000-22:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], [], "The deal at mtr 8663 in April was not a spot deal. This was a Gas Daily Firm \nagreement under the term contract with Southern Union, deal 72349.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 06/14/2000 07:03 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal Number\nDarren,\nI understand that you can tell me the deal number for a spot deal you set up \nfor meter 988663 for 4/4-4/9 for Janet Wallis. \nLet me know if you need any additional information from me.\nThanks!\nKaren\n", ["Re: Deal Number"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '72349']}", [], "The deal at mtr 8663 in April was not a spot deal. This was a Gas Daily Firm \nagreement under the term contract with Southern Union, deal 72349.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 06/14/2000 07:03 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<4135503.1075854167871.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12553890.1075854004254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18607666.1075854076720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32791537.1075854155262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "8663", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "72349", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "12-7-2000-5:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-7-2000-5:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["howard.camp@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <17962792.1075853997851.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 05:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nSubject: Southern Union @ Mtr 8663\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera, Howard B Camp\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI recevied a note from Janet Wallis stating that we need Gas Daily deals for \nimbalances at Colorado River Station (Mtr 8663) for Nov 99 and Mar 00. I \nchanged the pricing on the term deal 72349 to Gas Daily + .199 to cover these \nflows.\n\nHC - Please have someone allocate the needed volumes to this deal ticket for \nthese two months, and let Katherine know when completed.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "Southern Union @ Mtr 8663", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "information", ["changed", "deal", "72349", "pricing"], "information", " i changed the pricing on the term deal numeric to orgname numeric to cover these flows."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 19, "information", ["cover", "deal", "72349"], "information", " i changed the pricing on the term deal numeric to orgname numeric to cover these flows."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 20, "information", ["deal", "flows"], "information", " i changed the pricing on the term deal numeric to orgname numeric to cover these flows."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 21, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal", "volumes"], "intention", " hc - please have someone allocate the needed volumes to this deal ticket for these two months, and let katherine know when completed."]], "I recevied a note from Janet Wallis stating that we need Gas Daily deals for \nimbalances at Colorado River Station (Mtr 8663) for Nov 99 and Mar 00. I \nchanged the pricing on the term deal 72349 to Gas Daily + .199 to cover these \nflows.\n\nHC - Please have someone allocate the needed volumes to this deal ticket for \nthese two months, and let Katherine know when completed.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "<17962792.1075853997851.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "8663", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "72349", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numeric termTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal ticket volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal ticket volumeTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "8663", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}}, true]}, "3-5-2000-7:18:0Sedward.terry@enron.com 3-5-2000-9:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"3-5-2000-7:18:0Sedward.terry@enron.com": ["3-5-2000-7:18:0", "edward.terry@enron.com", "george.smith@enron.com randall.gay@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com patti.sullivan@enron.com", "robert.superty@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13476233.1075854012221.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 3 May 2000 07:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: edward.terry@enron.com\nTo: george.smith@enron.com, randall.gay@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tpatti.sullivan@enron.com\nSubject: Unify\nCc: robert.superty@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.superty@enron.com\nX-From: Edward Terry\nX-To: George Smith, Randall L Gay, Daren J Farmer, Patti Sullivan\nX-cc: Robert Superty\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease provide Bob Superty with a list of pipelines whom were late or had \nnomiation issues as a result of this mornings Unify problems.", "Unify", "forward", [], "Please provide Bob Superty with a list of pipelines whom were late or had \nnomiation issues as a result of this mornings Unify problems.", "<13476233.1075854012221.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "3-5-2000-9:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-5-2000-9:27:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["robert.superty@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <18550848.1075854012170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 3 May 2000 09:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.superty@enron.com\nSubject: Unify\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Superty\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBob, \n\nOn the Texas desk, the majority of our deals are nominated manually (on Excel \nor preprinted forms), with most of the information pulled from Sitara instead \nof Unify. So, these noms were not late. For a couple of 3rd party \npipelines, we do use Unify. But we did not have nom changes for 5/4. Our \nonly problem was sending noms to HPL. Which is sending information to \nyourself, but it still delays the confrimation process for the pipeline. \nThis nom was sent about 30 minutes late. Let me know if you have any \nquestions.\n\nDaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2000 \n04:22 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nEdward Terry\n05/03/2000 02:18 PM\nTo: George Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Unify\n\nPlease provide Bob Superty with a list of pipelines whom were late or had \nnomiation issues as a result of this mornings Unify problems.\n", "Unify", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 19, "information", ["sending", "information"], "information", " which is sending information to yourself, but it still delays the confrimation process for the pipeline."], ["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 21, "information", ["delays", "pipeline"], "information", " which is sending information to yourself, but it still delays the confrimation process for the pipeline."]], "Bob, \n\nOn the Texas desk, the majority of our deals are nominated manually (on Excel \nor preprinted forms), with most of the information pulled from Sitara instead \nof Unify. So, these noms were not late. For a couple of 3rd party \npipelines, we do use Unify. But we did not have nom changes for 5/4. Our \nonly problem was sending noms to HPL. Which is sending information to \nyourself, but it still delays the confrimation process for the pipeline. \nThis nom was sent about 30 minutes late. Let me know if you have any \nquestions.\n\nDaren\n", "<18550848.1075854012170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal deskTnn": {"value": "deal deskTnn", "ne": "deal deskTnn", "patterns": ["deal deskTnn"]}, "desk majorityTnn": {"value": "desk majorityTnn", "ne": "desk majorityTnn", "patterns": ["desk majorityTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-5-2000-8:2:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 30-5-2000-5:38:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 31-5-2000-5:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"26-5-2000-8:2:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["26-5-2000-8:2:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14339433.1075854008607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 May 2000 08:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: anita.luong@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Anita Luong\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAnita,\n\nI spoke w/Daren and he apprised that he e-mailed Craig and that Craig has to \nre-negotiate the deal and Daren will respond to me on Tuesday next week.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 03:01 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/26/2000 08:45 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Daren,\n\nWe're back on this issue again. There is gas out there for days 1-3 and 6-20 \nbut the deal is only good for 21-31. \n\nCan you assist Anita and I w/a deal number to place the 1st 20 days on. \nAnita is attempting to close this issue.\n\nAs usual, thanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 08:42 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t05/26/2000 08:41 AM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 08:40 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/10/2000 02:13 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nJackie,\nWe are back on this issue again...........the deal was only good for day \n21-31, don't we have to find out who this gas belong's to for days 1-20? \nStephanie still thinks this should be for Encina. Please advice.\n\nThanks\n\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:19 PM\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nI've just reallocated the meter.........................give a minute\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:18 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n04/03/2000 05:14 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nyes\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:10 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter is on stranger's for the entire month of Jan. \n2000. There is a deal ticket applicable to this meter from Jan. 21st thru \nthe 31st. Is it o.k. for Volume Management to apply volumes from the 21st \nthru the 31st to the 215?\n\nI don't know what kind of issues was associated with this deal.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:08 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/03/2000 05:00 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie, any luck on the issue w/ the gas allocated to \"stranger's gas\" at \nthis meter..........\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 02:29 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 04/03/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nAnita, have you found out any further information about this meter. Encina \nstill beleives that we owe them for this gas.\n\nThanks, Stephanie (3-6004) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t03/03/2000 02:11 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie,\nI see that the gas at this meter is allocated to \"stranger's\" in POPS. \nStephanie Gomes in Settlement thinks that this could be Encina's gas. I see \nin Sitara that deal 152638 is only valid from the 21st - 31st. Can you \nplease take a look. \n\nThanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 01:36 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 03/03/2000 01:34 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Anita,\nFor meter # 0986725, 1/00 production, I am showing per meter statement that \n41,671mmbtu flowed. Is that gas really Encina's. Has the volume just not \nbeen allocated yet. Could you let me know what the deal is on the meter.\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 )\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing", "forward", [], "Anita,\n\nI spoke w/Daren and he apprised that he e-mailed Craig and that Craig has to \nre-negotiate the deal and Daren will respond to me on Tuesday next week.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<14339433.1075854008607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "craig", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}}, false], "30-5-2000-5:38:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["30-5-2000-5:38:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23752630.1075854008348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 30 May 2000 05:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHello Again,\n\nHave you anything about 98-6725 for 1/2000 production for the 1st 20 days of \nthe month yet?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 12:37 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t05/30/2000 11:01 AM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nJust want to check on this again. please let me know if you hear anything.\nThanks.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/26/2000 03:02 PM\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nAnita,\n\nI spoke w/Daren and he apprised that he e-mailed Craig and that Craig has to \nre-negotiate the deal and Daren will respond to me on Tuesday next week.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 03:01 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/26/2000 08:45 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Daren,\n\nWe're back on this issue again. There is gas out there for days 1-3 and 6-20 \nbut the deal is only good for 21-31. \n\nCan you assist Anita and I w/a deal number to place the 1st 20 days on. \nAnita is attempting to close this issue.\n\nAs usual, thanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 08:42 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t05/26/2000 08:41 AM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 08:40 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/10/2000 02:13 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nJackie,\nWe are back on this issue again...........the deal was only good for day \n21-31, don't we have to find out who this gas belong's to for days 1-20? \nStephanie still thinks this should be for Encina. Please advice.\n\nThanks\n\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:19 PM\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nI've just reallocated the meter.........................give a minute\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:18 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n04/03/2000 05:14 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nyes\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:10 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter is on stranger's for the entire month of Jan. \n2000. There is a deal ticket applicable to this meter from Jan. 21st thru \nthe 31st. Is it o.k. for Volume Management to apply volumes from the 21st \nthru the 31st to the 215?\n\nI don't know what kind of issues was associated with this deal.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:08 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/03/2000 05:00 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie, any luck on the issue w/ the gas allocated to \"stranger's gas\" at \nthis meter..........\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 02:29 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 04/03/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nAnita, have you found out any further information about this meter. Encina \nstill beleives that we owe them for this gas.\n\nThanks, Stephanie (3-6004) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t03/03/2000 02:11 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie,\nI see that the gas at this meter is allocated to \"stranger's\" in POPS. \nStephanie Gomes in Settlement thinks that this could be Encina's gas. I see \nin Sitara that deal 152638 is only valid from the 21st - 31st. Can you \nplease take a look. \n\nThanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 01:36 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 03/03/2000 01:34 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Anita,\nFor meter # 0986725, 1/00 production, I am showing per meter statement that \n41,671mmbtu flowed. Is that gas really Encina's. Has the volume just not \nbeen allocated yet. Could you let me know what the deal is on the meter.\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 )\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing", "reply", [], "Hello Again,\n\nHave you anything about 98-6725 for 1/2000 production for the 1st 20 days of \nthe month yet?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<23752630.1075854008348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-5-2000-5:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-5:58:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <17018488.1075854168442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 05:58:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have adjusted deal #152638 to cover the first 20 days of flow in Jan.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/30/2000 12:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHello Again,\n\nHave you anything about 98-6725 for 1/2000 production for the 1st 20 days of \nthe month yet?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 12:37 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t05/30/2000 11:01 AM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nJust want to check on this again. please let me know if you hear anything.\nThanks.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/26/2000 03:02 PM\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nAnita,\n\nI spoke w/Daren and he apprised that he e-mailed Craig and that Craig has to \nre-negotiate the deal and Daren will respond to me on Tuesday next week.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 03:01 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/26/2000 08:45 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Daren,\n\nWe're back on this issue again. There is gas out there for days 1-3 and 6-20 \nbut the deal is only good for 21-31. \n\nCan you assist Anita and I w/a deal number to place the 1st 20 days on. \nAnita is attempting to close this issue.\n\nAs usual, thanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 08:42 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t05/26/2000 08:41 AM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 08:40 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/10/2000 02:13 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nJackie,\nWe are back on this issue again...........the deal was only good for day \n21-31, don't we have to find out who this gas belong's to for days 1-20? \nStephanie still thinks this should be for Encina. Please advice.\n\nThanks\n\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:19 PM\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nI've just reallocated the meter.........................give a minute\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:18 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n04/03/2000 05:14 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nyes\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:10 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter is on stranger's for the entire month of Jan. \n2000. There is a deal ticket applicable to this meter from Jan. 21st thru \nthe 31st. Is it o.k. for Volume Management to apply volumes from the 21st \nthru the 31st to the 215?\n\nI don't know what kind of issues was associated with this deal.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:08 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/03/2000 05:00 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie, any luck on the issue w/ the gas allocated to \"stranger's gas\" at \nthis meter..........\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 02:29 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 04/03/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nAnita, have you found out any further information about this meter. Encina \nstill beleives that we owe them for this gas.\n\nThanks, Stephanie (3-6004) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t03/03/2000 02:11 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie,\nI see that the gas at this meter is allocated to \"stranger's\" in POPS. \nStephanie Gomes in Settlement thinks that this could be Encina's gas. I see \nin Sitara that deal 152638 is only valid from the 21st - 31st. Can you \nplease take a look. \n\nThanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 01:36 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 03/03/2000 01:34 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Anita,\nFor meter # 0986725, 1/00 production, I am showing per meter statement that \n41,671mmbtu flowed. Is that gas really Encina's. Has the volume just not \nbeen allocated yet. Could you let me know what the deal is on the meter.\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 )\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "information", ["adjusted", "deal", "152638"], "information", "i have adjusted deal # numeric to cover the first numeric days of flow in jan."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 8, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "152638"], "intention", "i have adjusted deal # numeric to cover the first numeric days of flow in jan."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 10, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "i have adjusted deal # numeric to cover the first numeric days of flow in jan."]], "I have adjusted deal #152638 to cover the first 20 days of flow in Jan.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/30/2000 12:38 PM\n", "<17018488.1075854168442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "152638", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-9-2000-9:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-10-2000-1:11:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 16-10-2000-3:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"13-9-2000-9:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-9-2000-9:1:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["steve.jackson@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "bob.hall@enron.com", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <299463.1075854165031.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com,\n\tsteve.jackson@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com\nSubject: Cleburne Plant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rita Wynne, Kristen J Hanson, Pat Clynes, Julie Meyers, Bob M Hall, David Baumbach, Steve Jackson, Mark McCoy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWell, folks, the Cleburne deal has started. The deal has not been finalized \nthrough legal. However, we were able to \"get between\" a few deals and make \nsome money before we finalized it. The Cleburne plant was down 7/31-8/7 and \n8/31. On these dates, we bought gas from Tenaska IV Texas Partners and sold \nto ANP and Tenaska Marketing. Because things were not set up, I could not \nenter the deals until now. Please review the following deals and settle with \nthe customers. \n\nBuy from Tenaska IV\n July 399763\n Aug 399773\n\nSell to Tenaska Marketing\n July 399791\n Aug 399797\n\nSell to ANP\n Aug 399814\n\nThe trading desk these are on is \"ENA-IM Cleburne\".\n\nKris - I have forwarded invoices from Tenaska IV to you via intercompany \nmail. (I received both invoices this week)\n\n I am sure there are questions, just give me a call. Tanks.\n\nD", "Cleburne Plant", "originEmail", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 9, "nninformation", ["deals", "make"], "intention", " however, we were able to \"get between\" a few deals and make some money before we finalized it."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 14, "information", ["bought", "gas"], "information", " on these dates, we bought gas from orgname texas partners and sold to orgname and orgname because things were not set up, i could not enter the deals until now."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 17, "information", ["deals", "sold"], "information", " on these dates, we bought gas from orgname texas partners and sold to orgname and orgname because things were not set up, i could not enter the deals until now."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 18, "information", ["set", "deals"], "information", " on these dates, we bought gas from orgname texas partners and sold to orgname and orgname because things were not set up, i could not enter the deals until now."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 19, "nninformation", ["deals", "enter"], "intention", " on these dates, we bought gas from orgname texas partners and sold to orgname and orgname because things were not set up, i could not enter the deals until now."]], "Well, folks, the Cleburne deal has started. The deal has not been finalized \nthrough legal. However, we were able to \"get between\" a few deals and make \nsome money before we finalized it. The Cleburne plant was down 7/31-8/7 and \n8/31. On these dates, we bought gas from Tenaska IV Texas Partners and sold \nto ANP and Tenaska Marketing. Because things were not set up, I could not \nenter the deals until now. Please review the following deals and settle with \nthe customers. \n\nBuy from Tenaska IV\n July 399763\n Aug 399773\n\nSell to Tenaska Marketing\n July 399791\n Aug 399797\n\nSell to ANP\n Aug 399814\n\nThe trading desk these are on is \"ENA-IM Cleburne\".\n\nKris - I have forwarded invoices from Tenaska IV to you via intercompany \nmail. (I received both invoices this week)\n\n I am sure there are questions, just give me a call. Tanks.\n\nD", "<299463.1075854165031.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"desk tradingTnn": {"value": "desk tradingTnn", "ne": "desk tradingTnn", "patterns": ["desk tradingTnn"]}, "gas partnerTnn": {"value": "gas partnerTnn", "ne": "gas partnerTnn", "patterns": ["gas partnerTnn"]}}, false], "5-10-2000-1:11:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["5-10-2000-1:11:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25718364.1075853979663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 01:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: July Pricing discrepancy :Sell to Tenaska Marketing, Deal # 399791\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren-\n\nSell to Tenaska Marketing\nJuly Deal # 399791\n\nTenaska is indicating that the sale for July 2000 should be priced at $3.56. \nCould you confirm our sale price should have been $3.58?\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n10/05/2000 08:03 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nKristen J Hanson@ECT\n09/15/2000 09:37 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Cleburne Plant \n\nFYI- The purchase invoices have arrived and were given to Megan. Please feel \nfree to call Darren with any questions.\nThanks,\nKris\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/13/2000 04:01 PM\nTo: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nDavid Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Cleburne Plant\n\nWell, folks, the Cleburne deal has started. The deal has not been finalized \nthrough legal. However, we were able to \"get between\" a few deals and make \nsome money before we finalized it. The Cleburne plant was down 7/31-8/7 and \n8/31. On these dates, we bought gas from Tenaska IV Texas Partners and sold \nto ANP and Tenaska Marketing. Because things were not set up, I could not \nenter the deals until now. Please review the following deals and settle with \nthe customers. \n\nBuy from Tenaska IV\n July 399763\n Aug 399773\n\nSell to Tenaska Marketing\n July 399791\n Aug 399797\n\nSell to ANP\n Aug 399814\n\nThe trading desk these are on is \"ENA-IM Cleburne\".\n\nKris - I have forwarded invoices from Tenaska IV to you via intercompany \nmail. (I received both invoices this week)\n\n I am sure there are questions, just give me a call. Tanks.\n\nD\n\n\n\n", "July Pricing discrepancy :Sell to Tenaska Marketing, Deal # 399791", "forward", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "request", "july pricing discrepancy :sell to orgname deal # numeric."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "request", "daren- sell to orgname july deal # numeric orgname is indicating that the sale for datenumeric numeric should be priced at pricenumeric ."]], "Daren-\n\nSell to Tenaska Marketing\nJuly Deal # 399791\n\nTenaska is indicating that the sale for July 2000 should be priced at $3.56. \nCould you confirm our sale price should have been $3.58?\n\n", "<25718364.1075853979663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "16-10-2000-3:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-3:55:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <627227.1075854164313.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 03:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: July Pricing discrepancy :Sell to Tenaska Marketing, Deal #\n 399791\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe price should be 3.56. There had been alot of price and volume \ndiscussions for this gas day and 8/1/00. I checked the notes and found that \nwe actually settled at 3.56 instead of 3.58.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n10/05/2000 08:11 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: July Pricing discrepancy :Sell to Tenaska Marketing, Deal # 399791\n\nDaren-\n\nSell to Tenaska Marketing\nJuly Deal # 399791\n\nTenaska is indicating that the sale for July 2000 should be priced at $3.56. \nCould you confirm our sale price should have been $3.58?\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n10/05/2000 08:03 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nKristen J Hanson@ECT\n09/15/2000 09:37 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Cleburne Plant \n\nFYI- The purchase invoices have arrived and were given to Megan. Please feel \nfree to call Darren with any questions.\nThanks,\nKris\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/13/2000 04:01 PM\nTo: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nDavid Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Cleburne Plant\n\nWell, folks, the Cleburne deal has started. The deal has not been finalized \nthrough legal. However, we were able to \"get between\" a few deals and make \nsome money before we finalized it. The Cleburne plant was down 7/31-8/7 and \n8/31. On these dates, we bought gas from Tenaska IV Texas Partners and sold \nto ANP and Tenaska Marketing. Because things were not set up, I could not \nenter the deals until now. Please review the following deals and settle with \nthe customers. \n\nBuy from Tenaska IV\n July 399763\n Aug 399773\n\nSell to Tenaska Marketing\n July 399791\n Aug 399797\n\nSell to ANP\n Aug 399814\n\nThe trading desk these are on is \"ENA-IM Cleburne\".\n\nKris - I have forwarded invoices from Tenaska IV to you via intercompany \nmail. (I received both invoices this week)\n\n I am sure there are questions, just give me a call. Tanks.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: July Pricing discrepancy :Sell to Tenaska Marketing, Deal #\n 399791", "reply", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "request", " july pricing discrepancy :sell to orgname deal # returnlinen numeric."]], "The price should be 3.56. There had been alot of price and volume \ndiscussions for this gas day and 8/1/00. I checked the notes and found that \nwe actually settled at 3.56 instead of 3.58.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n10/05/2000 08:11 AM\n", "<627227.1075854164313.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-2-2000-5:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-2-2000-8:21:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"9-2-2000-5:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2000-5:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["thu.nguyen@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "george.grant@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <3748417.1075854028159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 05:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: gary.hanks@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.grant@enron.com\nSubject: Midtex\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Gary A Hanks, Clem Cernosek, Thu Nguyen, Howard B Camp, Aimee Lannou, George Grant\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease plan on meeting at 1pm on Thursday to continue discussions on the \nMidtex line. I will let you know the location when it becomes finalized.\n\nD", "Midtex", "originEmail", [["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 2, "nninformation", ["continue", "line"], "intention", "please plan on meeting at numerictime on thursday to continue discussions on the midtex line."]], "Please plan on meeting at 1pm on Thursday to continue discussions on the \nMidtex line. I will let you know the location when it becomes finalized.\n\nD", "<3748417.1075854028159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "9-2-2000-8:21:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2000-8:21:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com thu.nguyen@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com george.grant@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1586236.1075854172060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 08:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Midtex\nCc: gary.hanks@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.grant@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.hanks@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.grant@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Gary A Hanks, Clem Cernosek, Thu Nguyen, Howard B Camp, Aimee Lannou, George Grant\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe meeting will be held in 3125A from 1:30 to 2:30.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/09/2000 01:51 PM\nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thu \nNguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGeorge Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Midtex\n\nPlease plan on meeting at 1pm on Thursday to continue discussions on the \nMidtex line. I will let you know the location when it becomes finalized.\n\nD\n\n", "Re: Midtex", "reply", [], "The meeting will be held in 3125A from 1:30 to 2:30.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/09/2000 01:51 PM\n", "<1586236.1075854172060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "18-1-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 18-1-2000-8:59:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 18-1-2000-9:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-3-2000-2:39:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 10-3-2000-5:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-3-2000-8:31:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 11-3-2000-4:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 21-3-2000-4:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-1-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-1-2000-4:38:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "See notes in red below. In each case where the contract has been terminated, \nTom and/or Carlos will need to get with Producer Services to determine what \nwe need to do (set up a GTC, renegotiate the term deal, etc).\nD\nJackie Young\n01/18/2000 11:24 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed\nDaren, can you help me with placing K's @ the below listed meters? I don't \nknow if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up.\nI'll need a K @ each specified meter for the month following the noted month \nthat had a K @ it.\nThanks in advance for your help.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n98-1534 (Delivery) Last flowed w/ a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95541(Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal added for January #151694\n98-6563 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was11/99 on 203K Sitara #26511, then new \nsitara #130913(which was killed) Evergreen was checked on this one. \nContract terminated.\n98-6614 (Receipt) Sitara #130917-this deal's stop date is 2/29/2000. The \ndeal amount is for 1487 mmbtu's but the estimated vols. are \"0\". Did not \nwant to change anything in Sitara without your knowledge. This is a good \ndeal. For the first part of the month, you should nom the zero to POPS. \nBeginning tomorrow, we will have volume out there on this ticket.\n98-9758 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #133088(Stop \nDate 12/99) Evergreen was checked on this one. Contract terminated.\n98-9651 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #51491(Stop \nDate 12/99) New Deal #136744 (Deal Killed) Contract terminated.\n98-9789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 11/99 on 012-41500-02-203 Sitara \n#108246 (Stop Date 11/99) Deal rolled for six days to cover flow.\n98-5789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #26569 \n(Stop Date 12/99) Contract terminated.\n98-6855 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #94120 (Stop \nDate 12/99) Deal was rolled for Jan.\n98-6725 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a Kwas 12/99 on 215K Sitara #138332 (Stop \nDate 12/99) This was a spot deal. We will have to renegotiate the price to \ncover the flow. I will work with Craig Faulbaum on this.\n98-9676 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95912 (Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal 151669 for Jan\n98-4548 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #94147 (Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal 151666 for Jan\n", ["Re: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '151669']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["set", "deal"], "intention", " in each case where the contract has been terminated, tom and/or carlos will need to get with producer services to determine what we need to do (set up a gtc, renegotiate the term deal, etc)."]], "See notes in red below. In each case where the contract has been terminated, \nTom and/or Carlos will need to get with Producer Services to determine what \nwe need to do (set up a GTC, renegotiate the term deal, etc).\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n01/18/2000 11:24 AM\n", ["<10326034.1075854173226.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32418307.1075854033815.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15495422.1075854049058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1551453.1075854160696.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "producer serviceTnn": {"value": "producer serviceTnn", "ne": "producer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["producer serviceTnn"]}}, true], "18-1-2000-8:59:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["18-1-2000-8:59:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com"], "Daren,\nThank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Just a reminder for you \nto roll the first six days of December 1999 for 98-9789 Sitara #108246.\nCarlos/Tom,\nPlease apprise when you've completed your research with Producer Services \nreferencing the below meters that Daren have referred to as \"Contract \nTerminated\".\nDaren J Farmer\n01/18/2000 12:38 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom \nActon/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed \nSee notes in red below. In each case where the contract has been terminated, \nTom and/or Carlos will need to get with Producer Services to determine what \nwe need to do (set up a GTC, renegotiate the term deal, etc).\nD\nJackie Young\n01/18/2000 11:24 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed\nDaren, can you help me with placing K's @ the below listed meters? I don't \nknow if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up.\nI'll need a K @ each specified meter for the month following the noted month \nthat had a K @ it.\nThanks in advance for your help.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n98-1534 (Delivery) Last flowed w/ a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95541(Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal added for January #151694\n98-6563 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was11/99 on 203K Sitara #26511, then new \nsitara #130913(which was killed) Evergreen was checked on this one. \nContract terminated.\n98-6614 (Receipt) Sitara #130917-this deal's stop date is 2/29/2000. The \ndeal amount is for 1487 mmbtu's but the estimated vols. are \"0\". Did not \nwant to change anything in Sitara without your knowledge. This is a good \ndeal. For the first part of the month, you should nom the zero to POPS. \nBeginning tomorrow, we will have volume out there on this ticket.\n98-9758 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #133088(Stop \nDate 12/99) Evergreen was checked on this one. Contract terminated.\n98-9651 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #51491(Stop \nDate 12/99) New Deal #136744 (Deal Killed) Contract terminated.\n98-9789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 11/99 on 012-41500-02-203 Sitara \n#108246 (Stop Date 11/99) Deal rolled for six days to cover flow.\n98-5789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #26569 \n(Stop Date 12/99) Contract terminated.\n98-6855 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #94120 (Stop \nDate 12/99) Deal was rolled for Jan.\n98-6725 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a Kwas 12/99 on 215K Sitara #138332 (Stop \nDate 12/99) This was a spot deal. We will have to renegotiate the price to \ncover the flow. I will work with Craig Faulbaum on this.\n98-9676 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95912 (Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal 151669 for Jan\n98-4548 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #94147 (Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal 151666 for Jan\n", ["Re: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '151669']}", [], "Daren,\n\nThank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Just a reminder for you \nto roll the first six days of December 1999 for 98-9789 Sitara #108246.\n\nCarlos/Tom,\n\nPlease apprise when you've completed your research with Producer Services \nreferencing the below meters that Daren have referred to as \"Contract \nTerminated\".\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/18/2000 12:38 PM\n", ["<1596956.1075854033745.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15614337.1075854049081.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7829486.1075854121802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-1-2000-9:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-1-2000-9:15:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com"], "See deal 151654.\nJackie Young\n01/18/2000 04:59 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J \nRodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed \nDaren,\nThank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Just a reminder for you \nto roll the first six days of December 1999 for 98-9789 Sitara #108246.\nCarlos/Tom,\nPlease apprise when you've completed your research with Producer Services \nreferencing the below meters that Daren have referred to as \"Contract \nTerminated\".\nDaren J Farmer\n01/18/2000 12:38 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom \nActon/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed \nSee notes in red below. In each case where the contract has been terminated, \nTom and/or Carlos will need to get with Producer Services to determine what \nwe need to do (set up a GTC, renegotiate the term deal, etc).\nD\nJackie Young\n01/18/2000 11:24 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed\nDaren, can you help me with placing K's @ the below listed meters? I don't \nknow if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up.\nI'll need a K @ each specified meter for the month following the noted month \nthat had a K @ it.\nThanks in advance for your help.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n98-1534 (Delivery) Last flowed w/ a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95541(Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal added for January #151694\n98-6563 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was11/99 on 203K Sitara #26511, then new \nsitara #130913(which was killed) Evergreen was checked on this one. \nContract terminated.\n98-6614 (Receipt) Sitara #130917-this deal's stop date is 2/29/2000. The \ndeal amount is for 1487 mmbtu's but the estimated vols. are \"0\". Did not \nwant to change anything in Sitara without your knowledge. This is a good \ndeal. For the first part of the month, you should nom the zero to POPS. \nBeginning tomorrow, we will have volume out there on this ticket.\n98-9758 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #133088(Stop \nDate 12/99) Evergreen was checked on this one. Contract terminated.\n98-9651 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #51491(Stop \nDate 12/99) New Deal #136744 (Deal Killed) Contract terminated.\n98-9789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 11/99 on 012-41500-02-203 Sitara \n#108246 (Stop Date 11/99) Deal rolled for six days to cover flow.\n98-5789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #26569 \n(Stop Date 12/99) Contract terminated.\n98-6855 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #94120 (Stop \nDate 12/99) Deal was rolled for Jan.\n98-6725 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a Kwas 12/99 on 215K Sitara #138332 (Stop \nDate 12/99) This was a spot deal. We will have to renegotiate the price to \ncover the flow. I will work with Craig Faulbaum on this.\n98-9676 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95912 (Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal 151669 for Jan\n98-4548 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #94147 (Stop \nDate 12/99) New deal 151666 for Jan\n", ["Re: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '151669']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", "see deal numeric ."]], "See deal 151654.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n01/18/2000 04:59 PM\n", ["<16012131.1075854173127.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26010496.1075854033654.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<952560.1075854049104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7655805.1075854160602.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "151654", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "10-3-2000-2:39:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-2:39:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18012130.1075854022114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 02:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6719 and 98-9676", "forward", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["check", "deals"], "request", " can you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters can be rolled and extended?"], ["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["deals", "rolled"], "request", " can you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters can be rolled and extended?"], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "nninformation", ["deals", "extended"], "request", " can you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters can be rolled and extended?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 15, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " numeric phonenumber sitara deal # numeric flow @ meter began on datenumeric th but the deal is not effective until february the datenumeric h."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 32, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " numeric phonenumber sitara deal # numeric deal good from datenumeric - datenumeric but there is flow for all of datenumeric numeric with no k."]], "Hi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<18012130.1075854022114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "10-3-2000-5:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-5:54:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Julie, \nIs the contract with Cokinos on deal 151669 valid for Feb and Mar 20000?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/10/2000 \n01:52 PM ---------------------------\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nHi Daren,\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["98-6719 and 98-9676"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '151669']}", [], "Julie, \n\nIs the contract with Cokinos on deal 151669 valid for Feb and Mar 20000?\n\nD\n", ["<28912631.1075854170723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20366551.1075854021976.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31886062.1075854060194.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24534443.1075854158165.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "151669", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "10-3-2000-8:31:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-8:31:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes, it is a GTC Spot\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 01:54 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nJulie, \nIs the contract with Cokinos on deal 151669 valid for Feb and Mar 20000?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/10/2000 \n01:52 PM ---------------------------\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nHi Daren,\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '151669']}", [], "Yes, it is a GTC Spot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 01:54 PM\n", ["<19109995.1075854021931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11223679.1075854060216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31738903.1075854126444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-3-2000-4:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["11-3-2000-4:19:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14425348.1075854021887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Julie Meyers, Daren J Farmer, Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRobert,\n\nI've taken care of 98-6719 (as far as getting it out of my allocation \nexception screen). I'm going to place 98-9676 on Strangers Gas until you \nhear back from Daren or Julie.\n\nShould Daren or Julie get back w/you, while I'm on vacation, please get back \nw/Anita Luong and provide her with the K # given to you (by Daren or Julie) \nas well as the dates of 2/1 - 2/29 (even though 3/1/2000 is reflected in my \nallocation exception screen) so that she can provide you with an accounting \narrangement to place February's volumes on @ this meter.\n\nIt looks as though this meter is flowing starting 3/1/2000. I guess that the \ntrader will eventually place a deal in sitara for this meter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 03/11/2000 12:00 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 03:22 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676 \n\nI extended the deal at mtr 6719 to include 2/10. In the future, please run \nall wellhead deals through Tom Acton first.\n\nI've got a message into Julie Meyers to look into the contract at meter 9676, \nand will let you know what she determines.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 42, "information", ["flowing", "meter"], "information", " it looks as though this meter is flowing starting datenumeric ."]], "Robert,\n\nI've taken care of 98-6719 (as far as getting it out of my allocation \nexception screen). I'm going to place 98-9676 on Strangers Gas until you \nhear back from Daren or Julie.\n\nShould Daren or Julie get back w/you, while I'm on vacation, please get back \nw/Anita Luong and provide her with the K # given to you (by Daren or Julie) \nas well as the dates of 2/1 - 2/29 (even though 3/1/2000 is reflected in my \nallocation exception screen) so that she can provide you with an accounting \narrangement to place February's volumes on @ this meter.\n\nIt looks as though this meter is flowing starting 3/1/2000. I guess that the \ntrader will eventually place a deal in sitara for this meter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<14425348.1075854021887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "21-3-2000-4:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-3-2000-4:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], ["anita.luong@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <617099.1075854170481.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd, Julie Meyers, Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have extended deal 151669 to cover mtr 9676 for Feb and Mar.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/11/2000 12:19 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita \nLuong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nRobert,\n\nI've taken care of 98-6719 (as far as getting it out of my allocation \nexception screen). I'm going to place 98-9676 on Strangers Gas until you \nhear back from Daren or Julie.\n\nShould Daren or Julie get back w/you, while I'm on vacation, please get back \nw/Anita Luong and provide her with the K # given to you (by Daren or Julie) \nas well as the dates of 2/1 - 2/29 (even though 3/1/2000 is reflected in my \nallocation exception screen) so that she can provide you with an accounting \narrangement to place February's volumes on @ this meter.\n\nIt looks as though this meter is flowing starting 3/1/2000. I guess that the \ntrader will eventually place a deal in sitara for this meter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 03/11/2000 12:00 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 03:22 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676 \n\nI extended the deal at mtr 6719 to include 2/10. In the future, please run \nall wellhead deals through Tom Acton first.\n\nI've got a message into Julie Meyers to look into the contract at meter 9676, \nand will let you know what she determines.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "information", ["deal", "extended", "151669"], "information", "i have extended deal numeric to cover mtr numeric for feb and mar."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "mtr", "151669"], "intention", "i have extended deal numeric to cover mtr numeric for feb and mar."]], "I have extended deal 151669 to cover mtr 9676 for Feb and Mar.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/11/2000 12:19 PM\n", "<617099.1075854170481.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "151669", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, true]}, "4-2-2000-0:45:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 4-2-2000-9:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-10-2001-8:0:20Srita.wynne@enron.com": {"4-2-2000-0:45:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["4-2-2000-0:45:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["fred.boas@enron.com"], "Daren - Can you set up a deal for meter 7266? An accounting arrangement is \nalways created every month. It is used for the Texas General Land storage \ndeal, (withholding 15% on their injections only). It has been nominated in \nPOPS on 012-41500-05-002. Please let me know, volume management wants to \nget Bammel allocated today.\nThanks.\nAimee", ["Meter 7266"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '7266']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "meter", "7266", "set"], "request", "daren - can you set up a deal for meter numeric ?"]], "Daren - Can you set up a deal for meter 7266? An accounting arrangement is \nalways created every month. It is used for the Texas General Land storage \ndeal, (withholding 15% on their injections only). It has been nominated in \nPOPS on 012-41500-05-002. Please let me know, volume management wants to \nget Bammel allocated today.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee", ["<28353973.1075854029837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31668214.1075854052644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18926434.1075854123033.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "7266", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "management volumeTnn": {"value": "management volumeTnn", "ne": "management volumeTnn", "patterns": ["management volumeTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "7266", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "4-2-2000-9:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["4-2-2000-9:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30493470.1075854029493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 09:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 7266\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAimee, \n\nWe don't enter 3rd party storage deals in Sitara. You may want to talk to \nKenny Soignet, but I thought that storage contracts were entered manually in \nPOPS.\n\nD", "Re: Meter 7266", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deals", "enter"], "request", "aimee, we don't enter datenumeric d party storage deals in sitara."]], "Aimee, \n\nWe don't enter 3rd party storage deals in Sitara. You may want to talk to \nKenny Soignet, but I thought that storage contracts were entered manually in \nPOPS.\n\nD", "<30493470.1075854029493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal storageTnn": {"value": "deal storageTnn", "ne": "deal storageTnn", "patterns": ["deal storageTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "7266", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "23-10-2001-8:0:20Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-8:0:20", "rita.wynne@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "fyi............\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Majorwitz, Buddy \nSent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 9:55 AM\nTo: Olsen, Michael\nCc: Wynne, Rita; Schumack, Sherlyn\nSubject: Meter 98-7266; May 2001 Texas General Land Fuel Volume\nMike,\nAs you may recall, this meter needs to be set up for May 2001 just as it was for April 2001. Below is a screen print of what April 2001 looks like. When you had previously attempted to set this meter up, I believe it wouldn't let you because of one (or both?) of the contracts being canceled or expired. I have inquired as to what can be done and have learned that you can contact Global Counterparties and have them temporarily set the contract(s) back up for a short period to give us time run the volumes through the system. As I am unfamiliar with this process and the Global Counterparty personnel, I do not have a contact for you. Hopefully this is something you may have had to do in the past. Since this is a call-out meter, I can enter the actual volumes in once the contracts are set up and appear for May 2001. In case you need to enter them, the volume should be as follows:\nContract 012-41500-05-002 HPL Injection 16,149\nContract 012-88494-05-001 TX Genl Land Withdrawal 16,149 \nI have been advised that this volume needs to be entered by the end of October if at all possible, therefore, your prompt attention to this matter would be most appreciated. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give me a call.\nBuddy\nX-31933\n \n", ["FW: Meter 98-7266; May 2001 Texas General Land Fuel Volume"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '7266']}", [], "fyi............\n\n ", ["<1635079.1075840432817.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "15-6-2000-8:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-6-2000-9:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"15-6-2000-8:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-6-2000-8:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["rob.stewart@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11930828.1075854076990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 08:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rob.stewart@enron.com\nSubject: Saudi Arabia\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rob Stewart\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRob, \n\nI got your name from Doug Leach. He thought that you would be the person to \ntalk to about this.\n\nI got a call last night from Rudolph Maldonado. (The operator forwarded him \nour way.) He stated that he has some natural gas to sell in Saudi Arabia. \nHis number is 562-866-1755. Could you give him a call and check this out? I \ntold him that I would find someone that he could discuss this with.\n\nI can be reached at 3-6905 if you have any questions.\n\nDaren Farmer", "Saudi Arabia", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 19, "information", ["natural**gas", "sell"], "information", ") he stated that he has some natural gas to sell in saudi arabia."]], "Rob, \n\nI got your name from Doug Leach. He thought that you would be the person to \ntalk to about this.\n\nI got a call last night from Rudolph Maldonado. (The operator forwarded him \nour way.) He stated that he has some natural gas to sell in Saudi Arabia. \nHis number is 562-866-1755. Could you give him a call and check this out? I \ntold him that I would find someone that he could discuss this with.\n\nI can be reached at 3-6905 if you have any questions.\n\nDaren Farmer", "<11930828.1075854076990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "15-6-2000-9:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-6-2000-9:53:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "rob.stewart@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18968809.1075854167828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 09:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rob.stewart@enron.com\nSubject: Saudi Arabia\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rob Stewart\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 06/15/2000 \n04:52 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n06/15/2000 03:05 PM\nTo: Rob Stewart/EU/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Saudi Arabia\n\nRob, \n\nI got your name from Doug Leach. He thought that you would be the person to \ntalk to about this.\n\nI got a call last night from Rudolph Maldonado. (The operator forwarded him \nour way.) He stated that he has some natural gas to sell in Saudi Arabia. \nHis number is 562-866-1755. Could you give him a call and check this out? I \ntold him that I would find someone that he could discuss this with.\n\nI can be reached at 3-6905 if you have any questions.\n\nDaren Farmer\n", "Saudi Arabia", "forward", [], "", "<18968809.1075854167828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "31-5-2000-1:54:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 31-5-2000-5:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"31-5-2000-1:54:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-1:54:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25819649.1075854008167.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 01:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6892\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n98-6892 has a spill-over of 15 decatherms for 5/24/2000. Can you please \nextend deal ticket 274443 for cover this?\n\nThank\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6892", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " can you please extend deal ticket numeric for cover this?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "request", " can you please extend deal ticket numeric for cover this?"]], "98-6892 has a spill-over of 15 decatherms for 5/24/2000. Can you please \nextend deal ticket 274443 for cover this?\n\nThank\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<25819649.1075854008167.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "274443", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false], "31-5-2000-5:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-5:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <991045.1075854155819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 05:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6892\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYou need to get with the East desk on this. Were they allocated this volume \non Tetco? If so, you can adjust the deal and have the East desk approve it. \nIf they were not allocated this flow, the volume should go on the OBA.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/31/2000 08:54 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6892\n\n98-6892 has a spill-over of 15 decatherms for 5/24/2000. Can you please \nextend deal ticket 274443 for cover this?\n\nThank\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-6892", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["allocated", "volume"], "request information", " were they allocated this volume on tetco?"], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["adjust", "deal"], "intention", " if so, you can adjust the deal and have the east desk approve it."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 10, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " if they were not allocated this flow, the volume should go on the oba."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["flow", "volume"], "information", " if they were not allocated this flow, the volume should go on the oba."]], "You need to get with the East desk on this. Were they allocated this volume \non Tetco? If so, you can adjust the deal and have the East desk approve it. \nIf they were not allocated this flow, the volume should go on the OBA.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n05/31/2000 08:54 AM\n", "<991045.1075854155819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal deskTnn": {"value": "deal deskTnn", "ne": "deal deskTnn", "patterns": ["deal deskTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-2-2000-0:41:0Stom.acton@enron.com 9-2-2000-3:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"9-2-2000-0:41:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["9-2-2000-0:41:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4270019.1075854028519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 00:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nSubject: 987012\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Carlos J Rodriguez\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren, I just talked to Mary and she said that they developed the meter \n987341 for the meters that you had nominated under the 987012. Under \nAggregate 7012 is 4045; 6026; 6114; 6427; 6848; 9755 ; these should all be \nunder the 987341. Do we need to renominate these meters or do I just move \nthem in pops. Let me know Daren I aim to please ( I think that's a southern \nterm!!)", "987012", "reply", [], "Daren, I just talked to Mary and she said that they developed the meter \n987341 for the meters that you had nominated under the 987012. Under \nAggregate 7012 is 4045; 6026; 6114; 6427; 6848; 9755 ; these should all be \nunder the 987341. Do we need to renominate these meters or do I just move \nthem in pops. Let me know Daren I aim to please ( I think that's a southern \nterm!!)", "<4270019.1075854028519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "987341", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "9-2-2000-3:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2000-3:16:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <7832778.1075854159644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 03:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 987012\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom, \n\nI changed the meter on deal 156161 from7012 to 7341. You will need to repath \nand renom this in MOPS. Also, you will need to make sure that the welhead \nmeteres are linked to 7341 in POPS. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n02/09/2000 08:41 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron \nSubject: 987012\n\nDaren, I just talked to Mary and she said that they developed the meter \n987341 for the meters that you had nominated under the 987012. Under \nAggregate 7012 is 4045; 6026; 6114; 6427; 6848; 9755 ; these should all be \nunder the 987341. Do we need to renominate these meters or do I just move \nthem in pops. Let me know Daren I aim to please ( I think that's a southern \nterm!!)\n\n", "Re: 987012", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "information", ["changed", "deal", "156161"], "information", "tom, i changed the meter on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Tom, \n\nI changed the meter on deal 156161 from7012 to 7341. You will need to repath \nand renom this in MOPS. Also, you will need to make sure that the welhead \nmeteres are linked to 7341 in POPS. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n02/09/2000 08:41 AM\n", "<7832778.1075854159644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "156161", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-1-2001-8:19:0Sbob.hall@enron.com 31-1-2001-3:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"29-1-2001-8:19:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-8:19:0", "bob.hall@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com katherine.kelly@enron.com kathryn.bussell@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com michael.eiben@enron.com robert.superty@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4522321.1075854202163.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 08:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: bob.hall@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com, katherine.kelly@enron.com, kathryn.bussell@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, michael.eiben@enron.com,\n\trobert.superty@enron.com\nSubject: reviews\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Bob M Hall\nX-To: Rita Wynne, Katherine L Kelly, Kathryn Bussell, Daren J Farmer, Michael Eiben, Robert Superty\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHeather will be calling each of up to set up a time to discuss your review \nfor 2000.\n\nPlease bring with you two items that you plan on working on during the first \nsix months of 2001.\n\nThese should be items that improve the process around your area or brings \nadditional\nincome to Enron.\n\nthanks\n\nbob", "reviews", "reply", [], "Heather will be calling each of up to set up a time to discuss your review \nfor 2000.\n\nPlease bring with you two items that you plan on working on during the first \nsix months of 2001.\n\nThese should be items that improve the process around your area or brings \nadditional\nincome to Enron.\n\nthanks\n\nbob", "<4522321.1075854202163.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-1-2001-3:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-3:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["bob.hall@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13566082.1075854287985.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 03:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: bob.hall@enron.com\nSubject: Re: reviews\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Bob M Hall\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBob, \n\nI didn't check voice mail until this morning (I don't have a blinking light. \nThe assistants pick up our lines and amtel us when voice mails have been \nleft.) Anyway, with the uncertainty of the future business under the Texas \nDesk, the following are my goals for the next six months:\n\n1) Ensure a smooth transition of HPL to AEP, with minimal upsets to Texas \nbusiness.\n2) Develop operations processes and controls for the new Texas Desk. \n3) Develop a replacement\n a. Strong push to improve Liz (if she remains with Enron and )\n b. Hire new person, internally or externally\n4) Assist in develop a strong logisitcs team. With the new business, we \nwill need strong performers who know and accept their responsibilites.\n\n1 and 2 are open-ended. How I accomplish these goals and what they entail \nwill depend how the Texas Desk (if we have one) is set up and what type of \nactivity the desk will be invovled in, which is unknown to me at this time. \nI'm sure as we get further into the finalization of the sale, additional and \npossibly more urgent goals will develop. So, in short, who knows what I need \nto do.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nBob M Hall@ENRON\n01/29/2001 04:19 PM\nTo: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathryn \nBussell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Eiben/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRobert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: reviews\n\nHeather will be calling each of up to set up a time to discuss your review \nfor 2000.\n\nPlease bring with you two items that you plan on working on during the first \nsix months of 2001.\n\nThese should be items that improve the process around your area or brings \nadditional\nincome to Enron.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n\n", "Re: reviews", "originEmail", [["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 11, "information", ["left", "lines"], "information", " the assistants pick up our lines and amtel us when voice mails have been left."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 63, "nninformation", ["set", "desk"], "intention", " how i accomplish these goals and what they entail will depend how the texas desk (if we have one) is set up and what type of activity the desk will be invovled in, which is unknown to me at this time."]], "Bob, \n\nI didn't check voice mail until this morning (I don't have a blinking light. \nThe assistants pick up our lines and amtel us when voice mails have been \nleft.) Anyway, with the uncertainty of the future business under the Texas \nDesk, the following are my goals for the next six months:\n\n1) Ensure a smooth transition of HPL to AEP, with minimal upsets to Texas \nbusiness.\n2) Develop operations processes and controls for the new Texas Desk. \n3) Develop a replacement\n a. Strong push to improve Liz (if she remains with Enron and )\n b. Hire new person, internally or externally\n4) Assist in develop a strong logisitcs team. With the new business, we \nwill need strong performers who know and accept their responsibilites.\n\n1 and 2 are open-ended. How I accomplish these goals and what they entail \nwill depend how the Texas Desk (if we have one) is set up and what type of \nactivity the desk will be invovled in, which is unknown to me at this time. \nI'm sure as we get further into the finalization of the sale, additional and \npossibly more urgent goals will develop. So, in short, who knows what I need \nto do.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nBob M Hall@ENRON\n01/29/2001 04:19 PM\n", "<13566082.1075854287985.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"36": {"value": "0liz", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["personname pushTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-2-2000-9:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-2-2000-5:42:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-9:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-9:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["lisa.csikos@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <9485746.1075854026527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com, lisa.csikos@enron.com\nSubject: HPL System Training\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rita Wynne, Lisa Csikos\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRita and Lisa, \n\nWhy don't ya'll get together and determine a range of days/times that would \nwork for your groups to have a training session. (Over lunch or early \nafternoon) If you are interested, I would like to discuss how we operate the \nHPL system and the processes we go through during the trading day. To help \nwith the discussion, I have maps which highlight the main points and areas \nwhere we transact. (There will be a few for you to keep at the desks.) \n\nI did this with the Logistics group. I think it went pretty well. If you \nwant to do this, we need to allow 1.5 to 2 hours to talk about everything. \nLet me know. \n\nD", "HPL System Training", "originEmail", [["keep_continue desk", 25, "nninformation", ["keep", "desks"], "intention", " (there will be a few for you to keep at the desks."]], "Rita and Lisa, \n\nWhy don't ya'll get together and determine a range of days/times that would \nwork for your groups to have a training session. (Over lunch or early \nafternoon) If you are interested, I would like to discuss how we operate the \nHPL system and the processes we go through during the trading day. To help \nwith the discussion, I have maps which highlight the main points and areas \nwhere we transact. (There will be a few for you to keep at the desks.) \n\nI did this with the Logistics group. I think it went pretty well. If you \nwant to do this, we need to allow 1.5 to 2 hours to talk about everything. \nLet me know. \n\nD", "<9485746.1075854026527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"36": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour numericTnn"]}, "operation_process systemTnn": {"value": "operation_process systemTnn", "ne": "operation_process systemTnn", "patterns": ["operation_process systemTnn"]}, "session trainingTnn": {"value": "session trainingTnn", "ne": "session trainingTnn", "patterns": ["session trainingTnn"]}}, false], "22-2-2000-5:42:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["22-2-2000-5:42:0", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7496725.1075854025965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 05:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rita.wynne@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HPL System Training\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Rita Wynne\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI would like for these sessions to be separate, only because my group is \nprobably at a different level than Lisa's in terms of understanding the \nbusiness (not that we understand it in its entirety). The last week of this \nmonth or the first week of March prior to the 6th workday is good for my \ngroup(s). Let me know. Thanks!\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/17/2000 05:02 PM\nTo: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: HPL System Training\n\nRita and Lisa, \n\nWhy don't ya'll get together and determine a range of days/times that would \nwork for your groups to have a training session. (Over lunch or early \nafternoon) If you are interested, I would like to discuss how we operate the \nHPL system and the processes we go through during the trading day. To help \nwith the discussion, I have maps which highlight the main points and areas \nwhere we transact. (There will be a few for you to keep at the desks.) \n\nI did this with the Logistics group. I think it went pretty well. If you \nwant to do this, we need to allow 1.5 to 2 hours to talk about everything. \nLet me know. \n\nD\n\n", "Re: HPL System Training", "reply", [], "Daren,\n\nI would like for these sessions to be separate, only because my group is \nprobably at a different level than Lisa's in terms of understanding the \nbusiness (not that we understand it in its entirety). The last week of this \nmonth or the first week of March prior to the 6th workday is good for my \ngroup(s). Let me know. Thanks!\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/17/2000 05:02 PM\n", "<7496725.1075854025965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "5-4-2000-9:4:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 6-4-2000-9:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-11-2000-8:2:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 1-11-2000-8:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-11-2000-6:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-11-2000-5:37:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 15-11-2000-2:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-11-2000-4:59:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 15-11-2000-7:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-4-2000-9:4:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["5-4-2000-9:4:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "98-1534 is on the 215K for 3/2000 but is only good for 3/1 - 3/1 in Sitara, \non deal #163005. Can you see if it is o.k. to extend the deal for the rest \nof the month? It has flow every day after the 1st.\n98-6725 is also on the 215K for 3/2000. The Sitara deal # is 214948 and \ncovers every day except for day 16. Can you also see if it is o.k. to extend \nthe deal to cover this day?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", ["K's needed @ 98-1534 and 98-6725"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '214948']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request information", " to extend the deal for the rest of the month?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 18, "information", ["covers", "deal", "214948"], "information", " the sitara deal # is numeric and covers every day except for day numeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 21, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request information", " to extend the deal to cover this day?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 23, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "request information", " to extend the deal to cover this day?"]], "98-1534 is on the 215K for 3/2000 but is only good for 3/1 - 3/1 in Sitara, \non deal #163005. Can you see if it is o.k. to extend the deal for the rest \nof the month? It has flow every day after the 1st.\n\n98-6725 is also on the 215K for 3/2000. The Sitara deal # is 214948 and \ncovers every day except for day 16. Can you also see if it is o.k. to extend \nthe deal to cover this day?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", ["<20704768.1075854016462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5822769.1075854065318.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28148281.1075854129215.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "214948", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "6-4-2000-9:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-9:36:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Mtr 1534 - I created deal 238899 for 3/2-31/00 and #238900 for Apr.\nMtr 6725 - This meter is traded daily (spot) so, we can't extend the deal. \nWhen Elsa gets back next week, I will check with her to see if she did a deal \nwith Encina on this day.\nD\nJackie Young\n04/05/2000 04:04 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: K's needed @ 98-1534 and 98-6725\n98-1534 is on the 215K for 3/2000 but is only good for 3/1 - 3/1 in Sitara, \non deal #163005. Can you see if it is o.k. to extend the deal for the rest \nof the month? It has flow every day after the 1st.\n98-6725 is also on the 215K for 3/2000. The Sitara deal # is 214948 and \ncovers every day except for day 16. Can you also see if it is o.k. to extend \nthe deal to cover this day?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["Re: K's needed @ 98-1534 and 98-6725"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '214948']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "mtr"], "information", "mtr numeric - i created deal numeric for datenumeric numeric datenumeric and # numeric for apr."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 13, "information", ["deal", "traded"], "information", " mtr numeric - this meter is traded daily (spot) so, we can't extend the deal."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "intention", " mtr numeric - this meter is traded daily (spot) so, we can't extend the deal."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 19, "nninformation", ["check", "deal"], "intention", " when elsa gets back next week, i will check with her to see if she did a deal with orgname on this day."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 20, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "intention", " when elsa gets back next week, i will check with her to see if she did a deal with orgname on this day."]], "Mtr 1534 - I created deal 238899 for 3/2-31/00 and #238900 for Apr.\n\nMtr 6725 - This meter is traded daily (spot) so, we can't extend the deal. \nWhen Elsa gets back next week, I will check with her to see if she did a deal \nwith Encina on this day.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/05/2000 04:04 PM\n", ["<13279677.1075854169806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5723159.1075854015912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18569360.1075854065340.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22937638.1075854157224.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "1534", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6725", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "1-11-2000-8:2:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-8:2:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com jennifer.martinez@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com nick.moshou@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14672160.1075853974040.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 08:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, jennifer.martinez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\nCc: kristen.hanson@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kristen.hanson@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com\nX-From: Charlene Richmond\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Jennifer Martinez\nX-cc: Kristen J Hanson, Nick Moshou, Cynthia Hakemack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHelp . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n11/01/2000 02:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene,\n\nThis gas purchase is not a part of the wellhead portfolio but is being traded \non the Texas desk. I would suggest you get with Darren Farmer or someone on \nthe desk.\n\nSorry I could not be of more assistance!\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Another HESCO Issue\n\nMeter 986725 for March 2000. Per Hesco both traders are gone at (Hesco and \nEnron) and they (Hesco) were not paid the correct price in March on the \ndays mentioned below. Hesco cannot find where the price for these days were \nrecorded. Per Hesco they were underpaid by $32,101.57. Hesco is wanting to \ncome to our office to have a meeting about clearing this up. It will be nice \nif we don't have to meet with them.\n\nProduction dates are Volume price they are \nlooking for \n03/12 \n2,029 2.65\n03/13 \n2,009 2.65\n03/15 \n2,022 2.71\n03/16 \n1,976 2.72\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Another HESCO Issue", "reply", [], "Help . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n", "<14672160.1075853974040.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "1-11-2000-8:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-8:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], [], "Stace, \nPlease look into your notes. You entered deal 214948 each day for the \npurchases at this meter for the month. The 12th and 13th are ok in Sitara. \nHowever, there is nothing for the 15th and 16th.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n04:09 PM ---------------------------\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\nHelp . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\nVance L Taylor\n11/01/2000 02:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \nCharlene,\nThis gas purchase is not a part of the wellhead portfolio but is being traded \non the Texas desk. I would suggest you get with Darren Farmer or someone on \nthe desk.\nSorry I could not be of more assistance!\nvlt\nx3-6353\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Another HESCO Issue\nMeter 986725 for March 2000. Per Hesco both traders are gone at (Hesco and \nEnron) and they (Hesco) were not paid the correct price in March on the \ndays mentioned below. Hesco cannot find where the price for these days were \nrecorded. Per Hesco they were underpaid by $32,101.57. Hesco is wanting to \ncome to our office to have a meeting about clearing this up. It will be nice \nif we don't have to meet with them.\nProduction dates are Volume price they are \nlooking for \n03/12 \n2,029 2.65\n03/13 \n2,009 2.65\n03/15 \n2,022 2.71\n03/16 \n1,976 2.72\n", ["Re: Another HESCO Issue"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '214948']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deal", "entered"], "information", " you entered deal numeric each day for the purchases at this meter for the month."]], "Stace, \n\nPlease look into your notes. You entered deal 214948 each day for the \npurchases at this meter for the month. The 12th and 13th are ok in Sitara. \nHowever, there is nothing for the 15th and 16th.\n\nD\n", ["<4594886.1075854163497.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2891740.1075853974017.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24893662.1075854104761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17180570.1075854150902.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "214948", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numeric purchaseTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}}, true], "2-11-2000-6:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-6:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["charlene.richmond@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <15542198.1075854150835.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 06:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Charlene Richmond\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCharlene, \n\nDeal #214948 already had volume and price for the 12th and 13th. You may \nneed to have the volumes updated by Volume Management.\n\nI added the 15th and 16th to the deal ticket. \n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\n\nHelp . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n11/01/2000 02:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene,\n\nThis gas purchase is not a part of the wellhead portfolio but is being traded \non the Texas desk. I would suggest you get with Darren Farmer or someone on \nthe desk.\n\nSorry I could not be of more assistance!\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Another HESCO Issue\n\nMeter 986725 for March 2000. Per Hesco both traders are gone at (Hesco and \nEnron) and they (Hesco) were not paid the correct price in March on the \ndays mentioned below. Hesco cannot find where the price for these days were \nrecorded. Per Hesco they were underpaid by $32,101.57. Hesco is wanting to \ncome to our office to have a meeting about clearing this up. It will be nice \nif we don't have to meet with them.\n\nProduction dates are Volume price they are \nlooking for \n03/12 \n2,029 2.65\n03/13 \n2,009 2.65\n03/15 \n2,022 2.71\n03/16 \n1,976 2.72\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Another HESCO Issue", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 10, "information", ["added", "deal"], "information", " i added the datenumeric h and datenumeric h to the deal ticket."]], "Charlene, \n\nDeal #214948 already had volume and price for the 12th and 13th. You may \nneed to have the volumes updated by Volume Management.\n\nI added the 15th and 16th to the deal ticket. \n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 04:02 PM\n", "<15542198.1075854150835.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "214948", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal price volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal price volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal price volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal price volumeTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, true], "9-11-2000-5:37:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-5:37:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9324888.1075853972430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 05:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Charlene Richmond\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren would you look at the price for 29 and 30th of March 2000 . There are \nno prices for these days but volume was scheduled for these days.\nThanks\nCharlene\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/02/2000 02:59 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene, \n\nDeal #214948 already had volume and price for the 12th and 13th. You may \nneed to have the volumes updated by Volume Management.\n\nI added the 15th and 16th to the deal ticket. \n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\n\nHelp . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n11/01/2000 02:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene,\n\nThis gas purchase is not a part of the wellhead portfolio but is being traded \non the Texas desk. I would suggest you get with Darren Farmer or someone on \nthe desk.\n\nSorry I could not be of more assistance!\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Another HESCO Issue\n\nMeter 986725 for March 2000. Per Hesco both traders are gone at (Hesco and \nEnron) and they (Hesco) were not paid the correct price in March on the \ndays mentioned below. Hesco cannot find where the price for these days were \nrecorded. Per Hesco they were underpaid by $32,101.57. Hesco is wanting to \ncome to our office to have a meeting about clearing this up. It will be nice \nif we don't have to meet with them.\n\nProduction dates are Volume price they are \nlooking for \n03/12 \n2,029 2.65\n03/13 \n2,009 2.65\n03/15 \n2,022 2.71\n03/16 \n1,976 2.72\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Another HESCO Issue", "reply", [["schedule volume", 8, "information", ["scheduled", "volume"], "information", " there are no prices for these days but volume was scheduled for these days."]], "Daren would you look at the price for 29 and 30th of March 2000 . There are \nno prices for these days but volume was scheduled for these days.\nThanks\nCharlene\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/02/2000 02:59 PM\n", "<9324888.1075853972430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "29", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, true], "15-11-2000-2:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-2:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10590878.1075854162972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 02:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Charlene Richmond\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCharlene, \n\nWe should not have scheduled any volume for the 29-30th. No price was \nnegotiated that I can find. However, since gas did flow, I rolled the last \nprice on the deal to cover those days. What price is Hesco showing?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/09/2000 01:37 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nDaren would you look at the price for 29 and 30th of March 2000 . There are \nno prices for these days but volume was scheduled for these days.\nThanks\nCharlene\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/02/2000 02:59 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene, \n\nDeal #214948 already had volume and price for the 12th and 13th. You may \nneed to have the volumes updated by Volume Management.\n\nI added the 15th and 16th to the deal ticket. \n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\n\nHelp . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n11/01/2000 02:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene,\n\nThis gas purchase is not a part of the wellhead portfolio but is being traded \non the Texas desk. I would suggest you get with Darren Farmer or someone on \nthe desk.\n\nSorry I could not be of more assistance!\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Another HESCO Issue\n\nMeter 986725 for March 2000. Per Hesco both traders are gone at (Hesco and \nEnron) and they (Hesco) were not paid the correct price in March on the \ndays mentioned below. Hesco cannot find where the price for these days were \nrecorded. Per Hesco they were underpaid by $32,101.57. Hesco is wanting to \ncome to our office to have a meeting about clearing this up. It will be nice \nif we don't have to meet with them.\n\nProduction dates are Volume price they are \nlooking for \n03/12 \n2,029 2.65\n03/13 \n2,009 2.65\n03/15 \n2,022 2.71\n03/16 \n1,976 2.72\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Another HESCO Issue", "reply", [["schedule volume", 2, "information", ["scheduled", "volume"], "information", "charlene, we should not have scheduled any volume for the numeric - datenumeric h."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " however, since gas did flow, i rolled the last price on the deal to cover those days."], ["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 10, "information", ["deal", "rolled"], "information", " however, since gas did flow, i rolled the last price on the deal to cover those days."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 13, "information", ["cover", "deal"], "information", " however, since gas did flow, i rolled the last price on the deal to cover those days."]], "Charlene, \n\nWe should not have scheduled any volume for the 29-30th. No price was \nnegotiated that I can find. However, since gas did flow, I rolled the last \nprice on the deal to cover those days. What price is Hesco showing?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/09/2000 01:37 PM\n", "<10590878.1075854162972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "15-11-2000-4:59:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-4:59:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3184295.1075853971303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 04:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Charlene Richmond\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHesco is showing a price of $2.85 for tne 29 & 30\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/15/2000 10:33 AM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene, \n\nWe should not have scheduled any volume for the 29-30th. No price was \nnegotiated that I can find. However, since gas did flow, I rolled the last \nprice on the deal to cover those days. What price is Hesco showing?\n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/09/2000 01:37 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nDaren would you look at the price for 29 and 30th of March 2000 . There are \nno prices for these days but volume was scheduled for these days.\nThanks\nCharlene\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/02/2000 02:59 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene, \n\nDeal #214948 already had volume and price for the 12th and 13th. You may \nneed to have the volumes updated by Volume Management.\n\nI added the 15th and 16th to the deal ticket. \n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\n\nHelp . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n11/01/2000 02:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene,\n\nThis gas purchase is not a part of the wellhead portfolio but is being traded \non the Texas desk. I would suggest you get with Darren Farmer or someone on \nthe desk.\n\nSorry I could not be of more assistance!\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Another HESCO Issue\n\nMeter 986725 for March 2000. Per Hesco both traders are gone at (Hesco and \nEnron) and they (Hesco) were not paid the correct price in March on the \ndays mentioned below. Hesco cannot find where the price for these days were \nrecorded. Per Hesco they were underpaid by $32,101.57. Hesco is wanting to \ncome to our office to have a meeting about clearing this up. It will be nice \nif we don't have to meet with them.\n\nProduction dates are Volume price they are \nlooking for \n03/12 \n2,029 2.65\n03/13 \n2,009 2.65\n03/15 \n2,022 2.71\n03/16 \n1,976 2.72\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Another HESCO Issue", "reply", [["show deal", 1, "information", ["$2 85", "showing"], "information", "hesco is showing a price of pricenumeric for tne numeric & numeric daren j farmer datenumeric numerictime am "]], "Hesco is showing a price of $2.85 for tne 29 & 30\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/15/2000 10:33 AM\n", "<3184295.1075853971303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "$2 85", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "29", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-11-2000-7:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-7:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10854041.1075854162907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 07:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Charlene Richmond\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI changed the price to 2.85. With the changes in personnel on the desk, we \ndon't have a lot of info to dispute their price. It's not cost beneficial to \ndo so anyway.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/15/2000 12:59 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nHesco is showing a price of $2.85 for tne 29 & 30\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/15/2000 10:33 AM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene, \n\nWe should not have scheduled any volume for the 29-30th. No price was \nnegotiated that I can find. However, since gas did flow, I rolled the last \nprice on the deal to cover those days. What price is Hesco showing?\n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/09/2000 01:37 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nDaren would you look at the price for 29 and 30th of March 2000 . There are \nno prices for these days but volume was scheduled for these days.\nThanks\nCharlene\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/02/2000 02:59 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene, \n\nDeal #214948 already had volume and price for the 12th and 13th. You may \nneed to have the volumes updated by Volume Management.\n\nI added the 15th and 16th to the deal ticket. \n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue\n\nHelp . Steve Mauch at Hesco is wanting an answer ASAP\n---------------------- Forwarded by Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n11/01/2000 02:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Another HESCO Issue \n\nCharlene,\n\nThis gas purchase is not a part of the wellhead portfolio but is being traded \non the Texas desk. I would suggest you get with Darren Farmer or someone on \nthe desk.\n\nSorry I could not be of more assistance!\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/01/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Another HESCO Issue\n\nMeter 986725 for March 2000. Per Hesco both traders are gone at (Hesco and \nEnron) and they (Hesco) were not paid the correct price in March on the \ndays mentioned below. Hesco cannot find where the price for these days were \nrecorded. Per Hesco they were underpaid by $32,101.57. Hesco is wanting to \ncome to our office to have a meeting about clearing this up. It will be nice \nif we don't have to meet with them.\n\nProduction dates are Volume price they are \nlooking for \n03/12 \n2,029 2.65\n03/13 \n2,009 2.65\n03/15 \n2,022 2.71\n03/16 \n1,976 2.72\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Another HESCO Issue", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "price"], "information", "i changed the price to numeric numeric ."]], "I changed the price to 2.85. With the changes in personnel on the desk, we \ndon't have a lot of info to dispute their price. It's not cost beneficial to \ndo so anyway.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n11/15/2000 12:59 PM\n", "<10854041.1075854162907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true]}, "24-4-2000-0:18:0Stom.acton@enron.com 22-8-2000-7:51:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 22-8-2000-7:52:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 23-8-2000-7:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 23-8-2000-5:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-8-2000-7:20:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 23-8-2000-9:27:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 24-8-2000-1:33:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 30-8-2000-5:23:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 5-9-2000-5:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-4-2000-0:18:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-0:18:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], "Vance here is a list of meters that are in Sitara under the well head \nportfolio but are not on your sheets for this month. Please check these out \nas soon as possible so I can get the best number to Daren ASAP. Thanks Tom.\nAcock Engineering. 985547 #229474 77\nBlackhawk Oil 27-0 #133255 670\nBlack Stone 989003 #137868 664\nConoco 984132 #138103 144\nDale Operating Co 985502 #138342 37\nDn Hughes 980275 #138800 70\nElPaso 980308 #139674 \nEOG 27-0 #126370 \n2027\n 980440 \n#126351 444\nFour Square 986735 #137971 1147\nLousis Dreyfus 987491 #138017 1000\nMuelller Exploration 986838 #164172 2800\nPH Exploration 986542 #138554 47\nPrime Energy 986542 #138578 418\nStates Inc. 23-3 \n#138359 85\nTejones 989643 #133173 1068\nTitan Resources 989685 #248551 242\nUpstream 985155 #138628 8000\nValence Operating 984132 #138570 12\nVintage 989643 #139661 \n14\nWagner Oil 27-0 #138033 900\nWestern Gulf 980106 #139671 1068\nWilmar Pipline 985048 #224899 163\n \ntotal 21097", [""], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '984132']}", [], "Vance here is a list of meters that are in Sitara under the well head \nportfolio but are not on your sheets for this month. Please check these out \nas soon as possible so I can get the best number to Daren ASAP. Thanks Tom.\nAcock Engineering. 985547 #229474 77\nBlackhawk Oil 27-0 #133255 670\nBlack Stone 989003 #137868 664\nConoco 984132 #138103 144\nDale Operating Co 985502 #138342 37\nDn Hughes 980275 #138800 70\nElPaso 980308 #139674 \nEOG 27-0 #126370 \n2027\n 980440 \n#126351 444\nFour Square 986735 #137971 1147\nLousis Dreyfus 987491 #138017 1000\nMuelller Exploration 986838 #164172 2800\nPH Exploration 986542 #138554 47\nPrime Energy 986542 #138578 418\nStates Inc. 23-3 \n#138359 85\nTejones 989643 #133173 1068\nTitan Resources 989685 #248551 242\nUpstream 985155 #138628 8000\nValence Operating 984132 #138570 12\nVintage 989643 #139661 \n14\nWagner Oil 27-0 #138033 900\nWestern Gulf 980106 #139671 1068\nWilmar Pipline 985048 #224899 163\n\n \ntotal 21097", ["<23241227.1075854013629.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25511630.1075854067827.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5330798.1075854188172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-8-2000-7:51:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-7:51:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\nJackie Young\n08/22/2000 11:08 AM\nTo: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99 \nKaren,\nI've looked in POPS and on day 16 of January 1999, I see a total confirmed \nvolume of 61,365 and an actual of 62,151. If I'm understanding you \ncorrectly, you're asking me to allocate all of this volume to deal #51862.\nIf so, that's incorrect. Several deals are associated the this days volume.\nPlease write back or phone back with further details.\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 08/21/2000 10:24 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99\nJackie, \nVolume is allocating to deal number 51862 on 1/16/99 on meter 984132, however \nthe deal does not have this day on it. Please have 1/16 added to the deal so \nthe error will clear.\nThanks and if you need additional info, let me know.\nKaren\n", ["Re: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99", "Meter 984132 for 1/16/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '984132'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '984132']}", [], "", ["<8841303.1075853988967.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16756007.1075853988989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29420375.1075853989013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2943509.1075854090473.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12336936.1075854090495.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14053635.1075854090517.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29656955.1075854136990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26922331.1075854137014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2114150.1075854137036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-8-2000-7:52:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-7:52:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\nJackie Young\n08/21/2000 10:48 AM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99\nGary,\nCan you assist Karen with the below request to cover the day in question?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497 \n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 10:45 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 08/21/2000 10:24 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99\nJackie, \nVolume is allocating to deal number 51862 on 1/16/99 on meter 984132, however \nthe deal does not have this day on it. Please have 1/16 added to the deal so \nthe error will clear.\nThanks and if you need additional info, let me know.\nKaren\n", ["Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '984132'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '984132']}", [], "", ["<30382589.1075853988946.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9802484.1075854090539.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31935787.1075854137058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-7:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-7:19:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Hi Daren,\nSorry that I didn't include you on Gary's e-mail. He presented these \nquestions to the Volume Management Group (which I agree). I will now forward \nyou the response from Volume Management.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 08/22/2000 01:11 PM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99 \nI am uncomfortable putting a deal out there without more details. Here are \nmy questions:\n 1) Why was this gas just discovered now? And where has it been hiding?\n 2) Adonis is a WMBE which means he has a direct pay agreement so never pays \nfor gas taken. We have to invoice\n the actual burner for this gas (HL&P, TU, CP&L, etc). Can we identify end \nuser and see if they paid for this gas or will have to pay.\n 3) Adonis has skipped town and is no longer in business. HL&P told me he \ngot paid for gas that never was delivered (rumor).\n How can we invoice him now?\n 4) 60,000 mmbtu seems like a high volume of gas to slip through the cracks \nfor almost two years. Answer the above questions and \n I will be glad to approve this. \nJackie Young\n08/22/2000 12:45 PM\nTo: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99 \nKaren,\nI realize this. It appears as if you're asking me to have day 16 added to \nthe Sitara deal ticket so that all volumes that flowed for that day can \nallocate to this deal.\nMaybe you might want to phone me if this is not the case.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 08/22/2000 12:39 PM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99 \nJackie,\nWhat I am saying is that in POPS volume is allocated to deal number 51862, \nhowever in Sitara, this deal doesn't have day 16 on it. Call me if you need \nfurther details. X58381\nJackie Young@ECT\n08/22/2000 11:08 AM\nTo: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99 \nKaren,\nI've looked in POPS and on day 16 of January 1999, I see a total confirmed \nvolume of 61,365 and an actual of 62,151. If I'm understanding you \ncorrectly, you're asking me to allocate all of this volume to deal #51862.\nIf so, that's incorrect. Several deals are associated the this days volume.\nPlease write back or phone back with further details.\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 08/21/2000 10:24 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99\nJackie, \nVolume is allocating to deal number 51862 on 1/16/99 on meter 984132, however \nthe deal does not have this day on it. Please have 1/16 added to the deal so \nthe error will clear.\nThanks and if you need additional info, let me know.\nKaren\n", ["Re: Feedback Monitor Error - Meter 984132 - 1/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '984132'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '984132']}", [], "Hi Daren,\n\nSorry that I didn't include you on Gary's e-mail. He presented these \nquestions to the Volume Management Group (which I agree). I will now forward \nyou the response from Volume Management.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 08/22/2000 01:11 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<6776154.1075853988741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3560439.1075854137102.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-5:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-5:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <7760162.1075854165813.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 05:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJackie, \n\nWhat does MOPS show for the days in question? It would be incorrect to add \nany days to the Adonis ticket mentioned below. It sounds as if the meter was \nallocated incorrectly in POPS and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in \nMOPS. Let me know what you find in MOPS.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000 \n12:54 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 08/22/2000 02:51 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 08/22/2000 02:07 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nHere is the issue for 1/16/99 at meter 984132. \n\n20,000 mmbtu were confirmed for Adonis in POPS. 10,000 mmbtu on day 5 and \nday 16. Day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 (track id 6155), which is where \n10,000 was confirmed. The actual sale to Adonis was 10,000 which was \ninvoiced and paid by Adonis. We are trying to clear the feedback error \nreport. My question is why was 10,000 confirmed on 1/16/99 if the date is \nnot valid for the deal?\n\nWhen Karen allocates the actual 10,000 it is prorating 5,000 for each day \nthat is confirmed (the 5th and 16th). \n\nShould the whole 10,000 be allocated to the 5th or should 5,000 be allocated \nto each day? If 5,000 should be allocated to each day, the 16th needs to be \nadded to the deal.\n\n\n", "Meter 984132 for 1/16/99", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["add", "ticket"], "intention", " it would be incorrect to add any days to the adonis ticket mentioned below."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 12, "information", ["allocated", "deal", "meter"], "information", " it sounds as if the meter was allocated incorrectly in pops and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in mops."], ["pathe deal", 16, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", " it sounds as if the meter was allocated incorrectly in pops and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in mops."]], "Jackie, \n\nWhat does MOPS show for the days in question? It would be incorrect to add \nany days to the Adonis ticket mentioned below. It sounds as if the meter was \nallocated incorrectly in POPS and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in \nMOPS. Let me know what you find in MOPS.\n\nD\n", "<7760162.1075854165813.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "984132", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "23-8-2000-7:20:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-7:20:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nBelow is Volume Management's answers to Gary's questions.\nI'm now awaiting on an e-mail from Gary as to the direction that he is going \nto take. I will follow suit according to his instructions. \nShould you come aboard, I'll await your decision as well.\nAgain, thanks.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000 02:19 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 08/22/2000 02:07 PM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\nHere is the issue for 1/16/99 at meter 984132. \n20,000 mmbtu were confirmed for Adonis in POPS. 10,000 mmbtu on day 5 and \nday 16. Day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 (track id 6155), which is where \n10,000 was confirmed. The actual sale to Adonis was 10,000 which was \ninvoiced and paid by Adonis. We are trying to clear the feedback error \nreport. My question is why was 10,000 confirmed on 1/16/99 if the date is \nnot valid for the deal?\nWhen Karen allocates the actual 10,000 it is prorating 5,000 for each day \nthat is confirmed (the 5th and 16th). \nShould the whole 10,000 be allocated to the 5th or should 5,000 be allocated \nto each day? If 5,000 should be allocated to each day, the 16th needs to be \nadded to the deal.\n", ["Meter 984132 for 1/16/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '984132'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '984132']}", [], "Daren,\n\nBelow is Volume Management's answers to Gary's questions.\n\nI'm now awaiting on an e-mail from Gary as to the direction that he is going \nto take. I will follow suit according to his instructions. \n\nShould you come aboard, I'll await your decision as well.\n\nAgain, thanks.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["<8505304.1075853988719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19752032.1075854090772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12760225.1075854137124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-9:27:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-9:27:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26433112.1075853988675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nOn day 5 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is a delivery nom of 10.0 pathed to the ENA \n201 K. On day 16 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is not a deal (which is strange \nbecause day 16 in POPS references Adonis). The deal on the 5th was a swing \ndeal. \n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n08/23/2000 12:59 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nJackie, \n\nWhat does MOPS show for the days in question? It would be incorrect to add \nany days to the Adonis ticket mentioned below. It sounds as if the meter was \nallocated incorrectly in POPS and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in \nMOPS. Let me know what you find in MOPS.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000 \n12:54 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 08/22/2000 02:51 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 08/22/2000 02:07 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nHere is the issue for 1/16/99 at meter 984132. \n\n20,000 mmbtu were confirmed for Adonis in POPS. 10,000 mmbtu on day 5 and \nday 16. Day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 (track id 6155), which is where \n10,000 was confirmed. The actual sale to Adonis was 10,000 which was \ninvoiced and paid by Adonis. We are trying to clear the feedback error \nreport. My question is why was 10,000 confirmed on 1/16/99 if the date is \nnot valid for the deal?\n\nWhen Karen allocates the actual 10,000 it is prorating 5,000 for each day \nthat is confirmed (the 5th and 16th). \n\nShould the whole 10,000 be allocated to the 5th or should 5,000 be allocated \nto each day? If 5,000 should be allocated to each day, the 16th needs to be \nadded to the deal.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99", "reply", [], "On day 5 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is a delivery nom of 10.0 pathed to the ENA \n201 K. On day 16 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is not a deal (which is strange \nbecause day 16 in POPS references Adonis). The deal on the 5th was a swing \ndeal. \n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n08/23/2000 12:59 PM\n", "<26433112.1075853988675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "24-8-2000-1:33:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["24-8-2000-1:33:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13724940.1075853988518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: karen.lindley@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Karen Lindley, Sherlyn Schumack\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nKaren/Sherlyn,\n\nGary has placed this in Daren's lap. Please read the below information that \nwas requested of me from Daren. \n\nThis is the latest.\n\nI'll get back as soon as I hear from Daren again about my response to him.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 08/24/2000 08:32 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n08/23/2000 04:27 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99 \n\nOn day 5 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is a delivery nom of 10.0 pathed to the ENA \n201 K. On day 16 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is not a deal (which is strange \nbecause day 16 in POPS references Adonis). The deal on the 5th was a swing \ndeal. \n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n08/23/2000 12:59 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nJackie, \n\nWhat does MOPS show for the days in question? It would be incorrect to add \nany days to the Adonis ticket mentioned below. It sounds as if the meter was \nallocated incorrectly in POPS and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in \nMOPS. Let me know what you find in MOPS.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000 \n12:54 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 08/22/2000 02:51 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 08/22/2000 02:07 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nHere is the issue for 1/16/99 at meter 984132. \n\n20,000 mmbtu were confirmed for Adonis in POPS. 10,000 mmbtu on day 5 and \nday 16. Day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 (track id 6155), which is where \n10,000 was confirmed. The actual sale to Adonis was 10,000 which was \ninvoiced and paid by Adonis. We are trying to clear the feedback error \nreport. My question is why was 10,000 confirmed on 1/16/99 if the date is \nnot valid for the deal?\n\nWhen Karen allocates the actual 10,000 it is prorating 5,000 for each day \nthat is confirmed (the 5th and 16th). \n\nShould the whole 10,000 be allocated to the 5th or should 5,000 be allocated \nto each day? If 5,000 should be allocated to each day, the 16th needs to be \nadded to the deal.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99", "forward", [["read_translate_learn information", 7, "nninformation", ["information", "read"], "request", "karen/sherlyn, gary has placed this in daren's orgname please read the below information that was requested of me from daren."]], "Karen/Sherlyn,\n\nGary has placed this in Daren's lap. Please read the below information that \nwas requested of me from Daren. \n\nThis is the latest.\n\nI'll get back as soon as I hear from Daren again about my response to him.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<13724940.1075853988518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "30-8-2000-5:23:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-5:23:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["karen.lindley@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Hi Daren,\nCan you give us a status on this request?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 08/30/2000 12:22 \nPM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n08/23/2000 12:59 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\nJackie, \nWhat does MOPS show for the days in question? It would be incorrect to add \nany days to the Adonis ticket mentioned below. It sounds as if the meter was \nallocated incorrectly in POPS and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in \nMOPS. Let me know what you find in MOPS.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000 \n12:54 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 08/22/2000 02:51 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 08/22/2000 02:07 PM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\nHere is the issue for 1/16/99 at meter 984132. \n20,000 mmbtu were confirmed for Adonis in POPS. 10,000 mmbtu on day 5 and \nday 16. Day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 (track id 6155), which is where \n10,000 was confirmed. The actual sale to Adonis was 10,000 which was \ninvoiced and paid by Adonis. We are trying to clear the feedback error \nreport. My question is why was 10,000 confirmed on 1/16/99 if the date is \nnot valid for the deal?\nWhen Karen allocates the actual 10,000 it is prorating 5,000 for each day \nthat is confirmed (the 5th and 16th). \nShould the whole 10,000 be allocated to the 5th or should 5,000 be allocated \nto each day? If 5,000 should be allocated to each day, the 16th needs to be \nadded to the deal.\n", ["Meter 984132 for 1/16/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '984132'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '984132']}", [], "Hi Daren,\n\nCan you give us a status on this request?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["<30254171.1075853987315.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8508375.1075854092125.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21832114.1075854137600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-9-2000-5:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-5:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28306805.1075853986170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 05:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n10,000 should be allocated to Adonis #51862 on the 5th only. Nothing should \nbe allocated or confirmed for Adonis on the 16th. Additionally, it looks \nlike 5000 was confirmed as a receipt from Mitchell (Track ID 3167) on the \n16th. This should be -0- also. By taking the conf/allocation for Adonis \n(Track ID 6155) and Mitchell (Track ID 3167) to zero on the 16th, the meter \nbalance remains the same and the bridge errors will be cleared.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n08/24/2000 08:33 AM\nTo: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nKaren/Sherlyn,\n\nGary has placed this in Daren's lap. Please read the below information that \nwas requested of me from Daren. \n\nThis is the latest.\n\nI'll get back as soon as I hear from Daren again about my response to him.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 08/24/2000 08:32 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n08/23/2000 04:27 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99 \n\nOn day 5 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is a delivery nom of 10.0 pathed to the ENA \n201 K. On day 16 in MOPS (HPL/ENA) there is not a deal (which is strange \nbecause day 16 in POPS references Adonis). The deal on the 5th was a swing \ndeal. \n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n08/23/2000 12:59 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nJackie, \n\nWhat does MOPS show for the days in question? It would be incorrect to add \nany days to the Adonis ticket mentioned below. It sounds as if the meter was \nallocated incorrectly in POPS and/or a deal was not pathed correctly in \nMOPS. Let me know what you find in MOPS.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000 \n12:54 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 08/22/2000 02:51 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 08/22/2000 02:07 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99\n\nHere is the issue for 1/16/99 at meter 984132. \n\n20,000 mmbtu were confirmed for Adonis in POPS. 10,000 mmbtu on day 5 and \nday 16. Day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 (track id 6155), which is where \n10,000 was confirmed. The actual sale to Adonis was 10,000 which was \ninvoiced and paid by Adonis. We are trying to clear the feedback error \nreport. My question is why was 10,000 confirmed on 1/16/99 if the date is \nnot valid for the deal?\n\nWhen Karen allocates the actual 10,000 it is prorating 5,000 for each day \nthat is confirmed (the 5th and 16th). \n\nShould the whole 10,000 be allocated to the 5th or should 5,000 be allocated \nto each day? If 5,000 should be allocated to each day, the 16th needs to be \nadded to the deal.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 984132 for 1/16/99", "reply", [["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 30, "information", ["balance", "remains"], "information", " by taking the conf/allocation for adonis (track id numeric ) and mitchell (track id numeric ) to zero on the datenumeric h, the meter balance remains the same and the bridge errors will be cleared."]], "10,000 should be allocated to Adonis #51862 on the 5th only. Nothing should \nbe allocated or confirmed for Adonis on the 16th. Additionally, it looks \nlike 5000 was confirmed as a receipt from Mitchell (Track ID 3167) on the \n16th. This should be -0- also. By taking the conf/allocation for Adonis \n(Track ID 6155) and Mitchell (Track ID 3167) to zero on the 16th, the meter \nbalance remains the same and the bridge errors will be cleared.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n08/24/2000 08:33 AM\n", "<28306805.1075853986170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"bridge errorTnn": {"value": "bridge errorTnn", "ne": "bridge errorTnn", "patterns": ["bridge errorTnn"]}, "meter zeroTnn": {"value": "meter zeroTnn", "ne": "meter zeroTnn", "patterns": ["meter zeroTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "984132", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "3167", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric zeroTnn"]}}, true]}, "5-9-2000-6:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-9-2000-8:53:0Smarlene.hilliard@enron.com 6-9-2000-10:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-9-2000-6:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-6:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "marlene.hilliard@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32923657.1075854165562.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 06:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: marlene.hilliard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Marlene Hilliard\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMarlene, \n\nAfter discussions with the desk, we have decided to keep the Oasis contracts \nunder ENA. So, we don't need to sign the contracts you sent earlier. Let me \nknow if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n08/31/2000 12:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Oasis Pipe Line Company\n\nI need to know the status of these contracts I forwarded to you on August 23, \n2000 and August 25, 2000.\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n\n", "Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company", "forward", [["keep_continue desk", 6, "nninformation", ["keep", "desk"], "intention", "marlene, after discussions with the desk, we have decided to keep the oasis contracts under orgname so, we don't need to sign the contracts you sent earlier."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 11, "information", ["sent", "contracts"], "information", "marlene, after discussions with the desk, we have decided to keep the oasis contracts under orgname so, we don't need to sign the contracts you sent earlier."]], "Marlene, \n\nAfter discussions with the desk, we have decided to keep the Oasis contracts \nunder ENA. So, we don't need to sign the contracts you sent earlier. Let me \nknow if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n08/31/2000 12:36 PM\n", "<32923657.1075854165562.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "5-9-2000-8:53:0Smarlene.hilliard@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-8:53:0", "marlene.hilliard@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12867849.1075853985969.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 08:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: marlene.hilliard@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Marlene Hilliard\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJust a note, that the assignment and assumption agreement does not need to be \nexecuted, but the amendments still need to be executed and returned to me.\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n09/05/2000 01:37 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company\n\nDaren,\n\nThis is true. I did not learn of this until Friday September 1, 2000. \nHowever, I still need to have the Oasis Contracts returned to me.\n\n\nPlease return them in interoffice mail.\n\n\nThanks so much.\n\n\nMarlene D. Hilliard\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n01:34 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/05/2000 01:24 PM\nTo: Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company \n\nMarlene, \n\nAfter discussions with the desk, we have decided to keep the Oasis contracts \nunder ENA. So, we don't need to sign the contracts you sent earlier. Let me \nknow if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n08/31/2000 12:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Oasis Pipe Line Company\n\nI need to know the status of these contracts I forwarded to you on August 23, \n2000 and August 25, 2000.\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company", "reply", [["execute agreement", 5, "nninformation", ["agreement", "executed"], "intention", "just a note, that the assignment and assumption agreement does not need to be executed, but the amendments still need to be executed and returned to me."]], "Just a note, that the assignment and assumption agreement does not need to be \nexecuted, but the amendments still need to be executed and returned to me.\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n", "<12867849.1075853985969.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "6-9-2000-10:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-10:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["marlene.hilliard@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <25019667.1075854165345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 10:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: marlene.hilliard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Marlene Hilliard\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMarlene, \n\nStacey put the contracts in intercompany mail before I got this notice. \nSorry. Send them to us again and we will get them signed and returned \nquickly.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n09/05/2000 03:53 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company\n\nJust a note, that the assignment and assumption agreement does not need to be \nexecuted, but the amendments still need to be executed and returned to me.\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n09/05/2000 01:37 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company\n\nDaren,\n\nThis is true. I did not learn of this until Friday September 1, 2000. \nHowever, I still need to have the Oasis Contracts returned to me.\n\n\nPlease return them in interoffice mail.\n\n\nThanks so much.\n\n\nMarlene D. Hilliard\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n01:34 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/05/2000 01:24 PM\nTo: Marlene Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company \n\nMarlene, \n\nAfter discussions with the desk, we have decided to keep the Oasis contracts \nunder ENA. So, we don't need to sign the contracts you sent earlier. Let me \nknow if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n08/31/2000 12:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Oasis Pipe Line Company\n\nI need to know the status of these contracts I forwarded to you on August 23, \n2000 and August 25, 2000.\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Oasis Pipe Line Company", "originEmail", [["put_assign contract", 4, "information", ["put", "contracts"], "information", "marlene, stacey put the contracts in intercompany mail before i got this notice."]], "Marlene, \n\nStacey put the contracts in intercompany mail before I got this notice. \nSorry. Send them to us again and we will get them signed and returned \nquickly.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMarlene Hilliard\n09/05/2000 03:53 PM\n", "<25019667.1075854165345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-11-2000-6:52:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 29-11-2000-8:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-6:52:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-6:52:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28063636.1075853968855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 06:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Flagstaff on 11/10\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nA small volume (352 Dth) flowed on the 10th at Flagstaff meter, I think it \nmay have been a test volume. Do you want to put in a deal or hit strangers \nfor now?\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary", "Flagstaff on 11/10", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", "daren, a small volume ( numeric dth) flowed on the datenumeric h at flagstaff meter, i think it may have been a test volume."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "request information", " do you want to put in a deal or hit strangers for now?"]], "Daren,\n\nA small volume (352 Dth) flowed on the 10th at Flagstaff meter, I think it \nmay have been a test volume. Do you want to put in a deal or hit strangers \nfor now?\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary", "<28063636.1075853968855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "29-11-2000-8:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-8:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11149691.1075854109507.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Flagstaff on 11/10\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMP, \n\nApply that volume to the Cannon Storage deal. The meter is already on the \nticket for that time period.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/29/2000 02:52 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Flagstaff on 11/10\n\nDaren,\n\nA small volume (352 Dth) flowed on the 10th at Flagstaff meter, I think it \nmay have been a test volume. Do you want to put in a deal or hit strangers \nfor now?\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Flagstaff on 11/10", "originEmail", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 0, "nninformation", ["apply", "volume"], "request", "mp, apply that volume to the cannon storage deal."]], "MP, \n\nApply that volume to the Cannon Storage deal. The meter is already on the \nticket for that time period.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/29/2000 02:52 PM\n", "<11149691.1075854109507.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal storageTnn": {"value": "deal storageTnn", "ne": "deal storageTnn", "patterns": ["deal storageTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "period_point ticketTnn": {"value": "period_point ticketTnn", "ne": "period_point ticketTnn", "patterns": ["period_point ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-1-2001-6:22:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 24-1-2001-9:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"23-1-2001-6:22:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-6:22:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", "pat.flavin@enron.com james.mckay@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com jim.schwieger@enron.com edward.gottlob@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13444249.1075854203546.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 06:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nTo: pat.flavin@enron.com, james.mckay@enron.com\nSubject: Texoma - Beaumont interconnect\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, jim.schwieger@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, jim.schwieger@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com\nX-From: Lee L Papayoti\nX-To: Pat Flavin, James McKay\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Jim Schwieger, Edward D Gottlob\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMobil says the low point of their takes will be during February will be from \nFeb 1 to 14. So any day in that time period would be a good time for HPL to \ndo the required maintenance at the Texoma-Beaumont system interconnect.\n\nWe need to define our game plan: \n- what day to do the work\n- how much gas HPL will deliver through our own meter\n- how we use Centana to deliver the rest of the HPL volumes\n- if we had planned in Feb to baseload some of our MidCon obligation at Mobil \nas we have done in Dec and Jan, then we will need to do something different \nwhenever we do the maintenance\n\nJames - we are scheduled to meet with Mobil in Beaumont at 10.30am Thursday \nFeb 1, to go over the game plan with them.\n\nPat - do you want anyone from HMS to attend?\n\nThanks\n\nLee", "Texoma - Beaumont interconnect", "reply", [["deliver gas", 23, "nninformation", ["deliver", "gas"], "intention", " we need to define our game plan: - what day to do the work - how much gas hpl will deliver through our own meter - how we use orgname to deliver the rest of the hpl volumes - if we had planned in feb to baseload some of our orgname obligation at mobil as we have done in dec and jan, then we will need to do something different whenever we do the maintenance james - we are scheduled to meet with mobil in beaumont at numeric numerictime thursday datenumeric , to go over the game plan with them."]], "Mobil says the low point of their takes will be during February will be from \nFeb 1 to 14. So any day in that time period would be a good time for HPL to \ndo the required maintenance at the Texoma-Beaumont system interconnect.\n\nWe need to define our game plan: \n- what day to do the work\n- how much gas HPL will deliver through our own meter\n- how we use Centana to deliver the rest of the HPL volumes\n- if we had planned in Feb to baseload some of our MidCon obligation at Mobil \nas we have done in Dec and Jan, then we will need to do something different \nwhenever we do the maintenance\n\nJames - we are scheduled to meet with Mobil in Beaumont at 10.30am Thursday \nFeb 1, to go over the game plan with them.\n\nPat - do you want anyone from HMS to attend?\n\nThanks\n\nLee", "<13444249.1075854203546.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "24-1-2001-9:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-9:1:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30469557.1075854286587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 09:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Texoma - Beaumont interconnect\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLee, \n\nI would like to deliver as much of Midcon's gas as possible to Mobil \n(25,000-30,000) for February. When the work is going on, we can move that \naround. Also, we have 10,000 baseload on Centana we need to deliver to the \nplant.\n\nD\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 01/23/2001 02:22 PM\nTo: Pat Flavin/GCO/Enron@ENRON, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Schwieger/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward D \nGottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Texoma - Beaumont interconnect\n\nMobil says the low point of their takes will be during February will be from \nFeb 1 to 14. So any day in that time period would be a good time for HPL to \ndo the required maintenance at the Texoma-Beaumont system interconnect.\n\nWe need to define our game plan: \n- what day to do the work\n- how much gas HPL will deliver through our own meter\n- how we use Centana to deliver the rest of the HPL volumes\n- if we had planned in Feb to baseload some of our MidCon obligation at Mobil \nas we have done in Dec and Jan, then we will need to do something different \nwhenever we do the maintenance\n\nJames - we are scheduled to meet with Mobil in Beaumont at 10.30am Thursday \nFeb 1, to go over the game plan with them.\n\nPat - do you want anyone from HMS to attend?\n\nThanks\n\nLee\n\n", "Re: Texoma - Beaumont interconnect", "originEmail", [["deliver gas", 4, "nninformation", ["deliver", "gas"], "intention", "lee, i would like to deliver as much of orgname s gas as possible to mobil ( numeric numeric ) for february."]], "Lee, \n\nI would like to deliver as much of Midcon's gas as possible to Mobil \n(25,000-30,000) for February. When the work is going on, we can move that \naround. Also, we have 10,000 baseload on Centana we need to deliver to the \nplant.\n\nD\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 01/23/2001 02:22 PM\n", "<30469557.1075854286587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "25,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-11-2000-8:30:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 20-11-2000-2:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-11-2000-8:30:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["17-11-2000-8:30:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10457451.1075853970559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 08:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: TX Gen Land Office Oct 2000 Prod\nCc: megan.parker@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: megan.parker@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Megan Parker, Julie Meyers, Tom Acton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren-\nDeal # 421859 Sales\nDeal # 421847 Purchase\n\nSettlements is showing both a sales and purchase for Texas General Land \nOffice and they are stating that they should not be billed or paid for \nanything. \nAre these deals suppose to be a washout and netted together? \n\n If so, the volumes are not matching: the sales on HPL are 7,440 mmbtus on \ndeal #421859 and the purchase on MidTX is 6,629 mmbtus. \nLet me know what type of deal this was intended to be. \n\nFYI\nI was told that Tom Acton was handling this deal, but I believe he will be \nout until after Thanksgiving.", "TX Gen Land Office Oct 2000 Prod", "reply", [["show deal", 12, "information", ["deal", "showing"], "information", "daren- deal # numeric sales deal # numeric purchase settlements is showing both a sales and purchase for texas general land office and they are stating that they should not be billed or paid for anything."]], "Daren-\nDeal # 421859 Sales\nDeal # 421847 Purchase\n\nSettlements is showing both a sales and purchase for Texas General Land \nOffice and they are stating that they should not be billed or paid for \nanything. \nAre these deals suppose to be a washout and netted together? \n\n If so, the volumes are not matching: the sales on HPL are 7,440 mmbtus on \ndeal #421859 and the purchase on MidTX is 6,629 mmbtus. \nLet me know what type of deal this was intended to be. \n\nFYI\nI was told that Tom Acton was handling this deal, but I believe he will be \nout until after Thanksgiving.", "<10457451.1075853970559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "20-11-2000-2:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-11-2000-2:37:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15495007.1075854162769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: TX Gen Land Office Oct 2000 Prod\nCc: megan.parker@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: megan.parker@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: Megan Parker, Julie Meyers, Tom Acton, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe buy and sale should net out, nothing to be billed to paid to TGLO. The \nvolumes should be the same on both sides. Whoever backs up Tom should \nreallocate in POPS to make this happen.\n\nWe had to show a buy/sale in order to schedule the delivery to TGLO on a \nthird party pipe.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n11/17/2000 04:30 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom \nActon/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: TX Gen Land Office Oct 2000 Prod\n\nDaren-\nDeal # 421859 Sales\nDeal # 421847 Purchase\n\nSettlements is showing both a sales and purchase for Texas General Land \nOffice and they are stating that they should not be billed or paid for \nanything. \nAre these deals suppose to be a washout and netted together? \n\n If so, the volumes are not matching: the sales on HPL are 7,440 mmbtus on \ndeal #421859 and the purchase on MidTX is 6,629 mmbtus. \nLet me know what type of deal this was intended to be. \n\nFYI\nI was told that Tom Acton was handling this deal, but I believe he will be \nout until after Thanksgiving.\n\n", "Re: TX Gen Land Office Oct 2000 Prod", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 4, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "intention", "the buy and sale should net out, nothing to be billed to paid to tglo."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 16, "information", ["buy", "sale"], "information", " we had to show a buy/sale in order to schedule the delivery to tglo on a third party pipe."]], "The buy and sale should net out, nothing to be billed to paid to TGLO. The \nvolumes should be the same on both sides. Whoever backs up Tom should \nreallocate in POPS to make this happen.\n\nWe had to show a buy/sale in order to schedule the delivery to TGLO on a \nthird party pipe.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n11/17/2000 04:30 PM\n", "<15495007.1075854162769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-12-2000-8:27:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-12-2000-8:27:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["28-12-2000-8:27:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28622745.1075854207834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 08:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: clem.cernosek@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HPL Meter #984179 HOFF-HELLER UNIT #22 CDP\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Clem Cernosek\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Mary Poorman, Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren:\n\nDuring the period of 9/1/2000 through 9/13/2000, the above meter has recorded \nflow on the following days:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 9/1/2000 4,873\n 9/2/2000 4,968\n 9/3/2000 4,970\n 9/4/2000 4,816\n 9/5/2000 5,039\n 9/6/2000 4,971\n 9/7/2000 4,971\n 9/8/2000 1,419\n 9/13/2000 58\n\n 36,085\n\nDeal #135714 was at this meter, but the contract tied to this deal expired at \nthe end of August 2000. Currently, these volumes are being booked to the \nHPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics need either (1) Purchase Contract \n#96008903 tied to Deal #135714 extended, (2) new deal & contract, or (3) \napproval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, \nsign, and return original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n\n\n _______________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)/Purchase Contract\n\n OR\n\n\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem", "HPL Meter #984179 HOFF-HELLER UNIT #22 CDP", "reply", [["expire deal", 23, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "daren: during the period of datenumeric through datenumeric , the above meter has recorded flow on the following days: days mmbtus datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric deal # numeric was at this meter, but the contract tied to this deal expired at the end of datenumeric numeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 43, "information", ["deal", "extended", "3"], "information", " logistics need either ( numeric ) purchase contract # phonenumber numeric tied to deal # numeric extended, ( numeric ) new deal & contract, or ( numeric ) approval to write-off these volumes to unaccounted for gas."]], "Daren:\n\nDuring the period of 9/1/2000 through 9/13/2000, the above meter has recorded \nflow on the following days:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 9/1/2000 4,873\n 9/2/2000 4,968\n 9/3/2000 4,970\n 9/4/2000 4,816\n 9/5/2000 5,039\n 9/6/2000 4,971\n 9/7/2000 4,971\n 9/8/2000 1,419\n 9/13/2000 58\n\n 36,085\n\nDeal #135714 was at this meter, but the contract tied to this deal expired at \nthe end of August 2000. Currently, these volumes are being booked to the \nHPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics need either (1) Purchase Contract \n#96008903 tied to Deal #135714 extended, (2) new deal & contract, or (3) \napproval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, \nsign, and return original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n\n\n _______________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)/Purchase Contract\n\n OR\n\n\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem", "<28622745.1075854207834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"16": {"value": "36,085", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "135714", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "2-1-2001-8:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:50:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["clem.cernosek@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <14337465.1075854207325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 08:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: clem.cernosek@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HPL Meter #984179 HOFF-HELLER UNIT #22 CDP\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Clem Cernosek\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal 135714 is active through Oct 2000. The volume on the ticket is zero, so \nthe nom was probably never sent to POPS.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/28/2000 04:27 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: HPL Meter #984179 HOFF-HELLER UNIT #22 CDP\n\nDaren:\n\nDuring the period of 9/1/2000 through 9/13/2000, the above meter has recorded \nflow on the following days:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 9/1/2000 4,873\n 9/2/2000 4,968\n 9/3/2000 4,970\n 9/4/2000 4,816\n 9/5/2000 5,039\n 9/6/2000 4,971\n 9/7/2000 4,971\n 9/8/2000 1,419\n 9/13/2000 58\n\n 36,085\n\nDeal #135714 was at this meter, but the contract tied to this deal expired at \nthe end of August 2000. Currently, these volumes are being booked to the \nHPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics need either (1) Purchase Contract \n#96008903 tied to Deal #135714 extended, (2) new deal & contract, or (3) \napproval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, \nsign, and return original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n\n\n _______________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)/Purchase Contract\n\n OR\n\n\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem\n\n", "Re: HPL Meter #984179 HOFF-HELLER UNIT #22 CDP", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 14, "information", ["sent", "volume"], "information", " the volume on the ticket is zero, so the nom was probably never sent to pops."]], "Deal 135714 is active through Oct 2000. The volume on the ticket is zero, so \nthe nom was probably never sent to POPS.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/28/2000 04:27 PM\n", "<14337465.1075854207325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "135714", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "984179", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}, "ticket volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "ticket volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "ticket volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["ticket volume zeroTnnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}, "ticket zeroTnn": {"value": "ticket zeroTnn", "ne": "ticket zeroTnn", "patterns": ["ticket zeroTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-12-2000-3:52:0Svictor.lamadrid@enron.com 19-12-2000-0:47:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 21-12-2000-2:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-12-2000-2:46:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"15-12-2000-3:52:0Svictor.lamadrid@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-3:52:0", "victor.lamadrid@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Jackie, Talk to Darren about this. The deal you reference is an HPL deal with \nDynegy and I don't have access to it. I'm on the East desk. Yesterday I \nextended the deal 421415 for the 6th and 19th and Meredith inserted a path in \nUnify - TETCO to cover the small overflow volume between HPL and ENA. The \nENA/HPL piece is done. The piece between HPL and Dynegy is what you need \ninserted.THANKS\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 11:32 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \nSherlyn, I've placed the correct volumes for days 6 and 9 for ENA. I'll have \nthe deal extended for Dynegy and let you know when it's done.\nVictor, can you extend the deal 422516 for days 6 and 9 please? Thanks. Oh \nand by the way, I had mistaken you for someone else when I sent you the \ne-mail on yesterday. Sorry. I thought that I knew you. Anyway, please \nadvise when you've extended the deal so that Sherlyn can create an accounting \narrangement.\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \nI don't want to tell you to add any contracts, because I am not sure about \nthat. I am just saying if you look at Ray's schedule there are 2 deals out \nthere, one is a purchase from ENA and the other a purchase from Dynegy. The \ntrack id I gave you was for ENA. You cannot allocate the Dynegy piece \nuntil I give you a track id. I cannot give you a track id until the deal is \nextended for days 10/6 and 10/19.\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:51 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \nArre you saying that for both days that two (2) ENA contracts should be \nplaced at the meter for days 6 and 19 and then allocating half of the the \ntotal volume to each contract?\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \nJackie,\nYou did not allocate this according to Ray's schedule. The track id I gave \nyou was only for the purchase from ENA. You need to extend the deal for the \npurchase from Dynegy. You put all of the volume on these 2 days on ENA, \nthat is not what is on Ray's schedule, so we are still out on the \ninterconnect report.\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:30 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg \nLenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \nAccounting arrangement has been placed. Meter has been reallocated.\nThanks and let me know if you need anything else.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 12/15/2000 10:00 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg Lenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00\nJackie,\nYour allocation is correct with the exception of days 10/6 and 10/19 where \nstrangers gas is allocated. I have created an accounting arrangement for \nthese days and the new track id for ENA is 240384. Please allocate the ENA \nportion according to Rays schedule for these 2 days. Deal 422516 (Purchase \nfrom Dynegy) needs to be extended for these 2 days so I can do an accounting \narrangement. Alfonso I need for you to allocate your meter daily, because \nwe have tiered pricing this month.\nThanks.\n", ["Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '980439'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '980439']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 11, "information", ["deal", "extended", "421415"], "information", " yesterday i extended the deal numeric for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h and meredith inserted a path in unify - tetco to cover the small overflow volume between hpl and orgname the ena/hpl piece is done."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 19, "information", ["cover", "volume"], "information", " yesterday i extended the deal numeric for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h and meredith inserted a path in unify - tetco to cover the small overflow volume between hpl and orgname the ena/hpl piece is done."]], "Jackie, Talk to Darren about this. The deal you reference is an HPL deal with \nDynegy and I don't have access to it. I'm on the East desk. Yesterday I \nextended the deal 421415 for the 6th and 19th and Meredith inserted a path in \nUnify - TETCO to cover the small overflow volume between HPL and ENA. The \nENA/HPL piece is done. The piece between HPL and Dynegy is what you need \ninserted.THANKS\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 11:32 AM\n", ["<28349123.1075854210220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15646735.1075854316875.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "421415", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "19-12-2000-0:47:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-0:47:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14455716.1075854210033.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00\nCc: howard.camp@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: howard.camp@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Howard B Camp, Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren can you please extend Deal #422516 to cover flow of 9 dec. for \n10/6/2000 and extend deal 432556 to cover flow of 44 dec. for 10/19/2000?\n\nVolume Mgmt is trying to clear up these issues.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie- \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 12/15/2000 11:52 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nJackie, Talk to Darren about this. The deal you reference is an HPL deal with \nDynegy and I don't have access to it. I'm on the East desk. Yesterday I \nextended the deal 421415 for the 6th and 19th and Meredith inserted a path in \nUnify - TETCO to cover the small overflow volume between HPL and ENA. The \nENA/HPL piece is done. The piece between HPL and Dynegy is what you need \ninserted.THANKS\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 11:32 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nSherlyn, I've placed the correct volumes for days 6 and 9 for ENA. I'll have \nthe deal extended for Dynegy and let you know when it's done.\n\nVictor, can you extend the deal 422516 for days 6 and 9 please? Thanks. Oh \nand by the way, I had mistaken you for someone else when I sent you the \ne-mail on yesterday. Sorry. I thought that I knew you. Anyway, please \nadvise when you've extended the deal so that Sherlyn can create an accounting \narrangement.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nI don't want to tell you to add any contracts, because I am not sure about \nthat. I am just saying if you look at Ray's schedule there are 2 deals out \nthere, one is a purchase from ENA and the other a purchase from Dynegy. The \ntrack id I gave you was for ENA. You cannot allocate the Dynegy piece \nuntil I give you a track id. I cannot give you a track id until the deal is \nextended for days 10/6 and 10/19.\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:51 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nArre you saying that for both days that two (2) ENA contracts should be \nplaced at the meter for days 6 and 19 and then allocating half of the the \ntotal volume to each contract?\n\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nJackie,\nYou did not allocate this according to Ray's schedule. The track id I gave \nyou was only for the purchase from ENA. You need to extend the deal for the \npurchase from Dynegy. You put all of the volume on these 2 days on ENA, \nthat is not what is on Ray's schedule, so we are still out on the \ninterconnect report.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:30 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg \nLenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nAccounting arrangement has been placed. Meter has been reallocated.\n\nThanks and let me know if you need anything else.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 12/15/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg Lenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00\n\nJackie,\n\nYour allocation is correct with the exception of days 10/6 and 10/19 where \nstrangers gas is allocated. I have created an accounting arrangement for \nthese days and the new track id for ENA is 240384. Please allocate the ENA \nportion according to Rays schedule for these 2 days. Deal 422516 (Purchase \nfrom Dynegy) needs to be extended for these 2 days so I can do an accounting \narrangement. Alfonso I need for you to allocate your meter daily, because \nwe have tiered pricing this month.\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "422516"], "request", "daren can you please extend deal # numeric to cover flow of numeric dec."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 6, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "422516"], "intention", "daren can you please extend deal # numeric to cover flow of numeric dec."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "daren can you please extend deal # numeric to cover flow of numeric dec."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "432556"], "intention", " for datenumeric and extend deal numeric to cover flow of numeric dec."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 12, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "432556"], "intention", " for datenumeric and extend deal numeric to cover flow of numeric dec."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 13, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " for datenumeric and extend deal numeric to cover flow of numeric dec."]], "Daren can you please extend Deal #422516 to cover flow of 9 dec. for \n10/6/2000 and extend deal 432556 to cover flow of 44 dec. for 10/19/2000?\n\nVolume Mgmt is trying to clear up these issues.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie- \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 12/15/2000 11:52 AM\n\t\n\n", "<14455716.1075854210033.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "21-12-2000-2:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-2:42:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2799960.1075854327834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 02:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDidn't the deal that Victor extended cover these days? I don't think \nanything should be adjusted on the Dynegy deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 08:47 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nDaren can you please extend Deal #422516 to cover flow of 9 dec. for \n10/6/2000 and extend deal 432556 to cover flow of 44 dec. for 10/19/2000?\n\nVolume Mgmt is trying to clear up these issues.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie- \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 12/15/2000 11:52 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nJackie, Talk to Darren about this. The deal you reference is an HPL deal with \nDynegy and I don't have access to it. I'm on the East desk. Yesterday I \nextended the deal 421415 for the 6th and 19th and Meredith inserted a path in \nUnify - TETCO to cover the small overflow volume between HPL and ENA. The \nENA/HPL piece is done. The piece between HPL and Dynegy is what you need \ninserted.THANKS\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 11:32 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nSherlyn, I've placed the correct volumes for days 6 and 9 for ENA. I'll have \nthe deal extended for Dynegy and let you know when it's done.\n\nVictor, can you extend the deal 422516 for days 6 and 9 please? Thanks. Oh \nand by the way, I had mistaken you for someone else when I sent you the \ne-mail on yesterday. Sorry. I thought that I knew you. Anyway, please \nadvise when you've extended the deal so that Sherlyn can create an accounting \narrangement.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nI don't want to tell you to add any contracts, because I am not sure about \nthat. I am just saying if you look at Ray's schedule there are 2 deals out \nthere, one is a purchase from ENA and the other a purchase from Dynegy. The \ntrack id I gave you was for ENA. You cannot allocate the Dynegy piece \nuntil I give you a track id. I cannot give you a track id until the deal is \nextended for days 10/6 and 10/19.\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:51 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nArre you saying that for both days that two (2) ENA contracts should be \nplaced at the meter for days 6 and 19 and then allocating half of the the \ntotal volume to each contract?\n\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nJackie,\nYou did not allocate this according to Ray's schedule. The track id I gave \nyou was only for the purchase from ENA. You need to extend the deal for the \npurchase from Dynegy. You put all of the volume on these 2 days on ENA, \nthat is not what is on Ray's schedule, so we are still out on the \ninterconnect report.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:30 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg \nLenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nAccounting arrangement has been placed. Meter has been reallocated.\n\nThanks and let me know if you need anything else.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 12/15/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg Lenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00\n\nJackie,\n\nYour allocation is correct with the exception of days 10/6 and 10/19 where \nstrangers gas is allocated. I have created an accounting arrangement for \nthese days and the new track id for ENA is 240384. Please allocate the ENA \nportion according to Rays schedule for these 2 days. Deal 422516 (Purchase \nfrom Dynegy) needs to be extended for these 2 days so I can do an accounting \narrangement. Alfonso I need for you to allocate your meter daily, because \nwe have tiered pricing this month.\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "request information", "didn't the deal that victor extended cover these days?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "request information", "didn't the deal that victor extended cover these days?"], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "deal"], "intention", " i don't think anything should be adjusted on the orgname deal."]], "Didn't the deal that Victor extended cover these days? I don't think \nanything should be adjusted on the Dynegy deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 08:47 AM\n", "<2799960.1075854327834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "980439", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "21-12-2000-2:46:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-2:46:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18268785.1075854208954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 02:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nIt did but TETCO prorated the flow between the two parties (Dynegy and ENA)\n\nThanks\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n12/21/2000 10:42 AM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nDidn't the deal that Victor extended cover these days? I don't think \nanything should be adjusted on the Dynegy deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 08:47 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nDaren can you please extend Deal #422516 to cover flow of 9 dec. for \n10/6/2000 and extend deal 432556 to cover flow of 44 dec. for 10/19/2000?\n\nVolume Mgmt is trying to clear up these issues.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie- \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 12/15/2000 11:52 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nJackie, Talk to Darren about this. The deal you reference is an HPL deal with \nDynegy and I don't have access to it. I'm on the East desk. Yesterday I \nextended the deal 421415 for the 6th and 19th and Meredith inserted a path in \nUnify - TETCO to cover the small overflow volume between HPL and ENA. The \nENA/HPL piece is done. The piece between HPL and Dynegy is what you need \ninserted.THANKS\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 11:32 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nSherlyn, I've placed the correct volumes for days 6 and 9 for ENA. I'll have \nthe deal extended for Dynegy and let you know when it's done.\n\nVictor, can you extend the deal 422516 for days 6 and 9 please? Thanks. Oh \nand by the way, I had mistaken you for someone else when I sent you the \ne-mail on yesterday. Sorry. I thought that I knew you. Anyway, please \nadvise when you've extended the deal so that Sherlyn can create an accounting \narrangement.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nI don't want to tell you to add any contracts, because I am not sure about \nthat. I am just saying if you look at Ray's schedule there are 2 deals out \nthere, one is a purchase from ENA and the other a purchase from Dynegy. The \ntrack id I gave you was for ENA. You cannot allocate the Dynegy piece \nuntil I give you a track id. I cannot give you a track id until the deal is \nextended for days 10/6 and 10/19.\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:51 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nArre you saying that for both days that two (2) ENA contracts should be \nplaced at the meter for days 6 and 19 and then allocating half of the the \ntotal volume to each contract?\n\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nJackie,\nYou did not allocate this according to Ray's schedule. The track id I gave \nyou was only for the purchase from ENA. You need to extend the deal for the \npurchase from Dynegy. You put all of the volume on these 2 days on ENA, \nthat is not what is on Ray's schedule, so we are still out on the \ninterconnect report.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/15/2000 10:30 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg \nLenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00 \n\nAccounting arrangement has been placed. Meter has been reallocated.\n\nThanks and let me know if you need anything else.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 12/15/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alfonso Trabulsi/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg Lenart/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00\n\nJackie,\n\nYour allocation is correct with the exception of days 10/6 and 10/19 where \nstrangers gas is allocated. I have created an accounting arrangement for \nthese days and the new track id for ENA is 240384. Please allocate the ENA \nportion according to Rays schedule for these 2 days. Deal 422516 (Purchase \nfrom Dynegy) needs to be extended for these 2 days so I can do an accounting \narrangement. Alfonso I need for you to allocate your meter daily, because \nwe have tiered pricing this month.\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Enerfin meter 980439 for 10/00", "reply", [], "It did but TETCO prorated the flow between the two parties (Dynegy and ENA)\n\nThanks\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n12/21/2000 10:42 AM\n", "<18268785.1075854208954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "1-2-2001-2:14:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 1-2-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-2-2001-4:58:0Spaul.couvillon@enron.com 1-2-2001-5:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-2-2001-5:19:0Spaul.couvillon@enron.com 5-2-2001-6:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"1-2-2001-2:14:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-2:14:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Can either of you verify this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n10:18 AM ---------------------------\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n01/31/2001 02:45 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\n \nGary:\nFor Company 12 could you please put in a buy-back for Reliant Energy HL&P on \nContract # 96022113 for the volume of 1,286 Mmbtu's on 12/27/2000. The \npipeline and point are HPL/UTTC-HARDY STREET MIDCON (BI-DIRECTIONAL) and the \nscheduler is Mary Poorman @ X-35251. \nThe pricing should be as follows;\nThe lower of KATY MID day of flow or day after.\nThe pricing of KATY MID for 10/27 was $ 10.26\n 10/28 was $ 9.63.\nThe sale counter-part to this purchase should go to deal # 529159.\n", ["Deal # 529159 for December 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529159'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '529159']}", [], "Can either of you verify this?\n", ["<19695218.1075854201332.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19642303.1075854288801.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8987718.1075854318942.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-2-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["paul.couvillon@enron.com"], [], "Paul, \nHow are you determining that we should have a buyback for this deal?\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 02/01/2001 10:14 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\nCan either of you verify this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n10:18 AM ---------------------------\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n01/31/2001 02:45 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\n \nGary:\nFor Company 12 could you please put in a buy-back for Reliant Energy HL&P on \nContract # 96022113 for the volume of 1,286 Mmbtu's on 12/27/2000. The \npipeline and point are HPL/UTTC-HARDY STREET MIDCON (BI-DIRECTIONAL) and the \nscheduler is Mary Poorman @ X-35251. \nThe pricing should be as follows;\nThe lower of KATY MID day of flow or day after.\nThe pricing of KATY MID for 10/27 was $ 10.26\n 10/28 was $ 9.63.\nThe sale counter-part to this purchase should go to deal # 529159.\n", ["Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529159'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '529159']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "determining"], "request information", "paul, how are you determining that we should have a buyback for this deal?"]], "Paul, \n\nHow are you determining that we should have a buyback for this deal?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 02/01/2001 10:14 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<23090254.1075854336600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3942465.1075854201262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19691223.1075854288824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25743711.1075854326632.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-2-2001-4:58:0Spaul.couvillon@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-4:58:0", "paul.couvillon@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Janet Wallis told me so.\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/01/2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Paul Couvillon/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000 \nPaul, \nHow are you determining that we should have a buyback for this deal?\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 02/01/2001 10:14 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\nCan either of you verify this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n10:18 AM ---------------------------\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n01/31/2001 02:45 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\n \nGary:\nFor Company 12 could you please put in a buy-back for Reliant Energy HL&P on \nContract # 96022113 for the volume of 1,286 Mmbtu's on 12/27/2000. The \npipeline and point are HPL/UTTC-HARDY STREET MIDCON (BI-DIRECTIONAL) and the \nscheduler is Mary Poorman @ X-35251. \nThe pricing should be as follows;\nThe lower of KATY MID day of flow or day after.\nThe pricing of KATY MID for 10/27 was $ 10.26\n 10/28 was $ 9.63.\nThe sale counter-part to this purchase should go to deal # 529159.\n", ["Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529159'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '529159']}", [], "Janet Wallis told me so.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/01/2001 12:48 PM\n", ["<10154308.1075854201216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3038318.1075854288847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28088043.1075854318964.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-2-2001-5:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-5:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["paul.couvillon@enron.com"], [], "We will need to wait until Janet gets back. This is a spot deal that was \ndone by Gary Lamphier. Did Janet negotiate something with them after the \nfact?\nD\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n02/01/2001 12:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000 \nJanet Wallis told me so.\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/01/2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Paul Couvillon/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000 \nPaul, \nHow are you determining that we should have a buyback for this deal?\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 02/01/2001 10:14 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\nCan either of you verify this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n10:18 AM ---------------------------\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n01/31/2001 02:45 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\n \nGary:\nFor Company 12 could you please put in a buy-back for Reliant Energy HL&P on \nContract # 96022113 for the volume of 1,286 Mmbtu's on 12/27/2000. The \npipeline and point are HPL/UTTC-HARDY STREET MIDCON (BI-DIRECTIONAL) and the \nscheduler is Mary Poorman @ X-35251. \nThe pricing should be as follows;\nThe lower of KATY MID day of flow or day after.\nThe pricing of KATY MID for 10/27 was $ 10.26\n 10/28 was $ 9.63.\nThe sale counter-part to this purchase should go to deal # 529159.\n", ["Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529159'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '529159']}", [], "We will need to wait until Janet gets back. This is a spot deal that was \ndone by Gary Lamphier. Did Janet negotiate something with them after the \nfact?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n02/01/2001 12:58 PM\n", ["<28063429.1075854336556.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25557234.1075854201193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28724304.1075854288870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26909514.1075854326587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-2-2001-5:19:0Spaul.couvillon@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-5:19:0", "paul.couvillon@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I spoke to her over the phone and told her that we were short of the nom and \nshe told me that a buy back needs to be put into place.. HL&P has paid us \nfor the full 20,000 on the 27th. We have a Entex Meeting on the 5th in Room \n37C1 @ 11:30, we can all discuss it then if you want to.\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/01/2001 01:06 PM\nTo: Paul Couvillon/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000 \nWe will need to wait until Janet gets back. This is a spot deal that was \ndone by Gary Lamphier. Did Janet negotiate something with them after the \nfact?\nD\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n02/01/2001 12:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000 \nJanet Wallis told me so.\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/01/2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Paul Couvillon/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000 \nPaul, \nHow are you determining that we should have a buyback for this deal?\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 02/01/2001 10:14 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\nCan either of you verify this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n10:18 AM ---------------------------\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n01/31/2001 02:45 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\n \nGary:\nFor Company 12 could you please put in a buy-back for Reliant Energy HL&P on \nContract # 96022113 for the volume of 1,286 Mmbtu's on 12/27/2000. The \npipeline and point are HPL/UTTC-HARDY STREET MIDCON (BI-DIRECTIONAL) and the \nscheduler is Mary Poorman @ X-35251. \nThe pricing should be as follows;\nThe lower of KATY MID day of flow or day after.\nThe pricing of KATY MID for 10/27 was $ 10.26\n 10/28 was $ 9.63.\nThe sale counter-part to this purchase should go to deal # 529159.\n", ["Re: Deal # 529159 for December 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529159'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '529159']}", [], "I spoke to her over the phone and told her that we were short of the nom and \nshe told me that a buy back needs to be put into place.. HL&P has paid us \nfor the full 20,000 on the 27th. We have a Entex Meeting on the 5th in Room \n37C1 @ 11:30, we can all discuss it then if you want to.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/01/2001 01:06 PM\n", ["<22950779.1075854201170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21776711.1075854288893.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31997685.1075854318987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-2-2001-6:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-6:34:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com", "joanie.ngo@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "paul.couvillon@enron.com", "janet.wallis@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11995332.1075854326522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 06:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: paul.couvillon@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com, janet.wallis@enron.com,\n\tjoanie.ngo@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Paul Couvillon, Gary W Lamphier, Janet H Wallis, Joanie H Ngo, Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created deal #604061 to cover the buyback for 12/27/00.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/05/2001 \n02:33 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 02/01/2001 10:14 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\n\nCan either of you verify this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n10:18 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nPaul Couvillon@ENRON\n01/31/2001 02:45 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Deal # 529159 for December 2000\n\n\n\t\n\nGary:\n\nFor Company 12 could you please put in a buy-back for Reliant Energy HL&P on \nContract # 96022113 for the volume of 1,286 Mmbtu's on 12/27/2000. The \npipeline and point are HPL/UTTC-HARDY STREET MIDCON (BI-DIRECTIONAL) and the \nscheduler is Mary Poorman @ X-35251. \n\nThe pricing should be as follows;\nThe lower of KATY MID day of flow or day after.\n\nThe pricing of KATY MID for 10/27 was $ 10.26\n 10/28 was $ 9.63.\n\nThe sale counter-part to this purchase should go to deal # 529159.\n\n\n", "Deal # 529159 for December 2000", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deal", "604061"], "information", "i have created deal # numeric to cover the buyback for datenumeric ."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 6, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "604061"], "intention", "i have created deal # numeric to cover the buyback for datenumeric ."]], "I have created deal #604061 to cover the buyback for 12/27/00.\n\nD\n", "<11995332.1075854326522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "604061", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "529159", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "8-11-2000-8:21:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 8-11-2000-9:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"8-11-2000-8:21:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-8:21:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29019271.1075853972761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 08:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Teco's Indian Spring Plant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 11/08/2000 04:20 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nClem Cernosek@ECT\n11/03/2000 02:28 PM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jack \nSimunek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karry Kendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, \nHoward B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Megan \nParker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jennifer D Pattison/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Teco's Indian Spring Plant\n\nA meeting was held on November 1, 2000 at 3 pm in EB3270 to resolve Exxon's \nresidue volume issue at Teco's Indian Spring Plant. Exxon's issue is that \nthe residue volumes that HPL is recording for Exxon's account for \ntransportation do not equal to the wellhead volumes produced and delivered to \nPGE. \n\nItems that were identified so that Exxon's Issue could be resolved:\n\n 1. HPL is responsible for any UA4 loss/gain and fuel consumed on PGE's line \nattributable to Exxon's Big Sandy production.\n 2. If Exxon's production exceeds 500 mcf/d, HPL must on a monthly basis \nelect to process or not process the Exxon Big Sandy Gas. If HPL elects \nto process, then Teco buys the products from HPL.\n 3. If Exxon's production flows between 100 Mcf/d and 499 Mcf/d, then Teco \ncan process and makeup the shrinkage to HPL with their own gas volumes. \n 4. If Exxon's production is less than 100 Mcf/d, then HPL must terminate \nthe Processing Agreement. If HPL does not terminate and volume continue \nto flow at less that 100 Mcf/d than HPL loses the shrinkage and must \npay to Teco an additional $500 per month.\n\nSolution:\n 1. HPL will schedule and record the Gain/Loss Volumes at HPL Meter #986884 \nthat is attributable to UA4 and Fuel on the PGE line.\n 2. HPL will schedule and record the sale volumes of PVR to Teco at HPL \nMeter #986884. \n 3. The scheduling of the volumes for items 1 and 2 will allow for offset \nvolumes to be record as adjustments to Exxon's transport volumes.\n 4. The HPL Logistics dept. (Mary Poorman) will inform Assets Group (Jack \nSimunek) when and if the volumes nominated for Exxon fall below 100 Mcf/d.\n\nIf any of the above does not reflect what was discussed or agreed to, please \nlet me know at X-36650.\n\nThanks, Clem\n", "Teco's Indian Spring Plant", "reply", [], "", "<29019271.1075853972761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "8-11-2000-9:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-9:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["pat.clynes@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "karry.kendall@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "jack.simunek@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", "jennifer.pattison@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10206885.1075854105848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 09:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com,\n\tlauri.allen@enron.com, jack.simunek@enron.com,\n\tkarry.kendall@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tkatherine.herrera@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.pattison@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\trita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Teco's Indian Spring Plant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman, Clem Cernosek, Sherlyn Schumack, Lauri A Allen, Jack Simunek, Karry Kendall, Howard B Camp, Katherine Herrera, Megan Parker, Jennifer D Pattison, Pat Clynes, Rita Wynne\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created the following operational tickets to cover the Big Sandy UA4 \nand fuel (1/99-12/00):\nReceipt 475647\nDelivery 475648\n\n\nSettlements with Teco should be booked to the existing deals:\nHPL Purchase\n #87292 10/98-12/99\n #137870 1/00-12/00\nHPL Slae\n #94441 8/99\n #235670 9/99-12/00\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/08/2000 04:21 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Teco's Indian Spring Plant\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 11/08/2000 04:20 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nClem Cernosek@ECT\n11/03/2000 02:28 PM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jack \nSimunek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karry Kendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, \nHoward B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Megan \nParker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jennifer D Pattison/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Teco's Indian Spring Plant\n\nA meeting was held on November 1, 2000 at 3 pm in EB3270 to resolve Exxon's \nresidue volume issue at Teco's Indian Spring Plant. Exxon's issue is that \nthe residue volumes that HPL is recording for Exxon's account for \ntransportation do not equal to the wellhead volumes produced and delivered to \nPGE. \n\nItems that were identified so that Exxon's Issue could be resolved:\n\n 1. HPL is responsible for any UA4 loss/gain and fuel consumed on PGE's line \nattributable to Exxon's Big Sandy production.\n 2. If Exxon's production exceeds 500 mcf/d, HPL must on a monthly basis \nelect to process or not process the Exxon Big Sandy Gas. If HPL elects \nto process, then Teco buys the products from HPL.\n 3. If Exxon's production flows between 100 Mcf/d and 499 Mcf/d, then Teco \ncan process and makeup the shrinkage to HPL with their own gas volumes. \n 4. If Exxon's production is less than 100 Mcf/d, then HPL must terminate \nthe Processing Agreement. If HPL does not terminate and volume continue \nto flow at less that 100 Mcf/d than HPL loses the shrinkage and must \npay to Teco an additional $500 per month.\n\nSolution:\n 1. HPL will schedule and record the Gain/Loss Volumes at HPL Meter #986884 \nthat is attributable to UA4 and Fuel on the PGE line.\n 2. HPL will schedule and record the sale volumes of PVR to Teco at HPL \nMeter #986884. \n 3. The scheduling of the volumes for items 1 and 2 will allow for offset \nvolumes to be record as adjustments to Exxon's transport volumes.\n 4. The HPL Logistics dept. (Mary Poorman) will inform Assets Group (Jack \nSimunek) when and if the volumes nominated for Exxon fall below 100 Mcf/d.\n\nIf any of the above does not reflect what was discussed or agreed to, please \nlet me know at X-36650.\n\nThanks, Clem\n\n\n\n", "Re: Teco's Indian Spring Plant", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "tickets"], "information", "i have created the following operational tickets to cover the big sandy ua numeric and fuel ( datenumeric numeric - datenumeric ): receipt numeric delivery numeric settlements with teco should be booked to the existing deals: hpl purchase # numeric datenumeric numeric - datenumeric numeric # numeric datenumeric - datenumeric hpl slae # numeric datenumeric numeric # numeric datenumeric numeric - datenumeric let me know if you have any questions."]], "I have created the following operational tickets to cover the Big Sandy UA4 \nand fuel (1/99-12/00):\nReceipt 475647\nDelivery 475648\n\n\nSettlements with Teco should be booked to the existing deals:\nHPL Purchase\n #87292 10/98-12/99\n #137870 1/00-12/00\nHPL Slae\n #94441 8/99\n #235670 9/99-12/00\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/08/2000 04:21 PM\n", "<10206885.1075854105848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"19": {"value": "87292", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-2-2000-8:50:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com 16-2-2000-9:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-1-2001-1:40:0Skimberly.vaughn@enron.com 30-1-2001-6:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-4-2001-9:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"16-2-2000-8:50:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-8:50:0", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["stella.morris@enron.com"], "Daren,\nDeal 93481 expired 12/31/99, is there a new deal to replace it.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 \n04:48 PM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n02/16/2000 04:46 PM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nDone.\nThanks, Stella\nFred Boas\n08/20/99 06:53 PM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nStella:\nI set up the accounting arrangement on the HPLR transport contract \n012-64610-02-052 for January through June per Daren's instructions below. \nThe tracking ID for all 6 months is 34500.\nI also set up accounting arrangement on the HPLC transport contract \n012-41500-02-015 for July per Daren's instructions below. The tracking ID \nfor July is 34501. If you would, please put the transport contract in POPS \non Monday morning and call me when your done so that I can reallocate the \nmeters. I need to call Copano to tell them that their payment is on the way.\nI need the transport contracts, HPLR and HPLC put in for all 31 days of each \nof the respective months.\nAs always thanks in advance for your help,\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n08/20/99 04:50 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nFred, \nI had the typed the deal numbers incorrectly. July forward is on 93481. \nJanuary-June is on 69176.\nDaren\nFred Boas\n08/20/99 12:56 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene \nRichmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nDaren:\nI looked in Path Manager and I see two deals - 93480 and 93481, but I don't \nsee deal 69176 for July forward that you mentioned below. Also, please \nverify that the deal for January through June is 93481 and if the 69176 deal \nis correct for July forward.\nStella:\nI will need to set up accounting arrangements for these deals from January \nforward. From Daren's note below it appears that for January through June I \nwill need an HPLR transportation contract put in POPS. When Daren and I get \nthe deal number issue resolved for July forward I will need an HPLC contract \nput into POPS. Also for July forward, I will need the HPLC contract in POPS \nevery month through December to allocate Copano line gain to if it occurs.\nThanks to both of you,\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n08/19/99 11:16 AM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nFred, \nI have pathed the purchase from Copano for 1999 in MOPS. Jan-Jun is under \nHPLR (Sitara 93481). July forward is under HPLC (Sitara 69176). I \nunderstand that I cannot renom this to the pipe for prior months, because the \ncallout allocations will be affected. So, you will need to set up accounting \narrangements to get the nom into POPS.\nLet me know if you have any questions.\nDaren\nFred Boas\n08/19/99 08:01 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene \nRichmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nStella/Daren:\nWhat is the status of this request? Please let me know when I can reallocate \nthis meter, the customer has not been paid for 3 months and is complaining.\nFred\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \nThanks for your help Robert.\nThanks again, Stella\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/12/99 04:29 PM\n \nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\n fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 04:29 \nPM ---------------------------\nLauri A Allen\n08/12/99 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\nDaren- FYI. There are deal tickets in Sitara to cover this transaction- \n#69176 for HPLR and #93481 for HPLC- but they have zero volume and were not \npathed in Unify. Could you get someone in your group to set these up for \nFred, please? Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 03:59 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n08/12/99 11:19 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\nStella:\nI need the above referenced contract put into POPS for January, May, June , \nJuly, and August 1999 forward. I need the contract in POPS for August \nforward because I never know when Copano will allocate line gain to itself.\nIn 1998 a spot contract was set up between HPLR and Copano Pipeline/South \nTexas, L. P. with a Synergi contract number 078-62210-101 and a Global number \nof 96016880 by Karen Lambert. Per Karen this old agreement was terminated by \nDan Hyvl due to HPLR business change to ECT. In 1999, when Copano began \nallocating line gain to themselves again I contacted Lauri, Karen, and \nyourself to see if I could get the contract in POPS. Karen sent me an e-mail \nindicating that she set-up a new contract for this HPLC line gain purchase - \nGlobal # 96022367 (I don't have a \"Synergi\" contract number). I know that in \n3/99 Lauri contacted Bernard Widacki at Copano to discuss this issue.\nI need Lauri to review this and then I need the contract to be put in POPS so \nthat I can correctly allocate the gas at this meter. I have not allocated \nany line gain in 1999 and the volumes are small. Karen is the most \nknowledgeable about this contract, so I suggest that any questions be \ndirected to her regarding contract issues. Karen worked with Bernard Widacki \nat Copano to set up the contract originally.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93481'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5310']}", [["expire deal", 3, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "daren, deal numeric expired datenumeric , is there a new deal to replace it."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["deal", "replace"], "information", "daren, deal numeric expired datenumeric , is there a new deal to replace it."]], "Daren,\n\nDeal 93481 expired 12/31/99, is there a new deal to replace it.\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<10934250.1075854026913.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3146033.1075854055456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29313445.1075854124262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "93481", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-2-2000-9:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-9:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4875995.1075854026888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 09:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI extended deal 93481 for another year.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 02/16/2000 04:50 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\n\n\nDaren,\n\nDeal 93481 expired 12/31/99, is there a new deal to replace it.\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 \n04:48 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n02/16/2000 04:46 PM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\n\n\n\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\nDone.\n\nThanks, Stella\n\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n08/20/99 06:53 PM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\nStella:\n\nI set up the accounting arrangement on the HPLR transport contract \n012-64610-02-052 for January through June per Daren's instructions below. \nThe tracking ID for all 6 months is 34500.\n\nI also set up accounting arrangement on the HPLC transport contract \n012-41500-02-015 for July per Daren's instructions below. The tracking ID \nfor July is 34501. If you would, please put the transport contract in POPS \non Monday morning and call me when your done so that I can reallocate the \nmeters. I need to call Copano to tell them that their payment is on the way.\n\nI need the transport contracts, HPLR and HPLC put in for all 31 days of each \nof the respective months.\n\nAs always thanks in advance for your help,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n08/20/99 04:50 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\nFred, \n\nI had the typed the deal numbers incorrectly. July forward is on 93481. \nJanuary-June is on 69176.\n\nDaren\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n08/20/99 12:56 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene \nRichmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\nDaren:\n\nI looked in Path Manager and I see two deals - 93480 and 93481, but I don't \nsee deal 69176 for July forward that you mentioned below. Also, please \nverify that the deal for January through June is 93481 and if the 69176 deal \nis correct for July forward.\n\n\nStella:\n\nI will need to set up accounting arrangements for these deals from January \nforward. From Daren's note below it appears that for January through June I \nwill need an HPLR transportation contract put in POPS. When Daren and I get \nthe deal number issue resolved for July forward I will need an HPLC contract \nput into POPS. Also for July forward, I will need the HPLC contract in POPS \nevery month through December to allocate Copano line gain to if it occurs.\n\nThanks to both of you,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n08/19/99 11:16 AM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\nFred, \n\nI have pathed the purchase from Copano for 1999 in MOPS. Jan-Jun is under \nHPLR (Sitara 93481). July forward is under HPLC (Sitara 69176). I \nunderstand that I cannot renom this to the pipe for prior months, because the \ncallout allocations will be affected. So, you will need to set up accounting \narrangements to get the nom into POPS.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nDaren\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n08/19/99 08:01 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene \nRichmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\nStella/Daren:\n\nWhat is the status of this request? Please let me know when I can reallocate \nthis meter, the customer has not been paid for 3 months and is complaining.\n\nFred\n\n\n\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310 \n\nThanks for your help Robert.\n\nThanks again, Stella\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/12/99 04:29 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\n\n\n fyi\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 04:29 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nLauri A Allen\n08/12/99 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\n\nDaren- FYI. There are deal tickets in Sitara to cover this transaction- \n#69176 for HPLR and #93481 for HPLC- but they have zero volume and were not \npathed in Unify. Could you get someone in your group to set these up for \nFred, please? Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT on 08/12/99 03:59 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n08/12/99 11:19 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310\n\nStella:\n\nI need the above referenced contract put into POPS for January, May, June , \nJuly, and August 1999 forward. I need the contract in POPS for August \nforward because I never know when Copano will allocate line gain to itself.\n\nIn 1998 a spot contract was set up between HPLR and Copano Pipeline/South \nTexas, L. P. with a Synergi contract number 078-62210-101 and a Global number \nof 96016880 by Karen Lambert. Per Karen this old agreement was terminated by \nDan Hyvl due to HPLR business change to ECT. In 1999, when Copano began \nallocating line gain to themselves again I contacted Lauri, Karen, and \nyourself to see if I could get the contract in POPS. Karen sent me an e-mail \nindicating that she set-up a new contract for this HPLC line gain purchase - \nGlobal # 96022367 (I don't have a \"Synergi\" contract number). I know that in \n3/99 Lauri contacted Bernard Widacki at Copano to discuss this issue.\n\nI need Lauri to review this and then I need the contract to be put in POPS so \nthat I can correctly allocate the gas at this meter. I have not allocated \nany line gain in 1999 and the volumes are small. Karen is the most \nknowledgeable about this contract, so I suggest that any questions be \ndirected to her regarding contract issues. Karen worked with Bernard Widacki \nat Copano to set up the contract originally.\n\nThanks,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Copano Line Gain Contract Needed at Meter 5310", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "information", ["deal", "extended", "93481"], "information", "i extended deal numeric for another year."]], "I extended deal 93481 for another year.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 02/16/2000 04:50 PM\n\t\n\n", "<4875995.1075854026888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "93481", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "5310", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "30-1-2001-1:40:0Skimberly.vaughn@enron.com": ["30-1-2001-1:40:0", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["cynthia.hakemack@enron.com"], "Daren,\nI'm looking into this deal. There is no volume on this deal for January \n00. Should this deal have had some volume on it.\nIt was never scheduled with volume however, in January it received flow of \n3461 due to ranking in POPS. It was taken to zero once the actuals came in.\nPlease let me know if you intended to have volume on this deal for Jan 00 \nTHANKS", ["Deal 93481"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '93481']}", [["schedule volume", 8, "information", ["scheduled", "volume"], "information", " it was never scheduled with volume however, in january it received flow of numeric due to ranking in pops."]], "Daren,\n\nI'm looking into this deal. There is no volume on this deal for January \n00. Should this deal have had some volume on it.\nIt was never scheduled with volume however, in January it received flow of \n3461 due to ranking in POPS. It was taken to zero once the actuals came in.\n\nPlease let me know if you intended to have volume on this deal for Jan 00 \n\n\nTHANKS", ["<29682478.1075854202007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14421585.1075854288096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6107427.1075854318766.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-1-2001-6:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-1-2001-6:22:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["kimberly.vaughn@enron.com"], [], "I don't think that we should have any volume on this deal. It seems like Jan \n2000 was added after the fact to assist with allocations. But it was later \ndetermined that we didn't purchase anything from Copano.\nD\n Kimberly Vaughn\n 01/30/2001 09:40 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal 93481\nDaren,\nI'm looking into this deal. There is no volume on this deal for January \n00. Should this deal have had some volume on it.\nIt was never scheduled with volume however, in January it received flow of \n3461 due to ranking in POPS. It was taken to zero once the actuals came in.\nPlease let me know if you intended to have volume on this deal for Jan 00 \nTHANKS\n", ["Re: Deal 93481"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93481'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '93481']}", [], "I don't think that we should have any volume on this deal. It seems like Jan \n2000 was added after the fact to assist with allocations. But it was later \ndetermined that we didn't purchase anything from Copano.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\tKimberly Vaughn\n\t01/30/2001 09:40 AM\n\t\n", ["<5285069.1075854336732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9430380.1075854201915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19919497.1075854288119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23123522.1075854326763.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-4-2001-9:24:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["5-4-2001-9:24:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nAccording to Vance's response to Lauri's email, the nominations should be \nrevised upwards approximately 650/d on the gathering contract(s) at this \nmeter. There is currently nominations of 1,353/d (1,153 gathering and 200 \ntransport). The flow should be around 2,000/d. Is it alright to include the \nincrease of 650/d with the other revisions to be made after trading on Friday?\nBob\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 04/05/2001 04:13 \nPM ---------------------------\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/03/2001 12:07 PM\nTo: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Robert \nCotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly \nVaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: RE: Canus Meter 5310\nLauri,\nEffective 3/1/2001, HPLC amended its contract with Royal Production changing \nthe price to 100% HSC less $0.16 and extending the term through 2/28/02. \nConsequently, for March, HPLC should be purhasing volumes from two wells at \nmeter 5310. Effective April, HPLC amended the same contract releasing the \nL.G. Talbert #2 lease in the committed reserves agreement; Mike Morris is the \ngas buyer and expects volumes of approximately 2000mmbtu/d. For April I nom \n1132/d; Bob, we should probably increase the nom to reflect the incremental \nproduction at this point.\nThanks,\nvlt\nx3-6353\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Allen, Lauri \nSent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:04 AM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Cotten, Robert\nCc: Acton, Tom; Terry, Edward; Vaughn, Kimberly\nSubject: Canus Meter 5310\nLouis Cox with Copano (the interconnecting party at this meter) informed me \nthat effective March 1st, we should have been buying incremental gas from \nRoyal Production at this point since they were no longer selling it to \nCopano. There have been no changes in the producer services noms at this \npoint, however. This point appears to be on a 14 day chart and the last flow \nI have access to shows noms of 1332mm with BAV of 3497mm on March 18th. \nBob/Vance- could one of you guys check into this and see what the nom should \nbe? Copano says they're not getting the gas in April either, but they do not \nknow how long HPLC is purchasing the incremental gas from Royal. Please let \nme know what the resolution is. Thanks.\n", ["RE: Canus Meter 5310"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5310']}", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 7, "nninformation", ["nominations", "revised"], "intention", "daren, according to vance's response to lauri's email, the nominations should be revised upwards approximately numeric /d on the gathering contract(s) at this meter."]], "Daren,\n\nAccording to Vance's response to Lauri's email, the nominations should be \nrevised upwards approximately 650/d on the gathering contract(s) at this \nmeter. There is currently nominations of 1,353/d (1,153 gathering and 200 \ntransport). The flow should be around 2,000/d. Is it alright to include the \nincrease of 650/d with the other revisions to be made after trading on Friday?\n\nBob\n \n", ["<32946544.1075854189901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30993657.1075854299621.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31163715.1075854355801.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "25-1-2000-8:59:0Smichael.mitcham@enron.com 25-1-2000-9:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-1-2000-1:20:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": {"25-1-2000-8:59:0Smichael.mitcham@enron.com": ["25-1-2000-8:59:0", "michael.mitcham@enron.com", "david.bush@enron.com mark.diedrich@enron.com paul.fox@enron.com david.johnson@enron.com robert.lee@enron.com thomas.meers@enron.com maritta.mullet@enron.com james.prentice@enron.com kerry.roper@enron.com sally.shuler@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com lee.papayoti@enron.com steven.elliott@enron.com john.nowlan@enron.com fred.boas@enron.com gregg.lenart@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4846104.1075854032018.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 08:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.mitcham@enron.com\nTo: david.bush@enron.com, mark.diedrich@enron.com, paul.fox@enron.com,\n\tdavid.johnson@enron.com, robert.lee@enron.com,\n\tthomas.meers@enron.com, maritta.mullet@enron.com,\n\tjames.prentice@enron.com, kerry.roper@enron.com,\n\tsally.shuler@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tlee.papayoti@enron.com, steven.elliott@enron.com,\n\tjohn.nowlan@enron.com, fred.boas@enron.com, gregg.lenart@enron.com\nSubject: 02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Mitcham\nX-To: David Bush, Mark Diedrich, Paul Fox, David M Johnson, Robert Lee, Thomas Meers, Maritta Mullet, James Prentice, Kerry Roper, Sally Shuler, Daren J Farmer, Lee L Papayoti, Steven M Elliott, John L Nowlan, Fred Boas, Gregg Lenart\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nEnron Methanol nominates the following requirements for the Methanol Plant \nfor February 2000:\n\n33,000 mmbtu per day\n\nEGPFC nominates the following requirements for the MTBE Plant at Morgan's \nPoint for February 2000:\n\n10,000 mmbtu per day", "02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION", "forward", [], "Enron Methanol nominates the following requirements for the Methanol Plant \nfor February 2000:\n\n33,000 mmbtu per day\n\nEGPFC nominates the following requirements for the MTBE Plant at Morgan's \nPoint for February 2000:\n\n10,000 mmbtu per day", "<4846104.1075854032018.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "25-1-2000-9:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-1-2000-9:26:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <23750663.1075854050609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 09:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nSubject: 02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLee, \n\nAs Sitara currently stands, 500 of the 10,000 for EGP Fuels will be at Gas \nDaily. See deals 139066 and 139068.\\\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2000 \n05:25 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMichael Mitcham@ENRON\n01/25/2000 04:59 PM\nTo: David Bush/ECF/Enron@Enron, Mark Diedrich/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Paul \nFox/ECF/Enron@Enron, David M Johnson/ECF/Enron@Enron, Robert \nLee/ECF/Enron@Enron, Thomas Meers/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Maritta \nMullet/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, James Prentice/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Kerry \nRoper/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Sally Shuler/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven M Elliott/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJohn L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg Lenart/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION\n\nEnron Methanol nominates the following requirements for the Methanol Plant \nfor February 2000:\n\n33,000 mmbtu per day\n\nEGPFC nominates the following requirements for the MTBE Plant at Morgan's \nPoint for February 2000:\n\n10,000 mmbtu per day\n", "02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["see", "deals"], "request", " see deals numeric and numeric ."]], "Lee, \n\nAs Sitara currently stands, 500 of the 10,000 for EGP Fuels will be at Gas \nDaily. See deals 139066 and 139068.\\\n\nD\n", "<23750663.1075854050609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "139066", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "natural0gas nominationTnn": {"value": "natural0gas nominationTnn", "ne": "natural0gas nominationTnn", "patterns": ["natural0gas nominationTnn"]}}, false], "26-1-2000-1:20:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["26-1-2000-1:20:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19256074.1075854031926.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 01:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Lee L Papayoti\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ni'll fix it ... that's not right ....\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2000 05:26 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION\n\nLee, \n\nAs Sitara currently stands, 500 of the 10,000 for EGP Fuels will be at Gas \nDaily. See deals 139066 and 139068.\\\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2000 \n05:25 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMichael Mitcham@ENRON\n01/25/2000 04:59 PM\nTo: David Bush/ECF/Enron@Enron, Mark Diedrich/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Paul \nFox/ECF/Enron@Enron, David M Johnson/ECF/Enron@Enron, Robert \nLee/ECF/Enron@Enron, Thomas Meers/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Maritta \nMullet/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, James Prentice/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Kerry \nRoper/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Sally Shuler/GPGFIN/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven M Elliott/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJohn L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregg Lenart/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION\n\nEnron Methanol nominates the following requirements for the Methanol Plant \nfor February 2000:\n\n33,000 mmbtu per day\n\nEGPFC nominates the following requirements for the MTBE Plant at Morgan's \nPoint for February 2000:\n\n10,000 mmbtu per day\n\n\n\n", "Re: 02/00 NATURAL GAS NOMINATION", "reply", [], "i'll fix it ... that's not right ....\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/25/2000 05:26 PM\n", "<19256074.1075854031926.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "19-3-2001-1:44:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 19-3-2001-8:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-3-2001-12:44:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 19-3-2001-19:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-3-2001-1:44:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-1:44:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "tess.ray@enron.com"], [], "Daren - did we have a purchase from Beaumont Methonal on 2/9? I show a dea=\nl\nof 5.000 on deal 611178. I confirmed a total of 13.000 (deal 603107) for=\n\nthat day. Were we buying back 5.000 or was the deal reduced to 13000?\nAimee\nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 08:51 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nOK thanks! Will be there shortly. Also, Joanie received a call from Beaumon=\nt\nstating that there is a sale to HPL on 2/9 for 5,000 mmbtu. This was\nreflected on the supply draft and Buddy Majorrwitz looked into this before=\n\nhe/we released invoice and said that there were no sales to HPL from\nBeaumont. Do you have any support or documentation re: any/ all 02/01 prod.=\n\nsales to HPL ? If so, can I also get a copy of that support to fax to\ncustomer?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Lannou, Aimee \nSent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:45 AM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nMy location is 3507f. \nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 07:48 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nOk, thanks! Can I get a copy of your support so that I can fax to customer=\n\nthis a.m.? Please let me know your location.\nThanks,\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Lannou, Aimee \nSent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:10 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Re: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nI still handle meter 1428. I checked my notes for 2/13. There was an\nintraday change from 18.000 to 0. When it was changed to 0, the meter had=\n\nalready flowed 3.811. It is a valid volume. If you have anymore questions=\n,\nplease let me know.\nAimee \nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/16/2001 03:53 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nAimee )\nPer conversation with Rosa Brown and Thu (In Volumes Management, Beaumont=\n\nMethanol is a swing deal, by which the gas sales allocations are handled by=\n\nthe scheduletr. Thu indicated that you were the scheduler for meter # 98142=\n8.\nDo you still handle the sales allocations for HPL meter # 981428? If so, c=\nan\nyou confirm 02-01 sales (on HPL, Meter # 981428., Sales Deal # 603107), to=\n\nBeaumont Methanol (which we,ve invoiced them ), vs. Chyral Hankins, e=\n-mial to\nbuddy Majorwitz below? The only date that is really in question is sales fo=\nr\nflow date 02-13-01 (She reflects noms of 0 vs. the 3,811 mmbtu that we\ninvoiced them).\nThanks,\nTess Ray\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ngo, Joanie \nSent: Friday, March 16, 2001 3:21 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Feb-01 Invoice\nTess, can you follow up on this and let me know if you have any questions. =\n\nThank you!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2001 03:1=\n0\nPM ---------------------------\n \no?Z5??J/?3OIpyr?", "<4833576.1075854302772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "19-3-2001-8:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-8:9:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "We did buy 5,000 from Beamont Meth. The sale on 603107 should have been\nconfirmed at 18,000 and the buy on deal 611178 should have been confirmed a=\nt\n5,000 for the 9th.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/19/2001 09:44 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate @ ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice \nDaren - did we have a purchase from Beaumont Methonal on 2/9? I show a dea=\nl\nof 5.000 on deal 611178. I confirmed a total of 13.000 (deal 603107) for=\n\nthat day. Were we buying back 5.000 or was the deal reduced to 13000?\nAimee\nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 08:51 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nOK thanks! Will be there shortly. Also, Joanie received a call from Beaumon=\nt\nstating that there is a sale to HPL on 2/9 for 5,000 mmbtu. This was\nreflected on the supply draft and Buddy Majorrwitz looked into this before=\n\nhe/we released invoice and said that there were no sales to HPL from\nBeaumont. Do you have any support or documentation re: any/ all 02/01 prod.=\n\nsales to HPL ? If so, can I also get a copy of that support to fax to\ncustomer?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Lannou, Aimee \nSent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:45 AM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nMy location is 3507f. \nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 07:48 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nOk, thanks! Can I get a copy of your support so that I can fax to customer=\n\nthis a.m.? Please let me know your location.\nThanks,\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Lannou, Aimee \nSent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:10 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Re: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nI still handle meter 1428. I checked my notes for 2/13. There was an\nintraday change from 18.000 to 0. When it was changed to 0, the meter had=\n\nalready flowed 3.811. It is a valid volume. If you have anymore questions=\n,\nplease let me know.\nAimee \nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/16/2001 03:53 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nAimee )\nPer conversation with Rosa Brown and Thu (In Volumes Management, Beaumont=\n\nMethanol is a swing deal, by which the gas sales allocations are handled by=\n\nthe scheduletr. Thu indicated that you were the scheduler for meter # 98142=\n8.\nDo you still handle the sales allocations for HPL meter # 981428? If so, c=\nan\nyou confirm 02-01 sales (on HPL, Meter # 981428., Sales Deal # 603107), to=\n\nBeaumont Methanol (which we,ve invoiced them ), vs. Chyral Hankins, e=\n-mial to\nbuddy Majorwitz below? The only date that is really in question is sales fo=\nr\nflow date 02-13-01 (She reflects noms of 0 vs. the 3,811 mmbtu that we\ninvoiced them).\nThanks,\nTess Ray\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ngo, Joanie \nSent: Friday, March 16, 2001 3:21 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Feb-01 Invoice\nTess, can you follow up on this and let me know if you have any questions. =\n\nThank you!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2001 03:1=\n0\nPM ---------------------------\n \no?Z5??J/?3OIpyr?", "<25533727.1075854193769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2914661.1075854325132.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "18,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "603107", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "19-3-2001-12:44:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-12:44:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "tess.ray@enron.com"], [], "Daren - did we have a purchase from Beaumont Methonal on 2/9? I show a deal of 5.000 on deal 611178. I confirmed a total of 13.000 (deal 603107) for that day. Were we buying back 5.000 or was the deal reduced to 13000?\nAimee\nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 08:51 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nOK thanks! Will be there shortly. Also, Joanie received a call from Beaumont stating that there is a sale to HPL on 2/9 for 5,000 mmbtu. This was reflected on the supply draft and Buddy Majorrwitz looked into this before he/we released invoice and said that there were no sales to HPL from Beaumont. Do you have any support or documentation re: any/ all 02/01 prod. sales to HPL ? If so, can I also get a copy of that support to fax to customer?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Lannou, Aimee \nSent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:45 AM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nMy location is 3507f. \nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 07:48 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nOk, thanks! Can I get a copy of your support so that I can fax to customer this a.m.? Please let me know your location.\nThanks,\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Lannou, Aimee \nSent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:10 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Re: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nI still handle meter 1428. I checked my notes for 2/13. There was an intraday change from 18.000 to 0. When it was changed to 0, the meter had already flowed 3.811. It is a valid volume. If you have anymore questions, please let me know.\nAimee \nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/16/2001 03:53 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nAimee -\nPer conversation with Rosa Brown and Thu (In Volumes Management, Beaumont Methanol is a swing deal, by which the gas sales allocations are handled by the scheduletr. Thu indicated that you were the scheduler for meter # 981428.\nDo you still handle the sales allocations for HPL meter # 981428? If so, can you confirm 02-01 sales (on HPL, Meter # 981428., Sales Deal # 603107), to Beaumont Methanol (which we've invoiced them ), vs. Chyral Hankins' e-mial to buddy Majorwitz below? The only date that is really in question is sales for flow date 02-13-01 (She reflects noms of 0 vs. the 3,811 mmbtu that we invoiced them).\nThanks,\nTess Ray\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ngo, Joanie \nSent: Friday, March 16, 2001 3:21 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Feb-01 Invoice\nTess, can you follow up on this and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2001 03:10 PM ---------------------------\n \n??Z5??J/?3OI?yr??"], {"6": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "19-3-2001-19:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-19:9:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8958131.1075840439246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 19:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\'Sent Mail\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nWe did buy 5,000 from Beamont Meth. The sale on 603107 should have been confirmed at 18,000 and the buy on deal 611178 should have been confirmed at 5,000 for the 9th.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/19/2001 09:44 AM\n\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate @ ENRON\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice \n\nDaren - did we have a purchase from Beaumont Methonal on 2/9? I show a deal of 5.000 on deal 611178. I confirmed a total of 13.000 (deal 603107) for that day. Were we buying back 5.000 or was the deal reduced to 13000?\n\nAimee\n\n\nFrom:\tTess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 08:51 AM\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tBuddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tRE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\n\nOK thanks! Will be there shortly. Also, Joanie received a call from Beaumont stating that there is a sale to HPL on 2/9 for 5,000 mmbtu. This was reflected on the supply draft and Buddy Majorrwitz looked into this before he/we released invoice and said that there were no sales to HPL from Beaumont. Do you have any support or documentation re: any/ all 02/01 prod. sales to HPL ? If so, can I also get a copy of that support to fax to customer?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLannou, Aimee \nSent:\tMonday, March 19, 2001 8:45 AM\nTo:\tRay, Tess\nSubject:\tRE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\n\nMy location is 3507f. \n\n\n\nFrom:\tTess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 07:48 AM\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tBuddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tRE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\n\nOk, thanks! Can I get a copy of your support so that I can fax to customer this a.m.? Please let me know your location.\nThanks,\nTess\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLannou, Aimee \nSent:\tFriday, March 16, 2001 4:10 PM\nTo:\tRay, Tess\nSubject:\tRe: FW: Feb-01 Invoice\n\nI still handle meter 1428. I checked my notes for 2/13. There was an intraday change from 18.000 to 0. When it was changed to 0, the meter had already flowed 3.811. It is a valid volume. If you have anymore questions, please let me know.\n\nAimee \n\n\n\nFrom:\tTess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/16/2001 03:53 PM\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tBuddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tFW: Feb-01 Invoice\n\nAimee -\nPer conversation with Rosa Brown and Thu (In Volumes Management, Beaumont Methanol is a swing deal, by which the gas sales allocations are handled by the scheduletr. Thu indicated that you were the scheduler for meter # 981428.\n\nDo you still handle the sales allocations for HPL meter # 981428? If so, can you confirm 02-01 sales (on HPL, Meter # 981428., Sales Deal # 603107), to Beaumont Methanol (which we've invoiced them ), vs. Chyral Hankins' e-mial to buddy Majorwitz below? The only date that is really in question is sales for flow date 02-13-01 (She reflects noms of 0 vs. the 3,811 mmbtu that we invoiced them).\n\nThanks,\nTess Ray\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tNgo, Joanie \nSent:\tFriday, March 16, 2001 3:21 PM\nTo:\tRay, Tess\nSubject:\tFeb-01 Invoice\n\nTess, can you follow up on this and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2001 03:10 PM ---------------------------\n \n??Z5??J/?3OI?yr??", "RE: FW: Feb-01 Invoice", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 10, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "intention", " the sale on numeric should have been confirmed at numeric and the buy on deal numeric should have been confirmed at numeric for the datenumeric h."]], "We did buy 5,000 from Beamont Meth. The sale on 603107 should have been confirmed at 18,000 and the buy on deal 611178 should have been confirmed at 5,000 for the 9th.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/19/2001 09:44 AM\n\n", "<8958131.1075840439246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "18,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "603107", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true]}, "10-1-2000-3:5:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com 10-1-2000-9:4:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-1-2000-3:5:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": ["10-1-2000-3:5:0", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24892342.1075854035463.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 03:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Cox Exploration\nCc: kimberly.vaughn@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kimberly.vaughn@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Kimberly Vaughn, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDarren, we had a situation in December that we need your help to resolve.\n\nDeal #125836 We have been purchasing gas from Cox Exploration on PG&E \nHydorcarbons systems upstream of the processing facility. This purchase \nagreement terminated 11/30/99. I didn't path the gas on PGEH, however, I \nwill take responsibility for not adjusting the interconnect ticket at \nThompsonville. I didn't catch this and the Deal on the HPL side appeared to \nbe a valid flow issue for Kim Vaughn. The plant continued to confirm this \ngas.\n\nWe have tried working through the pipeline, but they state that they will not \nknow anything until the 15th. Can you contact the producer and ask them to \nreverify this with the pipeline? I would like Kim to be able to zero confirm \nand send back to Pops so Volume Management will not allocate up to the \nproducer level.\n\nAlso I just realized that we have a committed reserve purchase agreement at \nthe same meter with Tribo Production. Should there have been an expected \nvolume in this Deal? Is it possible that Cox exploration sold their interest \nin this well to Tribo. It may turn out that we should have flowed the gas \nafter all.", "Cox Exploration", "reply", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 9, "nninformation", ["purchasing", "deal"], "request", " deal # numeric we have been purchasing gas from cox exploration on orgname hydorcarbons systems upstream of the processing facility."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 26, "nninformation", ["adjusting", "ticket"], "intention", " i didn't path the gas on pgeh, however, i will take responsibility for not adjusting the interconnect ticket at thompsonville."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 33, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " i didn't catch this and the deal on the hpl side appeared to be a valid flow issue for kim vaughn."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 55, "nninformation", ["send", "volume"], "intention", " i would like kim to be able to zero confirm and send back to pops so volume management will not allocate up to the producer level."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 59, "nninformation", ["allocate", "volume"], "intention", " i would like kim to be able to zero confirm and send back to pops so volume management will not allocate up to the producer level."], ["expect volume", 69, "nninformation", ["expected", "volume"], "request information", " should there have been an expected volume in this deal?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 77, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " it may turn out that we should have flowed the gas "]], "Darren, we had a situation in December that we need your help to resolve.\n\nDeal #125836 We have been purchasing gas from Cox Exploration on PG&E \nHydorcarbons systems upstream of the processing facility. This purchase \nagreement terminated 11/30/99. I didn't path the gas on PGEH, however, I \nwill take responsibility for not adjusting the interconnect ticket at \nThompsonville. I didn't catch this and the Deal on the HPL side appeared to \nbe a valid flow issue for Kim Vaughn. The plant continued to confirm this \ngas.\n\nWe have tried working through the pipeline, but they state that they will not \nknow anything until the 15th. Can you contact the producer and ask them to \nreverify this with the pipeline? I would like Kim to be able to zero confirm \nand send back to Pops so Volume Management will not allocate up to the \nproducer level.\n\nAlso I just realized that we have a committed reserve purchase agreement at \nthe same meter with Tribo Production. Should there have been an expected \nvolume in this Deal? Is it possible that Cox exploration sold their interest \nin this well to Tribo. It may turn out that we should have flowed the gas \nafter all.", "<24892342.1075854035463.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "125836", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "gas numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "pop volumeTnn": {"value": "pop volumeTnn", "ne": "pop volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pop volumeTnn"]}}, false], "10-1-2000-9:4:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2000-9:4:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mandy.mackinnon@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <711864.1075854047747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 09:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cox Exploration\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMandey, \n\nThe Cox contract expired effective 12/1, so we should not have any gas coming \nto us from them. The confirmation with PG&E should be adjusted. The Tribo \ndeal is good. If PG&E allocates gas to them, we are ok. (I don't think they \nhave been allocated gas in the last 7 months.) Carlos probably has a contat \nwith Cox. Either you or he can call them to see if they have sold any of \ntheir interests.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMandy MacKinnon\n01/10/2000 11:05 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Cox Exploration\n\nDarren, we had a situation in December that we need your help to resolve.\n\nDeal #125836 We have been purchasing gas from Cox Exploration on PG&E \nHydorcarbons systems upstream of the processing facility. This purchase \nagreement terminated 11/30/99. I didn't path the gas on PGEH, however, I \nwill take responsibility for not adjusting the interconnect ticket at \nThompsonville. I didn't catch this and the Deal on the HPL side appeared to \nbe a valid flow issue for Kim Vaughn. The plant continued to confirm this \ngas.\n\nWe have tried working through the pipeline, but they state that they will not \nknow anything until the 15th. Can you contact the producer and ask them to \nreverify this with the pipeline? I would like Kim to be able to zero confirm \nand send back to Pops so Volume Management will not allocate up to the \nproducer level.\n\nAlso I just realized that we have a committed reserve purchase agreement at \nthe same meter with Tribo Production. Should there have been an expected \nvolume in this Deal? Is it possible that Cox exploration sold their interest \nin this well to Tribo. It may turn out that we should have flowed the gas \nafter all.\n\n", "Re: Cox Exploration", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["allocates", "gas"], "intention", " if orgname allocates gas to them, we are ok."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 13, "information", ["allocated", "gas"], "information", " (i don't think they have been allocated gas in the last numeric months."]], "Mandey, \n\nThe Cox contract expired effective 12/1, so we should not have any gas coming \nto us from them. The confirmation with PG&E should be adjusted. The Tribo \ndeal is good. If PG&E allocates gas to them, we are ok. (I don't think they \nhave been allocated gas in the last 7 months.) Carlos probably has a contat \nwith Cox. Either you or he can call them to see if they have sold any of \ntheir interests.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMandy MacKinnon\n01/10/2000 11:05 AM\n", "<711864.1075854047747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-3-2001-13:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"13-3-2001-13:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-3-2001-13:54:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <9217245.1075840439012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 13:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\'Sent Mail\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tTenaska IV 1/01\n\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\n\nDeal 514353\t\tChange MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258\t\tChange amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n\n \n\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \n\nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", "Re: Tenaska IV 1/01", "originEmail", [["make change", 0, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", "i have made the changes mentioned below."]], "I have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", "<9217245.1075840439012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \n\nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\n\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\n\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n\n\n\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \n\nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Tenaska IV 1/01", "reply", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", "<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-5-2000-9:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-6-2000-8:50:0Sfred.boas@enron.com 6-6-2000-3:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-6-2000-3:9:0Sfred.boas@enron.com 7-6-2000-3:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-10-2000-3:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 26-10-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-11-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-11-2000-3:39:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": {"15-5-2000-9:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-9:17:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <28815001.1075854168898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 May 2000 09:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Spot Tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI've created deal 269123. The pricing below looks in correct. I have used \n85% of Gas Daily, instead of Gas Daily less 85% (That would only be 15% of \nGas Daily.) Please verify the price and let me know if we need to change the \ndeal ticket.\n\nDaren", "Re: Spot Tickets", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal", "269123"], "information", "i've created deal numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 16, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "ticket"], "intention", " i have used numeric % of orgname instead of orgname less numeric % (that would only be numeric % of orgname ) please verify the price and let me know if we need to change the deal ticket."]], "I've created deal 269123. The pricing below looks in correct. I have used \n85% of Gas Daily, instead of Gas Daily less 85% (That would only be 15% of \nGas Daily.) Please verify the price and let me know if we need to change the \ndeal ticket.\n\nDaren", "<28815001.1075854168898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "269123", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "85", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["instead numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, true], "5-6-2000-8:50:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-8:50:0", "fred.boas@enron.com", ["stephanie.gomes@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], "Stephanie:\nMeter 6757 is done, redraft your invoice for both months and let me know if \nthis meter is still an issue.\nMeter 5192. I never heard back from Aimee on which Transport contract to \nattach the deal 269123 to so for the months in question the gas is still \nallocated to the Strangers Gas contract. Aimee is out on vacation until \nmid-June so I put in a call to Daren Farmer to find out which Transport \ncontract I should attach the deal 269123 to.\nWhen I find out which transport contract to use I will set up the accounting \narrangements and then get Robert Lloyd to put the contract in POPS and \nreallocate.\nFred\n \n \n \n From: Stephanie Gomes 06/01/2000 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy - meter # 6757 , # 5192 - issue for 1999\n \nHey Fred,\nI have the deal numbers for you for Duke Energy. Could you please let me \nknow when you have allocated the gas to these meters.\nI am also forwarding other emails about these two deals for your records. If \nyou have any questions, please give me a call.\nThanks, Stephanie\n \nmeter # 0986757 deal # 266962 4/1/99 - 4/30/99 and 5/1/99 - 5/31/99\nmeter # 0985192 deal # 269123 5/1/99 - 5/31/99 and 7/1/99 - 7/31/99\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n08:45 AM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/11/2000 03:45 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nFred & Stephanie- Meter 6757 has been reallocated.\nStephanie - What price does Duke show we owe them for the months in question?\nFred Boas\n05/11/2000 03:18 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee:\nPlease put the ENA 201 contract at this meter for April and May of 1999 with \nthe Track ID 117848 and reallocate the meter for both months. After this is \ndone please let Stephanie and I know so that she can redraft her invoice the \nnext day after POPS bridges to MOPS. Also with respect to the second issue \nwhere Daren is asking for the price, Stephanie may be able to help you with \nthis because she has a copy of Duke's invoice.\nStephanie:\nThe Crow O'Conner meter is essentially fixed. When Aimee reallocates you \nwill have to wait until the next day to redraft your invoice. When Aimee \ngets back with us please redraft the invoice the next day and let me know if \nthis issue is resolved.\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 02:14 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters \nI have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\nThanks.\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nAimee:\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Duke Energy - # 5192 - 1999 Issues"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 14, "information", ["attach", "contract"], "information", " i never heard back from aimee on which transport contract to attach the deal numeric to so for the months in question the gas is still allocated to the strangers gas contract."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 19, "information", ["allocated", "contract"], "information", " i never heard back from aimee on which transport contract to attach the deal numeric to so for the months in question the gas is still allocated to the strangers gas contract."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 26, "information", ["put", "farmer"], "information", " aimee is out on vacation until mid-june so i put in a call to daren farmer to find out which transport contract i should attach the deal numeric to."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 32, "information", ["attach", "contract"], "information", " aimee is out on vacation until mid-june so i put in a call to daren farmer to find out which transport contract i should attach the deal numeric to."], ["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 32, "information", ["attach", "farmer"], "information", " aimee is out on vacation until mid-june so i put in a call to daren farmer to find out which transport contract i should attach the deal numeric to."], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 37, "nninformation", ["use", "contract"], "intention", " when i find out which transport contract to use i will set up the accounting arrangements and then get robert lloyd to put the contract in pops and "], ["put_assign contract", 44, "nninformation", ["put", "contract"], "intention", " when i find out which transport contract to use i will set up the accounting arrangements and then get robert lloyd to put the contract in pops and "]], "Stephanie:\n\nMeter 6757 is done, redraft your invoice for both months and let me know if \nthis meter is still an issue.\n\nMeter 5192. I never heard back from Aimee on which Transport contract to \nattach the deal 269123 to so for the months in question the gas is still \nallocated to the Strangers Gas contract. Aimee is out on vacation until \nmid-June so I put in a call to Daren Farmer to find out which Transport \ncontract I should attach the deal 269123 to.\n\nWhen I find out which transport contract to use I will set up the accounting \narrangements and then get Robert Lloyd to put the contract in POPS and \nreallocate.\n\nFred\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 06/01/2000 08:55 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<5542228.1075854006751.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29023642.1075854132882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "269123", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "269123", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "6757", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "6-6-2000-3:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-6-2000-3:32:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["fred.boas@enron.com"], [], "Apply deal 269123 to contract 012-27049-201. \nD\nFred Boas\n06/05/2000 03:50 PM\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Energy - # 5192 - 1999 Issues \nStephanie:\nMeter 6757 is done, redraft your invoice for both months and let me know if \nthis meter is still an issue.\nMeter 5192. I never heard back from Aimee on which Transport contract to \nattach the deal 269123 to so for the months in question the gas is still \nallocated to the Strangers Gas contract. Aimee is out on vacation until \nmid-June so I put in a call to Daren Farmer to find out which Transport \ncontract I should attach the deal 269123 to.\nWhen I find out which transport contract to use I will set up the accounting \narrangements and then get Robert Lloyd to put the contract in POPS and \nreallocate.\nFred\n \n \n \n From: Stephanie Gomes 06/01/2000 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy - meter # 6757 , # 5192 - issue for 1999\n \nHey Fred,\nI have the deal numbers for you for Duke Energy. Could you please let me \nknow when you have allocated the gas to these meters.\nI am also forwarding other emails about these two deals for your records. If \nyou have any questions, please give me a call.\nThanks, Stephanie\n \nmeter # 0986757 deal # 266962 4/1/99 - 4/30/99 and 5/1/99 - 5/31/99\nmeter # 0985192 deal # 269123 5/1/99 - 5/31/99 and 7/1/99 - 7/31/99\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n08:45 AM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/11/2000 03:45 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nFred & Stephanie- Meter 6757 has been reallocated.\nStephanie - What price does Duke show we owe them for the months in question?\nFred Boas\n05/11/2000 03:18 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee:\nPlease put the ENA 201 contract at this meter for April and May of 1999 with \nthe Track ID 117848 and reallocate the meter for both months. After this is \ndone please let Stephanie and I know so that she can redraft her invoice the \nnext day after POPS bridges to MOPS. Also with respect to the second issue \nwhere Daren is asking for the price, Stephanie may be able to help you with \nthis because she has a copy of Duke's invoice.\nStephanie:\nThe Crow O'Conner meter is essentially fixed. When Aimee reallocates you \nwill have to wait until the next day to redraft your invoice. When Aimee \ngets back with us please redraft the invoice the next day and let me know if \nthis issue is resolved.\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 02:14 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters \nI have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\nThanks.\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nAimee:\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Re: Duke Energy - # 5192 - 1999 Issues"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 4, "nninformation", ["apply", "contract"], "request", "apply deal numeric to contract phonenumber numeric numeric ."]], "Apply deal 269123 to contract 012-27049-201. \n\nD\n\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n06/05/2000 03:50 PM\n", ["<15510625.1075854168245.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<510444.1075854006613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33049995.1075854155633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "269123", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "contract_transport0contract deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}}, true], "7-6-2000-3:9:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": ["7-6-2000-3:9:0", "fred.boas@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nThanks again for your prompt attention to this matter, I appreciate it. \nThere is a slight problem however, I couldn't find the deals for July and \nNovember 1999 in Path Manager. I looked in Sitara and I see where you put \nthe deal 269123 in for May 1999, but it is also in for July and November of \n2000. Did you mean to put the deal in for July and November of 1999 and \ninadvertently put it in for July and November 2000? If so would you put it \nin for July and November 1999 and send me an e-mail when you are done. \nThanks, \nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n06/06/2000 10:32 AM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Energy - # 5192 - 1999 Issues \nApply deal 269123 to contract 012-27049-201. \nD\nFred Boas\n06/05/2000 03:50 PM\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Energy - # 5192 - 1999 Issues \nStephanie:\nMeter 6757 is done, redraft your invoice for both months and let me know if \nthis meter is still an issue.\nMeter 5192. I never heard back from Aimee on which Transport contract to \nattach the deal 269123 to so for the months in question the gas is still \nallocated to the Strangers Gas contract. Aimee is out on vacation until \nmid-June so I put in a call to Daren Farmer to find out which Transport \ncontract I should attach the deal 269123 to.\nWhen I find out which transport contract to use I will set up the accounting \narrangements and then get Robert Lloyd to put the contract in POPS and \nreallocate.\nFred\n \n \n \n From: Stephanie Gomes 06/01/2000 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy - meter # 6757 , # 5192 - issue for 1999\n \nHey Fred,\nI have the deal numbers for you for Duke Energy. Could you please let me \nknow when you have allocated the gas to these meters.\nI am also forwarding other emails about these two deals for your records. If \nyou have any questions, please give me a call.\nThanks, Stephanie\n \nmeter # 0986757 deal # 266962 4/1/99 - 4/30/99 and 5/1/99 - 5/31/99\nmeter # 0985192 deal # 269123 5/1/99 - 5/31/99 and 7/1/99 - 7/31/99\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n08:45 AM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/11/2000 03:45 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nFred & Stephanie- Meter 6757 has been reallocated.\nStephanie - What price does Duke show we owe them for the months in question?\nFred Boas\n05/11/2000 03:18 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee:\nPlease put the ENA 201 contract at this meter for April and May of 1999 with \nthe Track ID 117848 and reallocate the meter for both months. After this is \ndone please let Stephanie and I know so that she can redraft her invoice the \nnext day after POPS bridges to MOPS. Also with respect to the second issue \nwhere Daren is asking for the price, Stephanie may be able to help you with \nthis because she has a copy of Duke's invoice.\nStephanie:\nThe Crow O'Conner meter is essentially fixed. When Aimee reallocates you \nwill have to wait until the next day to redraft your invoice. When Aimee \ngets back with us please redraft the invoice the next day and let me know if \nthis issue is resolved.\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 02:14 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters \nI have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\nThanks.\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nAimee:\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Duke Energy Deal 269123 for July & November 2000?"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 14, "information", ["see", "deal"], "information", " i looked in sitara and i see where you put the deal numeric in for datenumeric numeric , but it is also in for july and november of numeric ."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 15, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", " i looked in sitara and i see where you put the deal numeric in for datenumeric numeric , but it is also in for july and november of numeric ."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 22, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "request information", " did you mean to put the deal in for july and november of numeric and inadvertently put it in for july and datenumeric numeric ?"]], "Daren:\n\nThanks again for your prompt attention to this matter, I appreciate it. \n\nThere is a slight problem however, I couldn't find the deals for July and \nNovember 1999 in Path Manager. I looked in Sitara and I see where you put \nthe deal 269123 in for May 1999, but it is also in for July and November of \n2000. Did you mean to put the deal in for July and November of 1999 and \ninadvertently put it in for July and November 2000? If so would you put it \nin for July and November 1999 and send me an e-mail when you are done. \nThanks, \n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n06/06/2000 10:32 AM\n", ["<21506651.1075854006319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31779246.1075854133015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "269123", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "1999", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "7-6-2000-3:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-6-2000-3:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["fred.boas@enron.com"], [], "I changed the dates to 1999.\nD\nFred Boas\n06/07/2000 10:09 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Deal 269123 for July & November 2000? \nDaren:\nThanks again for your prompt attention to this matter, I appreciate it. \nThere is a slight problem however, I couldn't find the deals for July and \nNovember 1999 in Path Manager. I looked in Sitara and I see where you put \nthe deal 269123 in for May 1999, but it is also in for July and November of \n2000. Did you mean to put the deal in for July and November of 1999 and \ninadvertently put it in for July and November 2000? If so would you put it \nin for July and November 1999 and send me an e-mail when you are done. \nThanks, \nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n06/06/2000 10:32 AM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Energy - # 5192 - 1999 Issues \nApply deal 269123 to contract 012-27049-201. \nD\nFred Boas\n06/05/2000 03:50 PM\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Energy - # 5192 - 1999 Issues \nStephanie:\nMeter 6757 is done, redraft your invoice for both months and let me know if \nthis meter is still an issue.\nMeter 5192. I never heard back from Aimee on which Transport contract to \nattach the deal 269123 to so for the months in question the gas is still \nallocated to the Strangers Gas contract. Aimee is out on vacation until \nmid-June so I put in a call to Daren Farmer to find out which Transport \ncontract I should attach the deal 269123 to.\nWhen I find out which transport contract to use I will set up the accounting \narrangements and then get Robert Lloyd to put the contract in POPS and \nreallocate.\nFred\n \n \n \n From: Stephanie Gomes 06/01/2000 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy - meter # 6757 , # 5192 - issue for 1999\n \nHey Fred,\nI have the deal numbers for you for Duke Energy. Could you please let me \nknow when you have allocated the gas to these meters.\nI am also forwarding other emails about these two deals for your records. If \nyou have any questions, please give me a call.\nThanks, Stephanie\n \nmeter # 0986757 deal # 266962 4/1/99 - 4/30/99 and 5/1/99 - 5/31/99\nmeter # 0985192 deal # 269123 5/1/99 - 5/31/99 and 7/1/99 - 7/31/99\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n08:45 AM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/11/2000 03:45 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nFred & Stephanie- Meter 6757 has been reallocated.\nStephanie - What price does Duke show we owe them for the months in question?\nFred Boas\n05/11/2000 03:18 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee:\nPlease put the ENA 201 contract at this meter for April and May of 1999 with \nthe Track ID 117848 and reallocate the meter for both months. After this is \ndone please let Stephanie and I know so that she can redraft her invoice the \nnext day after POPS bridges to MOPS. Also with respect to the second issue \nwhere Daren is asking for the price, Stephanie may be able to help you with \nthis because she has a copy of Duke's invoice.\nStephanie:\nThe Crow O'Conner meter is essentially fixed. When Aimee reallocates you \nwill have to wait until the next day to redraft your invoice. When Aimee \ngets back with us please redraft the invoice the next day and let me know if \nthis issue is resolved.\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 02:14 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters \nI have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\nThanks.\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nAimee:\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Deal 269123 for July & November 2000?"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [], "I changed the dates to 1999.\nD\n\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n06/07/2000 10:09 AM\n", ["<15127051.1075854168179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2692704.1075854006273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32190240.1075854155566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-10-2000-3:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-3:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Daren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL", ["meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meters", "6387"], "information", "daren - there is flow at meters numeric & numeric for oct."]], "Daren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n\n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", ["<1619783.1075853975396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24340228.1075854103474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3254478.1075854139829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy meter numeric tradingTnnnn", "energy numeric tradingTnnn", "energy numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "201", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numeric tradingTnnn", "energy numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-10-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-5:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "I created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "mtr"], "information", "i created # numeric for the flow at mtr numeric ."]], "I created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\n\n", ["<9599573.1075854163734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24383787.1075853975309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24133250.1075854103496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5517733.1075854151139.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "454057", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "1-11-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-2:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Daren - What is the status of meter 6387?\nAL\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192 \nI created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [], "Daren - What is the status of meter 6387?\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\n", ["<15430107.1075853974195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1561286.1075854103518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2864402.1075854140073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-11-2000-3:39:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-3:39:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Just to let you know, ther is flow for November at meter 5192. \nWhat is the status of meter 6387? \nAimee\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192 \nI created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '269123']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flow", "meter", "5192"], "information", "just to let you know, ther is flow for november at meter numeric ."]], "Just to let you know, ther is flow for November at meter 5192. \n\nWhat is the status of meter 6387? \n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\n", ["<24203389.1075853972452.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<974030.1075854103540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20236292.1075854140581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "13-10-2000-8:42:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 18-10-2000-0:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"13-10-2000-8:42:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-8:42:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com jeffrey.austin@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1142090.1075853978435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 08:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, jeffrey.austin@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, jeffrey.austin@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Jeffrey A Austin, Carlos J Rodriguez, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSorry about that, I had some tech difficulty with the first version and the \nsubject line, which was pertinent, was not included.\n\nMary \n\n - Good catch Carlos", "Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000", "forward", [], "Sorry about that, I had some tech difficulty with the first version and the \nsubject line, which was pertinent, was not included.\n\nMary \n\n - Good catch Carlos", "<1142090.1075853978435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "18-10-2000-0:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-0:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com", "jeffrey.austin@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <6405325.1075854101539.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 00:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: fred.boas@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tmary.poorman@enron.com, jeffrey.austin@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Fred Boas, Kristen J Hanson, Pat Clynes, Mary Poorman, Jeffrey A Austin\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI.\n\nI changed the pricing on the September deal (#386540) to IF HSC-.05 from HSC \nGD. \n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n07:08 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/16/2000 12:43 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Jeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000 \n\nI created deal #439909 for August.\n\nJeff - I am assuming that the price for August is Gas Daily. Currently, we \nhave the September deal priced at Gas Daily also. Since this was flowing on \nthe first, should the price be at Inside Ferc HSC for September?\n\nD\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/13/2000 03:42 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J \nRodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000 \n\nSorry about that, I had some tech difficulty with the first version and the \nsubject line, which was pertinent, was not included.\n\nMary \n\n - Good catch Carlos\n\n\n\n", "Re: Saxet Canales meter 980437 for August, 2000", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "information", ["changed", "deal", "386540", "pricing"], "information", " i changed the pricing on the september deal (# numeric ) to if hsc- numeric from hsc "]], "FYI.\n\nI changed the pricing on the September deal (#386540) to IF HSC-.05 from HSC \nGD. \n\nD\n", "<6405325.1075854101539.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "386540", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "980437", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-4-2001-2:57:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 4-4-2001-14:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-4-2001-2:57:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-2:57:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18913034.1075854190390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 02:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\nCc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in \n02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;", "Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing", "reply", [["expire deal", 3, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "sale deal # numeric expired datenumeric julie- this deal has expired for teco gas processing, but we did have a sale in datenumeric ."], ["expire deal", 6, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "sale deal # numeric expired datenumeric julie- this deal has expired for teco gas processing, but we did have a sale in datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "request information", " should this deal be extended?"]], "Sale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in \n02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;", "<18913034.1075854190390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "235670", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "julie", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}}, false], "4-4-2001-14:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-14:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11731101.1075845122698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 14:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera \nX-cc: Julie Meyers , Sherlyn Schumack \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nI believe the counterparty changed effective 2/1/01 to El Paso Merchant Energy. See deals 637225 and 637234.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tSherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tFeb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\n\n\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in 02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;\n\n\n", "Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "counterparty"], "information", "i believe the counterparty changed effective datenumeric to orgname merchant energy."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["see", "deals"], "request", " see deals numeric and numeric ."]], "I believe the counterparty changed effective 2/1/01 to El Paso Merchant Energy. See deals 637225 and 637234.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\n", "<11731101.1075845122698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "637225", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-12-1999-6:26:0Showard.camp@enron.com 12-1-2000-2:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-4-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-4-2000-5:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-1-2001-6:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-1-2001-6:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-1-2001-0:55:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 10-1-2001-1:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 10-1-2001-1:23:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 10-1-2001-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"14-12-1999-6:26:0Showard.camp@enron.com": ["14-12-1999-6:26:0", "howard.camp@enron.com", ["george.grant@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "kenneth.seaman@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com"], "George,\nI need the following done:\nJan 13\nZero out 012-27049-02-001 Receipt Package Id 2666\nAllocate flow of 149 to 012-64610-02-055 Deliv Package Id 392\nJan 26\nZero out 012-27049-02-001 Receipt Package Id 3011\nZero out 012-64610-02-055 Deliv Package Id 392\nThese were buybacks that were incorrectly nominated to transport contracts \n(ECT 201 Receipt)\nLet me know when this is done\nHC", ["Meter 1517 - Jan 1999"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "George,\nI need the following done:\n\nJan 13\nZero out 012-27049-02-001 Receipt Package Id 2666\nAllocate flow of 149 to 012-64610-02-055 Deliv Package Id 392\n\nJan 26\nZero out 012-27049-02-001 Receipt Package Id 3011\nZero out 012-64610-02-055 Deliv Package Id 392\n\nThese were buybacks that were incorrectly nominated to transport contracts \n(ECT 201 Receipt)\n\nLet me know when this is done\nHC", ["<3380373.1075854039232.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19913448.1075854044256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10726062.1075854119265.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-1-2000-2:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["12-1-2000-2:0:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "Meter 1517, Sweeny Phillips, has been reallocated for 12/99. If you have any \nquestions, let me know.\n- Aimee", ["meter 1517 - 12/99"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "Meter 1517, Sweeny Phillips, has been reallocated for 12/99. If you have any \nquestions, let me know.\n\n- Aimee", ["<30501795.1075854034654.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27852851.1075854048311.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11542234.1075854121359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-4-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-2:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], "Daren - I know you have been busy, but I left you a voice mail yesterday \nabout meter 1517. There was flow of 14 mmbtus on Mar. 1. We have no deal at \nthe meter until Mar. 14. Could you either set up a new deal to cover this \nflow or extend the deal from Feb.? February's deal number was 93804. Please \nlet me know today. Allocations close today.\nThanks.\n- Aimee", ["Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["deal", "set"], "request", " could you either set up a new deal to cover this flow or extend the deal from feb."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 17, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " could you either set up a new deal to cover this flow or extend the deal from feb."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 18, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "intention", " could you either set up a new deal to cover this flow or extend the deal from feb."]], "Daren - I know you have been busy, but I left you a voice mail yesterday \nabout meter 1517. There was flow of 14 mmbtus on Mar. 1. We have no deal at \nthe meter until Mar. 14. Could you either set up a new deal to cover this \nflow or extend the deal from Feb.? February's deal number was 93804. Please \nlet me know today. Allocations close today.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee", ["<4572898.1075854014656.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3604630.1075854066992.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24201523.1075854129751.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "93804", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-4-2000-5:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-5:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], "I have created deal 244531 to cover this flow.\nJulie - This is actually volume related to the term deal 93804. Volume \nflowed in March due to timing on changing the meter. Can you attach the term \ncontract to this deal? (I copied the term deal to create the March ticket.)\nD\n Aimee Lannou 04/14/2000 09:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - I know you have been busy, but I left you a voice mail yesterday \nabout meter 1517. There was flow of 14 mmbtus on Mar. 1. We have no deal at \nthe meter until Mar. 14. Could you either set up a new deal to cover this \nflow or extend the deal from Feb.? February's deal number was 93804. Please \nlet me know today. Allocations close today.\nThanks.\n- Aimee\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal", "244531"], "information", "i have created deal numeric to cover this flow."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "244531"], "intention", "i have created deal numeric to cover this flow."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "i have created deal numeric to cover this flow."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 13, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", " volume flowed in march due to timing on changing the meter."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 15, "information", ["changing", "volume"], "information", " volume flowed in march due to timing on changing the meter."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 17, "information", ["attach", "term"], "information", " can you attach the term contract to this deal?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 23, "information", ["create", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " (i copied the term deal to create the march ticket."]], "I have created deal 244531 to cover this flow.\n\nJulie - This is actually volume related to the term deal 93804. Volume \nflowed in March due to timing on changing the meter. Can you attach the term \ncontract to this deal? (I copied the term deal to create the March ticket.)\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 04/14/2000 09:01 AM\n\n", ["<30428673.1075854169513.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20525787.1075854014474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17282434.1075854067015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28167117.1075854156939.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "93804", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric termTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "244531", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "term volumeTnn": {"value": "term volumeTnn", "ne": "term volumeTnn", "patterns": ["term volumeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-6:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-6:14:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL", ["Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could you please extend the deal from dec."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request information", " (deal # numeric ) or create a new one?"]], "Daren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\n\nAL", ["<31284942.1075854207416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26292714.1075854282956.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10076632.1075854317937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "506192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Gary Lamphier is working on negotiating a price for this.\nD\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "Gary Lamphier is working on negotiating a price for this.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\n\n", ["<29583395.1075854337472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11238902.1075854207303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23334647.1075854282978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19441565.1075854327483.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-1-2001-6:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-6:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], [], "Gary, \nHave you negotiated a price on this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "Gary, \n\nHave you negotiated a price on this?\n\nD\n", ["<19945847.1075854337385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8845458.1075854206296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11343691.1075854284003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32757687.1075854327397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-1-2001-0:55:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-0:55:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], "Phillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nGary, \nHave you negotiated a price on this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "intention", " let me know what happened in dec before i can put this deal out in jan."]], "Phillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\n", ["<18997742.1075854206147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30700189.1075854284026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23882544.1075854304335.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "10-1-2001-1:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-1:0:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Gary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\nAimee\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \nPhillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nGary, \nHave you negotiated a price on this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["deliver gas", 1, "information", ["deliver", "gas"], "information", "gary - we did not deliver gas to phillips on datenumeric ."]], "Gary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\n\nAimee\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<33351923.1075854206123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11583514.1075854284049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<424669.1075854304314.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-1-2001-1:23:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-1:23:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com gary.lamphier@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20683269.1075854206099.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 01:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 1517\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - After checking with MIPS, you are correct. Jan. 1 only flowed 19 \ndth. The 5882 dth was a bad estimate. A better estimate was received on \n1/7/00.\nSorry about all the confusion.\n\nAL\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2001 09:14 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:00 AM\n\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \n\nGary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\n\nAimee\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \n\nPhillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\n\nGary, \n\nHave you negotiated a price on this?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\n\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 1517", "reply", [], "Daren - After checking with MIPS, you are correct. Jan. 1 only flowed 19 \ndth. The 5882 dth was a bad estimate. A better estimate was received on \n1/7/00.\nSorry about all the confusion.\n\nAL\n\n", "<20683269.1075854206099.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "10-1-2001-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-3:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20513596.1075854205937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 1517\nCc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Gary W Lamphier\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have rolled deal 506192 thru 1/1/01, priced at Dec HSC Index -.045.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:23 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517\n\nDaren - After checking with MIPS, you are correct. Jan. 1 only flowed 19 \ndth. The 5882 dth was a bad estimate. A better estimate was received on \n1/7/00.\nSorry about all the confusion.\n\nAL\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2001 09:14 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:00 AM\n\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \n\nGary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\n\nAimee\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \n\nPhillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\n\nGary, \n\nHave you negotiated a price on this?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\n\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 1517", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["deal", "506192", "rolled"], "information", "i have rolled deal numeric thru datenumeric , priced at dec hsc index - numeric ."]], "I have rolled deal 506192 thru 1/1/01, priced at Dec HSC Index -.045.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:23 AM\n\n", "<20513596.1075854205937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "506192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "index priceTnn": {"value": "index priceTnn", "ne": "index priceTnn", "patterns": ["index priceTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "1-2-2000-7:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 1-2-2000-7:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"1-2-2000-7:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["1-2-2000-7:19:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com george.grant@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27172067.1075854030933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 07:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Anita Luong, George Grant\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nCan you please \"0\" all activity on Sitara Deal Tickets 113858, 93779, 138094, \n120866, 138544, 139661 (relative to 98-3405)? This activity is now being \nnomed @ 98-9643. I think that I've referenced all of the deal tickets @ this \nmeter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643", "reply", [], "Daren,\n\nCan you please \"0\" all activity on Sitara Deal Tickets 113858, 93779, 138094, \n120866, 138544, 139661 (relative to 98-3405)? This activity is now being \nnomed @ 98-9643. I think that I've referenced all of the deal tickets @ this \nmeter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<27172067.1075854030933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-2-2000-7:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-2-2000-7:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1321927.1075854051643.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 07:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJackie and Stella, \n\nI need ya'll to get together and work out how to handle this at Stratton. I \nknow that we get the estimated volume from Exxon daily and I would think that \nthis volume will need to be allocated among the different deals. But, Exxon \nwill not have them broken out.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/01/2000 03:19 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643\n\nDaren,\n\nCan you please \"0\" all activity on Sitara Deal Tickets 113858, 93779, 138094, \n120866, 138544, 139661 (relative to 98-3405)? This activity is now being \nnomed @ 98-9643. I think that I've referenced all of the deal tickets @ this \nmeter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["allocated", "deals", "volume"], "intention", " i know that we get the estimated volume from exxon daily and i would think that this volume will need to be allocated among the different deals."]], "Jackie and Stella, \n\nI need ya'll to get together and work out how to handle this at Stratton. I \nknow that we get the estimated volume from Exxon daily and I would think that \nthis volume will need to be allocated among the different deals. But, Exxon \nwill not have them broken out.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/01/2000 03:19 PM\n", "<1321927.1075854051643.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-3-2001-8:8:0Srebecca.griffin@enron.com 28-3-2001-5:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 28-3-2001-6:34:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": {"27-3-2001-8:8:0Srebecca.griffin@enron.com": ["27-3-2001-8:8:0", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3980207.1075854192013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: CP&L\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Rebecca Griffin\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI am handling CP&L and am trying to resolve this issue from February \nproduction. CP&L shows 5,000 mmbtu on February 21, but we do not have a \ndeal. Were you able to find anything out about this?\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nRebecca\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron on 03/27/2001 \n04:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n03/26/2001 09:57 AM\nTo: Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: CP&L\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n03/26/2001 09:46 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier @ ECT 03/26/2001 09:52 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Re: CP&L \n\nCan we verified this gas flowed? If it did it should have been billed on his \nterm deal if there was one in place. If the gas flowed and we did not \ninvoice for it on term let me know and I will put it in.\n\n\n\nJanet H Wallis\n03/22/2001 04:53 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: CP&L\n\nBob says he was not billed for a purchase he made from you at 5K $5.16 on \nFeb 21st. Will you check this out and get with\nBob A and Katherine Herrera.\n\nJW\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: CP&L", "reply", [["settle_resolve issue", 4, "nninformation", ["issue", "resolve"], "intention", "daren, i am handling cp&l and am trying to resolve this issue from february production."], ["show deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "shows"], "information", " cp&l shows numeric mmbtu on datenumeric , but we do not have a deal."]], "Daren,\n\nI am handling CP&L and am trying to resolve this issue from February \nproduction. CP&L shows 5,000 mmbtu on February 21, but we do not have a \ndeal. Were you able to find anything out about this?\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nRebecca\n", "<3980207.1075854192013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "28-3-2001-5:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-5:55:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com", "ilene.erskine@enron.com", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8917465.1075854191643.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 05:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rebecca.griffin@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com, ilene.erskine@enron.com\nSubject: Re: CP&L\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rebecca Griffin, Gary W Lamphier, Ilene Erskine\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nA volume of 6,289 Mmbtu flowed over the noms for CP&L. I don't have a record \nof a spot deal with them for that day.\n\nGary - Currently, that volume has been allocated to the Term agreement. The \nprice difference on that day is significant. (HSC GD mid was 5.245). If you \ndon't have a record of a spot deal, the allocation should stand as it is.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRebecca Griffin@ENRON\n03/27/2001 04:08 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: CP&L\n\nDaren,\n\nI am handling CP&L and am trying to resolve this issue from February \nproduction. CP&L shows 5,000 mmbtu on February 21, but we do not have a \ndeal. Were you able to find anything out about this?\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nRebecca\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron on 03/27/2001 \n04:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n03/26/2001 09:57 AM\nTo: Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: CP&L\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n03/26/2001 09:46 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier @ ECT 03/26/2001 09:52 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Re: CP&L \n\nCan we verified this gas flowed? If it did it should have been billed on his \nterm deal if there was one in place. If the gas flowed and we did not \ninvoice for it on term let me know and I will put it in.\n\n\n\nJanet H Wallis\n03/22/2001 04:53 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: CP&L\n\nBob says he was not billed for a purchase he made from you at 5K $5.16 on \nFeb 21st. Will you check this out and get with\nBob A and Katherine Herrera.\n\nJW\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: CP&L", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flowed", "6,289", "volume"], "information", "a volume of numeric mmbtu flowed over the noms for cp&l."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 11, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " gary - currently, that volume has been allocated to the term agreement."]], "A volume of 6,289 Mmbtu flowed over the noms for CP&L. I don't have a record \nof a spot deal with them for that day.\n\nGary - Currently, that volume has been allocated to the Term agreement. The \nprice difference on that day is significant. (HSC GD mid was 5.245). If you \ndon't have a record of a spot deal, the allocation should stand as it is.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRebecca Griffin@ENRON\n03/27/2001 04:08 PM\n", "<8917465.1075854191643.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement termTnn": {"value": "agreement termTnn", "ne": "agreement termTnn", "patterns": ["agreement termTnn"]}, "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal recordTnn": {"value": "deal recordTnn", "ne": "deal recordTnn", "patterns": ["deal recordTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "6,289", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numeric volumeTnnn", "mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "term volumeTnn": {"value": "term volumeTnn", "ne": "term volumeTnn", "patterns": ["term volumeTnn"]}}, false], "28-3-2001-6:34:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-6:34:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24325029.1075854191542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 06:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: CP&L\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI do not have a record of a spot deal in my notes or my deal sheet. If Bob \nwants to call me with a tape that would be great. The .085 difference \nresults in $405 so I will call Bob and try to put this to bed. As of now \nleave it allocated to a term deal.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/28/2001 01:55 PM\nTo: Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ilene \nErskine/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX\ncc: \nSubject: Re: CP&L \n\nA volume of 6,289 Mmbtu flowed over the noms for CP&L. I don't have a record \nof a spot deal with them for that day.\n\nGary - Currently, that volume has been allocated to the Term agreement. The \nprice difference on that day is significant. (HSC GD mid was 5.245). If you \ndon't have a record of a spot deal, the allocation should stand as it is.\n\nD\n\n\n\nRebecca Griffin@ENRON\n03/27/2001 04:08 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: CP&L\n\nDaren,\n\nI am handling CP&L and am trying to resolve this issue from February \nproduction. CP&L shows 5,000 mmbtu on February 21, but we do not have a \ndeal. Were you able to find anything out about this?\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nRebecca\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron on 03/27/2001 \n04:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n03/26/2001 09:57 AM\nTo: Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: CP&L\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n03/26/2001 09:46 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier @ ECT 03/26/2001 09:52 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Re: CP&L \n\nCan we verified this gas flowed? If it did it should have been billed on his \nterm deal if there was one in place. If the gas flowed and we did not \ninvoice for it on term let me know and I will put it in.\n\n\n\nJanet H Wallis\n03/22/2001 04:53 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: CP&L\n\nBob says he was not billed for a purchase he made from you at 5K $5.16 on \nFeb 21st. Will you check this out and get with\nBob A and Katherine Herrera.\n\nJW\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: CP&L", "reply", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 21, "information", ["allocated", "deal"], "information", " as of now leave it allocated to a term deal."]], "I do not have a record of a spot deal in my notes or my deal sheet. If Bob \nwants to call me with a tape that would be great. The .085 difference \nresults in $405 so I will call Bob and try to put this to bed. As of now \nleave it allocated to a term deal.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/28/2001 01:55 PM\n", "<24325029.1075854191542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-7-2000-1:45:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 27-7-2000-6:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"27-7-2000-1:45:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["27-7-2000-1:45:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "danny.conner@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2261585.1075853994980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 01:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: danny.conner@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Extend Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Danny Conner, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have flow at meter 989602 for July without a deal to allocate to. For \nJune production, deal number 276494 was at the meter. Please either extend \nthe deal or create a ticket. If you have any questions, please call me at \next. 35251.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary Jane", "Extend Deal", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 0, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", "extend deal."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 2, "information", ["deal", "flow", "meter"], "information", "i have flow at meter numeric for july without a deal to allocate to."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal"], "intention", "i have flow at meter numeric for july without a deal to allocate to."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 11, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " please either extend the deal or create a ticket."]], "I have flow at meter 989602 for July without a deal to allocate to. For \nJune production, deal number 276494 was at the meter. Please either extend \nthe deal or create a ticket. If you have any questions, please call me at \next. 35251.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary Jane", "<2261585.1075853994980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "27-7-2000-6:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-7-2000-6:47:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <32886748.1075854166821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 06:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Extend Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMary, \n\nPlease get with some one in measurement to check the flows at the meter. I \nam thinking that the measurement must be incorrect. In POPS, the estimates vs \nacutals look odd. The gas that was coming to us in June, is going to Koch in \nJuly, so we should not be receiving anything. \n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n07/27/2000 08:45 AM\nTo: Danny Conner/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Extend Deal\n\nI have flow at meter 989602 for July without a deal to allocate to. For \nJune production, deal number 276494 was at the meter. Please either extend \nthe deal or create a ticket. If you have any questions, please call me at \next. 35251.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary Jane\n\n", "Re: Extend Deal", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 0, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " extend deal."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["check", "meter"], "intention", "mary, please get with some one in measurement to check the flows at the meter."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flows", "meter"], "information", "mary, please get with some one in measurement to check the flows at the meter."], ["receive_incur gas", 19, "nninformation", ["gas", "receiving"], "intention", " the gas that was coming to us in june, is going to koch in july, so we should not be receiving anything."]], "Mary, \n\nPlease get with some one in measurement to check the flows at the meter. I \nam thinking that the measurement must be incorrect. In POPS, the estimates vs \nacutals look odd. The gas that was coming to us in June, is going to Koch in \nJuly, so we should not be receiving anything. \n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n07/27/2000 08:45 AM\n", "<32886748.1075854166821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "31-1-2001-0:5:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 31-1-2001-0:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 31-1-2001-2:13:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 31-1-2001-9:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-2-2001-0:4:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": {"31-1-2001-0:5:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-0:5:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4460304.1075854201784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 00:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - I am looking for 5.000/d at meter 1394 and 10.000/d at meter 8018 for \nFeb. Currently it is 10.000/d at 1394 and 5.000/d at 8018. Can I change \nthe tickets or will you? Attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from \nValero.\n\nThanks. \n\nAimee\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001 07:54 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n on 01/30/2001 02:51:39 PM\nTo: alannou@enron.com, carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\n\nAmy and Carlos,\n\nPlease find attached Valero's baseload natural gas nominations and\ndesignated swing supply quantities for February 1-31 for the Houston and\nTexas City Refineries as well as Valero's supply to the Clearlake Methanol\nplant.\nIf you need to reach me please call me.\n\nDave\n\nPhone: (210) 370-2799\nCell phone at (210) 241-9180\nPager (888) 691-5538\n\n\n(See attached file: HPL_Noms0201.xls)\n - HPL_Noms0201.xls\n", "Valero's February Gas Nominations", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 15, "nninformation", ["change", "tickets"], "request information", " can i change the tickets or will you?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 17, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from valero."]], "Daren - I am looking for 5.000/d at meter 1394 and 10.000/d at meter 8018 for \nFeb. Currently it is 10.000/d at 1394 and 5.000/d at 8018. Can I change \nthe tickets or will you? Attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from \nValero.\n\nThanks. \n\nAimee\n\n", "<4460304.1075854201784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "31-1-2001-0:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-0:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <21136742.1075854201762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 00:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYou can change the tickets. Thanks.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 08:05 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\nDaren - I am looking for 5.000/d at meter 1394 and 10.000/d at meter 8018 for \nFeb. Currently it is 10.000/d at 1394 and 5.000/d at 8018. Can I change \nthe tickets or will you? Attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from \nValero.\n\nThanks. \n\nAimee\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001 07:54 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n on 01/30/2001 02:51:39 PM\nTo: alannou@enron.com, carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\n\nAmy and Carlos,\n\nPlease find attached Valero's baseload natural gas nominations and\ndesignated swing supply quantities for February 1-31 for the Houston and\nTexas City Refineries as well as Valero's supply to the Clearlake Methanol\nplant.\nIf you need to reach me please call me.\n\nDave\n\nPhone: (210) 370-2799\nCell phone at (210) 241-9180\nPager (888) 691-5538\n\n\n(See attached file: HPL_Noms0201.xls)\n - HPL_Noms0201.xls\n\n\n\n", "Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 3, "nninformation", ["change", "tickets"], "intention", "you can change the tickets."]], "You can change the tickets. Thanks.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 08:05 AM\n\n", "<21136742.1075854201762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "31-1-2001-2:13:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-2:13:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <594115.1075854201694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 02:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThanks. \nAlso, Rohm & Haas, meter 1506, is looking for 24.000 for Feb. instead of \n27.000. They take the swing. Would you like me to change the deal or keep \nit as is?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/31/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations \n\nYou can change the tickets. Thanks.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 08:05 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\nDaren - I am looking for 5.000/d at meter 1394 and 10.000/d at meter 8018 for \nFeb. Currently it is 10.000/d at 1394 and 5.000/d at 8018. Can I change \nthe tickets or will you? Attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from \nValero.\n\nThanks. \n\nAimee\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001 07:54 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n on 01/30/2001 02:51:39 PM\nTo: alannou@enron.com, carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\n\nAmy and Carlos,\n\nPlease find attached Valero's baseload natural gas nominations and\ndesignated swing supply quantities for February 1-31 for the Houston and\nTexas City Refineries as well as Valero's supply to the Clearlake Methanol\nplant.\nIf you need to reach me please call me.\n\nDave\n\nPhone: (210) 370-2799\nCell phone at (210) 241-9180\nPager (888) 691-5538\n\n\n(See attached file: HPL_Noms0201.xls)\n - HPL_Noms0201.xls\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 12, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "request", " would you like me to change the deal or keep it as is?"], ["keep_continue desk", 14, "nninformation", ["deal", "keep"], "request", " would you like me to change the deal or keep it as is?"]], "Thanks. \nAlso, Rohm & Haas, meter 1506, is looking for 24.000 for Feb. instead of \n27.000. They take the swing. Would you like me to change the deal or keep \nit as is?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/31/2001 08:13 AM\n", "<594115.1075854201694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "1506", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "31-1-2001-9:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-9:35:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20900956.1075854336622.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 09:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI forgot to get with you this morning on this. I went ahead and changed the \nvolume to 24,000.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 10:13 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations \n\nThanks. \nAlso, Rohm & Haas, meter 1506, is looking for 24.000 for Feb. instead of \n27.000. They take the swing. Would you like me to change the deal or keep \nit as is?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/31/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations \n\nYou can change the tickets. Thanks.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 08:05 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\nDaren - I am looking for 5.000/d at meter 1394 and 10.000/d at meter 8018 for \nFeb. Currently it is 10.000/d at 1394 and 5.000/d at 8018. Can I change \nthe tickets or will you? Attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from \nValero.\n\nThanks. \n\nAimee\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001 07:54 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n on 01/30/2001 02:51:39 PM\nTo: alannou@enron.com, carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\n\nAmy and Carlos,\n\nPlease find attached Valero's baseload natural gas nominations and\ndesignated swing supply quantities for February 1-31 for the Houston and\nTexas City Refineries as well as Valero's supply to the Clearlake Methanol\nplant.\nIf you need to reach me please call me.\n\nDave\n\nPhone: (210) 370-2799\nCell phone at (210) 241-9180\nPager (888) 691-5538\n\n\n(See attached file: HPL_Noms0201.xls)\n - HPL_Noms0201.xls\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", " i went ahead and changed the volume to numeric ."]], "I forgot to get with you this morning on this. I went ahead and changed the \nvolume to 24,000.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 10:13 AM\n\n", "<20900956.1075854336622.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "1-2-2001-0:4:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-0:4:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19236621.1075854201446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 00:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThank you very much.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/31/2001 05:35 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations \n\nI forgot to get with you this morning on this. I went ahead and changed the \nvolume to 24,000.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 10:13 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations \n\nThanks. \nAlso, Rohm & Haas, meter 1506, is looking for 24.000 for Feb. instead of \n27.000. They take the swing. Would you like me to change the deal or keep \nit as is?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/31/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations \n\nYou can change the tickets. Thanks.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/31/2001 08:05 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\nDaren - I am looking for 5.000/d at meter 1394 and 10.000/d at meter 8018 for \nFeb. Currently it is 10.000/d at 1394 and 5.000/d at 8018. Can I change \nthe tickets or will you? Attached is the confirmation spreadsheet from \nValero.\n\nThanks. \n\nAimee\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001 07:54 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n on 01/30/2001 02:51:39 PM\nTo: alannou@enron.com, carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Valero's February Gas Nominations\n\n\nAmy and Carlos,\n\nPlease find attached Valero's baseload natural gas nominations and\ndesignated swing supply quantities for February 1-31 for the Houston and\nTexas City Refineries as well as Valero's supply to the Clearlake Methanol\nplant.\nIf you need to reach me please call me.\n\nDave\n\nPhone: (210) 370-2799\nCell phone at (210) 241-9180\nPager (888) 691-5538\n\n\n(See attached file: HPL_Noms0201.xls)\n - HPL_Noms0201.xls\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Valero's February Gas Nominations", "reply", [], "Thank you very much.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/31/2001 05:35 PM\n", "<19236621.1075854201446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "11-1-2000-1:36:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 11-1-2000-1:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-1-2000-1:36:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-1:36:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "charlotte.hawkins@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24292572.1075854035169.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 01:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: UA4 - 1998\nCc: charlotte.hawkins@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: charlotte.hawkins@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Charlotte Hawkins, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren:\n \n We are currently working to clear some UA4 issues for 1998. I am looking \nfor a valid contract for meter 8740.\n\n Meter 8740\n Deal # 307062\n Current K# - 089-41500-102\n Volume - 188.252\n Month - Sept. 1998\n\nOur deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 18. Please advise which contract this volume \nbelongs on.\n\nThanks.\nAimee", "UA4 - 1998", "reply", [], "Daren:\n \n We are currently working to clear some UA4 issues for 1998. I am looking \nfor a valid contract for meter 8740.\n\n Meter 8740\n Deal # 307062\n Current K# - 089-41500-102\n Volume - 188.252\n Month - Sept. 1998\n\nOur deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 18. Please advise which contract this volume \nbelongs on.\n\nThanks.\nAimee", "<24292572.1075854035169.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "8740", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "8740", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "-102", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "11-1-2000-1:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-1:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["charlotte.hawkins@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <24825129.1075854035122.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 01:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: UA4 - 1998\nCc: charlotte.hawkins@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: charlotte.hawkins@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Charlotte Hawkins, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAimee, \n\nIf you review that deal in CPR, you can see that this is a desk to desk deal \non ECT. This is actually our transport of Waha gas on PGE, delivered into \nHPL. So, the volume should be scheduled/allocated to the ECT intrastate \ncontract 012-27049-201.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 01/11/2000 09:36 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlotte Hawkins, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: UA4 - 1998\n\nDaren:\n \n We are currently working to clear some UA4 issues for 1998. I am looking \nfor a valid contract for meter 8740.\n\n Meter 8740\n Deal # 307062\n Current K# - 089-41500-102\n Volume - 188.252\n Month - Sept. 1998\n\nOur deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 18. Please advise which contract this volume \nbelongs on.\n\nThanks.\nAimee\n\n", "Re: UA4 - 1998", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "intention", "aimee, if you review that deal in cpr, you can see that this is a desk to desk deal on orgname this is actually our transport of waha gas on pge, delivered into hpl."], ["deliver gas", 11, "information", ["delivered", "gas"], "information", "aimee, if you review that deal in cpr, you can see that this is a desk to desk deal on orgname this is actually our transport of waha gas on pge, delivered into hpl."], ["schedule volume", 13, "nninformation", ["scheduled", "volume"], "intention", " so, the volume should be scheduled/allocated to the orgname intrastate contract phonenumber numeric numeric ."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 14, "information", ["allocated", "contract", "volume"], "information", " so, the volume should be scheduled/allocated to the orgname intrastate contract phonenumber numeric numeric ."]], "Aimee, \n\nIf you review that deal in CPR, you can see that this is a desk to desk deal \non ECT. This is actually our transport of Waha gas on PGE, delivered into \nHPL. So, the volume should be scheduled/allocated to the ECT intrastate \ncontract 012-27049-201.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 01/11/2000 09:36 AM\n\n", "<24825129.1075854035122.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal deskTnn": {"value": "deal deskTnn", "ne": "deal deskTnn", "patterns": ["deal deskTnn"]}, "deal gas transportTnnn": {"value": "deal gas transportTnnn", "ne": "deal gas transportTnnn", "patterns": ["deal gas transportTnnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-4-2001-3:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-4-2001-8:50:0Sjoh@sunsail.com": {"5-4-2001-3:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-4-2001-3:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["joh@sunsail.com"], [], "Message-ID: <32605421.1075854334531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 03:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: joh@sunsail.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Payment\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jo Hillier-Smith @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI believe that I have received your message in error. My name is Daren Farmer \nand I work in the Texas gas trading area for Enron. If you will send the \nname of the person and department you are trying to contact at Enron, I will \nassist you in communicating with that person. Thanks.\n\nDaren Farmer\n\n\n\n\nJo Hillier-Smith on 04/05/2001 09:50:11 AM\nTo: \"'dfarmer@ei.enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: FW: Payment\n\n\n\n\nJo Hillier-Smith \nOwner Care Manager \nSunsail Worldwide Sailing Ltd \nTel: +44 (0) 2392 222215 \nEmail: joh@sunsail.com \nThis e-mail and any attachment is intended for the named addressee(s) \nonly, or a person authorised to receive it on their behalf. The content \nshould be treated as confidential and the recipient may not disclose this \nmessage or any attachment to anyone else without authorisation. Unauthorised \nuse, copying or disclosure may be unlawful. If this transmission is received \nin error please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from \nyour e-mail system. Any view expressed by the sender of this message or any \nattachment may be personal and may not represent the view held by the Company.\n\nSunsail Limited (Company Number 1239190) or Sunsail Worldwide Sailing \nLimited (Company Number 1658245)? both with registered offices at The Port \nHouse, Port Solent, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 4TH, England\n\n\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom:?? Jo Hillier-Smith \nSent:?? Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:43 PM \nTo:???? 'dfarmer2@ei.enron.com' \nSubject:??????? Payment \n\nGood afternoon Mr Farmer \n\nAs I am sure you are aware we are in the procees of changing our banks, and \nthe new bank \"Citibank\" was not able to process our charter fees for the 1st \nApril, I , therefore have a cheque to send to you to cover this April \npayment.? Please could you let me know the best address I can send this to, \nyou may want me to send it straight to you or to your bank.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you. \n\nWith regards \nJo \n\nJo Hillier-Smith \nOwner Care Manager \nSunsail Worldwide Sailing Ltd \nTel: +44 (0) 2392 222215 \nEmail: joh@sunsail.com \nThis e-mail and any attachment is intended for the named addressee(s) \nonly, or a person authorised to receive it on their behalf. The content \nshould be treated as confidential and the recipient may not disclose this \nmessage or any attachment to anyone else without authorisation. Unauthorised \nuse, copying or disclosure may be unlawful. If this transmission is received \nin error please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from \nyour e-mail system. Any view expressed by the sender of this message or any \nattachment may be personal and may not represent the view held by the Company.\n\nSunsail Limited (Company Number 1239190) or Sunsail Worldwide Sailing \nLimited (Company Number 1658245)? both with registered offices at The Port \nHouse, Port Solent, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 4TH, England\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FW: Payment", "originEmail", [["receive_incur gas", 2, "information", ["error", "received"], "information", "i believe that i have received your message in error."]], "I believe that I have received your message in error. My name is Daren Farmer \nand I work in the Texas gas trading area for Enron. If you will send the \nname of the person and department you are trying to contact at Enron, I will \nassist you in communicating with that person. Thanks.\n\nDaren Farmer\n\n\n\n\nJo Hillier-Smith ", {"area_arena tradingTnn": {"value": "area_arena tradingTnn", "ne": "area_arena tradingTnn", "patterns": ["area_arena tradingTnn"]}, "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "area_region gasTnn": {"value": "area_region gasTnn", "ne": "area_region gasTnn", "patterns": ["area_region gasTnn"]}, "gas tradingTnn": {"value": "gas tradingTnn", "ne": "gas tradingTnn", "patterns": ["gas tradingTnn"]}}, false], "5-4-2001-8:50:0Sjoh@sunsail.com": ["5-4-2001-8:50:0", "joh@sunsail.com", "dfarmer@ei.enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31280181.1075854190144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 08:50:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: joh@sunsail.com\nTo: dfarmer@ei.enron.com\nSubject: FW: Payment\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jo Hillier-Smith \nX-To: \"'dfarmer@ei.enron.com'\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJo Hillier-Smith \nOwner Care Manager \nSunsail Worldwide Sailing Ltd \nTel: +44 (0) 2392 222215 \nEmail: joh@sunsail.com \nThis e-mail and any attachment is intended for the named addressee(s) \nonly, or a person authorised to receive it on their behalf. The content \nshould be treated as confidential and the recipient may not disclose this \nmessage or any attachment to anyone else without authorisation. Unauthorised \nuse, copying or disclosure may be unlawful. If this transmission is received \nin error please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from \nyour e-mail system. Any view expressed by the sender of this message or any \nattachment may be personal and may not represent the view held by the Company.\n\nSunsail Limited (Company Number 1239190) or Sunsail Worldwide Sailing \nLimited (Company Number 1658245)? both with registered offices at The Port \nHouse, Port Solent, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 4TH, England\n\n\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom:?? Jo Hillier-Smith \nSent:?? Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:43 PM \nTo:???? 'dfarmer2@ei.enron.com' \nSubject:??????? Payment \n\nGood afternoon Mr Farmer \n\nAs I am sure you are aware we are in the procees of changing our banks, and \nthe new bank \"Citibank\" was not able to process our charter fees for the 1st \nApril, I , therefore have a cheque to send to you to cover this April \npayment.? Please could you let me know the best address I can send this to, \nyou may want me to send it straight to you or to your bank.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you. \n\nWith regards \nJo \n\nJo Hillier-Smith \nOwner Care Manager \nSunsail Worldwide Sailing Ltd \nTel: +44 (0) 2392 222215 \nEmail: joh@sunsail.com \nThis e-mail and any attachment is intended for the named addressee(s) \nonly, or a person authorised to receive it on their behalf. The content \nshould be treated as confidential and the recipient may not disclose this \nmessage or any attachment to anyone else without authorisation. Unauthorised \nuse, copying or disclosure may be unlawful. If this transmission is received \nin error please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from \nyour e-mail system. Any view expressed by the sender of this message or any \nattachment may be personal and may not represent the view held by the Company.\n\nSunsail Limited (Company Number 1239190) or Sunsail Worldwide Sailing \nLimited (Company Number 1658245)? both with registered offices at The Port \nHouse, Port Solent, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 4TH, England\n\n\n", "FW: Payment", "reply", [["receive_incur gas", 40, "information", ["error", "received"], "information", " if this transmission is received in error please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from your e-mail system."]], "Jo Hillier-Smith \nOwner Care Manager \nSunsail Worldwide Sailing Ltd \nTel: +44 (0) 2392 222215 \nEmail: joh@sunsail.com \nThis e-mail and any attachment is intended for the named addressee(s) \nonly, or a person authorised to receive it on their behalf. The content \nshould be treated as confidential and the recipient may not disclose this \nmessage or any attachment to anyone else without authorisation. Unauthorised \nuse, copying or disclosure may be unlawful. If this transmission is received \nin error please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from \nyour e-mail system. Any view expressed by the sender of this message or any \nattachment may be personal and may not represent the view held by the Company.\n\nSunsail Limited (Company Number 1239190) or Sunsail Worldwide Sailing \nLimited (Company Number 1658245)? both with registered offices at The Port \nHouse, Port Solent, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 4TH, England\n\n\n\n", "<31280181.1075854190144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-2-2000-4:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-2-2000-10:51:0Scharlotte.hawkins@enron.com": {"14-2-2000-4:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-2-2000-4:50:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["stella.morris@enron.com", "charlotte.hawkins@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <14237431.1075854159469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 04:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: stella.morris@enron.com, charlotte.hawkins@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Sale to Shoreline\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Stella L Morris, Charlotte Hawkins\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nStella and Charlotte, \n\nI looked into this deal. We sold this gas for one day only. In MOPS, the \npath was nominated for 1/26 only. However, in POPS the path was nominated \nand confirmed for 1/26-1/31. This should have been showing up as a \nbridgeback error during the month. Also, someone should have identified that \nthe path/nom in MOPS wasn't the same as the nom in POPS. This discrepancy \nshould have been found before we closed out January.\n\nI researched this problem by reviewing both systems (looking at the path id \nin POPS, finding it in MOPS, and checking the audit on the path in MOPS). \nThis type of issue should be researched and solved by the logistics group, \nwho has all the necessary tools to find the problem. The resolution, not the \nproblem, should have been presented to myself or the marketer, with an \nexplanation of what happened. Some one still needs to find out how the gas \nwas confirmed for the 27th-31st.\n\nSince the gas apparently flowed, we will have to apply the overflow to the \nOBA. Unless you can find a missing transport contract.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 02/10/2000 02:26 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlotte Hawkins/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sale to Shoreline\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 02/10/2000 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 02/10/2000 02:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sale to Shoreline\n\nJoanie,\n\nLogistics is waiting to hear from Daren on this issue. He will either need \nto extend the deal or maybe there should be another deal in place. This \ndeal 155118 is valid on 1/26/00 only, but the rest of the volume you are \nlooking for is scheduled on days 1/27 - 1/31. I am sure there is no \npricing on those days. \n\nI will let you know as soon as I hear from them.\n\n\n\n", "Re: Sale to Shoreline", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 2, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " we sold this gas for one day only."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 27, "information", ["checking", "pops"], "information", " i researched this problem by reviewing both systems (looking at the path id in pops, finding it in mops, and checking the audit on the path in mops)."], ["deliver gas", 40, "information", ["presented", "resolution"], "information", " the resolution, not the problem, should have been presented to myself or the marketer, with an explanation of what happened."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 49, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " since the gas apparently flowed, we will have to apply the overflow to the oba."]], "Stella and Charlotte, \n\nI looked into this deal. We sold this gas for one day only. In MOPS, the \npath was nominated for 1/26 only. However, in POPS the path was nominated \nand confirmed for 1/26-1/31. This should have been showing up as a \nbridgeback error during the month. Also, someone should have identified that \nthe path/nom in MOPS wasn't the same as the nom in POPS. This discrepancy \nshould have been found before we closed out January.\n\nI researched this problem by reviewing both systems (looking at the path id \nin POPS, finding it in MOPS, and checking the audit on the path in MOPS). \nThis type of issue should be researched and solved by the logistics group, \nwho has all the necessary tools to find the problem. The resolution, not the \nproblem, should have been presented to myself or the marketer, with an \nexplanation of what happened. Some one still needs to find out how the gas \nwas confirmed for the 27th-31st.\n\nSince the gas apparently flowed, we will have to apply the overflow to the \nOBA. Unless you can find a missing transport contract.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 02/10/2000 02:26 PM\n\t\n\n", "<14237431.1075854159469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "14-2-2000-10:51:0Scharlotte.hawkins@enron.com": ["14-2-2000-10:51:0", "charlotte.hawkins@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "stella.morris@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3903793.1075854027442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 10:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlotte.hawkins@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Sale to Shoreline\nCc: stella.morris@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stella.morris@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Charlotte Hawkins\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Stella L Morris, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren you are correct in that this was only in MOPS for the 26th. It was \nedi'd over to POPS from the 25th through the 31st populating all days with \nthe 16,700 nom. The nom was never -0- out in POPS therefore the change \nnotification process in POPS did not pick up a change at this meter. This \nmeter is pathed by Kim and confirmed by me - it is extremely odd that this \nwas missed in MOPS. The record would have been out of balance and someone, \nif not several people, normally would make a comment on this. Also - all \nof my records indicate that the 16,700 was good through the 31st except the \nMOPS entry. My confirmations with Koch didn't reflect the -0- ; the last \nreport I have from Koch indicated the 16,700 stayed on, there was no record \nof a phone call indicating anything other than 16,700. It is very odd for \nthis many checks and balances to fail. Also, the volumes were being sent \nback to MOPS which no one caught. \n\nI have spoken with Koch today and they agree that the 16,700 should have gone \nto -0- therefore I have removed the nom from POPS confirmed volumes and \nre-allocated the meter. The OBA has taken the hit and I am working off the \nimbalance now.\n\nDaren, I am sorry that you had to look into this when you feel this is my \nresponsibility. Stella was trying to help me out in clearing up errors \nbecause I was buried in current activity, thus the e-mail to you asking for \nyour help. \n\nIf this doesn't answer all the questions, just give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nCharlotte\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/14/2000 12:50 PM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlotte Hawkins/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Sale to Shoreline \n\nStella and Charlotte, \n\nI looked into this deal. We sold this gas for one day only. In MOPS, the \npath was nominated for 1/26 only. However, in POPS the path was nominated \nand confirmed for 1/26-1/31. This should have been showing up as a \nbridgeback error during the month. Also, someone should have identified that \nthe path/nom in MOPS wasn't the same as the nom in POPS. This discrepancy \nshould have been found before we closed out January.\n\nI researched this problem by reviewing both systems (looking at the path id \nin POPS, finding it in MOPS, and checking the audit on the path in MOPS). \nThis type of issue should be researched and solved by the logistics group, \nwho has all the necessary tools to find the problem. The resolution, not the \nproblem, should have been presented to myself or the marketer, with an \nexplanation of what happened. Some one still needs to find out how the gas \nwas confirmed for the 27th-31st.\n\nSince the gas apparently flowed, we will have to apply the overflow to the \nOBA. Unless you can find a missing transport contract.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 02/10/2000 02:26 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlotte Hawkins/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sale to Shoreline\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 02/10/2000 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 02/10/2000 02:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sale to Shoreline\n\nJoanie,\n\nLogistics is waiting to hear from Daren on this issue. He will either need \nto extend the deal or maybe there should be another deal in place. This \ndeal 155118 is valid on 1/26/00 only, but the rest of the volume you are \nlooking for is scheduled on days 1/27 - 1/31. I am sure there is no \npricing on those days. \n\nI will let you know as soon as I hear from them.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Sale to Shoreline", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 53, "information", ["sent", "volumes"], "information", " also, the volumes were being sent back to mops which no one caught."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 66, "information", ["allocated", "meter"], "information", " i have spoken with koch today and they agree that the numeric should have gone to numeric - therefore i have removed the nom from pops confirmed volumes and re-allocated the meter."]], "Daren you are correct in that this was only in MOPS for the 26th. It was \nedi'd over to POPS from the 25th through the 31st populating all days with \nthe 16,700 nom. The nom was never -0- out in POPS therefore the change \nnotification process in POPS did not pick up a change at this meter. This \nmeter is pathed by Kim and confirmed by me - it is extremely odd that this \nwas missed in MOPS. The record would have been out of balance and someone, \nif not several people, normally would make a comment on this. Also - all \nof my records indicate that the 16,700 was good through the 31st except the \nMOPS entry. My confirmations with Koch didn't reflect the -0- ; the last \nreport I have from Koch indicated the 16,700 stayed on, there was no record \nof a phone call indicating anything other than 16,700. It is very odd for \nthis many checks and balances to fail. Also, the volumes were being sent \nback to MOPS which no one caught. \n\nI have spoken with Koch today and they agree that the 16,700 should have gone \nto -0- therefore I have removed the nom from POPS confirmed volumes and \nre-allocated the meter. The OBA has taken the hit and I am working off the \nimbalance now.\n\nDaren, I am sorry that you had to look into this when you feel this is my \nresponsibility. Stella was trying to help me out in clearing up errors \nbecause I was buried in current activity, thus the e-mail to you asking for \nyour help. \n\nIf this doesn't answer all the questions, just give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nCharlotte\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/14/2000 12:50 PM\n", "<3903793.1075854027442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-3-2001-5:18:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-3-2001-5:46:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"21-3-2001-5:18:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-3-2001-5:18:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["robert.cotten@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <18658302.1075854193088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 05:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBob, \n\nI guess you need to make sure that this is the same well that they nominated \nduring bidweek. If it is, then we do need to change the price to GD. If it \nis a new well behind the meter, you can either create a new deal ticket for \nthis piece, or create a pricing tier on the old ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 03/21/2001 11:42 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO.\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease read this memo and the one dated 2/21/01 from Vance. He told me all \nnew production should be entered at IFHSC. The deal in question is 634075. \nDo you want it changed to Gas Daily? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 11:02 \nAM ---------------------------\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 02:24 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa \nGraves/ENRON@enronXgate, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO. \n\nTom/Bob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nHESCO Gathering Co., LLC 9876 85mmbtu/d 100% GD less $0.17 3/13 - 3/31 \n96057368\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of April. Additionally, \nthis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Buckley, Esther \nSent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:14 PM\nTo: Carriere, Molly; Cernosek, Clem; Consemiu, Donna; Cook, Robert; Camp, \nHoward; Hesse, Lisa; Hlavaty, Nathan; Wayne E Lightfoot/HOU/ECT@ENRON; McKay, \nJames; Smith, Mary; Schneider, Steve HPL; Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON; \nWalters, Michael; Zivley, Jill; Johnson, Mary Jo; Wynne, Rita; Allen, Lauri; \nJones, Cheryl; Hansen, Reid; Giron, Darron; Winfree, O'Neal; Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Bryan, Gary; Hanks, Gary; Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Baumbach, David; \nCotten, Robert; Riley, Brian; Austin, Jeff; Hakemack, Cynthia; Kenne, Dawn; \nCsikos, Lisa; Fosdick, J R; Rodriguez, Carlos; Gomes, Stephanie; Clynes, Pat; \nActon, Tom; Walker, Robert; Weissman, George; Harris, JoAnne; Sweeney, \nChristy; Tisdale, Earl; Farmer, Daren\nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO. \n\nSee attached letter\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO.", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["change", "price"], "intention", " if it is, then we do need to change the price to gd."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 12, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "meter"], "intention", " if it is a new well behind the meter, you can either create a new deal ticket for this piece, or create a pricing tier on the old ticket."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "nninformation", ["create", "ticket"], "intention", " if it is a new well behind the meter, you can either create a new deal ticket for this piece, or create a pricing tier on the old ticket."]], "Bob, \n\nI guess you need to make sure that this is the same well that they nominated \nduring bidweek. If it is, then we do need to change the price to GD. If it \nis a new well behind the meter, you can either create a new deal ticket for \nthis piece, or create a pricing tier on the old ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 03/21/2001 11:42 AM\n\t\n\n", "<18658302.1075854193088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}}, false], "21-3-2001-5:46:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["21-3-2001-5:46:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <627366.1075854193042.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 05:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI talked to Vance and he said it was the same well that he nominated during \nbidweek. I will ask Julie to change the price to Gas Daily. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/21/2001 01:18 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO. \n\nBob, \n\nI guess you need to make sure that this is the same well that they nominated \nduring bidweek. If it is, then we do need to change the price to GD. If it \nis a new well behind the meter, you can either create a new deal ticket for \nthis piece, or create a pricing tier on the old ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 03/21/2001 11:42 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO.\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease read this memo and the one dated 2/21/01 from Vance. He told me all \nnew production should be entered at IFHSC. The deal in question is 634075. \nDo you want it changed to Gas Daily? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 11:02 \nAM ---------------------------\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/19/2001 02:24 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa \nGraves/ENRON@enronXgate, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO. \n\nTom/Bob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nHESCO Gathering Co., LLC 9876 85mmbtu/d 100% GD less $0.17 3/13 - 3/31 \n96057368\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of April. Additionally, \nthis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Buckley, Esther \nSent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:14 PM\nTo: Carriere, Molly; Cernosek, Clem; Consemiu, Donna; Cook, Robert; Camp, \nHoward; Hesse, Lisa; Hlavaty, Nathan; Wayne E Lightfoot/HOU/ECT@ENRON; McKay, \nJames; Smith, Mary; Schneider, Steve HPL; Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON; \nWalters, Michael; Zivley, Jill; Johnson, Mary Jo; Wynne, Rita; Allen, Lauri; \nJones, Cheryl; Hansen, Reid; Giron, Darron; Winfree, O'Neal; Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Bryan, Gary; Hanks, Gary; Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Baumbach, David; \nCotten, Robert; Riley, Brian; Austin, Jeff; Hakemack, Cynthia; Kenne, Dawn; \nCsikos, Lisa; Fosdick, J R; Rodriguez, Carlos; Gomes, Stephanie; Clynes, Pat; \nActon, Tom; Walker, Robert; Weissman, George; Harris, JoAnne; Sweeney, \nChristy; Tisdale, Earl; Farmer, Daren\nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO. \n\nSee attached letter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERY - RODESSA OPERATING CO.", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 7, "nninformation", ["change", "price"], "intention", " i will ask julie to change the price to orgname thanks."]], "Daren,\n\nI talked to Vance and he said it was the same well that he nominated during \nbidweek. I will ask Julie to change the price to Gas Daily. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/21/2001 01:18 PM\n", "<627366.1075854193042.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-3-2001-3:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-3-2001-4:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-14:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-3-2001-15:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-0:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 15-3-2001-11:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"14-3-2001-3:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-3:3:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "343421"], "intention", "daren - thu has asked if i can extend deal numeric thru feb."], ["expire deal", 12, "information", ["deal", "expiring"], "information", " it is for orgname it looks like it is a term deal expiring jan."]], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n", ["<22110416.1075854194708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22937416.1075854295049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21149757.1075854302959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "343421", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-4:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-4:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["schedule volume", 5, "information", ["mtr", "7,000", "scheduled"], "information", " orgname had only numeric /day scheduled at mtr numeric in feb."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 12, "information", ["see", "pops"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 19, "nninformation", ["allocated", "buyback", "shortages", "ticket"], "intention", " so, we should not need a buyback for orgname any shortages should be allocated to the hpl ticket."]], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\n", ["<4174966.1075854335309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9283686.1075854194663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2285845.1075854295072.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33250571.1075854325333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "7,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-14:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-14:3:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "343421"], "intention", "daren - thu has asked if i can extend deal numeric thru feb."], ["expire deal", 11, "information", ["deal", "expiring"], "information", " it is for orgname it looks like it is a term deal expiring jan."], ["add deal{numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["added", "deal"], "intention", " she wants it added to keep the orgname deal whole."], ["keep_continue desk", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "keep"], "intention", " she wants it added to keep the orgname deal whole."]], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n", ["<6782656.1075845126631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "343421", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-15:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-15:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["schedule volume", 5, "information", ["mtr", "7,000", "scheduled"], "information", " orgname had only numeric /day scheduled at mtr numeric in feb."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 11, "information", ["see", "pops"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 12, "information", ["flow", "18,000", "volumes"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["allocated", "buyback", "shortages", "ticket"], "intention", " so, we should not need a buyback for orgname any shortages should be allocated to the hpl ticket."]], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\n", ["<16847489.1075840439082.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1552543.1075845123405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "586534", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "7,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "pop volumeTnn": {"value": "pop volumeTnn", "ne": "pop volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pop volumeTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-0:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-0:50:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 \nPM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 \nPM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "make"], "intention", "daren, i am trying to make up the gas for orgname deals on meter numeric , numeric , (deals numeric , numeric , numeric , numeric )."]], "Daren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \n\nThu\n", ["<22492954.1075854194593.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10029971.1075854295142.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25901278.1075854302937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "1062", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "1552,8024", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-11:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-11:50:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 PM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "make"], "intention", "daren, i am trying to make up the gas for orgname deals on meter numeric , numeric , (deals numeric , numeric , numeric , numeric )."]], "Daren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \n\nThu\n", ["<711141.1075845126608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "1062", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "1552,8024", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-15:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["thu.nguyen@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26619130.1075840439128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 15:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Thu T Nguyen \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\'Sent Mail\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nThu, \n\nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 as an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the Equistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342\n\nDaren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \n\nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\n\nTo:\tThu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342\n\nDaren's response.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342\n\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\n\nTo:\tThu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\n\n\n\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\n\nTo:\tThu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tEdward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n\n\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tdeal 34342\n\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: deal 34342", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "675086"], "information", " i created deal numeric as an orgname buyback."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 9, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " however, after you have allocated the volume between the orgname plants, please get with lee and have him look over everything."]], "Thu, \n\nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 as an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the Equistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", "<26619130.1075840439128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "675086", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "21-2-2001-6:59:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 21-2-2001-8:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-2-2001-9:38:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 23-2-2001-6:36:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 23-2-2001-7:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 25-2-2001-1:27:0Sfred.boas@enron.com 27-2-2001-5:15:0Sesther.garcia@enron.com": {"21-2-2001-6:59:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-6:59:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19626857.1075854198486.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 06:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nTo: fred.boas@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 5892\nCc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nX-From: Charlene Richmond\nX-To: Fred Boas, Daren J Farmer, Melissa Graves\nX-cc: Karen Lindley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539", "Meter 5892", "reply", [], "I am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539", "<19626857.1075854198486.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "21-2-2001-8:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-8:46:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["charlene.richmond@enron.com"], ["melissa.graves@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <28657581.1075854326220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, karen.lindley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, karen.lindley@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Charlene Richmond\nX-cc: Fred Boas, Melissa Graves, Karen Lindley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\n\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539\n\n", "Re: Meter 5892", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["allocated", "volume"], "request information", " why are we not being allocated any volume?"]], "I have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\n", "<28657581.1075854326220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "21-2-2001-9:38:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-9:38:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3664008.1075854198372.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Charlene Richmond\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\n\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 5892", "reply", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 6, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", "i spoke with karen lindley about volume not being allocated."]], "I spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\n", "<3664008.1075854198372.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "23-2-2001-6:36:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-6:36:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.ratnala@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com fred.boas@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30746139.1075854197682.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 06:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\nCc: vance.taylor@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.ratnala@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tfred.boas@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vance.taylor@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.ratnala@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tfred.boas@enron.com\nX-From: Charlene Richmond\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Vance L Taylor, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa K Ratnala, Melissa Graves, Fred Boas\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \n\nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\n\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 5892", "reply", [], "I NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \n\nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\n", "<30746139.1075854197682.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "23-2-2001-7:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-7:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14578879.1075854335989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 07:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: fred.boas@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Fred Boas\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFred, \n\nWhy is nothing being allocated to Alpine? This is a good deal we have in \nplace with them and I really need the problem resolved.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/23/2001 \n03:27 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/23/2001 02:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K \nRatnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \n\nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\n\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 5892", "forward", [], "Fred, \n\nWhy is nothing being allocated to Alpine? This is a good deal we have in \nplace with them and I really need the problem resolved.\n\nD\n", "<14578879.1075854335989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "25-2-2001-1:27:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": ["25-2-2001-1:27:0", "fred.boas@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com karen.lindley@enron.com charlene.richmond@enron.com esther.garcia@enron.com gary.anderson@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31163654.1075854197428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 01:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: fred.boas@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\nCc: mark.mccoy@enron.com, karen.lindley@enron.com, charlene.richmond@enron.com,\n\testher.garcia@enron.com, gary.anderson@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mark.mccoy@enron.com, karen.lindley@enron.com, charlene.richmond@enron.com,\n\testher.garcia@enron.com, gary.anderson@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Fred Boas\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Mark McCoy, Karen Lindley, Charlene Richmond, Esther Garcia, Gary Anderson, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren:\n\nSorry it has taken so long to get back to this issue, I am with EES now. \nKaren Lindley allocates this point but I feel the need to help her because \nthis issue came to light while I was in transition.\n\nExxon allocates this point and we receive a allocation statement from them on \na monthly basis.\n\nDecember 2000\nThe total flow at the meter was 646 MMBtu. I copied Esther Garcia on this \ne-mail so that she can look into the possibility that there is a measurement \nerror. Esther will need to respond to Karen on the matter of the possible \nmeasurement error. Furthermore it seems odd to me that scheduling had 8,928 \nMMBtu confirmed at this point and only 646 MMBtu flowed. I would ask Mark \nwhere he got his confirmed volumes from. As a temporary fix I reallocated \nthe meter and gave the total flow to Alpine Resources. They will be short \npaid in their minds until Ester and Karen can get the possible measurement \nerror issue resolved. I would also suggest that Mark and Karen get together \nto review the scheduling of this point so that Karen can call Exxon to \nreconcile their allocation with what we have (the additional Alpine deal) at \nthis point. Charlene can redraft her invoice on Monday 2/26/01 that will \nshow the 646 MMBtu going to Alpine.\n\nJanuary 2001\nAgain scheduling has 9,193 confirmed at this meter when on 3,241 MMBtu \nflowed. I temporarily reallocated the meter so that the entire volume that \nflowed went to Alpine. They remain 10 MMBtu short paid but Charlene can \nredraft her invoice and pay them something until Mark (validity of other \ndeals at this point) and Karen (Exxon's allocation of this point) can get \nthis issue resolved.\n\nThere is also the issue with the Exxon transport at this point that was \nscheduled at 1,500 MMBtu per month for the months in question. This \ntransport affects the allocation at the King Ranch tailgate on the Exxon 024 \ncontract. I copied Howard Camp who will be training the contractor that will \ntake my place in Volume Management so that he can stay on top of the \nresolution of this issue.\n\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 03:30 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\n\nFred, \n\nWhy is nothing being allocated to Alpine? This is a good deal we have in \nplace with them and I really need the problem resolved.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/23/2001 \n03:27 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/23/2001 02:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K \nRatnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \n\nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\n\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 5892", "reply", [["receive gas", 20, "information", ["receive", "statement"], "information", " exxon allocates this point and we receive a allocation statement from them on a monthly basis."], ["settle_resolve issue", 77, "information", ["issue", "resolved"], "information", " they will be short paid in their minds until ester and karen can get the possible measurement error issue resolved."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 110, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "9,193"], "information", " datenumeric numeric again scheduling has numeric confirmed at this meter when on numeric mmbtu flowed."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 116, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", " i temporarily reallocated the meter so that the entire volume that flowed went to alpine."], ["settle_resolve issue", 139, "information", ["issue", "resolved"], "information", " they remain numeric mmbtu short paid but charlene can redraft her invoice and pay them something until mark (validity of other deals at this point) and karen (exxon's allocation of this point) can get this issue resolved."]], "Daren:\n\nSorry it has taken so long to get back to this issue, I am with EES now. \nKaren Lindley allocates this point but I feel the need to help her because \nthis issue came to light while I was in transition.\n\nExxon allocates this point and we receive a allocation statement from them on \na monthly basis.\n\nDecember 2000\nThe total flow at the meter was 646 MMBtu. I copied Esther Garcia on this \ne-mail so that she can look into the possibility that there is a measurement \nerror. Esther will need to respond to Karen on the matter of the possible \nmeasurement error. Furthermore it seems odd to me that scheduling had 8,928 \nMMBtu confirmed at this point and only 646 MMBtu flowed. I would ask Mark \nwhere he got his confirmed volumes from. As a temporary fix I reallocated \nthe meter and gave the total flow to Alpine Resources. They will be short \npaid in their minds until Ester and Karen can get the possible measurement \nerror issue resolved. I would also suggest that Mark and Karen get together \nto review the scheduling of this point so that Karen can call Exxon to \nreconcile their allocation with what we have (the additional Alpine deal) at \nthis point. Charlene can redraft her invoice on Monday 2/26/01 that will \nshow the 646 MMBtu going to Alpine.\n\nJanuary 2001\nAgain scheduling has 9,193 confirmed at this meter when on 3,241 MMBtu \nflowed. I temporarily reallocated the meter so that the entire volume that \nflowed went to Alpine. They remain 10 MMBtu short paid but Charlene can \nredraft her invoice and pay them something until Mark (validity of other \ndeals at this point) and Karen (Exxon's allocation of this point) can get \nthis issue resolved.\n\nThere is also the issue with the Exxon transport at this point that was \nscheduled at 1,500 MMBtu per month for the months in question. This \ntransport affects the allocation at the King Ranch tailgate on the Exxon 024 \ncontract. I copied Howard Camp who will be training the contractor that will \ntake my place in Volume Management so that he can stay on top of the \nresolution of this issue.\n\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 03:30 PM\n", "<31163654.1075854197428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"29": {"value": "646", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "105": {"value": "9,193", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "27-2-2001-5:15:0Sesther.garcia@enron.com": ["27-2-2001-5:15:0", "esther.garcia@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com charlene.richmond@enron.com gary.anderson@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com jackie.birch@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21123137.1075854196882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 05:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: esther.garcia@enron.com\nTo: karen.lindley@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com, charlene.richmond@enron.com,\n\tgary.anderson@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, jackie.birch@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com, charlene.richmond@enron.com,\n\tgary.anderson@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, jackie.birch@enron.com\nX-From: Esther Garcia\nX-To: Karen Lindley\nX-cc: Fred Boas, Mark McCoy, Charlene Richmond, Gary Anderson, Howard B Camp, Daren J Farmer, Jackie Birch\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nKaren,\nThe charts for station 985892 - Katy GU2 are mail outs and are not in the \noffice at this time for us to review.\nI have asked Jackie Birch to retrieve December 2000 & January 2001 and let us \nknow when they arrive and \nwe will follow up at that time on what if anything needs to be done. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Esther Garcia/GPGFIN/Enron on 02/27/2001 \n12:23 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas@EES\n02/25/2001 09:27 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Charlene \nRichmond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Esther Garcia/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Gary \nAnderson/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\n\n\t\n\nDaren:\n\nSorry it has taken so long to get back to this issue, I am with EES now. \nKaren Lindley allocates this point but I feel the need to help her because \nthis issue came to light while I was in transition.\n\nExxon allocates this point and we receive a allocation statement from them on \na monthly basis.\n\nDecember 2000\nThe total flow at the meter was 646 MMBtu. I copied Esther Garcia on this \ne-mail so that she can look into the possibility that there is a measurement \nerror. Esther will need to respond to Karen on the matter of the possible \nmeasurement error. Furthermore it seems odd to me that scheduling had 8,928 \nMMBtu confirmed at this point and only 646 MMBtu flowed. I would ask Mark \nwhere he got his confirmed volumes from. As a temporary fix I reallocated \nthe meter and gave the total flow to Alpine Resources. They will be short \npaid in their minds until Ester and Karen can get the possible measurement \nerror issue resolved. I would also suggest that Mark and Karen get together \nto review the scheduling of this point so that Karen can call Exxon to \nreconcile their allocation with what we have (the additional Alpine deal) at \nthis point. Charlene can redraft her invoice on Monday 2/26/01 that will \nshow the 646 MMBtu going to Alpine.\n\nJanuary 2001\nAgain scheduling has 9,193 confirmed at this meter when on 3,241 MMBtu \nflowed. I temporarily reallocated the meter so that the entire volume that \nflowed went to Alpine. They remain 10 MMBtu short paid but Charlene can \nredraft her invoice and pay them something until Mark (validity of other \ndeals at this point) and Karen (Exxon's allocation of this point) can get \nthis issue resolved.\n\nThere is also the issue with the Exxon transport at this point that was \nscheduled at 1,500 MMBtu per month for the months in question. This \ntransport affects the allocation at the King Ranch tailgate on the Exxon 024 \ncontract. I copied Howard Camp who will be training the contractor that will \ntake my place in Volume Management so that he can stay on top of the \nresolution of this issue.\n\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 03:30 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\n\nFred, \n\nWhy is nothing being allocated to Alpine? This is a good deal we have in \nplace with them and I really need the problem resolved.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/23/2001 \n03:27 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/23/2001 02:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K \nRatnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \n\nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \n\nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\n\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 5892", "forward", [], "Karen,\nThe charts for station 985892 - Katy GU2 are mail outs and are not in the \noffice at this time for us to review.\nI have asked Jackie Birch to retrieve December 2000 & January 2001 and let us \nknow when they arrive and \nwe will follow up at that time on what if anything needs to be done. \n", "<21123137.1075854196882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "1-11-2000-2:3:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 1-11-2000-2:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"1-11-2000-2:3:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-2:3:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29498551.1075853974173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 02:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO\nCc: clem.cernosek@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: clem.cernosek@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Clem Cernosek, Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nOn the above mentioned dates, there was no nomination at the Enerfin meter.\n\n6/3/99 and 6/8/99 revealed activity for ENA (202K). Can the deal be extended \nfor 6/4 (548 dec.) and 6/9 (40 dec.) to cover this flow so that Volume \nManagement can create an accounting arrangement for these two days?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 10, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended", "548"], "intention", " can the deal be extended for datenumeric ( numeric dec."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 13, "nninformation", ["cover", "volume"], "request information", ") to cover this flow so that volume management can create an accounting arrangement for these two days?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 14, "nninformation", ["flow", "volume"], "request information", ") to cover this flow so that volume management can create an accounting arrangement for these two days?"]], "Daren,\n\nOn the above mentioned dates, there was no nomination at the Enerfin meter.\n\n6/3/99 and 6/8/99 revealed activity for ENA (202K). Can the deal be extended \nfor 6/4 (548 dec.) and 6/9 (40 dec.) to cover this flow so that Volume \nManagement can create an accounting arrangement for these two days?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<29498551.1075853974173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "1-11-2000-2:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-2:16:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <17504682.1075854163518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 02:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJackie, \n\nPlease get with the East Desk on this. If they agree, we can roll the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n11/01/2000 10:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO\n\nDaren,\n\nOn the above mentioned dates, there was no nomination at the Enerfin meter.\n\n6/3/99 and 6/8/99 revealed activity for ENA (202K). Can the deal be extended \nfor 6/4 (548 dec.) and 6/9 (40 dec.) to cover this flow so that Volume \nManagement can create an accounting arrangement for these two days?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "roll"], "intention", " if they agree, we can roll the deal."]], "Jackie, \n\nPlease get with the East Desk on this. If they agree, we can roll the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n11/01/2000 10:03 AM\n", "<17504682.1075854163518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-2-2001-6:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-2-2001-6:24:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"15-2-2001-6:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-2-2001-6:8:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19665819.1075854336253.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 06:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy 9/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI changed the demand to a negative value. I don't know if this will work or \nnot. If it does not work, I can put the demand on the sale ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/15/2001 01:55 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: PanEnergy 9/00 \n\nCan you make it negative? We need to reduce our payment.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/15/2001 01:40 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy 9/00 \n\nDone.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/15/2001 01:09 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PanEnergy 9/00\n\nI finally heard back from Duke regarding Sept 2000. They agree with our \nspreadsheet, so I need a demand fee to adjust the price in Sitara.\n\nDeal 157288 - demand fee of ($8,745.69)\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: PanEnergy 9/00", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "information", ["changed", "demand"], "information", "i changed the demand to a negative value."]], "I changed the demand to a negative value. I don't know if this will work or \nnot. If it does not work, I can put the demand on the sale ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/15/2001 01:55 PM\n\t\n\n", "<19665819.1075854336253.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, false], "15-2-2001-6:24:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["15-2-2001-6:24:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25431282.1075854199189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 06:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy 9/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nIt worked. Thanks.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/15/2001 02:08 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy 9/00 \n\nI changed the demand to a negative value. I don't know if this will work or \nnot. If it does not work, I can put the demand on the sale ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/15/2001 01:55 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: PanEnergy 9/00 \n\nCan you make it negative? We need to reduce our payment.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/15/2001 01:40 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy 9/00 \n\nDone.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/15/2001 01:09 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PanEnergy 9/00\n\nI finally heard back from Duke regarding Sept 2000. They agree with our \nspreadsheet, so I need a demand fee to adjust the price in Sitara.\n\nDeal 157288 - demand fee of ($8,745.69)\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: PanEnergy 9/00", "reply", [], "It worked. Thanks.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/15/2001 02:08 PM\n", "<25431282.1075854199189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "30-8-2000-6:28:0Sbmcmills@duke-energy.com 30-8-2000-6:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"30-8-2000-6:28:0Sbmcmills@duke-energy.com": ["30-8-2000-6:28:0", "bmcmills@duke-energy.com", "dfarmer@enron.com", "mkhenderson@duke-energy.com", "Message-ID: <8169065.1075853987183.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 06:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bmcmills@duke-energy.com\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com\nSubject: Discrepancies in Price of Gas redelivered at Mobil Beaumont\nCc: mkhenderson@duke-energy.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mkhenderson@duke-energy.com\nX-From: \"Bruce McMills\" \nX-To: dfarmer@enron.com\nX-cc: \"Marta K Henderson\" \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI thought it might be easier to reply by email of the\nperiod, volume, and price for periods when the\nprice for gas redelivered by Duke at Mobil Beaumont was not\nHSC Monthly Index - $.0375.\n", "Discrepancies in Price of Gas redelivered at Mobil Beaumont", "reply", [], "I thought it might be easier to reply by email of the\nperiod, volume, and price for periods when the\nprice for gas redelivered by Duke at Mobil Beaumont was not\nHSC Monthly Index - $.0375.\n", "<8169065.1075853987183.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "30-8-2000-6:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-6:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["bmcmills@duke-energy.com"], ["mkhenderson@duke-energy.com"], "Message-ID: <8982197.1075854153134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 06:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: bmcmills@duke-energy.com\nSubject: Re: Discrepancies in Price of Gas redelivered at Mobil Beaumont\nCc: mkhenderson@duke-energy.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mkhenderson@duke-energy.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: \"Bruce McMills\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \"Marta K Henderson\" @ENRON\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI show that we adjusted pricing for excess volumes for the following dates:\n\n\nMar 11-31 15,000/day delivered to Mobil Beaumont at IF HSC - .045\n\n\nApril 5-19 15,000/day delivered to Mobil Beaumont at IF HSC - .055. An \noutage occurred on the 5th, so the deliveries to Mobil didn't acutally start \nuntil the 12th.\n\nIf you need anything else, let me know.\n\nDaren\n\n\n\n\n\"Bruce McMills\" on 08/30/2000 01:28:47 PM\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com\ncc: \"Marta K Henderson\" \nSubject: Discrepancies in Price of Gas redelivered at Mobil Beaumont\n\n\n\n\nI thought it might be easier to reply by email of the\nperiod, volume, and price for periods when the\nprice for gas redelivered by Duke at Mobil Beaumont was not\nHSC Monthly Index - $.0375.\n\n\n\n", "Re: Discrepancies in Price of Gas redelivered at Mobil Beaumont", "originEmail", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "information", "i show that we adjusted pricing for excess volumes for the following dates: datenumeric numeric numeric /day delivered to mobil beaumont at if hsc - numeric datenumeric numeric numeric /day delivered to mobil beaumont at if hsc - numeric ."]], "I show that we adjusted pricing for excess volumes for the following dates:\n\n\nMar 11-31 15,000/day delivered to Mobil Beaumont at IF HSC - .045\n\n\nApril 5-19 15,000/day delivered to Mobil Beaumont at IF HSC - .055. An \noutage occurred on the 5th, so the deliveries to Mobil didn't acutally start \nuntil the 12th.\n\nIf you need anything else, let me know.\n\nDaren\n\n\n\n\n\"Bruce McMills\" ", {"11": {"value": "-31", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "excess volumeTnn": {"value": "excess volumeTnn", "ne": "excess volumeTnn", "patterns": ["excess volumeTnn"]}, "gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}, "pricing volumeTnn": {"value": "pricing volumeTnn", "ne": "pricing volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pricing volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-5-2001-9:0:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-5-2001-11:55:11Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"17-5-2001-9:0:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-9:0:7", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["robert.cotten@enron.com"], ["f..smith@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <23937340.1075845124850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 May 2001 09:00:07 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\nCc: f..smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: f..smith@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Cotten, Robert \nX-cc: Smith, George F. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nBob, \n\nIn looking at the trends over the meters, I made a few adjustments (highlighted in blue). Please use these changes and enter the deal changes in Sitara. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCotten, Robert \nSent:\tThursday, May 17, 2001 10:38 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tWellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see the attached file.\n\nBob\n\n << File: Texas_Desk_Wellhead_Supply_May_2001_05_16.xls >> ", "RE: Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 6, "information", ["adjustments", "made"], "information", "bob, in looking at the trends over the meters, i made a few adjustments (highlighted in blue)."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["use", "deal"], "request", " please use these changes and enter the deal changes in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter"], "request", " please use these changes and enter the deal changes in sitara."]], "Bob, \n\nIn looking at the trends over the meters, I made a few adjustments (highlighted in blue). Please use these changes and enter the deal changes in Sitara. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\n ", "<23937340.1075845124850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}}, false], "17-5-2001-11:55:11Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-11:55:11", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25901651.1075845113619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 May 2001 11:55:11 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. , Terry, Edward , O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nAdjustments have been made to volumes in the Avg column on the attached spreadsheet effective 5/17/01.\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/17/2001 11:00 AM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tGeorge F Smith/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRE: Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\n\nBob, \n\nIn looking at the trends over the meters, I made a few adjustments (highlighted in blue). Please use these changes and enter the deal changes in Sitara. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCotten, Robert \nSent:\tThursday, May 17, 2001 10:38 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tWellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see the attached file.\n\nBob\n\n << File: Texas_Desk_Wellhead_Supply_May_2001_05_16.xls >> \n\n", "RE: Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["adjustments", "made"], "information", "adjustments have been made to volumes in the avg column on the attached spreadsheet effective datenumeric ."]], "Adjustments have been made to volumes in the Avg column on the attached spreadsheet effective 5/17/01.\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/17/2001 11:00 AM\n", "<25901651.1075845113619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "27-9-2001-6:55:14Sannette.willis@enron.com 1-10-2001-10:2:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"27-9-2001-6:55:14Sannette.willis@enron.com": ["27-9-2001-6:55:14", "annette.willis@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "marsha.shepherd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32995165.1075852202391.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 06:55:14 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: annette.willis@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: LoneStar for 6/01\nCc: marsha.shepherd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: marsha.shepherd@enron.com\nX-From: Willis, Annette \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: Shepherd, Marsha \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nTo recap what we talked about this morning. The following deals were done for June. ENA is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay. \n\n6/7\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.71\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/12\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.78\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/14\tsold 5000 to ENA @ 4.16\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/20\tsold 10000 to EOL @ 3.95\tbetween Roger & EOL\n6/23-25\tsold 10000/d to EOL @ 3.57\tbetween Roger & EOL\n\nThank you, in advance, for your help with this.", "LoneStar for 6/01", "reply", [["show deal", 5, "information", ["deals", "showing"], "information", " orgname is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay."]], "To recap what we talked about this morning. The following deals were done for June. ENA is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay. \n\n6/7\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.71\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/12\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.78\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/14\tsold 5000 to ENA @ 4.16\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/20\tsold 10000 to EOL @ 3.95\tbetween Roger & EOL\n6/23-25\tsold 10000/d to EOL @ 3.57\tbetween Roger & EOL\n\nThank you, in advance, for your help with this.", "<32995165.1075852202391.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-10-2001-10:2:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-10-2001-10:2:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["annette.willis@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <5970982.1075852213374.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 10:02:44 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: annette.willis@enron.com\nSubject: RE: LoneStar for 6/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Willis, Annette \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAnnette, \n\nThe transport statement we received from Lone Star did not show that this gas flowed. That is why we have not paid yet. We are in discussions with the pipe to find out what happened. I will let you know as soon as something is determined.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWillis, Annette \nSent:\tThursday, September 27, 2001 8:55 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tShepherd, Marsha\nSubject:\tLoneStar for 6/01\n\nTo recap what we talked about this morning. The following deals were done for June. ENA is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay. \n\n6/7\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.71\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/12\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.78\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/14\tsold 5000 to ENA @ 4.16\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/20\tsold 10000 to EOL @ 3.95\tbetween Roger & EOL\n6/23-25\tsold 10000/d to EOL @ 3.57\tbetween Roger & EOL\n\nThank you, in advance, for your help with this.", "RE: LoneStar for 6/01", "originEmail", [["receive_incur gas", 3, "information", ["gas", "received"], "information", "annette, the transport statement we received from orgname did not show that this gas flowed."], ["show deal", 4, "information", ["gas", "show"], "information", "annette, the transport statement we received from orgname did not show that this gas flowed."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", "annette, the transport statement we received from orgname did not show that this gas flowed."]], "Annette, \n\nThe transport statement we received from Lone Star did not show that this gas flowed. That is why we have not paid yet. We are in discussions with the pipe to find out what happened. I will let you know as soon as something is determined.\n\nD\n\n ", "<5970982.1075852213374.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "30-8-2000-6:12:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com 5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-12-2000-2:51:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 19-9-2001-11:44:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 28-9-2001-12:29:55Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"30-8-2000-6:12:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-6:12:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "john.griffith@enron.com", "bob.hall@enron.com"], ["steve.jackson@enron.com"], "I have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\nDave\n", ["Cornhusker"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384237']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 0, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "i have entered deals into sitara."]], "I have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\n\nDave\n", ["<26306286.1075853987205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1517662.1075854248687.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30266573.1075854043825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9724812.1075854092215.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384247", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-6:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n01:33 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital Management\n \n From: David Baumbach 08/30/2000 01:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cornhusker\nI have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\nDave\n", ["Cornhusker"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384237']}", [], "", ["<31242533.1075854165519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4739513.1075853986058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31228574.1075854093260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23483997.1075854152915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-11-2000-9:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.benedict@enron.com"], [], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\nD", ["Re: Deal Numbers"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384237']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 3, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "request", "buy orgname # numeric buy orgname numeric sale orgname numeric trans capacity orgname numeric & numeric spot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month."]], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\n\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\n\n\nD", ["<19806283.1075854162450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10442.1075853968615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5250270.1075854109710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1652134.1075854149870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal location_positionTnn": {"value": "deal location_positionTnn", "ne": "deal location_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal location_positionTnn"]}, "deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384237", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "452475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric spotTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, true], "19-12-2000-2:51:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-2:51:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I think we need to remove some of the demand charges that have been set up \nfor Williams and Apache. On Williams deal 384237, the demand charge needs to \nbe removed from Sept. 2000. The demand charge should not have started until \nOctober 2000. Because we did not know at the time what was happening with \nthis deal, the demand fee was inadvertently paid to Williams for Sept. and we \nneed to recoup our money. On Apache deal 384247, James thinks we need to \nremove the demand charge completely. He says it is not a part of the deal \nand Apache is not billing us for it. We also need to talk about the pricing \non both of these deals. Williams and Apache are billing us less than what we \nhave in Sitara. To be able to keep this desk at zero, Jim Pond does not want \nme to use pay the lesser of for the purchases, so we need to address the \nprice differences. You said you had some contract briefs that supported our \nprices. Please fax a copy to me at 713-646-8420 and I will compare them to \nwhat James has.\nJust a heads up...We are beginning to work on November 2000, so we will need \na demand fee entered (hopefully next week). I will email you the spreadsheet \nafter we have received all of the cash and are ready to pay Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV Pricing"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384237']}", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 21, "information", ["deal", "paid"], "information", " because we did not know at the time what was happening with this deal, the demand fee was inadvertently paid to orgname for sept."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 35, "information", ["billing", "deal"], "information", " he says it is not a part of the deal and orgname is not billing us for it."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 67, "information", ["demand**fee", "entered", "00"], "information", "we are beginning to work on datenumeric numeric , so we will need a demand fee entered (hopefully next week)."], ["receive gas", 71, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i will email you the spreadsheet after we have received all of the cash and are ready to pay orgname thanks, "]], "I think we need to remove some of the demand charges that have been set up \nfor Williams and Apache. On Williams deal 384237, the demand charge needs to \nbe removed from Sept. 2000. The demand charge should not have started until \nOctober 2000. Because we did not know at the time what was happening with \nthis deal, the demand fee was inadvertently paid to Williams for Sept. and we \nneed to recoup our money. On Apache deal 384247, James thinks we need to \nremove the demand charge completely. He says it is not a part of the deal \nand Apache is not billing us for it. We also need to talk about the pricing \non both of these deals. Williams and Apache are billing us less than what we \nhave in Sitara. To be able to keep this desk at zero, Jim Pond does not want \nme to use pay the lesser of for the purchases, so we need to address the \nprice differences. You said you had some contract briefs that supported our \nprices. Please fax a copy to me at 713-646-8420 and I will compare them to \nwhat James has.\n\nJust a heads up...We are beginning to work on November 2000, so we will need \na demand fee entered (hopefully next week). I will email you the spreadsheet \nafter we have received all of the cash and are ready to pay Tenaska IV.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<20510643.1075854209882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27424496.1075854247364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9872954.1075854280573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "384237", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384247", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "64": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}}, true], "19-9-2001-11:44:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-9-2001-11:44:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nI am working with Jim Pond to clean up the UA4 that has been booked to Cleburne since the beginning of the deal. We are starting with November 2000. Gas accounting has booked 21,309 MMBtu as UA4 for November, which is related to deal 502861 on the Texas desk. It looks like we took some of the gas we purchased from Williams (deal 384237) on the Cleburne desk and moved it to ENA's transport contract with deal 502861. The print screen below shows the deal from Zone transport to ENA-Texas. I think we need a deal from Cleburne to Zone Transport to complete to deal path and clean up the UA4. Can you review the deals for November and let me know what you think? Jim says there is UA4 every month of this deal and this may be the reason. I will have to check each month.\nThanks,\nMegan\n \n", ["Cleburne UA4 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384237']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 27, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " it looks like we took some of the gas we purchased from orgname (deal numeric ) on the cleburne desk and moved it to orgname s transport contract with deal numeric ."]], "Darren:\nI am working with Jim Pond to clean up the UA4 that has been booked to Cleburne since the beginning of the deal. We are starting with November 2000. Gas accounting has booked 21,309 MMBtu as UA4 for November, which is related to deal 502861 on the Texas desk. It looks like we took some of the gas we purchased from Williams (deal 384237) on the Cleburne desk and moved it to ENA's transport contract with deal 502861. The print screen below shows the deal from Zone transport to ENA-Texas. I think we need a deal from Cleburne to Zone Transport to complete to deal path and clean up the UA4. Can you review the deals for November and let me know what you think? Jim says there is UA4 every month of this deal and this may be the reason. I will have to check each month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n \n\n"], {"34": {"value": "502861", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "384237", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal gas numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "59": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pathTnn": {"value": "deal pathTnn", "ne": "deal pathTnn", "patterns": ["deal pathTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "21,309", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}}, true], "28-9-2001-12:29:55Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-12:29:55", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26552819.1075852213396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 12:29:55 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Cleburne UA4 11/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Parker, Megan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nMegan, \n\nI have created deal # 1075281 to cover a sale from Cleburne to ENA. I also repathed Unify. This should clean up the UA4 after the actuals on the old path between Deal 384237 and 502861 are zeroed out.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tWednesday, September 19, 2001 1:44 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tCleburne UA4 11/00\n\nDarren:\nI am working with Jim Pond to clean up the UA4 that has been booked to Cleburne since the beginning of the deal. We are starting with November 2000. Gas accounting has booked 21,309 MMBtu as UA4 for November, which is related to deal 502861 on the Texas desk. It looks like we took some of the gas we purchased from Williams (deal 384237) on the Cleburne desk and moved it to ENA's transport contract with deal 502861. The print screen below shows the deal from Zone transport to ENA-Texas. I think we need a deal from Cleburne to Zone Transport to complete to deal path and clean up the UA4. Can you review the deals for November and let me know what you think? Jim says there is UA4 every month of this deal and this may be the reason. I will have to check each month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> ", "RE: Cleburne UA4 11/00", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal"], "information", "megan, i have created deal # phonenumber to cover a sale from cleburne to orgname i also repathed unify."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "intention", "megan, i have created deal # phonenumber to cover a sale from cleburne to orgname i also repathed unify."]], "Megan, \n\nI have created deal # 1075281 to cover a sale from Cleburne to ENA. I also repathed Unify. This should clean up the UA4 after the actuals on the old path between Deal 384237 and 502861 are zeroed out.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\n ", "<26552819.1075852213396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "384237", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric zeroTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "502861", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric zeroTnn"]}}, true]}, "4-1-2002-13:4:35Sjames.armstrong@enron.com 7-1-2002-8:36:17Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-1-2002-13:4:35Sjames.armstrong@enron.com": ["4-1-2002-13:4:35", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5002077.1075840428459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 13:04:35 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: james.armstrong@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Cleburne issues\nCc: michael.olsen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.olsen@enron.com\nX-From: Armstrong, James \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: Olsen, Michael \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren, with Megan gone I just wanted to touch base with you on the status of the Enron payments owed to the Cleburne plant. The current issues are as follows:\n\nNovember Gas Sales\t\t\t\t\t$600,377.50\nOctober payment to ENA for TXU pipeline charges\t$108,405.00\nCleburne receivable from Enron\t\t\t\t$708,782.50\n\nLess: November Gas Agency Fees\t\t\t($54,000.00)\n\nNet Cleburne Receivable from Enron\t\t\t$654,782.50\n\nPer my discussions with Megan, she stated that about $500K of the $600K Nov gas sales was intercompany (desk to desk) sales, with the remainder from TXU. Are we able to settle any intercompany deals now? Are we able to settle with TXU?\n\nAdditionally, you'll see that I included the Oct TXU payment in the receivable owed to Cleburne also. This is because I always pay Megan based upon the pipeline estimates in Michael's file, even though they are not finalized until the next month. Therefore in my November payment to Enron, I paid ENA for October's estimate, of which Megan would have paid the final bill on 12/26/01 when it was finalized. However, I had to pay the October bill directly last month, even though I had already sent the funds to ENA in November. Therefore, I essentially paid this bill twice (once to ENA in Nov & once to TXU in Dec). I deducted the November Agency Fees from these receivable totals to show the net amount owed to Cleburne.\n\nPlease advise as to the status of these bills. You can reach me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\n\nJames", "Cleburne issues", "reply", [], "Daren, with Megan gone I just wanted to touch base with you on the status of the Enron payments owed to the Cleburne plant. The current issues are as follows:\n\nNovember Gas Sales\t\t\t\t\t$600,377.50\nOctober payment to ENA for TXU pipeline charges\t$108,405.00\nCleburne receivable from Enron\t\t\t\t$708,782.50\n\nLess: November Gas Agency Fees\t\t\t($54,000.00)\n\nNet Cleburne Receivable from Enron\t\t\t$654,782.50\n\nPer my discussions with Megan, she stated that about $500K of the $600K Nov gas sales was intercompany (desk to desk) sales, with the remainder from TXU. Are we able to settle any intercompany deals now? Are we able to settle with TXU?\n\nAdditionally, you'll see that I included the Oct TXU payment in the receivable owed to Cleburne also. This is because I always pay Megan based upon the pipeline estimates in Michael's file, even though they are not finalized until the next month. Therefore in my November payment to Enron, I paid ENA for October's estimate, of which Megan would have paid the final bill on 12/26/01 when it was finalized. However, I had to pay the October bill directly last month, even though I had already sent the funds to ENA in November. Therefore, I essentially paid this bill twice (once to ENA in Nov & once to TXU in Dec). I deducted the November Agency Fees from these receivable totals to show the net amount owed to Cleburne.\n\nPlease advise as to the status of these bills. You can reach me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\n\nJames", "<5002077.1075840428459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"27": {"value": "$708,782", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$600,377", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "$108,405", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$54,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$654,782", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "7-1-2002-8:36:17Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-1-2002-8:36:17", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["t..hodge@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2941525.1075840438488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:36:17 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: t..hodge@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Cleburne issues\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Hodge, Jeffrey T. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nJeff, \n\nThe message below is in reference to the voice message and e-mail I sent you a couple of weeks ago. We are serving as agent for Tenaska IV, with the duties of scheduling and settling for the fuel needs of the Cleburne plant. In November, the plant was not running at full capacity, so we sold the excess fuel gas to TXU Fuel and TXU Gas Distribution. In doing this, we ended up with a net payment owed to Tenaska IV (in normal months, Tenaska pays us and then we pay the suppliers and pipelines. All profits/losses are passed through to Tenaska. ENA receives a management fee). Can we pay intercompany bills? How should we go forward with this agency responsibility? \n\nDaren\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tArmstrong, James \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 3:05 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tOlsen, Michael\nSubject:\tCleburne issues\n\nDaren, with Megan gone I just wanted to touch base with you on the status of the Enron payments owed to the Cleburne plant. The current issues are as follows:\n\nNovember Gas Sales\t\t\t\t\t$600,377.50\nOctober payment to ENA for TXU pipeline charges\t$108,405.00\nCleburne receivable from Enron\t\t\t\t$708,782.50\n\nLess: November Gas Agency Fees\t\t\t($54,000.00)\n\nNet Cleburne Receivable from Enron\t\t\t$654,782.50\n\nPer my discussions with Megan, she stated that about $500K of the $600K Nov gas sales was intercompany (desk to desk) sales, with the remainder from TXU. Are we able to settle any intercompany deals now? Are we able to settle with TXU?\n\nAdditionally, you'll see that I included the Oct TXU payment in the receivable owed to Cleburne also. This is because I always pay Megan based upon the pipeline estimates in Michael's file, even though they are not finalized until the next month. Therefore in my November payment to Enron, I paid ENA for October's estimate, of which Megan would have paid the final bill on 12/26/01 when it was finalized. However, I had to pay the October bill directly last month, even though I had already sent the funds to ENA in November. Therefore, I essentially paid this bill twice (once to ENA in Nov & once to TXU in Dec). I deducted the November Agency Fees from these receivable totals to show the net amount owed to Cleburne.\n\nPlease advise as to the status of these bills. You can reach me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\n\nJames", "FW: Cleburne issues", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 19, "information", ["gas", "plant", "sold"], "information", " in november, the plant was not running at full capacity, so we sold the excess fuel gas to txu fuel and txu gas distribution."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 32, "information", ["pay", "pipelines", "suppliers"], "information", " in doing this, we ended up with a net payment owed to orgname (in normal months, orgname pays us and then we pay the suppliers and pipelines."]], "Jeff, \n\nThe message below is in reference to the voice message and e-mail I sent you a couple of weeks ago. We are serving as agent for Tenaska IV, with the duties of scheduling and settling for the fuel needs of the Cleburne plant. In November, the plant was not running at full capacity, so we sold the excess fuel gas to TXU Fuel and TXU Gas Distribution. In doing this, we ended up with a net payment owed to Tenaska IV (in normal months, Tenaska pays us and then we pay the suppliers and pipelines. All profits/losses are passed through to Tenaska. ENA receives a management fee). Can we pay intercompany bills? How should we go forward with this agency responsibility? \n\nDaren\n\n ", "<2941525.1075840438488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"excess fuelTnn": {"value": "excess fuelTnn", "ne": "excess fuelTnn", "patterns": ["excess fuelTnn"]}, "excess_extra gasTnn": {"value": "excess_extra gasTnn", "ne": "excess_extra gasTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra gasTnn"]}, "fuel plantTnn": {"value": "fuel plantTnn", "ne": "fuel plantTnn", "patterns": ["fuel plantTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution txuTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-5-2001-9:47:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-5-2001-9:48:50Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-5-2001-9:47:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-5-2001-9:47:37", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], [], "Use deal 399604. This deal was in Sitara, but did not have the meter attached.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kemp, Juliann \nSent: Monday, May 21, 2001 10:02 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: meter 3425\nDaren -\nWe had flow of 76 for the month of April but no deal came across in Sitarra.\nPer Lee Papyotti, a deal is in place for April but he does not know the deal\nnumber - he told me to ask you.\nThanks - Julie\nHuish Detergents Inc.\n98 3425", ["RE: meter 3425"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '399604']}", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["use", "deal", "399604"], "request", "use deal numeric ."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 7, "information", ["attached", "deal"], "information", " this deal was in sitara, but did not have the meter attached."]], "Use deal 399604. This deal was in Sitara, but did not have the meter attached.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<1623407.1075845124940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "399604", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "3425", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "21-5-2001-9:48:50Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-5-2001-9:48:50", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["d..winfree@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4864264.1075845124962.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 May 2001 09:48:50 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: d..winfree@enron.com\nSubject: meter change\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Winfree, O'Neal D. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nOW, \n\nOn deal 399604 I added meter 3425. There was no meter originally.\n\nD", "meter change", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 5, "information", ["added", "deal", "399604"], "information", "ow, on deal numeric i added meter numeric ."]], "OW, \n\nOn deal 399604 I added meter 3425. There was no meter originally.\n\nD", "<4864264.1075845124962.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "change meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "change meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["change meter_mtrTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "399604", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, true]}, "9-1-2002-13:3:28Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-1-2002-16:11:15Sgarrick.hill@enron.com 10-1-2002-12:6:21Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-1-2002-6:29:0Sgarrick.hill@enron.com 11-1-2002-11:27:49Sgarrick.hill@enron.com": {"9-1-2002-13:3:28Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-1-2002-13:3:28", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["garrick.hill@enron.com"], ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <31243837.1075840438346.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 13:03:28 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: garrick.hill@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV\nCc: michael.olsen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.olsen@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Hill, Garrick \nX-cc: Olsen, Michael \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nRick, \n\nWe need to talk about the ability of ENA to continue its the current role as agent of Tenaska IV.\n\n1) Since the end on November, ENA has not been able to complete gas trading transactions. We cannot find any counterparties to trade physical gas in Texas. This, of course, is due to the bankruptcy. As a result, we are not able to sale Tenaska's excess fuel. We did contact Brazos to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a Gas Daily price, but they do not want it (gas daily pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while). In December, we had to cut 10,000/day from the 7th through the 27th. For January, we haven't had to cut yet, but I am sure that the pipe will ask us to do this in the near future.\n\n2) For November activity (which was settled in Dec), ENA owes Tenaska IV for the excess supply that we sold. However, due to the bankruptcy, we could not make payments out. ENA could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline. James Armstrong paid the counterparties directly. I think that he should continue to do this for Dec and Jan. We should not transfer any funds from Tenaska IV to ENA.\n\nI don't know how Enron's ownership in the plant factors out in the bankruptcy preceding. But we need to determine how to go forward with the fuel management.\n\nPlease give me a call or e-mail me. We can get together sometime Thurs or Fri morning.\n\nD", "Tenaska IV", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 15, "nninformation", ["counterparties", "trade"], "intention", " we cannot find any counterparties to trade orgname in texas."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 18, "nninformation", ["result", "sale"], "request", " as a result, we are not able to sale orgname s excess fuel."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 24, "nninformation", ["buy", "gas"], "intention", " we did contact orgname to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a orgname price, but they do not want it orgname pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while)."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 51, "nninformation", ["pay", "pipeline", "suppliers"], "intention", " orgname could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline."]], "Rick, \n\nWe need to talk about the ability of ENA to continue its the current role as agent of Tenaska IV.\n\n1) Since the end on November, ENA has not been able to complete gas trading transactions. We cannot find any counterparties to trade physical gas in Texas. This, of course, is due to the bankruptcy. As a result, we are not able to sale Tenaska's excess fuel. We did contact Brazos to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a Gas Daily price, but they do not want it (gas daily pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while). In December, we had to cut 10,000/day from the 7th through the 27th. For January, we haven't had to cut yet, but I am sure that the pipe will ask us to do this in the near future.\n\n2) For November activity (which was settled in Dec), ENA owes Tenaska IV for the excess supply that we sold. However, due to the bankruptcy, we could not make payments out. ENA could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline. James Armstrong paid the counterparties directly. I think that he should continue to do this for Dec and Jan. We should not transfer any funds from Tenaska IV to ENA.\n\nI don't know how Enron's ownership in the plant factors out in the bankruptcy preceding. But we need to determine how to go forward with the fuel management.\n\nPlease give me a call or e-mail me. We can get together sometime Thurs or Fri morning.\n\nD", "<31243837.1075840438346.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"excess fuelTnn": {"value": "excess fuelTnn", "ne": "excess fuelTnn", "patterns": ["excess fuelTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}, "gas tradingTnn": {"value": "gas tradingTnn", "ne": "gas tradingTnn", "patterns": ["gas tradingTnn"]}}, false], "9-1-2002-16:11:15Sgarrick.hill@enron.com": ["9-1-2002-16:11:15", "garrick.hill@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22084807.1075840428412.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:11:15 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: garrick.hill@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Hill, Garrick \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI'll call you on Thursday...what's a good time?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 09, 2002 3:03 PM\nTo:\tHill, Garrick\nCc:\tOlsen, Michael\nSubject:\tTenaska IV\n\nRick, \n\nWe need to talk about the ability of ENA to continue its the current role as agent of Tenaska IV.\n\n1) Since the end on November, ENA has not been able to complete gas trading transactions. We cannot find any counterparties to trade physical gas in Texas. This, of course, is due to the bankruptcy. As a result, we are not able to sale Tenaska's excess fuel. We did contact Brazos to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a Gas Daily price, but they do not want it (gas daily pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while). In December, we had to cut 10,000/day from the 7th through the 27th. For January, we haven't had to cut yet, but I am sure that the pipe will ask us to do this in the near future.\n\n2) For November activity (which was settled in Dec), ENA owes Tenaska IV for the excess supply that we sold. However, due to the bankruptcy, we could not make payments out. ENA could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline. James Armstrong paid the counterparties directly. I think that he should continue to do this for Dec and Jan. We should not transfer any funds from Tenaska IV to ENA.\n\nI don't know how Enron's ownership in the plant factors out in the bankruptcy preceding. But we need to determine how to go forward with the fuel management.\n\nPlease give me a call or e-mail me. We can get together sometime Thurs or Fri morning.\n\nD", "RE: Tenaska IV", "reply", [], "I'll call you on Thursday...what's a good time?\n\n ", "<22084807.1075840428412.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "10-1-2002-12:6:21Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2002-12:6:21", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "garrick.hill@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30720981.1075840438222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 12:06:21 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: garrick.hill@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Hill, Garrick \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nRick, \n\nI've had a couple of meetings today. I'm sorry I'm just getting back to you. I tried to call but the voice mail said that you were unavailable. So, give me a call when you get a chance.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHill, Garrick \nSent:\tWednesday, January 09, 2002 6:11 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: Tenaska IV\n\nI'll call you on Thursday...what's a good time?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 09, 2002 3:03 PM\nTo:\tHill, Garrick\nCc:\tOlsen, Michael\nSubject:\tTenaska IV\n\nRick, \n\nWe need to talk about the ability of ENA to continue its the current role as agent of Tenaska IV.\n\n1) Since the end on November, ENA has not been able to complete gas trading transactions. We cannot find any counterparties to trade physical gas in Texas. This, of course, is due to the bankruptcy. As a result, we are not able to sale Tenaska's excess fuel. We did contact Brazos to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a Gas Daily price, but they do not want it (gas daily pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while). In December, we had to cut 10,000/day from the 7th through the 27th. For January, we haven't had to cut yet, but I am sure that the pipe will ask us to do this in the near future.\n\n2) For November activity (which was settled in Dec), ENA owes Tenaska IV for the excess supply that we sold. However, due to the bankruptcy, we could not make payments out. ENA could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline. James Armstrong paid the counterparties directly. I think that he should continue to do this for Dec and Jan. We should not transfer any funds from Tenaska IV to ENA.\n\nI don't know how Enron's ownership in the plant factors out in the bankruptcy preceding. But we need to determine how to go forward with the fuel management.\n\nPlease give me a call or e-mail me. We can get together sometime Thurs or Fri morning.\n\nD", "RE: Tenaska IV", "reply", [], "Rick, \n\nI've had a couple of meetings today. I'm sorry I'm just getting back to you. I tried to call but the voice mail said that you were unavailable. So, give me a call when you get a chance.\n\nD\n\n ", "<30720981.1075840438222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-1-2002-6:29:0Sgarrick.hill@enron.com": ["11-1-2002-6:29:0", "garrick.hill@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16641772.1075840428387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 06:29:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: garrick.hill@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Hill, Garrick \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI tried calling you this am but your phone rolled to someone else's voicemail. Can you call me when you get a chance?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, January 10, 2002 2:06 PM\nTo:\tHill, Garrick\nSubject:\tRE: Tenaska IV\n\nRick, \n\nI've had a couple of meetings today. I'm sorry I'm just getting back to you. I tried to call but the voice mail said that you were unavailable. So, give me a call when you get a chance.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHill, Garrick \nSent:\tWednesday, January 09, 2002 6:11 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: Tenaska IV\n\nI'll call you on Thursday...what's a good time?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 09, 2002 3:03 PM\nTo:\tHill, Garrick\nCc:\tOlsen, Michael\nSubject:\tTenaska IV\n\nRick, \n\nWe need to talk about the ability of ENA to continue its the current role as agent of Tenaska IV.\n\n1) Since the end on November, ENA has not been able to complete gas trading transactions. We cannot find any counterparties to trade physical gas in Texas. This, of course, is due to the bankruptcy. As a result, we are not able to sale Tenaska's excess fuel. We did contact Brazos to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a Gas Daily price, but they do not want it (gas daily pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while). In December, we had to cut 10,000/day from the 7th through the 27th. For January, we haven't had to cut yet, but I am sure that the pipe will ask us to do this in the near future.\n\n2) For November activity (which was settled in Dec), ENA owes Tenaska IV for the excess supply that we sold. However, due to the bankruptcy, we could not make payments out. ENA could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline. James Armstrong paid the counterparties directly. I think that he should continue to do this for Dec and Jan. We should not transfer any funds from Tenaska IV to ENA.\n\nI don't know how Enron's ownership in the plant factors out in the bankruptcy preceding. But we need to determine how to go forward with the fuel management.\n\nPlease give me a call or e-mail me. We can get together sometime Thurs or Fri morning.\n\nD", "RE: Tenaska IV", "reply", [], "I tried calling you this am but your phone rolled to someone else's voicemail. Can you call me when you get a chance?\n\n ", "<16641772.1075840428387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-1-2002-11:27:49Sgarrick.hill@enron.com": ["11-1-2002-11:27:49", "garrick.hill@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4664710.1075840428363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:27:49 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: garrick.hill@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Hill, Garrick \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nOK, since we don't appear to be able to hook up by phone...\n\nWith respect to (1), if ENA can't effectively manage the plant's positions, who can you recommend that could under the same terms? As you recall, the equity owners do have a buyer interested in the asset, so the arrangement would probably be short-term at best.\n\nI think the bank that has collateral rights to the asset will be concerned with the payable. With respect to (2), did your discussions with Legal lead to any conclusions with respect to compensating the project? What is the amount of the claim the project has back to ENA? I agree that the project should make payments directly to the suppliers and Lone Star.\n\nI'm around, give me a call if you get a chance.\n\nRH\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 09, 2002 3:03 PM\nTo:\tHill, Garrick\nCc:\tOlsen, Michael\nSubject:\tTenaska IV\n\nRick, \n\nWe need to talk about the ability of ENA to continue its the current role as agent of Tenaska IV.\n\n1) Since the end on November, ENA has not been able to complete gas trading transactions. We cannot find any counterparties to trade physical gas in Texas. This, of course, is due to the bankruptcy. As a result, we are not able to sale Tenaska's excess fuel. We did contact Brazos to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a Gas Daily price, but they do not want it (gas daily pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while). In December, we had to cut 10,000/day from the 7th through the 27th. For January, we haven't had to cut yet, but I am sure that the pipe will ask us to do this in the near future.\n\n2) For November activity (which was settled in Dec), ENA owes Tenaska IV for the excess supply that we sold. However, due to the bankruptcy, we could not make payments out. ENA could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline. James Armstrong paid the counterparties directly. I think that he should continue to do this for Dec and Jan. We should not transfer any funds from Tenaska IV to ENA.\n\nI don't know how Enron's ownership in the plant factors out in the bankruptcy preceding. But we need to determine how to go forward with the fuel management.\n\nPlease give me a call or e-mail me. We can get together sometime Thurs or Fri morning.\n\nD", "RE: Tenaska IV", "reply", [], "OK, since we don't appear to be able to hook up by phone...\n\nWith respect to (1), if ENA can't effectively manage the plant's positions, who can you recommend that could under the same terms? As you recall, the equity owners do have a buyer interested in the asset, so the arrangement would probably be short-term at best.\n\nI think the bank that has collateral rights to the asset will be concerned with the payable. With respect to (2), did your discussions with Legal lead to any conclusions with respect to compensating the project? What is the amount of the claim the project has back to ENA? I agree that the project should make payments directly to the suppliers and Lone Star.\n\nI'm around, give me a call if you get a chance.\n\nRH\n\n ", "<4664710.1075840428363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "23-11-2001-13:29:42Sbuylow@houston.rr.com 26-11-2001-12:51:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"23-11-2001-13:29:42Sbuylow@houston.rr.com": ["23-11-2001-13:29:42", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23446566.1075861271352.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 13:29:42 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: buylow@houston.rr.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: I Lowered the Cornboys flag\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"buylow\" @ENRON\nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nHi,\n \nI know the stock sucks and things look black, but I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and a good trip.\n \nAt this 10 seconds there is 2 min. left in the 1st quarter of the Neb./Colo. game and I have struck my colors. Discretion being the better part of valor. My Aggie neighbor saw me taking them down and just laughed ......... can you imagine?\n \nWe sure had the polls fooled for awhile ............. and some of us more ignorant fans.\n \nKen", "I Lowered the Cornboys flag", "reply", [], "\nHi,\n \nI know the stock sucks and things look black, but I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and a good trip.\n \nAt this 10 seconds there is 2 min. left in the 1st quarter of the Neb./Colo. game and I have struck my colors. Discretion being the better part of valor. My Aggie neighbor saw me taking them down and just laughed ......... can you imagine?\n \nWe sure had the polls fooled for awhile ............. and some of us more ignorant fans.\n \nKen", "<23446566.1075861271352.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-11-2001-12:51:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-11-2001-12:51:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["buylow@houston.rr.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2536885.1075859102322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 12:51:12 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: buylow@houston.rr.com\nSubject: RE: I Lowered the Cornboys flag\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: '\"buylow\" @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jan2002\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHey, Ken\n\nWe had a good holiday. Except for the trip back...it usually takes around 9 hours. Last night it took 12. Other than that everything was good. Played a little golf (play may be too strong a word). Watched a little football. Our game with Texas was much better than I expected. I can't believe Colorado ran over Nebraska like that. And the OU game...I love college football. It is so much more exciting than the pros.\n\nRight now, I'm just sitting here watching the stock price bounce around 3.85. The big boys have been huddling quite a bit today. I think that we are close to the end. Layoffs should be announced tomorrow.\n\nSo, did you get the Christmas tree after the game? 20 footer? We'll be out this weekend getting ours and putting up the lights. Jake doesn't know what's going on. But, Cole is all excited. Everything he sees, he wants for \"Chrimsas\". Knowing Jake, I will probably have to anchor the tree on all sides to keep him from bringing it down. We'll see how it goes.\n\nI hope you had happy holiday, even with the game. \n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"buylow\" @ENRON \nSent:\tFriday, November 23, 2001 3:30 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tI Lowered the Cornboys flag\n\n\nHi,\n \nI know the stock sucks and things look black, but I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and a good trip.\n \nAt this 10 seconds there is 2 min. left in the 1st quarter of the Neb./Colo. game and I have struck my colors. Discretion being the better part of valor. My Aggie neighbor saw me taking them down and just laughed ......... can you imagine?\n \nWe sure had the polls fooled for awhile ............. and some of us more ignorant fans.\n \nKen", "RE: I Lowered the Cornboys flag", "originEmail", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 60, "nninformation", ["keep", "him"], "intention", " knowing jake, i will probably have to anchor the tree on all sides to keep him from bringing it down."]], "Hey, Ken\n\nWe had a good holiday. Except for the trip back...it usually takes around 9 hours. Last night it took 12. Other than that everything was good. Played a little golf (play may be too strong a word). Watched a little football. Our game with Texas was much better than I expected. I can't believe Colorado ran over Nebraska like that. And the OU game...I love college football. It is so much more exciting than the pros.\n\nRight now, I'm just sitting here watching the stock price bounce around 3.85. The big boys have been huddling quite a bit today. I think that we are close to the end. Layoffs should be announced tomorrow.\n\nSo, did you get the Christmas tree after the game? 20 footer? We'll be out this weekend getting ours and putting up the lights. Jake doesn't know what's going on. But, Cole is all excited. Everything he sees, he wants for \"Chrimsas\". Knowing Jake, I will probably have to anchor the tree on all sides to keep him from bringing it down. We'll see how it goes.\n\nI hope you had happy holiday, even with the game. \n\nD\n\n ", "<2536885.1075859102322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-4-2001-6:35:32Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com 26-4-2001-8:49:49Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"26-4-2001-6:35:32Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-6:35:32", "juliann.kemp@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21890810.1075845127058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 06:35:32 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: FW: FW: Equistar 1373 for March\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kemp, Juliann \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Industrials\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren - I won't be here on Friday but Tom Acton will back me up. \nMegan Parker keeps asking me for an answer - have you had a chance to decide what to do?\nThanks - Julie\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 8:34 AM\nTo:\tKemp, Juliann\nSubject:\tRe: FW: Equistar 1373 for March\n\nHave you heard from Daren yet? Equistar won't pay the invoice until we bill it correctly. Thanks for you help. I know it's bid week.\n\nMegan\n\n\nFrom:\tJuliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 10:22 AM\nTo:\tMegan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tFW: Equistar 1373 for March\n\n\nI sent this to Daren Farmer - to give me direction for the missing gas volumes. \nThe deals went to '0' in Sitara by the Trader and Amiee confirmed it for the following days. Thanks - Julie\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKemp, Juliann \nSent:\tWednesday, April 25, 2001 10:18 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tEquistar for March\n\nMarch - \nMeter 1373\nDeal 165373 for 10,000 (3rd, 4th, 5th) total 310,000 \n\n\nDeal 157572 for 5,000 (3rd) total 155,000\ndeal was taken to zero in Sitara - Equistar said it should of been kept whole for the whole month.\n\nWhat do you want me to do so Equistar can pay their invoice. Thanks - Julie\n\n\n\n\n\n", "FW: FW: Equistar 1373 for March", "reply", [], "Daren - I won't be here on Friday but Tom Acton will back me up. \nMegan Parker keeps asking me for an answer - have you had a chance to decide what to do?\nThanks - Julie\n\n ", "<21890810.1075845127058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-4-2001-8:49:49Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-8:49:49", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <31698490.1075845124135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 08:49:49 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nSubject: RE: FW: Equistar 1373 for March\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Kemp, Juliann \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nAny deals that were confirmed with Equistar for the first of the month should be kept whole throughout the month. On days where they didn't pull the nom, the buyback goes into effect. Any shortages should be allocated to the buyback tickets.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKemp, Juliann \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 8:36 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tFW: FW: Equistar 1373 for March\n\nDaren - I won't be here on Friday but Tom Acton will back me up. \nMegan Parker keeps asking me for an answer - have you had a chance to decide what to do?\nThanks - Julie\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 8:34 AM\nTo:\tKemp, Juliann\nSubject:\tRe: FW: Equistar 1373 for March\n\nHave you heard from Daren yet? Equistar won't pay the invoice until we bill it correctly. Thanks for you help. I know it's bid week.\n\nMegan\n\n\nFrom:\tJuliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 10:22 AM\nTo:\tMegan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tFW: Equistar 1373 for March\n\n\nI sent this to Daren Farmer - to give me direction for the missing gas volumes. \nThe deals went to '0' in Sitara by the Trader and Amiee confirmed it for the following days. Thanks - Julie\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKemp, Juliann \nSent:\tWednesday, April 25, 2001 10:18 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tEquistar for March\n\nMarch - \nMeter 1373\nDeal 165373 for 10,000 (3rd, 4th, 5th) total 310,000 \n\n\nDeal 157572 for 5,000 (3rd) total 155,000\ndeal was taken to zero in Sitara - Equistar said it should of been kept whole for the whole month.\n\nWhat do you want me to do so Equistar can pay their invoice. Thanks - Julie\n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: FW: Equistar 1373 for March", "originEmail", [["keep_continue desk", 3, "nninformation", ["deals", "kept"], "intention", "any deals that were confirmed with orgname for the first of the month should be kept whole throughout the month."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["allocated", "buyback", "shortages", "tickets"], "intention", " any shortages should be allocated to the buyback tickets."]], "Any deals that were confirmed with Equistar for the first of the month should be kept whole throughout the month. On days where they didn't pull the nom, the buyback goes into effect. Any shortages should be allocated to the buyback tickets.\n\nD\n\n ", "<31698490.1075845124135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-5-2001-8:1:59Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com 21-5-2001-9:47:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-5-2001-8:1:59Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com": ["21-5-2001-8:1:59", "juliann.kemp@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16887941.1075840435416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 May 2001 08:01:59 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 3425\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kemp, Juliann \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren -\nWe had flow of 76 for the month of April but no deal came across in Sitarra.\nPer Lee Papyotti, a deal is in place for April but he does not know the deal\nnumber - he told me to ask you.\nThanks - Julie\n\nHuish Detergents Inc.\n98 3425", "meter 3425", "reply", [], "Daren -\nWe had flow of 76 for the month of April but no deal came across in Sitarra.\nPer Lee Papyotti, a deal is in place for April but he does not know the deal\nnumber - he told me to ask you.\nThanks - Julie\n\nHuish Detergents Inc.\n98 3425", "<16887941.1075840435416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "76", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "21-5-2001-9:47:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-5-2001-9:47:37", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1623407.1075845124940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 May 2001 09:47:37 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nSubject: RE: meter 3425\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Kemp, Juliann \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nUse deal 399604. This deal was in Sitara, but did not have the meter attached.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKemp, Juliann \nSent:\tMonday, May 21, 2001 10:02 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tmeter 3425\n\nDaren -\nWe had flow of 76 for the month of April but no deal came across in Sitarra.\nPer Lee Papyotti, a deal is in place for April but he does not know the deal\nnumber - he told me to ask you.\nThanks - Julie\n\nHuish Detergents Inc.\n98 3425", "RE: meter 3425", "originEmail", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["use", "deal", "399604"], "request", "use deal numeric ."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 7, "information", ["attached", "deal"], "information", " this deal was in sitara, but did not have the meter attached."]], "Use deal 399604. This deal was in Sitara, but did not have the meter attached.\n\nD\n\n ", "<1623407.1075845124940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "399604", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "3425", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-5-2001-12:48:4Ssandi.braband@enron.com 23-5-2001-13:51:57Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"23-5-2001-12:48:4Ssandi.braband@enron.com": ["23-5-2001-12:48:4", "sandi.braband@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <810592.1075840429454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:48:04 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sandi.braband@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska agreement\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Braband, Sandi \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren,\ndo you know what the situation is with getting that Tenaska agreement signed? it is on a list to be assigned to HPL in the sale and I don't think it has ever been executed--I know you left me a message a week or so ago about this--is there any information that i owe you ?", "Tenaska agreement", "reply", [], "Darren,\ndo you know what the situation is with getting that Tenaska agreement signed? it is on a list to be assigned to HPL in the sale and I don't think it has ever been executed--I know you left me a message a week or so ago about this--is there any information that i owe you ?", "<810592.1075840429454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "23-5-2001-13:51:57Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-5-2001-13:51:57", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sandi.braband@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16920776.1075845125056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 May 2001 13:51:57 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: sandi.braband@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tenaska agreement\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Braband, Sandi \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nSandi, \n\nI don't think that the Agency agreement is going with HPL. If that has changed, please let me know. I asked Dave Baumbach about it and he agreed with me.\n\nAs far as signing the agreement, I need one thing added. Under Section 4.A., we need to add something like, \"IN the event that ENA owes Company, payment will be made to Company after ENA has received funds from third party sales of excess supply.\" This situation has occurred when the plant was down for the majority of the month. ENA sold the supply and net owed Tenaska IV a large sum of money after the admin fee was netted out.\n\nAdditionally, TXU pipeline has sent an amendment to the transport contract (adding receipt points). The contract still has Tenaska Gas Co as a counterparty, instead of Enron North America. How do we get this corrected?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBraband, Sandi \nSent:\tWednesday, May 23, 2001 2:48 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tTenaska agreement\n\nDarren,\ndo you know what the situation is with getting that Tenaska agreement signed? it is on a list to be assigned to HPL in the sale and I don't think it has ever been executed--I know you left me a message a week or so ago about this--is there any information that i owe you ?", "RE: Tenaska agreement", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 52, "information", ["sent", "transport**contract"], "information", " additionally, txu pipeline has sent an amendment to the transport contract (adding receipt points)."]], "Sandi, \n\nI don't think that the Agency agreement is going with HPL. If that has changed, please let me know. I asked Dave Baumbach about it and he agreed with me.\n\nAs far as signing the agreement, I need one thing added. Under Section 4.A., we need to add something like, \"IN the event that ENA owes Company, payment will be made to Company after ENA has received funds from third party sales of excess supply.\" This situation has occurred when the plant was down for the majority of the month. ENA sold the supply and net owed Tenaska IV a large sum of money after the admin fee was netted out.\n\nAdditionally, TXU pipeline has sent an amendment to the transport contract (adding receipt points). The contract still has Tenaska Gas Co as a counterparty, instead of Enron North America. How do we get this corrected?\n\nD\n\n ", "<16920776.1075845125056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agency agreementTnn": {"value": "agency agreementTnn", "ne": "agency agreementTnn", "patterns": ["agency agreementTnn"]}, "contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn"]}, "counterparty gasTnn": {"value": "counterparty gasTnn", "ne": "counterparty gasTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty gasTnn"]}, "gas insteadTnn": {"value": "gas insteadTnn", "ne": "gas insteadTnn", "patterns": ["gas insteadTnn"]}, "point transport_transport0contractTnn": {"value": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "ne": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "patterns": ["point transport_transport0contractTnn"]}, "sale supplyTnn": {"value": "sale supplyTnn", "ne": "sale supplyTnn", "patterns": ["sale supplyTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-1-2002-6:50:45Srobert.superty@enron.com 2-1-2002-7:43:29Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-1-2002-7:50:17Srobert.superty@enron.com 2-1-2002-9:3:48Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-1-2002-9:6:4Srobert.superty@enron.com": {"2-1-2002-6:50:45Srobert.superty@enron.com": ["2-1-2002-6:50:45", "robert.superty@enron.com", "lisa.kinsey@enron.com tammy.jaquet@enron.com s..olinger@enron.com suzanne.calcagno@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com victor.lamadrid@enron.com patti.sullivan@enron.com l..gay@enron.com", "brandee.jackson@enron.com m.hall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9096718.1075840427679.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 06:50:45 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.superty@enron.com\nTo: lisa.kinsey@enron.com, tammy.jaquet@enron.com, s..olinger@enron.com,\n\tsuzanne.calcagno@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com,\n\tvictor.lamadrid@enron.com, patti.sullivan@enron.com,\n\tl..gay@enron.com\nSubject: NETCO Items\nCc: brandee.jackson@enron.com, m.hall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: brandee.jackson@enron.com, m.hall@enron.com\nX-From: Superty, Robert \nX-To: Kinsey, Lisa , Jaquet, Tammy , Olinger, Kimberly S. , Calcagno, Suzanne , Farmer, Daren J. , Lamadrid, Victor , Sullivan, Patti , Gay, Randall L. \nX-cc: Jackson, Brandee , Hall, Bob M \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Bankruptcy\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nWanted to share the latest communication on NETCO. This is all good news and exciting to see that things will be moving on a fast track from this point forward. I will be pulling you together and asking for some information to meet the plans and deadlines listed below. \n\nFor a start please review your pipe coverage that is planned on your desk with the NETCO team you will have to work with and forward me that breakdown. I know you took a preliminary look at this but I want you all to rethink and give me a \"final or startup\" list. The list you gave me on the contracts required for NETCO on the pipelines has been consolidated and is being reviewed. I believe we need to take a look at some of the Intrastates and key LDC's and get that info on the list. Seating plan should be simple once we get a better handle on the layout for 5 & 6. I'll try and get some details today. Don't know if we will be allocated spots on 6. IT systems layout and structure is already being planned/discussed. Most likely we will get involved in some testing once they start laying out the new architecture.\n\nIn addition any other items for a re-start that you can think of please forward to me. \n\nOf course we still have the major hurdle of securing a buyer and once/if we do what do they actually submit a bid to purchase. Let's be optimistic and hope they are interested in the NETCO structure that has been laid out. Regardless we still need to do all of the tasks listed below to get ready.\n\nThanks - Bob\n\nThe New Year has arrived and we really to finalize a lot of the work with regards to moving into NETCO. Obviously we still do not have a deal but the deadline is approaching and preparations need to be finalized.\n\nThe main areas to focus on over the next week are:-\n\n(i) \tRe-start/Integration Plans (due on Jan 7)\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Louise\t\n\tThese plans need to be detailed and show clear detailed timelines and detailed responsibilities for getting us up and running as soon as possible. \n\tThe current restart date is January 21, 2001 but may be pushed forward to January 14, 2002.\t\n(ii)\tBudget (due Jan 3, 2002)\t\t\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Faith Killen \n\tFirst year budget to include all start up costs (some of which can be amortized)\n(iii)\tSeating Plans\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTammy Shepperd to co-ordinate\n\tWe need to start the planning process for seating as we will be living on floors 5 & 6 of the Enron South building.\n\tI have asked Tammy Shepperd to commence the seating plan and we would look to start the moves as soon as possible but with a large number occuring around January 11,2002.\n(iv)\tDue Diligence\n\tWe continue the process with two new companies this week (Wednesday and Thursday). Andy Zipper is taking the lead for the company arriving on Wednesday, please help him with his requirements.", "NETCO Items", "reply", [], "Wanted to share the latest communication on NETCO. This is all good news and exciting to see that things will be moving on a fast track from this point forward. I will be pulling you together and asking for some information to meet the plans and deadlines listed below. \n\nFor a start please review your pipe coverage that is planned on your desk with the NETCO team you will have to work with and forward me that breakdown. I know you took a preliminary look at this but I want you all to rethink and give me a \"final or startup\" list. The list you gave me on the contracts required for NETCO on the pipelines has been consolidated and is being reviewed. I believe we need to take a look at some of the Intrastates and key LDC's and get that info on the list. Seating plan should be simple once we get a better handle on the layout for 5 & 6. I'll try and get some details today. Don't know if we will be allocated spots on 6. IT systems layout and structure is already being planned/discussed. Most likely we will get involved in some testing once they start laying out the new architecture.\n\nIn addition any other items for a re-start that you can think of please forward to me. \n\nOf course we still have the major hurdle of securing a buyer and once/if we do what do they actually submit a bid to purchase. Let's be optimistic and hope they are interested in the NETCO structure that has been laid out. Regardless we still need to do all of the tasks listed below to get ready.\n\nThanks - Bob\n\nThe New Year has arrived and we really to finalize a lot of the work with regards to moving into NETCO. Obviously we still do not have a deal but the deadline is approaching and preparations need to be finalized.\n\nThe main areas to focus on over the next week are:-\n\n(i) \tRe-start/Integration Plans (due on Jan 7)\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Louise\t\n\tThese plans need to be detailed and show clear detailed timelines and detailed responsibilities for getting us up and running as soon as possible. \n\tThe current restart date is January 21, 2001 but may be pushed forward to January 14, 2002.\t\n(ii)\tBudget (due Jan 3, 2002)\t\t\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Faith Killen \n\tFirst year budget to include all start up costs (some of which can be amortized)\n(iii)\tSeating Plans\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTammy Shepperd to co-ordinate\n\tWe need to start the planning process for seating as we will be living on floors 5 & 6 of the Enron South building.\n\tI have asked Tammy Shepperd to commence the seating plan and we would look to start the moves as soon as possible but with a large number occuring around January 11,2002.\n(iv)\tDue Diligence\n\tWe continue the process with two new companies this week (Wednesday and Thursday). Andy Zipper is taking the lead for the company arriving on Wednesday, please help him with his requirements.", "<9096718.1075840427679.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-1-2002-7:43:29Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2002-7:43:29", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.superty@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14808011.1075840438749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 07:43:29 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.superty@enron.com\nSubject: RE: NETCO Items\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Superty, Robert \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nBob, \n\nFor the Texas Desk, Mike Olsen and I will start out handling the scheduling activities. As we start up we will not be doing a lot of shipping on the intrastate pipes. We will primarily be utilizing hub and cartwheel agreements and net outs. Trading primarily on the Waha, Katy , and Carthage hubs. I will cover Katy and Carthage. Mike will continue to cover Waha and any shipping activities on the intrastate pipes. I will need a second person fairly soon after we begin trading again (within a month or two). \n\nWhat are you thinking that we need to look into on the intrastates?\n\nAlso, with message of setting up new budgets, can you have Brandy send me a copy of the budget we had in place for Texas 2002? \n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSuperty, Robert \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 8:51 AM\nTo:\tKinsey, Lisa; Jaquet, Tammy; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Calcagno, Suzanne; Farmer, Daren J.; Lamadrid, Victor; Sullivan, Patti; Gay, Randall L.\nCc:\tJackson, Brandee; Hall, Bob M\nSubject:\tNETCO Items\n\nWanted to share the latest communication on NETCO. This is all good news and exciting to see that things will be moving on a fast track from this point forward. I will be pulling you together and asking for some information to meet the plans and deadlines listed below. \n\nFor a start please review your pipe coverage that is planned on your desk with the NETCO team you will have to work with and forward me that breakdown. I know you took a preliminary look at this but I want you all to rethink and give me a \"final or startup\" list. The list you gave me on the contracts required for NETCO on the pipelines has been consolidated and is being reviewed. I believe we need to take a look at some of the Intrastates and key LDC's and get that info on the list. Seating plan should be simple once we get a better handle on the layout for 5 & 6. I'll try and get some details today. Don't know if we will be allocated spots on 6. IT systems layout and structure is already being planned/discussed. Most likely we will get involved in some testing once they start laying out the new architecture.\n\nIn addition any other items for a re-start that you can think of please forward to me. \n\nOf course we still have the major hurdle of securing a buyer and once/if we do what do they actually submit a bid to purchase. Let's be optimistic and hope they are interested in the NETCO structure that has been laid out. Regardless we still need to do all of the tasks listed below to get ready.\n\nThanks - Bob\n\nThe New Year has arrived and we really to finalize a lot of the work with regards to moving into NETCO. Obviously we still do not have a deal but the deadline is approaching and preparations need to be finalized.\n\nThe main areas to focus on over the next week are:-\n\n(i) \tRe-start/Integration Plans (due on Jan 7)\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Louise\t\n\tThese plans need to be detailed and show clear detailed timelines and detailed responsibilities for getting us up and running as soon as possible. \n\tThe current restart date is January 21, 2001 but may be pushed forward to January 14, 2002.\t\n(ii)\tBudget (due Jan 3, 2002)\t\t\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Faith Killen \n\tFirst year budget to include all start up costs (some of which can be amortized)\n(iii)\tSeating Plans\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTammy Shepperd to co-ordinate\n\tWe need to start the planning process for seating as we will be living on floors 5 & 6 of the Enron South building.\n\tI have asked Tammy Shepperd to commence the seating plan and we would look to start the moves as soon as possible but with a large number occuring around January 11,2002.\n(iv)\tDue Diligence\n\tWe continue the process with two new companies this week (Wednesday and Thursday). Andy Zipper is taking the lead for the company arriving on Wednesday, please help him with his requirements.", "RE: NETCO Items", "reply", [], "Bob, \n\nFor the Texas Desk, Mike Olsen and I will start out handling the scheduling activities. As we start up we will not be doing a lot of shipping on the intrastate pipes. We will primarily be utilizing hub and cartwheel agreements and net outs. Trading primarily on the Waha, Katy , and Carthage hubs. I will cover Katy and Carthage. Mike will continue to cover Waha and any shipping activities on the intrastate pipes. I will need a second person fairly soon after we begin trading again (within a month or two). \n\nWhat are you thinking that we need to look into on the intrastates?\n\nAlso, with message of setting up new budgets, can you have Brandy send me a copy of the budget we had in place for Texas 2002? \n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n ", "<14808011.1075840438749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-1-2002-7:50:17Srobert.superty@enron.com": ["2-1-2002-7:50:17", "robert.superty@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "suzanne.calcagno@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23536758.1075840427653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 07:50:17 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.superty@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: NETCO Items\nCc: suzanne.calcagno@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: suzanne.calcagno@enron.com\nX-From: Superty, Robert \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: Calcagno, Suzanne \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Bankruptcy\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren, plan is to have the necessary contracts in place under the new NETCO name so we can do business on all key pipes. Regarding the Intrastates I suggest you think about the key ones so we have them on the list and get basic contracts in place once we have a new name and parent. Also what services you want on each so we get all the necessary contracts done. \n\nI'll get you some budget info shortly, tks - Bob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 9:43 AM\nTo:\tSuperty, Robert\nSubject:\tRE: NETCO Items\n\nBob, \n\nFor the Texas Desk, Mike Olsen and I will start out handling the scheduling activities. As we start up we will not be doing a lot of shipping on the intrastate pipes. We will primarily be utilizing hub and cartwheel agreements and net outs. Trading primarily on the Waha, Katy , and Carthage hubs. I will cover Katy and Carthage. Mike will continue to cover Waha and any shipping activities on the intrastate pipes. I will need a second person fairly soon after we begin trading again (within a month or two). \n\nWhat are you thinking that we need to look into on the intrastates?\n\nAlso, with message of setting up new budgets, can you have Brandy send me a copy of the budget we had in place for Texas 2002? \n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSuperty, Robert \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 8:51 AM\nTo:\tKinsey, Lisa; Jaquet, Tammy; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Calcagno, Suzanne; Farmer, Daren J.; Lamadrid, Victor; Sullivan, Patti; Gay, Randall L.\nCc:\tJackson, Brandee; Hall, Bob M\nSubject:\tNETCO Items\n\nWanted to share the latest communication on NETCO. This is all good news and exciting to see that things will be moving on a fast track from this point forward. I will be pulling you together and asking for some information to meet the plans and deadlines listed below. \n\nFor a start please review your pipe coverage that is planned on your desk with the NETCO team you will have to work with and forward me that breakdown. I know you took a preliminary look at this but I want you all to rethink and give me a \"final or startup\" list. The list you gave me on the contracts required for NETCO on the pipelines has been consolidated and is being reviewed. I believe we need to take a look at some of the Intrastates and key LDC's and get that info on the list. Seating plan should be simple once we get a better handle on the layout for 5 & 6. I'll try and get some details today. Don't know if we will be allocated spots on 6. IT systems layout and structure is already being planned/discussed. Most likely we will get involved in some testing once they start laying out the new architecture.\n\nIn addition any other items for a re-start that you can think of please forward to me. \n\nOf course we still have the major hurdle of securing a buyer and once/if we do what do they actually submit a bid to purchase. Let's be optimistic and hope they are interested in the NETCO structure that has been laid out. Regardless we still need to do all of the tasks listed below to get ready.\n\nThanks - Bob\n\nThe New Year has arrived and we really to finalize a lot of the work with regards to moving into NETCO. Obviously we still do not have a deal but the deadline is approaching and preparations need to be finalized.\n\nThe main areas to focus on over the next week are:-\n\n(i) \tRe-start/Integration Plans (due on Jan 7)\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Louise\t\n\tThese plans need to be detailed and show clear detailed timelines and detailed responsibilities for getting us up and running as soon as possible. \n\tThe current restart date is January 21, 2001 but may be pushed forward to January 14, 2002.\t\n(ii)\tBudget (due Jan 3, 2002)\t\t\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Faith Killen \n\tFirst year budget to include all start up costs (some of which can be amortized)\n(iii)\tSeating Plans\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTammy Shepperd to co-ordinate\n\tWe need to start the planning process for seating as we will be living on floors 5 & 6 of the Enron South building.\n\tI have asked Tammy Shepperd to commence the seating plan and we would look to start the moves as soon as possible but with a large number occuring around January 11,2002.\n(iv)\tDue Diligence\n\tWe continue the process with two new companies this week (Wednesday and Thursday). Andy Zipper is taking the lead for the company arriving on Wednesday, please help him with his requirements.", "RE: NETCO Items", "reply", [], "Darren, plan is to have the necessary contracts in place under the new NETCO name so we can do business on all key pipes. Regarding the Intrastates I suggest you think about the key ones so we have them on the list and get basic contracts in place once we have a new name and parent. Also what services you want on each so we get all the necessary contracts done. \n\nI'll get you some budget info shortly, tks - Bob\n\n ", "<23536758.1075840427653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-1-2002-9:3:48Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2002-9:3:48", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["robert.superty@enron.com"], ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16719201.1075840438725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 09:03:48 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.superty@enron.com\nSubject: RE: NETCO Items\nCc: michael.olsen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.olsen@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Superty, Robert \nX-cc: Olsen, Michael \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nBob. \n\nI could have sworn that I sent you this information earlier. But I can't find it in my e-mail anywhere, so here it is:\n\nHighest Priority\nEl Paso Gas Transmission Texas Pipeline (formerly PGE Texas and Valero)\tHub contract, Park & Lend contracts, inter- and intrastate transport\nEast Texas Gas Transmission (Duke Energy Field Services)\t\t\tCartwheel agreement, transport\n\nSecondary Priority\nGuadalupe Pipeline (Duke Energy Field Services)\t\t\t\t\tIntra- and interstate transport\nOasis Pipeline\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nTXU Gas Distribution (Lone Star Pipeline)\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nHouston Pipe Line\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nEl Paso Field Services Channel\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nOneok Westex (Westar)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nKinder Morgan Texas Pipeline (Midcon)\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nTejas Pipeline\n\nThe contracts on the pipes listed under \"Highest Priority\" are required for us to trade in the 3 main areas in Texas (EOL). We must have these on day one. The secondary contracts/pipes will be used soon after start up and are ranked in order of importance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Again, I thought that I sent this to you a couple of weeks ago. Sorry for the delay.\n\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSuperty, Robert \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 9:50 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tCalcagno, Suzanne\nSubject:\tRE: NETCO Items\n\nDarren, plan is to have the necessary contracts in place under the new NETCO name so we can do business on all key pipes. Regarding the Intrastates I suggest you think about the key ones so we have them on the list and get basic contracts in place once we have a new name and parent. Also what services you want on each so we get all the necessary contracts done. \n\nI'll get you some budget info shortly, tks - Bob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 9:43 AM\nTo:\tSuperty, Robert\nSubject:\tRE: NETCO Items\n\nBob, \n\nFor the Texas Desk, Mike Olsen and I will start out handling the scheduling activities. As we start up we will not be doing a lot of shipping on the intrastate pipes. We will primarily be utilizing hub and cartwheel agreements and net outs. Trading primarily on the Waha, Katy , and Carthage hubs. I will cover Katy and Carthage. Mike will continue to cover Waha and any shipping activities on the intrastate pipes. I will need a second person fairly soon after we begin trading again (within a month or two). \n\nWhat are you thinking that we need to look into on the intrastates?\n\nAlso, with message of setting up new budgets, can you have Brandy send me a copy of the budget we had in place for Texas 2002? \n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSuperty, Robert \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 8:51 AM\nTo:\tKinsey, Lisa; Jaquet, Tammy; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Calcagno, Suzanne; Farmer, Daren J.; Lamadrid, Victor; Sullivan, Patti; Gay, Randall L.\nCc:\tJackson, Brandee; Hall, Bob M\nSubject:\tNETCO Items\n\nWanted to share the latest communication on NETCO. This is all good news and exciting to see that things will be moving on a fast track from this point forward. I will be pulling you together and asking for some information to meet the plans and deadlines listed below. \n\nFor a start please review your pipe coverage that is planned on your desk with the NETCO team you will have to work with and forward me that breakdown. I know you took a preliminary look at this but I want you all to rethink and give me a \"final or startup\" list. The list you gave me on the contracts required for NETCO on the pipelines has been consolidated and is being reviewed. I believe we need to take a look at some of the Intrastates and key LDC's and get that info on the list. Seating plan should be simple once we get a better handle on the layout for 5 & 6. I'll try and get some details today. Don't know if we will be allocated spots on 6. IT systems layout and structure is already being planned/discussed. Most likely we will get involved in some testing once they start laying out the new architecture.\n\nIn addition any other items for a re-start that you can think of please forward to me. \n\nOf course we still have the major hurdle of securing a buyer and once/if we do what do they actually submit a bid to purchase. Let's be optimistic and hope they are interested in the NETCO structure that has been laid out. Regardless we still need to do all of the tasks listed below to get ready.\n\nThanks - Bob\n\nThe New Year has arrived and we really to finalize a lot of the work with regards to moving into NETCO. Obviously we still do not have a deal but the deadline is approaching and preparations need to be finalized.\n\nThe main areas to focus on over the next week are:-\n\n(i) \tRe-start/Integration Plans (due on Jan 7)\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Louise\t\n\tThese plans need to be detailed and show clear detailed timelines and detailed responsibilities for getting us up and running as soon as possible. \n\tThe current restart date is January 21, 2001 but may be pushed forward to January 14, 2002.\t\n(ii)\tBudget (due Jan 3, 2002)\t\t\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Faith Killen \n\tFirst year budget to include all start up costs (some of which can be amortized)\n(iii)\tSeating Plans\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTammy Shepperd to co-ordinate\n\tWe need to start the planning process for seating as we will be living on floors 5 & 6 of the Enron South building.\n\tI have asked Tammy Shepperd to commence the seating plan and we would look to start the moves as soon as possible but with a large number occuring around January 11,2002.\n(iv)\tDue Diligence\n\tWe continue the process with two new companies this week (Wednesday and Thursday). Andy Zipper is taking the lead for the company arriving on Wednesday, please help him with his requirements.", "RE: NETCO Items", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 3, "information", ["sent", "information"], "information", " i could have sworn that i sent you this information earlier."], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 60, "nninformation", ["used", "contracts"], "intention", " the secondary contracts/pipes will be used soon after start up and are ranked in order of importance."]], "Bob. \n\nI could have sworn that I sent you this information earlier. But I can't find it in my e-mail anywhere, so here it is:\n\nHighest Priority\nEl Paso Gas Transmission Texas Pipeline (formerly PGE Texas and Valero)\tHub contract, Park & Lend contracts, inter- and intrastate transport\nEast Texas Gas Transmission (Duke Energy Field Services)\t\t\tCartwheel agreement, transport\n\nSecondary Priority\nGuadalupe Pipeline (Duke Energy Field Services)\t\t\t\t\tIntra- and interstate transport\nOasis Pipeline\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nTXU Gas Distribution (Lone Star Pipeline)\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nHouston Pipe Line\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nEl Paso Field Services Channel\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nOneok Westex (Westar)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nKinder Morgan Texas Pipeline (Midcon)\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nTejas Pipeline\n\nThe contracts on the pipes listed under \"Highest Priority\" are required for us to trade in the 3 main areas in Texas (EOL). We must have these on day one. The secondary contracts/pipes will be used soon after start up and are ranked in order of importance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Again, I thought that I sent this to you a couple of weeks ago. Sorry for the delay.\n\nD\n ", "<16719201.1075840438725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement transportTnn": {"value": "agreement transportTnn", "ne": "agreement transportTnn", "patterns": ["agreement transportTnn"]}, "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract pipeTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipeTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipeTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipeTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "energy0field serviceTnn": {"value": "energy0field serviceTnn", "ne": "energy0field serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy0field serviceTnn"]}, "energy_energy0field gasTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0field gasTnn"]}, "gas transmissionTnn": {"value": "gas transmissionTnn", "ne": "gas transmissionTnn", "patterns": ["gas transmissionTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution txuTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "hub pipelineTnn": {"value": "hub pipelineTnn", "ne": "hub pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["hub pipelineTnn"]}}, false], "2-1-2002-9:6:4Srobert.superty@enron.com": ["2-1-2002-9:6:4", "robert.superty@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16701752.1075840427628.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 09:06:04 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.superty@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: NETCO Items\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Superty, Robert \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Bankruptcy\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nYou did, it was part of another email. Tks - Bob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 11:04 AM\nTo:\tSuperty, Robert\nCc:\tOlsen, Michael\nSubject:\tRE: NETCO Items\n\nBob. \n\nI could have sworn that I sent you this information earlier. But I can't find it in my e-mail anywhere, so here it is:\n\nHighest Priority\nEl Paso Gas Transmission Texas Pipeline (formerly PGE Texas and Valero)\tHub contract, Park & Lend contracts, inter- and intrastate transport\nEast Texas Gas Transmission (Duke Energy Field Services)\t\t\tCartwheel agreement, transport\n\nSecondary Priority\nGuadalupe Pipeline (Duke Energy Field Services)\t\t\t\t\tIntra- and interstate transport\nOasis Pipeline\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nTXU Gas Distribution (Lone Star Pipeline)\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nHouston Pipe Line\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nEl Paso Field Services Channel\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nOneok Westex (Westar)\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nKinder Morgan Texas Pipeline (Midcon)\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\t\"\t\"\t\"\nTejas Pipeline\n\nThe contracts on the pipes listed under \"Highest Priority\" are required for us to trade in the 3 main areas in Texas (EOL). We must have these on day one. The secondary contracts/pipes will be used soon after start up and are ranked in order of importance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Again, I thought that I sent this to you a couple of weeks ago. Sorry for the delay.\n\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSuperty, Robert \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 9:50 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tCalcagno, Suzanne\nSubject:\tRE: NETCO Items\n\nDarren, plan is to have the necessary contracts in place under the new NETCO name so we can do business on all key pipes. Regarding the Intrastates I suggest you think about the key ones so we have them on the list and get basic contracts in place once we have a new name and parent. Also what services you want on each so we get all the necessary contracts done. \n\nI'll get you some budget info shortly, tks - Bob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 9:43 AM\nTo:\tSuperty, Robert\nSubject:\tRE: NETCO Items\n\nBob, \n\nFor the Texas Desk, Mike Olsen and I will start out handling the scheduling activities. As we start up we will not be doing a lot of shipping on the intrastate pipes. We will primarily be utilizing hub and cartwheel agreements and net outs. Trading primarily on the Waha, Katy , and Carthage hubs. I will cover Katy and Carthage. Mike will continue to cover Waha and any shipping activities on the intrastate pipes. I will need a second person fairly soon after we begin trading again (within a month or two). \n\nWhat are you thinking that we need to look into on the intrastates?\n\nAlso, with message of setting up new budgets, can you have Brandy send me a copy of the budget we had in place for Texas 2002? \n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSuperty, Robert \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 8:51 AM\nTo:\tKinsey, Lisa; Jaquet, Tammy; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Calcagno, Suzanne; Farmer, Daren J.; Lamadrid, Victor; Sullivan, Patti; Gay, Randall L.\nCc:\tJackson, Brandee; Hall, Bob M\nSubject:\tNETCO Items\n\nWanted to share the latest communication on NETCO. This is all good news and exciting to see that things will be moving on a fast track from this point forward. I will be pulling you together and asking for some information to meet the plans and deadlines listed below. \n\nFor a start please review your pipe coverage that is planned on your desk with the NETCO team you will have to work with and forward me that breakdown. I know you took a preliminary look at this but I want you all to rethink and give me a \"final or startup\" list. The list you gave me on the contracts required for NETCO on the pipelines has been consolidated and is being reviewed. I believe we need to take a look at some of the Intrastates and key LDC's and get that info on the list. Seating plan should be simple once we get a better handle on the layout for 5 & 6. I'll try and get some details today. Don't know if we will be allocated spots on 6. IT systems layout and structure is already being planned/discussed. Most likely we will get involved in some testing once they start laying out the new architecture.\n\nIn addition any other items for a re-start that you can think of please forward to me. \n\nOf course we still have the major hurdle of securing a buyer and once/if we do what do they actually submit a bid to purchase. Let's be optimistic and hope they are interested in the NETCO structure that has been laid out. Regardless we still need to do all of the tasks listed below to get ready.\n\nThanks - Bob\n\nThe New Year has arrived and we really to finalize a lot of the work with regards to moving into NETCO. Obviously we still do not have a deal but the deadline is approaching and preparations need to be finalized.\n\nThe main areas to focus on over the next week are:-\n\n(i) \tRe-start/Integration Plans (due on Jan 7)\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Louise\t\n\tThese plans need to be detailed and show clear detailed timelines and detailed responsibilities for getting us up and running as soon as possible. \n\tThe current restart date is January 21, 2001 but may be pushed forward to January 14, 2002.\t\n(ii)\tBudget (due Jan 3, 2002)\t\t\t\t\t\tTo be forwarded to Faith Killen \n\tFirst year budget to include all start up costs (some of which can be amortized)\n(iii)\tSeating Plans\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTammy Shepperd to co-ordinate\n\tWe need to start the planning process for seating as we will be living on floors 5 & 6 of the Enron South building.\n\tI have asked Tammy Shepperd to commence the seating plan and we would look to start the moves as soon as possible but with a large number occuring around January 11,2002.\n(iv)\tDue Diligence\n\tWe continue the process with two new companies this week (Wednesday and Thursday). Andy Zipper is taking the lead for the company arriving on Wednesday, please help him with his requirements.", "RE: NETCO Items", "reply", [], "You did, it was part of another email. Tks - Bob\n\n ", "<16701752.1075840427628.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "24-4-2001-9:12:5Srebecca.griffin@enron.com 24-4-2001-9:50:28Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-4-2001-9:12:5Srebecca.griffin@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-9:12:5", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <18382688.1075840436124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:12:05 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nSubject: TXU Gas Distribution deal #646679\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Griffin, Rebecca \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nPlease confirm the pricing for TXU Gas deal #646679 for March 8, 2001. We are currently showing the Katy Hub Gas Daily Midpoint for that day, but TXU shows the Waha Hub Gas Daily Midpoint.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nRebecca", "TXU Gas Distribution deal #646679", "reply", [], "Please confirm the pricing for TXU Gas deal #646679 for March 8, 2001. We are currently showing the Katy Hub Gas Daily Midpoint for that day, but TXU shows the Waha Hub Gas Daily Midpoint.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nRebecca", "<18382688.1075840436124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "646679", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "24-4-2001-9:50:28Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-9:50:28", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["rebecca.griffin@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <21975547.1075845124067.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:50:28 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nSubject: RE: TXU Gas Distribution deal #646679\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Griffin, Rebecca \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nGas Daily Waha is the correct price. I have changed the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGriffin, Rebecca \nSent:\tTuesday, April 24, 2001 11:12 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tTXU Gas Distribution deal #646679\n\nPlease confirm the pricing for TXU Gas deal #646679 for March 8, 2001. We are currently showing the Katy Hub Gas Daily Midpoint for that day, but TXU shows the Waha Hub Gas Daily Midpoint.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nRebecca", "RE: TXU Gas Distribution deal #646679", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["changed", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " i have changed the deal ticket."]], "Gas Daily Waha is the correct price. I have changed the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n ", "<21975547.1075845124067.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "646679", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "deal_trade txuTnn": {"value": "deal_trade txuTnn", "ne": "deal_trade txuTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade txuTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution txuTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-4-2001-9:41:49Sedward.gottlob@enron.com 17-4-2001-12:2:22Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-4-2001-9:41:49Sedward.gottlob@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-9:41:49", "edward.gottlob@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5137100.1075840427945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 09:41:49 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: edward.gottlob@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: EEX bid\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gottlob, Edward \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Bids & Offers\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren,\n\nIt is my understanding that Enron should not be attempting to purchase wellhead supply on HPL per the contract ", "RE: EEX bid", "reply", [], "Daren,\n\nIt is my understanding that Enron should not be attempting to purchase wellhead supply on HPL per the contract ", "<5137100.1075840427945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-4-2001-12:2:22Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-12:2:22", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["edward.gottlob@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12151496.1075845123907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:02:22 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: edward.gottlob@enron.com\nSubject: RE: EEX bid\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Gottlob, Edward \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nEd, \n\nI believe that Jill was going to show EEX a bid with the understanding that any deals on HPL would go with the pipeline after the sale. We were working under the thought that we need continue to conduct business as usual for HPL until the sale is finalized. The HPL piece is just a portion of supply that we are bidding on, and Jill was going to present them with bids for their total package (Enron and HPL). Let me know what you want to do. If you don't want to place a bid, I will pass that on.\n\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGottlob, Edward \nSent:\tTuesday, April 17, 2001 11:42 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: EEX bid\n\nDaren,\n\nIt is my understanding that Enron should not be attempting to purchase wellhead supply on HPL per the contract ", "RE: EEX bid", "originEmail", [["show deal", 4, "nninformation", ["deals", "show"], "intention", "ed, i believe that jill was going to show eex a bid with the understanding that any deals on hpl would go with the pipeline after the sale."]], "Ed, \n\nI believe that Jill was going to show EEX a bid with the understanding that any deals on HPL would go with the pipeline after the sale. We were working under the thought that we need continue to conduct business as usual for HPL until the sale is finalized. The HPL piece is just a portion of supply that we are bidding on, and Jill was going to present them with bids for their total package (Enron and HPL). Let me know what you want to do. If you don't want to place a bid, I will pass that on.\n\nD\n ", "<12151496.1075845123907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"business saleTnn": {"value": "business saleTnn", "ne": "business saleTnn", "patterns": ["business saleTnn"]}, "deal line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["deal line_pipelineTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "pipeline saleTnn": {"value": "pipeline saleTnn", "ne": "pipeline saleTnn", "patterns": ["pipeline saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-11-2001-8:32:25Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com 15-11-2001-8:41:33Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-11-2001-10:8:21Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com 27-11-2001-10:44:36Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-11-2001-6:50:27Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com 19-11-2001-13:3:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 27-11-2001-10:20:53Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com 27-11-2001-10:43:1Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 27-11-2001-10:47:21Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 27-11-2001-10:54:24Smarlene.hilliard@enron.com": {"15-11-2001-8:32:25Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-8:32:25", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14903027.1075861271666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:32:25 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal 93836\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nDaren, \n\nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", "Deal 93836", "reply", [], "Daren, \n\nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", "<14903027.1075861271666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "15-11-2001-8:41:33Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-8:41:33", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11833820.1075861273025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:41:33 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tDeal 93836\n\nDaren, \n\nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", "RE: Deal 93836", "reply", [], "This ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\n\nD\n\n ", "<11833820.1075861273025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "15-11-2001-10:8:21Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-10:8:21", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24281781.1075861271644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 10:08:21 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo:\tSchumack, Sherlyn\nSubject:\tRE: Deal 93836\n\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tDeal 93836\n\nDaren, \n\nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", "RE: Deal 93836", "reply", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 9, "information", ["used", "deal", "62717"], "information", " the deal ticket we used was numeric ."]], "Prior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n\n ", "<24281781.1075861271644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "27-11-2001-10:44:36Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-10:44:36", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "I sent an e-mail to anthony campos on the 19th asking him to change the counterparty. I don't have the access to do that. If he can change the name, then we won't have to create a new deal and re-path. I just sent him another message today.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:21 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nDaren,\nHave you had a chance to look at this yet?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:50 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nDaren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:08 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo: Schumack, Sherlyn\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Deal 93836\nDaren, \nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", ["RE: Deal 93836"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93836'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '93836']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 7, "information", ["change", "counterparty"], "information", "i sent an e-mail to anthony campos on the datenumeric h asking him to change the counterparty."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "intention", " if he can change the name, then we won't have to create a new deal and re-path."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 12, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "intention", " if he can change the name, then we won't have to create a new deal and re-path."]], "I sent an e-mail to anthony campos on the 19th asking him to change the counterparty. I don't have the access to do that. If he can change the name, then we won't have to create a new deal and re-path. I just sent him another message today.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<3283792.1075859102366.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "93836", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "name", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}}, true], "19-11-2001-6:50:27Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-6:50:27", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32195671.1075861273316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 06:50:27 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nDaren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 12:08 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: Deal 93836\n\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo:\tSchumack, Sherlyn\nSubject:\tRE: Deal 93836\n\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tDeal 93836\n\nDaren, \n\nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", "FW: Deal 93836", "reply", [["make change", 6, "nninformation", ["change", "made"], "request information", "daren, will you let me know when this change has been made?"]], "Daren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n\n ", "<32195671.1075861273316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "93836", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "19-11-2001-13:3:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-13:3:59", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["anthony.campos@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1220414.1075859102255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 13:03:59 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: anthony.campos@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Campos, Anthony \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jan2002\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAnthony, \n\nCan you change the counterparty name on deal 93836 to Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc.?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tMonday, November 19, 2001 8:50 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tFW: Deal 93836\n\nDaren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 12:08 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: Deal 93836\n\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo:\tSchumack, Sherlyn\nSubject:\tRE: Deal 93836\n\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tDeal 93836\n\nDaren, \n\nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", "FW: Deal 93836", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 3, "nninformation", ["change", "counterparty"], "request", "anthony, can you change the counterparty name on deal numeric to orgname company orgname ?"]], "Anthony, \n\nCan you change the counterparty name on deal 93836 to Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc.?\n\nD\n\n ", "<1220414.1075859102255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "93836", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "93836", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "name", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}}, true], "27-11-2001-10:20:53Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-10:20:53", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "\nDaren,\nHave you had a chance to look at this yet?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:50 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nDaren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:08 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo: Schumack, Sherlyn\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Deal 93836\nDaren, \nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", ["FW: Deal 93836"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93836'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '93836']}", [], "\nDaren,\nHave you had a chance to look at this yet?\n\n ", ["<17710220.1075840432166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2001-10:43:1Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-10:43:1", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "anthony.campos@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23302827.1075859102344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:43:01 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: anthony.campos@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Campos, Anthony \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jan2002\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAnthony, \n\nCan you take care of this?\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tMonday, November 19, 2001 3:04 PM\nTo:\tCampos, Anthony\nSubject:\tFW: Deal 93836\n\nAnthony, \n\nCan you change the counterparty name on deal 93836 to Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc.?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tMonday, November 19, 2001 8:50 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tFW: Deal 93836\n\nDaren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 12:08 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: Deal 93836\n\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo:\tSchumack, Sherlyn\nSubject:\tRE: Deal 93836\n\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tDeal 93836\n\nDaren, \n\nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", "FW: Deal 93836", "reply", [], "Anthony, \n\nCan you take care of this?\n\n\n ", "<23302827.1075859102344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "27-11-2001-10:47:21Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-10:47:21", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "I just found out that Anthony has changed responsibilities. He said that he forwarded the message to Bridgett ?. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:45 PM\nTo: Schumack, Sherlyn\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nI sent an e-mail to anthony campos on the 19th asking him to change the counterparty. I don't have the access to do that. If he can change the name, then we won't have to create a new deal and re-path. I just sent him another message today.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:21 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nDaren,\nHave you had a chance to look at this yet?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:50 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nDaren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:08 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo: Schumack, Sherlyn\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Deal 93836\nDaren, \nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", ["FW: Deal 93836"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93836'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '93836']}", [], "I just found out that Anthony has changed responsibilities. He said that he forwarded the message to Bridgett ?. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.\n\nD\n ", ["<27215940.1075859102388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2001-10:54:24Smarlene.hilliard@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-10:54:24", "marlene.hilliard@enron.com", ["tammie.huthmacher@enron.com", "sherry.dupont@enron.com", "karen.lambert@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "a..campos@enron.com"], "This deal is for Global # 96022051. This is between HPL and Black Marlin Pipeline Company. This should be handled by your group.\nThank you.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Anderson, Bridgette \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Hilliard, Marlene; Campos, Sylvia A.\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nMarlene/Sylvia,\nPlease see message below pertaining to a Transport deal.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Campos, Anthony \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:45 PM\nTo: Anderson, Bridgette\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nFrom Darren Farmer.\nThank You,\nAnthony Campos\nEnron Corp._Global Contracts\n713.853.7905 (office)\n713.646.2495 (fax)\n713.709.0373 (pager)\nAnthony.Campos@enron.com \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:43 PM\nTo: Campos, Anthony\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nAnthony, \nCan you take care of this?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 3:04 PM\nTo: Campos, Anthony\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nAnthony, \nCan you change the counterparty name on deal 93836 to Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc.?\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:50 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: FW: Deal 93836\nDaren,\nWill you let me know when this change has been made? I need to get some payments finaled by 3pm tomorrow.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:08 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nPrior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM\nTo: Schumack, Sherlyn\nSubject: RE: Deal 93836\nThis ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid?\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Schumack, Sherlyn \nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Deal 93836\nDaren, \nI am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity). ", ["FW: Deal 93836"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93836'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '93836']}", [], "This deal is for Global # 96022051. This is between HPL and Black Marlin Pipeline Company. This should be handled by your group.\n\nThank you.\n\n ", ["<20625758.1075861273385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10206935.1075840432141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "6-4-2001-13:37:0Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com 10-4-2001-6:7:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-4-2001-13:37:0Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com": ["6-4-2001-13:37:0", "juliann.kemp@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10456969.1075845126699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 13:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Pathing question\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Juliann Kemp \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Industrials\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\nHoward set up the Shell meters to one buyback ticket - I haven't \nbeen pathing the shell meters. Before Aimee had it set up\nindividual and Howard said that it should all be tied to one.\n\nAm I causing a problem by not pathing the meters now?\nShould I go back and path the deal changes?\nThanks - Julie\n\n ", "Pathing question", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["meters", "set"], "information", "daren, howard set up the shell meters to one buyback ticket - i haven't been pathing the shell meters."]], "Daren,\nHoward set up the Shell meters to one buyback ticket - I haven't \nbeen pathing the shell meters. Before Aimee had it set up\nindividual and Howard said that it should all be tied to one.\n\nAm I causing a problem by not pathing the meters now?\nShould I go back and path the deal changes?\nThanks - Julie\n\n ", "<10456969.1075845126699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "10-4-2001-6:7:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-6:7:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["'juliann.kemp'@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2896670.1075845123564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 06:07:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: 'juliann.kemp'@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Pathing question\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: 'Juliann Kemp' \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nJulie, \n\nHoward comes from the volume management area, so I am sure that he knows the best way to handle the Shell buyback. You should path the buyback that Howard set up.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJuliann Kemp \nSent:\tFriday, April 06, 2001 3:37 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer\nSubject:\tPathing question\n\nDaren,\nHoward set up the Shell meters to one buyback ticket - I haven't \nbeen pathing the shell meters. Before Aimee had it set up\nindividual and Howard said that it should all be tied to one.\n\nAm I causing a problem by not pathing the meters now?\nShould I go back and path the deal changes?\nThanks - Julie\n\n ", "RE: Pathing question", "originEmail", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 7, "nninformation", ["handle", "volume**management"], "intention", "julie, howard comes from the volume management area, so i am sure that he knows the best way to handle the shell buyback."]], "Julie, \n\nHoward comes from the volume management area, so I am sure that he knows the best way to handle the Shell buyback. You should path the buyback that Howard set up.\n\nD\n\n ", "<2896670.1075845123564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "18-5-2001-8:21:7Smegan.parker@enron.com 18-5-2001-8:39:56Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-5-2001-8:21:7Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["18-5-2001-8:21:7", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <32238663.1075840435440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 May 2001 08:21:07 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Texaco 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI have a price discrepancy with one of Stacey's deals with Texaco Natural Gas for April 2001. It is deal 695976 for 12,000/day. We have it priced at WAHA gas daily + 0.005 and Texaco says it should be WAHA IF + 0.005. Rick O'Bannion, the trader at Texaco, has confirmed their price. Can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Texaco 4/01", "reply", [["check_break object", 27, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request", " can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?"]], "I have a price discrepancy with one of Stacey's deals with Texaco Natural Gas for April 2001. It is deal 695976 for 12,000/day. We have it priced at WAHA gas daily + 0.005 and Texaco says it should be WAHA IF + 0.005. Rick O'Bannion, the trader at Texaco, has confirmed their price. Can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<32238663.1075840435440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "695976", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "18-5-2001-8:39:56Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-5-2001-8:39:56", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["a..martin@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <3595651.1075845242024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 May 2001 08:39:56 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: a..martin@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Texaco 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Martin, Thomas A. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Martin, Thomas A.\\Martin, Thomas A.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: MARTIN-T\nX-FileName: Martin, Thomas A..pst\n\nSee below. The deal was priced at Index but entered as GD in Sitara. This is going to give you a $75,000 hit for April.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tFriday, May 18, 2001 10:21 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tTexaco 4/01\n\nI have a price discrepancy with one of Stacey's deals with Texaco Natural Gas for April 2001. It is deal 695976 for 12,000/day. We have it priced at WAHA gas daily + 0.005 and Texaco says it should be WAHA IF + 0.005. Rick O'Bannion, the trader at Texaco, has confirmed their price. Can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "FW: Texaco 4/01", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered"], "information", " the deal was priced at index but entered as gd in sitara."]], "See below. The deal was priced at Index but entered as GD in Sitara. This is going to give you a $75,000 hit for April.\n\nD\n\n ", "<3595651.1075845242024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "index priceTnn": {"value": "index priceTnn", "ne": "index priceTnn", "patterns": ["index priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2001-11:12:52Sm.hall@enron.com 27-4-2001-11:26:46Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 27-4-2001-11:28:11Sm.hall@enron.com": {"27-4-2001-11:12:52Sm.hall@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-11:12:52", "m.hall@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "cheryl.dudley@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28830548.1075840435897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 11:12:52 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m.hall@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: RE: HPL Transport Contracts\nCc: cheryl.dudley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: cheryl.dudley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Hall, Bob M \nX-To: Wynne, Rita \nX-cc: Dudley, Cheryl , Graves, Melissa , Weissman, George , Camp, Howard , Farmer, Daren J. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI would think that the first contract should go the AEP. ENA won't be selling to Equistar\noff of Channel for at least three months. ENA will have to get a transport agreement with\nHPL or Channel.\n\nOn the second contract: Is HPL making the sale or ENA? Is it a sale that is going\nto AEP. I know we are serving a small Entex point off of Oasis. Is that for convenience,\ncan HPL sever the point some other way?\n\nSomeone let me hear what you think.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWynne, Rita \nSent:\tFriday, April 27, 2001 8:17 AM\nTo:\tHall, Bob M\nCc:\tDudley, Cheryl; Graves, Melissa\nSubject:\tHPL Transport Contracts\n\nI spoke with Daren and there are a few contracts that he was aware of:\n\n1. Channel - 012-15600-02-069\tENA using HPL's capacity - selling to Equistar on Channel\n\n2. Oasis and PGEV - HPL is using ENA's capacity\n\n3. Tejas Ship and Tejas Gas - Daren says we don't do business often on these pipes as ENA, but we always have the possibility that we will at any time, so ENA would need it's own transport contracts\n\nLet me know if anyone has questions. Thanks!", "RE: HPL Transport Contracts", "reply", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 17, "nninformation", ["making", "sale"], "request information", " on the second contract: is hpl making the sale or ena?"]], "I would think that the first contract should go the AEP. ENA won't be selling to Equistar\noff of Channel for at least three months. ENA will have to get a transport agreement with\nHPL or Channel.\n\nOn the second contract: Is HPL making the sale or ENA? Is it a sale that is going\nto AEP. I know we are serving a small Entex point off of Oasis. Is that for convenience,\ncan HPL sever the point some other way?\n\nSomeone let me hear what you think.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n\n\n ", "<28830548.1075840435897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "27-4-2001-11:26:46Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-11:26:46", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["m.hall@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com"], ["george.weissman@enron.com", "cheryl.dudley@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <124753.1075845124252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 11:26:46 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: m.hall@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: RE: HPL Transport Contracts\nCc: cheryl.dudley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: cheryl.dudley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Hall, Bob M , Wynne, Rita \nX-cc: Dudley, Cheryl , Graves, Melissa , Weissman, George , Camp, Howard \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nOn Oasis and PGEV, we have been buying and selling as HPL. However, we have been transporting the gas under ENA. This is primarily for spot and base deals. We want to keep these transport contracts with ENA. The only term deal we have at Waha is to Tufco (0-60,000/day). This deal is under ENA with it's own firm transport contract (now on Guadalupe Pipeline, which was previously Teco/PGEV). The sale and transport will go with HPL. The sale to Entex off of Oasis (currently under the ENA, will be assigned to HPL) must be served off of Oasis. So HPL will need to acquire an Oasis contract for this deal. Let me know if you have any more questions.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHall, Bob M \nSent:\tFriday, April 27, 2001 1:13 PM\nTo:\tWynne, Rita\nCc:\tDudley, Cheryl; Graves, Melissa; Weissman, George; Camp, Howard; Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: HPL Transport Contracts\n\nI would think that the first contract should go the AEP. ENA won't be selling to Equistar\noff of Channel for at least three months. ENA will have to get a transport agreement with\nHPL or Channel.\n\nOn the second contract: Is HPL making the sale or ENA? Is it a sale that is going\nto AEP. I know we are serving a small Entex point off of Oasis. Is that for convenience,\ncan HPL sever the point some other way?\n\nSomeone let me hear what you think.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWynne, Rita \nSent:\tFriday, April 27, 2001 8:17 AM\nTo:\tHall, Bob M\nCc:\tDudley, Cheryl; Graves, Melissa\nSubject:\tHPL Transport Contracts\n\nI spoke with Daren and there are a few contracts that he was aware of:\n\n1. Channel - 012-15600-02-069\tENA using HPL's capacity - selling to Equistar on Channel\n\n2. Oasis and PGEV - HPL is using ENA's capacity\n\n3. Tejas Ship and Tejas Gas - Daren says we don't do business often on these pipes as ENA, but we always have the possibility that we will at any time, so ENA would need it's own transport contracts\n\nLet me know if anyone has questions. Thanks!", "RE: HPL Transport Contracts", "originEmail", [["keep_continue desk", 9, "nninformation", ["deal", "keep"], "intention", " we want to keep these transport contracts with orgname the only term deal we have at waha is to tufco ( numeric numeric /day)."]], "On Oasis and PGEV, we have been buying and selling as HPL. However, we have been transporting the gas under ENA. This is primarily for spot and base deals. We want to keep these transport contracts with ENA. The only term deal we have at Waha is to Tufco (0-60,000/day). This deal is under ENA with it's own firm transport contract (now on Guadalupe Pipeline, which was previously Teco/PGEV). The sale and transport will go with HPL. The sale to Entex off of Oasis (currently under the ENA, will be assigned to HPL) must be served off of Oasis. So HPL will need to acquire an Oasis contract for this deal. Let me know if you have any more questions.\n\nD\n\n ", "<124753.1075845124252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract deal numeric termTnnnn", "contract_transport0contract deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric termTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn"]}, "deal firmTnn": {"value": "deal firmTnn", "ne": "deal firmTnn", "patterns": ["deal firmTnn"]}, "deal gas transportTnnn": {"value": "deal gas transportTnnn", "ne": "deal gas transportTnnn", "patterns": ["deal gas transportTnnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas spotTnn": {"value": "gas spotTnn", "ne": "gas spotTnn", "patterns": ["gas spotTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "sale transportTnn": {"value": "sale transportTnn", "ne": "sale transportTnn", "patterns": ["sale transportTnn"]}}, false], "27-4-2001-11:28:11Sm.hall@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-11:28:11", "m.hall@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31226283.1075840435872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 11:28:11 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m.hall@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: HPL Transport Contracts\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Hall, Bob M \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nThanks\n\nKeep you posted.\n\nbob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tFriday, April 27, 2001 1:27 PM\nTo:\tHall, Bob M; Wynne, Rita\nCc:\tDudley, Cheryl; Graves, Melissa; Weissman, George; Camp, Howard\nSubject:\tRE: HPL Transport Contracts\n\nOn Oasis and PGEV, we have been buying and selling as HPL. However, we have been transporting the gas under ENA. This is primarily for spot and base deals. We want to keep these transport contracts with ENA. The only term deal we have at Waha is to Tufco (0-60,000/day). This deal is under ENA with it's own firm transport contract (now on Guadalupe Pipeline, which was previously Teco/PGEV). The sale and transport will go with HPL. The sale to Entex off of Oasis (currently under the ENA, will be assigned to HPL) must be served off of Oasis. So HPL will need to acquire an Oasis contract for this deal. Let me know if you have any more questions.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHall, Bob M \nSent:\tFriday, April 27, 2001 1:13 PM\nTo:\tWynne, Rita\nCc:\tDudley, Cheryl; Graves, Melissa; Weissman, George; Camp, Howard; Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRE: HPL Transport Contracts\n\nI would think that the first contract should go the AEP. ENA won't be selling to Equistar\noff of Channel for at least three months. ENA will have to get a transport agreement with\nHPL or Channel.\n\nOn the second contract: Is HPL making the sale or ENA? Is it a sale that is going\nto AEP. I know we are serving a small Entex point off of Oasis. Is that for convenience,\ncan HPL sever the point some other way?\n\nSomeone let me hear what you think.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWynne, Rita \nSent:\tFriday, April 27, 2001 8:17 AM\nTo:\tHall, Bob M\nCc:\tDudley, Cheryl; Graves, Melissa\nSubject:\tHPL Transport Contracts\n\nI spoke with Daren and there are a few contracts that he was aware of:\n\n1. Channel - 012-15600-02-069\tENA using HPL's capacity - selling to Equistar on Channel\n\n2. Oasis and PGEV - HPL is using ENA's capacity\n\n3. Tejas Ship and Tejas Gas - Daren says we don't do business often on these pipes as ENA, but we always have the possibility that we will at any time, so ENA would need it's own transport contracts\n\nLet me know if anyone has questions. Thanks!", "RE: HPL Transport Contracts", "reply", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 0, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", "thanks keep you posted."]], "Thanks\n\nKeep you posted.\n\nbob\n\n ", "<31226283.1075840435872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "19-6-2001-11:43:23Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-6-2001-15:42:36Sgerald.nemec@enron.com": {"19-6-2001-11:43:23Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-11:43:23", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["gerald.nemec@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11090476.1075858573458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 11:43:23 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: gerald.nemec@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV - Cleburne Plant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Nemec, Gerald \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged)\\Nemec, Gerald\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Nemec-G\nX-FileName: Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nGerald, \n\nI understand that you will be taking on some of Sandi's projects since she left the company. I have been working with Sandi on an agency agreemtent between ENA and Tenaska IV Partners, related to the gas supply for the Cleburne Plant. Has she brought you up to speed on what we need? We are looking into selling our stake in the plant and need to finalize the agreement as soon as we can. Please let me know what you need to finish this. Thanks.\n\nDaren", "Tenaska IV - Cleburne Plant", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["plant", "selling"], "intention", " we are looking into selling our stake in the plant and need to finalize the agreement as soon as we can."]], "Gerald, \n\nI understand that you will be taking on some of Sandi's projects since she left the company. I have been working with Sandi on an agency agreemtent between ENA and Tenaska IV Partners, related to the gas supply for the Cleburne Plant. Has she brought you up to speed on what we need? We are looking into selling our stake in the plant and need to finalize the agreement as soon as we can. Please let me know what you need to finish this. Thanks.\n\nDaren", "<11090476.1075858573458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement plantTnn": {"value": "agreement plantTnn", "ne": "agreement plantTnn", "patterns": ["agreement plantTnn"]}, "gas partnerTnn": {"value": "gas partnerTnn", "ne": "gas partnerTnn", "patterns": ["gas partnerTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas supplyTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, false], "19-6-2001-15:42:36Sgerald.nemec@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-15:42:36", "gerald.nemec@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4197089.1075858553869.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:42:36 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: gerald.nemec@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV - Cleburne Plant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Nemec, Gerald \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged)\\Nemec, Gerald\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Nemec-G\nX-FileName: Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nDarren, I will be meeting with Sandi in the morning to get a download. I will get with you after that to assess where we need to go. Thanks.\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tTuesday, June 19, 2001 1:43 PM\nTo:\tNemec, Gerald\nSubject:\tTenaska IV - Cleburne Plant\n\nGerald, \n\nI understand that you will be taking on some of Sandi's projects since she left the company. I have been working with Sandi on an agency agreemtent between ENA and Tenaska IV Partners, related to the gas supply for the Cleburne Plant. Has she brought you up to speed on what we need? We are looking into selling our stake in the plant and need to finalize the agreement as soon as we can. Please let me know what you need to finish this. Thanks.\n\nDaren", "RE: Tenaska IV - Cleburne Plant", "reply", [], "Darren, I will be meeting with Sandi in the morning to get a download. I will get with you after that to assess where we need to go. Thanks.\n\n\n\n ", "<4197089.1075858553869.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "9-5-2001-12:59:13Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-5-2001-13:17:51Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"9-5-2001-12:59:13Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-5-2001-12:59:13", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <21910034.1075845117759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 May 2001 12:59:13 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Panenergy 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Pan Energy Swap\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren:\nDid we exchange with Panenergy in April? If we did, can you send me your nom sheet? Meter 7052-Castle Busby looks different this month. Elsa did some deals with Highland Energy at 7052. We normally buy all of the gas from Duke at this meter when we exchange. There also wasn't flow every day, so Duke's volume is very small.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Panenergy 4/01", "reply", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 14, "information", ["buy", "gas"], "information", " we normally buy all of the gas from orgname at this meter when we exchange."]], "Daren:\nDid we exchange with Panenergy in April? If we did, can you send me your nom sheet? Meter 7052-Castle Busby looks different this month. Elsa did some deals with Highland Energy at 7052. We normally buy all of the gas from Duke at this meter when we exchange. There also wasn't flow every day, so Duke's volume is very small.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<21910034.1075845117759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "7052", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal energy numericTnnn"]}, "deal energyTnn": {"value": "deal energyTnn", "ne": "deal energyTnn", "patterns": ["deal energyTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "7052", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false], "9-5-2001-13:17:51Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-5-2001-13:17:51", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8995823.1075845124691.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 May 2001 13:17:51 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: RE: PanEnergy 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Parker, Megan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nMegan, \n\nWe did the swap with Pan Energy on 4/28-30 only. On those days, we received all the gas at Carthage, nothing at Castle Busby. When we are not operating under the swap, Duke markets the gas that usually comes in at Castle Busby. Apparently, they sold the gas to Highland in April.\n\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tWednesday, May 09, 2001 2:59 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tPanenergy 4/01\n\nDaren:\nDid we exchange with Panenergy in April? If we did, can you send me your nom sheet? Meter 7052-Castle Busby looks different this month. Elsa did some deals with Highland Energy at 7052. We normally buy all of the gas from Duke at this meter when we exchange. There also wasn't flow every day, so Duke's volume is very small.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "RE: PanEnergy 4/01", "originEmail", [["receive_incur gas", 3, "information", ["gas", "received"], "information", " on those days, we received all the gas at carthage, nothing at castle busby."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 13, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " apparently, they sold the gas to highland in april."]], "Megan, \n\nWe did the swap with Pan Energy on 4/28-30 only. On those days, we received all the gas at Carthage, nothing at Castle Busby. When we are not operating under the swap, Duke markets the gas that usually comes in at Castle Busby. Apparently, they sold the gas to Highland in April.\n\nD\n ", "<8995823.1075845124691.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas marketTnn": {"value": "gas marketTnn", "ne": "gas marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas marketTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "-30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric swapTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-1-2002-7:25:39Srobert.superty@enron.com 4-1-2002-12:34:26Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-1-2002-7:25:39Srobert.superty@enron.com": ["4-1-2002-7:25:39", "robert.superty@enron.com", "lisa.kinsey@enron.com patti.sullivan@enron.com l..gay@enron.com victor.lamadrid@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com tammy.jaquet@enron.com suzanne.calcagno@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14247402.1075840427576.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 07:25:39 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.superty@enron.com\nTo: lisa.kinsey@enron.com, patti.sullivan@enron.com, l..gay@enron.com,\n\tvictor.lamadrid@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com,\n\ttammy.jaquet@enron.com, suzanne.calcagno@enron.com\nSubject: Contract status needed\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Superty, Robert \nX-To: Kinsey, Lisa , Sullivan, Patti , Gay, Randall L. , Lamadrid, Victor , Farmer, Daren J. , Jaquet, Tammy , Calcagno, Suzanne \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Bankruptcy\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nOn Monday we have to file a \"transition plan\" with Louise Kitchen for NETCO. She wants details. On that note I need a status report from each desk on our effort to start the contract process for pipes, TPA's & EBB's so I can include that in the report. I have received some emails however I would like each manager to put together a summary in an Excel spreadsheet that we can have Suzanne consolidate with the stuff she already put together. Please cover the key items listed in the earlier email. Also we should be getting as much hard copy as possible so we can proceed with our goal of preparing for a startup. I suggest reviewing the paperwork and identify the stuff that you will need to get the forms completed. No doubt we will have substantial gaps but as long as we know where and what they are we can get the proper internal people involved (legal, credit, etc.)\n\nTks - Bob", "Contract status needed", "reply", [], "On Monday we have to file a \"transition plan\" with Louise Kitchen for NETCO. She wants details. On that note I need a status report from each desk on our effort to start the contract process for pipes, TPA's & EBB's so I can include that in the report. I have received some emails however I would like each manager to put together a summary in an Excel spreadsheet that we can have Suzanne consolidate with the stuff she already put together. Please cover the key items listed in the earlier email. Also we should be getting as much hard copy as possible so we can proceed with our goal of preparing for a startup. I suggest reviewing the paperwork and identify the stuff that you will need to get the forms completed. No doubt we will have substantial gaps but as long as we know where and what they are we can get the proper internal people involved (legal, credit, etc.)\n\nTks - Bob", "<14247402.1075840427576.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "4-1-2002-12:34:26Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["4-1-2002-12:34:26", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["robert.superty@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30796111.1075840438581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 12:34:26 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.superty@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Contract status needed\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Superty, Robert \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\n \nThis is what we've got so far. Due to our agency activity on Lone Star, I do not want to contact them yet. But, I have a copy of a contract they sent me a couple of months ago we can use.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSuperty, Robert \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 9:26 AM\nTo:\tKinsey, Lisa; Sullivan, Patti; Gay, Randall L.; Lamadrid, Victor; Farmer, Daren J.; Jaquet, Tammy; Calcagno, Suzanne\nSubject:\tContract status needed\n\nOn Monday we have to file a \"transition plan\" with Louise Kitchen for NETCO. She wants details. On that note I need a status report from each desk on our effort to start the contract process for pipes, TPA's & EBB's so I can include that in the report. I have received some emails however I would like each manager to put together a summary in an Excel spreadsheet that we can have Suzanne consolidate with the stuff she already put together. Please cover the key items listed in the earlier email. Also we should be getting as much hard copy as possible so we can proceed with our goal of preparing for a startup. I suggest reviewing the paperwork and identify the stuff that you will need to get the forms completed. No doubt we will have substantial gaps but as long as we know where and what they are we can get the proper internal people involved (legal, credit, etc.)\n\nTks - Bob", "RE: Contract status needed", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 10, "information", ["sent", "contract"], "information", " but, i have a copy of a contract they sent me a couple of months ago we can use."], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 12, "nninformation", ["use", "contract"], "intention", " but, i have a copy of a contract they sent me a couple of months ago we can use."]], " \nThis is what we've got so far. Due to our agency activity on Lone Star, I do not want to contact them yet. But, I have a copy of a contract they sent me a couple of months ago we can use.\n\nD\n\n ", "<30796111.1075840438581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-5-2001-7:43:20Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com 24-5-2001-13:13:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-5-2001-7:43:20Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com": ["24-5-2001-7:43:20", "juliann.kemp@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2653545.1075845127810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 May 2001 07:43:20 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 7361 - MTBE Plant/EGP Fuels (was 8216)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kemp, Juliann \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Industrials\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren -\nHoward came by and asked me to check with you regarding deal 717768 starting \nApril 6th for 2,000 - it was created by you April 5th. . He wasn't sure if it was a buy back and if you wanted me to\nlink the buy back deal to 692725. The buyback deal for this is normally 544392(when it was on meter 8216). Do you want\nthis deal to act as the buy back or stay whole. Thanks - Julie \n\nreceipt 2,000 deal 717768 - buy back?\ndelivery 5,500 deal 544388 - daily swing\ndelivery 8,500 deal 692725 - stays whole first \n", "meter 7361 - MTBE Plant/EGP Fuels (was 8216)", "reply", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["check", "deal"], "information", " howard came by and asked me to check with you regarding deal numeric starting datenumeric th for numeric - it was created by you datenumeric th."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 9, "information", ["created", "deal"], "information", " howard came by and asked me to check with you regarding deal numeric starting datenumeric th for numeric - it was created by you datenumeric th."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 35, "nninformation", ["buy", "deal"], "request information", " thanks - julie receipt numeric deal numeric - buy back?"]], "Daren -\nHoward came by and asked me to check with you regarding deal 717768 starting \nApril 6th for 2,000 - it was created by you April 5th. . He wasn't sure if it was a buy back and if you wanted me to\nlink the buy back deal to 692725. The buyback deal for this is normally 544392(when it was on meter 8216). Do you want\nthis deal to act as the buy back or stay whole. Thanks - Julie \n\nreceipt 2,000 deal 717768 - buy back?\ndelivery 5,500 deal 544388 - daily swing\ndelivery 8,500 deal 692725 - stays whole first \n", "<2653545.1075845127810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "692725", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "2,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "5,500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "8,500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "717768", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "544392", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "24-5-2001-13:13:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-5-2001-13:13:59", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <22257186.1075845125104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 May 2001 13:13:59 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nSubject: RE: meter 7361 - MTBE Plant/EGP Fuels (was 8216)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Kemp, Juliann \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDeal 717768 should be kept whole. This is a baseload purchase. Deal 544392 should still act as the swing buyback on days that the plant underpulls.\n\nD\n\n\nFYI. Anytime a purchase is done at an industrial point with a fixed price, the purchase should be kept whole. Only the buybacks with Gas Daily pricing take the swings.\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKemp, Juliann \nSent:\tThursday, May 24, 2001 9:43 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tmeter 7361 - MTBE Plant/EGP Fuels (was 8216)\n\nDaren -\nHoward came by and asked me to check with you regarding deal 717768 starting \nApril 6th for 2,000 - it was created by you April 5th. . He wasn't sure if it was a buy back and if you wanted me to\nlink the buy back deal to 692725. The buyback deal for this is normally 544392(when it was on meter 8216). Do you want\nthis deal to act as the buy back or stay whole. Thanks - Julie \n\nreceipt 2,000 deal 717768 - buy back?\ndelivery 5,500 deal 544388 - daily swing\ndelivery 8,500 deal 692725 - stays whole first \n", "RE: meter 7361 - MTBE Plant/EGP Fuels (was 8216)", "originEmail", [["keep_continue desk", 8, "nninformation", ["deal", "kept"], "intention", "deal numeric should be kept whole."]], "Deal 717768 should be kept whole. This is a baseload purchase. Deal 544392 should still act as the swing buyback on days that the plant underpulls.\n\nD\n\n\nFYI. Anytime a purchase is done at an industrial point with a fixed price, the purchase should be kept whole. Only the buybacks with Gas Daily pricing take the swings.\n\n\n\n ", "<22257186.1075845125104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "buyback swingTnn": {"value": "buyback swingTnn", "ne": "buyback swingTnn", "patterns": ["buyback swingTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "717768", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "544392", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal swingTnn": {"value": "deal swingTnn", "ne": "deal swingTnn", "patterns": ["deal swingTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "7361", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-5-2001-14:9:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 23-5-2001-9:24:48Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-5-2001-14:9:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["22-5-2001-14:9:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <20349774.1075840435321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 May 2001 14:09:22 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Energy Field Services 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nFor once his is not a Panenergy question. For sale deal 707274, DEFS says the price on 4/4 should be 5.25 and we have 5.20 in Sitara. Can you confirm this price for me?\n\nMegan", "Duke Energy Field Services 4/01", "reply", [], "For once his is not a Panenergy question. For sale deal 707274, DEFS says the price on 4/4 should be 5.25 and we have 5.20 in Sitara. Can you confirm this price for me?\n\nMegan", "<20349774.1075840435321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "707274", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "23-5-2001-9:24:48Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-5-2001-9:24:48", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sabrae.zajac@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4241269.1075845125009.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 May 2001 09:24:48 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: sabrae.zajac@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Duke Energy Field Services 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Zajac, Sabrae \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nSabrae, \n\nSee if you can find Danny's deal book and verify the price for the deal listed below.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tTuesday, May 22, 2001 4:09 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tDuke Energy Field Services 4/01\n\nFor once his is not a Panenergy question. For sale deal 707274, DEFS says the price on 4/4 should be 5.25 and we have 5.20 in Sitara. Can you confirm this price for me?\n\nMegan", "FW: Duke Energy Field Services 4/01", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", "sabrae, see if you can find danny's deal book and verify the price for the deal listed below."]], "Sabrae, \n\nSee if you can find Danny's deal book and verify the price for the deal listed below.\n\nD\n\n ", "<4241269.1075845125009.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "energy0field serviceTnn": {"value": "energy0field serviceTnn", "ne": "energy0field serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy0field serviceTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-4-2001-6:2:41Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-4-2001-12:58:19Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-4-2001-13:27:54Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-4-2001-6:2:41Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-6:2:41", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["eric.boyt@enron.com", "santiago.garcia@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10175991.1075845123677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 06:02:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: eric.boyt@enron.com, santiago.garcia@enron.com\nSubject: EEX Bids\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Boyt, Eric , Garcia, Santiago \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nI have attached a revised schedule of the EEX deal. I have included our bid price and additional notes for each field. If you will re-print the quote sheets, I will enter our bids on them. Additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with EEX state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\nPlease view the tab labeled \"Bid Pts by bid pt\".\n\n\n\n ", "EEX Bids", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 1, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", "i have attached a revised schedule of the eex deal."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 17, "nninformation", ["buy", "gas"], "intention", " additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with eex state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule."], ["deliver gas", 19, "information", ["delivered", "gas"], "information", " additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with eex state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule."], ["deliver gas", 28, "information", ["delivered", "gas"], "information", " additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with eex state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 31, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with eex state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule."]], "I have attached a revised schedule of the EEX deal. I have included our bid price and additional notes for each field. If you will re-print the quote sheets, I will enter our bids on them. Additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with EEX state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\nPlease view the tab labeled \"Bid Pts by bid pt\".\n\n\n\n ", "<10175991.1075845123677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement gasTnn": {"value": "agreement gasTnn", "ne": "agreement gasTnn", "patterns": ["agreement gasTnn"]}, "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "area_region gasTnn": {"value": "area_region gasTnn", "ne": "area_region gasTnn", "patterns": ["area_region gasTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn"]}}, false], "12-4-2001-12:58:19Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-12:58:19", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "eric.boyt@enron.com santiago.garcia@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6218857.1075845123722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 12:58:19 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: eric.boyt@enron.com, santiago.garcia@enron.com\nSubject: FW: EEX Bids\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Boyt, Eric , Garcia, Santiago \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, April 12, 2001 8:03 AM\nTo:\tBoyt, Eric; Garcia, Santiago\nSubject:\tEEX Bids\n\nI have attached a revised schedule of the EEX deal. I have included our bid price and additional notes for each field. If you will re-print the quote sheets, I will enter our bids on them. Additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with EEX state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\nPlease view the tab labeled \"Bid Pts by bid pt\".\n\n\n\n ", "FW: EEX Bids", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<6218857.1075845123722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "12-4-2001-13:27:54Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-13:27:54", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "eric.boyt@enron.com santiago.garcia@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31832338.1075845123745.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 13:27:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: eric.boyt@enron.com, santiago.garcia@enron.com\nSubject: FW: EEX Bids\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Boyt, Eric , Garcia, Santiago \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\n\nFYI, \n\nOur price quotes have changed from those listed on the e-mail that was sent earlier. Please see the Excel file \"EEXBids2\" in the O:/_dropboxfolder. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, April 12, 2001 2:58 PM\nTo:\tBoyt, Eric; Garcia, Santiago\nSubject:\tFW: EEX Bids\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, April 12, 2001 8:03 AM\nTo:\tBoyt, Eric; Garcia, Santiago\nSubject:\tEEX Bids\n\nI have attached a revised schedule of the EEX deal. I have included our bid price and additional notes for each field. If you will re-print the quote sheets, I will enter our bids on them. Additionally, since we are bidding to buy the gas delivered to the \"liquid\" areas, please make sure that our agreements with EEX state that the gas must be pipeline quality and must be able to be delivered into the pipes specified on the attached schedule. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\nPlease view the tab labeled \"Bid Pts by bid pt\".\n\n\n\n ", "FW: EEX Bids", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "information", ["changed", "price"], "information", " fyi, our price quotes have changed from those listed on the e-mail that was sent earlier."]], "\nFYI, \n\nOur price quotes have changed from those listed on the e-mail that was sent earlier. Please see the Excel file \"EEXBids2\" in the O:/_dropboxfolder. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n ", "<31832338.1075845123745.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-6-2000-4:19:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 1-6-2000-4:29:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"1-6-2000-4:19:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-4:19:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com george.grant@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29541280.1075854007624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 04:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 385\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, George Grant\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Is there a reason there is a nom of 20.000/day at meter 385? This is \na non-allocatable meter.\n\nAL", "Meter 385", "reply", [], "Daren - Is there a reason there is a nom of 20.000/day at meter 385? This is \na non-allocatable meter.\n\nAL", "<29541280.1075854007624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "1-6-2000-4:29:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-4:29:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16164757.1075854155776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 04:29:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 385\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThis is a estimate for UA4, fuel, loss, and various other operational \nusages. This deal should be handled like the other operational tickets in \nthe system.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 06/01/2000 11:19 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Grant\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 385\n\nDaren - Is there a reason there is a nom of 20.000/day at meter 385? This is \na non-allocatable meter.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: Meter 385", "originEmail", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "nninformation", ["handled", "deal"], "intention", " this deal should be handled like the other operational tickets in the system."]], "This is a estimate for UA4, fuel, loss, and various other operational \nusages. This deal should be handled like the other operational tickets in \nthe system.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 06/01/2000 11:19 AM\n\n", "<16164757.1075854155776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "385", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-7-2000-5:0:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 24-7-2000-5:52:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"24-7-2000-5:0:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-7-2000-5:0:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <2774363.1075854154348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 05:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com\nSubject: Southern\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young, Mark McCoy\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nIn order to account for the same day change at Katy, please schedule the \nfollowing deals for 7/24/00 only:\n\nAt Exxon Katy (Mtr 4132):\n\n Allocate -0- to deal 284599\n Allocated 4,500 to deal 339604\n\nAt Lone Star Katy (Mtr 67): \n Allocate 5,000 to deal 341801(new deal)\n Allocate 5,500 to deal 341808 (new deal)\n\n\nPlease remember that EOL deals are firm. This means that we can't change the \nlocation, volume, or price on these deals. If questions arise around an EOL \ndeal, please make sure that your audience (traders, myself, etc.) knows that \nyour are discussing an EOL trade.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "Southern", "originEmail", [["schedule volume", 4, "nninformation", ["mtr", "4132", "schedule"], "request", "in order to account for the same day change at katy, please schedule the following deals for datenumeric only: at exxon katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric - to deal numeric allocated numeric to deal numeric at orgname katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) please remember that orgname deals are firm."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deals", "mtr"], "intention", "in order to account for the same day change at katy, please schedule the following deals for datenumeric only: at exxon katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric - to deal numeric allocated numeric to deal numeric at orgname katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) please remember that orgname deals are firm."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 13, "information", ["allocated", "deal", "284599"], "information", "in order to account for the same day change at katy, please schedule the following deals for datenumeric only: at exxon katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric - to deal numeric allocated numeric to deal numeric at orgname katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) please remember that orgname deals are firm."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 20, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal", "mtr"], "intention", "in order to account for the same day change at katy, please schedule the following deals for datenumeric only: at exxon katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric - to deal numeric allocated numeric to deal numeric at orgname katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) please remember that orgname deals are firm."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 25, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal", "341801"], "intention", "in order to account for the same day change at katy, please schedule the following deals for datenumeric only: at exxon katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric - to deal numeric allocated numeric to deal numeric at orgname katy (mtr numeric ): allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) allocate numeric to deal numeric (new deal) please remember that orgname deals are firm."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 34, "nninformation", ["change", "deals", "price"], "intention", " this means that we can't change the location, volume, or price on these deals."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 42, "nninformation", ["deal", "make"], "request", " if questions arise around an orgname deal, please make sure that your audience (traders, myself, etc."]], "In order to account for the same day change at Katy, please schedule the \nfollowing deals for 7/24/00 only:\n\nAt Exxon Katy (Mtr 4132):\n\n Allocate -0- to deal 284599\n Allocated 4,500 to deal 339604\n\nAt Lone Star Katy (Mtr 67): \n Allocate 5,000 to deal 341801(new deal)\n Allocate 5,500 to deal 341808 (new deal)\n\n\nPlease remember that EOL deals are firm. This means that we can't change the \nlocation, volume, or price on these deals. If questions arise around an EOL \ndeal, please make sure that your audience (traders, myself, etc.) knows that \nyour are discussing an EOL trade.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "<2774363.1075854154348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "deal firmTnn": {"value": "deal firmTnn", "ne": "deal firmTnn", "patterns": ["deal firmTnn"]}, "deal location_positionTnn": {"value": "deal location_positionTnn", "ne": "deal location_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal location_positionTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "4132", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "4,500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "341808", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "5,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "-0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "5,500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "341801", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal price volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal price volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal price volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal price volumeTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "339604", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, true], "24-7-2000-5:52:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["24-7-2000-5:52:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com"], "Darren:\nI zeroed the path on deal 284599, and left 4,500 pathed on 339604 at meter \n4132, and pathed 5,000 for both deals 341801 & 341808 at meter 67 for 7/24 \nonly. I also notified Betsy Boring/Southern about the situation and \nexplained to her that any deal they make on EOL cannot be changed in any way, \nhowever we would move the gas for the 24th only because we ok'd the change \nbefore we realized it was an EOL deal.", ["Re: Southern"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '341808']}", [["pathe deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", "darren: i zeroed the path on deal numeric , and left numeric pathed on numeric at meter numeric , and pathed numeric for both deals numeric & numeric at meter numeric for datenumeric only."], ["pathe deal", 12, "information", ["deals", "pathed"], "information", "darren: i zeroed the path on deal numeric , and left numeric pathed on numeric at meter numeric , and pathed numeric for both deals numeric & numeric at meter numeric for datenumeric only."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 26, "information", ["deal", "make"], "information", " i also notified betsy boring/southern about the situation and explained to her that any deal they make on orgname cannot be changed in any way, however we would move the gas for the datenumeric h only because we ok'd the change "], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["changed", "deal"], "intention", " i also notified betsy boring/southern about the situation and explained to her that any deal they make on orgname cannot be changed in any way, however we would move the gas for the datenumeric h only because we ok'd the change "]], "Darren:\n\nI zeroed the path on deal 284599, and left 4,500 pathed on 339604 at meter \n4132, and pathed 5,000 for both deals 341801 & 341808 at meter 67 for 7/24 \nonly. I also notified Betsy Boring/Southern about the situation and \nexplained to her that any deal they make on EOL cannot be changed in any way, \nhowever we would move the gas for the 24th only because we ok'd the change \nbefore we realized it was an EOL deal.", ["<23276009.1075853995681.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10942953.1075854084500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27124557.1075854135896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "284599", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric zeroTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "5,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "339604", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "341808", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "11-3-2000-1:49:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 21-3-2000-4:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-3-2000-1:49:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["11-3-2000-1:49:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16060627.1075854021909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 01:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren or Stacey: Could you please extend deal #169625 for meter 1520 for \nFeb. 2000?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/11/2000 09:46 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t03/10/2000 05:23 PM\n\t\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions \n\nmeter 5191 track ID is 89328.\n\nmeter 1520 need to extend or deal or add new deal. \n\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/10/2000 02:57 PM\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Allocation Exceptions\n\nAnita - I need some accounting arrangements created for two meters.\n\n Meter contract Receipt/Delivery Counterparty Deal # last month allocated\n\n 5191 gathering Receipt Tri-Union Development 100896 \n Corp. 138661 Jan 00\n\n 1520 HPL 215 Delivery Engage 169625 Jan 00\n\nIf youneed more information, please let e know.\n\n- Aimee\n\n\n\n", "Re: Allocation Exceptions", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "meter", "169625"], "request", "daren or stacey: could you please extend deal # numeric for meter numeric for datenumeric numeric ?"]], "Daren or Stacey: Could you please extend deal #169625 for meter 1520 for \nFeb. 2000?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n", "<16060627.1075854021909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "21-3-2000-4:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-3-2000-4:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <28054233.1075854170458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions\nCc: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Stacey Neuweiler, Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created deal 222844 to cover this meter. The deal ticket has zero \nvolume. Just allocate the actuals at the end of each month.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/11/2000 09:49 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions\n\nDaren or Stacey: Could you please extend deal #169625 for meter 1520 for \nFeb. 2000?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/11/2000 09:46 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t03/10/2000 05:23 PM\n\t\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions \n\nmeter 5191 track ID is 89328.\n\nmeter 1520 need to extend or deal or add new deal. \n\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/10/2000 02:57 PM\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Allocation Exceptions\n\nAnita - I need some accounting arrangements created for two meters.\n\n Meter contract Receipt/Delivery Counterparty Deal # last month allocated\n\n 5191 gathering Receipt Tri-Union Development 100896 \n Corp. 138661 Jan 00\n\n 1520 HPL 215 Delivery Engage 169625 Jan 00\n\nIf youneed more information, please let e know.\n\n- Aimee\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Allocation Exceptions", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal", "meter"], "information", "i have created deal numeric to cover this meter."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "meter", "222844"], "intention", "i have created deal numeric to cover this meter."]], "I have created deal 222844 to cover this meter. The deal ticket has zero \nvolume. Just allocate the actuals at the end of each month.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/11/2000 09:49 AM\n\n", "<28054233.1075854170458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "222844", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal ticket volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal ticket volumeTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "ticket volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "ticket volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "ticket volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["ticket volume zeroTnnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}, "ticket zeroTnn": {"value": "ticket zeroTnn", "ne": "ticket zeroTnn", "patterns": ["ticket zeroTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-3-2000-2:22:0Stom.acton@enron.com 2-3-2000-2:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-3-2000-2:22:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["2-3-2000-2:22:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23388460.1075854023818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 02:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: WELLS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Dallas at meter 986789 would like to decrease from 12079 to 12000. Let me \nknow \" D \"", "WELLS", "reply", [], " Dallas at meter 986789 would like to decrease from 12079 to 12000. Let me \nknow \" D \"", "<23388460.1075854023818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "986789", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "2-3-2000-2:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-3-2000-2:58:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <17433136.1075854058585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 02:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: WELLS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThat's fine. Go ahead and change the deal if you need to.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/02/2000 10:22 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: WELLS\n\n Dallas at meter 986789 would like to decrease from 12079 to 12000. Let me \nknow \" D \"\n\n", "Re: WELLS", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 3, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "intention", " go ahead and change the deal if you need to."]], "That's fine. Go ahead and change the deal if you need to.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/02/2000 10:22 AM\n", "<17433136.1075854058585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "18-9-2000-8:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-9-2000-7:14:0Skristen.hanson@enron.com": {"18-9-2000-8:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-9-2000-8:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["kristen.hanson@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <6573679.1075854096161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Energy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Kristen J Hanson\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nKris, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person.\n\nWe are buying gas from Duke at the Trevino Plant on Gulf Energy (Tejas) \nPipeline. This is a purchase that we obtained with the CES deal. Duke \n(Laura Bates) has called, saying that they have not received payment in 4 or \n5 months. The deal in Sitara is #145125. Please look into this and let me \nknow where we stand.\n\nThanks.\n\nD", "Duke Energy", "originEmail", [["forward deal{ticket}", 2, "nninformation", ["forward", "person"], "request", "kris, please forward this to the appropriate person."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 4, "information", ["buying", "gas", "plant"], "information", " we are buying gas from orgname at the trevino plant on gulf energy (tejas) pipeline."]], "Kris, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person.\n\nWe are buying gas from Duke at the Trevino Plant on Gulf Energy (Tejas) \nPipeline. This is a purchase that we obtained with the CES deal. Duke \n(Laura Bates) has called, saying that they have not received payment in 4 or \n5 months. The deal in Sitara is #145125. Please look into this and let me \nknow where we stand.\n\nThanks.\n\nD", "<6573679.1075854096161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"22": {"value": "145125", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}}, false], "22-9-2000-7:14:0Skristen.hanson@enron.com": ["22-9-2000-7:14:0", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22034447.1075853982244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 07:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Energy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kristen J Hanson\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDuke will be paid 9/22 for May 2000 through July 2000. We should have the \nAugust 2000 invoice by the end of next week. Megan Parker is handling this \ndeal going forward and has contacted Duke to request an invoice for August. \nMegan was not receiving invoices, and since it is our policy to withhold \npayment unless we are invoiced, payment was not made on this until now.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/18/2000 03:02 PM\nTo: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy\n\nKris, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person.\n\nWe are buying gas from Duke at the Trevino Plant on Gulf Energy (Tejas) \nPipeline. This is a purchase that we obtained with the CES deal. Duke \n(Laura Bates) has called, saying that they have not received payment in 4 or \n5 months. The deal in Sitara is #145125. Please look into this and let me \nknow where we stand.\n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n", "Re: Duke Energy", "reply", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 8, "information", ["handling", "deal"], "information", " megan parker is handling this deal going forward and has contacted orgname to request an invoice for august."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 10, "nninformation", ["deal", "forward"], "intention", " megan parker is handling this deal going forward and has contacted orgname to request an invoice for august."]], "Duke will be paid 9/22 for May 2000 through July 2000. We should have the \nAugust 2000 invoice by the end of next week. Megan Parker is handling this \ndeal going forward and has contacted Duke to request an invoice for August. \nMegan was not receiving invoices, and since it is our policy to withhold \npayment unless we are invoiced, payment was not made on this until now.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/18/2000 03:02 PM\n", "<22034447.1075853982244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-4-2001-11:37:7Srebecca.griffin@enron.com 17-4-2001-11:52:38Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-4-2001-11:37:7Srebecca.griffin@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-11:37:7", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <25628793.1075840436369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 11:37:07 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nSubject: TXU Gas Distribution deal #589007\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Griffin, Rebecca \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nCould you verify the pricing on TXU Gas Distribution deal #589007 for the following days? \n\nSitara shows:\n2/6 - 2/6\t\t5,000 mmbtu @ 6.62\n2/10 - 2/12\t30,000 mmbtu @ KATY.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\t\t40,000 mmbtu @ WAHA.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\nTXU Gas paid based on:\n2/6 - 2/6\t\t5,000 mmbtu @ 5.62\n2/10 - 2/12\t40,000 mmbtu @ KATY.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\t\t50,000 mmbtu @ WAHA.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\nThanks for your help. Let me know if this should go to someone else.\n\nRebecca\n", "TXU Gas Distribution deal #589007", "reply", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 26, "information", ["gas", "paid"], "information", "a txu gas paid based on: datenumeric - datenumeric numeric mmbtu @ numeric numeric datenumeric - datenumeric numeric mmbtu @ katy."]], "Could you verify the pricing on TXU Gas Distribution deal #589007 for the following days? \n\nSitara shows:\n2/6 - 2/6\t\t5,000 mmbtu @ 6.62\n2/10 - 2/12\t30,000 mmbtu @ KATY.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\t\t40,000 mmbtu @ WAHA.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\nTXU Gas paid based on:\n2/6 - 2/6\t\t5,000 mmbtu @ 5.62\n2/10 - 2/12\t40,000 mmbtu @ KATY.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\t\t50,000 mmbtu @ WAHA.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\nThanks for your help. Let me know if this should go to someone else.\n\nRebecca\n", "<25628793.1075840436369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "589007", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "17-4-2001-11:52:38Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-11:52:38", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["rebecca.griffin@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4045542.1075845123885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 11:52:38 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nSubject: RE: TXU Gas Distribution deal #589007\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Griffin, Rebecca \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nRebecca, \n\nTXU is correct on the pricing. I have adjusted the deal tickets in Sitara.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGriffin, Rebecca \nSent:\tTuesday, April 17, 2001 1:37 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tTXU Gas Distribution deal #589007\n\nCould you verify the pricing on TXU Gas Distribution deal #589007 for the following days? \n\nSitara shows:\n2/6 - 2/6\t\t5,000 mmbtu @ 6.62\n2/10 - 2/12\t30,000 mmbtu @ KATY.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\t\t40,000 mmbtu @ WAHA.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\nTXU Gas paid based on:\n2/6 - 2/6\t\t5,000 mmbtu @ 5.62\n2/10 - 2/12\t40,000 mmbtu @ KATY.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\t\t50,000 mmbtu @ WAHA.HUB.GDP.D.A\n\nThanks for your help. Let me know if this should go to someone else.\n\nRebecca\n", "RE: TXU Gas Distribution deal #589007", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 7, "information", ["adjusted", "deal"], "information", " i have adjusted the deal tickets in sitara."]], "Rebecca, \n\nTXU is correct on the pricing. I have adjusted the deal tickets in Sitara.\n\nD\n\n ", "<4045542.1075845123885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "589007", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "deal_trade txuTnn": {"value": "deal_trade txuTnn", "ne": "deal_trade txuTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade txuTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution txuTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-4-2001-12:44:15Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com 26-4-2001-10:26:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"23-4-2001-12:44:15Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com": ["23-4-2001-12:44:15", "juliann.kemp@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29676620.1075845127104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 12:44:15 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: METERS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kemp, Juliann \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Industrials\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\nIs there any Industrial meters in particular I need to watch the imbalances since we are close to the end of the month?\n\nThanks - Julie\n ", "METERS", "reply", [], "Daren,\nIs there any Industrial meters in particular I need to watch the imbalances since we are close to the end of the month?\n\nThanks - Julie\n ", "<29676620.1075845127104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-4-2001-10:26:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-10:26:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12819782.1075845124158.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:26:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nSubject: RE: METERS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Kemp, Juliann \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nJulie, \n\nYou need to look at any industrial meter that has buyback and swing deals. Make sure that the base volume is allocated to the base ticket and all other swings go to the other tickets.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKemp, Juliann \nSent:\tMonday, April 23, 2001 2:44 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tMETERS\n\nDaren,\nIs there any Industrial meters in particular I need to watch the imbalances since we are close to the end of the month?\n\nThanks - Julie\n ", "RE: METERS", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 11, "information", ["allocated", "ticket"], "information", " make sure that the base volume is allocated to the base ticket and all other swings go to the other tickets."]], "Julie, \n\nYou need to look at any industrial meter that has buyback and swing deals. Make sure that the base volume is allocated to the base ticket and all other swings go to the other tickets.\n\nD\n\n ", "<12819782.1075845124158.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "buyback swingTnn": {"value": "buyback swingTnn", "ne": "buyback swingTnn", "patterns": ["buyback swingTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal swingTnn": {"value": "deal swingTnn", "ne": "deal swingTnn", "patterns": ["deal swingTnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-10-2001-11:50:37Sbuylow@houston.rr.com 26-10-2001-13:31:39Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-10-2001-11:50:37Sbuylow@houston.rr.com": ["24-10-2001-11:50:37", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14930933.1075852193370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:50:37 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: buylow@houston.rr.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: From the Retiree peanut Gallery\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"buylow\" @ENRON\nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nOh my!!!!\n \nHow those chickens come home to roost.\n \nI hope you are doing OK. Fine here.\n \nWe must do lunch soon.......................\n \nKen", "From the Retiree peanut Gallery", "reply", [], "\nOh my!!!!\n \nHow those chickens come home to roost.\n \nI hope you are doing OK. Fine here.\n \nWe must do lunch soon.......................\n \nKen", "<14930933.1075852193370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-10-2001-13:31:39Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-10-2001-13:31:39", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["buylow@houston.rr.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27630018.1075852212627.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 13:31:39 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: buylow@houston.rr.com\nSubject: RE: From the Retiree peanut Gallery\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: '\"buylow\" @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHey, Ken. We are in sad shape, aren't we? I was on vacation last week, th=\nrough Monday. Not a good feeling coming back to a sub $20 stock price and =\nan SEC inquiry. It never really seemed possible to me that Enron would be =\nhere. Other than concerns for my future, everything is going fine. Things=\n really are ok, I know I can get a job with AEP if I need to. I actually s=\ntarted talking to them about it. But on Wednesday, they made a few changes=\n that I'm not so sure about. Ed Gottlob (recently made VP) was put over th=\ne origination desk. (I heard that they weren't too pleased with Ducoti and=\n Bilberry.) With that move, they needed someone else to run the trading de=\nsk. That person is our fast-talking friend, Carey Metz. That blew me away=\n. I believe their thought was that he would be the best to manage the fina=\nncial risk. Apparently he's made a ton of money since he's been in Columbu=\ns. He's also going to stay in Columbus with this responsibility. So, this=\n may be the first move to bring the group up north with the rest of the fam=\nily.\n\nThe home-life is going well. We have 3 year-old soccer every Sat. My love=\nly wife signed me up to be the coach. I'm going to get her for that one. =\nIt is fun, though. Those kids are funny. They don't care where the ball g=\noes, they just keep kicking (even through the woods). Looking forward to H=\nalloween. Cole is going to be a policeman, Jake is going to be a jailbird/=\nprisoner. Cole has already handcuffed Jake a number of times, he loves it.=\n My vacation last week was very good. It was the first extended vacation =\nthat I have taken where we didn't have traveling and entertainment stuff pl=\nanned. It was one of the best vacations I have had. We spent 2 days in Sa=\nn Antonio doing the zoo and easy stuff like that. The rest of the week, we=\n did things around here (like Children's Museum).\n\nBig game coming up this weekend. Do you think your Huskers can pull it off=\n? I think OU's going to win it, but it should be a great game.\n\nHow about the 6,7, or 8th for lunch? Later.\n\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09\"buylow\" @ENRON =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, October 24, 2001 1:51 PM\nTo:=09Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject:=09From the Retiree peanut Gallery\n\n\nOh my!!!!\n=20\nHow those chickens come home to roost.\n=20\nI hope you are doing OK. Fine here.\n=20\nWe must do lunch soon.......................\n=20\nKen", "RE: From the Retiree peanut Gallery", "originEmail", [["make change", 23, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " but on wednesday, they made a few changes that i'm not so sure about."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 50, "information", ["made", "money"], "information", " apparently he's made a ton of money since he's been in columbus."]], "Hey, Ken. We are in sad shape, aren't we? I was on vacation last week, through Monday. Not a good feeling coming back to a sub $20 stock price and an SEC inquiry. It never really seemed possible to me that Enron would be here. Other than concerns for my future, everything is going fine. Things really are ok, I know I can get a job with AEP if I need to. I actually started talking to them about it. But on Wednesday, they made a few changes that I'm not so sure about. Ed Gottlob (recently made VP) was put over the origination desk. (I heard that they weren't too pleased with Ducoti and Bilberry.) With that move, they needed someone else to run the trading desk. That person is our fast-talking friend, Carey Metz. That blew me away. I believe their thought was that he would be the best to manage the financial risk. Apparently he's made a ton of money since he's been in Columbus. He's also going to stay in Columbus with this responsibility. So, this may be the first move to bring the group up north with the rest of the family.\n\nThe home-life is going well. We have 3 year-old soccer every Sat. My lovely wife signed me up to be the coach. I'm going to get her for that one. It is fun, though. Those kids are funny. They don't care where the ball goes, they just keep kicking (even through the woods). Looking forward to Halloween. Cole is going to be a policeman, Jake is going to be a jailbird/prisoner. Cole has already handcuffed Jake a number of times, he loves it. My vacation last week was very good. It was the first extended vacation that I have taken where we didn't have traveling and entertainment stuff planned. It was one of the best vacations I have had. We spent 2 days in San Antonio doing the zoo and easy stuff like that. The rest of the week, we did things around here (like Children's Museum).\n\nBig game coming up this weekend. Do you think your Huskers can pull it off? I think OU's going to win it, but it should be a great game.\n\nHow about the 6,7, or 8th for lunch? Later.\n\nD\n ", "<27630018.1075852212627.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "desk tradingTnn": {"value": "desk tradingTnn", "ne": "desk tradingTnn", "patterns": ["desk tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-4-2001-13:10:35Smichael.olsen@enron.com 19-4-2001-7:57:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-5-2001-14:34:54Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 23-5-2001-9:27:36Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-4-2001-13:10:35Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["18-4-2001-13:10:35", "michael.olsen@enron.com", [], [], "Daren,\nNot to be picky, but this deal is in for 5322 and I confirmed 5323, do you mind if I up it one giant decatherm. I need to so I can path in balance and prevent errors on our reports.\nThanks.", ["deal 709296 Astra"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '709296']}", [], "Daren,\n\nNot to be picky, but this deal is in for 5322 and I confirmed 5323, do you mind if I up it one giant decatherm. I need to so I can path in balance and prevent errors on our reports.\n\nThanks.", ["<22956773.1075840436344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "5322", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "19-4-2001-7:57:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-7:57:20", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "That's no problem.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Olsen, Michael \nSent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 3:11 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: deal 709296 Astra\nDaren,\nNot to be picky, but this deal is in for 5322 and I confirmed 5323, do you mind if I up it one giant decatherm. I need to so I can path in balance and prevent errors on our reports.\nThanks.", ["RE: deal 709296 Astra"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '709296'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '709296']}", [], "That's no problem.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<12810888.1075845123952.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-5-2001-14:34:54Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["22-5-2001-14:34:54", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", ["julie.daren@enron.com"], [], "Deal 709296 should be on ASTRA Power LLC, we have it on ADTRA Resources, Inc. I spoke with their trader Sherry Wayman and she said that she did the deal with Daren Farmer and it should be ASTRa Power LLC for April 2001.\nCould you fix asap because payment is due on 25th.\n", ["deal 709296 is on wrong counterparty"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '709296'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '709296']}", [], "Deal 709296 should be on ASTRA Power LLC, we have it on ADTRA Resources, Inc. I spoke with their trader Sherry Wayman and she said that she did the deal with Daren Farmer and it should be ASTRa Power LLC for April 2001.\n\nCould you fix asap because payment is due on 25th.\n", ["<324636.1075840435297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "709296", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "23-5-2001-9:27:36Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-5-2001-9:27:36", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["charlene.richmond@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13403214.1075845125032.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 May 2001 09:27:36 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nSubject: RE: deal 709296 is on wrong counterparty\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Richmond, Charlene \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe deal has been changed.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRichmond, Charlene \nSent:\tTuesday, May 22, 2001 4:35 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Meyers, Julie\nSubject:\tdeal 709296 is on wrong counterparty\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nDeal 709296 should be on ASTRA Power LLC, we have it on ADTRA Resources, Inc. I spoke with their trader Sherry Wayman and she said that she did the deal with Daren Farmer and it should be ASTRa Power LLC for April 2001.\n\nCould you fix asap because payment is due on 25th.\n", "RE: deal 709296 is on wrong counterparty", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["changed", "deal"], "information", "the deal has been changed."]], "The deal has been changed.\n\nD\n\n ", "<13403214.1075845125032.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "deal incorrect_wrongTnn": {"value": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "ne": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "patterns": ["deal incorrect_wrongTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "709296", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "31-10-2001-11:51:29Smegan.parker@enron.com 31-10-2001-12:39:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"31-10-2001-11:51:29Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-11:51:29", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18508743.1075840432573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:51:29 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HPLC - Four Square 5/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nI have another HPLC issue...I received an invoice from Four Square Gas Company today for May 2001 gas that was never paid. They have invoiced 1,654 at 4.825 (HSC - .085) at meter 986887. I did not see a deal in Unify, so I went to POPS to find the meter. I found that the gas was pathed to the Strangers Gas contract. Historically, HPLC has always purchased the gas at this meter from Four Square, but it doesn't look like a deal was ever entered for May. The April deal number was 695469. Did HPLC purchase this gas in May? \n\nMegan", "HPLC - Four Square 5/01", "reply", [["receive gas", 2, "information", ["gas", "received"], "information", "i received an invoice from orgname gas company today for datenumeric numeric gas that was never paid."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 8, "information", ["gas", "paid"], "information", "i received an invoice from orgname gas company today for datenumeric numeric gas that was never paid."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 16, "information", ["see", "deal"], "information", " i did not see a deal in unify, so i went to pops to find the meter."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 28, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " historically, orgname has always purchased the gas at this meter from orgname but it doesn't look like a deal was ever entered for may."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 34, "nninformation", ["deal", "entered"], "intention", " historically, orgname has always purchased the gas at this meter from orgname but it doesn't look like a deal was ever entered for may."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 37, "nninformation", ["purchase", "gas"], "request information", " did orgname purchase this gas in may?"]], "Darren:\nI have another HPLC issue...I received an invoice from Four Square Gas Company today for May 2001 gas that was never paid. They have invoiced 1,654 at 4.825 (HSC - .085) at meter 986887. I did not see a deal in Unify, so I went to POPS to find the meter. I found that the gas was pathed to the Strangers Gas contract. Historically, HPLC has always purchased the gas at this meter from Four Square, but it doesn't look like a deal was ever entered for May. The April deal number was 695469. Did HPLC purchase this gas in May? \n\nMegan", "<18508743.1075840432573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "695469", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "085", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false], "31-10-2001-12:39:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-12:39:32", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <17115009.1075861272185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 12:39:32 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com, michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: FW: HPLC - Four Square 5/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Parker, Megan , Olsen, Michael \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI have created deal 1150179 to cover this supply. \n\nMike - Please see that this gets pathed in MOPS and POPS and let Megan know when completed.\n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tWednesday, October 31, 2001 1:51 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tHPLC - Four Square 5/01\n\nDarren:\nI have another HPLC issue...I received an invoice from Four Square Gas Company today for May 2001 gas that was never paid. They have invoiced 1,654 at 4.825 (HSC - .085) at meter 986887. I did not see a deal in Unify, so I went to POPS to find the meter. I found that the gas was pathed to the Strangers Gas contract. Historically, HPLC has always purchased the gas at this meter from Four Square, but it doesn't look like a deal was ever entered for May. The April deal number was 695469. Did HPLC purchase this gas in May? \n\nMegan", "FW: HPLC - Four Square 5/01", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 0, "information", ["created", "deal"], "information", "i have created deal phonenumber to cover this supply."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 3, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "intention", "i have created deal phonenumber to cover this supply."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["see", "pops"], "request", " mike - please see that this gets pathed in mops and pops and let megan know when completed."]], "I have created deal 1150179 to cover this supply. \n\nMike - Please see that this gets pathed in MOPS and POPS and let Megan know when completed.\n\nThanks.\n\nD\n\n ", "<17115009.1075861272185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-5-2001-8:59:51Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-13:12:5Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-5-2001-8:59:51Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-8:59:51", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <31798415.1075840435464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 May 2001 08:59:51 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Mirant 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nWe invoiced Mirant Americas for deal 705989 and they do not see the deal in their system. It was for 5,000/day from 4/1 - 4/2 at 5.10 on PG&E Texas. Can you tell me who you did this deal with at Mirant?\n\nMegan", "Mirant 4/01", "reply", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 5, "information", ["see", "deal", "system"], "information", "we invoiced mirant americas for deal numeric and they do not see the deal in their system."]], "We invoiced Mirant Americas for deal 705989 and they do not see the deal in their system. It was for 5,000/day from 4/1 - 4/2 at 5.10 on PG&E Texas. Can you tell me who you did this deal with at Mirant?\n\nMegan", "<31798415.1075840435464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "705989", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal systemTnn": {"value": "deal systemTnn", "ne": "deal systemTnn", "patterns": ["deal systemTnn"]}}, false], "16-5-2001-13:12:5Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-13:12:5", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <20290227.1075845124781.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 May 2001 13:12:05 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Mirant 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Parker, Megan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nMirant had a problem with an EOL transaction where I bought 5,000 from then at $5.10 for the 1st and 2nd. I agreed to let them out of the deal. Due to legal problems with killing or adjusting EOL tickets, I entered a sale (#705989) to balance the volume and price out. The two deals should be netted. We should not have paid the purchase at 5.10.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tWednesday, May 16, 2001 11:00 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tMirant 4/01\n\nWe invoiced Mirant Americas for deal 705989 and they do not see the deal in their system. It was for 5,000/day from 4/1 - 4/2 at 5.10 on PG&E Texas. Can you tell me who you did this deal with at Mirant?\n\nMegan", "RE: Mirant 4/01", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 13, "information", ["adjusting", "tickets"], "information", " due to legal problems with killing or adjusting orgname tickets, i entered a sale (# numeric ) to balance the volume and price out."]], "Mirant had a problem with an EOL transaction where I bought 5,000 from then at $5.10 for the 1st and 2nd. I agreed to let them out of the deal. Due to legal problems with killing or adjusting EOL tickets, I entered a sale (#705989) to balance the volume and price out. The two deals should be netted. We should not have paid the purchase at 5.10.\n\nD\n\n ", "<20290227.1075845124781.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "5,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$5 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "705989", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-1-2002-13:51:42Scgsyzdek@duke-energy.com 7-1-2002-6:41:41Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-1-2002-13:51:42Scgsyzdek@duke-energy.com": ["4-1-2002-13:51:42", "cgsyzdek@duke-energy.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "bkerns@duke-energy.com", "Message-ID: <4334345.1075840437766.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 13:51:42 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: cgsyzdek@duke-energy.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Intrastate and 311 contracts for Guadalupe pipeline.\nCc: bkerns@duke-energy.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: bkerns@duke-energy.com\nX-From: \"Christopher G Syzdek\" @ENRON\nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: Brian Kerns \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Pipelines\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren,\n\nPer the request of our marketer Brian Kerns, attached is the contract\nforms for both Intrastate and 311 on our Guadalupe pipeline.\n\n(See attached file: Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc)\n(See attached file: Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file:\nExhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc)(See\nattached file: Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file: Exhibit\nB-311 New 8-31-01.doc)\n\nPlease call me if you have any questions.\n\nChris Syzdek\nSenior Contract Analyst\n713-627-6485\n - Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc \n - Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc \n - Exhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc \n - Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc \n - Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc \n - Exhibit B-311 New 8-31-01.doc ", "Intrastate and 311 contracts for Guadalupe pipeline.", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 5, "information", ["attached", "contract"], "information", "daren, per the request of our marketer brian kerns, attached is the contract forms for both intrastate and numeric on our guadalupe pipeline."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 5, "information", ["attached", "forms"], "information", "daren, per the request of our marketer brian kerns, attached is the contract forms for both intrastate and numeric on our guadalupe pipeline."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 5, "information", ["attached", "forms"], "information", "daren, per the request of our marketer brian kerns, attached is the contract forms for both intrastate and numeric on our guadalupe pipeline."], ["see file", 12, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", " (see attached file: form guadalupe insrastate transportation contract."], ["attach spreadsheet", 13, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", " (see attached file: form guadalupe insrastate transportation contract."], ["send_direct_attach request", 13, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", " (see attached file: form guadalupe insrastate transportation contract."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 13, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", " (see attached file: form guadalupe insrastate transportation contract."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 13, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", " (see attached file: form guadalupe insrastate transportation contract."], ["see file", 21, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "doc) (see attached file: exhibit a-intra new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 22, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc) (see attached file: exhibit a-intra new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["send_attach file", 22, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc) (see attached file: exhibit a-intra new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["see file", 30, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit b-intra new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 31, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit b-intra new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["send_attach file", 31, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit b-intra new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["see file", 39, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "doc) (see attached file: form guadalupe numeric transportation agreement."], ["attach spreadsheet", 40, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc) (see attached file: form guadalupe numeric transportation agreement."], ["send_direct_attach request", 40, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", "doc) (see attached file: form guadalupe numeric transportation agreement."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 40, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", "doc) (see attached file: form guadalupe numeric transportation agreement."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 40, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", "doc) (see attached file: form guadalupe numeric transportation agreement."], ["see file", 48, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit a numeric new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 49, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit a numeric new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["send_attach file", 49, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit a numeric new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["see file", 57, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit b numeric new numeric numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc)(see attached file: exhibit b numeric new numeric numeric numeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nPer the request of our marketer Brian Kerns, attached is the contract\nforms for both Intrastate and 311 on our Guadalupe pipeline.\n\n(See attached file: Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc)\n(See attached file: Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file:\nExhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc)(See\nattached file: Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file: Exhibit\nB-311 New 8-31-01.doc)\n\nPlease call me if you have any questions.\n\nChris Syzdek\nSenior Contract Analyst\n713-627-6485\n - Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc \n - Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc \n - Exhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc \n - Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc \n - Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc \n - Exhibit B-311 New 8-31-01.doc ", "<4334345.1075840437766.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "7-1-2002-6:41:41Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-1-2002-6:41:41", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["suzanne.calcagno@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12539715.1075840438512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 06:41:41 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: suzanne.calcagno@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Intrastate and 311 contracts for Guadalupe pipeline.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Calcagno, Suzanne \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nSuzanne, \n\nBelow are the contracts we will need to ship on Guadalupe Pipeline in Texas.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Christopher G Syzdek\" @ENRON \nSent:\tFriday, January 04, 2002 3:52 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tBrian Kerns\nSubject:\tIntrastate and 311 contracts for Guadalupe pipeline.\n\nDaren,\n\nPer the request of our marketer Brian Kerns, attached is the contract\nforms for both Intrastate and 311 on our Guadalupe pipeline.\n\n(See attached file: Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc)\n(See attached file: Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file:\nExhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc)(See\nattached file: Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file: Exhibit\nB-311 New 8-31-01.doc)\n\nPlease call me if you have any questions.\n\nChris Syzdek\nSenior Contract Analyst\n713-627-6485\n - Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc \n - Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc \n - Exhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc \n - Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc \n - Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc \n - Exhibit B-311 New 8-31-01.doc ", "FW: Intrastate and 311 contracts for Guadalupe pipeline.", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 8, "nninformation", ["contracts", "ship"], "intention", "suzanne, below are the contracts we will need to ship on guadalupe pipeline in texas."]], "Suzanne, \n\nBelow are the contracts we will need to ship on Guadalupe Pipeline in Texas.\n\nD\n\n ", "<12539715.1075840438512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "311", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-10-2001-5:51:19Sl..hernandez@enron.com 10-10-2001-6:36:23Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-10-2001-5:51:19Sl..hernandez@enron.com": ["10-10-2001-5:51:19", "l..hernandez@enron.com", "victor.lamadrid@enron.com clarissa.garcia@enron.com f..smith@enron.com", "scott.goodell@enron.com chris.germany@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com p..south@enron.com m..tholt@enron.com jay.reitmeyer@enron.com w..pereira@enron.com andrea.ring@enron.com l..kelly@enron.com nelson.ferries@enron.com robin.barbe@enron.com steve.gillespie@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11999662.1075852362346.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 05:51:19 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: l..hernandez@enron.com\nTo: victor.lamadrid@enron.com, clarissa.garcia@enron.com, f..smith@enron.com\nSubject: Deal Validation\nCc: scott.goodell@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com,\n\tp..south@enron.com, m..tholt@enron.com, jay.reitmeyer@enron.com,\n\tw..pereira@enron.com, andrea.ring@enron.com, l..kelly@enron.com,\n\tnelson.ferries@enron.com, robin.barbe@enron.com,\n\tsteve.gillespie@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: scott.goodell@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com,\n\tp..south@enron.com, m..tholt@enron.com, jay.reitmeyer@enron.com,\n\tw..pereira@enron.com, andrea.ring@enron.com, l..kelly@enron.com,\n\tnelson.ferries@enron.com, robin.barbe@enron.com,\n\tsteve.gillespie@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com\nX-From: Hernandez, Elizabeth L. \nX-To: Lamadrid, Victor , Garcia, Clarissa , Smith, George F. \nX-cc: Goodell, Scott , Germany, Chris , Farmer, Daren J. , South, Steven P. , Tholt, Jane M. , Reitmeyer, Jay , Pereira, Susan W. , Ring, Andrea , Kelly, Katherine L. , Ferries, Nelson , Barbe, Robin , Gillespie, Steve , Baumbach, David \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JREITME (Non-Privileged)\\Inbox\nX-Origin: REITMEYER-J\nX-FileName: JREITME (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nEffective immediately Sean Riordan @X5-4298 will be responsible for Deal Validation issues. He is taking over all my current duties as I will be moving to a new group. I will be helping Sean with Deal Validation issues until 10/19/2001. \n\nPlease let your group know that they should now be calling Sean for assistance.\t ", "Deal Validation", "reply", [], "Effective immediately Sean Riordan @X5-4298 will be responsible for Deal Validation issues. He is taking over all my current duties as I will be moving to a new group. I will be helping Sean with Deal Validation issues until 10/19/2001. \n\nPlease let your group know that they should now be calling Sean for assistance.\t ", "<11999662.1075852362346.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "10-10-2001-6:36:23Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-10-2001-6:36:23", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["l..hernandez@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26189593.1075852213033.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 06:36:23 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: l..hernandez@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Deal Validation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Hernandez, Elizabeth L. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nWhere do you think you're going? I don't know if I can handle any changes in deal validation.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHernandez, Elizabeth L. \nSent:\tWednesday, October 10, 2001 7:51 AM\nTo:\tLamadrid, Victor; Garcia, Clarissa; Smith, George F.\nCc:\tGoodell, Scott; Germany, Chris; Farmer, Daren J.; South, Steven P.; Tholt, Jane M.; Reitmeyer, Jay; Pereira, Susan W.; Ring, Andrea; Kelly, Katherine L.; Ferries, Nelson; Barbe, Robin; Gillespie, Steve; Baumbach, David\nSubject:\tDeal Validation\n\nEffective immediately Sean Riordan @X5-4298 will be responsible for Deal Validation issues. He is taking over all my current duties as I will be moving to a new group. I will be helping Sean with Deal Validation issues until 10/19/2001. \n\nPlease let your group know that they should now be calling Sean for assistance.\t ", "RE: Deal Validation", "originEmail", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 4, "nninformation", ["handle", "deal"], "intention", " i don't know if i can handle any changes in deal validation."]], "Where do you think you're going? I don't know if I can handle any changes in deal validation.\n\nD\n\n ", "<26189593.1075852213033.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-10-2000-9:4:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 7-5-2001-12:58:3Stess.ray@enron.com 8-5-2001-14:12:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-5-2001-4:54:41Stess.ray@enron.com 21-5-2001-14:28:24Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-5-2001-14:11:33Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-5-2001-4:56:14Stess.ray@enron.com 9-5-2001-5:11:46Stess.ray@enron.com 21-5-2001-14:0:10Stess.ray@enron.com": {"18-10-2000-9:4:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-9:4:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Its a monthly nom for 413447\nyou're right - the swing deal 413462 needs to be extended to match the term \nof 413447, as does the buyback 413472\nDaren J Farmer\n10/18/2000 03:48 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Chevron - Winter\nLee, \nOn deal 413447 (Chevron @ Olefins), we have a flex nom of 6,000 to \n12,000/day. Is this a monthly nom or daily nom? Will we have a swing deal \nwith them for the winter? The current swing deal is for Oct only. For Oct, \nthey have pulled an average of 16,000/day.\nD\n", ["Re: Chevron - Winter"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 7, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended", "413462"], "intention", "its a monthly nom for numeric you're right - the swing deal numeric needs to be extended to match the term of numeric , as does the buyback numeric daren j farmer datenumeric numerictime pm "]], "Its a monthly nom for 413447\n\nyou're right - the swing deal 413462 needs to be extended to match the term \nof 413447, as does the buyback 413472\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/18/2000 03:48 PM\n", ["<19070482.1075853977134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2858105.1075854101905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32905637.1075854116962.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "413462", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "7-5-2001-12:58:3Stess.ray@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-12:58:3", "tess.ray@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Darren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875", ["Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [], "Darren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\n\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875", ["<1579235.1075845127390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2001-14:12:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-14:12:32", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tess.ray@enron.com"], [], "Tess, \nI have changed Sitara to agree with the contract. This was changed during flash to get around some pricing errors.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Monday, May 07, 2001 2:58 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nCc: Meyers, Julie\nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nDarren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875", ["RE: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 8, "nninformation", ["agree", "contract"], "intention", "tess, i have changed sitara to agree with the contract."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "information", ["changed", "pricing"], "information", " this was changed during flash to get around some pricing errors."]], "Tess, \n\nI have changed Sitara to agree with the contract. This was changed during flash to get around some pricing errors.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<22523650.1075845124547.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"buyback lp saleTnnn": {"value": "buyback lp saleTnnn", "ne": "buyback lp saleTnnn", "patterns": ["buyback lp saleTnnn"]}, "buyback saleTnn": {"value": "buyback saleTnn", "ne": "buyback saleTnn", "patterns": ["buyback saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-5-2001-4:54:41Stess.ray@enron.com": ["9-5-2001-4:54:41", "tess.ray@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I will forward e-mail Lee P. sent to Julie (who forwarded to me). After you read through it, please get back with me. Need to get invoice and supply (net out) out today!\nThanks! \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 4:13 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: RE: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nTess, \nI have changed Sitara to agree with the contract. This was changed during flash to get around some pricing errors.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Monday, May 07, 2001 2:58 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nCc: Meyers, Julie\nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nDarren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875", ["RE: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [], "I will forward e-mail Lee P. sent to Julie (who forwarded to me). After you read through it, please get back with me. Need to get invoice and supply (net out) out today!\nThanks! \n\n ", ["<660338.1075845127413.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-5-2001-14:28:24Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-5-2001-14:28:24", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tess.ray@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Monday, May 21, 2001 4:00 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nDaren -\nPlease see my e-mail to Julie below. Can you change the price for me?\nThanks!\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Monday, May 21, 2001 2:36 PM\nTo: Meyers, Julie\nSubject: FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nJulie-\nNeed price correction for 04/01/01 - 04/30/01 for deal # 413462 to agree with info from Lee below. Currently, deal shows for 04/01 first 10,000/d @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP DH. Sitara audit shows dfarmer changed price on 05/08/01/\nThanks!\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Meyers, Julie \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:01 AM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Re: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2001 10:57 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 05/07/2001 04:54 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback) << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \nSA 413462 is not the buyback, it's the swing ...\nthe first 10,000/d under SA 413462 should be HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A.\nanything over 10,000/d should be HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA\nthis is for all months from Oct00 to Sep01\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \nJulie Meyers\n05/07/2001 04:43 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nWhat do you think?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/07/2001 04:39 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/07/2001 02:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nDarren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875\n", ["RE: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<15103440.1075845124985.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-5-2001-14:11:33Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-14:11:33", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <22701380.1075845124344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 May 2001 14:11:33 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Winfree, O'Neal \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nOW, \n\nIt looks like you changed the pricing in deal 413462 mentioned below. Did Gary or Lee ask you to do this?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRay, Tess \nSent:\tMonday, May 07, 2001 2:58 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tMeyers, Julie\nSubject:\tChevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nDarren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\n\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875", "FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["changed", "deal", "413462", "pricing"], "information", "ow, it looks like you changed the pricing in deal numeric mentioned below."]], "OW, \n\nIt looks like you changed the pricing in deal 413462 mentioned below. Did Gary or Lee ask you to do this?\n\nD\n\n ", "<22701380.1075845124344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback lp saleTnnn": {"value": "buyback lp saleTnnn", "ne": "buyback lp saleTnnn", "patterns": ["buyback lp saleTnnn"]}, "buyback saleTnn": {"value": "buyback saleTnn", "ne": "buyback saleTnn", "patterns": ["buyback saleTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "413462", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}}, true], "9-5-2001-4:56:14Stess.ray@enron.com": ["9-5-2001-4:56:14", "tess.ray@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], "\nDaren-\nPer your e-mail to re: your changing price for pricing errors, as promised, please see Lee P.'s response below.\nThanks!\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:35 AM\nTo: Meyers, Julie\nSubject: RE: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nJulie -\n04/01 Price in Sitara for Deal 413462 shows HSC GDP DA for both tiers. Who should I contact to get price corrected to:\n10,000/d HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP DA\n11,000/d HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA\n(i.e same as pre and post 04/01 prices shown for this deal in Sitara)\nThanks,\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Meyers, Julie \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:01 AM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Re: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2001 10:57 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 05/07/2001 04:54 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback) << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \nSA 413462 is not the buyback, it's the swing ...\nthe first 10,000/d under SA 413462 should be HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A.\nanything over 10,000/d should be HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA\nthis is for all months from Oct00 to Sep01\n \nJulie Meyers\n05/07/2001 04:43 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nWhat do you think?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/07/2001 04:39 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/07/2001 02:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nDarren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875\n", ["FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["changing", "price"], "intention", " daren- per your e-mail to re: your changing price for pricing errors, as promised, please see lee p."]], "\nDaren-\nPer your e-mail to re: your changing price for pricing errors, as promised, please see Lee P.'s response below.\n\nThanks!\nTess\n ", ["<25345564.1075845127438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-5-2001-5:11:46Stess.ray@enron.com": ["9-5-2001-5:11:46", "tess.ray@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Daren & Julie:\nPlease disregard previous e-mails. I see that price is corrected in Sitara! Thanks to both of you for all of your assistance!\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 6:57 AM\nTo: Meyers, Julie\nSubject: FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nJulie- \nSee Daren's reply below and advise.\nThanks!\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 6:55 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nI will forward e-mail Lee P. sent to Julie (who forwarded to me). After you read through it, please get back with me. Need to get invoice and supply (net out) out today!\nThanks! \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 4:13 PM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: RE: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nTess, \nI have changed Sitara to agree with the contract. This was changed during flash to get around some pricing errors.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Monday, May 07, 2001 2:58 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nCc: Meyers, Julie\nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nDarren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875", ["FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["see", "price"], "intention", " i see that price is corrected in sitara!"]], "Daren & Julie:\nPlease disregard previous e-mails. I see that price is corrected in Sitara! Thanks to both of you for all of your assistance!\n\nTess\n\n ", ["<9383782.1075845127462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-5-2001-14:0:10Stess.ray@enron.com": ["21-5-2001-14:0:10", "tess.ray@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "\nDaren -\nPlease see my e-mail to Julie below. Can you change the price for me?\nThanks!\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ray, Tess \nSent: Monday, May 21, 2001 2:36 PM\nTo: Meyers, Julie\nSubject: FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nImportance: High\nJulie-\nNeed price correction for 04/01/01 - 04/30/01 for deal # 413462 to agree with info from Lee below. Currently, deal shows for 04/01 first 10,000/d @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP DH. Sitara audit shows dfarmer changed price on 05/08/01/\nThanks!\nTess\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Meyers, Julie \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:01 AM\nTo: Ray, Tess\nSubject: Re: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2001 10:57 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 05/07/2001 04:54 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback) \nSA 413462 is not the buyback, it's the swing ...\nthe first 10,000/d under SA 413462 should be HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A.\nanything over 10,000/d should be HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA\nthis is for all months from Oct00 to Sep01\n \nJulie Meyers\n05/07/2001 04:43 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nWhat do you think?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/07/2001 04:39 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Tess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/07/2001 02:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)\nDarren-\nPlease advise on the 04/01 price for sales deal #SA 413462 on this buyback (Swing deal). The contract shows the price for 04/01 should be the same price as shown for 03/01 & 05/01 (i.e. 04/01 price for deal # SA 413462 should be: 10,000 @ HSC_FLW+1HIGH GDP D.A. & 11,000 @ HSC_FLW+2HIGH GDP DA).\nThanks!\nTess Ray\ntess.ray@enron.com\nContract Accountant, Gas Settlements (Sales)\nHouston Pipe Line Co.\n1201 Louisiana, LA 1524B\nHouston, Tx. 77002\nTel: 713-571-3274 Fax: 713-646-8875\n\n", ["FW: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., LP (HPLC 04/01 Sales/Buyback)"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '413462']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["change", "price"], "request", " can you change the price for me?"]], "\nDaren -\nPlease see my e-mail to Julie below. Can you change the price for me?\nThanks!\nTess\n ", ["<3851021.1075845127694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "18-5-2001-8:21:7Smegan.parker@enron.com 18-5-2001-8:34:10Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-5-2001-8:21:7Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["18-5-2001-8:21:7", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <32238663.1075840435440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 May 2001 08:21:07 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Texaco 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI have a price discrepancy with one of Stacey's deals with Texaco Natural Gas for April 2001. It is deal 695976 for 12,000/day. We have it priced at WAHA gas daily + 0.005 and Texaco says it should be WAHA IF + 0.005. Rick O'Bannion, the trader at Texaco, has confirmed their price. Can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Texaco 4/01", "reply", [["check_break object", 27, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request", " can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?"]], "I have a price discrepancy with one of Stacey's deals with Texaco Natural Gas for April 2001. It is deal 695976 for 12,000/day. We have it priced at WAHA gas daily + 0.005 and Texaco says it should be WAHA IF + 0.005. Rick O'Bannion, the trader at Texaco, has confirmed their price. Can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<32238663.1075840435440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "695976", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "18-5-2001-8:34:10Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-5-2001-8:34:10", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12772406.1075845124895.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 May 2001 08:34:10 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Texaco 4/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Parker, Megan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe price should be IF Waha. I have changed the price in Sitara.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tFriday, May 18, 2001 10:21 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tTexaco 4/01\n\nI have a price discrepancy with one of Stacey's deals with Texaco Natural Gas for April 2001. It is deal 695976 for 12,000/day. We have it priced at WAHA gas daily + 0.005 and Texaco says it should be WAHA IF + 0.005. Rick O'Bannion, the trader at Texaco, has confirmed their price. Can you check this for me and let me know which is correct?\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "RE: Texaco 4/01", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "information", ["changed", "price"], "information", " i have changed the price in sitara."]], "The price should be IF Waha. I have changed the price in Sitara.\n\nD\n\n ", "<12772406.1075845124895.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-9-2001-6:55:14Sannette.willis@enron.com 28-9-2001-11:11:8Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"27-9-2001-6:55:14Sannette.willis@enron.com": ["27-9-2001-6:55:14", "annette.willis@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "marsha.shepherd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32995165.1075852202391.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 06:55:14 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: annette.willis@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: LoneStar for 6/01\nCc: marsha.shepherd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: marsha.shepherd@enron.com\nX-From: Willis, Annette \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: Shepherd, Marsha \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nTo recap what we talked about this morning. The following deals were done for June. ENA is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay. \n\n6/7\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.71\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/12\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.78\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/14\tsold 5000 to ENA @ 4.16\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/20\tsold 10000 to EOL @ 3.95\tbetween Roger & EOL\n6/23-25\tsold 10000/d to EOL @ 3.57\tbetween Roger & EOL\n\nThank you, in advance, for your help with this.", "LoneStar for 6/01", "reply", [["show deal", 5, "information", ["deals", "showing"], "information", " orgname is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay."]], "To recap what we talked about this morning. The following deals were done for June. ENA is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay. \n\n6/7\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.71\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/12\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.78\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/14\tsold 5000 to ENA @ 4.16\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/20\tsold 10000 to EOL @ 3.95\tbetween Roger & EOL\n6/23-25\tsold 10000/d to EOL @ 3.57\tbetween Roger & EOL\n\nThank you, in advance, for your help with this.", "<32995165.1075852202391.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "28-9-2001-11:11:8Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-11:11:8", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["bryce.baxter@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16796337.1075852213441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 11:11:08 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: bryce.baxter@enron.com\nSubject: FW: LoneStar for 6/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Baxter, Bryce \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nBryce, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person in your group.\n\nI need someone to look into deal Sitara #833675, referenced below. Why were these deals actualized to zero?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWillis, Annette \nSent:\tThursday, September 27, 2001 8:55 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tShepherd, Marsha\nSubject:\tLoneStar for 6/01\n\nTo recap what we talked about this morning. The following deals were done for June. ENA is not showing these deals in you system so therefore they won't pay. \n\n6/7\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.71\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/12\tsold 8500 to ENA @ 3.78\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/14\tsold 5000 to ENA @ 4.16\tbetween Roger & Daren\n6/20\tsold 10000 to EOL @ 3.95\tbetween Roger & EOL\n6/23-25\tsold 10000/d to EOL @ 3.57\tbetween Roger & EOL\n\nThank you, in advance, for your help with this.", "FW: LoneStar for 6/01", "originEmail", [["forward deal{ticket}", 1, "nninformation", ["forward", "person"], "request", "bryce, please forward this to the appropriate person in your group."]], "Bryce, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person in your group.\n\nI need someone to look into deal Sitara #833675, referenced below. Why were these deals actualized to zero?\n\nD\n\n ", "<16796337.1075852213441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "833675", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-12-2000-2:18:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 21-12-2000-2:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-12-2000-2:18:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-2:18:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8739196.1075854209049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 02:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: clem.cernosek@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HPL Meter #986631TEXOMA-TEJAS HPL I/C\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nX-From: Clem Cernosek\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Mary Poorman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren:\n\nDuring the period of 1/1/2000 to 1/4/2000, the above meter has recorded flow \non the following days with no deals attached:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 1/1/00 3,737\n 1/2/00 3,713\n 1/3/00 3,730\n 1/4/00 800\n \n 11,980\n\nDeal #120891 was at that meter during 12/99 production month, but it expired \non 12/31/99. Currently, these volumes are being booked under the HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. Logistics needs either (1) have Deal #120891 \nextended, (2) new deal, or (3) approval to writeoff these volumes to \nUnaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to Clem \nCernosek).\n\n \n __________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n\n OR\n\n\n ______________________________________________________\n Approval to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem", "HPL Meter #986631TEXOMA-TEJAS HPL I/C", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 7, "information", ["attached", "deals"], "information", "daren: during the period of datenumeric to datenumeric , the above meter has recorded flow on the following days with no deals attached: days mmbtus datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric deal # numeric was at that meter during datenumeric numeric production month, but it expired on datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 31, "information", ["deal", "extended", "1"], "information", " logistics needs either ( numeric ) have deal # numeric extended, ( numeric ) new deal, or ( numeric ) approval to writeoff these volumes to unaccounted for gas."]], "Daren:\n\nDuring the period of 1/1/2000 to 1/4/2000, the above meter has recorded flow \non the following days with no deals attached:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 1/1/00 3,737\n 1/2/00 3,713\n 1/3/00 3,730\n 1/4/00 800\n \n 11,980\n\nDeal #120891 was at that meter during 12/99 production month, but it expired \non 12/31/99. Currently, these volumes are being booked under the HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. Logistics needs either (1) have Deal #120891 \nextended, (2) new deal, or (3) approval to writeoff these volumes to \nUnaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to Clem \nCernosek).\n\n \n __________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n\n OR\n\n\n ______________________________________________________\n Approval to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem", "<8739196.1075854209049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "11,980", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "120891", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "21-12-2000-2:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-2:38:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["clem.cernosek@enron.com"], ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29885129.1075854281368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 02:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: clem.cernosek@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HPL Meter #986631TEXOMA-TEJAS HPL I/C\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Clem Cernosek\nX-cc: Mary Poorman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThis volume should be allocated to deal 138642 for Jan. The meter has always \nbeen on the ticket, but with zero volume.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/21/2000 10:18 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: HPL Meter #986631TEXOMA-TEJAS HPL I/C\n\nDaren:\n\nDuring the period of 1/1/2000 to 1/4/2000, the above meter has recorded flow \non the following days with no deals attached:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 1/1/00 3,737\n 1/2/00 3,713\n 1/3/00 3,730\n 1/4/00 800\n \n 11,980\n\nDeal #120891 was at that meter during 12/99 production month, but it expired \non 12/31/99. Currently, these volumes are being booked under the HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. Logistics needs either (1) have Deal #120891 \nextended, (2) new deal, or (3) approval to writeoff these volumes to \nUnaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to Clem \nCernosek).\n\n \n __________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n\n OR\n\n\n ______________________________________________________\n Approval to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem\n\n", "Re: HPL Meter #986631TEXOMA-TEJAS HPL I/C", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["allocated", "deal", "138642"], "intention", "this volume should be allocated to deal numeric for jan."]], "This volume should be allocated to deal 138642 for Jan. The meter has always \nbeen on the ticket, but with zero volume.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/21/2000 10:18 AM\n", "<29885129.1075854281368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "138642", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "meter zeroTnn": {"value": "meter zeroTnn", "ne": "meter zeroTnn", "patterns": ["meter zeroTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986631", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "ticket volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "ticket volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "ticket volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["ticket volume zeroTnnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}, "ticket zeroTnn": {"value": "ticket zeroTnn", "ne": "ticket zeroTnn", "patterns": ["ticket zeroTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-5-2000-8:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-5-2000-2:27:0Scheryl.dudley@enron.com 23-5-2000-3:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-5-2000-6:19:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"11-5-2000-8:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-8:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["cheryl.dudley@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <5579454.1075854011310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 May 2000 08:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: cheryl.dudley@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Cheryl Dudley\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCheryl, \n\nThe counterparties with which ENA currently sales gas are:\n\nCity of Brazoria\nCentral Illinois Light Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc.\nMarkham Gas \nMerit Energy Partners\nPraxair\nReliant Energy - Entex\nReliant Energy - HL&P\nSouthern Union Company\nTexas Utilities Fuel Company (Now TXU Fuel Co)\nUnion Carbide Corporation\nUnit Gas Transmission Company Inc\n\n\nENA has transacted with the other companies listed below, but that will most \nlikely not happen again. (HPL will trade with those counterparties.)\n\nAll ENA trades on HPL will be in Sitara. We have reports which can be \ngenerated out of CPR that can list all deals by counterparty for ENA. Let me \nknow if you need something like that. \n\nLet me know if you have any other questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/10/2000 08:42 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nJust to update you on this project's status:\n\nBased on a new report that Scott Mills ran for me from Sitara, I have come up \nwith the following counterparties as the ones to which ENA is selling gas off \nof HPL's pipe.\n\nAltrade Transaction, L.L.C. Gulf Gas Utilities Company\nBrazoria, City of Panther Pipeline, Inc.\nCentral Illinois Light Company Praxair, Inc.\nCentral Power and Light Company Reliant Energy - Entex\nCES - Equistar Chemicals, LP Reliant Energy - HL&P\nCentral Illinois Light Company Southern Union Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc. Texas Utilities Fuel Company\nDuke Energy Field Services, Inc. TXU Gas Distribution\nEntex Gas Marketing Company Union Carbide Corporation\nEquistar Chemicals, LP Unit Gas Transmission Company Inc.\n\n\nSince I'm not sure exactly what gets entered into Sitara, Pat Clynes \nsuggested that I check with Daren Farmer to make sure that I'm not missing \nsomething (which I did below). While I am waiting for a response from him \nand/or Mary Smith, I will begin gathering the contractual volumes under the \nabove contracts.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2000 07:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/08/2000 04:11 PM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nI am working on a project for Brenda Herod & was wondering if one of you \ncould tell me if I'm on the right track & if this will get everything for \nwhich she is looking.\n\nShe is trying to draft a long-term transport/storage agreement between ENA & \nHPLC which will allow ENA to move the gas to their markets. In order to \naccomplish this, she needs to know all of the Sales to customers that ENA is \ndoing off of HPL's pipe.\n\nI had Scott Mills run a report from Sitara showing all ENA Buy/Sell Activity \non HPL since 7/99. If I eliminate the Buys & the desk-to-desk deals, will \nthis give me everything that I need?\n\nAre there buy/sell deals done with ENA on HPL's pipe that wouldn't show up in \nSitara? Someone mentioned something about deals where HPL transports the gas \non it's own behalf then ENA sells it to a customer at that same spot -- \n????? Do deals like that happen? Would they show up in Sitara?\n\nIs there anything else that I'm missing? I'm not real familiar with how some \nof these deals happen nowadays so am very receptive to any \nideas/suggestions/help that you can offer !!!\n\nThanks in advance.\n\n\n", "Re: ENA Sales on HPL", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 35, "nninformation", ["counterparties", "trade"], "intention", " (hpl will trade with those counterparties."]], "Cheryl, \n\nThe counterparties with which ENA currently sales gas are:\n\nCity of Brazoria\nCentral Illinois Light Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc.\nMarkham Gas \nMerit Energy Partners\nPraxair\nReliant Energy - Entex\nReliant Energy - HL&P\nSouthern Union Company\nTexas Utilities Fuel Company (Now TXU Fuel Co)\nUnion Carbide Corporation\nUnit Gas Transmission Company Inc\n\n\nENA has transacted with the other companies listed below, but that will most \nlikely not happen again. (HPL will trade with those counterparties.)\n\nAll ENA trades on HPL will be in Sitara. We have reports which can be \ngenerated out of CPR that can list all deals by counterparty for ENA. Let me \nknow if you need something like that. \n\nLet me know if you have any other questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/10/2000 08:42 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\n", "<5579454.1075854011310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"carbide unionTnn": {"value": "carbide unionTnn", "ne": "carbide unionTnn", "patterns": ["carbide unionTnn"]}, "counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "counterparty gasTnn": {"value": "counterparty gasTnn", "ne": "counterparty gasTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty gasTnn"]}, "energy_energy0field gasTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0field gasTnn"]}, "gas partnerTnn": {"value": "gas partnerTnn", "ne": "gas partnerTnn", "patterns": ["gas partnerTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas transmissionTnn": {"value": "gas transmissionTnn", "ne": "gas transmissionTnn", "patterns": ["gas transmissionTnn"]}}, false], "23-5-2000-2:27:0Scheryl.dudley@enron.com": ["23-5-2000-2:27:0", "cheryl.dudley@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32083765.1075854009709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 May 2000 02:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: cheryl.dudley@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL\nCc: mary.smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.smith@enron.com\nX-From: Cheryl Dudley\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Mary M Smith\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - thank you for the list of the true, remaining ENA sales customers. I \nhave been researching your list & getting the contractual volumes that Brenda \nneeds. I am confused about Praxair though.\n\nThe sales contract between ENA & Praxair was assigned to HPLC eff/ 10/1/99. \nThe only remaining contract between ENA & Praxair is a Master Financial \nAgreement.\n\nDoes Praxair really need to remain under ENA or is it okay under HPLC? If it \nreally needs to be under ENA, we will need to un-do the 10/1/99 assignment to \nHPLC or set-up a new contract between ENA & Praxair.\n\nPlease advise.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 03:11 PM\nTo: Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL \n\nCheryl, \n\nThe counterparties with which ENA currently sales gas are:\n\nCity of Brazoria\nCentral Illinois Light Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc.\nMarkham Gas \nMerit Energy Partners\nPraxair\nReliant Energy - Entex\nReliant Energy - HL&P\nSouthern Union Company\nTexas Utilities Fuel Company (Now TXU Fuel Co)\nUnion Carbide Corporation\nUnit Gas Transmission Company Inc\n\n\nENA has transacted with the other companies listed below, but that will most \nlikely not happen again. (HPL will trade with those counterparties.)\n\nAll ENA trades on HPL will be in Sitara. We have reports which can be \ngenerated out of CPR that can list all deals by counterparty for ENA. Let me \nknow if you need something like that. \n\nLet me know if you have any other questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/10/2000 08:42 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nJust to update you on this project's status:\n\nBased on a new report that Scott Mills ran for me from Sitara, I have come up \nwith the following counterparties as the ones to which ENA is selling gas off \nof HPL's pipe.\n\nAltrade Transaction, L.L.C. Gulf Gas Utilities Company\nBrazoria, City of Panther Pipeline, Inc.\nCentral Illinois Light Company Praxair, Inc.\nCentral Power and Light Company Reliant Energy - Entex\nCES - Equistar Chemicals, LP Reliant Energy - HL&P\nCentral Illinois Light Company Southern Union Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc. Texas Utilities Fuel Company\nDuke Energy Field Services, Inc. TXU Gas Distribution\nEntex Gas Marketing Company Union Carbide Corporation\nEquistar Chemicals, LP Unit Gas Transmission Company Inc.\n\n\nSince I'm not sure exactly what gets entered into Sitara, Pat Clynes \nsuggested that I check with Daren Farmer to make sure that I'm not missing \nsomething (which I did below). While I am waiting for a response from him \nand/or Mary Smith, I will begin gathering the contractual volumes under the \nabove contracts.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2000 07:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/08/2000 04:11 PM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nI am working on a project for Brenda Herod & was wondering if one of you \ncould tell me if I'm on the right track & if this will get everything for \nwhich she is looking.\n\nShe is trying to draft a long-term transport/storage agreement between ENA & \nHPLC which will allow ENA to move the gas to their markets. In order to \naccomplish this, she needs to know all of the Sales to customers that ENA is \ndoing off of HPL's pipe.\n\nI had Scott Mills run a report from Sitara showing all ENA Buy/Sell Activity \non HPL since 7/99. If I eliminate the Buys & the desk-to-desk deals, will \nthis give me everything that I need?\n\nAre there buy/sell deals done with ENA on HPL's pipe that wouldn't show up in \nSitara? Someone mentioned something about deals where HPL transports the gas \non it's own behalf then ENA sells it to a customer at that same spot -- \n????? Do deals like that happen? Would they show up in Sitara?\n\nIs there anything else that I'm missing? I'm not real familiar with how some \nof these deals happen nowadays so am very receptive to any \nideas/suggestions/help that you can offer !!!\n\nThanks in advance.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: ENA Sales on HPL", "reply", [["put_assign contract", 19, "information", ["assigned", "contract"], "information", " the sales contract between orgname & praxair was assigned to orgname eff/ datenumeric ."]], "Daren - thank you for the list of the true, remaining ENA sales customers. I \nhave been researching your list & getting the contractual volumes that Brenda \nneeds. I am confused about Praxair though.\n\nThe sales contract between ENA & Praxair was assigned to HPLC eff/ 10/1/99. \nThe only remaining contract between ENA & Praxair is a Master Financial \nAgreement.\n\nDoes Praxair really need to remain under ENA or is it okay under HPLC? If it \nreally needs to be under ENA, we will need to un-do the 10/1/99 assignment to \nHPLC or set-up a new contract between ENA & Praxair.\n\nPlease advise.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 03:11 PM\n", "<32083765.1075854009709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "23-5-2000-3:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-5-2000-3:34:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com cheryl.dudley@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9369399.1075854168660.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 May 2000 03:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com, cheryl.dudley@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers, Cheryl Dudley\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJulie, \n\nWhat info do you have on the Praxair deal (#70171)? Should this be on ENA or \nHPLC?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/23/2000 09:27 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL \n\nDaren - thank you for the list of the true, remaining ENA sales customers. I \nhave been researching your list & getting the contractual volumes that Brenda \nneeds. I am confused about Praxair though.\n\nThe sales contract between ENA & Praxair was assigned to HPLC eff/ 10/1/99. \nThe only remaining contract between ENA & Praxair is a Master Financial \nAgreement.\n\nDoes Praxair really need to remain under ENA or is it okay under HPLC? If it \nreally needs to be under ENA, we will need to un-do the 10/1/99 assignment to \nHPLC or set-up a new contract between ENA & Praxair.\n\nPlease advise.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 03:11 PM\nTo: Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL \n\nCheryl, \n\nThe counterparties with which ENA currently sales gas are:\n\nCity of Brazoria\nCentral Illinois Light Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc.\nMarkham Gas \nMerit Energy Partners\nPraxair\nReliant Energy - Entex\nReliant Energy - HL&P\nSouthern Union Company\nTexas Utilities Fuel Company (Now TXU Fuel Co)\nUnion Carbide Corporation\nUnit Gas Transmission Company Inc\n\n\nENA has transacted with the other companies listed below, but that will most \nlikely not happen again. (HPL will trade with those counterparties.)\n\nAll ENA trades on HPL will be in Sitara. We have reports which can be \ngenerated out of CPR that can list all deals by counterparty for ENA. Let me \nknow if you need something like that. \n\nLet me know if you have any other questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/10/2000 08:42 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nJust to update you on this project's status:\n\nBased on a new report that Scott Mills ran for me from Sitara, I have come up \nwith the following counterparties as the ones to which ENA is selling gas off \nof HPL's pipe.\n\nAltrade Transaction, L.L.C. Gulf Gas Utilities Company\nBrazoria, City of Panther Pipeline, Inc.\nCentral Illinois Light Company Praxair, Inc.\nCentral Power and Light Company Reliant Energy - Entex\nCES - Equistar Chemicals, LP Reliant Energy - HL&P\nCentral Illinois Light Company Southern Union Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc. Texas Utilities Fuel Company\nDuke Energy Field Services, Inc. TXU Gas Distribution\nEntex Gas Marketing Company Union Carbide Corporation\nEquistar Chemicals, LP Unit Gas Transmission Company Inc.\n\n\nSince I'm not sure exactly what gets entered into Sitara, Pat Clynes \nsuggested that I check with Daren Farmer to make sure that I'm not missing \nsomething (which I did below). While I am waiting for a response from him \nand/or Mary Smith, I will begin gathering the contractual volumes under the \nabove contracts.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2000 07:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/08/2000 04:11 PM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nI am working on a project for Brenda Herod & was wondering if one of you \ncould tell me if I'm on the right track & if this will get everything for \nwhich she is looking.\n\nShe is trying to draft a long-term transport/storage agreement between ENA & \nHPLC which will allow ENA to move the gas to their markets. In order to \naccomplish this, she needs to know all of the Sales to customers that ENA is \ndoing off of HPL's pipe.\n\nI had Scott Mills run a report from Sitara showing all ENA Buy/Sell Activity \non HPL since 7/99. If I eliminate the Buys & the desk-to-desk deals, will \nthis give me everything that I need?\n\nAre there buy/sell deals done with ENA on HPL's pipe that wouldn't show up in \nSitara? Someone mentioned something about deals where HPL transports the gas \non it's own behalf then ENA sells it to a customer at that same spot -- \n????? Do deals like that happen? Would they show up in Sitara?\n\nIs there anything else that I'm missing? I'm not real familiar with how some \nof these deals happen nowadays so am very receptive to any \nideas/suggestions/help that you can offer !!!\n\nThanks in advance.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: ENA Sales on HPL", "reply", [], "Julie, \n\nWhat info do you have on the Praxair deal (#70171)? Should this be on ENA or \nHPLC?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/23/2000 09:27 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\n", "<9369399.1075854168660.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "70171", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "23-5-2000-6:19:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["23-5-2000-6:19:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "cheryl.dudley@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25890876.1075854009546.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 May 2000 06:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL\nCc: cheryl.dudley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: cheryl.dudley@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Cheryl Dudley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLast that I had, was that legal was reviewing the contract. Which sounds \nlike it has been forgotten.\n\nCheryl: I would ask Dan Hyvl to find out where legal stands on this.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/23/2000 10:34 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL \n\nJulie, \n\nWhat info do you have on the Praxair deal (#70171)? Should this be on ENA or \nHPLC?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/23/2000 09:27 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL \n\nDaren - thank you for the list of the true, remaining ENA sales customers. I \nhave been researching your list & getting the contractual volumes that Brenda \nneeds. I am confused about Praxair though.\n\nThe sales contract between ENA & Praxair was assigned to HPLC eff/ 10/1/99. \nThe only remaining contract between ENA & Praxair is a Master Financial \nAgreement.\n\nDoes Praxair really need to remain under ENA or is it okay under HPLC? If it \nreally needs to be under ENA, we will need to un-do the 10/1/99 assignment to \nHPLC or set-up a new contract between ENA & Praxair.\n\nPlease advise.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 03:11 PM\nTo: Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ENA Sales on HPL \n\nCheryl, \n\nThe counterparties with which ENA currently sales gas are:\n\nCity of Brazoria\nCentral Illinois Light Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc.\nMarkham Gas \nMerit Energy Partners\nPraxair\nReliant Energy - Entex\nReliant Energy - HL&P\nSouthern Union Company\nTexas Utilities Fuel Company (Now TXU Fuel Co)\nUnion Carbide Corporation\nUnit Gas Transmission Company Inc\n\n\nENA has transacted with the other companies listed below, but that will most \nlikely not happen again. (HPL will trade with those counterparties.)\n\nAll ENA trades on HPL will be in Sitara. We have reports which can be \ngenerated out of CPR that can list all deals by counterparty for ENA. Let me \nknow if you need something like that. \n\nLet me know if you have any other questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/10/2000 08:42 AM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nJust to update you on this project's status:\n\nBased on a new report that Scott Mills ran for me from Sitara, I have come up \nwith the following counterparties as the ones to which ENA is selling gas off \nof HPL's pipe.\n\nAltrade Transaction, L.L.C. Gulf Gas Utilities Company\nBrazoria, City of Panther Pipeline, Inc.\nCentral Illinois Light Company Praxair, Inc.\nCentral Power and Light Company Reliant Energy - Entex\nCES - Equistar Chemicals, LP Reliant Energy - HL&P\nCentral Illinois Light Company Southern Union Company\nD & H Gas Company, Inc. Texas Utilities Fuel Company\nDuke Energy Field Services, Inc. TXU Gas Distribution\nEntex Gas Marketing Company Union Carbide Corporation\nEquistar Chemicals, LP Unit Gas Transmission Company Inc.\n\n\nSince I'm not sure exactly what gets entered into Sitara, Pat Clynes \nsuggested that I check with Daren Farmer to make sure that I'm not missing \nsomething (which I did below). While I am waiting for a response from him \nand/or Mary Smith, I will begin gathering the contractual volumes under the \nabove contracts.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cheryl Dudley/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2000 07:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tCheryl D King\n\t05/08/2000 04:11 PM\n\t\nSent by: Cheryl Dudley\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ENA Sales on HPL\n\nI am working on a project for Brenda Herod & was wondering if one of you \ncould tell me if I'm on the right track & if this will get everything for \nwhich she is looking.\n\nShe is trying to draft a long-term transport/storage agreement between ENA & \nHPLC which will allow ENA to move the gas to their markets. In order to \naccomplish this, she needs to know all of the Sales to customers that ENA is \ndoing off of HPL's pipe.\n\nI had Scott Mills run a report from Sitara showing all ENA Buy/Sell Activity \non HPL since 7/99. If I eliminate the Buys & the desk-to-desk deals, will \nthis give me everything that I need?\n\nAre there buy/sell deals done with ENA on HPL's pipe that wouldn't show up in \nSitara? Someone mentioned something about deals where HPL transports the gas \non it's own behalf then ENA sells it to a customer at that same spot -- \n????? Do deals like that happen? Would they show up in Sitara?\n\nIs there anything else that I'm missing? I'm not real familiar with how some \nof these deals happen nowadays so am very receptive to any \nideas/suggestions/help that you can offer !!!\n\nThanks in advance.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: ENA Sales on HPL", "reply", [], "Last that I had, was that legal was reviewing the contract. Which sounds \nlike it has been forgotten.\n\nCheryl: I would ask Dan Hyvl to find out where legal stands on this.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n05/23/2000 10:34 AM\n", "<25890876.1075854009546.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "2-11-2000-7:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-11-2000-8:23:0Sholly.heath@enron.com 2-11-2000-8:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-11-2000-7:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-7:34:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "holly.heath@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9579744.1075854163387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 07:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: holly.heath@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Holly Heath\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease move my group from Risk to Logisitcs.\n\n\n\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Irena D Hogan 11/02/2000 03:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Dutch Quigley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Revised Allocation %'s - October\n\nPlease read below and comply as directed below.\n\nThank you,\n\nIrena\n---------------------- Forwarded by Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000 03:16 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nHolly Heath@ENRON\n11/02/2000 02:17 PM\nTo: Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie \nReeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMaria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, D Todd \nHall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa B Cousino/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane H Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMichael E Moscoso/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eugenio Perez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jefferson D \nSorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chantelle \nVillanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT, Yvette G Connevey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary \nComello/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Shoemake/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maria \nSandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Templeton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lynn \nTippery/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marvia Jefferson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti \nThompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julissa Marron/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Yolanda \nFord/HOU/ECT@ECT, Adrial Boals/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Revised Allocation %'s - October\n\nAttached is a revised allocation file for October. Please note that the \nformat of this file has been changed to reflect the new team reporting list. \nAlso, \"Global Markets\" and \"Industrial Markets\" have been broken out for \nbilling purposes. If you have cost centers that are allocating to either of \nthese teams, please provide a breakdown of those percentages by Monday, \nNovember 6th.\n\nAll other allocations are due by end of day today.\n\nI have also included the team reporting list that is currently in use until \nthe end of 2001. \n\nThank you for your help. Please call if you have any additional questions. \n\nHolly\n3-5843\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October", "reply", [], "Please move my group from Risk to Logisitcs.\n\n\n\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Irena D Hogan 11/02/2000 03:21 PM\n\t\n\n", "<9579744.1075854163387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-11-2000-8:23:0Sholly.heath@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-8:23:0", "holly.heath@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6007003.1075853973615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 08:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: holly.heath@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Holly Heath\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHi Daren,\n\nI'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking me to do. Do you mean that \nyou want CC 105633 moved to Logistics PC 12667. If so, there is a \ncomplicated process in order to do so. Has someone else made this request or \nis this your own? Please explain.\n\nThank you,\n\nHolly\n3-5843 \n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n11/02/2000 03:34 PM\nTo: Holly Heath/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October \n\nPlease move my group from Risk to Logisitcs.\n\n\n\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Irena D Hogan 11/02/2000 03:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Dutch Quigley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Revised Allocation %'s - October\n\nPlease read below and comply as directed below.\n\nThank you,\n\nIrena\n---------------------- Forwarded by Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000 03:16 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nHolly Heath@ENRON\n11/02/2000 02:17 PM\nTo: Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie \nReeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMaria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, D Todd \nHall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa B Cousino/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane H Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMichael E Moscoso/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eugenio Perez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jefferson D \nSorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chantelle \nVillanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT, Yvette G Connevey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary \nComello/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Shoemake/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maria \nSandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Templeton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lynn \nTippery/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marvia Jefferson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti \nThompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julissa Marron/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Yolanda \nFord/HOU/ECT@ECT, Adrial Boals/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Revised Allocation %'s - October\n\nAttached is a revised allocation file for October. Please note that the \nformat of this file has been changed to reflect the new team reporting list. \nAlso, \"Global Markets\" and \"Industrial Markets\" have been broken out for \nbilling purposes. If you have cost centers that are allocating to either of \nthese teams, please provide a breakdown of those percentages by Monday, \nNovember 6th.\n\nAll other allocations are due by end of day today.\n\nI have also included the team reporting list that is currently in use until \nthe end of 2001. \n\nThank you for your help. Please call if you have any additional questions. \n\nHolly\n3-5843\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October", "reply", [], "Hi Daren,\n\nI'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking me to do. Do you mean that \nyou want CC 105633 moved to Logistics PC 12667. If so, there is a \ncomplicated process in order to do so. Has someone else made this request or \nis this your own? Please explain.\n\nThank you,\n\nHolly\n3-5843 \n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n11/02/2000 03:34 PM\n", "<6007003.1075853973615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-11-2000-8:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-8:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["holly.heath@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27933460.1075854150761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 08:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: holly.heath@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Holly Heath\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI don't know what PC 12667 is. But, in the attached spreadsheet, my cost \ncenter is grouped with Risk Management. I now report to Bob Hall, so CC \n105633 should be reported with the other Logistics groups.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHolly Heath@ENRON\n11/02/2000 04:23 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October \n\nHi Daren,\n\nI'm afraid I don't understand what you are asking me to do. Do you mean that \nyou want CC 105633 moved to Logistics PC 12667. If so, there is a \ncomplicated process in order to do so. Has someone else made this request or \nis this your own? Please explain.\n\nThank you,\n\nHolly\n3-5843 \n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n11/02/2000 03:34 PM\nTo: Holly Heath/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October \n\nPlease move my group from Risk to Logisitcs.\n\n\n\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Irena D Hogan 11/02/2000 03:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Dutch Quigley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Revised Allocation %'s - October\n\nPlease read below and comply as directed below.\n\nThank you,\n\nIrena\n---------------------- Forwarded by Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000 03:16 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nHolly Heath@ENRON\n11/02/2000 02:17 PM\nTo: Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie \nReeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMaria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, D Todd \nHall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa B Cousino/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane H Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMichael E Moscoso/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eugenio Perez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jefferson D \nSorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irena D Hogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chantelle \nVillanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT, Yvette G Connevey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary \nComello/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Shoemake/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maria \nSandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Templeton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lynn \nTippery/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marvia Jefferson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti \nThompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julissa Marron/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Yolanda \nFord/HOU/ECT@ECT, Adrial Boals/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Revised Allocation %'s - October\n\nAttached is a revised allocation file for October. Please note that the \nformat of this file has been changed to reflect the new team reporting list. \nAlso, \"Global Markets\" and \"Industrial Markets\" have been broken out for \nbilling purposes. If you have cost centers that are allocating to either of \nthese teams, please provide a breakdown of those percentages by Monday, \nNovember 6th.\n\nAll other allocations are due by end of day today.\n\nI have also included the team reporting list that is currently in use until \nthe end of 2001. \n\nThank you for your help. Please call if you have any additional questions. \n\nHolly\n3-5843\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Revised Allocation %'s - October", "originEmail", [["attach spreadsheet", 5, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " but, in the attached spreadsheet, my cost center is grouped with risk management."]], "I don't know what PC 12667 is. But, in the attached spreadsheet, my cost \ncenter is grouped with Risk Management. I now report to Bob Hall, so CC \n105633 should be reported with the other Logistics groups.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHolly Heath@ENRON\n11/02/2000 04:23 PM\n", "<27933460.1075854150761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-3-2001-2:48:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 20-3-2001-2:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 20-3-2001-4:55:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 20-3-2001-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 20-3-2001-15:55:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"20-3-2001-2:48:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-2:48:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29818008.1075854193700.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 02:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe above deal was in the system for 7/1/00 to 12/31/00. We have had \ncontinued flow on the following dates...\n\n1/4/01 to 1/8/01\n1/29/01\n2/7/01 to 2/28/01\n\nThe total flow has been 2804.\n\nCan this deal be extended to cover the January and February flow? ", "Deal 338634 Meter 985077", "reply", [], "The above deal was in the system for 7/1/00 to 12/31/00. We have had \ncontinued flow on the following dates...\n\n1/4/01 to 1/8/01\n1/29/01\n2/7/01 to 2/28/01\n\nThe total flow has been 2804.\n\nCan this deal be extended to cover the January and February flow? ", "<29818008.1075854193700.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "20-3-2001-2:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-2:53:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <171023.1075854335068.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 02:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ndone.\n\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n03/20/2001 10:48 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\n\nThe above deal was in the system for 7/1/00 to 12/31/00. We have had \ncontinued flow on the following dates...\n\n1/4/01 to 1/8/01\n1/29/01\n2/7/01 to 2/28/01\n\nThe total flow has been 2804.\n\nCan this deal be extended to cover the January and February flow? \n\n", "Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077", "reply", [], "done.\n\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n03/20/2001 10:48 AM\n", "<171023.1075854335068.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "20-3-2001-4:55:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-4:55:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20980051.1075854193566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 04:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThis has not yet shown up in Unify. Did you use the same deal ticket?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/20/2001 10:53 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077 \n\ndone.\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n03/20/2001 10:48 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\n\nThe above deal was in the system for 7/1/00 to 12/31/00. We have had \ncontinued flow on the following dates...\n\n1/4/01 to 1/8/01\n1/29/01\n2/7/01 to 2/28/01\n\nThe total flow has been 2804.\n\nCan this deal be extended to cover the January and February flow? \n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077", "reply", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["use", "deal"], "request information", " did you use the same deal ticket?"]], "Daren,\n\nThis has not yet shown up in Unify. Did you use the same deal ticket?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/20/2001 10:53 AM\n", "<20980051.1075854193566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "20-3-2001-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-6:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <9220924.1075854325067.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 06:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI created deal 682029.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n03/20/2001 12:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077 \n\nDaren,\n\nThis has not yet shown up in Unify. Did you use the same deal ticket?\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/20/2001 10:53 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077 \n\ndone.\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n03/20/2001 10:48 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\n\nThe above deal was in the system for 7/1/00 to 12/31/00. We have had \ncontinued flow on the following dates...\n\n1/4/01 to 1/8/01\n1/29/01\n2/7/01 to 2/28/01\n\nThe total flow has been 2804.\n\nCan this deal be extended to cover the January and February flow? \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "682029"], "information", "i created deal numeric ."]], "I created deal 682029.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n03/20/2001 12:55 PM\n", "<9220924.1075854325067.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "338634", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "682029", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "20-3-2001-15:55:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-15:55:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nThis has not yet shown up in Unify. Did you use the same deal ticket?\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/20/2001 10:53 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077 \ndone.\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n03/20/2001 10:48 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal 338634 Meter 985077\nThe above deal was in the system for 7/1/00 to 12/31/00. We have had continued flow on the following dates...\n1/4/01 to 1/8/01\n1/29/01\n2/7/01 to 2/28/01\nThe total flow has been 2804.\nCan this deal be extended to cover the January and February flow? \n", ["Re: Deal 338634 Meter 985077"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '338634'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '338634']}", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["use", "deal"], "request information", " did you use the same deal ticket?"]], "Daren,\n\nThis has not yet shown up in Unify. Did you use the same deal ticket?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/20/2001 10:53 AM\n", ["<16461593.1075840437525.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "11-4-2000-2:28:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 11-4-2000-6:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-4-2000-7:56:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"11-4-2000-2:28:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-2:28:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2137041.1075854015456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 02:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWhat is going on about this deal? Can we get this resolved today?\n\nRobert: Who requested Valero to be split out?\n\nThanks!\n\nJulie\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2000 09:28 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nTina Valadez\n04/06/2000 01:01 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\nAre you still available to assist Robert with entering the new deal tickets \nfor Equistar? After talking with Bryan Hull and Anita Luong, Kyle and I \ndecided we only need 1 additional sale ticket and 1 additional buyback ticket \nset up.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2000 12:56 \nPM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 04/06/2000 12:40 PM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets \n\nYou'll may want to run this idea by Daren Farmer. I don't normally add \ntickets into Sitara.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n04/04/2000 10:42 AM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bryan Hull/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\nKyle and I met with Bryan Hull this morning and we decided that we only need \n1 new sale ticket and 1 new buyback ticket set up. The time period for both \ntickets should be July 1999 - Forward.\n\nThe pricing for the new sale ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara #156337 \nbelow:\n\n\n\nThe pricing for the new buyback ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara \n#156342 below:\n\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Equistar Deal Tickets", "reply", [], "What is going on about this deal? Can we get this resolved today?\n\nRobert: Who requested Valero to be split out?\n\nThanks!\n\nJulie\n\n", "<2137041.1075854015456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-4-2000-6:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-6:15:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tina.valadez@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], ["robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15114272.1075854066252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 06:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com, tina.valadez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers, Tina Valadez\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created deal tickets 241558 and 241560 for July 99 - March 00 based on \nthe info below. Due to time constraints, I have not researched pricing and \nvolumes, I trust that the info supplied to me agrees with the contract.\n\nRobert - We need to get together tomorrow afternoon to set up April.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n04/11/2000 09:28 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\n\nWhat is going on about this deal? Can we get this resolved today?\n\nRobert: Who requested Valero to be split out?\n\nThanks!\n\nJulie\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2000 09:28 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nTina Valadez\n04/06/2000 01:01 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\nAre you still available to assist Robert with entering the new deal tickets \nfor Equistar? After talking with Bryan Hull and Anita Luong, Kyle and I \ndecided we only need 1 additional sale ticket and 1 additional buyback ticket \nset up.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2000 12:56 \nPM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 04/06/2000 12:40 PM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets \n\nYou'll may want to run this idea by Daren Farmer. I don't normally add \ntickets into Sitara.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n04/04/2000 10:42 AM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bryan Hull/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\nKyle and I met with Bryan Hull this morning and we decided that we only need \n1 new sale ticket and 1 new buyback ticket set up. The time period for both \ntickets should be July 1999 - Forward.\n\nThe pricing for the new sale ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara #156337 \nbelow:\n\n\n\nThe pricing for the new buyback ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara \n#156342 below:\n\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Equistar Deal Tickets", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal", "tickets"], "information", "i have created deal tickets numeric and numeric for datenumeric - datenumeric based on the info below."], ["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 15, "information", ["agrees", "contract"], "information", " due to time constraints, i have not researched pricing and volumes, i trust that the info supplied to me agrees with the contract."]], "I have created deal tickets 241558 and 241560 for July 99 - March 00 based on \nthe info below. Due to time constraints, I have not researched pricing and \nvolumes, I trust that the info supplied to me agrees with the contract.\n\nRobert - We need to get together tomorrow afternoon to set up April.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n04/11/2000 09:28 AM\n", "<15114272.1075854066252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract supplyTnn": {"value": "contract supplyTnn", "ne": "contract supplyTnn", "patterns": ["contract supplyTnn"]}, "deal infoTnn": {"value": "deal infoTnn", "ne": "deal infoTnn", "patterns": ["deal infoTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "241560", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["info_information numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "241558", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "pricing volumeTnn": {"value": "pricing volumeTnn", "ne": "pricing volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pricing volumeTnn"]}}, false], "11-4-2000-7:56:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-7:56:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com tina.valadez@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32574814.1075854015208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 07:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, tina.valadez@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, tina.valadez@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd, Tina Valadez\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFrom what I am understanding, we are going to need a separate deal for each \nmeter. Tina is that right?\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n04/11/2000 01:15 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets \n\nI have created deal tickets 241558 and 241560 for July 99 - March 00 based on \nthe info below. Due to time constraints, I have not researched pricing and \nvolumes, I trust that the info supplied to me agrees with the contract.\n\nRobert - We need to get together tomorrow afternoon to set up April.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n04/11/2000 09:28 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\n\nWhat is going on about this deal? Can we get this resolved today?\n\nRobert: Who requested Valero to be split out?\n\nThanks!\n\nJulie\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2000 09:28 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nTina Valadez\n04/06/2000 01:01 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\nAre you still available to assist Robert with entering the new deal tickets \nfor Equistar? After talking with Bryan Hull and Anita Luong, Kyle and I \ndecided we only need 1 additional sale ticket and 1 additional buyback ticket \nset up.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2000 12:56 \nPM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 04/06/2000 12:40 PM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets \n\nYou'll may want to run this idea by Daren Farmer. I don't normally add \ntickets into Sitara.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n04/04/2000 10:42 AM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bryan Hull/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\nKyle and I met with Bryan Hull this morning and we decided that we only need \n1 new sale ticket and 1 new buyback ticket set up. The time period for both \ntickets should be July 1999 - Forward.\n\nThe pricing for the new sale ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara #156337 \nbelow:\n\n\n\nThe pricing for the new buyback ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara \n#156342 below:\n\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Equistar Deal Tickets", "reply", [], "From what I am understanding, we are going to need a separate deal for each \nmeter. Tina is that right?\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n04/11/2000 01:15 PM\n", "<32574814.1075854015208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-12-1999-23:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 27-12-1999-9:16:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": {"21-12-1999-23:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-1999-23:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["stella.morris@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <25332326.1075854044667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 23:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: stella.morris@enron.com\nSubject: Re: UA4 - Meter 1441 for 11/97 - Falfurrias\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Stella L Morris\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWhat occurred at this point in prior months? Who was allocated the volume?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 12/16/99 06:04 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: UA4 - Meter 1441 for 11/97 - Falfurrias\n\n\nDaren - I need your help in resolving this issue. There wasn't any deal in \nOSS for the above reference meter, nor could I find anything in CPR. The \ncontract shows 089-41500-102 representing a sale in the amount of 9448.\n\n\nThanks, Stella\n\n", "Re: UA4 - Meter 1441 for 11/97 - Falfurrias", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["allocated", "volume"], "request information", " who was allocated the volume?"]], "What occurred at this point in prior months? Who was allocated the volume?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 12/16/99 06:04 PM\n\t\n\n", "<25332326.1075854044667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "1441", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "27-12-1999-9:16:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": ["27-12-1999-9:16:0", "stella.morris@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6328360.1075854037564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 09:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stella.morris@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nSubject: Re: UA4 - Meter 1441 for 11/97 - Falfurrias\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Stella L Morris\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Howard B Camp\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHoward - the above meter indicates a daily swing with no one in Volume \nManagement's initials in OSS. I need some information for Daren before it \ncan be determined if a deal should be set up to cover the 089 contract for \n11/97 forward.\n\nI've done some research as follows:\n\n1/95 shows delivery on transport contract #012-82269-02-002 (Southeastern \nMarketing Co. as counterparty)\n\n1/96 thru 10/31/97 shows delivery on transport contract #012-27182-02-001 \n(Esperanza Marketing Corp as counterparty).\n\n11/97 thru 12/97 shows delivery on 089-41500-102\n\n1/98 shows delivery on 089-41500-101\n\nNo other transactions at this meter since 1/98.\n\nSome questions I need answered are - why was volume allocated to transport \ncontracts through 10/31/97 and then started to be allocated to the 089 \ncontract later? Are the transport contracts no longer valid to allocate to \nand is that the reason the 089 contract was used? Or should the transport \ncontract be allocated to instead of the 089 contract for 11/97 forward? Each \nitem indicates a delivered volume, so either a transport or sale is taking \nplace. \n\nAll the information that is supplied on the UA4 report is need a contract for \n9,448 MMBTU.\n\nSince the meter was assigned to someone else during this timeframe before it \nwas assigned to me, it's difficult to know why the 089 contract was ever used \nfor allocation and since there are no other records such as deal tickets in \nCPR or OSS.\n\nNeed help, Stella\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n12/22/99 07:14 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: UA4 - Meter 1441 for 11/97 - Falfurrias \n\nWhat occurred at this point in prior months? Who was allocated the volume?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 12/16/99 06:04 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: UA4 - Meter 1441 for 11/97 - Falfurrias\n\n\nDaren - I need your help in resolving this issue. There wasn't any deal in \nOSS for the above reference meter, nor could I find anything in CPR. The \ncontract shows 089-41500-102 representing a sale in the amount of 9448.\n\n\nThanks, Stella\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: UA4 - Meter 1441 for 11/97 - Falfurrias", "reply", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 16, "nninformation", ["determined", "deal"], "intention", " i need some information for daren before it can be determined if a deal should be set up to cover the numeric contract for datenumeric numeric forward."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["set", "deal"], "intention", " i need some information for daren before it can be determined if a deal should be set up to cover the numeric contract for datenumeric numeric forward."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 19, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "089"], "intention", " i need some information for daren before it can be determined if a deal should be set up to cover the numeric contract for datenumeric numeric forward."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 69, "nninformation", ["allocated", "contracts", "volume"], "request information", " some questions i need answered are - why was volume allocated to transport contracts through datenumeric and then started to be allocated to the numeric contract later?"], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 73, "nninformation", ["allocated", "contract"], "request information", " some questions i need answered are - why was volume allocated to transport contracts through datenumeric and then started to be allocated to the numeric contract later?"], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 79, "nninformation", ["allocate", "contracts"], "request information", " are the transport contracts no longer valid to allocate to and is that the reason the numeric contract was used?"], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 83, "nninformation", ["used", "contract"], "request information", " are the transport contracts no longer valid to allocate to and is that the reason the numeric contract was used?"], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 86, "nninformation", ["allocated", "contract"], "request information", " or should the transport contract be allocated to instead of the numeric contract for datenumeric numeric forward?"], ["put_assign contract", 112, "information", ["assigned", "contract"], "information", " since the meter was assigned to someone else during this timeframe before it was assigned to me, it's difficult to know why the numeric contract was ever used for allocation and since there are no other records such as deal tickets in cpr or oss."], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 116, "information", ["used", "contract"], "information", " since the meter was assigned to someone else during this timeframe before it was assigned to me, it's difficult to know why the numeric contract was ever used for allocation and since there are no other records such as deal tickets in cpr or oss."]], "Howard - the above meter indicates a daily swing with no one in Volume \nManagement's initials in OSS. I need some information for Daren before it \ncan be determined if a deal should be set up to cover the 089 contract for \n11/97 forward.\n\nI've done some research as follows:\n\n1/95 shows delivery on transport contract #012-82269-02-002 (Southeastern \nMarketing Co. as counterparty)\n\n1/96 thru 10/31/97 shows delivery on transport contract #012-27182-02-001 \n(Esperanza Marketing Corp as counterparty).\n\n11/97 thru 12/97 shows delivery on 089-41500-102\n\n1/98 shows delivery on 089-41500-101\n\nNo other transactions at this meter since 1/98.\n\nSome questions I need answered are - why was volume allocated to transport \ncontracts through 10/31/97 and then started to be allocated to the 089 \ncontract later? Are the transport contracts no longer valid to allocate to \nand is that the reason the 089 contract was used? Or should the transport \ncontract be allocated to instead of the 089 contract for 11/97 forward? Each \nitem indicates a delivered volume, so either a transport or sale is taking \nplace. \n\nAll the information that is supplied on the UA4 report is need a contract for \n9,448 MMBTU.\n\nSince the meter was assigned to someone else during this timeframe before it \nwas assigned to me, it's difficult to know why the 089 contract was ever used \nfor allocation and since there are no other records such as deal tickets in \nCPR or OSS.\n\nNeed help, Stella\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n12/22/99 07:14 AM\n", "<6328360.1075854037564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-11-2000-3:39:0Srita.wynne@enron.com 27-11-2000-6:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-3:39:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-3:39:0", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13163530.1075853969480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 03:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rita.wynne@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: CES - Devon\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Rita Wynne\nX-To: Mary Poorman, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMary,\n\nThis is all the information that I have when Ami first looked at all the CES \ninformation. It does not mention a processing agreement, but that does not \nmean that there isn't one.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren - do you know anything about a processing agreement for the Devon gas \nat the Gulf Plains plant as it relates to the CES acquisition?\n", "CES - Devon", "reply", [], "Mary,\n\nThis is all the information that I have when Ami first looked at all the CES \ninformation. It does not mention a processing agreement, but that does not \nmean that there isn't one.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren - do you know anything about a processing agreement for the Devon gas \nat the Gulf Plains plant as it relates to the CES acquisition?\n", "<13163530.1075853969480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "27-11-2000-6:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-6:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["rita.wynne@enron.com"], ["mary.poorman@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <2057668.1075854150019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 06:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: Re: CES - Devon\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rita Wynne\nX-cc: Mary Poorman, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAny processing is handled by Devon. ENA is buying the residue gas at the \ntailgate of the plant.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRita Wynne\n11/27/2000 11:39 AM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: CES - Devon\n\nMary,\n\nThis is all the information that I have when Ami first looked at all the CES \ninformation. It does not mention a processing agreement, but that does not \nmean that there isn't one.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren - do you know anything about a processing agreement for the Devon gas \nat the Gulf Plains plant as it relates to the CES acquisition?\n\n\n\n", "Re: CES - Devon", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 4, "information", ["buying", "gas", "plant"], "information", " orgname is buying the residue gas at the tailgate of the plant."]], "Any processing is handled by Devon. ENA is buying the residue gas at the \ntailgate of the plant.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRita Wynne\n11/27/2000 11:39 AM\n", "<2057668.1075854150019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-2-2000-8:21:0Skimberly.vaughn@enron.com 1-3-2000-8:51:0Skimberly.vaughn@enron.com 2-3-2000-3:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-10-2000-7:55:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 30-10-2000-8:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 31-10-2000-2:19:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 15-11-2000-6:55:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 15-11-2000-7:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-11-2000-0:33:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 20-11-2000-3:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-12-2000-7:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 31-1-2001-8:46:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 31-1-2001-9:29:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 31-1-2001-23:20:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 2-2-2001-6:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 25-1-2001-7:36:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 5-2-2001-7:6:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 6-2-2001-2:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-2-2000-8:21:0Skimberly.vaughn@enron.com": ["22-2-2000-8:21:0", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "Sheryln, I'm forwarding this to Daren to get your answer... Daren, deal \n141186 (El Sordo) volume 102.... deal 138605 (Torch) volume 343... Megan \nParker thinks that all of this volume should be under Torch... What do you \nthink?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 \n03:17 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 02/22/2000 01:15 PM\n \nTo: Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nKim,\nHave you looked at this yet?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 \n01:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/22/2000 01:00 PM\n \nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nHave you heard anything on this yet? I need to pay it by Thursday.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/22/2000 \n12:58 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 02/17/2000 10:42 AM\n \nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nI have a volume issue with meter 986315 for 1/00 production. The volume has \nbeen split between El Sordo and Torch Rally. I think all of the volume \nshould be under Torch Rally. Please let me know if you find something \ndifferent. The old months have already been corrected.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '138605'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "Sheryln, I'm forwarding this to Daren to get your answer... Daren, deal \n141186 (El Sordo) volume 102.... deal 138605 (Torch) volume 343... Megan \nParker thinks that all of this volume should be under Torch... What do you \nthink?\n\n", ["<12878073.1075854025868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31500953.1075854056417.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12705751.1075854124777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "141186", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "138605", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "102", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "1-3-2000-8:51:0Skimberly.vaughn@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-8:51:0", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "Daren.. Have you had a chance to look at this yet?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT on 03/01/2000 \n03:47 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Sherlyn Schumack on 02/29/2000 08:29 AM\nTo: Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00 \nKim,\nHave you received a response on this yet?\n Kimberly Vaughn\n 02/22/2000 04:21 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nSheryln, I'm forwarding this to Daren to get your answer... Daren, deal \n141186 (El Sordo) volume 102.... deal 138605 (Torch) volume 343... Megan \nParker thinks that all of this volume should be under Torch... What do you \nthink?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 \n03:17 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 02/22/2000 01:15 PM\n \nTo: Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nKim,\nHave you looked at this yet?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 \n01:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/22/2000 01:00 PM\n \nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nHave you heard anything on this yet? I need to pay it by Thursday.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/22/2000 \n12:58 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 02/17/2000 10:42 AM\n \nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nI have a volume issue with meter 986315 for 1/00 production. The volume has \nbeen split between El Sordo and Torch Rally. I think all of the volume \nshould be under Torch Rally. Please let me know if you find something \ndifferent. The old months have already been corrected.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '138605'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "Daren.. Have you had a chance to look at this yet?\n\n", ["<19550257.1075854024026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16921951.1075854058321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22509142.1075854125603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-3-2000-3:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-3-2000-3:31:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["kimberly.vaughn@enron.com"], ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "It's fine with me to allocate everything to Torch if they are paying for it.\nD\n Kimberly Vaughn\n 03/01/2000 04:51 PM\n \nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nDaren.. Have you had a chance to look at this yet?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT on 03/01/2000 \n03:47 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Sherlyn Schumack on 02/29/2000 08:29 AM\nTo: Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00 \nKim,\nHave you received a response on this yet?\n Kimberly Vaughn\n 02/22/2000 04:21 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nSheryln, I'm forwarding this to Daren to get your answer... Daren, deal \n141186 (El Sordo) volume 102.... deal 138605 (Torch) volume 343... Megan \nParker thinks that all of this volume should be under Torch... What do you \nthink?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 \n03:17 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 02/22/2000 01:15 PM\n \nTo: Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nKim,\nHave you looked at this yet?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 \n01:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/22/2000 01:00 PM\n \nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nHave you heard anything on this yet? I need to pay it by Thursday.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/22/2000 \n12:58 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 02/17/2000 10:42 AM\n \nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00\nI have a volume issue with meter 986315 for 1/00 production. The volume has \nbeen split between El Sordo and Torch Rally. I think all of the volume \nshould be under Torch Rally. Please let me know if you find something \ndifferent. The old months have already been corrected.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: meter 986315 Torch Rally/El Sordo 1/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '138605'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "It's fine with me to allocate everything to Torch if they are paying for it.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\tKimberly Vaughn\n\t03/01/2000 04:51 PM\n\t\n", ["<20623067.1075854171272.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22327515.1075854023752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33419914.1075854058343.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33405017.1075854158720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-10-2000-7:55:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-7:55:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28319253.1075853974699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 07:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 6315\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI have some flow at the above referenced meter without a deal. Flow was for \nthe first 2 days only, and probably occured as the meter was in the process \nof being shut in. We purchased the gas from Torch-Rally Partnership in \nSept. Can you extend the deal, or should I allocated off to strangers?\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary", "Meter 6315", "forward", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["deal", "flow", "meter"], "information", "daren, i have some flow at the above referenced meter without a deal."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flow", "meter", "2"], "information", " flow was for the first numeric days only, and probably occured as the meter was in the process of being shut in."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 16, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " can you extend the deal, or should i allocated off to strangers?"]], "Daren,\n\nI have some flow at the above referenced meter without a deal. Flow was for \nthe first 2 days only, and probably occured as the meter was in the process \nof being shut in. We purchased the gas from Torch-Rally Partnership in \nSept. Can you extend the deal, or should I allocated off to strangers?\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary", "<28319253.1075853974699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "30-10-2000-8:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-8:56:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19455123.1075853974588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 08:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 6315\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers, Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJM, \nCan you extend the contrtact on deal 138605 thru 10/2/00 ?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 \n04:55 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 03:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 6315\n\nDaren,\n\nI have some flow at the above referenced meter without a deal. Flow was for \nthe first 2 days only, and probably occured as the meter was in the process \nof being shut in. We purchased the gas from Torch-Rally Partnership in \nSept. Can you extend the deal, or should I allocated off to strangers?\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary\n", "Meter 6315", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "138605"], "request", "jm, can you extend the contrtact on deal numeric thru datenumeric ?"]], "JM, \nCan you extend the contrtact on deal 138605 thru 10/2/00 ?\n\nD\n", "<19455123.1075853974588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "138605", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "31-10-2000-2:19:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["31-10-2000-2:19:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25054931.1075853974459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 02:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 6315\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Mary Poorman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe contract attached to that deal was a GTC Firm which ended 9/30/00. I \ncreated a new ticket for those two days (461059).\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/30/2000 04:56 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 6315\n\nJM, \nCan you extend the contrtact on deal 138605 thru 10/2/00 ?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 \n04:55 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 03:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 6315\n\nDaren,\n\nI have some flow at the above referenced meter without a deal. Flow was for \nthe first 2 days only, and probably occured as the meter was in the process \nof being shut in. We purchased the gas from Torch-Rally Partnership in \nSept. Can you extend the deal, or should I allocated off to strangers?\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 6315", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 3, "information", ["attached", "contract"], "information", "the contract attached to that deal was a gtc firm which ended datenumeric ."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "ticket"], "information", " i created a new ticket for those two days ( numeric )."]], "The contract attached to that deal was a GTC Firm which ended 9/30/00. I \ncreated a new ticket for those two days (461059).\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/30/2000 04:56 PM\n", "<25054931.1075853974459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "15-11-2000-6:55:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-6:55:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nI show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket 461059, to cover flow on \nthe first two days. However, now that measurement has closed, I show that we \nhave flow on this meter for the entire month, with the exception of a few \ndays in the middle. Please let me know if we want to extend this deal (85% \nof hsc - lg, etc) or if I should put this gas on Strangers until we determine \nwhat to do. I am now on the dreaded ua4 list from Vol. Mgmt.\nMary", ["Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "information", ["deal", "extended"], "information", "daren, i show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket numeric , to cover flow on the first two days."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 11, "information", ["cover", "deal"], "information", "daren, i show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket numeric , to cover flow on the first two days."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 12, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "daren, i show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket numeric , to cover flow on the first two days."], ["show deal", 15, "information", ["show", "meter"], "information", " however, now that measurement has closed, i show that we have flow on this meter for the entire month, with the exception of a few days in the middle."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " however, now that measurement has closed, i show that we have flow on this meter for the entire month, with the exception of a few days in the middle."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 23, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "intention", " please let me know if we want to extend this deal ( numeric % of hsc - lg, etc) or if i should put this gas on strangers until we determine what to do."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 27, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "intention", " please let me know if we want to extend this deal ( numeric % of hsc - lg, etc) or if i should put this gas on strangers until we determine what to do."]], "Daren,\n\nI show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket 461059, to cover flow on \nthe first two days. However, now that measurement has closed, I show that we \nhave flow on this meter for the entire month, with the exception of a few \ndays in the middle. Please let me know if we want to extend this deal (85% \nof hsc - lg, etc) or if I should put this gas on Strangers until we determine \nwhat to do. I am now on the dreaded ua4 list from Vol. Mgmt.\n\nMary", ["<24095792.1075853971258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13881746.1075854107135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25277301.1075854140902.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "461059", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric purchase ticketTnnnn", "deal numeric ticketTnnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "85", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "gas strangerTnn": {"value": "gas strangerTnn", "ne": "gas strangerTnn", "patterns": ["gas strangerTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric uaTnn"]}, "purchase ticketTnn": {"value": "purchase ticketTnn", "ne": "purchase ticketTnn", "patterns": ["purchase ticketTnn"]}}, true], "15-11-2000-7:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-7:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "JM, \nIs the contract on 461059 good for Nov?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n03:10 PM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/15/2000 02:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October\nDaren,\nI show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket 461059, to cover flow on \nthe first two days. However, now that measurement has closed, I show that we \nhave flow on this meter for the entire month, with the exception of a few \ndays in the middle. Please let me know if we want to extend this deal (85% \nof hsc - lg, etc) or if I should put this gas on Strangers until we determine \nwhat to do. I am now on the dreaded ua4 list from Vol. Mgmt.\nMary\n", ["Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "JM, \n\nIs the contract on 461059 good for Nov?\n\nD\n", ["<21982435.1075854162929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32499740.1075853971237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10388397.1075854107181.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6764828.1075854150324.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-11-2000-0:33:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["16-11-2000-0:33:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes it is a GTC Spot. But the deal is a Day Firm.\nJulie\nDaren J Farmer\n11/15/2000 03:12 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October\nJM, \nIs the contract on 461059 good for Nov?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n03:10 PM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/15/2000 02:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October\nDaren,\nI show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket 461059, to cover flow on \nthe first two days. However, now that measurement has closed, I show that we \nhave flow on this meter for the entire month, with the exception of a few \ndays in the middle. Please let me know if we want to extend this deal (85% \nof hsc - lg, etc) or if I should put this gas on Strangers until we determine \nwhat to do. I am now on the dreaded ua4 list from Vol. Mgmt.\nMary\n", ["Re: Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "Yes it is a GTC Spot. But the deal is a Day Firm.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/15/2000 03:12 PM\n", ["<3975796.1075853971031.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14094520.1075854107203.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3937989.1075854140946.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-11-2000-3:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-11-2000-3:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "I extended deal 461059 for the rest of October.\nD\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/15/2000 02:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October\nDaren,\nI show that you extended the purchase, deal ticket 461059, to cover flow on \nthe first two days. However, now that measurement has closed, I show that we \nhave flow on this meter for the entire month, with the exception of a few \ndays in the middle. Please let me know if we want to extend this deal (85% \nof hsc - lg, etc) or if I should put this gas on Strangers until we determine \nwhat to do. I am now on the dreaded ua4 list from Vol. Mgmt.\nMary\n", ["Re: Meter 6315, purch from Torch/Rally, October"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 4, "information", ["deal", "extended", "461059", "rest"], "information", "i extended deal numeric for the rest of october."]], "I extended deal 461059 for the rest of October.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/15/2000 02:55 PM\n", ["<5123827.1075854162747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28294681.1075853970390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6550989.1075854107159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6848000.1075854150172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "461059", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric residue_restTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric restTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "21-12-2000-7:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-7:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "We already have a deal in place. #461059 with Torch-Rally.\nD\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/21/2000 11:42 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 986315 for 10/00\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 12/21/2000 11:41 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack @ ECT 12/21/2000 11:32 AM\n \nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 986315 for 10/00\nMary, \nCleco Energy has invoiced Charlene for 5,993 mmbtu for 10/00 production at \nmeter 986315. There is no deal in place for this purchase. \n", ["Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "We already have a deal in place. #461059 with Torch-Rally.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/21/2000 11:42 AM\n", ["<2961528.1075854337744.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613310.1075854208771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24183294.1075854327746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-1-2001-8:46:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-8:46:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "You put a deal in for Torch for this time frame at this meter to clear an \nexception. Should we put a new deal in with Cleco? Let me know.\nMary\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 01/31/2001 04:45 \nPM ---------------------------\nCharlene Richmond@ECT\n01/31/2001 04:04 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00 \nThe person at Cleco / Foursquare is Kara , her phone number is 281-556-8878\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/31/2001 03:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00 \nI have a note in Pops that Daren extended the Torch deal at this meter for \nOctober. If they are disputing the deal, please let me know and I will clear \nthis up with them.\nMary\n", ["Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "other", "you put a deal in for orgname for this time frame at this meter to clear an exception."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "request information", " should we put a new deal in with cleco?"]], "You put a deal in for Torch for this time frame at this meter to clear an \nexception. Should we put a new deal in with Cleco? Let me know.\n\nMary\n", ["<11834112.1075854201602.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22891504.1075854288526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1545925.1075854318854.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "31-1-2001-9:29:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-9:29:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "What are the issues with this? Is the problem a counterparty name issue? \nDid we pay the wrong company? Is Cleco billing us?\nD\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/31/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00\nYou put a deal in for Torch for this time frame at this meter to clear an \nexception. Should we put a new deal in with Cleco? Let me know.\nMary\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 01/31/2001 04:45 \nPM ---------------------------\nCharlene Richmond@ECT\n01/31/2001 04:04 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00 \nThe person at Cleco / Foursquare is Kara , her phone number is 281-556-8878\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/31/2001 03:45 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00 \nI have a note in Pops that Daren extended the Torch deal at this meter for \nOctober. If they are disputing the deal, please let me know and I will clear \nthis up with them.\nMary\n", ["Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "What are the issues with this? Is the problem a counterparty name issue? \nDid we pay the wrong company? Is Cleco billing us?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/31/2001 04:46 PM\n", ["<1035591.1075854336645.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12141108.1075854201535.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2400311.1075854288549.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10743888.1075854326676.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-1-2001-23:20:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-23:20:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I don't know if they paid Torch, I would assume so, as this is October. \nAccording to Charlene, Cleco is invoicing us for this deal. Intially, there \nwas no deal in the system at all. ", ["Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [], "I don't know if they paid Torch, I would assume so, as this is October. \nAccording to Charlene, Cleco is invoicing us for this deal. Intially, there \nwas no deal in the system at all. ", ["<30809348.1075854201490.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9611549.1075854288572.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11239785.1075854318876.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-2-2001-6:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-2-2001-6:26:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "I created deal 602030 under Cleco.\nD\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n02/01/2001 07:20 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00 \nI don't know if they paid Torch, I would assume so, as this is October. \nAccording to Charlene, Cleco is invoicing us for this deal. Intially, there \nwas no deal in the system at all. \n", ["Re: Meter 986315 for 10/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal", "602030"], "information", "i created deal numeric under cleco."]], "I created deal 602030 under Cleco.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n02/01/2001 07:20 AM\n", ["<21088235.1075854336534.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12709712.1075854200942.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10271884.1075854288594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33003014.1075854326565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "602030", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "25-1-2001-7:36:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["25-1-2001-7:36:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["kimberly.vaughn@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Last one, Shawnee Springs meter 986315. Purchase should be from Torch on the \n215.... Was on deal ticket 138605, which expired in September, and has been \nallocated to up until Nov. I think that Torch is now Cleco. There should \nbe a purch. at the meter. Once we get the last two, you are done.\nMary ", ["Re: Remaining UA4 Meter variances"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '138605']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 15, "information", ["allocated", "deal"], "information", " was on deal ticket numeric , which expired in september, and has been allocated to up until nov."]], "Last one, Shawnee Springs meter 986315. Purchase should be from Torch on the \n215.... Was on deal ticket 138605, which expired in September, and has been \nallocated to up until Nov. I think that Torch is now Cleco. There should \nbe a purch. at the meter. Once we get the last two, you are done.\n\nMary ", ["<16413097.1075854202819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16413767.1075854318654.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "138605", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric uaTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "986315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}}, true], "5-2-2001-7:6:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-7:6:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "For Dec. and Jan. production there are flow volumes without a deal. Deal \n502952 was good for November. Do you want to extend this deal or should \nthere be another counterparty added?\nThanks.", ["meter 986315"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " production there are flow volumes without a deal."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request information", " do you want to extend this deal or should there be another counterparty added?"], ["add deal{numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["added", "deal"], "request information", " do you want to extend this deal or should there be another counterparty added?"]], "For Dec. and Jan. production there are flow volumes without a deal. Deal \n502952 was good for November. Do you want to extend this deal or should \nthere be another counterparty added?\n\nThanks.", ["<19036278.1075854200586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20898828.1075854289455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3314448.1075854319180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "502952", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "6-2-2001-2:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-2:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "After speaking with Danny Conner, I have created deal 606396 to cover this \nmeter for the next year.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/05/2001 03:06 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315\nFor Dec. and Jan. production there are flow volumes without a deal. Deal \n502952 was good for November. Do you want to extend this deal or should \nthere be another counterparty added?\nThanks.\n", ["Re: meter 986315"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6315']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "meter"], "information", "after speaking with danny conner, i have created deal numeric to cover this meter for the next year."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 8, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "meter", "606396"], "intention", "after speaking with danny conner, i have created deal numeric to cover this meter for the next year."]], "After speaking with Danny Conner, I have created deal 606396 to cover this \nmeter for the next year.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/05/2001 03:06 PM\n", ["<27318607.1075854336404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32469827.1075854200496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32366554.1075854289478.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30211896.1075854326436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "606396", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "20-4-2000-0:2:0Stom.acton@enron.com 20-4-2000-5:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-4-2000-0:2:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["20-4-2000-0:2:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19887394.1075854013853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 00:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: wellheads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren, Cody has a new well coming on Friday behind the 985333. Right now \nwe don't have any nominations at that meter so I'll get with vance on that . \nThe increases according to the fax is going from 230@day to 1700 on friday \nand 1700 to 3200 on sat. PRIZE Energy would like to make some changes, \n\nMeter\n\n4028 from 1270 to 820 has been flowing from 600 to 800 this \nmonth\n\n4965 from 112 to 45 has been flowing mid 80's this month \n from 97 to 104", "wellheads", "reply", [["make change", 18, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", " prize energy would like to make some changes, meter numeric from numeric to numeric has been flowing from numeric to numeric this "]], "Daren, Cody has a new well coming on Friday behind the 985333. Right now \nwe don't have any nominations at that meter so I'll get with vance on that . \nThe increases according to the fax is going from 230@day to 1700 on friday \nand 1700 to 3200 on sat. PRIZE Energy would like to make some changes, \n\nMeter\n\n4028 from 1270 to 820 has been flowing from 600 to 800 this \nmonth\n\n4965 from 112 to 45 has been flowing mid 80's this month \n from 97 to 104", "<19887394.1075854013853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "20-4-2000-5:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-4-2000-5:56:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30194849.1075854013719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 05:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: wellheads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nGo ahead and make those changes.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n04/20/2000 07:02 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: wellheads\n\nDaren, Cody has a new well coming on Friday behind the 985333. Right now \nwe don't have any nominations at that meter so I'll get with vance on that . \nThe increases according to the fax is going from 230@day to 1700 on friday \nand 1700 to 3200 on sat. PRIZE Energy would like to make some changes, \n\nMeter\n\n4028 from 1270 to 820 has been flowing from 600 to 800 this \nmonth\n\n4965 from 112 to 45 has been flowing mid 80's this month \n from 97 to 104\n\n", "Re: wellheads", "originEmail", [["make change", 2, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", "go ahead and make those changes."]], "Go ahead and make those changes.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n04/20/2000 07:02 AM\n", "<30194849.1075854013719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "13-12-2000-23:28:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 14-12-2000-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"13-12-2000-23:28:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["13-12-2000-23:28:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26561156.1075854210739.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 23:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: cannon assignment\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nShould I change the counterparty on this sale, or is that handled by \nmarketing? Also, we may need to look at changing the Storage Agmt. Please \nadvise.\n\nMary\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 12/14/2000 07:26 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulie Meyers@ECT\n12/13/2000 05:12 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: cannon assignment\n\n\nHas the volumes for the deal below been nomd' yet under the new deal. Credit \nis having a cow because they are showing exposure still under Cannon. Is \nthere a way that we can get this done tomorrow?\n\nJulie\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 12/13/2000 05:05 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n12/12/2000 05:03 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: cannon assignment\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 04:58 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 12/12/2000 03:29 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: cannon assignment \n\nJulie,\n\nCannon is not a wellhead producer. The meters below are assigned to the \nfollowing individuals:\n\nMeter # Scheduler\n\n68 Mary Poorman\n4132 Jackie Young\n1040 Aimee Lannou\n1606 Mary Poorman\n\nThese schedulers should be advised of the changes.\n\nBob\n \n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n12/12/2000 01:49 PM\nTo: Brant Reves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: cannon assignment \n\n\nNew deal 529753.\n\nRobert, please do your magic.\n\nKris, I'm not sure who in your group this should go to, this is a sale.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\nBrant Reves\n12/11/2000 12:24 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: cannon assignment\n\nThe trades below were originally executed between HPL and Cannon Interests \nHouston per terms of a specific Master Physical Agreement. After recieving \nback executed documentation, we are ready to have the trades offically moved \nwithin the various Enron capuring systems from Cannon to Kinder Morgan Texas \nPipeline, Inc. per the terms and conditions of the recently executed Master \nPhysical Agreement between HPL and Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline, Inc.\n\nFirst, here are the TAG Nos. of the trades we wish to have assigned.\n\nNU2813\nNA0376\n\nSecond, several trades are listed within a ERMS book called: P A M\nThese trades show a 12-31-00 expiry and their Nos. are:\n\n522284\n830689\n892696\n904035\n904276\n\nI am not sure what these numbers are. But, could you move them as well.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nbrant\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: cannon assignment", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "counterparty"], "request information", "daren, should i change the counterparty on this sale, or is that handled by marketing?"]], "Daren,\n\nShould I change the counterparty on this sale, or is that handled by \nmarketing? Also, we may need to look at changing the Storage Agmt. Please \nadvise.\n\nMary\n", "<26561156.1075854210739.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-12-2000-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-2:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1402795.1075854279947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 02:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tmark.mccoy@enron.com, liz.bellamy@enron.com\nSubject: Re: cannon assignment\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman, Aimee Lannou, Jackie Young, Mark McCoy, Liz Bellamy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI moved the Cannon sale volumes from #170335 to #529753 effective 12/14/00. \nYou will need to re-nom #529753 for all prior days at zero and then allocate \nvolumes at each meter from the old deal to the new deal. Let me know if you \nhave any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/14/2000 07:28 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: cannon assignment\n\nDaren,\n\nShould I change the counterparty on this sale, or is that handled by \nmarketing? Also, we may need to look at changing the Storage Agmt. Please \nadvise.\n\nMary\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 12/14/2000 07:26 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulie Meyers@ECT\n12/13/2000 05:12 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: cannon assignment\n\n\nHas the volumes for the deal below been nomd' yet under the new deal. Credit \nis having a cow because they are showing exposure still under Cannon. Is \nthere a way that we can get this done tomorrow?\n\nJulie\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 12/13/2000 05:05 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n12/12/2000 05:03 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: cannon assignment\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 04:58 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 12/12/2000 03:29 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: cannon assignment \n\nJulie,\n\nCannon is not a wellhead producer. The meters below are assigned to the \nfollowing individuals:\n\nMeter # Scheduler\n\n68 Mary Poorman\n4132 Jackie Young\n1040 Aimee Lannou\n1606 Mary Poorman\n\nThese schedulers should be advised of the changes.\n\nBob\n \n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n12/12/2000 01:49 PM\nTo: Brant Reves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: cannon assignment \n\n\nNew deal 529753.\n\nRobert, please do your magic.\n\nKris, I'm not sure who in your group this should go to, this is a sale.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\nBrant Reves\n12/11/2000 12:24 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: cannon assignment\n\nThe trades below were originally executed between HPL and Cannon Interests \nHouston per terms of a specific Master Physical Agreement. After recieving \nback executed documentation, we are ready to have the trades offically moved \nwithin the various Enron capuring systems from Cannon to Kinder Morgan Texas \nPipeline, Inc. per the terms and conditions of the recently executed Master \nPhysical Agreement between HPL and Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline, Inc.\n\nFirst, here are the TAG Nos. of the trades we wish to have assigned.\n\nNU2813\nNA0376\n\nSecond, several trades are listed within a ERMS book called: P A M\nThese trades show a 12-31-00 expiry and their Nos. are:\n\n522284\n830689\n892696\n904035\n904276\n\nI am not sure what these numbers are. But, could you move them as well.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nbrant\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: cannon assignment", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal", "meter"], "intention", " you will need to re-nom # numeric for all prior days at zero and then allocate volumes at each meter from the old deal to the new deal."]], "I moved the Cannon sale volumes from #170335 to #529753 effective 12/14/00. \nYou will need to re-nom #529753 for all prior days at zero and then allocate \nvolumes at each meter from the old deal to the new deal. Let me know if you \nhave any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/14/2000 07:28 AM\n", "<1402795.1075854279947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "meter zeroTnn": {"value": "meter zeroTnn", "ne": "meter zeroTnn", "patterns": ["meter zeroTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "529753", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priorTnn", "numeric zeroTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "170335", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2000-2:36:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com 8-12-2000-5:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-2:36:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-2:36:0", "sandi.braband@enron.com", "garrick.hill@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6054661.1075853970125.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 02:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sandi.braband@enron.com\nTo: garrick.hill@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Gas Management Agreement\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sandi M Braband\nX-To: Garrick Hill, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAttached is the red lined draft of the Gas management Agreement with the \nchanges we discussed. Please review and give me your comments. If you can \nsupply any of the needed Notice info in Section 8 please let me know---\n", "Gas Management Agreement", "forward", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 0, "information", ["agreement", "attached", "draft"], "information", "attached is the red lined draft of the gas management agreement with the changes we discussed."], ["review comment", 9, "nninformation", ["comments", "review"], "request", " please review and give me your comments."], ["supply_provide info_information", 11, "nninformation", ["info", "supply"], "intention", " if you can supply any of the needed notice info in section numeric please let me know--- "]], "Attached is the red lined draft of the Gas management Agreement with the \nchanges we discussed. Please review and give me your comments. If you can \nsupply any of the needed Notice info in Section 8 please let me know---\n", "<6054661.1075853970125.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "8-12-2000-5:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-5:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4384906.1075854149655.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 05:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: troy.klussmann@enron.com, jim.pond@enron.com\nSubject: Gas Management Agreement\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Troy Klussmann, Jim Pond\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAttached is the preliminary agency agreement related to the Cleburne Plant. \nThis is strictly confidential, so please do not pass this info on to others. \nI will let you know when we have finalized the contract and send you a copy.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 \n01:04 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 11/21/2000 10:36 AM\nTo: Garrick Hill/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Gas Management Agreement\n\nAttached is the red lined draft of the Gas management Agreement with the \nchanges we discussed. Please review and give me your comments. If you can \nsupply any of the needed Notice info in Section 8 please let me know---\n\n\n", "Gas Management Agreement", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 16, "information", ["send", "contract"], "information", " i will let you know when we have finalized the contract and send you a copy."]], "Attached is the preliminary agency agreement related to the Cleburne Plant. \nThis is strictly confidential, so please do not pass this info on to others. \nI will let you know when we have finalized the contract and send you a copy.\n\nD\n", "<4384906.1075854149655.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agency agreementTnn": {"value": "agency agreementTnn", "ne": "agency agreementTnn", "patterns": ["agency agreementTnn"]}, "agreement gasTnn": {"value": "agreement gasTnn", "ne": "agreement gasTnn", "patterns": ["agreement gasTnn"]}, "agreement plantTnn": {"value": "agreement plantTnn", "ne": "agreement plantTnn", "patterns": ["agreement plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-12-2000-6:47:0Srebecca.griffin@enron.com 7-12-2000-6:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"7-12-2000-6:47:0Srebecca.griffin@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-6:47:0", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19521439.1075853967561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 06:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: TXU Lone Star\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Rebecca Griffin\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI am working on clearing an old TXU Lone Star/Gas Distribution balance from \n8/99 and 9/99. We originally billed TXU on nominated quantities and they \nhave shortpaid us due to meter adjustments. These are brokered deals where \nwe sold to TXU and purchased from ExxonMobil and Highland. TXU has provided \nmeter support since the deals were on Lone Star pipeline, however, I am \nunsure how to have Volume Management reallocate. \n\nFor example, we originally sold 10,000 mmbtu on 8/3/99 to TXU and purchased \n1,200 mmbtu from Highland Energy and 8,800 mmbtu from ExxonMobil. TXU shows \nthe total amount of gas on 8/3/99 was 9,240 mmbtu. How should the purchase \npiece be allocated between ExxonMobil and Highland since this was a brokered \ndeal?\n\nAugust 1999:\n\nSale\nTXU Electric & Gas deals# 104975, 104256, 104738\nLone Star Gas Co. deal# 101985\nPurchase\nExxonMobil Corp. deal#101522\nHighland Energy Co. deal#101530\n\nSeptember 1999:\n\nSale\nTXU Electric & Gas deal#109046\nPurchase\nExxonMobil Corp. deals#101522, 108564\nHighland Energy Co. deals#101530, 108146\n\n\nPlease let me know if I need to speak with someone else about this. Thanks \nfor your help.\n\nThanks,\nRebecca\n\n\n", "TXU Lone Star", "reply", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 21, "information", ["deals", "sold"], "information", " these are brokered deals where we sold to txu and purchased from exxonmobil and highland."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 21, "information", ["deals", "sold"], "information", " these are brokered deals where we sold to txu and purchased from exxonmobil and highland."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 23, "information", ["purchased", "deals"], "information", " these are brokered deals where we sold to txu and purchased from exxonmobil and highland."], ["show deal", 52, "information", ["gas", "shows"], "information", " txu shows the total amount of gas on datenumeric was numeric mmbtu."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 60, "nninformation", ["allocated", "deal"], "request information", " how should the purchase piece be allocated between exxonmobil and highland since this was a brokered deal?"]], "I am working on clearing an old TXU Lone Star/Gas Distribution balance from \n8/99 and 9/99. We originally billed TXU on nominated quantities and they \nhave shortpaid us due to meter adjustments. These are brokered deals where \nwe sold to TXU and purchased from ExxonMobil and Highland. TXU has provided \nmeter support since the deals were on Lone Star pipeline, however, I am \nunsure how to have Volume Management reallocate. \n\nFor example, we originally sold 10,000 mmbtu on 8/3/99 to TXU and purchased \n1,200 mmbtu from Highland Energy and 8,800 mmbtu from ExxonMobil. TXU shows \nthe total amount of gas on 8/3/99 was 9,240 mmbtu. How should the purchase \npiece be allocated between ExxonMobil and Highland since this was a brokered \ndeal?\n\nAugust 1999:\n\nSale\nTXU Electric & Gas deals# 104975, 104256, 104738\nLone Star Gas Co. deal# 101985\nPurchase\nExxonMobil Corp. deal#101522\nHighland Energy Co. deal#101530\n\nSeptember 1999:\n\nSale\nTXU Electric & Gas deal#109046\nPurchase\nExxonMobil Corp. deals#101522, 108564\nHighland Energy Co. deals#101530, 108146\n\n\nPlease let me know if I need to speak with someone else about this. Thanks \nfor your help.\n\nThanks,\nRebecca\n\n\n", "<19521439.1075853967561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"103": {"value": "101530", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "101522", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "94": {"value": "109046", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "101530", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "82": {"value": "101522", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "104975", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "101985", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "7-12-2000-6:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-6:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["rebecca.griffin@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <20031922.1075854162342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 06:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nSubject: Re: TXU Lone Star\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rebecca Griffin\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYou need to speak with Reps from Exxon and Highland. Ask them about their \nLone Star transport allocation. They had to transport the gas on Lone Star \nto sell to us. So, Lone Star should have given them an allocation on their \ntransport deliveries at that point (or their supplier's contracts) to match \nthe sale volume. Adjust our purchase amount from each party based on the \ntransport allocation.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRebecca Griffin@ENRON\n12/07/2000 02:47 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: TXU Lone Star\n\nI am working on clearing an old TXU Lone Star/Gas Distribution balance from \n8/99 and 9/99. We originally billed TXU on nominated quantities and they \nhave shortpaid us due to meter adjustments. These are brokered deals where \nwe sold to TXU and purchased from ExxonMobil and Highland. TXU has provided \nmeter support since the deals were on Lone Star pipeline, however, I am \nunsure how to have Volume Management reallocate. \n\nFor example, we originally sold 10,000 mmbtu on 8/3/99 to TXU and purchased \n1,200 mmbtu from Highland Energy and 8,800 mmbtu from ExxonMobil. TXU shows \nthe total amount of gas on 8/3/99 was 9,240 mmbtu. How should the purchase \npiece be allocated between ExxonMobil and Highland since this was a brokered \ndeal?\n\nAugust 1999:\n\nSale\nTXU Electric & Gas deals# 104975, 104256, 104738\nLone Star Gas Co. deal# 101985\nPurchase\nExxonMobil Corp. deal#101522\nHighland Energy Co. deal#101530\n\nSeptember 1999:\n\nSale\nTXU Electric & Gas deal#109046\nPurchase\nExxonMobil Corp. deals#101522, 108564\nHighland Energy Co. deals#101530, 108146\n\n\nPlease let me know if I need to speak with someone else about this. Thanks \nfor your help.\n\nThanks,\nRebecca\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: TXU Lone Star", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 10, "information", ["gas", "sell"], "information", " they had to transport the gas on orgname to sell to us."], ["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 18, "nninformation", ["match", "contracts"], "intention", " so, orgname should have given them an allocation on their transport deliveries at that point (or their supplier's contracts) to match the sale volume."]], "You need to speak with Reps from Exxon and Highland. Ask them about their \nLone Star transport allocation. They had to transport the gas on Lone Star \nto sell to us. So, Lone Star should have given them an allocation on their \ntransport deliveries at that point (or their supplier's contracts) to match \nthe sale volume. Adjust our purchase amount from each party based on the \ntransport allocation.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRebecca Griffin@ENRON\n12/07/2000 02:47 PM\n", "<20031922.1075854162342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract deliveryTnn": {"value": "contract deliveryTnn", "ne": "contract deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["contract deliveryTnn"]}, "contract volumeTnn": {"value": "contract volumeTnn", "ne": "contract volumeTnn", "patterns": ["contract volumeTnn"]}, "delivery pointTnn": {"value": "delivery pointTnn", "ne": "delivery pointTnn", "patterns": ["delivery pointTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "point transport_transport0contractTnn": {"value": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "ne": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "patterns": ["point transport_transport0contractTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-9-2000-1:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-9-2000-7:18:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"7-9-2000-1:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-9-2000-1:32:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["robert.lloyd@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18283236.1075853985390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 01:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Equistar Buybacks\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRobert, \n\nThere are three buy back tickets in Sitara for Equistar at mtr 1373. Two for \nHPL and one under ENA. Shouldn't we have only one buyback for each company? \nAlso, how do you have the meter set up to allocate between the ENA contract \nand HPL contract?\n\nD", "Equistar Buybacks", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["allocate", "contract"], "request information", " also, how do you have the meter set up to allocate between the orgname contract and hpl contract?"]], "Robert, \n\nThere are three buy back tickets in Sitara for Equistar at mtr 1373. Two for \nHPL and one under ENA. Shouldn't we have only one buyback for each company? \nAlso, how do you have the meter set up to allocate between the ENA contract \nand HPL contract?\n\nD", "<18283236.1075853985390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}}, false], "9-9-2000-7:18:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["9-9-2000-7:18:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com susan.hadix@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25110219.1075853984966.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 07:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Equistar Buybacks\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, susan.hadix@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, susan.hadix@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Susan Hadix\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n The only valid \"Buyback\" ticket for Meter #: 1373 is Sitara Ticket #: \n246408. S. Ticket #: 156342 is an old ticket which was used to set up \nBuyback \n ticket across Equistar's meters{1552,1384,1062,1553}. If you recall \nthis process was done to enable Client Services to automate Equistar\n allocation/billing. The project took place around April 2000 \nproduction retroactive back to Jan. 1999. The link to compute the buyback is \nset up \n on S. ticket # 246408.\n\n Since Equistar has begun doing business via ENA, it was necessary to \nestablish a \"Buyback Ticket \" on ENA's Matrix.\n Thus, to answer your question, yes there should only be one \"buyback \nticket\" for meter #: 1373 on HPL and ENA.\n\n ENA activity is kept whole and the swing is on HPL.\n\n I hope I have addressed all of your questions below however, I am \navailable for follow up discussion if needed.\n \n It has been a pleasure working with you. I learned a lot about the \nbusiness while scheduling industrials and thanks for the opportunity.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/07/2000 08:32 AM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Equistar Buybacks\n\nRobert, \n\nThere are three buy back tickets in Sitara for Equistar at mtr 1373. Two for \nHPL and one under ENA. Shouldn't we have only one buyback for each company? \nAlso, how do you have the meter set up to allocate between the ENA contract \nand HPL contract?\n\nD\n\n", "Re: Equistar Buybacks", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 13, "information", ["set", "ticket"], "information", " ticket #: numeric is an old ticket which was used to set up buyback ticket across orgname s meters{ numeric , numeric }."]], " The only valid \"Buyback\" ticket for Meter #: 1373 is Sitara Ticket #: \n246408. S. Ticket #: 156342 is an old ticket which was used to set up \nBuyback \n ticket across Equistar's meters{1552,1384,1062,1553}. If you recall \nthis process was done to enable Client Services to automate Equistar\n allocation/billing. The project took place around April 2000 \nproduction retroactive back to Jan. 1999. The link to compute the buyback is \nset up \n on S. ticket # 246408.\n\n Since Equistar has begun doing business via ENA, it was necessary to \nestablish a \"Buyback Ticket \" on ENA's Matrix.\n Thus, to answer your question, yes there should only be one \"buyback \nticket\" for meter #: 1373 on HPL and ENA.\n\n ENA activity is kept whole and the swing is on HPL.\n\n I hope I have addressed all of your questions below however, I am \navailable for follow up discussion if needed.\n \n It has been a pleasure working with you. I learned a lot about the \nbusiness while scheduling industrials and thanks for the opportunity.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/07/2000 08:32 AM\n", "<25110219.1075853984966.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "1552,1384", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "156342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "246408", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-11-2000-6:17:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 15-11-2000-2:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-1-2001-4:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-1-2001-6:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-11-2000-6:17:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["10-11-2000-6:17:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1552589.1075853972210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 06:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Flow w/ no nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Meter 1601 last deal 412219 for 10/00 flowed 11/9\n\n Meter 5192 last deal 454057 for 10/00. flowed 11/3-4\n", "Flow w/ no nom", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", "meter numeric last deal numeric for datenumeric flowed datenumeric meter numeric last deal numeric for datenumeric ."]], " Meter 1601 last deal 412219 for 10/00 flowed 11/9\n\n Meter 5192 last deal 454057 for 10/00. flowed 11/3-4\n", "<1552589.1075853972210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "15-11-2000-2:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-2:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <29717536.1075854150388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 02:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Flow w/ no nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRolled deal 454057 to cover flow at mtr 5192.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 11/10/2000 02:17 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Flow w/ no nom\n\n Meter 1601 last deal 412219 for 10/00 flowed 11/9\n\n Meter 5192 last deal 454057 for 10/00. flowed 11/3-4\n\n\n\n", "Re: Flow w/ no nom", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["deal", "454057", "rolled"], "information", "rolled deal numeric to cover flow at mtr numeric ."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 4, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "mtr", "454057"], "intention", "rolled deal numeric to cover flow at mtr numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "rolled deal numeric to cover flow at mtr numeric ."]], "Rolled deal 454057 to cover flow at mtr 5192.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 11/10/2000 02:17 PM\n\n", "<29717536.1075854150388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "454057", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-4:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-4:43:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com"], "Daren - meter 5192 flowed 8 dth on 12/19, 33 dth on 12/20 and 2 dth on \n12/29. The last deal for this meter was 454057 in Nov 00. Could you please \nextend this deal for these 3 days or create a new one? Please let me know.\nAL", ["Dec 00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '454057']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "5192"], "information", "daren - meter numeric flowed numeric dth on datenumeric , numeric dth on datenumeric and numeric dth on datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "3"], "request", " could you please extend this deal for these numeric days or create a new one?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " could you please extend this deal for these numeric days or create a new one?"]], "Daren - meter 5192 flowed 8 dth on 12/19, 33 dth on 12/20 and 2 dth on \n12/29. The last deal for this meter was 454057 in Nov 00. Could you please \nextend this deal for these 3 days or create a new one? Please let me know.\n\nAL", ["<3140966.1075854206364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9326648.1075854283933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5442053.1075854318274.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"12": {"value": "454057", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["dth numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "33", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["dth numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["dth numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-6:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-6:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "I extended 454057 for the month of December.\nD\nAimee Lannou 01/09/2001 12:43 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Dec 00\nDaren - meter 5192 flowed 8 dth on 12/19, 33 dth on 12/20 and 2 dth on \n12/29. The last deal for this meter was 454057 in Nov 00. Could you please \nextend this deal for these 3 days or create a new one? Please let me know.\nAL\n", ["Re: Dec 00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '454057']}", [], "I extended 454057 for the month of December.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/09/2001 12:43 PM\n\n", ["<26296505.1075854337364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29106854.1075854206266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20237418.1075854283956.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11996655.1075854327375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "10-10-2000-8:41:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com 16-10-2000-4:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-10-2000-5:14:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com 16-10-2000-10:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-10-2000-13:5:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com": {"10-10-2000-8:41:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-8:41:0", "sandi.braband@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26683987.1075853978901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 08:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sandi.braband@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Rate for Tenaska Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sandi M Braband\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\nWhen we met regarding the rate for the Tenaska Gas Management Agreement, you \nguys mentioned that it would be tied to an index--could you restate for me \nhow that is to work--it will start out 4 cents per MMBTU based on the greater \nof the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual \ndeliveries to the plant. Then the fee will vary month to month? year to year? \nbased on what index?\n\nThanks,\nSandi ", "Rate for Tenaska Deal", "reply", [], "Daren,\nWhen we met regarding the rate for the Tenaska Gas Management Agreement, you \nguys mentioned that it would be tied to an index--could you restate for me \nhow that is to work--it will start out 4 cents per MMBTU based on the greater \nof the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual \ndeliveries to the plant. Then the fee will vary month to month? year to year? \nbased on what index?\n\nThanks,\nSandi ", "<26683987.1075853978901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-10-2000-4:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-4:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sandi.braband@enron.com", "bob.hall@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <29918505.1075853978193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 04:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: sandi.braband@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Sandi M Braband, Bob M Hall\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSandi, \n\nSorry for just now getting back with you. I was out last week. \n\nThe rate ($.04/mmbtu) will be charged on the greater of the volumes nominated \non the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant. The fee will \nbe adjusted yearly based on CPI.\n\nBob - I could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the \ndelivered volumes (actuals or nominations). I think we should use actuals \ndue to possibility that the plant could over pull with out our knowledge on a \ndaily basis. We would receive the estimates/actuals on a lag and may have to \npurchase gas to offset the imbalance, even though the plant kept the noms at \nthe 45,000 base. I also think that if the plant does increase the nom, they \nare more likely to pull the additional volume rather than pulling less. Do \nyou agree with this?\n\nD\n\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/10/2000 03:41 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nDaren,\nWhen we met regarding the rate for the Tenaska Gas Management Agreement, you \nguys mentioned that it would be tied to an index--could you restate for me \nhow that is to work--it will start out 4 cents per MMBTU based on the greater \nof the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual \ndeliveries to the plant. Then the fee will vary month to month? year to year? \nbased on what index?\n\nThanks,\nSandi \n\n", "Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal", "originEmail", [["deliver gas", 23, "information", ["delivered", "settlement"], "information", " bob - i could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the delivered volumes (actuals or nominations)."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 35, "nninformation", ["purchase", "gas", "plant"], "intention", " we would receive the estimates/actuals on a lag and may have to purchase gas to offset the imbalance, even though the plant kept the noms at the numeric base."]], "Sandi, \n\nSorry for just now getting back with you. I was out last week. \n\nThe rate ($.04/mmbtu) will be charged on the greater of the volumes nominated \non the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant. The fee will \nbe adjusted yearly based on CPI.\n\nBob - I could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the \ndelivered volumes (actuals or nominations). I think we should use actuals \ndue to possibility that the plant could over pull with out our knowledge on a \ndaily basis. We would receive the estimates/actuals on a lag and may have to \npurchase gas to offset the imbalance, even though the plant kept the noms at \nthe 45,000 base. I also think that if the plant does increase the nom, they \nare more likely to pull the additional volume rather than pulling less. Do \nyou agree with this?\n\nD\n\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/10/2000 03:41 PM\n", "<29918505.1075853978193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract deliveryTnn": {"value": "contract deliveryTnn", "ne": "contract deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["contract deliveryTnn"]}, "contract supplyTnn": {"value": "contract supplyTnn", "ne": "contract supplyTnn", "patterns": ["contract supplyTnn"]}, "contract volumeTnn": {"value": "contract volumeTnn", "ne": "contract volumeTnn", "patterns": ["contract volumeTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "04", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numeric volumeTnnn", "mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric rateTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, false], "16-10-2000-5:14:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-5:14:0", "sandi.braband@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20671925.1075853978115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 05:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sandi.braband@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sandi M Braband\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\nThanks--while I'm certain I should know, I must confess that i do not know \nwhat CPI stands for???\n\nSandi\n\n\n\n\tDaren J Farmer\n\t10/16/2000 11:39 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nSandi, \n\nSorry for just now getting back with you. I was out last week. \n\nThe rate ($.04/mmbtu) will be charged on the greater of the volumes nominated \non the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant. The fee will \nbe adjusted yearly based on CPI.\n\nBob - I could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the \ndelivered volumes (actuals or nominations). I think we should use actuals \ndue to possibility that the plant could over pull with out our knowledge on a \ndaily basis. We would receive the estimates/actuals on a lag and may have to \npurchase gas to offset the imbalance, even though the plant kept the noms at \nthe 45,000 base. I also think that if the plant does increase the nom, they \nare more likely to pull the additional volume rather than pulling less. Do \nyou agree with this?\n\nD\n\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/10/2000 03:41 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nDaren,\nWhen we met regarding the rate for the Tenaska Gas Management Agreement, you \nguys mentioned that it would be tied to an index--could you restate for me \nhow that is to work--it will start out 4 cents per MMBTU based on the greater \nof the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual \ndeliveries to the plant. Then the fee will vary month to month? year to year? \nbased on what index?\n\nThanks,\nSandi \n\n\n\n", "Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal", "reply", [], "Daren,\nThanks--while I'm certain I should know, I must confess that i do not know \nwhat CPI stands for???\n\nSandi\n\n\n\n\tDaren J Farmer\n\t10/16/2000 11:39 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<20671925.1075853978115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-10-2000-10:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-10:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "sandi.braband@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19963670.1075854164106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 10:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: sandi.braband@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Sandi M Braband\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nConsumer Price Index\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/16/2000 12:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal \n\nDaren,\nThanks--while I'm certain I should know, I must confess that i do not know \nwhat CPI stands for???\n\nSandi\n\n\n\n\tDaren J Farmer\n\t10/16/2000 11:39 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nSandi, \n\nSorry for just now getting back with you. I was out last week. \n\nThe rate ($.04/mmbtu) will be charged on the greater of the volumes nominated \non the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant. The fee will \nbe adjusted yearly based on CPI.\n\nBob - I could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the \ndelivered volumes (actuals or nominations). I think we should use actuals \ndue to possibility that the plant could over pull with out our knowledge on a \ndaily basis. We would receive the estimates/actuals on a lag and may have to \npurchase gas to offset the imbalance, even though the plant kept the noms at \nthe 45,000 base. I also think that if the plant does increase the nom, they \nare more likely to pull the additional volume rather than pulling less. Do \nyou agree with this?\n\nD\n\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/10/2000 03:41 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nDaren,\nWhen we met regarding the rate for the Tenaska Gas Management Agreement, you \nguys mentioned that it would be tied to an index--could you restate for me \nhow that is to work--it will start out 4 cents per MMBTU based on the greater \nof the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual \ndeliveries to the plant. Then the fee will vary month to month? year to year? \nbased on what index?\n\nThanks,\nSandi \n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal", "reply", [], "Consumer Price Index\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/16/2000 12:14 PM\n", "<19963670.1075854164106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-10-2000-13:5:0Ssandi.braband@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-13:5:0", "sandi.braband@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6022980.1075853977915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 13:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sandi.braband@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sandi M Braband\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDAAAH!\n\nSorry!\n\n\n\n\tDaren J Farmer\n\t10/16/2000 05:57 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nConsumer Price Index\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/16/2000 12:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal \n\nDaren,\nThanks--while I'm certain I should know, I must confess that i do not know \nwhat CPI stands for???\n\nSandi\n\n\n\n\tDaren J Farmer\n\t10/16/2000 11:39 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nSandi, \n\nSorry for just now getting back with you. I was out last week. \n\nThe rate ($.04/mmbtu) will be charged on the greater of the volumes nominated \non the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant. The fee will \nbe adjusted yearly based on CPI.\n\nBob - I could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the \ndelivered volumes (actuals or nominations). I think we should use actuals \ndue to possibility that the plant could over pull with out our knowledge on a \ndaily basis. We would receive the estimates/actuals on a lag and may have to \npurchase gas to offset the imbalance, even though the plant kept the noms at \nthe 45,000 base. I also think that if the plant does increase the nom, they \nare more likely to pull the additional volume rather than pulling less. Do \nyou agree with this?\n\nD\n\n\n\nFrom: Sandi M Braband on 10/10/2000 03:41 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Rate for Tenaska Deal\n\nDaren,\nWhen we met regarding the rate for the Tenaska Gas Management Agreement, you \nguys mentioned that it would be tied to an index--could you restate for me \nhow that is to work--it will start out 4 cents per MMBTU based on the greater \nof the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual \ndeliveries to the plant. Then the fee will vary month to month? year to year? \nbased on what index?\n\nThanks,\nSandi \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Rate for Tenaska Deal", "reply", [], "DAAAH!\n\nSorry!\n\n\n\n\tDaren J Farmer\n\t10/16/2000 05:57 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<6022980.1075853977915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "28-9-2000-5:51:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 28-9-2000-6:4:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-5:51:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-5:51:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com liz.bellamy@enron.com susan.hadix@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9834533.1075853981105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 05:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, liz.bellamy@enron.com,\n\tsusan.hadix@enron.com\nSubject: Shell Meters, effective 9/28/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Liz Bellamy, Susan Hadix\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPer gas control, Shell has requested that we lower meter 1581 by 5M and \nincrease 1095 by 5M; net effect is zero. Please let me know if the deal \nneeds to be adjusted to reflect the change.\n\nMary", "Shell Meters, effective 9/28/00", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "deal"], "intention", " please let me know if the deal needs to be adjusted to reflect the change."], ["reflect deal", 19, "nninformation", ["deal", "reflect"], "intention", " please let me know if the deal needs to be adjusted to reflect the change."]], "Per gas control, Shell has requested that we lower meter 1581 by 5M and \nincrease 1095 by 5M; net effect is zero. Please let me know if the deal \nneeds to be adjusted to reflect the change.\n\nMary", "<9834533.1075853981105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "1581", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "28-9-2000-6:4:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-6:4:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["susan.hadix@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <31769586.1075854164725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 06:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Shell Meters, effective 9/28/00\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, liz.bellamy@enron.com, susan.hadix@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, liz.bellamy@enron.com, susan.hadix@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Liz Bellamy, Susan Hadix\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease adjust the deals in Sitara to reflect this change.\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n09/28/2000 12:51 PM\nTo: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Liz \nBellamy/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Hadix/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Shell Meters, effective 9/28/00\n\nPer gas control, Shell has requested that we lower meter 1581 by 5M and \nincrease 1095 by 5M; net effect is zero. Please let me know if the deal \nneeds to be adjusted to reflect the change.\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Shell Meters, effective 9/28/00", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["adjust", "deals"], "request", "please adjust the deals in sitara to reflect this change."], ["reflect deal", 5, "nninformation", ["deals", "reflect"], "intention", "please adjust the deals in sitara to reflect this change."]], "Please adjust the deals in Sitara to reflect this change.\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n09/28/2000 12:51 PM\n", "<31769586.1075854164725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-1-2000-8:51:0Sdonald.reinhardt@enron.com 7-1-2000-4:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-1-2000-8:51:0Sdonald.reinhardt@enron.com": ["4-1-2000-8:51:0", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "stephanie.gomes@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27869375.1075854036568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 08:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: donald.reinhardt@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production\nCc: stephanie.gomes@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stephanie.gomes@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nX-From: Donald P Reinhardt\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Stephanie Gomes, Julie Meyers\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSet out below is information regarding 660 MMBtu produced November 29 and 30 \nat meter 9813. Please create a Sitara record for this production at your \nearliest convenience. The price is IF/HSC less $0.10. The contract number \nis 96016884. A confirmation is not necessary.\n\nPlease call if I can be of any additional assistance.\n\nDonald\nx37008\n---------------------- Forwarded by Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT on 01/04/2000 \n04:45 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 01/04/2000 08:09 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production\n\nDonald, please see Julie's email below. This is the deal that was not in the \nsystem that I had asked you about. Please let me know if there is something \nelse that I need to do.\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 )\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 01/04/2000 \n08:06 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/03/2000 09:08 AM\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production \n\nI'm not sure if you got this resolved, but Donald will need to have someone \nput a deal in, either a spot or has it been firmed up.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 12/28/99 08:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: C&E Operating, 11/99 production\n\nHi Julie, I have a question and I wasn't sure of who to start with. I have a \nnew meter for C&E Operating, meter # 0989813 that started up Nov.29. I have \na volume statement that confirms that volume did flow the 29th and 30th, a \ntotal of 660mmbtu. The problem is there is nothing in the system for meter # \n9813 for 11/99 production. I looked in Sitara,( sitara # 132030 ) and the \ndeal starts for 12/99 production. I checked with Donald to make sure and \nhe says that the meter did start up 11/29 and the price is HSC less $.10. In \norder to get this deal into the system, who do I need to talk to???\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 ) \n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production", "reply", [], "Set out below is information regarding 660 MMBtu produced November 29 and 30 \nat meter 9813. Please create a Sitara record for this production at your \nearliest convenience. The price is IF/HSC less $0.10. The contract number \nis 96016884. A confirmation is not necessary.\n\nPlease call if I can be of any additional assistance.\n\nDonald\nx37008\n", "<27869375.1075854036568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"16": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "660", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["information numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "7-1-2000-4:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-1-2000-4:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["donald.reinhardt@enron.com"], ["stephanie.gomes@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29980916.1075854161205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 04:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: donald.reinhardt@enron.com\nSubject: Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production\nCc: stephanie.gomes@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stephanie.gomes@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Donald P Reinhardt\nX-cc: Stephanie Gomes, Julie Meyers, Carlos J Rodriguez, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI added 11/29-30 to deal 132030. Give me a call if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nDonald P Reinhardt\n01/04/2000 04:51 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production\n\nSet out below is information regarding 660 MMBtu produced November 29 and 30 \nat meter 9813. Please create a Sitara record for this production at your \nearliest convenience. The price is IF/HSC less $0.10. The contract number \nis 96016884. A confirmation is not necessary.\n\nPlease call if I can be of any additional assistance.\n\nDonald\nx37008\n---------------------- Forwarded by Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT on 01/04/2000 \n04:45 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 01/04/2000 08:09 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production\n\nDonald, please see Julie's email below. This is the deal that was not in the \nsystem that I had asked you about. Please let me know if there is something \nelse that I need to do.\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 )\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 01/04/2000 \n08:06 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/03/2000 09:08 AM\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production \n\nI'm not sure if you got this resolved, but Donald will need to have someone \nput a deal in, either a spot or has it been firmed up.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 12/28/99 08:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: C&E Operating, 11/99 production\n\nHi Julie, I have a question and I wasn't sure of who to start with. I have a \nnew meter for C&E Operating, meter # 0989813 that started up Nov.29. I have \na volume statement that confirms that volume did flow the 29th and 30th, a \ntotal of 660mmbtu. The problem is there is nothing in the system for meter # \n9813 for 11/99 production. I looked in Sitara,( sitara # 132030 ) and the \ndeal starts for 12/99 production. I checked with Donald to make sure and \nhe says that the meter did start up 11/29 and the price is HSC less $.10. In \norder to get this deal into the system, who do I need to talk to???\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 ) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: C&E Operating, 11/99 production", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["added", "deal", "-30"], "information", "i added datenumeric numeric to deal numeric ."]], "I added 11/29-30 to deal 132030. Give me a call if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nDonald P Reinhardt\n01/04/2000 04:51 PM\n", "<29980916.1075854161205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "-30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-10-2000-3:49:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 2-10-2000-7:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 3-10-2000-4:26:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 3-10-2000-4:39:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 3-10-2000-6:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com 7-11-2000-3:7:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"2-10-2000-3:49:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["2-10-2000-3:49:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <442832.1075853980475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 03:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 9707\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Meter 9707 has flow for Oct. 1 (1.459mmbtu). Deal # 125786 was used \nfor Sept. 2000. Could you please extend the deal or have a new one \ncreated? Thanks.\n\nAL", "Meter 9707", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter", "9707"], "information", "daren - meter numeric has flow for datenumeric ( numeric numeric mmbtu)."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could you please extend the deal or have a new one created?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 15, "nninformation", ["created", "deal"], "request", " could you please extend the deal or have a new one created?"]], "Daren - Meter 9707 has flow for Oct. 1 (1.459mmbtu). Deal # 125786 was used \nfor Sept. 2000. Could you please extend the deal or have a new one \ncreated? Thanks.\n\nAL", "<442832.1075853980475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "2-10-2000-7:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-10-2000-7:23:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["robert.cotten@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18271356.1075854151978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 07:23:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 9707\nCc: robert.cotten@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.cotten@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Robert Cotten\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI rolled this deal for day one in October only. \n\nBob - Please check with Vance on this deal. Has it terminated or should it \nroll for October. I don't think that Vance nom'd anything.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/02/2000 10:49 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 9707\n\nDaren - Meter 9707 has flow for Oct. 1 (1.459mmbtu). Deal # 125786 was used \nfor Sept. 2000. Could you please extend the deal or have a new one \ncreated? Thanks.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: Meter 9707", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["deal", "rolled"], "information", "i rolled this deal for day one in october only."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["check", "deal"], "request", " bob - please check with vance on this deal."]], "I rolled this deal for day one in October only. \n\nBob - Please check with Vance on this deal. Has it terminated or should it \nroll for October. I don't think that Vance nom'd anything.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/02/2000 10:49 AM\n\n", "<18271356.1075854151978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "9707", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "3-10-2000-4:26:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-4:26:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10282385.1075853980161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 04:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 9707\nCc: robert.cotten@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.cotten@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Robert Cotten\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI - there is flow for 10/2 as well.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/02/2000 02:23 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707 \n\nI rolled this deal for day one in October only. \n\nBob - Please check with Vance on this deal. Has it terminated or should it \nroll for October. I don't think that Vance nom'd anything.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/02/2000 10:49 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 9707\n\nDaren - Meter 9707 has flow for Oct. 1 (1.459mmbtu). Deal # 125786 was used \nfor Sept. 2000. Could you please extend the deal or have a new one \ncreated? Thanks.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 9707", "reply", [], "FYI - there is flow for 10/2 as well.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/02/2000 02:23 PM\n", "<10282385.1075853980161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "3-10-2000-4:39:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-4:39:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5127510.1075853980138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 04:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 9707\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Aimee Lannou\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDid you find out anything about the purchase from United Oil & Minerals at \nmeter 9707?\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 10/03/2000 11:34 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 10/03/2000 11:26 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707 \n\nFYI - there is flow for 10/2 as well.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/02/2000 02:23 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707 \n\nI rolled this deal for day one in October only. \n\nBob - Please check with Vance on this deal. Has it terminated or should it \nroll for October. I don't think that Vance nom'd anything.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/02/2000 10:49 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 9707\n\nDaren - Meter 9707 has flow for Oct. 1 (1.459mmbtu). Deal # 125786 was used \nfor Sept. 2000. Could you please extend the deal or have a new one \ncreated? Thanks.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 9707", "forward", [], "Vance,\n\nDid you find out anything about the purchase from United Oil & Minerals at \nmeter 9707?\n\nBob\n\n", "<5127510.1075853980138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "9707", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "3-10-2000-6:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-6:21:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "I left Vance a voice mail message yesterday but he was out sick. He called \nme back and said there shouldn't be any flow at meter 9707 and there wasn't a \ndeal in place with United Oil & Minerals.\nBob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 10/03/2000 01:15 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Robert Cotten 10/03/2000 11:39 AM\n \nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707\nVance,\nDid you find out anything about the purchase from United Oil & Minerals at \nmeter 9707?\nBob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 10/03/2000 11:34 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 10/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707 \nFYI - there is flow for 10/2 as well.\nAL\nDaren J Farmer\n10/02/2000 02:23 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707 \nI rolled this deal for day one in October only. \nBob - Please check with Vance on this deal. Has it terminated or should it \nroll for October. I don't think that Vance nom'd anything.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/02/2000 10:49 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 9707\nDaren - Meter 9707 has flow for Oct. 1 (1.459mmbtu). Deal # 125786 was used \nfor Sept. 2000. Could you please extend the deal or have a new one \ncreated? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 9707"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9707']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["flow", "meter", "9707"], "information", " he called me back and said there shouldn't be any flow at meter numeric and there wasn't a deal in place with united oil & minerals."]], "I left Vance a voice mail message yesterday but he was out sick. He called \nme back and said there shouldn't be any flow at meter 9707 and there wasn't a \ndeal in place with United Oil & Minerals.\n\nBob\n", ["<27340226.1075853980073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8445372.1075854099203.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28612480.1075854185625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "9707", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "9707", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "mineral oilTnn": {"value": "mineral oilTnn", "ne": "mineral oilTnn", "patterns": ["mineral oilTnn"]}}, true], "7-11-2000-3:7:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-3:7:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nFYI.\nBob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 11/07/2000 11:04 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 11/07/2000 10:32 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707 \nPlease disreagard this e-mail. The estimates are bad.\nAimee\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Robert Cotten 11/07/2000 10:12 AM\n \nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 9707 \nVance,\nPlease review the note below and advise. Thanks.\nBob\nAimee Lannou 11/06/2000 03:52 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 9707\nDaren - Meter 9707, deal # 125786 (gathering) expired 10/1/00. You extended \nthis deal for one day last month. There is flow on 11/5/00 of 1851. Can you \nset up a deal or extend this one? Please let me know.\nThanks.\nAimee\n", ["Re: Meter 9707"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9707']}", [], "Daren,\n\nFYI.\n\nBob\n\n", ["<8049571.1075853973048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30116882.1075854105595.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13718186.1075854184696.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "12-7-2000-7:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 13-7-2000-6:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 13-7-2000-8:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 13-7-2000-6:20:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-7-2000-7:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["12-7-2000-7:0:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\nThanks, \nAimee", ["Meter 1459, 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '77352']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "information", ["deal", "meter", "1459", "set"], "information", "daren - i need a deal set up for meter numeric for june ' numeric ."]], "Daren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\n\nThanks, \nAimee", ["<24538109.1075853997762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30932250.1075854082621.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31816418.1075854135255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "1459", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1459", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-7-2000-6:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-6:16:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Deal 77352 is already out there for June.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 07/12/2000 02:00 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1459, 6/00\nDaren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\nThanks, \nAimee\n", ["Re: Meter 1459, 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '77352']}", [], "Deal 77352 is already out there for June.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 07/12/2000 02:00 PM\n\n", ["<17542103.1075854167058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31168309.1075853997495.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19520470.1075854082644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32494372.1075854154455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "77352", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-7-2000-8:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-8:41:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yep, you're right, except it's out there for June 1999. Please let me know. \nI'll be out tomorrow, if you get this done then, let Carlos know and he can \nget it set up in POPS.\nAimee\nDaren J Farmer\n07/13/2000 01:16 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 1459, 6/00 \nDeal 77352 is already out there for June.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 07/12/2000 02:00 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1459, 6/00\nDaren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\nThanks, \nAimee\n", ["Re: Meter 1459, 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '77352']}", [], "Yep, you're right, except it's out there for June 1999. Please let me know. \nI'll be out tomorrow, if you get this done then, let Carlos know and he can \nget it set up in POPS.\n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n07/13/2000 01:16 PM\n", ["<10174388.1075853997399.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18858041.1075854082666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11032194.1075854135364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-7-2000-6:20:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-6:20:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["hillary.mack@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <32787651.1075853997472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 06:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: hillary.mack@enron.com\nSubject: GSF Energy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Hillary Mack\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHillary, \n\nCan we extend deal 77352 for the rest of the year? I tried to do this, but I \ngot the message to add a contract. This deal is set up in case GSF needs \ncompressor fuel and should roll each month. However, there is no line for \nJuly.\n\nD", "GSF Energy", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "77352", "rest"], "request information", "hillary, can we extend deal numeric for the rest of the year?"], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 12, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", " this deal is set up in case gsf needs compressor fuel and should roll each month."]], "Hillary, \n\nCan we extend deal 77352 for the rest of the year? I tried to do this, but I \ngot the message to add a contract. This deal is set up in case GSF needs \ncompressor fuel and should roll each month. However, there is no line for \nJuly.\n\nD", "<32787651.1075853997472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "77352", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric residue_restTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric restTnn"]}}, true]}, "14-8-2000-8:44:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 14-8-2000-8:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"14-8-2000-8:44:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["14-8-2000-8:44:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28069916.1075853990340.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:44:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: equistar meter # 1552\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Lee L Papayoti\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren\n\nWe just did a deal for the rest of the month for 10,000/d at meter # 1552 \nQE-1 @ $4.355 .... can you let me and Robert Lloyd know what the sitara # is?\n\nThanks", "equistar meter # 1552", "reply", [], "Daren\n\nWe just did a deal for the rest of the month for 10,000/d at meter # 1552 \nQE-1 @ $4.355 .... can you let me and Robert Lloyd know what the sitara # is?\n\nThanks", "<28069916.1075853990340.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "-1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$4 355", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "14-8-2000-8:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-8-2000-8:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <24874146.1075854153500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 08:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nSubject: Re: equistar meter # 1552\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe new fixed price deal with Equistar is #365013.\n\nD\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/14/2000 03:44 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: equistar meter # 1552\n\nDaren\n\nWe just did a deal for the rest of the month for 10,000/d at meter # 1552 \nQE-1 @ $4.355 .... can you let me and Robert Lloyd know what the sitara # is?\n\nThanks\n\n", "Re: equistar meter # 1552", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["deal", "fixed"], "information", "the new fixed price deal with orgname is # numeric ."]], "The new fixed price deal with Equistar is #365013.\n\nD\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/14/2000 03:44 PM\n", "<24874146.1075854153500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "365013", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1552", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-12-1999-5:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 20-12-1999-6:27:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 20-12-1999-8:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 20-12-1999-8:22:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 10-4-2000-10:10:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 11-4-2000-6:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-12-1999-5:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-12-1999-5:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Julie, \nI need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into \nJan 2000.\nCokinos / 9676 95912\nCokinos / 6373 128952\nCoral / 4120 93883\nEncina / 6392 93487\nMidcoast / 5097 92956\nUnited O&M / 5053 93728\nVintage / 2540 93750\nThanks.\nD", ["Evergreen deals"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '128952']}", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["deals", "00", "roll"], "intention", "julie, i need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into datenumeric numeric ."]], "Julie, \n\nI need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into \nJan 2000.\n\nCokinos / 9676 95912\nCokinos / 6373 128952\nCoral / 4120 93883\nEncina / 6392 93487\nMidcoast / 5097 92956\nUnited O&M / 5053 93728\nVintage / 2540 93750\n\nThanks.\n\nD", ["<3013862.1075854174317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33248246.1075854038555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15591274.1075854044990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21778879.1075854161813.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal evergreenTnn": {"value": "deal evergreenTnn", "ne": "deal evergreenTnn", "patterns": ["deal evergreenTnn"]}, "deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}}, true], "20-12-1999-6:27:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["20-12-1999-6:27:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Look at comments below.\nJulie\nDaren J Farmer\n12/20/99 01:43 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Evergreen deals\nJulie, \nI need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into \nJan 2000.\nCokinos / 9676 95912 - No this is a GTC Firm contract, deal expires with \ncontract\nCokinos / 6373 128952 - This is a GTC Spot\nCoral / 4120 93883 - This is on a Single Transaction contract, we would need \nto check with the trader\nEncina / 6392 93487 - Yes, this is a committed reserve. I marked the \nevergreen flag.\nMidcoast / 5097 92956 - No, GTC 1st Purchaser, deal expires with contract.\nUnited O&M / 5053 93728 - No, this deal was moved to the Wellhead portfolio \nfor January, but the deal was terminated per legal.\nVintage / 2540 93750 - Not the right deal number.\nThanks.\nD\n", ["Re: Evergreen deals"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '128952']}", [], "Look at comments below.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n12/20/99 01:43 PM\n", ["<29317934.1075854038533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15992205.1075854045014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17474908.1075854189206.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-12-1999-8:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-12-1999-8:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Vintage should be 93730.\nJulie Meyers\n12/20/99 02:27 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Evergreen deals \nLook at comments below.\nJulie\nDaren J Farmer\n12/20/99 01:43 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Evergreen deals\nJulie, \nI need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into \nJan 2000.\nCokinos / 9676 95912 - No this is a GTC Firm contract, deal expires with \ncontract\nCokinos / 6373 128952 - This is a GTC Spot\nCoral / 4120 93883 - This is on a Single Transaction contract, we would need \nto check with the trader\nEncina / 6392 93487 - Yes, this is a committed reserve. I marked the \nevergreen flag.\nMidcoast / 5097 92956 - No, GTC 1st Purchaser, deal expires with contract.\nUnited O&M / 5053 93728 - No, this deal was moved to the Wellhead portfolio \nfor January, but the deal was terminated per legal.\nVintage / 2540 93750 - Not the right deal number.\nThanks.\nD\n", ["Re: Evergreen deals"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '128952']}", [], "Vintage should be 93730.\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n12/20/99 02:27 PM\n", ["<14676125.1075854174296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8226459.1075854038464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10005259.1075854045035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27514452.1075854161792.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-12-1999-8:22:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["20-12-1999-8:22:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "No that is a GTC firm that will expire when the contract does.\nJulie\nDaren J Farmer\n12/20/99 04:05 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Evergreen deals \nVintage should be 93730.\nJulie Meyers\n12/20/99 02:27 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Evergreen deals \nLook at comments below.\nJulie\nDaren J Farmer\n12/20/99 01:43 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Evergreen deals\nJulie, \nI need to know if the following deals have evergreen provisions to roll into \nJan 2000.\nCokinos / 9676 95912 - No this is a GTC Firm contract, deal expires with \ncontract\nCokinos / 6373 128952 - This is a GTC Spot\nCoral / 4120 93883 - This is on a Single Transaction contract, we would need \nto check with the trader\nEncina / 6392 93487 - Yes, this is a committed reserve. I marked the \nevergreen flag.\nMidcoast / 5097 92956 - No, GTC 1st Purchaser, deal expires with contract.\nUnited O&M / 5053 93728 - No, this deal was moved to the Wellhead portfolio \nfor January, but the deal was terminated per legal.\nVintage / 2540 93750 - Not the right deal number.\nThanks.\nD\n", ["Re: Evergreen deals"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '128952']}", [], "No that is a GTC firm that will expire when the contract does.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n12/20/99 04:05 PM\n", ["<32906073.1075854038442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17134854.1075854045057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14750854.1075854189184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2000-10:10:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["10-4-2000-10:10:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16234946.1075854015526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 10:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6373\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHere I go again....................\n\n98-6373, Sitara deal #128952 expired 3/31/2000.\n\nFlow for the following days are:\n\n4/1 .461 decatherms\n4/2 .453 \"\n4/3 .62 \"\n\nThis meter has a 16-day chart. Don't know if more volumes will show up later.\n\nHelp?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6373", "reply", [["expire deal", 5, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", " numeric phonenumber , sitara deal # numeric expired datenumeric ."]], "Here I go again....................\n\n98-6373, Sitara deal #128952 expired 3/31/2000.\n\nFlow for the following days are:\n\n4/1 .461 decatherms\n4/2 .453 \"\n4/3 .62 \"\n\nThis meter has a 16-day chart. Don't know if more volumes will show up later.\n\nHelp?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<16234946.1075854015526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "62", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "11-4-2000-6:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-6:17:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <23811526.1075854015253.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 06:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6373\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI rolled deal 128952.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/10/2000 05:10 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6373\n\nHere I go again....................\n\n98-6373, Sitara deal #128952 expired 3/31/2000.\n\nFlow for the following days are:\n\n4/1 .461 decatherms\n4/2 .453 \"\n4/3 .62 \"\n\nThis meter has a 16-day chart. Don't know if more volumes will show up later.\n\nHelp?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-6373", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["deal", "128952", "rolled"], "information", "i rolled deal numeric ."]], "I rolled deal 128952.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/10/2000 05:10 PM\n", "<23811526.1075854015253.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "128952", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "22-8-2000-3:39:0Smjones7@txu.com 22-8-2000-5:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-8-2000-3:39:0Smjones7@txu.com": ["22-8-2000-3:39:0", "mjones7@txu.com", "cstone1@txu.com ggreen2@txu.com timpowell@txu.com daren.j.farmer@enron.com gary.a.hanks@enron.com carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com earl.tisdale@enron.com ami.chokshi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16650138.1075853989172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 03:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mjones7@txu.com\nTo: cstone1@txu.com, ggreen2@txu.com, timpowell@txu.com,\n\tdaren.j.farmer@enron.com, gary.a.hanks@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, earl.tisdale@enron.com,\n\tami.chokshi@enron.com\nSubject: Enron / HPL Actuals for August 21, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Melissa Jones\" \nX-To: \"Charlie Stone\" , \"Gary Green\" , timpowell@txu.com, daren.j.farmer@enron.com, gary.a.hanks@enron.com, carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, earl.tisdale@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTeco Tap 76.250 / HPL IFERC ; 20.000 / Enron\n\nLS HPL LSK IC 20.000 / Enron\n\n", "Enron / HPL Actuals for August 21, 2000", "reply", [], "Teco Tap 76.250 / HPL IFERC ; 20.000 / Enron\n\nLS HPL LSK IC 20.000 / Enron\n\n", "<16650138.1075853989172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-8-2000-5:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-5:8:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mjones7@txu.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26717468.1075853989100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 05:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mjones7@txu.com\nSubject: Re: Enron / HPL Actuals for August 21, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: \"Melissa Jones\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI am calculating that only 44,374 should be applied to the HPLR IFERC \ncontract at the Tap to finish the obligation for the month.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\"Melissa Jones\" on 08/22/2000 10:39:51 AM\nTo: \"Charlie Stone\" , \"Gary Green\" , \ntimpowell@txu.com, daren.j.farmer@enron.com, gary.a.hanks@enron.com, \ncarlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, earl.tisdale@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Enron / HPL Actuals for August 21, 2000\n\n\n\n\n\nTeco Tap 76.250 / HPL IFERC ; 20.000 / Enron\n\nLS HPL LSK IC 20.000 / Enron\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Enron / HPL Actuals for August 21, 2000", "originEmail", [["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 3, "nninformation", ["applied", "contract"], "intention", "i am calculating that only numeric should be applied to the hplr iferc contract at the tap to finish the obligation for the month."]], "I am calculating that only 44,374 should be applied to the HPLR IFERC \ncontract at the Tap to finish the obligation for the month.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\"Melissa Jones\" ", [], false]}, "19-9-2000-9:52:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 27-9-2000-9:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-9-2000-9:52:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["19-9-2000-9:52:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27678850.1075853982798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 09:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal, March 2000\nCc: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Kristen J Hanson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPurchase \nDeal #157288\n\nIt appears that the price on PGEV should be Index less $.06 not Index less \n$.05 for the redelivery.\nLet me know which is correct per the exchange agreement.\n\nThanks-\nK", "Duke Exchange Deal, March 2000", "reply", [], "Purchase \nDeal #157288\n\nIt appears that the price on PGEV should be Index less $.06 not Index less \n$.05 for the redelivery.\nLet me know which is correct per the exchange agreement.\n\nThanks-\nK", "<27678850.1075853982798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "27-9-2000-9:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-9:10:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <33016171.1075854096506.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal, March 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nKH, \n\nWe created deal 229758 a while back to correct this. You will need to get \nVol Mgmt to reallocate volumes from #157288 to this deal to close it out.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/19/2000 04:52 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal, March 2000\n\nPurchase \nDeal #157288\n\nIt appears that the price on PGEV should be Index less $.06 not Index less \n$.05 for the redelivery.\nLet me know which is correct per the exchange agreement.\n\nThanks-\nK\n\n\n", "Re: Duke Exchange Deal, March 2000", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "229758"], "information", "kh, we created deal numeric a while back to correct this."]], "KH, \n\nWe created deal 229758 a while back to correct this. You will need to get \nVol Mgmt to reallocate volumes from #157288 to this deal to close it out.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/19/2000 04:52 PM\n", "<33016171.1075854096506.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "229758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-3-2000-2:10:0Stom.acton@enron.com 10-3-2000-2:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-3-2000-2:10:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-2:10:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1796414.1075854022136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 02:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: ami.chokshi@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Well head\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Ami Chokshi, Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCostilla has sent in a new request , take a look and let me know.\n\nMeter Current \nVolume New Volume\n\n56639 \n450 600\n\n9723 \n269 300\n\n9724 \n24 10\n\n9687 \n20,486 22,250 In \nFeb. they were in the 21,250 range, in Jan they started at 14,000 mid month \nand \n \n reached 23,000 \nby end of month.\n\n9734 \n8,000 11,000 In \nFeb they went from 6,000 to 9,000 but in Jan they only flowed around 600 all \nmonth. \n \n Big increase \nbetween months.\n\n5116 \n55 \n83 ", "Well head", "reply", [["send_direct_attach request", 1, "information", ["sent", "request"], "information", "costilla has sent in a new request , take a look and let me know."]], "Costilla has sent in a new request , take a look and let me know.\n\nMeter Current \nVolume New Volume\n\n56639 \n450 600\n\n9723 \n269 300\n\n9724 \n24 10\n\n9687 \n20,486 22,250 In \nFeb. they were in the 21,250 range, in Jan they started at 14,000 mid month \nand \n \n reached 23,000 \nby end of month.\n\n9734 \n8,000 11,000 In \nFeb they went from 6,000 to 9,000 but in Jan they only flowed around 600 all \nmonth. \n \n Big increase \nbetween months.\n\n5116 \n55 \n83 ", "<1796414.1075854022136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "56639", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "10-3-2000-2:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-2:56:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <33264741.1075854170766.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 02:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Well head\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHold off on changing the noms. Let's see how they flow over the weekend and \ndecide on Monday or Tuesday on whether to make adjustments or not.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/10/2000 10:10 AM\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey \nNeuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Well head\n\nCostilla has sent in a new request , take a look and let me know.\n\nMeter Current \nVolume New Volume\n\n56639 \n450 600\n\n9723 \n269 300\n\n9724 \n24 10\n\n9687 \n20,486 22,250 In \nFeb. they were in the 21,250 range, in Jan they started at 14,000 mid month \nand \n \n reached 23,000 \nby end of month.\n\n9734 \n8,000 11,000 In \nFeb they went from 6,000 to 9,000 but in Jan they only flowed around 600 all \nmonth. \n \n Big increase \nbetween months.\n\n5116 \n55 \n83 \n\n", "Re: Well head", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["adjustments", "make"], "intention", " let's see how they flow over the weekend and decide on monday or tuesday on whether to make adjustments or not."]], "Hold off on changing the noms. Let's see how they flow over the weekend and \ndecide on Monday or Tuesday on whether to make adjustments or not.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/10/2000 10:10 AM\n", "<33264741.1075854170766.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "30-10-2000-5:32:0Ssusan.hadix@enron.com 30-10-2000-5:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-5:32:0Ssusan.hadix@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-5:32:0", "susan.hadix@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15873782.1075853974838.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 05:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: susan.hadix@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: October deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Susan Hadix\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI have 2 allocation exceptions that require a deal to be extended. Meter \n98-1488 Tenaska is showing small volumes flowed on days there was no deal. \nCan you extend the deal throughout the month so that the volumes will have a \ndeal to link to. I have the same situation on meter 98-1601.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks,\n\nSusan", "October deals", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "intention", "daren, i have numeric allocation exceptions that require a deal to be extended."], ["show deal", 10, "information", ["showing", "meter"], "information", " meter numeric phonenumber orgname is showing small volumes flowed on days there was no deal."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 13, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", " meter numeric phonenumber orgname is showing small volumes flowed on days there was no deal."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " can you extend the deal throughout the month so that the volumes will have a deal to link to."]], "Daren,\n\nI have 2 allocation exceptions that require a deal to be extended. Meter \n98-1488 Tenaska is showing small volumes flowed on days there was no deal. \nCan you extend the deal throughout the month so that the volumes will have a \ndeal to link to. I have the same situation on meter 98-1601.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks,\n\nSusan", "<15873782.1075853974838.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "30-10-2000-5:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-5:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["susan.hadix@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <23549860.1075854151053.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 05:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: susan.hadix@enron.com\nSubject: Re: October deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Susan Hadix\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have adjusted deals 436187 and 413538.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nSusan Hadix@ENRON\n10/30/2000 01:32 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: October deals\n\nDaren,\n\nI have 2 allocation exceptions that require a deal to be extended. Meter \n98-1488 Tenaska is showing small volumes flowed on days there was no deal. \nCan you extend the deal throughout the month so that the volumes will have a \ndeal to link to. I have the same situation on meter 98-1601.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks,\n\nSusan\n\n", "Re: October deals", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["adjusted", "deals", "436187"], "information", "i have adjusted deals numeric and numeric ."]], "I have adjusted deals 436187 and 413538.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nSusan Hadix@ENRON\n10/30/2000 01:32 PM\n", "<23549860.1075854151053.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "436187", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-1-2001-3:28:0Skaren.lindley@enron.com 18-1-2001-4:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-1-2001-3:28:0Skaren.lindley@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-3:28:0", "karen.lindley@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "According to the meter statement, there was overflow from November on meter \n985097 and the following deals need to be extended for 12/1 only.\n118532\n101473\n138017\nThanks and if you need further information, please let me know.\nKaren", ["Deals to be Extended on Meter 985097 - 12/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '985097']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "information", ["deals", "extended", "meter", "985097"], "information", "according to the meter statement, there was overflow from november on meter numeric and the following deals need to be extended for datenumeric only."]], "According to the meter statement, there was overflow from November on meter \n985097 and the following deals need to be extended for 12/1 only.\n\n118532\n101473\n138017\n\nThanks and if you need further information, please let me know.\n\nKaren", ["<14100552.1075854204487.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2341300.1075854285637.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17690397.1075854318474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "985097", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "18-1-2001-4:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-4:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12309164.1075854337019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 04:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: karen.lindley@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deals to be Extended on Meter 985097 - 12/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Karen Lindley\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ndone.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 01/17/2001 11:28 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deals to be Extended on Meter 985097 - 12/00\n\nAccording to the meter statement, there was overflow from November on meter \n985097 and the following deals need to be extended for 12/1 only.\n\n118532\n101473\n138017\n\nThanks and if you need further information, please let me know.\n\nKaren\n\n", "Re: Deals to be Extended on Meter 985097 - 12/00", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 1, "nninformation", ["deals", "extended"], "intention", " deals to be extended on meter numeric - datenumeric."]], "done.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 01/17/2001 11:28 AM\n\t\n\n", "<12309164.1075854337019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "985097", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, true]}, "6-3-2000-3:20:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 6-3-2000-4:0:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-3-2000-3:20:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-3:20:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12741737.1075854022954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 03:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-1052 and 98-1534 (K extensions)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI'm attempting to clean up my allocations, due to this being allocation close \nweek for Volume Management.\n\n98-1534 (delivery meter) overflowed into March, day 1 only, for .30 \ndecatherms (Sitara Deal #163005 - Start date 2/1/2000 and stop daate \n2/29/2000). The 215K is the only one at this meter for Feb. 2000 \nproduction. I don't see a new Sitara deal number being referenced nor do I \nsee the evergreen flag applied here. Please apprise if you can extend the \nticket for this small amount for 3/1/2000 or if you want it handled \ndifferently. \n\n98-1052 (delivery meter), allocated flow for 2/21-2/24/2000 with no K \napplied. Days 22 and 23 for February references the 215K (Sitara Deal \n#168884 start date 2/22/2000 stop date 2/23/2000. Sitara deal #201636 has \nthe same start and stop date as 168884 and neither references an evergreen \nflag or a new deal number). \n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-1052 and 98-1534 (K extensions)", "reply", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 28, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", " i don't see a new sitara deal number being referenced nor do i see the evergreen flag applied here."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 46, "information", ["allocated", "meter"], "information", " numeric phonenumber (delivery meter), allocated flow for datenumeric - datenumeric with no k applied."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 47, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " numeric phonenumber (delivery meter), allocated flow for datenumeric - datenumeric with no k applied."]], "Daren,\n\nI'm attempting to clean up my allocations, due to this being allocation close \nweek for Volume Management.\n\n98-1534 (delivery meter) overflowed into March, day 1 only, for .30 \ndecatherms (Sitara Deal #163005 - Start date 2/1/2000 and stop daate \n2/29/2000). The 215K is the only one at this meter for Feb. 2000 \nproduction. I don't see a new Sitara deal number being referenced nor do I \nsee the evergreen flag applied here. Please apprise if you can extend the \nticket for this small amount for 3/1/2000 or if you want it handled \ndifferently. \n\n98-1052 (delivery meter), allocated flow for 2/21-2/24/2000 with no K \napplied. Days 22 and 23 for February references the 215K (Sitara Deal \n#168884 start date 2/22/2000 stop date 2/23/2000. Sitara deal #201636 has \nthe same start and stop date as 168884 and neither references an evergreen \nflag or a new deal number). \n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<12741737.1075854022954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"64": {"value": "168884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "163005", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "168884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "deal evergreenTnn": {"value": "deal evergreenTnn", "ne": "deal evergreenTnn", "patterns": ["deal evergreenTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "201636", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "evergreen flagTnn": {"value": "evergreen flagTnn", "ne": "evergreen flagTnn", "patterns": ["evergreen flagTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "6-3-2000-4:0:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-4:0:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <31232627.1075854158433.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 04:00:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-1052 and 98-1534 (K extensions)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI extended both deals.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/06/2000 11:20 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-1052 and 98-1534 (K extensions)\n\nDaren,\n\nI'm attempting to clean up my allocations, due to this being allocation close \nweek for Volume Management.\n\n98-1534 (delivery meter) overflowed into March, day 1 only, for .30 \ndecatherms (Sitara Deal #163005 - Start date 2/1/2000 and stop daate \n2/29/2000). The 215K is the only one at this meter for Feb. 2000 \nproduction. I don't see a new Sitara deal number being referenced nor do I \nsee the evergreen flag applied here. Please apprise if you can extend the \nticket for this small amount for 3/1/2000 or if you want it handled \ndifferently. \n\n98-1052 (delivery meter), allocated flow for 2/21-2/24/2000 with no K \napplied. Days 22 and 23 for February references the 215K (Sitara Deal \n#168884 start date 2/22/2000 stop date 2/23/2000. Sitara deal #201636 has \nthe same start and stop date as 168884 and neither references an evergreen \nflag or a new deal number). \n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-1052 and 98-1534 (K extensions)", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 3, "information", ["deals", "extended"], "information", "i extended both deals."]], "I extended both deals.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/06/2000 11:20 AM\n", "<31232627.1075854158433.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "14-3-2001-3:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-3-2001-14:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-3-2001-15:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-0:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-11:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"14-3-2001-3:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-3:3:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "343421"], "intention", "daren - thu has asked if i can extend deal numeric thru feb."], ["expire deal", 12, "information", ["deal", "expiring"], "information", " it is for orgname it looks like it is a term deal expiring jan."]], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n", ["<22110416.1075854194708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22937416.1075854295049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21149757.1075854302959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "343421", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-14:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-14:3:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6782656.1075845126631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Industrials\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\n\nTo:\tThu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\n\n\n\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\n\nTo:\tThu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tEdward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n\n\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tdeal 34342\n\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: deal 34342", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "343421"], "intention", "daren - thu has asked if i can extend deal numeric thru feb."], ["expire deal", 11, "information", ["deal", "expiring"], "information", " it is for orgname it looks like it is a term deal expiring jan."], ["add deal{numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["added", "deal"], "intention", " she wants it added to keep the orgname deal whole."], ["keep_continue desk", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "keep"], "intention", " she wants it added to keep the orgname deal whole."]], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n", "<6782656.1075845126631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "343421", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-15:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-15:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1552543.1075845123405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 15:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342\n\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\n\nTo:\tThu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\n\n\n\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\n\nTo:\tThu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tEdward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRe: deal 34342 \n\nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n\n\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tdeal 34342\n\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: deal 34342", "originEmail", [["schedule volume", 5, "information", ["mtr", "7,000", "scheduled"], "information", " orgname had only numeric /day scheduled at mtr numeric in feb."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 11, "information", ["see", "pops"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 12, "information", ["flow", "18,000", "volumes"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["allocated", "buyback", "shortages", "ticket"], "intention", " so, we should not need a buyback for orgname any shortages should be allocated to the hpl ticket."]], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\n", "<1552543.1075845123405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "586534", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "7,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "pop volumeTnn": {"value": "pop volumeTnn", "ne": "pop volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pop volumeTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-0:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-0:50:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 \nPM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 \nPM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "make"], "intention", "daren, i am trying to make up the gas for orgname deals on meter numeric , numeric , (deals numeric , numeric , numeric , numeric )."]], "Daren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \n\nThu\n", ["<22492954.1075854194593.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10029971.1075854295142.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25901278.1075854302937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "1062", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "1552,8024", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["thu.nguyen@enron.com"], [], "Thu, \nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 \nas an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the \nEquistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 \nPM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 \nPM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "675086"], "information", " i created deal numeric as an orgname buyback."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 10, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " however, after you have allocated the volume between the orgname plants, please get with lee and have him look over everything."]], "Thu, \n\nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 \nas an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the \nEquistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<11500100.1075854335266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12972041.1075854194385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29818880.1075854295166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11253815.1075854325290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "675086", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-11:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-11:50:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 PM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "make"], "intention", "daren, i am trying to make up the gas for orgname deals on meter numeric , numeric , (deals numeric , numeric , numeric , numeric )."]], "Daren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \n\nThu\n", ["<711141.1075845126608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "1062", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "1552,8024", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-15:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["thu.nguyen@enron.com"], [], "Thu, \nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 as an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the Equistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\nD\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 PM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "675086"], "information", " i created deal numeric as an orgname buyback."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 9, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " however, after you have allocated the volume between the orgname plants, please get with lee and have him look over everything."]], "Thu, \n\nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 as an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the Equistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<26619130.1075840439128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19476534.1075845123359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "675086", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "4-2-2000-7:28:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 4-2-2000-9:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-2-2000-7:28:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["4-2-2000-7:28:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18463148.1075854029560.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 07:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-1534\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter (delivery) shows a small flow of 24 dec. on \n2-1-00. The sitara deal (151694) has a stop date of 1/31/2000.\n\nCan you please extend the deal thru 2-1-00 to cover this small volume?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-", "98-1534", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 16, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "2"], "request", " can you please extend the deal thru numeric numeric numeric to cover this small volume?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 21, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "request", " can you please extend the deal thru numeric numeric numeric to cover this small volume?"]], "Daren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter (delivery) shows a small flow of 24 dec. on \n2-1-00. The sitara deal (151694) has a stop date of 1/31/2000.\n\nCan you please extend the deal thru 2-1-00 to cover this small volume?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-", "<18463148.1075854029560.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "151694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false], "4-2-2000-9:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["4-2-2000-9:16:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <22799771.1075854053001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 09:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-1534\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have ceated deal 163005 to cover the flow for Feb\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/04/2000 03:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-1534\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter (delivery) shows a small flow of 24 dec. on \n2-1-00. The sitara deal (151694) has a stop date of 1/31/2000.\n\nCan you please extend the deal thru 2-1-00 to cover this small volume?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n", "Re: 98-1534", "originEmail", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 4, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "163005"], "intention", "i have ceated deal numeric to cover the flow for feb "], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "i have ceated deal numeric to cover the flow for feb "]], "I have ceated deal 163005 to cover the flow for Feb\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/04/2000 03:28 PM\n", "<22799771.1075854053001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "163005", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-10-2000-3:18:0Stina.valadez@enron.com 16-10-2000-4:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-10-2000-4:50:0Stina.valadez@enron.com 16-10-2000-8:2:0Scyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com 17-10-2000-0:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-10-2000-2:20:0Stina.valadez@enron.com 17-10-2000-2:28:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-10-2000-3:18:0Stina.valadez@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-3:18:0", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29369008.1075853979013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 03:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tina.valadez@enron.com\nTo: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nSubject: Koch Midstream Services Co\nCc: kristen.hanson@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kristen.hanson@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Tina Valadez\nX-To: Carlos J Rodriguez\nX-cc: Kristen J Hanson, Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 10:03 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 10/09/2000 02:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nTina,\n\nWith regards ti the Koch Midstream, you could talk to Daren Farmer about it. \nAlso, Carlos Rodriguez could help. \n\nAmi\n\n", "Koch Midstream Services Co", "reply", [["settle_resolve issue", 46, "nninformation", ["issue", "resolve"], "intention", " cindy has left messages with koch, but she has not been able to resolve the issue."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 50, "nninformation", ["gas", "pay"], "intention", " koch is refusing to pay for the gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to these deals."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 61, "nninformation", ["gas", "paying"], "intention", " i need to find out whether koch or orgname is responsible for paying for this gas."]], "I have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n", "<29369008.1075853979013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-10-2000-4:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-4:15:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tina.valadez@enron.com"], ["kristen.hanson@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16059401.1075854151691.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 04:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tina.valadez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co\nCc: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tina Valadez\nX-cc: Carlos J Rodriguez, Kristen J Hanson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSince Koch has told you that they sold the properties to Duke, I would say \nthat Duke should be paying us for the gas.\n\nI had heard that Koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but I \nwasn't sure to whom. I either talked or left a message with someone in the \nsettlements area about two months ago about this after Koch informed the \ntrader that they should not be getting the invoices. However, I never heard \nback from anyone. \n\nThis is related to the CES acquisition which came online the first of this \nyear. The deal info we had at the time had this sale booked to Koch. I can \nchange the tickets in Sitara to the Duke counterparty (or create new tickets) \ntoday if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door. You \nwill still need to coordinate with the contract group in getting the correct \ncontract in place for the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/10/2000 10:18 AM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Koch Midstream Services Co\n\nI have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 10:03 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 10/09/2000 02:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nTina,\n\nWith regards ti the Koch Midstream, you could talk to Daren Farmer about it. \nAlso, Carlos Rodriguez could help. \n\nAmi\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Koch Midstream Services Co", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", "since koch has told you that they sold the properties to orgname i would say that orgname should be paying us for the gas."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 11, "information", ["counterparty", "sold"], "information", " i had heard that koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but i wasn't sure to whom."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 16, "information", ["koch", "message"], "information", " i either talked or left a message with someone in the settlements area about two months ago about this after koch informed the trader that they should not be getting the invoices."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 32, "nninformation", ["change", "counterparty"], "intention", " i can change the tickets in sitara to the orgname counterparty (or create new tickets) today if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 35, "nninformation", ["create", "tickets"], "request", " i can change the tickets in sitara to the orgname counterparty (or create new tickets) today if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door."]], "Since Koch has told you that they sold the properties to Duke, I would say \nthat Duke should be paying us for the gas.\n\nI had heard that Koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but I \nwasn't sure to whom. I either talked or left a message with someone in the \nsettlements area about two months ago about this after Koch informed the \ntrader that they should not be getting the invoices. However, I never heard \nback from anyone. \n\nThis is related to the CES acquisition which came online the first of this \nyear. The deal info we had at the time had this sale booked to Koch. I can \nchange the tickets in Sitara to the Duke counterparty (or create new tickets) \ntoday if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door. You \nwill still need to coordinate with the contract group in getting the correct \ncontract in place for the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/10/2000 10:18 AM\n", "<16059401.1075854151691.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "deal infoTnn": {"value": "deal infoTnn", "ne": "deal infoTnn", "patterns": ["deal infoTnn"]}, "deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}}, false], "16-10-2000-4:50:0Stina.valadez@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-4:50:0", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3577432.1075853978171.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 04:50:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tina.valadez@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co\nCc: cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com\nX-From: Tina Valadez\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan, Kristen J Hanson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease change the Sitara tickets dating back to January 2000 and let me know \nwhen you are finished.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/16/2000 11:15 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nSince Koch has told you that they sold the properties to Duke, I would say \nthat Duke should be paying us for the gas.\n\nI had heard that Koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but I \nwasn't sure to whom. I either talked or left a message with someone in the \nsettlements area about two months ago about this after Koch informed the \ntrader that they should not be getting the invoices. However, I never heard \nback from anyone. \n\nThis is related to the CES acquisition which came online the first of this \nyear. The deal info we had at the time had this sale booked to Koch. I can \nchange the tickets in Sitara to the Duke counterparty (or create new tickets) \ntoday if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door. You \nwill still need to coordinate with the contract group in getting the correct \ncontract in place for the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/10/2000 10:18 AM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Koch Midstream Services Co\n\nI have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 10:03 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 10/09/2000 02:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nTina,\n\nWith regards ti the Koch Midstream, you could talk to Daren Farmer about it. \nAlso, Carlos Rodriguez could help. \n\nAmi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Koch Midstream Services Co", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "nninformation", ["change", "tickets"], "request", "please change the sitara tickets dating back to datenumeric numeric and let me know when you are finished."]], "Please change the Sitara tickets dating back to January 2000 and let me know \nwhen you are finished.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/16/2000 11:15 AM\n", "<3577432.1075853978171.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}}, false], "16-10-2000-8:2:0Scyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-8:2:0", "cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com karen.lambert@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17217905.1075853978006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 08:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com\nTo: tina.valadez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, karen.lambert@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, karen.lambert@enron.com\nX-From: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan\nX-To: Tina Valadez\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Karen Lambert\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTina,\nKoch never returned my calls. Based on the contractual information, we may be \nputting ourselves in a risk area by 'assigning' the deals without proper \ndocumentation. The documentation that was supplied did not refence any ENA \nagreements, nor any specific meter numbers. If the purchase was indeed a \nmeter/well sale; there should be documentation listing the meters acquired \nand the effective date. Since we are apparently the supplier, the risk is not \nas substaintial as if we were the purchaser. However, without documentation \nwe are basically relying on the relationship btw Koch & Duke.\n\nCyndie\nENA Global Contracts\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez@ECT\n10/16/2000 11:50 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nPlease change the Sitara tickets dating back to January 2000 and let me know \nwhen you are finished.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/16/2000 11:15 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nSince Koch has told you that they sold the properties to Duke, I would say \nthat Duke should be paying us for the gas.\n\nI had heard that Koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but I \nwasn't sure to whom. I either talked or left a message with someone in the \nsettlements area about two months ago about this after Koch informed the \ntrader that they should not be getting the invoices. However, I never heard \nback from anyone. \n\nThis is related to the CES acquisition which came online the first of this \nyear. The deal info we had at the time had this sale booked to Koch. I can \nchange the tickets in Sitara to the Duke counterparty (or create new tickets) \ntoday if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door. You \nwill still need to coordinate with the contract group in getting the correct \ncontract in place for the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/10/2000 10:18 AM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Koch Midstream Services Co\n\nI have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 10:03 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 10/09/2000 02:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nTina,\n\nWith regards ti the Koch Midstream, you could talk to Daren Farmer about it. \nAlso, Carlos Rodriguez could help. \n\nAmi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Koch Midstream Services Co", "reply", [], "Tina,\nKoch never returned my calls. Based on the contractual information, we may be \nputting ourselves in a risk area by 'assigning' the deals without proper \ndocumentation. The documentation that was supplied did not refence any ENA \nagreements, nor any specific meter numbers. If the purchase was indeed a \nmeter/well sale; there should be documentation listing the meters acquired \nand the effective date. Since we are apparently the supplier, the risk is not \nas substaintial as if we were the purchaser. However, without documentation \nwe are basically relying on the relationship btw Koch & Duke.\n\nCyndie\nENA Global Contracts\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez@ECT\n10/16/2000 11:50 AM\n", "<17217905.1075853978006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-10-2000-0:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-0:9:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12940217.1075854164084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 00:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tina.valadez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co\nCc: cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: cyndie.balfour-flanagan@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tina Valadez\nX-cc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan, Kristen J Hanson, Julie Meyers, Carlos J Rodriguez\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created two new deals in Sitara. You will need to get with someone in \nVolume Management to reallocate volumes from the old tickets to the new deals \nfor Jan-Sep. The Logistics group will be able to adjust October forward. \n\nDeal #s:\n\n144052 --> 440092\n144049 --> 440093\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/16/2000 11:50 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nPlease change the Sitara tickets dating back to January 2000 and let me know \nwhen you are finished.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/16/2000 11:15 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nSince Koch has told you that they sold the properties to Duke, I would say \nthat Duke should be paying us for the gas.\n\nI had heard that Koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but I \nwasn't sure to whom. I either talked or left a message with someone in the \nsettlements area about two months ago about this after Koch informed the \ntrader that they should not be getting the invoices. However, I never heard \nback from anyone. \n\nThis is related to the CES acquisition which came online the first of this \nyear. The deal info we had at the time had this sale booked to Koch. I can \nchange the tickets in Sitara to the Duke counterparty (or create new tickets) \ntoday if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door. You \nwill still need to coordinate with the contract group in getting the correct \ncontract in place for the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/10/2000 10:18 AM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Koch Midstream Services Co\n\nI have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 10:03 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 10/09/2000 02:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nTina,\n\nWith regards ti the Koch Midstream, you could talk to Daren Farmer about it. \nAlso, Carlos Rodriguez could help. \n\nAmi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Koch Midstream Services Co", "reply", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "i have created two new deals in sitara."]], "I have created two new deals in Sitara. You will need to get with someone in \nVolume Management to reallocate volumes from the old tickets to the new deals \nfor Jan-Sep. The Logistics group will be able to adjust October forward. \n\nDeal #s:\n\n144052 -- 440092\n144049 -- 440093\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/16/2000 11:50 AM\n", "<12940217.1075854164084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "17-10-2000-2:20:0Stina.valadez@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-2:20:0", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22655341.1075853977848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 02:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tina.valadez@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tina Valadez\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe buyer's name on deal440093 is Koch Midstream shouldn't it be Duke Energy \nField Services?\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/17/2000 07:09 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nI have created two new deals in Sitara. You will need to get with someone in \nVolume Management to reallocate volumes from the old tickets to the new deals \nfor Jan-Sep. The Logistics group will be able to adjust October forward. \n\nDeal #s:\n\n144052 --> 440092\n144049 --> 440093\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/16/2000 11:50 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nPlease change the Sitara tickets dating back to January 2000 and let me know \nwhen you are finished.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/16/2000 11:15 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nSince Koch has told you that they sold the properties to Duke, I would say \nthat Duke should be paying us for the gas.\n\nI had heard that Koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but I \nwasn't sure to whom. I either talked or left a message with someone in the \nsettlements area about two months ago about this after Koch informed the \ntrader that they should not be getting the invoices. However, I never heard \nback from anyone. \n\nThis is related to the CES acquisition which came online the first of this \nyear. The deal info we had at the time had this sale booked to Koch. I can \nchange the tickets in Sitara to the Duke counterparty (or create new tickets) \ntoday if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door. You \nwill still need to coordinate with the contract group in getting the correct \ncontract in place for the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/10/2000 10:18 AM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Koch Midstream Services Co\n\nI have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 10:03 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 10/09/2000 02:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nTina,\n\nWith regards ti the Koch Midstream, you could talk to Daren Farmer about it. \nAlso, Carlos Rodriguez could help. \n\nAmi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Koch Midstream Services Co", "reply", [], "The buyer's name on deal440093 is Koch Midstream shouldn't it be Duke Energy \nField Services?\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/17/2000 07:09 AM\n", "<22655341.1075853977848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "440093", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "17-10-2000-2:28:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-2:28:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12531387.1075854164039.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 02:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tina.valadez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tina Valadez\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYou're right. I have corrected the ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/17/2000 09:20 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nThe buyer's name on deal440093 is Koch Midstream shouldn't it be Duke Energy \nField Services?\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/17/2000 07:09 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nI have created two new deals in Sitara. You will need to get with someone in \nVolume Management to reallocate volumes from the old tickets to the new deals \nfor Jan-Sep. The Logistics group will be able to adjust October forward. \n\nDeal #s:\n\n144052 --> 440092\n144049 --> 440093\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/16/2000 11:50 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nPlease change the Sitara tickets dating back to January 2000 and let me know \nwhen you are finished.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/16/2000 11:15 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Koch Midstream Services Co \n\nSince Koch has told you that they sold the properties to Duke, I would say \nthat Duke should be paying us for the gas.\n\nI had heard that Koch sold the properties to another counterparty, but I \nwasn't sure to whom. I either talked or left a message with someone in the \nsettlements area about two months ago about this after Koch informed the \ntrader that they should not be getting the invoices. However, I never heard \nback from anyone. \n\nThis is related to the CES acquisition which came online the first of this \nyear. The deal info we had at the time had this sale booked to Koch. I can \nchange the tickets in Sitara to the Duke counterparty (or create new tickets) \ntoday if you need me to, so that we can get the invoice out the door. You \nwill still need to coordinate with the contract group in getting the correct \ncontract in place for the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/10/2000 10:18 AM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Koch Midstream Services Co\n\nI have been billing Koch Midstream Services Co under ENA for meters \nLL-1-0030-Comitas (Sitara #144052) and LL-1-0027-Volpe (Sitara #144049). My \nformer accounting contact at Koch, Michael Thomas, said that Koch sold these \nsouth texas assets to Duke Energy Field Services back in 1999. Michael faxed \na contract which I forwarded to Cindy Balfour Flannigan in the contract \narea. Cindy said she can't tie the deals in the contract to our system so \nshe can't recognize the assignment. Cindy has left messages with Koch, but \nshe has not been able to resolve the issue. Koch is refusing to pay for \nthe gas and there is currently over a million dollars outstanding relating to \nthese deals. I need to find out whether Koch or Duke is responsible for \npaying for this gas. Do you have any information regarding this issue?\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 10:03 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 10/09/2000 02:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nTina,\n\nWith regards ti the Koch Midstream, you could talk to Daren Farmer about it. \nAlso, Carlos Rodriguez could help. \n\nAmi\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Koch Midstream Services Co", "reply", [], "You're right. I have corrected the ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n10/17/2000 09:20 AM\n", "<12531387.1075854164039.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-12-2000-6:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 24-4-2001-6:3:18Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com 24-4-2001-8:12:28Srobert.cotten@enron.com 24-4-2001-10:6:31Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com 11-5-2001-5:44:12Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"21-12-2000-6:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-6:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1295565.1075854281528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 06:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Kerr McGee-meter 6884-January , 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nOW, \n\nI have changed the pricing on deal 132975 for this message. Please adjust \nthe risk assignment.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 \n02:57 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nSusan Smith\n12/21/2000 02:33 PM\nSent by: Susan Smith\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Kerr McGee-meter 6884-January , 2001\n\n\nAll:\n The following was passed on to me. We received the following information \nfrom Kerr-McGee:\n\n For the month of January 2001:\n\n DCQ=26,000 MMbtu/d\n\n Gas Daily Volume-30% of DCQ=7,800 MMbtud\n \n\n Base contract price volume-70% of DCQ=18,200 MMbtud\n \n\n \n\n Thanks,\n Susan Smith\n x 33321", "Kerr McGee-meter 6884-January , 2001", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 7, "information", ["changed", "deal", "132975", "pricing"], "information", "ow, i have changed the pricing on deal numeric for this message."]], "OW, \n\nI have changed the pricing on deal 132975 for this message. Please adjust \nthe risk assignment.\n\nD\n", "<1295565.1075854281528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "132975", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "24-4-2001-6:3:18Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-6:3:18", "george.weissman@enron.com", ["robert.cotten@enron.com"], [], "Bob,\nQuestions based on the information in the Facilitation by Location Report:\n1. Meter 9643 HGPL/HPL - Stratton, Tejones Operating Corporation, sitara 266970: Should this purchase be at meter 9638, FREEMAN PROD-MAXINE FIELD in Trade Zone 18?\n2. I presume we are not counting BOTH Meter 9848 NORTH PADRE ISLAND BLK8 and Meter 9862 LEHMAN/SPINNAKER ONSHORE. Isn't this the same gas?\n3. Meter 3536 SEAHAWK/A-S (MAT PLT 520), EOG Resources, sitara 725391: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\n4. Meter 6884 PGTT JUNCTION 16\" LEASE, Comstock Oil & Gas, Inc. and Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore L.P., sitara 125899 and 132975: Comstock's volume should exceed Kerr-McGee's volume, and together the two volumes should be approximately 73,000/d. Currently, Comstock's volume is only 8,600/d and Kerr-McGee's volume is 25,000/d. We look about 38,000/d short.\n5. Meter 639 HANNAH NASH, Coral Energy Resources, L.P., sitara 659998: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\nI'm looking at about 10 other old deals that I think should be in for May, but aren't. In addition, I'm adding in the new deals that will flow in May. I'll be done by noon.\nGeorge", ["May 2001 Nomination"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '132975']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 120, "information", ["adding", "deals"], "information", " in addition, i'm adding in the new deals that will flow in may."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 122, "information", ["deals", "flow"], "information", " in addition, i'm adding in the new deals that will flow in may."]], "Bob,\n\nQuestions based on the information in the Facilitation by Location Report:\n\n1. Meter 9643 HGPL/HPL - Stratton, Tejones Operating Corporation, sitara 266970: Should this purchase be at meter 9638, FREEMAN PROD-MAXINE FIELD in Trade Zone 18?\n\n2. I presume we are not counting BOTH Meter 9848 NORTH PADRE ISLAND BLK8 and Meter 9862 LEHMAN/SPINNAKER ONSHORE. Isn't this the same gas?\n\n3. Meter 3536 SEAHAWK/A-S (MAT PLT 520), EOG Resources, sitara 725391: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\n\n4. Meter 6884 PGTT JUNCTION 16\" LEASE, Comstock Oil & Gas, Inc. and Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore L.P., sitara 125899 and 132975: Comstock's volume should exceed Kerr-McGee's volume, and together the two volumes should be approximately 73,000/d. Currently, Comstock's volume is only 8,600/d and Kerr-McGee's volume is 25,000/d. We look about 38,000/d short.\n\n5. Meter 639 HANNAH NASH, Coral Energy Resources, L.P., sitara 659998: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\n\nI'm looking at about 10 other old deals that I think should be in for May, but aren't. In addition, I'm adding in the new deals that will flow in May. I'll be done by noon.\n\nGeorge", ["<24885466.1075845112828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"114": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "3536", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "9848", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "266970", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "101": {"value": "639", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "95": {"value": "25,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "91": {"value": "8,600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "88": {"value": "73,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "80": {"value": "132975", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "24-4-2001-8:12:28Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-8:12:28", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["george.weissman@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com"], "George,\nThe following are my answers to your questions:\n1. No.\n2. The nomination is at the pay meter 9862.\n3. In the past, this purchase has not been listed on the spreadsheet. It has been maintained by the Risk group.\n4. As of 4/24/01, Comstock's nomination is 43,681 and Kerr McGee's is 29,037.\n5. This purchase is not listed on the spreadsheet. It is maintained separately on a file by Daren. To the best of my knowledge it is a good wellhead purchase.\nBob\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 04/24/2001 08:03 AM \n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT \nSubject: May 2001 Nomination\nBob,\nQuestions based on the information in the Facilitation by Location Report:\n1. Meter 9643 HGPL/HPL - Stratton, Tejones Operating Corporation, sitara 266970: Should this purchase be at meter 9638, FREEMAN PROD-MAXINE FIELD in Trade Zone 18?\n2. I presume we are not counting BOTH Meter 9848 NORTH PADRE ISLAND BLK8 and Meter 9862 LEHMAN/SPINNAKER ONSHORE. Isn't this the same gas?\n3. Meter 3536 SEAHAWK/A-S (MAT PLT 520), EOG Resources, sitara 725391: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\n4. Meter 6884 PGTT JUNCTION 16\" LEASE, Comstock Oil & Gas, Inc. and Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore L.P., sitara 125899 and 132975: Comstock's volume should exceed Kerr-McGee's volume, and together the two volumes should be approximately 73,000/d. Currently, Comstock's volume is only 8,600/d and Kerr-McGee's volume is 25,000/d. We look about 38,000/d short.\n5. Meter 639 HANNAH NASH, Coral Energy Resources, L.P., sitara 659998: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\nI'm looking at about 10 other old deals that I think should be in for May, but aren't. In addition, I'm adding in the new deals that will flow in May. I'll be done by noon.\nGeorge\n", ["Re: May 2001 Nomination"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '132975']}", [], "George,\n\nThe following are my answers to your questions:\n\n1. No.\n\n2. The nomination is at the pay meter 9862.\n\n3. In the past, this purchase has not been listed on the spreadsheet. It has been \t maintained by the Risk group.\n\n4. As of 4/24/01, Comstock's nomination is 43,681 and Kerr McGee's is 29,037.\n\n5. This purchase is not listed on the spreadsheet. It is maintained separately on a file by Daren. To the best of my knowledge it is a good wellhead purchase.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 04/24/2001 08:03 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<27592848.1075845112855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"9": {"value": "9862", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "24-4-2001-10:6:31Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-10:6:31", "george.weissman@enron.com", ["robert.cotten@enron.com"], ["brian.riley@enron.com"], "The attachment provides details for a total wellhead nomination for May 2001 of 695,059 Mmbtu/d. George.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 11:58 AM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Robert Cotten 04/24/2001 10:12 AM \n \nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: May 2001 Nomination \nGeorge,\nThe following are my answers to your questions:\n1. No.\n2. The nomination is at the pay meter 9862.\n3. In the past, this purchase has not been listed on the spreadsheet. It has been maintained by the Risk group.\n4. As of 4/24/01, Comstock's nomination is 43,681 and Kerr McGee's is 29,037.\n5. This purchase is not listed on the spreadsheet. It is maintained separately on a file by Daren. To the best of my knowledge it is a good wellhead purchase.\nBob\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 04/24/2001 08:03 AM \n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT \nSubject: May 2001 Nomination\nBob,\nQuestions based on the information in the Facilitation by Location Report:\n1. Meter 9643 HGPL/HPL - Stratton, Tejones Operating Corporation, sitara 266970: Should this purchase be at meter 9638, FREEMAN PROD-MAXINE FIELD in Trade Zone 18?\n2. I presume we are not counting BOTH Meter 9848 NORTH PADRE ISLAND BLK8 and Meter 9862 LEHMAN/SPINNAKER ONSHORE. Isn't this the same gas?\n3. Meter 3536 SEAHAWK/A-S (MAT PLT 520), EOG Resources, sitara 725391: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\n4. Meter 6884 PGTT JUNCTION 16\" LEASE, Comstock Oil & Gas, Inc. and Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore L.P., sitara 125899 and 132975: Comstock's volume should exceed Kerr-McGee's volume, and together the two volumes should be approximately 73,000/d. Currently, Comstock's volume is only 8,600/d and Kerr-McGee's volume is 25,000/d. We look about 38,000/d short.\n5. Meter 639 HANNAH NASH, Coral Energy Resources, L.P., sitara 659998: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\nI'm looking at about 10 other old deals that I think should be in for May, but aren't. In addition, I'm adding in the new deals that will flow in May. I'll be done by noon.\nGeorge\n", ["Re: May 2001 Nomination"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '132975']}", [], "The attachment provides details for a total wellhead nomination for May 2001 of 695,059 Mmbtu/d. George.\n\n \n", ["<30759179.1075845112885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-5-2001-5:44:12Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["11-5-2001-5:44:12", "george.weissman@enron.com", ["robert.cotten@enron.com"], ["brian.riley@enron.com"], "The attachment provides details for an amended total wellhead nomination for May 2001 of 693,465 Mmbtu/d. Changes from the nomination of 695,059 Mmbtu/d submitted to you on 4/24/2001 are noted in red and in column K.\nWe note that there are still approximately 22 meters which had actual flow in March but did not appear on the Facilitation by Location Report for May. Similarly, there are still approximately 20 meters which had no actual flow in March but did appear on the Facilitation by Location Report for May. We intend to review and cleanup these issues before submitting the June nomination.\nGeorge 713.571.3159\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/11/2001 07:32 AM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 04/24/2001 12:06 PM \n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT \nSubject: Re: May 2001 Nomination\nThe attachment provides details for a total wellhead nomination for May 2001 of 695,059 Mmbtu/d. George.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 11:58 AM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Robert Cotten 04/24/2001 10:12 AM \n \nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: May 2001 Nomination \nGeorge,\nThe following are my answers to your questions:\n1. No.\n2. The nomination is at the pay meter 9862.\n3. In the past, this purchase has not been listed on the spreadsheet. It has been maintained by the Risk group.\n4. As of 4/24/01, Comstock's nomination is 43,681 and Kerr McGee's is 29,037.\n5. This purchase is not listed on the spreadsheet. It is maintained separately on a file by Daren. To the best of my knowledge it is a good wellhead purchase.\nBob\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 04/24/2001 08:03 AM \n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT \nSubject: May 2001 Nomination\nBob,\nQuestions based on the information in the Facilitation by Location Report:\n1. Meter 9643 HGPL/HPL - Stratton, Tejones Operating Corporation, sitara 266970: Should this purchase be at meter 9638, FREEMAN PROD-MAXINE FIELD in Trade Zone 18?\n2. I presume we are not counting BOTH Meter 9848 NORTH PADRE ISLAND BLK8 and Meter 9862 LEHMAN/SPINNAKER ONSHORE. Isn't this the same gas?\n3. Meter 3536 SEAHAWK/A-S (MAT PLT 520), EOG Resources, sitara 725391: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\n4. Meter 6884 PGTT JUNCTION 16\" LEASE, Comstock Oil & Gas, Inc. and Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore L.P., sitara 125899 and 132975: Comstock's volume should exceed Kerr-McGee's volume, and together the two volumes should be approximately 73,000/d. Currently, Comstock's volume is only 8,600/d and Kerr-McGee's volume is 25,000/d. We look about 38,000/d short.\n5. Meter 639 HANNAH NASH, Coral Energy Resources, L.P., sitara 659998: Is this purchase properly in the wellhead book?\nI'm looking at about 10 other old deals that I think should be in for May, but aren't. In addition, I'm adding in the new deals that will flow in May. I'll be done by noon.\nGeorge\n", ["Re: May 2001 Nomination"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '132975']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 23, "information", ["flow", "meters", "22"], "information", " we note that there are still approximately numeric meters which had actual flow in march but did not appear on the facilitation by location report for may."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 31, "information", ["flow", "meters", "20"], "information", " similarly, there are still approximately numeric meters which had no actual flow in march but did appear on the facilitation by location report for may."]], "The attachment provides details for an amended total wellhead nomination for May 2001 of 693,465 Mmbtu/d. Changes from the nomination of 695,059 Mmbtu/d submitted to you on 4/24/2001 are noted in red and in column K.\n\nWe note that there are still approximately 22 meters which had actual flow in March but did not appear on the Facilitation by Location Report for May. Similarly, there are still approximately 20 meters which had no actual flow in March but did appear on the Facilitation by Location Report for May. We intend to review and cleanup these issues before submitting the June nomination.\n\nGeorge 713.571.3159\n\n \n\n", ["<16515949.1075845113547.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"21": {"value": "22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "693,465", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "695,059", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "nomination numericTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "29-3-2000-8:44:0Svance.taylor@enron.com 5-4-2000-2:26:0Stom.acton@enron.com 5-4-2000-3:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"29-3-2000-8:44:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["29-3-2000-8:44:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24844798.1075854018098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 08:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Walter O&G/Superior April Noms\nCc: melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Tom Acton, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nI recently received this nomination and the total package of gas for the \naforementioned changed as follows:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Last Nom Latest Nom Chg.\nWalter O & G 9747 3,901mmbtu/d 3,426mmbtu/d (475)mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9787 1,604mmbtu/d 1,713mmbtu/d 109mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9808 4,890mmbtu/d 4,950mmbtu/d 60mmbtu/d\nSuperior Natural Gas 9741 2,783mmbtu/d 2,570mmbtu/d (213)mmbtu/d\n Total change (519)mmbtu/d\nI've made the change in my spreadsheet.\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "Walter O&G/Superior April Noms", "forward", [["receive gas", 4, "information", ["nomination", "received"], "information", "tom, i recently received this nomination and the total package of gas for the aforementioned changed as follows: counterparty meter last nom latest nom chg."]], "Tom,\n\nI recently received this nomination and the total package of gas for the \naforementioned changed as follows:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Last Nom Latest Nom Chg.\nWalter O & G 9747 3,901mmbtu/d 3,426mmbtu/d (475)mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9787 1,604mmbtu/d 1,713mmbtu/d 109mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9808 4,890mmbtu/d 4,950mmbtu/d 60mmbtu/d\nSuperior Natural Gas 9741 2,783mmbtu/d 2,570mmbtu/d (213)mmbtu/d\n Total change (519)mmbtu/d\nI've made the change in my spreadsheet.\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "<24844798.1075854018098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "5-4-2000-2:26:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["5-4-2000-2:26:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28018696.1075854016736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 02:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Walter O&G/Superior April Noms\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ndo you still want me to hold off on these. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tom Acton/Corp/Enron on 04/05/2000 09:25 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor@ECT\n03/29/2000 04:44 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Walter O&G/Superior April Noms\n\nTom,\n\nI recently received this nomination and the total package of gas for the \naforementioned changed as follows:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Last Nom Latest Nom Chg.\nWalter O & G 9747 3,901mmbtu/d 3,426mmbtu/d (475)mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9787 1,604mmbtu/d 1,713mmbtu/d 109mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9808 4,890mmbtu/d 4,950mmbtu/d 60mmbtu/d\nSuperior Natural Gas 9741 2,783mmbtu/d 2,570mmbtu/d (213)mmbtu/d\n Total change (519)mmbtu/d\nI've made the change in my spreadsheet.\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n", "Walter O&G/Superior April Noms", "reply", [], "do you still want me to hold off on these. \n", "<28018696.1075854016736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "5-4-2000-3:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-4-2000-3:55:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <24950812.1075854065136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 03:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Walter O&G/Superior April Noms\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom, \n\nLeave the noms the way they are in Sitara. These volumes are so small, there \nis no need to adjust anything.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n04/05/2000 09:26 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Walter O&G/Superior April Noms\n\ndo you still want me to hold off on these. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Tom Acton/Corp/Enron on 04/05/2000 09:25 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor@ECT\n03/29/2000 04:44 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Walter O&G/Superior April Noms\n\nTom,\n\nI recently received this nomination and the total package of gas for the \naforementioned changed as follows:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Last Nom Latest Nom Chg.\nWalter O & G 9747 3,901mmbtu/d 3,426mmbtu/d (475)mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9787 1,604mmbtu/d 1,713mmbtu/d 109mmbtu/d\nWalter O & G 9808 4,890mmbtu/d 4,950mmbtu/d 60mmbtu/d\nSuperior Natural Gas 9741 2,783mmbtu/d 2,570mmbtu/d (213)mmbtu/d\n Total change (519)mmbtu/d\nI've made the change in my spreadsheet.\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n", "Re: Walter O&G/Superior April Noms", "originEmail", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 9, "nninformation", ["adjust", "volumes"], "intention", " these volumes are so small, there is no need to adjust anything."]], "Tom, \n\nLeave the noms the way they are in Sitara. These volumes are so small, there \nis no need to adjust anything.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n04/05/2000 09:26 AM\n", "<24950812.1075854065136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "3-3-2000-0:2:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com 3-3-2000-6:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"3-3-2000-0:2:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-0:2:0", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "stella.morris@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com ami.chokshi@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6435583.1075854023567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 00:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 3-rivers / King Ranch / HPLR Liquids\nCc: stella.morris@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stella.morris@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nX-From: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Stella L Morris, Jackie Young, Pat Clynes, Stacey Neuweiler, Ami Chokshi\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have identified the additional HPLC wellhead purchases and have made \ncorrections to the interconnect tickets accordingly. Jackie is still having \ndifficulty identifying all the wellhead purchase. We feel there are at least \n6 meters flowing a total of appox. 7000 a day that are not showing up on a \nHPLC purchase or a HPLR transport. I believe she has given you this \ninformation and will await instructions or for the purchases to be input \nreflecting the proper Enron Entity purchasing these volumes.\n\nWe have worked very hard on this issue and I apologize that it has not yet \nbeen entirely corrected.", "Re: 3-rivers / King Ranch / HPLR Liquids", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 21, "information", ["flowing", "meters"], "information", " we feel there are at least numeric meters flowing a total of appox numeric a day that are not showing up on a orgname purchase or a hplr transport."]], "I have identified the additional HPLC wellhead purchases and have made \ncorrections to the interconnect tickets accordingly. Jackie is still having \ndifficulty identifying all the wellhead purchase. We feel there are at least \n6 meters flowing a total of appox. 7000 a day that are not showing up on a \nHPLC purchase or a HPLR transport. I believe she has given you this \ninformation and will await instructions or for the purchases to be input \nreflecting the proper Enron Entity purchasing these volumes.\n\nWe have worked very hard on this issue and I apologize that it has not yet \nbeen entirely corrected.", "<6435583.1075854023567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "3-3-2000-6:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-6:36:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mandy.mackinnon@enron.com"], ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "stella.morris@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29915647.1075854158564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 06:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 3-rivers / King Ranch / HPLR Liquids\nCc: stella.morris@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stella.morris@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-cc: Stella L Morris, Jackie Young, Pat Clynes, Stacey Neuweiler, Ami Chokshi\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe meters in question are : 616, 894, 2538, 2690, 3396.\n\nMtrs 616 and 2538 are shrinkage and condensate meters. Volumes are split \namong HPLR Liquids and HPLC, with the majority going to Liquids. \nMtr 894 is a gas loss meter. Volume should be allocated to our operational \nua4 contract.\nMtrs 2690 and 3396 should be allocated to Liquids.\n\nYou can see these allocations by viewing prior months in POPS. On Monday \nafternoon, Clem Cernosek will verify the above transactions and expain the \nsplit between parties at 616 and 2538.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMandy MacKinnon\n03/03/2000 08:02 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ami \nChokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: 3-rivers / King Ranch / HPLR Liquids \n\nI have identified the additional HPLC wellhead purchases and have made \ncorrections to the interconnect tickets accordingly. Jackie is still having \ndifficulty identifying all the wellhead purchase. We feel there are at least \n6 meters flowing a total of appox. 7000 a day that are not showing up on a \nHPLC purchase or a HPLR transport. I believe she has given you this \ninformation and will await instructions or for the purchases to be input \nreflecting the proper Enron Entity purchasing these volumes.\n\nWe have worked very hard on this issue and I apologize that it has not yet \nbeen entirely corrected.\n\n", "Re: 3-rivers / King Ranch / HPLR Liquids", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 28, "nninformation", ["allocated", "contract", "volume"], "intention", " volume should be allocated to our operational ua numeric contract."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 38, "nninformation", ["pops", "viewing"], "intention", " you can see these allocations by viewing prior months in pops."]], "The meters in question are : 616, 894, 2538, 2690, 3396.\n\nMtrs 616 and 2538 are shrinkage and condensate meters. Volumes are split \namong HPLR Liquids and HPLC, with the majority going to Liquids. \nMtr 894 is a gas loss meter. Volume should be allocated to our operational \nua4 contract.\nMtrs 2690 and 3396 should be allocated to Liquids.\n\nYou can see these allocations by viewing prior months in POPS. On Monday \nafternoon, Clem Cernosek will verify the above transactions and expain the \nsplit between parties at 616 and 2538.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMandy MacKinnon\n03/03/2000 08:02 AM\n", "<29915647.1075854158564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"23": {"value": "894", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric riverTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-3-2001-0:40:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 5-3-2001-0:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-3-2001-3:4:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"2-3-2001-0:40:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["2-3-2001-0:40:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12531235.1075854196581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 00:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren---\n\nI noticed that the Midcon transport usage tickets at Oakville & Moore are not \nin for March. The previous deal tickets are 598934 & 598958 for that \ntransport. Should they? Let me know if you want me to set up new tickets if \nneed be...or let me know if you create them, so I can update MOPS & POPS. \n\nThanks,\nMark", "Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 19, "nninformation", ["set", "tickets"], "intention", " let me know if you want me to set up new tickets if need be."]], "Daren---\n\nI noticed that the Midcon transport usage tickets at Oakville & Moore are not \nin for March. The previous deal tickets are 598934 & 598958 for that \ntransport. Should they? Let me know if you want me to set up new tickets if \nneed be...or let me know if you create them, so I can update MOPS & POPS. \n\nThanks,\nMark", "<12531235.1075854196581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "5-3-2001-0:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-3-2001-0:9:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <15795198.1075854335728.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 00:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mark McCoy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYou can copy the old tickets or create new ones. What ever you need.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n03/02/2001 08:40 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01\n\nDaren---\n\nI noticed that the Midcon transport usage tickets at Oakville & Moore are not \nin for March. The previous deal tickets are 598934 & 598958 for that \ntransport. Should they? Let me know if you want me to set up new tickets if \nneed be...or let me know if you create them, so I can update MOPS & POPS. \n\nThanks,\nMark\n\n", "Re: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "nninformation", ["create", "tickets"], "intention", "you can copy the old tickets or create new ones."]], "You can copy the old tickets or create new ones. What ever you need.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n03/02/2001 08:40 AM\n", "<15795198.1075854335728.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}, "ticket usageTnn": {"value": "ticket usageTnn", "ne": "ticket usageTnn", "patterns": ["ticket usageTnn"]}}, false], "5-3-2001-3:4:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["5-3-2001-3:4:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12217874.1075854196209.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 03:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBueno...it's done.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/05/2001 08:09 AM\nTo: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01 \n\nYou can copy the old tickets or create new ones. What ever you need.\n\nD\n\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n03/02/2001 08:40 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01\n\nDaren---\n\nI noticed that the Midcon transport usage tickets at Oakville & Moore are not \nin for March. The previous deal tickets are 598934 & 598958 for that \ntransport. Should they? Let me know if you want me to set up new tickets if \nneed be...or let me know if you create them, so I can update MOPS & POPS. \n\nThanks,\nMark\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Midcon Transport Usage Tickets --Mar01", "reply", [], "Bueno...it's done.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/05/2001 08:09 AM\n", "<12217874.1075854196209.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "22-3-2000-5:24:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 22-3-2000-5:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-3-2000-7:4:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": {"22-3-2000-5:24:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["22-3-2000-5:24:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "brenda.herod@enron.com thu.nguyen@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com megan.parker@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20297169.1075854019934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 05:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\nCc: brenda.herod@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: brenda.herod@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Brenda F Herod, Thu Nguyen, Robert E Lloyd, Cynthia Hakemack, Megan Parker\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - can you set up a delivery deal for meter 8740 for Jan 00 and Dec. \n99? I checked OSS and there is an 089 operational contract that took the \nswing in case the meter flows more or less than the nom. Third party \ncontracts are supposed to stay whole. Days 12-14 did not flow enough to \ncover the noms for Western. We have the same problem on Jan. 25. Please let \nme know, Brenda Herod would like this resolved today, as would I.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 01:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 03/06/2000 04:36 PM\n\nTo: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nStacy- Can you please set up a new deal for meter 8740 for Dec. 99. The \nproblem with this meter is, all third party transports should stay whole and \nHPL takes the swing. Several days the meter did not flow enough and the \nthird parties did not receive all of their gas. I need a delivery set up so \nthe 3rd parties will stay whole. If you have any questions, please let me \nknow.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 04:30 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/06/2000 04:14 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nAimee,\n\n We are still having problem with this meter. From what I understand of our \nconversation a week or two ago, HPL needs to take the swing to keep the other \ncontracts whole. In the case where we have excess flow the HPL (R) contract \ntakes the swing. So in the case where we are short, shouldn't we have a HPL \n(D) contract to take the swing? Please let me know if this will work. I \nneed to get back with Settlement today. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n", "Meter 8740 Dec 99", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "meter", "8740", "set"], "request", "daren - can you set up a delivery deal for meter numeric for datenumeric and dec."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 18, "information", ["flows", "meter"], "information", " i checked oss and there is an numeric operational contract that took the swing in case the meter flows more or less than the nom."]], "Daren - can you set up a delivery deal for meter 8740 for Jan 00 and Dec. \n99? I checked OSS and there is an 089 operational contract that took the \nswing in case the meter flows more or less than the nom. Third party \ncontracts are supposed to stay whole. Days 12-14 did not flow enough to \ncover the noms for Western. We have the same problem on Jan. 25. Please let \nme know, Brenda Herod would like this resolved today, as would I.\n\n- Aimee\n", "<20297169.1075854019934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "8740", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "8740", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "22-3-2000-5:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-3-2000-5:47:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["brenda.herod@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20773070.1075854170368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 05:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 8740 Dec 99\nCc: brenda.herod@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: brenda.herod@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Brenda F Herod, Thu Nguyen, Robert E Lloyd, Cynthia Hakemack, Megan Parker\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe do not have deal to enter for this. You need to look at the entire Midtex \nline for each of the days that are out of balance. If we are short at Katy, \nI would think that we would be long at Dewville. (Many times, our receipts \nfrom the Midtex line at Katy are offset by our deliveries to Tufco at the \nTap.) This should help you fix the January problem. Also, for December, you \nmay need to ask PG&E where they show the delivery for Western. Is it at HPL \nKaty, as our records show, or is it at PGE's another point on the Midtex \nline? In any case, we don't have deliveries to make. The only other remedy \nis to book the variance on the partnership imbalance.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/22/2000 01:24 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan \nParker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nDaren - can you set up a delivery deal for meter 8740 for Jan 00 and Dec. \n99? I checked OSS and there is an 089 operational contract that took the \nswing in case the meter flows more or less than the nom. Third party \ncontracts are supposed to stay whole. Days 12-14 did not flow enough to \ncover the noms for Western. We have the same problem on Jan. 25. Please let \nme know, Brenda Herod would like this resolved today, as would I.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 01:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 03/06/2000 04:36 PM\n\nTo: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nStacy- Can you please set up a new deal for meter 8740 for Dec. 99. The \nproblem with this meter is, all third party transports should stay whole and \nHPL takes the swing. Several days the meter did not flow enough and the \nthird parties did not receive all of their gas. I need a delivery set up so \nthe 3rd parties will stay whole. If you have any questions, please let me \nknow.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 04:30 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/06/2000 04:14 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nAimee,\n\n We are still having problem with this meter. From what I understand of our \nconversation a week or two ago, HPL needs to take the swing to keep the other \ncontracts whole. In the case where we have excess flow the HPL (R) contract \ntakes the swing. So in the case where we are short, shouldn't we have a HPL \n(D) contract to take the swing? Please let me know if this will work. I \nneed to get back with Settlement today. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 8740 Dec 99", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter"], "intention", "we do not have deal to enter for this."]], "We do not have deal to enter for this. You need to look at the entire Midtex \nline for each of the days that are out of balance. If we are short at Katy, \nI would think that we would be long at Dewville. (Many times, our receipts \nfrom the Midtex line at Katy are offset by our deliveries to Tufco at the \nTap.) This should help you fix the January problem. Also, for December, you \nmay need to ask PG&E where they show the delivery for Western. Is it at HPL \nKaty, as our records show, or is it at PGE's another point on the Midtex \nline? In any case, we don't have deliveries to make. The only other remedy \nis to book the variance on the partnership imbalance.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/22/2000 01:24 PM\n\n", "<20773070.1075854170368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "balance line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "balance line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["balance line_pipelineTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "8740", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "22-3-2000-7:4:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["22-3-2000-7:4:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "brenda.herod@enron.com thu.nguyen@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com megan.parker@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30737878.1075854019841.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 07:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 8740 Dec 99\nCc: brenda.herod@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: brenda.herod@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Brenda F Herod, Thu Nguyen, Robert E Lloyd, Cynthia Hakemack, Megan Parker\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRobert and I put our heads together and decided to enter the partnership \nagreement on the days in question to keep the third parties whole. \n\nThu - it will be reallocated in about five minutes. \n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know. \n\n- Aimee\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/22/2000 01:47 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan \nParker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 8740 Dec 99 \n\nWe do not have deal to enter for this. You need to look at the entire Midtex \nline for each of the days that are out of balance. If we are short at Katy, \nI would think that we would be long at Dewville. (Many times, our receipts \nfrom the Midtex line at Katy are offset by our deliveries to Tufco at the \nTap.) This should help you fix the January problem. Also, for December, you \nmay need to ask PG&E where they show the delivery for Western. Is it at HPL \nKaty, as our records show, or is it at PGE's another point on the Midtex \nline? In any case, we don't have deliveries to make. The only other remedy \nis to book the variance on the partnership imbalance.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/22/2000 01:24 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan \nParker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nDaren - can you set up a delivery deal for meter 8740 for Jan 00 and Dec. \n99? I checked OSS and there is an 089 operational contract that took the \nswing in case the meter flows more or less than the nom. Third party \ncontracts are supposed to stay whole. Days 12-14 did not flow enough to \ncover the noms for Western. We have the same problem on Jan. 25. Please let \nme know, Brenda Herod would like this resolved today, as would I.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 01:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 03/06/2000 04:36 PM\n\nTo: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nStacy- Can you please set up a new deal for meter 8740 for Dec. 99. The \nproblem with this meter is, all third party transports should stay whole and \nHPL takes the swing. Several days the meter did not flow enough and the \nthird parties did not receive all of their gas. I need a delivery set up so \nthe 3rd parties will stay whole. If you have any questions, please let me \nknow.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 04:30 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/06/2000 04:14 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 8740 Dec 99\n\nAimee,\n\n We are still having problem with this meter. From what I understand of our \nconversation a week or two ago, HPL needs to take the swing to keep the other \ncontracts whole. In the case where we have excess flow the HPL (R) contract \ntakes the swing. So in the case where we are short, shouldn't we have a HPL \n(D) contract to take the swing? Please let me know if this will work. I \nneed to get back with Settlement today. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 8740 Dec 99", "reply", [], "Robert and I put our heads together and decided to enter the partnership \nagreement on the days in question to keep the third parties whole. \n\nThu - it will be reallocated in about five minutes. \n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know. \n\n- Aimee\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/22/2000 01:47 PM\n", "<30737878.1075854019841.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "15-11-2000-7:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-11-2000-1:22:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": {"15-11-2000-7:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-7:26:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["fred.boas@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <24520808.1075853971172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 07:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: fred.boas@enron.com\nSubject: Big Cow Breakout\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Fred Boas\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFred,\n\nPlease look at the attached file below. Can you give me the October volumes \nfor these meters?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n03:26 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/15/2000 03:16 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Big Cow Breakout\n\n\n", "Big Cow Breakout", "originEmail", [["send_attach file", 4, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "fred, please look at the attached file below."]], "Fred,\n\nPlease look at the attached file below. Can you give me the October volumes \nfor these meters?\n\nD\n", "<24520808.1075853971172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}}, false], "16-11-2000-1:22:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": ["16-11-2000-1:22:0", "fred.boas@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1685245.1075853971009.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 01:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: fred.boas@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Big Cow Breakout\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Fred Boas\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nD\n\nAttached per your request is the Big Cowboy production for October 2000. I \nalso have the Gas Volume Statements from Coral Energy that shows the actual \ndaily volumes for all of the meters, receipt and delivery, if you need that \nlevel of detail.\n\n\n\nIf there is anything else let me know either today or tomorrow because I will \nbe on vacation next week.\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/15/2000 03:26 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Big Cow Breakout\n\nFred,\n\nPlease look at the attached file below. Can you give me the October volumes \nfor these meters?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n03:26 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/15/2000 03:16 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Big Cow Breakout\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Big Cow Breakout", "reply", [["send_direct_attach request", 0, "information", ["attached", "request"], "information", "d attached per your request is the big cowboy production for datenumeric numeric ."]], "D\n\nAttached per your request is the Big Cowboy production for October 2000. I \nalso have the Gas Volume Statements from Coral Energy that shows the actual \ndaily volumes for all of the meters, receipt and delivery, if you need that \nlevel of detail.\n\n\n\nIf there is anything else let me know either today or tomorrow because I will \nbe on vacation next week.\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/15/2000 03:26 PM\n", "<1685245.1075853971009.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "6-3-2000-2:49:0Sbmcmills@duke-energy.com 29-3-2000-23:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-3-2000-2:49:0Sbmcmills@duke-energy.com": ["6-3-2000-2:49:0", "bmcmills@duke-energy.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com dfarmer@enron.com briley@enron.com", "wespeckels@duke-energy.com cwcass@duke-energy.com dcspencer@duke-energy.com dfbane@duke-energy.com", "Message-ID: <15723764.1075854023000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 02:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: bmcmills@duke-energy.com\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com, briley@enron.com\nSubject: Nomination - Eastrans - 3/7/2000\nCc: wespeckels@duke-energy.com, cwcass@duke-energy.com,\n\tdcspencer@duke-energy.com, dfbane@duke-energy.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: wespeckels@duke-energy.com, cwcass@duke-energy.com,\n\tdcspencer@duke-energy.com, dfbane@duke-energy.com\nX-From: \"Bruce McMills\" \nX-To: Stacey.Neuweiler@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com, briley@enron.com\nX-cc: \"William E. Speckels\" , \"Chad W. Cass\" , \"Donna C. Spencer\" , \"Darrel F. Bane\" \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nOur nomination into Eastrans is 75,000 MMBtu for 3/7/2000.\n\nRedeliveries\n\n7,000 MMBtu from FCV\n50,000 into PG & E\n3,000 at Carthage\n15,000 at Mobil Beaumont\n\nPer Brian Riley, the price for the incremental 15,000\nabove 60,000 will be per our Transaction Agreement,\n(i.e., PanEnergy purchases 15,000 MMBtu at 1st of Month\nHSC - $.04 and sells to HPL 15,000 at Monthly HSC - $.0375.\n\nPlease confirm the incremental 15,000 transaction.\n\nThanks.\n", "Nomination - Eastrans - 3/7/2000", "reply", [], "Our nomination into Eastrans is 75,000 MMBtu for 3/7/2000.\n\nRedeliveries\n\n7,000 MMBtu from FCV\n50,000 into PG & E\n3,000 at Carthage\n15,000 at Mobil Beaumont\n\nPer Brian Riley, the price for the incremental 15,000\nabove 60,000 will be per our Transaction Agreement,\n(i.e., PanEnergy purchases 15,000 MMBtu at 1st of Month\nHSC - $.04 and sells to HPL 15,000 at Monthly HSC - $.0375.\n\nPlease confirm the incremental 15,000 transaction.\n\nThanks.\n", "<15723764.1075854023000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-3-2000-23:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-3-2000-23:9:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["bmcmills@duke-energy.com"], [], "Message-ID: <23008773.1075854157619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 23:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: bmcmills@duke-energy.com\nSubject: Re: Nomination - Eastrans - 3/7/2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: \"Bruce McMills\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFor volumes in excess of the 60,000 on our term agreement which were \nredelivered to HPL at Mobil Beaumont, we agree to pay Inside Ferc HSC-.045 \nfor the month of March. The price at which HPL delivered the gas at Eastrans \nremains at Inside Ferc HSC-.04.\n\nDaren Farmer\n\n\n\n\n\"Bruce McMills\" on 03/06/2000 10:49:59 AM\nTo: Stacey.Neuweiler@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com, briley@enron.com\ncc: \"William E. Speckels\" , \"Chad W. Cass\" \n, \"Donna C. Spencer\" , \n\"Darrel F. Bane\" \nSubject: Nomination - Eastrans - 3/7/2000\n\n\n\n\nOur nomination into Eastrans is 75,000 MMBtu for 3/7/2000.\n\nRedeliveries\n\n7,000 MMBtu from FCV\n50,000 into PG & E\n3,000 at Carthage\n15,000 at Mobil Beaumont\n\nPer Brian Riley, the price for the incremental 15,000\nabove 60,000 will be per our Transaction Agreement,\n(i.e., PanEnergy purchases 15,000 MMBtu at 1st of Month\nHSC - $.04 and sells to HPL 15,000 at Monthly HSC - $.0375.\n\nPlease confirm the incremental 15,000 transaction.\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n", "Re: Nomination - Eastrans - 3/7/2000", "originEmail", [["deliver gas", 13, "information", ["delivered", "gas"], "information", " the price at which hpl delivered the gas at eastrans remains at inside ferc hsc- numeric ."]], "For volumes in excess of the 60,000 on our term agreement which were \nredelivered to HPL at Mobil Beaumont, we agree to pay Inside Ferc HSC-.045 \nfor the month of March. The price at which HPL delivered the gas at Eastrans \nremains at Inside Ferc HSC-.04.\n\nDaren Farmer\n\n\n\n\n\"Bruce McMills\" ", {"agreement termTnn": {"value": "agreement termTnn", "ne": "agreement termTnn", "patterns": ["agreement termTnn"]}, "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "excess volumeTnn": {"value": "excess volumeTnn", "ne": "excess volumeTnn", "patterns": ["excess volumeTnn"]}, "gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}, "term volumeTnn": {"value": "term volumeTnn", "ne": "term volumeTnn", "patterns": ["term volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-3-2000-6:47:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 6-3-2000-9:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-3-2000-6:47:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-6:47:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32853869.1075854022768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 06:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Feedback Error - 1/00\nCc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: Karen Lindley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCould one of you please extend deal # 151203 for meter 1595? This deal \nexpired 12/31/99.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 02:45 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 03/06/2000 09:58 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Feedback Error - 1/00\n\nAimee,\n\nThere is a feedback error on swing meter 981595, deal number 151203 for \nJanuary 2000. POPS and MOPS systems match, however in checking in Sitara, \nthe deal number attached expired 12/31/99. \n\nI am not sure you are the correct person to address this with, if not, please \nlet me know. If you can fix this problem, please do so and let me know.\n\nThanks and let me know if you need any addtional data as well.\n\nKaren\nX58381\n\n", "Feedback Error - 1/00", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "meter", "151203"], "request", "could one of you please extend deal # numeric for meter numeric ?"], ["expire deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", " this deal expired datenumeric ."]], "Could one of you please extend deal # 151203 for meter 1595? This deal \nexpired 12/31/99.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n", "<32853869.1075854022768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "151203", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}}, false], "6-3-2000-9:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-9:47:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6828163.1075854059494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 09:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Feedback Error - 1/00\nCc: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, karen.lindley@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, karen.lindley@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Stacey Neuweiler, Karen Lindley, Julie Meyers\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe cannot extend #151203. I created a new deal for January 200 forward \n(#212401). \n\nJulie - Will you attach a contract.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/06/2000 02:47 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Feedback Error - 1/00\n\nCould one of you please extend deal # 151203 for meter 1595? This deal \nexpired 12/31/99.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 02:45 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Karen Lindley @ ENRON 03/06/2000 09:58 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Feedback Error - 1/00\n\nAimee,\n\nThere is a feedback error on swing meter 981595, deal number 151203 for \nJanuary 2000. POPS and MOPS systems match, however in checking in Sitara, \nthe deal number attached expired 12/31/99. \n\nI am not sure you are the correct person to address this with, if not, please \nlet me know. If you can fix this problem, please do so and let me know.\n\nThanks and let me know if you need any addtional data as well.\n\nKaren\nX58381\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Feedback Error - 1/00", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "0"], "information", " i created a new deal for datenumeric numeric forward (# numeric )."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 7, "information", ["deal", "forward"], "information", " i created a new deal for datenumeric numeric forward (# numeric )."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 10, "information", ["attach", "contract"], "information", " julie - will you attach a contract."]], "We cannot extend #151203. I created a new deal for January 200 forward \n(#212401). \n\nJulie - Will you attach a contract.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/06/2000 02:47 PM\n\n", "<6828163.1075854059494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-4-2000-3:15:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 6-4-2000-9:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-4-2000-3:15:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-3:15:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30687411.1075854016223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 03:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-1600 & 98-6725 Needing K's\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI hate to be a pest but here's the deal on the above two meters:\n\n98-1600 Sitara deal #159194 expired on 2/29/2000. The flow for 2/2000 was \non the 215K. This meter (del.) flowed 53.863 for 3/2000. There is no new \ndeal referenced, nor is the evergreen flag in effect.\n\n98-6725 Sitara deal #214948 expired 3/27/2000. No evergreen and no new deal \nreferenced. This is a little premature but this meter is active monthly \nand I'm thinking that it will flow for this month with no K being applied.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-1600 & 98-6725 Needing K's", "reply", [["expire deal", 9, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "daren, i hate to be a pest but here's the deal on the above two meters: numeric phonenumber sitara deal # numeric expired on datenumeric ."], ["expire deal", 28, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", " numeric phonenumber sitara deal # numeric expired datenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nI hate to be a pest but here's the deal on the above two meters:\n\n98-1600 Sitara deal #159194 expired on 2/29/2000. The flow for 2/2000 was \non the 215K. This meter (del.) flowed 53.863 for 3/2000. There is no new \ndeal referenced, nor is the evergreen flag in effect.\n\n98-6725 Sitara deal #214948 expired 3/27/2000. No evergreen and no new deal \nreferenced. This is a little premature but this meter is active monthly \nand I'm thinking that it will flow for this month with no K being applied.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<30687411.1075854016223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "6-4-2000-9:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-9:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10501697.1075854015890.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 09:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-1600 & 98-6725 Needing K's\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMtr 1600- A deal already exists for this meter (#159194). If you view the \nmeter in MOPS you can see the deal. (It had zero volume before today.)\n\nMtr 6725 - This gas is traded on the spot market, so there is no deal to put \nin.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/06/2000 10:15 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-1600 & 98-6725 Needing K's\n\nDaren,\n\nI hate to be a pest but here's the deal on the above two meters:\n\n98-1600 Sitara deal #159194 expired on 2/29/2000. The flow for 2/2000 was \non the 215K. This meter (del.) flowed 53.863 for 3/2000. There is no new \ndeal referenced, nor is the evergreen flag in effect.\n\n98-6725 Sitara deal #214948 expired 3/27/2000. No evergreen and no new deal \nreferenced. This is a little premature but this meter is active monthly \nand I'm thinking that it will flow for this month with no K being applied.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-1600 & 98-6725 Needing K's", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "intention", " if you view the meter in mops you can see the deal."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 18, "information", ["deal", "traded"], "information", ") mtr numeric - this gas is traded on the spot market, so there is no deal to put "], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 22, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "intention", ") mtr numeric - this gas is traded on the spot market, so there is no deal to put "]], "Mtr 1600- A deal already exists for this meter (#159194). If you view the \nmeter in MOPS you can see the deal. (It had zero volume before today.)\n\nMtr 6725 - This gas is traded on the spot market, so there is no deal to put \nin.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/06/2000 10:15 AM\n", "<10501697.1075854015890.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "1600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "gas marketTnn": {"value": "gas marketTnn", "ne": "gas marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas marketTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "6725", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas spotTnn": {"value": "gas spotTnn", "ne": "gas spotTnn", "patterns": ["gas spotTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "159194", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-7-2000-7:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 13-7-2000-6:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 13-7-2000-8:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 5-9-2000-4:4:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 5-9-2000-4:28:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-12-2000-1:46:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": {"12-7-2000-7:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["12-7-2000-7:0:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\nThanks, \nAimee", ["Meter 1459, 6/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1459']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "information", ["deal", "meter", "1459", "set"], "information", "daren - i need a deal set up for meter numeric for june ' numeric ."]], "Daren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\n\nThanks, \nAimee", ["<24538109.1075853997762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30932250.1075854082621.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31816418.1075854135255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "1459", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1459", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-7-2000-6:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-6:16:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Deal 77352 is already out there for June.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 07/12/2000 02:00 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1459, 6/00\nDaren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\nThanks, \nAimee\n", ["Re: Meter 1459, 6/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1459']}", [], "Deal 77352 is already out there for June.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 07/12/2000 02:00 PM\n\n", ["<17542103.1075854167058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31168309.1075853997495.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19520470.1075854082644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32494372.1075854154455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "77352", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-7-2000-8:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-8:41:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yep, you're right, except it's out there for June 1999. Please let me know. \nI'll be out tomorrow, if you get this done then, let Carlos know and he can \nget it set up in POPS.\nAimee\nDaren J Farmer\n07/13/2000 01:16 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 1459, 6/00 \nDeal 77352 is already out there for June.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 07/12/2000 02:00 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1459, 6/00\nDaren - I need a deal set up for meter 1459 for June '00. It flowed 34/day \n6/1-6/6. The last deal number used was 77352 for ENA. Please let me know \nwhen this is set up.\nThanks, \nAimee\n", ["Re: Meter 1459, 6/00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1459']}", [], "Yep, you're right, except it's out there for June 1999. Please let me know. \nI'll be out tomorrow, if you get this done then, let Carlos know and he can \nget it set up in POPS.\n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n07/13/2000 01:16 PM\n", ["<10174388.1075853997399.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18858041.1075854082666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11032194.1075854135364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-9-2000-4:4:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-4:4:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.benedict@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14254668.1075853986281.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 04:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 1459 - 8/00\nCc: katherine.benedict@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: katherine.benedict@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Katherine Benedict\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - can you get a deal set up for meter 1459 for 8/00? The last deal \nnumber associated with this meter is 331917 for July 00. Counterparty - GSF \nEnergy, LLC. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nAL", "Meter 1459 - 8/00", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "meter", "1459", "set"], "request", "daren - can you get a deal set up for meter numeric for datenumeric ?"]], "Daren - can you get a deal set up for meter 1459 for 8/00? The last deal \nnumber associated with this meter is 331917 for July 00. Counterparty - GSF \nEnergy, LLC. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nAL", "<14254668.1075853986281.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "5-9-2000-4:28:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-4:28:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11116760.1075854153003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 04:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 1459 - 8/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI rolled deal 331917.\n\n\nAimee Lannou 09/05/2000 11:04 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 1459 - 8/00\n\nDaren - can you get a deal set up for meter 1459 for 8/00? The last deal \nnumber associated with this meter is 331917 for July 00. Counterparty - GSF \nEnergy, LLC. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: Meter 1459 - 8/00", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["deal", "331917", "rolled"], "information", "i rolled deal numeric ."]], "I rolled deal 331917.\n\n\nAimee Lannou 09/05/2000 11:04 AM\n\n", "<11116760.1075854153003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "331917", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1459", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "22-12-2000-1:46:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["22-12-2000-1:46:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["gary.anderson@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], "Gary:\nCan someone in your dept. please reverify and determine if these volumes are \ncorrect for June and August 2000. HPL did not have any deals for these \nvolume deliveries for either sales or transportation.\n Enron Corp\n METER GAS VOLUME SUMMARY FOR 06/00\n 981459-15 9416 LEY ROAD G.S.F. SALES PRESSURE BASE: 14.650\n \n Day MCF DRY BTU Dth Day MCF DRY BTU Dth\n --- --------- --------- --------- --- --------- \n--------- ---------\n 1 34 1007.9415 34 16 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 2 34 1007.9415 34 17 0 1007.9415 \n 0\n 3 34 1007.9415 34 18 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 4 34 1007.9415 34 19 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 5 34 1007.9415 34 20 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 6 34 1007.9415 34 21 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 7 0 1007.9415 0 22 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 8 0 1007.9415 0 23 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 9 0 1007.9415 0 24 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 10 0 1007.9415 0 25 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 11 0 1007.9415 0 26 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 12 0 1007.9415 0 27 0 1007.9415 \n 0\n 13 0 1007.9415 0 28 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 14 0 1007.9415 0 29 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 15 0 1007.9415 0 30 0 \n1007.9415 0\n \n Total 204 1000.0000 204\nPress RETURN to continue \n Enron Corp\n METER GAS VOLUME SUMMARY FOR 08/00\n 981459-15 9416 LEY ROAD G.S.F. SALES PRESSURE BASE: 14.650\n \n Day MCF DRY BTU Dth Day MCF DRY BTU Dth\n --- --------- --------- --------- --- \n--------- --------- ---------\n 1 33 1012.6934 33 17 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 2 0 1012.6934 0 18 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 3 0 1012.6934 0 19 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 4 0 1012.6934 0 20 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 5 0 1012.6934 0 21 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 6 0 1012.6934 0 22 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 7 0 1012.6934 0 23 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 8 0 1012.6934 0 24 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 9 0 1012.6934 0 25 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 10 0 1012.6934 0 26 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 11 0 1012.6934 0 27 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 12 0 1012.6934 0 28 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 13 0 1012.6934 0 29 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 14 0 1012.6934 0 30 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 15 0 1012.6934 0 31 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 16 0 1012.6934 0\n Total 33 1000.0000 33\nPress RETURN to continue \nPlease let me know at your earliest convenience.\nThanks, Clem\n", ["HPL Meter #981459 HARRIS GSF ENERGY HPL"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1459']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["determine", "volumes"], "request", " please reverify and determine if these volumes are correct for june and datenumeric numeric ."]], "Gary:\n\nCan someone in your dept. please reverify and determine if these volumes are \ncorrect for June and August 2000. HPL did not have any deals for these \nvolume deliveries for either sales or transportation.\n\n Enron Corp\n METER GAS VOLUME SUMMARY FOR 06/00\n 981459-15 9416 LEY ROAD G.S.F. SALES PRESSURE BASE: 14.650\n \n Day MCF DRY BTU Dth Day MCF DRY BTU Dth\n --- --------- --------- --------- --- --------- \n--------- ---------\n 1 34 1007.9415 34 16 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 2 34 1007.9415 34 17 0 1007.9415 \n 0\n 3 34 1007.9415 34 18 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 4 34 1007.9415 34 19 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 5 34 1007.9415 34 20 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 6 34 1007.9415 34 21 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 7 0 1007.9415 0 22 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 8 0 1007.9415 0 23 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 9 0 1007.9415 0 24 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 10 0 1007.9415 0 25 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 11 0 1007.9415 0 26 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 12 0 1007.9415 0 27 0 1007.9415 \n 0\n 13 0 1007.9415 0 28 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 14 0 1007.9415 0 29 0 \n1007.9415 0\n 15 0 1007.9415 0 30 0 \n1007.9415 0\n \n Total 204 1000.0000 204\nPress RETURN to continue \n\n Enron Corp\n METER GAS VOLUME SUMMARY FOR 08/00\n 981459-15 9416 LEY ROAD G.S.F. SALES PRESSURE BASE: 14.650\n \n Day MCF DRY BTU Dth Day MCF DRY BTU Dth\n --- --------- --------- --------- --- \n--------- --------- ---------\n 1 33 1012.6934 33 17 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 2 0 1012.6934 0 18 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 3 0 1012.6934 0 19 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 4 0 1012.6934 0 20 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 5 0 1012.6934 0 21 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 6 0 1012.6934 0 22 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 7 0 1012.6934 0 23 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 8 0 1012.6934 0 24 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 9 0 1012.6934 0 25 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 10 0 1012.6934 0 26 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 11 0 1012.6934 0 27 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 12 0 1012.6934 0 28 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 13 0 1012.6934 0 29 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 14 0 1012.6934 0 30 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 15 0 1012.6934 0 31 0 \n1012.6934 0\n 16 0 1012.6934 0\n Total 33 1000.0000 33\nPress RETURN to continue \n\nPlease let me know at your earliest convenience.\n\nThanks, Clem\n", ["<27110638.1075854208703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23640079.1075854281597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11627671.1075854317497.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "19-12-2000-10:4:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 20-12-2000-6:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-12-2000-10:4:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-10:4:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3073788.1075854209675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: clem.cernosek@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HPL Meter #981046 BUTANE PLANT NECHES GAS DIST H\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nX-From: Clem Cernosek\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Mary Poorman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren:\n\nDuring the period of 9/5/99 thru 9/6/99, the above meter recorded flow of \n3,962 Mmbtus. There was no deal at this meter the month prior or after. \nCurrently, Logistics has these volumes recorded to HPL Strangers Gas \nContract. In order to correct this, HPL Logistics needs either a deal to \nrecord these volumes which have flowed into HPL's pipeline or Logistics needs \napproval to writeoff these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, \nsign, and return the original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\n OR\n\n\n\n ________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Buyer/Seller)\n\n\nThank, Clem", "HPL Meter #981046 BUTANE PLANT NECHES GAS DIST H", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 24, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", " in order to correct this, hpl logistics needs either a deal to record these volumes which have flowed into hpl's pipeline or logistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to unaccounted for gas."]], "Daren:\n\nDuring the period of 9/5/99 thru 9/6/99, the above meter recorded flow of \n3,962 Mmbtus. There was no deal at this meter the month prior or after. \nCurrently, Logistics has these volumes recorded to HPL Strangers Gas \nContract. In order to correct this, HPL Logistics needs either a deal to \nrecord these volumes which have flowed into HPL's pipeline or Logistics needs \napproval to writeoff these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, \nsign, and return the original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\n OR\n\n\n\n ________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Buyer/Seller)\n\n\nThank, Clem", "<3073788.1075854209675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-12-2000-6:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-6:42:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["clem.cernosek@enron.com"], ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <7759866.1075854327944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 06:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: clem.cernosek@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HPL Meter #981046 BUTANE PLANT NECHES GAS DIST H\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Clem Cernosek\nX-cc: Mary Poorman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThis gas should be allocated to deal 70499 (Unit Gas Transmission). That \npoint is already on the ticket (under ENA).\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/19/2000 06:04 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: HPL Meter #981046 BUTANE PLANT NECHES GAS DIST H\n\nDaren:\n\nDuring the period of 9/5/99 thru 9/6/99, the above meter recorded flow of \n3,962 Mmbtus. There was no deal at this meter the month prior or after. \nCurrently, Logistics has these volumes recorded to HPL Strangers Gas \nContract. In order to correct this, HPL Logistics needs either a deal to \nrecord these volumes which have flowed into HPL's pipeline or Logistics needs \napproval to writeoff these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, \nsign, and return the original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n\n ________________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\n OR\n\n\n\n ________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Buyer/Seller)\n\n\nThank, Clem\n\n", "Re: HPL Meter #981046 BUTANE PLANT NECHES GAS DIST H", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["allocated", "deal", "70499"], "intention", "this gas should be allocated to deal numeric (unit gas transmission)."]], "This gas should be allocated to deal 70499 (Unit Gas Transmission). That \npoint is already on the ticket (under ENA).\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/19/2000 06:04 PM\n", "<7759866.1075854327944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "70499", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "gas numericTnn", "numeric unitTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "gas transmissionTnn": {"value": "gas transmissionTnn", "ne": "gas transmissionTnn", "patterns": ["gas transmissionTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "981046", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric plantTnn"]}, "period_point ticketTnn": {"value": "period_point ticketTnn", "ne": "period_point ticketTnn", "patterns": ["period_point ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-12-2000-0:56:0Sjim.pond@enron.com 14-12-2000-3:59:0Sjim.pond@enron.com 14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com 20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-6:19:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10106298.1075853968418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 06:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMegan, \n\nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\n\nD", "Tenaska", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 1, "information", ["created", "deal", "514353"], "information", "megan, i have created deal numeric to capture the $ numeric agency fee for the orgname deal."], ["schedule volume", 22, "nninformation", ["scheduling", "volume"], "intention", " since there is no volume, mark mccoy will be scheduling this deal as a zero nom."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 38, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "volume**management"], "intention", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["pathe deal", 42, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "demand"], "intention", " when actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and i will change the demand charge."]], "Megan, \n\nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\n\nD", "<10106298.1075853968418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal price volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal price volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal price volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal price volumeTnnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-1:18:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["attach spreadsheet", 51, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet so you can see the numbers."]], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<8691417.1075853967736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4283770.1075854247558.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27002742.1075854042683.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17517424.1075854110588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"30": {"value": "135", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$2,571", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "389", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "1,395", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-7:1:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<15603493.1075854162321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1884888.1075853967509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8773118.1075854110610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30845163.1075854149741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"9": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:44:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/12/2000 \n04:29 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n", ["<24624058.1075853966747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27442698.1075854247515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18308765.1075854042639.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8217745.1075854111499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "$2,405706", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "43", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["james.armstrong@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com", "jim.pond@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], [], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["plant", "sold"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 10, "information", ["resulting", "majority"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "information", ["created", "deal", "529856"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 25, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " (please see the attached schedule."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 31, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request information", ") we need to pass this income on to orgname do we need to pay this amount (wire from orgname to orgname or is there another way to do this?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 48, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request", " megan - don't pay the amount until we here from the greg, troy and jim."]], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\n\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\n\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\n\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\n\nD\n", ["<25106785.1075854161987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2215534.1075853966725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613661.1075854111522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<572251.1075854149479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-0:56:0Sjim.pond@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-0:56:0", "jim.pond@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "Darren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 12, "nninformation", ["handled", "deal"], "request information", " how are pma's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the deal put in the system?"], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 16, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "request information", " how are pma's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the deal put in the system?"]], "Darren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\n\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\n", ["<6056830.1075854210716.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18681096.1075854247434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17804640.1075854279713.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-3:59:0Sjim.pond@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-3:59:0", "jim.pond@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "Megan, James, and I met regarding the payment due Tenaska IV. I am OK with \npaying what is in the system right now. However, I would like for all of us \nto meet today regarding some accounting issues, What is everyone's \navailability for this afternoon?\nPlease let me know ASAP.\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Megan, James, and I met regarding the payment due Tenaska IV. I am OK with \npaying what is in the system right now. However, I would like for all of us \nto meet today regarding some accounting issues, What is everyone's \navailability for this afternoon?\n\nPlease let me know ASAP.\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\n", ["<28473090.1075854210475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3427029.1075854247411.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19500498.1075854279763.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-4:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00 \nDarren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticket"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 26, "nninformation", ["vary", "volumes"], "other", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."], ["schedule volume", 27, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."]], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\n\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\n\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<14197623.1075854338098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744219.1075854210451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4169759.1075854279738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22109013.1075854328098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4007083.1075854247277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948076.1075854283448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29605922.1075854246973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11608234.1075854294760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-18:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 5, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 11, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 31, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<6955442.1075840429725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<26176215.1075854335244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10226618.1075854194362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14124169.1075854294783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30835928.1075854325267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<6485978.1075840439152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14205941.1075845123336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-7:11:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "daren: we need to add the sale demand fee to deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."], ["show deal", 10, "nninformation", ["$2,979", "shows"], "intention", " the spreadsheet i have from mark shows pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12209081.1075840429600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}}, true], "8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-8:56:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nDaren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<25500117.1075845124456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-10:48:54", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 8, "nninformation", ["change", "deals"], "request", " the receipt from orgname was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from orgname and repay to orgname please change the following deals."]], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nDeal 384258\tchange demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353\tchange volume from 45,000 to 44,590\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<21265458.1075840429551.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$2,607", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric txuTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-13:4:31", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "i have changed the demand fee."]], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<4261643.1075845124759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-5:55:25", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\nMegan\nFrom: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV March 2001\nI have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\n", ["<1095323.1075840429526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:0:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n \n", ["Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand charge on deal numeric for the datenumeric numeric orgname sale."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<32867124.1075840429405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "556", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:5:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:00 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Cornhusker 5/01\nDaren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n >> \n", ["RE: Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<2497724.1075845125409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-9:40:6", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Can you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", ["Tenaska IV Agency Fee"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 23, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", " in the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume."]], "Can you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\n\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", ["<13218492.1075840429381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27225410.1075845125712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"36": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47,089", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-7-2001-12:27:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 02:21 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/05/2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: June Tenaska gas file\nHere you go. Let me know if everything looks good.\nMike\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Olsen, Michael\nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you email the Tenaska file for June? I need to bill them.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 12:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n From: Megan Parker 07/02/2001 02:17 PM \n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron\ncc: \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you send James Armstrong and me the Tenaska file for June?\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/02/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: James Armstrong/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/02/2001 10:56 AM\nTo: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nMark, it looks like Mike Olsen is no longer here at Enron. Do you know who handles the Tenaska fuel management file now? You can call me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["RE: June Tenaska gas file"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<24473694.1075840429134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,938", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-12:38:30", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 8/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "other", "darren: please zero out the price on orgname deal numeric for datenumeric numeric and enter a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<30191004.1075840428891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$4,116", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "035", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-11:18:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 7/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,902"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["receive gas", 12, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the txu statement for july and our expenses went down."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 16, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18812899.1075840428746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "933", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,878", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}}, true]}, "22-11-2000-3:23:0Skatherine.benedict@enron.com 22-11-2000-3:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-11-2000-5:12:0Skatherine.benedict@enron.com": {"22-11-2000-3:23:0Skatherine.benedict@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-3:23:0", "katherine.benedict@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31624806.1075853969817.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 03:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: katherine.benedict@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Cornhusker\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Benedict\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHi Darrin,\n\nThis is what Mark McCoy sent me about the Cornhusker Deal. Please review and \nif there is anything else that Rita Wynne or I need to know about this deal, \njust shoot me an e-mail!\n\nThanks for calling me back!\n\nHappy Thanksgiving,\n\nKathy\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT on 11/22/2000 \n11:19 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n11/22/2000 08:12 AM\nTo: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n\nKathy-----Here is what I know about Cornhusker:\n\nOur supply comes from Apache & Williams\n\nOur market typicially is the plant (Tenaska IV Partners)\nIf the plant is down, Brazos Utility has the right to the gas if they want it\nIf Brazos does not call for the gas, then we will sell off to whomever we can\n\nWe just get a flat fee on this gas per MMBtu, whether it goes to the plant or \nnot\n\nDaren Farmer knows the specifics about the deal\n\nHope this helps, call with any questions.\n\nMark\nx33396\n", "Cornhusker", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 2, "information", ["sent", "deal"], "information", " this is what mark mccoy sent me about the cornhusker deal."]], "Hi Darrin,\n\nThis is what Mark McCoy sent me about the Cornhusker Deal. Please review and \nif there is anything else that Rita Wynne or I need to know about this deal, \njust shoot me an e-mail!\n\nThanks for calling me back!\n\nHappy Thanksgiving,\n\nKathy\n\n", "<31624806.1075853969817.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-11-2000-3:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-3:42:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.benedict@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26868186.1075853969795.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 03:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.benedict@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cornhusker\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Benedict\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nIf you need it, I've got a contract brief that lists the transport cost and \nfuel from each location (there numerous receipt points). It is possible that \nwe may need to purchase extra gas for the plant on occasion. In that case, \nwe can use the same transport contract on Lone Star and transport on other \npipes also. Any expense we incur to deliver gas to the plant will be passed \non to the plant.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Benedict\n11/22/2000 11:23 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n\nHi Darrin,\n\nThis is what Mark McCoy sent me about the Cornhusker Deal. Please review and \nif there is anything else that Rita Wynne or I need to know about this deal, \njust shoot me an e-mail!\n\nThanks for calling me back!\n\nHappy Thanksgiving,\n\nKathy\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT on 11/22/2000 \n11:19 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n11/22/2000 08:12 AM\nTo: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n\nKathy-----Here is what I know about Cornhusker:\n\nOur supply comes from Apache & Williams\n\nOur market typicially is the plant (Tenaska IV Partners)\nIf the plant is down, Brazos Utility has the right to the gas if they want it\nIf Brazos does not call for the gas, then we will sell off to whomever we can\n\nWe just get a flat fee on this gas per MMBtu, whether it goes to the plant or \nnot\n\nDaren Farmer knows the specifics about the deal\n\nHope this helps, call with any questions.\n\nMark\nx33396\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cornhusker", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 12, "nninformation", ["purchase", "gas", "plant"], "intention", " it is possible that we may need to purchase extra gas for the plant on occasion."], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 18, "nninformation", ["use", "transport**contract"], "intention", " in that case, we can use the same transport contract on orgname and transport on other pipes also."], ["receive_incur gas", 23, "nninformation", ["gas", "incur"], "intention", " any expense we incur to deliver gas to the plant will be passed on to the plant."], ["deliver gas", 24, "nninformation", ["deliver", "gas"], "intention", " any expense we incur to deliver gas to the plant will be passed on to the plant."]], "If you need it, I've got a contract brief that lists the transport cost and \nfuel from each location (there numerous receipt points). It is possible that \nwe may need to purchase extra gas for the plant on occasion. In that case, \nwe can use the same transport contract on Lone Star and transport on other \npipes also. Any expense we incur to deliver gas to the plant will be passed \non to the plant.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Benedict\n11/22/2000 11:23 AM\n", "<26868186.1075853969795.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract pipeTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipeTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipeTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipeTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "excess_extra gasTnn": {"value": "excess_extra gasTnn", "ne": "excess_extra gasTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra gasTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}}, false], "22-11-2000-5:12:0Skatherine.benedict@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-5:12:0", "katherine.benedict@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13615430.1075853969773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 05:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: katherine.benedict@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cornhusker\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Benedict\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThanks for the information below. Sometime next week, would you go ahead and \nmake a copy of the contract brief for me. You can interoffice mail it to me \nat \nEB 3703.\n\nThanks,\n\nKathy Benedict\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/22/2000 11:42 AM\nTo: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Cornhusker \n\nIf you need it, I've got a contract brief that lists the transport cost and \nfuel from each location (there numerous receipt points). It is possible that \nwe may need to purchase extra gas for the plant on occasion. In that case, \nwe can use the same transport contract on Lone Star and transport on other \npipes also. Any expense we incur to deliver gas to the plant will be passed \non to the plant.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n\nKatherine Benedict\n11/22/2000 11:23 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n\nHi Darrin,\n\nThis is what Mark McCoy sent me about the Cornhusker Deal. Please review and \nif there is anything else that Rita Wynne or I need to know about this deal, \njust shoot me an e-mail!\n\nThanks for calling me back!\n\nHappy Thanksgiving,\n\nKathy\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT on 11/22/2000 \n11:19 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n11/22/2000 08:12 AM\nTo: Katherine Benedict/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n\nKathy-----Here is what I know about Cornhusker:\n\nOur supply comes from Apache & Williams\n\nOur market typicially is the plant (Tenaska IV Partners)\nIf the plant is down, Brazos Utility has the right to the gas if they want it\nIf Brazos does not call for the gas, then we will sell off to whomever we can\n\nWe just get a flat fee on this gas per MMBtu, whether it goes to the plant or \nnot\n\nDaren Farmer knows the specifics about the deal\n\nHope this helps, call with any questions.\n\nMark\nx33396\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cornhusker", "reply", [], "Thanks for the information below. Sometime next week, would you go ahead and \nmake a copy of the contract brief for me. You can interoffice mail it to me \nat \nEB 3703.\n\nThanks,\n\nKathy Benedict\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/22/2000 11:42 AM\n", "<13615430.1075853969773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "11-7-2000-2:7:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 11-7-2000-3:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-7-2000-2:7:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-2:7:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5599408.1075853998453.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 02:07:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6892 (Sitara Deal 319063)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe above deal is a DD deal effective 7/1/2000-7/5/2000. Can the deal be \nextended to the 6th to cover flow of .803 decatherms?\n\nWe've not yet received the OBA from TETCO yet.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6892 (Sitara Deal 319063)", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 8, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "request information", " can the deal be extended to the datenumeric h to cover flow of numeric decatherms?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "request information", " can the deal be extended to the datenumeric h to cover flow of numeric decatherms?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 10, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " can the deal be extended to the datenumeric h to cover flow of numeric decatherms?"]], "The above deal is a DD deal effective 7/1/2000-7/5/2000. Can the deal be \nextended to the 6th to cover flow of .803 decatherms?\n\nWe've not yet received the OBA from TETCO yet.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<5599408.1075853998453.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"0": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false], "11-7-2000-3:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-3:35:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8829586.1075854154518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 03:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6892 (Sitara Deal 319063)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYou need to discuss this with the East Desk. See if Tetco allocated the vol \nto their contract.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n07/11/2000 09:07 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6892 (Sitara Deal 319063)\n\nThe above deal is a DD deal effective 7/1/2000-7/5/2000. Can the deal be \nextended to the 6th to cover flow of .803 decatherms?\n\nWe've not yet received the OBA from TETCO yet.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-6892 (Sitara Deal 319063)", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 7, "information", ["allocated", "contract"], "information", " see if tetco allocated the vol to their contract."]], "You need to discuss this with the East Desk. See if Tetco allocated the vol \nto their contract.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n07/11/2000 09:07 AM\n", "<8829586.1075854154518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"0": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-6-2000-1:26:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 26-6-2000-10:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-6-2000-1:26:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-1:26:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27148427.1075854002728.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 01:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 1429\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - meter 1429, IND Sterling Gas Plant has flow beginning 6/12. It is a \nvery small volume. Could you please create a deal for this?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n\n", "meter 1429", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "daren - meter numeric , ind sterling gas plant has flow beginning datenumeric ."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " could you please create a deal for this?"]], "Daren - meter 1429, IND Sterling Gas Plant has flow beginning 6/12. It is a \nvery small volume. Could you please create a deal for this?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n\n", "<27148427.1075854002728.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "26-6-2000-10:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-10:36:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19876016.1075854167364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 10:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 1429\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal 93200 covers this meter. However, we have a zero as the expected \nvolume. You can select \"always send nom\" in MOPS to get this to come over in \nPOPS.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 06/21/2000 08:26 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 1429\n\nDaren - meter 1429, IND Sterling Gas Plant has flow beginning 6/12. It is a \nvery small volume. Could you please create a deal for this?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: meter 1429", "originEmail", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 4, "information", ["covers", "deal", "meter", "93200"], "information", "deal numeric covers this meter."], ["expect volume", 7, "information", ["expected", "volume"], "information", " however, we have a zero as the expected volume."]], "Deal 93200 covers this meter. However, we have a zero as the expected \nvolume. You can select \"always send nom\" in MOPS to get this to come over in \nPOPS.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 06/21/2000 08:26 AM\n\n", "<19876016.1075854167364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "93200", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1429", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-5-2000-3:40:0Stom.acton@enron.com 10-5-2000-5:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-5-2000-3:40:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["10-5-2000-3:40:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3014209.1075854011490.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 May 2000 03:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: well heads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Lisa Hesse, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren, Shore line would like to take meter 9781 from 460 to 1 for the 11 th \ngas day. It flowed the nom for April so they must be having well problems \nthis month. Meter 9680 has a change from 739 to 1200. It flowed in the 700 \nfor April . Could be new production coming on behind the meter. \n\nTexaco would like to change meter 9826 from 1201 to 1500 for the rest of the \nmonth. In April they flowed from 1000 to 1300. ", "well heads", "reply", [], "Daren, Shore line would like to take meter 9781 from 460 to 1 for the 11 th \ngas day. It flowed the nom for April so they must be having well problems \nthis month. Meter 9680 has a change from 739 to 1200. It flowed in the 700 \nfor April . Could be new production coming on behind the meter. \n\nTexaco would like to change meter 9826 from 1201 to 1500 for the rest of the \nmonth. In April they flowed from 1000 to 1300. ", "<3014209.1075854011490.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "9781", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "9680", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "9826", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "10-5-2000-5:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-5-2000-5:53:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <21428139.1075854011468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 May 2000 05:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: well heads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom, \n\nLet's leave everything as it is currently and review the meters in a couple \nof days to see if the increases actually occur.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n05/10/2000 10:40 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: well heads\n\nDaren, Shore line would like to take meter 9781 from 460 to 1 for the 11 th \ngas day. It flowed the nom for April so they must be having well problems \nthis month. Meter 9680 has a change from 739 to 1200. It flowed in the 700 \nfor April . Could be new production coming on behind the meter. \n\nTexaco would like to change meter 9826 from 1201 to 1500 for the rest of the \nmonth. In April they flowed from 1000 to 1300. \n\n", "Re: well heads", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["see", "meters"], "intention", "tom, let's leave everything as it is currently and review the meters in a couple of days to see if the increases actually occur."]], "Tom, \n\nLet's leave everything as it is currently and review the meters in a couple \nof days to see if the increases actually occur.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n05/10/2000 10:40 AM\n", "<21428139.1075854011468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-7-2000-8:9:0Sricky.ellis@enron.com 17-7-2000-9:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-7-2000-8:9:0Sricky.ellis@enron.com": ["17-7-2000-8:9:0", "ricky.ellis@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8899548.1075853996724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 08:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: ricky.ellis@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Extend Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Ricky Ellis\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDuring the month of June there is flow at meter 6347, but there is no deal. \nThere is a deal in May (deal 290472), \"Could you extend that deal for the \nmonth of June?\"", "Extend Deal", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 7, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "290472"], "request", " there is a deal in may (deal numeric ), \"could you extend that deal for the "]], "During the month of June there is flow at meter 6347, but there is no deal. \nThere is a deal in May (deal 290472), \"Could you extend that deal for the \nmonth of June?\"", "<8899548.1075853996724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "6347", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "290472", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "17-7-2000-9:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-7-2000-9:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["ricky.ellis@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4248987.1075853996703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 09:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: ricky.ellis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Extend Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Ricky Ellis\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI created a new deal to capture this flow. #333712\nI also created a deal for July, #333718.\n\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRicky Ellis@ENRON\n07/17/2000 03:09 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Extend Deal\n\nDuring the month of June there is flow at meter 6347, but there is no deal. \nThere is a deal in May (deal 290472), \"Could you extend that deal for the \nmonth of June?\"\n\n", "Re: Extend Deal", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 0, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " extend deal."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal"], "information", "i created a new deal to capture this flow."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "i created a new deal to capture this flow."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal", "333712"], "information", " # numeric i also created a deal for july, # numeric ."]], "I created a new deal to capture this flow. #333712\nI also created a deal for July, #333718.\n\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRicky Ellis@ENRON\n07/17/2000 03:09 PM\n", "<4248987.1075853996703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "333712", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-3-2000-1:37:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 29-3-2000-3:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"29-3-2000-1:37:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["29-3-2000-1:37:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28804.1075854018279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 01:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HPL 3-Rivers Gas Flowing Through King Ranch\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nCan you please e-mail me your expected volumes for the above referenced \nsubject for April's Gas Production?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "HPL 3-Rivers Gas Flowing Through King Ranch", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flowing", "gas"], "information", "hpl numeric -rivers gas flowing through king ranch."], ["expect volume", 7, "nninformation", ["expected", "volumes"], "request", "daren, can you please e-mail me your expected volumes for the above referenced subject for april's gas production?"]], "Daren,\n\nCan you please e-mail me your expected volumes for the above referenced \nsubject for April's Gas Production?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<28804.1075854018279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "29-3-2000-3:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-3-2000-3:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26486036.1075854157709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 03:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HPL 3-Rivers Gas Flowing Through King Ranch\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI don't have any expected volumes. You should use the best information you \nhave from prior months.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/29/2000 09:37 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: HPL 3-Rivers Gas Flowing Through King Ranch\n\nDaren,\n\nCan you please e-mail me your expected volumes for the above referenced \nsubject for April's Gas Production?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: HPL 3-Rivers Gas Flowing Through King Ranch", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flowing", "gas"], "information", " hpl numeric -rivers gas flowing through king ranch."], ["expect volume", 6, "information", ["expected", "volumes"], "information", "i don't have any expected volumes."]], "I don't have any expected volumes. You should use the best information you \nhave from prior months.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/29/2000 09:37 AM\n", "<26486036.1075854157709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"0": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "numeric riverTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-3-2000-4:28:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 20-3-2000-5:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-3-2000-4:28:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["20-3-2000-4:28:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28050146.1075854020958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: MidTex\nCc: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Thu Nguyen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren -\n\nI need a service list contract set up for ENA for the MidTex line for Feb. 00 \nand March forward for meter 9735, deal # 203469 (XPRTUNG). Does ENA have a \nvalid contract to ship on the MidTexas line? Volume managEment would like \nthis done before close. Please let me know.\n\n- Aimee", "MidTex", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["deal", "meter", "9735", "set"], "information", " i need a service list contract set up for orgname for the midtex line for datenumeric and march forward for meter numeric , deal # numeric (xprtung)."]], "Daren -\n\nI need a service list contract set up for ENA for the MidTex line for Feb. 00 \nand March forward for meter 9735, deal # 203469 (XPRTUNG). Does ENA have a \nvalid contract to ship on the MidTexas line? Volume managEment would like \nthis done before close. Please let me know.\n\n- Aimee", "<28050146.1075854020958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "20-3-2000-5:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-3-2000-5:7:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2082731.1075854170589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 05:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: MidTex\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAimee, \n\nYou need to set up a transport capacity ticket in Sitara for this. Heidi \nWithers should be able to help you. I don't know the contract to apply to \nthe deal. Heidi or Julie Meters may be able to help with this also.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/20/2000 12:28 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: MidTex\n\nDaren -\n\nI need a service list contract set up for ENA for the MidTex line for Feb. 00 \nand March forward for meter 9735, deal # 203469 (XPRTUNG). Does ENA have a \nvalid contract to ship on the MidTexas line? Volume managEment would like \nthis done before close. Please let me know.\n\n- Aimee\n\n", "Re: MidTex", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["set", "ticket"], "intention", "aimee, you need to set up a transport capacity ticket in sitara for this."], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 12, "nninformation", ["apply", "contract"], "intention", " i don't know the contract to apply to the deal."]], "Aimee, \n\nYou need to set up a transport capacity ticket in Sitara for this. Heidi \nWithers should be able to help you. I don't know the contract to apply to \nthe deal. Heidi or Julie Meters may be able to help with this also.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 03/20/2000 12:28 PM\n\n", "<2082731.1075854170589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"capacity ticketTnn": {"value": "capacity ticketTnn", "ne": "capacity ticketTnn", "patterns": ["capacity ticketTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-11-2000-5:39:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 8-11-2000-5:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"8-11-2000-5:39:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-5:39:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26021724.1075853972825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 05:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 986899 For November\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI have flow at this meter for the first, 118 Dth. There is an expired \npurchase from Highland at the meter, but, this deal ended August 31st. HPL \nhad a deal with Highland in October to purchase these volumes (deal ticket \n418382). I think that the deal needs to be extended, it looks like the valve \nwas not completely shut by 9 am. Pat has asked that this issue be resolved \ntoday, so, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.\n\nMary", "Meter 986899 For November", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "daren, i have flow at this meter for the first, numeric dth."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 21, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "intention", " i think that the deal needs to be extended, it looks like the valve was not completely shut by numeric am."], ["settle_resolve issue", 30, "nninformation", ["issue", "resolved"], "intention", " pat has asked that this issue be resolved today, so, your assistance would be greatly appreciated."]], "Daren,\n\nI have flow at this meter for the first, 118 Dth. There is an expired \npurchase from Highland at the meter, but, this deal ended August 31st. HPL \nhad a deal with Highland in October to purchase these volumes (deal ticket \n418382). I think that the deal needs to be extended, it looks like the valve \nwas not completely shut by 9 am. Pat has asked that this issue be resolved \ntoday, so, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.\n\nMary", "<26021724.1075853972825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "8-11-2000-5:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-5:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26562395.1075853972804.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 05:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 986899 For November\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI rolled deal 418382 for Nov 1st.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/08/2000 01:39 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 986899 For November\n\nDaren,\n\nI have flow at this meter for the first, 118 Dth. There is an expired \npurchase from Highland at the meter, but, this deal ended August 31st. HPL \nhad a deal with Highland in October to purchase these volumes (deal ticket \n418382). I think that the deal needs to be extended, it looks like the valve \nwas not completely shut by 9 am. Pat has asked that this issue be resolved \ntoday, so, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Meter 986899 For November", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["deal", "418382", "rolled"], "information", "i rolled deal numeric for datenumeric st."]], "I rolled deal 418382 for Nov 1st.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n11/08/2000 01:39 PM\n", "<26562395.1075853972804.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "418382", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986899", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-12-1999-8:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-10-2000-6:34:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 17-10-2000-7:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-10-2000-8:56:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 18-10-2000-1:37:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 9-1-2001-4:9:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 9-1-2001-6:21:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 21-2-2001-6:59:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 21-2-2001-8:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-2-2001-9:38:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 23-2-2001-6:36:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com 23-2-2001-7:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 25-2-2001-1:27:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": {"10-12-1999-8:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-12-1999-8:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["susan.trevino@enron.com"], [], "Susan, \nI need you to do the research on this meter. You will need to review the \nvarious scheduling systems to see how this was handled prior to 2/96. You \ncan also check with Volume Management to see if they have any info regarding \nthe allocation of the point. Let me know what you find out and I will work \non getting a deal in place.\nDaren\nSusan D Trevino\n11/29/99 03:41 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 5892 - UA4 1996 and 1997 Logistics Issues\nDaren,\nThe following months are outstanding UA4 issues which appear to need a \ncontract. Please research and let me know if this gas was actually \npurchased. Thanks, Susan.\nMonth Volume\n2/96 364 MMBTU\n3/96 491\n4/96 483\n5/96 469\n6/96 466\n7/96 464\n8/96 447\n9/96 404\n10/96 19\n11/96 18\n12/96 18\n2/97 17\n3/97 17\n4/97 19\n \n", ["Re: Meter 5892 - UA4 1996 and 1997 Logistics Issues"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["check", "volume**management"], "intention", " you can also check with volume management to see if they have any info regarding the allocation of the point."]], "Susan, \n\nI need you to do the research on this meter. You will need to review the \nvarious scheduling systems to see how this was handled prior to 2/96. You \ncan also check with Volume Management to see if they have any info regarding \nthe allocation of the point. Let me know what you find out and I will work \non getting a deal in place.\n\nDaren\n\n\n\n\nSusan D Trevino\n11/29/99 03:41 PM\n", ["<31181882.1075854174405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27038141.1075854039413.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3012322.1075854161901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priorTnn"]}}, true], "17-10-2000-6:34:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-6:34:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28649305.1075853977692.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 06:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren---\n\nI need some help with meter 5892 for September 00 due to a feedback error. \nDeal 133196 (purchase from Duke on gathering contract) is erroring out due to \nit's expiration date of 8/31/00......however it still showed up in POPS (w/o \na nom) on 9/1. Volume management allocated volume to it according to the \nallocation statement. Should this deal be extended? I noticed it is not out \nthere for October either. I have the feedback error sheet & allocation if \nyou want to see them.\n\nLet me know,\n\nMark\nx33396\n\n\np.s. Fred Boas said you used to handle this and you were very wise in the art \nof allocation......so I am expecting big results Grasshopper!", "meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation", "forward", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 26, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " volume management allocated volume to it according to the allocation statement."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 32, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "request information", " should this deal be extended?"]], "Daren---\n\nI need some help with meter 5892 for September 00 due to a feedback error. \nDeal 133196 (purchase from Duke on gathering contract) is erroring out due to \nit's expiration date of 8/31/00......however it still showed up in POPS (w/o \na nom) on 9/1. Volume management allocated volume to it according to the \nallocation statement. Should this deal be extended? I noticed it is not out \nthere for October either. I have the feedback error sheet & allocation if \nyou want to see them.\n\nLet me know,\n\nMark\nx33396\n\n\np.s. Fred Boas said you used to handle this and you were very wise in the art \nof allocation......so I am expecting big results Grasshopper!", "<28649305.1075853977692.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "17-10-2000-7:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-7:32:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <28540982.1075853977649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 07:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJM, \n\nIs the contract for this deal still valid? I want to roll the deal for Sep \nand Oct.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 10/17/2000 \n02:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n10/17/2000 01:34 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation\n\nDaren---\n\nI need some help with meter 5892 for September 00 due to a feedback error. \nDeal 133196 (purchase from Duke on gathering contract) is erroring out due to \nit's expiration date of 8/31/00......however it still showed up in POPS (w/o \na nom) on 9/1. Volume management allocated volume to it according to the \nallocation statement. Should this deal be extended? I noticed it is not out \nthere for October either. I have the feedback error sheet & allocation if \nyou want to see them.\n\nLet me know,\n\nMark\nx33396\n\n\np.s. Fred Boas said you used to handle this and you were very wise in the art \nof allocation......so I am expecting big results Grasshopper!\n", "meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["deal", "roll"], "intention", " i want to roll the deal for sep and oct."]], "JM, \n\nIs the contract for this deal still valid? I want to roll the deal for Sep \nand Oct.\n\nD\n", "<28540982.1075853977649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}}, true], "17-10-2000-8:56:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-8:56:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30471697.1075853977603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 08:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nno, it was a GTC Firm. You will need to create a new deal.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/17/2000 02:32 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation\n\nJM, \n\nIs the contract for this deal still valid? I want to roll the deal for Sep \nand Oct.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 10/17/2000 \n02:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n10/17/2000 01:34 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation\n\nDaren---\n\nI need some help with meter 5892 for September 00 due to a feedback error. \nDeal 133196 (purchase from Duke on gathering contract) is erroring out due to \nit's expiration date of 8/31/00......however it still showed up in POPS (w/o \na nom) on 9/1. Volume management allocated volume to it according to the \nallocation statement. Should this deal be extended? I noticed it is not out \nthere for October either. I have the feedback error sheet & allocation if \nyou want to see them.\n\nLet me know,\n\nMark\nx33396\n\n\np.s. Fred Boas said you used to handle this and you were very wise in the art \nof allocation......so I am expecting big results Grasshopper!\n\n\n\n", "Re: meter 5892 South Katy Gas Unit 2- Allocation", "reply", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 9, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "intention", " you will need to create a new deal."]], "no, it was a GTC Firm. You will need to create a new deal.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/17/2000 02:32 PM\n", "<30471697.1075853977603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}}, true], "18-10-2000-1:37:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-1:37:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["danny.conner@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Danny--\nIt looks like deal 133196 (purchase from Duke) at meter 5892 South Katy Gas \nUnit#2 needs to be renegotiated. The deal expired 8/31/00, and they are \nallocating the gas to us for September. Let me know as soon as you can so we \ncan make sure the gas is allocated correctly for September, and so it can set \nit up for October if need be.\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron on 10/18/2000 08:29 \nAM ---------------------------\nMark McCoy\n10/18/2000 08:30 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Feedback error for Meter 985892\nI spoke with Daren Farmer re: deal 133196 that expired 8/31/00 at meter \n985892, and he said the deal needs to be renegotiated in order for us to \nagree to buy that gas that is being allocated to us (volume of 4,098 MMBtu \nfor Sept on gathering contract). Unfortunately, Danny Conner handles this \ndeal and he is out this week. Daren said to wait until he gets back next \nweek before we do anything with it. \nThanks,\nMark\nx33396\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron on 10/18/2000 08:16 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack @ ECT 10/17/2000 08:18 AM\n \nTo: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine \nBenedict/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nPat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J \nRodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Hadix/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Eddie Janzen/NA/Enron@Enron, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Feedback errors\nThese are deals that were on the monitor as of 10/16/00\n", ["Feedback error for Meter 985892"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 19, "information", ["allocating", "deal"], "information", " the deal expired datenumeric , and they are allocating the gas to us for september."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 25, "information", ["allocated", "gas"], "information", " let me know as soon as you can so we can make sure the gas is allocated correctly for september, and so it can set it up for october if need be."]], "Danny--\n\nIt looks like deal 133196 (purchase from Duke) at meter 5892 South Katy Gas \nUnit#2 needs to be renegotiated. The deal expired 8/31/00, and they are \nallocating the gas to us for September. Let me know as soon as you can so we \ncan make sure the gas is allocated correctly for September, and so it can set \nit up for October if need be.\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396\n\n", ["<1421627.1075853977537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15659225.1075854101606.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3786776.1075854139455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "133196", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numeric purchaseTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "985892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-4:9:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-4:9:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com"], "Daren:\nDuring the month of September and October 2000, gas flowed into HPL's \npipeline at the above meter that is owned by Duke Energy Trading and \nMarketing, LLC. Prior to September 2000, the gas was purchased under \ncontract #960439646, and Deal #133196 that expired on 8/31/2000. Effective \n11/1/2000, the gas was again purchased from Duke under Contract #96021934; \nDeal #466305, but this deal expires on 11/30/2000. \nCurrently, Logistic has September and October 2000 volumes recorded to HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. In order to correct this, HPL Logistics needs either \n(1) Deals #133196 or #466305 extended to cover September and October 2000, \n(2) a new deal to cover September and October 2000, or (3) Logistics needs \napproval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss. (Print, \nsign, and return the original to Clem Cernosek).\n ______________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Buyer/Seller)\n OR\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\nIn addition, since Deal #466305 expires on 11/30/2000 and gas is still \nflowing, Logistics needs either (1) Deal #466305 extended, or (2) a new deal \nto cover December 2000 and any other future months that this production is \nflowing into HPL's pipeline.\n _____________\n New Deal # \nThanks, Clem ", ["HPL Meter #985892 South Katy Gas Unit No. 2 #1"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", "daren: during the month of september and datenumeric numeric , gas flowed into hpl's pipeline at the above meter that is owned by orgname energy trading and marketing, llc."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 17, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " prior to datenumeric numeric , the gas was purchased under contract # phonenumber numeric , and deal # numeric that expired on datenumeric ."], ["expire deal", 23, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", " prior to datenumeric numeric , the gas was purchased under contract # phonenumber numeric , and deal # numeric that expired on datenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 26, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " effective datenumeric , the gas was again purchased from orgname under contract # phonenumber numeric ; deal # numeric , but this deal expires on datenumeric ."], ["expire deal", 34, "information", ["deal", "expires"], "information", " effective datenumeric , the gas was again purchased from orgname under contract # phonenumber numeric ; deal # numeric , but this deal expires on datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 52, "information", ["deals", "extended"], "information", " in order to correct this, hpl logistics needs either ( numeric ) deals # numeric or # numeric extended to cover september and datenumeric numeric , ( numeric ) a new deal to cover september and datenumeric numeric , or ( numeric ) logistics needs approval to write-off these volumes to unaccounted for gas loss."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 53, "nninformation", ["cover", "deals"], "intention", " in order to correct this, hpl logistics needs either ( numeric ) deals # numeric or # numeric extended to cover september and datenumeric numeric , ( numeric ) a new deal to cover september and datenumeric numeric , or ( numeric ) logistics needs approval to write-off these volumes to unaccounted for gas loss."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 58, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "2"], "intention", " in order to correct this, hpl logistics needs either ( numeric ) deals # numeric or # numeric extended to cover september and datenumeric numeric , ( numeric ) a new deal to cover september and datenumeric numeric , or ( numeric ) logistics needs approval to write-off these volumes to unaccounted for gas loss."], ["expire deal", 91, "information", ["deal", "expires"], "information", " deal/deal ticket#/customer (buyer/seller) or approval to write-off the volumes to unaccounted for gas loss in addition, since deal # numeric expires on datenumeric and gas is still flowing, logistics needs either ( numeric ) deal # numeric extended, or ( numeric ) a new deal to cover datenumeric numeric and any other future months that this production is flowing into hpl's pipeline."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 93, "information", ["deal", "flowing"], "information", " deal/deal ticket#/customer (buyer/seller) or approval to write-off the volumes to unaccounted for gas loss in addition, since deal # numeric expires on datenumeric and gas is still flowing, logistics needs either ( numeric ) deal # numeric extended, or ( numeric ) a new deal to cover datenumeric numeric and any other future months that this production is flowing into hpl's pipeline."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 99, "information", ["deal", "extended", "1"], "information", " deal/deal ticket#/customer (buyer/seller) or approval to write-off the volumes to unaccounted for gas loss in addition, since deal # numeric expires on datenumeric and gas is still flowing, logistics needs either ( numeric ) deal # numeric extended, or ( numeric ) a new deal to cover datenumeric numeric and any other future months that this production is flowing into hpl's pipeline."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 102, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "2"], "intention", " deal/deal ticket#/customer (buyer/seller) or approval to write-off the volumes to unaccounted for gas loss in addition, since deal # numeric expires on datenumeric and gas is still flowing, logistics needs either ( numeric ) deal # numeric extended, or ( numeric ) a new deal to cover datenumeric numeric and any other future months that this production is flowing into hpl's pipeline."]], "Daren:\n\nDuring the month of September and October 2000, gas flowed into HPL's \npipeline at the above meter that is owned by Duke Energy Trading and \nMarketing, LLC. Prior to September 2000, the gas was purchased under \ncontract #960439646, and Deal #133196 that expired on 8/31/2000. Effective \n11/1/2000, the gas was again purchased from Duke under Contract #96021934; \nDeal #466305, but this deal expires on 11/30/2000. \n\nCurrently, Logistic has September and October 2000 volumes recorded to HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. In order to correct this, HPL Logistics needs either \n(1) Deals #133196 or #466305 extended to cover September and October 2000, \n(2) a new deal to cover September and October 2000, or (3) Logistics needs \napproval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss. (Print, \nsign, and return the original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n\n ______________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Buyer/Seller)\n\n OR\n\n\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\n\nIn addition, since Deal #466305 expires on 11/30/2000 and gas is still \nflowing, Logistics needs either (1) Deal #466305 extended, or (2) a new deal \nto cover December 2000 and any other future months that this production is \nflowing into HPL's pipeline.\n\n\n _____________\n New Deal # \n\nThanks, Clem ", ["<6780326.1075854206410.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33173034.1075854283887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25383139.1075854318229.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"96": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "466305", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "466305", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "46", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-6:21:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-6:21:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["clem.cernosek@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com"], "Clem--- The trader said this deal needed to be renegotiated, and I am waiting \nto hear what happened....I sent him an email today to remind him that I need \nan answer a.s.a.p......I'll let you know as soon as I hear.\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396\nClem Cernosek@ECT\n01/09/2001 12:09 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: HPL Meter #985892 South Katy Gas Unit No. 2 #1\nDaren:\nDuring the month of September and October 2000, gas flowed into HPL's \npipeline at the above meter that is owned by Duke Energy Trading and \nMarketing, LLC. Prior to September 2000, the gas was purchased under \ncontract #960439646, and Deal #133196 that expired on 8/31/2000. Effective \n11/1/2000, the gas was again purchased from Duke under Contract #96021934; \nDeal #466305, but this deal expires on 11/30/2000. \nCurrently, Logistic has September and October 2000 volumes recorded to HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. In order to correct this, HPL Logistics needs either \n(1) Deals #133196 or #466305 extended to cover September and October 2000, \n(2) a new deal to cover September and October 2000, or (3) Logistics needs \napproval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss. (Print, \nsign, and return the original to Clem Cernosek).\n ______________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Buyer/Seller)\n OR\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\nIn addition, since Deal #466305 expires on 11/30/2000 and gas is still \nflowing, Logistics needs either (1) Deal #466305 extended, or (2) a new deal \nto cover December 2000 and any other future months that this production is \nflowing into HPL's pipeline.\n _____________\n New Deal # \nThanks, Clem \n", ["Re: HPL Meter #985892 South Katy Gas Unit No. 2 #1"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [], "Clem--- The trader said this deal needed to be renegotiated, and I am waiting \nto hear what happened....I sent him an email today to remind him that I need \nan answer a.s.a.p......I'll let you know as soon as I hear.\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek@ECT\n01/09/2001 12:09 PM\n", ["<19490732.1075854206319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32309198.1075854283911.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7558194.1075854318319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-2-2001-6:59:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-6:59:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", ["fred.boas@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com"], ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], "I am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\nCharlene\nX31539", ["Meter 5892"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [], "I am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \n\nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\n\n\nCharlene\nX31539", ["<19626857.1075854198486.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10652841.1075854291395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4594044.1075854319430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "21-2-2001-8:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-8:46:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["charlene.richmond@enron.com"], ["fred.boas@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com"], "I have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\nD\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\nCharlene\nX31539\n", ["Re: Meter 5892"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["allocated", "volume"], "request information", " why are we not being allocated any volume?"]], "I have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\n", ["<13993403.1075854336188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11936399.1075854198418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29404312.1075854291418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28657581.1075854326220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "21-2-2001-9:38:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-9:38:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\nD\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\nCharlene\nX31539\n", ["Re: Meter 5892"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 6, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", "i spoke with karen lindley about volume not being allocated."]], "I spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\n", ["<3664008.1075854198372.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8613799.1075854291441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25316205.1075854319473.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "5892", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "23-2-2001-6:36:0Scharlene.richmond@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-6:36:0", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "melissa.ratnala@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com"], "I NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\nD\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\nCharlene\nX31539\n", ["Re: Meter 5892"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [], "I NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \n\nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\n", ["<30746139.1075854197682.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18315443.1075854291465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20171695.1075854319540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-2-2001-7:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-7:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["fred.boas@enron.com"], [], "Fred, \nWhy is nothing being allocated to Alpine? This is a good deal we have in \nplace with them and I really need the problem resolved.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/23/2001 \n03:27 PM ---------------------------\nCharlene Richmond\n02/23/2001 02:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K \nRatnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\nD\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\nCharlene\nX31539\n", ["Re: Meter 5892"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [], "Fred, \n\nWhy is nothing being allocated to Alpine? This is a good deal we have in \nplace with them and I really need the problem resolved.\n\nD\n", ["<14578879.1075854335989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28830287.1075854197544.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22494607.1075854292330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15410050.1075854326014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-2-2001-1:27:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": ["25-2-2001-1:27:0", "fred.boas@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["karen.lindley@enron.com", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "esther.garcia@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "gary.anderson@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com"], "Daren:\nSorry it has taken so long to get back to this issue, I am with EES now. \nKaren Lindley allocates this point but I feel the need to help her because \nthis issue came to light while I was in transition.\nExxon allocates this point and we receive a allocation statement from them on \na monthly basis.\nDecember 2000\nThe total flow at the meter was 646 MMBtu. I copied Esther Garcia on this \ne-mail so that she can look into the possibility that there is a measurement \nerror. Esther will need to respond to Karen on the matter of the possible \nmeasurement error. Furthermore it seems odd to me that scheduling had 8,928 \nMMBtu confirmed at this point and only 646 MMBtu flowed. I would ask Mark \nwhere he got his confirmed volumes from. As a temporary fix I reallocated \nthe meter and gave the total flow to Alpine Resources. They will be short \npaid in their minds until Ester and Karen can get the possible measurement \nerror issue resolved. I would also suggest that Mark and Karen get together \nto review the scheduling of this point so that Karen can call Exxon to \nreconcile their allocation with what we have (the additional Alpine deal) at \nthis point. Charlene can redraft her invoice on Monday 2/26/01 that will \nshow the 646 MMBtu going to Alpine.\nJanuary 2001\nAgain scheduling has 9,193 confirmed at this meter when on 3,241 MMBtu \nflowed. I temporarily reallocated the meter so that the entire volume that \nflowed went to Alpine. They remain 10 MMBtu short paid but Charlene can \nredraft her invoice and pay them something until Mark (validity of other \ndeals at this point) and Karen (Exxon's allocation of this point) can get \nthis issue resolved.\nThere is also the issue with the Exxon transport at this point that was \nscheduled at 1,500 MMBtu per month for the months in question. This \ntransport affects the allocation at the King Ranch tailgate on the Exxon 024 \ncontract. I copied Howard Camp who will be training the contractor that will \ntake my place in Volume Management so that he can stay on top of the \nresolution of this issue.\nFred\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 03:30 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892\nFred, \nWhy is nothing being allocated to Alpine? This is a good deal we have in \nplace with them and I really need the problem resolved.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/23/2001 \n03:27 PM ---------------------------\nCharlene Richmond\n02/23/2001 02:36 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K \nRatnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI NEED HELP ! JOHN CHILDRES WITH ALPINE IS GETTING MADE AND WANTS TO BE \nPAID. I HAVE NOTHING TO PAY HIM. HE IS LOOKING FOR PAYMENT OF DEC. 2000, \nAND JAN. 2001. JOHN NEEDS TO PAY HIS ROYALTY OWNERS. \nWOULD SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS MATTER RESOLVED.\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 05:38 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI spoke with Karen Lindley about volume not being allocated. She said that \nshe passed it on to Fred Boas.\nDaren J Farmer\n02/21/2001 04:46 PM\nTo: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen \nLindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 5892 \nI have done deals with John at this point. Why are we not being allocated \nany volume?\nD\nCharlene Richmond\n02/21/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/EES@EES, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5892\nI am getting several phone calls from Alpine Resources demanding to be paid \nfor meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid. \nThe person name doing the requesting is John Childers and he said that he \nspoke to Daren Farmer. He is looking for 859 mmbtu's for December, 2000 and \n3,251 mmbtu's for January 2001 . This is on the Katy Gas Unit. If anyone \nwould like to talk to John his phone number is 281-646-0232\nCharlene\nX31539\n", ["Re: Meter 5892"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5892']}", [["receive gas", 20, "information", ["receive", "statement"], "information", " exxon allocates this point and we receive a allocation statement from them on a monthly basis."], ["settle_resolve issue", 77, "information", ["issue", "resolved"], "information", " they will be short paid in their minds until ester and karen can get the possible measurement error issue resolved."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 110, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "9,193"], "information", " datenumeric numeric again scheduling has numeric confirmed at this meter when on numeric mmbtu flowed."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 116, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", " i temporarily reallocated the meter so that the entire volume that flowed went to alpine."], ["settle_resolve issue", 139, "information", ["issue", "resolved"], "information", " they remain numeric mmbtu short paid but charlene can redraft her invoice and pay them something until mark (validity of other deals at this point) and karen (exxon's allocation of this point) can get this issue resolved."]], "Daren:\n\nSorry it has taken so long to get back to this issue, I am with EES now. \nKaren Lindley allocates this point but I feel the need to help her because \nthis issue came to light while I was in transition.\n\nExxon allocates this point and we receive a allocation statement from them on \na monthly basis.\n\nDecember 2000\nThe total flow at the meter was 646 MMBtu. I copied Esther Garcia on this \ne-mail so that she can look into the possibility that there is a measurement \nerror. Esther will need to respond to Karen on the matter of the possible \nmeasurement error. Furthermore it seems odd to me that scheduling had 8,928 \nMMBtu confirmed at this point and only 646 MMBtu flowed. I would ask Mark \nwhere he got his confirmed volumes from. As a temporary fix I reallocated \nthe meter and gave the total flow to Alpine Resources. They will be short \npaid in their minds until Ester and Karen can get the possible measurement \nerror issue resolved. I would also suggest that Mark and Karen get together \nto review the scheduling of this point so that Karen can call Exxon to \nreconcile their allocation with what we have (the additional Alpine deal) at \nthis point. Charlene can redraft her invoice on Monday 2/26/01 that will \nshow the 646 MMBtu going to Alpine.\n\nJanuary 2001\nAgain scheduling has 9,193 confirmed at this meter when on 3,241 MMBtu \nflowed. I temporarily reallocated the meter so that the entire volume that \nflowed went to Alpine. They remain 10 MMBtu short paid but Charlene can \nredraft her invoice and pay them something until Mark (validity of other \ndeals at this point) and Karen (Exxon's allocation of this point) can get \nthis issue resolved.\n\nThere is also the issue with the Exxon transport at this point that was \nscheduled at 1,500 MMBtu per month for the months in question. This \ntransport affects the allocation at the King Ranch tailgate on the Exxon 024 \ncontract. I copied Howard Camp who will be training the contractor that will \ntake my place in Volume Management so that he can stay on top of the \nresolution of this issue.\n\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 03:30 PM\n", ["<31163654.1075854197428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9080458.1075854292356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19382936.1075854319677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"29": {"value": "646", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "105": {"value": "9,193", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "20-3-2001-7:21:0Stom.acton@enron.com 20-3-2001-18:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-3-2001-7:21:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-7:21:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28743373.1075854193431.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 07:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal Tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren I have three meters that have flow in Feb but no deal.\n\n1. Meter 0416 flowed the whole month 1-28. This our ols friends at Pawnee \ngas plant fuel. Last deal used was 289396 could you extend it.\n2. meter 1601 had flow on the 15 &18. This is Southern union Lockhart. Last \ndeal used with them was 285350 Hpl or 259208 ENA. \n3. Meter 1598 had flow the whole month 1-28. This is MT Enterprise C/G- \nPanther. The last deal used is 284 620\n\nI'll get Accounting Arrangements for these when you let me know the deal \nstatus and get them cleared up. Thanks.", "Deal Tickets", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "0416"], "information", " meter numeric flowed the whole month numeric numeric ."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 17, "information", ["used", "deal", "289396"], "information", " last deal used was numeric could you extend it."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 19, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " last deal used was numeric could you extend it."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 31, "information", ["used", "deal", "285350"], "information", " last deal used with them was numeric hpl or numeric orgname numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 39, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1598"], "information", " meter numeric had flow the whole month numeric numeric ."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 46, "information", ["used", "deal", "284"], "information", " the last deal used is numeric numeric i'll get accounting arrangements for these when you let me know the deal "]], "Daren I have three meters that have flow in Feb but no deal.\n\n1. Meter 0416 flowed the whole month 1-28. This our ols friends at Pawnee \ngas plant fuel. Last deal used was 289396 could you extend it.\n2. meter 1601 had flow on the 15 &18. This is Southern union Lockhart. Last \ndeal used with them was 285350 Hpl or 259208 ENA. \n3. Meter 1598 had flow the whole month 1-28. This is MT Enterprise C/G- \nPanther. The last deal used is 284 620\n\nI'll get Accounting Arrangements for these when you let me know the deal \nstatus and get them cleared up. Thanks.", "<28743373.1075854193431.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "0416", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1601", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "1598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "20-3-2001-18:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-18:56:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <20327592.1075840439337.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal Tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\'Sent Mail\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI don't know what you're smokin up there, but every one of those deal numbers you listed are WRONG. \n\nDeal 633842 is valid for mtr 416. It has a zero nom. You can send that to POPS or path a volume to the deal and send it on.\nI added the 15th-18th to deal 621598 for item (2).\nDeal 529738 is valid for mtr 1598. It has a zero nom, also.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/20/2001 03:21 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tDeal Tickets\n\nDaren I have three meters that have flow in Feb but no deal.\n\n1. Meter 0416 flowed the whole month 1-28. This our ols friends at Pawnee gas plant fuel. Last deal used was 289396 could you extend it.\n2. meter 1601 had flow on the 15 &18. This is Southern union Lockhart. Last deal used with them was 285350 Hpl or 259208 ENA. \n3. Meter 1598 had flow the whole month 1-28. This is MT Enterprise C/G- Panther. The last deal used is 284 620\n\nI'll get Accounting Arrangements for these when you let me know the deal status and get them cleared up. Thanks.\n\n", "Re: Deal Tickets", "originEmail", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 12, "nninformation", ["send", "volume"], "intention", " you can send that to pops or path a volume to the deal and send it on."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 17, "nninformation", ["send", "deal"], "intention", " you can send that to pops or path a volume to the deal and send it on."], ["add deal{numeric}", 18, "information", ["added", "deal", "621598"], "information", " i added the datenumeric h- datenumeric h to deal numeric for item ( numeric )."]], "I don't know what you're smokin up there, but every one of those deal numbers you listed are WRONG. \n\nDeal 633842 is valid for mtr 416. It has a zero nom. You can send that to POPS or path a volume to the deal and send it on.\nI added the 15th-18th to deal 621598 for item (2).\nDeal 529738 is valid for mtr 1598. It has a zero nom, also.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/20/2001 03:21 PM\n", "<20327592.1075840439337.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal incorrect_wrongTnn": {"value": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "ne": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "patterns": ["deal incorrect_wrongTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "529738", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "633842", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "621598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "pop volumeTnn": {"value": "pop volumeTnn", "ne": "pop volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pop volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-2-2000-0:37:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 17-2-2000-2:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 18-2-2000-1:57:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 18-2-2000-4:20:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-0:37:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:37:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28531439.1075854026797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6892 Overflow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCan you please extend sitara deal ticket 16888 to the 15th? 14 dec. flowed \non this day.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-", "98-6892 Overflow", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", "can you please extend sitara deal ticket numeric to the datenumeric h?"]], "Can you please extend sitara deal ticket 16888 to the 15th? 14 dec. flowed \non this day.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-", "<28531439.1075854026797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "17-2-2000-2:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-2:44:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30851813.1075854055567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 02:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6892 Overflow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\njACKIE, \n\nYou need to talk to the East desk to see if they were allocated this extra \ngas on the 14th and 15th. If they were, we can change the deal. If not, the \npipes will need to balance out during the next flow day.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/17/2000 08:37 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6892 Overflow\n\nCan you please extend sitara deal ticket 16888 to the 15th? 14 dec. flowed \non this day.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n", "Re: 98-6892 Overflow", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 7, "information", ["allocated", "gas"], "information", "jackie, you need to talk to the east desk to see if they were allocated this extra gas on the datenumeric h and datenumeric h."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "intention", " if they were, we can change the deal."]], "jACKIE, \n\nYou need to talk to the East desk to see if they were allocated this extra \ngas on the 14th and 15th. If they were, we can change the deal. If not, the \npipes will need to balance out during the next flow day.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/17/2000 08:37 AM\n", "<30851813.1075854055567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"excess_extra gasTnn": {"value": "excess_extra gasTnn", "ne": "excess_extra gasTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra gasTnn"]}}, false], "18-2-2000-1:57:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["18-2-2000-1:57:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "victoria.versen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <573480.1075854026370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 01:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6892 Overflow\nCc: victoria.versen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: victoria.versen@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Victoria Versen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nPer Victoria Versen, you can roll deal 166888 forward for one day to cover \nthe 14 decatherms that flowed on the 15th.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/17/2000 10:44 AM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-6892 Overflow \n\njACKIE, \n\nYou need to talk to the East desk to see if they were allocated this extra \ngas on the 14th and 15th. If they were, we can change the deal. If not, the \npipes will need to balance out during the next flow day.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/17/2000 08:37 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6892 Overflow\n\nCan you please extend sitara deal ticket 16888 to the 15th? 14 dec. flowed \non this day.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6892 Overflow", "reply", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "166888", "roll"], "intention", "daren, per victoria versen, you can roll deal numeric forward for one day to cover the numeric decatherms that flowed on the datenumeric h."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 8, "nninformation", ["deal", "forward"], "request", "daren, per victoria versen, you can roll deal numeric forward for one day to cover the numeric decatherms that flowed on the datenumeric h."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "166888"], "intention", "daren, per victoria versen, you can roll deal numeric forward for one day to cover the numeric decatherms that flowed on the datenumeric h."]], "Daren,\n\nPer Victoria Versen, you can roll deal 166888 forward for one day to cover \nthe 14 decatherms that flowed on the 15th.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/17/2000 10:44 AM\n", "<573480.1075854026370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "18-2-2000-4:20:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-2-2000-4:20:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15988913.1075854171619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 04:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6892 Overflow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDone\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/18/2000 09:57 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victoria Versen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: 98-6892 Overflow \n\nDaren,\n\nPer Victoria Versen, you can roll deal 166888 forward for one day to cover \nthe 14 decatherms that flowed on the 15th.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/17/2000 10:44 AM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-6892 Overflow \n\njACKIE, \n\nYou need to talk to the East desk to see if they were allocated this extra \ngas on the 14th and 15th. If they were, we can change the deal. If not, the \npipes will need to balance out during the next flow day.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/17/2000 08:37 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6892 Overflow\n\nCan you please extend sitara deal ticket 16888 to the 15th? 14 dec. flowed \non this day.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6892 Overflow", "reply", [], "Done\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/18/2000 09:57 AM\n", "<15988913.1075854171619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "5-2-2001-7:6:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 6-2-2001-2:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 20-2-2001-6:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-2-2001-7:6:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-7:6:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19036278.1075854200586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 07:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 986315\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFor Dec. and Jan. production there are flow volumes without a deal. Deal \n502952 was good for November. Do you want to extend this deal or should \nthere be another counterparty added?\n\nThanks.", "meter 986315", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " production there are flow volumes without a deal."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request information", " do you want to extend this deal or should there be another counterparty added?"], ["add deal{numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["added", "deal"], "request information", " do you want to extend this deal or should there be another counterparty added?"]], "For Dec. and Jan. production there are flow volumes without a deal. Deal \n502952 was good for November. Do you want to extend this deal or should \nthere be another counterparty added?\n\nThanks.", "<19036278.1075854200586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "502952", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "6-2-2001-2:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-2:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30211896.1075854326436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 02:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 986315\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAfter speaking with Danny Conner, I have created deal 606396 to cover this \nmeter for the next year.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/05/2001 03:06 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 986315\n\nFor Dec. and Jan. production there are flow volumes without a deal. Deal \n502952 was good for November. Do you want to extend this deal or should \nthere be another counterparty added?\n\nThanks.\n\n\n", "Re: meter 986315", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "meter"], "information", "after speaking with danny conner, i have created deal numeric to cover this meter for the next year."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 8, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "meter", "606396"], "intention", "after speaking with danny conner, i have created deal numeric to cover this meter for the next year."]], "After speaking with Danny Conner, I have created deal 606396 to cover this \nmeter for the next year.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/05/2001 03:06 PM\n", "<30211896.1075854326436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "606396", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986315", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "20-2-2001-6:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-2-2001-6:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "Deal 606396 is already in Sitara for Dec 2000-2001.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/20/2001 12:39 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal 502952\nDaren,\nDo you know if this deal was supposed to run through 12/00 and 1/01? It was \na deal to buy 400 per day from Harman Operating and is currently in for \n11/15/00 to 11/30/00. Volume management said they are looking for their \nmoney.\nLet me know. \nThanks.\n", ["Re: Deal 502952"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '606396']}", [], "Deal 606396 is already in Sitara for Dec 2000-2001.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/20/2001 12:39 PM\n", ["<4110967.1075854336210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16670835.1075854198765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2076992.1075854291110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7659768.1075854326242.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "606396", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "13-7-2000-7:28:0Sricky.ellis@enron.com 13-7-2000-9:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"13-7-2000-7:28:0Sricky.ellis@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-7:28:0", "ricky.ellis@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18964287.1075853997443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 07:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: ricky.ellis@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal Extended\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Ricky Ellis\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal #276494 ended June 15, but there is additional flow on meter #9602 from \nthe 16th thru the 30th. Could you extend this deal thru the 30th so that I \ncan have Vol. Management create an accounting arrangement for it. If you are \nnot the person that I need to contact, could you let me know who I need to \ntalk to.", "Deal Extended", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 8, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could you extend this deal thru the datenumeric h so that i can have vol."]], "Deal #276494 ended June 15, but there is additional flow on meter #9602 from \nthe 16th thru the 30th. Could you extend this deal thru the 30th so that I \ncan have Vol. Management create an accounting arrangement for it. If you are \nnot the person that I need to contact, could you let me know who I need to \ntalk to.", "<18964287.1075853997443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "276494", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "9602", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "13-7-2000-9:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-9:37:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["ricky.ellis@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19638253.1075854167016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 09:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: ricky.ellis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal Extended\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Ricky Ellis\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDone.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRicky Ellis@ENRON\n07/13/2000 02:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal Extended\n\nDeal #276494 ended June 15, but there is additional flow on meter #9602 from \nthe 16th thru the 30th. Could you extend this deal thru the 30th so that I \ncan have Vol. Management create an accounting arrangement for it. If you are \nnot the person that I need to contact, could you let me know who I need to \ntalk to.\n\n", "Re: Deal Extended", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 1, "information", ["deal", "extended"], "information", " deal extended."]], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nRicky Ellis@ENRON\n07/13/2000 02:28 PM\n", "<19638253.1075854167016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-11-2000-2:33:0Ssusan.hadix@enron.com 7-11-2000-2:41:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"7-11-2000-2:33:0Ssusan.hadix@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-2:33:0", "susan.hadix@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25928870.1075853973133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 02:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: susan.hadix@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Occidental Battleground Meter 98-1485 October 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Susan Hadix\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nA sale to Oxy Vinyls went into effect 10/01 through 10/16 for 5,000 per day. \nWe also delivered gas to Entex, 10,000/day for the entire month. More gas \nwas pulled towards the end of the month than confirmed and I need to know if \nOxy Vinyls should get the swing for the remaining of the month even though \ntheir deal went to zero. Please advise.\n\nSusan", "Occidental Battleground Meter 98-1485 October 2000", "reply", [["deliver gas", 7, "information", ["delivered", "gas"], "information", " we also delivered gas to entex, numeric /day for the entire month."]], "Daren,\n\nA sale to Oxy Vinyls went into effect 10/01 through 10/16 for 5,000 per day. \nWe also delivered gas to Entex, 10,000/day for the entire month. More gas \nwas pulled towards the end of the month than confirmed and I need to know if \nOxy Vinyls should get the swing for the remaining of the month even though \ntheir deal went to zero. Please advise.\n\nSusan", "<25928870.1075853973133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "7-11-2000-2:41:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-2:41:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["susan.hadix@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <17726854.1075853973090.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 02:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: susan.hadix@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Occidental Battleground Meter 98-1485 October 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Susan Hadix\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe deal with Oxy Vinyls (#276478) will covers the volume for all of \nOctober. We had zero in the system after the 6th because the plant was \ndown. The deal should have been nom'd at zero on these days.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nSusan Hadix@ENRON\n11/07/2000 10:33 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Occidental Battleground Meter 98-1485 October 2000\n\nDaren,\n\nA sale to Oxy Vinyls went into effect 10/01 through 10/16 for 5,000 per day. \nWe also delivered gas to Entex, 10,000/day for the entire month. More gas \nwas pulled towards the end of the month than confirmed and I need to know if \nOxy Vinyls should get the swing for the remaining of the month even though \ntheir deal went to zero. Please advise.\n\nSusan\n\n", "Re: Occidental Battleground Meter 98-1485 October 2000", "originEmail", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "nninformation", ["covers", "volume"], "intention", "the deal with oxy vinyls (# numeric ) will covers the volume for all of october."]], "The deal with Oxy Vinyls (#276478) will covers the volume for all of \nOctober. We had zero in the system after the 6th because the plant was \ndown. The deal should have been nom'd at zero on these days.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nSusan Hadix@ENRON\n11/07/2000 10:33 AM\n", "<17726854.1075853973090.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "276478", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-6-2000-9:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 29-6-2000-5:23:0Shillary.mack@enron.com 29-6-2000-6:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 29-6-2000-6:37:0Shillary.mack@enron.com": {"28-6-2000-9:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-6-2000-9:17:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["hillary.mack@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com", "nelson.ferries@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <18669502.1075854167255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: ami.chokshi@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tnelson.ferries@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Ami Chokshi, Megan Parker, O'Neal D Winfree, Nelson Ferries, Hillary Mack\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have rolled # 143559 through July 2000 to cover the purchase from \nRepublic. We sell this gas to Duke Energy Field Services (#143558 for Jan - \nApr, CES-Duke Energy Field Services, Inc ). The counterparty on this deal \nhas been suspeneded, so I created # 316727 under the counterparty of Duke \nEnergy Field Services Marketing, LLC.\n\nHillary - Please extend the CES-Duke counterparty or attach the correct Duke \ncounterparty to this deal.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 06/28/2000 10:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nThis deal was terminated by Nelson Ferries.\n\nAmi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 06/28/2000 \n10:42 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker 06/28/2000 10:28 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nRepublic Royalty is one of my CES deals. They sent me an invoice for May \n2000 production, but I do not see a deal for May. Does either of you know if \nthis deal was extended under a new deal number?\n\nMegan\n\n\n\n", "Re: Republic Royalty 5/00", "originEmail", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 6, "nninformation", ["gas", "sell"], "intention", " we sell this gas to orgname energy field services (# numeric for jan - apr, ces orgname energy field services, orgname ."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "information", ["created", "deal", "316727"], "information", " the counterparty on this deal has been suspeneded, so i created # numeric under the counterparty of orgname orgname marketing, llc."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 23, "information", ["attach", "deal"], "information", " hillary - please extend the ces orgname counterparty or attach the correct orgname counterparty to this deal."]], "I have rolled # 143559 through July 2000 to cover the purchase from \nRepublic. We sell this gas to Duke Energy Field Services (#143558 for Jan - \nApr, CES-Duke Energy Field Services, Inc ). The counterparty on this deal \nhas been suspeneded, so I created # 316727 under the counterparty of Duke \nEnergy Field Services Marketing, LLC.\n\nHillary - Please extend the CES-Duke counterparty or attach the correct Duke \ncounterparty to this deal.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 06/28/2000 10:45 AM\n\t\n\n", "<18669502.1075854167255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "143558", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy0field numeric serviceTnnn"]}, "energy0field serviceTnn": {"value": "energy0field serviceTnn", "ne": "energy0field serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy0field serviceTnn"]}, "energy_energy0field gasTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0field gasTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}}, false], "29-6-2000-5:23:0Shillary.mack@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-5:23:0", "hillary.mack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6214488.1075854000098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 05:23:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: hillary.mack@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Hillary Mack\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren...I talked to Cynthia in contracts and she said that CES deals cannot \nbe extended and that a new contract has to be set up. How do you want to \nhandle it?\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/28/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D \nWinfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nI have rolled # 143559 through July 2000 to cover the purchase from \nRepublic. We sell this gas to Duke Energy Field Services (#143558 for Jan - \nApr, CES-Duke Energy Field Services, Inc ). The counterparty on this deal \nhas been suspeneded, so I created # 316727 under the counterparty of Duke \nEnergy Field Services Marketing, LLC.\n\nHillary - Please extend the CES-Duke counterparty or attach the correct Duke \ncounterparty to this deal.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 06/28/2000 10:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nThis deal was terminated by Nelson Ferries.\n\nAmi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 06/28/2000 \n10:42 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker 06/28/2000 10:28 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nRepublic Royalty is one of my CES deals. They sent me an invoice for May \n2000 production, but I do not see a deal for May. Does either of you know if \nthis deal was extended under a new deal number?\n\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Republic Royalty 5/00", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "nninformation", ["extended", "contract"], "intention", "i talked to personname in contracts and she said that ces deals cannot be extended and that a new contract has to be set up."]], "Daren...I talked to Cynthia in contracts and she said that CES deals cannot \nbe extended and that a new contract has to be set up. How do you want to \nhandle it?\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/28/2000 04:17 PM\n", "<6214488.1075854000098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "29-6-2000-6:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-6:10:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "hillary.mack@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10093452.1075854167210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 06:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: hillary.mack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Hillary Mack\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCan you set up a GTC with Duke Energy Field Services,Inc. for May -July 2000?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nHillary Mack@ENRON\n06/29/2000 12:23 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nDaren...I talked to Cynthia in contracts and she said that CES deals cannot \nbe extended and that a new contract has to be set up. How do you want to \nhandle it?\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/28/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D \nWinfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nI have rolled # 143559 through July 2000 to cover the purchase from \nRepublic. We sell this gas to Duke Energy Field Services (#143558 for Jan - \nApr, CES-Duke Energy Field Services, Inc ). The counterparty on this deal \nhas been suspeneded, so I created # 316727 under the counterparty of Duke \nEnergy Field Services Marketing, LLC.\n\nHillary - Please extend the CES-Duke counterparty or attach the correct Duke \ncounterparty to this deal.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 06/28/2000 10:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nThis deal was terminated by Nelson Ferries.\n\nAmi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 06/28/2000 \n10:42 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker 06/28/2000 10:28 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nRepublic Royalty is one of my CES deals. They sent me an invoice for May \n2000 production, but I do not see a deal for May. Does either of you know if \nthis deal was extended under a new deal number?\n\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Republic Royalty 5/00", "reply", [], "Can you set up a GTC with Duke Energy Field Services,Inc. for May -July 2000?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nHillary Mack@ENRON\n06/29/2000 12:23 PM\n", "<10093452.1075854167210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-6-2000-6:37:0Shillary.mack@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-6:37:0", "hillary.mack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2074517.1075854000002.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 06:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: hillary.mack@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Hillary Mack\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDone.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/29/2000 01:10 PM\nTo: Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nCan you set up a GTC with Duke Energy Field Services,Inc. for May -July 2000?\n\nD\n\n\n\nHillary Mack@ENRON\n06/29/2000 12:23 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nDaren...I talked to Cynthia in contracts and she said that CES deals cannot \nbe extended and that a new contract has to be set up. How do you want to \nhandle it?\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/28/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D \nWinfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Republic Royalty 5/00 \n\nI have rolled # 143559 through July 2000 to cover the purchase from \nRepublic. We sell this gas to Duke Energy Field Services (#143558 for Jan - \nApr, CES-Duke Energy Field Services, Inc ). The counterparty on this deal \nhas been suspeneded, so I created # 316727 under the counterparty of Duke \nEnergy Field Services Marketing, LLC.\n\nHillary - Please extend the CES-Duke counterparty or attach the correct Duke \ncounterparty to this deal.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 06/28/2000 10:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nelson Ferries/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nThis deal was terminated by Nelson Ferries.\n\nAmi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 06/28/2000 \n10:42 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker 06/28/2000 10:28 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Republic Royalty 5/00\n\nRepublic Royalty is one of my CES deals. They sent me an invoice for May \n2000 production, but I do not see a deal for May. Does either of you know if \nthis deal was extended under a new deal number?\n\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Republic Royalty 5/00", "reply", [], "Done.\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/29/2000 01:10 PM\n", "<2074517.1075854000002.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "20-12-2000-5:58:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 20-12-2000-6:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-12-2000-5:58:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-5:58:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21004419.1075854209277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 05:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Wyman Gordan Forgings, Inc. September 2000 Production\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHave you found anything?\n\nJulie\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 12/20/2000 01:53 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n12/19/2000 09:45 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Wyman Gordan Forgings, Inc. September 2000 Production\n\nJulie-\nSales \n#451362\n\nWe billed Wyman Gordon 363 mmbtus at $4.7328 in Sept 2000.\n\n I spoke with Richard Moran at Wyman Gordon and he indicated that he has not \nhad any physical gas deals with us in over a year and does not owe us the \n$1,718.01 we billed him for September.\n\nCan you please validate if this is his gas or if this deal ticket should have \nbeen linked to some type of financial deal. \n\nThanks- Katherine\n", "Wyman Gordan Forgings, Inc. September 2000 Production", "reply", [], "Have you found anything?\n\nJulie\n\n", "<21004419.1075854209277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-12-2000-6:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-6:44:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <21753436.1075854337921.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 06:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Wyman Gordan Forgings, Inc. September 2000 Production\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers, Carlos J Rodriguez\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe should probably take this deal to zero.\n\nCarlos - Please check with measurement to determine if this volume is \ncorrect. We may have some bad information feeding through.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n12/20/2000 01:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Wyman Gordan Forgings, Inc. September 2000 Production\n\n\nHave you found anything?\n\nJulie\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 12/20/2000 01:53 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n12/19/2000 09:45 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Wyman Gordan Forgings, Inc. September 2000 Production\n\nJulie-\nSales \n#451362\n\nWe billed Wyman Gordon 363 mmbtus at $4.7328 in Sept 2000.\n\n I spoke with Richard Moran at Wyman Gordon and he indicated that he has not \nhad any physical gas deals with us in over a year and does not owe us the \n$1,718.01 we billed him for September.\n\nCan you please validate if this is his gas or if this deal ticket should have \nbeen linked to some type of financial deal. \n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n\n\n", "Re: Wyman Gordan Forgings, Inc. September 2000 Production", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["check", "volume"], "request", " carlos - please check with measurement to determine if this volume is correct."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["determine", "volume"], "intention", " carlos - please check with measurement to determine if this volume is correct."]], "We should probably take this deal to zero.\n\nCarlos - Please check with measurement to determine if this volume is \ncorrect. We may have some bad information feeding through.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n12/20/2000 01:58 PM\n", "<21753436.1075854337921.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-3-2000-8:11:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 20-4-2000-1:31:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 31-5-2000-6:34:0Slisa.csikos@enron.com 12-6-2000-6:29:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 14-6-2000-6:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-6-2000-4:43:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 26-6-2000-10:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-9-2000-3:14:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-9-2000-2:56:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 3-10-2000-7:29:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 3-10-2000-7:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-3-2001-3:16:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-3-2001-3:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-3-2000-8:11:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["28-3-2000-8:11:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], ["lisa.csikos@enron.com", "kathryn.cordes@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com"], "Because of a timing issue with Client Services, I have fixed deal 157288, \nseparating the Carthage meter to a new ticket. That ticket is 229758. The \nprice for the Carthage is suppose to be IF HSC - .06.\nStacy: I will need Feb pathed ASAP so Volume Mgmt can get the volumes \nmoved. Client Services needs to get this invoice out today.\nThis problem, among others with this exchange deal, is currently we have a \nmassive A/R issue and we're trying to get this cleanup before end of month.\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to call me.", ["PANENERGY MARKETING COMPANY"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 6, "information", ["deal", "fixed"], "information", "because of a timing issue with client services, i have fixed deal numeric , separating the carthage meter to a new ticket."]], "Because of a timing issue with Client Services, I have fixed deal 157288, \nseparating the Carthage meter to a new ticket. That ticket is 229758. The \nprice for the Carthage is suppose to be IF HSC - .06.\n\nStacy: I will need Feb pathed ASAP so Volume Mgmt can get the volumes \nmoved. Client Services needs to get this invoice out today.\n\nThis problem, among others with this exchange deal, is currently we have a \nmassive A/R issue and we're trying to get this cleanup before end of month.\n\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to call me.", ["<21455225.1075854018509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16201444.1075854063535.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29667534.1075854128452.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "229758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, true], "20-4-2000-1:31:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["20-4-2000-1:31:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <107458.1075854013808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 01:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \n\nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n", "PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production", "forward", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "information", ["changed", "price"], "information", " also, i need to have the price for the orgname redelivery changed in sitara from hs index $- numeric to hs index $- numeric ."]], "Deal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \n\nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n", "<107458.1075854013808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}}, true], "31-5-2000-6:34:0Slisa.csikos@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-6:34:0", "lisa.csikos@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nThis relates to the discussion we had yesterday afternoon. Have we made any \nprogress on these issues?\nThanks.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT on 05/31/2000 01:33 \nPM ---------------------------\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n05/31/2000 10:56 AM\nTo: Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nFYI-\nThe pricing items noted below are outstanding for March 2000 production.\nFurthermore, I am awaiting resolutions from Sherlyn on the PG&E's allocations \nfor Feb. & Mar. 2000.\nThanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n05/31/2000 10:46 AM ---------------------------\nKatherine Herrera\n04/20/2000 08:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n", ["PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 3, "nninformation", ["made", "progress"], "request information", " have we made any progress on these issues?"]], "Daren,\nThis relates to the discussion we had yesterday afternoon. Have we made any \nprogress on these issues?\nThanks.\n", ["<22791256.1075854007959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15008671.1075854073255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2222798.1075854132476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-6-2000-6:29:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["12-6-2000-6:29:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31090247.1075854004895.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 06:29:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nCc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com, lisa.csikos@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com, lisa.csikos@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Sherlyn Schumack, Lisa Csikos, Rita Wynne\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren-\nHave you had a chance to change the pricing in the system? \nDuke has called me several times they want to get our March deals finalized.\nI am not sure what I should tell them. \nThanks-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n06/12/2000 01:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/20/2000 08:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\n\n\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \n\nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n", "PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "nninformation", ["change", "pricing"], "request information", "daren- have you had a chance to change the pricing in the system?"]], "Daren-\nHave you had a chance to change the pricing in the system? \nDuke has called me several times they want to get our March deals finalized.\nI am not sure what I should tell them. \nThanks-\n\n", "<31090247.1075854004895.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "14-6-2000-6:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-6-2000-6:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <5769839.1075854004386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 06:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the East Texas point.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/12/2000 01:29 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\n\n\nDaren-\nHave you had a chance to change the pricing in the system? \nDuke has called me several times they want to get our March deals finalized.\nI am not sure what I should tell them. \nThanks-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n06/12/2000 01:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/20/2000 08:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\n\n\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \n\nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 3, "information", ["changed", "deal", "157288", "pricing"], "information", "i changed the pricing on deal numeric for the orgname point."]], "I changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the East Texas point.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/12/2000 01:29 PM\n", "<5769839.1075854004386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}}, true], "23-6-2000-4:43:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["23-6-2000-4:43:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27890565.1075854001664.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 04:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren-\n\nDeal #157288\nLocation: Centana\nDays: 3/11-3/31 (gas is not a part of the exchange agreement). \n\nI need to have the spot deal placed on a different deal ticket than the \nexchange deal (#157288).\nWill you break out this spot deal separately?\n\n\n\nThanks for fixing the price for the ETXG gas system in March.\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/14/2000 01:11 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production \n\nI changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the East Texas point.\n\nD\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/12/2000 01:29 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\n\n\nDaren-\nHave you had a chance to change the pricing in the system? \nDuke has called me several times they want to get our March deals finalized.\nI am not sure what I should tell them. \nThanks-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n06/12/2000 01:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/20/2000 08:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\n\n\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \n\nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production", "reply", [], "Daren-\n\nDeal #157288\nLocation: Centana\nDays: 3/11-3/31 (gas is not a part of the exchange agreement). \n\nI need to have the spot deal placed on a different deal ticket than the \nexchange deal (#157288).\nWill you break out this spot deal separately?\n\n\n\nThanks for fixing the price for the ETXG gas system in March.\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/14/2000 01:11 PM\n", "<27890565.1075854001664.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-6-2000-10:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-10:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21840224.1075854167386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 10:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal 312610 purchase at Centana\nDeal 312613 Sale at Rusk.\n\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/23/2000 11:43 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production \n\nDaren-\n\nDeal #157288\nLocation: Centana\nDays: 3/11-3/31 (gas is not a part of the exchange agreement). \n\nI need to have the spot deal placed on a different deal ticket than the \nexchange deal (#157288).\nWill you break out this spot deal separately?\n\n\n\nThanks for fixing the price for the ETXG gas system in March.\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/14/2000 01:11 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production \n\nI changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the East Texas point.\n\nD\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/12/2000 01:29 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\n\n\nDaren-\nHave you had a chance to change the pricing in the system? \nDuke has called me several times they want to get our March deals finalized.\nI am not sure what I should tell them. \nThanks-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n06/12/2000 01:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/20/2000 08:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\n\n\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \n\nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production", "reply", [], "Deal 312610 purchase at Centana\nDeal 312613 Sale at Rusk.\n\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/23/2000 11:43 AM\n", "<21840224.1075854167386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "312610", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "312613", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-10:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Katherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "Katherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\n", ["<1634490.1075854165698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7259809.1075853986825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7348931.1075854092597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11422257.1075854153112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-9-2000-3:14:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-3:14:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["kristen.hanson@enron.com"], "Daren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["attach spreadsheet", 16, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet for support: the most current worksheet is tab # numeric marked final column g is the over-delivery quantity total is numeric mmbtus column s is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due orgname pricenumeric numeric column t is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the customer pricenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\n\n\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\n", ["<8465637.1075853986330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33181492.1075854092619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17745233.1075854142972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "87", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$1,008", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-4:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\n", ["<53921.1075854165605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6506123.1075853986214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6689594.1075854092641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8323524.1075854153025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-9-2000-2:56:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["11-9-2000-2:56:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\nMarch 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\nApril 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n09/11/2000 09:12 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n09/05/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDone.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["attach spreadsheet", 22, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " datenumeric numeric sales ticket # numeric pricenumeric dollars due orgname purchase ticket # numeric pricenumeric numeric dollars due orgname i have attached my spreadsheet for support: column h is the over-delivery quantity total is numeric mmbtus column t is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due orgname pricenumeric column u is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the customer pricenumeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " datenumeric numeric sales ticket # numeric pricenumeric numeric dollars due orgname purchase ticket # numeric pricenumeric numeric dollars due orgname i have attached my spreadsheet for support: column h is the over-delivery quantity total is numeric mmbtus column t is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due orgname pricenumeric numeric column u is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the customer pricenumeric numeric thanks- "]], "Daren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\n\nMarch 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\n\nApril 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n", ["<23210452.1075853984922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29925624.1075854094307.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19820000.1075854142790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "82", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "80": {"value": "$1,549", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$1,549", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "98", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$0 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, true], "11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-9-2000-5:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\nMarch 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\nApril 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n09/11/2000 09:12 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n09/05/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDone.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\n", ["<29412744.1075854165279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5832968.1075853984878.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12586806.1075854094330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4066480.1075854152675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-6:1:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 27, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "157278", "$73,403"], "intention", " deal numeric datenumeric add demand charge of pricenumeric numeric for excess charge datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric deal numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric thanks, "]], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\n\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\n\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<32179352.1075853973026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5842420.1075854105617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19302591.1075854142119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"41": {"value": "99", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "$1,129", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "$359 97", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "charge_excess0charge numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$73,403", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "93", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal exchange spotTnnn": {"value": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "ne": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "patterns": ["deal exchange spotTnnn"]}, "deal exchangeTnn": {"value": "deal exchangeTnn", "ne": "deal exchangeTnn", "patterns": ["deal exchangeTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$1,966", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "98", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-6:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "done\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<674263.1075854163193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13230096.1075853972782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13287842.1075854105642.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24319219.1075854150584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-10-2000-7:29:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-7:29:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nI am taking over the Duke account from Katherine and am having trouble with \n8/00 production. It looks like we have some spot deals included in the \nexchange deal 157288. I think days 9 - 31, which are priced at GD - 0.10, \nneed to be moved to a new ticket if they are spot. Let me know if you \nagree. Also, can you confirm for me that days 8/5 and 8/6 are suppose to be \nexchange? The sale volume for those two days was zero, so there was no \nexchange. We have not received any statements from Duke yet, so there is \nnothing to verify our volumes.\nYou may also want to look at Sept. 2000 for deal 157288. It looks like spot \ndeals are being included in the exchange deal. Those will need to be moved \nto a new ticket if they are spot.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Energy Field Deal 157288 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["receive gas", 36, "information", ["received", "statements"], "information", " we have not received any statements from orgname yet, so there is nothing to verify our volumes."]], "Daren:\nI am taking over the Duke account from Katherine and am having trouble with \n8/00 production. It looks like we have some spot deals included in the \nexchange deal 157288. I think days 9 - 31, which are priced at GD - 0.10, \nneed to be moved to a new ticket if they are spot. Let me know if you \nagree. Also, can you confirm for me that days 8/5 and 8/6 are suppose to be \nexchange? The sale volume for those two days was zero, so there was no \nexchange. We have not received any statements from Duke yet, so there is \nnothing to verify our volumes.\n\nYou may also want to look at Sept. 2000 for deal 157288. It looks like spot \ndeals are being included in the exchange deal. Those will need to be moved \nto a new ticket if they are spot.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<31584377.1075853980029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4115081.1075854099247.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16091494.1075854142546.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal energy numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal energyTnn": {"value": "deal energyTnn", "ne": "deal energyTnn", "patterns": ["deal energyTnn"]}, "deal exchange spotTnnn": {"value": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "ne": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "patterns": ["deal exchange spotTnnn"]}, "deal exchangeTnn": {"value": "deal exchangeTnn", "ne": "deal exchangeTnn", "patterns": ["deal exchangeTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "energy fieldTnn": {"value": "energy fieldTnn", "ne": "energy fieldTnn", "patterns": ["energy fieldTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "31", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, true], "3-10-2000-7:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-7:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "These are not spot deals. PanEnergy did not receive gas on the exchange. \nHowever, they did deliver gas to us at Cotton Valley. According to the \ncontract, when volumes are overdelivered, HPL buys the gas at GD-.10. So, in \norder to correctly estimate our economics, I changed the price on the \ndelivery to reflect how the deal will settle. This occurred in August and \nSeptember. Any spot deals will be on seperate tickets.\nDays 5 & 6, as well as 9-31 should be settled as if the exchange was in \nplace. (PanEnergy overdelivered about 7,800 per day, which we buy at Gas \nDaily -.10)\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/03/2000 02:29 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Field Deal 157288 8/00\nDaren:\nI am taking over the Duke account from Katherine and am having trouble with \n8/00 production. It looks like we have some spot deals included in the \nexchange deal 157288. I think days 9 - 31, which are priced at GD - 0.10, \nneed to be moved to a new ticket if they are spot. Let me know if you \nagree. Also, can you confirm for me that days 8/5 and 8/6 are suppose to be \nexchange? The sale volume for those two days was zero, so there was no \nexchange. We have not received any statements from Duke yet, so there is \nnothing to verify our volumes.\nYou may also want to look at Sept. 2000 for deal 157288. It looks like spot \ndeals are being included in the exchange deal. Those will need to be moved \nto a new ticket if they are spot.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Field Deal 157288 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["receive_incur gas", 5, "information", ["gas", "receive"], "information", " panenergy did not receive gas on the exchange."], ["deliver gas", 8, "information", ["deliver", "gas"], "information", " however, they did deliver gas to us at cotton valley."], ["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 12, "information", ["according", "contract"], "information", " according to the contract, when volumes are overdelivered, hpl buys the gas at gd- numeric ."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 16, "information", ["buys", "gas"], "information", " according to the contract, when volumes are overdelivered, hpl buys the gas at gd- numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 22, "information", ["changed", "deal", "price"], "information", " so, in order to correctly estimate our economics, i changed the price on the delivery to reflect how the deal will settle."], ["reflect deal", 25, "information", ["deal", "reflect"], "information", " so, in order to correctly estimate our economics, i changed the price on the delivery to reflect how the deal will settle."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 42, "nninformation", ["buy", "gas"], "request", " (panenergy overdelivered about numeric per day, which we buy at gas daily - numeric ) "]], "These are not spot deals. PanEnergy did not receive gas on the exchange. \nHowever, they did deliver gas to us at Cotton Valley. According to the \ncontract, when volumes are overdelivered, HPL buys the gas at GD-.10. So, in \norder to correctly estimate our economics, I changed the price on the \ndelivery to reflect how the deal will settle. This occurred in August and \nSeptember. Any spot deals will be on seperate tickets.\n\nDays 5 & 6, as well as 9-31 should be settled as if the exchange was in \nplace. (PanEnergy overdelivered about 7,800 per day, which we buy at Gas \nDaily -.10)\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/03/2000 02:29 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<5333202.1075854164529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3381878.1075853980008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6485198.1075854099269.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25034645.1075854151956.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract volumeTnn": {"value": "contract volumeTnn", "ne": "contract volumeTnn", "patterns": ["contract volumeTnn"]}, "cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "deal deliveryTnn": {"value": "deal deliveryTnn", "ne": "deal deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["deal deliveryTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "7,800", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}}, true], "10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-9:25:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 25, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", " since there was a spot deal, we put all of the volume for day numeric on deal numeric ."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 57, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 60, "information", ["see", "gas"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["show deal", 69, "information", ["gas", "shows"], "information", " this is a problem since gas was not confirmed for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h and pipeline shows all of the gas on the datenumeric h."]], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\n\nMegan\n", ["<4545520.1075853978880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33392669.1075854100655.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1243808.1075854142397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "348951", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-5:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nDaren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["Re: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["allocate", "gas"], "intention", "megan, for datenumeric , allocate the receipt of gas a cotton valley to the exchange deal."], ["deliver gas", 13, "information", ["deliver", "settlement"], "information", " since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement will occur at gd- numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 30, "information", ["change", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " i apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket."], ["receive_incur gas", 39, "information", ["gas", "receive"], "information", " due to operational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the deliveries on monday."]], "Megan, \n\nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\n\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<6511549.1075854164247.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10463637.1075853978138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32720034.1075854100678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13547374.1075854151620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "delivery gasTnn": {"value": "delivery gasTnn", "ne": "delivery gasTnn", "patterns": ["delivery gasTnn"]}}, true], "12-3-2001-3:16:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-3-2001-3:16:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please change the demand fee on deal 157288 for 8/00 from $9,575.45 to \n$6,143.64. We need to reduce our payment to Duke. When I adjusted the over \ndelivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed. I \nwaited until Duke agreed before I sent you this change. \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Energy Field 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "157288", "$9,575"], "request", "please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "information", ["amount", "changed"], "information", " we need to reduce our payment to orgname when i adjusted the over delivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed."]], "Please change the demand fee on deal 157288 for 8/00 from $9,575.45 to \n$6,143.64. We need to reduce our payment to Duke. When I adjusted the over \ndelivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed. I \nwaited until Duke agreed before I sent you this change. \n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<22477565.1075854195199.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2541110.1075854294547.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7675073.1075854321077.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$9,575", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "12-3-2001-3:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-3-2001-3:37:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/12/2001 11:16 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Field 8/00\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 157288 for 8/00 from $9,575.45 to \n$6,143.64. We need to reduce our payment to Duke. When I adjusted the over \ndelivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed. I \nwaited until Duke agreed before I sent you this change. \nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Field 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/12/2001 11:16 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<4188709.1075854335419.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7074780.1075854195177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27199598.1075854294570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32538054.1075854325443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "5-1-2001-2:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 5-1-2001-3:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-1-2001-8:58:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 22-1-2001-9:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-1-2001-2:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-2:41:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9298331.1075854206937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 02:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Jan '01\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - there is flow at meter 1386 for Jan 1-3. The average flow is \n828/day. The last deal associated with this meter is 150325, Dec. 1-4, \n2000. The counterparty is Hampshire. Could you please look at this and let \nme know if you put a deal in for these days?\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", "Jan '01", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 2, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1386"], "information", "daren - there is flow at meter numeric for datenumeric numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["average", "flow"], "information", " the average flow is numeric /day."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 20, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "request", " could you please look at this and let me know if you put a deal in for these days?"]], "Daren - there is flow at meter 1386 for Jan 1-3. The average flow is \n828/day. The last deal associated with this meter is 150325, Dec. 1-4, \n2000. The counterparty is Hampshire. Could you please look at this and let \nme know if you put a deal in for these days?\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", "<9298331.1075854206937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "5-1-2001-3:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-3:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <7825349.1075854337429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 03:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Jan '01\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI rolled deal 150325 for the first 3 days of Jan. I expect this point to be \nzero for the rest of Jan.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/05/2001 10:41 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Jan '01\n\nDaren - there is flow at meter 1386 for Jan 1-3. The average flow is \n828/day. The last deal associated with this meter is 150325, Dec. 1-4, \n2000. The counterparty is Hampshire. Could you please look at this and let \nme know if you put a deal in for these days?\n\nThanks.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: Jan '01", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["deal", "150325", "rolled"], "information", "i rolled deal numeric for the first numeric days of jan."]], "I rolled deal 150325 for the first 3 days of Jan. I expect this point to be \nzero for the rest of Jan.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/05/2001 10:41 AM\n\n", "<7825349.1075854337429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "150325", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "22-1-2001-8:58:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["22-1-2001-8:58:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Daren - there is flow on meter 1386 for 1/4/01. Deal 150325 expired on day \n3. Could you please extend this deal or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL", ["meter 1386"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '150325']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1386"], "information", "daren - there is flow on meter numeric for datenumeric ."], ["expire deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", " deal numeric expired on day numeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 10, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could you please extend this deal or create a new one?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 12, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " could you please extend this deal or create a new one?"]], "Daren - there is flow on meter 1386 for 1/4/01. Deal 150325 expired on day \n3. Could you please extend this deal or create a new one? Thanks.\n\nAL", ["<17323156.1075854203824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29919677.1075854286309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13890181.1075854318518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "150325", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1386", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "1386", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "22-1-2001-9:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-1-2001-9:7:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Deal has been extended.\nd\nAimee Lannou 01/22/2001 04:58 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: meter 1386\nDaren - there is flow on meter 1386 for 1/4/01. Deal 150325 expired on day \n3. Could you please extend this deal or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 1386"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '150325']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 3, "information", ["deal", "extended"], "information", "deal has been extended."]], "Deal has been extended.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/22/2001 04:58 PM\n\n", ["<16092232.1075854336931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1616163.1075854203802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13303600.1075854286332.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21316279.1075854326958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "1386", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "2-3-2000-2:12:0Stom.acton@enron.com 2-3-2000-3:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-3-2000-2:12:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["2-3-2000-2:12:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <7693647.1075854125753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 02:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: WELLS\nCc: vance.taylor@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vance.taylor@enron.com\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Vance L Taylor\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Daren, EOG is having problems with that same well 6296 but this time it's \ncompressor problems. They think that it will be for at least a week but you \nknow how that goes. They would like to drop the volume again to 4400. If we \nchange don't Kim will have an imbalance at this meter (she wanted me to let \nyou know that). Meter # 6598 YATES would like to change the volume from \n4206 to 3366, and Vintage who had been over producing last month would like \nto increase from 270 to 320 to match the real flow. I know these are \nbothersome changes but I'm trying to get the best numbers for both you and \nVance for the up coming month. Let me know and I'll be on the go from the \" \nTHE TOM CAT\"", "WELLS", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 24, "nninformation", ["change", "volume"], "intention", " meter # numeric yates would like to change the volume from numeric to numeric , and orgname who had been over producing last month would like to increase from numeric to numeric to match the real flow."]], " Daren, EOG is having problems with that same well 6296 but this time it's \ncompressor problems. They think that it will be for at least a week but you \nknow how that goes. They would like to drop the volume again to 4400. If we \nchange don't Kim will have an imbalance at this meter (she wanted me to let \nyou know that). Meter # 6598 YATES would like to change the volume from \n4206 to 3366, and Vintage who had been over producing last month would like \nto increase from 270 to 320 to match the real flow. I know these are \nbothersome changes but I'm trying to get the best numbers for both you and \nVance for the up coming month. Let me know and I'll be on the go from the \" \nTHE TOM CAT\"", "<7693647.1075854125753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"21": {"value": "6598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "4400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "4206", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "2-3-2000-3:9:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-3-2000-3:9:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28172758.1075854171294.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 03:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: WELLS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom, \n\nFor the EOG piece, bring the nom down to 4400 through the 7th. For the 8th \nforward, leave the nom as is. When we get more information next week, we can \nadjust as necessary.\n\nYates - What did they produce in Jan and Feb? Let me know that and we can \ndecide if we want to adjust the nom. \n\nVintage - Adjust our nom to tie with Vintage.\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/02/2000 10:12 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: WELLS\n\n Daren, EOG is having problems with that same well 6296 but this time it's \ncompressor problems. They think that it will be for at least a week but you \nknow how that goes. They would like to drop the volume again to 4400. If we \nchange don't Kim will have an imbalance at this meter (she wanted me to let \nyou know that). Meter # 6598 YATES would like to change the volume from \n4206 to 3366, and Vintage who had been over producing last month would like \nto increase from 270 to 320 to match the real flow. I know these are \nbothersome changes but I'm trying to get the best numbers for both you and \nVance for the up coming month. Let me know and I'll be on the go from the \" \nTHE TOM CAT\"\n\n", "Re: WELLS", "reply", [], "Tom, \n\nFor the EOG piece, bring the nom down to 4400 through the 7th. For the 8th \nforward, leave the nom as is. When we get more information next week, we can \nadjust as necessary.\n\nYates - What did they produce in Jan and Feb? Let me know that and we can \ndecide if we want to adjust the nom. \n\nVintage - Adjust our nom to tie with Vintage.\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/02/2000 10:12 AM\n", "<28172758.1075854171294.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "20-3-2001-7:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 20-3-2001-18:21:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"20-3-2001-7:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-7:56:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2609646.1075854335004.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 07:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal Tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI don't know what you're smokin up there, but every one of those deal numbers \nyou listed are WRONG. \n\nDeal 633842 is valid for mtr 416. It has a zero nom. You can send that to \nPOPS or path a volume to the deal and send it on.\nI added the 15th-18th to deal 621598 for item (2).\nDeal 529738 is valid for mtr 1598. It has a zero nom, also.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/20/2001 03:21 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal Tickets\n\nDaren I have three meters that have flow in Feb but no deal.\n\n1. Meter 0416 flowed the whole month 1-28. This our ols friends at Pawnee \ngas plant fuel. Last deal used was 289396 could you extend it.\n2. meter 1601 had flow on the 15 &18. This is Southern union Lockhart. Last \ndeal used with them was 285350 Hpl or 259208 ENA. \n3. Meter 1598 had flow the whole month 1-28. This is MT Enterprise C/G- \nPanther. The last deal used is 284 620\n\nI'll get Accounting Arrangements for these when you let me know the deal \nstatus and get them cleared up. Thanks.\n\n", "Re: Deal Tickets", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 12, "nninformation", ["send", "volume"], "intention", " you can send that to pops or path a volume to the deal and send it on."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 17, "nninformation", ["send", "deal"], "intention", " you can send that to pops or path a volume to the deal and send it on."], ["add deal{numeric}", 19, "information", ["added", "deal", "621598"], "information", " i added the datenumeric h- datenumeric h to deal numeric for item ( numeric )."]], "I don't know what you're smokin up there, but every one of those deal numbers \nyou listed are WRONG. \n\nDeal 633842 is valid for mtr 416. It has a zero nom. You can send that to \nPOPS or path a volume to the deal and send it on.\nI added the 15th-18th to deal 621598 for item (2).\nDeal 529738 is valid for mtr 1598. It has a zero nom, also.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/20/2001 03:21 PM\n", "<2609646.1075854335004.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "633842", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "621598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "529738", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "20-3-2001-18:21:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-18:21:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8735265.1075840437474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal Tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren I have three meters that have flow in Feb but no deal.\n\n1. Meter 0416 flowed the whole month 1-28. This our ols friends at Pawnee gas plant fuel. Last deal used was 289396 could you extend it.\n2. meter 1601 had flow on the 15 &18. This is Southern union Lockhart. Last deal used with them was 285350 Hpl or 259208 ENA. \n3. Meter 1598 had flow the whole month 1-28. This is MT Enterprise C/G- Panther. The last deal used is 284 620\n\nI'll get Accounting Arrangements for these when you let me know the deal status and get them cleared up. Thanks.", "Deal Tickets", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "daren i have three meters that have flow in feb but no deal."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", " meter numeric flowed the whole month numeric numeric ."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 18, "information", ["used", "deal", "289396"], "information", " last deal used was numeric could you extend it."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 20, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " last deal used was numeric could you extend it."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 24, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " meter numeric had flow on the numeric & numeric ."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 31, "information", ["used", "deal", "285350"], "information", " last deal used with them was numeric hpl or numeric orgname numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 37, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " meter numeric had flow the whole month numeric numeric ."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 43, "information", ["used", "deal", "284"], "information", " the last deal used is numeric numeric "]], "Daren I have three meters that have flow in Feb but no deal.\n\n1. Meter 0416 flowed the whole month 1-28. This our ols friends at Pawnee gas plant fuel. Last deal used was 289396 could you extend it.\n2. meter 1601 had flow on the 15 &18. This is Southern union Lockhart. Last deal used with them was 285350 Hpl or 259208 ENA. \n3. Meter 1598 had flow the whole month 1-28. This is MT Enterprise C/G- Panther. The last deal used is 284 620\n\nI'll get Accounting Arrangements for these when you let me know the deal status and get them cleared up. Thanks.", "<8735265.1075840437474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "fuel plantTnn": {"value": "fuel plantTnn", "ne": "fuel plantTnn", "patterns": ["fuel plantTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "0416", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1601", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "1598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-2-2000-7:25:0Slauri.allen@enron.com 17-2-2000-0:18:0Stom.acton@enron.com 17-2-2000-3:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-2-2000-7:25:0Slauri.allen@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-7:25:0", "lauri.allen@enron.com", "george.grant@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30801425.1075854026958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 07:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: lauri.allen@enron.com\nTo: george.grant@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 9682\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com\nX-From: Lauri A Allen\nX-To: George Grant\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Mary M Smith\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nGeorge-\n\nIn this afternoon's meeting with Producer Services, Jill mentioned that the \nreferenced well had been reperfed (meaning they shot more holes in the well \npiping allowing more gas to flow out of the well) and was now producing \napproximately 800/day. Per Jill, the MDQ on this well is 3000/day. You may \nwant to look at getting this nom revised for the rest of the month.\n\nMary- could you get Heidi or Lisa to check the transport rate we currently \nshow on this? It's being purchased for SC-.17 and is flowing through King \nRanch. \n\nThanks.", "Meter 9682", "forward", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 14, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "george- in this afternoon's meeting with producer services, jill mentioned that the referenced well had been reperfed (meaning they shot more holes in the well piping allowing more gas to flow out of the well) and was now producing approximately numeric /day."]], "George-\n\nIn this afternoon's meeting with Producer Services, Jill mentioned that the \nreferenced well had been reperfed (meaning they shot more holes in the well \npiping allowing more gas to flow out of the well) and was now producing \napproximately 800/day. Per Jill, the MDQ on this well is 3000/day. You may \nwant to look at getting this nom revised for the rest of the month.\n\nMary- could you get Heidi or Lisa to check the transport rate we currently \nshow on this? It's being purchased for SC-.17 and is flowing through King \nRanch. \n\nThanks.", "<30801425.1075854026958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-2-2000-0:18:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:18:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16333686.1075854055502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 9682\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren do you want to bump that volume up per the information in this note \nbelow. George wanted to know and asked me. It was previously nomed at 200. \nLet me know what you think and I'll make the change if needed.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tom Acton/Corp/Enron on 02/17/2000 08:14 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nGeorge Grant@ECT\n02/16/2000 03:46 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Meter 9682\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Grant/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 03:46 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nLauri A Allen\n02/16/2000 03:25 PM\nTo: George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 9682\n\nGeorge-\n\nIn this afternoon's meeting with Producer Services, Jill mentioned that the \nreferenced well had been reperfed (meaning they shot more holes in the well \npiping allowing more gas to flow out of the well) and was now producing \napproximately 800/day. Per Jill, the MDQ on this well is 3000/day. You may \nwant to look at getting this nom revised for the rest of the month.\n\nMary- could you get Heidi or Lisa to check the transport rate we currently \nshow on this? It's being purchased for SC-.17 and is flowing through King \nRanch. \n\nThanks.\n\n\n", "Meter 9682", "originEmail", [["make change", 17, "nninformation", ["change", "make"], "intention", " let me know what you think and i'll make the change if needed."]], "Daren do you want to bump that volume up per the information in this note \nbelow. George wanted to know and asked me. It was previously nomed at 200. \nLet me know what you think and I'll make the change if needed.\n", "<16333686.1075854055502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "9682", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "17-2-2000-3:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-3:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24137676.1075854171773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 03:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 9682\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom, \n\nGo ahead and increase the nom.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n02/17/2000 08:18 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 9682\n\nDaren do you want to bump that volume up per the information in this note \nbelow. George wanted to know and asked me. It was previously nomed at 200. \nLet me know what you think and I'll make the change if needed.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tom Acton/Corp/Enron on 02/17/2000 08:14 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nGeorge Grant@ECT\n02/16/2000 03:46 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Meter 9682\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Grant/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 03:46 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nLauri A Allen\n02/16/2000 03:25 PM\nTo: George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 9682\n\nGeorge-\n\nIn this afternoon's meeting with Producer Services, Jill mentioned that the \nreferenced well had been reperfed (meaning they shot more holes in the well \npiping allowing more gas to flow out of the well) and was now producing \napproximately 800/day. Per Jill, the MDQ on this well is 3000/day. You may \nwant to look at getting this nom revised for the rest of the month.\n\nMary- could you get Heidi or Lisa to check the transport rate we currently \nshow on this? It's being purchased for SC-.17 and is flowing through King \nRanch. \n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 9682", "reply", [], "Tom, \n\nGo ahead and increase the nom.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n02/17/2000 08:18 AM\n", "<24137676.1075854171773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "8-3-2000-3:48:0Stom.acton@enron.com 9-3-2000-5:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"8-3-2000-3:48:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["8-3-2000-3:48:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <28994257.1075854189007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 03:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Well Heads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren, EOG called and said that the well behind 986296 which has been down \nfor a week from 7100 to 4400 for the last week or so needs to stay at the \n4400 for the rest of the month. I changed the ticket for that. This was \nper Suzanne Saldivar. Also Shoreline reduced the meter 6722 from 30 to 24. \nalso changed that. last Cody went from 7666 to 7600 at meter 6722. Both \nShoreline and Cody were per customer request.", "Well Heads", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " i changed the ticket for that."]], "Daren, EOG called and said that the well behind 986296 which has been down \nfor a week from 7100 to 4400 for the last week or so needs to stay at the \n4400 for the rest of the month. I changed the ticket for that. This was \nper Suzanne Saldivar. Also Shoreline reduced the meter 6722 from 30 to 24. \nalso changed that. last Cody went from 7666 to 7600 at meter 6722. Both \nShoreline and Cody were per customer request.", "<28994257.1075854189007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"15": {"value": "6722", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "7600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric restTnn"]}}, false], "9-3-2000-5:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-3-2000-5:17:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28942765.1075854170809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 05:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Well Heads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease CC Stacey neuweiler and Ami Chokshi on any wellhead changes. Thanks.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/08/2000 11:48 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Well Heads\n\nDaren, EOG called and said that the well behind 986296 which has been down \nfor a week from 7100 to 4400 for the last week or so needs to stay at the \n4400 for the rest of the month. I changed the ticket for that. This was \nper Suzanne Saldivar. Also Shoreline reduced the meter 6722 from 30 to 24. \nalso changed that. last Cody went from 7666 to 7600 at meter 6722. Both \nShoreline and Cody were per customer request.\n\n", "Re: Well Heads", "reply", [], "Please CC Stacey neuweiler and Ami Chokshi on any wellhead changes. Thanks.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/08/2000 11:48 AM\n", "<28942765.1075854170809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "28-7-2000-6:21:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 31-7-2000-8:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-6:21:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-6:21:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2261885.1075854085903.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 06:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPanEnergy purchase: Deal #231758.\n \nGas in the amount of 271 mmbtus for April 1st was purchased from PanEnergy on \ndeal # 231758 . \nHowever, scheduling has indicated that they have no sale for that gas on day \none and as a result, it is not pathed in the system.\n \nCould you please review this item and see if it should or shouldn't be a sale \nso that Scheduling can either path April 1st or I can dispute the volume \nbeing billed to us by Pan Energy. \n\n\nThis is part of Pan Energy's exchange deal. \n\n\nKatherine \n5-8643\n-------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 07/28/2000 \n12:57 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCarlos J Rodriguez@ECT\n07/21/2000 09:37 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00 \n\nKatherine\n\n As I told Thu before (see below), I did not see any volumes for that deal \nin 4/00. I think this volume is some residue that flow from the last day in \nMarch and probably should be allocated to that month. I dont show a deal to \npurchase or sell that gas in April. If you have any more questions please let \nme know, thanks.\n\nCarlos\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n07/20/2000 03:50 PM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00\n\nDeal #231758 \nThis brokered gas in the amount of 271 mmbtus for April 1st was purchased \nfrom PanEnergy on deal # 231758 \nCould you please review this item and see if it should be pathed, so that I \nmay pay Pan Energy for the gas in question?\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n07/20/2000 03:43 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen @ ECT 07/20/2000 03:38 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00\n\nKatherine,\n\n This is a brokered deal (Buy Deal 231758 and Sell Deal 93472). This first \nday was not pathed, that's why you are missing volume of 271. Per Carlos \n(see below) the deal was not for day one.\n\nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 07/20/2000 03:34 PM \n---------------------------\nFrom: Thu Nguyen on 05/11/2000 04:18 PM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00 \n\nCarlos,\n\n I don't think I can allocate April's volume to March production. Could you \nplease extend the deal to April 1 so that I can allocate it. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\nCarlos J Rodriguez\n05/11/2000 08:34 AM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00 \n\nThu, I did not see any volumes for that deal in 4/00. I think this volume is \nsome residue that flow from the last day in march and probably should be \nallocated to that month. If you have any more questions please let me know, \nthanks.\n\nCarlos 3-6673\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 05/10/2000 09:31 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kyle R Lilly/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Centana Mobil April 00\n\nCarlos,\n\n There is flow os 271 for 04/01/00. Deal 93472 was not path for the same \nday. Could you please let me know what needs to be done.\n\nThu\n3-7159\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Centana Mobil April 00", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 7, "information", ["purchased", "deal"], "information", " gas in the amount of numeric mmbtus for datenumeric st was purchased from panenergy on deal # numeric ."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 14, "information", ["result", "sale"], "information", " however, scheduling has indicated that they have no sale for that gas on day one and as a result, it is not pathed in the system."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 19, "nninformation", ["sale", "see"], "request", " could you please review this item and see if it should or shouldn't be a sale so that scheduling can either path datenumeric st or i can dispute the volume being billed to us by orgname this is part of orgname s exchange deal."]], "PanEnergy purchase: Deal #231758.\n \nGas in the amount of 271 mmbtus for April 1st was purchased from PanEnergy on \ndeal # 231758 . \nHowever, scheduling has indicated that they have no sale for that gas on day \none and as a result, it is not pathed in the system.\n \nCould you please review this item and see if it should or shouldn't be a sale \nso that Scheduling can either path April 1st or I can dispute the volume \nbeing billed to us by Pan Energy. \n\n\nThis is part of Pan Energy's exchange deal. \n\n\nKatherine \n5-8643\n------------------", "<2261885.1075854085903.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "231758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric purchaseTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "231758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}}, false], "31-7-2000-8:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-8:7:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19574964.1075854166570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:07:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe didn't buy anything from Pan Energy at Centana Mobil until April the 3rd. \nSo, we shouldn't pay for this gas.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n07/28/2000 01:21 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00\n\n\nPanEnergy purchase: Deal #231758.\n \nGas in the amount of 271 mmbtus for April 1st was purchased from PanEnergy on \ndeal # 231758 . \nHowever, scheduling has indicated that they have no sale for that gas on day \none and as a result, it is not pathed in the system.\n \nCould you please review this item and see if it should or shouldn't be a sale \nso that Scheduling can either path April 1st or I can dispute the volume \nbeing billed to us by Pan Energy. \n\n\nThis is part of Pan Energy's exchange deal. \n\n\nKatherine \n5-8643\n-------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 07/28/2000 \n12:57 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCarlos J Rodriguez@ECT\n07/21/2000 09:37 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00 \n\nKatherine\n\n As I told Thu before (see below), I did not see any volumes for that deal \nin 4/00. I think this volume is some residue that flow from the last day in \nMarch and probably should be allocated to that month. I dont show a deal to \npurchase or sell that gas in April. If you have any more questions please let \nme know, thanks.\n\nCarlos\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n07/20/2000 03:50 PM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00\n\nDeal #231758 \nThis brokered gas in the amount of 271 mmbtus for April 1st was purchased \nfrom PanEnergy on deal # 231758 \nCould you please review this item and see if it should be pathed, so that I \nmay pay Pan Energy for the gas in question?\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n07/20/2000 03:43 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen @ ECT 07/20/2000 03:38 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00\n\nKatherine,\n\n This is a brokered deal (Buy Deal 231758 and Sell Deal 93472). This first \nday was not pathed, that's why you are missing volume of 271. Per Carlos \n(see below) the deal was not for day one.\n\nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 07/20/2000 03:34 PM \n---------------------------\nFrom: Thu Nguyen on 05/11/2000 04:18 PM\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00 \n\nCarlos,\n\n I don't think I can allocate April's volume to March production. Could you \nplease extend the deal to April 1 so that I can allocate it. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n\nCarlos J Rodriguez\n05/11/2000 08:34 AM\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Centana Mobil April 00 \n\nThu, I did not see any volumes for that deal in 4/00. I think this volume is \nsome residue that flow from the last day in march and probably should be \nallocated to that month. If you have any more questions please let me know, \nthanks.\n\nCarlos 3-6673\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 05/10/2000 09:31 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kyle R Lilly/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Centana Mobil April 00\n\nCarlos,\n\n There is flow os 271 for 04/01/00. Deal 93472 was not path for the same \nday. Could you please let me know what needs to be done.\n\nThu\n3-7159\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Centana Mobil April 00", "reply", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 5, "nninformation", ["gas", "pay"], "intention", " so, we shouldn't pay for this gas."]], "We didn't buy anything from Pan Energy at Centana Mobil until April the 3rd. \nSo, we shouldn't pay for this gas.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n07/28/2000 01:21 PM\n", "<19574964.1075854166570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "26-9-2000-8:31:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 27-9-2000-9:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"26-9-2000-8:31:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["26-9-2000-8:31:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <31598322.1075853981663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 08:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Duke exchange deal - Supply\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal #231757\nPurchase\n\nThe deal in sitara indicates that the price for East Texas Gas Systems is \nHSC, Index -$.085.\nPer the contract, the redelivery at ETGS Carthage Hub Tailgate should be \npriced at HSC Index -$.0825. \nAre these the same points and is the price correct?\n\n\nThanks\nkatherine ", "Duke exchange deal - Supply", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 5, "nninformation", ["purchase", "deal"], "request", "deal # numeric purchase the deal in sitara indicates that the price for orgname gas systems is hsc, index -$ numeric ."]], "Deal #231757\nPurchase\n\nThe deal in sitara indicates that the price for East Texas Gas Systems is \nHSC, Index -$.085.\nPer the contract, the redelivery at ETGS Carthage Hub Tailgate should be \npriced at HSC Index -$.0825. \nAre these the same points and is the price correct?\n\n\nThanks\nkatherine ", "<31598322.1075853981663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "231757", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "index priceTnn": {"value": "index priceTnn", "ne": "index priceTnn", "patterns": ["index priceTnn"]}}, false], "27-9-2000-9:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-9:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22750443.1075854164811.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke exchange deal - Supply\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nKH, \n\nHSC-.0825 is the correct price, based on the final agreement. I have \ncorrected the deal in Sitara.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/26/2000 03:31 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke exchange deal - Supply\n\n\nDeal #231757\nPurchase\n\nThe deal in sitara indicates that the price for East Texas Gas Systems is \nHSC, Index -$.085.\nPer the contract, the redelivery at ETGS Carthage Hub Tailgate should be \npriced at HSC Index -$.0825. \nAre these the same points and is the price correct?\n\n\nThanks\nkatherine \n\n\n", "Re: Duke exchange deal - Supply", "reply", [], "KH, \n\nHSC-.0825 is the correct price, based on the final agreement. I have \ncorrected the deal in Sitara.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/26/2000 03:31 PM\n", "<22750443.1075854164811.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "16-4-2001-10:43:13Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 16-4-2001-13:24:26Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 16-4-2001-13:56:45Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 17-4-2001-5:49:37Selizabeth.hernandez@enron.com": {"16-4-2001-10:43:13Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-10:43:13", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", [], [], "Message-ID: <28169043.1075840436494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 10:43:13 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Herrera, Katherine \nX-To: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nJanet- \n\nPer Southern Union's confirmation sheet, the 15,000 mmbtus spot deal on days 03/25 & 3/26 should be priced at HSC GDP DA +.05 ( at Tuesday, 3/27/01 pricing- which was $ 5.235). Currently, Sitara is showing a price of HSC GDP +.05.\n\n Is this Tuesday pricing correct? If so, pls forward this to Daren so that he can change the price in Sitara to $ 5.235 +.05 ( Totaling $5.285).\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643", "Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 32, "nninformation", ["change", "price"], "intention", " if so, pls forward this to daren so that he can change the price in sitara to $ numeric numeric numeric ( totaling pricenumeric )."]], "Janet- \n\nPer Southern Union's confirmation sheet, the 15,000 mmbtus spot deal on days 03/25 & 3/26 should be priced at HSC GDP DA +.05 ( at Tuesday, 3/27/01 pricing- which was $ 5.235). Currently, Sitara is showing a price of HSC GDP +.05.\n\n Is this Tuesday pricing correct? If so, pls forward this to Daren so that he can change the price in Sitara to $ 5.235 +.05 ( Totaling $5.285).\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643", "<28169043.1075840436494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "690249", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "05", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "$5 285", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "15,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric spotTnn"]}}, true], "16-4-2001-13:24:26Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-13:24:26", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <32965157.1075840436470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:24:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Herrera, Katherine \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren - \n\nPer Janet, the price of $5.235 +.05 for deal # 690249 is correct. \nCould you pls change the price in the system to $5.285 for days 25 & 26?\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 04/16/2001 03:06 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/16/2001 12:43 PM\nTo:\tJanet H Wallis/HOU/ECT\ncc:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT \n\nSubject:\tSouthern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\n\nJanet- \n\nPer Southern Union's confirmation sheet, the 15,000 mmbtus spot deal on days 03/25 & 3/26 should be priced at HSC GDP DA +.05 ( at Tuesday, 3/27/01 pricing- which was $ 5.235). Currently, Sitara is showing a price of HSC GDP +.05.\n\n Is this Tuesday pricing correct? If so, pls forward this to Daren so that he can change the price in Sitara to $ 5.235 +.05 ( Totaling $5.285).\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n", "Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)", "forward", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 15, "nninformation", ["change", "price"], "request", " could you pls change the price in the system to pricenumeric for days numeric & numeric ?"]], "Daren - \n\nPer Janet, the price of $5.235 +.05 for deal # 690249 is correct. \nCould you pls change the price in the system to $5.285 for days 25 & 26?\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n", "<32965157.1075840436470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$5 235", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "690249", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "05", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}}, true], "16-4-2001-13:56:45Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-13:56:45", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21437906.1075840436445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:56:45 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com\nSubject: Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com\nX-From: Herrera, Katherine \nX-To: Hernandez, Elizabeth \nX-cc: Meyers, Julie , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\n\nElizabeth-\n\nDeal # 690249 - Sale\n\nCould you pls the pricing on this deal for March 2001 Production for days 25 & 26 to $ 5.285?\n\nI think Daren is out for the remainder of the day and I need to send out my invoice this afternoon.\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 04/16/2001 03:31 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/16/2001 03:24 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT\ncc:\tJanet H Wallis/HOU/ECT \n\nSubject:\tSouthern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\n\nDaren - \n\nPer Janet, the price of $5.235 +.05 for deal # 690249 is correct. \nCould you pls change the price in the system to $5.285 for days 25 & 26?\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 04/16/2001 03:06 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/16/2001 12:43 PM\nTo:\tJanet H Wallis/HOU/ECT\ncc:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT \n\nSubject:\tSouthern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\n\nJanet- \n\nPer Southern Union's confirmation sheet, the 15,000 mmbtus spot deal on days 03/25 & 3/26 should be priced at HSC GDP DA +.05 ( at Tuesday, 3/27/01 pricing- which was $ 5.235). Currently, Sitara is showing a price of HSC GDP +.05.\n\n Is this Tuesday pricing correct? If so, pls forward this to Daren so that he can change the price in Sitara to $ 5.235 +.05 ( Totaling $5.285).\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n", "Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)", "forward", [], "\nElizabeth-\n\nDeal # 690249 - Sale\n\nCould you pls the pricing on this deal for March 2001 Production for days 25 & 26 to $ 5.285?\n\nI think Daren is out for the remainder of the day and I need to send out my invoice this afternoon.\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n5-8643\n", "<21437906.1075840436445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "690249", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-5:49:37Selizabeth.hernandez@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-5:49:37", "elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10883955.1075840436420.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 05:49:37 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: elizabeth.hernandez@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com\nX-From: Hernandez, Elizabeth \nX-To: Herrera, Katherine \nX-cc: Meyers, Julie , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI was not aware that Julie was out yesterday. I left early yesterday and this did not get done till this morning.\n\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/16/2001 03:56 PM\nTo:\tElizabeth L Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT \nSubject:\tSouthern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\n\n\nElizabeth-\n\nDeal # 690249 - Sale\n\nCould you pls the pricing on this deal for March 2001 Production for days 25 & 26 to $ 5.285?\n\nI think Daren is out for the remainder of the day and I need to send out my invoice this afternoon.\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 04/16/2001 03:31 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/16/2001 03:24 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT\ncc:\tJanet H Wallis/HOU/ECT \n\nSubject:\tSouthern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\n\nDaren - \n\nPer Janet, the price of $5.235 +.05 for deal # 690249 is correct. \nCould you pls change the price in the system to $5.285 for days 25 & 26?\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 04/16/2001 03:06 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Herrera\n04/16/2001 12:43 PM\nTo:\tJanet H Wallis/HOU/ECT\ncc:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT \n\nSubject:\tSouthern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)\n\nJanet- \n\nPer Southern Union's confirmation sheet, the 15,000 mmbtus spot deal on days 03/25 & 3/26 should be priced at HSC GDP DA +.05 ( at Tuesday, 3/27/01 pricing- which was $ 5.235). Currently, Sitara is showing a price of HSC GDP +.05.\n\n Is this Tuesday pricing correct? If so, pls forward this to Daren so that he can change the price in Sitara to $ 5.235 +.05 ( Totaling $5.285).\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Southern Union- 03/01 prod- Austin Spot deal # 690249 (sale)", "reply", [], "I was not aware that Julie was out yesterday. I left early yesterday and this did not get done till this morning.\n\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/16/2001 03:56 PM\n", "<10883955.1075840436420.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "23-2-2001-4:50:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 23-2-2001-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-2-2001-6:37:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 23-2-2001-7:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-2-2001-8:20:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 26-2-2001-6:54:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 26-2-2001-7:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-2-2001-7:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 4-4-2001-3:48:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 4-4-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 4-4-2001-12:57:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": {"23-2-2001-4:50:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-4:50:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Volume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n", ["meter 6884"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "information", ["deals", "extended"], "information", "volume management was wondering if deals numeric and numeric needed to be extended into numeric ."]], "Volume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n", ["<6176743.1075854197749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17051722.1075854292146.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9909610.1075854319517.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "137870", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "23-2-2001-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-5:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "You can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 6884\nVolume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n", ["Re: meter 6884"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [], "You can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\n", ["<21282411.1075854336057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9647241.1075854197727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33456163.1075854292168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20523999.1075854326080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-2-2001-6:37:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-6:37:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I may need more assistance on this issue. I tried to extend the deal and it \nblocked me saying...\nTeco Gas Processing Company is suspended.\nDeal with inactive or suspended counterparty may not be extended.\n Any suggestions?\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 01:25 PM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6884 \nYou can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 6884\nVolume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n", ["Re: meter 6884"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "information", ["deal", "extend"], "information", " i tried to extend the deal and it blocked me saying."]], "I may need more assistance on this issue. I tried to extend the deal and it \nblocked me saying...\n\nTeco Gas Processing Company is suspended.\nDeal with inactive or suspended counterparty may not be extended.\n\n Any suggestions?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 01:25 PM\n", ["<11367652.1075854197658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26116879.1075854292191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25252052.1075854319562.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "23-2-2001-7:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-7:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "Talk with the person in accounting that deals with Teco. See if they are \nusing a different counterparty now at the plant.\nd\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 02:37 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6884 \nI may need more assistance on this issue. I tried to extend the deal and it \nblocked me saying...\nTeco Gas Processing Company is suspended.\nDeal with inactive or suspended counterparty may not be extended.\n Any suggestions?\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 01:25 PM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6884 \nYou can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 6884\nVolume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n", ["Re: meter 6884"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [], "Talk with the person in accounting that deals with Teco. See if they are \nusing a different counterparty now at the plant.\n\nd\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 02:37 PM\n", ["<12770396.1075854336012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24646784.1075854197566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20872382.1075854292214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23614273.1075854326036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-2-2001-8:20:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-8:20:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com"], "Daren- \nDo we have the buy/Sell deal for El Paso ( formerly Teco) for January 01 \nProd?\nThe old deal numbers were 235670 for the sale and 137870 for the purchase.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n02/23/2001 03:59 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 02/23/2001 03:57 PM\n \nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Meter 986884 for 1/2001\nMike: this is Katherine Herrera's.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/23/2001 \n03:55 PM ---------------------------\nMichael Olsen\n02/23/2001 03:52 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 986884 for 1/2001\nMegan,\nI was unable to extend the deal for Teco # 137870 and #235670 becaus e it has \nbeen suspended. Teco is no longer the counterparty. Has the name changed? \n---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Olsen/NA/Enron on 02/23/2001 \n03:48 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack @ ECT 02/23/2001 03:26 PM\n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 986884 for 1/2001\nMike, \nHave you heard anything about extending the buy/sell ticket for TECO yet? \nToday is the last day we can make changes in the system. \n", ["Meter 986884 for 1/2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 4, "nninformation", ["buy", "deal"], "intention", "daren- do we have the buy/sell deal for orgname ( formerly teco) for datenumeric "], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "intention", "daren- do we have the buy/sell deal for orgname ( formerly teco) for datenumeric "]], "Daren- \n\nDo we have the buy/Sell deal for El Paso ( formerly Teco) for January 01 \nProd?\nThe old deal numbers were 235670 for the sale and 137870 for the purchase.\n\n\n", ["<19406209.1075854197474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30765240.1075854292450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2888028.1075854319653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "986884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-6:54:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-6:54:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "This is the deal we made for El Paso last Friday to replace deal 235670, \nwhich had Teco. Julie Meyers needs a price to be added to the deal. Which \nprice should I add?\n", ["deal 637225"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 3, "information", ["deal", "made"], "information", "this is the deal we made for orgname last friday to replace deal numeric , which had teco."], ["add deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["added", "deal"], "intention", " julie meyers needs a price to be added to the deal."]], "This is the deal we made for El Paso last Friday to replace deal 235670, \nwhich had Teco. Julie Meyers needs a price to be added to the deal. Which \nprice should I add?\n", ["<31732467.1075854197179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32712495.1075854292703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26812135.1075854319743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "637225", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "235670", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-7:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-7:31:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "The new deal should have the same price as the deal that you copied.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/26/2001 02:54 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 637225\nThis is the deal we made for El Paso last Friday to replace deal 235670, \nwhich had Teco. Julie Meyers needs a price to be added to the deal. Which \nprice should I add?\n", ["Re: deal 637225"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [], "The new deal should have the same price as the deal that you copied.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/26/2001 02:54 PM\n", ["<32203848.1075854335816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6060996.1075854197089.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9539602.1075854292725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4054541.1075854325839.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-2-2001-7:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-7:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "You need to delete the lines with dates prior to 1/1/01 on the new tickets.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/26/2001 02:54 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 637225\nThis is the deal we made for El Paso last Friday to replace deal 235670, \nwhich had Teco. Julie Meyers needs a price to be added to the deal. Which \nprice should I add?\n", ["Re: deal 637225"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '235670']}", [], "You need to delete the lines with dates prior to 1/1/01 on the new tickets.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/26/2001 02:54 PM\n", ["<23058983.1075854335794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5562486.1075854197066.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9027660.1075854292748.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26710822.1075854325818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2001-3:48:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-3:48:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32932663.1075854190368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 03:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThere is a deal for February but for a different meter. Deal 138095 for \nmeter 6331.\n\nDaren, did we purchase gas for meter 6884 for February?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\n\n\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in \n02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;\n\n\n", "Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing", "reply", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 7, "nninformation", ["purchase", "gas"], "request information", " daren, did we purchase gas for meter numeric for february?"]], "There is a deal for February but for a different meter. Deal 138095 for \nmeter 6331.\n\nDaren, did we purchase gas for meter 6884 for February?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\n", "<32932663.1075854190368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "138095", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "4-4-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30051234.1075854334597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 04:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: Julie Meyers, Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI believe the counterparty changed effective 2/1/01 to El Paso Merchant \nEnergy. See deals 637225 and 637234.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\n\n\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in \n02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;\n\n\n", "Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing", "reply", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "information", ["changed", "counterparty"], "information", "i believe the counterparty changed effective datenumeric to orgname merchant energy."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["see", "deals"], "request", " see deals numeric and numeric ."]], "I believe the counterparty changed effective 2/1/01 to El Paso Merchant \nEnergy. See deals 637225 and 637234.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\n", "<30051234.1075854334597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "637225", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "4-4-2001-12:57:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-12:57:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32140434.1075840436889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 12:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\nCc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera \nX-To: Daren J Farmer , Julie Meyers \nX-cc: Sherlyn Schumack \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\n\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in 02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;", "Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "request information", " should this deal be extended?"]], "\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in 02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;", "<32140434.1075840436889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "235670", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric personnameTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "julie", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn", "numeric personnameTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}}, true]}, "31-8-2000-10:28:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-9-2000-3:14:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-9-2000-2:56:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"31-8-2000-10:28:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-10:28:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11705934.1075853986847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 10:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCc: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Kristen J Hanson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\n\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\n\n\nThanks- Katherine", "Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.", "reply", [], "CASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\n\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\n\n\nThanks- Katherine", "<11705934.1075853986847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,008", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$519 73", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-10:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1634490.1075854165698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 10:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nKatherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\n\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\n\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n", "Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.", "reply", [], "Katherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\n", "<1634490.1075854165698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "5-9-2000-3:14:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-3:14:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["kristen.hanson@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <17745233.1075854142972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 03:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCc: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Kristen J Hanson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Pan energy swap\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\n\n\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nKatherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\n\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\n\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.", "originEmail", [["attach spreadsheet", 16, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet for support: the most current worksheet is tab # numeric marked final column g is the over-delivery quantity total is numeric mmbtus column s is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due orgname pricenumeric numeric column t is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the customer pricenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\n\n\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\n", "<17745233.1075854142972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "87", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$1,008", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-4:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <53921.1075854165605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 04:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDone.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nDaren,\n\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\n\n\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nKatherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\n\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\n\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.", "reply", [], "Done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\n", "<53921.1075854165605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-9-2000-2:56:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["11-9-2000-2:56:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23210452.1075853984922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 02:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\n\nMarch 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\n\nApril 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n09/11/2000 09:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n09/05/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nDone.\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nDaren,\n\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\n\n\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nKatherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\n\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\n\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Duke Exchange Deal", "forward", [["attach spreadsheet", 22, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " datenumeric numeric sales ticket # numeric pricenumeric dollars due orgname purchase ticket # numeric pricenumeric numeric dollars due orgname i have attached my spreadsheet for support: column h is the over-delivery quantity total is numeric mmbtus column t is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due orgname pricenumeric column u is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the customer pricenumeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " datenumeric numeric sales ticket # numeric pricenumeric numeric dollars due orgname purchase ticket # numeric pricenumeric numeric dollars due orgname i have attached my spreadsheet for support: column h is the over-delivery quantity total is numeric mmbtus column t is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due orgname pricenumeric numeric column u is the daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the customer pricenumeric numeric thanks- "]], "Daren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\n\nMarch 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\n\nApril 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n", "<23210452.1075853984922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "82", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "80": {"value": "$1,549", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$1,549", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "98", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$0 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, false], "11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-9-2000-5:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29412744.1075854165279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 05:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Katherine Herrera\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ndone.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal\n\nDaren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\n\nMarch 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\n\nApril 2000\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\n\n\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n09/11/2000 09:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n09/05/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nDone.\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nDaren,\n\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\n\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\n\n\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\n\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \n\nKatherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\n\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\n\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\n\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\n\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\n\n\nThanks- Katherine\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Duke Exchange Deal", "reply", [], "done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\n", "<29412744.1075854165279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-12-2000-6:18:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 21-12-2000-6:38:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com 21-12-2000-8:57:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com": {"21-12-2000-6:18:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-6:18:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["gary.hanks@enron.com", "dan.hyvl@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "greg.brazaitis@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32783776.1075842229211.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 06:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: dan.hyvl@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nSubject: Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol\nCc: greg.brazaitis@enron.com, james.mckay@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: greg.brazaitis@enron.com, james.mckay@enron.com\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Dan J Hyvl, Gary A Hanks\nX-cc: Greg Brazaitis, James McKay\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nI was informed of a situation where Ameripol was receiving liquids in our \ngas. They claim they suffered losses of $180,000 in equipment and product \ndamage. They are asking for reimbursement. Please let me know what happened \nGary and Dan what damages they could collect.\nThanks,\n\nGary", "Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol", "originEmail", [["receive_incur gas", 7, "information", ["gas", "receiving"], "information", "i was informed of a situation where ameripol was receiving liquids in our gas."]], "I was informed of a situation where Ameripol was receiving liquids in our \ngas. They claim they suffered losses of $180,000 in equipment and product \ndamage. They are asking for reimbursement. Please let me know what happened \nGary and Dan what damages they could collect.\nThanks,\n\nGary", "<32783776.1075842229211.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "21-12-2000-6:38:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-6:38:0", "dan.hyvl@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30073522.1075842229256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 06:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nTo: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Dan J Hyvl\nX-To: Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nSend me the contract so that I can determine if we guaranteed no free liquids.\n\n\n\n\tGary W Lamphier\n\t12/21/2000 02:18 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Greg Brazaitis/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol\n\nI was informed of a situation where Ameripol was receiving liquids in our \ngas. They claim they suffered losses of $180,000 in equipment and product \ndamage. They are asking for reimbursement. Please let me know what happened \nGary and Dan what damages they could collect.\nThanks,\n\nGary\n", "Re: Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 0, "nninformation", ["send", "contract"], "request", "send me the contract so that i can determine if we guaranteed no free liquids."]], "Send me the contract so that I can determine if we guaranteed no free liquids.\n\n\n\n\tGary W Lamphier\n\t12/21/2000 02:18 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<30073522.1075842229256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "21-12-2000-8:57:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-8:57:0", "dan.hyvl@enron.com", "richard.sanders@enron.com", "jeffrey.hodge@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25377833.1075842229373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 08:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nTo: richard.sanders@enron.com\nSubject: Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol\nCc: jeffrey.hodge@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.hodge@enron.com\nX-From: Dan J Hyvl\nX-To: Richard B Sanders\nX-cc: Jeffrey T Hodge\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nHere is another incident stemming from the A-S 30 inch pipeline rupture of \nDecember 4, 2000. Although the facts are still being developed, this \ncustomer was also being supplied off of the A-S line and when it went down, \nHPL had to activate another pipeline to serve this customer from a different \nsource or direction. This line may have had some liquids settled in the line \nor other sediments which became dislodged and ultimately may have caused a \nfailure at Ameripol's boiler. This resulted in a fire which they claim \ncaused equipment and product damages. Liquids are not identified in the \nquality specifications for the gas to be delivered to Ameripol, only not more \nthan 20 grains of sulfur or 7 pounds of water vapor.\nAdditionally, the contract does contain a waiver of consequential damages. \nGary indicated to me that they told him that about $130,000 of the loss was a \nresult of lost sales due to the inability to produce product. They have \nfaxed us a written demand or notification which I will forward as soon as I \nreceive it.\n----- Forwarded by Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 04:41 PM -----\n\n\tGary W Lamphier\n\t12/21/2000 02:18 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Greg Brazaitis/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol\n\nI was informed of a situation where Ameripol was receiving liquids in our \ngas. They claim they suffered losses of $180,000 in equipment and product \ndamage. They are asking for reimbursement. Please let me know what happened \nGary and Dan what damages they could collect.\nThanks,\n\nGary", "Engineered Carbons/Ameripol Synpol", "forward", [["deliver gas", 45, "nninformation", ["delivered", "gas"], "intention", " liquids are not identified in the quality specifications for the gas to be delivered to ameripol, only not more than numeric grains of sulfur or numeric pounds of water vapor."]], "Here is another incident stemming from the A-S 30 inch pipeline rupture of \nDecember 4, 2000. Although the facts are still being developed, this \ncustomer was also being supplied off of the A-S line and when it went down, \nHPL had to activate another pipeline to serve this customer from a different \nsource or direction. This line may have had some liquids settled in the line \nor other sediments which became dislodged and ultimately may have caused a \nfailure at Ameripol's boiler. This resulted in a fire which they claim \ncaused equipment and product damages. Liquids are not identified in the \nquality specifications for the gas to be delivered to Ameripol, only not more \nthan 20 grains of sulfur or 7 pounds of water vapor.\nAdditionally, the contract does contain a waiver of consequential damages. \nGary indicated to me that they told him that about $130,000 of the loss was a \nresult of lost sales due to the inability to produce product. They have \nfaxed us a written demand or notification which I will forward as soon as I \nreceive it.\n---", "<25377833.1075842229373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "2-8-2000-8:48:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 7-8-2000-1:46:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 7-8-2000-2:21:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 14-8-2000-3:13:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"2-8-2000-8:48:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["2-8-2000-8:48:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], " \n Will there be a Buyback ticket for Formosa during August 2000 activity.\n Deal #: 92881 expired July 31,2000.", ["Formosa Meter #: 1000"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1000']}", [["expire deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", " deal #: numeric expired datenumeric , numeric ."]], " \n Will there be a Buyback ticket for Formosa during August 2000 activity.\n Deal #: 92881 expired July 31,2000.", ["<14902233.1075853992313.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23290651.1075854087519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25576922.1075854136229.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "92881", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "7-8-2000-1:46:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["7-8-2000-1:46:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Urgent Request !\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/07/2000 \n08:44 AM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/03/2000 04:48 PM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/03/2000 \n04:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/02/2000 03:48 PM\n \nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\n \n Will there be a Buyback ticket for Formosa during August 2000 activity.\n Deal #: 92881 expired July 31,2000.\n", ["Formosa Meter #: 1000"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1000']}", [], "Urgent Request !\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<4307478.1075853992000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32441320.1075854087837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26721842.1075854117940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-8-2000-2:21:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["7-8-2000-2:21:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["robert.lloyd@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <30579305.1075853991954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 02:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Formosa Meter #: 1000\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Rita Wynne, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe deal will continue as in months past, however the sales price is I (.035).\nYou may roll old deals for another month or give me the ticket numbers and I \nwill do so.\n\nThanks,\n\nGary\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/07/2000 08:46 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\n\nUrgent Request !\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/07/2000 \n08:44 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/03/2000 04:48 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/03/2000 \n04:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/02/2000 03:48 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\n\n\n \n Will there be a Buyback ticket for Formosa during August 2000 activity.\n Deal #: 92881 expired July 31,2000.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Formosa Meter #: 1000", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["deals", "roll"], "intention", " you may roll old deals for another month or give me the ticket numbers and i will do so."]], "The deal will continue as in months past, however the sales price is I (.035).\nYou may roll old deals for another month or give me the ticket numbers and I \nwill do so.\n\nThanks,\n\nGary\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/07/2000 08:46 AM\n\t\n\n", "<30579305.1075853991954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "035", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, true], "14-8-2000-3:13:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["14-8-2000-3:13:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], " Urgent !!\n Should I roll Sitara ticket #: 92876 {swing ticket for Formosa} for August \n2000 ?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/14/2000 \n10:10 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 08/07/2000 09:39 AM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Formosa Meter #: 1000 \n Gary : I will roll deal #: 92881 for Formosa Buyback. Thanks !\n \n Please verify the \"commodity fee\" as being \nwhat you want.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 08/07/2000 09:21 AM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Formosa Meter #: 1000 \nThe deal will continue as in months past, however the sales price is I (.035).\nYou may roll old deals for another month or give me the ticket numbers and I \nwill do so.\nThanks,\nGary\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/07/2000 08:46 AM\n \nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\nUrgent Request !\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/07/2000 \n08:44 AM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/03/2000 04:48 PM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/03/2000 \n04:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/02/2000 03:48 PM\n \nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Formosa Meter #: 1000\n \n Will there be a Buyback ticket for Formosa during August 2000 activity.\n Deal #: 92881 expired July 31,2000.\n", ["Re: Formosa Meter #: 1000"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1000']}", [], " Urgent !!\n\n Should I roll Sitara ticket #: 92876 {swing ticket for Formosa} for August \n2000 ?\n\n\n\n", ["<2009350.1075853990493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6781105.1075854089116.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14428061.1075854117740.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "1-12-2000-1:43:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 4-12-2000-1:37:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com": {"1-12-2000-1:43:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-1:43:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], ["dan.hyvl@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18649601.1075842259919.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 01:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Marathon\nCc: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: Dan J Hyvl\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\Gas\\Hpl customers\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nDan,\nReceived this contract but looks like you put in I + .05 instead of I + .005\nCan you please correct and send to me?\nThanks\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 10/27/2000 01:11 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Marathon\n\nDan,\nPlease prepare the necessary documents. The accepted proposal is below \nOption A.\nThanks,\nGary\n\n\n\n", "Re: Marathon", "originEmail", [["put_assign contract", 3, "nninformation", ["put", "contract"], "request information", "dan, received this contract but looks like you put in i numeric instead of i numeric can you please correct and send to me?"]], "Dan,\nReceived this contract but looks like you put in I + .05 instead of I + .005\nCan you please correct and send to me?\nThanks\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 10/27/2000 01:11 PM\n\t\n\n", "<18649601.1075842259919.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "05", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["instead numericTnn"]}}, false], "4-12-2000-1:37:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com": ["4-12-2000-1:37:0", "dan.hyvl@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8761053.1075842226045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 01:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nTo: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Marathon\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Dan J Hyvl\nX-To: Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nCorrected as requested. I made a mistake.\n\n\n\n\tGary W Lamphier\n\t12/01/2000 09:43 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: Marathon\n\nDan,\nReceived this contract but looks like you put in I + .05 instead of I + .005\nCan you please correct and send to me?\nThanks\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 10/27/2000 01:11 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Marathon\n\nDan,\nPlease prepare the necessary documents. The accepted proposal is below \nOption A.\nThanks,\nGary\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Marathon", "reply", [], "Corrected as requested. I made a mistake.\n\n\n\n\tGary W Lamphier\n\t12/01/2000 09:43 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<8761053.1075842226045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "28-12-1999-10:20:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com 28-12-1999-22:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-12-1999-10:20:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["28-12-1999-10:20:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", ["william.kelly@enron.com", "brenda.herod@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "kenneth.walther@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16983353.1075854037338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 10:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: kenneth.walther@enron.com, william.kelly@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Y2K deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Baumbach\nX-To: Kenneth W Walther, William Kelly, Brenda F Herod, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDetails for the deal to be entered on Jan. 1, 2000:\n\nBuy/Sell: Buy\nCtpty: Aquila Energy Marketing Corporation\nZone: Agua Dulce @ 0584\nVolume: 5,000/d\nPricing: HSC -0.065\nPeriod: 1/8/00-1/31/00\n\nThis deal will be the second part of Sitara deal #143974.\n\nPlease let me know if there are any questions or concerns.\n\nDave", "Y2K deal", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "entered"], "intention", "details for the deal to be entered on datenumeric , numeric : buy/sell: buy ctpty: orgname energy marketing corporation zone: agua dulce @ numeric volume: numeric /d pricing: hsc numeric numeric period: datenumeric - datenumeric this deal will be the second part of sitara deal # numeric ."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 6, "nninformation", ["buy", "deal"], "request", "details for the deal to be entered on datenumeric , numeric : buy/sell: buy ctpty: orgname energy marketing corporation zone: agua dulce @ numeric volume: numeric /d pricing: hsc numeric numeric period: datenumeric - datenumeric this deal will be the second part of sitara deal # numeric ."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 7, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "request", "details for the deal to be entered on datenumeric , numeric : buy/sell: buy ctpty: orgname energy marketing corporation zone: agua dulce @ numeric volume: numeric /d pricing: hsc numeric numeric period: datenumeric - datenumeric this deal will be the second part of sitara deal # numeric ."]], "Details for the deal to be entered on Jan. 1, 2000:\n\nBuy/Sell: Buy\nCtpty: Aquila Energy Marketing Corporation\nZone: Agua Dulce @ 0584\nVolume: 5,000/d\nPricing: HSC -0.065\nPeriod: 1/8/00-1/31/00\n\nThis deal will be the second part of Sitara deal #143974.\n\nPlease let me know if there are any questions or concerns.\n\nDave", "<16983353.1075854037338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "065", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "143974", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "deal price volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal price volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal price volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal price volumeTnnn"]}, "17": {"value": "5,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "0584", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false], "28-12-1999-22:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-12-1999-22:56:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9945878.1075854174120.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 22:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: pat.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: Y2K deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Pat Clynes\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/29/99 06:56 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron Capital Management\n\t\n\tFrom: David Baumbach 12/28/99 06:20 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Kenneth W Walther/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F \nHerod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Y2K deal\n\nDetails for the deal to be entered on Jan. 1, 2000:\n\nBuy/Sell: Buy\nCtpty: Aquila Energy Marketing Corporation\nZone: Agua Dulce @ 0584\nVolume: 5,000/d\nPricing: HSC -0.065\nPeriod: 1/8/00-1/31/00\n\nThis deal will be the second part of Sitara deal #143974.\n\nPlease let me know if there are any questions or concerns.\n\nDave\n", "Y2K deal", "forward", [], "", "<9945878.1075854174120.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "25-5-2001-17:43:0Sstephanie.miller@enron.com 25-5-2001-18:9:0Sstephanie.miller@enron.com 15-8-2001-7:59:26Sjoe.quenet@enron.com 15-8-2001-8:8:33Schris.dorland@enron.com 2-10-2001-14:41:20Sstephanie.miller@enron.com 24-10-2001-7:50:34Sjoe.quenet@enron.com 29-10-2001-11:6:48Sangie.collins@enron.com 31-10-2001-8:21:38St..lucci@enron.com 8-11-2001-7:28:12Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com 19-12-2001-9:2:32Smark.whitt@enron.com 31-1-2002-13:48:40Smichelle.lokay@enron.com 2-4-2002-13:21:19Schris.germany@enron.com 29-4-2002-10:58:23Schris.germany@enron.com": {"25-5-2001-17:43:0Sstephanie.miller@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-17:43:0", "stephanie.miller@enron.com", "philip.polsky@enron.com gerald.nemec@enron.com barry.tycholiz@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15135218.1075858570137.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 25 May 2001 17:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stephanie.miller@enron.com\nTo: philip.polsky@enron.com, gerald.nemec@enron.com, barry.tycholiz@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Agency Form\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stephanie Miller \nX-To: Philip Polsky , Gerald Nemec , Barry Tycholiz \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged)\\Nemec, Gerald\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Nemec-G\nX-FileName: Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Hobson, W. Frank\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hobson+2C+20W+2E+20Frank+22+20+3CFrank+2EHobson+40ElPaso+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tFriday, May 25, 2001 1:38 PM\nTo:\tMiller, Stephanie\nSubject:\tAgency Form\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************\n - EPNG Agency Agmt Auth 10 2000.doc ", "FW: Agency Form", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<15135218.1075858570137.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "25-5-2001-18:9:0Sstephanie.miller@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-18:9:0", "stephanie.miller@enron.com", "arlanz@mexis.com", "barry.tycholiz@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1475546.1075858570160.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 25 May 2001 18:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stephanie.miller@enron.com\nTo: arlanz@mexis.com\nSubject: FW: Agency Form\nCc: barry.tycholiz@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: barry.tycholiz@enron.com\nX-From: Stephanie Miller \nX-To: arlanz@mexis.com@SMTP \nX-cc: Barry Tycholiz \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged)\\Nemec, Gerald\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Nemec-G\nX-FileName: Nemec, Gerald (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAttached is the agency form from El Paso.\n\nWe still need more detailed information for our credit evlauation. Please send information to Barry Tycholiz ASAP @ Enron Corp., 1400 Smith Street, Houston, Tx 77002. \nHis e:mail is barry.tycholiz@enron.com. - 713-853-1587\n\nWe should be able to send initial paperwork Tuesday. Since June 1st is on Friday, we will need to nominate on Thursday.\n\nI checked with El Paso: should something go wrong, you have until the 30th to post your capacity for the month of June.\n\nI'll be checking in.\n\nHave a good weekend,\n\nStephanie\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Hobson, W. Frank\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hobson+2C+20W+2E+20Frank+22+20+3CFrank+2EHobson+40ElPaso+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tFriday, May 25, 2001 1:38 PM\nTo:\tMiller, Stephanie\nSubject:\tAgency Form\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************\n - EPNG Agency Agmt Auth 10 2000.doc ", "FW: Agency Form", "reply", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 0, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", "attached is the agency form from orgname we still need more detailed information for our credit evlauation."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 0, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", "attached is the agency form from orgname we still need more detailed information for our credit evlauation."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 9, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "request", " please send information to barry tycholiz asap @ orgname , numeric smith street, houston, tx numeric ."]], "Attached is the agency form from El Paso.\n\nWe still need more detailed information for our credit evlauation. Please send information to Barry Tycholiz ASAP @ Enron Corp., 1400 Smith Street, Houston, Tx 77002. \nHis e:mail is barry.tycholiz@enron.com. - 713-853-1587\n\nWe should be able to send initial paperwork Tuesday. Since June 1st is on Friday, we will need to nominate on Thursday.\n\nI checked with El Paso: should something go wrong, you have until the 30th to post your capacity for the month of June.\n\nI'll be checking in.\n\nHave a good weekend,\n\nStephanie\n\n \n\n ", "<1475546.1075858570160.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-8-2001-7:59:26Sjoe.quenet@enron.com": ["15-8-2001-7:59:26", "joe.quenet@enron.com", "j..sturm@enron.com robert.benson@enron.com chris.dorland@enron.com harry.arora@enron.com robert.stalford@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31078678.1075863388957.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 07:59:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: joe.quenet@enron.com\nTo: j..sturm@enron.com, robert.benson@enron.com, chris.dorland@enron.com,\n\tharry.arora@enron.com, robert.stalford@enron.com\nSubject: FW: 07:33am EDT 15-Aug-01 Prudential Securities (C\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Quenet, Joe \nX-To: Sturm, Fletcher J. , Benson, Robert , Dorland, Chris , Arora, Harry , Stalford, Robert \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\RBENSON (Non-Privileged)\\Benson, Robert\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Benson-R\nX-FileName: RBENSON (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nCHECK THIS OUT.....\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Knock, John\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Knock+2C+20John+22+20+3CJohn+2EKnock+40ElPaso+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tWednesday, August 15, 2001 9:33 AM\nTo:\tQuenet, Joe\nSubject:\t07:33am EDT 15-Aug-01 Prudential Securities (C\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************\n - Prudential.doc ", "FW: 07:33am EDT 15-Aug-01 Prudential Securities (C", "reply", [["check_break object", 0, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request", "check this out."]], "CHECK THIS OUT.....\n\n ", "<31078678.1075863388957.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-8-2001-8:8:33Schris.dorland@enron.com": ["15-8-2001-8:8:33", "chris.dorland@enron.com", "dan.dorland@enron.com keith.holst@enron.com mike.cowan@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26211574.1075840421694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 08:08:33 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: chris.dorland@enron.com\nTo: dan.dorland@enron.com, keith.holst@enron.com, mike.cowan@enron.com\nSubject: FW: 07:33am EDT 15-Aug-01 Prudential Securities (C\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Dorland, Chris \nX-To: Dorland, Dan , Holst, Keith , Cowan, Mike \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Dorland, Chris\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: DORLAND-C\nX-FileName: chris dorland 6-26-02.PST\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tQuenet, Joe \nSent:\tWednesday, August 15, 2001 9:59 AM\nTo:\tSturm, Fletcher J.; Benson, Robert; Dorland, Chris; Arora, Harry; Stalford, Robert\nSubject:\tFW: 07:33am EDT 15-Aug-01 Prudential Securities (C\n\nCHECK THIS OUT.....\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Knock, John\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Knock+2C+20John+22+20+3CJohn+2EKnock+40ElPaso+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tWednesday, August 15, 2001 9:33 AM\nTo:\tQuenet, Joe\nSubject:\t07:33am EDT 15-Aug-01 Prudential Securities (C\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************\n - Prudential.doc ", "FW: 07:33am EDT 15-Aug-01 Prudential Securities (C", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<26211574.1075840421694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-10-2001-14:41:20Sstephanie.miller@enron.com": ["2-10-2001-14:41:20", "stephanie.miller@enron.com", "mara.bronstein@enron.com houston .ward@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3751165.1075852877501.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 14:41:20 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stephanie.miller@enron.com\nTo: mara.bronstein@enron.com, houston <.ward@enron.com>\nSubject: FW:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Miller, Stephanie \nX-To: Bronstein, Mara , Ward, Kim S (Houston) \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\KWARD (Non-Privileged)\\Ward, Kim S (Houston)\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Ward-K\nX-FileName: KWARD (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"O'Toole, Sharon\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22O+27Toole+2C+20Sharon+22+20+3CSharon+2EOToole+40ElPaso+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tTuesday, October 02, 2001 4:04 PM\nTo:\t'Amy Wood'; 'Blanca Daugherty'; Chance, Debbie; 'Diane Covert'; 'Fran Russell'; 'Gloria Moore'; Roberts, Linda; 'Lisa Lander'; 'Martha Senf'; 'Selena P-Home'; 'Stacey N-Home'; Miller, Stephanie\nSubject:\tFW:\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************\n - gift.pps ", "FW:", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<3751165.1075852877501.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "24-10-2001-7:50:34Sjoe.quenet@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-7:50:34", "joe.quenet@enron.com", "matthew.lord@elpaso.com", "", "Message-ID: <14281279.1075852772070.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 07:50:34 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: joe.quenet@enron.com\nTo: matthew.lord@elpaso.com\nSubject: RE: wow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Quenet, Joe \nX-To: '\"Lord, Matthew\" @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JQUENET (Non-Privileged)\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Quenet-J\nX-FileName: JQUENET (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nOUCH ! OFFPEAK IS WORTH MORE.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Lord, Matthew\" @ENRON \nSent:\tWednesday, October 24, 2001 9:38 AM\nTo:\tQuenet, Joe\nSubject:\twow\n\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************", "RE: wow", "reply", [], "OUCH ! OFFPEAK IS WORTH MORE.\n ", "<14281279.1075852772070.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-10-2001-11:6:48Sangie.collins@enron.com": ["29-10-2001-11:6:48", "angie.collins@enron.com", "l..mims@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10082524.1075855017108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:06:48 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: angie.collins@enron.com\nTo: l..mims@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Moody's cuts Enron to 2 notches above \"junk\"\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Collins, Angie \nX-To: Mims, Patrice L. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\PMIMS (Non-Privileged)\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Mims-Thurston-P\nX-FileName: PMIMS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Roberts, Chaun \nSent: Monday, October 29, 2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Holcombe, Tina ; Collins, Angie; Pierre, Paula; Armstrong, Kristy;\nMathews, Helen\nSubject: FW: Moody's cuts Enron to 2 notches above \"junk\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso \nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the \nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. \nIf you have received this email in error please notify the \nsender.\n******************************************************************", "FW: Moody's cuts Enron to 2 notches above \"junk\"", "reply", [], "\n\n", "<10082524.1075855017108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-10-2001-8:21:38St..lucci@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-8:21:38", "t..lucci@enron.com", "'williams@enron.com bob.williams@elpaso.com", "", "Message-ID: <12261392.1075862126620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 08:21:38 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: t..lucci@enron.com\nTo: 'williams@enron.com, bob.williams@elpaso.com\nSubject: RE: lunch today still on????\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Lucci, Paul T. \nX-To: 'Williams, Bob' \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\PLUCCI (Non-Privileged)\\Lucci, Paul T.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Lucci-P\nX-FileName: PLUCCI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nyes, what time & where? Jerry Padilla wants to go.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Williams, Bob [mailto:Bob.Williams@ElPaso.com]\nSent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:13 AM\nTo: 'plucci@enron.com'\nSubject: lunch today still on????\n\n\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso \nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the \nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. \nIf you have received this email in error please notify the \nsender.\n******************************************************************", "RE: lunch today still on????", "reply", [], "yes, what time & where? Jerry Padilla wants to go.\n\n", "<12261392.1075862126620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "8-11-2001-7:28:12Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["8-11-2001-7:28:12", "david.baumbach@enron.com", ["bryan.hull@enron.com", "eric.bass@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30660447.1075860778111.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 07:28:12 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com, bryan.hull@enron.com, eric.bass@enron.com,\n\tmichael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Field Services Office\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Baumbach, David \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. , Hull, Bryan , Bass, Eric , Olsen, Michael \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Mar2002\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Deleted Items\\Performance\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso \nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the \nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. \nIf you have received this email in error please notify the \nsender.\n******************************************************************", "FW: Field Services Office", "originEmail", [["receive_incur gas", 14, "information", ["error", "received"], "information", " if you have received this email in error please notify the "]], "\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso \nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the \nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. \nIf you have received this email in error please notify the \nsender.\n******************************************************************", "<30660447.1075860778111.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "19-12-2001-9:2:32Smark.whitt@enron.com": ["19-12-2001-9:2:32", "mark.whitt@enron.com", "'murphy@enron.com tim.murphy@elpaso.com", "", "Message-ID: <11304542.1075855340400.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:02:32 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.whitt@enron.com\nTo: 'murphy@enron.com, tim.murphy@elpaso.com\nSubject: RE: Personality Test\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Whitt, Mark \nX-To: 'Murphy, Tim' \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Whitt_Jan2002_1\\Whitt, Mark\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Whitt-M\nX-FileName: mwhitt (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nNice and simple. I like that. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have you though about applying for the ND position. You can lie on your resume as good as anybody!\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Murphy, Tim [mailto:Tim.Murphy@ElPaso.com]\nSent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 12:13 PM\nTo: 'Bump, Dan'; 'Whitt, Mark'\nSubject: FW: Personality Test\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso \nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the \nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. \nIf you have received this email in error please notify the \nsender.\n******************************************************************", "RE: Personality Test", "reply", [], "Nice and simple. I like that. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have you though about applying for the ND position. You can lie on your resume as good as anybody!\n\n", "<11304542.1075855340400.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-1-2002-13:48:40Smichelle.lokay@enron.com": ["31-1-2002-13:48:40", "michelle.lokay@enron.com", "jimboman@bigfoot.com", "", "Message-ID: <27689367.1075860966188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 13:48:40 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michelle.lokay@enron.com\nTo: jimboman@bigfoot.com\nSubject: FW: Well now there's a song about it...l\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Lokay, Michelle \nX-To: 'jimboman@bigfoot.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Michelle_Lokay_Mar2002\\Lokay, Michelle\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Lokay-M\nX-FileName: mlokay (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ott, Shana [mailto:Shana.Ott@ElPaso.com]\nSent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 3:33 PM\nTo: Lokay, Michelle\nSubject: FW: Well now there's a song about it...l\n\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso \nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the \nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. \nIf you have received this email in error please notify the \nsender.\n******************************************************************", "FW: Well now there's a song about it...l", "reply", [], "\n\n", "<27689367.1075860966188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-4-2002-13:21:19Schris.germany@enron.com": ["2-4-2002-13:21:19", "chris.germany@enron.com", "kay.mann@enron.com n..gray@enron.com", "mark.knippa@enron.com jack.wise@enron.com troy.denetsosie@enron.com jim.coffey@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7322998.1075840495062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 13:21:19 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: chris.germany@enron.com\nTo: kay.mann@enron.com, n..gray@enron.com\nSubject: FW: BASE CONTRACT FOR SHORT-TERM\nCc: mark.knippa@enron.com, jack.wise@enron.com, troy.denetsosie@enron.com,\n\tjim.coffey@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mark.knippa@enron.com, jack.wise@enron.com, troy.denetsosie@enron.com,\n\tjim.coffey@enron.com\nX-From: Germany, Chris \nX-To: Mann, Kay , Gray, Barbara N. \nX-cc: Knippa, Mark , Wise, Jack , Denetsosie, Troy , Coffey Jr., Jim \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Germany, Chris\\Bankrupt\\Enron Compressor Services\nX-Origin: GERMANY-C\nX-FileName: chris germany 6-25-02.pst\n\nEl Paso's GISB for Enron Compression. I will be emailing an addendum shortly.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Gregory, Harry\" @ENRON \nSent:\tTuesday, April 02, 2002 2:39 PM\nTo:\tGermany, Chris\nSubject:\tBASE CONTRACT FOR SHORT-TERM\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************\n - Doc1.doc ", "FW: BASE CONTRACT FOR SHORT-TERM", "reply", [], "El Paso's GISB for Enron Compression. I will be emailing an addendum shortly.\n\n\n ", "<7322998.1075840495062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-4-2002-10:58:23Schris.germany@enron.com": ["29-4-2002-10:58:23", "chris.germany@enron.com", "n..gray@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8949705.1075840514188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:58:23 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: chris.germany@enron.com\nTo: n..gray@enron.com\nSubject: FW: BASE CONTRACT FOR SHORT-TERM\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Germany, Chris \nX-To: Gray, Barbara N. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Germany, Chris\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: GERMANY-C\nX-FileName: chris germany 6-25-02.pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGermany, Chris \nSent:\tTuesday, April 02, 2002 3:21 PM\nTo:\tMann, Kay; Gray, Barbara N.\nCc:\tKnippa, Mark; Wise, Jack; Denetsosie, Troy; Coffey Jr., Jim\nSubject:\tFW: BASE CONTRACT FOR SHORT-TERM\n\nEl Paso's GISB for Enron Compression. I will be emailing an addendum shortly.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Gregory, Harry\" @ENRON \nSent:\tTuesday, April 02, 2002 2:39 PM\nTo:\tGermany, Chris\nSubject:\tBASE CONTRACT FOR SHORT-TERM\n\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************\n - Doc1.doc ", "FW: BASE CONTRACT FOR SHORT-TERM", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<8949705.1075840514188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "5-3-2001-2:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-3-2001-6:1:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": {"5-3-2001-2:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-3-2001-2:26:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2854418.1075854335686.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 02:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Rita Wynne\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRita, \n\nSince I was out of the office most of the week, I missed reading this \ne-mail. I am open any afternoon this week except for Friday (all day) and \nBob's staff meeting tomorrow (if we have it). Let me know when you want to \nmeet.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/05/2001 \n10:27 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Comello@ENRON\n02/27/2001 04:21 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Pond/Corp/Enron@Enron, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nKelly Ellis/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brandee Jackson/NA/Enron@ENR \nSubject: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\n\nPlease see the following reschedule meeting:\n\nDate: Monday, March 5\nTime: 9-10 AM\nPlace: EB3268\n\nThanks,\nMary x35999\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Comello/Corp/Enron on 02/27/2001 \n04:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Comello\n02/27/2001 11:02 AM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Pond/Corp/Enron@Enron, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brandee Jackson/NA/Enron@ENR \n\nSubject: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\n\nThe above meeting has been cancelled for today and will advise you of the \nreschedule.\n\nThanks,\nMary x35999\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Comello/Corp/Enron on 02/27/2001 \n10:59 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Comello\n02/22/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Pond/Corp/Enron@Enron, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brandee Jackson/NA/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\n\nPer the request of Rita Wynne, Please plan to attend the following meeting:\n\nTopic: Tenaska IV -Cleburne Plant\nDate: Tuesday, Feb. 27\nTime: 1-2 PM\nPlace: EB37c1\n\nThanks,\nMary Comello x35999\n\n\n\n\n", "REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant", "reply", [], "Rita, \n\nSince I was out of the office most of the week, I missed reading this \ne-mail. I am open any afternoon this week except for Friday (all day) and \nBob's staff meeting tomorrow (if we have it). Let me know when you want to \nmeet.\n\nD\n", "<2854418.1075854335686.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "6-3-2001-6:1:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-6:1:0", "rita.wynne@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13664619.1075854293570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 06:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rita.wynne@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Rita Wynne\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nWe are working with Mark McCoy on getting some things repathed in the \nsystem. It appears that we have not been actualizing the receipts in Unify \njust the deliveries -not sure why????. We have been paying the suppliers \nbased on whatever they invoice us for, which typically has been a smaller \nnumber than what we have in Unify. Also, we have not been able to get a \ncontact for the allocation statement. In some cases, we get the summary \nsheet, but no detail and some months we don't get anything at all. Do you \nknow of a good contact that we can call so that we receive the allocation on \na timely and consistent basis? The contacts on the allocation statements \nthat we do have are not returning phone calls. I also need to know what was \nthe beginning balance when we took this on for Tenaska? Anything else that \nwe need from you, I will call you.\n\nThanks,\nRW\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/05/2001 10:26 AM\nTo: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\n\nRita, \n\nSince I was out of the office most of the week, I missed reading this \ne-mail. I am open any afternoon this week except for Friday (all day) and \nBob's staff meeting tomorrow (if we have it). Let me know when you want to \nmeet.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/05/2001 \n10:27 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Comello@ENRON\n02/27/2001 04:21 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Pond/Corp/Enron@Enron, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nKelly Ellis/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brandee Jackson/NA/Enron@ENR \nSubject: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\n\nPlease see the following reschedule meeting:\n\nDate: Monday, March 5\nTime: 9-10 AM\nPlace: EB3268\n\nThanks,\nMary x35999\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Comello/Corp/Enron on 02/27/2001 \n04:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Comello\n02/27/2001 11:02 AM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Pond/Corp/Enron@Enron, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brandee Jackson/NA/Enron@ENR \n\nSubject: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\n\nThe above meeting has been cancelled for today and will advise you of the \nreschedule.\n\nThanks,\nMary x35999\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Comello/Corp/Enron on 02/27/2001 \n10:59 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMary Comello\n02/22/2001 02:59 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Pond/Corp/Enron@Enron, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brandee Jackson/NA/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant\n\nPer the request of Rita Wynne, Please plan to attend the following meeting:\n\nTopic: Tenaska IV -Cleburne Plant\nDate: Tuesday, Feb. 27\nTime: 1-2 PM\nPlace: EB37c1\n\nThanks,\nMary Comello x35999\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: REVISED-Tenaska IV-Cleburne Plant", "originEmail", [["pay supplier{pipeline}", 13, "information", ["paying", "suppliers"], "information", " we have been paying the suppliers based on whatever they invoice us for, which typically has been a smaller number than what we have in unify."]], "Daren,\n\nWe are working with Mark McCoy on getting some things repathed in the \nsystem. It appears that we have not been actualizing the receipts in Unify \njust the deliveries -not sure why????. We have been paying the suppliers \nbased on whatever they invoice us for, which typically has been a smaller \nnumber than what we have in Unify. Also, we have not been able to get a \ncontact for the allocation statement. In some cases, we get the summary \nsheet, but no detail and some months we don't get anything at all. Do you \nknow of a good contact that we can call so that we receive the allocation on \na timely and consistent basis? The contacts on the allocation statements \nthat we do have are not returning phone calls. I also need to know what was \nthe beginning balance when we took this on for Tenaska? Anything else that \nwe need from you, I will call you.\n\nThanks,\nRW\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/05/2001 10:26 AM\n", "<13664619.1075854293570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "14-12-1999-6:38:0Srita.wynne@enron.com 14-12-1999-9:32:0Sbrenda.herod@enron.com 20-12-1999-23:49:0Spamela.chambers@enron.com": {"14-12-1999-6:38:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["14-12-1999-6:38:0", "rita.wynne@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com", "kyle.lilly@enron.com", "george.grant@enron.com", "janet.wallis@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], ["lisa.csikos@enron.com", "kathryn.cordes@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "brenda.herod@enron.com", "pamela.chambers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6231432.1075854044302.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 06:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rita.wynne@enron.com\nTo: janet.wallis@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tthu.nguyen@enron.com, kyle.lilly@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Entex Transistion\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, kathryn.cordes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tpamela.chambers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, kathryn.cordes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tpamela.chambers@enron.com\nX-From: Rita Wynne\nX-To: Janet H Wallis, Ami Chokshi, Howard B Camp, Thu Nguyen, Kyle R Lilly, Stacey Neuweiler, George Grant, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Kathryn Cordes, Rita Wynne, Lisa Csikos, Brenda F Herod, Pamela Chambers\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe purpose of the email is to recap the kickoff meeting held on yesterday \nwith members from Commercial and Volume Managment concernig the Entex account:\n\n Effective January 2000, Thu Nguyen (x37159) in the Volume Managment group, \nwill take over the responsibility of allocating the Entex contracts. Howard \nand Thu began some training this month and will continue to transition the \naccount over the next few months. Entex will be Thu's primary account \nespecially during these first few months as she learns the allocations \nprocess and the contracts. \nHoward will continue with his lead responsibilites within the group and be \navailable for questions or as a backup, if necessary (thanks Howard for all \nyour hard work on the account this year!). \nIn the initial phases of this transistion, I would like to organize an Entex \n\"account\" team. The team (members from front office to back office) would \nmeet at some point in the month to discuss any issues relating to the \nscheduling, allocations, settlements, contracts, deals, etc. This hopefully \nwill give each of you a chance to not only identify and resolve issues before \nthe finalization process, but to learn from each other relative to your \nrespective areas and allow the newcomers to get up to speed on the account as \nwell. I would encourage everyone to attend these meetings initially as I \nbelieve this is a critical part to the success of the Entex account. \n\nI will have my assistant to coordinate the initial meeting for early 1/2000. \nIf anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or stop \nby. Thanks in advance for everyone's cooperation...........\n\n\nJulie - Please add Thu to the confirmations distributions list", "Entex Transistion", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 22, "nninformation", ["allocating", "contracts"], "intention", "the purpose of the email is to recap the kickoff meeting held on yesterday with members from commercial and volume managment concernig the entex account: effective datenumeric numeric , thu nguyen (x numeric ) in the volume managment group, will take over the responsibility of allocating the entex contracts."]], "The purpose of the email is to recap the kickoff meeting held on yesterday \nwith members from Commercial and Volume Managment concernig the Entex account:\n\n Effective January 2000, Thu Nguyen (x37159) in the Volume Managment group, \nwill take over the responsibility of allocating the Entex contracts. Howard \nand Thu began some training this month and will continue to transition the \naccount over the next few months. Entex will be Thu's primary account \nespecially during these first few months as she learns the allocations \nprocess and the contracts. \nHoward will continue with his lead responsibilites within the group and be \navailable for questions or as a backup, if necessary (thanks Howard for all \nyour hard work on the account this year!). \nIn the initial phases of this transistion, I would like to organize an Entex \n\"account\" team. The team (members from front office to back office) would \nmeet at some point in the month to discuss any issues relating to the \nscheduling, allocations, settlements, contracts, deals, etc. This hopefully \nwill give each of you a chance to not only identify and resolve issues before \nthe finalization process, but to learn from each other relative to your \nrespective areas and allow the newcomers to get up to speed on the account as \nwell. I would encourage everyone to attend these meetings initially as I \nbelieve this is a critical part to the success of the Entex account. \n\nI will have my assistant to coordinate the initial meeting for early 1/2000. \nIf anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or stop \nby. Thanks in advance for everyone's cooperation...........\n\n\nJulie - Please add Thu to the confirmations distributions list", "<6231432.1075854044302.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "37159", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "14-12-1999-9:32:0Sbrenda.herod@enron.com": ["14-12-1999-9:32:0", "brenda.herod@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "janet.wallis@enron.com ami.chokshi@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com thu.nguyen@enron.com kyle.lilly@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com george.grant@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com kathryn.cordes@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com pamela.chambers@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27630025.1075854039136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 09:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: brenda.herod@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Entex Transistion\nCc: janet.wallis@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tthu.nguyen@enron.com, kyle.lilly@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tkathryn.cordes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, pamela.chambers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: janet.wallis@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tthu.nguyen@enron.com, kyle.lilly@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tkathryn.cordes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, pamela.chambers@enron.com\nX-From: Brenda F Herod\nX-To: Rita Wynne\nX-cc: Janet H Wallis, Ami Chokshi, Howard B Camp, Thu Nguyen, Kyle R Lilly, Stacey Neuweiler, George Grant, Julie Meyers, Daren J Farmer, Kathryn Cordes, Rita Wynne, Lisa Csikos, Pamela Chambers\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThanks so much for the memo. I would like to reiterate my support on two key \nissues:\n\n1). Thu - Best of luck on this new assignment. Howard has worked hard and \ndone a great job! Please don't be shy on asking questions. Entex is \ncritical to the Texas business, and it is critical to our team that we are \ntimely and accurate.\n\n2). Rita: Thanks for setting up the account team. Communication is \ncritical to our success, and I encourage you all to keep each other informed \nat all times. The P&L impact to our business can be significant. \nAdditionally, this is high profile, so we want to assure top quality.\n\nThanks to all of you for all of your efforts. Let me know if there is \nanything I can do to help provide any additional support. \n\n\n\n\t\n\tRita Wynne\n\t\n\t12/14/99 02:38:45 PM\n\t\nTo: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kyle R Lilly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey \nNeuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathryn Cordes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela \nChambers/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Entex Transistion\n\nThe purpose of the email is to recap the kickoff meeting held on yesterday \nwith members from Commercial and Volume Managment concernig the Entex account:\n\n Effective January 2000, Thu Nguyen (x37159) in the Volume Managment group, \nwill take over the responsibility of allocating the Entex contracts. Howard \nand Thu began some training this month and will continue to transition the \naccount over the next few months. Entex will be Thu's primary account \nespecially during these first few months as she learns the allocations \nprocess and the contracts. \nHoward will continue with his lead responsibilites within the group and be \navailable for questions or as a backup, if necessary (thanks Howard for all \nyour hard work on the account this year!). \nIn the initial phases of this transistion, I would like to organize an Entex \n\"account\" team. The team (members from front office to back office) would \nmeet at some point in the month to discuss any issues relating to the \nscheduling, allocations, settlements, contracts, deals, etc. This hopefully \nwill give each of you a chance to not only identify and resolve issues before \nthe finalization process, but to learn from each other relative to your \nrespective areas and allow the newcomers to get up to speed on the account as \nwell. I would encourage everyone to attend these meetings initially as I \nbelieve this is a critical part to the success of the Entex account. \n\nI will have my assistant to coordinate the initial meeting for early 1/2000. \nIf anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or stop \nby. Thanks in advance for everyone's cooperation...........\n\n\nJulie - Please add Thu to the confirmations distributions list\n\n", "Re: Entex Transistion", "reply", [], "Thanks so much for the memo. I would like to reiterate my support on two key \nissues:\n\n1). Thu - Best of luck on this new assignment. Howard has worked hard and \ndone a great job! Please don't be shy on asking questions. Entex is \ncritical to the Texas business, and it is critical to our team that we are \ntimely and accurate.\n\n2). Rita: Thanks for setting up the account team. Communication is \ncritical to our success, and I encourage you all to keep each other informed \nat all times. The P&L impact to our business can be significant. \nAdditionally, this is high profile, so we want to assure top quality.\n\nThanks to all of you for all of your efforts. Let me know if there is \nanything I can do to help provide any additional support. \n\n\n\n\t\n\tRita Wynne\n\t\n\t12/14/99 02:38:45 PM\n\t\n", "<27630025.1075854039136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-12-1999-23:49:0Spamela.chambers@enron.com": ["20-12-1999-23:49:0", "pamela.chambers@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com janet.wallis@enron.com ami.chokshi@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com thu.nguyen@enron.com kyle.lilly@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com george.grant@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com kathryn.cordes@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com brenda.herod@enron.com yvette.connevey@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6582834.1075854038394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 23:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: pamela.chambers@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com, janet.wallis@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, kyle.lilly@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Entex Transition Mtg. EB37C1\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, kathryn.cordes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tyvette.connevey@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, kathryn.cordes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tyvette.connevey@enron.com\nX-From: Pamela Chambers\nX-To: Rita Wynne, Janet H Wallis, Ami Chokshi, Howard B Camp, Thu Nguyen, Kyle R Lilly, Stacey Neuweiler, George Grant, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Kathryn Cordes, Rita Wynne, Lisa Csikos, Brenda F Herod, Yvette G Connevey\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n12-21-99\n\nPlease mark your calendar to reflect this important meeting.\n\nTopic: Entex Transition \nDate: Friday, January 7, 2000\nTime: 2:00-3:00pm\nLocation: EB37C1\n\n\nIf you have any questions,please contact me or Rita Wynne x3-7694\n\nMany Thanks, \nPamela Chambers \nx39680\n\n\n\n\t\n\tRita Wynne @ ECT\n\t\n\t12/14/99 02:38:45 PM\n\t\nTo: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kyle R Lilly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey \nNeuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathryn Cordes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela \nChambers/Corp/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: Entex Transistion\n\nThe purpose of the email is to recap the kickoff meeting held on yesterday \nwith members from Commercial and Volume Managment concernig the Entex account:\n\n Effective January 2000, Thu Nguyen (x37159) in the Volume Managment group, \nwill take over the responsibility of allocating the Entex contracts. Howard \nand Thu began some training this month and will continue to transition the \naccount over the next few months. Entex will be Thu's primary account \nespecially during these first few months as she learns the allocations \nprocess and the contracts. \nHoward will continue with his lead responsibilites within the group and be \navailable for questions or as a backup, if necessary (thanks Howard for all \nyour hard work on the account this year!). \nIn the initial phases of this transistion, I would like to organize an Entex \n\"account\" team. The team (members from front office to back office) would \nmeet at some point in the month to discuss any issues relating to the \nscheduling, allocations, settlements, contracts, deals, etc. This hopefully \nwill give each of you a chance to not only identify and resolve issues before \nthe finalization process, but to learn from each other relative to your \nrespective areas and allow the newcomers to get up to speed on the account as \nwell. I would encourage everyone to attend these meetings initially as I \nbelieve this is a critical part to the success of the Entex account. \n\nI will have my assistant to coordinate the initial meeting for early 1/2000. \nIf anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or stop \nby. Thanks in advance for everyone's cooperation...........\n\n\nJulie - Please add Thu to the confirmations distributions list\n\n", "Re: Entex Transition Mtg. EB37C1", "reply", [], "12-21-99\n\nPlease mark your calendar to reflect this important meeting.\n\nTopic: Entex Transition \nDate: Friday, January 7, 2000\nTime: 2:00-3:00pm\nLocation: EB37C1\n\n\nIf you have any questions,please contact me or Rita Wynne x3-7694\n\nMany Thanks, \nPamela Chambers \nx39680\n\n\n\n\t\n\tRita Wynne @ ECT\n\t\n\t12/14/99 02:38:45 PM\n\t\n", "<6582834.1075854038394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "15-10-2001-6:24:12Sm.hall@enron.com 15-10-2001-7:1:6Srita.wynne@enron.com": {"15-10-2001-6:24:12Sm.hall@enron.com": ["15-10-2001-6:24:12", "m.hall@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14215530.1075852197417.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 06:24:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m.hall@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: FW:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Hall, Bob M \nX-To: Wynne, Rita , Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI think blue dophin went to AEP. Do you guys need this for anything?\n\nbob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBaumbach, David \nSent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 7:36 AM\nTo:\tHall, Bob M\nSubject:\t\n\nBob, \n\nMichael Olsen in Texas Logistics is receiving statements from Volume Mgmt for Blue Dolphin Pipeline. Mike is fairly sure that Blue Dolphin went with HPL. Is that correct or do we still have some business on it?\n\nDave", "FW:", "reply", [], "I think blue dophin went to AEP. Do you guys need this for anything?\n\nbob\n\n ", "<14215530.1075852197417.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-10-2001-7:1:6Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["15-10-2001-7:1:6", "rita.wynne@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "m.hall@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27440133.1075852197394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 07:01:06 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rita.wynne@enron.com\nTo: m.hall@enron.com, j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Wynne, Rita \nX-To: Hall, Bob M , Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThere are two ENA contracts with Blue Dolphin - FT and IT and one for ENAU. Were both of the contracts assigned? In Global, the only contracts that show as assigned to AEP are Global # 96032498 (ENA - FT) and Global #96063862 (ENAU - IT). \n\nThe other contract Global#96037499 still shows as an active contract for ENA and the pipe continues to invoice us.\n\nTaking into account that Global may be wrong, is there something that either of you have with the assigned global numbers so that we can get Global updated and notify the pipe?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHall, Bob M \nSent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 8:24 AM\nTo:\tWynne, Rita; Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tFW: \n\nI think blue dophin went to AEP. Do you guys need this for anything?\n\nbob\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBaumbach, David \nSent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 7:36 AM\nTo:\tHall, Bob M\nSubject:\t\n\nBob, \n\nMichael Olsen in Texas Logistics is receiving statements from Volume Mgmt for Blue Dolphin Pipeline. Mike is fairly sure that Blue Dolphin went with HPL. Is that correct or do we still have some business on it?\n\nDave", "RE:", "originEmail", [["put_assign contract", 6, "nninformation", ["assigned", "contracts"], "request information", " were both of the contracts assigned?"], ["put_assign contract", 10, "information", ["assigned", "contracts"], "information", " in global, the only contracts that show as assigned to aep are global # phonenumber numeric orgname - ft) and global # phonenumber numeric (enau - it)."]], "There are two ENA contracts with Blue Dolphin - FT and IT and one for ENAU. Were both of the contracts assigned? In Global, the only contracts that show as assigned to AEP are Global # 96032498 (ENA - FT) and Global #96063862 (ENAU - IT). \n\nThe other contract Global#96037499 still shows as an active contract for ENA and the pipe continues to invoice us.\n\nTaking into account that Global may be wrong, is there something that either of you have with the assigned global numbers so that we can get Global updated and notify the pipe?\n\n ", "<27440133.1075852197394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract pipeTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipeTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipeTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipeTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-9-2001-14:41:12Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com 14-9-2001-11:19:31Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"7-9-2001-14:41:12Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-14:41:12", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18952870.1075840433533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:41:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Black Marlin\nCc: j..farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: j..farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-To: Olsen, Michael \nX-cc: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nMike,\nI show you pathed deal 951474 on 8/23/01 for production months January and February 2001. This deal expired 12/31/00, and the late pathing has caused a bridgeback error for January and February 2001.\n\n\n \n\n", "Black Marlin", "originEmail", [["show deal", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "show"], "intention", "mike, i show you pathed deal numeric on datenumeric for production months january and datenumeric numeric ."], ["pathe deal", 4, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", "mike, i show you pathed deal numeric on datenumeric for production months january and datenumeric numeric ."]], "Mike,\nI show you pathed deal 951474 on 8/23/01 for production months January and February 2001. This deal expired 12/31/00, and the late pathing has caused a bridgeback error for January and February 2001.\n\n\n \n\n", {"6": {"value": "951474", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false], "14-9-2001-11:19:31Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["14-9-2001-11:19:31", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5329261.1075840433436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:19:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Black Marlin\nCc: j..farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: j..farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-To: Olsen, Michael \nX-cc: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nHave you had a chance to look at this yet?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tFriday, September 07, 2001 4:41 PM\nTo:\tOlsen, Michael\nCc:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tBlack Marlin\n\nMike,\nI show you pathed deal 951474 on 8/23/01 for production months January and February 2001. This deal expired 12/31/00, and the late pathing has caused a bridgeback error for January and February 2001.\n\n\n \n\n", "FW: Black Marlin", "reply", [], "Have you had a chance to look at this yet?\n\n ", "<5329261.1075840433436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "20-12-2000-9:32:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com 20-12-2000-23:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-12-2000-9:32:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-9:32:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12636529.1075854304729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: South Hampton Refining\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Industrials\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have added deal # 541123 as a buyback for December 25-31 2000.\nPlease invoice South Hampton total flow thru the meter 12/01 - 12/24; on \n12/25 they should be invoiced a minimum of 1700 mmbtu per day at contract and \nbuy back\n900 mmbtu per day per sitara 541123. Please call with questions.\n\nDaren please forward to client services.", "South Hampton Refining", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["added", "deal", "541123"], "information", "i have added deal # numeric as a buyback for datenumeric numeric numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " please invoice south hampton total flow thru the meter datenumeric - datenumeric ; on datenumeric they should be invoiced a minimum of numeric mmbtu per day at contract and buy back numeric mmbtu per day per sitara numeric ."]], "I have added deal # 541123 as a buyback for December 25-31 2000.\nPlease invoice South Hampton total flow thru the meter 12/01 - 12/24; on \n12/25 they should be invoiced a minimum of 1700 mmbtu per day at contract and \nbuy back\n900 mmbtu per day per sitara 541123. Please call with questions.\n\nDaren please forward to client services.", "<12636529.1075854304729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "541123", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "1700", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "900", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}}, true], "20-12-2000-23:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-23:8:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8298564.1075854337899.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com\nSubject: South Hampton Refining\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou, Mary Poorman, Kristen J Hanson\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 \n07:05 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 12/20/2000 05:32 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: South Hampton Refining\n\nI have added deal # 541123 as a buyback for December 25-31 2000.\nPlease invoice South Hampton total flow thru the meter 12/01 - 12/24; on \n12/25 they should be invoiced a minimum of 1700 mmbtu per day at contract and \nbuy back\n900 mmbtu per day per sitara 541123. Please call with questions.\n\nDaren please forward to client services.\n", "South Hampton Refining", "forward", [], "FYI.\n", "<8298564.1075854337899.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "13-11-2000-7:30:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com 29-11-2000-7:4:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": {"13-11-2000-7:30:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com": ["13-11-2000-7:30:0", "dan.hyvl@enron.com", "ellen.wallumrod@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24219147.1075842224290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 07:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nTo: ellen.wallumrod@enron.com\nSubject: Formosa, Marathon, and Valero confirmations\nCc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nX-From: Dan J Hyvl\nX-To: Ellen Wallumrod\nX-cc: Gary W Lamphier\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nI have this date forwarded these three confirmation agreements to Gary \nLamphier for his further handling with his counterparties. I will let you \nknow if they get executed.", "Formosa, Marathon, and Valero confirmations", "reply", [], "I have this date forwarded these three confirmation agreements to Gary \nLamphier for his further handling with his counterparties. I will let you \nknow if they get executed.", "<24219147.1075842224290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-11-2000-7:4:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-7:4:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", ["dan.hyvl@enron.com"], ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <25461099.1075842225907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 07:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Formosa, Marathon, and Valero confirmations\nCc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Dan J Hyvl\nX-cc: Gary W Lamphier\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nDan,\nFormosa has received the contract and asked to use \"day of flow\" Gas Daily \nrather than two day after for both excess and buy back gas. Can you please \nmake this change and I will resend?\nThanks,\nGary\n\n\n\n\nDan J Hyvl\n11/13/2000 03:30 PM\nTo: Ellen Wallumrod/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Formosa, Marathon, and Valero confirmations \n\n\n\nI have this date forwarded these three confirmation agreements to Gary \nLamphier for his further handling with his counterparties. I will let you \nknow if they get executed.\n\n", "Re: Formosa, Marathon, and Valero confirmations", "originEmail", [["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 5, "information", ["use", "contract"], "information", "dan, formosa has received the contract and asked to use \"day of flow\" orgname rather than two day after for both excess and buy back gas."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "dan, formosa has received the contract and asked to use \"day of flow\" orgname rather than two day after for both excess and buy back gas."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 8, "nninformation", ["buy", "gas"], "intention", "dan, formosa has received the contract and asked to use \"day of flow\" orgname rather than two day after for both excess and buy back gas."], ["make change", 10, "nninformation", ["change", "make"], "request", " can you please make this change and i will resend?"]], "Dan,\nFormosa has received the contract and asked to use \"day of flow\" Gas Daily \nrather than two day after for both excess and buy back gas. Can you please \nmake this change and I will resend?\nThanks,\nGary\n\n\n\n\nDan J Hyvl\n11/13/2000 03:30 PM\n", "<25461099.1075842225907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"excess_extra gasTnn": {"value": "excess_extra gasTnn", "ne": "excess_extra gasTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra gasTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-1-2001-4:32:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 10-4-2001-9:33:11Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"8-1-2001-4:32:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["8-1-2001-4:32:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Daren:\nOn 8/1/99 recorded flow of 9 Mmbtus from HPL's pipeline. Currently, this \nvolume is being booked to the HPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics needs \neither (10 Deal issued, or (2) approval to write-off this volume to \nUnaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to Clem \nCernosek).\n ________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n OR\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\nThanks, Clem", ["HPL Meter #987195 Tatton Central Point"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '987195']}", [], "Daren:\n\nOn 8/1/99 recorded flow of 9 Mmbtus from HPL's pipeline. Currently, this \nvolume is being booked to the HPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics needs \neither (10 Deal issued, or (2) approval to write-off this volume to \nUnaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to Clem \nCernosek).\n\n\n ________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n\n OR\n\n\n _________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\n\nThanks, Clem", ["<8752141.1075854206615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20603108.1075854283657.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25339808.1075854318162.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "10-4-2001-9:33:11Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-9:33:11", "michael.olsen@enron.com", [], [], "Message-ID: <16011811.1075840436723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 09:33:11 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: deal 83389\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Olsen, Michael \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nFYI\n\nI added meter 987195 to the above deal for August 1999 to clean up a strangers gas issue for Clem. No deal volume was put in, I just needed the point to show up in Unify for Volume Managment to assign a track ID.\n\nMIke", "deal 83389", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["added", "deal"], "information", "fyi i added meter numeric to the above deal for datenumeric numeric to clean up a strangers gas issue for clem."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 15, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", " no deal volume was put in, i just needed the point to show up in unify for volume managment to assign a track id."]], "FYI\n\nI added meter 987195 to the above deal for August 1999 to clean up a strangers gas issue for Clem. No deal volume was put in, I just needed the point to show up in Unify for Volume Managment to assign a track ID.\n\nMIke", "<16011811.1075840436723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "987195", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "83389", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}}, true]}, "22-5-2001-13:43:33Smary.poorman@enron.com 22-5-2001-14:6:22Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"22-5-2001-13:43:33Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["22-5-2001-13:43:33", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "", "michael.olsen@enron.com clay.cook@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31794495.1075845117834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 May 2001 13:43:33 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: HPL Texoma, Meter 9801071 - 05/10/01\nCc: michael.olsen@enron.com, clay.cook@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tedward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.olsen@enron.com, clay.cook@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tedward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Poorman, Mary \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: Olsen, Michael , Cook, Clay , Zajac, Sabrae , Terry, Edward \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Pan Energy Swap\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nThe intercompany/interdesk reflects an error for the above referenced day. A transport usage ticket was put into the system for 3,000 Dth (Duke Carthage to Texoma), however, we do not have any supply on EPGT from Duke for this deal. The package was confirmed, according to POPS, so, we are probably missing the supply deal. Please check on the day/price (it is the 3,000 on k# ta99027 on EPGT). I am trying to take care of some of these current month issues on the \"clean reports\".\n\nMike,\n\nWould you please make sure that this contract was nominated on EPGT for 5/10/01.\n\nThank you both for your assistance (everyone else is FYI),\n\nMary", "HPL Texoma, Meter 9801071 - 05/10/01", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 10, "information", ["put", "ticket", "transport", "usage"], "information", " a transport usage ticket was put into the system for numeric dth orgname carthage to texoma), however, we do not have any supply on epgt from orgname for this deal."]], "Daren,\n\nThe intercompany/interdesk reflects an error for the above referenced day. A transport usage ticket was put into the system for 3,000 Dth (Duke Carthage to Texoma), however, we do not have any supply on EPGT from Duke for this deal. The package was confirmed, according to POPS, so, we are probably missing the supply deal. Please check on the day/price (it is the 3,000 on k# ta99027 on EPGT). I am trying to take care of some of these current month issues on the \"clean reports\".\n\nMike,\n\nWould you please make sure that this contract was nominated on EPGT for 5/10/01.\n\nThank you both for your assistance (everyone else is FYI),\n\nMary", "<31794495.1075845117834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_system dealTnn": {"value": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "ne": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system dealTnn"]}, "assistance personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["assistance personnelpronounTnn"]}, "current issueTnn": {"value": "current issueTnn", "ne": "current issueTnn", "patterns": ["current issueTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "3,000**dth", "ne": "numeric0dth", "patterns": ["numeric0dth ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transport usageTnnn": {"value": "ticket transport usageTnnn", "ne": "ticket transport usageTnnn", "patterns": ["ticket transport usageTnnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, false], "22-5-2001-14:6:22Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["22-5-2001-14:6:22", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <13543851.1075845117807.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 May 2001 14:06:22 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HPL Texoma, Meter 9801071 - 05/10/01\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com\nX-From: Olsen, Michael \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: Poorman, Mary \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Pan Energy Swap\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see deal 229758 for this matter. I nominated this transport for 5/10 to 5/16. Should there be a deal there?\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman\n05/22/2001 03:43 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT\ncc:\tMichael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron, Clay Cook/ENRON@enronXgate, Sabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject:\tHPL Texoma, Meter 9801071 - 05/10/01\n\nDaren,\n\nThe intercompany/interdesk reflects an error for the above referenced day. A transport usage ticket was put into the system for 3,000 Dth (Duke Carthage to Texoma), however, we do not have any supply on EPGT from Duke for this deal. The package was confirmed, according to POPS, so, we are probably missing the supply deal. Please check on the day/price (it is the 3,000 on k# ta99027 on EPGT). I am trying to take care of some of these current month issues on the \"clean reports\".\n\nMike,\n\nWould you please make sure that this contract was nominated on EPGT for 5/10/01.\n\nThank you both for your assistance (everyone else is FYI),\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: HPL Texoma, Meter 9801071 - 05/10/01", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", "daren, please see deal numeric for this matter."]], "Daren,\n\nPlease see deal 229758 for this matter. I nominated this transport for 5/10 to 5/16. Should there be a deal there?\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman\n05/22/2001 03:43 PM\n", "<13543851.1075845117807.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "229758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-6-2000-6:16:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 21-12-2000-6:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-2-2001-1:29:0Sedward.gottlob@enron.com 1-2-2001-4:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-2-2001-4:50:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 23-2-2001-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-2-2001-6:37:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 23-2-2001-7:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 23-2-2001-8:20:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": {"22-6-2000-6:16:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["22-6-2000-6:16:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "joanie.ngo@enron.com"], " Daren,\n Please see below. I need to have the purchase from (Teco) and sale to \n(Teco) deals in order to allocate correctly. For May 00, we are purchasing \nfrom Teco. I am allocating this to strangers gas at \n moment, but it needs to go to the correct deal. Please let me know what \nthe deal numbers when you have them. Thanks\nThu\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: George Weissman 03/29/2000 08:01 AM\n \nTo: Jeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael C Bilberry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary \nBryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, William C Falbaum/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Jo \nJohnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M \nRiley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Brazaitis/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jennifer D Pattison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Teco Gas Processing; Meter No.: 6884\nEach month at Seven Oaks, TECO (PG&E) makes an adjustment to the allocation \nto either pay HPLC for underages or charge HPLC for overtakes - ie. the \ndifference between what our producers put in the plant and what we take from \nthe plant after shrinkage. This adjustment arrangement doesn't seem to be \npapered - it's just occurred each month for the past 5 years on a relatively \nroutine basis.\nSince the adjustment arrangement isn't papered, we've been having difficulty \nproperly reflecting the deal in sitara and unify. It has been suggested that \nwe try to paper the deal for posterity (the lease to TECO has 9 more years to \nrun), but, in view of the forthcoming expiration of the primary term of both \nthe Comstock and Oryx (Sun and/or Kerr-McGee) contracts, I'm reluctant to \nopen this can of worms. I'd like your thoughts.\nGeorge x3-6992 \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 03/29/2000 \n07:53 AM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: George Weissman 05/26/99 03:07 PM\n \nTo: Greg Brazaitis/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Coffey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sabrae \nZajac/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Teco Gas Processing; Meter No.: 6884\nGreg, this relates to the Seven Oaks tailgate accounting issue we have been \ndiscussing. HPLR once had an appropriate agreement in place, but that \nagreement has been assigned to ECT. Until the agreement can be re-assigned \nfrom ECT to HPLC, we will use spot GTCs to clear the puchase/sale accounts \nfor the period from 10/98 to 6/99 or perhaps 7/99. \nGeorge \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/26/99 03:03 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: Sabrae Zajac 05/26/99 02:58 PM\n \nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gregory Allen \nJackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W \nLamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Theresa R Kotrla/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amelia \nAlland/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Teco Gas Processing; Meter No.: 6884\nJulie,\n In 1996, a contract was drawn up between HPLR and Teco Gas Processing, \nContract Numbers 078-86978-101/078-86978-301. In April '99, these contracts \nwere assigned to ECT. In October of 1998, these contracts should have been \nassigned to HPLC, but did not get assigned. Beginning in Jan. '99, negative \nvolumes started appearing in my purchase payment statements under Sitara \n#18372 (meter #6884), causing my payments to be reduced. I believe that the \ndeal number for the sale was being attached to the purchase contract. (The \npurchase deal numbers which I have been using are Sitara #14086 and Sitara \n#11079). Both these sales and purchases (since October '98) are suppose to \nbe for HPLC. Donald Reinhart stated that spot purchase and spot sale GTC's \nbetween Teco and HPLC can be set up from October of 1998 until the Master \nContract is changed. Amelia Alland has set these up, which I believe \nterminate in October '99. The GTC spot contract numbers are as follows:\n Purchases: 012-86978-102; Global 96021450\n Sales: 012-86978-301; Global 96021451\n Per our conversation earlier can you make these retroactive adjustments? \nWhen complete, can you tell me what the new deal numbers will be? \n Thank you so much for your help and let me know if you need additional \ninformation.\ncc's:\n Let me know if something I stated is incorrect or if anyone has any \nadditional information.\n \n", ["Re: Teco Gas Processing; Meter No.: 6884"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6884']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deals"], "intention", " i need to have the purchase from (teco) and sale to (teco) deals in order to allocate correctly."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 13, "information", ["allocating", "gas"], "information", " i am allocating this to strangers gas at moment, but it needs to go to the correct deal."]], " Daren,\n\n Please see below. I need to have the purchase from (Teco) and sale to \n(Teco) deals in order to allocate correctly. For May 00, we are purchasing \nfrom Teco. I am allocating this to strangers gas at \n moment, but it needs to go to the correct deal. Please let me know what \nthe deal numbers when you have them. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 03/29/2000 08:01 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<16342846.1075854240138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7509431.1075854253168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16593277.1075854308659.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-12-2000-6:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-6:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], [], "OW, \nI have changed the pricing on deal 132975 for this message. Please adjust \nthe risk assignment.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 \n02:57 PM ---------------------------\nSusan Smith\n12/21/2000 02:33 PM\nSent by: Susan Smith\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Kerr McGee-meter 6884-January , 2001\nAll:\n The following was passed on to me. We received the following information \nfrom Kerr-McGee:\n For the month of January 2001:\n DCQ,000 MMbtu/d\n Gas Daily Volume-30% of DCQ,800 MMbtud\n \n Base contract price volume-70% of DCQ,200 MMbtud\n \n \n Thanks,\n Susan Smith\n x 33321", ["Kerr McGee-meter 6884-January , 2001"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6884']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 7, "information", ["changed", "deal", "132975", "pricing"], "information", "ow, i have changed the pricing on deal numeric for this message."]], "OW, \n\nI have changed the pricing on deal 132975 for this message. Please adjust \nthe risk assignment.\n\nD\n", ["<13181614.1075854337766.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21397851.1075854208793.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1295565.1075854281528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3802600.1075854327767.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "132975", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "1-2-2001-1:29:0Sedward.gottlob@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-1:29:0", "edward.gottlob@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "we have a purchase booked here, we need to reverse?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n09:33 AM ---------------------------\nJack Simunek\n01/31/2001 10:19 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A \nAllen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue \nSorry it took me so long to get back to you. PG&E did not fully process the \ngas stream at their Indian Springs plant on December 12 and 13 and took the \nreduced shrinkage, 19.000 MMBtu/d, and sold it to HPL at Gas Daily -$0.04. \nPG&E did not have the right to do that, so they are going to allocate that \nvolume to Comstock, from whom we will buy the gas at the beginng of the month \nindex. At the same time PG&E will create an imbalance, for which they will \npay HPL the same amount HPL paid them for the gas for those two days. This \nshould wash the sale at Gas Daily and leave HPL buying the gas at the \nbeginning of the month IFHSC ( the price in the Comstock purchase contract) \nand selling it at the Gas Daily price for 12/12 and 12/13. The paperwork is \non its way to me to close this issue out.\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 01/23/2001 07:49 AM\n \nTo: Jack Simunek/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue\nJack,\nSandra at TECO seems to think you may have some information on how this deal \nshould work. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 01/23/2001 \n07:47 AM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/22/2001 04:47 PM\nTo: Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue\nEd,\nSherlyn has brought to my attention the deal I have attached below. \nApparently we bot from PGE Industrial on the 12th and 13th. PG&E has \nallocated an offsetting sale at the meter to TECO, and claim that they are \nnet deals. I do not show a sale in the system at the meter, and I checked \nthe 215 K for those days for a corresponding delivery to TECO, perhaps at \nanother meter, and could not find one. \nAny light you could shed on this issue would be appreciated.\nMary \n", ["Re: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6884']}", [], "we have a purchase booked here, we need to reverse?\n", ["<12985067.1075854201377.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6147527.1075854288732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<962826.1075854318920.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-2-2001-4:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-4:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["edward.gottlob@enron.com"], [], "Sherlyn will correct all the booking when she reallocates the meter.\nD\nEdward D Gottlob\n02/01/2001 09:29 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue\nwe have a purchase booked here, we need to reverse?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n09:33 AM ---------------------------\nJack Simunek\n01/31/2001 10:19 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A \nAllen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue \nSorry it took me so long to get back to you. PG&E did not fully process the \ngas stream at their Indian Springs plant on December 12 and 13 and took the \nreduced shrinkage, 19.000 MMBtu/d, and sold it to HPL at Gas Daily -$0.04. \nPG&E did not have the right to do that, so they are going to allocate that \nvolume to Comstock, from whom we will buy the gas at the beginng of the month \nindex. At the same time PG&E will create an imbalance, for which they will \npay HPL the same amount HPL paid them for the gas for those two days. This \nshould wash the sale at Gas Daily and leave HPL buying the gas at the \nbeginning of the month IFHSC ( the price in the Comstock purchase contract) \nand selling it at the Gas Daily price for 12/12 and 12/13. The paperwork is \non its way to me to close this issue out.\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 01/23/2001 07:49 AM\n \nTo: Jack Simunek/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue\nJack,\nSandra at TECO seems to think you may have some information on how this deal \nshould work. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 01/23/2001 \n07:47 AM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/22/2001 04:47 PM\nTo: Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue\nEd,\nSherlyn has brought to my attention the deal I have attached below. \nApparently we bot from PGE Industrial on the 12th and 13th. PG&E has \nallocated an offsetting sale at the meter to TECO, and claim that they are \nnet deals. I do not show a sale in the system at the meter, and I checked \nthe 215 K for those days for a corresponding delivery to TECO, perhaps at \nanother meter, and could not find one. \nAny light you could shed on this issue would be appreciated.\nMary \n", ["Re: PGTT Meter 986884 - Dec Issue"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6884']}", [], "Sherlyn will correct all the booking when she reallocates the meter.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nEdward D Gottlob\n02/01/2001 09:29 AM\n", ["<20964159.1075854336578.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5624250.1075854201239.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7398875.1075854288756.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21577229.1075854326609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-2-2001-4:50:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-4:50:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <6176743.1075854197749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 04:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 6884\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVolume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n", "meter 6884", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "information", ["deals", "extended"], "information", "volume management was wondering if deals numeric and numeric needed to be extended into numeric ."]], "Volume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n", "<6176743.1075854197749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "137870", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "23-2-2001-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-5:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21282411.1075854336057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 05:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 6884\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYou can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 6884\n\nVolume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n\n\n\n", "Re: meter 6884", "reply", [], "You can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\n", "<21282411.1075854336057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "23-2-2001-6:37:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-6:37:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11367652.1075854197658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 06:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 6884\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI may need more assistance on this issue. I tried to extend the deal and it \nblocked me saying...\n\nTeco Gas Processing Company is suspended.\nDeal with inactive or suspended counterparty may not be extended.\n\n Any suggestions?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 01:25 PM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: meter 6884 \n\nYou can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\n\nD\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 6884\n\nVolume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: meter 6884", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "information", ["deal", "extend"], "information", " i tried to extend the deal and it blocked me saying."]], "I may need more assistance on this issue. I tried to extend the deal and it \nblocked me saying...\n\nTeco Gas Processing Company is suspended.\nDeal with inactive or suspended counterparty may not be extended.\n\n Any suggestions?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 01:25 PM\n", "<11367652.1075854197658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "23-2-2001-7:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-7:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12770396.1075854336012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 07:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 6884\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTalk with the person in accounting that deals with Teco. See if they are \nusing a different counterparty now at the plant.\n\nd\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 02:37 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6884 \n\nI may need more assistance on this issue. I tried to extend the deal and it \nblocked me saying...\n\nTeco Gas Processing Company is suspended.\nDeal with inactive or suspended counterparty may not be extended.\n\n Any suggestions?\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n02/23/2001 01:25 PM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: meter 6884 \n\nYou can extend them, but make sure that the volume is zero.\n\nD\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 12:50 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 6884\n\nVolume management was wondering if deals 137870 and 235670 needed to be \nextended into 2001. These are deals with Teco. Let me know if you need me \nto extend them.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: meter 6884", "reply", [], "Talk with the person in accounting that deals with Teco. See if they are \nusing a different counterparty now at the plant.\n\nd\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 02:37 PM\n", "<12770396.1075854336012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "23-2-2001-8:20:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-8:20:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com"], "Daren- \nDo we have the buy/Sell deal for El Paso ( formerly Teco) for January 01 \nProd?\nThe old deal numbers were 235670 for the sale and 137870 for the purchase.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n02/23/2001 03:59 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 02/23/2001 03:57 PM\n \nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Meter 986884 for 1/2001\nMike: this is Katherine Herrera's.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/23/2001 \n03:55 PM ---------------------------\nMichael Olsen\n02/23/2001 03:52 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 986884 for 1/2001\nMegan,\nI was unable to extend the deal for Teco # 137870 and #235670 becaus e it has \nbeen suspended. Teco is no longer the counterparty. Has the name changed? \n---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Olsen/NA/Enron on 02/23/2001 \n03:48 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack @ ECT 02/23/2001 03:26 PM\n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 986884 for 1/2001\nMike, \nHave you heard anything about extending the buy/sell ticket for TECO yet? \nToday is the last day we can make changes in the system. \n", ["Meter 986884 for 1/2001"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6884']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 4, "nninformation", ["buy", "deal"], "intention", "daren- do we have the buy/sell deal for orgname ( formerly teco) for datenumeric "], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "intention", "daren- do we have the buy/sell deal for orgname ( formerly teco) for datenumeric "]], "Daren- \n\nDo we have the buy/Sell deal for El Paso ( formerly Teco) for January 01 \nProd?\nThe old deal numbers were 235670 for the sale and 137870 for the purchase.\n\n\n", ["<19406209.1075854197474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30765240.1075854292450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2888028.1075854319653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "986884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "24-7-2000-5:30:0Spat.clynes@enron.com 24-7-2000-5:47:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 24-7-2000-5:55:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": {"24-7-2000-5:30:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["24-7-2000-5:30:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <1317359.1075854135830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 05:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pat.clynes@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Deal # 339693 EOL Waha\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Pat Clynes\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMary,\nPlease be careful of EOL deals. I got a call on Friday evening about this \ndeal being changed but you had already left.\nIt is a deal with Aquila and the volume was changed. Please check on this \nand communicate all changes to Daren. \n\nThanks, Pat", "Deal # 339693 EOL Waha", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "information", ["changed", "deal"], "information", " i got a call on friday evening about this deal being changed but you had already left."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "information", ["changed", "deal"], "information", " it is a deal with orgname and the volume was changed."]], "Mary,\nPlease be careful of EOL deals. I got a call on Friday evening about this \ndeal being changed but you had already left.\nIt is a deal with Aquila and the volume was changed. Please check on this \nand communicate all changes to Daren. \n\nThanks, Pat", "<1317359.1075854135830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "339693", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}}, true], "24-7-2000-5:47:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["24-7-2000-5:47:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 07/24/2000 12:47 \nPM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman\n07/24/2000 12:46 PM\nTo: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 339693 EOL Waha \nAquila split the volume between two points, that is why the deal changed. \nThe total volume was still correct. I just found out today, from Stacie, \nthat a buy on EOL needs to be on the header and come from a PGEV Hub or Title \nTracking Agreement. I had previously been under the impression that \nwhatever pipeline the customer wanted, buy or sell, was fine with us. \nHowever, keeping the purchases on Hub Agmts. will save Enron \n$.0025/transaction and push all imbalances and fees to the supplier.\nMary\n", ["Re: Deal # 339693 EOL Waha"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '339693']}", [], "", ["<2011806.1075853995726.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25136522.1075854084566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28487812.1075854135851.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-7-2000-5:55:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["24-7-2000-5:55:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Mary Poorman\n07/24/2000 12:46 PM\nTo: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal # 339693 EOL Waha \nAquila split the volume between two points, that is why the deal changed. \nThe total volume was still correct. I just found out today, from Stacie, \nthat a buy on EOL needs to be on the header and come from a PGEV Hub or Title \nTracking Agreement. I had previously been under the impression that \nwhatever pipeline the customer wanted, buy or sell, was fine with us. \nHowever, keeping the purchases on Hub Agmts. will save Enron \n$.0025/transaction and push all imbalances and fees to the supplier.\nMary\n", ["Re: Deal # 339693 EOL Waha"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '339693']}", [], "Mary Poorman\n07/24/2000 12:46 PM\n", ["<4419541.1075853995659.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11921811.1075854135917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "25-2-2000-8:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 28-2-2000-6:36:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"25-2-2000-8:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-2-2000-8:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29054131.1075854171423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 08:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Indutrial Report\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRobert, \n\nKen developed an industrial report before he left. It can be found at \no/logistics/kenseaman/industrialsmonthly/... There is one file for each \nmonth of 2000. I need you to update this for March. This will need to be \ndistributed to Gas Control, Logistics, and myself. Let me know if you have \nany questions.\n\nD", "Indutrial Report", "forward", [], "Robert, \n\nKen developed an industrial report before he left. It can be found at \no/logistics/kenseaman/industrialsmonthly/... There is one file for each \nmonth of 2000. I need you to update this for March. This will need to be \ndistributed to Gas Control, Logistics, and myself. Let me know if you have \nany questions.\n\nD", "<29054131.1075854171423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "28-2-2000-6:36:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-6:36:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <17358824.1075854057824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 06:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Industrial Report\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Can you please forward me the \"Buyback/Deficiency\" Deals for March' 2000.\n Your worksheet would greatly assist me with completing this request.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 02/28/2000 \n02:31 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n02/25/2000 04:52 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Indutrial Report\n\nRobert, \n\nKen developed an industrial report before he left. It can be found at \no/logistics/kenseaman/industrialsmonthly/... There is one file for each \nmonth of 2000. I need you to update this for March. This will need to be \ndistributed to Gas Control, Logistics, and myself. Let me know if you have \nany questions.\n\nD\n", "Industrial Report", "originEmail", [["forward deal{ticket}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "forward"], "request", "can you please forward me the \"buyback/deficiency\" deals for march' numeric ."]], " Can you please forward me the \"Buyback/Deficiency\" Deals for March' 2000.\n Your worksheet would greatly assist me with completing this request.\n\n\n", "<17358824.1075854057824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-8-2000-5:50:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 9-8-2000-8:53:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 11-8-2000-8:17:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 21-8-2000-6:36:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 21-8-2000-6:44:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 21-8-2000-7:34:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 21-8-2000-7:44:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": {"9-8-2000-5:50:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-5:50:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], " I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary A Hanks 08/09/2000 11:27 AM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\nThe volumes on meter #1266 for 7/1/00 and 7/31/00 are valid gas flow. 7/1/00 \nvolumes are carry over from June activity (meter was shut in a little after \n9:00 AM on 7/1/00). 7/31/00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on \nthe meter before 9:00 AM on 8/1/00.\nIf you have any questions please call. 36449.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 11:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 11:17 AM\n \nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n Please verify the volume on Meter #: 1266 for July 1st & 31st are valid gas \nflow.\n \n Brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for July 2000.\n \n", ["Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1266']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 17, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", "i spoke with bob dorcheus, brandywine about this issue and he suggest you and he get together and agree on a price because the gas flowed into the plant."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 20, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " this gas flowed without a nomination."]], " I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n\n", ["<11413061.1075853991399.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6952760.1075854088348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26914954.1075854117808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1266", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-8-2000-8:53:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-8:53:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], [], " fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n03:52 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/09/2000 03:33 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nI'll get you a price tomorrow when I meet with him ...\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 12:50 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary A Hanks 08/09/2000 11:27 AM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\nThe volumes on meter #1266 for 7/1/00 and 7/31/00 are valid gas flow. 7/1/00 \nvolumes are carry over from June activity (meter was shut in a little after \n9:00 AM on 7/1/00). 7/31/00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on \nthe meter before 9:00 AM on 8/1/00.\nIf you have any questions please call. 36449.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 11:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 11:17 AM\n \nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n Please verify the volume on Meter #: 1266 for July 1st & 31st are valid gas \nflow.\n \n Brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for July 2000.\n \n", ["Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1266']}", [], " fyi\n\n", ["<625040.1075853991354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19390011.1075854088400.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19471038.1075854117785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-8-2000-8:17:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-8:17:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], " \n fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/11/2000 \n03:16 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 08/11/2000 03:16 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n The volumes are as follows: July 1st 414 mmbtu\n July 31 12mmbtu\n \n Total : 426 mmbtu's\n Also, the Sitara deal # is : 363514\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/11/2000 02:02 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nPlease set up a ticket priced at Gas Daily Houston Ship Channel midpoint \nminus $0.03\nAlso, can you let me know the exact volumes in question on July 1 and July \n31? Dorcheus wants to know. Me too.\nThanks\nLee\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n Just a reminder that \"allocation close\" is Monday, August 14th.\n \n A Sitara ticket is needed to set up an Acctg. Arrangement which will \neliminate the allocation exception for meter # 981266\n {Victoria Station # 2/ Brandywine}.\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/09/2000 03:33 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nI'll get you a price tomorrow when I meet with him ...\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 12:50 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary A Hanks 08/09/2000 11:27 AM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\nThe volumes on meter #1266 for 7/1/00 and 7/31/00 are valid gas flow. 7/1/00 \nvolumes are carry over from June activity (meter was shut in a little after \n9:00 AM on 7/1/00). 7/31/00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on \nthe meter before 9:00 AM on 8/1/00.\nIf you have any questions please call. 36449.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 11:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 11:17 AM\n \nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n Please verify the volume on Meter #: 1266 for July 1st & 31st are valid gas \nflow.\n \n Brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for July 2000.\n \n", ["Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1266']}", [], " \n fyi\n\n\n", ["<19556241.1075853990719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4231120.1075854088913.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28107262.1075854117763.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-8-2000-6:36:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-6:36:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["anita.luong@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6440316.1075854090174.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 06:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception\nCc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tgary.hanks@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tgary.hanks@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti\nX-cc: Sherlyn Schumack, Anita Luong, Daren J Farmer, Gary A Hanks, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Should I roll this deal to cover August 2000 activity ?\n \n Volumes todate are as follows: 82mm 8/16\n 85mm 8/17\n 65mm 8/18\n 57mm 8/19\n 60mm 8/20\n\n Sitara ticket #: 363514\n\n These small meter flows are causing allocation exceptions for August.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 \n01:27 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/11/2000 03:17 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n\n \n fyi\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/11/2000 \n03:16 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 08/11/2000 03:16 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n\n\n The volumes are as follows: July 1st 414 mmbtu\n July 31 12mmbtu\n \n Total : 426 mmbtu's\n\n Also, the Sitara deal # is : 363514\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/11/2000 02:02 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n\nPlease set up a ticket priced at Gas Daily Houston Ship Channel midpoint \nminus $0.03\n\nAlso, can you let me know the exact volumes in question on July 1 and July \n31? Dorcheus wants to know. Me too.\n\nThanks\n\nLee\n\n\n\n\n\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n\n\n Just a reminder that \"allocation close\" is Monday, August 14th.\n \n A Sitara ticket is needed to set up an Acctg. Arrangement which will \neliminate the allocation exception for meter # 981266\n {Victoria Station # 2/ Brandywine}.\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/09/2000 03:33 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n\nI'll get you a price tomorrow when I meet with him ...\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 12:50 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n\n\n I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary A Hanks 08/09/2000 11:27 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n\nThe volumes on meter #1266 for 7/1/00 and 7/31/00 are valid gas flow. 7/1/00 \nvolumes are carry over from June activity (meter was shut in a little after \n9:00 AM on 7/1/00). 7/31/00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on \nthe meter before 9:00 AM on 8/1/00.\n\nIf you have any questions please call. 36449.\n\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 11:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 11:17 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n\n \n Please verify the volume on Meter #: 1266 for July 1st & 31st are valid gas \nflow.\n \n Brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for July 2000.\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception", "originEmail", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "roll"], "request information", "should i roll this deal to cover datenumeric numeric activity ?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 7, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "00"], "request information", "should i roll this deal to cover datenumeric numeric activity ?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 26, "information", ["flows", "meter"], "information", " volumes todate are as follows: numeric mm datenumeric numeric mm datenumeric numeric mm datenumeric numeric mm datenumeric numeric mm datenumeric sitara ticket #: numeric these small meter flows are causing allocation exceptions for august."]], " Should I roll this deal to cover August 2000 activity ?\n \n Volumes todate are as follows: 82mm 8/16\n 85mm 8/17\n 65mm 8/18\n 57mm 8/19\n 60mm 8/20\n\n Sitara ticket #: 363514\n\n These small meter flows are causing allocation exceptions for August.\n\n", "<6440316.1075854090174.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "1266", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "363514", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "60", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, true], "21-8-2000-6:44:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-6:44:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["robert.lloyd@enron.com"], ["anita.luong@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "why are these volumes flowing?\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/21/2000 01:36 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception\n Should I roll this deal to cover August 2000 activity ?\n \n Volumes todate are as follows: 82mm 8/16\n 85mm 8/17\n 65mm 8/18\n 57mm 8/19\n 60mm 8/20\n Sitara ticket #: 363514\n These small meter flows are causing allocation exceptions for August.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 \n01:27 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/11/2000 03:17 PM\n \nTo: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/11/2000 \n03:16 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 08/11/2000 03:16 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n The volumes are as follows: July 1st 414 mmbtu\n July 31 12mmbtu\n \n Total : 426 mmbtu's\n Also, the Sitara deal # is : 363514\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/11/2000 02:02 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nPlease set up a ticket priced at Gas Daily Houston Ship Channel midpoint \nminus $0.03\nAlso, can you let me know the exact volumes in question on July 1 and July \n31? Dorcheus wants to know. Me too.\nThanks\nLee\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n Just a reminder that \"allocation close\" is Monday, August 14th.\n \n A Sitara ticket is needed to set up an Acctg. Arrangement which will \neliminate the allocation exception for meter # 981266\n {Victoria Station # 2/ Brandywine}.\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/09/2000 03:33 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nI'll get you a price tomorrow when I meet with him ...\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 12:50 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary A Hanks 08/09/2000 11:27 AM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\nThe volumes on meter #1266 for 7/1/00 and 7/31/00 are valid gas flow. 7/1/00 \nvolumes are carry over from June activity (meter was shut in a little after \n9:00 AM on 7/1/00). 7/31/00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on \nthe meter before 9:00 AM on 8/1/00.\nIf you have any questions please call. 36449.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 11:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 11:17 AM\n \nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n Please verify the volume on Meter #: 1266 for July 1st & 31st are valid gas \nflow.\n \n Brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for July 2000.\n \n", ["Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1266']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 1, "nninformation", ["flowing", "volumes"], "request information", "why are these volumes flowing?"]], "why are these volumes flowing?\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/21/2000 01:36 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<6132689.1075853989336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29356265.1075854090199.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26338796.1075854117583.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-8-2000-7:34:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-7:34:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], " Conoco has nominated 5.0/d at this meter. Conoco transport can be allocated \nthe entire meter flow for the days in which the meter flow\n exceed 5.0mm because they are the only party doing business at the meter.\n \n HPL may also be able to extract a sell for this overage which is why I \nwanted you to be aware of the daily activity thus far.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 \n01:57 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/21/2000 01:44 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception \nwhy are these volumes flowing?\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/21/2000 01:36 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception\n Should I roll this deal to cover August 2000 activity ?\n \n Volumes todate are as follows: 82mm 8/16\n 85mm 8/17\n 65mm 8/18\n 57mm 8/19\n 60mm 8/20\n Sitara ticket #: 363514\n These small meter flows are causing allocation exceptions for August.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 \n01:27 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/11/2000 03:17 PM\n \nTo: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/11/2000 \n03:16 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 08/11/2000 03:16 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n The volumes are as follows: July 1st 414 mmbtu\n July 31 12mmbtu\n \n Total : 426 mmbtu's\n Also, the Sitara deal # is : 363514\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/11/2000 02:02 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nPlease set up a ticket priced at Gas Daily Houston Ship Channel midpoint \nminus $0.03\nAlso, can you let me know the exact volumes in question on July 1 and July \n31? Dorcheus wants to know. Me too.\nThanks\nLee\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n Just a reminder that \"allocation close\" is Monday, August 14th.\n \n A Sitara ticket is needed to set up an Acctg. Arrangement which will \neliminate the allocation exception for meter # 981266\n {Victoria Station # 2/ Brandywine}.\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/09/2000 03:33 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nI'll get you a price tomorrow when I meet with him ...\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 12:50 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary A Hanks 08/09/2000 11:27 AM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\nThe volumes on meter #1266 for 7/1/00 and 7/31/00 are valid gas flow. 7/1/00 \nvolumes are carry over from June activity (meter was shut in a little after \n9:00 AM on 7/1/00). 7/31/00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on \nthe meter before 9:00 AM on 8/1/00.\nIf you have any questions please call. 36449.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 11:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 11:17 AM\n \nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n Please verify the volume on Meter #: 1266 for July 1st & 31st are valid gas \nflow.\n \n Brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for July 2000.\n \n", ["Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1266']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["allocated", "meter"], "intention", " conoco transport can be allocated the entire meter flow for the days in which the meter flow exceed numeric numeric mm because they are the only party doing business at the meter."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 14, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " conoco transport can be allocated the entire meter flow for the days in which the meter flow exceed numeric numeric mm because they are the only party doing business at the meter."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " conoco transport can be allocated the entire meter flow for the days in which the meter flow exceed numeric numeric mm because they are the only party doing business at the meter."]], " Conoco has nominated 5.0/d at this meter. Conoco transport can be allocated \nthe entire meter flow for the days in which the meter flow\n exceed 5.0mm because they are the only party doing business at the meter.\n \n HPL may also be able to extract a sell for this overage which is why I \nwanted you to be aware of the daily activity thus far.\n\n", ["<15512826.1075853989312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6392925.1075854090224.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30201953.1075854117559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "1266", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "21-8-2000-7:44:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-7:44:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["lauri.allen@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Lauri\nThere have been some fluctuations @ Dupont meter # 1266 - I believe Conoco \ntransport is only business there - see below\nIs the transport set up to take these small swings?\nLee\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/21/2000 02:34 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie \nYoung/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception\n Conoco has nominated 5.0/d at this meter. Conoco transport can be allocated \nthe entire meter flow for the days in which the meter flow\n exceed 5.0mm because they are the only party doing business at the meter.\n \n HPL may also be able to extract a sell for this overage which is why I \nwanted you to be aware of the daily activity thus far.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 \n01:57 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/21/2000 01:44 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception \nwhy are these volumes flowing?\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/21/2000 01:36 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception\n Should I roll this deal to cover August 2000 activity ?\n \n Volumes todate are as follows: 82mm 8/16\n 85mm 8/17\n 65mm 8/18\n 57mm 8/19\n 60mm 8/20\n Sitara ticket #: 363514\n These small meter flows are causing allocation exceptions for August.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 \n01:27 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/11/2000 03:17 PM\n \nTo: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/11/2000 \n03:16 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 08/11/2000 03:16 PM\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n The volumes are as follows: July 1st 414 mmbtu\n July 31 12mmbtu\n \n Total : 426 mmbtu's\n Also, the Sitara deal # is : 363514\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/11/2000 02:02 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nPlease set up a ticket priced at Gas Daily Houston Ship Channel midpoint \nminus $0.03\nAlso, can you let me know the exact volumes in question on July 1 and July \n31? Dorcheus wants to know. Me too.\nThanks\nLee\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \n Just a reminder that \"allocation close\" is Monday, August 14th.\n \n A Sitara ticket is needed to set up an Acctg. Arrangement which will \neliminate the allocation exception for meter # 981266\n {Victoria Station # 2/ Brandywine}.\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 08/09/2000 03:33 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception \nI'll get you a price tomorrow when I meet with him ...\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 12:50 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n I spoke with Bob Dorcheus, Brandywine about this issue and he suggest you \nand he get together and agree on a \n price because the gas flowed into the plant.\n This gas flowed without a nomination.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary A Hanks 08/09/2000 11:27 AM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\nThe volumes on meter #1266 for 7/1/00 and 7/31/00 are valid gas flow. 7/1/00 \nvolumes are carry over from June activity (meter was shut in a little after \n9:00 AM on 7/1/00). 7/31/00 volumes were caused by the plant bringing on \nthe meter before 9:00 AM on 8/1/00.\nIf you have any questions please call. 36449.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 11:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 08/09/2000 11:17 AM\n \nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 1266 ; July 2000 Activity / Allocation Exception\n \n Please verify the volume on Meter #: 1266 for July 1st & 31st are valid gas \nflow.\n \n Brandywine did not nominate any activity at this meter for July 2000.\n \n", ["Re: Meter #: 1266 ; August 2000 / Allocation Exception"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1266']}", [], "Lauri\n\nThere have been some fluctuations @ Dupont meter # 1266 - I believe Conoco \ntransport is only business there - see below\n\nIs the transport set up to take these small swings?\n\nLee\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/21/2000 02:34 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<7835015.1075853989287.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4607401.1075854090250.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6448352.1075854117535.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "1266", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "1-9-2000-6:38:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 1-9-2000-7:27:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"1-9-2000-6:38:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["1-9-2000-6:38:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28082041.1075853986441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 06:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nTo: rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nSubject: Mobil Beaumont\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Lee L Papayoti\nX-To: Rebecca Griffin\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRebecca:\n\nI spoke with Brian Nichols about the August preliminary invoice. There \nappears to be a problem for August 28 & 29 - the volumes are much too low.\n\nEither there were deliveries off of Centana that we are missing, OR there is \na problem with the HPL data. I am having brain fade and cannot remember the \nname of the person in the measurement department to contact, so maybe you \ncould look into this and have it corrected.\n\nThanks\n\nLee", "Mobil Beaumont", "reply", [], "Rebecca:\n\nI spoke with Brian Nichols about the August preliminary invoice. There \nappears to be a problem for August 28 & 29 - the volumes are much too low.\n\nEither there were deliveries off of Centana that we are missing, OR there is \na problem with the HPL data. I am having brain fade and cannot remember the \nname of the person in the measurement department to contact, so maybe you \ncould look into this and have it corrected.\n\nThanks\n\nLee", "<28082041.1075853986441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "29", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "1-9-2000-7:27:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["1-9-2000-7:27:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16553715.1075854117467.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 07:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Mobil Beaumont\nCc: rebecca.griffin@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: rebecca.griffin@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti\nX-cc: Rebecca Griffin, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Industrials\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n The activity for Mobil Florida Mobil Street {Mtr. 1040} during August 28th \n& 29th are as follows:\n \n Nomination Actual Flow\n 8/28th = 105,000 mmbtu 98,176 mmbtu\n 8/29th = 90,000 mmbtu 99,020 mmbtu\n \n Please let me know if further analysis is needed.\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 09/01/2000 01:38 PM\nTo: Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Mobil Beaumont\n\nRebecca:\n\nI spoke with Brian Nichols about the August preliminary invoice. There \nappears to be a problem for August 28 & 29 - the volumes are much too low.\n\nEither there were deliveries off of Centana that we are missing, OR there is \na problem with the HPL data. I am having brain fade and cannot remember the \nname of the person in the measurement department to contact, so maybe you \ncould look into this and have it corrected.\n\nThanks\n\nLee\n\n", "Re: Mobil Beaumont", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["flow", "mtr"], "information", "the activity for mobil florida mobil street {mtr numeric } during datenumeric th & datenumeric h are as follows: nomination actual flow numeric / datenumeric h numeric mmbtu numeric mmbtu numeric / datenumeric h numeric mmbtu numeric mmbtu please let me know if further analysis is needed."]], " The activity for Mobil Florida Mobil Street {Mtr. 1040} during August 28th \n& 29th are as follows:\n \n Nomination Actual Flow\n 8/28th = 105,000 mmbtu 98,176 mmbtu\n 8/29th = 90,000 mmbtu 99,020 mmbtu\n \n Please let me know if further analysis is needed.\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 09/01/2000 01:38 PM\n", "<16553715.1075854117467.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "1040", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "105,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "98,176", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "90,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-1-2001-8:25:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 24-1-2001-9:4:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 20-2-2001-4:39:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 20-2-2001-6:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-1-2001-8:25:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-8:25:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10515869.1075854203243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 08:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal #502952\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above deal number expired at the end of November 2000 and needs to either \nbe extended through December, or a new deal inputted. Can you assist me in \nthis?\n\nThanks.\n\nMike", "Deal #502952", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 7, "information", ["deal", "extended", "00"], "information", "daren, the above deal number expired at the end of datenumeric numeric and needs to either be extended through december, or a new deal inputted."]], "Daren,\n\nThe above deal number expired at the end of November 2000 and needs to either \nbe extended through December, or a new deal inputted. Can you assist me in \nthis?\n\nThanks.\n\nMike", "<10515869.1075854203243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "502952", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "24-1-2001-9:4:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-9:4:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32636250.1075854336887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 09:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal #502952\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDanny will input a new deal for Dec and Jan in the morning.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n01/24/2001 04:25 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal #502952\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above deal number expired at the end of November 2000 and needs to either \nbe extended through December, or a new deal inputted. Can you assist me in \nthis?\n\nThanks.\n\nMike\n\n", "Re: Deal #502952", "reply", [], "Danny will input a new deal for Dec and Jan in the morning.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n01/24/2001 04:25 PM\n", "<32636250.1075854336887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "20-2-2001-4:39:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["20-2-2001-4:39:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nDo you know if this deal was supposed to run through 12/00 and 1/01? It was \na deal to buy 400 per day from Harman Operating and is currently in for \n11/15/00 to 11/30/00. Volume management said they are looking for their \nmoney.\nLet me know. \nThanks.\n", ["Deal 502952"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '502952']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 8, "information", ["buy", "deal"], "information", " it was a deal to buy numeric per day from harman operating and is currently in for datenumeric to datenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nDo you know if this deal was supposed to run through 12/00 and 1/01? It was \na deal to buy 400 per day from Harman Operating and is currently in for \n11/15/00 to 11/30/00. Volume management said they are looking for their \nmoney.\n\nLet me know. \n\nThanks.\n", ["<7232532.1075854198787.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28844916.1075854291088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13632397.1075854319363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "502952", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "20-2-2001-6:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-2-2001-6:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["michael.olsen@enron.com"], [], "Deal 606396 is already in Sitara for Dec 2000-2001.\nD\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/20/2001 12:39 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal 502952\nDaren,\nDo you know if this deal was supposed to run through 12/00 and 1/01? It was \na deal to buy 400 per day from Harman Operating and is currently in for \n11/15/00 to 11/30/00. Volume management said they are looking for their \nmoney.\nLet me know. \nThanks.\n", ["Re: Deal 502952"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '502952'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '502952']}", [], "Deal 606396 is already in Sitara for Dec 2000-2001.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/20/2001 12:39 PM\n", ["<4110967.1075854336210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16670835.1075854198765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2076992.1075854291110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7659768.1075854326242.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "606396", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "14-2-2001-8:4:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 14-2-2001-8:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"14-2-2001-8:4:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["14-2-2001-8:4:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <21448734.1075854319275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 08:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 5097\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nDo you know if there should be a deal in place for Midcoast on this meter for \nJanuary? Currently, it only shows ENA. I understand that a deal was added \nin December for Midcoast, but that deal was only good for Dec.\n\nThanks.\n\nMike", "Meter 5097", "originEmail", [["show deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "shows"], "information", " currently, it only shows orgname i understand that a deal was added in december for orgname but that deal was only good for dec."], ["add deal{numeric}", 11, "information", ["added", "deal"], "information", " currently, it only shows orgname i understand that a deal was added in december for orgname but that deal was only good for dec."]], "Daren,\n\nDo you know if there should be a deal in place for Midcoast on this meter for \nJanuary? Currently, it only shows ENA. I understand that a deal was added \nin December for Midcoast, but that deal was only good for Dec.\n\nThanks.\n\nMike", "<21448734.1075854319275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5097", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "14-2-2001-8:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-2-2001-8:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6612396.1075854336296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 08:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5097\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI don't know. Check with Settlements to see if they are billing us for Dec \nand Jan.\n\nd\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/14/2001 04:04 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 5097\n\nDaren,\n\nDo you know if there should be a deal in place for Midcoast on this meter for \nJanuary? Currently, it only shows ENA. I understand that a deal was added \nin December for Midcoast, but that deal was only good for Dec.\n\nThanks.\n\nMike\n\n", "Re: Meter 5097", "reply", [], "I don't know. Check with Settlements to see if they are billing us for Dec \nand Jan.\n\nd\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/14/2001 04:04 PM\n", "<6612396.1075854336296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "23-2-2001-3:19:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com 23-2-2001-3:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-2-2001-6:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"23-2-2001-3:19:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-3:19:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16470857.1075854197840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 03:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 981318\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Michael Olsen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above meter recorded a flow on Jan 15 this year. It has not had any \nactivity all the way back through 1999. I checked with Cheryl Jones and the \nflow is good. It was apparently turned on for that one day. Do we need to \nput in a deal for this flow? \n\nThanks.\n\nAlso, we had a transport nom from Texaco into King Ranch, so we will have \nadequate flow into Stratton.", "meter 981318", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "daren, the above meter recorded a flow on datenumeric this year."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "put"], "request information", " do we need to put in a deal for this flow?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 17, "nninformation", ["deal", "flow"], "request information", " do we need to put in a deal for this flow?"]], "Daren,\n\nThe above meter recorded a flow on Jan 15 this year. It has not had any \nactivity all the way back through 1999. I checked with Cheryl Jones and the \nflow is good. It was apparently turned on for that one day. Do we need to \nput in a deal for this flow? \n\nThanks.\n\nAlso, we had a transport nom from Texaco into King Ranch, so we will have \nadequate flow into Stratton.", "<16470857.1075854197840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "981318", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "23-2-2001-3:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["23-2-2001-3:34:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3238036.1075854336078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 03:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 981318\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMike, \n\nI don't know of any deals that were negotiated for this delivery. So, why \ndon't you check with Gas Control to see if they know why vol was delivered on \nthat day. I would think that they had to send someone out there to make it \nhappen. Additionally, you can check with Gary Lamphier or Lee Papyoti to see \nif they made a deal with the plant.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 11:19 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 981318\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above meter recorded a flow on Jan 15 this year. It has not had any \nactivity all the way back through 1999. I checked with Cheryl Jones and the \nflow is good. It was apparently turned on for that one day. Do we need to \nput in a deal for this flow? \n\nThanks.\n\nAlso, we had a transport nom from Texaco into King Ranch, so we will have \nadequate flow into Stratton.\n\n", "Re: meter 981318", "reply", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 7, "nninformation", ["check", "gas"], "request", " so, why don't you check with gas control to see if they know why vol was delivered on that day."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 10, "nninformation", ["see", "gas"], "intention", " so, why don't you check with gas control to see if they know why vol was delivered on that day."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 24, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "intention", " additionally, you can check with gary lamphier or lee papyoti to see if they made a deal with the plant."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 25, "information", ["deal", "made"], "information", " additionally, you can check with gary lamphier or lee papyoti to see if they made a deal with the plant."]], "Mike, \n\nI don't know of any deals that were negotiated for this delivery. So, why \ndon't you check with Gas Control to see if they know why vol was delivered on \nthat day. I would think that they had to send someone out there to make it \nhappen. Additionally, you can check with Gary Lamphier or Lee Papyoti to see \nif they made a deal with the plant.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 11:19 AM\n", "<3238036.1075854336078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "26-2-2001-6:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-6:31:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8681288.1075854335880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 06:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 981318\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Olsen, Clem Cernosek\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created deal # 640357 to cover this flow.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 11:19 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 981318\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above meter recorded a flow on Jan 15 this year. It has not had any \nactivity all the way back through 1999. I checked with Cheryl Jones and the \nflow is good. It was apparently turned on for that one day. Do we need to \nput in a deal for this flow? \n\nThanks.\n\nAlso, we had a transport nom from Texaco into King Ranch, so we will have \nadequate flow into Stratton.\n\n", "Re: meter 981318", "reply", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal", "640357"], "information", "i have created deal # numeric to cover this flow."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "640357"], "intention", "i have created deal # numeric to cover this flow."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "i have created deal # numeric to cover this flow."]], "I have created deal # 640357 to cover this flow.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMichael Olsen@ENRON\n02/23/2001 11:19 AM\n", "<8681288.1075854335880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "640357", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "981318", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2000-11:38:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com 11-1-2000-23:21:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": {"11-1-2000-11:38:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-11:38:0", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8423130.1075854121261.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 11:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nTo: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Unresolved Issues for Jan 1.- Followup\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-To: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHere is a followup to the memo sent on 12/31/99. FYI\n\n\nEnron Field Services - Has not been nominated since September 99. Have we \nstopped doing business on this pipe? (Just an FYI - ?) Do we need to get \nthis assigned? I can find old\n notes and try to get this pathed if necessary. Someone just needs to let \nme know. Unresolved - appears to be unassigned?\n\nLavaca Expense Transport - This is offsystem gas that HPLC Transports for \nENA. ENA has no nom at meter 1000 in Pops for Jan 1. Unresolved\n\nMidCon Texas Pipeline - There were deals left unpathed for Jan 1 (and \nDec?). I brokered and nominated the obvious but we seem to have 10,000 with \ntransport contract to move this gas on and no sale to broker to. As it \nstands, it looks like we have a long position. Who is this assigned to? I \nthought Carlos was handling this one, but I could be wrong. Unresolved\n\nChannel Industries Pipeline - Several issues here:\n\n 1. All Deals with the exception of the long term Transport Expense were left \nunpathed for Jan 1. I viewed prior month transactions and pathed \nappropriately. Someone\n needs to review for accuracy. Also, there were deals that went to zero, \nthat were nominated for January. Resolved but needs to be verified.\n\n 2. We still do not have enough supply to meet our sales requirement. This \nissue has been left unsresolved since October 99. Volume Management cannot \nallocate was is\n not pathed and nominated. Unresolved or Unpathed?\n\n 3. There is a transaction for January that is once again not on our point \nspecific transport contracts. (Rec Mtr 1-6366 10,000 to Del Mtr 2-6203 \n10,000). This is a pathed pipeline. We have no rate. We need to know the \nrate and whether one of the expense contracts needs to be amended for this \ntransaction, we are not legally covered. Carlos was handling this pipe in \nDec. Who is this assigned to for Jan? Unresolved\n\nHPL Operational - This Shipper on HPL has been left unpathed for December \nand January 1. Who is this assigned to? This can wait until we get back \nnext week. If it is left unresolved, I will get it pathed when I return. \nI haven't had time to do this yet. If we haven't figured out the assignement \nthen I will get to it asap.\n\n\n", "Unresolved Issues for Jan 1.- Followup", "originEmail", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 97, "nninformation", ["allocate", "volume"], "intention", " volume management cannot allocate was is not pathed and nominated."]], "Here is a followup to the memo sent on 12/31/99. FYI\n\n\nEnron Field Services - Has not been nominated since September 99. Have we \nstopped doing business on this pipe? (Just an FYI - ?) Do we need to get \nthis assigned? I can find old\n notes and try to get this pathed if necessary. Someone just needs to let \nme know. Unresolved - appears to be unassigned?\n\nLavaca Expense Transport - This is offsystem gas that HPLC Transports for \nENA. ENA has no nom at meter 1000 in Pops for Jan 1. Unresolved\n\nMidCon Texas Pipeline - There were deals left unpathed for Jan 1 (and \nDec?). I brokered and nominated the obvious but we seem to have 10,000 with \ntransport contract to move this gas on and no sale to broker to. As it \nstands, it looks like we have a long position. Who is this assigned to? I \nthought Carlos was handling this one, but I could be wrong. Unresolved\n\nChannel Industries Pipeline - Several issues here:\n\n 1. All Deals with the exception of the long term Transport Expense were left \nunpathed for Jan 1. I viewed prior month transactions and pathed \nappropriately. Someone\n needs to review for accuracy. Also, there were deals that went to zero, \nthat were nominated for January. Resolved but needs to be verified.\n\n 2. We still do not have enough supply to meet our sales requirement. This \nissue has been left unsresolved since October 99. Volume Management cannot \nallocate was is\n not pathed and nominated. Unresolved or Unpathed?\n\n 3. There is a transaction for January that is once again not on our point \nspecific transport contracts. (Rec Mtr 1-6366 10,000 to Del Mtr 2-6203 \n10,000). This is a pathed pipeline. We have no rate. We need to know the \nrate and whether one of the expense contracts needs to be amended for this \ntransaction, we are not legally covered. Carlos was handling this pipe in \nDec. Who is this assigned to for Jan? Unresolved\n\nHPL Operational - This Shipper on HPL has been left unpathed for December \nand January 1. Who is this assigned to? This can wait until we get back \nnext week. If it is left unresolved, I will get it pathed when I return. \nI haven't had time to do this yet. If we haven't figured out the assignement \nthen I will get to it asap.\n\n\n", "<8423130.1075854121261.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "deal line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["deal line_pipelineTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "1000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "110": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "113": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "point transport_transport0contractTnn": {"value": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "ne": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "patterns": ["point transport_transport0contractTnn"]}, "sale supplyTnn": {"value": "sale supplyTnn", "ne": "sale supplyTnn", "patterns": ["sale supplyTnn"]}, "sale transportTnn": {"value": "sale transportTnn", "ne": "sale transportTnn", "patterns": ["sale transportTnn"]}}, false], "11-1-2000-23:21:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-23:21:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com kimberly.vaughn@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com charlotte.hawkins@enron.com george.grant@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com mandy.mackinnon@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com susan.trevino@enron.com ragayle.pellum@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1433228.1075854034702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 23:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: pat.clynes@enron.com\nTo: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Unresolved Issues for Jan 1.- Followup\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, kimberly.vaughn@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, charlotte.hawkins@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.grant@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tmandy.mackinnon@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tstella.morris@enron.com, susan.trevino@enron.com,\n\tragayle.pellum@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, kimberly.vaughn@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, charlotte.hawkins@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.grant@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tmandy.mackinnon@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tstella.morris@enron.com, susan.trevino@enron.com,\n\tragayle.pellum@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nX-From: Pat Clynes\nX-To: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Kimberly Vaughn, Aimee Lannou, Carlos J Rodriguez, Charlotte Hawkins, George Grant, Jackie Young, Mandy MacKinnon, Robert E Lloyd, Stella L Morris, Susan D Trevino, Ragayle Pellum, Tom Acton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMandey and the rest of the group,\nPlease take the initiative to get these things done. I am counting on you \nand the others (Seniors in the group)\nto get these things done. We have 6 seniors in this group and I expect \nthings to get accomplished. I am not\na babysitter. Lets get this job done or I will find people who want to get \nit done. How about some team work\nhere!!!!! Pat\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMandy MacKinnon@ECT\n01/11/2000 07:38 PM\nTo: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Unresolved Issues for Jan 1.- Followup\n\nHere is a followup to the memo sent on 12/31/99. FYI\n\n\nEnron Field Services - Has not been nominated since September 99. Have we \nstopped doing business on this pipe? (Just an FYI - ?) Do we need to get \nthis assigned? I can find old\n notes and try to get this pathed if necessary. Someone just needs to let \nme know. Unresolved - appears to be unassigned?\n\nLavaca Expense Transport - This is offsystem gas that HPLC Transports for \nENA. ENA has no nom at meter 1000 in Pops for Jan 1. Unresolved\n\nMidCon Texas Pipeline - There were deals left unpathed for Jan 1 (and \nDec?). I brokered and nominated the obvious but we seem to have 10,000 with \ntransport contract to move this gas on and no sale to broker to. As it \nstands, it looks like we have a long position. Who is this assigned to? I \nthought Carlos was handling this one, but I could be wrong. Unresolved\n\nChannel Industries Pipeline - Several issues here:\n\n 1. All Deals with the exception of the long term Transport Expense were left \nunpathed for Jan 1. I viewed prior month transactions and pathed \nappropriately. Someone\n needs to review for accuracy. Also, there were deals that went to zero, \nthat were nominated for January. Resolved but needs to be verified.\n\n 2. We still do not have enough supply to meet our sales requirement. This \nissue has been left unsresolved since October 99. Volume Management cannot \nallocate was is\n not pathed and nominated. Unresolved or Unpathed?\n\n 3. There is a transaction for January that is once again not on our point \nspecific transport contracts. (Rec Mtr 1-6366 10,000 to Del Mtr 2-6203 \n10,000). This is a pathed pipeline. We have no rate. We need to know the \nrate and whether one of the expense contracts needs to be amended for this \ntransaction, we are not legally covered. Carlos was handling this pipe in \nDec. Who is this assigned to for Jan? Unresolved\n\nHPL Operational - This Shipper on HPL has been left unpathed for December \nand January 1. Who is this assigned to? This can wait until we get back \nnext week. If it is left unresolved, I will get it pathed when I return. \nI haven't had time to do this yet. If we haven't figured out the assignement \nthen I will get to it asap.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Unresolved Issues for Jan 1.- Followup", "reply", [], "Mandey and the rest of the group,\nPlease take the initiative to get these things done. I am counting on you \nand the others (Seniors in the group)\nto get these things done. We have 6 seniors in this group and I expect \nthings to get accomplished. I am not\na babysitter. Lets get this job done or I will find people who want to get \nit done. How about some team work\nhere!!!!! Pat\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMandy MacKinnon@ECT\n01/11/2000 07:38 PM\n", "<1433228.1075854034702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "10-3-2000-2:39:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 10-3-2000-5:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-3-2000-7:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-3-2000-8:31:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 11-3-2000-4:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 21-3-2000-4:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-3-2000-2:39:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-2:39:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["anita.luong@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9552932.1075854126422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 02:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6719 and 98-9676", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["check", "deals"], "request", " can you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters can be rolled and extended?"], ["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["deals", "rolled"], "request", " can you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters can be rolled and extended?"], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "nninformation", ["deals", "extended"], "request", " can you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters can be rolled and extended?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 15, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " numeric phonenumber sitara deal # numeric flow @ meter began on datenumeric th but the deal is not effective until february the datenumeric h."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 32, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " numeric phonenumber sitara deal # numeric deal good from datenumeric - datenumeric but there is flow for all of datenumeric numeric with no k."]], "Hi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<9552932.1075854126422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal evergreenTnn": {"value": "deal evergreenTnn", "ne": "deal evergreenTnn", "patterns": ["deal evergreenTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "151669", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "evergreen flagTnn": {"value": "evergreen flagTnn", "ne": "evergreen flagTnn", "patterns": ["evergreen flagTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "166989", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "10-3-2000-5:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-5:54:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28912631.1075854170723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 05:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJulie, \n\nIs the contract with Cokinos on deal 151669 valid for Feb and Mar 20000?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/10/2000 \n01:52 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "98-6719 and 98-9676", "forward", [], "Julie, \n\nIs the contract with Cokinos on deal 151669 valid for Feb and Mar 20000?\n\nD\n", "<28912631.1075854170723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "151669", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "10-3-2000-7:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-7:22:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24901516.1075854170701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 07:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI extended the deal at mtr 6719 to include 2/10. In the future, please run \nall wellhead deals through Tom Acton first.\n\nI've got a message into Julie Meyers to look into the contract at meter 9676, \nand will let you know what she determines.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "information", ["deal", "extended"], "information", "i extended the deal at mtr numeric to include datenumeric ."]], "I extended the deal at mtr 6719 to include 2/10. In the future, please run \nall wellhead deals through Tom Acton first.\n\nI've got a message into Julie Meyers to look into the contract at meter 9676, \nand will let you know what she determines.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\n", "<24901516.1075854170701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "10-3-2000-8:31:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-8:31:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19109995.1075854021931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 08:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYes, it is a GTC Spot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 01:54 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nJulie, \n\nIs the contract with Cokinos on deal 151669 valid for Feb and Mar 20000?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/10/2000 \n01:52 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676", "reply", [], "Yes, it is a GTC Spot\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 01:54 PM\n", "<19109995.1075854021931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-3-2000-4:19:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["11-3-2000-4:19:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14425348.1075854021887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 04:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Julie Meyers, Daren J Farmer, Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRobert,\n\nI've taken care of 98-6719 (as far as getting it out of my allocation \nexception screen). I'm going to place 98-9676 on Strangers Gas until you \nhear back from Daren or Julie.\n\nShould Daren or Julie get back w/you, while I'm on vacation, please get back \nw/Anita Luong and provide her with the K # given to you (by Daren or Julie) \nas well as the dates of 2/1 - 2/29 (even though 3/1/2000 is reflected in my \nallocation exception screen) so that she can provide you with an accounting \narrangement to place February's volumes on @ this meter.\n\nIt looks as though this meter is flowing starting 3/1/2000. I guess that the \ntrader will eventually place a deal in sitara for this meter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 03/11/2000 12:00 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 03:22 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676 \n\nI extended the deal at mtr 6719 to include 2/10. In the future, please run \nall wellhead deals through Tom Acton first.\n\nI've got a message into Julie Meyers to look into the contract at meter 9676, \nand will let you know what she determines.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676", "forward", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 42, "information", ["flowing", "meter"], "information", " it looks as though this meter is flowing starting datenumeric ."]], "Robert,\n\nI've taken care of 98-6719 (as far as getting it out of my allocation \nexception screen). I'm going to place 98-9676 on Strangers Gas until you \nhear back from Daren or Julie.\n\nShould Daren or Julie get back w/you, while I'm on vacation, please get back \nw/Anita Luong and provide her with the K # given to you (by Daren or Julie) \nas well as the dates of 2/1 - 2/29 (even though 3/1/2000 is reflected in my \nallocation exception screen) so that she can provide you with an accounting \narrangement to place February's volumes on @ this meter.\n\nIt looks as though this meter is flowing starting 3/1/2000. I guess that the \ntrader will eventually place a deal in sitara for this meter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<14425348.1075854021887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "21-3-2000-4:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-3-2000-4:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com", "Message-ID: <617099.1075854170481.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\nCc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.lloyd@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: Robert E Lloyd, Julie Meyers, Anita Luong\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have extended deal 151669 to cover mtr 9676 for Feb and Mar.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/11/2000 12:19 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita \nLuong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nRobert,\n\nI've taken care of 98-6719 (as far as getting it out of my allocation \nexception screen). I'm going to place 98-9676 on Strangers Gas until you \nhear back from Daren or Julie.\n\nShould Daren or Julie get back w/you, while I'm on vacation, please get back \nw/Anita Luong and provide her with the K # given to you (by Daren or Julie) \nas well as the dates of 2/1 - 2/29 (even though 3/1/2000 is reflected in my \nallocation exception screen) so that she can provide you with an accounting \narrangement to place February's volumes on @ this meter.\n\nIt looks as though this meter is flowing starting 3/1/2000. I guess that the \ntrader will eventually place a deal in sitara for this meter.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 03/11/2000 12:00 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/10/2000 03:22 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676 \n\nI extended the deal at mtr 6719 to include 2/10. In the future, please run \nall wellhead deals through Tom Acton first.\n\nI've got a message into Julie Meyers to look into the contract at meter 9676, \nand will let you know what she determines.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/10/2000 10:39 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6719 and 98-9676\n\nHi Daren,\n\nCan you please check into whether or not the below deals for the above meters \ncan be rolled and extended? If so, can you please perform this for me so \nthat Anita can set up an accounting arrangement for me?\n\n98-6719 Sitara Deal #166989 Flow @ meter began on February 10th but the deal \nis not effective until February the 11th.\n No new deal # referenced and no evergreen flag. This is on the \ngathering (96026573) K which is the only\n K @ the meter.\n\n98-9676 Sitara Deal #151669 Deal good from 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 but there is \nflow for all of February 2000 with no K. This is on the 215K for 1/2000 \nproduction which is the only K @ the meter.\n\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6719 and 98-9676", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "information", ["deal", "extended", "151669"], "information", "i have extended deal numeric to cover mtr numeric for feb and mar."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "mtr", "151669"], "intention", "i have extended deal numeric to cover mtr numeric for feb and mar."]], "I have extended deal 151669 to cover mtr 9676 for Feb and Mar.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/11/2000 12:19 PM\n", "<617099.1075854170481.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "151669", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-3-2000-1:15:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 31-3-2000-2:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 31-3-2000-6:23:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"31-3-2000-1:15:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-1:15:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4744858.1075854017887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 01:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI know it's first of the month but the above meter has flow for 3/15 (71 \ndec.) and 3/23 (35 dec.) but the deal (Sitara #213005) doesn't cover these \ntwo days.\n\nCan you see if it is feasible to activate these two days in Sitara so that I \ncan clear my exceptions for Volume Management?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "daren, i know it's first of the month but the above meter has flow for datenumeric ( numeric dec."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "information", ["cover", "deal", "213005"], "information", ") but the deal (sitara # numeric ) doesn't cover these two days."]], "Daren,\n\nI know it's first of the month but the above meter has flow for 3/15 (71 \ndec.) and 3/23 (35 dec.) but the deal (Sitara #213005) doesn't cover these \ntwo days.\n\nCan you see if it is feasible to activate these two days in Sitara so that I \ncan clear my exceptions for Volume Management?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<4744858.1075854017887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "213005", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false], "31-3-2000-2:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-2:46:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11979762.1075854170168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 02:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDon't we have an OBA at this point now?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/31/2000 09:15 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000\n\nDaren,\n\nI know it's first of the month but the above meter has flow for 3/15 (71 \ndec.) and 3/23 (35 dec.) but the deal (Sitara #213005) doesn't cover these \ntwo days.\n\nCan you see if it is feasible to activate these two days in Sitara so that I \ncan clear my exceptions for Volume Management?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000", "reply", [], "Don't we have an OBA at this point now?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/31/2000 09:15 AM\n", "<11979762.1075854170168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-3-2000-6:23:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-6:23:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17278915.1075854017678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 06:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRay Calles (TETCO) told me today that he will put the OBA in the mail either \ntonight or first thing Monday.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/31/2000 10:46 AM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000 \n\nDon't we have an OBA at this point now?\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/31/2000 09:15 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000\n\nDaren,\n\nI know it's first of the month but the above meter has flow for 3/15 (71 \ndec.) and 3/23 (35 dec.) but the deal (Sitara #213005) doesn't cover these \ntwo days.\n\nCan you see if it is feasible to activate these two days in Sitara so that I \ncan clear my exceptions for Volume Management?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-6892 for 3/15/2000 and 3/23/2000", "reply", [], "Ray Calles (TETCO) told me today that he will put the OBA in the mail either \ntonight or first thing Monday.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/31/2000 10:46 AM\n", "<17278915.1075854017678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "19-12-2000-1:2:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 19-12-2000-1:24:0Svictor.lamadrid@enron.com 19-12-2000-6:8:0Svictor.lamadrid@enron.com 21-12-2000-1:8:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 21-12-2000-2:40:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-12-2000-6:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-12-2000-1:2:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-1:2:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["victor.lamadrid@enron.com", "meredith.mitchell@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["clem.cernosek@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <2438620.1075854316988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 01:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: victor.lamadrid@enron.com, meredith.mitchell@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nCc: clem.cernosek@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: clem.cernosek@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Victor Lamadrid, Meredith Mitchell, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Clem Cernosek, Howard B Camp, Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVictor,\n\nCan you extend deal #465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec. for 11/21/2000?\n\nDaren,\n\nCan you extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec. for \n11/21/2000?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "465490"], "request", "victor, can you extend deal # numeric to cover a flow volume of numeric dec."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 8, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "465490"], "intention", "victor, can you extend deal # numeric to cover a flow volume of numeric dec."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "victor, can you extend deal # numeric to cover a flow volume of numeric dec."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "465322"], "request", " daren, can you extend deal # numeric for cover a flow volume of numeric dec."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 16, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "465322"], "intention", " daren, can you extend deal # numeric for cover a flow volume of numeric dec."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 17, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " daren, can you extend deal # numeric for cover a flow volume of numeric dec."]], "Victor,\n\nCan you extend deal #465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec. for 11/21/2000?\n\nDaren,\n\nCan you extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec. for \n11/21/2000?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<2438620.1075854316988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "465490", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "465322", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "141", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "140", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "19-12-2000-1:24:0Svictor.lamadrid@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-1:24:0", "victor.lamadrid@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "meredith.mitchell@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com cynthia.franklin@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22860060.1075854209984.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 01:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: victor.lamadrid@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nCc: meredith.mitchell@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tsherlyn.schumack@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, cynthia.franklin@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: meredith.mitchell@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tsherlyn.schumack@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, cynthia.franklin@enron.com\nX-From: Victor Lamadrid\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: Meredith Mitchell, Daren J Farmer, Sherlyn Schumack, Howard B Camp, Clem Cernosek, Cynthia Franklin\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJackie, 465490 is not a deal between ENA and HPL.. It is a Zone 5 Tennessee \nsale between ENA and a third party...Thanks\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:02 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\n\nVictor,\n\nCan you extend deal #465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec. for 11/21/2000?\n\nDaren,\n\nCan you extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec. for \n11/21/2000?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439", "reply", [], "Jackie, 465490 is not a deal between ENA and HPL.. It is a Zone 5 Tennessee \nsale between ENA and a third party...Thanks\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:02 AM\n", "<22860060.1075854209984.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "465490", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "tennessee", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}}, true], "19-12-2000-6:8:0Svictor.lamadrid@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-6:8:0", "victor.lamadrid@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", "cynthia.franklin@enron.com", "meredith.mitchell@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], "I extended the deal 462490 for 11/21 to cover the extra volume. There is a \npath in Unify already so Volume Mgt. should be able actualize volumes.\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:30 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nTypo............Deal #462490\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Victor Lamadrid 12/19/2000 09:24 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nJackie, 465490 is not a deal between ENA and HPL.. It is a Zone 5 Tennessee \nsale between ENA and a third party...Thanks\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:02 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nVictor,\nCan you extend deal #465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec. for 11/21/2000?\nDaren,\nCan you extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec. for \n11/21/2000?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '465490']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 0, "information", ["deal", "extended", "462490"], "information", "i extended the deal numeric for datenumeric to cover the extra volume."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 3, "information", ["cover", "deal", "462490"], "information", "i extended the deal numeric for datenumeric to cover the extra volume."]], "I extended the deal 462490 for 11/21 to cover the extra volume. There is a \npath in Unify already so Volume Mgt. should be able actualize volumes.\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:30 AM\n", ["<30106320.1075854209723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30399046.1075854317104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "462490", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "21-12-2000-1:8:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-1:8:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["howard.camp@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "Hi Daren,\nI know that this is a busy part of the day for you. But, when you get a \nminute, can you please extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 \ndec. for 11/21/2000?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 09:06 \nAM ---------------------------\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:30 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nTypo............Deal #462490\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Victor Lamadrid 12/19/2000 09:24 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nJackie, 465490 is not a deal between ENA and HPL.. It is a Zone 5 Tennessee \nsale between ENA and a third party...Thanks\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:02 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nVictor,\nCan you extend deal #465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec. for 11/21/2000?\nDaren,\nCan you extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec. for \n11/21/2000?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '465490']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 9, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "465322"], "request", " but, when you get a minute, can you please extend deal # numeric for cover a flow volume of numeric dec."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 12, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "465322"], "intention", " but, when you get a minute, can you please extend deal # numeric for cover a flow volume of numeric dec."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 13, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " but, when you get a minute, can you please extend deal # numeric for cover a flow volume of numeric dec."]], "Hi Daren,\n\nI know that this is a busy part of the day for you. But, when you get a \nminute, can you please extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 \ndec. for 11/21/2000?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["<26002175.1075854209117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4227991.1075854281253.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24259166.1075854317383.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "465322", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "140", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "21-12-2000-2:40:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-2:40:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], ["howard.camp@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], "done\nJackie Young\n12/21/2000 09:08 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nHi Daren,\nI know that this is a busy part of the day for you. But, when you get a \nminute, can you please extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 \ndec. for 11/21/2000?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 09:06 \nAM ---------------------------\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:30 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nTypo............Deal #462490\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Victor Lamadrid 12/19/2000 09:24 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nJackie, 465490 is not a deal between ENA and HPL.. It is a Zone 5 Tennessee \nsale between ENA and a third party...Thanks\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:02 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nVictor,\nCan you extend deal #465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec. for 11/21/2000?\nDaren,\nCan you extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec. for \n11/21/2000?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '465490']}", [], "done\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n12/21/2000 09:08 AM\n", ["<7457445.1075854337855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15463086.1075854209003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25115902.1075854281277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15627470.1075854327856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-12-2000-6:31:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-6:31:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["clem.cernosek@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 \n02:29 PM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n12/21/2000 10:40 AM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \ndone\nJackie Young\n12/21/2000 09:08 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nHi Daren,\nI know that this is a busy part of the day for you. But, when you get a \nminute, can you please extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 \ndec. for 11/21/2000?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 12/21/2000 09:06 \nAM ---------------------------\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:30 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nTypo............Deal #462490\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Victor Lamadrid 12/19/2000 09:24 AM\n \nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439 \nJackie, 465490 is not a deal between ENA and HPL.. It is a Zone 5 Tennessee \nsale between ENA and a third party...Thanks\nJackie Young\n12/19/2000 09:02 AM\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439\nVictor,\nCan you extend deal #465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec. for 11/21/2000?\nDaren,\nCan you extend deal #465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec. for \n11/21/2000?\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", ["Re: Deal extension for 11/21/2000 for 98-439"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '465490']}", [], "", ["<17034678.1075854337788.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30842583.1075854208816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20936908.1075854281505.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22659701.1075854327789.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "3-3-2000-2:3:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 3-3-2000-4:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 3-4-2000-5:4:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 3-4-2000-5:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"3-3-2000-2:3:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-2:3:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27667527.1075854058830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 02:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-0432\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCan you please extend sitara deal #156657 for 3/1/00, if the deal will \nallow? It was transported on the 215K, which was the only one out there for \n2/00.\n\nIt spilled over into March on day 1 for .423 dec.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-0432", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "156657"], "request", "can you please extend sitara deal # numeric for datenumeric , if the deal will allow?"]], "Can you please extend sitara deal #156657 for 3/1/00, if the deal will \nallow? It was transported on the 215K, which was the only one out there for \n2/00.\n\nIt spilled over into March on day 1 for .423 dec.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<27667527.1075854058830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "156657", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "3-3-2000-4:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-4:35:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8377534.1075854171161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 04:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-0432\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDONE\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/03/2000 10:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-0432\n\nCan you please extend sitara deal #156657 for 3/1/00, if the deal will \nallow? It was transported on the 215K, which was the only one out there for \n2/00.\n\nIt spilled over into March on day 1 for .423 dec.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-0432", "reply", [], "DONE\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n03/03/2000 10:03 AM\n", "<8377534.1075854171161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "3-4-2000-5:4:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-5:4:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nCan you please see if you can roll deal 156657 for day 1 for April?\nThis deal expired 3/2000. There was no new deal # referenced nor was the \nevergreen flag applied.\nThis meter flowed 556 MMBTU's on April 1, 2000.\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-94987", ["980432"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '156657']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", "daren, can you please see if you can roll deal numeric for day numeric for april?"], ["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "156657", "roll"], "request", "daren, can you please see if you can roll deal numeric for day numeric for april?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", " this meter flowed numeric mmbtu's on datenumeric , numeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nCan you please see if you can roll deal 156657 for day 1 for April?\n\nThis deal expired 3/2000. There was no new deal # referenced nor was the \nevergreen flag applied.\n\nThis meter flowed 556 MMBTU's on April 1, 2000.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-94987", ["<16324987.1075854017494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2697435.1075854064445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20413718.1075854128907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal evergreenTnn": {"value": "deal evergreenTnn", "ne": "deal evergreenTnn", "patterns": ["deal evergreenTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "156657", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "evergreen flagTnn": {"value": "evergreen flagTnn", "ne": "evergreen flagTnn", "patterns": ["evergreen flagTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "556", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}}, true], "3-4-2000-5:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-5:19:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jackie.young@enron.com"], [], "The deal for March was actually #210507. I rolled it for one day.\nD\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 12:04 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 980432\nDaren,\nCan you please see if you can roll deal 156657 for day 1 for April?\nThis deal expired 3/2000. There was no new deal # referenced nor was the \nevergreen flag applied.\nThis meter flowed 556 MMBTU's on April 1, 2000.\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-94987\n", ["Re: 980432"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '156657']}", [], "The deal for March was actually #210507. I rolled it for one day.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 12:04 PM\n", ["<16939324.1075854170124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12820213.1075854017472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3762675.1075854064466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22465370.1075854157555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "210507", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "3-2-2000-2:13:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 3-2-2000-3:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"3-2-2000-2:13:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["3-2-2000-2:13:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1402314.1075854122988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 02:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nWanted to let you know that there are still two sitara deals that need to \nhave the expected volume brought down to \"0\" of the list that I previously \nsent you.\nThey are 114099 and 92918.\n\nI appreciate you revising the ones that you have and you probably were going \nto handle the above two today. In case you were please disregard this \nnotice. If you had fogotten, this can serve as reminder.\n\nAs usual, thanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "Re: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643", "originEmail", [["expect volume", 11, "information", ["expected", "volume"], "information", "daren, wanted to let you know that there are still two sitara deals that need to have the expected volume brought down to \" numeric \" of the list that i previously sent you."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 15, "information", ["sent", "volume"], "information", "daren, wanted to let you know that there are still two sitara deals that need to have the expected volume brought down to \" numeric \" of the list that i previously sent you."]], "Daren,\n\nWanted to let you know that there are still two sitara deals that need to \nhave the expected volume brought down to \"0\" of the list that I previously \nsent you.\nThey are 114099 and 92918.\n\nI appreciate you revising the ones that you have and you probably were going \nto handle the above two today. In case you were please disregard this \nnotice. If you had fogotten, this can serve as reminder.\n\nAs usual, thanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<1402314.1075854122988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}}, false], "3-2-2000-3:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-2-2000-3:22:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28070315.1075854172518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 03:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ndone\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/03/2000 10:13 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643 \n\nDaren,\n\nWanted to let you know that there are still two sitara deals that need to \nhave the expected volume brought down to \"0\" of the list that I previously \nsent you.\nThey are 114099 and 92918.\n\nI appreciate you revising the ones that you have and you probably were going \nto handle the above two today. In case you were please disregard this \nnotice. If you had fogotten, this can serve as reminder.\n\nAs usual, thanks for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-3405 Activity Being Allocated/Nomed @ 98-9643", "reply", [], "done\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n02/03/2000 10:13 AM\n", "<28070315.1075854172518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "3-4-2000-10:10:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 3-4-2000-10:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"3-4-2000-10:10:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-10:10:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["stephanie.gomes@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29597745.1075854128996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Anita Luong, Stephanie Gomes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter is on stranger's for the entire month of Jan. \n2000. There is a deal ticket applicable to this meter from Jan. 21st thru \nthe 31st. Is it o.k. for Volume Management to apply volumes from the 21st \nthru the 31st to the 215?\n\nI don't know what kind of issues was associated with this deal.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:08 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/03/2000 05:00 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie, any luck on the issue w/ the gas allocated to \"stranger's gas\" at \nthis meter..........\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 02:29 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 04/03/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nAnita, have you found out any further information about this meter. Encina \nstill beleives that we owe them for this gas.\n\nThanks, Stephanie (3-6004) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t03/03/2000 02:11 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie,\nI see that the gas at this meter is allocated to \"stranger's\" in POPS. \nStephanie Gomes in Settlement thinks that this could be Encina's gas. I see \nin Sitara that deal 152638 is only valid from the 21st - 31st. Can you \nplease take a look. \n\nThanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 01:36 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 03/03/2000 01:34 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Anita,\nFor meter # 0986725, 1/00 production, I am showing per meter statement that \n41,671mmbtu flowed. Is that gas really Encina's. Has the volume just not \nbeen allocated yet. Could you let me know what the deal is on the meter.\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 )\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing", "originEmail", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["apply", "volume"], "request information", " for volume management to apply volumes from the datenumeric t thru the datenumeric t to the numeric ?"]], "Daren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter is on stranger's for the entire month of Jan. \n2000. There is a deal ticket applicable to this meter from Jan. 21st thru \nthe 31st. Is it o.k. for Volume Management to apply volumes from the 21st \nthru the 31st to the 215?\n\nI don't know what kind of issues was associated with this deal.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n", "<29597745.1075854128996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "3-4-2000-10:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-10:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com stephanie.gomes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19218386.1075854170080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com, stephanie.gomes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: Anita Luong, Stephanie Gomes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nyes\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:10 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above mentioned meter is on stranger's for the entire month of Jan. \n2000. There is a deal ticket applicable to this meter from Jan. 21st thru \nthe 31st. Is it o.k. for Volume Management to apply volumes from the 21st \nthru the 31st to the 215?\n\nI don't know what kind of issues was associated with this deal.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 05:08 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t04/03/2000 05:00 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie, any luck on the issue w/ the gas allocated to \"stranger's gas\" at \nthis meter..........\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 02:29 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 04/03/2000 10:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing \n\nAnita, have you found out any further information about this meter. Encina \nstill beleives that we owe them for this gas.\n\nThanks, Stephanie (3-6004) \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tAnita Luong\n\t03/03/2000 02:11 PM\n\t\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nJackie,\nI see that the gas at this meter is allocated to \"stranger's\" in POPS. \nStephanie Gomes in Settlement thinks that this could be Encina's gas. I see \nin Sitara that deal 152638 is only valid from the 21st - 31st. Can you \nplease take a look. \n\nThanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Anita Luong/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 01:36 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 03/03/2000 01:34 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlene Richmond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing\n\nHey Anita,\nFor meter # 0986725, 1/00 production, I am showing per meter statement that \n41,671mmbtu flowed. Is that gas really Encina's. Has the volume just not \nbeen allocated yet. Could you let me know what the deal is on the meter.\n\nThanks, Stephanie ( 3-6004 )\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter # 0986725 - 1/00 production - Encina Gas Marketing", "reply", [], "yes\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n04/03/2000 05:10 PM\n", "<19218386.1075854170080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "28-1-2000-1:21:0Sjackie.young@enron.com 28-1-2000-8:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-1-2000-1:21:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["28-1-2000-1:21:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <1113455.1075854122508.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 01:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6240\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Rita Wynne\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above meter began flow on 1/25/00 w/a volume of 295 decatherms versus \nthe start date of the 26th as indicated on Sitara deal ticket 148923.\n\nCan you please notify me as to whether the deal ticket will reflect this \nchange?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6240", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "daren, the above meter began flow on datenumeric w/a volume of numeric decatherms versus the start date of the datenumeric h as indicated on sitara deal ticket numeric ."], ["reflect deal", 18, "nninformation", ["deal", "reflect"], "request", " can you please notify me as to whether the deal ticket will reflect this change?"]], "Daren,\n\nThe above meter began flow on 1/25/00 w/a volume of 295 decatherms versus \nthe start date of the 26th as indicated on Sitara deal ticket 148923.\n\nCan you please notify me as to whether the deal ticket will reflect this \nchange?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<1113455.1075854122508.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "148923", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "295", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false], "28-1-2000-8:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-1-2000-8:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14087929.1075854172779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 08:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6240\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ndone\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n01/28/2000 09:21 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 98-6240\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above meter began flow on 1/25/00 w/a volume of 295 decatherms versus \nthe start date of the 26th as indicated on Sitara deal ticket 148923.\n\nCan you please notify me as to whether the deal ticket will reflect this \nchange?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n", "Re: 98-6240", "reply", [], "done\n\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n01/28/2000 09:21 AM\n", "<14087929.1075854172779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "4-4-2001-2:57:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com 4-4-2001-13:48:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"4-4-2001-2:57:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-2:57:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18913034.1075854190390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 02:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\nCc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in \n02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;", "Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing", "reply", [["expire deal", 3, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "sale deal # numeric expired datenumeric julie- this deal has expired for teco gas processing, but we did have a sale in datenumeric ."], ["expire deal", 6, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "sale deal # numeric expired datenumeric julie- this deal has expired for teco gas processing, but we did have a sale in datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "request information", " should this deal be extended?"]], "Sale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in \n02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;", "<18913034.1075854190390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "235670", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "julie", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}}, false], "4-4-2001-13:48:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-13:48:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <880352.1075840436865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 13:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers \nX-To: Katherine Herrera \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\n\nThere is a deal for February but for a different meter. Deal 138095 for meter 6331.\n\nDaren, did we purchase gas for meter 6884 for February?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tSherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tFeb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing\n\n\nSale\nDeal # 235670\nExpired 12/00\n\n\nJulie-\n\nThis deal has expired for Teco Gas Processing, but we did have a sale in 02/01.\nShould this deal be extended?\n\nPls let me know ,so that I can redraft the sale through Unify.\n\nKatherine\n5-8643\n\nUnable to draft volume in Unify due to the expired deal ticket;\n\n\n", "Re: Feb 01 Prod: Sale to Teco Gas Processing", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 11, "nninformation", ["purchase", "gas"], "request information", " daren, did we purchase gas for meter numeric for february?"]], "\nThere is a deal for February but for a different meter. Deal 138095 for meter 6331.\n\nDaren, did we purchase gas for meter 6884 for February?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n04/04/2001 09:57 AM\n", "<880352.1075840436865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "138095", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "6884", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-2-2001-8:45:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 1-2-2001-8:47:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 1-2-2001-8:51:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 1-2-2001-8:54:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"1-2-2001-8:45:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-8:45:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["elsa.villarreal@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2583845.1075854201124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 08:45:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: elsa.villarreal@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: point change for deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Elsa Villarreal, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI---I changed points on this deal from PGTT-TECO Waha 18002800 to PGTT-TECO \nKaty 20606100 for the 2nd. Let me know if you don't agree with this. The \nsupply, Duke Field Svs, was originally trying to deliver to HPL at Midtex, \nthis deal #589257 was also changed to meter 20606100.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "point change for deals", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "information", ["changed", "deal"], "information", "fyi---i changed points on this deal from pgtt-teco waha phonenumber numeric to pgtt-teco katy phonenumber numeric for the datenumeric d."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 24, "information", ["changed", "deal", "589257"], "information", " the supply, orgname field svs, was originally trying to deliver to hpl at midtex, this deal # numeric was also changed to meter phonenumber numeric ."]], "FYI---I changed points on this deal from PGTT-TECO Waha 18002800 to PGTT-TECO \nKaty 20606100 for the 2nd. Let me know if you don't agree with this. The \nsupply, Duke Field Svs, was originally trying to deliver to HPL at Midtex, \nthis deal #589257 was also changed to meter 20606100.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "<2583845.1075854201124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "589257", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}}, true], "1-2-2001-8:47:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-8:47:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "elsa.villarreal@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29743351.1075854201102.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 08:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: elsa.villarreal@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: point change for deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Elsa Villarreal, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nOOOPS! This is effective the 1st.\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron on 02/01/2001 03:43 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy\n02/01/2001 04:45 PM\nTo: Elsa Villarreal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: point change for deals\n\nFYI---I changed points on this deal from PGTT-TECO Waha 18002800 to PGTT-TECO \nKaty 20606100 for the 2nd. Let me know if you don't agree with this. The \nsupply, Duke Field Svs, was originally trying to deliver to HPL at Midtex, \nthis deal #589257 was also changed to meter 20606100.\n\nThanks,\nMark\n", "point change for deals", "forward", [], "OOOPS! This is effective the 1st.\n\n\n\n", "<29743351.1075854201102.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "1-2-2001-8:51:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-8:51:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "elsa.villarreal@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28115859.1075854201079.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 08:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: elsa.villarreal@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: point change for deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Elsa Villarreal, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nOh yeah, and that goes for deal 594596 Crosstex , also.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron on 02/01/2001 03:47 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy\n02/01/2001 04:47 PM\nTo: Elsa Villarreal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: point change for deals\n\nOOOPS! This is effective the 1st.\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron on 02/01/2001 03:43 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nMark McCoy\n02/01/2001 04:45 PM\nTo: Elsa Villarreal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: point change for deals\n\nFYI---I changed points on this deal from PGTT-TECO Waha 18002800 to PGTT-TECO \nKaty 20606100 for the 2nd. Let me know if you don't agree with this. The \nsupply, Duke Field Svs, was originally trying to deliver to HPL at Midtex, \nthis deal #589257 was also changed to meter 20606100.\n\nThanks,\nMark\n\n\n", "point change for deals", "forward", [], "Oh yeah, and that goes for deal 594596 Crosstex , also.\n\n\n", "<28115859.1075854201079.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "594596", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "1-2-2001-8:54:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-8:54:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com"], [], "FYI--- I changed the meter point on deal 589257 Duke F.S. from 18002800 to \nmeter 20606100 effective 1st.\nThanks,\nMark", ["Point change to Tagg deal 589257"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '589257'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '589257']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "deal", "589257"], "information", "fyi--- i changed the meter point on deal numeric orgname f."]], "FYI--- I changed the meter point on deal 589257 Duke F.S. from 18002800 to \nmeter 20606100 effective 1st.\n\n\nThanks,\nMark", ["<27043666.1075854201057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3503874.1075854289030.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13447048.1075854319106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "589257", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "589257", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "30-8-2000-6:12:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com 5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 1-2-2001-8:36:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-3-2001-2:54:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-3-2001-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 25-5-2001-9:3:57Smegan.parker@enron.com 25-5-2001-10:4:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-6-2001-11:24:9Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-6-2001-6:4:44Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-8-2001-13:29:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com 20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 28-9-2001-12:2:33Smegan.parker@enron.com 28-9-2001-12:14:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-10-2001-9:22:31Smegan.parker@enron.com 10-10-2001-5:36:30Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-10-2001-11:9:36Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-10-2001-11:40:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-12-2001-7:55:31Smegan.parker@enron.com 11-12-2001-12:9:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-12-2001-13:56:56Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2001-6:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2001-8:50:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2001-8:59:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-4-2002-13:45:16Schris.germany@enron.com": {"30-8-2000-6:12:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-6:12:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "john.griffith@enron.com", "bob.hall@enron.com"], ["steve.jackson@enron.com"], "I have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\nDave\n", ["Cornhusker"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 0, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "i have entered deals into sitara."]], "I have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\n\nDave\n", ["<26306286.1075853987205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1517662.1075854248687.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30266573.1075854043825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9724812.1075854092215.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384247", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-6:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n01:33 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital Management\n \n From: David Baumbach 08/30/2000 01:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cornhusker\nI have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\nDave\n", ["Cornhusker"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "", ["<31242533.1075854165519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4739513.1075853986058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31228574.1075854093260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23483997.1075854152915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-11-2000-9:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.benedict@enron.com"], [], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\nD", ["Re: Deal Numbers"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 3, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "request", "buy orgname # numeric buy orgname numeric sale orgname numeric trans capacity orgname numeric & numeric spot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month."]], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\n\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\n\n\nD", ["<19806283.1075854162450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10442.1075853968615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5250270.1075854109710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1652134.1075854149870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal location_positionTnn": {"value": "deal location_positionTnn", "ne": "deal location_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal location_positionTnn"]}, "deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384237", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "452475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric spotTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, true], "29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-12-2000-4:8:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Are you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/29/2000 \n11:46 AM ---------------------------\nJames Armstrong@ECT\n12/19/2000 10:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jody Pierce/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike \nMazowita/Corp/Enron@Enron, Garrick Hill/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tenaska IV Gas\nDaren, per review of the Gas agreements between Tenaska IV and \nWilliams/Apache and our understanding of the Agency agreement, I had a few \nitems I wanted to discuss with you (in lieu of our meeting today that was \ncancelled):\n1. Looking at the October gas supply to the plant, I think Tenaska IV should \nhave been charged at the contract prices with Williams & Apache (i.e. 2.285) \nand not at what the final price that was actualized per Megan's summary - \n230,406 at $710,616.70, price of $3.084. If this volume was charged at \n2.285 the total would have been $526,477.71, a difference of $184,138.99.\n2. Looking at the November gas supply to the plant, Tenaska IV was charged \n$2.91 per MMbtu, instead of $2.285 for volumes of 267,300. At the $2.91 \nprice, the total settlement price was $777,843 instead of $610,780.50 at \n2.285, showing a difference of $167,062.50.\nI reviewed the gas supply agreements and the Williams gas price (pg. 19) for \n2000 gas is 2.32, which can be adjusted by the Waha Transportation Adjustment \nif delivered at Waha. This adjustment started in 1997 at $.03 per MMbtu and \nincrease by 5% per year. Thereby currently, the adjustment factor is at \n.0347, giving us a price of $2.2853 per MMbtu.\nIn reviewing the Apache gas agreement (pg. 22), I noticed that the gas price \nis 2.285 at Waha & 2.315 at Katy/Carthage for 2000. Per review of the Apache \ninvoices, it appears that we are not getting our gas at these points but at \nother places (i.e. Lomak-Sterling & Mendell CDP) at a price of $2.175. If \nEnron has a separate agreement at these delivery points and can capture a \nmargin difference then that is upside to Enron. However, I think the plant \nshould not be charged above the contract price of $2.285.\nLooking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for November and \nOctober, I did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from \nWilliams and Apache of 45,000 MMbtu per day. Therefore I don't think spot \nprices are part of the equation here. Additionally, I recall from our \nmeeting last month that all Enron makes on this deal is the Agency Fee of \n$.04 per MMbtu (excluding the margin difference that Enron has on Apache gas \ndelivery points if my scenario above is correct).\nSo based upon items 1 & 2 above, I am suggesting that Tenaska IV adjust their \nNovember invoice owed to Enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price \ndifferences showed above. Therefore, I am planning to wire a payment of \n$484,234.03 (see breakout below) on Friday, 12/22, to Enron on behalf of \nTenaska IV Texas Partners, Ltd. for this activity.\n Month Plant Gas Price Amount\n November 267,300 2.91 $777,843 \n November adjustment $(167,062.50) \n October adjustment $(184,138.99)\n Nov. Agency Fee 1,350,000 .04 $54,000\n Sept. Agency Fee 98,813 .04 $3,592.52\n Total $484,234.03\nI discussed these issues with Mike Mazowita, Rick Hill & Jody Pierce before \nreaching this conclusion. Should you have any different ideas or thoughts \nthat I am not covering, please call me at 3-7280 and we can discuss. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["show deal", 8, "information", ["$351,201", "showing"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 9, "information", ["49", "pay", "$351,201"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."]], "Are you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\n\nMegan\n", ["<17963234.1075854207720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9706403.1075854247343.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13697014.1075854282606.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "49", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$351,201", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/02/2001 12:35 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/00\nAll of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 11/00", "Re: Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Megan, \n\nI adjusted deal 529856 on the 2nd of Oct and Nov for the adjustments below. \nCan you make this work?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/29/2000 12:08 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<25828342.1075854337537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3267916.1075854337569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4134043.1075854207370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23190695.1075854207394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22315349.1075854282630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10498954.1075854282884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24729011.1075854327548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15300671.1075854327571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4007083.1075854247277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948076.1075854283448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "1-2-2001-8:36:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-8:36:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <5144812.1075854288938.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 08:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: change to tenaska iv volume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren--FYI\n\nI changed the volume of the Tenaska IV deal 384258 to reflect the correct \nfuel amount, it was less fuel because some of the supply was from the katy \narea.....new sale total of 36,286 (after 8,406 removed for Brazos)", "change to tenaska iv volume", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "information", ["changed", "deal", "384258"], "information", "daren--fyi i changed the volume of the orgname deal numeric to reflect the correct fuel amount, it was less fuel because some of the supply was from the katy "], ["reflect deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "reflect"], "information", "daren--fyi i changed the volume of the orgname deal numeric to reflect the correct fuel amount, it was less fuel because some of the supply was from the katy "]], "Daren--FYI\n\nI changed the volume of the Tenaska IV deal 384258 to reflect the correct \nfuel amount, it was less fuel because some of the supply was from the katy \narea.....new sale total of 36,286 (after 8,406 removed for Brazos)", "<5144812.1075854288938.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-2:54:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-2:54:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV Feb 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "We do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\n\nMegan", ["<26490098.1075854196118.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3967699.1075854247104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12581868.1075854293709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "888", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$2,291", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "7-3-2001-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-2:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/06/2001 10:54 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Feb 2001\nWe do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Feb 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/06/2001 10:54 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<10949588.1075854335615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22520845.1075854195850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3427999.1075854293732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33169545.1075854325640.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29605922.1075854246973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11608234.1075854294760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-18:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 5, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 11, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 31, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<6955442.1075840429725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<26176215.1075854335244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10226618.1075854194362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14124169.1075854294783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30835928.1075854325267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<6485978.1075840439152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14205941.1075845123336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-7:11:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "daren: we need to add the sale demand fee to deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."], ["show deal", 10, "nninformation", ["$2,979", "shows"], "intention", " the spreadsheet i have from mark shows pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12209081.1075840429600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}}, true], "8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-8:56:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nDaren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<25500117.1075845124456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2001-9:3:57Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-9:3:57", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "we need to change the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "nninformation", ["amount", "change"], "request", " please change the amount from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 18, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the revised spreadsheet."]], "We need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n\n \n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<24708184.1075840429430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "91", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$2,862", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "25-5-2001-10:4:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-10:4:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, May 25, 2001 11:04 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nWe need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<21769037.1075845125227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-6-2001-11:24:9Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-6-2001-11:24:9", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 for April from $2,862,531.95 to $2,855,089.73. We need to return some money to Tenaska IV. The transport expenses are less than what was etimated on the spreadsheet.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$2,862"], "request", "please change the demand fee on deal numeric for april from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 for April from $2,862,531.95 to $2,855,089.73. We need to return some money to Tenaska IV. The transport expenses are less than what was etimated on the spreadsheet.\n\nMegan", ["<24702933.1075840429354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "$2,862", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$2,855", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-10:48:54", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 8, "nninformation", ["change", "deals"], "request", " the receipt from orgname was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from orgname and repay to orgname please change the following deals."]], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nDeal 384258\tchange demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353\tchange volume from 45,000 to 44,590\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<21265458.1075840429551.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$2,607", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric txuTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-13:4:31", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "i have changed the demand fee."]], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<4261643.1075845124759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-5:55:25", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\nMegan\nFrom: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV March 2001\nI have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\n", ["<1095323.1075840429526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:0:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n \n", ["Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand charge on deal numeric for the datenumeric numeric orgname sale."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<32867124.1075840429405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "556", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:5:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:00 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Cornhusker 5/01\nDaren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n >> \n", ["RE: Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<2497724.1075845125409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-6-2001-6:4:44Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-6:4:44", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please change the demand fee for May 2001 on deal 384258 from $2,069,556.32 to $2,026,347.17. The Williams supply was less than what the spreadsheet calculated.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,069"], "request", "please change the demand fee for datenumeric numeric on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Please change the demand fee for May 2001 on deal 384258 from $2,069,556.32 to $2,026,347.17. The Williams supply was less than what the spreadsheet calculated.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19680655.1075840429255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "32", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$2,026", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-7-2001-12:27:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 02:21 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/05/2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: June Tenaska gas file\nHere you go. Let me know if everything looks good.\nMike\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Olsen, Michael\nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you email the Tenaska file for June? I need to bill them.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 12:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n From: Megan Parker 07/02/2001 02:17 PM \n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron\ncc: \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you send James Armstrong and me the Tenaska file for June?\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/02/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: James Armstrong/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/02/2001 10:56 AM\nTo: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nMark, it looks like Mike Olsen is no longer here at Enron. Do you know who handles the Tenaska fuel management file now? You can call me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["RE: June Tenaska gas file"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<24473694.1075840429134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,938", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "9-8-2001-13:29:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-8-2001-13:29:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease remove the price on the Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258, for July and enter the demand fee. The amount should be $3,902,687.50.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV July"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "darren: please remove the price on the orgname sale, deal numeric , for july and enter the demand fee."]], "Darren:\nPlease remove the price on the Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258, for July and enter the demand fee. The amount should be $3,902,687.50.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<9319095.1075840428940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "687", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-12:38:30", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 8/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "other", "darren: please zero out the price on orgname deal numeric for datenumeric numeric and enter a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<30191004.1075840428891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$4,116", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "035", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-11:18:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 7/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,902"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["receive gas", 12, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the txu statement for july and our expenses went down."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 16, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18812899.1075840428746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "933", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,878", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}}, true], "28-9-2001-12:2:33Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-12:2:33", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 6/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,578"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 17, "nninformation", ["change", "volume"], "intention", " we are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<2001432.1075840428673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,578", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,559", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "28-9-2001-12:14:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-12:14:52", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, September 28, 2001 2:03 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 6/01\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 6/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<32852678.1075852213418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-10-2001-9:22:31Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-10-2001-9:22:31", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 9/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "darren: please zero out the price on deal numeric for datenumeric and add a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<26253804.1075840428626.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "611", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "10-10-2001-5:36:30Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-10-2001-5:36:30", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 11:23 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 9/01\nDarren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 9/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n ", ["<16520183.1075852213078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-10-2001-11:9:36Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-11:9:36", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n6/01 from 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01 from 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fees", "384258"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fees on deal numeric for orgname to the numbers below."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n\n6/01\tfrom 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01\tfrom 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["<21832805.1075840428602.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true], "12-10-2001-11:40:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-11:40:7", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, October 12, 2001 1:10 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n6/01 from 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01 from 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n ", ["<24606405.1075852212940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:35:3", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "request", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 14, "nninformation", ["529856", "pay", "$407,547"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "nninformation", ["change", "384258", "$2,861"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["add deal{numeric}", 30, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fee"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "]], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tChange \n11/00\t\t529856\t\tchange $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01\t\t384258\t\tchange $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01\t\t384258\t\tzero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<3989293.1075840428555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$407,547", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "762", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$3,216", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$2,846", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:40:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:35 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV \nDarren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<30352963.1075861272438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-12-2001-7:55:31Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-7:55:31", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n ", ["Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "request", " please remove the price on deal numeric for nov and add a demand fee of pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n ", ["<32288916.1075840428532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,096", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "547", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "11-12-2001-12:9:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-12:9:37", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n\n ", ["<16182097.1075859102548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-12-2001-13:56:56Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-13:56:56", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Can you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Can you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\n\nMegan\n\n ", ["<13168546.1075840428509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-6:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-6:8:59", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "What's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "What's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\n\n\nD\n\n ", ["<13845388.1075859102569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-8:50:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-8:50:20", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "where are you going?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:46 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nThanks. Glad to know you are still here. I'm not sure when I send an email now if the person on the other end is still here. I will be leaving, though. I've given two weeks notice. I'll let you know who will be taking over this gem of an account.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:09 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWhat's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "where are you going?\n\n\n ", ["<33009463.1075859102591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-8:59:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-8:59:47", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I'm sure that the Panenergy deal is all yours. I definitely understand your concerns. Good luck over there.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:58 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWell...I'll be going back to my old job. AEP made me an offer last week. I really wish I could stay, but the worries and the stress have done me in. I need a little more piece of mind with my paycheck. My last day will be the 26th.\nHey, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get PanEnergy back. \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:50 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nwhere are you going?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:46 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nThanks. Glad to know you are still here. I'm not sure when I send an email now if the person on the other end is still here. I will be leaving, though. I've given two weeks notice. I'll let you know who will be taking over this gem of an account.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:09 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWhat's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "I'm sure that the Panenergy deal is all yours. I definitely understand your concerns. Good luck over there.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<1071463.1075859102613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2002-13:45:16Schris.germany@enron.com": ["11-4-2002-13:45:16", "chris.germany@enron.com", ["priscilla.hamic@enron.com"], [], "Would you see if we sent out an invoice for deal 384258 to Tenaska IV Partners, Ltd. for December 2001 and January 2002? And if we did, did they pay it?\nThanks\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mazowita, Mike \nSent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 3:09 PM\nTo: Germany, Chris; Herrmann, Karen; Vos, Theresa\nSubject: Gas Sales - December & January\nHas anybody found any transactions that might have been done in December '01 or January '02 for the Ponderosa Pine plant.\nSpecifically I'm looking for any Spot Gas Sales during this time???", ["FW: Gas Sales - December & January"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 0, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", "would you see if we sent out an invoice for deal numeric to orgname partners, ltd."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 1, "information", ["sent", "deal"], "information", "would you see if we sent out an invoice for deal numeric to orgname partners, ltd."]], "Would you see if we sent out an invoice for deal 384258 to Tenaska IV Partners, Ltd. for December 2001 and January 2002? And if we did, did they pay it?\n\nThanks\n\n ", ["<24798450.1075840517218.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "20-2-2001-0:38:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 20-2-2001-2:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-2-2001-0:38:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["20-2-2001-0:38:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <878508.1075854198899.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 00:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Feb 12th Sale to Aquila\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI\n\nDaren---On the 12th, there is a sale to Aquila on the Header system, for \n10,000........I think we were supplying it with AEC. For whatever reason, I \nhad the AEC 10.0 @ #11230 into Midcon...which isnt right because there was no \nmarket for it, and Midcon wasnt looking for it, but the Aquila deal was at \n#700 on WGR (Aquila). So I went ahead and changed the AEC ticket to match up \nwith the Aquila deal. Let me know if you think it is incorrect.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "Feb 12th Sale to Aquila", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 17, "information", ["changed", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " so i went ahead and changed the aec ticket to match up with the orgname deal."]], "FYI\n\nDaren---On the 12th, there is a sale to Aquila on the Header system, for \n10,000........I think we were supplying it with AEC. For whatever reason, I \nhad the AEC 10.0 @ #11230 into Midcon...which isnt right because there was no \nmarket for it, and Midcon wasnt looking for it, but the Aquila deal was at \n#700 on WGR (Aquila). So I went ahead and changed the AEC ticket to match up \nwith the Aquila deal. Let me know if you think it is incorrect.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "<878508.1075854198899.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"15": {"value": "700", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false], "20-2-2001-2:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-2-2001-2:27:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4459255.1075854336231.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 02:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Feb 12th Sale to Aquila\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mark McCoy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThat's cool.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n02/20/2001 08:38 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Feb 12th Sale to Aquila\n\nFYI\n\nDaren---On the 12th, there is a sale to Aquila on the Header system, for \n10,000........I think we were supplying it with AEC. For whatever reason, I \nhad the AEC 10.0 @ #11230 into Midcon...which isnt right because there was no \nmarket for it, and Midcon wasnt looking for it, but the Aquila deal was at \n#700 on WGR (Aquila). So I went ahead and changed the AEC ticket to match up \nwith the Aquila deal. Let me know if you think it is incorrect.\n\nThanks,\nMark\n\n", "Re: Feb 12th Sale to Aquila", "reply", [], "That's cool.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMark McCoy@ENRON\n02/20/2001 08:38 AM\n", "<4459255.1075854336231.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "13-2-2001-9:14:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 14-3-2001-1:27:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"13-2-2001-9:14:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["13-2-2001-9:14:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", ["liz.bellamy@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20607554.1075854301441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: liz.bellamy@enron.com\nSubject: Entex deal #318052 for Jan 2001\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Liz Bellamy\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Entex\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLiz--Please make a note that I added meter #1168 Midcon/Bammel to the Entex \ndeal #318052 for January 1st & 2nd for flow that occured. \n\nI pathed a 1 to come across to POPS, but the following will be allocated to \nthe deal:\n\n1st: 2,953\n2nd 549\nTotal 3,502 (actual flow volume)\n\nPatsy with Midcon(KinderMorgan) is aware of this and agrees.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396\n\n\n", "Entex deal #318052 for Jan 2001", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 6, "information", ["added", "deal"], "information", "personname -please make a note that i added meter # numeric midcon/bammel to the entex deal # numeric for datenumeric st & datenumeric d for flow that occured."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "personname -please make a note that i added meter # numeric midcon/bammel to the entex deal # numeric for datenumeric st & datenumeric d for flow that occured."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["allocated", "deal", "2,953"], "intention", " i pathed a numeric to come across to pops, but the following will be allocated to the deal: datenumeric t: numeric datenumeric d numeric total numeric (actual flow volume) patsy with orgname kindermorgan) is aware of this and agrees."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 23, "information", ["flow", "3,502", "volume"], "information", " i pathed a numeric to come across to pops, but the following will be allocated to the deal: datenumeric t: numeric datenumeric d numeric total numeric (actual flow volume) patsy with orgname kindermorgan) is aware of this and agrees."]], "Liz--Please make a note that I added meter #1168 Midcon/Bammel to the Entex \ndeal #318052 for January 1st & 2nd for flow that occured. \n\nI pathed a 1 to come across to POPS, but the following will be allocated to \nthe deal:\n\n1st: 2,953\n2nd 549\nTotal 3,502 (actual flow volume)\n\nPatsy with Midcon(KinderMorgan) is aware of this and agrees.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396\n\n\n", "<20607554.1075854301441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "1168", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "318052", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "2,953", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "3,502", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-1:27:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-1:27:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com"], "Liz,\nPlease see attached e-mail reguarding Entex and advise which deal is good.\nThanks.\n \n \n \n From: Karen Lindley 03/13/2001 04:41 PM\n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Dow Pipeline\nCan you please verify the following and let me know if I need to do an \naccounting arrangement to correct. Thanks!\nKaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron on 03/13/2001 \n03:38 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack @ ECT 03/13/2001 02:24 PM\n \nTo: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Paul Couvillon/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Dow Pipeline\nIt should be on deal 318052.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2001 \n02:21 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Sherlyn Schumack 03/13/2001 02:22 PM\n \nTo: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Dow Pipeline\nKaren,\nThe Entex volumes on Dow pipeline at meter 984486 is scheduled on an expired \ndeal (292249) for 2/2001.\n", ["Re: Dow Pipeline"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '318052']}", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 3, "information", ["attached", "deal"], "information", " please see attached e-mail reguarding entex and advise which deal is good."]], "Liz,\n\nPlease see attached e-mail reguarding Entex and advise which deal is good.\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Karen Lindley 03/13/2001 04:41 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<29138939.1075854194776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15057674.1075854301398.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true]}, "28-11-2001-13:6:53Sm..forney@enron.com 30-11-2001-7:35:22Sm..forney@enron.com": {"28-11-2001-13:6:53Sm..forney@enron.com": ["28-11-2001-13:6:53", "m..forney@enron.com", ["vstone@lcra.org"], [], "Message-ID: <11126975.1075859219917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 13:06:53 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: vstone@lcra.org\nSubject: resume of John Forney\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'vstone@lcra.org'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nVictor,\nThanks for calling today. Obviously this hasnt been the best day in my 8 year career with Enron!\nI have attached my resume for your review. I am interested in talking to you in more detail at your convenience.\n\nThanks again,\nJForney\ncell phone 713-412-7529\n\n \n ", "resume of John Forney", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 8, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " i have attached my resume for your review."]], "\n\nVictor,\nThanks for calling today. Obviously this hasnt been the best day in my 8 year career with Enron!\nI have attached my resume for your review. I am interested in talking to you in more detail at your convenience.\n\nThanks again,\nJForney\ncell phone 713-412-7529\n\n \n ", "<11126975.1075859219917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "30-11-2001-7:35:22Sm..forney@enron.com": ["30-11-2001-7:35:22", "m..forney@enron.com", ["vstone@lcra.org"], [], "\nVictor,\n We spoke a couple of days ago concerning employment opportunities at LCRA. Do you have any questions about the resume that I sent?\nI can supply additional info or answer questions, as necessary.\nI was also wondering what specifically LCRA was looking for. I have QSE experience and am familiar with Ercot billing. \nAddtionally, I have some extremely capable co-workers that would be interested in talking with your firm. Our Ercot team has been profitable and is extremely motivated.\nLet me know if we have something in common.\nThanks,\nJohn Forney\nDirector, Ercot Trading\n713-412-7529\n281-419-4388", ["Employment Opportunities"], "{'recipients': []}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 10, "nninformation", ["sent", "resume"], "request information", " do you have any questions about the resume that i sent?"], ["supply_provide info_information", 11, "nninformation", ["info", "supply"], "intention", " i can supply additional info or answer questions, as necessary."]], "\n\nVictor,\n We spoke a couple of days ago concerning employment opportunities at LCRA. Do you have any questions about the resume that I sent?\nI can supply additional info or answer questions, as necessary.\nI was also wondering what specifically LCRA was looking for. I have QSE experience and am familiar with Ercot billing. \nAddtionally, I have some extremely capable co-workers that would be interested in talking with your firm. Our Ercot team has been profitable and is extremely motivated.\n\nLet me know if we have something in common.\n\nThanks,\nJohn Forney\nDirector, Ercot Trading\n713-412-7529\n281-419-4388", ["<10511745.1075859220071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true]}, "29-10-2001-15:32:37Sm..forney@enron.com 29-10-2001-16:44:3Sjoseph.wagner@enron.com": {"29-10-2001-15:32:37Sm..forney@enron.com": ["29-10-2001-15:32:37", "m..forney@enron.com", ["joseph.wagner@enron.com", "preston.ochsner@enron.com"], ["doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11311415.1075852371019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 15:32:37 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joseph.wagner@enron.com, preston.ochsner@enron.com\nSubject: Additional Load\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Wagner, Joseph , Ochsner, Preston \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nThanks for the info for the additional load. As I understand it, we now have approximately 20 mw's in the South. This is great!!\nEach day I review balancing energy prices vs. daily prices and the choice is extremely simple: We allow the pool to fill this load.\n\nI would recommend against buying any hedges against this power until further. There is a good chance that prices occasionally go negative for offpeak/weekends and we want to take full advantage.\n\nDo we need to discuss this further? I just want to be on the same page.\nLet me know what you think.\n\nJMF\n", "Additional Load", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 18, "nninformation", ["buying", "power"], "request", " i would recommend against buying any hedges against this power until further."]], "\n\nThanks for the info for the additional load. As I understand it, we now have approximately 20 mw's in the South. This is great!!\nEach day I review balancing energy prices vs. daily prices and the choice is extremely simple: We allow the pool to fill this load.\n\nI would recommend against buying any hedges against this power until further. There is a good chance that prices occasionally go negative for offpeak/weekends and we want to take full advantage.\n\nDo we need to discuss this further? I just want to be on the same page.\nLet me know what you think.\n\nJMF\n", "<11311415.1075852371019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "20**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw objectTnn"]}}, false], "29-10-2001-16:44:3Sjoseph.wagner@enron.com": ["29-10-2001-16:44:3", "joseph.wagner@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21905087.1075852398799.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 16:44:03 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: joseph.wagner@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Additional Load\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Wagner, Joseph \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI am 100% in agreement. I have not, and will not be buying anything to cover this load. I did buy some Nov, but that was not to hedge load, that was to hedge right after the AGA came out and there was no long term market out yet to lift. So just keep on screwing us Fornicator. I know what you are up to.\n\n-Joe\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 29, 2001 5:33 PM\nTo:\tWagner, Joseph; Ochsner, Preston\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tAdditional Load\n\n\n\nThanks for the info for the additional load. As I understand it, we now have approximately 20 mw's in the South. This is great!!\nEach day I review balancing energy prices vs. daily prices and the choice is extremely simple: We allow the pool to fill this load.\n\nI would recommend against buying any hedges against this power until further. There is a good chance that prices occasionally go negative for offpeak/weekends and we want to take full advantage.\n\nDo we need to discuss this further? I just want to be on the same page.\nLet me know what you think.\n\nJMF\n", "RE: Additional Load", "reply", [], "I am 100% in agreement. I have not, and will not be buying anything to cover this load. I did buy some Nov, but that was not to hedge load, that was to hedge right after the AGA came out and there was no long term market out yet to lift. So just keep on screwing us Fornicator. I know what you are up to.\n\n-Joe\n\n ", "<21905087.1075852398799.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "15-6-2001-21:8:22Sm..forney@enron.com 18-6-2001-16:43:4Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-6-2001-21:8:22Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-6-2001-21:8:22", "m..forney@enron.com", "mauricio.trejo@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27783860.1075852393566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 21:08:22 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: mauricio.trejo@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT OASIS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Trejo, Mauricio \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nPlease see the attached site. The logon for this is: ljester \n\t\t\t\t password is: 38zpzz\n\nhttp://oasis.ercot-iso.com/index.html\n\nYou can copy existing Oasis requests or create new.\n\nJMF", "ERCOT OASIS", "reply", [], "\n\nPlease see the attached site. The logon for this is: ljester \n\t\t\t\t password is: 38zpzz\n\nhttp://oasis.ercot-iso.com/index.html\n\nYou can copy existing Oasis requests or create new.\n\nJMF", "<27783860.1075852393566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "18-6-2001-16:43:4Sm..forney@enron.com": ["18-6-2001-16:43:4", "m..forney@enron.com", ["juan.padron@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <28901744.1075852393701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:43:04 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: juan.padron@enron.com\nSubject: FW: ERCOT OASIS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Padron, Juan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJuan,\nCheck this out:\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tFriday, June 15, 2001 11:11 PM\nTo:\tTrejo, Mauricio\nSubject:\tERCOT OASIS\n\n\n\nPlease see the attached site. The logon for this is: ljester \n\t\t\t\t password is: 38zpzz\n\nhttp://oasis.ercot-iso.com/index.html\n\nYou can copy existing Oasis requests or create new.\n\nJMF", "FW: ERCOT OASIS", "originEmail", [["check_break object", 1, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request", "juan, check this out: "]], "Juan,\nCheck this out:\nJMF\n\n ", "<28901744.1075852393701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "31-10-2001-13:17:53Sm..forney@enron.com 2-11-2001-13:8:42Sm..forney@enron.com": {"31-10-2001-13:17:53Sm..forney@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-13:17:53", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33194223.1075862637866.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:17:53 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: VERY IMPORTANT POSITIONS FOR TOMORROW!!!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Saibi-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n\nItem One\nThe Frontera Plant is scheduled to sell 450 mw's for tomorrow. I sold them a financial swap @ $24 for the whole day. For the first part of the day we will be running extremely short. We will just that we are having problems coming up.\nThis is the amount that will be short:\n\nhe7 - 420 mw's\nhe 8 - 420 mw's\nhe 9 - 420 mw's\nhe 10 - 315 mw's\nhe 11 - 230 mw's \nhe 12 - 22 100 mw's\n\n\nI would like you to buy power for 7-11 for alot less than $24. If you cant, then we will take the imbalance price. If you do buy, purchase under the Ercot Asset book and schedule to South Zone load for the Ercot Asset book. If you have questions, call me.\n\n\n\nItem Two\n\nI purchased 99 mw's from City of Austin for tomorrow, hours ending 7-22 under the Ercot Asset book. I sold this power to the ST ERCOT desk for $28.75.\nThis power can be rescinded intraday. WE NEED TO CALL CITY OF AUSTIN TOMORROW WELL BEFORE FLOW AND TELL THEM WE ARE NOT TAKING THESE MW'S. THEY SUPPOSEDLEY KNOW ABOUT THIS DEAL. THEY ARE NOT TO GENERATE. CUT DEAL # 849947 IN ENPOWER SCHEDULING AND REPLACE WITH PURCHASES UNDER ERCOT ASSET.\nWe will either purchase 100 mw's balday (well below $28.75) or take the pool price.\nFor the hours that are filled by the pool, I need a purchase from Ercot Imbalance (under Ercot Asset book), zero price and mk-mkt flag set to \"no.\"\n\n\nObviously, the market will be short tomorro, especially in the morning. Purchase at least some megawatts for tomorrow, but dont give away our position.\nMaybe we could import from the East. That would be great. If you left us short for 100 mw's 12-22, that would be cool. We can take care of that.\n\nFRONTERA NEEDS TO BUY 50 mw for hour ending 2300 to cover Mirant sale for the last hour. Purchase under the Teco Service book and sell to Frontera under Teco Services book. In Portal, we would enter a purchase from X and we should balance against an existing Mirant sale for hour ending 2300. Cut the Frontera 50mw in the Portal so we will balance.\n\nCall if you have questions,\n\nJForney", "VERY IMPORTANT POSITIONS FOR TOMORROW!!!", "reply", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 3, "information", ["450**mw", "scheduled"], "information", " item one the orgname plant is scheduled to sell numeric mw's for tomorrow."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 4, "nninformation", ["450**mw", "sell"], "intention", " item one the orgname plant is scheduled to sell numeric mw's for tomorrow."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 6, "information", ["them", "sold"], "information", " i sold them a orgname swap @ pricenumeric for the whole day."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["he**7", "short"], "intention", " this is the amount that will be short: he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric numeric mw's i would like you to buy power for numeric numeric for alot less than pricenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 31, "nninformation", ["buy", "100**mw"], "request", " this is the amount that will be short: he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric numeric mw's i would like you to buy power for numeric numeric for alot less than pricenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 40, "nninformation", ["buy", "schedule"], "request", " if you do buy, purchase under the orgname book and schedule to south zone load for the orgname book."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 51, "information", ["purchased", "hours**ending", "7", "99**mw"], "information", " item two i purchased numeric mw's from city of austin for tomorrow, hours ending numeric numeric under the orgname book."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 58, "information", ["power", "sold"], "information", " i sold this power to the st ercot desk for pricenumeric ."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 81, "nninformation", ["deal", "replace"], "request", " cut deal # numeric in enpower scheduling and replace with purchases under orgname we will either purchase numeric mw's balday (well below pricenumeric ) or take the pool price."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 83, "nninformation", ["purchase", "100**mw"], "intention", " cut deal # numeric in enpower scheduling and replace with purchases under orgname we will either purchase numeric mw's balday (well below pricenumeric ) or take the pool price."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 116, "nninformation", ["100**mw", "short"], "request", " if you left us short for numeric mw's numeric numeric , that would be cool."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 124, "nninformation", ["buy", "hour**ending", "2300", "50**mw"], "intention", " orgname needs to buy numeric mw for hour ending numeric to cover mirant sale for the last hour."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 134, "nninformation", ["0teco0service**book", "sell"], "request", " purchase under the orgname book and sell to orgname under orgname book."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 137, "nninformation", ["enter", "purchase"], "intention", " in portal, we would enter a purchase from x and we should balance against an existing mirant sale for hour ending numeric ."], ["cut deal", 145, "nninformation", ["cut", "50**mw"], "request", " cut the orgname numeric mw in the portal so we will balance."]], "\n\n\nItem One\nThe Frontera Plant is scheduled to sell 450 mw's for tomorrow. I sold them a financial swap @ $24 for the whole day. For the first part of the day we will be running extremely short. We will just that we are having problems coming up.\nThis is the amount that will be short:\n\nhe7 - 420 mw's\nhe 8 - 420 mw's\nhe 9 - 420 mw's\nhe 10 - 315 mw's\nhe 11 - 230 mw's \nhe 12 - 22 100 mw's\n\n\nI would like you to buy power for 7-11 for alot less than $24. If you cant, then we will take the imbalance price. If you do buy, purchase under the Ercot Asset book and schedule to South Zone load for the Ercot Asset book. If you have questions, call me.\n\n\n\nItem Two\n\nI purchased 99 mw's from City of Austin for tomorrow, hours ending 7-22 under the Ercot Asset book. I sold this power to the ST ERCOT desk for $28.75.\nThis power can be rescinded intraday. WE NEED TO CALL CITY OF AUSTIN TOMORROW WELL BEFORE FLOW AND TELL THEM WE ARE NOT TAKING THESE MW'S. THEY SUPPOSEDLEY KNOW ABOUT THIS DEAL. THEY ARE NOT TO GENERATE. CUT DEAL # 849947 IN ENPOWER SCHEDULING AND REPLACE WITH PURCHASES UNDER ERCOT ASSET.\nWe will either purchase 100 mw's balday (well below $28.75) or take the pool price.\nFor the hours that are filled by the pool, I need a purchase from Ercot Imbalance (under Ercot Asset book), zero price and mk-mkt flag set to \"no.\"\n\n\nObviously, the market will be short tomorro, especially in the morning. Purchase at least some megawatts for tomorrow, but dont give away our position.\nMaybe we could import from the East. That would be great. If you left us short for 100 mw's 12-22, that would be cool. We can take care of that.\n\nFRONTERA NEEDS TO BUY 50 mw for hour ending 2300 to cover Mirant sale for the last hour. Purchase under the Teco Service book and sell to Frontera under Teco Services book. In Portal, we would enter a purchase from X and we should balance against an existing Mirant sale for hour ending 2300. Cut the Frontera 50mw in the Portal so we will balance.\n\nCall if you have questions,\n\nJForney", "<33194223.1075862637866.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"17": {"value": "420**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "96": {"value": "0ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["cost_price orgname0bookTnn", "orgname0book purchaseTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$28 75", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "pool pricenumericTnn"]}, "79": {"value": "849947", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "he**12", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "he**8", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "420**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "he**9", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "420**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "he**10", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "315**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "he**11", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "230**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "99**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "0ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn"]}, "127": {"value": "2300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "125": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "144": {"value": "2300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "imbalance priceTnn": {"value": "imbalance priceTnn", "ne": "imbalance priceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance priceTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["load locname zoneTnnn", "load locnameTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "117": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "118": {"value": "12", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw purchaseTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "-11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$24", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "power pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "450**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw plantTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "0ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["orgname0book purchaseTnn"]}, "133": {"value": "0teco0service**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["orgname0book purchaseTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "0financial**swap", "ne": "orgname0swap", "patterns": ["orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$24", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}, "pool priceTnn": {"value": "pool priceTnn", "ne": "pool priceTnn", "patterns": ["pool priceTnn"]}, "61": {"value": "$28 75", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["power pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, false], "2-11-2001-13:8:42Sm..forney@enron.com": ["2-11-2001-13:8:42", "m..forney@enron.com", ["iz.wong@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "steve.olinde@enron.com", "george.phillips@enron.com", "joe.errigo@enron.com", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "eric.saibi@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <5107448.1075862638397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 13:08:42 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: FW: VERY IMPORTANT POSITIONS FOR TOMORROW!!!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Saibi-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nWe have had a major scheduling mishap. When trading for the position listed below, we cut or increased EPMI resource to balance the pool, rather than taking length that you purchased to load. I wasnt aware that this was a point of confusion. Also, City of Austin was adjusted each hour, even though it was to be a mismatch schedule.\nMismatches dont consider volume, it is essentially zero.\nWe purchased a sizeable qty of mw's yesterday and because we didnt schedule it all to load, we wont be paid the balancing energy price, which was large.\nIf no EPMI load exists on the obligation side, then create it.\n\nThe EPMI resource represents Frontera's generation- dont play with it, unless directed to do so.\n\nIf you have questions, please dont hesitate to ask. \n\nAlso, dont wait until after your shift to reconstruct Enpower. It is not going to be accurate because it wont be fresh on your mind. It takes twice as long after the shift to enter your deals because you are tired.\n\nPlease ask me questions about the financial swap and how we are going to work together to make some serious money.\n\nJMF\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tWednesday, October 31, 2001 3:18 PM\nTo:\tCapasso, Joe; Day, Smith L.; Errigo, Joe; George Phillips; Isaac Wong; McElreath, Alexander; Miller, Jeffrey; Olinde Jr., Steve; Saibi, Eric\nSubject:\tVERY IMPORTANT POSITIONS FOR TOMORROW!!!\n\n\n\n\nItem One\nThe Frontera Plant is scheduled to sell 450 mw's for tomorrow. I sold them a financial swap @ $24 for the whole day. For the first part of the day we will be running extremely short. We will just that we are having problems coming up.\nThis is the amount that will be short:\n\nhe7 - 420 mw's\nhe 8 - 420 mw's\nhe 9 - 420 mw's\nhe 10 - 315 mw's\nhe 11 - 230 mw's \nhe 12 - 22 100 mw's\n\n\nI would like you to buy power for 7-11 for alot less than $24. If you cant, then we will take the imbalance price. If you do buy, purchase under the Ercot Asset book and schedule to South Zone load for the Ercot Asset book. If you have questions, call me.\n\n\n\nItem Two\n\nI purchased 99 mw's from City of Austin for tomorrow, hours ending 7-22 under the Ercot Asset book. I sold this power to the ST ERCOT desk for $28.75.\nThis power can be rescinded intraday. WE NEED TO CALL CITY OF AUSTIN TOMORROW WELL BEFORE FLOW AND TELL THEM WE ARE NOT TAKING THESE MW'S. THEY SUPPOSEDLEY KNOW ABOUT THIS DEAL. THEY ARE NOT TO GENERATE. CUT DEAL # 849947 IN ENPOWER SCHEDULING AND REPLACE WITH PURCHASES UNDER ERCOT ASSET.\nWe will either purchase 100 mw's balday (well below $28.75) or take the pool price.\nFor the hours that are filled by the pool, I need a purchase from Ercot Imbalance (under Ercot Asset book), zero price and mk-mkt flag set to \"no.\"\n\n\nObviously, the market will be short tomorro, especially in the morning. Purchase at least some megawatts for tomorrow, but dont give away our position.\nMaybe we could import from the East. That would be great. If you left us short for 100 mw's 12-22, that would be cool. We can take care of that.\n\nFRONTERA NEEDS TO BUY 50 mw for hour ending 2300 to cover Mirant sale for the last hour. Purchase under the Teco Service book and sell to Frontera under Teco Services book. In Portal, we would enter a purchase from X and we should balance against an existing Mirant sale for hour ending 2300. Cut the Frontera 50mw in the Portal so we will balance.\n\nCall if you have questions,\n\nJForney", "FW: VERY IMPORTANT POSITIONS FOR TOMORROW!!!", "originEmail", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 3, "nninformation", ["position", "trading"], "intention", " when trading for the position listed below, we cut or increased orgname to balance the pool, rather than taking length that you purchased to load."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 26, "information", ["purchased", "mw"], "information", " we purchased a sizeable qty of mw's yesterday and because we didnt schedule it all to load, we wont be paid the balancing energy price, which was large."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 30, "information", ["mw", "schedule"], "information", " we purchased a sizeable qty of mw's yesterday and because we didnt schedule it all to load, we wont be paid the balancing energy price, which was large."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 33, "nninformation", ["price", "paid"], "intention", " we purchased a sizeable qty of mw's yesterday and because we didnt schedule it all to load, we wont be paid the balancing energy price, which was large."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 57, "information", ["deals", "long"], "information", " it takes twice as long after the shift to enter your deals because you are tired."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 59, "nninformation", ["deals", "enter"], "intention", " it takes twice as long after the shift to enter your deals because you are tired."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 66, "nninformation", ["make", "money"], "intention", " please ask me questions about the orgname swap and how we are going to work together to make some serious money."]], "We have had a major scheduling mishap. When trading for the position listed below, we cut or increased EPMI resource to balance the pool, rather than taking length that you purchased to load. I wasnt aware that this was a point of confusion. Also, City of Austin was adjusted each hour, even though it was to be a mismatch schedule.\nMismatches dont consider volume, it is essentially zero.\nWe purchased a sizeable qty of mw's yesterday and because we didnt schedule it all to load, we wont be paid the balancing energy price, which was large.\nIf no EPMI load exists on the obligation side, then create it.\n\nThe EPMI resource represents Frontera's generation- dont play with it, unless directed to do so.\n\nIf you have questions, please dont hesitate to ask. \n\nAlso, dont wait until after your shift to reconstruct Enpower. It is not going to be accurate because it wont be fresh on your mind. It takes twice as long after the shift to enter your deals because you are tired.\n\nPlease ask me questions about the financial swap and how we are going to work together to make some serious money.\n\nJMF\n\n \n\n ", "<5107448.1075862638397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy pay priceTnvn": {"value": "balance0energy pay priceTnvn", "ne": "balance0energy pay priceTnvn", "patterns": ["balance0energy pay priceTnvn"]}, "balance0energy_energy payTnv": {"value": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "ne": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy payTnv"]}, "balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "balance_balance0energy positionTnn": {"value": "balance_balance0energy positionTnn", "ne": "balance_balance0energy positionTnn", "patterns": ["balance_balance0energy positionTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2001-6:37:47Sm..forney@enron.com 21-11-2001-6:45:43Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com": {"21-11-2001-6:37:47Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-11-2001-6:37:47", "m..forney@enron.com", ["l..day@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "steve.olinde@enron.com", "oh.seung-taek@enron.com", "phillips.george@enron.com", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11602671.1075861679876.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 06:37:47 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, phillips.george@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, oh.seung-taek@enron.com\nSubject: Length in the Hourly Ercot book for 11/22-11/26\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , George Phillips , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , seung-taek oh \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe have 25 mw's of length for the 8 hr offpeak block from thanksgiving through monday. hours ending 23 & 24 have the most value.\n\nThis is your position, leave in North pool or sell as necessary.\n\nJMF", "Length in the Hourly Ercot book for 11/22-11/26", "originEmail", [["provide_leave cost_price", 14, "nninformation", ["leave", "pool"], "request", " this is your position, leave in north pool or sell as necessary."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 17, "nninformation", ["pool", "sell"], "request", " this is your position, leave in north pool or sell as necessary."]], "\n\nWe have 25 mw's of length for the 8 hr offpeak block from thanksgiving through monday. hours ending 23 & 24 have the most value.\n\nThis is your position, leave in North pool or sell as necessary.\n\nJMF", "<11602671.1075861679876.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "ercot**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book hourlyTnn", "length orgname0bookTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "23", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "length offpeakTnn": {"value": "length offpeakTnn", "ne": "length offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["length offpeakTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "25**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw offpeakTnn"]}}, false], "21-11-2001-6:45:43Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com": ["21-11-2001-6:45:43", "george.phillips@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com seung-taek.oh@enron.com m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12413836.1075861683008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 06:45:43 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.phillips@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, alexander.mcelreath@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com,\n\tseung-taek.oh@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Length in the Hourly Ercot book for 11/22-11/26\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Phillips, George \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Olinde Jr., Steve , Oh, Seung-Taek , Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThe basis of this power is $10.25.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tWednesday, November 21, 2001 8:38 AM\nTo:\tCapasso, Joe; Day, Smith L.; Phillips, George; McElreath, Alexander; Miller, Jeffrey; Olinde Jr., Steve; Oh, Seung-Taek\nSubject:\tLength in the Hourly Ercot book for 11/22-11/26\n\n\n\nWe have 25 mw's of length for the 8 hr offpeak block from thanksgiving through monday. hours ending 23 & 24 have the most value.\n\nThis is your position, leave in North pool or sell as necessary.\n\nJMF", "FW: Length in the Hourly Ercot book for 11/22-11/26", "reply", [], "The basis of this power is $10.25.\n\n ", "<12413836.1075861683008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "$10 25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["power pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-11-2001-10:27:13Sm..forney@enron.com 14-11-2001-13:22:17Sm..forney@enron.com 14-11-2001-13:44:9Sm..forney@enron.com": {"14-11-2001-10:27:13Sm..forney@enron.com": ["14-11-2001-10:27:13", "m..forney@enron.com", ["doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8327020.1075861678855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:27:13 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: Ercot Questions\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Portz, David , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, starting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bids exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium is predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formula is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is zero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due out this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actual energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from a preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the protocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the spirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n \nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot dispatchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC means run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME for the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Ercot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to run by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME calc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding this issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Ercot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate calc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty for Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we would receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someone else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry, you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lost money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event Ercot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, a group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OOME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the imbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagreement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in hopes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comment.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive closure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will receive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in response to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled Ercot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online to control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their view was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an Ercot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compliance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME deployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a software issue, not a protocol issue. \nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be settled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down the unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would request to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an instruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instruction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic environment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations personell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "Ercot Questions", "originEmail", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 103, "information", ["oomc**means", "run"], "information", " we explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe oomc means run."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 116, "nninformation", ["calc", "oomc", "run"], "intention", " when instructed to run by ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the oome calc, as we were previously under oomc orders."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 137, "nninformation", ["calc", "paid"], "intention", " for all of the times that we ran, at their request, we werent going to be paid based on the oome heat rate calc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty for resource imbalance)."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 140, "nninformation", ["price", "receive"], "intention", " for all of the times that we ran, at their request, we werent going to be paid based on the oome heat rate calc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty for resource imbalance)."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 148, "nninformation", ["$1", "receive"], "intention", " for example, in the early morning hours we would receive as little as pricenumeric for electricity that cost pricenumeric to generate."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 158, "information", ["imbalance", "sell"], "information", " mark also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someone else, or just generate into the imbalance."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 172, "information", ["oomc**mean", "run"], "information", "\" here is my view: oomc does not mean run."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 191, "nninformation", ["oomc**means", "run"], "request information", " if oomc means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need oome?"], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 231, "information", ["oom", "receive"], "information", "\" bill and mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive closure on the oom capacity payment."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 242, "nninformation", ["price", "receive"], "intention", " the imbalance price we will receive."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 250, "nninformation", ["instruction", "receive"], "intention", " i had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in response to an oomc) until we receive an oome instruction."], ["settle_resolve issue", 290, "nninformation", ["issue", "settled"], "intention", " we worked out an interim compromise with ercot until this issue can be settled."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 327, "nninformation", ["$27", "sell"], "intention", " it just is not the right economic environment to generate for pricenumeric and sell for pricenumeric ."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 339, "nninformation", ["oomc**means", "run"], "request information", "\" can i get an opinion on whether oomc means to run?"]], "\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, starting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bids exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium is predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formula is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is zero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due out this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actual energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from a preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the protocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the spirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n \nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot dispatchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC means run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME for the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Ercot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to run by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME calc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding this issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Ercot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate calc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty for Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we would receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someone else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry, you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lost money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event Ercot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, a group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OOME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the imbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagreement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in hopes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comment.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive closure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will receive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in response to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled Ercot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online to control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their view was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an Ercot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compliance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME deployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a software issue, not a protocol issue. \nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be settled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down the unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would request to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an instruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instruction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic environment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations personell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "<8327020.1075861678855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy price receiveTnnv": {"value": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "ne": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy price receiveTnnv"]}, "balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomTnn"]}, "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn"]}, "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn": {"value": "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn", "ne": "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn", "patterns": ["capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn"]}, "closure_settlement oomTnn": {"value": "closure_settlement oomTnn", "ne": "closure_settlement oomTnn", "patterns": ["closure_settlement oomTnn"]}, "component_portion energyTnn": {"value": "component_portion energyTnn", "ne": "component_portion energyTnn", "patterns": ["component_portion energyTnn"]}, "149": {"value": "$1", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn"]}, "imbalance priceTnn": {"value": "imbalance priceTnn", "ne": "imbalance priceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance priceTnn"]}, "206": {"value": "$27", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["imbalance pricenumericTnn"]}, "imbalance resourceTnn": {"value": "imbalance resourceTnn", "ne": "imbalance resourceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance resourceTnn"]}, "311": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["minute numericTnn"]}, "price replacement reserveTnnn": {"value": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "ne": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "patterns": ["price replacement reserveTnnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}, "replacement reserveTnn": {"value": "replacement reserveTnn", "ne": "replacement reserveTnn", "patterns": ["replacement reserveTnn"]}}, false], "14-11-2001-13:22:17Sm..forney@enron.com": ["14-11-2001-13:22:17", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com wong.isaac@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com seung-taek.oh@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16808669.1075861678924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:22:17 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tphillips.george@enron.com, wong.isaac@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tseung-taek.oh@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Ercot Questions\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , George Phillips , Isaac Wong , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Oh, Seung-Taek , Olinde Jr., Steve \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nPlease check out the following. The agreement I reached with Ercot/Frontera yesterday is as follows:\nWhen we receive an OOMC, we will crank up the plant then call Ercot and request an OOME once the plant is online.\nIf Ercot doesnt give us an OOME, then we will need to advise them that we will take the plant down. We dont actually want to do this, as there are some expensive start charges associated with this.\n\nWe will discuss further in the meeting.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tWednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:\tPortz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tErcot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, starting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bids exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium is predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formula is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is zero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due out this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actual energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from a preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the protocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the spirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n \nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot dispatchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC means run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME for the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Ercot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to run by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME calc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding this issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Ercot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate calc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty for Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we would receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someone else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry, you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lost money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event Ercot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, a group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OOME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the imbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagreement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in hopes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comment.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive closure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will receive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in response to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled Ercot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online to control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their view was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an Ercot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compliance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME deployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a software issue, not a protocol issue. \nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be settled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down the unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would request to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an instruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instruction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic environment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations personell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "FW: Ercot Questions", "reply", [["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 4, "nninformation", ["oomc", "receive"], "intention", " the agreement i reached with ercot/frontera yesterday is as follows: when we receive an oomc, we will crank up the plant then call ercot and request an oome once the plant is online."]], "\nPlease check out the following. The agreement I reached with Ercot/Frontera yesterday is as follows:\nWhen we receive an OOMC, we will crank up the plant then call Ercot and request an OOME once the plant is online.\nIf Ercot doesnt give us an OOME, then we will need to advise them that we will take the plant down. We dont actually want to do this, as there are some expensive start charges associated with this.\n\nWe will discuss further in the meeting.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n ", "<16808669.1075861678924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "14-11-2001-13:44:9Sm..forney@enron.com": ["14-11-2001-13:44:9", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com wong.isaac@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com seung-taek.oh@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8545410.1075861678949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:44:09 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tphillips.george@enron.com, wong.isaac@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tseung-taek.oh@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Ercot Questions\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , George Phillips , Isaac Wong , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Oh, Seung-Taek , Olinde Jr., Steve \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThe latest from Frontera:\nThey will not run unless we receive an OOME. Call me if you need to, but call before 10pm.\n\nJMF\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tWednesday, November 14, 2001 3:22 PM\nTo:\tCapasso, Joe; Day, Smith L.; Errigo, Joe; George Phillips; Isaac Wong; McElreath, Alexander; Miller, Jeffrey; Oh, Seung-Taek; Olinde Jr., Steve\nSubject:\tFW: Ercot Questions\n\n\nPlease check out the following. The agreement I reached with Ercot/Frontera yesterday is as follows:\nWhen we receive an OOMC, we will crank up the plant then call Ercot and request an OOME once the plant is online.\nIf Ercot doesnt give us an OOME, then we will need to advise them that we will take the plant down. We dont actually want to do this, as there are some expensive start charges associated with this.\n\nWe will discuss further in the meeting.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tWednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:\tPortz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tErcot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, starting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bids exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium is predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formula is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is zero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due out this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actual energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from a preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the protocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the spirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n \nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot dispatchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC means run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME for the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Ercot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to run by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME calc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding this issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Ercot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate calc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty for Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we would receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someone else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry, you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lost money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event Ercot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, a group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OOME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the imbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagreement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in hopes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comment.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive closure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will receive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in response to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled Ercot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online to control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their view was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an Ercot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compliance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME deployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a software issue, not a protocol issue. \nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be settled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down the unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would request to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an instruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instruction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic environment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations personell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "FW: Ercot Questions", "reply", [], "The latest from Frontera:\nThey will not run unless we receive an OOME. Call me if you need to, but call before 10pm.\n\nJMF\n\n\n ", "<8545410.1075861678949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-11-2001-14:9:30Sm..forney@enron.com 15-11-2001-5:33:13Sallan_taylor@anadarko.com 21-11-2001-8:43:12Sm..forney@enron.com": {"14-11-2001-14:9:30Sm..forney@enron.com": ["14-11-2001-14:9:30", "m..forney@enron.com", ["allan_taylor@anadarko.com"], [], "\nAJ,\nThanks for checking in with me. I had a couple of questions:\nDoes Anadarko have any power plants or do they trade gas/electricity actively? I currently do several things:\nI am the Manager of the real time Power Trading desk. I also manage the Ercot Asset book. I trade around a combined cycle gas plant in south Texas.\nI am required to trade gas along with the power in order to properly hedge the plant.\nI would be interested in continuing in this area. \nThanks for anything you can tell me about working at Anadarko. I could send my resume, but if we dont have paralell needs, then I wont bother.\nI have some other things that I am working on.\nThanks again for asking. This company will be fine, but I have worked 12-14 hours/day for 8+ years. When the stock price is $90, I can somewhat justify the hours and lack of life. However, although I am sure that Enron will bounce back, I am no longer willing to sacrifice to make it so. \nI have been consistenly profitable in my time here. I have never been on a losing team - we have always made major money for the company, so it is very hard to understand how this whole thing is unwinding.\nAnyway, thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.\nJMF", ["what's happening?"], "{'recipients': []}", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 7, "nninformation", ["plants", "trade"], "request information", " i had a couple of questions: does orgname have any power plants or do they trade gas/electricity actively?"], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 22, "nninformation", ["power", "trade"], "intention", " i am required to trade gas along with the power in order to properly hedge the plant."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 33, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " thanks for anything you can tell me about working at orgname i could send my resume, but if we dont have paralell needs, then i wont bother."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 64, "information", ["made", "money"], "information", " i have never been on a losing team - we have always made major money for the company, so it is very hard to understand how this whole thing is unwinding."]], "\n\nAJ,\nThanks for checking in with me. I had a couple of questions:\nDoes Anadarko have any power plants or do they trade gas/electricity actively? I currently do several things:\nI am the Manager of the real time Power Trading desk. I also manage the Ercot Asset book. I trade around a combined cycle gas plant in south Texas.\nI am required to trade gas along with the power in order to properly hedge the plant.\nI would be interested in continuing in this area. \n\nThanks for anything you can tell me about working at Anadarko. I could send my resume, but if we dont have paralell needs, then I wont bother.\nI have some other things that I am working on.\n\nThanks again for asking. This company will be fine, but I have worked 12-14 hours/day for 8+ years. When the stock price is $90, I can somewhat justify the hours and lack of life. However, although I am sure that Enron will bounce back, I am no longer willing to sacrifice to make it so. \n\nI have been consistenly profitable in my time here. I have never been on a losing team - we have always made major money for the company, so it is very hard to understand how this whole thing is unwinding.\n\nAnyway, thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.\n\nJMF", ["<9737764.1075861678971.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"49": {"value": "$90", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "hour_hour0end price pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn"]}, "desk tradingTnn": {"value": "desk tradingTnn", "ne": "desk tradingTnn", "patterns": ["desk tradingTnn"]}, "gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "-14", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "hour_hour0end priceTnn": {"value": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "ne": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end priceTnn"]}}, true], "15-11-2001-5:33:13Sallan_taylor@anadarko.com": ["15-11-2001-5:33:13", "allan_taylor@anadarko.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4209920.1075861681494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 05:33:13 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: allan_taylor@anadarko.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: what's happening?\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Allan Taylor @ENRON\nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAnadarko does not currently operate any power plants. Primarily E&P and\nrelated marketing functions (trade gas/crude/ngl's). I have heard of a\nproject that is beginning that is looking into the prospects of trading\nelectricity. How soon that may occur is simply a guess. Obviously\nthere is a substantial amount of hedging activity related to the\ngas/crud/ngl's. You can always check the web site to see if there are\nother areas you may be interested in. Hope all works out well. Send me\nyou resume if you wish. Give me a call after Thanksgiving and we can\ntry to meet at Mollys/Papas one afternoon. Phone numbers:\n832-636-7045 (w)\n281-298-7860 (h)\nKeep in touch, ajt.\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From:\tForney, John M. [SMTP:John.M.Forney@ENRON.com]\n> Sent:\tWednesday, November 14, 2001 4:10 PM\n> To:\tAllan Taylo (E-mail)\n> Subject:\twhat's happening?\n>\n>\n>\n> AJ,\n> Thanks for checking in with me. I had a couple of questions:\n> Does Anadarko have any power plants or do they trade gas/electricity\n> actively? I currently do several things:\n> I am the Manager of the real time Power Trading desk. I also manage\n> the Ercot Asset book. I trade around a combined cycle gas plant in\n> south Texas.\n> I am required to trade gas along with the power in order to properly\n> hedge the plant.\n> I would be interested in continuing in this area.\n>\n> Thanks for anything you can tell me about working at Anadarko. I\n> could\n> send my resume, but if we dont have paralell needs, then I wont\n> bother.\n> I have some other things that I am working on.\n>\n> Thanks again for asking. This company will be fine, but I have\n> worked\n> 12-14 hours/day for 8+ years. When the stock price is $90, I can\n> somewhat justify the hours and lack of life. However, although I\n> am\n> sure that Enron will bounce back, I am no longer willing to sacrifice\n> to make it so.\n>\n> I have been consistenly profitable in my time here. I have never\n> been\n> on a losing team - we have always made major money for the company,\n> so\n> it is very hard to understand how this whole thing is unwinding.\n>\n> Anyway, thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> JMF\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the\n> sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution\n> or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the\n> intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient),\n> please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n> enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the\n> message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to\n> be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding\n> and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\n> affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not\n> be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n> otherwise. Thank you.\n> **********************************************************************", "RE: what's happening?", "reply", [], "Anadarko does not currently operate any power plants. Primarily E&P and\nrelated marketing functions (trade gas/crude/ngl's). I have heard of a\nproject that is beginning that is looking into the prospects of trading\nelectricity. How soon that may occur is simply a guess. Obviously\nthere is a substantial amount of hedging activity related to the\ngas/crud/ngl's. You can always check the web site to see if there are\nother areas you may be interested in. Hope all works out well. Send me\nyou resume if you wish. Give me a call after Thanksgiving and we can\ntry to meet at Mollys/Papas one afternoon. Phone numbers:\n832-636-7045 (w)\n281-298-7860 (h)\nKeep in touch, ajt.\n\n ", "<4209920.1075861681494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "21-11-2001-8:43:12Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-11-2001-8:43:12", "m..forney@enron.com", ["allan_taylor@anadarko.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10997089.1075861679920.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 08:43:12 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: allan_taylor@anadarko.com\nSubject: RE: what's happening?\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'Allan Taylor @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nMr Taylor,\nI have attached my resume, that explains what the heck I have been doing. Let me know if anyone has interest in a profitable Woodlands boy.\n\nThanks!\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tAllan Taylor @ENRON \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 7:33 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: what's happening?\n\nAnadarko does not currently operate any power plants. Primarily E&P and\nrelated marketing functions (trade gas/crude/ngl's). I have heard of a\nproject that is beginning that is looking into the prospects of trading\nelectricity. How soon that may occur is simply a guess. Obviously\nthere is a substantial amount of hedging activity related to the\ngas/crud/ngl's. You can always check the web site to see if there are\nother areas you may be interested in. Hope all works out well. Send me\nyou resume if you wish. Give me a call after Thanksgiving and we can\ntry to meet at Mollys/Papas one afternoon. Phone numbers:\n832-636-7045 (w)\n281-298-7860 (h)\nKeep in touch, ajt.\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From:\tForney, John M. [SMTP:John.M.Forney@ENRON.com]\n> Sent:\tWednesday, November 14, 2001 4:10 PM\n> To:\tAllan Taylo (E-mail)\n> Subject:\twhat's happening?\n>\n>\n>\n> AJ,\n> Thanks for checking in with me. I had a couple of questions:\n> Does Anadarko have any power plants or do they trade gas/electricity\n> actively? I currently do several things:\n> I am the Manager of the real time Power Trading desk. I also manage\n> the Ercot Asset book. I trade around a combined cycle gas plant in\n> south Texas.\n> I am required to trade gas along with the power in order to properly\n> hedge the plant.\n> I would be interested in continuing in this area.\n>\n> Thanks for anything you can tell me about working at Anadarko. I\n> could\n> send my resume, but if we dont have paralell needs, then I wont\n> bother.\n> I have some other things that I am working on.\n>\n> Thanks again for asking. This company will be fine, but I have\n> worked\n> 12-14 hours/day for 8+ years. When the stock price is $90, I can\n> somewhat justify the hours and lack of life. However, although I\n> am\n> sure that Enron will bounce back, I am no longer willing to sacrifice\n> to make it so.\n>\n> I have been consistenly profitable in my time here. I have never\n> been\n> on a losing team - we have always made major money for the company,\n> so\n> it is very hard to understand how this whole thing is unwinding.\n>\n> Anyway, thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> JMF\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the\n> sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution\n> or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the\n> intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient),\n> please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n> enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the\n> message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to\n> be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding\n> and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\n> affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not\n> be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n> otherwise. Thank you.\n> **********************************************************************", "RE: what's happening?", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", "mr taylor, i have attached my resume, that explains what the heck i have been doing."]], "Mr Taylor,\nI have attached my resume, that explains what the heck I have been doing. Let me know if anyone has interest in a profitable Woodlands boy.\n\nThanks!\n\n \n\n ", "<10997089.1075861679920.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true]}, "27-9-2001-12:45:11Sm..forney@enron.com 27-9-2001-14:30:39Sm..forney@enron.com": {"27-9-2001-12:45:11Sm..forney@enron.com": ["27-9-2001-12:45:11", "m..forney@enron.com", "e-mail .kenneth@enron.com tom.may@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4795554.1075852369358.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 12:45:11 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: e-mail <.kenneth@enron.com>, tom.may@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Kenneth Parker (E-mail) , May, Tom \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nKen,\nAs discussed earlier, I am proposing ramping up late for the onpeak sale that Frontera made for tomorrow. If we must sell the offpeak hours required to affect a 340 mw onpeak schedule, I show that we would almost negate all profit from the sale.\n\nI am suggesting starting your ramp beginning hour ending 7 and purchasing a fixed price swap from Enron for the short generation. Basically, you sold the preschedule for $21 and we would fix your price for hours ending 7-11 at $20. \n\nThe benefit in this swap would be:\nhedge against floating price\nlock in $1 profit on sale for short portion of the schedule, increasing revenues\navoid losing approximately $10k on selling ramping schedule - $4 is an optimistic real time sales price at this point, however, I used this in the analysis.\n\n\n\nPlease let me know what you think. Enron will be offically rolling this swap product out to all of our service customers. \nI think this would be a good fit your company and I would like to try this for Friday's run.\n\nAdditionally, I think that there may be a good down balancing or OOM down opportunity for tomorrow because of this preschedule.\n\n\nLet me know what you think,\n\nJForney\n713-853-7160\n\n\n\n ", "Frontera Proposal for tomorrow", "reply", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 8, "nninformation", ["made", "sale"], "intention", " ken, as discussed earlier, i am proposing ramping up late for the onpeak sale that orgname made for tomorrow."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 9, "nninformation", ["hours", "offpeak", "sell"], "intention", " if we must sell the offpeak hours required to affect a numeric mw onpeak schedule, i show that we would almost negate all profit from the sale."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 17, "information", ["show", "340**mw"], "information", " if we must sell the offpeak hours required to affect a numeric mw onpeak schedule, i show that we would almost negate all profit from the sale."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 27, "nninformation", ["purchasing", "hour**ending", "7"], "request", " i am suggesting starting your ramp beginning hour ending numeric and purchasing a fixed price swap from enron for the short generation."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 34, "information", ["hours**ending", "$21", "sold"], "information", " basically, you sold the preschedule for pricenumeric and we would fix your price for hours ending numeric numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 52, "nninformation", ["$1", "short"], "intention", " the benefit in this swap would be: hedge against floating price lock in pricenumeric profit on sale for short portion of the schedule, increasing revenues avoid losing approximately pricenumeric k on selling ramping schedule - pricenumeric is an optimistic real time sales price at this point, however, i used this in the analysis."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 60, "nninformation", ["$10", "selling"], "intention", " the benefit in this swap would be: hedge against floating price lock in pricenumeric profit on sale for short portion of the schedule, increasing revenues avoid losing approximately pricenumeric k on selling ramping schedule - pricenumeric is an optimistic real time sales price at this point, however, i used this in the analysis."]], "\n\nKen,\nAs discussed earlier, I am proposing ramping up late for the onpeak sale that Frontera made for tomorrow. If we must sell the offpeak hours required to affect a 340 mw onpeak schedule, I show that we would almost negate all profit from the sale.\n\nI am suggesting starting your ramp beginning hour ending 7 and purchasing a fixed price swap from Enron for the short generation. Basically, you sold the preschedule for $21 and we would fix your price for hours ending 7-11 at $20. \n\nThe benefit in this swap would be:\nhedge against floating price\nlock in $1 profit on sale for short portion of the schedule, increasing revenues\navoid losing approximately $10k on selling ramping schedule - $4 is an optimistic real time sales price at this point, however, I used this in the analysis.\n\n\n\nPlease let me know what you think. Enron will be offically rolling this swap product out to all of our service customers. \nI think this would be a good fit your company and I would like to try this for Friday's run.\n\nAdditionally, I think that there may be a good down balancing or OOM down opportunity for tomorrow because of this preschedule.\n\n\nLet me know what you think,\n\nJForney\n713-853-7160\n\n\n\n ", "<4795554.1075852369358.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"36": {"value": "$21", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end price pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "$1", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric saleTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "$4", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric saleTnn"]}, "cost_price saleTnn": {"value": "cost_price saleTnn", "ne": "cost_price saleTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price saleTnn"]}, "customer orgname0swap_swapTnn": {"value": "customer orgname0swap_swapTnn", "ne": "customer orgname0swap_swapTnn", "patterns": ["customer orgname0swap_swapTnn"]}, "customer serviceTnn": {"value": "customer serviceTnn", "ne": "customer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["customer serviceTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "340**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour numeric0mw offpeakTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw onpeakTnn", "numeric0mw scheduleTnn"]}, "hour offpeakTnn": {"value": "hour offpeakTnn", "ne": "hour offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["hour offpeakTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "hour_hour0end priceTnn": {"value": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "ne": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end priceTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "-11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "onpeak scheduleTnn": {"value": "onpeak scheduleTnn", "ne": "onpeak scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["onpeak scheduleTnn"]}, "real0time scheduleTnn": {"value": "real0time scheduleTnn", "ne": "real0time scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["real0time scheduleTnn"]}}, false], "27-9-2001-14:30:39Sm..forney@enron.com": ["27-9-2001-14:30:39", "m..forney@enron.com", ["m..grace@enron.com", "michael.jacobson@enron.com"], ["m..presto@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <1136754.1075852369381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:30:39 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: m..grace@enron.com, michael.jacobson@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow\nCc: m..presto@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: m..presto@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Grace, Rebecca M. , Jacobson, Michael \nX-cc: Presto, Kevin M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nRebecca,\nFor September 28th, we have sold a financial swap to Frontera for hours ending 7- 11. We bill them $20, Enpower #794481, for various hours.\nI will take the floating imbalance price for the following megawatt totals :\n\nhe7 - 310 mw's\nhe8 - 310 \nhe 9- 240\nhe10 - 140\nhe 11 - 60\n\nFrontera will be running a resource imbalance for these hours. (see imbal. # 794516). I should be allocated the imbalance charges as listed above and Frontera is responsible for any remaining imbalance for this day..\nThis is a financial swap that we will be offering our customers and I need your feedback on any requirements that you have in settling this product.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tThursday, September 27, 2001 2:45 PM\nTo:\tKenneth Parker (E-mail); May, Tom\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tFrontera Proposal for tomorrow\n\n\n\nKen,\nAs discussed earlier, I am proposing ramping up late for the onpeak sale that Frontera made for tomorrow. If we must sell the offpeak hours required to affect a 340 mw onpeak schedule, I show that we would almost negate all profit from the sale.\n\nI am suggesting starting your ramp beginning hour ending 7 and purchasing a fixed price swap from Enron for the short generation. Basically, you sold the preschedule for $21 and we would fix your price for hours ending 7-11 at $20. \n\nThe benefit in this swap would be:\nhedge against floating price\nlock in $1 profit on sale for short portion of the schedule, increasing revenues\navoid losing approximately $10k on selling ramping schedule - $4 is an optimistic real time sales price at this point, however, I used this in the analysis.\n\n\n\nPlease let me know what you think. Enron will be offically rolling this swap product out to all of our service customers. \nI think this would be a good fit your company and I would like to try this for Friday's run.\n\nAdditionally, I think that there may be a good down balancing or OOM down opportunity for tomorrow because of this preschedule.\n\n\nLet me know what you think,\n\nJForney\n713-853-7160\n\n\n\n ", "FW: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow", "originEmail", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 2, "information", ["hours**ending", "7", "0financial**swap", "sold"], "information", " rebecca, for datenumeric th, we have sold a orgname swap to orgname for hours ending numeric - numeric ."]], "\nRebecca,\nFor September 28th, we have sold a financial swap to Frontera for hours ending 7- 11. We bill them $20, Enpower #794481, for various hours.\nI will take the floating imbalance price for the following megawatt totals :\n\nhe7 - 310 mw's\nhe8 - 310 \nhe 9- 240\nhe10 - 140\nhe 11 - 60\n\nFrontera will be running a resource imbalance for these hours. (see imbal. # 794516). I should be allocated the imbalance charges as listed above and Frontera is responsible for any remaining imbalance for this day..\nThis is a financial swap that we will be offering our customers and I need your feedback on any requirements that you have in settling this product.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n ", "<1136754.1075852369381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "310**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "0financial**swap", "ne": "orgname0swap", "patterns": ["customer orgname0swap_swapTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "he**8", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "310", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "he**9", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "240", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "he**11", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "60", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "he**10", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "140", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "794481", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "imbalance priceTnn": {"value": "imbalance priceTnn", "ne": "imbalance priceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance priceTnn"]}, "imbalance resourceTnn": {"value": "imbalance resourceTnn", "ne": "imbalance resourceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance resourceTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-8-2001-11:36:34Sm..forney@enron.com 6-9-2001-12:18:38Sm..forney@enron.com": {"31-8-2001-11:36:34Sm..forney@enron.com": ["31-8-2001-11:36:34", "m..forney@enron.com", ["l..day@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "steve.olinde@enron.com", "chris.lenartowicz@enron.com", "'.'@enron.com", "joe.errigo@enron.com", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "eric.saibi@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "keith.comeaux@enron.com"], ["m..grace@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10232798.1075852397126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 11:36:34 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: keith.comeaux@enron.com, chris.lenartowicz@enron.com, '.'@enron.com,\n\tjoe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera OOM for 8/30\nCc: l..day@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, m..grace@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: l..day@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, m..grace@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Comeaux, Keith , Lenartowicz, Chris , ',' , Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Day, Smith L. , Will, Lloyd , Miller, Jeffrey , Gilbert-smith, Doug , Grace, Rebecca M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nYesterday the Frontera plant was idle due to economics. We had submitted a Resource Plan (this indicates to Ercot what we plan to generate) with zero mw's and zero premium because the unit was offline. In the Resource Plan, we can attach a premium for OOM up or down. In the plan for yesterday we indicated that our unit was \"unavailable and offline\". \n The plant personel are responsible for submitting an outage schedule with Ercot - this cannot be completed by the QSE.\n\nErcot called yesterday and asked if we could start the unit if they needed us to. We called Jerry Watson (with Frontera) and he relayed that this was possible. Ercot immediately OOM'd us up 135 mw's, beginning hour ending 13, to control congestion. They later upped this to 185 mw's for the remainder of the day, through 2400.\nI called Mark Patterson, who is our Ercot Rep., and I explained the situation. I wished to know how they could OOM us if we were offline. I also wanted to know how this would settle.\n\nHis reply is as follows:\n\nSince we indicated verbally that we could run the plant, that changed our status from unavailable to available.\nSince we had an implied low premium (zero) on our plant, we were high in the OOM stack and were called upon.\nWe would receive only the mcp for our power because we had no premium indicated. The mcp was low all day ( mid teens) yesterday.\nIf we had been OOM'd up and could not recover our startup & gen costs, we could dispute the bill and provide sufficient documentation to recover, at most, our costs.\n\n\n\nWe immediately revised our Resource Plan and indicated 185 mw's available with a $50 premium. This invoked the Protocol provisions requiring them to pay us the 18 heat rate times gas costs. \nThe Protocol section dealing with OOM up payments is found under section Please review this to understand why this applies.\n\n\n\nThis was a very educational process. We think that in revising our Resource Plan \"on the fly\" we were able to turn a bad situation into a profitable day for Frontera.\n\n\nUntil further notice, the following policy should be implemented:\n\nIf Frontera is offline and Ercot calls to ask about the availability. Say the unit is NOT available.\n\nIf Frontera is scheduled to run, need to input into the Resource Plan the following premiums:\n\n$50 premium for OOM up.\n$10 premium for OOM down.\n\nThese premiums will be added to the mcp and will be used to determine our place in the merit order.\nIf we are OOM'd up, the premium will require that the heat rate formula is invoked.\n\nIf we are OOM'd down, then we should be paid the mcp + premium.\n\nPlease call me if you have questions,\n\nJ. Forney\nDirector, Enron Ercot Region\n713-853-7160", "Frontera OOM for 8/30", "originEmail", [["submit schedule", 26, "nninformation", ["schedule", "submitting"], "intention", " the plant personel are responsible for submitting an outage schedule with ercot - this cannot be completed by the qse."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 68, "nninformation", ["plant", "run"], "intention", " his reply is as follows: since we indicated verbally that we could run the plant, that changed our status from unavailable to available."], ["provide_leave cost_price", 97, "nninformation", ["costs", "provide"], "request", " if we had been oom'd up and could not recover our startup & gen costs, we could dispute the bill and provide sufficient documentation to recover, at most, our costs."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 105, "information", ["indicated", "185**mw"], "information", " we immediately revised our resource plan and indicated numeric mw's available with a pricenumeric premium."]], "\n\nYesterday the Frontera plant was idle due to economics. We had submitted a Resource Plan (this indicates to Ercot what we plan to generate) with zero mw's and zero premium because the unit was offline. In the Resource Plan, we can attach a premium for OOM up or down. In the plan for yesterday we indicated that our unit was \"unavailable and offline\". \n The plant personel are responsible for submitting an outage schedule with Ercot - this cannot be completed by the QSE.\n\nErcot called yesterday and asked if we could start the unit if they needed us to. We called Jerry Watson (with Frontera) and he relayed that this was possible. Ercot immediately OOM'd us up 135 mw's, beginning hour ending 13, to control congestion. They later upped this to 185 mw's for the remainder of the day, through 2400.\nI called Mark Patterson, who is our Ercot Rep., and I explained the situation. I wished to know how they could OOM us if we were offline. I also wanted to know how this would settle.\n\nHis reply is as follows:\n\nSince we indicated verbally that we could run the plant, that changed our status from unavailable to available.\nSince we had an implied low premium (zero) on our plant, we were high in the OOM stack and were called upon.\nWe would receive only the mcp for our power because we had no premium indicated. The mcp was low all day ( mid teens) yesterday.\nIf we had been OOM'd up and could not recover our startup & gen costs, we could dispute the bill and provide sufficient documentation to recover, at most, our costs.\n\n\n\nWe immediately revised our Resource Plan and indicated 185 mw's available with a $50 premium. This invoked the Protocol provisions requiring them to pay us the 18 heat rate times gas costs. \nThe Protocol section dealing with OOM up payments is found under section Please review this to understand why this applies.\n\n\n\nThis was a very educational process. We think that in revising our Resource Plan \"on the fly\" we were able to turn a bad situation into a profitable day for Frontera.\n\n\nUntil further notice, the following policy should be implemented:\n\nIf Frontera is offline and Ercot calls to ask about the availability. Say the unit is NOT available.\n\nIf Frontera is scheduled to run, need to input into the Resource Plan the following premiums:\n\n$50 premium for OOM up.\n$10 premium for OOM down.\n\nThese premiums will be added to the mcp and will be used to determine our place in the merit order.\nIf we are OOM'd up, the premium will require that the heat rate formula is invoked.\n\nIf we are OOM'd down, then we should be paid the mcp + premium.\n\nPlease call me if you have questions,\n\nJ. Forney\nDirector, Enron Ercot Region\n713-853-7160", "<10232798.1075852397126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"capacity0payment_payment oomTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomTnn"]}, "115": {"value": "18", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["heat0rate numericTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "135**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "indicate_show resource0planTvn": {"value": "indicate_show resource0planTvn", "ne": "indicate_show resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["indicate_show resource0planTvn"]}, "mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn": {"value": "mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn", "ne": "mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn"]}, "106": {"value": "185**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw resource0planTnn"]}, "107": {"value": "$50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "premium pricenumericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "185**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw objectTnn"]}, "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn": {"value": "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn", "ne": "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn", "patterns": ["offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn"]}, "offline unitTnn": {"value": "offline unitTnn", "ne": "offline unitTnn", "patterns": ["offline unitTnn"]}, "oom premiumTnn": {"value": "oom premiumTnn", "ne": "oom premiumTnn", "patterns": ["oom premiumTnn"]}, "158": {"value": "$50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["oom pricenumericTnn", "premium pricenumericTnn"]}, "161": {"value": "$10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["oom pricenumericTnn", "premium pricenumericTnn"]}, "plan_resource0plan reviseTnv": {"value": "plan_resource0plan reviseTnv", "ne": "plan_resource0plan reviseTnv", "patterns": ["plan_resource0plan reviseTnv"]}}, false], "6-9-2001-12:18:38Sm..forney@enron.com": ["6-9-2001-12:18:38", "m..forney@enron.com", "erik.serio@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30186569.1075852367708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 12:18:38 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: erik.serio@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Frontera OOM for 8/30\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Serio, Erik \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tFriday, August 31, 2001 1:37 PM\nTo:\tComeaux, Keith; Lenartowicz, Chris; ','; Capasso, Joe; Day, Smith L.; Errigo, Joe; McElreath, Alexander; Miller, Jeffrey; Olinde Jr., Steve; Saibi, Eric\nCc:\tDay, Smith L.; Will, Lloyd; Miller, Jeffrey; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Grace, Rebecca M.\nSubject:\tFrontera OOM for 8/30\n\n\n\nYesterday the Frontera plant was idle due to economics. We had submitted a Resource Plan (this indicates to Ercot what we plan to generate) with zero mw's and zero premium because the unit was offline. In the Resource Plan, we can attach a premium for OOM up or down. In the plan for yesterday we indicated that our unit was \"unavailable and offline\". \n The plant personel are responsible for submitting an outage schedule with Ercot - this cannot be completed by the QSE.\n\nErcot called yesterday and asked if we could start the unit if they needed us to. We called Jerry Watson (with Frontera) and he relayed that this was possible. Ercot immediately OOM'd us up 135 mw's, beginning hour ending 13, to control congestion. They later upped this to 185 mw's for the remainder of the day, through 2400.\nI called Mark Patterson, who is our Ercot Rep., and I explained the situation. I wished to know how they could OOM us if we were offline. I also wanted to know how this would settle.\n\nHis reply is as follows:\n\nSince we indicated verbally that we could run the plant, that changed our status from unavailable to available.\nSince we had an implied low premium (zero) on our plant, we were high in the OOM stack and were called upon.\nWe would receive only the mcp for our power because we had no premium indicated. The mcp was low all day ( mid teens) yesterday.\nIf we had been OOM'd up and could not recover our startup & gen costs, we could dispute the bill and provide sufficient documentation to recover, at most, our costs.\n\n\n\nWe immediately revised our Resource Plan and indicated 185 mw's available with a $50 premium. This invoked the Protocol provisions requiring them to pay us the 18 heat rate times gas costs. \nThe Protocol section dealing with OOM up payments is found under section Please review this to understand why this applies.\n\n\n\nThis was a very educational process. We think that in revising our Resource Plan \"on the fly\" we were able to turn a bad situation into a profitable day for Frontera.\n\n\nUntil further notice, the following policy should be implemented:\n\nIf Frontera is offline and Ercot calls to ask about the availability. Say the unit is NOT available.\n\nIf Frontera is scheduled to run, need to input into the Resource Plan the following premiums:\n\n$50 premium for OOM up.\n$10 premium for OOM down.\n\nThese premiums will be added to the mcp and will be used to determine our place in the merit order.\nIf we are OOM'd up, the premium will require that the heat rate formula is invoked.\n\nIf we are OOM'd down, then we should be paid the mcp + premium.\n\nPlease call me if you have questions,\n\nJ. Forney\nDirector, Enron Ercot Region\n713-853-7160", "FW: Frontera OOM for 8/30", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<30186569.1075852367708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "19-11-2001-8:54:29Sthane.twiggs@enron.com 19-11-2001-9:3:19Sm..forney@enron.com": {"19-11-2001-8:54:29Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-8:54:29", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com david.portz@enron.com", "charles.yeung@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1242953.1075861682668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 08:54:29 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: FW: OOMC/OOME\nCc: charles.yeung@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: charles.yeung@enron.com\nX-From: Twiggs, Thane \nX-To: Forney, John M. , Gilbert-smith, Doug , Portz, David \nX-cc: Yeung, Charles \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nFYI\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: \"Saathoff, Kent\" @ENRON \nSent: Fri 11/16/2001 2:58 PM \nTo: Twiggs, Thane \nCc: Walker, Mark; Adams, John \nSubject: RE: OOMC/OOME\n\n\n\nThane,\n\nThere must be some miscommunication. I just talked with John and he\n\nknows that an OOME instruction is necessary to get energy from OOMC\n\ncapacity. It is not required by the protocols to bid in to balancing\n\nmarket as is Replacement. That causes us some operation problems and we\n\nmay ask for that requirement to be applied to OOMC as well.\n\nKent\n\n-----Original Message-----\n\nFrom: Twiggs, Thane\n\nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:59 PM\n\nTo: Saathoff, Kent\n\nCc: Walker, Mark\n\nSubject: OOMC/OOME\n\nImportance: High\n\n\nI have a follow up question on our discussion at the TAC meeting last\n\nweek. As we discussed, an OOMC instruction for hours 0-24 at 50MW would\n\nfor example require a unit to be prepared to provide the 50MW, but not\n\nto actually provide the energy. Another unit specific instruction or\n\nOOME would be required for the unit to actually run at 50MW.\n\nAs recent as this morning, we were told that ERCOT would provide us an\n\nOOME instruction when they want us to run after an OOMC instruction.\n\nHowever, they also said that we were operating outside the protocols due\n\nto John Adams' interpretation that when we receive an OOMC for a certain\n\ntime period at a certain level we should be generating.\n\nWe need immediate clarification on this issue.\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n\nby others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n\n(or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n\nor reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n\ndelete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n\nhereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\n\ncreate or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\n\nCorp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\n\nparty, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\n\nestoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n\n**********************************************************************", "FW: OOMC/OOME", "reply", [], "FYI\n\n", "<1242953.1075861682668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "19-11-2001-9:3:19Sm..forney@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-9:3:19", "m..forney@enron.com", ["m..grace@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16962050.1075861679498.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 09:03:19 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: m..grace@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nSubject: FW: OOMC/OOME\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Grace, Rebecca M. , Miller, Jeffrey \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n--\n[Forney, John M.] \n \nIt appears that Ercot is reversing their interpretation. We still need to dispute/collect for OOMC payments and also file under OOME heat rate provisions for all of the times that we ran when we were under OOMC.\nDoes this make sense?\n \nJMF\n \n ---Original Message-----\nFrom: Twiggs, Thane \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Forney, John M.; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Portz, David\nCc: Yeung, Charles\nSubject: FW: OOMC/OOME\n\n\nFYI\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: \"Saathoff, Kent\" @ENRON \nSent: Fri 11/16/2001 2:58 PM \nTo: Twiggs, Thane \nCc: Walker, Mark; Adams, John \nSubject: RE: OOMC/OOME\n\n\n\nThane,\n\nThere must be some miscommunication. I just talked with John and he\n\nknows that an OOME instruction is necessary to get energy from OOMC\n\ncapacity. It is not required by the protocols to bid in to balancing\n\nmarket as is Replacement. That causes us some operation problems and we\n\nmay ask for that requirement to be applied to OOMC as well.\n\nKent\n\n-----Original Message-----\n\nFrom: Twiggs, Thane\n\nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:59 PM\n\nTo: Saathoff, Kent\n\nCc: Walker, Mark\n\nSubject: OOMC/OOME\n\nImportance: High\n\n\nI have a follow up question on our discussion at the TAC meeting last\n\nweek. As we discussed, an OOMC instruction for hours 0-24 at 50MW would\n\nfor example require a unit to be prepared to provide the 50MW, but not\n\nto actually provide the energy. Another unit specific instruction or\n\nOOME would be required for the unit to actually run at 50MW.\n\nAs recent as this morning, we were told that ERCOT would provide us an\n\nOOME instruction when they want us to run after an OOMC instruction.\n\nHowever, they also said that we were operating outside the protocols due\n\nto John Adams' interpretation that when we receive an OOMC for a certain\n\ntime period at a certain level we should be generating.\n\nWe need immediate clarification on this issue.\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n\nby others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n\n(or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n\nor reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n\ndelete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n\nhereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\n\ncreate or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\n\nCorp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\n\nparty, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\n\nestoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n\n**********************************************************************", "FW: OOMC/OOME", "originEmail", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 13, "information", ["oomc", "ran"], "information", " we still need to dispute/collect for oomc payments and also file under oome heat rate provisions for all of the times that we ran when we were under oomc."]], "--\n[Forney, John M.] \n \nIt appears that Ercot is reversing their interpretation. We still need to dispute/collect for OOMC payments and also file under OOME heat rate provisions for all of the times that we ran when we were under OOMC.\nDoes this make sense?\n \nJMF\n \n ---Original Message-----\nFrom: Twiggs, Thane \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:54 AM\n", "<16962050.1075861679498.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-9-2001-14:37:31Sm..forney@enron.com 24-9-2001-14:49:29Sm..forney@enron.com": {"24-9-2001-14:37:31Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-9-2001-14:37:31", "m..forney@enron.com", ["l..day@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "steve.olinde@enron.com", "joe.errigo@enron.com", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "eric.saibi@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13680450.1075852296144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:37:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera Position\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nFor tomorrow,\nwe need to sell the following:\n\nhe 5 - 30mw's\nhe 6 - 30mw's\nhe 7 - 65 mw's\n\nThe sales go into the Teco Services book. The length is currently scheduled to load in Enpower and the QSE MOS system. \n\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJMF", "Frontera Position", "originEmail", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 2, "nninformation", ["he**5", "30**mw", "sell"], "intention", " for tomorrow, we need to sell the following: he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's the sales go into the orgname book."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 12, "information", ["length", "scheduled"], "information", " the length is currently scheduled to load in enpower and the qse mos system."]], "\nFor tomorrow,\nwe need to sell the following:\n\nhe 5 - 30mw's\nhe 6 - 30mw's\nhe 7 - 65 mw's\n\nThe sales go into the Teco Services book. The length is currently scheduled to load in Enpower and the QSE MOS system. \n\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJMF", "<13680450.1075852296144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "0teco0services**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book saleTnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "he**5", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "he**6", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "65**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}}, false], "24-9-2001-14:49:29Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-9-2001-14:49:29", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12361233.1075852296168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:49:29 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Frontera Position\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nAdditionally,\nhe 23 - please sell 35 mw's\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, September 24, 2001 4:38 PM\nTo:\tCapasso, Joe; Day, Smith L.; Errigo, Joe; McElreath, Alexander; Miller, Jeffrey; Olinde Jr., Steve; Saibi, Eric\nSubject:\tFrontera Position\n\n\nFor tomorrow,\nwe need to sell the following:\n\nhe 5 - 30mw's\nhe 6 - 30mw's\nhe 7 - 65 mw's\n\nThe sales go into the Teco Services book. The length is currently scheduled to load in Enpower and the QSE MOS system. \n\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJMF", "FW: Frontera Position", "reply", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 3, "nninformation", ["he**23", "35**mw", "sell"], "request", " additionally, he numeric - please sell numeric mw's "]], "\nAdditionally,\nhe 23 - please sell 35 mw's\n ", "<12361233.1075852296168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "he**23", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "35**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-6-2001-6:2:41Sm..forney@enron.com 21-6-2001-10:44:51Sbill.williams@enron.com 23-7-2001-15:26:9Sbill.williams@enron.com": {"21-6-2001-6:2:41Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-6-2001-6:2:41", "m..forney@enron.com", ["tim.belden@enron.com", "bill.williams@enron.com"], ["greg.wolfe@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27205419.1075852393859.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 06:02:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: tim.belden@enron.com, bill.williams@enron.com\nSubject: Tropical Storm Allison\nCc: greg.wolfe@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: greg.wolfe@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Belden, Tim , Williams III, Bill \nX-cc: Wolfe, Greg \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nJust a quick note to acknowledge the great job that Geir Solberg did in helping our office out during Tropical storm Allison.\nOur phone lines, computers and cell phones were down. Additionally, we were short staffed due to floodwaters downtown.\n\nOne of our service customers, Teco, wanted to sell some test power in South Texas. Geir was contacted via satellite phone.\nHe sold 230 megawatts each hour to AEP. He used the proper terminology unique to Ercot and sold the energy at a decent price.\nHe maintained good, detailed notes and was able to relay this information to me the following Monday. \nMost importantly, this was a seamless transaction to the customer.\n\nAgain, thanks for the help.\n\nJMF", "Tropical Storm Allison", "originEmail", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 25, "information", ["power", "sell"], "information", " one of our service customers, teco, wanted to sell some test power in south texas."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 32, "information", ["hour", "230", "sold"], "information", " he sold numeric megawatts each hour to aep."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 39, "information", ["price", "sold"], "information", " he used the proper terminology unique to ercot and sold the energy at a decent price."]], "\nJust a quick note to acknowledge the great job that Geir Solberg did in helping our office out during Tropical storm Allison.\nOur phone lines, computers and cell phones were down. Additionally, we were short staffed due to floodwaters downtown.\n\nOne of our service customers, Teco, wanted to sell some test power in South Texas. Geir was contacted via satellite phone.\nHe sold 230 megawatts each hour to AEP. He used the proper terminology unique to Ercot and sold the energy at a decent price.\nHe maintained good, detailed notes and was able to relay this information to me the following Monday. \nMost importantly, this was a seamless transaction to the customer.\n\nAgain, thanks for the help.\n\nJMF", "<27205419.1075852393859.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "cell_cell0phone lineTnn": {"value": "cell_cell0phone lineTnn", "ne": "cell_cell0phone lineTnn", "patterns": ["cell_cell0phone lineTnn"]}, "customer serviceTnn": {"value": "customer serviceTnn", "ne": "customer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["customer serviceTnn"]}, "energy sellTnv": {"value": "energy sellTnv", "ne": "energy sellTnv", "patterns": ["energy sellTnv"]}, "33": {"value": "230", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "job_problem line_noteTnn": {"value": "job_problem line_noteTnn", "ne": "job_problem line_noteTnn", "patterns": ["job_problem line_noteTnn"]}}, false], "21-6-2001-10:44:51Sbill.williams@enron.com": ["21-6-2001-10:44:51", "bill.williams@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28133369.1075863608350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:44:51 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bill.williams@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tropical Storm Allison\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Williams III, Bill \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Williams III, Bill\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: WILLIAMS-W3\nX-FileName: \n\nJohn,\nThanks for the timely note. PRC is today.\nMuch appreciated.\nB\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tThursday, June 21, 2001 6:03 AM\nTo:\tBelden, Tim; Williams III, Bill\nCc:\tWolfe, Greg\nSubject:\tTropical Storm Allison\n\n\nJust a quick note to acknowledge the great job that Geir Solberg did in helping our office out during Tropical storm Allison.\nOur phone lines, computers and cell phones were down. Additionally, we were short staffed due to floodwaters downtown.\n\nOne of our service customers, Teco, wanted to sell some test power in South Texas. Geir was contacted via satellite phone.\nHe sold 230 megawatts each hour to AEP. He used the proper terminology unique to Ercot and sold the energy at a decent price.\nHe maintained good, detailed notes and was able to relay this information to me the following Monday. \nMost importantly, this was a seamless transaction to the customer.\n\nAgain, thanks for the help.\n\nJMF", "RE: Tropical Storm Allison", "reply", [], "John,\nThanks for the timely note. PRC is today.\nMuch appreciated.\nB\n\n ", "<28133369.1075863608350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "23-7-2001-15:26:9Sbill.williams@enron.com": ["23-7-2001-15:26:9", "bill.williams@enron.com", "geir.solberg@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12634293.1075840001415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 15:26:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bill.williams@enron.com\nTo: geir.solberg@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Tropical Storm Allison\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Williams III, Bill \nX-To: Solberg, Geir \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Williams III, Bill\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: WILLIAMS-W3\nX-FileName: \n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tThursday, June 21, 2001 6:03 AM\nTo:\tBelden, Tim; Williams III, Bill\nCc:\tWolfe, Greg\nSubject:\tTropical Storm Allison\n\n\nJust a quick note to acknowledge the great job that Geir Solberg did in helping our office out during Tropical storm Allison.\nOur phone lines, computers and cell phones were down. Additionally, we were short staffed due to floodwaters downtown.\n\nOne of our service customers, Teco, wanted to sell some test power in South Texas. Geir was contacted via satellite phone.\nHe sold 230 megawatts each hour to AEP. He used the proper terminology unique to Ercot and sold the energy at a decent price.\nHe maintained good, detailed notes and was able to relay this information to me the following Monday. \nMost importantly, this was a seamless transaction to the customer.\n\nAgain, thanks for the help.\n\nJMF", "FW: Tropical Storm Allison", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<12634293.1075840001415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "22-10-2001-12:8:16Sm..forney@enron.com 23-10-2001-4:57:28Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": {"22-10-2001-12:8:16Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-12:8:16", "m..forney@enron.com", ["m..grace@enron.com", "michael.jacobson@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <32469247.1075852370583.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:08:16 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: m..grace@enron.com, michael.jacobson@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Grace, Rebecca M. , Jacobson, Michael \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nFrontera will be running short for the schedule listed below. I have sold them this imbalance for $28.57. Any imbalance charges billed to them should be allocated to me listed on the schedule below.\n\nhour ending 7 - 320\nhe 8 -320\nhe 9 - 320\nhe 10 - 215\nhe 11 - 150\nhe 12 - 50 \n\nThe total is 1375. This is the equivalent of a financial swap, but the settlement will remain intact.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Frontera for tomorrow", "originEmail", [["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 1, "nninformation", ["schedule", "short"], "intention", " orgname will be running short for the schedule listed below."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 3, "information", ["imbalance", "sold"], "information", " i have sold them this imbalance for pricenumeric ."]], "\n\nFrontera will be running short for the schedule listed below. I have sold them this imbalance for $28.57. Any imbalance charges billed to them should be allocated to me listed on the schedule below.\n\nhour ending 7 - 320\nhe 8 -320\nhe 9 - 320\nhe 10 - 215\nhe 11 - 150\nhe 12 - 50 \n\nThe total is 1375. This is the equivalent of a financial swap, but the settlement will remain intact.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<32469247.1075852370583.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"14": {"value": "he**8", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "320", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "he**9", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "-320", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "he**10", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "320", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "he**11", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "he**12", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "150", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$28 57", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["imbalance pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "23-10-2001-4:57:28Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-4:57:28", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "m..grace@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4816153.1075852397857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 04:57:28 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Frontera for tomorrow\nCc: m..grace@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: m..grace@enron.com\nX-From: Jacobson, Michael \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: Grace, Rebecca M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHey John,\n\nThanks for the heads up.\n\nFYI - I found an hourly ERCOT-Imbalance deal from yesterday (10/22/01) with a price on it - I've zeroed out the price but I wanted to let you know so you can pass the word on. Deal 830711.1 - 25 mws HE 9.\n\nThanks,\nMichael\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 2:08 PM\nTo:\tGrace, Rebecca M.; Jacobson, Michael\nSubject:\tFrontera for tomorrow\n\n\n\nFrontera will be running short for the schedule listed below. I have sold them this imbalance for $28.57. Any imbalance charges billed to them should be allocated to me listed on the schedule below.\n\nhour ending 7 - 320\nhe 8 -320\nhe 9 - 320\nhe 10 - 215\nhe 11 - 150\nhe 12 - 50 \n\nThe total is 1375. This is the equivalent of a financial swap, but the settlement will remain intact.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "RE: Frontera for tomorrow", "reply", [], "Hey John,\n\nThanks for the heads up.\n\nFYI - I found an hourly ERCOT-Imbalance deal from yesterday (10/22/01) with a price on it - I've zeroed out the price but I wanted to let you know so you can pass the word on. Deal 830711.1 - 25 mws HE 9.\n\nThanks,\nMichael\n\n ", "<4816153.1075852397857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"14": {"value": "830711", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-11-2001-8:54:29Sthane.twiggs@enron.com 19-11-2001-10:24:35Sm..forney@enron.com": {"19-11-2001-8:54:29Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-8:54:29", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com david.portz@enron.com", "charles.yeung@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1242953.1075861682668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 08:54:29 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: FW: OOMC/OOME\nCc: charles.yeung@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: charles.yeung@enron.com\nX-From: Twiggs, Thane \nX-To: Forney, John M. , Gilbert-smith, Doug , Portz, David \nX-cc: Yeung, Charles \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nFYI\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: \"Saathoff, Kent\" @ENRON \nSent: Fri 11/16/2001 2:58 PM \nTo: Twiggs, Thane \nCc: Walker, Mark; Adams, John \nSubject: RE: OOMC/OOME\n\n\n\nThane,\n\nThere must be some miscommunication. I just talked with John and he\n\nknows that an OOME instruction is necessary to get energy from OOMC\n\ncapacity. It is not required by the protocols to bid in to balancing\n\nmarket as is Replacement. That causes us some operation problems and we\n\nmay ask for that requirement to be applied to OOMC as well.\n\nKent\n\n-----Original Message-----\n\nFrom: Twiggs, Thane\n\nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:59 PM\n\nTo: Saathoff, Kent\n\nCc: Walker, Mark\n\nSubject: OOMC/OOME\n\nImportance: High\n\n\nI have a follow up question on our discussion at the TAC meeting last\n\nweek. As we discussed, an OOMC instruction for hours 0-24 at 50MW would\n\nfor example require a unit to be prepared to provide the 50MW, but not\n\nto actually provide the energy. Another unit specific instruction or\n\nOOME would be required for the unit to actually run at 50MW.\n\nAs recent as this morning, we were told that ERCOT would provide us an\n\nOOME instruction when they want us to run after an OOMC instruction.\n\nHowever, they also said that we were operating outside the protocols due\n\nto John Adams' interpretation that when we receive an OOMC for a certain\n\ntime period at a certain level we should be generating.\n\nWe need immediate clarification on this issue.\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n\nby others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n\n(or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n\nor reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n\ndelete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n\nhereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\n\ncreate or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\n\nCorp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\n\nparty, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\n\nestoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n\n**********************************************************************", "FW: OOMC/OOME", "reply", [], "FYI\n\n", "<1242953.1075861682668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "19-11-2001-10:24:35Sm..forney@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-10:24:35", "m..forney@enron.com", ["thane.twiggs@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <32441713.1075861679543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:24:35 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nSubject: RE: OOMC/OOME\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Twiggs, Thane \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nSo, it would appear that we have a good case for recovering some money for OOME? I am of the opinion that for every time I was ordered to run under the OOMC, I should be paid the OOME calc.\nIs this flawed logic? What do you think.\nJMF\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Twiggs, Thane \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Forney, John M.; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Portz, David\nCc: Yeung, Charles\nSubject: FW: OOMC/OOME\n\n\nFYI\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: \"Saathoff, Kent\" @ENRON \nSent: Fri 11/16/2001 2:58 PM \nTo: Twiggs, Thane \nCc: Walker, Mark; Adams, John \nSubject: RE: OOMC/OOME\n\n\n\nThane,\n\nThere must be some miscommunication. I just talked with John and he\n\nknows that an OOME instruction is necessary to get energy from OOMC\n\ncapacity. It is not required by the protocols to bid in to balancing\n\nmarket as is Replacement. That causes us some operation problems and we\n\nmay ask for that requirement to be applied to OOMC as well.\n\nKent\n\n-----Original Message-----\n\nFrom: Twiggs, Thane\n\nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 2:59 PM\n\nTo: Saathoff, Kent\n\nCc: Walker, Mark\n\nSubject: OOMC/OOME\n\nImportance: High\n\n\nI have a follow up question on our discussion at the TAC meeting last\n\nweek. As we discussed, an OOMC instruction for hours 0-24 at 50MW would\n\nfor example require a unit to be prepared to provide the 50MW, but not\n\nto actually provide the energy. Another unit specific instruction or\n\nOOME would be required for the unit to actually run at 50MW.\n\nAs recent as this morning, we were told that ERCOT would provide us an\n\nOOME instruction when they want us to run after an OOMC instruction.\n\nHowever, they also said that we were operating outside the protocols due\n\nto John Adams' interpretation that when we receive an OOMC for a certain\n\ntime period at a certain level we should be generating.\n\nWe need immediate clarification on this issue.\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n\nby others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n\n(or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n\nor reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n\ndelete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n\nhereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\n\ncreate or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\n\nCorp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\n\nparty, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\n\nestoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n\n**********************************************************************", "RE: OOMC/OOME", "originEmail", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 8, "information", ["calc", "oomc", "run"], "information", " i am of the opinion that for every time i was ordered to run under the oomc, i should be paid the oome calc."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 10, "nninformation", ["calc", "paid"], "intention", " i am of the opinion that for every time i was ordered to run under the oomc, i should be paid the oome calc."]], "So, it would appear that we have a good case for recovering some money for OOME? I am of the opinion that for every time I was ordered to run under the OOMC, I should be paid the OOME calc.\nIs this flawed logic? What do you think.\nJMF\n\n", "<32441713.1075861679543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-10-2001-11:7:58Swilliam.crooks@enron.com 22-10-2001-11:22:14Sm..forney@enron.com 22-10-2001-11:26:4Swilliam.crooks@enron.com 22-10-2001-11:39:32Sm..forney@enron.com 22-10-2001-11:46:0Swilliam.crooks@enron.com 22-10-2001-11:47:2Sm..forney@enron.com": {"22-10-2001-11:7:58Swilliam.crooks@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-11:7:58", "william.crooks@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24446768.1075852366554.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:07:58 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: william.crooks@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: George Phillips\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crooks, William \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn:\n\n\tThe user ID was apparently set to GPHILLIP The password should be the same. If that does not work, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492", "George Phillips", "reply", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 3, "nninformation", ["set", "john"], "intention", "john: the user id was apparently set to gphillip the password should be the same."]], "John:\n\n\tThe user ID was apparently set to GPHILLIP The password should be the same. If that does not work, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492", "<24446768.1075852366554.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-10-2001-11:22:14Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-11:22:14", "m..forney@enron.com", "william.crooks@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11751224.1075852370515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:22:14 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: william.crooks@enron.com\nSubject: RE: George Phillips\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Crooks, William \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThe Resolution desk has given me the password. However, George was not set up in deal blotter under North America, East Region. I have since submitted another E-request for George. The reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name.\nCan you watch out for this?\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:08 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tGeorge Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tThe user ID was apparently set to GPHILLIP The password should be the same. If that does not work, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492", "RE: George Phillips", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 4, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", " however, personname was not set up in deal blotter under north america, east region."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 4, "information", ["set", "0george"], "information", " however, personname was not set up in deal blotter under north america, east region."], ["submit request{access}", 9, "information", ["request", "submitted"], "information", " i have since submitted another e-request for personname the reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 15, "information", ["create", "deals"], "information", " i have since submitted another e-request for personname the reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name."]], "The Resolution desk has given me the password. However, George was not set up in deal blotter under North America, East Region. I have since submitted another E-request for George. The reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name.\nCan you watch out for this?\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<11751224.1075852370515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "0george", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}}, false], "22-10-2001-11:26:4Swilliam.crooks@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-11:26:4", "william.crooks@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7138783.1075852366531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:26:04 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: william.crooks@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: George Phillips\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crooks, William \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn:\n\n\tHave him log out of EnPower, log back in and try again. I've got him set up in Blotter with East portfolio. Let me know if this did not work.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:22 PM\nTo:\tCrooks, William\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nThe Resolution desk has given me the password. However, George was not set up in deal blotter under North America, East Region. I have since submitted another E-request for George. The reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name.\nCan you watch out for this?\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:08 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tGeorge Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tThe user ID was apparently set to GPHILLIP The password should be the same. If that does not work, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492", "RE: George Phillips", "reply", [], "John:\n\n\tHave him log out of EnPower, log back in and try again. I've got him set up in Blotter with East portfolio. Let me know if this did not work.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n ", "<7138783.1075852366531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-10-2001-11:39:32Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-11:39:32", "m..forney@enron.com", ["william.crooks@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1438784.1075852370538.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:39:32 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: william.crooks@enron.com\nSubject: RE: George Phillips\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Crooks, William \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nWilliam, things look better but, George does not have access to the EPMI Hourly Ercot book. This is the book that he trades primarily.\nHe also needs EPMI Ercot Asset.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:26 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tHave him log out of EnPower, log back in and try again. I've got him set up in Blotter with East portfolio. Let me know if this did not work.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:22 PM\nTo:\tCrooks, William\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nThe Resolution desk has given me the password. However, George was not set up in deal blotter under North America, East Region. I have since submitted another E-request for George. The reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name.\nCan you watch out for this?\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:08 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tGeorge Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tThe user ID was apparently set to GPHILLIP The password should be the same. If that does not work, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492", "RE: George Phillips", "originEmail", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 9, "information", ["book", "trades"], "information", " this is the book that he trades primarily."]], "William, things look better but, George does not have access to the EPMI Hourly Ercot book. This is the book that he trades primarily.\nHe also needs EPMI Ercot Asset.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n ", "<1438784.1075852370538.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "ercot**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book hourlyTnn"]}}, false], "22-10-2001-11:46:0Swilliam.crooks@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-11:46:0", "william.crooks@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6909410.1075852397700.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:46:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: william.crooks@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: George Phillips\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crooks, William \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn:\n\n\tOne more thing I neglected to mention. Deal Blotter only refreshed lookups once per day, the first time it is run. After that, you must do it manually. When Deal Blotter comes up, you will see that one of the main menu items is \"Refresh.\" Choose Refresh, Lookups, All and the lookups will be refreshed. That should solve the problem. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:40 PM\nTo:\tCrooks, William\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nWilliam, things look better but, George does not have access to the EPMI Hourly Ercot book. This is the book that he trades primarily.\nHe also needs EPMI Ercot Asset.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:26 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tHave him log out of EnPower, log back in and try again. I've got him set up in Blotter with East portfolio. Let me know if this did not work.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:22 PM\nTo:\tCrooks, William\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nThe Resolution desk has given me the password. However, George was not set up in deal blotter under North America, East Region. I have since submitted another E-request for George. The reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name.\nCan you watch out for this?\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:08 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tGeorge Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tThe user ID was apparently set to GPHILLIP The password should be the same. If that does not work, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492", "RE: George Phillips", "reply", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 13, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "intention", " when deal blotter comes up, you will see that one of the main menu items is \"refresh."]], "John:\n\n\tOne more thing I neglected to mention. Deal Blotter only refreshed lookups once per day, the first time it is run. After that, you must do it manually. When Deal Blotter comes up, you will see that one of the main menu items is \"Refresh.\" Choose Refresh, Lookups, All and the lookups will be refreshed. That should solve the problem. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n ", "<6909410.1075852397700.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-10-2001-11:47:2Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-11:47:2", "m..forney@enron.com", "george.phillips@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22460062.1075852370561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:47:02 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: george.phillips@enron.com\nSubject: FW: George Phillips\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Phillips, George \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:46 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tOne more thing I neglected to mention. Deal Blotter only refreshed lookups once per day, the first time it is run. After that, you must do it manually. When Deal Blotter comes up, you will see that one of the main menu items is \"Refresh.\" Choose Refresh, Lookups, All and the lookups will be refreshed. That should solve the problem. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:40 PM\nTo:\tCrooks, William\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nWilliam, things look better but, George does not have access to the EPMI Hourly Ercot book. This is the book that he trades primarily.\nHe also needs EPMI Ercot Asset.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:26 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tHave him log out of EnPower, log back in and try again. I've got him set up in Blotter with East portfolio. Let me know if this did not work.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:22 PM\nTo:\tCrooks, William\nSubject:\tRE: George Phillips\n\nThe Resolution desk has given me the password. However, George was not set up in deal blotter under North America, East Region. I have since submitted another E-request for George. The reason is, he cannot log onto blotter or create deals under his name.\nCan you watch out for this?\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrooks, William \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 1:08 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tGeorge Phillips\n\nJohn:\n\n\tThe user ID was apparently set to GPHILLIP The password should be the same. If that does not work, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\nBill x53492", "FW: George Phillips", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<22460062.1075852370561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-11-2001-16:11:50Sdavid.portz@enron.com 15-11-2001-7:1:14Sthane.twiggs@enron.com 15-11-2001-8:20:59Sm..forney@enron.com 15-11-2001-8:23:47Sthane.twiggs@enron.com 15-11-2001-8:25:47Sm..forney@enron.com 15-11-2001-8:28:8Sthane.twiggs@enron.com 16-11-2001-8:56:12Sdavid.portz@enron.com 16-11-2001-8:59:3Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"14-11-2001-16:11:50Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["14-11-2001-16:11:50", "david.portz@enron.com", "l..nicolay@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com d..baughman@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com m..forney@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27649883.1075861681342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 16:11:50 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: l..nicolay@enron.com\nSubject: Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, d..baughman@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, d..baughman@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Nicolay, Christi L. \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Baughman, Edward D. , Miller, Jeffrey , Forney, John M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME", "reply", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 20, "nninformation", ["oomc", "run"], "intention", " doug gilbert smith has asked that your group draft a complaint to the puct regarding this misinterpretation of the protocols by the ercot iso, which effectively requires a generator called on for the oomc ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pay an oome price component when the plant's output is utilized by ercot."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 24, "nninformation", ["price", "pay"], "intention", " doug gilbert smith has asked that your group draft a complaint to the puct regarding this misinterpretation of the protocols by the ercot iso, which effectively requires a generator called on for the oomc ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pay an oome price component when the plant's output is utilized by ercot."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 58, "information", ["price", "paid"], "information", " the oomc compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs under protocols sec numeric numeric numeric numeric ( numeric ) may take a long time), and the oome compensation has various problems as well: ( numeric ) the more ercot calls on a plant for oome, the the lesser the oome price paid (protocols sec numeric numeric numeric numeric -- heat rate value decreases), and ( numeric ) plants directed to provide, say, numeric mws of oomc/oome, are not allowed to generate above numeric mws in an interval (thus running the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the marketplace."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 82, "information", ["plant", "running"], "information", " the oomc compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs under protocols sec numeric numeric numeric numeric ( numeric ) may take a long time), and the oome compensation has various problems as well: ( numeric ) the more ercot calls on a plant for oome, the the lesser the oome price paid (protocols sec numeric numeric numeric numeric -- heat rate value decreases), and ( numeric ) plants directed to provide, say, numeric mws of oomc/oome, are not allowed to generate above numeric mws in an interval (thus running the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the marketplace."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 115, "nninformation", ["plants", "run"], "intention", " doug says we should advocate to the puc that plants in such a position should be reliability must run (\"rmr\") and be paid at an adequate premium for their support of the system' reliability."]], "\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols by the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the OOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pay an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. The OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs under Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensation has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for OOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Rate value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOMC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus running the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the marketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is located such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QSE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position should be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over the interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, and we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinitiating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tomorrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus we are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with an ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"threat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service products that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered to the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Guides' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Section 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinction between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the position stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for your group.\n ", "<27649883.1075861681342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-11-2001-7:1:14Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-7:1:14", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "l..nicolay@enron.com charles.yeung@enron.com luiz.maurer@enron.com", "jean.ryall@enron.com d..steffes@enron.com david.portz@enron.com m..forney@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com l..day@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3993275.1075861633603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 07:01:14 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: l..nicolay@enron.com, charles.yeung@enron.com, luiz.maurer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\nCc: jean.ryall@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com,\n\tm..forney@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: jean.ryall@enron.com, d..steffes@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com,\n\tm..forney@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com\nX-From: Twiggs, Thane \nX-To: Nicolay, Christi L. , Yeung, Charles , Maurer, Luiz \nX-cc: Ryall, Jean , Steffes, James D. , Portz, David , Forney, John M. , Gilbert-smith, Doug , Day, Smith L. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JSTEFFE (Non-Privileged)\\Steffes, James D.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Steffes-J\nX-FileName: JSTEFFE (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHere are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technic=\nal operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be =\nready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific =\ninstruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so=\n there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spok=\ne to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack th=\nereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlem=\nent statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an =\neffective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove =\nyour cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convin=\nced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that=\n would help.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.\nCc:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Baughman, Edward D.; Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, Jo=\nhn M.\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME", "reply", [], "Here are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technical operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be ready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific instruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spoke to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack thereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlement statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an effective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove your cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convinced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that would help.\n\n ", "<3993275.1075861633603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-11-2001-8:20:59Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-8:20:59", "m..forney@enron.com", ["doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "l..nicolay@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com"], ["jean.ryall@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32381129.1075861679087.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:20:59 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: thane.twiggs@enron.com, l..nicolay@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\nCc: jean.ryall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: jean.ryall@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Twiggs, Thane , Nicolay, Christi L. , Portz, David , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-cc: Ryall, Jean \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nMark Patterson, our Rep, called today to ask me if everything was resolved=\n to my satisfaction. I relayed that I did talk to John Adams last night =\nand he did agree to give us one hour notice with an OOME instruction. Th=\nis is great, however, Mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff =\nbecause Ercot still maintains that OOMC means run.\nHe relayed that in the event of line meltdown, etc. we would be liable. =\n John Adams also said this last night. We are officially on notice of p=\notential QSE liability.\n\nIn my opinion we need to:\nCall Ken Saathoff and see if he can resolve their confusion today, otherwis=\ne we need to file whatever is necessary, under the protocols, to protest t=\nhis ridiculous interpretation and to protect ourself from this \"liability.\"\nOfficially request clarification in the protocols on this issue.\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:01 AM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.; Yeung, Charles; Maurer, Luiz\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.; Portz, David; Forney, John M.; Gilber=\nt-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nHere are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technic=\nal operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be =\nready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific =\ninstruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so=\n there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spok=\ne to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack th=\nereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlem=\nent statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an =\neffective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove =\nyour cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convin=\nced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that=\n would help.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.\nCc:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Baughman, Edward D.; Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, Jo=\nhn M.\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME", "originEmail", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 25, "information", ["oomc**means", "run"], "information", " this is great, however, mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff because ercot still maintains that oomc means run."]], "Mark Patterson, our Rep, called today to ask me if everything was resolved to my satisfaction. I relayed that I did talk to John Adams last night and he did agree to give us one hour notice with an OOME instruction. This is great, however, Mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff because Ercot still maintains that OOMC means run.\nHe relayed that in the event of line meltdown, etc. we would be liable. John Adams also said this last night. We are officially on notice of potential QSE liability.\n\nIn my opinion we need to:\nCall Ken Saathoff and see if he can resolve their confusion today, otherwise we need to file whatever is necessary, under the protocols, to protest this ridiculous interpretation and to protect ourself from this \"liability.\"\nOfficially request clarification in the protocols on this issue.\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n\n ", "<32381129.1075861679087.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "15-11-2001-8:23:47Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-8:23:47", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com l..nicolay@enron.com david.portz@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "jean.ryall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28550902.1075861681831.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:23:47 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com, l..nicolay@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\nCc: jean.ryall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: jean.ryall@enron.com\nX-From: Twiggs, Thane \nX-To: Forney, John M. , Nicolay, Christi L. , Portz, David , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-cc: Ryall, Jean \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI will put in a call. Kent is always on the run so it may take awhile to r=\nun him down. I will also do something in writing to get a \"record\".\nTTT\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:21 AM\nTo:=09Twiggs, Thane; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nMark Patterson, our Rep, called today to ask me if everything was resolved=\n to my satisfaction. I relayed that I did talk to John Adams last night =\nand he did agree to give us one hour notice with an OOME instruction. Th=\nis is great, however, Mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff =\nbecause Ercot still maintains that OOMC means run.\nHe relayed that in the event of line meltdown, etc. we would be liable. =\n John Adams also said this last night. We are officially on notice of p=\notential QSE liability.\n\nIn my opinion we need to:\nCall Ken Saathoff and see if he can resolve their confusion today, otherwis=\ne we need to file whatever is necessary, under the protocols, to protest t=\nhis ridiculous interpretation and to protect ourself from this \"liability.\"\nOfficially request clarification in the protocols on this issue.\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:01 AM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.; Yeung, Charles; Maurer, Luiz\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.; Portz, David; Forney, John M.; Gilber=\nt-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nHere are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technic=\nal operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be =\nready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific =\ninstruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so=\n there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spok=\ne to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack th=\nereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlem=\nent statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an =\neffective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove =\nyour cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convin=\nced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that=\n would help.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.\nCc:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Baughman, Edward D.; Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, Jo=\nhn M.\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME", "reply", [], "I will put in a call. Kent is always on the run so it may take awhile to run him down. I will also do something in writing to get a \"record\".\nTTT\n\n ", "<28550902.1075861681831.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-11-2001-8:25:47Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-8:25:47", "m..forney@enron.com", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10309313.1075861679235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:25:47 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Twiggs, Thane \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI kind of lost my temper a bit with Mark. Probably wont sound good on tap=\ne, but I told him that a monkey-man wouldnt interpret the protocols that w=\nay.\nIts the Dynegy thang talking.\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:24 AM\nTo:=09Forney, John M.; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Do=\nug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nI will put in a call. Kent is always on the run so it may take awhile to r=\nun him down. I will also do something in writing to get a \"record\".\nTTT\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:21 AM\nTo:=09Twiggs, Thane; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nMark Patterson, our Rep, called today to ask me if everything was resolved=\n to my satisfaction. I relayed that I did talk to John Adams last night =\nand he did agree to give us one hour notice with an OOME instruction. Th=\nis is great, however, Mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff =\nbecause Ercot still maintains that OOMC means run.\nHe relayed that in the event of line meltdown, etc. we would be liable. =\n John Adams also said this last night. We are officially on notice of p=\notential QSE liability.\n\nIn my opinion we need to:\nCall Ken Saathoff and see if he can resolve their confusion today, otherwis=\ne we need to file whatever is necessary, under the protocols, to protest t=\nhis ridiculous interpretation and to protect ourself from this \"liability.\"\nOfficially request clarification in the protocols on this issue.\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:01 AM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.; Yeung, Charles; Maurer, Luiz\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.; Portz, David; Forney, John M.; Gilber=\nt-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nHere are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technic=\nal operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be =\nready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific =\ninstruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so=\n there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spok=\ne to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack th=\nereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlem=\nent statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an =\neffective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove =\nyour cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convin=\nced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that=\n would help.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.\nCc:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Baughman, Edward D.; Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, Jo=\nhn M.\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME", "reply", [], "I kind of lost my temper a bit with Mark. Probably wont sound good on tape, but I told him that a monkey-man wouldnt interpret the protocols that way.\nIts the Dynegy thang talking.\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<10309313.1075861679235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-11-2001-8:28:8Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-8:28:8", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18046211.1075861682008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:28:08 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Twiggs, Thane \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nthose bad Dynegy seeds are infecting already.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:26 AM\nTo:=09Twiggs, Thane\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nI kind of lost my temper a bit with Mark. Probably wont sound good on tap=\ne, but I told him that a monkey-man wouldnt interpret the protocols that w=\nay.\nIts the Dynegy thang talking.\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:24 AM\nTo:=09Forney, John M.; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Do=\nug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nI will put in a call. Kent is always on the run so it may take awhile to r=\nun him down. I will also do something in writing to get a \"record\".\nTTT\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:21 AM\nTo:=09Twiggs, Thane; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nMark Patterson, our Rep, called today to ask me if everything was resolved=\n to my satisfaction. I relayed that I did talk to John Adams last night =\nand he did agree to give us one hour notice with an OOME instruction. Th=\nis is great, however, Mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff =\nbecause Ercot still maintains that OOMC means run.\nHe relayed that in the event of line meltdown, etc. we would be liable. =\n John Adams also said this last night. We are officially on notice of p=\notential QSE liability.\n\nIn my opinion we need to:\nCall Ken Saathoff and see if he can resolve their confusion today, otherwis=\ne we need to file whatever is necessary, under the protocols, to protest t=\nhis ridiculous interpretation and to protect ourself from this \"liability.\"\nOfficially request clarification in the protocols on this issue.\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:01 AM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.; Yeung, Charles; Maurer, Luiz\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.; Portz, David; Forney, John M.; Gilber=\nt-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nHere are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technic=\nal operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be =\nready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific =\ninstruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so=\n there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spok=\ne to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack th=\nereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlem=\nent statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an =\neffective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove =\nyour cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convin=\nced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that=\n would help.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.\nCc:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Baughman, Edward D.; Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, Jo=\nhn M.\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME", "reply", [], "those bad Dynegy seeds are infecting already.\n\n ", "<18046211.1075861682008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-11-2001-8:56:12Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["16-11-2001-8:56:12", "david.portz@enron.com", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "jean.ryall@enron.com m..forney@enron.com l..nicolay@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1148495.1075861682239.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:56:12 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\nCc: jean.ryall@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com, l..nicolay@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: jean.ryall@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com, l..nicolay@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Twiggs, Thane \nX-cc: Ryall, Jean , Forney, John M. , Nicolay, Christi L. , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nThane -- I think word back from you is the next step needed in this process=\n. If ERCOT's position is that within the text of the Protocols, OOMC means=\n \"running\", then unacceptable risks are presented to our Customer and to EP=\nMI as their QSE. If such is ERCOT's position, then they should cite us cha=\npter and verse for that position within the Protocols, offsetting the clear=\n implications for the contrary position in the Protocols' other ancillary s=\nervices products, in the Operating Guides, the Market Guide, ERCOT's prior =\noperating and marketing guides (predating this marketplace), and based on c=\nustomary industry understanding of the term \"capacity\". --David\n\n =20\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:24 AM\nTo:=09Forney, John M.; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Do=\nug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nI will put in a call. Kent is always on the run so it may take awhile to r=\nun him down. I will also do something in writing to get a \"record\".\nTTT\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:21 AM\nTo:=09Twiggs, Thane; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nMark Patterson, our Rep, called today to ask me if everything was resolved=\n to my satisfaction. I relayed that I did talk to John Adams last night =\nand he did agree to give us one hour notice with an OOME instruction. Th=\nis is great, however, Mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff =\nbecause Ercot still maintains that OOMC means run.\nHe relayed that in the event of line meltdown, etc. we would be liable. =\n John Adams also said this last night. We are officially on notice of p=\notential QSE liability.\n\nIn my opinion we need to:\nCall Ken Saathoff and see if he can resolve their confusion today, otherwis=\ne we need to file whatever is necessary, under the protocols, to protest t=\nhis ridiculous interpretation and to protect ourself from this \"liability.\"\nOfficially request clarification in the protocols on this issue.\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:01 AM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.; Yeung, Charles; Maurer, Luiz\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.; Portz, David; Forney, John M.; Gilber=\nt-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nHere are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technic=\nal operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be =\nready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific =\ninstruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so=\n there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spok=\ne to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack th=\nereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlem=\nent statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an =\neffective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove =\nyour cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convin=\nced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that=\n would help.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.\nCc:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Baughman, Edward D.; Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, Jo=\nhn M.\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME", "reply", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 12, "information", ["oomc", "running"], "information", " if ercot's position is that within the text of the protocols, oomc means \"running\", then unacceptable risks are presented to our customer and to epmi as their qse."]], "\nThane -- I think word back from you is the next step needed in this process. If ERCOT's position is that within the text of the Protocols, OOMC means \"running\", then unacceptable risks are presented to our Customer and to EPMI as their QSE. If such is ERCOT's position, then they should cite us chapter and verse for that position within the Protocols, offsetting the clear implications for the contrary position in the Protocols' other ancillary services products, in the Operating Guides, the Market Guide, ERCOT's prior operating and marketing guides (predating this marketplace), and based on customary industry understanding of the term \"capacity\". --David\n\n =20\n ", "<1148495.1075861682239.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-11-2001-8:59:3Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["16-11-2001-8:59:3", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "jean.ryall@enron.com m..forney@enron.com l..nicolay@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8969154.1075861682403.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:59:03 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\nCc: jean.ryall@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com, l..nicolay@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: jean.ryall@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com, l..nicolay@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Twiggs, Thane \nX-To: Portz, David \nX-cc: Ryall, Jean , Forney, John M. , Nicolay, Christi L. , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI wanted to get a response in writing rather than verbal so I sent an e-mai=\nl to Kent Saathoff. I will call and prod a response again today.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Friday, November 16, 2001 10:56 AM\nTo:=09Twiggs, Thane\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean; Forney, John M.; Nicolay, Christi L.; Gilbert-smith, Dou=\ng\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nThane -- I think word back from you is the next step needed in this process=\n. If ERCOT's position is that within the text of the Protocols, OOMC means=\n \"running\", then unacceptable risks are presented to our Customer and to EP=\nMI as their QSE. If such is ERCOT's position, then they should cite us cha=\npter and verse for that position within the Protocols, offsetting the clear=\n implications for the contrary position in the Protocols' other ancillary s=\nervices products, in the Operating Guides, the Market Guide, ERCOT's prior =\noperating and marketing guides (predating this marketplace), and based on c=\nustomary industry understanding of the term \"capacity\". --David\n\n =20\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:24 AM\nTo:=09Forney, John M.; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Do=\nug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nI will put in a call. Kent is always on the run so it may take awhile to r=\nun him down. I will also do something in writing to get a \"record\".\nTTT\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:21 AM\nTo:=09Twiggs, Thane; Nicolay, Christi L.; Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nMark Patterson, our Rep, called today to ask me if everything was resolved=\n to my satisfaction. I relayed that I did talk to John Adams last night =\nand he did agree to give us one hour notice with an OOME instruction. Th=\nis is great, however, Mark warned me that we were outside of the tariff =\nbecause Ercot still maintains that OOMC means run.\nHe relayed that in the event of line meltdown, etc. we would be liable. =\n John Adams also said this last night. We are officially on notice of p=\notential QSE liability.\n\nIn my opinion we need to:\nCall Ken Saathoff and see if he can resolve their confusion today, otherwis=\ne we need to file whatever is necessary, under the protocols, to protest t=\nhis ridiculous interpretation and to protect ourself from this \"liability.\"\nOfficially request clarification in the protocols on this issue.\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:01 AM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.; Yeung, Charles; Maurer, Luiz\nCc:=09Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.; Portz, David; Forney, John M.; Gilber=\nt-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.\nSubject:=09RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME\n\nHere are a few additional points: =20\n\nI spoke with Ken Saathoff at ERCOT last week (he is the director of technic=\nal operations) and he agreed that an OOMC instruction is essentially a \"be =\nready\" instruction and an additional OOME or another type of unit specific =\ninstruction is necessary for the plant to deploy. He is John Adams boss, so=\n there is a disconnect between the two levels. In addition to Kent, I spok=\ne to Mark Walker the senior corporate counsel regarding payment, or lack th=\nereof and he suggested that the only method would be to dispute the settlem=\nent statement and use that process. Going forward however, that is not an =\neffective mechanism due to the delay in payment and the necessity to prove =\nyour cost structure.\n\nIn speaking with Forney a few minutes ago it sounds like he may have convin=\nced John Adams, but I would be happy to call Kent Saathoff if you feel that=\n would help.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Portz, David =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:12 PM\nTo:=09Nicolay, Christi L.\nCc:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Baughman, Edward D.; Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, Jo=\nhn M.\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions OOMC & OOME\n\n\nForwarded as discussed. Doug Gilbert Smith has asked that your group draft=\n a complaint to the PUCT regarding this misinterpretation of the Protocols =\nby the ERCOT ISO, which effectively requires a generator called on for the =\nOOMC ancillary service to run its plant, and sidesteps the obligation to pa=\ny an OOME price component when the plant's output is utilized by ERCOT. Th=\ne OOMC compensation is currently negligible (and recovery of actual costs u=\nnder Protocols Sec. may take a long time), and the OOME compensa=\ntion has various problems as well: (1) the more ERCOT calls on a plant for =\nOOME, the the lesser the OOME price paid (Protocols Sec. -- Heat Ra=\nte value decreases), and (2) plants directed to provide, say, 135MWs of OOM=\nC/OOME, are not allowed to generate above 135 MWs in an interval (thus runn=\ning the plant economically at a lower heat rate) to sell the excess in the =\nmarketplace. The Frontera plant, a customer of EPMI acting as QSE, is locat=\ned such that ERCOT is and will be consistently telling the plant via its QS=\nE to provide OOMC -- to produce energy going north on a line in South Texas=\n. Doug says we should advocate to the PUC that plants in such a position sh=\nould be Reliability Must Run (\"RMR\") and be paid at an adequate premium for=\n their support of the system' reliability.\n\nI noted to you as well that this is likely to be a dispute with ERCOT over =\nthe interpretation of the Protocols, conducted under Protocols Section 20, =\nand we would appreciate any reg. group efforts toward preparation for iinit=\niating such dispute. Frontera has indicated they will not provide OOMC tom=\norrow even if ERCOT tells us, their QSE that it should be dispatched. Thus =\nwe are caught in the middle. The legitimate bases for not complying with a=\nn ERCOT dispatch instruction are stated in Protocols Section 5.4.4(2): \"thr=\neat to safety, risk of bodily harm or damage to the equipment, or otherwise=\n is not in compliance with these Protocols\". Though the Protocols Sections=\n 1-22 seem to recognize as to other capacity- oriented ancillary service pr=\noducts that it is 'generating capacity available but not energy delivered t=\no the grid', I have not seen this made clear as to OOMC. The Operating Gui=\ndes' definition of OOMC, page 21 seems to recognize this however, and Secti=\non 2B of the ERCOT Market Guide, p. 8 (Feb 22, 2001) recognizes the distinc=\ntion between capacity and generated energy clearly in support of the positi=\non stated by John Forney below.=20\n\nSorry for the long e-mail -- I was trying to provide a statting point for y=\nour group.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Forney, John M. =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:27 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:=09Ercot Questions\n\n\n\nDavid,\nI need some help with an Ercot protocol interpretation:\n\nFrontera has been issued OOMC requests by the ISO on numerous occasions, s=\ntarting September 14th. This Out of Merit request is issued if no mkt bi=\nds exist to solve congestion, whether local or zonal.\nThe OOMC, as I understand it, reserves capacity for Ercot and the premium =\nis predetermined based on a formula mentioned in the protocols. The formu=\nla is based on the replacement reserve clearing price, which currently is =\nzero. This is because the replacement reserve market is non-existent. An=\n announcement on how the OOMC capacity payments will be calculated is due o=\nut this week, per Mark Patterson.\n\nThe second component of this option is OOME. This is a request for actua=\nl energy related to the OOMC option. The strike price is calculated from =\na preset heat rate multiplied by the HSC daily price, as mentioned in the p=\nrotocols. So the OOMC/OOME ws designed to work like the ancillary services=\n with a capacity award and an energy component. I think that this is the s=\npirit of the OOM's, as mentioned in Section 6 of the Protocols.\n\n =20\nHere is the problem:\nthe head of Ercot Market Operations, John Adams, interprets the protocols=\n to mean that OOMC requries the plant to be generating. When Ercot disp=\natchers had issued an OOMC, they quickly followed up to ask us why we were=\n not generating into the grid.\nWe explained to them, on numerous occasions, that we dont believe OOMC mea=\nns run. If they wanted us to run, then they would need to issue an OOME =\nfor the actual energy component. I asked my employees to clarify with Er=\ncot whether we were being asked to run, yes or no. When instructed to r=\nun by Ercot, we had to assume that we were settled based upon the OOME cal=\nc, as we were previously under OOMC orders.\n\nI sent at least three e-mails to my Ercot rep, Mark Patterson regarding th=\nis issue. I finally caught him by phone and he relayed that he thought Er=\ncot's intrepretation was correct. For all of the times that we ran, at=\n their request, we werent going to be paid based on the OOME heat rate cal=\nc, rather we were going to receive the balancing energy price ( a penalty =\nfor Resource Imbalance). For example, in the early morning hours we woul=\nd receive as little as $1 for electricity that cost $27 to generate. Mark=\n also mentioned that when they said run, they expected us to sell to someo=\nne else, or just generate into the imbalance. Mark told me \"dont worry,=\n you can file to receive your generation expenses in the event that you lo=\nst money.\"\n\n\n\nHere is my view:\nOOMC does not mean run. It means have the capacity available in the event =\nErcot calls, much like replacement, responsive reserve and non-spinning.\nErcot's interpretation is being decided by the Manager of Mkt Operations, =\na group supposedly unconcerned with price.\nIf OOMC means to run, then why would the protocols contemplate, or need OO=\nME? They would never have to pay OOME if we were already running into the =\nimbalance.\nOOMC is an option and the exercise is OOME. This is basically the disagre=\nement. This could very well be a $500,000 issue for Frontera.\nWhy would anyone generate for $27 and dump to the imbalance mkt at $5 in ho=\npes of filing for a \"breakeven.\" Ridiculous.\n\nI spoke with Bill Kettlewell with Customer Relations and he had \"no comment=\n\" on whether OOMC means to generate. Mark Patterson now also has \"no comme=\nnt.\"\nBill and Mark said that we needed to file a dispute in order to receive clo=\nsure on the OOM capacity payment. I suspect that we will follow this same=\n path when we file for OOME reimbursement vs. the imbalance price we will =\nreceive.\n\nI had instructed my employeess to refuse to turn on the plant (in respons=\ne to an OOMC) until we receive an OOME instruction. This has compelled E=\nrcot to deploy an OOME request to us, because they need to have us online =\nto control local congestion. Would this not be an omission that their vie=\nw was incorrect? Section 5.4.4 says that a QSE may fail to comply with an =\nErcot directive if it causes a safety concern, or , Ercot is not in compli=\nance with the Protocols. The latter is in effect.\nErcot is now telling us that they cannot instruct us, or give us an OOME de=\nployment, unless we are already runnnig. I think that this is a softwar=\ne issue, not a protocol issue. =20\nWe worked out an interim compromise with Ercot until this issue can be sett=\nled. Once we have been OOMC'd, we will start to gen. Once we reach full=\n load, we will request an OOME. If they dont comply, we will shut down =\nthe unit. Ercot said that \" it was entirely reasonable that we would re=\nquest to be compensated in the form of an OOME.\"\nThe Ercot dispatchers are complaining that OOME requires them to send an in=\nstruction every 15 minutes. Is this why we are not getting the OOME instr=\nuction on a regular basis?\n\nFinally, I stressed to Ercot that I wasnt trying to manipulate prices, via=\n OOME or force Ercot into a corner. It just is not the right economic en=\nvironment to generate for $27 and sell for $5. Further, operations pers=\nonell at Ercot have frelayed their displeasure with me for \"forcing them to=\n OOME our plant.\"\n\nCan I get an opinion on whether OOMC means to run? If you agree with me, =\n what is our next step? I need to move aggressively on this issue.\n\nThanks,\n\n\nJForney\n37160\n\n", "RE: ASAP please: ERCOT Questions OOMC & OOME", "reply", [], "I wanted to get a response in writing rather than verbal so I sent an e-mail to Kent Saathoff. I will call and prod a response again today.\n\n ", "<8969154.1075861682403.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "6-6-2001-12:52:42Schris.stokley@enron.com 7-6-2001-10:27:30Sm..forney@enron.com 7-6-2001-10:41:29Schris.stokley@enron.com": {"6-6-2001-12:52:42Schris.stokley@enron.com": ["6-6-2001-12:52:42", "chris.stokley@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32003065.1075858495587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 12:52:42 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: chris.stokley@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: UPDATE\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stokley, Chris \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Stokley, Chris (Non-Privileged)\\Chris Stokley\\SENT\nX-Origin: Stokley-C\nX-FileName: Stokley, Chris (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAnything new going on w/ your current hunt for opportunities.\n\n\n\t\t\tChris", "UPDATE", "reply", [], "Anything new going on w/ your current hunt for opportunities.\n\n\n\t\t\tChris", "<32003065.1075858495587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "7-6-2001-10:27:30Sm..forney@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-10:27:30", "m..forney@enron.com", ["chris.stokley@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <6052961.1075852393205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 10:27:30 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: chris.stokley@enron.com\nSubject: RE: UPDATE\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Stokley, Chris \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThe opportunity here has been enhanced; in addition to Managing RT, I would be managing all of the Service Assets in Texas. This includes trading around a 500 mw plant, serving EES and New Power Company loads, and also the potential for managing a new 1500 mw full requirements deal. \nOf course, I would have to have all of this in writing. I would be working with the Texas Term trader to enhance my trading skills in order to effectively manage this position.\nThis makes the offer more attractive, but still I would be in Houston. I am still apprehensive of the bait & switch exposure.\nWhat do you think?\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tStokley, Chris \nSent:\tWednesday, June 06, 2001 2:53 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tUPDATE\n\nAnything new going on w/ your current hunt for opportunities.\n\n\n\t\t\tChris", "RE: UPDATE", "originEmail", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 10, "information", ["500**mw", "trading"], "information", " this includes trading around a numeric mw plant, serving ees and orgname loads, and also the potential for managing a new numeric mw full requirements deal."]], "The opportunity here has been enhanced; in addition to Managing RT, I would be managing all of the Service Assets in Texas. This includes trading around a 500 mw plant, serving EES and New Power Company loads, and also the potential for managing a new 1500 mw full requirements deal. \nOf course, I would have to have all of this in writing. I would be working with the Texas Term trader to enhance my trading skills in order to effectively manage this position.\nThis makes the offer more attractive, but still I would be in Houston. I am still apprehensive of the bait & switch exposure.\nWhat do you think?\nJMF\n ", "<6052961.1075852393205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"17": {"value": "1500**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric0mwTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "500**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw plantTnn"]}, "term traderTnn": {"value": "term traderTnn", "ne": "term traderTnn", "patterns": ["term traderTnn"]}}, false], "7-6-2001-10:41:29Schris.stokley@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-10:41:29", "chris.stokley@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16061394.1075858495566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 10:41:29 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: chris.stokley@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: UPDATE\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stokley, Chris \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Stokley, Chris (Non-Privileged)\\Chris Stokley\\SENT\nX-Origin: Stokley-C\nX-FileName: Stokley, Chris (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nA leopard never changes its spots! Is this an after thought since they heard you were going to leave? I would be worried about any position that I felt needed arm twisting to get to in the end. Sounds like a good opportunity, but I wonder why it is now coming to the surface and what is behind it. I am bias, I don't trust anyone on that side of the pond so I may not be the best person to give an objective answer. You have a good feel for people, go w/ your gut. You knew in you the back of your mind that this is the way that it would go down at the end of the day. Get some more opinions and then go w/ your instincts.\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tChris\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tThursday, June 07, 2001 10:28 AM\nTo:\tStokley, Chris\nSubject:\tRE: UPDATE\n\nThe opportunity here has been enhanced; in addition to Managing RT, I would be managing all of the Service Assets in Texas. This includes trading around a 500 mw plant, serving EES and New Power Company loads, and also the potential for managing a new 1500 mw full requirements deal. \nOf course, I would have to have all of this in writing. I would be working with the Texas Term trader to enhance my trading skills in order to effectively manage this position.\nThis makes the offer more attractive, but still I would be in Houston. I am still apprehensive of the bait & switch exposure.\nWhat do you think?\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tStokley, Chris \nSent:\tWednesday, June 06, 2001 2:53 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tUPDATE\n\nAnything new going on w/ your current hunt for opportunities.\n\n\n\t\t\tChris", "RE: UPDATE", "reply", [], "A leopard never changes its spots! Is this an after thought since they heard you were going to leave? I would be worried about any position that I felt needed arm twisting to get to in the end. Sounds like a good opportunity, but I wonder why it is now coming to the surface and what is behind it. I am bias, I don't trust anyone on that side of the pond so I may not be the best person to give an objective answer. You have a good feel for people, go w/ your gut. You knew in you the back of your mind that this is the way that it would go down at the end of the day. Get some more opinions and then go w/ your instincts.\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tChris\n ", "<16061394.1075858495566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-6-2001-11:47:9Slisa.shoemake@enron.com 21-6-2001-12:45:4Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-6-2001-11:47:9Slisa.shoemake@enron.com": ["21-6-2001-11:47:9", "lisa.shoemake@enron.com", "m..presto@enron.com d..baughman@enron.com terri.clynes@enron.com oscar.dalton@enron.com doug.sewell@enron.com karla.compean@enron.com e..kelly@enron.com gary.justice@enron.com larry.valderrama@enron.com william.abler@enron.com john.llodra@enron.com chad.wood@enron.com janelle.scheuer@enron.com david.marks@enron.com n..stewart@enron.com tom.dutta@enron.com robert.wheeler@enron.com nick.politis@enron.com jason.thompkins@enron.com heather.kroll@enron.com david.fairley@enron.com elizabeth.johnston@enron.com billy.braddock@enron.com jennifer.bagwell@enron.com adriana.celedon@enron.com judy.martinez@enron.com rahil.jafry@enron.com drew.tingleaf@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com larry.jester@enron.com chris.ahn@enron.com don.baughman@enron.com d..thomas@enron.com juan.hernandez@enron.com m..forney@enron.com corry.bentley@enron.com harry.arora@enron.com david.ryan@enron.com rika.imai@enron.com keith.comeaux@enron.com tomasine.mayes@enron.com kayne.coulter@enron.com gerald.gilbert@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com l..day@enron.com a..allen@enron.com stacey.white@enron.com c..aucoin@enron.com", "jae.black@enron.com claudette.harvey@enron.com tina.rode@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20151991.1075852428046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 11:47:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: lisa.shoemake@enron.com\nTo: m..presto@enron.com, d..baughman@enron.com, terri.clynes@enron.com,\n\toscar.dalton@enron.com, doug.sewell@enron.com,\n\tkarla.compean@enron.com, e..kelly@enron.com, gary.justice@enron.com,\n\tlarry.valderrama@enron.com, william.abler@enron.com,\n\tjohn.llodra@enron.com, chad.wood@enron.com,\n\tjanelle.scheuer@enron.com, david.marks@enron.com,\n\tn..stewart@enron.com, tom.dutta@enron.com, robert.wheeler@enron.com,\n\tnick.politis@enron.com, jason.thompkins@enron.com,\n\theather.kroll@enron.com, david.fairley@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.johnston@enron.com, billy.braddock@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.bagwell@enron.com, adriana.celedon@enron.com,\n\tjudy.martinez@enron.com, rahil.jafry@enron.com,\n\tdrew.tingleaf@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com,\n\tlarry.jester@enron.com, chris.ahn@enron.com, don.baughman@enron.com,\n\td..thomas@enron.com, juan.hernandez@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com,\n\tcorry.bentley@enron.com, harry.arora@enron.com, david.ryan@enron.com,\n\trika.imai@enron.com, keith.comeaux@enron.com,\n\ttomasine.mayes@enron.com, kayne.coulter@enron.com,\n\tgerald.gilbert@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com, l..day@enron.com,\n\ta..allen@enron.com, stacey.white@enron.com, c..aucoin@enron.com\nSubject: Eservices Meeting\nCc: jae.black@enron.com, claudette.harvey@enron.com, tina.rode@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jae.black@enron.com, claudette.harvey@enron.com, tina.rode@enron.com\nX-From: Shoemake, Lisa \nX-To: Presto, Kevin M. , Baughman, Edward D. , Clynes, Terri , Dalton III, Oscar , Sewell, Doug , Compean, Karla , Kelly, Mike E. , Justice, Gary , Valderrama, Larry , Abler, William , Llodra, John , Wood, Chad , Scheuer, Janelle , Marks, David , Stewart, Jennifer N. , Dutta, Tom , Wheeler, Robert , Politis, Nick , Thompkins, Jason , Kroll, Heather , Fairley, David , Johnston, Elizabeth , Braddock, Billy , Bagwell, Jennifer , Celedon, Adriana , Martinez, Judy , Jafry, Rahil , Tingleaf, Drew , Curry, Mike , Jester, Larry , Ahn, Chris , Baughman Jr., Don , Thomas, Paul D. , Hernandez, Juan , Forney, John M. , Bentley, Corry , Arora, Harry , Ryan, David , Imai, Rika , Comeaux, Keith , Mayes, Tomasine , Coulter, Kayne , Gilbert, Gerald , Miller, Jeffrey , Day, Smith L. , Allen, Thresa A. , White, Stacey , Aucoin, Berney C. \nX-cc: Black, Tamara Jae , Harvey, Claudette , Rode, Tina \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JHERNAN3 (Non-Privileged)\\Hernandez, Juan\\Inbox\nX-Origin: HERNANDEZ-J\nX-FileName: JHERNAN3 (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThere will be an Eservices Meeting June 25, 2001 in EB30c1 from 3:00-3:30 with Kevin Presto and Tom May. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance please let me know.\n\nThank You\nLisa x39194", "Eservices Meeting", "reply", [], "There will be an Eservices Meeting June 25, 2001 in EB30c1 from 3:00-3:30 with Kevin Presto and Tom May. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance please let me know.\n\nThank You\nLisa x39194", "<20151991.1075852428046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "21-6-2001-12:45:4Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-6-2001-12:45:4", "m..forney@enron.com", ["lisa.shoemake@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13203435.1075852393997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 12:45:04 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: lisa.shoemake@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Eservices Meeting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Shoemake, Lisa \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nLisa,\nI will be out of the office for one half day on Friday and a full day on Monday. Can you list my Monday time as my floating holiday?\nI will obviously not be able to attend the meeting at 3pm, but I am available by cell.\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tShoemake, Lisa \nSent:\tThursday, June 21, 2001 1:47 PM\nTo:\tPresto, Kevin M.; Baughman, Edward D.; Clynes, Terri; Dalton III, Oscar; Sewell, Doug; Compean, Karla; Kelly, Mike E.; Justice, Gary; Valderrama, Larry; Abler, William; Llodra, John; Wood, Chad; Scheuer, Janelle; Marks, David; Stewart, Jennifer N.; Dutta, Tom; Wheeler, Robert; Politis, Nick; Thompkins, Jason; Kroll, Heather; Fairley, David; Johnston, Elizabeth; Braddock, Billy; Bagwell, Jennifer; Celedon, Adriana; Martinez, Judy; Jafry, Rahil; Tingleaf, Drew; Curry, Mike; Jester, Larry; Ahn, Chris; Baughman Jr., Don; Thomas, Paul D.; Hernandez, Juan; Forney, John M.; Bentley, Corry; Arora, Harry; Ryan, David; Imai, Rika; Comeaux, Keith; Mayes, Tomasine; Coulter, Kayne; Gilbert, Gerald; Miller, Jeffrey; Day, Smith L.; Allen, Thresa A.; White, Stacey; Aucoin, Berney C.\nCc:\tBlack, Tamara Jae; Harvey, Claudette; Rode, Tina\nSubject:\tEservices Meeting\n\nThere will be an Eservices Meeting June 25, 2001 in EB30c1 from 3:00-3:30 with Kevin Presto and Tom May. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance please let me know.\n\nThank You\nLisa x39194", "RE: Eservices Meeting", "originEmail", [["attend meeting", 8, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " i will obviously not be able to attend the meeting at numerictime , but i am available by cell."]], "Lisa,\nI will be out of the office for one half day on Friday and a full day on Monday. Can you list my Monday time as my floating holiday?\nI will obviously not be able to attend the meeting at 3pm, but I am available by cell.\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<13203435.1075852393997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "19-11-2001-8:13:11Sgary.bryan@enron.com 19-11-2001-9:14:11Sm..forney@enron.com": {"19-11-2001-8:13:11Sgary.bryan@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-8:13:11", "gary.bryan@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1359660.1075861682644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 08:13:11 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.bryan@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: Austin Energy - Sand Hills\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Bryan, Gary \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nWe need to talk about instantaneous supply and how it is dealt with under your Sand Hills contract. The contract I am working on with Austin really doesn't address this issue and in order for me to include this in the contract we will need to talk. I have a call in also with Lonestar to talk about this as well. I have Janet Wallis helping me address some of these issues. We may want to schedule a meeting to include her also.\n\nLet me know where we stand.", "Austin Energy - Sand Hills", "reply", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 27, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "intention", " we may want to schedule a meeting to include her also."]], "We need to talk about instantaneous supply and how it is dealt with under your Sand Hills contract. The contract I am working on with Austin really doesn't address this issue and in order for me to include this in the contract we will need to talk. I have a call in also with Lonestar to talk about this as well. I have Janet Wallis helping me address some of these issues. We may want to schedule a meeting to include her also.\n\nLet me know where we stand.", "<1359660.1075861682644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "19-11-2001-9:14:11Sm..forney@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-9:14:11", "m..forney@enron.com", ["gary.bryan@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2723099.1075861679520.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 09:14:11 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: gary.bryan@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Austin Energy - Sand Hills\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Bryan, Gary \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThe instantaneous supply in the form of ancillary services was supposed to be provided to us by COA. The contract was not specific concerning the intraday gas supply, or how we would schedule intraday power. \nCOA wants us to \"split the meter\" at the plant, allowing us to schedule our own 100 mw's ( and assume all liability) and also arrange our own gas agreement.\nOtherwise, they dont want to allow us intraday capability.\nThe agreement doesnt expire until Nov 3, 2003.\n\nTheir would be two gas contracts to consider, I suppose: Enron needs to contract for their own supply for this plant and also wants to sell to COA directly.\n\nWhen do you want to talk?\n\nJMF\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBryan, Gary \nSent:\tMonday, November 19, 2001 10:13 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tAustin Energy - Sand Hills\n\nWe need to talk about instantaneous supply and how it is dealt with under your Sand Hills contract. The contract I am working on with Austin really doesn't address this issue and in order for me to include this in the contract we will need to talk. I have a call in also with Lonestar to talk about this as well. I have Janet Wallis helping me address some of these issues. We may want to schedule a meeting to include her also.\n\nLet me know where we stand.", "RE: Austin Energy - Sand Hills", "originEmail", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 23, "nninformation", ["100**mw", "schedule"], "intention", " coa wants us to \"split the meter\" at the plant, allowing us to schedule our own numeric mw's ( and assume all liability) and also arrange our own gas agreement."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 46, "nninformation", ["plant", "sell"], "intention", " their would be two gas contracts to consider, i suppose: enron needs to contract for their own supply for this plant and also wants to sell to coa directly."]], "The instantaneous supply in the form of ancillary services was supposed to be provided to us by COA. The contract was not specific concerning the intraday gas supply, or how we would schedule intraday power. \nCOA wants us to \"split the meter\" at the plant, allowing us to schedule our own 100 mw's ( and assume all liability) and also arrange our own gas agreement.\nOtherwise, they dont want to allow us intraday capability.\nThe agreement doesnt expire until Nov 3, 2003.\n\nTheir would be two gas contracts to consider, I suppose: Enron needs to contract for their own supply for this plant and also wants to sell to COA directly.\n\nWhen do you want to talk?\n\nJMF\n\n\n ", "<2723099.1075861679520.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"24": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-11-2001-6:42:10Sclint.dean@enron.com 25-11-2001-12:24:56Sjenniferp@acespower.com": {"14-11-2001-6:42:10Sclint.dean@enron.com": ["14-11-2001-6:42:10", "clint.dean@enron.com", ["jenniferp@acespower.com"], [], "Message-ID: <31915960.1075862554062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 06:42:10 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: clint.dean@enron.com\nTo: jenniferp@acespower.com\nSubject: RE:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Dean, Clint \nX-To: '\"Jennifer Perrenot\" @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\CDEAN (Non-Privileged)\\Dean, Clint\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Dean-C\nX-FileName: CDEAN (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nWhat's up with your schedule? You always seem to be working nights. \n\nThings around here have been better. We aren't very happy with what has happened to this co. over the past couple of months. At least the rumors have stopped, and now we know what will become of Enron. I'm just not sure how everyone will handle the change to Dynegy (or even if the merger will get completed). Its not supposed to close until around Sept. '02. So there is plenty of time for things to change even more around here. As far as my job, at least I work in the power side. We keep hearing that they bought us for our power and gas trading, so that makes me feel a little better. I'm also glad that it is a Houston co. that bought us. We are supposed to be moving into our new building this weekend, so that will be interesting.\n\nHave fun over Thanksgiving. \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Jennifer Perrenot\" @ENRON \nSent:\tMonday, November 12, 2001 10:37 PM\nTo:\tDean, Clint\nSubject:\tRE:\n\nHey there! How are things down in Houston? I can't imagine the rumors\nthat are going on there. We were so busy here last week. I am ready\nfor my two weeks off. I am going to S.A. for Thanksgiving (did I\nalready mention that?). I am not sure if I want to fly with what\nhappened today? It's crazy out there, but I have to get home to Texas.\nI hope you have a great time in Dallas and I'll chat with ya when I get\nback.\n\nJen\n\n\t-----Original Message-----\n\tFrom: Clint.Dean@enron.com\n\tSent: Tue 11/6/2001 12:15 PM\n\tTo: Jennifer Perrenot\n\tCc:\n\tSubject: RE:\n\n\n\n\tI definitely dressed up for the party. I looked good! I was a\nsheriff.\n\tIf you can't find that CD up there, you can always pick it up\nback in\n\tTexas. So, I'm trying to remember, does your mom live in\nHouston, and dad\n\tin S.A.? Is that right? I'm going to Dallas for Thanksgiving,\nand I'm\n\tjust glad I don't have to fly. I can't imagine what the lines\nwill be like\n\tthat week. I'm off work this Friday, so if you get a chance to\ncall,\n\tbetter make it Thursday. Glad to hear that you're feeling\nbetter. Talk to\n\tyou soon.\n\t -----Original Message-----\n\t From: \"Jennifer Perrenot\" @ENRON\n\t Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 4:38 AM\n\t To: Dean, Clint\n\t Subject: RE:\n\n\t Hey there! How was your Halloween party? Did you dress up?\nI hung out\n\t with some friends, but no costumes. Dexter Freebish - that's\nit. I'll\n\t have to look for it up here. We went to the APB party, but\nleft early\n\t to get some food. Things calmed down that last night\ncompared to\n\t Tuesday.\n\n\t I'll be back on days at the end of next week and then I'll\nhave two\n\t weeks off. I cannot wait! What are your plans for\nThanksgiving? I'm\n\t flying to San Antonio to visit my dad for a few days. I\ncan't decide\n\t whether to stop over in Houston or just wait until Christmas.\nI feel so\n\t lucky that the shift I'm on has the holidays off.\n\n\t I apologize for taking so long to respond to your message. I\nlost my\n\t voice earlier this week which kind of makes it hard to trade.\nNeedless\n\t to say, they sent me home to get better. I secretly think\neveryone was\n\t happy not to hear me talk! :o) It was so strange because\nother than\n\t the loss of my voice, I felt fine. Who knows?\n\n\t Have a great week! Hopefully we can talk when I get in the\noffice on\n\t Thursday.\n\n\t Jen\n\n\t -----Original Message-----\n\t From: Clint.Dean@enron.com\n\t Sent: Fri 10/26/2001 10:40 AM\n\t To: Jennifer Perrenot\n\t Cc:\n\t Subject: RE:\n\n\n\n\t I promised I looked for you that night. Did you go to the\nAPB\n\t party at\n\t Grasshopper? Last of four nights, huh? I remember those\ndays\n\t about 3\n\t years ago. So that probably means you have a three day\nweekend,\n\t and are\n\t back on for days Monday. That's just my guess. As for\nthe band\n\t I was\n\t playing, I really don't remember which CD I had in there,\nbut it\n\t was\n\t probably Dexter Freebish or Vallejo. They are both from\nAustin.\n\t You need\n\t to call me when you get back on days. I'm going to a\nHalloween\n\t party this\n\t weekend at my manager's house. It should be fun. Are you\n\t planning any\n\t more trips back to Houston?\n\n\t Clint\n\n\t -----Original Message-----\n\t From: \"Jennifer Perrenot\"\n@ENRON\n\t Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 4:41 AM\n\t To: Dean, Clint\n\t Subject: RE:\n\n\t Hey there! Nice to hear from you! Yeah, we went out the\nsecond\n\t night,\n\t but it was a little slower (thank goodness). I think a\nlot of\n\t people\n\t had early flights out the next morning.\n\n\t This is my last of four nights and I am ready for a break!\nOr\n\t at least\n\t some sleep.\n\n\t What was the name of that band you were playing in your\ncar? I\n\t doubt I\n\t can find it up here, but it's worth a try.\n\n\t Have a great weekend!\n\t Jen\n\n\t -----Original Message-----\n\t From: Dean, Clint\n\t Sent: Thu 10/25/2001 2:25 PM\n\t To: Jennifer Perrenot\n\t Cc:\n\t Subject:\n\n\n\n\t Jennifer,\n\t I enjoyed meeting you last week. Too bad we didn't\nget to\n\t meet\n\t up the\n\t second night. I definitely had a good time. Did you\ngo\n\t out\n\t again on\n\t Wednesday? I tried to call you at your hotel, but I\nguess\n\t I\n\t missed you.\n\t Talk to you soon.\n\n\t Clint\n\n\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n\t This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its\n\t relevant\n\t affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged\nmaterial\n\t for the\n\t sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use,\n\t distribution or\n\t disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are\nnot the\n\t intended\n\t recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient),\nplease\n\t contact\n\t the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n\t enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies\n\t of the\n\t message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\n\t intended to be\n\t an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence\na\n\t binding and\n\t enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\n\t affiliates) and\n\t the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied\n\t on by\n\t anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\notherwise.\n\t Thank you.\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n\n\n\t - winmail.dat << File: winmail.dat >>\n\n\n\n\t - winmail.dat << File: winmail.dat >>\n\n\n\n\n - winmail.dat << File: winmail.dat >> ", "RE:", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 28, "information", ["bought", "power"], "information", " we keep hearing that they bought us for our power and gas trading, so that makes me feel a little better."]], "What's up with your schedule? You always seem to be working nights. \n\nThings around here have been better. We aren't very happy with what has happened to this co. over the past couple of months. At least the rumors have stopped, and now we know what will become of Enron. I'm just not sure how everyone will handle the change to Dynegy (or even if the merger will get completed). Its not supposed to close until around Sept. '02. So there is plenty of time for things to change even more around here. As far as my job, at least I work in the power side. We keep hearing that they bought us for our power and gas trading, so that makes me feel a little better. I'm also glad that it is a Houston co. that bought us. We are supposed to be moving into our new building this weekend, so that will be interesting.\n\nHave fun over Thanksgiving. \n\n ", "<31915960.1075862554062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}}, false], "25-11-2001-12:24:56Sjenniferp@acespower.com": ["25-11-2001-12:24:56", "jenniferp@acespower.com", "clint.dean@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12869540.1075862554704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 12:24:56 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jenniferp@acespower.com\nTo: clint.dean@enron.com\nSubject: RE:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Jennifer Perrenot\" @ENRON\nX-To: Dean, Clint \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\CDEAN (Non-Privileged)\\Dean, Clint\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Dean-C\nX-FileName: CDEAN (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHow was your Thanksgiving in Dallas? I had a great time in San Antonio!\nEspecially Friday after Texas won! Not the best game played, but we\nbeat them! How is the new building? Glad to hear the rumors have\nstopped. That can be so stressful. Hope all is well with you. I work\nnights this week (imagine that?). Coming back after two weeks off is\nalways so HARD!\n\nJen\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Clint.Dean@enron.com [mailto:Clint.Dean@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 9:42 AM\nTo: Jennifer Perrenot\nSubject: RE:\n\n\nWhat's up with your schedule? You always seem to be working nights.\n\nThings around here have been better. We aren't very happy with what has\nhappened to this co. over the past couple of months. At least the\nrumors\nhave stopped, and now we know what will become of Enron. I'm just not\nsure\nhow everyone will handle the change to Dynegy (or even if the merger\nwill\nget completed). Its not supposed to close until around Sept. '02. So\nthere is plenty of time for things to change even more around here. As\nfar\nas my job, at least I work in the power side. We keep hearing that they\nbought us for our power and gas trading, so that makes me feel a little\nbetter. I'm also glad that it is a Houston co. that bought us. We are\nsupposed to be moving into our new building this weekend, so that will\nbe\ninteresting.\n\nHave fun over Thanksgiving.\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"Jennifer Perrenot\" @ENRON\n Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:37 PM\n To: Dean, Clint\n Subject: RE:\n\n Hey there! How are things down in Houston? I can't imagine the\nrumors\n that are going on there. We were so busy here last week. I am ready\n for my two weeks off. I am going to S.A. for Thanksgiving (did I\n already mention that?). I am not sure if I want to fly with what\n happened today? It's crazy out there, but I have to get home to\nTexas.\n I hope you have a great time in Dallas and I'll chat with ya when I\nget\n back.\n\n Jen\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Clint.Dean@enron.com\n Sent: Tue 11/6/2001 12:15 PM\n To: Jennifer Perrenot\n Cc:\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n\n I definitely dressed up for the party. I looked good! I was a\n sheriff.\n If you can't find that CD up there, you can always pick it up\n back in\n Texas. So, I'm trying to remember, does your mom live in\n Houston, and dad\n in S.A.? Is that right? I'm going to Dallas for Thanksgiving,\n and I'm\n just glad I don't have to fly. I can't imagine what the lines\n will be like\n that week. I'm off work this Friday, so if you get a chance to\n call,\n better make it Thursday. Glad to hear that you're feeling\n better. Talk to\n you soon.\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"Jennifer Perrenot\" @ENRON\n Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 4:38 AM\n To: Dean, Clint\n Subject: RE:\n\n Hey there! How was your Halloween party? Did you dress up?\n I hung out\n with some friends, but no costumes. Dexter Freebish - that's\n it. I'll\n have to look for it up here. We went to the APB party, but\n left early\n to get some food. Things calmed down that last night\n compared to\n Tuesday.\n\n I'll be back on days at the end of next week and then I'll\n have two\n weeks off. I cannot wait! What are your plans for\n Thanksgiving? I'm\n flying to San Antonio to visit my dad for a few days. I\n can't decide\n whether to stop over in Houston or just wait until Christmas.\n I feel so\n lucky that the shift I'm on has the holidays off.\n\n I apologize for taking so long to respond to your message. I\n lost my\n voice earlier this week which kind of makes it hard to trade.\n Needless\n to say, they sent me home to get better. I secretly think\n everyone was\n happy not to hear me talk! :o) It was so strange because\n other than\n the loss of my voice, I felt fine. Who knows?\n\n Have a great week! Hopefully we can talk when I get in the\n office on\n Thursday.\n\n Jen\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Clint.Dean@enron.com\n Sent: Fri 10/26/2001 10:40 AM\n To: Jennifer Perrenot\n Cc:\n Subject: RE:\n\n\n\n I promised I looked for you that night. Did you go to the\n APB\n party at\n Grasshopper? Last of four nights, huh? I remember those\n days\n about 3\n years ago. So that probably means you have a three day\n weekend,\n and are\n back on for days Monday. That's just my guess. As for\n the band\n I was\n playing, I really don't remember which CD I had in there,\n but it\n was\n probably Dexter Freebish or Vallejo. They are both from\n Austin.\n You need\n to call me when you get back on days. I'm going to a\n Halloween\n party this\n weekend at my manager's house. It should be fun. Are you\n planning any\n more trips back to Houston?\n\n Clint\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"Jennifer Perrenot\"\n @ENRON\n Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 4:41 AM\n To: Dean, Clint\n Subject: RE:\n\n Hey there! Nice to hear from you! Yeah, we went out the\n second\n night,\n but it was a little slower (thank goodness). I think a\n lot of\n people\n had early flights out the next morning.\n\n This is my last of four nights and I am ready for a break!\n Or\n at least\n some sleep.\n\n What was the name of that band you were playing in your\n car? I\n doubt I\n can find it up here, but it's worth a try.\n\n Have a great weekend!\n Jen\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Dean, Clint\n Sent: Thu 10/25/2001 2:25 PM\n To: Jennifer Perrenot\n Cc:\n Subject:\n\n\n\n Jennifer,\n I enjoyed meeting you last week. Too bad we didn't\n get to\n meet\n up the\n second night. I definitely had a good time. Did you\n go\n out\n again on\n Wednesday? I tried to call you at your hotel, but I\n guess\n I\n missed you.\n Talk to you soon.\n\n Clint\n\n\n\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its\n relevant\n affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged\n material\n for the\n sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use,\n distribution or\n disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are\n not the\n intended\n recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient),\n please\n contact\n the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\n copies\n of the\n message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\n intended to be\n an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence\n a\n binding and\n enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\n affiliates) and\n the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\n relied\n on by\n anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or\n otherwise.\n Thank you.\n\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\n\n\n - winmail.dat << File: winmail.dat >>\n\n\n\n - winmail.dat << File: winmail.dat >>\n\n\n\n\n - winmail.dat << File: winmail.dat >>", "RE:", "reply", [], "How was your Thanksgiving in Dallas? I had a great time in San Antonio!\nEspecially Friday after Texas won! Not the best game played, but we\nbeat them! How is the new building? Glad to hear the rumors have\nstopped. That can be so stressful. Hope all is well with you. I work\nnights this week (imagine that?). Coming back after two weeks off is\nalways so HARD!\n\nJen\n\n", "<12869540.1075862554704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "9-11-2001-8:49:58Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com 9-11-2001-19:2:4Sjoe.capasso@enron.com": {"9-11-2001-8:49:58Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com": ["9-11-2001-8:49:58", "george.phillips@enron.com", "steve.olinde@enron.com joe.capasso@enron.com", "laurel.bolt@enron.com m..forney@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29258312.1075861680671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 08:49:58 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.phillips@enron.com\nTo: steve.olinde@enron.com, joe.capasso@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: laurel.bolt@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: laurel.bolt@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com\nX-From: Phillips, George \nX-To: Olinde Jr., Steve , Capasso, Joe \nX-cc: Bolt, Laurel , Forney, John M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nSteve/Joe, \n\nThere is a question in the TECO SVS book for 10/23/01 as follows:\n\nBought \n\nHE 7\t320\nHE 8\t320\nHE 9\t320\nHE 10\t215\nHE 11\t150\nHE 12\t50\n\n\nSold for them\n\nHE 10\t65 MWs @ $26\nHE 11\t100MWs@ $25.50\nHE12-20 50MWs @ $33\n\n\nWe do not have these deals in the TECO SVS book - Fronterra is showing these deals. Please contact Laurel Bolt 3-4873 with any information. Thanks. \t", "", "reply", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 17, "information", ["$26", "sold"], "information", "steve/joe, there is a question in the teco svs book for datenumeric as follows: bought he numeric numeric he numeric numeric he numeric numeric he numeric numeric he numeric numeric he numeric numeric sold for them he numeric numeric mws @ pricenumeric he numeric numeric mws@ pricenumeric he numeric numeric numeric mws @ pricenumeric "]], "Steve/Joe, \n\nThere is a question in the TECO SVS book for 10/23/01 as follows:\n\nBought \n\nHE 7\t320\nHE 8\t320\nHE 9\t320\nHE 10\t215\nHE 11\t150\nHE 12\t50\n\n\nSold for them\n\nHE 10\t65 MWs @ $26\nHE 11\t100MWs@ $25.50\nHE12-20 50MWs @ $33\n\n\nWe do not have these deals in the TECO SVS book - Fronterra is showing these deals. Please contact Laurel Bolt 3-4873 with any information. Thanks. \t", "<29258312.1075861680671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"19": {"value": "65", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$26", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "$25 50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "9-11-2001-19:2:4Sjoe.capasso@enron.com": ["9-11-2001-19:2:4", "joe.capasso@enron.com", ["m..forney@enron.com", "laurel.bolt@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <8194790.1075861680722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 19:02:04 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: joe.capasso@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com, laurel.bolt@enron.com\nSubject: RE:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Capasso, Joe \nX-To: Forney, John M. , Bolt, Laurel \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn/Laurel,\n\nI worked the nights of the 22, 23 and 24th, but I dont remember these trades.\nI even double checked my trading log, but once again, no trades.\n\nYou might want to check with Steve as these are during the day shift when he worked.\n\n\nJoe Capasso\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPhillips, George \nSent:\tFriday, November 09, 2001 10:50 AM\nTo:\tOlinde Jr., Steve; Capasso, Joe\nCc:\tBolt, Laurel; Forney, John M.\nSubject:\t\n\nSteve/Joe, \n\nThere is a question in the TECO SVS book for 10/23/01 as follows:\n\nBought \n\nHE 7\t320\nHE 8\t320\nHE 9\t320\nHE 10\t215\nHE 11\t150\nHE 12\t50\n\n\nSold for them\n\nHE 10\t65 MWs @ $26\nHE 11\t100MWs@ $25.50\nHE12-20 50MWs @ $33\n\n\nWe do not have these deals in the TECO SVS book - Fronterra is showing these deals. Please contact Laurel Bolt 3-4873 with any information. Thanks. \t", "RE:", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 7, "information", ["checked", "trades"], "information", " i even double checked my trading log, but once again, no trades."]], "John/Laurel,\n\nI worked the nights of the 22, 23 and 24th, but I dont remember these trades.\nI even double checked my trading log, but once again, no trades.\n\nYou might want to check with Steve as these are during the day shift when he worked.\n\n\nJoe Capasso\n\n\n\n ", "<8194790.1075861680722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "3-11-2001-14:54:33Sjoe.capasso@enron.com 20-11-2001-1:9:55Sjoe.capasso@enron.com 20-11-2001-8:22:3Sm..forney@enron.com": {"3-11-2001-14:54:33Sjoe.capasso@enron.com": ["3-11-2001-14:54:33", "joe.capasso@enron.com", ["m..forney@enron.com"], ["seung-taek.oh@enron.com", "george.phillips@enron.com", "steve.olinde@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29114392.1075861679991.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 14:54:33 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: joe.capasso@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: Eterra\nCc: steve.olinde@enron.com, george.phillips@enron.com, seung-taek.oh@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: steve.olinde@enron.com, george.phillips@enron.com, seung-taek.oh@enron.com\nX-From: Capasso, Joe \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: 'Sashaim@yahoo.com,', McElreath, Alexander , Olinde Jr., Steve , Phillips, George , Oh, Seung-Taek \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn,\n\nI met with Sasha today for approx. 3 hours.\nWe reviewed the exact process for inputting data into Eterra and verifying the trades prior to being sent to the QSE MOS.\n\nHere are some suggestions that I made to Sasha for improving Eterra (the top of the list is the highest priority):\n\n - Allow the Deal Entry screen to accept single entry trades, such as a simultaneous Buy from Calpine (South Zone) and a Sell to FPL (North Zone).\n Currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from Calpine (South Zone) to the Hourly Ercot book and a second entry of Hourly Ercot book \n to FPL (North Zone). Sasha said he is working on this, but problems are occurring due to the transmission between South and North.\n\n - Change the process of increasing the Frontera generation. The current process is to input a buy from Frontera into the Frontera book.\n This is not very intuitive and we are still trying to work out an easier process. (Possibly even having a button that we can click to indicate that\n it is a purchase from Frontera. Essentially, this would increase the EPMI mw's in the Ercot Portal.)\n\n - Change the short name in & to the actual long name, (i.e. - elpasomeren to El Paso Merchant Energy)\n\n - Give us a list of Counterparties and the appropriate QSE, (i.e. - El Paso Merchant is actually APX)\n So that we know what it will affect in the Ercot Portal.\n\n - Match flow date to automatically update the Contract date. One less step that we need to worry about.\n\nI tried to impress upon Sasha that in trading \"time is of the essence\" and that we don't have much time to input data.\nTherefore, we need to streamline the deal entry process and to make it more user friendly.\nI realize that the first two items will take some time, but the last 3 items should be quick fixes.\n\nI hope this helps.\n\nJoe Capasso", "Eterra", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 42, "nninformation", ["entering", "purchase"], "intention", " currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from calpine (south zone) to the hourly ercot book and a second entry of hourly ercot book to fpl (north zone)."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 130, "nninformation", ["deal", "make"], "intention", " therefore, we need to streamline the deal entry process and to make it more user friendly."]], "John,\n\nI met with Sasha today for approx. 3 hours.\nWe reviewed the exact process for inputting data into Eterra and verifying the trades prior to being sent to the QSE MOS.\n\nHere are some suggestions that I made to Sasha for improving Eterra (the top of the list is the highest priority):\n\n - Allow the Deal Entry screen to accept single entry trades, such as a simultaneous Buy from Calpine (South Zone) and a Sell to FPL (North Zone).\n Currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from Calpine (South Zone) to the Hourly Ercot book and a second entry of Hourly Ercot book \n to FPL (North Zone). Sasha said he is working on this, but problems are occurring due to the transmission between South and North.\n\n - Change the process of increasing the Frontera generation. The current process is to input a buy from Frontera into the Frontera book.\n This is not very intuitive and we are still trying to work out an easier process. (Possibly even having a button that we can click to indicate that\n it is a purchase from Frontera. Essentially, this would increase the EPMI mw's in the Ercot Portal.)\n\n - Change the short name in ", {"book_orgname0book hourlyTnn": {"value": "book_orgname0book hourlyTnn", "ne": "book_orgname0book hourlyTnn", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book hourlyTnn"]}, "deal entryTnn": {"value": "deal entryTnn", "ne": "deal entryTnn", "patterns": ["deal entryTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "qse tradeTnn": {"value": "qse tradeTnn", "ne": "qse tradeTnn", "patterns": ["qse tradeTnn"]}}, false], "20-11-2001-1:9:55Sjoe.capasso@enron.com": ["20-11-2001-1:9:55", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4689449.1075861682717.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 01:09:55 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: joe.capasso@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Eterra\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Capasso, Joe \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nJohn,\n\n\nPlease feel free to make any changes to the priorities below. \nI should have covered most of the big items and even thought up a new enhancement (i.e. - UNDO key), but feel free to add to this list.\nI have not sent this to Madup Kumar yet, so just delete this message and forward to him.\nI hope this isn't too harsh towards Sasha, but I wanted to get the point across (regarding the PS message at the bottom).\nI really hope that they can complete these changes. It would make life much easier.\n\nJoe Capasso\n\n\n\n\nMadup,\n\nIn reference to Eterra, I have prioritized some enhancements to the system that will improve its usage and accuracy. When using Eterra, some tasks are difficult to complete and can result in mismatches in the Ercot Portal. I will identify some of the difficult tasks and I will make some suggestions on enhancements. \nIn addition, I realize that we are working with time constraints and limited personnel.\n\nI will categorize the list based on Priority 1, 2 & 3.\n\nPriority 1 - Very important and needs to be completed immediately\nPriority 2 - Important and needs to be completed within the next 30 days\nPriority 3 - Moderate importance, easy tasks can be completed at programmers convenience.\n\n\nPriority 1A:\n\nAllow the Deal Entry screen to accept single entry trades, such as a simultaneous Buy from Counterparty A in the South Zone and a Sell to Counterparty B in the North Zone. Currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from Counterparty A (South Zone) to the Hourly Ercot Book and a second trade, a sell from the Hourly Ercot Book to Counterparty B. I realize that we have a problem with the transmission between the North and South Zones and that is what makes this a difficult enhancement. \n\nPriority1B:\n\nChange the process of increasing the Frontera generation. The current process is to input a buy from Frontera and a sell to Frontera. This is not very intuitive and causes some confusion. Why can't we input a buy from Frontera just as we would with any other trade? It could be as simple as clicking a box to indicate that Frontera (i.e. - EPMI) should be adjusted on the resource side and not EPMI on the obligation side.\n\nPriority1C:\n\nEterra should not write over any trades that were input manually into the Ercot Portal.\nIs there any way that we can make it identify a trade that was input manually into the portal?\nWhen it finds one then it should not overwrite this trade.\n\nPriority2A:\n\nUndo Button - On various occasions, we have sent Bal Day trades to the QSE MOS/Ercot Portal and \nit was not the result that we had expected. Therefore, the trader has to manually change each of the trades. This can be a very time consuming process.\nIs there a way to have an UNDO button (similar to the Excel UNDO key) to retract the trade information from the QSE MOS or Portal?\n\n\nPriority2B:\n\nChange the short name in & to the actual long name, (i.e. - elpasomeren to El Paso Merchant Energy)\nReason: It is just difficult to read. I brought this up with Sasha and he said it would be a quick fix, but it is still not done.\n\nProirity3A:\n\nPlease give us a list of the Counterparties and their appropriate QSE names, (i.e. - El Paso Merchant is actually APX)\nThis helps us identify what it will effect in the QSE MOS and Portal (for example, elpasomeren is converted into APX). \nBut does ELP or ELPASELECOM convert to APX also?\n\nPriority3B:\n\nMatch Flow Period to automatically update the Contract Date. This is one less step that we need to worry about.\n\n\n\nThe above mentioned enhancements will allow us to quickly and accurately update the QSE MOS & Ercot Portal. \nIn addition, it will allow us to quickly correct the portal if a mistake occurs.\n\nIf you need additional clarification on any of these topics, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this further.\nI will be working days on Monday, Nov. 26th - Thursday, Nov 29th.\n\nThanks,\nJoe Capasso\n\n \nPS - Below is an email that outlines my conversation with Sasha on November 3rd. Unfortunately, none of the \"quick fixes\" have been completed yet.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCapasso, Joe \nSent:\tSaturday, November 03, 2001 4:55 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nCc:\t'Sashaim@yahoo.com,'; McElreath, Alexander; Olinde Jr., Steve; Phillips, George; Oh, Seung-Taek\nSubject:\tEterra\n\nJohn,\n\nI met with Sasha today for approx. 3 hours.\nWe reviewed the exact process for inputting data into Eterra and verifying the trades prior to being sent to the QSE MOS.\n\nHere are some suggestions that I made to Sasha for improving Eterra (the top of the list is the highest priority):\n\n - Allow the Deal Entry screen to accept single entry trades, such as a simultaneous Buy from Calpine (South Zone) and a Sell to FPL (North Zone).\n Currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from Calpine (South Zone) to the Hourly Ercot book and a second entry of Hourly Ercot book \n to FPL (North Zone). Sasha said he is working on this, but problems are occurring due to the transmission between South and North.\n\n - Change the process of increasing the Frontera generation. The current process is to input a buy from Frontera into the Frontera book.\n This is not very intuitive and we are still trying to work out an easier process. (Possibly even having a button that we can click to indicate that\n it is a purchase from Frontera. Essentially, this would increase the EPMI mw's in the Ercot Portal.)\n\n - Change the short name in & to the actual long name, (i.e. - elpasomeren to El Paso Merchant Energy)\n\n - Give us a list of Counterparties and the appropriate QSE, (i.e. - El Paso Merchant is actually APX)\n So that we know what it will affect in the Ercot Portal.\n\n - Match flow date to automatically update the Contract date. One less step that we need to worry about.\n\nI tried to impress upon Sasha that in trading \"time is of the essence\" and that we don't have much time to input data.\nTherefore, we need to streamline the deal entry process and to make it more user friendly.\nI realize that the first two items will take some time, but the last 3 items should be quick fixes.\n\nI hope this helps.\n\nJoe Capasso", "FW: Eterra", "reply", [["make change", 4, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", " john, please feel free to make any changes to the priorities below."]], "\nJohn,\n\n\nPlease feel free to make any changes to the priorities below. \nI should have covered most of the big items and even thought up a new enhancement (i.e. - UNDO key), but feel free to add to this list.\nI have not sent this to Madup Kumar yet, so just delete this message and forward to him.\nI hope this isn't too harsh towards Sasha, but I wanted to get the point across (regarding the PS message at the bottom).\nI really hope that they can complete these changes. It would make life much easier.\n\nJoe Capasso\n\n\n\n\nMadup,\n\nIn reference to Eterra, I have prioritized some enhancements to the system that will improve its usage and accuracy. When using Eterra, some tasks are difficult to complete and can result in mismatches in the Ercot Portal. I will identify some of the difficult tasks and I will make some suggestions on enhancements. \nIn addition, I realize that we are working with time constraints and limited personnel.\n\nI will categorize the list based on Priority 1, 2 & 3.\n\nPriority 1 - Very important and needs to be completed immediately\nPriority 2 - Important and needs to be completed within the next 30 days\nPriority 3 - Moderate importance, easy tasks can be completed at programmers convenience.\n\n\nPriority 1A:\n\nAllow the Deal Entry screen to accept single entry trades, such as a simultaneous Buy from Counterparty A in the South Zone and a Sell to Counterparty B in the North Zone. Currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from Counterparty A (South Zone) to the Hourly Ercot Book and a second trade, a sell from the Hourly Ercot Book to Counterparty B. I realize that we have a problem with the transmission between the North and South Zones and that is what makes this a difficult enhancement. \n\nPriority1B:\n\nChange the process of increasing the Frontera generation. The current process is to input a buy from Frontera and a sell to Frontera. This is not very intuitive and causes some confusion. Why can't we input a buy from Frontera just as we would with any other trade? It could be as simple as clicking a box to indicate that Frontera (i.e. - EPMI) should be adjusted on the resource side and not EPMI on the obligation side.\n\nPriority1C:\n\nEterra should not write over any trades that were input manually into the Ercot Portal.\nIs there any way that we can make it identify a trade that was input manually into the portal?\nWhen it finds one then it should not overwrite this trade.\n\nPriority2A:\n\nUndo Button - On various occasions, we have sent Bal Day trades to the QSE MOS/Ercot Portal and \nit was not the result that we had expected. Therefore, the trader has to manually change each of the trades. This can be a very time consuming process.\nIs there a way to have an UNDO button (similar to the Excel UNDO key) to retract the trade information from the QSE MOS or Portal?\n\n\nPriority2B:\n\nChange the short name in ", [], false], "20-11-2001-8:22:3Sm..forney@enron.com": ["20-11-2001-8:22:3", "m..forney@enron.com", "george.phillips@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30601593.1075861679697.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 08:22:03 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: george.phillips@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Eterra\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Phillips, George \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCapasso, Joe \nSent:\tTuesday, November 20, 2001 3:10 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tFW: Eterra\n\n\nJohn,\n\n\nPlease feel free to make any changes to the priorities below. \nI should have covered most of the big items and even thought up a new enhancement (i.e. - UNDO key), but feel free to add to this list.\nI have not sent this to Madup Kumar yet, so just delete this message and forward to him.\nI hope this isn't too harsh towards Sasha, but I wanted to get the point across (regarding the PS message at the bottom).\nI really hope that they can complete these changes. It would make life much easier.\n\nJoe Capasso\n\n\n\n\nMadup,\n\nIn reference to Eterra, I have prioritized some enhancements to the system that will improve its usage and accuracy. When using Eterra, some tasks are difficult to complete and can result in mismatches in the Ercot Portal. I will identify some of the difficult tasks and I will make some suggestions on enhancements. \nIn addition, I realize that we are working with time constraints and limited personnel.\n\nI will categorize the list based on Priority 1, 2 & 3.\n\nPriority 1 - Very important and needs to be completed immediately\nPriority 2 - Important and needs to be completed within the next 30 days\nPriority 3 - Moderate importance, easy tasks can be completed at programmers convenience.\n\n\nPriority 1A:\n\nAllow the Deal Entry screen to accept single entry trades, such as a simultaneous Buy from Counterparty A in the South Zone and a Sell to Counterparty B in the North Zone. Currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from Counterparty A (South Zone) to the Hourly Ercot Book and a second trade, a sell from the Hourly Ercot Book to Counterparty B. I realize that we have a problem with the transmission between the North and South Zones and that is what makes this a difficult enhancement. \n\nPriority1B:\n\nChange the process of increasing the Frontera generation. The current process is to input a buy from Frontera and a sell to Frontera. This is not very intuitive and causes some confusion. Why can't we input a buy from Frontera just as we would with any other trade? It could be as simple as clicking a box to indicate that Frontera (i.e. - EPMI) should be adjusted on the resource side and not EPMI on the obligation side.\n\nPriority1C:\n\nEterra should not write over any trades that were input manually into the Ercot Portal.\nIs there any way that we can make it identify a trade that was input manually into the portal?\nWhen it finds one then it should not overwrite this trade.\n\nPriority2A:\n\nUndo Button - On various occasions, we have sent Bal Day trades to the QSE MOS/Ercot Portal and \nit was not the result that we had expected. Therefore, the trader has to manually change each of the trades. This can be a very time consuming process.\nIs there a way to have an UNDO button (similar to the Excel UNDO key) to retract the trade information from the QSE MOS or Portal?\n\n\nPriority2B:\n\nChange the short name in & to the actual long name, (i.e. - elpasomeren to El Paso Merchant Energy)\nReason: It is just difficult to read. I brought this up with Sasha and he said it would be a quick fix, but it is still not done.\n\nProirity3A:\n\nPlease give us a list of the Counterparties and their appropriate QSE names, (i.e. - El Paso Merchant is actually APX)\nThis helps us identify what it will effect in the QSE MOS and Portal (for example, elpasomeren is converted into APX). \nBut does ELP or ELPASELECOM convert to APX also?\n\nPriority3B:\n\nMatch Flow Period to automatically update the Contract Date. This is one less step that we need to worry about.\n\n\n\nThe above mentioned enhancements will allow us to quickly and accurately update the QSE MOS & Ercot Portal. \nIn addition, it will allow us to quickly correct the portal if a mistake occurs.\n\nIf you need additional clarification on any of these topics, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this further.\nI will be working days on Monday, Nov. 26th - Thursday, Nov 29th.\n\nThanks,\nJoe Capasso\n\n \nPS - Below is an email that outlines my conversation with Sasha on November 3rd. Unfortunately, none of the \"quick fixes\" have been completed yet.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCapasso, Joe \nSent:\tSaturday, November 03, 2001 4:55 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nCc:\t'Sashaim@yahoo.com,'; McElreath, Alexander; Olinde Jr., Steve; Phillips, George; Oh, Seung-Taek\nSubject:\tEterra\n\nJohn,\n\nI met with Sasha today for approx. 3 hours.\nWe reviewed the exact process for inputting data into Eterra and verifying the trades prior to being sent to the QSE MOS.\n\nHere are some suggestions that I made to Sasha for improving Eterra (the top of the list is the highest priority):\n\n - Allow the Deal Entry screen to accept single entry trades, such as a simultaneous Buy from Calpine (South Zone) and a Sell to FPL (North Zone).\n Currently, this has to be done by entering two trades, a purchase from Calpine (South Zone) to the Hourly Ercot book and a second entry of Hourly Ercot book \n to FPL (North Zone). Sasha said he is working on this, but problems are occurring due to the transmission between South and North.\n\n - Change the process of increasing the Frontera generation. The current process is to input a buy from Frontera into the Frontera book.\n This is not very intuitive and we are still trying to work out an easier process. (Possibly even having a button that we can click to indicate that\n it is a purchase from Frontera. Essentially, this would increase the EPMI mw's in the Ercot Portal.)\n\n - Change the short name in & to the actual long name, (i.e. - elpasomeren to El Paso Merchant Energy)\n\n - Give us a list of Counterparties and the appropriate QSE, (i.e. - El Paso Merchant is actually APX)\n So that we know what it will affect in the Ercot Portal.\n\n - Match flow date to automatically update the Contract date. One less step that we need to worry about.\n\nI tried to impress upon Sasha that in trading \"time is of the essence\" and that we don't have much time to input data.\nTherefore, we need to streamline the deal entry process and to make it more user friendly.\nI realize that the first two items will take some time, but the last 3 items should be quick fixes.\n\nI hope this helps.\n\nJoe Capasso", "FW: Eterra", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<30601593.1075861679697.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-6-2001-17:31:55Stom.may@enron.com 22-6-2001-6:41:34Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-6-2001-17:31:55Stom.may@enron.com": ["21-6-2001-17:31:55", "tom.may@enron.com", ["l..day@enron.com", "don.baughman@enron.com", "juan.hernandez@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "kayne.coulter@enron.com", "d..thomas@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "keith.comeaux@enron.com"], ["lance.cunningham@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <170929.1075852428245.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:31:55 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com, kayne.coulter@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tjuan.hernandez@enron.com, don.baughman@enron.com,\n\tkeith.comeaux@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, d..thomas@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Power World Training\nCc: lance.cunningham@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lance.cunningham@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nX-From: May, Tom \nX-To: Forney, John M. , Coulter, Kayne , Miller, Jeffrey , Hernandez, Juan , Baughman Jr., Don , Comeaux, Keith , Day, Smith L. , Thomas, Paul D. \nX-cc: Cunningham, Lance , Will, Lloyd \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JHERNAN3 (Non-Privileged)\\Hernandez, Juan\\Inbox\nX-Origin: HERNANDEZ-J\nX-FileName: JHERNAN3 (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nFolks,\n\nPlease let Lance and myself know if any of you are interested in attending the Power World training. Power World provides visual representation of an optimal power flow model that can help make decisions regarding potential TLR's and price impacts of congestion. We have the program now and the intent is to make more use of it over the next few months and as RTO's and congestion pricing becomes more prevalent. \n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCunningham, Lance \nSent:\tThursday, June 21, 2001 5:37 PM\nTo:\tImai, Rika; Soykok, Gulay; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Hanse, Patrick; Rust, Bill; Coffer, Walter; Kraszewski, Robert; Lin, Martin; Kohli, Sandeep; Halliburton, Tom; Will, Lloyd; May, Tom; Yaman, Sevil; Huang, Alex; Shanbhogue, Vasant\nSubject:\tPower World Training\n\nPower World will be in next week to conduct training.\n\nWe plan to begin at 11:00 AM on Wednesday (6/27) and end about 6:00 PM, to accommodate the trading floor's schedule. \n\nOn Thursday (6/28), we will begin at 11:00 AM and end about 4:00 PM. \n\nAll participants will need to have a laptop and an external mouse. I will get back to everyone on the room number later.\n\nLance B. Cunningham, P.E.\nEnron Wholesale Services, Research\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n(713) 345-4186 FAX (713) 646-2503", "FW: Power World Training", "originEmail", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 21, "nninformation", ["decisions", "make"], "intention", " power world provides visual representation of an optimal power flow model that can help make decisions regarding potential tlr's and price impacts of congestion."]], "Folks,\n\nPlease let Lance and myself know if any of you are interested in attending the Power World training. Power World provides visual representation of an optimal power flow model that can help make decisions regarding potential TLR's and price impacts of congestion. We have the program now and the intent is to make more use of it over the next few months and as RTO's and congestion pricing becomes more prevalent. \n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n ", "<170929.1075852428245.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "22-6-2001-6:41:34Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-6-2001-6:41:34", "m..forney@enron.com", "tom.may@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11143668.1075852394065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 06:41:34 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: tom.may@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Power World Training\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: May, Tom \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI am very interested and I will be available at any time for training.\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMay, Tom \nSent:\tThursday, June 21, 2001 7:32 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.; Coulter, Kayne; Miller, Jeffrey; Hernandez, Juan; Baughman Jr., Don; Comeaux, Keith; Day, Smith L.; Thomas, Paul D.\nCc:\tCunningham, Lance; Will, Lloyd\nSubject:\tFW: Power World Training\n\nFolks,\n\nPlease let Lance and myself know if any of you are interested in attending the Power World training. Power World provides visual representation of an optimal power flow model that can help make decisions regarding potential TLR's and price impacts of congestion. We have the program now and the intent is to make more use of it over the next few months and as RTO's and congestion pricing becomes more prevalent. \n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCunningham, Lance \nSent:\tThursday, June 21, 2001 5:37 PM\nTo:\tImai, Rika; Soykok, Gulay; Gilbert-smith, Doug; Hanse, Patrick; Rust, Bill; Coffer, Walter; Kraszewski, Robert; Lin, Martin; Kohli, Sandeep; Halliburton, Tom; Will, Lloyd; May, Tom; Yaman, Sevil; Huang, Alex; Shanbhogue, Vasant\nSubject:\tPower World Training\n\nPower World will be in next week to conduct training.\n\nWe plan to begin at 11:00 AM on Wednesday (6/27) and end about 6:00 PM, to accommodate the trading floor's schedule. \n\nOn Thursday (6/28), we will begin at 11:00 AM and end about 4:00 PM. \n\nAll participants will need to have a laptop and an external mouse. I will get back to everyone on the room number later.\n\nLance B. Cunningham, P.E.\nEnron Wholesale Services, Research\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n(713) 345-4186 FAX (713) 646-2503", "RE: Power World Training", "reply", [], "I am very interested and I will be available at any time for training.\nJMF\n\n ", "<11143668.1075852394065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-3-2001-23:11:0Sjames.steffes@enron.com 15-3-2001-0:33:0Schristi.nicolay@enron.com 15-3-2001-23:4:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"14-3-2001-23:11:0Sjames.steffes@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-23:11:0", "james.steffes@enron.com", "joe.hartsoe@enron.com christi.nicolay@enron.com mary.hain@enron.com", "richard.shapiro@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31402882.1075860369233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 23:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: james.steffes@enron.com\nTo: joe.hartsoe@enron.com, christi.nicolay@enron.com, mary.hain@enron.com\nSubject: Weekly Electric FERC Report\nCc: richard.shapiro@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: richard.shapiro@enron.com\nX-From: James D Steffes\nX-To: Joe Hartsoe, Christi L Nicolay, Mary Hain\nX-cc: Richard Shapiro\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mary_Hain_Aug2000_Jul2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Hain-M\nX-FileName: mary-hain.nsf\n\nJoe, Christi, & Mary --\n\nDo you think that it makes sense for the four of us to sit down with this \nreport the day after it comes out and discuss (1) Enron's perspective, (2) \nshould/are we participating, and (3) key commercial / regulatory that need \nthe information?\n\nI am trying to make sure that everything is covered appropriately and maybe \nthis is the right format - unless you guys can think of something else?\n\nJim\n\n----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 03/15/2001 07:09 AM -----\n\n\tJanet Butler/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t03/14/2001 05:02 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Daniel Allegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, Eric Benson/NA/Enron@ENRON, James \nBrown/ENRON@enronxgate, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Shelley \nCorman/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom Delaney/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John \nDushinske/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Howard \nFromer/NA/Enron@Enron, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJoe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rod Hayslett/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom \nHoatson/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Ingersoll/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul \nKaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Kerry Stroup \n@SMTP@enronXgate, Robin Kittel/NA/Enron@Enron, \nElizabeth Linnell/NA/Enron@Enron, Kathleen E Magruder/HOU/EES@EES, Susan J \nMara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Posey Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ron McNamara/NA/Enron@Enron, \nJanine Migden/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcie Milner/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve \nMontovano/NA/Enron@Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sarah \nNovosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Dan \nStaines/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Kerry \nStroup/NA/Enron@Enron, Edith Terry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Denis \nTu/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Weekly Electric FERC Report\n\n\nAttached is the Weekly Electric FERC Report for week ending March 9, 2001.\n\n \n\nPlease advise if you have trouble receiving this.", "Weekly Electric FERC Report", "reply", [], "Joe, Christi, & Mary --\n\nDo you think that it makes sense for the four of us to sit down with this \nreport the day after it comes out and discuss (1) Enron's perspective, (2) \nshould/are we participating, and (3) key commercial / regulatory that need \nthe information?\n\nI am trying to make sure that everything is covered appropriately and maybe \nthis is the right format - unless you guys can think of something else?\n\nJim\n\n---", "<31402882.1075860369233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-3-2001-0:33:0Schristi.nicolay@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-0:33:0", "christi.nicolay@enron.com", "james.steffes@enron.com", "joe.hartsoe@enron.com mary.hain@enron.com richard.shapiro@enron.com thane.twiggs@enron.com sarah.novosel@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24757598.1075860369166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 00:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: christi.nicolay@enron.com\nTo: james.steffes@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Weekly Electric FERC Report\nCc: joe.hartsoe@enron.com, mary.hain@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com,\n\tthane.twiggs@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: joe.hartsoe@enron.com, mary.hain@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com,\n\tthane.twiggs@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com\nX-From: Christi L Nicolay\nX-To: James D Steffes\nX-cc: Joe Hartsoe, Mary Hain, Richard Shapiro, Thane Twiggs, Sarah Novosel\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mary_Hain_Aug2000_Jul2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Hain-M\nX-FileName: mary-hain.nsf\n\nCurrently, (for the East) Thane takes the summaries of Northeast \norders/filings and sends them to the traders/originators/reg folks, etc. I \nlook at the rest of the East info and send it/take it to the appropriate \ntrader/originator/developer/reg person (EPMI and EES). I also alert someone \nin our group if I think that we need to intervene/protest/participate. \n\nWhat I will start doing to make sure the loop is complete is to email the \nreport to Joe, Mary, Jim, Rick and Sarah with my comments on what I have done \n(for example, alerted traders/developers to issues, alerted state reg. people \nto retail filings, etc.) and whether I think EPMI or EES need to get involved \nin any of the cases.\n\nThanks. C.\n\n\nFrom: James D Steffes@ENRON on 03/15/2001 07:11 AM\nTo: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nHain/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: Weekly Electric FERC Report\n\nJoe, Christi, & Mary --\n\nDo you think that it makes sense for the four of us to sit down with this \nreport the day after it comes out and discuss (1) Enron's perspective, (2) \nshould/are we participating, and (3) key commercial / regulatory that need \nthe information?\n\nI am trying to make sure that everything is covered appropriately and maybe \nthis is the right format - unless you guys can think of something else?\n\nJim\n\n----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 03/15/2001 07:09 AM -----\n\n\tJanet Butler/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t03/14/2001 05:02 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Daniel Allegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, Eric Benson/NA/Enron@ENRON, James \nBrown/ENRON@enronxgate, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Shelley \nCorman/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom Delaney/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John \nDushinske/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Howard \nFromer/NA/Enron@Enron, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJoe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rod Hayslett/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom \nHoatson/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Ingersoll/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul \nKaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Kerry Stroup \n@SMTP@enronXgate, Robin Kittel/NA/Enron@Enron, \nElizabeth Linnell/NA/Enron@Enron, Kathleen E Magruder/HOU/EES@EES, Susan J \nMara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Posey Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ron McNamara/NA/Enron@Enron, \nJanine Migden/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcie Milner/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve \nMontovano/NA/Enron@Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sarah \nNovosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Dan \nStaines/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Kerry \nStroup/NA/Enron@Enron, Edith Terry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Denis \nTu/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Weekly Electric FERC Report\n\n\nAttached is the Weekly Electric FERC Report for week ending March 9, 2001.\n\n \n\nPlease advise if you have trouble receiving this.\n\n\n", "Re: Weekly Electric FERC Report", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 17, "nninformation", ["send", "info"], "request", " i look at the rest of the east info and send it/take it to the appropriate trader/originator/developer/reg person (epmi and ees)."]], "Currently, (for the East) Thane takes the summaries of Northeast \norders/filings and sends them to the traders/originators/reg folks, etc. I \nlook at the rest of the East info and send it/take it to the appropriate \ntrader/originator/developer/reg person (EPMI and EES). I also alert someone \nin our group if I think that we need to intervene/protest/participate. \n\nWhat I will start doing to make sure the loop is complete is to email the \nreport to Joe, Mary, Jim, Rick and Sarah with my comments on what I have done \n(for example, alerted traders/developers to issues, alerted state reg. people \nto retail filings, etc.) and whether I think EPMI or EES need to get involved \nin any of the cases.\n\nThanks. C.\n\n\nFrom: James D Steffes@ENRON on 03/15/2001 07:11 AM\n", "<24757598.1075860369166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-3-2001-23:4:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-23:4:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", ["christi.nicolay@enron.com"], ["james.steffes@enron.com", "joe.hartsoe@enron.com", "richard.shapiro@enron.com", "mary.hain@enron.com", "sarah.novosel@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20175549.1075860368064.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 23:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: christi.nicolay@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Weekly Electric FERC Report\nCc: james.steffes@enron.com, joe.hartsoe@enron.com, mary.hain@enron.com,\n\trichard.shapiro@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: james.steffes@enron.com, joe.hartsoe@enron.com, mary.hain@enron.com,\n\trichard.shapiro@enron.com, sarah.novosel@enron.com\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: Christi L Nicolay\nX-cc: James D Steffes, Joe Hartsoe, Mary Hain, Richard Shapiro, Sarah Novosel\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mary_Hain_Aug2000_Jul2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Hain-M\nX-FileName: mary-hain.nsf\n\nWhat I have been doing with Janet's report is simply breaking it down into \nregion and forwarding it to the traders/originators/reg folks as Christi \nsaid. If there has been any questions or requests for additional information \nthen I will pull the filings and pass them along with comments or exec \nsummaries as necessary.\n\n\n\n\tChristi L Nicolay@ECT\n\t03/15/2001 08:33 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t cc: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard \nShapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nSarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t Subject: Re: Weekly Electric FERC Report\n\nCurrently, (for the East) Thane takes the summaries of Northeast \norders/filings and sends them to the traders/originators/reg folks, etc. I \nlook at the rest of the East info and send it/take it to the appropriate \ntrader/originator/developer/reg person (EPMI and EES). I also alert someone \nin our group if I think that we need to intervene/protest/participate. \n\nWhat I will start doing to make sure the loop is complete is to email the \nreport to Joe, Mary, Jim, Rick and Sarah with my comments on what I have done \n(for example, alerted traders/developers to issues, alerted state reg. people \nto retail filings, etc.) and whether I think EPMI or EES need to get involved \nin any of the cases.\n\nThanks. C.\n\n\nFrom: James D Steffes@ENRON on 03/15/2001 07:11 AM\nTo: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nHain/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: Weekly Electric FERC Report\n\nJoe, Christi, & Mary --\n\nDo you think that it makes sense for the four of us to sit down with this \nreport the day after it comes out and discuss (1) Enron's perspective, (2) \nshould/are we participating, and (3) key commercial / regulatory that need \nthe information?\n\nI am trying to make sure that everything is covered appropriately and maybe \nthis is the right format - unless you guys can think of something else?\n\nJim\n\n----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 03/15/2001 07:09 AM -----\n\n\tJanet Butler/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t03/14/2001 05:02 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Daniel Allegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, Eric Benson/NA/Enron@ENRON, James \nBrown/ENRON@enronxgate, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Shelley \nCorman/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom Delaney/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John \nDushinske/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Howard \nFromer/NA/Enron@Enron, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJoe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rod Hayslett/ENRON@enronXgate, Tom \nHoatson/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Ingersoll/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul \nKaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Kerry Stroup \n@SMTP@enronXgate, Robin Kittel/NA/Enron@Enron, \nElizabeth Linnell/NA/Enron@Enron, Kathleen E Magruder/HOU/EES@EES, Susan J \nMara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Posey Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ron McNamara/NA/Enron@Enron, \nJanine Migden/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcie Milner/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve \nMontovano/NA/Enron@Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sarah \nNovosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Dan \nStaines/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Kerry \nStroup/NA/Enron@Enron, Edith Terry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Denis \nTu/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Weekly Electric FERC Report\n\n\nAttached is the Weekly Electric FERC Report for week ending March 9, 2001.\n\n \n\nPlease advise if you have trouble receiving this.\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Weekly Electric FERC Report", "originEmail", [["check_break object", 6, "information", ["breaking", "it"], "information", "what i have been doing with janet's report is simply breaking it down into region and forwarding it to the traders/originators/reg folks as christi said."]], "What I have been doing with Janet's report is simply breaking it down into \nregion and forwarding it to the traders/originators/reg folks as Christi \nsaid. If there has been any questions or requests for additional information \nthen I will pull the filings and pass them along with comments or exec \nsummaries as necessary.\n\n\n\n\tChristi L Nicolay@ECT\n\t03/15/2001 08:33 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<20175549.1075860368064.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "25-10-2001-10:51:29Sm..grace@enron.com 15-11-2001-10:22:33Sm..grace@enron.com": {"25-10-2001-10:51:29Sm..grace@enron.com": ["25-10-2001-10:51:29", "m..grace@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "elsie.lew@enron.com michael.jacobson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21080185.1075852398588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 10:51:29 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..grace@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Tenaska LDs\nCc: elsie.lew@enron.com, michael.jacobson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elsie.lew@enron.com, michael.jacobson@enron.com\nX-From: Grace, Rebecca M. \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: Lew, Elsie , Jacobson, Michael \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn,\n\nThis LD from Tenaska is still an issue. Are we going to pay it?\n\nRebecca\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLew, Elsie \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 9:43 AM\nTo:\tGrace, Rebecca M.\nSubject:\tFW: Tenaska LDs\n\nWhat's the status of these LD's?\n\nThanks,\nElsie\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLew, Elsie \nSent:\tThursday, September 20, 2001 2:30 PM\nTo:\tGrace, Rebecca M.\nSubject:\tFW: Tenaska LDs\n\nRebecca,\n\tShould I pay Tenaska? Amt is $12,000\n\nThanks,\nElsie\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLew, Elsie \nSent:\tSaturday, September 15, 2001 2:36 PM\nTo:\tGrace, Rebecca M.\nSubject:\tRE: Tenaska LDs\n\nRebecca,\n\tHave we heard from John? We've received Tenaska's invoice.\n\nThanks,\nElsie\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGrace, Rebecca M. \nSent:\tFriday, September 07, 2001 10:44 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nCc:\tLew, Elsie\nSubject:\tTenaska LDs\n\nJohn,\n\nI need an answer on the 6/15/01 Tenaska LDs I gave to you a few weeks ago. They are calling daily asking the status and sent an invoice for payment today.\n\nThanks,\n\nRebecca\n", "FW: Tenaska LDs", "reply", [], "John,\n\nThis LD from Tenaska is still an issue. Are we going to pay it?\n\nRebecca\n\n ", "<21080185.1075852398588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-11-2001-10:22:33Sm..grace@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-10:22:33", "m..grace@enron.com", ["m..forney@enron.com"], ["a..allen@enron.com", "elsie.lew@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20369213.1075861682188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 10:22:33 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..grace@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Tenaska LDs\nCc: a..allen@enron.com, elsie.lew@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: a..allen@enron.com, elsie.lew@enron.com\nX-From: Grace, Rebecca M. \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: Allen, Thresa A. , Lew, Elsie \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn,\n\nThese LDs for 6/15/01 are still outstanding. From all my research I believe we owe Tenaska, but have not been able to determine whether we are at fault or need to pass the LD downstream. \n\nIf I don't hear from you within the next couple of days I am going to enter the deal to pay Tenaska and wait until you respond before I bill the downstream counterparty.\n\nRebecca\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGrace, Rebecca M. \nSent:\tThursday, October 25, 2001 12:51 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nCc:\tLew, Elsie; Jacobson, Michael\nSubject:\tFW: Tenaska LDs\n\nJohn,\n\nThis LD from Tenaska is still an issue. Are we going to pay it?\n\nRebecca\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLew, Elsie \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 9:43 AM\nTo:\tGrace, Rebecca M.\nSubject:\tFW: Tenaska LDs\n\nWhat's the status of these LD's?\n\nThanks,\nElsie\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLew, Elsie \nSent:\tThursday, September 20, 2001 2:30 PM\nTo:\tGrace, Rebecca M.\nSubject:\tFW: Tenaska LDs\n\nRebecca,\n\tShould I pay Tenaska? Amt is $12,000\n\nThanks,\nElsie\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLew, Elsie \nSent:\tSaturday, September 15, 2001 2:36 PM\nTo:\tGrace, Rebecca M.\nSubject:\tRE: Tenaska LDs\n\nRebecca,\n\tHave we heard from John? We've received Tenaska's invoice.\n\nThanks,\nElsie\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGrace, Rebecca M. \nSent:\tFriday, September 07, 2001 10:44 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nCc:\tLew, Elsie\nSubject:\tTenaska LDs\n\nJohn,\n\nI need an answer on the 6/15/01 Tenaska LDs I gave to you a few weeks ago. They are calling daily asking the status and sent an invoice for payment today.\n\nThanks,\n\nRebecca\n", "FW: Tenaska LDs", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter"], "intention", " if i don't hear from you within the next couple of days i am going to enter the deal to pay orgname and wait until you respond before i bill the downstream counterparty."]], "John,\n\nThese LDs for 6/15/01 are still outstanding. From all my research I believe we owe Tenaska, but have not been able to determine whether we are at fault or need to pass the LD downstream. \n\nIf I don't hear from you within the next couple of days I am going to enter the deal to pay Tenaska and wait until you respond before I bill the downstream counterparty.\n\nRebecca\n\n ", "<20369213.1075861682188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "5-11-2001-12:32:38Sdavid.portz@enron.com 5-11-2001-12:42:35Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"5-11-2001-12:32:38Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["5-11-2001-12:32:38", "david.portz@enron.com", ["lech.kalembka@cwt.com"], ["mary.cook@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ".williams@enron.com", "credit", "marie.heard@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18735229.1075861928521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 12:32:38 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: lech.kalembka@cwt.com\nSubject: AEP Master Netting Agr\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, marie.heard@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com,\n\tcredit <.williams@enron.com>\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, marie.heard@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com,\n\tcredit <.williams@enron.com>\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: 'Lech.Kalembka@cwt.com'\nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth , Heard, Marie , Cook, Mary , Williams, Jason R (Credit) \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\MHEARD (Non-Privileged)\\Heard, Marie\\Inbox\\master netting\nX-Origin: Heard-M\nX-FileName: MHEARD (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nLech - A high priority Master Netting and Setoff Agreement (see attached) is in the late stages of negotiation with the below-referenced AEP affiliates. The agreement is currently intended to be limited to masters/ transactions between ENA &/or EPMI and two major AEP trading affiliates, American Electric Power Service Corporation as Agent for the AEP Operating Companies (\"AEP\") and AEP Energy Services, Inc. (\"AEPESI\"). The Netting Agreement explicitly identifies enabling agreements between those entities relating to trading physical gas, physical power, and financial swaps. Earlier today the Enron Credit group indicated that ENA trades (using GTCs) physical coal and physical synfuel with American Electric Power Service Corporation. Please contact me with any questions. -- David \n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)\n\n ", "AEP Master Netting Agr", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 8, "information", ["agreement", "attached"], "information", "lech - a high priority master netting and orgname agreement (see attached) is in the late stages of negotiation with the below-referenced aep affiliates."], ["show deal", 42, "information", ["credit", "indicated"], "information", " earlier today the enron credit group indicated that orgname trades (using gtcs) physical coal and physical synfuel with american electric power service corporation."]], "Lech - A high priority Master Netting and Setoff Agreement (see attached) is in the late stages of negotiation with the below-referenced AEP affiliates. The agreement is currently intended to be limited to masters/ transactions between ENA &/or EPMI and two major AEP trading affiliates, American Electric Power Service Corporation as Agent for the AEP Operating Companies (\"AEP\") and AEP Energy Services, Inc. (\"AEPESI\"). The Netting Agreement explicitly identifies enabling agreements between those entities relating to trading physical gas, physical power, and financial swaps. Earlier today the Enron Credit group indicated that ENA trades (using GTCs) physical coal and physical synfuel with American Electric Power Service Corporation. Please contact me with any questions. -- David \n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)\n\n ", "<18735229.1075861928521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"21": {"value": "american", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "american", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "agr master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agr master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agr master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agr master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement master tradingTnnn": {"value": "agreement master tradingTnnn", "ne": "agreement master tradingTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement master tradingTnnn"]}, "agreement master0nettingTnn": {"value": "agreement master0nettingTnn", "ne": "agreement master0nettingTnn", "patterns": ["agreement master0nettingTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "77", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["assistant ext fax numeric phoneTnnnnn"]}, "73": {"value": "57851", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["assistant ext numericTnnn"]}, "company energyTnn": {"value": "company energyTnn", "ne": "company energyTnn", "patterns": ["company energyTnn"]}, "company_party serviceTnn": {"value": "company_party serviceTnn", "ne": "company_party serviceTnn", "patterns": ["company_party serviceTnn"]}, "59": {"value": "1400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "60": {"value": "smith", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "credit deal_tradeTnn": {"value": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "ne": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["credit deal_tradeTnn"]}, "electric service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "electric service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "electric service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["electric service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "energy service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["energy service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "fax phoneTnn": {"value": "fax phoneTnn", "ne": "fax phoneTnn", "patterns": ["fax phoneTnn"]}, "physical_physical0phonenumber power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "physical_physical0phonenumber power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "physical_physical0phonenumber power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["physical_physical0phonenumber power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "power service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["power service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power tradingTnn"]}}, false], "5-11-2001-12:42:35Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["5-11-2001-12:42:35", "david.portz@enron.com", "lech.kalembka@cwt.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com marie.heard@enron.com mary.cook@enron.com credit .williams@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22112875.1075861315997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 12:42:35 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: lech.kalembka@cwt.com\nSubject: RE: AEP Master Netting Agr\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, marie.heard@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com,\n\tcredit <.williams@enron.com>\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, marie.heard@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com,\n\tcredit <.williams@enron.com>\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: 'Lech.Kalembka@cwt.com'\nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth , Heard, Marie , Cook, Mary , Williams, Jason R (Credit) \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nResending, with the intended attachment. FYI, the Credit Support Annex has been removed and and portions of the Netting Agreement dealing with collateral have been altered, so that the Netting Agreement is mainly focused on installing setoff and cross default rights.\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tMonday, November 05, 2001 2:33 PM\nTo:\t'Lech.Kalembka@cwt.com'\nCc:\tSager, Elizabeth; Heard, Marie; Cook, Mary; Williams, Jason R (Credit)\nSubject:\tAEP Master Netting Agr\n\nLech - A high priority Master Netting and Setoff Agreement (see attached) is in the late stages of negotiation with the below-referenced AEP affiliates. The agreement is currently intended to be limited to masters/ transactions between ENA &/or EPMI and two major AEP trading affiliates, American Electric Power Service Corporation as Agent for the AEP Operating Companies (\"AEP\") and AEP Energy Services, Inc. (\"AEPESI\"). The Netting Agreement explicitly identifies enabling agreements between those entities relating to trading physical gas, physical power, and financial swaps. Earlier today the Enron Credit group indicated that ENA trades (using GTCs) physical coal and physical synfuel with American Electric Power Service Corporation. Please contact me with any questions. -- David \n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\n\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)\n\n ", "RE: AEP Master Netting Agr", "reply", [], "Resending, with the intended attachment. FYI, the Credit Support Annex has been removed and and portions of the Netting Agreement dealing with collateral have been altered, so that the Netting Agreement is mainly focused on installing setoff and cross default rights.\n\n \n\n ", "<22112875.1075861315997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "22-5-2001-5:13:0Scarol.clair@enron.com 22-5-2001-5:48:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"22-5-2001-5:13:0Scarol.clair@enron.com": ["22-5-2001-5:13:0", "carol.clair@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19650712.1075842193594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 May 2001 05:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: carol.clair@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: Carolina Power & Light\nCc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nX-From: Carol St Clair\nX-To: David Portz\nX-cc: Genia FitzGerald\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Carol_StClair_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: STCLAIR-C\nX-FileName: cstclai.nsf\n\nDavid:\nCP&L has marked up a confirm that we sent to them for a deal that was done \n5/8/2001 to make it subject to their 5/18/98 Tariff agreement. We are in the \nprocess of negotiating an EEI Master with them but have some outstanding \ncredit issues. How should I respond to their mark-up? This was one of \nJanice's files.\n\nCarol St. Clair\nEB 3889\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)\ncarol.st.clair@enron.com", "Carolina Power & Light", "reply", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 4, "information", ["sent", "deal"], "information", "david: cp&l has marked up a confirm that we sent to them for a deal that was done datenumeric to make it subject to their datenumeric tariff agreement."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 6, "information", ["deal", "make"], "information", "david: cp&l has marked up a confirm that we sent to them for a deal that was done datenumeric to make it subject to their datenumeric tariff agreement."]], "David:\nCP&L has marked up a confirm that we sent to them for a deal that was done \n5/8/2001 to make it subject to their 5/18/98 Tariff agreement. We are in the \nprocess of negotiating an EEI Master with them but have some outstanding \ncredit issues. How should I respond to their mark-up? This was one of \nJanice's files.\n\nCarol St. Clair\nEB 3889\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)\ncarol.st.clair@enron.com", "<19650712.1075842193594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-5-2001-5:48:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["22-5-2001-5:48:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["carol.clair@enron.com"], ["genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <23747150.1075842193664.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 May 2001 05:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: carol.clair@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Carolina Power & Light\nCc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Carol St Clair\nX-cc: Genia FitzGerald, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Carol_StClair_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: STCLAIR-C\nX-FileName: cstclai.nsf\n\n[I'll see you at approx. 1 p.m. today right?] \n\nRe the below, contact the credit group to see if they can speedily resolve \nthe credit issues so as to bring the EEI to bear on the transansaction, \nclearly the best result. Credit will also indicate whether the size of the \ntrade is such that they want to insist the trade is done under a completed \nEEI Master, rather than being documented the 'old way' and then brought under \nthe EEI Master upon its completion. If the trade will be completed under the \nTariff, you'll want to look at the Tariff to see what underlying terms you're \ndealing with (e.g., 1 year limit on term of trade completed under the Tariff, \navailability of LDs for a trade involving LD energy, etc.)\n\nIf not already known to you, Genia or Elizabeth may have input on where \nthings stood in Janice's negotiations with CP&L.\n\n\n\n\n\tCarol St Clair\n\t05/22/2001 12:13 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Carolina Power & Light\n\nDavid:\nCP&L has marked up a confirm that we sent to them for a deal that was done \n5/8/2001 to make it subject to their 5/18/98 Tariff agreement. We are in the \nprocess of negotiating an EEI Master with them but have some outstanding \ncredit issues. How should I respond to their mark-up? This was one of \nJanice's files.\n\nCarol St. Clair\nEB 3889\n713-853-3989 (Phone)\n713-646-3393 (Fax)\ncarol.st.clair@enron.com\n", "Re: Carolina Power & Light", "originEmail", [["show deal", 20, "nninformation", ["credit", "indicate"], "intention", " credit will also indicate whether the size of the trade is such that they want to insist the trade is done under a completed eei master, rather than being documented the 'old way' and then brought under the eei master upon its completion."], ["complete transaction{agreement}", 26, "information", ["completed", "master"], "information", " credit will also indicate whether the size of the trade is such that they want to insist the trade is done under a completed eei master, rather than being documented the 'old way' and then brought under the eei master upon its completion."]], "[I'll see you at approx. 1 p.m. today right?] \n\nRe the below, contact the credit group to see if they can speedily resolve \nthe credit issues so as to bring the EEI to bear on the transansaction, \nclearly the best result. Credit will also indicate whether the size of the \ntrade is such that they want to insist the trade is done under a completed \nEEI Master, rather than being documented the 'old way' and then brought under \nthe EEI Master upon its completion. If the trade will be completed under the \nTariff, you'll want to look at the Tariff to see what underlying terms you're \ndealing with (e.g., 1 year limit on term of trade completed under the Tariff, \navailability of LDs for a trade involving LD energy, etc.)\n\nIf not already known to you, Genia or Elizabeth may have input on where \nthings stood in Janice's negotiations with CP&L.\n\n\n\n\n\tCarol St Clair\n\t05/22/2001 12:13 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<23747150.1075842193664.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"affect_involve energyTvn": {"value": "affect_involve energyTvn", "ne": "affect_involve energyTvn", "patterns": ["affect_involve energyTvn"]}, "credit deal_tradeTnn": {"value": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "ne": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["credit deal_tradeTnn"]}, "deal_trade energyTnn": {"value": "deal_trade energyTnn", "ne": "deal_trade energyTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade energyTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-1-2002-15:22:41Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com 28-1-2002-15:30:0Sd..steffes@enron.com": {"28-1-2002-15:22:41Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": ["28-1-2002-15:22:41", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", ["d..steffes@enron.com"], ["david.portz@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10258960.1075840549028.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 15:22:41 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nTo: d..steffes@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ERCOT Market Set-Up\nCc: david.portz@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: david.portz@enron.com\nX-From: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-To: Steffes, James D. \nX-cc: Portz, David \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nI expect we will look to qualify asap but that we can use the apx if need be. I was not looking to trade too much physical up front instead, looking to build positions so that they go to phys delivery around the same time we are set up. There are some significant deals that we require us certified quickly and I do not see that being a problem. \n\nI will be in in the morning if you want to catch me then. \n\nTake care,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "Re: ERCOT Market Set-Up", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 23, "nninformation", ["see", "deals"], "intention", " there are some significant deals that we require us certified quickly and i do not see that being a problem."]], "I expect we will look to qualify asap but that we can use the apx if need be. I was not looking to trade too much physical up front instead, looking to build positions so that they go to phys delivery around the same time we are set up. There are some significant deals that we require us certified quickly and I do not see that being a problem. \n\nI will be in in the morning if you want to catch me then. \n\nTake care,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "<10258960.1075840549028.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "28-1-2002-15:30:0Sd..steffes@enron.com": ["28-1-2002-15:30:0", "d..steffes@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3942571.1075840546907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 15:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: d..steffes@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ERCOT Market Set-Up\nCc: david.portz@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: david.portz@enron.com\nX-From: Steffes, James D. \nX-To: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-cc: Portz, David \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Inbox\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nDoug --\nThanks. When you say \"significant deals\" do you refer to future transactions or something that you are bringing from EPMI?\n\nJim\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nSent: Monday, January 28, 2002 5:23 PM\nTo: Steffes, James D.\nCc: Portz, David\nSubject: Re: ERCOT Market Set-Up\n\n\nI expect we will look to qualify asap but that we can use the apx if need be. I was not looking to trade too much physical up front instead, looking to build positions so that they go to phys delivery around the same time we are set up. There are some significant deals that we require us certified quickly and I do not see that being a problem. \n\nI will be in in the morning if you want to catch me then. \n\nTake care,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "RE: ERCOT Market Set-Up", "reply", [], "Doug --\nThanks. When you say \"significant deals\" do you refer to future transactions or something that you are bringing from EPMI?\n\nJim\n\n\n", "<3942571.1075840546907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "16-12-2001-20:0:13Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com 17-12-2001-5:27:3Sd..steffes@enron.com 17-12-2001-7:10:57Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": {"16-12-2001-20:0:13Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": ["16-12-2001-20:0:13", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "d..steffes@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9219095.1075840541222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:00:13 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nTo: d..steffes@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Load schedule data\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-To: Steffes, James D. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nI am out til wednesday. I would be happy to answer any qustions they have if they could send them over. I am not going to educate them on anything else.\n\nThanks,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "RE: Load schedule data", "reply", [], "I am out til wednesday. I would be happy to answer any qustions they have if they could send them over. I am not going to educate them on anything else.\n\nThanks,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "<9219095.1075840541222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-12-2001-5:27:3Sd..steffes@enron.com": ["17-12-2001-5:27:3", "d..steffes@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9757512.1075855205385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 05:27:03 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: d..steffes@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Load schedule data\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Steffes, James D. \nX-To: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jim_Steffes_Jan2002\\Steffes, James D.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Steffes-J\nX-FileName: jsteffe (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nDoug --\n\nIt seems to me that keeping the PUC somewhat appeased makes sense. I'll try and get some formal questions, but sooner or later they will want to talk directly. I appreciate that this is a pain, but maybe it's a good opportunity to push to get rid of balanced schedules?\n\nLet's sit down on Thursday am and talk.\n\nJim \n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nSent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 10:00 PM\nTo: Steffes, James D.\nSubject: RE: Load schedule data\n\n\nI am out til wednesday. I would be happy to answer any qustions they have if they could send them over. I am not going to educate them on anything else.\n\nThanks,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "RE: Load schedule data", "reply", [], "Doug --\n\nIt seems to me that keeping the PUC somewhat appeased makes sense. I'll try and get some formal questions, but sooner or later they will want to talk directly. I appreciate that this is a pain, but maybe it's a good opportunity to push to get rid of balanced schedules?\n\nLet's sit down on Thursday am and talk.\n\nJim \n\n", "<9757512.1075855205385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-12-2001-7:10:57Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": ["17-12-2001-7:10:57", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", ["d..steffes@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <3189949.1075855206431.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 07:10:57 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nTo: d..steffes@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Load schedule data\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-To: Steffes, James D. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jim_Steffes_Jan2002\\Steffes, James D.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Steffes-J\nX-FileName: jsteffe (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAll they want is a scapegoat for the $140 MM paid out and as we did not make money off it I will not be the scapegoat. Having talked to them previously regarding balanced/unbalanced schedules they will not want the discussion to be diverted.\n\nThursday works for me.\n\nDoug\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Steffes, James D. \nSent: Monday, December 17, 2001 7:27 AM\nTo: Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject: RE: Load schedule data\n\n\nDoug --\n\nIt seems to me that keeping the PUC somewhat appeased makes sense. I'll try and get some formal questions, but sooner or later they will want to talk directly. I appreciate that this is a pain, but maybe it's a good opportunity to push to get rid of balanced schedules?\n\nLet's sit down on Thursday am and talk.\n\nJim \n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nSent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 10:00 PM\nTo: Steffes, James D.\nSubject: RE: Load schedule data\n\n\nI am out til wednesday. I would be happy to answer any qustions they have if they could send them over. I am not going to educate them on anything else.\n\nThanks,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "RE: Load schedule data", "originEmail", [["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 7, "information", ["paid", "$140"], "information", "all they want is a scapegoat for the pricenumeric mm paid out and as we did not make money off it i will not be the scapegoat."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 8, "information", ["make", "money"], "information", "all they want is a scapegoat for the pricenumeric mm paid out and as we did not make money off it i will not be the scapegoat."]], "All they want is a scapegoat for the $140 MM paid out and as we did not make money off it I will not be the scapegoat. Having talked to them previously regarding balanced/unbalanced schedules they will not want the discussion to be diverted.\n\nThursday works for me.\n\nDoug\n\n", "<3189949.1075855206431.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-11-2001-4:1:4Salexander.mcelreath@enron.com 21-11-2001-4:56:51Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-11-2001-4:1:4Salexander.mcelreath@enron.com": ["21-11-2001-4:1:4", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", ["m..forney@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <29294858.1075861682961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 04:01:04 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: alexander.mcelreath@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: Ettera\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: McElreath, Alexander \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nEttera issues:\n\n\n1. When hourly is asked to manage a day ahead position we cannot adjust the position in ettera and makes it a worthless tool, the position cannot be found. We have to adjust the day ahead position in the portal directly.\n\n2. If we have a day ahead position and adjust it hourly it will change back to the original schedule when we submit another schedule.\n\n3. Frontera is too time consuming and confusing when we have to show a buy from frontera and a sell to frontera when we buy from them.\n\n4. The whole process takes to long, on average it usually takes 5 minutes to put an hourly schedule in when it only takes a minute when done directly in the portal.\n\n\nThats all I got, I hope it helps.\n\n\nAlex", "Ettera", "originEmail", [["submit schedule", 30, "nninformation", ["schedule", "submit"], "intention", " if we have a day ahead position and adjust it hourly it will change back to the original schedule when we submit another schedule."]], "\nEttera issues:\n\n\n1. When hourly is asked to manage a day ahead position we cannot adjust the position in ettera and makes it a worthless tool, the position cannot be found. We have to adjust the day ahead position in the portal directly.\n\n2. If we have a day ahead position and adjust it hourly it will change back to the original schedule when we submit another schedule.\n\n3. Frontera is too time consuming and confusing when we have to show a buy from frontera and a sell to frontera when we buy from them.\n\n4. The whole process takes to long, on average it usually takes 5 minutes to put an hourly schedule in when it only takes a minute when done directly in the portal.\n\n\nThats all I got, I hope it helps.\n\n\nAlex", "<29294858.1075861682961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"46": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["minute numericTnn"]}}, false], "21-11-2001-4:56:51Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-11-2001-4:56:51", "m..forney@enron.com", "madhup.kumar@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2625123.1075861679809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 04:56:51 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: madhup.kumar@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Ettera\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Kumar, Madhup \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nMadhup,\nhere is some more specific detail, as promised.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMcElreath, Alexander \nSent:\tWednesday, November 21, 2001 6:01 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tEttera\n\n\nEttera issues:\n\n\n1. When hourly is asked to manage a day ahead position we cannot adjust the position in ettera and makes it a worthless tool, the position cannot be found. We have to adjust the day ahead position in the portal directly.\n\n2. If we have a day ahead position and adjust it hourly it will change back to the original schedule when we submit another schedule.\n\n3. Frontera is too time consuming and confusing when we have to show a buy from frontera and a sell to frontera when we buy from them.\n\n4. The whole process takes to long, on average it usually takes 5 minutes to put an hourly schedule in when it only takes a minute when done directly in the portal.\n\n\nThats all I got, I hope it helps.\n\n\nAlex", "FW: Ettera", "reply", [], "\nMadhup,\nhere is some more specific detail, as promised.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n ", "<2625123.1075861679809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "28-11-2001-15:54:48Stom.may@enron.com 28-11-2001-16:8:6Ssara.shackleton@enron.com": {"28-11-2001-15:54:48Stom.may@enron.com": ["28-11-2001-15:54:48", "tom.may@enron.com", ["david.nettleton@enron.com", "sara.shackleton@enron.com"], ["laurel.bolt@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com", "d..baughman@enron.com", "kayne.coulter@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com", "terri.clynes@enron.com", "e..kelly@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "keith.comeaux@enron.com", "gerald.gilbert@enron.com", "john.kinser@enron.com", "utku.gulmeden@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20339125.1075855398015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 15:54:48 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: david.nettleton@enron.com, sara.shackleton@enron.com\nSubject: Services Contracts\nCc: d..baughman@enron.com, laurel.bolt@enron.com, terri.clynes@enron.com,\n\tkeith.comeaux@enron.com, kayne.coulter@enron.com, l..day@enron.com,\n\tgerald.gilbert@enron.com, utku.gulmeden@enron.com,\n\te..kelly@enron.com, john.kinser@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tlloyd.will@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: d..baughman@enron.com, laurel.bolt@enron.com, terri.clynes@enron.com,\n\tkeith.comeaux@enron.com, kayne.coulter@enron.com, l..day@enron.com,\n\tgerald.gilbert@enron.com, utku.gulmeden@enron.com,\n\te..kelly@enron.com, john.kinser@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tlloyd.will@enron.com\nX-From: May, Tom \nX-To: Nettleton, David , Shackleton, Sara \nX-cc: Baughman, Edward D. , Bolt, Laurel , Clynes, Terri , Comeaux, Keith , Coulter, Kayne , Day, Smith L. , Gilbert, Gerald , Gulmeden, Utku , Kelly, Mike E. , Kinser, John , Miller, Jeffrey , Will, Lloyd \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sara_Shackleton_Jan2002\\Shackleton, Sara\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Shackleton-S\nX-FileName: sshackl (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nSara,\n\nAs we discussed, we would like to notify our customers of our current status and our ability to look after them. Here is a brief summary of the services contracts and obligations that we currently have along with the notification letter we would like to send them. Please let us know if we are ok to send these out.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n\nMDEA\npurchase power for the cities\npurchase and schedule gas as agent to supply the cities generating units\nreal-time operational coordination via our control room to balance the cities load and resources\n\nMDEA relies entirely on EPMI for this as they have no other enabling agreements or marketing/scheduling capability. We are no longer able to purchase power for them but are able to schedule gas as their agent. The sities could incur signifigant imbalance charges as a result of our inability to perform.\n\n \n\nQSE Customers\n\nGreen Mountain Power (BP Energy), New Power Company, XERS (starts Jan 1) \n\nWe schedule all power contracts with ERCOT\nWe settle all charges and payments with ERCOT (ERCOT settles with EPMI and EPMI settles with customer)\n\n \n\nFrontera\n\nWe market the output of the Frontera plant (450 MW) \nWe buy to suppy Frontera's obligations (call options to EPMI and Mirant) when the market is below Frontera's cost.\nWe schedule all transactions as QSE\n\nFrontera has no other enabling agreements and relies on EPMI for all trading activities.\n\n ", "Services Contracts", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 51, "nninformation", ["purchase", "power"], "intention", " we are no longer able to purchase power for them but are able to schedule gas as their agent."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 85, "nninformation", ["buy", "mw"], "intention", " qse customers green mountain power orgname energy), orgname xers (starts datenumeric ) we schedule all power contracts with ercot we settle all charges and payments with ercot (ercot settles with epmi and epmi settles with customer) orgname we market the output of the orgname plant ( numeric mw) we buy to suppy orgname s obligations (call options to epmi and mirant) when the market is below orgname s cost."]], "Sara,\n\nAs we discussed, we would like to notify our customers of our current status and our ability to look after them. Here is a brief summary of the services contracts and obligations that we currently have along with the notification letter we would like to send them. Please let us know if we are ok to send these out.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n\nMDEA\npurchase power for the cities\npurchase and schedule gas as agent to supply the cities generating units\nreal-time operational coordination via our control room to balance the cities load and resources\n\nMDEA relies entirely on EPMI for this as they have no other enabling agreements or marketing/scheduling capability. We are no longer able to purchase power for them but are able to schedule gas as their agent. The sities could incur signifigant imbalance charges as a result of our inability to perform.\n\n \n\nQSE Customers\n\nGreen Mountain Power (BP Energy), New Power Company, XERS (starts Jan 1) \n\nWe schedule all power contracts with ERCOT\nWe settle all charges and payments with ERCOT (ERCOT settles with EPMI and EPMI settles with customer)\n\n \n\nFrontera\n\nWe market the output of the Frontera plant (450 MW) \nWe buy to suppy Frontera's obligations (call options to EPMI and Mirant) when the market is below Frontera's cost.\nWe schedule all transactions as QSE\n\nFrontera has no other enabling agreements and relies on EPMI for all trading activities.\n\n ", "<20339125.1075855398015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}, "83": {"value": "450", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false], "28-11-2001-16:8:6Ssara.shackleton@enron.com": ["28-11-2001-16:8:6", "sara.shackleton@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com m..presto@enron.com marcus.nettelton@enron.com carol.st.@enron.com s..bradford@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24177651.1075859130624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 16:08:06 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sara.shackleton@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com, marcus.nettelton@enron.com,\n\tcarol.st.@enron.com, s..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Services Contracts\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shackleton, Sara \nX-To: Sager, Elizabeth , Presto, Kevin M. , Nettelton, Marcus , St. Clair, Carol , Bradford, William S. , Sacks, Edward \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jan2002\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nElizabeth: How do you want to handle? Sara\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMay, Tom \nSent:\tWednesday, November 28, 2001 5:55 PM\nTo:\tNettleton, David; Shackleton, Sara\nCc:\tBaughman, Edward D.; Bolt, Laurel; Clynes, Terri; Comeaux, Keith; Coulter, Kayne; Day, Smith L.; Gilbert, Gerald; Gulmeden, Utku; Kelly, Mike E.; Kinser, John; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd\nSubject:\tServices Contracts\n\nSara,\n\nAs we discussed, we would like to notify our customers of our current status and our ability to look after them. Here is a brief summary of the services contracts and obligations that we currently have along with the notification letter we would like to send them. Please let us know if we are ok to send these out.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n\nMDEA\npurchase power for the cities\npurchase and schedule gas as agent to supply the cities generating units\nreal-time operational coordination via our control room to balance the cities load and resources\n\nMDEA relies entirely on EPMI for this as they have no other enabling agreements or marketing/scheduling capability. We are no longer able to purchase power for them but are able to schedule gas as their agent. The sities could incur signifigant imbalance charges as a result of our inability to perform.\n\n \n\nQSE Customers\n\nGreen Mountain Power (BP Energy), New Power Company, XERS (starts Jan 1) \n\nWe schedule all power contracts with ERCOT\nWe settle all charges and payments with ERCOT (ERCOT settles with EPMI and EPMI settles with customer)\n\n \n\nFrontera\n\nWe market the output of the Frontera plant (450 MW) \nWe buy to suppy Frontera's obligations (call options to EPMI and Mirant) when the market is below Frontera's cost.\nWe schedule all transactions as QSE\n\nFrontera has no other enabling agreements and relies on EPMI for all trading activities.\n\n ", "FW: Services Contracts", "reply", [], "Elizabeth: How do you want to handle? Sara\n\n ", "<24177651.1075859130624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "1-2-2002-7:2:30Stom.may@enron.com 1-2-2002-7:18:2Scara.semperger@enron.com": {"1-2-2002-7:2:30Stom.may@enron.com": ["1-2-2002-7:2:30", "tom.may@enron.com", ["erik.serio@enron.com", "dean.laurent@enron.com", "john.suarez@enron.com", "brad.morse@enron.com", "william.crooks@enron.com", "corry.bentley@enron.com", "jason.choate@enron.com"], ["cara.semperger@enron.com", "mike.purcell@enron.com", "p..o'neil@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <31762895.1075841545126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 07:02:30 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: jason.choate@enron.com, dean.laurent@enron.com, corry.bentley@enron.com,\n\twilliam.crooks@enron.com, erik.serio@enron.com, brad.morse@enron.com,\n\tjohn.suarez@enron.com\nSubject: RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI\n FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\nCc: cara.semperger@enron.com, mike.purcell@enron.com, p..o'neil@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: cara.semperger@enron.com, mike.purcell@enron.com, p..o'neil@enron.com\nX-From: May, Tom \nX-To: Choate, Jason , Laurent, Dean , Bentley, Corry , Crooks, William , Serio, Erik , Morse, Brad , Suarez, John \nX-cc: Semperger, Cara , Purcell, Mike , O'Neil, Murray P. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Semperger, Cara\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: SEMPERGER-C\nX-FileName: cara semperger 6-26-02.PST\n\nJason,\n \nWhy has this now changed to Monday from Thursday morning and who made this decision?\n \nWill we be able to schedule Monday without the UBS folks?\n \nTom\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: Choate, Jason \nSent: Fri 2/1/2002 8:53 AM \nTo: Laurent, Dean; Bentley, Corry; May, Tom; Crooks, William; Serio, Erik; Morse, Brad; Suarez, John \nCc: \nSubject: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\n\n\n\nMORNING AGENDA: \n\n1. ROLL SYSTEM (this throws all the enpower deals into the Scheduling function for enpower so you can route your deals)\n\n \n a. Login to Enpower \n b. go to the hand (upper left hand corner of launch pad) \n c. select tools \n 1. select Auto Scheduler (4th selection) \n d. in Auto Scheduler \n 1. Portfolio Code- East \n 2. select Schedule Entire Days tab (far left) \n 3. the date that it defaults to is the next day to be rolled (should be tomorrow) \n 4. click the Schedule button (it has a green check mark on it) \n\n2. WHERE TO FIND THE SCHEDULING EXCEL SHEETS \n\n a. COMED m:/electric/schedule/comed/2002/COMED-FEB-2002 \n b. CINERGY m:/electric/schedule/ECAR/2002/ECAR-FEB-002 \n c. ENTERGY m:/electric/schedule/spp/2002/ENTERGY-FEB2002 \n d. PJM m:/electric/schedule/PJM/pjm-2002/PJM-FEB2002 \n\n3. SCHEDULE AND ROUTE DEALS IN ENPOWER \n\n PHONE #'S FOR SCHEDULING \n\n WEPCO 414-221-4398 \n VEPCO 804-273-4477 \n KOCH 713-544-5523 \n SELECT 860-665-3654 \n MPEX 612-332-1289 ", "RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI\n FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!", "originEmail", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 8, "nninformation", ["decision", "made"], "request information", "jason, why has this now changed to monday from thursday morning and who made this decision?"]], "Jason,\n \nWhy has this now changed to Monday from Thursday morning and who made this decision?\n \nWill we be able to schedule Monday without the UBS folks?\n \nTom\n\n", "<31762895.1075841545126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "1-2-2002-7:18:2Scara.semperger@enron.com": ["1-2-2002-7:18:2", "cara.semperger@enron.com", "tom.may@enron.com", "p..o'neil@enron.com mike.purcell@enron.com donald.robinson@enron.com diane.cutsforth@enron.com serena.bishop@enron.com sean.crandall@enron.com diana.scholtes@enron.com tim.belden@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13373134.1075841556257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 07:18:02 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: cara.semperger@enron.com\nTo: tom.may@enron.com\nSubject: RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI\n FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\nCc: p..o'neil@enron.com, mike.purcell@enron.com, donald.robinson@enron.com,\n\tdiane.cutsforth@enron.com, serena.bishop@enron.com,\n\tsean.crandall@enron.com, diana.scholtes@enron.com,\n\ttim.belden@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: p..o'neil@enron.com, mike.purcell@enron.com, donald.robinson@enron.com,\n\tdiane.cutsforth@enron.com, serena.bishop@enron.com,\n\tsean.crandall@enron.com, diana.scholtes@enron.com,\n\ttim.belden@enron.com\nX-From: Semperger, Cara \nX-To: May, Tom \nX-cc: O'Neil, Murray P. , Purcell, Mike , Robinson, Donald , Cutsforth, Diane , Bishop, Serena , Crandall, Sean , Scholtes, Diana , Belden, Tim \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Semperger, Cara\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: SEMPERGER-C\nX-FileName: cara semperger 6-26-02.PST\n\nUM , NOBODY IS TRAINED HERE, WE HAVE HAD EXACTLY ONE DAY'S NOTICE TO PULL THIS TOGETHER!\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: May, Tom \nSent: Friday, February 01, 2002 7:03 AM\nTo: Choate, Jason; Laurent, Dean; Bentley, Corry; Crooks, William; Serio, Erik; Morse, Brad; Suarez, John\nCc: Semperger, Cara; Purcell, Mike; O'Neil, Murray P.\nSubject: RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\n\n\nJason,\n \nWhy has this now changed to Monday from Thursday morning and who made this decision?\n \nWill we be able to schedule Monday without the UBS folks?\n \nTom\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: Choate, Jason \nSent: Fri 2/1/2002 8:53 AM \nTo: Laurent, Dean; Bentley, Corry; May, Tom; Crooks, William; Serio, Erik; Morse, Brad; Suarez, John \nCc: \nSubject: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\n\n\n\nMORNING AGENDA: \n\n1. ROLL SYSTEM (this throws all the enpower deals into the Scheduling function for enpower so you can route your deals)\n\n \n a. Login to Enpower \n b. go to the hand (upper left hand corner of launch pad) \n c. select tools \n 1. select Auto Scheduler (4th selection) \n d. in Auto Scheduler \n 1. Portfolio Code- East \n 2. select Schedule Entire Days tab (far left) \n 3. the date that it defaults to is the next day to be rolled (should be tomorrow) \n 4. click the Schedule button (it has a green check mark on it) \n\n2. WHERE TO FIND THE SCHEDULING EXCEL SHEETS \n\n a. COMED m:/electric/schedule/comed/2002/COMED-FEB-2002 \n b. CINERGY m:/electric/schedule/ECAR/2002/ECAR-FEB-002 \n c. ENTERGY m:/electric/schedule/spp/2002/ENTERGY-FEB2002 \n d. PJM m:/electric/schedule/PJM/pjm-2002/PJM-FEB2002 \n\n3. SCHEDULE AND ROUTE DEALS IN ENPOWER \n\n PHONE #'S FOR SCHEDULING \n\n WEPCO 414-221-4398 \n VEPCO 804-273-4477 \n KOCH 713-544-5523 \n SELECT 860-665-3654 \n MPEX 612-332-1289 ", "RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI\n FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!", "reply", [], "UM , NOBODY IS TRAINED HERE, WE HAVE HAD EXACTLY ONE DAY'S NOTICE TO PULL THIS TOGETHER!\n\n", "<13373134.1075841556257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "30-10-2000-7:19:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 30-10-2000-7:29:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 31-10-2000-9:55:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-7:19:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-7:19:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10911580.1075854184848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 07:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Flow volumes at Oxy Gladewater, Meter 98926\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Robert Cotten, Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBob,\n\nI have a volume of about 713/Day at the above referenced meter. I don't \nhave a deal in the system to allocate to for October (flow began on 10/11). \nThis is hitting my Exception report. Please advise.\n\nMary", "Flow volumes at Oxy Gladewater, Meter 98926", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 0, "information", ["flow", "volumes"], "information", "flow volumes at oxy gladewater, meter numeric."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal"], "intention", " i don't have a deal in the system to allocate to for october (flow began on datenumeric )."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 13, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " i don't have a deal in the system to allocate to for october (flow began on datenumeric )."]], "Bob,\n\nI have a volume of about 713/Day at the above referenced meter. I don't \nhave a deal in the system to allocate to for October (flow began on 10/11). \nThis is hitting my Exception report. Please advise.\n\nMary", "<10911580.1075854184848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_system dealTnn": {"value": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "ne": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system dealTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "98926", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "713", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}}, true], "30-10-2000-7:29:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-7:29:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com"], "I checked metered daily, and this has been on since the first of October, we \nhad a purchase deal in place for the first 10 days, which went to zero from \nthe 11th forward.", ["Re: Flow volumes at Oxy Gladewater, Meter 98926"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '98926']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 0, "information", ["flow", "volumes"], "information", " flow volumes at oxy gladewater, meter numeric."]], "I checked metered daily, and this has been on since the first of October, we \nhad a purchase deal in place for the first 10 days, which went to zero from \nthe 11th forward.", ["<30333910.1075853974765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1061944.1075854103947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20604072.1075854184826.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "98926", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}}, true], "31-10-2000-9:55:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["31-10-2000-9:55:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com"], "Mary,\nThere was an assignment from OXY to EOG retroactive to 4/1/00. This has been \nreflected in Sitara and POPS.\nBob\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 03:29 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L \nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Flow volumes at Oxy Gladewater, Meter 98926 \nI checked metered daily, and this has been on since the first of October, we \nhad a purchase deal in place for the first 10 days, which went to zero from \nthe 11th forward.\n", ["Re: Flow volumes at Oxy Gladewater, Meter 98926"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '98926'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '98926']}", [], "Mary,\n\nThere was an assignment from OXY to EOG retroactive to 4/1/00. This has been \nreflected in Sitara and POPS.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 03:29 PM\n", ["<1021675.1075853974286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30693626.1075854103970.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31803990.1075854184740.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "20-12-2000-0:34:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 20-12-2000-1:4:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com 20-12-2000-1:13:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 20-12-2000-1:20:0Seddie.janzen@enron.com 20-12-2000-1:35:0Ssabrae.zajac@enron.com": {"20-12-2000-0:34:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-0:34:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["eddie.janzen@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", "sabrae.zajac@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16018036.1075854280809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 00:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\tmark.mccoy@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\teddie.janzen@enron.com\nSubject: Tuesday, December 26th\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Michael Olsen, Tom Acton, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Jackie Young, Sabrae Zajac, Carlos J Rodriguez, Mark McCoy, Aimee Lannou, Mary Poorman, Eddie Janzen\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Lauri A Allen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe will need a small staff to handle potential trades for Wed. the 27th. \nMost of the pipelines are out of the office, so I would expect the work load \nto be minimal. I plan on coming in, and would like to have a minimum of \nthree on staff, so I need two volunteers (one offsystem, just in case). If \nanyone is going to be in town, please forward a number, in case we need to \ncall any additional people in, or have you work on a laptop from home. I \nwill get with you after the new year to make up the holiday you miss, or, you \ncan schedule your day now, I have the calendars. Also, I will be out on \nvacation Friday, Dec. 22nd and will need someone to send the nominations to \nthe plants, I don't expect to have full system coverage, just HPL/HPL and \nHPL/ENA as needed. Let me know if you are interested in learning how to do \nthis.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "Tuesday, December 26th", "originEmail", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 3, "nninformation", ["handle", "trades"], "intention", "we will need a small staff to handle potential trades for wed."]], "We will need a small staff to handle potential trades for Wed. the 27th. \nMost of the pipelines are out of the office, so I would expect the work load \nto be minimal. I plan on coming in, and would like to have a minimum of \nthree on staff, so I need two volunteers (one offsystem, just in case). If \nanyone is going to be in town, please forward a number, in case we need to \ncall any additional people in, or have you work on a laptop from home. I \nwill get with you after the new year to make up the holiday you miss, or, you \ncan schedule your day now, I have the calendars. Also, I will be out on \nvacation Friday, Dec. 22nd and will need someone to send the nominations to \nthe plants, I don't expect to have full system coverage, just HPL/HPL and \nHPL/ENA as needed. Let me know if you are interested in learning how to do \nthis.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "<16018036.1075854280809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "20-12-2000-1:4:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-1:4:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22923053.1075854209512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 01:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\tmark.mccoy@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\teddie.janzen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tuesday, December 26th\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Michael Olsen, Tom Acton, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Jackie Young, Sabrae Zajac, Carlos J Rodriguez, Mark McCoy, Aimee Lannou, Mary Poorman, Eddie Janzen\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Lauri A Allen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI'll be here on Tuesday.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman\n12/20/2000 08:34 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Clem \nCernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Eddie Janzen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Tuesday, December 26th\n\nWe will need a small staff to handle potential trades for Wed. the 27th. \nMost of the pipelines are out of the office, so I would expect the work load \nto be minimal. I plan on coming in, and would like to have a minimum of \nthree on staff, so I need two volunteers (one offsystem, just in case). If \nanyone is going to be in town, please forward a number, in case we need to \ncall any additional people in, or have you work on a laptop from home. I \nwill get with you after the new year to make up the holiday you miss, or, you \ncan schedule your day now, I have the calendars. Also, I will be out on \nvacation Friday, Dec. 22nd and will need someone to send the nominations to \nthe plants, I don't expect to have full system coverage, just HPL/HPL and \nHPL/ENA as needed. Let me know if you are interested in learning how to do \nthis.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Tuesday, December 26th", "reply", [], "I'll be here on Tuesday.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman\n12/20/2000 08:34 AM\n", "<22923053.1075854209512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-12-2000-1:13:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-1:13:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com jark.mccoy@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21469252.1075854209488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 01:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tuesday, December 26th\nCc: michael.olsen@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, jark.mccoy@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\teddie.janzen@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tlauri.allen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.olsen@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, jark.mccoy@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\teddie.janzen@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tlauri.allen@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Michael Olsen, Tom Acton, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Jackie Young, Sabrae Zajac, Jark McCoy, Mary Poorman, Eddie Janzen, Daren J Farmer, Lauri A Allen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMary - I can come in on Tuesday.\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/20/2000 08:34 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Clem \nCernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Eddie Janzen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tuesday, December 26th\n\nWe will need a small staff to handle potential trades for Wed. the 27th. \nMost of the pipelines are out of the office, so I would expect the work load \nto be minimal. I plan on coming in, and would like to have a minimum of \nthree on staff, so I need two volunteers (one offsystem, just in case). If \nanyone is going to be in town, please forward a number, in case we need to \ncall any additional people in, or have you work on a laptop from home. I \nwill get with you after the new year to make up the holiday you miss, or, you \ncan schedule your day now, I have the calendars. Also, I will be out on \nvacation Friday, Dec. 22nd and will need someone to send the nominations to \nthe plants, I don't expect to have full system coverage, just HPL/HPL and \nHPL/ENA as needed. Let me know if you are interested in learning how to do \nthis.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Tuesday, December 26th", "reply", [], "Mary - I can come in on Tuesday.\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/20/2000 08:34 AM\n", "<21469252.1075854209488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-12-2000-1:20:0Seddie.janzen@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-1:20:0", "eddie.janzen@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com michael.olsen@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19043472.1075854209463.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 01:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: eddie.janzen@enron.com\nTo: mark.mccoy@enron.com, michael.olsen@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tuesday, December 26th\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nX-From: Eddie Janzen\nX-To: Mark McCoy, Michael Olsen, Tom Acton, Clem Cernosek, Jackie Young, Sabrae Zajac, Carlos J Rodriguez, Aimee Lannou, Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Lauri A Allen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n I will be here Tuesday, also.\n\n\n\n\n\nMark McCoy\n12/20/2000 09:04 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Clem \nCernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Eddie Janzen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Tuesday, December 26th \n\nI'll be here on Tuesday.\n\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman\n12/20/2000 08:34 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Clem \nCernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Eddie Janzen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Tuesday, December 26th\n\nWe will need a small staff to handle potential trades for Wed. the 27th. \nMost of the pipelines are out of the office, so I would expect the work load \nto be minimal. I plan on coming in, and would like to have a minimum of \nthree on staff, so I need two volunteers (one offsystem, just in case). If \nanyone is going to be in town, please forward a number, in case we need to \ncall any additional people in, or have you work on a laptop from home. I \nwill get with you after the new year to make up the holiday you miss, or, you \ncan schedule your day now, I have the calendars. Also, I will be out on \nvacation Friday, Dec. 22nd and will need someone to send the nominations to \nthe plants, I don't expect to have full system coverage, just HPL/HPL and \nHPL/ENA as needed. Let me know if you are interested in learning how to do \nthis.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Tuesday, December 26th", "reply", [], " I will be here Tuesday, also.\n\n\n\n\n\nMark McCoy\n12/20/2000 09:04 AM\n", "<19043472.1075854209463.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-12-2000-1:35:0Ssabrae.zajac@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-1:35:0", "sabrae.zajac@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28226473.1075854209416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 01:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sabrae.zajac@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tuesday, December 26th\nCc: michael.olsen@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, eddie.janzen@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.olsen@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, eddie.janzen@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nX-From: Sabrae Zajac\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Michael Olsen, Tom Acton, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Jackie Young, Carlos J Rodriguez, Mark McCoy, Aimee Lannou, Eddie Janzen, Daren J Farmer, Lauri A Allen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI can be here.\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/20/2000 08:34 AM\nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Clem \nCernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nMcCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nPoorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Eddie Janzen/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tuesday, December 26th\n\nWe will need a small staff to handle potential trades for Wed. the 27th. \nMost of the pipelines are out of the office, so I would expect the work load \nto be minimal. I plan on coming in, and would like to have a minimum of \nthree on staff, so I need two volunteers (one offsystem, just in case). If \nanyone is going to be in town, please forward a number, in case we need to \ncall any additional people in, or have you work on a laptop from home. I \nwill get with you after the new year to make up the holiday you miss, or, you \ncan schedule your day now, I have the calendars. Also, I will be out on \nvacation Friday, Dec. 22nd and will need someone to send the nominations to \nthe plants, I don't expect to have full system coverage, just HPL/HPL and \nHPL/ENA as needed. Let me know if you are interested in learning how to do \nthis.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Tuesday, December 26th", "reply", [], "I can be here.\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n12/20/2000 08:34 AM\n", "<28226473.1075854209416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "27-1-2000-7:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-8-2000-2:45:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 30-8-2000-5:34:0Spat.clynes@enron.com 13-3-2000-6:9:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 13-3-2000-6:28:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 29-6-2000-6:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 28-8-2000-1:58:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"27-1-2000-7:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-1-2000-7:23:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["pat.clynes@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], [], "FYI. We need to make sure that this kind of communication conitinues to flow \ndownstream.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/27/2000 \n03:22 PM ---------------------------\nKenneth Seaman 01/27/2000 02:00 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Valero -- Meter 8018\nDeliveries to this meter were halted late in the day of January 20. The \ncustomer has maintenance issues that necessitated an earlier than planned \nturnaround.\nIt is my understanding from our trader this is another force majure situation \nresulting in no sale or buyback at this meter commencing with the shutdown.\nPlease take this into consideration when allocating and billing the customer.\nThanks\n", ["Valero -- Meter 8018"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '8018']}", [], "FYI. We need to make sure that this kind of communication conitinues to flow \ndownstream.\n\nD\n", ["<15761388.1075854172800.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30492243.1075854031770.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22930249.1075854050810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18481964.1075854160276.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-8-2000-2:45:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-2:45:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], "Does it make a difference if the information is communicated via a copy of \ncustomer \"force majeure\" letter or should it only be communicated\n via notes mail. \n \nThere are several ways to communicate effectively issues that is beneficial \nto other departments, do you have a preference?\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Pat Clynes @ ENRON 08/29/2000 10:13 PM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero -- Meter 8018 \nRobert,\nThis is an idea of the type of information that should be communicated. \nThanks, Pat\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n01/27/2000 03:23 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Valero -- Meter 8018\nFYI. We need to make sure that this kind of communication conitinues to flow \ndownstream.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/27/2000 \n03:22 PM ---------------------------\nKenneth Seaman 01/27/2000 02:00 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Valero -- Meter 8018\nDeliveries to this meter were halted late in the day of January 20. The \ncustomer has maintenance issues that necessitated an earlier than planned \nturnaround.\nIt is my understanding from our trader this is another force majure situation \nresulting in no sale or buyback at this meter commencing with the shutdown.\nPlease take this into consideration when allocating and billing the customer.\nThanks\n", ["Re: Valero -- Meter 8018"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '8018']}", [], "Does it make a difference if the information is communicated via a copy of \ncustomer \"force majeure\" letter or should it only be communicated\n via notes mail. \n \nThere are several ways to communicate effectively issues that is beneficial \nto other departments, do you have a preference?\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Pat Clynes @ ENRON 08/29/2000 10:13 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<21620484.1075853987452.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<174990.1075854137577.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-8-2000-5:34:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-5:34:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", ["robert.lloyd@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Robert,\nYou can communicate by lotus notes, phone, memo or other means. The point \nthat I am making is to communicate\nall and any industrial information to Daren, Gary Hanks, volume management, \nand myself. There may be times to\nalso involve Lee and Gary as well as others. This was just to assist you. \nThanks, Pat\nRobert E Lloyd@ECT\n08/30/2000 09:45 AM\nTo: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Valero -- Meter 8018 \nDoes it make a difference if the information is communicated via a copy of \ncustomer \"force majeure\" letter or should it only be communicated\n via notes mail. \n \nThere are several ways to communicate effectively issues that is beneficial \nto other departments, do you have a preference?\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Pat Clynes @ ENRON 08/29/2000 10:13 PM\n \nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Valero -- Meter 8018 \nRobert,\nThis is an idea of the type of information that should be communicated. \nThanks, Pat\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n01/27/2000 03:23 PM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Valero -- Meter 8018\nFYI. We need to make sure that this kind of communication conitinues to flow \ndownstream.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/27/2000 \n03:22 PM ---------------------------\nKenneth Seaman 01/27/2000 02:00 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Valero -- Meter 8018\nDeliveries to this meter were halted late in the day of January 20. The \ncustomer has maintenance issues that necessitated an earlier than planned \nturnaround.\nIt is my understanding from our trader this is another force majure situation \nresulting in no sale or buyback at this meter commencing with the shutdown.\nPlease take this into consideration when allocating and billing the customer.\nThanks\n", ["Re: Valero -- Meter 8018"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '8018']}", [["make business", 8, "information", ["making", "point"], "information", " the point that i am making is to communicate all and any industrial information to daren, gary hanks, volume management, and myself."]], "Robert,\nYou can communicate by lotus notes, phone, memo or other means. The point \nthat I am making is to communicate\nall and any industrial information to Daren, Gary Hanks, volume management, \nand myself. There may be times to\nalso involve Lee and Gary as well as others. This was just to assist you. \nThanks, Pat\n\n\n\n\nRobert E Lloyd@ECT\n08/30/2000 09:45 AM\n", ["<27309322.1075853987293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14632026.1075854137622.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-3-2000-6:9:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["13-3-2000-6:9:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], " Effective March 11th Valero has not pulled any gas on a 35.0/day \nnomination.\n \n Do you want to arrange a buyback for this activity. There is a buyback \nticket { # 148381} available\n to handle any underage.\n \n I am being told this interconnect will be down 2-weeks; effective March \n11th.", ["Valero Gas Marketing ; Meter #: 8018 / Sitara Ticket # 148376"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '8018']}", [], " Effective March 11th Valero has not pulled any gas on a 35.0/day \nnomination.\n \n Do you want to arrange a buyback for this activity. There is a buyback \nticket { # 148381} available\n to handle any underage.\n \n I am being told this interconnect will be down 2-weeks; effective March \n11th.", ["<15893861.1075854021711.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21479190.1075854060478.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3491117.1075854126572.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"19": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-3-2000-6:28:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["13-3-2000-6:28:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["howard.camp@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], " FYI...ONLY !\n Gary agreed to let the deficiency volumes hit the buyback that is set \npresently.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 03/13/2000 02:09 PM\n \nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Valero Gas Marketing ; Meter #: 8018 / Sitara Ticket # 148376\n Effective March 11th Valero has not pulled any gas on a 35.0/day \nnomination.\n \n Do you want to arrange a buyback for this activity. There is a buyback \nticket { # 148381} available\n to handle any underage.\n \n I am being told this interconnect will be down 2-weeks; effective March \n11th.\n", ["Valero Gas Marketing ; Meter #: 8018 / Sitara Ticket # 148376"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '8018']}", [], " FYI...ONLY !\n\n Gary agreed to let the deficiency volumes hit the buyback that is set \npresently.\n\n\n\n", ["<6912675.1075854021688.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22168880.1075854060500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22069178.1075854126595.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-6:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-6:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 \n01:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 03/13/2000 02:28 PM\n \nTo: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W \nLamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Valero Gas Marketing ; Meter #: 8018 / Sitara Ticket # 148376\n FYI...ONLY !\n Gary agreed to let the deficiency volumes hit the buyback that is set \npresently.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 03/13/2000 02:09 PM\n \nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Valero Gas Marketing ; Meter #: 8018 / Sitara Ticket # 148376\n Effective March 11th Valero has not pulled any gas on a 35.0/day \nnomination.\n \n Do you want to arrange a buyback for this activity. There is a buyback \nticket { # 148381} available\n to handle any underage.\n \n I am being told this interconnect will be down 2-weeks; effective March \n11th.\n", ["Valero Gas Marketing ; Meter #: 8018 / Sitara Ticket # 148376"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '8018']}", [], "", ["<26749114.1075854167188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3352649.1075854000024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18826289.1075854080639.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24109967.1075854154583.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-8-2000-1:58:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["28-8-2000-1:58:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["eddie.janzen@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "sabrae.zajac@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "stella.morris@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16053483.1075854091568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 01:58:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: pat.clynes@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com,\n\tjackie.young@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tmary.poorman@enron.com, eddie.janzen@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nSubject: Weekend Notes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Pat Clynes, Tom Acton, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Stella L Morris, Jackie Young, Sabrae Zajac, Carlos J Rodriguez, Mark McCoy, Aimee Lannou, Robert E Lloyd, Mary Poorman, Eddie Janzen, Daren J Farmer, Gary A Hanks\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHere are my notes, please let me know if you have any questions.\n\nWeekend of August 26 =01) 28, 2000\n\n\nSaturday:\n\n? Celanese Bayport meter 8018 was ramping back up. Total nomination of=20\n35,000 in Mops was pathed =01) transmitted nom to Pops and confirmed.\n? Costilla , meter 9687 was still down 4,000 due to wellhead production=20\nlosses on Friday, expected short into the first of the week, possibly longe=\nr,=20\nmay need to fish the hole to bring the well back up.\n? Costilla Pilgreen =01) Running high H2S, causing our valve to shut-in 13,=\n000=20\nMM=01,s (we changed our specs at the valve to accept 8 parts per mil for 3=\n0=20\nminutes last week, per Jill Zively). Louis Dreyfus was diverting the well =\nto=20\nanother pipeline, per the contract that gas has to come to us or be shut-in=\n. =20\nWe got the well back on Saturday afternoon, and all was well.\n? All meters were updated in Pops for Satuday=01,s gas day.\n? Christy w/ PG&E called with Cuts into the Hub:\nVolume of 16,495 cut to 1,799\nVolume of 15,000 cut to 6,845\n? Meter 1505 lost two compressors and was about 2,000 short to us. This=20\nissue was resolved.\n\n\nSunday:\n\n? Shell meter 1060 cut back from 35,000 to 15,000; Shell lost two units. =\n=20\nAlso, seeing meter 1394 which dels to Shell back down from 10,000 to 5,000.\n? Patty called re: the EPNG cuts, found out late afternoon that they are PC=\nC,=20\nPipeline Capacity Constraints, at the IVALEROW meter into PG&E.\n? Joey Stanton with Duke called regarding some new production coming up. H=\ne=20\nwanted to sell it into HPL at Lonestar/Katy for Sunday and Monday. Paged=\n=20\nDarren, we took the gas, it needs to be priced today. Duke let me know tha=\nt=20\nthey would flow at a rate of 25,000/hour, and should average approximately=\n=20\n12-15,000 for the day. Mark McCoy is working on getting a good meter total=\n=20\nfrom Lonestar for Sunday, we need to get the deal in Sitara and confirm=20\ntoday's gas day as well.\n? Regarding PG&E, I do not have final Cycle 4 numbers (they come out around=\n=20\n9pm on the gas day).\n\nAll in all, it was a pretty good weekend, and an educational one. Gas=20\ncontrol did a great job communicating and assisting to resolve issues. =20\nPlease check all meters impacted to make sure that I Pop=01,d and Mop=01,d=\n=20\ncorrectly.=20\n\nThank you,\n\nMary Jane\n\n\n\n", "Weekend Notes", "originEmail", [["settle_resolve issue", 94, "information", ["issue", "resolved"], "information", " this numeric issue was resolved."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 105, "information", ["seeing", "meter"], "information", " numeric also, seeing meter numeric which dels to shell back down from numeric to numeric ."], ["settle_resolve issue", 176, "information", ["issues", "resolve"], "information", " gas numeric control did a great job communicating and assisting to resolve issues."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 179, "nninformation", ["check", "meters"], "request", " numeric please check all meters impacted to make sure that i pop numeric ,d and mop numeric ,d numeric correctly."]], "Here are my notes, please let me know if you have any questions.\n\nWeekend of August 26 =01) 28, 2000\n\n\nSaturday:\n\n? Celanese Bayport meter 8018 was ramping back up. Total nomination of=20\n35,000 in Mops was pathed =01) transmitted nom to Pops and confirmed.\n? Costilla , meter 9687 was still down 4,000 due to wellhead production=20\nlosses on Friday, expected short into the first of the week, possibly longer,=20\nmay need to fish the hole to bring the well back up.\n? Costilla Pilgreen =01) Running high H2S, causing our valve to shut-in 13,000=20\nMM=01,s (we changed our specs at the valve to accept 8 parts per mil for 30=20\nminutes last week, per Jill Zively). Louis Dreyfus was diverting the well to=20\nanother pipeline, per the contract that gas has to come to us or be shut-in. =20\nWe got the well back on Saturday afternoon, and all was well.\n? All meters were updated in Pops for Satuday=01,s gas day.\n? Christy w/ PG&E called with Cuts into the Hub:\nVolume of 16,495 cut to 1,799\nVolume of 15,000 cut to 6,845\n? Meter 1505 lost two compressors and was about 2,000 short to us. This=20\nissue was resolved.\n\n\nSunday:\n\n? Shell meter 1060 cut back from 35,000 to 15,000; Shell lost two units. =20\nAlso, seeing meter 1394 which dels to Shell back down from 10,000 to 5,000.\n? Patty called re: the EPNG cuts, found out late afternoon that they are PCC,=20\nPipeline Capacity Constraints, at the IVALEROW meter into PG&E.\n? Joey Stanton with Duke called regarding some new production coming up. He=20\nwanted to sell it into HPL at Lonestar/Katy for Sunday and Monday. Paged=20\nDarren, we took the gas, it needs to be priced today. Duke let me know that=20\nthey would flow at a rate of 25,000/hour, and should average approximately=20\n12-15,000 for the day. Mark McCoy is working on getting a good meter total=20\nfrom Lonestar for Sunday, we need to get the deal in Sitara and confirm=20\ntoday's gas day as well.\n? Regarding PG&E, I do not have final Cycle 4 numbers (they come out around=20\n9pm on the gas day).\n\nAll in all, it was a pretty good weekend, and an educational one. Gas=20\ncontrol did a great job communicating and assisting to resolve issues. =20\nPlease check all meters impacted to make sure that I Pop=01,d and Mop=01,d=20\ncorrectly.=20\n\nThank you,\n\nMary Jane\n\n\n\n", "<16053483.1075854091568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "161": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "166": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "171": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "92": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["issue numericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "1060", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric shellTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "8018", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "9687", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "88": {"value": "1505", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "104": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "178": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric part_percentageTnn"]}, "80": {"value": "16,495", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "82": {"value": "1,799", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true]}, "21-8-2000-6:17:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 29-8-2000-2:59:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"21-8-2000-6:17:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-6:17:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nWe have deliveries of about 4,500/mo., more or less, at this meter beginning \nin May, 2000. These volumes are currently on the Strangers Agmt, but, I \nfeel that a sales deal should be out there. Please let me know what needs \nto be done to resolve this.\nMary ext 35251", ["Meter 981491"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1491']}", [], "Daren,\n\nWe have deliveries of about 4,500/mo., more or less, at this meter beginning \nin May, 2000. These volumes are currently on the Strangers Agmt, but, I \nfeel that a sales deal should be out there. Please let me know what needs \nto be done to resolve this.\n\nMary ext 35251", ["<28066746.1075853989404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28108483.1075854090150.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5000491.1075854136946.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-8-2000-2:59:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["29-8-2000-2:59:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <31926816.1075853987680.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 02:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Alloc. Except - Mtr 1491\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nMeter 1491 has steady flow for the first 13 days of the month. It is the \nShanghai Energy Gas Lift Sales Mtr. Previously, these volumes have been \nplaced on the Strangers Agreement, but, I don't know that that is correct. \nThe volume is steady between 150 and 200 per day. If I should be asking \nsomeone else, please let me know.\n\nThank you for all of your assistance and patience,\n\nMary Jane", "Alloc. Except - Mtr 1491", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1491"], "information", "daren, meter numeric has steady flow for the first numeric days of the month."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 16, "information", ["placed", "strangers"], "information", " previously, these volumes have been placed on the strangers agreement, but, i don't know that that is correct."]], "Daren,\n\nMeter 1491 has steady flow for the first 13 days of the month. It is the \nShanghai Energy Gas Lift Sales Mtr. Previously, these volumes have been \nplaced on the Strangers Agreement, but, I don't know that that is correct. \nThe volume is steady between 150 and 200 per day. If I should be asking \nsomeone else, please let me know.\n\nThank you for all of your assistance and patience,\n\nMary Jane", "<31926816.1075853987680.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"assistance patience personnelpronounTnnn": {"value": "assistance patience personnelpronounTnnn", "ne": "assistance patience personnelpronounTnnn", "patterns": ["assistance patience personnelpronounTnnn"]}, "assistance personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["assistance personnelpronounTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "1491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "1491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "13-9-2000-3:48:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 13-9-2000-4:21:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"13-9-2000-3:48:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["13-9-2000-3:48:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <11007620.1075854095014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 03:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: deal id 109475\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above deal is a desk to desk for Amoco gas at Katy, which is xported on \nENA's agmt on Tejas. Please extend the deal to cover September.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "deal id 109475", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 10, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " please extend the deal to cover september."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 12, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "intention", " please extend the deal to cover september."]], "Daren,\n\nThe above deal is a desk to desk for Amoco gas at Katy, which is xported on \nENA's agmt on Tejas. Please extend the deal to cover September.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "<11007620.1075854095014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "109475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "13-9-2000-4:21:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-9-2000-4:21:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30853062.1075854165168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 04:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: deal id 109475\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMary, \n\nYou can roll this if you need to. I usually leave it up to logistics to \nupdate the trans usage tickets like this.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n09/13/2000 10:48 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal id 109475\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above deal is a desk to desk for Amoco gas at Katy, which is xported on \nENA's agmt on Tejas. Please extend the deal to cover September.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: deal id 109475", "reply", [], "Mary, \n\nYou can roll this if you need to. I usually leave it up to logistics to \nupdate the trans usage tickets like this.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n09/13/2000 10:48 AM\n", "<30853062.1075854165168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-8-2000-2:19:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 21-8-2000-6:18:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-11-2000-1:18:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 1-11-2000-2:10:0Speggy.cameron@enron.com 27-12-2000-7:55:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 27-12-2000-8:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 21-3-2001-6:18:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"21-8-2000-2:19:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-2:19:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26251139.1075854090039.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 02:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 980070; Oct 99\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThere are two purchases at the above referenced meter for the 28th of Oct., \n1999. Gas flowed without a purchase from the29th through the 31st. Please \nlet me know if we should be paying the swing parties(deal tickets117738 and \n120359) , or how I should allocate the volume. \n\nThank you for your time and patience!!\n\nMary Jane\n\next. 35251", "Meter 980070; Oct 99", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " gas flowed without a purchase from the datenumeric h through the datenumeric t."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal"], "intention", " please let me know if we should be paying the swing parties(deal tickets numeric and numeric ) , or how i should allocate the volume."]], "Daren,\n\nThere are two purchases at the above referenced meter for the 28th of Oct., \n1999. Gas flowed without a purchase from the29th through the 31st. Please \nlet me know if we should be paying the swing parties(deal tickets117738 and \n120359) , or how I should allocate the volume. \n\nThank you for your time and patience!!\n\nMary Jane\n\next. 35251", "<26251139.1075854090039.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"16": {"value": "117738", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "gas purchaseTnn": {"value": "gas purchaseTnn", "ne": "gas purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["gas purchaseTnn"]}, "meter purchaseTnn": {"value": "meter purchaseTnn", "ne": "meter purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["meter purchaseTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "980070", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "120359", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn": {"value": "patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn", "ne": "patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn", "patterns": ["patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}}, true], "21-8-2000-6:18:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-6:18:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11880366.1075854165929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 06:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 980070; Oct 99\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWho does Lone Star show as the transporter on their side, if anyone? Do we \nhave an OBA at this point?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/21/2000 09:19 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 980070; Oct 99\n\nDaren,\n\nThere are two purchases at the above referenced meter for the 28th of Oct., \n1999. Gas flowed without a purchase from the29th through the 31st. Please \nlet me know if we should be paying the swing parties(deal tickets117738 and \n120359) , or how I should allocate the volume. \n\nThank you for your time and patience!!\n\nMary Jane\n\next. 35251\n\n", "Re: Meter 980070; Oct 99", "reply", [], "Who does Lone Star show as the transporter on their side, if anyone? Do we \nhave an OBA at this point?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/21/2000 09:19 AM\n", "<11880366.1075854165929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "1-11-2000-1:18:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-1:18:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["patricia.kirkwood@enron.com", "peggy.cameron@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Peggy and Patricia,\nThis is the last allocation exception I have to clear. When you have the \ntime, could you check the volumes for gas days 28 - 31 for October, 1999. I \nphoned Peggy this morning regarding this meter, and apparently it is outside \nmeasured. I need to verify that flow occured so that I can have a deal(s) \nextended to allocate the flow to.\nThank you again for all of your assistance, I really appreciate all that you \nhave done.\nMary\nDaren,\nI am going to leave a copy of the meter volume, and prior purchases to review.\nThank you for you assistance and patience.\nMary", ["Meter 980070 Lonestar/HPL Rusk for 10/99"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '980070']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 21, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " i need to verify that flow occured so that i can have a deal(s) extended to allocate the flow to."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 24, "information", ["deal", "extended"], "information", " i need to verify that flow occured so that i can have a deal(s) extended to allocate the flow to."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 25, "information", ["allocate", "deal"], "information", " i need to verify that flow occured so that i can have a deal(s) extended to allocate the flow to."]], "Peggy and Patricia,\n\nThis is the last allocation exception I have to clear. When you have the \ntime, could you check the volumes for gas days 28 - 31 for October, 1999. I \nphoned Peggy this morning regarding this meter, and apparently it is outside \nmeasured. I need to verify that flow occured so that I can have a deal(s) \nextended to allocate the flow to.\n\nThank you again for all of your assistance, I really appreciate all that you \nhave done.\n\nMary\n\nDaren,\n\nI am going to leave a copy of the meter volume, and prior purchases to review.\n\n\nThank you for you assistance and patience.\n\nMary", ["<19494732.1075853974239.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10357598.1075854104443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16824631.1075854140029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"assistance personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["assistance personnelpronounTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "28", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "980070", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "1-11-2000-2:10:0Speggy.cameron@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-2:10:0", "peggy.cameron@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["patricia.kirkwood@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "PER OUR CONVERSATION, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY NUMBERS WITH 2 ZEROS IN FRONT.\n980070 DOES NOT EXISTS IN MIPS.\nTHANKS.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Peggy Cameron/GPGFIN/Enron on 11/01/2000 \n09:56 AM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman\n11/01/2000 09:18 AM\nTo: Peggy Cameron/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Patricia Kirkwood/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 980070 Lonestar/HPL Rusk for 10/99\nPeggy and Patricia,\nThis is the last allocation exception I have to clear. When you have the \ntime, could you check the volumes for gas days 28 - 31 for October, 1999. I \nphoned Peggy this morning regarding this meter, and apparently it is outside \nmeasured. I need to verify that flow occured so that I can have a deal(s) \nextended to allocate the flow to.\nThank you again for all of your assistance, I really appreciate all that you \nhave done.\nMary\nDaren,\nI am going to leave a copy of the meter volume, and prior purchases to review.\nThank you for you assistance and patience.\nMary\n", ["Meter 980070 Lonestar/HPL Rusk for 10/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '980070'], 'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '980070']}", [], "PER OUR CONVERSATION, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY NUMBERS WITH 2 ZEROS IN FRONT.\n980070 DOES NOT EXISTS IN MIPS.\nTHANKS.\n", ["<10630885.1075853974152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2452774.1075854104532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8404006.1075854140118.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-12-2000-7:55:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["27-12-2000-7:55:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Daren:\nDuring the period of 11/4/99 to 12/4/99, the above meter has recorded flow on \nthe following days:\n Days Mmbtus\n 11/4/99 2,813\n 11/7/99 4,248\n 11/8/99 2,287\n 11/10/99 23\n 11/24/99 100\n 11/25/99 421\n 11/26/99 3,611\n 11/27/99 989\n 11/28/99 7\n 12/1/99 1,825\n 12/5/99 205\n 30,287\nDeal #127445 was at this meter for only 1 day (November 3, 1999). Deal \n#129706 was at this meter for only 1 day (November 16,1999). Deal #133219 \nwas at this meter for only 2 days (December 1 & 2, 1999). Currently, these \nvolumes are being booked under the HPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics \nneeds either (1) have some or all of these deals extended, (2) new deal, or \n(3) approval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please \nprint, sign, and return original to Clem Cernosek).\n \n ___________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket #/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n OR\n ________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\nThanks, Clem\n", ["HPL Meter #980070 RUSK D/P - LONE STAR HPL"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '980070']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 48, "information", ["deals", "extended", "1"], "information", " logistics needs either ( numeric ) have some or all of these deals extended, ( numeric ) new deal, or ( numeric ) approval to write-off these volumes to unaccounted for gas."]], "Daren:\n\nDuring the period of 11/4/99 to 12/4/99, the above meter has recorded flow on \nthe following days:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 11/4/99 2,813\n 11/7/99 4,248\n 11/8/99 2,287\n 11/10/99 23\n 11/24/99 100\n 11/25/99 421\n 11/26/99 3,611\n 11/27/99 989\n 11/28/99 7\n 12/1/99 1,825\n 12/5/99 205\n\n 30,287\n\nDeal #127445 was at this meter for only 1 day (November 3, 1999). Deal \n#129706 was at this meter for only 1 day (November 16,1999). Deal #133219 \nwas at this meter for only 2 days (December 1 & 2, 1999). Currently, these \nvolumes are being booked under the HPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics \nneeds either (1) have some or all of these deals extended, (2) new deal, or \n(3) approval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please \nprint, sign, and return original to Clem Cernosek).\n\n \n ___________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket #/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n\n OR\n\n\n ________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem\n\n\n", ["<29560472.1075854208238.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21330631.1075854282065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30724065.1075854317684.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"49": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "129706", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "30,287", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "133219", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "127445", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "27-12-2000-8:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-12-2000-8:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["clem.cernosek@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Have any of the counterparties on the deals below invoiced us for any of the \nadditional volumes?\nD\nClem Cernosek\n12/27/2000 03:55 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: HPL Meter #980070 RUSK D/P - LONE STAR HPL\nDaren:\nDuring the period of 11/4/99 to 12/4/99, the above meter has recorded flow on \nthe following days:\n Days Mmbtus\n 11/4/99 2,813\n 11/7/99 4,248\n 11/8/99 2,287\n 11/10/99 23\n 11/24/99 100\n 11/25/99 421\n 11/26/99 3,611\n 11/27/99 989\n 11/28/99 7\n 12/1/99 1,825\n 12/5/99 205\n 30,287\nDeal #127445 was at this meter for only 1 day (November 3, 1999). Deal \n#129706 was at this meter for only 1 day (November 16,1999). Deal #133219 \nwas at this meter for only 2 days (December 1 & 2, 1999). Currently, these \nvolumes are being booked under the HPL Strangers Gas Contract. Logistics \nneeds either (1) have some or all of these deals extended, (2) new deal, or \n(3) approval to write-off these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please \nprint, sign, and return original to Clem Cernosek).\n \n ___________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket #/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n OR\n ________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Write-off the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\nThanks, Clem\n", ["Re: HPL Meter #980070 RUSK D/P - LONE STAR HPL"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '980070']}", [], "Have any of the counterparties on the deals below invoiced us for any of the \nadditional volumes?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/27/2000 03:55 PM\n", ["<4982803.1075854337635.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5728160.1075854208192.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8366784.1075854282088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30914876.1075854327637.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-3-2001-6:18:0Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["21-3-2001-6:18:0", "michael.olsen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nThis meter has recorded flow for the following days with no deal.\n10-29-99 1300\n10-30-99 23\n10-31-99 23\n2-06-01 (4222)\nWe used deal 83388 last January to write off this meter's HPL Strangers \nbalances. How should this flow be handled?\n", ["meter 980070"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '980070']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "daren, this meter has recorded flow for the following days with no deal."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 23, "information", ["used", "deal", "4222"], "information", " numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric ( numeric ) we used deal numeric last january to write off this meter's hpl strangers balances."]], "Daren,\n\nThis meter has recorded flow for the following days with no deal.\n\n10-29-99 1300\n10-30-99 23\n10-31-99 23\n2-06-01 (4222)\n\nWe used deal 83388 last January to write off this meter's HPL Strangers \nbalances. How should this flow be handled?\n\n\n", ["<20418050.1075854192996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2302623.1075854296671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27130500.1075854320333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"22": {"value": "4222", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal recordTnn": {"value": "deal recordTnn", "ne": "deal recordTnn", "patterns": ["deal recordTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "980070", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "21-9-2000-4:4:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 21-9-2000-6:38:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 5-2-2001-6:16:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 5-2-2001-6:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-9-2000-4:4:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["21-9-2000-4:4:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "susan.hadix@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com"], [], "FYI - \nDuke Energy Field Services will be reworking the Wilcox Plant on 9/26 f rom \n7am to 12 noon and will require that HPL shut-in the 20M del. for that time \nframe. \nShould you have any further questions, please call me at 35251.\nMary", ["Meter 981594 - San Jacinto Low Pressure Del to DEFS"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '981594']}", [], "FYI - \nDuke Energy Field Services will be reworking the Wilcox Plant on 9/26 f rom \n7am to 12 noon and will require that HPL shut-in the 20M del. for that time \nframe. \n\nShould you have any further questions, please call me at 35251.\n\nMary", ["<3087702.1075853982464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8631726.1075854096822.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22078035.1075854138545.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-9-2000-6:38:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["21-9-2000-6:38:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "susan.hadix@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com"], " Per Duke Energy Field Services, we can ramp up after the outtage and keep \nthe meter whole at 20M, if we choose.\nMary", ["Re: Meter 981594 - San Jacinto Low Pressure Del to DEFS"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '981594']}", [], " Per Duke Energy Field Services, we can ramp up after the outtage and keep \nthe meter whole at 20M, if we choose.\n\nMary", ["<31693194.1075853982421.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17621230.1075854096845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20639542.1075854138568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-2-2001-6:16:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-6:16:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <32454497.1075854200704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 06:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 981594 for Jan\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe meter shows flow the first two day, the deal to sell to San Jac is \nexpired. Do you want me to extend the deal to cover the volume?\n\nMary", "Meter 981594 for Jan", "originEmail", [["show deal", 3, "information", ["shows", "meter"], "information", "the meter shows flow the first two day, the deal to sell to san jac is expired."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["deal", "flow", "meter"], "information", "the meter shows flow the first two day, the deal to sell to san jac is expired."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 10, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request information", " do you want me to extend the deal to cover the volume?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 12, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "request information", " do you want me to extend the deal to cover the volume?"]], "The meter shows flow the first two day, the deal to sell to San Jac is \nexpired. Do you want me to extend the deal to cover the volume?\n\nMary", "<32454497.1075854200704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "981594", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-2-2001-6:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-6:35:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18849497.1075854336469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 06:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 981594 for Jan\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThat would be fine.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n02/05/2001 02:16 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 981594 for Jan\n\nThe meter shows flow the first two day, the deal to sell to San Jac is \nexpired. Do you want me to extend the deal to cover the volume?\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Meter 981594 for Jan", "reply", [], "That would be fine.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n02/05/2001 02:16 PM\n", "<18849497.1075854336469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "10-1-2001-3:53:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 10-1-2001-4:29:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-1-2001-3:53:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-3:53:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11792758.1075854205868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tfred.boas@enron.com\nSubject: Saxet Canales into King Ranch - Balancing issue\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Vance L Taylor, Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten, Fred Boas\nX-cc: Edward Terry, Melissa Graves, Rita Wynne\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI - \n\nWe are having some \"after-the-fact\" balancing issues with King Ranch. I just \nspoke with Carol regarding our net position with the plant, she has informed \nme that the Saxet Canales production we are buying at the inlet has been \naveraging approximately 3,850 Dth/day for January, and has been producing at \nor around that level since November. We don't have eyes at the meter, \nhowever, Carol was brought online this past week, and I will be receiving \nproduction information on a regular basis to balance redeliveries.\n\nWe have been scheduling 838 to 1,045 Dth/day at the meter. We need to gross \nup for Jan in order to ensure that we capture our volumes correctly and do \nnot create additional balancing issues with the plant.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any further questions, or need additional \ninformation.\n\nMary", "Saxet Canales into King Ranch - Balancing issue", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 43, "nninformation", ["ensure", "volumes"], "intention", " we need to gross up for jan in order to ensure that we capture our volumes correctly and do not create additional balancing issues with the plant."]], "FYI - \n\nWe are having some \"after-the-fact\" balancing issues with King Ranch. I just \nspoke with Carol regarding our net position with the plant, she has informed \nme that the Saxet Canales production we are buying at the inlet has been \naveraging approximately 3,850 Dth/day for January, and has been producing at \nor around that level since November. We don't have eyes at the meter, \nhowever, Carol was brought online this past week, and I will be receiving \nproduction information on a regular basis to balance redeliveries.\n\nWe have been scheduling 838 to 1,045 Dth/day at the meter. We need to gross \nup for Jan in order to ensure that we capture our volumes correctly and do \nnot create additional balancing issues with the plant.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any further questions, or need additional \ninformation.\n\nMary", "<11792758.1075854205868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance_residue volumeTnn": {"value": "balance_residue volumeTnn", "ne": "balance_residue volumeTnn", "patterns": ["balance_residue volumeTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1,045**dth", "ne": "numeric0dth", "patterns": ["meter numeric0dthTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "838", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "10-1-2001-4:29:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-4:29:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14645898.1075854337260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 04:29:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales into King Ranch - Balancing issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMary, \n\nHow are we looking on the rest of our estimates thru King Ranch? do we need \nto adjust Big Cowboy or 3 Rivers?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/10/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert \nCotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Saxet Canales into King Ranch - Balancing issue\n\nFYI - \n\nWe are having some \"after-the-fact\" balancing issues with King Ranch. I just \nspoke with Carol regarding our net position with the plant, she has informed \nme that the Saxet Canales production we are buying at the inlet has been \naveraging approximately 3,850 Dth/day for January, and has been producing at \nor around that level since November. We don't have eyes at the meter, \nhowever, Carol was brought online this past week, and I will be receiving \nproduction information on a regular basis to balance redeliveries.\n\nWe have been scheduling 838 to 1,045 Dth/day at the meter. We need to gross \nup for Jan in order to ensure that we capture our volumes correctly and do \nnot create additional balancing issues with the plant.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any further questions, or need additional \ninformation.\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Saxet Canales into King Ranch - Balancing issue", "reply", [], "Mary, \n\nHow are we looking on the rest of our estimates thru King Ranch? do we need \nto adjust Big Cowboy or 3 Rivers?\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n01/10/2001 11:53 AM\n", "<14645898.1075854337260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "24-10-2000-7:17:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 24-10-2000-8:37:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": {"24-10-2000-7:17:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-7:17:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["vance.taylor@enron.com"], ["robert.cotten@enron.com", "jackie.morgan@enron.com", "nick.moshou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <17609354.1075854185168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 07:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 0980438 - Acock Production ??????\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tjackie.morgan@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tjackie.morgan@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Fred Boas, Nick Moshou, Cynthia Hakemack, Kristen J Hanson, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Robert Cotten, Tom Acton, Jackie Morgan\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have spoken with Clem, this meter is now \"non-allocatable\", not unlike \nmeter 8751on Big Cowboy. This meter needs to be set up as a Receipt Meter \nattached to the Gulf Energy 27-009-08 agreement. This gas began flowing on \n7/7/00, so deal ticket 380710, which begins 9/1/00 will need to be backed up \nto July to account for the purchase of this production.\n\nBob: Please email me when the deal ticket is complete so that I can have \nFred set up accounting arrangements on Gulf Energy.\n\nFred: Can you please determine whether or not we have paid CCGM for this gas?\n\nOnce again, thank you all for your assistance.\n\nMary", "Re: Meter 0980438 - Acock Production ??????", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 24, "information", ["deal", "flowing"], "information", " this gas began flowing on datenumeric , so deal ticket numeric , which begins datenumeric will need to be backed up to july to account for the purchase of this production."]], "I have spoken with Clem, this meter is now \"non-allocatable\", not unlike \nmeter 8751on Big Cowboy. This meter needs to be set up as a Receipt Meter \nattached to the Gulf Energy 27-009-08 agreement. This gas began flowing on \n7/7/00, so deal ticket 380710, which begins 9/1/00 will need to be backed up \nto July to account for the purchase of this production.\n\nBob: Please email me when the deal ticket is complete so that I can have \nFred set up accounting arrangements on Gulf Energy.\n\nFred: Can you please determine whether or not we have paid CCGM for this gas?\n\nOnce again, thank you all for your assistance.\n\nMary", "<17609354.1075854185168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"assistance personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "assistance personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["assistance personnelpronounTnn"]}, "cowboy meterTnn": {"value": "cowboy meterTnn", "ne": "cowboy meterTnn", "patterns": ["cowboy meterTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "8751", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cowboy numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "380710", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false], "24-10-2000-8:37:0Sfred.boas@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-8:37:0", "fred.boas@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com jackie.morgan@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31370491.1075853975758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 08:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: fred.boas@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 0980438 - Acock Production ??????\nCc: mary.poorman@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tjackie.morgan@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.poorman@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tjackie.morgan@enron.com\nX-From: Fred Boas\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Mary Poorman, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Robert Cotten, Tom Acton, Jackie Morgan\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance:\n\nWhen will the new deal, or deal # 380710 be made retroactive in Path \nManager? The close deadline for Expense contracts is Wednesday October 25th.\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/24/2000 02:17 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nTom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jackie Morgan/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 0980438 - Acock Production ?????? \n\nI have spoken with Clem, this meter is now \"non-allocatable\", not unlike \nmeter 8751on Big Cowboy. This meter needs to be set up as a Receipt Meter \nattached to the Gulf Energy 27-009-08 agreement. This gas began flowing on \n7/7/00, so deal ticket 380710, which begins 9/1/00 will need to be backed up \nto July to account for the purchase of this production.\n\nBob: Please email me when the deal ticket is complete so that I can have \nFred set up accounting arrangements on Gulf Energy.\n\nFred: Can you please determine whether or not we have paid CCGM for this gas?\n\nOnce again, thank you all for your assistance.\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Meter 0980438 - Acock Production ??????", "reply", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "made"], "request information", "vance: when will the new deal, or deal # numeric be made retroactive in path manager?"]], "Vance:\n\nWhen will the new deal, or deal # 380710 be made retroactive in Path \nManager? The close deadline for Expense contracts is Wednesday October 25th.\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/24/2000 02:17 PM\n", "<31370491.1075853975758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "380710", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "vance", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-8-2000-9:28:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 17-8-2000-6:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-8-2000-9:28:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["16-8-2000-9:28:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19818824.1075854089682.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 09:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal Ticket 329242; Meter 986887\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThere is a drab of gas; 34 MM's on the first of August on the meter. \nProbably from valving off. The above ref'd deal was from Jul, do you want to \nextend it for one day? Let me know.\n\nMary\n\n35251", "Deal Ticket 329242; Meter 986887", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 14, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request information", " the above ref'd deal was from jul, do you want to extend it for one day?"]], "There is a drab of gas; 34 MM's on the first of August on the meter. \nProbably from valving off. The above ref'd deal was from Jul, do you want to \nextend it for one day? Let me know.\n\nMary\n\n35251", "<19818824.1075854089682.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "329242", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "34", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "17-8-2000-6:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-8-2000-6:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19791806.1075854165972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 06:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal Ticket 329242; Meter 986887\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI rolled ceal 329242 for Aug 1.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/16/2000 04:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Deal Ticket 329242; Meter 986887\n\nThere is a drab of gas; 34 MM's on the first of August on the meter. \nProbably from valving off. The above ref'd deal was from Jul, do you want to \nextend it for one day? Let me know.\n\nMary\n\n35251\n\n", "Re: Deal Ticket 329242; Meter 986887", "reply", [], "I rolled ceal 329242 for Aug 1.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n08/16/2000 04:28 PM\n", "<19791806.1075854165972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "11-1-2000-8:14:0Sgary.hanks@enron.com 3-4-2000-6:21:0Stom.acton@enron.com 26-10-2000-10:45:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 18-12-2000-6:42:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 19-12-2000-3:29:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 2-5-2001-14:23:6Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"11-1-2000-8:14:0Sgary.hanks@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-8:14:0", "gary.hanks@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "connie.sutton@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com", "shawna.flynn@enron.com", "mary.solmonson@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "earl.tisdale@enron.com"], "At approximately 11:00 AM on Tuesday, January 11, 2000, meter 986240 El \nCampon/Shanghai Common Point was shut in due to a leak on a 6\" lateral off of \nthe Edna 24\". The meter will be shut in until late Thursday or early on \nFriday, January 13 or 14, after repairs are complete.\nIf you have any questions please call me at 36449.\nThanks\nGary", ["Shut in of meter 986240"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9862']}", [], "At approximately 11:00 AM on Tuesday, January 11, 2000, meter 986240 El \nCampon/Shanghai Common Point was shut in due to a leak on a 6\" lateral off of \nthe Edna 24\". The meter will be shut in until late Thursday or early on \nFriday, January 13 or 14, after repairs are complete.\n\nIf you have any questions please call me at 36449.\n\nThanks\nGary", ["<30438432.1075854034935.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30179322.1075854048105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15922284.1075854121217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "3-4-2000-6:21:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-6:21:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Scherlyn, Per our conversation here is the meter 986296, and the months of \nFeb and March this meter needs to go to the 012-41500-02-015 contract. \nThank you Sherlyn. let me know and I'll enter the new track Id's. Tom. ", ["Meter 986296"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9862']}", [], "Scherlyn, Per our conversation here is the meter 986296, and the months of \nFeb and March this meter needs to go to the 012-41500-02-015 contract. \nThank you Sherlyn. let me know and I'll enter the new track Id's. Tom. ", ["<26661287.1075854017428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32689323.1075854064510.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25063542.1075854128950.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "986296", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-10-2000-10:45:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-10:45:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["anita.luong@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], ["gary.hanks@enron.com", "karry.kendall@enron.com", "michael.bilberry@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <931380.1075853975223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 10:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tanita.luong@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nSubject: Spinaker/N. Padre Island Block 883: Allocations\nCc: karry.kendall@enron.com, michael.bilberry@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: karry.kendall@enron.com, michael.bilberry@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Tom Acton, Robert Cotten, Pat Clynes, Anita Luong, Daren J Farmer, Lauri A Allen\nX-cc: Karry Kendall, Michael C Bilberry, Gary A Hanks\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPer our various discussions, I am sending an email to reiterate the \ndisposition of volumes at Meter 9862, the Lehman Spinaker pay meter. At this \ntime, the General Land Office is transporting their share of production \n(21.8945% interest) and HPL is purchasing the remaining 78.1055%. \n\nThe GLO has nominated a transport volume at meter 9848, effective September \n1, 2000. During this time, some test gas flowed. I have had the HPL \npurchase back-dated to coincide with the transport nomination, and have had \nboth deals moved to 9862. The meter should probably be designated a \nCallout/Swing so that the proper equity percentages can be allocated after \nthe production month by Volume Management.\n\nFor October production forward, I am going to re-rank/confirm the pay meter \nto ensure that the GLO receives a volume which should be close to their \npercentage after actuals close for the month. This should alleviate any \nlarge balance swings on their agreement.\n\nAnita: For September, I need an accounting arrangement on deal ticket \n379424; HPL gathering agmt. at meter 9862. Please unallocate the transport \nand purchase at 9848. The meter is a daily swing right now. Let me know \nwhen you are ready and I will change the allocation methodology.\n\nI apologize for the length of this email, I want to make sure that we are all \non the same page, to the extent that we need to be, prior to this deal \ngetting too far down the road. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have \nany questions, comments, concerns, etc. I am at extension 35251.\n\nThank you all for your time and patience,\n\nMary", "Spinaker/N. Padre Island Block 883: Allocations", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 42, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " during this time, some test gas flowed."], ["show deal", 51, "nninformation", ["designated", "meter"], "intention", " the meter should probably be designated a callout/swing so that the proper equity percentages can be allocated after the production month by volume management."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 57, "nninformation", ["allocated", "volume"], "intention", " the meter should probably be designated a callout/swing so that the proper equity percentages can be allocated after the production month by volume management."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 67, "nninformation", ["ensure", "meter", "volume"], "intention", " for october production forward, i am going to re-rank/confirm the pay meter to ensure that the glo receives a volume which should be close to their percentage after actuals close for the month."]], "Per our various discussions, I am sending an email to reiterate the \ndisposition of volumes at Meter 9862, the Lehman Spinaker pay meter. At this \ntime, the General Land Office is transporting their share of production \n(21.8945% interest) and HPL is purchasing the remaining 78.1055%. \n\nThe GLO has nominated a transport volume at meter 9848, effective September \n1, 2000. During this time, some test gas flowed. I have had the HPL \npurchase back-dated to coincide with the transport nomination, and have had \nboth deals moved to 9862. The meter should probably be designated a \nCallout/Swing so that the proper equity percentages can be allocated after \nthe production month by Volume Management.\n\nFor October production forward, I am going to re-rank/confirm the pay meter \nto ensure that the GLO receives a volume which should be close to their \npercentage after actuals close for the month. This should alleviate any \nlarge balance swings on their agreement.\n\nAnita: For September, I need an accounting arrangement on deal ticket \n379424; HPL gathering agmt. at meter 9862. Please unallocate the transport \nand purchase at 9848. The meter is a daily swing right now. Let me know \nwhen you are ready and I will change the allocation methodology.\n\nI apologize for the length of this email, I want to make sure that we are all \non the same page, to the extent that we need to be, prior to this deal \ngetting too far down the road. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have \nany questions, comments, concerns, etc. I am at extension 35251.\n\nThank you all for your time and patience,\n\nMary", "<931380.1075853975223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_system dealTnn": {"value": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "ne": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system dealTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "379424", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "9862", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "9848", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn", "meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "management volumeTnn": {"value": "management volumeTnn", "ne": "management volumeTnn", "patterns": ["management volumeTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "9862", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "88": {"value": "9862", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "92": {"value": "9848", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "8945", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn": {"value": "patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn", "ne": "patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn", "patterns": ["patience personnelpronoun_personnelpronoun0timeTnn"]}}, true], "18-12-2000-6:42:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-6:42:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Daren:\nOn 9/15/99, the above meter recorded flow of 2,476 Mmbtus. There was Deal \n#113050 at the meter for 9/14/99 , but it expired on 9/14/99. Logistics \nneeds either (1) Deal #113050 extended to cover 9/15/99; (2) a new deal to \nrecord these volumes; or (3) Logistics needs approval to writeoff these \nvolumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to \nClem Cernosek).\n ____________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket #/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n OR\n ________________________________________________________________ \n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\nThanks, Clem\n", ["HPL Meter #986290 INDIAN HILLS PLANT -TEJAS"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9862']}", [["expire deal", 9, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", " there was deal # numeric at the meter for datenumeric , but it expired on datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 15, "information", ["deal", "extended", "1"], "information", " logistics needs either ( numeric ) deal # numeric extended to cover datenumeric ; ( numeric ) a new deal to record these volumes; or ( numeric ) logistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to unaccounted for gas."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 16, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "1"], "intention", " logistics needs either ( numeric ) deal # numeric extended to cover datenumeric ; ( numeric ) a new deal to record these volumes; or ( numeric ) logistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to unaccounted for gas."]], "Daren:\n\nOn 9/15/99, the above meter recorded flow of 2,476 Mmbtus. There was Deal \n#113050 at the meter for 9/14/99 , but it expired on 9/14/99. Logistics \nneeds either (1) Deal #113050 extended to cover 9/15/99; (2) a new deal to \nrecord these volumes; or (3) Logistics needs approval to writeoff these \nvolumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to \nClem Cernosek).\n\n\n\n ____________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket #/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n\n OR\n\n\n ________________________________________________________________ \n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem\n", ["<9494519.1075854210102.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29716633.1075854280387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8596673.1075854316897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "113050", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "19-12-2000-3:29:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-3:29:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["eddie.janzen@enron.com"], "Daren:\nDuring the period of 9/1/99 to 9/30/99, the above meter has recorded flow on \nthe following days with no deals attached:\n Days Mmbtus\n 9/1/99 0\n 9/2/99 29\n 9/3/99 4 \n 9/4/99 4\n 9/5/99 4\n 9/6/99 40\n 9/7/99 27\n 9/8/99 0\n 9/9/99 30\n 9/10/99 69\n 9/11/99 71\n 9/12/99 79\n 9/13/99 68\n 9/14/99 73\n 9/15/99 97\n 9/16/99 99\n 9/17/99 93\n 9/18/99 96\n 9/19/99 89\n 9/20/99 57\n 9/21/99 108\n 9/22/99 123\n 9/23/99 111\n 9/24/99 95\n 9/25/99 102\n 9/26/99 80\n 9/27/99 78\n 9/28/99 113\n 9/29/99 194\n 9/30/99 131\n \n 2,164\nCurrently, these volumes are being booked under the HPL Strangers Gas \nContract. Logistics needs either a deal to record these volumes which have \nflowed into HPL's pipeline or Logistics needs approval to writeoff these \nvolumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to \nClem Cernosek). There was no deal at this meter the previous month or the \nlater month.\n \n \n Deal/DealTicket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n OR\n ________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\nThanks, Clem", ["HPL Meter #986240 EL CAMPO/SHANGHAI COMMONPOINT"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9862']}", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 7, "information", ["attached", "deals"], "information", "daren: during the period of datenumeric to datenumeric , the above meter has recorded flow on the following days with no deals attached: days mmbtus datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric currently, these volumes are being booked under the hpl strangers gas contract."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 51, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", " logistics needs either a deal to record these volumes which have flowed into hpl's pipeline or logistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to unaccounted for gas."]], "Daren:\n\nDuring the period of 9/1/99 to 9/30/99, the above meter has recorded flow on \nthe following days with no deals attached:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 9/1/99 0\n 9/2/99 29\n 9/3/99 4 \n 9/4/99 4\n 9/5/99 4\n 9/6/99 40\n 9/7/99 27\n 9/8/99 0\n 9/9/99 30\n 9/10/99 69\n 9/11/99 71\n 9/12/99 79\n 9/13/99 68\n 9/14/99 73\n 9/15/99 97\n 9/16/99 99\n 9/17/99 93\n 9/18/99 96\n 9/19/99 89\n 9/20/99 57\n 9/21/99 108\n 9/22/99 123\n 9/23/99 111\n 9/24/99 95\n 9/25/99 102\n 9/26/99 80\n 9/27/99 78\n 9/28/99 113\n 9/29/99 194\n 9/30/99 131\n \n 2,164\n\nCurrently, these volumes are being booked under the HPL Strangers Gas \nContract. Logistics needs either a deal to record these volumes which have \nflowed into HPL's pipeline or Logistics needs approval to writeoff these \nvolumes to Unaccounted for Gas. (Please print, sign, and return original to \nClem Cernosek). There was no deal at this meter the previous month or the \nlater month.\n\n\n\n \n \n Deal/DealTicket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)\n\n OR\n\n\n ________________________________________________________\n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas Loss\n\nThanks, Clem", ["<13566329.1075854209768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9526173.1075854280669.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24914201.1075854317057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"39": {"value": "2,164", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "2-5-2001-14:23:6Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-14:23:6", "robert.cotten@enron.com", ["george.weissman@enron.com"], ["gerald.lofton@enron.com", "mike.morris@enron.com", "brian.riley@enron.com"], "George,\nThe Texas General Land Office transport volume is in POPS for May nominated at 4,800/d. Deal # 535132 was initially set up as a wellhead purchase from Texas General Land Office. The transport volume of 4,800/d comprises approximately 22% of the total volume nominated at the meter.\nBob\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/02/2001 02:38 PM \n \nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Mike Morris/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gerald Lofton/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Spinnaker Exploration Company, L.L.C.\nN. Padre Is. Block 883L\nOffshore Kleberg County, Texas\nContract 96047295, Meter 098-9862 (098-9848 platform)\nBob, we currently have a total of 16.817 Mmbtu/d nominated for purchases at meter 098-9862 as follows:\n Spinnaker Exploration Company, L.L.C sit 379424 5,886/d 27%\n Ranger Oil Company sit 533410 5,886/d 27%\n The Houston Exploration Company sit 535119 5,045/d 23%\nIt appears that the Texas General Land Office transport volume is not properly included in sitara for May - see deal 535132, which shows 0 as the expectted volume. Texas GLO has historically transported about 23% of the gas at the N. Padre Is. Block 883L. \nOnce it starts flowing, the incremental 10,000 Mmbtu/d should be allocated to the deals mentioned above based on the proportions shown above.\nGeorge 713.571.9159 \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 01:51 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Vance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/02/2001 01:51 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FW: NPI 883 Additional volume next week\nFYI,\nThanks,\nvlt\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sweeney, Christy \nSent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 10:56 AM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: NPI 883 Additional volume next week\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 10:52 AM ---------------------------\n \nBillyoung3@aol.com on 05/02/2001 10:16:43 AM\nTo: Christine.Marcus@glo.state.tx.us, tjones@spinexp.com\ncc: llipperdt@houstonexp.com, patb@cnrl.com, christy.sweeney@enron.com \nSubject: NPI 883 Additional volume next week\nChristine - \n Spinnaker expects to gradually increase the flow rate at NPI 883 by 10 \nmmcfd mmcfd commencing next week.\n", ["Re: Spinnaker Exploration Company, L.L.C. N. Padre Is. Block 883L Offshore Kleberg County, Texas Contract 96047295, Meter 098-9862 (098-9848 platform)"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9862']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 28, "information", ["set", "wellhead"], "information", " deal # numeric was initially set up as a wellhead purchase from texas general land office."]], "George,\n\nThe Texas General Land Office transport volume is in POPS for May nominated at 4,800/d. Deal # 535132 was initially set up as a wellhead purchase from Texas General Land Office. The transport volume of 4,800/d comprises approximately 22% of the total volume nominated at the meter.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/02/2001 02:38 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<1848369.1075845113292.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "535132", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric returnlinenTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "883", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric returnlinenTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "4,800", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "purchase wellheadTnn": {"value": "purchase wellheadTnn", "ne": "purchase wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["purchase wellheadTnn"]}}, true]}, "30-10-2000-8:2:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 30-10-2000-8:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-8:2:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-8:2:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20792860.1075854104106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 08:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Sale to Rhone Poule meter 988078\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have a sale at the above referenced meter which begins on the 5th of \nOctober. Gas flowed for the first four days without a deal. Please input a \ndeal to cover.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "Sale to Rhone Poule meter 988078", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", " gas flowed for the first four days without a deal."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 13, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "intention", " please input a deal to cover."]], "I have a sale at the above referenced meter which begins on the 5th of \nOctober. Gas flowed for the first four days without a deal. Please input a \ndeal to cover.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "<20792860.1075854104106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "988078", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "30-10-2000-8:53:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-8:53:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19030325.1075854163604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 08:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Sale to Rhone Poule meter 988078\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal 386264 has a start date of 9/1/00.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 04:02 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sale to Rhone Poule meter 988078\n\nI have a sale at the above referenced meter which begins on the 5th of \nOctober. Gas flowed for the first four days without a deal. Please input a \ndeal to cover.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n\n", "Re: Sale to Rhone Poule meter 988078", "reply", [], "Deal 386264 has a start date of 9/1/00.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n10/30/2000 04:02 PM\n", "<19030325.1075854163604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "386264", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "3-1-2001-6:57:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 25-1-2001-7:9:0Smary.poorman@enron.com 25-4-2001-12:15:36Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"3-1-2001-6:57:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["3-1-2001-6:57:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com"], "Daren:\nDuring the months of October 1999 and November 1999, gas flowed into HPL's \npipeline at the above meter. This gas was previously transported by EOG \nResources to Mobil (Beaumont) with the excess being purchased. The Deal \nthat EOG Resources Transport Contract (012-36702-02-001) moved gas to Mobil \nBeaumont expired a the end of September, 1999, but gas continued to flow into \nHPL's pipeline. Currently, these volumes are being recorded to the HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. Logistics needs a deal to purchase these volumes.\n ______________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)/Purchase Contract\nThanks, Clem", ["HPL Meter #986679 HUGHES #1 CMP"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '986679']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", "daren: during the months of datenumeric numeric and datenumeric numeric , gas flowed into hpl's pipeline at the above meter."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 36, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " the deal that eog resources transport contract ( phonenumber numeric numeric numeric ) moved gas to mobil beaumont expired a the end of september, numeric , but gas continued to flow into hpl's pipeline."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 48, "nninformation", ["purchase", "deal"], "intention", " logistics needs a deal to purchase these volumes."]], "Daren:\n\nDuring the months of October 1999 and November 1999, gas flowed into HPL's \npipeline at the above meter. This gas was previously transported by EOG \nResources to Mobil (Beaumont) with the excess being purchased. The Deal \nthat EOG Resources Transport Contract (012-36702-02-001) moved gas to Mobil \nBeaumont expired a the end of September, 1999, but gas continued to flow into \nHPL's pipeline. Currently, these volumes are being recorded to the HPL \nStrangers Gas Contract. Logistics needs a deal to purchase these volumes.\n\n\n ______________________________________________________________\n Deal/Deal Ticket#/Customer (Seller/Buyer)/Purchase Contract\n\nThanks, Clem", ["<23484069.1075854207120.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22720183.1075854283150.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22301080.1075854318028.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}}, true], "25-1-2001-7:9:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["25-1-2001-7:9:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <3949065.1075854202850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 986679; the Hughes C/P\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have flow at the meter everyday without a deal in Dec. It is on the UA4 \nand needs a ticket. Bob phoned Vance and Vance does not know of any activity \nof theirs at the meter. Any insight?\n\nMary", "Meter 986679; the Hughes C/P", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["deal", "flow", "meter"], "information", "i have flow at the meter everyday without a deal in dec."]], "I have flow at the meter everyday without a deal in Dec. It is on the UA4 \nand needs a ticket. Bob phoned Vance and Vance does not know of any activity \nof theirs at the meter. Any insight?\n\nMary", "<3949065.1075854202850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "986679", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn", "numeric uaTnn"]}}, true], "25-4-2001-12:15:36Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["25-4-2001-12:15:36", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["tom.acton@enron.com"], ["donna.consemiu@enron.com", "jack.mitchell@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "brian.vance@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "george.daren@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "thu.nguyen@enron.com"], "Please see the attached xcel file. I think that I have found the missing volumes on Big Cowboy. There are two wells connected to system 429, which flows into the Big Cowboy system and interconnects with HGPL at Meter 8284. They are meters 986679 (currently in Trade Zone 18) and 986742 (Currently in Trade Zone 1). I think that these should probably both be reassigned to Trade Zone 21. This should resolve our volumetric issue.\nDonna & George,\nPlease let me know if my assumption is in error. I have a schematic that shows these meters going to HGPL off of GEPL Big Cowboy, however, if this is not correct then I will need to try to find the gas in another manner.\nThank you for your time. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, suggestions.\nMary\n35251", ["Re: Big Cowboy/GEPL Actuals for February"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['meter', '986679']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 12, "information", ["flows", "system"], "information", " there are two wells connected to system numeric , which flows into the big cowboy system and interconnects with hgpl at meter numeric ."], ["settle_resolve issue", 32, "nninformation", ["issue", "resolve"], "intention", " this should resolve our volumetric issue."], ["show deal", 42, "nninformation", ["shows", "meters"], "intention", " i have a schematic that shows these meters going to hgpl off of gepl big cowboy, however, if this is not correct then i will need to try to find the gas in another manner."]], "Please see the attached xcel file. I think that I have found the missing volumes on Big Cowboy. There are two wells connected to system 429, which flows into the Big Cowboy system and interconnects with HGPL at Meter 8284. They are meters 986679 (currently in Trade Zone 18) and 986742 (Currently in Trade Zone 1). I think that these should probably both be reassigned to Trade Zone 21. This should resolve our volumetric issue.\n\nDonna & George,\n\nPlease let me know if my assumption is in error. I have a schematic that shows these meters going to HGPL off of GEPL Big Cowboy, however, if this is not correct then I will need to try to find the gas in another manner.\n\nThank you for your time. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, suggestions.\n\nMary\n\n35251", ["<33294646.1075840435972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cowboy meterTnn": {"value": "cowboy meterTnn", "ne": "cowboy meterTnn", "patterns": ["cowboy meterTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "429", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cowboy numericTnn", "numeric systemTnn"]}, "cowboy systemTnn": {"value": "cowboy systemTnn", "ne": "cowboy systemTnn", "patterns": ["cowboy systemTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "986679", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "986742", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "8284", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric systemTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter systemTnn": {"value": "meter systemTnn", "ne": "meter systemTnn", "patterns": ["meter systemTnn"]}}, true]}, "24-2-2000-6:39:0Sstella.morris@enron.com 24-2-2000-10:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 3-3-2000-7:8:0Sstella.morris@enron.com 3-3-2000-6:31:0Sstella.morris@enron.com 3-3-2000-6:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-4-2001-5:11:20Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"24-2-2000-6:39:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": ["24-2-2000-6:39:0", "stella.morris@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["fred.boas@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], "Fred is trying to set up accounting arrangments to cover the Swift deal. Can \nyou please verify that you made this purchase from Swift? If so, is there \nanother deal to replace deal #114096 of should this deal be extended into \nJanuary. If I should forward this to someone else, please let me know. \nThanks for you help, Stella\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 02/24/2000 \n02:33 PM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n02/24/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues\nStella:\nThe Swift deal is not pathed correctly in POPS. I set up an accounting \narrangement on the 012-41500-02-015 contract with the Track ID 80705. Would \nyou put the contract in POPS with the associated Track ID? \nThe transportation contract (012-41500-02-003) for the Liquids Replacement \ngas is not POPS. I looked in Path Manager and there is no deal for it \neither. In December, the deal for this gas was 114096. Could you extend the \ndeal or get me the number for the new deal if there is one? I need to set up \nan accounting arrangement so I will need for you to verify the deal number \nand transportation contract that this gas is supposed to go on. When I set \nup the accounting arrangement I will let you know what the Track ID is so you \ncan put the contract at meter 9643.\nLet me know when all of this is done so that I can reallocate the meter.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9643']}", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 10, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "intention", "fred is trying to set up accounting arrangments to cover the orgname deal."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 20, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended", "114096"], "intention", " if so, is there another deal to replace deal # numeric of should this deal be extended into january."]], "Fred is trying to set up accounting arrangments to cover the Swift deal. Can \nyou please verify that you made this purchase from Swift? If so, is there \nanother deal to replace deal #114096 of should this deal be extended into \nJanuary. If I should forward this to someone else, please let me know. \n\nThanks for you help, Stella\n\n", ["<28368408.1075854025212.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26712014.1075854057070.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29803628.1075854125063.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"18": {"value": "114096", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric riverTnn"]}}, true], "24-2-2000-10:58:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-2-2000-10:58:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["stella.morris@enron.com"], [], "The purchase from Swift was shown at mtr 3405 during Dec and Jan. I have \ncreated a new deal (#204777) to add mtr 9643 to the deal.\nDeal 114096 is the purchase from HPLR Liquids. This purchase is on 138544 \nfor Jan 2000 forward.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Stella L Morris 02/24/2000 02:39 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues\nFred is trying to set up accounting arrangments to cover the Swift deal. Can \nyou please verify that you made this purchase from Swift? If so, is there \nanother deal to replace deal #114096 of should this deal be extended into \nJanuary. If I should forward this to someone else, please let me know. \nThanks for you help, Stella\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 02/24/2000 \n02:33 PM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n02/24/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues\nStella:\nThe Swift deal is not pathed correctly in POPS. I set up an accounting \narrangement on the 012-41500-02-015 contract with the Track ID 80705. Would \nyou put the contract in POPS with the associated Track ID? \nThe transportation contract (012-41500-02-003) for the Liquids Replacement \ngas is not POPS. I looked in Path Manager and there is no deal for it \neither. In December, the deal for this gas was 114096. Could you extend the \ndeal or get me the number for the new deal if there is one? I need to set up \nan accounting arrangement so I will need for you to verify the deal number \nand transportation contract that this gas is supposed to go on. When I set \nup the accounting arrangement I will let you know what the Track ID is so you \ncan put the contract at meter 9643.\nLet me know when all of this is done so that I can reallocate the meter.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Re: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9643']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 9, "information", ["created", "deal", "mtr"], "information", " i have created a new deal (# numeric ) to add mtr numeric to the deal."], ["add deal{numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "204777"], "intention", " i have created a new deal (# numeric ) to add mtr numeric to the deal."]], "The purchase from Swift was shown at mtr 3405 during Dec and Jan. I have \ncreated a new deal (#204777) to add mtr 9643 to the deal.\n\nDeal 114096 is the purchase from HPLR Liquids. This purchase is on 138544 \nfor Jan 2000 forward.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 02/24/2000 02:39 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<17393960.1075854171489.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32173080.1075854024985.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24076667.1075854057093.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29546373.1075854158937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "204777", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "114096", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric purchaseTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "3405", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "138544", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric riverTnn"]}}, true], "3-3-2000-7:8:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-7:8:0", "stella.morris@enron.com", ["fred.boas@enron.com"], ["anita.luong@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Fred, this info was forwarded to you a while ago. I sent it return receipt. \nI never saw where you opened your e-mail. I know you're been busy.\nThanks, Stella\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 \n03:03 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Stella L Morris 02/25/2000 08:35 AM\n \nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues\nFred, I hope this is the information that you needed to complete January \nbusiness. I have already set up Track I.D. 80705 per your first request. \nThanks, Stella\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 02/25/2000 \n08:31 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n02/24/2000 06:58 PM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues \nThe purchase from Swift was shown at mtr 3405 during Dec and Jan. I have \ncreated a new deal (#204777) to add mtr 9643 to the deal.\nDeal 114096 is the purchase from HPLR Liquids. This purchase is on 138544 \nfor Jan 2000 forward.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Stella L Morris 02/24/2000 02:39 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues\nFred is trying to set up accounting arrangments to cover the Swift deal. Can \nyou please verify that you made this purchase from Swift? If so, is there \nanother deal to replace deal #114096 of should this deal be extended into \nJanuary. If I should forward this to someone else, please let me know. \nThanks for you help, Stella\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 02/24/2000 \n02:33 PM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n02/24/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues\nStella:\nThe Swift deal is not pathed correctly in POPS. I set up an accounting \narrangement on the 012-41500-02-015 contract with the Track ID 80705. Would \nyou put the contract in POPS with the associated Track ID? \nThe transportation contract (012-41500-02-003) for the Liquids Replacement \ngas is not POPS. I looked in Path Manager and there is no deal for it \neither. In December, the deal for this gas was 114096. Could you extend the \ndeal or get me the number for the new deal if there is one? I need to set up \nan accounting arrangement so I will need for you to verify the deal number \nand transportation contract that this gas is supposed to go on. When I set \nup the accounting arrangement I will let you know what the Track ID is so you \ncan put the contract at meter 9643.\nLet me know when all of this is done so that I can reallocate the meter.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Re: 1/2000 Meter 9643 Three Rivers Issues"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9643']}", [], "Fred, this info was forwarded to you a while ago. I sent it return receipt. \nI never saw where you opened your e-mail. I know you're been busy.\nThanks, Stella\n", ["<10320231.1075854023228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1391200.1075854059056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20641153.1075854125954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-3-2000-6:31:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-6:31:0", "stella.morris@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["anita.luong@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com"], "Daren, can these deals be extended or are there new deals to replace the ones \nindicated below?\nThanks, Stella\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 \n02:27 PM ---------------------------\n Anita Luong\n 03/03/2000 01:35 PM\n \nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 9643 for 1/2000\nStella,\nThis is Fred's meter but I helping him out. Can you please extend 2 deals \nat meter 9643.\n114096 HPL Resources Liquids Division ( for 1/2000 only)\n93210 Cactus Swift (for 1/2000 and 2/2000)\nLet me know if you have questions.\nThanks\n", ["Meter 9643 for 1/2000"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9643']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 5, "nninformation", ["deals", "extended"], "request information", "daren, can these deals be extended or are there new deals to replace the ones indicated below?"]], "Daren, can these deals be extended or are there new deals to replace the ones \nindicated below?\n\nThanks, Stella\n", ["<9976645.1075854023342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4675145.1075854058986.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1173521.1075854125909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "daren", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "3-3-2000-6:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-6:54:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["stella.morris@enron.com"], ["anita.luong@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com"], "Cactus Swift is now ERAC: #169760 for Jan, #138094 for Feb\nHPLR Liq: 138544\nD\n \n \n \n From: Stella L Morris 03/03/2000 02:31 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert E \nLloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 9643 for 1/2000\nDaren, can these deals be extended or are there new deals to replace the ones \nindicated below?\nThanks, Stella\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 \n02:27 PM ---------------------------\n Anita Luong\n 03/03/2000 01:35 PM\n \nTo: Stella L Morris/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 9643 for 1/2000\nStella,\nThis is Fred's meter but I helping him out. Can you please extend 2 deals \nat meter 9643.\n114096 HPL Resources Liquids Division ( for 1/2000 only)\n93210 Cactus Swift (for 1/2000 and 2/2000)\nLet me know if you have questions.\nThanks\n", ["Re: Meter 9643 for 1/2000"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '9643']}", [], "Cactus Swift is now ERAC: #169760 for Jan, #138094 for Feb\nHPLR Liq: 138544\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 03/03/2000 02:31 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<24046509.1075854171092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30117369.1075854023296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24242516.1075854059010.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20802852.1075854158541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-4-2001-5:11:20Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-5:11:20", "mary.poorman@enron.com", ["sean.daren@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10675033.1075840435946.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 05:11:20 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: sean.daren@enron.com\nSubject: Swift - MAY 2001 Vols\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Poorman, Mary \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Maki, Sean \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nSean,\n\nFYI, check the purchase from Swift at the Tailgate (Meter 9643) and make sure to nom the correct quantity.\n\nMary\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Poorman/NA/Enron on 04/26/2001 07:09 AM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tJoan Quick/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/25/2001 06:13 PM\nTo:\tCarlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tBrian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Morris/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject:\tSwift - MAY 2001 Vols\n\n\n\nHere is the May first of the month nom:\n\nKing Ranch Plant\t6,400\tMMBtu/d\t\n\n\n", "Swift - MAY 2001 Vols", "originEmail", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["check", "meter"], "request", "sean, fyi, check the purchase from orgname at the tailgate (meter numeric ) and make sure to nom the correct quantity."]], "Sean,\n\nFYI, check the purchase from Swift at the Tailgate (Meter 9643) and make sure to nom the correct quantity.\n\nMary\n", "<10675033.1075840435946.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meter purchaseTnn": {"value": "meter purchaseTnn", "ne": "meter purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["meter purchaseTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-10-2000-8:28:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-10-2000-9:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-10-2000-1:9:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-10-2000-2:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-11-2000-0:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-11-2000-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-3-2001-3:14:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-3-2001-16:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-6-2001-13:12:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 19-6-2001-13:30:29Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-6-2001-10:31:26Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-10:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Katherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "Katherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\n", ["<1634490.1075854165698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7259809.1075853986825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7348931.1075854092597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11422257.1075854153112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-4:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\n", ["<53921.1075854165605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6506123.1075853986214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6689594.1075854092641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8323524.1075854153025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-9-2000-5:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\nMarch 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\nApril 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n09/11/2000 09:12 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n09/05/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDone.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\n", ["<29412744.1075854165279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5832968.1075853984878.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12586806.1075854094330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4066480.1075854152675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-6:1:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 27, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "157278", "$73,403"], "intention", " deal numeric datenumeric add demand charge of pricenumeric numeric for excess charge datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric deal numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric thanks, "]], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\n\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\n\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<32179352.1075853973026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5842420.1075854105617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19302591.1075854142119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"41": {"value": "99", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "$1,129", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "$359 97", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "charge_excess0charge numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$73,403", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "93", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal exchange spotTnnn": {"value": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "ne": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "patterns": ["deal exchange spotTnnn"]}, "deal exchangeTnn": {"value": "deal exchangeTnn", "ne": "deal exchangeTnn", "patterns": ["deal exchangeTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$1,966", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "98", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-6:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "done\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<674263.1075854163193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13230096.1075853972782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13287842.1075854105642.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24319219.1075854150584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-10-2000-8:28:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-10-2000-8:28:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble pulling in the demand charge for 6/00 on deal 157278 for \n$1,129.09. The only thing that is different from May is that the demand \nvolume is 0. I think it needs to be a 1 for the charge to come through. \nPlease take a look.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Re: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "I am having trouble pulling in the demand charge for 6/00 on deal 157278 for \n$1,129.09. The only thing that is different from May is that the demand \nvolume is 0. I think it needs to be a 1 for the charge to come through. \nPlease take a look.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12530929.1075853979508.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26995346.1075854099494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13473882.1075854142482.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$1,129", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-10-2000-9:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-10-2000-9:22:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I fixed it.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/05/2000 03:28 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00 \nI am having trouble pulling in the demand charge for 6/00 on deal 157278 for \n$1,129.09. The only thing that is different from May is that the demand \nvolume is 0. I think it needs to be a 1 for the charge to come through. \nPlease take a look.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "I fixed it.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/05/2000 03:28 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<8289314.1075854164465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7063078.1075853979464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21316653.1075854099516.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32128182.1075854151892.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-9:25:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 25, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", " since there was a spot deal, we put all of the volume for day numeric on deal numeric ."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 57, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 60, "information", ["see", "gas"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["show deal", 69, "information", ["gas", "shows"], "information", " this is a problem since gas was not confirmed for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h and pipeline shows all of the gas on the datenumeric h."]], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\n\nMegan\n", ["<4545520.1075853978880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33392669.1075854100655.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1243808.1075854142397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "348951", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-5:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nDaren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["Re: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["allocate", "gas"], "intention", "megan, for datenumeric , allocate the receipt of gas a cotton valley to the exchange deal."], ["deliver gas", 13, "information", ["deliver", "settlement"], "information", " since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement will occur at gd- numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 30, "information", ["change", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " i apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket."], ["receive_incur gas", 39, "information", ["gas", "receive"], "information", " due to operational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the deliveries on monday."]], "Megan, \n\nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\n\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<6511549.1075854164247.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10463637.1075853978138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32720034.1075854100678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13547374.1075854151620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "delivery gasTnn": {"value": "delivery gasTnn", "ne": "delivery gasTnn", "patterns": ["delivery gasTnn"]}}, true], "17-10-2000-1:9:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-1:9:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease change the demand charge for deal 157278 for 2/00 to $1,247.90. \nKatherine did not include the excess fee when she gave you the cashout.\n$1,008.87 cashout\n $239.03 excess\n$1,247.90 Total\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Exchange 2/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "157278", "$1,247"], "request", "daren: please change the demand charge for deal numeric for datenumeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease change the demand charge for deal 157278 for 2/00 to $1,247.90. \nKatherine did not include the excess fee when she gave you the cashout.\n\n$1,008.87 cashout\n $239.03 excess\n$1,247.90 Total\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<26192479.1075853977870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7015275.1075854101338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12588001.1075854142295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"20": {"value": "90", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$1,247", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "87", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$1,008", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$1,247", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "excess_extra feeTnn": {"value": "excess_extra feeTnn", "ne": "excess_extra feeTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra feeTnn"]}}, true], "17-10-2000-2:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-2:23:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/17/2000 08:09 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Exchange 2/00\nDaren:\nPlease change the demand charge for deal 157278 for 2/00 to $1,247.90. \nKatherine did not include the excess fee when she gave you the cashout.\n$1,008.87 cashout\n $239.03 excess\n$1,247.90 Total\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange 2/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "done\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/17/2000 08:09 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<27420093.1075854164060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29383284.1075853977802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29018656.1075854101360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31783074.1075854151465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-11-2000-0:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-11-2000-0:25:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please add the demand charge for excess fees for 9/00 on sale deal 157278 in \nthe amount of $1,175.51.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Energy Field 9/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "fees", "157278"], "request", "please add the demand charge for excess fees for datenumeric on sale deal numeric in the amount of pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Please add the demand charge for excess fees for 9/00 on sale deal 157278 in \nthe amount of $1,175.51.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<14341371.1075853971052.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13624119.1075854107380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27175523.1075854142076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "amount dealTnn": {"value": "amount dealTnn", "ne": "amount dealTnn", "patterns": ["amount dealTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$1,175", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "energy fieldTnn": {"value": "energy fieldTnn", "ne": "energy fieldTnn", "patterns": ["energy fieldTnn"]}, "excess_extra feeTnn": {"value": "excess_extra feeTnn", "ne": "excess_extra feeTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra feeTnn"]}}, true], "16-11-2000-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-11-2000-3:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nFYI. Due to scheduling concerns and contract language, I changed the \ndelivery point on this deal to Eastrans pipeline, instead of HPL. This \nshould clean up the allocations for this area. Also, beginning on Nov 15th, \nwe cut the swap to zero, and I purchased the gas at Cotton Valley under a \nspot agreement (#484935).\nLet me know if you have any questions.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/16/2000 08:25 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Field 9/00\nPlease add the demand charge for excess fees for 9/00 on sale deal 157278 in \nthe amount of $1,175.51.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Field 9/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["changed", "deal"], "information", " due to scheduling concerns and contract language, i changed the delivery point on this deal to eastrans pipeline, instead of hpl."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 18, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " also, beginning on datenumeric th, we cut the swap to zero, and i purchased the gas at cotton valley under a spot agreement (# numeric )."]], "Done.\n\nFYI. Due to scheduling concerns and contract language, I changed the \ndelivery point on this deal to Eastrans pipeline, instead of HPL. This \nshould clean up the allocations for this area. Also, beginning on Nov 15th, \nwe cut the swap to zero, and I purchased the gas at Cotton Valley under a \nspot agreement (#484935).\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/16/2000 08:25 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<8645209.1075854162821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26817516.1075853970899.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5127322.1075854107403.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17979136.1075854150216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract deliveryTnn": {"value": "contract deliveryTnn", "ne": "contract deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["contract deliveryTnn"]}, "deal deliveryTnn": {"value": "deal deliveryTnn", "ne": "deal deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["deal deliveryTnn"]}, "deal line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["deal line_pipelineTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "delivery pointTnn": {"value": "delivery pointTnn", "ne": "delivery pointTnn", "patterns": ["delivery pointTnn"]}, "gas spotTnn": {"value": "gas spotTnn", "ne": "gas spotTnn", "patterns": ["gas spotTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn"]}}, true], "26-3-2001-3:14:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["26-3-2001-3:14:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13670225.1075854192310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 03:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Energy Field 7/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe are finally closing another month. Please change the demand fee on deal \n157278 for July 2000 from $33,239.39 to $22,159.22.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Duke Energy Field 7/00", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "157278", "$33,239"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "We are finally closing another month. Please change the demand fee on deal \n157278 for July 2000 from $33,239.39 to $22,159.22.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<13670225.1075854192310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$33,239", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "energy fieldTnn": {"value": "energy fieldTnn", "ne": "energy fieldTnn", "patterns": ["energy fieldTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "26-3-2001-16:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-3-2001-16:8:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19041450.1075840439455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 16:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Energy Field 7/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\'Sent Mail\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDone.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/26/2001 11:14 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tDuke Energy Field 7/00\n\nWe are finally closing another month. Please change the demand fee on deal 157278 for July 2000 from $33,239.39 to $22,159.22.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", "Re: Duke Energy Field 7/00", "reply", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/26/2001 11:14 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", "<19041450.1075840439455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "19-6-2001-13:12:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-13:12:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have some changes to the DEFS deals for 2001. We need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges. I have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them. \nProd. Deal Demand Fee\nFeb 2001 157278 $11,903.17\nMarch 2001 157278 $294.85\nApril 2001 229758 $308.53\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["DEFS 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fees"], "intention", " we need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges."], ["attach spreadsheet", 9, "information", ["attached", "case"], "information", " i have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them."]], "I have some changes to the DEFS deals for 2001. We need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges. I have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them. \nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tDemand Fee\nFeb 2001\t157278\t\t$11,903.17\nMarch 2001\t157278\t\t$294.85\nApril 2001\t229758\t\t$308.53\n\n \n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<16866924.1075852209511.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$11,903", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$294 85", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "19-6-2001-13:30:29Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-13:30:29", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nI needed the demand charge for April entered on supply deal 229758. It can stay on sale deal 157278 if you want, but it will need to be changed to a negative demand charge.\nMegan\nFrom: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/19/2001 03:24 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: DEFS 2001\nDone. \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 3:12 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: DEFS 2001\nI have some changes to the DEFS deals for 2001. We need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges. I have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them. \nProd. Deal Demand Fee\nFeb 2001 157278 $11,903.17\nMarch 2001 157278 $294.85\nApril 2001 229758 $308.53\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["RE: DEFS 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deal", "entered", "229758"], "information", "daren: i needed the demand charge for april entered on supply deal numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 14, "nninformation", ["changed", "deal"], "intention", " it can stay on sale deal numeric if you want, but it will need to be changed to a negative demand charge."]], "Daren:\nI needed the demand charge for April entered on supply deal 229758. It can stay on sale deal 157278 if you want, but it will need to be changed to a negative demand charge.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/19/2001 03:24 PM\n", ["<16575241.1075840434832.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "229758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-6-2001-10:31:26Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["26-6-2001-10:31:26", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter a demand fee on deal 157278 for May 2001 in the amount of $369.69. We need to bill DEFS for the remaining excess and over delivery charges.\nAlso, I was going back over my calc sheets and I found an error in Oct 2000. Please enter a demand fee for $647.35 on deal 157278 for Oct 2000.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["DEFS May 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "157278"], "request", "daren: please enter a demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric in the amount of pricenumeric ."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 20, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "157278"], "request", " please enter a demand fee for pricenumeric on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter a demand fee on deal 157278 for May 2001 in the amount of $369.69. We need to bill DEFS for the remaining excess and over delivery charges.\n\nAlso, I was going back over my calc sheets and I found an error in Oct 2000. Please enter a demand fee for $647.35 on deal 157278 for Oct 2000.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<31766611.1075852209468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"amount dealTnn": {"value": "amount dealTnn", "ne": "amount dealTnn", "patterns": ["amount dealTnn"]}, "amount demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["amount demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$369 69", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "calc sheetTnn": {"value": "calc sheetTnn", "ne": "calc sheetTnn", "patterns": ["calc sheetTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$647 35", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true]}, "4-3-2001-23:55:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-3-2001-6:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-3-2001-23:55:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["4-3-2001-23:55:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12472032.1075854247126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 23:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Cleburne plant - \"cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe email below is from James Armstrong regarding two transport deals for CPR \nFuels. The deal numbers are 557869 and 514056. Can you tell me about \nthese? James thinks these are 3rd party sales that he needs to be paid for.\n\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/05/2001 \n07:48 AM ---------------------------\n James Armstrong @ ECT 03/02/2001 11:53 AM\n\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\n\nMegan, I have some receivables recorded on Tenaska for December and January \nSales Activity that I have not received yet. They are as follows:\n\nMonth Customer Volume Price Amount\nDecember CPR Fuels 155 8.7387 $1,354.50 \n\nJanuary CPR Fuels 13,919 8.3271 $115,904.86\n\n Totals $117,259.36\n\n\nCan you please let me know what the status is on Tenaska IV receiving these \nfunds. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.\n\nJames\n", "Tenaska IV Receivables", "originEmail", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 16, "nninformation", ["paid", "sales"], "intention", " james thinks these are datenumeric d party sales that he needs to be paid for."]], "The email below is from James Armstrong regarding two transport deals for CPR \nFuels. The deal numbers are 557869 and 514056. Can you tell me about \nthese? James thinks these are 3rd party sales that he needs to be paid for.\n\nMegan\n", "<12472032.1075854247126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "557869", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}}, true], "5-3-2001-6:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-3-2001-6:32:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "The deals you listed are transpurt usage tickets that we use to estimate the \ncost of transport and the fuel used in the transport. This is just an \nestimate of what we think Lone Star will bill us under the Tenaska transport \ncontracts (We will pay Lone Star and Tenaska will reimburse us.)\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/05/2001 07:55 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\nThe email below is from James Armstrong regarding two transport deals for CPR \nFuels. The deal numbers are 557869 and 514056. Can you tell me about \nthese? James thinks these are 3rd party sales that he needs to be paid for.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/05/2001 \n07:48 AM ---------------------------\n James Armstrong @ ECT 03/02/2001 11:53 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\nMegan, I have some receivables recorded on Tenaska for December and January \nSales Activity that I have not received yet. They are as follows:\nMonth Customer Volume Price Amount\nDecember CPR Fuels 155 8.7387 $1,354.50 \nJanuary CPR Fuels 13,919 8.3271 $115,904.86\n Totals $117,259.36\nCan you please let me know what the status is on Tenaska IV receiving these \nfunds. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Receivables"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '557869']}", [], "The deals you listed are transpurt usage tickets that we use to estimate the \ncost of transport and the fuel used in the transport. This is just an \nestimate of what we think Lone Star will bill us under the Tenaska transport \ncontracts (We will pay Lone Star and Tenaska will reimburse us.)\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/05/2001 07:55 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<18996446.1075854335664.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21452644.1075854196187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948938.1075854293449.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32517563.1075854325687.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}}, true]}, "1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 18-1-2001-10:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 19-1-2001-7:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 13-3-2001-1:6:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 13-3-2001-2:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com 20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-6:19:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\nD", ["Tenaska"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 1, "information", ["created", "deal", "514353"], "information", "megan, i have created deal numeric to capture the $ numeric agency fee for the orgname deal."], ["schedule volume", 22, "nninformation", ["scheduling", "volume"], "intention", " since there is no volume, mark mccoy will be scheduling this deal as a zero nom."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 38, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "volume**management"], "intention", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["pathe deal", 42, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "demand"], "intention", " when actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and i will change the demand charge."]], "Megan, \n\nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\n\nD", ["<13085949.1075854162428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10106298.1075853968418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17176450.1075854109889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3475927.1075854149849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal price volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal price volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal price volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal price volumeTnnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-1:18:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["attach spreadsheet", 51, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet so you can see the numbers."]], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<8691417.1075853967736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4283770.1075854247558.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27002742.1075854042683.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17517424.1075854110588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"30": {"value": "135", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$2,571", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "389", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "1,395", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-7:1:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<15603493.1075854162321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1884888.1075853967509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8773118.1075854110610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30845163.1075854149741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"9": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:44:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/12/2000 \n04:29 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n", ["<24624058.1075853966747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27442698.1075854247515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18308765.1075854042639.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8217745.1075854111499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "$2,405706", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "43", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["james.armstrong@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com", "jim.pond@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], [], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["plant", "sold"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 10, "information", ["resulting", "majority"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "information", ["created", "deal", "529856"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 25, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " (please see the attached schedule."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 31, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request information", ") we need to pass this income on to orgname do we need to pay this amount (wire from orgname to orgname or is there another way to do this?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 48, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request", " megan - don't pay the amount until we here from the greg, troy and jim."]], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\n\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\n\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\n\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\n\nD\n", ["<25106785.1075854161987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2215534.1075853966725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613661.1075854111522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<572251.1075854149479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-4:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00 \nDarren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticket"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 26, "nninformation", ["vary", "volumes"], "other", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."], ["schedule volume", 27, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."]], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\n\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\n\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<14197623.1075854338098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744219.1075854210451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4169759.1075854279738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22109013.1075854328098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4007083.1075854247277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948076.1075854283448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "18-1-2001-10:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-10:1:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please adjust the following demand fees for Tenaska for 11/00 and 10/00.\nDeal 529856, day 11/01 - change from 493,365.75 to 409,145.72\nDeal 529856, day 10/01 - change from 2,405,706.50 to 2,349,906.50\nDeal 529856, day 10/02 - change from 184,138.99 to 128,338.99\nDeal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,016 to 44,350\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska 10/00 and 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "Please adjust the following demand fees for Tenaska for 11/00 and 10/00.\n\nDeal 529856, day 11/01 - change from 493,365.75 to 409,145.72\nDeal 529856, day 10/01 - change from 2,405,706.50 to 2,349,906.50\nDeal 529856, day 10/02 - change from 184,138.99 to 128,338.99\n\nDeal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,016 to 44,350\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<13689050.1075854204255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5242037.1075854247213.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1442076.1075854285875.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "99", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "19-1-2001-7:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-7:44:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/18/2001 06:01 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 10/00 and 11/00\nPlease adjust the following demand fees for Tenaska for 11/00 and 10/00.\nDeal 529856, day 11/01 - change from 493,365.75 to 409,145.72\nDeal 529856, day 10/01 - change from 2,405,706.50 to 2,349,906.50\nDeal 529856, day 10/02 - change from 184,138.99 to 128,338.99\nDeal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,016 to 44,350\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 10/00 and 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/18/2001 06:01 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<13432459.1075854336952.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30552642.1075854204061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10679580.1075854285897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2037946.1075854326980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-3-2001-1:6:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["13-3-2001-1:6:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fees", "2001"], "intention", "we need to change the demand fees for orgname based on actuals for jan numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 6, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 47, "nninformation", ["demand**fee", "enter", "01"], "intention", " i will let you know when we receive the payment from orgname for datenumeric numeric , so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to orgname thanks, "]], "We need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\n\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n\n\n\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \n\nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<3864110.1075854195058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8065460.1075854246996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3240882.1075854294714.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"amount dealTnn": {"value": "amount dealTnn", "ne": "amount dealTnn", "patterns": ["amount dealTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "46,113", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$3,934", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "change numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn", "mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "644", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "13-3-2001-2:54:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-3-2001-2:54:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["make change", 0, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", "i have made the changes mentioned below."]], "I have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<16583525.1075854335375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32152180.1075854194989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10667753.1075854294737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23358511.1075854325399.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29605922.1075854246973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11608234.1075854294760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-18:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 5, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 11, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 31, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<6955442.1075840429725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<26176215.1075854335244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10226618.1075854194362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14124169.1075854294783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30835928.1075854325267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<6485978.1075840439152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14205941.1075845123336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-7:11:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "daren: we need to add the sale demand fee to deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."], ["show deal", 10, "nninformation", ["$2,979", "shows"], "intention", " the spreadsheet i have from mark shows pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12209081.1075840429600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}}, true], "8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-8:56:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nDaren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<25500117.1075845124456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-10:48:54", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 8, "nninformation", ["change", "deals"], "request", " the receipt from orgname was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from orgname and repay to orgname please change the following deals."]], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nDeal 384258\tchange demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353\tchange volume from 45,000 to 44,590\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<21265458.1075840429551.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$2,607", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric txuTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-13:4:31", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "i have changed the demand fee."]], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<4261643.1075845124759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-5:55:25", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\nMegan\nFrom: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV March 2001\nI have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\n", ["<1095323.1075840429526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:0:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n \n", ["Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand charge on deal numeric for the datenumeric numeric orgname sale."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<32867124.1075840429405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "556", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:5:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:00 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Cornhusker 5/01\nDaren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n >> \n", ["RE: Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<2497724.1075845125409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-9:40:6", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27225410.1075845125712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 09:40:06 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV Agency Fee\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nCan you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\n\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", "Tenaska IV Agency Fee", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 23, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", " in the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume."]], "Can you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\n\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", "<27225410.1075845125712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"36": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47,089", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-7-2001-12:27:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 02:21 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/05/2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: June Tenaska gas file\nHere you go. Let me know if everything looks good.\nMike\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Olsen, Michael\nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you email the Tenaska file for June? I need to bill them.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 12:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n From: Megan Parker 07/02/2001 02:17 PM \n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron\ncc: \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you send James Armstrong and me the Tenaska file for June?\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/02/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: James Armstrong/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/02/2001 10:56 AM\nTo: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nMark, it looks like Mike Olsen is no longer here at Enron. Do you know who handles the Tenaska fuel management file now? You can call me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["RE: June Tenaska gas file"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<24473694.1075840429134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,938", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-12:38:30", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 8/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "other", "darren: please zero out the price on orgname deal numeric for datenumeric numeric and enter a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<30191004.1075840428891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$4,116", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "035", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-11:18:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 7/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['fee', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,902"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["receive gas", 12, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the txu statement for july and our expenses went down."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 16, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18812899.1075840428746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "933", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,878", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}}, true]}, "5-1-2001-8:12:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-2-2001-4:51:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-2-2001-5:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-3-2001-4:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-3-2001-2:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-3-2001-4:33:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-3-2001-5:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-1-2001-8:12:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-8:12:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 9, "information", ["added", "deal", "price"], "information", " we mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added."], ["show deal", 33, "nninformation", ["$0 01", "show"], "intention", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 35, "information", ["billed", "deal"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["show deal", 44, "nninformation", ["$0 02", "show"], "intention", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 46, "information", ["billed", "deal"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 53, "information", ["check", "prices"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["show deal", 55, "nninformation", ["$0 005", "show"], "intention", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 59, "information", ["billed", "$0 02"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "]], "I took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\n\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\n\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\n\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18684029.1075854206777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4440356.1075854247256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29248626.1075854283494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"49": {"value": "452475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "$0 005", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["price pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-4:51:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-4:51:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Have you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 6, "nninformation", ["00", "pay", "$4,000"], "intention", " we have only been able to pay pricenumeric numeric of the pricenumeric numeric invoice."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 21, "information", ["billing", "$0 01"], "information", " we have pricenumeric for datenumeric at meter phonenumber numeric and txu is billing us pricenumeric at meter phonenumber numeric and pricenumeric at meter phonenumber numeric for the entire month."], ["receive gas", 33, "information", ["invoice", "received"], "information", " we have received the datenumeric numeric invoice from txu, but we do not have a deal to pay them."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 38, "nninformation", ["deal", "pay"], "intention", " we have received the datenumeric numeric invoice from txu, but we do not have a deal to pay them."]], "Have you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\n\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \n\nMegan\n", ["<5790770.1075854197314.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2909419.1075854247149.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28057381.1075854292542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal invoiceTnn": {"value": "deal invoiceTnn", "ne": "deal invoiceTnn", "patterns": ["deal invoiceTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$4,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["invoice numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numericTnn", "numeric txuTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric txuTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$28,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-5:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-5:26:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "mark, \nCan you look into this? You may need to check with Mary or Trisha on \ntransport capacity tickets for Dec forward.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/26/2001 \n01:24 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nHave you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["forward deal{ticket}", 10, "nninformation", ["forward", "tickets"], "request", " you may need to check with mary or trisha on transport capacity tickets for dec forward."]], "mark, \n\nCan you look into this? You may need to check with Mary or Trisha on \ntransport capacity tickets for Dec forward.\n\nD\n", ["<19096945.1075854335923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30290571.1075854197291.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17226628.1075854292588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24940323.1075854325947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"capacity ticketTnn": {"value": "capacity ticketTnn", "ne": "capacity ticketTnn", "patterns": ["capacity ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "7-3-2001-4:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-4:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI have changed the pricing on deals 452491 and 452475 for October flows to \nmtr 25000200. These flows should be priced at $.10 + 1/2 % fuel. The $.11 \nthat Lone Star billed us is incorrect on the last deal. I'm not sure about \nthe rates for mtr 20014903. The person who can tell us should be in \ntomorrow. I will leave a note for her. We should have similar deal tickets \nfor Dec forward. I will check with Mark and Trisha.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nHave you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "information", ["changed", "deals", "452491", "pricing"], "information", "megan, i have changed the pricing on deals numeric and numeric for october flows to mtr phonenumber numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["deals", "flows"], "information", "megan, i have changed the pricing on deals numeric and numeric for october flows to mtr phonenumber numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["flows", "priced"], "information", " these flows should be priced at $ numeric datenumeric % fuel."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 25, "nninformation", ["leave", "note"], "intention", " i will leave a note for her."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 30, "nninformation", ["deal", "forward"], "intention", " we should have similar deal tickets for dec forward."]], "Megan, \n\nI have changed the pricing on deals 452491 and 452475 for October flows to \nmtr 25000200. These flows should be priced at $.10 + 1/2 % fuel. The $.11 \nthat Lone Star billed us is incorrect on the last deal. I'm not sure about \nthe rates for mtr 20014903. The person who can tell us should be in \ntomorrow. I will leave a note for her. We should have similar deal tickets \nfor Dec forward. I will check with Mark and Trisha.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<24025863.1075854335571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20237251.1075854195782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19985547.1075854292565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2991815.1075854325594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal incorrect_wrongTnn": {"value": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "ne": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "patterns": ["deal incorrect_wrongTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, true], "8-3-2001-2:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-2:50:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have adjusted deal 452491 for mtr 20014903. We agree with Lone Star's \nbillling.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n10:49 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/07/2001 12:24 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00 \nMegan, \nI have changed the pricing on deals 452491 and 452475 for October flows to \nmtr 25000200. These flows should be priced at $.10 + 1/2 % fuel. The $.11 \nthat Lone Star billed us is incorrect on the last deal. I'm not sure about \nthe rates for mtr 20014903. The person who can tell us should be in \ntomorrow. I will leave a note for her. We should have similar deal tickets \nfor Dec forward. I will check with Mark and Trisha.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nHave you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["adjusted", "deal", "452491"], "information", "i have adjusted deal numeric for mtr phonenumber numeric ."]], "I have adjusted deal 452491 for mtr 20014903. We agree with Lone Star's \nbillling.\n\nD\n", ["<24088692.1075854335506.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13520005.1075854195587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2054611.1075854294176.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<732.1075854325529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, true], "8-3-2001-4:33:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-4:33:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <29840949.1075854247017.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 04:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Cleburne plant - \"cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThat's great. What about deal 452475? We have $0.10 and we are being billed \n$0.11 for meter 25000200 on contract 1856. Also, I faxed the Oct 2000 TXU \ninvoices to Trisha Hughes so she can look into the Dec 2000 and forward \nproblem.\n\nMegan", "Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00", "originEmail", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " we have pricenumeric and we are being billed pricenumeric for meter phonenumber numeric on contract numeric ."]], "That's great. What about deal 452475? We have $0.10 and we are being billed \n$0.11 for meter 25000200 on contract 1856. Also, I faxed the Oct 2000 TXU \ninvoices to Trisha Hughes so she can look into the Dec 2000 and forward \nproblem.\n\nMegan", "<29840949.1075854247017.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "452475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numericTnn", "numeric txuTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$0 11", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "8-3-2001-5:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-5:26:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "The $.10 rate should be correct.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/08/2001 12:33 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00 \nThat's great. What about deal 452475? We have $0.10 and we are being billed \n$0.11 for meter 25000200 on contract 1856. Also, I faxed the Oct 2000 TXU \ninvoices to Trisha Hughes so she can look into the Dec 2000 and forward \nproblem.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [], "The $.10 rate should be correct.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/08/2001 12:33 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<31213302.1075854335462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2819069.1075854195448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21173973.1075854294221.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12907251.1075854325485.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29605922.1075854246973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11608234.1075854294760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-18:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 5, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 11, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 31, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<6955442.1075840429725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<26176215.1075854335244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10226618.1075854194362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14124169.1075854294783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30835928.1075854325267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452475']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<6485978.1075840439152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14205941.1075845123336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true]}, "1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 28-3-2001-23:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com 20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com 24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-6:19:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\nD", ["Tenaska"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 1, "information", ["created", "deal", "514353"], "information", "megan, i have created deal numeric to capture the $ numeric agency fee for the orgname deal."], ["schedule volume", 22, "nninformation", ["scheduling", "volume"], "intention", " since there is no volume, mark mccoy will be scheduling this deal as a zero nom."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 38, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "volume**management"], "intention", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["pathe deal", 42, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "demand"], "intention", " when actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and i will change the demand charge."]], "Megan, \n\nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\n\nD", ["<13085949.1075854162428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10106298.1075853968418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17176450.1075854109889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3475927.1075854149849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal price volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal price volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal price volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal price volumeTnnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-1:18:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["attach spreadsheet", 51, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet so you can see the numbers."]], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<8691417.1075853967736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4283770.1075854247558.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27002742.1075854042683.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17517424.1075854110588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"30": {"value": "135", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$2,571", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "389", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "1,395", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-7:1:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<15603493.1075854162321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1884888.1075853967509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8773118.1075854110610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30845163.1075854149741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"9": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:44:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/12/2000 \n04:29 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n", ["<24624058.1075853966747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27442698.1075854247515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18308765.1075854042639.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8217745.1075854111499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "$2,405706", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "43", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["james.armstrong@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com", "jim.pond@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], [], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["plant", "sold"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 10, "information", ["resulting", "majority"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "information", ["created", "deal", "529856"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 25, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " (please see the attached schedule."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 31, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request information", ") we need to pass this income on to orgname do we need to pay this amount (wire from orgname to orgname or is there another way to do this?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 48, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request", " megan - don't pay the amount until we here from the greg, troy and jim."]], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\n\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\n\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\n\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\n\nD\n", ["<25106785.1075854161987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2215534.1075853966725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613661.1075854111522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<572251.1075854149479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-4:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00 \nDarren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticket"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 26, "nninformation", ["vary", "volumes"], "other", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."], ["schedule volume", 27, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."]], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\n\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\n\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<14197623.1075854338098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744219.1075854210451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4169759.1075854279738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22109013.1075854328098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-4:35:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 2, "information", ["paid", "sales"], "information", "all of the outside sales for datenumeric have been paid."], ["attach spreadsheet", 11, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet."]], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<25533868.1075854207511.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19388159.1075854247320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9449849.1075854282862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/02/2001 12:35 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/00\nAll of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 11/00", "Re: Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Megan, \n\nI adjusted deal 529856 on the 2nd of Oct and Nov for the adjustments below. \nCan you make this work?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/29/2000 12:08 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<25828342.1075854337537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3267916.1075854337569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4134043.1075854207370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23190695.1075854207394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22315349.1075854282630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10498954.1075854282884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24729011.1075854327548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15300671.1075854327571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4007083.1075854247277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948076.1075854283448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29605922.1075854246973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11608234.1075854294760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-18:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 5, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 11, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 31, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<6955442.1075840429725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<26176215.1075854335244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10226618.1075854194362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14124169.1075854294783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30835928.1075854325267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<6485978.1075840439152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14205941.1075845123336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "28-3-2001-23:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-23:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan", ["Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "entering", "529856", "purchase"], "intention", "we need to forward the money from the datenumeric numeric orgname sale to orgname i am assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand fee on deal numeric in the amount of pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 30, "nninformation", ["amount", "change"], "intention", " there is already a demand fee for datenumeric numeric for pricenumeric numeric , so i think we just need to change that to the new amount."]], "We need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\n\nMegan", ["<15719395.1075854191450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32118745.1075854246951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18306764.1075854298186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$1,143", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "$29,851", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-8:41:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\n\nMegan\n", ["<24346455.1075854191201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16672017.1075854298416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<667638.1075854320941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-23:36:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nI am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<12298223.1075854334729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23016590.1075854191179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27094992.1075854298439.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33129941.1075854324771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 11:05:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-7:11:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "daren: we need to add the sale demand fee to deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."], ["show deal", 10, "nninformation", ["$2,979", "shows"], "intention", " the spreadsheet i have from mark shows pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12209081.1075840429600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}}, true], "8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-8:56:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nDaren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<25500117.1075845124456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-10:48:54", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 8, "nninformation", ["change", "deals"], "request", " the receipt from orgname was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from orgname and repay to orgname please change the following deals."]], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nDeal 384258\tchange demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353\tchange volume from 45,000 to 44,590\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<21265458.1075840429551.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$2,607", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric txuTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-13:4:31", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "i have changed the demand fee."]], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<4261643.1075845124759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-5:55:25", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\nMegan\nFrom: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV March 2001\nI have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\n", ["<1095323.1075840429526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:0:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n \n", ["Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand charge on deal numeric for the datenumeric numeric orgname sale."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<32867124.1075840429405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "556", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:5:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:00 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Cornhusker 5/01\nDaren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n >> \n", ["RE: Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<2497724.1075845125409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-9:40:6", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Can you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", ["Tenaska IV Agency Fee"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 23, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", " in the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume."]], "Can you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\n\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", ["<13218492.1075840429381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27225410.1075845125712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"36": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47,089", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-7-2001-12:27:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 02:21 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/05/2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: June Tenaska gas file\nHere you go. Let me know if everything looks good.\nMike\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Olsen, Michael\nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you email the Tenaska file for June? I need to bill them.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 12:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n From: Megan Parker 07/02/2001 02:17 PM \n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron\ncc: \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you send James Armstrong and me the Tenaska file for June?\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/02/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: James Armstrong/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/02/2001 10:56 AM\nTo: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nMark, it looks like Mike Olsen is no longer here at Enron. Do you know who handles the Tenaska fuel management file now? You can call me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["RE: June Tenaska gas file"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<24473694.1075840429134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,938", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-12:38:30", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 8/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "other", "darren: please zero out the price on orgname deal numeric for datenumeric numeric and enter a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<30191004.1075840428891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$4,116", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "035", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-11:18:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 7/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,902"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["receive gas", 12, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the txu statement for july and our expenses went down."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 16, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18812899.1075840428746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "933", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,878", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-10:57:11", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "529856", "$918,566"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee for datenumeric on deal numeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<6308102.1075840428579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-11:13:3", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done,.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 12:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done,.\n\n\n ", ["<17936697.1075852212712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:35:3", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "request", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 14, "nninformation", ["529856", "pay", "$407,547"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "nninformation", ["change", "384258", "$2,861"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["add deal{numeric}", 30, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fee"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "]], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tChange \n11/00\t\t529856\t\tchange $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01\t\t384258\t\tchange $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01\t\t384258\t\tzero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<3989293.1075840428555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$407,547", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "762", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$3,216", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$2,846", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:40:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:35 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV \nDarren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<30352963.1075861272438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "19-12-2000-2:31:0Sjames.armstrong@enron.com 29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"19-12-2000-2:31:0Sjames.armstrong@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-2:31:0", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com jody.pierce@enron.com mike.mazowita@enron.com garrick.hill@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17712094.1075854209906.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 02:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: james.armstrong@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV Gas\nCc: megan.parker@enron.com, jody.pierce@enron.com, mike.mazowita@enron.com,\n\tgarrick.hill@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: megan.parker@enron.com, jody.pierce@enron.com, mike.mazowita@enron.com,\n\tgarrick.hill@enron.com\nX-From: James Armstrong\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Megan Parker, Jody Pierce, Mike Mazowita, Garrick Hill\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren, per review of the Gas agreements between Tenaska IV and \nWilliams/Apache and our understanding of the Agency agreement, I had a few \nitems I wanted to discuss with you (in lieu of our meeting today that was \ncancelled):\n\n1. Looking at the October gas supply to the plant, I think Tenaska IV should \nhave been charged at the contract prices with Williams & Apache (i.e. 2.285) \nand not at what the final price that was actualized per Megan's summary - \n230,406 at $710,616.70, price of $3.084. If this volume was charged at \n2.285 the total would have been $526,477.71, a difference of $184,138.99.\n\n2. Looking at the November gas supply to the plant, Tenaska IV was charged \n$2.91 per MMbtu, instead of $2.285 for volumes of 267,300. At the $2.91 \nprice, the total settlement price was $777,843 instead of $610,780.50 at \n2.285, showing a difference of $167,062.50.\n\nI reviewed the gas supply agreements and the Williams gas price (pg. 19) for \n2000 gas is 2.32, which can be adjusted by the Waha Transportation Adjustment \nif delivered at Waha. This adjustment started in 1997 at $.03 per MMbtu and \nincrease by 5% per year. Thereby currently, the adjustment factor is at \n.0347, giving us a price of $2.2853 per MMbtu.\n\nIn reviewing the Apache gas agreement (pg. 22), I noticed that the gas price \nis 2.285 at Waha & 2.315 at Katy/Carthage for 2000. Per review of the Apache \ninvoices, it appears that we are not getting our gas at these points but at \nother places (i.e. Lomak-Sterling & Mendell CDP) at a price of $2.175. If \nEnron has a separate agreement at these delivery points and can capture a \nmargin difference then that is upside to Enron. However, I think the plant \nshould not be charged above the contract price of $2.285.\n\nLooking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for November and \nOctober, I did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from \nWilliams and Apache of 45,000 MMbtu per day. Therefore I don't think spot \nprices are part of the equation here. Additionally, I recall from our \nmeeting last month that all Enron makes on this deal is the Agency Fee of \n$.04 per MMbtu (excluding the margin difference that Enron has on Apache gas \ndelivery points if my scenario above is correct).\n\nSo based upon items 1 & 2 above, I am suggesting that Tenaska IV adjust their \nNovember invoice owed to Enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price \ndifferences showed above. Therefore, I am planning to wire a payment of \n$484,234.03 (see breakout below) on Friday, 12/22, to Enron on behalf of \nTenaska IV Texas Partners, Ltd. for this activity.\n\n Month Plant Gas Price Amount\n November 267,300 2.91 $777,843 \n November adjustment $(167,062.50) \n October adjustment $(184,138.99)\n Nov. Agency Fee 1,350,000 .04 $54,000\n Sept. Agency Fee 98,813 .04 $3,592.52\n Total $484,234.03\n\nI discussed these issues with Mike Mazowita, Rick Hill & Jody Pierce before \nreaching this conclusion. Should you have any different ideas or thoughts \nthat I am not covering, please call me at 3-7280 and we can discuss. Thanks.\n\nJames", "Tenaska IV Gas", "forward", [["show deal", 72, "information", ["$610,780", "showing"], "information", " at the pricenumeric price, the total settlement price was pricenumeric instead of pricenumeric numeric at numeric numeric , showing a difference of pricenumeric numeric ."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 156, "information", ["plant", "scheduled"], "information", " looking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for november and october, i did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from orgname and orgname of numeric mmbtu per day."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 156, "information", ["plant", "scheduled"], "information", " looking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for november and october, i did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from orgname and orgname of numeric mmbtu per day."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 158, "nninformation", ["see", "gas"], "request", " looking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for november and october, i did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from orgname and orgname of numeric mmbtu per day."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 175, "information", ["deal", "makes"], "information", " additionally, i recall from our meeting last month that all enron makes on this deal is the agency fee of $ numeric per mmbtu (excluding the margin difference that enron has on orgname gas delivery points if my scenario above is correct)."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 200, "information", ["used", "price"], "information", " so based upon items numeric & numeric above, i am suggesting that orgname adjust their november invoice owed to enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price differences showed above."], ["show deal", 205, "information", ["gas", "showed"], "information", " so based upon items numeric & numeric above, i am suggesting that orgname adjust their november invoice owed to enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price differences showed above."]], "Daren, per review of the Gas agreements between Tenaska IV and \nWilliams/Apache and our understanding of the Agency agreement, I had a few \nitems I wanted to discuss with you (in lieu of our meeting today that was \ncancelled):\n\n1. Looking at the October gas supply to the plant, I think Tenaska IV should \nhave been charged at the contract prices with Williams & Apache (i.e. 2.285) \nand not at what the final price that was actualized per Megan's summary - \n230,406 at $710,616.70, price of $3.084. If this volume was charged at \n2.285 the total would have been $526,477.71, a difference of $184,138.99.\n\n2. Looking at the November gas supply to the plant, Tenaska IV was charged \n$2.91 per MMbtu, instead of $2.285 for volumes of 267,300. At the $2.91 \nprice, the total settlement price was $777,843 instead of $610,780.50 at \n2.285, showing a difference of $167,062.50.\n\nI reviewed the gas supply agreements and the Williams gas price (pg. 19) for \n2000 gas is 2.32, which can be adjusted by the Waha Transportation Adjustment \nif delivered at Waha. This adjustment started in 1997 at $.03 per MMbtu and \nincrease by 5% per year. Thereby currently, the adjustment factor is at \n.0347, giving us a price of $2.2853 per MMbtu.\n\nIn reviewing the Apache gas agreement (pg. 22), I noticed that the gas price \nis 2.285 at Waha & 2.315 at Katy/Carthage for 2000. Per review of the Apache \ninvoices, it appears that we are not getting our gas at these points but at \nother places (i.e. Lomak-Sterling & Mendell CDP) at a price of $2.175. If \nEnron has a separate agreement at these delivery points and can capture a \nmargin difference then that is upside to Enron. However, I think the plant \nshould not be charged above the contract price of $2.285.\n\nLooking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for November and \nOctober, I did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from \nWilliams and Apache of 45,000 MMbtu per day. Therefore I don't think spot \nprices are part of the equation here. Additionally, I recall from our \nmeeting last month that all Enron makes on this deal is the Agency Fee of \n$.04 per MMbtu (excluding the margin difference that Enron has on Apache gas \ndelivery points if my scenario above is correct).\n\nSo based upon items 1 & 2 above, I am suggesting that Tenaska IV adjust their \nNovember invoice owed to Enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price \ndifferences showed above. Therefore, I am planning to wire a payment of \n$484,234.03 (see breakout below) on Friday, 12/22, to Enron on behalf of \nTenaska IV Texas Partners, Ltd. for this activity.\n\n Month Plant Gas Price Amount\n November 267,300 2.91 $777,843 \n November adjustment $(167,062.50) \n October adjustment $(184,138.99)\n Nov. Agency Fee 1,350,000 .04 $54,000\n Sept. Agency Fee 98,813 .04 $3,592.52\n Total $484,234.03\n\nI discussed these issues with Mike Mazowita, Rick Hill & Jody Pierce before \nreaching this conclusion. Should you have any different ideas or thoughts \nthat I am not covering, please call me at 3-7280 and we can discuss. Thanks.\n\nJames", "<17712094.1075854209906.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"153": {"value": "$2 285", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "106": {"value": "$2 2853", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "$777,843", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "61": {"value": "$2 91", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$710,616", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "139": {"value": "$2 175", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "240": {"value": "98,813", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "234": {"value": "1,350", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "179": {"value": "04", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "242": {"value": "$3,592", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "237": {"value": "$54,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "267,300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$2 285", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "68": {"value": "$610,780", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "243": {"value": "52", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "245": {"value": "$484,234", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "241": {"value": "04", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "236": {"value": "04", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "224": {"value": "91", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "225": {"value": "$777,843", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "210": {"value": "03", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "209": {"value": "$484,234", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "104": {"value": "0347", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "285", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "$526,477", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "70", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "$3 084", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "230,406", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "71", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$184,138", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false], "29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-12-2000-4:8:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <17963234.1075854207720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 04:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV Gas\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAre you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\n\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/29/2000 \n11:46 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJames Armstrong@ECT\n12/19/2000 10:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jody Pierce/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike \nMazowita/Corp/Enron@Enron, Garrick Hill/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Tenaska IV Gas\n\nDaren, per review of the Gas agreements between Tenaska IV and \nWilliams/Apache and our understanding of the Agency agreement, I had a few \nitems I wanted to discuss with you (in lieu of our meeting today that was \ncancelled):\n\n1. Looking at the October gas supply to the plant, I think Tenaska IV should \nhave been charged at the contract prices with Williams & Apache (i.e. 2.285) \nand not at what the final price that was actualized per Megan's summary - \n230,406 at $710,616.70, price of $3.084. If this volume was charged at \n2.285 the total would have been $526,477.71, a difference of $184,138.99.\n\n2. Looking at the November gas supply to the plant, Tenaska IV was charged \n$2.91 per MMbtu, instead of $2.285 for volumes of 267,300. At the $2.91 \nprice, the total settlement price was $777,843 instead of $610,780.50 at \n2.285, showing a difference of $167,062.50.\n\nI reviewed the gas supply agreements and the Williams gas price (pg. 19) for \n2000 gas is 2.32, which can be adjusted by the Waha Transportation Adjustment \nif delivered at Waha. This adjustment started in 1997 at $.03 per MMbtu and \nincrease by 5% per year. Thereby currently, the adjustment factor is at \n.0347, giving us a price of $2.2853 per MMbtu.\n\nIn reviewing the Apache gas agreement (pg. 22), I noticed that the gas price \nis 2.285 at Waha & 2.315 at Katy/Carthage for 2000. Per review of the Apache \ninvoices, it appears that we are not getting our gas at these points but at \nother places (i.e. Lomak-Sterling & Mendell CDP) at a price of $2.175. If \nEnron has a separate agreement at these delivery points and can capture a \nmargin difference then that is upside to Enron. However, I think the plant \nshould not be charged above the contract price of $2.285.\n\nLooking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for November and \nOctober, I did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from \nWilliams and Apache of 45,000 MMbtu per day. Therefore I don't think spot \nprices are part of the equation here. Additionally, I recall from our \nmeeting last month that all Enron makes on this deal is the Agency Fee of \n$.04 per MMbtu (excluding the margin difference that Enron has on Apache gas \ndelivery points if my scenario above is correct).\n\nSo based upon items 1 & 2 above, I am suggesting that Tenaska IV adjust their \nNovember invoice owed to Enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price \ndifferences showed above. Therefore, I am planning to wire a payment of \n$484,234.03 (see breakout below) on Friday, 12/22, to Enron on behalf of \nTenaska IV Texas Partners, Ltd. for this activity.\n\n Month Plant Gas Price Amount\n November 267,300 2.91 $777,843 \n November adjustment $(167,062.50) \n October adjustment $(184,138.99)\n Nov. Agency Fee 1,350,000 .04 $54,000\n Sept. Agency Fee 98,813 .04 $3,592.52\n Total $484,234.03\n\nI discussed these issues with Mike Mazowita, Rick Hill & Jody Pierce before \nreaching this conclusion. Should you have any different ideas or thoughts \nthat I am not covering, please call me at 3-7280 and we can discuss. Thanks.\n\nJames\n", "Tenaska IV Gas", "originEmail", [["show deal", 8, "information", ["$351,201", "showing"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 9, "information", ["49", "pay", "$351,201"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."]], "Are you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\n\nMegan\n", "<17963234.1075854207720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "49", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$351,201", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 27-9-2000-9:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-10-2000-8:28:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-10-2000-9:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-10-2000-1:9:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-10-2000-2:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-11-2000-0:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-11-2000-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-3-2001-14:14:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-3-2001-16:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-6-2001-13:12:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 19-6-2001-13:30:29Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-6-2001-10:31:26Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-10:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Katherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "Katherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\n", ["<1634490.1075854165698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7259809.1075853986825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7348931.1075854092597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11422257.1075854153112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-4:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\n", ["<53921.1075854165605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6506123.1075853986214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6689594.1075854092641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8323524.1075854153025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-9-2000-5:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\nMarch 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\nApril 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n09/11/2000 09:12 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n09/05/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDone.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\n", ["<29412744.1075854165279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5832968.1075853984878.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12586806.1075854094330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4066480.1075854152675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-6:1:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 27, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "157278", "$73,403"], "intention", " deal numeric datenumeric add demand charge of pricenumeric numeric for excess charge datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric deal numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric thanks, "]], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\n\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\n\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<32179352.1075853973026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5842420.1075854105617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19302591.1075854142119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"41": {"value": "99", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "$1,129", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "$359 97", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "charge_excess0charge numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$73,403", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "93", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal exchange spotTnnn": {"value": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "ne": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "patterns": ["deal exchange spotTnnn"]}, "deal exchangeTnn": {"value": "deal exchangeTnn", "ne": "deal exchangeTnn", "patterns": ["deal exchangeTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$1,966", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "98", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-6:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "done\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<674263.1075854163193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13230096.1075853972782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13287842.1075854105642.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24319219.1075854150584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-9-2000-9:10:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-9:10:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "KH, \nWe created deal 229758 a while back to correct this. You will need to get \nVol Mgmt to reallocate volumes from #157288 to this deal to close it out.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/19/2000 04:52 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal, March 2000\nPurchase \nDeal #157288\nIt appears that the price on PGEV should be Index less $.06 not Index less \n$.05 for the redelivery.\nLet me know which is correct per the exchange agreement.\nThanks-\nK\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal, March 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '229758']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "229758"], "information", "kh, we created deal numeric a while back to correct this."]], "KH, \n\nWe created deal 229758 a while back to correct this. You will need to get \nVol Mgmt to reallocate volumes from #157288 to this deal to close it out.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/19/2000 04:52 PM\n", ["<13950654.1075854164833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15134369.1075853981394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33016171.1075854096506.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31303706.1075854152262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"12": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "229758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}}, true], "5-10-2000-8:28:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-10-2000-8:28:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble pulling in the demand charge for 6/00 on deal 157278 for \n$1,129.09. The only thing that is different from May is that the demand \nvolume is 0. I think it needs to be a 1 for the charge to come through. \nPlease take a look.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Re: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "I am having trouble pulling in the demand charge for 6/00 on deal 157278 for \n$1,129.09. The only thing that is different from May is that the demand \nvolume is 0. I think it needs to be a 1 for the charge to come through. \nPlease take a look.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12530929.1075853979508.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26995346.1075854099494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13473882.1075854142482.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$1,129", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-10-2000-9:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-10-2000-9:22:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I fixed it.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/05/2000 03:28 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00 \nI am having trouble pulling in the demand charge for 6/00 on deal 157278 for \n$1,129.09. The only thing that is different from May is that the demand \nvolume is 0. I think it needs to be a 1 for the charge to come through. \nPlease take a look.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "I fixed it.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/05/2000 03:28 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<8289314.1075854164465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7063078.1075853979464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21316653.1075854099516.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32128182.1075854151892.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-9:25:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 25, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", " since there was a spot deal, we put all of the volume for day numeric on deal numeric ."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 57, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 60, "information", ["see", "gas"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["show deal", 69, "information", ["gas", "shows"], "information", " this is a problem since gas was not confirmed for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h and pipeline shows all of the gas on the datenumeric h."]], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\n\nMegan\n", ["<4545520.1075853978880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33392669.1075854100655.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1243808.1075854142397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "348951", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-5:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nDaren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["Re: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["allocate", "gas"], "intention", "megan, for datenumeric , allocate the receipt of gas a cotton valley to the exchange deal."], ["deliver gas", 13, "information", ["deliver", "settlement"], "information", " since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement will occur at gd- numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 30, "information", ["change", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " i apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket."], ["receive_incur gas", 39, "information", ["gas", "receive"], "information", " due to operational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the deliveries on monday."]], "Megan, \n\nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\n\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<6511549.1075854164247.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10463637.1075853978138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32720034.1075854100678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13547374.1075854151620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "delivery gasTnn": {"value": "delivery gasTnn", "ne": "delivery gasTnn", "patterns": ["delivery gasTnn"]}}, true], "17-10-2000-1:9:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-1:9:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease change the demand charge for deal 157278 for 2/00 to $1,247.90. \nKatherine did not include the excess fee when she gave you the cashout.\n$1,008.87 cashout\n $239.03 excess\n$1,247.90 Total\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Exchange 2/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "157278", "$1,247"], "request", "daren: please change the demand charge for deal numeric for datenumeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease change the demand charge for deal 157278 for 2/00 to $1,247.90. \nKatherine did not include the excess fee when she gave you the cashout.\n\n$1,008.87 cashout\n $239.03 excess\n$1,247.90 Total\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<26192479.1075853977870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7015275.1075854101338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12588001.1075854142295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"20": {"value": "90", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$1,247", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "87", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$1,008", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$1,247", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "excess_extra feeTnn": {"value": "excess_extra feeTnn", "ne": "excess_extra feeTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra feeTnn"]}}, true], "17-10-2000-2:23:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-2:23:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/17/2000 08:09 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Exchange 2/00\nDaren:\nPlease change the demand charge for deal 157278 for 2/00 to $1,247.90. \nKatherine did not include the excess fee when she gave you the cashout.\n$1,008.87 cashout\n $239.03 excess\n$1,247.90 Total\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange 2/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "done\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/17/2000 08:09 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<27420093.1075854164060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29383284.1075853977802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29018656.1075854101360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31783074.1075854151465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-11-2000-0:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-11-2000-0:25:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please add the demand charge for excess fees for 9/00 on sale deal 157278 in \nthe amount of $1,175.51.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Energy Field 9/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "fees", "157278"], "request", "please add the demand charge for excess fees for datenumeric on sale deal numeric in the amount of pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Please add the demand charge for excess fees for 9/00 on sale deal 157278 in \nthe amount of $1,175.51.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<14341371.1075853971052.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13624119.1075854107380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27175523.1075854142076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "amount dealTnn": {"value": "amount dealTnn", "ne": "amount dealTnn", "patterns": ["amount dealTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$1,175", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "energy fieldTnn": {"value": "energy fieldTnn", "ne": "energy fieldTnn", "patterns": ["energy fieldTnn"]}, "excess_extra feeTnn": {"value": "excess_extra feeTnn", "ne": "excess_extra feeTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra feeTnn"]}}, true], "16-11-2000-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-11-2000-3:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nFYI. Due to scheduling concerns and contract language, I changed the \ndelivery point on this deal to Eastrans pipeline, instead of HPL. This \nshould clean up the allocations for this area. Also, beginning on Nov 15th, \nwe cut the swap to zero, and I purchased the gas at Cotton Valley under a \nspot agreement (#484935).\nLet me know if you have any questions.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/16/2000 08:25 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Field 9/00\nPlease add the demand charge for excess fees for 9/00 on sale deal 157278 in \nthe amount of $1,175.51.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Field 9/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["changed", "deal"], "information", " due to scheduling concerns and contract language, i changed the delivery point on this deal to eastrans pipeline, instead of hpl."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 18, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " also, beginning on datenumeric th, we cut the swap to zero, and i purchased the gas at cotton valley under a spot agreement (# numeric )."]], "Done.\n\nFYI. Due to scheduling concerns and contract language, I changed the \ndelivery point on this deal to Eastrans pipeline, instead of HPL. This \nshould clean up the allocations for this area. Also, beginning on Nov 15th, \nwe cut the swap to zero, and I purchased the gas at Cotton Valley under a \nspot agreement (#484935).\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/16/2000 08:25 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<8645209.1075854162821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26817516.1075853970899.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5127322.1075854107403.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17979136.1075854150216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract deliveryTnn": {"value": "contract deliveryTnn", "ne": "contract deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["contract deliveryTnn"]}, "deal deliveryTnn": {"value": "deal deliveryTnn", "ne": "deal deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["deal deliveryTnn"]}, "deal line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["deal line_pipelineTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "delivery pointTnn": {"value": "delivery pointTnn", "ne": "delivery pointTnn", "patterns": ["delivery pointTnn"]}, "gas spotTnn": {"value": "gas spotTnn", "ne": "gas spotTnn", "patterns": ["gas spotTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn"]}}, true], "26-3-2001-14:14:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["26-3-2001-14:14:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We are finally closing another month. Please change the demand fee on deal 157278 for July 2000 from $33,239.39 to $22,159.22.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Energy Field 7/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "157278", "$33,239"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "We are finally closing another month. Please change the demand fee on deal 157278 for July 2000 from $33,239.39 to $22,159.22.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<22374609.1075845117566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$33,239", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "26-3-2001-16:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-3-2001-16:8:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/26/2001 11:14 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Field 7/00\nWe are finally closing another month. Please change the demand fee on deal 157278 for July 2000 from $33,239.39 to $22,159.22.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Field 7/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/26/2001 11:14 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<19041450.1075840439455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3710934.1075845123035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-6-2001-13:12:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-13:12:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have some changes to the DEFS deals for 2001. We need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges. I have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them. \nProd. Deal Demand Fee\nFeb 2001 157278 $11,903.17\nMarch 2001 157278 $294.85\nApril 2001 229758 $308.53\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["DEFS 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fees"], "intention", " we need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges."], ["attach spreadsheet", 9, "information", ["attached", "case"], "information", " i have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them."]], "I have some changes to the DEFS deals for 2001. We need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges. I have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them. \nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tDemand Fee\nFeb 2001\t157278\t\t$11,903.17\nMarch 2001\t157278\t\t$294.85\nApril 2001\t229758\t\t$308.53\n\n \n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<16866924.1075852209511.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$11,903", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$294 85", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "19-6-2001-13:30:29Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-13:30:29", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <16575241.1075840434832.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 13:30:29 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: DEFS 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren:\nI needed the demand charge for April entered on supply deal 229758. It can stay on sale deal 157278 if you want, but it will need to be changed to a negative demand charge.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/19/2001 03:24 PM\nTo:\tMegan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tRE: DEFS 2001\n\nDone.\t\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tTuesday, June 19, 2001 3:12 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tDEFS 2001\n\nI have some changes to the DEFS deals for 2001. We need to add demand fees for the over delivery and excess charges. I have attached the spreadsheets in case you need them. \nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tDemand Fee\nFeb 2001\t157278\t\t$11,903.17\nMarch 2001\t157278\t\t$294.85\nApril 2001\t229758\t\t$308.53\n\n << File: HPL's Calc Sheet FEB_2001.xls >> << File: HPL's Calc Sheet March_2001.xls >> << File: HPL's Calc Sheet April_2001.xls >> \n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n", "RE: DEFS 2001", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deal", "entered", "229758"], "information", "daren: i needed the demand charge for april entered on supply deal numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 14, "nninformation", ["changed", "deal"], "intention", " it can stay on sale deal numeric if you want, but it will need to be changed to a negative demand charge."]], "Daren:\nI needed the demand charge for April entered on supply deal 229758. It can stay on sale deal 157278 if you want, but it will need to be changed to a negative demand charge.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/19/2001 03:24 PM\n", "<16575241.1075840434832.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "229758", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-6-2001-10:31:26Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["26-6-2001-10:31:26", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter a demand fee on deal 157278 for May 2001 in the amount of $369.69. We need to bill DEFS for the remaining excess and over delivery charges.\nAlso, I was going back over my calc sheets and I found an error in Oct 2000. Please enter a demand fee for $647.35 on deal 157278 for Oct 2000.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["DEFS May 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157278']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "157278"], "request", "daren: please enter a demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric in the amount of pricenumeric ."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 20, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "157278"], "request", " please enter a demand fee for pricenumeric on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter a demand fee on deal 157278 for May 2001 in the amount of $369.69. We need to bill DEFS for the remaining excess and over delivery charges.\n\nAlso, I was going back over my calc sheets and I found an error in Oct 2000. Please enter a demand fee for $647.35 on deal 157278 for Oct 2000.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<31766611.1075852209468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"amount dealTnn": {"value": "amount dealTnn", "ne": "amount dealTnn", "patterns": ["amount dealTnn"]}, "amount demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["amount demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$369 69", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "calc sheetTnn": {"value": "calc sheetTnn", "ne": "calc sheetTnn", "patterns": ["calc sheetTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$647 35", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true]}, "5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-3-2001-2:54:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-3-2001-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 25-5-2001-9:3:57Smegan.parker@enron.com 25-5-2001-10:4:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-6-2001-11:24:9Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com 19-6-2001-6:4:44Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-8-2001-13:29:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com 20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 28-9-2001-12:2:33Smegan.parker@enron.com 28-9-2001-12:14:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-10-2001-9:22:31Smegan.parker@enron.com 10-10-2001-5:36:30Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-10-2001-11:9:36Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-10-2001-11:40:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-12-2001-7:55:31Smegan.parker@enron.com 11-12-2001-12:9:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-12-2001-13:56:56Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2001-6:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2001-8:50:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2001-8:59:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-6:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n01:33 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital Management\n \n From: David Baumbach 08/30/2000 01:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cornhusker\nI have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\nDave\n", ["Cornhusker"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "", ["<31242533.1075854165519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4739513.1075853986058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31228574.1075854093260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23483997.1075854152915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-11-2000-9:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.benedict@enron.com"], [], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\nD", ["Re: Deal Numbers"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 3, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "request", "buy orgname # numeric buy orgname numeric sale orgname numeric trans capacity orgname numeric & numeric spot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month."]], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\n\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\n\n\nD", ["<19806283.1075854162450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10442.1075853968615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5250270.1075854109710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1652134.1075854149870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal location_positionTnn": {"value": "deal location_positionTnn", "ne": "deal location_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal location_positionTnn"]}, "deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384237", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "452475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric spotTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, true], "1-12-2000-6:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-6:19:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\nD", ["Tenaska"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 1, "information", ["created", "deal", "514353"], "information", "megan, i have created deal numeric to capture the $ numeric agency fee for the orgname deal."], ["schedule volume", 22, "nninformation", ["scheduling", "volume"], "intention", " since there is no volume, mark mccoy will be scheduling this deal as a zero nom."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 38, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "volume**management"], "intention", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["pathe deal", 42, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", " for sep and oct, you will need to get someone in volume management to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the imbalance pool)."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "demand"], "intention", " when actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and i will change the demand charge."]], "Megan, \n\nI have created deal 514353 to capture the $.04 agency fee for the Tenaska \ndeal. This deal will have zero volume and zero commodity price with a demand \ncharge of $.04 on 45,000/day. Since there is no volume, Mark McCoy will be \nscheduling this deal as a zero nom. Hopefully, this will allow the demand \ncharge to flow through the system. Let me know if you don't see this \nhappening. For Sep and Oct, you will need to get someone in Volume \nManagement to create an accounting arrangement for this deal (pathed to the \nimbalance pool). When actuals come in, you can give me the volumes and I \nwill change the demand charge. I took the demand charge off of the sale \nticket (#384258).\n\nD", ["<13085949.1075854162428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10106298.1075853968418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17176450.1075854109889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3475927.1075854149849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal price volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal price volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal price volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal price volumeTnnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-1:18:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-1:18:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["attach spreadsheet", 51, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet so you can see the numbers."]], "We have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<8691417.1075853967736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4283770.1075854247558.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27002742.1075854042683.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17517424.1075854110588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"30": {"value": "135", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$2,571", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "389", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "1,395", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-7:1:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "We're working on it. We have had alot of issues with the colder weather. I \nwill let you know as soon as we get Oct in. I adjusted #514353, so hopefully \nthe demand will come through better.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<15603493.1075854162321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1884888.1075853967509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8773118.1075854110610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30845163.1075854149741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"9": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:44:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:44:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/12/2000 \n04:29 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "A revised amount for the purchase demand fee: $2,405706.43. Volumes were not \nactualized correctly.\n", ["<24624058.1075853966747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27442698.1075854247515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18308765.1075854042639.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8217745.1075854111499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "$2,405706", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "43", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["james.armstrong@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com", "jim.pond@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], [], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["plant", "sold"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 10, "information", ["resulting", "majority"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "information", ["created", "deal", "529856"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 25, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " (please see the attached schedule."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 31, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request information", ") we need to pass this income on to orgname do we need to pay this amount (wire from orgname to orgname or is there another way to do this?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 48, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request", " megan - don't pay the amount until we here from the greg, troy and jim."]], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\n\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\n\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\n\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\n\nD\n", ["<25106785.1075854161987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2215534.1075853966725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613661.1075854111522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<572251.1075854149479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-4:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00 \nDarren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticket"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 26, "nninformation", ["vary", "volumes"], "other", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."], ["schedule volume", 27, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."]], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\n\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\n\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<14197623.1075854338098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744219.1075854210451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4169759.1075854279738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22109013.1075854328098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, true], "29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-12-2000-4:8:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Are you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/29/2000 \n11:46 AM ---------------------------\nJames Armstrong@ECT\n12/19/2000 10:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jody Pierce/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike \nMazowita/Corp/Enron@Enron, Garrick Hill/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tenaska IV Gas\nDaren, per review of the Gas agreements between Tenaska IV and \nWilliams/Apache and our understanding of the Agency agreement, I had a few \nitems I wanted to discuss with you (in lieu of our meeting today that was \ncancelled):\n1. Looking at the October gas supply to the plant, I think Tenaska IV should \nhave been charged at the contract prices with Williams & Apache (i.e. 2.285) \nand not at what the final price that was actualized per Megan's summary - \n230,406 at $710,616.70, price of $3.084. If this volume was charged at \n2.285 the total would have been $526,477.71, a difference of $184,138.99.\n2. Looking at the November gas supply to the plant, Tenaska IV was charged \n$2.91 per MMbtu, instead of $2.285 for volumes of 267,300. At the $2.91 \nprice, the total settlement price was $777,843 instead of $610,780.50 at \n2.285, showing a difference of $167,062.50.\nI reviewed the gas supply agreements and the Williams gas price (pg. 19) for \n2000 gas is 2.32, which can be adjusted by the Waha Transportation Adjustment \nif delivered at Waha. This adjustment started in 1997 at $.03 per MMbtu and \nincrease by 5% per year. Thereby currently, the adjustment factor is at \n.0347, giving us a price of $2.2853 per MMbtu.\nIn reviewing the Apache gas agreement (pg. 22), I noticed that the gas price \nis 2.285 at Waha & 2.315 at Katy/Carthage for 2000. Per review of the Apache \ninvoices, it appears that we are not getting our gas at these points but at \nother places (i.e. Lomak-Sterling & Mendell CDP) at a price of $2.175. If \nEnron has a separate agreement at these delivery points and can capture a \nmargin difference then that is upside to Enron. However, I think the plant \nshould not be charged above the contract price of $2.285.\nLooking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for November and \nOctober, I did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from \nWilliams and Apache of 45,000 MMbtu per day. Therefore I don't think spot \nprices are part of the equation here. Additionally, I recall from our \nmeeting last month that all Enron makes on this deal is the Agency Fee of \n$.04 per MMbtu (excluding the margin difference that Enron has on Apache gas \ndelivery points if my scenario above is correct).\nSo based upon items 1 & 2 above, I am suggesting that Tenaska IV adjust their \nNovember invoice owed to Enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price \ndifferences showed above. Therefore, I am planning to wire a payment of \n$484,234.03 (see breakout below) on Friday, 12/22, to Enron on behalf of \nTenaska IV Texas Partners, Ltd. for this activity.\n Month Plant Gas Price Amount\n November 267,300 2.91 $777,843 \n November adjustment $(167,062.50) \n October adjustment $(184,138.99)\n Nov. Agency Fee 1,350,000 .04 $54,000\n Sept. Agency Fee 98,813 .04 $3,592.52\n Total $484,234.03\nI discussed these issues with Mike Mazowita, Rick Hill & Jody Pierce before \nreaching this conclusion. Should you have any different ideas or thoughts \nthat I am not covering, please call me at 3-7280 and we can discuss. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["show deal", 8, "information", ["$351,201", "showing"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 9, "information", ["49", "pay", "$351,201"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."]], "Are you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\n\nMegan\n", ["<17963234.1075854207720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9706403.1075854247343.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13697014.1075854282606.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "49", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$351,201", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/02/2001 12:35 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/00\nAll of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 11/00", "Re: Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Megan, \n\nI adjusted deal 529856 on the 2nd of Oct and Nov for the adjustments below. \nCan you make this work?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/29/2000 12:08 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<25828342.1075854337537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3267916.1075854337569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4134043.1075854207370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23190695.1075854207394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22315349.1075854282630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10498954.1075854282884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24729011.1075854327548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15300671.1075854327571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4007083.1075854247277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948076.1075854283448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-2:54:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-2:54:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV Feb 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "We do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\n\nMegan", ["<26490098.1075854196118.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3967699.1075854247104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12581868.1075854293709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "888", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$2,291", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "7-3-2001-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-2:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/06/2001 10:54 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Feb 2001\nWe do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Feb 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/06/2001 10:54 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<10949588.1075854335615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22520845.1075854195850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3427999.1075854293732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33169545.1075854325640.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29605922.1075854246973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11608234.1075854294760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-18:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 5, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 11, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 31, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<6955442.1075840429725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<26176215.1075854335244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10226618.1075854194362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14124169.1075854294783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30835928.1075854325267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<6485978.1075840439152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14205941.1075845123336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-7:11:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "daren: we need to add the sale demand fee to deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."], ["show deal", 10, "nninformation", ["$2,979", "shows"], "intention", " the spreadsheet i have from mark shows pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12209081.1075840429600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}}, true], "8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-8:56:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nDaren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<25500117.1075845124456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2001-9:3:57Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-9:3:57", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "we need to change the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "nninformation", ["amount", "change"], "request", " please change the amount from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 18, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the revised spreadsheet."]], "We need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n\n \n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<24708184.1075840429430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "91", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$2,862", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "25-5-2001-10:4:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-10:4:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, May 25, 2001 11:04 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nWe need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<21769037.1075845125227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-6-2001-11:24:9Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-6-2001-11:24:9", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 for April from $2,862,531.95 to $2,855,089.73. We need to return some money to Tenaska IV. The transport expenses are less than what was etimated on the spreadsheet.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$2,862"], "request", "please change the demand fee on deal numeric for april from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 for April from $2,862,531.95 to $2,855,089.73. We need to return some money to Tenaska IV. The transport expenses are less than what was etimated on the spreadsheet.\n\nMegan", ["<24702933.1075840429354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "$2,862", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$2,855", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-10:48:54", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 8, "nninformation", ["change", "deals"], "request", " the receipt from orgname was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from orgname and repay to orgname please change the following deals."]], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nDeal 384258\tchange demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353\tchange volume from 45,000 to 44,590\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<21265458.1075840429551.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$2,607", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric txuTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-13:4:31", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "i have changed the demand fee."]], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<4261643.1075845124759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-5:55:25", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\nMegan\nFrom: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV March 2001\nI have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\n", ["<1095323.1075840429526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:0:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n \n", ["Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand charge on deal numeric for the datenumeric numeric orgname sale."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<32867124.1075840429405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "556", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:5:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:00 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Cornhusker 5/01\nDaren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n >> \n", ["RE: Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<2497724.1075845125409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-6-2001-9:40:6Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-9:40:6", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Can you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", ["Tenaska IV Agency Fee"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 23, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", " in the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume."]], "Can you clarify for me how the agency fee is suppose to be calculated? I am getting mixed information. I know that we use the higher of the two volumes (receipts vs. deliveries). The question is do we use the nom volume or the actual volume. Last month (March), we left the volume at the nom of 45,000/day. In the past , we have changed the volume to the actual daily volume. For April, the actuals are higher than the nom and we would need to bump the volume up to 47,089/day. James Armstrong is using the actual volume. The deal for the fee is 514353.\n\nMy other problem is that the spreadsheet is choosing the max of three volumes, receipts, deliveries and transport. Should the transport volume be in the calculation? Also, Mark added some payback volume to the spreadsheet and it is being included in the receipt volume. Do I include the payback volume in the calculation of the agency fee if we use the nom? If you have a copy of the contract that addresses the agency fee, I would like to have a copy. You can fax it to 713-571-3141. If none of this makes sense, give me a call and I can try and explain further.\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n713-571-3261", ["<13218492.1075840429381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27225410.1075845125712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"36": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47,089", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "19-6-2001-6:4:44Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-6:4:44", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please change the demand fee for May 2001 on deal 384258 from $2,069,556.32 to $2,026,347.17. The Williams supply was less than what the spreadsheet calculated.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,069"], "request", "please change the demand fee for datenumeric numeric on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Please change the demand fee for May 2001 on deal 384258 from $2,069,556.32 to $2,026,347.17. The Williams supply was less than what the spreadsheet calculated.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19680655.1075840429255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "32", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$2,026", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-7-2001-12:27:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 02:21 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/05/2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: June Tenaska gas file\nHere you go. Let me know if everything looks good.\nMike\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Olsen, Michael\nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you email the Tenaska file for June? I need to bill them.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 12:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n From: Megan Parker 07/02/2001 02:17 PM \n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron\ncc: \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you send James Armstrong and me the Tenaska file for June?\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/02/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: James Armstrong/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/02/2001 10:56 AM\nTo: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nMark, it looks like Mike Olsen is no longer here at Enron. Do you know who handles the Tenaska fuel management file now? You can call me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["RE: June Tenaska gas file"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<24473694.1075840429134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,938", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "9-8-2001-13:29:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-8-2001-13:29:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease remove the price on the Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258, for July and enter the demand fee. The amount should be $3,902,687.50.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV July"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "darren: please remove the price on the orgname sale, deal numeric , for july and enter the demand fee."]], "Darren:\nPlease remove the price on the Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258, for July and enter the demand fee. The amount should be $3,902,687.50.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<9319095.1075840428940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "687", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-12:38:30", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <30191004.1075840428891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 12:38:30 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV 8/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Tenaska IV 8/01", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "other", "darren: please zero out the price on orgname deal numeric for datenumeric numeric and enter a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<30191004.1075840428891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$4,116", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "035", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-11:18:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 7/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '514353']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,902"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["receive gas", 12, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the txu statement for july and our expenses went down."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 16, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18812899.1075840428746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "933", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,878", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}}, true], "28-9-2001-12:2:33Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-12:2:33", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 6/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,578"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 17, "nninformation", ["change", "volume"], "intention", " we are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<2001432.1075840428673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,578", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,559", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "28-9-2001-12:14:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-12:14:52", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, September 28, 2001 2:03 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 6/01\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 6/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<32852678.1075852213418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-10-2001-9:22:31Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-10-2001-9:22:31", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 9/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "darren: please zero out the price on deal numeric for datenumeric and add a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<26253804.1075840428626.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "611", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "10-10-2001-5:36:30Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-10-2001-5:36:30", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 11:23 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 9/01\nDarren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 9/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n ", ["<16520183.1075852213078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-10-2001-11:9:36Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-11:9:36", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n6/01 from 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01 from 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fees", "384258"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fees on deal numeric for orgname to the numbers below."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n\n6/01\tfrom 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01\tfrom 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["<21832805.1075840428602.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true], "12-10-2001-11:40:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-11:40:7", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, October 12, 2001 1:10 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n6/01 from 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01 from 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n ", ["<24606405.1075852212940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:35:3", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "request", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 14, "nninformation", ["529856", "pay", "$407,547"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "nninformation", ["change", "384258", "$2,861"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["add deal{numeric}", 30, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fee"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "]], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tChange \n11/00\t\t529856\t\tchange $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01\t\t384258\t\tchange $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01\t\t384258\t\tzero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<3989293.1075840428555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$407,547", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "762", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$3,216", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$2,846", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:40:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:35 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV \nDarren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<30352963.1075861272438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-12-2001-7:55:31Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-7:55:31", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n ", ["Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "request", " please remove the price on deal numeric for nov and add a demand fee of pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n ", ["<32288916.1075840428532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,096", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "547", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "11-12-2001-12:9:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-12:9:37", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n\n ", ["<16182097.1075859102548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-12-2001-13:56:56Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-13:56:56", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Can you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Can you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\n\nMegan\n\n ", ["<13168546.1075840428509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-6:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-6:8:59", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "What's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "What's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\n\n\nD\n\n ", ["<13845388.1075859102569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-8:50:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-8:50:20", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "where are you going?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:46 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nThanks. Glad to know you are still here. I'm not sure when I send an email now if the person on the other end is still here. I will be leaving, though. I've given two weeks notice. I'll let you know who will be taking over this gem of an account.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:09 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWhat's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "where are you going?\n\n\n ", ["<33009463.1075859102591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-8:59:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-8:59:47", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I'm sure that the Panenergy deal is all yours. I definitely understand your concerns. Good luck over there.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:58 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWell...I'll be going back to my old job. AEP made me an offer last week. I really wish I could stay, but the worries and the stress have done me in. I need a little more piece of mind with my paycheck. My last day will be the 26th.\nHey, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get PanEnergy back. \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:50 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nwhere are you going?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:46 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nThanks. Glad to know you are still here. I'm not sure when I send an email now if the person on the other end is still here. I will be leaving, though. I've given two weeks notice. I'll let you know who will be taking over this gem of an account.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:09 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWhat's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "I'm sure that the Panenergy deal is all yours. I definitely understand your concerns. Good luck over there.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<1071463.1075859102613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "31-10-2001-9:43:52Smegan.parker@enron.com 31-10-2001-11:41:48Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"31-10-2001-9:43:52Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-9:43:52", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26867246.1075840432597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 09:43:52 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HPLC/TGLO Deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nI have a request from Jim Coffey that I hope you can help me with. He wants to know the cost of supplying the gas to the GLO. I can follow the ENA deals in path Manager, but I am having a hard time with the HPLC deals. It looks like we were using gas from the 215 contract. I can't tell, though, how the gas got to the 215. Can you tell me where we got the supply for HPLC to sell and at what price? I need to know for Jan through May. The GLO deal numbers are below, if you need them.\n\nMegan\n\nJan 01\t\t547201\nFeb 01\t\t591307\nMar 01\t\t640685\nApr 01\t\t692167\nMay 01\t\t755787", "HPLC/TGLO Deals", "originEmail", [["add deal{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["supplying", "cost"], "intention", " he wants to know the cost of supplying the gas to the glo."]], "Darren:\nI have a request from Jim Coffey that I hope you can help me with. He wants to know the cost of supplying the gas to the GLO. I can follow the ENA deals in path Manager, but I am having a hard time with the HPLC deals. It looks like we were using gas from the 215 contract. I can't tell, though, how the gas got to the 215. Can you tell me where we got the supply for HPLC to sell and at what price? I need to know for Jan through May. The GLO deal numbers are below, if you need them.\n\nMegan\n\nJan 01\t\t547201\nFeb 01\t\t591307\nMar 01\t\t640685\nApr 01\t\t692167\nMay 01\t\t755787", "<26867246.1075840432597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "gas numericTnn"]}, "deal pathTnn": {"value": "deal pathTnn", "ne": "deal pathTnn", "patterns": ["deal pathTnn"]}}, false], "31-10-2001-11:41:48Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-11:41:48", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10938862.1075861272098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:41:48 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: RE: HPLC/TGLO Deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Parker, Megan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nMegan, \n\nWe didn't operate HPL in a way where we matched markets with specific supplies. The supply for these sales was the entire HPL system. You can calculate the WACOG on HPL as an estimated cost for each day or month. But I can't give you a specific supply cost or deal. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tWednesday, October 31, 2001 11:44 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tHPLC/TGLO Deals\n\nDarren:\nI have a request from Jim Coffey that I hope you can help me with. He wants to know the cost of supplying the gas to the GLO. I can follow the ENA deals in path Manager, but I am having a hard time with the HPLC deals. It looks like we were using gas from the 215 contract. I can't tell, though, how the gas got to the 215. Can you tell me where we got the supply for HPLC to sell and at what price? I need to know for Jan through May. The GLO deal numbers are below, if you need them.\n\nMegan\n\nJan 01\t\t547201\nFeb 01\t\t591307\nMar 01\t\t640685\nApr 01\t\t692167\nMay 01\t\t755787", "RE: HPLC/TGLO Deals", "reply", [], "Megan, \n\nWe didn't operate HPL in a way where we matched markets with specific supplies. The supply for these sales was the entire HPL system. You can calculate the WACOG on HPL as an estimated cost for each day or month. But I can't give you a specific supply cost or deal. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n ", "<10938862.1075861272098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-6-2000-6:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-6-2000-10:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 3-10-2000-7:29:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 3-10-2000-7:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-10-2000-11:59:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 6-10-2000-3:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-3-2001-3:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-3-2001-14:16:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"14-6-2000-6:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-6-2000-6:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "I changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the East Texas point.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/12/2000 01:29 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nDaren-\nHave you had a chance to change the pricing in the system? \nDuke has called me several times they want to get our March deals finalized.\nI am not sure what I should tell them. \nThanks-\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n06/12/2000 01:24 PM ---------------------------\nKatherine Herrera\n04/20/2000 08:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n", ["Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 3, "information", ["changed", "deal", "157288", "pricing"], "information", "i changed the pricing on deal numeric for the orgname point."]], "I changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the East Texas point.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/12/2000 01:29 PM\n", ["<6407830.1075854167914.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5769839.1075854004386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27649439.1075854076079.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<988022.1075854155305.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"6": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}}, true], "26-6-2000-10:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-10:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Deal 312610 purchase at Centana\nDeal 312613 Sale at Rusk.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/23/2000 11:43 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production \nDaren-\nDeal #157288\nLocation: Centana\nDays: 3/11-3/31 (gas is not a part of the exchange agreement). \nI need to have the spot deal placed on a different deal ticket than the \nexchange deal (#157288).\nWill you break out this spot deal separately?\nThanks for fixing the price for the ETXG gas system in March.\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n06/14/2000 01:11 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production \nI changed the pricing on deal 157288 for the East Texas point.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/12/2000 01:29 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nDaren-\nHave you had a chance to change the pricing in the system? \nDuke has called me several times they want to get our March deals finalized.\nI am not sure what I should tell them. \nThanks-\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n06/12/2000 01:24 PM ---------------------------\nKatherine Herrera\n04/20/2000 08:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production\nDeal # 157288\nPer our conversation yesterday afternoon, pls. separate the Centena term deal \nfrom the spot deal in Sitara for March 2000 production. \nAlso, I need to have the price for the East Texas redelivery changed in \nSitara from HS Index $-.085 to HS Index $-.0825. This is per the contract \nthe price for this redelivery point. \nThanks\nKatherine\n5-8643\n", ["Re: PanEnergy Marketing March 2000 Production"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "Deal 312610 purchase at Centana\nDeal 312613 Sale at Rusk.\n\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n06/23/2000 11:43 AM\n", ["<21840224.1075854167386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<405901.1075854001303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22248447.1075854076123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9890123.1075854154790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "312610", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "312613", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "31-8-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-10:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Katherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "Katherine, \n\nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\n\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\n", ["<1634490.1075854165698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7259809.1075853986825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7348931.1075854092597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11422257.1075854153112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-9-2000-4:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-4:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod."], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\n", ["<53921.1075854165605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6506123.1075853986214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6689594.1075854092641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8323524.1075854153025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-9-2000-5:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-9-2000-5:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.herrera@enron.com"], [], "done.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren-\nThanks for completing Feb 2000 Cashout.\nCould you also enter a Demand fee into Sitara for March and April 2000?\nMarch 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$0.00 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$3,526.98 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 24,452 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$0.00 \nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $3,526.98.\nApril 2000\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,507.56 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$1,549.82 Dollars Due Duke\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nColumn H is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 53,206 mmbtus\nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,507.56\nColumn U is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $1,549.82\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on \n09/11/2000 09:12 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n09/05/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDone.\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/05/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nDaren,\nI believe the best way to enter the fee into Sitara would be as a Demand fee \nin your example #1. \nIf we do the fee this way, we will not double up the volumes.\nI have attached my spreadsheet for support:\nTHE MOST CURRENT WORKSHEET IS TAB #2 MARKED FINAL\nColumn G is the Over-Delivery quantity total is 17,278 mmbtus\nColumn S is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due HPLC \n$1,008.87 \nColumn T is the Daily dollar amount for the over-delivery quantity due the \ncustomer $519.73.\nThanks-\nKatherine\n5-8643\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n08/31/2000 05:49 PM\nTo: Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod. \nKatherine, \nThere are 2 ways that I can enter this fee into Sitara:\n1) I can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee.\n2) I need you to give me volume(s) and a price to input into the deal. I \ncan't just input a dollar amount in Sitara.\nLet me know how you want to handle it.\nD\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n08/31/2000 05:28 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal Feb. 2000 Prod.\nCASHOUT\nPlease add the following fees for Feb. 2000:\nFEE TYPE:\nNatural Gas \nPhysical Forward\nPenalty for Over/ Under take\nSales Ticket # 157278\n$1,008.87 Dollars Due HPLC\nPurchase Ticket # 157288\n$519.73 Dollars Due Duke\nThanks- Katherine\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n\nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n09/11/2000 09:56 AM\n", ["<29412744.1075854165279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5832968.1075853984878.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12586806.1075854094330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4066480.1075854152675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-11-2000-6:1:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-6:1:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 27, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "157278", "$73,403"], "intention", " deal numeric datenumeric add demand charge of pricenumeric numeric for excess charge datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric deal numeric datenumeric change demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric thanks, "]], "Daren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\n\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\n\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<32179352.1075853973026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5842420.1075854105617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19302591.1075854142119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"41": {"value": "99", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "$1,129", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "$359 97", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "charge_excess0charge numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$73,403", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "56", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$1,507", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "93", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal exchange spotTnnn": {"value": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "ne": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "patterns": ["deal exchange spotTnnn"]}, "deal exchangeTnn": {"value": "deal exchangeTnn", "ne": "deal exchangeTnn", "patterns": ["deal exchangeTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$1,966", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "98", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$3,526", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "8-11-2000-6:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-6:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Exchange Deal\nDaren:\nI have several months that need to have the demand charges either added or \nadjusted. When Katherine gave you the numbers the first time, there were \nsome spot deals included in the exchange deals. The volumes have now been \nmoved to the correct deals and the demand charges need to be corrected. I \nhave listed the changes below. Let me know if you would like to see the \nspreadsheets.\nDeal 157278\n3/00 Add demand charge of $73,403.47 for excess charge\n4/00 Change demand fee from $1,507.56 to $1,966.93\n6/00 Change demand fee from $1,129.99 to $359.97\nDeal 157288\n3/00 Change demand fee from $3,526.98 to $245.82\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Exchange Deal"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [], "done\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/07/2000 02:01 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<674263.1075854163193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13230096.1075853972782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13287842.1075854105642.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24319219.1075854150584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-10-2000-7:29:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-7:29:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nI am taking over the Duke account from Katherine and am having trouble with \n8/00 production. It looks like we have some spot deals included in the \nexchange deal 157288. I think days 9 - 31, which are priced at GD - 0.10, \nneed to be moved to a new ticket if they are spot. Let me know if you \nagree. Also, can you confirm for me that days 8/5 and 8/6 are suppose to be \nexchange? The sale volume for those two days was zero, so there was no \nexchange. We have not received any statements from Duke yet, so there is \nnothing to verify our volumes.\nYou may also want to look at Sept. 2000 for deal 157288. It looks like spot \ndeals are being included in the exchange deal. Those will need to be moved \nto a new ticket if they are spot.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Energy Field Deal 157288 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["receive gas", 36, "information", ["received", "statements"], "information", " we have not received any statements from orgname yet, so there is nothing to verify our volumes."]], "Daren:\nI am taking over the Duke account from Katherine and am having trouble with \n8/00 production. It looks like we have some spot deals included in the \nexchange deal 157288. I think days 9 - 31, which are priced at GD - 0.10, \nneed to be moved to a new ticket if they are spot. Let me know if you \nagree. Also, can you confirm for me that days 8/5 and 8/6 are suppose to be \nexchange? The sale volume for those two days was zero, so there was no \nexchange. We have not received any statements from Duke yet, so there is \nnothing to verify our volumes.\n\nYou may also want to look at Sept. 2000 for deal 157288. It looks like spot \ndeals are being included in the exchange deal. Those will need to be moved \nto a new ticket if they are spot.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<31584377.1075853980029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4115081.1075854099247.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16091494.1075854142546.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal energy numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal energyTnn": {"value": "deal energyTnn", "ne": "deal energyTnn", "patterns": ["deal energyTnn"]}, "deal exchange spotTnnn": {"value": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "ne": "deal exchange spotTnnn", "patterns": ["deal exchange spotTnnn"]}, "deal exchangeTnn": {"value": "deal exchangeTnn", "ne": "deal exchangeTnn", "patterns": ["deal exchangeTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "energy fieldTnn": {"value": "energy fieldTnn", "ne": "energy fieldTnn", "patterns": ["energy fieldTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "31", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, true], "3-10-2000-7:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-7:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "These are not spot deals. PanEnergy did not receive gas on the exchange. \nHowever, they did deliver gas to us at Cotton Valley. According to the \ncontract, when volumes are overdelivered, HPL buys the gas at GD-.10. So, in \norder to correctly estimate our economics, I changed the price on the \ndelivery to reflect how the deal will settle. This occurred in August and \nSeptember. Any spot deals will be on seperate tickets.\nDays 5 & 6, as well as 9-31 should be settled as if the exchange was in \nplace. (PanEnergy overdelivered about 7,800 per day, which we buy at Gas \nDaily -.10)\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/03/2000 02:29 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Field Deal 157288 8/00\nDaren:\nI am taking over the Duke account from Katherine and am having trouble with \n8/00 production. It looks like we have some spot deals included in the \nexchange deal 157288. I think days 9 - 31, which are priced at GD - 0.10, \nneed to be moved to a new ticket if they are spot. Let me know if you \nagree. Also, can you confirm for me that days 8/5 and 8/6 are suppose to be \nexchange? The sale volume for those two days was zero, so there was no \nexchange. We have not received any statements from Duke yet, so there is \nnothing to verify our volumes.\nYou may also want to look at Sept. 2000 for deal 157288. It looks like spot \ndeals are being included in the exchange deal. Those will need to be moved \nto a new ticket if they are spot.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Field Deal 157288 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288'], 'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["receive_incur gas", 5, "information", ["gas", "receive"], "information", " panenergy did not receive gas on the exchange."], ["deliver gas", 8, "information", ["deliver", "gas"], "information", " however, they did deliver gas to us at cotton valley."], ["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 12, "information", ["according", "contract"], "information", " according to the contract, when volumes are overdelivered, hpl buys the gas at gd- numeric ."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 16, "information", ["buys", "gas"], "information", " according to the contract, when volumes are overdelivered, hpl buys the gas at gd- numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 22, "information", ["changed", "deal", "price"], "information", " so, in order to correctly estimate our economics, i changed the price on the delivery to reflect how the deal will settle."], ["reflect deal", 25, "information", ["deal", "reflect"], "information", " so, in order to correctly estimate our economics, i changed the price on the delivery to reflect how the deal will settle."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 42, "nninformation", ["buy", "gas"], "request", " (panenergy overdelivered about numeric per day, which we buy at gas daily - numeric ) "]], "These are not spot deals. PanEnergy did not receive gas on the exchange. \nHowever, they did deliver gas to us at Cotton Valley. According to the \ncontract, when volumes are overdelivered, HPL buys the gas at GD-.10. So, in \norder to correctly estimate our economics, I changed the price on the \ndelivery to reflect how the deal will settle. This occurred in August and \nSeptember. Any spot deals will be on seperate tickets.\n\nDays 5 & 6, as well as 9-31 should be settled as if the exchange was in \nplace. (PanEnergy overdelivered about 7,800 per day, which we buy at Gas \nDaily -.10)\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/03/2000 02:29 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<5333202.1075854164529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3381878.1075853980008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6485198.1075854099269.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25034645.1075854151956.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"contract volumeTnn": {"value": "contract volumeTnn", "ne": "contract volumeTnn", "patterns": ["contract volumeTnn"]}, "cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "deal deliveryTnn": {"value": "deal deliveryTnn", "ne": "deal deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["deal deliveryTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "7,800", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}}, true], "5-10-2000-11:59:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-10-2000-11:59:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Here are the cashout entries for 7/00 and 8/00.\nJuly 2000\nDeal 157278 ($759.75) excess charge\n $33,992.14 cashout\n $33,232.39 Total\n(There is no purchase cashout for 7/00.)\nAug 2000\nDeal 157278 $90.18 cashout\n $6,745.50 excess charge\n $6,835.68 Total\nDeal 157288 $9,575.45 cashout\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Duke Cashout Entries 7/00 and 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['157288', '$9,575']}", [], "Here are the cashout entries for 7/00 and 8/00.\n\nJuly 2000\nDeal 157278 ($759.75) excess charge\n $33,992.14 cashout\n $33,232.39 Total\n(There is no purchase cashout for 7/00.)\n\nAug 2000\nDeal 157278 $90.18 cashout\n $6,745.50 excess charge\n $6,835.68 Total\n\nDeal 157288 $9,575.45 cashout\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<4106969.1075853979397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26408077.1075854099868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30631599.1075854142440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"28": {"value": "68", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "$6,835", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$759 75", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$90 18", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$9,575", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "$6,745", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "39", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "$33,232", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "14", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$33,992", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "6-10-2000-3:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-10-2000-3:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI have made these adjustments. HOwever, I would like for you to double check \nAugust. We knew that Pan Energy would be over delivering at Cotten Valley \nfor 8/9/00 through the end of the month. So I changed the pricing on the \ndeal to the GD-.10 settlement price for that time period.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/05/2000 06:59 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Cashout Entries 7/00 and 8/00\nHere are the cashout entries for 7/00 and 8/00.\nJuly 2000\nDeal 157278 ($759.75) excess charge\n $33,992.14 cashout\n $33,232.39 Total\n(There is no purchase cashout for 7/00.)\nAug 2000\nDeal 157278 $90.18 cashout\n $6,745.50 excess charge\n $6,835.68 Total\nDeal 157288 $9,575.45 cashout\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Cashout Entries 7/00 and 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['157288', '$9,575']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["adjustments", "made"], "information", "megan, i have made these adjustments."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "information", ["changed", "deal", "10", "pricing"], "information", " so i changed the pricing on the deal to the gd- numeric settlement price for that time period."]], "Megan, \n\nI have made these adjustments. HOwever, I would like for you to double check \nAugust. We knew that Pan Energy would be over delivering at Cotten Valley \nfor 8/9/00 through the end of the month. So I changed the pricing on the \ndeal to the GD-.10 settlement price for that time period.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/05/2000 06:59 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<8008277.1075854164444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24146673.1075853979302.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16088786.1075854099890.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3278095.1075854151871.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}}, true], "10-10-2000-9:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-9:25:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com"], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 25, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", " since there was a spot deal, we put all of the volume for day numeric on deal numeric ."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 49, "nninformation", ["use", "price"], "intention", " please let me know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 57, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 60, "information", ["see", "gas"], "information", " orgname is telling me that we sold them a batch of gas on the datenumeric h, which we see, but that we are suppose to prorate the gas over the datenumeric h, datenumeric h, and datenumeric h for the exchange."], ["show deal", 69, "information", ["gas", "shows"], "information", " this is a problem since gas was not confirmed for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h and pipeline shows all of the gas on the datenumeric h."]], "Daren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\n\nMegan\n", ["<4545520.1075853978880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33392669.1075854100655.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1243808.1075854142397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "348951", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-10-2000-5:5:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-5:5:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nDaren:\nI am having trouble with 8/00. The first issue is day 1 of the purchase at \nFuels Cotton. We have two deals in Sitara, spot deal 348951 and exchange \ndeal 157288. You had said previously that we would know a spot deal had \noccurred by the new deal ticket and the different pricing. Since there was a \nspot deal, we put all of the volume for day 1 on deal 348951. Duke says that \nday 1 was not a spot and that it should be on the exchange deal and priced at \nGD - 0.10. The exchange deal is currently price at index - 0.05. Please let \nme know which deal we are suppose to use and what the price should be. \nThe second issue is the sale volume on deal 157278 for 8/00. Duke is telling \nme that we sold them a batch of gas on the 7th, which we see, but that we are \nsuppose to prorate the gas over the 5th, 6th, and 7th for the exchange. This \nis a problem since gas was not confirmed for the 5th and 6th and pipeline \nshows all of the gas on the 7th. This is a daily swing meter which \nelectronically feeds into settlements. We don't normally change these \nmeters. If you intended for us to prorate this gas, I will need your OK. The \nemails below are from Marta at Duke notifying us of the change.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 10/10/2000 \n03:50 PM ---------------------------\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 10/10/2000 02:25:30 PM\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\ncc: djdobb@duke-energy.com \nSubject: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000\nRead information below and see if this helps one of the unresolved problems\nfor August.\n Megan can you tell me how you arrived at the price for August 1? I do not\nknow why August 1 would be priced differently than the other days of the\nmonth when we had over deliveries for the Fuel Cotton Valley gas. This is\npriced at HSC daily - .10 per paragraph 3 of the contract. If a different\nprice was worked out with Darren, I do not have record of it. Darren is\nout until next week.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n10/10/2000 02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 11:26 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: more changes to Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease disregard the memo below and the following will apply for 8/4/00:\nDeliveries to Eastrans will be 7,800 MMBtu/dy\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\nFor 8/5, 8/6, & 8/7 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) deliveries to Eastrans will\nbe 7,800 MMBtu/dy (23,400 MMBtu for 3 days). The deliveries of this gas\nwill occur in a batch on Monday, 8/7.\nRedeliveries into HPL from Fuels Cotton Valley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n08/03/2000 11:21 AM ---------------------------\nMarta K Henderson\n08/03/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\nSubject: Eastrans Nomination changes effective 8/4/00\nPlease increase deliveries to Eastrans to 30,000 MMBtu/dy effective 8/4/00\nThe redeliveries will be:\n7,800 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n22,200 to PG&E\n", ["Re: information regarding batch noms on Aug 5,6 &7, 2000"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '157288']}", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["allocate", "gas"], "intention", "megan, for datenumeric , allocate the receipt of gas a cotton valley to the exchange deal."], ["deliver gas", 13, "information", ["deliver", "settlement"], "information", " since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement will occur at gd- numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 30, "information", ["change", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " i apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket."], ["receive_incur gas", 39, "information", ["gas", "receive"], "information", " due to operational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the deliveries on monday."]], "Megan, \n\nFor 8/1/00, allocate the receipt of gas a Cotton Valley to the exchange \ndeal. Since we did not deliver anything to them on that day, the settlement \nwill occur at GD-.10. Originally, we were working on a spot deal for this \nday. Then, after the fact, we agreed to let the deal fall out under the \nexchagne deal. I apparantly forgot to change the deal ticket.\n\nFor the weekend of 8/5, we need to prorate the gas over the weekend. Due to \noperational issues, we agreed to receive gas all weekend and batch the \ndeliveries on Monday. I apologize for not getting this info to you earlier.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/10/2000 04:25 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<6511549.1075854164247.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10463637.1075853978138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32720034.1075854100678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13547374.1075854151620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "delivery gasTnn": {"value": "delivery gasTnn", "ne": "delivery gasTnn", "patterns": ["delivery gasTnn"]}}, true], "12-3-2001-3:37:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-3-2001-3:37:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/12/2001 11:16 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Energy Field 8/00\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 157288 for 8/00 from $9,575.45 to \n$6,143.64. We need to reduce our payment to Duke. When I adjusted the over \ndelivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed. I \nwaited until Duke agreed before I sent you this change. \nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Energy Field 8/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['157288', '$9,575']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/12/2001 11:16 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<4188709.1075854335419.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7074780.1075854195177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27199598.1075854294570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32538054.1075854325443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-3-2001-14:16:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-3-2001-14:16:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <23570701.1075845117611.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 14:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Energy Field 8/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Pan Energy Swap\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 157288 for 8/00 from $9,575.45 to $6,143.64. We need to reduce our payment to Duke. When I adjusted the over delivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed. I waited until Duke agreed before I sent you this change. \n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Duke Energy Field 8/00", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "157288", "$9,575"], "request", "please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "information", ["amount", "changed"], "information", " we need to reduce our payment to orgname when i adjusted the over delivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed."]], "Please change the demand fee on deal 157288 for 8/00 from $9,575.45 to $6,143.64. We need to reduce our payment to Duke. When I adjusted the over delivery charge on the days we didn't nom, the demand amount changed. I waited until Duke agreed before I sent you this change. \n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<23570701.1075845117611.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"amount demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["amount demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$9,575", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "energy fieldTnn": {"value": "energy fieldTnn", "ne": "energy fieldTnn", "patterns": ["energy fieldTnn"]}}, true]}, "5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-1-2001-8:12:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-2-2001-4:51:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 26-2-2001-5:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 7-3-2001-4:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-3-2001-2:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-3-2001-2:54:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-3-2001-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 28-3-2001-23:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 25-5-2001-9:3:57Smegan.parker@enron.com 25-5-2001-10:4:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-6-2001-11:24:9Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 19-6-2001-6:4:44Smegan.parker@enron.com 5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-8-2001-13:29:22Smegan.parker@enron.com 7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com 20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com 28-9-2001-12:2:33Smegan.parker@enron.com 28-9-2001-12:14:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-10-2001-9:22:31Smegan.parker@enron.com 10-10-2001-5:36:30Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-10-2001-11:9:36Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-10-2001-11:40:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com 24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-12-2001-7:55:31Smegan.parker@enron.com 11-12-2001-12:9:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-12-2001-13:56:56Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2001-6:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2001-8:50:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2001-8:59:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-9-2000-6:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-6:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 \n01:33 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital Management\n \n From: David Baumbach 08/30/2000 01:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cornhusker\nI have entered deals into Sitara. The supply deals are 384247 and 384237. \nThe sale is 384258. The sale is not currently booked at the correct location \nor with a counterparty. The pricing on the sale includes the admin fee, \ntransport, demand charges, an average of the buy prices and 1% fuel charge. \nIf the pricing is wrong (or anything else), please let me know and I'll redo \nit. Please let me know of any concerns/questions.\nDave\n", ["Cornhusker"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "", ["<31242533.1075854165519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4739513.1075853986058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31228574.1075854093260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23483997.1075854152915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-11-2000-9:12:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-11-2000-9:12:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["katherine.benedict@enron.com"], [], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\nD", ["Re: Deal Numbers"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 3, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "request", "buy orgname # numeric buy orgname numeric sale orgname numeric trans capacity orgname numeric & numeric spot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month."]], "Buy Apache #384247\nBuy Williams 384237\nSale Tenaska 384258\nTrans Capacity Lone Star 452491&452475\n\nSpot sales will be on various tickets throughout each month. Deals are under \nthe Cleburne Intramamonth Position in Sitara.\n\n\nD", ["<19806283.1075854162450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10442.1075853968615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5250270.1075854109710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1652134.1075854149870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal location_positionTnn": {"value": "deal location_positionTnn", "ne": "deal location_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal location_positionTnn"]}, "deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384237", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "452475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric spotTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["james.armstrong@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com", "jim.pond@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], [], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["plant", "sold"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 10, "information", ["resulting", "majority"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "information", ["created", "deal", "529856"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 25, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " (please see the attached schedule."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 31, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request information", ") we need to pass this income on to orgname do we need to pay this amount (wire from orgname to orgname or is there another way to do this?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 48, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request", " megan - don't pay the amount until we here from the greg, troy and jim."]], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\n\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\n\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\n\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\n\nD\n", ["<25106785.1075854161987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2215534.1075853966725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613661.1075854111522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<572251.1075854149479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-4:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00 \nDarren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticket"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 26, "nninformation", ["vary", "volumes"], "other", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."], ["schedule volume", 27, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."]], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\n\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\n\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<14197623.1075854338098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744219.1075854210451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4169759.1075854279738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22109013.1075854328098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, true], "29-12-2000-4:8:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-12-2000-4:8:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Are you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 12/29/2000 \n11:46 AM ---------------------------\nJames Armstrong@ECT\n12/19/2000 10:31 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jody Pierce/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike \nMazowita/Corp/Enron@Enron, Garrick Hill/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tenaska IV Gas\nDaren, per review of the Gas agreements between Tenaska IV and \nWilliams/Apache and our understanding of the Agency agreement, I had a few \nitems I wanted to discuss with you (in lieu of our meeting today that was \ncancelled):\n1. Looking at the October gas supply to the plant, I think Tenaska IV should \nhave been charged at the contract prices with Williams & Apache (i.e. 2.285) \nand not at what the final price that was actualized per Megan's summary - \n230,406 at $710,616.70, price of $3.084. If this volume was charged at \n2.285 the total would have been $526,477.71, a difference of $184,138.99.\n2. Looking at the November gas supply to the plant, Tenaska IV was charged \n$2.91 per MMbtu, instead of $2.285 for volumes of 267,300. At the $2.91 \nprice, the total settlement price was $777,843 instead of $610,780.50 at \n2.285, showing a difference of $167,062.50.\nI reviewed the gas supply agreements and the Williams gas price (pg. 19) for \n2000 gas is 2.32, which can be adjusted by the Waha Transportation Adjustment \nif delivered at Waha. This adjustment started in 1997 at $.03 per MMbtu and \nincrease by 5% per year. Thereby currently, the adjustment factor is at \n.0347, giving us a price of $2.2853 per MMbtu.\nIn reviewing the Apache gas agreement (pg. 22), I noticed that the gas price \nis 2.285 at Waha & 2.315 at Katy/Carthage for 2000. Per review of the Apache \ninvoices, it appears that we are not getting our gas at these points but at \nother places (i.e. Lomak-Sterling & Mendell CDP) at a price of $2.175. If \nEnron has a separate agreement at these delivery points and can capture a \nmargin difference then that is upside to Enron. However, I think the plant \nshould not be charged above the contract price of $2.285.\nLooking at the daily gas that was scheduled to the plant for November and \nOctober, I did not see that their use went over the contracted volumes from \nWilliams and Apache of 45,000 MMbtu per day. Therefore I don't think spot \nprices are part of the equation here. Additionally, I recall from our \nmeeting last month that all Enron makes on this deal is the Agency Fee of \n$.04 per MMbtu (excluding the margin difference that Enron has on Apache gas \ndelivery points if my scenario above is correct).\nSo based upon items 1 & 2 above, I am suggesting that Tenaska IV adjust their \nNovember invoice owed to Enron for gas used by the plant by the gas price \ndifferences showed above. Therefore, I am planning to wire a payment of \n$484,234.03 (see breakout below) on Friday, 12/22, to Enron on behalf of \nTenaska IV Texas Partners, Ltd. for this activity.\n Month Plant Gas Price Amount\n November 267,300 2.91 $777,843 \n November adjustment $(167,062.50) \n October adjustment $(184,138.99)\n Nov. Agency Fee 1,350,000 .04 $54,000\n Sept. Agency Fee 98,813 .04 $3,592.52\n Total $484,234.03\nI discussed these issues with Mike Mazowita, Rick Hill & Jody Pierce before \nreaching this conclusion. Should you have any different ideas or thoughts \nthat I am not covering, please call me at 3-7280 and we can discuss. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["show deal", 8, "information", ["$351,201", "showing"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 9, "information", ["49", "pay", "$351,201"], "information", " right now, we are showing a short pay of pricenumeric numeric for those two months."]], "Are you going to make the price changes to the Tenaska IV sale 384258 for \n10/00 and 11/00 that James details below? Right now, we are showing a short \npay of $351,201.49 for those two months.\n\nMegan\n", ["<17963234.1075854207720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9706403.1075854247343.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13697014.1075854282606.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "49", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$351,201", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-4:35:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 2, "information", ["paid", "sales"], "information", "all of the outside sales for datenumeric have been paid."], ["attach spreadsheet", 11, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet."]], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<25533868.1075854207511.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19388159.1075854247320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9449849.1075854282862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/02/2001 12:35 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/00\nAll of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 11/00", "Re: Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Megan, \n\nI adjusted deal 529856 on the 2nd of Oct and Nov for the adjustments below. \nCan you make this work?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/29/2000 12:08 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<25828342.1075854337537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3267916.1075854337569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4134043.1075854207370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23190695.1075854207394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22315349.1075854282630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10498954.1075854282884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24729011.1075854327548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15300671.1075854327571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 04:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Tenaska IV 11/00", "originEmail", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-8:12:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-8:12:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452491']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 9, "information", ["added", "deal", "price"], "information", " we mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added."], ["show deal", 33, "nninformation", ["$0 01", "show"], "intention", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 35, "information", ["billed", "deal"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["show deal", 44, "nninformation", ["$0 02", "show"], "intention", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 46, "information", ["billed", "deal"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 53, "information", ["check", "prices"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["show deal", 55, "nninformation", ["$0 005", "show"], "intention", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 59, "information", ["billed", "$0 02"], "information", " deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to add days numeric numeric and numeric numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric deal numeric , meter phonenumber numeric need to check rate - we show prices from pricenumeric to pricenumeric and we were billed pricenumeric thanks, "]], "I took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\n\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\n\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\n\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18684029.1075854206777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4440356.1075854247256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29248626.1075854283494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"49": {"value": "452475", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "$0 005", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["price pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-4:51:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-4:51:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Have you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452491']}", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 6, "nninformation", ["00", "pay", "$4,000"], "intention", " we have only been able to pay pricenumeric numeric of the pricenumeric numeric invoice."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 21, "information", ["billing", "$0 01"], "information", " we have pricenumeric for datenumeric at meter phonenumber numeric and txu is billing us pricenumeric at meter phonenumber numeric and pricenumeric at meter phonenumber numeric for the entire month."], ["receive gas", 33, "information", ["invoice", "received"], "information", " we have received the datenumeric numeric invoice from txu, but we do not have a deal to pay them."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 38, "nninformation", ["deal", "pay"], "intention", " we have received the datenumeric numeric invoice from txu, but we do not have a deal to pay them."]], "Have you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\n\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \n\nMegan\n", ["<5790770.1075854197314.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2909419.1075854247149.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28057381.1075854292542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal invoiceTnn": {"value": "deal invoiceTnn", "ne": "deal invoiceTnn", "patterns": ["deal invoiceTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$4,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["invoice numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numericTnn", "numeric txuTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric txuTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$28,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-5:26:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-5:26:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["mark.mccoy@enron.com"], [], "mark, \nCan you look into this? You may need to check with Mary or Trisha on \ntransport capacity tickets for Dec forward.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/26/2001 \n01:24 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nHave you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452491']}", [["forward deal{ticket}", 10, "nninformation", ["forward", "tickets"], "request", " you may need to check with mary or trisha on transport capacity tickets for dec forward."]], "mark, \n\nCan you look into this? You may need to check with Mary or Trisha on \ntransport capacity tickets for Dec forward.\n\nD\n", ["<19096945.1075854335923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30290571.1075854197291.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17226628.1075854292588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24940323.1075854325947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"capacity ticketTnn": {"value": "capacity ticketTnn", "ne": "capacity ticketTnn", "patterns": ["capacity ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "7-3-2001-4:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-4:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI have changed the pricing on deals 452491 and 452475 for October flows to \nmtr 25000200. These flows should be priced at $.10 + 1/2 % fuel. The $.11 \nthat Lone Star billed us is incorrect on the last deal. I'm not sure about \nthe rates for mtr 20014903. The person who can tell us should be in \ntomorrow. I will leave a note for her. We should have similar deal tickets \nfor Dec forward. I will check with Mark and Trisha.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nHave you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452491']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "information", ["changed", "deals", "452491", "pricing"], "information", "megan, i have changed the pricing on deals numeric and numeric for october flows to mtr phonenumber numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["deals", "flows"], "information", "megan, i have changed the pricing on deals numeric and numeric for october flows to mtr phonenumber numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["flows", "priced"], "information", " these flows should be priced at $ numeric datenumeric % fuel."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 25, "nninformation", ["leave", "note"], "intention", " i will leave a note for her."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 30, "nninformation", ["deal", "forward"], "intention", " we should have similar deal tickets for dec forward."]], "Megan, \n\nI have changed the pricing on deals 452491 and 452475 for October flows to \nmtr 25000200. These flows should be priced at $.10 + 1/2 % fuel. The $.11 \nthat Lone Star billed us is incorrect on the last deal. I'm not sure about \nthe rates for mtr 20014903. The person who can tell us should be in \ntomorrow. I will leave a note for her. We should have similar deal tickets \nfor Dec forward. I will check with Mark and Trisha.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<24025863.1075854335571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20237251.1075854195782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19985547.1075854292565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2991815.1075854325594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal incorrect_wrongTnn": {"value": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "ne": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "patterns": ["deal incorrect_wrongTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricingTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, true], "8-3-2001-2:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-2:50:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have adjusted deal 452491 for mtr 20014903. We agree with Lone Star's \nbillling.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n10:49 AM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/07/2001 12:24 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00 \nMegan, \nI have changed the pricing on deals 452491 and 452475 for October flows to \nmtr 25000200. These flows should be priced at $.10 + 1/2 % fuel. The $.11 \nthat Lone Star billed us is incorrect on the last deal. I'm not sure about \nthe rates for mtr 20014903. The person who can tell us should be in \ntomorrow. I will leave a note for her. We should have similar deal tickets \nfor Dec forward. I will check with Mark and Trisha.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/26/2001 12:51 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nHave you been able to work out these transport pricing differences for Oct. \n2000? We have only been able to pay $4,000.00 of the $28,000.00 invoice. \nThe pricing for Nov. 2000 (deal 452491) has problems too. We have $0.01 for \n11/3 at meter 20014804 and TXU is billing us $0.10 at meter 25000200 and \n$0.02 at meter 20014903 for the entire month.\nI have also noticed that we are not accruing any transport for Dec 2000 \nforward. We have received the Dec. 2000 invoice from TXU, but we do not have \na deal to pay them. We should be getting Jan. 2001 next week. Is there a \ndeal for these months? \nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 02/26/2001 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 01/05/2001 04:12 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00\nI took a look at the transport for TXU Lone Star for Tenaska IV for 10/00. \nWe mostly have price differences, but one deal needs some days added. Let me \nknow if you need copies of the invoices. The meters below are delivery \nmeters. I wasn't sure what the receipt meters would be.\nDeal 452491, Meter 20014903 Need to add days 24-26 and 28-31 \n Need to check rate - We show $0.01 and we were billed $0.02\nDeal 452491, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show $0.02 and we were \nbilled $0.10\nDeal 452475, Meter 25000200 Need to check rate - We show prices from $0.005 \nto $0.02\n and we were billed $0.11\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Transport 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '452491']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["adjusted", "deal", "452491"], "information", "i have adjusted deal numeric for mtr phonenumber numeric ."]], "I have adjusted deal 452491 for mtr 20014903. We agree with Lone Star's \nbillling.\n\nD\n", ["<24088692.1075854335506.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13520005.1075854195587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2054611.1075854294176.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<732.1075854325529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-2:54:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-2:54:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV Feb 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "We do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\n\nMegan", ["<26490098.1075854196118.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3967699.1075854247104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12581868.1075854293709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "888", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$2,291", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "7-3-2001-2:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-2:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/06/2001 10:54 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Feb 2001\nWe do not have a demand fee for the Feb 2001 Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258. \nCan you please put this in so I can bill? From your spreadsheet, it looks \nlike it needs to be $2,291,888.83, but you can verify. I subtracted the \nagency fee from the Tenaska IV receipt number, since we already have that \nbooked.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV Feb 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/06/2001 10:54 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<10949588.1075854335615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22520845.1075854195850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3427999.1075854293732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33169545.1075854325640.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 4, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 9, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 28, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<14858959.1075854194616.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29605922.1075854246973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11608234.1075854294760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"25": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract deal numericTnnn", "contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-18:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-18:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 5, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are now billing us at pricenumeric and pricenumeric for contract numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 11, "information", ["billed", "$0 10"], "information", " this was previously billed all at pricenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "384258", "$3,841"], "request", " please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 31, "information", ["billing", "$0 11"], "information", " they have been billing us pricenumeric and we have pricenumeric ."]], "TXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\n\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\n", ["<6955442.1075840429725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$3,841", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$3,830", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "1671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$0 08", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "1856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and \n$0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please \nchange the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They \nhave been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El \nPaso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has \nthe header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \n\"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is \n$0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet \nbased on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan \n2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting \nspreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser \nofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we \ndo not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that \nonly the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just \ngoing to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so \nyou can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the \nTransport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<26176215.1075854335244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10226618.1075854194362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14124169.1075854294783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30835928.1075854325267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-15:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Megan, \nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nTXU revised their rates for Jan 2001. They are now billing us at $0.10 and $0.08 for contract 1671. This was previously billed all at $0.10. Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $3,841,888.11 to $3,830,131.18.\nAlso, I spoke to TXU about the rate on contract 1856 (deal 452475). They have been billing us $0.11 and we have $0.10. The extra cent is for the El Paso header fee. The pricing you gave me is for contract 1671, but also has the header fee if you look on page 5 of 6. You'll see a a section called \"Compression & Header Expense if Utilized\". The current rate for 1856 is $0.01 and 0% fuel. I will leave a copy of the contract in your chair.\nThanks,\nMegan\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n03/13/2001 10:54 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 1/01 \nI have made the changes mentioned below. I've also adjusted the spreadsheet based on our conversation yesterday. Take a look at it when you get a chance.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/13/2001 09:06 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 1/01\nWe need to change the demand fees for Tenaska IV based on actuals for Jan 2001. Tenaska owes us some additional money. I have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it.\nDeal 514353 Change MMBtu from 45,000 to 46,113\nDeal 384258 Change amount from $3,934,644.50 to $3,841,888.11\n \nI got your message regarding Apache. I will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it. Also, Mark checked with TXU and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the Tenaska meters. He said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies. For the spreadsheet, I am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms. \nI will let you know when we receive the payment from Brazos for Feb 2001, so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to Tenaska IV.\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 1/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "megan, i changed the demand fee for jan."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", " it looks like trisha has changed the transport ticket for the $ numeric ."]], "Megan, \n\nI changed the demand fee for Jan. It looks like Trisha has changed the Transport ticket for the $.11. I agree with the header charges.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/14/2001 03:47 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<6485978.1075840439152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14205941.1075845123336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, true], "28-3-2001-23:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-23:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan", ["Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "entering", "529856", "purchase"], "intention", "we need to forward the money from the datenumeric numeric orgname sale to orgname i am assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand fee on deal numeric in the amount of pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 30, "nninformation", ["amount", "change"], "intention", " there is already a demand fee for datenumeric numeric for pricenumeric numeric , so i think we just need to change that to the new amount."]], "We need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\n\nMegan", ["<15719395.1075854191450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32118745.1075854246951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18306764.1075854298186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$1,143", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "$29,851", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-8:41:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\n\nMegan\n", ["<24346455.1075854191201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16672017.1075854298416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<667638.1075854320941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-23:36:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nI am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<12298223.1075854334729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23016590.1075854191179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27094992.1075854298439.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33129941.1075854324771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2001-7:11:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-7:11:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "daren: we need to add the sale demand fee to deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."], ["show deal", 10, "nninformation", ["$2,979", "shows"], "intention", " the spreadsheet i have from mark shows pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<12209081.1075840429600.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}}, true], "8-5-2001-8:56:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-8:56:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nDaren:\nWe need to add the sale demand fee to deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for April 2001. The spreadsheet I have from Mark shows $2,979,909.91. We already have the agency fee on deal 514353. Just let me know when it's in.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<25500117.1075845124456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2001-9:3:57Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-9:3:57", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "we need to change the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "nninformation", ["amount", "change"], "request", " please change the amount from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 18, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the revised spreadsheet."]], "We need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n\n \n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<24708184.1075840429430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "909", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "$2,979", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "91", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$2,862", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "25-5-2001-10:4:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-10:4:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, May 25, 2001 11:04 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV 4/01\nWe need to change the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for 4/01. The Williams invoice was not as much as the spreadsheet showed, so our expenses decreased. Please change the amount from $2,979,909.91 to $2,862,531.95. I have attached the revised spreadsheet.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<21769037.1075845125227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-6-2001-11:24:9Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-6-2001-11:24:9", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 for April from $2,862,531.95 to $2,855,089.73. We need to return some money to Tenaska IV. The transport expenses are less than what was etimated on the spreadsheet.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 4/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$2,862"], "request", "please change the demand fee on deal numeric for april from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Please change the demand fee on deal 384258 for April from $2,862,531.95 to $2,855,089.73. We need to return some money to Tenaska IV. The transport expenses are less than what was etimated on the spreadsheet.\n\nMegan", ["<24702933.1075840429354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "$2,862", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$2,855", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-10:48:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-10:48:54", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 8, "nninformation", ["change", "deals"], "request", " the receipt from orgname was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from orgname and repay to orgname please change the following deals."]], "We have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nDeal 384258\tchange demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353\tchange volume from 45,000 to 44,590\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<21265458.1075840429551.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"14": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$2,607", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "694", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric txuTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2001-13:4:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-13:4:31", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "information", ["changed", "demand", "fee"], "information", "i have changed the demand fee."]], "I have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<4261643.1075845124759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "17-5-2001-5:55:25Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-5-2001-5:55:25", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\nMegan\nFrom: Daren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV March 2001\nI have changed the demand fee. But, is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from Williams? I don't want to pay Tenaska until we get the money from Williams. Additionally, I believe that we need to keep the volume at 45,000 for the admin fee, since we originally nominated 45,000/day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject: Tenaska IV March 2001\nWe have the actuals from TXU for Tenaska IV for March 2001. The receipt from Williams was not kept whole, so we have money to recoup from Williams and repay to Tenaska IV. Please change the following deals. Let me know if you have any questions.\nDeal 384258 change demand fee from $2,653,694.95 to $2,607,176.02\nDeal 514353 change volume from 45,000 to 44,590\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["RE: Tenaska IV March 2001"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Yes, the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from Williams. I will take the credit with our payment to Williams on the 25th. Tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24th. I will make sure we receive the wire from Tenaska before I send the wire to Williams. I will also let James know about the volume for the agency fee. I thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume, not the nominated volume.\n\nMegan\n\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/16/2001 03:04 PM\n", ["<1095323.1075840429526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2001-10:0:23Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:0:23", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n \n", ["Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand charge on deal numeric for the datenumeric numeric orgname sale."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<32867124.1075840429405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "556", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric spreadsheetTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "5-6-2001-10:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-10:5:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:00 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Cornhusker 5/01\nDaren:\nPlease enter the demand charge on deal 384258 for the May 2001 Tenaska IV sale. Mike Olsen's spreadsheet has $2,069,556.32. I already have the agency fee on deal 514353.\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 06/05/2001 11:55 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/05/2001 11:42 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Cornhusker\n >> \n", ["RE: Cornhusker 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n\n ", ["<2497724.1075845125409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-6-2001-6:4:44Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-6-2001-6:4:44", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Please change the demand fee for May 2001 on deal 384258 from $2,069,556.32 to $2,026,347.17. The Williams supply was less than what the spreadsheet calculated.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 5/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 0, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,069"], "request", "please change the demand fee for datenumeric numeric on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Please change the demand fee for May 2001 on deal 384258 from $2,069,556.32 to $2,026,347.17. The Williams supply was less than what the spreadsheet calculated.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19680655.1075840429255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$2,069", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "32", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$2,026", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "5-7-2001-12:27:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-7-2001-12:27:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", [], [], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 02:21 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Michael Olsen/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/05/2001 12:49 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: RE: June Tenaska gas file\nHere you go. Let me know if everything looks good.\nMike\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 12:48 PM\nTo: Olsen, Michael\nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you email the Tenaska file for June? I need to bill them.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/05/2001 12:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n From: Megan Parker 07/02/2001 02:17 PM \n \nTo: Michael Olsen/NA/Enron\ncc: \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nCan you send James Armstrong and me the Tenaska file for June?\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 07/02/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: James Armstrong/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/02/2001 10:56 AM\nTo: Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: June Tenaska gas file\nMark, it looks like Mike Olsen is no longer here at Enron. Do you know who handles the Tenaska fuel management file now? You can call me at 713-853-7280. Thanks.\nJames\n", ["RE: June Tenaska gas file"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "daren: please enter the demand fee on deal numeric for orgname for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nPlease enter the demand fee on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV for June 2001. It should be $3,938,205.00. Also, please extend deal 514353 or set up a new deal for the agency fee for June. Deal 514353 ended with May prod. \n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["<24473694.1075840429134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,938", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "9-8-2001-13:29:22Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-8-2001-13:29:22", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease remove the price on the Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258, for July and enter the demand fee. The amount should be $3,902,687.50.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV July"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "request", "darren: please remove the price on the orgname sale, deal numeric , for july and enter the demand fee."]], "Darren:\nPlease remove the price on the Tenaska IV sale, deal 384258, for July and enter the demand fee. The amount should be $3,902,687.50.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<9319095.1075840428940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "687", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee saleTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee saleTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee saleTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "7-9-2001-12:38:30Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-12:38:30", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 8/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "enter", "384258"], "other", "darren: please zero out the price on orgname deal numeric for datenumeric numeric and enter a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on Tenaska IV deal 384258 for Aug 2001 and enter a demand fee for $4,116,035.71. We also need to update the agency fee volume on deal 514353 for Aug. It should be 48,532. Per the spreadsheet, we nominated 1,504,500 MMBtu this month.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<30191004.1075840428891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$4,116", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "035", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "20-9-2001-11:18:49Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-11:18:49", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 7/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,902"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["receive gas", 12, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the txu statement for july and our expenses went down."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 16, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for July 2001 from $3,902,687.50 to $3,878,621.27. We received the TXU statement for July and our expenses went down. Also, please change the volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 47,901. The plant took 1,484,933 MMBtu in July.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18812899.1075840428746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,902", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "933", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,878", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}}, true], "28-9-2001-12:2:33Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-12:2:33", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 6/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258", "$3,578"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee on deal numeric for datenumeric numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 17, "nninformation", ["change", "volume"], "intention", " we are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<2001432.1075840428673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$3,578", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$3,559", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "28-9-2001-12:14:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2001-12:14:52", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, September 28, 2001 2:03 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 6/01\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee on deal 384258 for June 2001 from $3,578,257.50 to $3,559,472.93. Our transport expenses went down. We are having some volume problems with this month, so we may need to change it again. I'm trying to keep Kyle Lilly and Jim Pond happy on the GL side.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 6/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<32852678.1075852213418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-10-2001-9:22:31Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-10-2001-9:22:31", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 9/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "intention", "darren: please zero out the price on deal numeric for datenumeric and add a demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<26253804.1075840428626.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "611", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "10-10-2001-5:36:30Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-10-2001-5:36:30", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 11:23 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 9/01\nDarren:\nPlease zero out the price on deal 384258 for 9/01 and add a demand fee for $2,861,611.46.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 9/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n ", ["<16520183.1075852213078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-10-2001-11:9:36Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-11:9:36", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n6/01 from 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01 from 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fees", "384258"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fees on deal numeric for orgname to the numbers below."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n\n6/01\tfrom 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01\tfrom 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["<21832805.1075840428602.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true], "12-10-2001-11:40:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-11:40:7", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Friday, October 12, 2001 1:10 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fees on deal 384258 for Tenaska IV to the numbers below. Thanks.\n6/01 from 3,559,472.93 to 3,541,521.53\n8/01 from 4,116,036.00 to 4,117,198.00", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n ", ["<24606405.1075852212940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:35:3", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "request", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 14, "nninformation", ["529856", "pay", "$407,547"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "nninformation", ["change", "384258", "$2,861"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["add deal{numeric}", 30, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fee"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "]], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tChange \n11/00\t\t529856\t\tchange $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01\t\t384258\t\tchange $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01\t\t384258\t\tzero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<3989293.1075840428555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$407,547", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "762", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$3,216", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$2,846", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:40:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:35 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV \nDarren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<30352963.1075861272438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-10:57:11", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "529856", "$918,566"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee for datenumeric on deal numeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<6308102.1075840428579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-11:13:3", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done,.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 12:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done,.\n\n\n ", ["<17936697.1075852212712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-12-2001-7:55:31Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-7:55:31", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n ", ["Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [["add deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["add", "deal", "demand**fee", "384258"], "request", " please remove the price on deal numeric for nov and add a demand fee of pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n\n ", ["<32288916.1075840428532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$3,096", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "547", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "11-12-2001-12:9:37Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-12:9:37", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "done.\n\n\n ", ["<16182097.1075859102548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-12-2001-13:56:56Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-13:56:56", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Can you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "Can you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\n\nMegan\n\n ", ["<13168546.1075840428509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-6:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-6:8:59", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "What's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "What's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\n\n\nD\n\n ", ["<13845388.1075859102569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-8:50:20Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-8:50:20", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "where are you going?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:46 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nThanks. Glad to know you are still here. I'm not sure when I send an email now if the person on the other end is still here. I will be leaving, though. I've given two weeks notice. I'll let you know who will be taking over this gem of an account.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:09 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWhat's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "where are you going?\n\n\n ", ["<33009463.1075859102591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2001-8:59:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-8:59:47", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "I'm sure that the Panenergy deal is all yours. I definitely understand your concerns. Good luck over there.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:58 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWell...I'll be going back to my old job. AEP made me an offer last week. I really wish I could stay, but the worries and the stress have done me in. I need a little more piece of mind with my paycheck. My last day will be the 26th.\nHey, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get PanEnergy back. \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:50 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nwhere are you going?\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:46 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nThanks. Glad to know you are still here. I'm not sure when I send an email now if the person on the other end is still here. I will be leaving, though. I've given two weeks notice. I'll let you know who will be taking over this gem of an account.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:09 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nWhat's the big deal? It's only one digit...But, if it will make you happy, I will fix it.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\nCan you look at this again? I'm missing the 7 before the decimal point.\nMegan\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Farmer, Daren J. \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:10 PM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nSubject: RE: Tenaska IV 11/01\ndone.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/01\nDarren:\nIt's that time again. Please remove the price on deal 384258 for Nov and add a demand fee of $3,096,547.98.\nThanks,\nMegan\n >> ", ["RE: Tenaska IV 11/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '384258']}", [], "I'm sure that the Panenergy deal is all yours. I definitely understand your concerns. Good luck over there.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<1071463.1075859102613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-10:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com 24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["james.armstrong@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com", "jim.pond@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], [], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["plant", "sold"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 10, "information", ["resulting", "majority"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "information", ["created", "deal", "529856"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 25, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " (please see the attached schedule."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 31, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request information", ") we need to pass this income on to orgname do we need to pay this amount (wire from orgname to orgname or is there another way to do this?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 48, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request", " megan - don't pay the amount until we here from the greg, troy and jim."]], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\n\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\n\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\n\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\n\nD\n", ["<25106785.1075854161987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2215534.1075853966725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613661.1075854111522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<572251.1075854149479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-4:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00 \nDarren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticket"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 26, "nninformation", ["vary", "volumes"], "other", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."], ["schedule volume", 27, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."]], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\n\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\n\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<14197623.1075854338098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744219.1075854210451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4169759.1075854279738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22109013.1075854328098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-4:35:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 2, "information", ["paid", "sales"], "information", "all of the outside sales for datenumeric have been paid."], ["attach spreadsheet", 11, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet."]], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<25533868.1075854207511.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19388159.1075854247320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9449849.1075854282862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/02/2001 12:35 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/00\nAll of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 11/00", "Re: Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Megan, \n\nI adjusted deal 529856 on the 2nd of Oct and Nov for the adjustments below. \nCan you make this work?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/29/2000 12:08 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<25828342.1075854337537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3267916.1075854337569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4134043.1075854207370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23190695.1075854207394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22315349.1075854282630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10498954.1075854282884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24729011.1075854327548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15300671.1075854327571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4007083.1075854247277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948076.1075854283448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-8:41:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['529856', '$1,143']}", [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\n\nMegan\n", ["<24346455.1075854191201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16672017.1075854298416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<667638.1075854320941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-3-2001-10:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-10:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10224263.1075840429701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I am assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand fee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand fee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to the new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\n\nMegan", "Tenaska 2/01", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "nninformation", ["deal", "demand**fee", "entering", "529856"], "intention", "we need to forward the money from the datenumeric numeric orgname sale to orgname i am assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand fee on deal numeric in the amount of pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 23, "nninformation", ["amount", "change"], "intention", " there is already a demand fee for datenumeric numeric for pricenumeric numeric , so i think we just need to change that to the new amount."]], "We need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I am assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand fee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand fee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to the new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\n\nMegan", "<10224263.1075840429701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"amount dealTnn": {"value": "amount dealTnn", "ne": "amount dealTnn", "patterns": ["amount dealTnn"]}, "amount demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "amount demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["amount demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$1,143", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$29,851", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}}, true], "29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-23:36:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nI am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['529856', '$1,143']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<12298223.1075854334729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23016590.1075854191179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27094992.1075854298439.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33129941.1075854324771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-10:57:11", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "529856", "$918,566"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee for datenumeric on deal numeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<6308102.1075840428579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-11:13:3", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done,.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 12:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done,.\n\n\n ", ["<17936697.1075852212712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:35:3", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "request", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 14, "nninformation", ["529856", "pay", "$407,547"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "nninformation", ["change", "384258", "$2,861"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["add deal{numeric}", 30, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fee"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "]], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tChange \n11/00\t\t529856\t\tchange $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01\t\t384258\t\tchange $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01\t\t384258\t\tzero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<3989293.1075840428555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$407,547", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "762", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$3,216", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$2,846", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:40:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:35 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV \nDarren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<30352963.1075861272438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "12-12-2001-8:51:25Smegan.parker@enron.com 12-12-2001-9:39:16Sm..love@enron.com": {"12-12-2001-8:51:25Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-8:51:25", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["m..love@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19862813.1075841076909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 08:51:25 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: m..love@enron.com\nSubject: PSEG Term Price Issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Love, Phillip M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Love, Phillip M.\\EAST Desk\nX-Origin: LOVE-P\nX-FileName: phillip love 6-25-02.PST\n\nPhillip:\nHere is the spreadsheet I received from PSEG regarding the price issue with deal 759607. It looks like our price does not include the fuel percentage for any month or the change in GPS beginning with August. I have highlighted these rows on the spreadsheet. From their spreadsheet, we have under billed by $350K. Please review and let me know what you think. I also have a copy of the confirm from PSEG if you need it.\n\nMegan\n\n \n", "PSEG Term Price Issue", "originEmail", [["receive gas", 6, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", "phillip: here is the spreadsheet i received from pseg regarding the price issue with deal numeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 23, "information", ["billed", "$350"], "information", " from their spreadsheet, we have under billed by pricenumeric k."]], "Phillip:\nHere is the spreadsheet I received from PSEG regarding the price issue with deal 759607. It looks like our price does not include the fuel percentage for any month or the change in GPS beginning with August. I have highlighted these rows on the spreadsheet. From their spreadsheet, we have under billed by $350K. Please review and let me know what you think. I also have a copy of the confirm from PSEG if you need it.\n\nMegan\n\n \n", "<19862813.1075841076909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "759607", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "issue priceTnn": {"value": "issue priceTnn", "ne": "issue priceTnn", "patterns": ["issue priceTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$350", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2001-9:39:16Sm..love@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-9:39:16", "m..love@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:51 AM\nTo: Love, Phillip M.\nSubject: PSEG Term Price Issue\nPhillip:\nHere is the spreadsheet I received from PSEG regarding the price issue with deal 759607. It looks like our price does not include the fuel percentage for any month or the change in GPS beginning with August. I have highlighted these rows on the spreadsheet. From their spreadsheet, we have under billed by $350K. Please review and let me know what you think. I also have a copy of the confirm from PSEG if you need it.\nMegan\n >> \n", ["RE: PSEG Term Price Issue"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '759607']}", [], "done\n\n\n ", ["<11343016.1075855384219.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 28-3-2001-23:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com 17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-8-2001-13:55:9Smegan.parker@enron.com 24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com 24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com 6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-12-2000-8:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-8:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["james.armstrong@enron.com", "troy.klussmann@enron.com", "jim.pond@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], [], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["plant", "sold"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 10, "information", ["resulting", "majority"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 13, "information", ["created", "deal", "529856"], "information", " however, for datenumeric numeric , the plant was down the majority of the month and orgname sold off the supply, resulting in orgname owing money to orgname i have created deal numeric with a demand of pricenumeric , numeric numeric , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 25, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " (please see the attached schedule."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 31, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request information", ") we need to pass this income on to orgname do we need to pay this amount (wire from orgname to orgname or is there another way to do this?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 48, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "request", " megan - don't pay the amount until we here from the greg, troy and jim."]], "In most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\n\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\n\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\n\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\n\nD\n", ["<25106785.1075854161987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2215534.1075853966725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5613661.1075854111522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<572251.1075854149479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "$1,798", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}}, true], "14-12-2000-4:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-4:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["jim.pond@enron.com"], ["troy.klussmann@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "james.armstrong@enron.com", "greg.whiting@enron.com"], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON@ECT \nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00 \nDarren, \nThe demand fee is probably the best solution. We can use it to create a \nrecieivable/payable with Tenaska, depending on which way the calculation goes \neach month. How are PMA's to be handled once the fee been calculated and the \ndeal put in the system?\nAttatched is a schedule detailing what is on the GL for Cleburne as of \ntoday. Some of this info will change by the end of the month. As you can \nsee, there are some discrepancies between Megan's calculations and what is on \nthe general ledger. UA4 is also on my schedule. Unless the buys/sells are \nvolumetrically balanced, we book an entry to balance the desk. This will \nchange the calculation of what is due from/to Tenaska. Should we be \nrecording a UA4 entry for Cleburne? Is it addressed in the agreement with \nTenaska?\n \nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n12/12/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Greg Whiting/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, James \nArmstrong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim \nPond/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nIn most cases, ENA will be a net buyer from Tenaska IV for activity related \nto the Cleburne plant. However, for October 2000, the plant was down the \nmajority of the month and ENA sold off the supply, resulting in ENA owing \nmoney to Tenaska IV.\nI have created deal 529856 with a demand of $1,798,389.73, which is the \ncalculated amount of income on the Cleburne desk. (Please see the attached \nschedule.) We need to pass this income on to Tenaska IV. Do we need to pay \nthis amount (wire from ENA to Tenaska IV) or is there another way to do \nthis? This is the case for October 2000 and could possibly happen again in \nthe future.\nGreg, Troy, Jim - Please let me know what you think about settling this.\nMegan - Don't pay the amount until we here from the Greg, Troy and Jim. \nAlso, make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we \nreimburse Tenaska IV.\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/07/2000 09:18 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 10/00\nWe have actuals. The larger of the two volumes is 1,395,000, which is \n45,000/day, so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine. I am having a \nproblem, though, with the way it is coming to settlements. It is showing up \nwith a Jan 2003 delivery date. I think the demand fee needs to be on 10/1 \nonly. Right now, it is on a line with a date of 10/1/00 to 12/31/36. I \nthink this is confusing the system some how. Also, we still need the \npurchase deal for Tenaska IV. It should be for a demand fee of $2,571,135.73 \nbooked to the Cleburne desk. We actually owe $1,798,389.73, but I need to \nnet the Tenaska IV sales with the purchase to clear those receivables. James \nis calling me every day asking for an update. Do you know when we will be \nable to get this in the system? I have attached my spreadsheet so you can \nsee the numbers.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 10/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticket"], "intention", "with pma's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and i can adjust the demand fee on the sitara ticket."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 26, "nninformation", ["vary", "volumes"], "other", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."], ["schedule volume", 27, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " (much of their gas is from orgname and volumes vary each day from scheduled."]], "With PMA's, volumes can be adjusted through the system as usual and I can \nadjust the demand fee on the Sitara ticket. I am not able to follow your ua4 \ncalculation. However, there was imbalance payback that occurred throughout \nSeptember and October. (This should have been pathed to the Lone Star \ntransport k in Unify). Is this in that ua4 number? Williams had been trying \nto make up volumes from prior periods, so that's probably why their volume \ncame in greater than booked. (Much of their gas is from El Paso and volumes \nvary each day from scheduled.) The volumes that they were trying to make up \nwould go toward the transport imbalance also. I would think that Cleburne \nwill carry an imbalance on Lone Star from month to month. After Novemeber, \nthe imbalance should be fairly small. Our scheduler, Mark McCoy will have \nthat number. (When we took over this deal, the imbalance on Lone Star was \nvery large. When the plant went down in Sep, we decided to payback the \nimbalance then, so that we could take advantage of higher winter sales prices \nif the opportunity came up.)\n\nThe agreement does not specifically state anything about ua4. But, I will \ndiscuss that with Legal. The intent is for all costs, including ua4 and \nfuel, to be covered by Tenaska IV.\n\nI will be leaving at 1pm today and will return on Tuesday 12/19. We can get \ntogether then if you would like.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jim Pond @ ENRON 12/14/2000 08:56 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<14197623.1075854338098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744219.1075854210451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4169759.1075854279738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22109013.1075854328098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price fuelTnn": {"value": "cost_price fuelTnn", "ne": "cost_price fuelTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price fuelTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-4:35:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-4:35:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 2, "information", ["paid", "sales"], "information", "all of the outside sales for datenumeric have been paid."], ["attach spreadsheet", 11, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached my spreadsheet."]], "All of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\n\n\n\nMegan", ["<25533868.1075854207511.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19388159.1075854247320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9449849.1075854282862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0charge numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0chargeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0chargeTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/02/2001 12:35 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV 11/00\nAll of the outside sales for 11/00 have been paid. We now need to forward \nthe cash to Tenaska IV. The demand charge for deal 529856 should be \n$341,250.47. I have attached my spreadsheet. The number is based on noms, \nso when we receive the actuals I will send you a revised number.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska IV 11/00", "Re: Tenaska IV Gas"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Megan, \n\nI adjusted deal 529856 on the 2nd of Oct and Nov for the adjustments below. \nCan you make this work?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 12/29/2000 12:08 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<25828342.1075854337537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3267916.1075854337569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4134043.1075854207370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23190695.1075854207394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22315349.1075854282630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10498954.1075854282884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24729011.1075854327548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15300671.1075854327571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-4:57:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-4:57:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 11/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["receive gas", 11, "information", ["received", "statement"], "information", " we received the statement from txu orgname and it does not agree with our deal."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 16, "information", ["billing", "$0 10"], "information", " they are billing for meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric and meter phonenumber numeric at pricenumeric ."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 33, "nninformation", ["billing", "deal"], "request information", " should our deal match what txu is billing or is there another deal that i am missing?"], ["attach spreadsheet", 57, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " barring any changes, i have listed the adjustments below and attached my spreadsheet."]], "I am having trouble with the transport deal for the Tenaska IV contracts on \nLone Star. We have deal 452491 in Sitara for meter 20014804 at a $0.01 \ntransport rate. We received the statement from TXU Lone Star and it does not \nagree with our deal. They are billing for meter 25000200 at $0.10 and meter \n20014903 at $0.02. These meters relate to the Tenaska IV sale deal 384258 \nand the Tenaska Marketing deal 459898, respectively. Should our deal match \nwhat TXU is billing or is there another deal that I am missing? I haven't \nworked with transport very much, so I could be confused. I think we have \nthis problem with Oct 2000, also, but I have not reviewed it yet. I am going \nto look at it this afternoon. Tenaska IV has already reimbursed us for the \nTXU transport, so we will need to pay this next week. \n\nAlso, now that we have the actuals for Nov 2000, we need to update the demand \nfees to reflect the correct volumes. Barring any changes, I have listed the \nadjustments below and attached my spreadsheet. The Unify adjustments will be \nover by about $20.00 from the spreadsheet. I thought it would be better have \nthe Cleburne desk at zero, than to leave a balance.\n\n1. Deal 529856 - Change 11/1 demand fee from $341,250.47 to $493,365.74 \n(Difference $152,115.27)\n2. Deal 529856 - Change 11/2 demand fee from $167,062.50 to $159,721.55 \n(Difference $7,340.95)\n3. Deal 514353 - Change Agency fee volume from 45,000/day to 45,016/day \n(Difference $19.72)\n\n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<19317226.1075854206823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4007083.1075854247277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5948076.1075854283448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency0fee dealTnn": {"value": "agency0fee dealTnn", "ne": "agency0fee dealTnn", "patterns": ["agency0fee dealTnn"]}, "93": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency0fee_fee deal numericTnnn", "agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "84": {"value": "$167,062", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "$341,250", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract dealTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "452491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "459898", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$0 01", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn", "meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric rateTnn"]}, "deal transportTnn": {"value": "deal transportTnn", "ne": "deal transportTnn", "patterns": ["deal transportTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "meter** 2001480", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "meter** 2500020", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "meter** 2001490", "ne": "meter0phonenumber", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "meter0phonenumber numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$0 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["meter0phonenumber numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumeric rateTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "90": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "$7,340", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "45,016", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "100": {"value": "$19 72", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$493,365", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "47", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "27", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "$152,115", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "$159,721", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "60": {"value": "$20 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric spreadsheetTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-6:32:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-6:32:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 18, "nninformation", ["bill", "deal"], "intention", " deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to offset price difference on orgname sale deal numeric - pricenumeric numeric to bill orgname for payable reimbursement deal numeric - change demand volume from numeric to numeric to update agency fee also, i need one more adjustment to datenumeric numeric and then we will be done."]], "We have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\n\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n\n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<25662995.1075854199797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9803771.1075854247170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5176063.1075854290110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$409,145", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "change numericTnn", "deal demand_demand0charge numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric price saleTnnnn", "deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$459,483", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "45,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}}, true], "9-2-2001-7:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-7:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00\nWe have the actuals for December 2000. We need three demand fees. Let me \nknow if you have any questions. \n Deal 529856 - $878,330.63 to offset price difference on Tenaska IV sale\n Deal 384258 - $459,483.51 to bill Tenaska IV for payable reimbursement\n Deal 514353 - change demand volume from 45,000 to 45,333 to update agency fee\nAlso, I need one more adjustment to Nov 2000 and then we will be done. \n Deal 529856, day 11/01 - change demand fee from $409,145.72 to $407,547.02\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 11/00 and 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 02/09/2001 02:32 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<2273182.1075854336317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853183.1075854199775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21012066.1075854290133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1848406.1075854326349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-3-2001-23:47:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-23:47:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "We need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan", ["Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "entering", "529856", "purchase"], "intention", "we need to forward the money from the datenumeric numeric orgname sale to orgname i am assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand fee on deal numeric in the amount of pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 30, "nninformation", ["amount", "change"], "intention", " there is already a demand fee for datenumeric numeric for pricenumeric numeric , so i think we just need to change that to the new amount."]], "We need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\n\nMegan", ["<15719395.1075854191450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32118745.1075854246951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18306764.1075854298186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"17": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$1,143", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "$29,851", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "29-3-2001-8:41:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-8:41:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "I am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\n\nMegan\n", ["<24346455.1075854191201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16672017.1075854298416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<667638.1075854320941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-3-2001-23:36:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-23:36:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "done.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nI am trying to forward this money to Tenaska tomorrow, so if you could change \nthis before 8:00am tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 03/29/2001 \n04:39 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Megan Parker 03/29/2001 07:47 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska 2/01\nWe need to forward the money from the Feb 2001 Brazos sale to Tenaska IV. I \nam assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand \nfee on deal 529856 in the amount of $1,143,484.53. There is already a demand \nfee for Feb 2001 for $29,851.64, so I think we just need to change that to \nthe new amount. Let me know if you want to handle this differently.\nMegan\n", ["Re: Tenaska 2/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "done.\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 03/29/2001 04:41 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<12298223.1075854334729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23016590.1075854191179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27094992.1075854298439.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33129941.1075854324771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-11:5:12Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:5:12", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n \nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 20, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", " we then need to refund orgname please change the demand fee from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 27, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,341"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "514353"], "request", " also, please change the agency volume on deal numeric from numeric to numeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "01", "$2,591"], "request", " for datenumeric numeric , please change the demand fee on deal numeric from pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 58, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."], ["receive gas", 60, "information", ["received", "spreadsheet"], "information", " i have attached the march spreadsheet i received from mark in case you want to see it."]], "I have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\n\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\n\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n\n \n\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<18122437.1075840429677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"44": {"value": "514353", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "agency_agency0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["agency_agency0fee volumeTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric volumeTnnnn", "change numeric volumeTnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "change volumeTnn": {"value": "change volumeTnn", "ne": "change volumeTnn", "patterns": ["change volumeTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$2,341", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$2,591", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$878,330", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$2,653", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "$3,438", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "17-4-2001-6:11:58Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-6:11:58", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:05 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01\nI have several changes to the demand fees for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nFor Dec 2000, we need to adjust the demand fee on deal 529856 to account for a volume change on the receipt side. We overpaid Williams and are going to take our money back. We then need to refund Tenaska IV. Please change the demand fee from $878,330.63 to $918,566.13.\nFor Feb 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,341,675.50 to $3,438,325.95. Tenaska IV owes us for the remaining expenses. Also, please change the agency volume on deal 514353 from 45,000 to 45,067.\nFor March 2001, please change the demand fee on deal 384258 from $2,591,791.50 to $2,653,694.95. I have attached the March spreadsheet I received from Mark in case you want to see it.\n >> \nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00, 2/01 and 3/01"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<14254600.1075845123768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-8-2001-13:55:9Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-8-2001-13:55:9", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <32388083.1075840428987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 13:55:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV Oct 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee as noted below. I did not calculate Oct 2000 correctly. Tenaska IV will return the money this month.\n\nDeal 529856\tOct 2000\tchange demand fee from $2,349,906.50 to $2,221,567.44\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Tenaska IV Oct 2000", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "nninformation", ["change", "demand**fee"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee as noted below."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee as noted below. I did not calculate Oct 2000 correctly. Tenaska IV will return the money this month.\n\nDeal 529856\tOct 2000\tchange demand fee from $2,349,906.50 to $2,221,567.44\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<32388083.1075840428987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$2,349", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnnn", "change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee numericTnn", "demand_demand0fee numericTnn"]}, "change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$2,221", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "906", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2001-10:57:11Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-10:57:11", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "demand**fee", "529856", "$918,566"], "request", "darren: please change the demand fee for datenumeric on deal numeric from pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<6308102.1075840428579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal demand0fee_fee numericTnnn", "deal demand_demand0fee numericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$918,566", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2001-11:13:3Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-11:13:3", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done,.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 12:57 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV 12/00\nDarren:\nPlease change the demand fee for 12/00 on deal 529856 from $918,566.13 to $889,757.13. We had a volume adjustment.\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV 12/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done,.\n\n\n ", ["<17936697.1075852212712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-11-2001-7:35:3Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:35:3", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["change", "deal"], "request", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 14, "nninformation", ["529856", "pay", "$407,547"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 18, "nninformation", ["change", "384258", "$2,861"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "], ["add deal{numeric}", 30, "nninformation", ["add", "demand**fee"], "intention", " deal change datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric (to pay orgname for intercompany sale) datenumeric numeric change pricenumeric , numeric numeric to pricenumeric , numeric numeric (adjust for actual tport) datenumeric numeric zero out price, add demand fee for pricenumeric , numeric numeric thanks, "]], "Darren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nProd.\t\tDeal\t\tChange \n11/00\t\t529856\t\tchange $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01\t\t384258\t\tchange $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01\t\t384258\t\tzero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\n\nThanks,\nMegan", ["<3989293.1075840428555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "529856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "change deal numericTnnn", "change numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$407,547", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["change deal numeric pricenumericTnnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "762", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$3,216", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee numeric pricenumericTnnn", "demand0fee_fee pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$2,861", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "$2,846", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}}, true], "6-11-2001-7:40:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-7:40:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parker, Megan \nSent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:35 AM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Tenaska IV \nDarren:\nI have some updates for Tenaska IV. Let me know if you have any questions.\nProd. Deal Change \n11/00 529856 change $407,547.02 to $540,089.00 (to pay Tenaska IV for intercompany sale)\n9/01 384258 change $2,861,611.00 to $2,846,818.24 (adjust for actual tport)\n10/01 384258 zero out price, add demand fee for $3,216,762.50\nThanks,\nMegan", ["RE: Tenaska IV"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '529856']}", [], "Done.\n\n ", ["<30352963.1075861272438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "27-11-2001-10:4:5Shouston.ward@enron.com 27-11-2001-11:3:43Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"27-11-2001-10:4:5Shouston.ward@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-10:4:5", "houston.ward@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26977417.1075855275258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:04:05 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: houston <.ward@enron.com>\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: RE: April Pasadena Invoice\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Ward, Kim S (Houston) \nX-To: Parker, Megan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kim_Ward_Jan2002_1\\Ward, Kim S (Houston)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Ward-K\nX-FileName: kward (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nMegan,\n\nAre we going to owe Pasadena money for every invoice? If not, since we owe them so much on this one, is there a way we can offset with future invoices where they owe us money? Can we check into that?\n\nLet me know - \n\nKim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tTuesday, November 27, 2001 10:27 AM\nTo:\t'sendo@ci.pasadena.ca.us'; 'creyes@ci.pasadena.ca.us'\nCc:\tValderrama, Lisa; Ward, Kim S (Houston)\nSubject:\tApril Pasadena Invoice\n\nSteve:\nI have taken over your account from Janine Cashin and am working on the invoices for April forward. As I complete them, I will send them to you for settlement. The April 2001 Calc sheet and Invoice are attached. Enron plans to wire the City of Pasadena $1,853,770.40 on Friday, 11/30/01. Please review and let me know if you have any questions.\n\nMegan Parker\n713-345-7480\n\n << File: pasadena 0401.xls >> ", "RE: April Pasadena Invoice", "reply", [], "Megan,\n\nAre we going to owe Pasadena money for every invoice? If not, since we owe them so much on this one, is there a way we can offset with future invoices where they owe us money? Can we check into that?\n\nLet me know - \n\nKim\n\n ", "<26977417.1075855275258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "27-11-2001-11:3:43Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-11:3:43", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["houston", ".ward@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <7187613.1075855277377.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:03:43 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: houston <.ward@enron.com>\nSubject: RE: April Pasadena Invoice\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Ward, Kim S (Houston) \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kim_Ward_Jan2002_1\\Ward, Kim S (Houston)\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Ward-K\nX-FileName: kward (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nWe can certainly net the amounts if Pasadena ends up owing us one month, but I only have information to complete invoices through June 2001 and we owe Pasadena for all three months. I was under the impression that Pasadena wanted to resolve some of these months as quickly as possible. \n\nI have sent the spreadsheets for May and June to Patti for her to look over before I send them to Pasadena. I have not heard back from her yet. You may be able to help, though. Do you know the negotiated prices for the El Paso fixed capacity for May forward? I need them to finish the calc sheets. Patti was going to look them up for me, but she hasn't had a chance yet. I have attached the May and June files in case you want to review them. I need the price for the box highlighted in yellow on each sheet. As soon as I have all of the information for July forward, I can finish the invoices. I am still in need of the El Paso deliveries, the Kern River deliveries and the nomination email from Pasadena for each month.\n\nMegan\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWard, Kim S (Houston) \nSent:\tTuesday, November 27, 2001 12:04 PM\nTo:\tParker, Megan\nSubject:\tRE: April Pasadena Invoice\n\nMegan,\n\nAre we going to owe Pasadena money for every invoice? If not, since we owe them so much on this one, is there a way we can offset with future invoices where they owe us money? Can we check into that?\n\nLet me know - \n\nKim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tTuesday, November 27, 2001 10:27 AM\nTo:\t'sendo@ci.pasadena.ca.us'; 'creyes@ci.pasadena.ca.us'\nCc:\tValderrama, Lisa; Ward, Kim S (Houston)\nSubject:\tApril Pasadena Invoice\n\nSteve:\nI have taken over your account from Janine Cashin and am working on the invoices for April forward. As I complete them, I will send them to you for settlement. The April 2001 Calc sheet and Invoice are attached. Enron plans to wire the City of Pasadena $1,853,770.40 on Friday, 11/30/01. Please review and let me know if you have any questions.\n\nMegan Parker\n713-345-7480\n\n << File: pasadena 0401.xls >> ", "RE: April Pasadena Invoice", "originEmail", [["attach spreadsheet", 13, "information", ["sent", "spreadsheets"], "information", " i have sent the spreadsheets for may and june to patti for her to look over before i send them to pasadena."], ["attach spreadsheet", 33, "information", ["attached", "case"], "information", " i have attached the may and june files in case you want to review them."]], "We can certainly net the amounts if Pasadena ends up owing us one month, but I only have information to complete invoices through June 2001 and we owe Pasadena for all three months. I was under the impression that Pasadena wanted to resolve some of these months as quickly as possible. \n\nI have sent the spreadsheets for May and June to Patti for her to look over before I send them to Pasadena. I have not heard back from her yet. You may be able to help, though. Do you know the negotiated prices for the El Paso fixed capacity for May forward? I need them to finish the calc sheets. Patti was going to look them up for me, but she hasn't had a chance yet. I have attached the May and June files in case you want to review them. I need the price for the box highlighted in yellow on each sheet. As soon as I have all of the information for July forward, I can finish the invoices. I am still in need of the El Paso deliveries, the Kern River deliveries and the nomination email from Pasadena for each month.\n\nMegan\n\n \n\n ", "<7187613.1075855277377.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"calc sheetTnn": {"value": "calc sheetTnn", "ne": "calc sheetTnn", "patterns": ["calc sheetTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["invoice numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-10-2001-10:5:6Smegan.parker@enron.com 16-10-2001-10:58:11Sc..giron@enron.com": {"16-10-2001-10:5:6Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["16-10-2001-10:5:6", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["c..giron@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <5504820.1075852222548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:05:06 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: c..giron@enron.com\nSubject: Cross Timbers 1/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Giron, Darron C. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DGIRON (Non-Privileged)\\Giron, Darron C.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: GIRON-D\nX-FileName: DGIRON (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nDarron:\nI saw your name in the audit as changing a price on Cross Timbers deal 434968 for Jan 01. The note in the terms tab says that the deal was triggered at 8.65, so you changed it from NWPL.Rockies + 0.025 to a fixed 8.65. I spoke to Cross Timbers and they said they did not trigger this deal. They said the price should remain at index + 0.025. Can you confirm this price for me? I'm showing a $40k adjustment that Cross Timbers does not.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\nx57480", "Cross Timbers 1/01", "originEmail", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 19, "information", ["changed", "deal"], "information", " the note in the terms tab says that the deal was triggered at numeric numeric , so you changed it from nwpl."], ["show deal", 39, "information", ["$40", "showing"], "information", " i'm showing a pricenumeric k adjustment that cross timbers does not."]], "Darron:\nI saw your name in the audit as changing a price on Cross Timbers deal 434968 for Jan 01. The note in the terms tab says that the deal was triggered at 8.65, so you changed it from NWPL.Rockies + 0.025 to a fixed 8.65. I spoke to Cross Timbers and they said they did not trigger this deal. They said the price should remain at index + 0.025. Can you confirm this price for me? I'm showing a $40k adjustment that Cross Timbers does not.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\nx57480", "<5504820.1075852222548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "434968", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-10-2001-10:58:11Sc..giron@enron.com": ["16-10-2001-10:58:11", "c..giron@enron.com", "anne.bike@enron.com carole.frank@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6938694.1075852228540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:58:11 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: c..giron@enron.com\nTo: anne.bike@enron.com, carole.frank@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Cross Timbers 1/01\nCc: megan.parker@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: megan.parker@enron.com\nX-From: Giron, Darron C. \nX-To: Bike, Anne , Frank, Carole \nX-cc: Parker, Megan \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DGIRON (Non-Privileged)\\Giron, Darron C.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: GIRON-D\nX-FileName: DGIRON (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAnne,\nIt looks like Crosstimbers had a phys trade with us at NWPL Rox + $.025 and they also had fin trades (Nymex and Basis). We combined them to essentially make Jan01 a fixed price deal. It appears the customer is questioning this. Why they are 8 months after settlement date, I have no idea. I already spoke with Carole about this and she has the deal tickets but if you have any questions, just ask.\n\nMegan,\nAnne should be able to explain this to you. She runs the West desk now.\n\nDG\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParker, Megan \nSent:\tTuesday, October 16, 2001 12:05 PM\nTo:\tGiron, Darron C.\nSubject:\tCross Timbers 1/01\n\nDarron:\nI saw your name in the audit as changing a price on Cross Timbers deal 434968 for Jan 01. The note in the terms tab says that the deal was triggered at 8.65, so you changed it from NWPL.Rockies + 0.025 to a fixed 8.65. I spoke to Cross Timbers and they said they did not trigger this deal. They said the price should remain at index + 0.025. Can you confirm this price for me? I'm showing a $40k adjustment that Cross Timbers does not.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\nx57480", "FW: Cross Timbers 1/01", "reply", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 14, "information", ["deal", "make"], "information", " we combined them to essentially make datenumeric a fixed price deal."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 16, "information", ["deal", "fixed"], "information", " we combined them to essentially make datenumeric a fixed price deal."]], "Anne,\nIt looks like Crosstimbers had a phys trade with us at NWPL Rox + $.025 and they also had fin trades (Nymex and Basis). We combined them to essentially make Jan01 a fixed price deal. It appears the customer is questioning this. Why they are 8 months after settlement date, I have no idea. I already spoke with Carole about this and she has the deal tickets but if you have any questions, just ask.\n\nMegan,\nAnne should be able to explain this to you. She runs the West desk now.\n\nDG\n\n ", "<6938694.1075852228540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "4-10-2000-8:48:0Smegan.parker@enron.com 4-10-2000-9:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"4-10-2000-8:48:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["4-10-2000-8:48:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <28980607.1075853979784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 08:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHere are the cashout amounts for 5/00 and 6/00 for Duke Energy Field \nServices. We also need to enter a demand fee to account for the excess of \n103% charge on the sale side. I have those amounts below. Let me know if \nyou have any questions.\n\nMay 2000\nDeal 157278 $2,486.00 excess charge\n $2.38 cashout\n\nDeal 157288 $71.85 cashout\n\nJune 2000\nDeal 157278 $920.21 excess charge\n $208.88 cashout\n\n(There is no purchase cashout for 6/00)\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00", "originEmail", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "nninformation", ["demand**fee", "enter"], "intention", " we also need to enter a demand fee to account for the excess of numeric % charge on the sale side."]], "Here are the cashout amounts for 5/00 and 6/00 for Duke Energy Field \nServices. We also need to enter a demand fee to account for the excess of \n103% charge on the sale side. I have those amounts below. Let me know if \nyou have any questions.\n\nMay 2000\nDeal 157278 $2,486.00 excess charge\n $2.38 cashout\n\nDeal 157288 $71.85 cashout\n\nJune 2000\nDeal 157278 $920.21 excess charge\n $208.88 cashout\n\n(There is no purchase cashout for 6/00)\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<28980607.1075853979784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"32": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "charge_excess0charge numericTnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "$920 21", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "157288", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "$71 85", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "157278", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$2,486", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "103", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["charge_excess0charge numericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["charge_excess0charge numericTnn", "deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$2 38", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn": {"value": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "ne": "demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee excess_excess0chargeTnn"]}, "energy fieldTnn": {"value": "energy fieldTnn", "ne": "energy fieldTnn", "patterns": ["energy fieldTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$208 88", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric purchaseTnn"]}}, true], "4-10-2000-9:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["4-10-2000-9:38:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["megan.parker@enron.com"], [], "Done. I could not seperate the excess charge and cashout charges under the \ndemand expense. They are combined on the ticket.\nD\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/04/2000 03:48 PM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00\nHere are the cashout amounts for 5/00 and 6/00 for Duke Energy Field \nServices. We also need to enter a demand fee to account for the excess of \n103% charge on the sale side. I have those amounts below. Let me know if \nyou have any questions.\nMay 2000\nDeal 157278 $2,486.00 excess charge\n $2.38 cashout\nDeal 157288 $71.85 cashout\nJune 2000\nDeal 157278 $920.21 excess charge\n $208.88 cashout\n(There is no purchase cashout for 6/00)\nThanks,\nMegan\n", ["Re: Duke Cashout Entries 5/00 and 6/00"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['157278', '$2,486']}", [], "Done. I could not seperate the excess charge and cashout charges under the \ndemand expense. They are combined on the ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 10/04/2000 03:48 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<499324.1075854164486.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4978888.1075853979762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24805572.1075854099473.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20437744.1075854151914.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "24-8-2001-8:16:41Smegan.parker@enron.com 29-8-2001-8:48:5Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"24-8-2001-8:16:41Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["24-8-2001-8:16:41", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10456066.1075840433702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 08:16:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Conoco-Big Cowboy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nI'm not sure if you can help me with this, but I don't know who else to ask. For April and May, we have gas pathed on deal 133304 to Conoco at the GEPL Big Cowboy point. Conoco is saying that we did not buy that gas from them. They have accounted for all of the HPL Big Cowboy gas and think we have over paid by about $1.5 mil each month for the GEPL gas. Do you know why we added the GEPL meter to the deal in April? Could we have bought this gas from someone else? I have the meter statements from Tejas, but they do not say who the supply company was.\n\nMegan", "Conoco-Big Cowboy", "originEmail", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 14, "information", ["buy", "gas"], "information", " conoco is saying that we did not buy that gas from them."], ["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 20, "information", ["gas", "paid"], "information", " they have accounted for all of the hpl big cowboy gas and think we have over paid by about pricenumeric mil each month for the gepl gas."], ["add deal{numeric}", 25, "nninformation", ["added", "deal"], "request information", " do you know why we added the gepl meter to the deal in april?"], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 28, "nninformation", ["bought", "gas"], "request information", " could we have bought this gas from someone else?"]], "Darren:\nI'm not sure if you can help me with this, but I don't know who else to ask. For April and May, we have gas pathed on deal 133304 to Conoco at the GEPL Big Cowboy point. Conoco is saying that we did not buy that gas from them. They have accounted for all of the HPL Big Cowboy gas and think we have over paid by about $1.5 mil each month for the GEPL gas. Do you know why we added the GEPL meter to the deal in April? Could we have bought this gas from someone else? I have the meter statements from Tejas, but they do not say who the supply company was.\n\nMegan", "<10456066.1075840433702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "133304", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal gas numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}}, true], "29-8-2001-8:48:5Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["29-8-2001-8:48:5", "megan.parker@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Here is what Bob Cotten has to say about Big Cowboy. I think I will try to have Conoco send our money back until we can determine who we bought the gas from.\n \nMegan\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: rrcotten@aep.com [mailto:rrcotten@aep.com]\nSent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:14 AM\nTo: Parker, Megan\nCc: jlopez@aep.com; gmweissman@aep.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Conoco-Big Cowboy\nMegan, \nThe April and May nomination spreadsheets from Producer Services reflect that there were purchases from Conoco on HPL. There are no references to any purchases from Conoco on GEPL. On June 6, 2001, Tom Acton edited deal ticket # 133304 to include GEPL meter #'s 27-002-08 and 27-003-08. I have no idea why Tom edited the deal ticket to include the GEPL meters. Tom is no longer at AEP and I couldn't find any documentation to support the changes. Please advise if you need additional information. \nBob \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: FW: Conoco-Big Cowboy \nBob:\nCan you help with this? I am trying to find out why GEPL was added to\nthe Conoco supply deals for April and May 2001. Conoco says we did not\npurchase any gas from them on GEPL.\nMegan\n713-345-7480\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Farmer, Daren J. \n> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 10:57 AM\n> To: Parker, Megan\n> Subject: RE: Conoco-Big Cowboy \n> \n> From looking at the audit in Sitara, it appears that Tom Acton added\n> the location on June 6, 2001. (I thought that their access to Sitara\n> was taken away before then.) He probably got instructions from Vol\n> Mgmt to do this, but I'm not sure. Have you talked to anyone in that\n> group? I didn't know that these meters were being added to the deal.\n> Since Tom has left AEP, you may be able to get Bob Cotten to help.\n> See if you can find out anything from V.M. and Bob. I will do some\n> digging here to see if I can find anything.\n> \n> D\n> \n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Parker, Megan \n> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 10:17 AM\n> To: Farmer, Daren J.\n> Subject: Conoco-Big Cowboy \n> \n> Darren:\n> I'm not sure if you can help me with this, but I don't know who else\n> to ask. For April and May, we have gas pathed on deal 133304 to\n> Conoco at the GEPL Big Cowboy point. Conoco is saying that we did not\n> buy that gas from them. They have accounted for all of the HPL Big\n> Cowboy gas and think we have over paid by about $1.5 mil each month\n> for the GEPL gas. Do you know why we added the GEPL meter to the deal\n> in April? Could we have bought this gas from someone else? I have\n> the meter statements from Tejas, but they do not say who the supply\n> company was.\n> \n> Megan\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. \n**********************************************************************\n", ["FW: FW: Conoco-Big Cowboy"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '133304']}", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 11, "information", ["bought", "gas"], "information", " i think i will try to have conoco send our money back until we can determine who we bought the gas from."]], "Here is what Bob Cotten has to say about Big Cowboy. I think I will try to have Conoco send our money back until we can determine who we bought the gas from.\n \nMegan\n", ["<15049905.1075840433677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true]}, "22-5-2000-8:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 22-5-2000-11:0:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-5-2000-8:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-8:14:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <3403626.1075854071388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 08:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 9794\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - During the Saxet Thompsonville outage, May 8 - May 11, the meter \nflowed a small volume with no nom. Can you set up a deal for the days that \nflowed?\n\n 5/8 .012\n 5/9 0\n 5/10 .087\n 5/11 6.970\n\n- Aimee", "Meter 9794", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", "daren - during the saxet thompsonville outage, datenumeric - datenumeric , the meter flowed a small volume with no nom."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["deal", "set"], "request", " can you set up a deal for the days that flowed?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 10, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", " can you set up a deal for the days that flowed?"]], "Daren - During the Saxet Thompsonville outage, May 8 - May 11, the meter \nflowed a small volume with no nom. Can you set up a deal for the days that \nflowed?\n\n 5/8 .012\n 5/9 0\n 5/10 .087\n 5/11 6.970\n\n- Aimee", "<3403626.1075854071388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "9794", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "22-5-2000-11:0:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-11:0:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2902604.1075854168704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 11:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 9794\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton, Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom, \n\nPlease handle this. The deal is already out there for this time period. You \nwill probably need to send a zero nom.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n05:59 PM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/22/2000 03:14 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 9794\n\nDaren - During the Saxet Thompsonville outage, May 8 - May 11, the meter \nflowed a small volume with no nom. Can you set up a deal for the days that \nflowed?\n\n 5/8 .012\n 5/9 0\n 5/10 .087\n 5/11 6.970\n\n- Aimee\n", "Meter 9794", "forward", [], "Tom, \n\nPlease handle this. The deal is already out there for this time period. You \nwill probably need to send a zero nom.\n\nD\n", "<2902604.1075854168704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "2-3-2001-8:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 5-3-2001-2:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-3-2001-8:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["2-3-2001-8:43:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4095925.1075854303134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 08:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 1031 Baytown Exxon\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Industrials\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - the valve for meter 1031 was not shut off in time on 3/1. It flowed \nabout 1.200. Could you please extend the deal for one day (deal 589188) ? \nThanks.\n\nal", "meter 1031 Baytown Exxon", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could you please extend the deal for one day (deal numeric ) ?"]], "Daren - the valve for meter 1031 was not shut off in time on 3/1. It flowed \nabout 1.200. Could you please extend the deal for one day (deal 589188) ? \nThanks.\n\nal", "<4095925.1075854303134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"15": {"value": "589188", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1031", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "1031", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-3-2001-2:19:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-3-2001-2:19:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24928686.1075854335707.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 02:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 1031 Baytown Exxon\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\ndone.\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/02/2001 04:43 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: meter 1031 Baytown Exxon\n\nDaren - the valve for meter 1031 was not shut off in time on 3/1. It flowed \nabout 1.200. Could you please extend the deal for one day (deal 589188) ? \nThanks.\n\nal\n\n", "Re: meter 1031 Baytown Exxon", "reply", [], "done.\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/02/2001 04:43 PM\n\n", "<24928686.1075854335707.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "10-11-2000-6:17:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 15-11-2000-2:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 13-11-2000-3:54:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 15-11-2000-2:21:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-11-2000-6:17:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["10-11-2000-6:17:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <21217205.1075854106319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 06:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Flow w/ no nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Meter 1601 last deal 412219 for 10/00 flowed 11/9\n\n Meter 5192 last deal 454057 for 10/00. flowed 11/3-4\n", "Flow w/ no nom", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", "meter numeric last deal numeric for datenumeric flowed datenumeric meter numeric last deal numeric for datenumeric ."]], " Meter 1601 last deal 412219 for 10/00 flowed 11/9\n\n Meter 5192 last deal 454057 for 10/00. flowed 11/3-4\n", "<21217205.1075854106319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "1601", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "412219", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-11-2000-2:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-2:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28192956.1075854162996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 02:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Flow w/ no nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRolled deal 454057 to cover flow at mtr 5192.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 11/10/2000 02:17 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Flow w/ no nom\n\n Meter 1601 last deal 412219 for 10/00 flowed 11/9\n\n Meter 5192 last deal 454057 for 10/00. flowed 11/3-4\n\n\n\n", "Re: Flow w/ no nom", "reply", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["deal", "454057", "rolled"], "information", "rolled deal numeric to cover flow at mtr numeric ."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 4, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "mtr", "454057"], "intention", "rolled deal numeric to cover flow at mtr numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "rolled deal numeric to cover flow at mtr numeric ."]], "Rolled deal 454057 to cover flow at mtr 5192.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 11/10/2000 02:17 PM\n\n", "<28192956.1075854162996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "13-11-2000-3:54:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["13-11-2000-3:54:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - meter 1601 has flow from 11/8-11/10. There is no deal for these \ndays. Last deal used was for Oct. - 413538, counterparty Southern Union. \nWill you let me know if you set a deal up for this?\nThanks.\nAimee", ["Meter 1601"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1601']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1601"], "information", "daren - meter numeric has flow from datenumeric - datenumeric ."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "set"], "request information", " will you let me know if you set a deal up for this?"]], "Daren - meter 1601 has flow from 11/8-11/10. There is no deal for these \ndays. Last deal used was for Oct. - 413538, counterparty Southern Union. \nWill you let me know if you set a deal up for this?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee", ["<319536.1075853971944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29725537.1075854106566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17726967.1075854140719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "1601", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1601", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-11-2000-2:21:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-2:21:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "I added these days to #483894.\nd\nAimee Lannou 11/13/2000 11:54 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1601\nDaren - meter 1601 has flow from 11/8-11/10. There is no deal for these \ndays. Last deal used was for Oct. - 413538, counterparty Southern Union. \nWill you let me know if you set a deal up for this?\nThanks.\nAimee\n", ["Re: Meter 1601"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1601']}", [], "I added these days to #483894.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 11/13/2000 11:54 AM\n\n", ["<16886894.1075854163017.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30738451.1075853971454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5169634.1075854106588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4923483.1075854150410.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "26-2-2001-6:53:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 26-2-2001-7:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-1:23:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 15-3-2001-2:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-4-2001-10:58:32Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com 26-4-2001-11:28:57Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"26-2-2001-6:53:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-6:53:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13434848.1075854197201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 06:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: metter 1558\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - meter 1558 has flow and no nom for day 1 and day 6. HPL is currently \nout there starting on day 7, deal # 604056. Could you add these days to the \ndeal or let me know what you do.\n\nAL", "metter 1558", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1558"], "information", "daren - meter numeric has flow and no nom for day numeric and day numeric ."]], "Daren - meter 1558 has flow and no nom for day 1 and day 6. HPL is currently \nout there starting on day 7, deal # 604056. Could you add these days to the \ndeal or let me know what you do.\n\nAL", "<13434848.1075854197201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1558", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-7:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-7:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17089892.1075854335837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 07:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: metter 1558\nCc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: Gary W Lamphier\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI extended deal 583232 to cover 2/1 and #604056 to cover 2/6.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 02/26/2001 02:53 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: metter 1558\n\nDaren - meter 1558 has flow and no nom for day 1 and day 6. HPL is currently \nout there starting on day 7, deal # 604056. Could you add these days to the \ndeal or let me know what you do.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: metter 1558", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "information", ["deal", "extended", "583232"], "information", "i extended deal numeric to cover datenumeric and # numeric to cover datenumeric ."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "information", ["cover", "deal", "583232"], "information", "i extended deal numeric to cover datenumeric and # numeric to cover datenumeric ."]], "I extended deal 583232 to cover 2/1 and #604056 to cover 2/6.\n\nd\n\n\nAimee Lannou 02/26/2001 02:53 PM\n\n", "<17089892.1075854335837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "15-3-2001-1:23:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-1:23:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], "Daren - meter 1558 has no nom for March. It has a little over flow on 3/1. \nCould you please extend the deal? The deal is 604056. \nThanks.\nAimee", ["Meter 1558"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1558']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could you please extend the deal?"]], "Daren - meter 1558 has no nom for March. It has a little over flow on 3/1. \nCould you please extend the deal? The deal is 604056. \n\nThanks.\n\nAimee", ["<4044221.1075854194521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14888863.1075854295240.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6799472.1075854302915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"9": {"value": "604056", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1558", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1558", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-2:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-2:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "done.\nAimee Lannou 03/15/2001 09:23 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Meter 1558\nDaren - meter 1558 has no nom for March. It has a little over flow on 3/1. \nCould you please extend the deal? The deal is 604056. \nThanks.\nAimee\n", ["Re: Meter 1558"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1558']}", [], "done.\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/15/2001 09:23 AM\n\n", ["<8660873.1075854335288.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11707749.1075854194453.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21736890.1075854295263.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30100545.1075854325311.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-4-2001-10:58:32Sjuliann.kemp@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-10:58:32", "juliann.kemp@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "\nCerrito Lastiendas - has meter flow on the 7th and the deal ended on the 6th. Can we extend the deal for the 48 mmbtu's that flowed\nor can I override the meter and add it to a day that flowed less than the nom? The third had 4861 and the nom was for 5000.\nThanks - Julie\n \n ", ["Meter 1558 April 2001"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1558']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "48"], "request information", " can we extend the deal for the numeric mmbtu's that flowed or can i override the meter and add it to a day that flowed less than the nom?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 10, "information", ["deal", "flowed", "meter"], "information", " can we extend the deal for the numeric mmbtu's that flowed or can i override the meter and add it to a day that flowed less than the nom?"]], "\nCerrito Lastiendas - has meter flow on the 7th and the deal ended on the 6th. Can we extend the deal for the 48 mmbtu's that flowed\nor can I override the meter and add it to a day that flowed less than the nom? The third had 4861 and the nom was for 5000.\nThanks - Julie\n\n \n ", ["<2682898.1075845113114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "48", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-4-2001-11:28:57Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-11:28:57", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], [], "You can extend the deal for one day.\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kemp, Juliann \nSent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:59 PM\nTo: Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject: Meter 1558 April 2001\nCerrito Lastiendas - has meter flow on the 7th and the deal ended on the 6th. Can we extend the deal for the 48 mmbtu's that flowed\nor can I override the meter and add it to a day that flowed less than the nom? The third had 4861 and the nom was for 5000.\nThanks - Julie\n \n ", ["RE: Meter 1558 April 2001"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1558']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "intention", "you can extend the deal for one day."]], "You can extend the deal for one day.\n\nD\n\n ", ["<9081958.1075845124180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "1558", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "16-2-2000-6:58:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 16-2-2000-23:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-2-2000-6:58:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-6:58:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["fred.boas@enron.com", "george.grant@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32550539.1075854055389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 06:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Fred Boas, George Grant\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Meters 3002 and 3003 have volume from Jan 99 thru the current month. \nCould a deal be created for these volumes? There is a substanital amount of \nvolume each month.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 02:54 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n02/13/2000 02:28 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Allocation Exceptions\n\n\n\t\n\nAimee:\n\nFollowing is a list of allocation exceptions on Daily Swing meters that must \nbe fixed. \nMeter 3003 with Min Gas Date 01/02/99\nMeter 3002 with Min Gas Date 01/02/99\nMeter 0598 with Min Gas Date 08/01/99\nMeter 5360 with Min Gas Date 0/01/00\n\nDo you think that we can get them fixed by Tuesday the 15th of this week?\n\nLet me know,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Allocation Exceptions", "originEmail", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 9, "nninformation", ["created", "deal"], "request information", " could a deal be created for these volumes?"]], "Daren - Meters 3002 and 3003 have volume from Jan 99 thru the current month. \nCould a deal be created for these volumes? There is a substanital amount of \nvolume each month.\n\n- Aimee\n", "<32550539.1075854055389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}}, false], "16-2-2000-23:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-23:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14146118.1075854171858.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 23:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWhere are these meters? What is happening? What have we done in the past?\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 02/16/2000 02:58 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Grant \nSubject: Re: Allocation Exceptions\n\nDaren - Meters 3002 and 3003 have volume from Jan 99 thru the current month. \nCould a deal be created for these volumes? There is a substanital amount of \nvolume each month.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 02:54 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n02/13/2000 02:28 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Allocation Exceptions\n\n\n\t\n\nAimee:\n\nFollowing is a list of allocation exceptions on Daily Swing meters that must \nbe fixed. \nMeter 3003 with Min Gas Date 01/02/99\nMeter 3002 with Min Gas Date 01/02/99\nMeter 0598 with Min Gas Date 08/01/99\nMeter 5360 with Min Gas Date 0/01/00\n\nDo you think that we can get them fixed by Tuesday the 15th of this week?\n\nLet me know,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Allocation Exceptions", "reply", [], "Where are these meters? What is happening? What have we done in the past?\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 02/16/2000 02:58 PM\n\n", "<14146118.1075854171858.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-1-2000-8:18:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 11-7-2000-7:40:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 11-7-2000-7:49:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 2-10-2000-7:43:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 23-10-2000-7:53:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 24-10-2000-7:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-11-2000-7:45:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 14-11-2000-7:49:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 5-12-2000-3:9:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 5-12-2000-3:18:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": {"21-1-2000-8:18:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["21-1-2000-8:18:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "stella.morris@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], ["kenneth.seaman@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "michael.morris@enron.com"], "My contact at Beaumont Methanol asked me to tell everybody in our shop the \nfollowing: to clarify whom to contact about the nomination and scheduling \nfor Beaumont Methanol at meter # 1428.\nFirst some background: we feed Beaumont Methanol through a meter station \nthat we own and control, but which also feeds Brandywine/DuPont. In fact, \nthe gas goes through a DuPont pipeline header downstream of our meter station \nbefore it gets to Beamont Methanol. Sometimes we are doing business with \nboth Beaumont Methanol and Brandywine/DuPont ..... but sometime we only do \nbusiness with one of them.\nWHOM TO CALL FOR ANY NOMINATIONS AND SCHEDULING ISSUES FOR BEAUMONT METHANOL:\nBob Dorcheus - Brandywine/DuPont - 281-293-1789\nChyral Hankins - Beaumont Methanol (Terra) - 712-233-6558\nPLEASE DO NOT CALL THE BEAUMONT METHANOL CONTROL ROOM AT THE PLANT WITH \nREGARD TO SCHEDULING AND NOMINATION ISSUES. THEY ARE OUT OF THE LOOP ON \nTHESE ISSUES. If we call the Beaumont Methanol control room at the plant \nwith regard to scheduling and nominations issues, it will cause confusion of \nthe type we had yesterday and today.\nObviously, it is of course OK for HPL Gas Control to call the Beaumont \nMethanol plant control room on any emergency operational issues.\nThanks ... and have a great weekend.\nLee", ["Meter 1428 - Brandywine/Dupont and Beamont Methanol"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [], "My contact at Beaumont Methanol asked me to tell everybody in our shop the \nfollowing: to clarify whom to contact about the nomination and scheduling \nfor Beaumont Methanol at meter # 1428.\n\nFirst some background: we feed Beaumont Methanol through a meter station \nthat we own and control, but which also feeds Brandywine/DuPont. In fact, \nthe gas goes through a DuPont pipeline header downstream of our meter station \nbefore it gets to Beamont Methanol. Sometimes we are doing business with \nboth Beaumont Methanol and Brandywine/DuPont ..... but sometime we only do \nbusiness with one of them.\n\nWHOM TO CALL FOR ANY NOMINATIONS AND SCHEDULING ISSUES FOR BEAUMONT METHANOL:\n\nBob Dorcheus - Brandywine/DuPont - 281-293-1789\nChyral Hankins - Beaumont Methanol (Terra) - 712-233-6558\n\nPLEASE DO NOT CALL THE BEAUMONT METHANOL CONTROL ROOM AT THE PLANT WITH \nREGARD TO SCHEDULING AND NOMINATION ISSUES. THEY ARE OUT OF THE LOOP ON \nTHESE ISSUES. If we call the Beaumont Methanol control room at the plant \nwith regard to scheduling and nominations issues, it will cause confusion of \nthe type we had yesterday and today.\n\nObviously, it is of course OK for HPL Gas Control to call the Beaumont \nMethanol plant control room on any emergency operational issues.\n\nThanks ... and have a great weekend.\n\nLee", ["<22381432.1075854032718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10400185.1075854049995.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33063810.1075854122121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "1428", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "11-7-2000-7:40:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-7:40:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], " \n The swing ticket for Beaumont Methanol \"meter #1428\" {#249208} expired June \n30th.\n Bob Dorcheus indicated that HPL should take the swing during July.\n \n Should I expect another swing ticket to be negotiated for July ?\n \n Presently, the swing activity is hitting the \"baseload\" ticket {#314854} \nwhich is 15.0/day.", ["Brandywine Meter #: 1428"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [], " \n The swing ticket for Beaumont Methanol \"meter #1428\" {#249208} expired June \n30th.\n Bob Dorcheus indicated that HPL should take the swing during July.\n \n Should I expect another swing ticket to be negotiated for July ?\n \n Presently, the swing activity is hitting the \"baseload\" ticket {#314854} \nwhich is 15.0/day.", ["<4245491.1075853998057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31283209.1075854082397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3612554.1075854118348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "1428", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "11-7-2000-7:49:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-7:49:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["robert.lloyd@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], "Please roll the Beaumont Methanol swing and buyback ticket over to be \neffective for July too. Sorry about that. Lee\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 07/11/2000 02:40 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary \nA Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Brandywine Meter #: 1428\n \n The swing ticket for Beaumont Methanol \"meter #1428\" {#249208} expired June \n30th.\n Bob Dorcheus indicated that HPL should take the swing during July.\n \n Should I expect another swing ticket to be negotiated for July ?\n \n Presently, the swing activity is hitting the \"baseload\" ticket {#314854} \nwhich is 15.0/day.\n", ["Re: Brandywine Meter #: 1428"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [], "Please roll the Beaumont Methanol swing and buyback ticket over to be \neffective for July too. Sorry about that. Lee\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 07/11/2000 02:40 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<13422424.1075853998034.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<918584.1075854118325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-10-2000-7:43:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["2-10-2000-7:43:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "susan.hadix@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com"], [], "We had a deal with Beaumont in Sep00 .... Sitara 380722. There are swing \n(380725) and buyback (380727) tickets associated with this deal.\nFor the three days September 16, 17 and 18 ONLY, any volumes over 20,000 \nMMBtu per day need to go to a DIFFERENT swing deal ticket, with a different \ncounterparty. I've set this deal ticket up - it is Sitara # 423794\nSorry to make y'all go back and re-assign volumes.\nLet me know if any problems or questions.\nLee\next. 3.5923", ["HPL meter # 1428 - Sep00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 24, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", " i've set this deal ticket up - it is sitara # numeric sorry to make y'all go back and re-assign volumes."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 29, "nninformation", ["deal", "make"], "intention", " i've set this deal ticket up - it is sitara # numeric sorry to make y'all go back and re-assign volumes."]], "We had a deal with Beaumont in Sep00 .... Sitara 380722. There are swing \n(380725) and buyback (380727) tickets associated with this deal.\n\nFor the three days September 16, 17 and 18 ONLY, any volumes over 20,000 \nMMBtu per day need to go to a DIFFERENT swing deal ticket, with a different \ncounterparty. I've set this deal ticket up - it is Sitara # 423794\n\nSorry to make y'all go back and re-assign volumes.\n\nLet me know if any problems or questions.\n\nLee\next. 3.5923", ["<3600489.1075853980323.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2374061.1075854098925.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21940646.1075854117071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"14": {"value": "18", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "23-10-2000-7:53:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["23-10-2000-7:53:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "susan.hadix@enron.com"], [], "I had to go clean up some stuff at meter # 1428 for Sep00 that will cause a \nreallocation of volumes.\nPreviously, all activity at the meter was with Beamont Methanol.\nNow, for the period Sep 5 to Sep 18, I've entered daily transactions with \nBrandywine in Sitara # 423794\nPlease call to discuss is any questions\nLee", ["Sep00 activity at meter # 1428"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [], "I had to go clean up some stuff at meter # 1428 for Sep00 that will cause a \nreallocation of volumes.\n\nPreviously, all activity at the meter was with Beamont Methanol.\n\nNow, for the period Sep 5 to Sep 18, I've entered daily transactions with \nBrandywine in Sitara # 423794\n\nPlease call to discuss is any questions\n\nLee", ["<6465248.1075853976278.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4084620.1075854102758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14039415.1075854116919.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "1428", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2000-7:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-7:7:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["susan.hadix@enron.com"], [], "Susan, \nAre you clear on what you need to do with this?\nD\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 10/23/2000 02:53 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Hadix/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: Sep00 activity at meter # 1428\nI had to go clean up some stuff at meter # 1428 for Sep00 that will cause a \nreallocation of volumes.\nPreviously, all activity at the meter was with Beamont Methanol.\nNow, for the period Sep 5 to Sep 18, I've entered daily transactions with \nBrandywine in Sitara # 423794\nPlease call to discuss is any questions\nLee\n", ["Re: Sep00 activity at meter # 1428"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [], "Susan, \n\nAre you clear on what you need to do with this?\n\nD\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 10/23/2000 02:53 PM\n", ["<30033701.1075854163776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14456247.1075853975826.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31410163.1075854102779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21314614.1075854151182.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-11-2000-7:45:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["14-11-2000-7:45:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["anita.luong@enron.com", "buddy.majorwitz@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com"], "Ladies and Gents:\nOn Sat Oct 21, HPL meter # 1428 had a malfunction, and started flowing at a \nvery high rate, way over the nominated rate of 18,000/d (Gas Control will \nconfirm this).\nSince Sat-Sun-Mon are all one gas day from a Gas Daily perspective, I told \nGas Control to try to balance on Sun after the meter was fixed, by cutting \nback to a lower flow rate.\nSo we will need to do a special allocation for the three days October 21 - \n23, Saturday through Monday. The three day total for the meter is 59,067 \nMMBtu. Beaumont Methanol nominated 54,000 MMBtu (i.e. 18,000/d for 3 \ndays). We should allocate a total of 54,000 MMBtu to Beaumont Methanol for \nthe three days, and the 5,067 MMBtu excess will be purchased by Brandywine - \nunder Sitara # 484934 priced at Gas Daily HSC midpoint.\nPlease call with questions.\nThanks\nLee\n3.5923\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT on 11/13/2000 \n04:02 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Buddy Majorwitz 11/13/2000 03:53 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Beaumont Methanol - Meter 1428 - October 2000\nLee,\nHere is the volume allocation as supplied by Anita Luong and my calculation \nworksheet for the captioned meter.\nGive me a call if you have any questions.\nBuddy\nX-31933\n", ["Beaumont Methanol - Meter 1428 - October 2000"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["flowing", "meter"], "information", "ladies and gents: on sat datenumeric , hpl meter # numeric had a malfunction, and started flowing at a very high rate, way over the nominated rate of numeric /d (gas control will confirm this)."]], "Ladies and Gents:\n\nOn Sat Oct 21, HPL meter # 1428 had a malfunction, and started flowing at a \nvery high rate, way over the nominated rate of 18,000/d (Gas Control will \nconfirm this).\n\nSince Sat-Sun-Mon are all one gas day from a Gas Daily perspective, I told \nGas Control to try to balance on Sun after the meter was fixed, by cutting \nback to a lower flow rate.\n\nSo we will need to do a special allocation for the three days October 21 - \n23, Saturday through Monday. The three day total for the meter is 59,067 \nMMBtu. Beaumont Methanol nominated 54,000 MMBtu (i.e. 18,000/d for 3 \ndays). We should allocate a total of 54,000 MMBtu to Beaumont Methanol for \nthe three days, and the 5,067 MMBtu excess will be purchased by Brandywine - \nunder Sitara # 484934 priced at Gas Daily HSC midpoint.\n\nPlease call with questions.\n\nThanks\n\nLee\n3.5923\n\n\n\n\n", ["<11298322.1075853971654.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10792518.1075854106910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31670471.1075854116746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "1428", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "59,067", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-11-2000-7:49:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["14-11-2000-7:49:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "buddy.majorwitz@enron.com"], "I'm think I left out a detail - the 54,000 MMBtu for the three days Oct 21 to \n23 to Beaumont Methanol needs to be all priced at the base deal, not on the \nswing ticket.\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 11/14/2000 03:45 PM\nTo: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Buddy Majorwitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Beaumont Methanol - Meter 1428 - October 2000\nLadies and Gents:\nOn Sat Oct 21, HPL meter # 1428 had a malfunction, and started flowing at a \nvery high rate, way over the nominated rate of 18,000/d (Gas Control will \nconfirm this).\nSince Sat-Sun-Mon are all one gas day from a Gas Daily perspective, I told \nGas Control to try to balance on Sun after the meter was fixed, by cutting \nback to a lower flow rate.\nSo we will need to do a special allocation for the three days October 21 - \n23, Saturday through Monday. The three day total for the meter is 59,067 \nMMBtu. Beaumont Methanol nominated 54,000 MMBtu (i.e. 18,000/d for 3 \ndays). We should allocate a total of 54,000 MMBtu to Beaumont Methanol for \nthe three days, and the 5,067 MMBtu excess will be purchased by Brandywine - \nunder Sitara # 484934 priced at Gas Daily HSC midpoint.\nPlease call with questions.\nThanks\nLee\n3.5923\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT on 11/13/2000 \n04:02 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Buddy Majorwitz 11/13/2000 03:53 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Beaumont Methanol - Meter 1428 - October 2000\nLee,\nHere is the volume allocation as supplied by Anita Luong and my calculation \nworksheet for the captioned meter.\nGive me a call if you have any questions.\nBuddy\nX-31933\n", ["Re: Beaumont Methanol - Meter 1428 - October 2000"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1428']}", [], "I'm think I left out a detail - the 54,000 MMBtu for the three days Oct 21 to \n23 to Beaumont Methanol needs to be all priced at the base deal, not on the \nswing ticket.\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 11/14/2000 03:45 PM\n", ["<16726978.1075853971631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28150927.1075854106933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18788533.1075854116723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-12-2000-3:9:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["5-12-2000-3:9:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <31538127.1075854110228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 03:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 1428\nCc: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Lee L Papayoti\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Meter 1428, Beaumont Methanol is shut-in for December. There has \nbeen flow of 69 and 65 on days 2 and 3. Should a swing ticket be put at the \nmeter? The last swing deal was 451907 for 11/00. Thanks.\n\nAimee\n ", "Meter 1428", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["meter", "put"], "request information", " should a swing ticket be put at the meter?"]], "Daren - Meter 1428, Beaumont Methanol is shut-in for December. There has \nbeen flow of 69 and 65 on days 2 and 3. Should a swing ticket be put at the \nmeter? The last swing deal was 451907 for 11/00. Thanks.\n\nAimee\n ", "<31538127.1075854110228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"19": {"value": "451907", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1428", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1428", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-12-2000-3:18:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["5-12-2000-3:18:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com james.mckay@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13669811.1075853968043.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 03:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, james.mckay@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 1428\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Lee L Papayoti\nX-To: Aimee Lannou, Gary A Hanks, James McKay\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe should check with gas control as to why gas is flowing at all and/or \nwhether this is a valid reading ....\n\nGary/James - let us know\n\nThanks\n\nLee\n\n\n\n\nAimee Lannou 12/05/2000 11:09 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 1428\n\nDaren - Meter 1428, Beaumont Methanol is shut-in for December. There has \nbeen flow of 69 and 65 on days 2 and 3. Should a swing ticket be put at the \nmeter? The last swing deal was 451907 for 11/00. Thanks.\n\nAimee\n \n\n", "Re: Meter 1428", "reply", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 0, "nninformation", ["check", "gas"], "intention", "we should check with gas control as to why gas is flowing at all and/or whether this is a valid reading ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flowing", "gas"], "information", "we should check with gas control as to why gas is flowing at all and/or whether this is a valid reading ."]], "We should check with gas control as to why gas is flowing at all and/or \nwhether this is a valid reading ....\n\nGary/James - let us know\n\nThanks\n\nLee\n\n\n\n\nAimee Lannou 12/05/2000 11:09 AM\n\n", "<13669811.1075853968043.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "24-4-2000-5:43:0Spat.clynes@enron.com 24-4-2000-6:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 25-4-2000-5:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 25-4-2000-6:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-4-2000-5:43:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-5:43:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Aimee,\nPlease check meter #1591 Lamay gas lift. It doesn't appear to have very much \nflow and the\nBAV is showing the nom volume. This could be adversely affecting the risk \nnumbers. Pat", ["Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1591']}", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 5, "nninformation", ["check", "gas"], "request", "aimee, please check meter # numeric lamay gas lift."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 12, "information", ["flow", "volume"], "information", " it doesn't appear to have very much flow and the bav is showing the nom volume."]], "Aimee,\nPlease check meter #1591 Lamay gas lift. It doesn't appear to have very much \nflow and the\nBAV is showing the nom volume. This could be adversely affecting the risk \nnumbers. Pat", ["<2972248.1075854013563.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9642502.1075854067892.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22688499.1075854130303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "1591", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1591", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "24-4-2000-6:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-6:3:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <1796987.1075854013541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 06:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Meter 1591 has never flowed the entire nom. This meter is has been \nover nominated. It has had a nom of 1.000/day (429.000 total mmbtus) since \n1/28/99 and has flowed only 11.692. Am I correct to say that this meter \nneeds a lower nom? Please let me know if I should look out for a lower nom \nin May. Pat seems to think this may be affecting the P/L for April. We only \nhave estimates/actuals of zero on 4/1 & 4/2. \n\nPlease let me know if this makes sense.\n\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 12:50 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Pat Clynes @ ENRON 04/24/2000 12:43 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift\n\nAimee,\nPlease check meter #1591 Lamay gas lift. It doesn't appear to have very much \nflow and the\nBAV is showing the nom volume. This could be adversely affecting the risk \nnumbers. Pat\n", "Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "1591"], "information", "daren - meter numeric has never flowed the entire nom."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "information", ["flowed", "000", "total"], "information", " it has had a nom of numeric numeric /day ( numeric numeric total mmbtus) since datenumeric and has flowed only numeric numeric ."]], "Daren - Meter 1591 has never flowed the entire nom. This meter is has been \nover nominated. It has had a nom of 1.000/day (429.000 total mmbtus) since \n1/28/99 and has flowed only 11.692. Am I correct to say that this meter \nneeds a lower nom? Please let me know if I should look out for a lower nom \nin May. Pat seems to think this may be affecting the P/L for April. We only \nhave estimates/actuals of zero on 4/1 & 4/2. \n\nPlease let me know if this makes sense.\n\n\n- Aimee\n", "<1796987.1075854013541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "1591", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "1591", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric totalTnn"]}}, true], "25-4-2000-5:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-5:14:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - Have you had a chance to check this out? I know you are busy. At \nleast we can get a head start on May.\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2000 12:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 04/24/2000 01:03 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift\nDaren - Meter 1591 has never flowed the entire nom. This meter is has been \nover nominated. It has had a nom of 1.000/day (429.000 total mmbtus) since \n1/28/99 and has flowed only 11.692. Am I correct to say that this meter \nneeds a lower nom? Please let me know if I should look out for a lower nom \nin May. Pat seems to think this may be affecting the P/L for April. We only \nhave estimates/actuals of zero on 4/1 & 4/2. \nPlease let me know if this makes sense.\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 12:50 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Pat Clynes @ ENRON 04/24/2000 12:43 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift\nAimee,\nPlease check meter #1591 Lamay gas lift. It doesn't appear to have very much \nflow and the\nBAV is showing the nom volume. This could be adversely affecting the risk \nnumbers. Pat\n", ["Meter #1591 Lamay Gas Lift"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1591']}", [["check_break object", 2, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request information", "daren - have you had a chance to check this out?"]], "Daren - Have you had a chance to check this out? I know you are busy. At \nleast we can get a head start on May.\n\n- Aimee\n", ["<22798005.1075854013299.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15918829.1075854068146.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6195446.1075854130440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-4-2000-6:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-6:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "I've changed the deal to 1 for the rest of this month and for May.\nd\n Aimee Lannou 04/25/2000 12:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter #1591 Lamay Gas Lift\nDaren - Have you had a chance to check this out? I know you are busy. At \nleast we can get a head start on May.\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2000 12:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 04/24/2000 01:03 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift\nDaren - Meter 1591 has never flowed the entire nom. This meter is has been \nover nominated. It has had a nom of 1.000/day (429.000 total mmbtus) since \n1/28/99 and has flowed only 11.692. Am I correct to say that this meter \nneeds a lower nom? Please let me know if I should look out for a lower nom \nin May. Pat seems to think this may be affecting the P/L for April. We only \nhave estimates/actuals of zero on 4/1 & 4/2. \nPlease let me know if this makes sense.\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 12:50 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Pat Clynes @ ENRON 04/24/2000 12:43 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #1591 Lamay Gaslift\nAimee,\nPlease check meter #1591 Lamay gas lift. It doesn't appear to have very much \nflow and the\nBAV is showing the nom volume. This could be adversely affecting the risk \nnumbers. Pat\n", ["Re: Meter #1591 Lamay Gas Lift"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1591']}", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["changed", "deal", "1"], "information", "i've changed the deal to numeric for the rest of this month and for may."]], "I've changed the deal to 1 for the rest of this month and for May.\n\nd\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 04/25/2000 12:14 PM\n\n", ["<5514728.1075854169337.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14291449.1075854013255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18285134.1075854068168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27463411.1075854156762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric residue_restTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric restTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1591", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}}, true]}, "24-5-2000-9:8:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 24-5-2000-9:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-5-2000-9:8:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["24-5-2000-9:8:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["david.baumbach@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <137407.1075854072019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: gary.hanks@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com\nSubject: MidTex\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Gary A Hanks, Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAfter comparing HPL's numbers with PG&E's numbers I have found a few \ndiscrepancies with the Tufco volumes. \n \n HPL PG&E\n\n5/8 137.500 139.583\n\n5/11 103.750 100.833\n\n5/19 108.333 8.333\n\nDays 8 and 11 have small discrepancies. I got with Carlos on the 5/19 \ndiscrepancy. He checked the numbers sent to him by Tufco. He verified that \nit should be 8.333. I also checked with Steve in Gas Control regarding what \nflowed for Tufco. Steve told me 8.300. I have gone back into MOPS and \ncorrected these volumes. This should impact the UA4 number. Also, this \ndecreases the MidTexas cumulative imbalance. As of 5/23 PG&E owes HPL \n4.649. If you have any questions, please let me know.\n\n-Aimee", "MidTex", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 32, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " i also checked with steve in gas control regarding what flowed for tufco."]], "After comparing HPL's numbers with PG&E's numbers I have found a few \ndiscrepancies with the Tufco volumes. \n \n HPL PG&E\n\n5/8 137.500 139.583\n\n5/11 103.750 100.833\n\n5/19 108.333 8.333\n\nDays 8 and 11 have small discrepancies. I got with Carlos on the 5/19 \ndiscrepancy. He checked the numbers sent to him by Tufco. He verified that \nit should be 8.333. I also checked with Steve in Gas Control regarding what \nflowed for Tufco. Steve told me 8.300. I have gone back into MOPS and \ncorrected these volumes. This should impact the UA4 number. Also, this \ndecreases the MidTexas cumulative imbalance. As of 5/23 PG&E owes HPL \n4.649. If you have any questions, please let me know.\n\n-Aimee", "<137407.1075854072019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"control gasTnn": {"value": "control gasTnn", "ne": "control gasTnn", "patterns": ["control gasTnn"]}}, false], "24-5-2000-9:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-5-2000-9:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16744097.1075854168614.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: ami.chokshi@enron.com\nSubject: MidTex\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Ami Chokshi\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 05/24/2000 \n04:10 PM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/24/2000 04:08 PM\n\nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: MidTex\n\nAfter comparing HPL's numbers with PG&E's numbers I have found a few \ndiscrepancies with the Tufco volumes. \n \n HPL PG&E\n\n5/8 137.500 139.583\n\n5/11 103.750 100.833\n\n5/19 108.333 8.333\n\nDays 8 and 11 have small discrepancies. I got with Carlos on the 5/19 \ndiscrepancy. He checked the numbers sent to him by Tufco. He verified that \nit should be 8.333. I also checked with Steve in Gas Control regarding what \nflowed for Tufco. Steve told me 8.300. I have gone back into MOPS and \ncorrected these volumes. This should impact the UA4 number. Also, this \ndecreases the MidTexas cumulative imbalance. As of 5/23 PG&E owes HPL \n4.649. If you have any questions, please let me know.\n\n-Aimee\n", "MidTex", "forward", [], "", "<16744097.1075854168614.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "10-10-2000-10:34:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 16-10-2000-6:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-12-2000-8:27:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com 12-12-2000-4:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2000-5:44:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": {"10-10-2000-10:34:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-10:34:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com"], ["fred.boas@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <13108998.1075853978857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 10:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: liz.bellamy@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 0074\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, fred.boas@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, fred.boas@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Liz Bellamy, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Fred Boas\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLiz or Stacey - There is flow at meter 74 on 9/14 (499 dth). The deal for \nthis meter (400289) did not start until 9/15. Could one of you extend the \ndeal for this? I would be greatly appreciated.\n\nAimee", "Meter 0074", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meter", "74"], "information", "personname or stacey - there is flow at meter numeric on datenumeric ( numeric dth)."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could one of you extend the deal for this?"]], "Liz or Stacey - There is flow at meter 74 on 9/14 (499 dth). The deal for \nthis meter (400289) did not start until 9/15. Could one of you extend the \ndeal for this? I would be greatly appreciated.\n\nAimee", "<13108998.1075853978857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "400289", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "499", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["dth numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "0074", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "16-10-2000-6:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-6:22:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "liz.bellamy@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31687494.1075854164150.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 06:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: liz.bellamy@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 0074\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Liz Bellamy, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHas this been resolved?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 10/16/2000 \n01:20 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 10/10/2000 05:34 PM\n\nTo: Liz Bellamy/NA/Enron@Enron, Stacey Neuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 0074\n\nLiz or Stacey - There is flow at meter 74 on 9/14 (499 dth). The deal for \nthis meter (400289) did not start until 9/15. Could one of you extend the \ndeal for this? I would be greatly appreciated.\n\nAimee\n", "Meter 0074", "forward", [], "Has this been resolved?\n\nD\n", "<31687494.1075854164150.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "11-12-2000-8:27:0Sclem.cernosek@enron.com": ["11-12-2000-8:27:0", "clem.cernosek@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], "Daren\nDuring the period of 1/1/99 to 9/30/2000, the above meter has recorded flow \non the following days:\n Days Mmbtus\n 11/12/99 (58)\n 12/23/99 (133)\n 2/1/00 (463)\n 2/2/00 (463)\n 2/3/00 (463)\n 2/4/00 (463)\n 2/5/00 (463)\n 2/6/00 (463)\n 2/7/00 (463)\n 2/8/00 (463)\n 2/9/00 (463)\n 2/10/00 (463)\n 2/11/00 (463)\n 2/12/00 (463)\n 2/13/00 (463)\n 2/14/00 (463)\n 2/15/00 (464)\n 2/16/00 (463)\n 2/17/00 (463)\n 2/18/00 (463) \n 2/19/00 (463)\n 2/20/00 (463)\n 2/21/00 (463)\n 2/22/00 (463)\n 2/23/00 (463)\n 2/24/00 (463)\n 2/25/00 (463)\n 2/26/00 (463)\n 2/27/00 (463)\n 2/28/00 (463)\n 2/29/00 (464)\n 6/28/00 78\n 9/14/00 499 \n (13,043) \nCurrently, these volumes are being booked to HPL Strangers Gas Contract. \nLogistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas.\nIf you have any questions, please contact Aimee Lannou @ X-30506.\nThanks, Clem\nPS: \n \n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas", ["HPL Meter #980074 Bammel HPL D/P to Transco"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '0074']}", [], "Daren\n\nDuring the period of 1/1/99 to 9/30/2000, the above meter has recorded flow \non the following days:\n\n Days Mmbtus\n\n 11/12/99 (58)\n 12/23/99 (133)\n 2/1/00 (463)\n 2/2/00 (463)\n 2/3/00 (463)\n 2/4/00 (463)\n 2/5/00 (463)\n 2/6/00 (463)\n 2/7/00 (463)\n 2/8/00 (463)\n 2/9/00 (463)\n 2/10/00 (463)\n 2/11/00 (463)\n 2/12/00 (463)\n 2/13/00 (463)\n 2/14/00 (463)\n 2/15/00 (464)\n 2/16/00 (463)\n 2/17/00 (463)\n 2/18/00 (463) \n 2/19/00 (463)\n 2/20/00 (463)\n 2/21/00 (463)\n 2/22/00 (463)\n 2/23/00 (463)\n 2/24/00 (463)\n 2/25/00 (463)\n 2/26/00 (463)\n 2/27/00 (463)\n 2/28/00 (463)\n 2/29/00 (464)\n 6/28/00 78\n 9/14/00 499 \n\n (13,043) \n\nCurrently, these volumes are being booked to HPL Strangers Gas Contract. \nLogistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas.\nIf you have any questions, please contact Aimee Lannou @ X-30506.\n\nThanks, Clem\n\nPS: \n \n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas", ["<8051074.1075853967135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7523843.1075854111160.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5323810.1075854316513.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26628196.1075854141986.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"39": {"value": "13,043", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-4:35:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-4:35:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["clem.cernosek@enron.com"], [], "What was going on in Feb? \nD\nClem Cernosek\n12/11/2000 04:27 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: HPL Meter #980074 Bammel HPL D/P to Transco\nDaren\nDuring the period of 1/1/99 to 9/30/2000, the above meter has recorded flow \non the following days:\n Days Mmbtus\n 11/12/99 (58)\n 12/23/99 (133)\n 2/1/00 (463)\n 2/2/00 (463)\n 2/3/00 (463)\n 2/4/00 (463)\n 2/5/00 (463)\n 2/6/00 (463)\n 2/7/00 (463)\n 2/8/00 (463)\n 2/9/00 (463)\n 2/10/00 (463)\n 2/11/00 (463)\n 2/12/00 (463)\n 2/13/00 (463)\n 2/14/00 (463)\n 2/15/00 (464)\n 2/16/00 (463)\n 2/17/00 (463)\n 2/18/00 (463) \n 2/19/00 (463)\n 2/20/00 (463)\n 2/21/00 (463)\n 2/22/00 (463)\n 2/23/00 (463)\n 2/24/00 (463)\n 2/25/00 (463)\n 2/26/00 (463)\n 2/27/00 (463)\n 2/28/00 (463)\n 2/29/00 (464)\n 6/28/00 78\n 9/14/00 499 \n (13,043) \nCurrently, these volumes are being booked to HPL Strangers Gas Contract. \nLogistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas.\nIf you have any questions, please contact Aimee Lannou @ X-30506.\nThanks, Clem\nPS: \n \n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas\n", ["Re: HPL Meter #980074 Bammel HPL D/P to Transco"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '0074']}", [], "What was going on in Feb? \n\nD\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/11/2000 04:27 PM\n", ["<30893166.1075854162093.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30335947.1075853966898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20132209.1075854111183.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27291136.1075854149543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2000-5:44:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-5:44:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com"], [], "Daren - What happened in Feb. was that Transco had allocated a different \namount other than our measurement. I had been working with Fred on getting \nsome allocations resolved for several different months. Transco told us they \nwould not go back and reallocate due to the statute of limitations (6 \nmonths). February had a significant amount not allocated. We just need a \ndeal set up so we can write these volumes off. Let me know if you have any \nmore questions.\nAim\nClem Cernosek\n12/12/2000 01:09 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: HPL Meter #980074 Bammel HPL D/P to Transco\nPlease response.\nThanks, Clem\n---------------------- Forwarded by Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 01:13 \nPM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n12/12/2000 12:35 PM\nTo: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: HPL Meter #980074 Bammel HPL D/P to Transco \nWhat was going on in Feb? \nD\nClem Cernosek\n12/11/2000 04:27 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: HPL Meter #980074 Bammel HPL D/P to Transco\nDaren\nDuring the period of 1/1/99 to 9/30/2000, the above meter has recorded flow \non the following days:\n Days Mmbtus\n 11/12/99 (58)\n 12/23/99 (133)\n 2/1/00 (463)\n 2/2/00 (463)\n 2/3/00 (463)\n 2/4/00 (463)\n 2/5/00 (463)\n 2/6/00 (463)\n 2/7/00 (463)\n 2/8/00 (463)\n 2/9/00 (463)\n 2/10/00 (463)\n 2/11/00 (463)\n 2/12/00 (463)\n 2/13/00 (463)\n 2/14/00 (463)\n 2/15/00 (464)\n 2/16/00 (463)\n 2/17/00 (463)\n 2/18/00 (463) \n 2/19/00 (463)\n 2/20/00 (463)\n 2/21/00 (463)\n 2/22/00 (463)\n 2/23/00 (463)\n 2/24/00 (463)\n 2/25/00 (463)\n 2/26/00 (463)\n 2/27/00 (463)\n 2/28/00 (463)\n 2/29/00 (464)\n 6/28/00 78\n 9/14/00 499 \n (13,043) \nCurrently, these volumes are being booked to HPL Strangers Gas Contract. \nLogistics needs approval to writeoff these volumes to Unaccounted for Gas.\nIf you have any questions, please contact Aimee Lannou @ X-30506.\nThanks, Clem\nPS: \n \n APPROVAL to Writeoff the volumes to Unaccounted for Gas\n", ["Re: HPL Meter #980074 Bammel HPL D/P to Transco"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '0074']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 21, "information", ["deal", "set"], "information", " we just need a deal set up so we can write these volumes off."]], "Daren - What happened in Feb. was that Transco had allocated a different \namount other than our measurement. I had been working with Fred on getting \nsome allocations resolved for several different months. Transco told us they \nwould not go back and reallocate due to the statute of limitations (6 \nmonths). February had a significant amount not allocated. We just need a \ndeal set up so we can write these volumes off. Let me know if you have any \nmore questions.\n\nAim\n\n\n\n\n\nClem Cernosek\n12/12/2000 01:09 PM\n", ["<2234509.1075853966854.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4067168.1075854316557.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17021369.1075854141964.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "980074", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "14-3-2001-3:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-3-2001-4:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 14-3-2001-15:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-0:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 15-3-2001-4:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 15-3-2001-11:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com 15-3-2001-15:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"14-3-2001-3:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-3:3:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <21149757.1075854302959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 03:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Industrials\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\n\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\n\n\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\n\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\n\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: deal 34342", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "343421"], "intention", "daren - thu has asked if i can extend deal numeric thru feb."], ["expire deal", 12, "information", ["deal", "expiring"], "information", " it is for orgname it looks like it is a term deal expiring jan."]], "Daren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n", "<21149757.1075854302959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "343421", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-4:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-4:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4174966.1075854335309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 04:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\n\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\n\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\n\n\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\n\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\n\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: deal 34342", "reply", [["schedule volume", 5, "information", ["mtr", "7,000", "scheduled"], "information", " orgname had only numeric /day scheduled at mtr numeric in feb."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 12, "information", ["see", "pops"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 19, "nninformation", ["allocated", "buyback", "shortages", "ticket"], "intention", " so, we should not need a buyback for orgname any shortages should be allocated to the hpl ticket."]], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\n", "<4174966.1075854335309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "7,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-3-2001-15:30:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-15:30:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["schedule volume", 5, "information", ["mtr", "7,000", "scheduled"], "information", " orgname had only numeric /day scheduled at mtr numeric in feb."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 11, "information", ["see", "pops"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 12, "information", ["flow", "18,000", "volumes"], "information", " in reviewing the daily volumes in pops, i didn't see any days with flow under numeric ."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["allocated", "buyback", "shortages", "ticket"], "intention", " so, we should not need a buyback for orgname any shortages should be allocated to the hpl ticket."]], "We have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\n", ["<16847489.1075840439082.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1552543.1075845123405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "586534", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "7,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "pop volumeTnn": {"value": "pop volumeTnn", "ne": "pop volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pop volumeTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-0:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-0:50:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22492954.1075854194593.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 00:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Thu T Nguyen\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \n\nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 \nPM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\n\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\n\nDaren's response.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\n\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \n\nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\n\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\n\n\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nAimee,\n\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\n\nThu\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\n\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \n\nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\n\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: deal 34342", "forward", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "make"], "intention", "daren, i am trying to make up the gas for orgname deals on meter numeric , numeric , (deals numeric , numeric , numeric , numeric )."]], "Daren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \n\nThu\n", "<22492954.1075854194593.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "1062", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "1552,8024", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-4:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-4:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["thu.nguyen@enron.com"], [], "Thu, \nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 \nas an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the \nEquistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\nD\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals \n240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I \nhave the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas \nat meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can \nachieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 \nPM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 \nPM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at \nmtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any \ndays with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any \nshortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her \nI didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like \nit is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA \ndeal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep \nthe ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there \nlast month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there \nis another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. \nWhich meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If \nyou can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n \n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "675086"], "information", " i created deal numeric as an orgname buyback."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 10, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " however, after you have allocated the volume between the orgname plants, please get with lee and have him look over everything."]], "Thu, \n\nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 \nas an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the \nEquistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<11500100.1075854335266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12972041.1075854194385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29818880.1075854295166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11253815.1075854325290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "675086", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-11:50:0Sthu.nguyen@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-11:50:0", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 PM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "make"], "intention", "daren, i am trying to make up the gas for orgname deals on meter numeric , numeric , (deals numeric , numeric , numeric , numeric )."]], "Daren,\n\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \n\nThu\n", ["<711141.1075845126608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"8": {"value": "1062", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "1552,8024", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "15-3-2001-15:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-3-2001-15:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["thu.nguyen@enron.com"], [], "Thu, \nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 as an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the Equistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\nD\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM \n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren,\nI am trying to make up the gas for ENA deals on meter 1552,8024,1062, (deals 240061, 378904, 394489, 487588). Per Anita, these need to be kept whole. I have the option of a buyback or swing on 1373....but, there is not enough gas at meter 1373 to do this. Please let me know if there is another way I can achieve this. \nThu\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 01:11 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren's response.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 12:36 PM ---------------------------\nDaren J Farmer\n03/14/2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWe have a buyback under HPL (#586534). ENA had only 7,000/day scheduled at mtr 1373 in Feb. In reviewing the daily volumes in POPS, I didn't see any days with flow under 18,000. So, we should not need a buyback for ENA. Any shortages should be allocated to the HPL ticket.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 11:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342\nDaren - Thu has asked if I can extend deal 343421 thru Feb. '01. I told her I didn't have the authority to do this. It is for Equistar. It looks like it is a term deal expiring Jan. '01. She wants it added to keep the ENA deal whole. What do you suggest? \nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 10:58 AM ---------------------------\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nThis is the deal for Equistar. There is not enough gas at meter 1373 to keep the ENA deal whole. I need this deal to create buyback. This was out there last month and Anita told me to get the deal extended. Let me know if there is another way.\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nWhy do you need it extended? This deal may not be able to get extended. Which meter are you having problems with?\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nAimee,\nI am so sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me. The deal is 343421. If you can't extend this deal please let me know. Thanks\nThu\nAimee Lannou 03/14/2001 07:59 AM\nTo: Thu T Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Re: deal 34342 \nI don't have access to this ticket. It is an IM Canada ticket.\n \n From: Thu T Nguyen 03/13/2001 05:45 PM \n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: deal 34342\nAimee, please extend the deal above to Feb 01.\n\n\n\n\n", ["Re: deal 34342"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['deal', '34342']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "675086"], "information", " i created deal numeric as an orgname buyback."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 9, "information", ["allocated", "volume"], "information", " however, after you have allocated the volume between the orgname plants, please get with lee and have him look over everything."]], "Thu, \n\nI talked with Lee Papyoti about the Equistar buybacks. I created deal 675086 as an ENA buyback. However, after you have allocated the volume between the Equistar plants, please get with Lee and have him look over everything.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 03/15/2001 08:50 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", ["<26619130.1075840439128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19476534.1075845123359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "675086", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "34342", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "27-9-2000-4:19:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 3-10-2000-6:21:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 12-12-2000-0:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 12-12-2000-3:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-12-2000-3:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 5-1-2001-2:37:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 5-1-2001-3:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 6-3-2001-10:6:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 7-3-2001-2:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"27-9-2000-4:19:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-4:19:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Daren - Meter 1603 for September has a nom of 260.000 thru 9/26. The flow is \n328.817, a difference of 68.817. Sitara does not show who the trader is for \nthis meter. The price is Houston Ship +.02. Should the nom be increased?\nAL", ["Meter 1603"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1603']}", [["show deal", 12, "information", ["show", "meter"], "information", " sitara does not show who the trader is for this meter."]], "Daren - Meter 1603 for September has a nom of 260.000 thru 9/26. The flow is \n328.817, a difference of 68.817. Sitara does not show who the trader is for \nthis meter. The price is Houston Ship +.02. Should the nom be increased?\n\nAL", ["<7246365.1075853981485.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12693214.1075854097839.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20358319.1075854138766.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "1603", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "3-10-2000-6:21:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["3-10-2000-6:21:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], "FYI - meter 1603 has a total flow of 48.667 on a total nom of 40.000. Deal # \n380664. \nAL", ["Meter 1603 - 10/1-10/2"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1603']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1603"], "information", "fyi - meter numeric has a total flow of numeric numeric on a total nom of numeric numeric ."]], "FYI - meter 1603 has a total flow of 48.667 on a total nom of 40.000. Deal # \n380664. \n\nAL", ["<12799130.1075853980095.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19316211.1075854099180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21386854.1075854185650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "380664", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1603", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["fyi meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn", "numeric totalTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1603", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "667", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric totalTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-0:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-0:43:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12695941.1075853967113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 00:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Nov 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - I have flow at one meter with no nom in November and overflow on Dec. \n1. \n\n Meter last deal # last month of activity counterparty \n\n 1351 274772 Oct 00 Williams Terminals Holdings \n\n\n 1603 380664 Nov 00 Hilcorp Energy (overflow from Nov)\n\nPlease let me know if you create a deal for meter 1351 and if you extend the \ndeal for meter 1603.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee ", "Nov 00", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 1, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "daren - i have flow at one meter with no nom in november and overflow on dec."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 21, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " meter last deal # last month of activity counterparty numeric phonenumber numeric datenumeric orgname terminals holdings numeric phonenumber numeric datenumeric orgname energy (overflow from nov) please let me know if you create a deal for meter numeric and if you extend the deal for meter numeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 25, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "meter", "1351"], "request", " meter last deal # last month of activity counterparty numeric phonenumber numeric datenumeric orgname terminals holdings numeric phonenumber numeric datenumeric orgname energy (overflow from nov) please let me know if you create a deal for meter numeric and if you extend the deal for meter numeric ."]], "Daren - I have flow at one meter with no nom in November and overflow on Dec. \n1. \n\n Meter last deal # last month of activity counterparty \n\n 1351 274772 Oct 00 Williams Terminals Holdings \n\n\n 1603 380664 Nov 00 Hilcorp Energy (overflow from Nov)\n\nPlease let me know if you create a deal for meter 1351 and if you extend the \ndeal for meter 1603.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee ", "<12695941.1075853967113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"24": {"value": "1351", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "1603", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "64", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}}, true], "12-12-2000-3:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-3:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24426916.1075854162136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 03:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Nov 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have rolled the Hilcorp deal. I will get Gary to look into the Williams \ndeal.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 12/12/2000 08:43 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Nov 00\n\nDaren - I have flow at one meter with no nom in November and overflow on Dec. \n1. \n\n Meter last deal # last month of activity counterparty \n\n 1351 274772 Oct 00 Williams Terminals Holdings \n\n\n 1603 380664 Nov 00 Hilcorp Energy (overflow from Nov)\n\nPlease let me know if you create a deal for meter 1351 and if you extend the \ndeal for meter 1603.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee \n\n", "Re: Nov 00", "reply", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 0, "information", ["deal", "rolled"], "information", "i have rolled the orgname deal."]], "I have rolled the Hilcorp deal. I will get Gary to look into the Williams \ndeal.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 12/12/2000 08:43 AM\n\n", "<24426916.1075854162136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "12-12-2000-3:56:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-3:56:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <165162.1075854162114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 03:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Nov 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nGary, \n\nThe deal with Williams Terminals expired in Oct. However, about 3,800 flowed \nfor Nov. Do you need to renegotiate this deal for Nov. Or, do we roll it \nunder the terminated k? What do think about Dec?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 12/12/2000 08:43 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Nov 00\n\nDaren - I have flow at one meter with no nom in November and overflow on Dec. \n1. \n\n Meter last deal # last month of activity counterparty \n\n 1351 274772 Oct 00 Williams Terminals Holdings \n\n\n 1603 380664 Nov 00 Hilcorp Energy (overflow from Nov)\n\nPlease let me know if you create a deal for meter 1351 and if you extend the \ndeal for meter 1603.\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee \n", "Nov 00", "forward", [["expire deal", 4, "information", ["deal", "expired"], "information", "gary, the deal with orgname terminals expired in oct."]], "Gary, \n\nThe deal with Williams Terminals expired in Oct. However, about 3,800 flowed \nfor Nov. Do you need to renegotiate this deal for Nov. Or, do we roll it \nunder the terminated k? What do think about Dec?\n\nD\n", "<165162.1075854162114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "5-1-2001-2:37:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-2:37:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com"], "Daren - There was flow at meter 1351 for Dec 2000. It flowed every day, with \nan average flow of 151/day. The last deal associated with this meter was \n274772 in October '00. It also flowed in November with no nom, it is \ncurrently on stranger's gas. Can you please take a look at this? Thanks.\nAimee", ["Dec 2000 - meter 1351"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1351']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1351"], "information", "daren - there was flow at meter numeric for datenumeric numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["average", "flowed"], "information", " it flowed every day, with an average flow of numeric /day."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 17, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " it also flowed in november with no nom, it is currently on stranger's gas."]], "Daren - There was flow at meter 1351 for Dec 2000. It flowed every day, with \nan average flow of 151/day. The last deal associated with this meter was \n274772 in October '00. It also flowed in November with no nom, it is \ncurrently on stranger's gas. Can you please take a look at this? Thanks.\n\nAimee", ["<14070132.1075854206960.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26907625.1075854283310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31701596.1075854318094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "274772", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "1351", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "5-1-2001-3:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-3:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["julie.meyers@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com"], "I have created deal 559843 to cover the flow for Nov 1 thru Jan 31. This \ndeal will probably be handled month-to-month from here on out.\nD\nAimee Lannou 01/05/2001 10:37 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Dec 2000 - meter 1351\nDaren - There was flow at meter 1351 for Dec 2000. It flowed every day, with \nan average flow of 151/day. The last deal associated with this meter was \n274772 in October '00. It also flowed in November with no nom, it is \ncurrently on stranger's gas. Can you please take a look at this? Thanks.\nAimee\n", ["Re: Dec 2000 - meter 1351"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1351']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deal", "559843"], "information", "i have created deal numeric to cover the flow for datenumeric thru datenumeric ."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 6, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "559843"], "intention", "i have created deal numeric to cover the flow for datenumeric thru datenumeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "i have created deal numeric to cover the flow for datenumeric thru datenumeric ."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "nninformation", ["handled", "deal"], "intention", " this deal will probably be handled month-to-month from here on out."]], "I have created deal 559843 to cover the flow for Nov 1 thru Jan 31. This \ndeal will probably be handled month-to-month from here on out.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/05/2001 10:37 AM\n\n", ["<20828786.1075854337451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10083028.1075854206868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23380612.1075854283333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9865644.1075854327462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "559843", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "6-3-2001-10:6:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-10:6:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["juliann.kemp@enron.com"], "Daren - Meter 1351 has flow everyday for Feb. '01. The last deal associated \nwith this meter was 559843 in Jan. '01. Let me know if you extend the deal \nor create a new one. This meter has an average daily flow of 102.\nThanks.\nAL", ["Meter 1351 - Feb 01"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1351']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter", "1351"], "information", "daren - meter numeric has flow everyday for feb."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 15, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " let me know if you extend the deal or create a new one."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 17, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " let me know if you extend the deal or create a new one."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 20, "information", ["average", "flow"], "information", " this meter has an average daily flow of numeric ."]], "Daren - Meter 1351 has flow everyday for Feb. '01. The last deal associated \nwith this meter was 559843 in Jan. '01. Let me know if you extend the deal \nor create a new one. This meter has an average daily flow of 102.\n\nThanks.\nAL", ["<32920892.1075854195980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17235805.1075854293847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31645316.1075854319967.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"11": {"value": "559843", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1351", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1351", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "7-3-2001-2:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-2:46:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "I extended deal 559483 through Dec 01.\nD\nAimee Lannou 03/06/2001 06:06 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Juliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject: Meter 1351 - Feb 01\nDaren - Meter 1351 has flow everyday for Feb. '01. The last deal associated \nwith this meter was 559843 in Jan. '01. Let me know if you extend the deal \nor create a new one. This meter has an average daily flow of 102.\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1351 - Feb 01"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1351']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 2, "information", ["deal", "extended", "559483"], "information", "i extended deal numeric through datenumeric ."]], "I extended deal 559483 through Dec 01.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 03/06/2001 06:06 PM\n\n", ["<17236532.1075854335638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13853070.1075854195872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6779858.1075854293870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7221118.1075854325666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "559483", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1351", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "13-9-2000-4:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 13-9-2000-4:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 13-9-2000-6:37:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com 13-9-2000-6:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"13-9-2000-4:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["13-9-2000-4:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19453194.1075853984204.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 04:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - can you get a deal set up for meter 6879 for Sept. 00? There is flow \nfor day 1, it is a 16 day chart. In Aug. there was a deal of 176 on deal # \n133010 for Heatherloch Municipal Utility. Please let me know if enter a \ndeal. Thanks.\n\nAL", "Meter 6879 - Sept. 00", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "meter", "6879", "set"], "request", "daren - can you get a deal set up for meter numeric for sept numeric ?"]], "Daren - can you get a deal set up for meter 6879 for Sept. 00? There is flow \nfor day 1, it is a 16 day chart. In Aug. there was a deal of 176 on deal # \n133010 for Heatherloch Municipal Utility. Please let me know if enter a \ndeal. Thanks.\n\nAL", "<19453194.1075853984204.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "6879", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "176", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "133010", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6879", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-9-2000-4:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-9-2000-4:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3994747.1075854165147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 04:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00\nCc: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Aimee Lannou\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJulie,\n\nPlease review deal 133010. The deal shows evergreen, but nothing rolled to \nSeptember.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/13/2000 \n11:30 AM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 09/13/2000 11:01 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00\n\nDaren - can you get a deal set up for meter 6879 for Sept. 00? There is flow \nfor day 1, it is a 16 day chart. In Aug. there was a deal of 176 on deal # \n133010 for Heatherloch Municipal Utility. Please let me know if enter a \ndeal. Thanks.\n\nAL\n", "Meter 6879 - Sept. 00", "forward", [["show deal", 8, "information", ["deal", "shows"], "information", " the deal shows evergreen, but nothing rolled to "], ["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 10, "information", ["deal", "rolled"], "information", " the deal shows evergreen, but nothing rolled to "]], "Julie,\n\nPlease review deal 133010. The deal shows evergreen, but nothing rolled to \nSeptember.\n\nD\n", "<3994747.1075854165147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "13-9-2000-6:37:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["13-9-2000-6:37:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4726603.1075853984048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 06:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00\nCc: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Aimee Lannou\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThis deal was not put in right. The primary term of the contract goes out to \n9/30/00. There is no evergreen to the contract. The deal will end when the \ncontract ends. Therefore, I have taken the evergreen off, and added \nSeptember to it.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nJulie\n\n\\\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/13/2000 11:33 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00\n\nJulie,\n\nPlease review deal 133010. The deal shows evergreen, but nothing rolled to \nSeptember.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/13/2000 \n11:30 AM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 09/13/2000 11:01 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00\n\nDaren - can you get a deal set up for meter 6879 for Sept. 00? There is flow \nfor day 1, it is a 16 day chart. In Aug. there was a deal of 176 on deal # \n133010 for Heatherloch Municipal Utility. Please let me know if enter a \ndeal. Thanks.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00", "reply", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 4, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", "this deal was not put in right."]], "This deal was not put in right. The primary term of the contract goes out to \n9/30/00. There is no evergreen to the contract. The deal will end when the \ncontract ends. Therefore, I have taken the evergreen off, and added \nSeptember to it.\n\nIf you have any questions, let me know.\n\nJulie\n\n\\\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/13/2000 11:33 AM\n", "<4726603.1075853984048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "13-9-2000-6:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["13-9-2000-6:50:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["liz.bellamy@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/13/2000 \n01:50 PM ---------------------------\nMary Poorman@ENRON\n09/13/2000 12:33 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Hadix/NA/Enron@Enron, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Meter 1550 \nPer Gas Control, this will be down until the 18th.\n", ["Re: Meter 1550", "Re: Meter 6879 - Sept. 00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6879']}", [], "", ["<9630038.1075854165103.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19028457.1075854165124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11811078.1075853983981.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<777255.1075853984004.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4865853.1075854095171.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27901796.1075854095259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22164385.1075854152499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29079478.1075854152520.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "11-5-2000-9:2:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 12-5-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-10-2000-3:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 26-10-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-11-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-11-2000-3:39:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-1-2001-4:52:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-1-2001-6:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-5-2000-9:2:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-9:2:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - The prices Duke is billing us are:\n4/99 at $ 1.5810\n 5/99 at $ 1.9975\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/11/2000 03:58 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Stephanie Gomes 05/11/2000 03:50 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee,\nPrices that Duke invoiced us:\n 4/99 at $ 1.5810\n 5/99 at $ 1.9975\nThanks, Stephanie \n Aimee Lannou 05/11/2000 03:45 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nFred & Stephanie- Meter 6757 has been reallocated.\nStephanie - What price does Duke show we owe them for the months in question?\nFred Boas\n05/11/2000 03:18 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee:\nPlease put the ENA 201 contract at this meter for April and May of 1999 with \nthe Track ID 117848 and reallocate the meter for both months. After this is \ndone please let Stephanie and I know so that she can redraft her invoice the \nnext day after POPS bridges to MOPS. Also with respect to the second issue \nwhere Daren is asking for the price, Stephanie may be able to help you with \nthis because she has a copy of Duke's invoice.\nStephanie:\nThe Crow O'Conner meter is essentially fixed. When Aimee reallocates you \nwill have to wait until the next day to redraft your invoice. When Aimee \ngets back with us please redraft the invoice the next day and let me know if \nthis issue is resolved.\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 02:14 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters \nI have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\nThanks.\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nAimee:\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Meter 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [], "Daren - The prices Duke is billing us are:\n\n4/99 at $ 1.5810\n 5/99 at $ 1.9975\n\nAimee\n\n\n\n", ["<19543637.1075854011286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1398512.1075854070123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21670337.1075854131257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-5-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-5-2000-4:38:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Is this in index related price? ", ["Re: Meter 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [], "Is this in index related price? ", ["<32073432.1075854168940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22331804.1075854011147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16703763.1075854070145.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26363922.1075854156369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-10-2000-3:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-3:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1619783.1075853975396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 03:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n\n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", "meter 6387 & 5192", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meters", "6387"], "information", "daren - there is flow at meters numeric & numeric for oct."]], "Daren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n\n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", "<1619783.1075853975396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "26-10-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-5:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9599573.1075854163734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 05:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\n\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n\n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\n\nThanks.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: meter 6387 & 5192", "reply", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "mtr"], "information", "i created # numeric for the flow at mtr numeric ."]], "I created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\n\n", "<9599573.1075854163734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "1-11-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-2:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Daren - What is the status of meter 6387?\nAL\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192 \nI created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6387']}", [], "Daren - What is the status of meter 6387?\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\n", ["<15430107.1075853974195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1561286.1075854103518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2864402.1075854140073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-11-2000-3:39:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-3:39:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <974030.1075854103540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 03:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJust to let you know, ther is flow for November at meter 5192. \n\nWhat is the status of meter 6387? \n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192 \n\nI created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\n\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n\n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\n\nThanks.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: meter 6387 & 5192", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flow", "meter", "5192"], "information", "just to let you know, ther is flow for november at meter numeric ."]], "Just to let you know, ther is flow for November at meter 5192. \n\nWhat is the status of meter 6387? \n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\n", "<974030.1075854103540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-4:52:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-4:52:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com"], "Daren - meter 6387 for Dec. 00 has flow with no nom. Avg flow is 273/day. \nLast deal associated with this meter was 519467 in Nov. 00 for Duke Energy \nTrading & Mktg. There is also a little bit of flow on 1/1 and 1/2. Please \nlet me know if you create a new deal or extend the current one.\nAL", ["Meter 6387 - Dec 00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6387']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter", "6387"], "information", "daren - meter numeric for datenumeric has flow with no nom."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 18, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " please let me know if you create a new deal or extend the current one."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 20, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " please let me know if you create a new deal or extend the current one."]], "Daren - meter 6387 for Dec. 00 has flow with no nom. Avg flow is 273/day. \nLast deal associated with this meter was 519467 in Nov. 00 for Duke Energy \nTrading & Mktg. There is also a little bit of flow on 1/1 and 1/2. Please \nlet me know if you create a new deal or extend the current one.\n\nAL", ["<22378459.1075854206342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22574600.1075854283978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28773370.1075854318296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"12": {"value": "519467", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "energy meter numeric tradingTnnnn", "energy numeric tradingTnnn", "energy numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-6:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-6:50:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["danny.conner@enron.com"], ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], "Danny, \nWhat do you want to do about this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:49 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/09/2001 12:52 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 6387 - Dec 00\nDaren - meter 6387 for Dec. 00 has flow with no nom. Avg flow is 273/day. \nLast deal associated with this meter was 519467 in Nov. 00 for Duke Energy \nTrading & Mktg. There is also a little bit of flow on 1/1 and 1/2. Please \nlet me know if you create a new deal or extend the current one.\nAL\n", ["Meter 6387 - Dec 00"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '6387']}", [], "Danny, \n\nWhat do you want to do about this?\n\nD\n", ["<7604068.1075854337343.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1053864.1075854206243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1321181.1075854284072.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1757594.1075854327354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "10-1-2000-8:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 11-1-2000-4:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 12-1-2000-2:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-4-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 14-4-2000-5:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 2-1-2001-6:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 2-1-2001-8:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 9-1-2001-6:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 10-1-2001-1:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 10-1-2001-1:23:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 10-1-2001-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-1-2000-8:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2000-8:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["howard.camp@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "At Sweeney (Mtr 1517), for December, 6,000/day was confirmed to the Phillips \nsale. Acutally, we should have nominated a purchase of 4,000 and a sale of \n10,000. The original purchase deal had the incorrect year on the deal date. \nSo, I have created deal 148851. Please reallocate mtr 1517 with these \nchanges; sale of 10,000 on deal 93804, purchase of 4,000 on 148851. If you \nhave any questions, let me know.\nD", ["Phillips Sweeney 12/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93804']}", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 21, "information", ["created", "deal", "148851"], "information", " so, i have created deal numeric ."]], "At Sweeney (Mtr 1517), for December, 6,000/day was confirmed to the Phillips \nsale. Acutally, we should have nominated a purchase of 4,000 and a sale of \n10,000. The original purchase deal had the incorrect year on the deal date. \nSo, I have created deal 148851. Please reallocate mtr 1517 with these \nchanges; sale of 10,000 on deal 93804, purchase of 4,000 on 148851. If you \nhave any questions, let me know.\n\nD", ["<5131595.1075854173617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7832581.1075854035305.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9004777.1075854047855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12515011.1075854161116.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "change meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "change meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "change meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["change meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal incorrect_wrongTnn": {"value": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "ne": "deal incorrect_wrongTnn", "patterns": ["deal incorrect_wrongTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric purchaseTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "148851", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "93804", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "4,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}}, true], "11-1-2000-4:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-4:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "Sherlyn, \nThe base purchase should be brokered with the base sale. Deal 135563 does \nnot replace the basse purchase ticket, it is in addition to that one. On the \ndays where deal 135563 is applicable, the purchases and sale should balance \nout; no flow.\nD\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Phillips Sweeney 12/99 \nDaren,\nIs this a buy/sell? If not what transport contract do I use? I also see a \ndeal 135563 purchasing from Phillips. This new deal is not to replace that \none is it? I just noticed it was for 6000/day.\nThanks.\nDaren J Farmer\n01/10/2000 04:51 PM\nTo: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn \nSchumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Phillips Sweeney 12/99\nAt Sweeney (Mtr 1517), for December, 6,000/day was confirmed to the Phillips \nsale. Acutally, we should have nominated a purchase of 4,000 and a sale of \n10,000. The original purchase deal had the incorrect year on the deal date. \nSo, I have created deal 148851. Please reallocate mtr 1517 with these \nchanges; sale of 10,000 on deal 93804, purchase of 4,000 on 148851. If you \nhave any questions, let me know.\nD\n", ["Re: Phillips Sweeney 12/99"], "{'bodyBDValue': ['deal', '93804']}", [["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["deal", "replace"], "information", " deal numeric does not replace the basse purchase ticket, it is in addition to that one."]], "Sherlyn, \n\nThe base purchase should be brokered with the base sale. Deal 135563 does \nnot replace the basse purchase ticket, it is in addition to that one. On the \ndays where deal 135563 is applicable, the purchases and sale should balance \nout; no flow.\n\nD\n\n\n", ["<24827439.1075854173486.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15678256.1075854035029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25626501.1075854160955.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "135563", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "135563", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, true], "12-1-2000-2:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["12-1-2000-2:0:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com"], [], "Meter 1517, Sweeny Phillips, has been reallocated for 12/99. If you have any \nquestions, let me know.\n- Aimee", ["meter 1517 - 12/99"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "Meter 1517, Sweeny Phillips, has been reallocated for 12/99. If you have any \nquestions, let me know.\n\n- Aimee", ["<30501795.1075854034654.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27852851.1075854048311.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11542234.1075854121359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-4-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-2:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["karen.lindley@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3604630.1075854066992.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 02:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 1517\nCc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Karen Lindley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - I know you have been busy, but I left you a voice mail yesterday \nabout meter 1517. There was flow of 14 mmbtus on Mar. 1. We have no deal at \nthe meter until Mar. 14. Could you either set up a new deal to cover this \nflow or extend the deal from Feb.? February's deal number was 93804. Please \nlet me know today. Allocations close today.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee", "Meter 1517", "originEmail", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["deal", "set"], "request", " could you either set up a new deal to cover this flow or extend the deal from feb."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 17, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " could you either set up a new deal to cover this flow or extend the deal from feb."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 18, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "intention", " could you either set up a new deal to cover this flow or extend the deal from feb."]], "Daren - I know you have been busy, but I left you a voice mail yesterday \nabout meter 1517. There was flow of 14 mmbtus on Mar. 1. We have no deal at \nthe meter until Mar. 14. Could you either set up a new deal to cover this \nflow or extend the deal from Feb.? February's deal number was 93804. Please \nlet me know today. Allocations close today.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee", "<3604630.1075854066992.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "93804", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-4-2000-5:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-5:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "karen.lindley@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30428673.1075854169513.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 05:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 1517\nCc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: karen.lindley@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Karen Lindley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created deal 244531 to cover this flow.\n\nJulie - This is actually volume related to the term deal 93804. Volume \nflowed in March due to timing on changing the meter. Can you attach the term \ncontract to this deal? (I copied the term deal to create the March ticket.)\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 04/14/2000 09:01 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Lindley/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 1517\n\nDaren - I know you have been busy, but I left you a voice mail yesterday \nabout meter 1517. There was flow of 14 mmbtus on Mar. 1. We have no deal at \nthe meter until Mar. 14. Could you either set up a new deal to cover this \nflow or extend the deal from Feb.? February's deal number was 93804. Please \nlet me know today. Allocations close today.\n\nThanks.\n\n- Aimee\n\n", "Re: Meter 1517", "reply", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal", "244531"], "information", "i have created deal numeric to cover this flow."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 5, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "244531"], "intention", "i have created deal numeric to cover this flow."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", "i have created deal numeric to cover this flow."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 13, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", " volume flowed in march due to timing on changing the meter."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 15, "information", ["changing", "volume"], "information", " volume flowed in march due to timing on changing the meter."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 17, "information", ["attach", "term"], "information", " can you attach the term contract to this deal?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 23, "information", ["create", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " (i copied the term deal to create the march ticket."]], "I have created deal 244531 to cover this flow.\n\nJulie - This is actually volume related to the term deal 93804. Volume \nflowed in March due to timing on changing the meter. Can you attach the term \ncontract to this deal? (I copied the term deal to create the March ticket.)\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 04/14/2000 09:01 AM\n\n", "<30428673.1075854169513.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "2-1-2001-6:14:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-6:14:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL", ["Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " could you please extend the deal from dec."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request information", " (deal # numeric ) or create a new one?"]], "Daren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\n\nAL", ["<31284942.1075854207416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26292714.1075854282956.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10076632.1075854317937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"15": {"value": "506192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "2-1-2001-8:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-8:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Gary Lamphier is working on negotiating a price for this.\nD\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "Gary Lamphier is working on negotiating a price for this.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\n\n", ["<29583395.1075854337472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11238902.1075854207303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23334647.1075854282978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19441565.1075854327483.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-1-2001-6:25:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-6:25:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], [], "Gary, \nHave you negotiated a price on this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "Gary, \n\nHave you negotiated a price on this?\n\nD\n", ["<19945847.1075854337385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8845458.1075854206296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11343691.1075854284003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32757687.1075854327397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-1-2001-1:0:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-1:0:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Gary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\nAimee\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \nPhillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nGary, \nHave you negotiated a price on this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["deliver gas", 1, "information", ["deliver", "gas"], "information", "gary - we did not deliver gas to phillips on datenumeric ."]], "Gary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\n\nAimee\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<33351923.1075854206123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11583514.1075854284049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<424669.1075854304314.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-1-2001-1:23:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-1:23:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com"], [], "Daren - After checking with MIPS, you are correct. Jan. 1 only flowed 19 \ndth. The 5882 dth was a bad estimate. A better estimate was received on \n1/7/00.\nSorry about all the confusion.\nAL\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2001 09:14 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:00 AM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \nGary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\nAimee\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \nPhillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nGary, \nHave you negotiated a price on this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [], "Daren - After checking with MIPS, you are correct. Jan. 1 only flowed 19 \ndth. The 5882 dth was a bad estimate. A better estimate was received on \n1/7/00.\nSorry about all the confusion.\n\nAL\n\n", ["<20683269.1075854206099.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11884776.1075854284194.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1655087.1075854304292.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-1-2001-3:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-3:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], ["gary.lamphier@enron.com"], "I have rolled deal 506192 thru 1/1/01, priced at Dec HSC Index -.045.\nD\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:23 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517\nDaren - After checking with MIPS, you are correct. Jan. 1 only flowed 19 \ndth. The 5882 dth was a bad estimate. A better estimate was received on \n1/7/00.\nSorry about all the confusion.\nAL\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2001 09:14 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:00 AM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \nGary - We did not deliver gas to Phillips on Dec. 1. Also, I am not sure if \nthe plant was down, but we did not deliver to them on Dec. 2-4. If you have \nany questions, please let me know.\nAimee\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary W Lamphier 01/10/2001 08:55 AM\n \nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 1517 \nPhillips said we shorted them gas on December 1st so they pulled it on \nJanuary 1. Can we verify that we did not deliver 5,00 on Dec. 1? If that is \nthe case and this was a firm sale, we owe him some gas at Dec Index less \n(.045). Which is bad! Let me know what happened in Dec before I can put \nthis deal out in Jan.\nDaren J Farmer\n01/09/2001 02:25 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nGary, \nHave you negotiated a price on this?\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 01/02/2001 02:14 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 1517\nDaren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0/day for Jan. It flowed about 5.400 on day \n1. This is a valid flow. Could you please extend the deal from Dec. (deal # \n506192) or create a new one? Thanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: Meter 1517"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1517']}", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["deal", "506192", "rolled"], "information", "i have rolled deal numeric thru datenumeric , priced at dec hsc index - numeric ."]], "I have rolled deal 506192 thru 1/1/01, priced at Dec HSC Index -.045.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/10/2001 09:23 AM\n\n", ["<31858009.1075854337282.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20513596.1075854205937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31459464.1075854284217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6074232.1075854327309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "506192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "index priceTnn": {"value": "index priceTnn", "ne": "index priceTnn", "patterns": ["index priceTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1517", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true]}, "12-4-2000-10:20:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com 13-4-2000-5:50:0Sgary.hanks@enron.com 13-4-2000-6:26:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com 26-2-2001-6:50:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 26-2-2001-7:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-4-2000-10:20:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["12-4-2000-10:20:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com"], ["rita.wynne@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com"], " \n Attached is support that indicate gas flowed on a Zero nomination during the \nmonth of March, 2000.\n There is no deal in place to allocate this gas flow.\n \n Please advise me how you want this activity allocated.\n \n \n ", ["Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1225']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " attached is support that indicate gas flowed on a zero nomination during the month of march, numeric ."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deal"], "intention", " there is no deal in place to allocate this gas flow."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 17, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " there is no deal in place to allocate this gas flow."]], " \n Attached is support that indicate gas flowed on a Zero nomination during the \nmonth of March, 2000.\n\n There is no deal in place to allocate this gas flow.\n \n Please advise me how you want this activity allocated.\n \n \n ", ["<10895921.1075854015002.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29752689.1075854066608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33432361.1075854118718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "981225", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-4-2000-5:50:0Sgary.hanks@enron.com": ["13-4-2000-5:50:0", "gary.hanks@enron.com", ["lee.papayoti@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "earl.tisdale@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "gary.anderson@enron.com"], "There was no flow at meter 981225 for the month of March. The HMS technician \ndid contact measurement once to get the volumes zeroed out but apparently he \nwill have to get with them again. I have notified the tech and he is in the \nprocess of doing this.\nThe meter is set on pressure control and the valve is open. Gas Control's \nunderstanding and the field's understanding is that at the time the \nBrandywine deal ended some sort of standby agreement was in place. If this \nis not the case please let me know and we will notify the plant and close the \nvalve.\nRobert, \n In the future if you have meters like this where there is a small flow \nvolume without a nomination in place please check with Earl and myself so we \ncan investigate before we get commercial involved.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2000 12:35 \nPM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 04/12/2000 05:38 PM\nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity\nHow is this meter set up? Why would it have flowed in March? Any ideas? Is \nit on pressure control? If so, what's the set point? I need to know before \nI can go to Oxy and/or DuPont and make a claim ....\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT on 04/12/2000 \n05:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 04/12/2000 05:20 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity\n \n Attached is support that indicate gas flowed on a Zero nomination during the \nmonth of March, 2000.\n There is no deal in place to allocate this gas flow.\n \n Please advise me how you want this activity allocated.\n \n \n \n", ["Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1225']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 17, "information", ["meter", "set"], "information", " the meter is set on pressure control and the valve is open."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 51, "nninformation", ["check", "volume"], "request", " robert, in the future if you have meters like this where there is a small flow volume without a nomination in place please check with earl and myself so we can investigate before we get commercial involved."]], "There was no flow at meter 981225 for the month of March. The HMS technician \ndid contact measurement once to get the volumes zeroed out but apparently he \nwill have to get with them again. I have notified the tech and he is in the \nprocess of doing this.\n\nThe meter is set on pressure control and the valve is open. Gas Control's \nunderstanding and the field's understanding is that at the time the \nBrandywine deal ended some sort of standby agreement was in place. If this \nis not the case please let me know and we will notify the plant and close the \nvalve.\n\nRobert, \n In the future if you have meters like this where there is a small flow \nvolume without a nomination in place please check with Earl and myself so we \ncan investigate before we get commercial involved.\n\nThanks\nGary H\n", ["<12617898.1075854014888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<799763.1075854066743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32274696.1075854118696.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"2": {"value": "981225", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-4-2000-6:26:0Slee.papayoti@enron.com": ["13-4-2000-6:26:0", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", ["gary.hanks@enron.com"], ["james.mckay@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "earl.tisdale@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "gary.anderson@enron.com"], "We no longer have a standby deal with either OxyChem or DuPont/Brandywine, \nthe two counter parties behind the meter,\nI recommend that we close the valve for now. I'll keep you updated.\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Gary A Hanks 04/13/2000 12:50 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary Anderson/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity\nThere was no flow at meter 981225 for the month of March. The HMS technician \ndid contact measurement once to get the volumes zeroed out but apparently he \nwill have to get with them again. I have notified the tech and he is in the \nprocess of doing this.\nThe meter is set on pressure control and the valve is open. Gas Control's \nunderstanding and the field's understanding is that at the time the \nBrandywine deal ended some sort of standby agreement was in place. If this \nis not the case please let me know and we will notify the plant and close the \nvalve.\nRobert, \n In the future if you have meters like this where there is a small flow \nvolume without a nomination in place please check with Earl and myself so we \ncan investigate before we get commercial involved.\nThanks\nGary H\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2000 12:35 \nPM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee L Papayoti on 04/12/2000 05:38 PM\nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity\nHow is this meter set up? Why would it have flowed in March? Any ideas? Is \nit on pressure control? If so, what's the set point? I need to know before \nI can go to Oxy and/or DuPont and make a claim ....\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT on 04/12/2000 \n05:37 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Robert E Lloyd 04/12/2000 05:20 PM\n \nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita \nWynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity\n \n Attached is support that indicate gas flowed on a Zero nomination during the \nmonth of March, 2000.\n There is no deal in place to allocate this gas flow.\n \n Please advise me how you want this activity allocated.\n \n \n \n", ["Re: Brandywine Meter #: 981225 ; March, 2000 Activity"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '1225']}", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 11, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " i'll keep you updated."]], "We no longer have a standby deal with either OxyChem or DuPont/Brandywine, \nthe two counter parties behind the meter,\n\nI recommend that we close the valve for now. I'll keep you updated.\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary A Hanks 04/13/2000 12:50 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<18459039.1075854014842.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19854976.1075854066768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6568263.1075854118673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-2-2001-6:50:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-6:50:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["earl.tisdale@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <22582536.1075854319699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 06:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: earl.tisdale@enron.com\nSubject: Meters with flow and no nom\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Earl Tisdale\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nEarl - I have a meter with flow and no nom. Meter 1225 (Ingleside Plant \nBrandywine) has flow from 2/14 thru 2/25. Are these valid volumes or high \nzeroes? Please let me know what you find out.\n\nAimee", "Meters with flow and no nom", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 1, "information", ["flow", "meters"], "information", "meters with flow and no nom."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "earl - i have a meter with flow and no nom."]], "Earl - I have a meter with flow and no nom. Meter 1225 (Ingleside Plant \nBrandywine) has flow from 2/14 thru 2/25. Are these valid volumes or high \nzeroes? Please let me know what you find out.\n\nAimee", "<22582536.1075854319699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "1225", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-7:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-7:17:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "earl.tisdale@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3883622.1075854335859.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 07:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: earl.tisdale@enron.com\nSubject: Meters with flow and no nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Earl Tisdale\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHigh zeros...? Is that similar to going flatter?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 02/26/2001 \n03:16 PM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 02/26/2001 02:50 PM\n\nTo: Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meters with flow and no nom\n\nEarl - I have a meter with flow and no nom. Meter 1225 (Ingleside Plant \nBrandywine) has flow from 2/14 thru 2/25. Are these valid volumes or high \nzeroes? Please let me know what you find out.\n\nAimee\n", "Meters with flow and no nom", "forward", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 1, "information", ["flow", "meters"], "information", "meters with flow and no nom."]], "High zeros...? Is that similar to going flatter?\n\nD\n", "<3883622.1075854335859.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true]}, "11-5-2000-9:2:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 12-5-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 26-10-2000-3:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 26-10-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 1-11-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-11-2000-3:39:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-1-2001-4:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 9-1-2001-6:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-5-2000-9:2:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-9:2:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Daren - The prices Duke is billing us are:\n4/99 at $ 1.5810\n 5/99 at $ 1.9975\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/11/2000 03:58 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Stephanie Gomes 05/11/2000 03:50 PM\n \nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee,\nPrices that Duke invoiced us:\n 4/99 at $ 1.5810\n 5/99 at $ 1.9975\nThanks, Stephanie \n Aimee Lannou 05/11/2000 03:45 PM\nTo: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nFred & Stephanie- Meter 6757 has been reallocated.\nStephanie - What price does Duke show we owe them for the months in question?\nFred Boas\n05/11/2000 03:18 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Crow O'Connor Meter 6757 \nAimee:\nPlease put the ENA 201 contract at this meter for April and May of 1999 with \nthe Track ID 117848 and reallocate the meter for both months. After this is \ndone please let Stephanie and I know so that she can redraft her invoice the \nnext day after POPS bridges to MOPS. Also with respect to the second issue \nwhere Daren is asking for the price, Stephanie may be able to help you with \nthis because she has a copy of Duke's invoice.\nStephanie:\nThe Crow O'Conner meter is essentially fixed. When Aimee reallocates you \nwill have to wait until the next day to redraft your invoice. When Aimee \ngets back with us please redraft the invoice the next day and let me know if \nthis issue is resolved.\nFred\nDaren J Farmer\n05/11/2000 02:14 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters \nI have created deal 266962 for the volumes at mtr 6757.\nWhat price is Duke reporting for the mtr 5192 volumes? The only activity \nwe've had out there is payback with Koch.\nD\n Aimee Lannou 05/09/2000 03:30 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Have you had a chance to look at this?\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2000 03:26 \nPM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 05/04/2000 03:26 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\nThanks.\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nAimee:\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\nThanks,\nFred\n", ["Meter 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [], "Daren - The prices Duke is billing us are:\n\n4/99 at $ 1.5810\n 5/99 at $ 1.9975\n\nAimee\n\n\n\n", ["<19543637.1075854011286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1398512.1075854070123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21670337.1075854131257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-5-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-5-2000-4:38:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "Is this in index related price? ", ["Re: Meter 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [], "Is this in index related price? ", ["<32073432.1075854168940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22331804.1075854011147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16703763.1075854070145.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26363922.1075854156369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-10-2000-3:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-3:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Daren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL", ["meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 4, "information", ["flow", "meters", "6387"], "information", "daren - there is flow at meters numeric & numeric for oct."]], "Daren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n\n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", ["<1619783.1075853975396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24340228.1075854103474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3254478.1075854139829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy meter numeric tradingTnnnn", "energy numeric tradingTnnn", "energy numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "201", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numeric tradingTnnn", "energy numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-10-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-5:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", ["aimee.lannou@enron.com"], [], "I created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "mtr"], "information", "i created # numeric for the flow at mtr numeric ."]], "I created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\n\n", ["<9599573.1075854163734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24383787.1075853975309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24133250.1075854103496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5517733.1075854151139.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "454057", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "1-11-2000-2:1:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-2:1:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Daren - What is the status of meter 6387?\nAL\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192 \nI created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [], "Daren - What is the status of meter 6387?\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\n", ["<15430107.1075853974195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1561286.1075854103518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2864402.1075854140073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-11-2000-3:39:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-3:39:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["pat.clynes@enron.com"], "Just to let you know, ther is flow for November at meter 5192. \nWhat is the status of meter 6387? \nAimee\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: meter 6387 & 5192 \nI created #454057 for the flow at Mtr 5192. Canny Conner is looking into mtr \n6387. I will let you know when he determines what we will be doing.\nD\nAimee Lannou 10/26/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: meter 6387 & 5192\nDaren - There is flow at meters 6387 & 5192 for Oct. without a nom.\n \n Deal contract Last month of activity Counterparty\n Meter 6387 133179 HPL 215 Sept. 00 Duke Energy Trading \n Meter 5192 269123 ENA 201 Nov. 99 Duke Energy Trading\nThanks.\nAL\n", ["Re: meter 6387 & 5192"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['meter', '5192']}", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flow", "meter", "5192"], "information", "just to let you know, ther is flow for november at meter numeric ."]], "Just to let you know, ther is flow for November at meter 5192. \n\nWhat is the status of meter 6387? \n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n10/26/2000 12:52 PM\n", ["<24203389.1075853972452.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<974030.1075854103540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20236292.1075854140581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"1": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "6387", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-4:43:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-4:43:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], ["edward.terry@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9326648.1075854283933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 04:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Dec 00\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - meter 5192 flowed 8 dth on 12/19, 33 dth on 12/20 and 2 dth on \n12/29. The last deal for this meter was 454057 in Nov 00. Could you please \nextend this deal for these 3 days or create a new one? Please let me know.\n\nAL", "Dec 00", "originEmail", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "5192"], "information", "daren - meter numeric flowed numeric dth on datenumeric , numeric dth on datenumeric and numeric dth on datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend", "3"], "request", " could you please extend this deal for these numeric days or create a new one?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " could you please extend this deal for these numeric days or create a new one?"]], "Daren - meter 5192 flowed 8 dth on 12/19, 33 dth on 12/20 and 2 dth on \n12/29. The last deal for this meter was 454057 in Nov 00. Could you please \nextend this deal for these 3 days or create a new one? Please let me know.\n\nAL", "<9326648.1075854283933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "454057", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["dth numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "33", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["dth numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["dth numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, true], "9-1-2001-6:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-6:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26296505.1075854337364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 06:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Dec 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI extended 454057 for the month of December.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/09/2001 12:43 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Dec 00\n\nDaren - meter 5192 flowed 8 dth on 12/19, 33 dth on 12/20 and 2 dth on \n12/29. The last deal for this meter was 454057 in Nov 00. Could you please \nextend this deal for these 3 days or create a new one? Please let me know.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: Dec 00", "reply", [], "I extended 454057 for the month of December.\n\nD\n\n\nAimee Lannou 01/09/2001 12:43 PM\n\n", "<26296505.1075854337364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "21-6-2000-4:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 21-6-2000-4:6:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com 21-6-2000-8:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com 22-6-2000-1:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": {"21-6-2000-4:3:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-4:3:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", ["daren.farmer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <24908151.1075854133953.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 04:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HL&P\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Pat gave me a a spreadsheet showing what should be allocated to \nGreens Bayou. I checked the deal ticket (286824) and it ends on 6/17. There \nis still two more days that need to be reallocated. Please let me know if \nyou can extend this deal or create a new one.\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", "HL&P", "originEmail", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 16, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "intention", " please let me know if you can extend this deal or create a new one."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 18, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "request", " please let me know if you can extend this deal or create a new one."]], "Daren - Pat gave me a a spreadsheet showing what should be allocated to \nGreens Bayou. I checked the deal ticket (286824) and it ends on 6/17. There \nis still two more days that need to be reallocated. Please let me know if \nyou can extend this deal or create a new one.\n\nThanks.\n\nAL", "<24908151.1075854133953.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "21-6-2000-4:6:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-4:6:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17615308.1075854002518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 04:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: HL&P\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - also, the deal might include San Jac(meter 1554) so the ENA can be \nkept whole.\n\nAL \n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 06/21/2000 11:02 \nAM ---------------------------\n Aimee Lannou 06/21/2000 11:03 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: HL&P\n\nDaren - Pat gave me a a spreadsheet showing what should be allocated to \nGreens Bayou. I checked the deal ticket (286824) and it ends on 6/17. There \nis still two more days that need to be reallocated. Please let me know if \nyou can extend this deal or create a new one.\n\nThanks.\n\nAL\n", "HL&P", "forward", [], "Daren - also, the deal might include San Jac(meter 1554) so the ENA can be \nkept whole.\n\nAL \n", "<17615308.1075854002518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "1554", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false], "21-6-2000-8:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-8:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23194016.1075854167579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 08:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HL&P\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI extended the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 06/21/2000 11:03 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: HL&P\n\nDaren - Pat gave me a a spreadsheet showing what should be allocated to \nGreens Bayou. I checked the deal ticket (286824) and it ends on 6/17. There \nis still two more days that need to be reallocated. Please let me know if \nyou can extend this deal or create a new one.\n\nThanks.\n\nAL\n\n", "Re: HL&P", "reply", [["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 1, "information", ["deal", "extended"], "information", "i extended the deal."]], "I extended the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 06/21/2000 11:03 AM\n\n", "<23194016.1075854167579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "22-6-2000-1:41:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["22-6-2000-1:41:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22999873.1075854002316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 01:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HL&P\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nD - When you get a chance, I would like to go over what has been allocated \nthese days.\n\nAim\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n06/21/2000 03:11 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: HL&P \n\nI extended the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 06/21/2000 11:03 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: HL&P\n\nDaren - Pat gave me a a spreadsheet showing what should be allocated to \nGreens Bayou. I checked the deal ticket (286824) and it ends on 6/17. There \nis still two more days that need to be reallocated. Please let me know if \nyou can extend this deal or create a new one.\n\nThanks.\n\nAL\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: HL&P", "reply", [], "D - When you get a chance, I would like to go over what has been allocated \nthese days.\n\nAim\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n06/21/2000 03:11 PM\n", "<22999873.1075854002316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "31-1-2000-0:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-1-2000-0:56:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"31-1-2000-0:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-1-2000-0:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com danya.moody@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26725775.1075856945474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, danya.moody@enron.com\nSubject: Bryan Seyfried visiting Houston\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski, Danya Moody\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nCan you please set up the meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2000 \n08:51 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDanya Moody\n01/31/2000 08:32 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Bryan Seyfried visiting Houston\n\nHi Vince\n\nBryan Seyfried will be in Houston on the 9, 10 & 11th February and was hoping \nto arrange an hour with you on one of these days. He is available any time \nexcept the morning of 10th February.\n\nCould you please let me know if this is possible and if so what time suits \nyou.\n\nThanks\nDanya\n", "Bryan Seyfried visiting Houston", "reply", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 4, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "request", "shirley, can you please set up the meeting."]], "Shirley,\n\nCan you please set up the meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<26725775.1075856945474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "31-1-2000-0:56:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["31-1-2000-0:56:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["danya.moody@enron.com", "bryan.seyfried@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <29811008.1075856775721.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, danya.moody@enron.com, bryan.seyfried@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Bryan Seyfried visiting Houston\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Danya Moody, Bryan Seyfried\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI have scheduled the meeting for Friday, February 11 at 9:00 am.\n\nHave a great day!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/31/2000 08:52 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Danya \nMoody/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Bryan Seyfried visiting Houston\n\nShirley,\n\nCan you please set up the meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2000 \n08:51 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDanya Moody\n01/31/2000 08:32 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Bryan Seyfried visiting Houston\n\nHi Vince\n\nBryan Seyfried will be in Houston on the 9, 10 & 11th February and was hoping \nto arrange an hour with you on one of these days. He is available any time \nexcept the morning of 10th February.\n\nCould you please let me know if this is possible and if so what time suits \nyou.\n\nThanks\nDanya\n\n\n\n", "Re: Bryan Seyfried visiting Houston", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 3, "information", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "information", "i have scheduled the meeting for friday, datenumeric at numerictime am."]], "I have scheduled the meeting for Friday, February 11 at 9:00 am.\n\nHave a great day!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/31/2000 08:52 AM\n", "<29811008.1075856775721.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "30-1-2002-14:2:34Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 30-1-2002-14:25:50Sj.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-1-2002-14:2:34Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["30-1-2002-14:2:34", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["peter.goebel@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10050345.1075840782187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:02:34 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: peter.goebel@enron.com\nSubject: My interest and resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-To: Goebel, Peter \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Inbox\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nHi Peter:\n\nI really appreciate your taking the time to interview me\nand I am very interested in the position. \n\nOrganizational ability is one of my strong points along\nwith the fact that my length of service with Enron gives \nme a great deal of knowledge in getting things done as \nquickly as possible.\n\nI really like setting things up and seeing the results\ncome together quickly and efficiently. \n\nI am a quick learner and a willing learner and feel that\nI would be able to assist you a great deal with the Estate.\n\nIf you have any other questions, please let me know. \n\nAlso, I know that Vince Kaminski would be willing to answer \nany questions you might have. \n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n \n", "My interest and resume", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["interview", "position"], "intention", " i really appreciate your taking the time to interview me and i am very interested in the position."]], "Hi Peter:\n\nI really appreciate your taking the time to interview me\nand I am very interested in the position. \n\nOrganizational ability is one of my strong points along\nwith the fact that my length of service with Enron gives \nme a great deal of knowledge in getting things done as \nquickly as possible.\n\nI really like setting things up and seeing the results\ncome together quickly and efficiently. \n\nI am a quick learner and a willing learner and feel that\nI would be able to assist you a great deal with the Estate.\n\nIf you have any other questions, please let me know. \n\nAlso, I know that Vince Kaminski would be willing to answer \nany questions you might have. \n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n \n", "<10050345.1075840782187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "30-1-2002-14:25:50Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-1-2002-14:25:50", "j.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22444528.1075840788159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:25:50 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: FW: My interest and resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kaminski, Vince J \nX-To: 'vkaminski@aol.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCrenshaw, Shirley \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 4:03 PM\nTo:\tGoebel, Peter\nSubject:\tMy interest and resume\n\nHi Peter:\n\nI really appreciate your taking the time to interview me\nand I am very interested in the position. \n\nOrganizational ability is one of my strong points along\nwith the fact that my length of service with Enron gives \nme a great deal of knowledge in getting things done as \nquickly as possible.\n\nI really like setting things up and seeing the results\ncome together quickly and efficiently. \n\nI am a quick learner and a willing learner and feel that\nI would be able to assist you a great deal with the Estate.\n\nIf you have any other questions, please let me know. \n\nAlso, I know that Vince Kaminski would be willing to answer \nany questions you might have. \n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n \n", "FW: My interest and resume", "reply", [], "\n\n ", "<22444528.1075840788159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-3-2000-9:0:0Soliver@risk.co.uk 27-3-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-4-2000-2:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2000-9:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-5-2000-7:25:0Soliver@risk.co.uk 25-5-2000-7:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-5-2000-8:54:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 26-5-2000-2:16:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 26-5-2000-10:2:0Ssbramlet@utilicorp.com 31-5-2000-9:12:0Sjefferid@kochind.com 6-6-2000-1:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-6-2000-2:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-6-2000-3:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-6-2000-1:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-6-2000-6:11:0Soliver@risk.co.uk": {"21-3-2000-9:0:0Soliver@risk.co.uk": ["21-3-2000-9:0:0", "oliver@risk.co.uk", ["hennessl@cibc.com", "corinne.poupard-neale@iqfinancial.com", "leo_de_bever@otpp.com", "michael.ong@abnamro.com", "rcuckh@gic.com.sg", "dkaiser@bofasecurities.com", "phr@guinness.som.cwru.edu", "anthony.pesco@csfb.com", "eduard.van.gelderen@apch.nl", "neil.chriss@mindspring.com", "andrew.miles@enron.com", "monet_charles@jpmorgan.com", "klaus.toft@gs.com", "derek.young@fmr.com", "vince_j_kaminski@enron.com", "holaph@tdusa.com", "masood.javaid@mam.com", "eraab@aigtelecom.com", "atriantis@rhsmith.umd.edu", "mhora@oppenheimerfunds.com", "anastasia.joyce@us.pwcglobal.com", "bhatia_mickey@jpmorgan.com", "p.schonbucher@finasto.uni-bonn.de", "mvalencia@arbinet.com", "jane.hiscock@barra.com", "samantha_kirk@infinity.com", "sross@mit.edu", "jlgertie@bkb.com", "jay.newberry@citicorp.com", "gleason_william@jpmorgan.com", "brickell_mark@jpmorgan.com", "shreve@matt.math.cmu.edu", "coleman@tc.cornell.edu", "jim@exchange.ml.com", "culp@chipar.com", "lars_schmidtott@swissre.com", "peter@askari.com", "john@creditex.com", "alla.gil@ssmb.com", "moore@natgas.com", "gene.guill@db.com", "kou@ieor.columbia.edu", "ray.meadows@ssmb.com", "rselvaggio@ambac.com", "sid.browne@gs.com", "mark.d.ames@marshmc.com", "pimbley@sbcm.com", "ken.weiller@saccapital.com", "turnbust@cibc.ca", "hlirtzm@comlan.cn.ci.nyc.ny.us", "mike.brosnan@occ.treas.gov", "jlam@owc.com", "adrian.b.dsilva@chi.frb.org", "shaheen.dil@pncbank.com", "chhabra_ashvin@jpmorgan.com", "david_rowe@infinity.com", "jcabri@corp.sgi.com", "porter1j@kochind.com", "jeremy.berkowitz@frb.gov", "ethan.berman@riskmetrics.com", "lizeng.zhang@bankofamerica.com", "michael.haubenstock@us.pwcglobal.com", "prasad.nanisetty@prudential.com", "bmaynard@persi.state.id.us", "gontarek@email.msn.com", "sara.delapa@bmo.com", "michelle.mccarthy@db.com", "zhou.zou@gs.com", "erwin_martens@putnaminv.com", "emanuel.derman@ny.email.gs.com", "leslie@cmra.com", "bryan.mix@ny.email.gs.com", "ross@ratexchange.com", "biggersk@measurisk.com", "staley@cibc.ca", "francis.longstaff@anderson.ucla.edu", "tracy@lehman.com", "ramarger@nomurany.com", "joe.mclaughlin@db.com", "robert.harrison@gm.com", "ebdumas@bkb.com", "zerolisj@brinson.com", "eric.zz-reiner@wdr.com", "darryll.hendricks@ny.frb.org", "maureen.miskovic@lehman.com", "alex.lipton@db.com", "hull@mgmt.utoronto.ca", "landerse@genre.com", "christian.ruehmer@db.com", "peter.zangari@gs.com", "jacob.rosengarten@gs.com"], [], "Thank you for agreeing to speak at Risk Magazine's Annual US Congress, Risk \n2000, taking place in Boston between 12-15 June 2000.\n?\nCould you please return this email with your full postal address and contact \ndetails so we can send you hard copies of the brochure, inform you of \ncongress and hotel locations and let you know when we will need a copy of \nyour presentation. If you are part of a panel discussion, myself or the \npanel moderator will contact you shortly.\n?\nIn the meantime the full brochure can be viewed and/or downloaded from the \nfollowing web address -\n?\nwww.riskpublications.com/risk2000us\n?\nIf you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.\n?\nBest regards,\n?\nOliver Bennett\nSenior Conference Producer\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com", ["Risk 2000, 12-15 June, Boston - speaker confirmation"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Thank you for agreeing to speak at Risk Magazine's Annual US Congress, Risk \n2000, taking place in Boston between 12-15 June 2000.\n?\nCould you please return this email with your full postal address and contact \ndetails so we can send you hard copies of the brochure, inform you of \ncongress and hotel locations and let you know when we will need a copy of \nyour presentation. If you are part of a panel discussion, myself or the \npanel moderator will contact you shortly.\n?\nIn the meantime the full brochure can be viewed and/or downloaded from the \nfollowing web address -\n?\nwww.riskpublications.com/risk2000us\n?\nIf you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.\n?\nBest regards,\n?\nOliver Bennett\nSenior Conference Producer\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com", ["<24570530.1075856757924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11637345.1075857039778.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28859379.1075856812849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-3-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-0:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oliver@risk.co.uk"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Oliver,\nThanks a lot for your message.\nHere is the information you requested:\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\nVince\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 03/21/2000 11:00:16 AM\nPlease respond to \"Oliver Bennett\" \nTo: \"Zou, Zhou\" , \"Young, Derek\" , \n\"Walter Gontarek\" , \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n, \"Steven E Shreve\" , \n\"Stephen Ross\" , \"Staley, Mark\" , \"Selvaggio, \nRobert\" , \"Ross Mayfield\" , \n\"Ritchken, Peter\" , \"Prasad Nanisetty\" \n, \"Philipp Schoenbucher\" \n, \"Pesco, Anthony\" \n, \"Merrell Hora\" , \"Mark \nD Ames\" , \"Lirtzman, Harris\" \n, \"Leslie Rahl\" , \"John \nMcEvoy\" , \"John Hull\" , \"Joe \nPimbley\" , \"Jeremy Berkowitz\" , \n\"Javaid, Masood (MLMAM)\" , \"Ethan Berman\" \n, \"Browne, Sid\" , \"Bob \nMaynard\" , \"Amarger, Regis\" \n, \"Derman, Emanuel\" , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, \ncc: \nSubject: Risk 2000, 12-15 June, Boston - speaker confirmation\nThank you for agreeing to speak at Risk Magazine's Annual US Congress, Risk \n2000, taking place in Boston between 12-15 June 2000.\n?\nCould you please return this email with your full postal address and contact \ndetails so we can send you hard copies of the brochure, inform you of \ncongress and hotel locations and let you know when we will need a copy of \nyour presentation. If you are part of a panel discussion, myself or the \npanel moderator will contact you shortly.\n?\nIn the meantime the full brochure can be viewed and/or downloaded from the \nfollowing web address -\n?\nwww.riskpublications.com/risk2000us\n?\nIf you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.\n?\nBest regards,\n?\nOliver Bennett\nSenior Conference Producer\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com\n", ["Re: Risk 2000, 12-15 June, Boston - speaker confirmation"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Oliver,\n\nThanks a lot for your message.\n\nHere is the information you requested:\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Oliver Bennett\" ", "<24692336.1075856995770.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<935097.1075856757106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27555343.1075857039726.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10284012.1075856812875.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-2:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-2:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oliver@risk.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Oliver,\nMakes sense to me.\nVince\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 04/03/2000 09:49:13 AM\nPlease respond to \"Oliver Bennett\" \nTo: , \"Vince J Kaminski\" , \n\ncc: \nSubject: Risk 2000 Panel Discussion, Boston\nJust a quick email to start some discussion about the panel session you are \ninvolved in during Risk2000 in Boston on 13 & 14 June.\n?\nAlthough I would welcome suggestions to the contrary, I would prefer to go \nstraight into the discussion rather than have a series of short \npresentations first. Ideally I think we should establish a number of topic \nareas around which the moderator can lead the discussion - naturally for the \nbetter discussions it's important to have varying views on similar subjects; \nsimilarly it is often interesting to hear the panel's comments on one \nindividual's more specific area of knowledge.\n?\nConseqently if you could return this email (to all panel members) with \ntopics you feel should be covered, any particular areas you would personally \nlike to focus on, any proposed changes to the actual panel structure, and \npossibly additonal panel members you think should be there, that would be a \ngood start. I am still in the process of looking for a moderator and if \nanyone has any suggestions, please let me know.\n?\n(The talk title is Effectively Applying Weather Derivatives)\n?\nBest regards,\n?\nOliver?\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com\n", ["Re: Risk 2000 Panel Discussion, Boston"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Oliver,\n\nMakes sense to me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Oliver Bennett\" ", "<11196363.1075856993445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7026073.1075856752438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29807206.1075857039548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2000-9:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2000-9:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2000 \n04:17 PM ---------------------------\n\"Amy Lamonsoff\" on 04/19/2000 08:26:37 AM\nTo: , , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , , \n, , \n, \n, , \n, , , \n, , \n\ncc: \nSubject: Power 2000\nPower 2000- May 8-11\n?\nPlease note to hand in the following by no later than April 24:\n?\nPresentation(s) (if you are not giving one, please advise)\nBiography\nSpeaker Checklist\n?\nAs some portions of materials have already been handed over, please only \nturn in what you haven't already submitted. Please also note that if \nemailing a PowerPoint presentation, please email it in a 97 version or \nlower.???????\n?\nIt is urgent that all your materials be sent by this Monday, as the \nconference is rapidly approaching. if you have any questions, please contact \nme to further discuss. I will be out of the office this Thursday and Friday \nbut will be returning on Monday.?\n?\n?\nRegards,\nAmy Lamonsoff\nConference Coordinator\nT (212) 925-1864x148\nF (212) 925-7585\nalamonsoff@watersinfo.com\n?????????? \n", ["Power 2000"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<24761641.1075856933910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18337799.1075856990825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18693362.1075856746273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12771505.1075856820389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-7:25:0Soliver@risk.co.uk": ["25-5-2000-7:25:0", "oliver@risk.co.uk", ["jefferid@kochind.com", "sbramlet@utilicorp.com", "vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Dear All,\n?\nWould like to set a conference call to discuss content for the panel \ndiscussion at Risk 2000 in Boston on 14 June. Perhaps I can suggest \nwednesday 31 may at noon EST. I'm on London time and am quite flexible if \nyou would like to do earlier or indeed on another day.\n?\nThe panellists are -\n?\nVince Kaminski, Enron Corp\nRichard Jefferis, Koch Energy Trading\nSteven Bramlet, Aquila\n?\nThe discussion topic is 'effectively applying weather derivatives'\n?\nI think we need to establish a series of questions around which to \nfacilitate discussion. We currently don't have a moderator and perhaps one \nof you could take this role on.\n?\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n?\nThanks, Oliver\n?\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com", ["Risk 2000 panel discussion"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Dear All,\n?\nWould like to set a conference call to discuss content for the panel \ndiscussion at Risk 2000 in Boston on 14 June. Perhaps I can suggest \nwednesday 31 may at noon EST. I'm on London time and am quite flexible if \nyou would like to do earlier or indeed on another day.\n?\nThe panellists are -\n?\nVince Kaminski, Enron Corp\nRichard Jefferis, Koch Energy Trading\nSteven Bramlet, Aquila\n?\nThe discussion topic is 'effectively applying weather derivatives'\n?\nI think we need to establish a series of questions around which to \nfacilitate discussion. We currently don't have a moderator and perhaps one \nof you could take this role on.\n?\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n?\nThanks, Oliver\n?\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com", ["<25196346.1075856733609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10573373.1075857038908.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30513452.1075856828824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-7:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-7:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, can you coordinate this?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n02:40 PM ---------------------------\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 05/25/2000 08:25:12 AM\nPlease respond to \"Oliver Bennett\" \nTo: , , \ncc: \nSubject: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nDear All,\n?\nWould like to set a conference call to discuss content for the panel \ndiscussion at Risk 2000 in Boston on 14 June. Perhaps I can suggest \nwednesday 31 may at noon EST. I'm on London time and am quite flexible if \nyou would like to do earlier or indeed on another day.\n?\nThe panellists are -\n?\nVince Kaminski, Enron Corp\nRichard Jefferis, Koch Energy Trading\nSteven Bramlet, Aquila\n?\nThe discussion topic is 'effectively applying weather derivatives'\n?\nI think we need to establish a series of questions around which to \nfacilitate discussion. We currently don't have a moderator and perhaps one \nof you could take this role on.\n?\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n?\nThanks, Oliver\n?\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com\n", ["Risk 2000 panel discussion"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, can you coordinate this?\n\nVince\n", ["<18967619.1075856928137.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18707445.1075856985065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3793902.1075856733179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5130249.1075856829014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-8:54:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-8:54:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "oliver@risk.co.uk jefferid@kochind.com sbramlet@utilicorp.com", "", "Message-ID: <30313452.1075856733103.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 May 2000 08:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com, sbramlet@utilicorp.com\nSubject: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com, sbramlet@utilicorp.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello everyone:\n\nVince Kaminski would be available for a conference call on Wednesday,\nMay 31 at 10:00 or 11:00 AM EST. The rest of the day is rather full.\n\nPlease let me know if either time is convenient for you. If not, maybe we\ncould do it on June 1 - he is free most of the day with the exception of\n12:30 - 2:00 EST.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "Risk 2000 panel discussion", "forward", [], "Hello everyone:\n\nVince Kaminski would be available for a conference call on Wednesday,\nMay 31 at 10:00 or 11:00 AM EST. The rest of the day is rather full.\n\nPlease let me know if either time is convenient for you. If not, maybe we\ncould do it on June 1 - he is free most of the day with the exception of\n12:30 - 2:00 EST.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "<30313452.1075856733103.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "26-5-2000-2:16:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["26-5-2000-2:16:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["sbramlet@utilicorp.com", "jefferid@kochind.com", "oliver@risk.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6973031.1075857038842.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 May 2000 02:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com, sbramlet@utilicorp.com\nSubject: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com, sbramlet@utilicorp.com\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Conferences\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning gentlemen:\n\nI will go ahead and schedule the conference call for Wednesday, May 31st\nat 11:00 AM EST (10:00 CST). Please let me know the telephone numbers\nyou may be reached at and Vince will call you.\n\nIf you find you cannot do this, please let me know.\n\nThanks and have a wonderful weekend.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 \n08:11 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n05/25/2000 03:54 PM\nTo: oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com, sbramlet@utilicorp.com\ncc: \nSubject: Risk 2000 panel discussion\n\nHello everyone:\n\nVince Kaminski would be available for a conference call on Wednesday,\nMay 31 at 10:00 or 11:00 AM EST. The rest of the day is rather full.\n\nPlease let me know if either time is convenient for you. If not, maybe we\ncould do it on June 1 - he is free most of the day with the exception of\n12:30 - 2:00 EST.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "Risk 2000 panel discussion", "originEmail", [["reach cell0phone", 12, "nninformation", ["you", "reached", "telephone**numbers"], "intention", " please let me know the telephone numbers you may be reached at and vince will call you."]], "Good morning gentlemen:\n\nI will go ahead and schedule the conference call for Wednesday, May 31st\nat 11:00 AM EST (10:00 CST). Please let me know the telephone numbers\nyou may be reached at and Vince will call you.\n\nIf you find you cannot do this, please let me know.\n\nThanks and have a wonderful weekend.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n", "<6973031.1075857038842.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn"]}}, true], "26-5-2000-10:2:0Ssbramlet@utilicorp.com": ["26-5-2000-10:2:0", "sbramlet@utilicorp.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com oliver@risk.co.uk jefferid@kochind.com sbramlet@utilicorp.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20747279.1075856732320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 May 2000 10:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sbramlet@utilicorp.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com,\n\tsbramlet@utilicorp.com\nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nCc: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: \"Bramlett, Stephen\" \nX-To: \"'Shirley Crenshaw'\" , oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com, \"Bramlett, Stephen\" \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMy phone 816-467-3569\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Shirley Crenshaw [mailto:Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, May 26, 2000 9:17 AM\nTo: oliver@risk.co.uk; jefferid@kochind.com; sbramlet@utilicorp.com\nCc: Vince J Kaminski\nSubject: Risk 2000 panel discussion\n\n\n\n\nGood morning gentlemen:\n\nI will go ahead and schedule the conference call for Wednesday, May 31st\nat 11:00 AM EST (10:00 CST). Please let me know the telephone numbers\nyou may be reached at and Vince will call you.\n\nIf you find you cannot do this, please let me know.\n\nThanks and have a wonderful weekend.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000\n08:11\nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n05/25/2000 03:54 PM\n\nTo: oliver@risk.co.uk, jefferid@kochind.com, sbramlet@utilicorp.com\ncc:\nSubject: Risk 2000 panel discussion\n\nHello everyone:\n\nVince Kaminski would be available for a conference call on Wednesday,\nMay 31 at 10:00 or 11:00 AM EST. The rest of the day is rather full.\n\nPlease let me know if either time is convenient for you. If not, maybe we\ncould do it on June 1 - he is free most of the day with the exception of\n12:30 - 2:00 EST.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion", "reply", [], "My phone 816-467-3569\n\n", "<20747279.1075856732320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "31-5-2000-9:12:0Sjefferid@kochind.com": ["31-5-2000-9:12:0", "jefferid@kochind.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "sbramlet@utilicorp.com", "oliver@risk.co.uk"], [], "Draft agenda attached. Please mark up at will.\n>>\n", ["Risk 2000 panel discussion"], "{'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 2, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", "draft agenda attached."]], "Draft agenda attached. Please mark up at will.\n\n <", "<24719302.1075857038689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24405316.1075856829853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-6-2000-1:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-6-2000-1:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sbramlet@utilicorp.com"], ["jefferid@kochind.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "oliver@risk.co.uk"], "Steve,\nThis looks fine. I think we are meeting at 7:45 a.m. on the 14th\nnext to the general reception area.\nVince\n \n\"Bramlett, Stephen\" on 06/05/2000 06:28:36 PM\nTo: \"'Jefferis, Dick'\" , \"Bramlett, Stephen\" \n, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, \"'oliver@risk.co.uk'\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nGentlemen,\nPlease see the edit of my outline below.\nAlso, What time did we agree to meet on the 14th?\nSuccesses and Failures (Stephen Bramlett)\nRisk consideration directed at the enterprise level. What makes for a\nsuccessful application?\n Long-term view of managing weather\n Identifying the corporate objectives\nLost opportunities\n Trading desks at utilities\n Insurance comparisons\n Product Managers\nTarget Audience Scale of the failure\n Treasury\n Enterprise risk management\n CFO\nAssistance of Wall Street\n Link to stock prices\n Earnings smoothing\n", ["RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Steve,\n\nThis looks fine. I think we are meeting at 7:45 a.m. on the 14th\nnext to the general reception area.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\"Bramlett, Stephen\" "], {}, true], "6-6-2000-2:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-6-2000-2:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sbramlet@utilicorp.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "oliver@risk.co.uk", "jefferid@kochind.co"], "Steve,\nA meeting at 8:00 - 8:15 is fine with me.\nVince\n\"Bramlett, Stephen\" on 06/06/2000 08:24:08 AM\nTo: \"'Vince J Kaminski'\" , \"Bramlett, Stephen\" \n\ncc: JefferiD@kochind.com, oliver@risk.co.uk \nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nVince - Thanks for the update. I've been pulled into a 7:00 am breakfast\nwhich I must attend. Chances are I could catch up with everyone between\n8:00 and 8:15. I apologize, but two of my breakfast dates are taking\nspecial flights in just for the breakfast - or I wouldn't inconvenience\neveryone.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 8:11 AM\nTo: Bramlett, Stephen\nCc: JefferiD@kochind.com; oliver@risk.co.uk; Vince J Kaminski\nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nSteve,\nThis looks fine. I think we are meeting at 7:45 a.m. on the 14th\nnext to the general reception area.\nVince\n\"Bramlett, Stephen\" on 06/05/2000 06:28:36 PM\nTo: \"'Jefferis, Dick'\" , \"Bramlett, Stephen\"\n , Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT,\n \"'oliver@risk.co.uk'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nGentlemen,\nPlease see the edit of my outline below.\nAlso, What time did we agree to meet on the 14th?\nSuccesses and Failures (Stephen Bramlett)\nRisk consideration directed at the enterprise level. What makes for a\nsuccessful application?\n Long-term view of managing weather\n Identifying the corporate objectives\nLost opportunities\n Trading desks at utilities\n Insurance comparisons\n Product Managers\nTarget Audience Scale of the failure\n Treasury\n Enterprise risk management\n CFO\nAssistance of Wall Street\n Link to stock prices\n Earnings smoothing\n", ["RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Steve,\n\nA meeting at 8:00 - 8:15 is fine with me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Bramlett, Stephen\" ", "<28329803.1075856564351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19007552.1075856323884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13215552.1075856600972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-6-2000-3:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-6-2000-3:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jefferid@kochind.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/06/2000 \n10:05 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n06/06/2000 09:25 AM\nTo: \"Bramlett, Stephen\" @ ENRON\ncc: JefferiD@kochind.co, oliver@risk.co.uk, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion \nSteve,\nA meeting at 8:00 - 8:15 is fine with me.\nVince\n\"Bramlett, Stephen\" on 06/06/2000 08:24:08 AM\nTo: \"'Vince J Kaminski'\" , \"Bramlett, Stephen\" \n\ncc: JefferiD@kochind.com, oliver@risk.co.uk \nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nVince - Thanks for the update. I've been pulled into a 7:00 am breakfast\nwhich I must attend. Chances are I could catch up with everyone between\n8:00 and 8:15. I apologize, but two of my breakfast dates are taking\nspecial flights in just for the breakfast - or I wouldn't inconvenience\neveryone.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 8:11 AM\nTo: Bramlett, Stephen\nCc: JefferiD@kochind.com; oliver@risk.co.uk; Vince J Kaminski\nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nSteve,\nThis looks fine. I think we are meeting at 7:45 a.m. on the 14th\nnext to the general reception area.\nVince\n\"Bramlett, Stephen\" on 06/05/2000 06:28:36 PM\nTo: \"'Jefferis, Dick'\" , \"Bramlett, Stephen\"\n , Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT,\n \"'oliver@risk.co.uk'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion\nGentlemen,\nPlease see the edit of my outline below.\nAlso, What time did we agree to meet on the 14th?\nSuccesses and Failures (Stephen Bramlett)\nRisk consideration directed at the enterprise level. What makes for a\nsuccessful application?\n Long-term view of managing weather\n Identifying the corporate objectives\nLost opportunities\n Trading desks at utilities\n Insurance comparisons\n Product Managers\nTarget Audience Scale of the failure\n Treasury\n Enterprise risk management\n CFO\nAssistance of Wall Street\n Link to stock prices\n Earnings smoothing\n", ["RE: Risk 2000 panel discussion"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<3587693.1075856498029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30880866.1075856564328.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6990197.1075856323811.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5738494.1075856325572.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-6-2000-1:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-1:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oliver@risk.co.uk"], [], "Oliver,\nI will attend.\nVince\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 06/01/2000 07:11:52 AM\nPlease respond to \"Oliver Bennett\" \nTo: \"Young, Derek\" , \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n, \"Steven E Shreve\" , \n\"Stephen Ross\" , \"Staley, Mark\" , \"Mark D \nAmes\" , \"Selvaggio, Robert\" , \n, \"Ross Mayfield\" , \"Ritchken, \nPeter\" , \"Peter. N.C. Davies\" , \n\"Prasad Nanisetty\" , \"Philipp Schoenbucher\" \n, \"Pesco, Anthony\" \n, \"Merrell Hora\" , \n\"Lirtzman, Harris\" , \"Leslie Rahl\" \n, \"John McEvoy\" , \"John Hull\" \n, \"Joe Pimbley\" , \"Jeremy Berkowitz\" \n, \"Ethan Berman\" , \n\"Browne, Sid\" , \"Bob Maynard\" \n, \"Derman, Emanuel\" , \n, , , \n, , \"gene.guill\" \n, , \"Kaiser, Daniel\" \n, , \n, , , \n, \"Neil Chriss\" , \n, , \n, , , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , , \n, , \"Adrian.B.DSilva\" \n, , , \n\"Ashvin B Chhabra\" , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \"Culp, \nChristopher\" , \"Rosengarten, Jacob\" \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, \"Gary Galante\" , \n\ncc: \nSubject: Risk 2000 Boston - speaker reception 12 June 2000\nThere will be a drinks reception taking place on monday 12 June 2000 between \n6.00-7.00pm in the Lower Level of the congress center - for speakers, \nsponsors and exhibitors of Risk 2000, Boston\n?\nPlease let me know if you would like to attend so we can guage numbers.\n?\nBest regards,\nOliver\n?\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com\n", ["Re: Risk 2000 Boston - speaker reception 12 June 2000"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "Oliver,\n\nI will attend.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Oliver Bennett\" ", "<11766930.1075856984548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24865645.1075856731492.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5896987.1075856830026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-6-2000-6:11:0Soliver@risk.co.uk": ["1-6-2000-6:11:0", "oliver@risk.co.uk", ["corinne.poupard-neale@iqfinancial.com", "rbanaszek@sdinet.com", "leo_de_bever@otpp.com", "michael.ong@abnamro.com", "rcuckh@gic.com.sg", "dkaiser@bofasecurities.com", "phr@guinness.som.cwru.edu", "anthony.pesco@csfb.com", "eduard.van.gelderen@apch.nl", "neil.chriss@mindspring.com", "brian.ranson@bmo.com", "klaus.toft@gs.com", "sbramlet@utilicorp.com", "derek.young@fmr.com", "vince_j_kaminski@enron.com", "holaph@tdusa.com", "eraab@aigtelecom.com", "atriantis@rhsmith.umd.edu", "mhora@oppenheimerfunds.com", "emanuel.derman@gs.com", "galante_gary@jpmorgan.com", "p.schonbucher@finasto.uni-bonn.de", "wmiller@cfund.org", "mvalencia@arbinet.com", "jane.hiscock@barra.com", "sross@mit.edu", "jlgertie@bkb.com", "jay.newberry@citicorp.com", "james.j.vinci@us.pwcglobal.com", "gleason_william@jpmorgan.com", "shreve@matt.math.cmu.edu", "coleman@tc.cornell.edu", "jim@exchange.ml.com", "culp@chipar.com", "lars_schmidtott@swissre.com", "edumas@bkb.com", "peter@askari.com", "john@creditex.com", "alla.gil@ssmb.com", "moore@natgas.com", "gene.guill@db.com", "jefferid@kochind.com", "kou@ieor.columbia.edu", "ray.meadows@ssmb.com", "rselvaggio@ambac.com", "sid.browne@gs.com", "mark.d.ames@marshmc.com", "pimbley@sbcm.com", "ken.weiller@saccapital.com", "turnbust@cibc.ca", "hlirtzm@comlan.cn.ci.nyc.ny.us", "mike.brosnan@occ.treas.gov", "jlam@owc.com", "adrian.b.dsilva@chi.frb.org", "shaheen.dil@pncbank.com", "chhabra_ashvin@jpmorgan.com", "david_rowe@infinity.com", "jeremy.berkowitz@frb.gov", "ethan.berman@riskmetrics.com", "lizeng.zhang@bankofamerica.com", "jean_mrha@enron.net", "michael.haubenstock@us.pwcglobal.com", "prasad.nanisetty@prudential.com", "bmaynard@persi.state.id.us", "michelle.mccarthy@db.com", "ben@blackrock.com", "erwin_martens@putnaminv.com", "leslie@cmra.com", "bryan.mix@ny.email.gs.com", "ross@ratexchange.com", "biggersk@measurisk.com", "staley@cibc.ca", "francis.longstaff@anderson.ucla.edu", "paul.ellis@credittrade.com", "tracy@lehman.com", "joe.mclaughlin@db.com", "robert.harrison@gm.com", "juan.pujadas@us.pwcglobal.com", "zerolisj@brinson.com", "eric.zz-reiner@wdr.com", "darryll.hendricks@ny.frb.org", "alex.lipton@db.com", "hull@mgmt.utoronto.ca", "landerse@genre.com", "peter.zangari@gs.com", "jacob.rosengarten@gs.com"], [], "There will be a drinks reception taking place on monday 12 June 2000 between \n6.00-7.00pm in the Lower Level of the congress center - for speakers, \nsponsors and exhibitors of Risk 2000, Boston\n?\nPlease let me know if you would like to attend so we can guage numbers.\n?\nBest regards,\nOliver\n?\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com", ["Risk 2000 Boston - speaker reception 12 June 2000"], "{'body': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['sbramlet@utilicorp.com', 'jefferid@kochind.com', 'oliver@risk.co.uk']}", [], "There will be a drinks reception taking place on monday 12 June 2000 between \n6.00-7.00pm in the Lower Level of the congress center - for speakers, \nsponsors and exhibitors of Risk 2000, Boston\n?\nPlease let me know if you would like to attend so we can guage numbers.\n?\nBest regards,\nOliver\n?\n?\n?\nDirect: +44 (0)20 7484 9880\n?\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 (0)20 7484 9800? Email: oliver@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com", ["<30006146.1075856731524.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<113272.1075857038667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28877087.1075856830002.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "8-3-2001-1:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-3-2001-1:36:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 8-3-2001-3:7:0Sadambob@stat.rice.edu": {"8-3-2001-1:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-1:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["adambob@stat.rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Adam,\nWe shall invite you for an exploratory interview.\nVince\n\"Adam Bobrowski\" on 03/07/2001 09:45:03 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: resume\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nas a follow - up to your oral communication with my friend Tom Ware, I would\nlike\nto express my interest in working for your company, Enron. Please find\nenclosed\nmy resume and Curriculum Vitae. If you need additional data, please feel\nfree to\ncall me at\n (713)592-8909 (Home) or (713)743-3483 (Office),\nor email me at\n adambob@stat.rice.edu or adambob@math.uh.edu.\nYours sincerely,\n Adam Bobrowski.\n - cvbobrowski.ps\n\n", ["Re: resume"], "{'body': ['adambob@stat.rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['adambob@stat.rice.edu']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 2, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "adam, we shall invite you for an exploratory interview."]], "Adam,\n\nWe shall invite you for an exploratory interview.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Adam Bobrowski\" ", "<5424005.1075856515576.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9061593.1075856211479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "8-3-2001-1:36:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-1:36:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["adambob@stat.rice.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <26369829.1075856211434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 01:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: adambob@stat.rice.edu\nSubject: Interview with Enron Corp. Research\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: adambob@stat.rice.edu\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Adam:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct an informal interview\nwith you at your convenience. \n\nPlease give me some dates and times that would be convenient to, sometime\nwithin the next 2-3 weeks and I will coordinate an interview schedule.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you very soon.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n09:30 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Adam Bobrowski\" on 03/07/2001 09:45:03 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: resume\n\n\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\n\nas a follow - up to your oral communication with my friend Tom Ware, I would\nlike\nto express my interest in working for your company, Enron. Please find\nenclosed\nmy resume and Curriculum Vitae. If you need additional data, please feel\nfree to\ncall me at\n\n (713)592-8909 (Home) or (713)743-3483 (Office),\n\nor email me at\n\n adambob@stat.rice.edu or adambob@math.uh.edu.\n\nYours sincerely,\n\n Adam Bobrowski.\n\n - cvbobrowski.ps\n - bobrowskiresume.doc\n\n\n", "Interview with Enron Corp. Research", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["conduct", "informal", "interview"], "intention", " the orgname research group would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 11, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "dates**times", "interview"], "intention", " please give me some dates and times that would be convenient to, sometime within the next numeric numeric weeks and i will coordinate an interview schedule."]], "Good morning Adam:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct an informal interview\nwith you at your convenience. \n\nPlease give me some dates and times that would be convenient to, sometime\nwithin the next 2-3 weeks and I will coordinate an interview schedule.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you very soon.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n", "<26369829.1075856211434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"convenient date0timeTnn": {"value": "convenient date0timeTnn", "ne": "convenient date0timeTnn", "patterns": ["convenient date0timeTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "-3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, true], "8-3-2001-3:7:0Sadambob@stat.rice.edu": ["8-3-2001-3:7:0", "adambob@stat.rice.edu", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vkamins@enron.com"], "Dear Shirley,\nThanks for your letter and invitation. Next week we have a spring break at\nUH, so I will be pretty flexible. Is next Tuesday fine? Almost any time. If\nnot, any other day next week will work for me. Starting March 19 I will\nteach again, and it will be harder (but not impossible) to find a good time\nfor interview with Enron.\n Adam\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com [mailto:Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com]\nSent: 8 marca 2001 09:36\nTo: adambob@stat.rice.edu\nSubject: Interview with Enron Corp. Research\nGood morning Adam:\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct an informal interview\nwith you at your convenience.\nPlease give me some dates and times that would be convenient to, sometime\nwithin the next 2-3 weeks and I will coordinate an interview schedule.\nI look forward to hearing from you very soon.\nBest regards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001\n09:30 AM ---------------------------\n\"Adam Bobrowski\" on 03/07/2001 09:45:03 PM\nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: resume\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nas a follow - up to your oral communication with my friend Tom Ware, I\nwould\nlike\nto express my interest in working for your company, Enron. Please find\nenclosed\nmy resume and Curriculum Vitae. If you need additional data, please feel\nfree to\ncall me at\n (713)592-8909 (Home) or (713)743-3483 (Office),\nor email me at\n adambob@stat.rice.edu or adambob@math.uh.edu.\nYours sincerely,\n Adam Bobrowski.\n(See attached file: cvbobrowski.ps)\n)\n", ["RE: Interview with Enron Corp. Research"], "{'body': ['adambob@stat.rice.edu']}", [], "Dear Shirley,\n\nThanks for your letter and invitation. Next week we have a spring break at\nUH, so I will be pretty flexible. Is next Tuesday fine? Almost any time. If\nnot, any other day next week will work for me. Starting March 19 I will\nteach again, and it will be harder (but not impossible) to find a good time\nfor interview with Enron.\n\n Adam\n\n\n", ["<15546987.1075856618918.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8557801.1075856211346.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1450125.1075856407138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "19-9-2000-1:16:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 20-9-2000-8:47:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"19-9-2000-1:16:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["19-9-2000-1:16:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["neneale@hotmail.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "paulo.issler@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <12553562.1075856287225.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 01:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: neneale@hotmail.com\nSubject: Informal Interview with the Enron Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\tpaulo.issler@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\tpaulo.issler@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Neneale@hotmail.com\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Grant Masson, Paulo Issler, Zimin Lu, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDr. Neale:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research Group\nwith Enron Corp. \n\nThey would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience.\non one of the following days:\n\nWednesday, Sept 27\nFriday, Sept 29\nMonday, Oct 2\nTuesday, Oct 3\nThursday, Oct 12\nFriday, Oct 13\n\nPlease let me know what day and the time frame you are available.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President. Research\nGrant Masson Vice President, Research\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President, Research\nZimin Lu Director, Research\nPaulo Issler Manager, Research\n\nWe look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Department", "Informal Interview with the Enron Research Group", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 6, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " neale: your resume was forwarded to vince kaminski and the research group with orgname they would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["conduct", "informal", "interview"], "intention", " neale: your resume was forwarded to vince kaminski and the research group with orgname they would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience."]], "Dr. Neale:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research Group\nwith Enron Corp. \n\nThey would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience.\non one of the following days:\n\nWednesday, Sept 27\nFriday, Sept 29\nMonday, Oct 2\nTuesday, Oct 3\nThursday, Oct 12\nFriday, Oct 13\n\nPlease let me know what day and the time frame you are available.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President. Research\nGrant Masson Vice President, Research\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President, Research\nZimin Lu Director, Research\nPaulo Issler Manager, Research\n\nWe look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Department", "<12553562.1075856287225.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}}, true], "20-9-2000-8:47:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-8:47:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "paulo.issler@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], [], "FYI:\nI have arranged the following interview schedule and marked your calendars.\n(except Paulo - I do not have access to his calendar). I have reserved EB\n1938. A copy of his resume will be forthcoming.\nThanks!\nShirley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000 \n03:42 PM ---------------------------\nShirley Crenshaw\n09/20/2000 03:37 PM\nTo: \"Nelson Neale\" @ ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Informal Interview with the Enron Research Group \nMr. Neale:\nThank you for responding so quickly. I have scheduled the following date and\ntimes. Please let me know if they are convenient for you.\nFriday, September 29th:\nVince Kaminski 8:30 AM\nGrant Masson 9:00 AM\nVasant Shanbhogue 9:30 AM\nZimin Lu 10:00 AM\nPaulo Issler 10:30 AM\nStinson Gibner will be out of the office for 3 weeks beginning Monday, the\n25th so he will be unable to interview you.\nWe should be through between 11:00 - 11:30 AM. If you have any questions\nplease feel free to call me.\nWhen you come into the Enron bldg. go to the Security Console and ask\nfor me. We are located on the 19th floor and I will meet you at the elevator\nlobby on the 19th floor.\nLook forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n\"Nelson Neale\" on 09/20/2000 03:18:45 PM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Informal Interview with the Enron Research Group\nMs. Crenshaw:\nNice to hear from you! I will be available on the following dates:\nFriday September 29 (AM or PM)\nMonday October 2 (AM)\nThursday October 12 (AM or PM)\nFriday October 13 (AM or PM)\nLet me know which of the above dates and times works best for the group. I\nlook forward to hearing from you.\nRegards,\nNelson Neale\n______________________\nC. Nelson Neale, Ph.D.\n2990 Bissonnet, #9106\nHouston, TX 77005\nPH: 713-303-5973\nneneale@hotmail.com\n______________________\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n", ["Re: Informal Interview with the Enron Research Group"], "{'body': ['neneale@hotmail.com']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 4, "information", ["arranged", "interview", "schedule"], "information", "fyi: i have arranged the following interview schedule and marked your calendars."], ["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 12, "information", ["eb**1938", "reserved"], "information", " i have reserved eb numeric ."]], "FYI:\n\nI have arranged the following interview schedule and marked your calendars.\n(except Paulo - I do not have access to his calendar). I have reserved EB\n1938. A copy of his resume will be forthcoming.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n", ["<32698930.1075856623781.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25749761.1075856285838.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1392244.1075856351798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, true]}, "16-1-2001-1:24:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 16-1-2001-2:41:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-1:24:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-1:24:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["kevin.kindall@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bob.lee@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29124281.1075856390358.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 01:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Interview Schedule for Punit Rawal\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, Bob Lee\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Molly:\n\nPunit Rawal is a Carnegie Mellon student that Kevin Kindall and Bob Lee\ninterviewed back in December. We would like to bring him in for an\ninterview. He is definately a \"Trading support\" prospect. \n\nI forwarded his resume to John Lavorato back in December and inquired\nas to whether he would be interested in interviewing him or not, but have\nhad no response, except that he has not had a chance to look at his\nresume yet.\n\nVince originally said that either John or Gary Hickerson might be interested.\nI did not send his resume to Gary, maybe you can check with him?\n\nI am attaching the Interview request form and his resume. Thanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n - Punit+Rawal+newresume.doc", "Interview Schedule for Punit Rawal", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", " we would like to bring him in for an interview."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 21, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " i forwarded his resume to john lavorato back in december and inquired as to whether he would be interested in interviewing him or not, but have had no response, except that he has not had a chance to look at his resume yet."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 26, "nninformation", ["interviewing", "him"], "intention", " i forwarded his resume to john lavorato back in december and inquired as to whether he would be interested in interviewing him or not, but have had no response, except that he has not had a chance to look at his resume yet."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 38, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request information", " i did not send his resume to gary, maybe you can check with him?"], ["send_direct_attach request", 43, "information", ["attaching", "form"], "information", " i am attaching the interview request form and his resume."]], "Hi Molly:\n\nPunit Rawal is a Carnegie Mellon student that Kevin Kindall and Bob Lee\ninterviewed back in December. We would like to bring him in for an\ninterview. He is definately a \"Trading support\" prospect. \n\nI forwarded his resume to John Lavorato back in December and inquired\nas to whether he would be interested in interviewing him or not, but have\nhad no response, except that he has not had a chance to look at his\nresume yet.\n\nVince originally said that either John or Gary Hickerson might be interested.\nI did not send his resume to Gary, maybe you can check with him?\n\nI am attaching the Interview request form and his resume. Thanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n - Punit+Rawal+newresume.doc", "<29124281.1075856390358.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false], "16-1-2001-2:41:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-2:41:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com bob.lee@enron.com stephanie.cody@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1535622.1075856620347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 02:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Interview Schedule for Punit Rawal\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.cody@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.cody@enron.com\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, Bob Lee, Stephanie Cody\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley: I have been in touch with Punit over the past several week, and it \nappears that February 2nd would suit his schedule best for the visit. How \ndoes that date look for Vince and the others in the group who will be \ninterviewing him? \n\nStephanie Cody, my new admin whom you met last week, will be contacting Punit \nto make his travel arrangements.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/16/2001 09:24 AM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Kindall/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob \nLee/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Interview Schedule for Punit Rawal\n\nHi Molly:\n\nPunit Rawal is a Carnegie Mellon student that Kevin Kindall and Bob Lee\ninterviewed back in December. We would like to bring him in for an\ninterview. He is definately a \"Trading support\" prospect. \n\nI forwarded his resume to John Lavorato back in December and inquired\nas to whether he would be interested in interviewing him or not, but have\nhad no response, except that he has not had a chance to look at his\nresume yet.\n\nVince originally said that either John or Gary Hickerson might be interested.\nI did not send his resume to Gary, maybe you can check with him?\n\nI am attaching the Interview request form and his resume. Thanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n - Punit+Rawal+newresume.doc\n\n", "Re: Interview Schedule for Punit Rawal", "reply", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["interviewing", "him"], "request information", " how does that date look for vince and the others in the group who will be interviewing him?"]], "Shirley: I have been in touch with Punit over the past several week, and it \nappears that February 2nd would suit his schedule best for the visit. How \ndoes that date look for Vince and the others in the group who will be \ninterviewing him? \n\nStephanie Cody, my new admin whom you met last week, will be contacting Punit \nto make his travel arrangements.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/16/2001 09:24 AM\n", "<1535622.1075856620347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-10-2000-19:59:0Spontgyn@hotmail.com 18-10-2000-5:58:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"17-10-2000-19:59:0Spontgyn@hotmail.com": ["17-10-2000-19:59:0", "pontgyn@hotmail.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12017832.1075856623237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pontgyn@hotmail.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: position\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Jaesoo Lew\" \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc", "position", "forward", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 21, "information", ["applying", "model"], "information", " since then, i have developed a natural gas storage valuation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 43, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " i attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking forward to talking about an opportunity at enron."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 47, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "intention", " i attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking forward to talking about an opportunity at enron."]], "Dear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc", "<12017832.1075856623237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "18-10-2000-5:58:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-5:58:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["stephanie.summers@enron.com", "toni.graham@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <26274399.1075856359930.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 05:58:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: toni.graham@enron.com, stephanie.summers@enron.com\nSubject: Interview for the Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Toni Graham, Stephanie Summers\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello everyone:\n\nVince would like to bring Jaesoo Lew in next week for an exploratory interview\nwith the Research Group. The dates that would work best for us are: \nWednesday,\nthe 25th (AM), Thursday, 26th (AM) and Friday, 27th (AM). Please see if Mr. \nLew\nis available for any of these times.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n - vitae2.doc\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/18/2000 12:29 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: position\n\nShirley,\n\nI would like to invite him to an interview next week. We should use his home \nphone\nnumber and/or private E-mail address.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:33 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Jaesoo Lew\" on 10/17/2000 09:59:01 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: position\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc\n\n\n", "Interview for the Research Group", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["bring", "exploratory", "interview"], "intention", " vince would like to bring jaesoo lew in next week for an exploratory interview with the research group."]], "Hello everyone:\n\nVince would like to bring Jaesoo Lew in next week for an exploratory interview\nwith the Research Group. The dates that would work best for us are: \nWednesday,\nthe 25th (AM), Thursday, 26th (AM) and Friday, 27th (AM). Please see if Mr. \nLew\nis available for any of these times.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n - vitae2.doc\n\n\n\n\n", "<26274399.1075856359930.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"exploratory interviewTnn": {"value": "exploratory interviewTnn", "ne": "exploratory interviewTnn", "patterns": ["exploratory interviewTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "lew", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-5-2000-4:39:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 24-5-2000-1:4:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 25-5-2000-0:47:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"23-5-2000-4:39:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["23-5-2000-4:39:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["agaddis@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "colleen.sullivan@enron.com"], "Good morning Ainsley:\nA copy of your resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research \nGroup of Enron Corp. They are very interested in talking with you about the \npossibility of a summer internship with the Research Group. \nPlease let us know if you would be interested and we will arrange either\na telephone interview or bring you into the office for an interview. \nYou may contact me at:\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\nTelephone: 713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nLook forward to hearing from you Ainsley.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw", ["Possible Summer Internship with Enron"], "{'recipients': ['agaddis@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " a copy of your resume was forwarded to vince kaminski and the research group of orgname they are very interested in talking with you about the possibility of a summer internship with the research group."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 15, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "intention", " please let us know if you would be interested and we will arrange either a telephone interview or bring you into the office for an interview."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", " please let us know if you would be interested and we will arrange either a telephone interview or bring you into the office for an interview."]], "Good morning Ainsley:\n\nA copy of your resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research \nGroup of Enron Corp. They are very interested in talking with you about the \npossibility of a summer internship with the Research Group. \n\nPlease let us know if you would be interested and we will arrange either\na telephone interview or bring you into the office for an interview. \n\nYou may contact me at:\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\nTelephone: 713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\nLook forward to hearing from you Ainsley.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw", ["<4793617.1075857066908.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12147048.1075856734543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11240168.1075856828089.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true], "24-5-2000-1:4:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["24-5-2000-1:4:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["agaddis@mail.utexas.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <29096631.1075857066886.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 May 2000 01:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: agaddis@mail.utexas.edu\nSubject: Re: Possible Summer Internship with Enron\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Ainsley Gaddis\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Ainsley:\n\nWe are so glad you are interested! I spoke with Vince Kaminski and the\nprocedure is to usually conduct a telephone interview first. This will let\nus know exactly where your interests are and establish where you might\nfit within our organization.\n\nPlease let me know your availability and the best time to reach you on \nThursday (the 25th) or Friday (the 26th) afternoon from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. \n\nAlso please let me have the telephone number where you may reached\nand we will call you. It is easier that way since there will be several of\nus involved in the interview. The interview will usually last an hour or an\nhour and a half.\n\nThank you Ainsley!\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ainsley Gaddis\" on 05/23/2000 07:21:43 PM\nTo: \"Shirley Crenshaw\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Possible Summer Internship with Enron\n\n\nHello Ms. Crenshaw,\n\nThank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I am very interested\nin meeting with Mr. Kaminski and the Research Group. I am available to come\ninto the office any time Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Please let me know\nwhat time is most convenient for you. I look forward to hearing from you\nsoon!\n\nSincerely,\n\nAinsley Gaddis\n\n\n", "Re: Possible Summer Internship with Enron", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " i spoke with vince kaminski and the procedure is to usually conduct a telephone interview first."], ["reach cell0phone", 21, "nninformation", ["availability", "you", "reach"], "intention", " please let me know your availability and the best time to reach you on thursday (the datenumeric h) or friday (the datenumeric h) afternoon from numerictime pm to numerictime pm."]], "Hello Ainsley:\n\nWe are so glad you are interested! I spoke with Vince Kaminski and the\nprocedure is to usually conduct a telephone interview first. This will let\nus know exactly where your interests are and establish where you might\nfit within our organization.\n\nPlease let me know your availability and the best time to reach you on \nThursday (the 25th) or Friday (the 26th) afternoon from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. \n\nAlso please let me have the telephone number where you may reached\nand we will call you. It is easier that way since there will be several of\nus involved in the interview. The interview will usually last an hour or an\nhour and a half.\n\nThank you Ainsley!\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ainsley Gaddis\" ", {"hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn": {"value": "hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn", "ne": "hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true], "25-5-2000-0:47:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-0:47:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "datren.williams@enron.com"], [], "Vince and Datren:\nI have scheduled a telephone interview with Ainsley this afternoon (Thursday)\nat 2:00 pm. Her telephone no. is 281-852-9116.\nYou can use conference room EB1938.\nThanks!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n07:45 AM ---------------------------\n\"Ainsley Gaddis\" on 05/24/2000 04:09:07 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Possible Summer Internship with Enron\nHi Ms. Crenshaw!\nThe best time for the interview would be tomorrow, Thursday, around 2:00.\nYou can reach me at 281-852-9116. Talk to you then!\nSincerely,\nAinsley Gaddis\n", ["Re: Possible Summer Internship with Enron"], "{'body': ['agaddis@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 2, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", " i have scheduled a telephone interview with ainsley this afternoon (thursday) at numerictime pm."]], "Vince and Datren:\n\nI have scheduled a telephone interview with Ainsley this afternoon (Thursday)\nat 2:00 pm. Her telephone no. is 281-852-9116.\n\nYou can use conference room EB1938.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n", ["<7087152.1075857066864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26434761.1075856733660.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6341461.1075856828776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"10": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["conference_conference0room eb0numericTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true]}, "30-3-2000-3:50:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 4-4-2000-0:59:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 6-4-2000-3:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 10-4-2000-10:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-5-2000-6:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2000-6:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2000-13:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-5-2000-10:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-5-2000-14:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-5-2000-10:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-5-2000-10:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-3-2000-3:50:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["30-3-2000-3:50:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Amy:\nAttached please find a short \"Bio\" for Dr. Kaminski. Please let me know\nif I can help further.\nAmy Aldous on 03/30/2000 11:24:13 AM\nTo: Vince.J.@uwaterloo.ca.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nI have just spoken with Phelim Boyle, who was very pleased to report that\nyou will be speaking at our Energy Derivatives Conference in Toronto on May\n29.\nI understand that the title of your presentation is \"Current Challenges in\nPricing and Risk Management of Energy Derivatives.\" Would you also be\navailable and willing to join a panel discussion/question and answer period\nat the end of the day?\nSpeakers, with tentative titles, to follow you are:\nCorwin Joy (Positron, Houston)\n\"Modeling physical assets: real option theory applied to generation assets\"\nDavid Emanuel (Williams, Tulsa)\n\"Modeling issues in power markets\"\nShijie Deng (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta)\n\"Research on pricing electricity derivatives and the basic models\"\nMelanie Cao (Queen's University, Kingston Ontario)\n\"Equilibrium pricing of weather derivatives\"\nPanel discussion\nPerhaps Ms. Crenshaw could send me your short biographical sketch, by email\nor fax (519) 888-7562 so that I can proceed with promoting this event as\nsoon as possible.\nMany thanks,\nAmy\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca'], 'recipients': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "Amy:\n\nAttached please find a short \"Bio\" for Dr. Kaminski. Please let me know\nif I can help further.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmy Aldous ", "<6063283.1075857039636.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-0:59:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-0:59:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Good morning Amy:\nVince Kaminski will need the following:\nAn LCD Projector to hook up to a lap tap for his presentation\nHe will have dinner with the conference organizers and speakers on the 29th.\nHe will need 2 nights (the 28th and the 29th) hotel reservations.\nHe will send you an abstract shortly.\nThanks and have a great day!\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\nAmy Aldous on 03/31/2000 10:50:11 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto\nMs. Crenshaw,\nThank you for sending the bio so quickly. It's exactly what I was looking\nfor.\nWe are planning to compile the conference speakers' papers for distribution\nto the participants. While I will not need Dr. Kaminski's contribution for\nseveral weeks, an abstract of his presentation as soon as possible would be\nvery useful to the conference organizers.\nI will also need the following information:\n- Dr. Kaminski's audio/video equipment requirements for his presentation\n- will he be joining the conference organizers and speakers for dinner on\nMay 29?\n- which nights will he be staying in Toronto? I will reserve a room at the\nconference hotel\n- any dietary restrictions or special requests\nYour help is much appreciated.\nBest wishes,\nAmy\nAt 11:50 AM 3/30/00 -0600, you wrote:\n>\n>Amy:\n>\n>Attached please find a short \"Bio\" for Dr. Kaminski. Please let me know\n>if I can help further.\n>\n>\n)\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca'], 'recipients': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "Good morning Amy:\n\nVince Kaminski will need the following:\n\nAn LCD Projector to hook up to a lap tap for his presentation\nHe will have dinner with the conference organizers and speakers on the 29th.\nHe will need 2 nights (the 28th and the 29th) hotel reservations.\n\nHe will send you an abstract shortly.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmy Aldous ", "<2054583.1075857039570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-4-2000-3:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-3:28:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <2487108.1075856751021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 03:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca\nSubject: Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Amy Aldous @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Amy:\n\nThat is fine, Vince was going to come on the 28th anyway, but he will probably\nneed to come earlier - please let me know what time you have scheduled\nthe dinner so I can make his airline reservations. \n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmy Aldous on 04/06/2000 09:10:01 AM\nTo: \"Shirley Crenshaw\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto\n\n\nHi Shirley,\n\nI just realized that I goofed on the dinner - it will be held on Sunday,\nMay 28th instead of the 29th. Sorry about that!\n\nI hope your day is going well so far.\n\nAmy\n\n\n\nAt 07:59 AM 4/4/00 -0500, you wrote:\n>\n>\n>Good morning Amy:\n>\n>Vince Kaminski will need the following:\n>\n> An LCD Projector to hook up to a lap tap for his presentation\n> He will have dinner with the conference organizers and speakers on the\n29th.\n> He will need 2 nights (the 28th and the 29th) hotel reservations.\n>\n>He will send you an abstract shortly.\n>\n>Thanks and have a great day!\n>\n>Shirley Crenshaw\n>713-853-5290\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n\n", "Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 13, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " that is fine, vince was going to come on the datenumeric h anyway, but he will probably need to come earlier - please let me know what time you have scheduled the dinner so i can make his airline reservations."]], "Hi Amy:\n\nThat is fine, Vince was going to come on the 28th anyway, but he will probably\nneed to come earlier - please let me know what time you have scheduled\nthe dinner so I can make his airline reservations. \n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmy Aldous ", {"dinner reservationTnn": {"value": "dinner reservationTnn", "ne": "dinner reservationTnn", "patterns": ["dinner reservationTnn"]}}, true], "10-4-2000-10:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2000-10:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2000 \n05:26 PM ---------------------------\nShirley Crenshaw\n04/06/2000 10:28 AM\nTo: Amy Aldous @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto \nHi Amy:\nThat is fine, Vince was going to come on the 28th anyway, but he will probably\nneed to come earlier - please let me know what time you have scheduled\nthe dinner so I can make his airline reservations. \nThanks!\nShirley\nAmy Aldous on 04/06/2000 09:10:01 AM\nTo: \"Shirley Crenshaw\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto\nHi Shirley,\nI just realized that I goofed on the dinner - it will be held on Sunday,\nMay 28th instead of the 29th. Sorry about that!\nI hope your day is going well so far.\nAmy\nAt 07:59 AM 4/4/00 -0500, you wrote:\n>\n>\n>Good morning Amy:\n>\n>Vince Kaminski will need the following:\n>\n> An LCD Projector to hook up to a lap tap for his presentation\n> He will have dinner with the conference organizers and speakers on the\n29th.\n> He will need 2 nights (the 28th and the 29th) hotel reservations.\n>\n>He will send you an abstract shortly.\n>\n>Thanks and have a great day!\n>\n>Shirley Crenshaw\n>713-853-5290\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "", ["<853478.1075856935868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9492770.1075856992775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17832060.1075856750559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31944588.1075856817555.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-6:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-6:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n01:34 PM ---------------------------\nShirley Crenshaw\n05/25/2000 12:58 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto\nVince:\nFYI!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n12:56 PM ---------------------------\nAmy Aldous on 05/25/2000 12:42:54 PM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto\nHi Shirley,\nThanks for your message. It's not surprising that someone who is as busy\nas Dr. Kaminski is running a bit behind. I've organized a number of\nconferences, and it always turns out that the best speaker is the last one\nto get his presentation ready. We are very lucky to have him speak at our\nconference, and I am happy to help.\nThere will be an SVGA data projector with an LCD colour data projector and\nscreen available.\nIf he would like the conference participants to have copies of his material\nduring his presentation, perhaps he could take it to the hotel's 24-hour\nbusiness services area when he arrives (or when it's ready) and I will pick\nup the copies before registration begins at 8:00. If he doesn't mind me\nwaiting to distribute the copies on the first break, I can take care of the\ncopying once everyone is seated and his talk begins.\nIf he chooses to have the copies ready first thing in the morning, please\nhave him request 55 (three-hole punched) copies to be charged to the\nUniversity of Waterloo's function. If it's all right to hand them out\nlater, he can bring me the diskette when he comes down to the Stuart\nmeeting room on the third floor. I will be there for registration and\ncontinental breakfast beginning at 8:00.\nPlease let me know which he prefers.\nThanks!\nAmy\nAt 11:10 AM 5/25/00 -0500, you wrote:\n>\n>Hi Amy:\n>\n>Just checking on a few last minute details. I apologize for not having an\n>abstract for you. Vince has been speaking at quite a few conferences\n>and I am afraid he is running late at getting this presentation together.\n>He plans on working on it this weekend. He will bring a diskette with him\n>and he will need an LCD Projector to run the presentation\n>\n>Can you possibly make the copies Monday morning. I know that is really\n>putting the pressure on and I apologize once again. Usually when he is\n>running late like this I make the copies and he brings them with him, but\n>unfortunately, he will not have it ready in time for me to do this.\n>\n>Please let me know if there are any problems.\n>\n>Thank you Amy.\n>\n>Regards,\n>\n>Shirley Crenshaw\n>713-853-5290\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Re: Energy Derivatives Conference - May 29, Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "", ["<8536886.1075856928209.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<933855.1075856985136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22387396.1075856733307.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19585536.1075856828989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2000-6:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-6:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 \n01:16 PM ---------------------------\nAmy Aldous on 04/24/2000 12:11:18 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, David.Emanuel@Williams.com, \ndeng@isye.gatech.edu, cj@caminus.com, caom@qed.econ.queensu.ca, \nwei@mgmt.utoronto.ca\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29\nDetails of the upcoming Energy Derivatives Conference are now posted at\n\nI look forward to receiving your papers by May 5.\nThank you,\nAmy (for P.P. Boyle)\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "", ["<33040406.1075856932941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23940965.1075856989862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12551545.1075856744529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23327773.1075856821705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2000-13:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-13:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zb04.mx.aol.com (rly-zb04.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-zb03.mail.aol.com (v70.20) with ESMTP; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 14:14:48 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-zb04.mx.aol.com (v71.10) with ESMTP; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 14:14:30 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id NAA25782 for \n; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:29 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/corp-1.03) with ESMTP id NAA20407 for \n; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:26 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id NAA01303 for \n; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:29 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 862568CB.0064332F ; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:27 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <862568CB.0064323D.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:29 -0500\nSubject: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Disposition: inline\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 \n01:16\nPM ---------------------------\nAmy Aldous on 04/24/2000 12:11:18 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, David.Emanuel@Williams.com,\n deng@isye.gatech.edu, cj@caminus.com, caom@qed.econ.queensu.ca,\n wei@mgmt.utoronto.ca\ncc:\nSubject: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29\nDetails of the upcoming Energy Derivatives Conference are now posted at\n\nI look forward to receiving your papers by May 5.\nThank you,\nAmy (for P.P. Boyle)\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Fwd: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: ", "<21604001.1075857039231.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16923612.1075856821874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-5-2000-10:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-5-2000-10:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/12/2000 \n05:07 PM ---------------------------\nPhelim Boyle on 05/12/2000 03:47:59 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Amy Aldous , \npconcessi@deloitte.com, ROSS Raymond -CMMRCL OPS \n\ncc: \nSubject: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto\n Vince \nThanks again for agreeing to speak at our conference. \nIt is attracting considerable interest. . \nIs it possible for you to send us copies of your slides by May 18 to meet our \ndeadline for \npreparing the material.? If you have? a related paper available that covers \nsome of the same material that would do instead but \nnaturally we would prefer the slides. \nI would like to mention again the?? the pre-conference dinner at \n7 pm on Sunday May 30 for the speakers \nWe hope very much you can be present \nI was also hoping you would be available for the last? session of the day to \nbe panel member \nThe provisional title? is \nManaging Risk in Illiquid Markets \nThe chair is Pat Concessi of Deloitte and Touche \nThe panel last from 3.30 until 4.30 and we would like panel members should \nspeaker for \na few minutes and take questions from the floor. \nIn the meantime if you have any questions please let Amy or myself know \nSincerely \nPhelim P Boyle \n? \n-- \nPhelim P Boyle \nDirector \nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance, \nUniversity of Waterloo, \nWaterloo, Ontario \nCanada N2L 3G1 \nTel? 519 885 1211(6513) \nFax 519 888 7562 \n? \n", ["Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "", ["<2208900.1075856929645.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9971458.1075856986567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33099017.1075856737517.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20073401.1075856826375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-5-2000-14:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-5-2000-14:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-ye02.mx.aol.com (rly-ye02.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-ye02.mx.aol.com (v73.12) with ESMTP; Fri, 12 May 2000 18:05:21 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-ye02.mx.aol.com (v71.10) with ESMTP; Fri, 12 May 2000 18:05:02 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id RAA16047 for \n; Fri, 12 May 2000 17:05:02 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/corp-1.03) with ESMTP id RAA03182 for \n; Fri, 12 May 2000 17:04:51 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id RAA27377 for \n; Fri, 12 May 2000 17:05:00 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 862568DD.00794B9A ; Fri, 12 May 2000 17:04:52 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <862568DD.00794A86.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Fri, 12 May 2000 17:04:47 -0500\nSubject: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/12/2000 \n05:07\nPM ---------------------------\nPhelim Boyle on 05/12/2000 03:47:59 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Amy Aldous ,\n pconcessi@deloitte.com, ROSS Raymond -CMMRCL OPS\n \ncc:\nSubject: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto\n Vince\nThanks again for agreeing to speak at our conference.\nIt is attracting considerable interest. .\nIs it possible for you to send us copies of your slides by May 18 to meet our\ndeadline for\npreparing the material.? If you have? a related paper available that covers\nsome of the same material that would do instead but\nnaturally we would prefer the slides.\nI would like to mention again the?? the pre-conference dinner at\n7 pm on Sunday May 30 for the speakers\nWe hope very much you can be present\nI was also hoping you would be available for the last? session of the day to \nbe\npanel member\nThe provisional title? is\nManaging Risk in Illiquid Markets\nThe chair is Pat Concessi of Deloitte and Touche\nThe panel last from 3.30 until 4.30 and we would like panel members should\nspeaker for\na few minutes and take questions from the floor.\nIn the meantime if you have any questions please let Amy or myself know\nSincerely\nPhelim P Boyle\n--\nPhelim P Boyle\nDirector\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance,\nUniversity of Waterloo,\nWaterloo, Ontario\nCanada N2L 3G1\nTel? 519 885 1211(6513)\nFax 519 888 7562\n", ["Fwd: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: ", "<14729393.1075857039082.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24566608.1075856826422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-10:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-10:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pboyle@uwaterloo.ca"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Phelim,\nI shall be glad to join you for dinner on Sunday.\nI shall be also available for the panel discussion.\nI would like to thank you one more time for the invitation\nto speak at the conference.\nVince\n \nPhelim Boyle on 05/12/2000 03:47:59 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Amy Aldous , \npconcessi@deloitte.com, ROSS Raymond -CMMRCL OPS \n\ncc: \nSubject: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto\n Vince \nThanks again for agreeing to speak at our conference. \nIt is attracting considerable interest. . \nIs it possible for you to send us copies of your slides by May 18 to meet our \ndeadline for \npreparing the material.? If you have? a related paper available that covers \nsome of the same material that would do instead but \nnaturally we would prefer the slides. \nI would like to mention again the?? the pre-conference dinner at \n7 pm on Sunday May 30 for the speakers \nWe hope very much you can be present \nI was also hoping you would be available for the last? session of the day to \nbe panel member \nThe provisional title? is \nManaging Risk in Illiquid Markets \nThe chair is Pat Concessi of Deloitte and Touche \nThe panel last from 3.30 until 4.30 and we would like panel members should \nspeaker for \na few minutes and take questions from the floor. \nIn the meantime if you have any questions please let Amy or myself know \nSincerely \nPhelim P Boyle \n? \n-- \nPhelim P Boyle \nDirector \nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance, \nUniversity of Waterloo, \nWaterloo, Ontario \nCanada N2L 3G1 \nTel? 519 885 1211(6513) \nFax 519 888 7562 \n? \n", ["Re: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "Phelim,\n\nI shall be glad to join you for dinner on Sunday.\nI shall be also available for the panel discussion.\n\nI would like to thank you one more time for the invitation\nto speak at the conference.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\nPhelim Boyle ", "<18973223.1075856984898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13833259.1075856732845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23671809.1075857038865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-10:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-10:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n05:37 PM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 05/14/2000 08:03:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Book and EPRM articles\nContent-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-za05.mx.aol.com (rly-za05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-za03.mail.aol.com (v70.20) with ESMTP; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 17:48:23 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-za05.mx.aol.com (v71.10) with ESMTP; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 17:48:03 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id QAA14355 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/corp-1.03) with ESMTP id QAA06854 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:47:59 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id QAA19444 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 862568C8.0077C120 ; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <862568C8.0077BFB4.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:47:55 -0500\nSubject: Book and EPRM articles\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/21/2000 \n04:49\nPM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 04/20/2000 04:32:32 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Book and EPRM articles\nHi Vince,\nI was wondering how the chapter of the book is coming along??! Do you want me\nto make 'noise' tomorrow or to leave you until after Easter?\nUntil then, I wanted to discuss with you an idea that Les and I have been\nthrowing around concerning writing a series of articles for Risk's 'Energy \nand\nPower Risk Management'. We would like to propose to them?that we would write \nan\narticle a month, covering practical issues dealing with energy modelling and\nenergy derivative pricing and risk management. The articles would be based \nupon\nsections of the book so as to promote the book, and to reduce the effort/time\ninvolved by using?already produced material. We would like to cover some very\npractical topics, but we?won't be giving too much away as the articles are \nonly\n1 or 2 pages long.\nEach article would be of?the form;\n- introduce?the concept\n- give an example using real data\n- discuss the problem with a case study\n- provide a discussion\n- sum up\nI've included a list of potential articles at the end of this e-mail. For\nexample, for the first one, \"Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy\nprices\", we would introduce the concept of mean reversion,?show a graph of an\nequity index and an energy price?for illustration of our point, estimate the\nparameter for a series of energies over a number of seasons, and finally,\ndiscuss the results.\nWe?are wondering if you would like to be involved in this project? Your\ninvolvement needn't take much time (although it is up to you). The kind of\ninput we are hoping for (again, this is up to you) is that you?would?review \nthe\nlist of articles and provide?suggestions of additions or deletions, suggest\nreasonable data sets or case studies to work with on each article, and then \nto\nrun your eye over \"near finished\" articles, which?we would supply to you for\nyour?practical experience?input.? Would something like this interest you? If \nit\ndid, we would try to sell Risk on making it a regular monthly \"feature\" of\nEPRM, authored by all three of us.\nWe are hoping to present our proposal to Risk in the next few weeks, so \nplease\nlet us know if you are interested.\nBest regards.\nChris.\nPotental EPRM articles;\n1- Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy prices (with parameters\nestimated for oil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n2- Estimation of jumps in spot energy prices (with parameters estimated for\noil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n3- Simulating a mean reverting spot price process for pricing energy\nderivatives (with case study applied to an Asian option on oil)\n4- Simulating a jump / diffusion spot price process for pricing energy\nderivatives (with case study applied to a Swaption on natural gas)\n5- Simulating a mean reverting jump / diffusion spot price process for \npricing\nenergy derivatives (with case study applied to hourly caps on spot \nelectricity)\n6- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a mean reverting spot\nprice model (with example applied to a cap on natural gas fitting the Forward\ncurve and volatlity structure)\n7- using a tree consistent with the forward curve and vols for pricing swing\noptions\n8- implying a single?factor vol function from market Futures option prices \nand\nvariation of parameters thru time\n9- adding jump volatility to the tree\n10- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a multi-factor forward\ncurve model(with example applied to the same cap on natural gas and a\ndiscussion on the differences between the two approaches)\n11- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve models \n(with\nestimates of oil data over different periods)\n12- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve model from\nmarket option prices\n13- pricing swing option in multi factor model using tree for exercise \nstrategy\n14- comparison of VaR methodoligies applied to the same energy derivativ\nportfolio.\n", ["Fwd: Book and EPRM articles", "Fwd: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto"], "{'body': ['aaldous@watarts.uwaterloo.ca']}", [], "", ["<18222891.1075856928021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20841446.1075856928045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18348704.1075856984947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21444494.1075856984972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7745973.1075856732923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28937573.1075856732949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<918497.1075856829182.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2140366.1075856829207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "12-1-2001-6:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-1-2001-6:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-1-2001-23:49:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 16-2-2001-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-1-2001-6:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-6:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pavel.zadorozhny@enron.com"], [], "Pavel,\nWe shall talk to him. He looks like a very qualified\ncandidate.\nVince\nFrom: Pavel Zadorozhny on 01/12/2001 01:40 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: asking for advice regarding Summer Associate position at Enron\nGentlemen,\nHere is a guy who is looking for a summer associate position. I looked at his \nresume and think that he may be worth talking to.\nPavel\n---------------------- Forwarded by Pavel Zadorozhny/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 \n01:37 PM ---------------------------\nDmitri Villevald on 01/03/2001 \n06:56:54 PM\nTo: \"Pavel Zadorozhny (E-mail)\" \ncc: \nSubject: asking for advice regarding Summer Associate position at Enron\nDear Mr. Zadorozhny:\nMaxim Philippov suggested that I write you. Being a first-year MBA student\nat Owen Graduate School of Management (Vanderbilt University) with a Finance\nconcentration, I am looking for a Summer Associate position at Enron.\nThe area of my particular interest is Enron's risk management products\n(commodity derivatives research and trading). Graduating from Novosibirsk\nState University with major in physics, I am eager to apply my experience\nwith the use of theoretical and statistical physics techniques to the\nmanaging of modeling processes and creating complex financial and trading\nmodels. I strongly believe that my graduate education coupled with\nundergraduate background in physics, solid work experience in finance and\nproven entrepreneurial spirit will allow me to contribute to Enron as a\nSummer Associate.\nI would really appreciate your advice regarding employment opportunities at\nEnron and would like to find out more about Enron Capital & Trade Resources\nCorp. I will call you within this week to follow up on my request.\nThank you very much for your time.\nSincerely,\nDmitri Villevald\nEnclosure: resume\n>>\nP.S. Looking through an example of margin risk hedging at Enron's Web site,\nI think I found a small mistake there. URL of this page is\n> (producer\napplication)\nThe second sentence of the paragraph beginning with \"Paradigm and Enron\nexchange...\"\nstates the following.\nFor example, if the actual margin is $1.25/MMBtu for a given month, then\nParadigm will pay Enron $0.13/MMBtu. Alternatively, if the actual margin is\n$2.00/MMBtu, then Enron will pay Paradigm $0.62/MMBtu.\nI believe, if I am reading it correctly, the money should flow in the\nopposite direction, namely:\nFor example, if the actual margin is $1.25/MMBtu for a given month, then\nEnron will pay Paradigm $0.13/MMBtu. Alternatively, if the actual margin is\n$2.00/MMBtu, then Paradigm will pay Enron $0.62/MMBtu.\nAm I right?\nAgain, thank you very much for your time.\n\n", ["Re: asking for advice regarding Summer Associate position at Enron"], "{'body': ['dmitri.villevald@owen2002.vanderbilt.edu']}", [], "Pavel,\n\nWe shall talk to him. He looks like a very qualified\ncandidate.\n\nVince\n\n\nFrom: Pavel Zadorozhny on 01/12/2001 01:40 PM\n", ["<16349754.1075856460468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29491327.1075856526797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32924302.1075856233819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7676829.1075856389693.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-1-2001-6:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-6:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nPlease, set up a phone interview with him. I think both Zimin and\nStinson should talk to him.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 \n02:52 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Pavel Zadorozhny on 01/12/2001 01:40 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: asking for advice regarding Summer Associate position at Enron\nGentlemen,\nHere is a guy who is looking for a summer associate position. I looked at his \nresume and think that he may be worth talking to.\nPavel\n---------------------- Forwarded by Pavel Zadorozhny/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 \n01:37 PM ---------------------------\nDmitri Villevald on 01/03/2001 \n06:56:54 PM\nTo: \"Pavel Zadorozhny (E-mail)\" \ncc: \nSubject: asking for advice regarding Summer Associate position at Enron\nDear Mr. Zadorozhny:\nMaxim Philippov suggested that I write you. Being a first-year MBA student\nat Owen Graduate School of Management (Vanderbilt University) with a Finance\nconcentration, I am looking for a Summer Associate position at Enron.\nThe area of my particular interest is Enron's risk management products\n(commodity derivatives research and trading). Graduating from Novosibirsk\nState University with major in physics, I am eager to apply my experience\nwith the use of theoretical and statistical physics techniques to the\nmanaging of modeling processes and creating complex financial and trading\nmodels. I strongly believe that my graduate education coupled with\nundergraduate background in physics, solid work experience in finance and\nproven entrepreneurial spirit will allow me to contribute to Enron as a\nSummer Associate.\nI would really appreciate your advice regarding employment opportunities at\nEnron and would like to find out more about Enron Capital & Trade Resources\nCorp. I will call you within this week to follow up on my request.\nThank you very much for your time.\nSincerely,\nDmitri Villevald\nEnclosure: resume\n>>\nP.S. Looking through an example of margin risk hedging at Enron's Web site,\nI think I found a small mistake there. URL of this page is\n> (producer\napplication)\nThe second sentence of the paragraph beginning with \"Paradigm and Enron\nexchange...\"\nstates the following.\nFor example, if the actual margin is $1.25/MMBtu for a given month, then\nParadigm will pay Enron $0.13/MMBtu. Alternatively, if the actual margin is\n$2.00/MMBtu, then Enron will pay Paradigm $0.62/MMBtu.\nI believe, if I am reading it correctly, the money should flow in the\nopposite direction, namely:\nFor example, if the actual margin is $1.25/MMBtu for a given month, then\nEnron will pay Paradigm $0.13/MMBtu. Alternatively, if the actual margin is\n$2.00/MMBtu, then Paradigm will pay Enron $0.62/MMBtu.\nAm I right?\nAgain, thank you very much for your time.\n\n", ["asking for advice regarding Summer Associate position at Enron"], "{'body': ['dmitri.villevald@owen2002.vanderbilt.edu']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 5, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "request", "shirley, please, set up a phone interview with him."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, set up a phone interview with him. I think both Zimin and\nStinson should talk to him.\n\nVince\n", ["<13704061.1075856620436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31143686.1075856460445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15937464.1075856526775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14579628.1075856233772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16465825.1075856389765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}}, true], "16-1-2001-23:49:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-23:49:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["dmitri.villevald@owen2002.vanderbilt.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <29238607.1075856620301.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 23:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: dmitri.villevald@owen2002.vanderbilt.edu\nSubject: RE: Summer Associate Position at Enron\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Dmitri Villevald @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Dmitri:\n\nThank you for responding so quickly.\n\nI have scheduled the telephone interview for Wednesday, January 31st\nat 3:30 PM (Houston time). You may be ahead one hour? The interview\nwill be for approximately 1 hour.\n\nThe Research group that will be interviewing you will be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nZimin Lu Director\n\nWe will call you at 615-496-1132. If anything changes, please let me know.\n\nThanks Dmitri.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDmitri Villevald on 01/16/2001 \n11:42:05 PM\nTo: \"'Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Summer Associate Position at Enron\n\n\nDear Ms. Crenshaw:\n\nThank you for choosing me for the telephone interview. It is a great honor\nfor me to be interviewed by Enron Research Group professionals. I will be\navailable for the interview on January 25th - 26th, January 29th - 31st\nanytime from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. Please let me know which time is the most\nconvenient for you. You can reach me by telephone (home: 615-292-7122).\nAlso, I am always available at my cell phone (615-496-1132).\n\nTo make sure that I will do my best during the interview, I will greatly\nappreciate if you provide me with some details on the interview structure\nand the type of questions I could expect.\n\nAgain, thank you very much for the great opportunity to demonstrate and\nprove my credentials, interest and desire to work for Enron during this\nsummer. I am excited about the prospect of applying my skills at Enron\nResearch Group as a Summer Associate. If I can provide more information or\nanswer additional questions, please, contact me either by telephone\n(615-496-1132) or via e-mail (Dmitri.Villevald@owen2002.vanderbilt.edu).\n\nSincerely,\n\nDmitri Villevald\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com [mailto:Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 9:40 AM\nTo: Dmitri Villevald\nSubject: Summer Associate Position at Enron\n\n\nGood morning Dmitri:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to the Research Group with Enron by Pavel\nZadorozhny. They would like to conduct a telephone interview with you\nat your convenience sometime within the next two weeks. It will be a\nconference call and will include several of the Research group.\n\nThis will determine where you might fit for the summer program.\n\nPlease let me know some times that would be convenient for you and the\ntelephone number that you can be reached at.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdminsitrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n", "RE: Summer Associate Position at Enron", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 5, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", " i have scheduled the telephone interview for wednesday, datenumeric st at numerictime pm (houston time)."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["interviewing", "you"], "intention", " the research group that will be interviewing you will be: vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president zimin lu director we will call you at phonenumber ."]], "Hi Dmitri:\n\nThank you for responding so quickly.\n\nI have scheduled the telephone interview for Wednesday, January 31st\nat 3:30 PM (Houston time). You may be ahead one hour? The interview\nwill be for approximately 1 hour.\n\nThe Research group that will be interviewing you will be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nZimin Lu Director\n\nWe will call you at 615-496-1132. If anything changes, please let me know.\n\nThanks Dmitri.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDmitri Villevald ", {"12": {"value": "1**hour", "ne": "numeric0hour", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true], "16-2-2001-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-2:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kristin.gandy@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Kristin,\nThe problem with this guy is that we maxed out on the number of interns we\ncan gainfully employ and provide adequate supervision. So, we have to pass on \nhim.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Kristin Gandy @ ENRON 02/16/2001 07:54 AM\n \nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Vandy Student\nI hear that you have been in contact with this student. Do you have any \ninterest in hiring him for a summer position? If not please just let me know \nand I will call him to let him know.\nRegards,\nKristin\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kristin Gandy/NA/Enron on 02/16/2001 \n07:49 AM ---------------------------\nDmitri Villevald on 02/15/2001 \n04:00:51 PM\nTo: \"'kristin.gandy@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nDear Ms. Gandy:\nThank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit the Owen\nGraduate School of Management at Vanderbilt on January 23-24 for on-campus\ninterviews for the Summer Associate positions at Enron. It was a pleasure\ntalking with you, and I hope I conveyed to you how excited I am about the\nprospect of applying my skills at Enron.\nI realize that Enron offers a limited number of positions and greatly\nrespect your choice of Summer Associates. I would like to ask you if there\nis any opportunity for me to work at Enron during this summer for free. I am\nconfident that my sincere interest in derivatives will allow me to greatly\ncontribute to Enron during this summer. I am particularly interested in\nEnron Research Group. (I had a phone interview with Mr. Gibner on January\n31st, and I sent him email yesterday asking for the opportunity to work for\nfree during this summer).\nI am looking forward to hearing from you. If I can provide more information\nor answer additional questions, please feel free to contact me either by\ntelephone (615-496-1132) or via e-mail\n(Dmitri.Villevald@owen2002.vanderbilt.edu). Also, I am always ready to fly\nto Houston for additional interviews.\nAgain, thank you for your time and consideration.\nSincerely,\nDmitri Villevald\nOWEN MBA 2002\n", ["Re: Vandy Student"], "{'body': ['dmitri.villevald@owen2002.vanderbilt.edu']}", [], "Kristin,\n\nThe problem with this guy is that we maxed out on the number of interns we\ncan gainfully employ and provide adequate supervision. So, we have to pass on \nhim.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Kristin Gandy @ ENRON 02/16/2001 07:54 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<5406661.1075856619341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31071088.1075856452546.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9515859.1075856518874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15194000.1075856217772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "16-1-2001-6:11:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 24-1-2001-3:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2001-3:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2001-3:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2001-4:10:0Smolly.magee@enron.com 19-4-2001-14:10:0Smolly.magee@enron.com 10-12-2001-9:46:57Sj.kaminski@enron.com 16-12-2001-11:6:4Sj.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-6:11:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-6:11:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["cedkao@aol.com", "cgkao@mtholyoke.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <16086880.1075856232663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 06:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: cedkao@aol.com, cgkao@mtholyoke.edu\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Cedkao@aol.com, Cgkao@mtholyoke.edu\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSeveral of the Enron Corp. Research Team would like for you to come\nin for an interview. They are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nMaureen Raymond-Castaneda Director\n\nPlease give me some dates and times of your availability during the rest\nof January and I will try to coordinate them with our schedule.\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you soon.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdminsitrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713/852-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group", "originEmail", [["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 22, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "schedule"], "intention", " they are: vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president maureen raymond-castaneda director please give me some dates and times of your availability during the rest of january and i will try to coordinate them with our schedule."]], "Several of the Enron Corp. Research Team would like for you to come\nin for an interview. They are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nMaureen Raymond-Castaneda Director\n\nPlease give me some dates and times of your availability during the rest\nof January and I will try to coordinate them with our schedule.\n\nLooking forward to hearing from you soon.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdminsitrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713/852-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "<16086880.1075856232663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "24-1-2001-3:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-3:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["cedkao@aol.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "maureen.raymond@enron.com"], "Candice,\nMaureen was sick for the last few days.\nWhen she comes back, I shall ask her to start the process regarding\na formal offer for you.\nVince\nCedkao@aol.com on 01/24/2001 11:00:52 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, Cedkao@aol.com \nSubject: (no subject)\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\nI would like to thank you and your colleagues, Dr. Gibner and Ms.\nRaymond-Castaneda, for taking the time to talk with me. I enjoyed the visit\nvery much and will be looking forward to the opportunity of working as a\nsummer intern at Enron. You mentioned that you will call me this week. In the\nevent I'm not at home, please leave a message at my home phone number (713)\n647-7161 or email me at my Houston email address cedkao@aol.com.\nSincerely,\nCandice Kao \n", ["Re: (no subject)"], "{'body': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu'], 'recipients': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu']}", [], "Candice,\n\nMaureen was sick for the last few days.\nWhen she comes back, I shall ask her to start the process regarding\na formal offer for you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nCedkao@aol.com on 01/24/2001 11:00:52 AM\n", ["<21091676.1075856457438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12643377.1075856523773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22079599.1075856575939.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-3:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-3:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 \n10:27 AM ---------------------------\nedward kao on 04/18/2001 01:55:37 PM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Test\nDear Vince: The email address of Candice is\n cgkao@mtholyoke.edu\nI will email you her phone number at Mount Holyoke this evening.\n Regards\n Ed\nOn Wed, 18 Apr 2001 vkamins@ect.enron.com wrote:\n> Test\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Test"], "{'body': ['cgkao@mtholyoke.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<19085950.1075856439924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31243579.1075856506231.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17126787.1075856192206.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10867259.1075856423612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-3:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-3:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Molly \nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 \n10:43 AM ---------------------------\nedward kao on 04/18/2001 08:30:49 PM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Test\nVince:\n Candice's contact information at Mount Holyoke is as follows:\n Phone: (413) 493-5092\n email: cgkao@mtholyoke.edu\n address: 1453 Blanchard Campus Center\n Mount Holyoke College\n South Hadley, MA 01075-6002\n Ed\nPS: I hope Ron Singer has given you the needed info. Please feel free to\ncontact me if I can be of any help with regard to your colleague's inquiry\nabout pursuing doctoral study at UH.\n", ["Re: Test"], "{'body': ['cgkao@mtholyoke.edu']}", [], "Molly \n\nFYI\n\nVince\n", ["<9898925.1075856439794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8986355.1075856506100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2029712.1075856192024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13924762.1075856423727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-4:10:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-4:10:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Thanks, Vince. We have received both her application and her signed offer \nletter, so we are moving in the right direction.\nMolly\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 10:44 AM\nTo: Magee, Molly\nCc: Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: Re: Test\nMolly \nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 \n10:43 AM ---------------------------\nedward kao on 04/18/2001 08:30:49 PM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Test\nVince:\n Candice's contact information at Mount Holyoke is as follows:\n Phone: (413) 493-5092\n email: cgkao@mtholyoke.edu\n address: 1453 Blanchard Campus Center\n Mount Holyoke College\n South Hadley, MA 01075-6002\n Ed\nPS: I hope Ron Singer has given you the needed info. Please feel free to\ncontact me if I can be of any help with regard to your colleague's inquiry\nabout pursuing doctoral study at UH.\n", ["RE: Test"], "{'body': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu']}", [], "Thanks, Vince. We have received both her application and her signed offer \nletter, so we are moving in the right direction.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n ", ["<20327351.1075856618111.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<262346.1075856191972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2566877.1075856423779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-14:10:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-14:10:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Thanks, Vince. We have received both her application and her signed offer letter, so we are moving in the right direction.\nMolly\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 10:44 AM\nTo: Magee, Molly\nCc: Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: Re: Test\nMolly \nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 10:43 AM ---------------------------\n \nedward kao on 04/18/2001 08:30:49 PM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Test\nVince:\n Candice's contact information at Mount Holyoke is as follows:\n Phone: (413) 493-5092\n email: cgkao@mtholyoke.edu\n address: 1453 Blanchard Campus Center\n Mount Holyoke College\n South Hadley, MA 01075-6002\n Ed\nPS: I hope Ron Singer has given you the needed info. Please feel free to\ncontact me if I can be of any help with regard to your colleague's inquiry\nabout pursuing doctoral study at UH.\n", ["RE: Test"], "{'body': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu']}", [], "Thanks, Vince. We have received both her application and her signed offer letter, so we are moving in the right direction.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n ", ["<18777818.1075840786192.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-12-2001-9:46:57Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-12-2001-9:46:57", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["cgkao@mtholyoke.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Candice,\nThanks a lot. So far, we are intact as a group but not for long.\nThe best holiday wishes to you and your family.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Candice G Kao @ENRON \nSent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 9:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Happy Holidays\nHi Vince,\nHow are you? I hope you are doing well. I understand that Enron has been\nfacing many difficulties but I hope the group and everyone else is doing\nalright. Well, i just wanted to wish you and your family a safe and happy\nholiday.\nSincerely,\nCandice Kao", ["RE: Happy Holidays"], "{'body': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu'], 'recipients': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu']}", [], "Candice,\n\nThanks a lot. So far, we are intact as a group but not for long.\nThe best holiday wishes to you and your family.\n\nVince\n\n ", ["<28497693.1075840795179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-12-2001-11:6:4Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-12-2001-11:6:4", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["cgkao@mtholyoke.edu"], [], "Candice,\n \nThanks for your kind offer.\nPlease, get in touch with us when you come to Houston. \nWe may not be around much longer.\n \nVince\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: Candice G Kao @ENRON \nSent: Sat 12/15/2001 3:45 PM \nTo: Kaminski, Vince J \nCc: \nSubject: RE: Happy Holidays\nHi Vince,\nHow are you? I will be back in Houston for December break as well as the\nmonth of January. If the group is in need of any help, I will be more than\nhappy to work with or without pay in the month of January.\nHope to hear from you soon.\nCandice", ["RE: Happy Holidays"], "{'body': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu'], 'recipients': ['cedkao@aol.com', 'cgkao@mtholyoke.edu']}", [], "Candice,\n \nThanks for your kind offer.\nPlease, get in touch with us when you come to Houston. \nWe may not be around much longer.\n \nVince\n\n", ["<18250880.1075840794549.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "2-5-2000-3:49:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 26-10-2001-9:48:9Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"2-5-2000-3:49:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2000-3:49:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10560409.1075856739898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 May 2000 03:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Bruno Repetto Interview with Enron Corp. Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Zimin Lu, Grant Masson, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBruno Repetto will be in the office on May 11 beginning at 1:00 PM.\n\nFollowing is the interview schedule:\n\nVince Kaminski 1:00 PM\nStinson Gibner 1:30 PM\nGrant Masson 2:00 PM\nVasant Shanbhogue 2:30 PM\nKrishna Krishnarao 3:00 PM\nZimin Lu 3:30 PM\nTany Tamarchenko 4:00 PM\n\nAll interviews will be conducted in EB1938.\n\nThe calendars that I have access to have already been marked.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley", "Re: Bruno Repetto Interview with Enron Corp. Research Group", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 23, "nninformation", ["conducted", "eb**1938"], "intention", " following is the interview schedule: vince kaminski numerictime pm stinson gibner numerictime pm grant masson numerictime pm vasant shanbhogue numerictime pm krishna krishnarao numerictime pm zimin lu numerictime pm tany tamarchenko numerictime pm all interviews will be conducted in eb numeric ."]], "Bruno Repetto will be in the office on May 11 beginning at 1:00 PM.\n\nFollowing is the interview schedule:\n\nVince Kaminski 1:00 PM\nStinson Gibner 1:30 PM\nGrant Masson 2:00 PM\nVasant Shanbhogue 2:30 PM\nKrishna Krishnarao 3:00 PM\nZimin Lu 3:30 PM\nTany Tamarchenko 4:00 PM\n\nAll interviews will be conducted in EB1938.\n\nThe calendars that I have access to have already been marked.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley", "<10560409.1075856739898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"24": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric interviewTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "vince", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, true], "26-10-2001-9:48:9Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["26-10-2001-9:48:9", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["bhunt_30328@yahoo.com"], [], "Mr. Hunt:\nYour resume has been forwarded to Dr. Vince Kaminski, Managing Director\nand Head of Research with Enron Corp. He would like to conduct a telephone \ninterview with you at your convenience.\nPlease forward me some times and dates within the next few weeks that you\nwould be available and I will coordinate the interview. \nAlso, please let us know what telephone number you wish to be contacted at.\nBest regards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", ["Telephone Interview with Vince Kaminski"], "{'subjectBDValue': ['interview', 'vince']}", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 6, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " hunt: your resume has been forwarded to dr."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " vince kaminski, managing director and head of research with orgname he would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 20, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "dates", "interview"], "intention", " please forward me some times and dates within the next few weeks that you would be available and i will coordinate the interview."]], "Mr. Hunt:\n\nYour resume has been forwarded to Dr. Vince Kaminski, Managing Director\nand Head of Research with Enron Corp. He would like to conduct a telephone \ninterview with you at your convenience.\n\nPlease forward me some times and dates within the next few weeks that you\nwould be available and I will coordinate the interview. \n\nAlso, please let us know what telephone number you wish to be contacted at.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", ["<22888947.1075863447350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"date interviewTnn": {"value": "date interviewTnn", "ne": "date interviewTnn", "patterns": ["date interviewTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true]}, "6-3-2001-0:23:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 6-3-2001-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-3-2001-0:23:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-0:23:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["ramaswamy_garimella@hotmail.com"], ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <21953488.1075856619053.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 00:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: ramaswamy_garimella@hotmail.com\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Ramaswamy Garimella\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Zimin Lu, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Ramaswamy:\n\nThank you for responding so promptly. I have scheduled the telephone\ninterview for Monday, March 19th from 10:30 - 11:30 AM (Central time).\nPlease let me know if this is not convenient.\n\nThey will call you at (773) 324-5077.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ramaswamy Garimella\" on 03/05/2001 \n09:27:26 PM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: ramaswamy_garimella@hotmail.com \nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\n\n\nHi Shirley,\n\nThanks for providing me an opportunity to interview with Enron research\ngroup. I have final exams in the next week till March 15. So, any date from\nMarch 19 onwards will be convenient to me. My phone number is\n(773) 324-5077. Any time after 10 a.m will be fine with me.\n\nPlease let me know the date and time that will be convenient to Vince\nKaminski's group. Thank you very much.\n\nBest Regards,\nRamaswamy Garimella.\n\n\n----Original Message Follows----\nFrom: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: ramaswamy_garimella@hotmail.com\nCC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Stinson.Gibner@enron.com,\nVasant.Shanbhogue@enron.com, Tanya.Tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nDate: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 14:38:18 -0600\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nReceived: from [] by hotmail.com (3.2) with ESMTP id\nMHotMailBC6D45780030D82197DAC0988C099A960; Mon Mar 05 12:43:36 2001\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com [])by\npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id UAA10526for\n; Mon, 5 Mar 2001 20:43:35 GMT\nReceived: from nahou-msmsw02px.corp.enron.com ([])by\nmailman.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/corp-1.05) with ESMTP id f25KhZa14665for ;\nMon, 5 Mar 2001 14:43:35 -0600 (CST)\nReceived: from ene-mta01.enron.com (unverified) by\nnahou-msmsw02px.corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.1.5) with\nESMTP id for ; Mon, 5 Mar 2001 14:43:41 -0600\nFrom Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com Mon Mar 05 12:43:57 2001\nMessage-ID:\nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on ENE-MTA01/Enron(Release 5.0.6 |December\n14, 2000) at 03/05/2001 02:40:47 PM\nHello Ramaswamy:\nYour resume has been forwarded to the Enron Research Group and they\nwould like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience.\nPlease give me some times and dates that you will be available, the\ntelephone number you can be reached at and they will call you.\nThe interviewers would be:\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nLook forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com\n\n\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 5, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", " i have scheduled the telephone interview for monday, datenumeric th from numerictime - numerictime am (central time)."]], "Hi Ramaswamy:\n\nThank you for responding so promptly. I have scheduled the telephone\ninterview for Monday, March 19th from 10:30 - 11:30 AM (Central time).\nPlease let me know if this is not convenient.\n\nThey will call you at (773) 324-5077.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ramaswamy Garimella\" ", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "773", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnelpronounTnn"]}}, true], "6-3-2001-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-1:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["laura.howenstine@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Laura,\nWe shall have phone interviews with both candidates you brought up to our \nattention.\nVince\nFrom: Laura Howenstine/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/28/2001 04:05 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications\ncc: \nSubject: FW: A request from UC hicago student\nHi Vince and Ravi,\nHere is another student from Univ. of Chicago's financial mathematics program \nwho is interested in Enron. His resume is attached at the bottom.\nThanks.\nRegards,\nLaura\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Laura Howenstine\" @ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Laura+20Howenstine+22+20+3Clhowenstine+40hotmail+2Ecom+3\nE+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:16 AM\nTo: Howenstine, Laura\nSubject: Fwd: A request from UC hicago student\n>From: \"Ramaswamy Garimella\" \n>To: lhowenstine@hotmail.com \n>CC: ramaswamy_garimella@hotmail.com \n>Subject: A request from UC hicago student \n>Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 01:08:00 -0600 \n> \n>Hello MS. Laura Howenstine, \n> \n>My name is Ramaswamy, and I am student of the MS financial \n>Mathematics program at the university of Chicago (UC). I found your \n>address in the UC alumni gateway. \n> \n>I am interested in the associate position at Enron, and would like \n>to request you for any information that you can share with me in \n>this respect. Please find my resume attached to this message. \n>Briefly, I have an MBA - finance from SMU - Dallas, and have \n>extensive experience in IT. Currently, I am learning risk \n>management/derivative pricing in the MS financial mathematics \n>program at UC. \n> \n>You are the first alumni that I sought for informational help. So, \n>please excuse me for any mistakes in protocol. Please reply me at \n>your convenient time. Thank you very much. \n> \n>Sincerely, \n>Ramaswamy Garimella. \n> \n> \n> \nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com\n - RESUME.DOC\n", ["Re: FW: A request from UC hicago student"], "{'body': ['ramaswamy_garimella@hotmail.com']}", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "information", ["brought", "interviews"], "information", "laura, we shall have phone interviews with both candidates you brought up to our "]], "Laura,\n\nWe shall have phone interviews with both candidates you brought up to our \nattention.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Laura Howenstine/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/28/2001 04:05 PM\n", ["<13802804.1075856619029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28737515.1075856449699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23227638.1075856516016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9265297.1075856212414.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "28-7-2000-4:45:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 1-8-2000-4:53:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-4:45:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-4:45:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["xuni@olin.wustl.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <29683373.1075856336540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 04:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: xuni@olin.wustl.edu\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: xuni@olin.wustl.edu\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood afternoon Mr. Xu\n\nYour resume has been forwarded to the Research Group with Enron Corp.\nThey would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience.\n\nPlease let me know your available dates and times along with the telephone\nnumber you may be reached at and they will call you.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nZimin Lu Director\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "Telephone Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 5, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " xu your resume has been forwarded to the research group with orgname they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " xu your resume has been forwarded to the research group with orgname they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["reach cell0phone", 16, "nninformation", ["you", "reached", "telephone**number"], "intention", " please let me know your available dates and times along with the telephone number you may be reached at and they will call you."]], "Good afternoon Mr. Xu\n\nYour resume has been forwarded to the Research Group with Enron Corp.\nThey would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience.\n\nPlease let me know your available dates and times along with the telephone\nnumber you may be reached at and they will call you.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nZimin Lu Director\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "<29683373.1075856336540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn"]}}, true], "1-8-2000-4:53:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["1-8-2000-4:53:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["xuni@olin.wustl.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Dear Kevin:\nDr. Kaminski, Stinson Gibner and Zimin Lu will interview you at the same time\nin a group interview, which will last approximately 1 hour.\nIf it meets with your approval, I have scheduled the telephone interview for \nthis Friday, August 4 at 1:00 PM. They will call you at 713-630-0768.\nFYI. The Research Group is responsible for option modeling, building systems \nfor risk quantification and management, development of optimization systems, \nassisting with statistical analysis and anything that requires advanced math, \nfor\nall of Enron.\nIf you have any other questions, please let me know.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Assistant\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nNingbo Xu on 08/01/2000 11:30:44 AM\nTo: \"'Shirley Crenshaw '\" \ncc: \"'kevinxu98@yahoo.com'\" \nSubject: RE: Telephone Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group\nDear Shirley,\nSorry for getting back with you until today. I have been out of town since\nlast Friday and didn't have access to emails.\nI appreciate the opportunities to talk with Mr. Kaminski, Mr. Gibner, and\nMr. Lu and look forward to their phone calls. As to the date and time, I\nwill be available all day this Friday and any day next week. Please let me\nknow when they will be available so that I can arrange schedule to\naccommodate. I can be reached at 713-630-0768.\nAlso, I have a couple of questions that I hope to get your help:\n1. Will the interview be a group interview or each of them will talk with me\nindividually?\n2. What's the role of the Research Group at Enron?\nThank you very much and look forward to hearing from you.\nKevin Xu\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Shirley Crenshaw\nTo: xuni@olin.wustl.edu\nSent: 7/28/00 11:45 AM\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group\nGood afternoon Mr. Xu\nYour resume has been forwarded to the Research Group with Enron Corp.\nThey would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your\nconvenience.\nPlease let me know your available dates and times along with the\ntelephone\nnumber you may be reached at and they will call you.\nThe interviewers would be:\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nZimin Lu Director\nLook forward to hearing from you.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", ["RE: Telephone Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group"], "{'body': ['xuni@olin.wustl.edu'], 'recipients': ['xuni@olin.wustl.edu']}", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["interview", "you"], "intention", " kaminski, stinson gibner and zimin lu will interview you at the same time in a group interview, which will last approximately numeric hour."], ["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 16, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", " if it meets with your approval, i have scheduled the telephone interview for this friday, datenumeric at numerictime pm."]], "Dear Kevin:\n\nDr. Kaminski, Stinson Gibner and Zimin Lu will interview you at the same time\nin a group interview, which will last approximately 1 hour.\n\nIf it meets with your approval, I have scheduled the telephone interview for \nthis Friday, August 4 at 1:00 PM. They will call you at 713-630-0768.\n\nFYI. The Research Group is responsible for option modeling, building systems \nfor risk quantification and management, development of optimization systems, \nassisting with statistical analysis and anything that requires advanced math, \nfor\nall of Enron.\n\nIf you have any other questions, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Assistant\nEnron Corp. Research\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNingbo Xu ", "<1289771.1075856304453.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"13": {"value": "1**hour", "ne": "numeric0hour", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "management riskTnn": {"value": "management riskTnn", "ne": "management riskTnn", "patterns": ["management riskTnn"]}, "risk systemTnn": {"value": "risk systemTnn", "ne": "risk systemTnn", "patterns": ["risk systemTnn"]}}, true]}, "17-11-2000-10:1:0Sqchen1@tulane.edu 21-11-2000-0:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-11-2000-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-11-2000-13:47:0Sqchen1@tulane.edu 28-11-2000-0:1:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"17-11-2000-10:1:0Sqchen1@tulane.edu": ["17-11-2000-10:1:0", "qchen1@tulane.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Dear?Vincent Kaminski:\n?\nI got your contact details from the web site for power marketers. I have a \nstrong interest in pursuing a career in the energy industry?with a top \nenergy company like?Enron, where my abilities and qualifications can be \nfully applied for our mutual benefit. \nI am graduating in May with an MBA?degree with concentrations in finance and \ninformation systems. This summer I worked?as an intern with Structuring and \nAnalytics group of Ameren Energy.?This internship?has been especially \nchallenging and has enhanced my professional competencies. While there, I \nwas afforded the opportunity to?develop a forward view model?for?off-\npeak?electricity price forecasting and analyze the data sets of a \nfundamental?model to create forward price curves. Both projects added value \nto the company and provided me with first-hand experience in the area of \nenergy trading and marketing as well as modeling techniques.\nIn addition, I have an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and \ntwo years' experience in power generating. With my work experience in energy \nfinance and exceptional academic and professional achievements, along with \nmy exemplary leadership and management potential and outstanding analytical, \nbusiness communication, problem-solving and computer skills, I'm convinced \nthat I will be able to make immediate contributions to your company. \nI am attaching my resume for your review. Should you have any questions or \nneed clarification, please feel free to contact me at (504) 861-9110 or \nqchen1@tulane.edu.\nAs I have some offers with deadlines approaching, I would appreciate it if \nyou could give me a quick response. I also expect?a base compensation above \n$75k. I look forward to?hearing from you soon.\n?\nBest Regards,\nQing (Christine) Chen\nMBA 2001\nA.B. Freeman School of Business\nTulane University\nTel: (504) 861-9110\n\n", ["MBA Career Opportunity"], "{'body': ['qchen1@tulane.edu']}", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 47, "nninformation", ["develop", "model"], "request information", "develop a forward view model?"], ["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 106, "nninformation", ["contributions", "make"], "intention", " with my work experience in energy finance and exceptional academic and professional achievements, along with my exemplary leadership and management potential and outstanding analytical, business communication, problem-solving and computer skills, i'm convinced that i will be able to make immediate contributions to your company."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 110, "information", ["attaching", "resume"], "information", " i am attaching my resume for your review."]], "Dear?Vincent Kaminski:\n?\nI got your contact details from the web site for power marketers. I have a \nstrong interest in pursuing a career in the energy industry?with a top \nenergy company like?Enron, where my abilities and qualifications can be \nfully applied for our mutual benefit. \n\nI am graduating in May with an MBA?degree with concentrations in finance and \ninformation systems. This summer I worked?as an intern with Structuring and \nAnalytics group of Ameren Energy.?This internship?has been especially \nchallenging and has enhanced my professional competencies. While there, I \nwas afforded the opportunity to?develop a forward view model?for?off-\npeak?electricity price forecasting and analyze the data sets of a \nfundamental?model to create forward price curves. Both projects added value \nto the company and provided me with first-hand experience in the area of \nenergy trading and marketing as well as modeling techniques.\n\nIn addition, I have an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and \ntwo years' experience in power generating. With my work experience in energy \nfinance and exceptional academic and professional achievements, along with \nmy exemplary leadership and management potential and outstanding analytical, \nbusiness communication, problem-solving and computer skills, I'm convinced \nthat I will be able to make immediate contributions to your company. \n\nI am attaching my resume for your review. Should you have any questions or \nneed clarification, please feel free to contact me at (504) 861-9110 or \nqchen1@tulane.edu.\n\nAs I have some offers with deadlines approaching, I would appreciate it if \nyou could give me a quick response. I also expect?a base compensation above \n$75k. I look forward to?hearing from you soon.\n?\nBest Regards,\n\nQing (Christine) Chen\nMBA 2001\nA.B. Freeman School of Business\nTulane University\nTel: (504) 861-9110\n - resumeUS.doc\n - resumeUS txt.txt", ["<16702500.1075856622207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<358695.1075856259514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22797408.1075856371272.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2000-0:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-0:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["qchen1@tulane.edu"], [], "Christine,\nWe shall arrange a phone interview with you.\nVince", ["Re: MBA Career Opportunity"], "{'recipients': ['qchen1@tulane.edu']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 1, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "intention", "christine, we shall arrange a phone interview with you."]], "Christine,\n\nWe shall arrange a phone interview with you.\n\nVince", ["<15993082.1075856470855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8701648.1075856537161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24825.1075856258406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31546827.1075856371294.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2000-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-0:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nPlease, arrange a phone interview. TT, VK, SG, ZL.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 \n09:06 AM ---------------------------\n\"Qing Chen\" on 11/17/2000 06:01:28 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: MBA Career Opportunity\nDear?Vincent Kaminski:\n?\nI got your contact details from the web site for power marketers. I have a \nstrong interest in pursuing a career in the energy industry?with a top \nenergy company like?Enron, where my abilities and qualifications can be \nfully applied for our mutual benefit. \nI am graduating in May with an MBA?degree with concentrations in finance and \ninformation systems. This summer I worked?as an intern with Structuring and \nAnalytics group of Ameren Energy.?This internship?has been especially \nchallenging and has enhanced my professional competencies. While there, I \nwas afforded the opportunity to?develop a forward view model?for?off-\npeak?electricity price forecasting and analyze the data sets of a \nfundamental?model to create forward price curves. Both projects added value \nto the company and provided me with first-hand experience in the area of \nenergy trading and marketing as well as modeling techniques.\nIn addition, I have an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and \ntwo years' experience in power generating. With my work experience in energy \nfinance and exceptional academic and professional achievements, along with \nmy exemplary leadership and management potential and outstanding analytical, \nbusiness communication, problem-solving and computer skills, I'm convinced \nthat I will be able to make immediate contributions to your company. \nI am attaching my resume for your review. Should you have any questions or \nneed clarification, please feel free to contact me at (504) 861-9110 or \nqchen1@tulane.edu.\nAs I have some offers with deadlines approaching, I would appreciate it if \nyou could give me a quick response. I also expect?a base compensation above \n$75k. I look forward to?hearing from you soon.\n?\nBest Regards,\nQing (Christine) Chen\nMBA 2001\nA.B. Freeman School of Business\nTulane University\nTel: (504) 861-9110\n\n\n", ["MBA Career Opportunity"], "{'body': ['qchen1@tulane.edu']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 1, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "request", "shirley, please, arrange a phone interview."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, arrange a phone interview. TT, VK, SG, ZL.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<15354164.1075856622138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22650742.1075856470833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32273225.1075856537138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<929257.1075856258359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26573542.1075856372139.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2000-13:47:0Sqchen1@tulane.edu": ["21-11-2000-13:47:0", "qchen1@tulane.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nThanks for your consideration. Please let me know details for the phone\ninterview at your earliest convenience.\nHappy thanksgiving.\nQing\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nSent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 8:45 AM\nSubject: Re: MBA Career Opportunity\n>\n> Christine,\n>\n> We shall arrange a phone interview with you.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: MBA Career Opportunity"], "{'body': ['qchen1@tulane.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nThanks for your consideration. Please let me know details for the phone\ninterview at your earliest convenience.\nHappy thanksgiving.\n\nQing\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<12052486.1075856257378.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29607135.1075856372881.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-11-2000-0:1:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-11-2000-0:1:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["qchen1@tulane.edu"], ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <24481210.1075856255613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: qchen1@tulane.edu\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Qing Chen\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Zimin Lu, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Christine!\n\nThanks for being so prompt! \n\nI have scheduled the telephone interview for 2:00 PM on Thursday, \nNovember 30th. They will call you at (504) 861-9110. If this is not\nthe telephone number that you wish to be contacted at, please let me \nknow the number that you do want them to call you on.\n\nThe Research Group does sponsor green cards and visas. Below is\na short synopsis of what the Research group does. However, they will\nbe glad to answer any questions you have during the interview. \n\n\"The Enron Research Group is responsible for option modeling, building\nsystems for risk quantification and management, development of\noptimization systems, help with statistical analysis and anything that \nrequires\nadvanced math\". The Research Group supports all units of Enron.\n\nIf you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me, or feel\nfree to ask during the interview.\n\nTalk to you on Thursday!\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Qing Chen\" on 11/27/2000 05:40:09 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\n\n\nHi Shirley,\n\nThanks for the arrangement. I am available to start the interview:\n\n- from 9am to 10am on Wednesday and Thursday\n- from 2:30pm to 4pm on Thursday\n\nNew Orleans is in the Central Time zone.\n\nIn addition, could you let me know:\n\n- what is the main responsibilities of the Research group;\n- what positions you are recruiting for; and\n- what qualifications and skill sets are critical to these positions.\n\nThanks. I look forward to hearing from you.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nQing (Christine) Chen\nMBA 2001\nA.B. Freeman School of Business\nTulane University\nTel: (504) 861-9110\ne-mail: qchen1@tulane.edu\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:25 AM\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\n\n\n> Good morning Ms. Chen:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski and several members of the Research Group would like\n> to conduct a telephone interview with you sometime this week at your\n> convenience. Please let me know the times that you are available and\n> they will contact you.\n>\n> The telephone interviews usually last approximately 1 hour and will be\n> conducted via a speaker phone.\n>\n> The Interviewers will be:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\n> Stinson Gibner Vice President, Research\n> Tanya Tamarchenko Director, Research\n> Zimin Lu Director, Research\n>\n> Look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group\n>\n>\n\n\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 4, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", " i have scheduled the telephone interview for numerictime pm on thursday, datenumeric th."]], "Hi Christine!\n\nThanks for being so prompt! \n\nI have scheduled the telephone interview for 2:00 PM on Thursday, \nNovember 30th. They will call you at (504) 861-9110. If this is not\nthe telephone number that you wish to be contacted at, please let me \nknow the number that you do want them to call you on.\n\nThe Research Group does sponsor green cards and visas. Below is\na short synopsis of what the Research group does. However, they will\nbe glad to answer any questions you have during the interview. \n\n\"The Enron Research Group is responsible for option modeling, building\nsystems for risk quantification and management, development of\noptimization systems, help with statistical analysis and anything that \nrequires\nadvanced math\". The Research Group supports all units of Enron.\n\nIf you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me, or feel\nfree to ask during the interview.\n\nTalk to you on Thursday!\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Qing Chen\" ", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "management riskTnn": {"value": "management riskTnn", "ne": "management riskTnn", "patterns": ["management riskTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "504", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnelpronounTnn"]}, "risk systemTnn": {"value": "risk systemTnn", "ne": "risk systemTnn", "patterns": ["risk systemTnn"]}}, true]}, "26-6-2000-4:27:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 27-6-2000-7:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"26-6-2000-4:27:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-4:27:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["cp38@andrew.cmu.edu"], ["osman.sezgen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18591152.1075856625371.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 04:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: cp38@andrew.cmu.edu\nSubject: Interview with Enron Corp.\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tosman.sezgen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tosman.sezgen@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: cp38@andrew.cmu.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Osman Sezgen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Mr. Parsons:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Dept. would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you at your convenience.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nPlease give me some dates and times either this week or July 5, 6 & 7\nof next week that you would be available and I will coordinate the\ncalendars.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "Interview with Enron Corp.", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 21, "nninformation", ["calendars", "coordinate"], "intention", " krishnarao director osman sezgen manager please give me some dates and times either this week or datenumeric , numeric & numeric of next week that you would be available and i will coordinate the calendars."]], "Good morning Mr. Parsons:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Dept. would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you at your convenience.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nPlease give me some dates and times either this week or July 5, 6 & 7\nof next week that you would be available and I will coordinate the\ncalendars.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "<18591152.1075856625371.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"19": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date_date0time numericTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true], "27-6-2000-7:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-7:14:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["cp38@andrew.cmu.edu"], [], "Cliff:\nThank you for replying and we want to wish you the best in your new\nendeavor. Texaco is also a good company and I am sure you will\nbe pleased.\nBest of luck!\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\ncliff parsons on 06/27/2000 02:05:13 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw \ncc: Vince J Kaminski , Pinnamaneni Krishnarao \n, Osman Sezgen , \ncp38@andrew.cmu.edu \nSubject: Re: Interview with Enron Corp.\nDear Ms. Crenshaw:\nI recently accepted a quant position with Texaco in Houston. Lara Berry\nfrom Enron contacted me just after that, and I told her of the situation.\nI agreed to send her my resume (which I did) and keep in touch.\nEnron is a fabulous corporation with exciting opportunities. Mr. Kaminski\nis very well known in the energy field, and I have read some of his\nmaterial. I am extremely pleased that you all would be interested in me;\nhowever, I have given my word to Texaco.\nThe Texaco position offers a lot of opportunity and risk. This is the kind\nof challenge for which I am looking. If things do not work out, however, I\nwould definitely contact Enron again and cherish any opportunity for an\ninterview.\nThank you very much,\nCliff Parsons\n--On Monday, June 26, 2000, 11:27 AM -0500 Shirley Crenshaw\n wrote:\n>\n>\n> Good morning Mr. Parsons:\n>\n> The Enron Corp. Research Dept. would like to conduct a telephone\n> interview with you at your convenience.\n>\n> The interviewers would be:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski Managing Director\n> P. V. Krishnarao Director\n> Osman Sezgen Manager\n>\n> Please give me some dates and times either this week or July 5, 6 & 7\n> of next week that you would be available and I will coordinate the\n> calendars.\n>\n> Look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> Regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Corp. Research\n> 713/853-5290\n> email: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Interview with Enron Corp."], "{'body': ['cp38@andrew.cmu.edu'], 'recipients': ['cp38@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Cliff:\n\nThank you for replying and we want to wish you the best in your new\nendeavor. Texaco is also a good company and I am sure you will\nbe pleased.\n\nBest of luck!\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ncliff parsons ", "<15932464.1075856317833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "16-1-2001-1:51:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 16-1-2001-3:20:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-1:51:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-1:51:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["kevin.kindall@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bob.lee@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5843909.1075856620369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 01:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, Bob Lee\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Molly:\n\nI guess it is time to try and schedule Frank's interview. We would like to\nbring him in sometime around the first of February (when Krishna returns).\n\nPlease contact him and see what a good time for him would be. \n\nAttached is his resume and Interview Request form.\n\n\n\n - enron_resume.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001 \n09:42 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 12/20/2000 05:35 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group \n\nYou, too, Shirley. We'll be back in touch.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n12/20/2000 02:07 PM\nTo: Cheryl Arguijo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Molly \nMagee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group\n\nHello Molly and Cheryl:\n\nAttached is Frank's resume. We still have quite a bit of time as we want to\nschedule this for after Krishna returns on the 25th of January. \n\nThis position would be for the Research Group directly, and would include\nall of Vince's direct reports.\n\nThanks and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 8, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "intention", " i guess it is time to try and schedule frank's interview."], ["send_direct_attach request", 19, "information", ["attached", "request"], "information", " attached is his resume and interview request form."]], "Hi Molly:\n\nI guess it is time to try and schedule Frank's interview. We would like to\nbring him in sometime around the first of February (when Krishna returns).\n\nPlease contact him and see what a good time for him would be. \n\nAttached is his resume and Interview Request form.\n\n\n\n - enron_resume.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "<5843909.1075856620369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "16-1-2001-3:20:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-3:20:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com bob.lee@enron.com stephanie.cody@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8618790.1075856620324.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 03:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.cody@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.cody@enron.com\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, Bob Lee, Stephanie Cody\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley: We've also been in touch with Frank. He wasn't going to receive \nhis class schedule until yesterday, so we will follow up today and find a \nmutually convenient date.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/16/2001 09:51 AM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Kindall/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bob \nLee/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Re: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group\n\nHi Molly:\n\nI guess it is time to try and schedule Frank's interview. We would like to\nbring him in sometime around the first of February (when Krishna returns).\n\nPlease contact him and see what a good time for him would be. \n\nAttached is his resume and Interview Request form.\n\n\n\n - enron_resume.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001 \n09:42 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 12/20/2000 05:35 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group \n\nYou, too, Shirley. We'll be back in touch.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n12/20/2000 02:07 PM\nTo: Cheryl Arguijo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Molly \nMagee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group\n\nHello Molly and Cheryl:\n\nAttached is Frank's resume. We still have quite a bit of time as we want to\nschedule this for after Krishna returns on the 25th of January. \n\nThis position would be for the Research Group directly, and would include\nall of Vince's direct reports.\n\nThanks and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Qian (Frank) Feng Interview with the Research Group", "reply", [], "Shirley: We've also been in touch with Frank. He wasn't going to receive \nhis class schedule until yesterday, so we will follow up today and find a \nmutually convenient date.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/16/2001 09:51 AM\n", "<8618790.1075856620324.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "16-12-1999-5:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-3-2000-2:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-3-2000-2:23:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 24-10-2000-8:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-12-1999-5:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-12-1999-5:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Resume for Anurag\nAnurag Saksena\nManaging Director, Enterprise Risk\nGMAC - RFC\n8400 Normandale Lake Blvd.\nSuite #600\nMinneapolis, Minnesota 55437\nTel: (612) 857 - 6133 (o)\nTel: (612) 943 - 8501 (h)\n10273 Antlers Ridge\nEden Prairie, MN 55347\nASaksen@rfc.com", ["Anurag"], "{'body': ['asaksen@rfc.com']}", [], "Resume for Anurag\n\n\nAnurag Saksena\nManaging Director, Enterprise Risk\nGMAC - RFC\n8400 Normandale Lake Blvd.\nSuite #600\nMinneapolis, Minnesota 55437\nTel: (612) 857 - 6133 (o)\nTel: (612) 943 - 8501 (h)\n10273 Antlers Ridge\nEden Prairie, MN 55347\nASaksen@rfc.com", ["<3836952.1075856951333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12343501.1075857008191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14037548.1075856788499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2498421.1075856791225.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-3-2000-2:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-3-2000-2:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Anurag Saksena\nManaging Director, Enterprise Risk\nGMAC - RFC\n8400 Normandale Lake Blvd.\nSuite #600\nMinneapolis, Minnesota 55437\nTel: (612) 857 - 6133 (o)\nTel: (612) 943 - 8501 (h)\n10273 Antlers Ridge\nEden Prairie, MN 55347\nASaksen@rfc.com", ["Anurag"], "{'body': ['asaksen@rfc.com']}", [], "Anurag Saksena\nManaging Director, Enterprise Risk\nGMAC - RFC\n8400 Normandale Lake Blvd.\nSuite #600\nMinneapolis, Minnesota 55437\nTel: (612) 857 - 6133 (o)\nTel: (612) 943 - 8501 (h)\n10273 Antlers Ridge\nEden Prairie, MN 55347\nASaksen@rfc.com", ["<32765620.1075856940856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7259840.1075856997747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23058505.1075856763505.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3315582.1075856809161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-3-2000-2:23:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["7-3-2000-2:23:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["asaksen@rfc.com"], [], "Message-ID: <24633256.1075856809184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 02:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: asaksen@rfc.com\nSubject: Dinner with Vince Kaminski\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: ASaksen@rfc.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Mr. Saksena:\n\nReservations have been made for 6:00 PM, the evening of Thursday, \nMarch 9 at LaTour D'argent Restaurant. The restaurant is located at 2011 \nElla Blvd at T. C. Jester Blvd. Men are required to wear a coat.\n\nDirections to restaurant:\n\nComing from downtown Houston:\n\nTake I-45 North to 610 West.\nTake 610 West to Ella Blvd exit.\nGo south (back under the freeway)\non Ella Blvd to 2011 Ella at T. C. Jester.\n\nVince will meet you at the restaurant.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n", "Dinner with Vince Kaminski", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 5, "information", ["made", "reservations", "restaurant"], "information", " saksena: reservations have been made for numerictime pm, the evening of thursday, datenumeric at latour d'argent restaurant."]], "Good morning Mr. Saksena:\n\nReservations have been made for 6:00 PM, the evening of Thursday, \nMarch 9 at LaTour D'argent Restaurant. The restaurant is located at 2011 \nElla Blvd at T. C. Jester Blvd. Men are required to wear a coat.\n\nDirections to restaurant:\n\nComing from downtown Houston:\n\nTake I-45 North to 610 West.\nTake 610 West to Ella Blvd exit.\nGo south (back under the freeway)\non Ella Blvd to 2011 Ella at T. C. Jester.\n\nVince will meet you at the restaurant.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n", "<24633256.1075856809184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "24-10-2000-8:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-8:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "vkaminski@aol.com, lubowski@visa.com, evets@vt.edu, JMandelker@aol.com, \nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu, greg.napi.mondex@worldnet.att.netvngo@rice.edu, \nmpakulsk@swbell.net, GPERSKY@CMRA.COM,piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu, \nrausser@are.berkeley.edu, ASaksen@rfc.com, \njitendra.d.sharma@us.arthurandersen.com, mark.streater@southernenergy.com, \ndsunshine@cwonders.com, SteveT@CitizensPower.com, jtoussaint@cinergy.com, \nptufano@hbs.edu, mvanbell@haglerbailly.com, awagoner@iirny.com, \njohn@sava.com, leslie.abreo@kalotay.com, terry_j_adamson@amoco.com, \nLChoo@UtiliCorp.com, jfleming@rice.edu, ", [""], "{'body': ['asaksen@rfc.com']}", [], "vkaminski@aol.com, lubowski@visa.com, evets@vt.edu, JMandelker@aol.com, \nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu, greg.napi.mondex@worldnet.att.netvngo@rice.edu, \nmpakulsk@swbell.net, GPERSKY@CMRA.COM,piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu, \nrausser@are.berkeley.edu, ASaksen@rfc.com, \njitendra.d.sharma@us.arthurandersen.com, mark.streater@southernenergy.com, \ndsunshine@cwonders.com, SteveT@CitizensPower.com, jtoussaint@cinergy.com, \nptufano@hbs.edu, mvanbell@haglerbailly.com, awagoner@iirny.com, \njohn@sava.com, leslie.abreo@kalotay.com, terry_j_adamson@amoco.com, \nLChoo@UtiliCorp.com, jfleming@rice.edu, ", ["<13917712.1075856477375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26046144.1075856543698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31798906.1075856272982.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9818701.1075856361579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "28-11-2000-2:59:0Sjmyan@stanford.edu 28-11-2000-5:32:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 29-11-2000-6:5:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 29-11-2000-7:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-11-2000-2:59:0Sjmyan@stanford.edu": ["28-11-2000-2:59:0", "jmyan@stanford.edu", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18205244.1075856621671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 02:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jmyan@stanford.edu\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\nCc: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: \"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" \nX-To: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nX-cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMs. Crenshaw,\n\n Thank you very much for the message. I am very interested in the\nopportunity to talk to personnel from the Research Group at Enron. Between\nthe two days you suggest, I prefer Wednesday 12/6. Considering the\ntwo-hour time difference between California and Texas, 11:00 am Pacific\ntime (1:00 pm your time) seems to be a good slot. However, I am open most\nof the day on 12/6 so if some other time slot is prefered on your end,\nplease let me know.\n\n Thanks again. I look forward to talking to you and your\ncolleagues.\n\nJingming\n\nOn Tue, 28 Nov 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n\n> Good afternoon Jingming:\n>\n> Professor Wolak forwarded your resume to the Research Group, and\n> they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you, sometime next\n> week, at your convenience. The best days would be Tuesday, 12/5 or\n> Wednesday, 12/6.\n>\n> Please let me know which day and what time would be best for you and\n> they will call you. Let me know the telephone number that you wish to be\n> contacted at.\n>\n> The interviewers would be:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\n> Vasant Shanbhogue Vice President, Research\n> Lance Cunningham Manager, Research\n> Alex Huang Manager, Research\n>\n> Look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group.\n> 713-853-5290\n>\n>\n>\n\n---------------------------------------------------------\nJingming \"Marshall\" Yan jmyan@leland.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics (650)497-4045 (H)\nStanford University (650)725-8914 (O)\nStanford, CA 94305 358C, Economics Bldg\n----------------------------------------------------------\nIf one seeks to act virtuously and attain it, then what is\nthere to repine about? -- Confucius\n\n_?OO??OOo? ?T=15xO-?? -- =14??\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group", "reply", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 43, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", "com wrote: good afternoon jingming: professor wolak forwarded your resume to the research group, and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you, sometime next week, at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 47, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", "com wrote: good afternoon jingming: professor wolak forwarded your resume to the research group, and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you, sometime next week, at your convenience."]], "Ms. Crenshaw,\n\n Thank you very much for the message. I am very interested in the\nopportunity to talk to personnel from the Research Group at Enron. Between\nthe two days you suggest, I prefer Wednesday 12/6. Considering the\ntwo-hour time difference between California and Texas, 11:00 am Pacific\ntime (1:00 pm your time) seems to be a good slot. However, I am open most\nof the day on 12/6 so if some other time slot is prefered on your end,\nplease let me know.\n\n Thanks again. I look forward to talking to you and your\ncolleagues.\n\nJingming\n\nOn Tue, 28 Nov 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n\n Good afternoon Jingming:\n \n Professor Wolak forwarded your resume to the Research Group, and\n they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you, sometime next\n week, at your convenience. The best days would be Tuesday, 12/5 or\n Wednesday, 12/6.\n \n Please let me know which day and what time would be best for you and\n they will call you. Let me know the telephone number that you wish to be\n contacted at.\n \n The interviewers would be:\n \n Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\n Vasant Shanbhogue Vice President, Research\n Lance Cunningham Manager, Research\n Alex Huang Manager, Research\n \n Look forward to hearing from you.\n \n Best regards,\n \n Shirley Crenshaw\n Administrative Coordinator\n Enron Research Group.\n 713-853-5290\n \n \n \n\n---------------------------------------------------------\nJingming \"Marshall\" Yan jmyan@leland.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics (650)497-4045 (H)\nStanford University (650)725-8914 (O)\nStanford, CA 94305 358C, Economics Bldg\n----------------------------------------------------------\nIf one seeks to act virtuously and attain it, then what is\nthere to repine about? -- Confucius\n\n_?OO??OOo? ?T=15xO-?? -- =14??", {}, true], "28-11-2000-5:32:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-11-2000-5:32:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["jmyan@stanford.edu"], ["lance.cunningham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29291085.1075856621619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 05:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: jmyan@stanford.edu\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\nCc: lance.cunningham@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: lance.cunningham@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Lance Cunningham, Alex Huang, Vince J Kaminski, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMarshall:\n\nThanks for responding so quickly. I have scheduled the following intervie=\nw:\n\nWednesday, December 6 - 1:00 PM Houston time. It will last approximately\n1 hour. We will call you at (605) 497-4045 unless otherwise instructed.\n\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 713/853-5290.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" on 11/28/2000 12:59:55 PM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com=20\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\n\n\nMs. Crenshaw,\n\n Thank you very much for the message. I am very interested in the\nopportunity to talk to personnel from the Research Group at Enron. Between\nthe two days you suggest, I prefer Wednesday 12/6. Considering the\ntwo-hour time difference between California and Texas, 11:00 am Pacific\ntime (1:00 pm your time) seems to be a good slot. However, I am open most\nof the day on 12/6 so if some other time slot is prefered on your end,\nplease let me know.\n\n Thanks again. I look forward to talking to you and your\ncolleagues.\n\nJingming\n\nOn Tue, 28 Nov 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n\n> Good afternoon Jingming:\n>\n> Professor Wolak forwarded your resume to the Research Group, and\n> they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you, sometime next\n> week, at your convenience. The best days would be Tuesday, 12/5 or\n> Wednesday, 12/6.\n>\n> Please let me know which day and what time would be best for you and\n> they will call you. Let me know the telephone number that you wish to be\n> contacted at.\n>\n> The interviewers would be:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\n> Vasant Shanbhogue Vice President, Research\n> Lance Cunningham Manager, Research\n> Alex Huang Manager, Research\n>\n> Look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group.\n> 713-853-5290\n>\n>\n>\n\n---------------------------------------------------------\nJingming \"Marshall\" Yan jmyan@leland.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics (650)497-4045 (H)\nStanford University (650)725-8914 (O)\nStanford, CA 94305 358C, Economics Bldg\n----------------------------------------------------------\nIf one seeks to act virtuously and attain it, then what is\nthere to repine about? -- Confucius\n\n_?OO??OOo? ?T=15xO-?? -- =14??\n\n\n\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 5, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", " i have scheduled the following interview: wednesday, datenumeric - numerictime pm houston time."]], "Marshall:\n\nThanks for responding so quickly. I have scheduled the following interview:\n\nWednesday, December 6 - 1:00 PM Houston time. It will last approximately\n1 hour. We will call you at (605) 497-4045 unless otherwise instructed.\n\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 713/853-5290.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" ", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "605", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnelpronounTnn"]}}, true], "29-11-2000-6:5:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-6:5:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "martin.lin@enron.com", "lance.cunningham@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13446826.1075856621471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 06:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: martin.lin@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\nCc: lance.cunningham@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: lance.cunningham@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Martin Lin\nX-cc: Lance Cunningham, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMartin:\n\nLance will be out of town on the 6th of December and he suggested that\nyou interview Jingming (Marshall) in his place (it is a telephone=20\ninterview). =20\n\nCan you do that?\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000=\n=20\n01:54 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n11/28/2000 01:32 PM\nTo: \"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" @ ENRON\ncc: Lance Cunningham/NA/Enron@ENRON, Alex Huang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Vince J=\n=20\nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group =20\n\nMarshall:\n\nThanks for responding so quickly. I have scheduled the following intervie=\nw:\n\nWednesday, December 6 - 1:00 PM Houston time. It will last approximately\n1 hour. We will call you at (605) 497-4045 unless otherwise instructed.\n\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 713/853-5290.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" on 11/28/2000 12:59:55 PM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com=20\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\n\n\nMs. Crenshaw,\n\n Thank you very much for the message. I am very interested in the\nopportunity to talk to personnel from the Research Group at Enron. Between\nthe two days you suggest, I prefer Wednesday 12/6. Considering the\ntwo-hour time difference between California and Texas, 11:00 am Pacific\ntime (1:00 pm your time) seems to be a good slot. However, I am open most\nof the day on 12/6 so if some other time slot is prefered on your end,\nplease let me know.\n\n Thanks again. I look forward to talking to you and your\ncolleagues.\n\nJingming\n\nOn Tue, 28 Nov 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n\n> Good afternoon Jingming:\n>\n> Professor Wolak forwarded your resume to the Research Group, and\n> they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you, sometime next\n> week, at your convenience. The best days would be Tuesday, 12/5 or\n> Wednesday, 12/6.\n>\n> Please let me know which day and what time would be best for you and\n> they will call you. Let me know the telephone number that you wish to be\n> contacted at.\n>\n> The interviewers would be:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\n> Vasant Shanbhogue Vice President, Research\n> Lance Cunningham Manager, Research\n> Alex Huang Manager, Research\n>\n> Look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group.\n> 713-853-5290\n>\n>\n>\n\n---------------------------------------------------------\nJingming \"Marshall\" Yan jmyan@leland.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics (650)497-4045 (H)\nStanford University (650)725-8914 (O)\nStanford, CA 94305 358C, Economics Bldg\n----------------------------------------------------------\nIf one seeks to act virtuously and attain it, then what is\nthere to repine about? -- Confucius\n\n_?OO??OOo? ?T=15xO-?? -- =14??\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group", "reply", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "information", ["interview", "place"], "information", "martin: lance will be out of town on the datenumeric h of december and he suggested that you interview jingming (marshall) in his place (it is a telephone numeric interview)."]], "Martin:\n\nLance will be out of town on the 6th of December and he suggested that\nyou interview Jingming (Marshall) in his place (it is a telephone=20\ninterview). =20\n\nCan you do that?\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n", "<13446826.1075856621471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "29-11-2000-7:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-7:28:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "martin.lin@enron.com"], [], "Since several of you will be out on the 6th, we have moved the telephone\ninterview for Marshall Yan to Tuesday, the 5th at 1:00 pm.\nThanks!\nShirley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000=\n\n03:22 PM ---------------------------\n\"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" on 11/29/2000 03:16:16 PM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\nMs. Crenshaw,\n Tuesday the 5th is ok with me. I will talk to you then.\nMarshall\nOn Wed, 29 Nov 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Hi Marshall:\n>\n> I have some unfortunate news. Several of the interviewers will be\n> traveling\n> next week and they have had to schedule their return on Wednesday the\n> 6th. Would you be able to do the telephone interview on Tuesday, the\n> 5th instead? The same time 1:00 PM Houston time.\n>\n> Please let me know as soon as possible.\n>\n> Sorry for the change!\n>\n> Regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" on 11/28/2000 11:30:20 PM\n>\n> To: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\n>\n>\n> Ms. Crenshaw,\n>\n> Thank you for the arrangement. I will talk to you then.\n>\n> Marshall\n>\n> On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> >\n> > Marshall:\n> >\n> > Thanks for responding so quickly. I have scheduled the following\n> > interview:\n> >\n> > Wednesday, December 6 - 1:00 PM Houston time. It will last approximate=\nly\n> > 1 hour. We will call you at (605) 497-4045 unless otherwise instructed=\n.\n> >\n> > If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at\n> 713/853-5290.\n> >\n> > Best regards,\n> >\n> > Shirley Crenshaw\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Jingming 'Marshall' Yan\" on 11/28/2000 12:59:55 P=\nM\n> >\n> > To: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n> > cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> > Subject: Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group\n> >\n> >\n> > Ms. Crenshaw,\n> >\n> > Thank you very much for the message. I am very interested in the\n> > opportunity to talk to personnel from the Research Group at Enron.\n> Between\n> > the two days you suggest, I prefer Wednesday 12/6. Considering the\n> > two-hour time difference between California and Texas, 11:00 am Pacific\n> > time (1:00 pm your time) seems to be a good slot. However, I am open mo=\nst\n> > of the day on 12/6 so if some other time slot is prefered on your end,\n> > please let me know.\n> >\n> > Thanks again. I look forward to talking to you and your\n> > colleagues.\n> >\n> > Jingming\n> >\n> > On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n> >\n> > > Good afternoon Jingming:\n> > >\n> > > Professor Wolak forwarded your resume to the Research Group, and\n> > > they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you, sometime\n> next\n> > > week, at your convenience. The best days would be Tuesday, 12/5 or\n> > > Wednesday, 12/6.\n> > >\n> > > Please let me know which day and what time would be best for you and\n> > > they will call you. Let me know the telephone number that you wish t=\no\n> be\n> > > contacted at.\n> > >\n> > > The interviewers would be:\n> > >\n> > > Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\n> > > Vasant Shanbhogue Vice President, Research\n> > > Lance Cunningham Manager, Research\n> > > Alex Huang Manager, Research\n> > >\n> > > Look forward to hearing from you.\n> > >\n> > > Best regards,\n> > >\n> > > Shirley Crenshaw\n> > > Administrative Coordinator\n> > > Enron Research Group.\n> > > 713-853-5290\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> > ---------------------------------------------------------\n> > Jingming \"Marshall\" Yan jmyan@leland.stanford.edu\n> > Department of Economics (650)497-4045 (H)\n> > Stanford University (650)725-8914 (O)\n> > Stanford, CA 94305 358C, Economics Bldg\n> > ----------------------------------------------------------\n> > If one seeks to act virtuously and attain it, then what is\n> > there to repine about? -- Confucius\n> >\n> > _?OO??OOo? ?TxO-?? -- ??\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n> ---------------------------------------------------------\n> Jingming \"Marshall\" Yan jmyan@leland.stanford.edu\n> Department of Economics (650)497-4045 (H)\n> Stanford University (650)725-8914 (O)\n> Stanford, CA 94305 358C, Economics Bldg\n> ----------------------------------------------------------\n> If one seeks to act virtuously and attain it, then what is\n> there to repine about? -- Confucius\n>\n> _?OO??OOo? ?TxO-?? -- ??\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n---------------------------------------------------------\nJingming \"Marshall\" Yan jmyan@leland.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics (650)497-4045 (H)\nStanford University (650)725-8914 (O)\nStanford, CA 94305 358C, Economics Bldg\n----------------------------------------------------------\nIf one seeks to act virtuously and attain it, then what is\nthere to repine about? -- Confucius\n_?OO??OOo? ?TxO-?? -- ??\n", ["Re: Telephone Interview with The Enron Corp. Research Group"], "{'body': ['jmyan@stanford.edu']}", [], "Since several of you will be out on the 6th, we have moved the telephone\ninterview for Marshall Yan to Tuesday, the 5th at 1:00 pm.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n", ["<16533450.1075856621388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8088608.1075856254313.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5013855.1075856374779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "2-11-2000-6:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-11-2000-8:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-11-2000-2:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-11-2000-2:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-11-2000-9:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-12-2000-0:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-12-2000-0:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-12-2000-0:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 18-12-2000-1:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-10-2001-8:32:43Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu 18-10-2001-15:5:12Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu 19-10-2001-9:40:28Sj.kaminski@enron.com 19-10-2001-10:29:34Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu 19-10-2001-10:31:27Sj.kaminski@enron.com 29-10-2001-9:2:16Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu 5-12-2001-7:30:59Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu": {"2-11-2000-6:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-6:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Frank,\nYes, I would be very interested in meeting with you in Houston in December.\nThe best day for visit would be Thursday when my group has a lunch meeting\nand you could meet the rest of the research unit.\nPlease, let me know what day would work for you. We shall be very glad to\ncover the cost of your trip.\nVince\nI \n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 10/31/2000 01:01:11 PM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: visit?\nHi Vince,\nAre you still interested in my visiting for a day, perhaps in Dec or\nJan? I have begun a project on unobserved-components modeling of\nweather patterns, so it would be productive and fun to compare notes.\nBest,\nFrank\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: visit?"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 14, "nninformation", ["cover", "cost"], "intention", " we shall be very glad to cover the cost of your trip."]], "Frank,\n\nYes, I would be very interested in meeting with you in Houston in December.\nThe best day for visit would be Thursday when my group has a lunch meeting\nand you could meet the rest of the research unit.\n\nPlease, let me know what day would work for you. We shall be very glad to\ncover the cost of your trip.\n\nVince\n\nI \n\n\n\n\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" ", "<21180084.1075856541191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2513776.1075856266980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost tripTnn": {"value": "cost tripTnn", "ne": "cost tripTnn", "patterns": ["cost tripTnn"]}, "meeting unitTnn": {"value": "meeting unitTnn", "ne": "meeting unitTnn", "patterns": ["meeting unitTnn"]}}, true], "2-11-2000-8:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-8:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Frank,\nDec 14 would be better for us. We have already scheduled\nan internal presentation on December 7. Please, go ahead and make a \nreservation.\nThe best place to stay is Hyatt Regency Downtown or Doubletree Downtown\n(within a walking distance to Enron). It is important to specify the downtown \nlocation for both hotels.\nVince\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/02/2000 03:00:49 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: visit?\nSounds good, Vince. How about Dec 7? The roundtrip coach fare, regardless of\nairline, is about $1900. I hope that won't break the bank. Once I have your\napproval, I'll go ahead and book it. Best, Frank\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Frank,\n>\n> Yes, I would be very interested in meeting with you in Houston in December.\n> The best day for visit would be Thursday when my group has a lunch meeting\n> and you could meet the rest of the research unit.\n>\n> Please, let me know what day would work for you. We shall be very glad to\n> cover the cost of your trip.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> I\n>\n> \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 10/31/2000 01:01:11 PM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: visit?\n>\n> Hi Vince,\n> Are you still interested in my visiting for a day, perhaps in Dec or\n> Jan? I have begun a project on unobserved-components modeling of\n> weather patterns, so it would be productive and fun to compare notes.\n> Best,\n> Frank\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: visit?"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 6, "nninformation", ["make", "reservation"], "intention", " please, go ahead and make a reservation."]], "Frank,\n\nDec 14 would be better for us. We have already scheduled\nan internal presentation on December 7. Please, go ahead and make a \nreservation.\nThe best place to stay is Hyatt Regency Downtown or Doubletree Downtown\n(within a walking distance to Enron). It is important to specify the downtown \nlocation for both hotels.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" ", "<15787181.1075856541056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31880100.1075856266718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "6-11-2000-2:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-2:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Joe,\nFYI. Please plan on attending. We should schedule a meeting with\nmark and the rest of the weather team.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/06/2000 \n10:54 AM ---------------------------\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/04/2000 08:47:41 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: Vince Kaminski \nSubject: Re: Your visit to Enron\nShirley,\nThe 21st is perfect. I will go ahead and purchase my plane tickets. Would \nyou\nplease make me a hotel reservation for the night of the 21st?\nMany thanks,\nFrank Diebold\nShirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n> Good morning Professor Diebold:\n>\n> I am Vince Kaminski's assistant and he has forwarded your emails to me\n> for scheduling purpose. Unfortunately, we have a conflict on December\n> 14th. Can you possibly come on the 21st?\n>\n> I hope you have not already made your reservations. If I can do anything\n> to assist you, please let me know.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group\n> 713-853-5290\n>\n> ---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/03/2000\n> 09:29 AM ---------------------------\n>\n> Vince J Kaminski\n> 11/02/2000 04:30 PM\n>\n> To: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ ENRON\n> cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> Subject: Re: visit? (Document link: Shirley Crenshaw)\n>\n> Frank,\n>\n> Dec 14 would be better for us. We have already scheduled\n> an internal presentation on December 7. Please, go ahead and make a\n> reservation.\n> The best place to stay is Hyatt Regency Downtown or Doubletree Downtown\n> (within a walking distance to Enron). It is important to specify the\n> downtown\n> location for both hotels.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/02/2000 03:00:49 PM\n>\n> To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: visit?\n>\n> Sounds good, Vince. How about Dec 7? The roundtrip coach fare, regardless\n> of\n> airline, is about $1900. I hope that won't break the bank. Once I have\n> your\n> approval, I'll go ahead and book it. Best, Frank\n>\n> Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> > Frank,\n> >\n> > Yes, I would be very interested in meeting with you in Houston in\n> December.\n> > The best day for visit would be Thursday when my group has a lunch\n> meeting\n> > and you could meet the rest of the research unit.\n> >\n> > Please, let me know what day would work for you. We shall be very glad to\n> > cover the cost of your trip.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > I\n> >\n> > \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 10/31/2000 01:01:11 PM\n> >\n> > To: Vince Kaminski \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: visit?\n> >\n> > Hi Vince,\n> > Are you still interested in my visiting for a day, perhaps in Dec or\n> > Jan? I have begun a project on unobserved-components modeling of\n> > weather patterns, so it would be productive and fun to compare notes.\n> > Best,\n> > Frank\n> >\n> > --\n> > Francis X. Diebold\n> > WP Carey Professor\n> >\n> > Department of Economics\n> > University of Pennsylvania\n> > 3718 Locust Walk\n> > Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n> >\n> > fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> > http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n> >\n> > (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> > (215) 573-4217 fax\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: Your visit to Enron"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 5, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "intention", " we should schedule a meeting with mark and the rest of the weather team."]], "Joe,\n\nFYI. Please plan on attending. We should schedule a meeting with\nmark and the rest of the weather team.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<26558989.1075856474456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24777374.1075856636368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28132140.1075856540744.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32621076.1075856265885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27395346.1075856366207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "6-11-2000-2:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-2:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Frank,\nThanks a lot. Are you planning to make a general presentation on your work\nin the weather area? If this is the case, I would\ninvite to our lunch meeting the traders from the Weather Derivatives\ndesk.\nVince\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/04/2000 08:47:41 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: Vince Kaminski \nSubject: Re: Your visit to Enron\nShirley,\nThe 21st is perfect. I will go ahead and purchase my plane tickets. Would \nyou\nplease make me a hotel reservation for the night of the 21st?\nMany thanks,\nFrank Diebold\nShirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n> Good morning Professor Diebold:\n>\n> I am Vince Kaminski's assistant and he has forwarded your emails to me\n> for scheduling purpose. Unfortunately, we have a conflict on December\n> 14th. Can you possibly come on the 21st?\n>\n> I hope you have not already made your reservations. If I can do anything\n> to assist you, please let me know.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group\n> 713-853-5290\n>\n> ---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/03/2000\n> 09:29 AM ---------------------------\n>\n> Vince J Kaminski\n> 11/02/2000 04:30 PM\n>\n> To: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ ENRON\n> cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> Subject: Re: visit? (Document link: Shirley Crenshaw)\n>\n> Frank,\n>\n> Dec 14 would be better for us. We have already scheduled\n> an internal presentation on December 7. Please, go ahead and make a\n> reservation.\n> The best place to stay is Hyatt Regency Downtown or Doubletree Downtown\n> (within a walking distance to Enron). It is important to specify the\n> downtown\n> location for both hotels.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/02/2000 03:00:49 PM\n>\n> To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: visit?\n>\n> Sounds good, Vince. How about Dec 7? The roundtrip coach fare, regardless\n> of\n> airline, is about $1900. I hope that won't break the bank. Once I have\n> your\n> approval, I'll go ahead and book it. Best, Frank\n>\n> Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> > Frank,\n> >\n> > Yes, I would be very interested in meeting with you in Houston in\n> December.\n> > The best day for visit would be Thursday when my group has a lunch\n> meeting\n> > and you could meet the rest of the research unit.\n> >\n> > Please, let me know what day would work for you. We shall be very glad to\n> > cover the cost of your trip.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > I\n> >\n> > \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 10/31/2000 01:01:11 PM\n> >\n> > To: Vince Kaminski \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: visit?\n> >\n> > Hi Vince,\n> > Are you still interested in my visiting for a day, perhaps in Dec or\n> > Jan? I have begun a project on unobserved-components modeling of\n> > weather patterns, so it would be productive and fun to compare notes.\n> > Best,\n> > Frank\n> >\n> > --\n> > Francis X. Diebold\n> > WP Carey Professor\n> >\n> > Department of Economics\n> > University of Pennsylvania\n> > 3718 Locust Walk\n> > Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n> >\n> > fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> > http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n> >\n> > (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> > (215) 573-4217 fax\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: Your visit to Enron"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 3, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "request information", " are you planning to make a general presentation on your work in the weather area?"]], "Frank,\n\nThanks a lot. Are you planning to make a general presentation on your work\nin the weather area? If this is the case, I would\ninvite to our lunch meeting the traders from the Weather Derivatives\ndesk.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" ", "<17161011.1075856636344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24961363.1075856540720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25868659.1075856265837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"desk weather_weather0derivativeTnn": {"value": "desk weather_weather0derivativeTnn", "ne": "desk weather_weather0derivativeTnn", "patterns": ["desk weather_weather0derivativeTnn"]}, "general presentationTnn": {"value": "general presentationTnn", "ne": "general presentationTnn", "patterns": ["general presentationTnn"]}, "presentation weatherTnn": {"value": "presentation weatherTnn", "ne": "presentation weatherTnn", "patterns": ["presentation weatherTnn"]}}, true], "7-11-2000-9:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-9:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Frank,\nGreat idea. I think it will be an opportunity to brainstorm about the problem.\nVince\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/06/2000 04:08:26 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Your visit to Enron\nVince,\nNow that's an interesting idea -- the problem is that I don't really HAVE any\nwork yet, as I am just now beginning! But yes, why don't I put a talk \ntogether\nas to what I'm thinking about, why it's important, why existing methods may be\ninadequate, and how I think econometricians can contribute. Does that sound\nok?\nF.\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Frank,\n>\n> Thanks a lot. Are you planning to make a general presentation on your work\n> in the weather area? If this is the case, I would\n> invite to our lunch meeting the traders from the Weather Derivatives\n> desk.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/04/2000 08:47:41 AM\n>\n> To: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n> cc: Vince Kaminski \n> Subject: Re: Your visit to Enron\n>\n> Shirley,\n>\n> The 21st is perfect. I will go ahead and purchase my plane tickets. Would\n> you\n> please make me a hotel reservation for the night of the 21st?\n>\n> Many thanks,\n>\n> Frank Diebold\n>\n> Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> > Good morning Professor Diebold:\n> >\n> > I am Vince Kaminski's assistant and he has forwarded your emails to me\n> > for scheduling purpose. Unfortunately, we have a conflict on December\n> > 14th. Can you possibly come on the 21st?\n> >\n> > I hope you have not already made your reservations. If I can do anything\n> > to assist you, please let me know.\n> >\n> > Best regards,\n> >\n> > Shirley Crenshaw\n> > Administrative Coordinator\n> > Enron Research Group\n> > 713-853-5290\n> >\n> > ---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on\n> 11/03/2000\n> > 09:29 AM ---------------------------\n> >\n> > Vince J Kaminski\n> > 11/02/2000 04:30 PM\n> >\n> > To: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ ENRON\n> > cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > Subject: Re: visit? (Document link: Shirley Crenshaw)\n> >\n> > Frank,\n> >\n> > Dec 14 would be better for us. We have already scheduled\n> > an internal presentation on December 7. Please, go ahead and make a\n> > reservation.\n> > The best place to stay is Hyatt Regency Downtown or Doubletree Downtown\n> > (within a walking distance to Enron). It is important to specify the\n> > downtown\n> > location for both hotels.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 11/02/2000 03:00:49 PM\n> >\n> > To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: visit?\n> >\n> > Sounds good, Vince. How about Dec 7? The roundtrip coach fare,\n> regardless\n> > of\n> > airline, is about $1900. I hope that won't break the bank. Once I have\n> > your\n> > approval, I'll go ahead and book it. Best, Frank\n> >\n> > Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> >\n> > > Frank,\n> > >\n> > > Yes, I would be very interested in meeting with you in Houston in\n> > December.\n> > > The best day for visit would be Thursday when my group has a lunch\n> > meeting\n> > > and you could meet the rest of the research unit.\n> > >\n> > > Please, let me know what day would work for you. We shall be very glad\n> to\n> > > cover the cost of your trip.\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> > > I\n> > >\n> > > \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 10/31/2000 01:01:11 PM\n> > >\n> > > To: Vince Kaminski \n> > > cc:\n> > > Subject: visit?\n> > >\n> > > Hi Vince,\n> > > Are you still interested in my visiting for a day, perhaps in Dec or\n> > > Jan? I have begun a project on unobserved-components modeling of\n> > > weather patterns, so it would be productive and fun to compare notes.\n> > > Best,\n> > > Frank\n> > >\n> > > --\n> > > Francis X. Diebold\n> > > WP Carey Professor\n> > >\n> > > Department of Economics\n> > > University of Pennsylvania\n> > > 3718 Locust Walk\n> > > Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n> > >\n> > > fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> > > http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n> > >\n> > > (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> > > (215) 573-4217 fax\n> >\n> > --\n> > Francis X. Diebold\n> > WP Carey Professor\n> >\n> > Department of Economics\n> > University of Pennsylvania\n> > 3718 Locust Walk\n> > Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n> >\n> > fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> > http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n> >\n> > (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> > (215) 573-4217 fax\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: Your visit to Enron"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Frank,\n\nGreat idea. I think it will be an opportunity to brainstorm about the problem.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" ", "<16425028.1075856636164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9024358.1075856539888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22923269.1075856264205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-12-2000-0:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-0:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/18/2000 \n08:18 AM ---------------------------\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 12/18/2000 07:02:46 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: bmierts@enron.com \nSubject: Thursday visit\nHi Vince, Looking forward to seeing you Thursday.? I arrive at Houston-Bush \non USAir 1769 at 10:55 AM.? Please let me know where to go.? I also want to \nverify that you have booked me a hotel? for Thurs night.? Many thanks, and \nsee you soon, Frank \n-- \nFrancis X. Diebold \nWP Carey Professor \nDepartment of Economics \nUniversity of Pennsylvania \n3718 Locust Walk \nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297 \nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu \nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold \n(215) 898-1507? telephone \n(215) 573-4217? fax \n?\n", ["Thursday visit"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n", ["<21657829.1075856465302.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30533892.1075856531608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6868827.1075856246458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21208241.1075856380159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-12-2000-0:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-0:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Frank,\nWe are located at 1400 Smith. Any cab driver can identify the Enron building. \nWhen you arrive,\nplease, call me at 3-3848 from the reception to be admitted into the \nbuilding.\nAlternative phone numbers: 3-5290 (my assistant Shirley Crenshaw). You can \nalso try to call me on\nmy cell phone: 713 898 9960.\nThe Research Group meeting starts at 11:30 and lasts till 1:00. Can you make \na presentation\nabout your research projects? What audio/video equipment do you need? What \nsandwich would \nyou like to have for lunch?\nWe shall make a hotel reservation for you Thursday night.\nVince\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 12/18/2000 07:02:46 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: bmierts@enron.com \nSubject: Thursday visit\nHi Vince, Looking forward to seeing you Thursday.? I arrive at Houston-Bush \non USAir 1769 at 10:55 AM.? Please let me know where to go.? I also want to \nverify that you have booked me a hotel? for Thurs night.? Many thanks, and \nsee you soon, Frank \n-- \nFrancis X. Diebold \nWP Carey Professor \nDepartment of Economics \nUniversity of Pennsylvania \n3718 Locust Walk \nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297 \nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu \nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold \n(215) 898-1507? telephone \n(215) 573-4217? fax \n?\n", ["Re: Thursday visit"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 27, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "request", " can you make a presentation about your research projects?"], ["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 37, "nninformation", ["hotel", "make", "reservation"], "intention", " we shall make a hotel reservation for you thursday night."]], "Frank,\n\nWe are located at 1400 Smith. Any cab driver can identify the Enron building. \nWhen you arrive,\nplease, call me at 3-3848 from the reception to be admitted into the \nbuilding.\n\nAlternative phone numbers: 3-5290 (my assistant Shirley Crenshaw). You can \nalso try to call me on\nmy cell phone: 713 898 9960.\n\nThe Research Group meeting starts at 11:30 and lasts till 1:00. Can you make \na presentation\nabout your research projects? What audio/video equipment do you need? What \nsandwich would \nyou like to have for lunch?\n\nWe shall make a hotel reservation for you Thursday night.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" ", "<403140.1075856635015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17522712.1075856531586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10698955.1075856246412.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"hotel reservationTnn": {"value": "hotel reservationTnn", "ne": "hotel reservationTnn", "patterns": ["hotel reservationTnn"]}}, true], "18-12-2000-0:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-0:35:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11288597.1075856246389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 00:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nSubject: Re: Thursday visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Frank:\n\nReservations have been made for you at the Doubletree Hotel, Downtown\nHouston (Allen Center). The confirmation # is: 87948774. The hotel\ntelephone no. is: 713/759-0202.\n\nSee you on Thursday and have a safe trip.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research\n713/853-5290\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 12/18/2000 \n08:29 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n12/18/2000 08:27 AM\nTo: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ ENRON\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Thursday visit \n\nFrank,\n\nWe are located at 1400 Smith. Any cab driver can identify the Enron building. \nWhen you arrive,\nplease, call me at 3-3848 from the reception to be admitted into the \nbuilding.\n\nAlternative phone numbers: 3-5290 (my assistant Shirley Crenshaw). You can \nalso try to call me on\nmy cell phone: 713 898 9960.\n\nThe Research Group meeting starts at 11:30 and lasts till 1:00. Can you make \na presentation\nabout your research projects? What audio/video equipment do you need? What \nsandwich would \nyou like to have for lunch?\n\nWe shall make a hotel reservation for you Thursday night.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 12/18/2000 07:02:46 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: bmierts@enron.com \nSubject: Thursday visit\n\n\nHi Vince, Looking forward to seeing you Thursday.? I arrive at Houston-Bush \non USAir 1769 at 10:55 AM.? Please let me know where to go.? I also want to \nverify that you have booked me a hotel? for Thurs night.? Many thanks, and \nsee you soon, Frank \n\n-- \nFrancis X. Diebold \nWP Carey Professor \n\nDepartment of Economics \nUniversity of Pennsylvania \n3718 Locust Walk \nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297 \n\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu \nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold \n\n(215) 898-1507? telephone \n(215) 573-4217? fax \n?\n\n\n\n", "Re: Thursday visit", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 2, "information", ["made", "reservations"], "information", " reservations have been made for you at the doubletree hotel, downtown houston (allen center)."]], "Good morning Frank:\n\nReservations have been made for you at the Doubletree Hotel, Downtown\nHouston (Allen Center). The confirmation # is: 87948774. The hotel\ntelephone no. is: 713/759-0202.\n\nSee you on Thursday and have a safe trip.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research\n713/853-5290\n\n\n", "<11288597.1075856246389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"hotel reservationTnn": {"value": "hotel reservationTnn", "ne": "hotel reservationTnn", "patterns": ["hotel reservationTnn"]}}, true], "18-12-2000-1:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-1:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Frank,\nWe shall have about 30 people, highly technical (Ph.D., M.S. level).\nA presentation of 45 minutes would be optimal, assuming you may arrive \naround 11:45 - 12:00.\nWe shall get the projector for you.\nPlease, keep all the receipts for refund.\nVince\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 12/18/2000 09:47:16 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com \nSubject: Re: Thursday visit\nExcellent, Vince! Yes, I will be happy to make a presentation. Do you have a\nprojector to which I could simply hook up my laptop? Could we also have an\noverhead projector as a backup? Many thanks, Frank\nP.S. How long is optimal? How large an audience and what are the\nparticipants' backgrounds?\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Frank,\n>\n> We are located at 1400 Smith. Any cab driver can identify the Enron\n> building. When you arrive,\n> please, call me at 3-3848 from the reception to be admitted into the\n> building.\n>\n> Alternative phone numbers: 3-5290 (my assistant Shirley Crenshaw). You can\n> also try to call me on\n> my cell phone: 713 898 9960.\n>\n> The Research Group meeting starts at 11:30 and lasts till 1:00. Can you\n> make a presentation\n> about your research projects? What audio/video equipment do you need? What\n> sandwich would\n> you like to have for lunch?\n>\n> We shall make a hotel reservation for you Thursday night.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> \"Francis X. Diebold\" on 12/18/2000 07:02:46 AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc: bmierts@enron.com\n> Subject: Thursday visit\n>\n> Hi Vince, Looking forward to seeing you Thursday. I arrive at Houston-Bush\n> on USAir 1769 at 10:55 AM. Please let me know where to go. I also want to\n> verify that you have booked me a hotel for Thurs night. Many thanks, and\n> see you soon, Frank\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: Thursday visit"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Frank,\n\nWe shall have about 30 people, highly technical (Ph.D., M.S. level).\nA presentation of 45 minutes would be optimal, assuming you may arrive \naround 11:45 - 12:00.\n\n\nWe shall get the projector for you.\n\nPlease, keep all the receipts for refund.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" ", "<19088602.1075856634968.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4764586.1075856531563.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<297280.1075856246276.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-10-2001-8:32:43Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu": ["16-10-2001-8:32:43", "fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi Vince, Sorry that our earlier call didn't work out. I just wanted to\nsay that if you see any productive opportunities for joint work, don't\nhesitate to get in touch with me. Best regards, Frank\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["weather research"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince, Sorry that our earlier call didn't work out. I just wanted to\nsay that if you see any productive opportunities for joint work, don't\nhesitate to get in touch with me. Best regards, Frank\n\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\n\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\n\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["<19812622.1075863403603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-10-2001-15:5:12Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu": ["18-10-2001-15:5:12", "fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Great, Vince -- I look forward to it. I am available (hopefully!)\nMonday: 7:30-12, EST\nTuesday: 7:30-9, 10:30-12, EST\nBest regards,\nFrank\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Frank,\n>\n> I am in Argentina and Brazil this week.\n> I shall call you Monday - Tuesday next week.\n> I would like to give you my comments\n> and talk about a few other things.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:33 AM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Subject: weather research\n>\n> Hi Vince, Sorry that our earlier call didn't work out. I just wanted to\n> say that if you see any productive opportunities for joint work, don't\n> hesitate to get in touch with me. Best regards, Frank\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor of Economics\n> Professor of Finance and Statistics\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n> **********************************************************************\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: weather research"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Great, Vince -- I look forward to it. I am available (hopefully!)\nMonday: 7:30-12, EST\nTuesday: 7:30-9, 10:30-12, EST\nBest regards,\nFrank\n\n\n\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n Frank,\n \n I am in Argentina and Brazil this week.\n I shall call you Monday - Tuesday next week.\n I would like to give you my comments\n and talk about a few other things.\n \n Vince\n \n ", ["<30952861.1075863403805.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-10-2001-9:40:28Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-10-2001-9:40:28", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], [], "Frank,\nWhat about Tuesday next week, 10:00 a.m. my time?\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON \nSent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:05 PM\nTo: Kaminski, Vince J\nSubject: Re: weather research\nGreat, Vince -- I look forward to it. I am available (hopefully!)\nMonday: 7:30-12, EST\nTuesday: 7:30-9, 10:30-12, EST\nBest regards,\nFrank\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Frank,\n>\n> I am in Argentina and Brazil this week.\n> I shall call you Monday - Tuesday next week.\n> I would like to give you my comments\n> and talk about a few other things.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:33 AM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Subject: weather research\n>\n> Hi Vince, Sorry that our earlier call didn't work out. I just wanted to\n> say that if you see any productive opportunities for joint work, don't\n> hesitate to get in touch with me. Best regards, Frank\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor of Economics\n> Professor of Finance and Statistics\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n> **********************************************************************\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["RE: weather research"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Frank,\n\nWhat about Tuesday next week, 10:00 a.m. my time?\n\nVince\n\n ", ["<26150501.1075863280697.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-10-2001-10:29:34Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu": ["19-10-2001-10:29:34", "fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Perfect, Vince. I will be sitting by the phone. Hopefully I won't blow it\nthis time! Frank\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Frank,\n>\n> What about Tuesday next week, 10:00 a.m. my time?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:05 PM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Subject: Re: weather research\n>\n> Great, Vince -- I look forward to it. I am available (hopefully!)\n> Monday: 7:30-12, EST\n> Tuesday: 7:30-9, 10:30-12, EST\n> Best regards,\n> Frank\n>\n> Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> > Frank,\n> >\n> > I am in Argentina and Brazil this week.\n> > I shall call you Monday - Tuesday next week.\n> > I would like to give you my comments\n> > and talk about a few other things.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON\n> > Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:33 AM\n> > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > Subject: weather research\n> >\n> > Hi Vince, Sorry that our earlier call didn't work out. I just\n> wanted to\n> > say that if you see any productive opportunities for joint work,\n> don't\n> > hesitate to get in touch with me. Best regards, Frank\n> >\n> > --\n> > Francis X. Diebold\n> > WP Carey Professor of Economics\n> > Professor of Finance and Statistics\n> >\n> > Department of Economics\n> > University of Pennsylvania\n> > 3718 Locust Walk\n> > Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n> >\n> > fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> > http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n> >\n> > (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> > (215) 573-4217 fax\n> >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the\n> sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or\n> disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended\n> recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact\n> the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n> enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the\n> message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be\n> an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and\n> enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and\n> the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by\n> anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n> > **********************************************************************\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor of Economics\n> Professor of Finance and Statistics\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Re: weather research"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Perfect, Vince. I will be sitting by the phone. Hopefully I won't blow it\nthis time! Frank\n\n\n\n\n\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n Frank,\n \n What about Tuesday next week, 10:00 a.m. my time?\n \n Vince\n \n ", ["<7093762.1075863404117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-10-2001-10:31:27Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-10-2001-10:31:27", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], [], "Confirmed.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON \nSent: Friday, October 19, 2001 12:30 PM\nTo: Kaminski, Vince J\nSubject: Re: weather research\nPerfect, Vince. I will be sitting by the phone. Hopefully I won't blow it\nthis time! Frank\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Frank,\n>\n> What about Tuesday next week, 10:00 a.m. my time?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:05 PM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Subject: Re: weather research\n>\n> Great, Vince -- I look forward to it. I am available (hopefully!)\n> Monday: 7:30-12, EST\n> Tuesday: 7:30-9, 10:30-12, EST\n> Best regards,\n> Frank\n>\n> Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> > Frank,\n> >\n> > I am in Argentina and Brazil this week.\n> > I shall call you Monday - Tuesday next week.\n> > I would like to give you my comments\n> > and talk about a few other things.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: \"Francis X. Diebold\" @ENRON\n> > Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:33 AM\n> > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > Subject: weather research\n> >\n> > Hi Vince, Sorry that our earlier call didn't work out. I just\n> wanted to\n> > say that if you see any productive opportunities for joint work,\n> don't\n> > hesitate to get in touch with me. Best regards, Frank\n> >\n> > --\n> > Francis X. Diebold\n> > WP Carey Professor of Economics\n> > Professor of Finance and Statistics\n> >\n> > Department of Economics\n> > University of Pennsylvania\n> > 3718 Locust Walk\n> > Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n> >\n> > fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> > http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n> >\n> > (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> > (215) 573-4217 fax\n> >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the\n> sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or\n> disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended\n> recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact\n> the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n> enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the\n> message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be\n> an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and\n> enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and\n> the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by\n> anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n> > **********************************************************************\n>\n> --\n> Francis X. Diebold\n> WP Carey Professor of Economics\n> Professor of Finance and Statistics\n>\n> Department of Economics\n> University of Pennsylvania\n> 3718 Locust Walk\n> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297\n>\n> fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\n> http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n>\n> (215) 898-1507 telephone\n> (215) 573-4217 fax\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["RE: weather research"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Confirmed.\n\nVince\n\n ", ["<28036231.1075863280744.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-10-2001-9:2:16Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu": ["29-10-2001-9:2:16", "fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Dear Vince:\nMany thanks for your call the other day. We will definitely keep you\ninformed of any new developments. If you would be interested in\npursuing any joint projects, please don't hesitate to let me know.\nBest regards,\nFrank\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["thanks"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 2, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " we will definitely keep you informed of any new developments."]], "Dear Vince:\n\nMany thanks for your call the other day. We will definitely keep you\ninformed of any new developments. If you would be interested in\npursuing any joint projects, please don't hesitate to let me know.\n\nBest regards,\n\nFrank\n\n\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\n\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\n\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["<31975569.1075862459715.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-12-2001-7:30:59Sfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu": ["5-12-2001-7:30:59", "fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu", ["fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu"], [], "Dear Colleague:\n I would like to call your attention to three fine Penn students on\nthe job market this year, Sean Campbell, Clara Vega, and Canlin Li.\nTheir interests and skills span time series econometrics, financial\neconomics and macroeconomics. I have attached my letters of\nrecommendation, which provide much more detail.\n I hope that you will seriously consider interviewing them if their\nskill match your needs; please simply contact them directly if you want\nto do so and/or if you would like more materials from them (their\ncontact information follows at the end of this email). In addition,\nplease don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance in\nany way.\n Finally, I hope that you will excuse the intrusion caused by this\ncommunication, but email is the least intrusive and most efficient way\nthat I know to get the message out.\n With best\nregards,\n Frank\nDiebold\nSean Campbell\nseancamp@econ.sas.upenn.edu\n215.763.3255\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/%7Eseancamp/\nClara Vega\ncvega@ssc.upenn.edu\n267.408.3571\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/%7Ecvega/\nCanlin Li\ncanlin@ssc.upenn.edu\n610.564.5207\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/%7Ecanlin/\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n \n \n - Li.PDF ", ["Job Market"], "{'body': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['fdiebold@sas.upenn.edu']}", [], "Dear Colleague:\n\n I would like to call your attention to three fine Penn students on\nthe job market this year, Sean Campbell, Clara Vega, and Canlin Li.\nTheir interests and skills span time series econometrics, financial\neconomics and macroeconomics. I have attached my letters of\nrecommendation, which provide much more detail.\n\n I hope that you will seriously consider interviewing them if their\nskill match your needs; please simply contact them directly if you want\nto do so and/or if you would like more materials from them (their\ncontact information follows at the end of this email). In addition,\nplease don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance in\nany way.\n\n Finally, I hope that you will excuse the intrusion caused by this\ncommunication, but email is the least intrusive and most efficient way\nthat I know to get the message out.\n\n With best\nregards,\n\n Frank\nDiebold\n\n\nSean Campbell\nseancamp@econ.sas.upenn.edu\n215.763.3255\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/%7Eseancamp/\n\nClara Vega\ncvega@ssc.upenn.edu\n267.408.3571\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/%7Ecvega/\n\nCanlin Li\ncanlin@ssc.upenn.edu\n610.564.5207\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/%7Ecanlin/\n\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nWP Carey Professor of Economics\nProfessor of Finance and Statistics\n\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\n\nfdiebold@sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n\n\n - Campbell.pdf \n - Vega.pdf \n - Li.PDF ", ["<28521000.1075840784658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "8-12-2000-0:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-12-2000-2:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"8-12-2000-0:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-0:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "clayton.vernon@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22824495.1075856467262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 00:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: clayton.vernon@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: seminar on beyond ols\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Clayton Vernon, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nCan you reserve the room for Tue, Dec 19, 3:30?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 \n08:33 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tClayton Vernon @ ENRON\n\t12/07/2000 05:38 PM\n\t\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: seminar on beyond ols \n\nVince-\n\nGeorge just \"remembered\" the traders' meetings Monday and Wednesday \nafternoons at 3:30. He' s going to email you- I think Tuesday would ensure a \nturnout of traders as well as analysts. We could easily have 20 people there \nfrom Power alone, and there's always Gas .... When you decide the time, can \nyou ask Shirley to reserve a conference room along the size of 30C1?\n\nClayton\n", "Re: seminar on beyond ols", "reply", [], "Shirley,\n\nCan you reserve the room for Tue, Dec 19, 3:30?\n\nVince\n\n", "<22824495.1075856467262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-12-2000-2:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-12-2000-2:29:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["clayton.vernon@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <1677723.1075856590990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 02:29:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, clayton.vernon@enron.com\nSubject: Re: seminar on beyond ols\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Clayton Vernon\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI have reserved EB30C1 from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm.\n\nJust a reminder that the 19th is the Research Christmas Party at Damians from\n5:30 - 7:30 PM.\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n12/08/2000 08:33 AM\nTo: Clayton Vernon/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: seminar on beyond ols\n\nShirley,\n\nCan you reserve the room for Tue, Dec 19, 3:30?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 \n08:33 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tClayton Vernon @ ENRON\n\t12/07/2000 05:38 PM\n\t\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: seminar on beyond ols \n\nVince-\n\nGeorge just \"remembered\" the traders' meetings Monday and Wednesday \nafternoons at 3:30. He' s going to email you- I think Tuesday would ensure a \nturnout of traders as well as analysts. We could easily have 20 people there \nfrom Power alone, and there's always Gas .... When you decide the time, can \nyou ask Shirley to reserve a conference room along the size of 30C1?\n\nClayton\n\n\n\n", "Re: seminar on beyond ols", "originEmail", [["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 2, "information", ["eb**30", "reserved", "1"], "information", "i have reserved eb numeric c numeric from numerictime pm - numerictime pm."]], "I have reserved EB30C1 from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm.\n\nJust a reminder that the 19th is the Research Christmas Party at Damians from\n5:30 - 7:30 PM.\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n12/08/2000 08:33 AM\n", "<1677723.1075856590990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "eb**30", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-1:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-7-2000-8:48:0Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu 3-8-2000-10:1:0Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu 8-8-2000-2:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-8-2000-8:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-8-2000-7:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-10-2000-14:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-10-2000-8:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-11-2000-5:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-10-2001-14:13:4Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu 19-10-2001-14:26:50Sj.kaminski@enron.com 19-10-2001-14:15:21Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu 24-10-2001-11:27:44Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 24-10-2001-11:20:14Sj.kaminski@enron.com 4-11-2001-18:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-11-2001-14:6:42Sj.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2002-14:59:20Sj.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-1:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-1:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kevin.kindall@enron.com"], "Rick,\nThanks for your message. I am familiar with the Computational Finance program\nand value its high quality.\nPlease, call me next week. The best time is between 7:00 and 8:30 a.m.\nCST.\nVince\n\"Rick Bryant\" on 07/26/2000 01:27:23 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \"Kevin Kindall\" , \"Ken Keeley\" , \n\"Sanjay Srivastava\" \nSubject: Recruiting at CMU Computational Finance Program\nVince,\nGreetings! I am the director of the MS in Computational Finance program at\nCarnegie Mellon. I am following up on a conversation I had with Kevin\nKindall, a graduate of our program, who gave me your e-mail address and\nsuggested I contact you as the individual making the recruiting decisions\nfor the Research Group at Enron.\nIn speaking with the director of the Career Opportunity Center at the\nbusiness school, I am told that although an Alison Bailey from Enron\n(mary.alison.bailey@enron.com) has arranged for a sizable block of rooms in\nwhich to conduct interviews on campus on December 11th, there is as yet no\nindication of whether the Comp Finance students will have opportunity to\ncompete for these spaces.\nWe are regarded by many in the industry as the top quantitative finance\nprogram in the country. Focused on derivative pricing, econometrics, VAR\nand portfolio management, our graduates should be an excellent fit for your\nbusiness. I would be happy to talk with you further about our\nrogram( http://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf/) as well as our students' interest\nin Enron (the name comes up a lot!). Also, if you are interested, we run a\n\"Speaker Series\" on most Friday's during the fall and spring that would\ngive you (or another in your group) the opportunity to address our students\nin an area of interest. Such a meeting would, I think, help you better\nunderstand the careers our students are preparing to pursue as well as give\nour students first hand knowledge of Enron and its future.\nWhen might be a good time to contact you by telephone?\nThank you for your time.\nRick\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nPhone/Fax (412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837\nhttp://fastweb.gsia.cmu.edu/MSCF\n", ["Re: Recruiting at CMU Computational Finance Program"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu'], 'recipients': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Rick,\n\nThanks for your message. I am familiar with the Computational Finance program\nand value its high quality.\n\nPlease, call me next week. The best time is between 7:00 and 8:30 a.m.\nCST.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Rick Bryant\" ", "<5158653.1075856639708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16603380.1075856558049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20063318.1075856306951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-7-2000-8:48:0Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu": ["28-7-2000-8:48:0", "rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nThanks for the prompt reply. I'll plan to call early next week.\nRick\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: \"Rick Bryant\" \nCc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Kevin Kindall\"\n\nSent: Friday, July 28, 2000 9:05 AM\nSubject: Re: Recruiting at CMU Computational Finance Program\n>\n>\n> Rick,\n>\n> Thanks for your message. I am familiar with the Computational Finance\nprogram\n> and value its high quality.\n>\n> Please, call me next week. The best time is between 7:00 and 8:30 a.m.\n> CST.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Rick Bryant\" on 07/26/2000 01:27:23 PM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> cc: \"Kevin Kindall\" , \"Ken Keeley\"\n,\n> \"Sanjay Srivastava\" \n> Subject: Recruiting at CMU Computational Finance Program\n>\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Greetings! I am the director of the MS in Computational Finance program\nat\n> Carnegie Mellon. I am following up on a conversation I had with Kevin\n> Kindall, a graduate of our program, who gave me your e-mail address and\n> suggested I contact you as the individual making the recruiting decisions\n> for the Research Group at Enron.\n>\n> In speaking with the director of the Career Opportunity Center at the\n> business school, I am told that although an Alison Bailey from Enron\n> (mary.alison.bailey@enron.com) has arranged for a sizable block of rooms\nin\n> which to conduct interviews on campus on December 11th, there is as yet no\n> indication of whether the Comp Finance students will have opportunity to\n> compete for these spaces.\n>\n> We are regarded by many in the industry as the top quantitative finance\n> program in the country. Focused on derivative pricing, econometrics, VAR\n> and portfolio management, our graduates should be an excellent fit for\nyour\n> business. I would be happy to talk with you further about our\n> rogram( http://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf/) as well as our students'\ninterest\n> in Enron (the name comes up a lot!). Also, if you are interested, we run\na\n> \"Speaker Series\" on most Friday's during the fall and spring that would\n> give you (or another in your group) the opportunity to address our\nstudents\n> in an area of interest. Such a meeting would, I think, help you better\n> understand the careers our students are preparing to pursue as well as\ngive\n> our students first hand knowledge of Enron and its future.\n>\n> When might be a good time to contact you by telephone?\n>\n> Thank you for your time.\n>\n> Rick\n>\n> Richard L. Bryant\n> Director, Computational Finance Program\n> Carnegie Mellon University\n> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n> Pittsburgh, PA 15213\n> Phone/Fax (412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837\n> http://fastweb.gsia.cmu.edu/MSCF\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Recruiting at CMU Computational Finance Program"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nThanks for the prompt reply. I'll plan to call early next week.\n\nRick\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ", "<16249945.1075856306375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22333367.1075856336834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-8-2000-10:1:0Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu": ["3-8-2000-10:1:0", "rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com"], ["ps5@andrew.cmu.edu", "kk4p@andrew.cmu.edu"], "Vince,\nPierre has informed me that (if you can so co-ordinate with Alison Bailey)\nyou would like to move the recruiting event on campus for Comp Finance to\nNov 3 in order to co-ordinate with Pierre's invitation to speak in the MSCF\nSpeaker Series the same day. I contacted our recruiting center about\navailability on that date and have forwarded below his response. Let me\nknow how else I can help and, again, thanks for your kind words about the\nprogram and you obvious interest in meeting with us.\nRick\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nPhone/Fax (412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837\nhttp://fastweb.gsia.cmu.edu/MSCF\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Ken Keeley\" \nTo: \"Rick Bryant\" \nCc: \"Sally E Gould\" \nSent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 1:32 PM\nSubject: Re: Fw: MSCF Speaker Series\nEnron currently has 8 interview rooms scheduled on December 11, 2000... As\nwe have 10 interview rooms available to us and as on 11/3 we currently have\nnine rooms booked, if Enron wants to move all 8 schedules to 11/3, we\nprobably will not be able to host them on-campus unless [the firm currently\nholding the rooms] moves off (and there is a possibility of that - this is\nlike a game of dominos). However, Enron could interview off campus, but\nthat is not as convenient for the students and it increases the cost for the\nemployer. If Enron wants to move only one or two schedules to 11/3 for just\nComp Finance, we would find a way to accomodate them. Our Recruiting\nCoordinator, Sally Gould, will do everything she can to make this work for\nEnron. Please suggest that Enron re-contact her as soon as they know what\ntheir preferences are. Alison knows how to reach her.\n> Ken Keeley, Ph.D.\n> Director, Career Opportunities Center\n> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n> Carnegie Mellon University\n> Tel: 412-268-3092\n> Fax: 412-268-4146\n>", ["Enron Recruiting/MSCF Speaker Series"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nPierre has informed me that (if you can so co-ordinate with Alison Bailey)\nyou would like to move the recruiting event on campus for Comp Finance to\nNov 3 in order to co-ordinate with Pierre's invitation to speak in the MSCF\nSpeaker Series the same day. I contacted our recruiting center about\navailability on that date and have forwarded below his response. Let me\nknow how else I can help and, again, thanks for your kind words about the\nprogram and you obvious interest in meeting with us.\n\nRick\n\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nPhone/Fax (412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837\nhttp://fastweb.gsia.cmu.edu/MSCF\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Ken Keeley\" ", "<31725116.1075856302955.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<687292.1075856339174.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-8-2000-2:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-8-2000-2:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mary.bailey@enron.com"], [], "FYI \nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/08/2000 \n09:37 AM ---------------------------\n\"Rick Bryant\" on 08/03/2000 04:01:49 PM\nTo: \"Vince Kaminsky\" \ncc: \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" , \"Ken Keeley\" \n \nSubject: Enron Recruiting/MSCF Speaker Series\nVince,\nPierre has informed me that (if you can so co-ordinate with Alison Bailey)\nyou would like to move the recruiting event on campus for Comp Finance to\nNov 3 in order to co-ordinate with Pierre's invitation to speak in the MSCF\nSpeaker Series the same day. I contacted our recruiting center about\navailability on that date and have forwarded below his response. Let me\nknow how else I can help and, again, thanks for your kind words about the\nprogram and you obvious interest in meeting with us.\nRick\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nPhone/Fax (412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837\nhttp://fastweb.gsia.cmu.edu/MSCF\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Ken Keeley\" \nTo: \"Rick Bryant\" \nCc: \"Sally E Gould\" \nSent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 1:32 PM\nSubject: Re: Fw: MSCF Speaker Series\nEnron currently has 8 interview rooms scheduled on December 11, 2000... As\nwe have 10 interview rooms available to us and as on 11/3 we currently have\nnine rooms booked, if Enron wants to move all 8 schedules to 11/3, we\nprobably will not be able to host them on-campus unless [the firm currently\nholding the rooms] moves off (and there is a possibility of that - this is\nlike a game of dominos). However, Enron could interview off campus, but\nthat is not as convenient for the students and it increases the cost for the\nemployer. If Enron wants to move only one or two schedules to 11/3 for just\nComp Finance, we would find a way to accomodate them. Our Recruiting\nCoordinator, Sally Gould, will do everything she can to make this work for\nEnron. Please suggest that Enron re-contact her as soon as they know what\ntheir preferences are. Alison knows how to reach her.\n> Ken Keeley, Ph.D.\n> Director, Career Opportunities Center\n> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n> Carnegie Mellon University\n> Tel: 412-268-3092\n> Fax: 412-268-4146\n>\n", ["Enron Recruiting/MSCF Speaker Series"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "FYI \n\nVince\n", ["<16642261.1075856489734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5146426.1075856555999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31814136.1075856301668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20847829.1075856340012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-8-2000-8:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-8:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mary.bailey@enron.com"], [], "http://www.math.ethz.ch/finance/", ["", "Re: MSCF Speaker Series"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "http://www.math.ethz.ch/finance/", ["<5165109.1075856488502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4680348.1075856488524.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20372639.1075856554768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13533360.1075856554791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9813839.1075856299093.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21159132.1075856299116.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19234868.1075856341951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13546917.1075856341996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-8-2000-7:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-8-2000-7:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kristin.gandy@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/25/2000 \n02:19 PM ---------------------------\n\"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" on 08/11/2000 03:39:39 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: MSCF Speaker Series\nThx,\nWe are very anxious to hear her answer\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n--------------------------------------\npstemarie.homestead.com\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Friday, August 11, 2000 10:55 AM\nSubject: Re: MSCF Speaker Series\n>\n> Pierre-Philippe,\n>\n> I have contacted Allison Bailey to ask her to move her visit\n> to the campus to coincide with my presentation.\n> I hope to hear from her soon.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n> P.S. Nice WEB site\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" on 08/10/2000 05:13:53\nPM\n>\n> To: \n> cc:\n> Subject: MSCF Speaker Series\n>\n>\n>\n> Dear Mr. Kaminsky,\n>\n> Just checking if there was any progress... or anything I could do to help\n> you.\n>\n> Sincerely,\n>\n> Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n> --------------------------------------\n> pstemarie.homestead.com\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: MSCF Speaker Series"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "", ["<22658856.1075856486222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23843948.1075856552517.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25239554.1075856293562.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2489795.1075856346050.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-10-2000-14:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-14:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zc01.mx.aol.com (rly-zc01.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-zc04.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.23) with ESMTP; Thu, 26 Oct 2000 18:11:59 -0400\nReceived: from pop3.icubed.com (pop3.icubed.com []) by \nrly-zc01.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Thu, 26 Oct 2000 18:11:37 -0400\nReceived: from default (du203p221.icubed.com []) by \npop3.icubed.com (8.10.2/8.10.2) with SMTP id e9QMHRT31409; Thu, 26 Oct 2000 \n18:17:28 -0400 (EDT)\nMessage-ID: <001201c03f99$e993d620$ddcbd7cc@default>\nFrom: \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" \nTo: \nCc: \"Rick Bryant\" \nReferences: <84.a926236.26ed0fa2@aol.com>\nSubject: mscf speaker series\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 18:13:02 -0400\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300\nX-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nI would like to know at what time you are arriving so I can plan a\n\"welcoming party\" . Depending on your arrival time I will plan a tour of the\nschool and a short meeting with the staff and the recruiting center. I have\nreserved a table for ten at 7.00pm at the Georges Town Hill on Friday the\n3rd.\nPlease inform me of the details of your trip, and let me know If I can be of\nfurther assistance.\nSincerely,\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n--------------------------------------\npstemarie.homestead.com\n", ["Fwd: mscf speaker series"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: ", "<32954102.1075856270674.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18143718.1075856363150.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-10-2000-8:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-8:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease ,send my itinerary to stemarie@icubed.com\nThis is for Carnegie Mellon.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/27/2000 \n03:28 PM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 10/26/2000 08:09:11 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: mscf speaker series\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zc01.mx.aol.com (rly-zc01.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-zc04.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.23) with ESMTP; Thu, 26 Oct 2000 18:11:59 -0400\nReceived: from pop3.icubed.com (pop3.icubed.com []) by \nrly-zc01.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Thu, 26 Oct 2000 18:11:37 -0400\nReceived: from default (du203p221.icubed.com []) by \npop3.icubed.com (8.10.2/8.10.2) with SMTP id e9QMHRT31409; Thu, 26 Oct 2000 \n18:17:28 -0400 (EDT)\nMessage-ID: <001201c03f99$e993d620$ddcbd7cc@default>\nFrom: \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" \nTo: \nCc: \"Rick Bryant\" \nReferences: <84.a926236.26ed0fa2@aol.com>\nSubject: mscf speaker series\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 18:13:02 -0400\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300\nX-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nI would like to know at what time you are arriving so I can plan a\n\"welcoming party\" . Depending on your arrival time I will plan a tour of the\nschool and a short meeting with the staff and the recruiting center. I have\nreserved a table for ten at 7.00pm at the Georges Town Hill on Friday the\n3rd.\nPlease inform me of the details of your trip, and let me know If I can be of\nfurther assistance.\nSincerely,\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n--------------------------------------\npstemarie.homestead.com\n", ["Fwd: mscf speaker series"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease ,send my itinerary to stemarie@icubed.com\n\nThis is for Carnegie Mellon.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<16035250.1075856476382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28191179.1075856542675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16427698.1075856270310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22656499.1075856363349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-11-2000-5:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-5:49:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stemarie@icubed.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kevin.kindall@enron.com"], "Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\nThanks. Kevin Kindall and, possibly, Kristin Gandy from Enron will come with \nme.\nVince\n\"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" on 11/01/2000 09:37:13 PM\nTo: \ncc: \"Rick Bryant\" \nSubject: Re: MSCF Speaker Series\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nThank you very much for changing your plane ticket, it was unhoped for.\nEveryhting is now ready for your arrival. We will be at 10.30AM on Friday at\nyour hotel. If you have not received your schedule yet here is the outline:\n10.30 On board for school\n11.00-11.30 Presentation set up. brief brush up with students.\n11.30-14.00 Presentation and lunch with students\n14.00-14.30 Meeting with Professor Chester Spatt\n15.00-15.30 Meeting with COC officer\n15.30-16.00 Brief tour of the school. (The four department that sponsor the\nMSCF program)\n16.00 Back at the hotel to relax.\n18.30 The group will come at your hotel to go to the restaurant.\nHere is the roster for the evening.\n-Kent Garrett : One of the top seed of this year's class, versed in\nMathematic and computer science. Will guide and drive you through the day.\n-Ignacio Delgado: Another top student, Master from Yale. Versed in Finance,\neconomics and Computer science.\n-Punit Rawal: seasonned professional, worked in the financial industry for\nmany years prior to joining the program.\n-Hisamitsu Tanaka: Another seasonned professional, worked in a major\njapanese bank for many years as a FX option trader/risk manager.\n-Teresa Holden: bright computer scientist, worked in an IT group for many\nyears prior to joining the program.\n-Frank Quian: Brilliant programmer, PHD in Microbiology form Columbia.\n-Rick Bryant:Director of the MSCF program\n-Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie: President of the Speaker series (that would be\nme!)\nIf there is anything else I can do, please tell me.\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n---------------------------------------------------\nhttp://pstemarie.homestead.com\n", ["Re: MSCF Speaker Series"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n\n\nThanks. Kevin Kindall and, possibly, Kristin Gandy from Enron will come with \nme.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" ", "<26564121.1075856636505.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29071066.1075856541281.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6554428.1075856267098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-10-2001-14:13:4Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu": ["3-10-2001-14:13:4", "rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nI am pleased to hear you will be returning to MSCF this year, participating\nin the Speaker Series on December 7. Enron has a tremendous reputation in\nquantitative finance circles and your obvious interest in our students is\ndeeply appreciated. I know, too, our students are very much looking forward\nto your visit.\nOn a separate but definitely related matter, would you consider serving on\nour Advisory Board? You will note our present membership\n) reflects no representation\nfrom an energy firm. I speak on behalf of the MSCF Steering Committee in\nexpressing our hope that you would be willing to correct this!\nThe Advisory Board meets once a year, usually in the late fall in New York.\nIts six (or so) members serve for a three year term. Enron's participation\non the MSCF Board would allow you to influence the direction of the program\nto the advantage of the energy companies and give you access to a \"first\nlook\" at the \"MSCF Resume Book.\" From our standpoint, your experience and\ncounsel would be of tremendous benefit to us as we consider challenges and\nopportunities in the MSCF program in the years ahead.\nOur 2001 meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 12 in mid-town Manhattan.\nWould you be willing join us?\nRick\nMr. Richard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\n(412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837 (fax)\nrlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu\nhttp://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf\n", ["MSCF Advisory Board Membership"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 21, "nninformation", ["forward", "students"], "intention", " i know, too, our students are very much looking forward to your visit."], ["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 86, "nninformation", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "intention", " our numeric meeting is scheduled for wednesday, datenumeric in mid-town manhattan."]], "Vince,\n\nI am pleased to hear you will be returning to MSCF this year, participating\nin the Speaker Series on December 7. Enron has a tremendous reputation in\nquantitative finance circles and your obvious interest in our students is\ndeeply appreciated. I know, too, our students are very much looking forward\nto your visit.\n\nOn a separate but definitely related matter, would you consider serving on\nour Advisory Board? You will note our present membership\n(http://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf/advisory.html) reflects no representation\nfrom an energy firm. I speak on behalf of the MSCF Steering Committee in\nexpressing our hope that you would be willing to correct this!\n\nThe Advisory Board meets once a year, usually in the late fall in New York.\nIts six (or so) members serve for a three year term. Enron's participation\non the MSCF Board would allow you to influence the direction of the program\nto the advantage of the energy companies and give you access to a \"first\nlook\" at the \"MSCF Resume Book.\" From our standpoint, your experience and\ncounsel would be of tremendous benefit to us as we consider challenges and\nopportunities in the MSCF program in the years ahead.\n\nOur 2001 meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 12 in mid-town Manhattan.\nWould you be willing join us?\n\nRick\n\nMr. Richard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\n(412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837 (fax)\nrlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu\nhttp://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf\n\n", ["<4835017.1075862458864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-10-2001-14:26:50Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-10-2001-14:26:50", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu"], [], "Rick,\nI shall be honored to serve on the Advisory Board of the MSCF.\nAlso, I shall be able to join you on Wednesday, December 12 for the \nfirst meeting.\nA more formal letter of acceptance will follow.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Richard Bryant\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Richard+20Bryant+22+20+3Crlbryant+40andrew+2Ecmu+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 4:13 PM\nTo: Vince Kaminsky\nSubject: MSCF Advisory Board Membership\nVince,\nI am pleased to hear you will be returning to MSCF this year, participating\nin the Speaker Series on December 7. Enron has a tremendous reputation in\nquantitative finance circles and your obvious interest in our students is\ndeeply appreciated. I know, too, our students are very much looking forward\nto your visit.\nOn a separate but definitely related matter, would you consider serving on\nour Advisory Board? You will note our present membership\n) reflects no representation\nfrom an energy firm. I speak on behalf of the MSCF Steering Committee in\nexpressing our hope that you would be willing to correct this!\nThe Advisory Board meets once a year, usually in the late fall in New York.\nIts six (or so) members serve for a three year term. Enron's participation\non the MSCF Board would allow you to influence the direction of the program\nto the advantage of the energy companies and give you access to a \"first\nlook\" at the \"MSCF Resume Book.\" From our standpoint, your experience and\ncounsel would be of tremendous benefit to us as we consider challenges and\nopportunities in the MSCF program in the years ahead.\nOur 2001 meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 12 in mid-town Manhattan.\nWould you be willing join us?\nRick\nMr. Richard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\n(412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837 (fax)\nrlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu\nhttp://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf\n", ["RE: MSCF Advisory Board Membership"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu'], 'recipients': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Rick,\n\nI shall be honored to serve on the Advisory Board of the MSCF.\n\nAlso, I shall be able to join you on Wednesday, December 12 for the \nfirst meeting.\n\nA more formal letter of acceptance will follow.\n\nVince\n\n ", ["<14038180.1075863280810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-10-2001-14:15:21Srlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu": ["19-10-2001-14:15:21", "rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu", "vkamins@enron.com", "shreve@andrew.cmu.edu ss1g@andrew.cmu.edu rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu rk2x@andrew.cmu.edu nm10@andrew.cmu.edu jpl@stat.cmu.edu heath@andrew.cmu.edu dchcmu@home.com sc7k@andrew.cmu.edu", "Message-ID: <26851935.1075862458888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 14:15:21 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: MSCF Advisory Board\nCc: shreve@andrew.cmu.edu, ss1g@andrew.cmu.edu, rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu,\n\trk2x@andrew.cmu.edu, nm10@andrew.cmu.edu, jpl@stat.cmu.edu,\n\theath@andrew.cmu.edu, dchcmu@home.com, sc7k@andrew.cmu.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shreve@andrew.cmu.edu, ss1g@andrew.cmu.edu, rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu,\n\trk2x@andrew.cmu.edu, nm10@andrew.cmu.edu, jpl@stat.cmu.edu,\n\theath@andrew.cmu.edu, dchcmu@home.com, sc7k@andrew.cmu.edu\nX-From: \"Rick Bryant\" @ENRON\nX-To: Vince Kaminsky \nX-cc: Steven E Shreve , Sanjay Srivastava , Rick Bryant , Ramayya Krishnan , Norene Mears , John Lehoczky , David Heath , Dave Heath2 , Sue Connelly \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nVince,\n\nI am very pleased that you will be able to join our Advisory Board and I\nlook forward to introducing you to those of our Steering Committee you do\nnot already know as well as the other Advisory Board members at our next\nmeeting on December 12, 2001 in New York.\n\nI would like to send you a more formal letter of acknowledgment and\nappreciation but I realize I have only your e-mail address. Could you\nkindly send me your full name, address and telephone number? I would also\nappreciate your forwarding me a short bio.\n\nThanks again for your willingness to be a part of our Advisory Board.\n\nRick\n\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nTel: (412) 268-4592\nFax (412) 268-6837\nwww.student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf", "MSCF Advisory Board", "reply", [], "Vince,\n\nI am very pleased that you will be able to join our Advisory Board and I\nlook forward to introducing you to those of our Steering Committee you do\nnot already know as well as the other Advisory Board members at our next\nmeeting on December 12, 2001 in New York.\n\nI would like to send you a more formal letter of acknowledgment and\nappreciation but I realize I have only your e-mail address. Could you\nkindly send me your full name, address and telephone number? I would also\nappreciate your forwarding me a short bio.\n\nThanks again for your willingness to be a part of our Advisory Board.\n\nRick\n\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nTel: (412) 268-4592\nFax (412) 268-6837\nwww.student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf", "<26851935.1075862458888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "24-10-2001-11:27:44Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-11:27:44", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <12595869.1075862459141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:27:44 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu\nSubject: MSCF Advisory Board\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-To: 'Rick Bryant' \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nProfessor Bryant:\n\nI am attaching a copy of Vince's \"Bio\" and I would like to send you the\nfollowing information:\n\nVincent J. Kaminski\nManaging Director and Head of Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street - ECN1962\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nTelephone: 713-853-3848\nFax: 713-646-2503\n\n \nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Rick Bryant\" @ENRON \nSent:\tFriday, October 19, 2001 4:15 PM\nTo:\tVince Kaminsky\nCc:\tSteven E Shreve; Sanjay Srivastava; Rick Bryant; Ramayya Krishnan; Norene Mears; John Lehoczky; David Heath; Dave Heath2; Sue Connelly\nSubject:\tMSCF Advisory Board\n\nVince,\n\nI am very pleased that you will be able to join our Advisory Board and I\nlook forward to introducing you to those of our Steering Committee you do\nnot already know as well as the other Advisory Board members at our next\nmeeting on December 12, 2001 in New York.\n\nI would like to send you a more formal letter of acknowledgment and\nappreciation but I realize I have only your e-mail address. Could you\nkindly send me your full name, address and telephone number? I would also\nappreciate your forwarding me a short bio.\n\nThanks again for your willingness to be a part of our Advisory Board.\n\nRick\n\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nTel: (412) 268-4592\nFax (412) 268-6837\nwww.student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf", "MSCF Advisory Board", "originEmail", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "intention", "professor bryant: i am attaching a copy of vince's \"bio\" and i would like to send you the following information: vincent j."]], "Professor Bryant:\n\nI am attaching a copy of Vince's \"Bio\" and I would like to send you the\nfollowing information:\n\nVincent J. Kaminski\nManaging Director and Head of Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street - ECN1962\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nTelephone: 713-853-3848\nFax: 713-646-2503\n\n \nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n ", "<12595869.1075862459141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"21": {"value": "77", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric phone_telephoneTnn", "numeric telephone_telephone0numberTnn"]}}, true], "24-10-2001-11:20:14Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-11:20:14", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Rick Bryant\" @ENRON \nSent: Friday, October 19, 2001 4:15 PM\nTo: Vince Kaminsky\nCc: Steven E Shreve; Sanjay Srivastava; Rick Bryant; Ramayya Krishnan; Norene Mears; John Lehoczky; David Heath; Dave Heath2; Sue Connelly\nSubject: MSCF Advisory Board\nVince,\nI am very pleased that you will be able to join our Advisory Board and I\nlook forward to introducing you to those of our Steering Committee you do\nnot already know as well as the other Advisory Board members at our next\nmeeting on December 12, 2001 in New York.\nI would like to send you a more formal letter of acknowledgment and\nappreciation but I realize I have only your e-mail address. Could you\nkindly send me your full name, address and telephone number? I would also\nappreciate your forwarding me a short bio.\nThanks again for your willingness to be a part of our Advisory Board.\nRick\nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nTel: (412) 268-4592\nFax (412) 268-6837\nwww.student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf", ["FW: MSCF Advisory Board"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "\n\n ", ["<23134848.1075862453806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-11-2001-18:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-11-2001-18:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-ye04.mail.aol.com (rly-ye04.mail.aol.com []) by air-ye04.mail.aol.com (v82.14) with ESMTP id MAILINYE43-1024142545; Wed, 24 Oct 2001 14:25:45 2000\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by rly-ye04.mail.aol.com (v81.9) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINYE46-1024142524; Wed, 24 Oct 2001 14:25:24 -0400\nReceived: from corp.enron.com (nahou-msmsw03p.corp.enron.com []) by postmaster.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/external_corp-1.08) with ESMTP id f9OIPN317110 for ; Wed, 24 Oct 2001 13:25:23 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from nahou-mscnx04p.corp.enron.com (unverified) by corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.2.1) with SMTP id for ; Wed, 24 Oct 2001 13:25:18 -0500\nReceived: from NAHOU-MSMBX03V.corp.enron.com ([]) by nahou-mscnx04p.corp.enron.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2966); Wed, 24 Oct 2001 13:25:10 -0500\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.4712.0\ncontent-class: urn:content-classes:message\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nSubject: FW: MSCF Advisory Board\nDate: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 13:20:14 -0500\nMessage-ID: <31738B46B7BD864080808A19977D9F757ABDB6@NAHOU-MSMBX03V.corp.enron.com>\nX-MS-Has-Attach:\nX-MS-TNEF-Correlator:\nThread-Topic: MSCF Advisory Board\nThread-Index: AcFY47ggp0y9S8TWEdWxIgBQi+MJ2QD1MNCQ\nFrom: \"Kaminski, Vince J\" \nTo: \"Crenshaw, Shirley\" \nCc: \nX-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Oct 2001 18:25:10.0135 (UTC) FILETIME=[36CF6070:01C15CB9]\nX-Mailer: Unknown (No Version)\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Rick Bryant\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 4:15 PM\n> To: Vince Kaminsky\n> Cc: Steven E Shreve; Sanjay Srivastava; Rick Bryant; Ramayya\n> Krishnan; Norene Mears; John Lehoczky; David Heath; Dave Heath2; Sue\n> Connelly\n> Subject: MSCF Advisory Board\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> I am very pleased that you will be able to join our Advisory Board and\n> I\n> look forward to introducing you to those of our Steering Committee you\n> do\n> not already know as well as the other Advisory Board members at our\n> next\n> meeting on December 12, 2001 in New York.\n>\n> I would like to send you a more formal letter of acknowledgment and\n> appreciation but I realize I have only your e-mail address. Could\n> you\n> kindly send me your full name, address and telephone number? I would\n> also\n> appreciate your forwarding me a short bio.\n>\n> Thanks again for your willingness to be a part of our Advisory Board.\n>\n> Rick\n>\n> Richard L. Bryant\n> Director, Computational Finance Program\n> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n> Carnegie Mellon University\n> Pittsburgh, PA 15213\n> Tel: (412) 268-4592\n> Fax (412) 268-6837\n> www.student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf\n>\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n**********************************************************************", ["Fwd: FW: MSCF Advisory Board"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "\n\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: "], {}, true], "13-11-2001-14:6:42Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-11-2001-14:6:42", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Richard Bryant\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Richard+20Bryant+22+20+3Crlbryant+40andrew+2Ecmu+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 4:13 PM\nTo: Vince Kaminsky\nSubject: MSCF Advisory Board Membership\nVince,\nI am pleased to hear you will be returning to MSCF this year, participating\nin the Speaker Series on December 7. Enron has a tremendous reputation in\nquantitative finance circles and your obvious interest in our students is\ndeeply appreciated. I know, too, our students are very much looking forward\nto your visit.\nOn a separate but definitely related matter, would you consider serving on\nour Advisory Board? You will note our present membership\n) reflects no representation\nfrom an energy firm. I speak on behalf of the MSCF Steering Committee in\nexpressing our hope that you would be willing to correct this!\nThe Advisory Board meets once a year, usually in the late fall in New York.\nIts six (or so) members serve for a three year term. Enron's participation\non the MSCF Board would allow you to influence the direction of the program\nto the advantage of the energy companies and give you access to a \"first\nlook\" at the \"MSCF Resume Book.\" From our standpoint, your experience and\ncounsel would be of tremendous benefit to us as we consider challenges and\nopportunities in the MSCF program in the years ahead.\nOur 2001 meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 12 in mid-town Manhattan.\nWould you be willing join us?\nRick\nMr. Richard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\n(412) 268-4592/(412) 268-6837 (fax)\nrlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu\nhttp://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf\n", ["FW: MSCF Advisory Board Membership"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "\n\n ", ["<17796684.1075862457510.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2002-14:59:20Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2002-14:59:20", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Rick Bryant\" @ENRON \nSent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:00 PM\nTo: Vince Kaminsky\nSubject: MSCF\nHi Vince, \n \nThere has certainly been a lot of \"water over the dam\" since we first discussed your serving as a member of the MSCF Advisory Board last fall. Obviously, you were unable to join us last month in New York, but I never did hear from you or your office whether your absence was due to a last-minute schedule conflict or whether you no longer desired to be a part of the Advisory Board. \n \nMight I hear from you regarding your interest going forward? \n \nRick\n \nRichard L. Bryant\nDirector, Computational Finance Program\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh, PA 15213\nTel: (412) 268-4592\nFax (412) 268-6837http://student.gsia.cmu.edu/mscf ", ["FW: MSCF"], "{'body': ['rlbryant@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "\n\n ", ["<33284362.1075840789080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "27-6-2000-3:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-6-2000-2:34:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-6-2000-3:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-3:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24078477.1075856318012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 03:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Phone Interview\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, set up a phone interview with this person.\n\nStinson, Krishna, Zimin.\n\nVince\n", "Phone Interview", "reply", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "request", "shirley, please, set up a phone interview with this person."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, set up a phone interview with this person.\n\nStinson, Krishna, Zimin.\n\nVince\n", "<24078477.1075856318012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}}, false], "29-6-2000-2:34:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-2:34:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["zimin.lu@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3141017.1075856316949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 02:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Phone Interview\nCc: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Zimin Lu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThere will be a telephone interview with Jerzy Jarosz (resume attached\nbelow) on Wednesday, July 5 at 4:30 PM Houston time.\n\nHe would like you to call him at his home - telephone #: 416/237-0977\nI have reserved EB1938 for this interview.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/27/2000 10:11 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Phone Interview\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, set up a phone interview with this person.\n\nStinson, Krishna, Zimin.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "Re: Phone Interview", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "information", ["attached", "interview", "resume"], "information", "there will be a telephone interview with jerzy jarosz (resume attached below) on wednesday, datenumeric at numerictime pm houston time."], ["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 15, "information", ["eb**1938", "reserved", "4"], "information", " he would like you to call him at his home - telephone #: numeric datenumeric phonenumber i have reserved eb numeric for this interview."]], "There will be a telephone interview with Jerzy Jarosz (resume attached\nbelow) on Wednesday, July 5 at 4:30 PM Houston time.\n\nHe would like you to call him at his home - telephone #: 416/237-0977\nI have reserved EB1938 for this interview.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/27/2000 10:11 AM\n", "<3141017.1075856316949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"16": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric interviewTnn", "eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn", "numeric phone_telephoneTnn", "numeric telephone_telephone0numberTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-4-2001-10:38:0Seva.tow@enron.com 19-4-2001-20:38:0Ssap.security@enron.com 19-4-2001-18:1:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"19-4-2001-10:38:0Seva.tow@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-10:38:0", "eva.tow@enron.com", "raul.davila@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27918589.1075856191557.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 10:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: eva.tow@enron.com\nTo: raul.davila@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Pending approval for IBUYIT Request for Wincenty (Vince)\n Kaminski: Eva: Remedy 412144\nCc: vkamins@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkamins@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Eva Tow\nX-To: Raul Davila\nX-cc: vkamins@enron.com, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRaul,\n\nRaul,\n\nVince Kaminiski is requesting acces to the Technical View for Catalog along \nwith the iBuyit Approval role. This is pending your approval. Please send \nyour response to SAP Security.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw@ECT\n04/19/2001 03:01 PM\nTo: SAPSecurity@enron.com\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: IBUYIT form\n\nAttached please find the completed form for Vince Kaminski, Managing\nDirector, Research Group. \n\nHe will be approving all purchases for cost center 107043.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 \n02:58 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Debbie Skinner/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/19/2001 02:52 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/Houston/Eott@Eott, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: IBUYIT form\n\nHI Shirley\n\nThere were two Shirleys, so sending to both \n\n\nISC Help Desk\n\n\n\n", "Re: Pending approval for IBUYIT Request for Wincenty (Vince)\n Kaminski: Eva: Remedy 412144", "reply", [], "Raul,\n\nRaul,\n\nVince Kaminiski is requesting acces to the Technical View for Catalog along \nwith the iBuyit Approval role. This is pending your approval. Please send \nyour response to SAP Security.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw@ECT\n04/19/2001 03:01 PM\n", "<27918589.1075856191557.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "19-4-2001-20:38:0Ssap.security@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-20:38:0", "sap.security@enron.com", "raul.davila@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28238101.1075840776071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 20:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sap.security@enron.com\nTo: raul.davila@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Pending approval for IBUYIT Request for Wincenty (Vince)\n Kaminski: Eva: Remedy 412144\nCc: vkamins@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkamins@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: SAP Security \nX-To: Raul Davila \nX-cc: vkamins , Shirley Crenshaw \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\c:\\mangmt\\ENE/ECT\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nRaul,\n\nRaul,\n\nVince Kaminiski is requesting acces to the Technical View for Catalog along with the iBuyit Approval role. This is pending your approval. Please send your response to SAP Security.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw@ECT\n04/19/2001 03:01 PM\nTo:\tSAPSecurity@enron.com\ncc:\tVince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject:\tIBUYIT form\n\nAttached please find the completed form for Vince Kaminski, Managing\nDirector, Research Group. \n\nHe will be approving all purchases for cost center 107043.\n\n \n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 02:58 PM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tDebbie Skinner/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/19/2001 02:52 PM\nTo:\tShirley Crenshaw/Houston/Eott@Eott, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tIBUYIT form\n\nHI Shirley\n\nThere were two Shirleys, so sending to both \n\n \nISC Help Desk\n\n\n\n", "Re: Pending approval for IBUYIT Request for Wincenty (Vince)\n Kaminski: Eva: Remedy 412144", "reply", [], "Raul,\n\nRaul,\n\nVince Kaminiski is requesting acces to the Technical View for Catalog along with the iBuyit Approval role. This is pending your approval. Please send your response to SAP Security.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw@ECT\n04/19/2001 03:01 PM\n", "<28238101.1075840776071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "19-4-2001-18:1:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-18:1:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["sapsecurity@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3888549.1075840776094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 18:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: sapsecurity@enron.com\nSubject: IBUYIT form\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw \nX-To: SAPSecurity \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\c:\\mangmt\\ENE/ECT\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nAttached please find the completed form for Vince Kaminski, Managing\nDirector, Research Group. \n\nHe will be approving all purchases for cost center 107043.\n\n \n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 02:58 PM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tDebbie Skinner/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/19/2001 02:52 PM\nTo:\tShirley Crenshaw/Houston/Eott@Eott, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tIBUYIT form\n\nHI Shirley\n\nThere were two Shirleys, so sending to both \n\n \nISC Help Desk\n", "IBUYIT form", "originEmail", [["send_direct_attach request", 2, "information", ["attached", "form"], "information", "attached please find the completed form for vince kaminski, managing director, research group."]], "Attached please find the completed form for Vince Kaminski, Managing\nDirector, Research Group. \n\nHe will be approving all purchases for cost center 107043.\n\n \n\n\n\n\n", "<3888549.1075840776094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "12-10-2000-1:6:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 13-10-2000-2:9:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 20-10-2000-7:12:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"12-10-2000-1:6:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["12-10-2000-1:6:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["mark.giancola@do.treas.gov"], [], "Message-ID: <8193946.1075856356885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 01:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: mark.giancola@do.treas.gov\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: mark.giancola@do.treas.gov.\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Mr. Giancola:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski, Managing Director and\nHead of Research with Enron. \n\nWe would like to bring you in for an informal interview at your convenience.\nThis would be for a position of \"Economist\" or \"Associate Economist\",\nreporting to Maureen Raymond Castaneda.\n\nPlease give me some dates and times that would be convenient with you\nand I will have our HR Rep contact you to schedule your coming to Houston.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290", "Interview with the Enron Research Group", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 4, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " giancola: your resume was forwarded to vince kaminski, managing director and head of research with enron."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", " we would like to bring you in for an informal interview at your convenience."]], "Good morning Mr. Giancola:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski, Managing Director and\nHead of Research with Enron. \n\nWe would like to bring you in for an informal interview at your convenience.\nThis would be for a position of \"Economist\" or \"Associate Economist\",\nreporting to Maureen Raymond Castaneda.\n\nPlease give me some dates and times that would be convenient with you\nand I will have our HR Rep contact you to schedule your coming to Houston.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290", "<8193946.1075856356885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"convenient date0timeTnn": {"value": "convenient date0timeTnn", "ne": "convenient date0timeTnn", "patterns": ["convenient date0timeTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}}, true], "13-10-2000-2:9:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-2:9:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["mark.giancola@do.treas.gov"], [], "Mark:\nWhile we are anxious to fill this position, we certainly understand \nscheduling \nconflicts! Please let us know as soon as you have a definate time. \nDr. Kaminski will be out of the office the next two weeks also. Maybe the \nweek \nof the 30th or the 6th of November?\nLook forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nMark.Giancola@do.treas.gov on 10/13/2000 08:47:57 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply\nDate: 10/13/2000 09:42 am (Friday)\nFrom: Mark Giancola\nTo: ex.mail(\"Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\")\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply\nThanks for your message. Our e-mail system was down all day\nyesterday so I was not able to respond until today.\nI am very interested in coming in for an interview. Unfortunately, my\nschedule will make traveling on a weekday difficult for at least the next\ntwo weeks. I am travelling as part of the US delegation to the G-20 on\nthe 24th and 25th and will be busy until then in preparation. Immediately\nfollowing that trip I will be moving to a new office here in Treasury and\nam not sure about my schedule.\nI would like to wait until next week when I have a better idea of my\nschedule to propose times to come to Houston. Please let me know if\nthere are time constraints on your side.\nThanks,\nMark Giancola\n>>> ex.mail.\"Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\" 10/12/00 09:06am >>>\nGood morning Mr. Giancola:\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski, Managing Director and\nHead of Research with Enron.\nWe would like to bring you in for an informal interview at your\nconvenience.\nThis would be for a position of \"Economist\" or \"Associate Economist\",\nreporting to Maureen Raymond Castaneda.\nPlease give me some dates and times that would be convenient with you\nand I will have our HR Rep contact you to schedule your coming to\nHouston.\nI look forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\n", ["Re: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply"], "{'body': ['mark.giancola@do.treas.gov'], 'recipients': ['mark.giancola@do.treas.gov']}", [], "Mark:\n\nWhile we are anxious to fill this position, we certainly understand \nscheduling \nconflicts! Please let us know as soon as you have a definate time. \n\nDr. Kaminski will be out of the office the next two weeks also. Maybe the \nweek \nof the 30th or the 6th of November?\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMark.Giancola@do.treas.gov on 10/13/2000 08:47:57 AM\n", ["<30471379.1075856623323.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15282351.1075856277394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-10-2000-7:12:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["20-10-2000-7:12:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["mark.giancola@do.treas.gov"], ["gwyn.koepke@enron.com", "maureen.raymond@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Mark:\nGood to hear from you! I think it is a good idea for you to talk to Maureen\nRaymond-Castaneda, Enron's Chief Economist or Dr. Vince Kaminski,\nManaging Director and Head of Research. Unfortunately both are out\nof the office at present. Maureen will return on Monday, the 23rd and\nVince will return on Wednesday, the 25th.\nIf you will be available for a telephone call on Wednesday, the 25th,\nplease let me know when and the telephone number and I will arrange \nthe telephone interview.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\nMark.Giancola@do.treas.gov on 10/20/2000 01:57:40 PM\nTo: Mark.Giancola@do.treas.gov, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply -Reply\nDate: 10/20/2000 02:54 pm (Friday)\nFrom: Mark Giancola\nTo: ex.mail(\"Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\", \"Mark.Giancola\")\nSubject: Re: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply -Reply\nShriley:\nI'm terribly sorry it's taking me so long to get back to you. Because I am\nmoving to a new office after my trip next week it is difficult to make\ndefinite plans. Looking at my schedule now I would suggest tentatively\nthat I could come on Friday November 3. Again, I would like to reconfirm\nwith you after I return from Montreal a week from now.\nI would also be interested in having a phone conversation with someone\nwho can tell me in a bit more detail about Enron's research group and this\nparticular position. That would be very helpful in preparing to come to\nHouston. Please let me know if this is feasible.\nThanks for your patience.\nMark Giancola\n>>> ex.mail.\"Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\" 10/13/00 10:09am >>>\nMark:\nWhile we are anxious to fill this position, we certainly understand\nscheduling\nconflicts! Please let us know as soon as you have a definate time.\nDr. Kaminski will be out of the office the next two weeks also. Maybe\nthe\nweek\nof the 30th or the 6th of November?\nLook forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nMark.Giancola@do.treas.gov on 10/13/2000 08:47:57 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply\nDate: 10/13/2000 09:42 am (Friday)\nFrom: Mark Giancola\nTo: ex.mail(\"Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\")\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply\nThanks for your message. Our e-mail system was down all day\nyesterday so I was not able to respond until today.\nI am very interested in coming in for an interview. Unfortunately, my\nschedule will make traveling on a weekday difficult for at least the next\ntwo weeks. I am travelling as part of the US delegation to the G-20 on\nthe 24th and 25th and will be busy until then in preparation. Immediately\nfollowing that trip I will be moving to a new office here in Treasury and\nam not sure about my schedule.\nI would like to wait until next week when I have a better idea of my\nschedule to propose times to come to Houston. Please let me know if\nthere are time constraints on your side.\nThanks,\nMark Giancola\n>>> ex.mail.\"Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\" 10/12/00 09:06am >>>\nGood morning Mr. Giancola:\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski, Managing Director and\nHead of Research with Enron.\nWe would like to bring you in for an informal interview at your\nconvenience.\nThis would be for a position of \"Economist\" or \"Associate Economist\",\nreporting to Maureen Raymond Castaneda.\nPlease give me some dates and times that would be convenient with you\nand I will have our HR Rep contact you to schedule your coming to\nHouston.\nI look forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\n", ["Re: Interview with the Enron Research Group -Reply -Reply"], "{'body': ['mark.giancola@do.treas.gov'], 'recipients': ['mark.giancola@do.treas.gov']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 31, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "intention", " if you will be available for a telephone call on wednesday, the datenumeric h, please let me know when and the telephone number and i will arrange the telephone interview."]], "Mark:\n\nGood to hear from you! I think it is a good idea for you to talk to Maureen\nRaymond-Castaneda, Enron's Chief Economist or Dr. Vince Kaminski,\nManaging Director and Head of Research. Unfortunately both are out\nof the office at present. Maureen will return on Monday, the 23rd and\nVince will return on Wednesday, the 25th.\n\nIf you will be available for a telephone call on Wednesday, the 25th,\nplease let me know when and the telephone number and I will arrange \nthe telephone interview.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMark.Giancola@do.treas.gov on 10/20/2000 01:57:40 PM\n", ["<12520820.1075856623080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14868682.1075856273873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true]}, "26-2-2001-2:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-3-2001-9:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-3-2001-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-3-2001-16:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-3-2001-5:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2001-8:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2001-8:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-4-2001-3:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-4-2001-10:21:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com 2-5-2001-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-8:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"26-2-2001-2:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-2:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kostya@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Konstantin,\nNo problem, as long as the MBA program agrees to it.\nI need an E-mail from them.\nVince\n\"Konstantin N. Kudin\" on 02/23/2001 01:07:17 PM\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: MGMT 656: Energy Derivatives\n Dear Dr. Kaminski\n I am a post-doc in theoretical chemistry at Rice. Currently I am\nexploring risk management as an alternative career path. I hope you do not\nmind if I attend your course \"Energy Derivatives\" at Jones School of MGMT\nat Rice. I've already taken \"Futures and options-I\", \"Corporate finance\",\nand I am currently taking \"Futures and options-II\".\n Thanks.\n Sincerely,\n Konstantin Kudin\n", ["Re: MGMT 656: Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "Konstantin,\n\nNo problem, as long as the MBA program agrees to it.\nI need an E-mail from them.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Konstantin N. Kudin\" ", "<32370965.1075856517719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11695012.1075856215854.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-3-2001-9:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-3-2001-9:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/05/2001 \n05:41 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 03/05/2001 04:05 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: List of Rice students\nVince,\nhere are the e-mails of students, who signed up on Thursday:\nisranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu, \nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu, \nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu, \nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu, \ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu, \nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu, \nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu, \nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu, \nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu\nThere were a few students who did not sign up, but I do not have this list..\nJason Sokolov \n", ["List of Rice students"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<7778136.1075856449897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14079237.1075856516216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11090802.1075856212753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33345514.1075856406112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-3-2001-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-1:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["elena.chilkina@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n09:03 AM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 03/07/2001 11:00:43 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: isranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu, \nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu, \nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu, \nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu, \ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu, \nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu, \nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu, \nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu, \nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu \nSubject: Class 1\nI am sending the slides for the Class 1. I kindly ask you not to copy and\ndistribute this document. This is for your exclusive use only.\nVince Kaminski\n - rice01f.ppt\n", ["Class 1"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<953206.1075856449274.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27423956.1075856515598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28181993.1075856211500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22823493.1075856407025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-3-2001-16:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-16:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "isranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu,\nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu,\nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu,\nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu,\ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu,\nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu,\nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu,\nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu,\nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu,\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com,\nhingoran@rice.edu,\nplanck@rice.edu", ["List0319"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "isranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu,\nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu,\nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu,\nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu,\ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu,\nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu,\nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu,\nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu,\nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu,\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com,\nhingoran@rice.edu,\nplanck@rice.edu", ["<6994869.1075856627345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10895438.1075856206344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25745646.1075856411756.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-3-2001-5:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-5:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["paulo.issler@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2001 \n01:45 PM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 03/19/2001 11:12:34 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: VKaminski@aol.com \nSubject: List0319\nisranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu,\nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu,\nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu,\nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu,\ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu,\nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu,\nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu,\nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu,\nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu,\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com,\nhingoran@rice.edu,\nplanck@rice.edu\n", ["List0319"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<31557827.1075856447038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12001838.1075856513363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12686762.1075856206167.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11788030.1075856411938.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-8:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-8:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["yoshiura@rice.edu", "gjohnson@rice.edu", "howard@rice.edu", "so@rice.edu", "jettke@rice.edu", "pcp@rice.edu", "planck@rice.edu", "vanstone@rice.edu", "wooddy@rice.edu", "yueguo@rice.edu", "isranir@rice.edu", "tbalestrery@houston.rr.com", "nelsonb@rice.edu", "demianen@rice.edu", "dikeman@rice.edu", "ganguzza@rice.edu", "litton@rice.edu", "chilkina@rice.edu", "rishad@rice.edu", "kostya@rice.edu", "sssmith@rice.edu", "nazareth@rice.edu", "wheelock@rice.edu", "westmore@rice.edu", "loughrid@rice.edu", "tbal93@yahoo.com", "helms@rice.edu", "wuwei@rice.edu", "otaylor@rice.edu", "emchombo@rice.edu", "wankhade@rice.edu", "hingoran@rice.edu", "nlwbio@rice.edu", "jblantonjr@yahoo.com", "gaudette@rice.edu", "monfan@rice.edu", "zhangn@rice.edu", "dayangd@rice.edu", "lamas@rice.edu", "maue@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com"], "This is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\nVince", ["Term Project:"], "{'recipients': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 9, "nninformation", ["develop", "examples"], "request", " please, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following: numeric ."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 22, "nninformation", ["develop", "price"], "request", " develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using: a."], ["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 55, "nninformation", ["develop", "models"], "request", " develop models corresponding to the figures numeric numeric , numeric numeric , numeric numeric , numeric numeric , numeric numeric "]], "This is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\n\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\n\nVince", ["<10200132.1075856626946.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21673537.1075856441449.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10166325.1075856507787.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23965868.1075856195602.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30874212.1075856420672.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-8:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-8:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["nelsonb@rice.edu"], [], "Brian,\nThe last class + plus a few days (depending on when I have\nto submit the grades).\nVince\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" on 04/11/2001 03:35:14 \nPM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nMr. Kaminski,\nI had an interview last Thusday in Dallas and could not attend class. Did\nyou set a project deadline?\nThanks,\nBrian Nelson\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:22 PM\nTo: isranir@rice.edu; demianen@rice.edu; tbal93@yahoo.com;\nmaue@rice.edu; loughrid@rice.edu; jblantonjr@yahoo.com;\ngjohnson@rice.edu; emchombo@rice.edu; nazareth@rice.edu;\nvanstone@rice.edu; ganguzza@rice.edu; nelsonb@rice.edu;\nsssmith@rice.edu; wheelock@rice.edu; westmore@rice.edu;\ngaudette@rice.edu; otaylor@rice.edu; dikeman@rice.edu; jettke@rice.edu;\nlitton@rice.edu; chilkina@rice.edu; helms@rice.edu; wankhade@rice.edu;\nmonfan@rice.edu; kostya@rice.edu; pcp@rice.edu; yueguo@rice.edu;\nnlwbio@rice.edu; zhangn@rice.edu; rishad@rice.edu; yoshiura@rice.edu;\nhoward@rice.edu; dayangd@rice.edu; wuwei@rice.edu; so@rice.edu;\nwooddy@rice.edu; lamas@rice.edu; tbalestrery@houston.rr.com;\nhingoran@rice.edu; planck@rice.edu\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com;\nJason.Sokolov@enron.com\nSubject: Term Project:\nThis is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\nVince\n", ["RE: Term Project:"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "Brian,\n\nThe last class + plus a few days (depending on when I have\nto submit the grades).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" ", "<32209425.1075856507764.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11435743.1075856195510.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-4-2001-3:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-3:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["nelsonb@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Brian,\nNo problem.\nVince\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" on 04/26/2001 08:15:14 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nVince, I finally joined a team that only had two members. It looks like our\npaper will only be about 13 to 15 pages. We were wondering that since our\nteam is less than half the size of some of the other teams, if you could\npossible relax the length requirement?\nThanks,\nBrian Nelson\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:54 PM\nTo: nelsonb@rice.edu\nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nBrian,\nThe last class + plus a few days (depending on when I have\nto submit the grades).\nVince\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" on 04/11/2001\n03:35:14 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nMr. Kaminski,\nI had an interview last Thusday in Dallas and could not attend class. Did\nyou set a project deadline?\nThanks,\nBrian Nelson\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:22 PM\nTo: isranir@rice.edu; demianen@rice.edu; tbal93@yahoo.com;\nmaue@rice.edu; loughrid@rice.edu; jblantonjr@yahoo.com;\ngjohnson@rice.edu; emchombo@rice.edu; nazareth@rice.edu;\nvanstone@rice.edu; ganguzza@rice.edu; nelsonb@rice.edu;\nsssmith@rice.edu; wheelock@rice.edu; westmore@rice.edu;\ngaudette@rice.edu; otaylor@rice.edu; dikeman@rice.edu; jettke@rice.edu;\nlitton@rice.edu; chilkina@rice.edu; helms@rice.edu; wankhade@rice.edu;\nmonfan@rice.edu; kostya@rice.edu; pcp@rice.edu; yueguo@rice.edu;\nnlwbio@rice.edu; zhangn@rice.edu; rishad@rice.edu; yoshiura@rice.edu;\nhoward@rice.edu; dayangd@rice.edu; wuwei@rice.edu; so@rice.edu;\nwooddy@rice.edu; lamas@rice.edu; tbalestrery@houston.rr.com;\nhingoran@rice.edu; planck@rice.edu\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com;\nJason.Sokolov@enron.com\nSubject: Term Project:\nThis is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\nVince\n", ["RE: Term Project:"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "Brian,\n\nNo problem.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" ", "<31720631.1075856438125.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12109196.1075856501501.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32287016.1075856186568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-4-2001-10:21:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": ["23-4-2001-10:21:0", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", ["yoshiura@rice.edu", "gjohnson@rice.edu", "howard@rice.edu", "so@rice.edu", "jettke@rice.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pcp@rice.edu", "planck@rice.edu", "vanstone@rice.edu", "wooddy@rice.edu", "yueguo@rice.edu", "isranir@rice.edu", "tbalestrery@houston.rr.com", "nelsonb@rice.edu", "demianen@rice.edu", "dikeman@rice.edu", "ganguzza@rice.edu", "litton@rice.edu", "chilkina@rice.edu", "rishad@rice.edu", "kostya@rice.edu", "sssmith@rice.edu", "nazareth@rice.edu", "wheelock@rice.edu", "westmore@rice.edu", "tbal93@yahoo.com", "loughrid@rice.edu", "helms@rice.edu", "wuwei@rice.edu", "otaylor@rice.edu", "emchombo@rice.edu", "wankhade@rice.edu", "hingoran@rice.edu", "nlwbio@rice.edu", "jblantonjr@yahoo.com", "gaudette@rice.edu", "monfan@rice.edu", "zhangn@rice.edu", "dayangd@rice.edu", "lamas@rice.edu", "maue@rice.edu"], [], "Dear Energy Derivatives students,\nThe deadline for the final project has been set for April 30, 2001.\nAll grades will be submitted to Rice Administration by May 4th (university \nrequirement).\nPlease mark your calendars!!!\nIf you have questions, please contact Vince or me.\nGood luck!\nJason Sokolov", ["Final Project deadline is April 30"], "{'recipients': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [], "Dear Energy Derivatives students,\n\nThe deadline for the final project has been set for April 30, 2001.\nAll grades will be submitted to Rice Administration by May 4th (university \nrequirement).\nPlease mark your calendars!!!\n\nIf you have questions, please contact Vince or me.\n\nGood luck!\n\nJason Sokolov", ["<25018602.1075856626667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3093060.1075856190037.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14155035.1075856425437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-8:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kostya@rice.edu"], "Shirley,\nPlease schedule an interview with Konstantin on May 8.\nStinson, Zimin, Alex, Tanya, Krishna, myself.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 \n03:07 PM ---------------------------\n\"Konstantin N. Kudin\" on 05/02/2001 01:39:15 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: An interview\n Dear Dr. Kaminski\n We have talked earlier during your energy class at Rice about career\nopportunities in risk management at Enron. If it is possible, I would like\nto meet with you and people from your group next week, preferably Tuesday\n(May 8). My time is flexible, I could come any time. Other days are also\nfine.\n Thank you very much in advance.\n Sincerely,\n Konstantin Kudin\n", ["An interview"], "{'body': ['kostya@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['kostya@rice.edu']}", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 2, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "request", "shirley, please schedule an interview with konstantin on datenumeric ."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease schedule an interview with Konstantin on May 8.\n\nStinson, Zimin, Alex, Tanya, Krishna, myself.\n\n\nVince\n", ["<13000067.1075856617418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24124250.1075856436149.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8100948.1075856499531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14625708.1075856182235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25765060.1075856431594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "2-5-2001-8:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-8:20:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["kostya@rice.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <17719318.1075856617396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 08:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: kostya@rice.edu\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: kostya@rice.edu\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Mr. Kudin:\n\nVince Kaminski has asked me to schedule interviews for you with some \nof the Research Group. However, Tuesday, the 8th is not a good day for \neveryone as we will need approximately 3 hours.\n\nCould you do it Thursday afternoon May 10th? We could start at 1:00 PM\nand be through by 4:00 PM.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Vice President\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nZimin Lu Director\nAlex Huang Director\n\nPlease let me know if this will work for you. If so, I will need you to \nforward\nme a copy of your resume.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "Interview with the Enron Research Group", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 5, "nninformation", ["interviews", "schedule"], "intention", " vince kaminski has asked me to schedule interviews for you with some of the research group."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 33, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "request", " if so, i will need you to forward me a copy of your resume."]], "Hello Mr. Kudin:\n\nVince Kaminski has asked me to schedule interviews for you with some \nof the Research Group. However, Tuesday, the 8th is not a good day for \neveryone as we will need approximately 3 hours.\n\nCould you do it Thursday afternoon May 10th? We could start at 1:00 PM\nand be through by 4:00 PM.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Vice President\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nZimin Lu Director\nAlex Huang Director\n\nPlease let me know if this will work for you. If so, I will need you to \nforward\nme a copy of your resume.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "<17719318.1075856617396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true]}, "25-10-2001-12:14:18Sj.kaminski@enron.com 26-10-2001-5:56:40Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 3-12-2001-7:3:51Sj.kaminski@enron.com 3-12-2001-7:3:57Sj.kaminski@enron.com 3-12-2001-7:45:20Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"25-10-2001-12:14:18Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2001-12:14:18", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "\nShirley,\nPlease, set up a phone interview:\nZL\nTT\nKP\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Prakash Narayanan\" @ENRON \nSent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 2:03 PM\nTo: Kaminski, Vince J\nSubject: Mail From Prakash Narayanan\nDear Vince,\nThank you for sparing some time to talk with me about the opportunities at\nEnron.\nAs a Computational Finance student with a chemical engineering background, I\nam very interested in pursuing my career with Enron as this will give me the\nopportunity to employ the skills that I have developed during the course of\nmy education and experience. I am currently working on an external project\nwith Professor John O'Brien, on the Effect of Convexity on pricing\nEurodollar swaps and I am confident that this experience would help me in\nunderstanding the effects of volatility on derivative prices, which is a\nfundamental component in the energy markets. Also, I am currently doing a\nproject on assessing the intrinsic value of Enron and its business-operating\nenvironment to augment my knowledge of Enron in particular and the energy\nmarkets in general. My education, as well as my experiences have helped in\nhoning my quantitative, analytical and computing skills, and have given me a\nsignificant insight into the global trading industry.\nI am enclosing my resume along with this mail. As mentioned in our\nconversation, I would like to pursue a career in Energy trading and\nresearch.\nHoping to hear from you soon.\nBest Regards\nPrakash\n ", ["FW: Mail From Prakash Narayanan"], "{'body': ['pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 1, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "request", " shirley, please, set up a phone interview: zl "]], "\nShirley,\n\nPlease, set up a phone interview:\n\nZL\nTT\nKP\n\n\nVince\n\n\n ", ["<15270457.1075862454161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-10-2001-5:56:40Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["26-10-2001-5:56:40", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu"], ["therese.candella@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6962255.1075863411316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 05:56:40 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nCc: anita.dupont@enron.com, therese.candella@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.dupont@enron.com, therese.candella@enron.com\nX-From: Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-To: 'Prakash Narayanan' \nX-cc: Dupont, Anita , Candella, Therese \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nGood morning Mr. Narayanan:\n\nVince Kaminski has reviewed your resume and would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you and some of the Research Group at your convenience.\n\nPlease give me some dates and times within the next several weeks that will be\nconvenient for you and I will coordinate the interview.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\t\tManaging Director\nVasant Shanbhogue\tVice President\nKrishna Krishnarao\tVice President\nZimin Lu\t\tDirector\nTanya Tamarchenko\tDirector\n\nAlso, please let us know the telephone number you would prefer to be contacted\nat.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " narayanan: vince kaminski has reviewed your resume and would like to conduct a telephone interview with you and some of the research group at your convenience."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 16, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "dates**times", "interview"], "intention", " please give me some dates and times within the next several weeks that will be convenient for you and i will coordinate the interview."]], "Good morning Mr. Narayanan:\n\nVince Kaminski has reviewed your resume and would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you and some of the Research Group at your convenience.\n\nPlease give me some dates and times within the next several weeks that will be\nconvenient for you and I will coordinate the interview.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\t\tManaging Director\nVasant Shanbhogue\tVice President\nKrishna Krishnarao\tVice President\nZimin Lu\t\tDirector\nTanya Tamarchenko\tDirector\n\nAlso, please let us know the telephone number you would prefer to be contacted\nat.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "<6962255.1075863411316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"convenient date0timeTnn": {"value": "convenient date0timeTnn", "ne": "convenient date0timeTnn", "patterns": ["convenient date0timeTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true], "3-12-2001-7:3:51Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-12-2001-7:3:51", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, cancel the talk.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Prakash Narayanan\" @ENRON \nSent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 9:28 PM\nTo: Kaminski, Vince J\nCc: Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: Talk on Friday\nDear Vince\nHow are you? I understand that things are extremely hectic for you right now\nbut I was wondering if we are going ahead as schedulef on friday. It would\nbe great to hear from you.\nBest Regards\nPrakash\nPrakash Narayanan\n412-422-3287 (Home)\n412-607-5321 (Mobile)\n6315 Forbes Avenue\nApartment # 809\nPittsburgh PA 15217\npnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["FW: Talk on Friday"], "{'body': ['pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, cancel the talk.\n\nVince\n\n ", ["<6484301.1075855465065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-12-2001-7:3:57Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-12-2001-7:3:57", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Prakash Narayanan\" @ENRON \nSent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 9:28 PM\nTo: Kaminski, Vince J\nCc: Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: Talk on Friday\nDear Vince\nHow are you? I understand that things are extremely hectic for you right now\nbut I was wondering if we are going ahead as schedulef on friday. It would\nbe great to hear from you.\nBest Regards\nPrakash\nPrakash Narayanan\n412-422-3287 (Home)\n412-607-5321 (Mobile)\n6315 Forbes Avenue\nApartment # 809\nPittsburgh PA 15217\npnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["FW: Talk on Friday"], "{'body': ['pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "\n\n ", ["<13668121.1075855465044.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-12-2001-7:45:20Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["3-12-2001-7:45:20", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu"], [], "Good morning Prakash:\nUnfortunately with all that is going on, Vince is going to have to\ncancel Friday's meeting. I am sure he will get in touch with you\nas soon as things settle down a bit.\nBest regards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Prakash Narayanan [mailto:pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu]\nSent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 9:21 PM\nTo: Kaminski, Vince J\nCc: Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: Talk on Friday\nDear Vince\nHow are you? I understand that things are extremely hectic for you right now\nbut I was wondering if we are going ahead as schedulef on friday. It would\nbe great to hear from you.\nBest Regards\nPrakash\nPrakash Narayanan\n412-422-3287 (Home)\n412-607-5321 (Mobile)\n6315 Forbes Avenue\nApartment # 809\nPittsburgh PA 15217\npnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["RE: Talk on Friday"], "{'body': ['pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu'], 'recipients': ['pnarayan@andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Good morning Prakash:\n\nUnfortunately with all that is going on, Vince is going to have to\ncancel Friday's meeting. I am sure he will get in touch with you\nas soon as things settle down a bit.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nEmail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n", ["<4615095.1075855463638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "20-6-2000-1:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-6-2000-11:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-6-2000-6:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-6-2000-7:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-6-2000-8:35:0Sshanecgreen@earthlink.net 6-7-2000-3:36:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"20-6-2000-1:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-6-2000-1:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shanecgreen@earthlink.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shane,\nThanks for your message. As a matter of fact, I expected your resume in time\nfor our summer internship program.\nWe shall be glad to invite you for an interview. How long \"sabbatical\" do you \nenvisage?\nVince\nP.S. Shirley, please, call Shane to arrange an interview with HR.\n\"Shane Green\" on 06/19/2000 02:14:00 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: \nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nYou probably won't remember my name, but I am the Ph.D. student that took \nyou back to the airport after your visit to Louisiana State University \nduring the previous academic year.\n?\nI received my M.S. in Finance in May of last year, and chose to?remain at \nLSU to work on my Ph.D. At that time, I intended to pursue a career \nin?teaching and research at a four year college or university.? In \npart?because of your visit,?and my?primary interest in normative research, \nmy?plans have changed.? While I?still want to earn my Ph.D.,?I plan to \npursue a career in research in the private sector.\n?\nAs you know, Ph.D. programs in financial economics are designed to train \nfuture academics.? Not surprisingly, they emphasize methods to approach the \ntypes of questions that are of interest to finance academics.? What did \nsurprise me, however, was that these areas of interest often had little to \ndo with what I imagined to be the concerns of practitioners in the real \nworld.? As you mentioned in your discussion, academic researchers know \nlittle about what their counterparts in the private sector \nare?doing.????????????????????????????????????? \n?\nIn light of my objective, I feel I would get the most out of the remainder \nof my doctoral studies if I took some time off to work in the private sector \nto see first hand the?types of challenges I can expect to face as a \nresearcher in corporate America.? As my primary interests revolve around the \nuse of derivatives and financial engineering in corporate risk management, \nEnron, as the leading innovator in these areas, would be an ideal place to \nlearn.? I was wondering if you were aware of any openings at the company \nthat might provide me with the exposure I am looking for.? If there are no \nsuch positions or opportunities, any advice or suggestions you could give \nme,?such as whether or not you think such a \"sabbatical\" (for lack of a \nbetter term) would be helpful, or information on private sector careers for \nPh.D.'s would be greatly appreciated.? \n?\nI am sending a current copy of my vita as an attachment.? If you have any \nquestions my e-mail address is sgreen@finance.lsu.edu.? Thanks for your help \nand advice.\n?\n?\nCordially,\n?\n?\n?\n?\nShane Green\n?\n?\n????? \n\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net'], 'recipients': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 9, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", " we shall be glad to invite you for an interview."]], "Shane,\n\nThanks for your message. As a matter of fact, I expected your resume in time\nfor our summer internship program.\n\nWe shall be glad to invite you for an interview. How long \"sabbatical\" do you \nenvisage?\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Shirley, please, call Shane to arrange an interview with HR.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" ", "<29013344.1075856497171.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2233069.1075856563451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6917679.1075856321224.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30714907.1075856327286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"associate0program_program resumeTnn": {"value": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "ne": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "patterns": ["associate0program_program resumeTnn"]}, "fact matterTnn": {"value": "fact matterTnn", "ne": "fact matterTnn", "patterns": ["fact matterTnn"]}, "program summer_summer0internshipTnn": {"value": "program summer_summer0internshipTnn", "ne": "program summer_summer0internshipTnn", "patterns": ["program summer_summer0internshipTnn"]}}, true], "21-6-2000-11:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-11:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shanecgreen@earthlink.net"], [], "Shane,\nTwo years is eternity at Enron.\nVince \n\"Shane Green\" on 06/20/2000 04:18:49 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Sabbatical\nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nI had intended to contact you regarding a position at Enron this summer, but \nthe department really needed me to teach a section of undergraduate \ncorporate finance this summer.? If all goes well, and?there is a place for \nme at Enron, I would be able to start after the summer session ends in \nlate?July.? \n?\nI?discussed the possibility of a sabbatical at Enron with Drs. Tom Arnold \nand Alex Butler, both of whom send their regards, and they both felt the \nexperience would be invaluable given my research and career objectives.? Dr. \nArnold and I agreed that a sabbatical of 1-2 years would be optimal.? I feel \nthat it would be difficult to get a good idea of where the company is \nheaded, and to show how I can be a valuable team member in helping it get \nthere?in much less than a year.? He was afraid that the university would \nbegin to grumble if I was gone for much more than 2 years.? Any suggestions?\n?\nThank you again for your help, and I look forward to hearing from you.\n?\n??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??\n? ??? \n?\n??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??\n? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Cordially,\n?\n??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??\n? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Shane Green\n", ["Re: Sabbatical"], "{'body': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net'], 'recipients': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net']}", [], "Shane,\n\nTwo years is eternity at Enron.\n\nVince \n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" ", "<4674185.1075856563021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9715836.1075856320286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21350149.1075856327643.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-6-2000-6:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-6-2000-6:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shanecgreen@earthlink.net"], [], "Shane,\nFine with me.\nVince\n\"Shane Green\" on 06/22/2000 11:37:31 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Sebattical\nDr. Kaminski,\n?\nTwo years would probably be an eternity to the finance department at LSU as \nwell!? How does one year sound?\n?\n--Shane\n?\n", ["Re: Sebattical"], "{'body': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net'], 'recipients': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net']}", [], "Shane,\n\nFine with me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" ", "<13476062.1075856562848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26837048.1075856319837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-6-2000-7:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-6-2000-7:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shanecgreen@earthlink.net"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shane,\nMonday would work for us.\nMy assistant will contact you Wednesday to arrange the interviews.\nVince\n\"Shane Green\" on 06/30/2000 11:33:53 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Internship\nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nI just wanted to touch base and see if I needed to snail mail a copy of my \nresume or get in touch with anyone else over at Enron.? \n?\nThe finance department at LSU will be sending out financial award letters to \nnew Ph.D. students before long, and my interning at Enron would free up some \nadditional departmental funds.? In addition, If I will be here in Baton \nRouge during the fall, I will need to pay my tuition next month.? I am able \nto pursue an internship in large part because of the department's \ncooperation and assurance that when I return I will still have a research and \nor teaching assistantship to help fund the completion of Ph.D.? I have been \ntold that such cooperation and assurances are rare at LSU, so I am trying to \nrock the boat as little as possible.\n?\nI realize until I receive an offer from Enron my internship (I say \ninternship rather than sabbatical because LSU will not continue to pay me my \nstipend while I am away) is not assured until an offer has been extended by \nEnron.? I understand that there are procedures?and protocols that must be \nfollowed before this occurs, and I would be willing to do whatever is \nnecessary to move to the next step in that process.\n?\nI will be in Houston on July 8 & 9 for my wife's grandmother's 80th \nbirthday.? If it would be convenient, I could be in town?on the preceding \nFriday, or following Monday for a visit and/or interview.? If not, given the \nrelatively close proximity between Baton Rouge and Houston, I would be happy \nto come at another time.\n?\nThanks again,\nShane Green\n?\n", ["Re: Internship"], "{'body': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net'], 'recipients': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net']}", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 6, "nninformation", ["arrange", "assistant"], "intention", " my assistant will contact you wednesday to arrange the interviews."]], "Shane,\n\nMonday would work for us.\n\nMy assistant will contact you Wednesday to arrange the interviews.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" ", "<16634248.1075856495146.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13760823.1075856561424.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6893451.1075856315836.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "30-6-2000-8:35:0Sshanecgreen@earthlink.net": ["30-6-2000-8:35:0", "shanecgreen@earthlink.net", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Dr. Kaminski:\nSounds good. You all have a nice weekend and 4th.\n--Shane\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Friday, June 30, 2000 2:33 PM\nSubject: Re: Internship\n>\n> Shane,\n>\n> Monday would work for us.\n>\n> My assistant will contact you Wednesday to arrange the interviews.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shane Green\" on 06/30/2000 11:33:53 AM\n>\n> To: \n> cc:\n> Subject: Internship\n>\n>\n>\n> Dr. Kaminski:\n>\n> I just wanted to touch base and see if I needed to snail mail a copy of\nmy\n> resume or get in touch with anyone else over at Enron.\n>\n> The finance department at LSU will be sending out financial award letters\n> to new Ph.D. students before long, and my interning at Enron would free\nup\n> some additional departmental funds. In addition, If I will be here in\n> Baton Rouge during the fall, I will need to pay my tuition next month. I\n> am able to pursue an internship in large part because of the department's\n> cooperation and assurance that when I return I will still have a research\n> and or teaching assistantship to help fund the completion of Ph.D. I have\n> been told that such cooperation and assurances are rare at LSU, so I am\n> trying to rock the boat as little as possible.\n>\n> I realize until I receive an offer from Enron my internship (I say\n> internship rather than sabbatical because LSU will not continue to pay me\n> my stipend while I am away) is not assured until an offer has been\n> extended by Enron. I understand that there are procedures and protocols\n> that must be followed before this occurs, and I would be willing to do\n> whatever is necessary to move to the next step in that process.\n>\n> I will be in Houston on July 8 & 9 for my wife's grandmother's 80th\n> birthday. If it would be convenient, I could be in town on the preceding\n> Friday, or following Monday for a visit and/or interview. If not, given\n> the relatively close proximity between Baton Rouge and Houston, I would\nbe\n> happy to come at another time.\n>\n> Thanks again,\n> Shane Green\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Internship"], "{'body': ['shanecgreen@earthlink.net']}", [], "Dr. Kaminski:\n\nSounds good. You all have a nice weekend and 4th.\n\n--Shane\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<8659873.1075856315666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15472538.1075856330699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-7-2000-3:36:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["6-7-2000-3:36:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["shanecgreen@earthlink.net"], ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "paulo.issler@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27636407.1075856625098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 03:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: shanecgreen@earthlink.net\nSubject: Re: Internship\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpaulo.issler@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpaulo.issler@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Shane Green\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Zimin Lu, Paulo Issler, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShane:\n\nSorry, I have been on vacation. I just returned today. \n\nCould you please send me a copy of your resume by email?\n\nI have tentatively scheduled the following interviews:\n\n8:30 AM Vince Kaminski\n9:00 AM P. V. Krishnarao\n9:30 AM Stinson Gibner\n10:00 AM Tanya Tamarchenko\n10:30 AM Paulo Issler\n11:00 AM Zimin Lu \n11:30 AM Human Resources\n\nYou should be free to return to Baton Rouge by 1:00 PM.\n\nIf this schedule is not ok, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdminitrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" on 07/06/2000 10:05:13 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Internship\n\n\n\nMs. Crenshaw,\n?\nI just wanted to touch base and see if you had any information concerning my \nvisit to Enron on Monday.?I will be in my office at LSU for the rest of?the \nday with a couple exceptions.? I teach corporate finance from 2:30-3:30,?and \nwill?go to lunch at around 1.? You can contact me here at (225) 388-6335.? \nIf this is not convenient, you can send me an e-mail, or leave a message on \nmy home phone at (225) 744-3201, and I can get in?touch with you tomorrow. \n?\nThanks,\nShane Green\n\n", "Re: Internship", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 4, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " could you please send me a copy of your resume by email?"], ["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 8, "information", ["interviews", "scheduled"], "information", " i have tentatively scheduled the following interviews: numerictime am vince kaminski numerictime am p."]], "Shane:\n\nSorry, I have been on vacation. I just returned today. \n\nCould you please send me a copy of your resume by email?\n\nI have tentatively scheduled the following interviews:\n\n8:30 AM Vince Kaminski\n9:00 AM P. V. Krishnarao\n9:30 AM Stinson Gibner\n10:00 AM Tanya Tamarchenko\n10:30 AM Paulo Issler\n11:00 AM Zimin Lu \n11:30 AM Human Resources\n\nYou should be free to return to Baton Rouge by 1:00 PM.\n\nIf this schedule is not ok, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdminitrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" ", [], true]}, "11-4-2001-5:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2001-9:1:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"11-4-2001-5:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-5:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "lance.cunningham@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com sevil.yaman@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29124737.1075856441754.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 05:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lance.cunningham@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\talex.huang@enron.com, sevil.yaman@enron.com\nSubject: ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Lance Cunningham, Vasant Shanbhogue, Alex Huang, Sevil Yaman\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nWould you like to attend the presentation and join me for lunch\nwith WEFA.\n\nAny other suggestions re attendance.\n\nPlease, let Shirley know.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 \n12:36 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Peter McNabb\" on 04/11/2001 11:52:47 AM\nTo: \ncc: \"Kemm Farney\" \nSubject: ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1\n\n\nDear Vince\nThanks for your voicemail and delighted to have you confirm lunch on May 1.\nKemm Farney the head of WEFA's Electric Power services will be travelling\nwith me this time. I expect there may be other ENRON colleagues that may\ncare to join us for lunch so don't hesitate to invite as you see fit. For\nreservations purposes, perhaps you arrange to let me know numbers.\n\nKemm would also be prepared to informally present our current power outlook\nto a larger group at 11:00, if this would be of interest.\n\nAs you know, these types of presentations are part of all your WEFA Energy\nRetainer Package. I will also plan to update you with respect to our current\nmulti client study schedule for the remainder of the year.\n\nRegards, Peter\n\nPeter A. McNabb\nVice President Energy, North America\nWEFA Inc.\n2 Bloor St. W.\nToronto, Canada\nM4W 3R1\n416-513-0061 ex 227\n\n - 2001Energy Brochure.doc\n - WEFAEnergy_Factsheet for Energy Scenarios 2001.doc\n", "ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1", "forward", [], "Would you like to attend the presentation and join me for lunch\nwith WEFA.\n\nAny other suggestions re attendance.\n\nPlease, let Shirley know.\n\nVince\n\n", "<29124737.1075856441754.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "24-4-2001-9:1:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-9:1:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["lloyd.will@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <6510469.1075856601411.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: lloyd.will@enron.com\nSubject: ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Lloyd Will\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Consultants\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLloyd:\n\nVince asked me to forward this to you and invite you to the WEFA presentation\non May 1st at 11:00 AM and then go to lunch with the group. The presentation\nwill be in 49C1.\n\nPlease let me know if you will be able to attend.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n03:41 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVasant Shanbhogue\n04/11/2001 01:41 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1\n\nShirley,\n\n I would like to attend this presentation and go to the luncheon.\n\nThanks,\nVasant\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 \n01:41 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/11/2001 12:36 PM\nTo: Lance Cunningham/NA/Enron@ENRON, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alex \nHuang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sevil Yaman/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1\n\nWould you like to attend the presentation and join me for lunch\nwith WEFA.\n\nAny other suggestions re attendance.\n\nPlease, let Shirley know.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 \n12:36 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Peter McNabb\" on 04/11/2001 11:52:47 AM\nTo: \ncc: \"Kemm Farney\" \nSubject: ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1\n\n\nDear Vince\nThanks for your voicemail and delighted to have you confirm lunch on May 1.\nKemm Farney the head of WEFA's Electric Power services will be travelling\nwith me this time. I expect there may be other ENRON colleagues that may\ncare to join us for lunch so don't hesitate to invite as you see fit. For\nreservations purposes, perhaps you arrange to let me know numbers.\n\nKemm would also be prepared to informally present our current power outlook\nto a larger group at 11:00, if this would be of interest.\n\nAs you know, these types of presentations are part of all your WEFA Energy\nRetainer Package. I will also plan to update you with respect to our current\nmulti client study schedule for the remainder of the year.\n\nRegards, Peter\n\nPeter A. McNabb\nVice President Energy, North America\nWEFA Inc.\n2 Bloor St. W.\nToronto, Canada\nM4W 3R1\n416-513-0061 ex 227\n\n - 2001Energy Brochure.doc\n - WEFAEnergy_Factsheet for Energy Scenarios 2001.doc\n\n\n\n\n", "ENRON: WEFA luncheon May 1", "originEmail", [["invite personnelpronoun", 5, "information", ["invite", "you"], "information", "lloyd: vince asked me to forward this to you and invite you to the wefa presentation on datenumeric st at numerictime am and then go to lunch with the group."]], "Lloyd:\n\nVince asked me to forward this to you and invite you to the WEFA presentation\non May 1st at 11:00 AM and then go to lunch with the group. The presentation\nwill be in 49C1.\n\nPlease let me know if you will be able to attend.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n", "<6510469.1075856601411.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "49", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric presentationTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-5-2000-7:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-5-2000-7:38:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 8-11-2000-2:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-11-2000-2:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-11-2000-3:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-11-2000-3:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-11-2000-12:50:0Sed.mcmichael@enron.com 31-8-2001-15:38:26Sj.kaminski@enron.com 30-10-2001-14:52:2Spj@austingrp.com 22-1-2002-12:17:2Spj@austingrp.com 22-1-2002-15:2:31Spj@austingrp.com 29-1-2002-11:10:53Sj.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-5-2000-7:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-5-2000-7:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nPlease, make reservations at 6:30 at La Tour d'Argent for 2\nThursday, this week.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 \n02:26 PM ---------------------------\n\"Paul Johnson\" on 05/30/2000 02:09:47 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: TAGE\nVince,\nThank you for the test message. Please find the attached resume of Spyros\nMaragos for your review and consideration. You are confirmed for dinner\n@6:30 pm Thursday evening with Mr. Maragos.\nPaul Johnson, CPC\nOwner\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski \nTo: \nSent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 1:57 PM\nSubject: Test\n>\n>\n> Test\n>\n", ["TAGE"], "{'body': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 2, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "request", "shirley, please, make reservations at numerictime at la tour d'argent for numeric thursday, this week."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, make reservations at 6:30 at La Tour d'Argent for 2\nThursday, this week.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<31283803.1075856731897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "30-5-2000-7:38:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["30-5-2000-7:38:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["pj@austingrp.com"], [], "Message-ID: <26081562.1075856731872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 30 May 2000 07:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: pj@austingrp.com\nSubject: TAGE\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: pj@austingrp.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPaul:\n\nJust to let you know I have made reservations for Thursday night, June 1\nat LaTour D'Argent Restaurant. It is located at 2011 Ella Blvd @ T. C. \nJester.\n\nPlease let Mr. M aragos know that a coat is required for dinner.\n\nIf you need directions, please let me know.\n\nThank you.\n\nRegards,\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\nEnron Corp.\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "TAGE", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 4, "information", ["made", "reservations", "restaurant"], "information", "paul: just to let you know i have made reservations for thursday night, datenumeric at latour d'argent restaurant."]], "Paul:\n\nJust to let you know I have made reservations for Thursday night, June 1\nat LaTour D'Argent Restaurant. It is located at 2011 Ella Blvd @ T. C. \nJester.\n\nPlease let Mr. M aragos know that a coat is required for dinner.\n\nIf you need directions, please let me know.\n\nThank you.\n\nRegards,\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\nEnron Corp.\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "<26081562.1075856731872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "8-11-2000-2:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-11-2000-2:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], [], "Please, take a look.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/08/2000 \n10:34 AM ---------------------------\npj@austingrp.com on 11/08/2000 09:11:49 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: TAGE Resume Submittal\nVince,\nPer our discussion, please find the resume of Andrei Smilenov. Please call \nme with your thoughts.\n?\nPaul Johnson, CPC\nPresident\n(281) 497-8595\n?\nPlease visit our website\n? www.austingrp.com \n\n", ["TAGE Resume Submittal"], "{'body': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [], "Please, take a look.\n\nVince\n", ["<2452010.1075856473541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10694305.1075856539843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18947463.1075856264011.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4607713.1075856367597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2000-2:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-2:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pj@austingrp.com"], [], "Paul,\nWe shall invite both of them for an interview.\nVince", ["Re: TAGE Resume Submittal"], "{'recipients': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", " we shall invite both of them for an interview."]], "Paul,\n\nWe shall invite both of them for an interview.\n\nVince", ["<24625083.1075856470608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8044385.1075856536912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28499368.1075856258015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8473831.1075856370430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"resume submittal tageTnnn": {"value": "resume submittal tageTnnn", "ne": "resume submittal tageTnnn", "patterns": ["resume submittal tageTnnn"]}}, true], "21-11-2000-3:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-3:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["larry.lawyer@enron.com"], [], "Larry,\nPlease take a look at the 2nd resume and let mew know what you think ( - \n.)\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 \n11:49 AM ---------------------------\n\"pj\" on 11/15/2000 01:58:46 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: TAGE Resume Submittal\nVince,\nTwo candidates for your review. Please call me.\n?\nPaul Johnson, CPC\nPresident\n(281) 497-8595\n?\nPlease visit our website\n? www.austingrp.com \n\n\n", ["TAGE Resume Submittal"], "{'body': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [], "Larry,\n\nPlease take a look at the 2nd resume and let mew know what you think ( - \nJPBresume2.doc.)\n\nVince\n\n", ["<21253736.1075856470587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27278053.1075856536891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15127395.1075856257965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5012572.1075856372438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2000-3:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-3:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["berney.aucoin@enron.com", "wanda.curry@enron.com"], [], "Please, take a look at the 1st resume and let me know\nwhat you think (Shelly Wood).\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 \n11:50 AM ---------------------------\n\"pj\" on 11/15/2000 01:58:46 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: TAGE Resume Submittal\nVince,\nTwo candidates for your review. Please call me.\n?\nPaul Johnson, CPC\nPresident\n(281) 497-8595\n?\nPlease visit our website\n? www.austingrp.com \n\n\n", ["TAGE Resume Submittal"], "{'body': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [], "Please, take a look at the 1st resume and let me know\nwhat you think (Shelly Wood).\n\nVince\n\n", ["<29001780.1075856470565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16588177.1075856536869.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16693266.1075856257941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9442753.1075856372504.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-11-2000-12:50:0Sed.mcmichael@enron.com": ["25-11-2000-12:50:0", "ed.mcmichael@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["berney.aucoin@enron.com"], "I have no need at this time for external people. Thanks for thinking of \nBerney and me.\nRegards,\nEd\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ed McMichael/HOU/ECT on 11/25/2000 08:47 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Berney C Aucoin 11/21/2000 01:15 PM\n \nTo: Ed McMichael/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: TAGE Resume Submittal\nLet Vince know if you're interested in this person.\nBern\n---------------------- Forwarded by Berney C Aucoin/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 \n01:13 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n11/21/2000 11:43 AM\nTo: Berney C Aucoin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wanda Curry/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: TAGE Resume Submittal\nPlease, take a look at the 1st resume and let me know\nwhat you think (Shelly Wood).\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 \n11:50 AM ---------------------------\n\"pj\" on 11/15/2000 01:58:46 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: TAGE Resume Submittal\nVince,\nTwo candidates for your review. Please call me.\n?\nPaul Johnson, CPC\nPresident\n(281) 497-8595\n?\nPlease visit our website\n? www.austingrp.com \n\n\n", ["TAGE Resume Submittal"], "{'body': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [], "I have no need at this time for external people. Thanks for thinking of \nBerney and me.\nRegards,\nEd\n", ["<9439750.1075856621896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18311470.1075856256788.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11241893.1075856373333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-8-2001-15:38:26Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-8-2001-15:38:26", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["pj@austingrp.com"], [], "Paul,\nThanks for your message.\nLarry does not fit the profile of my group.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"pj\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22pj+22+20+3Cpj+40austingrp+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 7:57 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: TAGE Resume Submittal\nVince,\nPer our conversation, please find attached the resume of Larry Broomhall for\nyour review. Also, a quick reply email will be appreciated concerning your\ninterest level. Thanks!\nPaul Johnson\nPresident- TAGE\n(281) 497-8595\nVisit our Website\nhttp://www.austingrp.com\n - Paul Johnson.vcf << File: Paul Johnson.vcf >> \n >> ", ["RE: TAGE Resume Submittal"], "{'body': ['pj@austingrp.com'], 'recipients': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [], "Paul,\n\nThanks for your message.\nLarry does not fit the profile of my group.\n\nVince\n\n ", ["<5994469.1075863443417.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-10-2001-14:52:2Spj@austingrp.com": ["30-10-2001-14:52:2", "pj@austingrp.com", ["pj@austingrp.com"], ["pj@austingrp.com"], "As an industry, the generation business has gradually moved from an\nenvironment focused on surplus reserve requirements to one of highly\nvolatile prices and robust generation margin spikes. As this shift has\noccurred, the industry has had to adopt many of the risk management\npractices employed in other commodity industries. For the most part, these\nrisk management practices have their genesis in the financial markets, where\nsophisticated tools have also been developed to measure the success of these\npractices.\nThe most commonly recognized measure of profit exposure to unforeseen events\nhas been Value at Risk (VAR). This Wall Street metric measures the\nstatistically supported loss exposure of a portfolio of assets and forward\npositions to a short-term negative turn of events. While this is a very\nuseful measure of a speculative trading portfolio, its value does not\ntranslate easily to measuring exposure of generation assets to profit\nerosion.\nSavvy power companies are deploying an additional risk metric, Profit at\nRisk, to more accurately assess risks specific to the volatile electricity\ntrading market. A key feature of PAR is that, unlike VAR, it assumes that\npositions will be taken through to delivery rather than closed out. The\nfull financial risk of highly volatile spot prices and volume risks\nincluding unplanned outages, sudden increases in demand and delivery\nfailures by contract partners, is comprehended in this metric.\nA blend of VAR and PAR risk metrics will create links between the front,\nmiddle and back office trading operations, allowing traders to operate\nwithin established risk parameters that both protect the enterprise and\nmaximize trading profits.\nThe Austin Group Energy, L.P. has been recognized as one of the fastest\ngrowing companies in Houston, as denoted by the Houston Business Journal Top\n100 List. We placed #21 and were the highest ranking executive search firm\nin Houston. Below is a brief description of the type of candidates that are\nopen for immediate opportunities:\nRef# 00012123\nPower Options Trading Desk\nThis PhD candidate is responsible for long term derivatives\ntrades/structures (Asian options, heat rate options, weather/power\nderivatives structures, swing options etc.\nRef# 00012124\nRotational Program- Risk Analytics\nThis MBA Finance candidate is analyzing/evaluating structured transactions\nand derivative instruments. Has developed a VBA-based delta-adjusted risk\nexposure model for all asset management groups. Designed intermediate-term\nforward power curve forecasting model based on gas forward curve. Created\nVisual Basic Monte Carlo simulator for Excel for option analysis.\nRef# 00012125\nQuantitative Analyst\nThis M.S. in Applied Mathematics candidate builds short term models\nnecessary to forecast/schedule usage on a portfolio basis, by various levels\nof aggregation (e.g. region, congestion zone, weather zone, customer, etc.)\nConstructing statistical and econometric models to accurately predict\nseasonal customer usage based on rate class, calendar and geographic climate\npatterns.\nRef# 00012126\nQuantitative Analyst - Manager\nThis candidate developed and implemented two Value-At-Risk (VAR) methods for\nNatural Gas. Developed and implemented models for pricing and hedging exotic\nnatural gas options (Gas Daily and Peaker). OpenLink experience with VaR and\nmark-to-market calculations.\nRef# 00012127\nDirector Derivatives Trading and Portfolio Management\nDeveloped Nymex and locational options, position risk management model.\nEvaluated and assisted in the process of selecting and implementing a new\nreal time front and back office financial system with VAR capabilities.\nStructured deals for marketers using embedded financial products and traded\ntraded natural gas options and fixed for float swaps. Priced and hedged\nadvanced options and swaps such as swaptions, asians, extendibles,\nexpandibles, and spread options.\nRef# 00012128\nRisk Control Analyst\nSupport Origination and Trading activities by providing daily mark-to-market\nvalues and VaR reports through accurate and timely entry of financial\ntransactions into RMS system. Maintain database for RMS system and\nIntegrated Commodity Trading System (ICTS) for entry of financial trades.\nRef# 00012129\nRisk Manager\nResponsible for all mid-office trader support functions. Responsibilities\ninclude daily senior management position and P&L reporting, process\nimprovements, system implementations, structuring of originated\ntransactions, and rollout of an operational analysis plan.\nRef# 00012130\nSenior Commercial Analyst: Pricing and Structures\nDeveloping model to incorporate basis and transportation into gas fuel costs\nutilized in mark-to-market valuation of a gas-fired generation asset.\nDetermined market value of regional power by confirming the marks estimated\nby Entergy's trade desk against independent broker prices. Forecasted\nresulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of\nbook value.\nRef# 00012131\nDirector - Risk Management\nAnalyze financial markets and advise physical traders of hedging and trading\nopportunities. Analyze market, secure management approval of trading\nstrategies and execute financial trades. Generate position reports for\nupper management.\nRef# 00012132\nRisk Management Specialist\nPerform risk management functions for the gas trading organization,\nincluding daily position and P&L reporting. Ensure deal validation and\nperform problem resolution for executed trades. Create daily VaR estimates\nfor both cash and term traders.\nRef# 00012133\nRisk Analyst\nDetermine market value of regional power, confirming the market values\nestimated by trade desk against prices set foependent brokers. Forecast\nresulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of\nbook value. Participate in daily Value at Risk calculations, exception\nreporting for daily variances, updating of daily price curves, and updating\nproprietary models which value long term transactions.\nPlease contact me for detailed interview packets of each candidate. Should\nyou have further questions, do not hesitate to call.\nPaul Johnson\nPresident\n(281) 497-8595\nVisit our website\nwww.austingrp.com\n", ["The Austin Group Energy, L.P."], "{'recipients': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 301, "information", ["developed", "models"], "information", " developed and implemented models for pricing and hedging exotic natural gas options orgname and peaker)."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 353, "information", ["gas", "traded"], "information", " structured deals for marketers using embedded orgname products and traded traded natural gas options and fixed for float swaps."], ["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 440, "information", ["developing", "model"], "information", " ref# phonenumber numeric senior commercial analyst: pricing and structures developing model to incorporate basis and transportation into gas fuel costs utilized in mark-to-market valuation of a gas-fired generation asset."], ["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 460, "information", ["confirming", "power"], "information", " determined market value of regional power by confirming the marks estimated by entergy's trade desk against independent broker prices."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 526, "nninformation", ["ensure", "deal"], "request", " ensure deal validation and perform problem resolution for executed trades."], ["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 550, "information", ["confirming", "power"], "information", " ref# phonenumber numeric risk analyst determine market value of regional power, confirming the market values estimated by trade desk against prices set foependent brokers."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 557, "information", ["set", "desk"], "information", " ref# phonenumber numeric risk analyst determine market value of regional power, confirming the market values estimated by trade desk against prices set foependent brokers."]], "As an industry, the generation business has gradually moved from an\nenvironment focused on surplus reserve requirements to one of highly\nvolatile prices and robust generation margin spikes. As this shift has\noccurred, the industry has had to adopt many of the risk management\npractices employed in other commodity industries. For the most part, these\nrisk management practices have their genesis in the financial markets, where\nsophisticated tools have also been developed to measure the success of these\npractices.\n\nThe most commonly recognized measure of profit exposure to unforeseen events\nhas been Value at Risk (VAR). This Wall Street metric measures the\nstatistically supported loss exposure of a portfolio of assets and forward\npositions to a short-term negative turn of events. While this is a very\nuseful measure of a speculative trading portfolio, its value does not\ntranslate easily to measuring exposure of generation assets to profit\nerosion.\n\nSavvy power companies are deploying an additional risk metric, Profit at\nRisk, to more accurately assess risks specific to the volatile electricity\ntrading market. A key feature of PAR is that, unlike VAR, it assumes that\npositions will be taken through to delivery rather than closed out. The\nfull financial risk of highly volatile spot prices and volume risks\nincluding unplanned outages, sudden increases in demand and delivery\nfailures by contract partners, is comprehended in this metric.\n\nA blend of VAR and PAR risk metrics will create links between the front,\nmiddle and back office trading operations, allowing traders to operate\nwithin established risk parameters that both protect the enterprise and\nmaximize trading profits.\n\nThe Austin Group Energy, L.P. has been recognized as one of the fastest\ngrowing companies in Houston, as denoted by the Houston Business Journal Top\n100 List. We placed #21 and were the highest ranking executive search firm\nin Houston. Below is a brief description of the type of candidates that are\nopen for immediate opportunities:\n\nRef# 00012123\nPower Options Trading Desk\nThis PhD candidate is responsible for long term derivatives\ntrades/structures (Asian options, heat rate options, weather/power\nderivatives structures, swing options etc.\n\nRef# 00012124\nRotational Program- Risk Analytics\nThis MBA Finance candidate is analyzing/evaluating structured transactions\nand derivative instruments. Has developed a VBA-based delta-adjusted risk\nexposure model for all asset management groups. Designed intermediate-term\nforward power curve forecasting model based on gas forward curve. Created\nVisual Basic Monte Carlo simulator for Excel for option analysis.\n\nRef# 00012125\nQuantitative Analyst\nThis M.S. in Applied Mathematics candidate builds short term models\nnecessary to forecast/schedule usage on a portfolio basis, by various levels\nof aggregation (e.g. region, congestion zone, weather zone, customer, etc.)\nConstructing statistical and econometric models to accurately predict\nseasonal customer usage based on rate class, calendar and geographic climate\npatterns.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRef# 00012126\nQuantitative Analyst - Manager\nThis candidate developed and implemented two Value-At-Risk (VAR) methods for\nNatural Gas. Developed and implemented models for pricing and hedging exotic\nnatural gas options (Gas Daily and Peaker). OpenLink experience with VaR and\nmark-to-market calculations.\n\nRef# 00012127\nDirector Derivatives Trading and Portfolio Management\nDeveloped Nymex and locational options, position risk management model.\nEvaluated and assisted in the process of selecting and implementing a new\nreal time front and back office financial system with VAR capabilities.\nStructured deals for marketers using embedded financial products and traded\ntraded natural gas options and fixed for float swaps. Priced and hedged\nadvanced options and swaps such as swaptions, asians, extendibles,\nexpandibles, and spread options.\n\nRef# 00012128\nRisk Control Analyst\nSupport Origination and Trading activities by providing daily mark-to-market\nvalues and VaR reports through accurate and timely entry of financial\ntransactions into RMS system. Maintain database for RMS system and\nIntegrated Commodity Trading System (ICTS) for entry of financial trades.\n\nRef# 00012129\nRisk Manager\nResponsible for all mid-office trader support functions. Responsibilities\ninclude daily senior management position and P&L reporting, process\nimprovements, system implementations, structuring of originated\ntransactions, and rollout of an operational analysis plan.\n\nRef# 00012130\nSenior Commercial Analyst: Pricing and Structures\nDeveloping model to incorporate basis and transportation into gas fuel costs\nutilized in mark-to-market valuation of a gas-fired generation asset.\nDetermined market value of regional power by confirming the marks estimated\nby Entergy's trade desk against independent broker prices. Forecasted\nresulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of\nbook value.\n\nRef# 00012131\nDirector - Risk Management\nAnalyze financial markets and advise physical traders of hedging and trading\nopportunities. Analyze market, secure management approval of trading\nstrategies and execute financial trades. Generate position reports for\nupper management.\n\nRef# 00012132\nRisk Management Specialist\nPerform risk management functions for the gas trading organization,\nincluding daily position and P&L reporting. Ensure deal validation and\nperform problem resolution for executed trades. Create daily VaR estimates\nfor both cash and term traders.\n\n\n\nRef# 00012133\nRisk Analyst\nDetermine market value of regional power, confirming the market values\nestimated by trade desk against prices set foependent brokers. Forecast\nresulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of\nbook value. Participate in daily Value at Risk calculations, exception\nreporting for daily variances, updating of daily price curves, and updating\nproprietary models which value long term transactions.\n\nPlease contact me for detailed interview packets of each candidate. Should\nyou have further questions, do not hesitate to call.\n\nPaul Johnson\nPresident\n(281) 497-8595\n\nVisit our website\nwww.austingrp.com\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<2226492.1075861530900.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-1-2002-12:17:2Spj@austingrp.com": ["22-1-2002-12:17:2", "pj@austingrp.com", ["pj@austingrp.com"], [], "Has anyone ever heard of a company sending out a RFP to a recruiter? No, of\ncourse not. On the trade floor, a Request For Physical is a common\noccurrence. If they did send out this request to a recruiter it would read,\n\"Request For People.\" Wouldn't it be great if all the energy companies in\nthe world asked me to find their candidates. Well guess what they don't.\nThe Austin Group Energy establishes long term relationships with both\nclients and candidates on a continual basis. We have candidates and\nopportunities that aren't being distributed through conventional methods. We\ncompleted over 600 successful seraches last year alone. In today's ever\nchanging market,can you afford not to know the largest recruiting firm in\nthe energy industry?\nAttached below are positions that are available immediately for the right\ncandidate.\nCall Today!\nPaul Johnson\nPresident- TAGE\nOfc (281) 600-8145\nMbl (281) 814-3886\nVisit our Website\nhttp://www.austingrp.com\n - Paul Johnson.vcf \n ", ["TAGE Mailer, January '02"], "{'recipients': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [["send_direct_attach request", 11, "information", ["send", "request"], "information", " if they did send out this request to a recruiter it would read, \"request for people."]], "Has anyone ever heard of a company sending out a RFP to a recruiter? No, of\ncourse not. On the trade floor, a Request For Physical is a common\noccurrence. If they did send out this request to a recruiter it would read,\n\"Request For People.\" Wouldn't it be great if all the energy companies in\nthe world asked me to find their candidates. Well guess what they don't.\n\nThe Austin Group Energy establishes long term relationships with both\nclients and candidates on a continual basis. We have candidates and\nopportunities that aren't being distributed through conventional methods. We\ncompleted over 600 successful seraches last year alone. In today's ever\nchanging market,can you afford not to know the largest recruiting firm in\nthe energy industry?\n\nAttached below are positions that are available immediately for the right\ncandidate.\n\nCall Today!\n\nPaul Johnson\nPresident- TAGE\nOfc (281) 600-8145\nMbl (281) 814-3886\n\nVisit our Website\nhttp://www.austingrp.com\n\n\n - Paul Johnson.vcf \n - Career Center '02 Opportunities.doc ", ["<25936123.1075840755844.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-1-2002-15:2:31Spj@austingrp.com": ["22-1-2002-15:2:31", "pj@austingrp.com", ["pj@austingrp.com"], [], "Thanks to my buddy at El Paso. It has been brought to my attention that I\nhad a typo in the January mailer. RFP = Request for Proposal not Request for\nPhysical. Thanks again Sean.\nPaul Johnson\nPresident- TAGE\nOfc (281) 600-8145\nMbl (281) 814-3886\nVisit our Website\nhttp://www.austingrp.com\n - Paul Johnson.vcf ", [""], "{'recipients': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [], "Thanks to my buddy at El Paso. It has been brought to my attention that I\nhad a typo in the January mailer. RFP = Request for Proposal not Request for\nPhysical. Thanks again Sean.\n\nPaul Johnson\nPresident- TAGE\nOfc (281) 600-8145\nMbl (281) 814-3886\n\nVisit our Website\nhttp://www.austingrp.com\n\n\n - Paul Johnson.vcf ", ["<20794731.1075840755471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-1-2002-11:10:53Sj.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-1-2002-11:10:53", "j.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"pj\" @ENRON \nSent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 9:23 AM\nTo: Jennifer Beard\nSubject: TAGE\nAs most of you already know, Tuesday I transmiited a virus to everyone in my\naddress book. I want to apologize for this mishap and hope that it has not\ncaused any major problems. Have a great Holiday Season and feel free to drop\nme a line.\nPaul Johnson\nPresident- TAGE\nOfc (281) 600-8145\nMbl (281) 814-3886\nVisit our Website\nhttp://www.austingrp.com\n - Paul Johnson.vcf ", ["FW: TAGE"], "{'body': ['pj@austingrp.com']}", [], "\n\n ", ["<8319864.1075840788416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "21-3-2001-3:7:0Smcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu 21-3-2001-6:38:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 21-3-2001-21:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-3-2001-3:7:0Smcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu": ["21-3-2001-3:7:0", "mcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com crri@andromeda.rutgers.edu kleindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu", "Message-ID: <32614870.1075856205961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 03:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mcrew@andromeda.rutgers.edu\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Dinner speaker - May 23\nCc: vkamins@enron.com, crri@andromeda.rutgers.edu, kleindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkamins@enron.com, crri@andromeda.rutgers.edu, kleindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-From: \"Michael A. Crew\" \nX-To: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-cc: vkamins@enron.com, crri@andromeda.rutgers.edu, kleindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nThis is to follow up today's conversation with Anita. As mentioned Paul \nKleindorfer invited Vince to be our dinner speaker on Thursday, May 24. On \nreflection given the strong line up for Wednesday - Fred Kahn et al - we \nwould very much like Vince to be the speaker on Wednesday. This will \nconclude the day very well giving participants a strong incentive to be there \nfor the Wednesday. \n\nI gather that this change should be acceptable to Vince. \n\nWe will show Vince's name as follows:\n\n \n\nWincety J. Kaminski\n\nManaging Director - Research\n\nENRON\n\n\n\nJeremy will be em ailing you the program with this information immediately.\n\n\nWe would like to go to press today. Failing that we can go to press \ntomorrow. We would very much appreciate your confirming this and making any \ncorrections or changes. If you would respond to all of us it would be \nappreciated.\n\n\nMichael\nMichael A. Crew\nProfessor II\nDirector - Center for Research in Regulated Industries\nEditor - Journal of Regulatory Economics\nRutgers University, Graduate School of Management\n180 University Avenue\nNewark, N.J. 07102-1897\n\nphone: 973 353 5049 fax: 973 353 1348\nhttp://www-rci.rutgers.edu/~crri ", "Dinner speaker - May 23", "forward", [["invite personname", 7, "information", ["invited", "vince"], "information", " as mentioned personname kleindorfer invited vince to be our dinner speaker on thursday, datenumeric ."], ["make change", 52, "nninformation", ["changes", "making"], "intention", " we would very much appreciate your confirming this and making any corrections or changes."]], "Shirley,\n\nThis is to follow up today's conversation with Anita. As mentioned Paul \nKleindorfer invited Vince to be our dinner speaker on Thursday, May 24. On \nreflection given the strong line up for Wednesday - Fred Kahn et al - we \nwould very much like Vince to be the speaker on Wednesday. This will \nconclude the day very well giving participants a strong incentive to be there \nfor the Wednesday. \n\nI gather that this change should be acceptable to Vince. \n\nWe will show Vince's name as follows:\n\n \n\nWincety J. Kaminski\n\nManaging Director - Research\n\nENRON\n\n\n\nJeremy will be em ailing you the program with this information immediately.\n\n\nWe would like to go to press today. Failing that we can go to press \ntomorrow. We would very much appreciate your confirming this and making any \ncorrections or changes. If you would respond to all of us it would be \nappreciated.\n\n\nMichael\nMichael A. Crew\nProfessor II\nDirector - Center for Research in Regulated Industries\nEditor - Journal of Regulatory Economics\nRutgers University, Graduate School of Management\n180 University Avenue\nNewark, N.J. 07102-1897\n\nphone: 973 353 5049 fax: 973 353 1348\nhttp://www-rci.rutgers.edu/~crri ", "<32614870.1075856205961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "21-3-2001-6:38:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["21-3-2001-6:38:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["anita.dupont@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32662222.1075856205696.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 06:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Dinner speaker - May 23\nCc: anita.dupont@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.dupont@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com, Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Anita DuPont\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince:\n\nMichael Crew would like you to be a speaker on Wednesday, May 23rd\ninstead of the 24th at the Rutgers Conference. Is this ok?\n\nHe is preparing the agenda and needs to know as soon as possible.\n\nShirley\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 \n02:31 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Michael A. Crew\" on 03/21/2001 10:07:52 AM\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: vkamins@enron.com, crri@andromeda.rutgers.edu, \nkleindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Dinner speaker - May 23\n\n\n\nShirley,\n\nThis is to follow up today's conversation with Anita. As mentioned Paul \nKleindorfer invited Vince to be our dinner speaker on Thursday, May 24. On \nreflection given the strong line up for Wednesday - Fred Kahn et al - we \nwould very much like Vince to be the speaker on Wednesday. This will \nconclude the day very well giving participants a strong incentive to be there \nfor the Wednesday. \n\nI gather that this change should be acceptable to Vince. \n\nWe will show Vince's name as follows:\n\n \n\nWincety J. Kaminski\n\nManaging Director - Research\n\nENRON\n\n\n\nJeremy will be em ailing you the program with this information immediately.\n\n\nWe would like to go to press today. Failing that we can go to press \ntomorrow. We would very much appreciate your confirming this and making any \ncorrections or changes. If you would respond to all of us it would be \nappreciated.\n\n\nMichael\nMichael A. Crew\nProfessor II\nDirector - Center for Research in Regulated Industries\nEditor - Journal of Regulatory Economics\nRutgers University, Graduate School of Management\n180 University Avenue\nNewark, N.J. 07102-1897\n\nphone: 973 353 5049 fax: 973 353 1348\nhttp://www-rci.rutgers.edu/~crri \n", "Dinner speaker - May 23", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 10, "information", ["agenda", "preparing"], "information", " he is preparing the agenda and needs to know as soon as possible."]], "Vince:\n\nMichael Crew would like you to be a speaker on Wednesday, May 23rd\ninstead of the 24th at the Rutgers Conference. Is this ok?\n\nHe is preparing the agenda and needs to know as soon as possible.\n\nShirley\n\n\n", "<32662222.1075856205696.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "21-3-2001-21:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-3-2001-21:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20035884.1075856446773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 21:00:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Dinner speaker - May 23\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nYes. No problem.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n03/21/2001 02:38 PM\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita DuPont/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Dinner speaker - May 23\n\nVince:\n\nMichael Crew would like you to be a speaker on Wednesday, May 23rd\ninstead of the 24th at the Rutgers Conference. Is this ok?\n\nHe is preparing the agenda and needs to know as soon as possible.\n\nShirley\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 \n02:31 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Michael A. Crew\" on 03/21/2001 10:07:52 AM\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: vkamins@enron.com, crri@andromeda.rutgers.edu, \nkleindorfer@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Dinner speaker - May 23\n\n\n\nShirley,\n\nThis is to follow up today's conversation with Anita. As mentioned Paul \nKleindorfer invited Vince to be our dinner speaker on Thursday, May 24. On \nreflection given the strong line up for Wednesday - Fred Kahn et al - we \nwould very much like Vince to be the speaker on Wednesday. This will \nconclude the day very well giving participants a strong incentive to be there \nfor the Wednesday. \n\nI gather that this change should be acceptable to Vince. \n\nWe will show Vince's name as follows:\n\n \n\nWincety J. Kaminski\n\nManaging Director - Research\n\nENRON\n\n\n\nJeremy will be em ailing you the program with this information immediately.\n\n\nWe would like to go to press today. Failing that we can go to press \ntomorrow. We would very much appreciate your confirming this and making any \ncorrections or changes. If you would respond to all of us it would be \nappreciated.\n\n\nMichael\nMichael A. Crew\nProfessor II\nDirector - Center for Research in Regulated Industries\nEditor - Journal of Regulatory Economics\nRutgers University, Graduate School of Management\n180 University Avenue\nNewark, N.J. 07102-1897\n\nphone: 973 353 5049 fax: 973 353 1348\nhttp://www-rci.rutgers.edu/~crri \n\n\n\n", "Re: Dinner speaker - May 23", "reply", [], "Shirley,\n\nYes. No problem.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n03/21/2001 02:38 PM\n", "<20035884.1075856446773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "8-3-2001-1:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-3-2001-1:52:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 1-5-2001-9:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-9:51:0Smolly.magee@enron.com 1-5-2001-19:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-3-2001-1:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-1:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nPlease, invite Jacob for an exploratory interciew.\nVK, SG, ZL, KP, BL, TT, CS, TH\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n09:33 AM ---------------------------\nZimin Lu\n03/08/2001 09:17 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Candidate for us\nJacob Kang, currently a leading developer for PROS energy applications,\nis interested in a job in derivatives valuation. \nLet me know if we want to bring him for a interview.\nZimin\n---------------------- Forwarded by Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 09:07 AM \n---------------------------\n\"Jacob Y. Kang\" on 03/07/2001 11:10:24 PM\nTo: zlu@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: My cover letter and resume\nDear Zhimin,\nThe attached files are my cover letter and resume.\nThank you very much and I really appreciate your help\non this matter.\nYing\nThese two files do not contain any virus even though\nthere are error signs on the virus check status.\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. \nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n\n\n", ["Candidate for us"], "{'body': ['jacobyk@yahoo.com']}", [["invite personname", 2, "nninformation", ["invite", "jacob"], "request", "shirley, please, invite jacob for an exploratory interciew."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, invite Jacob for an exploratory interciew.\n\nVK, SG, ZL, KP, BL, TT, CS, TH\n\nVince\n", ["<13057771.1075856449229.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7604822.1075856515554.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10779403.1075856211457.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<196162.1075856407048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"tt vkTnn": {"value": "tt vkTnn", "ne": "tt vkTnn", "patterns": ["tt vkTnn"]}}, true], "8-3-2001-1:52:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-1:52:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["jacobyk@yahoo.com"], [], "Message-ID: <9859151.1075856618940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 01:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: jacobyk@yahoo.com\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: jacobyk@yahoo.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Jacob:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to bring you in for an informal\ninterview. Please give me some times and dates within the next 2-3 weeks\nthat would be convenient for you and I will coordinate an interview schedule.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Vice President\nZimin Lu Director\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nBob Lee Manager\nTom Halliburton Manager\nChonawee Supatgiat Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you soon.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n09:33 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nZimin Lu\n03/08/2001 09:17 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Candidate for us\n\n\nJacob Kang, currently a leading developer for PROS energy applications,\nis interested in a job in derivatives valuation. \n\nLet me know if we want to bring him for a interview.\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 09:07 AM \n---------------------------\n\n\n\"Jacob Y. Kang\" on 03/07/2001 11:10:24 PM\nTo: zlu@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: My cover letter and resume\n\n\nDear Zhimin,\n\nThe attached files are my cover letter and resume.\nThank you very much and I really appreciate your help\non this matter.\n\n\nYing\n\nThese two files do not contain any virus even though\nthere are error signs on the virus check status.\n\n\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. \nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n - Cover Letter_Enron.doc\n - Resume_Ying.doc\n\n\n\n\n", "Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", " the orgname research group would like to bring you in for an informal interview."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 13, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "dates", "interview"], "intention", " please give me some times and dates within the next numeric numeric weeks that would be convenient for you and i will coordinate an interview schedule."]], "Good morning Jacob:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to bring you in for an informal\ninterview. Please give me some times and dates within the next 2-3 weeks\nthat would be convenient for you and I will coordinate an interview schedule.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Vice President\nZimin Lu Director\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nBob Lee Manager\nTom Halliburton Manager\nChonawee Supatgiat Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you soon.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n", "<9859151.1075856618940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date_date0time numericTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, true], "1-5-2001-9:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-9:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "kimberly.watson@enron.com"], "Molly,\nKim Watson would like us to bring Jacob for another interview.\nWe can do it later this week.\nVince\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 \n02:22 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 09:17 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Hello\nHi Vince,\nIf you are still interested in bringing back this gentleman back for another \ninterview, I would very much like to meet with him. Sean talked with him \nwhen you brought him in a few weeks ago and he thought it would be a good \nidea for me to meet with him so we can compare thoughts. \nThanks, Kim. \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:21 PM\nTo: Watson, Kimberly\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: Hello\nKim,\nThis is a letter from one of the job applicants who works for PROS.\nIt seems that the system they develop for Williams\nis more a scheduling system.\nWould you like to ask him to come back for another interview,\nto get more information out of him?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n01:18 PM ---------------------------\n\"Jacob Y. Kang\" on 04/11/2001 11:18:44 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello\nDear Vince:\nIt was so nice meeting and talking with you too. I did\nnot take any pen back, I lost my pen too somewhere in\nEnron.\nAs I mentioned to you, after I got my Ph.D in 1999, I\nhave been working two years as Lead Scientist and\nScience Manager in energy division at PROS Revenue\nManagement Inc. in Houston.\nI developed and implemented the mathematical models\nfor Trading Optimization System and Firm\nTransportation Optimization System.\nThe Trading Optimization System becomes the most\npopular product in the industry this year. Duke Energy\njust signed the contract to buy this product\nyesterday. Conoco and Williams also signed the\ncontracts for it. According to PROS Sales Department,\nthe potential marketer to buy this product exceeds 15\ncompanies in one or two years.\nEnron is the ideal place for me to continue my\nresearch and system developing efforts to combine\nrevenue management with risk management. I am\nconfident that I can make significant contributions to\nEnron in this area.\nI would like to thank you again for giving me this\nopportunity to come to Enron for this interview. I am\nlooking forward to having the opportunity to work in\nEnron.\nSincerely Yours\nJacob\n--- Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Jacob,\n>\n> It was nice meeting you. Did take by any chance\n> my pen? If not, I apologize.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n", ["RE: Hello"], "{'body': ['jacobyk@yahoo.com']}", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", "molly, kim watson would like us to bring jacob for another interview."]], "Molly,\n\nKim Watson would like us to bring Jacob for another interview.\nWe can do it later this week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nVince\n\n", ["<10226616.1075856617597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14185216.1075856436810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4374056.1075856500196.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24989233.1075856183748.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11199584.1075856430471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "jacob", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, true], "1-5-2001-9:51:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-9:51:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Sounds great--I'll coordinate with Shirley. Jacob was very excited about his \nprior meeting with you and the group.\nMolly\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 4:42 PM\nTo: Magee, Molly\nCc: Kaminski, Vince; Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni; Watson, Kimberly\nSubject: RE: Hello\nMolly,\nKim Watson would like us to bring Jacob for another interview.\nWe can do it later this week.\nVince\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 \n02:22 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 09:17 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Hello\nHi Vince,\nIf you are still interested in bringing back this gentleman back for another \ninterview, I would very much like to meet with him. Sean talked with him \nwhen you brought him in a few weeks ago and he thought it would be a good \nidea for me to meet with him so we can compare thoughts. \nThanks, Kim. \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:21 PM\nTo: Watson, Kimberly\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: Hello\nKim,\nThis is a letter from one of the job applicants who works for PROS.\nIt seems that the system they develop for Williams\nis more a scheduling system.\nWould you like to ask him to come back for another interview,\nto get more information out of him?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n01:18 PM ---------------------------\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \n\"Jacob Y. Kang\" on 04/11/2001 11:18:44 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello\nDear Vince:\nIt was so nice meeting and talking with you too. I did\nnot take any pen back, I lost my pen too somewhere in\nEnron.\nAs I mentioned to you, after I got my Ph.D in 1999, I\nhave been working two years as Lead Scientist and\nScience Manager in energy division at PROS Revenue\nManagement Inc. in Houston.\nI developed and implemented the mathematical models\nfor Trading Optimization System and Firm\nTransportation Optimization System.\nThe Trading Optimization System becomes the most\npopular product in the industry this year. Duke Energy\njust signed the contract to buy this product\nyesterday. Conoco and Williams also signed the\ncontracts for it. According to PROS Sales Department,\nthe potential marketer to buy this product exceeds 15\ncompanies in one or two years.\nEnron is the ideal place for me to continue my\nresearch and system developing efforts to combine\nrevenue management with risk management. I am\nconfident that I can make significant contributions to\nEnron in this area.\nI would like to thank you again for giving me this\nopportunity to come to Enron for this interview. I am\nlooking forward to having the opportunity to work in\nEnron.\nSincerely Yours\nJacob\n--- Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Jacob,\n>\n> It was nice meeting you. Did take by any chance\n> my pen? If not, I apologize.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n", ["RE: Hello"], "{'body': ['jacobyk@yahoo.com']}", [], "Sounds great--I'll coordinate with Shirley. Jacob was very excited about his \nprior meeting with you and the group.\n\nMolly\n\n ", ["<2757727.1075856617550.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16093365.1075856183589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16649712.1075856430589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-19:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-19:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "kimberly.watson@enron.com"], "Molly,\nKim Watson would like us to bring Jacob for another interview.\nWe can do it later this week.\nVince\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 02:22 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 09:17 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Hello\nHi Vince,\nIf you are still interested in bringing back this gentleman back for another interview, I would very much like to meet with him. Sean talked with him when you brought him in a few weeks ago and he thought it would be a good idea for me to meet with him so we can compare thoughts. \nThanks, Kim. \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:21 PM\nTo: Watson, Kimberly\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: Hello\nKim,\nThis is a letter from one of the job applicants who works for PROS.\nIt seems that the system they develop for Williams\nis more a scheduling system.\nWould you like to ask him to come back for another interview,\nto get more information out of him?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 01:18 PM ---------------------------\n \n\"Jacob Y. Kang\" on 04/11/2001 11:18:44 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello\nDear Vince:\nIt was so nice meeting and talking with you too. I did\nnot take any pen back, I lost my pen too somewhere in\nEnron.\nAs I mentioned to you, after I got my Ph.D in 1999, I\nhave been working two years as Lead Scientist and\nScience Manager in energy division at PROS Revenue\nManagement Inc. in Houston.\nI developed and implemented the mathematical models\nfor Trading Optimization System and Firm\nTransportation Optimization System.\nThe Trading Optimization System becomes the most\npopular product in the industry this year. Duke Energy\njust signed the contract to buy this product\nyesterday. Conoco and Williams also signed the\ncontracts for it. According to PROS Sales Department,\nthe potential marketer to buy this product exceeds 15\ncompanies in one or two years.\nEnron is the ideal place for me to continue my\nresearch and system developing efforts to combine\nrevenue management with risk management. I am\nconfident that I can make significant contributions to\nEnron in this area.\nI would like to thank you again for giving me this\nopportunity to come to Enron for this interview. I am\nlooking forward to having the opportunity to work in\nEnron.\nSincerely Yours\nJacob\n--- Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Jacob,\n>\n> It was nice meeting you. Did take by any chance\n> my pen? If not, I apologize.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n", ["RE: Hello"], "{'body': ['jacobyk@yahoo.com']}", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview", "jacob"], "intention", "molly, kim watson would like us to bring jacob for another interview."]], "Molly,\n\nKim Watson would like us to bring Jacob for another interview.\nWe can do it later this week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nVince\n\n", ["<28945946.1075840785661.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33229475.1075858471554.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"5": {"value": "jacob", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, true]}, "28-6-2000-10:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-6-2000-2:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 29-6-2000-2:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 29-6-2000-7:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-6-2000-10:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-6-2000-10:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nPlease, arrange a phone interview.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/28/2000 \n05:23 PM ---------------------------\nShirley Crenshaw\n06/12/2000 07:28 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Mike Catanese's resume\nVince:\nThis is from Ronnie Chahal - does he fit anywhere?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 06/12/2000 \n07:22 AM ---------------------------\nLaura R Arnold@EES\n06/09/2000 04:40 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Mike Catanese's resume\nShirley,\nRonnie Chahal suggested I forward this resume to you so that you could \nforward it to the appropriate person within research. Please let me know if \nyou need any additional information. \nThanks,\nLaura Arnold\nX39540\n---------------------- Forwarded by Laura R Arnold/HOU/EES on 06/09/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\nJune1789@aol.com on 05/08/2000 12:00:30 AM\nTo: larnold@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Mike Catanese's resume\nI am a Ph.D. physicist and have worked for the last five years in\npost-doctoral researcher positions in astrophysics. A few months ago, I\nrealized that I had reached the limit of my academic career options, at least\nfor the near future. After reading about careers in the private sector and\ndiscussing possibilities with some family members and friends, it became\napparent that my technical and mathematical skills could be transferred to\nthe private sector, with better long-term career options and a more dynamic\nworkplace environment than in academic research. The energy industry is\nparticularly attractive as it begins to deregulate. I have been directed to\nEnron by several different people as a very forward-thinking and growing\ncompany and one which values its employees.\nBecause of my statistical and mathematical skills, I am interested in a\nposition as a quantitative analyst. However, if there are other areas where\nthe people at Enron think I could contribute, I am open to other options. My\nother experience, such as project management, is outlined in my resume. I\nhave worked in a collaboration of 30 astrophysicists from the US, Ireland,\nand England and I am a capable independent worker as well. I have excellent\nwritten and oral communication skills and have made presentations to\naudiences ranging from technical experts to school-aged children.\nThank you again for your time and effort in passing this resume on. I look\nforward to talking with you.\nSincerely,\nMike Catanese\n\n", ["Mike Catanese's resume"], "{'body': ['june1789@aol.com']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 1, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "request", "shirley, please, arrange a phone interview."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, arrange a phone interview.\n\nVince\n", ["<23536061.1075856317332.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-2:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-2:18:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", [], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Good morning Mr. Catanese:\nYour resume was forwarded to the Research Group and they would like\nto conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience. We would\nprefer the week of July 5 - 7 (Monday and Tuesday, the 3rd and 4th are\nholidays), if at all possible.\nPlease let me know your availability and where you may be reached by\nphone and I will coordinate the calendars.\nThe interviewers would be:\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\nI look forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinate\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 \n08:47 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n06/28/2000 05:19 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Mike Catanese's resume\nShirley,\nPlease, arrange a phone interview.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/28/2000 \n05:23 PM ---------------------------\nShirley Crenshaw\n06/12/2000 07:28 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Mike Catanese's resume\nVince:\nThis is from Ronnie Chahal - does he fit anywhere?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 06/12/2000 \n07:22 AM ---------------------------\nLaura R Arnold@EES\n06/09/2000 04:40 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Mike Catanese's resume\nShirley,\nRonnie Chahal suggested I forward this resume to you so that you could \nforward it to the appropriate person within research. Please let me know if \nyou need any additional information. \nThanks,\nLaura Arnold\nX39540\n---------------------- Forwarded by Laura R Arnold/HOU/EES on 06/09/2000 \n04:37 PM ---------------------------\nJune1789@aol.com on 05/08/2000 12:00:30 AM\nTo: larnold@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Mike Catanese's resume\nI am a Ph.D. physicist and have worked for the last five years in\npost-doctoral researcher positions in astrophysics. A few months ago, I\nrealized that I had reached the limit of my academic career options, at least\nfor the near future. After reading about careers in the private sector and\ndiscussing possibilities with some family members and friends, it became\napparent that my technical and mathematical skills could be transferred to\nthe private sector, with better long-term career options and a more dynamic\nworkplace environment than in academic research. The energy industry is\nparticularly attractive as it begins to deregulate. I have been directed to\nEnron by several different people as a very forward-thinking and growing\ncompany and one which values its employees.\nBecause of my statistical and mathematical skills, I am interested in a\nposition as a quantitative analyst. However, if there are other areas where\nthe people at Enron think I could contribute, I am open to other options. My\nother experience, such as project management, is outlined in my resume. I\nhave worked in a collaboration of 30 astrophysicists from the US, Ireland,\nand England and I am a capable independent worker as well. I have excellent\nwritten and oral communication skills and have made presentations to\naudiences ranging from technical experts to school-aged children.\nThank you again for your time and effort in passing this resume on. I look\nforward to talking with you.\nSincerely,\nMike Catanese\n\n", ["Telephone Interview with the Research Group"], "{'body': ['june1789@aol.com']}", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 5, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " catanese: your resume was forwarded to the research group and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " catanese: your resume was forwarded to the research group and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["reach cell0phone", 18, "nninformation", ["availability", "you", "reached"], "intention", " please let me know your availability and where you may be reached by phone and i will coordinate the calendars."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 20, "nninformation", ["calendars", "coordinate"], "intention", " please let me know your availability and where you may be reached by phone and i will coordinate the calendars."]], "Good morning Mr. Catanese:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to the Research Group and they would like\nto conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience. We would\nprefer the week of July 5 - 7 (Monday and Tuesday, the 3rd and 4th are\nholidays), if at all possible.\n\nPlease let me know your availability and where you may be reached by\nphone and I will coordinate the calendars.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinate\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\n\n", ["<12252492.1075856625258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29114508.1075856722359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33163033.1075856835898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"12": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["holiday numericTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, true], "29-6-2000-2:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-2:21:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["june1789@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Good morning Mr. Catanese:\nYour resume was forwarded to the Research Group and they would like\nto conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience. We would\nprefer the week of July 5 - 7 (Monday and Tuesday, the 3rd and 4th are\nholidays), if at all possible.\nPlease let me know your availability and where you may be reached by\nphone and I will coordinate the calendars.\nThe interviewers would be:\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\nI look forward to hearing from you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinate\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\n", ["Telephone Interview with the Research Group"], "{'recipients': ['june1789@aol.com']}", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " catanese: your resume was forwarded to the research group and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " catanese: your resume was forwarded to the research group and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["reach cell0phone", 18, "nninformation", ["availability", "you", "reached"], "intention", " please let me know your availability and where you may be reached by phone and i will coordinate the calendars."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 20, "nninformation", ["calendars", "coordinate"], "intention", " please let me know your availability and where you may be reached by phone and i will coordinate the calendars."]], "Good morning Mr. Catanese:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to the Research Group and they would like\nto conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience. We would\nprefer the week of July 5 - 7 (Monday and Tuesday, the 3rd and 4th are\nholidays), if at all possible.\n\nPlease let me know your availability and where you may be reached by\nphone and I will coordinate the calendars.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinate\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\n", ["<26116366.1075856625234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9966438.1075856316973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10493166.1075856330035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-7:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-7:35:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["june1789@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10386998.1075856316559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 07:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: june1789@aol.com\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tzimin.lu@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tzimin.lu@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: June1789@aol.com @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Zimin Lu, Osman Sezgen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Mike:\n\nThanks for responding so quickly. I have scheduled the telephone interview\nfor Thursday, July 6 at 10:00 AM Houston time (8:00 AZ time)\n\nThey interviews usually last from 45 minutes to an hour.\n\nWe will call you at 520/325-9730.\n\nThanks and have a great 4th of July\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research \n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with the Research Group", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 4, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", " i have scheduled the telephone interview for thursday, datenumeric at numerictime am houston time ( numerictime az time) they interviews usually last from numeric minutes to an hour."]], "Hi Mike:\n\nThanks for responding so quickly. I have scheduled the telephone interview\nfor Thursday, July 6 at 10:00 AM Houston time (8:00 AZ time)\n\nThey interviews usually last from 45 minutes to an hour.\n\nWe will call you at 520/325-9730.\n\nThanks and have a great 4th of July\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research \n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "<10386998.1075856316559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn": {"value": "hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn", "ne": "hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "45", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour minute numericTnnn", "interview numericTnn", "minute numericTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "52", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnelpronounTnn"]}}, true]}, "4-1-2000-4:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 4-1-2000-4:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-1-2000-4:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["4-1-2000-4:18:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "roman.zadorozhny@enron.com", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "martin.lin@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", "alexios.kollaros@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "samer.takriti@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "ross.prevatt@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "clayton.vernon@enron.com", "maureen.raymond@enron.com", "michael.sergeev@enron.com", "paulo.issler@enron.com", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com", "martina.angelova@enron.com", "kevin.moore@enron.com", "mike.roberts@enron.com", "vincent.tang@enron.com", "patricia.tlapek@enron.com", "farouk.lalji@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "ronnie.chahal@enron.com", "kevin.kindall@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "amitava.dhar@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <14353215.1075856793319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 04:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tmike.roberts@enron.com, joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com,\n\tzimin.lu@enron.com, jason.sokolov@enron.com, vincent.tang@enron.com,\n\talexios.kollaros@enron.com, ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com,\n\tmartin.lin@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com,\n\tosman.sezgen@enron.com, paulo.issler@enron.com,\n\tross.prevatt@enron.com, michael.sergeev@enron.com,\n\tpatricia.tlapek@enron.com, farouk.lalji@enron.com,\n\troman.zadorozhny@enron.com, samer.takriti@enron.com,\n\tmartina.angelova@enron.com, amitava.dhar@enron.com,\n\talex.huang@enron.com, ronnie.chahal@enron.com,\n\tkevin.kindall@enron.com, kevin.moore@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com\nSubject: Research Group \"Millenium\" Party\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Vasant Shanbhogue, Mike A Roberts, Joseph Hrgovcic, Grant Masson, Tanya Tamarchenko, Zimin Lu, Jason Sokolov, Vincent Tang, Alexios Kollaros, Ravi Thuraisingham, Martin Lin, Maureen Raymond, Osman Sezgen, Paulo Issler, Ross Prevatt, Michael Sergeev, Patricia Tlapek, Farouk Lalji, Roman Zadorozhny, Samer Takriti, Martina Angelova, Amitava Dhar, Alex Huang, Ronnie Chahal, Kevin Kindall, Kevin G Moore, Clayton Vernon\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello all!\n\nSince we all seemed to survive the \"Y2K\" bug, we are going to celebrate!\n\nOur \"Holiday Millenium\" party will be this Saturday.\n\nSee attached for information, if you have questions, please call me at 3-5290.\n\nSee you there!\n\nShirley\n", "Research Group \"Millenium\" Party", "originEmail", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 11, "information", ["attached", "information"], "information", " see attached for information, if you have questions, please call me at phonenumber ."]], "Hello all!\n\nSince we all seemed to survive the \"Y2K\" bug, we are going to celebrate!\n\nOur \"Holiday Millenium\" party will be this Saturday.\n\nSee attached for information, if you have questions, please call me at 3-5290.\n\nSee you there!\n\nShirley\n", "<14353215.1075856793319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "4-1-2000-4:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-1-2000-4:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2573633.1075856949488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 04:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Research Group \"Millenium\" Party\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, extend the invitation to Greg and Liz.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/04/2000 12:18 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni \nKrishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike A \nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joseph Hrgovcic/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nTanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jason \nSokolov/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vincent Tang/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alexios Kollaros/HOU/EES@EES, \nRavi Thuraisingham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Martin Lin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maureen \nRaymond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Osman Sezgen/HOU/EES@EES, Paulo Issler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ross \nPrevatt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Sergeev/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patricia \nTlapek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Farouk Lalji/HOU/ECT@ECT, Roman Zadorozhny/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSamer Takriti/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martina \nAngelova/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amitava Dhar/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Alex \nHuang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ronnie Chahal/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin \nKindall/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clayton \nVernon/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Research Group \"Millenium\" Party\n\nHello all!\n\nSince we all seemed to survive the \"Y2K\" bug, we are going to celebrate!\n\nOur \"Holiday Millenium\" party will be this Saturday.\n\nSee attached for information, if you have questions, please call me at 3-5290.\n\nSee you there!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n", "Re: Research Group \"Millenium\" Party", "reply", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, extend the invitation to Greg and Liz.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/04/2000 12:18 PM\n", "<2573633.1075856949488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "11-4-2000-10:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-4-2000-4:2:0Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com": {"11-4-2000-10:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-10:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.meyers@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1131472.1075857044476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 10:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven R Meyers\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Ees\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nKrishna from my group. Krishna can also advise you on Resco participation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven R Meyers@EES\n04/11/2000 04:51 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture \n\nVince,\n\nI was not going to be involved directly in the meeting. Who from either your \ngroup or from Resco Marketing should participate?\n\nThanks,\n\nSteve\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/11/2000 08:27 AM\nTo: Steven R Meyers/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture \n\nSteve,\n\nIt makes sense to meet with Abacus. Retail marketing is very data intensive. \nIf you set up a meeting with them,\nplease, let me know. \n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nSteven R Meyers@EES\n04/11/2000 08:17 AM\nTo: Timothy Edward Vail/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Resco Database and Customer Capture\n\nTim,\n\nI hope things are going well in Resco. I think somebody from Resco (or \nResearch) may be interested in the email I received below from Brad Davids. \nBrad is now working at Abacus who works with residential customer patterns as \nwell as predictive modelling. He's going to be here the 25 and 26 of this \nmonth. I'm not sure who is responsible for Resco Marketing, but I think they \nwould find this interesting. Who should I send this to? Please let me know \nif anybody in Resco may have any interest.\n\nThanks,\n\nSteve\n\nPS: Vince, simply an FYI since they do focus on modelling and research.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Steven R Meyers/HOU/EES on 04/11/2000 \n08:14 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBradley Davids on 04/10/2000 08:35:32 PM\nTo: \"'Steven.R.Meyers@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Possible Meeting?\n\n\nSteve:\n\nI'll see if I can get in on the 25th . . . will let you know, but I think\nit'll work.\n\nJust to give you a very brief overview so you can think about who might be\ninterested, Abacus has the largest transactional database of consumer buying\nbehavior in the world (89 million US households, 3 billion+ purchases),\nalong with sophisticated modeling capabilities to help predict customer\nresponse to various offers at the household level. Given the critical need\nto reduce customer acquisition costs in retail energy markets, we believe\nthat our data and modeling can help energy retailers target their direct\nmarketing efforts toward the residential customers most likely to respond to\nwhatever the offer is--improving the efficiency of mailings and other\npromotional campaigns (so there is an efficiency angle, see!)\n\nBecause our data allow the modeling of future buying behavior based on\nactual purchases, our results tend to be significantly more predictive than\ndemographic-based models. So far, the the response from utilities and \"new\nentrants\" I've been talking to so far has been quite positive, and we have\nsome tests of our data underway, but we're interested in talking to as many\nplayers in the market as possible as we develop specific products to meet\nutility needs.\n\nI can provide more background if desired to whoever might be interested, but\nI guess the key immediate question is whether it might be worthwhile to\narrange a short meeting sometime on the 25th of April with whoever at Enron\nmight have interest in hearing what we're up to, and (most importantly)\nlistening to what your data needs might be as you enter new markets.\n\nThanks very much for any help . . . I look forward to catching up and\nhearing how things are going for you.\n\nRegards,\n\nBrad Davids\n303-410-5531\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Steven.R.Meyers@enron.com [mailto:Steven.R.Meyers@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 10, 2000 12:13 PM\nTo: Brad.Davids@abacus-direct.com\nSubject: Re: Possible Meeting?\n\n\n\nIt'd be great to meet on the 25th in the afternoon. I have a flight in the\nevening. I'm interested in hearing about life at abacus. I too have heard\nthat Enron is getting back into the residential market. What type of\ndatabase do you have? I might be able to find somebody for you to talk\nwith here.\n\n-Steve\n\n\n\n\nBradley Davids on 04/10/2000 12:04:00 PM\n\nTo: \"Steve Meyers (E-mail)\" \ncc:\nSubject: Possible Meeting?\n\n\nSteve:\n\nSorry we've been unable to hook up . . . I can probably get down there on\nthe 25th, if you're going to be in town that afternoon? Would love to catch\nup--both on how things are going with EES and tell you about my new life.\n\nAlso, I'm hearing rumors that Enron is about to get back into the\nresidential market in a big way--you know anything about that? Anybody I\nshould talk to there about my huge database of consumer buying behavior?\n\nThanks--looking forward to connecting . . . I'll be travelling most of this\nweek, but you can leave a VM and let me know when I can call you, or try me\non the cell at 303-886-3458.\n\nBest,\n\nBrad Davids\n\n--------------------------------------------\n\nBradley J. Davids\nAssociate Vice President, Utilities\n\nAbacus Direct, a division of DoubleClick, Inc.\n11101 West 120th Avenue\nBroomfield, CO 80021 USA\n\ne-mail brad.davids@abacus-direct.com\ntel 303.410.5531\nfax 303.410.5300\n\nwww.doubleclick.net\nwww.abacus-direct.com\n\n(See attached file: C.DTF)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture", "reply", [], "Steve,\n\nKrishna from my group. Krishna can also advise you on Resco participation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven R Meyers@EES\n04/11/2000 04:51 PM\n", "<1131472.1075857044476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "12-4-2000-4:2:0Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com": ["12-4-2000-4:2:0", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", ["steven.meyers@enron.com"], ["osman.sezgen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11378245.1075857044429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 04:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nTo: steven.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nX-From: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-To: Steven R Meyers\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Osman Sezgen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Ees\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve:\n Osman has been working on setting up this meeting and its agenda. I already \ninformed John Henderson about this as he is the main person from Resco. Both \nOsman and I will be involved from the Research modeling angle. Osman will \ncontact you today regarding this.\nThanks,\nKrishna.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/11/2000 05:27 PM\nTo: Steven R Meyers/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture \n\nSteve,\n\nKrishna from my group. Krishna can also advise you on Resco participation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nSteven R Meyers@EES\n04/11/2000 04:51 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture \n\nVince,\n\nI was not going to be involved directly in the meeting. Who from either your \ngroup or from Resco Marketing should participate?\n\nThanks,\n\nSteve\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/11/2000 08:27 AM\nTo: Steven R Meyers/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture \n\nSteve,\n\nIt makes sense to meet with Abacus. Retail marketing is very data intensive. \nIf you set up a meeting with them,\nplease, let me know. \n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nSteven R Meyers@EES\n04/11/2000 08:17 AM\nTo: Timothy Edward Vail/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Resco Database and Customer Capture\n\nTim,\n\nI hope things are going well in Resco. I think somebody from Resco (or \nResearch) may be interested in the email I received below from Brad Davids. \nBrad is now working at Abacus who works with residential customer patterns as \nwell as predictive modelling. He's going to be here the 25 and 26 of this \nmonth. I'm not sure who is responsible for Resco Marketing, but I think they \nwould find this interesting. Who should I send this to? Please let me know \nif anybody in Resco may have any interest.\n\nThanks,\n\nSteve\n\nPS: Vince, simply an FYI since they do focus on modelling and research.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Steven R Meyers/HOU/EES on 04/11/2000 \n08:14 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBradley Davids on 04/10/2000 08:35:32 PM\nTo: \"'Steven.R.Meyers@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Possible Meeting?\n\n\nSteve:\n\nI'll see if I can get in on the 25th . . . will let you know, but I think\nit'll work.\n\nJust to give you a very brief overview so you can think about who might be\ninterested, Abacus has the largest transactional database of consumer buying\nbehavior in the world (89 million US households, 3 billion+ purchases),\nalong with sophisticated modeling capabilities to help predict customer\nresponse to various offers at the household level. Given the critical need\nto reduce customer acquisition costs in retail energy markets, we believe\nthat our data and modeling can help energy retailers target their direct\nmarketing efforts toward the residential customers most likely to respond to\nwhatever the offer is--improving the efficiency of mailings and other\npromotional campaigns (so there is an efficiency angle, see!)\n\nBecause our data allow the modeling of future buying behavior based on\nactual purchases, our results tend to be significantly more predictive than\ndemographic-based models. So far, the the response from utilities and \"new\nentrants\" I've been talking to so far has been quite positive, and we have\nsome tests of our data underway, but we're interested in talking to as many\nplayers in the market as possible as we develop specific products to meet\nutility needs.\n\nI can provide more background if desired to whoever might be interested, but\nI guess the key immediate question is whether it might be worthwhile to\narrange a short meeting sometime on the 25th of April with whoever at Enron\nmight have interest in hearing what we're up to, and (most importantly)\nlistening to what your data needs might be as you enter new markets.\n\nThanks very much for any help . . . I look forward to catching up and\nhearing how things are going for you.\n\nRegards,\n\nBrad Davids\n303-410-5531\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Steven.R.Meyers@enron.com [mailto:Steven.R.Meyers@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 10, 2000 12:13 PM\nTo: Brad.Davids@abacus-direct.com\nSubject: Re: Possible Meeting?\n\n\n\nIt'd be great to meet on the 25th in the afternoon. I have a flight in the\nevening. I'm interested in hearing about life at abacus. I too have heard\nthat Enron is getting back into the residential market. What type of\ndatabase do you have? I might be able to find somebody for you to talk\nwith here.\n\n-Steve\n\n\n\n\nBradley Davids on 04/10/2000 12:04:00 PM\n\nTo: \"Steve Meyers (E-mail)\" \ncc:\nSubject: Possible Meeting?\n\n\nSteve:\n\nSorry we've been unable to hook up . . . I can probably get down there on\nthe 25th, if you're going to be in town that afternoon? Would love to catch\nup--both on how things are going with EES and tell you about my new life.\n\nAlso, I'm hearing rumors that Enron is about to get back into the\nresidential market in a big way--you know anything about that? Anybody I\nshould talk to there about my huge database of consumer buying behavior?\n\nThanks--looking forward to connecting . . . I'll be travelling most of this\nweek, but you can leave a VM and let me know when I can call you, or try me\non the cell at 303-886-3458.\n\nBest,\n\nBrad Davids\n\n--------------------------------------------\n\nBradley J. Davids\nAssociate Vice President, Utilities\n\nAbacus Direct, a division of DoubleClick, Inc.\n11101 West 120th Avenue\nBroomfield, CO 80021 USA\n\ne-mail brad.davids@abacus-direct.com\ntel 303.410.5531\nfax 303.410.5300\n\nwww.doubleclick.net\nwww.abacus-direct.com\n\n(See attached file: C.DTF)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Resco Database and Customer Capture", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 6, "information", ["agenda", "setting"], "information", "steve: osman has been working on setting up this meeting and its agenda."]], "Steve:\n Osman has been working on setting up this meeting and its agenda. I already \ninformed John Henderson about this as he is the main person from Resco. Both \nOsman and I will be involved from the Research modeling angle. Osman will \ncontact you today regarding this.\nThanks,\nKrishna.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/11/2000 05:27 PM\n", "<11378245.1075857044429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-7-2000-7:3:0Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com 10-7-2000-8:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-7-2000-7:3:0Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com": ["10-7-2000-7:3:0", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27366723.1075856332402.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 07:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFree Seminar: \"Optimization Model for Capital Investment Decisions\nUsing Option Pricing\", by INFORMS President John Birge\n\nYou are invited to attend a free, 45-minute online seminar on\n\"Optimization model for capital investment decisions using option\npricing\".\n\nWhen: Wednesday, July 19, at 2:00 PM EDT\n\nWhere: Right from your desktop! You can participate using your office\ncomputer and telephone.\n\nHow: \n\nReal-option valuation incorporates the opportunities a company may enjoy\nusing either new knowledge or changes in the marketplace for making\ncapital investments. The talk focuses on optimization models for\ndetermining best investment levels and demonstrates how stochastic\n(involving random variables) programs consider risk without creating\nunwieldy formulations. Hear how Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and General\nMotors are using this process successfully.\n\nINFORMS President John Birge, Dean of the McCormick School of\nEngineering and Applied Science at the Northwestern University in\nIllinois, will give the seminar. John is a popular author and speaker\nand during the past five years has been in demand for his talks on\nstochastic programming and optimization.\n\nWho should attend: OR analysts, strategic planners, financial analysts,\nconsultants and financial decision makers or anyone interested in\nhearing about innovative, exciting, practical decision-making tools.\n", "", "originEmail", [["invite personnelpronoun", 13, "information", ["invited", "you"], "information", "free seminar: \"optimization model for capital investment decisions using option pricing\", by informs president john birge you are invited to attend a free, numeric -minute online seminar on \"optimization model for capital investment decisions using option pricing\"."]], "Free Seminar: \"Optimization Model for Capital Investment Decisions\nUsing Option Pricing\", by INFORMS President John Birge\n\nYou are invited to attend a free, 45-minute online seminar on\n\"Optimization model for capital investment decisions using option\npricing\".\n\nWhen: Wednesday, July 19, at 2:00 PM EDT\n\nWhere: Right from your desktop! You can participate using your office\ncomputer and telephone.\n\nHow: ", {"16": {"value": "45", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["minute numericTnn"]}}, false], "10-7-2000-8:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-7-2000-8:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8177939.1075856494189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 08:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/10/2000 \n03:06 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nPinnamaneni Krishnarao\n07/10/2000 02:03 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nFree Seminar: \"Optimization Model for Capital Investment Decisions\nUsing Option Pricing\", by INFORMS President John Birge\n\nYou are invited to attend a free, 45-minute online seminar on\n\"Optimization model for capital investment decisions using option\npricing\".\n\nWhen: Wednesday, July 19, at 2:00 PM EDT\n\nWhere: Right from your desktop! You can participate using your office\ncomputer and telephone.\n\nHow: \n\nReal-option valuation incorporates the opportunities a company may enjoy\nusing either new knowledge or changes in the marketplace for making\ncapital investments. The talk focuses on optimization models for\ndetermining best investment levels and demonstrates how stochastic\n(involving random variables) programs consider risk without creating\nunwieldy formulations. Hear how Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and General\nMotors are using this process successfully.\n\nINFORMS President John Birge, Dean of the McCormick School of\nEngineering and Applied Science at the Northwestern University in\nIllinois, will give the seminar. John is a popular author and speaker\nand during the past five years has been in demand for his talks on\nstochastic programming and optimization.\n\nWho should attend: OR analysts, strategic planners, financial analysts,\nconsultants and financial decision makers or anyone interested in\nhearing about innovative, exciting, practical decision-making tools.\n\n\n", "", "forward", [], "", "<8177939.1075856494189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "10-2-2000-9:26:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com 17-2-2000-3:23:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com 19-2-2000-16:48:0Sravi.thuraisingham@enron.com 21-2-2000-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-2-2000-9:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-2-2000-23:49:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com 6-3-2000-4:16:0Sravi.thuraisingham@enron.com": {"10-2-2000-9:26:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["10-2-2000-9:26:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com"], [], "Another student invited by Tom Gros to come next Wednesday.\n--Stinson\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 02/10/2000 \n05:25 PM ---------------------------\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira on 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to Houston\nStinson,\nThank you for your e-mail. My phone number is (617) 492-9551. I don't\nhave a currect resume, but if I did it would say that I graduated from\nPrinceton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came straight to MIT for a\nPhD in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first\nthree years I took all the required coursework in mathematics,\noptimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as a number of courses in\npsychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran,\nand I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In\nparticular, I am interested in the interaction between customers and\ncompanies (hence the interest in psychology). The (tentative) title of my\nPhD thesis is \"Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet\", and I am\nsending you the summary which I sent to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will\ngive you an idea of what this research is about.\nThanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research\ngroup next week.\nPaulo\nPricing Substitute Products on the Internet\nObjective:\nTo develop new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold\non\nthe internet.\nMotivation:\nThis reseach is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and optimization\nmodels are not appropriate for internet-related businesses. The technological\ninnovations associated with the internet brought about an overload of\ninformation\nwhich inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices.\nFurthermore,\ncompanies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can\nhave access to.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue\nfaced\nby internet companies. Consumers usually search for generic products (e.g,\nVCRs\nor computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can show\ndifferent products and different prices to each consumer. This type of\nflexibility\nwas not available until the internet came about.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is not unique to the internet. The\nmethodology developed by this research should be transferrable to a number of\nother settings, such as pricing services. Services are unique, and there are\nmany cases where customers will only buy one of many services offered by a\ngiven company. Our model will help companies decide which services to offer\nto which customers and how much to charge for these services.\nResearch Strategy:\nOur research strategy is to divide the pricing problem into two components\nwhich can be combined to generate optimal pricing strategies. These\ncomponents are choice models and optimization models.\nChoice Models:\nChoice models describe how customers make choices. The management literature\ndraws on two main sources for these models: psychology and economics. The\ncommon approach in psychology models is to use what are called heuristic\nelimination methods. These methods consist of the elimination of options\nbased on the sequential eliminations of features until only one choice\nremains.\nThese methods tend to be very context-specific and do not lend themselves very\neasily to mathematical analysis. Economists focus on utility-maximing models\nthat are significantly more mathematically tractable than psychological\nmodels.\nThe most common economic model of choice is the logit model. The problem with\nthese types of models is that they are not very accurate reflections of how\nconsumer make choices on the internet. The first step in our research will\nbe\nto develop choice models that capture the interactions going on between\ncustomers\nand companies on the internet.\nOptimization:\nTraditionally, the optimization problem consists of maximizing revenue over a\ncertain planning horizon. On the internet, the problem of maximizing revenue\nstill exists, but there is also a need to learn about customers. Short term\nprofit is based on sales, but long term profit is based on how well you know\nyour customers and are able to retain them. The optimization problem must\ntherefore include a short term component (sales) and a long term component\n(learning).\n", ["Re: Trip to Houston"], "{'body': ['paulo@mit.edu']}", [], "Another student invited by Tom Gros to come next Wednesday.\n--Stinson\n\n", ["<2156570.1075857069229.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10194864.1075856772404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29756378.1075856803254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-2-2000-3:23:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-3:23:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "thomas.gros@enron.com"], "Vince: Here is the information that I have on Paulo. He would be slated \nto work for the summer with April Hodgeson and Matt Harris on how streaming \nmedia products may add value to advertising or some related area. \nActually, he would also be a good fit for helping to think ways to analyze \nour Enron On-line data. I have asked if he can send a resume. In the \nmean time, most of his relevant information is attached below.\n--Stinson\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 \n11:14 AM ---------------------------\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira on 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to Houston\nStinson,\nThank you for your e-mail. My phone number is (617) 492-9551. \nI graduated from Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came \nstraight to MIT for a\nPh.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first\nthree years I took all the required coursework in mathematics,\noptimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as a number of courses in\npsychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran,\nand I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In\nparticular, I am interested in the interaction between customers and\ncompanies (hence the interest in psychology). The (tentative) title of my\nPhD thesis is \"Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet\", and I am\nsending you the summary which I sent to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will\ngive you an idea of what this research is about.\nThanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research\ngroup next week.\nPaulo\nPricing Substitute Products on the Internet\nObjective:\nTo develop new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold\non\nthe internet.\nMotivation:\nThis research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and \noptimization\nmodels are not appropriate for internet-related businesses. The technological\ninnovations associated with the internet brought about an overload of\ninformation\nwhich inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices.\nFurthermore,\ncompanies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can\nhave access to.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue\nfaced\nby internet companies. Consumers usually search for generic products (e.g.\nVCRs\nor computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can show\ndifferent products and different prices to each consumer. This type of\nflexibility\nwas not available until the internet came about.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is not unique to the internet. The\nmethodology developed by this research should be transferable to a number of\nother settings, such as pricing services. Services are unique, and there are\nmany cases where customers will only buy one of many services offered by a\ngiven company. Our model will help companies decide which services to offer\nto which customers and how much to charge for these services.\nResearch Strategy:\nOur research strategy is to divide the pricing problem into two components\nwhich can be combined to generate optimal pricing strategies. These\ncomponents are choice models and optimization models.\nChoice Models:\nChoice models describe how customers make choices. The management literature\ndraws on two main sources for these models: psychology and economics. The\ncommon approach in psychology models is to use what are called heuristic\nelimination methods. These methods consist of the elimination of options\nbased on the sequential elimination of features until only one choice\nremains.\nThese methods tend to be very context-specific and do not lend themselves very\neasily to mathematical analysis. Economists focus on utility-maximing models\nthat are significantly more mathematically tractable than psychological\nmodels.\nThe most common economic model of choice is the logit model. The problem with\nthese types of models is that they are not very accurate reflections of how\nconsumer make choices on the internet. The first step in our research will\nbe\nto develop choice models that capture the interactions going on between\ncustomers\nand companies on the internet.\nOptimization:\nTraditionally, the optimization problem consists of maximizing revenue over a\ncertain planning horizon. On the internet, the problem of maximizing revenue\nstill exists, but there is also a need to learn about customers. Short term\nprofit is based on sales, but long term profit is based on how well you know\nyour customers and are able to retain them. The optimization problem must\ntherefore include a short term component (sales) and a long term component\n(learning).\n", ["Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira"], "{'body': ['paulo@mit.edu']}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 28, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "intention", " i have asked if he can send a resume."], ["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 34, "information", ["attached", "information"], "information", " in the mean time, most of his relevant information is attached below."]], "Vince: Here is the information that I have on Paulo. He would be slated \nto work for the summer with April Hodgeson and Matt Harris on how streaming \nmedia products may add value to advertising or some related area. \nActually, he would also be a good fit for helping to think ways to analyze \nour Enron On-line data. I have asked if he can send a resume. In the \nmean time, most of his relevant information is attached below.\n\n--Stinson\n\n", ["<32206240.1075857068977.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10491189.1075856769805.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24111612.1075856805175.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "19-2-2000-16:48:0Sravi.thuraisingham@enron.com": ["19-2-2000-16:48:0", "ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], ["matt.harris@enron.com", "april.hodgson@enron.com"], "Vince, both Matt and April think that this type of research would be \nvalue-additive to EBS. I will be out all next week in a meeting with John \nGriebling and other on a deal that is being worked out. I understand that \nyou are following up with HR on all of our summer intern offers. Please make \nsure Palo is given an offer and that he will work with April and Matt (he did \ntalk to Matt) on the topics that April and I suggested.\nRegards,\nRavi.\n----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/20/00 12:41 \nAM -----\n Matt Harris\n 02/17/00 08:08 PM\n \n To: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n cc: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n Subject: Re: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nLooks interesting.\nI would guess that there is a TON of research available (from @Home, AOL, \nRoadrunner, Real, Microsoft, etc.) on Broadband's impact on the strategic \nvalue of web properties. Compiling this would be very helpful.\nMH\n Ravi Thuraisingham\n 02/17/00 12:15 PM\n \n To: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Matt \nHarris/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n cc: \n Subject: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nHi April & Matt, here is additional information on the summer intern that \nI've mentioned.\nMatt, I know you know nothing about this! My discussion with April on the \npossible research topic let me (& April) to believe that you would provide \ngreat input on what the student can work on while he is here. \nRegards,\nRavi.\nEBS Research\n----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/17/00 02:09 \nPM -----\n Stinson Gibner@ECT\n 02/17/00 11:23 AM\n \n To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Thomas D \nGros/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nVince: Here is the information that I have on Paulo. He would be slated \nto work for the summer with April Hodgeson and Matt Harris on how streaming \nmedia products may add value to advertising or some related area. \nActually, he would also be a good fit for helping to think ways to analyze \nour Enron On-line data. I have asked if he can send a resume. In the \nmean time, most of his relevant information is attached below.\n--Stinson\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 \n11:14 AM ---------------------------\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira on 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to Houston\nStinson,\nThank you for your e-mail. My phone number is (617) 492-9551. \nI graduated from Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came \nstraight to MIT for a\nPh.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first\nthree years I took all the required coursework in mathematics,\noptimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as a number of courses in\npsychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran,\nand I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In\nparticular, I am interested in the interaction between customers and\ncompanies (hence the interest in psychology). The (tentative) title of my\nPhD thesis is \"Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet\", and I am\nsending you the summary which I sent to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will\ngive you an idea of what this research is about.\nThanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research\ngroup next week.\nPaulo\nPricing Substitute Products on the Internet\nObjective:\nTo develop new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold\non\nthe internet.\nMotivation:\nThis research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and \noptimization\nmodels are not appropriate for internet-related businesses. The technological\ninnovations associated with the internet brought about an overload of\ninformation\nwhich inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices.\nFurthermore,\ncompanies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can\nhave access to.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue\nfaced\nby internet companies. Consumers usually search for generic products (e.g.\nVCRs\nor computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can show\ndifferent products and different prices to each consumer. This type of\nflexibility\nwas not available until the internet came about.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is not unique to the internet. The\nmethodology developed by this research should be transferable to a number of\nother settings, such as pricing services. Services are unique, and there are\nmany cases where customers will only buy one of many services offered by a\ngiven company. Our model will help companies decide which services to offer\nto which customers and how much to charge for these services.\nResearch Strategy:\nOur research strategy is to divide the pricing problem into two components\nwhich can be combined to generate optimal pricing strategies. These\ncomponents are choice models and optimization models.\nChoice Models:\nChoice models describe how customers make choices. The management literature\ndraws on two main sources for these models: psychology and economics. The\ncommon approach in psychology models is to use what are called heuristic\nelimination methods. These methods consist of the elimination of options\nbased on the sequential elimination of features until only one choice\nremains.\nThese methods tend to be very context-specific and do not lend themselves very\neasily to mathematical analysis. Economists focus on utility-maximing models\nthat are significantly more mathematically tractable than psychological\nmodels.\nThe most common economic model of choice is the logit model. The problem with\nthese types of models is that they are not very accurate reflections of how\nconsumer make choices on the internet. The first step in our research will\nbe\nto develop choice models that capture the interactions going on between\ncustomers\nand companies on the internet.\nOptimization:\nTraditionally, the optimization problem consists of maximizing revenue over a\ncertain planning horizon. On the internet, the problem of maximizing revenue\nstill exists, but there is also a need to learn about customers. Short term\nprofit is based on sales, but long term profit is based on how well you know\nyour customers and are able to retain them. The optimization problem must\ntherefore include a short term component (sales) and a long term component\n(learning).\n", ["Re: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira"], "{'body': ['paulo@mit.edu']}", [], "Vince, both Matt and April think that this type of research would be \nvalue-additive to EBS. I will be out all next week in a meeting with John \nGriebling and other on a deal that is being worked out. I understand that \nyou are following up with HR on all of our summer intern offers. Please make \nsure Palo is given an offer and that he will work with April and Matt (he did \ntalk to Matt) on the topics that April and I suggested.\n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n---", ["<1317329.1075856768947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15461077.1075856805780.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10674438.1075857043939.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-2-2000-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-2-2000-7:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["charlene.jackson@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/21/2000 \n09:41 PM ---------------------------\nRavi Thuraisingham@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 02/20/2000 12:48:11 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Matt Harris/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, April \nHodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications \nSubject: Re: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nVince, both Matt and April think that this type of research would be \nvalue-additive to EBS. I will be out all next week in a meeting with John \nGriebling and other on a deal that is being worked out. I understand that \nyou are following up with HR on all of our summer intern offers. Please make \nsure Palo is given an offer and that he will work with April and Matt (he did \ntalk to Matt) on the topics that April and I suggested.\nRegards,\nRavi.\n----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/20/00 12:41 \nAM -----\n Matt Harris\n 02/17/00 08:08 PM\n \n To: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n cc: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n Subject: Re: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nLooks interesting.\nI would guess that there is a TON of research available (from @Home, AOL, \nRoadrunner, Real, Microsoft, etc.) on Broadband's impact on the strategic \nvalue of web properties. Compiling this would be very helpful.\nMH\n Ravi Thuraisingham\n 02/17/00 12:15 PM\n \n To: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Matt \nHarris/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n cc: \n Subject: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nHi April & Matt, here is additional information on the summer intern that \nI've mentioned.\nMatt, I know you know nothing about this! My discussion with April on the \npossible research topic let me (& April) to believe that you would provide \ngreat input on what the student can work on while he is here. \nRegards,\nRavi.\nEBS Research\n----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/17/00 02:09 \nPM -----\n Stinson Gibner@ECT\n 02/17/00 11:23 AM\n \n To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Thomas D \nGros/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nVince: Here is the information that I have on Paulo. He would be slated \nto work for the summer with April Hodgeson and Matt Harris on how streaming \nmedia products may add value to advertising or some related area. \nActually, he would also be a good fit for helping to think ways to analyze \nour Enron On-line data. I have asked if he can send a resume. In the \nmean time, most of his relevant information is attached below.\n--Stinson\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 \n11:14 AM ---------------------------\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira on 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to Houston\nStinson,\nThank you for your e-mail. My phone number is (617) 492-9551. \nI graduated from Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came \nstraight to MIT for a\nPh.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first\nthree years I took all the required coursework in mathematics,\noptimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as a number of courses in\npsychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran,\nand I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In\nparticular, I am interested in the interaction between customers and\ncompanies (hence the interest in psychology). The (tentative) title of my\nPhD thesis is \"Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet\", and I am\nsending you the summary which I sent to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will\ngive you an idea of what this research is about.\nThanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research\ngroup next week.\nPaulo\nPricing Substitute Products on the Internet\nObjective:\nTo develop new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold\non\nthe internet.\nMotivation:\nThis research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and \noptimization\nmodels are not appropriate for internet-related businesses. The technological\ninnovations associated with the internet brought about an overload of\ninformation\nwhich inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices.\nFurthermore,\ncompanies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can\nhave access to.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue\nfaced\nby internet companies. Consumers usually search for generic products (e.g.\nVCRs\nor computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can show\ndifferent products and different prices to each consumer. This type of\nflexibility\nwas not available until the internet came about.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is not unique to the internet. The\nmethodology developed by this research should be transferable to a number of\nother settings, such as pricing services. Services are unique, and there are\nmany cases where customers will only buy one of many services offered by a\ngiven company. Our model will help companies decide which services to offer\nto which customers and how much to charge for these services.\nResearch Strategy:\nOur research strategy is to divide the pricing problem into two components\nwhich can be combined to generate optimal pricing strategies. These\ncomponents are choice models and optimization models.\nChoice Models:\nChoice models describe how customers make choices. The management literature\ndraws on two main sources for these models: psychology and economics. The\ncommon approach in psychology models is to use what are called heuristic\nelimination methods. These methods consist of the elimination of options\nbased on the sequential elimination of features until only one choice\nremains.\nThese methods tend to be very context-specific and do not lend themselves very\neasily to mathematical analysis. Economists focus on utility-maximing models\nthat are significantly more mathematically tractable than psychological\nmodels.\nThe most common economic model of choice is the logit model. The problem with\nthese types of models is that they are not very accurate reflections of how\nconsumer make choices on the internet. The first step in our research will\nbe\nto develop choice models that capture the interactions going on between\ncustomers\nand companies on the internet.\nOptimization:\nTraditionally, the optimization problem consists of maximizing revenue over a\ncertain planning horizon. On the internet, the problem of maximizing revenue\nstill exists, but there is also a need to learn about customers. Short term\nprofit is based on sales, but long term profit is based on how well you know\nyour customers and are able to retain them. The optimization problem must\ntherefore include a short term component (sales) and a long term component\n(learning).\n", ["Re: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira"], "{'body': ['paulo@mit.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\n\nVince\n", ["<3767957.1075856942761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1771619.1075856999650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8947894.1075856768612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4825913.1075856805976.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-2-2000-9:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-2-2000-9:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["karen.marshall@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/24/2000 \n05:12 PM ---------------------------\nStinson Gibner\n02/17/2000 11:23 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Thomas D \nGros/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira\nVince: Here is the information that I have on Paulo. He would be slated \nto work for the summer with April Hodgeson and Matt Harris on how streaming \nmedia products may add value to advertising or some related area. \nActually, he would also be a good fit for helping to think ways to analyze \nour Enron On-line data. I have asked if he can send a resume. In the \nmean time, most of his relevant information is attached below.\n--Stinson\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 \n11:14 AM ---------------------------\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira on 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to Houston\nStinson,\nThank you for your e-mail. My phone number is (617) 492-9551. \nI graduated from Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came \nstraight to MIT for a\nPh.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first\nthree years I took all the required coursework in mathematics,\noptimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as a number of courses in\npsychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran,\nand I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In\nparticular, I am interested in the interaction between customers and\ncompanies (hence the interest in psychology). The (tentative) title of my\nPhD thesis is \"Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet\", and I am\nsending you the summary which I sent to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will\ngive you an idea of what this research is about.\nThanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research\ngroup next week.\nPaulo\nPricing Substitute Products on the Internet\nObjective:\nTo develop new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold\non\nthe internet.\nMotivation:\nThis research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and \noptimization\nmodels are not appropriate for internet-related businesses. The technological\ninnovations associated with the internet brought about an overload of\ninformation\nwhich inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices.\nFurthermore,\ncompanies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can\nhave access to.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue\nfaced\nby internet companies. Consumers usually search for generic products (e.g.\nVCRs\nor computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can show\ndifferent products and different prices to each consumer. This type of\nflexibility\nwas not available until the internet came about.\nThe problem of pricing substitute products is not unique to the internet. The\nmethodology developed by this research should be transferable to a number of\nother settings, such as pricing services. Services are unique, and there are\nmany cases where customers will only buy one of many services offered by a\ngiven company. Our model will help companies decide which services to offer\nto which customers and how much to charge for these services.\nResearch Strategy:\nOur research strategy is to divide the pricing problem into two components\nwhich can be combined to generate optimal pricing strategies. These\ncomponents are choice models and optimization models.\nChoice Models:\nChoice models describe how customers make choices. The management literature\ndraws on two main sources for these models: psychology and economics. The\ncommon approach in psychology models is to use what are called heuristic\nelimination methods. These methods consist of the elimination of options\nbased on the sequential elimination of features until only one choice\nremains.\nThese methods tend to be very context-specific and do not lend themselves very\neasily to mathematical analysis. Economists focus on utility-maximing models\nthat are significantly more mathematically tractable than psychological\nmodels.\nThe most common economic model of choice is the logit model. The problem with\nthese types of models is that they are not very accurate reflections of how\nconsumer make choices on the internet. The first step in our research will\nbe\nto develop choice models that capture the interactions going on between\ncustomers\nand companies on the internet.\nOptimization:\nTraditionally, the optimization problem consists of maximizing revenue over a\ncertain planning horizon. On the internet, the problem of maximizing revenue\nstill exists, but there is also a need to learn about customers. Short term\nprofit is based on sales, but long term profit is based on how well you know\nyour customers and are able to retain them. The optimization problem must\ntherefore include a short term component (sales) and a long term component\n(learning).\n", ["Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira"], "{'body': ['paulo@mit.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<25222568.1075856942063.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23655365.1075856998943.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17527623.1075856766838.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744920.1075856806965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-2-2000-23:49:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["27-2-2000-23:49:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", ["paulo@mit.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <19327163.1075857041453.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 23:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: paulo@mit.edu\nSubject: Re: Next meeting\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Paulo Rocha e Oliveira @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Eci\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nIt certainly makes sense to try and more clearly define the research \ngoals. Let me know when you would be available to meet with April, and I \nwill try to coordinate everyone's schedule. I would like to stay plugged in \nto the process also.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira on 02/22/2000 09:39:50 PM\nTo: \"Stinson Gibner\" \ncc: gbitran@MIT.EDU \nSubject: Next meeting\n\n\nStinson -\n\nI had a meeting with Gabriel Bitran (my advisor) earlier today, and we\nthink that it would be a good idea for me to meet with April Hodges or\nsomeone from her group to define more precisely the areas of research which\nare part of my thesis that would also be of interest to Enron. Do you\nthink this is a good way for us to proceed? If so, would you also like to\nbe present at that meeting? If not, could you put me in touch directly\nwith April Hodges?\n\nThanks,\n\nPaulo\n\n\n", "Re: Next meeting", "originEmail", [["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 12, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "schedule"], "intention", " let me know when you would be available to meet with april, and i will try to coordinate everyone's schedule."]], "It certainly makes sense to try and more clearly define the research \ngoals. Let me know when you would be available to meet with April, and I \nwill try to coordinate everyone's schedule. I would like to stay plugged in \nto the process also.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira ", [], true], "6-3-2000-4:16:0Sravi.thuraisingham@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-4:16:0", "ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", ["april.hodgson@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "April, I'll be in Colorado until March 10. We can schedule next week or you \ncan talk to him directly. Currently, EBS research is helping Kevin Howard \nand Scott Yeager (indirectly via Kevin) in their effort to assess the value \nof an eyeball. Paulo's research will complement this effort. The research \nthat Paulo will perform for you will be part of a bigger picture work that \nKevin Howard has aked Stinson and I to support. You can call me on my cell \n713-516-5440 while I am in CO.\nRegards,\nRavi.\n April Hodgson\n 03/02/00 07:13 PM\n \n To: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON\n cc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON\n Subject: Re: Project brainstorming for Paulo\nI will be in my office Friday and next Tuesday. Other than that I will be \ntraveling so please call me on one of those days and we can discuss this \nfurther. I was in Houston this week and will be back in Houston 3/14 - \n3/16. Let me know what works for you. \nRegards\n Stinson Gibner@ECT\n 03/02/00 10:03 AM\n \n To: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\n cc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: Project brainstorming for Paulo\nApril:\nPaulo is the MIT Ph.D. student who talked with you by phone a couple of weeks \nago. He is interested in trying to better define what type of project he \nmight do over the summer with EBS. Recall that he is interested in the \npsychological/customer behavior issues related to web commerce as compared to \ntraditional commerce. Perhaps the easiest way to proceed would be for you, \nme, Ravi, and Vince to get together to discuss possibilities. We could then \ninclude Paulo by phone to get his initial reactions/suggestions. After an \ninitial assessment, we could then plan on another visit for Paulo.\nPlease let me know what your schedule would allow.\nthanks,\n--Stinson\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 03/02/2000 \n08:55 AM ---------------------------\nPaulo Rocha e Oliveira on 02/28/2000 12:19:18 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Next meeting\nStinson -\nThanks for your reply. I just got a call from someone at Enron today about\nSummer employment, so I think a meeting with April and your group would be\nvery appropriate at this time.\nI am available to meet with April any day this coming month, except March\n9, March 10, and March 17-30.\nPlease let me know what works for you.\nThanks again,\nPaulo\n", ["Re: Project brainstorming for Paulo"], "{'body': ['paulo@mit.edu']}", [], "April, I'll be in Colorado until March 10. We can schedule next week or you \ncan talk to him directly. Currently, EBS research is helping Kevin Howard \nand Scott Yeager (indirectly via Kevin) in their effort to assess the value \nof an eyeball. Paulo's research will complement this effort. The research \nthat Paulo will perform for you will be part of a bigger picture work that \nKevin Howard has aked Stinson and I to support. You can call me on my cell \n713-516-5440 while I am in CO.\n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n\n\n\n\n\tApril Hodgson\n\t03/02/00 07:13 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", ["<22466519.1075856764307.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18043665.1075857043585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "13-3-2001-2:46:0Smolly.magee@enron.com 19-3-2001-9:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"13-3-2001-2:46:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["13-3-2001-2:46:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <13662585.1075856618829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 02:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Mark Boland - CV\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince: Tony Vasut, another recruiter, is bringing Mark Boland in for a \nseries of interviews on 3/20 and 3/21, and asked if there was any chance that \nyou or someone in your group would be able to interview him. His resume is \nattached, and I will also send you a list of his deals under separate \ncover. Shirley has told me that you will be in and out for the next \nseveral weeks, so if you are unavailable would you please suggest someone \nelse in your group who might be able to interview Mark?\n\nThanks, as always,\nMolly\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vasut, Tony \nSent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 9:59 AM\nTo: Magee, Molly\nSubject: FW: Mark Boland - CV\n\n\nMolly:\nHere is Mark's resume as discussed. Please let me know if anyone in research \n(preferably Vince) is available to meet w/ him on either 3/20 or 3/21.\n\nThanks,\nTony\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Port, David \nSent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:46 AM\nTo: Vasut, Tony\nSubject: FW: Mark Boland - CV\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mark.Boland@seb.se@ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Mark+2EBoland+40seb+2Ese+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, March 12, 2001 8:10 AM\nTo: Port, David\nSubject: Mark Boland - CV\n\n\n> To summarize my situation: I'm in charge of structuring equity linked, IR,\n> FX, commodity and other\n> linked bonds and investments for one of Northern Europe s leading banks.\n> I'm 34 years old and married to Lisa who is Swedish. I have over 7 years\n> in the Structured Derivatives business in Capital\n> Markets, with a solid Wall Street foundation at Bankers Trust and overseas\n> at a more senior level\n> of sales, structuring and managing deals from conception to completion.\n>\n> <>\n>\n> Thanks and regards,\n> Mark\n>\n> Mark M. Boland\n> SEB Merchant Banking\n> 10640 Stockholm, Sweden\n>\n> Telephone +46 8 5062 3224\n> Cell +46 70 772 3224\n>\n> This e-mail is from SEB, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. It may contain\n> privileged and confidential information and is intended for the named\n> recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify us\n> immediately by reply e-mail, delete this e-mail from your system and\n> destroy any copy hereof.\n>\n\n - boland.doc", "FW: Mark Boland - CV", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 15, "information", ["interview", "him"], "information", "vince: tony vasut, another recruiter, is bringing mark boland in for a series of interviews on datenumeric and datenumeric , and asked if there was any chance that you or someone in your group would be able to interview him."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 18, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " his resume is attached, and i will also send you a list of his deals under separate cover."]], "Vince: Tony Vasut, another recruiter, is bringing Mark Boland in for a \nseries of interviews on 3/20 and 3/21, and asked if there was any chance that \nyou or someone in your group would be able to interview him. His resume is \nattached, and I will also send you a list of his deals under separate \ncover. Shirley has told me that you will be in and out for the next \nseveral weeks, so if you are unavailable would you please suggest someone \nelse in your group who might be able to interview Mark?\n\nThanks, as always,\nMolly\n\n ", "<13662585.1075856618829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "19-3-2001-9:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-9:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25163044.1075856447126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 09:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Mark Boland - CV\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nStinson Gibner is the best person to interview Mark.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Molly Magee/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/13/2001 10:46 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FW: Mark Boland - CV\n\nVince: Tony Vasut, another recruiter, is bringing Mark Boland in for a \nseries of interviews on 3/20 and 3/21, and asked if there was any chance that \nyou or someone in your group would be able to interview him. His resume is \nattached, and I will also send you a list of his deals under separate \ncover. Shirley has told me that you will be in and out for the next \nseveral weeks, so if you are unavailable would you please suggest someone \nelse in your group who might be able to interview Mark?\n\nThanks, as always,\nMolly\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vasut, Tony \nSent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 9:59 AM\nTo: Magee, Molly\nSubject: FW: Mark Boland - CV\n\n\nMolly:\nHere is Mark's resume as discussed. Please let me know if anyone in research \n(preferably Vince) is available to meet w/ him on either 3/20 or 3/21.\n\nThanks,\nTony\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Port, David \nSent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:46 AM\nTo: Vasut, Tony\nSubject: FW: Mark Boland - CV\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Mark.Boland@seb.se@ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Mark+2EBoland+40seb+2Ese+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, March 12, 2001 8:10 AM\nTo: Port, David\nSubject: Mark Boland - CV\n\n\n> To summarize my situation: I'm in charge of structuring equity linked, IR,\n> FX, commodity and other\n> linked bonds and investments for one of Northern Europe s leading banks.\n> I'm 34 years old and married to Lisa who is Swedish. I have over 7 years\n> in the Structured Derivatives business in Capital\n> Markets, with a solid Wall Street foundation at Bankers Trust and overseas\n> at a more senior level\n> of sales, structuring and managing deals from conception to completion.\n>\n> <>\n>\n> Thanks and regards,\n> Mark\n>\n> Mark M. Boland\n> SEB Merchant Banking\n> 10640 Stockholm, Sweden\n>\n> Telephone +46 8 5062 3224\n> Cell +46 70 772 3224\n>\n> This e-mail is from SEB, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. It may contain\n> privileged and confidential information and is intended for the named\n> recipient(s) only. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify us\n> immediately by reply e-mail, delete this e-mail from your system and\n> destroy any copy hereof.\n>\n\n - boland.doc\n\n", "Re: FW: Mark Boland - CV", "reply", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["person", "interview"], "intention", "molly, stinson gibner is the best person to interview mark."]], "Molly,\n\nStinson Gibner is the best person to interview Mark.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Molly Magee/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/13/2001 10:46 AM\n", "<25163044.1075856447126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-6-2000-11:37:0Sehilton@earthlink.net 21-6-2000-11:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-6-2000-11:37:0Sehilton@earthlink.net": ["21-6-2000-11:37:0", "ehilton@earthlink.net", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23156580.1075856625518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: ehilton@earthlink.net\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: contact information\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Eric Hilton \nX-To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\n I sent my resume to your well respected company a few weeks ago\nin regards to establishing a long-lasting career with them. I never\nreceived a response and was wondering if you knew who was in charge of\nthe electric power disbatching/scheduling department or know of who I\nmay contact to inquire this information? I know you are a very busy\nprofessional and I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your\nvaluable time.\n\nWarmest Regards,\nEric Hilton", "contact information", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 0, "information", ["sent", "resume"], "information", " i sent my resume to your well respected company a few weeks ago in regards to establishing a long-lasting career with them."]], "Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n\n I sent my resume to your well respected company a few weeks ago\nin regards to establishing a long-lasting career with them. I never\nreceived a response and was wondering if you knew who was in charge of\nthe electric power disbatching/scheduling department or know of who I\nmay contact to inquire this information? I know you are a very busy\nprofessional and I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your\nvaluable time.\n\nWarmest Regards,\nEric Hilton", "<23156580.1075856625518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "21-6-2000-11:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-11:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ehilton@earthlink.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5589595.1075856327906.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ehilton@earthlink.net\nSubject: Re: contact information\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Eric Hilton @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEric,\n\nThank you for your message. The only other message in my mailbox\nfrom you is dated 6/11/2000 and contains a reference to a resume I cannot\nlocate. I checked the log of all the messages and could not find any other\ncommunication from you.\n\nPlease, send a message with a resume again and we shall go from there.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton on 06/21/2000 08:37:58 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: contact information\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\n I sent my resume to your well respected company a few weeks ago\nin regards to establishing a long-lasting career with them. I never\nreceived a response and was wondering if you knew who was in charge of\nthe electric power disbatching/scheduling department or know of who I\nmay contact to inquire this information? I know you are a very busy\nprofessional and I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your\nvaluable time.\n\nWarmest Regards,\nEric Hilton\n\n\n", "Re: contact information", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 16, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "intention", " please, send a message with a resume again and we shall go from there."]], "Eric,\n\nThank you for your message. The only other message in my mailbox\nfrom you is dated 6/11/2000 and contains a reference to a resume I cannot\nlocate. I checked the log of all the messages and could not find any other\ncommunication from you.\n\nPlease, send a message with a resume again and we shall go from there.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton ", [], false]}, "24-10-2000-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-10-2000-2:15:0Sashley.baxter@enron.com": {"24-10-2000-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-9:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ashley.baxter@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6608735.1075856272536.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ashley.baxter@enron.com\nSubject: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Ashley Baxter\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAshley,\n\nThis is one resume I got today. I think that it makes sense to invite him\nfor an interview directly with my group. He does not qualify as an analyst \ncandidate.\nWhat do you think?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:14 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRajnish Kamat on 10/23/2000 07:55:31 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student\n\n\nDr. Vincent Kaminski\nManaging Director and Head of Research\nEnron Corp.\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\nIt was a pleasure talking with you and attending your talk today.\nI am a graduate student in Industrial Engg. and Operations\nResearch working with Prof. Shmuel Oren\non topics in financial instrument pricing and design of\ncontracts in deregulated electricity markets. I am also\ndoing research in auction models and computable equilibrium\nmodels with applications in electricity market design.\n\nI am planning to graduate with a Ph.D. in May 2001 and would\nappreciate hearing about any opportunities in your group at Enron.\nI am attaching at copy of my resume (file: cvrkamat.doc) for your perusal.\n\nThanking you,\nSincerely,\n\nRajnish Kamat\nGraduate Student\nIEOR, UC-Berkeley\n\n4135, Etcheverry Hall\nDept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research\nUniversity of California at Berkeley\nBerkeley, CA, 94710\n\n - CVRKAMAT.DOC\n", "UC-Berkeley Graduate Student", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 10, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", " i think that it makes sense to invite him for an interview directly with my group."]], "Ashley,\n\nThis is one resume I got today. I think that it makes sense to invite him\nfor an interview directly with my group. He does not qualify as an analyst \ncandidate.\nWhat do you think?\n\nVince\n\n", "<6608735.1075856272536.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"berkeley studentTnn": {"value": "berkeley studentTnn", "ne": "berkeley studentTnn", "patterns": ["berkeley studentTnn"]}, "graduate studentTnn": {"value": "graduate studentTnn", "ne": "graduate studentTnn", "patterns": ["graduate studentTnn"]}}, false], "30-10-2000-2:15:0Sashley.baxter@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-2:15:0", "ashley.baxter@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13360455.1075856636615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 02:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: ashley.baxter@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Ashley Baxter\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nI agree. If you think that this candidate would be good for your group \nspecifically - I would invite him in directly.\n\nHope all is well.\nAshley\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/24/2000 04:09 PM\nTo: Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student\n\nAshley,\n\nThis is one resume I got today. I think that it makes sense to invite him\nfor an interview directly with my group. He does not qualify as an analyst \ncandidate.\nWhat do you think?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:14 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRajnish Kamat on 10/23/2000 07:55:31 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student\n\n\nDr. Vincent Kaminski\nManaging Director and Head of Research\nEnron Corp.\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\nIt was a pleasure talking with you and attending your talk today.\nI am a graduate student in Industrial Engg. and Operations\nResearch working with Prof. Shmuel Oren\non topics in financial instrument pricing and design of\ncontracts in deregulated electricity markets. I am also\ndoing research in auction models and computable equilibrium\nmodels with applications in electricity market design.\n\nI am planning to graduate with a Ph.D. in May 2001 and would\nappreciate hearing about any opportunities in your group at Enron.\nI am attaching at copy of my resume (file: cvrkamat.doc) for your perusal.\n\nThanking you,\nSincerely,\n\nRajnish Kamat\nGraduate Student\nIEOR, UC-Berkeley\n\n4135, Etcheverry Hall\nDept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research\nUniversity of California at Berkeley\nBerkeley, CA, 94710\n\n - CVRKAMAT.DOC\n\n\n\n", "Re: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student", "reply", [["invite personnelpronoun", 6, "nninformation", ["invite", "him"], "intention", " if you think that this candidate would be good for your group specifically - i would invite him in directly."]], "Vince,\n\nI agree. If you think that this candidate would be good for your group \nspecifically - I would invite him in directly.\n\nHope all is well.\nAshley\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/24/2000 04:09 PM\n", "<13360455.1075856636615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "31-7-2000-9:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-8-2000-3:2:0Sbeth.miertschin@enron.com": {"31-7-2000-9:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-9:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["beth.miertschin@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27971230.1075856305096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 09:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: beth.miertschin@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Harvard Business School case studies\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Beth Miertschin\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBeth,\n\nThanks. \n\nDhabol is one. There should be 2 more case studies we used.\nOne about old EGS, the 2nd about TVA options.\n\n2-3 copies will be sufficient.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Beth Miertschin 07/31/2000 03:44 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Harvard Business School case studies\n\nTry this...\n---------------------- Forwarded by Beth Miertschin/HOU/ECT on 07/31/2000 \n03:43 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Beth Miertschin 07/31/2000 03:14 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Harvard Business School case studies \n\nVince - \nI just found some copies! How many do you need and I will have them \ndelivered to you.\n\nThey are the case about the Dabhol project in India. Is that the one you \nwere thinking of?\nBeth\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/31/2000 03:10 PM\nTo: Beth Miertschin/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Harvard Business School case studies\n\nBeth,\n\nI have a favor to ask. Do we have copies of Harvard Business School\ncase studies about Enron? We use these case studies during Super Saturdays.\nI need a few copies. This is for Prof. John Martin.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Harvard Business School case studies", "originEmail", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 6, "information", ["used", "case**studies"], "information", " there should be numeric more case studies we used."]], "Beth,\n\nThanks. \n\nDhabol is one. There should be 2 more case studies we used.\nOne about old EGS, the 2nd about TVA options.\n\n2-3 copies will be sufficient.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Beth Miertschin 07/31/2000 03:44 PM\n\t\n\n", "<27971230.1075856305096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["case_case0study numericTnn"]}}, false], "1-8-2000-3:2:0Sbeth.miertschin@enron.com": ["1-8-2000-3:2:0", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25287610.1075856639618.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 03:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: beth.miertschin@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Harvard Business School case studies\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Beth Miertschin\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince - \nThe only one I can find is the Dhabol one. Do you still want that one \nalone? I'm sorry we don't have the others.\nBeth\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/31/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Beth Miertschin/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Harvard Business School case studies \n\nBeth,\n\nThanks. \n\nDhabol is one. There should be 2 more case studies we used.\nOne about old EGS, the 2nd about TVA options.\n\n2-3 copies will be sufficient.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Beth Miertschin 07/31/2000 03:44 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Harvard Business School case studies\n\nTry this...\n---------------------- Forwarded by Beth Miertschin/HOU/ECT on 07/31/2000 \n03:43 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Beth Miertschin 07/31/2000 03:14 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Harvard Business School case studies \n\nVince - \nI just found some copies! How many do you need and I will have them \ndelivered to you.\n\nThey are the case about the Dabhol project in India. Is that the one you \nwere thinking of?\nBeth\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/31/2000 03:10 PM\nTo: Beth Miertschin/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Harvard Business School case studies\n\nBeth,\n\nI have a favor to ask. Do we have copies of Harvard Business School\ncase studies about Enron? We use these case studies during Super Saturdays.\nI need a few copies. This is for Prof. John Martin.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Harvard Business School case studies", "reply", [], "Vince - \nThe only one I can find is the Dhabol one. Do you still want that one \nalone? I'm sorry we don't have the others.\nBeth\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/31/2000 04:17 PM\n", "<25287610.1075856639618.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "16-5-2000-5:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-5-2000-2:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-5-2000-5:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-5-2000-5:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20371190.1075856826920.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 May 2000 05:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nSubject: Book review\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nReviewed by Mark Williams, SVP Risk\nManagement, Citizens Power\n\nThe long awaited second edition of Managing Energy\nPrice Risk has finally arrived. It has been four years\nsince the first edition was published. During this hiatus,\na lot has happened as risk management within the\nrapidly expanding energy industry has come of age as\na respected discipline. The second edition is a rich\ncompilation of papers by a surprisingly representative\ngroup of industry leaders, practitioners and academics.\n\nThe books strength is that it reinforces the fact that\nrisk management principles initially applied to a narrow\nband of energy commodities can and should be applied\nacross a wide array of energy commodities including\nelectricity. As expected the book does a solid job in\ncapturing an international perspective on the various\nchallenges, which are not isolated to any one\ncontinent but are global in scope. It includes a lengthy\nintroduction that effectively frames risk management\nprogress, advancements and innovations that started\nin the oil markets in the 1970's and migrated to the\nnatural gas and most recently expanding to the\nelectricity industry.\n\nManaging Energy Price Risk is comprised of 15\nchapters, all of which include an introduction, which\nminimises the disjointedness that you may expect from\na book written by a large number of authors. Other\nimprovements in this second edition include expanded\ngraphics, highlighted panels, detailed appendices and a\nseparate glossary, which provides the reader with\nadditional reference material.\n\nIn particular the chapter on energy options written by\nMichael Hampton is a useful primer and provides the\nreader with a concise explanation of option theory,\npricing, basis risk, delta hedging as well as practical\nguidelines for distinguishing between hedging and pure\nspeculation. For the more advanced reader, the\nchapter on Energy Exotic Options, written by Vince\nKaminski, Stinson Gibner and Krishnarao Pinnamaneni is\nparticularly strong as it outlines the challenges\nassociated with the exotics and effectively documents\nthe latest methods used by leading practitioners in\npricing such instruments.\n\nAdditionally, the chapter on Accounting for Derivative\nContracts in the Energy Environment by three\nconsultants from Arthur Anderson, is a well written\nsummary which addresses the numerous tax related\nissues including a timely discussion on the US Financial\nAccounting Standards Board's Statement 133 (see\nEPRM October 1999, page 22). Having this tax\ninformation housed in one concise chapter is of great\nvalue.\n\nThe second edition however is not without flaws. In\nparticular, it would have been useful to have more\ninformation on the current challenges risk managers\nare confronted with in the power industry including\nlatest advancements in volatility and correlation\nestimation techniques. Additional attention could have\nalso been placed on the shortcomings of the current\nmarket structure and methods in finding and applying\nappropriate hedging strategies and instruments. In the\nfledgling power market, this continues to be one of the\nprimary challenges.\n\nIn summary, this second edition of Managing Energy\nPrice Risk builds upon the sentinel work laid out in the\nprior edition and is a valuable reference book for the\nnew recruit or seasoned veteran. It is a welcome\nedition to any risk management library.\n", "Book review", "originEmail", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 45, "information", ["applied", "risk**management"], "information", " the books strength is that it reinforces the fact that risk management principles initially applied to a narrow band of energy commodities can and should be applied across a wide array of energy commodities including electricity."], ["write_publish book", 99, "information", ["book", "written"], "information", " managing energy price risk is comprised of numeric chapters, all of which include an introduction, which minimises the disjointedness that you may expect from a book written by a large number of authors."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 162, "information", ["used", "pricing"], "information", " for the more advanced reader, the chapter on energy exotic options, written by vince kaminski, stinson gibner and krishnarao pinnamaneni is particularly strong as it outlines the challenges associated with the exotics and effectively documents the latest methods used by leading practitioners in pricing such instruments."], ["write_publish book", 177, "information", ["summary", "written"], "information", " additionally, the chapter on accounting for derivative contracts in the energy environment by three consultants from arthur anderson, is a well written summary which addresses the numerous tax related issues including a timely discussion on the us orgname accounting standards board's statement numeric (see eprm datenumeric numeric , page numeric )."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 225, "information", ["applying", "instruments"], "information", " additional attention could have also been placed on the shortcomings of the current market structure and methods in finding and applying appropriate hedging strategies and instruments."]], "Reviewed by Mark Williams, SVP Risk\nManagement, Citizens Power\n\nThe long awaited second edition of Managing Energy\nPrice Risk has finally arrived. It has been four years\nsince the first edition was published. During this hiatus,\na lot has happened as risk management within the\nrapidly expanding energy industry has come of age as\na respected discipline. The second edition is a rich\ncompilation of papers by a surprisingly representative\ngroup of industry leaders, practitioners and academics.\n\nThe books strength is that it reinforces the fact that\nrisk management principles initially applied to a narrow\nband of energy commodities can and should be applied\nacross a wide array of energy commodities including\nelectricity. As expected the book does a solid job in\ncapturing an international perspective on the various\nchallenges, which are not isolated to any one\ncontinent but are global in scope. It includes a lengthy\nintroduction that effectively frames risk management\nprogress, advancements and innovations that started\nin the oil markets in the 1970's and migrated to the\nnatural gas and most recently expanding to the\nelectricity industry.\n\nManaging Energy Price Risk is comprised of 15\nchapters, all of which include an introduction, which\nminimises the disjointedness that you may expect from\na book written by a large number of authors. Other\nimprovements in this second edition include expanded\ngraphics, highlighted panels, detailed appendices and a\nseparate glossary, which provides the reader with\nadditional reference material.\n\nIn particular the chapter on energy options written by\nMichael Hampton is a useful primer and provides the\nreader with a concise explanation of option theory,\npricing, basis risk, delta hedging as well as practical\nguidelines for distinguishing between hedging and pure\nspeculation. For the more advanced reader, the\nchapter on Energy Exotic Options, written by Vince\nKaminski, Stinson Gibner and Krishnarao Pinnamaneni is\nparticularly strong as it outlines the challenges\nassociated with the exotics and effectively documents\nthe latest methods used by leading practitioners in\npricing such instruments.\n\nAdditionally, the chapter on Accounting for Derivative\nContracts in the Energy Environment by three\nconsultants from Arthur Anderson, is a well written\nsummary which addresses the numerous tax related\nissues including a timely discussion on the US Financial\nAccounting Standards Board's Statement 133 (see\nEPRM October 1999, page 22). Having this tax\ninformation housed in one concise chapter is of great\nvalue.\n\nThe second edition however is not without flaws. In\nparticular, it would have been useful to have more\ninformation on the current challenges risk managers\nare confronted with in the power industry including\nlatest advancements in volatility and correlation\nestimation techniques. Additional attention could have\nalso been placed on the shortcomings of the current\nmarket structure and methods in finding and applying\nappropriate hedging strategies and instruments. In the\nfledgling power market, this continues to be one of the\nprimary challenges.\n\nIn summary, this second edition of Managing Energy\nPrice Risk builds upon the sentinel work laid out in the\nprior edition and is a valuable reference book for the\nnew recruit or seasoned veteran. It is a welcome\nedition to any risk management library.\n", "<20371190.1075856826920.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "academic industryTnn": {"value": "academic industryTnn", "ne": "academic industryTnn", "patterns": ["academic industryTnn"]}, "address_reference issue_topicTnn": {"value": "address_reference issue_topicTnn", "ne": "address_reference issue_topicTnn", "patterns": ["address_reference issue_topicTnn"]}, "challenge market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "challenge market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "challenge market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["challenge market_power0marketTnn"]}, "91": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["chapter numericTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn"]}, "derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn": {"value": "derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn", "ne": "derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn", "patterns": ["derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn"]}, "discussion issue_outcomeTnn": {"value": "discussion issue_outcomeTnn", "ne": "discussion issue_outcomeTnn", "patterns": ["discussion issue_outcomeTnn"]}, "discussion issue_topicTnn": {"value": "discussion issue_topicTnn", "ne": "discussion issue_topicTnn", "patterns": ["discussion issue_topicTnn"]}, "edition_version paperTnn": {"value": "edition_version paperTnn", "ne": "edition_version paperTnn", "patterns": ["edition_version paperTnn"]}, "electricity market natural0gasTnnn": {"value": "electricity market natural0gasTnnn", "ne": "electricity market natural0gasTnnn", "patterns": ["electricity market natural0gasTnnn"]}, "energy option_real0optionTnn": {"value": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "ne": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["energy option_real0optionTnn"]}, "energy particular_specialTnn": {"value": "energy particular_specialTnn", "ne": "energy particular_specialTnn", "patterns": ["energy particular_specialTnn"]}, "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "energy0price_price riskTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price riskTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price riskTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price riskTnn"]}, "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn"]}, "info_information usefulTnn": {"value": "info_information usefulTnn", "ne": "info_information usefulTnn", "patterns": ["info_information usefulTnn"]}, "information risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "information risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "information risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["information risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn"]}, "option pricingTnn": {"value": "option pricingTnn", "ne": "option pricingTnn", "patterns": ["option pricingTnn"]}, "progress risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "progress risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "progress risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["progress risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false], "22-5-2000-2:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-2:35:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <902782.1075856928931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 02:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Book review\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRavi,\n\nPlease, take a look at the book review.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n09:36 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nPinnamaneni Krishnarao\n05/16/2000 01:54 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Book review \n\nExcellent! Where was this published? I would like to have a photocopy of the \npublished review.\nKrishna.\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/16/2000 12:48 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: vkaminski@aol.com \nSubject: Book review\n\nReviewed by Mark Williams, SVP Risk\nManagement, Citizens Power\n\nThe long awaited second edition of Managing Energy\nPrice Risk has finally arrived. It has been four years\nsince the first edition was published. During this hiatus,\na lot has happened as risk management within the\nrapidly expanding energy industry has come of age as\na respected discipline. The second edition is a rich\ncompilation of papers by a surprisingly representative\ngroup of industry leaders, practitioners and academics.\n\nThe books strength is that it reinforces the fact that\nrisk management principles initially applied to a narrow\nband of energy commodities can and should be applied\nacross a wide array of energy commodities including\nelectricity. As expected the book does a solid job in\ncapturing an international perspective on the various\nchallenges, which are not isolated to any one\ncontinent but are global in scope. It includes a lengthy\nintroduction that effectively frames risk management\nprogress, advancements and innovations that started\nin the oil markets in the 1970's and migrated to the\nnatural gas and most recently expanding to the\nelectricity industry.\n\nManaging Energy Price Risk is comprised of 15\nchapters, all of which include an introduction, which\nminimises the disjointedness that you may expect from\na book written by a large number of authors. Other\nimprovements in this second edition include expanded\ngraphics, highlighted panels, detailed appendices and a\nseparate glossary, which provides the reader with\nadditional reference material.\n\nIn particular the chapter on energy options written by\nMichael Hampton is a useful primer and provides the\nreader with a concise explanation of option theory,\npricing, basis risk, delta hedging as well as practical\nguidelines for distinguishing between hedging and pure\nspeculation. For the more advanced reader, the\nchapter on Energy Exotic Options, written by Vince\nKaminski, Stinson Gibner and Krishnarao Pinnamaneni is\nparticularly strong as it outlines the challenges\nassociated with the exotics and effectively documents\nthe latest methods used by leading practitioners in\npricing such instruments.\n\nAdditionally, the chapter on Accounting for Derivative\nContracts in the Energy Environment by three\nconsultants from Arthur Anderson, is a well written\nsummary which addresses the numerous tax related\nissues including a timely discussion on the US Financial\nAccounting Standards Board's Statement 133 (see\nEPRM October 1999, page 22). Having this tax\ninformation housed in one concise chapter is of great\nvalue.\n\nThe second edition however is not without flaws. In\nparticular, it would have been useful to have more\ninformation on the current challenges risk managers\nare confronted with in the power industry including\nlatest advancements in volatility and correlation\nestimation techniques. Additional attention could have\nalso been placed on the shortcomings of the current\nmarket structure and methods in finding and applying\nappropriate hedging strategies and instruments. In the\nfledgling power market, this continues to be one of the\nprimary challenges.\n\nIn summary, this second edition of Managing Energy\nPrice Risk builds upon the sentinel work laid out in the\nprior edition and is a valuable reference book for the\nnew recruit or seasoned veteran. It is a welcome\nedition to any risk management library.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Book review", "forward", [], "Ravi,\n\nPlease, take a look at the book review.\n\nVince\n\n", "<902782.1075856928931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-2-2001-9:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-2-2001-9:57:0Smolly.magee@enron.com 21-2-2001-10:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-2-2001-9:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-9:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <23512721.1075856451733.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: A resume for John Lavorato\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nPlease, make arrangements for the interview with this candidate for\na trading position. Interviews with John Lavorato, Jeff Shankman,\nGary Hickerson, Stinson Gibner.\n\nI talked to him in New York and he is considering\nother opportunities, so we have to act fast.\nI think John will like him more than Punit.\n\n\n\nThanks\n", "A resume for John Lavorato", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "interview", "make"], "request", "molly, please, make arrangements for the interview with this candidate for a trading position."]], "Molly,\n\nPlease, make arrangements for the interview with this candidate for\na trading position. Interviews with John Lavorato, Jeff Shankman,\nGary Hickerson, Stinson Gibner.\n\nI talked to him in New York and he is considering\nother opportunities, so we have to act fast.\nI think John will like him more than Punit.\n\n\n\nThanks\n", "<23512721.1075856451733.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"candidate interviewTnn": {"value": "candidate interviewTnn", "ne": "candidate interviewTnn", "patterns": ["candidate interviewTnn"]}, "position tradingTnn": {"value": "position tradingTnn", "ne": "position tradingTnn", "patterns": ["position tradingTnn"]}}, false], "21-2-2001-9:57:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-9:57:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32883963.1075856619210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A resume for John Lavorato\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThanks, Vince. I will get moving on it right away.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n02/21/2001 05:55 PM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: A resume for John Lavorato\n\nMolly,\n\nPlease, make arrangements for the interview with this candidate for\na trading position. Interviews with John Lavorato, Jeff Shankman,\nGary Hickerson, Stinson Gibner.\n\nI talked to him in New York and he is considering\nother opportunities, so we have to act fast.\nI think John will like him more than Punit.\n\n\n\nThanks\n\n\n\n", "Re: A resume for John Lavorato", "reply", [], "Thanks, Vince. I will get moving on it right away.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n02/21/2001 05:55 PM\n", "<32883963.1075856619210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "21-2-2001-10:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-10:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kimberly.hillis@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6615656.1075856451711.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.hillis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A resume for John Lavorato\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kimberly Hillis\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/21/2001 \n06:23 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 02/21/2001 05:57 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: A resume for John Lavorato \n\nThanks, Vince. I will get moving on it right away.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n02/21/2001 05:55 PM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: A resume for John Lavorato\n\nMolly,\n\nPlease, make arrangements for the interview with this candidate for\na trading position. Interviews with John Lavorato, Jeff Shankman,\nGary Hickerson, Stinson Gibner.\n\nI talked to him in New York and he is considering\nother opportunities, so we have to act fast.\nI think John will like him more than Punit.\n\n\n\nThanks\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: A resume for John Lavorato", "forward", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", "<6615656.1075856451711.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "8-1-2001-17:36:0Sjjw@ziplip.com 9-1-2001-9:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-1-2001-17:36:0Sjjw@ziplip.com": ["8-1-2001-17:36:0", "jjw@ziplip.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26832104.1075856620658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 17:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jjw@ziplip.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Calling @2PM Me...4PM You\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince,\nThank you for allowing me the call to speak candidly with you tomarrow \n(1/9/2001) @ 2PM PST (4 PSM Central) about my students/candidates asking \nabout Enron.\nI am looking forward to the conversation.\nBest wishes,\nJeff Wesley\n\nPs- Pls review the attachments below on your coffee break. Thanks.\n\nPss- Ask me about the controversial attachment I wanted to send you- but, \ndidn't.\n\n\nALWAYS HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE.\n 949 813 2241 Hotline\n 347 487 8957 Voice/Fax US\n (011) +44(845)3341644 UK\n -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use \n\n mQGiBDo+mhYRBADzdLL/aRnPwQ/LNODiwDRRJSmq4BOM6J2cIsRud0qioh4zSkMu\n l73d7ZCVOpBA4iJcaeQAGBULz9JKvV+VkZEnyxbo45dc40VJsgqrqjMPXUvxtAtj\n EjQoK1II4soepmB7EGHSayxU2WX4yKIF0xPwQhQriD6dBxMr+n/6FsPxcQCg/+MK\n mH5daKqnnCdIl24xgC7d6nED/AySB3tSHyOd2zSRY+b3KaRMbUNCihOOAxCK73lP\n gCmPiShO1uH/r3QZvjkpMDNQeP93rd984PNiwllWSkjtKmgISt3IDXpW3hcQosEw\n KpnrIZmpnPot4at0ZwMTQtMuIeRJY1LjvC1jE2CI/Jw5+yQ4yn+YI6O7cLkEWggr\n 9sHdA/0Sul1kUBCXgGKgPVBrzpcsH9ird0wEBu9hkfjzLaxfhN+cahWy4lxagDFa\n xy7PUxAEpnbps/xNB4KYOG06ZsRC5lZrvTE6NZDbNpc1WImexWFsJcvDbgWH14Xw\n SeuFt78L5fSE4X5foyhuOYG8RE9ROovmNaDuC3Zbq+ges14r8bQcSmVmZiBXZXNs\n ZXkgPGpqd0B6aXBsaXAuY29tPokATgQQEQIADgUCOj6aFgQLAwIBAhkBAAoJEJC0\n gESqHFHM/MEAoKwqcE7wXuWmES8MbnvnXt0aC3EIAJ9Qq1vLVkXjy8A5umSI6nhL\n iYJNNLkCDQQ6PpoWEAgA9kJXtwh/CBdyorrWqULzBej5UxE5T7bxbrlLOCDaAadW\n oxTpj0BV89AHxstDqZSt90xkhkn4DIO9ZekX1KHTUPj1WV/cdlJPPT2N286Z4VeS\n Wc39uK50T8X8dryDxUcwYc58yWb/Ffm7/ZFexwGq01uejaClcjrUGvC/RgBYK+X0\n iP1YTknbzSC0neSRBzZrM2w4DUUdD3yIsxx8Wy2O9vPJI8BD8KVbGI2Ou1WMuF04\n 0zT9fBdXQ6MdGGzeMyEstSr/POGxKUAYEY18hKcKctaGxAMZyAcpesqVDNmWn6vQ\n ClCbAkbTCD1mpF1Bn5x8vYlLIhkmuquiXsNV6TILOwACAgf/dXt60sNqXRy6hEGG\n RpmYnoFDOpnqNyEj2+M9zWwYW3gBIj4vKtfYnG0QEVl3L9Hg2L7lSlS+8YwLvCqB\n 1LMKu13lxa9idP6BzU9DrWdfRBA5RdvBfyL0LYthsp0zG4LOLurFgyy+IaKWe/5N\n Z6wbbddAvMdNkaMKOMI73dBBwHJAOLyi1uYKTPIBt1hUiy3/PnGIAViUYA79yWi5\n 78FC32lCZbj8rVsvh+qljIYIsjdVAmbwW4hjlZC9tIpdTgGZ6G5LGG8DfW74eZsX\n 1ZSY+zzNCaCsT/dVe0k/+Y4nruMQ0R+QGGO9l9GwPQu5BlxeNPeDteCzmW0mE48z\n f6szB4kARgQYEQIABgUCOj6aFgAKCRCQtIBEqhxRzJ6kAKD9+hw5/+1Pfstqs8Fm\n GlKH+Bz39QCfVC+hXgI7oGCon/rSEITRweA0/sY=\n =2NKw\n -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *\n\n - PRIVATE9498132241.pdf\n - WORTHTHEMONEY9498132241.pdf", "Calling @2PM Me...4PM You", "reply", [], "Hi Vince,\nThank you for allowing me the call to speak candidly with you tomarrow \n(1/9/2001) @ 2PM PST (4 PSM Central) about my students/candidates asking \nabout Enron.\nI am looking forward to the conversation.\nBest wishes,\nJeff Wesley\n\nPs- Pls review the attachments below on your coffee break. Thanks.\n\nPss- Ask me about the controversial attachment I wanted to send you- but, \ndidn't.\n\n\nALWAYS HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE.\n 949 813 2241 Hotline\n 347 487 8957 Voice/Fax US\n (011) +44(845)3341644 UK\n -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use ", {}, false], "9-1-2001-9:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-9:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jjw@ziplip.com"], [], "Message-ID: <28765647.1075856461079.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 09:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jjw@ziplip.com\nSubject: Re: Calling @2PM Me...4PM You\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nPlease, send me your phone numbers.\nI shall call you at my convenience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" on 01/09/2001 01:36:18 AM\nPlease respond to \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Calling @2PM Me...4PM You\n\n\nHi Vince,\nThank you for allowing me the call to speak candidly with you tomarrow \n(1/9/2001) @ 2PM PST (4 PSM Central) about my students/candidates asking \nabout Enron.\nI am looking forward to the conversation.\nBest wishes,\nJeff Wesley\n\nPs- Pls review the attachments below on your coffee break. Thanks.\n\nPss- Ask me about the controversial attachment I wanted to send you- but, \ndidn't.\n\n\nALWAYS HELD IN STRICT CONFIDENCE.\n 949 813 2241 Hotline\n 347 487 8957 Voice/Fax US\n (011) +44(845)3341644 UK\n -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use \n\n mQGiBDo+mhYRBADzdLL/aRnPwQ/LNODiwDRRJSmq4BOM6J2cIsRud0qioh4zSkMu\n l73d7ZCVOpBA4iJcaeQAGBULz9JKvV+VkZEnyxbo45dc40VJsgqrqjMPXUvxtAtj\n EjQoK1II4soepmB7EGHSayxU2WX4yKIF0xPwQhQriD6dBxMr+n/6FsPxcQCg/+MK\n mH5daKqnnCdIl24xgC7d6nED/AySB3tSHyOd2zSRY+b3KaRMbUNCihOOAxCK73lP\n gCmPiShO1uH/r3QZvjkpMDNQeP93rd984PNiwllWSkjtKmgISt3IDXpW3hcQosEw\n KpnrIZmpnPot4at0ZwMTQtMuIeRJY1LjvC1jE2CI/Jw5+yQ4yn+YI6O7cLkEWggr\n 9sHdA/0Sul1kUBCXgGKgPVBrzpcsH9ird0wEBu9hkfjzLaxfhN+cahWy4lxagDFa\n xy7PUxAEpnbps/xNB4KYOG06ZsRC5lZrvTE6NZDbNpc1WImexWFsJcvDbgWH14Xw\n SeuFt78L5fSE4X5foyhuOYG8RE9ROovmNaDuC3Zbq+ges14r8bQcSmVmZiBXZXNs\n ZXkgPGpqd0B6aXBsaXAuY29tPokATgQQEQIADgUCOj6aFgQLAwIBAhkBAAoJEJC0\n gESqHFHM/MEAoKwqcE7wXuWmES8MbnvnXt0aC3EIAJ9Qq1vLVkXjy8A5umSI6nhL\n iYJNNLkCDQQ6PpoWEAgA9kJXtwh/CBdyorrWqULzBej5UxE5T7bxbrlLOCDaAadW\n oxTpj0BV89AHxstDqZSt90xkhkn4DIO9ZekX1KHTUPj1WV/cdlJPPT2N286Z4VeS\n Wc39uK50T8X8dryDxUcwYc58yWb/Ffm7/ZFexwGq01uejaClcjrUGvC/RgBYK+X0\n iP1YTknbzSC0neSRBzZrM2w4DUUdD3yIsxx8Wy2O9vPJI8BD8KVbGI2Ou1WMuF04\n 0zT9fBdXQ6MdGGzeMyEstSr/POGxKUAYEY18hKcKctaGxAMZyAcpesqVDNmWn6vQ\n ClCbAkbTCD1mpF1Bn5x8vYlLIhkmuquiXsNV6TILOwACAgf/dXt60sNqXRy6hEGG\n RpmYnoFDOpnqNyEj2+M9zWwYW3gBIj4vKtfYnG0QEVl3L9Hg2L7lSlS+8YwLvCqB\n 1LMKu13lxa9idP6BzU9DrWdfRBA5RdvBfyL0LYthsp0zG4LOLurFgyy+IaKWe/5N\n Z6wbbddAvMdNkaMKOMI73dBBwHJAOLyi1uYKTPIBt1hUiy3/PnGIAViUYA79yWi5\n 78FC32lCZbj8rVsvh+qljIYIsjdVAmbwW4hjlZC9tIpdTgGZ6G5LGG8DfW74eZsX\n 1ZSY+zzNCaCsT/dVe0k/+Y4nruMQ0R+QGGO9l9GwPQu5BlxeNPeDteCzmW0mE48z\n f6szB4kARgQYEQIABgUCOj6aFgAKCRCQtIBEqhxRzJ6kAKD9+hw5/+1Pfstqs8Fm\n GlKH+Bz39QCfVC+hXgI7oGCon/rSEITRweA0/sY=\n =2NKw\n -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *\n\n - PRIVATE9498132241.pdf\n - WORTHTHEMONEY9498132241.pdf\n\n", "Re: Calling @2PM Me...4PM You", "originEmail", [["attach spreadsheet", 4, "nninformation", ["phone**numbers", "send"], "request", "jeff, please, send me your phone numbers."]], "Jeff,\n\nPlease, send me your phone numbers.\nI shall call you at my convenience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" ", [], false]}, "28-2-2000-3:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-2-2000-8:38:0Stom.gros@enron.com": {"28-2-2000-3:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-3:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["thomas.gros@enron.com"], ["stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10218219.1075856766092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 03:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: thomas.gros@enron.com\nSubject: Nick Bambos\nCc: ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Thomas D Gros\nX-cc: Ravi Thuraisingham, Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nI got sick and had to reschedule the meeting with Nick Bambos.\nI shall meet him on Saturday this week. I shall talk to him about the \nfollowing:\n\n1. Financing research projects by graduate students ($100K per year, spread \nover several projects)\n2. Inviting Nick to visit Enron\n3. I can mention the possibility of Nick consulting for us. Given his status, \ninvolvement in the Internet2 project,\nand views that closely parallel Enron's vision, it makes sense to have him \nworking for us. He could\nbe a very effective voice supporting our initiatives.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince\n ", "Nick Bambos", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 5, "information", ["meeting", "reschedule"], "information", "tom, i got sick and had to reschedule the meeting with nick bambos."], ["invite personname", 20, "information", ["inviting", "nick"], "information", " inviting nick to visit enron numeric ."]], "Tom,\n\nI got sick and had to reschedule the meeting with Nick Bambos.\nI shall meet him on Saturday this week. I shall talk to him about the \nfollowing:\n\n1. Financing research projects by graduate students ($100K per year, spread \nover several projects)\n2. Inviting Nick to visit Enron\n3. I can mention the possibility of Nick consulting for us. Given his status, \ninvolvement in the Internet2 project,\nand views that closely parallel Enron's vision, it makes sense to have him \nworking for us. He could\nbe a very effective voice supporting our initiatives.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince\n ", "<10218219.1075856766092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"graduate studentTnn": {"value": "graduate studentTnn", "ne": "graduate studentTnn", "patterns": ["graduate studentTnn"]}, "involvement_participation projectTnn": {"value": "involvement_participation projectTnn", "ne": "involvement_participation projectTnn", "patterns": ["involvement_participation projectTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$100", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric projectTnn"]}, "project studentTnn": {"value": "project studentTnn", "ne": "project studentTnn", "patterns": ["project studentTnn"]}}, false], "29-2-2000-8:38:0Stom.gros@enron.com": ["29-2-2000-8:38:0", "tom.gros@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8292099.1075856765531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 08:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.gros@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Nick Bambos\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Gros\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSounds great. Let me know how I can help.\n\nTom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t02/28/00 11:42 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Thomas D Gros/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Nick Bambos\n\nTom,\n\nI got sick and had to reschedule the meeting with Nick Bambos.\nI shall meet him on Saturday this week. I shall talk to him about the \nfollowing:\n\n1. Financing research projects by graduate students ($100K per year, spread \nover several projects)\n2. Inviting Nick to visit Enron\n3. I can mention the possibility of Nick consulting for us. Given his status, \ninvolvement in the Internet2 project,\nand views that closely parallel Enron's vision, it makes sense to have him \nworking for us. He could\nbe a very effective voice supporting our initiatives.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince\n \n", "Re: Nick Bambos", "reply", [], "Sounds great. Let me know how I can help.\n\nTom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t02/28/00 11:42 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<8292099.1075856765531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "12-12-2000-0:17:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 12-12-2000-9:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-12-2000-2:21:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 13-12-2000-2:50:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 1-1-2001-23:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-1-2001-23:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-1-2001-4:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-1-2001-9:53:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com 9-1-2001-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-1-2001-8:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-1-2001-8:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-1-2001-5:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-2-2001-6:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-2-2001-1:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-2-2001-2:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-2-2001-11:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-2-2001-12:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-2-2001-2:55:0Sjoseph.hrgovcic@enron.com 22-2-2001-1:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-2-2001-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-2-2001-4:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-3-2001-0:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-3-2001-10:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-3-2001-6:26:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com 10-4-2001-8:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-5-2001-3:21:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com 11-4-2001-5:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2001-10:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2001-20:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-5-2001-16:13:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com": {"12-12-2000-0:17:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-0:17:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Julie:\nThe March Invoice #000166 was sent to our accounting department for\npayment on March 28th. I have a call into them to see what happened to\nit. I will let you know.\nThe AUD 5000 invoice was sent to the accounting department but they\nsent it back saying they cannot pay invoices in foreign currency. So I then\nhad to send it to the Treasury Dept. I will check on it today also.\nAs far as the other invoice. It should be sent to our Australia office to \nthe\nattention of Paul Quilkey. We had agreed to split this with them. Their\naddress is:\nPaul Quilkey\nEnron Australia\nPTY.LTD.\nLevel 21\n9 Castlereagh Street\nSydney, NSW 200000, \nAustralia\nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\nShirley\n.\n\"Julie\" on 12/12/2000 07:03:32 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: invoices\nShirley,\n?\nSorry to bother you again, but we still have two outstanding invoices from \nEnron.? They are:\n?\nMarch '00:????? Enron? Inv.000166?????? USD 4900\n?\nSeptember '00?? Enron Inv.000202??????? AUD 5000\nI have another invoice to send out for the balance of?the original AUD \n10,000 (balance would be the remaining AUD 5,000), but?I'm?unsure to whom I \nshould direct it?? I sent?an email to Vince several weeks ago asking for \nthis information, but haven't heard (assume he's tremendously busy).\n?\nLet me know what you?need from?me.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n?\nLacima Group\n??????????????? \n", ["Re: invoices"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Hi Julie:\n\nThe March Invoice #000166 was sent to our accounting department for\npayment on March 28th. I have a call into them to see what happened to\nit. I will let you know.\n\nThe AUD 5000 invoice was sent to the accounting department but they\nsent it back saying they cannot pay invoices in foreign currency. So I then\nhad to send it to the Treasury Dept. I will check on it today also.\n\nAs far as the other invoice. It should be sent to our Australia office to \nthe\nattention of Paul Quilkey. We had agreed to split this with them. Their\naddress is:\n\nPaul Quilkey\nEnron Australia\nPTY.LTD.\nLevel 21\n9 Castlereagh Street\nSydney, NSW 200000, \nAustralia\n\nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\n\nShirley\n\n\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<18936339.1075856565630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2000-9:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-9:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Chris,\nI have read the paper. It reads very well. Two comments.\n1. It probably makes sense to include a note on the standard GBM simulation \nequation and\nthe way it's typically discretized.\n2. It will help the reader who did not read the earlier articles to explain \nwhat CT is (perhaps a footnote).\nI am also including a message I sent to Julie today.\n******************************************************************************\n***************\n 1. I would like to register 2 members of my group for both courses (in \nHouston):\na. Paulo Issler\nb. Alex Huang\nI shall attend the course on weather only. \n2. I have started the process to issue a check for 5,000 AUD for Lacima.\nShirley sent you an update on this. The 2nd installment comes from the budget \nof our \noffice in Australia. I shall talk to Paul Quilkey today about it. Please, let \nme know if there is any delay.\n3. The book will be used as textbook for the class I shall be teaching at \nRice.\nRice Univ bookshop is placing an order.\n4. I would like to order 50 copies for my group. What is the best\nway to place the order? Can we pay in US dollars?\n******************************************************************************\n***************\nBest regards.\nVince\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 12/12/2000 05:21:22 PM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Fw: EPRM Article\nHi Vince,\nI'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look and\nget back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\non this one!\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Chris Strickland \nTo: \nSent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 4:16 AM\nSubject: EPRM Article\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> Hope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you\nwhen\n> I'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\n> next installment in the EPRM articles.\n>\n> Many thanks and best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: ; ;\n;\n> \n> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\n> Subject: Re: VaR Article\n>\n>\n> > Les,\n> >\n> > The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n>\n\n", ["Re: Fw: EPRM Article"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [["read_translate_learn information", 2, "information", ["paper", "read"], "information", "chris, i have read the paper."]], "Chris,\n\nI have read the paper. It reads very well. Two comments.\n\n1. It probably makes sense to include a note on the standard GBM simulation \nequation and\nthe way it's typically discretized.\n\n2. It will help the reader who did not read the earlier articles to explain \nwhat CT is (perhaps a footnote).\n\n\nI am also including a message I sent to Julie today.\n\n", ["<14825044.1075856466383.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4168803.1075856532688.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14757215.1075856248624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30019219.1075856565562.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12670866.1075856378391.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "13-12-2000-2:21:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["13-12-2000-2:21:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], "Hi Vince,\nI'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look and\nget back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\non this one!\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Chris Strickland \nTo: \nSent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 4:16 AM\nSubject: EPRM Article\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> Hope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you\nwhen\n> I'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\n> next installment in the EPRM articles.\n>\n> Many thanks and best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: ; ;\n;\n> \n> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\n> Subject: Re: VaR Article\n>\n>\n> > Les,\n> >\n> > The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n>\n", ["Fw: EPRM Article"], "{'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nI'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look and\nget back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\non this one!\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Chris Strickland ", "<8589122.1075856565584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19560031.1075856378367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-12-2000-2:50:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["13-12-2000-2:50:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["julie@lacimagroup.com", "les@lacimagroup.com"], "Thank you very much Sir. I'll incorporate you comments later today and send\nit off.\nThanks also for your other comments, I'm glad you regard the book highly\nenough for your group and your course.\nI look forward to catching up with you soon.\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: Chris Strickland \nCc: \nSent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 10:41 AM\nSubject: Re: Fw: EPRM Article\n>\n> Chris,\n>\n> I have read the paper. It reads very well. Two comments.\n>\n> 1. It probably makes sense to include a note on the standard GBM\nsimulation\n> equation and\n> the way it's typically discretized.\n>\n> 2. It will help the reader who did not read the earlier articles to\nexplain\n> what CT is (perhaps a footnote).\n>\n>\n> I am also including a message I sent to Julie today.\n>\n>\n****************************************************************************\n*****************\n> 1. I would like to register 2 members of my group for both courses (in\n> Houston):\n>\n> a. Paulo Issler\n> b. Alex Huang\n>\n> I shall attend the course on weather only.\n>\n> 2. I have started the process to issue a check for 5,000 AUD for Lacima.\n> Shirley sent you an update on this. The 2nd installment comes from the\n> budget of our\n> office in Australia. I shall talk to Paul Quilkey today about it. Please,\n> let me know if there is any delay.\n>\n> 3. The book will be used as textbook for the class I shall be teaching at\n> Rice.\n> Rice Univ bookshop is placing an order.\n>\n> 4. I would like to order 50 copies for my group. What is the best\n> way to place the order? Can we pay in US dollars?\n>\n****************************************************************************\n*****************\n>\n> Best regards.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Chris Strickland\" on 12/12/2000 05:21:22 PM\n>\n> Please respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \n>\n> To: \n> cc: \"Julie\" \n> Subject: Fw: EPRM Article\n>\n>\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> I'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look\nand\n> get back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\n> on this one!\n>\n> Best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: Chris Strickland \n> To: \n> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 4:16 AM\n> Subject: EPRM Article\n>\n>\n> > Hi Vince,\n> >\n> > Hope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you\n> when\n> > I'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\n> > next installment in the EPRM articles.\n> >\n> > Many thanks and best regards.\n> >\n> > Chris.\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: ; ;\n> ;\n> > \n> > Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\n> > Subject: Re: VaR Article\n> >\n> >\n> > > Les,\n> > >\n> > > The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> >\n>\n)\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Fw: EPRM Article"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Thank you very much Sir. I'll incorporate you comments later today and send\nit off.\n\nThanks also for your other comments, I'm glad you regard the book highly\nenough for your group and your course.\n\nI look forward to catching up with you soon.\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<10951235.1075856248579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26039562.1075856565540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3654496.1075856378459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-1-2001-23:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-1-2001-23:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/02/2001 \n07:58 AM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 12/31/2000 06:35:22 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: book order\nVince,?Thanks for the book order and yes, you will get a discount.? I'll be \nback in touch after the New Year.?Thanks,Julie?PS - there was glitch with the \nbook right before Christmas, so there will be a slight delay with shipments \n(should be no more than 2 weeks).\n", ["book order"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<32548744.1075856463038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10466014.1075856529373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3371004.1075856240320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1648647.1075856385065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-1-2001-23:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-1-2001-23:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Julie,\nThere are many employees in London who would be interested.\nYou can send an inquiry to Steve Leppard. \nI had a presentation last night\nto GARP in Houston and did a commercial for the book.\nYou should put me on commission.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 01/31/2001 06:31:39 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Book order\nVince,\n?\nI wasn't sure if I responded to your email, so apologise either for my \ndelayed response or repeating myself.\n?\nThanks for the 2nd order!? I believe they have already been dispatched.? \nYes, I believe we received payment; thank you very much for following up \nwith Paul.? Glad the book was a hit!\n?\nOn another subject, are there any Enron?employees in Europe who may be \ninterested in attending either the energy or the weather course?? Or, are \nthe quants and risk management mostly handled out of Houston?\n?\nThanks again, and I'll forward an invoice on to Shirley.\n?\nJulie\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: julie@lacima.co.uk \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:29 PM\nSubject: Book order\nJulie,\nWe received the shipment of 50 books. Thanks.\nThe book was an instant hit. We need 50 more books.\nVince\nP.S. I understand Paul sent you the check for the remaining 50%\n", ["Re: Book order"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nThere are many employees in London who would be interested.\nYou can send an inquiry to Steve Leppard. \n\nI had a presentation last night\nto GARP in Houston and did a commercial for the book.\nYou should put me on commission.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<32160644.1075856521974.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12113784.1075856223617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24734537.1075856565363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-1-2001-4:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-4:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], [], "Julie,\nI am like the godfather. I shall ask you to return the favor\none day.\nThe address is: steven.leppard@enron.com \nVince\n\"Julie\" on 01/31/2001 11:53:05 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Book order\nThanks Vince!\n?\nWill champagne do?? If not, name your price.\n?\nDo you have an email address for steve leppard?? I tried: \nsteve.leppard@enron.com?which bounced back.\n?\nThanks,\njulie\n?\nps - guess i'll finally meet you at the end of the month?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 1:36 PM\nSubject: Re: Book order\nJulie,\nThere are many employees in London? who would be interested.\nYou can send? an inquiry to Steve Leppard.\nI had a presentation last night\nto GARP in Houston and did a commercial for the book.\nYou should put me on commission.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 01/31/2001 06:31:39 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \ncc:\nSubject:? Re: Book order\nVince,\nI wasn't sure if I responded to your email, so apologise either for my\ndelayed response or repeating myself.\nThanks for the 2nd order! I believe they have already been? dispatched.\nYes, I believe we received payment; thank you very much for? following up\nwith Paul. Glad the book was a hit!\nOn another subject, are there any Enron employees in Europe who may be\ninterested in attending either the energy or the weather course? Or, are\nthe quants and risk management mostly handled out of Houston?\nThanks again, and I'll forward an invoice on to Shirley.\nJulie\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom:? Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julie@lacima.co.uk\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:29? PM\nSubject: Book order\nJulie,\nWe received the shipment of 50 books.? Thanks.\nThe book was an instant hit. We need 50 more? books.\nVince\nP.S. I understand Paul sent you the check for the? remaining 50%\n", ["Re: Book order"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nI am like the godfather. I shall ask you to return the favor\none day.\n\nThe address is: steven.leppard@enron.com \n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<10926359.1075856521653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13154489.1075856222911.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24313616.1075856397812.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-1-2001-9:53:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com": ["31-1-2001-9:53:0", "julie@lacimagroup.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Thanks Vince!\n?\nWill champagne do?? If not, name your price.\n?\nDo you have an email address for steve leppard?? I tried: \nsteve.leppard@enron.com?which bounced back.\n?\nThanks,\njulie\n?\nps - guess i'll finally meet you at the end of the month?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 1:36 PM\nSubject: Re: Book order\nJulie,\nThere are many employees in London? who would be interested.\nYou can send? an inquiry to Steve Leppard.\nI had a presentation last night\nto GARP in Houston and did a commercial for the book.\nYou should put me on commission.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 01/31/2001 06:31:39 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \ncc:\nSubject:? Re: Book order\nVince,\nI wasn't sure if I responded to your email, so apologise either for my\ndelayed response or repeating myself.\nThanks for the 2nd order! I believe they have already been? dispatched.\nYes, I believe we received payment; thank you very much for? following up\nwith Paul. Glad the book was a hit!\nOn another subject, are there any Enron employees in Europe who may be\ninterested in attending either the energy or the weather course? Or, are\nthe quants and risk management mostly handled out of Houston?\nThanks again, and I'll forward an invoice on to Shirley.\nJulie\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom:? Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julie@lacima.co.uk\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:29? PM\nSubject: Book order\nJulie,\nWe received the shipment of 50 books.? Thanks.\nThe book was an instant hit. We need 50 more? books.\nVince\nP.S. I understand Paul sent you the check for the? remaining 50%\n", ["Re: Book order"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Thanks Vince!\n?\nWill champagne do?? If not, name your price.\n?\nDo you have an email address for steve leppard?? I tried: \nsteve.leppard@enron.com?which bounced back.\n?\nThanks,\njulie\n?\nps - guess i'll finally meet you at the end of the month?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \n", ["<27348230.1075856222980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18724233.1075856565340.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2193555.1075856397789.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-1-2001-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-2:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Julie,\nThe discount is fine. Look fwd to receiving the books.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 01/08/2001 09:30:53 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: order for book\nVince,\n?\nI can offer you 12.5% off of your order for 50 books (we originally spoke to \nHabiba about setting up a 50% discount?but Enron would have to order a \nminimum of 200 books.??since the?change over, nothing has been set up on \nthis).? \n?\nLet me know if I should go ahead with the invoice.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n", ["Re: order for book"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nThe discount is fine. Look fwd to receiving the books.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<29323315.1075856527611.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6580286.1075856236087.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18135829.1075856565450.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-1-2001-8:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-8:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 \n04:07 PM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 01/11/2001 02:07:20 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: update on energy book\nVince,\n?\nJust to let you know, the books will be shipped to both you and Rice \nUniversity tomorrow by express mail, which means the books should arrive \nwithin 5 days (depending on customs).\n?\nRice has purchased 25 books, and I informed them that if they don't sell \nthem all, we will?credit their account?with the amount of unsold copies.? \nI've asked them to?give you?any extra copies instead of returning them.\n?\nPlease find attached the invoice for the 50 books.\n?\nThanks again, and if you need anything further, please let me know.\n?\nJulie\n\n", ["update on energy book"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "", ["<26564442.1075856460283.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7019447.1075856526621.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22952956.1075856233571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14999729.1075856389966.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-1-2001-8:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-8:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 \n04:09 PM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 01/11/2001 02:07:20 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: update on energy book\nVince,\n?\nJust to let you know, the books will be shipped to both you and Rice \nUniversity tomorrow by express mail, which means the books should arrive \nwithin 5 days (depending on customs).\n?\nRice has purchased 25 books, and I informed them that if they don't sell \nthem all, we will?credit their account?with the amount of unsold copies.? \nI've asked them to?give you?any extra copies instead of returning them.\n?\nPlease find attached the invoice for the 50 books.\n?\nThanks again, and if you need anything further, please let me know.\n?\nJulie\n\n", ["update on energy book"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<265112.1075856460261.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1815195.1075856526599.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26250766.1075856233549.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6000693.1075856389989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-1-2001-5:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-5:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Julie,\nThanks. \nAlso, as a follow up: did you receive the check from Paul Quilkey?\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 01/14/2001 02:15:57 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Book for Lacima Course Attendees\nJust wanted to let you know that the Energy Derivatives:? Pricing and Risk \nManagement book, by Clewlow and Strickland and sponsored by Enron Corp.,?is \ncompleted.? We will begin shipping 15 January, which will include \ndistributing?your complimentary copy.\n?\nThank you for your patience and support.\n?\nSincerely,\nJulie\n?\nLacima Group\n?\n?\n", ["Re: Book for Lacima Course Attendees"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nThanks. \n\nAlso, as a follow up: did you receive the check from Paul Quilkey?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<13830641.1075856526351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22653134.1075856232885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8588212.1075856565406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-2-2001-6:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-2-2001-6:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["paulo.issler@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/12/2001 \n02:20 PM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 02/09/2001 05:31:11 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Venue Details for Energy Derivatives and Weather Derivatives Course \nand Workshops\nThe venue details for the courses are the following:\n?\nCity:? Houston\nHotel:? Hyatt Regency Houston\nAddress:? located in the Center of Downtown Houston\n1200 Louisiana\nHouston, TX? 77002 USA\n?\nTelephone:? +1 713 654 1234\nFax:? +1 713 951 0934\n?\nWe have?been offered a room rate of US$199 a night.? Your company may be \nable to obtain a better quote, by contacting them directly.??However, at \nreservations, they may not have the course name and information logged into \ntheir system yet because this is being handled directly by their catering \nmanager.? If you would like us to make your hotel reservations, we would \nneed your arrival date and departure date.? \n?\nThe?itinerary for each day of the course is as follows:\n?\n9:00??? Start\n10:30 ?Coffee break\n12:30? Lunch\n15:30? Coffee break\n17:30? Approximate finish\n?\nCourse format will consist of segments of lecture followed by computer based \nworkshops (two a day).? If you need anything further, please contact us.\n?\nSincerely,\nJulie\n?\n", ["Venue Details for Energy Derivatives and Weather Derivatives Course and Workshops"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<16824881.1075856453117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4392757.1075856519431.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13560368.1075856218990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10309437.1075856400937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-2-2001-1:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-2-2001-1:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com"], "Julie,\nThat's definitely an option. \nWe can provide the room. Maybe we can cut with you a special deal for Enron\nand increase the # of people attending. I am forwarding your message to \nour weather desk.\nVince\nJoe,\nWhat do you think about it?\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/15/2001 08:20:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: weather course\nVince,\n?\nWe just wanted to let you know that we only have 3 people signed up for the \nweather derivatives course (all from Enron) so far.? We have a couple more \nthat have expressed strong interest, but we are awaiting their final \ndecision.? If no one else signs up, Chris and Les thought that you guys \ncould probably get through the first day pretty easily,?and thus thought it \nmay be an option to teach just the 2nd day material (pricing) only at Enron \n(doing it at the Hyatt is an option as well but the room might be on the \nlarge side)?? We would obviously reimburse you for the day not taught.? We \ncan teach both days as well, but thought you may want to save some time.? \n?\nI just wanted to give you some time to think about it.? We will know where \nwe stand on final numbers by next Wednesday.\n?\nJulie\n?\n?\n", ["Re: weather course"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [["cut deal", 6, "nninformation", ["cut", "deal"], "intention", " maybe we can cut with you a special deal for enron and increase the # of people attending."]], "Julie,\n\nThat's definitely an option. \n\nWe can provide the room. Maybe we can cut with you a special deal for Enron\nand increase the # of people attending. I am forwarding your message to \nour weather desk.\n\nVince\n\nJoe,\n\nWhat do you think about it?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<13530526.1075856519169.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1430618.1075856218404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3132334.1075856401351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-2-2001-2:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-2:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Julie,\nEnron location makes more sense. No reason to pay for the hotel.\nAlso, I think that one day makes more sense.\nI contacted the weather desk about including other people at the training\ncourse. I think that they would be interested if they got a good discount.\nVince\n \n\"Julie\" on 02/16/2001 09:39:37 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: weather course\nVince,\n?\nGreat.? Just to let you know, we decided not to wait on the indecisive ones, \nand postponed the open course.? It's yours, whatever you want:? 1 day \n(specific to what you feel will be of the most benefit), 2 days, Hyatt or \nEnron, or not at all.? I hope this doesn't cause problems for you.? Special \ndeal, for sure.? I owe my godfather.\n?\nJulie\n?\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nCc: Joseph.Hrgovcic@enron.com \nSent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:16 PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nThat's definitely an option.\nWe can provide the room. Maybe we can cut with you a special deal for Enron\nand increase the # of people attending. I am forwarding your message to\nour weather desk.\nVince\nJoe,\nWhat do you think about it?\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/15/2001 08:20:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? weather course\nVince,\nWe just wanted to let you know that we only have 3 people signed up for the\nweather derivatives course (all from Enron) so far. We have a couple more\nthat have expressed strong interest, but we are awaiting their final\ndecision. If no one else signs up, Chris and Les thought that you guys\ncould probably get through the first day pretty easily, and thus thought it\nmay be an option to teach just the 2nd day material (pricing) only at Enron\n(doing it at the Hyatt is an option as well but the room might be on the\nlarge? side)? We would obviously reimburse you for the day not taught. We\ncan teach both days as well, but thought you may want to save some time.\nI just wanted to give you some time to think about it. We will know? where\nwe stand on final numbers by next Wednesday.\nJulie\n", ["Re: weather course"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nEnron location makes more sense. No reason to pay for the hotel.\nAlso, I think that one day makes more sense.\n\nI contacted the weather desk about including other people at the training\ncourse. I think that they would be interested if they got a good discount.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<16539853.1075856518919.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2282588.1075856217863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16537724.1075856565253.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-2-2001-11:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-2-2001-11:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Joe,\nThis is the most recent offer from Lacima\n(weather derivatives course). What do you think?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/19/2001 \n07:15 PM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 02/19/2001 03:19:45 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: weather course\nVince,\nEnron is fine (although I think we have to pay for the Hyatt anyway).\n?\nGood discount (I have a feeling that my idea of a good discount and the \nweather desk's idea is probably different?):? for the one day, $1100 per \nperson.? If you think that there will be?around 10 people or more, then we \ncan offer a day rate, regardless of the number of people.? \n?\nThanks Vince\n?\nJulie\n?\nPS - Of course when I announced that we were cancelling, people started \nresponding that they wished to attend.? Ugh!\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:05 PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nEnron location makes more sense. No reason to pay for the hotel.\nAlso, I think that one day makes more sense.\nI contacted the weather desk about including other people at the training\ncourse. I think that they would be interested if they got a good discount.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/16/2001 09:39:37 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \ncc:\nSubject:? Re: weather course\nVince,\nGreat. Just to let you know, we decided not to wait on the indecisive\nones, and postponed the open course. It's yours, whatever you want: ? 1\nday (specific to what you feel will be of the most benefit), 2 days, Hyatt\nor? Enron, or not at all. I hope this doesn't cause problems for you.\nSpecial deal, for sure. I owe my godfather.\nJulie\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom:? Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: Julie\nCc: Joseph.Hrgovcic@enron.com\nSent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:16? PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nThat's definitely an option.\nWe can? provide the room. Maybe we can cut with you a special deal for\nEnron\nand? increase the # of people attending. I am forwarding your message to\nour? weather desk.\nVince\nJoe,\nWhat do you think about? it?\nVince\n\"Julie\" on? 02/15/2001 08:20:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: ? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject: ? weather course\nVince,\nWe just wanted to let you know? that we only have 3 people signed up for\nthe\nweather derivatives course? (all from Enron) so far. We have a couple more\nthat have expressed strong? interest, but we are awaiting their final\ndecision. If no one else signs? up, Chris and Les thought that you guys\ncould probably get through the? first day pretty easily, and thus thought\nit\nmay be an option to teach just? the 2nd day material (pricing) only at\nEnron\n(doing it at the Hyatt is an? option as well but the room might be on the\nlarge side)? We would? obviously reimburse you for the day not taught. We\ncan teach both days as? well, but thought you may want to save some time.\nI just wanted to give? you some time to think about it. We will know where\nwe stand on final? numbers by next? Wednesday.\nJulie\n", ["Re: weather course"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Joe,\n\nThis is the most recent offer from Lacima\n(weather derivatives course). What do you think?\n\n\nVince\n\n", ["<3488010.1075856451994.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17944847.1075856518322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13495141.1075856216852.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21562706.1075856565230.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6381620.1075856402656.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-2-2001-12:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-2-2001-12:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Julie,\nI forwarded your message to the weather desk.\nI think you can cancel Hyatt and save some money.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/19/2001 03:19:45 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: weather course\nVince,\nEnron is fine (although I think we have to pay for the Hyatt anyway).\n?\nGood discount (I have a feeling that my idea of a good discount and the \nweather desk's idea is probably different?):? for the one day, $1100 per \nperson.? If you think that there will be?around 10 people or more, then we \ncan offer a day rate, regardless of the number of people.? \n?\nThanks Vince\n?\nJulie\n?\nPS - Of course when I announced that we were cancelling, people started \nresponding that they wished to attend.? Ugh!\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:05 PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nEnron location makes more sense. No reason to pay for the hotel.\nAlso, I think that one day makes more sense.\nI contacted the weather desk about including other people at the training\ncourse. I think that they would be interested if they got a good discount.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/16/2001 09:39:37 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \ncc:\nSubject:? Re: weather course\nVince,\nGreat. Just to let you know, we decided not to wait on the indecisive\nones, and postponed the open course. It's yours, whatever you want: ? 1\nday (specific to what you feel will be of the most benefit), 2 days, Hyatt\nor? Enron, or not at all. I hope this doesn't cause problems for you.\nSpecial deal, for sure. I owe my godfather.\nJulie\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom:? Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: Julie\nCc: Joseph.Hrgovcic@enron.com\nSent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:16? PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nThat's definitely an option.\nWe can? provide the room. Maybe we can cut with you a special deal for\nEnron\nand? increase the # of people attending. I am forwarding your message to\nour? weather desk.\nVince\nJoe,\nWhat do you think about? it?\nVince\n\"Julie\" on? 02/15/2001 08:20:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: ? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject: ? weather course\nVince,\nWe just wanted to let you know? that we only have 3 people signed up for\nthe\nweather derivatives course? (all from Enron) so far. We have a couple more\nthat have expressed strong? interest, but we are awaiting their final\ndecision. If no one else signs? up, Chris and Les thought that you guys\ncould probably get through the? first day pretty easily, and thus thought\nit\nmay be an option to teach just? the 2nd day material (pricing) only at\nEnron\n(doing it at the Hyatt is an? option as well but the room might be on the\nlarge side)? We would? obviously reimburse you for the day not taught. We\ncan teach both days as? well, but thought you may want to save some time.\nI just wanted to give? you some time to think about it. We will know where\nwe stand on final? numbers by next? Wednesday.\nJulie\n", ["Re: weather course"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nI forwarded your message to the weather desk.\nI think you can cancel Hyatt and save some money.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<24901296.1075856518255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14693825.1075856216738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29930151.1075856565207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-2-2001-2:55:0Sjoseph.hrgovcic@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-2:55:0", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com", ["839d9422-c86e146d-86256517-749759@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\n I've distributed the info on the course. Gary Taylor, the head of marketing \nsaid that there were perhaps two people he'd like to send, and he thought \nthat the teachers would be able to benefit from having people from the \nweather derivatives desk in attendance, but that the price of $1100 a person \nwas too steep. Gary (being the head of marketing that he is) would like to \nsee if there would be some special deal that could be arranged for people \nfrom the weather desk, but he doesn't want to cross the line.\nJoe\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \n[mailto:IMCEAEX-_O=ENRON_OU=NA_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=NOTESADDR_CN9D9422-C86E146D\n-86256517-749759@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, February 19, 2001 7:17 PM\nTo: Joseph Hrgovcic/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJoe,\nThis is the most recent offer from Lacima\n(weather derivatives course). What do you think?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/19/2001 \n07:15 PM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 02/19/2001 03:19:45 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: weather course\nVince,\nEnron is fine (although I think we have to pay for the Hyatt anyway).\n \nGood discount (I have a feeling that my idea of a good discount and the \nweather desk's idea is probably different?): for the one day, $1100 per \nperson. If you think that there will be around 10 people or more, then we \ncan offer a day rate, regardless of the number of people. \n \nThanks Vince\n \nJulie\n \nPS - Of course when I announced that we were cancelling, people started \nresponding that they wished to attend. Ugh!\n \n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com << File: mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \n>> \nTo: Julie << File: mailto:julie@lacimagroup.com >> \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com << File: mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com >> \nSent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:05 PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nEnron location makes more sense. No reason to pay for the hotel.\nAlso, I think that one day makes more sense.\nI contacted the weather desk about including other people at the training\ncourse. I think that they would be interested if they got a good discount.\nVince\n\"Julie\" > > on \n02/16/2001 09:39:37 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" > >\nTo: > >\ncc:\nSubject: Re: weather course\nVince,\nGreat. Just to let you know, we decided not to wait on the indecisive\nones, and postponed the open course. It's yours, whatever you want: 1\nday (specific to what you feel will be of the most benefit), 2 days, Hyatt\nor Enron, or not at all. I hope this doesn't cause problems for you.\nSpecial deal, for sure. I owe my godfather.\nJulie\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com << File: mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \n>> \nTo: Julie\nCc: Joseph.Hrgovcic@enron.com << File: mailto:Joseph.Hrgovcic@enron.com >> \nSent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:16 PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nThat's definitely an option.\nWe can provide the room. Maybe we can cut with you a special deal for\nEnron\nand increase the # of people attending. I am forwarding your message to\nour weather desk.\nVince\nJoe,\nWhat do you think about it?\nVince\n\"Julie\" > > \non 02/15/2001 08:20:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" > >\nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" > >\ncc:\nSubject: weather course\nVince,\nWe just wanted to let you know that we only have 3 people signed up for\nthe\nweather derivatives course (all from Enron) so far. We have a couple more\nthat have expressed strong interest, but we are awaiting their final\ndecision. If no one else signs up, Chris and Les thought that you guys\ncould probably get through the first day pretty easily, and thus thought\nit\nmay be an option to teach just the 2nd day material (pricing) only at\nEnron\n(doing it at the Hyatt is an option as well but the room might be on the\nlarge side)? We would obviously reimburse you for the day not taught. We\ncan teach both days as well, but thought you may want to save some time.\nI just wanted to give you some time to think about it. We will know where\nwe stand on final numbers by next Wednesday.\nJulie\n", ["RE: weather course"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 27, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "intention", " gary (being the head of marketing that he is) would like to see if there would be some special deal that could be arranged for people from the weather desk, but he doesn't want to cross the line."]], "Vince,\n\n I've distributed the info on the course. Gary Taylor, the head of marketing \nsaid that there were perhaps two people he'd like to send, and he thought \nthat the teachers would be able to benefit from having people from the \nweather derivatives desk in attendance, but that the price of $1100 a person \nwas too steep. Gary (being the head of marketing that he is) would like to \nsee if there would be some special deal that could be arranged for people \nfrom the weather desk, but he doesn't want to cross the line.\n\nJoe\n\n ", ["<22218530.1075856216453.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32129184.1075856598983.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30497559.1075856402970.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"20": {"value": "$1100", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "22-2-2001-1:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-2-2001-1:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], [], "Julie,\nNo answer yet.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/22/2001 06:46:16 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Weather course\nVince,\nHave you heard back from the weather people?\n?\nDo we need to order in PCs for people who are attending, or do most have \nlaptops?? \n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n", ["Re: Weather course"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nNo answer yet.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<13490259.1075856517945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1036610.1075856216254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-2-2001-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-2-2001-1:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["gary.taylor@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com"], "Gary,\nI got your message. The best way to proceed is to establish direct \ncommunication\nbetween you and Julie and negotiate a deal.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2001 \n09:49 AM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 02/20/2001 01:28:52 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: weather course\nVince,\nI did cancel but I think they will charge us anyway.? Waiting to hear from \nthem.\n?\nOK, just let us know.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 2:04 AM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nI? forwarded? your message to the weather desk.\nI think you can cancel Hyatt and save some money.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/19/2001 03:19:45 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? Re: weather course\nVince,\nEnron is fine (although I think we have to pay for the Hyatt anyway).\nGood discount (I have a feeling that my idea of a good discount and the\nweather desk's idea is probably different?): for the one day, $1100 per\nperson. If you think that there will be around 10 people or more,? then we\ncan offer a day rate, regardless of the number of people.\nThanks Vince\nJulie\nPS - Of course when I announced that we were cancelling, people started\nresponding that they wished to attend. Ugh!\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom:? Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: Julie\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:05? PM\nSubject: Re: weather course\nJulie,\nEnron location makes more sense. No reason to? pay for the hotel.\nAlso, I think that one day makes more sense.\nI? contacted the weather desk about including other people at the? training\ncourse. I think that they would be interested if they got a good? discount.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on? 02/16/2001 09:39:37 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: ? \ncc:\nSubject: ? Re: weather course\nVince,\nGreat. Just to let you know,? we decided not to wait on the indecisive\nones, and postponed the open? course. It's yours, whatever you want: 1\nday (specific to what you? feel will be of the most benefit), 2 days, Hyatt\nor Enron, or not at? all. I hope this doesn't cause problems for you.\nSpecial deal, for sure. I? owe my godfather.\nJulie\n----- Original Message? -----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo:? Julie\nCc: Joseph.Hrgovcic@enron.com\nSent:? Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:16 PM\nSubject: Re: weather? course\nJulie,\nThat's definitely an option.\nWe? can provide the room. Maybe we can cut with you a special deal? for\nEnron\nand increase the # of people attending. I am forwarding? your message to\nour weather? desk.\nVince\nJoe,\nWhat do you think about ? it?\nVince\n\"Julie\" on ? 02/15/2001 08:20:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? weather course\nVince,\nWe just wanted to let you? know that we only have 3 people signed up for\nthe\nweather? derivatives course (all from Enron) so far. We have a couple\nmore\nthat have expressed strong interest, but we are awaiting their? final\ndecision. If no one else signs up, Chris and Les thought that? you guys\ncould probably get through the first day pretty easily, and? thus thought\nit\nmay be an option to teach just the 2nd day? material (pricing) only at\nEnron\n(doing it at the Hyatt is an ? option as well but the room might be on the\nlarge side)? We would ? obviously reimburse you for the day not taught. We\ncan teach both days? as well, but thought you may want to save some time.\nI just? wanted to give you some time to think about it. We will know where\nwe? stand on final numbers by next ? Wednesday.\nJulie\n", ["Re: weather course"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Gary,\n\nI got your message. The best way to proceed is to establish direct \ncommunication\nbetween you and Julie and negotiate a deal.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<16885149.1075856451534.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13466810.1075856517857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5829078.1075856216165.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15726881.1075856403226.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-2-2001-4:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-4:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Julie,\nThanks for the invitation.\nTuesday would work better for me.\nI came back from California this morning and I am quite exhausted.\nWhat is the number at which I can reach you?\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 02/26/2001 11:00:46 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: dinner\nwould you like to get together for dinner with us tonight (Monday) or \ntomorrow night?\n?\njulie\n", ["Re: dinner"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [["reach cell0phone", 5, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "request information", " what is the number at which i can reach you?"]], "Julie,\n\nThanks for the invitation.\n\nTuesday would work better for me.\nI came back from California this morning and I am quite exhausted.\n\nWhat is the number at which I can reach you?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<6336640.1075856517564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23201723.1075856215609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7738046.1075856565184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "14-3-2001-0:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-0:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 \n08:54 AM ---------------------------\n\"Julie\" on 03/14/2001 03:48:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: course invoice\nVince,\n?\nHi, hope you are well.\n?\nI'm just dropping a note regarding invoice 215 which was for 5 people \nattending the energy and weather course.? Our records show that it hasn't \nbeen paid, which is good.? We will re-do the invoice and charge you only for \nAlex and Tom's attendance since Paulo didn't show.? Is this OK with you?? By \nthe way, we only charged $250 a person for the weather course since it was \nsuppose to be an exchange of information session, and Enron Weather paid for \nthe venue.\n?\nNice to have finally met you in Houston!\n?\nJulie\n?\n", ["course invoice"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "", ["<13130175.1075856448046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4626792.1075856514371.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<782306.1075856208849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7638675.1075856409390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-3-2001-10:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-3-2001-10:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "julie@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/23/2001=\n\n06:20 PM ---------------------------\n ENA Public Relations\nFrom: ENA Public Relations@ENRON on 03/22/2001 09:25 PM\nSent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON\nTo: All_ENA_EGM_EIM\ncc: \nSubject: EnTouch Newsletter\nBUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS\nUS Natural Gas Teams\nThe US Natural Gas Marketing Originations Teams have had a successful 1Q\n2001. In addition to Mid Market Activity led by Fred Lagrasta, new\nOrigination Desk Heads and Marketing Teams have been set up across the US a=\nnd\nare led by the following: West Gas Origination - Barry Tycholiz, Central Ga=\ns\nOrigination - Laura Luce, East Gas Origination - Frank Vickers. These team=\ns\nhave made significant inroads in 2001, focusing on Customer Coverage, New=\n\nAccounts, Transportation Syndication, Risk Management Products and Market=\n\nIntelligence. All of these individuals are open to any questions regarding=\n\nthe new businesses.\nSiebel Summary\nEIM's ability to rapidly transform its designated forest products and steel=\n\nmarkets is dependent upon its ability to effectively manage the market\nparticipants and accelerate their adoption of EIM's business strategy. To=\n\nachieve this objective, EIM will implement Siebel Sales Enterprise, a\ncustomer-focused centralized database that effectively leverages all\ninformation learned about our customers and enables sharing of this\ninformation throughout the front, mid and back offices. Siebel is designed=\n\nto help in-house and mobile sales professionals in large organizations mana=\nge\naccounts, contacts, activities and opportunities associated with the sales=\n\ncycle. EIM Fundamentals is leading the Siebel implementation effort.\nIN THE NEWS\nEnron is hosting the New York Energy Risk Management Seminar at the St. Reg=\nis\nHotel in New York City on April 5, 2001. Topics include: Power Outlook,\nNatural Gas Outlook, and Weather Risk Management. To RSVP, contact Laura Pe=\nna\nat x 3-5376.\nWELCOME\nNew Hires\nEGM - Sherman Franzen, Fariba Karimi, Ryan Krogmeier, Lawrence Marcus\nEIM - Ronald Barnes, Paul Hanks, Chad Ihrig, Stella Pedroza, Linda Silva\nENA - Hagar Kedem, Steven Merriss, Courdney Williams, Diane Fellers\nTransfers\nENA ) Tammie Schoppe, Lynna Kacal, Johnna Kokenge, Karen Jones, Stuart=\n\nZisman, Anne Labbe\nEGM ) Justin Cornett, George Thomas, Richard Yeboah, Phi Khanh Wolfe, Al=\nan\nHarvey, Philip Berry, Ethan Schultz, Sanjeev Khanna, Mingcheng Lian\nNUGGETS & NOTES\n \"We have to move paper, make money AND move the industry.\" -- Rodney\nMalcolm, Vice President/Forest Products EIM\nCongratulations to Angela and Chris Connelly, manager in Coal Trading. They=\n\nare the proud parents of Nicholas Connelly, born on March 17 and weighed\n7lbs.11oz. (Rumor has it that at 48 hours of age, he had more hair than hi=\ns\nfather!)\nCongratulations to Carmen and Glenn Wright, director in Steel Origination w=\nho\nwelcomed little Lauren Nicole born March 12. She weighed in at 7lbs.13oz.a=\nnd\ndebuted with a full head of hair and \"making lots of noise.\"\nLEGAL STUFF\nThe information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietar=\ny\nto Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only=\n\nand should not be disclosed.", ["EnTouch Newsletter", "Re: Fw: energy book promotion"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "", ["<7882725.1075856445733.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12075256.1075856445794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11486202.1075856512036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9951908.1075856512097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25562028.1075856203881.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23625818.1075856203942.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26045897.1075856565117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4669722.1075856413758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-3-2001-6:26:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com": ["26-3-2001-6:26:0", "julie@lacimagroup.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "thanks.\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 1:18 AM\nSubject: Re: Fw: energy book promotion\nJulie,\nI shall track down Fiona.\nShe may be on vacation.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 03/22/2001 03:28:34 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? Fw: energy book promotion\nHi Vince,\nI sent the attached for Enron's approval to Fiona Grant, but haven't heard\nback. In the contract that we signed it states that we need to seek\napproval from Enron if we want to use the company name. Is there someone\nelse we should direct these requests?\nHope you are well.\nJulie\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Julie\nTo: Fiona.Grant@enron.com\nSent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 5:20 PM\nSubject: energy book promotion\nFiona,\nI've attached a letter that is going to be sent out to some? universities,\npromoting the Energy Derivative book. Are we allowed to? mention, \"...in\nassociation with Enron Corp.\"? Please see attached.\nShould we check with you every time we would like to use \"Enron Corp.\" when\nadvertising the book? It will usually follow similar format.\nThanks,\nJulie\nLacima Group\n)\n", ["Re: Fw: energy book promotion"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "thanks.\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \n", ["<4631685.1075856203617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13511565.1075856565095.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<374813.1075856414092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-8:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-8:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], [], "Julie,\nI signed the request for a check today.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 05/09/2001 04:47:05 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: new invoice for energy and weather\nVince,\n?\nPlease find attached a replacement invoice for invoice number 215.? This \ninvoice includes the correction in charges for the weather course, and for \nonly one attendee for the energy derivatives course.\n?\nIf you should have any questions, please contact me.\n?\nSincerely,\nJulie\n\n", ["Re: new invoice for energy and weather"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nI signed the request for a check today.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<4755948.1075856508407.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5135768.1075856196675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14904389.1075856419150.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-5-2001-3:21:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com": ["11-5-2001-3:21:0", "julie@lacimagroup.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nThanks!\n?\nCan you also let me know who my contact is for getting copy approved by \nEnron so we can use it in our publications?? I will try Fiona Grant again, \nbut I'm not getting anywhere.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nSent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 9:16 PM\nSubject: Re: new invoice for energy and weather\nJulie,\nI signed the request for a check today.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 05/09/2001 04:47:05 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:?? \nSubject:? new invoice for energy and weather\nVince,\nPlease find attached a replacement invoice for invoice number 215. ? This\ninvoice includes the correction in charges for the weather course, and for\nonly one attendee for the energy derivatives course.\nIf you should have any questions, please contact me.\nSincerely,\nJulie\n)\n", ["Re: new invoice for energy and weather"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Vince,\nThanks!\n?\nCan you also let me know who my contact is for getting copy approved by \nEnron so we can use it in our publications?? I will try Fiona Grant again, \nbut I'm not getting anywhere.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \n", ["<32735421.1075856196497.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31768687.1075856564910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7080426.1075856420056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-5:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-5:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12334358.1075856508073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 05:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julie@lacimagroup.com\nSubject: Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Julie\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJulie,\n\nYou have more luck than myself. I called a few times\nand left messages on her voice mail.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" on 05/11/2001 07:04:40 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: got a hold of Fiona Grant\n\n\n\nVince,\nJust to let you know, I finally got in touch with Fiona Grant.\nJ\n\n", "Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant", "originEmail", [["leave voice", 8, "information", ["left", "voice"], "information", " i called a few times and left messages on her voice mail."]], "Julie,\n\nYou have more luck than myself. I called a few times\nand left messages on her voice mail.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", [], true], "11-4-2001-10:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-10:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], [], "Julie,\nThanks. It feels awesome to have so much power.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 05/11/2001 05:13:48 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant\nI think it was the copying of your name on my latest email ;-)\n?\nthanks for your help\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:37 PM\nSubject: Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant\nJulie,\nYou have more luck than myself. I called a few times\nand left messages on her voice mail.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 05/11/2001 07:04:40 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? got a hold of Fiona Grant\nVince,\nJust to let you know, I finally got in touch with Fiona Grant.\nJ\n", ["Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nThanks. It feels awesome to have so much power.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", "<421726.1075856507642.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4584258.1075856195295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26533956.1075856420986.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-20:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-20:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], [], "Julie,\nThanks. It feels awesome to have so much power.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 05/11/2001 05:13:48 PM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant\nI think it was the copying of your name on my latest email ;-)\n \nthanks for your help\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:37 PM\nSubject: Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant\nJulie,\nYou have more luck than myself. I called a few times\nand left messages on her voice mail.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 05/11/2001 07:04:40 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject: got a hold of Fiona Grant\nVince,\nJust to let you know, I finally got in touch with Fiona Grant.\nJ\n", ["Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com'], 'recipients': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "Julie,\n\nThanks. It feels awesome to have so much power.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" "], {}, true], "11-5-2001-16:13:0Sjulie@lacimagroup.com": ["11-5-2001-16:13:0", "julie@lacimagroup.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "I think it was the copying of your name on my latest email ;-)\n?\nthanks for your help\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: Julie \nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:37 PM\nSubject: Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant\nJulie,\nYou have more luck than myself. I called a few times\nand left messages on her voice mail.\nVince\n\"Julie\" on 05/11/2001 07:04:40 AM\nPlease respond to \"Julie\" \nTo:?? \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? got a hold of Fiona Grant\nVince,\nJust to let you know, I finally got in touch with Fiona Grant.\nJ\n", ["Re: got a hold of Fiona Grant"], "{'body': ['julie@lacimagroup.com']}", [], "I think it was the copying of your name on my latest email ;-)\n?\nthanks for your help\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \n", ["<6658349.1075856195317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11932109.1075856564848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4844980.1075856420963.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "18-8-2000-3:38:0Sjplatt@epri.com 24-8-2000-3:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-8-2000-3:38:0Sjplatt@epri.com": ["18-8-2000-3:38:0", "jplatt@epri.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16254189.1075856296749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 03:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jplatt@epri.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: special epri mtg on ancillary services\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Platt, Jeremy\" \nX-To: \"'Kaminski, Vincent (ENRON)'\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\nThanks for your email address. Would like to invite you or others from Enron\nto our one-day planning meeting in Houston, Sept. 7, to review state of the\nart assessment of ancillary services markets, hear preliminary research on\nrelated topics, and help define a course of research that EPRI could\nundertake.\n\nHere is one of our announcements. Pls feel free to call with any questions.\n\n--Jeremy Platt\n\n\n> Re. Ancillary Services Markets and Management --\n> Changing Market Structures, Pricing, Settlement, Operational and\n> Cost Issues\n>\n> EPRI has organized a workshop on ancillary services markets and management\n> issues, to be held September 7 in Houston. File attached.\n>\n> Dr. Rajat Deb, Pres. of LCG Consulting, is our featured\n> speaker/investigator. Additional experts contributing to this special\n> workshop are:\n> * Andy Van Horn, Van Horn Consulting\n> * Phillip McLeod, MHB Consultants\n> * Jens Kure-Jensen, Encotech, and\n> * Carl Pechman, Power Economics\n>\n> <>\n> This workshop is part of a program of EPRI research on ancillary services\n> markets and management topics.* You or your colleagues are welcome to\n> attend and contribute to the discussions. The workshop is timely, offers\n> unique content, and will help shape future work of value. We encourage you\n> to register promptly. Please call me if you have any questions.\n>\n> If you are unable to attend or feel someone else in the company may have a\n> more direct responsibilty, please forward this note. Thanks,\n>\n> Jeremy Platt\n> Manager, Power and Fuel Markets\n> 650/855-2628\n>\n> Dale Gray\n> Manager, Generation Asset Management\n> 704-547-6016\n>\n> *Background on EPRI research on ancillary services. EPRI, known formerly\n> as the Electric Power Research Institute, offers research on a wide range\n> of energy, technology, environmental and business/market topics. EPRI's\n> 2000 research on A/S is Value Package 64.3, Strategic Value and\n> Measurement of Ancillary Services. This Value Package is part of a larger\n> program of research (a \"Target\"), called Understanding Power and Fuel\n> Markets and Generation Response. Other 2000 ancillary services projects\n> underway are: a report on markets and pricing (now in preparation) and a\n> demonstration this fall of measurement procedures at a generating site for\n> reactive supply and voltage control and for spinning and supplemental\n> reserves.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n - ancillary-wkshp.pdf", "special epri mtg on ancillary services", "forward", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting"], "intention", " would like to invite you or others from enron to our one-day planning meeting in houston, sept numeric , to review state of the art assessment of ancillary services markets, hear preliminary research on related topics, and help define a course of research that epri could undertake."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting"], "intention", " would like to invite you or others from enron to our one-day planning meeting in houston, sept numeric , to review state of the art assessment of ancillary services markets, hear preliminary research on related topics, and help define a course of research that epri could undertake."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 35, "information", ["changing", "pricing"], "information", " ancillary services markets and management -- changing market structures, pricing, settlement, operational and cost issues epri has organized a workshop on ancillary services markets and management issues, to be held datenumeric in houston."], ["attach spreadsheet", 54, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", " file attached."]], "Dear Dr. Kaminski,\nThanks for your email address. Would like to invite you or others from Enron\nto our one-day planning meeting in Houston, Sept. 7, to review state of the\nart assessment of ancillary services markets, hear preliminary research on\nrelated topics, and help define a course of research that EPRI could\nundertake.\n\nHere is one of our announcements. Pls feel free to call with any questions.\n\n--Jeremy Platt\n\n\n Re. Ancillary Services Markets and Management --\n Changing Market Structures, Pricing, Settlement, Operational and\n Cost Issues\n \n EPRI has organized a workshop on ancillary services markets and management\n issues, to be held September 7 in Houston. File attached.\n \n Dr. Rajat Deb, Pres. of LCG Consulting, is our featured\n speaker/investigator. Additional experts contributing to this special\n workshop are:\n * Andy Van Horn, Van Horn Consulting\n * Phillip McLeod, MHB Consultants\n * Jens Kure-Jensen, Encotech, and\n * Carl Pechman, Power Economics\n \n <", {}, false], "24-8-2000-3:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-8-2000-3:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <20552338.1075856345514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 03:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: special epri mtg on ancillary services\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/24/2000 \n10:59 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Platt, Jeremy\" on 08/18/2000 12:38:45 PM\nTo: \"'Kaminski, Vincent (ENRON)'\" \ncc: \nSubject: special epri mtg on ancillary services\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\nThanks for your email address. Would like to invite you or others from Enron\nto our one-day planning meeting in Houston, Sept. 7, to review state of the\nart assessment of ancillary services markets, hear preliminary research on\nrelated topics, and help define a course of research that EPRI could\nundertake.\n\nHere is one of our announcements. Pls feel free to call with any questions.\n\n--Jeremy Platt\n\n\n> Re. Ancillary Services Markets and Management --\n> Changing Market Structures, Pricing, Settlement, Operational and\n> Cost Issues\n>\n> EPRI has organized a workshop on ancillary services markets and management\n> issues, to be held September 7 in Houston. File attached.\n>\n> Dr. Rajat Deb, Pres. of LCG Consulting, is our featured\n> speaker/investigator. Additional experts contributing to this special\n> workshop are:\n> * Andy Van Horn, Van Horn Consulting\n> * Phillip McLeod, MHB Consultants\n> * Jens Kure-Jensen, Encotech, and\n> * Carl Pechman, Power Economics\n>\n> <>\n> This workshop is part of a program of EPRI research on ancillary services\n> markets and management topics.* You or your colleagues are welcome to\n> attend and contribute to the discussions. The workshop is timely, offers\n> unique content, and will help shape future work of value. We encourage you\n> to register promptly. Please call me if you have any questions.\n>\n> If you are unable to attend or feel someone else in the company may have a\n> more direct responsibilty, please forward this note. Thanks,\n>\n> Jeremy Platt\n> Manager, Power and Fuel Markets\n> 650/855-2628\n>\n> Dale Gray\n> Manager, Generation Asset Management\n> 704-547-6016\n>\n> *Background on EPRI research on ancillary services. EPRI, known formerly\n> as the Electric Power Research Institute, offers research on a wide range\n> of energy, technology, environmental and business/market topics. EPRI's\n> 2000 research on A/S is Value Package 64.3, Strategic Value and\n> Measurement of Ancillary Services. This Value Package is part of a larger\n> program of research (a \"Target\"), called Understanding Power and Fuel\n> Markets and Generation Response. Other 2000 ancillary services projects\n> underway are: a report on markets and pricing (now in preparation) and a\n> demonstration this fall of measurement procedures at a generating site for\n> reactive supply and voltage control and for spinning and supplemental\n> reserves.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n - ancillary-wkshp.pdf\n", "special epri mtg on ancillary services", "originEmail", [["register conference", 6, "nninformation", ["conference", "register"], "request", "shirley, please, register me for this conference."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<20552338.1075856345514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-3-2000-6:46:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 31-3-2000-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-4-2000-13:15:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 21-8-2000-6:42:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 23-8-2000-10:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-8-2000-11:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 29-11-2000-9:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 30-11-2000-1:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-1-2001-7:52:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 31-1-2001-9:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-2-2001-6:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-2-2001-6:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-2-2001-6:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-3-2001-1:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-4-2001-0:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-4-2001-1:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-2-2001-2:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-2-2001-3:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-3-2001-9:16:0Sdaveike@rice.edu 19-4-2001-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-5-2001-3:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-2-2001-7:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-4:1:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 6-3-2001-6:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-7:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-17:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-3-2001-2:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-3-2001-23:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-3-2001-10:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-3-2001-11:21:0Sdaveike@rice.edu 31-3-2001-1:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-4-2001-1:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-4-2001-8:18:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 9-4-2001-10:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-4-2001-1:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-4-2001-1:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2001-19:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-4-2001-9:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-4-2001-19:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-11:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-11-2001-13:42:13Scastro@rice.edu": {"28-3-2000-6:46:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["28-3-2000-6:46:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "asayrak@jatz.out.edr", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "vkamins@ect.enron.com", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "ukamins@enron.com", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "cjustic@ect.enron.com", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Hello all,\nThe program for the 2000 Texas Finance Festival has been formalized and can\nbe found on our web site at\n\nI do need to remind you of a few things before we converge on San Antonio.\nFirst, be sure to contact the convention hotel and make your reservations.\nAt last count there were only 6 rooms left. Second, I need a completed\napplication form from everyone so that we can get an accurate meal count.\nI am attaching the program announcement so you can fill out the appropriate\nboxes for meals and numbers of guests in the event you have not sent in a\nform.\nRemember that we are starting the conference off with a luncheon on Friday\nso plan on arriving early Friday or coming in on Thursday evening if you\ncan. Our hotel is right on the river and there are lots of restaurants and\ninteresting things to visit in the immediate area (the Alamo is across the\nplaza from the hotel).\nWe are making plans for spouses and children to attend both the dinner on\nFriday and Saturday evenings. The Friday evening dinner begins at 6 p.m.\nso that we can be done in plenty of time for our private guided tour of the\nAlamo at 8:00 p.m. For Saturday we are still working out plans for the\nevening so stay tuned.\nThere will be more information later as the conference nears. Looking\nforward to seeing you all and in beautiful, sunny San Antonio.\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Update"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 18, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " first, be sure to contact the convention hotel and make your reservations."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 42, "information", ["sent", "form"], "information", " i am attaching the program announcement so you can fill out the appropriate boxes for meals and numbers of guests in the event you have not sent in a form."]], "Hello all,\n\nThe program for the 2000 Texas Finance Festival has been formalized and can\nbe found on our web site at\n\nhttp://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/festival2.html\n\nI do need to remind you of a few things before we converge on San Antonio.\nFirst, be sure to contact the convention hotel and make your reservations.\nAt last count there were only 6 rooms left. Second, I need a completed\napplication form from everyone so that we can get an accurate meal count.\nI am attaching the program announcement so you can fill out the appropriate\nboxes for meals and numbers of guests in the event you have not sent in a\nform.\n\nRemember that we are starting the conference off with a luncheon on Friday\nso plan on arriving early Friday or coming in on Thursday evening if you\ncan. Our hotel is right on the river and there are lots of restaurants and\ninteresting things to visit in the immediate area (the Alamo is across the\nplaza from the hotel).\n\nWe are making plans for spouses and children to attend both the dinner on\nFriday and Saturday evenings. The Friday evening dinner begins at 6 p.m.\nso that we can be done in plenty of time for our private guided tour of the\nAlamo at 8:00 p.m. For Saturday we are still working out plans for the\nevening so stay tuned.\n\nThere will be more information later as the conference nears. Looking\nforward to seeing you all and in beautiful, sunny San Antonio.\n\nJohn - announcerev.doc\n\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<9611917.1075863707526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13126789.1075863703860.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25966476.1075863704798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2000-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-9:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2000 \n05:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Sherri Sera @ ENRON 03/31/2000 05:15 PM\n \nTo: Gene Humphrey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lou L Pai/HOU/EES@EES, Ken Rice/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bert Frazier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES, Jewel Meeks/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Mercedes Estrada/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Bridget Maronge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Proposed Darden Interview Schedule - April 18\nBelow is proposed schedule for the Darden case video-taped interviews; an \nhour has been scheduled for each of you (except Vince, for whom 1-1/2 hours \nhas been requested), however, you may be finished in less time. The location \nis yet to be determined, but will most likely take place in a vacant office \nof 50M. \nPlease let me know of any conflicts with this proposed schedule. I'll send \nalong additional information as it becomes available. Thank you and have a \nnice weekend. SRS\n8:00a Gene Humphrey\n9:00a Lou Pai\n10:00a Ken Rice\n11:00a Andy Fastow\n12:00p Break\n2:00p Vince Kaminski\n3:30p Jeff Skilling\n", ["Proposed Darden Interview Schedule - April 18", "Update"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<17422615.1075856936912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3300441.1075863706030.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32931881.1075856993816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12213613.1075863706461.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20079136.1075863703830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31356159.1075856753309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31515163.1075856816265.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9627884.1075863704824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-13:15:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["4-4-2000-13:15:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "TFF Participants,\nWe are looking forward to seeing everyone in San Antonio this Friday.\nAttached is a welcome letter that indicates the meeting room and describes\nthe two evenings (Friday dinner and tour of the Alamo and Saturday barbeque\ndinner at a ranch outside of San Antonio). We have arranged for five\nhorses for the brave at heart and a hayride for the interested so come with\njeans and boots.\nSee you Friday\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Last minute things"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "TFF Participants,\n\nWe are looking forward to seeing everyone in San Antonio this Friday.\nAttached is a welcome letter that indicates the meeting room and describes\nthe two evenings (Friday dinner and tour of the Alamo and Saturday barbeque\ndinner at a ranch outside of San Antonio). We have arranged for five\nhorses for the brave at heart and a hayride for the interested so come with\njeans and boots.\n\nSee you Friday\n\nJohn\n - Welcome1.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<615186.1075856751829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17690371.1075857039526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32323389.1075856816837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-8-2000-6:42:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["21-8-2000-6:42:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "gwillard@mit.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Hello from Texas,\nWe are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have run \ninto a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend in \nApril (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" \narrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is Easter \nweekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially lower \nbecause it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the meeting \non this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans such that \nsome or many of you may not be able to attend. \nMy related question to you is this:\nDoes holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend) pose \na problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you think you \nmay not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your opinion to \nguide our decision.\nThanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\nJohn \np.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor \nagain this year. \nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["TFF2001 Meeting Date Question"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 1, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " we are trying to set up our meeting date for the numeric conference and have run into a snag."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 14, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "make"], "intention", " however, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" arrangements for the second weekend in april."], ["serve_attend conference", 40, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", " please give us your thoughts asap even if you think you may not be able to attend this year's conference."]], "Hello from Texas,\n\nWe are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have run \ninto a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend in \nApril (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" \narrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is Easter \nweekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially lower \nbecause it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the meeting \non this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans such that \nsome or many of you may not be able to attend. \n\nMy related question to you is this:\n\nDoes holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend) pose \na problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you think you \nmay not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your opinion to \nguide our decision.\n\nThanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\n\nJohn \n\np.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor \nagain this year. \nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<22708373.1075856639173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30788861.1075856296232.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12659028.1075856344216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-10:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-10:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["j_martin@baylor.edu"], [], "John,\nEaster may not work for me because I shall most likely\nbe visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\nEaster together for the last three years).\nVince\n\"John D. Martin\" on 08/21/2000 01:42:14 PM\nTo: aagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , gwillard@MIT.EDU\ncc: \nSubject: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question\nHello from Texas,\nWe are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have run \ninto a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend in \nApril (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" \narrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is Easter \nweekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially lower \nbecause it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the meeting \non this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans such that \nsome or many of you may not be able to attend. \nMy related question to you is this:\nDoes holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend) pose \na problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you think you \nmay not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your opinion to \nguide our decision.\nThanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\nJohn \np.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor \nagain this year. \nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Re: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "John,\n\nEaster may not work for me because I shall most likely\nbe visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\nEaster together for the last three years).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"John D. Martin\" ", "<18446879.1075856553106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<543349.1075856294793.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25199258.1075856344239.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-11:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["23-8-2000-11:4:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nI certainly understand. However, we are going to try to move the date up a\nweek or two to make sure there are no conflicts for anyone. We've had some\ntrouble getting our hotel date even this far in advance. I'll be back in\ntouch when we get it ironed out.\nJohn\nAt 05:42 PM 8/23/00 -0500, you wrote:\n>\n>John,\n>\n>Easter may not work for me because I shall most likely\n>be visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\n>Easter together for the last three years).\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\"John D. Martin\" on 08/21/2000 01:42:14 PM\n>\n>To: aagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan ,\n> bethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay ,\n> abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray\n> Carlson , chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent\n> Daniel , fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu,\n> lederington@ou.edu, Harper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org,\n> Stuart Gillan , Denis Gromb ,\n> grullon@rice.edu, jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu,\n> Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, daveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu,\n> Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl\n> , Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com,\n> zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi\n> , \"John D. Martin\"\n> , Maxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin\n> , metrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H.\n> Noe\" , Parrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill\n> Petty , manju puri ,\n> Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, steve_rich@baylor.edu,\n> eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu\n> , Akin Sayrak ,\n> sirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks ,\n> suarez@cemfi.es, \"A. Subrahmanyam\" ,\n> Stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu,\n> stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu,\n> hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, Beth Miertschin ,\n> gwillard@MIT.EDU\n>cc:\n>Subject: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question\n>\n>\n>Hello from Texas,\n>\n>We are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have\n>run into a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend\n>in April (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our\n>\"fun\" arrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is\n>Easter weekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially\n>lower because it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the\n>meeting on this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans\n>such that some or many of you may not be able to attend.\n>\n>My related question to you is this:\n>\n>Does holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend)\n>pose a problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you\n>think you may not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your\n>opinion to guide our decision.\n>\n>Thanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\n>\n>John\n>\n>p.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor\n>again this year.\n>John D. Martin\n>Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance\n>Finance Department\n>Baylor University\n>PO Box 98004\n>Waco, TX 76798\n>254-710-4473 (Office)\n>254-710-1092 (Fax)\n>J_Martin@Baylor.edu\n\n>\n>\n>\n>\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Re: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nI certainly understand. However, we are going to try to move the date up a\nweek or two to make sure there are no conflicts for anyone. We've had some\ntrouble getting our hotel date even this far in advance. I'll be back in\ntouch when we get it ironed out.\n\nJohn\n\nAt 05:42 PM 8/23/00 -0500, you wrote:\n \n John,\n \n Easter may not work for me because I shall most likely\n be visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\n Easter together for the last three years).\n \n Vince\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"John D. Martin\" ", "<16658459.1075856294769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21399730.1075856345357.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-11-2000-9:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["29-11-2000-9:4:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "besty@hbs.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "gwillard@mit.edu", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Hello friends,\nAttached is the program announcement for the third edition of the Texas\nFinance Festival to be held in San Antonio (once again). You will note\nthat we have some new and fun entertainment lined up to accompany the\nsuperb program put together by Sheridan Titman (and company).\nYou can help us by registering early so we have put a discount into the\nregistration fee if you get your registration form and check in by January\n15, 2001. However, We would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP if you\ndo plan to come via return e-mail.\nLooking forward to seeing you all again in the spring.\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Announcing the Third Annual Texas Finance Festival"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Hello friends,\n\nAttached is the program announcement for the third edition of the Texas\nFinance Festival to be held in San Antonio (once again). You will note\nthat we have some new and fun entertainment lined up to accompany the\nsuperb program put together by Sheridan Titman (and company).\n\nYou can help us by registering early so we have put a discount into the\nregistration fee if you get your registration form and check in by January\n15, 2001. However, We would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP if you\ndo plan to come via return e-mail.\n\nLooking forward to seeing you all again in the spring.\n\nJohn\n\n - announcerev.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<9374495.1075856254065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18632824.1075856599590.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12936220.1075856375108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-11-2000-1:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-11-2000-1:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, register me for this conference.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/30/2000 \n09:52 AM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 11/29/2000 05:04:25 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin \ncc: \nSubject: Announcing the Third Annual Texas Finance Festival\nHello friends,\nAttached is the program announcement for the third edition of the Texas\nFinance Festival to be held in San Antonio (once again). You will note\nthat we have some new and fun entertainment lined up to accompany the\nsuperb program put together by Sheridan Titman (and company).\nYou can help us by registering early so we have put a discount into the\nregistration fee if you get your registration form and check in by January\n15, 2001. However, We would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP if you\ndo plan to come via return e-mail.\nLooking forward to seeing you all again in the spring.\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Announcing the Third Annual Texas Finance Festival"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [["register conference", 5, "nninformation", ["conference", "register"], "request", "shirley, please, register me for this conference."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<10233757.1075856468704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4258916.1075856535006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33256987.1075856253698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19275446.1075856375354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"festival financeTnn": {"value": "festival financeTnn", "ne": "festival financeTnn", "patterns": ["festival financeTnn"]}}, true], "3-1-2001-7:52:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["3-1-2001-7:52:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "besty@hbs.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "steg@email.msn.com", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "gwillard@mit.edu", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Happy New Year to all!\nDon't forget to get registered early for this year's conference. It\npromises to be the best yet. The fun stuff is already organized and the\nprogram looks to be the best that \"Trail Boss\" Titman has yet produced.\nNotice the \"friendly encouragement\" (translation discount in the\nregistration fee) for early registration. The conference info and\nregistration form can be found at\n\nHappy new year and hope to see you in San Antonio in April!\nJohn\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Reminder"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [["register conference", 3, "nninformation", ["conference", "registered"], "intention", " don't forget to get registered early for this year's conference."]], "Happy New Year to all!\n\nDon't forget to get registered early for this year's conference. It\npromises to be the best yet. The fun stuff is already organized and the\nprogram looks to be the best that \"Trail Boss\" Titman has yet produced.\n\nNotice the \"friendly encouragement\" (translation discount in the\nregistration fee) for early registration. The conference info and\nregistration form can be found at\nhttp://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/Tff2001/index.htm\n\nHappy new year and hope to see you in San Antonio in April!\n\nJohn\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<11794232.1075856634510.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22815894.1075856238591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19319538.1075856386335.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-1-2001-9:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-9:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001 \n05:20 PM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 01/27/2001 07:12:03 AM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nHi Vince,\nAfter we hung up the phone yesterday, I sent you an email as we\nagreed. However today I looked in my \"outbox\" and see that nothing was\nsent to you. Thus, I'm trying again. If this is redundant, sorry.\nAttached is a copy of the Corporate Finance Forum I am trying to\norganize. Any comments or suggestions you might have would be\nappreciated. I look forward to Enron getting involved in this project if\nat all possible.\nSecondly, I am confirming the dates for the two visitors for the Risk\nManagement chair.\nPhilippe Jorion, Seminar on 2/15 and dinner on 2/14\nAndrew Karolyi, Seminar on 2/23 and dinner on 2/23.\nLets try to go flying sometime soon\nThanks for your help and support,\nDave\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", [""], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<25915714.1075856454791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12548903.1075856521135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15113568.1075856222275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29270484.1075856398310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-2-2001-6:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-6:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dave,\nBoth days.\nVince\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/06/2001 01:39:58 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: ostdiek@rice.edu \nSubject: \nHi Vince,\nI just now heard back from Andrew Karolyi. He will be here on Monday March\n12. Would you be available for dinner either on Sunday March 11 or Monday\nMarch 12?\nThanks, Dave\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Dave,\n\nBoth days.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nDavid Ikenberry ", "<9823491.1075856453703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<440377.1075856520017.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23991834.1075856220225.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-2-2001-6:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-6:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jennifer.burns@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/06/2001 \n02:55 PM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/06/2001 01:39:58 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: ostdiek@rice.edu \nSubject: \nHi Vince,\nI just now heard back from Andrew Karolyi. He will be here on Monday March\n12. Would you be available for dinner either on Sunday March 11 or Monday\nMarch 12?\nThanks, Dave\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["", "Re: REMINDER - Trader's Roundtable Meeting"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<4591925.1075856453636.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1302516.1075856453659.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26590077.1075856519950.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21512626.1075856519971.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20049809.1075856220135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23543592.1075856220158.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11465593.1075856399909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-2-2001-6:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-6:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/06/2001 \n02:56 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n02/06/2001 02:50 PM\nTo: David Ikenberry @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: \nDave,\nBoth days.\nVince\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/06/2001 01:39:58 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: ostdiek@rice.edu \nSubject: \nHi Vince,\nI just now heard back from Andrew Karolyi. He will be here on Monday March\n12. Would you be available for dinner either on Sunday March 11 or Monday\nMarch 12?\nThanks, Dave\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<5043320.1075856453615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26961720.1075856519928.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14371681.1075856220113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32679924.1075856399931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2001-1:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2001-1:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2001 \n09:41 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 03/30/2001 06:57:57 PM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nVince,\nIt was good seeing you again today. I want to make sure the NFCF is on\nyour calendar for May 4-5. You should be receiving some registration\nmaterials shortly.\nPlease plan on coming if you can.\nAlso, please attend the dinner on Friday evening along with your wife if\npossible.\nRegards,\nDave\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", [""], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n", ["<4112380.1075856444938.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2982628.1075856511270.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7803526.1075856202201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8111267.1075856415418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-4-2001-0:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-4-2001-0:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dave,\nThanks for the invitation. I shall be glad to join you at the dinner \nand on Saturday.\nI shall come alone: my wife will stay with my son in California\ntill June (my son graduates this spring from college).\nI shall remind Andy Fastow about NFCF.\nVince\nDavid Ikenberry on 03/30/2001 06:57:57 PM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nVince,\nIt was good seeing you again today. I want to make sure the NFCF is on\nyour calendar for May 4-5. You should be receiving some registration\nmaterials shortly.\nPlease plan on coming if you can.\nAlso, please attend the dinner on Friday evening along with your wife if\npossible.\nRegards,\nDave\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Dave,\n\nThanks for the invitation. I shall be glad to join you at the dinner \nand on Saturday.\nI shall come alone: my wife will stay with my son in California\ntill June (my son graduates this spring from college).\n\nI shall remind Andy Fastow about NFCF.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Ikenberry ", "<5860461.1075856444502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16343659.1075856510833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17085103.1075856201608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-1:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-1:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], [], "Dave,\nI bumped into Andy at a restaurant and reminded him about the \nconference and told him how much Rice would be delighted to have\nas a participant/speaker.\nPlease, keep trying. I think it's you against his wife.\nVince\nDavid Ikenberry on 04/09/2001 01:27:24 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: \nHi Vince,\nI may have missed something, however don't believe I have received any\ncommunication recently from Andy Festow about this upcoming May 4-5 corp.\nfin. conference. I hope he is still planning to come, yet I don't know as\nof now.\nI have Andy penciled in as a participant on a \"panel\" that is discussing\nequity dilution from stock option compensation (the role of panelist should\nrequire little, if any, preparation time). Of course, I want Andy to\ncome, however he is concerned about his ability to attend, I probably\nshould identify another person or two to serve on the panel.\nDave.\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Dave,\n\nI bumped into Andy at a restaurant and reminded him about the \nconference and told him how much Rice would be delighted to have\nas a participant/speaker.\n\nPlease, keep trying. I think it's you against his wife.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Ikenberry ", "<4123751.1075856508625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12433816.1075856197162.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-2-2001-2:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-2:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["andrew.fastow@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Andy,\nI am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top \nfinance practitioners and\nacademics. The idea came from a professor at Rice University who\nhas already received a commitment from a number\nof most distinguished CFOs. \nPlease, read the outline and see if you would be interested in joining this \nforum.\nI shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with Prof. Ikenberry.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/05/2001 \n10:22 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/02/2001 06:10:02 PM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nIt was great talking with you.\nDave \n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["The National Forum on Corporate Finance"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 3, "information", ["draft", "sending"], "information", "andy, i am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top finance practitioners and academics."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 25, "nninformation", ["arrange", "meeting"], "intention", " i shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with prof."]], "Andy,\n\nI am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top \nfinance practitioners and\nacademics. The idea came from a professor at Rice University who\nhas already received a commitment from a number\nof most distinguished CFOs. \n\nPlease, read the outline and see if you would be interested in joining this \nforum.\nI shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with Prof. Ikenberry.\n\nVince\n\n\n", ["<31433988.1075856627964.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4306620.1075856454168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28244863.1075856520482.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29955500.1075856221038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13261372.1075856399429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn": {"value": "corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn", "ne": "corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn", "patterns": ["corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn"]}, "professor rice_rice0universityTnn": {"value": "professor rice_rice0universityTnn", "ne": "professor rice_rice0universityTnn", "patterns": ["professor rice_rice0universityTnn"]}}, true], "26-2-2001-3:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-3:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["andrew.fastow@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "daveike@rice.edu"], "Andy,\n Thanks. I shall forward your message to \nProf. Ikenberry.\nVince\nFrom: Andrew S Fastow/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/22/2001 01:45 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nVince:\nI would be interested in participating. Thanks.\nAndy\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, February 05, 2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nAndy,\nI am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top \nfinance practitioners and\nacademics. The idea came from a professor at Rice University who\nhas already received a commitment from a number\nof most distinguished CFOs. \nPlease, read the outline and see if you would be interested in joining this \nforum.\nI shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with Prof. Ikenberry.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/05/2001 \n10:22 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/02/2001 06:10:02 PM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nIt was great talking with you.\nDave \n >> \n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["RE: The National Forum on Corporate Finance"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Andy,\n\n Thanks. I shall forward your message to \nProf. Ikenberry.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Andrew S Fastow/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/22/2001 01:45 PM\n", ["<12129595.1075856627852.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11571191.1075856451308.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25786821.1075856517629.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17556865.1075856215699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-3-2001-9:16:0Sdaveike@rice.edu": ["13-3-2001-9:16:0", "daveike@rice.edu", ["andrew.s.fastow@enron.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hello Mr. Fastow,\nSheridan Titman from UT-Austin and I are both delighted you will be able to\nparticipate in the conference we are organizing here at Rice. Attached is\na revised overview of the organization - the second page contains an\nup-to-date list of the firms involved.\nAlso, I'm attaching a draft of the actual program. After each\npresentation, I have a panel of three or four people who will can respond\nto some of the points or issues raised in each discussion. These remarks\nwill be very informal and ad hoc and thus should require no preparation on\nyour part. Reaction to this format has been good and I think it will be a\ngreat way to stimulate discussion/debate.\nI have you penciled in to serve on one such panel on Saturday morning, May\n5. The topic deals with handing the dilution arising from executive stock\noptions and involves the top academic expert on executive stock options,\nDavid Yermack from NYU.\nLet me know if you have any concerns about this or if a conflict\narises. Also, I will be e-mailing some registration materials to you in\nthe next week.\nI look forward to seeing you soon.\nDave Ikenberry.\nAt 11:20 AM 2/26/2001 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>Andy,\n>\n> Thanks. I shall forward your message to\n>Prof. Ikenberry.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>From: Andrew S Fastow/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/22/2001 01:45 PM\n>\n>To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n>cc:\n>Subject: RE: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\n>\n>Vince:\n>\n>I would be interested in participating. Thanks.\n>\n>Andy\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Kaminski, Vince\n> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 10:23 AM\n> To: Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ENRON\n> Cc: Kaminski, Vince\n> Subject: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\n>\n> Andy,\n>\n> I am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top\n> finance practitioners and\n> academics. The idea came from a professor at Rice University who\n> has already received a commitment from a number\n> of most distinguished CFOs.\n>\n> Please, read the outline and see if you would be interested in joining\n> this forum.\n> I shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with Prof. Ikenberry.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on\n> 02/05/2001 10:22 AM ---------------------------\n>\n> (Embedded image moved to file: pic26299.pcx)\n> David Ikenberry on 02/02/2001 06:10:02 PM\n>\n> To: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \n> cc:\n> Subject:\n>\n>\n> It was great talking with you.\n>\n> Dave\n >>\n>\n>\n> ***********************************\n> Prof. David Ikenberry\n> Jones Graduate School of Management\n> Rice University\n> 713-348-5385\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385", ["The National Forum on Corporate Finance", ""], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 7, "nninformation", ["conference", "organizing"], "intention", " sheridan titman from ut-austin and i are both delighted you will be able to participate in the conference we are organizing here at rice."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 19, "information", ["attaching", "draft"], "information", " also, i'm attaching a draft of the actual program."]], "Hello Mr. Fastow,\n\nSheridan Titman from UT-Austin and I are both delighted you will be able to\nparticipate in the conference we are organizing here at Rice. Attached is\na revised overview of the organization - the second page contains an\nup-to-date list of the firms involved.\n\nAlso, I'm attaching a draft of the actual program. After each\npresentation, I have a panel of three or four people who will can respond\nto some of the points or issues raised in each discussion. These remarks\nwill be very informal and ad hoc and thus should require no preparation on\nyour part. Reaction to this format has been good and I think it will be a\ngreat way to stimulate discussion/debate.\n\nI have you penciled in to serve on one such panel on Saturday morning, May\n5. The topic deals with handing the dilution arising from executive stock\noptions and involves the top academic expert on executive stock options,\nDavid Yermack from NYU.\n\nLet me know if you have any concerns about this or if a conflict\narises. Also, I will be e-mailing some registration materials to you in\nthe next week.\n\nI look forward to seeing you soon.\n\nDave Ikenberry.\n\nAt 11:20 AM 2/26/2001 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n Andy,\n \n Thanks. I shall forward your message to\n Prof. Ikenberry.\n \n Vince\n \n \n \n \n \n From: Andrew S Fastow/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/22/2001 01:45 PM\n \n ", ["<20903167.1075856627470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4632245.1075856627491.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11368989.1075856209071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19662403.1075856209093.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32144064.1075856409186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18928699.1075856409210.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-9:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 \n04:27 PM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 04/19/2001 12:41:10 PM\nTo: Andrew.S.Fastow@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nMr. Fastow,\nI'm writing all of our participants and confirming plans for the upcoming\ncorporate finance meetings on May 4-5 here. As a reminder, you are slated\nto sit on the executive option/equity dilution panel on Saturday\nmorning. Dave Yermack from NYU, the number one expert on this issue, is\npresenting at that session. (Again, serving as a panelist should require\nlittle preparation on your behalf.)\nAlso, you and your wife are welcome to attend the dinner on Friday evening,\nMay 4. It will be held in the Baker Institute across from the business\nschool. Tom Copeland is our speaker - (I think he plans to focus his\nremarks on real options). Vince Kaminski has told me he will be at the\ndinner, however his wife is out of town and will not be.\nPlease call me direct if I can be of any help or assistance. I look\nforward to seeing you soon. I've attached a copy of the program along with\na name rooster of those planning to attend.\nDave Ikenberry\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["The National Forum on Corporate Finance", "Texas Finance Festival"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<5640090.1075856439607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1733041.1075856439628.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15992449.1075856502984.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14091723.1075856505934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11481963.1075856191626.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5818788.1075856191649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31437348.1075856424048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19423123.1075856424070.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-5-2001-3:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-5-2001-3:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/03/2001 \n10:32 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 04/19/2001 12:41:10 PM\nTo: Andrew.S.Fastow@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nMr. Fastow,\nI'm writing all of our participants and confirming plans for the upcoming\ncorporate finance meetings on May 4-5 here. As a reminder, you are slated\nto sit on the executive option/equity dilution panel on Saturday\nmorning. Dave Yermack from NYU, the number one expert on this issue, is\npresenting at that session. (Again, serving as a panelist should require\nlittle preparation on your behalf.)\nAlso, you and your wife are welcome to attend the dinner on Friday evening,\nMay 4. It will be held in the Baker Institute across from the business\nschool. Tom Copeland is our speaker - (I think he plans to focus his\nremarks on real options). Vince Kaminski has told me he will be at the\ndinner, however his wife is out of town and will not be.\nPlease call me direct if I can be of any help or assistance. I look\nforward to seeing you soon. I've attached a copy of the program along with\na name rooster of those planning to attend.\nDave Ikenberry\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["The National Forum on Corporate Finance"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<7937797.1075856435730.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8322108.1075856499104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26153880.1075856181348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29121004.1075856432457.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-2-2001-7:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-7:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "David,\nIt's even better.\nDinner on the 18th works best for me.\nI sent your outline to our CFO with my recommendation.\nI hope to hear shortly from him.\nVince\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/05/2001 02:29:04 PM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: Philippe Jorion's pending visit to Rice\nHi Vince,\nWe have tentatively re-scheduled Philippe Jorion for Monday, March 19. He\nwill likely come for dinner on Sunday, March 18 and return to California on\nMarch 19. Would dinner on the 18th and/or a seminar sometime on Monday the\n19th work with your schedule?\nThanks, Dave\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Re: Philippe Jorion's pending visit to Rice"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "David,\n\nIt's even better.\n\nDinner on the 18th works best for me.\n\nI sent your outline to our CFO with my recommendation.\nI hope to hear shortly from him.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Ikenberry ", "<4948191.1075856453879.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7700377.1075856520195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24439337.1075856220540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-4:1:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["6-3-2001-4:1:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "besty@hbs.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "karin.s.thorburn@dartmouth.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "gwillard@mit.edu", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Update:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Hello all"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Update:\n\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\n\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\n\nJohn\n\n - announcerev.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<23302832.1075856632716.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8093377.1075856212236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32558958.1075856406395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-6:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-6:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nAm I registered?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2001 \n02:23 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/06/2001 12:01:35 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , \"Karin S. Thorburn\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Hello all\nUpdate:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Hello all"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nAm I registered?\n\nVince\n\n", ["<3432100.1075856449588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4083465.1075856515905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3737829.1075856212188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12740809.1075856406418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-6:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com", "michael.rosen@enron.com", "karen.marshall@enron.com"], [], "Christie, Karen and Mike,\nThis is info about Texas Finance Festival, a great opportunity to establish \ncloser\nties with Texas business schools. You can contact John directly if you are \ninterested in\nattending.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2001 \n02:23 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/06/2001 12:01:35 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , \"Karin S. Thorburn\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Hello all\nUpdate:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Hello all"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Christie, Karen and Mike,\n\nThis is info about Texas Finance Festival, a great opportunity to establish \ncloser\nties with Texas business schools. You can contact John directly if you are \ninterested in\nattending.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<5404609.1075856449565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14534440.1075856515882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5698107.1075856212166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23949522.1075856406442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-7:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-7:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rakesh.bharati@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n02:52 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/06/2001 12:01:35 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , \"Karin S. Thorburn\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Hello all\nUpdate:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Hello all"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<9104749.1075856440188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23522973.1075856506527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22490484.1075856193154.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10757614.1075856422781.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-17:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-17:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rakesh.bharati@enron.com"], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 =\n02:52 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/06/2001 12:01:35 PM\nTo:Ben Esty , Greg Willard , aagrawal@c=\nba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , bethel@babson.ed=\nu, Murat Binay , abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyron=\ne.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson , chapm=\nan@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel , fdiebold@mail.s=\nas.upenn.edu, lederington@ou.edu, Harper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cr=\nef.org, Stuart Gillan , Denis Gromb =\n, grullon@rice.edu, jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhu=\nnd@mail.utexas.edu, daveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enro=\nn.com, Matthias Kahl , Vince.J.Kaminski@en=\nron.com, zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Maros=\ni , \"John D. Martin\" , M=\naxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , metrick@Wha=\nrton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , Parrino@mai=\nl.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri , Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, steve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mai=\nl.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu , Aki=\nn Sayrak , sirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \"A. Subrahmanyam\" , Stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, stathis.tompa=\nidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, Beth Miertsc=\nhin , \"Karin S. Thorburn\" \ncc:\nSubject:Hello all\nUpdate:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Hello all"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "\n", ["<7797866.1075858468589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-3-2001-2:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-3-2001-2:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], [], "Dave,\nThanks. I shall join you there.\nVince\nDavid Ikenberry on 03/12/2001 10:17:48 AM\nTo: George Kanatas , \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \n, jfleming@ruf.rice.edu\ncc: ostdiek@rice.edu \nSubject: Karolyi dinner tonight\nI'm writing to confirm our dinner plans with Andrew Karolyi for this evening.\nWe have reservations for 7 pm at Damian's, 3011 Smith St., 713.522.0439\nDave\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Re: Karolyi dinner tonight"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Dave,\n\nThanks. I shall join you there.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Ikenberry ", "<7383357.1075856514863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20885004.1075856210040.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18540331.1075856408344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-3-2001-23:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-3-2001-23:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ostdiek@rice.edu"], [], "Barbara,\nSorry to have missed the dinner. I had to work on Sunday to prepare\nfor my trip to London this week. I called Jeff about it and he said that he\nwould let you know.\nVince\nBarbara Ostdiek on 03/16/2001 03:11:04 PM\nTo: jfleming@rice.edu, david Ikenberry , kanatas \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Jorion dinner\nHello\nThe dinner with Philippe Jorion is scheduled for 6:30 Sunday evening at\nChurrascos. Dave will bring Philippe to the restaurant.\nThanks.\nbbo\n", ["Re: Jorion dinner"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Barbara,\n\nSorry to have missed the dinner. I had to work on Sunday to prepare\nfor my trip to London this week. I called Jeff about it and he said that he\nwould let you know.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nBarbara Ostdiek ", "<1649098.1075856514233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24163174.1075856207581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-3-2001-10:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-3-2001-10:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/23/2001 \n06:59 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/21/2001 04:50:50 PM\nTo: aagrawal@cba.ua.edu, andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu, butler@lsu.edu, \ntyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu, lederington@ou.edu, besty@hbs.edu, \nhadlock@pilot.msu.edu, jhartzed@stern.nyu.edu, daveike@rice.edu, \nvkamins@enron.com, parrino@mail.utexas.edu, david.robinson@gsb.uchicago.edu, \nasayrak@katz.pitt.edu, vshanbh@enron.com, steg@arches.uga.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu\ncc: \nSubject: Good afternoon\nJust a reminder to you to get your room reservations at the Marriott in San\nantonio taken care of before March 27th. This is the deadline for our\nreduced room rate.\nThanks\njohn\np.s. I appologize to those of you who received a similar message this\nmorning. We have recently updated our mailing list and wanted to make sure\neveryone got the word.\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Good afternoon"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<9830718.1075856445623.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27953987.1075856511926.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21660060.1075856203728.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28596691.1075856413954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-3-2001-11:21:0Sdaveike@rice.edu": ["30-3-2001-11:21:0", "daveike@rice.edu", ["daveike@rice.edu"], ["titman@mail.utexas.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu"], "To:\nAndres Almazan\nDon Chew\nJohn Freeman\nGeoge Gau\nVince Kaminski\nBob Marchesi\nJohn Martin\nVojislav Maksimovic\nLaura Starks\nArt Warga\nMichael Weisbach\nDear Friends\nAttached is some registration and logistical information relating to the\nupcoming corporate finance conference on May 4-5 in Houston. If you have\nany questions, please don't hesitate to contact Sheridan, Bob or myself.\nThe program is shaping up nicely, however one of us may draft to serve in\nsome small, but helpful capacity.\nSheridan Titman, 512.232.2787, titman@mail.utexas.edu ,\nBob Parrino at parrino@mail.utexas.edu\nDave Ikenberry, 713.348.5385 , daveike@rice.edu\nAs of today, the list of firms sending a representative include:\nPfizer\nPacificare\nCooper Industries\nRadioShack\nPepsi\nDelphi Automotive\nMicrosoft\nWhirlpool\nEnron\nJohnson Controls\nAirgas\nSara Lee\nDell\nConoco\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385", ["Registration materials for NFCF"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<31810703.1075856627302.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12834754.1075856202267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20755013.1075856415351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2001-1:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2001-1:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, register me for this.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2001 \n09:41 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 03/30/2001 07:21:11 PM\nTo: DAVEIKE@rice.edu\ncc: Sheridan Titman , \"parrino@mail.utexas.edu\" \n \nSubject: Registration materials for NFCF\nTo:\nAndres Almazan\nDon Chew\nJohn Freeman\nGeoge Gau\nVince Kaminski\nBob Marchesi\nJohn Martin\nVojislav Maksimovic\nLaura Starks\nArt Warga\nMichael Weisbach\nDear Friends\nAttached is some registration and logistical information relating to the\nupcoming corporate finance conference on May 4-5 in Houston. If you have\nany questions, please don't hesitate to contact Sheridan, Bob or myself.\nThe program is shaping up nicely, however one of us may draft to serve in\nsome small, but helpful capacity.\nSheridan Titman, 512.232.2787, titman@mail.utexas.edu ,\nBob Parrino at parrino@mail.utexas.edu\nDave Ikenberry, 713.348.5385 , daveike@rice.edu\nAs of today, the list of firms sending a representative include:\nPfizer\nPacificare\nCooper Industries\nRadioShack\nPepsi\nDelphi Automotive\nMicrosoft\nWhirlpool\nEnron\nJohnson Controls\nAirgas\nSara Lee\nDell\nConoco\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Registration materials for NFCF"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<28197830.1075856444960.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32271559.1075856511292.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23147064.1075856202223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6233417.1075856415396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-1:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-1:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], [], "More on the CFOs conference.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 03/30/2001 07:21:11 PM\nTo: DAVEIKE@rice.edu\ncc: Sheridan Titman , \"parrino@mail.utexas.edu\" \n \nSubject: Registration materials for NFCF\nTo:\nAndres Almazan\nDon Chew\nJohn Freeman\nGeoge Gau\nVince Kaminski\nBob Marchesi\nJohn Martin\nVojislav Maksimovic\nLaura Starks\nArt Warga\nMichael Weisbach\nDear Friends\nAttached is some registration and logistical information relating to the\nupcoming corporate finance conference on May 4-5 in Houston. If you have\nany questions, please don't hesitate to contact Sheridan, Bob or myself.\nThe program is shaping up nicely, however one of us may draft to serve in\nsome small, but helpful capacity.\nSheridan Titman, 512.232.2787, titman@mail.utexas.edu ,\nBob Parrino at parrino@mail.utexas.edu\nDave Ikenberry, 713.348.5385 , daveike@rice.edu\nAs of today, the list of firms sending a representative include:\nPfizer\nPacificare\nCooper Industries\nRadioShack\nPepsi\nDelphi Automotive\nMicrosoft\nWhirlpool\nEnron\nJohnson Controls\nAirgas\nSara Lee\nDell\nConoco\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Registration materials for NFCF"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "More on the CFOs conference.\n\nVince\n", ["<24613285.1075856442251.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24625356.1075856508582.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13346495.1075856197071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27590119.1075856419573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-4-2001-8:18:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["9-4-2001-8:18:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["john.heaton@gsb.uchicago.edu", "lbenveniste@csom.umn.edu", "vshanbh@enron.com", "chapman@mundo.eco.utexas.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "besty@hbs.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "cornelli@mail.duke.edu", "michael@brandt.wharton.upenn.edu", "dufresne@andrew.cmu.edu", "kentd@nwu.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu", "ms122@columbia.edu", "tobias.moskowitz@gsb.uchicago.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "david.robinson@gsb.uchicago.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "ron.giammarino@commerce.ubc.ca", "hghong@stanford.edu", "a-krishnamurthy@nwu.edu", "hadlock@pilot.msu.edu", "aalmazan@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "butler@lsu.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "steg@arches.uga.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "vkamins@enron.com", "fzou@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu"], [], "Hello all,\nThe program for next week's conference is posted at the following address:\n\nWe have lots of fun stuff planned to go with the serious so come prepared\nfor a great weekend.\nJohn\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Program Posted"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Hello all,\n\nThe program for next week's conference is posted at the following address:\n\nhttp://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/Tff2001/ProgramIII.htm\n\nWe have lots of fun stuff planned to go with the serious so come prepared\nfor a great weekend.\n\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<19822964.1075856632040.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4906708.1075856197609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<323712.1075856419080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-4-2001-10:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-10:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/09/2001 \n05:14 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 04/09/2001 03:18:22 PM\nTo: aagrawal@cba.ua.edu, aalmazan@mail.utexas.edu, a-krishnamurthy@nwu.edu, \nandres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu, asayrak@katz.pitt.edu, besty@hbs.edu, \nbutler@lsu.edu, chapman@mundo.eco.utexas.edu, cornelli@mail.duke.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, david.robinson@gsb.uchicago.edu, dufresne@andrew.cmu.edu, \nfzou@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu, hadlock@pilot.msu.edu, hghong@stanford.edu, \nhong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, \njohn.heaton@gsb.uchicago.edu, kentd@nwu.edu, LBENVENISTE@csom.umn.edu, \nlederington@ou.edu, michael@brandt.wharton.upenn.edu, ms122@columbia.edu, \nparrino@mail.utexas.edu, ron.giammarino@commerce.ubc.ca, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, steg@arches.uga.edu, \nTitman@mail.utexas.edu, tobias.moskowitz@gsb.uchicago.edu, \ntyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu, vkamins@enron.com, vshanbh@enron.com, \nwangfa@rice.edu\ncc: \nSubject: Program Posted\nHello all,\nThe program for next week's conference is posted at the following address:\n\nWe have lots of fun stuff planned to go with the serious so come prepared\nfor a great weekend.\nJohn\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Program Posted"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<134643.1075856442469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17556639.1075856508800.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20996774.1075856197496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8863869.1075856419197.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-1:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-1:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Christie,\nThis is one of the communications regarding Rice CFOs conference.\nAndy requires some gentle persuasion.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n08:20 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 04/09/2001 01:27:24 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: \nHi Vince,\nI may have missed something, however don't believe I have received any\ncommunication recently from Andy Festow about this upcoming May 4-5 corp.\nfin. conference. I hope he is still planning to come, yet I don't know as\nof now.\nI have Andy penciled in as a participant on a \"panel\" that is discussing\nequity dilution from stock option compensation (the role of panelist should\nrequire little, if any, preparation time). Of course, I want Andy to\ncome, however he is concerned about his ability to attend, I probably\nshould identify another person or two to serve on the panel.\nDave.\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Rice CFOs conference"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Christie,\n\nThis is one of the communications regarding Rice CFOs conference.\n\nAndy requires some gentle persuasion.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<24596764.1075856627080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16446117.1075856442274.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17996297.1075856508603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7942587.1075856197117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8976469.1075856419527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-1:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-1:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], [], "Christie\nMore on the Rice CFOs conference.\nThey want to get Andy Fastow as a speaker/participant.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n08:26 AM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/02/2001 06:10:02 PM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nIt was great talking with you.\nDave \n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["Rice CFOs conference"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "Christie\n\nMore on the Rice CFOs conference.\nThey want to get Andy Fastow as a speaker/participant.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<24234444.1075856442229.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17845786.1075856508560.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21562516.1075856197049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18449147.1075856419595.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-19:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-19:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 04:27 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 04/18/2001 01:47:19 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Texas Finance Festival\nVince,\nGreetings.\nJust wanted to drop a line expressing regret for my missing your Texas\nFinance Festival (TFF) keynote address. I would have enjoyed hearing your\nviews and catching up on things.\nRegrettably, however, it appears I will be unable to attend this year's\nTFF. I look forward to seeing you again at next month's EPRM 2001.\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Texas Finance Festival", "The National Forum on Corporate Finance"], "{'body': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "\n", ["<21910396.1075858469198.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21690813.1075858469221.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-4-2001-9:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-9:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/27/2001=\n\n04:37 PM ---------------------------\n\"RiskNews Update\" on 04/27/2001 11:57:36 AM\nTo: List Member \ncc: \nSubject: RiskNews - RiskNews Update - 27/04/2001\nRiskNews Update - http://www.RiskNews.net\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nRiskNews Update - week ending 27/4/2001\nhttp://www.risknews.net\nNews for derivatives and risk management professionals\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nDear Subscriber,\nWelcome to RiskNews Update!\nA week full of news for the risk management and derivatives professions\nculminated in the RiskNews exclusive that World Bank treasurer and chief\ninvestment officer Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss has stepped down to become\na partner of Carlyle Group, the Washington-based private equity investor.\nBeschloss oversaw a $48 billion investment portfolio at the World Bank, as\nwell as its $12 billion pension fund. A successor to Beschloss, who leaves\nin May, has yet to be named.\nThe BIS, which issued a number of reports this week, found that financial\nfirms using one-day value-at-risk (VAR) models could be seriously\nunderestimating their exposure to market risk. The BIS said\nliquidity-adjusted VAR models, which estimate risk using holding periods\ndetermined by the length of time that would be required to unwind\npositions, produce, on average, five times higher estimates of risk than\nstandard VAR.\nIn the operational risk world, two of the leading players PwC and NetRisk\nhave tied their resources to create a joint initiative called OpVantage\nthat will be headed by Dan Mudge, a co-founder of NetRisk. It aims to take\nadvantage of the introduction of an operational risk charge as stipulated\nin the Basle II capital accord proposals.\nMeanwhile, the value of non-performing loans held by Japanese financial\ninstitutions is _151.1 trillion ($1.25 trillion), representing about 30%\nof gross domestic product and 28% of total loans, according to the latest\nfigures released by the Democratic Party of Japan\nOn the technology front, GFInet's online FX options broking system is\nlikely to be postponed until May, due to delays in connecting clients to\nthe system, the firm said; while BNP Paribas and Commonwealth Bank\ninvested in BondsInAsia and asiabondportal.com, respectively.\nChristopher Jeffery\nEditor, RiskNews\nTel: 44 (0)20 7484 9880\nE-mail:cjeffery@riskwaters.com\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nNeed to reach Risk professionals? Place a short text ad in the weekly\n'RiskNews Update' and we will give you a FREE, 2-week banner ad ideally\nsituated across our many Risk management Web locations - including Risk\nmagazine's website http://www.Risk.net. Either send a message to us\ndirectly at mailto:listadmin@riskwaters.com or forward this message to\nyour marketing colleagues.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRiskNews Update - 27/4/01\nHeadlines/Technology and Exchanges/People/Events\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nHeadlines - 27/4/2001\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\n27 April - Financial firms using one-day value-at-risk (VAR) models could\nbe taking account of just 20% of their exposure to market risk, according\nto research carried out by a group of international regulators\n27 April - Germany's new national debt agency, founded last September,\nwill stage its capital markets debut in early June when it takes on the\nGerman finance ministry's debt management activities. Initially, the\nFrankfurt-based Bundesrepublik Deutschland Finanzagentur will deal\nprimarily in money-market instruments - the finance ministry's main tools\n27 April - The RISConsulting Group is preparing to roll out in the third\nquarter a Web-based aircraft pricing facility, which the Boston risk\nmanagement company believes could trigger the creation of a new\nderivatives market\n27 April - ABN Amro Futures has created a new management structure for its\ncombined European operations, following the integration of its offices in\nLondon and Paris\n26 April - Weather Risk Advisory, the Cambridge, UK-based weather\nderivatives software and consulting service, has launched its new weather\nderivatives pricing tool, WeatherValue\n26 April - UK regulator the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has\nlaunched a review of its best execution rules. This could lead to policy\nchanges designed to ensure firms obtain the best price for customers when\nbuying or selling financial contracts, including derivatives\n25 April - Global professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers has\nteamed up with risk analytic provider NetRisk to offer what the firms hope\nwill become the pre-eminent third-party operational risk management\nsoftware provider to financial institutions\n25 April - The Bank for International Settlements has published the\nresults of its first global survey on stress testing at major financial\ninstitutions, reflecting the efforts of regulators to learn more about the\nrole of stress testing in risk management\n25 April - Bear Hunter Specialists, a joint venture between US investment\nbank Bear Stearns and Hunter Partners, has completed its purchase of the\nspecialist rights of Wagner Stott Mercator\n24 April - There is still a significant lack of public disclosure from\nbanks participating in the derivatives markets, said the Bank for\nInternational Settlements (BIS) in a new report conducted on behalf of the\nBasel Committee on Banking Supervision\n24 April - The value of non-performing loans held by Japanese financial\ninstitutions is _151.1 trillion ($1.25 trillion), representing about 30%\nof gross domestic product and 28% of total loans, according to the latest\nfigures released by the Democratic Party of Japan\n23 April - Sovereign Bancorp, the parent company of Sovereign Bank, has\ncreated a new finance function called the office of the chief financial\nofficer (OCFO) that will be led by James Hogan, who becomes chief\nfinancial officer\n23 April - GFInet's online FX options broking system is likely to be\npostponed until May, due to delays in connecting clients to the system,\nthe firm said\nTo read more now, click http://www.risknews.net\n*******************************************************************\nBook now for Risk Training, last spaces still available for (\n\"Forecasting, estimating and applying correlation for option pricing, risk\nmanagement and portfolio optimisation\"\n(London 14 & 15 May 2001 & New York 21 & 22 May 2001).\nThe effective estimation of correlations between the price movements of\ndifferent assets remains a key aspect of risk management. This course will\nfocus on a range of topics, including:\n Incorporating correlation into an effective hedging and risk\nmanagement strategy\n Optimal correlation estimation techniques\n Modelling default correlation and understanding the impact on\nportfolio credit risk management\nFor further information visit: http://www.risktraining.com/correlation\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nTechnology and Exchanges - 27/4/2001\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\n27 April - The US-based Options Industry Council, a non-profit\norganisation set up to provide investor education about equity options,\nand the Australian Stock Exchange, have formed an alliance to share\neducational resources and options industry research\n27 April - Tsterreichische Volksbanken, the central Austrian savings bank\nbased in Vienna, has chosen New York-based Summit Systems' STP Operations\nsoftware to replace its back-office system\n26 April - Commodity market maker Chisholm is to implement Triple Point\nTechnology's Tempest 2000 enterprise-wide commodity trading software\n26 April - The Singapore Exchange is soon to launch a futures contract\nbased on Singapore government securities bonds with a maturity of five\nyears, according to a report in a Singapore business daily\n26 April - eSpeed, the New York-based developer of electronic\nmarketplaces, has purchased a patent for the electronic trading of futures\nproducts. eSpeed operates the Cantor Exchange, a joint venture with the\nNew York Board of Trade, and said that its purchase of the Wagner patent\nfrom Electronic Trading Systems Corporation will complement its existing\npatent portfolio\n26 April - Commonwealth Bank of Australia has made a strategic equity\ninvestment in buy-side, pan-Asian online fixed-income trading platform\nasiabondportal.com. The move closely follows an equity investment by BNP\nParibas in competing platform BondsInAsia, made on Monday this week\n25 April - Swiss bank Banque Cantonale Vaudoise has selected Front Capital\nSystems to provide software infrastructure to support the bank's equity\nand fixed-income trading business\n24 April - SunGard's Trading and Risk Systems unit has opened an office in\nSeoul, South Korea, to help support three local banking clients\n24 April - Derivatives contracts listed on the Singapore Exchange's (SGX)\nelectronic trading system SGX ETS can now be traded via electronic data\nprovider Bloomberg's terminals, the two organisations have announced\n24 April - US banking group First Union has implemented DataSynapse's\nWebProc software to enhance trading and straight-through processing in\nfixed-income derivatives\n23 April - French bank BNP Paribas has become the latest shareholder in\nBondsInAsia, the regional fixed income-trading platform set to go live\nlater this year\nTo read more now, click http://www.risknews.net\n*******************************************************************\nLast opportunity to beat the deadline for the 'Telecoms Capacity'\nsubscription offer! Subscribe before 30 April and save 25% on a\nsubscription to 'Telecoms Capacity', the latest addition to the Risk\nWaters Group product portfolio.\nSelected features from the latest April issue are now also available to\nview at http://www.telecomscapacity.com\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nPeople - 27/4/2001\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\n27 April - General Re Securities, the financial risk management products\ndealer recently bought out by a team of former investment bankers,\nincluding former JP Morgan chief financial officer Peter Hancock, has\nunveiled a second round of new hires following its extensive marketing\nadditions earlier this month\n27 April - Dan Eudy has been made president of Industrial Risk Insurers,\nthe Connecticut-based property insurance arm of Employers Reinsurance\nCorporation, a GE company, while Ken Brock has been appointed head of GE\nGlobal Asset Protection (SM) services group\n26 April - Robert LeBlanc, a former managing director in credit risk\nmanagement at JP Morgan Chase, has joined the JP Morgan executive exodus\nby leaving to become global head of portfolio management at Dresdner\nKleinwort Wasserstein\n25 April - Commerzbank Securities has appointed three analysts to its\nexpanding credit research team, which means that eight credit analysts\nhave joined Commerzbank Securities since September 2000, out of global\nteam of ten\n25 April - Electronic foreign exchange trading platform FXall has\nappointed Jack Lemonik as its chief technology officer. This latest\naddition to the management team comes as the firm claims to be in the last\nstages of testing before the start of trading\n24 April - Online derivatives services provider Cygnifi, a spin-off of US\ninvestment bank JP Morgan prior to its merger with Chase Manhattan, has\nhired Morgan Burkett as its chief legal officer and legal counsel\n23 April - Lehman Brothers' expansion in FX derivatives and emerging\nmarkets has been dealt a blow as Matteus Desselberger, who was hired to\nmanage the new group, decided to return to former employer Deutsche Bank\nTo read more now, click http://www.risknews.net\n********************************************************************\nRiskNews readers can receive a FREE May issue of \"Emerging Markets\nInvestor\" (worth $50). The May issue includes an exclusive interview with\nGloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the Philippines. Click here for your\nFREE issue: http://www.EMIontheweb.com/mayissue\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nEvents - 27/4/2001\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nRisk 2001 USA, Boston 12 & 13 June 2001 (\nHear the latest on the New Basel Accord at Risk 2001 USA in Boston, 12 &\n13 June, 2001 - Risk magazine's biggest multi-stream event of the year!\nHighlights include an interactive panel debate on the future of risk\nmanagement, keynotes from professor Robert Shiller, Yale University and\nErwin Zimmermann, Swiss Re New Markets. For a full listing of topics and\nspeakers please visit\nhttp://www.risk-conferences.com/risk2001usa?callerDrisknews_update\nEPRM 2001 Houston, 14 & 15 May 2001 (\nBook now for EPRM 2001 Houston in May, 14 & 15 - Energy & Power Risk\nManagement's 5th Annual Flagship Congress.\nDelegates will benefit from in-depth presentations and interactive\ndiscussions addressing key regulatory developments, modelling techniques\nand risk management approaches that are shaping the energy industry.\nhttp://www.eprm-conferences.com/eprm2001us?callerDrisknews_update\nCALL FOR PAPERS! 'MATHS WEEK 2001' (\nNew York, 12 - 16 November 2001\nLondon, 26 - 30 November 2001\nIf you have a paper you would like to submit for inclusion in 'MATHS WEEK\n2001', please contact Victoria Kerridge on +44 (0) 20 7484 0975 or by\nemail at mailto:vkerridge@riskwaters.com\n(Deadline for submission is 1 June 2001)\nFor further information please visit\nhttp://www.risk-conferences.com/mathsweek\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nAll event details can be found at either http://www.risk-conferences.com\nor http://www.risktraining.com\n______________________________________________________________________\nTo unsubscribe, write to financewise-unsubscribe@listbot.com\n", ["RiskNews - RiskNews Update - 27/04/2001"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<600241.1075856437725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13113354.1075856501107.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14651029.1075856186057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9439048.1075856428387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-4-2001-19:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-19:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/27/2001 04:37 PM ---------------------------\n\"RiskNews Update\" on 04/27/2001 11:57:36 AM\nTo: List Member \ncc: \nSubject: RiskNews - RiskNews Update - 27/04/2001\nRiskNews Update - http://www.RiskNews.net\n==================================================================\nRiskNews Update - week ending 27/4/2001\nhttp://www.risknews.net\nNews for derivatives and risk management professionals\n===================================================================\nDear Subscriber,\nWelcome to RiskNews Update!\nA week full of news for the risk management and derivatives professions\nculminated in the RiskNews exclusive that World Bank treasurer and chief\ninvestment officer Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss has stepped down to become\na partner of Carlyle Group, the Washington-based private equity investor.\nBeschloss oversaw a $48 billion investment portfolio at the World Bank, as\nwell as its $12 billion pension fund. A successor to Beschloss, who leaves\nin May, has yet to be named.\nThe BIS, which issued a number of reports this week, found that financial\nfirms using one-day value-at-risk (VAR) models could be seriously\nunderestimating their exposure to market risk. The BIS said\nliquidity-adjusted VAR models, which estimate risk using holding periods\ndetermined by the length of time that would be required to unwind\npositions, produce, on average, five times higher estimates of risk than\nstandard VAR.\nIn the operational risk world, two of the leading players PwC and NetRisk\nhave tied their resources to create a joint initiative called OpVantage\nthat will be headed by Dan Mudge, a co-founder of NetRisk. It aims to take\nadvantage of the introduction of an operational risk charge as stipulated\nin the Basle II capital accord proposals.\nMeanwhile, the value of non-performing loans held by Japanese financial\ninstitutions is ?151.1 trillion ($1.25 trillion), representing about 30%\nof gross domestic product and 28% of total loans, according to the latest\nfigures released by the Democratic Party of Japan\nOn the technology front, GFInet's online FX options broking system is\nlikely to be postponed until May, due to delays in connecting clients to\nthe system, the firm said; while BNP Paribas and Commonwealth Bank\ninvested in BondsInAsia and asiabondportal.com, respectively.\nChristopher Jeffery\nEditor, RiskNews\nTel: 44 (0)20 7484 9880\nE-mail:cjeffery@riskwaters.com\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nNeed to reach Risk professionals? Place a short text ad in the weekly\n'RiskNews Update' and we will give you a FREE, 2-week banner ad ideally\nsituated across our many Risk management Web locations - including Risk\nmagazine's website http://www.Risk.net. Either send a message to us\ndirectly at mailto:listadmin@riskwaters.com or forward this message to\nyour marketing colleagues.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRiskNews Update - 27/4/01\nHeadlines/Technology and Exchanges/People/Events\n===================================================================\nHeadlines - 27/4/2001\n===================================================================\n27 April - Financial firms using one-day value-at-risk (VAR) models could\nbe taking account of just 20% of their exposure to market risk, according\nto research carried out by a group of international regulators\n27 April - Germany's new national debt agency, founded last September,\nwill stage its capital markets debut in early June when it takes on the\nGerman finance ministry's debt management activities. Initially, the\nFrankfurt-based Bundesrepublik Deutschland Finanzagentur will deal\nprimarily in money-market instruments - the finance ministry's main tools\n27 April - The RISConsulting Group is preparing to roll out in the third\nquarter a Web-based aircraft pricing facility, which the Boston risk\nmanagement company believes could trigger the creation of a new\nderivatives market\n27 April - ABN Amro Futures has created a new management structure for its\ncombined European operations, following the integration of its offices in\nLondon and Paris\n26 April - Weather Risk Advisory, the Cambridge, UK-based weather\nderivatives software and consulting service, has launched its new weather\nderivatives pricing tool, WeatherValue\n26 April - UK regulator the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has\nlaunched a review of its best execution rules. This could lead to policy\nchanges designed to ensure firms obtain the best price for customers when\nbuying or selling financial contracts, including derivatives\n25 April - Global professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers has\nteamed up with risk analytic provider NetRisk to offer what the firms hope\nwill become the pre-eminent third-party operational risk management\nsoftware provider to financial institutions\n25 April - The Bank for International Settlements has published the\nresults of its first global survey on stress testing at major financial\ninstitutions, reflecting the efforts of regulators to learn more about the\nrole of stress testing in risk management\n25 April - Bear Hunter Specialists, a joint venture between US investment\nbank Bear Stearns and Hunter Partners, has completed its purchase of the\nspecialist rights of Wagner Stott Mercator\n24 April - There is still a significant lack of public disclosure from\nbanks participating in the derivatives markets, said the Bank for\nInternational Settlements (BIS) in a new report conducted on behalf of the\nBasel Committee on Banking Supervision\n24 April - The value of non-performing loans held by Japanese financial\ninstitutions is ?151.1 trillion ($1.25 trillion), representing about 30%\nof gross domestic product and 28% of total loans, according to the latest\nfigures released by the Democratic Party of Japan\n23 April - Sovereign Bancorp, the parent company of Sovereign Bank, has\ncreated a new finance function called the office of the chief financial\nofficer (OCFO) that will be led by James Hogan, who becomes chief\nfinancial officer\n23 April - GFInet's online FX options broking system is likely to be\npostponed until May, due to delays in connecting clients to the system,\nthe firm said\nTo read more now, click http://www.risknews.net\n*******************************************************************\nBook now for Risk Training, last spaces still available for ?\n\"Forecasting, estimating and applying correlation for option pricing, risk\nmanagement and portfolio optimisation\"\n(London 14 & 15 May 2001 & New York 21 & 22 May 2001).\nThe effective estimation of correlations between the price movements of\ndifferent assets remains a key aspect of risk management. This course will\nfocus on a range of topics, including:\n Incorporating correlation into an effective hedging and risk\nmanagement strategy\n Optimal correlation estimation techniques\n Modelling default correlation and understanding the impact on\nportfolio credit risk management\nFor further information visit: http://www.risktraining.com/correlation\n===================================================================\nTechnology and Exchanges - 27/4/2001\n===================================================================\n27 April - The US-based Options Industry Council, a non-profit\norganisation set up to provide investor education about equity options,\nand the Australian Stock Exchange, have formed an alliance to share\neducational resources and options industry research\n27 April - ?sterreichische Volksbanken, the central Austrian savings bank\nbased in Vienna, has chosen New York-based Summit Systems' STP Operations\nsoftware to replace its back-office system\n26 April - Commodity market maker Chisholm is to implement Triple Point\nTechnology's Tempest 2000 enterprise-wide commodity trading software\n26 April - The Singapore Exchange is soon to launch a futures contract\nbased on Singapore government securities bonds with a maturity of five\nyears, according to a report in a Singapore business daily\n26 April - eSpeed, the New York-based developer of electronic\nmarketplaces, has purchased a patent for the electronic trading of futures\nproducts. eSpeed operates the Cantor Exchange, a joint venture with the\nNew York Board of Trade, and said that its purchase of the Wagner patent\nfrom Electronic Trading Systems Corporation will complement its existing\npatent portfolio\n26 April - Commonwealth Bank of Australia has made a strategic equity\ninvestment in buy-side, pan-Asian online fixed-income trading platform\nasiabondportal.com. The move closely follows an equity investment by BNP\nParibas in competing platform BondsInAsia, made on Monday this week\n25 April - Swiss bank Banque Cantonale Vaudoise has selected Front Capital\nSystems to provide software infrastructure to support the bank's equity\nand fixed-income trading business\n24 April - SunGard's Trading and Risk Systems unit has opened an office in\nSeoul, South Korea, to help support three local banking clients\n24 April - Derivatives contracts listed on the Singapore Exchange's (SGX)\nelectronic trading system SGX ETS can now be traded via electronic data\nprovider Bloomberg's terminals, the two organisations have announced\n24 April - US banking group First Union has implemented DataSynapse's\nWebProc software to enhance trading and straight-through processing in\nfixed-income derivatives\n23 April - French bank BNP Paribas has become the latest shareholder in\nBondsInAsia, the regional fixed income-trading platform set to go live\nlater this year\nTo read more now, click http://www.risknews.net\n*******************************************************************\nLast opportunity to beat the deadline for the 'Telecoms Capacity'\nsubscription offer! Subscribe before 30 April and save 25% on a\nsubscription to 'Telecoms Capacity', the latest addition to the Risk\nWaters Group product portfolio.\nSelected features from the latest April issue are now also available to\nview at http://www.telecomscapacity.com\n===================================================================\nPeople - 27/4/2001\n===================================================================\n27 April - General Re Securities, the financial risk management products\ndealer recently bought out by a team of former investment bankers,\nincluding former JP Morgan chief financial officer Peter Hancock, has\nunveiled a second round of new hires following its extensive marketing\nadditions earlier this month\n27 April - Dan Eudy has been made president of Industrial Risk Insurers,\nthe Connecticut-based property insurance arm of Employers Reinsurance\nCorporation, a GE company, while Ken Brock has been appointed head of GE\nGlobal Asset Protection (SM) services group\n26 April - Robert LeBlanc, a former managing director in credit risk\nmanagement at JP Morgan Chase, has joined the JP Morgan executive exodus\nby leaving to become global head of portfolio management at Dresdner\nKleinwort Wasserstein\n25 April - Commerzbank Securities has appointed three analysts to its\nexpanding credit research team, which means that eight credit analysts\nhave joined Commerzbank Securities since September 2000, out of global\nteam of ten\n25 April - Electronic foreign exchange trading platform FXall has\nappointed Jack Lemonik as its chief technology officer. This latest\naddition to the management team comes as the firm claims to be in the last\nstages of testing before the start of trading\n24 April - Online derivatives services provider Cygnifi, a spin-off of US\ninvestment bank JP Morgan prior to its merger with Chase Manhattan, has\nhired Morgan Burkett as its chief legal officer and legal counsel\n23 April - Lehman Brothers' expansion in FX derivatives and emerging\nmarkets has been dealt a blow as Matteus Desselberger, who was hired to\nmanage the new group, decided to return to former employer Deutsche Bank\nTo read more now, click http://www.risknews.net\n********************************************************************\nRiskNews readers can receive a FREE May issue of \"Emerging Markets\nInvestor\" (worth $50). The May issue includes an exclusive interview with\nGloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the Philippines. Click here for your\nFREE issue: http://www.EMIontheweb.com/mayissue\n==================================================================\nEvents - 27/4/2001\n===================================================================\nRisk 2001 USA, Boston 12 & 13 June 2001 ?\nHear the latest on the New Basel Accord at Risk 2001 USA in Boston, 12 &\n13 June, 2001 - Risk magazine's biggest multi-stream event of the year!\nHighlights include an interactive panel debate on the future of risk\nmanagement, keynotes from professor Robert Shiller, Yale University and\nErwin Zimmermann, Swiss Re New Markets. For a full listing of topics and\nspeakers please visit\nhttp://www.risk-conferences.com/risk2001usa?caller=risknews_update\nEPRM 2001 Houston, 14 & 15 May 2001 ?\nBook now for EPRM 2001 Houston in May, 14 & 15 - Energy & Power Risk\nManagement's 5th Annual Flagship Congress.\nDelegates will benefit from in-depth presentations and interactive\ndiscussions addressing key regulatory developments, modelling techniques\nand risk management approaches that are shaping the energy industry.\nhttp://www.eprm-conferences.com/eprm2001us?caller=risknews_update\nCALL FOR PAPERS! 'MATHS WEEK 2001' ?\nNew York, 12 - 16 November 2001\nLondon, 26 - 30 November 2001\nIf you have a paper you would like to submit for inclusion in 'MATHS WEEK\n2001', please contact Victoria Kerridge on +44 (0) 20 7484 0975 or by\nemail at mailto:vkerridge@riskwaters.com\n(Deadline for submission is 1 June 2001)\nFor further information please visit\nhttp://www.risk-conferences.com/mathsweek\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nAll event details can be found at either http://www.risk-conferences.com\nor http://www.risktraining.com\n______________________________________________________________________\nTo unsubscribe, write to financewise-unsubscribe@listbot.com\n", ["RiskNews - RiskNews Update - 27/04/2001"], "{'recipients': ['daveike@rice.edu']}", [], "\n", ["<28105477.1075858470940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-11:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-11:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["daveike@rice.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <28868696.1075858471394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 11:07:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: daveike@rice.edu\nSubject: Mark Koenig\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: daveike \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nDave,\n\nDid you call Mark Koening? He expected your call as of Fri noon\nwhen he left a message on my voice mail.\n\nVince", "Mark Koenig", "originEmail", [["leave voice", 9, "information", ["left", "voice"], "information", " he expected your call as of fri noon when he left a message on my voice mail."]], "Dave,\n\nDid you call Mark Koening? He expected your call as of Fri noon\nwhen he left a message on my voice mail.\n\nVince", "<28868696.1075858471394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "26-11-2001-13:42:13Scastro@rice.edu": ["26-11-2001-13:42:13", "castro@rice.edu", ["sowersj@towers.com", "cheyennecurrall@hotmail.com", "jgeorge@rice.edu", "odw@rice.edu", "heeley@rice.edu", "swa@rice.edu", "peters@rice.edu", "bixby@rice.edu", "jfleming@rice.edu", "rtaylor@rice.edu", "jack@vanguardventures.com", "catherton@gulfstargroup.com", "krishnan@rice.edu", "lmspain@texaschildrenshospital.org", "malsup@luminant.com", "fingerint@aol.com", "alnapier@rice.edu", "acadams@imimic.com", "srusso@eagleglobal.com", "dmurphree@murphreeventures.com", "sbanks@bcm.tmc.edu", "bakerj@rice.edu", "hannan@rice.edu", "dmaustgen@shellus.com", "yanzh@rice.edu", "smithb@rice.edu", "jbaker@danielind.com", "epstein@rice.edu", "westonj@rice.edu", "bagozzi@rice.edu", "r.sukumar@pdq.net", "allenweb@aol.com", "rockymc@alumni.rice.edu", "jefinger2@aol.com", "dennism@murphco.com", "barrett@rice.edu", "fingerj@rice.edu", "cmccabe@rice.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "llusa@rice.edu", "jain@rice.edu", "allenp@csscinc.net", "jettq@rice.edu", "rmcashan@frostbank.com", "patlawlmg@att.net", "dclayton@rice.edu", "ostdiek@rice.edu", "jeshook@texaschildrenshospital.org", "gglober@mdanderson.org", "paul.allen@fluordaniel.com", "schnietz@rice.edu", "scc@rice.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "wangfa@rice.edu", "robert.m.lesnick@conoco.com", "jmkeynes@rice.edu", "sazeff@rice.edu", "wagners@rice.edu"], ["werckle@ruf.rice.edu", "spradlin@rice.edu"], "Enclosed please find the Spring, 2002 final exam schedule. I have\nallocated time, dates, and space for the core courses. If you need to\nschedule a final for your elective course, please contact Linda Werckle\n(werckle@rice.edu or 348-3463). Remember, space goes quickly during the\nexam period so if you have specific needs, please contact Linda as soon as\npossible.\nThank you! - Pam (713-348-6223)\n ", ["final exam schedule"], "{'recipients': []}", [], "Enclosed please find the Spring, 2002 final exam schedule. I have\nallocated time, dates, and space for the core courses. If you need to\nschedule a final for your elective course, please contact Linda Werckle\n(werckle@rice.edu or 348-3463). Remember, space goes quickly during the\nexam period so if you have specific needs, please contact Linda as soon as\npossible.\n\nThank you! - Pam (713-348-6223)\n - 2002 spring exam schedule.doc ", ["<22751851.1075863289628.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24647264.1075862452006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "13-11-2000-2:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-11-2000-2:43:0Snaveen.andrews@enron.com": {"13-11-2000-2:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-11-2000-2:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com"], ["vladimir.gorny@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "naveen.andrews@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <12052954.1075856538561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 02:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL\nCc: naveen.andrews@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, vladimir.gorny@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: naveen.andrews@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, vladimir.gorny@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: Naveen Andrews, Vince J Kaminski, Vladimir Gorny\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTanya, Naveen,\n\nJust a thought. Changes in the portfolio values may combine both the changes \nof prices and positions.\nThis happens if one tracks changes in the value of our historical gas \nportfolio. A big jump in\nthe volumetric position from day to day, combined with a moderate price \nmovement may produce an\nobservation that looks artificially big.\n\nIf the volumetric position was frozen, it's just a scaling factor and there \nshould be \nno discrepancy between your numbers. Of course, the correct approach\nis to separate the price process from the position changes. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n11/13/2000 08:38 AM\nTo: Naveen Andrews/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL \n\nNaveen,\nI am trying to answer the question: what is the appropriate stochastic \nprocess to model the behavior\nof commodities' prices in our VAR model. So what I do care about is the \nbehavior of log-returns. \nAny help is appreciated.\n\nTanya.\n \n\n\n\nNaveen Andrews@ENRON\n11/10/2000 04:35 PM\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL \n\nTanya,\n We care about PORTFOLIO VALUE CHANGES, not log-returns of a \nsingle contract, which has extremes in the behavior and can be fit to a \nfat-tailed distribution. A 1.20 basis move, with 500 BCF position, is an \nextreme event, anyway you slice it.In the literature, as elsewhere, I agree \nfor a single contract log-returns, they don't divide by vols. \n\nRegards\nNaveen\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko@ECT\n11/10/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Naveen Andrews/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL \n\nNaveen,\n\nI got NGI-SOCAL prices for prompt, prompt+1,...,prompt+59 contracts.\nFor each contract I calculated moving average based on 21 log-returns as\nwell as moving volatility. Then I calculated normalized log-returns:\n\n[ return(t)-ave(t) ] / vol(t)\n\nand compared the results to normal distribution. \n\nI COULD NOT FIND Fat Tails! \n\nVolatility changes a lot from day to day, so when people look at\nlog-returns (not normalized) it seems that there fat tails (big spikes, large \nreturns more frequent than normal), \nwhich comes from the fact that volatility is not constant (at all).\n\nSee the spreadsheet is under O:\\_Dropbox\\Tanya\n\nTanya\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL", "originEmail", [["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 29, "nninformation", ["produce", "price"], "intention", " a big jump in the volumetric position from day to day, combined with a moderate price movement may produce an observation that looks artificially big."]], "Tanya, Naveen,\n\nJust a thought. Changes in the portfolio values may combine both the changes \nof prices and positions.\nThis happens if one tracks changes in the value of our historical gas \nportfolio. A big jump in\nthe volumetric position from day to day, combined with a moderate price \nmovement may produce an\nobservation that looks artificially big.\n\nIf the volumetric position was frozen, it's just a scaling factor and there \nshould be \nno discrepancy between your numbers. Of course, the correct approach\nis to separate the price process from the position changes. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n11/13/2000 08:38 AM\n", "<12052954.1075856538561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change location_positionTnn": {"value": "change location_positionTnn", "ne": "change location_positionTnn", "patterns": ["change location_positionTnn"]}, "location_position priceTnn": {"value": "location_position priceTnn", "ne": "location_position priceTnn", "patterns": ["location_position priceTnn"]}, "position_spot priceTnn": {"value": "position_spot priceTnn", "ne": "position_spot priceTnn", "patterns": ["position_spot priceTnn"]}, "price processTnn": {"value": "price processTnn", "ne": "price processTnn", "patterns": ["price processTnn"]}}, false], "13-11-2000-2:43:0Snaveen.andrews@enron.com": ["13-11-2000-2:43:0", "naveen.andrews@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com vladimir.gorny@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8222085.1075856261416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 02:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: naveen.andrews@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL\nCc: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, vladimir.gorny@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, vladimir.gorny@enron.com\nX-From: Naveen Andrews\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Tanya Tamarchenko, Vladimir Gorny\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n I quite agree, we have to separate out price and position, \nand that is what we have done with the historical simulations/EVT ideas. We \nhave taken today's delta-gamma, hold that frozen, and gone back historically \nand looked at price changes and see what happens to portfolio changes. \nGarman and company have looked at gross historical portfolio changes, which I \nagree is not the best approach, due to the artificiality imposed by largest \nNet Open Positions (NOP), such as we have seen recently.\n \nRegards\nNaveen\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/13/2000 10:31 AM\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Naveen Andrews/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir \nGorny/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL \n\nTanya, Naveen,\n\nJust a thought. Changes in the portfolio values may combine both the changes \nof prices and positions.\nThis happens if one tracks changes in the value of our historical gas \nportfolio. A big jump in\nthe volumetric position from day to day, combined with a moderate price \nmovement may produce an\nobservation that looks artificially big.\n\nIf the volumetric position was frozen, it's just a scaling factor and there \nshould be \nno discrepancy between your numbers. Of course, the correct approach\nis to separate the price process from the position changes. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n11/13/2000 08:38 AM\nTo: Naveen Andrews/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL \n\nNaveen,\nI am trying to answer the question: what is the appropriate stochastic \nprocess to model the behavior\nof commodities' prices in our VAR model. So what I do care about is the \nbehavior of log-returns. \nAny help is appreciated.\n\nTanya.\n \n\n\n\nNaveen Andrews@ENRON\n11/10/2000 04:35 PM\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL \n\nTanya,\n We care about PORTFOLIO VALUE CHANGES, not log-returns of a \nsingle contract, which has extremes in the behavior and can be fit to a \nfat-tailed distribution. A 1.20 basis move, with 500 BCF position, is an \nextreme event, anyway you slice it.In the literature, as elsewhere, I agree \nfor a single contract log-returns, they don't divide by vols. \n\nRegards\nNaveen\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko@ECT\n11/10/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Naveen Andrews/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL \n\nNaveen,\n\nI got NGI-SOCAL prices for prompt, prompt+1,...,prompt+59 contracts.\nFor each contract I calculated moving average based on 21 log-returns as\nwell as moving volatility. Then I calculated normalized log-returns:\n\n[ return(t)-ave(t) ] / vol(t)\n\nand compared the results to normal distribution. \n\nI COULD NOT FIND Fat Tails! \n\nVolatility changes a lot from day to day, so when people look at\nlog-returns (not normalized) it seems that there fat tails (big spikes, large \nreturns more frequent than normal), \nwhich comes from the fact that volatility is not constant (at all).\n\nSee the spreadsheet is under O:\\_Dropbox\\Tanya\n\nTanya\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: looking for \"Fat Tails\" in time-series for NGI-SOCAL", "reply", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 18, "information", ["see", "price"], "information", " we have taken today's delta-gamma, hold that frozen, and gone back historically and looked at price changes and see what happens to portfolio changes."]], "Vince,\n I quite agree, we have to separate out price and position, \nand that is what we have done with the historical simulations/EVT ideas. We \nhave taken today's delta-gamma, hold that frozen, and gone back historically \nand looked at price changes and see what happens to portfolio changes. \nGarman and company have looked at gross historical portfolio changes, which I \nagree is not the best approach, due to the artificiality imposed by largest \nNet Open Positions (NOP), such as we have seen recently.\n \nRegards\nNaveen\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/13/2000 10:31 AM\n", "<8222085.1075856261416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "2-1-2001-9:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-1-2001-23:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-1-2001-4:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-1-2001-2:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-1-2001-3:1:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com 11-1-2001-1:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 11-1-2001-2:1:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com 17-1-2001-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-1-2001-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-1-2001-1:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-1-2001-3:34:0Skhairuddinbmjaafar@petronas.com.my 2-2-2001-8:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"2-1-2001-9:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-9:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["azminab@petronas.com.my"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18979189.1075856239680.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 09:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\nSubject: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: azminab@petronas.com.my\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Sir,\n\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\n\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00 \na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\n\nVince Kaminski", "Meeting on Feb 8, 2001", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 5, "nninformation", ["delay", "responding"], "intention", " i would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax."]], "Dear Sir,\n\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\n\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00 \na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\n\nVince Kaminski", "<18979189.1075856239680.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "2-1-2001-23:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-23:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["azminab@petronas.com.my"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dear Mr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar,\nThanks for your prompt reply.\nPlease, let us know how many members of your team will \nvisit Enron. \nI look forward to our meeting on February 8.\nVince Kaminski\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/02/2001 06:38:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, KhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my, \nShirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski,\n Happy New year and thank you for the reply. We are honored to have\nlunch with you and your team however we have another appointment at\n2.30p.m.\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 07:38:19 AM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Sir,\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00\na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\nVince Kaminski\n", ["Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my'], 'recipients': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "Dear Mr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar,\n\nThanks for your prompt reply.\n\nPlease, let us know how many members of your team will \nvisit Enron. \n\nI look forward to our meeting on February 8.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/02/2001 06:38:33 PM\n", ["<22981449.1075856462765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13978390.1075856529105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22912309.1075856239567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32412853.1075856589881.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-1-2001-4:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-1-2001-4:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["david.port@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "john.nowlan@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "FYI.\nThis is the list of the Petronas executives visiting Enron on Feb 8.\nI have invited them to lunch. Would you like to join me for lunch.\n \nI would like to propose a short courtesy meeting at 10 with Jeff/John (5 - \n10 minutes),\nfollowed by RAC/Research presentation till 11:30.\nVince\nP.S. I shall reserve a conference room for this meeting\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001 \n10:02 AM ---------------------------\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/07/2001 06:37:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, \nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski\n4 members from Corporate Risk Management Unit\n1. Iqbal Abdullah - General Manager\n2. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar - Head, Risk Assessment & Controls\n3. Zulkifli A Rahim - Head, Risk Measurement & Systems\n4. Adnan Adams - Head, Special Projects\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 09:45:02 PM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Mr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar,\nThanks for your prompt reply.\nPlease, let us know how many members of your team will\nvisit Enron.\nI look forward to our meeting on February 8.\nVince Kaminski\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/02/2001 06:38:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, KhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my,\n Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski,\n Happy New year and thank you for the reply. We are honored to have\nlunch with you and your team however we have another appointment at\n2.30p.m.\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 07:38:19 AM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Sir,\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00\na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\nVince Kaminski\n", ["Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "FYI.\n\nThis is the list of the Petronas executives visiting Enron on Feb 8.\nI have invited them to lunch. Would you like to join me for lunch.\n \nI would like to propose a short courtesy meeting at 10 with Jeff/John (5 - \n10 minutes),\nfollowed by RAC/Research presentation till 11:30.\n\nVince\n\nP.S. I shall reserve a conference room for this meeting\n\n", ["<18531726.1075856461649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4653450.1075856527985.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6468495.1075856236950.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4923676.1075856589288.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32233582.1075856387457.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-1-2001-2:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-2:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["david.port@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "David\nThanks.\nI shall get in touch with you a few days before to\ncoordinate the details.\nVince\n \nFrom: David Port @ ENRON \n 01/09/2001 07:47 AM \n \n \n \n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A \nShankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001 \nVince\nI will be available.\nDP\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n01/08/2001 12:06 PM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John L \nNowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nFYI.\nThis is the list of the Petronas executives visiting Enron on Feb 8.\nI have invited them to lunch. Would you like to join me for lunch.\n \nI would like to propose a short courtesy meeting at 10 with Jeff/John (5 - \n10 minutes),\nfollowed by RAC/Research presentation till 11:30.\nVince\nP.S. I shall reserve a conference room for this meeting\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001 \n10:02 AM ---------------------------\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/07/2001 06:37:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, \nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski\n4 members from Corporate Risk Management Unit\n1. Iqbal Abdullah - General Manager\n2. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar - Head, Risk Assessment & Controls\n3. Zulkifli A Rahim - Head, Risk Measurement & Systems\n4. Adnan Adams - Head, Special Projects\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 09:45:02 PM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Mr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar,\nThanks for your prompt reply.\nPlease, let us know how many members of your team will\nvisit Enron.\nI look forward to our meeting on February 8.\nVince Kaminski\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/02/2001 06:38:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, KhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my,\n Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski,\n Happy New year and thank you for the reply. We are honored to have\nlunch with you and your team however we have another appointment at\n2.30p.m.\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 07:38:19 AM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Sir,\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00\na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\nVince Kaminski\n", ["Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "David\n\nThanks.\n\nI shall get in touch with you a few days before to\ncoordinate the details.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\n\nFrom: David Port @ ENRON \n 01/09/2001 07:47 AM\t\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\n", ["<22457472.1075856461261.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10586953.1075856527588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10169583.1075856236041.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25229291.1075856589156.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-1-2001-3:1:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-3:1:0", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", ["jennifer.burns@enron.com", "eric.gonzales@enron.com"], [], "Jennifer: put on calendar. Eric: do you want to attend? Thanks. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n11:03 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n01/08/2001 12:06 PM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John L \nNowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nFYI.\nThis is the list of the Petronas executives visiting Enron on Feb 8.\nI have invited them to lunch. Would you like to join me for lunch.\n \nI would like to propose a short courtesy meeting at 10 with Jeff/John (5 - \n10 minutes),\nfollowed by RAC/Research presentation till 11:30.\nVince\nP.S. I shall reserve a conference room for this meeting\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001 \n10:02 AM ---------------------------\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/07/2001 06:37:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, \nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski\n4 members from Corporate Risk Management Unit\n1. Iqbal Abdullah - General Manager\n2. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar - Head, Risk Assessment & Controls\n3. Zulkifli A Rahim - Head, Risk Measurement & Systems\n4. Adnan Adams - Head, Special Projects\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 09:45:02 PM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Mr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar,\nThanks for your prompt reply.\nPlease, let us know how many members of your team will\nvisit Enron.\nI look forward to our meeting on February 8.\nVince Kaminski\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/02/2001 06:38:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, KhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my,\n Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski,\n Happy New year and thank you for the reply. We are honored to have\nlunch with you and your team however we have another appointment at\n2.30p.m.\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 07:38:19 AM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Sir,\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00\na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\nVince Kaminski\n", ["Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "Jennifer: put on calendar. Eric: do you want to attend? Thanks. \n", ["<2197080.1075857514472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22644076.1075857540986.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33074932.1075857553195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-1-2001-1:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-1:18:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["david.port@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "john.nowlan@enron.com"], ["rita.hennessy@enron.com", "jennifer.burns@enron.com", "karen.heathman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Good morning all:\nThe Petronas meetings and presentations will be in EB3321 on the 8th.\nThanks!\nShirley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001 \n09:11 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n01/08/2001 12:06 PM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John L \nNowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nFYI.\nThis is the list of the Petronas executives visiting Enron on Feb 8.\nI have invited them to lunch. Would you like to join me for lunch.\n \nI would like to propose a short courtesy meeting at 10 with Jeff/John (5 - \n10 minutes),\nfollowed by RAC/Research presentation till 11:30.\nVince\nP.S. I shall reserve a conference room for this meeting\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001 \n10:02 AM ---------------------------\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/07/2001 06:37:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, \nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski\n4 members from Corporate Risk Management Unit\n1. Iqbal Abdullah - General Manager\n2. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar - Head, Risk Assessment & Controls\n3. Zulkifli A Rahim - Head, Risk Measurement & Systems\n4. Adnan Adams - Head, Special Projects\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 09:45:02 PM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Mr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar,\nThanks for your prompt reply.\nPlease, let us know how many members of your team will\nvisit Enron.\nI look forward to our meeting on February 8.\nVince Kaminski\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/02/2001 06:38:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, KhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my,\n Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski,\n Happy New year and thank you for the reply. We are honored to have\nlunch with you and your team however we have another appointment at\n2.30p.m.\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 07:38:19 AM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Sir,\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00\na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\nVince Kaminski\n", ["Meetings with Petronas on February 8th"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "Good morning all:\n\nThe Petronas meetings and presentations will be in EB3321 on the 8th.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n", ["<26714446.1075856234630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8491758.1075856588949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8836897.1075856388930.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-1-2001-2:1:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-2:1:0", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Has eric gonzales been invited. I would like him to be\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/11/2001 09:18 AM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John L \nNowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen K \nHeathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Hennessy/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Meetings with Petronas on February 8th\nGood morning all:\nThe Petronas meetings and presentations will be in EB3321 on the 8th.\nThanks!\nShirley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001 \n09:11 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n01/08/2001 12:06 PM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John L \nNowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nFYI.\nThis is the list of the Petronas executives visiting Enron on Feb 8.\nI have invited them to lunch. Would you like to join me for lunch.\n \nI would like to propose a short courtesy meeting at 10 with Jeff/John (5 - \n10 minutes),\nfollowed by RAC/Research presentation till 11:30.\nVince\nP.S. I shall reserve a conference room for this meeting\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001 \n10:02 AM ---------------------------\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/07/2001 06:37:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, \nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski\n4 members from Corporate Risk Management Unit\n1. Iqbal Abdullah - General Manager\n2. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar - Head, Risk Assessment & Controls\n3. Zulkifli A Rahim - Head, Risk Measurement & Systems\n4. Adnan Adams - Head, Special Projects\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 09:45:02 PM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Mr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar,\nThanks for your prompt reply.\nPlease, let us know how many members of your team will\nvisit Enron.\nI look forward to our meeting on February 8.\nVince Kaminski\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 01/02/2001 06:38:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, KhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my,\n Shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Kaminski,\n Happy New year and thank you for the reply. We are honored to have\nlunch with you and your team however we have another appointment at\n2.30p.m.\nRegards\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 03/01/2001 07:38:19 AM\nTo: azminab@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting on Feb 8, 2001\nDear Sir,\nI would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax.\nI was on vacation for the last few days.\nI shall be honored to meet your delegation on Thursday, February 8 at 10:00\na.m.\nPlease, let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting.\nVince Kaminski\n", ["Re: Meetings with Petronas on February 8th"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [["invite personname", 2, "information", ["invited", "gonzales"], "information", "has eric gonzales been invited."]], "Has eric gonzales been invited. I would like him to be\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/11/2001 09:18 AM\n", ["<25391058.1075857513770.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7845156.1075857552638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-1-2001-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-1:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Khairuddin,\nThanks for your message. The fax has been sent.\nVince\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/17/2001 01:50:36 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: azminab@petronas.com.my \nSubject: Petronas benchmarking visit\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nPertaining to our visit to your kind company in February, we are required\nto obtain Visas for the trip. To apply for the Visas, the Embassy requires\na letter from the US Company confirming our meeting or visit. We would\nreally be grateful if you can fax us a confirmation letter so that we can\nproceed with our Visa application. Please fax the letter to:\nMr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar\nHead, Risk Assessment and Control\nCorporate Risk Management Unit,\nCorporate Planning and Development Division\nLevel 71, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers,\nKuala Lumpur City Centre,\n50088 Kuala Lumpur,\nMALAYSIA\nFax: (603) 2051-3252\nYour speedy reply is greatly appreciated.\nThank you and regards,\nKhairuddin .\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic05415.pcx)\n - pic05415.pcx\n", ["Re: Petronas benchmarking visit"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "Khairuddin,\n\nThanks for your message. The fax has been sent.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/17/2001 01:50:36 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\n", ["<8615283.1075856459837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29595750.1075856526177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19967147.1075856232479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14899765.1075856588743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-1-2001-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-5:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, try the E-mail address below.\nVince\n---------------\n------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2001 01:29 PM \n---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2001 09:48 AM\nTo: khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Petronas benchmarking visit \nKhairuddin,\nThanks for your message. The fax has been sent.\nVince\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/17/2001 01:50:36 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: azminab@petronas.com.my \nSubject: Petronas benchmarking visit\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nPertaining to our visit to your kind company in February, we are required\nto obtain Visas for the trip. To apply for the Visas, the Embassy requires\na letter from the US Company confirming our meeting or visit. We would\nreally be grateful if you can fax us a confirmation letter so that we can\nproceed with our Visa application. Please fax the letter to:\nMr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar\nHead, Risk Assessment and Control\nCorporate Risk Management Unit,\nCorporate Planning and Development Division\nLevel 71, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers,\nKuala Lumpur City Centre,\n50088 Kuala Lumpur,\nMALAYSIA\nFax: (603) 2051-3252\nYour speedy reply is greatly appreciated.\nThank you and regards,\nKhairuddin .\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic05415.pcx)\n - pic05415.pcx\n", ["Re: Petronas benchmarking visit"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, try the E-mail address below.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------\n\n-----", ["<18517837.1075856459699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21109441.1075856526038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<498494.1075856232144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16153825.1075856390951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-1-2001-1:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-1:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["david.port@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "doug.arnell@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "john.nowlan@enron.com"], "David,\nI am sending you the questions submitted by Petronas for our meeting on \nFeb 8.\nAre you going to invite additional RAC people to the meeting (Bill Bradford\nwould be helpful with credit questions, Bjorn may be interested as well). \nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/23/2001 \n09:43 AM ---------------------------\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/22/2001 09:34:16 PM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: azminab@petronas.com.my \nSubject: Benchmarking questionnaires\nVince,\nAttached are two sets of benchmarking questionnaires for your kind perusal.\nRegards,\nKhairuddin\n)\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic24962.pcx)\n\n\n - pic24962.pcx\n", ["Benchmarking questionnaires"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 8, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting"], "intention", " are you going to invite additional rac people to the meeting personname would be helpful with credit questions, bjorn may be interested as well)."]], "David,\n\nI am sending you the questions submitted by Petronas for our meeting on \nFeb 8.\n\nAre you going to invite additional RAC people to the meeting (Bill Bradford\nwould be helpful with credit questions, Bjorn may be interested as well). \n\nVince\n\n", ["<27481210.1075856458233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20821954.1075856524569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1492699.1075856228891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8312853.1075856588331.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33138250.1075856393474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-1-2001-3:34:0Skhairuddinbmjaafar@petronas.com.my": ["23-1-2001-3:34:0", "khairuddinbmjaafar@petronas.com.my", ["vkamins@ect.enron.com"], ["azminab@petronas.com.my"], "Vince,\nAttached are two sets of benchmarking questionnaires for your kind perusal.\nRegards,\nKhairuddin\n)\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic24962.pcx)\n\n\n - pic24962.pcx", ["Benchmarking questionnaires"], "{'recipients': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [["see file", 8, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", " regards, khairuddin (see attached file: q bench rms."], ["attach spreadsheet", 9, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", " regards, khairuddin (see attached file: q bench rms."], ["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 9, "information", ["attached", "khairuddin"], "information", " regards, khairuddin (see attached file: q bench rms."], ["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 9, "information", ["attached", "khairuddin"], "information", " regards, khairuddin (see attached file: q bench rms."], ["see file", 14, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "doc)(see attached file: datenumeric numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 15, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc)(see attached file: datenumeric numeric ."], ["send_attach file", 15, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "doc)(see attached file: datenumeric numeric ."], ["receive_incur gas", 49, "information", ["error", "received"], "information", " if you have received this message in error, you should delete this message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail."]], "Vince,\n\nAttached are two sets of benchmarking questionnaires for your kind perusal.\n\nRegards,\nKhairuddin\n(See attached file: q_bench_rms.doc)(See attached file: Feb 5-17,2001.doc)\n\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n\n\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic24962.pcx)\n - q_bench_rms.doc\n - Feb 5-17,2001.doc\n - pic24962.pcx", ["<27896401.1075856229146.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27032100.1075856588353.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15129931.1075856393316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-2-2001-8:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-2-2001-8:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/02/2001 \n04:51 PM ---------------------------\nazminab@petronas.com.my on 02/02/2001 01:54:20 AM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com, rex.w.bennett@usa.conoco.com, \ngavin.watson@riskmetrics.com, jsahp@ms.com, tom.doo@gs.com\ncc: azminab@petronas.com.my \nSubject: Benchmarking\nGentlemen\n Please provide an LCD projector or overhaed projector for our short\npresentation.\nRegards\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic30630.pcx)\n - pic30630.pcx\n", ["Benchmarking"], "{'body': ['azminab@petronas.com.my']}", [], "", ["<2769954.1075856454541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7147647.1075856520862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31338518.1075856221591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12003419.1075856398882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "12-10-2000-8:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-10-2000-2:30:0Selena.chilkina@enron.com": {"12-10-2000-8:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-10-2000-8:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["elena.chilkina@enron.com"], ["mike.roberts@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20562014.1075856592115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 08:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: elena.chilkina@enron.com\nSubject: Swaps Monitor Research.\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Elena Chilkina\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Mike A Roberts\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nElena,\n\nPlease, review the energy related info in this database (if any) and talk to \nme \nabout it.\n\nI would like to do some research in this area and ask you to write a summary \nreport.\nNothing urgent.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 \n03:52 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nAndrei Osonenko on 10/11/2000 04:26:38 PM\nTo: (Recipient list suppressed)\ncc: \nSubject: Swaps Monitor Research.\n\n\nWe have today published information about the OTC derivative activities of \nthe largest Dutch dealers. This research is contained in the attached pdf \nfile.\n\nThrough our web site, SwapsMonitor.com, you can obtain additional information \nabout OTC derivatives dealers, including rankings and a database of \noutstandings going back to 1994.\n\nAs an e-mail subscriber to our research, you will automatically receive all \nfree research at the same time it is placed on our web site. If you wish to \nremove your name from the e-mailing list, please use the Reply feature of \nyour e-mail application and type the word \"Remove\" in the subject line.\n\nRegards,\n\n\n - dutch_dealers.pdf\nAndrei Osonenko\nResearch Department\n", "Swaps Monitor Research.", "originEmail", [["write_publish book", 12, "nninformation", ["report", "write"], "intention", " i would like to do some research in this area and ask you to write a summary report."]], "Elena,\n\nPlease, review the energy related info in this database (if any) and talk to \nme \nabout it.\n\nI would like to do some research in this area and ask you to write a summary \nreport.\nNothing urgent.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<20562014.1075856592115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "16-10-2000-2:30:0Selena.chilkina@enron.com": ["16-10-2000-2:30:0", "elena.chilkina@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15935530.1075856276280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 02:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: elena.chilkina@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Swaps Monitor Research.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Elena Chilkina\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nI reviewed all information available on the web site. There is a template \nthat shows what kind of data SwapsMonitor provides on commodities, but \nunfortunately this template is a blank one and no example of the table given. \nTo receive any actual data we have to subscribe to their service ($200 - \nsingle delivery, $300 - annual subscription).\n\nBelow is the template that given for commodity derivatives:\n\n\nThe data in this database is derived from audited financial statements, \nregulatory filings, reports to shareholders. \n\nI will be glad to write a summary report.\n\nSincerely, \nElena\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/12/2000 03:47 PM\nTo: Elena Chilkina/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike A Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Swaps Monitor Research.\n\nElena,\n\nPlease, review the energy related info in this database (if any) and talk to \nme \nabout it.\n\nI would like to do some research in this area and ask you to write a summary \nreport.\nNothing urgent.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 \n03:52 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nAndrei Osonenko on 10/11/2000 04:26:38 PM\nTo: (Recipient list suppressed)\ncc: \nSubject: Swaps Monitor Research.\n\n\nWe have today published information about the OTC derivative activities of \nthe largest Dutch dealers. This research is contained in the attached pdf \nfile.\n\nThrough our web site, SwapsMonitor.com, you can obtain additional information \nabout OTC derivatives dealers, including rankings and a database of \noutstandings going back to 1994.\n\nAs an e-mail subscriber to our research, you will automatically receive all \nfree research at the same time it is placed on our web site. If you wish to \nremove your name from the e-mailing list, please use the Reply feature of \nyour e-mail application and type the word \"Remove\" in the subject line.\n\nRegards,\n\n\n - dutch_dealers.pdf\nAndrei Osonenko\nResearch Department\n\n\n\n", "Re: Swaps Monitor Research.", "reply", [["write_publish book", 41, "nninformation", ["report", "write"], "intention", " i will be glad to write a summary report."]], "Vince,\n\nI reviewed all information available on the web site. There is a template \nthat shows what kind of data SwapsMonitor provides on commodities, but \nunfortunately this template is a blank one and no example of the table given. \nTo receive any actual data we have to subscribe to their service ($200 - \nsingle delivery, $300 - annual subscription).\n\nBelow is the template that given for commodity derivatives:\n\n\nThe data in this database is derived from audited financial statements, \nregulatory filings, reports to shareholders. \n\nI will be glad to write a summary report.\n\nSincerely, \nElena\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/12/2000 03:47 PM\n", "<15935530.1075856276280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "17-1-2000-14:0:0Sjgarven@lsu.edu 17-1-2000-23:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-1-2000-14:0:0Sjgarven@lsu.edu": ["17-1-2000-14:0:0", "jgarven@lsu.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16721245.1075856779480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 14:00:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jgarven@lsu.edu\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: LSU seminar visit\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jim Garven \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Vince,\n\nWould you mind emailing to me a short biography/vita sometime when you get\na chance? Also, if you have a paper to circulate or any PowerPoint slides\nthat you'll want to use either in your presentations to my students\nThursday afternoon, 2/3, or to the faculty seminar on Friday morning, 2/4,\nplease email these to me. This would be greatly appreciated.\n\nMy colleagues and I are looking forward to your visit on Feb. 3-4 to LSU.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJim Garven\n\n\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven\nWilliam H. Wright, Jr. Endowed Chair for Financial Services\nDepartment of Finance\n2158 CEBA\nE. J. Ourso College of Business Administration\nLouisiana State University\nBaton Rouge, LA 70803-6308\n\nVoice (225) 388-0477 | Fax: (800) 859-6361\n\nE-mail: jgarven@lsu.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.lsu.edu\nVita: http://garven.lsu.edu/dossier.html\nResearch Paper Archive: http://garven.lsu.edu/research.html\n_________________________________________ \n - att1.htm", "Re: LSU seminar visit", "reply", [], "Dear Vince,\n\nWould you mind emailing to me a short biography/vita sometime when you get\na chance? Also, if you have a paper to circulate or any PowerPoint slides\nthat you'll want to use either in your presentations to my students\nThursday afternoon, 2/3, or to the faculty seminar on Friday morning, 2/4,\nplease email these to me. This would be greatly appreciated.\n\nMy colleagues and I are looking forward to your visit on Feb. 3-4 to LSU.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJim Garven\n\n\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven\nWilliam H. Wright, Jr. Endowed Chair for Financial Services\nDepartment of Finance\n2158 CEBA\nE. J. Ourso College of Business Administration\nLouisiana State University\nBaton Rouge, LA 70803-6308\n\nVoice (225) 388-0477 | Fax: (800) 859-6361\n\nE-mail: jgarven@lsu.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.lsu.edu\nVita: http://garven.lsu.edu/dossier.html\nResearch Paper Archive: http://garven.lsu.edu/research.html\n_________________________________________ \n - att1.htm", "<16721245.1075856779480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-1-2000-23:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2000-23:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jgarven@lsu.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10200584.1075856946894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 23:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jgarven@lsu.edu\nSubject: Re: LSU seminar visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jim Garven @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nI can send you copies of the reprints of some papers I wrote\nor co-authored. Please, let me know how many copies do you need.\n\nI shall prepare power point presentations for the student meeting\nand for the faculty meeting.\n\nFor the students: review of my group (things we work on) with an intention\nof generating some interest among the students and soliciting resumes.\n\nFor the faculty meeting: challenges that energy markets pose to financial \nmodeling.\nI shall be able to E-mail the Power Point presentations later this month.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Garven on 01/17/2000 04:00:25 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: LSU seminar visit\n\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nWould you mind emailing to me a short biography/vita sometime when you get\na chance? Also, if you have a paper to circulate or any PowerPoint slides\nthat you'll want to use either in your presentations to my students\nThursday afternoon, 2/3, or to the faculty seminar on Friday morning, 2/4,\nplease email these to me. This would be greatly appreciated.\n\nMy colleagues and I are looking forward to your visit on Feb. 3-4 to LSU.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJim Garven\n\n\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven\nWilliam H. Wright, Jr. Endowed Chair for Financial Services\nDepartment of Finance\n2158 CEBA\nE. J. Ourso College of Business Administration\nLouisiana State University\nBaton Rouge, LA 70803-6308\n\nVoice (225) 388-0477 | Fax: (800) 859-6361\n\nE-mail: jgarven@lsu.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.lsu.edu\nVita: http://garven.lsu.edu/dossier.html\nResearch Paper Archive: http://garven.lsu.edu/research.html\n_________________________________________ \n - att1.htm\n\n", "Re: LSU seminar visit", "originEmail", [["write_publish book", 7, "information", ["papers", "wrote"], "information", "jim, i can send you copies of the reprints of some papers i wrote or co-authored."], ["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 13, "nninformation", ["prepare", "power**point"], "intention", " i shall prepare power point presentations for the student meeting and for the faculty meeting."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 35, "nninformation", ["modeling", "pose"], "intention", " for the faculty meeting: challenges that energy markets pose to orgname modeling."]], "Jim,\n\nI can send you copies of the reprints of some papers I wrote\nor co-authored. Please, let me know how many copies do you need.\n\nI shall prepare power point presentations for the student meeting\nand for the faculty meeting.\n\nFor the students: review of my group (things we work on) with an intention\nof generating some interest among the students and soliciting resumes.\n\nFor the faculty meeting: challenges that energy markets pose to financial \nmodeling.\nI shall be able to E-mail the Power Point presentations later this month.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Garven ", {"challenge energy_energy0industryTnn": {"value": "challenge energy_energy0industryTnn", "ne": "challenge energy_energy0industryTnn", "patterns": ["challenge energy_energy0industryTnn"]}, "challenge market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "challenge market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "challenge market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["challenge market_power0marketTnn"]}, "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn": {"value": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "ne": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "patterns": ["demonstration_presentation meetingTnn"]}, "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0price marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0price marketTnn"]}, "faculty presentation studentTnnn": {"value": "faculty presentation studentTnnn", "ne": "faculty presentation studentTnnn", "patterns": ["faculty presentation studentTnnn"]}, "faculty presentationTnn": {"value": "faculty presentationTnn", "ne": "faculty presentationTnn", "patterns": ["faculty presentationTnn"]}, "faculty studentTnn": {"value": "faculty studentTnn", "ne": "faculty studentTnn", "patterns": ["faculty studentTnn"]}, "faculty_staff meetingTnn": {"value": "faculty_staff meetingTnn", "ne": "faculty_staff meetingTnn", "patterns": ["faculty_staff meetingTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation meetingTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation meetingTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation meetingTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation meetingTnn"]}, "market meetingTnn": {"value": "market meetingTnn", "ne": "market meetingTnn", "patterns": ["market meetingTnn"]}, "market model_modelingTnn": {"value": "market model_modelingTnn", "ne": "market model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["market model_modelingTnn"]}, "paper reprintTnn": {"value": "paper reprintTnn", "ne": "paper reprintTnn", "patterns": ["paper reprintTnn"]}, "point_power0point presentationTnn": {"value": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "ne": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "patterns": ["point_power0point presentationTnn"]}, "power_power0point presentationTnn": {"value": "power_power0point presentationTnn", "ne": "power_power0point presentationTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0point presentationTnn"]}, "presentation studentTnn": {"value": "presentation studentTnn", "ne": "presentation studentTnn", "patterns": ["presentation studentTnn"]}, "resume studentTnn": {"value": "resume studentTnn", "ne": "resume studentTnn", "patterns": ["resume studentTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-3-2000-9:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-3-2000-4:31:0Smaureen.raymond@enron.com": {"27-3-2000-9:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-9:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kellie.fleeks@enron.com"], ["farouk.lalji@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "maureen.raymond@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <30726163.1075856755653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 09:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kellie.fleeks@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Forecast Rates!\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com, farouk.lalji@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com, farouk.lalji@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kellie Fleeks\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Maureen Raymond, Farouk Lalji\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKellie,\n\nI was on vacation last week. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.\nI am forwarding this request to Maureen Raymond who is handling such requests.\n\nVince Kaminski\n \n\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Forecast Rates!\n\n\n\t\n\nVince,\nYour name was given as a contact to get information on some exchange rates. \nDon Reid is needing some information on forecast rates and inflation rates \nfor Turkish ponds for the years 2000-2006. If you can help me we really \nwould appreciate it, we need it as soon as possible. Thank you in advance \nfor your help.\n\n\nKellie\n5.5205\n\n", "Re: Forecast Rates!", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 6, "information", ["forwarding", "request"], "information", " i am forwarding this request to maureen raymond who is handling such requests."]], "Kellie,\n\nI was on vacation last week. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.\nI am forwarding this request to Maureen Raymond who is handling such requests.\n\nVince Kaminski\n \n\n\n", "<30726163.1075856755653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "raymond", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["personname requestTnn"]}}, false], "28-3-2000-4:31:0Smaureen.raymond@enron.com": ["28-3-2000-4:31:0", "maureen.raymond@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24293885.1075856755427.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 04:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: maureen.raymond@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Forecast Rates!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Maureen Raymond\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince, \n\nWe responded to Kellie and Osman on March 21. Don Reid decided that he did \nnot need a curve for Turkey at this time. \n\n\nRegards, \n\nMaureen\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n03/27/2000 06:14 PM\nTo: Kellie Fleeks/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maureen Raymond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Farouk \nLalji/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Forecast Rates! \n\nKellie,\n\nI was on vacation last week. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.\nI am forwarding this request to Maureen Raymond who is handling such requests.\n\nVince Kaminski\n \n\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Forecast Rates!\n\n\n\t\n\nVince,\nYour name was given as a contact to get information on some exchange rates. \nDon Reid is needing some information on forecast rates and inflation rates \nfor Turkish ponds for the years 2000-2006. If you can help me we really \nwould appreciate it, we need it as soon as possible. Thank you in advance \nfor your help.\n\n\nKellie\n5.5205\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Forecast Rates!", "reply", [], "Vince, \n\nWe responded to Kellie and Osman on March 21. Don Reid decided that he did \nnot need a curve for Turkey at this time. \n\n\nRegards, \n\nMaureen\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n03/27/2000 06:14 PM\n", "<24293885.1075856755427.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "5-2-2000-13:46:0Sdwill25@bellsouth.net 17-2-2000-3:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"5-2-2000-13:46:0Sdwill25@bellsouth.net": ["5-2-2000-13:46:0", "dwill25@bellsouth.net", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <805760.1075857069341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 13:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: dwill25@bellsouth.net\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: LSU visit (Resume)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Datren Williams \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n\nIt was a pleasure and honor to have lunch with you. I also enjoyed your\npresentation in our graduate class. I hope you enjoyed your visit to\nBaton Rouge. Come back to visit us sometime!!\n\nAttached is my resume as you suggested. Thank you for your interest in\nLSU and me.\n\nSincerely,\nDatren L. Williams\n\n - RESUME.doc", "LSU visit (Resume)", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 16, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " attached is my resume as you suggested."]], "Mr. Kaminski,\n\nIt was a pleasure and honor to have lunch with you. I also enjoyed your\npresentation in our graduate class. I hope you enjoyed your visit to\nBaton Rouge. Come back to visit us sometime!!\n\nAttached is my resume as you suggested. Thank you for your interest in\nLSU and me.\n\nSincerely,\nDatren L. Williams\n\n - RESUME.doc", "<805760.1075857069341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-2-2000-3:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-3:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dwill25@bellsouth.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11829035.1075856943144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 03:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: dwill25@bellsouth.net\nSubject: Re: LSU visit (Resume)\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Datren Williams @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDatren,\n\nI am forwarding your resume to our Analyst/Associate program.\nI talked to them about my needs for the summer and I don't see any problem.\nThey should contact you shortly.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nDatren Williams on 02/05/2000 03:46:43 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: LSU visit (Resume)\n\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n\nIt was a pleasure and honor to have lunch with you. I also enjoyed your\npresentation in our graduate class. I hope you enjoyed your visit to\nBaton Rouge. Come back to visit us sometime!!\n\nAttached is my resume as you suggested. Thank you for your interest in\nLSU and me.\n\nSincerely,\nDatren L. Williams\n\n - RESUME.doc\n\n", "Re: LSU visit (Resume)", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["associate**program", "forwarding", "resume"], "information", "datren, i am forwarding your resume to our analyst/associate program."]], "Datren,\n\nI am forwarding your resume to our Analyst/Associate program.\nI talked to them about my needs for the summer and I don't see any problem.\nThey should contact you shortly.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nDatren Williams ", {"associate0program_program resumeTnn": {"value": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "ne": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "patterns": ["associate0program_program resumeTnn"]}, "associate_associate0program resumeTnn": {"value": "associate_associate0program resumeTnn", "ne": "associate_associate0program resumeTnn", "patterns": ["associate_associate0program resumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-3-2000-9:36:0Sjens.gobel@enron.com 4-4-2000-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-3-2000-9:36:0Sjens.gobel@enron.com": ["16-3-2000-9:36:0", "jens.gobel@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17785631.1075857068363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 09:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jens.gobel@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Karrieremoeglichkeiten bei Enron\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jens Gobel\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGordian Kemen on 03/15/2000 09:13:47 AM\nTo: Jens.Gobel@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: Career Opportunities@Enron\n\n\nHi Vince,\n\nFollowing up to our chat on the phone.\n\nGordian Kemen will be arriving in Austin on the 16th. He will be staying in \nAustin for 2 weeks. He would very much appreciate to have the opportunity to \nhave a talk with you to find out if there is a place for him at Enron. You \ncan reach him under (512) 301-9819 (his parents in law's phone number). \n\nThanks a lot for you help and attention,\n\nJens\n\n\n - GordianResume.pdf\n\n\n", "Re: Karrieremoeglichkeiten bei Enron", "forward", [], "Gordian Kemen ", {}, false], "4-4-2000-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-3:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["anjam.ahmad@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9813966.1075856993307.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 03:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: anjam.ahmad@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Karrieremoeglichkeiten bei Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Anjam Ahmad\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, Zimin Lu, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAnjam,\n\nCan you, please, invite Gordian Kemen to an interview in London?\nStinson, Zimin, Vasant and Krishna can interview\nhim from Houston (video conference).\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2000 \n10:13 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJens Gobel@ENRON\n03/16/2000 05:36 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Karrieremoeglichkeiten bei Enron \n\n\n\n\n\nGordian Kemen on 03/15/2000 09:13:47 AM\nTo: Jens.Gobel@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: Career Opportunities@Enron\n\n\nHi Vince,\n\nFollowing up to our chat on the phone.\n\nGordian Kemen will be arriving in Austin on the 16th. He will be staying in \nAustin for 2 weeks. He would very much appreciate to have the opportunity to \nhave a talk with you to find out if there is a place for him at Enron. You \ncan reach him under (512) 301-9819 (his parents in law's phone number). \n\nThanks a lot for you help and attention,\n\nJens\n\n\n - GordianResume.pdf\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Karrieremoeglichkeiten bei Enron", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 1, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "request", "anjam, can you, please, invite gordian kemen to an interview in london?"], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["interview", "him"], "intention", " stinson, zimin, vasant and krishna can interview him from houston (video conference)."]], "Anjam,\n\nCan you, please, invite Gordian Kemen to an interview in London?\nStinson, Zimin, Vasant and Krishna can interview\nhim from Houston (video conference).\n\nVince\n\n", "<9813966.1075856993307.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-2-2000-3:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-2-2000-23:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-2-2000-3:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-3:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "robert.rudy@kmv.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27155561.1075856941813.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 03:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: robert.rudy@kmv.com\nSubject: Meeting on the 20th of March\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Robert.Rudy@kmv.com\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRobert,\n\nThis is to confirm the meeting on March the 20th at 9:00 a.m. Enron will be \nrepresented by\nBill Bradford, Bryan Seyfried,,Vasant Shanbhogue and myself.\n\nCould you, please, advise me what is the best hotel where we could stay \novernight,\nclose to your location?\n\nVince Kaminski\nENRON Corp. \n1400 Smith Street, Room 1962 \nHouston, TX 77251-1188\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com", "Meeting on the 20th of March", "forward", [], "Robert,\n\nThis is to confirm the meeting on March the 20th at 9:00 a.m. Enron will be \nrepresented by\nBill Bradford, Bryan Seyfried,,Vasant Shanbhogue and myself.\n\nCould you, please, advise me what is the best hotel where we could stay \novernight,\nclose to your location?\n\nVince Kaminski\nENRON Corp. \n1400 Smith Street, Room 1962 \nHouston, TX 77251-1188\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com", "<27155561.1075856941813.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "28-2-2000-23:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-23:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["william.bradford@enron.com", "bryan.seyfried@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15740133.1075856765791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 23:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: william.bradford@enron.com, bryan.seyfried@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Meeting on the 20th of March\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: William S Bradford, Bryan Seyfried, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI. \n\nShirley (3-5290) is making travel arrangements for me.\n\n\nIt makes sense for all of us to stay in the same hotel, \nirrespective of individual travel arrangements\n\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/29/2000 \n07:30 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Rudy, Robert\" on 02/28/2000 08:20:10 PM\nTo: \"'Vince J Kaminski'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Meeting on the 20th of March\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nThanks for your note. I look forward to seeing you on the 20th.\n\nWe usually recommend our visitors to stay at the Park Hyatt on Battery\nStreet. It's a 5 minute cab ride (or an easy 15 minute walk) to our\noffices. Should you decide to walk, it is important that you take Sansome\nStreet rather than Montgomery. They are one block apart, but one goes up to\nthe top of Telegraph hill and ends before continuing at the bottom of a\ncliff and the other is relatively flat and is continuous. There are\ndetailed directions on our website (www.kmv.com).\n\nSee you on the 20th.\n\nRegards,\n\nRob\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, February 28, 2000 9:35 AM\nTo: Robert.Rudy@kmv.com\nCc: Vince J Kaminski; Shirley Crenshaw\nSubject: Meeting on the 20th of March\n\n\n\n\nRobert,\n\nThis is to confirm the meeting on March the 20th at 9:00 a.m. Enron will be\nrepresented by\nBill Bradford, Bryan Seyfried,,Vasant Shanbhogue and myself.\n\nCould you, please, advise me what is the best hotel where we could stay\novernight,\nclose to your location?\n\nVince Kaminski\nENRON Corp.\n1400 Smith Street, Room 1962\nHouston, TX 77251-1188\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n\n", "RE: Meeting on the 20th of March", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "information", ["arrangements", "making"], "information", " shirley ( phonenumber ) is making travel arrangements for me."]], "FYI. \n\nShirley (3-5290) is making travel arrangements for me.\n\n\nIt makes sense for all of us to stay in the same hotel, \nirrespective of individual travel arrangements\n\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<15740133.1075856765791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-5-2001-20:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-0:28:0Sphillip.randle@enron.com 2-5-2001-2:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-5-2001-20:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-20:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["phillip.randle@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20739119.1075858471825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 20:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: phillip.randle@enron.com\nSubject: Installation of new programs\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Phillip C. Randle \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nPhillip,\n\nHow can I install new programs on my laptop, without \nthe administrator's privileges?\n\nOne example: when I travel I use AOL to get access to my mail\nand to communicate with the office. Windows 2000 does not allow \nme to install it.\n\n Also, I have my private statistical software\nI often use when I work at night during business trips.\nI would like to load it as well.\n\nVince", "Installation of new programs", "originEmail", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 10, "nninformation", ["example", "use"], "intention", " one example: when i travel i use aol to get access to my mail and to communicate with the office."]], "Phillip,\n\nHow can I install new programs on my laptop, without \nthe administrator's privileges?\n\nOne example: when I travel I use AOL to get access to my mail\nand to communicate with the office. Windows 2000 does not allow \nme to install it.\n\n Also, I have my private statistical software\nI often use when I work at night during business trips.\nI would like to load it as well.\n\nVince", "<20739119.1075858471825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "2-5-2001-0:28:0Sphillip.randle@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-0:28:0", "phillip.randle@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15591098.1075856183195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 00:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: phillip.randle@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Installation of new programs\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Phillip Randle\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI gave you local admin rights on your laptop yesterday. What you have to do \nis to log into the laptop using the local\nMachine account. The id and the password is the same as your Corp login now. \nThe password on the local account will \nNever change. If you have a minute today I will show you how. Let me know a \ntime.\n\nPhillip Randle\nDesktop Support Specialist x39665\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:17 PM\nTo: Randle, Phillip C.\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Installation of new programs\n\nPhillip,\n\nHow can I install new programs on my laptop, without \nthe administrator's privileges?\n\nOne example: when I travel I use AOL to get access to my mail\nand to communicate with the office. Windows 2000 does not allow \nme to install it.\n\n Also, I have my private statistical software\nI often use when I work at night during business trips.\nI would like to load it as well.\n\nVince", "RE: Installation of new programs", "reply", [], "I gave you local admin rights on your laptop yesterday. What you have to do \nis to log into the laptop using the local\nMachine account. The id and the password is the same as your Corp login now. \nThe password on the local account will \nNever change. If you have a minute today I will show you how. Let me know a \ntime.\n\nPhillip Randle\nDesktop Support Specialist x39665\n\n\n ", "<15591098.1075856183195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-5-2001-2:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-2:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "phillip.randle@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4377449.1075856436434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 02:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: phillip.randle@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Installation of new programs\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Phillip Randle\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPhilip,\n\nThanks. You are the best.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Phillip Randle/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/02/2001 07:28 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Installation of new programs\n\nI gave you local admin rights on your laptop yesterday. What you have to do \nis to log into the laptop using the local\nMachine account. The id and the password is the same as your Corp login now. \nThe password on the local account will \nNever change. If you have a minute today I will show you how. Let me know a \ntime.\n\nPhillip Randle\nDesktop Support Specialist x39665\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:17 PM\nTo: Randle, Phillip C.\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Installation of new programs\n\nPhillip,\n\nHow can I install new programs on my laptop, without \nthe administrator's privileges?\n\nOne example: when I travel I use AOL to get access to my mail\nand to communicate with the office. Windows 2000 does not allow \nme to install it.\n\n Also, I have my private statistical software\nI often use when I work at night during business trips.\nI would like to load it as well.\n\nVince\n\n", "RE: Installation of new programs", "reply", [], "Philip,\n\nThanks. You are the best.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Phillip Randle/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/02/2001 07:28 AM\n", "<4377449.1075856436434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "26-9-2000-13:18:0Senron.announcements@enron.com 29-9-2000-10:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-9-2000-13:18:0Senron.announcements@enron.com": ["26-9-2000-13:18:0", "enron.announcements@enron.com", "all.houston@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29912479.1075857143845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 13:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: enron.announcements@enron.com\nTo: all.houston@enron.com\nSubject: Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Enron Announcements\nX-To: All Enron Houston\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Benjamin_Rogers_Dec2000_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Rogers-B\nX-FileName: brogers.nsf\n\nTO: Houston Area Employees Participating in the Domestic Medical Plan Benefits\n\nYou may have recently received communication from United HealthCare (UHC) \nconcerning Memorial Hermann Health Systems' (MHHS) decision to terminate \ntheir contract with UHC in the Houston/Beaumont area. This communication \nalso included the names of physicians who will be dropped from the network \ndue to this action. It is our intent to help you understand the situation.\n\nIt is our understanding that Memorial Herman Health Systems asked for a 40% \nincrease in fees - a substantial increase that would have been passed on to \nyou and Enron! When United HealthCare attempted to negotiate with a counter \nproposal, Memorial Hermann cancelled their contract.\n\nWhile this contractual arrangement was between the hospital system and UHC, \nEnron continues to support UHC in their ongoing contract negotiation \nefforts. At this time, it is only UHC which has been affected, however, it \nis our understanding that Cigna has also been contacted by the hospital group \nand may be in contract negotiations at this time as well. \n\nMany doctors have obtained admission privileges to other area hospitals \nwithin the UHC Network or have contracted directly with UHC including those \nwith admission privileges to The Woodlands, Sugarland and Clear Lake \nHospitals, to name a few. In a further effort to limit disruption to our \naffected employees and families who are enrolled in the UHC Network or EPO \noptions, Enron has authorized UHC to process claims incurred between \nSeptember 28 and December 31, 2000 as if the termination of the Memorial \nHermann Health Systems from the network had not occurred and In-Network \nbenefits applied. Office visits will have a $10 copayment and all other \ncharges will be covered at 90%. Hospital admissions will still need to be \npre-certified with UHC.\n\nThese steps have decreased the number of participants' affected by Primary \nCare Physician disruption from 1,050 to 127.\n\nIf You Need Medical Attention: You or your doctor/hospital must call UHC's \ncustomer service number so proper benefits can be verified. In some cases \nthe hospital or doctor may request payment at the time service is performed. \nIf this should happen, please obtain an itemized statement and submit it to \nUHC with a claim form for prompt reimbursement. Claim forms can be obtained \nby calling 1-800-332-7979 or in Houston at 713-853-7979 ( press 1).\n\nOpen enrollment materials will be coming soon. Take this opportunity to \nconsider your elections for 2001. \n\nUnited HealthCare and Enron HR are committed to assisting Enron employees \nthrough this transition. We will communicate any further developments that \nmay impact you or your family.", "Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!", "forward", [], "TO: Houston Area Employees Participating in the Domestic Medical Plan Benefits\n\nYou may have recently received communication from United HealthCare (UHC) \nconcerning Memorial Hermann Health Systems' (MHHS) decision to terminate \ntheir contract with UHC in the Houston/Beaumont area. This communication \nalso included the names of physicians who will be dropped from the network \ndue to this action. It is our intent to help you understand the situation.\n\nIt is our understanding that Memorial Herman Health Systems asked for a 40% \nincrease in fees - a substantial increase that would have been passed on to \nyou and Enron! When United HealthCare attempted to negotiate with a counter \nproposal, Memorial Hermann cancelled their contract.\n\nWhile this contractual arrangement was between the hospital system and UHC, \nEnron continues to support UHC in their ongoing contract negotiation \nefforts. At this time, it is only UHC which has been affected, however, it \nis our understanding that Cigna has also been contacted by the hospital group \nand may be in contract negotiations at this time as well. \n\nMany doctors have obtained admission privileges to other area hospitals \nwithin the UHC Network or have contracted directly with UHC including those \nwith admission privileges to The Woodlands, Sugarland and Clear Lake \nHospitals, to name a few. In a further effort to limit disruption to our \naffected employees and families who are enrolled in the UHC Network or EPO \noptions, Enron has authorized UHC to process claims incurred between \nSeptember 28 and December 31, 2000 as if the termination of the Memorial \nHermann Health Systems from the network had not occurred and In-Network \nbenefits applied. Office visits will have a $10 copayment and all other \ncharges will be covered at 90%. Hospital admissions will still need to be \npre-certified with UHC.\n\nThese steps have decreased the number of participants' affected by Primary \nCare Physician disruption from 1,050 to 127.\n\nIf You Need Medical Attention: You or your doctor/hospital must call UHC's \ncustomer service number so proper benefits can be verified. In some cases \nthe hospital or doctor may request payment at the time service is performed. \nIf this should happen, please obtain an itemized statement and submit it to \nUHC with a claim form for prompt reimbursement. Claim forms can be obtained \nby calling 1-800-332-7979 or in Houston at 713-853-7979 ( press 1).\n\nOpen enrollment materials will be coming soon. Take this opportunity to \nconsider your elections for 2001. \n\nUnited HealthCare and Enron HR are committed to assisting Enron employees \nthrough this transition. We will communicate any further developments that \nmay impact you or your family.", "<29912479.1075857143845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"41": {"value": "40", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}}, false], "29-9-2000-10:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-9-2000-10:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ludkam@aol.com"], [], "Message-ID: <9830178.1075856353638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ludkam@aol.com\nSubject: Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: ludkam@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPlease, read.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/29/2000 \n05:34 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Enron Human Resources @ ENRON 09/26/2000 \n08:18 PM\n\t\n\nSent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON\nTo: All Enron Houston\ncc: \nSubject: Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!\n\n\nTO: Houston Area Employees Participating in the Domestic Medical Plan Benefits\n\nYou may have recently received communication from United HealthCare (UHC) \nconcerning Memorial Hermann Health Systems' (MHHS) decision to terminate \ntheir contract with UHC in the Houston/Beaumont area. This communication \nalso included the names of physicians who will be dropped from the network \ndue to this action. It is our intent to help you understand the situation.\n\nIt is our understanding that Memorial Herman Health Systems asked for a 40% \nincrease in fees - a substantial increase that would have been passed on to \nyou and Enron! When United HealthCare attempted to negotiate with a counter \nproposal, Memorial Hermann cancelled their contract.\n\nWhile this contractual arrangement was between the hospital system and UHC, \nEnron continues to support UHC in their ongoing contract negotiation \nefforts. At this time, it is only UHC which has been affected, however, it \nis our understanding that Cigna has also been contacted by the hospital group \nand may be in contract negotiations at this time as well. \n\nMany doctors have obtained admission privileges to other area hospitals \nwithin the UHC Network or have contracted directly with UHC including those \nwith admission privileges to The Woodlands, Sugarland and Clear Lake \nHospitals, to name a few. In a further effort to limit disruption to our \naffected employees and families who are enrolled in the UHC Network or EPO \noptions, Enron has authorized UHC to process claims incurred between \nSeptember 28 and December 31, 2000 as if the termination of the Memorial \nHermann Health Systems from the network had not occurred and In-Network \nbenefits applied. Office visits will have a $10 copayment and all other \ncharges will be covered at 90%. Hospital admissions will still need to be \npre-certified with UHC.\n\nThese steps have decreased the number of participants' affected by Primary \nCare Physician disruption from 1,050 to 127.\n\nIf You Need Medical Attention: You or your doctor/hospital must call UHC's \ncustomer service number so proper benefits can be verified. In some cases \nthe hospital or doctor may request payment at the time service is performed. \nIf this should happen, please obtain an itemized statement and submit it to \nUHC with a claim form for prompt reimbursement. Claim forms can be obtained \nby calling 1-800-332-7979 or in Houston at 713-853-7979 ( press 1).\n\nOpen enrollment materials will be coming soon. Take this opportunity to \nconsider your elections for 2001. \n\nUnited HealthCare and Enron HR are committed to assisting Enron employees \nthrough this transition. We will communicate any further developments that \nmay impact you or your family.", "Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!", "originEmail", [["read_translate_learn information", 2, "nninformation", ["information", "read"], "request", "important information about united healthcare - please read!"]], "Please, read.\n\n", "<9830178.1075856353638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-12-1999-3:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-12-1999-7:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-1-2000-4:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2000-6:12:0Sconf-ny@msn.com 25-1-2000-6:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-1-2000-6:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-12-1999-3:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-12-1999-3:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["conf-ny@msn.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Oliver,\nI can cover both presentations.\nVince\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 12/21/99 09:47:30 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000\nDear Vince,\nThank you for agreeing to take part in our annual US congress.\nThere were 2 things that I would ideally like you to be involved in. The \nfirst would be to present any new research you may have. This would be part \nof stream 3 (see attached) which looks at new research in derivatives \nmodelling and analysis. If you would like to present any new research that \nfits into the rough areas outlined that would be great.\nThe second would be part of a panel discussion on weather derivatives (number \n44 attached). I have also invited Jeff Porter (Koch) and Ravi Nathan \n(Aquila).\nPlease let me know if you would like to present any new research and/or take \npart in the panel.\ni look forward to hearing from you soon.\nBest regards,\nOliver\nDirect: 212 925 1864 ext.152\nRisk Publications, 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 700, NY 10012, New York\nFax: 212 925 7585 Email: conf-ny@msn.com\nwww.riskpublications.com\n\n\n", ["Re: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000"], "{'body': ['conf-ny@msn.com'], 'recipients': ['conf-ny@msn.com']}", [], "Oliver,\n\nI can cover both presentations.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Oliver Bennett\" "], {}, true], "30-12-1999-7:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-12-1999-7:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/30/99 \n03:11 PM ---------------------------\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 12/23/99 04:43:51 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000\nDear Vince,\nDo you think you would be able to confirm a talk title and bullet points for \nyour 'new research' talk by the end of the first week of January? In terms \nof the panel discussion we will confirm the actual content and structure \ncloser to the date of the conference - in the meantime, if you have any ideas \nas to how we can make the panel as discussive as possible that would be great.\nBest regards,\nOliver\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Vince J Kaminski \n To: Oliver Bennett \n Cc: Vince J Kaminski \n Date: 22 December 1999 17:25\n Subject: Re: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000\n Oliver,\n I can cover both presentations.\n Vince\n \"Oliver Bennett\" on 12/21/99 09:47:30 AM\n To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000\n Dear Vince,\n Thank you for agreeing to take part in our annual US congress.\n There were 2 things that I would ideally like you to be involved in. The \nfirst\n would be to present any new research you may have. This would be part of \nstream\n 3 (see attached) which looks at new research in derivatives modelling and\n analysis. If you would like to present any new research that fits into \nthe\n rough areas outlined that would be great.\n The second would be part of a panel discussion on weather derivatives \n(number 44\n attached). I have also invited Jeff Porter (Koch) and Ravi Nathan \n(Aquila).\n Please let me know if you would like to present any new research and/or \ntake\n part in the panel.\n i look forward to hearing from you soon.\n Best regards,\n Oliver\n Direct: 212 925 1864 ext.152\n Risk Publications, 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 700, NY 10012, New York\n Fax: 212 925 7585 Email: conf-ny@msn.com\n www.riskpublications.com\n\n", ["Re: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000"], "{'body': ['conf-ny@msn.com']}", [], "", ["<28765662.1075856949966.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19432293.1075857006824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7406548.1075856786200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6731779.1075856792943.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-1-2000-4:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-1-2000-4:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/07/2000 \n12:22 PM ---------------------------\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 12/23/99 04:43:51 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000\nDear Vince,\nDo you think you would be able to confirm a talk title and bullet points for \nyour 'new research' talk by the end of the first week of January? In terms \nof the panel discussion we will confirm the actual content and structure \ncloser to the date of the conference - in the meantime, if you have any ideas \nas to how we can make the panel as discussive as possible that would be great.\nBest regards,\nOliver\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Vince J Kaminski \n To: Oliver Bennett \n Cc: Vince J Kaminski \n Date: 22 December 1999 17:25\n Subject: Re: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000\n Oliver,\n I can cover both presentations.\n Vince\n \"Oliver Bennett\" on 12/21/99 09:47:30 AM\n To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000\n Dear Vince,\n Thank you for agreeing to take part in our annual US congress.\n There were 2 things that I would ideally like you to be involved in. The \nfirst\n would be to present any new research you may have. This would be part of \nstream\n 3 (see attached) which looks at new research in derivatives modelling and\n analysis. If you would like to present any new research that fits into \nthe\n rough areas outlined that would be great.\n The second would be part of a panel discussion on weather derivatives \n(number 44\n attached). I have also invited Jeff Porter (Koch) and Ravi Nathan \n(Aquila).\n Please let me know if you would like to present any new research and/or \ntake\n part in the panel.\n i look forward to hearing from you soon.\n Best regards,\n Oliver\n Direct: 212 925 1864 ext.152\n Risk Publications, 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 700, NY 10012, New York\n Fax: 212 925 7585 Email: conf-ny@msn.com\n www.riskpublications.com\n\n", ["Re: speaker confirmation - Risk 2000, Boston, 13 & 14 June 2000"], "{'body': ['conf-ny@msn.com']}", [], "", ["<1960902.1075856949014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3290629.1075857005874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7429301.1075856784160.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17432699.1075856794098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2000-6:12:0Sconf-ny@msn.com": ["24-1-2000-6:12:0", "conf-ny@msn.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29426176.1075856777386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 06:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: conf-ny@msn.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Risk 2000 - Boston\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Oliver Bennett\" \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI apologise for sending another email. I was wondering if you could confirm \nyour talk title (plus some bullet points) for your presentation at our Annual \nUS Congress. I have attached a condensed programme for the event - you are \nspeaking on stream three, part of the new research in derivatives modelling \nand analysis section.\nUnfortunately we are printing the brochure at the end of the week and will \nneed these details by thursday 27 January.\n\nBest regards,\nOliver\n\n\nDirect: +44 171 484 9880\n\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 171 484 9800 Email: conf-ny@msn.com\nwww.riskpublications.com\n - att1.htm\n - condensed.doc", "Risk 2000 - Boston", "reply", [], "Dear Vince,\n\nI apologise for sending another email. I was wondering if you could confirm \nyour talk title (plus some bullet points) for your presentation at our Annual \nUS Congress. I have attached a condensed programme for the event - you are \nspeaking on stream three, part of the new research in derivatives modelling \nand analysis section.\nUnfortunately we are printing the brochure at the end of the week and will \nneed these details by thursday 27 January.\n\nBest regards,\nOliver\n\n\nDirect: +44 171 484 9880\n\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 171 484 9800 Email: conf-ny@msn.com\nwww.riskpublications.com\n - att1.htm\n - condensed.doc", "<29426176.1075856777386.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "25-1-2000-6:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-1-2000-6:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/25/2000 \n02:02 PM ---------------------------\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 01/24/2000 08:12:16 AM\nPlease respond to \"Oliver Bennett\" \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Risk 2000 - Boston\nDear Vince,\nI apologise for sending another email. I was wondering if you could confirm \nyour talk title (plus some bullet points) for your presentation at our Annual \nUS Congress. I have attached a condensed programme for the event - you are \nspeaking on stream three, part of the new research in derivatives modelling \nand analysis section.\nUnfortunately we are printing the brochure at the end of the week and will \nneed these details by thursday 27 January.\nBest regards,\nOliver\nDirect: +44 171 484 9880\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 171 484 9800 Email: conf-ny@msn.com\nwww.riskpublications.com\n\n\n", ["Risk 2000 - Boston"], "{'body': ['conf-ny@msn.com']}", [], "", ["<27775734.1075856945958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12756629.1075857002831.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13802631.1075856777086.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11129436.1075856799639.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-1-2000-6:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-1-2000-6:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["conf-ny@msn.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3470805.1075857040490.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 06:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: conf-ny@msn.com\nSubject: Re: Risk 2000 - Boston\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Oliver Bennett\" \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Conferences\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nOliver,\n\nI apologize for the delay. I was traveling over the last few weeks.\nPlease, feel free to edit my bullet points. \nI shall be back in the office on Friday afternoon. In the meantime you can \nreach me on my cell\nphone: 713 410 5396\n\nMy name: Vince Kaminski (not kaminsky)\nManaging Director\nEnron Corp.\n\nThe Challenge of Valuation of Energy Related Derivatives\n\n - Modeling the dynamics of energy prices\n - Incomplete markets \n - Complexity of the energy related contracts\n - embedded options\n - multiple layers if optionality\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Oliver Bennett\" on 01/24/2000 08:12:16 AM\nPlease respond to \"Oliver Bennett\" \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Risk 2000 - Boston\n\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI apologise for sending another email. I was wondering if you could confirm \nyour talk title (plus some bullet points) for your presentation at our Annual \nUS Congress. I have attached a condensed programme for the event - you are \nspeaking on stream three, part of the new research in derivatives modelling \nand analysis section.\nUnfortunately we are printing the brochure at the end of the week and will \nneed these details by thursday 27 January.\n\nBest regards,\nOliver\n\n\nDirect: +44 171 484 9880\n\nRisk Publications, 28-29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RX\nFax: +44 171 484 9800 Email: conf-ny@msn.com\nwww.riskpublications.com\n - att1.htm\n - condensed.doc\n\n", "Re: Risk 2000 - Boston", "originEmail", [["reach cell0phone", 11, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reach"], "intention", " in the meantime you can reach me on my cell phone: phonenumber my name: vince kaminski (not kaminsky) managing director orgname the challenge of valuation of energy related derivatives - modeling the dynamics of energy prices - incomplete markets - complexity of the energy related contracts - embedded options - multiple layers if optionality "]], "Oliver,\n\nI apologize for the delay. I was traveling over the last few weeks.\nPlease, feel free to edit my bullet points. \nI shall be back in the office on Friday afternoon. In the meantime you can \nreach me on my cell\nphone: 713 410 5396\n\nMy name: Vince Kaminski (not kaminsky)\nManaging Director\nEnron Corp.\n\nThe Challenge of Valuation of Energy Related Derivatives\n\n - Modeling the dynamics of energy prices\n - Incomplete markets \n - Complexity of the energy related contracts\n - embedded options\n - multiple layers if optionality\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Oliver Bennett\" ", {"challenge energy_energy0industryTnn": {"value": "challenge energy_energy0industryTnn", "ne": "challenge energy_energy0industryTnn", "patterns": ["challenge energy_energy0industryTnn"]}, "contract optionTnn": {"value": "contract optionTnn", "ne": "contract optionTnn", "patterns": ["contract optionTnn"]}, "derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn": {"value": "derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn", "ne": "derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn", "patterns": ["derivative_weather0derivative energyTnn"]}, "energy option_real0optionTnn": {"value": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "ne": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["energy option_real0optionTnn"]}, "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price model_simulationTnn"]}, "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0price marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0price marketTnn"]}, "evaluation_valuation modelTnn": {"value": "evaluation_valuation modelTnn", "ne": "evaluation_valuation modelTnn", "patterns": ["evaluation_valuation modelTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, true]}, "11-1-2001-0:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-1-2001-0:26:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"11-1-2001-0:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-0:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <25932757.1075856460703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 00:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nDo you know anything about it?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nARSystem on 01/10/2001 08:59:24 AM\nTo: \"vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\n\n\nYou have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data \napprover. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000013085&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000013085\nApprover : stinson.gibner@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 1/10/01 8:59:14 AM\nRequested For : jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\nResource Name : \\\\enehou\\houston\\common\\Research - [Read]\nResource Type : Directory\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com", "originEmail", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["access", "request", "submitted"], "information", "request submitted: access request for jennifer."]], "Stinson,\n\nDo you know anything about it?\n\nVince\n\n", "<25932757.1075856460703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}}, false], "11-1-2001-0:26:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-0:26:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28583125.1075856234676.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 00:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Request Submitted: Access Request for\n jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI don't know her or anything about it. I sent her an email asking what she \nneeds.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/11/2001 08:22 AM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\n\nStinson,\n\nDo you know anything about it?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nARSystem on 01/10/2001 08:59:24 AM\nTo: \"vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\n\n\nYou have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data \napprover. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000013085&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000013085\nApprover : stinson.gibner@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 1/10/01 8:59:14 AM\nRequested For : jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\nResource Name : \\\\enehou\\houston\\common\\Research - [Read]\nResource Type : Directory\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Request Submitted: Access Request for\n jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com", "reply", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["request", "submitted"], "information", " request submitted: access request for returnlinen jennifer."]], "I don't know her or anything about it. I sent her an email asking what she \nneeds.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/11/2001 08:22 AM\n", "<28583125.1075856234676.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-4-2001-13:25:0Saysu90@hotmail.com 1-5-2001-0:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-4-2001-13:25:0Saysu90@hotmail.com": ["30-4-2001-13:25:0", "aysu90@hotmail.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4867788.1075856617641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 13:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aysu90@hotmail.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: SIAM Conference\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"aysu bilgin\" \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nI was one of the participants of the SIAM Conference which was held last \nweek-end, and I have very much enjoyed your presentation. At the end of the \nsession, I was hoping to talk to you, but unfortunately you were already \ngone. You said that if we were interested, you could e-mail a copy of your \ntalk. I would appreciate if you could send a copy to this e-mail address.\n?\nI am a mathematics Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University and I will be \ngraduating this August. I am very much interested in working in the modeling \nof energy markets. Can you please tell me whom I should send my resume, and \nwho I should contact in your company about a possible position in your \nresearch group.\n?\nThank you for your time.\n?\nSincerely\n?\nG. Aysu Bilgin\nTexas A&M University\nDepartment of Mathematics\n?\n\n\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com", "SIAM Conference", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 32, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "intention", " can you please tell me whom i should send my resume, and who i should contact in your company about a possible position in your research group."]], "Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nI was one of the participants of the SIAM Conference which was held last \nweek-end, and I have very much enjoyed your presentation. At the end of the \nsession, I was hoping to talk to you, but unfortunately you were already \ngone. You said that if we were interested, you could e-mail a copy of your \ntalk. I would appreciate if you could send a copy to this e-mail address.\n?\nI am a mathematics Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University and I will be \ngraduating this August. I am very much interested in working in the modeling \nof energy markets. Can you please tell me whom I should send my resume, and \nwho I should contact in your company about a possible position in your \nresearch group.\n?\nThank you for your time.\n?\nSincerely\n?\nG. Aysu Bilgin\nTexas A&M University\nDepartment of Mathematics\n?\n\n\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com", "<4867788.1075856617641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-5-2001-0:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-0:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["aysu90@hotmail.com"], [], "Message-ID: <10966137.1075856500415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 00:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: aysu90@hotmail.com\nSubject: Re: SIAM Conference\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"aysu bilgin\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAysu\n\nPlease, send the resume to me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"aysu bilgin\" on 04/30/2001 08:25:17 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: SIAM Conference\n\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nI was one of the participants of the SIAM Conference which was held last \nweek-end, and I have very much enjoyed your presentation. At the end of the \nsession, I was hoping to talk to you, but unfortunately you were already \ngone. You said that if we were interested, you could e-mail a copy of your \ntalk. I would appreciate if you could send a copy to this e-mail address.\n?\nI am a mathematics Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University and I will be \ngraduating this August. I am very much interested in working in the modeling \nof energy markets. Can you please tell me whom I should send my resume, and \nwho I should contact in your company about a possible position in your \nresearch group.\n?\nThank you for your time.\n?\nSincerely\n?\nG. Aysu Bilgin\nTexas A&M University\nDepartment of Mathematics\n?\n\n\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com\n\n\n", "Re: SIAM Conference", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 3, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", "aysu please, send the resume to me."]], "Aysu\n\nPlease, send the resume to me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"aysu bilgin\" ", [], false]}, "3-1-2001-0:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-1-2001-1:37:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": {"3-1-2001-0:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-1-2001-0:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["david.port@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.nowlan@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6251657.1075856529060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rick.buy@enron.com, david.port@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting with Petronas\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, john.nowlan@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, john.nowlan@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rick Buy, David Port\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, John L Nowlan, Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRick,\n\nI was contacted by Petronas who requested a meeting\nwith Enron on risk management. I have met with them\na few years ago and they want to discuss with us \ntheir progress implementing risk management practices.\n\nCan we arrange for them a standard presentation, like the one we have for \nbanks\n(you or David Port, Bill Bradford, research)?\n\nUnfortunately, they gave us no choice as far as the timing is concerned\n(given a very tight schedule). They want to visit on Thursday, Feb. 8,\nat 10 a.m. I shall take them out to lunch after the meeting.\n\nI shall also contact Jeff Shankman and John Nowlan\nto arrange a short courtesy meeting with them.\n\nVince", "Meeting with Petronas", "originEmail", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 12, "nninformation", ["implementing", "risk**management"], "intention", " i have met with them a few years ago and they want to discuss with us their progress implementing risk management practices."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 43, "nninformation", ["arrange", "shankman"], "intention", " i shall also contact jeff shankman and john nowlan to arrange a short courtesy meeting with them."]], "Rick,\n\nI was contacted by Petronas who requested a meeting\nwith Enron on risk management. I have met with them\na few years ago and they want to discuss with us \ntheir progress implementing risk management practices.\n\nCan we arrange for them a standard presentation, like the one we have for \nbanks\n(you or David Port, Bill Bradford, research)?\n\nUnfortunately, they gave us no choice as far as the timing is concerned\n(given a very tight schedule). They want to visit on Thursday, Feb. 8,\nat 10 a.m. I shall take them out to lunch after the meeting.\n\nI shall also contact Jeff Shankman and John Nowlan\nto arrange a short courtesy meeting with them.\n\nVince", "<6251657.1075856529060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"courtesy meetingTnn": {"value": "courtesy meetingTnn", "ne": "courtesy meetingTnn", "patterns": ["courtesy meetingTnn"]}, "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["meeting risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "practice risk0managementTnn": {"value": "practice risk0managementTnn", "ne": "practice risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["practice risk0managementTnn"]}, "progress risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "progress risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "progress risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["progress risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false], "3-1-2001-1:37:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": ["3-1-2001-1:37:0", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "jennifer.burns@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29899532.1075857515736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 01:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nTo: jennifer.burns@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting with Petronas\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-To: Jennifer Burns\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeffrey_Shankman_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Shankman-J\nX-FileName: jshankm.nsf\n\nplease work on this\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 01/03/2001 \n09:39 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/03/2001 08:24 AM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A \nShankman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meeting with Petronas\n\nRick,\n\nI was contacted by Petronas who requested a meeting\nwith Enron on risk management. I have met with them\na few years ago and they want to discuss with us \ntheir progress implementing risk management practices.\n\nCan we arrange for them a standard presentation, like the one we have for \nbanks\n(you or David Port, Bill Bradford, research)?\n\nUnfortunately, they gave us no choice as far as the timing is concerned\n(given a very tight schedule). They want to visit on Thursday, Feb. 8,\nat 10 a.m. I shall take them out to lunch after the meeting.\n\nI shall also contact Jeff Shankman and John Nowlan\nto arrange a short courtesy meeting with them.\n\nVince\n", "Meeting with Petronas", "forward", [], "please work on this\n", "<29899532.1075857515736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "20-7-2000-4:2:0Sblakej@stanford.edu 9-8-2000-6:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-7-2000-4:2:0Sblakej@stanford.edu": ["20-7-2000-4:2:0", "blakej@stanford.edu", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4483274.1075856631393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 04:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: blakej@stanford.edu\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: (no subject)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Blake Johnson \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Stanford\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nHere are the overview Powerpoint slides for the investment and strategic\nrelationship management firm, Azure Capital, I mentioned in my voice\nmail. The transactions they completed in their past lives at CSFB and\nalready in the new firm, as well as their advisory board are probably\nthe strongest evidence of their capabilities.\n\nHope all is well.\n\nBlake\n\n - Azure Slides.ppt", "(no subject)", "forward", [["complete transaction{agreement}", 14, "information", ["completed", "transactions"], "information", " the transactions they completed in their past lives at csfb and already in the new firm, as well as their advisory board are probably the strongest evidence of their capabilities."]], "Vince,\n\nHere are the overview Powerpoint slides for the investment and strategic\nrelationship management firm, Azure Capital, I mentioned in my voice\nmail. The transactions they completed in their past lives at CSFB and\nalready in the new firm, as well as their advisory board are probably\nthe strongest evidence of their capabilities.\n\nHope all is well.\n\nBlake\n\n - Azure Slides.ppt", "<4483274.1075856631393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "9-8-2000-6:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-6:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["greg.whalley@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <7123740.1075856593095.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 06:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: greg.whalley@enron.com\nSubject: (no subject)\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Greg Whalley\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGreg,\n\nBlake Johnson sent me this proposal (I think some of his friends are\nthe founders of this group). It looks like a good project for Brad Romine\nto evaluate it.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 \n01:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nBlake Johnson on 07/20/2000 01:02:59 PM\nPlease respond to blakej@stanford.edu\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: (no subject)\n\n\nVince,\n\nHere are the overview Powerpoint slides for the investment and strategic\nrelationship management firm, Azure Capital, I mentioned in my voice\nmail. The transactions they completed in their past lives at CSFB and\nalready in the new firm, as well as their advisory board are probably\nthe strongest evidence of their capabilities.\n\nHope all is well.\n\nBlake\n\n - Azure Slides.ppt\n", "(no subject)", "originEmail", [["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 14, "nninformation", ["evaluate", "project"], "intention", " it looks like a good project for brad romine to evaluate it."]], "Greg,\n\nBlake Johnson sent me this proposal (I think some of his friends are\nthe founders of this group). It looks like a good project for Brad Romine\nto evaluate it.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "<7123740.1075856593095.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-10-2000-11:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-10-2000-3:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"7-10-2000-11:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-10-2000-11:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11473071.1075856623668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 11:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vkaminski@aol.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Fwd: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: VKaminski@aol.com\nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zc02.mx.aol.com (rly-zc02.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-zc02.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 04 Oct 2000 13:43:33 -0400\nReceived: from web9407.mail.yahoo.com (23.0/ \n[]) by rly-zc02.mx.aol.com (v75_b3.9) with ESMTP; Wed, 04 Oct \n2000 13:43:06 -0400\nMessage-ID: <20001004174302.95070.qmail@web9407.mail.yahoo.com>\nReceived: from [] by web9407.mail.yahoo.com; Wed, 04 Oct 2000 \n10:43:02 PDT\nDate: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 10:43:02 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: Charles Shen \nSubject: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n\nDear Vince:\n\nHow are you? I am not sure whether you still remember\nme, we met in a conference last year in Houston. After\nhaving been working for Williams for about two years,\nnow I am ready to make a move. I have heard Enron is a\ngreat company, I am wondering whether there is any\nopportunity for me, either in research group or in\nstructure group\n\nHere is brief description about myself: Right after I\ngot my Ph.D. on finance and econometrics from Duke\nUniversity in 1998, I joined Williams Energy Trading\ncompany as a Quantitative Analyst. Now I am Lead Quant\nand in charge of the quantitative research group with\n7 highly talented people. I have done extensive\nresearch and modeling about electricity,\nload-following deal and tolling deals.\n\nIf you need any additional information, please feel\nfree to call me at 918-409-4308. I look forward to\nhearing from you soon, thank you.\n\nsincerely,\nCharles\n\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/", "Fwd: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.", "forward", [], "Return-Path: ", {}, false], "9-10-2000-3:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-10-2000-3:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", [], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <21978264.1075856281189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 03:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Fwd: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nToni,\n\nI would like to bring two people for an interview \n\nOne of them sent me a message that is attached below.\nI am including the info about the 2nd gentleman below.\n\nI would like to include myself, Vasant Shnabhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko\nStinson Gibner, Zimin Lu, Paulo Issler, Alex Tang on the interview list.\n\nIt would be great if we could bring them this week on Friday. Tanya\nwill be at a training course next week. This means that if Friday this week \nis too aggressive,\nwe should shoot for interviews in 2 weeks.\n\nSorry for a short notice.\n\nVince\n\nJermakyan, Martin\n410 Brightmore Downs\nAlpharetta, GA 30005\nPhone: (770) 753-9341 (h)\n (404) 402-8957 (c)\nmartin@electraparners.com\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/09/2000 \n09:48 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVKaminski@aol.com on 10/07/2000 05:55:11 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.\n\n\n\n\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zc02.mx.aol.com (rly-zc02.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-zc02.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 04 Oct 2000 13:43:33 -0400\nReceived: from web9407.mail.yahoo.com (23.0/ \n[]) by rly-zc02.mx.aol.com (v75_b3.9) with ESMTP; Wed, 04 Oct \n2000 13:43:06 -0400\nMessage-ID: <20001004174302.95070.qmail@web9407.mail.yahoo.com>\nReceived: from [] by web9407.mail.yahoo.com; Wed, 04 Oct 2000 \n10:43:02 PDT\nDate: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 10:43:02 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: Charles Shen \nSubject: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n\nDear Vince:\n\nHow are you? I am not sure whether you still remember\nme, we met in a conference last year in Houston. After\nhaving been working for Williams for about two years,\nnow I am ready to make a move. I have heard Enron is a\ngreat company, I am wondering whether there is any\nopportunity for me, either in research group or in\nstructure group\n\nHere is brief description about myself: Right after I\ngot my Ph.D. on finance and econometrics from Duke\nUniversity in 1998, I joined Williams Energy Trading\ncompany as a Quantitative Analyst. Now I am Lead Quant\nand in charge of the quantitative research group with\n7 highly talented people. I have done extensive\nresearch and modeling about electricity,\nload-following deal and tolling deals.\n\nIf you need any additional information, please feel\nfree to call me at 918-409-4308. I look forward to\nhearing from you soon, thank you.\n\nsincerely,\nCharles\n\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/\n\n", "Fwd: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", "toni, i would like to bring two people for an interview one of them sent me a message that is attached below."]], "Toni,\n\nI would like to bring two people for an interview \n\nOne of them sent me a message that is attached below.\nI am including the info about the 2nd gentleman below.\n\nI would like to include myself, Vasant Shnabhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko\nStinson Gibner, Zimin Lu, Paulo Issler, Alex Tang on the interview list.\n\nIt would be great if we could bring them this week on Friday. Tanya\nwill be at a training course next week. This means that if Friday this week \nis too aggressive,\nwe should shoot for interviews in 2 weeks.\n\nSorry for a short notice.\n\nVince\n\nJermakyan, Martin\n410 Brightmore Downs\nAlpharetta, GA 30005\nPhone: (770) 753-9341 (h)\n (404) 402-8957 (c)\nmartin@electraparners.com\n \n", "<21978264.1075856281189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"36": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "issler", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-11-2000-0:36:0Sstemarie@icubed.com 1-12-2000-1:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-0:36:0Sstemarie@icubed.com": ["29-11-2000-0:36:0", "stemarie@icubed.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13198170.1075856621573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 00:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stemarie@icubed.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Interview with ENRON\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nEven though I cannot pass \"official\" interviews, I would like to discuss \nwith ENRON. I was really impressed by your presentation and I think I would \nbe a good fit for your firm.\n?\nI know that you?will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \n\"informal meeting\". Either give me a call at home (412-802-6429) or send me \nan email at this address. I would appreciate though not to appear on \ninterview lists.\n?\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n---------------------------------------------------\nhttp://pstemarie.homestead.com", "Interview with ENRON", "reply", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 14, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", "will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \"informal meeting\"."]], "Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nEven though I cannot pass \"official\" interviews, I would like to discuss \nwith ENRON. I was really impressed by your presentation and I think I would \nbe a good fit for your firm.\n?\nI know that you?will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \n\"informal meeting\". Either give me a call at home (412-802-6429) or send me \nan email at this address. I would appreciate though not to appear on \ninterview lists.\n?\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n---------------------------------------------------\nhttp://pstemarie.homestead.com", "<13198170.1075856621573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-12-2000-1:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-1:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stemarie@icubed.com"], ["kevin.kindall@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <31872777.1075856534806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 01:29:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stemarie@icubed.com\nSubject: Re: Interview with ENRON\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPierre Philippe,\n\nWe have two options. Kevin will be interviewing in mid-December in Pittsburgh \nand he\ncan talk to you you or we can invite you to Houston.\n\nWhat are you interested in? A quant position or a trading job? Our trading \ndesks\nare looking for people with trading experience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" on 11/29/2000 07:36:19 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Interview with ENRON\n\n\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nEven though I cannot pass \"official\" interviews, I would like to discuss \nwith ENRON. I was really impressed by your presentation and I think I would \nbe a good fit for your firm.\n?\nI know that you?will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \n\"informal meeting\". Either give me a call at home (412-802-6429) or send me \nan email at this address. I would appreciate though not to appear on \ninterview lists.\n?\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n---------------------------------------------------\nhttp://pstemarie.homestead.com\n\n", "Re: Interview with ENRON", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 7, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " kevin will be interviewing in mid-december in pittsburgh and he can talk to you you or we can invite you to houston."]], "Pierre Philippe,\n\nWe have two options. Kevin will be interviewing in mid-December in Pittsburgh \nand he\ncan talk to you you or we can invite you to Houston.\n\nWhat are you interested in? A quant position or a trading job? Our trading \ndesks\nare looking for people with trading experience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" ", {"business_job tradingTnn": {"value": "business_job tradingTnn", "ne": "business_job tradingTnn", "patterns": ["business_job tradingTnn"]}, "experience peopleTnn": {"value": "experience peopleTnn", "ne": "experience peopleTnn", "patterns": ["experience peopleTnn"]}, "job_task tradingTnn": {"value": "job_task tradingTnn", "ne": "job_task tradingTnn", "patterns": ["job_task tradingTnn"]}, "position tradingTnn": {"value": "position tradingTnn", "ne": "position tradingTnn", "patterns": ["position tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-1-2001-5:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-1-2001-6:2:0Sangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu": {"17-1-2001-5:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-5:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <21197493.1075856231917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 05:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\nSubject: Re: Energy Finance Conference participation -Feb 22-23\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Angela Dorsey\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAngela,\n\nThanks for your message. I shall be glad to attend the conference,\nboth days. I shall call Dr. Ronn to discuss my participation.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 01/16/2001 12:54:15 PM\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski (E-mail)\" \ncc: \nSubject: Energy Finance Conference participation -Feb 22-23\n\n\nVince:\n\nFurther to Dr. Ronn's e-mail dated 1/9, please confirm your\nparticipation\nin the UT 2001 Energy Finance Conference to be held on the University of\nTexas campus Feb. 22 - 23rd.\n\nSincerely,\nAngela\n\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n\n\n", "Re: Energy Finance Conference participation -Feb 22-23", "originEmail", [["serve_attend conference", 5, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", " i shall be glad to attend the conference, both days."]], "Angela,\n\nThanks for your message. I shall be glad to attend the conference,\nboth days. I shall call Dr. Ronn to discuss my participation.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\"Angela Dorsey\" ", {"conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn"]}, "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn"]}}, false], "17-1-2001-6:2:0Sangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu": ["17-1-2001-6:2:0", "angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28204194.1075856640456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 06:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Energy Finance Conference participation -Feb 22-23\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Angela Dorsey\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Ut\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThank you. We look forward to having you here.\n\nSincerely,\nAngela\n\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 1:46 PM\nTo: Angela Dorsey\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com;\nvkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: Energy Finance Conference participation -Feb 22-23\n\n\n\nAngela,\n\nThanks for your message. I shall be glad to attend the conference,\nboth days. I shall call Dr. Ronn to discuss my participation.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 01/16/2001 12:54:15 PM\n\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski (E-mail)\" \ncc:\nSubject: Energy Finance Conference participation -Feb 22-23\n\n\nVince:\n\nFurther to Dr. Ronn's e-mail dated 1/9, please confirm your\nparticipation\nin the UT 2001 Energy Finance Conference to be held on the University of\nTexas campus Feb. 22 - 23rd.\n\nSincerely,\nAngela\n\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n\n\n\n", "RE: Energy Finance Conference participation -Feb 22-23", "reply", [], "Thank you. We look forward to having you here.\n\nSincerely,\nAngela\n\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n\n", "<28204194.1075856640456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "22-2-2000-18:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-2-2000-8:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2000-2:27:0Sjlpnymex@aol.com 6-3-2000-6:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2000-6:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2000-8:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-3-2000-5:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-3-2000-9:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-3-2000-1:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-3-2000-3:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-4-2000-3:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-4-2000-2:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-4-2000-3:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-4-2000-3:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-4-2000-10:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2000-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-4-2000-3:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-4-2000-3:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2000-1:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-5-2000-7:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-5-2000-2:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-5-2000-3:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-5-2000-2:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-5-2000-8:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-6-2000-4:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-6-2000-3:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-6-2000-8:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-6-2000-1:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-6-2000-2:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-7-2000-3:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-7-2000-9:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-7-2000-9:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-7-2000-2:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-9-2000-5:1:0Sjlpnymex@aol.com 8-9-2000-1:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-9-2000-6:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-9-2000-10:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-2:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-10-2000-5:10:0Sjlpnymex@aol.com 24-10-2000-8:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-10-2000-8:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-10-2000-7:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-11-2000-6:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-2-2000-18:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-2-2000-18:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/23/2000 \n08:36 AM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 02/22/2000 03:53:46 PM\nTo: ecoel@mail.arco.com, jhewitt@ix.netcom.com, vkamins@enron.com, \nmmcomisky@equiva.com, pmelia@mail.arco.com, bcsalmonsen@equiva.com, \nmotowns@unocal.com, dph@swbell.net\ncc: \nSubject: March 2, NYMEX night at the rodeo\nWe are so glad you will be able to join us for dinner and the HLSR on March\n2, 2000, to see Reba McEntire perform.\nHere is the itinerary for the evening:\nDepart NYMEX office at 5:30 p.m.by limousine for Pappasito's restaurant\n(parking is available across the street on Smith street)\nArrive Pappasito's restaurant, located at 610 and Kirby near the Astrodome,\nby\n6:00 p.m. If it is more convenient for you, feel free to meet us at\nPappasito's by\n6:00 p.m. You can leave your car there, and ride with us in the limo to the\nDome, or follow us to the Dome in your car.\nDepart Pappasito's by 7:15 p.m. for the Rodeo.\nDepart Rodeo at the end of the show, by limo to cars at Pappasito's, and/or\nto the NYMEX office.\nPlease contact me by email or telephone (713-658-9296) as to whether you will\nmeet us at our office or Pappasito's. Also please contact me if you have any\nother questions or logistical requirements.\nI look forward to meeting each of you.\nJana Laird Phillips\nMarketing Manager \n", ["March 2, NYMEX night at the rodeo"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "", ["<19638502.1075856942609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26294171.1075856999499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11862937.1075856768196.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4415844.1075856806227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-2-2000-8:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-2-2000-8:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/24/2000 \n04:59 PM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 02/22/2000 03:53:46 PM\nTo: ecoel@mail.arco.com, jhewitt@ix.netcom.com, vkamins@enron.com, \nmmcomisky@equiva.com, pmelia@mail.arco.com, bcsalmonsen@equiva.com, \nmotowns@unocal.com, dph@swbell.net\ncc: \nSubject: March 2, NYMEX night at the rodeo\nWe are so glad you will be able to join us for dinner and the HLSR on March\n2, 2000, to see Reba McEntire perform.\nHere is the itinerary for the evening:\nDepart NYMEX office at 5:30 p.m.by limousine for Pappasito's restaurant\n(parking is available across the street on Smith street)\nArrive Pappasito's restaurant, located at 610 and Kirby near the Astrodome,\nby\n6:00 p.m. If it is more convenient for you, feel free to meet us at\nPappasito's by\n6:00 p.m. You can leave your car there, and ride with us in the limo to the\nDome, or follow us to the Dome in your car.\nDepart Pappasito's by 7:15 p.m. for the Rodeo.\nDepart Rodeo at the end of the show, by limo to cars at Pappasito's, and/or\nto the NYMEX office.\nPlease contact me by email or telephone (713-658-9296) as to whether you will\nmeet us at our office or Pappasito's. Also please contact me if you have any\nother questions or logistical requirements.\nI look forward to meeting each of you.\nJana Laird Phillips\nMarketing Manager \n", ["March 2, NYMEX night at the rodeo"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "", ["<20256667.1075856942232.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15795426.1075856999111.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32609717.1075856767043.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18740902.1075856806820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2000-2:27:0Sjlpnymex@aol.com": ["6-3-2000-2:27:0", "jlpnymex@aol.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14040764.1075857059127.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 02:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jlpnymex@aol.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: rodeo\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jlpnymex@aol.com\nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\nIt was a pleasure to meet you last week at our Rodeo night. I am glad you\ncould join us.\n\nI am going to fax you the invitation to the Houston Symphony Partners party\nthat we discussed. I hope you can attend.\n\nKeep in touch and let's get together for lunch and/or seeing \"American\nBeauty.\"\n\nJana Phillips\n713-658-9296", "rodeo", "reply", [], "Vince,\nIt was a pleasure to meet you last week at our Rodeo night. I am glad you\ncould join us.\n\nI am going to fax you the invitation to the Houston Symphony Partners party\nthat we discussed. I hope you can attend.\n\nKeep in touch and let's get together for lunch and/or seeing \"American\nBeauty.\"\n\nJana Phillips\n713-658-9296", "<14040764.1075857059127.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "6-3-2000-6:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-6:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <23546675.1075856808615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 06:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jlpnymex@aol.com\nSubject: Re: rodeo\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jlpnymex@aol.com @ ENRON\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJana,\n\nThanks again for the invitation to join you at the Rodeo. It was a great \npleasure\nto meet you and your husband.\n\nWhat about getting together next week for a movie and/or dinner? I shall \ncall you\nlater this week to find out when you are free. I have a trip to NYC on \nTuesday and \nWednesday, but Thursday or Friday should be fine.\n\nI have a speaking engagement on April 6 in Florida (a conference organized by\nFlorida Power and Light). This means I shall miss the meeting of\nthe Symphony Partners on that day. Please, keep me in mind for the following\nmeetings and I shall be very glad to join you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/06/2000 09:27:44 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: rodeo\n\n\nVince,\nIt was a pleasure to meet you last week at our Rodeo night. I am glad you\ncould join us.\n\nI am going to fax you the invitation to the Houston Symphony Partners party\nthat we discussed. I hope you can attend.\n\nKeep in touch and let's get together for lunch and/or seeing \"American\nBeauty.\"\n\nJana Phillips\n713-658-9296\n\n", "Re: rodeo", "originEmail", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 21, "information", ["conference", "organized"], "information", " i have a speaking engagement on datenumeric in florida (a conference organized by florida power and light)."]], "Jana,\n\nThanks again for the invitation to join you at the Rodeo. It was a great \npleasure\nto meet you and your husband.\n\nWhat about getting together next week for a movie and/or dinner? I shall \ncall you\nlater this week to find out when you are free. I have a trip to NYC on \nTuesday and \nWednesday, but Thursday or Friday should be fine.\n\nI have a speaking engagement on April 6 in Florida (a conference organized by\nFlorida Power and Light). This means I shall miss the meeting of\nthe Symphony Partners on that day. Please, keep me in mind for the following\nmeetings and I shall be very glad to join you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/06/2000 09:27:44 AM\n", "<23546675.1075856808615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"conference engagement_involvementTnn": {"value": "conference engagement_involvementTnn", "ne": "conference engagement_involvementTnn", "patterns": ["conference engagement_involvementTnn"]}, "conference powerTnn": {"value": "conference powerTnn", "ne": "conference powerTnn", "patterns": ["conference powerTnn"]}, "conference_speak0conference conflict_engagementTnn": {"value": "conference_speak0conference conflict_engagementTnn", "ne": "conference_speak0conference conflict_engagementTnn", "patterns": ["conference_speak0conference conflict_engagementTnn"]}}, true], "6-3-2000-6:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-6:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Jana Phillips\nMarketing Manager\nNew York Mercantile Exchange\n1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 1095\nHouston, TX 77002\nPhone: (713) 658 9296\nFax : (713) 658 9393\nJlpnymex@aol.com", ["Jana"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana Phillips\nMarketing Manager\nNew York Mercantile Exchange\n1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 1095\nHouston, TX 77002\n\nPhone: (713) 658 9296\nFax : (713) 658 9393\nJlpnymex@aol.com", ["<31899338.1075856941182.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20371462.1075856998073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31110506.1075856764054.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18731167.1075856808779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2000-8:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-8:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "http://www.co.montgomery.tx.us/phonbook/\nJana Phillips\nMarketing Manager\nNew York Mercantile Exchange\n1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 1095\nHouston, TX 77002\nPhone: (713) 658 9296\nFax : (713) 658 9393\nJlpnymex@aol.com", [""], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "http://www.co.montgomery.tx.us/phonbook/\n\n\nJana Phillips\nMarketing Manager\nNew York Mercantile Exchange\n1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 1095\nHouston, TX 77002\n\nPhone: (713) 658 9296\nFax : (713) 658 9393\nJlpnymex@aol.com", ["<20502601.1075856941057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13837011.1075856997944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10840050.1075856763845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24079683.1075856808880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-3-2000-5:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-3-2000-5:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nIt would be great to see both of you again. \nWhat about Friday evening (tomorrow) or sometimes next weekend (March 25 - \n26th)?\nI heard many good things about \"American Beauty.\"\nThe rest of this coming weekend does not look good.\nI am leaving for California (business and a few vacation days in the Napa \nValley)\non Sunday and I have to finish a few thing before I leave.\nI got your fax re the 10th anniversary party and will attend. My assistant \nshould have responded \nby now.\nHope to see you soon.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/16/2000 12:22:51 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: status\nVince,\nHow are you? Did you have a good trip to California?\nI just got back in from Atlanta and DC. Both meetings were very good, and\nalthough I was only in DC for a day, it was beautiful weather and the cherry\nblossoms had started to bloom.\nI wanted to see if you would like to go see \"American Beauty\" with us,\nsometime soon. David wants to see it again, before the Oscars. Let me know\nwhen you have some free time.\nAlso, did you get my fax re the 10th anniversary party of natural gas futures\ntrading? If not, I will re-fax it.\nHope all is well.\nJana\n", ["Re: status"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nIt would be great to see both of you again. \n\nWhat about Friday evening (tomorrow) or sometimes next weekend (March 25 - \n26th)?\nI heard many good things about \"American Beauty.\"\n\nThe rest of this coming weekend does not look good.\nI am leaving for California (business and a few vacation days in the Napa \nValley)\non Sunday and I have to finish a few thing before I leave.\n\nI got your fax re the 10th anniversary party and will attend. My assistant \nshould have responded \nby now.\n\nHope to see you soon.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/16/2000 12:22:51 PM\n", ["<20039389.1075856759325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-3-2000-9:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-3-2000-9:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nFriday evening would work for me. We can do dinner in the Angelika center \nand then see the movie.\nI shall check the schedule and call you in the morning to confirm.\nLook forward to the evening tomorrow.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/16/2000 03:50:13 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: status\nVince,\nHow about next weekend? We are available all weekend. Would you want to\nstay downtown on Friday evening and do dinner and the Angelika? Or is\nSaturday better?\nJust let me know.\nI am glad you will be able to come to the Crawfish Boil on 4/3. I am sure\nyour assistant has sent it in, I was unsure as whether or not I had sent it\nto you! The RSVPs go to NY, so I don't have the response list.\nHave a good rest of the week, and we can touch base next week.\ntake care\nJana\n", ["Re: status"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nFriday evening would work for me. We can do dinner in the Angelika center \nand then see the movie.\nI shall check the schedule and call you in the morning to confirm.\n\nLook forward to the evening tomorrow.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/16/2000 03:50:13 PM\n", ["<15136899.1075856759225.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-3-2000-1:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-3-2000-1:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nI shall be flying back from California on Friday evening, March 24.\nHowever, Saturday or Sunday, March 25 and 26th, would work for me.\nHope to see you next week.\nVince\nP.S. By the way, \"American Beauty\" is played at River Oaks Plaza\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/17/2000 08:57:33 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: status\nVince,\nI got your email, but I think we miscommunicated on the date for our movie\nevening. I was thinking of next Friday evening, March 24, because we have a\ncommittment this evening.\nI hope you are available a week from today. Sorry about any confusion.\nLook forward to getting with you next week.\nJana\n", ["Re: status"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nI shall be flying back from California on Friday evening, March 24.\n\nHowever, Saturday or Sunday, March 25 and 26th, would work for me.\n\nHope to see you next week.\n\nVince\n\nP.S. By the way, \"American Beauty\" is played at River Oaks Plaza\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/17/2000 08:57:33 AM\n", ["<32100818.1075856758933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-3-2000-3:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-3-2000-3:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nGreat attachment. Thanks.\nSaturday, March 25 works for me. I shall call or E-mail you from California to\ntalk about the time. Early afternoon would be great.\nVince\n \nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/17/2000 10:58:54 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Happy St. Patricks Day\nVince,\nHow about Saturday, March 25? Call or email me next week, to let me know what\ntime would be good for you. Have a good trip to California and a Happy St.\nPatrick's Day today!\njana\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yd01.mx.aol.com (rly-yd01.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-yd01.mail.aol.com (v70.19) with ESMTP; Fri, 17 Mar 2000 10:06:51 -0500\nReceived: from mta3.rcsntx.swbell.net (mta3.rcsntx.swbell.net \n[]) by rly-yd01.mx.aol.com (v70.19) with ESMTP; Fri, 17 Mar 2000 \n10:06:26 -0500\nReceived: from postoffice.swbell.net ([]) by \nmta3.rcsntx.swbell.net (Sun Internet Mail Server \nsims.3.5.2000. with ESMTP id \n<0FRK009EZN3ZOS@mta3.rcsntx.swbell.net> for Jlpnymex@aol.com; Fri, 17 Mar \n2000 09:04:52 -0600 (CST)\nDate: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 08:57:53 +0000\nFrom: ckcrews@swbell.net\nSubject: Happy St. Patricks Day\nTo: Jana \nReply-to: ckcrews@swbell.net\nMessage-id: <38D1F391.9D4654D8@postoffice.swbell.net>\nMIME-version: 1.0\nX-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en]C-SBIS-NC404 (WinNT; U)\nContent-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"------------EED862DF35CD73F1F074403A\"\n - stpat.exe\n", ["Re: Fwd: Happy St. Patricks Day"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nGreat attachment. Thanks.\nSaturday, March 25 works for me. I shall call or E-mail you from California to\ntalk about the time. Early afternoon would be great.\n\n\nVince\n\n \n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/17/2000 10:58:54 AM\n", ["<21974571.1075857058996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7370863.1075856939367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12281466.1075856996261.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23963107.1075856758758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-4-2000-3:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-3:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 \n10:49 AM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/03/2000 09:28:04 AM\nTo: Doris.A.Abernathy@ucm.com, nalexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com, \nblackj@wellsfargo.com, Louisb2468@aol.com, burgher@cornerstonesolutions.com, \nrclark@nymex.com, ckcrews@swbell.net, KCDunnagan@aol.com, \nrdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, sgoldfield@tmh.tmc.edu, \nlesley.guthrie@cpa.state.tx.us, elizabethherring@pzlqs.com, \nkhcnb@arkansas.net, robyn_howard@aimfunds.com, Michael.Jacobs@hq.doe.gov, \nvkamins@enron.com, paulcraiglaird2@netscape.net, \nadrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, daricha@ppco.com, esjerve@canspec.com, \nalane_smith@transcanada.com, james.stanton@et.pge.com, \ndzerba@teldatasolutions.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: FW: Martha Stewart's Tips for Rednecks\nHave a good week!\nJana\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zb01.mx.aol.com (rly-zb01.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-zb05.mail.aol.com (v70.20) with ESMTP; Fri, 31 Mar 2000 11:18:19 -0500\nReceived: from interlock.amoco.com (interlock.amoco.com []) by \nrly-zb01.mx.aol.com (v70.21) with ESMTP; Fri, 31 Mar 2000 11:17:55 -0500\nReceived: by interlock.amoco.com id KAA20262 (InterLock SMTP Gateway 3.0 for \njlpnymex@aol.com); Fri, 31 Mar 2000 10:17:46 -0600\nReceived: by interlock.amoco.com (Protected-side Proxy Mail Agent-2); Fri, \n31 Mar 2000 10:17:46 -0600\nReceived: by interlock.amoco.com (Protected-side Proxy Mail Agent-1); Fri, \n31 Mar 2000 10:17:46 -0600\nMessage-Id: \nFrom: \"Woody, Brett C\" \nTo: \"'dand@headington.com'\" , \n\"'clwhite@duke-energy.com'\" , \n\"'joyg@aurora-gas.com'\" , \"'jlpnymex@aol.com'\" \n\nSubject: FW: Martha Stewart's Tips for Rednecks\nDate: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 10:16:40 -0600\nX-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0)\nA little light humor.\n> > Subject: Martha Stewart's Tips for Rednecks\n> >\n> > MARTHA STEWART'S TIPS FOR REDNECKS\n> >\n> > 1. Never take a beer to a job interview.\n> > 2. Always identify people in your yard before shooting squirrels.\n> > 3. It's considered tacky to take a cooler to church.\n> > 4. If you have to vacuum the bed, it is time to change the sheets.\n> > 5. Even if you're certain that you are included in the will, it is\n> > still considered improper to drive a U-Haul to the funeral home.\n> >\n> > DINING OUT\n> > 1. When decanting wine, make sure that you tilt the paper cup, and pour\n> > slowly so as not to \"bruise\" the fruit of the vine.\n> > 2. If drinking directly from the bottle, always hold it with your\n> > fingers covering the label.\n> >\n> > ENTERTAINING IN YOUR HOME\n> > 1. A centerpiece for the table should never be anything prepared by a\n> > taxidermist.\n> > 2. Do not allow the dog to eat at the table...no matter how good his\n> > manners are.\n> >\n> > PERSONAL HYGIENE\n> > 1. While ears need to be cleaned regularly, this is a job that should\n> > be done in private using one's OWN truck keys.\n> > 2. Proper use of toiletries can forestall bathing for several days.\n> > However, if you live alone, deodorant is not a waste of good money.\n> > 3. Dirt and grease under the fingernails is a social no-no, as they\n> > tend to detract from a woman's jewelry and alter the taste of finger\n> > foods.\n> >\n> > DATING (Outside the Family)\n> > 1. Always offer to bait your date's hook, especially on the first date.\n> > 2. Be aggressive. Let her know you're interested: \"I've been wanting\n> > to go out with you since I read that stuff on the bathroom wall two\n> years\n> > ago.\"\n> > 3. Establish with her parents what time she is expected back. Some will\n> > say 10:00 PM; Others might say \"Monday.\" If the latter is the answer, it\n> > is the man's responsibility to get her to school on time.\n> >\n> > THEATER ETIQUETTE\n> > 1. Crying babies should be taken to the lobby and picked up immediately\n> > after the movie has ended.\n> > 2. Refrain from talking to characters on the screen. Tests have proven\n> > they can't hear you.\n> >\n> > WEDDINGS\n> > 1. Livestock, usually, is a poor choice for a wedding gift.\n> > 2. Kissing the bride for more than 5 seconds may get you shot.\n> > 3. For the groom, at least, rent a tux. A leisure suit with a\n> > cummerbund and a clean bowling shirt can create an unappealing\n> appearance.\n> > 4. Though uncomfortable, say \"yes\" to socks and shoes for this special\n> > occasion.\n> >\n> > DRIVING ETIQUETTE\n> > 1. Dim your headlights for approaching vehicles; Even if the gun is\n> > loaded, and the deer is in sight.\n> > 2. When approaching a four-way stop, the vehicle with the largest tires\n> > always has the right of way.\n> > 3. Never tow another car using panty hose and duct tape.\n> > 4. When sending your wife down the road with a gas can, it is impolite\n> > to ask her to bring back beer.\n> > 5. Do not lay rubber while traveling in a funeral procession.\n> > 6. Do not mend mufflers with bubble-gum if your truck back-fires\n> >\n>\n>\n", ["Fwd: FW: Martha Stewart's Tips for Rednecks"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "", ["<26595823.1075856936888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<610878.1075856993793.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28289121.1075856753258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16055361.1075856816314.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-2:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-2:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nSorry, I shall be in Florida this Thursday.\nI am speaking at a conference in Key Biscayne.\nTalk to you soon.\nVince\n \nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/28/2000 09:32:16 AM\nTo: Doris.A.Abernathy@ucm.com, nalexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com, \nblackj@wellsfargo.com, ckcrews@swbell.net, rclark@nymex.com, \nKCDunnagan@aol.com, rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, ggulen@uh.edu, \nlesley.guthrie@cpa.state.tx.us, elizabethherring@pzlqs.com, \neric.hoffman@esso.com, khcnb@arkansas.net, Michael.Jacobs@hq.doe.gov, \nvkamins@enron.com, info@nutritionsoundbites.com, KimMorrell@excite.com, \nadrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, elizabeth_oldroyd@americancentury.com, \nWoodybc@bp.com\ncc: \nSubject: (no subject)\nDear Friends:\nIt is time for Rockin' at Rockefellers which benefits the Houston Symphony!\nThis is your chance to dance, your date to associate,and your option to\nauction!\nJoin us Thursday, April 6, from 7-10 p.m. at the legendary Rockefeller Hallon\nhistoric Washington Avenue at Heights Blvd. Dance the night away to the\nsounds of Sammy Relford and friends and enjoy an open bar and light hors\nd'oeuvres, and a silent auction full of unique, celebrity items. Tickets are\n$20 in advance, and $25 at the door. Invite your friends, and join us there!\nJana Phillips\n", ["Re: (no subject)"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nSorry, I shall be in Florida this Thursday.\nI am speaking at a conference in Key Biscayne.\n\nTalk to you soon.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/28/2000 09:32:16 AM\n", ["<964649.1075857058776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2471462.1075856936515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10068792.1075856993422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18209023.1075856752362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-3:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-3:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com", "clayton.vernon@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nNext week would work for me.\nI am flying to San Antonio from Florida. I shall be back on Sunday.\nWhat about Friday or Saturday next week?\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/04/2000 09:59:01 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: (no subject)\nVince,\nNice to hear from you. We will miss you on Thursday evening.\nWould you still like to join us for a movie sometime?\nJana\n", ["Re: (no subject)", "Re: Status of Pipeline Construction Projects Information"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nNext week would work for me.\nI am flying to San Antonio from Florida. I shall be back on Sunday.\n\nWhat about Friday or Saturday next week?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/04/2000 09:59:01 AM\n", ["<27971940.1075857058731.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15920933.1075856936445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20089216.1075856936468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26015611.1075856993353.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30130835.1075856993375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7387808.1075856752236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15497016.1075856752261.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-3:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-3:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Great,\nPlease, let me know. There are several good films playing currently.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/04/2000 10:09:28 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: (no subject)\nVince,\nI will check with David and get back with you. I still want to hear about\nyour California trip.\nJana\n", ["Re: (no subject)"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Great,\n\nPlease, let me know. There are several good films playing currently.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/04/2000 10:09:28 AM\n", ["<32989775.1075857058687.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20395114.1075856936375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14802306.1075856993282.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28113582.1075856752081.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2000-10:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2000-10:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nSounds perfect. Look forward to meeting\nyou on Saturday. Any suggestions regarding the movie?\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/07/2000 08:28:53 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: (no subject)\nVince\nYou missed a really fun party last night. The turnout was even better than\nwe had hoped--about 250 people.\nHow about Saturday, April 15 for a 5:00 pm (or so) movie and then dinner?\nHave a good weekend,and I hope to see you Tuesday evening at the HEA/NYMEX\nCrawfish Boil!\nJana\n", ["Re: (no subject)"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nSounds perfect. Look forward to meeting\nyou on Saturday. Any suggestions regarding the movie?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/07/2000 08:28:53 AM\n", ["<31347117.1075857058614.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22598041.1075856935938.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18669526.1075856992844.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16538548.1075856750660.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2000-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-1:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\n\"Cotton Mary\" sounds good. It's a film by Ismail Merchant who collaborated\non \"A Room with a View\", \"Howard's View\", and other well known movies.\nIt's a story about two Anglo-Indian sisters.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/11/2000 08:02:45 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: (no subject)\nVince,\nThe Angelika has several movies that would be good. I am familiar with all\nbut one--\"Cotton Mary.\" Do you know anything about it?\nIf you still haven't seen \"American Beauty\", that is fine with us. Just let\nme know what sounds good to you. We are flexible when it comes to movies.\nJana\n", ["Re: (no subject)"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\n\"Cotton Mary\" sounds good. It's a film by Ismail Merchant who collaborated\non \"A Room with a View\", \"Howard's View\", and other well known movies.\nIt's a story about two Anglo-Indian sisters.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/11/2000 08:02:45 AM\n", ["<29842889.1075857058592.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28849531.1075856935821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21276618.1075856992727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26811110.1075856750432.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-3:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-3:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nPlease, enroll me in this organization.\n Vince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2000 \n10:11 AM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 03/22/2000 04:24:33 PM\nTo: nalexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com, blackj@wellsfargo.com, \nrdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, sgoldfield@tmh.tmc.edu, ggulen@uh.edu, \nlesley.guthrie@cpa.state.tx.us, elizabethherring@pzlqs.com, \nRobyn_Howard@aimfunds.com, vkamins@enron.com, mmfoss@uh.edu, \nadrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, Jack_Plunkett@plunkettresearch.com, \njames.stanton@et.pge.com, dstowers@watersinfo.com, Woodybc@bp.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: HEA Renewals & Crawfish Boil Teaser\nDear Friends,\nNote the 2nd paragraph, and try to attend!\nJana\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yd01.mx.aol.com (rly-yd01.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-yd01.mail.aol.com (v70.20) with ESMTP; Tue, 21 Mar 2000 17:20:25 -0500\nReceived: from cobalt1.crescentcon.com (cobalt1.crescentcon.com \n[]) by rly-yd01.mx.aol.com (v70.21) with ESMTP; Tue, 21 Mar \n2000 17:20:07 -0500\nReceived: (from httpd@localhost) by cobalt1.crescentcon.com (8.9.3/8.9.3) id \nQAA02187; Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:20:06 -0600\nDate: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:20:06 -0600\nMessage-Id: <200003212220.QAA02187@cobalt1.crescentcon.com>\nTo: jlpnymex@aol.com\nFrom: Houston Energy Association \nSubject: HEA Renewals & Crawfish Boil Teaser\nDear HEA Member:\n This week is the absolute last week you can renew and be included in the \nannual\n directory. Just call the office (713/651-0551) and if you have no changes, \nyou\n can renew with your credit card over the phone.\n Also, our next event is April 11th at Woodrow's on Chimney Rock. HEA is \nproud\n to announce that the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) is our corporate\n sponsor of the 8th Annual Crawfish Boil. NYMEX is celebrating their 10th\n anniversary of natural gas futures trading, and will be awarding several door\n prizes that evening. This will be the last event at which to purchase one of\n the remaining raffle tickets for the Harley Davidson Sportster which will be\n awarded to some lucky winner at ENERGY EXTRAVAGANZA on May 6, 2000.\n So renew your dues, and watch your fax and email for more details about April\n 11th!\n -----------------------------------------------------------\n This message was sent by:\n Teresa Knight, Executive Director\n Houston Energy Association (HEA)\n Phone: (713) 651-0551\n Fax: (713) 659-6424\n tknight@houstonenergy.org\n If you would like to have your email address removed from our mailing list, \nplease click the link below to the HEA Home page, where you will find a \nmini-form to remove your name automatically.\n http://www.houstonenergy.org/\n", ["Fwd: HEA Renewals & Crawfish Boil Teaser"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Shirley,\nPlease, enroll me in this organization.\n\n Vince\n", ["<5723506.1075857058709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23523189.1075856936422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23300186.1075856993330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29726167.1075856752186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33467731.1075856816570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-4-2000-3:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-4-2000-3:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nWe should have tomorrow the movie schedule for the weekend.\nSaturday around 5:00 p.m. would work for me.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/13/2000 09:49:11 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: movie\nVince\nLet's talk tomorrow and see what time that movie starts and when we should\nmeet, ok?\njana\n", ["Re: movie"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nWe should have tomorrow the movie schedule for the weekend.\nSaturday around 5:00 p.m. would work for me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/13/2000 09:49:11 AM\n", ["<5242243.1075857058492.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16072388.1075856935120.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13184102.1075856992024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25540521.1075856748857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2000-1:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2000-1:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], [], "Jana,\nIt was a pleasure meeting you and John last Saturday.\nLet's meet again soon. Maybe this film about the suburbs when it \narrives in Houston.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/19/2000 08:25:31 AM\nTo: Doris.A.Abernathy@ucm.com, rbaker@reliantenergy.com, \nblackj@wellsfargo.com, Louisb2468@aol.com, burgher@cornerstonesolutions.com, \nKathiDisch@aol.com, KCDunnagan@aol.com, rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, \nfisherconsultants@msn.com, sgoldfield@tmh.tmc.edu, RKSFLA@aol.com, \nggulen@uh.edu, elizabethherring@pzlqs.com, hinojom@wellsfargo.com, \nkhcnb@arkansas.net, robyn_howard@aimfunds.com, vkamins@enron.com, \ntknight@houstonenergy.org, paulcraiglaird2@netscape.net, \nDWL@creativebranding.com, info@nutritionsoundbites.com, \nadrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, elizabeth_oldroyd@americancentury.com, \nJack_Plunkett@plunkettresearch.com, daricha@ppco.com, livvy@usa.net, \nesjerve@canspec.com, alane_smith@transcanada.com, james.stanton@et.pge.com, \nJStephenson@navigantco, dstowers@watersinfo.com, john_wackowski@prusec.com, \nWoodybc@bp.com, dzerba@teldatasolutions.com\ncc: \nSubject: out of office\nDear Friends:\nI will be out of the office on business from\n Friday, April 21, 2000 until Monday, May 8, 2000.\nI will not have access to my email. I will be checking my voicemail on a\ndaily basis. If you call my office, please tell my assistant that you would\nlike to leave me a voicemail message.\nIf you need to get a hold of me, you can page me at 888-502-7685.\nI will return your call as soon as possible.\nThank you.\nJana Phillips\n", ["Re: out of office"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nIt was a pleasure meeting you and John last Saturday.\nLet's meet again soon. Maybe this film about the suburbs when it \narrives in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 04/19/2000 08:25:31 AM\n", ["<33250934.1075856934119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9555037.1075856991033.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1400004.1075856746701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2000-7:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-7:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nHope to see you at the Houstonian tomorrow.\nI should be free for the next two weekends Enron permitting).\nMy family will be back in Houston around mid-June.\nThere will be several concerts at the Pavilion this summer;\nI have already received the schedule.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/08/2000 10:20:45 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: offuce\nVince\nHi there! I am back from my two weeks working on the East Coast.\nLet me know your schedule for the next few weeks, so you and David and I, can\nget together for another movie.\nWhen will your family be in town?\nI hope to hear you speak tomorrow at the Houstonian. My attending is still\nuncertain.\nHope all is well, and I look forward to our next visit.\nJana\n", ["Re: offuce"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nHope to see you at the Houstonian tomorrow.\n\nI should be free for the next two weekends Enron permitting).\nMy family will be back in Houston around mid-June.\nThere will be several concerts at the Pavilion this summer;\nI have already received the schedule.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/08/2000 10:20:45 AM\n", ["<409718.1075856930280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7856265.1075856987195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14749177.1075856739151.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-5-2000-2:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-2:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Jana,\nSaturday, May the 20th looks good.\nI shall be in NYC May the17th through 19th (flying back on Friday).\nThere are several good movies I would like to see.\nWe can connect later next week to select one.\nTake care,\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/11/2000 09:22:59 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: offuce\nVince,\nIt was nice to see you and hear you speak the other day. I am sorry we\ndidn't get to visit more. You are a \"popular\" guy!\nHow does Saturday, May 20, 2000 look for dinner and a movie with us?\nLet me know.\nJana\n", ["Re: offuce"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Hi Jana,\n\nSaturday, May the 20th looks good.\nI shall be in NYC May the17th through 19th (flying back on Friday).\nThere are several good movies I would like to see.\nWe can connect later next week to select one.\n\nTake care,\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/11/2000 09:22:59 AM\n", ["<13610804.1075856929885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32709367.1075856986809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5611949.1075856738141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-5-2000-3:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-3:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], [], "Hi Jana,\nLet's make it dependent on the movie theater and choose a\nrestaurant nearby.\nMy treat.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/11/2000 10:08:08 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: offuce\nVince,\nThat sounds good. I hope you have a good trip to NY. Let me know if you\nneed any restaurant suggestions. I went to some good ones last week.\nJana\n", ["Re: offuce"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 2, "nninformation", ["theater", "make"], "intention", " let's make it dependent on the movie theater and choose a restaurant nearby."]], "Hi Jana,\n\nLet's make it dependent on the movie theater and choose a\nrestaurant nearby.\nMy treat.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/11/2000 10:08:08 AM\n", ["<10352432.1075856929863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16812103.1075856986786.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30550099.1075856738117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "22-5-2000-2:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-2:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nThanks for your message. I have recovered from my trip over\nthe weekend. I was waiting for my flight till early morning hours on Saturday.\nI wasn't dressed for a chilly night at La Guardia and came back with a \nslight cold.\nHouston Intercontinental got a lot of rain as well. The place was full of\nstranded passengers sleeping on the floors. The roof was leaking at a few \nplaces\nand there were pools of water everywhere.\nSat, June the 3rd will work for me. Hope to see you then.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/22/2000 09:34:34 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: trip\nVince,\nI am sorry you had such a terrible return trip. I hope you are feeling\nbetter. We got your message and understood completely.\nUnfortunately, we are not available this Saturday. We have company coming in\ntown.\nMaybe, Saturday, June 3? Let me know.\nJana\n", ["Re: trip"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nThanks for your message. I have recovered from my trip over\nthe weekend. I was waiting for my flight till early morning hours on Saturday.\nI wasn't dressed for a chilly night at La Guardia and came back with a \nslight cold.\n\nHouston Intercontinental got a lot of rain as well. The place was full of\nstranded passengers sleeping on the floors. The roof was leaking at a few \nplaces\nand there were pools of water everywhere.\n\nSat, June the 3rd will work for me. Hope to see you then.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/22/2000 09:34:34 AM\n", ["<19851949.1075856928883.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4724307.1075856985811.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23920887.1075856735218.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-5-2000-8:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-8:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n03:46 PM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 05/22/2000 02:03:51 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: trip\nVince,\nCall or email me next week to firm up our plans. Hope you have a good week.\njana\n", ["Re: trip"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "", ["<2592580.1075856928860.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5266931.1075856985788.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24769987.1075856734939.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24564691.1075856827826.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-6-2000-4:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-4:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nSaturday looks good. I shall be involved in job interviews at Enron\nall Saturday and should be done by 5 p.m.\nWe can go the Angelica Movie Center. I shall check the program\ntonight and call you tomorrow to review the options.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/01/2000 10:56:38 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Saturday\nVince,\nHow are you? Are we still on for Saturday?\nLet me know what movie looks good. We saw \"MI 2\" and really liked it. We\nalso saw \"Small Time Crooks\" and it was slow.\nJana\n", ["Re: Saturday"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nSaturday looks good. I shall be involved in job interviews at Enron\nall Saturday and should be done by 5 p.m.\n\nWe can go the Angelica Movie Center. I shall check the program\ntonight and call you tomorrow to review the options.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/01/2000 10:56:38 AM\n", ["<14852779.1075857058084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11876459.1075856927503.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4734742.1075856984432.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8679346.1075856731242.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}}, true], "26-6-2000-3:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-3:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Jana,\nI would like to invite you to visit us in the Woodlands one weekend in July.\nMy wife wants to make the house presentable after her long absence\nand the months of my neglect.\nI think I need the coming long weekend to clean up all the papers \nand we shall be ready. What about the following weekend or the next one?\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/26/2000 08:23:02 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: contact\nVince,\nHow are you? I hope you and your family had a lovely trip.\nI just came back from a Series 3 prep class in NY last week. One of my\nclassmates is the new President and CEO of the Montreal Exchange in Canada.\n(He thought this class was going to be more advanced)\nHe told me his exchange is interested in derivatives, and I immediately\nthought of you. I am going to email him your info, so that he might contact\nyou. His name is Luc Bertrand.\nLet me know when we might all get together. I am sure your work schedule is\nhectic after being out for awhile.\nLook forward to hearing from you.\nJana\n", ["Re: contact"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 2, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " i would like to invite you to visit us in the woodlands one weekend in july."]], "Hi Jana,\n\nI would like to invite you to visit us in the Woodlands one weekend in July.\nMy wife wants to make the house presentable after her long absence\nand the months of my neglect.\nI think I need the coming long weekend to clean up all the papers \nand we shall be ready. What about the following weekend or the next one?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/26/2000 08:23:02 AM\n", ["<26672149.1075856496088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2337636.1075856562360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20533215.1075856318641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "26-6-2000-8:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-8:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/26/2000 \n03:04 PM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/26/2000 01:27:41 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: contact\nVince,\nThe weekend of July 15, 2000 is fine for us. Which day is better for\nyou--Friday or Saturday?\nDo you want to go to the Woodlands for a show, or just visit? Also, let me\nknow if I can bring something.\nThanks and we look forward to meeting your family.\njana\n", ["Re: contact"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "", ["<9325613.1075856496021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12952166.1075856562293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19324929.1075856318499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9185628.1075856329128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-6-2000-1:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-1:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nA correction. I am going to spend one week in Australia and I have\njust realized that I have to leave on Friday, July the 14th, at night,\nto arrive in Sydney on Sunday morning.\nMaybe we can meet on Friday the 7th (we would like to invite you\nto dinner and then we can have a glass of wine outside, the weather\nand mosquitoes permitting).\nAlternatively, we can meet during the weekend of July the 29th.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/26/2000 01:27:41 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: contact\nVince,\nThe weekend of July 15, 2000 is fine for us. Which day is better for\nyou--Friday or Saturday?\nDo you want to go to the Woodlands for a show, or just visit? Also, let me\nknow if I can bring something.\nThanks and we look forward to meeting your family.\njana\n", ["Re: contact"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [["invite personnelpronoun", 12, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " maybe we can meet on friday the datenumeric h (we would like to invite you to dinner and then we can have a glass of wine outside, the weather and mosquitoes permitting)."]], "Jana,\n\nA correction. I am going to spend one week in Australia and I have\njust realized that I have to leave on Friday, July the 14th, at night,\nto arrive in Sydney on Sunday morning.\n\nMaybe we can meet on Friday the 7th (we would like to invite you\nto dinner and then we can have a glass of wine outside, the weather\nand mosquitoes permitting).\n\nAlternatively, we can meet during the weekend of July the 29th.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/26/2000 01:27:41 PM\n", ["<21518400.1075856615954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4098755.1075856495843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9198071.1075856562116.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14260062.1075856318081.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-2:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-2:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nWhat about Friday ro Saturday night\n(your choice).\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/29/2000 08:50:56 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: contact\nVince,\nI checked with David, and the weekend of the 29th is fine. Which night is\ngood for you and your family?\nHave a good 4th!\njana\n", ["Re: contact"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nWhat about Friday ro Saturday night\n(your choice).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 06/29/2000 08:50:56 AM\n", ["<26053485.1075856495609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25944775.1075856561879.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14963924.1075856316870.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-7-2000-3:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-7-2000-3:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nFriday, July 28th works for us. We can work out details\ncloser to the 28th. If you take Hardy Toll Road, you will need about 40-45 \nminutes\nto get to the Woodlands on Friday after 6:00 p.m. I shall send you detailed \ndirections\nlater.\nLook forward to seeing you again.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/06/2000 09:07:09 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: dinner\nVince,\nSorry it has taken me awhile to get back to you. We were trying to sort out\nour plans.\nHow does Friday, July 28 look? Does it take about an hour to get up there?\nthanks\nJana\n", ["Re: dinner"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nFriday, July 28th works for us. We can work out details\ncloser to the 28th. If you take Hardy Toll Road, you will need about 40-45 \nminutes\nto get to the Woodlands on Friday after 6:00 p.m. I shall send you detailed \ndirections\nlater.\n\nLook forward to seeing you again.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/06/2000 09:07:09 AM\n", ["<31058797.1075856494816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20338912.1075856561096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27429942.1075856314829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-7-2000-9:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-9:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Jana,\nThe trip was very interesting and I am still recovering.\nOn Friday we can meet at the restaurant. It's on the edge of\nthe Woodlands. We can then go to our home and have drinks\nand chat.\nThe restaurant is:\n Amerigo's Grill \n25250 Grogans Park Dr\nSpring, TX 77380-2175\nPhone: 281-362-0808\nI have sent you an URL of the map of the part of the Woodlands\nwhere Amerigo's is located. It's a red dot on the map.\nWhat about 7:00 p.m.?\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/26/2000 03:07:34 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Friday\nVince\nI hope you had a good trip to Australia.\nAre we still on for Friday evening? Let me know what time, what dress, and\nhow to get to your home.\nWe are looking forward to meeting your family.\nLet me know if I can bring something.\nJana\n", ["Re: Friday"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Hi Jana,\n\nThe trip was very interesting and I am still recovering.\n\nOn Friday we can meet at the restaurant. It's on the edge of\nthe Woodlands. We can then go to our home and have drinks\nand chat.\n\nThe restaurant is:\n\n Amerigo's Grill \n25250 Grogans Park Dr\nSpring, TX 77380-2175\nPhone: 281-362-0808\n\nI have sent you an URL of the map of the part of the Woodlands\nwhere Amerigo's is located. It's a red dot on the map.\n\nWhat about 7:00 p.m.?\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/26/2000 03:07:34 PM\n", ["<31124467.1075856492229.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15337564.1075856558484.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19259776.1075856307959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-7-2000-9:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-9:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], [], "Hi Jana,\nThe dress is casual.\nIn this restaurant we can sit outside (quite casual)\nor inside (more formal dress, but still casual).\nI shall also send you the directions to my home,\njust in case.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/26/2000 03:07:34 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Friday\nVince\nI hope you had a good trip to Australia.\nAre we still on for Friday evening? Let me know what time, what dress, and\nhow to get to your home.\nWe are looking forward to meeting your family.\nLet me know if I can bring something.\nJana\n", ["Re: Friday"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Hi Jana,\n\nThe dress is casual.\n\nIn this restaurant we can sit outside (quite casual)\nor inside (more formal dress, but still casual).\n\nI shall also send you the directions to my home,\njust in case.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/26/2000 03:07:34 PM\n", ["<5444190.1075856492207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25385847.1075856558462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16517824.1075856307936.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-7-2000-2:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-2:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], [], "Hi Jana,\nThat looks good. I am ready to take one class soon.\nI shall check with Ludmila.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/31/2000 09:05:52 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Upcoming Events\nVince\nWe had such a nice time at dinner on Friday evening. Thank you, again. We\nenjoyed meeting Ludmilla, and look forward to meeting your son. I hope he is\nfeeling better.\nI am forwarding you a newletter from Specs re their wine classes, etc. I\nthought you might enjoy seeing this. Maybe we can all take one sometime.\nHave a good week.\nJana\nReturn-path: \nFrom: Pagjlp@aol.com\nFull-name: Pagjlp\nMessage-ID: \nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 09:56:29 EDT\nSubject: Fwd: Upcoming Events\nTo: Jlpnymex@aol.com\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"part2_e3.7d8162f.26b6df8d_boundary\"\nX-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows sub 105\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-za03.mx.aol.com (rly-za03.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-za03.mail.aol.com (v75_b3.9) with ESMTP; Sun, 30 Jul 2000 00:30:19 -0400\nReceived: from ssg2.specsonline.com (mail.specsonline.com []) \nby rly-za03.mx.aol.com (v75_b3.9) with ESMTP; Sun, 30 Jul 2000 00:29:51 -0400\nReceived: from ssg.specsonline.com ([]) by \nssg2.specsonline.com (Netscape Messaging Server 3.01) with SMTP id \nAAA24048 for ; Sat, 29 Jul 2000 23:06:09 -0500\nReceived: by ssg.specsonline.com (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id XAA03496; Sat, 29 Jul \n2000 23:26:17 -0500\nDate: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 23:26:17 -0500\nMessage-Id: <200007300426.XAA03496@ssg.specsonline.com>\nTo: PAGJLP@AOL.COM\nFrom: bear@specsonline.com\nSubject: Upcoming Events\nContent-Type: text\nX-Mailer: Unknown\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"US-ASCII\"\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nX-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailman.enron.com id \ne6VE5vH13861\nA FOOD & WINE MATCHING CLASS and A LLANO\nESTACADO DINNER\nL'Alliance Francaise presents\nMATCHING FOOD AND WINE.\n Have you ever wondered how food and wine go\ntogether? Here?s your chance to learn the basics of food\nand wine matching. Learn about the relationship between\nthe taste of food and the taste of wine. Taste a range of\nrepresentative styles of wine including Champagne, three\nwhite (Alsace, Burgundy, Bordeaux), three red (Burgundy,\nRhone, and Bordeaux), and a dessert wine with a variety of\nfoods and see for yourself what works, what doesn?t, and\nwhy. Find out which are the best wines to serve with fish,\nshrimp, pork, beef, even M&Ms.\n MATCHING FOOD AND WINE will be offered on\nTuesday, August 8th at 7:00pm and will cost $42.00 per\nperson. For directions, reservations, or more information\non this class, please call l'Alliance Francaise at 713-526-\n1121. L'Alliance Francaise, the French cultural\norganization in Houston, is located at 427 Lovett\nBoulevard (on the southeast corner of Lovett and Whitney,\none block south of Westheimer).\nPlease join SPEC's and LLANO ESTACADO winemaker\nGreg Bruni at 7pm on Tuesday, August 1, 2000 for a wine\nand food dinner at Simposio Italian Restaurant featuring\nChef Alberto Baffoni's excellent cuisine and the fine\nTexas wines of Llano Estacado.\n The reception will feature both Llano Estacado\nSignature Red and Signature White served with passed\ncanapes including Salmon Tartar, Sauteed Mushrooms,\nand Tomatoes Concasse. The Dinner will start with a Warm\nSeafood Salad with celery shavings and yellow tomato filet\nin extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice served with Llano\nEstacado Muscat. Then will come a Grilled Veal\nMedallion in a creamy brandy and pepper corn sauce\nserved with Llano Estacado Chardonnay 1998 and Llano\nEstacado Cellar Select Chardonnay 1997. The entr,e will\nbe grilled Lamb Chops with sauteed spinach and a sweet\nand sour shallot sauce served with Llano Estacado Cellar\nSelect Cabernet Sauvignon 1997 and Llano Estacado\nViviano 1996 (Llano?s Bordeaux-Style Red). Our dinner\nwill conclude with Simposio?s Flourless Chocolate Cake in\nRaspberry Sauce served with Llano Estacado Texas Port.\nLlano Estacado winemaker Greg Bruni will be on hand to\ntalk about and answer your questions concerning the\nevening's wines, Llano Estacado, and the Texas wine\nindustry.\n The reception will start at 7:00pm. Dinner will be\nserved starting at 7:30pm. The cost is $80.00 per person\n(cash, $84.21) with a $10.00 discount available for 1,000\nSPEC's KEY Points. (This price includes food, wine, tax,\nand gratuity.) For reservations or more information, please\ncall SPEC's at 713-526-8787. Simposio is located at 5591\nRichmond Avenue on the southeast corner of Richmond\nand Chimney Rock.\n", ["Re: Fwd: Upcoming Events"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Hi Jana,\n\nThat looks good. I am ready to take one class soon.\nI shall check with Ludmila.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 07/31/2000 09:05:52 AM\n", ["<7260129.1075856491457.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22999398.1075856557723.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2461971.1075856305974.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-9-2000-5:1:0Sjlpnymex@aol.com": ["6-9-2000-5:1:0", "jlpnymex@aol.com", ["kmmartin-atchison@duke-energy.com", "elizabethmorrell@pzlqs.com", "lanejb@wellsfargo.com", "gburrows@capstone.com", "jhall@harvardreit.com", "ddenbina@mpr.com", "monica_kolb@aimfunds.com", "reneeb@swiftenergy.com", "theath@coral-energy.com", "woodybc@bp.com", "daricha@ppco.com", "robyn_howard@aimfunds.com", "carol_fitzpatrick@agc.com", "ckcrews@swbell.net", "jstanton@calpine.com", "cthomso@ppco.com", "dgriffin@earthnet.com", "info@nutritionsoundbites.com", "mara_smith@aimfunds.com", "mdm@cyberonics.com", "edwards@nwol.net", "jstephenson@navigantconsulting.com", "kimmorrell@excite.com", "jack_plunkett@plunkettresearch.com", "lcolgin@campbellriggs.com", "mwolper@alum.mit.edu", "genieand@hotmail.com", "agerhardt@pkftexas.com", "tcostantino@unocal.com", "rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com", "crowsley@flash.net", "leesa.foster@ipaper.com", "agearhart@pkf.com", "dstowers@watersinfo.com", "martha@plunkettresearch.com", "blackj@wellsfargo.com", "robyn.howard@aimfunds.com", "jlpnymex@aol.com", "adrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com", "carol_mccutcheon@oxy.com", "njfitzgerald@coral-energy.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "genie@hotmail.com", "rsbaker@duke-energy.com", "mroberts@coral-energy.com"], [], "Dear Friends:\nFall Happy Hour\nFriday, September 15, 2000\nafter work: 5:30 pm -- 8:00 pm\nRagin Cajun--on the patio\n(the new location)\nWestheimer at Gessner\n(the Randalls shopping center on the corner)\n832-251-7171\nFeel free to bring friends!\nHope to see you there!!\nJana", ["**Get together**"], "{'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Dear Friends:\n\nFall Happy Hour\n\nFriday, September 15, 2000\n\nafter work: 5:30 pm -- 8:00 pm\n\nRagin Cajun--on the patio\n(the new location)\n\nWestheimer at Gessner\n(the Randalls shopping center on the corner)\n\n832-251-7171\n\nFeel free to bring friends!\n\nHope to see you there!!\n\nJana", ["<27424824.1075856615496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2417194.1075856290628.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15161767.1075856348157.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-9-2000-1:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-9-2000-1:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/08/2000 \n09:02 AM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 09/06/2000 11:01:23 AM\nTo: genieand@hotmail.com, RSBaker@duke-energy.com, blackj@wellsfargo.com, \nMartha@plunkettresearch.com, dgriffin@earthnet.com, genie@hotmail.com, \nrobyn.howard@aimfunds.com, agearhart@pkf.com, lcolgin@campbellriggs.com, \ncrowsley@flash.net, carol_fitzpatrick@agc.com, gburrows@capstone.com, \njhall@harvardreit.com, Jlpnymex@aol.com, martha@plunkettresearch.com, \nmara_smith@aimfunds.com, tcostantino@unocal.com, ckcrews@swbell.net, \nddenbina@mpr.com, rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, edwards@nwol.net, \nAGerhardt@pkftexas.com, THEATH@coral-energy.com, robyn_howard@aimfunds.com, \nvkamins@enron.com, Monica_Kolb@aimfunds.com, lanejb@wellsfargo.com, \nkmmartin-atchison@duke-energy.com, info@nutritionsoundbites.com, \nmdm@cyberonics.com, elizabethmorrell@pzlqs.com, KimMorrell@excite.com, \nadrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, Jack_Plunkett@plunkettresearch.com, \ndaricha@ppco.com, MRoberts@coral-energy.com, JStanton@calpine.com, \nJStephenson@navigantconsulting.com, dstowers@watersinfo.com, \nreneeb@swiftenergy.com, njfitzgerald@coral-energy.com, cthomso@ppco.com, \nmwolper@alum.mit.edu, carol_mccutcheon@oxy.com, leesa.foster@ipaper.com, \nWoodybc@bp.com\ncc: \nSubject: **Get together**\nDear Friends:\nFall Happy Hour\nFriday, September 15, 2000\nafter work: 5:30 pm -- 8:00 pm\nRagin Cajun--on the patio\n(the new location)\nWestheimer at Gessner\n(the Randalls shopping center on the corner)\n832-251-7171\nFeel free to bring friends!\nHope to see you there!!\nJana\n", ["**Get together**"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "", ["<20392132.1075856484419.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30976412.1075856550738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28202534.1075856289810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29235599.1075856348781.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-9-2000-6:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-6:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["grant.masson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 \n02:04 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dave Williams\" on 09/06/2000 01:27:43 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: FW: USAEE Philadelphia VIP Dinner\nVince,\nCan you please let us know if you plan to attend this event?\nMany thanks.\nDave Williams\nExecutive Director\nUSAEE/IAEE\n=======\nIf you are receiving this email it indicates that we have yet to hear from\nyou in regard to your invitation to attend the USAEE VIP Conference Dinner,\nSunday, September 24, 2000.\nAttached please find another invitation letter and reservation form. We\nwould like to hear from you by Wednesday, September 6 if you can attending\nthis special dinner function or not.\nKind regards,\nDavid Williams\nUSAEE\n\n\n", ["FW: USAEE Philadelphia VIP Dinner", "**Get together**"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<16680282.1075856484900.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31777665.1075856484922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19825759.1075856551192.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16025059.1075856551214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13152786.1075856290464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2292145.1075856290487.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23853226.1075856348246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26375454.1075856348268.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-9-2000-10:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-9-2000-10:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "paula.corey@enron.com"], "Jana,\nI shall be glad to join you.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 09/12/2000 01:51:06 PM\nTo: RSBaker@duke-energy.com, blackj@wellsfargo.com, \nMartha@plunkettresearch.com, dgriffin240@earthlink.net, genieand@hotmail.com, \nrobyn_howard@aimfunds.com, agerhardt@pkftexas.com, colgin@campbellriggs.com, \ncrowsley@flash.net, carol_fitzpatrick@agc.com, \ngburrows@capstonefinancial.com, jhall@harvardreit.com, Jlpnymex@aol.com, \ncefi@dynegy.com, clairta@yahoo.com, mara_smith@aimfunds.com, \nddenbina@mpr.com, rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, edwards@nwol.net, \nsgoldfield@tmh.tmc.edu, THEATH@coral-energy.com, vkamins@enron.com, \ntknight@houstonenergy.org, Monica_Kolb@aimfunds.com, lanejb@wellsfargo.com, \ninfo@nutritionsoundbites.com, elizabethmorrell@excite.com, \nKimMorrell@excite.com, adrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, \nJack_Plunkett@plunkettresearch.com, daricha@ppco.com, \nMRoberts@coral-energy.com, JStanton@calpine.com, \nJStephenson@navigantconsulting.com, dstowers@watersinfo.com, \nchtremel@epri.com, reneeb@swiftenergy.com, njfitzgerald@coral-energy.com, \ncthomso@ppco.com, mwolper@alum.mit.edu, carol_mccutcheon@oxy.com, \nleesa.foster@ipaper.com, Woodybc@bp.com, dzerba@teldatasolutions.com\ncc: \nSubject: Simulated Trading\nDear Friends and Colleagues:\nNYMEX is hosting a cocktail reception and a simulated open outcry trading\n\"class\":\nThursday, Sept. 28, 2000\n5:00 - 7:00 pm\nHouston Center Club\n(downtown-across from the 4 Seasons)\nThis is being held in conjuction with the Crude Oil Association. They charge\n$25 at the door.\nHowever, as a host I can have as many of my colleagues there for FREE!\nBut, I must know if you are coming by September 24, 2000 c.o.b., to give a\ncount to the Houston Center Club.\nI hope you can all attend. Please feel free to invite someone to come with\nyou. The simulated trading will be held three times during the evening, and\nis very interesting.\nI look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you on 9/28!\nJana\nps-call me if you have any questions\n", ["Re: Simulated Trading"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nI shall be glad to join you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 09/12/2000 01:51:06 PM\n", ["<7492404.1075856615406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2740342.1075856483015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32088960.1075856549333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2605733.1075856287273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-9-2000-2:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-2:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], [], "Jana,\nSo far, the trips were great. More to come.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 09/20/2000 08:48:35 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Simulated Trading\nGreat! It will be good to see you.\nHow were all your trips?\njana\n", ["Re: Simulated Trading"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nSo far, the trips were great. More to come.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 09/20/2000 08:48:35 AM\n", ["<31676272.1075856482675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21853929.1075856548991.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18994975.1075856286489.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-10-2000-5:10:0Sjlpnymex@aol.com": ["20-10-2000-5:10:0", "jlpnymex@aol.com", ["doris.a.abernathy@ucm.com", "kmmartin-atchison@duke-energy.com", "ffrederick@usa.com", "dzerba@teldatasolutions.com", "kmiller@cafb.org", "lguthrie@vignette.com", "lanejb@wellsfargo.com", "john_wackowski@prusec.com", "jhall@harvardreit.com", "reneeb@swiftenergy.com", "theath@coral-energy.com", "fafr@chevron.com", "woodybc@bp.com", "daricha@ppco.com", "robyn_howard@aimfunds.com", "ckcrews@swbell.net", "clairta@yahoo.com", "jstanton@calpine.com", "kcdunnagan@aol.com", "paulcraiglaird2@netscape.net", "cthomso@ppco.com", "info@nutritionsoundbites.com", "mara_smith@aimfunds.com", "dgriffin240@earthlink.net", "elizabethmorrell@excite.com", "chtremel@epri.com", "cefi@dynegy.com", "khcnb@arkansas.net", "mj_nchof@hotmail.com", "jack_plunkett@plunkettresearch.com", "buckl@conedsolutions.com", "mwolper@alum.mit.edu", "genieand@hotmail.com", "agerhardt@pkftexas.com", "rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com", "crowsley@flash.net", "baker99@netropolis.net", "leesa.foster@ipaper.com", "colgin@campbellriggs.com", "martha@plunkettresearch.com", "blackj@wellsfargo.com", "jlpnymex@aol.com", "kathy.kraus@smhhou.com", "adrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com", "carol_mccutcheon@oxy.com", "wbaarltx@aol.com", "njfitzgerald@coral-energy.com", "tknight@houstonenergy.org", "hinojom@wellsfargo.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "mroberts@coral-energy.com", "gburrows@capstonefinancial.com"], [], "fyi\njana\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (rly-yh01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-yh01.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:57:48 \n-0400\nReceived: from texasmonthly.emmis.com (texasmonthly.emmis.com \n[]) by rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct \n2000 18:56:49 -0400\nSubject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nTo: alexana@wellsfargo.com, jlpnymex@aol.com, kingair500@aol.com, \nmdesanto@minddata.com, kwgre@aol.com, pmarb@yahoo.com\nX-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.3 March 21, 2000\nMessage-ID: \nFrom: NAlexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:15:34 -0500\nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on TMNT02/AUS/TXMO(Release 5.0.4a |July 24, \n2000) at 10/18/2000 05:54:02 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nNancy Alexander\nAccount Executive\n214.871.7704\n----- Forwarded by Nancy Alexander/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 06:14 PM -----\n Karen Burke\n To: sloansimmo@yahoo.com,\nccgarcia@prodigy.net, cbsbcol@aol.com,\n 10/18/00 sschrump@ziplink.net, \"Hosty, Maria\"\n,\n 02:10 PM Yvonne Anguiano\n,\n tanya.davis@us.pwcglobal.com,\n2onza@pdq.net, \"Lisa Elledge\"\n ,\nproyecto4@yahoo.com, \"Hughes, Jennifer\"\n , Anita\nZmolek/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Nancy\n Alexander/AUS/TXMO@TXMO\n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be BIG in Texas.\nKaren Burke\n713.871.1643 phone\n713.871.0335 fax\n----- Forwarded by Karen Burke/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/2000 02:08 PM -----\n Jacquelyne\n O'Keefe To: bassw@swbell.net, Karen\nBurke/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Elizabeth\n Wallace Fulghum/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Lanette\nVarnadoe/AUS/TXMO@TXMO,\n simmonds@pdq.net\n 10/18/2000 cc:\n 11:15 AM Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nJackie O'Keefe Wallace\nRetail Advertising Director\nphone 713.871.1762\nfax 713.871.0335\n----- Forwarded by Jacquelyne O'Keefe Wallace/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 11:14 AM\n-----\n \"Karen\n Thompson\" To: \"Tim Marron\"\n, \"Suzanne Waller\"\n , \"Shelley Smelley\nMarron\" ,\n .net> \"Pammy Poindexter\"\n, \"Molly Vaughan\"\n , \"Melissa\nGarlington\"\n 10/17/00\n, \"Mary Marron\"\n 09:07 PM ,\n\"Margie \\\"Aunt Boggie\\\" Marron\"\n , \"Liz Rotan\"\n, \"julia\"\n , \"Joanie Seay\"\n, \"jenny clark\n brown\" ,\n\"Jackie Wallace\"\n ,\n\"Gmommy Clark\"\n , \"George &\nKathy Thompson\"\n , \"Diane Z\"\n, \"Dad\"\n , \"Carolyn\nClark Minett\"\n , \"John\nThompson\" ,\n \"Allie\" \n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Christine B. Williams \nTo: djtaaffe@worldnet.att.net ; kkemp165@aol.com\n; jflesher@kprc.com ;\nakdwyer@yahoo.com\n; cara_clement@yahoo.com ;\nmerrie@mail.ev1.net ; krichardson@texasnf.org\n; kprice@texasnf.org ;\nddeleon@texasnf.org ; rfreeman@texasnf.org\n; dbadura@texasnf.org ; Karen\nThompson ; cmlucas@swbell.net ;\nannie319@aol.com ; bmratch@yahoo.com ;\nsarah@thedykes.com ; laura@thebairds.com\n; mtucker@datamate.com ;\ncolecaroline@hotmail.com ;\nmark.m.meador@us.arthurandersen.com ;\nRobert Muse ; dmoriniere@swbank.tx.com\n; Joanna Latham ; Merritt\nPappas ; Chip Rives ; Reagan Rives\n; Angela & Natalie Nicholson\n; Hilary and Corey Pond\n;\nJeffrey Smith ; Kent Winfield \nDate: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:37 PM\nSubject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>-----Original Message-----\n>From: jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com\n>[mailto:jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com]\n>Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:53 PM\n>To: aford@bpl.com; BirdsBecca@aol.com; bwilliams1236@austin.rr.com;\n>ckmattingly@hotmail.com; cshirley@ccj-law.com; cwilliams@texasnf.org;\n>EWells@nrsc.org; jill.goldstein@mba02.bus.utexas.edu; halejulie@yahoo.com;\n>hollyk8@aol.com; lsm34@columbia.edu; mtucker@dpj.com; sew7@flash.net;\n>Elizabeth.Reid@turner.com; RSKAppraiser@email.msn.com; TEHunt@aol.com;\n>wdtiidd@aol.com\n>Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer P. Toomey on 10/17/2000 03:55\n>PM\n>---------------------------\n>\n>\n>To: Brian_Seiler@aimfunds.com, Fritz_Weiss@aimfunds.com,\n> Jean_Miller@aimfunds.com, Charles_Hebert@aimfunds.com,\n> Sue_Hendrickson@aimfunds.com, Ralph_Terry@aimfunds.com,\n>gormanab@mindspring.com, alysonfisher@yahoo.com, amandam@microsoft.com,\n>adjohnso@students.uiuc.edu, knocks@ecsis.net, cbidding@post.cis.smu.edu,\n>Mpblalock@aol.com, gmb1@compassbnk.com, bcahal@acxiom.com, carle@wt.net,\n>cmiller@rice.edu, connelly.mcgreevy@gs.com, gnconnelly@aol.com,\n>dawn.beach@bowne.com, Aimeedodson@aol.com, DDOMINIC@temmc.com,\n> heather.k.doyle@ac.com, aeasterby@lrmm.com, ferikson@mdanderson.org,\n> rtfass@fcflaw.com, fguinn@flash.net, Tina.Hoffman@petrocosm.com,\n>rhurt@lctn.com, wingram@ddsep.com, jrcoastal@aol.com, Jennyv@dpwpr.com,\n> jbandctaylor@mindspring.com, keasterby@aglife.com, jkiani@coair.com,\n> kianim@epenergy.com, Kristen.Kors@weil.com, BrittonK@perryhomes.net,\n> katek@thepromotionnetwork.com, CLipscomb@kma.com,\n> kaymassmanlobb@yahoo.com, mm52@lucent.com, cjmandola@aol.com,\n>mikebid@earthlink.net, nataliebiddinger@yahoo.com, steven.w.murray@ac.com,\n> jpecher@ect.enron.com, receskim@perryhomes.net, Jennifer P. Toomey,\n> cvanos@texas.net, jennyv@dpwpr.com, kwehner@brobeck.com,\n> elizabeth@keen.com, David.D.Wolf@chase.com\n>cc:\n> Date: 10/16/2000 09:00 AM\n> From: Jackie_McGreevy@aimfunds.com\n> Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>> The Year is 1960.\n>>\n>> JFK wins the election because he receives\n>>\n>> 1 MORE VOTE per precinct in Illinois (8,858 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in Missouri (9,880 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in New Jersey (22,091 votes)\n>>\n>> Without those 40,829 votes, the election goes to Nixon.\n>>\n>> YOUR VOTE DOES MATTER.\n>>\n>> Experts say this will be the CLOSEST election since 1960.\n>> We agree.\n>>\n>> What can YOU do about it? Join the Bush E-Train!\n>> (1) Forward this e-mail to your friends and colleagues\n>> (2) Then click on the link below and enter your e-mail:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/bn.asp?PageMode=FrontPageSignUp\n>>\n>> OUR GOAL:\n>> 2,000,000 e-mail addresses to SPREAD THE WORD\n>> and GET OUT THE VOTE.\n>>\n>> Be a part of history, get on the Bush E-Train and join\n>> what will become one of the LARGEST GRASSROOTS\n>> MOVEMENTS EVER.\n>>\n>> MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! and receive the e-mail on\n>> Nov. 8 that says, \"PRESIDENT-ELECT GEORGE W. BUSH\n>> THANKS YOU.\"\n>>\n>>\n>> _____________________\n>>\n>> Paid for by Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc.\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com\n>>\n>>\n>\n===========================================================================\n=\n>==\n>>\n>> To unsubscribe, please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/unsubscribe.asp?email=YOLAA@EARTHLINK.NET\n>>\n>> To change your e-mail address or any other subscription information,\n>please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/MyGeorgeW.asp\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>*******************Internet Email Confidentiality\nFooter*******************\n>\n>Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If\n>you\n>are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for\ndelivery\n>of\n>the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to\n>anyone.\n>In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender\n>by\n>reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not\n>consent to\n>Internet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\n>information in this message that do not relate to the official business of\n>my\n>firm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Fwd: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "fyi\n\njana\n\nReturn-Path: ", "<3631035.1075856273996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13195933.1075856360673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2000-8:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-8:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], [], "Jana,\nToo bad we live in Texas and our votes for Bush have no impact on the \nnational results.\nI shall spread the message to other states that are more critical.\nVince", ["Re: Fwd: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?"], "{'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nToo bad we live in Texas and our votes for Bush have no impact on the \nnational results.\nI shall spread the message to other states that are more critical.\n\n\nVince", ["<8787524.1075856477446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21474599.1075856543769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27010118.1075856273057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22814137.1075856360696.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2000-8:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-8:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n03:26 PM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 10/20/2000 11:10:41 AM\nTo: Doris.A.Abernathy@ucm.com, genieand@hotmail.com, WBAARLTX@aol.com, \nbaker99@netropolis.net, blackj@wellsfargo.com, Martha@plunkettresearch.com, \ndgriffin240@earthlink.net, robyn_howard@aimfunds.com, agerhardt@pkftexas.com, \ncolgin@campbellriggs.com, crowsley@flash.net, gburrows@capstonefinancial.com, \njhall@harvardreit.com, Jlpnymex@aol.com, cefi@dynegy.com, clairta@yahoo.com, \nBuckL@conedsolutions.com, mara_smith@aimfunds.com, ckcrews@swbell.net, \nKCDunnagan@aol.com, rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, ffrederick@usa.com, \nfafr@chevron.com, lguthrie@vignette.com, THEATH@coral-energy.com, \nhinojom@wellsfargo.com, khcnb@arkansas.net, mj_nchof@hotmail.com, \nvkamins@enron.com, tknight@houstonenergy.org, Kathy.Kraus@smhhou.com, \npaulcraiglaird2@netscape.net, lanejb@wellsfargo.com, \nkmmartin-atchison@duke-energy.com, info@nutritionsoundbites.com, \nkmiller@cafb.org, elizabethmorrell@excite.com, adrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, \nJack_Plunkett@plunkettresearch.com, daricha@ppco.com, \nMRoberts@coral-energy.com, JStanton@calpine.com, chtremel@epri.com, \njohn_wackowski@prusec.com, reneeb@swiftenergy.com, \nnjfitzgerald@coral-energy.com, cthomso@ppco.com, mwolper@alum.mit.edu, \ncarol_mccutcheon@oxy.com, leesa.foster@ipaper.com, Woodybc@bp.com, \ndzerba@teldatasolutions.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nfyi\njana\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (rly-yh01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-yh01.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:57:48 \n-0400\nReceived: from texasmonthly.emmis.com (texasmonthly.emmis.com \n[]) by rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct \n2000 18:56:49 -0400\nSubject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nTo: alexana@wellsfargo.com, jlpnymex@aol.com, kingair500@aol.com, \nmdesanto@minddata.com, kwgre@aol.com, pmarb@yahoo.com\nX-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.3 March 21, 2000\nMessage-ID: \nFrom: NAlexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:15:34 -0500\nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on TMNT02/AUS/TXMO(Release 5.0.4a |July 24, \n2000) at 10/18/2000 05:54:02 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nNancy Alexander\nAccount Executive\n214.871.7704\n----- Forwarded by Nancy Alexander/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 06:14 PM -----\n Karen Burke\n To: sloansimmo@yahoo.com,\nccgarcia@prodigy.net, cbsbcol@aol.com,\n 10/18/00 sschrump@ziplink.net, \"Hosty, Maria\"\n,\n 02:10 PM Yvonne Anguiano\n,\n tanya.davis@us.pwcglobal.com,\n2onza@pdq.net, \"Lisa Elledge\"\n ,\nproyecto4@yahoo.com, \"Hughes, Jennifer\"\n , Anita\nZmolek/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Nancy\n Alexander/AUS/TXMO@TXMO\n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be BIG in Texas.\nKaren Burke\n713.871.1643 phone\n713.871.0335 fax\n----- Forwarded by Karen Burke/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/2000 02:08 PM -----\n Jacquelyne\n O'Keefe To: bassw@swbell.net, Karen\nBurke/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Elizabeth\n Wallace Fulghum/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Lanette\nVarnadoe/AUS/TXMO@TXMO,\n simmonds@pdq.net\n 10/18/2000 cc:\n 11:15 AM Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nJackie O'Keefe Wallace\nRetail Advertising Director\nphone 713.871.1762\nfax 713.871.0335\n----- Forwarded by Jacquelyne O'Keefe Wallace/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 11:14 AM\n-----\n \"Karen\n Thompson\" To: \"Tim Marron\"\n, \"Suzanne Waller\"\n , \"Shelley Smelley\nMarron\" ,\n .net> \"Pammy Poindexter\"\n, \"Molly Vaughan\"\n , \"Melissa\nGarlington\"\n 10/17/00\n, \"Mary Marron\"\n 09:07 PM ,\n\"Margie \\\"Aunt Boggie\\\" Marron\"\n , \"Liz Rotan\"\n, \"julia\"\n , \"Joanie Seay\"\n, \"jenny clark\n brown\" ,\n\"Jackie Wallace\"\n ,\n\"Gmommy Clark\"\n , \"George &\nKathy Thompson\"\n , \"Diane Z\"\n, \"Dad\"\n , \"Carolyn\nClark Minett\"\n , \"John\nThompson\" ,\n \"Allie\" \n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Christine B. Williams \nTo: djtaaffe@worldnet.att.net ; kkemp165@aol.com\n; jflesher@kprc.com ;\nakdwyer@yahoo.com\n; cara_clement@yahoo.com ;\nmerrie@mail.ev1.net ; krichardson@texasnf.org\n; kprice@texasnf.org ;\nddeleon@texasnf.org ; rfreeman@texasnf.org\n; dbadura@texasnf.org ; Karen\nThompson ; cmlucas@swbell.net ;\nannie319@aol.com ; bmratch@yahoo.com ;\nsarah@thedykes.com ; laura@thebairds.com\n; mtucker@datamate.com ;\ncolecaroline@hotmail.com ;\nmark.m.meador@us.arthurandersen.com ;\nRobert Muse ; dmoriniere@swbank.tx.com\n; Joanna Latham ; Merritt\nPappas ; Chip Rives ; Reagan Rives\n; Angela & Natalie Nicholson\n; Hilary and Corey Pond\n;\nJeffrey Smith ; Kent Winfield \nDate: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:37 PM\nSubject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>-----Original Message-----\n>From: jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com\n>[mailto:jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com]\n>Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:53 PM\n>To: aford@bpl.com; BirdsBecca@aol.com; bwilliams1236@austin.rr.com;\n>ckmattingly@hotmail.com; cshirley@ccj-law.com; cwilliams@texasnf.org;\n>EWells@nrsc.org; jill.goldstein@mba02.bus.utexas.edu; halejulie@yahoo.com;\n>hollyk8@aol.com; lsm34@columbia.edu; mtucker@dpj.com; sew7@flash.net;\n>Elizabeth.Reid@turner.com; RSKAppraiser@email.msn.com; TEHunt@aol.com;\n>wdtiidd@aol.com\n>Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer P. Toomey on 10/17/2000 03:55\n>PM\n>---------------------------\n>\n>\n>To: Brian_Seiler@aimfunds.com, Fritz_Weiss@aimfunds.com,\n> Jean_Miller@aimfunds.com, Charles_Hebert@aimfunds.com,\n> Sue_Hendrickson@aimfunds.com, Ralph_Terry@aimfunds.com,\n>gormanab@mindspring.com, alysonfisher@yahoo.com, amandam@microsoft.com,\n>adjohnso@students.uiuc.edu, knocks@ecsis.net, cbidding@post.cis.smu.edu,\n>Mpblalock@aol.com, gmb1@compassbnk.com, bcahal@acxiom.com, carle@wt.net,\n>cmiller@rice.edu, connelly.mcgreevy@gs.com, gnconnelly@aol.com,\n>dawn.beach@bowne.com, Aimeedodson@aol.com, DDOMINIC@temmc.com,\n> heather.k.doyle@ac.com, aeasterby@lrmm.com, ferikson@mdanderson.org,\n> rtfass@fcflaw.com, fguinn@flash.net, Tina.Hoffman@petrocosm.com,\n>rhurt@lctn.com, wingram@ddsep.com, jrcoastal@aol.com, Jennyv@dpwpr.com,\n> jbandctaylor@mindspring.com, keasterby@aglife.com, jkiani@coair.com,\n> kianim@epenergy.com, Kristen.Kors@weil.com, BrittonK@perryhomes.net,\n> katek@thepromotionnetwork.com, CLipscomb@kma.com,\n> kaymassmanlobb@yahoo.com, mm52@lucent.com, cjmandola@aol.com,\n>mikebid@earthlink.net, nataliebiddinger@yahoo.com, steven.w.murray@ac.com,\n> jpecher@ect.enron.com, receskim@perryhomes.net, Jennifer P. Toomey,\n> cvanos@texas.net, jennyv@dpwpr.com, kwehner@brobeck.com,\n> elizabeth@keen.com, David.D.Wolf@chase.com\n>cc:\n> Date: 10/16/2000 09:00 AM\n> From: Jackie_McGreevy@aimfunds.com\n> Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>> The Year is 1960.\n>>\n>> JFK wins the election because he receives\n>>\n>> 1 MORE VOTE per precinct in Illinois (8,858 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in Missouri (9,880 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in New Jersey (22,091 votes)\n>>\n>> Without those 40,829 votes, the election goes to Nixon.\n>>\n>> YOUR VOTE DOES MATTER.\n>>\n>> Experts say this will be the CLOSEST election since 1960.\n>> We agree.\n>>\n>> What can YOU do about it? Join the Bush E-Train!\n>> (1) Forward this e-mail to your friends and colleagues\n>> (2) Then click on the link below and enter your e-mail:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/bn.asp?PageMode=FrontPageSignUp\n>>\n>> OUR GOAL:\n>> 2,000,000 e-mail addresses to SPREAD THE WORD\n>> and GET OUT THE VOTE.\n>>\n>> Be a part of history, get on the Bush E-Train and join\n>> what will become one of the LARGEST GRASSROOTS\n>> MOVEMENTS EVER.\n>>\n>> MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! and receive the e-mail on\n>> Nov. 8 that says, \"PRESIDENT-ELECT GEORGE W. BUSH\n>> THANKS YOU.\"\n>>\n>>\n>> _____________________\n>>\n>> Paid for by Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc.\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com\n>>\n>>\n>\n===========================================================================\n=\n>==\n>>\n>> To unsubscribe, please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/unsubscribe.asp?email=YOLAA@EARTHLINK.NET\n>>\n>> To change your e-mail address or any other subscription information,\n>please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/MyGeorgeW.asp\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>*******************Internet Email Confidentiality\nFooter*******************\n>\n>Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If\n>you\n>are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for\ndelivery\n>of\n>the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to\n>anyone.\n>In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender\n>by\n>reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not\n>consent to\n>Internet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\n>information in this message that do not relate to the official business of\n>my\n>firm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Fwd: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?", "Please help"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "", ["<7045998.1075856477401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8503427.1075856477424.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6435670.1075856543724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18376656.1075856543747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22788319.1075856273011.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13006519.1075856273035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13359441.1075856361531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19428095.1075856361557.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-10-2000-7:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-7:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nNext Saturday or Sunday would work for me.\nI shall be in Pittsburgh on Friday but I should be\nback Saturday morning.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 10/27/2000 10:21:29 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nVince\nHow are you? We need to get together sometime soon for dinner and a movie.\nLet me know your schedule, so we can plan a date.\nJana\n", ["Re: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nNext Saturday or Sunday would work for me.\nI shall be in Pittsburgh on Friday but I should be\nback Saturday morning.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 10/27/2000 10:21:29 AM\n", ["<8147625.1075856476493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22037977.1075856542786.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13998043.1075856270469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-11-2000-6:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-6:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jlpnymex@aol.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jana,\nThis weekend would work for me. I shall be in Houston.\nVince\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 10/31/2000 12:50:11 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nVince\nWe will be in Waco that weekend for Baylor Homecoming.\nWhat about the weekend of 11/17?\nI am going to Spokane and Boise tomorrow and will be back Friday.\nHappy Halloween!\nJana\n", ["Re: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?"], "{'body': ['jlpnymex@aol.com'], 'recipients': ['jlpnymex@aol.com']}", [], "Jana,\n\nThis weekend would work for me. I shall be in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 10/31/2000 12:50:11 PM\n", ["<7429648.1075856474945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28037357.1075856541235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10503325.1075856267027.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "29-6-2000-10:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-6-2000-10:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-6-2000-10:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-10:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "jim.fallon@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9022674.1075856316344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jim.fallon@enron.com, celeste.roberts@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nSubject: Shalesh\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jim Fallon, Celeste Roberts, Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nClarification regarding Shalesh' transfer to EBS.\n\nThe request to rotate Shalesh out of Research into EBS\ncame from Ravi Thuraisingham. My understanding was that it was\nfully coordinated with you and I was more than happy to oblige.\n\nShalesh is concerned that his integrity is being questioned and I can assure\nyou that he was not the instigator of the move.\n\nMy impression is that Shalesh is doing a very good job and Ravi is very happy\nhim. I shall be glad to keep him in the Research Group in his current role.\n\nHave a good 4th of July.\n\nVince", "Shalesh", "originEmail", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 26, "nninformation", ["keep", "him"], "intention", " i shall be glad to keep him in the research group in his current role."]], "Jim,\n\nClarification regarding Shalesh' transfer to EBS.\n\nThe request to rotate Shalesh out of Research into EBS\ncame from Ravi Thuraisingham. My understanding was that it was\nfully coordinated with you and I was more than happy to oblige.\n\nShalesh is concerned that his integrity is being questioned and I can assure\nyou that he was not the instigator of the move.\n\nMy impression is that Shalesh is doing a very good job and Ravi is very happy\nhim. I shall be glad to keep him in the Research Group in his current role.\n\nHave a good 4th of July.\n\nVince", "<9022674.1075856316344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "shalesh", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["personname requestTnn"]}}, false], "29-6-2000-10:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-10:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20444256.1075856330444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:46:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Shalesh\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 \n05:50 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/29/2000 05:39 PM\nTo: Jim Fallon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Celeste \nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Shalesh\n\nJim,\n\nClarification regarding Shalesh' transfer to EBS.\n\nThe request to rotate Shalesh out of Research into EBS\ncame from Ravi Thuraisingham. My understanding was that it was\nfully coordinated with you and I was more than happy to oblige.\n\nShalesh is concerned that his integrity is being questioned and I can assure\nyou that he was not the instigator of the move.\n\nMy impression is that Shalesh is doing a very good job and Ravi is very happy\nhim. I shall be glad to keep him in the Research Group in his current role.\n\nHave a good 4th of July.\n\nVince\n\n", "Shalesh", "forward", [], "", "<20444256.1075856330444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "5-1-2000-8:58:0Sveronica.valdez@enron.com 5-1-2000-9:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"5-1-2000-8:58:0Sveronica.valdez@enron.com": ["5-1-2000-8:58:0", "veronica.valdez@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com ted.murphy@enron.com rick.carson@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com david.gorte@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com laura.gutierrez@enron.com pam.metoyer@enron.com karen.heathman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21963327.1075856784844.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 08:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: veronica.valdez@enron.com\nTo: rick.buy@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com, rick.carson@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, david.gorte@enron.com,\n\tkevin.kindall@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com\nSubject: Enterprise Wide Risk Management Meeting, January 21\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, laura.gutierrez@enron.com, pam.metoyer@enron.com,\n\tkaren.heathman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, laura.gutierrez@enron.com, pam.metoyer@enron.com,\n\tkaren.heathman@enron.com\nX-From: Veronica Valdez\nX-To: Rick Buy, Ted Murphy, Rick L Carson, Vince J Kaminski, David Gorte, Kevin Kindall, Grant Masson\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Laura Gutierrez, Pam Metoyer, Karen K Heathman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThis is to confirm the meeting will take place on Friday, January 21 at \n12:00 - 5:00p, at the DoubleTree Hotel, 400 Dallas Street. \nThe meeting room is Suite 407. \n\nThose in attendance:\n \n Rick Buy\n Ted Murphy \n Rick Carson\n Vince Kaminski\n Dave Gorte\n Kevin Kindall\n Grant Masson\n\n\nLunch will begin at 12:00 noon and a snack will be served at 2:30p.\n\nPlease give me a call with questions at x31881.\n", "Enterprise Wide Risk Management Meeting, January 21", "forward", [], "This is to confirm the meeting will take place on Friday, January 21 at \n12:00 - 5:00p, at the DoubleTree Hotel, 400 Dallas Street. \nThe meeting room is Suite 407. \n\nThose in attendance:\n \n Rick Buy\n Ted Murphy \n Rick Carson\n Vince Kaminski\n Dave Gorte\n Kevin Kindall\n Grant Masson\n\n\nLunch will begin at 12:00 noon and a snack will be served at 2:30p.\n\nPlease give me a call with questions at x31881.\n", "<21963327.1075856784844.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "5-1-2000-9:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-1-2000-9:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <25855375.1075857006106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 09:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Enterprise Wide Risk Management Meeting, January 21\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2000 \n05:19 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVeronica Valdez\n01/05/2000 04:58 PM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy, Rick L Carson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Gorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin \nKindall/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laura Gutierrez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pam \nMetoyer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen K Heathman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Enterprise Wide Risk Management Meeting, January 21\n\nThis is to confirm the meeting will take place on Friday, January 21 at \n12:00 - 5:00p, at the DoubleTree Hotel, 400 Dallas Street. \nThe meeting room is Suite 407. \n\nThose in attendance:\n \n Rick Buy\n Ted Murphy \n Rick Carson\n Vince Kaminski\n Dave Gorte\n Kevin Kindall\n Grant Masson\n\n\nLunch will begin at 12:00 noon and a snack will be served at 2:30p.\n\nPlease give me a call with questions at x31881.\n\n\n", "Enterprise Wide Risk Management Meeting, January 21", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 4, "nninformation", ["schedule", "put"], "request", "shirley, please, put on my schedule."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n\n", "<25855375.1075857006106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["meeting risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-8-2000-7:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-8-2000-3:41:0Srodrigo.lamas@enron.com": {"24-8-2000-7:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-8-2000-7:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rodrigo.lamas@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <580515.1075856294270.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 07:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rodrigo.lamas@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rodrigo Lamas\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRodrigo,\n\nI think it is Churrasco's, A South American restaurant.\nI shall make reservations for the 12th. I shall also\narrange the meetings on Tuesday with different units of the Research group.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRodrigo Lamas\n08/24/2000 01:59 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research \n\n\nVince,\n\nThank you very much.\nI would rather talk to your group on Sep the 12th (Tuesday). \nI hope I will be entitled to disturb them again during the rest of the week \nas well.\nWe can certainly go out for dinner. Steven mentioned a Brazilian restaurant he\nwent to and I am looking forward going there. This in case you are not \nvegetarian.\n\nThanks again,\n\nRodrigo\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n24/08/2000 19:54\nTo: Rodrigo Lamas/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research \n\nRodrigo,\n\nWe shall be very glad to meet you.\n\nIf you can dedicate one day to meeting the members of the Research Group I\ncould arrange a series of meetings with different units.\n\nWhat about Sep the 11th or Sep the 12th (Monday or Tuesday)?\n\nIf you are free one evening we can have dinner together.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRodrigo Lamas\n08/24/2000 11:01 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research\n\n\nVince,\n\nI work for the Market Risk RAC London group. I review the quantitative issues \narising from Enron Europe models.\nI am in this function given my background (PhD from Imperial College-London) \nand also due to my past experience\nas risk manager for a brazilian investment bank and Louis Dreyfus.\n\nMy agenda includes the review of a number of deals (Wessex, TPL, Eastern, \n...), as well as the \nreview of the construction of european gas and power price curves and their \nrespective volatility curves.\nCurrently I am devoting most of my time to the analysis of the UK gas market, \nits respective\nprice curve and term structure of volatility. \nBjorn and David suggested it could be very productive if I had the chance to \nmeet you and your team\nto discuss issues related to modelling prices and risk measurement tools.\n \nI will be in Houston from the 10th to 15th September. I wonder if you could \nbook some time for me in\nyour agenda and also ask some members of your team to do the same.\n\nThanks,\n\nRodrigo\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 6, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " i shall make reservations for the datenumeric h."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 8, "nninformation", ["arrange", "meetings"], "intention", " i shall also arrange the meetings on tuesday with different units of the research group."]], "Rodrigo,\n\nI think it is Churrasco's, A South American restaurant.\nI shall make reservations for the 12th. I shall also\narrange the meetings on Tuesday with different units of the Research group.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRodrigo Lamas\n08/24/2000 01:59 PM\n", "<580515.1075856294270.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"introduction_presentation meetingTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation meetingTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation meetingTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation meetingTnn"]}, "meeting unitTnn": {"value": "meeting unitTnn", "ne": "meeting unitTnn", "patterns": ["meeting unitTnn"]}}, false], "25-8-2000-3:41:0Srodrigo.lamas@enron.com": ["25-8-2000-3:41:0", "rodrigo.lamas@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3811720.1075856610132.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 03:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rodrigo.lamas@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Rodrigo Lamas\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince,\n\nThanks for organizing the meetings,and a special thanks for organizing the \nreservations for the dinner.\nI am looking forward the visit to Houston.\n\nRodrigo\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n24/08/2000 20:25\nTo: Rodrigo Lamas/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research \n\nRodrigo,\n\nI think it is Churrasco's, A South American restaurant.\nI shall make reservations for the 12th. I shall also\narrange the meetings on Tuesday with different units of the Research group.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nRodrigo Lamas\n08/24/2000 01:59 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research \n\n\nVince,\n\nThank you very much.\nI would rather talk to your group on Sep the 12th (Tuesday). \nI hope I will be entitled to disturb them again during the rest of the week \nas well.\nWe can certainly go out for dinner. Steven mentioned a Brazilian restaurant he\nwent to and I am looking forward going there. This in case you are not \nvegetarian.\n\nThanks again,\n\nRodrigo\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n24/08/2000 19:54\nTo: Rodrigo Lamas/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research \n\nRodrigo,\n\nWe shall be very glad to meet you.\n\nIf you can dedicate one day to meeting the members of the Research Group I\ncould arrange a series of meetings with different units.\n\nWhat about Sep the 11th or Sep the 12th (Monday or Tuesday)?\n\nIf you are free one evening we can have dinner together.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRodrigo Lamas\n08/24/2000 11:01 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research\n\n\nVince,\n\nI work for the Market Risk RAC London group. I review the quantitative issues \narising from Enron Europe models.\nI am in this function given my background (PhD from Imperial College-London) \nand also due to my past experience\nas risk manager for a brazilian investment bank and Louis Dreyfus.\n\nMy agenda includes the review of a number of deals (Wessex, TPL, Eastern, \n...), as well as the \nreview of the construction of european gas and power price curves and their \nrespective volatility curves.\nCurrently I am devoting most of my time to the analysis of the UK gas market, \nits respective\nprice curve and term structure of volatility. \nBjorn and David suggested it could be very productive if I had the chance to \nmeet you and your team\nto discuss issues related to modelling prices and risk measurement tools.\n \nI will be in Houston from the 10th to 15th September. I wonder if you could \nbook some time for me in\nyour agenda and also ask some members of your team to do the same.\n\nThanks,\n\nRodrigo\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research", "reply", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nThanks for organizing the meetings,and a special thanks for organizing the \nreservations for the dinner.\nI am looking forward the visit to Houston.\n\nRodrigo\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n24/08/2000 20:25\n", "<3811720.1075856610132.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "27-7-2000-2:21:0Salamonsoff@watersinfo.com 29-9-2000-10:24:0Senergyinstitute@uh.edu 24-10-2000-9:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-10-2000-10:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-11-2000-7:33:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 14-11-2000-2:9:0Sdon.baughman@enron.com 14-11-2000-14:42:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 18-11-2000-16:5:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 20-11-2000-0:12:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 20-11-2000-12:54:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 29-11-2000-9:55:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 29-11-2000-9:56:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 30-11-2000-15:1:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 30-11-2000-15:7:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 1-12-2000-14:28:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 8-12-2000-13:40:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 8-12-2000-13:42:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 10-12-2000-13:11:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 11-12-2000-3:24:0Sdon.baughman@enron.com 11-12-2000-3:51:0Sbkc7@pge.com 11-12-2000-13:36:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 11-12-2000-13:58:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 12-12-2000-12:48:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 16-2-2001-6:33:0Sbeth.cherry@enform.com 20-2-2001-9:17:0Sbeth.cherry@enform.com 24-2-2001-14:49:0Sbeth.cherry@enform.com 29-4-2001-14:58:0Sgnemec@houston.rr.com 28-2-2001-23:31:0Sdan.hyvl@enron.com 7-3-2001-6:56:0Sbeth.cherry@enform.com 1-4-2001-13:27:0Sbecca-lynn@prodigy.net 18-4-2001-8:10:0Senergygroup@attglobal.net 21-4-2001-16:38:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 24-4-2001-12:26:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 25-4-2001-8:17:0Senergygroup@attglobal.net 2-5-2001-9:48:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 2-5-2001-9:49:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 7-5-2001-3:38:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net 8-5-2001-2:50:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net 9-5-2001-2:46:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net 10-5-2001-2:33:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net 11-5-2001-2:32:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net 11-5-2001-3:50:0Skimb@nbcham.org 13-5-2001-13:19:0Skvanpelt@flash.net 14-5-2001-2:30:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net 15-5-2001-2:30:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net 16-5-2001-5:56:0Sgerald.nemec@enron.com 20-5-2001-15:52:0Sgnemec@houston.rr.com 21-6-2001-6:36:0Ssabina@msn.com": {"27-7-2000-2:21:0Salamonsoff@watersinfo.com": ["27-7-2000-2:21:0", "alamonsoff@watersinfo.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26141635.1075856629542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 02:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: alamonsoff@watersinfo.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Financial Mathematics- Houston, August 31 and September 1\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Amy Lamonsoff\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Risk\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n?\n - speaker chase- vince kaminski.doc", "Financial Mathematics- Houston, August 31 and September 1", "forward", [], "?\n - speaker chase- vince kaminski.doc", "<26141635.1075856629542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-9-2000-10:24:0Senergyinstitute@uh.edu": ["29-9-2000-10:24:0", "energyinstitute@uh.edu", "energyinstitute@uh.edu", "", "Message-ID: <23792676.1075840211460.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: energyinstitute@uh.edu\nTo: energyinstitute@uh.edu\nSubject: Econ 1 Conference Invitation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Energy Institute \nX-To: energyinstitute@UH.EDU\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kenneth_Lay_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: LAY-K\nX-FileName: klay.nsf\n\n?\n - DERWorkshopProgram.doc", "Econ 1 Conference Invitation", "forward", [], "?\n - DERWorkshopProgram.doc", "<23792676.1075840211460.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "24-10-2000-9:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-9:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["charlene.jackson@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mary.bailey@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11327505.1075856477062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: charlene.jackson@enron.com\nSubject: Yaron's Resume\nCc: mary.bailey@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.bailey@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Charlene Jackson\nX-cc: Mary Alison Bailey, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCharlene,\n\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:40 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/23/2000 04:37:25 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n\n\n\n?\n - Yaron-RESUME3.doc\n", "Yaron's Resume", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 12, "nninformation", ["invite", "him"], "request information", " can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a super saturday?"]], "Charlene,\n\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\n\nVince\n\n", "<11327505.1075856477062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "25-10-2000-10:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-10:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kevin.hannon@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27153956.1075856476765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kevin.hannon@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kevin Hannon\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKevin,\n\nI would greatly appreciate if you could help me in this case. Yaron's father \nhelped me \na lot to open many doors at Berkeley.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000 \n05:39 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCharlene Jackson@ENRON\n10/24/2000 05:15 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Kristin \nGandy/NA/Enron@Enron, Shelly Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume \n\nVince,\nKevin Hannon is the executive lead for Cornell and he needs to approve. I \nam not sure if they have already interviewed on campus. He should go through \nthe on-campus screening process before attending a Super Saturday. We are \nreserving the Super Saturday weekend for individuals that are highly likely \nto receive an offer. I will forward this to Kevin and Kristin Gandy. \nAlthough they are responsible for Graduate recruiting at Cornell, perhaps it \nis possible for him to interview when they go on campus.\nCharlene\n\nKevin and Kristin,\nPlease see Vince's message below. Would it be possible for an undergraduate \nto interview while you are at Cornell? Please let me know. \n\nThanks\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/24/2000 04:37 PM\nTo: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Mary Alison Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n\nCharlene,\n\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:40 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/23/2000 04:37:25 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n\n\n\n?\n - Yaron-RESUME3.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Yaron's Resume", "forward", [], "Kevin,\n\nI would greatly appreciate if you could help me in this case. Yaron's father \nhelped me \na lot to open many doors at Berkeley.\n\nVince\n\n", "<27153956.1075856476765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "8-11-2000-7:33:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["8-11-2000-7:33:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "veronica-dare@usa.net vpsuny@aol.com a_marine@bellsouth.net stp19992000@yahoo.com eaglefvr@majorinternet.com thefoxs@flash.net neelyshaw@aol.com npryse@hotmail.com tulsadad@att.net kingvp@aol.com physics123@yahoo.com mtedrow99@hotmail.com lsabbara@aol.com larry_f_campbell@enron.com mboyce4961@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com janeku@ix.netcom.com gmcvp1@aol.com umenos@gte.net welch_dave@provalue.net ashddh@aol.com revayg@yahoo.com webbca@tulsaschools.org tulsama@worldnet.att.net wvanpelt@aol.com muslstang@aol.com speech25@aol.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com qeraser@rocketmail.com bonnie71955@aol.com", "", "Message-ID: <3670587.1075857846069.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 07:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: veronica-dare@usa.net, vpsuny@aol.com, a_marine@bellsouth.net,\n\tstp19992000@yahoo.com, eaglefvr@majorinternet.com, thefoxs@flash.net,\n\tneelyshaw@aol.com, npryse@hotmail.com, tulsadad@att.net,\n\tkingvp@aol.com, physics123@yahoo.com, mtedrow99@hotmail.com,\n\tlsabbara@aol.com, larry_f_campbell@enron.com, mboyce4961@aol.com,\n\tljdanker@hotmail.com, janeku@ix.netcom.com, gmcvp1@aol.com,\n\tumenos@gte.net, welch_dave@provalue.net, ashddh@aol.com,\n\trevayg@yahoo.com, webbca@tulsaschools.org, tulsama@worldnet.att.net,\n\twvanpelt@aol.com, muslstang@aol.com, speech25@aol.com,\n\tangel.backes@la-z-boy.com, qeraser@rocketmail.com,\n\tbonnie71955@aol.com\nSubject: Fw: sleeping on the job\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Veronica Dare\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Jane Ku\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Dennis Umeno\" , \"Dave Welch\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Cathy Webb \\(@school\\)\" , \"Cathy Webb\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Annette Brandes\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Bonita\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - asleep.jpg", "Fw: sleeping on the job", "forward", [], "?\n - asleep.jpg", "<3670587.1075857846069.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-11-2000-2:9:0Sdon.baughman@enron.com": ["14-11-2000-2:9:0", "don.baughman@enron.com", "richard.hrabal@enron.com kayne.coulter@enron.com john.kinser@enron.com patrick.hanse@enron.com rudy.acevedo@enron.com gerald.gilbert@enron.com cyril.price@enron.com jay.wills@enron.com wayne.herndon@enron.com larry.jester@enron.com jeff.king@enron.com juan.hernandez@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com lawrence.clayton@enron.com dean.laurent@enron.com keller.mayeaux@enron.com doug.miller@enron.com chad.starnes@enron.com joe.stepenovitch@enron.com greg.trefz@enron.com lisa.burnett@enron.com jason.choate@enron.com larry.campbell@enron.com mstewart@pdq.net reidstav@houston.rr.com twomarshalls@hotmail.com", "", "Message-ID: <4775597.1075857848106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 02:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: don.baughman@enron.com\nTo: richard.hrabal@enron.com, kayne.coulter@enron.com, john.kinser@enron.com,\n\tpatrick.hanse@enron.com, rudy.acevedo@enron.com,\n\tgerald.gilbert@enron.com, cyril.price@enron.com, jay.wills@enron.com,\n\twayne.herndon@enron.com, larry.jester@enron.com, jeff.king@enron.com,\n\tjuan.hernandez@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tlawrence.clayton@enron.com, dean.laurent@enron.com,\n\tkeller.mayeaux@enron.com, doug.miller@enron.com,\n\tchad.starnes@enron.com, joe.stepenovitch@enron.com,\n\tgreg.trefz@enron.com, lisa.burnett@enron.com, jason.choate@enron.com,\n\tlarry.campbell@enron.com, mstewart@pdq.net, reidstav@houston.rr.com,\n\ttwomarshalls@hotmail.com\nSubject: This is funny HUH HUH\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Don Baughman\nX-To: Richard Hrabal, Kayne Coulter, John Kinser, Patrick Hanse, Rudy Acevedo, Gerald Gilbert, Cyril Price, Jay Wills, Wayne Herndon, Larry Jester, Jeff King, Juan Hernandez, Joe Errigo, Lawrence Clayton, Dean Laurent, Keller Mayeaux, Doug Miller, Chad Starnes, Joe Stepenovitch, Greg Trefz, Lisa Burnett, Jason Choate, Larry F Campbell, mstewart@pdq.net, reidstav@houston.rr.com, twomarshalls@hotmail.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - BushCheney.jpg\n", "This is funny HUH HUH", "forward", [], "?\n - BushCheney.jpg\n", "<4775597.1075857848106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-11-2000-14:42:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["14-11-2000-14:42:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "veronica-dare@usa.net vpsuny@aol.com a_marine@bellsouth.net stp19992000@yahoo.com eaglefvr@majorinternet.com thefoxs@flash.net neelyshaw@aol.com npryse@hotmail.com tulsadad@att.net kingvp@aol.com physics123@yahoo.com mtedrow99@hotmail.com lsabbara@aol.com larry_f_campbell@enron.com mboyce4961@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com janeku@ix.netcom.com gmcvp1@aol.com umenos@gte.net welch_dave@provalue.net ashddh@aol.com revayg@yahoo.com webbca@tulsaschools.org tulsama@worldnet.att.net wvanpelt@aol.com muslstang@aol.com speech25@aol.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com qeraser@rocketmail.com bonnie71955@aol.com", "", "Message-ID: <497184.1075857848390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 14:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: veronica-dare@usa.net, vpsuny@aol.com, a_marine@bellsouth.net,\n\tstp19992000@yahoo.com, eaglefvr@majorinternet.com, thefoxs@flash.net,\n\tneelyshaw@aol.com, npryse@hotmail.com, tulsadad@att.net,\n\tkingvp@aol.com, physics123@yahoo.com, mtedrow99@hotmail.com,\n\tlsabbara@aol.com, larry_f_campbell@enron.com, mboyce4961@aol.com,\n\tljdanker@hotmail.com, janeku@ix.netcom.com, gmcvp1@aol.com,\n\tumenos@gte.net, welch_dave@provalue.net, ashddh@aol.com,\n\trevayg@yahoo.com, webbca@tulsaschools.org, tulsama@worldnet.att.net,\n\twvanpelt@aol.com, muslstang@aol.com, speech25@aol.com,\n\tangel.backes@la-z-boy.com, qeraser@rocketmail.com,\n\tbonnie71955@aol.com\nSubject: Fw: another ballot\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Veronica Dare\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Jane Ku\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Dennis Umeno\" , \"Dave Welch\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Cathy Webb \\(@school\\)\" , \"Cathy Webb\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Annette Brandes\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Bonita\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - ballot[1].gif", "Fw: another ballot", "forward", [], "?\n - ballot[1].gif", "<497184.1075857848390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "18-11-2000-16:5:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["18-11-2000-16:5:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "mtedrow99@hotmail.com qeraser@rocketmail.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com speech25@aol.com muslstang@aol.com wvanpelt@aol.com bvanpelt@flash.net revayg@yahoo.com ashddh@aol.com welch_dave@provalue.net gmcvp1@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com mboyce4961@aol.com lcampbel@enron.com lsabbara@aol.com physics123@yahoo.com kingvp@aol.com tulsadad@att.net npryse@hotmail.com neelyshaw@aol.com thefoxs@flash.net eaglefvr@majorinternet.com stp19992000@yahoo.com a_marine@bellsouth.net vpsuny@aol.com vi_dare@yahoo.com veronica-dare@usa.net", "", "Message-ID: <19824203.1075857849811.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 16:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: mtedrow99@hotmail.com, qeraser@rocketmail.com, angel.backes@la-z-boy.com,\n\tspeech25@aol.com, muslstang@aol.com, wvanpelt@aol.com,\n\tbvanpelt@flash.net, revayg@yahoo.com, ashddh@aol.com,\n\twelch_dave@provalue.net, gmcvp1@aol.com, ljdanker@hotmail.com,\n\tmboyce4961@aol.com, lcampbel@enron.com, lsabbara@aol.com,\n\tphysics123@yahoo.com, kingvp@aol.com, tulsadad@att.net,\n\tnpryse@hotmail.com, neelyshaw@aol.com, thefoxs@flash.net,\n\teaglefvr@majorinternet.com, stp19992000@yahoo.com,\n\ta_marine@bellsouth.net, vpsuny@aol.com, vi_dare@yahoo.com,\n\tveronica-dare@usa.net\nSubject: palmbeachvoter\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Annette Brandes\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Billy Van Pelt\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Dave Welch\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Veronica Dare\" , \"Veronica Dare\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - palmbeachvoter.jpg", "palmbeachvoter", "forward", [], "?\n - palmbeachvoter.jpg", "<19824203.1075857849811.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-11-2000-0:12:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["20-11-2000-0:12:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "veronica-dare@usa.net vpsuny@aol.com a_marine@bellsouth.net stp19992000@yahoo.com eaglefvr@majorinternet.com thefoxs@flash.net neelyshaw@aol.com npryse@hotmail.com tulsadad@att.net kingvp@aol.com physics123@yahoo.com mtedrow99@hotmail.com lsabbara@aol.com larry_f_campbell@enron.com mboyce4961@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com janeku@ix.netcom.com gmcvp1@aol.com umenos@gte.net welch_dave@provalue.net ashddh@aol.com revayg@yahoo.com webbca@tulsaschools.org tulsama@worldnet.att.net wvanpelt@aol.com muslstang@aol.com speech25@aol.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com qeraser@rocketmail.com bonnie71955@aol.com", "", "Message-ID: <5593022.1075857849930.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: veronica-dare@usa.net, vpsuny@aol.com, a_marine@bellsouth.net,\n\tstp19992000@yahoo.com, eaglefvr@majorinternet.com, thefoxs@flash.net,\n\tneelyshaw@aol.com, npryse@hotmail.com, tulsadad@att.net,\n\tkingvp@aol.com, physics123@yahoo.com, mtedrow99@hotmail.com,\n\tlsabbara@aol.com, larry_f_campbell@enron.com, mboyce4961@aol.com,\n\tljdanker@hotmail.com, janeku@ix.netcom.com, gmcvp1@aol.com,\n\tumenos@gte.net, welch_dave@provalue.net, ashddh@aol.com,\n\trevayg@yahoo.com, webbca@tulsaschools.org, tulsama@worldnet.att.net,\n\twvanpelt@aol.com, muslstang@aol.com, speech25@aol.com,\n\tangel.backes@la-z-boy.com, qeraser@rocketmail.com,\n\tbonnie71955@aol.com\nSubject: Fw: Fw: These are funny!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; 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charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Bonita\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Annette Brandes\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Cathy Webb\" , \"Cathy Webb \\(@school\\)\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Dennis Umeno\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Jane Ku\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Veronica Dare\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - Time Management.jpg", "TIME MANAGEMENT", "forward", [], "?\n - Time Management.jpg", "<7632549.1075857850202.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-11-2000-9:55:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["29-11-2000-9:55:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "veronica-dare@usa.net vpsuny@aol.com a_marine@bellsouth.net stp19992000@yahoo.com slanehart@access-usa.net thefoxs@flash.net neelyshaw@aol.com npryse@hotmail.com tulsadad@att.net kingvp@aol.com physics123@yahoo.com mtedrow99@hotmail.com lsabbara@aol.com larry_f_campbell@enron.com mboyce4961@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com janeku@ix.netcom.com gmcvp1@aol.com umenos@gte.net ashddh@aol.com revayg@yahoo.com webbca@tulsaschools.org tulsama@worldnet.att.net wvanpelt@aol.com muslstang@aol.com speech25@aol.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com qeraser@rocketmail.com bonnie71955@aol.com", "", "Message-ID: <18862799.1075857852390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: veronica-dare@usa.net, vpsuny@aol.com, a_marine@bellsouth.net,\n\tstp19992000@yahoo.com, slanehart@access-usa.net, thefoxs@flash.net,\n\tneelyshaw@aol.com, npryse@hotmail.com, tulsadad@att.net,\n\tkingvp@aol.com, physics123@yahoo.com, mtedrow99@hotmail.com,\n\tlsabbara@aol.com, larry_f_campbell@enron.com, mboyce4961@aol.com,\n\tljdanker@hotmail.com, janeku@ix.netcom.com, gmcvp1@aol.com,\n\tumenos@gte.net, ashddh@aol.com, revayg@yahoo.com,\n\twebbca@tulsaschools.org, tulsama@worldnet.att.net, wvanpelt@aol.com,\n\tmuslstang@aol.com, speech25@aol.com, angel.backes@la-z-boy.com,\n\tqeraser@rocketmail.com, bonnie71955@aol.com\nSubject: Fw: gas prices\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; 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charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Bonita\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Cathy Webb\" , \"Cathy Webb \\(@school\\)\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Dennis Umeno\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Jane Ku\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Veronica Dare\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - Santa.Harassment.Case.gif", "Fw: Santa.Harassment.Case", "forward", [], "?\n - Santa.Harassment.Case.gif", "<32124150.1075857856001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "8-12-2000-13:42:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["8-12-2000-13:42:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "bonnie71955@aol.com qeraser@rocketmail.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com muslstang@aol.com wvanpelt@aol.com tulsama@worldnet.att.net webbca@tulsaschools.org revayg@yahoo.com ashddh@aol.com umenos@gte.net gmcvp1@aol.com janeku@ix.netcom.com ljdanker@hotmail.com mboyce4961@aol.com larry_f_campbell@enron.com lsabbara@aol.com mtedrow99@hotmail.com physics123@yahoo.com kingvp@aol.com tulsadad@att.net npryse@hotmail.com neelyshaw@aol.com thefoxs@flash.net slanehart@access-usa.net stp19992000@yahoo.com a_marine@bellsouth.net vpsuny@aol.com veronica-dare@usa.net", "", "Message-ID: <19794965.1075857856026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 13:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: bonnie71955@aol.com, qeraser@rocketmail.com, angel.backes@la-z-boy.com,\n\tmuslstang@aol.com, wvanpelt@aol.com, tulsama@worldnet.att.net,\n\twebbca@tulsaschools.org, revayg@yahoo.com, ashddh@aol.com,\n\tumenos@gte.net, gmcvp1@aol.com, janeku@ix.netcom.com,\n\tljdanker@hotmail.com, mboyce4961@aol.com, larry_f_campbell@enron.com,\n\tlsabbara@aol.com, mtedrow99@hotmail.com, physics123@yahoo.com,\n\tkingvp@aol.com, tulsadad@att.net, npryse@hotmail.com,\n\tneelyshaw@aol.com, thefoxs@flash.net, slanehart@access-usa.net,\n\tstp19992000@yahoo.com, a_marine@bellsouth.net, vpsuny@aol.com,\n\tveronica-dare@usa.net\nSubject: Fw: SNOWFLAKES\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Bonita\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Cathy Webb\" , \"Cathy Webb \\(@school\\)\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Dennis Umeno\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Jane Ku\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Veronica Dare\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - snowflakes_droppings (2).jpg", "Fw: SNOWFLAKES", "forward", [], "?\n - snowflakes_droppings (2).jpg", "<19794965.1075857856026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "10-12-2000-13:11:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["10-12-2000-13:11:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "mtedrow99@hotmail.com qeraser@rocketmail.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com speech25@aol.com muslstang@aol.com wvanpelt@aol.com bvanpelt@flash.net revayg@yahoo.com ashddh@aol.com welch_dave@provalue.net gmcvp1@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com mboyce4961@aol.com lcampbel@enron.com lsabbara@aol.com physics123@yahoo.com kingvp@aol.com tulsadad@att.net npryse@hotmail.com neelyshaw@aol.com thefoxs@flash.net slanehart@access-usa.net stp19992000@yahoo.com a_marine@bellsouth.net vpsuny@aol.com vi_dare@yahoo.com veronica-dare@usa.net", "", "Message-ID: <15813220.1075857856208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 13:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: mtedrow99@hotmail.com, qeraser@rocketmail.com, angel.backes@la-z-boy.com,\n\tspeech25@aol.com, muslstang@aol.com, wvanpelt@aol.com,\n\tbvanpelt@flash.net, revayg@yahoo.com, ashddh@aol.com,\n\twelch_dave@provalue.net, gmcvp1@aol.com, ljdanker@hotmail.com,\n\tmboyce4961@aol.com, lcampbel@enron.com, lsabbara@aol.com,\n\tphysics123@yahoo.com, kingvp@aol.com, tulsadad@att.net,\n\tnpryse@hotmail.com, neelyshaw@aol.com, thefoxs@flash.net,\n\tslanehart@access-usa.net, stp19992000@yahoo.com,\n\ta_marine@bellsouth.net, vpsuny@aol.com, vi_dare@yahoo.com,\n\tveronica-dare@usa.net\nSubject: Fw: Christmas Cheers\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Annette Brandes\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Billy Van Pelt\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Dave Welch\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Veronica Dare\" , \"Veronica Dare\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - santa191.jpg", "Fw: Christmas Cheers", "forward", [], "?\n - santa191.jpg", "<15813220.1075857856208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-12-2000-3:24:0Sdon.baughman@enron.com": ["11-12-2000-3:24:0", "don.baughman@enron.com", "richard.hrabal@enron.com kayne.coulter@enron.com john.kinser@enron.com patrick.hanse@enron.com rudy.acevedo@enron.com gerald.gilbert@enron.com cyril.price@enron.com jay.wills@enron.com wayne.herndon@enron.com larry.jester@enron.com jeff.king@enron.com juan.hernandez@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com lawrence.clayton@enron.com dean.laurent@enron.com keller.mayeaux@enron.com doug.miller@enron.com chad.starnes@enron.com joe.stepenovitch@enron.com greg.trefz@enron.com lisa.burnett@enron.com jason.choate@enron.com larry.campbell@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32439300.1075857856254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 03:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: don.baughman@enron.com\nTo: richard.hrabal@enron.com, kayne.coulter@enron.com, john.kinser@enron.com,\n\tpatrick.hanse@enron.com, rudy.acevedo@enron.com,\n\tgerald.gilbert@enron.com, cyril.price@enron.com, jay.wills@enron.com,\n\twayne.herndon@enron.com, larry.jester@enron.com, jeff.king@enron.com,\n\tjuan.hernandez@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tlawrence.clayton@enron.com, dean.laurent@enron.com,\n\tkeller.mayeaux@enron.com, doug.miller@enron.com,\n\tchad.starnes@enron.com, joe.stepenovitch@enron.com,\n\tgreg.trefz@enron.com, lisa.burnett@enron.com, jason.choate@enron.com,\n\tlarry.campbell@enron.com\nSubject: Bush Country\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; 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charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Bonita\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Angel Backes\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Cathy Webb\" , \"Cathy Webb \\(@school\\)\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Dennis Umeno\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Jane Ku\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Matt Tedrow\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Tim Campbell\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Veronica Dare\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - ATT00058.gif", "Fw: Snow women-too cute!!!", "forward", [], "?\n - ATT00058.gif", "<33157738.1075857856624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-12-2000-13:58:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["11-12-2000-13:58:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "mtedrow99@hotmail.com qeraser@rocketmail.com angel.backes@la-z-boy.com speech25@aol.com muslstang@aol.com wvanpelt@aol.com bvanpelt@flash.net revayg@yahoo.com ashddh@aol.com welch_dave@provalue.net gmcvp1@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com mboyce4961@aol.com lcampbel@enron.com lsabbara@aol.com physics123@yahoo.com kingvp@aol.com tulsadad@att.net npryse@hotmail.com neelyshaw@aol.com thefoxs@flash.net slanehart@access-usa.net stp19992000@yahoo.com a_marine@bellsouth.net vpsuny@aol.com vi_dare@yahoo.com veronica-dare@usa.net", "", "Message-ID: <10109037.1075857856650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 13:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: mtedrow99@hotmail.com, qeraser@rocketmail.com, angel.backes@la-z-boy.com,\n\tspeech25@aol.com, muslstang@aol.com, wvanpelt@aol.com,\n\tbvanpelt@flash.net, revayg@yahoo.com, ashddh@aol.com,\n\twelch_dave@provalue.net, gmcvp1@aol.com, ljdanker@hotmail.com,\n\tmboyce4961@aol.com, lcampbel@enron.com, lsabbara@aol.com,\n\tphysics123@yahoo.com, kingvp@aol.com, tulsadad@att.net,\n\tnpryse@hotmail.com, neelyshaw@aol.com, thefoxs@flash.net,\n\tslanehart@access-usa.net, stp19992000@yahoo.com,\n\ta_marine@bellsouth.net, vpsuny@aol.com, vi_dare@yahoo.com,\n\tveronica-dare@usa.net\nSubject: Fw: no cookies...Be carefull opening if your at work!!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; 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charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Cherry, Beth\" \nX-To: \"Jason. 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charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \"Veronica Dare\" , \"Tonishia Van Pelt\" , \"Tiffani\" , \"Sumit Patel\" , \"Scott Lanehart\" , \"Scot Lilly\" , \"Rachelle Bennett\" , \"Neely Shaw\" , \"Natasha Pryse\" , \"Mitch Webb\" , \"Mike Van Pelt\" , \"Michael Campbell\" , \"Melissa Key\" , \"Lesli and Ramzy\" , \"Larry F Campbell\" , \"Julie & Matt\" , \"Jill Danker\" , \"George Stegmiller\" , \"Gail Van Pelt\" , \"Eursula\" , \"Dave Welch\" , \"Darrell Hickman\" , \"Cheryl G.\" , \"Cathy Webb\" , \"Billy Van Pelt\" , \"Bill Van Pelt\" , \"Benjamin Hogan\" , \"Aaron Gregory\" , \"Allison Halford\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n - Jobs.jpg", "And you thought your job sucked?", "forward", [], "?\n - Jobs.jpg", "<15051952.1075857896240.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "24-4-2001-12:26:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["24-4-2001-12:26:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "vpsuny@aol.com dynomitetnt8433@aol.com stp19992000@yahoo.com lanehart@midsouth.rr.com thefoxs@flash.net neelyshaw@aol.com npryse@hotmail.com tulsadad@att.net kingvp@aol.com skipper99mr@yahoo.com physics123@yahoo.com meldenkey@yahoo.com mtedrow99@hotmail.com lsabbara@aol.com larry_f_campbell@enron.com mboyce4961@aol.com ljdanker@hotmail.com gsteggy@aol.com gmcvp1@aol.com stink17@prodigy.net umenos@gte.net ddhickman@hotmail.com revayg@yahoo.com tulsama@worldnet.att.net camwhite@cs.com bonnie71955@aol.com wvanpelt@aol.com muslstang@aol.com thechalford@aol.com aaron@qeraser.com vi_dare@yahoo.com", "", "Message-ID: <24066290.1075857897113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 12:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nTo: vpsuny@aol.com, dynomitetnt8433@aol.com, stp19992000@yahoo.com,\n\tlanehart@midsouth.rr.com, thefoxs@flash.net, neelyshaw@aol.com,\n\tnpryse@hotmail.com, tulsadad@att.net, kingvp@aol.com,\n\tskipper99mr@yahoo.com, physics123@yahoo.com, meldenkey@yahoo.com,\n\tmtedrow99@hotmail.com, lsabbara@aol.com, larry_f_campbell@enron.com,\n\tmboyce4961@aol.com, ljdanker@hotmail.com, gsteggy@aol.com,\n\tgmcvp1@aol.com, stink17@prodigy.net, umenos@gte.net,\n\tddhickman@hotmail.com, revayg@yahoo.com, tulsama@worldnet.att.net,\n\tcamwhite@cs.com, bonnie71955@aol.com, wvanpelt@aol.com,\n\tmuslstang@aol.com, thechalford@aol.com, aaron@qeraser.com,\n\tvi_dare@yahoo.com\nSubject: Second Job.jpg\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; 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charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Jay M. 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charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"SCS Commodities\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\n?\n - 05_10_01ON.xls", "9:30 natural gas straddle indications", "forward", [], "?\n - 05_10_01ON.xls", "<10726759.1075849646982.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-5-2001-2:32:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net": ["11-5-2001-2:32:0", "scscommodities@earthlink.net", "", "", "Message-ID: <15714822.1075849647480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 May 2001 02:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: scscommodities@earthlink.net\nSubject: opening natural gas straddle indications 9:30.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"SCS Commodities\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\n?\n - 05_11_01ON.xls", "opening natural gas straddle indications 9:30.", "forward", [], "?\n - 05_11_01ON.xls", "<15714822.1075849647480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-5-2001-3:50:0Skimb@nbcham.org": ["11-5-2001-3:50:0", "kimb@nbcham.org", "croozin@wireweb.net richard-zapalac@reliantenergy.com pdifonzo@nbutexas.com meek@nbcham.org kmayfiel@enron.com kathleen.devine@usaa.com joe.guinn@phs.com jpfeuffer@aol.com jldavis@txi.com em1832@txmail.sbc.com h2omiller@aol.com dennis.heitkamp@chase.com heitkamp@gvtc.com cctrac@co.comal.tx.us cteeter@capitalwest.com casteel@nbtx.com cclbrc@co.comal.tx.us seguinmotorco@email.msn.com rcbi@swbell.net joe.beal@lcra.org sales@gvtc.com dbriscoe@hilconet.com jim.cassity@phs.com bhammond@tabcc.org kronberg@quorumreport.com ctkrier@co.bexar.tx.us ctkrier@swbell.net nmiller@co.bexar.tx.us edmund.kuempel@house.state.tx.us dean_s_liollio@reliantenergy.com dl2329@txmail.sbc.com cmorvan@kpmg.com dnewquis@southdown.com info@perrymangroup.com ppowers@fulbright.com jread@readpoland.com elicia.brammer@cpa.state.tx.us shvrsgrp@worldnet.att.net jskilli@enron.com david@weeksco.com jeff.wentworth@senate.state.tx.us judith.zaffirini@senate.state.tx.us", "", "Message-ID: <9515151.1075845491380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 May 2001 03:50:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kimb@nbcham.org\nTo: croozin@wireweb.net, richard-zapalac@reliantenergy.com,\n\tpdifonzo@nbutexas.com, meek@nbcham.org, kmayfiel@enron.com,\n\tkathleen.devine@usaa.com, joe.guinn@phs.com, jpfeuffer@aol.com,\n\tjldavis@txi.com, em1832@txmail.sbc.com, h2omiller@aol.com,\n\tdennis.heitkamp@chase.com, heitkamp@gvtc.com, cctrac@co.comal.tx.us,\n\tcteeter@capitalwest.com, casteel@nbtx.com, cclbrc@co.comal.tx.us,\n\tseguinmotorco@email.msn.com, rcbi@swbell.net, joe.beal@lcra.org,\n\tsales@gvtc.com, dbriscoe@hilconet.com, jim.cassity@phs.com,\n\tbhammond@tabcc.org, kronberg@quorumreport.com,\n\tctkrier@co.bexar.tx.us, ctkrier@swbell.net, nmiller@co.bexar.tx.us,\n\tedmund.kuempel@house.state.tx.us, dean_s_liollio@reliantenergy.com,\n\tdl2329@txmail.sbc.com, cmorvan@kpmg.com, dnewquis@southdown.com,\n\tinfo@perrymangroup.com, ppowers@fulbright.com, jread@readpoland.com,\n\telicia.brammer@cpa.state.tx.us, shvrsgrp@worldnet.att.net,\n\tjskilli@enron.com, david@weeksco.com,\n\tjeff.wentworth@senate.state.tx.us,\n\tjudith.zaffirini@senate.state.tx.us\nSubject: 2002 Texan of the Year\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Kim Clark\" \nX-To: \"Sue Hahn\" , \"Richard Zapalac\" , \"Paula DiFonzo\" , \"Mike Meek\" , \"Kathy Mayfield\" , \"Kathleen Devine\" , \"Joe Guinn\" , \"Jean Pfeuffer\" , \"J. Lynn Davis\" , \"Gene Moreno\" , \"Doug Miller\" , \"Dennis Heitkamp\" , \"Dennis Heitkamp\" , \"Danny Scheel\" , \"Chuck Teeter\" , \"Carter Casteel\" , \"Brenda Chapman\" , \"Bennie Bock\" , \"John Lovett\" , \"Joe Beal\" , \"Ken Brannies\" , \"Dolph Briscoe\" , \"Jim Cassity\" , \"Bill Hammond\" , \"Harvey Kronberg\" , \"Cyndi Krier\" , \"Cyndi Krier\" , \"Naomi Miller\" , \"Edmund Kuempel\" , \"Dean S Liollio\" , \"David Lopez\" , \"Cole Morvan\" , \"Don Newquist\" , \"M. Ray Perryman\" , \"Pike Powers\" , \"Julian Read\" , \"Carole Keeton Rylander\" , \"Allan Shivers\" , \"Jeffrey Skilling\" , \"David Weeks\" , \"Jeff Wentworth\" , \"Judith Zaffirini\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeff_Skilling_Oct2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SKILLING-J\nX-FileName: jskillin.nsf\n\n?\n - Bush Ballot.doc", "2002 Texan of the Year", "forward", [], "?\n - Bush Ballot.doc", "<9515151.1075845491380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "13-5-2001-13:19:0Skvanpelt@flash.net": ["13-5-2001-13:19:0", "kvanpelt@flash.net", "", "", "Message-ID: <28019227.1075857903547.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 13 May 2001 13:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kvanpelt@flash.net\nSubject: Fw: Priceless\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Karen Van Pelt\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Larry_Campbell_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: lcampbel.nsf\n\n?\n\n\n - priceless.jpg", "Fw: Priceless", "forward", [], "?\n\n\n - priceless.jpg", "<28019227.1075857903547.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-5-2001-2:30:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net": ["14-5-2001-2:30:0", "scscommodities@earthlink.net", "", "", "Message-ID: <11422154.1075849647954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 May 2001 02:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: scscommodities@earthlink.net\nSubject: 9:29 natural gas straddle indications.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"SCS Commodities\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\n?\n - 05_14_01ON.xls", "9:29 natural gas straddle indications.", "forward", [], "?\n - 05_14_01ON.xls", "<11422154.1075849647954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-5-2001-2:30:0Sscscommodities@earthlink.net": ["15-5-2001-2:30:0", "scscommodities@earthlink.net", "", "", "Message-ID: <33293500.1075849648401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 May 2001 02:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: scscommodities@earthlink.net\nSubject: 9:28 opening natural gas straddle indications.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"SCS Commodities\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\n?\n - 05_15_01ON.xls", "9:28 opening natural gas straddle indications.", "forward", [], "?\n - 05_15_01ON.xls", "<33293500.1075849648401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-5-2001-5:56:0Sgerald.nemec@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-5:56:0", "gerald.nemec@enron.com", "brian.hendon@enron.com paul.pfeffer@bakerbotts.com egillaspie@coral-energy.com dedeutsch@duke-energy.com paul.lucci@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24103703.1075842795258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 May 2001 05:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: gerald.nemec@enron.com\nTo: brian.hendon@enron.com, paul.pfeffer@bakerbotts.com,\n\tegillaspie@coral-energy.com, dedeutsch@duke-energy.com,\n\tpaul.lucci@enron.com\nSubject: FW: This is SO awesome\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gerald Nemec\nX-To: Brian Hendon, paul.pfeffer@bakerbotts.com, EGillaspie@coral-energy.com, dedeutsch@duke-energy.com, Paul T Lucci\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Gerald_Nemec_Dec2000_June2001_2\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: NEMEC-G\nX-FileName: gnemec.nsf\n\n? \n - Girls Are Evil.jpg", "FW: This is SO awesome", "forward", [], "? \n - Girls Are Evil.jpg", "<24103703.1075842795258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-5-2001-15:52:0Sgnemec@houston.rr.com": ["20-5-2001-15:52:0", "gnemec@houston.rr.com", "gerald.nemec@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19536563.1075842796929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 20 May 2001 15:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: gnemec@houston.rr.com\nTo: gerald.nemec@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Docs.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Gerald Nemec\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Gerald_Nemec_Dec2000_June2001_2\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: NEMEC-G\nX-FileName: gnemec.nsf\n\n?\n - Management Services Agreement1.doc\n - PaloAlto TA.doc\n - SierraPowerTA No3.doc", "Revised Docs.", "forward", [], "?\n - Management Services Agreement1.doc\n - PaloAlto TA.doc\n - SierraPowerTA No3.doc", "<19536563.1075842796929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "21-6-2001-6:36:0Ssabina@msn.com": ["21-6-2001-6:36:0", "sabina@msn.com", "timroseknee@earthlink.net cking@kosmont.com dkkeaney@earthlink.net ric.hill@21stcenturyinsurance.com biarondi@aol.com dgunderson@csiway.com wgreuel@dreamworks.com glengerson@msn.com rickeyg@gelbgroup.com bob@dykes.com rf@tvlf.com federico@lakesidemed.com dellis@ellishart.com rick.dinon@21stcenturyinsurance.com jeff.dasovich@enron.com intrust@thevine.net pat@c-linexp.com ac@cappellocorp.com bboudreau@malibuvalley.com ljbecker@uci.edu trabas@davis.com rbarger@barwol.com audwest@yahoo.com fred.e.alexander@kp.org kabels@ljtlaw.com", "", "Message-ID: <11618213.1075849431479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 06:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sabina@msn.com\nTo: timroseknee@earthlink.net, cking@kosmont.com, dkkeaney@earthlink.net,\n\tric.hill@21stcenturyinsurance.com, biarondi@aol.com,\n\tdgunderson@csiway.com, wgreuel@dreamworks.com, glengerson@msn.com,\n\trickeyg@gelbgroup.com, bob@dykes.com, rf@tvlf.com,\n\tfederico@lakesidemed.com, dellis@ellishart.com,\n\trick.dinon@21stcenturyinsurance.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,\n\tintrust@thevine.net, pat@c-linexp.com, ac@cappellocorp.com,\n\tbboudreau@malibuvalley.com, ljbecker@uci.edu, trabas@davis.com,\n\trbarger@barwol.com, audwest@yahoo.com, fred.e.alexander@kp.org,\n\tkabels@ljtlaw.com\nSubject: An invitation from Assemblyman Keith Richman\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"sabina\" \nX-To: \"Dr. Tim Kneebone, DPM\" , \"Coby King\" , \"Debbie Keaney\" , \"Ric Hill\" , \"Rondi Guthrie\" , \"Honorable Don Gunderson\" , \"Wendy Greuel\" , \"Glen Gerson\" , \"Rickey Gelb\" , \"Bob Dykes\" , \"Robert Fried\" , \"Dr. Frank Federico\" , \"Dave Ellis\" , \"Rick Dinon\" , \"Jeffrey Dasovich\" , \"Nelson Colvin\" , \"Pat Clav\" , \"Alex Cappello\" , \"Brian Boudreau\" , \"Dr. Lauren Becker\" , \"Terry Basso\" , \"Richards Barger\" , \"Dr. Gil Amelio\" , \"Dr. Frederic Alexander\" , \"Kelly Abels\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeff_Dasovich_Oct2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: DASOVICH-J\nX-FileName: jdasovic.nsf\n\n?\n - Golf 701.pdf", "An invitation from Assemblyman Keith Richman", "forward", [], "?\n - Golf 701.pdf", "<11618213.1075849431479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "8-5-2000-9:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-5-2000-1:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-5-2000-8:35:0Sbryan.seyfried@enron.com 22-5-2000-1:30:0Svasant.shanbhogue@enron.com 26-5-2000-2:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-5-2000-9:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-9:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rosalinda.resendez@enron.com"], ["bryan.seyfried@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6482436.1075856738999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 May 2000 09:46:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rosalinda.resendez@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tbryan.seyfried@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tbryan.seyfried@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rosalinda Resendez\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw, Bryan Seyfried\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRosie,\n\nWe are making arrangements to bring them to Houston for an\ninterview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRosalinda Resendez\n05/08/2000 11:10 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\n\nVince,\nI've been asked to forward these resumes to you.\n\nrosie\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000 \n11:06 AM ---------------------------\nLOUISE \nBRATBY \n05/08/2000 10:11 AM\n\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\nRosalinda\n\nI work with Melanie Doyle in London HR. I have two candidates who I'm trying \nto arrange (for Bryan Seyfried) to come in and see Vince Kaminski however I'm \nfinding it difficult to co-ordinate from this end. Would it be possible for \nyou to forward these CV's on to Vince's assistant as I'm not sure who the \ncorrect person is.\n\nThanks for your help and if you need more details my number is 44 20 7783 \n6945.\n\nRegards\nLouise\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Credit.com CV's", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "information", ["arrangements", "interview", "making"], "information", "rosie, we are making arrangements to bring them to houston for an interview."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "bring"], "intention", "rosie, we are making arrangements to bring them to houston for an interview."]], "Rosie,\n\nWe are making arrangements to bring them to Houston for an\ninterview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRosalinda Resendez\n05/08/2000 11:10 AM\n", "<6482436.1075856738999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "11-5-2000-1:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-1:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "louise.bratby@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6399595.1075857049961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 May 2000 01:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's\nCc: louise.bratby@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: louise.bratby@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Louise Bratby, Vince J Kaminski, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nHow are we doing on bringibg these people to Houston for an interview?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/11/2000 \n08:20 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBryan Seyfried\n05/10/2000 04:51 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's \n\nvince thanks for helping out.....we really need more dedicated assistance. \nzak is probably more pure research and his son phil would possibly be on the \ndesk.....let's discuss after you have met them..\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/08/2000 10:46 PM\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan \nSeyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's \n\nRosie,\n\nWe are making arrangements to bring them to Houston for an\ninterview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRosalinda Resendez\n05/08/2000 11:10 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\n\nVince,\nI've been asked to forward these resumes to you.\n\nrosie\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000 \n11:06 AM ---------------------------\nLOUISE \nBRATBY \n05/08/2000 10:11 AM\n\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\nRosalinda\n\nI work with Melanie Doyle in London HR. I have two candidates who I'm trying \nto arrange (for Bryan Seyfried) to come in and see Vince Kaminski however I'm \nfinding it difficult to co-ordinate from this end. Would it be possible for \nyou to forward these CV's on to Vince's assistant as I'm not sure who the \ncorrect person is.\n\nThanks for your help and if you need more details my number is 44 20 7783 \n6945.\n\nRegards\nLouise\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Credit.com CV's", "forward", [], "Shirley,\n\nHow are we doing on bringibg these people to Houston for an interview?\n\nVince\n\n", "<6399595.1075857049961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-5-2000-8:35:0Sbryan.seyfried@enron.com": ["20-5-2000-8:35:0", "bryan.seyfried@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32795313.1075857049828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 20 May 2000 08:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bryan.seyfried@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's\nCc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Bryan Seyfried\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCould we talk on Monday pls. obtain the feedback of your team.\n\nthanks for the assistance\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n08/05/2000 22:46\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan \nSeyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's \n\nRosie,\n\nWe are making arrangements to bring them to Houston for an\ninterview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRosalinda Resendez\n05/08/2000 11:10 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\n\nVince,\nI've been asked to forward these resumes to you.\n\nrosie\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000 \n11:06 AM ---------------------------\nLOUISE \nBRATBY \n05/08/2000 10:11 AM\n\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\nRosalinda\n\nI work with Melanie Doyle in London HR. I have two candidates who I'm trying \nto arrange (for Bryan Seyfried) to come in and see Vince Kaminski however I'm \nfinding it difficult to co-ordinate from this end. Would it be possible for \nyou to forward these CV's on to Vince's assistant as I'm not sure who the \ncorrect person is.\n\nThanks for your help and if you need more details my number is 44 20 7783 \n6945.\n\nRegards\nLouise\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Credit.com CV's", "reply", [], "Could we talk on Monday pls. obtain the feedback of your team.\n\nthanks for the assistance\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n08/05/2000 22:46\n", "<32795313.1075857049828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-5-2000-1:30:0Svasant.shanbhogue@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-1:30:0", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4169888.1075857067045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 01:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMy feedback:\n\n Philip has an excellent CV and background --- PhD coursework at University \nof Chicago, and work experience at Long Term Capital (hopefully he learned \nsomething). His views are somewhat idealistic --- his aim is to make \nbid-offers in any product, and he could not really address how he would \nhandle illiquidity. Nevertheless, if Bryan needs traders, he can fit the \nrole.\n Zak seemed somewhat unfocused. He has worked on a variety of projects, but \ndoes not have any specific view in mind as to what he would like to do. He \nseemed very academically oriented, and might be hard to communicate and work \nwith. I do not see him working in the trenches, and I do not see him leading \nthe group either. He would be a good person to brainstorm ideas with.\n\nVasant\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n08:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBryan Seyfried\n05/20/2000 09:35 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's \n\nCould we talk on Monday pls. obtain the feedback of your team.\n\nthanks for the assistance\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n08/05/2000 22:46\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan \nSeyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's \n\nRosie,\n\nWe are making arrangements to bring them to Houston for an\ninterview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRosalinda Resendez\n05/08/2000 11:10 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\n\nVince,\nI've been asked to forward these resumes to you.\n\nrosie\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000 \n11:06 AM ---------------------------\nLOUISE \nBRATBY \n05/08/2000 10:11 AM\n\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\nRosalinda\n\nI work with Melanie Doyle in London HR. I have two candidates who I'm trying \nto arrange (for Bryan Seyfried) to come in and see Vince Kaminski however I'm \nfinding it difficult to co-ordinate from this end. Would it be possible for \nyou to forward these CV's on to Vince's assistant as I'm not sure who the \ncorrect person is.\n\nThanks for your help and if you need more details my number is 44 20 7783 \n6945.\n\nRegards\nLouise\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Credit.com CV's", "forward", [], "My feedback:\n\n Philip has an excellent CV and background --- PhD coursework at University \nof Chicago, and work experience at Long Term Capital (hopefully he learned \nsomething). His views are somewhat idealistic --- his aim is to make \nbid-offers in any product, and he could not really address how he would \nhandle illiquidity. Nevertheless, if Bryan needs traders, he can fit the \nrole.\n Zak seemed somewhat unfocused. He has worked on a variety of projects, but \ndoes not have any specific view in mind as to what he would like to do. He \nseemed very academically oriented, and might be hard to communicate and work \nwith. I do not see him working in the trenches, and I do not see him leading \nthe group either. He would be a good person to brainstorm ideas with.\n\nVasant\n\n", "<4169888.1075857067045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-5-2000-2:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-5-2000-2:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "melanie.doyle@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21564436.1075856732474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 May 2000 02:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: melanie.doyle@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Melanie Doyle\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMelanie,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000 \n09:27 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVasant Shanbhogue\n05/22/2000 08:30 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's\n\nMy feedback:\n\n Philip has an excellent CV and background --- PhD coursework at University \nof Chicago, and work experience at Long Term Capital (hopefully he learned \nsomething). His views are somewhat idealistic --- his aim is to make \nbid-offers in any product, and he could not really address how he would \nhandle illiquidity. Nevertheless, if Bryan needs traders, he can fit the \nrole.\n Zak seemed somewhat unfocused. He has worked on a variety of projects, but \ndoes not have any specific view in mind as to what he would like to do. He \nseemed very academically oriented, and might be hard to communicate and work \nwith. I do not see him working in the trenches, and I do not see him leading \nthe group either. He would be a good person to brainstorm ideas with.\n\nVasant\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n08:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBryan Seyfried\n05/20/2000 09:35 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's \n\nCould we talk on Monday pls. obtain the feedback of your team.\n\nthanks for the assistance\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n08/05/2000 22:46\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan \nSeyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Credit.com CV's \n\nRosie,\n\nWe are making arrangements to bring them to Houston for an\ninterview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRosalinda Resendez\n05/08/2000 11:10 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\n\nVince,\nI've been asked to forward these resumes to you.\n\nrosie\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000 \n11:06 AM ---------------------------\nLOUISE \nBRATBY \n05/08/2000 10:11 AM\n\nTo: Rosalinda Resendez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Credit.com CV's\n\nRosalinda\n\nI work with Melanie Doyle in London HR. I have two candidates who I'm trying \nto arrange (for Bryan Seyfried) to come in and see Vince Kaminski however I'm \nfinding it difficult to co-ordinate from this end. Would it be possible for \nyou to forward these CV's on to Vince's assistant as I'm not sure who the \ncorrect person is.\n\nThanks for your help and if you need more details my number is 44 20 7783 \n6945.\n\nRegards\nLouise\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Credit.com CV's", "forward", [], "Melanie,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n", "<21564436.1075856732474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "2-2-2001-0:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-2-2001-9:27:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": {"2-2-2001-0:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-2-2001-0:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mark.palmer@enron.com"], ["christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9551326.1075856222047.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 00:45:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mark.palmer@enron.com\nSubject: The latest (last?)\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mark S Palmer\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Christie Patrick\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMark,\n\nI am sending you the final (?) draft of the paper by John Martin\non Enron's transformation. John Martin is a prof from Baylor who visited us \na few weeks ago.\n\nCan you take a look at the paper and bless it. I haven't read this last \nversion\nof the paper yet and I will go through it on weekend.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/02/2001 \n08:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"John D. Martin\" on 02/01/2001 04:15:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: The latest (last?)\n\n\nVince,\n\nAttached is my latest attempt to wrap everything together. Our timetable\nis very short as we need an \"approved by Enron\" version of the paper to Don\nby next Wednesday. Don has already made editorial changes for us and may\nmake some additional \"writing style\" changes but he doesn't change the\ncontent.\n\nI'll give you a call later today to alert you to the e-mail.\n\ntake care,\n\njohn\n\np.s. i had a nice conversation with steve. sounds like he's landed a\npretty good contract with Wiley.\n\n \n - Enron_Paper_2_1_01.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html \n", "The latest (last?)", "originEmail", [["read_translate_learn information", 16, "information", ["paper", "read"], "information", " i haven't read this last version of the paper yet and i will go through it on weekend."]], "Mark,\n\nI am sending you the final (?) draft of the paper by John Martin\non Enron's transformation. John Martin is a prof from Baylor who visited us \na few weeks ago.\n\nCan you take a look at the paper and bless it. I haven't read this last \nversion\nof the paper yet and I will go through it on weekend.\n\nVince\n\n", "<9551326.1075856222047.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"edition_version paperTnn": {"value": "edition_version paperTnn", "ne": "edition_version paperTnn", "patterns": ["edition_version paperTnn"]}, "paper reading_versionTnn": {"value": "paper reading_versionTnn", "ne": "paper reading_versionTnn", "patterns": ["paper reading_versionTnn"]}}, false], "7-2-2001-9:27:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": ["7-2-2001-9:27:0", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "mark.palmer@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com j_martin@baylor.edu", "Message-ID: <32527717.1075856633361.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 09:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: christie.patrick@enron.com\nTo: mark.palmer@enron.com\nSubject: The latest (last?)\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, j_martin@baylor.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, j_martin@baylor.edu\nX-From: Christie Patrick\nX-To: Mark Palmer\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, J_Martin@baylor.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n..as Columbo would say..\"..just one more thing\"\n\np.20 last bullet: Enron focusing on recruiting AND RETAINING talent\n\nThanks again! Christie.\n----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 02/07/2001 05:24 PM -----\n\n\tChristie Patrick\n\t02/07/2001 05:23 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, J_Martin@baylor.edu\n\t\t Subject: The latest (last?)\n\nMark!\n\nPlease review the attached article and forward your comments/authorization \nfor its use to John Martin at Baylor, copying me and Vince.\n\nJohn and Vince,\n\nI have a few simple comments:\n\n1. Please use \"Enron Corp.\" [rather than \"Enron Corporation\"]\n\n2. page 3: as of yesterday, Fortune Magazine named Enron \"most innovative\" \nfor the SIXTH year in a row\n\n3. page 5: 2nd paragraph: regarding the \"gas bank\" concept--I believe when \nJeff first introduced it, it fell flat. I think John pick's that up (and \nEnron's subsequent recovery of a version of the concept on p.6), but it's \nprobably accurate to mention that at first, it didn't go over.\n\n4. page 13: re: Cindy Olson's comment on a possible 5 X difference between \na \"satisfactory\" and \"superior\" VP--the difference referred to is probably \nthe \"bonus\" rather than \"compensation\" (which , to me, is generally means \nbase salary); also, it varies for each review period, as comparative \nperformance might vary; further, we might want to run that quote by Cindy \njust to make sure she's OK with it's publication (she might have no problem \nwith it whatsoever, but I know for other articles, she's been more reluctant \nto provide that kind of statistic).\n\n5. page 17 (after Annual report quote): I suggest changing \"Enron's \nwholesale business... provides\" to \"...businesses..provide\"; also, rather \nthan \"Enron Wholesale\" we might want to define this by the term Enron uses: \n\"Enron Wholesale Services\"\n\n6. page 18: 2nd paragraph: the tense switching from past to present is \ntechnically correct if read carefully , but seems awkward when reading it\n\n7. page 19: effective February, Jeff Skilling is \"CEO\".\n\n...that's my 2-cents worth!! I think the article is great...even \ninteresting (ha!)...even to non-MBA's like me!!\n\nThanks!\n\n--Christie.\n\n\n----- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 02/07/2001 04:41 PM -----\n\n\tVince J Kaminski\n\t02/02/2001 08:45 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Mark S Palmer/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: The latest (last?)\n\nMark,\n\nI am sending you the final (?) draft of the paper by John Martin\non Enron's transformation. John Martin is a prof from Baylor who visited us \na few weeks ago.\n\nCan you take a look at the paper and bless it. I haven't read this last \nversion\nof the paper yet and I will go through it on weekend.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/02/2001 \n08:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"John D. Martin\" on 02/01/2001 04:15:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: The latest (last?)\n\n\nVince,\n\nAttached is my latest attempt to wrap everything together. Our timetable\nis very short as we need an \"approved by Enron\" version of the paper to Don\nby next Wednesday. Don has already made editorial changes for us and may\nmake some additional \"writing style\" changes but he doesn't change the\ncontent.\n\nI'll give you a call later today to alert you to the e-mail.\n\ntake care,\n\njohn\n\np.s. i had a nice conversation with steve. sounds like he's landed a\npretty good contract with Wiley.\n\n \n - Enron_Paper_2_1_01.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html \n\n\n", "The latest (last?)", "forward", [], "..as Columbo would say..\"..just one more thing\"\n\np.20 last bullet: Enron focusing on recruiting AND RETAINING talent\n\nThanks again! Christie.\n---", "<32527717.1075856633361.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "9-3-2000-5:27:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 13-3-2000-4:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-3-2000-0:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-3-2000-8:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-3-2000-2:59:0Sdawn@perfectmeeting.com 19-3-2000-3:33:0Sdawn@perfectmeeting.com": {"9-3-2000-5:27:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["9-3-2000-5:27:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nI sent you itinerary to her, but did not send a photo or the handouts.\nThanks!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 03/09/2000 \n01:26 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dawn Scovill\" on 02/29/2000 09:20:48 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Upcoming Energy Conference - Kaminski Requirements\nGood morning, Shirley! I'm missing some things from Mr. Kaminski w/ regard\nto\nhis presentation in Miami in a few weeks. At your earliest convenience,\ncould you please forward the following:\n* PR Photo - either electronic or I'll scan & return\n* Handouts - either electronic or mail clean copy to the address below\n* Copy of his flight itinerary, so we know when to expect him\nAll the contact info you need is as follows:\nDawn Scovill, Conference Coordinator\n\"Powerful New Ideas 2000\"\nPMB #216, 2480 S. Congress Avenue\nWest Palm Beach, FL 33406\nPhone (561) 439-7682 - Fax (561) 439-7055 - Email dawn@perfectmeeting.com\nI would really appreciate your prompt attention - I'm working toward getting\nthe room set-ups & conference book finalized. Thanks for your help. Look\nforward to a great conference!!\nDawn\n************************************************\nFROM: Dawn Scovill, Event Coordinator\nDESIGNS Event Consulting\ndawn@perfectmeeting.com\n", ["Upcoming Energy Conference - Kaminski Requirements"], "{'body': ['dawn@perfectmeeting.com']}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 1, "information", ["you", "sent"], "information", "vince: i sent you itinerary to her, but did not send a photo or the handouts."]], "Vince:\n\nI sent you itinerary to her, but did not send a photo or the handouts.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n", ["<9866465.1075856761883.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18655680.1075857039932.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28552345.1075856810272.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-3-2000-4:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-3-2000-4:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dawn@perfectmeeting.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5459870.1075856760712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 04:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: dawn@perfectmeeting.com\nSubject: Presentation\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: dawn@perfectmeeting.com\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDawn,\n\nI am sending you an electronic version of my presentation.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", "Presentation", "originEmail", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 2, "information", ["sending", "presentation"], "information", "dawn, i am sending you an electronic version of my presentation."]], "Dawn,\n\nI am sending you an electronic version of my presentation.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", "<5459870.1075856760712.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"electronic versionTnn": {"value": "electronic versionTnn", "ne": "electronic versionTnn", "patterns": ["electronic versionTnn"]}, "final0version_version presentationTnn": {"value": "final0version_version presentationTnn", "ne": "final0version_version presentationTnn", "patterns": ["final0version_version presentationTnn"]}}, true], "16-3-2000-0:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-3-2000-0:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dawn@perfectmeeting.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "sobotkad@kochind.com"], "Dawn,\nI met David Sobotka from Koch this morning and we talked about coordinating \nour presentations.\nThis means there will be changes intended to avoid overlaps. Sorry for that. \nThe portions of my presentation\nwill survive (those about valuation paradigms) and I shall add a few more \npages on accounting treatment of weather derivatives\nplus more specific examples. David will cover primarily market evolution + \nplus examples of some\nstandard structures, and we shall both give more interesting examples of\nspecific deals executed by our companies.\nI shall send you an updated version of my part next week. Let me know what \nthe deadline is.\nVince\n\"Dawn Scovill\" on 03/14/2000 07:53:47 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Presentation\nThanks -- would you like me to include these in the conference book? or do\nyou anticipate changes?\nDawn\n************************************************\nFROM: Dawn Scovill, Conference Coordinator\n\"Powerful New Ideas 2000\"\ndawn@perfectmeeting.com\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski \nTo: \nCc: Shirley Crenshaw ; Vince J Kaminski\n; Vince J Kaminski \nSent: Monday, March 13, 2000 1:56 PM\nSubject: Presentation\n>\n>\n> Dawn,\n>\n> I am sending you an electronic version of my presentation.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n> (See attached file: fpl0400.ppt)\n>\n", ["Re: Presentation"], "{'body': ['dawn@perfectmeeting.com'], 'recipients': ['dawn@perfectmeeting.com']}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 42, "nninformation", ["send", "version"], "intention", " i shall send you an updated version of my part next week."]], "Dawn,\n\nI met David Sobotka from Koch this morning and we talked about coordinating \nour presentations.\nThis means there will be changes intended to avoid overlaps. Sorry for that. \nThe portions of my presentation\nwill survive (those about valuation paradigms) and I shall add a few more \npages on accounting treatment of weather derivatives\nplus more specific examples. David will cover primarily market evolution + \nplus examples of some\nstandard structures, and we shall both give more interesting examples of\nspecific deals executed by our companies.\n\nI shall send you an updated version of my part next week. Let me know what \nthe deadline is.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Dawn Scovill\" ", "<317575.1075856996808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2442126.1075856759829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31477231.1075857039910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-3-2000-8:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-3-2000-8:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sobotkad@kochind.com"], ["dawn@perfectmeeting.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "David,\nI am leaving for vacation this weekend and I haven't received the copy of \nyour presentation yet.\nThe window during which I could make changes to my presentation is closing \nvery fast. Let's\ndo the following: I shall keep my presentation as is (this means that I shall \nuse the copy of my \npresentation I sent to Dawn Scovill and you this week). If there is an \noverlap between our presentations, so be it.\nDawn, please use the copy of my presentation I sent you earlier this week.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/17/2000 \n04:33 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n03/16/2000 08:02 AM\nTo: \"Dawn Scovill\" @ ENRON\ncc: sobotkad@kochind.com, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Presentation \nDawn,\nI met David Sobotka from Koch this morning and we talked about coordinating \nour presentations.\nThis means there will be changes intended to avoid overlaps. Sorry for that. \nThe portions of my presentation\nwill survive (those about valuation paradigms) and I shall add a few more \npages on accounting treatment of weather derivatives\nplus more specific examples. David will cover primarily market evolution + \nplus examples of some\nstandard structures, and we shall both give more interesting examples of\nspecific deals executed by our companies.\nI shall send you an updated version of my part next week. Let me know what \nthe deadline is.\nVince\n\"Dawn Scovill\" on 03/14/2000 07:53:47 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Presentation\nThanks -- would you like me to include these in the conference book? or do\nyou anticipate changes?\nDawn\n************************************************\nFROM: Dawn Scovill, Conference Coordinator\n\"Powerful New Ideas 2000\"\ndawn@perfectmeeting.com\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski \nTo: \nCc: Shirley Crenshaw ; Vince J Kaminski\n; Vince J Kaminski \nSent: Monday, March 13, 2000 1:56 PM\nSubject: Presentation\n>\n>\n> Dawn,\n>\n> I am sending you an electronic version of my presentation.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n> (See attached file: fpl0400.ppt)\n>\n", ["Re: Presentation"], "{'body': ['dawn@perfectmeeting.com'], 'recipients': ['dawn@perfectmeeting.com']}", [["make change", 7, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", " the window during which i could make changes to my presentation is closing very fast."], ["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 18, "information", ["sent", "presentation"], "information", " let's do the following: i shall keep my presentation as is (this means that i shall use the copy of my presentation i sent to dawn scovill and you this week)."], ["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 26, "information", ["sent", "presentation"], "information", " dawn, please use the copy of my presentation i sent you earlier this week."]], "David,\n\nI am leaving for vacation this weekend and I haven't received the copy of \nyour presentation yet.\nThe window during which I could make changes to my presentation is closing \nvery fast. Let's\ndo the following: I shall keep my presentation as is (this means that I shall \nuse the copy of my \npresentation I sent to Dawn Scovill and you this week). If there is an \noverlap between our presentations, so be it.\n\nDawn, please use the copy of my presentation I sent you earlier this week.\n\nVince\n\n\n", ["<25913344.1075856939223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24997298.1075856996115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27786158.1075856758351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33427911.1075857039867.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5971333.1075856812558.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "19-3-2000-2:59:0Sdawn@perfectmeeting.com": ["19-3-2000-2:59:0", "dawn@perfectmeeting.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "If you would like a hard copy of the presentation to be included in the\nConference Book, I'll need it before Friday, March 24. Thank you both for\nall your time & work on this.\nDawn\n************************************************\nFROM: Dawn Scovill, Event Coordinator\nDESIGNS Event Consulting\ndawn@perfectmeeting.com\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 9:02 AM\nSubject: Re: Presentation\n>\n> Dawn,\n>\n> I met David Sobotka from Koch this morning and we talked about\n> coordinating our presentations.\n> This means there will be changes intended to avoid overlaps. Sorry for\n> that. The portions of my presentation\n> will survive (those about valuation paradigms) and I shall add a few more\n> pages on accounting treatment of weather derivatives\n> plus more specific examples. David will cover primarily market evolution +\n> plus examples of some\n> standard structures, and we shall both give more interesting examples of\n> specific deals executed by our companies.\n>\n> I shall send you an updated version of my part next week. Let me know what\n> the deadline is.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Dawn Scovill\" on 03/14/2000 07:53:47 AM\n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Presentation\n>\n>\n> Thanks -- would you like me to include these in the conference book? or do\n> you anticipate changes?\n>\n> Dawn\n> ************************************************\n> FROM: Dawn Scovill, Conference Coordinator\n> \"Powerful New Ideas 2000\"\n> dawn@perfectmeeting.com\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: Vince J Kaminski \n> To: \n> Cc: Shirley Crenshaw ; Vince J Kaminski\n> ; Vince J Kaminski\n\n> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 1:56 PM\n> Subject: Presentation\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Dawn,\n> >\n> > I am sending you an electronic version of my presentation.\n> >\n> > Vince Kaminski\n> >\n> > (See attached file: fpl0400.ppt)\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Presentation"], "{'body': ['dawn@perfectmeeting.com']}", [], "If you would like a hard copy of the presentation to be included in the\nConference Book, I'll need it before Friday, March 24. Thank you both for\nall your time & work on this.\n\nDawn\n************************************************\nFROM: Dawn Scovill, Event Coordinator\nDESIGNS Event Consulting\ndawn@perfectmeeting.com\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<24997615.1075857039844.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23416723.1075856812653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-3-2000-3:33:0Sdawn@perfectmeeting.com": ["19-3-2000-3:33:0", "dawn@perfectmeeting.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Will do -- thank you very much.\nDawn\n************************************************\nFROM: Dawn Scovill, Event Coordinator\nDESIGNS Event Consulting\ndawn@perfectmeeting.com\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski \nTo: \nCc: ; Vince J Kaminski\n; \nSent: Friday, March 17, 2000 5:38 PM\nSubject: Re: Presentation\n>\n>\n> David,\n>\n> I am leaving for vacation this weekend and I haven't received the copy of\nyour\n> presentation yet.\n> The window during which I could make changes to my presentation is closing\nvery\n> fast. Let's\n> do the following: I shall keep my presentation as is (this means that I\nshall\n> use the copy of my\n> presentation I sent to Dawn Scovill and you this week). If there is an\noverlap\n> between our presentations, so be it.\n>\n> Dawn, please use the copy of my presentation I sent you earlier this week.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/17/2000\n04:33\n> PM ---------------------------\n>\n>\n> Vince J Kaminski\n> 03/16/2000 08:02 AM\n>\n> To: \"Dawn Scovill\" @ ENRON\n> cc: sobotkad@kochind.com, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> Subject: Re: Presentation (Document link: Vince J Kaminski)\n>\n> Dawn,\n>\n> I met David Sobotka from Koch this morning and we talked about\ncoordinating our\n> presentations.\n> This means there will be changes intended to avoid overlaps. Sorry for\nthat. The\n> portions of my presentation\n> will survive (those about valuation paradigms) and I shall add a few more\npages\n> on accounting treatment of weather derivatives\n> plus more specific examples. David will cover primarily market evolution +\nplus\n> examples of some\n> standard structures, and we shall both give more interesting examples of\n> specific deals executed by our companies.\n>\n> I shall send you an updated version of my part next week. Let me know what\nthe\n> deadline is.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Dawn Scovill\" on 03/14/2000 07:53:47 AM\n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Presentation\n>\n>\n> Thanks -- would you like me to include these in the conference book? or do\n> you anticipate changes?\n>\n> Dawn\n> ************************************************\n> FROM: Dawn Scovill, Conference Coordinator\n> \"Powerful New Ideas 2000\"\n> dawn@perfectmeeting.com\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: Vince J Kaminski \n> To: \n> Cc: Shirley Crenshaw ; Vince J Kaminski\n> ; Vince J Kaminski\n\n> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 1:56 PM\n> Subject: Presentation\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Dawn,\n> >\n> > I am sending you an electronic version of my presentation.\n> >\n> > Vince Kaminski\n> >\n> > (See attached file: fpl0400.ppt)\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Presentation"], "{'body': ['dawn@perfectmeeting.com']}", [], "Will do -- thank you very much.\n\nDawn\n************************************************\nFROM: Dawn Scovill, Event Coordinator\nDESIGNS Event Consulting\ndawn@perfectmeeting.com\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski ", "<26157054.1075857039822.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4944634.1075856812677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "5-6-2000-2:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-6-2000-1:46:0Sbenjamin.parsons@enron.com": {"5-6-2000-2:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-2:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["bryan.seyfried@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5719184.1075856640073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 02:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bryan.seyfried@enron.com\nSubject: Wharton Event-June10-Insead\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Bryan Seyfried\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBryan,\n\nI shall call you later today when I have a chance to read the message from \nBen.\n\nI wanted to ask you for a favor (on a very short notice). We are talking to \nthe Wharton School\nabout setting up a relationship with them and getting involved in one or \nmore research projects\nwith them.\n\nOne of the potential topics is emerging technologies. The Wharton offers a \nsymposium in Paris on June 10\n on High Tech Acquisitions and it would make a lot of sense if you\n(or somebody from London you could identify) could attend and help us to \nevaluate the usefulness\nof this project.\n\nI am enclosing the message from the person in Wharton running this program.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/05/2000 \n09:08 AM ---------------------------\n\n\ntomczyk@wharton.upenn.edu (Michael Tomczyk) on 05/18/2000 10:56:08 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: Thomas.Piazze@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Wharton Event-June10-Insead\n\n\nVincent,\n\nIt was truly a pleasure getting to know you in our meeting yesterday, and I\nlook forward to the prospect of exchanging views in the future on a variety\nof topics pertaining to emerging technologies.\n\nPer our discussion, I've enclosed three files that include an invitation,\nagenda and rsvp form for the June 10 symposium on High Tech Acquisitions at\nInsead. If you or the individual(s) who will be attending have any\nquestions, please email: Phanish Puranam at: PHANIS20@WHARTON.UPENN.EDU or\nyou can call him at 215-898-1231.\n\nThis initiative will be expanded during the coming year and I believe that\nEnron's involvement will give the company access to some of the early\nresearch in progress as it unfolds, and of course, if you become involved\nas a partner in the Emerging Technologies Program you would have\nopportunities to help guide the direction of the research which is one of\nthe partnership \"benefits.\"\n\nOur next upcoming events are scheduled for:\n\nFriday, September 8\n\"WHAT NEXT ON THE INTERNET?\"\nThis is a faculty update day with industry partners also invited.\nWe will co-sponsor this with Wharton's major e-Business initiative.\nMajor issues addresses include \"New Economics of the Web\" and\n\"Internet, Anywhere.\"\n\nFriday, October 20\n\"FIRST MOVER ADVANTAGE, SHAKEOUTS & SURVIVAL STRATEGIES\"\nDesigned by the ET core group and\npresented in collaboration with the e-Commerce Forum.\n\nAs I indicated during our discussion, participation in the Emerging\nTechnologies Management Research Program is by invitation and on behalf of\nour core faculty, I am pleased to extend an invitation for Enron to join\nthe program.\n\nTo assist in your decision, we recommend having a representative attend the\nsymposium in Paris on June 10 to \"test drive\" the program.\n\nI'll send you a formal invitation which you are free to accept at your\nconvenience, should you agree that Enron's participation in the ET Program\nwould be of value.\n\nPlease call or email if you have any comments or questions.\n\nbest regards,\nMichael\n\n\n - Insead workshop Invitation lett - Insead Workshop Agenda1.doc - RSVP \nform.doc\nMichael S. Tomczyk\nManaging Director\nEmerging Technologies Management Research Program\n1400 SH-DH/6371\nThe Wharton School\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6371\n\nTel 215-573-7722\nFax 215-573-2129\n\n\n\n", "Wharton Event-June10-Insead", "originEmail", [["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 37, "nninformation", ["evaluate", "usefulness"], "intention", " the wharton offers a symposium in paris on datenumeric on high tech acquisitions and it would make a lot of sense if you (or somebody from london you could identify) could attend and help us to evaluate the usefulness of this project."]], "Bryan,\n\nI shall call you later today when I have a chance to read the message from \nBen.\n\nI wanted to ask you for a favor (on a very short notice). We are talking to \nthe Wharton School\nabout setting up a relationship with them and getting involved in one or \nmore research projects\nwith them.\n\nOne of the potential topics is emerging technologies. The Wharton offers a \nsymposium in Paris on June 10\n on High Tech Acquisitions and it would make a lot of sense if you\n(or somebody from London you could identify) could attend and help us to \nevaluate the usefulness\nof this project.\n\nI am enclosing the message from the person in Wharton running this program.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n", "<5719184.1075856640073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"high techTnn": {"value": "high techTnn", "ne": "high techTnn", "patterns": ["high techTnn"]}}, false], "8-6-2000-1:46:0Sbenjamin.parsons@enron.com": ["8-6-2000-1:46:0", "benjamin.parsons@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1811536.1075856611174.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 01:46:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: benjamin.parsons@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Wharton Event-June10-Insead\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Benjamin Parsons\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nBryan has been unable to find anyone suitable to attend this symposium on \nSaturday, so has suggested I attend, which I am happy to do. My only \nreservation is that my knowledge of this area is very limited, so it is \nlikely I would just be an observer, rather than a participant. Anyway just so \nthat I am adequately prepared could you briefly describe our current \nrelationship with this project, and also suggest any reading, like a magazine \nor paper, that would quickly aid my understanding of the topics to be \ndiscussed.\n\nMany thanks,\n\nBen\n---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Parsons/LON/ECT on 08/06/2000 \n08:36 ---------------------------\n\n\nBryan Seyfried\n06/06/2000 16:46\nTo: Benjamin Parsons/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Wharton Event-June10-Insead\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT on 06/06/2000 \n16:48 ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/06/2000 15:13\nTo: Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Wharton Event-June10-Insead\n\nBryan,\n\nI shall call you later today when I have a chance to read the message from \nBen.\n\nI wanted to ask you for a favor (on a very short notice). We are talking to \nthe Wharton School\nabout setting up a relationship with them and getting involved in one or \nmore research projects\nwith them.\n\nOne of the potential topics is emerging technologies. The Wharton offers a \nsymposium in Paris on June 10\n on High Tech Acquisitions and it would make a lot of sense if you\n(or somebody from London you could identify) could attend and help us to \nevaluate the usefulness\nof this project.\n\nI am enclosing the message from the person in Wharton running this program.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/05/2000 \n09:08 AM ---------------------------\n\n\ntomczyk@wharton.upenn.edu (Michael Tomczyk) on 05/18/2000 10:56:08 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: Thomas.Piazze@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Wharton Event-June10-Insead\n\n\nVincent,\n\nIt was truly a pleasure getting to know you in our meeting yesterday, and I\nlook forward to the prospect of exchanging views in the future on a variety\nof topics pertaining to emerging technologies.\n\nPer our discussion, I've enclosed three files that include an invitation,\nagenda and rsvp form for the June 10 symposium on High Tech Acquisitions at\nInsead. If you or the individual(s) who will be attending have any\nquestions, please email: Phanish Puranam at: PHANIS20@WHARTON.UPENN.EDU or\nyou can call him at 215-898-1231.\n\nThis initiative will be expanded during the coming year and I believe that\nEnron's involvement will give the company access to some of the early\nresearch in progress as it unfolds, and of course, if you become involved\nas a partner in the Emerging Technologies Program you would have\nopportunities to help guide the direction of the research which is one of\nthe partnership \"benefits.\"\n\nOur next upcoming events are scheduled for:\n\nFriday, September 8\n\"WHAT NEXT ON THE INTERNET?\"\nThis is a faculty update day with industry partners also invited.\nWe will co-sponsor this with Wharton's major e-Business initiative.\nMajor issues addresses include \"New Economics of the Web\" and\n\"Internet, Anywhere.\"\n\nFriday, October 20\n\"FIRST MOVER ADVANTAGE, SHAKEOUTS & SURVIVAL STRATEGIES\"\nDesigned by the ET core group and\npresented in collaboration with the e-Commerce Forum.\n\nAs I indicated during our discussion, participation in the Emerging\nTechnologies Management Research Program is by invitation and on behalf of\nour core faculty, I am pleased to extend an invitation for Enron to join\nthe program.\n\nTo assist in your decision, we recommend having a representative attend the\nsymposium in Paris on June 10 to \"test drive\" the program.\n\nI'll send you a formal invitation which you are free to accept at your\nconvenience, should you agree that Enron's participation in the ET Program\nwould be of value.\n\nPlease call or email if you have any comments or questions.\n\nbest regards,\nMichael\n\n\n - Insead workshop Invitation lett - Insead Workshop Agenda1.doc - RSVP \nform.doc\nMichael S. Tomczyk\nManaging Director\nEmerging Technologies Management Research Program\n1400 SH-DH/6371\nThe Wharton School\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6371\n\nTel 215-573-7722\nFax 215-573-2129\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Wharton Event-June10-Insead", "forward", [], "Vince,\n\nBryan has been unable to find anyone suitable to attend this symposium on \nSaturday, so has suggested I attend, which I am happy to do. My only \nreservation is that my knowledge of this area is very limited, so it is \nlikely I would just be an observer, rather than a participant. Anyway just so \nthat I am adequately prepared could you briefly describe our current \nrelationship with this project, and also suggest any reading, like a magazine \nor paper, that would quickly aid my understanding of the topics to be \ndiscussed.\n\nMany thanks,\n\nBen\n", "<1811536.1075856611174.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "11-7-2000-5:44:0Sguillermo.canovas@enron.com 14-7-2000-4:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-7-2000-5:44:0Sguillermo.canovas@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-5:44:0", "guillermo.canovas@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32641913.1075856312541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 05:44:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: guillermo.canovas@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: May 9/10, 2000 Seminar\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Guillermo Canovas\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Vince J Kaminski@ECT\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMy name is Guillermo C?novas, and I am Regulatory and Government Affairs \nDirector for Enron Am,rica del Sur (Argentina). \nI understand you spoke in a seminar that took place on May 9/10 where it was \ndiscussed: 1) effective power price modelling; 2) applying a real option \napproach for the valuation of power plants.\nOne consultant and researcher, who shares Enron's belief in open markets and \ncompetition (and therefore is helping us to open Argentine energy markets), \nasked me if we could send him a copy of the booklet or slides that you and \nother speakers presented during the seminar.\nIf this is feasible, I would appreciate if you could send a copy of the \nmaterial to me at Enron Am,rica del Sur, located at: Av. Eduardo Madero 900 - \nPiso 17 (1106) - Buenos Aires - Argentina\nPlease, do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or \nrequire further information. I can be reached at the following number: \n5411-4891-3600\n\nSincerely,\n\nGuillermo.", "May 9/10, 2000 Seminar", "reply", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 24, "information", ["applying", "price"], "information", " i understand you spoke in a seminar that took place on datenumeric / numeric where it was discussed: numeric ) effective power price modelling; numeric ) applying a real option approach for the valuation of power plants."]], "My name is Guillermo C?novas, and I am Regulatory and Government Affairs \nDirector for Enron Am,rica del Sur (Argentina). \nI understand you spoke in a seminar that took place on May 9/10 where it was \ndiscussed: 1) effective power price modelling; 2) applying a real option \napproach for the valuation of power plants.\nOne consultant and researcher, who shares Enron's belief in open markets and \ncompetition (and therefore is helping us to open Argentine energy markets), \nasked me if we could send him a copy of the booklet or slides that you and \nother speakers presented during the seminar.\nIf this is feasible, I would appreciate if you could send a copy of the \nmaterial to me at Enron Am,rica del Sur, located at: Av. Eduardo Madero 900 - \nPiso 17 (1106) - Buenos Aires - Argentina\nPlease, do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or \nrequire further information. I can be reached at the following number: \n5411-4891-3600\n\nSincerely,\n\nGuillermo.", "<32641913.1075856312541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}}, false], "14-7-2000-4:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-7-2000-4:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["guillermo.canovas@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19979429.1075856311023.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 04:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: guillermo.canovas@enron.com\nSubject: Re: May 9/10, 2000 Seminar\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Guillermo Canovas\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGuillermo,\n\nMy slides are attached. There were many other speakers at this conference.\nYou can purchase the documentation from Energy and Power\nRisk Management.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGuillermo Canovas@ENRON\n07/11/2000 10:44 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: May 9/10, 2000 Seminar\n\n\nMy name is Guillermo C?novas, and I am Regulatory and Government Affairs \nDirector for Enron Am,rica del Sur (Argentina). \nI understand you spoke in a seminar that took place on May 9/10 where it was \ndiscussed: 1) effective power price modelling; 2) applying a real option \napproach for the valuation of power plants.\nOne consultant and researcher, who shares Enron's belief in open markets and \ncompetition (and therefore is helping us to open Argentine energy markets), \nasked me if we could send him a copy of the booklet or slides that you and \nother speakers presented during the seminar.\nIf this is feasible, I would appreciate if you could send a copy of the \nmaterial to me at Enron Am,rica del Sur, located at: Av. Eduardo Madero 900 - \nPiso 17 (1106) - Buenos Aires - Argentina\nPlease, do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or \nrequire further information. I can be reached at the following number: \n5411-4891-3600\n\nSincerely,\n\nGuillermo.\n\n\n", "Re: May 9/10, 2000 Seminar", "originEmail", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 5, "information", ["attached", "slides"], "information", "guillermo, my slides are attached."]], "Guillermo,\n\nMy slides are attached. There were many other speakers at this conference.\nYou can purchase the documentation from Energy and Power\nRisk Management.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGuillermo Canovas@ENRON\n07/11/2000 10:44 AM\n", "<19979429.1075856311023.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric seminarTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-3-2000-8:44:0Snurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu 1-3-2000-23:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-3-2000-8:44:0Snurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu": ["1-3-2000-8:44:0", "nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu", "Message-ID: <20612257.1075857068652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 08:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Job application\nCc: nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu\nX-From: Nurit Krausz \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Nurit Krausz \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI currently hold a post-doctorate position in the Mathematics\nDepartment at the University of Texas at Austin (with a Ph.D.\nin theoretical physics). Although my position here is renewable\nuntil summer 2001, I would like to move on to a more dynamic field\nwhere I can still use my analytical skills and mathematical knowledge.\nSince attending a series of lectures on mathematical finance given\nby Dr. Marc Potters last summer I started studying the subject on my\nown and found it intriguing and challenging.\n\nI am interested in a position in your group (RAC) at Enron.\nLast fall in a Career seminar at UT you mentioned that people who are\ninterested can send you their resume. If this is still relevant, please\nfind below my resume (in Word 97 and text formats).\nThank you for your time.\n\nYours,\nNurit Krausz\n\n***********************************************************************\nNurit Krausz, Ph.D. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\nDept. of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7170\nUniversity of Texas at Austin Office: RLM 11.170 Hours:MWF 8:30-10\n***********************************************************************\n\nRESUME\n\nNurit Krausz\nUniversity of Texas\nDepartment of Mathematics\nAustin, TX 78712\nPhone: (512) 471-7170\nE-mail: nurit@math.utexas.edu\nhttp://rene.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\n\nObjective\n\nA position in the field of mathematical finance utilizing broad\nmathematical knowledge, innovative thinking and creativity.\n\nSummary of Qualifications\n\nWith extensive academic background and research experience,\ncombined with experience as an engineer in the Israeli Air Force,\nI possess the following:\n* Deep mathematical and scientific knowledge.\n* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.\n* Proven ability to quickly become an expert in new subjects.\n* Ability to present clearly and effectively complicated subjects.\n* Ability to work productively both independently and in teams.\n\nAcademic Positions\n\n1998-present: Post-doctorate position at the University of Texas\nat Austin, Department of Mathematics.\n\nEducation\n\n1994-1998: D.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: Quantum Dynamics on Non-compact Group Manifolds.\nSupervisor: Prof. M. Marinov.\n\n1992-1994: M.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: A Study of Scintillation in Doped Silica Glass\nfor Detection of Neutrino Oscillation.\nSupervisor: Prof. J. Goldberg.\nThe experiments were performed at CERN during the summer of 1993.\n* Performed the design, testing, and installation of the experimental\n setup from remote-controlled mechanical equipment to sophisticated\n electronics.\n* Performed statistical data analysis and critical interpretation of\n results using software developed at CERN (PAW).\n* Solved a complicated problem of track reconstruction through an\n unusually shaped magnet for the CHORUS collaboration at CERN, and\n delivered a computer code ready for implementation, still in use\n today.\n\n1985-1989: B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering Cum Laude at the\nTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology.\n\nMilitary Service\n\n1989-1992: Aeronautic design engineer in the Israeli Air Force.\nRank: First Lieutenant.\n* Designed and supervised numerous prototype installations of\n electronic equipment and changes in combat planes.\n* Wrote procedures for harsh environmental durability tests for cockpit\n and avionics bay-mounted equipment.\n* Negotiated and supervised manufacturing of parts with contractors.\n* Attended Project Management, Engineering and Product Reliability\n and Maintenance courses.\n* Programmed simulations of ammunition trajectories from moving\n aircrafts.\n\nTeaching Experience:\n\n1998-present: Lecturer at the University of Texas\nUndergraduate courses: Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra\nGraduate course: Theory of Lie Groups\n\n1992-1997 Physics Department, Technion, Teaching Assistant\nUndergraduate course: Elementary Lab in Mechanics\nGraduate courses: Group Theory for Physics,\nIntroduction to Particle Physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.\n\nComputer knowledge:\n\nUNIX and Windows OS, most common word processors, Excel,\nMAPLE, MATHEMATICA, FORTRAN, HTML, LaTeX.\n\nPublications:\n\n1. J. Goldberg and N. Krausz, Response of Cerium-Doped Silica Glass\n in a beam at CERN, Proceedings of the SCIFI conference, Notre Dame\n University, Notre Dame, Indiana (1993).\n2. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Quantal Dynamics on Non-compact\n Groups, Proceedings of the 5th International Wigner Symposium,\n World Scientific (1998), 398.\n3. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Exact evolution operator on\n Non-Compact Group Manifolds, quant-ph/9709050,\n submitted to J. of Math. Phys.\n4. N. Krausz, Spherical averages in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n5. N. Krausz, Quantum Field Theory in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n\n\n - RESUME.DOC", "Job application", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 48, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "intention", " last fall in a career seminar at ut you mentioned that people who are interested can send you their resume."]], "Dear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI currently hold a post-doctorate position in the Mathematics\nDepartment at the University of Texas at Austin (with a Ph.D.\nin theoretical physics). Although my position here is renewable\nuntil summer 2001, I would like to move on to a more dynamic field\nwhere I can still use my analytical skills and mathematical knowledge.\nSince attending a series of lectures on mathematical finance given\nby Dr. Marc Potters last summer I started studying the subject on my\nown and found it intriguing and challenging.\n\nI am interested in a position in your group (RAC) at Enron.\nLast fall in a Career seminar at UT you mentioned that people who are\ninterested can send you their resume. If this is still relevant, please\nfind below my resume (in Word 97 and text formats).\nThank you for your time.\n\nYours,\nNurit Krausz\n\n***********************************************************************\nNurit Krausz, Ph.D. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\nDept. of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7170\nUniversity of Texas at Austin Office: RLM 11.170 Hours:MWF 8:30-10\n***********************************************************************\n\nRESUME\n\nNurit Krausz\nUniversity of Texas\nDepartment of Mathematics\nAustin, TX 78712\nPhone: (512) 471-7170\nE-mail: nurit@math.utexas.edu\nhttp://rene.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\n\nObjective\n\nA position in the field of mathematical finance utilizing broad\nmathematical knowledge, innovative thinking and creativity.\n\nSummary of Qualifications\n\nWith extensive academic background and research experience,\ncombined with experience as an engineer in the Israeli Air Force,\nI possess the following:\n* Deep mathematical and scientific knowledge.\n* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.\n* Proven ability to quickly become an expert in new subjects.\n* Ability to present clearly and effectively complicated subjects.\n* Ability to work productively both independently and in teams.\n\nAcademic Positions\n\n1998-present: Post-doctorate position at the University of Texas\nat Austin, Department of Mathematics.\n\nEducation\n\n1994-1998: D.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: Quantum Dynamics on Non-compact Group Manifolds.\nSupervisor: Prof. M. Marinov.\n\n1992-1994: M.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: A Study of Scintillation in Doped Silica Glass\nfor Detection of Neutrino Oscillation.\nSupervisor: Prof. J. Goldberg.\nThe experiments were performed at CERN during the summer of 1993.\n* Performed the design, testing, and installation of the experimental\n setup from remote-controlled mechanical equipment to sophisticated\n electronics.\n* Performed statistical data analysis and critical interpretation of\n results using software developed at CERN (PAW).\n* Solved a complicated problem of track reconstruction through an\n unusually shaped magnet for the CHORUS collaboration at CERN, and\n delivered a computer code ready for implementation, still in use\n today.\n\n1985-1989: B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering Cum Laude at the\nTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology.\n\nMilitary Service\n\n1989-1992: Aeronautic design engineer in the Israeli Air Force.\nRank: First Lieutenant.\n* Designed and supervised numerous prototype installations of\n electronic equipment and changes in combat planes.\n* Wrote procedures for harsh environmental durability tests for cockpit\n and avionics bay-mounted equipment.\n* Negotiated and supervised manufacturing of parts with contractors.\n* Attended Project Management, Engineering and Product Reliability\n and Maintenance courses.\n* Programmed simulations of ammunition trajectories from moving\n aircrafts.\n\nTeaching Experience:\n\n1998-present: Lecturer at the University of Texas\nUndergraduate courses: Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra\nGraduate course: Theory of Lie Groups\n\n1992-1997 Physics Department, Technion, Teaching Assistant\nUndergraduate course: Elementary Lab in Mechanics\nGraduate courses: Group Theory for Physics,\nIntroduction to Particle Physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.\n\nComputer knowledge:\n\nUNIX and Windows OS, most common word processors, Excel,\nMAPLE, MATHEMATICA, FORTRAN, HTML, LaTeX.\n\nPublications:\n\n1. J. Goldberg and N. Krausz, Response of Cerium-Doped Silica Glass\n in a beam at CERN, Proceedings of the SCIFI conference, Notre Dame\n University, Notre Dame, Indiana (1993).\n2. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Quantal Dynamics on Non-compact\n Groups, Proceedings of the 5th International Wigner Symposium,\n World Scientific (1998), 398.\n3. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Exact evolution operator on\n Non-Compact Group Manifolds, quant-ph/9709050,\n submitted to J. of Math. Phys.\n4. N. Krausz, Spherical averages in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n5. N. Krausz, Quantum Field Theory in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n\n\n - RESUME.DOC", "<20612257.1075857068652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-3-2000-23:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-23:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <7596377.1075856941484.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 23:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu\nSubject: Re: Job application\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Nurit Krausz \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNurit,\n\nWe shall schedule a phone interview for you sometimes next week.\nMy assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713 853 5290), will call you to discuss the \ntiming.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNurit Krausz on 03/01/2000 10:44:00 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nurit Krausz \nSubject: Job application\n\n\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI currently hold a post-doctorate position in the Mathematics\nDepartment at the University of Texas at Austin (with a Ph.D.\nin theoretical physics). Although my position here is renewable\nuntil summer 2001, I would like to move on to a more dynamic field\nwhere I can still use my analytical skills and mathematical knowledge.\nSince attending a series of lectures on mathematical finance given\nby Dr. Marc Potters last summer I started studying the subject on my\nown and found it intriguing and challenging.\n\nI am interested in a position in your group (RAC) at Enron.\nLast fall in a Career seminar at UT you mentioned that people who are\ninterested can send you their resume. If this is still relevant, please\nfind below my resume (in Word 97 and text formats).\nThank you for your time.\n\nYours,\nNurit Krausz\n\n***********************************************************************\nNurit Krausz, Ph.D. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\nDept. of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7170\nUniversity of Texas at Austin Office: RLM 11.170 Hours:MWF 8:30-10\n***********************************************************************\n\nRESUME\n\nNurit Krausz\nUniversity of Texas\nDepartment of Mathematics\nAustin, TX 78712\nPhone: (512) 471-7170\nE-mail: nurit@math.utexas.edu\nhttp://rene.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\n\nObjective\n\nA position in the field of mathematical finance utilizing broad\nmathematical knowledge, innovative thinking and creativity.\n\nSummary of Qualifications\n\nWith extensive academic background and research experience,\ncombined with experience as an engineer in the Israeli Air Force,\nI possess the following:\n* Deep mathematical and scientific knowledge.\n* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.\n* Proven ability to quickly become an expert in new subjects.\n* Ability to present clearly and effectively complicated subjects.\n* Ability to work productively both independently and in teams.\n\nAcademic Positions\n\n1998-present: Post-doctorate position at the University of Texas\nat Austin, Department of Mathematics.\n\nEducation\n\n1994-1998: D.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: Quantum Dynamics on Non-compact Group Manifolds.\nSupervisor: Prof. M. Marinov.\n\n1992-1994: M.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: A Study of Scintillation in Doped Silica Glass\nfor Detection of Neutrino Oscillation.\nSupervisor: Prof. J. Goldberg.\nThe experiments were performed at CERN during the summer of 1993.\n* Performed the design, testing, and installation of the experimental\n setup from remote-controlled mechanical equipment to sophisticated\n electronics.\n* Performed statistical data analysis and critical interpretation of\n results using software developed at CERN (PAW).\n* Solved a complicated problem of track reconstruction through an\n unusually shaped magnet for the CHORUS collaboration at CERN, and\n delivered a computer code ready for implementation, still in use\n today.\n\n1985-1989: B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering Cum Laude at the\nTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology.\n\nMilitary Service\n\n1989-1992: Aeronautic design engineer in the Israeli Air Force.\nRank: First Lieutenant.\n* Designed and supervised numerous prototype installations of\n electronic equipment and changes in combat planes.\n* Wrote procedures for harsh environmental durability tests for cockpit\n and avionics bay-mounted equipment.\n* Negotiated and supervised manufacturing of parts with contractors.\n* Attended Project Management, Engineering and Product Reliability\n and Maintenance courses.\n* Programmed simulations of ammunition trajectories from moving\n aircrafts.\n\nTeaching Experience:\n\n1998-present: Lecturer at the University of Texas\nUndergraduate courses: Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra\nGraduate course: Theory of Lie Groups\n\n1992-1997 Physics Department, Technion, Teaching Assistant\nUndergraduate course: Elementary Lab in Mechanics\nGraduate courses: Group Theory for Physics,\nIntroduction to Particle Physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.\n\nComputer knowledge:\n\nUNIX and Windows OS, most common word processors, Excel,\nMAPLE, MATHEMATICA, FORTRAN, HTML, LaTeX.\n\nPublications:\n\n1. J. Goldberg and N. Krausz, Response of Cerium-Doped Silica Glass\n in a beam at CERN, Proceedings of the SCIFI conference, Notre Dame\n University, Notre Dame, Indiana (1993).\n2. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Quantal Dynamics on Non-compact\n Groups, Proceedings of the 5th International Wigner Symposium,\n World Scientific (1998), 398.\n3. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Exact evolution operator on\n Non-Compact Group Manifolds, quant-ph/9709050,\n submitted to J. of Math. Phys.\n4. N. Krausz, Spherical averages in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n5. N. Krausz, Quantum Field Theory in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n\n\n - RESUME.DOC\n\n", "Re: Job application", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "intention", "nurit, we shall schedule a phone interview for you sometimes next week."]], "Nurit,\n\nWe shall schedule a phone interview for you sometimes next week.\nMy assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713 853 5290), will call you to discuss the \ntiming.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNurit Krausz ", {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-1-2001-10:18:0Scastro@rice.edu 24-1-2001-2:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2001-2:13:0Scmiller@rice.edu 24-1-2001-2:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-1-2001-2:46:0Skenneth.parkhill@enron.com 26-2-2001-2:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-2-2001-5:13:0Sjblantonjr@yahoo.com 28-2-2001-9:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-2-2001-9:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-3-2001-9:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-3-2001-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-3-2001-0:49:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com 9-3-2001-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-3-2001-2:25:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com 19-3-2001-4:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-3-2001-4:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-3-2001-16:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-3-2001-5:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-4-2001-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-7:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-7:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2001-8:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2001-18:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2001-2:55:0Sdemianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu 19-4-2001-12:55:0Sdemianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu 27-4-2001-3:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-4-2001-13:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-4-2001-10:21:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com 24-4-2001-10:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2001-11:20:0Slee.ferrell@enron.com 24-4-2001-21:20:0Slee.ferrell@enron.com 25-4-2001-2:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-4-2001-12:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-3:41:0Srishad@rice.edu 30-4-2001-13:41:0Srishad@rice.edu 30-4-2001-10:2:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com 30-4-2001-10:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-10:3:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com 30-4-2001-10:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-16:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-8:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 4-5-2001-10:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-5-2001-10:36:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": {"22-1-2001-10:18:0Scastro@rice.edu": ["22-1-2001-10:18:0", "castro@rice.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "Dear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice \nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has been \nchosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be working on \nyour project: \nCALABRESE, luigi????????luigical@rice.edu \nGHOSE, Ivy??????????????ghosei@rice.edu \nGHOSH, Ronnie???ghoshr@rice.edu \nIQBAL, Syed?????????????iqbal@rice.edu \nSUD, Pravas?????????????pravas@rice.edu \nWOMACK, Charles?cwomack@rice.edu \nThe faculty liaisons for your project are: \nBARRETT, Deborah????????????????barrett@rice.edu \nUECKER, Will????????????????????uecker@rice.edu \nLOUGHRIDGE, Dennis??????loughrid@rice.edu \nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the students' \nemail addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so this is a good \nway to communicate with them. \nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. \nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for a \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller \nDirector of MBA Program \nRice University \n6100 Main Street, MS 531 \nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n", ["Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['loughrid@rice.edu']}", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 74, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", "edu a representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a meeting time."]], "Dear ALP Company Representatives:\n\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice \nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has been \nchosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be working on \nyour project: \n\nCALABRESE, luigi????????luigical@rice.edu \nGHOSE, Ivy??????????????ghosei@rice.edu \nGHOSH, Ronnie???ghoshr@rice.edu \nIQBAL, Syed?????????????iqbal@rice.edu \nSUD, Pravas?????????????pravas@rice.edu \nWOMACK, Charles?cwomack@rice.edu \n\nThe faculty liaisons for your project are: \n\n\nBARRETT, Deborah????????????????barrett@rice.edu \nUECKER, Will????????????????????uecker@rice.edu \nLOUGHRIDGE, Dennis??????loughrid@rice.edu \n\nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the students' \nemail addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so this is a good \nway to communicate with them. \n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. \nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for a \ngreat project!\n\n=============================================================Carrie Chamberlin Miller \nDirector of MBA Program \nRice University \n6100 Main Street, MS 531 \nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \n\nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n", ["<13310771.1075856628319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32290547.1075856229169.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5622919.1075856393293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-2:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-2:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["cmiller@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], "Carrie,\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001 \n10:04 AM ---------------------------\nPamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/22/2001 06:18:16 PM\nTo: Kenneth.Parkhill@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Enron ALP\nDear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice \nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has been \nchosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be working on \nyour project: \nCALABRESE, luigi????????luigical@rice.edu \nGHOSE, Ivy??????????????ghosei@rice.edu \nGHOSH, Ronnie???ghoshr@rice.edu \nIQBAL, Syed?????????????iqbal@rice.edu \nSUD, Pravas?????????????pravas@rice.edu \nWOMACK, Charles?cwomack@rice.edu \nThe faculty liaisons for your project are: \nBARRETT, Deborah????????????????barrett@rice.edu \nUECKER, Will????????????????????uecker@rice.edu \nLOUGHRIDGE, Dennis??????loughrid@rice.edu \nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the students' \nemail addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so this is a good \nway to communicate with them. \nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. \nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for a \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller \nDirector of MBA Program \nRice University \n6100 Main Street, MS 531 \nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n", ["Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Carrie,\n\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\n\nVince\n", ["<13769396.1075856457598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28928284.1075856523934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26358041.1075856227768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5858235.1075856394217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-2:13:0Scmiller@rice.edu": ["24-1-2001-2:13:0", "cmiller@rice.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nMany thanks for the invitation.? I'm leaving for a conference in New Orleans \ntoday and won't be in town.? However, I'd love to join you if dinner should \nhappen again in the future.\nThanks again for all your support and interest in the ALP program.? I feel \nconfident that this will be a great project.\nCarrie\nAt 10:03 AM 1/24/01 -0600, you wrote:\nCarrie,\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001\n10:04 AM ---------------------------\nPamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/22/2001 06:18:16 PM\nTo:?? Kenneth.Parkhill@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject:? Enron ALP\nDear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice\nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has\nbeen chosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be\nworking on your project:\n?? CALABRESE, luigi??????? luigical@rice.edu\n?? GHOSE, Ivy????????????? ghosei@rice.edu\n?? GHOSH, Ronnie?? ghoshr@rice.edu\n?? IQBAL, Syed???????????? iqbal@rice.edu\n?? SUD, Pravas???????????? pravas@rice.edu\n?? WOMACK, Charles cwomack@rice.edu\nThe faculty liaisons for your project are:\n?? BARRETT, Deborah??????????????? barrett@rice.edu\n?? UECKER, Will??????????????????? uecker@rice.edu\n?? LOUGHRIDGE, Dennis????? loughrid@rice.edu\nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the\nstudents' email addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so\nthis is a good way to communicate with them.\nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information.\nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260\nFax:? (713) 348-5251\nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Re: Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['loughrid@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nMany thanks for the invitation.? I'm leaving for a conference in New Orleans \ntoday and won't be in town.? However, I'd love to join you if dinner should \nhappen again in the future.\n\nThanks again for all your support and interest in the ALP program.? I feel \nconfident that this will be a great project.\n\nCarrie\n\nAt 10:03 AM 1/24/01 -0600, you wrote:\nCarrie,\n\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\n\nVince\n", ["<15082587.1075856628186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3589459.1075856227722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25960403.1075856394334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-2:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-2:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001 \n10:58 AM ---------------------------\nCarrie Miller on 01/24/2001 10:13:44 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enron ALP\nVince,\nMany thanks for the invitation.? I'm leaving for a conference in New Orleans \ntoday and won't be in town.? However, I'd love to join you if dinner should \nhappen again in the future.\nThanks again for all your support and interest in the ALP program.? I feel \nconfident that this will be a great project.\nCarrie\nAt 10:03 AM 1/24/01 -0600, you wrote:\nCarrie,\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001\n10:04 AM ---------------------------\nPamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/22/2001 06:18:16 PM\nTo:?? Kenneth.Parkhill@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject:? Enron ALP\nDear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice\nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has\nbeen chosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be\nworking on your project:\n?? CALABRESE, luigi??????? luigical@rice.edu\n?? GHOSE, Ivy????????????? ghosei@rice.edu\n?? GHOSH, Ronnie?? ghoshr@rice.edu\n?? IQBAL, Syed???????????? iqbal@rice.edu\n?? SUD, Pravas???????????? pravas@rice.edu\n?? WOMACK, Charles cwomack@rice.edu\nThe faculty liaisons for your project are:\n?? BARRETT, Deborah??????????????? barrett@rice.edu\n?? UECKER, Will??????????????????? uecker@rice.edu\n?? LOUGHRIDGE, Dennis????? loughrid@rice.edu\nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the\nstudents' email addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so\nthis is a good way to communicate with them.\nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information.\nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260\nFax:? (713) 348-5251\nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\n", ["Re: Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<26945834.1075856457529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14864855.1075856523864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11812174.1075856227560.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26011274.1075856394381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-1-2001-2:46:0Skenneth.parkhill@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-2:46:0", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", ["uecker@rice.edu", "cwomack@rice.edu", "barrett@rice.edu", "iqbal@rice.edu", "pravas@rice.edu", "ghoshr@rice.edu", "loughrid@rice.edu", "ghosei@rice.edu", "luigical@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "We are very excited to be able to welcome your ALP team to Enron. We are \nlooking to working with you this semester. To kick things off, we would like \nto invite you to Cacciatore's this Thursday for dinner (1/25/01, 7pm). If \nyou can't stand Italian cuisine, or would like to try a different day or \ntime, please feel free to make a suggestion. We look forward to meeting you.\nken\n713/345-4638", ["Hello team"], "{'recipients': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu']}", [["invite personnelpronoun", 8, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " to kick things off, we would like to invite you to cacciatore's this thursday for dinner ( datenumeric , numerictime )."]], "We are very excited to be able to welcome your ALP team to Enron. We are \nlooking to working with you this semester. To kick things off, we would like \nto invite you to Cacciatore's this Thursday for dinner (1/25/01, 7pm). If \nyou can't stand Italian cuisine, or would like to try a different day or \ntime, please feel free to make a suggestion. We look forward to meeting you.\n\nken\n713/345-4638", ["<11801841.1075856628297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10169616.1075856228823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9745461.1075856393566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-2-2001-2:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-2:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kostya@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Konstantin,\nNo problem, as long as the MBA program agrees to it.\nI need an E-mail from them.\nVince\n\"Konstantin N. Kudin\" on 02/23/2001 01:07:17 PM\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: MGMT 656: Energy Derivatives\n Dear Dr. Kaminski\n I am a post-doc in theoretical chemistry at Rice. Currently I am\nexploring risk management as an alternative career path. I hope you do not\nmind if I attend your course \"Energy Derivatives\" at Jones School of MGMT\nat Rice. I've already taken \"Futures and options-I\", \"Corporate finance\",\nand I am currently taking \"Futures and options-II\".\n Thanks.\n Sincerely,\n Konstantin Kudin\n", ["Re: MGMT 656: Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com'], 'recipients': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Konstantin,\n\nNo problem, as long as the MBA program agrees to it.\nI need an E-mail from them.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Konstantin N. Kudin\" ", "<32370965.1075856517719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11695012.1075856215854.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-2-2001-5:13:0Sjblantonjr@yahoo.com": ["28-2-2001-5:13:0", "jblantonjr@yahoo.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "--- \"Jack Blanton, Jr.\" wrote:\n> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 13:09:16 -0800 (PST)\n> From: \"Jack Blanton, Jr.\" \n> Subject: MGMT 656\n> To: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\n>\n> Dear Proffesor Kaminski\n> I wish to audit the Energy Derivatives class\n> which\n> you are teaching on Thursday nights. I am currently\n> a\n> second year student in the EMBA program and am\n> Chairman of Nicklos Drilling Company. Nicklos\n> Drilling currently operates three land rigs along\n> the\n> Texas Gulf Coast and is constucting a fourth. I\n> have\n> received permision from the EMBA program to audit\n> the\n> class and the only conditions would be your\n> permission\n> and space avalability.\n> Thank you for your consideration,\n> Jack S. Blanton, Jr.\n> jblantonjr@yahoo.com\n> 713-222-0191\n>\n> __________________________________________________\n> Do You Yahoo!?\n> Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\n> http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n>\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/", ["Fwd: MGMT 656"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com']}", [], "--- \"Jack Blanton, Jr.\" ", "<14774790.1075856215206.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8324348.1075856403841.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-2-2001-9:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2001-9:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jblantonjr@yahoo.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jack,\nThis is up to the MBA program. \nI have no problem if they agreed to it.\nThe only constraint is the space and we\nshall have to address the issue on Thursday\nduring the first class.\nVince\n\"Jack Blanton, Jr.\" on 02/28/2001 03:09:16 PM\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: MGMT 656\nDear Proffesor Kaminski\n I wish to audit the Energy Derivatives class which\nyou are teaching on Thursday nights. I am currently a\nsecond year student in the EMBA program and am\nChairman of Nicklos Drilling Company. Nicklos\nDrilling currently operates three land rigs along the\nTexas Gulf Coast and is constucting a fourth. I have\nreceived permision from the EMBA program to audit the\nclass and the only conditions would be your permission\nand space avalability.\n Thank you for your consideration,\nJack S. Blanton, Jr.\njblantonjr@yahoo.com\n713-222-0191\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n", ["Re: MGMT 656"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com'], 'recipients': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Jack,\n\nThis is up to the MBA program. \nI have no problem if they agreed to it.\nThe only constraint is the space and we\nshall have to address the issue on Thursday\nduring the first class.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jack Blanton, Jr.\" ", "<23431023.1075856451129.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13665999.1075856517453.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12550452.1075856215006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-2-2001-9:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2001-9:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["loughrid@rice.edu"], [], "Dennis,\nNo problem.\nVince\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" on 02/28/2001 04:24:35 \nPM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Rice Course\nVince\nI am an adjunct professor at Rice, working with Wil Uecker in Executive\nEducation. With your concurence, I would like to sit in your Energy\nDerivatives course. I understand from Wil that there are 38 students\nregistered for the course. If you consent, would you let me know what\nmaterial I need.\nThank you,\nDennis W. Loughridge\n713-348-2812\n", ["Re: Rice Course"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com'], 'recipients': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Dennis,\n\nNo problem.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" ", "<4374541.1075856517475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6458634.1075856215050.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12420578.1075856404000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-3-2001-9:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-3-2001-9:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/05/2001 \n05:41 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 03/05/2001 04:05 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: List of Rice students\nVince,\nhere are the e-mails of students, who signed up on Thursday:\nisranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu, \nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu, \nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu, \nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu, \ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu, \nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu, \nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu, \nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu, \nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu\nThere were a few students who did not sign up, but I do not have this list..\nJason Sokolov \n", ["List of Rice students"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "", ["<7778136.1075856449897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14079237.1075856516216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11090802.1075856212753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33345514.1075856406112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-3-2001-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-1:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["elena.chilkina@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001 \n09:03 AM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 03/07/2001 11:00:43 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: isranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu, \nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu, \nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu, \nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu, \ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu, \nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu, \nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu, \nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu, \nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu \nSubject: Class 1\nI am sending the slides for the Class 1. I kindly ask you not to copy and\ndistribute this document. This is for your exclusive use only.\nVince Kaminski\n - rice01f.ppt\n", ["Class 1"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<953206.1075856449274.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27423956.1075856515598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28181993.1075856211500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22823493.1075856407025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-3-2001-0:49:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": ["9-3-2001-0:49:0", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nthree new students gave me their e-mails:\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com\nJason", ["Additional e-mail addresses"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nthree new students gave me their e-mails:\n\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com\n\nJason", ["<8609078.1075856627613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28887520.1075856210713.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19647761.1075856407669.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-3-2001-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-3-2001-7:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/09/2001 \n03:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 03/09/2001 08:49 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Additional e-mail addresses\nVince,\nthree new students gave me their e-mails:\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com\nJason\n", ["Additional e-mail addresses"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "", ["<27480969.1075856448915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17257247.1075856515243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21796598.1075856210507.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18173118.1075856407925.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-3-2001-2:25:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": ["16-3-2001-2:25:0", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "hingoran@rice.edu\nplanck@rice.edu", ["2 missing from the mailing list"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu']}", [], "hingoran@rice.edu\nplanck@rice.edu", ["<24735516.1075856627425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1426396.1075856208064.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4370359.1075856410290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-3-2001-4:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-4:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/19/2001 \n12:04 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 03/16/2001 10:25 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 2 missing from the mailing list\nhingoran@rice.edu\nplanck@rice.edu\n", ["2 missing from the mailing list"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "", ["<20890895.1075856447605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10575465.1075856513932.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31968345.1075856207158.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19742178.1075856411170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-3-2001-4:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-4:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/19/2001 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 03/16/2001 10:25 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 2 missing from the mailing list\nhingoran@rice.edu\nplanck@rice.edu\n", ["2 missing from the mailing list"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "", ["<27566307.1075856447584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6381301.1075856513910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25546828.1075856207090.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21166001.1075856411216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-3-2001-16:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-3-2001-16:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "isranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu,\nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu,\nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu,\nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu,\ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu,\nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu,\nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu,\nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu,\nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu,\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com,\nhingoran@rice.edu,\nplanck@rice.edu", ["List0319"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "isranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu,\nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu,\nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu,\nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu,\ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu,\nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu,\nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu,\nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu,\nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu,\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com,\nhingoran@rice.edu,\nplanck@rice.edu", ["<6994869.1075856627345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10895438.1075856206344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25745646.1075856411756.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-3-2001-5:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-5:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["paulo.issler@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2001 \n01:45 PM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 03/19/2001 11:12:34 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: VKaminski@aol.com \nSubject: List0319\nisranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu,\nloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu,\nemchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu, ganguzza@rice.edu,\nnelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu, wheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu,\ngaudette@rice.edu, otaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu,\nlitton@rice.edu, chilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu,\nmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu,\nnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu,\nhoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu,\nwooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com,\nhingoran@rice.edu,\nplanck@rice.edu\n", ["List0319"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "", ["<31557827.1075856447038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12001838.1075856513363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12686762.1075856206167.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11788030.1075856411938.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-1:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["loughrid@rice.edu"], ["luigical@rice.edu"], "Sorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original \nmessage\nwas returned.\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n08:15 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu, \nluigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: ALP presentation\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project \npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding \nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\nVince Kaminski\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", ["ALP presentation"], "{'recipients': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Sorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original \nmessage\nwas returned.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", ["<23120904.1075856442317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17981009.1075856508648.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31712776.1075856197184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25688930.1075856419504.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-7:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-7:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n02:05 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" on 04/30/2001 10:49:10 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: ALP presentation\nVince\nI will be attending the ALP presentation on May 7 and would be pleased to\njoin the team for dinner if it is not too late.\nThank you\nDennis Loughridge\nDennis W. Loughridge\nDirector of Energy Consortium\nRice University\n713-348-2812\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: loughrid@rice.edu\nCc: luigical@rice.edu\nSubject: ALP presentation\nSorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original\nmessage\nwas returned.\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001\n08:15 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu,\n lounghrid@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley\n Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\nSubject: ALP presentation\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding\nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\nVince Kaminski\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", ["RE: ALP presentation"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<10060674.1075856626466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30960005.1075856437385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28486319.1075856500767.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7014008.1075856185156.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19233171.1075856429423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-7:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-7:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["loughrid@rice.edu"], ["christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dennis,\nThanks for you message. I shall send you more information regarding the \ndinner later this week.\nChristie Patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making \narrangements for\nthe evening at the Enron Field. Hopefully, we shall be able to combine \ndinner with a game.\nVince\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" on 04/30/2001 10:49:10 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: ALP presentation\nVince\nI will be attending the ALP presentation on May 7 and would be pleased to\njoin the team for dinner if it is not too late.\nThank you\nDennis Loughridge\nDennis W. Loughridge\nDirector of Energy Consortium\nRice University\n713-348-2812\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: loughrid@rice.edu\nCc: luigical@rice.edu\nSubject: ALP presentation\nSorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original\nmessage\nwas returned.\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001\n08:15 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu,\n lounghrid@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley\n Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\nSubject: ALP presentation\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding\nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\nVince Kaminski\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", ["RE: ALP presentation"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com'], 'recipients': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com']}", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 2, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "intention", " i shall send you more information regarding the dinner later this week."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 12, "information", ["arrangements", "making"], "information", " christie patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making arrangements for the evening at the enron field."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 12, "information", ["arrangements", "making"], "information", " christie patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making arrangements for the evening at the enron field."]], "Dennis,\n\nThanks for you message. I shall send you more information regarding the \ndinner later this week.\nChristie Patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making \narrangements for\nthe evening at the Enron Field. Hopefully, we shall be able to combine \ndinner with a game.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" ", "<2004287.1075856437362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<532752.1075856500745.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14328941.1075856185109.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-8:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-8:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "nelsonb@rice.edu", "", "Message-ID: <2598678.1075856441425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 08:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: nelsonb@rice.edu\nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBrian,\n\nThe last class + plus a few days (depending on when I have\nto submit the grades).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" on 04/11/2001 03:35:14 \nPM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Term Project:\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n\nI had an interview last Thusday in Dallas and could not attend class. Did\nyou set a project deadline?\n\nThanks,\nBrian Nelson\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:22 PM\nTo: isranir@rice.edu; demianen@rice.edu; tbal93@yahoo.com;\nmaue@rice.edu; loughrid@rice.edu; jblantonjr@yahoo.com;\ngjohnson@rice.edu; emchombo@rice.edu; nazareth@rice.edu;\nvanstone@rice.edu; ganguzza@rice.edu; nelsonb@rice.edu;\nsssmith@rice.edu; wheelock@rice.edu; westmore@rice.edu;\ngaudette@rice.edu; otaylor@rice.edu; dikeman@rice.edu; jettke@rice.edu;\nlitton@rice.edu; chilkina@rice.edu; helms@rice.edu; wankhade@rice.edu;\nmonfan@rice.edu; kostya@rice.edu; pcp@rice.edu; yueguo@rice.edu;\nnlwbio@rice.edu; zhangn@rice.edu; rishad@rice.edu; yoshiura@rice.edu;\nhoward@rice.edu; dayangd@rice.edu; wuwei@rice.edu; so@rice.edu;\nwooddy@rice.edu; lamas@rice.edu; tbalestrery@houston.rr.com;\nhingoran@rice.edu; planck@rice.edu\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com;\nJason.Sokolov@enron.com\nSubject: Term Project:\n\n\nThis is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\n\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "RE: Term Project:", "reply", [], "Brian,\n\nThe last class + plus a few days (depending on when I have\nto submit the grades).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" ", {}, true], "11-4-2001-18:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-18:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["wankhade@rice.edu", "wheelock@rice.edu", "wooddy@rice.edu", "zhangn@rice.edu", "lamas@rice.edu", "litton@rice.edu", "westmore@rice.edu", "planck@rice.edu", "monfan@rice.edu", "yoshiura@rice.edu", "pcp@rice.edu", "ganguzza@rice.edu", "dikeman@rice.edu", "kostya@rice.edu", "vanstone@rice.edu", "jettke@rice.edu", "tbalestrery@houston.rr.com", "chilkina@rice.edu", "wuwei@rice.edu", "sssmith@rice.edu", "tbal93@yahoo.com", "jblantonjr@yahoo.com", "gjohnson@rice.edu", "yueguo@rice.edu", "nlwbio@rice.edu", "otaylor@rice.edu", "nazareth@rice.edu", "maue@rice.edu", "isranir@rice.edu", "so@rice.edu", "howard@rice.edu", "demianen@rice.edu", "dayangd@rice.edu", "emchombo@rice.edu", "helms@rice.edu", "gaudette@rice.edu", "loughrid@rice.edu", "hingoran@rice.edu", "rishad@rice.edu", "nelsonb@rice.edu"], ["jason.sokolov@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6987663.1075858467437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 18:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: isranir@rice.edu, demianen@rice.edu, tbal93@yahoo.com, maue@rice.edu,\n\tloughrid@rice.edu, jblantonjr@yahoo.com, gjohnson@rice.edu,\n\temchombo@rice.edu, nazareth@rice.edu, vanstone@rice.edu,\n\tganguzza@rice.edu, nelsonb@rice.edu, sssmith@rice.edu,\n\twheelock@rice.edu, westmore@rice.edu, gaudette@rice.edu,\n\totaylor@rice.edu, dikeman@rice.edu, jettke@rice.edu, litton@rice.edu,\n\tchilkina@rice.edu, helms@rice.edu, wankhade@rice.edu,\n\tmonfan@rice.edu, kostya@rice.edu, pcp@rice.edu, yueguo@rice.edu,\n\tnlwbio@rice.edu, zhangn@rice.edu, rishad@rice.edu, yoshiura@rice.edu,\n\thoward@rice.edu, dayangd@rice.edu, wuwei@rice.edu, so@rice.edu,\n\twooddy@rice.edu, lamas@rice.edu, tbalestrery@houston.rr.com,\n\thingoran@rice.edu, planck@rice.edu\nSubject: Term Project:\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, jason.sokolov@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, jason.sokolov@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: isranir , demianen , tbal93 , maue , loughrid , jblantonjr , gjohnson , emchombo , nazareth , vanstone , ganguzza , nelsonb , sssmith , wheelock , westmore , gaudette , otaylor , dikeman , jettke , litton , chilkina , helms , wankhade , monfan , kostya , pcp , yueguo , nlwbio , zhangn , rishad , yoshiura , howard , dayangd , wuwei , so , wooddy , lamas , tbalestrery , hingoran , planck \nX-cc: vkaminski , Vince J Kaminski , Jason Sokolov \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nThis is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\n\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n\ta. GBM\n\tb. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n\tc. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\n\nVince", "Term Project:", "originEmail", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 10, "nninformation", ["develop", "examples"], "request", " please, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following: numeric ."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 22, "nninformation", ["develop", "price"], "request", " develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using: a."], ["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 53, "nninformation", ["develop", "models"], "request", " develop models corresponding to the figures numeric numeric , numeric numeric , numeric numeric , numeric numeric , numeric numeric "]], "This is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\n\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n\ta. GBM\n\tb. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n\tc. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\n\nVince", "<6987663.1075858467437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"30": {"value": "16", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["book numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["case_example numericTnn", "example_model numericTnn"]}, "member teamTnn": {"value": "member teamTnn", "ne": "member teamTnn", "patterns": ["member teamTnn"]}}, true], "19-4-2001-2:55:0Sdemianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu": ["19-4-2001-2:55:0", "demianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27227893.1075856626782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 02:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: demianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Helen Demianenko\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Rice\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI was wondering if you were able to open the attachment with my resume this\ntime. Rumor has it that you are currently hiring people for your group. Is\nthis true?\n\nSincerely,\nHelen\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:22 PM\nTo: isranir@rice.edu; demianen@rice.edu; tbal93@yahoo.com;\nmaue@rice.edu; loughrid@rice.edu; jblantonjr@yahoo.com;\ngjohnson@rice.edu; emchombo@rice.edu; nazareth@rice.edu;\nvanstone@rice.edu; ganguzza@rice.edu; nelsonb@rice.edu;\nsssmith@rice.edu; wheelock@rice.edu; westmore@rice.edu;\ngaudette@rice.edu; otaylor@rice.edu; dikeman@rice.edu; jettke@rice.edu;\nlitton@rice.edu; chilkina@rice.edu; helms@rice.edu; wankhade@rice.edu;\nmonfan@rice.edu; kostya@rice.edu; pcp@rice.edu; yueguo@rice.edu;\nnlwbio@rice.edu; zhangn@rice.edu; rishad@rice.edu; yoshiura@rice.edu;\nhoward@rice.edu; dayangd@rice.edu; wuwei@rice.edu; so@rice.edu;\nwooddy@rice.edu; lamas@rice.edu; tbalestrery@houston.rr.com;\nhingoran@rice.edu; planck@rice.edu\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com;\nJason.Sokolov@enron.com\nSubject: Term Project:\n\n\nThis is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\n\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\n\nVince\n", "RE: Term Project:", "reply", [], "Dear Vince,\n\nI was wondering if you were able to open the attachment with my resume this\ntime. Rumor has it that you are currently hiring people for your group. Is\nthis true?\n\nSincerely,\nHelen\n\n\n\n\n", "<27227893.1075856626782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "19-4-2001-12:55:0Sdemianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu": ["19-4-2001-12:55:0", "demianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28736225.1075840787586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: demianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Helen Demianenko \nX-To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Rice\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nPlease respond to Dear Vince,\n\nI was wondering if you were able to open the attachment with my resume this\ntime. Rumor has it that you are currently hiring people for your group. Is\nthis true?\n\nSincerely,\nHelen\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:22 PM\nTo: isranir@rice.edu; demianen@rice.edu; tbal93@yahoo.com;\nmaue@rice.edu; loughrid@rice.edu; jblantonjr@yahoo.com;\ngjohnson@rice.edu; emchombo@rice.edu; nazareth@rice.edu;\nvanstone@rice.edu; ganguzza@rice.edu; nelsonb@rice.edu;\nsssmith@rice.edu; wheelock@rice.edu; westmore@rice.edu;\ngaudette@rice.edu; otaylor@rice.edu; dikeman@rice.edu; jettke@rice.edu;\nlitton@rice.edu; chilkina@rice.edu; helms@rice.edu; wankhade@rice.edu;\nmonfan@rice.edu; kostya@rice.edu; pcp@rice.edu; yueguo@rice.edu;\nnlwbio@rice.edu; zhangn@rice.edu; rishad@rice.edu; yoshiura@rice.edu;\nhoward@rice.edu; dayangd@rice.edu; wuwei@rice.edu; so@rice.edu;\nwooddy@rice.edu; lamas@rice.edu; tbalestrery@houston.rr.com;\nhingoran@rice.edu; planck@rice.edu\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com;\nJason.Sokolov@enron.com\nSubject: Term Project:\n\n\nThis is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\n\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\n\nVince\n", "RE: Term Project:", "reply", [], "Please respond to Dear Vince,\n\nI was wondering if you were able to open the attachment with my resume this\ntime. Rumor has it that you are currently hiring people for your group. Is\nthis true?\n\nSincerely,\nHelen\n\n\n\n\n", "<28736225.1075840787586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "27-4-2001-3:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-3:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["nelsonb@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Brian,\nNo problem.\nVince\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" on 04/26/2001 08:15:14 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nVince, I finally joined a team that only had two members. It looks like our\npaper will only be about 13 to 15 pages. We were wondering that since our\nteam is less than half the size of some of the other teams, if you could\npossible relax the length requirement?\nThanks,\nBrian Nelson\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:54 PM\nTo: nelsonb@rice.edu\nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nBrian,\nThe last class + plus a few days (depending on when I have\nto submit the grades).\nVince\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" on 04/11/2001\n03:35:14 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Term Project:\nMr. Kaminski,\nI had an interview last Thusday in Dallas and could not attend class. Did\nyou set a project deadline?\nThanks,\nBrian Nelson\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:22 PM\nTo: isranir@rice.edu; demianen@rice.edu; tbal93@yahoo.com;\nmaue@rice.edu; loughrid@rice.edu; jblantonjr@yahoo.com;\ngjohnson@rice.edu; emchombo@rice.edu; nazareth@rice.edu;\nvanstone@rice.edu; ganguzza@rice.edu; nelsonb@rice.edu;\nsssmith@rice.edu; wheelock@rice.edu; westmore@rice.edu;\ngaudette@rice.edu; otaylor@rice.edu; dikeman@rice.edu; jettke@rice.edu;\nlitton@rice.edu; chilkina@rice.edu; helms@rice.edu; wankhade@rice.edu;\nmonfan@rice.edu; kostya@rice.edu; pcp@rice.edu; yueguo@rice.edu;\nnlwbio@rice.edu; zhangn@rice.edu; rishad@rice.edu; yoshiura@rice.edu;\nhoward@rice.edu; dayangd@rice.edu; wuwei@rice.edu; so@rice.edu;\nwooddy@rice.edu; lamas@rice.edu; tbalestrery@houston.rr.com;\nhingoran@rice.edu; planck@rice.edu\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com;\nJason.Sokolov@enron.com\nSubject: Term Project:\nThis is the list of projects for the members of the \"quant\" team.\nIf you are working on different project, please, ignore this message.\nPlease, develop in a spreadsheet solutions/examples for the following:\n1. Black-Scholes formula\n2. Black's formula\n3. Develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using:\n a. GBM\n b. GBM + jump (Formula 2.16 in the book, Figure 2.7)\n c. Mean reversion + jump (Formula 2.17, Figure 2.8)\n4. Schwartz Single Factor Model (Formula 6.12)\n5. Develop models corresponding to the Figures 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8\nVince\n", ["RE: Term Project:"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com'], 'recipients': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Brian,\n\nNo problem.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Brian Corbett Nelson\" ", "<31720631.1075856438125.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12109196.1075856501501.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32287016.1075856186568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-4-2001-13:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-4-2001-13:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xd01.mx.aol.com (rly-xd01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xd05.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.36) with ESMTP; Fri, 13 Apr 2001 00:41:25 \n-0500\nReceived: from moe.rice.edu (moe.rice.edu []) by \nrly-xd01.mx.aol.com (v77_r1.36) with ESMTP; Fri, 13 Apr 2001 00:40:14 2000\nReceived: from twig.ruf.rice.edu (twig.ruf.rice.edu []) by \nmoe.rice.edu (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id XAA26992 for ; \nThu, 12 Apr 2001 23:40:13 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from oemcomputer (swba-178-188.rice.edu []) by \ntwig.ruf.rice.edu (8.11.0/8.9.0) with SMTP id f3D4dVb14185 for \n; Thu, 12 Apr 2001 23:39:34 -0500 (CDT)\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Helen Demianenko\" \nTo: \nSubject: second attempt\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 23:41:51 -0500\nMessage-ID: \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0005_01C0C3AA.2666C5A0\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300\nDear Vince,\nThank you very much for letting me know about this problem. Here is my\nresume in the plain text format. I hope it will work this time.\nI appreciate your interest.\nSincerely,\nHelen Demianenko\nMBA Candidate, Class of 2001\nRice University\nJones Graduate School of Management\n(713) 662-9727 home\n(713) 557-8455 cell\ndemianen@rice.edu\n", ["Fwd: second attempt"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<8091105.1075856193623.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28212527.1075856422384.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-4-2001-10:21:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": ["23-4-2001-10:21:0", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", ["yoshiura@rice.edu", "gjohnson@rice.edu", "howard@rice.edu", "so@rice.edu", "jettke@rice.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pcp@rice.edu", "planck@rice.edu", "vanstone@rice.edu", "wooddy@rice.edu", "yueguo@rice.edu", "isranir@rice.edu", "tbalestrery@houston.rr.com", "nelsonb@rice.edu", "demianen@rice.edu", "dikeman@rice.edu", "ganguzza@rice.edu", "litton@rice.edu", "chilkina@rice.edu", "rishad@rice.edu", "kostya@rice.edu", "sssmith@rice.edu", "nazareth@rice.edu", "wheelock@rice.edu", "westmore@rice.edu", "tbal93@yahoo.com", "loughrid@rice.edu", "helms@rice.edu", "wuwei@rice.edu", "otaylor@rice.edu", "emchombo@rice.edu", "wankhade@rice.edu", "hingoran@rice.edu", "nlwbio@rice.edu", "jblantonjr@yahoo.com", "gaudette@rice.edu", "monfan@rice.edu", "zhangn@rice.edu", "dayangd@rice.edu", "lamas@rice.edu", "maue@rice.edu"], [], "Dear Energy Derivatives students,\nThe deadline for the final project has been set for April 30, 2001.\nAll grades will be submitted to Rice Administration by May 4th (university \nrequirement).\nPlease mark your calendars!!!\nIf you have questions, please contact Vince or me.\nGood luck!\nJason Sokolov", ["Final Project deadline is April 30"], "{'recipients': ['loughrid@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu']}", [], "Dear Energy Derivatives students,\n\nThe deadline for the final project has been set for April 30, 2001.\nAll grades will be submitted to Rice Administration by May 4th (university \nrequirement).\nPlease mark your calendars!!!\n\nIf you have questions, please contact Vince or me.\n\nGood luck!\n\nJason Sokolov", ["<25018602.1075856626667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3093060.1075856190037.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14155035.1075856425437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-10:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-10:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.goodpasture@enron.com", "lee.ferrell@enron.com", "kimberly.watson@enron.com"], ["pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com"], "I am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her \nresume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n05:27 PM ---------------------------\n\"Helen Demianenko\" on 04/24/2001 02:11:05 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Job posting\nDear Vince,\nThanks for talking to me this morning about the Sr. Risk Analyst position.\nHere is where you can find the job description for that position:\nhttp://www2.enron.com/jobs/cgi-bin/get_details.pl?id00108729&bx\nAlso, I have cut and pasted it down below, just in case.\nI appreciate your assistance in this matter and will start working on my\ncover letter right away.\nI would also like to talk to somebody to get a better feel for the position\n(Is this really an MBA level position and how much of the in-depth learning\nopportunities for the derivatives market does it entail?)\nSincerely,\nHelen Demianenko\nP.S. I have attached my resume (one more time).\nSR RISK ANALYST\nESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary accountability for managing the ETS Risk Book\nstructure and processes from a pipeline (front office) perspective. Work\nwithin current NNG and TW Marketing organizations to effectively integrate\nrisk books into daily marketing and structured product activities. Provide\nfeedback to management regarding overall and specific risk positions.\nProvide support for consistent and accurate deals entry/reporting for stand\nalone risk management system. Create ad-hoc reports to assist management in\nrisk analysis. Responsible for managing and providing enhancements to the\nCapacity Books :? Maintain functionality and provide leadership for new\nfunctionality from a users perspective. Provide support and direction for\nintegration of Capacity Books and Revenue Management Project.Support Revenue\nManagement Team\nESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: BA/BS in Finance or Accounting (MBA preferred).\nMinimum of two years financial instruments experience. Excellent\nquantitative/analytic and systems skills. Knowledge of commodity risk book\nconcepts. Understanding of physical natural gas market, interstate\ntransportation and financial derivatives. Ability to interface with\nstructuring/marketing groups in order to define business requirements.\nAbility to provide leadership for business and system processes. Excellent\ncommunication skills with an ability to communicate across organization with\nvaried skill sets and ideas. Must be self-motivated with a high level of\nenergy\nPREFERRED SKILLS: NA.\nSPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: This job functions in a team-oriented, fast-paced\nenvironment with multiple concurrent assignments and constantly changing\npriorities.\nCONTACT: Responses will be accepted through May 3, 2001. Respond to Enron\nCorp., Human Resources 235, P O Box 3330, Omaha, NE 68103-0330 or e-mail:\n attachment. Please include this\nrequisition number.\nJob ID 0000108729\nDepartment RISK MANAGEMENT & REPORTI\nCompany ENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nLocation HOUSTON, TX\nType\nPosting date 19-APR-01\n\n", ["Job posting"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com']}", [], "I am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her \nresume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \n\nVince Kaminski\n\n", ["<20602583.1075856617929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5323625.1075856438893.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25479932.1075856502263.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20679926.1075856189204.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7116632.1075856426000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-11:20:0Slee.ferrell@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-11:20:0", "lee.ferrell@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi Vince,\nThis posting is for my group. Thanks for the referral.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:31 PM\nTo: Goodpasture, John; Watson, Kimberly; Ferrell, Lee; Kaminski, Vince\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\nSubject: Job posting\nI am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her \nresume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n05:27 PM ---------------------------\n\"Helen Demianenko\" on 04/24/2001 02:11:05 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Job posting\nDear Vince,\nThanks for talking to me this morning about the Sr. Risk Analyst position.\nHere is where you can find the job description for that position:\nhttp://www2.enron.com/jobs/cgi-bin/get_details.pl?id00108729&bx\nAlso, I have cut and pasted it down below, just in case.\nI appreciate your assistance in this matter and will start working on my\ncover letter right away.\nI would also like to talk to somebody to get a better feel for the position\n(Is this really an MBA level position and how much of the in-depth learning\nopportunities for the derivatives market does it entail?)\nSincerely,\nHelen Demianenko\nP.S. I have attached my resume (one more time).\nSR RISK ANALYST\nESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary accountability for managing the ETS Risk Book\nstructure and processes from a pipeline (front office) perspective. Work\nwithin current NNG and TW Marketing organizations to effectively integrate\nrisk books into daily marketing and structured product activities. Provide\nfeedback to management regarding overall and specific risk positions.\nProvide support for consistent and accurate deals entry/reporting for stand\nalone risk management system. Create ad-hoc reports to assist management in\nrisk analysis. Responsible for managing and providing enhancements to the\nCapacity Books :? Maintain functionality and provide leadership for new\nfunctionality from a users perspective. Provide support and direction for\nintegration of Capacity Books and Revenue Management Project.Support Revenue\nManagement Team\nESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: BA/BS in Finance or Accounting (MBA preferred).\nMinimum of two years financial instruments experience. Excellent\nquantitative/analytic and systems skills. Knowledge of commodity risk book\nconcepts. Understanding of physical natural gas market, interstate\ntransportation and financial derivatives. Ability to interface with\nstructuring/marketing groups in order to define business requirements.\nAbility to provide leadership for business and system processes. Excellent\ncommunication skills with an ability to communicate across organization with\nvaried skill sets and ideas. Must be self-motivated with a high level of\nenergy\nPREFERRED SKILLS: NA.\nSPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: This job functions in a team-oriented, fast-paced\nenvironment with multiple concurrent assignments and constantly changing\npriorities.\nCONTACT: Responses will be accepted through May 3, 2001. Respond to Enron\nCorp., Human Resources 235, P O Box 3330, Omaha, NE 68103-0330 or e-mail:\n attachment. Please include this\nrequisition number.\nJob ID 0000108729\nDepartment RISK MANAGEMENT & REPORTI\nCompany ENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nLocation HOUSTON, TX\nType\nPosting date 19-APR-01\n >> \n", ["RE: Job posting"], "{'body': ['loughrid@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nThis posting is for my group. Thanks for the referral.\n\n ", ["<28889940.1075856617905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9620334.1075856188986.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27158392.1075856426249.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-21:20:0Slee.ferrell@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-21:20:0", "lee.ferrell@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi Vince,\nThis posting is for my group. Thanks for the referral.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:31 PM\nTo: Goodpasture, John; Watson, Kimberly; Ferrell, Lee; Kaminski, Vince\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\nSubject: Job posting\nI am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her resume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 05:27 PM ---------------------------\n \n\"Helen Demianenko\" on 04/24/2001 02:11:05 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Job posting\nDear Vince,\nThanks for talking to me this morning about the Sr. Risk Analyst position.\nHere is where you can find the job description for that position:\nhttp://www2.enron.com/jobs/cgi-bin/get_details.pl?id00108729&bx\nAlso, I have cut and pasted it down below, just in case.\nI appreciate your assistance in this matter and will start working on my\ncover letter right away.\nI would also like to talk to somebody to get a better feel for the position\n(Is this really an MBA level position and how much of the in-depth learning\nopportunities for the derivatives market does it entail?)\nSincerely,\nHelen Demianenko\nP.S. I have attached my resume (one more time).\nSR RISK ANALYST\nESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary accountability for managing the ETS Risk Book\nstructure and processes from a pipeline (front office) perspective. Work\nwithin current NNG and TW Marketing organizations to effectively integrate\nrisk books into daily marketing and structured product activities. Provide\nfeedback to management regarding overall and specific risk positions.\nProvide support for consistent and accurate deals entry/reporting for stand\nalone risk management system. Create ad-hoc reports to assist management in\nrisk analysis. Responsible for managing and providing enhancements to the\nCapacity Books :? Maintain functionality and provide leadership for new\nfunctionality from a users perspective. Provide support and direction for\nintegration of Capacity Books and Revenue Management Project.Support Revenue\nManagement Team\nESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: BA/BS in Finance or Accounting (MBA preferred).\nMinimum of two years financial instruments experience. Excellent\nquantitative/analytic and systems skills. Knowledge of commodity risk book\nconcepts. Understanding of physical natural gas market, interstate\ntransportation and financial derivatives. Ability to interface with\nstructuring/marketing groups in order to define business requirements.\nAbility to provide leadership for business and system processes. Excellent\ncommunication skills with an ability to communicate across organization with\nvaried skill sets and ideas. Must be self-motivated with a high level of\nenergy\nPREFERRED SKILLS: NA.\nSPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: This job functions in a team-oriented, fast-paced\nenvironment with multiple concurrent assignments and constantly changing\npriorities.\nCONTACT: Responses will be accepted through May 3, 2001. Respond to Enron\nCorp., Human Resources 235, P O Box 3330, Omaha, NE 68103-0330 or e-mail:\n attachment. Please include this\nrequisition number.\nJob ID 0000108729\nDepartment RISK MANAGEMENT & REPORTI\nCompany ENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nLocation HOUSTON, TX\nType\nPosting date 19-APR-01\n >> \n", ["RE: Job posting"], "{'body': ['loughrid@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nThis posting is for my group. Thanks for the referral.\n\n ", ["<12526314.1075840785972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-4-2001-2:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-4-2001-2:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["demianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu"], [], "Helen,\nFYI. \nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2001 \n09:40 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee Ferrell/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 06:20 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Job posting\nHi Vince,\nThis posting is for my group. Thanks for the referral.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:31 PM\nTo: Goodpasture, John; Watson, Kimberly; Ferrell, Lee; Kaminski, Vince\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\nSubject: Job posting\nI am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her \nresume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n05:27 PM ---------------------------\n\"Helen Demianenko\" on 04/24/2001 02:11:05 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Job posting\nDear Vince,\nThanks for talking to me this morning about the Sr. Risk Analyst position.\nHere is where you can find the job description for that position:\nhttp://www2.enron.com/jobs/cgi-bin/get_details.pl?id00108729&bx\nAlso, I have cut and pasted it down below, just in case.\nI appreciate your assistance in this matter and will start working on my\ncover letter right away.\nI would also like to talk to somebody to get a better feel for the position\n(Is this really an MBA level position and how much of the in-depth learning\nopportunities for the derivatives market does it entail?)\nSincerely,\nHelen Demianenko\nP.S. I have attached my resume (one more time).\nSR RISK ANALYST\nESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary accountability for managing the ETS Risk Book\nstructure and processes from a pipeline (front office) perspective. Work\nwithin current NNG and TW Marketing organizations to effectively integrate\nrisk books into daily marketing and structured product activities. Provide\nfeedback to management regarding overall and specific risk positions.\nProvide support for consistent and accurate deals entry/reporting for stand\nalone risk management system. Create ad-hoc reports to assist management in\nrisk analysis. Responsible for managing and providing enhancements to the\nCapacity Books :? Maintain functionality and provide leadership for new\nfunctionality from a users perspective. Provide support and direction for\nintegration of Capacity Books and Revenue Management Project.Support Revenue\nManagement Team\nESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: BA/BS in Finance or Accounting (MBA preferred).\nMinimum of two years financial instruments experience. Excellent\nquantitative/analytic and systems skills. Knowledge of commodity risk book\nconcepts. Understanding of physical natural gas market, interstate\ntransportation and financial derivatives. Ability to interface with\nstructuring/marketing groups in order to define business requirements.\nAbility to provide leadership for business and system processes. Excellent\ncommunication skills with an ability to communicate across organization with\nvaried skill sets and ideas. Must be self-motivated with a high level of\nenergy\nPREFERRED SKILLS: NA.\nSPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: This job functions in a team-oriented, fast-paced\nenvironment with multiple concurrent assignments and constantly changing\npriorities.\nCONTACT: Responses will be accepted through May 3, 2001. Respond to Enron\nCorp., Human Resources 235, P O Box 3330, Omaha, NE 68103-0330 or e-mail:\n attachment. Please include this\nrequisition number.\nJob ID 0000108729\nDepartment RISK MANAGEMENT & REPORTI\nCompany ENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nLocation HOUSTON, TX\nType\nPosting date 19-APR-01\n >> \n", ["RE: Job posting"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Helen,\n\nFYI. \n\nVince\n\n", ["<20929181.1075856438747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18697745.1075856502115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5840305.1075856188786.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7417591.1075856426412.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-4-2001-12:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-4-2001-12:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["demianen@hydrant.ruf.rice.edu"], [], "Helen,\nFYI. \nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2001 09:40 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Lee Ferrell/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 06:20 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Job posting\nHi Vince,\nThis posting is for my group. Thanks for the referral.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:31 PM\nTo: Goodpasture, John; Watson, Kimberly; Ferrell, Lee; Kaminski, Vince\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\nSubject: Job posting\nI am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her resume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 05:27 PM ---------------------------\n \n\"Helen Demianenko\" on 04/24/2001 02:11:05 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Job posting\nDear Vince,\nThanks for talking to me this morning about the Sr. Risk Analyst position.\nHere is where you can find the job description for that position:\nhttp://www2.enron.com/jobs/cgi-bin/get_details.pl?id00108729&bx\nAlso, I have cut and pasted it down below, just in case.\nI appreciate your assistance in this matter and will start working on my\ncover letter right away.\nI would also like to talk to somebody to get a better feel for the position\n(Is this really an MBA level position and how much of the in-depth learning\nopportunities for the derivatives market does it entail?)\nSincerely,\nHelen Demianenko\nP.S. I have attached my resume (one more time).\nSR RISK ANALYST\nESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary accountability for managing the ETS Risk Book\nstructure and processes from a pipeline (front office) perspective. Work\nwithin current NNG and TW Marketing organizations to effectively integrate\nrisk books into daily marketing and structured product activities. Provide\nfeedback to management regarding overall and specific risk positions.\nProvide support for consistent and accurate deals entry/reporting for stand\nalone risk management system. Create ad-hoc reports to assist management in\nrisk analysis. Responsible for managing and providing enhancements to the\nCapacity Books :? Maintain functionality and provide leadership for new\nfunctionality from a users perspective. Provide support and direction for\nintegration of Capacity Books and Revenue Management Project.Support Revenue\nManagement Team\nESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: BA/BS in Finance or Accounting (MBA preferred).\nMinimum of two years financial instruments experience. Excellent\nquantitative/analytic and systems skills. Knowledge of commodity risk book\nconcepts. Understanding of physical natural gas market, interstate\ntransportation and financial derivatives. Ability to interface with\nstructuring/marketing groups in order to define business requirements.\nAbility to provide leadership for business and system processes. Excellent\ncommunication skills with an ability to communicate across organization with\nvaried skill sets and ideas. Must be self-motivated with a high level of\nenergy\nPREFERRED SKILLS: NA.\nSPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: This job functions in a team-oriented, fast-paced\nenvironment with multiple concurrent assignments and constantly changing\npriorities.\nCONTACT: Responses will be accepted through May 3, 2001. Respond to Enron\nCorp., Human Resources 235, P O Box 3330, Omaha, NE 68103-0330 or e-mail:\n attachment. Please include this\nrequisition number.\nJob ID 0000108729\nDepartment RISK MANAGEMENT & REPORTI\nCompany ENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nLocation HOUSTON, TX\nType\nPosting date 19-APR-01\n >> \n", ["RE: Job posting"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Helen,\n\nFYI. \n\nVince\n\n", ["<15266064.1075858470207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-3:41:0Srishad@rice.edu": ["30-4-2001-3:41:0", "rishad@rice.edu", ["jason.sokolov@enron.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["hingoran@rice.edu", "yoshiura@rice.edu", "gjohnson@rice.edu", "ganguzza@rice.edu", "maue@rice.edu", "rishad@rice.edu", "vanstone@rice.edu"], "Hi Vince and Jason:\nPlease find attached a copy of our project. Thank you for an enjoyable and\ninformative class.\nSincerely,\nRishad Patel\nNeeraj Hingorani\nDuane Maue\nEric Van Stone\nJohn Ganguzza\nGrant Johnson\nPaulo Yoshiura\n", ["Energy Futures Contracts Project"], "{'recipients': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince and Jason:\n\nPlease find attached a copy of our project. Thank you for an enjoyable and\ninformative class.\n\nSincerely,\n\nRishad Patel\nNeeraj Hingorani\nDuane Maue\nEric Van Stone\nJohn Ganguzza\nGrant Johnson\nPaulo Yoshiura\n\n\n - EnergyFuturesProject.doc", ["<21312636.1075856626511.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4166091.1075856185429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12099716.1075856429184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-13:41:0Srishad@rice.edu": ["30-4-2001-13:41:0", "rishad@rice.edu", ["jason.sokolov@enron.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["hingoran@rice.edu", "yoshiura@rice.edu", "gjohnson@rice.edu", "ganguzza@rice.edu", "maue@rice.edu", "rishad@rice.edu", "vanstone@rice.edu"], "Please respond to Hi Vince and Jason:\nPlease find attached a copy of our project. Thank you for an enjoyable and\ninformative class.\nSincerely,\nRishad Patel\nNeeraj Hingorani\nDuane Maue\nEric Van Stone\nJohn Ganguzza\nGrant Johnson\nPaulo Yoshiura\n ", ["Energy Futures Contracts Project"], "{'recipients': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu']}", [["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 3, "information", ["attached", "vince"], "information", "please respond to hi vince and jason: please find attached a copy of our project."]], "Please respond to Hi Vince and Jason:\n\nPlease find attached a copy of our project. Thank you for an enjoyable and\ninformative class.\n\nSincerely,\n\nRishad Patel\nNeeraj Hingorani\nDuane Maue\nEric Van Stone\nJohn Ganguzza\nGrant Johnson\nPaulo Yoshiura\n\n\n - EnergyFuturesProject.doc ", ["<8346055.1075840787286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-10:2:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-10:2:0", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 05:02 \nPM ---------------------------\nTracy Pan on 04/30/2001 11:10:36 AM\nPlease respond to pcp@rice.edu\nTo: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 3\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com [mailto:Jason.Sokolov@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: pcp@rice.edu\nSubject: Re: About the Energy Derivative Project\nTracy,\nBreak it down into 8000 files of 1 kB, and send each one in a separate\nmail.\nJust kidding!\nTry to send the whole thing.\nIf one of the servers refuses to accept it, then break it down into several\npieces.\nI know for sure that I can take files as large as 2MB.\nJason\n\n", ["Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 3", "Energy Derivative Project Tracy Pan Part 1", "Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 2"], "{'body': ['loughrid@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<20098992.1075856612251.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11299635.1075856612273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24738122.1075856184818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<661553.1075856184840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12204809.1075856184861.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19389246.1075856429729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27982177.1075856429752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31091668.1075856429775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-10:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-10:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n05:19 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 04/30/2001 05:02 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 3\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 05:02 \nPM ---------------------------\nTracy Pan on 04/30/2001 11:10:36 AM\nPlease respond to pcp@rice.edu\nTo: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 3\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com [mailto:Jason.Sokolov@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: pcp@rice.edu\nSubject: Re: About the Energy Derivative Project\nTracy,\nBreak it down into 8000 files of 1 kB, and send each one in a separate\nmail.\nJust kidding!\nTry to send the whole thing.\nIf one of the servers refuses to accept it, then break it down into several\npieces.\nI know for sure that I can take files as large as 2MB.\nJason\n\n", ["Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 3", "Energy Derivative Project Tracy Pan Part 1", "FW: Binomial"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "", ["<11088672.1075856437165.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6005041.1075856437187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28562866.1075856437208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27728220.1075856500545.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24251069.1075856500567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2043448.1075856500589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19709513.1075856184641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8435592.1075856184664.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9529063.1075856184686.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5271040.1075856429867.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6672255.1075856429889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1680981.1075856429912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-10:3:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-10:3:0", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 05:03 \nPM ---------------------------\nTracy Pan on 04/30/2001 11:11:35 AM\nPlease respond to pcp@rice.edu\nTo: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 4\nJason,\nI've send a total of 4 files to you. If you find any problem with the\nfiles, please let me know.\nThanks.\nTracy\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com [mailto:Jason.Sokolov@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: pcp@rice.edu\nSubject: Re: About the Energy Derivative Project\nTracy,\nBreak it down into 8000 files of 1 kB, and send each one in a separate\nmail.\nJust kidding!\nTry to send the whole thing.\nIf one of the servers refuses to accept it, then break it down into several\npieces.\nI know for sure that I can take files as large as 2MB.\nJason\n\n", ["Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 4"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<32062554.1075856184796.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14502136.1075856429797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-10:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-10:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n05:19 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 04/30/2001 05:03 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 4\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 05:03 \nPM ---------------------------\nTracy Pan on 04/30/2001 11:11:35 AM\nPlease respond to pcp@rice.edu\nTo: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 4\nJason,\nI've send a total of 4 files to you. If you find any problem with the\nfiles, please let me know.\nThanks.\nTracy\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jason.Sokolov@enron.com [mailto:Jason.Sokolov@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: pcp@rice.edu\nSubject: Re: About the Energy Derivative Project\nTracy,\nBreak it down into 8000 files of 1 kB, and send each one in a separate\nmail.\nJust kidding!\nTry to send the whole thing.\nIf one of the servers refuses to accept it, then break it down into several\npieces.\nI know for sure that I can take files as large as 2MB.\nJason\n\n", ["Energy Derivatives Project Tracy Pan Part 4"], "{'body': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "", ["<8058355.1075856437142.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32925201.1075856500524.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11636516.1075856184619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32985862.1075856429935.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-16:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-16:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa03.mx.aol.com (rly-xa03.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa01.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.36) with ESMTP; Mon, 30 Apr 2001 18:34:28 \n2000\nReceived: from hydrant.ruf.rice.edu (hydrant.ruf.rice.edu []) \nby rly-xa03.mx.aol.com (v77_r1.36) with ESMTP; Mon, 30 Apr 2001 18:29:31 -0400\nReceived: from monfan (gh-1032.gh.rice.edu []) by \nhydrant.ruf.rice.edu (8.11.0/8.9.0) with SMTP id f3UMQDn11622; Mon, 30 Apr \n2001 17:26:13 -0500 (CDT)\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Felix Feng Lu\" \nTo: \"Jason Sokolov\" \nCc: \"Vince Kaminski\" \nSubject: Project for Energy Derivatives\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 17:27:19 -0500\nMessage-ID: \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0009_01C0D19A.D1406140\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200\nX-MS-TNEF-Correlator: \nDear Jason and Dr. Kaminski,\n format and\nexcel models are zipped to reduce size. You need to unzip the file first to\nview the models. When reading the excel file, press \"F9\" to initiate\ncalculations.\nOur team members are also interested in meeting with Dr. Kaninski to talk\nabout the models and visit Enron's trading facility.\nWe appreciate the excellent class Dr. Kaminski has brought to us.\nFelix Feng Lu\non behalf of our team\n********************\nFelix Feng Lu\nMBA Candidate, Class 2001\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\nphone - 713.942.8472 / fax - 714.908.7914\nmonfan@rice.edu\n********************\n - winmail.dat", ["Fwd: Project for Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<23684755.1075856184466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1948073.1075856430028.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-8:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kostya@rice.edu"], "Shirley,\nPlease schedule an interview with Konstantin on May 8.\nStinson, Zimin, Alex, Tanya, Krishna, myself.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 \n03:07 PM ---------------------------\n\"Konstantin N. Kudin\" on 05/02/2001 01:39:15 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: An interview\n Dear Dr. Kaminski\n We have talked earlier during your energy class at Rice about career\nopportunities in risk management at Enron. If it is possible, I would like\nto meet with you and people from your group next week, preferably Tuesday\n(May 8). My time is flexible, I could come any time. Other days are also\nfine.\n Thank you very much in advance.\n Sincerely,\n Konstantin Kudin\n", ["An interview"], "{'body': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com'], 'recipients': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com']}", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 2, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "request", "shirley, please schedule an interview with konstantin on datenumeric ."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease schedule an interview with Konstantin on May 8.\n\nStinson, Zimin, Alex, Tanya, Krishna, myself.\n\n\nVince\n", ["<13000067.1075856617418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24124250.1075856436149.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8100948.1075856499531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14625708.1075856182235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25765060.1075856431594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "2-5-2001-8:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-8:20:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["kostya@rice.edu"], [], "Hello Mr. Kudin:\nVince Kaminski has asked me to schedule interviews for you with some \nof the Research Group. However, Tuesday, the 8th is not a good day for \neveryone as we will need approximately 3 hours.\nCould you do it Thursday afternoon May 10th? We could start at 1:00 PM\nand be through by 4:00 PM.\nThe interviewers would be:\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Vice President\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nZimin Lu Director\nAlex Huang Director\nPlease let me know if this will work for you. If so, I will need you to \nforward\nme a copy of your resume.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", ["Interview with the Enron Research Group"], "{'recipients': ['monfan@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu']}", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 5, "nninformation", ["interviews", "schedule"], "intention", " vince kaminski has asked me to schedule interviews for you with some of the research group."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 33, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "request", " if so, i will need you to forward me a copy of your resume."]], "Hello Mr. Kudin:\n\nVince Kaminski has asked me to schedule interviews for you with some \nof the Research Group. However, Tuesday, the 8th is not a good day for \neveryone as we will need approximately 3 hours.\n\nCould you do it Thursday afternoon May 10th? We could start at 1:00 PM\nand be through by 4:00 PM.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Vice President\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nZimin Lu Director\nAlex Huang Director\n\nPlease let me know if this will work for you. If so, I will need you to \nforward\nme a copy of your resume.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", ["<17719318.1075856617396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11276798.1075856182100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21434660.1075856431736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "4-5-2001-10:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-5-2001-10:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["monfan@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com"], "Felix,\nPlease, resend me the term papers of your group, each as a separate file.\nPlease send it to my AOL address as well as work address.\nMy AOL address is vkaminski@aol.com\nMy home phone number is 281 367 5377.\nVince", ["Term papers"], "{'recipients': ['wankhade@rice.edu', 'wheelock@rice.edu', 'wooddy@rice.edu', 'zhangn@rice.edu', 'lamas@rice.edu', 'litton@rice.edu', 'westmore@rice.edu', 'planck@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu', 'yoshiura@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'kostya@rice.edu', 'ganguzza@rice.edu', 'dikeman@rice.edu', 'vanstone@rice.edu', 'jettke@rice.edu', 'chilkina@rice.edu', 'wuwei@rice.edu', 'sssmith@rice.edu', 'tbal93@yahoo.com', 'jblantonjr@yahoo.com', 'gjohnson@rice.edu', 'yueguo@rice.edu', 'nlwbio@rice.edu', 'otaylor@rice.edu', 'nazareth@rice.edu', 'maue@rice.edu', 'isranir@rice.edu', 'so@rice.edu', 'howard@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'dayangd@rice.edu', 'emchombo@rice.edu', 'helms@rice.edu', 'nelsonb@rice.edu', 'gaudette@rice.edu', 'loughrid@rice.edu', 'hingoran@rice.edu', 'rishad@rice.edu', 'tbalestrery@houston.rr.com']}", [], "Felix,\n\nPlease, resend me the term papers of your group, each as a separate file.\nPlease send it to my AOL address as well as work address.\n\nMy AOL address is vkaminski@aol.com\n\nMy home phone number is 281 367 5377.\n\nVince", ["<22045173.1075856435531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26948826.1075856498904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29551586.1075856433670.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-5-2001-10:36:0Sjason.sokolov@enron.com": ["4-5-2001-10:36:0", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", ["wankhade@rice.edu", "isranir@rice.edu", "so@rice.edu", "zhangn@rice.edu", "otaylor@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Team,\ncan you resend your text document to Vince ASAP.\nWe could open your spreadsheet OK, but not the document.\nVince's contact information is on the attached email below.\n \nThanks\nJason\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2001 05:32 \nPM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n05/04/2001 05:29 PM\nTo: monfan@rice.edu\ncc: vkaminski@aol.com, Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Term papers\nFelix,\nPlease, resend me the term papers of your group, each as a separate file.\nPlease send it to my AOL address as well as work address.\nMy AOL address is vkaminski@aol.com\nMy home phone number is 281 367 5377.\nVince\n", ["Term papers"], "{'body': ['loughrid@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['loughrid@rice.edu', 'pcp@rice.edu', 'demianen@rice.edu', 'monfan@rice.edu']}", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 12, "information", ["attached", "information"], "information", " vince's contact information is on the attached email below."]], "Team,\ncan you resend your text document to Vince ASAP.\nWe could open your spreadsheet OK, but not the document.\nVince's contact information is on the attached email below.\n \nThanks\nJason\n\n", ["<32902354.1075856625965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12613002.1075856180065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<804982.1075856433694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "28-6-2000-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-6-2000-7:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-7-2000-9:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-7-2000-8:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-8-2000-6:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-8-2000-7:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-9-2000-1:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-1-2001-9:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-1-2001-6:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2001-3:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2001-6:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-1-2001-2:44:0Sarfsten@bflassociates.com 27-1-2001-8:31:0Sarfsten@bflassociates.com 29-1-2001-0:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-1-2001-0:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-2-2001-3:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-2-2001-3:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-10-2001-8:57:36Sarfsten@bflassociates.com 26-11-2001-6:30:56Sarfsten@bflassociates.com 26-11-2001-7:23:17Sarfsten@bflassociates.com 21-12-2001-6:39:15Sarfsten@bflassociates.com": {"28-6-2000-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-6-2000-0:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Al,\nI have called you back and left a message on your system.\nPlease, feel free to call me at the office (713) 853 3848\nor at home (281) 367 5377.\nVince\nAl Arfsten on 06/27/2000 04:13:47 PM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Personal/Conf.-Real Options\nCONFIDENTIAL: FOR DR. KAMINSKI ONLY:\nDr. Kaminski: Our client is one of the foremost financial advisory\nfirms in the world. They are building a consulting practice focused\nupon leading edge strategies in Real Options and related areas. You are\non a short list of people that could be helpful, if not a candidate.\nThis leadership role will require face to face interaction with board-\nand C-level clients and managing other highly credentialed professionals\nto become the premier group in this area. The role has prestige, high\ncompensation and professional challenge. The candidate can live\nanywhere to do this job. Of course, New York and San Francisco are the\nprimarily locations where they have critical mass. Even if this is not\nfor you, I would appreciate talking briefly (confidentially) with you to\nget your recommendations. Al Arfsten, BFL Associates Ltd. 713 965\n2158. Our website can be found at www.BFLassociates.com to get\nbackground on us.\n", ["Re: Personal/Conf.-Real Options"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com'], 'recipients': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Al,\n\nI have called you back and left a message on your system.\nPlease, feel free to call me at the office (713) 853 3848\nor at home (281) 367 5377.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten "], {}, true], "30-6-2000-7:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-6-2000-7:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/30/2000 \n02:08 PM ---------------------------\nAl Arfsten on 06/30/2000 11:38:13 AM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: Vince J Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Re: embedded info\nVince: Okay, lets meet Thursday at 7:00 am as you suggested. FYI: I get\nattachments from aol users nearly every day. If you received the cc at your\noffice and could open the attachment, you could \"forward\" that message to\nme? Otherwise, you can bring a hard copy with you Thursday. Al\nVince J Kaminski wrote:\n> Al,\n>\n> Our E-mail systems may have compatibility problems. I sent a cc\n> of the message to my E-mail address and received the attachment.\n> We can meet for breakfast one day next week (Wed through Fri)\n> at Hyatt Regency downtown (around 7:00 a.m.)\n>\n> Have a great holiday weekend.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> Al Arfsten on 06/30/2000 09:34:38 AM\n>\n> Please respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\n>\n> To: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: embedded info\n>\n> Vince J. Kaminski: Again, let me thank you for your efforts. Your\n> email says \"I am attaching the resume to this message\" but I did not\n> find an attachment file. I received the email text of your resume\n> only. A rich text Word document is always the most presentable for both\n> reviewing and printouts. When you have time, I would appreciate the\n> rich text version. If you are in town next week, maybe we could meet.\n> I hope be happy to go to your office or you could come to Greenway\n> Plaza. Downtown is just a quick drive for me. Al Arfsten BFL 713 965\n> 2158\n", ["Re: embedded info"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "", ["<1250681.1075856495191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<34973.1075856561469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12889854.1075856315980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8999127.1075856330563.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-7-2000-9:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-7-2000-9:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/07/2000 \n04:03 PM ---------------------------\nAl Arfsten on 07/07/2000 10:15:49 AM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Info\nVince: I very much enjoyed getting to know more about you yesterday\nmorning. When do you return from Australia? I would like to arrange\nfor you, I, and Tim Luehrman to meet so that you can learn more about he\nand his vision and the possibilities laying ahead for PwC and its global\nFinancial Advisory Services practice. I briefly talked with Tim and he\nvery much would enjoy receiving a copy of the publication in which you\nreferenced his tomato field model. Can you send it to me by\n\"attachment\" file? Also, your resume and other info you might provide?\nI hope to see you again soon or at least upon your return from\nAustralia. Best regards, Al Arfsten\n", ["Info"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "", ["<32473424.1075856494662.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10120245.1075856560940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17980439.1075856314129.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1330591.1075856331694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-7-2000-8:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-8:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/11/2000 \n03:49 PM ---------------------------\nAl Arfsten on 07/11/2000 02:49:18 PM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Package Recd\nVince: I am in receipt of your package. Thank you. I would like to\nkeep this information but think it should be rebundled and forwarded on\nthe Tim Luehrman. However, if you could send a duplicate of what you\nsent me to Tim Luehrman at PricewaterhouseCooper LLP; One Post Office\nSquare, Boston, MA 02109 via U.S. Mail, that would be great! Let me\nknow if that is possible to do prior to your leaving for Australia.\nOtherwise, I will send this one to him. Have a good trip down under.\nAl Arfsten BFL Associates Ltd. 713 965 2158\n", ["Package Recd"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "", ["<26408928.1075856493855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17666780.1075856560113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17266508.1075856312372.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29647490.1075856332852.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-8-2000-6:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-6:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Al,\nWednesday next week is fine with me. I would prefer to meet earlier\nrather than later. What about 6:45 or 7:00?\nVince\nAl Arfsten on 08/09/2000 11:38:46 AM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: BFL - Jim Woods Info\nVince: Pursuant to Bjorn's suggestion and my voice mail message,\nattached you will find the background information on Jim Woods. Jim is\nnot a pure quant and enjoys much more the areas of strategic thinking\nand related processes. From what I can tell, he enjoys the process of\ncreating an arguement for a client's position in some disputed matter.\nHe is looking forward to having an opportunity of meeting you. His\navailability next week is only on Wednesday. An early breakfast at the\nHyatt would work great for him. Please let me know if that might work.\nIf not, when? Al Arfsten\n\n", ["Re: BFL - Jim Woods Info"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com'], 'recipients': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Al,\n\nWednesday next week is fine with me. I would prefer to meet earlier\nrather than later. What about 6:45 or 7:00?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten "], {}, true], "9-8-2000-7:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-7:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Al,\nThanks. Confirmed for Wednesday, next week, 7:00 a.m.\nVince\nAl Arfsten on 08/09/2000 01:41:59 PM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: Vince J Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Re: BFL - Jim Woods Info\nVince: Jim is confirmed to meet you at 7:00 a.m. next Wednesday. He will go\nto the hostess stand at the atrium restaurant and await you. He is about 5'6\"\nbrownish hair, glasses, youthful appearance and will be in a sport jacket for\ncasual attire. I look forward to tallking with you again soon. Al Arfsten\nVince J Kaminski wrote:\n> Al,\n>\n> Wednesday next week is fine with me. I would prefer to meet earlier\n> rather than later. What about 6:45 or 7:00?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> Al Arfsten on 08/09/2000 11:38:46 AM\n>\n> Please respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\n>\n> To: vkamins@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: BFL - Jim Woods Info\n>\n> Vince: Pursuant to Bjorn's suggestion and my voice mail message,\n> attached you will find the background information on Jim Woods. Jim is\n> not a pure quant and enjoys much more the areas of strategic thinking\n> and related processes. From what I can tell, he enjoys the process of\n> creating an arguement for a client's position in some disputed matter.\n> He is looking forward to having an opportunity of meeting you. His\n> availability next week is only on Wednesday. An early breakfast at the\n> Hyatt would work great for him. Please let me know if that might work.\n> If not, when? Al Arfsten\n>\n)\n>\n> ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Type: Winword File (application/msword)\n> Encoding: base64\n> Description: Mac Word 3.0\n", ["Re: BFL - Jim Woods Info"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com'], 'recipients': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Al,\n\nThanks. Confirmed for Wednesday, next week, 7:00 a.m.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten ", "<2539505.1075856489307.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5919913.1075856555565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1449422.1075856300621.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-9-2000-1:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-1:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Al, \nThanks for the messages. I have come back from Europe last night\nand I am in process of going through my mail.\nFriday this week would be a good day to meet. I am going back to\nEurope on Sunday and shall be gone for a week.\nVince\nAl Arfsten on 09/22/2000 10:49:49 AM\nPlease respond to arfsten@bflassociates.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Al Arfsten Say Hello\nVince: I hope all is well with you. I look forward to chatting with\nyou soon. Maybe we should have an early coffee meeting at the Hyatt\nRegency when your schedule permits. Al Arfsten\n", ["Re: Al Arfsten Say Hello"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com'], 'recipients': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Al, \n\nThanks for the messages. I have come back from Europe last night\nand I am in process of going through my mail.\n\nFriday this week would be a good day to meet. I am going back to\nEurope on Sunday and shall be gone for a week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten ", "<3147149.1075856548632.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23895727.1075856285416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-9:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-9:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n05:27 PM ---------------------------\nAl Arfsten on 01/16/2001 03:12:48 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Collaborative Effort\nVince: I am very enthusiastic about your interest and possible\ncontributions towards a 22nd Century human blood system. I have\nattached a letter that discusses the endeavor. Please note that it has\na built-in automatic release in the event you need to terminate. It has\na confidentiality statement as well. If it is acceptable, please sign\nit and fax it back to me at 713 965 2114 at your earliest convenience.\nAl Arfsten\n\n", ["Collaborative Effort"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "", ["<9434344.1075856458454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5178909.1075856524791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1049221.1075856229816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12832858.1075856392612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-1-2001-6:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-1-2001-6:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-path: \nFrom: VKaminski@aol.com\nFull-name: VKaminski\nMessage-ID: <7f.f1b03d5.279c7f05@aol.com>\nDate: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 13:05:57 EST\nSubject: Fwd: Collaborative Effort\nTo: VKaminski@aol.com\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"part2_dd.f22d679.279c7f05_boundary\"\nX-Mailer: 6.0 sub 171\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zd03.mx.aol.com (rly-zd03.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-zd03.mail.aol.com (v77.31) with ESMTP; Fri, 19 Jan 2001 18:25:34 -0500\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-zd03.mx.aol.com (v77.27) with ESMTP; Fri, 19 Jan 2001 18:24:50 -0500\nReceived: from nahou-msmsw02px.corp.enron.com (nahou-msmsw02px.corp.enron.com \n[]) by postmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with \nESMTP id XAA07024 for ; Fri, 19 Jan 2001 23:24:46 GMT\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nReceived: from ene-mta01.enron.com (unverified) by \nnahou-msmsw02px.corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.1.5) with ESMTP \nid for \n; Fri, 19 Jan 2001 17:24:46 -0600\nSubject: Collaborative Effort\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nDate: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 17:24:41 -0600\nMessage-ID: \nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on ENE-MTA01/Enron(Release 5.0.6 |December \n14, 2000) at 01/19/2001 05:23:26 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: multipart/mixed; \nBoundary=\"0__2569D9008099468f9e8a93df938690918c862569D900809946\"\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown (No Version)\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001\n05:27 PM ---------------------------\nAl Arfsten on 01/16/2001 03:12:48 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Collaborative Effort\nVince: I am very enthusiastic about your interest and possible\ncontributions towards a 22nd Century human blood system. I have\nattached a letter that discusses the endeavor. Please note that it has\na built-in automatic release in the event you need to terminate. It has\na confidentiality statement as well. If it is acceptable, please sign\nit and fax it back to me at 713 965 2114 at your earliest convenience.\nAl Arfsten\n)\n", ["Fwd: Collaborative Effort"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Return-path: ", "<1496944.1075856588375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28120505.1075856393226.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-3:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-3:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], [], "Message-ID: <20283249.1075856457416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 03:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: arfsten@bflassociates.com\nSubject: Re: Next Step\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Al Arfsten @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAl,\n\nI have called Mark Lay and left a message on his voice mail.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten on 01/24/2001 11:16:25 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Next Step\n\n\nVince: Your suggestion to introduce the concept discussed with one of\nthe Lays is welcomed. I hope that this would mean that you would remain\ninvolved at some level. The design of the model and its potential\neconomics could be key to how worthy the effort might be. Enron could\nbe an ideal environment from which to the concept enhancement through to\ncommercialization could be successfully accomplished. Please\nconfidentially share matters as you think best and advise me of the\ninterest generated. I am ready to meet there at your building or\nelsewhere that is appropriate. Best regards, Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n\n\n", "Re: Next Step", "originEmail", [["leave voice", 5, "information", ["left", "voice"], "information", "al, i have called mark lay and left a message on his voice mail."]], "Al,\n\nI have called Mark Lay and left a message on his voice mail.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten ", [], true], "24-1-2001-6:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-6:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Al,\nI have spoken with Mark Lay and he is interested.\nEven if we cannot help you here in Enron, he may be able\nto put you in touch with other CV groups in town.\nPlease, call him directly and give my name as a reference.\n(713) 853-7408\nGood luck.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001 \n02:20 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n01/24/2001 11:21 AM\nTo: Al Arfsten @ ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Next Step \nAl,\nI have called Mark Lay and left a message on his voice mail.\nVince\nAl Arfsten on 01/24/2001 11:16:25 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Next Step\nVince: Your suggestion to introduce the concept discussed with one of\nthe Lays is welcomed. I hope that this would mean that you would remain\ninvolved at some level. The design of the model and its potential\neconomics could be key to how worthy the effort might be. Enron could\nbe an ideal environment from which to the concept enhancement through to\ncommercialization could be successfully accomplished. Please\nconfidentially share matters as you think best and advise me of the\ninterest generated. I am ready to meet there at your building or\nelsewhere that is appropriate. Best regards, Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n", ["Re: Next Step"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com'], 'recipients': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Al,\n\nI have spoken with Mark Lay and he is interested.\nEven if we cannot help you here in Enron, he may be able\nto put you in touch with other CV groups in town.\n\nPlease, call him directly and give my name as a reference.\n(713) 853-7408\n\nGood luck.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<32124094.1075856613889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8643557.1075856457350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8862905.1075856523685.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25777657.1075856227216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31310178.1075856394577.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-1-2001-2:44:0Sarfsten@bflassociates.com": ["25-1-2001-2:44:0", "arfsten@bflassociates.com", ["mark.lay@enron.com"], [], "Mark: Per our brief conversation this morning, the attached email was\nsent to you yesterday. I hope that you might understand that I am\nconceptually looking for \"founders\" and at the \"pre\" business plan\nstage. There is an enormous problem existing with a very attractive\neconomic reward and willing participants needing this solution. I need\nhelp. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000\nMessage-ID: <3A6F4DF1.B96146EE@bflassociates.com>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 15:49:37 -0600\nFrom: Al Arfsten \nOrganization: BFL Associates, Ltd.\nX-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD NSCPCD47 (Win98; I)\nX-Accept-Language: en\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nTo: mark.lay@enron.com\nSubject: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nMark Lay: I shared confidentially with Vince Kaminski my developing\nconcept of a highly inefficient not-for-profit enterprise with\ndramatically increasing costs. I believe that a for-profit economic\nmodel is possible that should reverse these skyrocketing costs and\nultimately lower the commodity thereby having a national, if not, global\nimpact of health care costs. Vince seems to also believe in the\nconcepts potential. The CEO of one of the biggest U.S. blood banks has\nalready asked to become involved. I would like involve more people\nwith vision, means and desire to help make this a reality. I would look\nforward to meeting with you to talk further. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n", ["[Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Mark: Per our brief conversation this morning, the attached email was\nsent to you yesterday. I hope that you might understand that I am\nconceptually looking for \"founders\" and at the \"pre\" business plan\nstage. There is an enormous problem existing with a very attractive\neconomic reward and willing participants needing this solution. I need\nhelp. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000\nMessage-ID: <3A6F4DF1.B96146EE@bflassociates.com \nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 15:49:37 -0600\nFrom: Al Arfsten ", "<14688536.1075856226749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27179555.1075856394934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-1-2001-8:31:0Sarfsten@bflassociates.com": ["27-1-2001-8:31:0", "arfsten@bflassociates.com", ["mark.lay@enron.com"], ["vkamins@enron.com"], "Mark Lay: Again, thank you for listening to my concept. In my search for \nco-foounder/collaborators and\nangel investors, disclosing the concept (for lack of a better title now, I \ncall the system \"LifeTrak\")\nand formulating a simple, clear picture is not easy. The attached schematic \ndepicts an overview of the\neffort. Part of the diagram hopes to separate the special interests as \nparticipants and member\norganizations so as to be helpful in the public sector with social issues. \nThe groups fall into two\nnatural sectors; (1) supply generators; and (2) user/service organizations. \nIn the middle is the system\nand its management that interconnects those benefiting groups and the \ndonor/recipient LifeTrak\ncardholders. I can embellish more on these later. The diagram gives us a \nplace to begin discuss and\ntalking points in order to try to simplify how the concept could be developed \nand supported and where the\nrevenue model which creates dramatic efficiencies generates management and \nlicense fee. I hope we can\nget together soon. Although Vince Kaminski cannot directly contribute due to \nhis other commitments, I\nhave copied him to keep him advised (hoping that he might be able to do more \nat a later date.). Best\nregards, Al Arfsten\nMark.Lay@enron.com wrote:\n> I did understand that you were still at the concept stage. It is a very\n> interesting proposal and I would like to think about it.\n>\n> Thanks,\n> Mark\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Al Arfsten @ENRON\n> \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Al+20Arfsten+20+3Carfsten+40bflassociates+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@\nENRON.com]\n>\n> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 10:45 AM\n> To: Lay, Mark\n> Subject: [Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]\n>\n> Mark: Per our brief conversation this morning, the attached email was\n> sent to you yesterday. I hope that you might understand that I am\n> conceptually looking for \"founders\" and at the \"pre\" business plan\n> stage. There is an enormous problem existing with a very attractive\n> economic reward and willing participants needing this solution. I need\n> help. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n>\n> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n> X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000\n> Message-ID: <3A6F4DF1.B96146EE@bflassociates.com>\n> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 15:49:37 -0600\n> From: Al Arfsten \n> Organization: BFL Associates, Ltd.\n> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD NSCPCD47 (Win98; I)\n> X-Accept-Language: en\n> MIME-Version: 1.0\n> To: mark.lay@enron.com\n> Subject: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity\n> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n>\n> Mark Lay: I shared confidentially with Vince Kaminski my developing\n> concept of a highly inefficient not-for-profit enterprise with\n> dramatically increasing costs. I believe that a for-profit economic\n> model is possible that should reverse these skyrocketing costs and\n> ultimately lower the commodity thereby having a national, if not, global\n> impact of health care costs. Vince seems to also believe in the\n> concepts potential. The CEO of one of the biggest U.S. blood banks has\n> already asked to become involved. I would like involve more people\n> with vision, means and desire to help make this a reality. I would look\n> forward to meeting with you to talk further. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n", ["Re: [Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 71, "nninformation", ["developed", "model"], "intention", " the diagram gives us a place to begin discuss and talking points in order to try to simplify how the concept could be developed and supported and where the revenue model which creates dramatic efficiencies generates management and license fee."], ["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 91, "nninformation", ["keep", "him"], "intention", " although vince kaminski cannot directly contribute due to his other commitments, i have copied him to keep him advised (hoping that he might be able to do more at a later date."]], "Mark Lay: Again, thank you for listening to my concept. In my search for \nco-foounder/collaborators and\nangel investors, disclosing the concept (for lack of a better title now, I \ncall the system \"LifeTrak\")\nand formulating a simple, clear picture is not easy. The attached schematic \ndepicts an overview of the\neffort. Part of the diagram hopes to separate the special interests as \nparticipants and member\norganizations so as to be helpful in the public sector with social issues. \nThe groups fall into two\nnatural sectors; (1) supply generators; and (2) user/service organizations. \nIn the middle is the system\nand its management that interconnects those benefiting groups and the \ndonor/recipient LifeTrak\ncardholders. I can embellish more on these later. The diagram gives us a \nplace to begin discuss and\ntalking points in order to try to simplify how the concept could be developed \nand supported and where the\nrevenue model which creates dramatic efficiencies generates management and \nlicense fee. I hope we can\nget together soon. Although Vince Kaminski cannot directly contribute due to \nhis other commitments, I\nhave copied him to keep him advised (hoping that he might be able to do more \nat a later date.). Best\nregards, Al Arfsten\n\nMark.Lay@enron.com wrote:\n\n I did understand that you were still at the concept stage. It is a very\n interesting proposal and I would like to think about it.\n \n Thanks,\n Mark\n \n ", ["<21751666.1075856613758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20174234.1075856225540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11068371.1075856395871.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-1-2001-0:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-0:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/29/2001 \n08:26 AM ---------------------------\nAl Arfsten on 01/27/2001 04:31:25 PM\nTo: Mark.Lay@enron.com\ncc: vkamins@enron.com \nSubject: Re: [Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]\nMark Lay: Again, thank you for listening to my concept. In my search for \nco-foounder/collaborators and\nangel investors, disclosing the concept (for lack of a better title now, I \ncall the system \"LifeTrak\")\nand formulating a simple, clear picture is not easy. The attached schematic \ndepicts an overview of the\neffort. Part of the diagram hopes to separate the special interests as \nparticipants and member\norganizations so as to be helpful in the public sector with social issues. \nThe groups fall into two\nnatural sectors; (1) supply generators; and (2) user/service organizations. \nIn the middle is the system\nand its management that interconnects those benefiting groups and the \ndonor/recipient LifeTrak\ncardholders. I can embellish more on these later. The diagram gives us a \nplace to begin discuss and\ntalking points in order to try to simplify how the concept could be developed \nand supported and where the\nrevenue model which creates dramatic efficiencies generates management and \nlicense fee. I hope we can\nget together soon. Although Vince Kaminski cannot directly contribute due to \nhis other commitments, I\nhave copied him to keep him advised (hoping that he might be able to do more \nat a later date.). Best\nregards, Al Arfsten\nMark.Lay@enron.com wrote:\n> I did understand that you were still at the concept stage. It is a very\n> interesting proposal and I would like to think about it.\n>\n> Thanks,\n> Mark\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Al Arfsten @ENRON\n> \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Al+20Arfsten+20+3Carfsten+40bflassociates+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@\nENRON.com]\n>\n> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 10:45 AM\n> To: Lay, Mark\n> Subject: [Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]\n>\n> Mark: Per our brief conversation this morning, the attached email was\n> sent to you yesterday. I hope that you might understand that I am\n> conceptually looking for \"founders\" and at the \"pre\" business plan\n> stage. There is an enormous problem existing with a very attractive\n> economic reward and willing participants needing this solution. I need\n> help. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n>\n> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n> X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000\n> Message-ID: <3A6F4DF1.B96146EE@bflassociates.com>\n> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 15:49:37 -0600\n> From: Al Arfsten \n> Organization: BFL Associates, Ltd.\n> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD NSCPCD47 (Win98; I)\n> X-Accept-Language: en\n> MIME-Version: 1.0\n> To: mark.lay@enron.com\n> Subject: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity\n> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n>\n> Mark Lay: I shared confidentially with Vince Kaminski my developing\n> concept of a highly inefficient not-for-profit enterprise with\n> dramatically increasing costs. I believe that a for-profit economic\n> model is possible that should reverse these skyrocketing costs and\n> ultimately lower the commodity thereby having a national, if not, global\n> impact of health care costs. Vince seems to also believe in the\n> concepts potential. The CEO of one of the biggest U.S. blood banks has\n> already asked to become involved. I would like involve more people\n> with vision, means and desire to help make this a reality. I would look\n> forward to meeting with you to talk further. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n\n", ["Re: [Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "", ["<4654238.1075856456422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26387852.1075856522763.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29211992.1075856225317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27873665.1075856396098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-1-2001-0:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-1-2001-0:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Al,\nThanks for the update. I hope that you and Mark \nwill come up with a good plan of attack.\nI can only regret that my workload does not allow me to participate \nin this project.\nVince\nAl Arfsten on 01/25/2001 05:45:54 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: M Lay Response\nVince: I forwarded Mark Lay's reply to update you. Al\nReceived: from outbound5.enron.com ( by \nmail06a.intermediahosting.com (RS ver 1.0.58s) with SMTP id 09075930 for \n; Thu, 25 Jan 2001 18:34:37 -0500 (EST)\nReceived: from nahou-msmsw01px.corp.enron.com ([]) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id XAA12799 for \n; Thu, 25 Jan 2001 23:34:36 GMT\nFrom: Mark.Lay@enron.com\nReceived: from nahou-lnint01.corp.enron.com (unverified) by \nnahou-msmsw01px.corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.1.5) with ESMTP \nid for \n; Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:34:36 -0600\nTo: arfsten@bflassociates.com\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nImportance: Normal\nDate: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 17:34:16 -0600\nSubject: RE: [Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]\nMessage-ID: \nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on NAHOU-LNINT01/Enron(Release 5.0.2b \n(Intl)|16 December 1999) at 01/25/2001 05:34:34 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nX-Loop-Detect: 1\nX-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000\nI did understand that you were still at the concept stage. It is a very\ninteresting proposal and I would like to think about it.\nThanks,\nMark\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Al Arfsten @ENRON\n \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Al+20Arfsten+20+3Carfsten+40bflassociates+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@\nENRON.com]\n Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 10:45 AM\n To: Lay, Mark\n Subject: [Fwd: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity]\n Mark: Per our brief conversation this morning, the attached email was\n sent to you yesterday. I hope that you might understand that I am\n conceptually looking for \"founders\" and at the \"pre\" business plan\n stage. There is an enormous problem existing with a very attractive\n economic reward and willing participants needing this solution. I need\n help. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000\n Message-ID: <3A6F4DF1.B96146EE@bflassociates.com>\n Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 15:49:37 -0600\n From: Al Arfsten \n Organization: BFL Associates, Ltd.\n X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD NSCPCD47 (Win98; I)\n X-Accept-Language: en\n MIME-Version: 1.0\n To: mark.lay@enron.com\n Subject: New Commodity Marketplace Opportunity\n Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n Mark Lay: I shared confidentially with Vince Kaminski my developing\n concept of a highly inefficient not-for-profit enterprise with\n dramatically increasing costs. I believe that a for-profit economic\n model is possible that should reverse these skyrocketing costs and\n ultimately lower the commodity thereby having a national, if not, global\n impact of health care costs. Vince seems to also believe in the\n concepts potential. The CEO of one of the biggest U.S. blood banks has\n already asked to become involved. I would like involve more people\n with vision, means and desire to help make this a reality. I would look\n forward to meeting with you to talk further. Al Arfsten 713 965 2158\n", ["Re: M Lay Response"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com'], 'recipients': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Al,\n\nThanks for the update. I hope that you and Mark \nwill come up with a good plan of attack.\n\nI can only regret that my workload does not allow me to participate \nin this project.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten ", "<2848096.1075856457196.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14866015.1075856523530.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11201129.1075856226565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-2-2001-3:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-3:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["arfsten@bflassociates.com"], [], "Al,\nI left message on Mark's voice mail\nwith the question about his interest\nin your idea.\nVince\nAl Arfsten on 02/16/2001 09:50:11 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: More problems for blood banks\nVince: An associates sent me this online news story: below.\n Do you\nknow if Mark Lay has any further interest? Regards, Al Arfsten 713 965\n2158\n", ["Re: More problems for blood banks"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com'], 'recipients': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [["leave voice", 4, "information", ["left", "voice"], "information", "al, i left message on mark's voice mail with the question about his interest in your idea."]], "Al,\n\nI left message on Mark's voice mail\nwith the question about his interest\nin your idea.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAl Arfsten ", "<10844002.1075856518742.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32564902.1075856217523.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "16-2-2001-3:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-3:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2001 \n11:01 AM ---------------------------\nAl Arfsten on 02/16/2001 09:50:11 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: More problems for blood banks\nVince: An associates sent me this online news story: below.\n Do you\nknow if Mark Lay has any further interest? Regards, Al Arfsten 713 965\n2158\n", ["More problems for blood banks"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "", ["<19374046.1075856452392.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18194346.1075856518720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10980447.1075856217502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32020508.1075856402083.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-10-2001-8:57:36Sarfsten@bflassociates.com": ["25-10-2001-8:57:36", "arfsten@bflassociates.com", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince: Why don't we meet for breakfast at 7:00 or 7:30 am at the usual place next Tuesday the 30th? AL\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Al,\n>\n> Look forward to meeting you.\n>\n> Next week, Monday through Wednesday would work for me.\n> I shall be traveling for the rest of that week.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Al Arfsten @ENRON\n> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:15 AM\n> To: vkamins@enron.com\n> Subject: Troubled Waters\n>\n> Vince: I look forward to our next breakfast chat. Best regards, Al\n> Arfsten\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n> **********************************************************************", ["Re: Troubled Waters"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Vince: Why don't we meet for breakfast at 7:00 or 7:30 am at the usual place next Tuesday the 30th? AL\n\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n Al,\n \n Look forward to meeting you.\n \n Next week, Monday through Wednesday would work for me.\n I shall be traveling for the rest of that week.\n \n Vince\n \n ", ["<7132100.1075863409493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-11-2001-6:30:56Sarfsten@bflassociates.com": ["26-11-2001-6:30:56", "arfsten@bflassociates.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["vkamins@enron.com"], "\nVince: Bjorn must be in Chicago Wednesday so we must move the meeting to Tuesday or Thursday, if that is possible. Otherwise, give me other possibilities. Thanks, Al\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Al Arfsten \nTo: VKaminski@aol.com \nCc: bjorn@bflassociates.com \nSent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:45 AM\nSubject: Re: Meeting next week\nVince: That works for us at the Hyatt Regency at 7am. The earlier the better on the Plan. See you soon. Al\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: VKaminski@aol.com \nTo: arfsten@bflassociates.com \nSent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:23 AM\nSubject: Meeting next week\nAl, \nWhat about meeting Stinson on Wednesday next week (after Thanksgiving) at 7:00 a.m., Hyatt Regency? We should be able to E-mail you the business plan outline the day before. \nHave a Happy Thanksgiving. \nVince ", ["Fw: Change Mtg Date???"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "\nVince: Bjorn must be in Chicago Wednesday so we must move the meeting to Tuesday or Thursday, if that is possible. Otherwise, give me other possibilities. Thanks, Al\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Al Arfsten \n", ["<6142707.1075862450001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-11-2001-7:23:17Sarfsten@bflassociates.com": ["26-11-2001-7:23:17", "arfsten@bflassociates.com", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["bjorn@bflassociates.com"], "Vince: We will see you and Stinson at 7am at the Hyatt on Thursday. Al\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nSent: Monday, November 26, 2001 8:29 AM\nSubject: RE: Change Mtg Date???\n> Al,\n>\n> Thursday would work for me.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Al Arfsten\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 8:31 AM\n> To: VKaminski@aol.com\n> Cc: vkamins@enron.com\n> Subject: Fw: Change Mtg Date???\n>\n>\n> Vince: Bjorn must be in Chicago Wednesday so we must move the meeting\n> to Tuesday or Thursday, if that is possible. Otherwise, give me other\n> possibilities. Thanks, Al\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: Al Arfsten << File: mailto:arfsten@bflassociates.com >>\n> To: VKaminski@aol.com << File: mailto:VKaminski@aol.com >>\n> Cc: bjorn@bflassociates.com << File: mailto:bjorn@bflassociates.com >>\n> Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:45 AM\n> Subject: Re: Meeting next week\n> Vince: That works for us at the Hyatt Regency at 7am. The earlier\nthe\n> better on the Plan. See you soon. Al\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: VKaminski@aol.com << File: mailto:VKaminski@aol.com >>\n> To: arfsten@bflassociates.com << File: mailto:arfsten@bflassociates.com\n> >>\n> Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:23 AM\n> Subject: Meeting next week\n> Al,\n> What about meeting Stinson on Wednesday next week (after Thanksgiving)\n> at 7:00 a.m., Hyatt Regency? We should be able to E-mail you the\n> business plan outline the day before.\n> Have a Happy Thanksgiving.\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by other\ns is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply\nto Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you.\n> **********************************************************************", ["Re: Change Mtg Date???"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "Vince: We will see you and Stinson at 7am at the Hyatt on Thursday. Al\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: "], {}, true], "21-12-2001-6:39:15Sarfsten@bflassociates.com": ["21-12-2001-6:39:15", "arfsten@bflassociates.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["vkamins@enron.com"], "\nVince: I will plan on next Wednesday and will see you at 7:30 am at the Hyatt unless lunch works better for you. Regards, Al Arfsten\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: VKaminski@aol.com \nTo: arfsten@bflassociates.com \nSent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:56 PM\nSubject: Re: Breakfast?\nAl, \nNext Wednesday would work for me. Also, I shall fax you my non-solicitation agreement for Coral tonight. \nVince ", ["Re: Breakfast?"], "{'body': ['arfsten@bflassociates.com']}", [], "\nVince: I will plan on next Wednesday and will see you at 7:30 am at the Hyatt unless lunch works better for you. Regards, Al Arfsten\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: VKaminski@aol.com \n", ["<29498548.1075855457806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "17-1-2001-7:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-1-2001-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-1-2001-7:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-7:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6447350.1075856459342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 07:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nI am a very good customer of your group.\n\nThis is another student (this time from Chicago) I would be glad to take into \nthe group\nas an intern. The resume is attached at the bottom of this message.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2001 \n03:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nLi Xiao on 01/13/2001 01:41:29 PM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago\n\n\nHi, Vince,\n\nThis is Li, writing from U. of Chicago.\nI am in the second quarter here.\nThe study and social life is extremely busy at the school.\nBut I enjoy connecting the knowledge I learn everyday here\nwith the experience I had with Enron.\n\nA schoolmate of mine, a Chicago Ph.D. candidate in finance,\nis looking for an internship for the coming summer.\nI recommend him to write to you to see if you are interested in\nor if there is a need. If so, you can contact with him directly.\nHe is a really bright guy. If not, hope you don't mind that\nI sell Enron at school so hard.\n\nAgain, thanks for all the help you gave me.\nHave a good new year.\n\nLi\n\nP.S.: Cover letter below and resume attached.\n\n_______________________________________________\n\nLI XIAO\nUniversity of Chicago\nGraduate School of Business, Class of 2002\n(773) 955-0710\n_______________________________________________\n\n\nDear Dr. Vince Kaminski,\n\nI am a Ph.D. student in Finance at the University of Chicago GSB who =\nhopes to find a summer internship at Enron of 2001 (between June and =\nSeptember). I heard your group from my friend Li, who worked at Enron =\nfor 3 year. She spoke highly of you. If it's okay, I am primarily =\ninterested in Risk management.\nAt the University of Chicago, I will have completed all the Ph.D. =\ncourses in the area of finance by the end of the first year. As normally =\nit takes two years to finish the required finance courses, I decided to =\ntake all the finance courses in the first year. In the fall quarter, I =\nalready took Empirical Asset Pricing and Theoretical Asset Pricing and =\ndid very well. In the winter quarter, I will be taking Corporate =\nFinance, Continuous Time Finance and Behavioral Finance. I am exposed to =\nall fields of finance. Prior to coming to Chicago, I received a Master's =\ndegree in Economics at Washington University in Saint Louis where I =\nacquired skills in economic analysis. I also have a strong background in =\nstatistics and mathematics. This makes me believe that I have acquired =\nthe ability to do financial research.\n\nPrior to coming to the United State, I was an outstanding graduate from =\nBeijing University, China. I was the founder and President of Beijng =\nUniveristy Society of Oceanology. I also organized a research jouney in =\nthe round-the-Bo-Sea Economic Region. These experience helped to hone my =\ncommunication and interpersonal skills.\n\nAs illustrated above, my skills and expertise are ideally suited for =\nfinancial research. My resume is enclosed. In the event that you think =\nan interview is in need, my time is very flexible. Your assistance is =\nappreciated.\n\nSincerely yours,\n\n\nJason Chen (Huafeng)\n\n6022 S. Drexel Ave, Apt 612\nChicago, IL 60637\n(773)955-0348\n\n\n\n - Resume.doc\n", "Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago", "forward", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 10, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " the resume is attached at the bottom of this message."]], "Celeste,\n\nI am a very good customer of your group.\n\nThis is another student (this time from Chicago) I would be glad to take into \nthe group\nas an intern. The resume is attached at the bottom of this message.\n\nVince\n\n", "<6447350.1075856459342.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "19-1-2001-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-9:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10311958.1075856392454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nCan you ask Alex and Tanya to interview this guy?\nI wan to make a recommendation to Celeste based on\nan this interview.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n05:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCeleste Roberts\n01/18/2001 04:33 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Paul LeBeau/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Re: Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago \n\nVince:\n\nHave you had a chance to interview? If not, we can make arrangements to have \ncandidate interviewed when we go to Chicago for summer associate interviews. \nLet me know and I will get the Chicago recruiter to add to schedule. \n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2001 03:51 PM\nTo: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago\n\nCeleste,\n\nI am a very good customer of your group.\n\nThis is another student (this time from Chicago) I would be glad to take into \nthe group\nas an intern. The resume is attached at the bottom of this message.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2001 \n03:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nLi Xiao on 01/13/2001 01:41:29 PM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago\n\n\nHi, Vince,\n\nThis is Li, writing from U. of Chicago.\nI am in the second quarter here.\nThe study and social life is extremely busy at the school.\nBut I enjoy connecting the knowledge I learn everyday here\nwith the experience I had with Enron.\n\nA schoolmate of mine, a Chicago Ph.D. candidate in finance,\nis looking for an internship for the coming summer.\nI recommend him to write to you to see if you are interested in\nor if there is a need. If so, you can contact with him directly.\nHe is a really bright guy. If not, hope you don't mind that\nI sell Enron at school so hard.\n\nAgain, thanks for all the help you gave me.\nHave a good new year.\n\nLi\n\nP.S.: Cover letter below and resume attached.\n\n_______________________________________________\n\nLI XIAO\nUniversity of Chicago\nGraduate School of Business, Class of 2002\n(773) 955-0710\n_______________________________________________\n\n\nDear Dr. Vince Kaminski,\n\nI am a Ph.D. student in Finance at the University of Chicago GSB who =\nhopes to find a summer internship at Enron of 2001 (between June and =\nSeptember). I heard your group from my friend Li, who worked at Enron =\nfor 3 year. She spoke highly of you. If it's okay, I am primarily =\ninterested in Risk management.\nAt the University of Chicago, I will have completed all the Ph.D. =\ncourses in the area of finance by the end of the first year. As normally =\nit takes two years to finish the required finance courses, I decided to =\ntake all the finance courses in the first year. In the fall quarter, I =\nalready took Empirical Asset Pricing and Theoretical Asset Pricing and =\ndid very well. In the winter quarter, I will be taking Corporate =\nFinance, Continuous Time Finance and Behavioral Finance. I am exposed to =\nall fields of finance. Prior to coming to Chicago, I received a Master's =\ndegree in Economics at Washington University in Saint Louis where I =\nacquired skills in economic analysis. I also have a strong background in =\nstatistics and mathematics. This makes me believe that I have acquired =\nthe ability to do financial research.\n\nPrior to coming to the United State, I was an outstanding graduate from =\nBeijing University, China. I was the founder and President of Beijng =\nUniveristy Society of Oceanology. I also organized a research jouney in =\nthe round-the-Bo-Sea Economic Region. These experience helped to hone my =\ncommunication and interpersonal skills.\n\nAs illustrated above, my skills and expertise are ideally suited for =\nfinancial research. My resume is enclosed. In the event that you think =\nan interview is in need, my time is very flexible. Your assistance is =\nappreciated.\n\nSincerely yours,\n\n\nJason Chen (Huafeng)\n\n6022 S. Drexel Ave, Apt 612\nChicago, IL 60637\n(773)955-0348\n\n\n\n - Resume.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Fwd: Summer Internship--Ph.D. in Chicago", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["interview", "alex"], "request", "stinson, can you ask alex and tanya to interview this guy?"], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 8, "nninformation", ["interview", "make"], "intention", " i wan to make a recommendation to celeste based on an this interview."]], "Stinson,\n\nCan you ask Alex and Tanya to interview this guy?\nI wan to make a recommendation to Celeste based on\nan this interview.\n\nVince\n", "<10311958.1075856392454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-11-2000-3:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-3-2001-7:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-3:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-3:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jfleming@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "westbro@rice.edu"], "Message-ID: <17005297.1075856373638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 03:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jfleming@rice.edu\nSubject: Course outlines\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, westbro@rice.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, westbro@rice.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: jfleming@rice.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, westbro@rice.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nI am sending you a draft of the outline of the course on energy derivatives.\nI would appreciate your comments before I finalize it.\n\nBy the way, did we agree on the time schedule for the class?\nTuesday or Thursday evening would work for me.\n\nVince\n", "Course outlines", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 3, "information", ["draft", "sending"], "information", "jeff, i am sending you a draft of the outline of the course on energy derivatives."]], "Jeff,\n\nI am sending you a draft of the outline of the course on energy derivatives.\nI would appreciate your comments before I finalize it.\n\nBy the way, did we agree on the time schedule for the class?\nTuesday or Thursday evening would work for me.\n\nVince\n", "<17005297.1075856373638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "2-3-2001-7:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-3-2001-7:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32018608.1075856450292.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 07:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Course outlines\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/02/2001 \n03:15 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/27/2000 11:03 AM\nTo: jfleming@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, westbro@rice.edu \nSubject: Course outlines\n\nJeff,\n\nI am sending you a draft of the outline of the course on energy derivatives.\nI would appreciate your comments before I finalize it.\n\nBy the way, did we agree on the time schedule for the class?\nTuesday or Thursday evening would work for me.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Course outlines", "forward", [], "", "<32018608.1075856450292.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "17-2-2000-0:25:0Scharlene.jackson@enron.com 17-2-2000-2:11:0Sravi.thuraisingham@enron.com 17-2-2000-2:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-0:25:0Scharlene.jackson@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:25:0", "charlene.jackson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1106437.1075863704117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.jackson@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Summer Internship Position\nCc: celeste.roberts@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: celeste.roberts@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nX-From: Charlene Jackson\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Celeste Roberts, Vince J Kaminski, Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nWe need to make sure that the interns in Vince's group are coordinated and \nincorporated with the rest of the summer associates. They should be offered \nthe same starting dates, I believe they are May 22, 2000 June 5, 2000. I am \nnot sure about the June date. Would you check and let Vince know. They \nshould also be offered the same starting salary package as the others. They \nwill be included in training (a few days) and any other events we host.\nThanks", "Re: Summer Internship Position", "forward", [], "Celeste,\n\nWe need to make sure that the interns in Vince's group are coordinated and \nincorporated with the rest of the summer associates. They should be offered \nthe same starting dates, I believe they are May 22, 2000 June 5, 2000. I am \nnot sure about the June date. Would you check and let Vince know. They \nshould also be offered the same starting salary package as the others. They \nwill be included in training (a few days) and any other events we host.\nThanks", "<1106437.1075863704117.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-2-2000-2:11:0Sravi.thuraisingham@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-2:11:0", "ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "april.hodgson@enron.com matt.harris@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com celeste.roberts@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1369634.1075863704091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 02:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Summer Internship Position\nCc: april.hodgson@enron.com, matt.harris@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tceleste.roberts@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: april.hodgson@enron.com, matt.harris@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tceleste.roberts@enron.com\nX-From: Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-To: Vince Kaminski\nX-cc: April Hodgson, Matt Harris, Stinson Gibner, Charlene Jackson@ENRON, Celeste Roberts\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince, Paulo Oleira (one of the M.I.T attending our meeting on wed)'s \nresearch interest turned out to be a match for April Hodgeson (VP of content \norigination). I had him talk to April (Stinson was on the call as well) to \ndiscuss his research interest and what he would likely to do for April. I \nsuggested (and April agrees) that Paulo would intern with her and Matt and \nperform research on how end users (consumers and business) improved \nexperience with ePowered content can be quantified. This may include \nperforming control experiments at M.I.T. We decided not to over specify what \nhe would do since it is likely to change as soon as he arrives. I suggested \nonce he starts, he will work with April and Matt Harris (VP enterprise \norigination) and they will define what the student needs to complete for the \ninternship. \n\nAddiontionally, Tom Gros agrees that this type of research are needed and \nthis is a great way to start.\n\nI will proceed to have recruiting contact the student with an offer to start \naround May 22, 2000 unless someone tells me otherwise.\n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n\nP.S. Charlene, please include Paulo in your May 22, 2000 start group. Paulo \nwill report to me within EBS research group but will work on a day-to-day \nbasis with April and Matt. As you've mentioned that compensation is somewhat \nfixed but please keep in mind that this person is a PhD candidate with very \nspecialized skill set. Please contact Vince before extending an offer that \nmay be too low, etc. \n\n\n----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/17/00 09:27 \nAM -----\n\n\tCharlene Jackson@ENRON\n\t02/17/00 08:25 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ravi \nThuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: Summer Internship Position\n\nCeleste,\n\nWe need to make sure that the interns in Vince's group are coordinated and \nincorporated with the rest of the summer associates. They should be offered \nthe same starting dates, I believe they are May 22, 2000 June 5, 2000. I am \nnot sure about the June date. Would you check and let Vince know. They \nshould also be offered the same starting salary package as the others. They \nwill be included in training (a few days) and any other events we host.\nThanks", "Re: Summer Internship Position", "reply", [["attend meeting", 3, "information", ["attending", "meeting"], "information", "t attending our meeting on wed)'s research interest turned out to be a match for april hodgeson (vp of content origination)."]], "Hi Vince, Paulo Oleira (one of the M.I.T attending our meeting on wed)'s \nresearch interest turned out to be a match for April Hodgeson (VP of content \norigination). I had him talk to April (Stinson was on the call as well) to \ndiscuss his research interest and what he would likely to do for April. I \nsuggested (and April agrees) that Paulo would intern with her and Matt and \nperform research on how end users (consumers and business) improved \nexperience with ePowered content can be quantified. This may include \nperforming control experiments at M.I.T. We decided not to over specify what \nhe would do since it is likely to change as soon as he arrives. I suggested \nonce he starts, he will work with April and Matt Harris (VP enterprise \norigination) and they will define what the student needs to complete for the \ninternship. \n\nAddiontionally, Tom Gros agrees that this type of research are needed and \nthis is a great way to start.\n\nI will proceed to have recruiting contact the student with an offer to start \naround May 22, 2000 unless someone tells me otherwise.\n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n\nP.S. Charlene, please include Paulo in your May 22, 2000 start group. Paulo \nwill report to me within EBS research group but will work on a day-to-day \nbasis with April and Matt. As you've mentioned that compensation is somewhat \nfixed but please keep in mind that this person is a PhD candidate with very \nspecialized skill set. Please contact Vince before extending an offer that \nmay be too low, etc. \n\n\n---", "<1369634.1075863704091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-2-2000-2:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-2:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32776283.1075863707404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 02:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Summer Internship Position\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRavi,\n\nCharlene wants the entire batch of potential summer intern resumes sent to \nher in one step.\nI want to complete this by Friday. Catch me after lunch to talk about it.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRavi Thuraisingham@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 02/17/2000 10:11:36 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski\ncc: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Matt \nHarris/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCharlene Jackson@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Summer Internship Position\n\nHi Vince, Paulo Oleira (one of the M.I.T attending our meeting on wed)'s \nresearch interest turned out to be a match for April Hodgeson (VP of content \norigination). I had him talk to April (Stinson was on the call as well) to \ndiscuss his research interest and what he would likely to do for April. I \nsuggested (and April agrees) that Paulo would intern with her and Matt and \nperform research on how end users (consumers and business) improved \nexperience with ePowered content can be quantified. This may include \nperforming control experiments at M.I.T. We decided not to over specify what \nhe would do since it is likely to change as soon as he arrives. I suggested \nonce he starts, he will work with April and Matt Harris (VP enterprise \norigination) and they will define what the student needs to complete for the \ninternship. \n\nAddiontionally, Tom Gros agrees that this type of research are needed and \nthis is a great way to start.\n\nI will proceed to have recruiting contact the student with an offer to start \naround May 22, 2000 unless someone tells me otherwise.\n\nRegards,\n\nRavi.\n\nP.S. Charlene, please include Paulo in your May 22, 2000 start group. Paulo \nwill report to me within EBS research group but will work on a day-to-day \nbasis with April and Matt. As you've mentioned that compensation is somewhat \nfixed but please keep in mind that this person is a PhD candidate with very \nspecialized skill set. Please contact Vince before extending an offer that \nmay be too low, etc. \n\n\n----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/17/00 09:27 \nAM -----\n\n\tCharlene Jackson@ENRON\n\t02/17/00 08:25 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ravi \nThuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: Summer Internship Position\n\nCeleste,\n\nWe need to make sure that the interns in Vince's group are coordinated and \nincorporated with the rest of the summer associates. They should be offered \nthe same starting dates, I believe they are May 22, 2000 June 5, 2000. I am \nnot sure about the June date. Would you check and let Vince know. They \nshould also be offered the same starting salary package as the others. They \nwill be included in training (a few days) and any other events we host.\nThanks\n\n\n", "Re: Summer Internship Position", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 9, "information", ["sent", "resumes"], "information", "ravi, charlene wants the entire batch of potential summer intern resumes sent to her in one step."]], "Ravi,\n\nCharlene wants the entire batch of potential summer intern resumes sent to \nher in one step.\nI want to complete this by Friday. Catch me after lunch to talk about it.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRavi Thuraisingham@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 02/17/2000 10:11:36 AM\n", "<32776283.1075863707404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "11-7-2000-1:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-7-2000-3:35:0Sbbrandfass@panalytix.com 25-7-2000-8:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-7-2000-1:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-1:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["bbrandfass@panalytix.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <14775598.1075856600776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 01:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bbrandfass@panalytix.com\nSubject: Re: B. Brandfass\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Barbara E. Brandfass\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Conferences\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBarbara,\n\nMy apologies. I was traveling and then we had the usual end of the quarter\npandemonium.\n\nI am sending you my presentations and would like to get back to you with\nsome questions regarding your products.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Barbara E. Brandfass\" on 07/10/2000 04:15:33 PM\nTo: \ncc: \"Amir Sadr\" \nSubject: B. Brandfass\n\n\n\nHello Vince,\n?\nSorry to be a bother but do you have those materials from your talk in May?\n?\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n?\nThank You,\n?\nBarbara E. Brandfass, Chief of Business Development \nPanalytix, Inc., www.panalytix.com\n212 974 1022, b@panalytix.com\n\n", "Re: B. Brandfass", "originEmail", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 7, "information", ["sending", "presentations"], "information", " i am sending you my presentations and would like to get back to you with some questions regarding your products."]], "Barbara,\n\nMy apologies. I was traveling and then we had the usual end of the quarter\npandemonium.\n\nI am sending you my presentations and would like to get back to you with\nsome questions regarding your products.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Barbara E. Brandfass\" ", [], true], "12-7-2000-3:35:0Sbbrandfass@panalytix.com": ["12-7-2000-3:35:0", "bbrandfass@panalytix.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["asadr@panalytix.com"], "Vince,\nThank you.\nWe look forward to speaking with you.\nRegards,\nBarbara\nPanalytix, Inc., www.panalytix.com\n212 974 1022, b@panalytix.com\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: \nSent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 9:28 AM\nSubject: Re: B. Brandfass\nBarbara,\nMy apologies. I was traveling and then we had the usual end of the quarter\npandemonium.\nI am sending you my presentations(See attached file: Risk2000.ppt)(See\nattached file: Risk2_w.ppt) and would like to get back to you with\nsome questions regarding your products.\nVince\n\"Barbara E. Brandfass\" on 07/10/2000 04:15:33 PM\nTo: \ncc: \"Amir Sadr\" \nSubject: B. Brandfass\nHello Vince,\nSorry to be a bother but do you have those materials from your talk in\nMay?\nI look forward to hearing from you.\nThank You,\nBarbara E. Brandfass, Chief of Business Development\nPanalytix, Inc., www.panalytix.com\n212 974 1022, b@panalytix.com\n", ["Re: B. Brandfass"], "{'body': ['bbrandfass@panalytix.com']}", [], "Vince,\n\nThank you.\n\nWe look forward to speaking with you.\n\nRegards,\n\nBarbara\n\nPanalytix, Inc., www.panalytix.com\n212 974 1022, b@panalytix.com\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<12097661.1075856332980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-7-2000-8:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-7-2000-8:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["bbrandfass@panalytix.com"], [], "Barbara,\nYes, that would be fine.\nVince\n\"Barbara E. Brandfass\" on 07/25/2000 12:53:08 PM\nTo: \ncc: \"Amir Sadr\" \nSubject: Weather Derivatives\nVince,\n?\nHello.? I hope you are well.\n?\nThrough the course of our work in developing an energy product, I have \nlearned?the publication Derivatives Week is preparing a special report on \nweather and energy derivatives.? They have asked us if we know of anyone who \ncould contribute to the editorial.\n?\nI thought of you.? Would you be amenable to my presenting your name?\n?\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n?\nRegards,\n?\nBarbara E. Brandfass, Chief of Business Development \nPanalytix, Inc., www.panalytix.com\n212 974 1022, b@panalytix.com\n", ["Re: Weather Derivatives"], "{'body': ['bbrandfass@panalytix.com'], 'recipients': ['bbrandfass@panalytix.com']}", [], "Barbara,\n\nYes, that would be fine.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Barbara E. Brandfass\" ", "<10697946.1075856559047.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17672436.1075856309018.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "13-4-2001-14:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-4-2001-14:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2001-10:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2001-16:24:0Sdjw@kwi.com 24-4-2001-16:40:0Sdjw@kwi.com 24-4-2001-20:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-4-2001-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2001-10:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-4:17:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"13-4-2001-14:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-4-2001-14:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2001 \n09:41 PM ---------------------------\nDavid Warwick on 04/12/2001 04:04:32 PM\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: KWI User Group\nDear Vince\nPlease may I reintroduce myself. We met last year at the Sydney EPRM\nconference which my company KWI sponsored. I chaired the session at which\nyou spoke.\nAs you may remember, my company, KWI are one of the world's leading provider\nof systems (kW3000) and consultancy for energy, trading and risk management.\nWe have over 60 clients worldwide including many of the world's leading\nenergy companies (not Enron unfortunately):\nNorth America\n- TVA\n- Ontario Power\n- Cinergy\n- Bonneville Power\nEurope\n- Enel\n- ATEL\n- Electrabel\n- EDF\nNordic\n- Vattenfall\n- Fortum\n- Sydkraft\n- Statkraft\n- Birka Energi\n- Norsk Hydro\nEach year we stage a \"KWI Users Forum\" - a 2-day event attended by leading\ntrading and risk staff from our clients. Last year there were about 100\ndelegates. The agenda primarily focusses on issues surrounding risk\nmanagement for the energy sector.\nThe agenda comprises keynote presentations on burning risk issues from\nindustry leading energy speakers and practical workshops focussed around\nusing our software.\nThis years event is at a luxury hotel in the wonderful Spanish city of\nBarcelona and runs from the evening of Sunday September 9th to Tuesday\nSeptember 11th. The main conference dinner is on the Monday evening and is\nalways a memorable event. This year it is in a leading Barcelona restaurant\npreceded by a bus tour of the city with a stop for pre-dinner drinks.\nI would like to invite you to make the opening keynote address, the\nhighlight of the conference.\nThe subject could be:\n* a general energy risk related topic\n* a general insight into the secret of Enron's continued success in\nthe energy markets\n* your thoughts on the future development on energy markets (and other\ncommodity related - bandwidth etc.) worldwide\nObviously, we would cover all your delagate costs including accomodation,\nfood and drink.\nWhat's in it for you ? Many of our users are some the energy sectors leading\nrisk thinkers and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them and exchanging\nviews.\nPlease let me know if you are able to accept the invitation.\nBest regards\nDavid Warwick - Marketing Dierctor and Co-founder\n", ["KWI User Group"], "{'body': ['djw@kwi.com']}", [], "", ["<2887707.1075856440610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26744469.1075856506949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9163930.1075856193868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19428223.1075856422157.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-4-2001-14:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-4-2001-14:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["djw@kwi.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "David,\nThanks for the invitation. \nI shall check my schedule on Monday and will get back to you\nregarding the conference.\nI hope you will a very Happy Easter.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/12/2001 04:04:32 PM\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: KWI User Group\nDear Vince\nPlease may I reintroduce myself. We met last year at the Sydney EPRM\nconference which my company KWI sponsored. I chaired the session at which\nyou spoke.\nAs you may remember, my company, KWI are one of the world's leading provider\nof systems (kW3000) and consultancy for energy, trading and risk management.\nWe have over 60 clients worldwide including many of the world's leading\nenergy companies (not Enron unfortunately):\nNorth America\n- TVA\n- Ontario Power\n- Cinergy\n- Bonneville Power\nEurope\n- Enel\n- ATEL\n- Electrabel\n- EDF\nNordic\n- Vattenfall\n- Fortum\n- Sydkraft\n- Statkraft\n- Birka Energi\n- Norsk Hydro\nEach year we stage a \"KWI Users Forum\" - a 2-day event attended by leading\ntrading and risk staff from our clients. Last year there were about 100\ndelegates. The agenda primarily focusses on issues surrounding risk\nmanagement for the energy sector.\nThe agenda comprises keynote presentations on burning risk issues from\nindustry leading energy speakers and practical workshops focussed around\nusing our software.\nThis years event is at a luxury hotel in the wonderful Spanish city of\nBarcelona and runs from the evening of Sunday September 9th to Tuesday\nSeptember 11th. The main conference dinner is on the Monday evening and is\nalways a memorable event. This year it is in a leading Barcelona restaurant\npreceded by a bus tour of the city with a stop for pre-dinner drinks.\nI would like to invite you to make the opening keynote address, the\nhighlight of the conference.\nThe subject could be:\n* a general energy risk related topic\n* a general insight into the secret of Enron's continued success in\nthe energy markets\n* your thoughts on the future development on energy markets (and other\ncommodity related - bandwidth etc.) worldwide\nObviously, we would cover all your delagate costs including accomodation,\nfood and drink.\nWhat's in it for you ? Many of our users are some the energy sectors leading\nrisk thinkers and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them and exchanging\nviews.\nPlease let me know if you are able to accept the invitation.\nBest regards\nDavid Warwick - Marketing Dierctor and Co-founder\n", ["Re: KWI User Group"], "{'body': ['djw@kwi.com'], 'recipients': ['djw@kwi.com']}", [], "David,\n\nThanks for the invitation. \nI shall check my schedule on Monday and will get back to you\nregarding the conference.\n\nI hope you will a very Happy Easter.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Warwick ", "<11309516.1075856506927.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12356609.1075856193845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-10:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-10:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["djw@kwi.com"], [], "David,\nI can ask our CEO John Sherriff.\nPlease, let me know by 10:00 a.m. Central Time, Wednesday.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 05:24:53 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nSorry to hear you cannot make it ... you would obviously have been the big\ncatch !!\nIn terms of a London based replacement, who did you have in mind and what\nsort of subject could they cover ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 24 April 2001 23:22\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nI regret to inform you I am unable to attend the conference due to previous\ncommitments.\nWould you consider a speakers form our London office?\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 09:47:31 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nAny further thoughts on this ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 13 April 2001 21:44\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nThanks for the invitation.\nI shall check my schedule on Monday and will get back to you\nregarding the conference.\nI hope you will a very Happy Easter.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/12/2001 04:04:32 PM\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: KWI User Group\nDear Vince\nPlease may I reintroduce myself. We met last year at the Sydney EPRM\nconference which my company KWI sponsored. I chaired the session at which\nyou spoke.\nAs you may remember, my company, KWI are one of the world's leading\nprovider\nof systems (kW3000) and consultancy for energy, trading and risk\nmanagement.\nWe have over 60 clients worldwide including many of the world's leading\nenergy companies (not Enron unfortunately):\nNorth America\n- TVA\n- Ontario Power\n- Cinergy\n- Bonneville Power\nEurope\n- Enel\n- ATEL\n- Electrabel\n- EDF\nNordic\n- Vattenfall\n- Fortum\n- Sydkraft\n- Statkraft\n- Birka Energi\n- Norsk Hydro\nEach year we stage a \"KWI Users Forum\" - a 2-day event attended by leading\ntrading and risk staff from our clients. Last year there were about 100\ndelegates. The agenda primarily focusses on issues surrounding risk\nmanagement for the energy sector.\nThe agenda comprises keynote presentations on burning risk issues from\nindustry leading energy speakers and practical workshops focussed around\nusing our software.\nThis years event is at a luxury hotel in the wonderful Spanish city of\nBarcelona and runs from the evening of Sunday September 9th to Tuesday\nSeptember 11th. The main conference dinner is on the Monday evening and is\nalways a memorable event. This year it is in a leading Barcelona restaurant\npreceded by a bus tour of the city with a stop for pre-dinner drinks.\nI would like to invite you to make the opening keynote address, the\nhighlight of the conference.\nThe subject could be:\n* a general energy risk related topic\n* a general insight into the secret of Enron's continued success in\nthe energy markets\n* your thoughts on the future development on energy markets (and other\ncommodity related - bandwidth etc.) worldwide\nObviously, we would cover all your delagate costs including accomodation,\nfood and drink.\nWhat's in it for you ? Many of our users are some the energy sectors\nleading\nrisk thinkers and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them and exchanging\nviews.\nPlease let me know if you are able to accept the invitation.\nBest regards\nDavid Warwick - Marketing Dierctor and Co-founder\n", ["RE: KWI User Group"], "{'body': ['djw@kwi.com'], 'recipients': ['djw@kwi.com']}", [], "David,\n\nI can ask our CEO John Sherriff.\nPlease, let me know by 10:00 a.m. Central Time, Wednesday.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Warwick ", "<5642042.1075856502217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5251773.1075856189134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5328217.1075856426072.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-16:24:0Sdjw@kwi.com": ["24-4-2001-16:24:0", "djw@kwi.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince\nSorry to hear you cannot make it ... you would obviously have been the big\ncatch !!\nIn terms of a London based replacement, who did you have in mind and what\nsort of subject could they cover ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 24 April 2001 23:22\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nI regret to inform you I am unable to attend the conference due to previous\ncommitments.\nWould you consider a speakers form our London office?\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 09:47:31 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nAny further thoughts on this ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 13 April 2001 21:44\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nThanks for the invitation.\nI shall check my schedule on Monday and will get back to you\nregarding the conference.\nI hope you will a very Happy Easter.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/12/2001 04:04:32 PM\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: KWI User Group\nDear Vince\nPlease may I reintroduce myself. We met last year at the Sydney EPRM\nconference which my company KWI sponsored. I chaired the session at which\nyou spoke.\nAs you may remember, my company, KWI are one of the world's leading\nprovider\nof systems (kW3000) and consultancy for energy, trading and risk\nmanagement.\nWe have over 60 clients worldwide including many of the world's leading\nenergy companies (not Enron unfortunately):\nNorth America\n- TVA\n- Ontario Power\n- Cinergy\n- Bonneville Power\nEurope\n- Enel\n- ATEL\n- Electrabel\n- EDF\nNordic\n- Vattenfall\n- Fortum\n- Sydkraft\n- Statkraft\n- Birka Energi\n- Norsk Hydro\nEach year we stage a \"KWI Users Forum\" - a 2-day event attended by leading\ntrading and risk staff from our clients. Last year there were about 100\ndelegates. The agenda primarily focusses on issues surrounding risk\nmanagement for the energy sector.\nThe agenda comprises keynote presentations on burning risk issues from\nindustry leading energy speakers and practical workshops focussed around\nusing our software.\nThis years event is at a luxury hotel in the wonderful Spanish city of\nBarcelona and runs from the evening of Sunday September 9th to Tuesday\nSeptember 11th. The main conference dinner is on the Monday evening and is\nalways a memorable event. This year it is in a leading Barcelona restaurant\npreceded by a bus tour of the city with a stop for pre-dinner drinks.\nI would like to invite you to make the opening keynote address, the\nhighlight of the conference.\nThe subject could be:\n* a general energy risk related topic\n* a general insight into the secret of Enron's continued success in\nthe energy markets\n* your thoughts on the future development on energy markets (and other\ncommodity related - bandwidth etc.) worldwide\nObviously, we would cover all your delagate costs including accomodation,\nfood and drink.\nWhat's in it for you ? Many of our users are some the energy sectors\nleading\nrisk thinkers and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them and exchanging\nviews.\nPlease let me know if you are able to accept the invitation.\nBest regards\nDavid Warwick - Marketing Dierctor and Co-founder\n", ["RE: KWI User Group"], "{'body': ['djw@kwi.com']}", [], "Vince\n\nSorry to hear you cannot make it ... you would obviously have been the big\ncatch !!\n\nIn terms of a London based replacement, who did you have in mind and what\nsort of subject could they cover ?\n\nDavid\n\n", ["<3990149.1075856189180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27716330.1075856598318.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9293818.1075856426048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-16:40:0Sdjw@kwi.com": ["24-4-2001-16:40:0", "djw@kwi.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince\nYes please go ahead.\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 24 April 2001 23:35\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nI can ask our CEO John Sherriff.\nPlease, let me know by 10:00 a.m. Central Time, Wednesday.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 05:24:53 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nSorry to hear you cannot make it ... you would obviously have been the big\ncatch !!\nIn terms of a London based replacement, who did you have in mind and what\nsort of subject could they cover ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 24 April 2001 23:22\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nI regret to inform you I am unable to attend the conference due to previous\ncommitments.\nWould you consider a speakers form our London office?\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 09:47:31 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nAny further thoughts on this ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 13 April 2001 21:44\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nThanks for the invitation.\nI shall check my schedule on Monday and will get back to you\nregarding the conference.\nI hope you will a very Happy Easter.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/12/2001 04:04:32 PM\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: KWI User Group\nDear Vince\nPlease may I reintroduce myself. We met last year at the Sydney EPRM\nconference which my company KWI sponsored. I chaired the session at which\nyou spoke.\nAs you may remember, my company, KWI are one of the world's leading\nprovider\nof systems (kW3000) and consultancy for energy, trading and risk\nmanagement.\nWe have over 60 clients worldwide including many of the world's leading\nenergy companies (not Enron unfortunately):\nNorth America\n- TVA\n- Ontario Power\n- Cinergy\n- Bonneville Power\nEurope\n- Enel\n- ATEL\n- Electrabel\n- EDF\nNordic\n- Vattenfall\n- Fortum\n- Sydkraft\n- Statkraft\n- Birka Energi\n- Norsk Hydro\nEach year we stage a \"KWI Users Forum\" - a 2-day event attended by leading\ntrading and risk staff from our clients. Last year there were about 100\ndelegates. The agenda primarily focusses on issues surrounding risk\nmanagement for the energy sector.\nThe agenda comprises keynote presentations on burning risk issues from\nindustry leading energy speakers and practical workshops focussed around\nusing our software.\nThis years event is at a luxury hotel in the wonderful Spanish city of\nBarcelona and runs from the evening of Sunday September 9th to Tuesday\nSeptember 11th. The main conference dinner is on the Monday evening and is\nalways a memorable event. This year it is in a leading Barcelona restaurant\npreceded by a bus tour of the city with a stop for pre-dinner drinks.\nI would like to invite you to make the opening keynote address, the\nhighlight of the conference.\nThe subject could be:\n* a general energy risk related topic\n* a general insight into the secret of Enron's continued success in\nthe energy markets\n* your thoughts on the future development on energy markets (and other\ncommodity related - bandwidth etc.) worldwide\nObviously, we would cover all your delagate costs including accomodation,\nfood and drink.\nWhat's in it for you ? Many of our users are some the energy sectors\nleading\nrisk thinkers and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them and exchanging\nviews.\nPlease let me know if you are able to accept the invitation.\nBest regards\nDavid Warwick - Marketing Dierctor and Co-founder\n", ["RE: KWI User Group"], "{'body': ['djw@kwi.com']}", [], "Vince\n\nYes please go ahead.\n\nDavid\n\n", ["<29049252.1075856189034.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28858420.1075856598296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22177147.1075856426178.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-20:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-20:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["djw@kwi.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <8518513.1075858469954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: David Warwick \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski , Shirley Crenshaw \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nDavid,\n\nI regret to inform you I am unable to attend the conference due to previous commitments.\nWould you consider a speakers form our London office?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 09:47:31 AM\nTo:\t\"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRE: KWI User Group\n\n\nVince\n\nAny further thoughts on this ?\n\nDavid\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 13 April 2001 21:44\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: KWI User Group\n\n\n\nDavid,\n\nThanks for the invitation.\nI shall check my schedule on Monday and will get back to you\nregarding the conference.\n\nI hope you will a very Happy Easter.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Warwick on 04/12/2001 04:04:32 PM\n\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: KWI User Group\n\n\nDear Vince\n\nPlease may I reintroduce myself. We met last year at the Sydney EPRM\nconference which my company KWI sponsored. I chaired the session at which\nyou spoke.\n\nAs you may remember, my company, KWI are one of the world's leading\nprovider\nof systems (kW3000) and consultancy for energy, trading and risk\nmanagement.\nWe have over 60 clients worldwide including many of the world's leading\nenergy companies (not Enron unfortunately):\n\nNorth America\n- TVA\n- Ontario Power\n- Cinergy\n- Bonneville Power\n\nEurope\n- Enel\n- ATEL\n- Electrabel\n- EDF\n\nNordic\n- Vattenfall\n- Fortum\n- Sydkraft\n- Statkraft\n- Birka Energi\n- Norsk Hydro\n\nEach year we stage a \"KWI Users Forum\" - a 2-day event attended by leading\ntrading and risk staff from our clients. Last year there were about 100\ndelegates. The agenda primarily focusses on issues surrounding risk\nmanagement for the energy sector.\n\nThe agenda comprises keynote presentations on burning risk issues from\nindustry leading energy speakers and practical workshops focussed around\nusing our software.\n\nThis years event is at a luxury hotel in the wonderful Spanish city of\nBarcelona and runs from the evening of Sunday September 9th to Tuesday\nSeptember 11th. The main conference dinner is on the Monday evening and is\nalways a memorable event. This year it is in a leading Barcelona restaurant\npreceded by a bus tour of the city with a stop for pre-dinner drinks.\n\nI would like to invite you to make the opening keynote address, the\nhighlight of the conference.\n\nThe subject could be:\n\n* a general energy risk related topic\n* a general insight into the secret of Enron's continued success in\nthe energy markets\n* your thoughts on the future development on energy markets (and other\ncommodity related - bandwidth etc.) worldwide\n\nObviously, we would cover all your delagate costs including accomodation,\nfood and drink.\n\nWhat's in it for you ? Many of our users are some the energy sectors\nleading\nrisk thinkers and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them and exchanging\nviews.\n\nPlease let me know if you are able to accept the invitation.\n\nBest regards\n\n\nDavid Warwick - Marketing Dierctor and Co-founder\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: KWI User Group", "originEmail", [["serve_attend conference", 7, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", "david, i regret to inform you i am unable to attend the conference due to previous commitments."]], "David,\n\nI regret to inform you I am unable to attend the conference due to previous commitments.\nWould you consider a speakers form our London office?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Warwick ", [], true], "25-4-2001-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-4-2001-6:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["djw@kwi.com"], [], "David,\nI talked to JS. His PR person in London will contact you.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 05:40:10 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nYes please go ahead.\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 24 April 2001 23:35\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nI can ask our CEO John Sherriff.\nPlease, let me know by 10:00 a.m. Central Time, Wednesday.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 05:24:53 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nSorry to hear you cannot make it ... you would obviously have been the big\ncatch !!\nIn terms of a London based replacement, who did you have in mind and what\nsort of subject could they cover ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 24 April 2001 23:22\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nI regret to inform you I am unable to attend the conference due to previous\ncommitments.\nWould you consider a speakers form our London office?\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/24/2001 09:47:31 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: KWI User Group\nVince\nAny further thoughts on this ?\nDavid\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 13 April 2001 21:44\nTo: djw@kwi.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: KWI User Group\nDavid,\nThanks for the invitation.\nI shall check my schedule on Monday and will get back to you\nregarding the conference.\nI hope you will a very Happy Easter.\nVince\nDavid Warwick on 04/12/2001 04:04:32 PM\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: KWI User Group\nDear Vince\nPlease may I reintroduce myself. We met last year at the Sydney EPRM\nconference which my company KWI sponsored. I chaired the session at which\nyou spoke.\nAs you may remember, my company, KWI are one of the world's leading\nprovider\nof systems (kW3000) and consultancy for energy, trading and risk\nmanagement.\nWe have over 60 clients worldwide including many of the world's leading\nenergy companies (not Enron unfortunately):\nNorth America\n- TVA\n- Ontario Power\n- Cinergy\n- Bonneville Power\nEurope\n- Enel\n- ATEL\n- Electrabel\n- EDF\nNordic\n- Vattenfall\n- Fortum\n- Sydkraft\n- Statkraft\n- Birka Energi\n- Norsk Hydro\nEach year we stage a \"KWI Users Forum\" - a 2-day event attended by leading\ntrading and risk staff from our clients. Last year there were about 100\ndelegates. The agenda primarily focusses on issues surrounding risk\nmanagement for the energy sector.\nThe agenda comprises keynote presentations on burning risk issues from\nindustry leading energy speakers and practical workshops focussed around\nusing our software.\nThis years event is at a luxury hotel in the wonderful Spanish city of\nBarcelona and runs from the evening of Sunday September 9th to Tuesday\nSeptember 11th. The main conference dinner is on the Monday evening and is\nalways a memorable event. This year it is in a leading Barcelona restaurant\npreceded by a bus tour of the city with a stop for pre-dinner drinks.\nI would like to invite you to make the opening keynote address, the\nhighlight of the conference.\nThe subject could be:\n* a general energy risk related topic\n* a general insight into the secret of Enron's continued success in\nthe energy markets\n* your thoughts on the future development on energy markets (and other\ncommodity related - bandwidth etc.) worldwide\nObviously, we would cover all your delagate costs including accomodation,\nfood and drink.\nWhat's in it for you ? Many of our users are some the energy sectors\nleading\nrisk thinkers and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them and exchanging\nviews.\nPlease let me know if you are able to accept the invitation.\nBest regards\nDavid Warwick - Marketing Dierctor and Co-founder\n", ["RE: KWI User Group"], "{'body': ['djw@kwi.com'], 'recipients': ['djw@kwi.com']}", [], "David,\n\nI talked to JS. His PR person in London will contact you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Warwick ", "<7504257.1075856501827.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28077550.1075856188275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8683085.1075856426202.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-10:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-10:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com", "djw@kwi.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Stinson,\nHe keeps bugging us about it. \nAny thoughts what we should do?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n05:22 PM ---------------------------\n\"Mike Curran\" on 04/24/2001 10:03:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Mike Curran\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Willow and Pathstar evaluations\nHi Vince -\nHope all is well with you.\nSharad hasn't had time to evaluate our Willow Tree or Monte Carlo software\nsince the middle of last year. Is there somebody else that could do it?\nPlease let me know who I should send the evaluation to.\nBest Regards,\nMichael Curran\nCEO\nQuantin' Leap Limited\nPiercy House\n7 Copthall Avenue\nLondon EC2R 7NJ\nTel: +44 (0)20 7562 3450\nFax: +44 (0)20 7562 3411\nmailto:mcurran@quantinleap.com\nhttp://www.quantinleap.com\n", ["Willow and Pathstar evaluations", "RE: KWI User Group"], "{'body': ['djw@kwi.com'], 'recipients': ['djw@kwi.com']}", [], "Stinson,\n\nHe keeps bugging us about it. \nAny thoughts what we should do?\n\nVince\n", ["<5670836.1075856438981.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15163795.1075856439006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15461328.1075856502351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13021035.1075856502373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26508945.1075856189361.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<95716.1075856189384.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25734290.1075856598341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22850975.1075856425905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-4:17:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-4:17:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12314387.1075856185406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 04:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Willow and Pathstar evaluations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI will check with Michael and see if it's feasible to do a quick evaluation \nof his software here in Houston.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/24/2001 05:22 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Willow and Pathstar evaluations\n\nStinson,\n\nHe keeps bugging us about it. \nAny thoughts what we should do?\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n05:22 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Mike Curran\" on 04/24/2001 10:03:24 AM\nPlease respond to \"Mike Curran\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Willow and Pathstar evaluations\n\n\n\nHi Vince -\n\nHope all is well with you.\n\nSharad hasn't had time to evaluate our Willow Tree or Monte Carlo software\nsince the middle of last year. Is there somebody else that could do it?\n\nPlease let me know who I should send the evaluation to.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nMichael Curran\nCEO\nQuantin' Leap Limited\nPiercy House\n7 Copthall Avenue\nLondon EC2R 7NJ\n\nTel: +44 (0)20 7562 3450\nFax: +44 (0)20 7562 3411\n\nmailto:mcurran@quantinleap.com\n\nhttp://www.quantinleap.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Willow and Pathstar evaluations", "reply", [], "I will check with Michael and see if it's feasible to do a quick evaluation \nof his software here in Houston.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/24/2001 05:22 PM\n", "<12314387.1075856185406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "31-3-2000-3:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-3-2000-3:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-4-2000-3:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-4-2000-4:29:0Sfaizs@texaco.com 27-11-2000-3:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-8:37:0Sfaizs@texaco.com 28-11-2000-0:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-11-2000-0:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-12-2000-1:50:0Sfaizs@texaco.com 13-12-2000-5:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2001-1:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2001-2:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-3-2000-3:59:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 31-3-2000-8:6:0Sfaizs@texaco.com 16-5-2000-2:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-3-2000-3:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-3:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "SHirley,\nCan you, please, contact her regarding the time of the meeting?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2000 \n11:50 AM ---------------------------\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 03/30/2000 02:31:18 PM\nTo: \"'vkamins@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nGreetings from NY & hope all is well. As you may recall from the ROG real\noptions conference in NY, I'd indicated the opportunity to visit with you\nnext time I'm in Houston. I'll be there during 4/18-4/21 & wonder if we can\npls meet on Wed. 4/19 in your offices. Would appreciate it if you can pls\nlet me know whether you're available then (I'm flexible on the schedule\nparticulars). If not, pls let me know whether 4/18 (afternoon), 4/20\n(afternoon), or 4/21 (morning) will work for you.\nI really look forward to the opportunity & would appreciate to learn more\nabout how you've instigated the real options thinking in Enron and\nespecially its integration within the organizational & incentive matters.\nMany thanks,\nSoussan Faiz\nMgr. of Global Valuation Services\nTexaco Inc.\n(914) 253-4187\n", ["Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "SHirley,\n\nCan you, please, contact her regarding the time of the meeting?\n\nVince\n", ["<18162785.1075856937246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26568360.1075856994147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26298598.1075856753919.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<253573.1075856815810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2000-3:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-3:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["faizs@texaco.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Soussan,\nMy assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will call you regarding the time of the \nmeeting.\nRight now the afternoon is open.\nI look forward to meeting you on the 19th.\nVince \n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 03/30/2000 02:31:18 PM\nTo: \"'vkamins@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nGreetings from NY & hope all is well. As you may recall from the ROG real\noptions conference in NY, I'd indicated the opportunity to visit with you\nnext time I'm in Houston. I'll be there during 4/18-4/21 & wonder if we can\npls meet on Wed. 4/19 in your offices. Would appreciate it if you can pls\nlet me know whether you're available then (I'm flexible on the schedule\nparticulars). If not, pls let me know whether 4/18 (afternoon), 4/20\n(afternoon), or 4/21 (morning) will work for you.\nI really look forward to the opportunity & would appreciate to learn more\nabout how you've instigated the real options thinking in Enron and\nespecially its integration within the organizational & incentive matters.\nMany thanks,\nSoussan Faiz\nMgr. of Global Valuation Services\nTexaco Inc.\n(914) 253-4187\n", ["Re: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com'], 'recipients': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Soussan,\n\nMy assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will call you regarding the time of the \nmeeting.\nRight now the afternoon is open.\n\nI look forward to meeting you on the 19th.\n\nVince \n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" ", "<23525318.1075856937223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26993662.1075856994122.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<522933.1075856753869.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-4-2000-3:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-3:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "faizs@texaco.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2000 \n10:24 AM ---------------------------\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 04/25/2000 09:29:34 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nFirstly, I really appreciate your time and our meeting last week. Learning\nabout Enron's use of leading-edge practices was quite enlightening and I\ntruly benefited from our visit.\nSecondly, I've summarized my key \"take-aways\" as stated below. Before\nconveying it to my management, however, I really appreciate it if you can\npls review my conclusions and ensure that they are not miss-stated.\nAgain, thanks so much for your time and wisdom. I was also honored that you\ngave me a copy of the \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" book and shall reference\nit with interest. THANK YOU.\nI really look forward to seeing you again next time I'm in Houston.\nBest regards,\nSoussan\n(914) 253-4187\nPS. The latest Fortune article on ENE is a great read and substantiates the\ncompany's innovative and creative approach to business.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------\nAs you may know, I was invited to visit with Enron (ENE) last week. I met\nwith Vince Kaminski, the VP and head of research in the risk management\ngroup of ENE. Vince who used to be with Salomon Brothers and AT&T is the\n\"brain\" of ENE w.r.t. their analytical tools for pricing of commodities,\nhedging, optimization of financial and physical transactions, as well as the\nvalue-at-risk systems. In addition, Vince has received the 1999 James H.\nMcGraw Award for Energy Risk Management (Energy Risk Manager of the Year)\nand is well published. He is the key contributor to a best-selling\npublication by Risk Books entitled: Managing Energy Price Risk.\nOur meeting was mainly focused on gaining additional insights re\nleading-edge practices within ENE. My key findings are summarized below:\n1. ENE does not use corporate price premises. They use market price info\nonly and adhere to mark-to-market accounting.\n2. ENE uses the \"Heath, Jarrow, and Morton\" methods for modeling price\ndynamics (I've asked BIC for a copy of the associated paper). They have\ntheir own \"home-grown\" software, however, they periodically review selected\nexternal developments for internal inclusion and advancement.\n3. Vince's group comprises of Mathematicians, Physicists, and Operations\nResearchers who are responsible for the development and advancement of ENE's\nrisk management tools. These models are religiously used by the traders,\nrisk managers, and BUs across ENE.\n4. Investment proposals are screened, risked, and \"ROVed\" by a separate\ncorporate group (similar to our Special Studies and with business and real\noptions skills) who work in conjunction with the BUs. All evaluations and\ntransactions are marked-to-market.\n5. ENE does not use efficient-frontier portfolio concepts. They \"VC fund\"\nany opportunity that has a credible value proposition and can stand on its\nown. They believe that with the current plentiful liquidity in the market,\nproject-financing in not an issue for a \"good\" opportunity. However, they\nclosely monitor the development of each opportunity, within their deep\nportfolio, at the corporate level and know how to \"fail fast\".\n6. The employee reward system is based on P&Ls as well as the creation of\nnew business.\n7. Most employees have stock options.\nI really enjoyed my visit and hope to meet with Vince again the next time\nI'm in Houston.\n", ["RE: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com'], 'recipients': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "", ["<9815204.1075856932611.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10549406.1075856932635.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10593948.1075856989532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12673704.1075856989556.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29000465.1075856743955.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32697772.1075856743981.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24995724.1075856821921.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-4-2000-4:29:0Sfaizs@texaco.com": ["25-4-2000-4:29:0", "faizs@texaco.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Pls let me know if you're going\nto be in NY, otherwise I look forward to seeing you soon in Houston.\nSoussan\n(914) 253-4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 11:23 AM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nIt looks fine.\nLook forward to meeting you again in Houston or New York.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 04/25/2000 09:29:34 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nFirstly, I really appreciate your time and our meeting last week. Learning\nabout Enron's use of leading-edge practices was quite enlightening and I\ntruly benefited from our visit.\nSecondly, I've summarized my key \"take-aways\" as stated below. Before\nconveying it to my management, however, I really appreciate it if you can\npls review my conclusions and ensure that they are not miss-stated.\nAgain, thanks so much for your time and wisdom. I was also honored that\nyou\ngave me a copy of the \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" book and shall reference\nit with interest. THANK YOU.\nI really look forward to seeing you again next time I'm in Houston.\nBest regards,\nSoussan\n(914) 253-4187\nPS. The latest Fortune article on ENE is a great read and substantiates\nthe\ncompany's innovative and creative approach to business.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n------\nAs you may know, I was invited to visit with Enron (ENE) last week. I met\nwith Vince Kaminski, the VP and head of research in the risk management\ngroup of ENE. Vince who used to be with Salomon Brothers and AT&T is the\n\"brain\" of ENE w.r.t. their analytical tools for pricing of commodities,\nhedging, optimization of financial and physical transactions, as well as\nthe\nvalue-at-risk systems. In addition, Vince has received the 1999 James H.\nMcGraw Award for Energy Risk Management (Energy Risk Manager of the Year)\nand is well published. He is the key contributor to a best-selling\npublication by Risk Books entitled: Managing Energy Price Risk.\nOur meeting was mainly focused on gaining additional insights re\nleading-edge practices within ENE. My key findings are summarized below:\n1. ENE does not use corporate price premises. They use market price info\nonly and adhere to mark-to-market accounting.\n2. ENE uses the \"Heath, Jarrow, and Morton\" methods for modeling price\ndynamics (I've asked BIC for a copy of the associated paper). They have\ntheir own \"home-grown\" software, however, they periodically review selected\nexternal developments for internal inclusion and advancement.\n3. Vince's group comprises of Mathematicians, Physicists, and Operations\nResearchers who are responsible for the development and advancement of\nENE's\nrisk management tools. These models are religiously used by the traders,\nrisk managers, and BUs across ENE.\n4. Investment proposals are screened, risked, and \"ROVed\" by a separate\ncorporate group (similar to our Special Studies and with business and real\noptions skills) who work in conjunction with the BUs. All evaluations and\ntransactions are marked-to-market.\n5. ENE does not use efficient-frontier portfolio concepts. They \"VC fund\"\nany opportunity that has a credible value proposition and can stand on its\nown. They believe that with the current plentiful liquidity in the market,\nproject-financing in not an issue for a \"good\" opportunity. However, they\nclosely monitor the development of each opportunity, within their deep\nportfolio, at the corporate level and know how to \"fail fast\".\n6. The employee reward system is based on P&Ls as well as the creation of\nnew business.\n7. Most employees have stock options.\nI really enjoyed my visit and hope to meet with Vince again the next time\nI'm in Houston.\n", ["RE: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Pls let me know if you're going\nto be in NY, otherwise I look forward to seeing you soon in Houston.\n\nSoussan\n(914) 253-4187\n\n ", ["<12907222.1075857058304.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11547899.1075856743830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<854772.1075856822016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-3:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-3:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "faizs@texaco.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8738993.1075856614863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 03:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nSubject: Re: Houston visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Faiz, Soussan\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSoussan,\n\nThanks for your message. It would be great to meet you when you come to \nHouston.\n I shall be in town on December 7, flying back from Philly in the morning.\nAssuming that the flight is on schedule, I shall be available for dinner.\nPlease, let me know how I can contact you on Thursday, December the 7th,\nto confirm.\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/26/2000 09:04:01 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Houston visit\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nGreetings from NY and hope that all is well and you had a great\nThanksgiving. I'll be coming to Houston for 12/6-12/7 and hope you are\navailable either evening for dinner. Would be great to see you again and\ncatch up with the latest... I really enjoyed my visit last April, your\ninsights, and the risk book you gave me.\n\nI do hope you're available to meet and pls let me know which evening suits\nyou better.\n\nBest,\nSoussan Faiz\nTexaco Inc.\n914 253 4187\n\n", "Re: Houston visit", "reply", [], "Soussan,\n\nThanks for your message. It would be great to meet you when you come to \nHouston.\n I shall be in town on December 7, flying back from Philly in the morning.\nAssuming that the flight is on schedule, I shall be available for dinner.\nPlease, let me know how I can contact you on Thursday, December the 7th,\nto confirm.\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" ", {}, true], "27-11-2000-8:37:0Sfaizs@texaco.com": ["27-11-2000-8:37:0", "faizs@texaco.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16499230.1075856614840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 08:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: faizs@texaco.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Faiz, Soussan\" \nX-To: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGreat! I look forward to our dinner on Thurs. 12/7 evening. Hopefully your\nflight will be on time... although having watched 60 minutes last night and\nsuffered from a # of delays lately, let's hope that the \"weather blame\"\ndoesn't get in the way. It's best to leave me a message @ my usual work #\non Thurs., 914 253 4187, ... I can easily check it in Houston.\n\nI'll be staying @ the Westin Oaks in The Galleria... any preferred place\nthat I can book (& for what time)?? Coming over to down town won't be a\nproblem for me either.\n\nWill be great to see you again.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:10 PM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Houston visit\n\n\nSoussan,\n\nThanks for your message. It would be great to meet you when you come to\nHouston.\n I shall be in town on December 7, flying back from Philly in the morning.\nAssuming that the flight is on schedule, I shall be available for dinner.\nPlease, let me know how I can contact you on Thursday, December the 7th,\nto confirm.\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/26/2000 09:04:01 PM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Houston visit\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nGreetings from NY and hope that all is well and you had a great\nThanksgiving. I'll be coming to Houston for 12/6-12/7 and hope you are\navailable either evening for dinner. Would be great to see you again and\ncatch up with the latest... I really enjoyed my visit last April, your\ninsights, and the risk book you gave me.\n\nI do hope you're available to meet and pls let me know which evening suits\nyou better.\n\nBest,\nSoussan Faiz\nTexaco Inc.\n914 253 4187\n\n", "RE: Houston visit", "reply", [["check_break object", 26, "nninformation", ["check", "it"], "intention", " i can easily check it in houston."]], "Great! I look forward to our dinner on Thurs. 12/7 evening. Hopefully your\nflight will be on time... although having watched 60 minutes last night and\nsuffered from a # of delays lately, let's hope that the \"weather blame\"\ndoesn't get in the way. It's best to leave me a message @ my usual work #\non Thurs., 914 253 4187, ... I can easily check it in Houston.\n\nI'll be staying @ the Westin Oaks in The Galleria... any preferred place\nthat I can book (& for what time)?? Coming over to down town won't be a\nproblem for me either.\n\nWill be great to see you again.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n\n ", "<16499230.1075856614840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "28-11-2000-0:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-11-2000-0:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["faizs@texaco.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <7194211.1075856614818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Faiz, Soussan\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSoussan,\n\nLet's meet at Westin Oaks next to the reception around 6:30 p.m. Thursday.\nThere are several nice restaurants within a walking distance to the Galleria.\nI shall make a reservation (is Italian or a steakhouse OK?). \n\nYou can reach me on Thursday at my cell phone 713 410 5396.\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/27/2000 04:37:30 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Houston visit\n\n\nGreat! I look forward to our dinner on Thurs. 12/7 evening. Hopefully your\nflight will be on time... although having watched 60 minutes last night and\nsuffered from a # of delays lately, let's hope that the \"weather blame\"\ndoesn't get in the way. It's best to leave me a message @ my usual work #\non Thurs., 914 253 4187, ... I can easily check it in Houston.\n\nI'll be staying @ the Westin Oaks in The Galleria... any preferred place\nthat I can book (& for what time)?? Coming over to down town won't be a\nproblem for me either.\n\nWill be great to see you again.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:10 PM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Houston visit\n\n\nSoussan,\n\nThanks for your message. It would be great to meet you when you come to\nHouston.\n I shall be in town on December 7, flying back from Philly in the morning.\nAssuming that the flight is on schedule, I shall be available for dinner.\nPlease, let me know how I can contact you on Thursday, December the 7th,\nto confirm.\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/26/2000 09:04:01 PM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Houston visit\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nGreetings from NY and hope that all is well and you had a great\nThanksgiving. I'll be coming to Houston for 12/6-12/7 and hope you are\navailable either evening for dinner. Would be great to see you again and\ncatch up with the latest... I really enjoyed my visit last April, your\ninsights, and the risk book you gave me.\n\nI do hope you're available to meet and pls let me know which evening suits\nyou better.\n\nBest,\nSoussan Faiz\nTexaco Inc.\n914 253 4187\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Houston visit", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 10, "nninformation", ["make", "reservation"], "request information", " i shall make a reservation (is italian or a steakhouse ok?"], ["reach cell0phone", 13, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reach"], "intention", " you can reach me on thursday at my cell phone phonenumber ."]], "Soussan,\n\nLet's meet at Westin Oaks next to the reception around 6:30 p.m. Thursday.\nThere are several nice restaurants within a walking distance to the Galleria.\nI shall make a reservation (is Italian or a steakhouse OK?). \n\nYou can reach me on Thursday at my cell phone 713 410 5396.\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" ", [], true], "29-11-2000-0:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-0:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["faizs@texaco.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Soussan,\nIt seems we have planned for all contingencies. \nLook forward to meeting you next week.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/28/2000 06:51:51 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nVince,\nYour suggested arrangement is perfect with me and I love both Italian or\nSteak... the choice is yours. I really look forward to our meeting & I will\nbe @ the hotel's reception area on time. It's great that I have your\ncell-phone...as a contingency, and just in case you needed to call me, it's\nbest to leave me a message @ my phone # @ work.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 9:39 AM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nLet's meet at Westin Oaks next to the reception around 6:30 p.m. Thursday.\nThere are several nice restaurants within a walking distance to the\nGalleria.\nI shall make a reservation (is Italian or a steakhouse OK?).\nYou can reach me on Thursday at my cell phone 713 410 5396.\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/27/2000 04:37:30 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nGreat! I look forward to our dinner on Thurs. 12/7 evening. Hopefully\nyour\nflight will be on time... although having watched 60 minutes last night and\nsuffered from a # of delays lately, let's hope that the \"weather blame\"\ndoesn't get in the way. It's best to leave me a message @ my usual work #\non Thurs., 914 253 4187, ... I can easily check it in Houston.\nI'll be staying @ the Westin Oaks in The Galleria... any preferred place\nthat I can book (& for what time)?? Coming over to down town won't be a\nproblem for me either.\nWill be great to see you again.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:10 PM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nThanks for your message. It would be great to meet you when you come to\nHouston.\n I shall be in town on December 7, flying back from Philly in the morning.\nAssuming that the flight is on schedule, I shall be available for dinner.\nPlease, let me know how I can contact you on Thursday, December the 7th,\nto confirm.\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/26/2000 09:04:01 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nGreetings from NY and hope that all is well and you had a great\nThanksgiving. I'll be coming to Houston for 12/6-12/7 and hope you are\navailable either evening for dinner. Would be great to see you again and\ncatch up with the latest... I really enjoyed my visit last April, your\ninsights, and the risk book you gave me.\nI do hope you're available to meet and pls let me know which evening suits\nyou better.\nBest,\nSoussan Faiz\nTexaco Inc.\n914 253 4187\n", ["RE: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com'], 'recipients': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Soussan,\n\nIt seems we have planned for all contingencies. \nLook forward to meeting you next week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" ", "<465478.1075856469244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28431312.1075856535543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3835634.1075856254969.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-12-2000-1:50:0Sfaizs@texaco.com": ["13-12-2000-1:50:0", "faizs@texaco.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Vince,\nSorry that we couldn't meet in Houston. Hope your Philadelphia trip was\nfruitful and you didn't suffer from weather related flight delays on your\nway back to Houston. Your phone message stated that you may be coming to NY\nin Jan. 2001. That's great & we should definitely plan to see each other in\nNY, unless I come to Houston first. I'd, however, appreciate a brief chat\ntoday and pls call me if you schedule permits.\nI'll be heading out to London tomorrow (mainly for the holidays) and won't\nbe back to the office until Thurs. 1/4, however, I'll be checking my phone-\nand e-mail occasionally during the trip.\nIf today is not convenient, pls call me @ home tomorrow morning until\n11:00am (NY time) and otherwise, pls offer another suitable time next week,\nyour tel. # , and I can call you from London.\nHave a great and a very happy holiday season.\nBest regards,\nSoussan,\n914 253 4187 (work)\n203 966 7123 (home)\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:02 AM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nIt seems we have planned for all contingencies.\nLook forward to meeting you next week.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/28/2000 06:51:51 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nVince,\nYour suggested arrangement is perfect with me and I love both Italian or\nSteak... the choice is yours. I really look forward to our meeting & I\nwill\nbe @ the hotel's reception area on time. It's great that I have your\ncell-phone...as a contingency, and just in case you needed to call me, it's\nbest to leave me a message @ my phone # @ work.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 9:39 AM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nLet's meet at Westin Oaks next to the reception around 6:30 p.m. Thursday.\nThere are several nice restaurants within a walking distance to the\nGalleria.\nI shall make a reservation (is Italian or a steakhouse OK?).\nYou can reach me on Thursday at my cell phone 713 410 5396.\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/27/2000 04:37:30 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nGreat! I look forward to our dinner on Thurs. 12/7 evening. Hopefully\nyour\nflight will be on time... although having watched 60 minutes last night and\nsuffered from a # of delays lately, let's hope that the \"weather blame\"\ndoesn't get in the way. It's best to leave me a message @ my usual work #\non Thurs., 914 253 4187, ... I can easily check it in Houston.\nI'll be staying @ the Westin Oaks in The Galleria... any preferred place\nthat I can book (& for what time)?? Coming over to down town won't be a\nproblem for me either.\nWill be great to see you again.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:10 PM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nThanks for your message. It would be great to meet you when you come to\nHouston.\n I shall be in town on December 7, flying back from Philly in the morning.\nAssuming that the flight is on schedule, I shall be available for dinner.\nPlease, let me know how I can contact you on Thursday, December the 7th,\nto confirm.\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/26/2000 09:04:01 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nGreetings from NY and hope that all is well and you had a great\nThanksgiving. I'll be coming to Houston for 12/6-12/7 and hope you are\navailable either evening for dinner. Would be great to see you again and\ncatch up with the latest... I really enjoyed my visit last April, your\ninsights, and the risk book you gave me.\nI do hope you're available to meet and pls let me know which evening suits\nyou better.\nBest,\nSoussan Faiz\nTexaco Inc.\n914 253 4187\n", ["RE: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nSorry that we couldn't meet in Houston. Hope your Philadelphia trip was\nfruitful and you didn't suffer from weather related flight delays on your\nway back to Houston. Your phone message stated that you may be coming to NY\nin Jan. 2001. That's great & we should definitely plan to see each other in\nNY, unless I come to Houston first. I'd, however, appreciate a brief chat\ntoday and pls call me if you schedule permits.\n\nI'll be heading out to London tomorrow (mainly for the holidays) and won't\nbe back to the office until Thurs. 1/4, however, I'll be checking my phone-\nand e-mail occasionally during the trip.\n\nIf today is not convenient, pls call me @ home tomorrow morning until\n11:00am (NY time) and otherwise, pls offer another suitable time next week,\nyour tel. # , and I can call you from London.\n\nHave a great and a very happy holiday season.\n\nBest regards,\n\nSoussan,\n914 253 4187 (work)\n203 966 7123 (home)\n\n ", ["<10139797.1075856614640.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3606838.1075856248412.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13642351.1075856378626.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-12-2000-5:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-12-2000-5:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xd02.mx.aol.com (rly-xd02.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xd04.mail.aol.com (v77.14) with ESMTP; Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:00:13 -0500\nReceived: from texsmtp1.texaco.com (texsmtp1.texaco.com []) by \nrly-xd02.mx.aol.com (v77.27) with ESMTP; Wed, 13 Dec 2000 10:59:55 -0500\nReceived: from msx01099.boc.texaco.com ([]) by texsmtp1.texaco.com \n(Pro-8.9.3/Pro-8.9.3) with ESMTP id KAA20197 for ; Wed, 13 \nDec 2000 10:00:57 -0600 (CST)\nReceived: by msx01099.boc.texaco.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) \nid ; Wed, 13 Dec 2000 09:50:39 -0600\nMessage-ID: <6345EAD5ED02D3118CD100805FBBA0D70316A175@MSX01001>\nFrom: \"Faiz, Soussan\" \nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nDate: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 09:50:32 -0600\nReturn-Receipt-To: \"Faiz, Soussan\" \nX-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)\nHi Vince,\nSorry that we couldn't meet in Houston. Hope your Philadelphia trip was\nfruitful and you didn't suffer from weather related flight delays on your\nway back to Houston. Your phone message stated that you may be coming to NY\nin Jan. 2001. That's great & we should definitely plan to see each other in\nNY, unless I come to Houston first. I'd, however, appreciate a brief chat\ntoday and pls call me if you schedule permits.\nI'll be heading out to London tomorrow (mainly for the holidays) and won't\nbe back to the office until Thurs. 1/4, however, I'll be checking my phone-\nand e-mail occasionally during the trip.\nIf today is not convenient, pls call me @ home tomorrow morning until\n11:00am (NY time) and otherwise, pls offer another suitable time next week,\nyour tel. # , and I can call you from London.\nHave a great and a very happy holiday season.\nBest regards,\nSoussan,\n914 253 4187 (work)\n203 966 7123 (home)\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:02 AM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nIt seems we have planned for all contingencies.\nLook forward to meeting you next week.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/28/2000 06:51:51 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nVince,\nYour suggested arrangement is perfect with me and I love both Italian or\nSteak... the choice is yours. I really look forward to our meeting & I\nwill\nbe @ the hotel's reception area on time. It's great that I have your\ncell-phone...as a contingency, and just in case you needed to call me, it's\nbest to leave me a message @ my phone # @ work.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 9:39 AM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nLet's meet at Westin Oaks next to the reception around 6:30 p.m. Thursday.\nThere are several nice restaurants within a walking distance to the\nGalleria.\nI shall make a reservation (is Italian or a steakhouse OK?).\nYou can reach me on Thursday at my cell phone 713 410 5396.\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/27/2000 04:37:30 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nGreat! I look forward to our dinner on Thurs. 12/7 evening. Hopefully\nyour\nflight will be on time... although having watched 60 minutes last night and\nsuffered from a # of delays lately, let's hope that the \"weather blame\"\ndoesn't get in the way. It's best to leave me a message @ my usual work #\non Thurs., 914 253 4187, ... I can easily check it in Houston.\nI'll be staying @ the Westin Oaks in The Galleria... any preferred place\nthat I can book (& for what time)?? Coming over to down town won't be a\nproblem for me either.\nWill be great to see you again.\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:10 PM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nThanks for your message. It would be great to meet you when you come to\nHouston.\n I shall be in town on December 7, flying back from Philly in the morning.\nAssuming that the flight is on schedule, I shall be available for dinner.\nPlease, let me know how I can contact you on Thursday, December the 7th,\nto confirm.\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 11/26/2000 09:04:01 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nGreetings from NY and hope that all is well and you had a great\nThanksgiving. I'll be coming to Houston for 12/6-12/7 and hope you are\navailable either evening for dinner. Would be great to see you again and\ncatch up with the latest... I really enjoyed my visit last April, your\ninsights, and the risk book you gave me.\nI do hope you're available to meet and pls let me know which evening suits\nyou better.\nBest,\nSoussan Faiz\nTexaco Inc.\n914 253 4187\n", ["Fwd: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<14888173.1075856614617.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16100281.1075856248360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18556520.1075856378679.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-1:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-1:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["faizs@texaco.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Soussan,\nNice to hear from you. Dinner on Wednesday, Jan 31 would be great.\nPlease, let me know where you are going to stay.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 01/22/2001 04:29:08 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: vkaminski@aol.com \nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nHello Vince, Happy 2001 and hope all is well.\nI'll be in Houston the week of 1/29. It will be great to have our belated\ndinner preferably on Wed. 1/31. Pls let me know whether you're available on\nWed. or, if not, another day that week.\nBest,\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n", ["RE: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com'], 'recipients': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Soussan,\n\nNice to hear from you. Dinner on Wednesday, Jan 31 would be great.\nPlease, let me know where you are going to stay.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" ", "<25281075.1075856524003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18790045.1075856227882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-2:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-2:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["faizs@texaco.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Soussan,\nThanks. See you at 6:30. \nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 01/24/2001 10:46:57 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nVince,\nGreat... I'm glad that you're in town on Wed. 1/31. I'll be staying @ the\nWestin Oaks in The Galleria. Let's pls meet @ the hotel's lobby at 6:30pm.\nI have both your work and cell # and my work # is below (just in case). I\nlook forward to our dinner and catching up.\nBest,\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:52 AM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nNice to hear from you. Dinner on Wednesday, Jan 31 would be great.\nPlease, let me know where you are going to stay.\nVince\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 01/22/2001 04:29:08 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Houston visit\nHello Vince, Happy 2001 and hope all is well.\nI'll be in Houston the week of 1/29. It will be great to have our belated\ndinner preferably on Wed. 1/31. Pls let me know whether you're available\non\nWed. or, if not, another day that week.\nBest,\nSoussan\n914 253 4187\n", ["RE: Houston visit"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com'], 'recipients': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Soussan,\n\nThanks. See you at 6:30. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" ", "<28027430.1075856457553.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20874487.1075856523888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19198777.1075856227583.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2000-3:59:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-3:59:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["faizs@texaco.com"], [], "Good afternoon:\nVince Kaminski is available on Wednesday, April 19th from 8:00 - 11:00 am\nand 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Please let me know what time is more convenient for you.\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\n713-853-5290\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2000 \n11:50 AM ---------------------------\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 03/30/2000 02:31:18 PM\nTo: \"'vkamins@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nGreetings from NY & hope all is well. As you may recall from the ROG real\noptions conference in NY, I'd indicated the opportunity to visit with you\nnext time I'm in Houston. I'll be there during 4/18-4/21 & wonder if we can\npls meet on Wed. 4/19 in your offices. Would appreciate it if you can pls\nlet me know whether you're available then (I'm flexible on the schedule\nparticulars). If not, pls let me know whether 4/18 (afternoon), 4/20\n(afternoon), or 4/21 (morning) will work for you.\nI really look forward to the opportunity & would appreciate to learn more\nabout how you've instigated the real options thinking in Enron and\nespecially its integration within the organizational & incentive matters.\nMany thanks,\nSoussan Faiz\nMgr. of Global Valuation Services\nTexaco Inc.\n(914) 253-4187\n", ["Houston visit with Vince Kaminski"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com'], 'recipients': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Good afternoon:\n\nVince Kaminski is available on Wednesday, April 19th from 8:00 - 11:00 am\nand 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Please let me know what time is more convenient for you.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\n713-853-5290\n\n", ["<24006051.1075857058864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9730523.1075856753794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4830765.1075856815856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2000-8:6:0Sfaizs@texaco.com": ["31-3-2000-8:6:0", "faizs@texaco.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Good afternoon Shirley,\nIt is great that Vince is available on 4/19. W.r.t. the attached from\nVince, let's go for the afternoon slot on 4/19. I look forward to seeing\nyou both @ 1pm on 4/19. Have a great w/e.\nMany thanks,\nSoussan\n(914) 253 4187\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, March 31, 2000 12:53 PM\nTo: faizs@texaco.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Houston visit\nSoussan,\nMy assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will call you regarding the time of the\nmeeting.\nRight now the afternoon is open.\nI look forward to meeting you on the 19th.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Shirley Crenshaw [mailto:Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, March 31, 2000 1:00 PM\nTo: Faizs@texaco.com\nSubject: Houston visit with Vince Kaminski\nGood afternoon:\nVince Kaminski is available on Wednesday, April 19th from 8:00 - 11:00 am\nand 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Please let me know what time is more convenient for\nyou.\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\n713-853-5290\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2000\n11:50\nAM ---------------------------\n\"Faiz, Soussan\" on 03/30/2000 02:31:18 PM\nTo: \"'vkamins@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Houston visit\nDear Vince,\nGreetings from NY & hope all is well. As you may recall from the ROG real\noptions conference in NY, I'd indicated the opportunity to visit with you\nnext time I'm in Houston. I'll be there during 4/18-4/21 & wonder if we can\npls meet on Wed. 4/19 in your offices. Would appreciate it if you can pls\nlet me know whether you're available then (I'm flexible on the schedule\nparticulars). If not, pls let me know whether 4/18 (afternoon), 4/20\n(afternoon), or 4/21 (morning) will work for you.\nI really look forward to the opportunity & would appreciate to learn more\nabout how you've instigated the real options thinking in Enron and\nespecially its integration within the organizational & incentive matters.\nMany thanks,\nSoussan Faiz\nMgr. of Global Valuation Services\nTexaco Inc.\n(914) 253-4187\n", ["RE: Houston visit with Vince Kaminski"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Good afternoon Shirley,\n\nIt is great that Vince is available on 4/19. W.r.t. the attached from\nVince, let's go for the afternoon slot on 4/19. I look forward to seeing\nyou both @ 1pm on 4/19. Have a great w/e.\n\nMany thanks,\nSoussan\n(914) 253 4187\n\n", ["<9964499.1075857058821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17249351.1075856753384.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31654615.1075856816194.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-5-2000-2:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-5-2000-2:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["martha_amram@sdg.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Martha,\nThanks. In case you missed an FT article, please take a look at the \nattachment.\nVince\nmartha Amram on 05/15/2000 04:28:52 PM\nPlease respond to martha_amram@sdg.com\nTo: ronald.alexander@appnet.net, alleman@spot.colorado.edu, \nsamador@haverford.edu, bambrose@ag-inc.com, yosia@valicert, \nandersg@kea.lincoln.ac.nz, timothy.andrews@viant.com, nvagreek@msn.com, \nda725563@msxsoc.shell.com, ron_bain@anadarko.com, cbaldwin@hbs.edu, \ndbw@alum.mit.edu, bingham@cadence.com, mb155523@msxsoc.shell.com, \nrbratvold@lgc.com, tbres@leland.stanford.edu, cannady@techlawgroup.com, \nechase@hbsp.harvard.edu, dchew@sternstewart.com, \nadriana.chiocchi@marshmc.com, lgc@roce-inc.com, benchu@eaton.com, \nmike_cochran@anadarko.com, acohen@zefer.com, ellenco@worldnet.att.net, \nkconti@hbsp.harvard.edu, cooperma@nabisco.com, dcooper@amazon.com, \nellencoopersmith@decisionframeworks.com, peter_coy@businessweek.com, \nrcripps@leggmason.com, gwendolyn.davis@bankofamerica.com, \ncesardebrito@hotmail.com, rdevane@rtcdirect.com, james.dodwell@csfb.com, \nasher.drory@utoronto.ca, fdudley@zefer.com, megan@leggmason.com, \nfaizs@texaco.com, bfinney@bu.edu, sflower99@yahoo.com, \njustin_fox@fortunemail.com, froh.rd@pg.com, libbygt@concentric.net, \nagardner@hbsp.harvard.edu, pgermeraad@aurigin.com, sgren@leland.stanford.edu, \ngh725368@msxsoc.shell.com, manuelh@earthlink.net, \nhomonoff_richard@alum.mit.edu, jihowell@portfoliodecisions.com, \nhunt.rm@pg.com, blakej@stanford.edu, alanjung@sfsu.edu, kaar.jf@pg.com, \nkancigor@cadence.com, ekasznik@icmgroup.com, gkaufman@mit.edu, \njim.kelly@csfb.com, fgko@chevron.com, steve.koenig@viant.com, \nkogut@wharton.upenn.edu, michael.kran@kran.com, lander@babson.edu, \njlandon@ag-inc.com, bryan.leblanc@documentum.com, shermanl@cadence.com, \njlerner@sham.hbs.edu, genghis.lloyd-harris@csfb.com, kevin.lu@csfb.com, \nwalucas@mit.edu, whmarks@southernco.com, laura.martin@csfb.com, \nmichael.mauboussin@csfb.com, McCarthy.Jane.j@bhp.com.au, mcgrathf@macom.com, \nmishra@bus.orst.edu, moodyk@babson.edu, geoffmoore@chasmgroup.com, \nmoore.jl.4@pg.com, pdmoore1@aol.com, gmoore@mdv.com, arunmura@hotmail.com, \nlloyd@ipvaluations.com, opler.1@osu.edu, ostermann.jv@pg.com, \nsteve.plag@csfb.com, jrader@coba.usf.edu, andyr@augustcap.com, \nirappaport@aurigin.com, breed@kypnt.com, peterr@gehrung.com, larryr@vsi.org, \nmrussell@unocal.com, steve_rutherford@anadarko.com, \nksandberg@hbsp.harvard.edu, aschary@delphi.com, \nclaire.schary@epamail.epa.gov, scharyp@ucs.orst.edu, shark@usefulwork.com, \nkents@cadence.com, jes9@mail.duke.edu, solon@matrixtax.com, \nj.song@napier.ac.uk, chuck.sooter@west.boeing.com, jems@nwu.edu, \nshulistone@aol.com, robert.taggart@bc.edu, dthomas@beyerlaw.com, \nthomas.thomas@gene.com, tilden@ldeo.columbia.edu, stran@cadence.com, \nandy.travers@vcx.org, atriantis@rhsmith.umd.edu, ptufano@hbs.edu, \ntiffany_tyler@anadarko.com, pwesolow@mit.edu, lwhitman@hbsp.com, \ncwilhelm@dow.com, WILKERWG@oge.com, kalli@sbus.cau.edu, \nallison@sumeru.stanford.edu, jmballedos@mail.utexas.edu, jlbanks@ibm.net, \nantonio_borregon@merck.com, dmb1@gte.net, rainer.brosch@bigfoot.com, \nwaba@scientist.com, imp21@ibm.net, eccarter@bellatlantic.net, ales@cepel.br, \nhingson@aol.com, cptvisef@tin.it, Cramer@tu-harburg.de, \nt.cusack@ecomfac.unimelb.edu.au, dcyr@spartan.ac.brocku.ca, \ngaily@glenndaily.com, jdomsky@brynmawr.edu, wsd@mining.ubc.ca, \nearle@concentric.com, florian.ebert@rwe.de, mehrhard@utk.edu, \nmennis@jdtv.com, kcsepstein@aol.com, hakan.erdogmus@iit.nrc.ca, \nmarc.fetten@gmx.net, franklin@uci.edu, jofuller@na.ko.com, \nbac524@mainex1.asu.edu, gersten@platinum.com, hherath@attcanada.net, \nrohernandez@exchange.ml.com, uhommel@whu-koblenz.de, khowe@wppost.depaul.edu, \nb.jaspers@student.nijenrode.nl, yen_jong@pancanadian.com, \nrsk69@centrin.net.id, pkao@lehman.com, jkavan8269@aol.com, \nkelly@commerce.uq.edu.au, mkinsman@pepperdine.edu, mklots@scient.com, \nkothadc@texaco.com, kuzma@usexchange.net, guilherme.lago@gecapital.com, \nom48001@exchange.oldmutual.com, jlarosa@home.com, jlarsen@email.usps.gov, \nsuzy_larson@sdg.com, pshein8888@aol.com, mtlazar@aol.com, \nncc_washington.parti@ecunet.org, donald.a.leonard@bellatlantic.com, \njlewis@lgc.com, cliberty@mit.edu, kwlicon@email.msn.com, elieu@hotmail.com, \nhans.lindstrom@generation.vattenfall.se, david.yue.liu@intel.com, \nbmlodge@ibm.net, e.lukas@gmx.de, wm139371@msxsoc.shell.com, \nmm189328@msxsoc.shell.com, joao.marques@stud.umist.ac.uk, \nmam@europa.fcee.ucp.pt, maxey@aol.com, marguerite.mcgarvey@mail.tju.edu, \nskmiller@arnet.com.ar, milevsky@yorku.ca, grover.morganjr@mw.boeing.com, \njmmyatt@bechtel.com, 988078430@98.lincoln.ac.uk, doug.e.oates@saic.com, \npfo@acsu.buffalo.edu, Orejuela.malena@usa.net, papke@pilot.msu.edu, \njovipp@mail.telepac.pt, peske@uni-mannheim.de, rbphillipsjr@mindspring.com, \nstephenq@nedcor.com, reitmanathome@worldnet.att.net, \nmarkss@tallan.unp.edu.pe, salgar_mauricio@bah.com, rsamdahl@ix.netcom.com, \nShomphe_lori@lnmta.bentley.edu, asim029@student.auckland.ac.nz, \nsoeffing@mail.bcpl.net, lsparver@macneal.com, \npj.sparwasser@gipc.bn.shuttle.de, hstein@psychoanalysis.net, \nrlsphoto@kreative.net, stringer@gem.co.za, sugimoto@fas.harvard.edu, \njontepper@mediaone.net, luisv@mail.utexas.edu, john.h.vincent@intel.com, \nwalucas@mit.edu, phwalther@aol.com, jwansley@utk.edu, \nbrian_woodland@southwire.com, myasinsky@mcdinvest.com, Jiro@alum.mit.edu, \nBAZZINOG@DINTEC.COM, PBECCUE@AMGEN.COM, MICHAEL.BRENNAN@ROGROUP, \nmichael.j.brennan@anderson.ucla.edu, ABRICK@NORELNETWORKS.COM, \nDMBROOKS@aol.com, RICK.CHAMBERLAIN@US.PWCGLOBAL.COM, \nM.CHECHELNITSKY@SIEP.SHELL.COM, LCHORN@REALOPTIONS-SOFTWARE.COM, \nSCIOTTI@AIRCANADA.CA, CLEVESJR@BP.COM, TCOOK@AMGEN.COM, \nJAMES-COTTER@NMSU.EDU, LCOY@PSINET.COM, bradc@AMGEN.COM, \nDESILVAB@GROTON.PFIZER.COM, DSOUZA.RUBERT@gene.com, DAVID@BJVAL.COM, \nGILL_R_EAPEN@GROTON.PFIZER.COM, FAIZS@texaco.com, KFOLADARE@PECO-ENERGY.COM, \nBGIFFO@CTP.COM, WGOLEMBESKI@GENENCOR.COM, DGRANT@SWCP.COM, \nRAUL.X.GUERRERO@AC.COM, SAMUEL.B.GUNDERSON@BOEING.COM, \nDAVE_GUY@HERMANMILLER.COM, JOE_HARROUN@CARGILL.COM, A.HUNT@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ, \nPJORGENSEN@ANGLOGOLDNA.COM, VKAMINS@ENRON.COM, GRAHAM.MIAO@AM.PNU.COM, \nKOPPELHF@BP.COM, KUBIK_M@ABGENIX.COM, DOUGKUWAHARA@AEC.CA, \nJIM_LEDBETTER@OXY.COM, JAEHYUN.LEE@KR.PWCGLOBAL.COM, \nDAVID.R.LEONHARDI@BOEING.COM, LISOWSS@texaco.com, \nTIMOTHY.LUEHRMAN@US.PWCGLOBAL.COM, KLUM@ZSASSOCIATES.COM, \nIRIS.MACK@PARIBAS.COM, SCOTT.H.MATHEWS@BOEING.COM, JONATHA.MAUER@BMS.COM, \nJMCCORMACK@sternstewart.com, JOYCE.A.MCGHEE-1@DUPONT.COM, MCLEMDD@texaco.com, \nDMEKELBURG@lgc.com, AAMEMON@MARATHONOIL.COM, ALBERTO.MICALIZZI@ROGROUP.COM, \nRMIGNONE@EXELONCORP.COM, ANN_MILLER@CARGILL.COM, RALPH_MORALES@HP.COM, \nMUSHER@BKB.COM, SCMYERS@mit.edu, DEOHANIA@CMSENERGY.COM, \nMATT_OTTMER@BIOGEN.COM, JPEGRAM@PECO-ENERGY.COM, KEITH_REGNANTE@BIOGEN.COM, \nMARKSANO@aol.com, BKS@BIOSGROUP.COM, eduardo.schwartz@anderson.ucla.edu, \nDAVID.J.SHANNON@AC.COM, ELIZABETH.SHERRIER@AM.PNU.COM, SICK@UCALGARY.CA, \nRENE_SILVA@FPL.COM, BORIS.SIMONOVIC@ZH.AEY.CH, \nCSPETZLER@REALOPTIONS-SOFTWARE.COM, TOMSPRADLIN@LILLY.COM, \nMDSTRTHMAN@MARATHONOIL.COM, RLTAYLOR@TVA.GOV, RODGER@AMGEN.COM, \nLENOS.TRIGEORGIS@ROGROUP.COM, UTECHT.KEN@ENDO.COM, P.VANDRIEL@SIEP.SHELL.COM, \nAVANSTAVEREN@PLANET.NL, GARDNER.WALKUP@US.PWCGLOBAL.COM, WARNEJ@CHAMPINT.COM, \nDWEISS@BEAZER.COM, RALPH.WHITE@marshmc.com, M.V.WILLEMS@KPN.COM, \nCORBIN_WOOD@BIOGEN.COM, GARY.ZIBINSKI@CONECTIV.COM, NZOKO@PSINET.COM\ncc: \nSubject: real options capabilities\nHello!\nAttached are two pieces you may find of interest that address\norganizational capabilities needed to live the real options story.\nThe first piece, which I wrote with Laura Martin of CSFB, addresses the\ncapabilities needed to carry off the Time Warner / AOL merger. The\nsecond piece lays out some rules for strategy creation -- including the\nrequisite capabilities -- in a world of uncertainty.\nI hope you find these of interest. Feel free to post them on your\ncorporate intranet or pass on to colleagues.\nRegards,\nMartha Amram\n--\n---------\nMartha Amram\nManaging Director\nNavigant Consulting Inc.\n(formerly SDG)\n2440 Sand Hill Road\nMenlo Park, CA 94025\n650-233-6236\nmartha@real-options.com\nOR\nmartha_amram@sdg.com\n---------------------\n\n\n", ["Re: real options capabilities"], "{'body': ['faizs@texaco.com']}", [], "Martha,\n\nThanks. In case you missed an FT article, please take a look at the \nattachment.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nmartha Amram ", "<13115892.1075856986334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6593463.1075856736688.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18917142.1075856826706.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "17-1-2001-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-1-2001-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-1-2001-23:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-1-2001-5:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-1-2001-1:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-1-2001-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-1:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Khairuddin,\nThanks for your message. The fax has been sent.\nVince\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/17/2001 01:50:36 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: azminab@petronas.com.my \nSubject: Petronas benchmarking visit\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nPertaining to our visit to your kind company in February, we are required\nto obtain Visas for the trip. To apply for the Visas, the Embassy requires\na letter from the US Company confirming our meeting or visit. We would\nreally be grateful if you can fax us a confirmation letter so that we can\nproceed with our Visa application. Please fax the letter to:\nMr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar\nHead, Risk Assessment and Control\nCorporate Risk Management Unit,\nCorporate Planning and Development Division\nLevel 71, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers,\nKuala Lumpur City Centre,\n50088 Kuala Lumpur,\nMALAYSIA\nFax: (603) 2051-3252\nYour speedy reply is greatly appreciated.\nThank you and regards,\nKhairuddin .\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic05415.pcx)\n - pic05415.pcx\n", ["Re: Petronas benchmarking visit"], "{'body': ['khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my'], 'recipients': ['khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my']}", [], "Khairuddin,\n\nThanks for your message. The fax has been sent.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/17/2001 01:50:36 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\n", ["<8615283.1075856459837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29595750.1075856526177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19967147.1075856232479.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14899765.1075856588743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-1-2001-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-5:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, try the E-mail address below.\nVince\n---------------\n------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2001 01:29 PM \n---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2001 09:48 AM\nTo: khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Petronas benchmarking visit \nKhairuddin,\nThanks for your message. The fax has been sent.\nVince\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/17/2001 01:50:36 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: azminab@petronas.com.my \nSubject: Petronas benchmarking visit\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\nPertaining to our visit to your kind company in February, we are required\nto obtain Visas for the trip. To apply for the Visas, the Embassy requires\na letter from the US Company confirming our meeting or visit. We would\nreally be grateful if you can fax us a confirmation letter so that we can\nproceed with our Visa application. Please fax the letter to:\nMr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar\nHead, Risk Assessment and Control\nCorporate Risk Management Unit,\nCorporate Planning and Development Division\nLevel 71, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers,\nKuala Lumpur City Centre,\n50088 Kuala Lumpur,\nMALAYSIA\nFax: (603) 2051-3252\nYour speedy reply is greatly appreciated.\nThank you and regards,\nKhairuddin .\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic05415.pcx)\n - pic05415.pcx\n", ["Re: Petronas benchmarking visit"], "{'body': ['khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, try the E-mail address below.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------\n\n-----", ["<18517837.1075856459699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21109441.1075856526038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<498494.1075856232144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16153825.1075856390951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-1-2001-23:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-23:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27417762.1075856588533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 23:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nSubject: Re: Petronas benchmarking visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKhairuddin,\n\nYes, it's correct. We have experienced problems replying to a number of \nmessages\nsent by your organization (not just your E-mail address). I shall send you \nthe list of people \nwho will attend the meeting at a later day. We shall have representatives \nfrom the crude and LNG trading\ndesks, research and risk control.\n\nCould you, please, resend me the list of your delegates.\n\nVince \n\nI have invited a number \n\n\n\n\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/19/2001 02:53:53 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Petronas benchmarking visit\n\n\nVince,\n\nIt was brought to my attention that something was wrong with my 'reply to:'\n function of my email resulting in difficulties to reply to my email.\n Below is the e-mail that I've sent to you earlier and I believe this\n time, I will receive your reply.\n\nThanks,\n\nRegards,\n\nKhairuddin\n\n\n\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re: Petronas benchmarking visit (Document link: Khairuddin B M\n Jaafar)\n\nVince,\n\nThank you for your prompt reply. We have received your fax earlier this\nmorning. FYI, we shall be sending you the questionaires by next week as we\nare going through the final draft this week. Could you please tell me who\nwill be joining the discussion during our visit? Thanks.\n\nRegards,\n\nKhairuddin\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n\n\n\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic24393.pcx)\n - pic24393.pcx\n\n", "Re: Petronas benchmarking visit", "originEmail", [["attend meeting", 13, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " i shall send you the list of people who will attend the meeting at a later day."]], "Khairuddin,\n\nYes, it's correct. We have experienced problems replying to a number of \nmessages\nsent by your organization (not just your E-mail address). I shall send you \nthe list of people \nwho will attend the meeting at a later day. We shall have representatives \nfrom the crude and LNG trading\ndesks, research and risk control.\n\nCould you, please, resend me the list of your delegates.\n\nVince \n\nI have invited a number \n\n\n\n\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/19/2001 02:53:53 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\n", "<27417762.1075856588533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meeting peopleTnn": {"value": "meeting peopleTnn", "ne": "meeting peopleTnn", "patterns": ["meeting peopleTnn"]}}, true], "23-1-2001-5:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-5:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["david.port@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "doug.arnell@enron.com", "john.nowlan@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "FYI\nThe list of the delegates from Petronas.\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/23/2001 \n01:21 PM ---------------------------\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/22/2001 03:13:35 AM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Petronas benchmarking visit\nVince,\nHere is the list of our delegates for your kind perusal:\n1. Iqbal Abdullah (General Manager),\n2. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar (Head, Risk Assessment & Controls),\n3. Zulkifli A Rahim (Head, Risk, Measurement & Systems)\n4. Adnan Adams (Head, Special Projects).\nThanks.\nRegards,\nKhairuddin\n", ["Re: Petronas benchmarking visit"], "{'body': ['khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my']}", [], "FYI\n\nThe list of the delegates from Petronas.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", ["<30275872.1075856458075.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16037503.1075856524414.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28830793.1075856228571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30978786.1075856588262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31227502.1075856393753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-1-2001-1:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-1:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["david.port@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "doug.arnell@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "john.nowlan@enron.com"], "David,\nI am sending you the questions submitted by Petronas for our meeting on \nFeb 8.\nAre you going to invite additional RAC people to the meeting (Bill Bradford\nwould be helpful with credit questions, Bjorn may be interested as well). \nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/23/2001 \n09:43 AM ---------------------------\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 01/22/2001 09:34:16 PM\nPlease respond to khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: azminab@petronas.com.my \nSubject: Benchmarking questionnaires\nVince,\nAttached are two sets of benchmarking questionnaires for your kind perusal.\nRegards,\nKhairuddin\n)\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic24962.pcx)\n\n\n - pic24962.pcx\n", ["Benchmarking questionnaires"], "{'body': ['khairuddin_mjaafar@petronas.com.my']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 8, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting"], "intention", " are you going to invite additional rac people to the meeting personname would be helpful with credit questions, bjorn may be interested as well)."]], "David,\n\nI am sending you the questions submitted by Petronas for our meeting on \nFeb 8.\n\nAre you going to invite additional RAC people to the meeting (Bill Bradford\nwould be helpful with credit questions, Bjorn may be interested as well). \n\nVince\n\n", ["<27481210.1075856458233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20821954.1075856524569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1492699.1075856228891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8312853.1075856588331.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33138250.1075856393474.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "9-11-2000-2:6:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com 9-11-2000-5:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"9-11-2000-2:6:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-2:6:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27681017.1075856622382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 02:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Resume: Dipak Agarwallah Ph.D. econ.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHere is a resume forwarded to our group. Dipak has some industry \nexperience, but does not seem to have programming skills. Any interest?\n--Stinson\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 11/09/2000 \n10:01 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nPaulo Issler\n11/07/2000 02:56 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume and Cover Letter\n\nStinson:\n\nPer our conversation I am forwarding you Dipak's resume.\n\n \n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Paulo Issler/HOU/ECT on 11/07/2000 02:48 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nGuido Caranti@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n11/02/2000 01:44 PM\nTo: Paulo Issler@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume and Cover Letter\n\nPoulo, this is the info of the guy I talked to you about. Please let me know \nwhat you think.\n\nThanks a lot \n\nGuido\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Guido Caranti/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n11/02/2000 01:47 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Dipak Agarwalla\" on 10/13/2000 11:36:22 AM\nTo: guido.caranti@enron.com\ncc: a_dipak@hotmail.com \n\nSubject: Resume and Cover Letter\n\n\nHi Mr. Caranti,\n\nPlease find the attached cover letter and resume. Please let me know if you\nneed any further information and I look forward to talking to you on\nsaturday at 8:30 PM.\n\nThank you very much\n\nDipak\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - Resume-Dipak Agarwalla.doc\n - Cover Letter-Dipak Agarwalla.doc\n\n\n\n\n", "Resume: Dipak Agarwallah Ph.D. econ.", "reply", [], "Here is a resume forwarded to our group. Dipak has some industry \nexperience, but does not seem to have programming skills. Any interest?\n--Stinson\n\n", "<27681017.1075856622382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "9-11-2000-5:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-5:49:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27717933.1075856539416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 05:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resume: Dipak Agarwallah Ph.D. econ.\nCc: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nI think I read one of his papers. Mechanical application of one\ntechnique to power prices, no useful insights.\n\nWe can still invite him.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n11/09/2000 10:06 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume: Dipak Agarwallah Ph.D. econ.\n\nHere is a resume forwarded to our group. Dipak has some industry \nexperience, but does not seem to have programming skills. Any interest?\n--Stinson\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 11/09/2000 \n10:01 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nPaulo Issler\n11/07/2000 02:56 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume and Cover Letter\n\nStinson:\n\nPer our conversation I am forwarding you Dipak's resume.\n\n \n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Paulo Issler/HOU/ECT on 11/07/2000 02:48 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nGuido Caranti@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n11/02/2000 01:44 PM\nTo: Paulo Issler@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume and Cover Letter\n\nPoulo, this is the info of the guy I talked to you about. Please let me know \nwhat you think.\n\nThanks a lot \n\nGuido\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Guido Caranti/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n11/02/2000 01:47 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Dipak Agarwalla\" on 10/13/2000 11:36:22 AM\nTo: guido.caranti@enron.com\ncc: a_dipak@hotmail.com \n\nSubject: Resume and Cover Letter\n\n\nHi Mr. Caranti,\n\nPlease find the attached cover letter and resume. Please let me know if you\nneed any further information and I look forward to talking to you on\nsaturday at 8:30 PM.\n\nThank you very much\n\nDipak\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - Resume-Dipak Agarwalla.doc\n - Cover Letter-Dipak Agarwalla.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Resume: Dipak Agarwallah Ph.D. econ.", "originEmail", [["read_translate_learn information", 7, "nninformation", ["papers", "read"], "request", "stinson, i think i read one of his papers."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 16, "nninformation", ["invite", "him"], "intention", " we can still invite him."]], "Stinson,\n\nI think I read one of his papers. Mechanical application of one\ntechnique to power prices, no useful insights.\n\nWe can still invite him.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n11/09/2000 10:06 AM\n", "<27717933.1075856539416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power gas0price_priceTnn": {"value": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "ne": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power gas0price_priceTnn"]}, "cost_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price index_powerTnn"]}, "gas0price_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas0price_price index_powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-2-2001-2:23:0Srichard.jones@enron.com 2-2-2001-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-2-2001-2:23:0Srichard.jones@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-2:23:0", "richard.jones@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27167628.1075856222144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 02:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: richard.jones@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Here's a 4th try!!!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Richard B Jones\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard B Jones/HOU/EES on 02/01/2001 \n10:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRichard B Jones\n01/31/2001 04:39 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Here's a third try!!!\n\nVince,\n While I was at HSB, I designed an insurance or reinsurance financial model \nthat HSB uses for new product development, pricing different reinsurance \nstrategies, computing stochastic earnings forecast, and estimating \nprobabilistic maintenance & repair costs. The code, written in Visual Basic & \nMS Access belongs to HSB, and I want to replicate it here for our use at \nEnron. I would like to arrange a time to specifically talk to you and perhaps \nVasant who was briefed on the model, about how we can use your group for the \nanalytical and programming support to get this model re-constructed.\n I have screen outputs from the code and Vasant thought the re-design and \nconstruction here at Enron is a problem that your group can do. Could you let \nme know when we can setup an hour to discuss?\nThanks,\nRick Jones\n", "Here's a 4th try!!!", "reply", [], "", "<27167628.1075856222144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-2-2001-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-2-2001-3:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["richard.jones@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <19877724.1075856587901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 03:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: richard.jones@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Here's a 4th try!!!\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Richard B Jones\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRick,\n\nI shall ask my assistant to schedule a meeting early next week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard B Jones@EES\n02/01/2001 10:23 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Here's a 4th try!!!\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard B Jones/HOU/EES on 02/01/2001 \n10:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRichard B Jones\n01/31/2001 04:39 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Here's a third try!!!\n\nVince,\n While I was at HSB, I designed an insurance or reinsurance financial model \nthat HSB uses for new product development, pricing different reinsurance \nstrategies, computing stochastic earnings forecast, and estimating \nprobabilistic maintenance & repair costs. The code, written in Visual Basic & \nMS Access belongs to HSB, and I want to replicate it here for our use at \nEnron. I would like to arrange a time to specifically talk to you and perhaps \nVasant who was briefed on the model, about how we can use your group for the \nanalytical and programming support to get this model re-constructed.\n I have screen outputs from the code and Vasant thought the re-design and \nconstruction here at Enron is a problem that your group can do. Could you let \nme know when we can setup an hour to discuss?\nThanks,\nRick Jones\n\n\n\n", "Re: Here's a 4th try!!!", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 4, "nninformation", ["assistant", "meeting", "schedule"], "intention", "rick, i shall ask my assistant to schedule a meeting early next week."]], "Rick,\n\nI shall ask my assistant to schedule a meeting early next week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard B Jones@EES\n02/01/2001 10:23 AM\n", "<19877724.1075856587901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-1-2001-5:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-1-2001-2:33:0Schenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu": {"17-1-2001-5:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-5:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15351974.1075856620256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 05:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: chenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu\nSubject: Re: Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Chen, Vincent\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVincent,\n\nI have forwarded the resume to our Analysts / Associate pool with\na recommendation to accept David as a summer intern.\n\nI expressed interest in taking him into my group. He may, of course,\nwork for a different unit of Enron. It's up to him and I shall not be offended\nif he would like to go into trading or deal origination.\n\nVince\n ", "Re: Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 6, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", "vincent, i have forwarded the resume to our analysts / associate pool with a recommendation to accept david as a summer intern."]], "Vincent,\n\nI have forwarded the resume to our Analysts / Associate pool with\na recommendation to accept David as a summer intern.\n\nI expressed interest in taking him into my group. He may, of course,\nwork for a different unit of Enron. It's up to him and I shall not be offended\nif he would like to go into trading or deal origination.\n\nVince\n ", "<15351974.1075856620256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cover letterTnn": {"value": "cover letterTnn", "ne": "cover letterTnn", "patterns": ["cover letterTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "david", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["personname recommendationTnn", "personname summer_summer0internTnn"]}}, false], "23-1-2001-2:33:0Schenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu": ["23-1-2001-2:33:0", "chenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "david.gershenson.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu", "Message-ID: <14557866.1075856634007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 02:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: chenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson\nCc: david.gershenson.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: david.gershenson.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-From: \"Chen, Vincent\" \nX-To: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \nX-cc: \"'David.Gershenson.wg02@wharton.upenn.edu'\"\t \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince, thanks for your very prompt email response. I passed your message \nalong to Dave.\n\nThanks also for a great dinner and day of meetings last week. I really \nenjoyed the chance to learn more about Enron, and was very impressed with \neveryone I met.\n\nLook forward to working with you these next few months!!\n\nCheers,\nVincent\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:39 PM\nTo: chenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson\n\n\n\nVincent,\n\nI have forwarded the resume to our Analysts / Associate pool with\na recommendation to accept David as a summer intern.\n\nI expressed interest in taking him into my group. He may, of course,\nwork for a different unit of Enron. It's up to him and I shall not be\noffended\nif he would like to go into trading or deal origination.\n\nVince", "RE: Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson", "reply", [], "Vince, thanks for your very prompt email response. I passed your message \nalong to Dave.\n\nThanks also for a great dinner and day of meetings last week. I really \nenjoyed the chance to learn more about Enron, and was very impressed with \neveryone I met.\n\nLook forward to working with you these next few months!!\n\nCheers,\nVincent\n\n", "<14557866.1075856634007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "15-5-2000-4:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-5-2000-23:20:0Sjohn.sherriff@enron.com 16-5-2000-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-5-2000-4:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-4:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["john.sherriff@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com", "ted.murphy@enron.com", "david.gorte@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3329411.1075857032514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 May 2000 04:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.sherriff@enron.com\nSubject: Re: LNG May 19 decision\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, david.gorte@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com,\n\tted.murphy@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, david.gorte@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com,\n\tted.murphy@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Sherriff\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, David Gorte, Rick Buy, Ted Murphy\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nThis is the update on what I have done for the LNG transactions.\n\n1. I was not involved in the LNG ship project. I shall read the DASH \nand give you my comments. Without looking at the details, I think that the \ndecision\nto charter a tanker removes one significant risk we have at the Elba Island \nproject (please, see point 2).\n\n2. Elba Island. I am working with Doug Rotenberbg, Brad Hitch, Scott Earnest \n(Sally Beck's organization) and RAC to set up the book for the Elba Island \ntransaction. The next step\nwill be to expand the book to capture all the Enron's LNG-related positions \nin one place and\nto look for natural risk offsets and possible hedges. A working group is \nmeeting to close a few\nremaining gaps tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:30.\n\nA few comments on the book design and my view of the project:\n\na. The current thinking is that LNG will be sourced for the Elba Island \nfacility\nby buying marginal cargos on the fob basis. Marginal cargos will represent\nsupply from excess capacity that has not been committed under long-term\ncontracts or became available due to some short-term frictions.\n\nThe fob cargos are typically selling at a significant discount to the \nlong-term\ncontract prices. The economics of the deal, as represented by the book we are \nsetting up, will reflect the assumption that not only we can locate marginal \ncargos\nbut that we shall be able to do it on a regular basis, arranging shipping and \ncoordinating\nthe facility schedule and natural gas transactions in the US. In other words,\nwe have a significant logistical and operational risk in this transaction.\n\nb. The transaction will cover the period of 17 years (with an extension \noption of\n5 years). Even if we can lock-in the LNG volumes over this time period, we\nhave no ability to lock-in the other side of the spread (US gas prices) for \nsuch a long tenor. This is \nessentially a tolling transaction with exposure to the LNG - nat gas spread \nand\nI would not recommend locking-in only one leg of the spread.\n\nOne solution would be to cover, let's say, 50% of he LNG volumes for the \nfirst\n5 years and lock-in the nat gas side on the US market side.\n\nc. The book we are setting up will be based on many managerial assumptions\nregarding sources of LNG, shipping rates, schedules, etc. I would set up a \nbig prudence reserve\nin case we mark it to market.\n\nd. My group will work on valuation of some options we have in the Elba Island \ndeal\n(that are good for Enron) and on the hedging strategy for the LNG positions.\nLong-term LNG contracts are typically based on the Japanese Crude Cocktail \nthat \ncorrelates very well with Brent.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n05/14/2000 01:40 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauren Urquhart/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: LNG May 19 decision\n\n\nVince\n\nI haven't spoken to you for awhile but hope the world is treating you well. \nAnyway with Greg moving to his\nnew role I have (I hope only temporarily) staff trading oversight for the \nEastern Hemishere plus LNG.\n\nI understand that your group is taking a first cut at developing curves for \nLNG and LNG ship values. I also understand\nthat another LNG ship decision is on the dockets for May 19 (not very far \naway). Anway I understand this\nis a big decision but I still have gotten very little info yet. Can you \nplease let me know where you stand now?\n\nI will ask my assistant Lauren to set up a time that I can speak with you in \nthe next couple of days and if you\nhave anything for me to review before then she can get it faxed to me as well.\n\nLook forward to connecting with you Vince.\n\nJohn\n\n", "Re: LNG May 19 decision", "originEmail", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 25, "information", ["see", "project"], "information", " without looking at the details, i think that the decision to charter a tanker removes one significant risk we have at the elba island project (please, see point numeric )."]], "John,\n\nThis is the update on what I have done for the LNG transactions.\n\n1. I was not involved in the LNG ship project. I shall read the DASH \nand give you my comments. Without looking at the details, I think that the \ndecision\nto charter a tanker removes one significant risk we have at the Elba Island \nproject (please, see point 2).\n\n2. Elba Island. I am working with Doug Rotenberbg, Brad Hitch, Scott Earnest \n(Sally Beck's organization) and RAC to set up the book for the Elba Island \ntransaction. The next step\nwill be to expand the book to capture all the Enron's LNG-related positions \nin one place and\nto look for natural risk offsets and possible hedges. A working group is \nmeeting to close a few\nremaining gaps tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:30.\n\nA few comments on the book design and my view of the project:\n\na. The current thinking is that LNG will be sourced for the Elba Island \nfacility\nby buying marginal cargos on the fob basis. Marginal cargos will represent\nsupply from excess capacity that has not been committed under long-term\ncontracts or became available due to some short-term frictions.\n\nThe fob cargos are typically selling at a significant discount to the \nlong-term\ncontract prices. The economics of the deal, as represented by the book we are \nsetting up, will reflect the assumption that not only we can locate marginal \ncargos\nbut that we shall be able to do it on a regular basis, arranging shipping and \ncoordinating\nthe facility schedule and natural gas transactions in the US. In other words,\nwe have a significant logistical and operational risk in this transaction.\n\nb. The transaction will cover the period of 17 years (with an extension \noption of\n5 years). Even if we can lock-in the LNG volumes over this time period, we\nhave no ability to lock-in the other side of the spread (US gas prices) for \nsuch a long tenor. This is \nessentially a tolling transaction with exposure to the LNG - nat gas spread \nand\nI would not recommend locking-in only one leg of the spread.\n\nOne solution would be to cover, let's say, 50% of he LNG volumes for the \nfirst\n5 years and lock-in the nat gas side on the US market side.\n\nc. The book we are setting up will be based on many managerial assumptions\nregarding sources of LNG, shipping rates, schedules, etc. I would set up a \nbig prudence reserve\nin case we mark it to market.\n\nd. My group will work on valuation of some options we have in the Elba Island \ndeal\n(that are good for Enron) and on the hedging strategy for the LNG positions.\nLong-term LNG contracts are typically based on the Japanese Crude Cocktail \nthat \ncorrelates very well with Brent.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n05/14/2000 01:40 AM\n", "<3329411.1075857032514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power gas0price_priceTnn": {"value": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "ne": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power gas0price_priceTnn"]}, "construction0project_project designTnn": {"value": "construction0project_project designTnn", "ne": "construction0project_project designTnn", "patterns": ["construction0project_project designTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["detail_point numericTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn"]}, "125": {"value": "17", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric optionTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "operational riskTnn": {"value": "operational riskTnn", "ne": "operational riskTnn", "patterns": ["operational riskTnn"]}, "option valuationTnn": {"value": "option valuationTnn", "ne": "option valuationTnn", "patterns": ["option valuationTnn"]}, "place_position riskTnn": {"value": "place_position riskTnn", "ne": "place_position riskTnn", "patterns": ["place_position riskTnn"]}, "project risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "project risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "project risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["project risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false], "15-5-2000-23:20:0Sjohn.sherriff@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-23:20:0", "john.sherriff@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25725815.1075857049851.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 May 2000 23:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: john.sherriff@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: LNG May 19 decision\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: John Sherriff\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince - thanks for the update. What I am not sure of is what if any decision \nhas to be\nmade on May 19. It seems to me that the Mystic Lady and Elba Island deals \nhave already\nbeen approved and executed - but it is quite likely I am missing a detail or \ntwo.\n\nJohn\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n15/05/2000 17:14\nTo: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Gorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rick \nBuy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: LNG May 19 decision \n\nJohn,\n\nThis is the update on what I have done for the LNG transactions.\n\n1. I was not involved in the LNG ship project. I shall read the DASH \nand give you my comments. Without looking at the details, I think that the \ndecision\nto charter a tanker removes one significant risk we have at the Elba Island \nproject (please, see point 2).\n\n2. Elba Island. I am working with Doug Rotenberbg, Brad Hitch, Scott Earnest \n(Sally Beck's organization) and RAC to set up the book for the Elba Island \ntransaction. The next step\nwill be to expand the book to capture all the Enron's LNG-related positions \nin one place and\nto look for natural risk offsets and possible hedges. A working group is \nmeeting to close a few\nremaining gaps tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:30.\n\nA few comments on the book design and my view of the project:\n\na. The current thinking is that LNG will be sourced for the Elba Island \nfacility\nby buying marginal cargos on the fob basis. Marginal cargos will represent\nsupply from excess capacity that has not been committed under long-term\ncontracts or became available due to some short-term frictions.\n\nThe fob cargos are typically selling at a significant discount to the \nlong-term\ncontract prices. The economics of the deal, as represented by the book we are \nsetting up, will reflect the assumption that not only we can locate marginal \ncargos\nbut that we shall be able to do it on a regular basis, arranging shipping and \ncoordinating\nthe facility schedule and natural gas transactions in the US. In other words,\nwe have a significant logistical and operational risk in this transaction.\n\nb. The transaction will cover the period of 17 years (with an extension \noption of\n5 years). Even if we can lock-in the LNG volumes over this time period, we\nhave no ability to lock-in the other side of the spread (US gas prices) for \nsuch a long tenor. This is \nessentially a tolling transaction with exposure to the LNG - nat gas spread \nand\nI would not recommend locking-in only one leg of the spread.\n\nOne solution would be to cover, let's say, 50% of he LNG volumes for the \nfirst\n5 years and lock-in the nat gas side on the US market side.\n\nc. The book we are setting up will be based on many managerial assumptions\nregarding sources of LNG, shipping rates, schedules, etc. I would set up a \nbig prudence reserve\nin case we mark it to market.\n\nd. My group will work on valuation of some options we have in the Elba Island \ndeal\n(that are good for Enron) and on the hedging strategy for the LNG positions.\nLong-term LNG contracts are typically based on the Japanese Crude Cocktail \nthat \ncorrelates very well with Brent.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n05/14/2000 01:40 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauren Urquhart/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: LNG May 19 decision\n\n\nVince\n\nI haven't spoken to you for awhile but hope the world is treating you well. \nAnyway with Greg moving to his\nnew role I have (I hope only temporarily) staff trading oversight for the \nEastern Hemishere plus LNG.\n\nI understand that your group is taking a first cut at developing curves for \nLNG and LNG ship values. I also understand\nthat another LNG ship decision is on the dockets for May 19 (not very far \naway). Anway I understand this\nis a big decision but I still have gotten very little info yet. Can you \nplease let me know where you stand now?\n\nI will ask my assistant Lauren to set up a time that I can speak with you in \nthe next couple of days and if you\nhave anything for me to review before then she can get it faxed to me as well.\n\nLook forward to connecting with you Vince.\n\nJohn\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: LNG May 19 decision", "reply", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 4, "information", ["decision", "made"], "information", " what i am not sure of is what if any decision has to be made on datenumeric ."]], "Vince - thanks for the update. What I am not sure of is what if any decision \nhas to be\nmade on May 19. It seems to me that the Mystic Lady and Elba Island deals \nhave already\nbeen approved and executed - but it is quite likely I am missing a detail or \ntwo.\n\nJohn\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n15/05/2000 17:14\n", "<25725815.1075857049851.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "16-5-2000-1:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-5-2000-1:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.sherriff@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7311760.1075857044740.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.sherriff@enron.com\nSubject: Re: LNG May 19 decision\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Sherriff\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Ei\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nSorry for the confusion.\nThis is a second tanker on which very few details\nare available . The LNG group is working as we speak\nto provide some information for Joe Sutton before\nhis departure for Paris this (Tuesday) afternoon.\nThere is no DASH on this 2nd tanker yet. I asked Dave Gorte\non Monday to send me one and was not told that\nhe can provide me with the Mystic Lady DASH as the closest\nsubstitute. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n05/16/2000 12:20 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: LNG May 19 decision \n\n\nVince - thanks for the update. What I am not sure of is what if any decision \nhas to be\nmade on May 19. It seems to me that the Mystic Lady and Elba Island deals \nhave already\nbeen approved and executed - but it is quite likely I am missing a detail or \ntwo.\n\nJohn\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n15/05/2000 17:14\nTo: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Gorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rick \nBuy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: LNG May 19 decision \n\nJohn,\n\nThis is the update on what I have done for the LNG transactions.\n\n1. I was not involved in the LNG ship project. I shall read the DASH \nand give you my comments. Without looking at the details, I think that the \ndecision\nto charter a tanker removes one significant risk we have at the Elba Island \nproject (please, see point 2).\n\n2. Elba Island. I am working with Doug Rotenberbg, Brad Hitch, Scott Earnest \n(Sally Beck's organization) and RAC to set up the book for the Elba Island \ntransaction. The next step\nwill be to expand the book to capture all the Enron's LNG-related positions \nin one place and\nto look for natural risk offsets and possible hedges. A working group is \nmeeting to close a few\nremaining gaps tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:30.\n\nA few comments on the book design and my view of the project:\n\na. The current thinking is that LNG will be sourced for the Elba Island \nfacility\nby buying marginal cargos on the fob basis. Marginal cargos will represent\nsupply from excess capacity that has not been committed under long-term\ncontracts or became available due to some short-term frictions.\n\nThe fob cargos are typically selling at a significant discount to the \nlong-term\ncontract prices. The economics of the deal, as represented by the book we are \nsetting up, will reflect the assumption that not only we can locate marginal \ncargos\nbut that we shall be able to do it on a regular basis, arranging shipping and \ncoordinating\nthe facility schedule and natural gas transactions in the US. In other words,\nwe have a significant logistical and operational risk in this transaction.\n\nb. The transaction will cover the period of 17 years (with an extension \noption of\n5 years). Even if we can lock-in the LNG volumes over this time period, we\nhave no ability to lock-in the other side of the spread (US gas prices) for \nsuch a long tenor. This is \nessentially a tolling transaction with exposure to the LNG - nat gas spread \nand\nI would not recommend locking-in only one leg of the spread.\n\nOne solution would be to cover, let's say, 50% of he LNG volumes for the \nfirst\n5 years and lock-in the nat gas side on the US market side.\n\nc. The book we are setting up will be based on many managerial assumptions\nregarding sources of LNG, shipping rates, schedules, etc. I would set up a \nbig prudence reserve\nin case we mark it to market.\n\nd. My group will work on valuation of some options we have in the Elba Island \ndeal\n(that are good for Enron) and on the hedging strategy for the LNG positions.\nLong-term LNG contracts are typically based on the Japanese Crude Cocktail \nthat \ncorrelates very well with Brent.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n05/14/2000 01:40 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauren Urquhart/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: LNG May 19 decision\n\n\nVince\n\nI haven't spoken to you for awhile but hope the world is treating you well. \nAnyway with Greg moving to his\nnew role I have (I hope only temporarily) staff trading oversight for the \nEastern Hemishere plus LNG.\n\nI understand that your group is taking a first cut at developing curves for \nLNG and LNG ship values. I also understand\nthat another LNG ship decision is on the dockets for May 19 (not very far \naway). Anway I understand this\nis a big decision but I still have gotten very little info yet. Can you \nplease let me know where you stand now?\n\nI will ask my assistant Lauren to set up a time that I can speak with you in \nthe next couple of days and if you\nhave anything for me to review before then she can get it faxed to me as well.\n\nLook forward to connecting with you Vince.\n\nJohn\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: LNG May 19 decision", "reply", [["supply_provide info_information", 10, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "intention", " the lng group is working as we speak to provide some information for joe sutton before his departure for paris this (tuesday) afternoon."]], "John,\n\nSorry for the confusion.\nThis is a second tanker on which very few details\nare available . The LNG group is working as we speak\nto provide some information for Joe Sutton before\nhis departure for Paris this (Tuesday) afternoon.\nThere is no DASH on this 2nd tanker yet. I asked Dave Gorte\non Monday to send me one and was not told that\nhe can provide me with the Mystic Lady DASH as the closest\nsubstitute. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n05/16/2000 12:20 AM\n", "<7311760.1075857044740.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-4-2000-6:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2000-13:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-6-2000-18:0:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 29-6-2000-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-6-2000-2:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-6-2000-3:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-6-2000-7:25:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 30-6-2000-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-6-2000-9:16:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 3-7-2000-5:40:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 27-7-2000-3:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-7-2000-6:32:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 28-9-2000-2:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-9-2000-3:17:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 29-9-2000-6:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-10-2000-5:0:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 25-10-2000-10:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-10-2000-10:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-10-2000-10:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-11-2000-14:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-9-2000-10:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-10-2000-0:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-10-2000-13:47:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 1-10-2000-19:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-10-2000-12:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-10-2000-10:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-2-2001-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-4-2001-10:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-4-2001-13:52:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 27-4-2001-1:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-4-2001-11:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-10-2001-12:2:27Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 18-10-2001-13:22:59Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu 23-10-2001-12:43:50Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": {"24-4-2000-6:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-6:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 \n01:16 PM ---------------------------\nAmy Aldous on 04/24/2000 12:11:18 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, David.Emanuel@Williams.com, \ndeng@isye.gatech.edu, cj@caminus.com, caom@qed.econ.queensu.ca, \nwei@mgmt.utoronto.ca\ncc: \nSubject: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29\nDetails of the upcoming Energy Derivatives Conference are now posted at\n\nI look forward to receiving your papers by May 5.\nThank you,\nAmy (for P.P. Boyle)\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<33040406.1075856932941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23940965.1075856989862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12551545.1075856744529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23327773.1075856821705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2000-13:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-13:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zb04.mx.aol.com (rly-zb04.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-zb03.mail.aol.com (v70.20) with ESMTP; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 14:14:48 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-zb04.mx.aol.com (v71.10) with ESMTP; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 14:14:30 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id NAA25782 for \n; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:29 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/corp-1.03) with ESMTP id NAA20407 for \n; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:26 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id NAA01303 for \n; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:29 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 862568CB.0064332F ; Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:27 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <862568CB.0064323D.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 13:14:29 -0500\nSubject: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Disposition: inline\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 \n01:16\nPM ---------------------------\nAmy Aldous on 04/24/2000 12:11:18 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, David.Emanuel@Williams.com,\n deng@isye.gatech.edu, cj@caminus.com, caom@qed.econ.queensu.ca,\n wei@mgmt.utoronto.ca\ncc:\nSubject: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29\nDetails of the upcoming Energy Derivatives Conference are now posted at\n\nI look forward to receiving your papers by May 5.\nThank you,\nAmy (for P.P. Boyle)\n**************************************\nAmy Aldous, Conference Co-ordinator\nCentre for Advanced Studies in Finance\nUniversity of Waterloo\nWaterloo, ON N2L 3G1\nTel: (519) 888-4567 ext. 5728\nFax: (519) 888-7562\nEmail: aaldous@uwaterloo.ca\n**************************************\n", ["Fwd: Energy Derivatives Conference - Toronto, May 29"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: ", "<21604001.1075857039231.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16923612.1075856821874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-6-2000-18:0:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["28-6-2000-18:0:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Hi Vince,\nHow are you. It was really a pleasure meeting you and talking to you at\nthe Toronto energy derivative conference. Thank you for speaking with\nme about the possibility of visiting your research group. It will be\ngreat if I could have such opportunity whenever you see your schedule\nfits. I am very much open for the last week of July and early August.\nI'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.\nBest,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng", ["Hello"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nHow are you. It was really a pleasure meeting you and talking to you at\nthe Toronto energy derivative conference. Thank you for speaking with\nme about the possibility of visiting your research group. It will be\ngreat if I could have such opportunity whenever you see your schedule\nfits. I am very much open for the last week of July and early August.\nI'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.\n\nBest,\n\nShijie\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng", ["<10999548.1075863702707.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12349918.1075863699853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15393461.1075863700943.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-1:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["stinson.gibner@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nCan you, please, call him and ask what would be best timing.\nThe last week of July would be best. I would like Grant, Alex, Zimin, Krishna \nand Stinson\nto meet him.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 \n08:13 AM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 06/29/2000 12:00:37 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Hello\nHi Vince,\nHow are you. It was really a pleasure meeting you and talking to you at\nthe Toronto energy derivative conference. Thank you for speaking with\nme about the possibility of visiting your research group. It will be\ngreat if I could have such opportunity whenever you see your schedule\nfits. I am very much open for the last week of July and early August.\nI'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.\nBest,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Hello"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nCan you, please, call him and ask what would be best timing.\nThe last week of July would be best. I would like Grant, Alex, Zimin, Krishna \nand Stinson\nto meet him.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<18194873.1075863702753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25216944.1075863701896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3927202.1075863702247.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15644645.1075863699798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11791135.1075863701019.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-2:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-2:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["deng@isye.gatech.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shijie,\nThanks for your message. My assistant will call you to discuss the timing \nof the visit.\nVince\nShijie Deng on 06/29/2000 12:00:37 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Hello\nHi Vince,\nHow are you. It was really a pleasure meeting you and talking to you at\nthe Toronto energy derivative conference. Thank you for speaking with\nme about the possibility of visiting your research group. It will be\ngreat if I could have such opportunity whenever you see your schedule\nfits. I am very much open for the last week of July and early August.\nI'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.\nBest,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: Hello"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu'], 'recipients': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Shijie,\n\nThanks for your message. My assistant will call you to discuss the timing \nof the visit.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nShijie Deng ", "<11540907.1075863702797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17622948.1075863702223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2028609.1075863699746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13233154.1075863700967.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-3:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-3:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nBusiness, like Ehud Ronn's visit.\nVince\nShirley Crenshaw\n06/29/2000 08:14 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello \nVince is this an interview or just a business meeting?\nVince J Kaminski\n06/29/2000 08:13 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin \nLu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alex Huang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Pinnamaneni \nKrishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Hello\nShirley,\nCan you, please, call him and ask what would be best timing.\nThe last week of July would be best. I would like Grant, Alex, Zimin, Krishna \nand Stinson\nto meet him.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 \n08:13 AM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 06/29/2000 12:00:37 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Hello\nHi Vince,\nHow are you. It was really a pleasure meeting you and talking to you at\nthe Toronto energy derivative conference. Thank you for speaking with\nme about the possibility of visiting your research group. It will be\ngreat if I could have such opportunity whenever you see your schedule\nfits. I am very much open for the last week of July and early August.\nI'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.\nBest,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: Hello"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nBusiness, like Ehud Ronn's visit.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n06/29/2000 08:14 AM\n", ["<9734324.1075863701849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13890391.1075863702198.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25381062.1075863699721.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-6-2000-7:25:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["30-6-2000-7:25:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["deng@isye.gatech.edu"], [], "Shijie:\nI spoke with Vince and he said Friday the 28th of July would be fine for\nyour visit to Enron.\nPlease let me know your itinerary when you have it confirmed. There\nare two hotels downtown Houston, The Doubletree and the Hyatt Regency\nthat are very close to the Enron Bldg.\nIf you need help with anything, please let me know.\nLook forward to having you at Enron.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nShijie Deng on 06/30/2000 10:15:43 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group\nShirley,\nThank you for your message. I'm fine with 7/28 (Friday). I could fly in\nto Houston early evening on 7/27. Please let me know after you confirm\nthe date with Vince. Thanks!\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Shirley Crenshaw wrote:\n>\n>\n> Good morning Professor Deng:\n>\n> I am Vince Kaminski's assistant and he has asked me to coordinate your\n> visit to Enron. The last week in July would be best for Vince and his \ngroup.\n> especially the 24th, 26th, 27th, or 28th. Tuesday, the 25th is already \nfilling\n> up. Please let me know which day would work for you.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Corp. Research Group\n> 713/853-5290\n> email: Shirley.Crenshaw.com\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu'], 'recipients': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Shijie:\n\nI spoke with Vince and he said Friday the 28th of July would be fine for\nyour visit to Enron.\n\nPlease let me know your itinerary when you have it confirmed. There\nare two hotels downtown Houston, The Doubletree and the Hyatt Regency\nthat are very close to the Enron Bldg.\n\nIf you need help with anything, please let me know.\n\nLook forward to having you at Enron.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShijie Deng ", "<29319255.1075856581776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-6-2000-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-6-2000-7:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["deng@isye.gatech.edu"], [], "Shijie,\nA note: in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a DOWNTOWN hotel.\nThere are hotels with the same names elsewhere in Houston.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/30/2000 \n02:44 PM ---------------------------\nShirley Crenshaw\n06/30/2000 02:25 PM\nTo: Shijie Deng @ ENRON\ncc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group \nShijie:\nI spoke with Vince and he said Friday the 28th of July would be fine for\nyour visit to Enron.\nPlease let me know your itinerary when you have it confirmed. There\nare two hotels downtown Houston, The Doubletree and the Hyatt Regency\nthat are very close to the Enron Bldg.\nIf you need help with anything, please let me know.\nLook forward to having you at Enron.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nShijie Deng on 06/30/2000 10:15:43 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group\nShirley,\nThank you for your message. I'm fine with 7/28 (Friday). I could fly in\nto Houston early evening on 7/27. Please let me know after you confirm\nthe date with Vince. Thanks!\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Shirley Crenshaw wrote:\n>\n>\n> Good morning Professor Deng:\n>\n> I am Vince Kaminski's assistant and he has asked me to coordinate your\n> visit to Enron. The last week in July would be best for Vince and his \ngroup.\n> especially the 24th, 26th, 27th, or 28th. Tuesday, the 25th is already \nfilling\n> up. Please let me know which day would work for you.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Corp. Research Group\n> 713/853-5290\n> email: Shirley.Crenshaw.com\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu'], 'recipients': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 3, "information", ["hotel", "makes", "reservation"], "information", "shijie, a note: in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a downtown hotel."]], "Shijie,\n\nA note: in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a DOWNTOWN hotel.\nThere are hotels with the same names elsewhere in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", ["<957292.1075856495121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14431201.1075856561401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11242452.1075856315812.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18516716.1075856330585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-6-2000-9:16:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["30-6-2000-9:16:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince - Thanks for the note. I'll mention downtown for sure when making a\nreservation.\nShijie\nOn Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Vince J Kaminski wrote:\n>\n>\n> Shijie,\n>\n> A note: in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a DOWNTOWN hotel.\n> There are hotels with the same names elsewhere in Houston.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n> ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/30/2000 \n02:44\n> PM ---------------------------\n>\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> 06/30/2000 02:25 PM\n>\n> To: Shijie Deng @ ENRON\n> cc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\n> Subject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group \n(Document\n> link: Vince J Kaminski)\n>\n> Shijie:\n>\n> I spoke with Vince and he said Friday the 28th of July would be fine for\n> your visit to Enron.\n>\n> Please let me know your itinerary when you have it confirmed. There\n> are two hotels downtown Houston, The Doubletree and the Hyatt Regency\n> that are very close to the Enron Bldg.\n>\n> If you need help with anything, please let me know.\n>\n> Look forward to having you at Enron.\n>\n> Regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Shijie Deng on 06/30/2000 10:15:43 AM\n>\n> To: Shirley Crenshaw \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group\n>\n>\n>\n> Shirley,\n>\n> Thank you for your message. I'm fine with 7/28 (Friday). I could fly in\n> to Houston early evening on 7/27. Please let me know after you confirm\n> the date with Vince. Thanks!\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n> On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Shirley Crenshaw wrote:\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Good morning Professor Deng:\n> >\n> > I am Vince Kaminski's assistant and he has asked me to coordinate your\n> > visit to Enron. The last week in July would be best for Vince and his \ngroup.\n> > especially the 24th, 26th, 27th, or 28th. Tuesday, the 25th is already\n> filling\n> > up. Please let me know which day would work for you.\n> >\n> > Best regards,\n> >\n> > Shirley Crenshaw\n> > Administrative Coordinator\n> > Enron Corp. Research Group\n> > 713/853-5290\n> > email: Shirley.Crenshaw.com\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 5, "nninformation", ["making", "reservation"], "intention", " i'll mention downtown for sure when making a reservation."], ["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 17, "information", ["hotel", "makes", "reservation"], "information", " shijie on fri, numeric datenumeric numeric , vince j kaminski wrote: shijie, a note: in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a downtown hotel."]], "Vince - Thanks for the note. I'll mention downtown for sure when making a\nreservation.\n\nShijie\n\nOn Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Vince J Kaminski wrote:\n\n \n \n Shijie,\n \n A note: in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a DOWNTOWN hotel.\n There are hotels with the same names elsewhere in Houston.\n \n Vince\n \n \n \n ", ["<5408616.1075856639977.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20927913.1075856315690.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25090380.1075856330677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-7-2000-5:40:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["3-7-2000-5:40:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nI just booked my flights and the hotel. I'll be arriving Houston on\nthe evening of 7/27 and leaving on 7/29. I'll stay at the Doubletree\nHouston Allen Center for two nights. Looking forward to meeting you at\nEnron.\nRegards,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nI just booked my flights and the hotel. I'll be arriving Houston on\nthe evening of 7/27 and leaving on 7/29. I'll stay at the Doubletree\nHouston Allen Center for two nights. Looking forward to meeting you at\nEnron.\n\nRegards,\n\nShijie\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["<28411883.1075856639954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5281933.1075856315595.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26679384.1075856330764.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-7-2000-3:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-7-2000-3:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["deng@isye.gatech.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shijie,\nWe would like you to meet tomorrow morning, starting at 9:00, with a few \nmembers of the \ngroup. Around 11:15 we shall go to lunch (myself, Stinson Gibner and Zimin \nLu).\nAt 1:00 we would like you to make a presentation to the Research Group on the \ntopic\nof your choice. After 2:30 we shall continue with individual meetings.\nWe shall give you an agenda with the names and times when you arrive.\nYou can come to the lobby of the Enron building (1400 Smith)\nbetween 8:30 and 9:00 and call me (3-3848) or my assistant,\nShirley Crenshaw (3-5290), to be admitted to the building.\nWe are on the 19th floor.\nLook forward to meeting you.\nVince Kaminski\n \nShijie Deng on 07/27/2000 10:10:03 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: Vince Kaminski \nSubject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group\nHi Shirley,\nAn overhead would be good. Thanks.\nBTW, is there happen to be an agenda for my visit? Thank you.\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Fri, 7 Jul 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Shijie:\n>\n> Thanks for the information.\n>\n> Please let me know if you need av equipment, i.e., LCD projector, overhead\n> projector, etc.\n>\n> Thanks!\n>\n> Shirley\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Shijie Deng on 07/03/2000 11:40:05 AM\n>\n> To: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n> cc: Vince Kaminski \n> Subject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group\n>\n>\n>\n> Shirley,\n>\n> I just booked my flights and the hotel. I'll be arriving Houston on\n> the evening of 7/27 and leaving on 7/29. I'll stay at the Doubletree\n> Houston Allen Center for two nights. Looking forward to meeting you at\n> Enron.\n>\n> Regards,\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu'], 'recipients': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 18, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation", "topic"], "request", " at numerictime we would like you to make a presentation to the research group on the topic of your choice."]], "Shijie,\n\nWe would like you to meet tomorrow morning, starting at 9:00, with a few \nmembers of the \ngroup. Around 11:15 we shall go to lunch (myself, Stinson Gibner and Zimin \nLu).\nAt 1:00 we would like you to make a presentation to the Research Group on the \ntopic\nof your choice. After 2:30 we shall continue with individual meetings.\n\nWe shall give you an agenda with the names and times when you arrive.\n\nYou can come to the lobby of the Enron building (1400 Smith)\nbetween 8:30 and 9:00 and call me (3-3848) or my assistant,\nShirley Crenshaw (3-5290), to be admitted to the building.\nWe are on the 19th floor.\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n \n\n\n\n\nShijie Deng ", "<12008802.1075856639780.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30912083.1075856558302.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31460956.1075856307574.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"choice_option presentationTnn": {"value": "choice_option presentationTnn", "ne": "choice_option presentationTnn", "patterns": ["choice_option presentationTnn"]}, "individual_private meetingTnn": {"value": "individual_private meetingTnn", "ne": "individual_private meetingTnn", "patterns": ["individual_private meetingTnn"]}, "issue_topic presentationTnn": {"value": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "ne": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic presentationTnn"]}}, true], "27-7-2000-6:32:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["27-7-2000-6:32:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nThanks for the update. I'm looking forward to meeting you too.\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Thu, 27 Jul 2000 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Shijie,\n>\n> We would like you to meet tomorrow morning, starting at 9:00, with a few\n> members of the\n> group. Around 11:15 we shall go to lunch (myself, Stinson Gibner and Zimin\n> Lu).\n> At 1:00 we would like you to make a presentation to the Research Group on\n> the topic\n> of your choice. After 2:30 we shall continue with individual meetings.\n>\n> We shall give you an agenda with the names and times when you arrive.\n>\n> You can come to the lobby of the Enron building (1400 Smith)\n> between 8:30 and 9:00 and call me (3-3848) or my assistant,\n> Shirley Crenshaw (3-5290), to be admitted to the building.\n> We are on the 19th floor.\n>\n> Look forward to meeting you.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Shijie Deng on 07/27/2000 10:10:03 AM\n>\n> To: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n> cc: Vince Kaminski \n> Subject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group\n>\n>\n>\n> Hi Shirley,\n>\n> An overhead would be good. Thanks.\n> BTW, is there happen to be an agenda for my visit? Thank you.\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n> On Fri, 7 Jul 2000 Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> >\n> > Shijie:\n> >\n> > Thanks for the information.\n> >\n> > Please let me know if you need av equipment, i.e., LCD projector,\n> overhead\n> > projector, etc.\n> >\n> > Thanks!\n> >\n> > Shirley\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Shijie Deng on 07/03/2000 11:40:05 AM\n> >\n> > To: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n> > cc: Vince Kaminski \n> > Subject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Shirley,\n> >\n> > I just booked my flights and the hotel. I'll be arriving Houston on\n> > the evening of 7/27 and leaving on 7/29. I'll stay at the Doubletree\n> > Houston Allen Center for two nights. Looking forward to meeting you at\n> > Enron.\n> >\n> > Regards,\n> >\n> > Shijie\n> >\n> > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > Assistant Professor\n> > School of ISyE\n> > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> >\n> > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nThanks for the update. I'm looking forward to meeting you too.\n\nShijie\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n\nOn Thu, 27 Jul 2000 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n \n Shijie,\n \n We would like you to meet tomorrow morning, starting at 9:00, with a few\n members of the\n group. Around 11:15 we shall go to lunch (myself, Stinson Gibner and Zimin\n Lu).\n At 1:00 we would like you to make a presentation to the Research Group on\n the topic\n of your choice. After 2:30 we shall continue with individual meetings.\n \n We shall give you an agenda with the names and times when you arrive.\n \n You can come to the lobby of the Enron building (1400 Smith)\n between 8:30 and 9:00 and call me (3-3848) or my assistant,\n Shirley Crenshaw (3-5290), to be admitted to the building.\n We are on the 19th floor.\n \n Look forward to meeting you.\n \n Vince Kaminski\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Shijie Deng ", "<10728427.1075856307526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26071653.1075856335860.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-9-2000-2:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-2:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["deng@isye.gatech.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shijie,\nI would be interested in attending and giving a presentation.\nThis would be also a good opportunity for both of us to meet \nand discuss the plans for closer cooperation.\nVince\nShijie Deng on 09/25/2000 01:20:59 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\nHi Vince,\nI'll be organizing a session at the INFORMS national meeting in San\nAntonio (Nov 5-8, 2000, http://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000) on\nmodeling price volatility in electricity markets or financial engineering\napproaches. I'm just wondering if you or some member of your research\ngroup would be interested in giving a presentation there. Please let me\nknow. Thanks.\nBest wishes,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu'], 'recipients': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Shijie,\n\nI would be interested in attending and giving a presentation.\n\nThis would be also a good opportunity for both of us to meet \nand discuss the plans for closer cooperation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nShijie Deng ", "<18197955.1075856548177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32867631.1075856284612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-9-2000-3:17:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["29-9-2000-3:17:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nCould you please send me the title and a 50-word abstract of your\npresentation by the end of today? I'd like to forward them to the\norganizer as soon as possible so that we could make it into the printed\nconference program. Thanks.\nShijie\nOn Thu, 28 Sep 2000 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Shijie,\n>\n> I would be interested in attending and giving a presentation.\n>\n> This would be also a good opportunity for both of us to meet\n> and discuss the plans for closer cooperation.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> Shijie Deng on 09/25/2000 01:20:59 AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc: Shijie Deng \n> Subject: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\n>\n>\n>\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> I'll be organizing a session at the INFORMS national meeting in San\n> Antonio (Nov 5-8, 2000, http://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000) on\n> modeling price volatility in electricity markets or financial engineering\n> approaches. I'm just wondering if you or some member of your research\n> group would be interested in giving a presentation there. Please let me\n> know. Thanks.\n>\n> Best wishes,\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nCould you please send me the title and a 50-word abstract of your\npresentation by the end of today? I'd like to forward them to the\norganizer as soon as possible so that we could make it into the printed\nconference program. Thanks.\n\nShijie\n\n\nOn Thu, 28 Sep 2000 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n \n Shijie,\n \n I would be interested in attending and giving a presentation.\n \n This would be also a good opportunity for both of us to meet\n and discuss the plans for closer cooperation.\n \n Vince\n \n \n Shijie Deng ", "<17346051.1075856600267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20729966.1075856352945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-9-2000-6:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-9-2000-6:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/29/2000 \n02:04 PM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 09/29/2000 09:17:39 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\nVince,\nCould you please send me the title and a 50-word abstract of your\npresentation by the end of today? I'd like to forward them to the\norganizer as soon as possible so that we could make it into the printed\nconference program. Thanks.\nShijie\nOn Thu, 28 Sep 2000 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Shijie,\n>\n> I would be interested in attending and giving a presentation.\n>\n> This would be also a good opportunity for both of us to meet\n> and discuss the plans for closer cooperation.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> Shijie Deng on 09/25/2000 01:20:59 AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc: Shijie Deng \n> Subject: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\n>\n>\n>\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> I'll be organizing a session at the INFORMS national meeting in San\n> Antonio (Nov 5-8, 2000, http://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000) on\n> modeling price volatility in electricity markets or financial engineering\n> approaches. I'm just wondering if you or some member of your research\n> group would be interested in giving a presentation there. Please let me\n> know. Thanks.\n>\n> Best wishes,\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<17650134.1075856481576.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14638595.1075856547884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10753992.1075856283920.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28773758.1075856353082.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-10-2000-5:0:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["16-10-2000-5:0:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["rajesh@lrca.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "fernando@lrca.com", "jrbirge@northwestern.edu", "crovelli@usgs.gov"], ["deng@isye.gatech.edu"], "Hi,\nDetails of our session info. at the INFORMS conference can be found at the\nfollowing link. It'll be in the afternoon of 11/6 (Monday).\n\nSince we have 5 speakers, I expect each of us will have no more than 20\nminutes to present. Please keep that in mind and e-mail me if you have\nany questions. Please also inform me if there will be any changes. Look\nforward to seeing you all in San Antonio.\nBest regards,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu'], 'recipients': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Hi,\n\nDetails of our session info. at the INFORMS conference can be found at the\nfollowing link. It'll be in the afternoon of 11/6 (Monday).\n\nhttp://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000//TALKS/MD29.html\n\nSince we have 5 speakers, I expect each of us will have no more than 20\nminutes to present. Please keep that in mind and e-mail me if you have\nany questions. Please also inform me if there will be any changes. Look\nforward to seeing you all in San Antonio.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShijie\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n\n", ["<1574926.1075856276234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4900913.1075856599999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31486651.1075856358901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-10-2000-10:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-10:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000 \n05:58 PM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 10/16/2000 11:00:46 AM\nTo: Fernando Alvarado , Vince Kaminski \n, \"John R. Birge\" , \nrajesh@lrca.com, crovelli@usgs.gov\ncc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\nHi,\nDetails of our session info. at the INFORMS conference can be found at the\nfollowing link. It'll be in the afternoon of 11/6 (Monday).\n\nSince we have 5 speakers, I expect each of us will have no more than 20\nminutes to present. Please keep that in mind and e-mail me if you have\nany questions. Please also inform me if there will be any changes. Look\nforward to seeing you all in San Antonio.\nBest regards,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<25695862.1075856476720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16738144.1075856543017.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10880105.1075856271446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29418417.1075856362446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-10-2000-10:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-10:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000 \n05:59 PM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 10/16/2000 11:00:46 AM\nTo: Fernando Alvarado , Vince Kaminski \n, \"John R. Birge\" , \nrajesh@lrca.com, crovelli@usgs.gov\ncc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\nHi,\nDetails of our session info. at the INFORMS conference can be found at the\nfollowing link. It'll be in the afternoon of 11/6 (Monday).\n\nSince we have 5 speakers, I expect each of us will have no more than 20\nminutes to present. Please keep that in mind and e-mail me if you have\nany questions. Please also inform me if there will be any changes. Look\nforward to seeing you all in San Antonio.\nBest regards,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<5879094.1075856476698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8699553.1075856542995.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29452362.1075856271423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10783168.1075856362468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-10-2000-10:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-10:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/27/2000 \n05:19 PM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 10/16/2000 11:00:46 AM\nTo: Fernando Alvarado , Vince Kaminski \n, \"John R. Birge\" , \nrajesh@lrca.com, crovelli@usgs.gov\ncc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\nHi,\nDetails of our session info. at the INFORMS conference can be found at the\nfollowing link. It'll be in the afternoon of 11/6 (Monday).\n\nSince we have 5 speakers, I expect each of us will have no more than 20\nminutes to present. Please keep that in mind and e-mail me if you have\nany questions. Please also inform me if there will be any changes. Look\nforward to seeing you all in San Antonio.\nBest regards,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<6675994.1075856475953.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32777521.1075856542250.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27982966.1075856269771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30112239.1075856363774.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-11-2000-14:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-11-2000-14:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yg05.mx.aol.com (rly-yg05.mail.aol.com []) by \nair-yg04.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.23) with ESMTP; Fri, 27 Oct 2000 18:12:50 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-yg05.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Fri, 27 Oct 2000 18:12:42 -0400\nReceived: from nahou-msmsw03px.corp.enron.com ([]) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id RAA23489 for \n; Fri, 27 Oct 2000 17:12:42 -0500 (CDT)\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nReceived: from ene-mta01.enron.com (unverified) by \nnahou-msmsw03px.corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.1.5) with ESMTP \nid for \n; Fri, 27 Oct 2000 17:12:45 -0500\nSubject: Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nDate: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 17:12:41 -0500\nMessage-ID: \nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on ENE-MTA01/Enron(Release 5.0.3 (Intl)|21 \nMarch 2000) at 10/27/2000 05:08:55 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/27/2000\n05:19 PM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 10/16/2000 11:00:46 AM\nTo: Fernando Alvarado , Vince Kaminski\n , \"John R. Birge\"\n , rajesh@lrca.com, crovelli@usgs.gov\ncc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio\nHi,\nDetails of our session info. at the INFORMS conference can be found at the\nfollowing link. It'll be in the afternoon of 11/6 (Monday).\n\nSince we have 5 speakers, I expect each of us will have no more than 20\nminutes to present. Please keep that in mind and e-mail me if you have\nany questions. Please also inform me if there will be any changes. Look\nforward to seeing you all in San Antonio.\nBest regards,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Fwd: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<25216747.1075856599814.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19373402.1075856366027.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-9-2000-10:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-9-2000-10:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/29/2000 \n05:32 PM ---------------------------\nPinnamaneni Krishnarao\n09/27/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, kaminski@aol.com\ncc: \nSubject: presentation files\nVince: \n FYI, Grant has gone through slides 4-9 (option premium definition in GBM-BS \npresentation) last time. I will copy these files to my Laptop and a floppy to \ntake to the Hotel tomorrow. Bring your laptop also though, just in case ...\nKrishna.\n \n", ["presentation files", "Re: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<4529529.1075856481033.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26349515.1075856481056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19093120.1075856547351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17045803.1075856547373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12741737.1075856283196.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6002227.1075856283219.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16734462.1075856353593.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2855516.1075856353615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-10-2000-0:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-10-2000-0:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-path: \nFrom: VKaminski@aol.com\nFull-name: VKaminski\nMessage-ID: <9a.a54101f.27087cbe@aol.com>\nDate: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 07:40:46 EDT\nSubject: Abstract\nTo: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"part2_15.9e45a9f.27087cbe_boundary\"\nX-Mailer: AOL 3.0 16-bit for Windows sub 86\nShijie,\nI am sending you the abstract for my INFORMS presentation.\nVince\n******************************************************************************\n*****\nThe last three years were characterized by exceptionally high volatility of\nthe power prices in the US markets. The market developments have created a\nnumber of unique challenges for energy industry economists. One immediate\nquestion we have to answer is how to measure volatility of energy prices.\nAlthough we can all agree that the prices in the power markets are\ncharacterized by high variability, the traditional measures used in financial\neconomics (annualized standard deviation of log price returns) may not fit\nwell electricity prices. The second challenge is to explain the sources of\nhigh price volatility and to answer the question to what extent it can be\nattributed to problems that can be addressed in the long run. Such problems\ninclude flaws in market design that allow some market participants to abuse\nmarket power, limited availability and/or unequal access to transmission,\ntemporary shortages of generation capacity. Some factors underlying high\nvolatility of electricity prices may be of permanent nature and may be a\nnecessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and expanded customer\nchoice.\n - INFORMS.DOC", ["Fwd: Abstract"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Return-path: ", "<2421646.1075856600181.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17811644.1075856353816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-10-2000-13:47:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["1-10-2000-13:47:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6703649.1075856282866.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 13:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shijie Deng \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------- Forwarded message ----------\nDate: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 14:29:20 -0400 (EDT)\nFrom: Shijie Deng \nTo: VKaminski@aol.com\nCc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract\n\nVince,\n\nThanks for the abstract! For the purpose of the conference program\nlisting, the conference organizers need a title and an abstract which is\nlonger than 50 words. Based on the abstract that you sent me, I took the\nliberty to make up a title and the 50-word abstract (attached below).\nPlease make changes as you feel necessary and send them back to me. I'll\nsend them out to the organizers once I get your confirmation on this.\n\nBest,\n\nShijie\n\nTitle: Current Challenges in Modeling Power Price Volatility\n\nAuthor: Dr. Vince Kaminski, Head of Quantitative Research, Enron Capital &\nTrade Resources\n\nAbstract:\nThe power market developments in the US have created several unique\nchallenges for energy industry economists. We discuss the major factors \nunderlying\nthe exceptionally high volatility of electricity prices. We feel that some of\nthem may be a necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and\nexpanded customer choice.\n\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n\nOn Sun, 1 Oct 2000 VKaminski@aol.com wrote:\n\n> Shijie,\n>\n> I am sending you the abstract for my INFORMS presentation.\n>\n> Vince\n> \n******************************************************************************\n>\n> *****\n>\n>\n> The last three years were characterized by exceptionally high volatility of\n> the power prices in the US markets. The market developments have created a\n> number of unique challenges for energy industry economists. One immediate\n> question we have to answer is how to measure volatility of energy prices.\n> Although we can all agree that the prices in the power markets are\n> characterized by high variability, the traditional measures used in \nfinancial\n> economics (annualized standard deviation of log price returns) may not fit\n> well electricity prices. The second challenge is to explain the sources of\n> high price volatility and to answer the question to what extent it can be\n> attributed to problems that can be addressed in the long run. Such problems\n> include flaws in market design that allow some market participants to abuse\n> market power, limited availability and/or unequal access to transmission,\n> temporary shortages of generation capacity. Some factors underlying high\n> volatility of electricity prices may be of permanent nature and may be a\n> necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and expanded customer\n> choice.\n>\n", "Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)", "reply", [], "--------", "<6703649.1075856282866.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "1-10-2000-19:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-10-2000-19:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["deng@isye.gatech.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27521524.1075856480785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 19:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shijie Deng @ ENRON\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShijie,\n\nAdditional changes.\n\nAbstract:\n\nThe power market developments in the US have created several unique\nchallenges for energy industry economists. We discuss the major factors \nunderlying\nthe exceptionally high volatility of electricity prices. We feel that some of\nthem may reflect the flaws in power pools design and incomplete transition to \nfully deregulated markets in\ngeneration and transmission.\n\n\nThe title is fine.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShijie Deng on 10/01/2000 07:47:53 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)\n\n\n\n---------- Forwarded message ----------\nDate: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 14:29:20 -0400 (EDT)\nFrom: Shijie Deng \nTo: VKaminski@aol.com\nCc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract\n\nVince,\n\nThanks for the abstract! For the purpose of the conference program\nlisting, the conference organizers need a title and an abstract which is\nlonger than 50 words. Based on the abstract that you sent me, I took the\nliberty to make up a title and the 50-word abstract (attached below).\nPlease make changes as you feel necessary and send them back to me. I'll\nsend them out to the organizers once I get your confirmation on this.\n\nBest,\n\nShijie\n\nTitle: Current Challenges in Modeling Power Price Volatility\n\nAuthor: Dr. Vince Kaminski, Head of Quantitative Research, Enron Capital &\nTrade Resources\n\nAbstract:\nThe power market developments in the US have created several unique\nchallenges for energy industry economists. We discuss the major factors \nunderlying\nthe exceptionally high volatility of electricity prices. We feel that some of\nthem may be a necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and\nexpanded customer choice.\n\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n\nOn Sun, 1 Oct 2000 VKaminski@aol.com wrote:\n\n> Shijie,\n>\n> I am sending you the abstract for my INFORMS presentation.\n>\n> Vince\n> \n******************************************************************************\n>\n> *****\n>\n>\n> The last three years were characterized by exceptionally high volatility of\n> the power prices in the US markets. The market developments have created a\n> number of unique challenges for energy industry economists. One immediate\n> question we have to answer is how to measure volatility of energy prices.\n> Although we can all agree that the prices in the power markets are\n> characterized by high variability, the traditional measures used in \nfinancial\n> economics (annualized standard deviation of log price returns) may not fit\n> well electricity prices. The second challenge is to explain the sources of\n> high price volatility and to answer the question to what extent it can be\n> attributed to problems that can be addressed in the long run. Such problems\n> include flaws in market design that allow some market participants to abuse\n> market power, limited availability and/or unequal access to transmission,\n> temporary shortages of generation capacity. Some factors underlying high\n> volatility of electricity prices may be of permanent nature and may be a\n> necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and expanded customer\n> choice.\n>\n\n\n\n", "Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)", "originEmail", [["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 7, "information", ["created", "power**market"], "information", " abstract: the power market developments in the us have created several unique challenges for energy industry economists."]], "Shijie,\n\nAdditional changes.\n\nAbstract:\n\nThe power market developments in the US have created several unique\nchallenges for energy industry economists. We discuss the major factors \nunderlying\nthe exceptionally high volatility of electricity prices. We feel that some of\nthem may reflect the flaws in power pools design and incomplete transition to \nfully deregulated markets in\ngeneration and transmission.\n\n\nThe title is fine.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShijie Deng ", {"challenge energy_energy0industryTnn": {"value": "challenge energy_energy0industryTnn", "ne": "challenge energy_energy0industryTnn", "patterns": ["challenge energy_energy0industryTnn"]}, "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["development_evolution market_power0marketTnn"]}, "development_growth market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["development_growth market_power0marketTnn"]}, "electricity0price_price volatilityTnn": {"value": "electricity0price_price volatilityTnn", "ne": "electricity0price_price volatilityTnn", "patterns": ["electricity0price_price volatilityTnn"]}}, true], "7-10-2000-12:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-10-2000-12:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-zd02.mx.aol.com (rly-zd02.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-zd02.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 04 Oct 2000 15:02:53 \n-0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com ([]) by rly-zd02.mx.aol.com \n(v75_b3.9) with ESMTP; Wed, 04 Oct 2000 15:01:25 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id OAA07744 for \n; Wed, 4 Oct 2000 14:01:24 -0500 (CDT)\nFrom: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nReceived: from ene-mta01.enron.com (ene-mta01.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/corp-1.05) with ESMTP id e94J1Od17896 for \n; Wed, 4 Oct 2000 14:01:24 -0500 (CDT)\nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nDate: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 14:01:23 -0500\nMessage-ID: \nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on ENE-MTA01/Enron(Release 5.0.3 (Intl)|21 \nMarch 2000) at 10/04/2000 01:58:22 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nX-Mailer: Unknown\nFYI.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 10/04/2000\n01:57 PM ---------------------------\nShijie Deng on 10/02/2000 10:37:58 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: vkaminski@aol.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)\nVince,\nThanks for your prompt response. I just sent out the abstracts to the\norganizers. Please be aware that today is the deadline for early\nregistration ($55 more if you register after today). The link for\nregistration can be found at http://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000/\nI'll let you know the exact date of presentation later (most likely being\n11/4 or 11/5).\nBest,\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Mon, 2 Oct 2000 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Shijie,\n>\n> Additional changes.\n>\n> Abstract:\n>\n> The power market developments in the US have created several unique\n> challenges for energy industry economists. We discuss the major factors\n> underlying\n> the exceptionally high volatility of electricity prices. We feel that\nsome\n> of\n> them may reflect the flaws in power pools design and incomplete\ntransition\n> to fully deregulated markets in\n> generation and transmission.\n>\n>\n> The title is fine.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> Shijie Deng on 10/01/2000 07:47:53 PM\n>\n> To: vkamins@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)\n>\n>\n> ---------- Forwarded message ----------\n> Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 14:29:20 -0400 (EDT)\n> From: Shijie Deng \n> To: VKaminski@aol.com\n> Cc: Shijie Deng \n> Subject: Re: INFORMS Abstract\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Thanks for the abstract! For the purpose of the conference program\n> listing, the conference organizers need a title and an abstract which is\n> longer than 50 words. Based on the abstract that you sent me, I took the\n> liberty to make up a title and the 50-word abstract (attached below).\n> Please make changes as you feel necessary and send them back to me. I'll\n> send them out to the organizers once I get your confirmation on this.\n>\n> Best,\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n> On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 VKaminski@aol.com wrote:\n>\n> > Shijie,\n> >\n> > I am sending you the abstract for my INFORMS presentation.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n>\n******************************************************************************\n>\n> >\n", ["Fwd: INFORMS Abstract (fwd)"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<24397662.1075856600090.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27461372.1075856354885.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-10-2000-10:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-10-2000-10:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yh03.mx.aol.com (rly-yh03.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-yh05.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Sun, 01 Oct 2000 14:29:41 \n-0400\nReceived: from isye.gatech.edu (isye.isye.gatech.edu []) by \nrly-yh03.mx.aol.com (v75_b3.9) with ESMTP; Sun, 01 Oct 2000 14:29:23 -0400\nReceived: from tolva.isye.gatech.edu (tolva []) by \nisye.gatech.edu (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id OAA19639; Sun, 1 Oct 2000 \n14:29:21 -0400 (EDT)\nReceived: from localhost by tolva.isye.gatech.edu (8.9.3) id OAA11568; Sun, 1 \nOct 2000 14:29:20 -0400 (EDT)\nDate: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 14:29:20 -0400 (EDT)\nFrom: Shijie Deng \nTo: VKaminski@aol.com\ncc: Shijie Deng \nSubject: Re: INFORMS Abstract\nIn-Reply-To: <9a.a54101f.27087cbe@aol.com>\nMessage-ID: \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII\nX-Mailer: Unknown\nVince,\nThanks for the abstract! For the purpose of the conference program\nlisting, the conference organizers need a title and an abstract which is\nlonger than 50 words. Based on the abstract that you sent me, I took the\nliberty to make up a title and the 50-word abstract (attached below).\nPlease make changes as you feel necessary and send them back to me. I'll\nsend them out to the organizers once I get your confirmation on this.\nBest,\nShijie\nTitle: Current Challenges in Modeling Power Price Volatility\nAuthor: Dr. Vince Kaminski, Head of Quantitative Research, Enron Capital &\nTrade Resources\nAbstract:\nThe power market developments in the US have created several unique\nchallenges for energy industry economists. We discuss the major factors \nunderlying\nthe exceptionally high volatility of electricity prices. We feel that some of\nthem may be a necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and\nexpanded customer choice.\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Sun, 1 Oct 2000 VKaminski@aol.com wrote:\n> Shijie,\n>\n> I am sending you the abstract for my INFORMS presentation.\n>\n> Vince\n> \n******************************************************************************\n>\n> *****\n>\n>\n> The last three years were characterized by exceptionally high volatility of\n> the power prices in the US markets. The market developments have created a\n> number of unique challenges for energy industry economists. One immediate\n> question we have to answer is how to measure volatility of energy prices.\n> Although we can all agree that the prices in the power markets are\n> characterized by high variability, the traditional measures used in \nfinancial\n> economics (annualized standard deviation of log price returns) may not fit\n> well electricity prices. The second challenge is to explain the sources of\n> high price volatility and to answer the question to what extent it can be\n> attributed to problems that can be addressed in the long run. Such problems\n> include flaws in market design that allow some market participants to abuse\n> market power, limited availability and/or unequal access to transmission,\n> temporary shortages of generation capacity. Some factors underlying high\n> volatility of electricity prices may be of permanent nature and may be a\n> necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and expanded customer\n> choice.\n>\n", ["Fwd: INFORMS Abstract"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<16350849.1075856600112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15283081.1075856354118.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-2-2001-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-1:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/06/2001 \n09:04 AM ---------------------------\nFabienne on 02/06/2001 08:44:19 AM\nTo: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu, alvaro.baillo@iit.upco.es, \nkamat@ieor.berkeley.edu, william.stewart@business.wm.edu, \nsmeers@core.ucl.ac.be, jbower@london.edu, baldick@ece.utexas.edu, \njimb@ieor.berkeley.edu, christopher.j.day@enron.com, overbye@powerworld.com, \nborenste@haas.berkeley.edu, rogers@mie.utoronto.ca, javier@ind-cr.uclm.es, \nmariano.ventosa@iit.upco.es, amy.craft@usdoj.gov, hchao@epri.com, \nbhobbs@jhu.edu, chungli@eng.umd.edu, ajsh@pge.com, \nsgabriel@icfconsulting.com, deng@isye.gatech.edu, jrbirge@nwu.edu, \ncrovelli@usgs.gov, vince.j.kaminski@enron.com, alvarado@engr.wisc.edu, \nbrignone@ece.umn.edu, cottle@soe.stanford.edu, cplott@hss.caltech.edu, \ndhale@eia.doe.gov, ed@apx.com, gross@uiuc.edu, hillh@stanford.edu, \nhuang@ee.tamu.edu, h.outhred@unsw.edu.au, ilic@mit.edu, \njeromeyen@hotmail.com, laurence@lrca.com, mamin@epri.com, niemeyer@epri.com, \nott@pjm.com, richard.oneill@ferc.fed.us, rothkopf@rutcor.rutgers.edu, \nrwilson@stanford.edu, scpeck@epri.com, smeers@core.ucl.ac.be, \nthanh.luong@ferc.fed.us, udi.helman@ferc.fed.us, VSmith@arizona.edu, \nWilliam_Hogan@harvard.edu, wolak@zia.stanford.edu, wollenbe@ece.umn.edu, \njohn_chandley@lecg.com, dgarber@sdge.com, RRILEY2@entergy.com, \nrmcnamar@enron.com, pkp@nbgroup.com, royjshanker@worldnet.att.net, \ngcauley@worldnet.att.net, ed@apx.com, rentrike@epri.com, \nudi.helman@ferc.fed.us, laurence@lrca.com, h.outhred@unsw.edu.au, \nalexp@eccointl.com, cplott@hss.caltech.edu, tabors@tca-us.com, \nBWilson@econlab.arizona.edu, rwilson@stanford.edu, wolak@zia.stanford.edu, \nwollenbe@ece.umn.edu, wwu@tva.gov\ncc: \nSubject: \n\n", ["mkt_trans"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<4751859.1075856453857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12310604.1075856520173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21187088.1075856220495.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9842764.1075856399797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-4-2001-10:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-4-2001-10:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Shi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng", [""], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Shi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng", ["<28219661.1075856442862.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23621774.1075856509196.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26389098.1075856198429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6899639.1075856418283.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-13:52:0Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["11-4-2001-13:52:0", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["dengie@isye.gatech.edu"], ["deng@isye.isye.gatech.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Zhendong,\nDr. Kaminski called me back telling me that he would like to have you as\nan intern student in his research department during the summer. Please\nwrite him an email as soon as possible to introduce yourself and letting\nhim know of your expected starting date and ending date. Dr. Kaminski's\nemail address is Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["Re: your mail"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "Zhendong,\n\nDr. Kaminski called me back telling me that he would like to have you as\nan intern student in his research department during the summer. Please\nwrite him an email as soon as possible to introduce yourself and letting\nhim know of your expected starting date and ending date. Dr. Kaminski's\nemail address is Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n", ["<27381339.1075856618355.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31826899.1075856195208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21772925.1075856421124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-4-2001-1:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-1:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/27/2001 \n08:22 AM ---------------------------\n\"ElectraPartners\" on 04/27/2001 12:09:13 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Andis D. Berzins\" , \"Ashot Hovhannesyan\" \n, \"Karen Tatalyan\" , \"Simon \nKamsarakan\" , \"Eugene Tyurin\" , \"Shannon \nBurchett\" , \"Tom Witek\" , \"Jim \nJehovics\" , \"Patti Broderson\" , \n\"Vince J. Kaminski\" , \"Carey Jordan\" \n, \"Paul Posoli\" , \"Steve McAleavy\" \n, \"Ira G. Kawaller\" , \"Jesus \nMelendrez\" , \"Sailish\" \n, \"Alexander Eydelend\" \n, \"Blake Johnson\" \n, \"Gary Ginter\" , \n\"Ernst Jaffarian\" , \"Gary Campbell\" \n, \"Dimitri Novikov\" , \"Russ \nEllis\" , \"Ian Clarke\" \n, \"Steve Beck\" \n, \"Sean Curry\" , \n\"Sogomonian, Aram\" , \"Bill H. Panning\" \n, \"Lenard Bekker\" , \"John \nSodergreen\" , \"MIchael Ong\" \n, \"Clark Heston\" , \"Timothy J. \nMulholland\" , \"Kratka, Milan\" , \n\"Scott Morris\" , \"Tim Holmes\" , \"Hilary \nTill\" , \"V. C. Ramesh\" , \"David L. Reiner\" \n, \"Jon Najarian\" , \"Yuri Balasanov\" \n, \"John Fuqua\" , \"Michael Enbar\" \n<[No.email.address.found]@mindspring.com>, \"Russel Caflisch\" \n, \"Craig Gustafson\" , \"Sergio \nKostek\" , \"Iraj Kani\" , \n\"Cameron Rookley\" , \"Dick Kazarian\" \n<[No.email.address.found]@mindspring.com>, \"Bob Stibolt\" , \n\"Richard K. Skora\" , \"Zahra Yamani\" , \n\"Yurij M. Smirnov\" , \"Wayne Coste\" \n, \"Theodore Voronov\" , \"Steve \nMadows\" , \"Steve Thomas\" , \n\"Souren Aghajanyan\" , \"Sophia Gasparian\" \n, \"Shijie Deng\" , \"Shannon \nBurchett\" , \"Shan Millie\" , \n\"Robin Lancaster\" , \"Raffi Aharonian\" \n, \"Mike Sigman\" , \n, \"Ken Johnson\" , \"Kahuna\" \n, \"Joe Pokalski\" , \"Jane Locke\" \n, \"Haik Jermakyan\" , \"Garo \nMouradian\" , \"E.T.\" , \"David \nJermakian\" , \"Dan Coughlin\" , \"Carl \nJ.Conti\" , \"Arsen Nazaryan\" , \"Areg \nGrant Margarian\" \ncc: \nSubject: My new info\nDear Friends and Colleagues,\nI have switched again my employment status between self-employment and\nemployment by joining the TXU Energy Trading on the capacity of their\nManaging Director of Risk Management Operations. Will commute home on\nweekends, but otherwise, will be stationed in Dallas. The new email address\nis MJermak1@txu.edu, and the phone number is (214) 875-9603.\nRegards,\nMartin Jermakyan\nwww.txu.com\n - winmail.dat\n", ["My new info"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "", ["<12322629.1075856438362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32906559.1075856501738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3949972.1075856187430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9022389.1075856427393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-4-2001-11:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-11:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/27/2001 =\n08:22 AM ---------------------------\n\"ElectraPartners\" on 04/27/2001 12:09:13 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo:\"Andis D. Berzins\" , \"Ashot Hovhannesyan\" , \"Karen Tatalyan\" , \"Simon Kamsar=\nakan\" , \"Eugene Tyurin\" , \"Shannon Burc=\nhett\" , \"Tom Witek\" , \"Jim Jeh=\novics\" , \"Patti Broderson\" , \"Vin=\nce J. Kaminski\" , \"Carey Jordan\" , \"Paul Posoli\" , \"Steve McAleavy\" , \"Ira G. Kawaller\" , \"Jesus Melendrez\" , \"Sailish\" , \"Ale=\nxander Eydelend\" , \"Blake Johnson\" <=\nblakej@leland.stranford.edu>, \"Gary Ginter\" , =\n\"Ernst Jaffarian\" , \"Gary Campbell\" , \"Dimitri Novikov\" , \"Russ Ellis=\n\" , \"Ian Clarke\" , \"Steve Beck\" , \"Sean Curry\" , \"Sogomonian, Aram\" , \"Bi=\nll H. Panning\" , \"Lenard Bekker\" , \"John Sodergreen\" , \"MIchael Ong\" , \"Clark Heston\" , \"Timothy J. Mul=\nholland\" , \"Kratka, Milan\" , \"Sc=\nott Morris\" , \"Tim Holmes\" , \"Hilary T=\nill\" , \"V. C. Ramesh\" , \"David L. Reiner\" =\n, \"Jon Najarian\" , \"Yuri Balasanov\" , \"John Fuqua\" , \"Michael Enbar\" <[No.email.addre=\nss.found]@mindspring.com>, \"Russel Caflisch\" , \"Cra=\nig Gustafson\" , \"Sergio Kostek\" , \"Iraj Kan=\ni\" , \"Cameron Rookley\" =\n, \"Dick Kazarian\" <[No.email.address.found]@mindspring.com>, \"Bob Stibolt\" =\n, \"Richard K. Skora\" , \"Zahra Yaman=\ni\" , \"Yurij M. Smirnov\" , \"Way=\nne Coste\" , \"Theodore Voronov\" =\n, \"Steve Madows\" , \"Steve Thomas\" , \"Souren Aghajanyan\" , \"Sophia Gaspar=\nian\" , \"Shijie Deng\" , \"Shannon B=\nurchett\" , \"Shan Millie\" , \"Ro=\nbin Lancaster\" , \"Raffi Aharonian\" , \"Mike Sigman\" , , \"Ken Johnson\" , \"Kahuna\" , \"Joe Pok=\nalski\" , \"Jane Locke\" , \"=\nHaik Jermakyan\" , \"Garo Mouradian\" , \"E.T.\" , \"David Jermakian\" , \"Dan Coughlin\" , \"Carl J.Conti\" ,=\n \"Arsen Nazaryan\" , \"Areg Grant Margarian\" \ncc:\nSubject:My new info\nDear Friends and Colleagues,\nI have switched again my employment status between self-employment and\nemployment by joining the TXU Energy Trading on the capacity of their\nManaging Director of Risk Management Operations. Will commute home on\nweekends, but otherwise, will be stationed in Dallas. The new email addres=\ns\nis MJermak1@txu.edu, and the phone number is (214) 875-9603.\nRegards,\nMartin Jermakyan\nwww.txu.com\n - winmail.dat\n", ["My new info"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "\n", ["<30546389.1075858470592.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-10-2001-12:2:27Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["4-10-2001-12:2:27", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["deng@isye.isye.gatech.edu"], "\nVince,\nThank you for your efforts in talking to your corporate recruiting\npeople. Maybe we could figure something out next time. For your trip on\nNov. 1, please let me know if you'd like us to book a hotel for you or\nyou'd like to make your own arrangement. The tentative plan is that we\ncan go to dinner together on 10/31. On 11/1, I am thinking about\nhaving you meet with another faculty, I and a Ph.D student from 10am to\n11am. We are supervising the Ph.D. student on finding research topics in\nbandwidth trading. The seminar will be from 11am to noon. Our QCF\ndirector will take you to lunch after the seminar. And at 2pm, we'd\nlike you to meet with our QCF students for an hour or so. Let me know if\nthis sounds fine to you.\nPlease send me the title and abstract of your talk as soon as possible so\nthat I could make the announcement soon. Thanks.\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Thu, 4 Oct 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Shijie,\n>\n> I talked top my recruiting people, but their schedule is full and they\n> cannot accommodate a trip\n> to another school this fall. I shall be glad to make a presentation about\n> the Analyst/Associate\n> program and encourage your students to apply.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n>\n>\n> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:53 AM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Cc: Shijie Deng\n> Subject: RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Have you had the chance to check if your recruiting people could come\n> with you to meet with our first graduating class of the QCF program? We\n> currently have you scheduled to speak in the morning of Nov. 1. For\n> the matte of accommodating your recruiting folks' schedule, we have the\n> folloing dates open for their visiting as well:\n> Oct. 16, 18, 23 and 25.\n>\n> Here is the URL of our QCF program info. again:\n> http://www.qcf.gatech.edu/\n> Please let me know if you hear anything. Thanks.\n>\n> Best,\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> >\n> > Shijie,\n> >\n> > November 1 works for me.\n> >\n> > I would come on Wednesday evening and leave Thursday evening.\n> > I cannot stay away from the office for more than one day. Does it work\n> for\n> > you?\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> >\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> >\n> >\n> > Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:35 PM\n> > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > Cc: deng@isye.isye.gatech.edu\n> > Subject: RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n> >\n> >\n> > Vince - I forwarded you the following set of possible dates for\n> your\n> > visit\n> > to our school. Have you had the chance to pick one? Thanks.\n> >\n> > Shijie\n> >\n> > On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Shijie Deng wrote:\n> >\n> > >\n> > > Vince,\n> > >\n> > > How about Oct. 8, Oct. 9, or Nov. 1, or maybe sometime in the\n> last\n> > week of\n> > > September? Thanks.\n> > >\n> > > Shijie\n> > >\n> > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > Assistant Professor\n> > > School of ISyE\n> > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > >\n> > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > >\n> > > On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> > >\n> > > > Shijie,\n> > > >\n> > > > Thanks for your message. I checked my schedule and all the\n> dates\n> > you have\n> > > > proposed don't\n> > > > work for me.\n> > > > Any other suggestions?\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince\n> > > >\n> > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> > > >\n> >\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 3:01 PM\n> > > > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > > > Cc: Shijie Deng\n> > > > Subject: Re: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince,\n> > > >\n> > > > How is everything going? I'd like to check with you to see\n> if\n> > you have\n> > > > decided on which day you'd like to come and give the seminar\n> in\n> > > > our school. Thanks.\n> > > >\n> > > > Shijie\n> > > >\n> > > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > > Assistant Professor\n> > > > School of ISyE\n> > > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > > >\n> > > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > > >\n> > > > On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Shijie Deng wrote:\n> > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vince,\n> > > > >\n> > > > > As a follow-up to our phone conversation, I am attaching\n> below\n> > the URL\n> > > > for\n> > > > > our QCF program here at Georgia Tech for your corporate\n> > recruiting\n> > > > folks.\n> > > > > http://www.qcf.gatech.edu/\n> > > > > It will be great if we could have your recruiting people\n> meet\n> > with our\n> > > > > first graduating class of the QCF program.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Regarding your visit, we'd be glad to cover the coach\n> airfare\n> > and\n> > > > > lodging. How about the first week of October, say on\n> either\n> > 10/2 or\n> > > > 10/4,\n> > > > > or the last week of October, say 10/30? The arrangement\n> would\n> > be that\n> > > > you\n> > > > > come in on the evening of a Monday or a Wednesday and give\n> a\n> > seminar\n> > > > on a\n> > > > > Tuesday or a Thursday. Please let me know what works best\n> for\n> > > > > you. Thanks.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Shijie\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > > > Assistant Professor\n> > > > > School of ISyE\n> > > > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> >\n> **********************************************************************\n> > > > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> > affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for\n> the\n> > sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use,\n> distribution or\n> > disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the\n> intended\n> > recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please\n> contact\n> > the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n> > enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of\n> the\n> > message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended\n> to be\n> > an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding\n> and\n> > enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates)\n> and\n> > the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on\n> by\n> > anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank\n> you.\n> > > >\n> >\n> **********************************************************************\n> > > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>", ["RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 19, "nninformation", ["arrangement", "make"], "intention", " for your trip on datenumeric , please let me know if you'd like us to book a hotel for you or you'd like to make your own arrangement."]], "\nVince,\n\nThank you for your efforts in talking to your corporate recruiting\npeople. Maybe we could figure something out next time. For your trip on\nNov. 1, please let me know if you'd like us to book a hotel for you or\nyou'd like to make your own arrangement. The tentative plan is that we\ncan go to dinner together on 10/31. On 11/1, I am thinking about\nhaving you meet with another faculty, I and a Ph.D student from 10am to\n11am. We are supervising the Ph.D. student on finding research topics in\nbandwidth trading. The seminar will be from 11am to noon. Our QCF\ndirector will take you to lunch after the seminar. And at 2pm, we'd\nlike you to meet with our QCF students for an hour or so. Let me know if\nthis sounds fine to you.\n\nPlease send me the title and abstract of your talk as soon as possible so\nthat I could make the announcement soon. Thanks.\n\nShijie\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n\nOn Thu, 4 Oct 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n Shijie,\n \n I talked top my recruiting people, but their schedule is full and they\n cannot accommodate a trip\n to another school this fall. I shall be glad to make a presentation about\n the Analyst/Associate\n program and encourage your students to apply.\n \n Vince\n \n \n ", ["<28444566.1075863445390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-10-2001-13:22:59Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["18-10-2001-13:22:59", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\nVince,\nPlease send me the title and abstract of your talk as soon as possible so\nthat I could make the announcement soon. Thanks.\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> > Shijie,\n> >\n> > I talked top my recruiting people, but their schedule is full and they\n> > cannot accommodate a trip\n> > to another school this fall. I shall be glad to make a presentation about\n> > the Analyst/Associate\n> > program and encourage your students to apply.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> >\n> >\n> > Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:53 AM\n> > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > Cc: Shijie Deng\n> > Subject: RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n> >\n> >\n> > Vince,\n> >\n> > Have you had the chance to check if your recruiting people could come\n> > with you to meet with our first graduating class of the QCF program? We\n> > currently have you scheduled to speak in the morning of Nov. 1. For\n> > the matte of accommodating your recruiting folks' schedule, we have the\n> > folloing dates open for their visiting as well:\n> > Oct. 16, 18, 23 and 25.\n> >\n> > Here is the URL of our QCF program info. again:\n> > http://www.qcf.gatech.edu/\n> > Please let me know if you hear anything. Thanks.\n> >\n> > Best,\n> >\n> > Shijie\n> >\n> > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > Assistant Professor\n> > School of ISyE\n> > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> >\n> > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> >\n> > On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> >\n> > >\n> > > Shijie,\n> > >\n> > > November 1 works for me.\n> > >\n> > > I would come on Wednesday evening and leave Thursday evening.\n> > > I cannot stay away from the office for more than one day. Does it work\n> > for\n> > > you?\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> > >\n> > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:35 PM\n> > > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > > Cc: deng@isye.isye.gatech.edu\n> > > Subject: RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Vince - I forwarded you the following set of possible dates for\n> > your\n> > > visit\n> > > to our school. Have you had the chance to pick one? Thanks.\n> > >\n> > > Shijie\n> > >\n> > > On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Shijie Deng wrote:\n> > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince,\n> > > >\n> > > > How about Oct. 8, Oct. 9, or Nov. 1, or maybe sometime in the\n> > last\n> > > week of\n> > > > September? Thanks.\n> > > >\n> > > > Shijie\n> > > >\n> > > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > > Assistant Professor\n> > > > School of ISyE\n> > > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > > >\n> > > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > > >\n> > > > On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> > > >\n> > > > > Shijie,\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Thanks for your message. I checked my schedule and all the\n> > dates\n> > > you have\n> > > > > proposed don't\n> > > > > work for me.\n> > > > > Any other suggestions?\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vince\n> > > > >\n> > > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > > From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> > > > >\n> > >\n> > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 3:01 PM\n> > > > > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > > > > Cc: Shijie Deng\n> > > > > Subject: Re: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vince,\n> > > > >\n> > > > > How is everything going? I'd like to check with you to see\n> > if\n> > > you have\n> > > > > decided on which day you'd like to come and give the seminar\n> > in\n> > > > > our school. Thanks.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Shijie\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > > > Assistant Professor\n> > > > > School of ISyE\n> > > > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > > > >\n> > > > > On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Shijie Deng wrote:\n> > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Vince,\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > As a follow-up to our phone conversation, I am attaching\n> > below\n> > > the URL\n> > > > > for\n> > > > > > our QCF program here at Georgia Tech for your corporate\n> > > recruiting\n> > > > > folks.\n> > > > > > http://www.qcf.gatech.edu/\n> > > > > > It will be great if we could have your recruiting people\n> > meet\n> > > with our\n> > > > > > first graduating class of the QCF program.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Regarding your visit, we'd be glad to cover the coach\n> > airfare\n> > > and\n> > > > > > lodging. How about the first week of October, say on\n> > either\n> > > 10/2 or\n> > > > > 10/4,\n> > > > > > or the last week of October, say 10/30? The arrangement\n> > would\n> > > be that\n> > > > > you\n> > > > > > come in on the evening of a Monday or a Wednesday and give\n> > a\n> > > seminar\n> > > > > on a\n> > > > > > Tuesday or a Thursday. Please let me know what works best\n> > for\n> > > > > > you. Thanks.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Shijie\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > > > > Assistant Professor\n> > > > > > School of ISyE\n> > > > > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > > > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > > > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > > > > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> > > affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for\n> > the\n> > > sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use,\n> > distribution or\n> > > disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the\n> > intended\n> > > recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please\n> > contact\n> > > the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n> > > enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of\n> > the\n> > > message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended\n> > to be\n> > > an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding\n> > and\n> > > enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates)\n> > and\n> > > the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on\n> > by\n> > > anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank\n> > you.\n> > > > >\n> > >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>", ["RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "\nVince,\n\nPlease send me the title and abstract of your talk as soon as possible so\nthat I could make the announcement soon. Thanks.\n\nShijie\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n\n On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n \n Shijie,\n \n I talked top my recruiting people, but their schedule is full and they\n cannot accommodate a trip\n to another school this fall. I shall be glad to make a presentation about\n the Analyst/Associate\n program and encourage your students to apply.\n \n Vince\n \n \n ", ["<32677612.1075863445727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-10-2001-12:43:50Sdeng@isye.gatech.edu": ["23-10-2001-12:43:50", "deng@isye.gatech.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "deng.shijie@enron.com"], "\nVince,\nAs your upcoming visit to our school is on next Thursday, could you please\nsend me the title and abstract of your talk as soon as possible so\nthat I could make the seminar announcement to our faculty and students\nsoon. Thanks.\nShijie\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\nOn Thu, 4 Oct 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> Shijie,\n>\n> I talked top my recruiting people, but their schedule is full and they\n> cannot accommodate a trip\n> to another school this fall. I shall be glad to make a presentation about\n> the Analyst/Associate\n> program and encourage your students to apply.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n>\n>\n> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:53 AM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Cc: Shijie Deng\n> Subject: RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Have you had the chance to check if your recruiting people could come\n> with you to meet with our first graduating class of the QCF program? We\n> currently have you scheduled to speak in the morning of Nov. 1. For\n> the matte of accommodating your recruiting folks' schedule, we have the\n> folloing dates open for their visiting as well:\n> Oct. 16, 18, 23 and 25.\n>\n> Here is the URL of our QCF program info. again:\n> http://www.qcf.gatech.edu/\n> Please let me know if you hear anything. Thanks.\n>\n> Best,\n>\n> Shijie\n>\n> Shi-Jie Deng\n> Assistant Professor\n> School of ISyE\n> Georgia Institute of Technology\n>\n> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n>\n> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> >\n> > Shijie,\n> >\n> > November 1 works for me.\n> >\n> > I would come on Wednesday evening and leave Thursday evening.\n> > I cannot stay away from the office for more than one day. Does it work\n> for\n> > you?\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> >\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> >\n> >\n> > Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:35 PM\n> > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > Cc: deng@isye.isye.gatech.edu\n> > Subject: RE: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n> >\n> >\n> > Vince - I forwarded you the following set of possible dates for\n> your\n> > visit\n> > to our school. Have you had the chance to pick one? Thanks.\n> >\n> > Shijie\n> >\n> > On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Shijie Deng wrote:\n> >\n> > >\n> > > Vince,\n> > >\n> > > How about Oct. 8, Oct. 9, or Nov. 1, or maybe sometime in the\n> last\n> > week of\n> > > September? Thanks.\n> > >\n> > > Shijie\n> > >\n> > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > Assistant Professor\n> > > School of ISyE\n> > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > >\n> > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > >\n> > > On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> > >\n> > > > Shijie,\n> > > >\n> > > > Thanks for your message. I checked my schedule and all the\n> dates\n> > you have\n> > > > proposed don't\n> > > > work for me.\n> > > > Any other suggestions?\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince\n> > > >\n> > > > -----Original Message-----\n> > > > From: Shijie Deng @ENRON\n> > > >\n> >\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Shijie+20Deng+20+3Cdeng+40isye+2Egatech+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 3:01 PM\n> > > > To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> > > > Cc: Shijie Deng\n> > > > Subject: Re: visit Georgia Tech and QCF info\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince,\n> > > >\n> > > > How is everything going? I'd like to check with you to see\n> if\n> > you have\n> > > > decided on which day you'd like to come and give the seminar\n> in\n> > > > our school. Thanks.\n> > > >\n> > > > Shijie\n> > > >\n> > > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > > Assistant Professor\n> > > > School of ISyE\n> > > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > > >\n> > > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > > >\n> > > > On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Shijie Deng wrote:\n> > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vince,\n> > > > >\n> > > > > As a follow-up to our phone conversation, I am attaching\n> below\n> > the URL\n> > > > for\n> > > > > our QCF program here at Georgia Tech for your corporate\n> > recruiting\n> > > > folks.\n> > > > > http://www.qcf.gatech.edu/\n> > > > > It will be great if we could have your recruiting people\n> meet\n> > with our\n> > > > > first graduating class of the QCF program.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Regarding your visit, we'd be glad to cover the coach\n> airfare\n> > and\n> > > > > lodging. How about the first week of October, say on\n> either\n> > 10/2 or\n> > > > 10/4,\n> > > > > or the last week of October, say 10/30? The arrangement\n> would\n> > be that\n> > > > you\n> > > > > come in on the evening of a Monday or a Wednesday and give\n> a\n> > seminar\n> > > > on a\n> > > > > Tuesday or a Thursday. Please let me know what works best\n> for\n> > > > > you. Thanks.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Shijie\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Shi-Jie Deng\n> > > > > Assistant Professor\n> > > > > School of ISyE\n> > > > > Georgia Institute of Technology\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Office Phone: (404) 894-6519\n> > > > > E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\n> > > > > Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> >\n> **********************************************************************\n> > > > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant\n> > affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for\n> the\n> > sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use,\n> distribution or\n> > disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the\n> intended\n> > recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please\n> contact\n> > the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\n> > enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of\n> the\n> > message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended\n> to be\n> > an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding\n> and\n> > enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates)\n> and\n> > the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on\n> by\n> > anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank\n> you.\n> > > >\n> >\n> **********************************************************************\n> > > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n", ["RE: presentation title and abstract"], "{'body': ['deng@isye.gatech.edu']}", [], "\nVince,\n\nAs your upcoming visit to our school is on next Thursday, could you please\nsend me the title and abstract of your talk as soon as possible so\nthat I could make the seminar announcement to our faculty and students\nsoon. Thanks.\n\nShijie\n\nShi-Jie Deng\nAssistant Professor\nSchool of ISyE\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\n\nOffice Phone: (404) 894-6519\nE-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu\nHome page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng\n\nOn Thu, 4 Oct 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n Shijie,\n \n I talked top my recruiting people, but their schedule is full and they\n cannot accommodate a trip\n to another school this fall. I shall be glad to make a presentation about\n the Analyst/Associate\n program and encourage your students to apply.\n \n Vince\n \n \n ", ["<7449811.1075863446369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "27-7-2000-10:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-7-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-8-2000-7:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-8-2000-8:25:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 28-9-2000-3:30:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 22-11-2000-0:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-7-2000-10:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-7-2000-10:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["james.w.petrie.jr@us.arthurandersen.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jim,\nThanks. I shall drop him an E-mail.\nVince\njames.w.petrie.jr@us.arthurandersen.com on 07/27/2000 05:51:31 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com \nSubject: Allan Roberts eMail\nVince - It was a pleasure to meet you this afternoon. As promised, please \nfind\nAllan's eMail address above. We look forward to working with Enron and MIT on\nfinding better ways to value companies.\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.\nJIM\n---------------------------------\nJames W. Petrie, Jr.\nKnowledge Sharing Director\nEnergy Industry Knowledge Services Group\nArthur Andersen LLP - Houston Office\nVoice ==> 713.237.2357, Fax ==> 713.237.5673\njames.w.petrie.jr@us.arthurandersen.com\n----------\n*******************Internet Email Confidentiality Footer*******************\nPrivileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you\nare not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery \nof\nthe message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to \nanyone.\nIn such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by\nreply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent \nto\nInternet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\ninformation in this message that do not relate to the official business of my\nfirm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n", ["Re: Allan Roberts eMail"], "{'body': ['allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com']}", [], "Jim,\n\nThanks. I shall drop him an E-mail.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\njames.w.petrie.jr@us.arthurandersen.com on 07/27/2000 05:51:31 PM\n", ["<5083143.1075856491892.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22439613.1075856558163.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2493731.1075856307194.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13818565.1075856593334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-7-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-0:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Allan,\nI am sending you my coordinates. I expect to be in London around\nSeptember the 20th.\nVince Kaminski\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com", ["Address"], "{'recipients': ['allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com']}", [], "Allan,\n\nI am sending you my coordinates. I expect to be in London around\nSeptember the 20th.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com", ["<1577779.1075863701825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10368421.1075863702175.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25028232.1075863699522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29296700.1075863702436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33260604.1075863701212.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-8-2000-7:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-7:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nThey are from the UK, Arthur Andersen. I could meet with them on Monday.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/31/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\nallan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com on 08/31/2000 12:08:25 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Address\nI trust things are well in Houston.\nThe reason for contacting you is to inquire as to your schedule during the \nweek\ncommencing Monday 18th September. I and several of my colleagues would very\nmuch like to meet up with you, however, we are tied up at a large conference\nbetween Tuesday through to Friday of that week.\nIs there any chance in meeting with you on Monday 18th? If so, I will brief \nyou\nmore fully on our people and will contact you to discuss an agenda.\nRegards, ALLAN\n*******************Internet Email Confidentiality Footer*******************\nPrivileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you\nare not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery \nof\nthe message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to \nanyone.\nIn such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by\nreply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent \nto\nInternet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\ninformation in this message that do not relate to the official business of my\nfirm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n", ["Re: Address"], "{'body': ['allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nThey are from the UK, Arthur Andersen. I could meet with them on Monday.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<26067255.1075856485356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10854139.1075856551646.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16007367.1075856291524.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19472072.1075856592560.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14137914.1075856347412.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-8-2000-8:25:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-8:25:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com"], [], "Hello Mr. Roberts:\nVince Kaminski will be arriving in London on Monday, the 18th of September \nat 9:55 AM. He would be available to meet with you in the afternoon on the \n18th.\nPlease let me know if this is acceptable and who the individuals are that \nwill be attending the meeting. You also mentioned an agenda, which would \nbe great.\nThanks!\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group", ["Meeting with Vince Kaminski"], "{'recipients': ['allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com']}", [["attend meeting", 10, "nninformation", ["attending", "meeting"], "intention", " please let me know if this is acceptable and who the individuals are that will be attending the meeting."]], "Hello Mr. Roberts:\n\nVince Kaminski will be arriving in London on Monday, the 18th of September \nat 9:55 AM. He would be available to meet with you in the afternoon on the \n18th.\n\nPlease let me know if this is acceptable and who the individuals are that \nwill be attending the meeting. You also mentioned an agenda, which would \nbe great.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group", ["<30423312.1075856609906.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1935662.1075856291455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31502181.1075856347500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "28-9-2000-3:30:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-3:30:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "fyi\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 09/28/2000 \n10:27 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n09/18/2000 04:38 PM\nTo: paul.e.day@uk.arthurandersen.com @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: London Visit \nPaul,\nI shall be in London in the beginning of October.\nI shall notify you about the timing of my trip later this week.\nVince\npaul.e.day@uk.arthurandersen.com on 09/18/2000 03:29:50 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: London Visit\nI understand this has been cancelled - no problem - life is kind of hectic \nhere\nanyway!! Why don't we try to rearrange next time you're over?\nKind regards\nPaul Day\nTo: Paul E. Day\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nDate: 25/08/2000 19:10\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: London Visit\nPaul,\nThanks for your message. I am in process of\nfinalizing my plans for the trip to London in the end of\nSeptember. I delayed responding to you message till\nI had more specific information.\nUnless there a major change in my schedule, I shall arrive\nin London on Monday morning (September 18) and leave on\nThursday in the evening.\nPlease, let me know what would be convenient time\nto meet. You can send me an E-mail message and my secretary\nwill contact to confirm the date and place of the meeting.\nMy assistant's name is Shirley Crenshaw and her phone\nnumber is 713 853 5290.\nI look forward to meeting you, Tom and Julian.\nVince Kaminski\npaul.e.day@uk.arthurandersen.com on 08/25/2000 11:53:02 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: tom.o.lewthwaite@uk.arthurandersen.com, \njulian.leake@uk.arthurandersen.com\nSubject: London Visit\nI understand that you will be in London around 20 September. Tom Lewthwaite \nhas\nasked me to arrange a meeting between you, Tom and Julian Leake. I understand\nthat you have met Tom and Julian before. I would also like to attend - I am \na\nmanager in our UK Financial Services practice with responsibilty for Enron \nfrom\na UK financial services perspective. We would like to discuss any risk\nmanagement concerns that you may have and any internal initiatives with which \nwe\ncould assist.\nIf you are happy to meet on this basis, I would be grateful if you could let \nme\nknow how you to proceed (whether I should arrange timings with you, your\nsecretary, someone in London etc). You can contact me on +44 20 7783 7446 (at\nEnron's London offices) or on this e-mail address.\nKind Regards\nPaul Day\n*******************Internet Email Confidentiality Footer*******************\nPrivileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you\nare not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery \nof\nthe message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to \nanyone.\nIn such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by\nreply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent \nto\nInternet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\ninformation in this message that do not relate to the official business of my\nfirm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n*******************Internet Email Confidentiality Footer*******************\nPrivileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you\nare not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery \nof\nthe message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to \nanyone.\nIn such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by\nreply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent \nto\nInternet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\ninformation in this message that do not relate to the official business of my\nfirm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n", ["Re: London Visit", "Re: Lunch"], "{'body': ['allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com']}", [], "fyi\n", ["<26458000.1075856609794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16278070.1075856609817.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13075265.1075856284518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8007728.1075856284542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16739226.1075856352682.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15827805.1075856352705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-11-2000-0:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-0:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3505183.1075856470235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 00:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com\nSubject: Re: Visit to Houston\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: allan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com @ ENRON\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAllan,\n\nI shall be glad to meet you. I am planning to attend the Energy Symposium\nand we can meet on the location. If business keeps me at the office,\nfeel free to contact me at 713 853 3848 and we can schedule a meeting during \nthe day \nor in the evening.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nallan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com on 11/22/2000 06:45:42 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: george.e.danner@us.arthurandersen.com, \ndavid.b.duncan@us.arthurandersen.com \nSubject: Visit to Houston\n\n\n\n\nVince,\n\nI hope things are well with you and your family.\n\nThe reason for contacting you today is to let you know I will be in Houston \nnext\nweek between Monday and Wednesday inclusive. If there is an opportunity to \nmeet\nup, probably informally, it would be useful to discuss our continuing \nactivities\nin the areas of Strategy, Value and, increasingly, Real Options.\n\nIf you are attending our Energy Symposium, or can meet up, please contact me \nat\nyour convenience. If we do meet, I would also like to introduce you to one of\nour senior managers from Houston: George E. Danner. George is a member of \nour\nUS National Strategy team and part of our global network of specialists \nworking\non real option pricing.\n\nIf I do not speak to you before tomorrow - happy Thanksgiving.\n\nALLAN\n\n*******************Internet Email Confidentiality Footer*******************\nThe UK firm of Arthur Andersen is authorised by the Institute of Chartered\nAccountants in England and Wales to carry on investment business. A list of\npartners is available at 1 Surrey Street, London, WC2R 2PS (principal place of\nbusiness).\n\nPrivileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you\nare not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery \nof\nthe message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to \nanyone.\nIn such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by\nreply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent \nto\nInternet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\ninformation in this message that do not relate to the official business of my\nfirm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n\n\n\n", "Re: Visit to Houston", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 15, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "intention", " if business keeps me at the office, feel free to contact me at phonenumber and we can schedule a meeting during the day or in the evening."]], "Allan,\n\nI shall be glad to meet you. I am planning to attend the Energy Symposium\nand we can meet on the location. If business keeps me at the office,\nfeel free to contact me at 713 853 3848 and we can schedule a meeting during \nthe day \nor in the evening.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nallan.roberts@uk.arthurandersen.com on 11/22/2000 06:45:42 AM\n", "<3505183.1075856470235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy symposiumTnn": {"value": "energy symposiumTnn", "ne": "energy symposiumTnn", "patterns": ["energy symposiumTnn"]}, "energy_energy0derivative planTnv": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative planTnv", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative planTnv", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative planTnv"]}}, true]}, "11-10-2000-2:49:0Svjwindsor@hotmail.com 12-10-2000-8:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-10-2000-2:49:0Svjwindsor@hotmail.com": ["11-10-2000-2:49:0", "vjwindsor@hotmail.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27492717.1075856623432.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 02:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vjwindsor@hotmail.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: From Vicky Windsor\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: \"Vicky Windsor\" \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Vince,\n\nHow are you? Well I hope.\n\nI hope you don=01,t mind me writing to you. You may remember that 5 months =\nago\nI left Risk Publications and moved to a charity. Having been here for only =\na\nfew months, I have decided that this job is not for me (I miss the buzz of =\na\ncorporate office) and I have decided to move back into the corporate sector=\n.\n\nBecause of my previous experience and knowledge of the energy sector, I am\nvery interested in moving into this area. I have always thought that it\nwould be great to work for Enron because it is such a dynamic company and I\nam planning to approach the London office to discuss any opportunities,\nwhich might be available. I am particularly interested in product marketing\nand research, although I am very open-minded at the moment. I wondered\nwhether you could recommend the right person to speak to in London.\n\nI know that you are incredibly busy, but any help you can give me would be\nfantastic Vince.\n\nThanks and best regards,\n\n\nVicky Windsor\n\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.", "From Vicky Windsor", "reply", [], "Dear Vince,\n\nHow are you? Well I hope.\n\nI hope you don=01,t mind me writing to you. You may remember that 5 months ago\nI left Risk Publications and moved to a charity. Having been here for only a\nfew months, I have decided that this job is not for me (I miss the buzz of a\ncorporate office) and I have decided to move back into the corporate sector.\n\nBecause of my previous experience and knowledge of the energy sector, I am\nvery interested in moving into this area. I have always thought that it\nwould be great to work for Enron because it is such a dynamic company and I\nam planning to approach the London office to discuss any opportunities,\nwhich might be available. I am particularly interested in product marketing\nand research, although I am very open-minded at the moment. I wondered\nwhether you could recommend the right person to speak to in London.\n\nI know that you are incredibly busy, but any help you can give me would be\nfantastic Vince.\n\nThanks and best regards,\n\n\nVicky Windsor\n\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.", "<27492717.1075856623432.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "12-10-2000-8:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-10-2000-8:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vjwindsor@hotmail.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10894276.1075856545996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 08:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vjwindsor@hotmail.com\nSubject: Re: From Vicky Windsor\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Vicky Windsor\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVicky,\n\nPlease, send me your resume.\n\nI shall forward it to a number of employees of Enron in London\nwith my strongest recommendation. I shall send you the list\nof names. The resume will make it easier for me to=20\nidentify good targets.\n\nPlease, make sure you will contact me if there is no reaction.\nPeople here are very busy and, as you know, things fall through the cracks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Vicky Windsor\" on 10/11/2000 04:49:56 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: =20\nSubject: From Vicky Windsor\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nHow are you? Well I hope.\n\nI hope you don=01,t mind me writing to you. You may remember that 5 months =\nago\nI left Risk Publications and moved to a charity. Having been here for only =\na\nfew months, I have decided that this job is not for me (I miss the buzz of =\na\ncorporate office) and I have decided to move back into the corporate sector=\n.\n\nBecause of my previous experience and knowledge of the energy sector, I am\nvery interested in moving into this area. I have always thought that it\nwould be great to work for Enron because it is such a dynamic company and I\nam planning to approach the London office to discuss any opportunities,\nwhich might be available. I am particularly interested in product marketing\nand research, although I am very open-minded at the moment. I wondered\nwhether you could recommend the right person to speak to in London.\n\nI know that you are incredibly busy, but any help you can give me would be\nfantastic Vince.\n\nThanks and best regards,\n\n\nVicky Windsor\n\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n\n", "Re: From Vicky Windsor", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 3, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", "vicky, please, send me your resume."]], "Vicky,\n\nPlease, send me your resume.\n\nI shall forward it to a number of employees of Enron in London\nwith my strongest recommendation. I shall send you the list\nof names. The resume will make it easier for me to=20\nidentify good targets.\n\nPlease, make sure you will contact me if there is no reaction.\nPeople here are very busy and, as you know, things fall through the cracks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Vicky Windsor\" ", [], false]}, "20-11-2000-6:37:0Sarsystem@mailman.enron.com 20-11-2000-7:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-11-2000-6:37:0Sarsystem@mailman.enron.com": ["20-11-2000-6:37:0", "arsystem@mailman.enron.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9869467.1075856259025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 06:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: arsystem@mailman.enron.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for stewart.range@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: ARSystem@mailman.enron.com\nX-To: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nYou have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data \napprover. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000007876&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000007876\nApprover : stinson.gibner@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 11/20/00 2:36:29 PM\nRequested For : stewart.range@enron.com\nResource Name : \\\\enehou\\houston\\common\\Research - [Read/Write]\nResource Type : Directory\n\n\n\n", "Request Submitted: Access Request for stewart.range@enron.com", "forward", [], "You have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data \napprover. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000007876&PageApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000007876\nApprover : stinson.gibner@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 11/20/00 2:36:29 PM\nRequested For : stewart.range@enron.com\nResource Name : \\\\enehou\\houston\\common\\Research - [Read/Write]\nResource Type : Directory\n\n\n\n", "<9869467.1075856259025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-11-2000-7:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-11-2000-7:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15837508.1075856371752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 07:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for stewart.range@enron.com\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nHe is looking for blanket approach to our disk, both read and write.\nIs it legitimate?\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/20/2000 \n03:35 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nARSystem@mailman.enron.com on 11/20/2000 02:37:25 PM\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for stewart.range@enron.com\n\n\nYou have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data \napprover. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000007876&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000007876\nApprover : stinson.gibner@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 11/20/00 2:36:29 PM\nRequested For : stewart.range@enron.com\nResource Name : \\\\enehou\\houston\\common\\Research - [Read/Write]\nResource Type : Directory\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Request Submitted: Access Request for stewart.range@enron.com", "originEmail", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["access", "request", "submitted"], "information", "request submitted: access request for stewart."]], "Stinson,\n\nHe is looking for blanket approach to our disk, both read and write.\nIs it legitimate?\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<15837508.1075856371752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-10-2000-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-10-2000-2:33:0Salex.huang@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-2:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["alex.huang@enron.com"], ["lance.cunningham@enron.com", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "sevil.yaman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10324476.1075856269156.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 02:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: alex.huang@enron.com\nSubject: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta\nCc: joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, lance.cunningham@enron.com,\n\tsevil.yaman@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, lance.cunningham@enron.com,\n\tsevil.yaman@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Alex Huang\nX-cc: Joseph Hrgovcic, Vasant Shanbhogue, Vince J Kaminski, Lance Cunningham, Sevil Yaman, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAlex,\n\nCan you set up a meeting to review this product. They have an office in \nHouston.\n\nPlease, invite people on the distribution list.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 \n10:26 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDenton Mike on 10/24/2000 10:14:04 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta\n\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n?\nNick Perry and I were recently discussing the conference in Paris, and we \ngathered that you had some interest in exploring possible uses of our new \nWeatherDelta tool-kit.? It is the only application that we know of, that \ncan?model temperature, loads, and power prices in several locations \nsimultaneously: thus allowing the user to measure the value an risk in a \nvariety of financial instruments, physical obligations and assets.? I have \nattached the product overview sheet, and would be happy to discuss its \ncapabilities with you at your convenience.?? \n?\nNick and I send our regards, \n?\n\n\n \nVice President \nNA Strategic Consulting \nCAMINUS \n747 Third Avenue, 18th Floor \nNew York, New York 10017 \n(212) 515-3667\n\n?\n\n?\n\n\n - weatherdelta.pdf\n", "PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta", "originEmail", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 5, "nninformation", ["set", "alex"], "request", "alex, can you set up a meeting to review this product."]], "Alex,\n\nCan you set up a meeting to review this product. They have an office in \nHouston.\n\nPlease, invite people on the distribution list.\n\nVince\n\n", "<10324476.1075856269156.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "30-10-2000-2:33:0Salex.huang@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-2:33:0", "alex.huang@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21920809.1075856269107.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 02:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: alex.huang@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Alex Huang\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\nI will contact them and set up a meeting.\n\nAlex\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/30/2000 10:21 AM\nTo: Alex Huang/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Joseph Hrgovcic/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Cunningham/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sevil \nYaman/Corp/Enron@Enron, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta\n\nAlex,\n\nCan you set up a meeting to review this product. They have an office in \nHouston.\n\nPlease, invite people on the distribution list.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 \n10:26 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDenton Mike on 10/24/2000 10:14:04 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta\n\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n?\nNick Perry and I were recently discussing the conference in Paris, and we \ngathered that you had some interest in exploring possible uses of our new \nWeatherDelta tool-kit.? It is the only application that we know of, that \ncan?model temperature, loads, and power prices in several locations \nsimultaneously: thus allowing the user to measure the value an risk in a \nvariety of financial instruments, physical obligations and assets.? I have \nattached the product overview sheet, and would be happy to discuss its \ncapabilities with you at your convenience.?? \n?\nNick and I send our regards, \n?\n\n\n \nVice President \nNA Strategic Consulting \nCAMINUS \n747 Third Avenue, 18th Floor \nNew York, New York 10017 \n(212) 515-3667\n\n?\n\n?\n\n\n - weatherdelta.pdf\n\n\n\n", "Re: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta", "reply", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 2, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", "vince, i will contact them and set up a meeting."]], "Vince,\nI will contact them and set up a meeting.\n\nAlex\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/30/2000 10:21 AM\n", "<21920809.1075856269107.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "1-6-2000-2:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-6-2000-3:21:0Sjohn.arnold@enron.com 1-6-2000-4:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-6-2000-8:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-6-2000-2:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-2:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["john.arnold@enron.com"], ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jim.schwieger@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29429379.1075856731366.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 02:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.arnold@enron.com\nSubject: VaR\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com,\n\tjim.schwieger@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com,\n\tjim.schwieger@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Arnold\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Tanya Tamarchenko, Jim Schwieger, Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nWe have been working for the last few days on VaR related issues.\nThe focus is on Jim Schwieger's storage book as of 5/25 and 5/26\nwhere we had some counterintuitive results. This book is a good\ncandidate for a systematic review of the VaR process.\n\nIt seems that the problem arises from forward - forward vols used by the VaR \nsystem. You can see in the attached spreadsheet that the VaR, on a cumulative \nbasis,\njumps on Jan 04, when an abnormal FF vol hits a relatively large position.\nThis FF vol is also much different from the previous day number producing a \nbig\njump in VaR.\nThis row (Jan 04) is in magenta font in the attached spreadsheet. Please, look\nat column D.\n\nThe abnormal FF vol may result from one of the two factors:\n\n a. a bug in the code. We are working with the person in IT who wrote the\n code to review it.\n\n b. a poorly conditioned forward vol curve ( a kink or discontinuity in\n the fwd vol curve will do it). One solution I can \npropose, is to develop for\n the traders a fwd-fwd vol generator allowing them to \nreview the fwd vol curve\n before it is posted. If it produces a weird fwd-fwd vol, \nit can be smoothed.\n\nCan you meet at 4 p.m. to review our findings?\n\n\nVince", "VaR", "originEmail", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 21, "information", ["system", "used"], "information", " it seems that the problem arises from forward - forward vols used by the var system."], ["attach spreadsheet", 46, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " this row ( datenumeric ) is in magenta font in the attached spreadsheet."]], "John,\n\nWe have been working for the last few days on VaR related issues.\nThe focus is on Jim Schwieger's storage book as of 5/25 and 5/26\nwhere we had some counterintuitive results. This book is a good\ncandidate for a systematic review of the VaR process.\n\nIt seems that the problem arises from forward - forward vols used by the VaR \nsystem. You can see in the attached spreadsheet that the VaR, on a cumulative \nbasis,\njumps on Jan 04, when an abnormal FF vol hits a relatively large position.\nThis FF vol is also much different from the previous day number producing a \nbig\njump in VaR.\nThis row (Jan 04) is in magenta font in the attached spreadsheet. Please, look\nat column D.\n\nThe abnormal FF vol may result from one of the two factors:\n\n a. a bug in the code. We are working with the person in IT who wrote the\n code to review it.\n\n b. a poorly conditioned forward vol curve ( a kink or discontinuity in\n the fwd vol curve will do it). One solution I can \npropose, is to develop for\n the traders a fwd-fwd vol generator allowing them to \nreview the fwd vol curve\n before it is posted. If it produces a weird fwd-fwd vol, \nit can be smoothed.\n\nCan you meet at 4 p.m. to review our findings?\n\n\nVince", "<29429379.1075856731366.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "1-6-2000-3:21:0Sjohn.arnold@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-3:21:0", "john.arnold@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3584545.1075857080228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 03:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: john.arnold@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: VaR\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: John Arnold\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Var\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLet's meet at 4:00.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/01/2000 09:19 AM\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim \nSchwieger/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: VaR\n\nJohn,\n\nWe have been working for the last few days on VaR related issues.\nThe focus is on Jim Schwieger's storage book as of 5/25 and 5/26\nwhere we had some counterintuitive results. This book is a good\ncandidate for a systematic review of the VaR process.\n\nIt seems that the problem arises from forward - forward vols used by the VaR \nsystem. You can see in the attached spreadsheet that the VaR, on a cumulative \nbasis,\njumps on Jan 04, when an abnormal FF vol hits a relatively large position.\nThis FF vol is also much different from the previous day number producing a \nbig\njump in VaR.\nThis row (Jan 04) is in magenta font in the attached spreadsheet. Please, look\nat column D.\n\nThe abnormal FF vol may result from one of the two factors:\n\n a. a bug in the code. We are working with the person in IT who wrote the\n code to review it.\n\n b. a poorly conditioned forward vol curve ( a kink or discontinuity in\n the fwd vol curve will do it). One solution I can \npropose, is to develop for\n the traders a fwd-fwd vol generator allowing them to \nreview the fwd vol curve\n before it is posted. If it produces a weird fwd-fwd vol, \nit can be smoothed.\n\nCan you meet at 4 p.m. to review our findings?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Re: VaR", "reply", [], "Let's meet at 4:00.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/01/2000 09:19 AM\n", "<3584545.1075857080228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-6-2000-4:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-4:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25885757.1075856927527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 04:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com\nSubject: Re: VaR\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tanya Tamarchenko, Grant Masson\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTanya, Grant,\n\nCan you join?\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n11:04 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJohn Arnold\n06/01/2000 10:21 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: VaR \n\nLet's meet at 4:00.\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/01/2000 09:19 AM\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim \nSchwieger/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: VaR\n\nJohn,\n\nWe have been working for the last few days on VaR related issues.\nThe focus is on Jim Schwieger's storage book as of 5/25 and 5/26\nwhere we had some counterintuitive results. This book is a good\ncandidate for a systematic review of the VaR process.\n\nIt seems that the problem arises from forward - forward vols used by the VaR \nsystem. You can see in the attached spreadsheet that the VaR, on a cumulative \nbasis,\njumps on Jan 04, when an abnormal FF vol hits a relatively large position.\nThis FF vol is also much different from the previous day number producing a \nbig\njump in VaR.\nThis row (Jan 04) is in magenta font in the attached spreadsheet. Please, look\nat column D.\n\nThe abnormal FF vol may result from one of the two factors:\n\n a. a bug in the code. We are working with the person in IT who wrote the\n code to review it.\n\n b. a poorly conditioned forward vol curve ( a kink or discontinuity in\n the fwd vol curve will do it). One solution I can \npropose, is to develop for\n the traders a fwd-fwd vol generator allowing them to \nreview the fwd vol curve\n before it is posted. If it produces a weird fwd-fwd vol, \nit can be smoothed.\n\nCan you meet at 4 p.m. to review our findings?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: VaR", "forward", [], "Tanya, Grant,\n\nCan you join?\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<25885757.1075856927527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-6-2000-8:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-8:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31516090.1075856927458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 08:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: grant.masson@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Re: VaR\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Grant Masson, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTanya, Grant,\n\nIt will be 5:00 p.m. instead of 4:00.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n03:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n06/01/2000 01:55 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: VaR \n\nSure, I can join.\nTanya.\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/01/2000 11:01 AM\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: VaR\n\nTanya, Grant,\n\nCan you join?\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n11:04 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJohn Arnold\n06/01/2000 10:21 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: VaR \n\nLet's meet at 4:00.\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/01/2000 09:19 AM\nTo: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim \nSchwieger/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: VaR\n\nJohn,\n\nWe have been working for the last few days on VaR related issues.\nThe focus is on Jim Schwieger's storage book as of 5/25 and 5/26\nwhere we had some counterintuitive results. This book is a good\ncandidate for a systematic review of the VaR process.\n\nIt seems that the problem arises from forward - forward vols used by the VaR \nsystem. You can see in the attached spreadsheet that the VaR, on a cumulative \nbasis,\njumps on Jan 04, when an abnormal FF vol hits a relatively large position.\nThis FF vol is also much different from the previous day number producing a \nbig\njump in VaR.\nThis row (Jan 04) is in magenta font in the attached spreadsheet. Please, look\nat column D.\n\nThe abnormal FF vol may result from one of the two factors:\n\n a. a bug in the code. We are working with the person in IT who wrote the\n code to review it.\n\n b. a poorly conditioned forward vol curve ( a kink or discontinuity in\n the fwd vol curve will do it). One solution I can \npropose, is to develop for\n the traders a fwd-fwd vol generator allowing them to \nreview the fwd vol curve\n before it is posted. If it produces a weird fwd-fwd vol, \nit can be smoothed.\n\nCan you meet at 4 p.m. to review our findings?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: VaR", "forward", [], "Tanya, Grant,\n\nIt will be 5:00 p.m. instead of 4:00.\n\nVince\n\n", "<31516090.1075856927458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-1-2000-4:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2000-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-1-2000-4:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-1-2000-4:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rick.buy@enron.com", "ted.murphy@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16908231.1075857003137.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rick.buy@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com\nSubject: California Power\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rick Buy, Ted Murphy\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRick & Ted,\n\nOne more thing to watch. California power prices next summer.\nWe see the possibility of higher prices and of spikes (bad hydro conditions\nin California, growing demand for power).\n\nVince", "California Power", "originEmail", [["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 12, "nninformation", ["growing", "power"], "intention", " we see the possibility of higher prices and of spikes (bad hydro conditions in california, growing demand for power)."]], "Rick & Ted,\n\nOne more thing to watch. California power prices next summer.\nWe see the possibility of higher prices and of spikes (bad hydro conditions\nin California, growing demand for power).\n\nVince", "<16908231.1075857003137.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power gas0price_priceTnn": {"value": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "ne": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power gas0price_priceTnn"]}, "cost_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price index_powerTnn"]}, "cost_price summerTnn": {"value": "cost_price summerTnn", "ne": "cost_price summerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price summerTnn"]}, "demand power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "demand power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "demand power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["demand power_power0marketTnn"]}, "gas0price_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas0price_price index_powerTnn"]}}, false], "24-1-2000-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2000-2:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mike.roberts@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27354399.1075856946053.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 02:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mike.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: California Power\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mike A Roberts\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMike,\n\nPlease, stay on top of this development.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2000 \n10:27 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/21/2000 12:55 PM\nTo: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: California Power\n\nRick & Ted,\n\nOne more thing to watch. California power prices next summer.\nWe see the possibility of higher prices and of spikes (bad hydro conditions\nin California, growing demand for power).\n\nVince\n", "California Power", "forward", [], "Mike,\n\nPlease, stay on top of this development.\n\nVince\n", "<27354399.1075856946053.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "17-1-2000-10:4:0Senron.announcements@enron.com 18-1-2000-0:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-1-2000-10:4:0Senron.announcements@enron.com": ["17-1-2000-10:4:0", "enron.announcements@enron.com", "all.worldwide@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28250333.1075844337237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 10:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: enron.announcements@enron.com\nTo: all.worldwide@enron.com\nSubject: Global Risk Management Operations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Enron Announcements\nX-To: All Enron Worldwide\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SHACKLETON-S\nX-FileName: sshackle.nsf\n\nRecognizing Enron=01,s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energ=\ny=20\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of ou=\nr=20\nrisk management activities, regardless of location, a global risk managemen=\nt=20\noperations function has been created under the direction of Sally W. Beck,=\n=20\nVice President. In this role, Sally will report to Rick Causey, Executive=\n=20\nVice President and Chief Accounting Officer. =20\n\nSally=01,s responsibilities with regard to Global Risk Management Operation=\ns=20\nwill mirror those of other recently created Enron global functions. In thi=\ns=20\nrole, Sally will work closely with all Enron geographic regions and wholesa=\nle=20\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional suppo=\nrt=20\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities:\n\n1. Enhance communication among risk management operations professionals.\n2. Assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe.=\n =20\n3. Facilitate the allocation of human resources. =20\n4. Provide training for risk management operations personnel.\n5. Coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems.=20\n6. Oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk=20\nmanagement activities.\n7. Establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices=\n=20\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on-going risk controls. =20\n\nEach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationsh=\nip=20\nwithin its business unit, and will collaborate with Sally in the delivery o=\nf=20\nthese critical items. The Houston-based risk management operations team und=\ner=20\nSue Frusco=01,s leadership, which currently supports risk management activi=\nties=20\nfor South America and Australia, will also report directly to Sally. =20\n\nSally retains her role as Vice President of Energy Operations for Enron=20\nNorth America, reporting to the ENA Office of the Chairman. She has been i=\nn=20\nher current role over Energy Operations since 1997, where she manages risk=\n=20\nconsolidation and reporting, risk management administration, physical produ=\nct=20\ndelivery, confirmations and cash management for ENA=01,s physical commodity=\n=20\ntrading, energy derivatives trading and financial products trading. =20\n\nSally has been with Enron since 1992, when she joined the company as a=20\nmanager in Global Credit. Prior to joining Enron, Sally had four years=20\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered=20\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm. She also own=\ned=20\nand managed a retail business for several years.=20\n\nPlease join me in supporting Sally in this additional coordination role for=\n=20\nglobal risk management operations.", "Global Risk Management Operations", "reply", [], "Recognizing Enron=01,s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy=20\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our=20\nrisk management activities, regardless of location, a global risk management=20\noperations function has been created under the direction of Sally W. Beck,=20\nVice President. In this role, Sally will report to Rick Causey, Executive=20\nVice President and Chief Accounting Officer. =20\n\nSally=01,s responsibilities with regard to Global Risk Management Operations=20\nwill mirror those of other recently created Enron global functions. In this=20\nrole, Sally will work closely with all Enron geographic regions and wholesale=20\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support=20\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities:\n\n1. Enhance communication among risk management operations professionals.\n2. Assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe. =20\n3. Facilitate the allocation of human resources. =20\n4. Provide training for risk management operations personnel.\n5. Coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems.=20\n6. Oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk=20\nmanagement activities.\n7. Establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices=20\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on-going risk controls. =20\n\nEach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship=20\nwithin its business unit, and will collaborate with Sally in the delivery of=20\nthese critical items. The Houston-based risk management operations team under=20\nSue Frusco=01,s leadership, which currently supports risk management activities=20\nfor South America and Australia, will also report directly to Sally. =20\n\nSally retains her role as Vice President of Energy Operations for Enron=20\nNorth America, reporting to the ENA Office of the Chairman. She has been in=20\nher current role over Energy Operations since 1997, where she manages risk=20\nconsolidation and reporting, risk management administration, physical product=20\ndelivery, confirmations and cash management for ENA=01,s physical commodity=20\ntrading, energy derivatives trading and financial products trading. =20\n\nSally has been with Enron since 1992, when she joined the company as a=20\nmanager in Global Credit. Prior to joining Enron, Sally had four years=20\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered=20\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm. She also owned=20\nand managed a retail business for several years.=20\n\nPlease join me in supporting Sally in this additional coordination role for=20\nglobal risk management operations.", "<28250333.1075844337237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "18-1-2000-0:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-1-2000-0:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", [], ["sally.beck@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15420766.1075856779138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 00:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Global Risk Management Operations\nCc: sally.beck@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: sally.beck@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rick Causey@ENRON\nX-cc: Sally Beck, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRick,\n\nI read your memo regarding Global Risk Management Initiative. I am sending=\n=20\nyou the\ninformation regarding a related initiative on which I have been working las=\nt=20\nyear and which\nis moving now into the implementation stage. It's Enterprise - Wide Risk=20\nManagement\nand it's really an effort to measure business risks consistently across the=\n=20\ncompany.\nI hope my group can be helpful in designing the general approach to this=20\nproblem.\n\nPlease, let me know what your thoughts are.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Rick Causey @ ENRON 01/17/2000 06:04 PM\n=09\n\nSent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON\nTo: All Enron Worldwide\ncc: =20\nSubject: Global Risk Management Operations\n\n\nRecognizing Enron=01,s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energ=\ny=20\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of ou=\nr=20\nrisk management activities, regardless of location, a global risk managemen=\nt=20\noperations function has been created under the direction of Sally W. Beck,=\n=20\nVice President. In this role, Sally will report to Rick Causey, Executive=\n=20\nVice President and Chief Accounting Officer. =20\n\nSally=01,s responsibilities with regard to Global Risk Management Operation=\ns=20\nwill mirror those of other recently created Enron global functions. In thi=\ns=20\nrole, Sally will work closely with all Enron geographic regions and wholesa=\nle=20\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional suppo=\nrt=20\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities:\n\n1. Enhance communication among risk management operations professionals.\n2. Assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe.=\n =20\n3. Facilitate the allocation of human resources. =20\n4. Provide training for risk management operations personnel.\n5. Coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems.=20\n6. Oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk=20\nmanagement activities.\n7. Establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices=\n=20\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on-going risk controls. =20\n\nEach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationsh=\nip=20\nwithin its business unit, and will collaborate with Sally in the delivery o=\nf=20\nthese critical items. The Houston-based risk management operations team und=\ner=20\nSue Frusco=01,s leadership, which currently supports risk management activi=\nties=20\nfor South America and Australia, will also report directly to Sally. =20\n\nSally retains her role as Vice President of Energy Operations for Enron=20\nNorth America, reporting to the ENA Office of the Chairman. She has been i=\nn=20\nher current role over Energy Operations since 1997, where she manages risk=\n=20\nconsolidation and reporting, risk management administration, physical produ=\nct=20\ndelivery, confirmations and cash management for ENA=01,s physical commodity=\n=20\ntrading, energy derivatives trading and financial products trading. =20\n\nSally has been with Enron since 1992, when she joined the company as a=20\nmanager in Global Credit. Prior to joining Enron, Sally had four years=20\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered=20\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm. She also own=\ned=20\nand managed a retail business for several years.=20\n\nPlease join me in supporting Sally in this additional coordination role for=\n=20\nglobal risk management operations.=20\n", "Re: Global Risk Management Operations", "originEmail", [["read_translate_learn information", 4, "information", ["read", "risk**management"], "information", "rick, i read your memo regarding global risk management initiative."], ["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 9, "information", ["sending", "information"], "information", " i am sending numeric you the information regarding a related initiative on which i have been working last numeric year and which is moving now into the implementation stage."]], "Rick,\n\nI read your memo regarding Global Risk Management Initiative. I am sending=20\nyou the\ninformation regarding a related initiative on which I have been working last=20\nyear and which\nis moving now into the implementation stage. It's Enterprise - Wide Risk=20\nManagement\nand it's really an effort to measure business risks consistently across the=20\ncompany.\nI hope my group can be helpful in designing the general approach to this=20\nproblem.\n\nPlease, let me know what your thoughts are.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Rick Causey @ ENRON 01/17/2000 06:04 PM\n=09\n\nSent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON\n", "<15420766.1075856779138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"approach generalTnn": {"value": "approach generalTnn", "ne": "approach generalTnn", "patterns": ["approach generalTnn"]}, "approach problemTnn": {"value": "approach problemTnn", "ne": "approach problemTnn", "patterns": ["approach problemTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["company numericTnn"]}, "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn"]}, "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-4-2001-10:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-4-2001-8:42:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"6-4-2001-10:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-4-2001-10:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["susan.hansen@stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <1682410.1075856198650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 10:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: susan.hansen@stanford.edu\nSubject: Re: Visit from Stanford?\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Susan C. Hansen\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSusan,\n\nThank you for your message. I shall be glad to meet with you on May the 4th.\nI shall ask my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713) 853 5290, to call you to set \nup the meeting.\n\nAlso, for your information, we have recently set up a special unit to \ncoordinate Enron's\nrelationships with the universities. The person running this unit is Christie \nPatrick.\nPlease, feel free to contact her and give my name as a reference. I shall \ncoordinate the meeting\non May the 4th with her.\n\nVince\n\n\nAdditional information re Christie:\n\nPhone : (713) 853-6117\n\nEmail: christie_patrick@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Susan C. Hansen\" on 04/03/2001 04:33:54 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Visit from Stanford?\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nLet me briefly introduce myself, I am the Director of Corporate Relations\nfor the School of Engineering at Stanford University. In this role, I am\nalways on the watch for ways to bring our faculty together with companies\nthat have an appetite for engagement with top tier research institutions.\n\nI believe you know Hill Huntington, who is a senior researcher with\nStanford's Energy Modeling Forum. He suggested I get in touch with you for\nsome ideas about contacts at Enron. I'm in the process of planning a trip\nto Texas in early May along with my colleague Donna Lawrence, the\nuniversity's Director of Corporate Relations. We were hoping to be able to\ninclude a stop at Enron on our itinerary. Right now it appears that Friday,\nMay 4th would work best for us but we're at the very beginning of our trip\nplanning.\n\nThe purpose of our visit would be to review the current relationship\nbetween Enron and Stanford, to give you an overview of current priorities\nin the School of Engineering, and ask for your help in identifying the best\npoints of contact.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you about your availability,\n\nSincerely,\nSusan Hansen\n\n\n\n\nSusan C. Hansen\nDirector, Corporate Relations\nSchool of Engineering\nStanford University\nStanford, CA 94305-4027\n(650) 725-4219\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Visit from Stanford?", "originEmail", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 12, "nninformation", ["set", "crenshaw"], "intention", " i shall ask my assistant, shirley crenshaw ( numeric ) phonenumber , to call you to set up the meeting."]], "Susan,\n\nThank you for your message. I shall be glad to meet with you on May the 4th.\nI shall ask my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713) 853 5290, to call you to set \nup the meeting.\n\nAlso, for your information, we have recently set up a special unit to \ncoordinate Enron's\nrelationships with the universities. The person running this unit is Christie \nPatrick.\nPlease, feel free to contact her and give my name as a reference. I shall \ncoordinate the meeting\non May the 4th with her.\n\nVince\n\n\nAdditional information re Christie:\n\nPhone : (713) 853-6117\n\nEmail: christie_patrick@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Susan C. Hansen\" ", {"30": {"value": "name", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["address_reference personnameTnn", "credit_reference personnameTnn", "extension_reference personnameTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "crenshaw", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["assistant personnameTnn"]}, "information unitTnn": {"value": "information unitTnn", "ne": "information unitTnn", "patterns": ["information unitTnn"]}}, false], "9-4-2001-8:42:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-8:42:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "carol.lovell@stanford.edu susan.hansen@stanford.edu", "", "Message-ID: <20043198.1075856630332.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 08:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: carol.lovell@stanford.edu, susan.hansen@stanford.edu\nSubject: Visit with Vince Kaminski on May 4th\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Carol.lovell@stanford.edu, susan.hansen@stanford.edu\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Stanford\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCarol:\n\nFor your information and Susan's, Christie Patrick will not be available on \nthe\n4th of May. She will be out of the city. Maybe Susan can contact her \ndirectly\nat another time.\n\nI still have 1:30 as the time for Vince and Susan to meet.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/09/2001 \n03:30 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n04/09/2001 11:14 AM\nTo: susan.hansen@stanford.edu\ncc: \nSubject: Visit with Vince Kaminski on May 4th\n\nGood morning Susan:\n\nVince forwarded the below message to me and after looking over his\ncalendar, he appears to be free most of the afternoon on the 4th of May.\n\nPlease let me know what would be a good time for you and I will block\nit out before someone else gets it.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley. Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/09/2001 \n11:05 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/06/2001 05:36 PM\nTo: \"Susan C. Hansen\" @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Visit from Stanford? \n\nSusan,\n\nThank you for your message. I shall be glad to meet with you on May the 4th.\nI shall ask my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713) 853 5290, to call you to set \nup the meeting.\n\nAlso, for your information, we have recently set up a special unit to \ncoordinate Enron's\nrelationships with the universities. The person running this unit is Christie \nPatrick.\nPlease, feel free to contact her and give my name as a reference. I shall \ncoordinate the meeting\non May the 4th with her.\n\nVince\n\n\nAdditional information re Christie:\n\nPhone : (713) 853-6117\n\nEmail: christie_patrick@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\"Susan C. Hansen\" on 04/03/2001 04:33:54 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Visit from Stanford?\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nLet me briefly introduce myself, I am the Director of Corporate Relations\nfor the School of Engineering at Stanford University. In this role, I am\nalways on the watch for ways to bring our faculty together with companies\nthat have an appetite for engagement with top tier research institutions.\n\nI believe you know Hill Huntington, who is a senior researcher with\nStanford's Energy Modeling Forum. He suggested I get in touch with you for\nsome ideas about contacts at Enron. I'm in the process of planning a trip\nto Texas in early May along with my colleague Donna Lawrence, the\nuniversity's Director of Corporate Relations. We were hoping to be able to\ninclude a stop at Enron on our itinerary. Right now it appears that Friday,\nMay 4th would work best for us but we're at the very beginning of our trip\nplanning.\n\nThe purpose of our visit would be to review the current relationship\nbetween Enron and Stanford, to give you an overview of current priorities\nin the School of Engineering, and ask for your help in identifying the best\npoints of contact.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you about your availability,\n\nSincerely,\nSusan Hansen\n\n\n\n\nSusan C. Hansen\nDirector, Corporate Relations\nSchool of Engineering\nStanford University\nStanford, CA 94305-4027\n(650) 725-4219\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Visit with Vince Kaminski on May 4th", "forward", [], "Carol:\n\nFor your information and Susan's, Christie Patrick will not be available on \nthe\n4th of May. She will be out of the city. Maybe Susan can contact her \ndirectly\nat another time.\n\nI still have 1:30 as the time for Vince and Susan to meet.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n", "<20043198.1075856630332.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-4-2000-1:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-4-2000-2:49:0Smark.koenig@enron.com 14-4-2000-3:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"14-4-2000-1:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-1:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mark.koenig@enron.com", "m.rajgopal@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6546756.1075856748393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 01:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mark.koenig@enron.com, m.rajgopal@enron.com\nSubject: Power Point slides about Enron\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mark Koenig, M Rajgopal\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMark,\n\nI want to ask you for a favor.\n\nOne of my associates, Stinson Gibner, is making a presentation to the MBA \nstudents at\nTexas A&M University next week.\n\nDo you have a Power Point general presentation about Enron, emphasizing our \ngrowth,\ncreativity and employment opportunities? We could use it for presentations\nwe make on campuses to business and science students. There are many \npresentations available on our Intranet site, but the are outdated.\n\nIt was nice meeting you in San Antonio. \n\nVince", "Power Point slides about Enron", "originEmail", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 10, "nninformation", ["making", "presentation"], "intention", " one of my associates, stinson gibner, is making a presentation to the mba students at texas a&m university next week."], ["make business", 24, "nninformation", ["business", "make"], "intention", " we could use it for presentations we make on campuses to business and science students."]], "Mark,\n\nI want to ask you for a favor.\n\nOne of my associates, Stinson Gibner, is making a presentation to the MBA \nstudents at\nTexas A&M University next week.\n\nDo you have a Power Point general presentation about Enron, emphasizing our \ngrowth,\ncreativity and employment opportunities? We could use it for presentations\nwe make on campuses to business and science students. There are many \npresentations available on our Intranet site, but the are outdated.\n\nIt was nice meeting you in San Antonio. \n\nVince", "<6546756.1075856748393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"business_business0school studentTnn": {"value": "business_business0school studentTnn", "ne": "business_business0school studentTnn", "patterns": ["business_business0school studentTnn"]}, "development_growth presentationTnn": {"value": "development_growth presentationTnn", "ne": "development_growth presentationTnn", "patterns": ["development_growth presentationTnn"]}, "general presentationTnn": {"value": "general presentationTnn", "ne": "general presentationTnn", "patterns": ["general presentationTnn"]}, "meeting personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "meeting personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "meeting personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["meeting personnelpronounTnn"]}, "point_power0point presentationTnn": {"value": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "ne": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "patterns": ["point_power0point presentationTnn"]}, "power_power0point presentationTnn": {"value": "power_power0point presentationTnn", "ne": "power_power0point presentationTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0point presentationTnn"]}, "presentation studentTnn": {"value": "presentation studentTnn", "ne": "presentation studentTnn", "patterns": ["presentation studentTnn"]}, "presentation universityTnn": {"value": "presentation universityTnn", "ne": "presentation universityTnn", "patterns": ["presentation universityTnn"]}, "student universityTnn": {"value": "student universityTnn", "ne": "student universityTnn", "patterns": ["student universityTnn"]}}, false], "14-4-2000-2:49:0Smark.koenig@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-2:49:0", "mark.koenig@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "laura.valencia@enron.com paula.rieker@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12711823.1075856748344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 02:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.koenig@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Power Point slides about Enron\nCc: laura.valencia@enron.com, paula.rieker@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: laura.valencia@enron.com, paula.rieker@enron.com\nX-From: Mark Koenig\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Laura Valencia, Paula Rieker\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince - Please ask your associate to contact Laura Valencia in my group - she \ncan give you the recent 1Q anaylst slides and the Enron.com year end \npresentation on the web (these two should give you enough for a \"basic\" ENE \npitch. Mark\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/14/2000 08:54 AM\nTo: Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, M Rajgopal/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Power Point slides about Enron\n\nMark,\n\nI want to ask you for a favor.\n\nOne of my associates, Stinson Gibner, is making a presentation to the MBA \nstudents at\nTexas A&M University next week.\n\nDo you have a Power Point general presentation about Enron, emphasizing our \ngrowth,\ncreativity and employment opportunities? We could use it for presentations\nwe make on campuses to business and science students. There are many \npresentations available on our Intranet site, but the are outdated.\n\nIt was nice meeting you in San Antonio. \n\nVince\n\n\n", "Re: Power Point slides about Enron", "reply", [], "Vince - Please ask your associate to contact Laura Valencia in my group - she \ncan give you the recent 1Q anaylst slides and the Enron.com year end \npresentation on the web (these two should give you enough for a \"basic\" ENE \npitch. Mark\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/14/2000 08:54 AM\n", "<12711823.1075856748344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-4-2000-3:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-3:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mark.koenig@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29944983.1075856934825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 03:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mark.koenig@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Power Point slides about Enron\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mark Koenig\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMark,\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMark Koenig@ENRON\n04/14/2000 09:49 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Laura Valencia/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Paula Rieker/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Power Point slides about Enron \n\nVince - Please ask your associate to contact Laura Valencia in my group - she \ncan give you the recent 1Q anaylst slides and the Enron.com year end \npresentation on the web (these two should give you enough for a \"basic\" ENE \npitch. Mark\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/14/2000 08:54 AM\nTo: Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, M Rajgopal/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Power Point slides about Enron\n\nMark,\n\nI want to ask you for a favor.\n\nOne of my associates, Stinson Gibner, is making a presentation to the MBA \nstudents at\nTexas A&M University next week.\n\nDo you have a Power Point general presentation about Enron, emphasizing our \ngrowth,\ncreativity and employment opportunities? We could use it for presentations\nwe make on campuses to business and science students. There are many \npresentations available on our Intranet site, but the are outdated.\n\nIt was nice meeting you in San Antonio. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Power Point slides about Enron", "reply", [], "Mark,\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMark Koenig@ENRON\n04/14/2000 09:49 AM\n", "<29944983.1075856934825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "17-4-2000-6:4:0Sgrant.masson@enron.com 6-3-2001-1:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-3-2001-3:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-4-2000-6:4:0Sgrant.masson@enron.com": ["17-4-2000-6:4:0", "grant.masson@enron.com", ["tang_vincent@yahoo.com"], [], "Vincent:\nCongratulations! Please take whatever time is necessary. \nI hope the complications are only with the in-laws and not the police / U.S. \nimmigration, etc.\nLet me know if there is anything we can do for you. \nRegards,\nGrant.\nVincent Tang on 04/17/2000 12:40:26 PM\nTo: Grant.Masson@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: ?\nHi, Grant,\nHow are you? Hope everything is going well.\nMy wedding ceremony was very good but the whole\nprocess is more complex than I expected. It might\ntake several more days. So I am wondering, if it is\nnot too much a trouble for you, I would like to extend\nmy vacation several more days. Please let me know.\nBest regards,\nVincent\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nSend online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.\nhttp://invites.yahoo.com\n", ["Re: vacation"], "{'body': ['tang_vincent@yahoo.com'], 'recipients': ['tang_vincent@yahoo.com']}", [], "Vincent:\n\nCongratulations! Please take whatever time is necessary. \nI hope the complications are only with the in-laws and not the police / U.S. \nimmigration, etc.\nLet me know if there is anything we can do for you. \n\n\nRegards,\nGrant.\n\n\n\n\nVincent Tang ", "<27631542.1075857022570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-1:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-1:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["tang_vincent@yahoo.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10114949.1075856515971.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 01:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tang_vincent@yahoo.com\nSubject: Re: Recommendation letter\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Vincent Tang @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVincent,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to your message.\nI shall be very glad to write a letter of recommendation.\nPlease, send me the forms.\n\nI hope you are doing OK.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nVincent Tang on 02/28/2001 01:10:33 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Recommendation letter\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nHow are you?\n\nI am just wondering whether you have received the\nemail I sent to you a couple of weeks back. In that\nemail, I asked whether you would have time to write me\na recommendation letter to support my application for\na Master Program (Mathematical Finance) in Columbia\nUniversity this coming fall. If you will be able to\nwrite the letter, would you please let me know?\nThanks a lot.\n\n\nBest Regards,\n\nVincent Tang\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/\n\n", "Re: Recommendation letter", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 4, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", "vincent, sorry for a delay in responding to your message."]], "Vincent,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to your message.\nI shall be very glad to write a letter of recommendation.\nPlease, send me the forms.\n\nI hope you are doing OK.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nVincent Tang ", {"letter recommendationTnn": {"value": "letter recommendationTnn", "ne": "letter recommendationTnn", "patterns": ["letter recommendationTnn"]}}, true], "31-3-2001-3:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2001-3:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2001 \n11:46 AM ---------------------------\nVincent Tang on 03/30/2001 08:22:11 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Recommendation letter\nHi, Dear Vince,\nHow is everything going?\nI wonder if you have had a chance to write me the\nrecommendation letter yet. The application deadline\nis coming up. If you need any more information for\nwriting the letter, please let me know. Thanks for\nthe help.\nBest Regards,\nVincent\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.\nhttp://personal.mail.yahoo.com/?.refer=text\n", ["Recommendation letter"], "{'body': ['tang_vincent@yahoo.com']}", [], "", ["<28159425.1075856444607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24397743.1075856510937.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2601924.1075856201798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17499441.1075856415713.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "25-4-2000-4:11:0Snvaldes@txuenergy.com 25-4-2000-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-4-2000-4:11:0Snvaldes@txuenergy.com": ["25-4-2000-4:11:0", "nvaldes@txuenergy.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <800223.1075857067865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: nvaldes@txuenergy.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: nvaldes@txuenergy.com\nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Vince,\nI enjoyed talking with you this morning. Per our conversation, here is\nNorberto Valdes' resume. I will call you in about an hour to make sure you\nreceived it. Thank you and let me know when you would like to meet him.\nSincerely,\nLisa Ford\n281)913-2076\n\n(See attached file: resumen 4.doc)\n\n - resumen 4.doc", "", "forward", [["see file", 23, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", " sincerely, lisa ford numeric ) phonenumber (see attached file: resumen numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 24, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", " sincerely, lisa ford numeric ) phonenumber (see attached file: resumen numeric ."]], "Hello Vince,\nI enjoyed talking with you this morning. Per our conversation, here is\nNorberto Valdes' resume. I will call you in about an hour to make sure you\nreceived it. Thank you and let me know when you would like to meet him.\nSincerely,\nLisa Ford\n281)913-2076\n\n(See attached file: resumen 4.doc)\n\n - resumen 4.doc", "<800223.1075857067865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "25-4-2000-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-9:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <5568036.1075856743668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 09:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Tanya Tamarchenko, Grant Masson\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI shall invite him for Friday for \na preliminary interview.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2000 \n04:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nnvaldes@txuenergy.com on 04/25/2000 11:11:23 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: vkaminski@aol.com \nSubject: \n\n\nHello Vince,\nI enjoyed talking with you this morning. Per our conversation, here is\nNorberto Valdes' resume. I will call you in about an hour to make sure you\nreceived it. Thank you and let me know when you would like to meet him.\nSincerely,\nLisa Ford\n281)913-2076\n\n(See attached file: resumen 4.doc)\n\n - resumen 4.doc\n", "", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 0, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "i shall invite him for friday for a preliminary interview."]], "I shall invite him for Friday for \na preliminary interview.\n\nVince\n\n", "<5568036.1075856743668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview preliminaryTnn": {"value": "interview preliminaryTnn", "ne": "interview preliminaryTnn", "patterns": ["interview preliminaryTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-3-2001-4:54:0Sdatren.williams@enron.com 31-3-2001-2:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-3-2001-4:54:0Sdatren.williams@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-4:54:0", "datren.williams@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1144363.1075856613024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 04:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: datren.williams@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: School Teaching\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Datren Williams\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Vince, \n\nI stopped by to see you today 03/28/01. However, Mrs. Shirley notified me \nthat you were out of the country. Look, I need another favor. My wife, whom \nyou met last summer, and I have been living in The Woodlands about a month \nnow. We have tried, to no avail, to get her in the local school district as \na speech pathologist or a K-6 grade school teacher. She could easily find a \nteaching job in the Houston Independent School District. However, I would \nprefer that she taught locally, in The Woodlands. I need to know if you know \nof anyone we can contact to get her in The Woodlands School System. I would \ngreatly appreciate if you could help us out once again. I am attaching her \nresume' for your perusal. Thanks A Million Vince!!!\n\nSincerely,\n\nDatren Williams\nEES x 58654\n", "School Teaching", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 48, "information", ["attaching", "resume"], "information", " i am attaching her resume' for your perusal."]], "Hello Vince, \n\nI stopped by to see you today 03/28/01. However, Mrs. Shirley notified me \nthat you were out of the country. Look, I need another favor. My wife, whom \nyou met last summer, and I have been living in The Woodlands about a month \nnow. We have tried, to no avail, to get her in the local school district as \na speech pathologist or a K-6 grade school teacher. She could easily find a \nteaching job in the Houston Independent School District. However, I would \nprefer that she taught locally, in The Woodlands. I need to know if you know \nof anyone we can contact to get her in The Woodlands School System. I would \ngreatly appreciate if you could help us out once again. I am attaching her \nresume' for your perusal. Thanks A Million Vince!!!\n\nSincerely,\n\nDatren Williams\nEES x 58654\n", "<1144363.1075856613024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-3-2001-2:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2001-2:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["datren.williams@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <14579402.1075856201973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 02:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: datren.williams@enron.com\nSubject: Re: School Teaching\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Datren Williams\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDatren\n\nI shall forward her resume to the principal of my son's old high school\nand give it to my neighbor who is a teacher at CISD.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDatren Williams@EES\n03/28/2001 12:54 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: School Teaching\n\nHello Vince, \n\nI stopped by to see you today 03/28/01. However, Mrs. Shirley notified me \nthat you were out of the country. Look, I need another favor. My wife, whom \nyou met last summer, and I have been living in The Woodlands about a month \nnow. We have tried, to no avail, to get her in the local school district as \na speech pathologist or a K-6 grade school teacher. She could easily find a \nteaching job in the Houston Independent School District. However, I would \nprefer that she taught locally, in The Woodlands. I need to know if you know \nof anyone we can contact to get her in The Woodlands School System. I would \ngreatly appreciate if you could help us out once again. I am attaching her \nresume' for your perusal. Thanks A Million Vince!!!\n\nSincerely,\n\nDatren Williams\nEES x 58654\n\n\n\n", "Re: School Teaching", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "intention", "datren i shall forward her resume to the principal of my son's old high school and give it to my neighbor who is a teacher at cisd."]], "Datren\n\nI shall forward her resume to the principal of my son's old high school\nand give it to my neighbor who is a teacher at CISD.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDatren Williams@EES\n03/28/2001 12:54 PM\n", "<14579402.1075856201973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-6-2000-2:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-10-2000-3:18:0Spiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu 13-10-2000-4:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-10-2000-4:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-10-2000-8:35:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com 5-2-2001-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-3-2001-3:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-3-2001-6:47:0Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu 9-3-2001-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-3-2001-9:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-3-2001-9:31:0Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu 21-3-2001-21:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-3-2001-23:22:0Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu 5-6-2001-7:44:59Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu 17-10-2001-13:38:56Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu 19-10-2001-4:31:8Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu": {"29-6-2000-2:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-2:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Tom,\nGreg's phone number is 713 853 5220. He is very difficult to reach\n(frequent trips).\nYou may find this information useful: Greg is a West Point graduate\nand spent a few years in the military, before obtaining an MBA from Stanford.\nHe is a very dynamic person and a very pragmatic thinker.\nI hope you have a great holiday weekend.\nVince\n\"Piazze, Thomas\" on 06/29/2000 08:51:48 AM\nTo: \"'Vince J Kaminski'\" \ncc: \"Gerrity, Thomas\" , \"Lohse, Gerald Lee\" \n, \"Wind, Yoram\" , \"Harker, \nPatrick\" , \"Amit, Raffi\" , \n\"'shankman, jeff'\" , \"MacMillan, Ian\" \n \nSubject: RE: B2B at Enron\nVince: Thanks for this message and update on your recent actions to\nestablish a closer research relationship between Enron and Wharton. We are\nanxious to work with your firm on many fronts and appreciate all that you\nand Jeff Shankman are doing to facilitate closure on a number of\ninitiatives.\nThe below article is very interesting and reinforces the entrepreneurial\nculture of Enron; it also points out one more reason why our faculty is so\ninterested in collaborating with you and other executives as the company\nmoves into this new space.\nI would like to call Greg Whalley after the 4th of July weekend to establish\ncontact and begin a dialogue regarding his interest in joining our efforts\nas a Corporate Partner. Will you please provide me contact information?\nPlease let me know if there is any additional information or material you\nwill need prior to your meeting with Jeff Skilling. We are anxious to learn\nhow he responds to your suggestions.\nThanks again for all that you are doing. Hope you have a great 4th of\nJuly!!\nTOM\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince J Kaminski [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 9:53 AM\n> To: piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\n> Cc: Vince J Kaminski\n> Subject: B2B at Enron\n>\n>\n>\n> Tom,\n>\n> I am sending you the information about our new B2B unit.\n> I have talked yesterday with Greg Whalley who is heading the new\n> unit about the E-commerce project at Wharton and recommended that Enron\n> join\n> this program.\n>\n> I have sent him this morning a copy of the materials you gave me.\n>\n> The meeting with Jeff Skilling has been pushed till the 2nd half of July.\n> I talked to him briefly twice that Jeff Shankman and I want to discuss\n> with\n> him building a relationship with Wharton. Jeff Shankman is, by the way, a\n> great\n> friend of\n> your institution.\n>\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> **************************************************************************\n> ***************************\n>\n> COMPANIES & FINANCE: THE AMERICAS: Enron sees bricks and\n> bytes mix reshaping energy market: Purchase of MG\n> only a\n> start in\n> building B2B platforms, writes Hillary Durgin:\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> COMPANIES & FINANCE: THE AMERICAS: Enron sees bricks\n> and\n> bytes\n> mix reshaping energy market: Purchase of MG only a\n> start in\n> building\n> B2B platforms, writes Hillary Durgin:\n> 99% match; Financial Times ; 16-Jun-2000 12:00:00 am ;\n> 604\n> words\n> By HILLARY DURGIN\n>\n> If Jeffrey Skilling is right,\n>\n> Enron's acquisition of MG is only the tip of the\n> iceberg.\n> Enron's president and\n> chief operating officer is engineering a fundamental\n> strategy shift at the\n> Houston energy company, aimed at making it a dominant\n> \"new\n> economy\"\n> player across various industrial markets.\n>\n> The Dollars 446m acquisition last month of MG, the\n> UK-based\n> metals trader,\n> is only the first of more than Dollars 1bn in\n> estimated new\n> investments the\n> company is targeting. It is seeking vehicles on which\n> to\n> build\n> business-to-business (B2B) platforms in sectors such\n> as\n> logistics, chemicals,\n> agricultural products and pulp & paper.\n>\n> Mr Skilling wants to take the business model the\n> company\n> developed in\n> natural gas and power and apply it to other wholesale\n> commodity markets. He\n> argues the electronic platforms it creates will not\n> only\n> become the principal\n> B2B sites for those sectors, but reshape those\n> industries.\n>\n> As an example, he points to Enron's new e-commerce\n> platform,\n> EnronOnline,\n> which has changed the way the company does business\n> with its\n> customers\n> while significantly increasing sales.\n>\n> The company - the largest wholesale merchant of\n> natural gas\n> and power - saw\n> wholesale, physical deliveries of natural gas surge 53\n> per\n> cent in the first\n> quarter.\n>\n> Critics argue that Enron's move away from its familiar\n> energy business into\n> new industries, where the learning curve is steep and\n> the\n> competition\n> entrenched, is risky. Yet a number of industry\n> analysts\n> point out Enron has\n> proved it understands markets and how to manage risks\n> while\n> becoming the\n> largest importer of coal in the UK, the largest trader\n> of\n> gas and power in the\n> US and grabbing an advantage in bandwidth.\n>\n> \"It's a prudent strategy, but it's got to be done in\n> an\n> orderly way,\" says Ronald\n> Barone, analyst with Paine-Webber in New York. \"What\n> they're\n> doing here is\n> what they've been incredibly successful at doing,\" he\n> adds,\n> noting that Enron\n> posted Dollars 1.3bn in earnings before interest and\n> taxes\n> (ebit) from its\n> wholesale energy and services business in 1999, up 34\n> per\n> cent from the\n> previous year.\n>\n> Earnings from that division accounted for two-thirds\n> of the\n> company's overall\n> income before interest and taxes last year, and Mr\n> Barone\n> sees the unit's ebit\n> increasing 15-30 per cent annually over several years.\n>\n> As with gas and power and now broadband, where Enron\n> is\n> standardising\n> contracts and creating a market in bandwidth, it wants\n> to\n> create markets by\n> entering as a physical player and providing merchant,\n> risk\n> management and\n> financial services over the internet.\n>\n> \"We will provide electronic commerce, but we will\n> provide\n> liquidity and we will\n> provide settlement, or fulfilment of that contract,\"\n> Mr\n> Skilling says. \"That is an\n> extremely powerful model. If you look at other B2B\n> sites,\n> they don't do that.\"\n>\n> Mr Skilling argues Enron's e-commerce platform will\n> triumph\n> over the other,\n> bulletin board-type exchanges, where striking a deal\n> depends\n> on two parties\n> hooking up and working through uncertainties over\n> timing,\n> price, credit and\n> fulfilment.\n>\n> Not everyone shares that view. Some energy companies,\n> for\n> example, would\n> rather not do business with a competitor. BP Amoco\n> recently\n> purchased a 3\n> per cent stake in Altra Energy Technologies, a\n> Houston-\n> based, neutral\n> wholesale energy exchange. With Koch Industries and\n> American\n> Electric\n> Power, it also committed to carry out a fixed volume\n> of\n> transactions on the\n> site to lend it liquidity.\n>\n> Just as in gas and power and now broadband and metals,\n> Enron\n> believes it\n> needs networks of strategic physical assets. In\n> acquiring\n> MG, Enron got a\n> stable of warehouses, lending it a strong physical\n> position.\n>\n>\n> \"It should provide (MG) with a more vibrant, more\n> active\n> physical spot market\n> in more markets in the world,\" says Greg Whalley,\n> chief\n> executive officer of\n> Enron Net Works, the new division Enron is launching\n> to\n> identify and enter\n> commodity markets. He argues that in metals and other\n> markets, Enron will\n> deliver better pricing, price risk management\n> services,\n> cross-commodity\n> transactions and flexible transactions for a wider\n> range of\n> customers.\n>\n> Mr Skilling says there are significant rewards for\n> restructuring an industry.\n>\n> \"If you can take that platform, and you use the\n> capabilities\n> the bricks bring to\n> the table, e-commerce the industry and change the\n> structure,\n> you're selling for\n> more than a 50 multiple.\"\n>\n> Copyright , The Financial Times Limited\n> \n", ["RE: B2B at Enron"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "Tom,\n\nGreg's phone number is 713 853 5220. He is very difficult to reach\n(frequent trips).\n\nYou may find this information useful: Greg is a West Point graduate\nand spent a few years in the military, before obtaining an MBA from Stanford.\nHe is a very dynamic person and a very pragmatic thinker.\n\nI hope you have a great holiday weekend.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Piazze, Thomas\" ", "<3663108.1075856640004.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13989788.1075856561904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8212924.1075856316897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-10-2000-3:18:0Spiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu": ["13-10-2000-3:18:0", "piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu", ["winter@wharton.upenn.edu", "kunreuth@wharton.upenn.edu", "baltes@wharton.upenn.edu", "macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu", "stamer@wharton.upenn.edu", "windj@wharton.upenn.edu", "amit@wharton.upenn.edu", "gohne@wharton.upenn.edu", "piazze@wharton.upenn.edu", "tcara@wharton.upenn.edu", "weigelt@wharton.upenn.edu"], ["harker@wharton.upenn.edu", "christie_patrick@enron.com", "dorowill@wharton.upenn.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.a.shankman@enron.com", "syrobert@wharton.upenn.edu"], "A team of key executives from Enron will be on campus on the 19th of October \nfor the purposes of meeting with key staff and faculty to learn more about \nthe School and how the firm can gain a greater presence here. Included in \nthis group will be:\nVince Kaminski, Director of Research\nChristie Patrick, VP, University Relations\nMike Rosen, Director, University Affairs Group\nI have developed a proposed agenda for the visit. Please review and confirm \nthat you are available to meet with one or more of the Enron Team at the \ntimes specified. If so, please provide me a prefered meeting location. If \nnot, please alternate times and locations.\n8:00-9:00 Breakfast with Donna Piazze and Keith Weigelt to discuss \"Tiger \nTeam FAP Project\" The Ivy Grill, Inn at Penn\n9:00-10:30 Meeting with Raffi Amit, Ian MacMillan, Emily Cieri and Anne \nStamer to discuss the Sol C. Snider Entreprenuer Center and its related \nprograms, the Business Plan Competition and WeBI...4th Floor Conference Room, \nVance Hall???\n10:30-12:00 Christie and Mike hold discussions with Cara Tyler, Bob Bonner \nand Pat Rose regarding recruiting processes and procedures...CMS Conference \nRoom\n10:30-??? Broadband executive meets with Gerry McCartney and other \nuniversity officials to discuss campus needs, future usage projections, etc.\n10:30-11:30 Vince meets with Sid Winter reference Jones Center and related \nresearch\n11:30-12:00 Vince meets with Howard Kunruether to discuss Risk Management\n12:00-1:15pm Group lunch with Jerry Wind at Faculty Club to discuss the \ne-Fellows Program\n2:00-3:00pm Christie and Mike meet with Mike Baltes to discuss Co-branding \nissues with Wharton and UPenn\n5:00pm All will attend the ET Conference Dinner event\nPlease confirm your willingness and availability to support this agenda. \nThanks for your help.\nTOM", ["Visit by Enron, 19 October 2000"], "{'recipients': []}", [["serve_attend conference", 164, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", " numerictime - numerictime vince meets with sid winter reference jones center and related research numerictime - numerictime vince meets with howard kunruether to discuss risk management numerictime - numerictime group lunch with jerry wind at faculty club to discuss the e-fellows program numerictime - numerictime christie and mike meet with mike baltes to discuss co-branding issues with wharton and upenn numerictime all will attend the et conference dinner event please confirm your willingness and availability to support this agenda."]], "A team of key executives from Enron will be on campus on the 19th of October \nfor the purposes of meeting with key staff and faculty to learn more about \nthe School and how the firm can gain a greater presence here. Included in \nthis group will be:\n\nVince Kaminski, Director of Research\n\nChristie Patrick, VP, University Relations\n\nMike Rosen, Director, University Affairs Group\n\nI have developed a proposed agenda for the visit. Please review and confirm \nthat you are available to meet with one or more of the Enron Team at the \ntimes specified. If so, please provide me a prefered meeting location. If \nnot, please alternate times and locations.\n\n8:00-9:00 Breakfast with Donna Piazze and Keith Weigelt to discuss \"Tiger \nTeam FAP Project\" The Ivy Grill, Inn at Penn\n\n9:00-10:30 Meeting with Raffi Amit, Ian MacMillan, Emily Cieri and Anne \nStamer to discuss the Sol C. Snider Entreprenuer Center and its related \nprograms, the Business Plan Competition and WeBI...4th Floor Conference Room, \nVance Hall???\n\n10:30-12:00 Christie and Mike hold discussions with Cara Tyler, Bob Bonner \nand Pat Rose regarding recruiting processes and procedures...CMS Conference \nRoom\n\n10:30-??? Broadband executive meets with Gerry McCartney and other \nuniversity officials to discuss campus needs, future usage projections, etc.\n\n10:30-11:30 Vince meets with Sid Winter reference Jones Center and related \nresearch\n\n11:30-12:00 Vince meets with Howard Kunruether to discuss Risk Management\n\n12:00-1:15pm Group lunch with Jerry Wind at Faculty Club to discuss the \ne-Fellows Program\n\n2:00-3:00pm Christie and Mike meet with Mike Baltes to discuss Co-branding \nissues with Wharton and UPenn\n\n5:00pm All will attend the ET Conference Dinner event\n\nPlease confirm your willingness and availability to support this agenda. \nThanks for your help.\n\nTOM", ["<10491948.1075856637403.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5393336.1075856277371.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26111421.1075856358164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-10-2000-4:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-4:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/13/2000 \n11:24 AM ---------------------------\n\"Piazze, Thomas\" on 10/13/2000 09:18:24 AM\nTo: \"Amit, Raffi\" , \"MacMillan, Ian\" \n, \"Stamer, Anne\" , \n\"Cieri, Emily Gohn\" , \"Weigelt, Keith W\" \n, \"Piazze, Donna\" , \n\"Tyler, Cara\" , \"Kunreuther, Howard\" \n, \"Wind, Yoram\" , \n\"Baltes, Michael\" , \"Winter, Sidney G\" \n\ncc: \"Roberts, Stacey\" , \"Williams, Dorothy \n(Wharton)\" , \"Harker, Patrick\" \n, \"'kaminski, vince'\" , \n\"'Patrick, christie'\" , \"'shankman, jeff'\" \n \nSubject: Visit by Enron, 19 October 2000\nA team of key executives from Enron will be on campus on the 19th of October \nfor the purposes of meeting with key staff and faculty to learn more about \nthe School and how the firm can gain a greater presence here. Included in \nthis group will be:\nVince Kaminski, Director of Research\nChristie Patrick, VP, University Relations\nMike Rosen, Director, University Affairs Group\nI have developed a proposed agenda for the visit. Please review and confirm \nthat you are available to meet with one or more of the Enron Team at the \ntimes specified. If so, please provide me a prefered meeting location. If \nnot, please alternate times and locations.\n8:00-9:00 Breakfast with Donna Piazze and Keith Weigelt to discuss \"Tiger \nTeam FAP Project\" The Ivy Grill, Inn at Penn\n9:00-10:30 Meeting with Raffi Amit, Ian MacMillan, Emily Cieri and Anne \nStamer to discuss the Sol C. Snider Entreprenuer Center and its related \nprograms, the Business Plan Competition and WeBI...4th Floor Conference Room, \nVance Hall???\n10:30-12:00 Christie and Mike hold discussions with Cara Tyler, Bob Bonner \nand Pat Rose regarding recruiting processes and procedures...CMS Conference \nRoom\n10:30-??? Broadband executive meets with Gerry McCartney and other \nuniversity officials to discuss campus needs, future usage projections, etc.\n10:30-11:30 Vince meets with Sid Winter reference Jones Center and related \nresearch\n11:30-12:00 Vince meets with Howard Kunruether to discuss Risk Management\n12:00-1:15pm Group lunch with Jerry Wind at Faculty Club to discuss the \ne-Fellows Program\n2:00-3:00pm Christie and Mike meet with Mike Baltes to discuss Co-branding \nissues with Wharton and UPenn\n5:00pm All will attend the ET Conference Dinner event\nPlease confirm your willingness and availability to support this agenda. \nThanks for your help.\nTOM\n", ["Visit by Enron, 19 October 2000"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "", ["<23746711.1075856478761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20652354.1075856545079.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29544639.1075856277086.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10318115.1075856358208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-10-2000-4:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-4:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n11:44 AM ---------------------------\n\"Piazze, Thomas\" on 10/13/2000 09:18:24 AM\nTo: \"Amit, Raffi\" , \"MacMillan, Ian\" \n, \"Stamer, Anne\" , \n\"Cieri, Emily Gohn\" , \"Weigelt, Keith W\" \n, \"Piazze, Donna\" , \n\"Tyler, Cara\" , \"Kunreuther, Howard\" \n, \"Wind, Yoram\" , \n\"Baltes, Michael\" , \"Winter, Sidney G\" \n\ncc: \"Roberts, Stacey\" , \"Williams, Dorothy \n(Wharton)\" , \"Harker, Patrick\" \n, \"'kaminski, vince'\" , \n\"'Patrick, christie'\" , \"'shankman, jeff'\" \n \nSubject: Visit by Enron, 19 October 2000\nA team of key executives from Enron will be on campus on the 19th of October \nfor the purposes of meeting with key staff and faculty to learn more about \nthe School and how the firm can gain a greater presence here. Included in \nthis group will be:\nVince Kaminski, Director of Research\nChristie Patrick, VP, University Relations\nMike Rosen, Director, University Affairs Group\nI have developed a proposed agenda for the visit. Please review and confirm \nthat you are available to meet with one or more of the Enron Team at the \ntimes specified. If so, please provide me a prefered meeting location. If \nnot, please alternate times and locations.\n8:00-9:00 Breakfast with Donna Piazze and Keith Weigelt to discuss \"Tiger \nTeam FAP Project\" The Ivy Grill, Inn at Penn\n9:00-10:30 Meeting with Raffi Amit, Ian MacMillan, Emily Cieri and Anne \nStamer to discuss the Sol C. Snider Entreprenuer Center and its related \nprograms, the Business Plan Competition and WeBI...4th Floor Conference Room, \nVance Hall???\n10:30-12:00 Christie and Mike hold discussions with Cara Tyler, Bob Bonner \nand Pat Rose regarding recruiting processes and procedures...CMS Conference \nRoom\n10:30-??? Broadband executive meets with Gerry McCartney and other \nuniversity officials to discuss campus needs, future usage projections, etc.\n10:30-11:30 Vince meets with Sid Winter reference Jones Center and related \nresearch\n11:30-12:00 Vince meets with Howard Kunruether to discuss Risk Management\n12:00-1:15pm Group lunch with Jerry Wind at Faculty Club to discuss the \ne-Fellows Program\n2:00-3:00pm Christie and Mike meet with Mike Baltes to discuss Co-branding \nissues with Wharton and UPenn\n5:00pm All will attend the ET Conference Dinner event\nPlease confirm your willingness and availability to support this agenda. \nThanks for your help.\nTOM\n", ["Visit by Enron, 19 October 2000"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "", ["<4088209.1075856477946.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23968942.1075856544263.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2985848.1075856275146.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27357107.1075856359754.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-10-2000-8:35:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-8:35:0", "christie.patrick@enron.com", ["jeffrey.shankman@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Jeff!\nI know you received the information below. Additionally, I have 2 people \nfrom Broadband Services meeting us there Friday (one is Traci Warner who set \nup the Rice U deal). Further, I'll be meeting with Amy Briggs regarding the \nEntrepeneurship Conference Nov 30th and Dec 1st. I've already spoken with \nher and Tom Piazze and both independently confirmed as you suspected that we \ncommitted to sponsor at the $10,000 level. This entitles us to Banners, \npanels, posters, and most importantly, a Keynote address. I'll discuss the \nkeynote address with her but would appreciate your thoughts in advance as to \nhow you'd like to see the Keynote speech executed (suggestions for topics, \nproposed speaking candidates, when in the conference you'd like to see \nEnron's speech, etc). I'll review the trip with you when we return.\nThanks Jeff!\n--Christie.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 10/13/2000 \n03:18 PM ---------------------------\n\"Piazze, Thomas\" on 10/13/2000 09:18:24 AM\nTo: \"Amit, Raffi\" , \"MacMillan, Ian\" \n, \"Stamer, Anne\" , \n\"Cieri, Emily Gohn\" , \"Weigelt, Keith W\" \n, \"Piazze, Donna\" , \n\"Tyler, Cara\" , \"Kunreuther, Howard\" \n, \"Wind, Yoram\" , \n\"Baltes, Michael\" , \"Winter, Sidney G\" \n\ncc: \"Roberts, Stacey\" , \"Williams, Dorothy \n(Wharton)\" , \"Harker, Patrick\" \n, \"'kaminski, vince'\" , \n\"'Patrick, christie'\" , \"'shankman, jeff'\" \n \nSubject: Visit by Enron, 19 October 2000\nA team of key executives from Enron will be on campus on the 19th of October \nfor the purposes of meeting with key staff and faculty to learn more about \nthe School and how the firm can gain a greater presence here. Included in \nthis group will be:\nVince Kaminski, Director of Research\nChristie Patrick, VP, University Relations\nMike Rosen, Director, University Affairs Group\nI have developed a proposed agenda for the visit. Please review and confirm \nthat you are available to meet with one or more of the Enron Team at the \ntimes specified. If so, please provide me a prefered meeting location. If \nnot, please alternate times and locations.\n8:00-9:00 Breakfast with Donna Piazze and Keith Weigelt to discuss \"Tiger \nTeam FAP Project\" The Ivy Grill, Inn at Penn\n9:00-10:30 Meeting with Raffi Amit, Ian MacMillan, Emily Cieri and Anne \nStamer to discuss the Sol C. Snider Entreprenuer Center and its related \nprograms, the Business Plan Competition and WeBI...4th Floor Conference Room, \nVance Hall???\n10:30-12:00 Christie and Mike hold discussions with Cara Tyler, Bob Bonner \nand Pat Rose regarding recruiting processes and procedures...CMS Conference \nRoom\n10:30-??? Broadband executive meets with Gerry McCartney and other \nuniversity officials to discuss campus needs, future usage projections, etc.\n10:30-11:30 Vince meets with Sid Winter reference Jones Center and related \nresearch\n11:30-12:00 Vince meets with Howard Kunruether to discuss Risk Management\n12:00-1:15pm Group lunch with Jerry Wind at Faculty Club to discuss the \ne-Fellows Program\n2:00-3:00pm Christie and Mike meet with Mike Baltes to discuss Co-branding \nissues with Wharton and UPenn\n5:00pm All will attend the ET Conference Dinner event\nPlease confirm your willingness and availability to support this agenda. \nThanks for your help.\nTOM\n", ["Wharton"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 11, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", " additionally, i have numeric people from broadband services meeting us there friday (one is traci warner who set up the rice u deal)."]], "Hi Jeff!\n\nI know you received the information below. Additionally, I have 2 people \nfrom Broadband Services meeting us there Friday (one is Traci Warner who set \nup the Rice U deal). Further, I'll be meeting with Amy Briggs regarding the \nEntrepeneurship Conference Nov 30th and Dec 1st. I've already spoken with \nher and Tom Piazze and both independently confirmed as you suspected that we \ncommitted to sponsor at the $10,000 level. This entitles us to Banners, \npanels, posters, and most importantly, a Keynote address. I'll discuss the \nkeynote address with her but would appreciate your thoughts in advance as to \nhow you'd like to see the Keynote speech executed (suggestions for topics, \nproposed speaking candidates, when in the conference you'd like to see \nEnron's speech, etc). I'll review the trip with you when we return.\n\nThanks Jeff!\n\n--Christie.\n", ["<16201862.1075856637376.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27169467.1075856276889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23635419.1075856358321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-2-2001-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-2:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "rakesh.bharati@enron.com"], "Ian,\nI shall ask our lawyer to prepare a standard\nnon-disclosure agreement. \nAs soo as it is executed,\nI shall send you a copy of the binder.\nPlease, don't distribute it: It's an internal document.\nBy the way, when is your trip?\nVince\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 02/04/2001 09:59:18 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Real Options\nHi!\nWhen we last spoke you mentioned that you have workshops on real options at \nEnron.\nIs there any chance that I could see the materials that you use? I would \nlike to prepare for a visit to your HQ, which would probably be more \neffective if I knew more about what approaches your people are using.\nThis material would be treated with strict confidentiality and I would be \nhappy to sign any confidentiality agreements\n", ["Re: Real Options"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "Ian,\n\nI shall ask our lawyer to prepare a standard\nnon-disclosure agreement. \n\nAs soo as it is executed,\nI shall send you a copy of the binder.\n\nPlease, don't distribute it: It's an internal document.\n\nBy the way, when is your trip?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" ", "<28578948.1075856520460.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6652878.1075856220990.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-3-2001-3:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-3:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ian,\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate \nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the materials\noutside Enron.\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\nVince\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/07/2001 06:46:28 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Lawyer\nI still have not heard from your lawyer. I would like to see whar materials \nyou are using and assess how we could work on the topic of real options with \nEnron\n", ["Re: Lawyer"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu'], 'recipients': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "Ian,\n\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate \nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\n\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the materials\noutside Enron.\n\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" ", "<14238112.1075856632690.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<280945.1075856515510.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32585077.1075856211301.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-3-2001-6:47:0Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu": ["8-3-2001-6:47:0", "macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "I will sign an agreement not to use the materials\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 11:13 AM\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Lawyer\nIan,\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate\nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the\nmaterials\noutside Enron.\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\nVince\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/07/2001 06:46:28 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Lawyer\nI still have not heard from your lawyer. I would like to see whar\nmaterials you are using and assess how we could work on the topic of real\noptions with Enron\n", ["RE: Lawyer"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "I will sign an agreement not to use the materials\n\n", ["<13964058.1075856632668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29360195.1075856211162.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20943243.1075856407235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-3-2001-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-3-2001-9:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/09/2001 \n05:02 PM ---------------------------\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/08/2001 01:47:27 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Lawyer\nI will sign an agreement not to use the materials\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 11:13 AM\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Lawyer\nIan,\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate\nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the\nmaterials\noutside Enron.\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\nVince\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/07/2001 06:46:28 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Lawyer\nI still have not heard from your lawyer. I would like to see whar\nmaterials you are using and assess how we could work on the topic of real\noptions with Enron\n", ["RE: Lawyer"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "", ["<23547656.1075856448689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21545087.1075856515015.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3375381.1075856210280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31279472.1075856408119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-3-2001-9:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-3-2001-9:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/09/2001 \n05:07 PM ---------------------------\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/08/2001 01:47:27 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Lawyer\nI will sign an agreement not to use the materials\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 11:13 AM\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Lawyer\nIan,\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate\nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the\nmaterials\noutside Enron.\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\nVince\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/07/2001 06:46:28 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Lawyer\nI still have not heard from your lawyer. I would like to see whar\nmaterials you are using and assess how we could work on the topic of real\noptions with Enron\n", ["RE: Lawyer"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "", ["<17666041.1075856448667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15567647.1075856514992.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6350926.1075856210258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16810246.1075856408141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-3-2001-9:31:0Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu": ["21-3-2001-9:31:0", "macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19315413.1075856632448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Lawyer\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"MacMillan, Ian\" \nX-To: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com '\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n What do I need to do to move this thing forward?\nI suspect that the problem is basically with the lawyers. They only know how \nto stop things, but in a way they play a role in global society. If it were \nnot for the handicaps they lay on us the rest of the world would never have a \nchance.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSent: 3/8/01 12:12 PM\nSubject: Re: Lawyer\n\n\nIan,\n\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate\nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\n\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the\nmaterials\noutside Enron.\n\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/07/2001 06:46:28 AM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Lawyer\n\n\nI still have not heard from your lawyer. I would like to see whar\nmaterials you are using and assess how we could work on the topic of\nreal\noptions with Enron\n\n", "RE: Lawyer", "reply", [], " What do I need to do to move this thing forward?\nI suspect that the problem is basically with the lawyers. They only know how \nto stop things, but in a way they play a role in global society. If it were \nnot for the handicaps they lay on us the rest of the world would never have a \nchance.\n\n", "<19315413.1075856632448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "21-3-2001-21:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-3-2001-21:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20834594.1075856513052.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 21:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nSubject: RE: Lawyer\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"MacMillan, Ian\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nIan,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to you.\nI am currently in London, flying back to Houston tomorrow.\n\nThe problem is not with the lawyers. We worked on our presentation\nmaterials together with a professor from another university\nand we agreed to use these materials only internally.\n\nWe have to honor our commitment to him. I am sure\nthat this is exactly what you would have expected from us if we had\nmade a similar commitment to you.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/21/2001 04:31:27 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com '\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Lawyer\n\n\n What do I need to do to move this thing forward?\nI suspect that the problem is basically with the lawyers. They only know how \nto stop things, but in a way they play a role in global society. If it were \nnot for the handicaps they lay on us the rest of the world would never have a \nchance.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSent: 3/8/01 12:12 PM\nSubject: Re: Lawyer\n\n\nIan,\n\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate\nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\n\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the\nmaterials\noutside Enron.\n\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/07/2001 06:46:28 AM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Lawyer\n\n\nI still have not heard from your lawyer. I would like to see whar\nmaterials you are using and assess how we could work on the topic of\nreal\noptions with Enron\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Lawyer", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 3, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", "ian, sorry for a delay in responding to you."]], "Ian,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to you.\nI am currently in London, flying back to Houston tomorrow.\n\nThe problem is not with the lawyers. We worked on our presentation\nmaterials together with a professor from another university\nand we agreed to use these materials only internally.\n\nWe have to honor our commitment to him. I am sure\nthat this is exactly what you would have expected from us if we had\nmade a similar commitment to you.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" ", {"presentation universityTnn": {"value": "presentation universityTnn", "ne": "presentation universityTnn", "patterns": ["presentation universityTnn"]}}, true], "22-3-2001-23:22:0Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu": ["22-3-2001-23:22:0", "macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <741456.1075856632356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 23:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Lawyer\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"MacMillan, Ian\" \nX-To: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSorry to hear this - I have generally shared my materials with colleagues\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 6:21 AM\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Lawyer\n\n\n\nIan,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to you.\nI am currently in London, flying back to Houston tomorrow.\n\nThe problem is not with the lawyers. We worked on our presentation\nmaterials together with a professor from another university\nand we agreed to use these materials only internally.\n\nWe have to honor our commitment to him. I am sure\nthat this is exactly what you would have expected from us if we had\nmade a similar commitment to you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/21/2001 04:31:27 PM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com '\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Lawyer\n\n\n What do I need to do to move this thing forward?\nI suspect that the problem is basically with the lawyers. They only know\nhow to stop things, but in a way they play a role in global society. If it\nwere not for the handicaps they lay on us the rest of the world would never\nhave a chance.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSent: 3/8/01 12:12 PM\nSubject: Re: Lawyer\n\n\nIan,\n\nSorry for a delay in getting back to you.\nI have one challenge I did not anticipate\nwhen I talked to you the first time about our Real Options\ninternal seminar.\n\nThe materials were prepared in collaboration with a professor\nfrom another school, and there is some sensitivity regarding\nthe intellectual property rights and the ability to distribute the\nmaterials\noutside Enron.\n\nPlease, give me some time to find out if I can work\naround this issue.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"MacMillan, Ian\" on 03/07/2001 06:46:28 AM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: Lawyer\n\n\nI still have not heard from your lawyer. I would like to see whar\nmaterials you are using and assess how we could work on the topic of\nreal\noptions with Enron\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Lawyer", "reply", [], "Sorry to hear this - I have generally shared my materials with colleagues\n\n", "<741456.1075856632356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "5-6-2001-7:44:59Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu": ["5-6-2001-7:44:59", "macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "thanks Vince - i will get the details to Shirley\nUnfortunately I am in Asia next week\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 9:15 AM\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nCc: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Strategic Management Society Conference\nIan,\nI shall come to Wharton on Thursday, June 14,\nmeeting with Howard Kunreuther.\nI shall ask my assistant to forward you my itinerary.\nI shall also register for the October Conference.\nThanks for reminding me.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"MacMillan, Ian\" @ENRON\n [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22MacMillan+2C+20Ian+22+20+3Cmacmilli+40wharton+2Eupenn+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 6:48 AM\n To: 'vkamins@enron.com'\n Cc: Rita Mcgrath (E-mail); Boisot, Max\n Subject: Strategic Management Society Conference\n A couple of months ago you agreed to serve on a panel on real options\n that Rita McGrath at Columbia had assembled.\n We have been informed that you have not registered for the conference -\n in SFO October 21 to 24\n Can you please register - they are getting antsy about it. Go to\n sms@mgmt.purdue.edu\n When are you due at Wharton again?", ["RE: Strategic Management Society Conference"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "thanks Vince - i will get the details to Shirley\nUnfortunately I am in Asia next week\n\n", ["<14440513.1075858453999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-10-2001-13:38:56Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu": ["17-10-2001-13:38:56", "macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["rgmcgrath@aol.com"], "I think the easiest would be to have him pick up your name badge and say that he is subbing for you and get the name changed.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 3:51 PM\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nSubject: RE: dinner invitation\nMac,\nZimin will be definitely coming.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"MacMillan, Ian\" @ENRON\n Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:03 PM\n To: Kaminski, Vince J\n Subject: RE: dinner invitation\n Vince this is terrible news - I paid a $1300 registration fee out of my\n research budget to get you registered - this was nonrefundable. I hope\n that I can get Mr Lu substituted. Can you please confirm that Mr Lu\n will be coming if we can arrange a substitution?\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:32 PM\n To: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\n Subject: RE: dinner invitation\n Mac\n Greeting from Brazil.\n Thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my\n participation\n at the conference. My associate, Zimin Lu, who has an extensive\n experience in modeling real options will go the conference in my place\n and he can participate in the panel discussion if it's OK with you.\n Vince\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"MacMillan, Ian\" @ENRON\n Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 7:57 AM\n To: 'vkamins@enron.com'\n Subject: FW: dinner invitation\n Sorry! I meant Tuesday October 23rd. Monday is the grand dinner\n -----Original Message-----\n From: MacMillan, Ian\n Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 3:06 PM\n To: 'vkamins@enron.com'\n Subject: dinner invitation\n Dear Vince\n I would like to invite you to join me for dinner on October 22, 2001\n at\n 8:30 We will be joined by other respected scholars attending the\n Strategic Management Conference. We will be dinning at \"The Stinking\n Rose\" on North Beach.\n Please let me know if you are able to attend.\n Many thanks\n Mac\n **********************************************************************\n This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\n create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\n Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\n party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\n estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n **********************************************************************", ["RE: dinner invitation"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "I think the easiest would be to have him pick up your name badge and say that he is subbing for you and get the name changed.\n\n", ["<14844938.1075863400797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-10-2001-4:31:8Smacmilli@wharton.upenn.edu": ["19-10-2001-4:31:8", "macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Does Zimin want to attend the dir on Tuesday night - the presentation is on Monday at 10 in the Oxford Room of the Westin St Francis\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 3:51 PM\nTo: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\nSubject: RE: dinner invitation\nMac,\nZimin will be definitely coming.\nVince\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"MacMillan, Ian\" @ENRON\n Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:03 PM\n To: Kaminski, Vince J\n Subject: RE: dinner invitation\n Vince this is terrible news - I paid a $1300 registration fee out of my\n research budget to get you registered - this was nonrefundable. I hope\n that I can get Mr Lu substituted. Can you please confirm that Mr Lu\n will be coming if we can arrange a substitution?\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:32 PM\n To: macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu\n Subject: RE: dinner invitation\n Mac\n Greeting from Brazil.\n Thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my\n participation\n at the conference. My associate, Zimin Lu, who has an extensive\n experience in modeling real options will go the conference in my place\n and he can participate in the panel discussion if it's OK with you.\n Vince\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"MacMillan, Ian\" @ENRON\n Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 7:57 AM\n To: 'vkamins@enron.com'\n Subject: FW: dinner invitation\n Sorry! I meant Tuesday October 23rd. Monday is the grand dinner\n -----Original Message-----\n From: MacMillan, Ian\n Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 3:06 PM\n To: 'vkamins@enron.com'\n Subject: dinner invitation\n Dear Vince\n I would like to invite you to join me for dinner on October 22, 2001\n at\n 8:30 We will be joined by other respected scholars attending the\n Strategic Management Conference. We will be dinning at \"The Stinking\n Rose\" on North Beach.\n Please let me know if you are able to attend.\n Many thanks\n Mac\n **********************************************************************\n This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\n create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\n Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\n party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\n estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n **********************************************************************", ["RE: dinner invitation"], "{'body': ['macmilli@wharton.upenn.edu']}", [], "Does Zimin want to attend the dir on Tuesday night - the presentation is on Monday at 10 in the Oxford Room of the Westin St Francis\n\n", ["<26119475.1075863403780.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "13-4-2000-12:0:0Svicki@risk.co.uk 14-4-2000-1:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"13-4-2000-12:0:0Svicki@risk.co.uk": ["13-4-2000-12:0:0", "vicki@risk.co.uk", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20418969.1075857070830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 12:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vicki@risk.co.uk\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Maths course\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Vicky Windsor\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Risk\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Vince,\n?\nI just wondered whether you have had chance to look at your bullet points \nand bio for the maths course. If so please could could email them to me as \nsoon as possible. Could you also let me know whether your company \naffiliation should now be Enron North America.\n?\nThanks Vince and best regards,\n?\nVicky", "Maths course", "reply", [], "Dear Vince,\n?\nI just wondered whether you have had chance to look at your bullet points \nand bio for the maths course. If so please could could email them to me as \nsoon as possible. Could you also let me know whether your company \naffiliation should now be Enron North America.\n?\nThanks Vince and best regards,\n?\nVicky", "<20418969.1075857070830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-4-2000-1:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-4-2000-1:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vicki@risk.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16406620.1075856748532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 01:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vicki@risk.co.uk\nSubject: Re: Maths course\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Vicky Windsor\" \nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVicky,\n\nMy affiliation is Enron Corp. My assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will send you \nan updated version of my bio.\nHere are the bullet points:\n\n\nPRACTICAL TECHNIQUES TO PRICE EXOTIC ENERGY OPTIONS\n\nDefinition of an exotic option\n - pay-off profile\n - price process assumptions\n - different sources of risk\n\nDifferent types of exotic options used in the energy industry\n - Asian options\n - spread options\n - basket options\n - swing options\n\nEvaluating methodologies for pricing exotics\n??? - assessing the pros and cons of different techniques\n - approximations of closed-form formulas\n - Monte Carlo techniques\n - trees\n - numerical solutions of PDEs\n??? - applying multi-factor models to price exotic energy derivatives\n??? - building trees for pricing and hedging exotics\n\nPractical examples\n?\nANALYSING APPROACHES TO WEATHER DERIVATIVES VALUATION\n?\nDefinition of a weather derivative\n\nWhy does energy industry need weather derivatives?\n - hedging volume/price risk as opposed to hedging exclusively price risk\n - the energy industry's exposure to weather: numerical estimates\n\nDifferent types of weather derivatives used in the energy industry\n??? - heating and cooling degree day swaps and options\n??? - precipitation contracts\n - hurricane contracts\n - financial options contingent on weather\n - digital options\n\nValuation controversy: actuarial valuation vs. valuation based on the \nBlack-Scholes paradigm\n\nUse of Monte Carlo techniques in valuation of weather derivatives\n\nValuing long term transactions\n\nPractical example\n\n\nPlease, feel free to edit my bullet points to improve my English.\n\nIt was a pleasure working with you and I hope our roads will cross at some \npoint.\nThe best of luck to you.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\"Vicky Windsor\" on 04/13/2000 01:00:18 PM\nPlease respond to \"Vicky Windsor\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Maths course\n\n\n\nDear Vince,\n?\nI just wondered whether you have had chance to look at your bullet points \nand bio for the maths course. If so please could could email them to me as \nsoon as possible. Could you also let me know whether your company \naffiliation should now be Enron North America.\n?\nThanks Vince and best regards,\n?\nVicky\n\n", "Re: Maths course", "originEmail", [["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 43, "nninformation", ["approximations", "assessing"], "request information", " - assessing the pros and cons of different techniques - approximations of closed-form formulas - monte carlo techniques - trees - numerical solutions of pdes ?"], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 57, "nninformation", ["applying", "models"], "request information", " - applying multi-factor models to price exotic energy derivatives ?"]], "Vicky,\n\nMy affiliation is Enron Corp. My assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will send you \nan updated version of my bio.\nHere are the bullet points:\n\n\nPRACTICAL TECHNIQUES TO PRICE EXOTIC ENERGY OPTIONS\n\nDefinition of an exotic option\n - pay-off profile\n - price process assumptions\n - different sources of risk\n\nDifferent types of exotic options used in the energy industry\n - Asian options\n - spread options\n - basket options\n - swing options\n\nEvaluating methodologies for pricing exotics\n??? - assessing the pros and cons of different techniques\n - approximations of closed-form formulas\n - Monte Carlo techniques\n - trees\n - numerical solutions of PDEs\n??? - applying multi-factor models to price exotic energy derivatives\n??? - building trees for pricing and hedging exotics\n\nPractical examples\n?\nANALYSING APPROACHES TO WEATHER DERIVATIVES VALUATION\n?\nDefinition of a weather derivative\n\nWhy does energy industry need weather derivatives?\n - hedging volume/price risk as opposed to hedging exclusively price risk\n - the energy industry's exposure to weather: numerical estimates\n\nDifferent types of weather derivatives used in the energy industry\n??? - heating and cooling degree day swaps and options\n??? - precipitation contracts\n - hurricane contracts\n - financial options contingent on weather\n - digital options\n\nValuation controversy: actuarial valuation vs. valuation based on the \nBlack-Scholes paradigm\n\nUse of Monte Carlo techniques in valuation of weather derivatives\n\nValuing long term transactions\n\nPractical example\n\n\nPlease, feel free to edit my bullet points to improve my English.\n\nIt was a pleasure working with you and I hope our roads will cross at some \npoint.\nThe best of luck to you.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\"Vicky Windsor\" ", {"alternative_option cost_priceTnn": {"value": "alternative_option cost_priceTnn", "ne": "alternative_option cost_priceTnn", "patterns": ["alternative_option cost_priceTnn"]}, "approach valuationTnn": {"value": "approach valuationTnn", "ne": "approach valuationTnn", "patterns": ["approach valuationTnn"]}, "basket optionTnn": {"value": "basket optionTnn", "ne": "basket optionTnn", "patterns": ["basket optionTnn"]}, "choice_option priceTnn": {"value": "choice_option priceTnn", "ne": "choice_option priceTnn", "patterns": ["choice_option priceTnn"]}, "contract optionTnn": {"value": "contract optionTnn", "ne": "contract optionTnn", "patterns": ["contract optionTnn"]}, "cost_price riskTnn": {"value": "cost_price riskTnn", "ne": "cost_price riskTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price riskTnn"]}, "energy option_real0optionTnn": {"value": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "ne": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["energy option_real0optionTnn"]}, "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price model_simulationTnn"]}, "energy0price_price riskTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price riskTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price riskTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price riskTnn"]}, "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "example_model termTnn": {"value": "example_model termTnn", "ne": "example_model termTnn", "patterns": ["example_model termTnn"]}, "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "exposure riskTnn": {"value": "exposure riskTnn", "ne": "exposure riskTnn", "patterns": ["exposure riskTnn"]}, "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn": {"value": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "ne": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn"]}, "option valuationTnn": {"value": "option valuationTnn", "ne": "option valuationTnn", "patterns": ["option valuationTnn"]}, "option weatherTnn": {"value": "option weatherTnn", "ne": "option weatherTnn", "patterns": ["option weatherTnn"]}, "price processTnn": {"value": "price processTnn", "ne": "price processTnn", "patterns": ["price processTnn"]}, "process risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "process risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "process risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["process risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "risk_risk0management weatherTnn": {"value": "risk_risk0management weatherTnn", "ne": "risk_risk0management weatherTnn", "patterns": ["risk_risk0management weatherTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-8-2000-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-8-2000-2:52:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"18-8-2000-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-8-2000-1:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["alex.huang@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <2587497.1075856297076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 01:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: grant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com\nSubject: Alex's paper\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Grant Masson, Stinson Gibner, Alex Huang\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMinor changes I made to Alex's paper.\n\n\nVince\n", "Alex's paper", "originEmail", [["make change", 4, "information", ["changes", "made", "minor"], "information", "minor changes i made to alex's paper."]], "Minor changes I made to Alex's paper.\n\n\nVince\n", "<2587497.1075856297076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change minor_smallTnn": {"value": "change minor_smallTnn", "ne": "change minor_smallTnn", "patterns": ["change minor_smallTnn"]}}, false], "18-8-2000-2:52:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["18-8-2000-2:52:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23077777.1075856611415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 02:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Alex's paper\nCc: grant.masson@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: grant.masson@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Grant Masson, Alex Huang\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Newsletter\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nComments:\n\n1. In the sentence between eqn. 3 and eqn. 4, I think \"annualized \nvolatility\" should replace \"annualized standard deviation.\"\n\n2. As to the comment, \"Immediately we see something quite \ncounter-intuitive.\" I would disagree. I think that its quite intuitive \nthat this model should get closer to the Black-Scholes price as what is \ndefined as the \"jump\" component becomes just part of the main price \ndistribution, which happens if we define a jump to be only a 1-sigma \nevent. The table does show, however, that the results of using this model \nare very sensitive to exactly how you choose to define a \"jump\" (i.e. 2-sigma \nor 3-sigma... events), and this is one difficulty in using the model in \npractice.\n\n3. In the paragraph after the table, I don't understand the argument about \nhedging the option. Especially about buying a swap which would pay on the \ndifference between the strike and Fs. This seems non-sensical.\n\n4. I could not follow the logic of the last two sentences of the article, so \nthis point should probably be explained more clearly.\n\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n08/18/2000 08:15 AM\nTo: Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alex \nHuang/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Alex's paper\n\nMinor changes I made to Alex's paper.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "Re: Alex's paper", "reply", [], "Comments:\n\n1. In the sentence between eqn. 3 and eqn. 4, I think \"annualized \nvolatility\" should replace \"annualized standard deviation.\"\n\n2. As to the comment, \"Immediately we see something quite \ncounter-intuitive.\" I would disagree. I think that its quite intuitive \nthat this model should get closer to the Black-Scholes price as what is \ndefined as the \"jump\" component becomes just part of the main price \ndistribution, which happens if we define a jump to be only a 1-sigma \nevent. The table does show, however, that the results of using this model \nare very sensitive to exactly how you choose to define a \"jump\" (i.e. 2-sigma \nor 3-sigma... events), and this is one difficulty in using the model in \npractice.\n\n3. In the paragraph after the table, I don't understand the argument about \nhedging the option. Especially about buying a swap which would pay on the \ndifference between the strike and Fs. This seems non-sensical.\n\n4. I could not follow the logic of the last two sentences of the article, so \nthis point should probably be explained more clearly.\n\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n08/18/2000 08:15 AM\n", "<23077777.1075856611415.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "2-5-2001-8:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-8:19:0Sanne.labbe@enron.com": {"2-5-2001-8:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-8:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["anne.labbe@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9667997.1075856436235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 08:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: anne.labbe@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Gwen Koepke\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Anne Labbe\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAnne,\n\nThanks for contacting me about this.\nAs a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to you about it \ntoday as this matter was outstanding for a long time.\n\nI think we should go ahead and adjust Gwen to manager,\neffective March 1. The compensation would be her current base plus\n10K. This is what we typically do when we promote an associate to a manager.\nSuch promotions take place in March and I think\nGwen should not be penalized for the inefficiency of her management\n(i.e. my and Maureen's procrastination).\n\n \nOn unrelated and more serious matter. Gary Hickerson is the primary client \nfor Maureen's services. He communicated to me a few weeks ago that he is \nunwilling to underwrite Maureen's position (he is in general unhappy with\nher contribution). This means that Maureen will have to find another sponsor \nor leave Enron.\nGiven her abrasive and aggressive personality finding another internal \ncustomer\nwill be quite a challenge.\nGary volunteered to pay a very generous severance to Maureen from his budget. \nI would like to talk to you about it when you have a few minutes.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Anne Labbe/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/02/2001 10:34 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Gwen Koepke\n\nVince,\n\nJust wanted to touch base with you. I have tried to contact Maureen so that \nGwen's title and salary can be adjusted to manager just as you requested, but \nhave not heard any response from her. Would you like for me to wait until I \nhear from Maureen or should I go ahead and proceed in changing her title? I \njust want to make sure that Gwen is in the right peer group during PRC. \n\nAlso, I am going to try and set up a meeting with you next week through \nShirley to discuss any buring issues that you are experiencing, and your \nexpectations during PRC.\n\nThanks,\nAnne\n\n", "Re: Gwen Koepke", "originEmail", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 13, "nninformation", ["adjust", "gwen"], "intention", " i think we should go ahead and adjust gwen to manager, effective datenumeric ."]], "Anne,\n\nThanks for contacting me about this.\nAs a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to you about it \ntoday as this matter was outstanding for a long time.\n\nI think we should go ahead and adjust Gwen to manager,\neffective March 1. The compensation would be her current base plus\n10K. This is what we typically do when we promote an associate to a manager.\nSuch promotions take place in March and I think\nGwen should not be penalized for the inefficiency of her management\n(i.e. my and Maureen's procrastination).\n\n \nOn unrelated and more serious matter. Gary Hickerson is the primary client \nfor Maureen's services. He communicated to me a few weeks ago that he is \nunwilling to underwrite Maureen's position (he is in general unhappy with\nher contribution). This means that Maureen will have to find another sponsor \nor leave Enron.\nGiven her abrasive and aggressive personality finding another internal \ncustomer\nwill be quite a challenge.\nGary volunteered to pay a very generous severance to Maureen from his budget. \nI would like to talk to you about it when you have a few minutes.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Anne Labbe/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/02/2001 10:34 AM\n", "<9667997.1075856436235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"customer internalTnn": {"value": "customer internalTnn", "ne": "customer internalTnn", "patterns": ["customer internalTnn"]}, "fact matterTnn": {"value": "fact matterTnn", "ne": "fact matterTnn", "patterns": ["fact matterTnn"]}}, false], "2-5-2001-8:19:0Sanne.labbe@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-8:19:0", "anne.labbe@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5949298.1075856573890.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 08:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: anne.labbe@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Gwen Koepke\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Anne Labbe\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI will see you on Friday at 3. If you would like for me to come before then, \njust let me know.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:01 PM\nTo: Labbe, Anne\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: Gwen Koepke\n\nAnne,\n\nThanks for contacting me about this.\nAs a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to you about it \ntoday as this matter was outstanding for a long time.\n\nI think we should go ahead and adjust Gwen to manager,\neffective March 1. The compensation would be her current base plus\n10K. This is what we typically do when we promote an associate to a manager.\nSuch promotions take place in March and I think\nGwen should not be penalized for the inefficiency of her management\n(i.e. my and Maureen's procrastination).\n\n \nOn unrelated and more serious matter. Gary Hickerson is the primary client \nfor Maureen's services. He communicated to me a few weeks ago that he is \nunwilling to underwrite Maureen's position (he is in general unhappy with\nher contribution). This means that Maureen will have to find another sponsor \nor leave Enron.\nGiven her abrasive and aggressive personality finding another internal \ncustomer\nwill be quite a challenge.\nGary volunteered to pay a very generous severance to Maureen from his budget. \nI would like to talk to you about it when you have a few minutes.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Anne Labbe/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/02/2001 10:34 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Gwen Koepke\n\nVince,\n\nJust wanted to touch base with you. I have tried to contact Maureen so that \nGwen's title and salary can be adjusted to manager just as you requested, but \nhave not heard any response from her. Would you like for me to wait until I \nhear from Maureen or should I go ahead and proceed in changing her title? I \njust want to make sure that Gwen is in the right peer group during PRC. \n\nAlso, I am going to try and set up a meeting with you next week through \nShirley to discuss any buring issues that you are experiencing, and your \nexpectations during PRC.\n\nThanks,\nAnne\n\n", "RE: Gwen Koepke", "reply", [], "I will see you on Friday at 3. If you would like for me to come before then, \njust let me know.\n\n ", "<5949298.1075856573890.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "6-3-2001-7:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-10:5:0Ssheila.walton@enron.com 7-3-2001-0:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-3-2001-4:49:0Ssheila.walton@enron.com": {"6-3-2001-7:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-7:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sheila.walton@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <8498662.1075856613255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 07:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sheila.walton@enron.com\nSubject: Contract update\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Sheila Walton\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSheila,\n\nSome minor differences between the draft and the final executed version.\nI have forgotten to bring the draft today, I shall send a copy to you \ntomorrow.\nThere were some hand-written changes made by Greg ijn the draft that were not \ntransferred to\nthe final version.\n\nVince\n", "Contract update", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 11, "nninformation", ["draft", "send"], "intention", " i have forgotten to bring the draft today, i shall send a copy to you tomorrow."], ["make change", 15, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " there were some hand-written changes made by greg ijn the draft that were not transferred to the final version."]], "Sheila,\n\nSome minor differences between the draft and the final executed version.\nI have forgotten to bring the draft today, I shall send a copy to you \ntomorrow.\nThere were some hand-written changes made by Greg ijn the draft that were not \ntransferred to\nthe final version.\n\nVince\n", "<8498662.1075856613255.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "6-3-2001-10:5:0Ssheila.walton@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-10:5:0", "sheila.walton@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22760101.1075856613234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 10:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sheila.walton@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Contract update\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sheila Walton\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince, if there are some differences that we need to correct, you and I can \nmeet tomorrow when you bring the contract in. I am available anytime after \nlunch. Please call me at X30649.\n\nSheila \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 3:10 PM\nTo: Sheila Walton/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Contract update\n\nSheila,\n\nSome minor differences between the draft and the final executed version.\nI have forgotten to bring the draft today, I shall send a copy to you \ntomorrow.\nThere were some hand-written changes made by Greg ijn the draft that were not \ntransferred to\nthe final version.\n\nVince\n", "RE: Contract update", "reply", [], "Vince, if there are some differences that we need to correct, you and I can \nmeet tomorrow when you bring the contract in. I am available anytime after \nlunch. Please call me at X30649.\n\nSheila \n\n ", "<22760101.1075856613234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "7-3-2001-0:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-0:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "sheila.walton@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22030248.1075856449434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 00:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sheila.walton@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Contract update\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Sheila Walton\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSheila,\n\nThere were some handwritten changes made by Greg Whalley on the draft..\nI am sending you a copy in a few minutes.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Sheila Walton/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/06/2001 06:05 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Contract update\n\nVince, if there are some differences that we need to correct, you and I can \nmeet tomorrow when you bring the contract in. I am available anytime after \nlunch. Please call me at X30649.\n\nSheila \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 3:10 PM\nTo: Sheila Walton/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Contract update\n\nSheila,\n\nSome minor differences between the draft and the final executed version.\nI have forgotten to bring the draft today, I shall send a copy to you \ntomorrow.\nThere were some hand-written changes made by Greg ijn the draft that were not \ntransferred to\nthe final version.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "RE: Contract update", "reply", [["make change", 5, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", "sheila, there were some handwritten changes made by greg whalley on the draft."]], "Sheila,\n\nThere were some handwritten changes made by Greg Whalley on the draft..\nI am sending you a copy in a few minutes.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Sheila Walton/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/06/2001 06:05 PM\n", "<22030248.1075856449434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "7-3-2001-4:49:0Ssheila.walton@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-4:49:0", "sheila.walton@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8957454.1075856613212.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 04:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sheila.walton@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Contract update\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sheila Walton\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGot the copies and I have the corrected copies for you. Will have them hand \ndelivered to you this afternoon.\n\nSheila \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 8:37 AM\nTo: Walton, Sheila\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: RE: Contract update\n\nSheila,\n\nThere were some handwritten changes made by Greg Whalley on the draft..\nI am sending you a copy in a few minutes.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Sheila Walton/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/06/2001 06:05 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Contract update\n\nVince, if there are some differences that we need to correct, you and I can \nmeet tomorrow when you bring the contract in. I am available anytime after \nlunch. Please call me at X30649.\n\nSheila \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 3:10 PM\nTo: Sheila Walton/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc: Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Contract update\n\nSheila,\n\nSome minor differences between the draft and the final executed version.\nI have forgotten to bring the draft today, I shall send a copy to you \ntomorrow.\nThere were some hand-written changes made by Greg ijn the draft that were not \ntransferred to\nthe final version.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "RE: Contract update", "reply", [], "Got the copies and I have the corrected copies for you. Will have them hand \ndelivered to you this afternoon.\n\nSheila \n\n ", "<8957454.1075856613212.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-12-1999-14:8:0Srisk-ny@email.msn.com 15-12-1999-2:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"14-12-1999-14:8:0Srisk-ny@email.msn.com": ["14-12-1999-14:8:0", "risk-ny@email.msn.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29832494.1075856789448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 14:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: risk-ny@email.msn.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Invitation to speak at POWER 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Emma Wolfin\" \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince\n\nIt is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at POWER 2000 which will be\nin Houston on 9 & 10 May 2000.\n\nWould you be interested in chairing one of the streams on day 2 of the\nconference? Or making a full presentation on one of the days? Please let me\nknow which talks interest you. Obviously, some of the talks are no longer\navailable but I would like to give you a choice as much as possible. Please\ncould you get back to me asap on 212 925 1864 Ext 151 or by return email.\n\nI very much hope you can make the dates as I'm very keen to have you\nparticipate at POWER. Not to flatter you unnecessarily, but I know that a\nlot of people come to our conferences to hear what you have to say.\n\nBest regards\n\nEmma\n\n\n\n\n - Invite.doc", "Invitation to speak at POWER 2000", "reply", [["invite personnelpronoun", 1, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " it is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at power numeric which will be in houston on numeric & numeric datenumeric numeric ."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 15, "nninformation", ["making", "presentation"], "request information", " or making a full presentation on one of the days?"]], "Hi Vince\n\nIt is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at POWER 2000 which will be\nin Houston on 9 & 10 May 2000.\n\nWould you be interested in chairing one of the streams on day 2 of the\nconference? Or making a full presentation on one of the days? Please let me\nknow which talks interest you. Obviously, some of the talks are no longer\navailable but I would like to give you a choice as much as possible. Please\ncould you get back to me asap on 212 925 1864 Ext 151 or by return email.\n\nI very much hope you can make the dates as I'm very keen to have you\nparticipate at POWER. Not to flatter you unnecessarily, but I know that a\nlot of people come to our conferences to hear what you have to say.\n\nBest regards\n\nEmma\n\n\n\n\n - Invite.doc", "<29832494.1075856789448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-12-1999-2:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-12-1999-2:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["risk-ny@email.msn.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15002682.1075857071007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 02:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: risk-ny@email.msn.com\nSubject: Re: Invitation to speak at POWER 2000\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Emma Wolfin\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Risk\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEmma,\n\nIt's your choice. I can chair the session of day 2 or speak on one of these \ntopics.\nPlease, let me know what works for you.\n\nPossible presentations:\n\nEvaluating the effectiveness of insurance as a risk management tool\n\nor \n\nApplying real option theory to value power plants\n\nor\n\nOvercoming the difficulties of accurately estimating volatility\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Emma Wolfin\" on 12/14/99 04:08:03 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Invitation to speak at POWER 2000\n\n\n\nHi Vince\n\nIt is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at POWER 2000 which will be\nin Houston on 9 & 10 May 2000.\n\nWould you be interested in chairing one of the streams on day 2 of the\nconference? Or making a full presentation on one of the days? Please let me\nknow which talks interest you. Obviously, some of the talks are no longer\navailable but I would like to give you a choice as much as possible. Please\ncould you get back to me asap on 212 925 1864 Ext 151 or by return email.\n\nI very much hope you can make the dates as I'm very keen to have you\nparticipate at POWER. Not to flatter you unnecessarily, but I know that a\nlot of people come to our conferences to hear what you have to say.\n\nBest regards\n\nEmma\n\n\n\n\n - Invite.doc\n\n", "Re: Invitation to speak at POWER 2000", "originEmail", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 19, "information", ["applying", "risk**management"], "information", " possible presentations: evaluating the effectiveness of insurance as a risk management tool or applying real option theory to value power plants or overcoming the difficulties of accurately estimating volatility "]], "Emma,\n\nIt's your choice. I can chair the session of day 2 or speak on one of these \ntopics.\nPlease, let me know what works for you.\n\nPossible presentations:\n\nEvaluating the effectiveness of insurance as a risk management tool\n\nor \n\nApplying real option theory to value power plants\n\nor\n\nOvercoming the difficulties of accurately estimating volatility\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Emma Wolfin\" ", {"2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}, "plant powerTnn": {"value": "plant powerTnn", "ne": "plant powerTnn", "patterns": ["plant powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-10-2000-10:27:0Sjshu@ieor.berkeley.edu 25-10-2000-10:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"23-10-2000-10:27:0Sjshu@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["23-10-2000-10:27:0", "jshu@ieor.berkeley.edu", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2701374.1075856637201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 10:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jshu@ieor.berkeley.edu\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Info about Enron's Bandwidth Market\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jun Shu \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI enjoyed your talk this afternoon at IEOR very much.\nI wonder if you could point me to some information\nresource on Enron's bandwidth market.\n\nI am a Ph.D student at IEOR. I work with Professor\nOren and Professor Varaiya from EECS department on\nthe topic of pricing the Internet. In particular, I am designing\npricing mechanism in the framework of the DiffServ\narchitecture which is the latest proposal made by\nIETF to provide scalable service differentiation.\nI would very much like to get in touch with people\nin Enron working on the similar topics.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nJun Shu\nhttp://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~jshu\n", "Info about Enron's Bandwidth Market", "forward", [], "Dear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI enjoyed your talk this afternoon at IEOR very much.\nI wonder if you could point me to some information\nresource on Enron's bandwidth market.\n\nI am a Ph.D student at IEOR. I work with Professor\nOren and Professor Varaiya from EECS department on\nthe topic of pricing the Internet. In particular, I am designing\npricing mechanism in the framework of the DiffServ\narchitecture which is the latest proposal made by\nIETF to provide scalable service differentiation.\nI would very much like to get in touch with people\nin Enron working on the similar topics.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nJun Shu\nhttp://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~jshu\n", "<2701374.1075856637201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "25-10-2000-10:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-10:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["martin.lin@enron.com"], ["jshu@ieor.berkeley.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <23837457.1075856271469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: martin.lin@enron.com\nSubject: Info about Enron's Bandwidth Market\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jshu@ieor.berkeley.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jshu@ieor.berkeley.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Martin Lin\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, jshu@ieor.berkeley.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMartin,\n\nCan you, please, call Shu and provide him with information about EBS?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000 \n05:46 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJun Shu on 10/23/2000 07:27:49 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Info about Enron's Bandwidth Market\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI enjoyed your talk this afternoon at IEOR very much.\nI wonder if you could point me to some information\nresource on Enron's bandwidth market.\n\nI am a Ph.D student at IEOR. I work with Professor\nOren and Professor Varaiya from EECS department on\nthe topic of pricing the Internet. In particular, I am designing\npricing mechanism in the framework of the DiffServ\narchitecture which is the latest proposal made by\nIETF to provide scalable service differentiation.\nI would very much like to get in touch with people\nin Enron working on the similar topics.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nJun Shu\nhttp://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~jshu\n\n\n", "Info about Enron's Bandwidth Market", "originEmail", [["supply_provide info_information", 6, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "request", "martin, can you, please, call shu and provide him with information about ebs?"]], "Martin,\n\nCan you, please, call Shu and provide him with information about EBS?\n\nVince\n\n", "<23837457.1075856271469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"info_information marketTnn": {"value": "info_information marketTnn", "ne": "info_information marketTnn", "patterns": ["info_information marketTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-1-2000-4:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-1-2000-5:6:0Selizabeth.grant@enron.com": {"17-1-2000-4:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2000-4:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["elizabeth.grant@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <8613531.1075856779681.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 04:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.grant@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Visit to Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Elizabeth Grant\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nElizabeth,\n\nWe want to bring this guy for a formal interview on Jan 24. Did I send you \nhis resume?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRobert Lee on 01/17/2000 09:36:01 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Visit to Enron\n\n\n\nHi, Vince\n\nI haven't yet heard from HR. Is there someone I should contact so I can\nfinalize my travel arrangements?\n\nI'm looking forward to the visit.\n\nThanks, Bob Lee\n\nVince J Kaminski wrote:\n\n> Bob,\n>\n> Human Resources should contact you regarding this trip.\n> See you in 2 weeks.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> Robert Lee on 01/10/2000 07:13:08 AM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Visit to Enron\n>\n> Hi, Vince\n>\n> This is to confirm my visit on Jan. 24. I am arriving in Houston on\n> Sunday, so I can be there at your convenience on Monday. Let me know\n> the desired time.\n>\n> Thanks, Bob Lee\n\n", "Re: Visit to Enron", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", "elizabeth, we want to bring this guy for a formal interview on datenumeric ."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request information", " did i send you his resume?"]], "Elizabeth,\n\nWe want to bring this guy for a formal interview on Jan 24. Did I send you \nhis resume?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "<8613531.1075856779681.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"formal interviewTnn": {"value": "formal interviewTnn", "ne": "formal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["formal interviewTnn"]}}, false], "17-1-2000-5:6:0Selizabeth.grant@enron.com": ["17-1-2000-5:6:0", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2144665.1075857069585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 05:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: elizabeth.grant@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Visit to Enron\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Elizabeth Grant\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nYes you did and my assistant Felicia Solis is working on the schedule. She \nwill be contacting Bob today to introduce herself and to let him know the \narrangements she is making.\n\n- Elizabeth\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2000 12:48 PM\nTo: Elizabeth Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Visit to Enron\n\nElizabeth,\n\nWe want to bring this guy for a formal interview on Jan 24. Did I send you \nhis resume?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2000 \n12:47 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRobert Lee on 01/17/2000 09:36:01 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Visit to Enron\n\n\n\nHi, Vince\n\nI haven't yet heard from HR. Is there someone I should contact so I can\nfinalize my travel arrangements?\n\nI'm looking forward to the visit.\n\nThanks, Bob Lee\n\nVince J Kaminski wrote:\n\n> Bob,\n>\n> Human Resources should contact you regarding this trip.\n> See you in 2 weeks.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> Robert Lee on 01/10/2000 07:13:08 AM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Visit to Enron\n>\n> Hi, Vince\n>\n> This is to confirm my visit on Jan. 24. I am arriving in Houston on\n> Sunday, so I can be there at your convenience on Monday. Let me know\n> the desired time.\n>\n> Thanks, Bob Lee\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Visit to Enron", "reply", [], "Yes you did and my assistant Felicia Solis is working on the schedule. She \nwill be contacting Bob today to introduce herself and to let him know the \narrangements she is making.\n\n- Elizabeth\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2000 12:48 PM\n", "<2144665.1075857069585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-11-2000-7:10:0Slarry.lawyer@enron.com 21-11-2000-7:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-7:10:0Slarry.lawyer@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-7:10:0", "larry.lawyer@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28086436.1075856622071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 07:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: larry.lawyer@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: TAGE Resume Submittal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Larry Lawyer\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nThanks for forwarding the resume. We have generally had great success with \nex-Koch people.\nHe sounds might like he may be a good fit for Michael L. Miller in principal \ninvestments. At this point\nI have very recently inherited two other stron VPs from EI and therefore will \nprobably focus on a few\nManager and Associates for the near term but I would like to keep James' \nresume for further opportunities.\nHe sounds like someone we should at least meet with and figure out a spot \nwithin Wholesale Services.\nWhat do you think?\n\nRegards,\n\n-Larry-\n", "Re: TAGE Resume Submittal", "reply", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 1, "nninformation", ["forwarding", "resume"], "intention", "vince, thanks for forwarding the resume."]], "Vince,\n\nThanks for forwarding the resume. We have generally had great success with \nex-Koch people.\nHe sounds might like he may be a good fit for Michael L. Miller in principal \ninvestments. At this point\nI have very recently inherited two other stron VPs from EI and therefore will \nprobably focus on a few\nManager and Associates for the near term but I would like to keep James' \nresume for further opportunities.\nHe sounds like someone we should at least meet with and figure out a spot \nwithin Wholesale Services.\nWhat do you think?\n\nRegards,\n\n-Larry-\n", "<28086436.1075856622071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "21-11-2000-7:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-7:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["larry.lawyer@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <19671640.1075856372481.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 07:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: larry.lawyer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: TAGE Resume Submittal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Larry Lawyer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLarry, \n\nThanks. Can you forward the resume to Mike and/or other finance professionals \nin Enron\nwho could use James?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nLarry Lawyer@ENRON\n11/21/2000 03:10 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: TAGE Resume Submittal \n\nVince,\n\nThanks for forwarding the resume. We have generally had great success with \nex-Koch people.\nHe sounds might like he may be a good fit for Michael L. Miller in principal \ninvestments. At this point\nI have very recently inherited two other stron VPs from EI and therefore will \nprobably focus on a few\nManager and Associates for the near term but I would like to keep James' \nresume for further opportunities.\nHe sounds like someone we should at least meet with and figure out a spot \nwithin Wholesale Services.\nWhat do you think?\n\nRegards,\n\n-Larry-\n\n\n\n", "Re: TAGE Resume Submittal", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 4, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "request", " can you forward the resume to mike and/or other finance professionals in enron who could use james?"]], "Larry, \n\nThanks. Can you forward the resume to Mike and/or other finance professionals \nin Enron\nwho could use James?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nLarry Lawyer@ENRON\n11/21/2000 03:10 PM\n", "<19671640.1075856372481.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"resume submittal tageTnnn": {"value": "resume submittal tageTnnn", "ne": "resume submittal tageTnnn", "patterns": ["resume submittal tageTnnn"]}}, false]}, "5-12-2000-5:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-12-2000-10:21:0Slouise.kitchen@enron.com 7-12-2000-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"5-12-2000-5:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-12-2000-5:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["louise.kitchen@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13890444.1075856376526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 05:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: A resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Louise Kitchen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLouise,\n\nI am sending you a resume I received today. She graduated from the same \nuniversity\nin Poland I attended (many moons earlier). She recently got an additional \ndegree in e-commerce.\n\nVince\n", "A resume", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "nninformation", ["you", "sending"], "intention", "louise, i am sending you a resume i received today."]], "Louise,\n\nI am sending you a resume I received today. She graduated from the same \nuniversity\nin Poland I attended (many moons earlier). She recently got an additional \ndegree in e-commerce.\n\nVince\n", "<13890444.1075856376526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "5-12-2000-10:21:0Slouise.kitchen@enron.com": ["5-12-2000-10:21:0", "louise.kitchen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1820432.1075856251540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 10:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: louise.kitchen@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Louise Kitchen\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThanks - we are going to set up interviews. We are making progress on the \nCourse (although they do not offer any online piece - is that your \nunderstanding?).\n\nLouise\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n12/05/2000 01:26 PM\nTo: Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: A resume\n\nLouise,\n\nI am sending you a resume I received today. She graduated from the same \nuniversity\nin Poland I attended (many moons earlier). She recently got an additional \ndegree in e-commerce.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "Re: A resume", "reply", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 1, "nninformation", ["set", "interviews"], "intention", "thanks - we are going to set up interviews."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 3, "nninformation", ["making", "progress"], "request information", " we are making progress on the course (although they do not offer any online piece - is that your understanding?"]], "Thanks - we are going to set up interviews. We are making progress on the \nCourse (although they do not offer any online piece - is that your \nunderstanding?).\n\nLouise\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n12/05/2000 01:26 PM\n", "<1820432.1075856251540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "7-12-2000-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-1:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "louise.kitchen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23082208.1075856467584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 01:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Louise Kitchen\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLouise,\n\nThanks.\n\nMy understanding is that they offer it through video conferences.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nLouise Kitchen\n12/05/2000 06:21 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: A resume \n\nThanks - we are going to set up interviews. We are making progress on the \nCourse (although they do not offer any online piece - is that your \nunderstanding?).\n\nLouise\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n12/05/2000 01:26 PM\nTo: Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: A resume\n\nLouise,\n\nI am sending you a resume I received today. She graduated from the same \nuniversity\nin Poland I attended (many moons earlier). She recently got an additional \ndegree in e-commerce.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: A resume", "reply", [], "Louise,\n\nThanks.\n\nMy understanding is that they offer it through video conferences.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nLouise Kitchen\n12/05/2000 06:21 PM\n", "<23082208.1075856467584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "26-7-2000-3:17:0Skay.chapman@enron.com 26-7-2000-3:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-7-2000-3:17:0Skay.chapman@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-3:17:0", "kay.chapman@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com tim.belden@enron.com raymond.bowen@enron.com christopher.calger@enron.com wes.colwell@enron.com janet.dietrich@enron.com jeff.donahue@enron.com w.duran@enron.com mark.haedicke@enron.com gary.hickerson@enron.com mike.jakubik@enron.com scott.josey@enron.com john.lavorato@enron.com rodney.malcolm@enron.com george.mcclellan@enron.com rob.milnthorp@enron.com julia.murray@enron.com jere.overdyke@enron.com david.oxley@enron.com kevin.presto@enron.com brian.redmond@enron.com jeffrey.shankman@enron.com c.thompson@enron.com max.yzaguirre@enron.com james.ajello@enron.com edward.ondarza@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com beth.perlman@enron.com mark.frevert@enron.com jean.mrha@enron.com julie.gomez@enron.com", "patti.thompson@enron.com catherine.dumont@enron.com marsha.schiller@enron.com mollie.gustafson@enron.com shirley.tijerina@enron.com christy.chapman@enron.com tina.rode@enron.com janette.elbertson@enron.com stella.ely@enron.com nicole.mayer@enron.com tonai.lehr@enron.com kimberly.hillis@enron.com ana.alcantara@enron.com yolanda.ford@enron.com carolyn.george@enron.com donna.baker@enron.com rhonna.palmer@enron.com felicia.doan@enron.com barbara.lewis@enron.com pilar.cerezo@enron.com terrellyn.parker@enron.com dusty.paez@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com nicki.daw@enron.com cherylene.westbrook@enron.com kay.chapman@enron.com lillian.carroll@enron.com venita.coleman@enron.com melissa.jones@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12883862.1075854489147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 03:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kay.chapman@enron.com\nTo: sally.beck@enron.com, tim.belden@enron.com, raymond.bowen@enron.com,\n\tchristopher.calger@enron.com, wes.colwell@enron.com,\n\tjanet.dietrich@enron.com, jeff.donahue@enron.com, w.duran@enron.com,\n\tmark.haedicke@enron.com, gary.hickerson@enron.com,\n\tmike.jakubik@enron.com, scott.josey@enron.com,\n\tjohn.lavorato@enron.com, rodney.malcolm@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.mcclellan@enron.com, rob.milnthorp@enron.com,\n\tjulia.murray@enron.com, jere.overdyke@enron.com,\n\tdavid.oxley@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com,\n\tbrian.redmond@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com,\n\tc.thompson@enron.com, max.yzaguirre@enron.com,\n\tjames.ajello@enron.com, edward.ondarza@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, beth.perlman@enron.com,\n\tmark.frevert@enron.com, jean.mrha@enron.com, julie.gomez@enron.com\nSubject: ENA Analysts and Associates\nCc: patti.thompson@enron.com, catherine.dumont@enron.com,\n\tmarsha.schiller@enron.com, mollie.gustafson@enron.com,\n\tshirley.tijerina@enron.com, christy.chapman@enron.com,\n\ttina.rode@enron.com, janette.elbertson@enron.com,\n\tstella.ely@enron.com, nicole.mayer@enron.com, tonai.lehr@enron.com,\n\tkimberly.hillis@enron.com, ana.alcantara@enron.com,\n\tyolanda.ford@enron.com, carolyn.george@enron.com,\n\tdonna.baker@enron.com, rhonna.palmer@enron.com,\n\tfelicia.doan@enron.com, barbara.lewis@enron.com,\n\tpilar.cerezo@enron.com, terrellyn.parker@enron.com,\n\tdusty.paez@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tnicki.daw@enron.com, cherylene.westbrook@enron.com,\n\tkay.chapman@enron.com, lillian.carroll@enron.com,\n\tvenita.coleman@enron.com, melissa.jones@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: patti.thompson@enron.com, catherine.dumont@enron.com,\n\tmarsha.schiller@enron.com, mollie.gustafson@enron.com,\n\tshirley.tijerina@enron.com, christy.chapman@enron.com,\n\ttina.rode@enron.com, janette.elbertson@enron.com,\n\tstella.ely@enron.com, nicole.mayer@enron.com, tonai.lehr@enron.com,\n\tkimberly.hillis@enron.com, ana.alcantara@enron.com,\n\tyolanda.ford@enron.com, carolyn.george@enron.com,\n\tdonna.baker@enron.com, rhonna.palmer@enron.com,\n\tfelicia.doan@enron.com, barbara.lewis@enron.com,\n\tpilar.cerezo@enron.com, terrellyn.parker@enron.com,\n\tdusty.paez@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tnicki.daw@enron.com, cherylene.westbrook@enron.com,\n\tkay.chapman@enron.com, lillian.carroll@enron.com,\n\tvenita.coleman@enron.com, melissa.jones@enron.com\nX-From: Kay Chapman\nX-To: Sally Beck, Tim Belden, Raymond Bowen, Christopher F Calger, Wes Colwell, Janet R Dietrich, Jeff Donahue, W David Duran, Mark E Haedicke, Gary Hickerson, Mike Jakubik, Scott Josey, John J Lavorato, Rodney Malcolm, George McClellan, Rob Milnthorp, Julia Murray, Jere C Overdyke, David Oxley, Kevin M Presto, Brian Redmond, Jeffrey A Shankman, C John Thompson, Max Yzaguirre, James A Ajello, Edward Ondarza, Vince J Kaminski, Beth Perlman, Mark Frevert, Jean Mrha, Julie A Gomez\nX-cc: Patti Thompson, Catherine DuMont, Marsha Schiller, Mollie Gustafson, Shirley Tijerina, Christy Chapman, Tina Rode, Janette Elbertson, Stella L Ely, Nicole Mayer, Tonai Lehr, Kimberly Hillis, Ana Alcantara, Yolanda Ford, Carolyn George, Donna Baker, Rhonna Palmer, Felicia Doan, Barbara Lewis, Pilar Cerezo, Terrellyn Parker, Dusty Warren Paez, Shirley Crenshaw, Nicki Daw, Cherylene R Westbrook, Kay Chapman, Lillian Carroll, Venita Coleman, Melissa Jones\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\David_Delainey_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Delainey-D\nX-FileName: ddelain.nsf\n\nI have just received word from Ted Bland that no one has responded to this \nmemo. Please re-read the following memo and respond to Ted by July 31, 2000.\n\nThanks in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.\n\n\nAs you know the ENA OTC is actively working with the Analyst and Associate \nProgram to develop greater talent flow into ENA. We are presently working on \na number of initiatives to improve how this is working and significantly \nimprove communication flow and responsiveness. However in this regard we also \nneed you to help make sure we have clear lines of communication within ENA \nregarding A&A resource levels, performance, rotations and retention efforts.\n\nIn this regard we would like for each of you to take the lead for your \ngroups needs and ensure that any requests, questions or concerns about A&A's \nin your area are passed through you to either Ted Bland (ENA Recuitment Team \nLead - x35275) or Jana Giovannani (ENA liaison from the AA Program - x39233) \nor myself. It is important that we are discerning about what we do with our \nA&A resources and plan carefully and accurately for our future needs, in this \nregard we need for you personally (or a senior member of your team who you \nmay optionally delegate this task to) will take the time to review any A&A \nresource requests from your team before passing them onto us.\n\nIn addition, given the importance of these resources, we will be inviting you \nto a regular bi-monthly meeting to discuss ENA A&A matters. We will confirm \nthe first date in due course. In the meantime if you would like to volunteer \nanother senior member of your team to assume this reponsibility please supply \ntheir name as soon as possible. \n\nPlease call with any questions.", "ENA Analysts and Associates", "reply", [["invite personnelpronoun", 105, "nninformation", ["inviting", "you"], "intention", " in addition, given the importance of these resources, we will be inviting you to a regular bi-monthly meeting to discuss orgname a&a matters."]], "I have just received word from Ted Bland that no one has responded to this \nmemo. Please re-read the following memo and respond to Ted by July 31, 2000.\n\nThanks in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.\n\n\nAs you know the ENA OTC is actively working with the Analyst and Associate \nProgram to develop greater talent flow into ENA. We are presently working on \na number of initiatives to improve how this is working and significantly \nimprove communication flow and responsiveness. However in this regard we also \nneed you to help make sure we have clear lines of communication within ENA \nregarding A&A resource levels, performance, rotations and retention efforts.\n\nIn this regard we would like for each of you to take the lead for your \ngroups needs and ensure that any requests, questions or concerns about A&A's \nin your area are passed through you to either Ted Bland (ENA Recuitment Team \nLead - x35275) or Jana Giovannani (ENA liaison from the AA Program - x39233) \nor myself. It is important that we are discerning about what we do with our \nA&A resources and plan carefully and accurately for our future needs, in this \nregard we need for you personally (or a senior member of your team who you \nmay optionally delegate this task to) will take the time to review any A&A \nresource requests from your team before passing them onto us.\n\nIn addition, given the importance of these resources, we will be inviting you \nto a regular bi-monthly meeting to discuss ENA A&A matters. We will confirm \nthe first date in due course. In the meantime if you would like to volunteer \nanother senior member of your team to assume this reponsibility please supply \ntheir name as soon as possible. \n\nPlease call with any questions.", "<12883862.1075854489147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "26-7-2000-3:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-3:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["david.delainey@enron.com"], ["ted.bland@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27099774.1075856335566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 03:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: david.delainey@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ENA Analysts and Associates\nCc: ted.bland@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: ted.bland@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: David W Delainey\nX-cc: Ted C Bland, Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI shall be attending the bi-monthly meetings. We always have a significant \nnumber of associates\nrotating through my group and supporting different units of Enron. \n\n\nVince Kaminski\n \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: David W Delainey 07/26/2000 10:17 AM\n\t\n\nSent by: Kay Chapman\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Raymond \nBowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christopher F Calger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Wes Colwell/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJanet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Donahue/HOU/ECT@ECT, W David \nDuran/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMike Jakubik/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Josey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John J \nLavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Rodney Malcolm/HOU/ECT@ECT, George \nMcClellan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT@ECT, Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJere C Overdyke/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Oxley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin M \nPresto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian Redmond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A \nShankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, C John Thompson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Max \nYzaguirre/NA/Enron@ENRON, James A Ajello/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward \nOndarza/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Jean Mrha/NA/Enron@Enron, Julie A \nGomez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Patti Thompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Catherine DuMont/PDX/ECT@ECT, Marsha \nSchiller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mollie Gustafson/PDX/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nTijerina/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Christy Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tina \nRode/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janette Elbertson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stella L Ely/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nNicole Mayer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tonai Lehr/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly \nHillis/HOU/ECT@ect, Ana Alcantara/HOU/ECT@ECT, Yolanda Ford/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCarolyn George/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Donna Baker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonna \nPalmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Felicia Doan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barbara Lewis/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nPilar Cerezo/NA/Enron@ENRON, Terrellyn Parker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dusty Warren \nPaez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nicki Daw/NA/Enron@Enron, \nCherylene R Westbrook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lillian \nCarroll/HOU/ECT@ECT, Venita Coleman/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nJones/NA/Enron@ENRON (bcc: Ted C Bland/HOU/ECT) \nSubject: ENA Analysts and Associates\n\nI have just received word from Ted Bland that no one has responded to this \nmemo. Please re-read the following memo and respond to Ted by July 31, 2000.\n\nThanks in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.\n\n\nAs you know the ENA OTC is actively working with the Analyst and Associate \nProgram to develop greater talent flow into ENA. We are presently working on \na number of initiatives to improve how this is working and significantly \nimprove communication flow and responsiveness. However in this regard we also \nneed you to help make sure we have clear lines of communication within ENA \nregarding A&A resource levels, performance, rotations and retention efforts.\n\nIn this regard we would like for each of you to take the lead for your \ngroups needs and ensure that any requests, questions or concerns about A&A's \nin your area are passed through you to either Ted Bland (ENA Recuitment Team \nLead - x35275) or Jana Giovannani (ENA liaison from the AA Program - x39233) \nor myself. It is important that we are discerning about what we do with our \nA&A resources and plan carefully and accurately for our future needs, in this \nregard we need for you personally (or a senior member of your team who you \nmay optionally delegate this task to) will take the time to review any A&A \nresource requests from your team before passing them onto us.\n\nIn addition, given the importance of these resources, we will be inviting you \nto a regular bi-monthly meeting to discuss ENA A&A matters. We will confirm \nthe first date in due course. In the meantime if you would like to volunteer \nanother senior member of your team to assume this reponsibility please supply \ntheir name as soon as possible. \n\nPlease call with any questions.\n\n", "Re: ENA Analysts and Associates", "originEmail", [["attend meeting", 1, "nninformation", ["attending", "meetings"], "intention", "i shall be attending the bi-monthly meetings."]], "I shall be attending the bi-monthly meetings. We always have a significant \nnumber of associates\nrotating through my group and supporting different units of Enron. \n\n\nVince Kaminski\n \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: David W Delainey 07/26/2000 10:17 AM\n\t\n\nSent by: Kay Chapman\n", "<27099774.1075856335566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"bi meetingTnn": {"value": "bi meetingTnn", "ne": "bi meetingTnn", "patterns": ["bi meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-7-2000-13:21:0Sraymond.yeow@enron.com 4-7-2000-14:23:0Spaul.quilkey@enron.com 5-7-2000-10:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-7-2000-13:21:0Sraymond.yeow@enron.com": ["4-7-2000-13:21:0", "raymond.yeow@enron.com", "", "paul.quilkey@enron.com kirsty.hogarth@enron.com elliott.katz@enron.com david.gray@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17398801.1075856315525.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 13:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: raymond.yeow@enron.com\nSubject: Your visit to sydney in July\nCc: paul.quilkey@enron.com, kirsty.hogarth@enron.com, elliott.katz@enron.com,\n\tdavid.gray@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: paul.quilkey@enron.com, kirsty.hogarth@enron.com, elliott.katz@enron.com,\n\tdavid.gray@enron.com\nX-From: Raymond Yeow\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\nX-cc: Paul Quilkey, Kirsty Hogarth, Elliott Katz, David Gray\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Vince,\n\nHi !, it's only two weeks until the Aust Energy Risk (17-19 July ) seminar in \nSydney.\nIs RISK organising your hotel ?\n\nOtherwise, Kirsty can organise for you, \neg harbour vIew at the Regent or convenience to the seminar location at the \nSheraton ?\n\nWe would like to make sure that you have all the necessary \"comforts\" of home \nwhen you are with us,\nElliott & David can set up a desk for you in the office/trading room with \nphone etc \nso you can use one of our PC to access email or plug in your laptop.\nPlease let Elliott or David kmow your requirements.\n\nHow long will you be with us ?\nIs this your first trip to Sydney ?\nThere are several of us in the office who would like to take you for a \nmeal(s)/ show you the sights etc and\ndiscuss the latest Research findings with you whilst you are in Sydney eg VAR.\n\nHear from you soon.\nRaymond\n725pm 4 July\n", "Your visit to sydney in July", "forward", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 24, "nninformation", ["set", "desk"], "intention", " we would like to make sure that you have all the necessary \"comforts\" of home when you are with us, elliott & david can set up a desk for you in the office/trading room with phone etc so you can use one of our pc to access email or plug in your laptop."]], "Dear Vince,\n\nHi !, it's only two weeks until the Aust Energy Risk (17-19 July ) seminar in \nSydney.\nIs RISK organising your hotel ?\n\nOtherwise, Kirsty can organise for you, \neg harbour vIew at the Regent or convenience to the seminar location at the \nSheraton ?\n\nWe would like to make sure that you have all the necessary \"comforts\" of home \nwhen you are with us,\nElliott & David can set up a desk for you in the office/trading room with \nphone etc \nso you can use one of our PC to access email or plug in your laptop.\nPlease let Elliott or David kmow your requirements.\n\nHow long will you be with us ?\nIs this your first trip to Sydney ?\nThere are several of us in the office who would like to take you for a \nmeal(s)/ show you the sights etc and\ndiscuss the latest Research findings with you whilst you are in Sydney eg VAR.\n\nHear from you soon.\nRaymond\n725pm 4 July\n", "<17398801.1075856315525.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "4-7-2000-14:23:0Spaul.quilkey@enron.com": ["4-7-2000-14:23:0", "paul.quilkey@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <21954062.1075856315501.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 14:23:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: paul.quilkey@enron.com\nSubject: Your visit to sydney in July\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Paul Quilkey\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince\nI support Raymond's email and would welcome the opportunity to have you give \na presentation (formal or informal) to the trading group on latest research \ninitiatives in Houston. Please let us know your schedule so that we do not \noverly burden you during your visit. Look forward to seeing you and catching \nup over a beer.\nThnx\nPaul\n---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Quilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n07/05/2000 08:23 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRaymond Yeow\n07/04/2000 08:21 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: Paul Quilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kirsty Hogarth/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Elliott \nKatz/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, David Gray/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \n\nSubject: Your visit to sydney in July\n\nDear Vince,\n\nHi !, it's only two weeks until the Aust Energy Risk (17-19 July ) seminar in \nSydney.\nIs RISK organising your hotel ?\n\nOtherwise, Kirsty can organise for you, \neg harbour vIew at the Regent or convenience to the seminar location at the \nSheraton ?\n\nWe would like to make sure that you have all the necessary \"comforts\" of home \nwhen you are with us,\nElliott & David can set up a desk for you in the office/trading room with \nphone etc \nso you can use one of our PC to access email or plug in your laptop.\nPlease let Elliott or David kmow your requirements.\n\nHow long will you be with us ?\nIs this your first trip to Sydney ?\nThere are several of us in the office who would like to take you for a \nmeal(s)/ show you the sights etc and\ndiscuss the latest Research findings with you whilst you are in Sydney eg VAR.\n\nHear from you soon.\nRaymond\n725pm 4 July\n\n\n", "Your visit to sydney in July", "reply", [], "Vince\nI support Raymond's email and would welcome the opportunity to have you give \na presentation (formal or informal) to the trading group on latest research \ninitiatives in Houston. Please let us know your schedule so that we do not \noverly burden you during your visit. Look forward to seeing you and catching \nup over a beer.\nThnx\nPaul\n", "<21954062.1075856315501.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "5-7-2000-10:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-7-2000-10:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["paul.quilkey@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "raymond.yeow@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18019845.1075856330853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 10:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: paul.quilkey@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Your visit to sydney in July\nCc: raymond.yeow@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: raymond.yeow@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Paul Quilkey\nX-cc: Raymond Yeow, Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPaul, Raymond,\n\nThanks for your message. \nSorry I did not get in touch with you earlier. The last few weeks were very \nhectic. I am starting \nright now my preparations for the presentation I am going to give at the \nconference.\n\nHere are the details of my itinerary (I shall send you a copy tomorrow). I \narrive Sunday morning\nand leave Saturday morning. The conference takes place on Monday and Tuesday. \nOn Wednesday, I am making a presentation at the workshop on value-at-risk. I \nwould\nlike to stay at the conference for the duration: it's a great learning \nopportunity for me.\n\nOn Thursday and Friday, as well as in the evenings (except for the evening\nof July 18), I am at you disposal.\nI would like to take advantage of this trip and learn as much as I can\nabout the Australian markets and discuss with you the research agenda.\nI shall be glad to make several presentation.\nI can repeat my workshop presentation on value-at-risk as well as cover \nadditional\ntopics. \n\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\nPaul Quilkey@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n07/04/2000 05:23 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Your visit to sydney in July\n\nVince\nI support Raymond's email and would welcome the opportunity to have you give \na presentation (formal or informal) to the trading group on latest research \ninitiatives in Houston. Please let us know your schedule so that we do not \noverly burden you during your visit. Look forward to seeing you and catching \nup over a beer.\nThnx\nPaul\n---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Quilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n07/05/2000 08:23 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRaymond Yeow\n07/04/2000 08:21 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: Paul Quilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kirsty Hogarth/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Elliott \nKatz/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, David Gray/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \n\nSubject: Your visit to sydney in July\n\nDear Vince,\n\nHi !, it's only two weeks until the Aust Energy Risk (17-19 July ) seminar in \nSydney.\nIs RISK organising your hotel ?\n\nOtherwise, Kirsty can organise for you, \neg harbour vIew at the Regent or convenience to the seminar location at the \nSheraton ?\n\nWe would like to make sure that you have all the necessary \"comforts\" of home \nwhen you are with us,\nElliott & David can set up a desk for you in the office/trading room with \nphone etc \nso you can use one of our PC to access email or plug in your laptop.\nPlease let Elliott or David kmow your requirements.\n\nHow long will you be with us ?\nIs this your first trip to Sydney ?\nThere are several of us in the office who would like to take you for a \nmeal(s)/ show you the sights etc and\ndiscuss the latest Research findings with you whilst you are in Sydney eg VAR.\n\nHear from you soon.\nRaymond\n725pm 4 July\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Your visit to sydney in July", "originEmail", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 19, "nninformation", ["making", "presentation"], "intention", " on wednesday, i am making a presentation at the workshop on value-at-risk."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 41, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " i shall be glad to make several presentation."], ["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 48, "nninformation", ["cover", "risk"], "intention", " i can repeat my workshop presentation on value-at-risk as well as cover additional topics."]], "Paul, Raymond,\n\nThanks for your message. \nSorry I did not get in touch with you earlier. The last few weeks were very \nhectic. I am starting \nright now my preparations for the presentation I am going to give at the \nconference.\n\nHere are the details of my itinerary (I shall send you a copy tomorrow). I \narrive Sunday morning\nand leave Saturday morning. The conference takes place on Monday and Tuesday. \nOn Wednesday, I am making a presentation at the workshop on value-at-risk. I \nwould\nlike to stay at the conference for the duration: it's a great learning \nopportunity for me.\n\nOn Thursday and Friday, as well as in the evenings (except for the evening\nof July 18), I am at you disposal.\nI would like to take advantage of this trip and learn as much as I can\nabout the Australian markets and discuss with you the research agenda.\nI shall be glad to make several presentation.\nI can repeat my workshop presentation on value-at-risk as well as cover \nadditional\ntopics. \n\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\nPaul Quilkey@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n07/04/2000 05:23 AM\n", "<18019845.1075856330853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"conference presentationTnn": {"value": "conference presentationTnn", "ne": "conference presentationTnn", "patterns": ["conference presentationTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk presentationTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk presentationTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk presentationTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk presentationTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "risk valueTnn": {"value": "risk valueTnn", "ne": "risk valueTnn", "patterns": ["risk valueTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-6-2000-1:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-6-2000-1:32:0Sted.murphy@enron.com": {"23-6-2000-1:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-6-2000-1:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ted.murphy@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com", "bob.shults@enron.com", "michael.moscoso@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20010939.1075856562632.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 01:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sally.beck@enron.com, michael.moscoso@enron.com, bob.shults@enron.com,\n\tted.murphy@enron.com\nSubject: replied resume\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Sally Beck, Michael E Moscoso, Bob Shults, Ted Murphy\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI am forwarding a resume of one candidate who is very\npersistent and quite aggressive.\n\nPlease, take a look at him.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/23/2000=\n=20\n08:18 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nEric Hilton on 06/22/2000 11:20:11 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: =20\nSubject: replied resume\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,=20\n\n??????? I sent an actual resume via the postal service. I guess you never=\n=20\nreceived it. Thank you for your patience.=20\n\nA few features I possess that suggest that I may be a representative your=\n=20\nwell established company would value are:=20\n\n?Seven-plus years as a manager/junior executive of logistics in a fast-pace=\nd,=20\ndemanding, and constantly evolving retail industry.\nExperience in effectively developing and implementing policies and tasks=20\nunder marketing, logistics, brand management, and best practices.\nBA degree in Marketing with a 3.88 GPA from the University of San Moritz,=\n=20\nLondon England.\nExtensive knowledge in management with the ability to effectively manage=20\nmultiple tasks, as well as multiple associates, to achieve specific goals i=\nn=20\nresearch and brand management within the company's deadline.\nSeven-plus years effectively implementing and teaching dynamic and successf=\nul=20\ncustomer service.\n\nWith my current employer, I am in charge of logistics research and=20\nreports/data collection, as well as responsible for developing new and=20\nsuccessful ideas and implementing them under constantly evolving brand=20\nmanagement and best practices.=20\n\nTraveling to London, England and extensively finishing my degree indicates=\n=20\nthat I am willing to go the =01&extra mile=018 to achieve and obtain my goa=\nls.=20\n\nPerhaps, Mr. Kaminiski,? I am an associate you need at your well-respected=\n=20\ncompany. I would be very happy to meet with you, at your convenience, to=20\ndiscuss the possibility of putting my education and experience to work for=\n=20\nEnron.=20\n\nThank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. I hav=\ne=20\nattached my resume to this email formatted under Microsoft Word.=20\n\nWarmest Regards,=20\nEric Hilton=20\n?\n - MY RESUME\n", "replied resume", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarding", "resume"], "information", "i am forwarding a resume of one candidate who is very persistent and quite aggressive."]], "I am forwarding a resume of one candidate who is very\npersistent and quite aggressive.\n\nPlease, take a look at him.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<20010939.1075856562632.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "23-6-2000-1:32:0Sted.murphy@enron.com": ["23-6-2000-1:32:0", "ted.murphy@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com sally.beck@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2621813.1075856625394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 01:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: ted.murphy@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com\nSubject: Re: replied resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Ted Murphy\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Sally Beck\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince/Sally\nIt appears that the implied vol on this one is quite high. Perhaps we can=\n=20\nlower our VAR using historical vols.\nI would be happy to interview him. His resume does not appear to be=20\nResearch-worthy by any stretch so I guess RAC or OPs might be a fit\nShould I forward his resume to Tony Vasut and bring him in to see a couple =\nof=20\nRACs and a couple of OPS as sort of a first exploratory interview??\nSally -pls advise your thoughts.\nVince - is this the price of being a Risk Management Rock Star?\nTed\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/23/2000 08:18 AM\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael E Moscoso/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob=20\nShults/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: replied resume\n\nI am forwarding a resume of one candidate who is very\npersistent and quite aggressive.\n\nPlease, take a look at him.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/23/2000=\n=20\n08:18 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nEric Hilton on 06/22/2000 11:20:11 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: =20\nSubject: replied resume\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,=20\n\n??????? I sent an actual resume via the postal service. I guess you never=\n=20\nreceived it. Thank you for your patience.=20\n\nA few features I possess that suggest that I may be a representative your=\n=20\nwell established company would value are:=20\n\n?Seven-plus years as a manager/junior executive of logistics in a fast-pace=\nd,=20\ndemanding, and constantly evolving retail industry.\nExperience in effectively developing and implementing policies and tasks=20\nunder marketing, logistics, brand management, and best practices.\nBA degree in Marketing with a 3.88 GPA from the University of San Moritz,=\n=20\nLondon England.\nExtensive knowledge in management with the ability to effectively manage=20\nmultiple tasks, as well as multiple associates, to achieve specific goals i=\nn=20\nresearch and brand management within the company's deadline.\nSeven-plus years effectively implementing and teaching dynamic and successf=\nul=20\ncustomer service.\n\nWith my current employer, I am in charge of logistics research and=20\nreports/data collection, as well as responsible for developing new and=20\nsuccessful ideas and implementing them under constantly evolving brand=20\nmanagement and best practices.=20\n\nTraveling to London, England and extensively finishing my degree indicates=\n=20\nthat I am willing to go the =01&extra mile=018 to achieve and obtain my goa=\nls.=20\n\nPerhaps, Mr. Kaminiski,? I am an associate you need at your well-respected=\n=20\ncompany. I would be very happy to meet with you, at your convenience, to=20\ndiscuss the possibility of putting my education and experience to work for=\n=20\nEnron.=20\n\nThank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. I hav=\ne=20\nattached my resume to this email formatted under Microsoft Word.=20\n\nWarmest Regards,=20\nEric Hilton=20\n?\n - MY RESUME\n\n\n\n", "Re: replied resume", "reply", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["interview", "him"], "intention", " i would be happy to interview him."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 23, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "request information", " his resume does not appear to be numeric research-worthy by any stretch so i guess rac or ops might be a fit should i forward his resume to tony vasut and bring him in to see a couple of numeric racs and a couple of ops as sort of a first exploratory interview?"]], "Vince/Sally\nIt appears that the implied vol on this one is quite high. Perhaps we can=20\nlower our VAR using historical vols.\nI would be happy to interview him. His resume does not appear to be=20\nResearch-worthy by any stretch so I guess RAC or OPs might be a fit\nShould I forward his resume to Tony Vasut and bring him in to see a couple of=20\nRACs and a couple of OPS as sort of a first exploratory interview??\nSally -pls advise your thoughts.\nVince - is this the price of being a Risk Management Rock Star?\nTed\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/23/2000 08:18 AM\n", "<2621813.1075856625394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "1-8-2000-6:43:0Sjulie@lacima.co.uk 2-8-2000-1:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-8-2000-1:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-8-2000-6:43:0Sjulie@lacima.co.uk": ["1-8-2000-6:43:0", "julie@lacima.co.uk", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22655043.1075856304814.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 06:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie@lacima.co.uk\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Preface for book\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: \"Julie\" \nX-To: \"VinceJKaminski\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n?\nHope you are well.\n?\nWe spoke a while ago about who should write the preface for the book, and =\n=20\nyou kindly offered that you would provide this.? Is this still possible?? =\nWe=20\nrealise that you are extremely busy, so Chris and Les went ahead and wrote=\n=20\nsomething, which is below, and if you want to review, change or re-write?t=\nhe=20\npreface, that would be very appreciated.? Let me know what your thoughts a=\nre.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n(we're getting close)\n?\n?=20\n\nPreface\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nOne of our main objectives in writing Energy Derivatives: Pricing and Risk=\n=20\nManagement has been to bring together as many of the various approaches fo=\nr=20\nthe pricing and risk management energy derivatives as possible, to discuss=\n=20\nin-depth the models, and to show how they relate to each other.? In this =\n=20\nway we hope to help the reader to analyse the different models, price a wid=\ne =20\nrange of energy derivatives, or to build a risk management system which use=\ns=20\na consistent modelling framework.? We believe that for practitioners this=\n=20\nlast point is very important and we continue to stress in our articles and=\n=20\npresentations the dangers of having flawed risk management and giving=20\narbitrage opportunities to your competitors by using ad-hoc and inconsiste=\nnt=20\nmodels for different instruments and markets (see also OTHERS WHO PROPOSE=\n=20\nCONSISTENT MODELS?).? However, it is not our wish to concentrate on one=\n=20\nparticular model or models, at the exclusion of the others because we=20\nbelieve that the choice should rest with the user (although it will probab=\nly=20\nbe clear from our discussions the model(s) we prefer).? We therefore try a=\nnd=20\ngive as clear account as possible of the advantage and disadvantages of al=\nl=20\nthe models so that the reader can make an informed choice as to the models=\n=20\nwhich best suit their needs.\n\n?\n\nIn order to meet our objectives the book is divided into 11 chapters.? In=\n=20\nchapter 1 we give an overview of the fundamental principals needed to mode=\nl=20\nand price energy derivatives which will underpin the remainder of the book=\n.?=20\nIn addition to introducing the techniques that underlie the Black-Scholes=\n=20\nmodelling framework we outline the numerical techniques of trinomial trees=\n=20\nand Monte Carlo simulation for derivative pricing, which are used througho=\nut=20\nthe book.\n\n?\n\nIn Chapter 2 we discuss the analysis of spot energy prices.? As well as=\n=20\nanalysing empirical price movements we propose a number of processes that=\n=20\ncan be used to model the prices.? We look at the well-know process of=20\nGeometric Brownian Motion as well as mean reversion, stochastic volatility=\n=20\nand jump processes, discussing each and showing how they can be simulated=\n=20\nand their parameters estimated.\n\n?\n\nChapter 3, written by Vince Kaminski, Grant Masson and Ronnie Chahal of=20\nEnron Corp., discusses volatility estimation in energy commodity markets.?=\n =20\nThis chapter builds on the previous one.? It examines in detail the methods=\n, =20\nmerits and pitfalls of the volatility estimation process assuming different=\n =20\npricing models introduced in chapter 2.? Examples from crude, gas, and=20\nelectricity markets are used to illustrate the technical and interpretativ=\ne=20\naspects of calculating volatility.\n\n?\n\nChapter 4 examines forward curves in the energy markets.? Although such=\n=20\ncurves are well understood and straight-forward in the most financial =20\nmarkets, the difficulty of storage in many energy markets leads to less wel=\nl =20\ndefined curves.? In this chapter we describe forward price bounds for ener=\ngy=20\nprices and the building of forward curves from market instruments.? We =20\noutline the three main approaches which have been applied to building=20\nforward curves in energy markets; the arbitrage approach, the econometric=\n=20\napproach, and deriving analytical values by modelling underlying stochasti=\nc=20\nfactors.\n\n?\n\nChapter 5 presents an overview of structures found in the energy derivativ=\ne=20\nmarkets and discusses their uses.? Examples of products analysed in this =\n=20\nchapter include a variety of swaps, caps, floors and collars, as well as=20\nenergy swaptions, compound options, Asian options, barrier options, lookba=\nck=20\noptions, and ladder options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 6 investigates single and multi-factor models of the energy spot=\n=20\nprice and the pricing of some standard energy derivatives.? Closed form =\n=20\nsolutions for forward prices, forward volatilities, and European option=20\nprices both on the spot and forwards are derived and presented for all the=\n=20\nmodels in this chapter including a three factor, stochastic convenience=20\nyield and interest rate model.\n\n?\n\nChapter 7 shows how the prices of path dependent and American style option=\ns=20\ncan be evaluated for the models in Chapter 6.? Simulation schemes are =20\ndeveloped for the evaluation of European style options and applied to a=20\nvariety of path dependent options.? In order to price options which=20\nincorporate early exercise opportunities, a trinomial tree scheme is=20\ndeveloped.? This tree is built to be consistent with the observed forward=\n=20\ncurve and can be used to price exotic as well as standard European and=20\nAmerican style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 8 describes a methodology for valuing energy options based on=20\nmodelling the whole of the market observed forward curve.? The approach=20\nresults in a multi-factor model that is able to realistically capture the=\n=20\nevolution of a wide range of energy forward curves.? The user defined=20\nvolatility structures can be of an extremely general form.? Closed-form=20\nsolutions are developed for pricing standard European options, and efficie=\nnt=20\nMonte Carlo schemes are presented for pricing exotic options.? The chapter=\n=20\ncloses with a discussion of the valuation of American style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 9 focuses on the risk management of energy derivative positions.? =\n=20\nIn this chapter we discuss the management of price risk for institutions =\n=20\nthat trade options or other derivatives and who are then faced with the=20\nproblem of managing the risk through time.? We begin with delta hedging a=\n=20\nportfolio containing derivatives and look at extensions to gamma hedging =\n=01)=20\nillustrating the techniques using both spot and forward curve models.? The=\n=20\ngeneral model presented in Chapter 8 is ideally suited to multi-factor=20\nhedging of a portfolio of energy derivatives and this is also discussed.\n\n?\n\nChapter 10 examines the key risk management concept of Value at Risk (VaR)=\n=20\napplied to portfolios containing energy derivative products.? After =20\ndiscussing the concept of the measure, we look at how the key inputs =20\n(volatilities, covariances, correlations, etc) can be estimated.? We then=\n=20\ncompare the fours major methodologies for computing VaR; Delta, Delta-gamm=\na,=20\nhistorical simulation and Monte-Carlo simulation, applying each to the sam=\ne=20\nportfolio of energy options.? In this chapter we also look at testing the=\n=20\nVaR estimates for various underlying energy market variables.\n\n?\n\nFinally, in Chapter 11 we review modelling approaches to credit risk.? We=\n=20\nlook in detail at two quite different approaches, CreditMetrics (J. P. Morg=\nan=20\n(1997)) and CreditRisk+ (Credit Suisse Financial Products (1997)) for whi=\nch=20\ndetailed information is publicly available.? Together these provide an=20\nextensive set of tools with which to measure credit risk.? We present=20\nnumerical examples of applying these techniques to energy derivatives.\n\n?\nBefore we begin we stress that the models and methods we present in this=\n=20\nbook are tools which should be used with the benefit of an understanding o=\nf=20\nhow both the =01+tool=01, and the market works.? The techniques we descri=\nbe are=20\ncertainly not =01&magic wands=018 which can be waved at data and risk mana=\ngement=20\nproblems to provide instant and perfect solutions.? To quote from the=20\nRiskMetrics Technical Document =01&=01( no amount of sophisticated analyti=\ncs will=20\nreplace experience and professional judgement in managing risk.=018.? How=\never,=20\nthe right tools, correctly used make the job a lot easier!", "Preface for book", "reply", [["write_publish book", 3, "nninformation", ["book", "write"], "intention", " we spoke a while ago about who should write the preface for the book, and numeric you kindly offered that you would provide this."]], "Vince,\n?\nHope you are well.\n?\nWe spoke a while ago about who should write the preface for the book, and =20\nyou kindly offered that you would provide this.? Is this still possible?? We=20\nrealise that you are extremely busy, so Chris and Les went ahead and wrote=20\nsomething, which is below, and if you want to review, change or re-write?the=20\npreface, that would be very appreciated.? Let me know what your thoughts are.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n(we're getting close)\n?\n?=20\n\nPreface\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nOne of our main objectives in writing Energy Derivatives: Pricing and Risk=20\nManagement has been to bring together as many of the various approaches for=20\nthe pricing and risk management energy derivatives as possible, to discuss=20\nin-depth the models, and to show how they relate to each other.? In this =20\nway we hope to help the reader to analyse the different models, price a wide =20\nrange of energy derivatives, or to build a risk management system which uses=20\na consistent modelling framework.? We believe that for practitioners this=20\nlast point is very important and we continue to stress in our articles and=20\npresentations the dangers of having flawed risk management and giving=20\narbitrage opportunities to your competitors by using ad-hoc and inconsistent=20\nmodels for different instruments and markets (see also OTHERS WHO PROPOSE=20\nCONSISTENT MODELS?).? However, it is not our wish to concentrate on one=20\nparticular model or models, at the exclusion of the others because we=20\nbelieve that the choice should rest with the user (although it will probably=20\nbe clear from our discussions the model(s) we prefer).? We therefore try and=20\ngive as clear account as possible of the advantage and disadvantages of all=20\nthe models so that the reader can make an informed choice as to the models=20\nwhich best suit their needs.\n\n?\n\nIn order to meet our objectives the book is divided into 11 chapters.? In=20\nchapter 1 we give an overview of the fundamental principals needed to model=20\nand price energy derivatives which will underpin the remainder of the book.?=20\nIn addition to introducing the techniques that underlie the Black-Scholes=20\nmodelling framework we outline the numerical techniques of trinomial trees=20\nand Monte Carlo simulation for derivative pricing, which are used throughout=20\nthe book.\n\n?\n\nIn Chapter 2 we discuss the analysis of spot energy prices.? As well as=20\nanalysing empirical price movements we propose a number of processes that=20\ncan be used to model the prices.? We look at the well-know process of=20\nGeometric Brownian Motion as well as mean reversion, stochastic volatility=20\nand jump processes, discussing each and showing how they can be simulated=20\nand their parameters estimated.\n\n?\n\nChapter 3, written by Vince Kaminski, Grant Masson and Ronnie Chahal of=20\nEnron Corp., discusses volatility estimation in energy commodity markets.? =20\nThis chapter builds on the previous one.? It examines in detail the methods, =20\nmerits and pitfalls of the volatility estimation process assuming different =20\npricing models introduced in chapter 2.? Examples from crude, gas, and=20\nelectricity markets are used to illustrate the technical and interpretative=20\naspects of calculating volatility.\n\n?\n\nChapter 4 examines forward curves in the energy markets.? Although such=20\ncurves are well understood and straight-forward in the most financial =20\nmarkets, the difficulty of storage in many energy markets leads to less well =20\ndefined curves.? In this chapter we describe forward price bounds for energy=20\nprices and the building of forward curves from market instruments.? We =20\noutline the three main approaches which have been applied to building=20\nforward curves in energy markets; the arbitrage approach, the econometric=20\napproach, and deriving analytical values by modelling underlying stochastic=20\nfactors.\n\n?\n\nChapter 5 presents an overview of structures found in the energy derivative=20\nmarkets and discusses their uses.? Examples of products analysed in this =20\nchapter include a variety of swaps, caps, floors and collars, as well as=20\nenergy swaptions, compound options, Asian options, barrier options, lookback=20\noptions, and ladder options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 6 investigates single and multi-factor models of the energy spot=20\nprice and the pricing of some standard energy derivatives.? Closed form =20\nsolutions for forward prices, forward volatilities, and European option=20\nprices both on the spot and forwards are derived and presented for all the=20\nmodels in this chapter including a three factor, stochastic convenience=20\nyield and interest rate model.\n\n?\n\nChapter 7 shows how the prices of path dependent and American style options=20\ncan be evaluated for the models in Chapter 6.? Simulation schemes are =20\ndeveloped for the evaluation of European style options and applied to a=20\nvariety of path dependent options.? In order to price options which=20\nincorporate early exercise opportunities, a trinomial tree scheme is=20\ndeveloped.? This tree is built to be consistent with the observed forward=20\ncurve and can be used to price exotic as well as standard European and=20\nAmerican style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 8 describes a methodology for valuing energy options based on=20\nmodelling the whole of the market observed forward curve.? The approach=20\nresults in a multi-factor model that is able to realistically capture the=20\nevolution of a wide range of energy forward curves.? The user defined=20\nvolatility structures can be of an extremely general form.? Closed-form=20\nsolutions are developed for pricing standard European options, and efficient=20\nMonte Carlo schemes are presented for pricing exotic options.? The chapter=20\ncloses with a discussion of the valuation of American style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 9 focuses on the risk management of energy derivative positions.? =20\nIn this chapter we discuss the management of price risk for institutions =20\nthat trade options or other derivatives and who are then faced with the=20\nproblem of managing the risk through time.? We begin with delta hedging a=20\nportfolio containing derivatives and look at extensions to gamma hedging =01)=20\nillustrating the techniques using both spot and forward curve models.? The=20\ngeneral model presented in Chapter 8 is ideally suited to multi-factor=20\nhedging of a portfolio of energy derivatives and this is also discussed.\n\n?\n\nChapter 10 examines the key risk management concept of Value at Risk (VaR)=20\napplied to portfolios containing energy derivative products.? After =20\ndiscussing the concept of the measure, we look at how the key inputs =20\n(volatilities, covariances, correlations, etc) can be estimated.? We then=20\ncompare the fours major methodologies for computing VaR; Delta, Delta-gamma,=20\nhistorical simulation and Monte-Carlo simulation, applying each to the same=20\nportfolio of energy options.? In this chapter we also look at testing the=20\nVaR estimates for various underlying energy market variables.\n\n?\n\nFinally, in Chapter 11 we review modelling approaches to credit risk.? We=20\nlook in detail at two quite different approaches, CreditMetrics (J. P. Morgan=20\n(1997)) and CreditRisk+ (Credit Suisse Financial Products (1997)) for which=20\ndetailed information is publicly available.? Together these provide an=20\nextensive set of tools with which to measure credit risk.? We present=20\nnumerical examples of applying these techniques to energy derivatives.\n\n?\nBefore we begin we stress that the models and methods we present in this=20\nbook are tools which should be used with the benefit of an understanding of=20\nhow both the =01+tool=01, and the market works.? The techniques we describe are=20\ncertainly not =01&magic wands=018 which can be waved at data and risk management=20\nproblems to provide instant and perfect solutions.? To quote from the=20\nRiskMetrics Technical Document =01&=01( no amount of sophisticated analytics will=20\nreplace experience and professional judgement in managing risk.=018.? However,=20\nthe right tools, correctly used make the job a lot easier!", "<22655043.1075856304814.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "2-8-2000-1:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-8-2000-1:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27621165.1075856303962.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 01:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julie@lacima.co.uk\nSubject: Re: Preface for book\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Julie\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Grant Masson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJulie,\n\nThe introduction looks fine. I have made some cosmetic changes\n(typos and split infinitives that slipped by). You can safely ignore most o=\nf=20\nthem.\nEnglish is not even my second language.\n\nThe corrections are in pink.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" on 08/01/2000 07:43:10 AM\nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: =20\nSubject: Preface for book\n\n\n\nVince,\n?\nHope you are well.\n?\nWe spoke a while ago about who should write the preface for the book, and =\n=20\nyou kindly offered that you would provide this.? Is this still possible?? =\nWe=20\nrealise that you are extremely busy, so Chris and Les went ahead and wrote=\n=20\nsomething, which is below, and if you want to review, change or re-write?t=\nhe=20\npreface, that would be very appreciated.? Let me know what your thoughts a=\nre.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n(we're getting close)\n?\n?=20\n\nPreface\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nOne of our main objectives in writing Energy Derivatives: Pricing and Risk=\n=20\nManagement has been to bring together as many of the various approaches fo=\nr=20\nthe pricing and risk management energy derivatives as possible, to discuss=\n=20\nin-depth the models, and to show how they relate to each other.? In this =\n=20\nway we hope to help the reader to analyse the different models, price a wid=\ne =20\nrange of energy derivatives, or to build a risk management system which use=\ns=20\na consistent modelling framework.? We believe that for practitioners this=\n=20\nlast point is very important and we continue to stress in our articles and=\n=20\npresentations the dangers of having flawed risk management and giving=20\narbitrage opportunities to your competitors by using ad-hoc and inconsiste=\nnt=20\nmodels for different instruments and markets (see also OTHERS WHO PROPOSE=\n=20\nCONSISTENT MODELS?).? However, it is not our wish to concentrate on one=\n=20\nparticular model or models, at the exclusion of the others because we=20\nbelieve that the choice should rest with the user (although it will probab=\nly=20\nbe clear from our discussions the model(s) we prefer).? We therefore try a=\nnd=20\ngive as clear account as possible of the advantage and disadvantages of al=\nl=20\nthe models so that the reader can make an informed choice as to the models=\n=20\nwhich best suit their needs.\n\n?\n\nIn order to meet our objectives the book is divided into 11 chapters.? In=\n=20\nchapter 1 we give an overview of the fundamental principals needed to mode=\nl=20\nand price energy derivatives which will underpin the remainder of the book=\n.?=20\nIn addition to introducing the techniques that underlie the Black-Scholes=\n=20\nmodelling framework we outline the numerical techniques of trinomial trees=\n=20\nand Monte Carlo simulation for derivative pricing, which are used througho=\nut=20\nthe book.\n\n?\n\nIn Chapter 2 we discuss the analysis of spot energy prices.? As well as=\n=20\nanalysing empirical price movements we propose a number of processes that=\n=20\ncan be used to model the prices.? We look at the well-know process of=20\nGeometric Brownian Motion as well as mean reversion, stochastic volatility=\n=20\nand jump processes, discussing each and showing how they can be simulated=\n=20\nand their parameters estimated.\n\n?\n\nChapter 3, written by Vince Kaminski, Grant Masson and Ronnie Chahal of=20\nEnron Corp., discusses volatility estimation in energy commodity markets.?=\n =20\nThis chapter builds on the previous one.? It examines in detail the methods=\n, =20\nmerits and pitfalls of the volatility estimation process assuming different=\n =20\npricing models introduced in chapter 2.? Examples from crude, gas, and=20\nelectricity markets are used to illustrate the technical and interpretativ=\ne=20\naspects of calculating volatility.\n\n?\n\nChapter 4 examines forward curves in the energy markets.? Although such=\n=20\ncurves are well understood and straight-forward in the most financial =20\nmarkets, the difficulty of storage in many energy markets leads to less wel=\nl =20\ndefined curves.? In this chapter we describe forward price bounds for ener=\ngy=20\nprices and the building of forward curves from market instruments.? We =20\noutline the three main approaches which have been applied to building=20\nforward curves in energy markets; the arbitrage approach, the econometric=\n=20\napproach, and deriving analytical values by modelling underlying stochasti=\nc=20\nfactors.\n\n?\n\nChapter 5 presents an overview of structures found in the energy derivativ=\ne=20\nmarkets and discusses their uses.? Examples of products analysed in this =\n=20\nchapter include a variety of swaps, caps, floors and collars, as well as=20\nenergy swaptions, compound options, Asian options, barrier options, lookba=\nck=20\noptions, and ladder options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 6 investigates single and multi-factor models of the energy spot=\n=20\nprice and the pricing of some standard energy derivatives.? Closed form =\n=20\nsolutions for forward prices, forward volatilities, and European option=20\nprices both on the spot and forwards are derived and presented for all the=\n=20\nmodels in this chapter including a three factor, stochastic convenience=20\nyield and interest rate model.\n\n?\n\nChapter 7 shows how the prices of path dependent and American style option=\ns=20\ncan be evaluated for the models in Chapter 6.? Simulation schemes are =20\ndeveloped for the evaluation of European style options and applied to a=20\nvariety of path dependent options.? In order to price options which=20\nincorporate early exercise opportunities, a trinomial tree scheme is=20\ndeveloped.? This tree is built to be consistent with the observed forward=\n=20\ncurve and can be used to price exotic as well as standard European and=20\nAmerican style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 8 describes a methodology for valuing energy options based on=20\nmodelling the whole of the market observed forward curve.? The approach=20\nresults in a multi-factor model that is able to realistically capture the=\n=20\nevolution of a wide range of energy forward curves.? The user defined=20\nvolatility structures can be of an extremely general form.? Closed-form=20\nsolutions are developed for pricing standard European options, and efficie=\nnt=20\nMonte Carlo schemes are presented for pricing exotic options.? The chapter=\n=20\ncloses with a discussion of the valuation of American style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 9 focuses on the risk management of energy derivative positions.? =\n=20\nIn this chapter we discuss the management of price risk for institutions =\n=20\nthat trade options or other derivatives and who are then faced with the=20\nproblem of managing the risk through time.? We begin with delta hedging a=\n=20\nportfolio containing derivatives and look at extensions to gamma hedging =\n=01)=20\nillustrating the techniques using both spot and forward curve models.? The=\n=20\ngeneral model presented in Chapter 8 is ideally suited to multi-factor=20\nhedging of a portfolio of energy derivatives and this is also discussed.\n\n?\n\nChapter 10 examines the key risk management concept of Value at Risk (VaR)=\n=20\napplied to portfolios containing energy derivative products.? After =20\ndiscussing the concept of the measure, we look at how the key inputs =20\n(volatilities, covariances, correlations, etc) can be estimated.? We then=\n=20\ncompare the fours major methodologies for computing VaR; Delta, Delta-gamm=\na,=20\nhistorical simulation and Monte-Carlo simulation, applying each to the sam=\ne=20\nportfolio of energy options.? In this chapter we also look at testing the=\n=20\nVaR estimates for various underlying energy market variables.\n\n?\n\nFinally, in Chapter 11 we review modelling approaches to credit risk.? We=\n=20\nlook in detail at two quite different approaches, CreditMetrics (J. P. Morg=\nan=20\n(1997)) and CreditRisk+ (Credit Suisse Financial Products (1997)) for whi=\nch=20\ndetailed information is publicly available.? Together these provide an=20\nextensive set of tools with which to measure credit risk.? We present=20\nnumerical examples of applying these techniques to energy derivatives.\n\n?\nBefore we begin we stress that the models and methods we present in this=\n=20\nbook are tools which should be used with the benefit of an understanding o=\nf=20\nhow both the =01+tool=01, and the market works.? The techniques we descri=\nbe are=20\ncertainly not =01&magic wands=018 which can be waved at data and risk mana=\ngement=20\nproblems to provide instant and perfect solutions.? To quote from the=20\nRiskMetrics Technical Document =01&=01( no amount of sophisticated analyti=\ncs will=20\nreplace experience and professional judgement in managing risk.=018.? How=\never,=20\nthe right tools, correctly used make the job a lot easier!\n\n", "Re: Preface for book", "originEmail", [["make change", 5, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " i have made some cosmetic changes (typos and split infinitives that slipped by)."]], "Julie,\n\nThe introduction looks fine. I have made some cosmetic changes\n(typos and split infinitives that slipped by). You can safely ignore most of=20\nthem.\nEnglish is not even my second language.\n\nThe corrections are in pink.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", {"fine introduction_presentationTnn": {"value": "fine introduction_presentationTnn", "ne": "fine introduction_presentationTnn", "patterns": ["fine introduction_presentationTnn"]}}, false], "2-8-2000-1:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-8-2000-1:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "julie@lacima.co.uk", "", "Message-ID: <12397122.1075856490482.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 01:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julie@lacima.co.uk\nSubject: Re: Preface for book\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: julie@lacima.co.uk\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/02/2000=\n=20\n08:16 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n08/02/2000 08:09 AM\nTo: \"Julie\" @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Preface for book =20\n\nJulie,\n\nThe introduction looks fine. I have made some cosmetic changes\n(typos and split infinitives that slipped by). You can safely ignore most o=\nf=20\nthem.\nEnglish is not even my second language.\n\nThe corrections are in pink.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" on 08/01/2000 07:43:10 AM\nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: =20\nSubject: Preface for book\n\n\n\nVince,\n?\nHope you are well.\n?\nWe spoke a while ago about who should write the preface for the book, and =\n=20\nyou kindly offered that you would provide this.? Is this still possible?? =\nWe=20\nrealise that you are extremely busy, so Chris and Les went ahead and wrote=\n=20\nsomething, which is below, and if you want to review, change or re-write?t=\nhe=20\npreface, that would be very appreciated.? Let me know what your thoughts a=\nre.\n?\nThanks,\nJulie\n(we're getting close)\n?\n?=20\n\nPreface\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nOne of our main objectives in writing Energy Derivatives: Pricing and Risk=\n=20\nManagement has been to bring together as many of the various approaches fo=\nr=20\nthe pricing and risk management energy derivatives as possible, to discuss=\n=20\nin-depth the models, and to show how they relate to each other.? In this =\n=20\nway we hope to help the reader to analyse the different models, price a wid=\ne =20\nrange of energy derivatives, or to build a risk management system which use=\ns=20\na consistent modelling framework.? We believe that for practitioners this=\n=20\nlast point is very important and we continue to stress in our articles and=\n=20\npresentations the dangers of having flawed risk management and giving=20\narbitrage opportunities to your competitors by using ad-hoc and inconsiste=\nnt=20\nmodels for different instruments and markets (see also OTHERS WHO PROPOSE=\n=20\nCONSISTENT MODELS?).? However, it is not our wish to concentrate on one=\n=20\nparticular model or models, at the exclusion of the others because we=20\nbelieve that the choice should rest with the user (although it will probab=\nly=20\nbe clear from our discussions the model(s) we prefer).? We therefore try a=\nnd=20\ngive as clear account as possible of the advantage and disadvantages of al=\nl=20\nthe models so that the reader can make an informed choice as to the models=\n=20\nwhich best suit their needs.\n\n?\n\nIn order to meet our objectives the book is divided into 11 chapters.? In=\n=20\nchapter 1 we give an overview of the fundamental principals needed to mode=\nl=20\nand price energy derivatives which will underpin the remainder of the book=\n.?=20\nIn addition to introducing the techniques that underlie the Black-Scholes=\n=20\nmodelling framework we outline the numerical techniques of trinomial trees=\n=20\nand Monte Carlo simulation for derivative pricing, which are used througho=\nut=20\nthe book.\n\n?\n\nIn Chapter 2 we discuss the analysis of spot energy prices.? As well as=\n=20\nanalysing empirical price movements we propose a number of processes that=\n=20\ncan be used to model the prices.? We look at the well-know process of=20\nGeometric Brownian Motion as well as mean reversion, stochastic volatility=\n=20\nand jump processes, discussing each and showing how they can be simulated=\n=20\nand their parameters estimated.\n\n?\n\nChapter 3, written by Vince Kaminski, Grant Masson and Ronnie Chahal of=20\nEnron Corp., discusses volatility estimation in energy commodity markets.?=\n =20\nThis chapter builds on the previous one.? It examines in detail the methods=\n, =20\nmerits and pitfalls of the volatility estimation process assuming different=\n =20\npricing models introduced in chapter 2.? Examples from crude, gas, and=20\nelectricity markets are used to illustrate the technical and interpretativ=\ne=20\naspects of calculating volatility.\n\n?\n\nChapter 4 examines forward curves in the energy markets.? Although such=\n=20\ncurves are well understood and straight-forward in the most financial =20\nmarkets, the difficulty of storage in many energy markets leads to less wel=\nl =20\ndefined curves.? In this chapter we describe forward price bounds for ener=\ngy=20\nprices and the building of forward curves from market instruments.? We =20\noutline the three main approaches which have been applied to building=20\nforward curves in energy markets; the arbitrage approach, the econometric=\n=20\napproach, and deriving analytical values by modelling underlying stochasti=\nc=20\nfactors.\n\n?\n\nChapter 5 presents an overview of structures found in the energy derivativ=\ne=20\nmarkets and discusses their uses.? Examples of products analysed in this =\n=20\nchapter include a variety of swaps, caps, floors and collars, as well as=20\nenergy swaptions, compound options, Asian options, barrier options, lookba=\nck=20\noptions, and ladder options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 6 investigates single and multi-factor models of the energy spot=\n=20\nprice and the pricing of some standard energy derivatives.? Closed form =\n=20\nsolutions for forward prices, forward volatilities, and European option=20\nprices both on the spot and forwards are derived and presented for all the=\n=20\nmodels in this chapter including a three factor, stochastic convenience=20\nyield and interest rate model.\n\n?\n\nChapter 7 shows how the prices of path dependent and American style option=\ns=20\ncan be evaluated for the models in Chapter 6.? Simulation schemes are =20\ndeveloped for the evaluation of European style options and applied to a=20\nvariety of path dependent options.? In order to price options which=20\nincorporate early exercise opportunities, a trinomial tree scheme is=20\ndeveloped.? This tree is built to be consistent with the observed forward=\n=20\ncurve and can be used to price exotic as well as standard European and=20\nAmerican style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 8 describes a methodology for valuing energy options based on=20\nmodelling the whole of the market observed forward curve.? The approach=20\nresults in a multi-factor model that is able to realistically capture the=\n=20\nevolution of a wide range of energy forward curves.? The user defined=20\nvolatility structures can be of an extremely general form.? Closed-form=20\nsolutions are developed for pricing standard European options, and efficie=\nnt=20\nMonte Carlo schemes are presented for pricing exotic options.? The chapter=\n=20\ncloses with a discussion of the valuation of American style options.\n\n?\n\nChapter 9 focuses on the risk management of energy derivative positions.? =\n=20\nIn this chapter we discuss the management of price risk for institutions =\n=20\nthat trade options or other derivatives and who are then faced with the=20\nproblem of managing the risk through time.? We begin with delta hedging a=\n=20\nportfolio containing derivatives and look at extensions to gamma hedging =\n=01)=20\nillustrating the techniques using both spot and forward curve models.? The=\n=20\ngeneral model presented in Chapter 8 is ideally suited to multi-factor=20\nhedging of a portfolio of energy derivatives and this is also discussed.\n\n?\n\nChapter 10 examines the key risk management concept of Value at Risk (VaR)=\n=20\napplied to portfolios containing energy derivative products.? After =20\ndiscussing the concept of the measure, we look at how the key inputs =20\n(volatilities, covariances, correlations, etc) can be estimated.? We then=\n=20\ncompare the fours major methodologies for computing VaR; Delta, Delta-gamm=\na,=20\nhistorical simulation and Monte-Carlo simulation, applying each to the sam=\ne=20\nportfolio of energy options.? In this chapter we also look at testing the=\n=20\nVaR estimates for various underlying energy market variables.\n\n?\n\nFinally, in Chapter 11 we review modelling approaches to credit risk.? We=\n=20\nlook in detail at two quite different approaches, CreditMetrics (J. P. Morg=\nan=20\n(1997)) and CreditRisk+ (Credit Suisse Financial Products (1997)) for whi=\nch=20\ndetailed information is publicly available.? Together these provide an=20\nextensive set of tools with which to measure credit risk.? We present=20\nnumerical examples of applying these techniques to energy derivatives.\n\n?\nBefore we begin we stress that the models and methods we present in this=\n=20\nbook are tools which should be used with the benefit of an understanding o=\nf=20\nhow both the =01+tool=01, and the market works.? The techniques we descri=\nbe are=20\ncertainly not =01&magic wands=018 which can be waved at data and risk mana=\ngement=20\nproblems to provide instant and perfect solutions.? To quote from the=20\nRiskMetrics Technical Document =01&=01( no amount of sophisticated analyti=\ncs will=20\nreplace experience and professional judgement in managing risk.=018.? How=\never,=20\nthe right tools, correctly used make the job a lot easier!\n\n\n\n", "Re: Preface for book", "reply", [], "", "<12397122.1075856490482.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "20-9-2000-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-4:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-4:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-9:30:0Ssteven.leppard@enron.com 20-9-2000-10:8:0Ssteven.leppard@enron.com": {"20-9-2000-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-3:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28804118.1075856482608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 03:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nSteve, this is the spreadsheet.\n\nAlso, please, let Shirley know if the dinner on Sun is OK.\n\nVince", "", "reply", [], "Steve,\n\nSteve, this is the spreadsheet.\n\nAlso, please, let Shirley know if the dinner on Sun is OK.\n\nVince", "<28804118.1075856482608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-9-2000-4:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-4:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["steven.leppard@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <12474814.1075856482563.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 04:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nI shall talk to John Sherriff about such issues. My intention\nis to vest you with maximum decision making powers. It makes most sense to\nme to make decisions where the information resides.\n\nPlease, invite Anjam or alternatively make reservations for dinner and\nlet Shirley know. Shirley can send an invitation to everybody in the group\non my behalf. It would be really bad to exclude Anjam from the dinner.\n\nIt \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n09/20/2000 10:30 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nThanks Vince.\n\nDinner on Sunday OK all round. Do you want Anjam along too? I can't really \nask him, given our current relationship.\n\nOne other thing, have you had thoughts on reporting lines, who signs \nexpenses, etc. etc., or are these issues to be resolved when you come over?\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 04:14 PM\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: \n\nSteve,\n\nSteve, this is the spreadsheet.\n\nAlso, please, let Shirley know if the dinner on Sun is OK.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re:", "originEmail", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 10, "nninformation", ["decision", "making"], "intention", " my intention is to vest you with maximum decision making powers."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 14, "nninformation", ["decisions", "make"], "intention", " it makes most sense to me to make decisions where the information resides."], ["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 20, "nninformation", ["dinner", "make", "reservations"], "request", " please, invite anjam or alternatively make reservations for dinner and let shirley know."]], "Steve,\n\nI shall talk to John Sherriff about such issues. My intention\nis to vest you with maximum decision making powers. It makes most sense to\nme to make decisions where the information resides.\n\nPlease, invite Anjam or alternatively make reservations for dinner and\nlet Shirley know. Shirley can send an invitation to everybody in the group\non my behalf. It would be really bad to exclude Anjam from the dinner.\n\nIt \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n09/20/2000 10:30 AM\n", "<12474814.1075856482563.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "20-9-2000-4:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-4:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10941319.1075856482541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 04:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nOK. Please, send Shirley the distribution list (names, E-mail addresses, \netc.).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n09/20/2000 11:08 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nThanks Vince. I'll make the reservation, then send Shirley the details to \nissue an invite to us all.\n\nSteve\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 05:10 PM\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: \n\nSteve,\n\nI shall talk to John Sherriff about such issues. My intention\nis to vest you with maximum decision making powers. It makes most sense to\nme to make decisions where the information resides.\n\nPlease, invite Anjam or alternatively make reservations for dinner and\nlet Shirley know. Shirley can send an invitation to everybody in the group\non my behalf. It would be really bad to exclude Anjam from the dinner.\n\nIt \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n09/20/2000 10:30 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nThanks Vince.\n\nDinner on Sunday OK all round. Do you want Anjam along too? I can't really \nask him, given our current relationship.\n\nOne other thing, have you had thoughts on reporting lines, who signs \nexpenses, etc. etc., or are these issues to be resolved when you come over?\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 04:14 PM\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: \n\nSteve,\n\nSteve, this is the spreadsheet.\n\nAlso, please, let Shirley know if the dinner on Sun is OK.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re:", "reply", [], "Steve,\n\nOK. Please, send Shirley the distribution list (names, E-mail addresses, \netc.).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n09/20/2000 11:08 AM\n", "<10941319.1075856482541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-9-2000-9:30:0Ssteven.leppard@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-9:30:0", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31696733.1075856286235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 09:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: steven.leppard@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Steven Leppard\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThanks Vince.\n\nDinner on Sunday OK all round. Do you want Anjam along too? I can't really \nask him, given our current relationship.\n\nOne other thing, have you had thoughts on reporting lines, who signs \nexpenses, etc. etc., or are these issues to be resolved when you come over?\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 04:14 PM\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: \n\nSteve,\n\nSteve, this is the spreadsheet.\n\nAlso, please, let Shirley know if the dinner on Sun is OK.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Re:", "reply", [["settle_resolve issue", 14, "nninformation", ["issues", "resolved"], "request information", ", or are these issues to be resolved when you come over?"]], "Thanks Vince.\n\nDinner on Sunday OK all round. Do you want Anjam along too? I can't really \nask him, given our current relationship.\n\nOne other thing, have you had thoughts on reporting lines, who signs \nexpenses, etc. etc., or are these issues to be resolved when you come over?\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 04:14 PM\n", "<31696733.1075856286235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-9-2000-10:8:0Ssteven.leppard@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-10:8:0", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14221308.1075856286189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 10:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: steven.leppard@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Steven Leppard\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThanks Vince. I'll make the reservation, then send Shirley the details to \nissue an invite to us all.\n\nSteve\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 05:10 PM\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: \n\nSteve,\n\nI shall talk to John Sherriff about such issues. My intention\nis to vest you with maximum decision making powers. It makes most sense to\nme to make decisions where the information resides.\n\nPlease, invite Anjam or alternatively make reservations for dinner and\nlet Shirley know. Shirley can send an invitation to everybody in the group\non my behalf. It would be really bad to exclude Anjam from the dinner.\n\nIt \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n09/20/2000 10:30 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: \n\nThanks Vince.\n\nDinner on Sunday OK all round. Do you want Anjam along too? I can't really \nask him, given our current relationship.\n\nOne other thing, have you had thoughts on reporting lines, who signs \nexpenses, etc. etc., or are these issues to be resolved when you come over?\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 04:14 PM\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: \n\nSteve,\n\nSteve, this is the spreadsheet.\n\nAlso, please, let Shirley know if the dinner on Sun is OK.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re:", "reply", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 1, "nninformation", ["make", "reservation"], "intention", " i'll make the reservation, then send shirley the details to issue an invite to us all."]], "Thanks Vince. I'll make the reservation, then send Shirley the details to \nissue an invite to us all.\n\nSteve\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n09/20/2000 05:10 PM\n", "<14221308.1075856286189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "19-10-2000-6:25:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com 27-10-2000-9:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-12-2000-8:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-1-2001-7:45:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com 11-1-2001-10:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-1-2001-3:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-1-2001-3:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-2-2001-1:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-3-2001-13:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-3-2001-2:24:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com 18-3-2001-15:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-3-2001-8:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-4-2001-1:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-4-2001-2:37:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com 9-4-2001-11:37:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com 2-5-2001-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-10-2000-6:25:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com": ["19-10-2000-6:25:0", "pbristow@riskwaters.com", ["pbristow@riskwaters.com"], [], "As a speaker at EPRM's highly successful Power 2000 event in Houston, I am \nwriting to inform you of our 2001 annual congress and to introduce myself. I \nwill be responsible for the production of all North American EPRM events \nhaving moved from our banking conference and training course division in \nJuly. Just to update you on the whereabouts of the EPRM team, Emma Wolfin is \ndeveloping our technology events for Waters conferences and Joel Hanley will \nbe starting his new role as an EPRM journalist from November 1st.\nEPRM 2001 will be held in Houston on the 14th, 15th & 16th of May and I am \nkeen to start the initial research as soon as possible. I intend to call \neach Power 2000 speaker within the next two weeks. Initially, I would like \nto provide you with advanced notice of the event and wish to clarify some \nissues.\nWhat current industry developments merit streams or pre/post conference \nseminars at EPRM 2001?\nWhat research are you or your company involved in that would justify \ninclusion in EPRM 2001?\nAside from your own work, what subjects are currently at the cutting-edge of \nenergy risk management?\nWho else would you recommend as a potential speaker? (Regulatory bodies, \nacademics, practitioners)\nAny assistance at this initial stage of research is appreciated. You can \nemail me or call on +44 20 7484 9883. I look forward to working with you on \nthis event.\nPaul Bristow\nSenior Conference Producer, EPRM Conferences", ["Power 2000/EPRM 2001"], "{'recipients': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "As a speaker at EPRM's highly successful Power 2000 event in Houston, I am \nwriting to inform you of our 2001 annual congress and to introduce myself. I \nwill be responsible for the production of all North American EPRM events \nhaving moved from our banking conference and training course division in \nJuly. Just to update you on the whereabouts of the EPRM team, Emma Wolfin is \ndeveloping our technology events for Waters conferences and Joel Hanley will \nbe starting his new role as an EPRM journalist from November 1st.\n\nEPRM 2001 will be held in Houston on the 14th, 15th & 16th of May and I am \nkeen to start the initial research as soon as possible. I intend to call \neach Power 2000 speaker within the next two weeks. Initially, I would like \nto provide you with advanced notice of the event and wish to clarify some \nissues.\n\nWhat current industry developments merit streams or pre/post conference \nseminars at EPRM 2001?\n\nWhat research are you or your company involved in that would justify \ninclusion in EPRM 2001?\n\nAside from your own work, what subjects are currently at the cutting-edge of \nenergy risk management?\n\nWho else would you recommend as a potential speaker? (Regulatory bodies, \nacademics, practitioners)\n\nAny assistance at this initial stage of research is appreciated. You can \nemail me or call on +44 20 7484 9883. I look forward to working with you on \nthis event.\n\nPaul Bristow\n\nSenior Conference Producer, EPRM Conferences", ["<31285338.1075856629373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17949192.1075856274387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25910569.1075856360312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-10-2000-9:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-9:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pbristow@riskwaters.com"], [], "Paul,\nThanks for your message. Look fwd to your call. \nVince\n\"Paul Bristow\" on 10/19/2000 07:25:21 AM\nPlease respond to \"Paul Bristow\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Power 2000/EPRM 2001\nAs a speaker at EPRM's highly successful Power 2000 event in Houston, I am \nwriting to inform you of our 2001 annual congress and to introduce myself. I \nwill be responsible for the production of all North American EPRM events \nhaving moved from our banking conference and training course division in \nJuly. Just to update you on the whereabouts of the EPRM team, Emma Wolfin is \ndeveloping our technology events for Waters conferences and Joel Hanley will \nbe starting his new role as an EPRM journalist from November 1st.\nEPRM 2001 will be held in Houston on the 14th, 15th & 16th of May and I am \nkeen to start the initial research as soon as possible. I intend to call \neach Power 2000 speaker within the next two weeks. Initially, I would like \nto provide you with advanced notice of the event and wish to clarify some \nissues.\nWhat current industry developments merit streams or pre/post conference \nseminars at EPRM 2001?\nWhat research are you or your company involved in that would justify \ninclusion in EPRM 2001?\nAside from your own work, what subjects are currently at the cutting-edge of \nenergy risk management?\nWho else would you recommend as a potential speaker? (Regulatory bodies, \nacademics, practitioners)\nAny assistance at this initial stage of research is appreciated. You can \nemail me or call on +44 20 7484 9883. I look forward to working with you on \nthis event.\nPaul Bristow\nSenior Conference Producer, EPRM Conferences\n", ["Re: Power 2000/EPRM 2001"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com'], 'recipients': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Paul,\n\nThanks for your message. Look fwd to your call. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Paul Bristow\" ", "<24107695.1075856542371.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19782162.1075856269896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9523555.1075856360334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-12-2000-8:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-12-2000-8:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/22/2000 \n04:47 PM ---------------------------\n\"Laura Ide\" on 12/22/2000 11:54:31 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Energy & Power Risk Management 2001\nDear Vince,\nI would like to confirm the invitation for you to participate at our annual \ncongress in Houston. Following our conversation, I would be most interested \nin including a presentation on 'Modeling price volatility in US power \nmarkets' in the pricing, hedging & trading stream on the 14th May, 2001.\nI am keen to confirm each speaker and session by the end of next week, which \nwill then allow time to work with each presenter on titles and points that \nwill provide an accurate summary for the session.\nIf you have any overall views or suggestions regarding the conference feel \nfree to email me at pbristow@riskwaters.com or call me on 212 925 6990, \nextn. 225. I look forward to confirming your participation at Energy & Power \nRisk Management 2001. IMPORTANT: Due to system problems I am using another \nsystem. Please do not reply to this email. Please reply to the address given \nabove.\nYours sincerely,\nPaul Bristow\nManager of Conferences, USA\nRisk Waters Group\n\n", ["Energy & Power Risk Management 2001"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "", ["<30216921.1075856463764.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<744980.1075856530065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3401629.1075856242351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11613280.1075856383575.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-1-2001-7:45:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com": ["11-1-2001-7:45:0", "pbristow@riskwaters.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Dear Vince,\nIt is my great pleasure to confirm your participation at Energy & Power Ris=\nk\nManagement 2001 on May 14th. Please take a moment to look at the current\nline-up on the attached draft program. I have held a position on the panel\ndiscussion if you wish to take part. The current talk titles are based upon\nour telephone conversations and I am happy to discuss any potential changes=\n.\nI would like to confirm the following details by Thursday, January 18th:\nFinal talk title\nBullet points (5-6)\nFull name, job title, company title\nPostal address\nI am sure that you will agree that this year, Energy & Power Risk Managemen=\nt\n,s annual event provides a wide range of highly topical sessions. I look\nforward to receiving your full presentation details and meeting you in May.\nYours sincerely,\nPaul Bristow\nConferences Manager, US\nRisk Waters Group\n270 Lafayette Street\nSuite 7\nNew York 10012\n212 925 6990 ext 225\npbristow@riskwaters.com\n", ["Energy & Power Risk Management 2001, Houston"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 1, "nninformation", ["confirm", "power"], "intention", " it is my great pleasure to confirm your participation at energy & power risk management numeric on datenumeric th."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 14, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", " please take a moment to look at the current line-up on the attached draft program."]], "Dear Vince,\n\nIt is my great pleasure to confirm your participation at Energy & Power Risk\nManagement 2001 on May 14th. Please take a moment to look at the current\nline-up on the attached draft program. I have held a position on the panel\ndiscussion if you wish to take part. The current talk titles are based upon\nour telephone conversations and I am happy to discuss any potential changes.\nI would like to confirm the following details by Thursday, January 18th:\n\nFinal talk title\nBullet points (5-6)\nFull name, job title, company title\nPostal address\n\nI am sure that you will agree that this year, Energy & Power Risk Management\n=01,s annual event provides a wide range of highly topical sessions. I look\nforward to receiving your full presentation details and meeting you in May.\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nPaul Bristow\nConferences Manager, US\nRisk Waters Group\n270 Lafayette Street\nSuite 7\nNew York 10012\n212 925 6990 ext 225\npbristow@riskwaters.com\n\n\n - revspktemp2.doc", ["<12625634.1075856234367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16474833.1075856599235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23746197.1075856389181.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-1-2001-10:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-10:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001=\n\n06:03 PM ---------------------------\n\"Paul Bristow\" on 01/11/2001 02:45:28 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Energy & Power Risk Management 2001, Houston\nDear Vince,\nIt is my great pleasure to confirm your participation at Energy & Power Ris=\nk\nManagement 2001 on May 14th. Please take a moment to look at the current\nline-up on the attached draft program. I have held a position on the panel\ndiscussion if you wish to take part. The current talk titles are based upon\nour telephone conversations and I am happy to discuss any potential changes=\n.\nI would like to confirm the following details by Thursday, January 18th:\nFinal talk title\nBullet points (5-6)\nFull name, job title, company title\nPostal address\nI am sure that you will agree that this year, Energy & Power Risk Managemen=\nt\n,s annual event provides a wide range of highly topical sessions. I look\nforward to receiving your full presentation details and meeting you in May.\nYours sincerely,\nPaul Bristow\nConferences Manager, US\nRisk Waters Group\n270 Lafayette Street\nSuite 7\nNew York 10012\n212 925 6990 ext 225\npbristow@riskwaters.com\n\n", ["Energy & Power Risk Management 2001, Houston"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "", ["<24829628.1075856460535.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8748289.1075856526865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18623225.1075856234180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13751742.1075856389350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-1-2001-3:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-1-2001-3:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pbristow@riskwaters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com"], "Paul, \nMy apologies for a delay in getting back to you with my bullet points. The \nbeginning of the year was quite hectic. I am working from home today, trying \nto catch up. \nThe program for the 2001 Conference looks great; it's likely to be the most \ninteresting and best attended EPRM Conference (hopefully, some players will \nbe still around). \nTo answer some of your questions: \n1. I shall be glad to serve on the panel \n2. The title of the talk is fine (American spelling of modelling is modeling) \n3. Bullet points will follow in the next message (I shall send it in a few \nminutes) \n4. Vincent Kaminski, Managing Director, Enron Corp. \n5. Vincent Kaminski \n???Enron Corp. \n???1400 Smith \n???Room EB1962 \n???Houston, TX 77002 \n??????Regards, \nVince", ["Power 2001"], "{'recipients': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [["serve_attend conference", 17, "information", ["attended", "conference"], "information", " the program for the numeric conference looks great; it's likely to be the most interesting and best attended eprm conference (hopefully, some players will be still around)."]], "Paul, \n\nMy apologies for a delay in getting back to you with my bullet points. The \nbeginning of the year was quite hectic. I am working from home today, trying \nto catch up. \n\nThe program for the 2001 Conference looks great; it's likely to be the most \ninteresting and best attended EPRM Conference (hopefully, some players will \nbe still around). \n\nTo answer some of your questions: \n\n1. I shall be glad to serve on the panel \n2. The title of the talk is fine (American spelling of modelling is modeling) \n3. Bullet points will follow in the next message (I shall send it in a few \nminutes) \n4. Vincent Kaminski, Managing Director, Enron Corp. \n5. Vincent Kaminski \n???Enron Corp. \n???1400 Smith \n???Room EB1962 \n???Houston, TX 77002 \n\n??????Regards, \n\nVince", ["<21403834.1075856229358.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3368465.1075856599168.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14246559.1075856393100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-1-2001-3:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-1-2001-3:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pbristow@riskwaters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com"], "* Definition of Price Volatility \n* Historical vs. implied vs. model derived volatility \n* Estimation of volatility from historical data in the presence of \n??????- seasonality \n??????- jumps \n??????- fat tails \n* Stochastic volatility models \n* Recent cases of extreme price volatility in the power markets in the US: \nthe causes and remedies \n", ["Vince Kaminski Bullet Points"], "{'recipients': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "* Definition of Price Volatility \n* Historical vs. implied vs. model derived volatility \n* Estimation of volatility from historical data in the presence of \n??????- seasonality \n??????- jumps \n??????- fat tails \n* Stochastic volatility models \n* Recent cases of extreme price volatility in the power markets in the US: \nthe causes and remedies \n", ["<8230664.1075856229335.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5230914.1075856599147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31052520.1075856393122.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-2-2001-1:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-1:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacimagroup.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pbristow@riskwaters.com"], "Chris,\nThanks for the invitation. Yes, I am interested in the training course.\nI shall call Paul Bristow today. Please, give me some indication regarding \nthe dates.\nVince\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 02/06/2001 02:20:52 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Vince \\(home\\)\" \nSubject: EPRM course\nHi Vince,\n?\nHope you are fine. I hope that Grant's leaving?hasn't affected your group \ntoo much?\n?\nEPRM's Paul Bristow has been in touch about a VaR training course involving \nLes, yourself and I. Are you interested? We would be?extremely happy to work \nwith you. He was talking about London and Houston which I don't know if it \nfits with your travel schedule. Maybe we can sort something out.\n?\nI hope to have the next article with you by early next week.\n?\nBest regards as always, and many thanks for your book promotional efforts!\n?\nChris.\n?\n?\n?\n", ["Re: EPRM course"], "{'recipients': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Chris,\n\nThanks for the invitation. Yes, I am interested in the training course.\nI shall call Paul Bristow today. Please, give me some indication regarding \nthe dates.\n\nVince\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Strickland\" ", "<28774146.1075856453769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11490344.1075856520083.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12893049.1075856220336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-3-2001-13:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-3-2001-13:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa05.mx.aol.com (rly-xa05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa02.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:44:12 \n-0500\nReceived: from riskwaters.com ([]) by rly-xa05.mx.aol.com \n(v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:43:59 -0500\nReceived: from paul [] by riskwaters.com (FTGate 2, 2, 3, \n1); Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:43:05 +0000\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Paul Bristow\" \nTo: , , \n, , \n, , \n, \nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:52:13 -0500\nMessage-ID: <000801c09c15$e15898a0$88df7e3f@osaccess.net>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["Fwd: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: ", "<486531.1075856213341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13344254.1075856405630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-3-2001-2:24:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com": ["16-3-2001-2:24:0", "pbristow@riskwaters.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chris.harris@innogy.com", "ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu", "pnance@teknecon.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "spyros.maragos@dynegy.com", "vince.j.kaminski@eron.com"], [], "Dear all,\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:52 AM\nTo: 'pnance@teknecon.com'; 'chris.harris@innogy.com';\n'eronn@mail.utexas.edu'; 'vince.j.kaminski@eron.com'; 'vkaminski@aol.com';\n'spyros.maragos@dynegy.com'; 'ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu';\n'geman@math.umass.edu'\nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy\nDerivatives\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 146, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", " on the attached draft, where practical example(s) are included as the final bullet point i would like to include a one line description of the practical example you will provide for the audience."]], "Dear all,\n\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\n\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\n\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\n\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\n\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\n\n\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\n\nBest wishes,\n\nPaul Bristow\n\n\n\n ", ["<4081417.1075856629217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16024589.1075856208136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13688225.1075856410217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-3-2001-15:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-3-2001-15:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa01.mx.aol.com (rly-xa01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa05.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:16:20 \n-0500\nReceived: from riskwaters.com ([]) by rly-xa01.mx.aol.com \n(v77_r1.35) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:15:20 -0500\nReceived: from paul [] by riskwaters.com (FTGate 2, 2, 3, \n1); Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:14:20 +0000\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Paul Bristow\" \nTo: , , \n, , \n, , \n, \nSubject: FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy \nDerivatives\nDate: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:24:11 -0500\nMessage-ID: <002d01c0ae2d$2757ca00$88df7e3f@osaccess.net>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_002E_01C0AE03.3E81C200\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600\nDear all,\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:52 AM\nTo: 'pnance@teknecon.com'; 'chris.harris@innogy.com';\n'eronn@mail.utexas.edu'; 'vince.j.kaminski@eron.com'; 'vkaminski@aol.com';\n'spyros.maragos@dynegy.com'; 'ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu';\n'geman@math.umass.edu'\nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy\nDerivatives\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["Fwd: FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<18678635.1075856207678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27629722.1075856410705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-3-2001-8:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-3-2001-8:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-path: \nFrom: VKaminski@aol.com\nFull-name: VKaminski\nMessage-ID: <12.93f7142.27cac9a7@aol.com>\nDate: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 15:48:39 EST\nSubject: Fwd: EPRM conferences\nTo: VKaminski@aol.com\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"part2_ae.1236eace.27cac9a7_boundary\"\nX-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows sub 114\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xb03.mx.aol.com (rly-xb03.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xb02.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:41:22 \n-0500\nReceived: from mail03.rapidsite.net (mail03.rapidsite.net []) \nby rly-xb03.mx.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:40:41 -0500\nReceived: from www.lacima.co.uk ( by mail03.rapidsite.net (RS \nver 1.0.58s) with SMTP id 0804303; Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:40:28 -0500 (EST)\nMessage-ID: <003e01c09d06$f02e3aa0$16b4198a@crslaptop>\nReply-To: \"Chris Strickland\" \nFrom: \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \nCc: \"Vince \\(home\\)\" , \"Les\" \nReferences: <001601c09cfc$c65c4000$88df7e3f@osaccess.net>\nSubject: Re: EPRM conferences\nDate: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 06:37:40 +1100\nOrganization: Lacima Group\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0037_01C09D63.1EBE8760\"\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200\nX-Loop-Detect: 1\nHi Paul,\n?\nI've just done a send/receive messages from home and ours passed during this \nprocess. Good luck with the old format. I'm sure we'll speak soon.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Paul Bristow \nTo: chris@lacimagroup.com \nSent: Friday, February 23, 2001 5:25 AM\nSubject: FW: EPRM conferences\nHi Chris,\n?\nFollowing a meeting today to discuss the forward plan, the decision has been \nmade to shelve the VAR course in it's current format. An?re-run of the \nprevious event has been agreed. There have been a number of events that were \nto be re-researched and radically altered, but with the number of new events \non the schedule, producer time and budgets have been taken up by the larger \nconferences. \n?\nI would like to apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused. I will \nbe responsible for a number of events on credit risk management, real \noptions theory, exotic options and weather risk management in the second \nhalf of the year and will send a calendar to give more notice for these \nevents. Victoria Kerridge will be producing our largest annual energy event \nin Europe and I have forwarded your details for a possible presentation and \npost-conference seminar opportunity. If you have any questions please drop \nme a line.\n?\nBest wishes,\n?\nPaul Bristow\n?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 4:14 PM\nTo: 'chris@lacimagroup.com'\nSubject: FW: EPRM conferences\nHi Chris,\n?\nJust an extra note regarding the course. If the reimbursements are suitable \nI would like to finalise the line-up ASAP (Vince and a European Enron \nrepresentative). If you were unable to participate I would need to offer \nalternative invitations by the end of this week.\n?\nAll the best,\n?\nPaul??\n?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:13 AM\nTo: 'Chris Strickland'\nSubject: RE: EPRM conferences\nHi Chris,\n?\nI've been looking at the forward plan and the total budget for speaker \nexpenses is 5500 pounds (US keyboard, no pound sign). At current exchange \nrates this comes to a little over 15,000 Australian dollars. I would be \nhappy to cover your expenses up to this figure.\n?\nThe course is scheduled to run in Amsterdam (not London as originally \nplanned) and Houston. The dates are slightly flexible?to?work with your \ntravel schedules. For instance, would you prefer to travel to \nSydney-Houston-Amsterdam-Sydney, or in the opposite direction?\n?\nIf you could contact me to?let me know if this would?enable you to commit \nto the course, I would be delighted to forward the notes from the research. \nI would plan to then work on the outline until March 1st.I look forward to \nspeaking with you soon.\n?\nBest wishes,\n?\nPaul Bristow?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Chris Strickland [mailto:chris@lacimagroup.com]\nSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 5:18 PM\nTo: pbristow@riskwaters.com\nSubject: Re: EPRM conferences\nHi Paul,\n?\nBit of a busy morning here - I'll be out for about 1.5 hrs (9.15 Sydney \ntime). If we don't catch up today, I'll call tomorrow.\n?\nChris.\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Paul Bristow \nTo: 'Chris Strickland' \nSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:33 AM\nSubject: RE: EPRM conferences\nHi Chris,\n?\nI would like to confirm the dates of some of the forthcoming EPRM events:\n?\nEffective VaR and stress testing techniques for the US energy industry. This \nevent will run on the 21 & 22 May in London and the 28 & 29 May in Houston. \nMichele Du Berry (Director of Conferences) and I are looking at how we have \nstructured the training courses and are keen to present a different outline \nthan on previous courses. I would like to run this event with 2-3 trainers \nper venue, rather than with 7-8 as we have done in the past. If you and Les \nClewlow would be interested in leading this course (possible with Vince \nKaminski) I would be delighted to discuss the event in greater detail.\n?\nEnergy & Power Risk Management, Europe. Our largest annual European event is \nscheduled to between September 19-21. Victoria Kerridge will be producing \nthis event from the London office and will be starting research in two \nweeks. I am going to be providing her with a brief and will ensure that she \nhas your contact details.\n?\nI have also been finalizing the details for the annual Energy & Power Risk \nManagement event in Houston. This will take place on May 14th & 15th and is \nclose to completion. I would be happy to provide you with more details, \nwithout potentially running the risk of overloading your schedule with a \nnumber of events in a short space of time (VaR and EPRM, Houston). My \npriority is to secure trainers for our VaR course.\n?\nIf you would be interested in any of the events listed, I would be happy to \ntalk with you this week. My direct line is 212 925 6990, extension 225. \n?\nBest wishes,\n?\nPaul Bristow\n?\n?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Chris Strickland [mailto:chris@lacimagroup.com]\nSent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 8:02 PM\nTo: pbristow@riskwaters.com\nSubject: EPRM conferences\nHi Paul,\n?\nJust a note so that you have my address. Do you have dates for the US and \nEuropean conferences yet? I'm sure that we can arrange other work at the \nsame time to offset the expenses of speaking at these events if you want us \nto participate.\n?\nYou also mentioned a training course on VaR and the energy area. We had an \nEPRM article last year with Vince on a comparison of the different \ntechniques on a trial portfolio that might form the basis of something \nuseful. Anyway, let me know.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n?\n?\n?", ["Fwd: EPRM conferences"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Return-path: ", "<9698219.1075856207746.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9366172.1075856410633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-4-2001-1:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-1:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["pbristow@riskwaters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3660246.1075856418541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 01:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: pbristow@riskwaters.com\nSubject: Bullet points\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: pbristow@riskwaters.com\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPaul,\n\nI am sending you modified bullet points. The modifications are in red.\nApologies for a delay in responding to your messages.\n\nBy the way, Power2001 gets only more and more interesting every day.\n\n\nVince", "Bullet points", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 8, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", " apologies for a delay in responding to your messages."]], "Paul,\n\nI am sending you modified bullet points. The modifications are in red.\nApologies for a delay in responding to your messages.\n\nBy the way, Power2001 gets only more and more interesting every day.\n\n\nVince", "<3660246.1075856418541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}}, true], "9-4-2001-2:37:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com": ["9-4-2001-2:37:0", "pbristow@riskwaters.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi Vince,\nThanks for the bullets. Regarding Power 2001, it certainly does promise to\nbe a very interesting event.\nHave a great week,\nPaul\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 09, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: pbristow@riskwaters.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Bullet points\nPaul,\nI am sending you modified bullet points. The modifications are in red.\nApologies for a delay in responding to your messages.\nBy the way, Power2001 gets only more and more interesting every day.\nVince\n)\n", ["RE: Bullet points"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nThanks for the bullets. Regarding Power 2001, it certainly does promise to\nbe a very interesting event.\n\nHave a great week,\n\nPaul\n\n", ["<14981258.1075856627149.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28468373.1075856198182.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10665580.1075856418587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-4-2001-11:37:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com": ["9-4-2001-11:37:0", "pbristow@riskwaters.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Please respond to Hi Vince,\nThanks for the bullets. Regarding Power 2001, it certainly does promise to\nbe a very interesting event.\nHave a great week,\nPaul\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 09, 2001 9:11 AM\nTo: pbristow@riskwaters.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Bullet points\nPaul,\nI am sending you modified bullet points. The modifications are in red.\nApologies for a delay in responding to your messages.\nBy the way, Power2001 gets only more and more interesting every day.\nVince\n)\n", ["RE: Bullet points"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Please respond to Hi Vince,\n\nThanks for the bullets. Regarding Power 2001, it certainly does promise to\nbe a very interesting event.\n\nHave a great week,\n\nPaul\n\n", ["<26035924.1075840787933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-7:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["loleary@riskwaters.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com"], "Layla,\nMy associate's name is Tanya Tamarchenko. The \nE-mail address is: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com.\nLocation is the same as mine, Enron, 1400 Smith, Houston.\nThanks\nVince\nP.S. Shirley, please send my bio to Layla\n\"Layla O'Leary\" on 05/02/2001 10:33:00 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: EPRM 2001 Houston\nYes, That's fine. If you can please give me her full contact details\nincluding e-mail and address I will have her registered as a co-speaker.\nIf you would like to bring your own copies to the event I would ask you to\nsend 200 copies directly to the venue. Although if you can get it to me on\nFriday I can still insert it!\nCould I please trouble you for a short biography?\nKind Regards\nLayla\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 02 May 2001 15:38\nTo: loleary@riskwaters.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: EPRM 2001 Houston\nLayla,\nA few points.\nI shall be glad to attend the reception.\nI am falling behind in getting my presentation ready. Sorry for the delay.\nI can commit to delivering the required number of copies on the day of my\npresentation\n(or a day before). I have done it on two occasions before (Power 2000 and\nPower 1999):\nthe copies were produced by our company Copy Center at no cost to you.\nMy associate, Tanya Tamarchenko, is helping me with one aspect of the\npresentation and\nI would like her to deliver part of my speach. It's only fair to give her\nthe credit when the\ncredit is due. Is it OK to include her as an additional speaker?\nVince\n\"Layla O'Leary\" on 04/30/2001 09:04:52 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: EPRM 2001 Houston\nDear Speaker,\nPre-Congress Cocktail Reception - Sunday 13th May @ 5:30pm in the Juniper\nRoom\nWe would be delighted to have you attend our pre-congress cocktail\nreception. We will be extending this invitation to all our sponsors,\nexhibitors and EPRM/Risk Waters Group staff. We hope this will provide a\nperfect opportunity for you to meet all our staff and clients before the\nformal opening of EPRM 2001 USA\n+ RSVP\nI would also like to remind you that I need any missing presentations by\nThursday 3rd May. It is essential that I get these in as the delegates\nrely\non these to make notes and get very upset if they are not included in the\npacks.\nIf you still haven't informed me of your AV requirements, please do so as\nquickly as possible. I also require a short biography.\nI would like to point out that I will not be taking any presentations on\ndisk to the event. If you are using a laptop, your presentation should be\nloaded onto the laptop that you bring with you. You must bring your own\nlaptop and disc, with connecting cables.\nAny questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.\nKind Regards\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n", ["RE: EPRM 2001 Houston"], "{'body': ['pbristow@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Layla,\n\nMy associate's name is Tanya Tamarchenko. The \nE-mail address is: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com.\n\nLocation is the same as mine, Enron, 1400 Smith, Houston.\n\nThanks\n\nVince\n\n\nP.S. Shirley, please send my bio to Layla\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Layla O'Leary\" ", "<19476677.1075856436259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12701918.1075856499641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29388421.1075856182345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "31-3-2000-7:11:0Sjim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu 28-4-2000-4:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2000-5:4:0Sjim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu 2-5-2000-6:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2000-6:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-3-2000-7:11:0Sjim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu": ["31-3-2000-7:11:0", "jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\n I appreciate your response to my request for you to speak to my\nclass on real options. I thought you might enjoy the following exchange of\nemails that occurred yesterday. Perhaps some of these issues could be\naddressed in your talk.\n Jim\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sheridan Titman\nSent: Friday, March 31, 2000 9:11 AM\nTo: Jim Dyer\nSubject: RE: Real Options Course Feedback\nJim:\nYour student has raised some difficult questions. I would recommend Ehud,\nbut I thought that the finance people have the answers in cases with\ncomplete markets and that we rely on the decision science people for cases\nwith incomplete markets.\nIf it would help, I can come in at 6pm after my class in a couple of weeks.\nSheridan\nSheridan Titman\nDepartment of Finance\nCollege of Business Administration\nUniversity of Texas\nAustin, Texas 78712-1179\n512-232-2787 (phone)\n512-471-5073 (fax)\ntitman@mail.utexas.edu\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jim Dyer\nSent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 4:37 PM\nTo: Sheridan Titman\nSubject: RE: Real Options Course Feedback\nSheridan,\n Which of your classes do you want to miss? Just kidding. Actually\nyou probably told me that before. Can you suggest someone else who would be\na good choice to discuss the use of option theory in the context of\nincomplete markets, and to address some of the types of questions raised in\nthe note from the student?\n Jim\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sheridan Titman\nSent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 5:58 PM\nTo: Jim Dyer\nSubject: RE: Real Options Course Feedback\nJim:\nI teach at the same time as you do.\nSheridan\nSheridan Titman\nDepartment of Finance\nCollege of Business Administration\nUniversity of Texas\nAustin, Texas 78712-1179\n512-232-2787 (phone)\n512-471-5073 (fax)\ntitman@mail.utexas.edu\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jim Dyer\nSent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 11:32 AM\nTo: Sheridan Titman\nSubject: FW: Real Options Course Feedback\nSheridan,\n See the comments below. I don't mean to put you on the spot, and\nhave not announced anything in class, but I am hoping that you could visit\nmy class for about an hour one Thursday afternoon to discuss your views\nregarding applications of option pricing concepts to \"real options\". As a\nreminder, I've attached a course outline. Chris Kenyon from Schlumberger is\nspeaking on April 13, and Vince Kaminski has tentatively agreed to speak on\nApril 20.\n I am going to be out of town on April 27, so that leaves either next\nThursday (April 6) or May 4. Would either of those times work for you? I'm\nnot thinking of any preparation, but more of an informal discussion of the\n\"philosophical issues\" related to real options work.\n Jim\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jim Dyer\nSent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 1:24 PM\nTo: 'jclevenger@optionii.bus.utexas.edu'\nSubject: RE: Real Options Course Feedback\nJosh,\n Some very thoughtful observations. As you know, I had invited one\nfinance professor to our class on Arundel, but he was out of town. I do\nplan to invite Sheridan Titman to discuss the issue of using the option\nmodels in situations where there is no underlying security that is traded.\nI do think it is important to face that issue, which is actually covered at\na theoretical level in our last couple of readings.\n The issue of volatility is also an excellent issue for further\ndiscussion, as you suggest. So far, we've been looking at cases where\nvolatility is \"given\". The problem of finding an \"objective\" measure of\nvolatility for a project reminds me of the problem of finding the correct\nrisk adjusted discount rate, which is not surprising since the concepts are\nalmost two sides of the same plate. One approach, of course, is to do some\nmodeling using traditional decision analysis tools, including subjective\nprobabilities, but the finance people who write options articles don't like\nto think about such ideas.\n I'll try to address these issues in more detail as the semester\ncontinues. I think it was important to surface some of these points early,\nand to come back to them after we have seen how to apply the methods in a\nnaive sort of way.\n Thanks for the feedback and comments.\n Jim\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: jclevenger@optionii.bus.utexas.edu\n[mailto:jclevenger@optionii.bus.utexas.edu]\nSent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 8:42 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: josh-clevenger@reliantenergy.com\nSubject: Real Options Course Feedback\nAfter overcoming the initial (I hope) overload of materials and tools\npresented\nthus far in the semester, it appears to me that you are achieving the\nobjective\nof making us comfortable with optionality valuation as applied to a variety\nof\nproblems which are outside the borders defined by a liquid market of traded\nfinancial elements.\nAs a constructive feedback, you have been forthright with us in marking off\nareas of this subject which are still controversial. I also realize that\nrightly so, real-world application of this type of analysis without a robust\nunderstanding of finance may degenerate into a succession of assumptions\nthat\nresult in a \"house of cards\" effect. My opinion at this point is that two\nissues are of potentially \"make-or-brake\" importance if I am to persuade my\nsuperiors to accept these methods for valuations outside the realm of\nprojects\nwhose value is primarily driven by the value of commodities backed by\nfinancial\ninstruments. These issues are easy to guess:\n1) Discounting and Risk Free rates: I do not sense that anyone in the\nclass\nhas put forth convincing arguments as to the proper application of time\nvalue\nquestions in the absence of liquidity. Is there someone within the finance\ndepartment that can present a firmer position on this question?\n2) Volatility: I found Winston's examples on this metric succinct. I would\nrecommend that in future years you dedicate some hours of class time to this\nsubject. My criticism again relates to messy problems. I anticipate\narguments\nagainst real option applications based on the dispute of volatility\nmeasures.\nIf I were a conservative financial manager, I would argue that:\n*** Two-a: implied volatility derived from an industry specific slice of\nequity\noptions is a shotgun approach -- the projects being valued are of a tranche\nwhich may in fact have a significantly different outcome variance than the\nweighted average measured by the equities utilized. Oil, gas and electricty\nare\ngood examples the major players are competing on many different levels of\nthe\nvalue chain. Smaller companies do exist which are dedicated to one strata,\nbut\nwhat about projects that want to exploit opportunies across strata in a\nvertically integrated company?\n*** Two-b: based on the following skepticism - if a real option value is\nbeing\nproposed for a new business venture (some new unexploited opportunity,)\nthere is\nsome paradox embedded in the increased value based on high volatility in new\nventures and the high risk of failure. This skepticism is likely to be less\nacute in high-tech sectors where the huge upside of new ventures is paraded\nbefore us daily by NASDQ touts. It is a much harder sell to \"mature\"\nindustries.\nOf particular interest in the power industry are investments centered around\nopportunities arising from restructuring of electricity and natural gas\nsectors\nas regulation is removed. A large proportion of the risk is embedded in\nongoing\nchanges of public policy on an international basis. As an intentionally\nscrewed-up example, can anyone other than a financial genius correctly asses\nvolatility for U.S. companies investing in seed projects in Mexico based on\nspeculation of the inevitable dismantling of the national utility (CFE) and\nPEMEX?\nJames S. Dyer\nFondren Centennial Chair in Business\nDepartment of Management Science and Information Systems\nCBA 5.202\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas 78712-1175\nEmail: j.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nTelephone: 512-471-5278\nFax: 512-471-0587", ["Presentation at UT"], "{'body': ['jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\n I appreciate your response to my request for you to speak to my\nclass on real options. I thought you might enjoy the following exchange of\nemails that occurred yesterday. Perhaps some of these issues could be\naddressed in your talk.\n\n Jim\n\n\n\n", ["<13028179.1075857078468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17474993.1075856753541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23020201.1075856816047.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-4-2000-4:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-4-2000-4:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Jim,\nI am scheduled to arrive in Austin on May 4 at 10:32 a.m.\nI shall be glad to join you and a group of your colleagues for lunch.\nI am flying back to Houston Friday morning and we can meet for dinner after\nthe class.\nI shall have a Power Point presentation on my PC. I can also\nprepare a set of transparencies if this is more convenient for you.\nVince\nJim Dyer on 04/27/2000 05:44:51 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: Real Options\nVince,\n I am traveling at this time, attending a NSF meeting in Washington.\nHowever, I wanted to touch base regarding plans for your presentation in my\nclass on real options next Thursday (May 4). As you recall, the class is\nfrom 3:30 to 6:30, and you could plan to take a significant part of that\ntime for your presentation. Sheridan Titman has agreed to join us after his\nclass at about 6:00 for a 30 minute \"panel discussion\" with the students on\nissues related to real options in practice.l\n I am not sure about your travel plans, but we would be happy to plan\nlunch on Thursday with several of my colleagues. I would also be delighted\nto be your host for dinner on Thursday night if that is convenient for you.\n I'll be back in my office on Monday, and will look forward to\nhearing from you.\n Jim\nJames S. Dyer\nFondren Centennial Chair in Business\nDepartment of Management Science and Information Systems\nCBA 5.202\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas 78712-1175\nEmail: j.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nTelephone: 512-471-5278\nFax: 512-471-0587\n", ["Re: Real Options"], "{'body': ['jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu']}", [], "Jim,\n\nI am scheduled to arrive in Austin on May 4 at 10:32 a.m.\nI shall be glad to join you and a group of your colleagues for lunch.\nI am flying back to Houston Friday morning and we can meet for dinner after\nthe class.\n\nI shall have a Power Point presentation on my PC. I can also\nprepare a set of transparencies if this is more convenient for you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer ", "<7678312.1075857078378.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10915257.1075856988214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20991395.1075856741145.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2000-2:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5618975.1075856740076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 May 2000 02:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nSubject: RE: Real Options\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jim Dyer @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nI can take a cab or get a rental car from the airport (thanks for your kind \noffer).\nI shall appreciate, however, if you could drop me off at the hotel before \ndinner.\n\nThe time allocation for my speech is about right. I think I shall need about \n90\nminutes.\n\nPlease let me know where we can meet on Thursday. I shall be at an off-site\non Wednesday but you can reach me on my cell phone (713 410 5396)\nand by sending a cc message to my AOL address: vkaminski@aol.com.\n\nI look forward to meeting you.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 05/01/2000 01:42:44 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I could pick you up at the airport, or you could rent a car and come\nto campus. I have made tentative plans for us to go to lunch with some\nother faculty between 11:30 and 12:00, and then you would have some time to\nvisit with Sheridan and perhaps with some other faculty members as well\nbetween lunch and my class.\n\n Sheridan and a guest speaker from his class, Suresh Sundaresan from\nColumbia, will be joining us for dinner. I could provide transportation to\nyour hotel, and pick you up for dinner as well if you consider that to be\nthe most convenient alternative.\n\n I will have a PC available in the classroom, with Office 2000 and\nwindows NT. You could use powerpoint with no difficulty from that machine,\nif that's most convenient. You could simply email the presentation, and I\nwould have it for you if you prefer.\n\n How much time would you like? I would like to reserve about 30\nminutes at the end for a general discussion of issues related to real\noptions, and about 30 minutes at the beginning of class for some remarks\nregarding the final assignment and a class evaluation by the students (which\nis required for all classes). At some point, we should take a brief break,\nso that would leave approximately 1.5 to 2 hours for your presentation if\nyou would like that flexibility. Otherwise, I could take up the \"slack\".\n\n I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.\n\n Jim\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, April 28, 2000 11:21 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: Real Options\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nI am scheduled to arrive in Austin on May 4 at 10:32 a.m.\nI shall be glad to join you and a group of your colleagues for lunch.\nI am flying back to Houston Friday morning and we can meet for dinner\nafter\nthe class.\n\nI shall have a Power Point presentation on my PC. I can also\nprepare a set of transparencies if this is more convenient for you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 04/27/2000 05:44:51 AM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I am traveling at this time, attending a NSF meeting in Washington.\nHowever, I wanted to touch base regarding plans for your presentation in my\nclass on real options next Thursday (May 4). As you recall, the class is\nfrom 3:30 to 6:30, and you could plan to take a significant part of that\ntime for your presentation. Sheridan Titman has agreed to join us after\nhis\nclass at about 6:00 for a 30 minute \"panel discussion\" with the students on\nissues related to real options in practice.l\n\n I am not sure about your travel plans, but we would be happy to plan\nlunch on Thursday with several of my colleagues. I would also be delighted\nto be your host for dinner on Thursday night if that is convenient for you.\n\n I'll be back in my office on Monday, and will look forward to\nhearing from you.\n\n Jim\n\nJames S. Dyer\nFondren Centennial Chair in Business\nDepartment of Management Science and Information Systems\nCBA 5.202\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas 78712-1175\n\nEmail: j.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nTelephone: 512-471-5278\nFax: 512-471-0587\n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Real Options", "originEmail", [["reach cell0phone", 23, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reach"], "intention", " i shall be at an off-site on wednesday but you can reach me on my cell phone phonenumber ) and by sending a cc message to my aol address: vkaminski@aol."]], "Jim,\n\nI can take a cab or get a rental car from the airport (thanks for your kind \noffer).\nI shall appreciate, however, if you could drop me off at the hotel before \ndinner.\n\nThe time allocation for my speech is about right. I think I shall need about \n90\nminutes.\n\nPlease let me know where we can meet on Thursday. I shall be at an off-site\non Wednesday but you can reach me on my cell phone (713 410 5396)\nand by sending a cc message to my AOL address: vkaminski@aol.com.\n\nI look forward to meeting you.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer ", [], true], "2-5-2000-5:4:0Sjim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu": ["2-5-2000-5:4:0", "jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "sheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu", "Message-ID: <15564359.1075857078311.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 May 2000 05:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jim.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Real Options\nCc: sheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu\nX-From: Jim Dyer \nX-To: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \nX-cc: Sheridan Titman \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Ut\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\n If you take a cab, ask them to take you to the College of Business\nbuilding at the corner of 21st and Speedway. The main entrance to the\nbusiness school is on Speedway, across from the old gymnasium. Come in the\nmain entrance, which has a large, glass structure, and you will be on the\nsecond floor. Go to your left and ride up the first set of escalators to\nthe third floor. When you step off of the escalators, you'll be facing\nnorth and continue in that direction through two sets of glass doors into\nthe northern side of the building. This is where most faculty offices are\nfound. My office is 3.218, which is in the northwest corner of the\nbuilding.\n\n If you have any problems, you should be able to ask directions from\nmost anyone in the halls. I will look for you around 11:00 on Thursday, and\nwill be happy to provide any other transportation that you need. Please let\nme know if you have any other questions.\n\n Jim\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 9:23 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com;\nShirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nI can take a cab or get a rental car from the airport (thanks for your\nkind offer).\nI shall appreciate, however, if you could drop me off at the hotel before\ndinner.\n\nThe time allocation for my speech is about right. I think I shall need\nabout 90\nminutes.\n\nPlease let me know where we can meet on Thursday. I shall be at an\noff-site\non Wednesday but you can reach me on my cell phone (713 410 5396)\nand by sending a cc message to my AOL address: vkaminski@aol.com.\n\nI look forward to meeting you.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 05/01/2000 01:42:44 PM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I could pick you up at the airport, or you could rent a car and come\nto campus. I have made tentative plans for us to go to lunch with some\nother faculty between 11:30 and 12:00, and then you would have some time to\nvisit with Sheridan and perhaps with some other faculty members as well\nbetween lunch and my class.\n\n Sheridan and a guest speaker from his class, Suresh Sundaresan from\nColumbia, will be joining us for dinner. I could provide transportation to\nyour hotel, and pick you up for dinner as well if you consider that to be\nthe most convenient alternative.\n\n I will have a PC available in the classroom, with Office 2000 and\nwindows NT. You could use powerpoint with no difficulty from that machine,\nif that's most convenient. You could simply email the presentation, and I\nwould have it for you if you prefer.\n\n How much time would you like? I would like to reserve about 30\nminutes at the end for a general discussion of issues related to real\noptions, and about 30 minutes at the beginning of class for some remarks\nregarding the final assignment and a class evaluation by the students\n(which\nis required for all classes). At some point, we should take a brief break,\nso that would leave approximately 1.5 to 2 hours for your presentation if\nyou would like that flexibility. Otherwise, I could take up the \"slack\".\n\n I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.\n\n Jim\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, April 28, 2000 11:21 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: Real Options\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nI am scheduled to arrive in Austin on May 4 at 10:32 a.m.\nI shall be glad to join you and a group of your colleagues for lunch.\nI am flying back to Houston Friday morning and we can meet for dinner\nafter\nthe class.\n\nI shall have a Power Point presentation on my PC. I can also\nprepare a set of transparencies if this is more convenient for you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 04/27/2000 05:44:51 AM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I am traveling at this time, attending a NSF meeting in Washington.\nHowever, I wanted to touch base regarding plans for your presentation in my\nclass on real options next Thursday (May 4). As you recall, the class is\nfrom 3:30 to 6:30, and you could plan to take a significant part of that\ntime for your presentation. Sheridan Titman has agreed to join us after\nhis\nclass at about 6:00 for a 30 minute \"panel discussion\" with the students on\nissues related to real options in practice.l\n\n I am not sure about your travel plans, but we would be happy to plan\nlunch on Thursday with several of my colleagues. I would also be delighted\nto be your host for dinner on Thursday night if that is convenient for you.\n\n I'll be back in my office on Monday, and will look forward to\nhearing from you.\n\n Jim\n\nJames S. Dyer\nFondren Centennial Chair in Business\nDepartment of Management Science and Information Systems\nCBA 5.202\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas 78712-1175\n\nEmail: j.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nTelephone: 512-471-5278\nFax: 512-471-0587\n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Real Options", "reply", [], "Vince,\n\n If you take a cab, ask them to take you to the College of Business\nbuilding at the corner of 21st and Speedway. The main entrance to the\nbusiness school is on Speedway, across from the old gymnasium. Come in the\nmain entrance, which has a large, glass structure, and you will be on the\nsecond floor. Go to your left and ride up the first set of escalators to\nthe third floor. When you step off of the escalators, you'll be facing\nnorth and continue in that direction through two sets of glass doors into\nthe northern side of the building. This is where most faculty offices are\nfound. My office is 3.218, which is in the northwest corner of the\nbuilding.\n\n If you have any problems, you should be able to ask directions from\nmost anyone in the halls. I will look for you around 11:00 on Thursday, and\nwill be happy to provide any other transportation that you need. Please let\nme know if you have any other questions.\n\n Jim\n\n", "<15564359.1075857078311.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "2-5-2000-6:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2000-6:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27579931.1075856930604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 May 2000 06:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Real Options\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2000 \n01:57 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJim Dyer on 05/02/2000 12:04:06 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n If you take a cab, ask them to take you to the College of Business\nbuilding at the corner of 21st and Speedway. The main entrance to the\nbusiness school is on Speedway, across from the old gymnasium. Come in the\nmain entrance, which has a large, glass structure, and you will be on the\nsecond floor. Go to your left and ride up the first set of escalators to\nthe third floor. When you step off of the escalators, you'll be facing\nnorth and continue in that direction through two sets of glass doors into\nthe northern side of the building. This is where most faculty offices are\nfound. My office is 3.218, which is in the northwest corner of the\nbuilding.\n\n If you have any problems, you should be able to ask directions from\nmost anyone in the halls. I will look for you around 11:00 on Thursday, and\nwill be happy to provide any other transportation that you need. Please let\nme know if you have any other questions.\n\n Jim\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 9:23 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com;\nShirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nI can take a cab or get a rental car from the airport (thanks for your\nkind offer).\nI shall appreciate, however, if you could drop me off at the hotel before\ndinner.\n\nThe time allocation for my speech is about right. I think I shall need\nabout 90\nminutes.\n\nPlease let me know where we can meet on Thursday. I shall be at an\noff-site\non Wednesday but you can reach me on my cell phone (713 410 5396)\nand by sending a cc message to my AOL address: vkaminski@aol.com.\n\nI look forward to meeting you.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 05/01/2000 01:42:44 PM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I could pick you up at the airport, or you could rent a car and come\nto campus. I have made tentative plans for us to go to lunch with some\nother faculty between 11:30 and 12:00, and then you would have some time to\nvisit with Sheridan and perhaps with some other faculty members as well\nbetween lunch and my class.\n\n Sheridan and a guest speaker from his class, Suresh Sundaresan from\nColumbia, will be joining us for dinner. I could provide transportation to\nyour hotel, and pick you up for dinner as well if you consider that to be\nthe most convenient alternative.\n\n I will have a PC available in the classroom, with Office 2000 and\nwindows NT. You could use powerpoint with no difficulty from that machine,\nif that's most convenient. You could simply email the presentation, and I\nwould have it for you if you prefer.\n\n How much time would you like? I would like to reserve about 30\nminutes at the end for a general discussion of issues related to real\noptions, and about 30 minutes at the beginning of class for some remarks\nregarding the final assignment and a class evaluation by the students\n(which\nis required for all classes). At some point, we should take a brief break,\nso that would leave approximately 1.5 to 2 hours for your presentation if\nyou would like that flexibility. Otherwise, I could take up the \"slack\".\n\n I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.\n\n Jim\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, April 28, 2000 11:21 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: Real Options\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nI am scheduled to arrive in Austin on May 4 at 10:32 a.m.\nI shall be glad to join you and a group of your colleagues for lunch.\nI am flying back to Houston Friday morning and we can meet for dinner\nafter\nthe class.\n\nI shall have a Power Point presentation on my PC. I can also\nprepare a set of transparencies if this is more convenient for you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 04/27/2000 05:44:51 AM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I am traveling at this time, attending a NSF meeting in Washington.\nHowever, I wanted to touch base regarding plans for your presentation in my\nclass on real options next Thursday (May 4). As you recall, the class is\nfrom 3:30 to 6:30, and you could plan to take a significant part of that\ntime for your presentation. Sheridan Titman has agreed to join us after\nhis\nclass at about 6:00 for a 30 minute \"panel discussion\" with the students on\nissues related to real options in practice.l\n\n I am not sure about your travel plans, but we would be happy to plan\nlunch on Thursday with several of my colleagues. I would also be delighted\nto be your host for dinner on Thursday night if that is convenient for you.\n\n I'll be back in my office on Monday, and will look forward to\nhearing from you.\n\n Jim\n\nJames S. Dyer\nFondren Centennial Chair in Business\nDepartment of Management Science and Information Systems\nCBA 5.202\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas 78712-1175\n\nEmail: j.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nTelephone: 512-471-5278\nFax: 512-471-0587\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Real Options", "forward", [], "", "<27579931.1075856930604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "2-5-2000-6:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2000-6:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27719588.1075856930534.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 May 2000 06:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: RE: Real Options\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2000 \n02:01 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJim Dyer on 05/02/2000 12:04:06 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n If you take a cab, ask them to take you to the College of Business\nbuilding at the corner of 21st and Speedway. The main entrance to the\nbusiness school is on Speedway, across from the old gymnasium. Come in the\nmain entrance, which has a large, glass structure, and you will be on the\nsecond floor. Go to your left and ride up the first set of escalators to\nthe third floor. When you step off of the escalators, you'll be facing\nnorth and continue in that direction through two sets of glass doors into\nthe northern side of the building. This is where most faculty offices are\nfound. My office is 3.218, which is in the northwest corner of the\nbuilding.\n\n If you have any problems, you should be able to ask directions from\nmost anyone in the halls. I will look for you around 11:00 on Thursday, and\nwill be happy to provide any other transportation that you need. Please let\nme know if you have any other questions.\n\n Jim\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 9:23 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com;\nShirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nI can take a cab or get a rental car from the airport (thanks for your\nkind offer).\nI shall appreciate, however, if you could drop me off at the hotel before\ndinner.\n\nThe time allocation for my speech is about right. I think I shall need\nabout 90\nminutes.\n\nPlease let me know where we can meet on Thursday. I shall be at an\noff-site\non Wednesday but you can reach me on my cell phone (713 410 5396)\nand by sending a cc message to my AOL address: vkaminski@aol.com.\n\nI look forward to meeting you.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 05/01/2000 01:42:44 PM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: RE: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I could pick you up at the airport, or you could rent a car and come\nto campus. I have made tentative plans for us to go to lunch with some\nother faculty between 11:30 and 12:00, and then you would have some time to\nvisit with Sheridan and perhaps with some other faculty members as well\nbetween lunch and my class.\n\n Sheridan and a guest speaker from his class, Suresh Sundaresan from\nColumbia, will be joining us for dinner. I could provide transportation to\nyour hotel, and pick you up for dinner as well if you consider that to be\nthe most convenient alternative.\n\n I will have a PC available in the classroom, with Office 2000 and\nwindows NT. You could use powerpoint with no difficulty from that machine,\nif that's most convenient. You could simply email the presentation, and I\nwould have it for you if you prefer.\n\n How much time would you like? I would like to reserve about 30\nminutes at the end for a general discussion of issues related to real\noptions, and about 30 minutes at the beginning of class for some remarks\nregarding the final assignment and a class evaluation by the students\n(which\nis required for all classes). At some point, we should take a brief break,\nso that would leave approximately 1.5 to 2 hours for your presentation if\nyou would like that flexibility. Otherwise, I could take up the \"slack\".\n\n I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.\n\n Jim\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, April 28, 2000 11:21 AM\nTo: Jim.Dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re: Real Options\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nI am scheduled to arrive in Austin on May 4 at 10:32 a.m.\nI shall be glad to join you and a group of your colleagues for lunch.\nI am flying back to Houston Friday morning and we can meet for dinner\nafter\nthe class.\n\nI shall have a Power Point presentation on my PC. I can also\nprepare a set of transparencies if this is more convenient for you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Dyer on 04/27/2000 05:44:51 AM\n\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: Sheridan Titman \nSubject: Real Options\n\n\nVince,\n\n I am traveling at this time, attending a NSF meeting in Washington.\nHowever, I wanted to touch base regarding plans for your presentation in my\nclass on real options next Thursday (May 4). As you recall, the class is\nfrom 3:30 to 6:30, and you could plan to take a significant part of that\ntime for your presentation. Sheridan Titman has agreed to join us after\nhis\nclass at about 6:00 for a 30 minute \"panel discussion\" with the students on\nissues related to real options in practice.l\n\n I am not sure about your travel plans, but we would be happy to plan\nlunch on Thursday with several of my colleagues. I would also be delighted\nto be your host for dinner on Thursday night if that is convenient for you.\n\n I'll be back in my office on Monday, and will look forward to\nhearing from you.\n\n Jim\n\nJames S. Dyer\nFondren Centennial Chair in Business\nDepartment of Management Science and Information Systems\nCBA 5.202\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas 78712-1175\n\nEmail: j.dyer@bus.utexas.edu\nTelephone: 512-471-5278\nFax: 512-471-0587\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Real Options", "forward", [], "", "<27719588.1075856930534.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true]}, "16-4-2001-3:19:0Smlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu 16-4-2001-5:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-7:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-11:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-4-2001-10:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-0:36:0Selena.chilkina@enron.com 24-4-2001-20:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-4-2001-3:19:0Smlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu": ["16-4-2001-3:19:0", "mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["macminnr@uts.cc.utexas.edu"], "Dear Dr. Kaminski:\nThank you very much for the natural gas information. The electricity price\nis also definitely of great help if it can be available.\nCould you kindly please let me know the contact information for FT or\nMegawatt Daily? I will contact them asap to get their permission for the\naccess of the price data.\nThank you very much and have a great day!\nMulong\nOn Mon, 16 Apr 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Mulong,\n>\n> We shall send you natural gas Henry Hub prices right away.\n> Please look at the last winter and the winter of\n> 95/96.\n>\n> We shall prepare for you the electricity price\n> information (Cinergy, Cobb and Palo Verde) but\n> you have to approach FT (the publishers of\n> Megawatts Daily, a newsletter that produces the price\n> index we recommend using) and request the permision\n> to use the data. We are not allowed to distribute\n> this information.\n>\n> Please, explain that this is for academic research and that\n> we can produce the time series for you,\n> conditional on the permission from the publishers\n> of Megawatts Daily.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> mulong wang on 04/15/2001 03:43:26 AM\n>\n> To: vkamins@ect.enron.com\n> cc: Richard MacMinn \n> Subject: Weather and energy price Data\n>\n>\n> Dear Dr. Kaminski:\n>\n> I am a PhD Candidate under the supervision of Drs. Richard MacMinn and\n> Patrick Brockett. I am now working on my dissertation which is focused on\n> the weather derivatives and credit derivatives.\n>\n> Could you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about\n> the price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions?\n>\n> The past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide, and there may be a\n> significant price jump for natural gas or electricity. Could you\n> please offer me some energy price data during that time period?\n>\n> Your kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day!\n>\n> Mulong\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Weather and energy price Data"], "{'body': ['mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu']}", [["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 60, "information", ["produces", "price"], "information", " we shall prepare for you the electricity price information (cinergy, cobb and palo verde) but you have to approach ft (the publishers of megawatts daily, a newsletter that produces the price index we recommend using) and request the permision to use the data."]], "Dear Dr. Kaminski:\n\nThank you very much for the natural gas information. The electricity price\nis also definitely of great help if it can be available.\n\nCould you kindly please let me know the contact information for FT or\nMegawatt Daily? I will contact them asap to get their permission for the\naccess of the price data.\n\nThank you very much and have a great day!\n\nMulong\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nOn Mon, 16 Apr 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n \n Mulong,\n \n We shall send you natural gas Henry Hub prices right away.\n Please look at the last winter and the winter of\n 95/96.\n \n We shall prepare for you the electricity price\n information (Cinergy, Cobb and Palo Verde) but\n you have to approach FT (the publishers of\n Megawatts Daily, a newsletter that produces the price\n index we recommend using) and request the permision\n to use the data. We are not allowed to distribute\n this information.\n \n Please, explain that this is for academic research and that\n we can produce the time series for you,\n conditional on the permission from the publishers\n of Megawatts Daily.\n \n Vince Kaminski\n \n \n \n \n mulong wang ", "<25116643.1075856193376.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19163819.1075856422572.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-5:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-5:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu"], [], "Mulong,\nI think you can easily find this information on Internet.\nVince\nmulong wang on 04/16/2001 10:19:29 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Richard MacMinn \nSubject: Re: Weather and energy price Data\nDear Dr. Kaminski:\nThank you very much for the natural gas information. The electricity price\nis also definitely of great help if it can be available.\nCould you kindly please let me know the contact information for FT or\nMegawatt Daily? I will contact them asap to get their permission for the\naccess of the price data.\nThank you very much and have a great day!\nMulong\nOn Mon, 16 Apr 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Mulong,\n>\n> We shall send you natural gas Henry Hub prices right away.\n> Please look at the last winter and the winter of\n> 95/96.\n>\n> We shall prepare for you the electricity price\n> information (Cinergy, Cobb and Palo Verde) but\n> you have to approach FT (the publishers of\n> Megawatts Daily, a newsletter that produces the price\n> index we recommend using) and request the permision\n> to use the data. We are not allowed to distribute\n> this information.\n>\n> Please, explain that this is for academic research and that\n> we can produce the time series for you,\n> conditional on the permission from the publishers\n> of Megawatts Daily.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> mulong wang on 04/15/2001 03:43:26 AM\n>\n> To: vkamins@ect.enron.com\n> cc: Richard MacMinn \n> Subject: Weather and energy price Data\n>\n>\n> Dear Dr. Kaminski:\n>\n> I am a PhD Candidate under the supervision of Drs. Richard MacMinn and\n> Patrick Brockett. I am now working on my dissertation which is focused on\n> the weather derivatives and credit derivatives.\n>\n> Could you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about\n> the price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions?\n>\n> The past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide, and there may be a\n> significant price jump for natural gas or electricity. Could you\n> please offer me some energy price data during that time period?\n>\n> Your kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day!\n>\n> Mulong\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Weather and energy price Data"], "{'body': ['mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu']}", [], "Mulong,\n\nI think you can easily find this information on Internet.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nmulong wang ", "<11329893.1075856506662.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19812324.1075856193354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30868797.1075856422595.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-7:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-7:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["elena.chilkina@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Elena,\nPlease, prepare for Mulong NG and power price series. \nWe can use Henry Hub for NG, Cinergy, Cobb and PV for electricity.\n \nWe can send him NG price right away. Electricity prices are different: he has \nto obtain \npermission from FT (Megawatts Daily). I shall cc you on my msg to him.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n02:03 PM ---------------------------\nmulong wang on 04/15/2001 03:43:26 AM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: Richard MacMinn \nSubject: Weather and energy price Data\nDear Dr. Kaminski:\nI am a PhD Candidate under the supervision of Drs. Richard MacMinn and\nPatrick Brockett. I am now working on my dissertation which is focused on\nthe weather derivatives and credit derivatives.\nCould you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about\nthe price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions?\nThe past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide, and there may be a\nsignificant price jump for natural gas or electricity. Could you\nplease offer me some energy price data during that time period?\nYour kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day!\nMulong\n", ["Weather and energy price Data"], "{'body': ['mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu']}", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 1, "nninformation", ["prepare", "power"], "request", "elena, please, prepare for mulong ng and power price series."]], "Elena,\n\nPlease, prepare for Mulong NG and power price series. \nWe can use Henry Hub for NG, Cinergy, Cobb and PV for electricity.\n \nWe can send him NG price right away. Electricity prices are different: he has \nto obtain \npermission from FT (Megawatts Daily). I shall cc you on my msg to him.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<7031658.1075856440366.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23185610.1075856640186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14451057.1075856506707.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25292099.1075856193580.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10263968.1075856422407.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-11:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu"], ["macminnr@uts.cc.utexas.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "elena.chilkina@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <311515.1075858468446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 11:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu\nSubject: Re: Weather and energy price Data\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, elena.chilkina@enron.com,\n\tmacminnr@uts.cc.utexas.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, elena.chilkina@enron.com,\n\tmacminnr@uts.cc.utexas.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: mulong wang \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski , Elena Chilkina , macminnr \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nMulong,\n\nWe shall send you natural gas Henry Hub prices right away.\nPlease look at the last winter and the winter of\n95/96.\n\nWe shall prepare for you the electricity price\ninformation (Cinergy, Cobb and Palo Verde) but\nyou have to approach FT (the publishers of\nMegawatts Daily, a newsletter that produces the price\nindex we recommend using) and request the permision\nto use the data. We are not allowed to distribute\nthis information.\n\nPlease, explain that this is for academic research and that\nwe can produce the time series for you,\nconditional on the permission from the publishers\nof Megawatts Daily.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nmulong wang on 04/15/2001 03:43:26 AM\nTo:\tvkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc:\tRichard MacMinn \nSubject:\tWeather and energy price Data\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski:\n\nI am a PhD Candidate under the supervision of Drs. Richard MacMinn and\nPatrick Brockett. I am now working on my dissertation which is focused on\nthe weather derivatives and credit derivatives.\n\nCould you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about\nthe price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions?\n\nThe past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide, and there may be a\nsignificant price jump for natural gas or electricity. Could you\nplease offer me some energy price data during that time period?\n\nYour kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day!\n\nMulong\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Weather and energy price Data", "originEmail", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 15, "nninformation", ["cobb", "prepare"], "intention", " we shall prepare for you the electricity price information (cinergy, cobb and palo verde) but you have to approach ft (the publishers of megawatts daily, a newsletter that produces the price index we recommend using) and request the permision to use the data."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 26, "information", ["produces", "price"], "information", " we shall prepare for you the electricity price information (cinergy, cobb and palo verde) but you have to approach ft (the publishers of megawatts daily, a newsletter that produces the price index we recommend using) and request the permision to use the data."]], "Mulong,\n\nWe shall send you natural gas Henry Hub prices right away.\nPlease look at the last winter and the winter of\n95/96.\n\nWe shall prepare for you the electricity price\ninformation (Cinergy, Cobb and Palo Verde) but\nyou have to approach FT (the publishers of\nMegawatts Daily, a newsletter that produces the price\nindex we recommend using) and request the permision\nto use the data. We are not allowed to distribute\nthis information.\n\nPlease, explain that this is for academic research and that\nwe can produce the time series for you,\nconditional on the permission from the publishers\nof Megawatts Daily.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nmulong wang ", {"cost_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price index_powerTnn"]}, "gas0price_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas0price_price index_powerTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas priceTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "cobb", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["info_information personnameTnn"]}}, true], "24-4-2001-10:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-10:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 \n05:40 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Elena Chilkina 04/19/2001 01:49 PM\n \nTo: mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Weather and energy price Data \nMulong,\nPlease find attached a file with Henry Hub natural gas prices. The data \nstarts from 1995 and given on the daily basis, please let us know when we \ncan proceed with electricity prices.\nSincerely,\nElena Chilkina\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/16/2001 08:19 AM\nTo: mulong wang @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elena Chilkina/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nmacminnr@uts.cc.utexas.edu \nSubject: Re: Weather and energy price Data \nMulong,\nWe shall send you natural gas Henry Hub prices right away.\nPlease look at the last winter and the winter of\n95/96.\nWe shall prepare for you the electricity price\ninformation (Cinergy, Cobb and Palo Verde) but\nyou have to approach FT (the publishers of\nMegawatts Daily, a newsletter that produces the price\nindex we recommend using) and request the permision\nto use the data. We are not allowed to distribute\nthis information.\nPlease, explain that this is for academic research and that\nwe can produce the time series for you,\nconditional on the permission from the publishers\nof Megawatts Daily.\nVince Kaminski\nmulong wang on 04/15/2001 03:43:26 AM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: Richard MacMinn \nSubject: Weather and energy price Data\nDear Dr. Kaminski:\nI am a PhD Candidate under the supervision of Drs. Richard MacMinn and\nPatrick Brockett. I am now working on my dissertation which is focused on\nthe weather derivatives and credit derivatives.\nCould you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about\nthe price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions?\nThe past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide, and there may be a\nsignificant price jump for natural gas or electricity. Could you\nplease offer me some energy price data during that time period?\nYour kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day!\nMulong\n", ["Re: Weather and energy price Data", "Continue Enjoying IIJournals -- Renew Today!"], "{'body': ['mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<5646392.1075856438769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6980368.1075856438791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15746782.1075856502138.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12363427.1075856502161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13800081.1075856189056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9740884.1075856189078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25131269.1075856426118.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31613200.1075856426154.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-0:36:0Selena.chilkina@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-0:36:0", "elena.chilkina@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "mulong wang on 04/24/2001 10:58:43 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Weather and energy price Data\nHello, Elena:\nThank you very much for your data. I sent an email to FT but had no\nresponse so far. As soon as I got their permission I will let you know.\nHave a great day!\nMulong\nOn Thu, 19 Apr 2001 Elena.Chilkina@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Mulong,\n>\n> Please find attached a file with Henry Hub natural gas prices. The data\n> starts from 1995 and given on the daily basis, please let us know when we\n> can proceed with electricity prices.\n>\n> Sincerely,\n> Elena Chilkina\n>\n)\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Vince J Kaminski@ECT\n> 04/16/2001 08:19 AM\n>\n> To: mulong wang @ ENRON\n> cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elena Chilkina/Corp/Enron@Enron,\n> macminnr@uts.cc.utexas.edu\n>\n> Subject: Re: Weather and energy price Data (Document link: Elena\n> Chilkina)\n>\n> Mulong,\n>\n> We shall send you natural gas Henry Hub prices right away.\n> Please look at the last winter and the winter of\n> 95/96.\n>\n> We shall prepare for you the electricity price\n> information (Cinergy, Cobb and Palo Verde) but\n> you have to approach FT (the publishers of\n> Megawatts Daily, a newsletter that produces the price\n> index we recommend using) and request the permision\n> to use the data. We are not allowed to distribute\n> this information.\n>\n> Please, explain that this is for academic research and that\n> we can produce the time series for you,\n> conditional on the permission from the publishers\n> of Megawatts Daily.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n>\n> mulong wang on 04/15/2001 03:43:26 AM\n>\n> To: vkamins@ect.enron.com\n> cc: Richard MacMinn \n> Subject: Weather and energy price Data\n>\n>\n> Dear Dr. Kaminski:\n>\n> I am a PhD Candidate under the supervision of Drs. Richard MacMinn and\n> Patrick Brockett. I am now working on my dissertation which is focused on\n> the weather derivatives and credit derivatives.\n>\n> Could you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about\n> the price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions?\n>\n> The past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide, and there may be a\n> significant price jump for natural gas or electricity. Could you\n> please offer me some energy price data during that time period?\n>\n> Your kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day!\n>\n> Mulong\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Weather and energy price Data"], "{'body': ['mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu']}", [], "mulong wang ", "<19758270.1075856185472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-4-2001-20:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-20:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nI probably asked you about it already.\nI want to renew.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 05:39 PM ---------------------------\nInstitutional Investor Journals on 04/19/2001 11:03:59 AM\nTo: \"vkamins@enron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: Continue Enjoying IIJournals -- Renew Today!\nDear Vince Kaminski,\nWe hope you are enjoying the benefits of receiving market-leading, rigorous and current research from industry experts through your subscription to DERIVATIVES QUARTERLY.\nUnfortunately, your subscription is about to expire! By renewing now, your access to the web site and to your print copies will be uninterrupted.\nYou can continue to get the exclusive research and practical advice for financial practitioners - written by the best minds in your business!\nClick here to Renew Today\nhttp://www.iijournals.com/account/myaccount.asp\nThank you.\n", ["Continue Enjoying IIJournals -- Renew Today!", "Re: Weather and energy price Data"], "{'body': ['mlwang@uts.cc.utexas.edu']}", [], "\n", ["<8483568.1075858470161.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10552177.1075858470183.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "16-3-2000-6:34:0Svpokhleb@ideaus.com 16-3-2000-8:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-3-2000-6:34:0Svpokhleb@ideaus.com": ["16-3-2000-6:34:0", "vpokhleb@ideaus.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16191801.1075856759350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 06:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vpokhleb@ideaus.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: IDEA: please take a look\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Vadim Pokhlebkin\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nThank you for calling. Briefly, about IDEAglobal.com: we've been providing\nunbiased market analysis since 1989, and today our customers include the\nFed, the US Treasury, the IMF, 25 foreign Central banks, and over 1,700\ndealing rooms worldwide. We emphasize sales and trading strategies rather\nthan just provide market news.\n\nAttached, please find 2 samples of our daily research: today's issue of our\nmorning faxes Financial Markets Today and Fixed Income Today. We also have\nintraday market coverage on Bloomberg: IDEA>GO, Reuters, and\nBridge/Telerate.\n\nIf the info looks interesting, we would be glad to arrange a 30-day free\ntrial for you? For your reference, please see our Price List. I look\nforward to your reply.\n\nBest regards,\nVadim Pokhlebkin\nAccount Manager\nvpokhlebkin@ideaglobal.com\ntel. + 1 212 571 4332\nfax + 1 212 571 4334\n\nIDEAglobal.com\n140 Broadway, 21st Floor\nNew York, NY 10005, USA\n\nAny views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,\nexcept where the sender specifically states them to be the views of\nIDEAglobal.com. This email, its content and any files transmitted with it\nare intended solely for the addressee(s) and may be legally privileged\nand/or confidential. Access by any other party is unauthorized without the\nexpress written permission of the sender. If you have received this email in\nerror you may not copy or use the contents, attachments or information in\nany way. Please destroy it and contact the sender via the IDEAglobal.com\nswitchboard in one of the following three offices: New York +1 212 571 4332;\nLondon +44 171 430 2888; Singapore +65 332 0700\n\n - FMT0316A.pdf\n - FIT0316a.pdf\n - onesheet.doc", "IDEA: please take a look", "forward", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 55, "nninformation", ["see", "price"], "request", " for your reference, please see our price list."], ["receive_incur gas", 108, "information", ["error", "received"], "information", " if you have received this email in error you may not copy or use the contents, attachments or information in any way."]], "Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nThank you for calling. Briefly, about IDEAglobal.com: we've been providing\nunbiased market analysis since 1989, and today our customers include the\nFed, the US Treasury, the IMF, 25 foreign Central banks, and over 1,700\ndealing rooms worldwide. We emphasize sales and trading strategies rather\nthan just provide market news.\n\nAttached, please find 2 samples of our daily research: today's issue of our\nmorning faxes Financial Markets Today and Fixed Income Today. We also have\nintraday market coverage on Bloomberg: IDEA GO, Reuters, and\nBridge/Telerate.\n\nIf the info looks interesting, we would be glad to arrange a 30-day free\ntrial for you? For your reference, please see our Price List. I look\nforward to your reply.\n\nBest regards,\nVadim Pokhlebkin\nAccount Manager\nvpokhlebkin@ideaglobal.com\ntel. + 1 212 571 4332\nfax + 1 212 571 4334\n\nIDEAglobal.com\n140 Broadway, 21st Floor\nNew York, NY 10005, USA\n\nAny views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,\nexcept where the sender specifically states them to be the views of\nIDEAglobal.com. This email, its content and any files transmitted with it\nare intended solely for the addressee(s) and may be legally privileged\nand/or confidential. Access by any other party is unauthorized without the\nexpress written permission of the sender. If you have received this email in\nerror you may not copy or use the contents, attachments or information in\nany way. Please destroy it and contact the sender via the IDEAglobal.com\nswitchboard in one of the following three offices: New York +1 212 571 4332;\nLondon +44 171 430 2888; Singapore +65 332 0700\n\n - FMT0316A.pdf\n - FIT0316a.pdf\n - onesheet.doc", "<16191801.1075856759350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "1,700", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false], "16-3-2000-8:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-3-2000-8:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["harry.arora@enron.com", "gary.hickerson@enron.com"], ["maureen.raymond@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27736192.1075856812042.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 08:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: gary.hickerson@enron.com, harry.arora@enron.com\nSubject: IDEA: please take a look\nCc: maureen.raymond@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: maureen.raymond@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Gary Hickerson, Harry Arora\nX-cc: Maureen Raymond\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPlease,\n\nTake a look at the attached info. Can you use this service?\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2000 \n04:54 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Vadim Pokhlebkin\" on 03/16/2000 01:34:40 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: IDEA: please take a look\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nThank you for calling. Briefly, about IDEAglobal.com: we've been providing\nunbiased market analysis since 1989, and today our customers include the\nFed, the US Treasury, the IMF, 25 foreign Central banks, and over 1,700\ndealing rooms worldwide. We emphasize sales and trading strategies rather\nthan just provide market news.\n\nAttached, please find 2 samples of our daily research: today's issue of our\nmorning faxes Financial Markets Today and Fixed Income Today. We also have\nintraday market coverage on Bloomberg: IDEA>GO, Reuters, and\nBridge/Telerate.\n\nIf the info looks interesting, we would be glad to arrange a 30-day free\ntrial for you? For your reference, please see our Price List. I look\nforward to your reply.\n\nBest regards,\nVadim Pokhlebkin\nAccount Manager\nvpokhlebkin@ideaglobal.com\ntel. + 1 212 571 4332\nfax + 1 212 571 4334\n\nIDEAglobal.com\n140 Broadway, 21st Floor\nNew York, NY 10005, USA\n\nAny views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,\nexcept where the sender specifically states them to be the views of\nIDEAglobal.com. This email, its content and any files transmitted with it\nare intended solely for the addressee(s) and may be legally privileged\nand/or confidential. Access by any other party is unauthorized without the\nexpress written permission of the sender. If you have received this email in\nerror you may not copy or use the contents, attachments or information in\nany way. Please destroy it and contact the sender via the IDEAglobal.com\nswitchboard in one of the following three offices: New York +1 212 571 4332;\nLondon +44 171 430 2888; Singapore +65 332 0700\n\n - FMT0316A.pdf\n - FIT0316a.pdf\n - onesheet.doc\n", "IDEA: please take a look", "originEmail", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 5, "information", ["attached", "info"], "information", "please, take a look at the attached info."]], "Please,\n\nTake a look at the attached info. Can you use this service?\n\nVince\n", "<27736192.1075856812042.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "12-5-2000-1:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-5-2000-9:55:0Sceleste.roberts@enron.com": {"12-5-2000-1:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-5-2000-1:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["celeste.roberts@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9181784.1075856737722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 May 2000 01:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Brad Romine\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nAs you may know, Brad Romine's dot.com venture fell apart.\n\nThe offer from Enron looks much better now. I have arranged for him\na number of different interviews (including one with you). I think we should \nnot be too\npunitive and give him the 2nd chance. I am setting up for him interviews with \nRAC,\nEBS and Greg Whalley and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation.\n\nPlease, give me a call if you have any other question.\n\nVince Kaminski", "Brad Romine", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 18, "information", ["setting", "interviews"], "information", " i am setting up for him interviews with rac, ebs and greg whalley and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation."]], "Celeste,\n\nAs you may know, Brad Romine's dot.com venture fell apart.\n\nThe offer from Enron looks much better now. I have arranged for him\na number of different interviews (including one with you). I think we should \nnot be too\npunitive and give him the 2nd chance. I am setting up for him interviews with \nRAC,\nEBS and Greg Whalley and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation.\n\nPlease, give me a call if you have any other question.\n\nVince Kaminski", "<9181784.1075856737722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "12-5-2000-9:55:0Sceleste.roberts@enron.com": ["12-5-2000-9:55:0", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29815261.1075856737541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 May 2000 09:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Brad Romine\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Celeste Roberts\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThat is fine. I look forward to visiting with him.\n\nCeleste\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/12/2000 08:56 AM\nTo: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Brad Romine\n\nCeleste,\n\nAs you may know, Brad Romine's dot.com venture fell apart.\n\nThe offer from Enron looks much better now. I have arranged for him\na number of different interviews (including one with you). I think we should \nnot be too\npunitive and give him the 2nd chance. I am setting up for him interviews with \nRAC,\nEBS and Greg Whalley and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation.\n\nPlease, give me a call if you have any other question.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n", "Re: Brad Romine", "reply", [], "That is fine. I look forward to visiting with him.\n\nCeleste\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/12/2000 08:56 AM\n", "<29815261.1075856737541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "18-12-2000-7:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-12-2000-6:35:0Sbjorn.hagelmann@enron.com": {"18-12-2000-7:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-7:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com", "william.bradford@enron.com", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com", "greg.whalley@enron.com", "david.port@enron.com", "mark.tawney@enron.com", "louise.kitchen@enron.com", "debbie.brackett@enron.com", "ted.murphy@enron.com"], ["molly.magee@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9003341.1075856380525.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 07:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: debbie.brackett@enron.com, william.bradford@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com,\n\tbjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, david.port@enron.com,\n\tmark.tawney@enron.com, joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com,\n\tgreg.whalley@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: molly.magee@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: molly.magee@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Debbie R Brackett, William S Bradford, Ted Murphy, Bjorn Hagelmann, David Port, Mark Tawney, Joseph Hrgovcic, Greg Whalley, Louise Kitchen\nX-cc: Molly Magee\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI am asking Molly Magee, our HR rep, to set up an interview for Iris Mack\nwith, depending on your availability between Christmas and New Year.\n\n Iris was interviewed by a number of my associates for a position\nwith the Research Group and my objective is to introduce her to a number\nof Enron units that she may eventually support. I shall appreciate your \ncomments.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n ", "", "originEmail", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 4, "nninformation", ["set", "magee"], "intention", "i am asking molly magee, our hr rep, to set up an interview for iris mack with, depending on your availability between christmas and new year."]], "I am asking Molly Magee, our HR rep, to set up an interview for Iris Mack\nwith, depending on your availability between Christmas and New Year.\n\n Iris was interviewed by a number of my associates for a position\nwith the Research Group and my objective is to introduce her to a number\nof Enron units that she may eventually support. I shall appreciate your \ncomments.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n ", "<9003341.1075856380525.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview iris_iris0mackTnn": {"value": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "ne": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "patterns": ["interview iris_iris0mackTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "magee", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false], "19-12-2000-6:35:0Sbjorn.hagelmann@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-6:35:0", "bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18512024.1075856620855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 06:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Bjorn Hagelmann\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI would like to help, but I am in Kansas hunting Pheasant during the last \nweek in December.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n18/12/2000 15:46\nTo: Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted \nMurphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market \nRisk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark Tawney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joseph Hrgovcic/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGreg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: \n\nI am asking Molly Magee, our HR rep, to set up an interview for Iris Mack\nwith, depending on your availability between Christmas and New Year.\n\n Iris was interviewed by a number of my associates for a position\nwith the Research Group and my objective is to introduce her to a number\nof Enron units that she may eventually support. I shall appreciate your \ncomments.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n \n\n", "Re:", "reply", [], "I would like to help, but I am in Kansas hunting Pheasant during the last \nweek in December.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n18/12/2000 15:46\n", "<18512024.1075856620855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "26-10-2000-1:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-10-2000-3:41:0Srichard.lewis@enron.com": {"26-10-2000-1:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-1:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["steven.leppard@enron.com"], ["melanie.doyle@enron.com", "dale.surbey@enron.com", "richard.lewis@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <6914888.1075856271286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 01:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Actions on Anjam's resignation\nCc: richard.lewis@enron.com, melanie.doyle@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: richard.lewis@enron.com, melanie.doyle@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Richard Lewis, Melanie Doyle, Dale Surbey\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nAll these provisions make a lot of sense. Anjam showed very poor judgment one \nmore time.\nHe got a very generous offer to move to Houston.\n\nI recommend keeping him on the payroll, and at home, as long as possible.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard Lewis\n10/26/2000 04:41 AM\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melanie \nDoyle/LON/ECT@ECT, Simon Hastings/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Actions on Anjam's resignation \n\nI will sit Anjam down before he leaves and explain the confidentiality \nprovisions in his contract and that we will pursue them vigorously. Melanie \n- can you give me a copy, Steve, let me know when he is leaving - I'll do it \ncloser to the time.\n\nRichard\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n26/10/2000 10:13\nTo: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melanie \nDoyle/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Richard Lewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Simon Hastings/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Actions on Anjam's resignation\n\nAll\n\nMy preferred approach to dealing with Anjam's departure is given below. \nThese recommendations are informed by the fact that I don't feel Anjam has \nmuch to offer his next employer, except what code and data he can remove from \nEnron:\n\nHR-type stuff:\n1. Get Anjam off the trading floor as soon as possible. There is no need for \nhim to remain on the floor.\n2. Determine where Anjam is heading. We need to know who is going to know \nour positions and curves next.\n\nIT-type stuff:\n1. Ask him to catalogue the contents of his h: drive, since the rest of the \ngroup will need to support his work in the future. This should take no more \nthan a day or two.\n2. Get IT to obtain their backups of Anjam's h: drive for weekly intervals \nover the last two months. This will allow us to determine what he has \ndeleted.\n3. Get IT to provide a snapshot of Anjam's Notes folders, and provide records \nof mail sent out to the internet over the last couple of months. I'm worried \nabout code/data he may have zipped up and mailed out.\n4. Ask IT to use a utility program to determine what has been deleted from \nAnjam's c: drives. There may be useful info here too.\n\nSteve\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Actions on Anjam's resignation", "originEmail", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 14, "nninformation", ["keeping", "him"], "request", " i recommend keeping him on the payroll, and at home, as long as possible."]], "Steve,\n\nAll these provisions make a lot of sense. Anjam showed very poor judgment one \nmore time.\nHe got a very generous offer to move to Houston.\n\nI recommend keeping him on the payroll, and at home, as long as possible.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard Lewis\n10/26/2000 04:41 AM\n", "<6914888.1075856271286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "26-10-2000-3:41:0Srichard.lewis@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-3:41:0", "richard.lewis@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "dale.surbey@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com melanie.doyle@enron.com simon.hastings@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12699347.1075856609335.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 03:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: richard.lewis@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Actions on Anjam's resignation\nCc: dale.surbey@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, melanie.doyle@enron.com,\n\tsimon.hastings@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: dale.surbey@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, melanie.doyle@enron.com,\n\tsimon.hastings@enron.com\nX-From: Richard Lewis\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Dale Surbey, Vince J Kaminski, Melanie Doyle, Simon Hastings\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI will sit Anjam down before he leaves and explain the confidentiality \nprovisions in his contract and that we will pursue them vigorously. Melanie \n- can you give me a copy, Steve, let me know when he is leaving - I'll do it \ncloser to the time.\n\nRichard\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n26/10/2000 10:13\nTo: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melanie \nDoyle/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Richard Lewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Simon Hastings/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Actions on Anjam's resignation\n\nAll\n\nMy preferred approach to dealing with Anjam's departure is given below. \nThese recommendations are informed by the fact that I don't feel Anjam has \nmuch to offer his next employer, except what code and data he can remove from \nEnron:\n\nHR-type stuff:\n1. Get Anjam off the trading floor as soon as possible. There is no need for \nhim to remain on the floor.\n2. Determine where Anjam is heading. We need to know who is going to know \nour positions and curves next.\n\nIT-type stuff:\n1. Ask him to catalogue the contents of his h: drive, since the rest of the \ngroup will need to support his work in the future. This should take no more \nthan a day or two.\n2. Get IT to obtain their backups of Anjam's h: drive for weekly intervals \nover the last two months. This will allow us to determine what he has \ndeleted.\n3. Get IT to provide a snapshot of Anjam's Notes folders, and provide records \nof mail sent out to the internet over the last couple of months. I'm worried \nabout code/data he may have zipped up and mailed out.\n4. Ask IT to use a utility program to determine what has been deleted from \nAnjam's c: drives. There may be useful info here too.\n\nSteve\n\n", "Re: Actions on Anjam's resignation", "reply", [], "I will sit Anjam down before he leaves and explain the confidentiality \nprovisions in his contract and that we will pursue them vigorously. Melanie \n- can you give me a copy, Steve, let me know when he is leaving - I'll do it \ncloser to the time.\n\nRichard\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n26/10/2000 10:13\n", "<12699347.1075856609335.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "1-5-2001-9:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-14:20:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": {"1-5-2001-9:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-9:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "melinda.mccarty@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <4300949.1075856500038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 09:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: christie.patrick@enron.com\nSubject: ALP presentation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com, melinda.mccarty@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com, melinda.mccarty@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Christie Patrick\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kenneth Parkhill, Shirley Crenshaw, Melinda McCarty\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nChristie,\n\nShirley reserved room 49C1 for Monday 4:00 p.m. presentation.\n\nCan you issue the formal invitation to our guests with the game/dinner\ndetails? I don't have all the details regarding the Enron Field\nbox and time. I am out most of the day on Wednesday but we can\ndiscuss the details on Thursday. \n\nHope to see you on Saturday at the concert.\n\n\nVince", "ALP presentation", "originEmail", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["sending", "information"], "intention", " i shall be sending you the information as i make progress reading the papers."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 7, "nninformation", ["make", "papers"], "intention", " i shall be sending you the information as i make progress reading the papers."], ["read_translate_learn information", 9, "nninformation", ["information", "reading"], "intention", " i shall be sending you the information as i make progress reading the papers."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 32, "nninformation", ["make", "students"], "intention", " first group of students: helen demianenko javier lamas lynn nazareth shauywn smith carlos wheelock sarah woody grade: a please, confirm receipt of this message and please double check that all registered students have been graded (to make sure no student falls through the cracks)."]], "Christie,\n\nShirley reserved room 49C1 for Monday 4:00 p.m. presentation.\n\nCan you issue the formal invitation to our guests with the game/dinner\ndetails? I don't have all the details regarding the Enron Field\nbox and time. I am out most of the day on Wednesday but we can\ndiscuss the details on Thursday. \n\nHope to see you on Saturday at the concert.\n\n\nVince", "<4300949.1075856500038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "1-5-2001-14:20:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-14:20:0", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22384242.1075856626284.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 14:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: christie.patrick@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: ALP presentation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Christie Patrick\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Rice\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince!!\n\nI'll take care of the invitations and I am planning to be at the concert on \nSaturday!\n\nThanks!!\n\n--Christie.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 \n09:14 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:55 PM\nTo: Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melinda McCarty/Corp/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nChristie,\n\nShirley reserved room 49C1 for Monday 4:00 p.m. presentation.\n\nCan you issue the formal invitation to our guests with the game/dinner\ndetails? I don't have all the details regarding the Enron Field\nbox and time. I am out most of the day on Wednesday but we can\ndiscuss the details on Thursday. \n\nHope to see you on Saturday at the concert.\n\n\nVince\n\n", "ALP presentation", "forward", [], "Hi Vince!!\n\nI'll take care of the invitations and I am planning to be at the concert on \nSaturday!\n\nThanks!!\n\n--Christie.\n", "<22384242.1075856626284.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "6-9-2000-1:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-9-2000-3:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-11-2000-9:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-3-2001-2:39:0Sds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu 6-3-2001-1:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-1:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-2:22:0Szimin.lu@enron.com 14-3-2001-0:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-3-2001-0:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-3-2001-8:15:0Sds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu 15-3-2001-9:26:0Sds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu 4-3-2001-13:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-3-2001-2:24:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com 18-3-2001-15:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-9:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-19:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-0:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 2-5-2001-10:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"6-9-2000-1:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-1:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 \n08:35 AM ---------------------------\n\"Amy Lamonsoff\" on 09/05/2000 04:41:48 AM\nTo: , , , \n, \ncc: \nSubject: Revised schedule- Financial mathematics NYC September 11 and 12\nPlease see attached revised schedule for the NY training. Please confirm \nASAP that this new schedule does not cause any conflicts with your \npresentation times. All requests for time slots have been accommodated but \nplease let me know if you foresee any problems.\n?\nRegards,\nAmy\n\n", ["Revised schedule- Financial mathematics NYC September 11 and 12"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "", ["<25934519.1075856485035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13489765.1075856551325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30674726.1075856290745.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26891559.1075856348044.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-9-2000-3:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-9-2000-3:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nI had to cancel my trip to London. Steve Leppard will\ntake care of my presentations.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 09/18/2000 09:12:47 AM\nTo: Lane Hughston , vkamins@enron.com, \npnance@teknecon.com, ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu, Steven.Leppard@enron.com, \ngeman@edu.essec.fr, chris.harris@natpower.com\ncc: \nSubject: Dinner This Fri. in London?\nColleagues,\nGreetings.\nI'd like to plan a dinner subsequent to the adjournment of this week's EPRM\nConference in London Fri. 9/22. Whereas some of you have already notified\nme of your availability or travel plans, please advise whether you are\navailable for dinner on Fri. 9/22 or Sat. 9/23.\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Dinner This Fri. in London?"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nI had to cancel my trip to London. Steve Leppard will\ntake care of my presentations.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<14739478.1075856640978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27623051.1075856549540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1270478.1075856287864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-11-2000-9:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-9:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Duane,\nSorry I will miss you. I have a meeting with Chester already on my schedule.\nVince\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 10/31/2000 03:40:40 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \"Chester S Spatt\" , \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" \n \nSubject: GSIA Visit\nVince,\nThis Friday during your visit I will be in California for a cousin's\nwedding. I am having miserable luck connecting with you. However, while\nyou are at GSIA, Chester Spatt (one of my co-authors) would like to meet\nwith you if your schedule permits. I am copying him on this email so you\ncan contact him directly. Please also let Peirre (who is also copied on this\nemail) know whatever you work out.\nSee you next time I hope,\nDuane\n********\nDuane Seppi\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["Re: GSIA Visit"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu'], 'recipients': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Duane,\n\nSorry I will miss you. I have a meeting with Chester already on my schedule.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 10/31/2000 03:40:40 PM\n", ["<22772902.1075856475263.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22754239.1075856636548.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7151188.1075856541549.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18464178.1075856267718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-3-2001-2:39:0Sds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu": ["2-3-2001-2:39:0", "ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18041701.1075856632848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 02:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: A Request\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu\nX-To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nI am writing to ask for your help with some research I am doing with John\nLehoczky and a PhD student. We trying to apply recent advances in Monte\nCarlo for American options to value Swing and other options with multiple\nearly exercise decisions that are important in energy markets. I know in\ngeneral that early exercise shows up in a wide range of energy contracts,\nboth real as welll as financial. Would it be possible for you, either via\nemail or on the phone, to give us some examples of typical terms for such\ninstruments? We would like our examples to look realistic. We also want to\nmake sure we are focusing on the right sorts of optionality.\n\nThanks in advance,\nDuane\n\n********\nDuane Seppi\n\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\n\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu", "A Request", "reply", [], "Vince,\n\nI am writing to ask for your help with some research I am doing with John\nLehoczky and a PhD student. We trying to apply recent advances in Monte\nCarlo for American options to value Swing and other options with multiple\nearly exercise decisions that are important in energy markets. I know in\ngeneral that early exercise shows up in a wide range of energy contracts,\nboth real as welll as financial. Would it be possible for you, either via\nemail or on the phone, to give us some examples of typical terms for such\ninstruments? We would like our examples to look realistic. We also want to\nmake sure we are focusing on the right sorts of optionality.\n\nThanks in advance,\nDuane\n\n********\nDuane Seppi\n\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\n\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu", "<18041701.1075856632848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "6-3-2001-1:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-1:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["zimin.lu@enron.com"], [], "Zimin,\nIt seems that the academia is catching up.\nDo you have a realistic case we can show them?\nSomething generic.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2001 \n09:31 AM ---------------------------\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/02/2001 09:39:43 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: A Request\nVince,\nI am writing to ask for your help with some research I am doing with John\nLehoczky and a PhD student. We trying to apply recent advances in Monte\nCarlo for American options to value Swing and other options with multiple\nearly exercise decisions that are important in energy markets. I know in\ngeneral that early exercise shows up in a wide range of energy contracts,\nboth real as welll as financial. Would it be possible for you, either via\nemail or on the phone, to give us some examples of typical terms for such\ninstruments? We would like our examples to look realistic. We also want to\nmake sure we are focusing on the right sorts of optionality.\nThanks in advance,\nDuane\n********\nDuane Seppi\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["A Request"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Zimin,\n\nIt seems that the academia is catching up.\nDo you have a realistic case we can show them?\nSomething generic.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<12051467.1075856449743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2761061.1075856516060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25207173.1075856212480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7809180.1075856406278.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-1:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-1:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <26666951.1075856404615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 01:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu\nSubject: Re: A Request\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDuane,\n\nSorry for the delay in responding to you.\nI shall get back to you in a day or so.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/02/2001 09:39:43 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: A Request\n\n\nVince,\n\nI am writing to ask for your help with some research I am doing with John\nLehoczky and a PhD student. We trying to apply recent advances in Monte\nCarlo for American options to value Swing and other options with multiple\nearly exercise decisions that are important in energy markets. I know in\ngeneral that early exercise shows up in a wide range of energy contracts,\nboth real as welll as financial. Would it be possible for you, either via\nemail or on the phone, to give us some examples of typical terms for such\ninstruments? We would like our examples to look realistic. We also want to\nmake sure we are focusing on the right sorts of optionality.\n\nThanks in advance,\nDuane\n\n********\nDuane Seppi\n\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\n\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n\n\n", "Re: A Request", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 3, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", "duane, sorry for the delay in responding to you."]], "Duane,\n\nSorry for the delay in responding to you.\nI shall get back to you in a day or so.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/02/2001 09:39:43 AM\n", "<26666951.1075856404615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "6-3-2001-2:22:0Szimin.lu@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-2:22:0", "zimin.lu@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nI will supply a generic example.\nZimin\nVince J Kaminski\n03/06/2001 09:31 AM\nTo: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: A Request\nZimin,\nIt seems that the academia is catching up.\nDo you have a realistic case we can show them?\nSomething generic.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2001 \n09:31 AM ---------------------------\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/02/2001 09:39:43 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: A Request\nVince,\nI am writing to ask for your help with some research I am doing with John\nLehoczky and a PhD student. We trying to apply recent advances in Monte\nCarlo for American options to value Swing and other options with multiple\nearly exercise decisions that are important in energy markets. I know in\ngeneral that early exercise shows up in a wide range of energy contracts,\nboth real as welll as financial. Would it be possible for you, either via\nemail or on the phone, to give us some examples of typical terms for such\ninstruments? We would like our examples to look realistic. We also want to\nmake sure we are focusing on the right sorts of optionality.\nThanks in advance,\nDuane\n********\nDuane Seppi\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["Re: A Request"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nI will supply a generic example.\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n03/06/2001 09:31 AM\n", ["<3369665.1075856632737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26836097.1075856212303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17513960.1075856406300.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-0:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-0:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["zimin.lu@enron.com"], [], "Zimin,\nPlease, call Duane with the info.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 \n08:42 AM ---------------------------\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/13/2001 09:54:24 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: A Request\nVince,\nSorry that I missed your call yesterday. I have a meeting from 2-3 today\n(Tuesday), but otherwise any time in the afternoon works for me. Let me\nknow what is convenient for you. Thanks for your help.\nDuane\n********\nDuane Seppi\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["Re: A Request"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Zimin,\n\nPlease, call Duane with the info.\n\nVince\n", ["<8670410.1075856448133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31589091.1075856514458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26434372.1075856208959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10668830.1075856409323.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-0:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-0:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Duane,\nI shall be traveling for the rest of the week but my colleague \nDr. Zimin Lu will call you to talk about different \nstructures.\nVince\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/13/2001 09:54:24 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: A Request\nVince,\nSorry that I missed your call yesterday. I have a meeting from 2-3 today\n(Tuesday), but otherwise any time in the afternoon works for me. Let me\nknow what is convenient for you. Thanks for your help.\nDuane\n********\nDuane Seppi\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n", ["Re: A Request"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu'], 'recipients': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Duane,\n\nI shall be traveling for the rest of the week but my colleague \nDr. Zimin Lu will call you to talk about different \nstructures.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/13/2001 09:54:24 AM\n", ["<15530945.1075856448111.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14734098.1075856632603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26548751.1075856514437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22658315.1075856208915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-8:15:0Sds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu": ["14-3-2001-8:15:0", "ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu", ["zimin.lu@enron.com"], ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dr. Lu,\nI would be grateful if I could talk with you some time about the typical\nterms one sees in Swing, take or pay, virtual storage, etc. options. This\nis related to some research some colleagues and I are doing applying recent\ninnovations in Monte Carlo valuation of options with early exercise. We\nwould like to illustrate our techniques on some examples which look\nrealistic. When would be convenient for you?\nI look forward to talking with you.\nDuane Seppi\n--On Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 8:44 AM -0600 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nwrote:\n>\n> Duane,\n>\n> I shall be traveling for the rest of the week but my colleague\n> Dr. Zimin Lu will call you to talk about different\n> structures.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/13/2001 09:54:24 AM\n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: A Request\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Sorry that I missed your call yesterday. I have a meeting from 2-3 today\n> (Tuesday), but otherwise any time in the afternoon works for me. Let me\n> know what is convenient for you. Thanks for your help.\n>\n> Duane\n>\n> ********\n> Duane Seppi\n>\n> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n> Carnegie Mellon University\n> Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n>\n> tel. (412) 268-2298\n> fax (412) 268-8896\n>\n> email ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n********\nDuane Seppi\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu", ["Re: A Request"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Dr. Lu,\n\nI would be grateful if I could talk with you some time about the typical\nterms one sees in Swing, take or pay, virtual storage, etc. options. This\nis related to some research some colleagues and I are doing applying recent\ninnovations in Monte Carlo valuation of options with early exercise. We\nwould like to illustrate our techniques on some examples which look\nrealistic. When would be convenient for you?\n\nI look forward to talking with you.\nDuane Seppi\n\n--On Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 8:44 AM -0600 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nwrote:\n\n \n Duane,\n \n I shall be traveling for the rest of the week but my colleague\n Dr. Zimin Lu will call you to talk about different\n structures.\n \n Vince\n \n \n \n \n \n ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/13/2001 09:54:24 AM\n \n ", ["<25988741.1075856632581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11734849.1075856208760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3421003.1075856409482.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-3-2001-9:26:0Sds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu": ["15-3-2001-9:26:0", "ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu", ["zimin.lu@enron.com"], ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Zimin,\nI also enjoyed our talk. Thanks very much. I'll send you the paper as soon\nas its done.\nDuane\n--On Thursday, March 15, 2001, 1:58 PM -0600 Zimin.Lu@enron.com wrote:\n>\n>\n> Dr. Seppi,\n>\n> Nice talking to you about swing contracts and your recent work on\n> American-Monte\n> Carlo approach. I am interested to read your preprint papers.\n>\n> My address is\n>\n> Zimin Lu\n> Enron Corp, EB 1967\n> 1400 Smith Street\n> Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n>\n> Zimin\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/15/2001 11:59:59 AM\n>\n> To: Zimin.Lu@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: A Request\n>\n>\n> Great. I'll be in my office. My number is 412-268-2298.\n>\n> Duane\n>\n>\n> --On Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 3:57 PM -0600 Zimin.Lu@enron.com wrote:\n>\n>>\n>>\n>> Dr. Seppi,\n>>\n>> My phone number is 713-853-6388. I will call you\n>> tomorrow afternoon around 1:30 pm Houston time.\n>>\n>> Zimin\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>> ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/14/2001 03:15:02 PM\n>>\n>> To: Zimin.Lu@enron.com\n>> cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>> Subject: Re: A Request\n>>\n>>\n>> Dr. Lu,\n>>\n>> I would be grateful if I could talk with you some time about the typical\n>> terms one sees in Swing, take or pay, virtual storage, etc. options.\n> This\n>> is related to some research some colleagues and I are doing applying\n> recent\n>> innovations in Monte Carlo valuation of options with early exercise. We\n>> would like to illustrate our techniques on some examples which look\n>> realistic. When would be convenient for you?\n>>\n>> I look forward to talking with you.\n>> Duane Seppi\n>>\n>> --On Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 8:44 AM -0600 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>> wrote:\n>>\n>>>\n>>> Duane,\n>>>\n>>> I shall be traveling for the rest of the week but my colleague\n>>> Dr. Zimin Lu will call you to talk about different\n>>> structures.\n>>>\n>>> Vince\n>>>\n>>>\n>>>\n>>>\n>>>\n>>> ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/13/2001 09:54:24 AM\n>>>\n>>> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n>>> cc:\n>>> Subject: Re: A Request\n>>>\n>>>\n>>> Vince,\n>>>\n>>> Sorry that I missed your call yesterday. I have a meeting from 2-3\n> today\n>>> (Tuesday), but otherwise any time in the afternoon works for me. Let me\n>>> know what is convenient for you. Thanks for your help.\n>>>\n>>> Duane\n>>>\n>>> ********\n>>> Duane Seppi\n>>>\n>>> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n>>> Carnegie Mellon University\n>>> Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n>>>\n>>> tel. (412) 268-2298\n>>> fax (412) 268-8896\n>>>\n>>> email ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n>>>\n>>>\n>>>\n>>>\n>>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>> ********\n>> Duane Seppi\n>>\n>> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n>> Carnegie Mellon University\n>> Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n>>\n>> tel. (412) 268-2298\n>> fax (412) 268-8896\n>>\n>> email ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>\n>\n>\n> ********\n> Duane Seppi\n>\n> Graduate School of Industrial Administration\n> Carnegie Mellon University\n> Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n>\n> tel. (412) 268-2298\n> fax (412) 268-8896\n>\n> email ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n********\nDuane Seppi\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\nemail ds64+@andrew.cmu.edu", ["Re: A Request"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [["read_translate_learn information", 24, "nninformation", ["papers", "read"], "intention", " i am interested to read your preprint papers."]], "Zimin,\n\nI also enjoyed our talk. Thanks very much. I'll send you the paper as soon\nas its done.\n\nDuane\n\n--On Thursday, March 15, 2001, 1:58 PM -0600 Zimin.Lu@enron.com wrote:\n\n \n \n Dr. Seppi,\n \n Nice talking to you about swing contracts and your recent work on\n American-Monte\n Carlo approach. I am interested to read your preprint papers.\n \n My address is\n \n Zimin Lu\n Enron Corp, EB 1967\n 1400 Smith Street\n Houston, TX 77002-7361\n \n \n Zimin\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu on 03/15/2001 11:59:59 AM\n \n ", ["<4517150.1075856632514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2969473.1075856208503.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13310044.1075856409845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-3-2001-13:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-3-2001-13:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa05.mx.aol.com (rly-xa05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa02.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:44:12 \n-0500\nReceived: from riskwaters.com ([]) by rly-xa05.mx.aol.com \n(v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:43:59 -0500\nReceived: from paul [] by riskwaters.com (FTGate 2, 2, 3, \n1); Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:43:05 +0000\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Paul Bristow\" \nTo: , , \n, , \n, , \n, \nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:52:13 -0500\nMessage-ID: <000801c09c15$e15898a0$88df7e3f@osaccess.net>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["Fwd: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: ", "<486531.1075856213341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13344254.1075856405630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-3-2001-2:24:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com": ["16-3-2001-2:24:0", "pbristow@riskwaters.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chris.harris@innogy.com", "ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu", "pnance@teknecon.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "spyros.maragos@dynegy.com", "vince.j.kaminski@eron.com"], [], "Dear all,\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:52 AM\nTo: 'pnance@teknecon.com'; 'chris.harris@innogy.com';\n'eronn@mail.utexas.edu'; 'vince.j.kaminski@eron.com'; 'vkaminski@aol.com';\n'spyros.maragos@dynegy.com'; 'ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu';\n'geman@math.umass.edu'\nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy\nDerivatives\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu'], 'recipients': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 146, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", " on the attached draft, where practical example(s) are included as the final bullet point i would like to include a one line description of the practical example you will provide for the audience."]], "Dear all,\n\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\n\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\n\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\n\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\n\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\n\n\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\n\nBest wishes,\n\nPaul Bristow\n\n\n\n ", ["<4081417.1075856629217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16024589.1075856208136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13688225.1075856410217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-3-2001-15:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-3-2001-15:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa01.mx.aol.com (rly-xa01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa05.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:16:20 \n-0500\nReceived: from riskwaters.com ([]) by rly-xa01.mx.aol.com \n(v77_r1.35) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:15:20 -0500\nReceived: from paul [] by riskwaters.com (FTGate 2, 2, 3, \n1); Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:14:20 +0000\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Paul Bristow\" \nTo: , , \n, , \n, , \n, \nSubject: FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy \nDerivatives\nDate: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:24:11 -0500\nMessage-ID: <002d01c0ae2d$2757ca00$88df7e3f@osaccess.net>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_002E_01C0AE03.3E81C200\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600\nDear all,\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:52 AM\nTo: 'pnance@teknecon.com'; 'chris.harris@innogy.com';\n'eronn@mail.utexas.edu'; 'vince.j.kaminski@eron.com'; 'vkaminski@aol.com';\n'spyros.maragos@dynegy.com'; 'ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu';\n'geman@math.umass.edu'\nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy\nDerivatives\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["Fwd: FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<18678635.1075856207678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27629722.1075856410705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-9:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-9:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jason.sokolov@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Jason,\nYes, I cannot open it.\nVince\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 05/01/2001 03:56 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Papers\nVince,\nDid you receive this paper?\nJason\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 03:55 \nPM ---------------------------\n\"Stuart Russell Hamel\" on 04/30/2001 04:52:12 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: \nDr. Kaminski:\nPlease see our attached paper.\nThank you,\nJed Howard, Brian Nelson, and\nStuart Hamel\n(713) 218-8903\n - winmail.dat\n", ["Re: Papers", "London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<21049862.1075856436697.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20662888.1075856436719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26356190.1075856436742.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7249938.1075856500081.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13569369.1075856500103.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24479723.1075856500126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32470588.1075856183610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3903852.1075856183633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13136013.1075856183656.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29882349.1075856430423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31918144.1075856430519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13552052.1075856430542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-19:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-19:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com"], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 04:44 PM ---------------------------\n\"Joanna Vidal\" on 05/01/2001 03:43:11 PM\nTo: , \"Geman Helyette\" , , , , , , \ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nHello Speakers!\n \nMy name is Joanna Vidal and I am the coordinator for the Financial Mathematics Training course being in held on the following dates:\n \nLondon on June 28 & 29\nNew York on July 9 & 10 \nHouston on July 16 & 17 \n \nI am in the process of preparing the speaker packs which will include an updated contact information sheet with all your details. You will receive this pack shortly after you confirm your addresses. I will list them below and I ask that you please look it over and make any necessary corrections. \n \n My contact details, for your information are:\n \nJoanna Vidal\nEvents Coordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nT: (212) 925 1864 ext. 197\nF: (212) 925 7585\njvidal@riskwaters.com \nwww.riskwaters.com \n \nThank you and I look forward to working with you.\n \nDuane Seppi\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administrations\nPittsburgh, PA 15213-3890\nT: 001 412-268-2298\nF: 001 412-269-8896\n \nHelyette Geman\nUniversite de Paris Dauphine\nFinance Department au de ka Grand Ecole\nCorgy Pontois, Paris\nFrance 95021\nT: 00 33 60-807-4200\n \nVincent Kaminski\nEnron Credit \n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nT: 001 713-853-3848\nF: 001 713-646-2503\n \nPeter Nance\nTeknecon, Inc.\n1515 S. Capital of Texas Highway\nSuite 101\nAustin, TX 78746\nT: 001 512-732-7084\nF: 001 512-732-7099\n \nChris Harris\nInnogy Holdings Place\nWindmill Hill Business Park\nWhitehill Way\nSwindon, Wiltshire\nUK, 5N5 6PB\nT: 44 793 387-7777\nF: 44 793 389-7811\n \nSpyros Maragos\nDynergy, Inc.\n1000 Louisiana Street\nSuite 5800\nHouston, TX 77002\nT: 011 713-507-6589\nF: 001 713-767-5958\n \nEhud Ronn\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance\nMcCombs school of Business\nAustin, TX 78712-1179\nT: 001 512-471-5853\nF: 001 512-471-5073\n \n \n \n", ["London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001", "Re: Papers"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<10983214.1075858471623.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11949190.1075858471645.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6764580.1075858471667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-0:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-0:29:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 \n04:45 PM ---------------------------\n\"Joanna Vidal\" on 05/01/2001 03:43:11 PM\nTo: , \"Geman Helyette\" , \n, , , \n, , \ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nHello Speakers!\n?\nMy name is Joanna Vidal and I am the coordinator for the Financial \nMathematics Training course being in held on the following dates:\n?\nLondon on June 28 & 29\nNew York on July 9 & 10 \nHouston on July 16 & 17?\n?\nI am in the process of preparing the speaker packs which will include an \nupdated contact information sheet with?all your details.? You will receive \nthis pack shortly after you confirm your addresses.? I will list them below \nand I ask that you please look it over and make any necessary corrections.?\n?\n?My contact details, for your information are:\n?\nJoanna Vidal\nEvents Coordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nT: (212) 925 1864 ext. 197\nF: (212) 925 7585\njvidal@riskwaters.com\nwww.riskwaters.com\n?\nThank you and I look forward to working with you.\n?\nDuane Seppi\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administrations\nPittsburgh, PA 15213-3890\nT: 001 412-268-2298\nF: 001 412-269-8896\n?\nHelyette Geman\nUniversite de Paris Dauphine\nFinance Department au de ka Grand Ecole\nCorgy Pontois, Paris\nFrance 95021\nT: 00 33 60-807-4200\n?\nVincent Kaminski\nEnron Credit \n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nT: 001 713-853-3848\nF: 001 713-646-2503\n?\nPeter Nance\nTeknecon, Inc.\n1515 S. Capital of Texas Highway\nSuite 101\nAustin, TX 78746\nT: 001 512-732-7084\nF: 001 512-732-7099\n?\nChris Harris\nInnogy Holdings Place\nWindmill Hill Business Park\nWhitehill Way\nSwindon, Wiltshire\nUK, 5N5 6PB\nT: 44 793 387-7777\nF: 44 793 389-7811\n?\nSpyros Maragos\nDynergy, Inc.\n1000 Louisiana Street\nSuite 5800\nHouston, TX 77002\nT: 011 713-507-6589\nF: 001 713-767-5958\n?\nEhud Ronn\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance\nMcCombs school of Business\nAustin, TX 78712-1179\nT: 001 512-471-5853\nF: 001 512-471-5073\n?\n?\n?\n", ["Re: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Vince:\n\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\n", ["<12436850.1075856183174.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8143666.1075856598208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1869673.1075856430566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-10:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-10:29:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 04:45 PM ---------------------------\n\"Joanna Vidal\" on 05/01/2001 03:43:11 PM\nTo: , \"Geman Helyette\" , , , , , , \ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nHello Speakers!\n \nMy name is Joanna Vidal and I am the coordinator for the Financial Mathematics Training course being in held on the following dates:\n \nLondon on June 28 & 29\nNew York on July 9 & 10 \nHouston on July 16 & 17 \n \nI am in the process of preparing the speaker packs which will include an updated contact information sheet with all your details. You will receive this pack shortly after you confirm your addresses. I will list them below and I ask that you please look it over and make any necessary corrections. \n \n My contact details, for your information are:\n \nJoanna Vidal\nEvents Coordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nT: (212) 925 1864 ext. 197\nF: (212) 925 7585\njvidal@riskwaters.com \nwww.riskwaters.com \n \nThank you and I look forward to working with you.\n \nDuane Seppi\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administrations\nPittsburgh, PA 15213-3890\nT: 001 412-268-2298\nF: 001 412-269-8896\n \nHelyette Geman\nUniversite de Paris Dauphine\nFinance Department au de ka Grand Ecole\nCorgy Pontois, Paris\nFrance 95021\nT: 00 33 60-807-4200\n \nVincent Kaminski\nEnron Credit \n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nT: 001 713-853-3848\nF: 001 713-646-2503\n \nPeter Nance\nTeknecon, Inc.\n1515 S. Capital of Texas Highway\nSuite 101\nAustin, TX 78746\nT: 001 512-732-7084\nF: 001 512-732-7099\n \nChris Harris\nInnogy Holdings Place\nWindmill Hill Business Park\nWhitehill Way\nSwindon, Wiltshire\nUK, 5N5 6PB\nT: 44 793 387-7777\nF: 44 793 389-7811\n \nSpyros Maragos\nDynergy, Inc.\n1000 Louisiana Street\nSuite 5800\nHouston, TX 77002\nT: 011 713-507-6589\nF: 001 713-767-5958\n \nEhud Ronn\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance\nMcCombs school of Business\nAustin, TX 78712-1179\nT: 001 512-471-5853\nF: 001 512-471-5073\n \n \n \n", ["Re: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001"], "{'body': ['ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu']}", [], "Vince:\n\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\n", ["<39805.1075840779947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "17-10-2000-19:59:0Spontgyn@hotmail.com 18-10-2000-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-10-2000-8:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-10-2000-8:30:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"17-10-2000-19:59:0Spontgyn@hotmail.com": ["17-10-2000-19:59:0", "pontgyn@hotmail.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12017832.1075856623237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pontgyn@hotmail.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: position\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Jaesoo Lew\" \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc", "position", "forward", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 21, "information", ["applying", "model"], "information", " since then, i have developed a natural gas storage valuation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 43, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " i attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking forward to talking about an opportunity at enron."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 47, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "intention", " i attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking forward to talking about an opportunity at enron."]], "Dear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc", "<12017832.1075856623237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "18-10-2000-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-5:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <28459927.1075856868737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 05:29:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: position\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nI would like to invite him to an interview next week. We should use his home \nphone\nnumber and/or private E-mail address.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:33 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Jaesoo Lew\" on 10/17/2000 09:59:01 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: position\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc\n", "position", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "shirley, i would like to invite him to an interview next week."]], "Shirley,\n\nI would like to invite him to an interview next week. We should use his home \nphone\nnumber and/or private E-mail address.\n\nVince\n\n", "<28459927.1075856868737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"address phone0numberTnn": {"value": "address phone0numberTnn", "ne": "address phone0numberTnn", "patterns": ["address phone0numberTnn"]}, "address_address0vkaminski privateTnn": {"value": "address_address0vkaminski privateTnn", "ne": "address_address0vkaminski privateTnn", "patterns": ["address_address0vkaminski privateTnn"]}, "phone_phone0number privateTnn": {"value": "phone_phone0number privateTnn", "ne": "phone_phone0number privateTnn", "patterns": ["phone_phone0number privateTnn"]}}, false], "18-10-2000-8:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-8:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8556403.1075856477633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 08:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Interview for the Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n03:21 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n10/18/2000 12:58 PM\nTo: Toni Graham/Corp/Enron@Enron, Stephanie Summers/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Interview for the Research Group\n\nHello everyone:\n\nVince would like to bring Jaesoo Lew in next week for an exploratory interview\nwith the Research Group. The dates that would work best for us are: \nWednesday,\nthe 25th (AM), Thursday, 26th (AM) and Friday, 27th (AM). Please see if Mr. \nLew\nis available for any of these times.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n - vitae2.doc\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/18/2000 12:29 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: position\n\nShirley,\n\nI would like to invite him to an interview next week. We should use his home \nphone\nnumber and/or private E-mail address.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:33 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Jaesoo Lew\" on 10/17/2000 09:59:01 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: position\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc\n\n\n\n\n", "Interview for the Research Group", "forward", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", "<8556403.1075856477633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "18-10-2000-8:30:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-8:30:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1301251.1075856623124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 08:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Interview for the Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince: I apologize--I had emailed Shirley to let her know that Toni had \nforwarded your email to me and that I would be handling this for you, but I \ndidn't copy you on the email. \n\nPlease call me with any questions,\nMolly\nx34804 \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/18/2000 03:14 PM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Interview for the Research Group\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n03:21 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n10/18/2000 12:58 PM\nTo: Toni Graham/Corp/Enron@Enron, Stephanie Summers/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Interview for the Research Group\n\nHello everyone:\n\nVince would like to bring Jaesoo Lew in next week for an exploratory interview\nwith the Research Group. The dates that would work best for us are: \nWednesday,\nthe 25th (AM), Thursday, 26th (AM) and Friday, 27th (AM). Please see if Mr. \nLew\nis available for any of these times.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n - vitae2.doc\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/18/2000 12:29 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: position\n\nShirley,\n\nI would like to invite him to an interview next week. We should use his home \nphone\nnumber and/or private E-mail address.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:33 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Jaesoo Lew\" on 10/17/2000 09:59:01 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: position\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\n\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\n\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\n\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\n\nThank you very much.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\n\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n - vitae2.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Interview for the Research Group", "reply", [], "Vince: I apologize--I had emailed Shirley to let her know that Toni had \nforwarded your email to me and that I would be handling this for you, but I \ndidn't copy you on the email. \n\nPlease call me with any questions,\nMolly\nx34804 \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/18/2000 03:14 PM\n", "<1301251.1075856623124.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "26-7-2000-4:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-7-2000-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-7-2000-4:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-4:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["tom.halliburton@enron.com"], ["maria.garcia@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <24785148.1075856308082.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 04:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tom.halliburton@enron.com\nSubject: PoolMod Memo\nCc: grant.masson@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, maria.garcia@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: grant.masson@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, maria.garcia@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tom Halliburton\nX-cc: Grant Masson, Vince J Kaminski, Maria E Garcia\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nCan you attend this meeting? You have reviewed this memo before.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/26/2000 \n11:21 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMaria E Garcia@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n07/26/2000 09:27 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PoolMod Memo\n\nVince, as I mentioned, attached please find an overview memo on the PoolMod \nmodel. We would like to invite your group to attend a meeting with the people \nfrom London Economics (tentatively Thursday noon) to discuss the benefits of \nusing this model to predict pool prices in Colombia\n\n\nThanks, Maria Elena\n\n\n - Briefing Memo - Overview of SDDP and PoolMod.doc\nEric Shumway\nConsultant\nLondon Economics, Inc.\n(617) 494-8200\n\n\n\n\n\n", "PoolMod Memo", "originEmail", [["attend meeting", 3, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "request", "tom, can you attend this meeting?"]], "Tom,\n\nCan you attend this meeting? You have reviewed this memo before.\n\nVince\n", "<24785148.1075856308082.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "26-7-2000-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-7:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "maria.garcia@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23471942.1075856492274.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 07:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: maria.garcia@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PoolMod Memo\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Maria E Garcia\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\n\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/26/2000 \n02:18 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nTom Halliburton@ENRON\n07/26/2000 11:23 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: PoolMod Memo \n\nVince,\nI will attend this meeting. I'm looking forward to finding out a little more \nabout the London Economics model.\n\nTom\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n07/26/2000 11:17 AM\nTo: Tom Halliburton/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maria E \nGarcia/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \n\nSubject: PoolMod Memo\n\nTom,\n\nCan you attend this meeting? You have reviewed this memo before.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/26/2000 \n11:21 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMaria E Garcia@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n07/26/2000 09:27 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: PoolMod Memo\n\nVince, as I mentioned, attached please find an overview memo on the PoolMod \nmodel. We would like to invite your group to attend a meeting with the people \nfrom London Economics (tentatively Thursday noon) to discuss the benefits of \nusing this model to predict pool prices in Colombia\n\n\nThanks, Maria Elena\n\n\n - Briefing Memo - Overview of SDDP and PoolMod.doc\nEric Shumway\nConsultant\nLondon Economics, Inc.\n(617) 494-8200\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: PoolMod Memo", "forward", [], "FYI\n\n\nVince\n", "<23471942.1075856492274.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-4-2000-9:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-5-2000-10:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-5-2000-10:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-5-2000-10:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-5-2000-2:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-5-2000-1:15:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 2-6-2000-10:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-6-2000-10:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-6-2000-3:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-6-2000-3:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-6-2000-11:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-6-2000-14:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-10-2000-10:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-6-2000-10:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-6-2000-3:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-7-2000-2:21:0Sraymond.yeow@enron.com 25-7-2000-11:7:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 16-8-2000-14:26:0Sjulie@lacima.co.uk 28-8-2000-7:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-8-2000-22:55:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 28-8-2000-23:41:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 28-8-2000-7:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-8-2000-2:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-12-2000-16:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-12-2000-10:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-9-2000-8:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-9-2000-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-9-2000-8:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-9-2000-6:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-10-2000-14:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-10-2000-13:11:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 12-12-2000-9:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-12-2000-2:21:0Schris@lacima.co.uk 13-12-2000-2:50:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": {"21-4-2000-9:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-4-2000-9:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/21/2000 \n04:49 PM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 04/20/2000 04:32:32 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Book and EPRM articles\nHi Vince,\n?\nI was wondering how the chapter of the book is coming along??! Do you want \nme to make 'noise' tomorrow or to leave you until after Easter?\n?\nUntil then, I wanted to discuss with you an idea that Les and I have been \nthrowing around concerning writing a series of articles for Risk's 'Energy \nand Power Risk Management'. We would like to propose to them?that we would \nwrite an article a month, covering practical issues dealing with energy \nmodelling and energy derivative pricing and risk management. The articles \nwould be based upon sections of the book so as to promote the book, and to \nreduce the effort/time involved by using?already produced material. We would \nlike to cover some very practical topics, but we?won't be giving too much \naway as the articles are only 1 or 2 pages long.\n?\nEach article would be of?the form;\n?\n- introduce?the concept\n- give an example using real data\n- discuss the problem with a case study? \n- provide a discussion\n- sum up\n?\nI've included a list of potential articles at the end of this e-mail. For \nexample, for the first one, \"Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy \nprices\", we would introduce the concept of mean reversion,?show a graph of \nan equity index and an energy price?for illustration of our point, estimate \nthe parameter for a series of energies over a number of seasons, and \nfinally, discuss the results.\n?\nWe?are wondering if you would like to be involved in this project? Your \ninvolvement needn't take much time (although it is up to you). The kind of \ninput we are hoping for (again, this is up to you) is that you?would?review \nthe list of articles and provide?suggestions of additions or deletions, \nsuggest reasonable data sets or case studies to work with on each article, \nand then to run your eye over \"near finished\" articles, which?we would \nsupply to you for your?practical experience?input.? Would something like \nthis interest you? If it did, we would try to sell Risk on making it a \nregular monthly \"feature\" of EPRM, authored by all three of us.\n?\nWe are hoping to present our proposal to Risk in the next few weeks, so \nplease let us know if you are interested.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n?\nPotental EPRM articles;\n?\n1- Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy prices (with parameters \nestimated for oil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n?\n2- Estimation of jumps in spot energy prices (with parameters estimated for \noil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n?\n3- Simulating a mean reverting spot price process for pricing energy \nderivatives (with case study applied to an Asian option on oil)\n?\n4- Simulating a jump / diffusion spot price process for pricing energy \nderivatives (with case study applied to a Swaption on natural gas)\n?\n5- Simulating a mean reverting jump / diffusion spot price process for \npricing energy derivatives (with case study applied to hourly caps on spot \nelectricity)\n?\n6- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a mean reverting spot \nprice model (with example applied to a cap on natural gas fitting the \nForward curve and volatlity structure)\n?\n7- using a tree consistent with the forward curve and vols for pricing swing \noptions\n?\n8- implying a single?factor vol function from market Futures option prices \nand variation of parameters thru time\n?\n9- adding jump volatility to the tree\n?\n10- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a multi-factor forward \ncurve model(with example applied to the same cap on natural gas and a \ndiscussion on the differences between the two approaches)\n?\n11- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve models \n(with estimates of oil data over different periods)\n?\n12- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve model \nfrom market option prices\n?\n13- pricing swing option in multi factor model using tree for exercise \nstrategy\n?\n14- comparison of VaR methodoligies applied to the same energy derivativ \nportfolio.\n?\n", ["Book and EPRM articles"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<14393073.1075856933207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29300636.1075856990122.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7037949.1075856745113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28226703.1075856821323.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-10:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-10:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n05:37 PM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 05/14/2000 08:03:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Book and EPRM articles\nContent-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-za05.mx.aol.com (rly-za05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-za03.mail.aol.com (v70.20) with ESMTP; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 17:48:23 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-za05.mx.aol.com (v71.10) with ESMTP; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 17:48:03 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id QAA14355 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/corp-1.03) with ESMTP id QAA06854 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:47:59 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id QAA19444 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 862568C8.0077C120 ; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <862568C8.0077BFB4.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:47:55 -0500\nSubject: Book and EPRM articles\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/21/2000 \n04:49\nPM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 04/20/2000 04:32:32 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Book and EPRM articles\nHi Vince,\nI was wondering how the chapter of the book is coming along??! Do you want me\nto make 'noise' tomorrow or to leave you until after Easter?\nUntil then, I wanted to discuss with you an idea that Les and I have been\nthrowing around concerning writing a series of articles for Risk's 'Energy \nand\nPower Risk Management'. We would like to propose to them?that we would write \nan\narticle a month, covering practical issues dealing with energy modelling and\nenergy derivative pricing and risk management. The articles would be based \nupon\nsections of the book so as to promote the book, and to reduce the effort/time\ninvolved by using?already produced material. We would like to cover some very\npractical topics, but we?won't be giving too much away as the articles are \nonly\n1 or 2 pages long.\nEach article would be of?the form;\n- introduce?the concept\n- give an example using real data\n- discuss the problem with a case study\n- provide a discussion\n- sum up\nI've included a list of potential articles at the end of this e-mail. For\nexample, for the first one, \"Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy\nprices\", we would introduce the concept of mean reversion,?show a graph of an\nequity index and an energy price?for illustration of our point, estimate the\nparameter for a series of energies over a number of seasons, and finally,\ndiscuss the results.\nWe?are wondering if you would like to be involved in this project? Your\ninvolvement needn't take much time (although it is up to you). The kind of\ninput we are hoping for (again, this is up to you) is that you?would?review \nthe\nlist of articles and provide?suggestions of additions or deletions, suggest\nreasonable data sets or case studies to work with on each article, and then \nto\nrun your eye over \"near finished\" articles, which?we would supply to you for\nyour?practical experience?input.? Would something like this interest you? If \nit\ndid, we would try to sell Risk on making it a regular monthly \"feature\" of\nEPRM, authored by all three of us.\nWe are hoping to present our proposal to Risk in the next few weeks, so \nplease\nlet us know if you are interested.\nBest regards.\nChris.\nPotental EPRM articles;\n1- Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy prices (with parameters\nestimated for oil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n2- Estimation of jumps in spot energy prices (with parameters estimated for\noil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n3- Simulating a mean reverting spot price process for pricing energy\nderivatives (with case study applied to an Asian option on oil)\n4- Simulating a jump / diffusion spot price process for pricing energy\nderivatives (with case study applied to a Swaption on natural gas)\n5- Simulating a mean reverting jump / diffusion spot price process for \npricing\nenergy derivatives (with case study applied to hourly caps on spot \nelectricity)\n6- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a mean reverting spot\nprice model (with example applied to a cap on natural gas fitting the Forward\ncurve and volatlity structure)\n7- using a tree consistent with the forward curve and vols for pricing swing\noptions\n8- implying a single?factor vol function from market Futures option prices \nand\nvariation of parameters thru time\n9- adding jump volatility to the tree\n10- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a multi-factor forward\ncurve model(with example applied to the same cap on natural gas and a\ndiscussion on the differences between the two approaches)\n11- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve models \n(with\nestimates of oil data over different periods)\n12- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve model from\nmarket option prices\n13- pricing swing option in multi factor model using tree for exercise \nstrategy\n14- comparison of VaR methodoligies applied to the same energy derivativ\nportfolio.\n", ["Fwd: Book and EPRM articles", "Fwd: Conference May 31 on Energy Derivatives in Toronto"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<18222891.1075856928021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20841446.1075856928045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18348704.1075856984947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21444494.1075856984972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7745973.1075856732923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28937573.1075856732949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<918497.1075856829182.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2140366.1075856829207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-5-2000-10:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-10:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n05:47 PM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 05/14/2000 08:03:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Book and EPRM articles\nContent-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-za05.mx.aol.com (rly-za05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-za03.mail.aol.com (v70.20) with ESMTP; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 17:48:23 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-za05.mx.aol.com (v71.10) with ESMTP; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 17:48:03 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id QAA14355 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/corp-1.03) with ESMTP id QAA06854 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:47:59 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id QAA19444 for \n; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 862568C8.0077C120 ; Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:48:02 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <862568C8.0077BFB4.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:47:55 -0500\nSubject: Book and EPRM articles\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/21/2000 \n04:49\nPM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 04/20/2000 04:32:32 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Book and EPRM articles\nHi Vince,\nI was wondering how the chapter of the book is coming along??! Do you want me\nto make 'noise' tomorrow or to leave you until after Easter?\nUntil then, I wanted to discuss with you an idea that Les and I have been\nthrowing around concerning writing a series of articles for Risk's 'Energy \nand\nPower Risk Management'. We would like to propose to them?that we would write \nan\narticle a month, covering practical issues dealing with energy modelling and\nenergy derivative pricing and risk management. The articles would be based \nupon\nsections of the book so as to promote the book, and to reduce the effort/time\ninvolved by using?already produced material. We would like to cover some very\npractical topics, but we?won't be giving too much away as the articles are \nonly\n1 or 2 pages long.\nEach article would be of?the form;\n- introduce?the concept\n- give an example using real data\n- discuss the problem with a case study\n- provide a discussion\n- sum up\nI've included a list of potential articles at the end of this e-mail. For\nexample, for the first one, \"Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy\nprices\", we would introduce the concept of mean reversion,?show a graph of an\nequity index and an energy price?for illustration of our point, estimate the\nparameter for a series of energies over a number of seasons, and finally,\ndiscuss the results.\nWe?are wondering if you would like to be involved in this project? Your\ninvolvement needn't take much time (although it is up to you). The kind of\ninput we are hoping for (again, this is up to you) is that you?would?review \nthe\nlist of articles and provide?suggestions of additions or deletions, suggest\nreasonable data sets or case studies to work with on each article, and then \nto\nrun your eye over \"near finished\" articles, which?we would supply to you for\nyour?practical experience?input.? Would something like this interest you? If \nit\ndid, we would try to sell Risk on making it a regular monthly \"feature\" of\nEPRM, authored by all three of us.\nWe are hoping to present our proposal to Risk in the next few weeks, so \nplease\nlet us know if you are interested.\nBest regards.\nChris.\nPotental EPRM articles;\n1- Estimation of mean reversion in spot energy prices (with parameters\nestimated for oil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n2- Estimation of jumps in spot energy prices (with parameters estimated for\noil, gas, and electricity data over different seasons)\n3- Simulating a mean reverting spot price process for pricing energy\nderivatives (with case study applied to an Asian option on oil)\n4- Simulating a jump / diffusion spot price process for pricing energy\nderivatives (with case study applied to a Swaption on natural gas)\n5- Simulating a mean reverting jump / diffusion spot price process for \npricing\nenergy derivatives (with case study applied to hourly caps on spot \nelectricity)\n6- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a mean reverting spot\nprice model (with example applied to a cap on natural gas fitting the Forward\ncurve and volatlity structure)\n7- using a tree consistent with the forward curve and vols for pricing swing\noptions\n8- implying a single?factor vol function from market Futures option prices \nand\nvariation of parameters thru time\n9- adding jump volatility to the tree\n10- An analytical pricing formula for pricing caps in a multi-factor forward\ncurve model(with example applied to the same cap on natural gas and a\ndiscussion on the differences between the two approaches)\n11- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve models \n(with\nestimates of oil data over different periods)\n12- Estimating volatility functions for multi-factor forward curve model from\nmarket option prices\n13- pricing swing option in multi factor model using tree for exercise \nstrategy\n14- comparison of VaR methodoligies applied to the same energy derivativ\nportfolio.\n", ["Fwd: Book and EPRM articles"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<360446.1075856927995.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15208095.1075856984923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1110490.1075856732897.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2783426.1075856829233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-5-2000-10:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-10:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Chris,\nYes, I was a keynote speaker. I shall send you my presentation.\nVince\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 05/15/2000 06:31:14 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Energy book and articles\nDear Vince \n?\nThanks for your voice mail last week. Did you get to talk to EPRM in Houston \nlast week?\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n? \n", ["Re: Energy book and articles"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 6, "nninformation", ["send", "presentation"], "intention", " i shall send you my presentation."]], "Chris,\n\nYes, I was a keynote speaker. I shall send you my presentation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Strickland\" "], {"book energy_energy0derivativeTnn": {"value": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "ne": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "patterns": ["book energy_energy0derivativeTnn"]}, "keynote speakerTnn": {"value": "keynote speakerTnn", "ne": "keynote speakerTnn", "patterns": ["keynote speakerTnn"]}}, true], "16-5-2000-2:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-5-2000-2:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Chris,\nYes, I mentioned it to both the US-editor and Robin.\nThey were very interested and I don't think there should be any problem\nwith this initiative.\nI shall follow up with another message to Jane Locke and Robin Lancaster.\nVince\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 05/15/2000 06:00:00 PM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Energy book and articles\nVince,\nThanks, I would be very interested to have a look.\nMy question was a bit vague - I meant to ask if you had spoken to the editor\nabout the series of articles?\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski \nTo: Chris Strickland \nCc: Vince J Kaminski \nSent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 8:15 AM\nSubject: Re: Energy book and articles\n>\n>\n> Chris,\n>\n> Yes, I was a keynote speaker. I shall send you my presentation.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Chris Strickland\" on 05/15/2000 06:31:14 AM\n>\n> Please respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \n>\n> To: \"VinceJKaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Energy book and articles\n>\n>\n>\n> Dear Vince\n>\n> Thanks for your voice mail last week. Did you get to talk to EPRM in\nHouston\n> last week?\n>\n> Best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Energy book and articles"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Chris,\n\nYes, I mentioned it to both the US-editor and Robin.\nThey were very interested and I don't think there should be any problem\nwith this initiative.\n\nI shall follow up with another message to Jane Locke and Robin Lancaster.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Strickland\" "], {}, true], "17-5-2000-1:15:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["17-5-2000-1:15:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["julie@lacima.co.uk"], "Vince,\nThat's good news. Anything you need from me please feel free to ask - if we\ncan get the ball rolling soon we can time things well with the publication\nof the book (my diary says that there are 2 weeks until the contract goes\nout on you and Grant...).\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski \nTo: Chris Strickland \nCc: Vince J Kaminski ; \nSent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 12:53 AM\nSubject: Re: Energy book and articles\n>\n>\n> Chris,\n>\n> Yes, I mentioned it to both the US-editor and Robin.\n> They were very interested and I don't think there should be any problem\n> with this initiative.\n>\n> I shall follow up with another message to Jane Locke and Robin Lancaster.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Chris Strickland\" on 05/15/2000 06:00:00 PM\n>\n> Please respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Energy book and articles\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Thanks, I would be very interested to have a look.\n>\n> My question was a bit vague - I meant to ask if you had spoken to the\neditor\n> about the series of articles?\n>\n> Best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: Vince J Kaminski \n> To: Chris Strickland \n> Cc: Vince J Kaminski \n> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 8:15 AM\n> Subject: Re: Energy book and articles\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Chris,\n> >\n> > Yes, I was a keynote speaker. I shall send you my presentation.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Chris Strickland\" on 05/15/2000 06:31:14 AM\n> >\n> > Please respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \n> >\n> > To: \"VinceJKaminski\" \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Energy book and articles\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Dear Vince\n> >\n> > Thanks for your voice mail last week. Did you get to talk to EPRM in\n> Houston\n> > last week?\n> >\n> > Best regards.\n> >\n> > Chris.\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Energy book and articles"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Vince,\n\nThat's good news. Anything you need from me please feel free to ask - if we\ncan get the ball rolling soon we can time things well with the publication\nof the book (my diary says that there are 2 weeks until the contract goes\nout on you and Grant...).\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Vince J Kaminski ", "<18397551.1075857010192.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31020942.1075856827041.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-6-2000-10:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-6-2000-10:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/02/2000 \n05:20 PM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 06/01/2000 07:45:53 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Energy Conference - Sydney\nHi Vince,\n?\nJust a friendly reminder that the hired guns are making their way up to \nHouston to visit with you and Grant.\n?\nI was reading the promotional material for the EPRM conference here in July. \nI wanted to invite you to dinner at my apartment on the evening between the \nmain conference and the post-conference seminars (18th July). We have a \npretty spectacular view of the Harbour here that you might enjoy.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n------------------------------------------\nDr Chris Strickland\n?\nSchool of Finance and Economics, University of Technology, Sydney\nFinancial Options Research Centre, University of Warwick, UK\n?\nDirector, Lacima Consultants Ltd\nwww.lacima.co.uk\n", ["Energy Conference - Sydney"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<16471281.1075856498367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19100749.1075856564665.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13056684.1075856324808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1816193.1075856325027.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-6-2000-10:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-6-2000-10:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Chris,\nThanks for the invitation. I shall be glad to meet you and your family in \nSydney at your home.\nI am enclosing the draft of my part of the chapter. It's more than \npreliminary but I hope\nto improve it greatly over the weekend. I shall forward you a new version on \nSunday evening\nmy time. Grant is moving along on his part. I hope it reduces the penalty to \nbroken knee-caps.\nI shall send you a longer message from home to give you an update on my \nconversations\nwith EPRM regarding the articles.\nVince\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 06/01/2000 07:45:53 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Energy Conference - Sydney\nHi Vince,\n?\nJust a friendly reminder that the hired guns are making their way up to \nHouston to visit with you and Grant.\n?\nI was reading the promotional material for the EPRM conference here in July. \nI wanted to invite you to dinner at my apartment on the evening between the \nmain conference and the post-conference seminars (18th July). We have a \npretty spectacular view of the Harbour here that you might enjoy.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n------------------------------------------\nDr Chris Strickland\n?\nSchool of Finance and Economics, University of Technology, Sydney\nFinancial Options Research Centre, University of Warwick, UK\n?\nDirector, Lacima Consultants Ltd\nwww.lacima.co.uk\n", ["Re: Energy Conference - Sydney"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Chris,\n\nThanks for the invitation. I shall be glad to meet you and your family in \nSydney at your home.\n\nI am enclosing the draft of my part of the chapter. It's more than \npreliminary but I hope\nto improve it greatly over the weekend. I shall forward you a new version on \nSunday evening\nmy time. Grant is moving along on his part. I hope it reduces the penalty to \nbroken knee-caps.\n\nI shall send you a longer message from home to give you an update on my \nconversations\nwith EPRM regarding the articles.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Strickland\" ", "<16903130.1075856564641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14874930.1075856324760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16176321.1075856567078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2000-3:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-3:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["grant.masson@enron.com"], ["elena.chilkina@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "chris@lacima.co.uk"], "Grant,\nThis is the updated version of my part.\nLet's try to call Chris around 5:00 our time to give him an update.\nVince\n", ["Updated draft"], "{'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Grant,\n\nThis is the updated version of my part.\nLet's try to call Chris around 5:00 our time to give him an update.\n\nVince\n", ["<27266787.1075856324261.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-6-2000-3:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-3:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["grant.masson@enron.com"], "Chris,\nWe shall try to call you around 5:00 p.m. our time on Monday.\nWhat is the best phone number we can use to reach you?\nVince", ["Call"], "{'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [["reach cell0phone", 8, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "request information", " what is the best phone number we can use to reach you?"]], "Chris,\n\nWe shall try to call you around 5:00 p.m. our time on Monday.\nWhat is the best phone number we can use to reach you?\n\nVince", ["<31263253.1075856498165.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25522501.1075856564461.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31104406.1075856324238.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24356530.1075856325406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "5-6-2000-11:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-11:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], [], "Chris,\nvkaminski@aol.com\nVince", ["My AOL address"], "{'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Chris,\n\nvkaminski@aol.com\n\n\nVince", ["<25125250.1075856498097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19735311.1075856564395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4018405.1075856324051.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4332605.1075856325529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-6-2000-14:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-14:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com"], "Chris,\nThanks for the invitation. The evening of July the 18th is fine with me.\nThe list looks fine and it can be easily expanded, if the first set of\narticles is well received. I shall prepare a list of topics that occupy us\nevery day and that we could write about without revealing the details of our\nproprietary research.\nPlease, feel free to send the message from Lacima. I think that it's better\nfor us to sign the articles with our names, giving our respective\naffiliations. In this way, Enron gets the credit, but not the liability if\nthere is any error in an article.\nHope to see you soon.\nVince", ["Re: EPRM articles"], "{'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Chris,\n\nThanks for the invitation. The evening of July the 18th is fine with me.\n\nThe list looks fine and it can be easily expanded, if the first set of\narticles is well received. I shall prepare a list of topics that occupy us\nevery day and that we could write about without revealing the details of our\nproprietary research.\n\nPlease, feel free to send the message from Lacima. I think that it's better\nfor us to sign the articles with our names, giving our respective\naffiliations. In this way, Enron gets the credit, but not the liability if\nthere is any error in an article.\n\nHope to see you soon.\n\nVince", ["<2087049.1075856318337.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13247446.1075856567056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31653031.1075856329282.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-10-2000-10:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-10:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/10/2000 \n05:07 PM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 10/04/2000 01:51:59 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"Les\" , \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: eprm articles\nHi guys,\n?\nHope you are both enjoying Paris. We've past the end of September which was \nthe deadline for the ext EPR article. Seeing as we were going to use the \nsame data set for articles 2 and 3 I've done drafts of them both. Please \nhave a look and get comments back to me asap before Robin stars jumping on \nus.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n - eprm_02_03.ZIP\n", ["eprm articles"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<22741585.1075856479972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7024480.1075856546291.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25990851.1075856279755.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30510415.1075856356191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-6-2000-10:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-6-2000-10:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/28/2000 \n05:32 PM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 06/28/2000 04:48:36 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"VinceJKaminski\" , \"Grant Masson\" \n\ncc: \"Julie\" , \"Les\" \nSubject: Re: chapter 3\nGentlemen,\nThankyou for your fine effort. I'll e-mail thru Thurs eve (Sydney time) what\nwe have done to incorporate it into our material (which wasn't toooo\npainful) to see if it is OK with you. A couple of quick questions though.\nVince - your section had a number of footnote numbers, but no actual\nfootnotes - can you please resend them?\nGrant - I agree it would be good to have the final figure. What happens if\nyou plot the historical data and the simulations on the same graph - but\nwith different axis?\nMany thanks and best regards.\nChris.\n", ["Re: chapter 3"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<2296828.1075856495727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17781836.1075856561997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<777751.1075856317260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27751193.1075856329856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-6-2000-3:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-3:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["grant.masson@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000 \n10:04 AM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 06/29/2000 05:24:12 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: , \"VinceJKaminski\" \ncc: \"Les\" , \"Julie\" \nSubject: Re: chapter 3 revisions\nDear Vince and Grant,\nPlease find attached our butchering of your work (only joking...). We've\ntied the chapter in with what has gone before and changed some of your\nnotation so that it is consistent with ours.\nVince; could you please send thru the footnotes referred to in the chapter\nat your convenience. Could you also please supply a full reference for\nRoutledge, Seppi, Spatt (1999).\nGrant; I hope you don't mind we've called PDJD just JD (to fit in more with\nour work). Please also can you supply the last figure before you disappear!\nDo you want us to write the summary?\nMany thanks again for all your efforts. It's all looking good.\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Grant Masson \nTo: Chris Strickland \nSent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:54 AM\nSubject: Re: chapter 3 revisions\n>\n>\n>\n> Chris:\n>\n> I can't decide if I should take your silence over the past several weeks\nto mean\n> that you are getting stuck into finishing up the book or you are just so\n> thoroughly disgusted with our work that you would like to wash your hands\nof us.\n>\n> I've been stuck on trying to get the last figure mentioned in the chapter\ninto a\n> format that I like. The problem is the volatility found in the\nregressions is\n> on the order of several hundred percent, and so when I plot the historical\ndata\n> next to a simulated curve over the course of the year, the simulated curve\ntends\n> to drift up or down stupidly both in the Jump diffusion and Garch+Jump\ndiffusion\n> model. Any suggestions would be accepted with pleasure. I wonder if I\nshould\n> skip the figure. It seems a pity to do so however, because otherwise the\nlast\n> section comes off as a bit of an afterthought, and I would like to present\na\n> practical example. Again any guidance would be appreciated.\n>\n> Anyway, I am sending you a somewhat improved draft now (minus only the\nlast\n> figure), rather than sit on the whole thing while I stew on this bit, I\nhope\n> this will be useful to you. Because I am leaving for holidays at the end\nof the\n> week, I can guarantee you that you will have a final draft before then.\n>\n> Regards,\n> Grant.\n)\n>\n\n", ["Re: chapter 3 revisions"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "FYI\nVince\n\n\n", ["<13024509.1075856495533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21578983.1075856561812.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23827562.1075856316801.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10600639.1075856330080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-7-2000-2:21:0Sraymond.yeow@enron.com": ["14-7-2000-2:21:0", "raymond.yeow@enron.com", ["christian.werner@enron.com"], ["tony.harris@enron.com", "gary.taylor@enron.com", "michael.nguyen@enron.com", "brando.hayden@enron.com", "mark.tawney@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "seth.hurwitz@enron.com", "paul.henry@enron.com", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com"], "---------------------- Forwarded by Raymond Yeow/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n07/14/2000 08:23 AM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 07/14/2000 05:01:12 AM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \"Shane Dallmann\" \ncc: \"Julie\" , \"Les\" , \"Raymond Yeow\" \n, \"Paul Quilkey\" \nSubject: run a 2day course - UTS on weather derivatives - first w/e Sept\nHi Shane,\nThanks for your e-mail. We actually sent the 9 of the 11 chapters off to the\ntypesetter today and I will forward you our word documents in the morning.\nI've been travelling a lot to the UK at the moment and so haven't spent much\ntime with the student myself. Are you going to te energy confernece next\nweek, perhaps we can meet up there?\nGood to hear about the weather. We are actually going to run a two day\ncourse thru UTS on weather derivatives the first weekend of September. Feel\nfree to tell your potential clients about it if you think it will bring up\nthe industry knowledge. Maybe we can associate your name with the course\nsomehow which might help both of us?\nC.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Shane Dallmann \nTo: \nCc: Paul Quilkey ; Raymond Yeow\n\nSent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 1:56 PM\n>\n>\n>\n> Chris,\n>\n> How are things going? I see that you are presenting at Australian Energy\nRisk\n> 2000 along with Vince Kaminski who will be out from the US\n>\n> I was wondering how the book is going and whether we're likely to get a\ncopy\n> (just notes would do) any time soon. Or are you still waiting on those\nslack\n> Enron people to finish it? (maybe you can corner him while he's here). If\nI\n> remember correctly from when you were here, you were going to give us a\ncopy of\n> the notes and then we were going to sit down and decide what exactly we\nwanted\n> you to cover in an in-house course.\n>\n> Paul also told me about a student of yours that was going to get in touch\nwith\n> me but I have not heard anything yet.\n>\n> Enron Australia is also going to launch Weather in the next couple of\nweeks and\n> would like to invite you and Les along, so can you send me an address we\ncan\n> send invitations to if you're interested.\n>\n> Regards,\n>\n> Shane\n>\n>\n", ["FYI - Lacima run a 2day course - UTS on weather derivatives - first w/e Sept"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<21695551.1075856311360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11293130.1075856566853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24112496.1075856333455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-7-2000-11:7:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["25-7-2000-11:7:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["grant.masson@enron.com"], ["julie@lacima.co.uk", "les@lacima.co.uk", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Grant,\nThanks for that. I hope you had a good holiday - we were all very jealous of\nyou at dinner the other evening.\nI made some changes for it to fit in with our notation, etc, but apart from\nthat its a fin piece of work. If you could just answer the questions posed\nby Vince, and send me the final figure then we are a go (all of ours are now\nfinished). Would you be happy with the following?\n3.5 Summary\nIn this chapter we have discussed volatility modelling and estimation in the\nenergy commodity markets, emphasising the difference between this market and\nfinancial markets. We discuss the estimation of volatility from both\nhistorical and implied data, again from the perspective of the energy user.\nWe further discussed a number of stochastic volatility models and have shown\nhow to estimate the models via ordinary least squares and maximum\nlikelihood. We have tested our estimation techniques on a number of\nexamples drawn from energy markets including electricity, gas and crude oil.\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Grant Masson \nTo: Chris Strickland \nSent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 9:08 AM\nSubject: Re: corrections to Chap. 3 from Grant Masson\n>\n>\n> Chris:\n>\n> I understand from Vince that Ronnie did not send you anything. Apologies\nfor\n> that. I will get the last section rewritten quickly and off to you within\nthe\n> next couple of days. Sorry that this has taken so long, and frankly,\napologies\n> for the poor quality of my bit. If you have any suggestions on how to\nimprove\n> it, please let me. Likewise, I hope that you will make changes as you\nsee fit\n> to improve and clarify things.\n>\n> Regards,\n> Grant.\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: corrections to Chap. 3 from Grant Masson"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [["make change", 6, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " i made some changes for it to fit in with our notation, etc, but apart from that its a fin piece of work."]], "Grant,\n\nThanks for that. I hope you had a good holiday - we were all very jealous of\nyou at dinner the other evening.\n\nI made some changes for it to fit in with our notation, etc, but apart from\nthat its a fin piece of work. If you could just answer the questions posed\nby Vince, and send me the final figure then we are a go (all of ours are now\nfinished). Would you be happy with the following?\n\n3.5 Summary\n\nIn this chapter we have discussed volatility modelling and estimation in the\nenergy commodity markets, emphasising the difference between this market and\nfinancial markets. We discuss the estimation of volatility from both\nhistorical and implied data, again from the perspective of the energy user.\nWe further discussed a number of stochastic volatility models and have shown\nhow to estimate the models via ordinary least squares and maximum\nlikelihood. We have tested our estimation techniques on a number of\nexamples drawn from energy markets including electricity, gas and crude oil.\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Grant Masson ", "<10088663.1075856566783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20979643.1075856334776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-8-2000-14:26:0Sjulie@lacima.co.uk": ["16-8-2000-14:26:0", "julie@lacima.co.uk", ["grant.masson@enron.com"], ["chris@lacima.co.uk", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Grant,\n?\nChris is travelling at the moment, so I'm contacting you on his behalf with \nregards to the status of? the completion of the chapter.? We are dependent \non receiving this as soon as possible, since all the chapters have been \ntypeset and are now in the final stages of the edit process.? \n?\nPlease let us know when you can send this over.? \n?\nAlso, let us know if we can do anything.\n?\nSincerely,\nJulie Brennan\n?\nLacima Group\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Chris Strickland \nTo: Grant Masson \nCc: Julie \nSent: Friday, August 11, 2000 8:49 AM\nSubject: Re: chapter 3 revisions\nHi Grant,\nThanks for that. Sorry for he delay but I've been away for a few days.\nTimely executon would be good - we have just got the proofs back for all the\nother chapters from the typesetters.\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Grant Masson \nTo: Chris Strickland \nSent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 9:14 AM\nSubject: Re: chapter 3 revisions\n>\n>\n> Chris:\n>\n> My and Ronnie's revisions are complete.? Vince is having a statistics guru\n> colleague review the material for glaring errors.? He should be sending\nyou the\n> completed chapter within a day or so.\n>\n> Regards,\n> Grant.\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Fw: chapter 3 revisions"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Hi Grant,\n?\nChris is travelling at the moment, so I'm contacting you on his behalf with \nregards to the status of? the completion of the chapter.? We are dependent \non receiving this as soon as possible, since all the chapters have been \ntypeset and are now in the final stages of the edit process.? \n?\nPlease let us know when you can send this over.? \n?\nAlso, let us know if we can do anything.\n?\nSincerely,\nJulie Brennan\n?\nLacima Group\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Chris Strickland \n", ["<19134365.1075856298250.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8406485.1075856566234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3703233.1075856342761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-8-2000-7:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-8-2000-7:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11997579.1075856292756.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 07:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: chris@lacima.co.uk\nSubject: Re: Chapter\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Chris Strickland\" \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nChris,\n\nMy part has not changed for some time (since early July).\n\nI sent the last vintage of corrections to you when I was in Sydney.\nYou can send the version you consider final to us just to double check.\n\nI took the liberty of sending our chapter to Darrell Duffie and he liked it.\nWhat is more important he did not find any error.\n\n\nI shell send you my comments on the article for Robin in a day or so.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 08/28/2000 02:55:31 PM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: , \ncc: \nSubject: Chapter\n\n\n\nHi Vince,\n?\nHow are things with you? Well I hope. Do you have the latest version of your \npart of chapter 3? (I think GRant has sent thru a seperate, updated version \nto you, which has been typeset). Everything else has been tied up and we \nwill go with the version we have, unless we hear otherwise.\n?\nMany thanks and best regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n\n", "Re: Chapter", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "nninformation", ["send", "version"], "intention", " you can send the version you consider final to us just to double check."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 13, "information", ["duffie", "sending"], "information", " i took the liberty of sending our chapter to darrell duffie and he liked it."]], "Chris,\n\nMy part has not changed for some time (since early July).\n\nI sent the last vintage of corrections to you when I was in Sydney.\nYou can send the version you consider final to us just to double check.\n\nI took the liberty of sending our chapter to Darrell Duffie and he liked it.\nWhat is more important he did not find any error.\n\n\nI shell send you my comments on the article for Robin in a day or so.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Strickland\" ", [], true], "28-8-2000-22:55:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["28-8-2000-22:55:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29182925.1075856292825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 22:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: chris@lacima.co.uk\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com\nSubject: Chapter\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Chris Strickland\" \nX-To: , \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince,\n?\nHow are things with you? Well I hope. Do you have the latest version of your \npart of chapter 3? (I think GRant has sent thru a seperate, updated version \nto you, which has been typeset). Everything else has been tied up and we \nwill go with the version we have, unless we hear otherwise.\n?\nMany thanks and best regards.\n?\nChris.\n?", "Chapter", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 8, "information", ["sent", "version"], "information", " (i think grant has sent thru a seperate, updated version to you, which has been typeset)."]], "Hi Vince,\n?\nHow are things with you? Well I hope. Do you have the latest version of your \npart of chapter 3? (I think GRant has sent thru a seperate, updated version \nto you, which has been typeset). Everything else has been tied up and we \nwill go with the version we have, unless we hear otherwise.\n?\nMany thanks and best regards.\n?\nChris.\n?", "<29182925.1075856292825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "28-8-2000-23:41:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["28-8-2000-23:41:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Dear Vince,\nThat's fine - I didn't know if yours had changed as Grant's did - I have\nyour earlier part and that has already been type set.\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: \"Chris Strickland\" \nCc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nSent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:18 AM\nSubject: Re: Chapter\n>\n>\n> Chris,\n>\n> My part has not changed for some time (since early July).\n>\n> I sent the last vintage of corrections to you when I was in Sydney.\n> You can send the version you consider final to us just to double check.\n>\n> I took the liberty of sending our chapter to Darrell Duffie and he liked\nit.\n> What is more important he did not find any error.\n>\n>\n> I shell send you my comments on the article for Robin in a day or so.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Chris Strickland\" on 08/28/2000 02:55:31 PM\n>\n> Please respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \n>\n> To: , \n> cc:\n> Subject: Chapter\n>\n>\n>\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> How are things with you? Well I hope. Do you have the latest version of\nyour\n> part of chapter 3? (I think GRant has sent thru a seperate, updated\nversion to\n> you, which has been typeset). Everything else has been tied up and we\nwill go\n> with the version we have, unless we hear otherwise.\n>\n> Many thanks and best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Chapter"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Dear Vince,\n\nThat's fine - I didn't know if yours had changed as Grant's did - I have\nyour earlier part and that has already been type set.\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ", "<32284201.1075856566079.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<141000.1075856346704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-8-2000-7:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-8-2000-7:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/28/2000 \n02:24 PM ---------------------------\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 08/28/2000 02:58:56 PM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: EPRM article\nDear Vince,\n?\nD you think you might be able to look at this in the next day or so? Robin \nis after something by the end of this week.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n\n", ["EPRM article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<32877532.1075856485837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1605729.1075856552135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7679082.1075856292732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20377656.1075856346661.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-8-2000-2:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-2:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Chris,\nThis is very well written and will serve the reader well. A few comments.\n1. When I think about the taxonomy of the VaR models, I typically use the \nclassification based on 3 categories:\n a. variance/covariance method\n b. historical simulation\n c. Monte Carlo simulation.\nDelta approach is the way of representing a position in a nonlinear \ninstrument.\n2. I would define Monte Carlo as an approach based on statistical simulation \nof behavior of\nall the market prices/rates, etc., and revaluation of the entire portfolio.\nThe revaluation may be based on an approximation (using Taylor's expansion) \nthat may\n involve delta, delta/gamma, delta/gamma/omega or may be exact (based on the \nsame\nmodel that produces the mark-to-market portfolio valuations).\nThe main benefit of using the MC simulation in the energy markets is the \nability to capture\nthe gapping behavior of the energy markets in a straightforward way. I would \nemphasize that\nthere are attempts to incorporate jumps in the V/C model (I shall send you \nthe references \nfrom home).\n3. I would mention that historical simulation may break down in the markets \nthat are evolving\nquickly (new instruments for which we have no comparable prices,\nbehavior of prices may change as markets mature or de-mature).\n4. For bigger portfolios, virtually all methods require some level of \naggregation into\n atomic, elemental instruments to reduce the dimensionality of the problem.\nThis process may be a source of a big error.\n5. The computational burden of MC can be reduced through clever preprocessing\nof a portfolio that introduces no error. Many swaps with the same underlying\ncan be aggregated into one positions ( they are portfolios of forwards and \nthey are linear\ninstruments).\nPlease, feel free to use any comment (or none).\nVince\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 08/28/2000 02:58:56 PM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: EPRM article\nDear Vince,\n?\nD you think you might be able to look at this in the next day or so? Robin \nis after something by the end of this week.\n?\nBest regards.\n?\nChris.\n?\n\n", ["Re: EPRM article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 11, "information", ["use", "models"], "information", " when i think about the taxonomy of the var models, i typically use the classification based on numeric categories: a."], ["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 56, "information", ["produces", "model"], "information", " the revaluation may be based on an approximation (using taylor's expansion) that may involve delta, delta/gamma, delta/gamma/omega or may be exact (based on the same model that produces the mark-to-market portfolio valuations)."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 87, "nninformation", ["evolving", "prices"], "intention", " i would mention that historical simulation may break down in the markets that are evolving quickly (new instruments for which we have no comparable prices, behavior of prices may change as markets mature or de-mature)."]], "Chris,\n\nThis is very well written and will serve the reader well. A few comments.\n\n1. When I think about the taxonomy of the VaR models, I typically use the \nclassification based on 3 categories:\n\n a. variance/covariance method\n b. historical simulation\n c. Monte Carlo simulation.\n\nDelta approach is the way of representing a position in a nonlinear \ninstrument.\n\n2. I would define Monte Carlo as an approach based on statistical simulation \nof behavior of\nall the market prices/rates, etc., and revaluation of the entire portfolio.\nThe revaluation may be based on an approximation (using Taylor's expansion) \nthat may\n involve delta, delta/gamma, delta/gamma/omega or may be exact (based on the \nsame\nmodel that produces the mark-to-market portfolio valuations).\n\nThe main benefit of using the MC simulation in the energy markets is the \nability to capture\nthe gapping behavior of the energy markets in a straightforward way. I would \nemphasize that\nthere are attempts to incorporate jumps in the V/C model (I shall send you \nthe references \nfrom home).\n\n3. I would mention that historical simulation may break down in the markets \nthat are evolving\nquickly (new instruments for which we have no comparable prices,\nbehavior of prices may change as markets mature or de-mature).\n\n4. For bigger portfolios, virtually all methods require some level of \naggregation into\n atomic, elemental instruments to reduce the dimensionality of the problem.\nThis process may be a source of a big error.\n\n5. The computational burden of MC can be reduced through clever preprocessing\nof a portfolio that introduces no error. Many swaps with the same underlying\ncan be aggregated into one positions ( they are portfolios of forwards and \nthey are linear\ninstruments).\n\nPlease, feel free to use any comment (or none).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Chris Strickland\" ", "<6730762.1075856551738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26279912.1075856291779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20669230.1075856566057.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn": {"value": "credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn", "ne": "credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn", "patterns": ["credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn"]}, "credit0model_model varTnn": {"value": "credit0model_model varTnn", "ne": "credit0model_model varTnn", "patterns": ["credit0model_model varTnn"]}, "credit_reference example_modelTnn": {"value": "credit_reference example_modelTnn", "ne": "credit_reference example_modelTnn", "patterns": ["credit_reference example_modelTnn"]}, "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price model_simulationTnn"]}, "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0price marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0price marketTnn"]}, "example_model marketTnn": {"value": "example_model marketTnn", "ne": "example_model marketTnn", "patterns": ["example_model marketTnn"]}, "market model_modelingTnn": {"value": "market model_modelingTnn", "ne": "market model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["market model_modelingTnn"]}, "market model_simulationTnn": {"value": "market model_simulationTnn", "ne": "market model_simulationTnn", "patterns": ["market model_simulationTnn"]}, "market priceTnn": {"value": "market priceTnn", "ne": "market priceTnn", "patterns": ["market priceTnn"]}, "market valuationTnn": {"value": "market valuationTnn", "ne": "market valuationTnn", "patterns": ["market valuationTnn"]}, "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn": {"value": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "ne": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-16:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-16:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa05.mx.aol.com (rly-xa05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa01.mail.aol.com (v77.14) with ESMTP; Tue, 05 Dec 2000 12:47:35 -0500\nReceived: from mail01b.rapidsite.net (mail01b.rapidsite.net \n[]) by rly-xa05.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Tue, 05 Dec \n2000 12:47:00 -0500\nReceived: from www.lacima.co.uk ( by mail01b.rapidsite.net (RS \nver 1.0.58s) with SMTP id 0923182 for ; Tue, 5 Dec 2000 \n12:46:46 -0500 (EST)\nMessage-ID: <000001c05ee3$91887440$fd8301ca@eu.entergy.com>\nReply-To: \"Chris Strickland\" \nFrom: \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \nReferences: <6c.2cfb0c2.26e92926@aol.com>\nSubject: EPRM Article\nDate: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 04:16:05 +1100\nOrganization: Lacima Consultants\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0097_01C05F3B.405E3980\"\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200\nX-Loop-Detect: 1\nHi Vince,\nHope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you when\nI'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\nnext installment in the EPRM articles.\nMany thanks and best regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ; ;\n\nSent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\nSubject: Re: VaR Article\n> Les,\n>\n> The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n", ["Fwd: EPRM Article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<20758318.1075856648380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16589265.1075856890981.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"86": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "87": {"value": "$91887440", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, true], "10-12-2000-10:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-12-2000-10:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["vkamins@enron.com"], "Return-path: \nFrom: VKaminski@aol.com\nFull-name: VKaminski\nMessage-ID: \nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 00:19:50 EST\nSubject: Fwd: EPRM Article\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nCC: VKaminski@aol.com\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"part2_1e.e608831.2761c976_boundary\"\nX-Mailer: Unknown sub 171\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa05.mx.aol.com (rly-xa05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa01.mail.aol.com (v77.14) with ESMTP; Tue, 05 Dec 2000 12:47:35 -0500\nReceived: from mail01b.rapidsite.net (mail01b.rapidsite.net \n[]) by rly-xa05.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Tue, 05 Dec \n2000 12:47:00 -0500\nReceived: from www.lacima.co.uk ( by mail01b.rapidsite.net (RS \nver 1.0.58s) with SMTP id 0923182 for ; Tue, 5 Dec 2000 \n12:46:46 -0500 (EST)\nMessage-ID: <000001c05ee3$91887440$fd8301ca@eu.entergy.com>\nReply-To: \"Chris Strickland\" \nFrom: \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \nReferences: <6c.2cfb0c2.26e92926@aol.com>\nSubject: EPRM Article\nDate: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 04:16:05 +1100\nOrganization: Lacima Consultants\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0097_01C05F3B.405E3980\"\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200\nX-Loop-Detect: 1\nHi Vince,\nHope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you when\nI'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\nnext installment in the EPRM articles.\nMany thanks and best regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ; ;\n\nSent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\nSubject: Re: VaR Article\n> Les,\n>\n> The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n", ["Fwd: EPRM Article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Return-path: ", "<32819521.1075856565653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11059286.1075856377567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-9-2000-8:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-8:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 \n03:38 PM ---------------------------\n\"Les Clewlow\" on 09/05/2000 09:30:02 PM\nTo: \"chris\" , \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Fw: EPRM\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Dave Hall \nTo: \nSent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 8:53 PM\nSubject: EPRM\n> Dear Mr Clewlow\n>\n> Thanks for your piece on Var for inclusion in the October edition of\nEnergy\n> & Power\n> Risk Management.\n>\n> The article is attached. There are a few queries from the editor and\nmyself\n> written in bold in the text. You might find that some parts of the piece\n> have been edited to\n> conform to our 'house style', etc.\n>\n> Comments and suggestions welcome.\n>\n> Should we send this article to anybody else for their approval?\n>\n> Thanks and kind regards,\n>\n>\n> Dave Hall\n> Chief Subeditor\n> Energy & Power Risk Management magazine\n> Risk Waters Group\n> Haymarket House\n> 28-29 Haymarket\n> London\n> SW1Y 4RX\n> UK\n> Tel: +44 (0)20 7484 9796\n> Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 2238\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n", ["Fw: EPRM", "Re: EPRM"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<991417.1075856484737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19762223.1075856484759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13378172.1075856551056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32245660.1075856551078.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23607022.1075856290303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15625212.1075856290326.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12108710.1075856348379.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3465550.1075856348401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-9-2000-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-9-2000-8:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/08/2000 \n03:15 PM ---------------------------\n\"Les Clewlow\" on 09/05/2000 09:30:02 PM\nTo: \"chris\" , \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Fw: EPRM\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Dave Hall \nTo: \nSent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 8:53 PM\nSubject: EPRM\n> Dear Mr Clewlow\n>\n> Thanks for your piece on Var for inclusion in the October edition of\nEnergy\n> & Power\n> Risk Management.\n>\n> The article is attached. There are a few queries from the editor and\nmyself\n> written in bold in the text. You might find that some parts of the piece\n> have been edited to\n> conform to our 'house style', etc.\n>\n> Comments and suggestions welcome.\n>\n> Should we send this article to anybody else for their approval?\n>\n> Thanks and kind regards,\n>\n>\n> Dave Hall\n> Chief Subeditor\n> Energy & Power Risk Management magazine\n> Risk Waters Group\n> Haymarket House\n> 28-29 Haymarket\n> London\n> SW1Y 4RX\n> UK\n> Tel: +44 (0)20 7484 9796\n> Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 2238\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n", ["Fw: EPRM"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<17109370.1075856484359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2210006.1075856550678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20107816.1075856289749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31618746.1075856348840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-9-2000-8:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-8:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 \n03:39 PM ---------------------------\n\"Francis X. Diebold\" on 09/02/2000 01:00:24 PM\nTo: Frank Diebold \ncc: \nSubject: Change of coordinates\nDear Friends and Colleagues,\nEffective immediately, I have returned to the University of\nPennsylvania.\nThe usual automatically-generated contact info should appear below;\nplease update your files.\nBest regards,\nFrank\n--\nFrancis X. Diebold\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\n3718 Locust Walk\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6297\nfdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu\nhttp://www.ssc.upenn.edu/~diebold\n(215) 898-1507 telephone\n(215) 573-4217 fax\n", ["Change of coordinates", "VaR Article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "", ["<31289977.1075856484693.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25600611.1075856484715.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25553550.1075856551012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15343558.1075856551034.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5157424.1075856290258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9738119.1075856290280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28559357.1075856348422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<965400.1075856348444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-9-2000-6:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-9-2000-6:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk", "les@lacima.co.uk", "robin@risk.co.uk", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Les,\nThe revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\nVince", ["Re: VaR Article"], "{'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Les,\n\nThe revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n\nVince", ["<26265293.1075856290187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25721569.1075856566035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24829870.1075856348487.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-10-2000-14:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-10-2000-14:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julie@lacima.co.uk"], ["vkamins@enron.com", "chris@lacima.co.uk", "les@lacimagroup.com"], "Julie,\nSorry for the delay. Here are he comments.\nVince\n************************************\nSorry for long delay in responding. I have a few comments. Most are focused\non the third article as here is till time to make modifications.\n1. In the second article, I would mention that the formulation of the mean\nreversion process represents one of several possible equations that capture\nthe same type of market evolution of prices over time.\n2. One comment that applies to both articles. The problem is how one defines\nthe time series of energy prices. The numbers used for Australian NSW pool\nprices seem to correspond to chronological prices. One alternative approach\nis to build different time series for the corresponding time intervals for\neach day. This would result in different price behavior and estimates of\njump. The choice is one of convenience and depends on actual problem under\ninvestigation. One could argue that volumes of electricity traded during\ndifferent time slots represent different economic commodities.\nFigure 3a (Jump Frequency) has units on the vertical axis that require\nexplanation. Are we talking about an expected number of jumps in the total\nnumber of half hourly periods in a year? The same goes for f in Table 2\n(article number 3).\n", ["Comments"], "{'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [["respond delay", 6, "nninformation", ["delay", "responding"], "intention", " vince ************************************ sorry for long delay in responding."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 40, "information", ["used", "prices"], "information", " the numbers used for australian nsw pool prices seem to correspond to chronological prices."]], "Julie,\n\nSorry for the delay. Here are he comments.\n\nVince\n\n************************************\n\nSorry for long delay in responding. I have a few comments. Most are focused\non the third article as here is till time to make modifications.\n\n1. In the second article, I would mention that the formulation of the mean\nreversion process represents one of several possible equations that capture\nthe same type of market evolution of prices over time.\n2. One comment that applies to both articles. The problem is how one defines\nthe time series of energy prices. The numbers used for Australian NSW pool\nprices seem to correspond to chronological prices. One alternative approach\nis to build different time series for the corresponding time intervals for\neach day. This would result in different price behavior and estimates of\njump. The choice is one of convenience and depends on actual problem under\ninvestigation. One could argue that volumes of electricity traded during\ndifferent time slots represent different economic commodities.\nFigure 3a (Jump Frequency) has units on the vertical axis that require\nexplanation. Are we talking about an expected number of jumps in the total\nnumber of half hourly periods in a year? The same goes for f in Table 2\n(article number 3).\n\n\n - aus_2_3.doc", ["<6340680.1075856276349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31736818.1075856565895.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30265203.1075856358790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-10-2000-13:11:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["17-10-2000-13:11:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "julie@lacima.co.uk"], ["vkamins@enron.com", "les@lacimagroup.com"], "Hi Vince,\nSorry to have missed you in Paris. Many thanks for your comments - they've\nnow been incorporated and sent to EPRM. Things are crazy at the moment, but\nhopefully will calm down in a couple of weeks and we'll have time to catch\nup better.\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; ; \nSent: Sunday, October 15, 2000 11:06 AM\nSubject: Comments\n> Julie,\n>\n> Sorry for the delay. Here are he comments.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> ************************************\n>\n> Sorry for long delay in responding. I have a few comments. Most are\nfocused\n> on the third article as here is till time to make modifications.\n>\n> 1. In the second article, I would mention that the formulation of the\nmean\n> reversion process represents one of several possible equations that\ncapture\n> the same type of market evolution of prices over time.\n> 2. One comment that applies to both articles. The problem is how one\ndefines\n> the time series of energy prices. The numbers used for Australian NSW pool\n> prices seem to correspond to chronological prices. One alternative\napproach\n> is to build different time series for the corresponding time intervals for\n> each day. This would result in different price behavior and estimates of\n> jump. The choice is one of convenience and depends on actual problem under\n> investigation. One could argue that volumes of electricity traded during\n> different time slots represent different economic commodities.\n> Figure 3a (Jump Frequency) has units on the vertical axis that require\n> explanation. Are we talking about an expected number of jumps in the total\n> number of half hourly periods in a year? The same goes for f in Table 2\n> (article number 3).\n>\n>", ["Re: Comments"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nSorry to have missed you in Paris. Many thanks for your comments - they've\nnow been incorporated and sent to EPRM. Things are crazy at the moment, but\nhopefully will calm down in a couple of weeks and we'll have time to catch\nup better.\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<13350191.1075856565873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30855819.1075856359059.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2000-9:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-9:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chris@lacima.co.uk"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Chris,\nI have read the paper. It reads very well. Two comments.\n1. It probably makes sense to include a note on the standard GBM simulation \nequation and\nthe way it's typically discretized.\n2. It will help the reader who did not read the earlier articles to explain \nwhat CT is (perhaps a footnote).\nI am also including a message I sent to Julie today.\n******************************************************************************\n***************\n 1. I would like to register 2 members of my group for both courses (in \nHouston):\na. Paulo Issler\nb. Alex Huang\nI shall attend the course on weather only. \n2. I have started the process to issue a check for 5,000 AUD for Lacima.\nShirley sent you an update on this. The 2nd installment comes from the budget \nof our \noffice in Australia. I shall talk to Paul Quilkey today about it. Please, let \nme know if there is any delay.\n3. The book will be used as textbook for the class I shall be teaching at \nRice.\nRice Univ bookshop is placing an order.\n4. I would like to order 50 copies for my group. What is the best\nway to place the order? Can we pay in US dollars?\n******************************************************************************\n***************\nBest regards.\nVince\n\"Chris Strickland\" on 12/12/2000 05:21:22 PM\nPlease respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \nTo: \ncc: \"Julie\" \nSubject: Fw: EPRM Article\nHi Vince,\nI'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look and\nget back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\non this one!\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Chris Strickland \nTo: \nSent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 4:16 AM\nSubject: EPRM Article\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> Hope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you\nwhen\n> I'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\n> next installment in the EPRM articles.\n>\n> Many thanks and best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: ; ;\n;\n> \n> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\n> Subject: Re: VaR Article\n>\n>\n> > Les,\n> >\n> > The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n>\n\n", ["Re: Fw: EPRM Article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk'], 'recipients': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [["read_translate_learn information", 2, "information", ["paper", "read"], "information", "chris, i have read the paper."]], "Chris,\n\nI have read the paper. It reads very well. Two comments.\n\n1. It probably makes sense to include a note on the standard GBM simulation \nequation and\nthe way it's typically discretized.\n\n2. It will help the reader who did not read the earlier articles to explain \nwhat CT is (perhaps a footnote).\n\n\nI am also including a message I sent to Julie today.\n\n", ["<14825044.1075856466383.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4168803.1075856532688.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14757215.1075856248624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30019219.1075856565562.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12670866.1075856378391.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "13-12-2000-2:21:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["13-12-2000-2:21:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["julie@lacimagroup.com"], "Hi Vince,\nI'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look and\nget back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\non this one!\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Chris Strickland \nTo: \nSent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 4:16 AM\nSubject: EPRM Article\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> Hope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you\nwhen\n> I'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\n> next installment in the EPRM articles.\n>\n> Many thanks and best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: ; ;\n;\n> \n> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\n> Subject: Re: VaR Article\n>\n>\n> > Les,\n> >\n> > The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n>\n", ["Fw: EPRM Article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nI'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look and\nget back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\non this one!\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: Chris Strickland ", "<8589122.1075856565584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19560031.1075856378367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-12-2000-2:50:0Schris@lacima.co.uk": ["13-12-2000-2:50:0", "chris@lacima.co.uk", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["julie@lacimagroup.com", "les@lacimagroup.com"], "Thank you very much Sir. I'll incorporate you comments later today and send\nit off.\nThanks also for your other comments, I'm glad you regard the book highly\nenough for your group and your course.\nI look forward to catching up with you soon.\nBest regards.\nChris.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: Chris Strickland \nCc: \nSent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 10:41 AM\nSubject: Re: Fw: EPRM Article\n>\n> Chris,\n>\n> I have read the paper. It reads very well. Two comments.\n>\n> 1. It probably makes sense to include a note on the standard GBM\nsimulation\n> equation and\n> the way it's typically discretized.\n>\n> 2. It will help the reader who did not read the earlier articles to\nexplain\n> what CT is (perhaps a footnote).\n>\n>\n> I am also including a message I sent to Julie today.\n>\n>\n****************************************************************************\n*****************\n> 1. I would like to register 2 members of my group for both courses (in\n> Houston):\n>\n> a. Paulo Issler\n> b. Alex Huang\n>\n> I shall attend the course on weather only.\n>\n> 2. I have started the process to issue a check for 5,000 AUD for Lacima.\n> Shirley sent you an update on this. The 2nd installment comes from the\n> budget of our\n> office in Australia. I shall talk to Paul Quilkey today about it. Please,\n> let me know if there is any delay.\n>\n> 3. The book will be used as textbook for the class I shall be teaching at\n> Rice.\n> Rice Univ bookshop is placing an order.\n>\n> 4. I would like to order 50 copies for my group. What is the best\n> way to place the order? Can we pay in US dollars?\n>\n****************************************************************************\n*****************\n>\n> Best regards.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Chris Strickland\" on 12/12/2000 05:21:22 PM\n>\n> Please respond to \"Chris Strickland\" \n>\n> To: \n> cc: \"Julie\" \n> Subject: Fw: EPRM Article\n>\n>\n> Hi Vince,\n>\n> I'm wondering if you got this last week? If you could have a quick look\nand\n> get back to me with any comments that would be great - Robin is chasing me\n> on this one!\n>\n> Best regards.\n>\n> Chris.\n>\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: Chris Strickland \n> To: \n> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 4:16 AM\n> Subject: EPRM Article\n>\n>\n> > Hi Vince,\n> >\n> > Hope things are fine with you. I'm sorry that I only ever write to you\n> when\n> > I'm after something, but could you look at this simulation article - the\n> > next installment in the EPRM articles.\n> >\n> > Many thanks and best regards.\n> >\n> > Chris.\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: ; ;\n> ;\n> > \n> > Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:23 AM\n> > Subject: Re: VaR Article\n> >\n> >\n> > > Les,\n> > >\n> > > The revised version of the VaR article looks fine.\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> >\n>\n)\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Fw: EPRM Article"], "{'body': ['chris@lacima.co.uk']}", [], "Thank you very much Sir. I'll incorporate you comments later today and send\nit off.\n\nThanks also for your other comments, I'm glad you regard the book highly\nenough for your group and your course.\n\nI look forward to catching up with you soon.\n\nBest regards.\n\nChris.\n\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<10951235.1075856248579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26039562.1075856565540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3654496.1075856378459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "25-1-2000-10:30:0Slgc@roce-inc.com 31-1-2000-6:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-1-2000-10:30:0Slgc@roce-inc.com": ["25-1-2000-10:30:0", "lgc@roce-inc.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22649856.1075856777211.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 10:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: lgc@roce-inc.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Real Options E&P course\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Larry Chorn \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince:\n\nAs you requested, we mailed you a brochure about our upcoming course\n(2/22-4/4) in Houston.\n\nWe are now following up with that mailing to identify remaining\nattendees for the session. I wanted to make sure that we did not\noverlook anyone at Enron, so I am dropping you this email to see if you\nhave anyone there in mind as an attendee.\n\nBest regards,\n\nLarry Chorn\n972.814.5342\nwww.realoptions-software.com", "Real Options E&P course", "reply", [], "Vince:\n\nAs you requested, we mailed you a brochure about our upcoming course\n(2/22-4/4) in Houston.\n\nWe are now following up with that mailing to identify remaining\nattendees for the session. I wanted to make sure that we did not\noverlook anyone at Enron, so I am dropping you this email to see if you\nhave anyone there in mind as an attendee.\n\nBest regards,\n\nLarry Chorn\n972.814.5342\nwww.realoptions-software.com", "<22649856.1075856777211.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-1-2000-6:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-1-2000-6:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["lgc@roce-inc.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16050602.1075856775390.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 06:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lgc@roce-inc.com\nSubject: Re: Real Options E&P course\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Larry Chorn \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLarry,\n\nI sent the information to Mark Ruane, 713 853 3569.\nHe is the best customer at Enron for real options applications.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLarry Chorn on 01/25/2000 12:30:17 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Real Options E&P course\n\n\n\nVince:\n\nAs you requested, we mailed you a brochure about our upcoming course\n(2/22-4/4) in Houston.\n\nWe are now following up with that mailing to identify remaining\nattendees for the session. I wanted to make sure that we did not\noverlook anyone at Enron, so I am dropping you this email to see if you\nhave anyone there in mind as an attendee.\n\nBest regards,\n\nLarry Chorn\n972.814.5342\nwww.realoptions-software.com\n\n\n", "Re: Real Options E&P course", "originEmail", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 3, "information", ["sent", "information"], "information", "larry, i sent the information to mark ruane, phonenumber ."]], "Larry,\n\nI sent the information to Mark Ruane, 713 853 3569.\nHe is the best customer at Enron for real options applications.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLarry Chorn ", {"application real0optionTnn": {"value": "application real0optionTnn", "ne": "application real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["application real0optionTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-11-2000-8:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-11-2000-3:51:0Sjennifer.burns@enron.com 22-11-2000-1:40:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com 22-11-2000-1:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-11-2000-8:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-11-2000-8:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jennifer.burns@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu"], "Message-ID: <29946693.1075856371841.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 08:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jennifer.burns@enron.com\nSubject: Hotel for the Wharton trip\nCc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jennifer Burns\nX-cc: Jeffrey A Shankman, Vince J Kaminski, piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJennifer,\n\nThis is the address of the hotel within a walking distance to the Wharton \nSchool.\nPlease, make the reservation for Jeff Shankman at this hotel for the December \nthe 6th meeting.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nhttp://www.innatpenn.com/contact.html\nTHE INN AT PENN\n Sansom Common, 3600 Sansom Street\n Philadelphia, PA. 19104\n Phone: 1-800-809-7001\n Fax: 215-222-4600\n\n\nPlease, mention that the stay is related to the University business\nwhen making the reservation.\nTom Piazze at Wharton can confirm it. \nTom Piazze\nPhone: (215) 898 1615\npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu", "Hotel for the Wharton trip", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 10, "nninformation", ["hotel", "make", "reservation"], "intention", " please, make the reservation for jeff shankman at this hotel for the december the datenumeric h meeting."]], "Jennifer,\n\nThis is the address of the hotel within a walking distance to the Wharton \nSchool.\nPlease, make the reservation for Jeff Shankman at this hotel for the December \nthe 6th meeting.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nhttp://www.innatpenn.com/contact.html\nTHE INN AT PENN\n Sansom Common, 3600 Sansom Street\n Philadelphia, PA. 19104\n Phone: 1-800-809-7001\n Fax: 215-222-4600\n\n\nPlease, mention that the stay is related to the University business\nwhen making the reservation.\nTom Piazze at Wharton can confirm it. \nTom Piazze\nPhone: (215) 898 1615\npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu", "<29946693.1075856371841.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"hotel reservationTnn": {"value": "hotel reservationTnn", "ne": "hotel reservationTnn", "patterns": ["hotel reservationTnn"]}}, false], "21-11-2000-3:51:0Sjennifer.burns@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-3:51:0", "jennifer.burns@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22092213.1075856635744.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 03:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jennifer.burns@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Hotel for the Wharton trip\nCc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nX-From: Jennifer Burns\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince -\n\nJeff wanted me to let you know that he will not be able to go w/ you on Dec. \n6th to Wharton. A meeting has come up that he must attend. Sorry for the \nshort notice. Thanks!\n\nJennifer\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/20/2000 04:34 PM\nTo: Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, \npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Hotel for the Wharton trip\n\nJennifer,\n\nThis is the address of the hotel within a walking distance to the Wharton \nSchool.\nPlease, make the reservation for Jeff Shankman at this hotel for the December \nthe 6th meeting.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nhttp://www.innatpenn.com/contact.html\nTHE INN AT PENN\n Sansom Common, 3600 Sansom Street\n Philadelphia, PA. 19104\n Phone: 1-800-809-7001\n Fax: 215-222-4600\n\n\nPlease, mention that the stay is related to the University business\nwhen making the reservation.\nTom Piazze at Wharton can confirm it. \nTom Piazze\nPhone: (215) 898 1615\npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\n\n\n", "Re: Hotel for the Wharton trip", "reply", [["attend meeting", 8, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " a meeting has come up that he must attend."]], "Hi Vince -\n\nJeff wanted me to let you know that he will not be able to go w/ you on Dec. \n6th to Wharton. A meeting has come up that he must attend. Sorry for the \nshort notice. Thanks!\n\nJennifer\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/20/2000 04:34 PM\n", "<22092213.1075856635744.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-11-2000-1:40:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-1:40:0", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3681752.1075857521668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 01:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Hotel for the Wharton trip\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeffrey_Shankman_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Shankman-J\nX-FileName: jshankm.nsf\n\nI'm not sure I'm going to make it to Phila because of PRC. I will advise \nnext week. Also, can you tell me Paula's last name that we rode with the \nother day when you all took me to the airport? Thanks. \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/20/2000 04:34 PM\nTo: Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, \npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Hotel for the Wharton trip\n\nJennifer,\n\nThis is the address of the hotel within a walking distance to the Wharton \nSchool.\nPlease, make the reservation for Jeff Shankman at this hotel for the December \nthe 6th meeting.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nhttp://www.innatpenn.com/contact.html\nTHE INN AT PENN\n Sansom Common, 3600 Sansom Street\n Philadelphia, PA. 19104\n Phone: 1-800-809-7001\n Fax: 215-222-4600\n\n\nPlease, mention that the stay is related to the University business\nwhen making the reservation.\nTom Piazze at Wharton can confirm it. \nTom Piazze\nPhone: (215) 898 1615\npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\n\n\n", "Re: Hotel for the Wharton trip", "reply", [], "I'm not sure I'm going to make it to Phila because of PRC. I will advise \nnext week. Also, can you tell me Paula's last name that we rode with the \nother day when you all took me to the airport? Thanks. \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/20/2000 04:34 PM\n", "<3681752.1075857521668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "22-11-2000-1:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-1:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19331938.1075856470121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 01:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Hotel for the Wharton trip\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nHer name is Corey.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hotel for the Wharton trip \n\nI'm not sure I'm going to make it to Phila because of PRC. I will advise \nnext week. Also, can you tell me Paula's last name that we rode with the \nother day when you all took me to the airport? Thanks. \n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/20/2000 04:34 PM\nTo: Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, \npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Hotel for the Wharton trip\n\nJennifer,\n\nThis is the address of the hotel within a walking distance to the Wharton \nSchool.\nPlease, make the reservation for Jeff Shankman at this hotel for the December \nthe 6th meeting.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nhttp://www.innatpenn.com/contact.html\nTHE INN AT PENN\n Sansom Common, 3600 Sansom Street\n Philadelphia, PA. 19104\n Phone: 1-800-809-7001\n Fax: 215-222-4600\n\n\nPlease, mention that the stay is related to the University business\nwhen making the reservation.\nTom Piazze at Wharton can confirm it. \nTom Piazze\nPhone: (215) 898 1615\npiazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Hotel for the Wharton trip", "reply", [], "Jeff,\n\nHer name is Corey.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "<19331938.1075856470121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "28-9-2000-9:2:0Sbiliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com 29-9-2000-7:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-9:2:0Sbiliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com": ["28-9-2000-9:2:0", "biliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21199582.1075856623734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: biliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Biliana's resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Biliana Pehlivanova \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n\n\nThank you for referring me to your recruitment\nrepresentative.\n\nAttached is my resume. I would appreciate you letting\nme know the name of the HR person whom I can folow up\nwith.\n\nBest regards,\nBiliana\n\n\n=====\n==================================\nBiliana Pehlivanova\nVice President of Incoming Exchange\nAIESEC Houston\n713 743-4927\n==================================\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/\n - Biliana's resume.doc", "Biliana's resume", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 6, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " attached is my resume."]], "Mr. Kaminski,\n\n\nThank you for referring me to your recruitment\nrepresentative.\n\nAttached is my resume. I would appreciate you letting\nme know the name of the HR person whom I can folow up\nwith.\n\nBest regards,\nBiliana\n\n\n=====================================Biliana Pehlivanova\nVice President of Incoming Exchange\nAIESEC Houston\n713 743-4927\n=================================\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/\n - Biliana's resume.doc", "<21199582.1075856623734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-9-2000-7:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-9-2000-7:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["biliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com"], [], "Message-ID: <18716134.1075856283749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 07:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: biliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com\nSubject: Re: Biliana's resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Biliana Pehlivanova @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBiliana,\n\nI forwarded your resume to the HR person\nresponsible for recruiting at your University\nwith my recommendation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nBiliana Pehlivanova on 09/28/2000 06:02:20 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Biliana's resume\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n\n\nThank you for referring me to your recruitment\nrepresentative.\n\nAttached is my resume. I would appreciate you letting\nme know the name of the HR person whom I can folow up\nwith.\n\nBest regards,\nBiliana\n\n\n=====\n==================================\nBiliana Pehlivanova\nVice President of Incoming Exchange\nAIESEC Houston\n713 743-4927\n==================================\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/\n - Biliana's resume.doc\n\n", "Re: Biliana's resume", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 1, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", "biliana, i forwarded your resume to the hr person responsible for recruiting at your university with my recommendation."]], "Biliana,\n\nI forwarded your resume to the HR person\nresponsible for recruiting at your University\nwith my recommendation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nBiliana Pehlivanova ", {"person resumeTnn": {"value": "person resumeTnn", "ne": "person resumeTnn", "patterns": ["person resumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-3-2000-8:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-3-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-3-2000-9:4:0Ssherri.sera@enron.com": {"27-3-2000-8:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-8:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jeff.skilling@enron.com"], ["ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "ken.rice@enron.com", "kevin.hannon@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.griebling@enron.com", "sherri.sera@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "katherine.brown@enron.com", "joe.hirko@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <21924007.1075857042475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeff.skilling@enron.com\nSubject: Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com, sherri.sera@enron.com,\n\tkatherine.brown@enron.com, ken.rice@enron.com,\n\tkevin.hannon@enron.com, joe.hirko@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griebling@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com, sherri.sera@enron.com,\n\tkatherine.brown@enron.com, ken.rice@enron.com,\n\tkevin.hannon@enron.com, joe.hirko@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griebling@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeff Skilling\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Ravi Thuraisingham, Sherri Sera, Katherine Brown, Ken Rice, Kevin Hannon, Joe Hirko, John Griebling\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Eci\\Eci\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are also inviting to this off-site senior management of EBS and plan to \nhave\non the agenda several presentations about strategic directions of EBS. The \neffort\nof network design and construction currently under way is unprecedented in \nterms\nof its scope and complexity and it is important for technical people, who \noften have\nhighly specialized technical skills, to understand the broad picture.\n\nI would appreciate if you could join us for Friday afternoon (April 28) and\nSaturday (April 29). I understand that you have commitments on Thursday and \nFriday \nmorning. We have reorganized the tentative agenda of the meeting to devote\nFriday afternoon to more general topics.\n\nVince\n", "Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 6, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting", "organization", "you", "site"], "intention", "jeff, i would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of john griebling's organization and the research group."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 49, "information", ["inviting", "site"], "information", " we are also inviting to this off-site senior management of ebs and plan to have on the agenda several presentations about strategic directions of ebs."]], "Jeff,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are also inviting to this off-site senior management of EBS and plan to \nhave\non the agenda several presentations about strategic directions of EBS. The \neffort\nof network design and construction currently under way is unprecedented in \nterms\nof its scope and complexity and it is important for technical people, who \noften have\nhighly specialized technical skills, to understand the broad picture.\n\nI would appreciate if you could join us for Friday afternoon (April 28) and\nSaturday (April 29). I understand that you have commitments on Thursday and \nFriday \nmorning. We have reorganized the tentative agenda of the meeting to devote\nFriday afternoon to more general topics.\n\nVince\n", "<21924007.1075857042475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"advanced skill_skill0areaTnn": {"value": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "ne": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "patterns": ["advanced skill_skill0areaTnn"]}, "agenda_schedule meetingTnn": {"value": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "ne": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "patterns": ["agenda_schedule meetingTnn"]}, "arrangement_organization meetingTnn": {"value": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "ne": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_organization meetingTnn"]}, "background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn": {"value": "background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn", "ne": "background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn", "patterns": ["background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn"]}, "common skillTnn": {"value": "common skillTnn", "ne": "common skillTnn", "patterns": ["common skillTnn"]}, "construction0project_project designTnn": {"value": "construction0project_project designTnn", "ne": "construction0project_project designTnn", "patterns": ["construction0project_project designTnn"]}, "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn": {"value": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "ne": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "patterns": ["construction_construction0project design networkTnnn"]}, "cooperation project_taskTnn": {"value": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "ne": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "patterns": ["cooperation project_taskTnn"]}, "date locationTnn": {"value": "date locationTnn", "ne": "date locationTnn", "patterns": ["date locationTnn"]}, "direction strategicTnn": {"value": "direction strategicTnn", "ne": "direction strategicTnn", "patterns": ["direction strategicTnn"]}, "issue_topic meetingTnn": {"value": "issue_topic meetingTnn", "ne": "issue_topic meetingTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic meetingTnn"]}, "management_risk0management presentationTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management presentationTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management presentationTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management presentationTnn"]}, "meeting objectiveTnn": {"value": "meeting objectiveTnn", "ne": "meeting objectiveTnn", "patterns": ["meeting objectiveTnn"]}, "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn": {"value": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "ne": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "patterns": ["meeting site_site0cruiseTnn"]}, "model_modeling operation_processTnn": {"value": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "ne": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling operation_processTnn"]}, "model_modeling optimizationTnn": {"value": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "ne": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling optimizationTnn"]}, "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn": {"value": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "ne": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling process stochasticTnnn"]}, "organization siteTnn": {"value": "organization siteTnn", "ne": "organization siteTnn", "patterns": ["organization siteTnn"]}, "project skillTnn": {"value": "project skillTnn", "ne": "project skillTnn", "patterns": ["project skillTnn"]}}, false], "27-3-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-9:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4133106.1075856937882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 09:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/27/2000 \n05:01 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n03/27/2000 04:43 PM\nTo: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ravi \nThuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Sherri \nSera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Katherine Brown/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ken Rice/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Joe Hirko/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, John \nGriebling/Enron Communications@Enron Communications \nSubject: Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group\n\nJeff,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are also inviting to this off-site senior management of EBS and plan to \nhave\non the agenda several presentations about strategic directions of EBS. The \neffort\nof network design and construction currently under way is unprecedented in \nterms\nof its scope and complexity and it is important for technical people, who \noften have\nhighly specialized technical skills, to understand the broad picture.\n\nI would appreciate if you could join us for Friday afternoon (April 28) and\nSaturday (April 29). I understand that you have commitments on Thursday and \nFriday \nmorning. We have reorganized the tentative agenda of the meeting to devote\nFriday afternoon to more general topics.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group", "forward", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", "<4133106.1075856937882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-3-2000-9:4:0Ssherri.sera@enron.com": ["29-3-2000-9:4:0", "sherri.sera@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeff.skilling@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com katherine.brown@enron.com ken.rice@enron.com kevin.hannon@enron.com joe.hirko@enron.com john.griebling@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7868442.1075857042273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 09:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sherri.sera@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group\nCc: jeff.skilling@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com, katherine.brown@enron.com,\n\tken.rice@enron.com, kevin.hannon@enron.com, joe.hirko@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griebling@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeff.skilling@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com, katherine.brown@enron.com,\n\tken.rice@enron.com, kevin.hannon@enron.com, joe.hirko@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griebling@enron.com\nX-From: Sherri Sera\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Jeff Skilling, Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Ravi Thuraisingham, Katherine Brown, Ken Rice, Kevin Hannon, Joe Hirko, John Griebling\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Eci\\Eci\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince, Jeff does plan to attend the off-site in Breckenridge. I'm not sure \nexactly what time he'll arrive on Friday, 4/28, but will send those details \nwhen available. Thanks, SRS\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n03/27/2000 04:43 PM\nTo: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ravi \nThuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Sherri \nSera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Katherine Brown/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ken Rice/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Joe Hirko/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, John \nGriebling/Enron Communications@Enron Communications \n\nSubject: Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group\n\nJeff,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are also inviting to this off-site senior management of EBS and plan to \nhave\non the agenda several presentations about strategic directions of EBS. The \neffort\nof network design and construction currently under way is unprecedented in \nterms\nof its scope and complexity and it is important for technical people, who \noften have\nhighly specialized technical skills, to understand the broad picture.\n\nI would appreciate if you could join us for Friday afternoon (April 28) and\nSaturday (April 29). I understand that you have commitments on Thursday and \nFriday \nmorning. We have reorganized the tentative agenda of the meeting to devote\nFriday afternoon to more general topics.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "Re: Off-site: John Griebling's organization and Research Group", "reply", [], "Vince, Jeff does plan to attend the off-site in Breckenridge. I'm not sure \nexactly what time he'll arrive on Friday, 4/28, but will send those details \nwhen available. Thanks, SRS\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n03/27/2000 04:43 PM\n", "<7868442.1075857042273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "29-6-2000-3:22:0Sjhh1@email.msn.com 29-6-2000-3:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-6-2000-3:22:0Sjhh1@email.msn.com": ["29-6-2000-3:22:0", "jhh1@email.msn.com", "vince_j_kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2214493.1075856316997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 03:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jhh1@email.msn.com\nTo: vince_j_kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Storage story\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"John H Herbert\" \nX-To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSee my storage story that begins on 1. Plus you might find the issue to be\nof interest. I will be doing little occasionally fee pieces for the\nTransportation &\nStorage Report and will be having lunch with them tomorrow so any thoughts\nyou have on my piece or the report would be appreciated.\n\n\n\nBest regards,\n\n\nJHHerbert\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - ts06-29.pdf\n", "Storage story", "reply", [], "See my storage story that begins on 1. Plus you might find the issue to be\nof interest. I will be doing little occasionally fee pieces for the\nTransportation &\nStorage Report and will be having lunch with them tomorrow so any thoughts\nyou have on my piece or the report would be appreciated.\n\n\n\nBest regards,\n\n\nJHHerbert\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - ts06-29.pdf\n", "<2214493.1075856316997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-6-2000-3:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-3:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jhh1@email.msn.com"], [], "Message-ID: <6113771.1075856330013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 03:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jhh1@email.msn.com\nSubject: Re: Storage story\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"John H Herbert\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nVery interesting, I would make a point that the generation demand\nis highly volatile and driven to a large extent by weather. Also,\nthe changes in the structure of gas demand\nrequire development of different types of storage (more peaking storage).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"John H Herbert\" on 06/29/2000 09:22:19 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Storage story\n\n\nSee my storage story that begins on 1. Plus you might find the issue to be\nof interest. I will be doing little occasionally fee pieces for the\nTransportation &\nStorage Report and will be having lunch with them tomorrow so any thoughts\nyou have on my piece or the report would be appreciated.\n\n\n\nBest regards,\n\n\nJHHerbert\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n - ts06-29.pdf\n\n\n\n", "Re: Storage story", "originEmail", [["make business", 4, "nninformation", ["make", "point"], "intention", "john, very interesting, i would make a point that the generation demand is highly volatile and driven to a large extent by weather."]], "John,\n\nVery interesting, I would make a point that the generation demand\nis highly volatile and driven to a large extent by weather. Also,\nthe changes in the structure of gas demand\nrequire development of different types of storage (more peaking storage).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"John H Herbert\" ", [], false]}, "27-7-2000-4:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-7-2000-14:12:0Srichard.lewis@enron.com": {"27-7-2000-4:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-7-2000-4:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["richard.lewis@enron.com"], ["joe.gold@enron.com", "john.sherriff@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "dale.surbey@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <31267924.1075856610404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 04:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: richard.lewis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: London Research Group\nCc: john.sherriff@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com, joe.gold@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: john.sherriff@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com, joe.gold@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Richard Lewis\nX-cc: John Sherriff, Vince J Kaminski, Grant Masson, Stinson Gibner, Joe Gold, Dale Surbey\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRichard,\n\nPlease, let me know what the timetable is. I would like to talk to Anjam a \nfew days before\nto break the news to him. I hope I can save him for the company and offer him \na position in Houston.\nWe desperately need skills he has.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard Lewis\n07/27/2000 02:20 AM\nTo: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant \nMasson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: London Research Group \n\nI agree with Dale - no point in delaying. \n\n\n\nDale Surbey\n27/07/2000 08:13\nTo: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Lewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Grant \nMasson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: London Research Group \n\nJohn,\n\nI propose accelerating Steve's move to head the Research group here. It \nmakes sense to include this as part of the mid-year PRC process by giving him \na tangible reward along with his performance feedback.\n\nThoughts?\n\n- Dale\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n27/07/2000 06:44\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard \nLewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe \nGold/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: London Research Group \n\n\n\t\n\n\nVince - I agree with your conclusion here. We are still trying to fill \nDale's structuring role as well so part of the question is \nhow we announce Steve's lead research role relative to when we know who will \ntake Dale's spot. Perhaps we should just\nmove forward with the Steve announcement the day that Dale moves full time to \nEBS. I will ask Richard Lewis to take the lead\nin working with you on finalizing the decision and communcicating the changes \nto the organization.\n\nBut I do want to reinforce how pleased we are to have Steve here. He is a \nwonderfull asset to our efforts.\n\nThanks!\n\nJohn\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n26/07/2000 22:18\nTo: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard \nLewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: London Research Group\n\nJohn,\n\nI am writing to you regarding the management of the London Research group.\n\nAs you know, Dale Surbey, who was managing the London unit of the Research \nGroup,\nis moving to EBS. Dale did a terrific job helping me to develop the pool of \ntalent we have currently\nin London.\nGiven that Dale is likely to be transfered to Houston, it's time\nto nominate one member of the Research Group for a management position.\n\n\nMy recommendation is Steve Leppard. Steve emerged not only as the most\ntechnically qualified member of the group but also as a natural leader, \nhighly\nrespected by his peers and internal customers. Steve has a very high energy \nlevel\nand is very efficient as a manager and as coach of new talent.\n\nHis promotion is likely to cause Anjam's departure form Enron. I value \ntechnical\nskills of Anjam, but in spite of my loyalty to him, don't think he is the \nsame caliber\nas Steve. However, I would not like to lose him and think about moving him to \nHouston\nfor 2 years. I think that the opportunity to work in Houston, would be a \nsufficient\nincentive to keep him in Enron. By the way, his performance feedback has \ngreatly improved.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: London Research Group", "originEmail", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 10, "nninformation", ["save", "him"], "intention", " i hope i can save him for the company and offer him a position in houston."]], "Richard,\n\nPlease, let me know what the timetable is. I would like to talk to Anjam a \nfew days before\nto break the news to him. I hope I can save him for the company and offer him \na position in Houston.\nWe desperately need skills he has.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard Lewis\n07/27/2000 02:20 AM\n", "<31267924.1075856610404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "27-7-2000-14:12:0Srichard.lewis@enron.com": ["27-7-2000-14:12:0", "richard.lewis@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.sherriff@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com joe.gold@enron.com dale.surbey@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17059578.1075856610380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 14:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: richard.lewis@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: London Research Group\nCc: john.sherriff@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tjoe.gold@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: john.sherriff@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tjoe.gold@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com\nX-From: Richard Lewis\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: John Sherriff, Grant Masson, Stinson Gibner, Joe Gold, Dale Surbey\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI'd do it as soon as possible. Your call on exactly when.\n\nRegards\n\nRichard\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n27/07/2000 17:11\nTo: Richard Lewis/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant \nMasson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT, Dale \nSurbey/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: London Research Group \n\nRichard,\n\nPlease, let me know what the timetable is. I would like to talk to Anjam a \nfew days before\nto break the news to him. I hope I can save him for the company and offer him \na position in Houston.\nWe desperately need skills he has.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard Lewis\n07/27/2000 02:20 AM\nTo: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant \nMasson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: London Research Group \n\nI agree with Dale - no point in delaying. \n\n\n\nDale Surbey\n27/07/2000 08:13\nTo: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Lewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Grant \nMasson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: London Research Group \n\nJohn,\n\nI propose accelerating Steve's move to head the Research group here. It \nmakes sense to include this as part of the mid-year PRC process by giving him \na tangible reward along with his performance feedback.\n\nThoughts?\n\n- Dale\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn Sherriff\n27/07/2000 06:44\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard \nLewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe \nGold/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: London Research Group \n\n\n\t\n\n\nVince - I agree with your conclusion here. We are still trying to fill \nDale's structuring role as well so part of the question is \nhow we announce Steve's lead research role relative to when we know who will \ntake Dale's spot. Perhaps we should just\nmove forward with the Steve announcement the day that Dale moves full time to \nEBS. I will ask Richard Lewis to take the lead\nin working with you on finalizing the decision and communcicating the changes \nto the organization.\n\nBut I do want to reinforce how pleased we are to have Steve here. He is a \nwonderfull asset to our efforts.\n\nThanks!\n\nJohn\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n26/07/2000 22:18\nTo: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard \nLewis/LON/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: London Research Group\n\nJohn,\n\nI am writing to you regarding the management of the London Research group.\n\nAs you know, Dale Surbey, who was managing the London unit of the Research \nGroup,\nis moving to EBS. Dale did a terrific job helping me to develop the pool of \ntalent we have currently\nin London.\nGiven that Dale is likely to be transfered to Houston, it's time\nto nominate one member of the Research Group for a management position.\n\n\nMy recommendation is Steve Leppard. Steve emerged not only as the most\ntechnically qualified member of the group but also as a natural leader, \nhighly\nrespected by his peers and internal customers. Steve has a very high energy \nlevel\nand is very efficient as a manager and as coach of new talent.\n\nHis promotion is likely to cause Anjam's departure form Enron. I value \ntechnical\nskills of Anjam, but in spite of my loyalty to him, don't think he is the \nsame caliber\nas Steve. However, I would not like to lose him and think about moving him to \nHouston\nfor 2 years. I think that the opportunity to work in Houston, would be a \nsufficient\nincentive to keep him in Enron. By the way, his performance feedback has \ngreatly improved.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: London Research Group", "reply", [], "I'd do it as soon as possible. Your call on exactly when.\n\nRegards\n\nRichard\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n27/07/2000 17:11\n", "<17059578.1075856610380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "16-2-2000-23:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-2-2000-0:42:0Sosman.sezgen@enron.com 17-2-2000-0:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-2-2000-23:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-23:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "enernet@hicom.net", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23122790.1075856943593.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 23:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: enernet@hicom.net\nSubject: Re: NJ Alliance\nCc: osman.sezgen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: osman.sezgen@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"William Eaton\" \nX-cc: Osman Sezgen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBill,\n\nI forwarded your message to my associate, Osman Sezgen, who supports our\nEnergy Services group. He will E-mail you the name of a contact at\nEnron.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\"William Eaton\" on 02/16/2000 08:25:02 PM\nTo: shelm@globalcloud.net\ncc: steing@conedsolutions.com, robert.blake@conectiv.com, \nmarianne.abdul@conectiv.com, bekmank@conedenergy.com, David L \nFairley/HOU/ECT@ECT, robinsonm@conedenergy.com, nwilson@delmarva.com, \nhudsonw@detroitedison.com, cndavis@duke-energy.com, \nhbburnham@duke-energy.com, jhickman@duke-energy.com, \npaul.skurdahl@engageenergy.com, James Mackey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, mrollhei@enron.com, hnmorris@metromediaenergy.com, \nnpalmer@execpc.com, chibbard@noresco.com, mhuang@usgen.com, \nbshay@powerdirect.com, cmidura@pseg.com, ghallam@energy.twc.com \nSubject: NJ Alliance\n\n\n\nAESP members and utility affiliates,\nWe are looking for a good fit with one of the utilities intent on doing\nbusiness in the NJ, CT, PA, NY territory. Our qualifications and company\nprofile may be previewed at our web site, www.lightsourceonline.com. Email\ncontact information in response to this message.\nThanks,\nBill Eaton\n\n - att1.htm\n\n", "Re: NJ Alliance", "reply", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["associate", "forwarded"], "information", "bill, i forwarded your message to my associate, osman sezgen, who supports our energy services group."]], "Bill,\n\nI forwarded your message to my associate, Osman Sezgen, who supports our\nEnergy Services group. He will E-mail you the name of a contact at\nEnron.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\"William Eaton\" ", [], false], "17-2-2000-0:42:0Sosman.sezgen@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:42:0", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "enernet@hicom.net michael.lassle@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31080592.1075856770284.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: osman.sezgen@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: NJ Alliance\nCc: enernet@hicom.net, michael.lassle@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: enernet@hicom.net, michael.lassle@enron.com\nX-From: Osman Sezgen\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \"William Eaton\" @ECT, Michael Lassle\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMichael Lassle is in charge of our lighting best-practices. He is the person\nMr. Eaton should contact. Michael is in Houston and his number is\n(713) 853-5023.\n\nOsman \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n02/17/2000 07:55 AM\nTo: \"William Eaton\" \ncc: Osman Sezgen/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject: Re: NJ Alliance \n\nBill,\n\nI forwarded your message to my associate, Osman Sezgen, who supports our\nEnergy Services group. He will E-mail you the name of a contact at\nEnron.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\"William Eaton\" on 02/16/2000 08:25:02 PM\nTo: shelm@globalcloud.net\ncc: steing@conedsolutions.com, robert.blake@conectiv.com, \nmarianne.abdul@conectiv.com, bekmank@conedenergy.com, David L \nFairley/HOU/ECT@ECT, robinsonm@conedenergy.com, nwilson@delmarva.com, \nhudsonw@detroitedison.com, cndavis@duke-energy.com, \nhbburnham@duke-energy.com, jhickman@duke-energy.com, \npaul.skurdahl@engageenergy.com, James Mackey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, mrollhei@enron.com, hnmorris@metromediaenergy.com, \nnpalmer@execpc.com, chibbard@noresco.com, mhuang@usgen.com, \nbshay@powerdirect.com, cmidura@pseg.com, ghallam@energy.twc.com \nSubject: NJ Alliance\n\n\n\nAESP members and utility affiliates,\nWe are looking for a good fit with one of the utilities intent on doing\nbusiness in the NJ, CT, PA, NY territory. Our qualifications and company\nprofile may be previewed at our web site, www.lightsourceonline.com. Email\ncontact information in response to this message.\nThanks,\nBill Eaton\n\n - att1.htm\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: NJ Alliance", "reply", [], "Michael Lassle is in charge of our lighting best-practices. He is the person\nMr. Eaton should contact. Michael is in Houston and his number is\n(713) 853-5023.\n\nOsman \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n02/17/2000 07:55 AM\n", "<31080592.1075856770284.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-2-2000-0:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["michael.miller@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29126845.1075857069025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: michael.miller@enron.com\nSubject: Re: our discussion\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Michael L Miller\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Osman Sezgen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMike,\n\nThere might be a place for Steve in our unit supporting EES. I shall forward \nthe resume to my associates supporting the Facility Management\neffort.\n\nThanks for thinking about us.\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Krishna, Osman,\n\nCan you take a look at the attached resume? Steve has no finance background\nbut his engineering background is very strong.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMichael L Miller@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/17/2000 07:52 AM\nSent by: Michael Linn Miller@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT, Stinson Gibner@ECT\ncc: aspijk@texas.net \nSubject: our discussion\n\nVince & Stinson,\n\nI was given your names by Lynn Dunphy in recruiting and am taking the liberty \nof forwarding you the attached CV. Steve Roeder is a former collegiate \nswimmer and currently coach of the master's swimming program in The Woodlands \n(my wife is president of the program). He is also currently employed at Air \nLiquide USA (or one of its subsidiaries) over in the Galleria area. As a \nconsequence of Air Liquide's pending merger with BOC, Steve believes that \nthere will be significant personnel reductions sometime during 2000 and is \ntaking action now to try to locate his next professional challenge.\n\nLynn suggested there might be a fit with your group and I would be grateful \nif you could have a look and let me know whether you might be interested. \nAlternatively, if you don't see a fit (or are adequately staffed at the \nmoment), I would be grateful for any suggestions you might have as to whom I \nmight contact internally on Steve's behalf.\n\nMany thanks in advance.\n\n\nM.L. Miller\nVice President - Mergers & Acquisitions\nCALME Region\n(713) 345 5272 \n---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Linn Miller/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n02/17/2000 07:49 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Roeder, Steve\" on 02/10/2000 03:14:18 PM\nTo: \"'michael.l.miller@enron.com'\" \ncc: \n\nSubject: our discussion\n\n\n\n\nMike- \nThanks for taking the time to talk last evening.? I really appreciated it.? \n(By the way, how is life in the White House now that you are living with a \nPresident?? Is Air Force One all that it is cracked up to be?)\n\nPlease see the attached document.? By reading between the lines, hopefully \none can see that, whereas my training has been highly technical, my desire to \ntransform my career into the business side of a high-technology application \nis set in this good foundation (rather than limited by it).\n\nThanks again for your support. \n\n <> \n\nSteve Roeder \nTechnology Manager \nAir Liquide America \n713 624 8777 \n713 624 8350 fax \nsteve.roeder@airliquide.com \n\n - STEVE.DOC\n\n\n", "Re: our discussion", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 7, "nninformation", ["associates", "forward", "resume"], "intention", " i shall forward the resume to my associates supporting the facility management effort."]], "Mike,\n\nThere might be a place for Steve in our unit supporting EES. I shall forward \nthe resume to my associates supporting the Facility Management\neffort.\n\nThanks for thinking about us.\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Krishna, Osman,\n\nCan you take a look at the attached resume? Steve has no finance background\nbut his engineering background is very strong.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMichael L Miller@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/17/2000 07:52 AM\nSent by: Michael Linn Miller@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n", "<29126845.1075857069025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"associate_associate0program resumeTnn": {"value": "associate_associate0program resumeTnn", "ne": "associate_associate0program resumeTnn", "patterns": ["associate_associate0program resumeTnn"]}, "place_position unitTnn": {"value": "place_position unitTnn", "ne": "place_position unitTnn", "patterns": ["place_position unitTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-6-2000-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-6-2000-8:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-6-2000-14:26:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com 28-6-2000-9:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-6-2000-8:0:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com 5-7-2000-10:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-7-2000-14:3:0Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net 6-7-2000-1:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-11-2000-8:0:0Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net 27-11-2000-4:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-7:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-11-2000-2:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-11-2000-2:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-1-2001-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-2-2001-9:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-4-2001-4:3:0Sjohn.goodpasture@enron.com 30-4-2001-10:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-23:53:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com 1-5-2001-11:53:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com 1-5-2001-7:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-8:7:0Skimberly.watson@enron.com 1-5-2001-17:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-9-2001-16:41:28Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net": {"6-6-2000-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-6-2000-1:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dale,\nI have passed on the information you gave me but you have to realize that\nI acted just as a go-between. I shall be glad to remind our new business unit\nabout your proposal. I have already asked a few times.\nI shall be traveling this week, Wed - Fri. I shall be back in the office on \nMonday.\nVince\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 06/06/2000 02:03:18 AM\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Follow up\nVince:\nJust wanted to make sure you know we are still vitally interested in getting\ntogether with you and the key Enron people. Thanks so much for all your\nhelp. I understand how busy you and the new person are, but I hope you are\ninterested enough to find a slot for us. I think it will benefit you as\nwell as us.\nDale\n", ["Re: Follow up"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com'], 'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Dale,\n\nI have passed on the information you gave me but you have to realize that\nI acted just as a go-between. I shall be glad to remind our new business unit\nabout your proposal. I have already asked a few times.\n\nI shall be traveling this week, Wed - Fri. I shall be back in the office on \nMonday.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" ", "<1612314.1075856564374.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13048800.1075856323980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1667724.1075856593959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-6-2000-8:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-6-2000-8:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/06/2000 \n03:29 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 06/06/2000 09:59:55 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Follow up\nVince:\nThanks for your help in this matter. I dont want to be a bother to you. I\nknow you are doing your best to put this together as a go between.\nAs you might suspect, I am in a hurry to put together the right hearing at\nEnron because MarketPoint is just now being completed--U.S. and world oil\nand gas and North American electricity. We have just signed up our first\nweb provider (e-Acumen.com), who is preparing to vend our North American\nelectric generation data base over their website. I believe we are an\nintegral part of their offering. It wont be long before MarketPoint needs\nthe capitalization to meet our growing customer needs professionally and\nquickly, particularly when we sign up one or more vertical portals to vend\nor offer fundamental forward projections from our models. I a loath to do\nso without the capitalization and staffing we need. Also, I am loath to do\nso without the market reach that a partner like Enron could render instantly\navailable.\nI also would be eager during my next trip to Houston to continue the\ndiscussion with you regarding how MarketPoint might benefit Enron directly.\nI plan to be there the last week in June.\nThanks again for all your help and support.\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: June 06, 2000 6:04 AM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Follow up\nDale,\nI have passed on the information you gave me but you have to realize that\nI acted just as a go-between. I shall be glad to remind our new business\nunit\nabout your proposal. I have already asked a few times.\nI shall be traveling this week, Wed - Fri. I shall be back in the office on\nMonday.\nVince\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 06/06/2000 02:03:18 AM\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject: Follow up\nVince:\nJust wanted to make sure you know we are still vitally interested in\ngetting\ntogether with you and the key Enron people. Thanks so much for all your\nhelp. I understand how busy you and the new person are, but I hope you are\ninterested enough to find a slot for us. I think it will benefit you as\nwell as us.\nDale\n", ["RE: Follow up"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "", ["<30454487.1075856497981.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16162900.1075856564283.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10577295.1075856323715.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12307783.1075856325639.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-6-2000-14:26:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com": ["27-6-2000-14:26:0", "dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com", "vkamins@enron.com vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26773104.1075856317762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 14:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com, vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Impending Visit\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Dale Nesbitt\" \nX-To: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince:\n\nI sent you an email a couple of days ago to inquire if we might get together\nat your offices on July 5 or July 7 in Houston to follow up our earlier\ndiscussions. I notice I have two email addresses for you, so I am sending\nthis to both. I am not sure the earlier transmission got to you.\n\nWould you be available the afternoon of the 5th or the morning of the 7th to\ncontinue our earlier discussions? Give me an email or phone shout at\n650.218.3069.\n\nThanks\n\nDale Nesbitt", "Impending Visit", "reply", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 14, "information", ["sending", "notice"], "information", " i notice i have two email addresses for you, so i am sending this to both."]], "Vince:\n\nI sent you an email a couple of days ago to inquire if we might get together\nat your offices on July 5 or July 7 in Houston to follow up our earlier\ndiscussions. I notice I have two email addresses for you, so I am sending\nthis to both. I am not sure the earlier transmission got to you.\n\nWould you be available the afternoon of the 5th or the morning of the 7th to\ncontinue our earlier discussions? Give me an email or phone shout at\n650.218.3069.\n\nThanks\n\nDale Nesbitt", "<26773104.1075856317762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "28-6-2000-9:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-6-2000-9:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <13877554.1075856562065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nSubject: Re: Impending Visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Dale Nesbitt\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDale,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to your message.\nI shall talk to the head of our B2B unit on Friday this week and\nshall remind him about your visit.\n\nI hope he can make a decision at this time whether he is interested\nin pursuing this opportunity\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 06/27/2000 11:26:05 PM\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Impending Visit\n\n\nVince:\n\nI sent you an email a couple of days ago to inquire if we might get together\nat your offices on July 5 or July 7 in Houston to follow up our earlier\ndiscussions. I notice I have two email addresses for you, so I am sending\nthis to both. I am not sure the earlier transmission got to you.\n\nWould you be available the afternoon of the 5th or the morning of the 7th to\ncontinue our earlier discussions? Give me an email or phone shout at\n650.218.3069.\n\nThanks\n\nDale Nesbitt\n\n\n", "Re: Impending Visit", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 4, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", "dale, sorry for a delay in responding to your message."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 14, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", " i hope he can make a decision at this time whether he is interested in pursuing this opportunity "]], "Dale,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to your message.\nI shall talk to the head of our B2B unit on Friday this week and\nshall remind him about your visit.\n\nI hope he can make a decision at this time whether he is interested\nin pursuing this opportunity\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" ", [], true], "30-6-2000-8:0:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com": ["30-6-2000-8:0:0", "dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nWould friday morning July 7 at 9:00 am work for you? Give me an email shout\nif so. Thanks.\nDale Nesbitt\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: June 28, 2000 2:19 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Impending Visit\nDale,\nSorry for a delay in responding to your message.\nI shall talk to the head of our B2B unit on Friday this week and\nshall remind him about your visit.\nI hope he can make a decision at this time whether he is interested\nin pursuing this opportunity\nVince\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 06/27/2000 11:26:05 PM\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\"\n \ncc:\nSubject: Impending Visit\nVince:\nI sent you an email a couple of days ago to inquire if we might get\ntogether\nat your offices on July 5 or July 7 in Houston to follow up our earlier\ndiscussions. I notice I have two email addresses for you, so I am sending\nthis to both. I am not sure the earlier transmission got to you.\nWould you be available the afternoon of the 5th or the morning of the 7th\nto\ncontinue our earlier discussions? Give me an email or phone shout at\n650.218.3069.\nThanks\nDale Nesbitt\n", ["RE: Impending Visit"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Vince:\n\nWould friday morning July 7 at 9:00 am work for you? Give me an email shout\nif so. Thanks.\n\nDale Nesbitt\n\n", ["<2162676.1075856315643.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27021365.1075856601588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<105902.1075856330720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-7-2000-10:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-7-2000-10:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/05/2000=\n\n05:30 PM ---------------------------\n\"FT.com\" on 07/04/2000 03:35:56 PM\nTo: \"FT.com User\":;\ncc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: FT.com Monthly Update\nDear FT.com user\nWith more ways to get news on the move and a new ranking of MBA courses,\nthere is much for the business-obsessed on FT.com this month.\n--------\nContents\n--------\n1. News by Mobile\n2. A new daily summary of the Financial Times\n3. Choosing the best MBA\n4. People Profiles and Interviews\n5. Discussion hot topics\n6. Received a file but don't have the software to open it?\n7. Revised User Terms and Conditions\n-----------------\n1. News by Mobile\n-----------------\nNeed news on the move? Get news from FT.com on your mobile phone,\nPalm Pilot or other PDA. You can now choose from:\n* Customised text messages with industry updates and breaking\n news alerts (UK Vodafone users only)\n* Daily FT.com summaries for your handheld computer\n* Research on-the-go with our new WAP site\nSign up or read more at:\nhttp://www.ft.com/mobile\n----------------------------------------------\n2. A new daily summary of the Financial Times\n----------------------------------------------\nCan't get to a copy of the Financial Times quickly enough? The new\nFT in Brief summarises and links to all the top stories from the day's\nnewspaper. FT in brief is listed on the 'from todayF's FT' section on\nour home page, or you can link to it from here.\nhttp://news.ft.com/ft/gx.cgi/ftc?pagenameDView&cDCollection&cidDIXLC0=\n78IH7C\n------------------------------------------------------\n3. Choosing the best MBA - FT Interactive MBA rankings\n------------------------------------------------------\nA unique opportunity to see how global business schools and programmes\nrate against each other. Criteria range from numbers of international\nstudents, to the salaries being earned 3 years after graduation. Select\nwhich are important to you and let FT.com recommend your top 5 schools.\nhttp://mba.ft.com\n---------------------------------\n4. People Profiles and Interviews\n---------------------------------\nWho said \"You have to make your bets on what will be enduring and what\nis complete bullshit\"?* Find out this, and much more from FT.com's\nfast-growing collection of people information.\nPeople includes dossiers, people on the move, obituaries and our exclusive\n\"lunch with the FT\" interviews (this week Princess Hisako of Takamado,\nlast week Kurt Vonnegut).\nhttp://people.ft.com/people\n------------------------\n5. Discussion hot topics\n------------------------\nWhat topics have stirred FT.com users to contribute their opinions?\nMicrosoft? Mexico's election? Wimbledon? To find out the hottest topics\ndaily visit:\nhttp://forum.ft.com/cgi-bin/fintimes/search.cgi?actionDgetdaily\n----------------------------------------------------------\n6. Received a file but don't have the software to open it?\n----------------------------------------------------------\nFT.com's free e-mail and task management program - Personal Office -\nnow contains a built in file viewer - the 'FT Viewer'. It enables you to\nopen virtually any attachment, regardless of whether you have the associate=\nd\napplication installed on your PC. For more information visit:\nhttp://www.ft.com/personaloffice/newfeatures\n------------------------------------\n7. Revised User Terms and Conditions\n------------------------------------\nWe have revised our user terms and conditions to take into account our\nnew WAP service. To review these terms and conditions:\n\nFor details about FT.com's new WAP service:\nhttp://www.ft.com/mobile/\nRegards,\nFT.com\n*this quote was from Marjorie Scardino, CEO Pearson plc.\n---------------------------------------------------------------\nWhy not forward this e-mail to a friend or colleague who may\nfind this information useful?\nIf you no longer wish to receive further e-mails from FT.com,\nplease send an e-mail to ft.com.unsubscribe@newsbyemail.ft.com\nwith the single word \"unsubscribe\" as the subject of the\nmessage. Your name will then be removed from our mailing\nlist.\nIf you have forgotten your password for FT.com visit:\nhttp://registration.ft.com/registration/passwordLookup.jsp\n", ["FT.com Monthly Update", "Re: Friday Morning Meeting?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com'], 'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "", ["<3605583.1075856494909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21419002.1075856561190.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16804510.1075856315094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5757112.1075856315170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1864770.1075856331044.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-7-2000-14:3:0Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net": ["5-7-2000-14:3:0", "dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\n7am at Hyatt Regency Downtown would be perfect. I will see you in the lobby\nat 7am.\nBest regards, Dale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 3:23 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Friday Morning Meeting?\nDale,\nFriday is a bad day (Performance Review Committee all day).\nWhat about 7:00 at the office or breakfast meeting at 7:00? We can meet\nat Hyatt Regency Downtown (Smith Street).\nVince\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 07/05/2000 12:13:59 AM\nTo: \"Vince. J. Kaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject: Friday Morning Meeting?\nVince:\nCan we get together Friday morning July 7 at 800 am at your office? That\nwould be particularly convenient for me. I will have to leave downtown at\nabout 945 to catch a plane. That will ensure that I wont take up too much\nof your time!! Thanks for your efforts here, and thanks for being patient\nwith me.\nDale Nesbitt\n", ["RE: Friday Morning Meeting?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Vince:\n\n7am at Hyatt Regency Downtown would be perfect. I will see you in the lobby\nat 7am.\n\nBest regards, Dale\n", ["<21435218.1075856314995.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20558696.1075856593625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28822012.1075856331167.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-7-2000-1:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-7-2000-1:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net"], [], "Dale,\nConfirmed.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 07/05/2000 11:03:19 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Friday Morning Meeting?\nVince:\n7am at Hyatt Regency Downtown would be perfect. I will see you in the lobby\nat 7am.\nBest regards, Dale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 3:23 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Friday Morning Meeting?\nDale,\nFriday is a bad day (Performance Review Committee all day).\nWhat about 7:00 at the office or breakfast meeting at 7:00? We can meet\nat Hyatt Regency Downtown (Smith Street).\nVince\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 07/05/2000 12:13:59 AM\nTo: \"Vince. J. Kaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject: Friday Morning Meeting?\nVince:\nCan we get together Friday morning July 7 at 800 am at your office? That\nwould be particularly convenient for me. I will have to leave downtown at\nabout 945 to catch a plane. That will ensure that I wont take up too much\nof your time!! Thanks for your efforts here, and thanks for being patient\nwith me.\nDale Nesbitt\n", ["RE: Friday Morning Meeting?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Dale,\n\nConfirmed.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" ", "<20678846.1075856561141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1591007.1075856314924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19778446.1075856331188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-11-2000-8:0:0Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net": ["13-11-2000-8:0:0", "dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net", ["john.goodpasture@enron.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "John/Vince:\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western Europea=\nn\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and wil=\nl\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately\n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for\n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under\n the fully bundled price. I\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint,s perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to &scale up8 to =\nanother\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the ga=\ns\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of ou=\nr\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the sam=\ne\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest yo=\nu\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1\n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1\n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting tha=\nt\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n - LICENSE.DOC", ["MarketPoint License Agreement"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 21, "information", ["agreement", "attached"], "information", " i have attached our standard license agreement for your consideration."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 85, "information", ["gas", "understood"], "information", " as i understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and will want to defer decisions on electric or other capability."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 166, "nninformation", ["decisions", "make"], "intention", " this will allow you to decouple the gas decision from any other decisions you might make."]], "John/Vince:\n\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\n\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\n\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western European\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\n\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and will\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately=20\n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for=20\n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under=20\n the fully bundled price. I\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint=01,s perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to =01&scale up=018 to another\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the gas\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\n\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of our\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the same\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\n\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest you\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1=20\n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1=20\n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\n\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting that\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\n\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n - LICENSE.DOC", ["<16168062.1075856261257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7691093.1075856585084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19709709.1075856369564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-4:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-4:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dale,\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you=\n\nmentioned\nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your compa=\nny\nemployees on a case-study.\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the=\n\npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us=\n\nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model\ninternally.\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\nWe are primarily interested in a long-term natural gas model and the databa=\nse\nfor North America. \nUnless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite, we don't=\n\nhave resources to spend too much time on it.\nOf course, a trading desk may be interested in the short term\nversion of the model. I shall talk to them about it.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/13/2000 06:00:05 PM\nTo: , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\"\n\ncc: \nSubject: MarketPoint License Agreement\nJohn/Vince:\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western Europea=\nn\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and wil=\nl\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately\n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for\n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under\n the fully bundled price. I\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint,s perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to &scale up8 to =\nanother\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the ga=\ns\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of ou=\nr\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the sam=\ne\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest yo=\nu\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1\n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1\n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting tha=\nt\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n - LICENSE.DOC\n", ["Re: MarketPoint License Agreement"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 21, "nninformation", ["applied", "price"], "intention", " the cost of a weekly project would be pricenumeric that would be applied to the numeric purchase price should we go ahead and decide to acquire the software."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 27, "nninformation", ["acquire", "price"], "intention", " the cost of a weekly project would be pricenumeric that would be applied to the numeric purchase price should we go ahead and decide to acquire the software."], ["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 32, "nninformation", ["estimate", "evaluate"], "intention", " this project would allow us numeric to evaluate the model and come up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model numeric internally."]], "Dale,\n\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you=20\nmentioned=20\nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your company=20\nemployees on a case-study.\n\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the=20\npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us=20\nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model=20\ninternally.\n\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\n\nWe are primarily interested in a long-term natural gas model and the database=20\nfor North America. =20\nUnless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite, we don't=20\nhave resources to spend too much time on it.\n\nOf course, a trading desk may be interested in the short term\nversion of the model. I shall talk to them about it.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" ", "<31610062.1075856536036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20982505.1075856256035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17599822.1075856584615.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11730552.1075856369634.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"arrangement_system companyTnn": {"value": "arrangement_system companyTnn", "ne": "arrangement_system companyTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system companyTnn"]}, "case0study companyTnn": {"value": "case0study companyTnn", "ne": "case0study companyTnn", "patterns": ["case0study companyTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["case_case0study numericTnn", "company numericTnn"]}, "company employeeTnn": {"value": "company employeeTnn", "ne": "company employeeTnn", "patterns": ["company employeeTnn"]}, "conversation phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "conversation phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "conversation phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["conversation phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cost_price numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$12,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric projectTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["example_model numericTnn", "model_simulation0model numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["example_model numericTnn", "model_simulation0model numericTnn"]}, "example_model projectTnn": {"value": "example_model projectTnn", "ne": "example_model projectTnn", "patterns": ["example_model projectTnn"]}, "example_model termTnn": {"value": "example_model termTnn", "ne": "example_model termTnn", "patterns": ["example_model termTnn"]}, "example_model translation_versionTnn": {"value": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "ne": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "patterns": ["example_model translation_versionTnn"]}, "final0version_version modelTnn": {"value": "final0version_version modelTnn", "ne": "final0version_version modelTnn", "patterns": ["final0version_version modelTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas modelTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas modelTnn"]}, "internally model_model0validationTnn": {"value": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "ne": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "patterns": ["internally model_model0validationTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meeting numericTnn"]}}, true], "27-11-2000-7:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-7:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["john.goodpasture@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "John,\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n03:31 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/27/2000 02:51:54 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: MarketPoint License Agreement\nVince:\nI will send you our contract for the week long engagement. The way we do it\nis send out our time and materials contract, which has a space for\nindividual task statements. I then put in a task statement for the week\nlong project at the $12K level so that the costs and risks are capped for\nyou. Look for it in the next day or two.\nWith regard to the long run and short run gas models, they are both\nimplemented in the same software system. Neither is a prerequisite for\nrunning the other, but both operate the same way and the sum of the two\nconsumes approximately the same resources are either individually.\nI plan to have an extended visit in Houston beginning one week from today\nand lasting through the following Wednesday. (Intensively tutoring my\ndaughter for her first semester economics finals at Rice. She certainly\nshould have gotten a better looking tutor.) That will make it very easy to\ncome by and finalize whatever needs to be finalized with you that week.\nWith her in Houston, I spend a good bit of time there.\nLook for the stuff in the next day or two. I look forward to working with\nyou and your colleagues.\nThanks\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:44 AM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: MarketPoint License Agreement\nDale,\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you\nmentioned\nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your\ncompany employees on a case-study.\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the\npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us\nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model\ninternally.\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\nWe are primarily interested in a long-term natural gas model and the\ndatabase for North America.\nUnless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite, we don't\nhave resources to spend too much time on it.\nOf course, a trading desk may be interested in the short term\nversion of the model. I shall talk to them about it.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/13/2000 06:00:05 PM\nTo: , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\"\n \ncc:\nSubject: MarketPoint License Agreement\nJohn/Vince:\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western\nEuropean\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and\nwill\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately \n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for \n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under \n the fully bundled price.\nI\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint's perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to \"scale up\" to\nanother\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the\ngas\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of\nour\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the\nsame\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest\nyou\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1 \n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1 \n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting\nthat\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n(See attached file: LICENSE.DOC)\n", ["RE: MarketPoint License Agreement"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "John,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n", ["<16368862.1075856469529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29480412.1075856535833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21454577.1075856255756.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25190329.1075856584591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16723636.1075856374043.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-11-2000-2:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-2:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["john.goodpasture@enron.com"], [], "John,\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 \n10:09 AM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/28/2000 11:56:58 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Test Project Proposal\nVince:\nI did get the proposal out today, but after close of business your time.\nSorry for the brief delay. You will find two attachments. The first is our\ntime and materials contract, which will need to be executed if you want to\ndo the test project. The second is an addendum to that time and materials\ncontract under Section H, which allows for specific work statements to amend\nand supersede the general consulting agreement. The general consulting\n) contains all the confidentiality, billing\nrate, and other provisions that your contract people will probably want and\nprovides a general framework for doing business. The work statement\n) contains the specific provisions for our standard weeklong\nonsite test project.\nI hope we get the opportunity to serve you and ultimately to make\nMarketPoint available to you. In light of the contiguity to the holidays, I\ndont think it would be realistic to try to schedule this test project before\nthen, probably from your perpsective as well as ours. Let's think about\ndoing it the first opportunity in January if you decide to go forward if\nthat is OK with you.\nAll the best.\nDale\n\n\n", ["Test Project Proposal"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "John,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<5905727.1075856469130.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10478317.1075856535431.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29635092.1075856254786.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5173185.1075856374649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-11-2000-2:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-2:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 \n10:12 AM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/28/2000 11:56:58 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Test Project Proposal\nVince:\nI did get the proposal out today, but after close of business your time.\nSorry for the brief delay. You will find two attachments. The first is our\ntime and materials contract, which will need to be executed if you want to\ndo the test project. The second is an addendum to that time and materials\ncontract under Section H, which allows for specific work statements to amend\nand supersede the general consulting agreement. The general consulting\n) contains all the confidentiality, billing\nrate, and other provisions that your contract people will probably want and\nprovides a general framework for doing business. The work statement\n) contains the specific provisions for our standard weeklong\nonsite test project.\nI hope we get the opportunity to serve you and ultimately to make\nMarketPoint available to you. In light of the contiguity to the holidays, I\ndont think it would be realistic to try to schedule this test project before\nthen, probably from your perpsective as well as ours. Let's think about\ndoing it the first opportunity in January if you decide to go forward if\nthat is OK with you.\nAll the best.\nDale\n\n\n", ["Test Project Proposal"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "", ["<29086715.1075856469108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18200314.1075856535409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21930833.1075856254763.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6191750.1075856374671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-9:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n05:12 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 01/18/2001 01:34:51 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Demonstration Proposal Status/Meeting\nVince:\nI have come up for air since the holiday and all the machinations that have\nbefallen the California power markets. Great for consultants and\nindependent generators and inbound FT owners but not perhaps so great for\nothers. Lots of entropy in the system indeed!\nI plan to be in Houston next week from Tuesday through Friday and would like\nvery much to get 1/2 hour of your time to kick off the demonstration project\nI proposed just before Christmas if you are ready. We are ready to provide\nthe top quality service that will be needed to give you and your gas guys\nthe concerted demonstration project you wanted. I would prefer any time\nFriday 1/26 or Wednesday 1/24 first thing in the morning if you have\nflexibility.\nWe were able over the holiday to really make a lot of progress on finalizing\nall of our fundamental modeling technologies--short and long run gas and\nshort and long run electricity. I am really jacked up how our long run\nmodels are predicting the amount of capacity that can profitably be absorbed\nin ERCOT and where, the amount of capacity that can profitably be absosrbed\nin California and the WSCC and where, and where gas price basis is likely to\ngo. As you saw, our long run capacity addition technique is quite unique,\nand I have not yet introduced the long run electric and gas models broadly\nin the industry. It is possible and realistic for Enron to get first mover\nadvantage (or perhaps more) based on the results of the demonstration\nproject we discussed. Let's talk about that next week when we meet.\nIf you could confirm one of the two suggested times via email or phone at\n650.218.3069 in the next day or two, that would be terrific. I look forward\nto seeing you again and to working together.\nAlso, I would like to get your advice regarding prospective investors in\nMarketPoint. I am starting to get serious inquiries from large companies\nyou know well who want to invest in MarketPoint as an equity paly, but I am\nvery reluctant to consider such investments by organizations other than\nabsolute, unequivocal industry leaders such as Enron. I remember discussing\nthis briefly with you, but I would like to get your input with the benefit\nof six more months thought if you would be willing when we meet.\nThanks, and all the best.\nDale Nesbitt\n", ["Demonstration Proposal Status/Meeting"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "", ["<23525687.1075856458541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23499889.1075856524878.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12305427.1075856229905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30786256.1075856392545.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-2-2001-9:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-9:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["chaim.braun@altosmgmt.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Chaim,\nI received a number of phone messages from you.\nThe project is now in the hands of John and I shall\nbe very happy to assist him when he is ready to move.\nHe is looking at the licensing agreement right now.\nTill then, I have to wait for him to make a decision.\nMy role in this project is one of a facilitator, technical\nconsultant.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2001 \n05:46 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: John Goodpasture @ ENRON 02/13/2001 10:47 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Gas Model\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by John Goodpasture/OTS/Enron on 02/13/2001 \n10:34 AM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 02/13/2001 08:25:12 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Gas Model\nJohn:\nThanks so much for getting back to me. We remain keenly interested in doing\nthe preliminary project for you so that you can know how MarketPoint works\nand how it might help you. We are ready to go on the test process as soon\nas you and your people are ready.\nYou heard from Dr. Chaim Braun, Altos Vice President, who called you at my\nrequest to inquire about your demonstration project. I will mention to\nChaim that you expressed your interest via email to me. There is no need to\nphone him back until you are ready to go. Chaim's email address is\nchaim.braun@altosmgmt.com and he can be reached at the main Altos number\n650.949.3541. My personal phone number is 650.218.3069.\nI look forward to working together.\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: John.Goodpasture@enron.com [mailto:John.Goodpasture@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, February 12, 2001 3:04 PM\nTo: Dale M. Nesbitt\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Gas Model\nSorry so much time has passed since we last discussed your North American\nGas Model. I am however still interested in setting up a test process to\nfamiliarize some of our key people with the model and the database, etc.\nI am now reviewing the licensing agreement that you submitted in December\nand will be back in touch soon. I need to discuss this further with the\nbusiness segments, but I suspect that our interest will be focused more on\nthe Long Term gas model.\nAnother member of your firm had called last week, but I somehow misplaced\nhis name and number. I thought that an e-mail response would suffice for\nnow. My apologies.\nRegards,\nJohn Goodpasture\n", ["RE: Gas Model"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 16, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", " till then, i have to wait for him to make a decision."]], "Chaim,\n\nI received a number of phone messages from you.\nThe project is now in the hands of John and I shall\nbe very happy to assist him when he is ready to move.\nHe is looking at the licensing agreement right now.\n\nTill then, I have to wait for him to make a decision.\nMy role in this project is one of a facilitator, technical\nconsultant.\n\nVince\n", ["<12633111.1075856452126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30957662.1075856518454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9189926.1075856217054.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26221889.1075856587588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12103125.1075856402494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"gas_natural0gas modelTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas modelTnn"]}, "part_role projectTnn": {"value": "part_role projectTnn", "ne": "part_role projectTnn", "patterns": ["part_role projectTnn"]}}, true], "12-4-2001-4:3:0Sjohn.goodpasture@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-4:3:0", "john.goodpasture@enron.com", ["chaim.braun@altosmgmt.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com", "kimberly.watson@enron.com"], "Dear Mr. Braun:\nAs I mentioned, I have recently been reassigned here at Enron. Although I am \nstill in the Enron Transportation Services group, I am no longer the most \nappropriate contact for consideration of the Altos gas model. I would \nsuggest you contact Kim Watson at 713-853-3098 or of course, Vince Kaminski, \nwho will remain very much a part of the decision process. \nRegards,\nJohn Goodpasture \n", ["MarketPoint Gas Model"], "{'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Dear Mr. Braun:\n\nAs I mentioned, I have recently been reassigned here at Enron. Although I am \nstill in the Enron Transportation Services group, I am no longer the most \nappropriate contact for consideration of the Altos gas model. I would \nsuggest you contact Kim Watson at 713-853-3098 or of course, Vince Kaminski, \nwho will remain very much a part of the decision process. \n\nRegards,\n\nJohn Goodpasture \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<24117202.1075856195052.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7930634.1075856601456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10836189.1075856421264.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-10:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-10:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kimberly.watson@enron.com"], "Dale,\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in the \nafternoon.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 01:51:21 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Kimberly S. Watson\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince/Kim:\nI am flying to Houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming Tuesday sometime for 1/2 hour or\nso. I really want to reinitiate the conversations MarketPoint was having\nwith John Goodpasture and you, and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift. John was quite\npositive about the idea of Enron acquiring MarketPoint NARG through license,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you.\nWould this coming Tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys? If\nso, please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message on\nmy voicemail at (650)218-3069. I think you will be truly impressed with the\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run NARG\nand the long run NARG in which you were interested (not to mention our power\nmodel). The progress is noticeable since you saw it. Both long and short\nterm NARG are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from Venezuelan LNG, North American LNG import terminals and\nterm, gas basis calculations, trading support, power plant development,\ngas-to-power price spreads in key markets, veracity of heat rate trades,\nbank financings, storage field evaluation, and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs.\nI really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again. I think NARG can help you become even more\nsuccessful, and I look forward to working with you.\nWe have a new office address and new phone number as well. (We move in May\n1.)\nAltos Management Partners\n95 Main Street, Suite 10\nLos Altos, CA 94022\n(650)948-8830 voice\n(650)948-8850 FAX\n(650)218-3069 Cellular\nGive the phones a week or so to get \"debugged\" and then switch over.\nDale\n", ["Re: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com'], 'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Dale,\n\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in the \nafternoon.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" ", "<18060534.1075856500612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33228430.1075856184709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13196594.1075856601309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-1:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dale,\nI can reserve 2 to 2:30 time slot but there is really not much that\nI can tell you at this point.\nThe commercial groups are still interested and are moving \ntowards the test of the package. As soon as they will decide\nto move ahead, we (Research) shall be involved, helping to evaluate the \nproduct. As I have said, we are not the \ndecision makers in this case. \nI think that we should allow simply the process to run its course.\nVince \n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 05:59:30 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince:\nI will call tomorrow in the morning. Lunch or right after lunch would be\ngreat. How would 100 pm work for you?\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 3:07 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Kimberly.Watson@enron.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in\nthe afternoon.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 01:51:21\nAM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Kimberly S. Watson\"\n \ncc:\nSubject: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince/Kim:\nI am flying to Houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming Tuesday sometime for 1/2 hour or\nso. I really want to reinitiate the conversations MarketPoint was having\nwith John Goodpasture and you, and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift. John was quite\npositive about the idea of Enron acquiring MarketPoint NARG through\nlicense,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you.\nWould this coming Tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys?\nIf\nso, please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message\non\nmy voicemail at (650)218-3069. I think you will be truly impressed with\nthe\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run NARG\nand the long run NARG in which you were interested (not to mention our\npower\nmodel). The progress is noticeable since you saw it. Both long and short\nterm NARG are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from Venezuelan LNG, North American LNG import terminals and\nterm, gas basis calculations, trading support, power plant development,\ngas-to-power price spreads in key markets, veracity of heat rate trades,\nbank financings, storage field evaluation, and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs.\nI really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again. I think NARG can help you become even more\nsuccessful, and I look forward to working with you.\nWe have a new office address and new phone number as well. (We move in May\n1.)\nAltos Management Partners\n95 Main Street, Suite 10\nLos Altos, CA 94022\n(650)948-8830 voice\n(650)948-8850 FAX\n(650)218-3069 Cellular\nGive the phones a week or so to get \"debugged\" and then switch over.\nDale\n", ["RE: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com'], 'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Dale,\n\nI can reserve 2 to 2:30 time slot but there is really not much that\nI can tell you at this point.\n\nThe commercial groups are still interested and are moving \ntowards the test of the package. As soon as they will decide\nto move ahead, we (Research) shall be involved, helping to evaluate the \nproduct. As I have said, we are not the \ndecision makers in this case. \n\nI think that we should allow simply the process to run its course.\n\nVince \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" ", "<20843650.1075856500393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4478960.1075856184312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20041166.1075856601242.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-23:53:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com": ["30-4-2001-23:53:0", "dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nThanks for that. I just wanted to get a sense from you who the right people\nare and how I can establish effective contact. When he went on to different\nresponsibilities, John Goodpasture suggested I get the dialog going with the\nright commercial people in Enron. I will be in your neighborhood in the 200\npm time range and will give you a quick call. That will conserve your\nvaluable time and hopefully get me in touch with the right people. I am\nreading this after your voicemail, so this supersedes that.\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 6:03 AM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nI can reserve 2 to 2:30 time slot but there is really not much that\nI can tell you at this point.\nThe commercial groups are still interested and are moving\ntowards the test of the package. As soon as they will decide\nto move ahead, we (Research) shall be involved, helping to evaluate the\nproduct. As I have said, we are not the\ndecision makers in this case.\nI think that we should allow simply the process to run its course.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 05:59:30\nPM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince:\nI will call tomorrow in the morning. Lunch or right after lunch would be\ngreat. How would 100 pm work for you?\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 3:07 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Kimberly.Watson@enron.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in\nthe afternoon.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 01:51:21\nAM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Kimberly S. Watson\"\n \ncc:\nSubject: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince/Kim:\nI am flying to Houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming Tuesday sometime for 1/2 hour or\nso. I really want to reinitiate the conversations MarketPoint was having\nwith John Goodpasture and you, and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift. John was quite\npositive about the idea of Enron acquiring MarketPoint NARG through\nlicense,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you.\nWould this coming Tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys?\nIf\nso, please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message\non\nmy voicemail at (650)218-3069. I think you will be truly impressed with\nthe\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run NARG\nand the long run NARG in which you were interested (not to mention our\npower\nmodel). The progress is noticeable since you saw it. Both long and short\nterm NARG are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from Venezuelan LNG, North American LNG import terminals and\nterm, gas basis calculations, trading support, power plant development,\ngas-to-power price spreads in key markets, veracity of heat rate trades,\nbank financings, storage field evaluation, and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs.\nI really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again. I think NARG can help you become even more\nsuccessful, and I look forward to working with you.\nWe have a new office address and new phone number as well. (We move in May\n1.)\nAltos Management Partners\n95 Main Street, Suite 10\nLos Altos, CA 94022\n(650)948-8830 voice\n(650)948-8850 FAX\n(650)218-3069 Cellular\nGive the phones a week or so to get \"debugged\" and then switch over.\nDale\n", ["Reply to your Email/Ignore my voicemail"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Vince:\n\nThanks for that. I just wanted to get a sense from you who the right people\nare and how I can establish effective contact. When he went on to different\nresponsibilities, John Goodpasture suggested I get the dialog going with the\nright commercial people in Enron. I will be in your neighborhood in the 200\npm time range and will give you a quick call. That will conserve your\nvaluable time and hopefully get me in touch with the right people. I am\nreading this after your voicemail, so this supersedes that.\n\nDale\n\n", ["<27037345.1075856184135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17659843.1075856601219.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<262272.1075856430188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-11:53:0Sdale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com": ["1-5-2001-11:53:0", "dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Please respond to Vince:\nThanks for that. I just wanted to get a sense from you who the right people\nare and how I can establish effective contact. When he went on to different\nresponsibilities, John Goodpasture suggested I get the dialog going with the\nright commercial people in Enron. I will be in your neighborhood in the 200\npm time range and will give you a quick call. That will conserve your\nvaluable time and hopefully get me in touch with the right people. I am\nreading this after your voicemail, so this supersedes that.\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 6:03 AM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nI can reserve 2 to 2:30 time slot but there is really not much that\nI can tell you at this point.\nThe commercial groups are still interested and are moving\ntowards the test of the package. As soon as they will decide\nto move ahead, we (Research) shall be involved, helping to evaluate the\nproduct. As I have said, we are not the\ndecision makers in this case.\nI think that we should allow simply the process to run its course.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 05:59:30\nPM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince:\nI will call tomorrow in the morning. Lunch or right after lunch would be\ngreat. How would 100 pm work for you?\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 3:07 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Kimberly.Watson@enron.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in\nthe afternoon.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 01:51:21\nAM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Kimberly S. Watson\"\n \ncc:\nSubject: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince/Kim:\nI am flying to Houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming Tuesday sometime for 1/2 hour or\nso. I really want to reinitiate the conversations MarketPoint was having\nwith John Goodpasture and you, and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift. John was quite\npositive about the idea of Enron acquiring MarketPoint NARG through\nlicense,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you.\nWould this coming Tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys?\nIf\nso, please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message\non\nmy voicemail at (650)218-3069. I think you will be truly impressed with\nthe\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run NARG\nand the long run NARG in which you were interested (not to mention our\npower\nmodel). The progress is noticeable since you saw it. Both long and short\nterm NARG are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from Venezuelan LNG, North American LNG import terminals and\nterm, gas basis calculations, trading support, power plant development,\ngas-to-power price spreads in key markets, veracity of heat rate trades,\nbank financings, storage field evaluation, and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs.\nI really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again. I think NARG can help you become even more\nsuccessful, and I look forward to working with you.\nWe have a new office address and new phone number as well. (We move in May\n1.)\nAltos Management Partners\n95 Main Street, Suite 10\nLos Altos, CA 94022\n(650)948-8830 voice\n(650)948-8850 FAX\n(650)218-3069 Cellular\nGive the phones a week or so to get \"debugged\" and then switch over.\nDale\n", ["Reply to your Email/Ignore my voicemail"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Please respond to Vince:\n\nThanks for that. I just wanted to get a sense from you who the right people\nare and how I can establish effective contact. When he went on to different\nresponsibilities, John Goodpasture suggested I get the dialog going with the\nright commercial people in Enron. I will be in your neighborhood in the 200\npm time range and will give you a quick call. That will conserve your\nvaluable time and hopefully get me in touch with the right people. I am\nreading this after your voicemail, so this supersedes that.\n\nDale\n\n", ["<11701859.1075840780315.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-7:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-7:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kimberly.watson@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "eric.gadd@enron.com"], "Kim,\nI talked to Dale early this morning and suggested that we meet during his \nnext trip to Houston\nwhen we decide on timing of our project.\nVince\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 08:41 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Gadd/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: FW: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince,\nIf Dale comes in to see you, it looks like Eric might be available to meet \nwith you as well. It would be a good opportunity for Eric to meet Dale and \nget a little more information on his model. Eric's phone number is X54713.\nThanks, \nKim.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gadd, Eric \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:12 PM\nTo: Watson, Kimberly\nSubject: Re: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nWorks for me. Give me a call at 9:30.\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/30/2001 05:09 PM\nTo: Eric Gadd/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nEric, FYI. Kim.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 5:07 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Watson, Kimberly; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in the \nafternoon.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 01:51:21 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Kimberly S. Watson\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince/Kim:\nI am flying to Houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming Tuesday sometime for 1/2 hour or\nso. I really want to reinitiate the conversations MarketPoint was having\nwith John Goodpasture and you, and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift. John was quite\npositive about the idea of Enron acquiring MarketPoint NARG through license,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you.\nWould this coming Tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys? If\nso, please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message on\nmy voicemail at (650)218-3069. I think you will be truly impressed with the\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run NARG\nand the long run NARG in which you were interested (not to mention our power\nmodel). The progress is noticeable since you saw it. Both long and short\nterm NARG are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from Venezuelan LNG, North American LNG import terminals and\nterm, gas basis calculations, trading support, power plant development,\ngas-to-power price spreads in key markets, veracity of heat rate trades,\nbank financings, storage field evaluation, and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs.\nI really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again. I think NARG can help you become even more\nsuccessful, and I look forward to working with you.\nWe have a new office address and new phone number as well. (We move in May\n1.)\nAltos Management Partners\n95 Main Street, Suite 10\nLos Altos, CA 94022\n(650)948-8830 voice\n(650)948-8850 FAX\n(650)218-3069 Cellular\nGive the phones a week or so to get \"debugged\" and then switch over.\nDale\n", ["Re: FW: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Kim,\n\nI talked to Dale early this morning and suggested that we meet during his \nnext trip to Houston\nwhen we decide on timing of our project.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 08:41 AM\n", ["<7863667.1075856436879.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2505650.1075856500263.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3176218.1075856183955.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12870979.1075856601152.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-8:7:0Skimberly.watson@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-8:7:0", "kimberly.watson@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["eric.gadd@enron.com"], "Thanks for the update. Kim.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 2:08 PM\nTo: Watson, Kimberly\nCc: Gadd, Eric; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: FW: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nKim,\nI talked to Dale early this morning and suggested that we meet during his \nnext trip to Houston\nwhen we decide on timing of our project.\nVince\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 08:41 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Gadd/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: FW: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince,\nIf Dale comes in to see you, it looks like Eric might be available to meet \nwith you as well. It would be a good opportunity for Eric to meet Dale and \nget a little more information on his model. Eric's phone number is X54713.\nThanks, \nKim.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gadd, Eric \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:12 PM\nTo: Watson, Kimberly\nSubject: Re: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nWorks for me. Give me a call at 9:30.\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/30/2001 05:09 PM\nTo: Eric Gadd/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nEric, FYI. Kim.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 5:07 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Watson, Kimberly; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in the \nafternoon.\nVince\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 01:51:21 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Kimberly S. Watson\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince/Kim:\nI am flying to Houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming Tuesday sometime for 1/2 hour or\nso. I really want to reinitiate the conversations MarketPoint was having\nwith John Goodpasture and you, and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift. John was quite\npositive about the idea of Enron acquiring MarketPoint NARG through license,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you.\nWould this coming Tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys? If\nso, please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message on\nmy voicemail at (650)218-3069. I think you will be truly impressed with the\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run NARG\nand the long run NARG in which you were interested (not to mention our power\nmodel). The progress is noticeable since you saw it. Both long and short\nterm NARG are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from Venezuelan LNG, North American LNG import terminals and\nterm, gas basis calculations, trading support, power plant development,\ngas-to-power price spreads in key markets, veracity of heat rate trades,\nbank financings, storage field evaluation, and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs.\nI really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again. I think NARG can help you become even more\nsuccessful, and I look forward to working with you.\nWe have a new office address and new phone number as well. (We move in May\n1.)\nAltos Management Partners\n95 Main Street, Suite 10\nLos Altos, CA 94022\n(650)948-8830 voice\n(650)948-8850 FAX\n(650)218-3069 Cellular\nGive the phones a week or so to get \"debugged\" and then switch over.\nDale\n", ["RE: FW: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Thanks for the update. Kim.\n\n ", ["<3848937.1075856183889.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19382358.1075856601127.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25452333.1075856430329.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-17:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-17:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kimberly.watson@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "eric.gadd@enron.com"], "Kim,\nI talked to Dale early this morning and suggested that we meet during his next trip to Houston\nwhen we decide on timing of our project.\nVince\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 08:41 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Gadd/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: FW: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince,\nIf Dale comes in to see you, it looks like Eric might be available to meet with you as well. It would be a good opportunity for Eric to meet Dale and get a little more information on his model. Eric's phone number is X54713.\nThanks, \nKim.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gadd, Eric \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:12 PM\nTo: Watson, Kimberly\nSubject: Re: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nWorks for me. Give me a call at 9:30.\nFrom: Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/30/2001 05:09 PM\nTo: Eric Gadd/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nEric, FYI. Kim.\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 5:07 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Watson, Kimberly; Kaminski, Vince\nSubject: Re: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nDale,\nPlease, call me on Tuesday. My morning schedule is full but I am open in the afternoon.\nVince\n \n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 04/30/2001 01:51:21 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" , \"Kimberly S. Watson\" \ncc: \nSubject: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?\nVince/Kim:\nI am flying to Houston tonight and wondered if it would fit one or both of\nyour schedules to get together this coming Tuesday sometime for 1/2 hour or\nso. I really want to reinitiate the conversations MarketPoint was having\nwith John Goodpasture and you, and he said either or both of you were the\nright people to continue after his responsibility shift. John was quite\npositive about the idea of Enron acquiring MarketPoint NARG through license,\nand he implied that one or both of you would be carrying the ball in that\ndirection after he handed it to you.\nWould this coming Tuesday morning at 930 am be a good time for you guys? If\nso, please give me an email shout at the above address or leave a message on\nmy voicemail at (650)218-3069. I think you will be truly impressed with the\nscope and progress we have been able to make with both the short run NARG\nand the long run NARG in which you were interested (not to mention our power\nmodel). The progress is noticeable since you saw it. Both long and short\nterm NARG are having quite an impact on a number of gas decisions at the\nmoment ranging from Venezuelan LNG, North American LNG import terminals and\nterm, gas basis calculations, trading support, power plant development,\ngas-to-power price spreads in key markets, veracity of heat rate trades,\nbank financings, storage field evaluation, and which new pipelines we can\nexpect to see enter and which are dogs.\nI really hope we can fit it in and get our discussions moving in a mutually\nproductive direction again. I think NARG can help you become even more\nsuccessful, and I look forward to working with you.\nWe have a new office address and new phone number as well. (We move in May\n1.)\nAltos Management Partners\n95 Main Street, Suite 10\nLos Altos, CA 94022\n(650)948-8830 voice\n(650)948-8850 FAX\n(650)218-3069 Cellular\nGive the phones a week or so to get \"debugged\" and then switch over.\nDale\n", ["Re: FW: FW: Get Together This Coming Tuesday?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [], "Kim,\n\nI talked to Dale early this morning and suggested that we meet during his next trip to Houston\nwhen we decide on timing of our project.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom:\tKimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 08:41 AM\n", ["<2282064.1075858471485.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8737057.1075840780267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-9-2001-16:41:28Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net": ["28-9-2001-16:41:28", "dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nI am disappointed to hear that the interest on the part of your internal\nusers has waned. We have made a lot of progress since you and they last\nreviewed it, completing and finalizing our\n. short term North American gas model and data base (which endogenizes\nstorage into a Continent-wide zero arbitrage solution)\n. long term North American gas model and data base (which drills wells\nand builds pipe and calculates equilibrium given such decisions)\n. short term North American electric model and data base\n. long term North American electric model and data base (which tells\nyou precisely where on a nodal basis all forward power plant\nconstruction will and should occur. The model builds the right amount\nof capacity in the right place at the right time)\n. Western European gas model and data base\n. World Gas Trade model and data base\n. World Oil Model and data base\nWe are striving to have the definitive economic modeling system so that\ncompanies like Enron can incorporate and proprietize your own \"private\nknowledge\" in combination with our general knowledge.\nVince, I wanted to raise another issue with you. Now that MarketPoint\nis developed and operational and (hopefully) the leading technology\navailable for dynamic microeconomic market modeling, I perceive that\nthat it has more value as an acquisition play by a major player such as\nEnron than it does as \"just another commoditized model\" supported by a\n\"play for pay\" consulting firm such as Altos who is continually hounding\ninternal users for license and consulting fees. My goal from the outset\nhas been to use my traditional consulting base to capitalize the best\ntool in the industry and when the tool is complete to seek acquisition\nor investment by someone who can make a lot of money by proprietizing\nit. After a substantial development period here in the Silicon Valley\n(a very good place to develop software--that is why we were here),\nMarketPoint is just now arriving at the point of seeking equity\ninvestment or outright acquisition by a major player who can proprietize\nand benefit internally from MarketPoint as well as potentially enhancing\nthe customer value from e-commerce verticals such as enrononline.com.\nWhen you and I had breakfast at the Hyatt about a year ago, you\nexpressed the sentiment that Enron wants to be able to proprietize and\nhusband technology such as MarketPoint (rather than seeing it licensed\nto everyone) so that you can comfortably augment it with your\ncompetitive advantage. We are at the point where we want to talk\nseriously with you and a selected few others about that. That is why I\nwant to speak with you next Friday.\n1. Could we really sell MarketPoint to a single entity such as Enron\nand take it off the market? Without elaborating, our licenses are\nstructured so that we can do that.\n2. Is the MarketPoint genie out of the bottle with licensees; would\nthey know how to replicate it? Not a chance, we have protected the\nsource code and the critical technical documentation and concentrated it\nthree people in the world. (They issue technical tasks on a piecemeal\nbasis.) It is extremely tough to do it.\n3. Can MarketPoint run tens, hundreds, or thousands of fundamentally\nbased forward market scenarios and thereby generate a continuously\nrefreshed, extensive forward joint probability density function over\nprice? We have just completed development of our Enterprise/LAN\nversion, which fully parallelizes our calculations and renders the\nnumber of processors and the MIPS we can access over the intranet or\ninternet essentially limitless. MarketPoint can now automatically \"farm\nout\" its microeconomic calculations across processors on a huge network\nand make all its calculations in parallel. This means that you can\nactually run a continuous, fundamentally based, automatic-feed forward\nprobability density function calculation over gas price or over\nelectricity price by region by time and a few seconds or minutes\ndepending on how many processors reside within your network. Without\nparallelization, this simply cannot happen. Think of the magnitude of\ncompetitive advantage this could bring to Enron if you can proprietize\nit. You are one of a handful of organizations who could really monitize\nthat.\n4. How large or detailed a model can you run? With its tremendous\ndegree of parallelization (under our algorithm, every node can be a\nparallel activity), our LAN Enterprise Version allows models of\nessentially unlimited size to be solved through parallelization very\nquickly and efficiently. The models are highly modularized (individual\nnetwork nodes linked together) and therefore can be expanded and run\nefficiently.\n5. Are the MarketPoint development risks gone? Yes, we have been\noffering MarketPoint under stand alone commercial license for a few\nmonths. The gas, electricity, and oil models all demonstrably work, and\nwe have a number of test and demonstration cases. I have been waiting\nuntil this was true before looking for an investor. While there are\nmaintenance costs and tasks to be done forever, there are no more known\ndevelopment costs or risks.\n6. Does MarketPoint work for other commodities? Yes. MarketPoint can\nhelp you avoid difficulties of the past across a broad range of\ncommodities and guide your businesses in such commodity areas with\nworkable, fundamental models of those industries. MarketPoint is\ndesigned to give you early warning flags and guidance in commodity\noriented business including but not limited to energy.\n7. What would be your role? If Enron proprietized MarketPoint, I have\nthe feeling you would probably inherit technical responsibility and\ncould safely leverage MarketPoint into your group, secure in the\nknowledge that it is truly proprietary to you and Enron and would not be\nin the hands of Enron competitors. I should think that if Enron were\ninterested, someone else's budget would acquire it and you would get it.\nYours is one of a handful of groups in the world with whom I would want\nto work because you have the sophistication to make progress.\n8. Is it really realistic to sell MarketPoint? It is realistic. Only\ntwo people (Mark Nickeson and I) own over 90 percent of the capital\nstock in MarketPoint, and there are no outstanding options,\nencumberances, or other impediments. We own it outright, and we have\nthe ability and disposition to move. That is the beauty of capitalizing\nit as we have with consulting dollars--we paid people with MONEY rather\nthan with stock, and we ended up owning the stock and the flexibility\nand value such ownership affords. We don't have to deal with employees\nor venture capitalists; we have autonomy of action.\nThese are the issues I would like to speak with you about next Friday if\nyou are interested. I would anticipate that this is a not decision that\nyou alone will make within Enron, but I wanted to lay this out for you\nand if you are interested and amenable work together to present it to\nthe right people in your organization. I need to get started in the\nright way with the right Enron people, and I would appreciate your\nsupport if you are so disposed.\nThere is one additional issue as well. Would you, Krishna, and your\nguys be prepared to enthusiastically endorse MarketPoint if I were to\ninterest an internal Enron group in using or licensing it? (If so, I\nwould be prepared make MarketPoint available to you and your group under\ntheir license and train you to use it at no additional cost to you. I\nam confident if I could get MarketPoint into your hands, it would be\nwin-win for you and for us.) The reason I am asking is that I have the\nopportunity to brief one of your operating groups who has expressed\ninterest (through another consulting company) in one of the MarketPoint\nmodels. Before doing that, I want to be confident that you, Krishna,\nand your group are enthusiastic supporters and endorsers of MarketPoint\nif one of your inhouse groups is interested in spending the resources to\nmove forward. Please advise by email or when we get together.\nAll the best. Give me an email shout or voice shout at my cell\n650.218.3069 on Monday if you can. Thanks for your consideration.\nDale Nesbitt\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince J [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@ENRON.com]\nSent: Friday, September 28, 2001 5:17 AM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\nSubject: RE: Meeting on Friday to Discuss MarketPoint?\nDale,\nThanks for your message.\nWe don't see at this point any interest from our internal users in\nproceeding with\nlicencing of MarketPoint. I shall stay in touch with you and will notify\nyou if there is any change.\nVince\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Dale M. Nesbitt\" @ENRON\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Dale+20M+2E+20Nesbitt+22+20+3Cdale+2Enesbitt+40w\n> orldnet+2Eatt+2Enet+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 2:02 AM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Cc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\n> Subject: Meeting on Friday to Discuss MarketPoint?\n>\n> Vince:\n>\n> Would you and Krishna be available to talk about MarketPoint and Enron\n> on Friday October 5 after lunch, say 130? Give an email shout to\n> confirm. Thanks.\n>\n> Dale Nesbitt\n>\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\nby others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n(or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\nor reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\ndelete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\nhereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\ncreate or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\nCorp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\nparty, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\nestoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n**********************************************************************\n", ["RE: Meeting on Friday to Discuss MarketPoint?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 8, "information", ["made", "progress"], "information", " we have made a lot of progress since you and they last reviewed it, completing and finalizing our ."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 152, "nninformation", ["make", "money"], "intention", " my goal from the outset has been to use my traditional consulting base to capitalize the best tool in the industry and when the tool is complete to seek acquisition or investment by someone who can make a lot of money by proprietizing it."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 453, "nninformation", ["make", "progress"], "intention", " yours is one of a handful of groups in the world with whom i would want to work because you have the sophistication to make progress."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 503, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", " i would anticipate that this is a not decision that you alone will make within enron, but i wanted to lay this out for you and if you are interested and amenable work together to present it to the right people in your organization."]], "Vince:\n\nI am disappointed to hear that the interest on the part of your internal\nusers has waned. We have made a lot of progress since you and they last\nreviewed it, completing and finalizing our\n\n. short term North American gas model and data base (which endogenizes\nstorage into a Continent-wide zero arbitrage solution)\n\n. long term North American gas model and data base (which drills wells\nand builds pipe and calculates equilibrium given such decisions)\n\n. short term North American electric model and data base\n\n. long term North American electric model and data base (which tells\nyou precisely where on a nodal basis all forward power plant\nconstruction will and should occur. The model builds the right amount\nof capacity in the right place at the right time)\n\n. Western European gas model and data base\n\n. World Gas Trade model and data base\n\n. World Oil Model and data base\n\nWe are striving to have the definitive economic modeling system so that\ncompanies like Enron can incorporate and proprietize your own \"private\nknowledge\" in combination with our general knowledge.\n\nVince, I wanted to raise another issue with you. Now that MarketPoint\nis developed and operational and (hopefully) the leading technology\navailable for dynamic microeconomic market modeling, I perceive that\nthat it has more value as an acquisition play by a major player such as\nEnron than it does as \"just another commoditized model\" supported by a\n\"play for pay\" consulting firm such as Altos who is continually hounding\ninternal users for license and consulting fees. My goal from the outset\nhas been to use my traditional consulting base to capitalize the best\ntool in the industry and when the tool is complete to seek acquisition\nor investment by someone who can make a lot of money by proprietizing\nit. After a substantial development period here in the Silicon Valley\n(a very good place to develop software--that is why we were here),\nMarketPoint is just now arriving at the point of seeking equity\ninvestment or outright acquisition by a major player who can proprietize\nand benefit internally from MarketPoint as well as potentially enhancing\nthe customer value from e-commerce verticals such as enrononline.com.\n\nWhen you and I had breakfast at the Hyatt about a year ago, you\nexpressed the sentiment that Enron wants to be able to proprietize and\nhusband technology such as MarketPoint (rather than seeing it licensed\nto everyone) so that you can comfortably augment it with your\ncompetitive advantage. We are at the point where we want to talk\nseriously with you and a selected few others about that. That is why I\nwant to speak with you next Friday.\n\n1. Could we really sell MarketPoint to a single entity such as Enron\nand take it off the market? Without elaborating, our licenses are\nstructured so that we can do that.\n\n2. Is the MarketPoint genie out of the bottle with licensees; would\nthey know how to replicate it? Not a chance, we have protected the\nsource code and the critical technical documentation and concentrated it\nthree people in the world. (They issue technical tasks on a piecemeal\nbasis.) It is extremely tough to do it.\n\n3. Can MarketPoint run tens, hundreds, or thousands of fundamentally\nbased forward market scenarios and thereby generate a continuously\nrefreshed, extensive forward joint probability density function over\nprice? We have just completed development of our Enterprise/LAN\nversion, which fully parallelizes our calculations and renders the\nnumber of processors and the MIPS we can access over the intranet or\ninternet essentially limitless. MarketPoint can now automatically \"farm\nout\" its microeconomic calculations across processors on a huge network\nand make all its calculations in parallel. This means that you can\nactually run a continuous, fundamentally based, automatic-feed forward\nprobability density function calculation over gas price or over\nelectricity price by region by time and a few seconds or minutes\ndepending on how many processors reside within your network. Without\nparallelization, this simply cannot happen. Think of the magnitude of\ncompetitive advantage this could bring to Enron if you can proprietize\nit. You are one of a handful of organizations who could really monitize\nthat.\n\n4. How large or detailed a model can you run? With its tremendous\ndegree of parallelization (under our algorithm, every node can be a\nparallel activity), our LAN Enterprise Version allows models of\nessentially unlimited size to be solved through parallelization very\nquickly and efficiently. The models are highly modularized (individual\nnetwork nodes linked together) and therefore can be expanded and run\nefficiently.\n\n5. Are the MarketPoint development risks gone? Yes, we have been\noffering MarketPoint under stand alone commercial license for a few\nmonths. The gas, electricity, and oil models all demonstrably work, and\nwe have a number of test and demonstration cases. I have been waiting\nuntil this was true before looking for an investor. While there are\nmaintenance costs and tasks to be done forever, there are no more known\ndevelopment costs or risks.\n\n6. Does MarketPoint work for other commodities? Yes. MarketPoint can\nhelp you avoid difficulties of the past across a broad range of\ncommodities and guide your businesses in such commodity areas with\nworkable, fundamental models of those industries. MarketPoint is\ndesigned to give you early warning flags and guidance in commodity\noriented business including but not limited to energy.\n\n7. What would be your role? If Enron proprietized MarketPoint, I have\nthe feeling you would probably inherit technical responsibility and\ncould safely leverage MarketPoint into your group, secure in the\nknowledge that it is truly proprietary to you and Enron and would not be\nin the hands of Enron competitors. I should think that if Enron were\ninterested, someone else's budget would acquire it and you would get it.\nYours is one of a handful of groups in the world with whom I would want\nto work because you have the sophistication to make progress.\n\n8. Is it really realistic to sell MarketPoint? It is realistic. Only\ntwo people (Mark Nickeson and I) own over 90 percent of the capital\nstock in MarketPoint, and there are no outstanding options,\nencumberances, or other impediments. We own it outright, and we have\nthe ability and disposition to move. That is the beauty of capitalizing\nit as we have with consulting dollars--we paid people with MONEY rather\nthan with stock, and we ended up owning the stock and the flexibility\nand value such ownership affords. We don't have to deal with employees\nor venture capitalists; we have autonomy of action.\n\nThese are the issues I would like to speak with you about next Friday if\nyou are interested. I would anticipate that this is a not decision that\nyou alone will make within Enron, but I wanted to lay this out for you\nand if you are interested and amenable work together to present it to\nthe right people in your organization. I need to get started in the\nright way with the right Enron people, and I would appreciate your\nsupport if you are so disposed.\n\nThere is one additional issue as well. Would you, Krishna, and your\nguys be prepared to enthusiastically endorse MarketPoint if I were to\ninterest an internal Enron group in using or licensing it? (If so, I\nwould be prepared make MarketPoint available to you and your group under\ntheir license and train you to use it at no additional cost to you. I\nam confident if I could get MarketPoint into your hands, it would be\nwin-win for you and for us.) The reason I am asking is that I have the\nopportunity to brief one of your operating groups who has expressed\ninterest (through another consulting company) in one of the MarketPoint\nmodels. Before doing that, I want to be confident that you, Krishna,\nand your group are enthusiastic supporters and endorsers of MarketPoint\nif one of your inhouse groups is interested in spending the resources to\nmove forward. Please advise by email or when we get together.\n\nAll the best. Give me an email shout or voice shout at my cell\n650.218.3069 on Monday if you can. Thanks for your consideration.\n\nDale Nesbitt\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<20007924.1075863404857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "19-7-2000-17:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-7-2000-1:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-7-2000-17:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-7-2000-17:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["etakigawa@algorithmics.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27950864.1075856310248.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 17:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: etakigawa@algorithmics.com\nSubject: Re: Australian Energy Risk Seminar\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Eric Takigawa @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEric, \n\nI have the presentation on my laptop and I\nshall send you the presentation in a few days when\nI get my back to my office in Houston.\n\nI am currently using the system as a guest in our Sydney office.\n\nThe person I mentioned is Anthony Dayao.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nEric Takigawa on 07/20/2000 12:15:09 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Australian Energy Risk Seminar\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski:\n\nMy name is Eric Takigawa of Algorithmics Japan, and I spoke with you on the\nlast day of the seminar.\n\nI would be pleased to receive a copy of your presentation with the promise\nof non-circulating the material.\n\nI have been in communication with Mr. Jonath Whitehead and will be meeting\nMr. Joe Hirl in early August. You mentioned another individual at Enron\nJapan - Antonio Dai(?) but couldn't recall the proper spelling of his name\nand would like the opportunity to meet with him.\n\nThere is a tremendous opportunity for Enron in Japan and the conditions are\njust right.\n\nKind regards,\n\nEric \n\n", "Re: Australian Energy Risk Seminar", "originEmail", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 6, "nninformation", ["send", "presentation"], "intention", "eric, i have the presentation on my laptop and i shall send you the presentation in a few days when i get my back to my office in houston."]], "Eric, \n\nI have the presentation on my laptop and I\nshall send you the presentation in a few days when\nI get my back to my office in Houston.\n\nI am currently using the system as a guest in our Sydney office.\n\nThe person I mentioned is Anthony Dayao.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nEric Takigawa ", {"energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, true], "28-7-2000-1:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-1:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n08:05 AM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 07/25/2000 09:47:18 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Australian Energy Risk Seminar\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-ye05.mx.aol.com (rly-ye05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-ye03.mx.aol.com (v75_b1.4) with ESMTP; Thu, 20 Jul 2000 01:57:21 -0400\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by \nrly-ye05.mx.aol.com (v75.18) with ESMTP; Thu, 20 Jul 2000 01:57:19 -0400\nReceived: from mailman.enron.com (mailman.enron.com []) by \npostmaster.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/postmaster-1.00) with ESMTP id AAA19315 for \n; Thu, 20 Jul 2000 00:57:18 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from dserv1.ect.enron.com (dserv1.ect.enron.com []) by \nmailman.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/corp-1.05) with ESMTP id e6K5v6H20766 for \n; Thu, 20 Jul 2000 00:57:06 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from notes.ect.enron.com (ecthou_gt2.corp.enron.com []) \nby dserv1.ect.enron.com (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id AAA15008 for \n; Thu, 20 Jul 2000 00:57:06 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: by notes.ect.enron.com(Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.5 (863.2 5-20-1999)) \nid 86256922.0020B01F ; Thu, 20 Jul 2000 00:57:02 -0500\nX-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: Eric Takigawa \ncc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" , vkaminski@aol.com\nMessage-ID: <86256922.0020AF11.00@notes.ect.enron.com>\nDate: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 00:56:57 -0500\nSubject: Re: Australian Energy Risk Seminar\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Disposition: inline\nX-Mailer: Unknown\nEric,\nI have the presentation on my laptop and I\nshall send you the presentation in a few days when\nI get my back to my office in Houston.\nI am currently using the system as a guest in our Sydney office.\nThe person I mentioned is Anthony Dayao.\nVince Kaminski\nEric Takigawa on 07/20/2000 12:15:09 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Australian Energy Risk Seminar\nDear Dr. Kaminski:\nMy name is Eric Takigawa of Algorithmics Japan, and I spoke with you on the\nlast day of the seminar.\nI would be pleased to receive a copy of your presentation with the promise\nof non-circulating the material.\nI have been in communication with Mr. Jonath Whitehead and will be meeting\nMr. Joe Hirl in early August. You mentioned another individual at Enron\nJapan - Antonio Dai(?) but couldn't recall the proper spelling of his name\nand would like the opportunity to meet with him.\nThere is a tremendous opportunity for Enron in Japan and the conditions are\njust right.\nKind regards,\nEric\n", ["Fwd: Australian Energy Risk Seminar"], "{'body': ['etakigawa@algorithmics.com']}", [], "", ["<15204898.1075856491802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14366771.1075856558072.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32798474.1075856307001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28063329.1075856336299.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "29-11-2000-0:36:0Sstemarie@icubed.com 1-12-2000-1:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-0:36:0Sstemarie@icubed.com": ["29-11-2000-0:36:0", "stemarie@icubed.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13198170.1075856621573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 00:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stemarie@icubed.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Interview with ENRON\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nEven though I cannot pass \"official\" interviews, I would like to discuss \nwith ENRON. I was really impressed by your presentation and I think I would \nbe a good fit for your firm.\n?\nI know that you?will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \n\"informal meeting\". Either give me a call at home (412-802-6429) or send me \nan email at this address. I would appreciate though not to appear on \ninterview lists.\n?\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n---------------------------------------------------\nhttp://pstemarie.homestead.com", "Interview with ENRON", "reply", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 14, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", "will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \"informal meeting\"."]], "Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nEven though I cannot pass \"official\" interviews, I would like to discuss \nwith ENRON. I was really impressed by your presentation and I think I would \nbe a good fit for your firm.\n?\nI know that you?will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \n\"informal meeting\". Either give me a call at home (412-802-6429) or send me \nan email at this address. I would appreciate though not to appear on \ninterview lists.\n?\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n---------------------------------------------------\nhttp://pstemarie.homestead.com", "<13198170.1075856621573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-12-2000-1:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-1:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stemarie@icubed.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4302262.1075856534784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 01:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stemarie@icubed.com\nSubject: Re: Interview with ENRON\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAnother thought. Please, send me your resume,\nI shall forward it to our head trader.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" on 11/29/2000 07:36:19 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Interview with ENRON\n\n\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n?\nEven though I cannot pass \"official\" interviews, I would like to discuss \nwith ENRON. I was really impressed by your presentation and I think I would \nbe a good fit for your firm.\n?\nI know that you?will be soon recruiting on campus, maybe we could set up an \n\"informal meeting\". Either give me a call at home (412-802-6429) or send me \nan email at this address. I would appreciate though not to appear on \ninterview lists.\n?\nPierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\n---------------------------------------------------\nhttp://pstemarie.homestead.com\n\n", "Re: Interview with ENRON", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " please, send me your resume, i shall forward it to our head trader."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 4, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "intention", " please, send me your resume, i shall forward it to our head trader."]], "Another thought. Please, send me your resume,\nI shall forward it to our head trader.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie\" ", [], false]}, "28-12-1999-12:35:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 30-12-1999-4:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-1-2000-0:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-2-2001-11:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-2-2000-15:15:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 28-3-2000-6:46:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 30-3-2000-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-3-2000-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-4-2000-13:15:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 19-4-2000-9:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2000-2:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2000-2:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2000-2:57:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 2-5-2000-3:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-5-2000-2:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-5-2000-2:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-6-2000-8:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-6-2000-8:41:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 20-6-2000-1:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-6-2000-7:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 21-6-2000-1:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-6-2000-2:40:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 5-7-2000-10:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-8-2000-6:41:0Skaren.marshall@enron.com 22-8-2000-10:13:0Ssally.beck@enron.com 21-8-2000-6:42:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 23-8-2000-10:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-8-2000-11:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 22-8-2000-8:50:0Ssally.beck@enron.com 25-8-2000-1:19:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 25-8-2000-1:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-9-2000-1:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-9-2000-3:15:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 14-9-2000-10:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-9-2000-3:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-4:12:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 20-9-2000-4:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-4:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-10:4:0Srichard.causey@enron.com 12-10-2000-9:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-10-2000-10:10:0Ssherri.sera@enron.com 17-10-2000-3:29:0Ssherri.sera@enron.com 17-10-2000-9:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-11-2000-8:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-10-2000-10:52:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 10-10-2000-4:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-11-2000-6:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-11-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 7-11-2000-9:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-11-2000-9:3:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 29-11-2000-9:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 30-11-2000-1:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-12-2000-6:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-1-2001-7:44:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 3-1-2001-7:52:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 12-1-2001-8:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-1-2001-0:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-1-2001-7:15:0Skaren.marshall@enron.com 19-1-2001-0:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-1-2001-0:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-3-2001-13:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-4:1:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu 6-3-2001-6:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-7:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-3-2001-2:24:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com 18-3-2001-15:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2001-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-4-2001-19:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-9:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-19:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-0:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 2-5-2001-10:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 18-9-2001-11:52:17Seronn@mail.utexas.edu 9-10-2001-15:26:19Ssally.beck@enron.com 10-10-2001-14:13:27Ssally.beck@enron.com 11-10-2001-11:33:16Ssally.beck@enron.com 15-10-2001-13:5:53Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": {"28-12-1999-12:35:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["28-12-1999-12:35:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "sgilson@hbs.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "ds64@andrew.cmu.edu", "c.barry@tcu.edu", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "yexiaoxu@utdallas.edu", "ab364@bull.som.yale.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "abernard@anderson.ucla.edu", "cjustice@ect.enron.com", "mary.bailey@enron.com", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "sirrie@sec.gov", "pkadiyal@mail.cox.smu.edu", "ramchand@jetson.uh.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "vencat@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "david.hirshleifer@ccmail.bus.umich.edu", "karin.s.thorburn@dartmouth.edu", "veleswar@mail.cox.smu.edu", "wylee@comp.uark.edu", "jfleming@ruf.rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "ckirby@utdallas.edu", "jwallen@mail.cox.smu.edu", "s.mann@tcu.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "blakej@stanford.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "steoh@umich.edu", "warga@uh.edu", "ds64@mail1.andrew.cmu.edu", "jmccormack@sternstewart.com", "daveike@ruf.rice.edu", "dmauer@mail.cox.smu.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "smoeller@mail.cox.smu.edu", "dosborne@utdallas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "darius.palia@gsbpop.uchicago.edu", "bethelj@sec.gov", "scott_richardson@ccmail.bus.umich.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "opler.1@osu.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "b.espen.eckbo@dartmouth.edu"], [], "Happy New Year! Just a note to announce the dates for this years Texas\nFinance Festival. This year we are meeting earlier in April, in San\nAntonio, and start the program on Friday. Please put the date on you\ncalendar and send in your registration forms ASAP as space at the\nconference is limited. I also encourage you to register with the hotel\nimmediately as we were able to reserve only a limited number of rooms at\nthe reduced conference rate.\nHope to see you all there! More fun in Texas.\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Announcing TFF 2000"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Happy New Year! Just a note to announce the dates for this years Texas\nFinance Festival. This year we are meeting earlier in April, in San\nAntonio, and start the program on Friday. Please put the date on you\ncalendar and send in your registration forms ASAP as space at the\nconference is limited. I also encourage you to register with the hotel\nimmediately as we were able to reserve only a limited number of rooms at\nthe reduced conference rate.\n\nHope to see you all there! More fun in Texas.\n\nJohn\n - announcerev.doc\n\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<28625790.1075856786456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8320734.1075857040829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5794850.1075856792758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-12-1999-4:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-12-1999-4:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, register me. Is there any conflict?\nVince\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/30/99 \n12:43 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 12/28/99 02:35:14 PM\nTo: ramchand@jetson.uh.edu, ds64@andrew.cmu.edu, Mary Alison \nBailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karin.S.Thorburn@Dartmouth.EDU, \nScott_Richardson@ccmail.bus.umich.edu, cjustice@ect.enron.com, \nds64@MAIL1.ANDREW.CMU.EDU, abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, bethelj@sec.gov, Bill \nPetty , Blake Johnson , \nBrisArturo , c.barry@tcu.edu, ckirby@utdallas.edu, \nDarius Palia , daveike@ruf.rice.edu, \"David \nA. Chapman\" , david.hirshleifer@ccmail.bus.umich.edu, \ndmauer@mail.cox.smu.edu, dosborne@utdallas.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud \nI. Ronn), Espen Eckbo , Stuart Gillan \n, grullon@rice.edu, jfleming@ruf.rice.edu, \njmccormack@sternstewart.com, \"John D. Martin\" , \nsteoh@umich.edu, jwallen@mail.cox.smu.edu, Kent Daniel \n, Laura Starks , Murray \nCarlson , pkadiyal@mail.cox.smu.edu, \nramchand@jetson.uh.edu, s.mann@tcu.edu, SirriE@sec.gov, \nsmoeller@mail.cox.smu.edu, stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" \n, Tim Opler , \nTitman@mail.utexas.edu, veleswar@mail.cox.smu.edu, \nvencat@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nwangfa@rice.edu, warga@uh.edu, wylee@comp.uark.edu, yexiaoxu@utdallas.edu, \nAndres Almazan , Antonio Bernardo \n, sgilson@hbs.edu\ncc: \nSubject: Announcing TFF 2000\nHappy New Year! Just a note to announce the dates for this years Texas\nFinance Festival. This year we are meeting earlier in April, in San\nAntonio, and start the program on Friday. Please put the date on you\ncalendar and send in your registration forms ASAP as space at the\nconference is limited. I also encourage you to register with the hotel\nimmediately as we were able to reserve only a limited number of rooms at\nthe reduced conference rate.\nHope to see you all there! More fun in Texas.\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Announcing TFF 2000"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, register me. Is there any conflict?\n\nVince\n\n\n\nVince\n", ["<10505970.1075856950108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11282322.1075857006964.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32452116.1075856786378.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29697308.1075856792827.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-1-2000-0:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-1-2000-0:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], [], "Ehud,\nBest New Year and New Millennium Wishes to You and Your Family.\nLook forward to working with you more in the coming year.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 12/31/99 01:16:21 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \nVince,\nWith the conclusion, and on this last day, of 1999, Best Wishes for a Happy\nand Prosperous New Year.\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nBest New Year and New Millennium Wishes to You and Your Family.\nLook forward to working with you more in the coming year.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<13101469.1075857006409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7874551.1075856785512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-2-2001-11:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-2-2001-11:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Tanya\nFYI\nEhud I. Ronn\nDepartment of Finance College and Graduate School of Business\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, TX. 78712-1179\nPhone: (512) 471-5853\nFax : (512) 471-5073\neronn@mail.utexas.edu\nVince", [""], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Tanya\n\nFYI\n\nEhud I. Ronn\nDepartment of Finance College and Graduate School of Business\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, TX. 78712-1179\n\nPhone: (512) 471-5853\nFax : (512) 471-5073\n\neronn@mail.utexas.edu\n\n\nVince", ["<1133425.1075856451947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25213515.1075856518277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24932495.1075856216806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25300170.1075856402702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-2-2000-15:15:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["16-2-2000-15:15:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["benjamin.rogers@enron.com"], [], "Benjamin:\n>My name is Ben Rogers and I am currently applying to\nThe Texas Business School.\nI am coming to visit the\nschool on Friday, Feb. 18th and was wondering if you had time to talk to\nme about the Energy/Corporate Finance Program.\nI would be pleased to meet with you in the morning hours of Fri.\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Re: School Visit"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Benjamin:\n\n My name is Ben Rogers and I am currently applying to\nThe Texas Business School.\nI am coming to visit the\nschool on Friday, Feb. 18th and was wondering if you had time to talk to\nme about the Energy/Corporate Finance Program.\n\nI would be pleased to meet with you in the morning hours of Fri.\n\nEhud Ronn\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<12697944.1075857168321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10948599.1075857183953.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4411321.1075857290718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-3-2000-6:46:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["28-3-2000-6:46:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "asayrak@jatz.out.edr", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "vkamins@ect.enron.com", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "ukamins@enron.com", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "cjustic@ect.enron.com", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Hello all,\nThe program for the 2000 Texas Finance Festival has been formalized and can\nbe found on our web site at\n\nI do need to remind you of a few things before we converge on San Antonio.\nFirst, be sure to contact the convention hotel and make your reservations.\nAt last count there were only 6 rooms left. Second, I need a completed\napplication form from everyone so that we can get an accurate meal count.\nI am attaching the program announcement so you can fill out the appropriate\nboxes for meals and numbers of guests in the event you have not sent in a\nform.\nRemember that we are starting the conference off with a luncheon on Friday\nso plan on arriving early Friday or coming in on Thursday evening if you\ncan. Our hotel is right on the river and there are lots of restaurants and\ninteresting things to visit in the immediate area (the Alamo is across the\nplaza from the hotel).\nWe are making plans for spouses and children to attend both the dinner on\nFriday and Saturday evenings. The Friday evening dinner begins at 6 p.m.\nso that we can be done in plenty of time for our private guided tour of the\nAlamo at 8:00 p.m. For Saturday we are still working out plans for the\nevening so stay tuned.\nThere will be more information later as the conference nears. Looking\nforward to seeing you all and in beautiful, sunny San Antonio.\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Update"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 18, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " first, be sure to contact the convention hotel and make your reservations."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 42, "information", ["sent", "form"], "information", " i am attaching the program announcement so you can fill out the appropriate boxes for meals and numbers of guests in the event you have not sent in a form."]], "Hello all,\n\nThe program for the 2000 Texas Finance Festival has been formalized and can\nbe found on our web site at\n\nhttp://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/festival2.html\n\nI do need to remind you of a few things before we converge on San Antonio.\nFirst, be sure to contact the convention hotel and make your reservations.\nAt last count there were only 6 rooms left. Second, I need a completed\napplication form from everyone so that we can get an accurate meal count.\nI am attaching the program announcement so you can fill out the appropriate\nboxes for meals and numbers of guests in the event you have not sent in a\nform.\n\nRemember that we are starting the conference off with a luncheon on Friday\nso plan on arriving early Friday or coming in on Thursday evening if you\ncan. Our hotel is right on the river and there are lots of restaurants and\ninteresting things to visit in the immediate area (the Alamo is across the\nplaza from the hotel).\n\nWe are making plans for spouses and children to attend both the dinner on\nFriday and Saturday evenings. The Friday evening dinner begins at 6 p.m.\nso that we can be done in plenty of time for our private guided tour of the\nAlamo at 8:00 p.m. For Saturday we are still working out plans for the\nevening so stay tuned.\n\nThere will be more information later as the conference nears. Looking\nforward to seeing you all and in beautiful, sunny San Antonio.\n\nJohn - announcerev.doc\n\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<9611917.1075863707526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13126789.1075863703860.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25966476.1075863704798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-3-2000-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-3-2000-9:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["peggy_davies@baylor.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Peggy,\nFriday (lunch, supper), Sat (breakfast, lunch). One person.\nVince Kaminski\nPeggy Davies on 03/30/2000 04:21:36 PM\nPlease respond to Peggy Davies \nTo: Andres Almazan , Murray Carlson \n, Kent Daniel , Wayne \nFerson , Denis Gromb , John Hund \n, Narasimhan Jegadeesh , Cindy \nJustice , Matthias Kahl , \nVince Kaminski , Anthony Lynch \n, Thomas Noe , \nRobert Parrino , Manju Puri , \nEhud Ronn , Laura Starks , \nAndrew Subra , Steathis Tompaidis \n\ncc: \nSubject: Texas Finance Festival (URGENT Request)\nTEXAS FINANCE FESTIVAL ATTENDEE \nPLEASE RESPOND TO THE BELOW REQUEST ASAP \nIn preparing for the Texas Finance Festival, we are needing to finalize the \nmeal counts. While we are excited about everyone coming, we do not want to \npay for meals (expensive ones by the way when on the Riverwalk in San \nAntonio) if someone will not be in attendance. Please indicate below the \nmeals you will be inattendance. If you have family/significant others coming \nwith you, please indicate the total number including yourself. Thanks for \nyour help. Bill Petty \nNumber to attend \nFriday lunch Friday supper Saturday \nbreakfast Saturday lunch Saturday supper \nRFC822 header \n----------------------------------- \nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from CCC_Petty (ccc-petty.baylor.edu []) \nby ccis01.baylor.edu (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id OAA21931 \nfor ; Thu, 30 Mar 2000 14:35:32 -0600 (CST) \nMessage-Id: <200003302035.OAA21931@ccis01.baylor.edu> \nDate: 30 Mar 00 14:34:59 -0600 \nFrom: Bill Petty \nSubject: Texas Finacne Festival (URGENT Request) \nTo: Peggy Davies \nX-Mailer: QuickMail Pro 1.5.4 (Windows32) \nX-Priority: 3 \nMIME-Version: 1.0 \nReply-To: Bill Petty \nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"US-Ascii\" \nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit \nX-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by ccis01.baylor.edu id \nOAA21931 \nStatus: \nPeggy Davies \nAdministrative Assistant \nDepartment of Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate \nHankamer School of Business \nP.O. Box 98004 \nWaco, TX 76706 \n(254) 710-4774; FAX (254) 710-1092 \nPeggy_Davies@Baylor.edu \n", ["Re: Texas Finance Festival (URGENT Request)"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Peggy,\n\nFriday (lunch, supper), Sat (breakfast, lunch). One person.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPeggy Davies ", "<21951511.1075857078497.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32328731.1075856994353.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26659326.1075856754323.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2000-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-9:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2000 \n05:28 PM ---------------------------\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Sherri Sera @ ENRON 03/31/2000 05:15 PM\n \nTo: Gene Humphrey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lou L Pai/HOU/EES@EES, Ken Rice/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bert Frazier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES, Jewel Meeks/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Mercedes Estrada/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Bridget Maronge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Proposed Darden Interview Schedule - April 18\nBelow is proposed schedule for the Darden case video-taped interviews; an \nhour has been scheduled for each of you (except Vince, for whom 1-1/2 hours \nhas been requested), however, you may be finished in less time. The location \nis yet to be determined, but will most likely take place in a vacant office \nof 50M. \nPlease let me know of any conflicts with this proposed schedule. I'll send \nalong additional information as it becomes available. Thank you and have a \nnice weekend. SRS\n8:00a Gene Humphrey\n9:00a Lou Pai\n10:00a Ken Rice\n11:00a Andy Fastow\n12:00p Break\n2:00p Vince Kaminski\n3:30p Jeff Skilling\n", ["Proposed Darden Interview Schedule - April 18", "Update"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<17422615.1075856936912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3300441.1075863706030.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32931881.1075856993816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12213613.1075863706461.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20079136.1075863703830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31356159.1075856753309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31515163.1075856816265.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9627884.1075863704824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-13:15:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["4-4-2000-13:15:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "TFF Participants,\nWe are looking forward to seeing everyone in San Antonio this Friday.\nAttached is a welcome letter that indicates the meeting room and describes\nthe two evenings (Friday dinner and tour of the Alamo and Saturday barbeque\ndinner at a ranch outside of San Antonio). We have arranged for five\nhorses for the brave at heart and a hayride for the interested so come with\njeans and boots.\nSee you Friday\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Last minute things"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "TFF Participants,\n\nWe are looking forward to seeing everyone in San Antonio this Friday.\nAttached is a welcome letter that indicates the meeting room and describes\nthe two evenings (Friday dinner and tour of the Alamo and Saturday barbeque\ndinner at a ranch outside of San Antonio). We have arranged for five\nhorses for the brave at heart and a hayride for the interested so come with\njeans and boots.\n\nSee you Friday\n\nJohn\n - Welcome1.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<615186.1075856751829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17690371.1075857039526.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32323389.1075856816837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2000-9:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2000-9:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2000 \n04:17 PM ---------------------------\n\"Amy Lamonsoff\" on 04/19/2000 08:26:37 AM\nTo: , , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , , \n, , \n, \n, , \n, , , \n, , \n\ncc: \nSubject: Power 2000\nPower 2000- May 8-11\n?\nPlease note to hand in the following by no later than April 24:\n?\nPresentation(s) (if you are not giving one, please advise)\nBiography\nSpeaker Checklist\n?\nAs some portions of materials have already been handed over, please only \nturn in what you haven't already submitted. Please also note that if \nemailing a PowerPoint presentation, please email it in a 97 version or \nlower.???????\n?\nIt is urgent that all your materials be sent by this Monday, as the \nconference is rapidly approaching. if you have any questions, please contact \nme to further discuss. I will be out of the office this Thursday and Friday \nbut will be returning on Monday.?\n?\n?\nRegards,\nAmy Lamonsoff\nConference Coordinator\nT (212) 925-1864x148\nF (212) 925-7585\nalamonsoff@watersinfo.com\n?????????? \n", ["Power 2000"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<24761641.1075856933910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18337799.1075856990825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18693362.1075856746273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12771505.1075856820389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2000-2:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2000-2:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nSorry I shall miss you on Thursday.\nI shall definitely attend you presentation at Power 2000.\nI shall ask about a guest accounton EOL. Typically, such an account allows\nan outside user to take a look at the system, but I don't think the traders \nwill allow\nsystematic access to the price data over a long period of time by a third \nparty.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 05/01/2000 05:54:50 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: 1. Your Thur./Fri. Austin Trip; 2. Presentation of My \nRisk-Management Optimization Model; 3. Enron On-Line\nVince,\nGreetings.\nI am following up at this time with respect to the above issues we\ndiscussed in San Antonio.\n1. I am leaving Thur. morn for Philadelphia, and shall not be back until\nlate Fri. (My ETD is 9:40 a.m., which I understand is less than an hour\nbefore your arrival ...) Thus I shall regrettably miss your current UT\nvisit, which we had hoped to also use as an opportunity to present/discuss\nmy enterprise-wide risk management model.\n2. That said, I shall be presenting an abridged version of this model at\nPower 2000's first day, 5/9 4:15 - 4:55 p.m. While I realize you'll be\nvery busy over Power 2000's two days, should your schedule permit, I should\nmost welcome the opportunity for you to see the model.\n3. Per your suggestion in San Antonio, I would like to take this\nopportunity to inquire whether I might obtain an Enron On-Line account to\nobtain electricity prices quoted by Enron.\nI look forward to seeing you at Power 2000. Best Regards,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: 1. Your Thur./Fri. Austin Trip; 2. Presentation of My Risk-Management Optimization Model; 3. Enron On-Line"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nSorry I shall miss you on Thursday.\n\nI shall definitely attend you presentation at Power 2000.\n\nI shall ask about a guest accounton EOL. Typically, such an account allows\nan outside user to take a look at the system, but I don't think the traders \nwill allow\nsystematic access to the price data over a long period of time by a third \nparty.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<30472361.1075857078355.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10902364.1075856987611.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3820003.1075856740154.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2000-2:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2000-2:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nWould you like to meet with me, Alex, Helyette for dinner Tuesday?\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 05/01/2000 05:54:50 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: 1. Your Thur./Fri. Austin Trip; 2. Presentation of My \nRisk-Management Optimization Model; 3. Enron On-Line\nVince,\nGreetings.\nI am following up at this time with respect to the above issues we\ndiscussed in San Antonio.\n1. I am leaving Thur. morn for Philadelphia, and shall not be back until\nlate Fri. (My ETD is 9:40 a.m., which I understand is less than an hour\nbefore your arrival ...) Thus I shall regrettably miss your current UT\nvisit, which we had hoped to also use as an opportunity to present/discuss\nmy enterprise-wide risk management model.\n2. That said, I shall be presenting an abridged version of this model at\nPower 2000's first day, 5/9 4:15 - 4:55 p.m. While I realize you'll be\nvery busy over Power 2000's two days, should your schedule permit, I should\nmost welcome the opportunity for you to see the model.\n3. Per your suggestion in San Antonio, I would like to take this\nopportunity to inquire whether I might obtain an Enron On-Line account to\nobtain electricity prices quoted by Enron.\nI look forward to seeing you at Power 2000. Best Regards,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: 1. Your Thur./Fri. Austin Trip; 2. Presentation of My Risk-Management Optimization Model; 3. Enron On-Line"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nWould you like to meet with me, Alex, Helyette for dinner Tuesday?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" "], {}, true], "2-5-2000-2:57:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["2-5-2000-2:57:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\n>I shall definitely attend you presentation at Power 2000.\nThanks, I appreciate it.\n>I shall ask about a guest accounton EOL. Typically, such an account allows\n>an outside user to take a look at the system, but I don't think the traders\n>will allow\n>systematic access to the price data over a long period of time by a third\n>party.\nI quite understand, and will appreciate the ability to use the system while\nthe permission is applicable.\n>Would you like to meet with me, Alex, Helyette for dinner Tuesday?\nI would be delighted to join you, Alex and Helyette for dinner Tue. When\nthat info is available, please advise when and where.\nLook forward to seeing you Tue. Best,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Re: 1. Your Thur./Fri. Austin Trip; 2. Presentation of My Risk-Management Optimization Model; 3. Enron On-Line"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 33, "nninformation", ["system", "use"], "intention", " i quite understand, and will appreciate the ability to use the system while the permission is applicable."]], "Vince,\n\n I shall definitely attend you presentation at Power 2000.\nThanks, I appreciate it.\n\n I shall ask about a guest accounton EOL. Typically, such an account allows\n an outside user to take a look at the system, but I don't think the traders\n will allow\n systematic access to the price data over a long period of time by a third\n party.\nI quite understand, and will appreciate the ability to use the system while\nthe permission is applicable.\n\n Would you like to meet with me, Alex, Helyette for dinner Tuesday?\nI would be delighted to join you, Alex and Helyette for dinner Tue. When\nthat info is available, please advise when and where.\n\nLook forward to seeing you Tue. Best,\nEhud\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<33392535.1075857078333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23550708.1075856739972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22138017.1075856824936.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2000-3:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2000-3:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], [], "Ehud,\nI shall contact both Helyette and Alex and make the arrangements.\nCheers.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 05/02/2000 09:57:33 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 1. Your Thur./Fri. Austin Trip; 2. Presentation of My \nRisk-Management Optimization Model; 3. Enron On-Line\nVince,\n>I shall definitely attend you presentation at Power 2000.\nThanks, I appreciate it.\n>I shall ask about a guest accounton EOL. Typically, such an account allows\n>an outside user to take a look at the system, but I don't think the traders\n>will allow\n>systematic access to the price data over a long period of time by a third\n>party.\nI quite understand, and will appreciate the ability to use the system while\nthe permission is applicable.\n>Would you like to meet with me, Alex, Helyette for dinner Tuesday?\nI would be delighted to join you, Alex and Helyette for dinner Tue. When\nthat info is available, please advise when and where.\nLook forward to seeing you Tue. Best,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: 1. Your Thur./Fri. Austin Trip; 2. Presentation of My Risk-Management Optimization Model; 3. Enron On-Line"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 14, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "make"], "intention", "ehud, i shall contact both helyette and alex and make the arrangements."]], "Ehud,\n\nI shall contact both Helyette and Alex and make the arrangements.\n\nCheers.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<20943278.1075856987541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19416165.1075856739922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22121956.1075856824960.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"9": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["example_model numericTnn", "model numeric optimization presentation returnlinen risk0managementTnnnnnn", "model_simulation0model numericTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "management_risk0management presentationTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management presentationTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management presentationTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management presentationTnn"]}, "model risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["model risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "model_modeling optimizationTnn": {"value": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "ne": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling optimizationTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric tripTnn"]}, "presentation returnlinenTnn": {"value": "presentation returnlinenTnn", "ne": "presentation returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["presentation returnlinenTnn"]}, "returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, true], "22-5-2000-2:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-2:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nThanks fro your message. \nWhat about June 22? I have several trips in between May 25 and June 22.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 05/16/2000 02:47:49 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: 1. Power 2000; 2. My Proposed 5/25 Houston Visit\nVince,\nGreetings.\n1. Thanks again for hosting the dinner at Power 2000. Congratulations\nalso on a thoughtful keynote address, a copy of which I picked up on the\nway out of the Conference.\n2. My family and I are leaving on a family trip 5/25 thru 6/4. Thus, I\nwould like to reschedule my proposed Houston visit, and presentation of the\n\"Enterprise-Wide Risk Management\" model to Enron's Research Dept., to the\nnext mutually-convenient date.\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: 1. Power 2000; 2. My Proposed 5/25 Houston Visit"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nThanks fro your message. \nWhat about June 22? I have several trips in between May 25 and June 22.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<4287965.1075857078133.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4826933.1075856985907.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10385293.1075856735347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-5-2000-2:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-5-2000-2:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nJune 22 works for me. Do you want to firm it up?\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 05/25/2000 06:45:49 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit\nVince,\nMany thanks for your e-mail.\n>What about June 22? I have several trips in between May 25 and June 22.\nI thank you for the invitation. May I at this time acquire an \"option\" to\nvisit on that date, with the finalization of the visit's timing to be\ncompleted early next month?\nThanks and Best Regards,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n College and Graduate School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nJune 22 works for me. Do you want to firm it up?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<18753375.1075857078047.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17010875.1075856984829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30963221.1075856732598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-6-2000-8:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-6-2000-8:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <12681650.1075856641160.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 08:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\nSubject: Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Ehud I. Ronn\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Ut\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEhud,\n\nWe can meet for dinner on the 21st. Then you can visit with us on the 22nd\nin the morning and have individual meetings. At 11:30 you can meet the entire \nResearch Group at our weekly lunch meeting. We can continue\nindividual meetings in the afternoon.\n\nPlease, make a reservation at Hyatt Regency Downtown or Double Tree\nDowntown (there are several hotels with the same names).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 06/09/2000 02:01:09 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit\n\n\nVince,\n\n>June 22 works for me. Do you want to firm it up?\nIf it's not too late, I do.\n\nI believe the \"game plan\" was for me to come in the previous evening. If\nyou confirm the date, please advise at your convenience how you see the\n6/21 - 6/22 schedule.\n\nBest,\nEhud\n\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n\n\n", "Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 16, "nninformation", ["make", "reservation"], "request", " please, make a reservation at hyatt regency downtown or double tree downtown (there are several hotels with the same names)."]], "Ehud,\n\nWe can meet for dinner on the 21st. Then you can visit with us on the 22nd\nin the morning and have individual meetings. At 11:30 you can meet the entire \nResearch Group at our weekly lunch meeting. We can continue\nindividual meetings in the afternoon.\n\nPlease, make a reservation at Hyatt Regency Downtown or Double Tree\nDowntown (there are several hotels with the same names).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", {"individual_private meetingTnn": {"value": "individual_private meetingTnn", "ne": "individual_private meetingTnn", "patterns": ["individual_private meetingTnn"]}, "meeting weeklyTnn": {"value": "meeting weeklyTnn", "ne": "meeting weeklyTnn", "patterns": ["meeting weeklyTnn"]}}, true], "19-6-2000-8:41:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["19-6-2000-8:41:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Professor Ronn:\nThank you for your email and I wish to respond as follows:\n I have left a message with our travel agency asking if they can get you a\n hotel reservation closer into town. I will let you know.\n I have ordered an overhead projector and the room already has a screen\n installed. However, there is really not room for a lectern. The overhead \nwill\n sit on the end of the large conference table and most have room to use part\n of the table for their presentation copies.\n I will be glad to make copies for you, however, it would be a big help if you\n could email me a copy of your presentation on Wednesday. Thursday\n mornings around here get pretty hectic sometimes and we may not have\n time to make the copies.\nI hope this meets with your approval. Please let me know if you need \nanything else.\nWe look forward to your visit.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", ["Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Professor Ronn:\n\nThank you for your email and I wish to respond as follows:\n\n I have left a message with our travel agency asking if they can get you a\n hotel reservation closer into town. I will let you know.\n\n I have ordered an overhead projector and the room already has a screen\n installed. However, there is really not room for a lectern. The overhead \nwill\n sit on the end of the large conference table and most have room to use part\n of the table for their presentation copies.\n\n I will be glad to make copies for you, however, it would be a big help if you\n could email me a copy of your presentation on Wednesday. Thursday\n mornings around here get pretty hectic sometimes and we may not have\n time to make the copies.\n\nI hope this meets with your approval. Please let me know if you need \nanything else.\n\nWe look forward to your visit.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", ["<24954455.1075856641136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10113800.1075856321349.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-6-2000-1:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-6-2000-1:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nWe shall make reservations for dinner at Vincent's\non West Dallas (2701 West Dallas, 713 528 4313).\nWe shall make reservations fro 7:00 p.m.\nYou can call me on my cell phone (713 410 5396) if there is a problem.\nWe shall have about 25-30 people at the meeting on Thu at\n11:30.\nSee you tomorrow.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 06/19/2000 02:32:36 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com \nSubject: Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit\nVince,\nGreetings, and thanks for your 6/12 e-mail.\n>We can meet for dinner on the 21st. Then you can visit with us on the 22nd\n>in the morning and have individual meetings. At 11:30 you can meet the\n>entire\n>Research Group at our weekly lunch meeting. We can continue\n>individual meetings in the afternoon.\nI thank you once again for your invitation and look forward to my visit\nthis Wed. My current schedule calls for a Hobby arrival on Wed. at 6:23\np.m., in time for the dinner scheduled for that evening. (I can take a cab\ndirectly to the restaurant if you're scheduling a circa 6:45 - 7 p.m.\ndinner.) Further, I have tentatively set up the Thur. return flight to\nAustin at 3:38 p.m., and that can be modified as desired.\n>Please, make a reservation at Hyatt Regency Downtown or Double Tree\n>Downtown (there are several hotels with the same names).\nWhen I made the room reservation last Mon. 6/12, it turned out that these\nhotels showed no vacancy (is there a conference in town?), so the nearest I\ncould obtain is the Hilton Houston Plaza (6633 Travis) some 3.5 miles away\nfrom Enron. (If it is important that I stay at the closer hotels, Shirley\nmight ascertain whether Enron's travel agent can obtain a room there.)\nI take this opportunity to request of Shirley that, subject to your\napproval, an overhead projector, screen and small lectern be made available\nfor the room where the 11:30 luncheon meeting takes place. Also, since I\nwould like each participant to have his/her own copy, I would ask her to\nadvise me as to the number of participants expected to attend, or\nalternatively, Shirley could make copies of the presentation handout when I\nbring the \"master\" copy in Thur. morn.\nI look forward to seeing you Wed. and Thur. Best Regards,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 3, "nninformation", ["dinner", "make", "reservations"], "intention", "ehud, we shall make reservations for dinner at vincent's on west dallas ( numeric west dallas, phonenumber )."], ["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 11, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " we shall make reservations fro numerictime p."]], "Ehud,\n\nWe shall make reservations for dinner at Vincent's\non West Dallas (2701 West Dallas, 713 528 4313).\nWe shall make reservations fro 7:00 p.m.\nYou can call me on my cell phone (713 410 5396) if there is a problem.\n\nWe shall have about 25-30 people at the meeting on Thu at\n11:30.\n\nSee you tomorrow.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<17985558.1075856641115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17350430.1075856563475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26087140.1075856321273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"19": {"value": "-30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meeting numericTnn", "numeric peopleTnn"]}, "meeting peopleTnn": {"value": "meeting peopleTnn", "ne": "meeting peopleTnn", "patterns": ["meeting peopleTnn"]}}, true], "21-6-2000-7:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-7:21:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Professor Ronn:\nI have ordered a flip chart and markers and an overhead projector. \nThere were 11 pages in your presentation and they look fine. We have \nalready made the copies.\nI believe everything is set - if you think of anything else, please let me \nknow.\nEnjoy your dinner tonight and we will see you tomorrow.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 06/21/2000 02:03:03 PM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit\nShirley:\n>Please let me know if you need\n>anything else.\nThere is one additional item I would request: If the room does not contain\na blackboard or whiteboard, I would appreciate a flip chart and markers.\nI am faxing you my Presentation Handout for tomorrow. I would be grateful\nif your produced copies in sufficient number for tomorrow's 11:30 a.m.\nmeeting; Vince advises me the number of attendees will be in the 25 - 30\nrange. I will also bring along a \"master copy\" in case the trasmission\nunduly mangles the fax.\nThanks,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Prospective 6/22 Houston Visit"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Hi Professor Ronn:\n\nI have ordered a flip chart and markers and an overhead projector. \n\nThere were 11 pages in your presentation and they look fine. We have \nalready made the copies.\n\nI believe everything is set - if you think of anything else, please let me \nknow.\n\nEnjoy your dinner tonight and we will see you tomorrow.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<18362001.1075856320429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-6-2000-1:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-1:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], [], "Ehud,\nPlease, give me a call when you land on my regular and cell phone.\nI shall proceed to the restaurant (about 10 minutes from the office).\nCell: 713 410 5396\nOffice: 713 853 3848\nPlease, keep the copies of all the receipts.\nVince", ["Visit"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nPlease, give me a call when you land on my regular and cell phone.\nI shall proceed to the restaurant (about 10 minutes from the office).\n\nCell: 713 410 5396\n\nOffice: 713 853 3848\n\n\nPlease, keep the copies of all the receipts.\n\nVince", ["<11990511.1075856496853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17826838.1075856563134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17787727.1075856320568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31207911.1075856327688.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-6-2000-2:40:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["21-6-2000-2:40:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\n>Please, give me a call when you land on my regular and cell phone.\n>I shall proceed to the restaurant (about 10 minutes from the office).\n>Please, keep the copies of all the receipts.\n10-4. See you approx. 7 p.m. this evening.\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Re: Visit"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\n Please, give me a call when you land on my regular and cell phone.\n I shall proceed to the restaurant (about 10 minutes from the office).\n Please, keep the copies of all the receipts.\n10-4. See you approx. 7 p.m. this evening.\n\nEhud\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<32551284.1075856641092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16882065.1075856320522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22046697.1075856327709.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-7-2000-10:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-7-2000-10:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["cindy.justice@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Cindy,\nOctober 11 would work for me. This is the date of my visit to Austin to make \na presentation Ehud's MBA class.\nIf you need me to go to Austin an a different day, please, let me know. I \nshall be glad to help you, my schedule\npermitting.\nVince\nCindy Justice\n07/05/2000 03:51 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Vince Kaminski's Oct. 11 Presentation -- \"Enron Day at the Energy \nFinance Program\"\nVince -\nChristy Young is the UT MBA recruiter. She is taking a couple of weeks off to \nget married and will return on July 19th as Christy Meador. In her absence, \nI wanted to make sure we coordianted our efforts with you. \nBelow are a few key UT recruiting dates. Ideally, we would like for your \npresentation to occur a week or so before our interview list is due to the \nCareer Services Office. This will allow for additional candidates to submit \ntheir resumes for our review before we turn in the interview list.\nWed., Sept. 13 - Corporate Presentation & Reception - Alumni Center\nFri., Sept. 22 - Eye's of Texas Career Fair - Campus\nThurs., Sept. 28 - Enron Interview List due to Career Services Office\nWed., Oct. 11 - Pre-interview Reception - selected candidates only\nThurs., Oct. 12 - First Round Interviews\nFri., Oct. 13 - Second Round Interviews\nSat., Oct. 28 - Super Saturday for UT Candidates\nPlease let me know what works best with your schedule. Note that October 11 \nis the same date as our pre-interview reception.\nWe look forward to working with you on this.\nThanks,\nCindy Justice\nx57339\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cindy Justice/HOU/ECT on 07/05/2000 03:35 \nPM ---------------------------\nCeleste Roberts\n07/05/2000 11:57 AM\nTo: Cindy Justice/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shelly Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Vince Kaminski's Oct. 11 Presentation -- \"Enron Day at the Energy \nFinance Program\"\nCan you guys followup with him to coordinate an Enron reception following a \npresentation that Vince Kaminiski will give during their annual UT \nFoundations of Energy Finance class. We do want to do this, and of course \nneed to coordinate with Vince and your dates on campus to ensure that we have \nno conflicts.\nI am not sure if this falls into the Associate or Analyst camp. You can best \ndetermine who the appropriate contact should be. Leave me an e-mail to \nconfirm.\nCeleste\n---------------------- Forwarded by Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT on 07/05/2000 \n11:47 AM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 07/05/2000 10:35:57 AM\nTo: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Vince Kaminski's Oct. 11 Presentation -- \"Enron Day at the Energy \nFinance Program\"\nCeleste,\nGreetings.\nAs you may recall, I am the Director of the Univ. of Texas Center for\nEnergy Finance (CEFER). I would like at this time to initiate planning for\nyour colleague Vince Kaminski's annual presentation to the UT Foundations\nof Energy Finance class which I will be presenting as usual the first half\nof the Fall Semester.\nThus, to begin, I wonder whether either the above is your current e-mail\naccount, and, with the departure of Meryl Barnett (with whom I believe we\ncoordinated this in the past), whether this is an issue within your scope.\nWith respect to this reception, I appreciate that there may be other Enron\nreceptions scheduled for this Fall. However, if you so choose, I would\nlike to afford you the opportunity of scheduling an Enron reception\nfollowing Vince's presentation. If you would indeed like to do so, I\nsuggest we coordinate with Vince the date for the presentation/reception.\nSincerely,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Vince Kaminski's Oct. 11 Presentation -- \"Enron Day at the Energy Finance Program\""], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 11, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " this is the date of my visit to austin to make a presentation ehud's mba class."]], "Cindy,\n\nOctober 11 would work for me. This is the date of my visit to Austin to make \na presentation Ehud's MBA class.\nIf you need me to go to Austin an a different day, please, let me know. I \nshall be glad to help you, my schedule\npermitting.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCindy Justice\n07/05/2000 03:51 PM\n", ["<26374545.1075856495008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25244949.1075856641048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14312153.1075856561288.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26802503.1075856315244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"date visitTnn": {"value": "date visitTnn", "ne": "date visitTnn", "patterns": ["date visitTnn"]}, "presentation returnlinenTnn": {"value": "presentation returnlinenTnn", "ne": "presentation returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["presentation returnlinenTnn"]}}, true], "21-8-2000-6:41:0Skaren.marshall@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-6:41:0", "karen.marshall@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "mkllg@mail.utexas.edu", "jonathan.edwards@bus.utexas.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "eloy.garcia@bus.utexas.edu", "elyse.kalmans@enron.com", "katie.george@bus.utexas.edu", "gina.longoria@bus.utexas.edu", "ggau@mail.utexas.edu", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "karen.marshall@enron.com", "bob.may@bus.utexas.edu", "charlene.jackson@enron.com", "cindy.olson@enron.com", "thomas.suffield@enron.com", "hadawayb@mail.utexas.edu", "sally.beck@enron.com", "david.haug@enron.com", "philip.zerrillo@bus.utexas.edu", "brittf@mail.utexas.edu", "richard.causey@enron.com"], ["melinda.nelson@bus.utexas.edu"], "Attached is the Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner invitation. RSVP \nKaren Marshall at 713-853-7632 or Melinda Nelson at 512-471-7603.\n ", ["Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Attached is the Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner invitation. RSVP \nKaren Marshall at 713-853-7632 or Melinda Nelson at 512-471-7603.\n\n ", ["<20541845.1075855784648.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13557082.1075855843815.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<933983.1075855894493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-8-2000-10:13:0Ssally.beck@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-10:13:0", "sally.beck@enron.com", ["richard.causey@enron.com"], ["brent.price@enron.com"], "I met with Karen Marshall today. She is in the Community Relations group and \nis organizing the dinner on September 7th. I suggested that she add to the \ninvitation list the other interviewers this year for the scholarships (Roger \nOndreko and Gene Humphrey), Brent Price and Loftis Fitzwater (one of last \nyear's scholarhip recepients who started with us as an Associate this \nsummer). I have also volunteered to coordinate with the University on \nappropriate attendees, as some of Karen's info is dated and she does not know \npeople at the school. I will keep you posted. --Sally \n---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 03:53 PM \n---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Karen Marshall 08/21/2000 01:41 PM\n \nTo: bob.may@bus.utexas.edu, Philip.zerrillo@bus.utexas.edu, \nBrittf@mail.utexas.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu, GGau@mail.utexas.edu, \nhadawayb@mail.utexas.edu, Mkllg@mail.utexas.edu, Eloy.garcia@bus.utexas.edu, \ngina.longoria@bus.utexas.edu, Jonathan.edwards@bus.utexas.edu, \nkatie.george@bus.utexas.edu, Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thomas \nSuffield/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cindy Justice/HOU/ECT@ECT, Celeste \nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cindy \nOlson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David \nHaug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Elyse Kalmans/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nKaren Marshall\ncc: Melinda.nelson@bus.utexas.edu \nSubject: Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner\n \nAttached is the Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner invitation. RSVP \nKaren Marshall at 713-853-7632 or Melinda Nelson at 512-471-7603.\n \n", ["Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 39, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " i will keep you posted."]], "I met with Karen Marshall today. She is in the Community Relations group and \nis organizing the dinner on September 7th. I suggested that she add to the \ninvitation list the other interviewers this year for the scholarships (Roger \nOndreko and Gene Humphrey), Brent Price and Loftis Fitzwater (one of last \nyear's scholarhip recepients who started with us as an Associate this \nsummer). I have also volunteered to coordinate with the University on \nappropriate attendees, as some of Karen's info is dated and she does not know \npeople at the school. I will keep you posted. --Sally \n", ["<16164820.1075855903493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5905973.1075855919059.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23825855.1075855784269.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9701836.1075855844144.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-8-2000-6:42:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["21-8-2000-6:42:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "gwillard@mit.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Hello from Texas,\nWe are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have run \ninto a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend in \nApril (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" \narrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is Easter \nweekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially lower \nbecause it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the meeting \non this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans such that \nsome or many of you may not be able to attend. \nMy related question to you is this:\nDoes holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend) pose \na problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you think you \nmay not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your opinion to \nguide our decision.\nThanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\nJohn \np.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor \nagain this year. \nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["TFF2001 Meeting Date Question"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 1, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " we are trying to set up our meeting date for the numeric conference and have run into a snag."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 14, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "make"], "intention", " however, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" arrangements for the second weekend in april."], ["serve_attend conference", 40, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", " please give us your thoughts asap even if you think you may not be able to attend this year's conference."]], "Hello from Texas,\n\nWe are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have run \ninto a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend in \nApril (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" \narrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is Easter \nweekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially lower \nbecause it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the meeting \non this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans such that \nsome or many of you may not be able to attend. \n\nMy related question to you is this:\n\nDoes holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend) pose \na problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you think you \nmay not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your opinion to \nguide our decision.\n\nThanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\n\nJohn \n\np.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor \nagain this year. \nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<22708373.1075856639173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30788861.1075856296232.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12659028.1075856344216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-10:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-10:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["j_martin@baylor.edu"], [], "John,\nEaster may not work for me because I shall most likely\nbe visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\nEaster together for the last three years).\nVince\n\"John D. Martin\" on 08/21/2000 01:42:14 PM\nTo: aagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , gwillard@MIT.EDU\ncc: \nSubject: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question\nHello from Texas,\nWe are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have run \ninto a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend in \nApril (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our \"fun\" \narrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is Easter \nweekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially lower \nbecause it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the meeting \non this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans such that \nsome or many of you may not be able to attend. \nMy related question to you is this:\nDoes holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend) pose \na problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you think you \nmay not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your opinion to \nguide our decision.\nThanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\nJohn \np.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor \nagain this year. \nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Re: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "John,\n\nEaster may not work for me because I shall most likely\nbe visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\nEaster together for the last three years).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"John D. Martin\" ", "<18446879.1075856553106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<543349.1075856294793.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25199258.1075856344239.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-11:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["23-8-2000-11:4:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nI certainly understand. However, we are going to try to move the date up a\nweek or two to make sure there are no conflicts for anyone. We've had some\ntrouble getting our hotel date even this far in advance. I'll be back in\ntouch when we get it ironed out.\nJohn\nAt 05:42 PM 8/23/00 -0500, you wrote:\n>\n>John,\n>\n>Easter may not work for me because I shall most likely\n>be visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\n>Easter together for the last three years).\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\"John D. Martin\" on 08/21/2000 01:42:14 PM\n>\n>To: aagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan ,\n> bethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay ,\n> abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray\n> Carlson , chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent\n> Daniel , fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu,\n> lederington@ou.edu, Harper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org,\n> Stuart Gillan , Denis Gromb ,\n> grullon@rice.edu, jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu,\n> Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, daveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu,\n> Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl\n> , Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com,\n> zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi\n> , \"John D. Martin\"\n> , Maxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin\n> , metrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H.\n> Noe\" , Parrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill\n> Petty , manju puri ,\n> Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, steve_rich@baylor.edu,\n> eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu\n> , Akin Sayrak ,\n> sirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks ,\n> suarez@cemfi.es, \"A. Subrahmanyam\" ,\n> Stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu,\n> stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu,\n> hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, Beth Miertschin ,\n> gwillard@MIT.EDU\n>cc:\n>Subject: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question\n>\n>\n>Hello from Texas,\n>\n>We are trying to set up our meeting date for the 2001 conference and have\n>run into a snag. We cannot get our San Antonio hotel on the first weekend\n>in April (as last year). However, we can get the hotel and make all our\n>\"fun\" arrangements for the second weekend in April. However, this is\n>Easter weekend. The good news is that the room rates are substantially\n>lower because it's a holiday. However, we are concerned that holding the\n>meeting on this particular Friday-Saturday will interfere with family plans\n>such that some or many of you may not be able to attend.\n>\n>My related question to you is this:\n>\n>Does holding the meeting on the second weekend in April (Easter weekend)\n>pose a problem for you? Please give us your thoughts ASAP even if you\n>think you may not be able to attend this year's conference. We need your\n>opinion to guide our decision.\n>\n>Thanks and I hope to see you all again next April (sometime)!\n>\n>John\n>\n>p.s. We are very fortunate to have Enron return as our corporate sponsor\n>again this year.\n>John D. Martin\n>Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance\n>Finance Department\n>Baylor University\n>PO Box 98004\n>Waco, TX 76798\n>254-710-4473 (Office)\n>254-710-1092 (Fax)\n>J_Martin@Baylor.edu\n\n>\n>\n>\n>\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Re: TFF2001 Meeting Date Question"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nI certainly understand. However, we are going to try to move the date up a\nweek or two to make sure there are no conflicts for anyone. We've had some\ntrouble getting our hotel date even this far in advance. I'll be back in\ntouch when we get it ironed out.\n\nJohn\n\nAt 05:42 PM 8/23/00 -0500, you wrote:\n \n John,\n \n Easter may not work for me because I shall most likely\n be visiting my son who goes to school in California (we were spending\n Easter together for the last three years).\n \n Vince\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"John D. Martin\" ", "<16658459.1075856294769.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21399730.1075856345357.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-8-2000-8:50:0Ssally.beck@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-8:50:0", "sally.beck@enron.com", ["patti.thompson@enron.com"], [], "Please print the attachment for me in color ( I have to put that burnt orange \non my bulletin board), put this event on my calendar and research flight \ninformation for me. I would fly over on the afternoon of the 7th and back on \nthe morning of the 8th. Check with Karen to see if she is handling hotel \nreservations, or if we should make those. Thanks. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 08/22/2000 03:26 PM \n---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Karen Marshall 08/21/2000 01:41 PM\n \nTo: bob.may@bus.utexas.edu, Philip.zerrillo@bus.utexas.edu, \nBrittf@mail.utexas.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu, GGau@mail.utexas.edu, \nhadawayb@mail.utexas.edu, Mkllg@mail.utexas.edu, Eloy.garcia@bus.utexas.edu, \ngina.longoria@bus.utexas.edu, Jonathan.edwards@bus.utexas.edu, \nkatie.george@bus.utexas.edu, Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thomas \nSuffield/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cindy Justice/HOU/ECT@ECT, Celeste \nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cindy \nOlson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David \nHaug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Elyse Kalmans/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nKaren Marshall\ncc: Melinda.nelson@bus.utexas.edu \nSubject: Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner\n \nAttached is the Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner invitation. RSVP \nKaren Marshall at 713-853-7632 or Melinda Nelson at 512-471-7603.\n \n", ["Add to Calendar-Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Please print the attachment for me in color ( I have to put that burnt orange \non my bulletin board), put this event on my calendar and research flight \ninformation for me. I would fly over on the afternoon of the 7th and back on \nthe morning of the 8th. Check with Karen to see if she is handling hotel \nreservations, or if we should make those. Thanks. \n", ["<11327806.1075855903536.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27877172.1075855919103.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18583071.1075855784313.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4993713.1075855844120.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-8-2000-1:19:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["25-8-2000-1:19:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nGreetings.\nI have not been advised by Amy Lamonsoff of a planned Risk dinner next\nThur. If there will not be such a dinner, would your schedule permit a\ndinner next Thur.?\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Dinner Thur. Evening?"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nGreetings.\n\nI have not been advised by Amy Lamonsoff of a planned Risk dinner next\nThur. If there will not be such a dinner, would your schedule permit a\ndinner next Thur.?\n\nBest,\nEhud\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<18355919.1075856639011.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29524987.1075856293932.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<86719.1075856345761.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-8-2000-1:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-8-2000-1:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], [], "Ehud,\nThursday would be great.\nI shall make reservations.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 08/25/2000 08:19:02 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Dinner Thur. Evening?\nVince,\nGreetings.\nI have not been advised by Amy Lamonsoff of a planned Risk dinner next\nThur. If there will not be such a dinner, would your schedule permit a\ndinner next Thur.?\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Dinner Thur. Evening?"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 3, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " i shall make reservations."]], "Ehud,\n\nThursday would be great.\n\nI shall make reservations.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<28207144.1075856552652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<563523.1075856293864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14658262.1075856345783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "6-9-2000-1:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-1:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 \n08:35 AM ---------------------------\n\"Amy Lamonsoff\" on 09/05/2000 04:41:48 AM\nTo: , , , \n, \ncc: \nSubject: Revised schedule- Financial mathematics NYC September 11 and 12\nPlease see attached revised schedule for the NY training. Please confirm \nASAP that this new schedule does not cause any conflicts with your \npresentation times. All requests for time slots have been accommodated but \nplease let me know if you foresee any problems.\n?\nRegards,\nAmy\n\n", ["Revised schedule- Financial mathematics NYC September 11 and 12"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<25934519.1075856485035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13489765.1075856551325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30674726.1075856290745.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26891559.1075856348044.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-9-2000-3:15:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["14-9-2000-3:15:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nGood morning.\nAs you may know, last Thur. Enron honored this year's recipients of the\nEnron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars at a dinner in Austin. In addition to\nthe three recipients, Business School Dean May and several of my\ncolleagues, Enron attendees included Sally Beck, Cindy Justice, Karen\nMarshall (newly-appointed coordinator of higher education initiatives for\nEnron Community Relations Dept.) and Rick Causey.\nI write you at this time to advise you I had occasion to discuss two\ncurrent Enron/UT issues with Rick:\nI. Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nII. UT Participation in EnronTraining Activities\nPer my conversation with Rick last Thur., I followed up on that discussion\nwith an e-mail this morn that touched on those two topics.\nI. With respect to the first, I wrote Rick this morning that:\n1. We at the UT Center for Energy Finance Education and Research (CEFER)\nare planning a practitioner-industry Conference in Spring 2001 (late Feb.\nor early March) to discuss four topics: Risk management, Deregulation,\nReal options, and International/globalization.\n2. The Conference will kick off with a dinner/keynote address Thur.\nevening, then continue all day Fri.\n3. I have had several discussions with you regarding Conference timing,\nstructure, participation and content.\n4. Further to Rick's agreement to do so during our discussion last Thur.,\nin today's e-mail I asked Rick to extend an invitation to Jeff Skilling to\nbe the keynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner.\nII. With respect to the second topic, Rick and I also discussed UT\npartcipation in Enron Corp. internal training for incoming Enron Corp.\nanalysts and associates. Consequently, I e-mailed Rick this morning a\nspecific set of issues -- \"Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets\"\n-- which my UT colleagues and I have covered in public as well as\ncustomized exec ed settings, and which we would be pleased to customize for\npresentation at Enron. FYI, I am enclosing a copy of said topics at the\nend of this e-mail.\nI look forward to seeing you again soon, and to your UT visit on 10/11. Best,\nEhud\nTraining Program: \"Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets\"\nTarget Audience: Associates, Analysts, Traders, Marketing/Sales, Risk\nmanagers, Financial analysts\nProgram Objectives:\n1. Understanding the physical and financial U. S. markets for electricity\nand natural gas\n2. Understanding the structuring, reverse engineering and valuation of\nexchange-traded and OTC energy derivatives, including \"exotic\" options,\nstructured products, and spread and basis products\n3. Promoting a common language between trading and marketing personnel\nregarding valuation and hedging of structured products\n4. Risk-management\nProgram Contents:\nI. \"Electricity 101\"\n-- Problems in pricing\n-- Spot markets\n-- Forward markets\n-- Trading: Basis, fixed-price, volatility\n-- Markets: Characteristics and participants\nII. Valuation/Structuring/Hedging\n1. Fundamentals of Forwards and Futures Contracts:\n-- Forward Contracts: Definition, Payoff Diagram, Pricing by Arbitrage\n-- Futures vs. Forwards\n-- Commodity Futures\n-- Swaps\n-- Constructing Forward Curves: Contrast with price forecast; Using the\nspark spread; Incorporating regional bases\n2. Introduction to Option Pricing:\n-- Payoffs\n-- Put-Call Parity\n-- Binomial Model\n-- Black-Scholes Formula\n-- Option \"Sensitivities\" (the \"Greeks\"); Delta and Gamma\n3. Uniqueness of Energy Derivatives:\n-- \"Term Structure\" of Volatility\n-- Convenience Yield / Seasonality\n-- Basis\n4. Estimating Volatility in Energy Markets:\n-- Estimating Volatility in Financial Markets\n-- Hourly vs. Daily Vols\n-- Historical or Implied Vols?\n-- Characterizing the Volatility \"Surface\" Across Time and Strike\n5. Design and Valuation of Structured Products in Commodity Markets:\n-- Valuation of European Call Options in Energy Markets\n-- Average Options on Oil Futures Contracts\n-- Spread and Basis Products\n-- \"Swing\" Options in Power Markets\n-- Weather Derivatives\n6. Risk-Management\n-- Motivation for Structured Trades\n-- Valuation of real options (e.g., valuation of power plant or gas field)\n-- Value-at-Risk (one- and multi-factor models)\n-- Repowering option\n7. Advanced Topics (for qualified audiences)\n-- Relationship between forward prices and expected spot prices\n-- The Importance of Hedging Volatility Changes\n-- Consistent Method for Estimating Hourly, Daily and Monthly Term\nStructures of Volatility\n-- Practical Alternatives to Vega-Hedging\n-- Applying Options Theory to the Valuation of Power Plants\n-- Valuation of \"Swing\" Options under Ruthless and Non-Ruthless Exercise\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Update on UT - Enron Activities: My Conversation with Rick Causey"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nGood morning.\n\nAs you may know, last Thur. Enron honored this year's recipients of the\nEnron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars at a dinner in Austin. In addition to\nthe three recipients, Business School Dean May and several of my\ncolleagues, Enron attendees included Sally Beck, Cindy Justice, Karen\nMarshall (newly-appointed coordinator of higher education initiatives for\nEnron Community Relations Dept.) and Rick Causey.\n\nI write you at this time to advise you I had occasion to discuss two\ncurrent Enron/UT issues with Rick:\nI. Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nII. UT Participation in EnronTraining Activities\nPer my conversation with Rick last Thur., I followed up on that discussion\nwith an e-mail this morn that touched on those two topics.\n\nI. With respect to the first, I wrote Rick this morning that:\n\n1. We at the UT Center for Energy Finance Education and Research (CEFER)\nare planning a practitioner-industry Conference in Spring 2001 (late Feb.\nor early March) to discuss four topics: Risk management, Deregulation,\nReal options, and International/globalization.\n2. The Conference will kick off with a dinner/keynote address Thur.\nevening, then continue all day Fri.\n3. I have had several discussions with you regarding Conference timing,\nstructure, participation and content.\n4. Further to Rick's agreement to do so during our discussion last Thur.,\nin today's e-mail I asked Rick to extend an invitation to Jeff Skilling to\nbe the keynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner.\n\nII. With respect to the second topic, Rick and I also discussed UT\npartcipation in Enron Corp. internal training for incoming Enron Corp.\nanalysts and associates. Consequently, I e-mailed Rick this morning a\nspecific set of issues -- \"Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets\"\n-- which my UT colleagues and I have covered in public as well as\ncustomized exec ed settings, and which we would be pleased to customize for\npresentation at Enron. FYI, I am enclosing a copy of said topics at the\nend of this e-mail.\n\nI look forward to seeing you again soon, and to your UT visit on 10/11. Best,\nEhud\n\n\nTraining Program: \"Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets\"\n\nTarget Audience: Associates, Analysts, Traders, Marketing/Sales, Risk\nmanagers, Financial analysts\n\nProgram Objectives:\n1. Understanding the physical and financial U. S. markets for electricity\nand natural gas\n2. Understanding the structuring, reverse engineering and valuation of\nexchange-traded and OTC energy derivatives, including \"exotic\" options,\nstructured products, and spread and basis products\n3. Promoting a common language between trading and marketing personnel\nregarding valuation and hedging of structured products\n4. Risk-management\n\nProgram Contents:\nI. \"Electricity 101\"\n-- Problems in pricing\n-- Spot markets\n-- Forward markets\n-- Trading: Basis, fixed-price, volatility\n-- Markets: Characteristics and participants\n\nII. Valuation/Structuring/Hedging\n1. Fundamentals of Forwards and Futures Contracts:\n-- Forward Contracts: Definition, Payoff Diagram, Pricing by Arbitrage\n-- Futures vs. Forwards\n-- Commodity Futures\n-- Swaps\n-- Constructing Forward Curves: Contrast with price forecast; Using the\nspark spread; Incorporating regional bases\n\n2. Introduction to Option Pricing:\n-- Payoffs\n-- Put-Call Parity\n-- Binomial Model\n-- Black-Scholes Formula\n-- Option \"Sensitivities\" (the \"Greeks\"); Delta and Gamma\n\n3. Uniqueness of Energy Derivatives:\n-- \"Term Structure\" of Volatility\n-- Convenience Yield / Seasonality\n-- Basis\n\n4. Estimating Volatility in Energy Markets:\n-- Estimating Volatility in Financial Markets\n-- Hourly vs. Daily Vols\n-- Historical or Implied Vols?\n-- Characterizing the Volatility \"Surface\" Across Time and Strike\n\n5. Design and Valuation of Structured Products in Commodity Markets:\n-- Valuation of European Call Options in Energy Markets\n-- Average Options on Oil Futures Contracts\n-- Spread and Basis Products\n-- \"Swing\" Options in Power Markets\n-- Weather Derivatives\n\n6. Risk-Management\n-- Motivation for Structured Trades\n-- Valuation of real options (e.g., valuation of power plant or gas field)\n-- Value-at-Risk (one- and multi-factor models)\n-- Repowering option\n\n7. Advanced Topics (for qualified audiences)\n-- Relationship between forward prices and expected spot prices\n-- The Importance of Hedging Volatility Changes\n-- Consistent Method for Estimating Hourly, Daily and Monthly Term\nStructures of Volatility\n-- Practical Alternatives to Vega-Hedging\n-- Applying Options Theory to the Valuation of Power Plants\n-- Valuation of \"Swing\" Options under Ruthless and Non-Ruthless Exercise\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<27602442.1075856641003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31738608.1075856288829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31481746.1075856349657.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-9-2000-10:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-9-2000-10:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/14/2000 \n05:21 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 09/14/2000 10:15:33 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Update on UT - Enron Activities: My Conversation with Rick Causey\nVince,\nGood morning.\nAs you may know, last Thur. Enron honored this year's recipients of the\nEnron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars at a dinner in Austin. In addition to\nthe three recipients, Business School Dean May and several of my\ncolleagues, Enron attendees included Sally Beck, Cindy Justice, Karen\nMarshall (newly-appointed coordinator of higher education initiatives for\nEnron Community Relations Dept.) and Rick Causey.\nI write you at this time to advise you I had occasion to discuss two\ncurrent Enron/UT issues with Rick:\nI. Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nII. UT Participation in EnronTraining Activities\nPer my conversation with Rick last Thur., I followed up on that discussion\nwith an e-mail this morn that touched on those two topics.\nI. With respect to the first, I wrote Rick this morning that:\n1. We at the UT Center for Energy Finance Education and Research (CEFER)\nare planning a practitioner-industry Conference in Spring 2001 (late Feb.\nor early March) to discuss four topics: Risk management, Deregulation,\nReal options, and International/globalization.\n2. The Conference will kick off with a dinner/keynote address Thur.\nevening, then continue all day Fri.\n3. I have had several discussions with you regarding Conference timing,\nstructure, participation and content.\n4. Further to Rick's agreement to do so during our discussion last Thur.,\nin today's e-mail I asked Rick to extend an invitation to Jeff Skilling to\nbe the keynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner.\nII. With respect to the second topic, Rick and I also discussed UT\npartcipation in Enron Corp. internal training for incoming Enron Corp.\nanalysts and associates. Consequently, I e-mailed Rick this morning a\nspecific set of issues -- \"Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets\"\n-- which my UT colleagues and I have covered in public as well as\ncustomized exec ed settings, and which we would be pleased to customize for\npresentation at Enron. FYI, I am enclosing a copy of said topics at the\nend of this e-mail.\nI look forward to seeing you again soon, and to your UT visit on 10/11. Best,\nEhud\nTraining Program: \"Valuation and Risk Management in Energy Markets\"\nTarget Audience: Associates, Analysts, Traders, Marketing/Sales, Risk\nmanagers, Financial analysts\nProgram Objectives:\n1. Understanding the physical and financial U. S. markets for electricity\nand natural gas\n2. Understanding the structuring, reverse engineering and valuation of\nexchange-traded and OTC energy derivatives, including \"exotic\" options,\nstructured products, and spread and basis products\n3. Promoting a common language between trading and marketing personnel\nregarding valuation and hedging of structured products\n4. Risk-management\nProgram Contents:\nI. \"Electricity 101\"\n-- Problems in pricing\n-- Spot markets\n-- Forward markets\n-- Trading: Basis, fixed-price, volatility\n-- Markets: Characteristics and participants\nII. Valuation/Structuring/Hedging\n1. Fundamentals of Forwards and Futures Contracts:\n-- Forward Contracts: Definition, Payoff Diagram, Pricing by Arbitrage\n-- Futures vs. Forwards\n-- Commodity Futures\n-- Swaps\n-- Constructing Forward Curves: Contrast with price forecast; Using the\nspark spread; Incorporating regional bases\n2. Introduction to Option Pricing:\n-- Payoffs\n-- Put-Call Parity\n-- Binomial Model\n-- Black-Scholes Formula\n-- Option \"Sensitivities\" (the \"Greeks\"); Delta and Gamma\n3. Uniqueness of Energy Derivatives:\n-- \"Term Structure\" of Volatility\n-- Convenience Yield / Seasonality\n-- Basis\n4. Estimating Volatility in Energy Markets:\n-- Estimating Volatility in Financial Markets\n-- Hourly vs. Daily Vols\n-- Historical or Implied Vols?\n-- Characterizing the Volatility \"Surface\" Across Time and Strike\n5. Design and Valuation of Structured Products in Commodity Markets:\n-- Valuation of European Call Options in Energy Markets\n-- Average Options on Oil Futures Contracts\n-- Spread and Basis Products\n-- \"Swing\" Options in Power Markets\n-- Weather Derivatives\n6. Risk-Management\n-- Motivation for Structured Trades\n-- Valuation of real options (e.g., valuation of power plant or gas field)\n-- Value-at-Risk (one- and multi-factor models)\n-- Repowering option\n7. Advanced Topics (for qualified audiences)\n-- Relationship between forward prices and expected spot prices\n-- The Importance of Hedging Volatility Changes\n-- Consistent Method for Estimating Hourly, Daily and Monthly Term\nStructures of Volatility\n-- Practical Alternatives to Vega-Hedging\n-- Applying Options Theory to the Valuation of Power Plants\n-- Valuation of \"Swing\" Options under Ruthless and Non-Ruthless Exercise\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Update on UT - Enron Activities: My Conversation with Rick Causey"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<32652114.1075856483957.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18454935.1075856550277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6330040.1075856288758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20379312.1075856349725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-9-2000-3:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-9-2000-3:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nI had to cancel my trip to London. Steve Leppard will\ntake care of my presentations.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 09/18/2000 09:12:47 AM\nTo: Lane Hughston , vkamins@enron.com, \npnance@teknecon.com, ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu, Steven.Leppard@enron.com, \ngeman@edu.essec.fr, chris.harris@natpower.com\ncc: \nSubject: Dinner This Fri. in London?\nColleagues,\nGreetings.\nI'd like to plan a dinner subsequent to the adjournment of this week's EPRM\nConference in London Fri. 9/22. Whereas some of you have already notified\nme of your availability or travel plans, please advise whether you are\navailable for dinner on Fri. 9/22 or Sat. 9/23.\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Dinner This Fri. in London?"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nI had to cancel my trip to London. Steve Leppard will\ntake care of my presentations.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<14739478.1075856640978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27623051.1075856549540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1270478.1075856287864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-9-2000-4:12:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["20-9-2000-4:12:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["rcausey@enron.com", "vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Rick / Vince,\nGood morning.\nIn my 9/14 e-mail, I advised you of the practitioner-industry CEFER (Center\nfor Energy Finance Education and Research) Conference we are planning for\nSpring 2001. As you know, we would like to invite Jeff Skilling to be the\nkeynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner. The following day's four\ntopics consist of Risk management, Deregulation, Real options, and\nInternational/globalization. The majority of invitees would be\n(predominantly U. S.-based) energy-industry practitioners, as well as\nseveral academics.\nGiven lead time issues in these matters, we have reserved hotel rooms in\nAustin for Feb. 22, 2001. Could I ask you to ascertain Jeff Skilling's\navailability for that evening?\nThanks,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["invite personname", 15, "nninformation", ["invite", "skilling"], "intention", " as you know, we would like to invite jeff skilling to be the keynote speaker at the thur."]], "Rick / Vince,\n\nGood morning.\n\nIn my 9/14 e-mail, I advised you of the practitioner-industry CEFER (Center\nfor Energy Finance Education and Research) Conference we are planning for\nSpring 2001. As you know, we would like to invite Jeff Skilling to be the\nkeynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner. The following day's four\ntopics consist of Risk management, Deregulation, Real options, and\nInternational/globalization. The majority of invitees would be\n(predominantly U. S.-based) energy-industry practitioners, as well as\nseveral academics.\n\nGiven lead time issues in these matters, we have reserved hotel rooms in\nAustin for Feb. 22, 2001. Could I ask you to ascertain Jeff Skilling's\navailability for that evening?\n\nThanks,\nEhud Ronn\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<32904464.1075856640956.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<949162.1075856286166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<511709.1075856351505.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-9-2000-4:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-4:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["rcausey@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nI shall send a message to Jeff's secretary today.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 09/20/2000 11:12:46 AM\nTo: rcausey@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nRick / Vince,\nGood morning.\nIn my 9/14 e-mail, I advised you of the practitioner-industry CEFER (Center\nfor Energy Finance Education and Research) Conference we are planning for\nSpring 2001. As you know, we would like to invite Jeff Skilling to be the\nkeynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner. The following day's four\ntopics consist of Risk management, Deregulation, Real options, and\nInternational/globalization. The majority of invitees would be\n(predominantly U. S.-based) energy-industry practitioners, as well as\nseveral academics.\nGiven lead time issues in these matters, we have reserved hotel rooms in\nAustin for Feb. 22, 2001. Could I ask you to ascertain Jeff Skilling's\navailability for that evening?\nThanks,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nI shall send a message to Jeff's secretary today.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<1479335.1075856640934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22017029.1075856548836.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15002619.1075856286096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10360938.1075856351528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-9-2000-4:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-4:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sherri.sera@enron.com"], ["rcausey@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Sherri,\nOur friends at the University of Texas are planning a conference on energy\neconomics and finance in February of next year. They would like very much to \nhave \nJeff Skilling as a keynote speaker. \nGiven our good, long-term relationship with UT, I would recommend\nthat Jeff speaks at this conference I talked to Prof. Ehud Ronn\na few times about this conference and I think that this will be \nan excellent forum to present Enron's accomplishments and\nagenda for the future.\nI shall send a separate message to Jeff about this request.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000 \n11:35 AM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 09/20/2000 11:12:46 AM\nTo: rcausey@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nRick / Vince,\nGood morning.\nIn my 9/14 e-mail, I advised you of the practitioner-industry CEFER (Center\nfor Energy Finance Education and Research) Conference we are planning for\nSpring 2001. As you know, we would like to invite Jeff Skilling to be the\nkeynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner. The following day's four\ntopics consist of Risk management, Deregulation, Real options, and\nInternational/globalization. The majority of invitees would be\n(predominantly U. S.-based) energy-industry practitioners, as well as\nseveral academics.\nGiven lead time issues in these matters, we have reserved hotel rooms in\nAustin for Feb. 22, 2001. Could I ask you to ascertain Jeff Skilling's\navailability for that evening?\nThanks,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Sherri,\n\nOur friends at the University of Texas are planning a conference on energy\neconomics and finance in February of next year. They would like very much to \nhave \nJeff Skilling as a keynote speaker. \n\nGiven our good, long-term relationship with UT, I would recommend\nthat Jeff speaks at this conference I talked to Prof. Ehud Ronn\na few times about this conference and I think that this will be \nan excellent forum to present Enron's accomplishments and\nagenda for the future.\n\nI shall send a separate message to Jeff about this request.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<13501847.1075856482496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30698813.1075856548812.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8318127.1075856286072.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20287485.1075856351573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "20-9-2000-10:4:0Srichard.causey@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-10:4:0", "richard.causey@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Thanks for the note and I enjoyed seeing you the other night. We are working \nwith Jeff's assistant on the date. It looks like it may be possible but \nthere are a few conflicts to dodge. We will be in touch soon. Thanks\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 09/20/2000 11:12:46 AM\nTo: rcausey@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nRick / Vince,\nGood morning.\nIn my 9/14 e-mail, I advised you of the practitioner-industry CEFER (Center\nfor Energy Finance Education and Research) Conference we are planning for\nSpring 2001. As you know, we would like to invite Jeff Skilling to be the\nkeynote speaker at the Thur. evening dinner. The following day's four\ntopics consist of Risk management, Deregulation, Real options, and\nInternational/globalization. The majority of invitees would be\n(predominantly U. S.-based) energy-industry practitioners, as well as\nseveral academics.\nGiven lead time issues in these matters, we have reserved hotel rooms in\nAustin for Feb. 22, 2001. Could I ask you to ascertain Jeff Skilling's\navailability for that evening?\nThanks,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Thanks for the note and I enjoyed seeing you the other night. We are working \nwith Jeff's assistant on the date. It looks like it may be possible but \nthere are a few conflicts to dodge. We will be in touch soon. Thanks\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<6929233.1075856285814.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-10-2000-9:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-10-2000-9:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sherri.sera@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "richard.causey@enron.com"], "Sherri,\nAny resolution of the scheduling conflict Jeff Skilling had for February the \n22nd?\nOur friends at UT are ready to make the reservations and send out invitations\nto this conference\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 \n05:00 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 10/12/2000 10:12:56 AM\nTo: Richard.Causey@enron.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nRick / Vince:\nGood morning.\nFurther to my discussions with Vince during his visit to the Energy Finance\nProgram yesterday, I write at this time to inquire whether Mr. Skilling's\nassistant has been able to confirm his participation as 2/22/2001 keynote\nspeaker at our Conference.\nWith thanks for your intercession on our behalf,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 11, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " our friends at ut are ready to make the reservations and send out invitations to this conference "]], "Sherri,\n\nAny resolution of the scheduling conflict Jeff Skilling had for February the \n22nd?\nOur friends at UT are ready to make the reservations and send out invitations\nto this conference\n\nVince\n\n\n", ["<33056667.1075856479380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28873216.1075856640759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27407295.1075856545697.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10697414.1075856278252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25038167.1075856357324.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn": {"value": "conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn", "ne": "conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn", "patterns": ["conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "spring**2001", "ne": "spring0numeric", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation spring_spring0numericTnn"]}, "conflict schedulingTnn": {"value": "conflict schedulingTnn", "ne": "conflict schedulingTnn", "patterns": ["conflict schedulingTnn"]}}, true], "12-10-2000-10:10:0Ssherri.sera@enron.com": ["12-10-2000-10:10:0", "sherri.sera@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["alhamd.alkhayat@enron.com"], "I think he can do it, Vince, but UT has asked him to speak at a Leadership \nconference also on 2/16, which Rick Causey is encouraging him to do. He has \nall the information (I just sent it home in his mail as he returned this \nafternoon from a week of travel), so will press him to make a decision \ntomorrow. He may decide to do both or one or the other...I'll let you know \nas soon as I do. SRS\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/12/2000 04:57 PM\nTo: Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nSherri,\nAny resolution of the scheduling conflict Jeff Skilling had for February the \n22nd?\nOur friends at UT are ready to make the reservations and send out invitations\nto this conference\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 \n05:00 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 10/12/2000 10:12:56 AM\nTo: Richard.Causey@enron.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nRick / Vince:\nGood morning.\nFurther to my discussions with Vince during his visit to the Energy Finance\nProgram yesterday, I write at this time to inquire whether Mr. Skilling's\nassistant has been able to confirm his participation as 2/22/2001 keynote\nspeaker at our Conference.\nWith thanks for your intercession on our behalf,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 13, "information", ["sent", "information"], "information", " he has all the information (i just sent it home in his mail as he returned this afternoon from a week of travel), so will press him to make a decision tomorrow."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 19, "information", ["decision", "make"], "information", " he has all the information (i just sent it home in his mail as he returned this afternoon from a week of travel), so will press him to make a decision tomorrow."]], "I think he can do it, Vince, but UT has asked him to speak at a Leadership \nconference also on 2/16, which Rick Causey is encouraging him to do. He has \nall the information (I just sent it home in his mail as he returned this \nafternoon from a week of travel), so will press him to make a decision \ntomorrow. He may decide to do both or one or the other...I'll let you know \nas soon as I do. SRS\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/12/2000 04:57 PM\n", ["<24346499.1075856640737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19125604.1075856278113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10357009.1075856357346.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-10-2000-3:29:0Ssherri.sera@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-3:29:0", "sherri.sera@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince, Jeff has decided to decline this speaking opportunity. He is \nscheduled to speak at a Leadership conference at UT on 2/16, so given his \ntime limitations, he wants to pass on this one. Sorry to be the messenger of \nbad news. SRS\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/12/2000 04:57 PM\nTo: Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nSherri,\nAny resolution of the scheduling conflict Jeff Skilling had for February the \n22nd?\nOur friends at UT are ready to make the reservations and send out invitations\nto this conference\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 \n05:00 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 10/12/2000 10:12:56 AM\nTo: Richard.Causey@enron.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nRick / Vince:\nGood morning.\nFurther to my discussions with Vince during his visit to the Energy Finance\nProgram yesterday, I write at this time to inquire whether Mr. Skilling's\nassistant has been able to confirm his participation as 2/22/2001 keynote\nspeaker at our Conference.\nWith thanks for your intercession on our behalf,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince, Jeff has decided to decline this speaking opportunity. He is \nscheduled to speak at a Leadership conference at UT on 2/16, so given his \ntime limitations, he wants to pass on this one. Sorry to be the messenger of \nbad news. SRS\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/12/2000 04:57 PM\n", ["<9172781.1075856640693.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21832986.1075856276047.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23420226.1075856357369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-10-2000-9:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-9:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sherri.sera@enron.com"], [], "Sherri,\nThanks for trying. I shall recommend to UT that they should invite\nGreg Whalley or Lou Pai.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Sherri Sera @ ENRON 10/17/2000 10:29 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling \nVince, Jeff has decided to decline this speaking opportunity. He is \nscheduled to speak at a Leadership conference at UT on 2/16, so given his \ntime limitations, he wants to pass on this one. Sorry to be the messenger of \nbad news. SRS\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/12/2000 04:57 PM\nTo: Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nSherri,\nAny resolution of the scheduling conflict Jeff Skilling had for February the \n22nd?\nOur friends at UT are ready to make the reservations and send out invitations\nto this conference\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 \n05:00 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 10/12/2000 10:12:56 AM\nTo: Richard.Causey@enron.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nRick / Vince:\nGood morning.\nFurther to my discussions with Vince during his visit to the Energy Finance\nProgram yesterday, I write at this time to inquire whether Mr. Skilling's\nassistant has been able to confirm his participation as 2/22/2001 keynote\nspeaker at our Conference.\nWith thanks for your intercession on our behalf,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["invite personname", 7, "nninformation", ["invite", "whalley"], "intention", " i shall recommend to ut that they should invite greg whalley or lou pai."]], "Sherri,\n\nThanks for trying. I shall recommend to UT that they should invite\nGreg Whalley or Lou Pai.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherri Sera @ ENRON 10/17/2000 10:29 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<8085129.1075856478266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18256314.1075856544575.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28484623.1075856275884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30253831.1075856357391.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"0": {"value": "spring**2001", "ne": "spring0numeric", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation spring_spring0numericTnn"]}}, true], "14-11-2000-8:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-11-2000-8:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["richard.causey@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Rick,\nI asked Greg Whalley and he declined (he has a speaking\nengagement in London a day before).\nI have sent an invitation to Louise Kitchen and she has not \nreplied yet. I shall catch her at the management conference in San Antonio \nand\nask for a commitment. It would help if you could mention this to her as well.\nVince\nRichard Causey@ENRON\n11/14/2000 09:30 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nWhere do we stand on this? Is someone else going to do it?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Causey/Corp/Enron on 11/14/2000 \n09:24 AM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 10/24/2000 04:29:05 PM\nTo: Richard.Causey@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling\nAt 12:10 PM 10/13/00 -0500, you wrote:\n>In checking with Jeff's Assistant this morning, we hope to get clarity on\n>the schedule later today or Monday (at the latest, hopefully!).\nTo paraphrase Daneil Webster's famous quote, \"How stands our Conference?\"\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Conference Participation by Jeffrey K. Skilling"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Rick,\n\nI asked Greg Whalley and he declined (he has a speaking\nengagement in London a day before).\n\nI have sent an invitation to Louise Kitchen and she has not \nreplied yet. I shall catch her at the management conference in San Antonio \nand\nask for a commitment. It would help if you could mention this to her as well.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRichard Causey@ENRON\n11/14/2000 09:30 AM\n", ["<27323474.1075856472169.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3077053.1075856640543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9808322.1075856538471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29474926.1075856261095.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-10-2000-10:52:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["3-10-2000-10:52:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nGreetings.\nI write at this time to follow up on your kind intercession on our behalf\nwith Jeff Skilling's office regarding his participation in our Spring\nConference. We have secured hotel rooms at the Radisson Hotel, will\nshortly have to provide a guarantee on those rooms, and would therefore\nlike to ascertain his participation as keynote speaker the evening of Thur.\n2/22.\nHope all is well. See you Oct. 11th, if not sooner. Best,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Re: University of Texas conference on energy finance, February 2001"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nGreetings.\n\nI write at this time to follow up on your kind intercession on our behalf\nwith Jeff Skilling's office regarding his participation in our Spring\nConference. We have secured hotel rooms at the Radisson Hotel, will\nshortly have to provide a guarantee on those rooms, and would therefore\nlike to ascertain his participation as keynote speaker the evening of Thur.\n2/22.\n\nHope all is well. See you Oct. 11th, if not sooner. Best,\nEhud\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<27665567.1075856640824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6896762.1075856282422.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30057866.1075856354187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-10-2000-4:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-10-2000-4:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nI am flying back in the evening and dinner would be difficult.\nI shall be glad to join you for lunch,\nShirley, as I understand gave you my requirements for the AV.\nMy flight arrives at 8:30 a.m. I can meet you at your office in the morning \nand \nwe can talk about the conference and other issues.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 10/09/2000 09:23:55 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Planning for Your Energy Finance Class Presentation Wed., 10/11\nVince,\nGood morning.\nFurther to your forthcoming visit this Wed., I write to clarify last-minute\ndetails:\n1. Your ETA/ETD. Will you be available to join us for lunch and/or dinner?\n2. Your AV requirements, if any. Should you need either, we have an\noverhead projector as well as laptop capability (either YOUR laptop, or we\ncan with advance notice reserve a laptop if you bring floppies).\nBTW, any developments re Jeff Skilling's 2/22 conference keynote?\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Planning for Your Energy Finance Class Presentation Wed., 10/11"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nI am flying back in the evening and dinner would be difficult.\nI shall be glad to join you for lunch,\n\nShirley, as I understand gave you my requirements for the AV.\n\nMy flight arrives at 8:30 a.m. I can meet you at your office in the morning \nand \nwe can talk about the conference and other issues.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<19515004.1075856640803.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24785197.1075856546649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24192727.1075856280610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-11-2000-6:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-6:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["louise.kitchen@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Louise,\nWould you consider being a keynote speaker at this conference (Feb 22 \nevening)?\nThe conference will be held in Austin.\nWe have a very good relationship with UT and we are helping them to organize \nthis conference.\nI shall be glad to provide you more information about the event.\nVince \n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000 \n02:52 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 11/02/2000 10:57:00 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Spring 2001 Energy Finance Conference Participation\nVince,\nAs promised, enclosed please find a brief description of the proposed Feb.\n22 - 23 Energy Finance Conference, suitable for dissemination to your\ncolleagues:\n\"As Director of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n(CEFER), my colleagues and I are planning a practitioner-industry\nConference in Spring 2001, Feb. 22 - 23, to discuss four topics: Risk\nmanagement, Deregulation, Real options, and International/globalization.\nOther than the Univ. of Texas participants and selected academics from\nother institutions, we expect most participants at the Conference to be\nenergy practitioners from Houston. The Conference will begin with a dinner\nand address Thur. evening, then continue all day Fri.\"\nGiven the energy-finance focus of the Conference, do you believe the\nNetworks topics is sufficiently energy-related?\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Spring 2001 Energy Finance Conference Participation"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 14, "nninformation", ["conference", "organize"], "intention", " we have a very good relationship with ut and we are helping them to organize this conference."], ["supply_provide info_information", 16, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "intention", " i shall be glad to provide you more information about the event."]], "Louise,\n\nWould you consider being a keynote speaker at this conference (Feb 22 \nevening)?\n\nThe conference will be held in Austin.\n\nWe have a very good relationship with UT and we are helping them to organize \nthis conference.\n\nI shall be glad to provide you more information about the event.\n\nVince \n", ["<1541675.1075856474856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32917779.1075856640631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1453337.1075856541146.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8364450.1075856266911.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1550197.1075856365614.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn"]}, "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "spring**2001", "ne": "spring0numeric", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation spring_spring0numericTnn"]}, "keynote speakerTnn": {"value": "keynote speakerTnn", "ne": "keynote speakerTnn", "patterns": ["keynote speakerTnn"]}}, true], "6-11-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-9:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nI want to invite Louise Kitchen to this conference.\nShe is the President of EnronOnLine.\nGreg Whalley will be in London this day.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 11/02/2000 05:03:22 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Spring 2001 Energy Finance Conference Participation\nVince,\n>Given the energy-finance focus of the Conference, do you believe the\nNetworks topics is sufficiently energy-related?\nPer my above concern, I'd like to discuss the matter with you further.\nThanks,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Energy Finance Conference Participation"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["invite personname", 5, "nninformation", ["invite", "kitchen"], "intention", "ehud, i want to invite louise kitchen to this conference."]], "Ehud,\n\nI want to invite Louise Kitchen to this conference.\nShe is the President of EnronOnLine.\nGreg Whalley will be in London this day.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<16213179.1075856640609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13485919.1075856540137.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22824325.1075856264968.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn"]}, "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "spring**2001", "ne": "spring0numeric", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation spring_spring0numericTnn"]}}, true], "7-11-2000-9:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-9:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nNovember 15 is a bad day for me. I shall be in San Antonio for our\nannual management conference.\nPractically everybody who counts in Enron will be there.\nStill no response from Louise. I shall catch her tomorrow\nin person.\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 11/07/2000 09:04:36 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Dinner with Your Training Colleague 11/15?\nVince,\nGood morning.\nFurther to our conversation thereon during your Austin visit 10/11, I am\nwriting at this time to inquire whether we might schedule a circa 7 p.m.\ndinner next Wed. 11/15, to include the participation of your Enron Training\narm colleague. We could then discuss UT partcipation in Enron training\nactivities, as well as the forthcoming Spring 2001 Conference.\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Dinner with Your Training Colleague 11/15?"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nNovember 15 is a bad day for me. I shall be in San Antonio for our\nannual management conference.\nPractically everybody who counts in Enron will be there.\n\nStill no response from Louise. I shall catch her tomorrow\nin person.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<8665577.1075856640565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6368618.1075856539911.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11684660.1075856264254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-11-2000-9:3:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["28-11-2000-9:3:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nGreetings. I am forwarding to you the following research request from\nthree of my Business School colleagues.\nBest,\nEhud\nDear Trustee of the Center for Energy Finance:\nThree professors of the McCombs business school, Dr. Sirkka Jarvenpaa, Dr.\nEmerson Tiller, and Dr. Kerem Tomak are conducting a research project in\nalliance with the Center for Energy Finance on B2B online energy trading\nsystems. All three researchers both conduct research and teach in the area\nof electronic commerce (strategy & policy, economics, and technology).\nThey are seeking your help at this time. They would like to interview an\nexecutive in your firm who is in charge of managing or participating in an\nonline energy trading exchange. They are looking beyond the first-order\neffects of B2B exchanges-- benefits of dramatically reduced costs, greater\naccess to buyers and sellres, and improved market liquidity -- to second\norder effects (e.g., redesign of broader firm processes, greater\ninnovation, standardization, etc.) and broader organizational and\nenvironmental drivers and barriers (institutional and regulatory\nstructures, associations, and alliances). This is a research project that\naims to accumulate insight into firm capabilities and environmental\ncomplexities involved in B2B energy exchanges. At this time, they are\nfocusing on one industry, energy trading. They are conducting interviews\nwith owners and operators of proprietary exchanges as well as owners of\nmember-based exchanges in energy trading.\nThe researchers would like you to kindly pass this request for a 45 minute\nphone interview to a person in your firm whom most closely deals with your\nfirm's strategy for B2B exchanges. We would like to conduct the interviews\nduring December and January. The appropriate executive or his/her\nassistant can directly contact Dr. Sirkka Jarvenpaa for scheduling the\ninterview.\nThank you so much for your assistance and support.\nEmail: Sirkka.Jarvenpaa@bus.utexas.edu\nPhone: 512-471-1751\nMobile: 512-415-8570\nSecretary: Glenda Lee, 512-232-6112, Glenda.Lee@bus.utexas.edu\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["UT McCombs research project on online energy trading exchanges - firm capabilities and environmental complexities"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarding", "request"], "information", " i am forwarding to you the following research request from three of my business school colleagues."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 110, "information", ["conducting", "interviews"], "information", " they are conducting interviews with owners and operators of proprietary exchanges as well as owners of member-based exchanges in energy trading."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 139, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interviews"], "intention", " we would like to conduct the interviews during december and january."], ["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 150, "nninformation", ["interview", "scheduling"], "intention", " sirkka jarvenpaa for scheduling the interview."]], "Vince,\n\nGreetings. I am forwarding to you the following research request from\nthree of my Business School colleagues.\n\nBest,\nEhud\n\n\nDear Trustee of the Center for Energy Finance:\n\nThree professors of the McCombs business school, Dr. Sirkka Jarvenpaa, Dr.\nEmerson Tiller, and Dr. Kerem Tomak are conducting a research project in\nalliance with the Center for Energy Finance on B2B online energy trading\nsystems. All three researchers both conduct research and teach in the area\nof electronic commerce (strategy & policy, economics, and technology).\n\nThey are seeking your help at this time. They would like to interview an\nexecutive in your firm who is in charge of managing or participating in an\nonline energy trading exchange. They are looking beyond the first-order\neffects of B2B exchanges-- benefits of dramatically reduced costs, greater\naccess to buyers and sellres, and improved market liquidity -- to second\norder effects (e.g., redesign of broader firm processes, greater\ninnovation, standardization, etc.) and broader organizational and\nenvironmental drivers and barriers (institutional and regulatory\nstructures, associations, and alliances). This is a research project that\naims to accumulate insight into firm capabilities and environmental\ncomplexities involved in B2B energy exchanges. At this time, they are\nfocusing on one industry, energy trading. They are conducting interviews\nwith owners and operators of proprietary exchanges as well as owners of\nmember-based exchanges in energy trading.\n\nThe researchers would like you to kindly pass this request for a 45 minute\nphone interview to a person in your firm whom most closely deals with your\nfirm's strategy for B2B exchanges. We would like to conduct the interviews\nduring December and January. The appropriate executive or his/her\nassistant can directly contact Dr. Sirkka Jarvenpaa for scheduling the\ninterview.\n\nThank you so much for your assistance and support.\n\nEmail: Sirkka.Jarvenpaa@bus.utexas.edu\nPhone: 512-471-1751\nMobile: 512-415-8570\nSecretary: Glenda Lee, 512-232-6112, Glenda.Lee@bus.utexas.edu\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<2239235.1075857054954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2687100.1075856654135.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5695282.1075856886820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-11-2000-9:4:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["29-11-2000-9:4:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "besty@hbs.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "gwillard@mit.edu", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Hello friends,\nAttached is the program announcement for the third edition of the Texas\nFinance Festival to be held in San Antonio (once again). You will note\nthat we have some new and fun entertainment lined up to accompany the\nsuperb program put together by Sheridan Titman (and company).\nYou can help us by registering early so we have put a discount into the\nregistration fee if you get your registration form and check in by January\n15, 2001. However, We would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP if you\ndo plan to come via return e-mail.\nLooking forward to seeing you all again in the spring.\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Announcing the Third Annual Texas Finance Festival"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Hello friends,\n\nAttached is the program announcement for the third edition of the Texas\nFinance Festival to be held in San Antonio (once again). You will note\nthat we have some new and fun entertainment lined up to accompany the\nsuperb program put together by Sheridan Titman (and company).\n\nYou can help us by registering early so we have put a discount into the\nregistration fee if you get your registration form and check in by January\n15, 2001. However, We would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP if you\ndo plan to come via return e-mail.\n\nLooking forward to seeing you all again in the spring.\n\nJohn\n\n - announcerev.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<9374495.1075856254065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18632824.1075856599590.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12936220.1075856375108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-11-2000-1:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-11-2000-1:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, register me for this conference.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/30/2000 \n09:52 AM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 11/29/2000 05:04:25 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@stern.nyu.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin \ncc: \nSubject: Announcing the Third Annual Texas Finance Festival\nHello friends,\nAttached is the program announcement for the third edition of the Texas\nFinance Festival to be held in San Antonio (once again). You will note\nthat we have some new and fun entertainment lined up to accompany the\nsuperb program put together by Sheridan Titman (and company).\nYou can help us by registering early so we have put a discount into the\nregistration fee if you get your registration form and check in by January\n15, 2001. However, We would really appreciate hearing from you ASAP if you\ndo plan to come via return e-mail.\nLooking forward to seeing you all again in the spring.\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Announcing the Third Annual Texas Finance Festival"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["register conference", 5, "nninformation", ["conference", "register"], "request", "shirley, please, register me for this conference."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<10233757.1075856468704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4258916.1075856535006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33256987.1075856253698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19275446.1075856375354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"festival financeTnn": {"value": "festival financeTnn", "ne": "festival financeTnn", "patterns": ["festival financeTnn"]}}, true], "19-12-2000-6:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-6:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ehud,\nBest holiday wishes to you and your family. \nI owe you an apology for dropping the ball on the conference\nI have approached a number of executives at Enron. Greg Whalley speaks in \nLondon a day\nbefore. Louise Kitchen, the mother of EnronOnline will ski (this is the week\nof school holidays in England and her family will come here). \nOne suggestion I want to make is Rick Causey. I talked to him and he is \nwilling to\nbe a speaker. He is a very senior and important executive of Enron and a UT \ngrad.\nAny thoughts?\nVince\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 12/19/2000 02:09:41 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Best Wishes for the Holiday Period\nVince,\nAt the conclusion of another year, and prior to my departure tomorrow with\nmy family for our annual Florida vacation, Best Wishes for the Holiday\nPeriod to you and your family.\nRegarding the Spring 2001 Energy Finance Conference Participation, we still\nlack that all-important 2/22 Enron energy-related high-level keynote\nspeaker. Let me know if you think we should look elsewhere.\nBest Regards,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Re: Best Wishes for the Holiday Period"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Ehud,\n\nBest holiday wishes to you and your family. \n\nI owe you an apology for dropping the ball on the conference\n\nI have approached a number of executives at Enron. Greg Whalley speaks in \nLondon a day\nbefore. Louise Kitchen, the mother of EnronOnline will ski (this is the week\nof school holidays in England and her family will come here). \n\nOne suggestion I want to make is Rick Causey. I talked to him and he is \nwilling to\nbe a speaker. He is a very senior and important executive of Enron and a UT \ngrad.\n\nAny thoughts?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" ", "<20056152.1075856640499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17358196.1075856530867.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19919808.1075856244400.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-1-2001-7:44:0Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["3-1-2001-7:44:0", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nGreetings, Happy New Year, and thanks for your end-of-2000 e-mail.\n>One suggestion I want to make is Rick Causey. I talked to him and he is\n>willing to\n>be a speaker. He is a very senior and important executive of Enron and a UT\n>grad.\nI have asked Sheridan to raise the keynote-speaker issue with you during\nyour discussions tomorrow.\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["Energy Conference"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nGreetings, Happy New Year, and thanks for your end-of-2000 e-mail.\n\n One suggestion I want to make is Rick Causey. I talked to him and he is\n willing to\n be a speaker. He is a very senior and important executive of Enron and a UT\n grad.\nI have asked Sheridan to raise the keynote-speaker issue with you during\nyour discussions tomorrow.\n\nBest,\nEhud\n\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================", ["<4431328.1075856640477.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6684629.1075856238613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17895382.1075856386309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-1-2001-7:52:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["3-1-2001-7:52:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "besty@hbs.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "steg@email.msn.com", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "gwillard@mit.edu", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Happy New Year to all!\nDon't forget to get registered early for this year's conference. It\npromises to be the best yet. The fun stuff is already organized and the\nprogram looks to be the best that \"Trail Boss\" Titman has yet produced.\nNotice the \"friendly encouragement\" (translation discount in the\nregistration fee) for early registration. The conference info and\nregistration form can be found at\n\nHappy new year and hope to see you in San Antonio in April!\nJohn\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Reminder"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["register conference", 3, "nninformation", ["conference", "registered"], "intention", " don't forget to get registered early for this year's conference."]], "Happy New Year to all!\n\nDon't forget to get registered early for this year's conference. It\npromises to be the best yet. The fun stuff is already organized and the\nprogram looks to be the best that \"Trail Boss\" Titman has yet produced.\n\nNotice the \"friendly encouragement\" (translation discount in the\nregistration fee) for early registration. The conference info and\nregistration form can be found at\nhttp://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/Tff2001/index.htm\n\nHappy new year and hope to see you in San Antonio in April!\n\nJohn\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<11794232.1075856634510.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22815894.1075856238591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19319538.1075856386335.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-1-2001-8:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-8:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 \n04:19 PM ---------------------------\n \n \n \n From: Karen Marshall 01/11/2001 12:14 PM\n \nTo: Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael B Rosen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cindy \nDerecskey/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Elyse Kalmans/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sally \nBeck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A \nShankman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The \nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nThe $500 registration fee is waived for any Enron employee who wishes to \nattend this conference because of our relationship with the school. Please \nforward this information to your managers and staff members who would benefit \nfrom participating in this important conference. (Note: Vince Kaminski is a \npanellist for the Risk Management Session 3.)\nShould you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at EXT. 37632.\nKaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001 \n07:38 PM ---------------------------\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 01/10/2001 03:06:18 PM\nTo: \"Angela Dorsey\" \ncc: \"Ehud Ronn\" , \"Sheridan Titman (E-mail)\" \n \nSubject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\nColleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and\nResearch (CEFER):\nHappy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.\nOn behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we\nwould\nlike to cordially invite you to attend our:\n2001 Energy Finance Conference\nAustin, Texas\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nHosted by the University of Texas Finance Department\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nDr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of\nfinalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the\nagenda\noutline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference\nsession will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest\nspeakers\non the designated topic.\nAs supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,\nrepresentatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,\nConoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.\nThe conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &\ndinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference\nmeals,\nsession materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel\nreservations are each participant's responsibility.\nA limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the\nRadisson\nHotel on Town Lake under the group name \"University of Texas Finance\nDepartment\" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the\nlatter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the\nConference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need\nto\ncontact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,\nJanuary\n22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know\nwhen you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the\nRadisson\ngives you the special room rate of $129/night.\nPlease RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN\nJANUARY 22nd to angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu, or (512) 232-7386, as\nseating\navailability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to\nyour colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nPROGRAM OF THE 2001 ENERGY FINANCE CONFERENCE\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nThursday, Feb 22:\n3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for\ncheck-in\n5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to\nUT Club*\n6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor\n7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club\n8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker\n9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel\nFriday, Feb 23:\n7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT\n8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS\n Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)\n Sheridan Titman, UT\n John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.\n10:00 a.m. Coffee Break\n10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION\n Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)\n David Spence, UT\n Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital\nPartners/UT\n Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk\nAdvisors\n11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker\n1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center\n2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT\n Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)\n Vince Kaminski, Enron\n Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.\n Ehud I. Ronn, UT\n3:30 p.m. Snack Break\n3:45 p.m. Session 4 - GLOBALIZATION OF THE ENERGY BUSINESS\n Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)\n Bob Goldman, Conoco\n Ray Hill, Southern Co.\n5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up\n5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner\n6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance\nCenter\nTrustees\n*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the\nRadisson\nhotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an\nalternative hotel, then transportation to conference events\nwill become your responsibility.\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n", ["Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<1908479.1075856460196.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29382107.1075856526533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21746700.1075856233461.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28983468.1075856390059.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-1-2001-0:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-0:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["karen.marshall@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Karen,\nI shall attend the conference,\nboth days.\nVince Kaminski\n \n \n \n From: Karen Marshall 01/17/2001 07:59 PM\n \nTo: David Haug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Gary \nHickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Craig Childers/HOU/EES@EES, Thomas \nSuffield/NA/Enron@ENRON, Ben F Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ermes \nMelinchon/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Hal Elrod/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nClay Spears/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Mahmoud/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ellen Fowler/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Kevin Kuykendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred \nMitro/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kyle Kettler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Bartlett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul \nJ Broderick/HOU/ECT@ECT, John House/HOU/ECT@ECT, George \nMcCormick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Guido Caranti/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ken \nSissingh/Corp/Enron@Enron, Gwynn Gorsuch/NA/Enron@ENRON, Mark Gandy/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Shawn \nCumberland/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jennifer \nMartinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean Keenan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Webb Jennings/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nBrian Hendon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Billy Braddock/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Paul Burkhart/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Garrett Tripp/TOR/ECT@ECT, John Massey/HOU/ECT@ECT, V Charles \nWeldon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter Hayes/HOU/EES@EES, Ross Mesquita/NA/Enron@ENRON, \nDavid Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian Kerrigan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Gandy/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Jennifer Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean \nKeenan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Webb Jennings/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian Hendon/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Billy Braddock/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Garrett Tripp/TOR/ECT@ECT, John \nMassey/HOU/ECT@ECT, V Charles Weldon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter Hayes/HOU/EES@EES, \nRoss Mesquita/NA/Enron@ENRON, David Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie \nPatrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael B Rosen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cindy \nDerecskey/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Elyse Kalmans/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sally \nBeck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A \nShankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu \nSubject: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance \nConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin\nThe $500 registration fee is waived for any Enron employee who wishes to \nattend this conference because of our relationship with the school. Please \nforward this information to your managers and staff members who would benefit \nfrom participating in this important conference. (Note: Vince Kaminski is a \npanellist for the Risk Management Session 3.)\nPlease note: The deadline for RSVP & Hotel reservations is MONDAY, JANUARY \n22nd Don't miss this opportunity!\nShould you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at EXT. 37632.\nKaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001 \n07:38 PM ---------------------------\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 01/10/2001 03:06:18 PM\nTo: \"Angela Dorsey\" \ncc: \"Ehud Ronn\" , \"Sheridan Titman (E-mail)\" \n \nSubject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\nColleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and\nResearch (CEFER):\nHappy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.\nOn behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we\nwould\nlike to cordially invite you to attend our:\n2001 Energy Finance Conference\nAustin, Texas\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nHosted by the University of Texas Finance Department\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nDr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of\nfinalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the\nagenda\noutline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference\nsession will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest\nspeakers\non the designated topic.\nAs supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,\nrepresentatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,\nConoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.\nThe conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &\ndinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference\nmeals,\nsession materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel\nreservations are each participant's responsibility.\nA limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the\nRadisson\nHotel on Town Lake under the group name \"University of Texas Finance\nDepartment\" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the\nlatter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the\nConference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need\nto\ncontact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,\nJanuary\n22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know\nwhen you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the\nRadisson\ngives you the special room rate of $129/night.\nPlease RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN\nJANUARY 22nd to angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu, or (512) 232-7386, as\nseating\navailability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to\nyour colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nPROGRAM OF THE 2001 ENERGY FINANCE CONFERENCE\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nThursday, Feb 22:\n3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for\ncheck-in\n5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to\nUT Club*\n6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor\n7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club\n8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker\n9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel\nFriday, Feb 23:\n7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT\n8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS\n Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)\n Sheridan Titman, UT\n John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.\n10:00 a.m. Coffee Break\n10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION\n Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)\n David Spence, UT\n Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital\nPartners/UT\n Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk\nAdvisors\n11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker\n1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center\n2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT\n Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)\n Vince Kaminski, Enron\n Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.\n Ehud I. Ronn, UT\n3:30 p.m. Snack Break\n3:45 p.m. Session 4 - GLOBALIZATION OF THE ENERGY BUSINESS\n Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)\n Bob Goldman, Conoco\n Ray Hill, Southern Co.\n5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up\n5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner\n6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance\nCenter\nTrustees\n*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the\nRadisson\nhotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an\nalternative hotel, then transportation to conference events\nwill become your responsibility.\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n", ["Re: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["serve_attend conference", 13, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", "karen, i shall attend the conference, both days."]], "Karen,\n\nI shall attend the conference,\nboth days.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Karen Marshall 01/17/2001 07:59 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<15231293.1075856459276.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10309379.1075856640434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32675026.1075856525612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16332535.1075856231260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"4": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy_energy0finance numericTnn", "numeric returnlinenTnn"]}}, true], "18-1-2001-7:15:0Skaren.marshall@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-7:15:0", "karen.marshall@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com", "michael.rosen@enron.com", "richard.causey@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "elyse.kalmans@enron.com"], [], "FYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2001 \n03:07 PM ---------------------------\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 01/18/2001 02:53:59 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy \nFinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin\nKaren,\nThanks for the extra support in getting the word out. I've had a couple\nRSVP's from Enron.\nSincerely,\nAngela\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Karen.Marshall@enron.com [mailto:Karen.Marshall@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:59 PM\nTo: David.Haug@enron.com; Gary.Hickerson@enron.com; cchilde@enron.com;\nThomas.Suffield@enron.com; Ben.F.Glisan@enron.com;\nErmes.Melinchon@enron.com; Hal.Elrod@enron.com; Clay.Spears@enron.com;\nKelly.Mahmoud@enron.com; Ellen.Fowler@enron.com;\nKevin.Kuykendall@enron.com; Fred.Mitro@enron.com;\nKyle.Kettler@enron.com; Jeff.Bartlett@enron.com;\nPaul.J.Broderick@enron.com; John.House@enron.com;\nGeorge.McCormick@enron.com; Guido.Caranti@enron.com;\nKen.Sissingh@enron.com; Gwynn.Gorsuch@enron.com; Mark.Gandy@enron.com;\nShawn.Cumberland@enron.com; Jennifer.Martinez@enron.com;\nSean.Keenan@enron.com; Webb.Jennings@enron.com; Brian.Hendon@enron.com;\nBilly.Braddock@enron.com; Paul.Burkhart@enron.com;\nGarrett.Tripp@enron.com; John.Massey@enron.com;\nV.Charles.Weldon@enron.com; phayes@enron.com; Ross.Mesquita@enron.com;\nDavid.Mitchell@enron.com; Brian.Kerrigan@enron.com;\nMark.Gandy@enron.com; Jennifer.Martinez@enron.com;\nSean.Keenan@enron.com; Webb.Jennings@enron.com; Brian.Hendon@enron.com;\nBilly.Braddock@enron.com; Garrett.Tripp@enron.com;\nJohn.Massey@enron.com; V.Charles.Weldon@enron.com; phayes@enron.com;\nRoss.Mesquita@enron.com; David.Mitchell@enron.com;\nChristie.Patrick@enron.com; Michael.B.Rosen@enron.com;\nCindy.Derecskey@enron.com\nCc: Elyse.Kalmans@enron.com; Richard.Causey@enron.com;\nSally.Beck@enron.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com;\nJeffrey.A.Shankman@enron.com; Angela Dorsey\nSubject: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy\nFinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin\nThe $500 registration fee is waived for any Enron employee who wishes to\nattend this conference because of our relationship with the school.\nPlease\nforward this information to your managers and staff members who would\nbenefit from participating in this important conference. (Note: Vince\nKaminski is a panellist for the Risk Management Session 3.)\nPlease note: The deadline for RSVP & Hotel reservations is MONDAY,\nJANUARY\n22nd Don't miss this opportunity!\nShould you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at EXT.\n37632.\nKaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001\n07:38 PM ---------------------------\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 01/10/2001 03:06:18 PM\nTo: \"Angela Dorsey\" \ncc: \"Ehud Ronn\" , \"Sheridan Titman (E-mail)\"\n \nSubject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University\nof\n Texas at Austin\nColleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and\nResearch (CEFER):\nHappy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.\nOn behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we\nwould\nlike to cordially invite you to attend our:\n2001 Energy Finance Conference\nAustin, Texas\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nHosted by the University of Texas Finance Department\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nDr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of\nfinalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the\nagenda\noutline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference\nsession will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest\nspeakers\non the designated topic.\nAs supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,\nrepresentatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,\nConoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.\nThe conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &\ndinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference\nmeals,\nsession materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel\nreservations are each participant's responsibility.\nA limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the\nRadisson\nHotel on Town Lake under the group name \"University of Texas Finance\nDepartment\" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the\nlatter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the\nConference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need\nto\ncontact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,\nJanuary\n22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know\nwhen you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the\nRadisson\ngives you the special room rate of $129/night.\nPlease RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN\nJANUARY 22nd to angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu, or (512) 232-7386, as\nseating\navailability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to\nyour colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nPROGRAM OF THE 2001 ENERGY FINANCE CONFERENCE\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nThursday, Feb 22:\n3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for\ncheck-in\n5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to\nUT Club*\n6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor\n7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club\n8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker\n9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel\nFriday, Feb 23:\n7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT\n8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS\n Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)\n Sheridan Titman, UT\n John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.\n10:00 a.m. Coffee Break\n10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION\n Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)\n David Spence, UT\n Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital\nPartners/UT\n Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk\nAdvisors\n11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker\n1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center\n2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT\n Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)\n Vince Kaminski, Enron\n Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.\n Ehud I. Ronn, UT\n3:30 p.m. Snack Break\n3:45 p.m. Session 4 - GLOBALIZATION OF THE ENERGY BUSINESS\n Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)\n Bob Goldman, Conoco\n Ray Hill, Southern Co.\n5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up\n5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner\n6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance\nCenter\nTrustees\n*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the\nRadisson\nhotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an\nalternative hotel, then transportation to conference events\nwill become your responsibility.\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n", ["RE: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy FinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "FYI\n", ["<14073906.1075856640388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19999661.1075856231029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8155052.1075856391673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-0:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-0:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["steven.leppard@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Steve, \nNo problem. It was a very short meeting (most people were out).\nYes, I will be in Houston during the week of the conference.\nSee you in Austin and in Houston.\nVince\nSteven Leppard\n01/19/2001 06:03 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\nHi Vince\nI see you're speaking at the Austin conference. Will you be in the Houston \noffice during the earlier part of the week? If so, I may look into arranging \na trip out to meet you guys, and take in the conference too.\nSorry I didn't dial in to the updat emeeting on Tuesday - I was delivering \nPRC feedback to my team.\nSteve\n---------------------- Forwarded by Steven Leppard/LON/ECT on 19/01/2001 \n12:04 ---------------------------\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 10/01/2001 21:06:18\nTo: \"Angela Dorsey\" \ncc: \"Ehud Ronn\" , \"Sheridan Titman (E-mail)\" \n \nSubject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\nColleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and\nResearch (CEFER):\nHappy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.\nOn behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we\nwould\nlike to cordially invite you to attend our:\n2001 Energy Finance Conference\nAustin, Texas\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nHosted by the University of Texas Finance Department\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nDr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of\nfinalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the\nagenda\noutline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference\nsession will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest\nspeakers\non the designated topic.\nAs supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,\nrepresentatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,\nConoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.\nThe conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &\ndinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference\nmeals,\nsession materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel\nreservations are each participant's responsibility.\nA limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the\nRadisson\nHotel on Town Lake under the group name \"University of Texas Finance\nDepartment\" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the\nlatter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the\nConference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need\nto\ncontact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,\nJanuary\n22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know\nwhen you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the\nRadisson\ngives you the special room rate of $129/night.\nPlease RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN\nJANUARY 22nd to angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu, or (512) 232-7386, as\nseating\navailability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to\nyour colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nPROGRAM OF THE 2001 ENERGY FINANCE CONFERENCE\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nThursday, Feb 22:\n3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for\ncheck-in\n5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to\nUT Club*\n6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor\n7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club\n8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker\n9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel\nFriday, Feb 23:\n7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT\n8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS\n Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)\n Sheridan Titman, UT\n John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.\n10:00 a.m. Coffee Break\n10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION\n Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)\n David Spence, UT\n Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital\nPartners/UT\n Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk\nAdvisors\n11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker\n1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center\n2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT\n Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)\n Vince Kaminski, Enron\n Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.\n Ehud I. Ronn, UT\n3:30 p.m. Snack Break\n3:45 p.m. Session 4 - GLOBALIZATION OF THE ENERGY BUSINESS\n Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)\n Bob Goldman, Conoco\n Ray Hill, Southern Co.\n5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up\n5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner\n6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance\nCenter\nTrustees\n*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the\nRadisson\nhotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an\nalternative hotel, then transportation to conference events\nwill become your responsibility.\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n", ["Re: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of Texas at Austin"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Steve, \n\nNo problem. It was a very short meeting (most people were out).\nYes, I will be in Houston during the week of the conference.\nSee you in Austin and in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n01/19/2001 06:03 AM\n", ["<21768480.1075856459049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16928884.1075856525387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28617164.1075856230536.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7465285.1075856599192.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-0:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-0:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n09:04 AM ---------------------------\nSteven Leppard\n01/19/2001 06:03 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\nHi Vince\nI see you're speaking at the Austin conference. Will you be in the Houston \noffice during the earlier part of the week? If so, I may look into arranging \na trip out to meet you guys, and take in the conference too.\nSorry I didn't dial in to the updat emeeting on Tuesday - I was delivering \nPRC feedback to my team.\nSteve\n---------------------- Forwarded by Steven Leppard/LON/ECT on 19/01/2001 \n12:04 ---------------------------\n\"Angela Dorsey\" on 10/01/2001 21:06:18\nTo: \"Angela Dorsey\" \ncc: \"Ehud Ronn\" , \"Sheridan Titman (E-mail)\" \n \nSubject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\nColleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and\nResearch (CEFER):\nHappy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.\nOn behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we\nwould\nlike to cordially invite you to attend our:\n2001 Energy Finance Conference\nAustin, Texas\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nHosted by the University of Texas Finance Department\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nDr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of\nfinalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the\nagenda\noutline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference\nsession will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest\nspeakers\non the designated topic.\nAs supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,\nrepresentatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,\nConoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.\nThe conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &\ndinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference\nmeals,\nsession materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel\nreservations are each participant's responsibility.\nA limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the\nRadisson\nHotel on Town Lake under the group name \"University of Texas Finance\nDepartment\" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the\nlatter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the\nConference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need\nto\ncontact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,\nJanuary\n22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know\nwhen you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the\nRadisson\ngives you the special room rate of $129/night.\nPlease RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN\nJANUARY 22nd to angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu, or (512) 232-7386, as\nseating\navailability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to\nyour colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nPROGRAM OF THE 2001 ENERGY FINANCE CONFERENCE\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nThursday, Feb 22:\n3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for\ncheck-in\n5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to\nUT Club*\n6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor\n7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club\n8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker\n9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel\nFriday, Feb 23:\n7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT\n8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS\n Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)\n Sheridan Titman, UT\n John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.\n10:00 a.m. Coffee Break\n10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION\n Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)\n David Spence, UT\n Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital\nPartners/UT\n Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk\nAdvisors\n11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker\n1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center\n2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT\n Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)\n Vince Kaminski, Enron\n Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.\n Ehud I. Ronn, UT\n3:30 p.m. Snack Break\n3:45 p.m. Session 4 - GLOBALIZATION OF THE ENERGY BUSINESS\n Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)\n Bob Goldman, Conoco\n Ray Hill, Southern Co.\n5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up\n5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner\n6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance\nCenter\nTrustees\n*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the\nRadisson\nhotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an\nalternative hotel, then transportation to conference events\nwill become your responsibility.\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n", ["Re: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of Texas at Austin"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<31164049.1075856391980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-3-2001-13:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-3-2001-13:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa05.mx.aol.com (rly-xa05.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa02.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:44:12 \n-0500\nReceived: from riskwaters.com ([]) by rly-xa05.mx.aol.com \n(v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:43:59 -0500\nReceived: from paul [] by riskwaters.com (FTGate 2, 2, 3, \n1); Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:43:05 +0000\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Paul Bristow\" \nTo: , , \n, , \n, , \n, \nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:52:13 -0500\nMessage-ID: <000801c09c15$e15898a0$88df7e3f@osaccess.net>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["Fwd: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: ", "<486531.1075856213341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13344254.1075856405630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-4:1:0Sj_martin@baylor.edu": ["6-3-2001-4:1:0", "j_martin@baylor.edu", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chapman@eco.utexas.edu", "asubrahm@anderson.ucla.edu", "cindy.justice@enron.com", "sgillan@tiaa-cref.org", "rampini@nwu.edu", "stathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu", "asayrak@katz.pitt.edu", "tnoe@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "jegadees@uiuc.edu", "besty@hbs.edu", "steve_rich@baylor.edu", "kent@kent.kellogg.nwu.edu", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "mbinay@mail.utexas.edu", "aagrawal@cba.ua.edu", "parrino@mail.utexas.edu", "stice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu", "carlsonm@mail.utexas.edu", "maxwell@ba.ttu.edu", "alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu", "metrick@wharton.upenn.edu", "sirri@babson.edu", "karin.s.thorburn@dartmouth.edu", "dgromb@mit.edu", "ramnath@rice.edu", "grullon@rice.edu", "abutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu", "hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu", "lstarks@mail.utexas.edu", "zkhokher@mail.utexas.edu", "bill_petty@baylor.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "tyrone.callahan@bus.utexas.edu", "andras.marosi@bus.utexas.edu", "matthias.kahl@anderson.ucla.edu", "harper1@u.washington.edu", "mpuri@stanford.edu", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "kemals@mail.utexas.edu", "andres.almazan@bus.utexas.edu", "lederington@ou.edu", "suarez@cemfi.es", "bethel@babson.edu", "jarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "gwillard@mit.edu", "jhund@mail.utexas.edu", "wangfa@rice.edu", "titman@mail.utexas.edu", "fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu", "jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu"], [], "Update:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n ", ["Hello all"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Update:\n\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\n\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\n\nJohn\n\n - announcerev.doc\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html ", ["<23302832.1075856632716.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8093377.1075856212236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32558958.1075856406395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-6:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-6:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nAm I registered?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2001 \n02:23 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/06/2001 12:01:35 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , \"Karin S. Thorburn\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Hello all\nUpdate:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Hello all"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nAm I registered?\n\nVince\n\n", ["<3432100.1075856449588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4083465.1075856515905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3737829.1075856212188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12740809.1075856406418.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2001-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-6:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com", "michael.rosen@enron.com", "karen.marshall@enron.com"], [], "Christie, Karen and Mike,\nThis is info about Texas Finance Festival, a great opportunity to establish \ncloser\nties with Texas business schools. You can contact John directly if you are \ninterested in\nattending.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2001 \n02:23 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/06/2001 12:01:35 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , \"Karin S. Thorburn\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Hello all\nUpdate:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Hello all"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Christie, Karen and Mike,\n\nThis is info about Texas Finance Festival, a great opportunity to establish \ncloser\nties with Texas business schools. You can contact John directly if you are \ninterested in\nattending.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<5404609.1075856449565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14534440.1075856515882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5698107.1075856212166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23949522.1075856406442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-7:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-7:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rakesh.bharati@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n02:52 PM ---------------------------\n\"John D. Martin\" on 03/06/2001 12:01:35 PM\nTo: Ben Esty , Greg Willard , \naagrawal@cba.ua.edu, Andres Almazan , \nbethel@babson.edu, Murat Binay , \nabutler@finance.bus.lsu.edu, Tyrone.Callahan@bus.utexas.edu, Murray Carlson \n, chapman@eco.utexas.edu, Kent Daniel \n, fdiebold@mail.sas.upenn.edu, lederington@ou.edu, \nHarper1@U.Washington.edu, sgillan@tiaa-cref.org, Stuart Gillan \n, Denis Gromb , grullon@rice.edu, \njarradh@oregon.uoregon.edu, jhartzel@stern.nyu.edu, Jhund@mail.utexas.edu, \ndaveike@rice.edu, jegadees@uiuc.edu, Cindy.Justice@enron.com, Matthias Kahl \n, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, \nzkhokher@mail.utexas.edu, alynch@debit.stern.nyu.edu, Andras Marosi \n, \"John D. Martin\" , \nMaxwell@ba.ttu.edu, Beth Miertschin , \nmetrick@Wharton.upenn.edu, \"Thomas H. Noe\" , \nParrino@mail.utexas.edu, Bill Petty , manju puri \n, Ramnath@rice.edu, rampini@nwu.edu, \nsteve_rich@baylor.edu, eronn@mail.utexas.edu (Ehud I. Ronn), Kemal Saatcioglu \n, Akin Sayrak , \nsirri@babson.edu, Laura Starks , suarez@cemfi.es, \n\"A. Subrahmanyam\" , \nStice@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu, Titman@mail.utexas.edu, \nstathis.tompaidis@bus.utexas.edu, wangfa@rice.edu, hong.yan@bus.utexas.edu, \nBeth Miertschin , \"Karin S. Thorburn\" \n\ncc: \nSubject: Hello all\nUpdate:\nPreparations for the upcoming Texas Finance Festival III are about complete\nand I just wanted to update you on the hotel reservations information. You\nwill need to make your reservation before March 20 to be assured of getting\na room in our reserved block. Also, for \"counting\" purposes I need\neveryone's registration form completed. Many of you (and a lot of new\nfaces) have already sent them in but some may not have, so . . .\nLots of fun stuff is planned so come prepared for a very relaxing and\nproductive weekend!\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\n \n", ["Hello all"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<9104749.1075856440188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23522973.1075856506527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22490484.1075856193154.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10757614.1075856422781.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-3-2001-2:24:0Spbristow@riskwaters.com": ["16-3-2001-2:24:0", "pbristow@riskwaters.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "chris.harris@innogy.com", "ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu", "pnance@teknecon.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "spyros.maragos@dynegy.com", "vince.j.kaminski@eron.com"], [], "Dear all,\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:52 AM\nTo: 'pnance@teknecon.com'; 'chris.harris@innogy.com';\n'eronn@mail.utexas.edu'; 'vince.j.kaminski@eron.com'; 'vkaminski@aol.com';\n'spyros.maragos@dynegy.com'; 'ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu';\n'geman@math.umass.edu'\nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy\nDerivatives\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 146, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", " on the attached draft, where practical example(s) are included as the final bullet point i would like to include a one line description of the practical example you will provide for the audience."]], "Dear all,\n\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\n\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\n\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\n\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\n\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\n\n\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\n\nBest wishes,\n\nPaul Bristow\n\n\n\n ", ["<4081417.1075856629217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16024589.1075856208136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13688225.1075856410217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-3-2001-15:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-3-2001-15:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-xa01.mx.aol.com (rly-xa01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-xa05.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:16:20 \n-0500\nReceived: from riskwaters.com ([]) by rly-xa01.mx.aol.com \n(v77_r1.35) with ESMTP; Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:15:20 -0500\nReceived: from paul [] by riskwaters.com (FTGate 2, 2, 3, \n1); Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:14:20 +0000\nReply-To: \nFrom: \"Paul Bristow\" \nTo: , , \n, , \n, , \n, \nSubject: FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy \nDerivatives\nDate: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:24:11 -0500\nMessage-ID: <002d01c0ae2d$2757ca00$88df7e3f@osaccess.net>\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; \nboundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_002E_01C0AE03.3E81C200\"\nX-Priority: 3 (Normal)\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)\nImportance: Normal\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600\nDear all,\nThanks for your responses regarding availability and thoughts for the 2001\nfinancial maths course. Attached is a word version of the previous outline.\nI have also included some comments from previous delegates on what they\nwould like to see this year. Most points address the level we should aim for\nand the balance of theory and practical applications. I hope these points\nhelp you to improve on what is already our premier EPRM training course.\nI would like to confirm the final points and any new biographical details by\nThursday, March 22nd in order to allow us a strong lead time to market the\nevent. If you have any questions, please call me on 212 925 6990 extension\n225 or send me an email.\nAs a checklist these are the points I would like to clarify:\n1. Confirmed availability for venues outlined in the draft programme.\n London, 28 & 29 June\n New York, 9 & 10 July\n Houston, 16 & 17 July\nUnless specified on the draft, each speaker is down for each of the three\nvenues. Please let me know if this is not possible.\n2. Updated talk titles and bullet points. These should be updated to reflect\nthe developments in the energy markets since September 2000.\n3. Full name and job titles as you wish them to appear on the brochure.\n4. Updated biographies. I will assume that the biographies from previous\ncourses are correct unless told otherwise.\n5. Mailing addresses for the speaker packs.\nOverall, the response to the 2000 events was extremely positive with a very\nhigh satisfaction rate. Key points from delegate feedback were as follows:\n1. The challenge for this course is to maintain the right balance between\ntheory and practice. Delegates have requested the most advanced research and\nmathematical theory for inclusion. The flip-side of the coin is that they\nalso would like as many practical examples as possible. On the attached\ndraft, where PRACTICAL EXAMPLE(S) are included as the final bullet point I\nwould like to include a one line description of the practical example you\nwill provide for the audience.\n2. Delegates have requested more time spent on actual modelling rather than\nexaminations of quantitative discussions of the energy markets in general.\nAgain, I think that we provide a good balance between the two.\n3. Basically, the audience who attend this are eager to attend the most\nadvanced financial mathematics course available for energy practitioners. I\nthink that with the current market developments this approach combined with\nthe impact of recent events we will have an extremely topical and exciting\nevent this July.\nI look forward to seeing your responses next week. Please contact me to\ndiscuss the existing arrangements for travel and accommodation\nreimbursement.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Paul Bristow [mailto:pbristow@riskwaters.com]\nSent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:52 AM\nTo: 'pnance@teknecon.com'; 'chris.harris@innogy.com';\n'eronn@mail.utexas.edu'; 'vince.j.kaminski@eron.com'; 'vkaminski@aol.com';\n'spyros.maragos@dynegy.com'; 'ds64@cyrus.andrew.cmu.edu';\n'geman@math.umass.edu'\nSubject: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy\nDerivatives\nDear all,\nFirstly, I would like to thank you for all your help on the Energy & Power\nRisk Management 2001 event. The line-up is exceptional and I am extremely\nexcited about this event.\nAs the course leaders of our annual financial mathematics training course, I\nwould like to notify you of the dates for the event this year. We plan to\nhold the courses at the following venues on the following dates:\nHOUSTON - June 21 & 22\nLONDON - June 28 & 29\nNEW YORK - July 9 & 10\nI would like to confirm availability for these events and to take on board\nany update suggestions for the 2001 course. I do hope that these dates\nenable you to participate in this event and I look forward to speaking with\neach of you soon.\nBest wishes,\nPaul Bristow\n", ["Fwd: FW: Understanding & Applying Financial Mathematics to Energy Derivatives"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<18678635.1075856207678.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27629722.1075856410705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-9:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 \n04:27 PM ---------------------------\nDavid Ikenberry on 04/19/2001 12:41:10 PM\nTo: Andrew.S.Fastow@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nMr. Fastow,\nI'm writing all of our participants and confirming plans for the upcoming\ncorporate finance meetings on May 4-5 here. As a reminder, you are slated\nto sit on the executive option/equity dilution panel on Saturday\nmorning. Dave Yermack from NYU, the number one expert on this issue, is\npresenting at that session. (Again, serving as a panelist should require\nlittle preparation on your behalf.)\nAlso, you and your wife are welcome to attend the dinner on Friday evening,\nMay 4. It will be held in the Baker Institute across from the business\nschool. Tom Copeland is our speaker - (I think he plans to focus his\nremarks on real options). Vince Kaminski has told me he will be at the\ndinner, however his wife is out of town and will not be.\nPlease call me direct if I can be of any help or assistance. I look\nforward to seeing you soon. I've attached a copy of the program along with\na name rooster of those planning to attend.\nDave Ikenberry\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n", ["The National Forum on Corporate Finance", "Texas Finance Festival"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "", ["<5640090.1075856439607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1733041.1075856439628.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15992449.1075856502984.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14091723.1075856505934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11481963.1075856191626.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5818788.1075856191649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31437348.1075856424048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19423123.1075856424070.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-19:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-19:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 04:27 PM ---------------------------\n\"Ehud I. Ronn\" on 04/18/2001 01:47:19 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Texas Finance Festival\nVince,\nGreetings.\nJust wanted to drop a line expressing regret for my missing your Texas\nFinance Festival (TFF) keynote address. I would have enjoyed hearing your\nviews and catching up on things.\nRegrettably, however, it appears I will be unable to attend this year's\nTFF. I look forward to seeing you again at next month's EPRM 2001.\nBest,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Department of Finance\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n=================================================\n", ["Texas Finance Festival", "The National Forum on Corporate Finance"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "\n", ["<21910396.1075858469198.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21690813.1075858469221.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-9:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-9:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jason.sokolov@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Jason,\nYes, I cannot open it.\nVince\n \n \n \n From: Jason Sokolov 05/01/2001 03:56 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Papers\nVince,\nDid you receive this paper?\nJason\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 03:55 \nPM ---------------------------\n\"Stuart Russell Hamel\" on 04/30/2001 04:52:12 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: \nDr. Kaminski:\nPlease see our attached paper.\nThank you,\nJed Howard, Brian Nelson, and\nStuart Hamel\n(713) 218-8903\n - winmail.dat\n", ["Re: Papers", "London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<21049862.1075856436697.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20662888.1075856436719.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26356190.1075856436742.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7249938.1075856500081.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13569369.1075856500103.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24479723.1075856500126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32470588.1075856183610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3903852.1075856183633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13136013.1075856183656.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29882349.1075856430423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31918144.1075856430519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13552052.1075856430542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-19:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-19:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com"], [], "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 04:44 PM ---------------------------\n\"Joanna Vidal\" on 05/01/2001 03:43:11 PM\nTo: , \"Geman Helyette\" , , , , , , \ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nHello Speakers!\n \nMy name is Joanna Vidal and I am the coordinator for the Financial Mathematics Training course being in held on the following dates:\n \nLondon on June 28 & 29\nNew York on July 9 & 10 \nHouston on July 16 & 17 \n \nI am in the process of preparing the speaker packs which will include an updated contact information sheet with all your details. You will receive this pack shortly after you confirm your addresses. I will list them below and I ask that you please look it over and make any necessary corrections. \n \n My contact details, for your information are:\n \nJoanna Vidal\nEvents Coordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nT: (212) 925 1864 ext. 197\nF: (212) 925 7585\njvidal@riskwaters.com \nwww.riskwaters.com \n \nThank you and I look forward to working with you.\n \nDuane Seppi\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administrations\nPittsburgh, PA 15213-3890\nT: 001 412-268-2298\nF: 001 412-269-8896\n \nHelyette Geman\nUniversite de Paris Dauphine\nFinance Department au de ka Grand Ecole\nCorgy Pontois, Paris\nFrance 95021\nT: 00 33 60-807-4200\n \nVincent Kaminski\nEnron Credit \n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nT: 001 713-853-3848\nF: 001 713-646-2503\n \nPeter Nance\nTeknecon, Inc.\n1515 S. Capital of Texas Highway\nSuite 101\nAustin, TX 78746\nT: 001 512-732-7084\nF: 001 512-732-7099\n \nChris Harris\nInnogy Holdings Place\nWindmill Hill Business Park\nWhitehill Way\nSwindon, Wiltshire\nUK, 5N5 6PB\nT: 44 793 387-7777\nF: 44 793 389-7811\n \nSpyros Maragos\nDynergy, Inc.\n1000 Louisiana Street\nSuite 5800\nHouston, TX 77002\nT: 011 713-507-6589\nF: 001 713-767-5958\n \nEhud Ronn\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance\nMcCombs school of Business\nAustin, TX 78712-1179\nT: 001 512-471-5853\nF: 001 512-471-5073\n \n \n \n", ["London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001", "Re: Papers"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<10983214.1075858471623.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11949190.1075858471645.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6764580.1075858471667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-0:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-0:29:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 \n04:45 PM ---------------------------\n\"Joanna Vidal\" on 05/01/2001 03:43:11 PM\nTo: , \"Geman Helyette\" , \n, , , \n, , \ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nHello Speakers!\n?\nMy name is Joanna Vidal and I am the coordinator for the Financial \nMathematics Training course being in held on the following dates:\n?\nLondon on June 28 & 29\nNew York on July 9 & 10 \nHouston on July 16 & 17?\n?\nI am in the process of preparing the speaker packs which will include an \nupdated contact information sheet with?all your details.? You will receive \nthis pack shortly after you confirm your addresses.? I will list them below \nand I ask that you please look it over and make any necessary corrections.?\n?\n?My contact details, for your information are:\n?\nJoanna Vidal\nEvents Coordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nT: (212) 925 1864 ext. 197\nF: (212) 925 7585\njvidal@riskwaters.com\nwww.riskwaters.com\n?\nThank you and I look forward to working with you.\n?\nDuane Seppi\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administrations\nPittsburgh, PA 15213-3890\nT: 001 412-268-2298\nF: 001 412-269-8896\n?\nHelyette Geman\nUniversite de Paris Dauphine\nFinance Department au de ka Grand Ecole\nCorgy Pontois, Paris\nFrance 95021\nT: 00 33 60-807-4200\n?\nVincent Kaminski\nEnron Credit \n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nT: 001 713-853-3848\nF: 001 713-646-2503\n?\nPeter Nance\nTeknecon, Inc.\n1515 S. Capital of Texas Highway\nSuite 101\nAustin, TX 78746\nT: 001 512-732-7084\nF: 001 512-732-7099\n?\nChris Harris\nInnogy Holdings Place\nWindmill Hill Business Park\nWhitehill Way\nSwindon, Wiltshire\nUK, 5N5 6PB\nT: 44 793 387-7777\nF: 44 793 389-7811\n?\nSpyros Maragos\nDynergy, Inc.\n1000 Louisiana Street\nSuite 5800\nHouston, TX 77002\nT: 011 713-507-6589\nF: 001 713-767-5958\n?\nEhud Ronn\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance\nMcCombs school of Business\nAustin, TX 78712-1179\nT: 001 512-471-5853\nF: 001 512-471-5073\n?\n?\n?\n", ["Re: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince:\n\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\n", ["<12436850.1075856183174.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8143666.1075856598208.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1869673.1075856430566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-10:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-10:29:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 04:45 PM ---------------------------\n\"Joanna Vidal\" on 05/01/2001 03:43:11 PM\nTo: , \"Geman Helyette\" , , , , , , \ncc: \nSubject: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001\nHello Speakers!\n \nMy name is Joanna Vidal and I am the coordinator for the Financial Mathematics Training course being in held on the following dates:\n \nLondon on June 28 & 29\nNew York on July 9 & 10 \nHouston on July 16 & 17 \n \nI am in the process of preparing the speaker packs which will include an updated contact information sheet with all your details. You will receive this pack shortly after you confirm your addresses. I will list them below and I ask that you please look it over and make any necessary corrections. \n \n My contact details, for your information are:\n \nJoanna Vidal\nEvents Coordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nT: (212) 925 1864 ext. 197\nF: (212) 925 7585\njvidal@riskwaters.com \nwww.riskwaters.com \n \nThank you and I look forward to working with you.\n \nDuane Seppi\nCarnegie Mellon University\nGraduate School of Industrial Administrations\nPittsburgh, PA 15213-3890\nT: 001 412-268-2298\nF: 001 412-269-8896\n \nHelyette Geman\nUniversite de Paris Dauphine\nFinance Department au de ka Grand Ecole\nCorgy Pontois, Paris\nFrance 95021\nT: 00 33 60-807-4200\n \nVincent Kaminski\nEnron Credit \n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nT: 001 713-853-3848\nF: 001 713-646-2503\n \nPeter Nance\nTeknecon, Inc.\n1515 S. Capital of Texas Highway\nSuite 101\nAustin, TX 78746\nT: 001 512-732-7084\nF: 001 512-732-7099\n \nChris Harris\nInnogy Holdings Place\nWindmill Hill Business Park\nWhitehill Way\nSwindon, Wiltshire\nUK, 5N5 6PB\nT: 44 793 387-7777\nF: 44 793 389-7811\n \nSpyros Maragos\nDynergy, Inc.\n1000 Louisiana Street\nSuite 5800\nHouston, TX 77002\nT: 011 713-507-6589\nF: 001 713-767-5958\n \nEhud Ronn\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance\nMcCombs school of Business\nAustin, TX 78712-1179\nT: 001 512-471-5853\nF: 001 512-471-5073\n \n \n \n", ["Re: London, New York, Houston, Financial Mathematics June/July 2001"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Vince:\n\nAre you just speaking at the one in Houston?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/01/2001 04:45 PM\n", ["<39805.1075840779947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-9-2001-11:52:17Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["18-9-2001-11:52:17", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["greg.whalley@enron.com"], ["m..taylor@enron.com", "j.kaminski@enron.com", "gau.george@enron.com", "richard.causey@enron.com"], "Mr. Whalley:\nGreetings.\nFurther to my discussions with your colleague Vince Kaminski, I write you \nat this time in my capacity as Director of the Center for Energy Finance \nEducation and Research (CEFER) at the McCombs School of Business, \nUniversity of Texas at Austin.\nFollowing the first University of Texas Energy Finance Conference in Feb. \n2001, my colleagues and I are planning a second annual \npractitioner-industry Conference in the Spring 2002, scheduled for 2/21 - \n2/22/02, planning for which is on-going with your Enron colleagues. The \nConference will kick off with a dinner and keynote address Thur. evening, \nthen continue all day Fri.\nI write to extend an invitation for you to be the keynote speaker at the \nThur. evening dinner, or the Fri. lunch if your schedule precludes a Thur. \nevening presentation.\nAlthough the format for the 2002 conference may differ from that used in \nFeb. 2001, for completeness I enclose herewith a copy of the 2001 \nConference Program.\nYou may recall meeting my UT Finance Dept. colleagues and I during our \nday-long visit to Enron two years ago on Aug. 27, 1999. I look forward to \nseeing you again, this time on the UT campus. With Best Regards,\nEhud Ronn", ["Invitation to Present Feb. 21, 2002 Keynote Address at the Spring 2002 University of Texas Energy Finance Conference"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Mr. Whalley:\n\nGreetings.\n\nFurther to my discussions with your colleague Vince Kaminski, I write you\nat this time in my capacity as Director of the Center for Energy Finance\nEducation and Research (CEFER) at the McCombs School of Business,\nUniversity of Texas at Austin.\n\nFollowing the first University of Texas Energy Finance Conference in Feb.\n2001, my colleagues and I are planning a second annual\npractitioner-industry Conference in the Spring 2002, scheduled for 2/21 -\n2/22/02, planning for which is on-going with your Enron colleagues. The\nConference will kick off with a dinner and keynote address Thur. evening,\nthen continue all day Fri.\n\nI write to extend an invitation for you to be the keynote speaker at the\nThur. evening dinner, or the Fri. lunch if your schedule precludes a Thur.\nevening presentation.\n\nAlthough the format for the 2002 conference may differ from that used in\nFeb. 2001, for completeness I enclose herewith a copy of the 2001\nConference Program.\n\nYou may recall meeting my UT Finance Dept. colleagues and I during our\nday-long visit to Enron two years ago on Aug. 27, 1999. I look forward to\nseeing you again, this time on the UT campus. With Best Regards,\nEhud Ronn\n - 2001 Conference schedule1.doc \n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n==============================================", ["<17502895.1075852349223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23774367.1075863444770.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-10-2001-15:26:19Ssally.beck@enron.com": ["9-10-2001-15:26:19", "sally.beck@enron.com", ["bob.may@bus.utexas.edu"], [], "We are looking forward to dinner with you and other faculty members on Tuesday, October 16 as we honor the three students who are the recipients of the 2001-2002 Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholarships. We have booked The Josephine House once again. \nI wanted to confirm several details with you. \n1) Cocktails at 7:00 pm; Dinner at 7:30 pm --Do these times work for you? \n2) Last year's invitees from UT included the following:\n Associate Dean Philip Zerrillo philip.zerrillo@bus.utexas.edu\n Assistant Dean Britt Freund brittf@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. Ehud Ronn eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. George Gau ggau@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. Beverly Hadaway hadawayb@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. Linda Golden mkllg@mail.utexas.edu\n Mr. Eloy Garcia eloy.garcia@bus.utexas.edu\n Would you like to make any changes or additions to this list for the dinner? If so, please let me know the changes and appropriate e-mail addresses as necessary. \nI will update you later in the week with the list of Enron attendees and the names of the students and their spouses, as applicable. \nI look forward to seeing you again at the dinner. I have enjoyed being involved in the interview process for selecting the scholarship recipients for the last three years, and I especially appreciate the opportunity for Enron and the University to jointly recognize these deserving students. Please call me with any questions regarding the dinner. \nSally White Beck \nChief Operating Officer\nEnron Net Works LLC\n713-853-5926\nsally.beck@enron.com\n ", ["October 16th -Enron Dinner"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["make change", 81, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "request", "edu would you like to make any changes or additions to this list for the dinner?"]], "We are looking forward to dinner with you and other faculty members on Tuesday, October 16 as we honor the three students who are the recipients of the 2001-2002 Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholarships. We have booked The Josephine House once again. \n\nI wanted to confirm several details with you. \n\n1) Cocktails at 7:00 pm; Dinner at 7:30 pm --Do these times work for you? \n\n2) Last year's invitees from UT included the following:\n Associate Dean Philip Zerrillo\t\t\t\tphilip.zerrillo@bus.utexas.edu\n Assistant Dean Britt Freund\t\t\t\tbrittf@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. Ehud Ronn\t\t\t\t\teronn@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. George Gau\t\t\t\t\tggau@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. Beverly Hadaway\t\t\t\t\thadawayb@mail.utexas.edu\n Dr. Linda Golden\t\t\t\t\tmkllg@mail.utexas.edu\n Mr. Eloy Garcia\t\t\t\t\teloy.garcia@bus.utexas.edu\n\n\tWould you like to make any changes or additions to this list for the dinner? If so, please let me know the changes and appropriate e-mail addresses as necessary. \n\nI will update you later in the week with the list of Enron attendees and the names of the students and their spouses, as applicable. \n\nI look forward to seeing you again at the dinner. I have enjoyed being involved in the interview process for selecting the scholarship recipients for the last three years, and I especially appreciate the opportunity for Enron and the University to jointly recognize these deserving students. Please call me with any questions regarding the dinner. \n\nSally White Beck \nChief Operating Officer\nEnron Net Works LLC\n\n713-853-5926\nsally.beck@enron.com\n ", ["<10672337.1075858755685.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-10-2001-14:13:27Ssally.beck@enron.com": ["10-10-2001-14:13:27", "sally.beck@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu", "hadawayb@mail.utexas.edu", "mkllg@mail.utexas.edu", "philip.zerrillo@bus.utexas.edu", "ggau@mail.utexas.edu", "bob.may@bus.utexas.edu"], ["richard.causey@enron.com"], "Attached please find an invitation to attend a dinner hosted by Enron to honor this year's recipients of the Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholarships. This is our third year to work jointly with many of you in the business school to award these scholarships to outstanding students in their second year of the MBA program. One of the highlights to those of us involved from Enron is the dinner that we host to recognize the students and to renew associations with many of you. I hope that you will be able to join us at The Josephine House on Tuesday, October 16 for cocktails at 7:00pm and dinner at 7:30pm. In attendance from Enron will be Rick Causey and me, plus a few others from our senior management team who will be in Austin conducting our on-campus interviews for Enron's Analyst Program. I will send each of you a final list of attendees by the end of this week. \n \nSally W. Beck\nChief Operating Officer\nEnron Net Works, LLC\nPhone - 713.853.5926\nFax - 713.345.8100\nsally.beck@enron.com\n ", ["UT/Enron Dinner - Tuesday, October 16, 2001"], "{'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 46, "nninformation", ["conducting", "interviews"], "intention", " in attendance from enron will be rick causey and me, plus a few others from our senior management team who will be in austin conducting our on-campus interviews for enron's analyst program."]], "Attached please find an invitation to attend a dinner hosted by Enron to honor this year's recipients of the Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholarships. This is our third year to work jointly with many of you in the business school to award these scholarships to outstanding students in their second year of the MBA program. One of the highlights to those of us involved from Enron is the dinner that we host to recognize the students and to renew associations with many of you. I hope that you will be able to join us at The Josephine House on Tuesday, October 16 for cocktails at 7:00pm and dinner at 7:30pm. In attendance from Enron will be Rick Causey and me, plus a few others from our senior management team who will be in Austin conducting our on-campus interviews for Enron's Analyst Program. I will send each of you a final list of attendees by the end of this week. \n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t \n\n\nSally W. Beck\nChief Operating Officer\nEnron Net Works, LLC\nPhone - 713.853.5926\nFax - 713.345.8100\nsally.beck@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t", ["<11789295.1075858755564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-10-2001-11:33:16Ssally.beck@enron.com": ["11-10-2001-11:33:16", "sally.beck@enron.com", ["eronn@mail.utexas.edu"], ["christina.valdez@enron.com"], "Absolutely, we would enjoy having Angela Dorsey join us for dinner. I am glad that you made the suggestion. Please extend the invitation to her now so that she can reserve the date on her calendar, and if you will send me her e-mail address we will send her an invitation as well. \nThanks for the congratulations. Yes, the title is an new one - announced just a few weeks ago. \nI look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening. --Sally \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ehud Ronn @ENRON \nSent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 9:56 AM\nTo: Beck, Sally\nSubject: Re: UT/Enron Dinner - Tuesday, October 16, 2001\nSally:\n>This is our third year to work jointly with many of you\n>in the business school to award these scholarships to outstanding\n>students in their second year of the MBA program. One of the highlights\n>to those of us involved from Enron is the dinner that we host to\n>recognize the students and to renew associations with many of you. I\n>hope that you will be able to join us at The Josephine House on Tuesday,\n>October 16 for cocktails at 7:00pm and dinner at 7:30pm.\nAs I have in previous years, I look forward to joining you, your colleagues\nand mine at the reception and dinner.\nSubject to understandable space constraints, may I be so bold as to suggest\nyou consider inviting my Center for Energy Finance Assistant Director\nAngela Dorsey, who has been closely involved with all UT energy finance\nactivities?\nI take this opportunity to congratulate you on what I believe is, at least\nto me, your new title.\nBest Regards,\nEhud Ronn\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n==============================================", ["RE: UT/Enron Dinner - Tuesday, October 16, 2001"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu'], 'recipients': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [], "Absolutely, we would enjoy having Angela Dorsey join us for dinner. I am glad that you made the suggestion. Please extend the invitation to her now so that she can reserve the date on her calendar, and if you will send me her e-mail address we will send her an invitation as well. \n\nThanks for the congratulations. Yes, the title is an new one - announced just a few weeks ago. \n\nI look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening. --Sally \n\n ", ["<1688323.1075858755420.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-10-2001-13:5:53Seronn@mail.utexas.edu": ["15-10-2001-13:5:53", "eronn@mail.utexas.edu", ["richard.causey@enron.com"], ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Rick:\nGreetings.\nYou may recall my 9/18 e-mail to Greg Whalley inviting him to keynote our\nSpring 2002 UT Energy Finance Conference at dinner on Thur., Feb. 21, 2002.\nI take the opportunity of your Austin visit tomorrow to inquire whether Mr.\nWhalley has made a decision, hopefully positive, to accept our invitation.\nI look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening. With Best Regards,\nEhud\n==============================================\n Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n==============================================", ["Re: UT/Enron Dinner - Tuesday, October 16, 2001"], "{'body': ['eronn@mail.utexas.edu']}", [["invite personnelpronoun", 3, "nninformation", ["inviting", "him"], "intention", " you may recall my datenumeric e-mail to greg whalley inviting him to keynote our spring numeric ut energy finance conference at dinner on thur."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 22, "information", ["decision", "made"], "information", " whalley has made a decision, hopefully positive, to accept our invitation."]], "Rick:\n\nGreetings.\n\nYou may recall my 9/18 e-mail to Greg Whalley inviting him to keynote our\nSpring 2002 UT Energy Finance Conference at dinner on Thur., Feb. 21, 2002.\n\nI take the opportunity of your Austin visit tomorrow to inquire whether Mr.\nWhalley has made a decision, hopefully positive, to accept our invitation.\n\nI look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening. With Best Regards,\nEhud\n============================================= Ehud I. Ronn\n Professor of Finance and Jack S. Josey Professor in Energy Studies\n Director, Center for Energy Finance Education and Research\n McCombs School of Business\n University of Texas at Austin\n Austin, TX. 78712-1179\n Voice: (512) 471-5853\n FAX: (512) 471-5073\n Internet: eronn@mail.utexas.edu\n==============================================", ["<11249585.1075863403756.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "12-4-2001-8:53:0Smolly.magee@enron.com 12-4-2001-18:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-4-2001-8:53:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-8:53:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8615049.1075856618266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 08:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: I am Zhendong\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nsure thing!\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 3:21 PM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc: Gibner, Stinson; Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: I am Zhendong\n\nMolly,\n\nWe would like to hire this person for the summer (standard offer).\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/12/2001 \n03:22 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nZhendong Xia on 04/11/2001 09:14:01 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: I am Zhendong\n\n\nHi, Dr. Kaminski:\n\n I am Zhendong, the student of Dr. Deng. I think Dr. Deng has sent my\nresume to you. I am very happy to have an opportunity to work with you\nthis summer.\n I am a student in both MS qcf and Ph.d EDA programs in Georgia Tech\nnow. I plan to find a job in industry instead of academic after my\ngraduation. So I intend to do internship during the process of prusuing my\ndegree to acquire some experience for my future career.\n I hope to start on 5/14/2001 and end on 8/17/2001.\n Thanks a lot.\n\nZhendong Xia\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nSchool of Industrial and Systems Engineering\n\nEmail: dengie@isye.gatech.edu\n dengie@sina.com\nTel : (H)404-8975103\n (O)404-8944318\n\n", "RE: I am Zhendong", "reply", [], "sure thing!\n\n ", "<8615049.1075856618266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "12-4-2001-18:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-18:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dengie@isye.gatech.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15809068.1075840786427.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 18:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: dengie@isye.gatech.edu\nSubject: Re: I am Zhendong\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Zhendong Xia \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\resumes\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nZhendong,\n\nThanks. Please,send me your updated resume as well.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nZhendong Xia on 04/11/2001 09:14:01 PM\nTo:\tVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tI am Zhendong\n\n\nHi, Dr. Kaminski:\n\n I am Zhendong, the student of Dr. Deng. I think Dr. Deng has sent my\nresume to you. I am very happy to have an opportunity to work with you\nthis summer.\n I am a student in both MS qcf and Ph.d EDA programs in Georgia Tech\nnow. I plan to find a job in industry instead of academic after my\ngraduation. So I intend to do internship during the process of prusuing my\ndegree to acquire some experience for my future career.\n I hope to start on 5/14/2001 and end on 8/17/2001.\n Thanks a lot.\n\nZhendong Xia\nGeorgia Institute of Technology\nSchool of Industrial and Systems Engineering\n\nEmail: dengie@isye.gatech.edu\n dengie@sina.com\nTel : (H)404-8975103\n (O)404-8944318\n\n\n", "Re: I am Zhendong", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " please,send me your updated resume as well."]], "Zhendong,\n\nThanks. Please,send me your updated resume as well.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nZhendong Xia ", [], false]}, "17-3-2000-1:36:0Ssteven.leppard@enron.com 17-3-2000-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-3-2000-1:36:0Ssteven.leppard@enron.com": ["17-3-2000-1:36:0", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11403976.1075857050642.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 01:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: steven.leppard@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Thomas Knudsen\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Steven Leppard\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince\n\nI met with Thomas this morning (I gave you his CV before, though I don't know \nif you had time to read it). He's extremely interested in moving to Enron, \nand accepts that our work is far less academic than his postdoc research, \nalthough far broader than his investment banking quant experience. He \nremains interested, and emphasised he wants to stay close to the traders, but \nwants to look at new markets and products. I think we should seriously \nconsider hiring him. He is (understandably) reluctant to move to Houston, \nbut there's no doubt that there is plenty of (unnmet) demand for derivatives \npricing (and thinking) here in London.\n\nWould you be interested in my setting up a videoconference in the next couple \nof weeks so you have a chance to chat with him? I'm meeting with him again \non Tuesday at an academic quant finance seminar organised by Lane at King's \nCollege. I've attached his CV for your reference.\n\nAll the best,\nSteve", "Thomas Knudsen", "reply", [], "Hi Vince\n\nI met with Thomas this morning (I gave you his CV before, though I don't know \nif you had time to read it). He's extremely interested in moving to Enron, \nand accepts that our work is far less academic than his postdoc research, \nalthough far broader than his investment banking quant experience. He \nremains interested, and emphasised he wants to stay close to the traders, but \nwants to look at new markets and products. I think we should seriously \nconsider hiring him. He is (understandably) reluctant to move to Houston, \nbut there's no doubt that there is plenty of (unnmet) demand for derivatives \npricing (and thinking) here in London.\n\nWould you be interested in my setting up a videoconference in the next couple \nof weeks so you have a chance to chat with him? I'm meeting with him again \non Tuesday at an academic quant finance seminar organised by Lane at King's \nCollege. I've attached his CV for your reference.\n\nAll the best,\nSteve", "<11403976.1075857050642.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-3-2000-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-3-2000-2:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["steven.leppard@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <33083530.1075856758833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 02:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Thomas Knudsen\nCc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Vasant Shanbhogue, Vince J Kaminski, Grant Masson, Stinson Gibner, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nYes, please arrange the interview. The resume is very interesting.\nI shall be on vacation all of next week; you can make arrangements\nfor the following week, Monday through Thursday. Please, include\nStinson, Grant and Vasant.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n03/17/2000 03:36 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Thomas Knudsen\n\nHi Vince\n\nI met with Thomas this morning (I gave you his CV before, though I don't know \nif you had time to read it). He's extremely interested in moving to Enron, \nand accepts that our work is far less academic than his postdoc research, \nalthough far broader than his investment banking quant experience. He \nremains interested, and emphasised he wants to stay close to the traders, but \nwants to look at new markets and products. I think we should seriously \nconsider hiring him. He is (understandably) reluctant to move to Houston, \nbut there's no doubt that there is plenty of (unnmet) demand for derivatives \npricing (and thinking) here in London.\n\nWould you be interested in my setting up a videoconference in the next couple \nof weeks so you have a chance to chat with him? I'm meeting with him again \non Tuesday at an academic quant finance seminar organised by Lane at King's \nCollege. I've attached his CV for your reference.\n\nAll the best,\nSteve\n\n\n", "Re: Thomas Knudsen", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "request", "steve, yes, please arrange the interview."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 8, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "make"], "intention", " i shall be on vacation all of next week; you can make arrangements for the following week, monday through thursday."]], "Steve,\n\nYes, please arrange the interview. The resume is very interesting.\nI shall be on vacation all of next week; you can make arrangements\nfor the following week, Monday through Thursday. Please, include\nStinson, Grant and Vasant.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n03/17/2000 03:36 AM\n", "<33083530.1075856758833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-3-2000-8:44:0Snurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu 1-3-2000-23:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-3-2000-8:44:0Snurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu": ["1-3-2000-8:44:0", "nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu", "Message-ID: <20612257.1075857068652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 08:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Job application\nCc: nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: nurit@fireant.ma.utexas.edu\nX-From: Nurit Krausz \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Nurit Krausz \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI currently hold a post-doctorate position in the Mathematics\nDepartment at the University of Texas at Austin (with a Ph.D.\nin theoretical physics). Although my position here is renewable\nuntil summer 2001, I would like to move on to a more dynamic field\nwhere I can still use my analytical skills and mathematical knowledge.\nSince attending a series of lectures on mathematical finance given\nby Dr. Marc Potters last summer I started studying the subject on my\nown and found it intriguing and challenging.\n\nI am interested in a position in your group (RAC) at Enron.\nLast fall in a Career seminar at UT you mentioned that people who are\ninterested can send you their resume. If this is still relevant, please\nfind below my resume (in Word 97 and text formats).\nThank you for your time.\n\nYours,\nNurit Krausz\n\n***********************************************************************\nNurit Krausz, Ph.D. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\nDept. of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7170\nUniversity of Texas at Austin Office: RLM 11.170 Hours:MWF 8:30-10\n***********************************************************************\n\nRESUME\n\nNurit Krausz\nUniversity of Texas\nDepartment of Mathematics\nAustin, TX 78712\nPhone: (512) 471-7170\nE-mail: nurit@math.utexas.edu\nhttp://rene.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\n\nObjective\n\nA position in the field of mathematical finance utilizing broad\nmathematical knowledge, innovative thinking and creativity.\n\nSummary of Qualifications\n\nWith extensive academic background and research experience,\ncombined with experience as an engineer in the Israeli Air Force,\nI possess the following:\n* Deep mathematical and scientific knowledge.\n* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.\n* Proven ability to quickly become an expert in new subjects.\n* Ability to present clearly and effectively complicated subjects.\n* Ability to work productively both independently and in teams.\n\nAcademic Positions\n\n1998-present: Post-doctorate position at the University of Texas\nat Austin, Department of Mathematics.\n\nEducation\n\n1994-1998: D.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: Quantum Dynamics on Non-compact Group Manifolds.\nSupervisor: Prof. M. Marinov.\n\n1992-1994: M.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: A Study of Scintillation in Doped Silica Glass\nfor Detection of Neutrino Oscillation.\nSupervisor: Prof. J. Goldberg.\nThe experiments were performed at CERN during the summer of 1993.\n* Performed the design, testing, and installation of the experimental\n setup from remote-controlled mechanical equipment to sophisticated\n electronics.\n* Performed statistical data analysis and critical interpretation of\n results using software developed at CERN (PAW).\n* Solved a complicated problem of track reconstruction through an\n unusually shaped magnet for the CHORUS collaboration at CERN, and\n delivered a computer code ready for implementation, still in use\n today.\n\n1985-1989: B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering Cum Laude at the\nTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology.\n\nMilitary Service\n\n1989-1992: Aeronautic design engineer in the Israeli Air Force.\nRank: First Lieutenant.\n* Designed and supervised numerous prototype installations of\n electronic equipment and changes in combat planes.\n* Wrote procedures for harsh environmental durability tests for cockpit\n and avionics bay-mounted equipment.\n* Negotiated and supervised manufacturing of parts with contractors.\n* Attended Project Management, Engineering and Product Reliability\n and Maintenance courses.\n* Programmed simulations of ammunition trajectories from moving\n aircrafts.\n\nTeaching Experience:\n\n1998-present: Lecturer at the University of Texas\nUndergraduate courses: Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra\nGraduate course: Theory of Lie Groups\n\n1992-1997 Physics Department, Technion, Teaching Assistant\nUndergraduate course: Elementary Lab in Mechanics\nGraduate courses: Group Theory for Physics,\nIntroduction to Particle Physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.\n\nComputer knowledge:\n\nUNIX and Windows OS, most common word processors, Excel,\nMAPLE, MATHEMATICA, FORTRAN, HTML, LaTeX.\n\nPublications:\n\n1. J. Goldberg and N. Krausz, Response of Cerium-Doped Silica Glass\n in a beam at CERN, Proceedings of the SCIFI conference, Notre Dame\n University, Notre Dame, Indiana (1993).\n2. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Quantal Dynamics on Non-compact\n Groups, Proceedings of the 5th International Wigner Symposium,\n World Scientific (1998), 398.\n3. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Exact evolution operator on\n Non-Compact Group Manifolds, quant-ph/9709050,\n submitted to J. of Math. Phys.\n4. N. Krausz, Spherical averages in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n5. N. Krausz, Quantum Field Theory in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n\n\n - RESUME.DOC", "Job application", "forward", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 48, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "intention", " last fall in a career seminar at ut you mentioned that people who are interested can send you their resume."]], "Dear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI currently hold a post-doctorate position in the Mathematics\nDepartment at the University of Texas at Austin (with a Ph.D.\nin theoretical physics). Although my position here is renewable\nuntil summer 2001, I would like to move on to a more dynamic field\nwhere I can still use my analytical skills and mathematical knowledge.\nSince attending a series of lectures on mathematical finance given\nby Dr. Marc Potters last summer I started studying the subject on my\nown and found it intriguing and challenging.\n\nI am interested in a position in your group (RAC) at Enron.\nLast fall in a Career seminar at UT you mentioned that people who are\ninterested can send you their resume. If this is still relevant, please\nfind below my resume (in Word 97 and text formats).\nThank you for your time.\n\nYours,\nNurit Krausz\n\n***********************************************************************\nNurit Krausz, Ph.D. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\nDept. of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7170\nUniversity of Texas at Austin Office: RLM 11.170 Hours:MWF 8:30-10\n***********************************************************************\n\nRESUME\n\nNurit Krausz\nUniversity of Texas\nDepartment of Mathematics\nAustin, TX 78712\nPhone: (512) 471-7170\nE-mail: nurit@math.utexas.edu\nhttp://rene.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\n\nObjective\n\nA position in the field of mathematical finance utilizing broad\nmathematical knowledge, innovative thinking and creativity.\n\nSummary of Qualifications\n\nWith extensive academic background and research experience,\ncombined with experience as an engineer in the Israeli Air Force,\nI possess the following:\n* Deep mathematical and scientific knowledge.\n* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.\n* Proven ability to quickly become an expert in new subjects.\n* Ability to present clearly and effectively complicated subjects.\n* Ability to work productively both independently and in teams.\n\nAcademic Positions\n\n1998-present: Post-doctorate position at the University of Texas\nat Austin, Department of Mathematics.\n\nEducation\n\n1994-1998: D.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: Quantum Dynamics on Non-compact Group Manifolds.\nSupervisor: Prof. M. Marinov.\n\n1992-1994: M.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: A Study of Scintillation in Doped Silica Glass\nfor Detection of Neutrino Oscillation.\nSupervisor: Prof. J. Goldberg.\nThe experiments were performed at CERN during the summer of 1993.\n* Performed the design, testing, and installation of the experimental\n setup from remote-controlled mechanical equipment to sophisticated\n electronics.\n* Performed statistical data analysis and critical interpretation of\n results using software developed at CERN (PAW).\n* Solved a complicated problem of track reconstruction through an\n unusually shaped magnet for the CHORUS collaboration at CERN, and\n delivered a computer code ready for implementation, still in use\n today.\n\n1985-1989: B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering Cum Laude at the\nTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology.\n\nMilitary Service\n\n1989-1992: Aeronautic design engineer in the Israeli Air Force.\nRank: First Lieutenant.\n* Designed and supervised numerous prototype installations of\n electronic equipment and changes in combat planes.\n* Wrote procedures for harsh environmental durability tests for cockpit\n and avionics bay-mounted equipment.\n* Negotiated and supervised manufacturing of parts with contractors.\n* Attended Project Management, Engineering and Product Reliability\n and Maintenance courses.\n* Programmed simulations of ammunition trajectories from moving\n aircrafts.\n\nTeaching Experience:\n\n1998-present: Lecturer at the University of Texas\nUndergraduate courses: Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra\nGraduate course: Theory of Lie Groups\n\n1992-1997 Physics Department, Technion, Teaching Assistant\nUndergraduate course: Elementary Lab in Mechanics\nGraduate courses: Group Theory for Physics,\nIntroduction to Particle Physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.\n\nComputer knowledge:\n\nUNIX and Windows OS, most common word processors, Excel,\nMAPLE, MATHEMATICA, FORTRAN, HTML, LaTeX.\n\nPublications:\n\n1. J. Goldberg and N. Krausz, Response of Cerium-Doped Silica Glass\n in a beam at CERN, Proceedings of the SCIFI conference, Notre Dame\n University, Notre Dame, Indiana (1993).\n2. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Quantal Dynamics on Non-compact\n Groups, Proceedings of the 5th International Wigner Symposium,\n World Scientific (1998), 398.\n3. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Exact evolution operator on\n Non-Compact Group Manifolds, quant-ph/9709050,\n submitted to J. of Math. Phys.\n4. N. Krausz, Spherical averages in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n5. N. Krausz, Quantum Field Theory in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n\n\n - RESUME.DOC", "<20612257.1075857068652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "1-3-2000-23:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-23:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["zimin.lu@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <27016380.1075856998350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 23:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Job application\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Zimin Lu, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nCan you schedule an interview for him with Stinson, Zimin and Krishna.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/02/2000 \n07:47 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nNurit Krausz on 03/01/2000 10:44:00 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Nurit Krausz \nSubject: Job application\n\n\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\nI currently hold a post-doctorate position in the Mathematics\nDepartment at the University of Texas at Austin (with a Ph.D.\nin theoretical physics). Although my position here is renewable\nuntil summer 2001, I would like to move on to a more dynamic field\nwhere I can still use my analytical skills and mathematical knowledge.\nSince attending a series of lectures on mathematical finance given\nby Dr. Marc Potters last summer I started studying the subject on my\nown and found it intriguing and challenging.\n\nI am interested in a position in your group (RAC) at Enron.\nLast fall in a Career seminar at UT you mentioned that people who are\ninterested can send you their resume. If this is still relevant, please\nfind below my resume (in Word 97 and text formats).\nThank you for your time.\n\nYours,\nNurit Krausz\n\n***********************************************************************\nNurit Krausz, Ph.D. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\nDept. of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7170\nUniversity of Texas at Austin Office: RLM 11.170 Hours:MWF 8:30-10\n***********************************************************************\n\nRESUME\n\nNurit Krausz\nUniversity of Texas\nDepartment of Mathematics\nAustin, TX 78712\nPhone: (512) 471-7170\nE-mail: nurit@math.utexas.edu\nhttp://rene.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\n\nObjective\n\nA position in the field of mathematical finance utilizing broad\nmathematical knowledge, innovative thinking and creativity.\n\nSummary of Qualifications\n\nWith extensive academic background and research experience,\ncombined with experience as an engineer in the Israeli Air Force,\nI possess the following:\n* Deep mathematical and scientific knowledge.\n* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.\n* Proven ability to quickly become an expert in new subjects.\n* Ability to present clearly and effectively complicated subjects.\n* Ability to work productively both independently and in teams.\n\nAcademic Positions\n\n1998-present: Post-doctorate position at the University of Texas\nat Austin, Department of Mathematics.\n\nEducation\n\n1994-1998: D.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: Quantum Dynamics on Non-compact Group Manifolds.\nSupervisor: Prof. M. Marinov.\n\n1992-1994: M.Sc. in Physics at the Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.\nResearch Thesis: A Study of Scintillation in Doped Silica Glass\nfor Detection of Neutrino Oscillation.\nSupervisor: Prof. J. Goldberg.\nThe experiments were performed at CERN during the summer of 1993.\n* Performed the design, testing, and installation of the experimental\n setup from remote-controlled mechanical equipment to sophisticated\n electronics.\n* Performed statistical data analysis and critical interpretation of\n results using software developed at CERN (PAW).\n* Solved a complicated problem of track reconstruction through an\n unusually shaped magnet for the CHORUS collaboration at CERN, and\n delivered a computer code ready for implementation, still in use\n today.\n\n1985-1989: B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering Cum Laude at the\nTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology.\n\nMilitary Service\n\n1989-1992: Aeronautic design engineer in the Israeli Air Force.\nRank: First Lieutenant.\n* Designed and supervised numerous prototype installations of\n electronic equipment and changes in combat planes.\n* Wrote procedures for harsh environmental durability tests for cockpit\n and avionics bay-mounted equipment.\n* Negotiated and supervised manufacturing of parts with contractors.\n* Attended Project Management, Engineering and Product Reliability\n and Maintenance courses.\n* Programmed simulations of ammunition trajectories from moving\n aircrafts.\n\nTeaching Experience:\n\n1998-present: Lecturer at the University of Texas\nUndergraduate courses: Precalculus, Calculus, Linear Algebra\nGraduate course: Theory of Lie Groups\n\n1992-1997 Physics Department, Technion, Teaching Assistant\nUndergraduate course: Elementary Lab in Mechanics\nGraduate courses: Group Theory for Physics,\nIntroduction to Particle Physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.\n\nComputer knowledge:\n\nUNIX and Windows OS, most common word processors, Excel,\nMAPLE, MATHEMATICA, FORTRAN, HTML, LaTeX.\n\nPublications:\n\n1. J. Goldberg and N. Krausz, Response of Cerium-Doped Silica Glass\n in a beam at CERN, Proceedings of the SCIFI conference, Notre Dame\n University, Notre Dame, Indiana (1993).\n2. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Quantal Dynamics on Non-compact\n Groups, Proceedings of the 5th International Wigner Symposium,\n World Scientific (1998), 398.\n3. N. Krausz and M. S. Marinov, Exact evolution operator on\n Non-Compact Group Manifolds, quant-ph/9709050,\n submitted to J. of Math. Phys.\n4. N. Krausz, Spherical averages in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n5. N. Krausz, Quantum Field Theory in Minkowski space, In preparation.\n\n\n - RESUME.DOC\n", "Job application", "originEmail", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "request", "shirley, can you schedule an interview for him with stinson, zimin and krishna."]], "Shirley,\n\nCan you schedule an interview for him with Stinson, Zimin and Krishna.\n\nVince\n", "<27016380.1075856998350.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-5-2000-1:56:0Ssheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu 22-5-2000-1:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-5-2000-1:56:0Ssheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu": ["17-5-2000-1:56:0", "sheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu", "sheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16567873.1075857078202.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 May 2000 01:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu\nTo: sheridan.titman@bus.utexas.edu, vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: pricing default and our May 22 conference call\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Sheridan Titman \nX-To: Sheridan Titman , \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \nX-cc: \"'vkaminski@aol.com'\" , \"'Shirley Crenshaw'\" \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Ut\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n <>\nDear Vince:\n\nI spoke with Ms Crenshaw yesterday afternoon about a conference call about\ndeveloping internet course material. If you have already discussed this\nwith your colleagues, it might be helpful if you could very briefly outline\nthe questions and issues they might raise in the conference call so that I\ncan be a bit better prepared.\n\nMs Crenshaw also mentioned that you never received my earlier email\nregarding the credit spread model I developed with Stathis and Sergey. My\nearlier email follows, and the nondisclosure agreement is attached.\n\nI look forward to talking with you next week.\n\nregards,\n\nSheridan\nSheridan Titman\nDepartment of Finance\nCollege of Business Administration\nUniversity of Texas\nAustin, Texas 78712-1179\n\n512-232-2787 (phone)\n512-471-5073 (fax)\n\ntitman@mail.utexas.edu\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Sheridan Titman\n> Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 12:48 PM\n> To: 'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\n> Cc: Stathis Tompaidis\n> Subject: pricing default\n>\n>\n> Dear Vince:\n>\n> I really enjoyed meeting with you yesterday and learned a lot from our\n> discussions.\n>\n> The UT Office of Technology Licensing and Intellectual Property has given\n> us the attached form which they would like you to sign before we send you\n> a copy of our paper on pricing default. Please let me know if this is\n> agreeable to you.\n>\n> I hope we have the opportunity to work with you in the future, either on\n> the debt pricing models or on the other issues we discussed.\n>\n> I look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> regards,\n>\n> Sheridan\n>\n> << File: nondisclosure agreement.doc >>\n> Sheridan Titman\n> Department of Finance\n> College of Business Administration\n> University of Texas\n> Austin, Texas 78712-1179\n>\n> 512-232-2787 (phone)\n> 512-471-5073 (fax)\n>\n> titman@mail.utexas.edu\n>\n\n - nondisclosure agreement.doc", "pricing default and our May 22 conference call", "forward", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 30, "information", ["developed", "model"], "information", " ms crenshaw also mentioned that you never received my earlier email regarding the credit spread model i developed with stathis and sergey."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 37, "information", ["agreement", "attached"], "information", " my earlier email follows, and the nondisclosure agreement is attached."]], " <", {}, false], "22-5-2000-1:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-1:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["julia.murray@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <8040147.1075856735398.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 01:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julia.murray@enron.com\nSubject: pricing default and our May 22 conference call\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Julia Murray\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJulia,\n\nI am sending you a copy of the nondisclosure agreement I received from a \nprofessor at UT\nAustin. Three UT academics developed a model that may be useful in our pricing\napplications. They envisage the possibility of either selling this model to \nEnron or of joint research \neffort in this area.\n\nCan you, please, take a look at the attached legal document.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n08:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nSheridan Titman on 05/17/2000 08:56:42 AM\nTo: Sheridan Titman , \n\"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \"'vkaminski@aol.com'\" , \"'Shirley Crenshaw'\" \n \nSubject: pricing default and our May 22 conference call\n\n\n <>\nDear Vince:\n\nI spoke with Ms Crenshaw yesterday afternoon about a conference call about\ndeveloping internet course material. If you have already discussed this\nwith your colleagues, it might be helpful if you could very briefly outline\nthe questions and issues they might raise in the conference call so that I\ncan be a bit better prepared.\n\nMs Crenshaw also mentioned that you never received my earlier email\nregarding the credit spread model I developed with Stathis and Sergey. My\nearlier email follows, and the nondisclosure agreement is attached.\n\nI look forward to talking with you next week.\n\nregards,\n\nSheridan\nSheridan Titman\nDepartment of Finance\nCollege of Business Administration\nUniversity of Texas\nAustin, Texas 78712-1179\n\n512-232-2787 (phone)\n512-471-5073 (fax)\n\ntitman@mail.utexas.edu\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Sheridan Titman\n> Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 12:48 PM\n> To: 'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\n> Cc: Stathis Tompaidis\n> Subject: pricing default\n>\n>\n> Dear Vince:\n>\n> I really enjoyed meeting with you yesterday and learned a lot from our\n> discussions.\n>\n> The UT Office of Technology Licensing and Intellectual Property has given\n> us the attached form which they would like you to sign before we send you\n> a copy of our paper on pricing default. Please let me know if this is\n> agreeable to you.\n>\n> I hope we have the opportunity to work with you in the future, either on\n> the debt pricing models or on the other issues we discussed.\n>\n> I look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> regards,\n>\n> Sheridan\n>\n> << File: nondisclosure agreement.doc >>\n> Sheridan Titman\n> Department of Finance\n> College of Business Administration\n> University of Texas\n> Austin, Texas 78712-1179\n>\n> 512-232-2787 (phone)\n> 512-471-5073 (fax)\n>\n> titman@mail.utexas.edu\n>\n\n - nondisclosure agreement.doc\n", "pricing default and our May 22 conference call", "originEmail", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 12, "information", ["developed", "model"], "information", " three ut academics developed a model that may be useful in our pricing applications."]], "Julia,\n\nI am sending you a copy of the nondisclosure agreement I received from a \nprofessor at UT\nAustin. Three UT academics developed a model that may be useful in our pricing\napplications. They envisage the possibility of either selling this model to \nEnron or of joint research \neffort in this area.\n\nCan you, please, take a look at the attached legal document.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n", "<8040147.1075856735398.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"conference cost_priceTnn": {"value": "conference cost_priceTnn", "ne": "conference cost_priceTnn", "patterns": ["conference cost_priceTnn"]}, "model pricingTnn": {"value": "model pricingTnn", "ne": "model pricingTnn", "patterns": ["model pricingTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-7-2000-1:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-11-2000-3:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-11-2000-8:0:0Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net 27-11-2000-4:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-7:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-11-2000-2:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-11-2000-2:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-1-2001-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-2-2001-9:4:0Sjohn.goodpasture@enron.com 28-9-2001-16:41:28Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net": {"6-7-2000-1:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-7-2000-1:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net"], [], "Dale,\nConfirmed.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 07/05/2000 11:03:19 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Friday Morning Meeting?\nVince:\n7am at Hyatt Regency Downtown would be perfect. I will see you in the lobby\nat 7am.\nBest regards, Dale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 3:23 PM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Friday Morning Meeting?\nDale,\nFriday is a bad day (Performance Review Committee all day).\nWhat about 7:00 at the office or breakfast meeting at 7:00? We can meet\nat Hyatt Regency Downtown (Smith Street).\nVince\n\"Dale Nesbitt\" on 07/05/2000 12:13:59 AM\nTo: \"Vince. J. Kaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject: Friday Morning Meeting?\nVince:\nCan we get together Friday morning July 7 at 800 am at your office? That\nwould be particularly convenient for me. I will have to leave downtown at\nabout 945 to catch a plane. That will ensure that I wont take up too much\nof your time!! Thanks for your efforts here, and thanks for being patient\nwith me.\nDale Nesbitt\n", ["RE: Friday Morning Meeting?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net'], 'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [], "Dale,\n\nConfirmed.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" ", "<20678846.1075856561141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1591007.1075856314924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19778446.1075856331188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-11-2000-3:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-3:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dale,\nYour memory did not fail you.\nWe would like, however, to move the meeting to 2 p.m. Tuesday.\nI left you a voice message about it. Please call me s soon as \npossible to confirm.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/02/2000 07:41:40 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski \\(E-mail\\)\" \ncc: \nSubject: Meeting Tuesday\nVince:\nI was writing to confirm the meeting you wanted to set up with me, yourself,\nand Mr. Goodpasture for next Tuesday. I believe it was set for 300 pm this\ncoming Tuesday at your offices. (I seem to have misplaced where I wrote the\nspecific time, so I wanted to be sure to reconfirm.) Please confirm if you\nget a second so that I can finalize my travel schedule. You can email or\nphone 650.218.3069. Thanks. I look forward to meeting with you again and\nwith Mr. Goodpasture.\nDale Nesbitt\n", ["Re: Meeting Tuesday"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net'], 'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [["leave voice", 8, "information", ["left", "voice"], "information", " i left you a voice message about it."]], "Dale,\n\nYour memory did not fail you.\nWe would like, however, to move the meeting to 2 p.m. Tuesday.\n\nI left you a voice message about it. Please call me s soon as \npossible to confirm.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" ", "<3855463.1075856540540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9283549.1075856265607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15915208.1075856585311.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"7": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meeting numericTnn"]}}, true], "13-11-2000-8:0:0Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net": ["13-11-2000-8:0:0", "dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net", "john.goodpasture@enron.com vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16168062.1075856261257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:00:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net\nTo: john.goodpasture@enron.com, vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: MarketPoint License Agreement\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: \"Dale M. Nesbitt\" \nX-To: , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn/Vince:\n\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\n\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\n\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western Europea=\nn\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\n\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and wil=\nl\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately=20\n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for=20\n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under=20\n the fully bundled price. I\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint=01,s perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to =01&scale up=018 to =\nanother\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the ga=\ns\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\n\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of ou=\nr\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the sam=\ne\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\n\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest yo=\nu\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1=20\n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1=20\n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\n\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting tha=\nt\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\n\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n - LICENSE.DOC", "MarketPoint License Agreement", "reply", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 21, "information", ["agreement", "attached"], "information", " i have attached our standard license agreement for your consideration."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 85, "information", ["gas", "understood"], "information", " as i understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and will want to defer decisions on electric or other capability."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 166, "nninformation", ["decisions", "make"], "intention", " this will allow you to decouple the gas decision from any other decisions you might make."]], "John/Vince:\n\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\n\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\n\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western European\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\n\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and will\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately=20\n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for=20\n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under=20\n the fully bundled price. I\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint=01,s perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to =01&scale up=018 to another\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the gas\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\n\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of our\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the same\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\n\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest you\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1=20\n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1=20\n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\n\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting that\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\n\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n - LICENSE.DOC", "<16168062.1075856261257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "27-11-2000-4:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-4:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20982505.1075856256035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 04:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net\nSubject: Re: MarketPoint License Agreement\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Dale M. Nesbitt\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDale,\n\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you=\n=20\nmentioned=20\nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your compa=\nny=20\nemployees on a case-study.\n\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the=\n=20\npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us=\n=20\nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model=20\ninternally.\n\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\n\nWe are primarily interested in a long-term natural gas model and the databa=\nse=20\nfor North America. =20\nUnless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite, we don't=\n=20\nhave resources to spend too much time on it.\n\nOf course, a trading desk may be interested in the short term\nversion of the model. I shall talk to them about it.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/13/2000 06:00:05 PM\nTo: , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\"=20\n\ncc: =20\nSubject: MarketPoint License Agreement\n\n\nJohn/Vince:\n\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\n\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\n\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western Europea=\nn\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\n\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and wil=\nl\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately=20\n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for=20\n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under=20\n the fully bundled price. I\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint=01,s perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to =01&scale up=018 to =\nanother\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the ga=\ns\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\n\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of ou=\nr\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the sam=\ne\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\n\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest yo=\nu\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1=20\n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1=20\n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\n\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting tha=\nt\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\n\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n - LICENSE.DOC\n\n", "Re: MarketPoint License Agreement", "originEmail", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 21, "nninformation", ["applied", "price"], "intention", " the cost of a weekly project would be pricenumeric that would be applied to the numeric purchase price should we go ahead and decide to acquire the software."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 27, "nninformation", ["acquire", "price"], "intention", " the cost of a weekly project would be pricenumeric that would be applied to the numeric purchase price should we go ahead and decide to acquire the software."], ["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 32, "nninformation", ["estimate", "evaluate"], "intention", " this project would allow us numeric to evaluate the model and come up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model numeric internally."]], "Dale,\n\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you=20\nmentioned=20\nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your company=20\nemployees on a case-study.\n\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the=20\npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us=20\nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model=20\ninternally.\n\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\n\nWe are primarily interested in a long-term natural gas model and the database=20\nfor North America. =20\nUnless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite, we don't=20\nhave resources to spend too much time on it.\n\nOf course, a trading desk may be interested in the short term\nversion of the model. I shall talk to them about it.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" ", {"arrangement_system companyTnn": {"value": "arrangement_system companyTnn", "ne": "arrangement_system companyTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system companyTnn"]}, "case0study companyTnn": {"value": "case0study companyTnn", "ne": "case0study companyTnn", "patterns": ["case0study companyTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["case_case0study numericTnn", "company numericTnn"]}, "company employeeTnn": {"value": "company employeeTnn", "ne": "company employeeTnn", "patterns": ["company employeeTnn"]}, "conversation phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "conversation phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "conversation phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["conversation phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cost_price numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$12,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric projectTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["example_model numericTnn", "model_simulation0model numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["example_model numericTnn", "model_simulation0model numericTnn"]}, "example_model projectTnn": {"value": "example_model projectTnn", "ne": "example_model projectTnn", "patterns": ["example_model projectTnn"]}, "example_model termTnn": {"value": "example_model termTnn", "ne": "example_model termTnn", "patterns": ["example_model termTnn"]}, "example_model translation_versionTnn": {"value": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "ne": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "patterns": ["example_model translation_versionTnn"]}, "final0version_version modelTnn": {"value": "final0version_version modelTnn", "ne": "final0version_version modelTnn", "patterns": ["final0version_version modelTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas modelTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas modelTnn"]}, "internally model_model0validationTnn": {"value": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "ne": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "patterns": ["internally model_model0validationTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meeting numericTnn"]}}, true], "27-11-2000-7:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-7:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["john.goodpasture@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "John,\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n03:31 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/27/2000 02:51:54 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: MarketPoint License Agreement\nVince:\nI will send you our contract for the week long engagement. The way we do it\nis send out our time and materials contract, which has a space for\nindividual task statements. I then put in a task statement for the week\nlong project at the $12K level so that the costs and risks are capped for\nyou. Look for it in the next day or two.\nWith regard to the long run and short run gas models, they are both\nimplemented in the same software system. Neither is a prerequisite for\nrunning the other, but both operate the same way and the sum of the two\nconsumes approximately the same resources are either individually.\nI plan to have an extended visit in Houston beginning one week from today\nand lasting through the following Wednesday. (Intensively tutoring my\ndaughter for her first semester economics finals at Rice. She certainly\nshould have gotten a better looking tutor.) That will make it very easy to\ncome by and finalize whatever needs to be finalized with you that week.\nWith her in Houston, I spend a good bit of time there.\nLook for the stuff in the next day or two. I look forward to working with\nyou and your colleagues.\nThanks\nDale\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:44 AM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: MarketPoint License Agreement\nDale,\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you\nmentioned\nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your\ncompany employees on a case-study.\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the\npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us\nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model\ninternally.\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\nWe are primarily interested in a long-term natural gas model and the\ndatabase for North America.\nUnless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite, we don't\nhave resources to spend too much time on it.\nOf course, a trading desk may be interested in the short term\nversion of the model. I shall talk to them about it.\nVince\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/13/2000 06:00:05 PM\nTo: , \"Vince. J. Kaminski\"\n \ncc:\nSubject: MarketPoint License Agreement\nJohn/Vince:\nI really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross\nsection of your people. Thank you very much for setting it up, and thank\nyou for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people.\nAs I mentioned to John, I am sending you the license paperwork for\nMarketPoint. I have attached our standard license agreement for your\nconsideration. As I mentioned, the license agreement covers the entire\nbundled product, which includes\n? North American gas, short and long term\n? North American electricity, short and long term\n? World gas\n? Western European gas\n? World oil\nWe are just finishing porting the world oil, world gas, and western\nEuropean\ngas models over from our old (now obsolete) software system into\nMarketPoint, so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of\nmonths. However, the gas and electricity models for North America are\npresently complete and tested. That should allow us to give you an\nattractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout\nyour worldwide business.\nAs I understood it, you will want the gas modeling capability first and\nwill\nwant to defer decisions on electric or other capability. As I mentioned at\nthe meeting, we are prepared to offer that for approximately \n the fully\nbundled price. As you read the license agreement, you will see that the\nsoftware licenses for $100,000 annually, the gas data for $5,000, and the\nelectric data for $10,000. MarketPoint will agree to license you the gas\nmodel plus the data for \n the software license plus the data license for a\ntotal of $55,000 annually. This is just under \n the fully bundled price.\nI\nthink that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting, and from\nMarketPoint's perspective would provide a great basis to move forward\ntogether with Enron. If or when Enron ever desires to \"scale up\" to\nanother\nmodel or model(s) from the MarketPoint portfolio, we will simply scale you\nup to the entire license agreement. This will allow you to decouple the\ngas\ndecision from any other decisions you might make. (I will be glad to put\nthis additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move\nforward.)\nI felt I was able to communicate the philosophy, scope, and operation of\nour\napproach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you\nmight need to evaluate whether MarketPoint meets your needs. I thought you\nwere able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the\nsame\ntime its simplicity and effectiveness. I thought you were able to see the\nbenefits of the MarketPoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a\ncomplement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use. I\nwould be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues. I\nlook forward to your response and to moving ahead together. We view you as\na very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to\nearn and secure your business.\nIf you decide to license MarketPoint, we can arrange to transfer and mount\nMarketPoint and the short term NARG model (which is the model we suggest\nyou\nbegin with) and travel to Houston to deliver our 1 \n day training seminar.\nOur clients are usually very fluent after that 1 \n day training seminar.\nThereafter, we would want you to work with the short term NARG model for a\nfew weeks while you get up to speed, very fluent, and very comfortable\nbefore you take delivery of the longer term version of NARG several weeks\nlater.\nThanks again, and all the best. If there is some item from the meeting\nthat\nI might have forgotten to send, please remind me. My notes don't show\nanything, but I was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the\nmeeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted.\nDale Nesbitt\nPresident\nMarketPoint Inc.\n27121 Adonna Ct.\nLos Altos Hills, CA 94022\n(650)218-3069\ndale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\n(See attached file: LICENSE.DOC)\n", ["RE: MarketPoint License Agreement"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [], "John,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n", ["<16368862.1075856469529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29480412.1075856535833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21454577.1075856255756.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25190329.1075856584591.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16723636.1075856374043.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-11-2000-2:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-2:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["john.goodpasture@enron.com"], [], "John,\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 \n10:09 AM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/28/2000 11:56:58 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Test Project Proposal\nVince:\nI did get the proposal out today, but after close of business your time.\nSorry for the brief delay. You will find two attachments. The first is our\ntime and materials contract, which will need to be executed if you want to\ndo the test project. The second is an addendum to that time and materials\ncontract under Section H, which allows for specific work statements to amend\nand supersede the general consulting agreement. The general consulting\n) contains all the confidentiality, billing\nrate, and other provisions that your contract people will probably want and\nprovides a general framework for doing business. The work statement\n) contains the specific provisions for our standard weeklong\nonsite test project.\nI hope we get the opportunity to serve you and ultimately to make\nMarketPoint available to you. In light of the contiguity to the holidays, I\ndont think it would be realistic to try to schedule this test project before\nthen, probably from your perpsective as well as ours. Let's think about\ndoing it the first opportunity in January if you decide to go forward if\nthat is OK with you.\nAll the best.\nDale\n\n\n", ["Test Project Proposal"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [], "John,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<5905727.1075856469130.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10478317.1075856535431.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29635092.1075856254786.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5173185.1075856374649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-11-2000-2:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-2:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 \n10:12 AM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 11/28/2000 11:56:58 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Test Project Proposal\nVince:\nI did get the proposal out today, but after close of business your time.\nSorry for the brief delay. You will find two attachments. The first is our\ntime and materials contract, which will need to be executed if you want to\ndo the test project. The second is an addendum to that time and materials\ncontract under Section H, which allows for specific work statements to amend\nand supersede the general consulting agreement. The general consulting\n) contains all the confidentiality, billing\nrate, and other provisions that your contract people will probably want and\nprovides a general framework for doing business. The work statement\n) contains the specific provisions for our standard weeklong\nonsite test project.\nI hope we get the opportunity to serve you and ultimately to make\nMarketPoint available to you. In light of the contiguity to the holidays, I\ndont think it would be realistic to try to schedule this test project before\nthen, probably from your perpsective as well as ours. Let's think about\ndoing it the first opportunity in January if you decide to go forward if\nthat is OK with you.\nAll the best.\nDale\n\n\n", ["Test Project Proposal"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [], "", ["<29086715.1075856469108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18200314.1075856535409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21930833.1075856254763.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6191750.1075856374671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-9:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n05:12 PM ---------------------------\n\"Dale M. Nesbitt\" on 01/18/2001 01:34:51 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Demonstration Proposal Status/Meeting\nVince:\nI have come up for air since the holiday and all the machinations that have\nbefallen the California power markets. Great for consultants and\nindependent generators and inbound FT owners but not perhaps so great for\nothers. Lots of entropy in the system indeed!\nI plan to be in Houston next week from Tuesday through Friday and would like\nvery much to get 1/2 hour of your time to kick off the demonstration project\nI proposed just before Christmas if you are ready. We are ready to provide\nthe top quality service that will be needed to give you and your gas guys\nthe concerted demonstration project you wanted. I would prefer any time\nFriday 1/26 or Wednesday 1/24 first thing in the morning if you have\nflexibility.\nWe were able over the holiday to really make a lot of progress on finalizing\nall of our fundamental modeling technologies--short and long run gas and\nshort and long run electricity. I am really jacked up how our long run\nmodels are predicting the amount of capacity that can profitably be absorbed\nin ERCOT and where, the amount of capacity that can profitably be absosrbed\nin California and the WSCC and where, and where gas price basis is likely to\ngo. As you saw, our long run capacity addition technique is quite unique,\nand I have not yet introduced the long run electric and gas models broadly\nin the industry. It is possible and realistic for Enron to get first mover\nadvantage (or perhaps more) based on the results of the demonstration\nproject we discussed. Let's talk about that next week when we meet.\nIf you could confirm one of the two suggested times via email or phone at\n650.218.3069 in the next day or two, that would be terrific. I look forward\nto seeing you again and to working together.\nAlso, I would like to get your advice regarding prospective investors in\nMarketPoint. I am starting to get serious inquiries from large companies\nyou know well who want to invest in MarketPoint as an equity paly, but I am\nvery reluctant to consider such investments by organizations other than\nabsolute, unequivocal industry leaders such as Enron. I remember discussing\nthis briefly with you, but I would like to get your input with the benefit\nof six more months thought if you would be willing when we meet.\nThanks, and all the best.\nDale Nesbitt\n", ["Demonstration Proposal Status/Meeting"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [], "", ["<23525687.1075856458541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23499889.1075856524878.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12305427.1075856229905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30786256.1075856392545.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-2-2001-9:4:0Sjohn.goodpasture@enron.com": ["12-2-2001-9:4:0", "john.goodpasture@enron.com", ["dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Sorry so much time has passed since we last discussed your North American Gas \nModel. I am however still interested in setting up a test process to \nfamiliarize some of our key people with the model and the database, etc. \nI am now reviewing the licensing agreement that you submitted in December and \nwill be back in touch soon. I need to discuss this further with the business \nsegments, but I suspect that our interest will be focused more on the Long \nTerm gas model.\nAnother member of your firm had called last week, but I somehow misplaced his \nname and number. I thought that an e-mail response would suffice for now. \nMy apologies.\nRegards,\nJohn Goodpasture", ["Gas Model"], "{'recipients': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [], "Sorry so much time has passed since we last discussed your North American Gas \nModel. I am however still interested in setting up a test process to \nfamiliarize some of our key people with the model and the database, etc. \n\nI am now reviewing the licensing agreement that you submitted in December and \nwill be back in touch soon. I need to discuss this further with the business \nsegments, but I suspect that our interest will be focused more on the Long \nTerm gas model.\n\nAnother member of your firm had called last week, but I somehow misplaced his \nname and number. I thought that an e-mail response would suffice for now. \nMy apologies.\n\nRegards,\n\nJohn Goodpasture", ["<23896637.1075856218726.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17124154.1075856587654.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2376165.1075856401073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-9-2001-16:41:28Sdale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net": ["28-9-2001-16:41:28", "dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nI am disappointed to hear that the interest on the part of your internal\nusers has waned. We have made a lot of progress since you and they last\nreviewed it, completing and finalizing our\n. short term North American gas model and data base (which endogenizes\nstorage into a Continent-wide zero arbitrage solution)\n. long term North American gas model and data base (which drills wells\nand builds pipe and calculates equilibrium given such decisions)\n. short term North American electric model and data base\n. long term North American electric model and data base (which tells\nyou precisely where on a nodal basis all forward power plant\nconstruction will and should occur. The model builds the right amount\nof capacity in the right place at the right time)\n. Western European gas model and data base\n. World Gas Trade model and data base\n. World Oil Model and data base\nWe are striving to have the definitive economic modeling system so that\ncompanies like Enron can incorporate and proprietize your own \"private\nknowledge\" in combination with our general knowledge.\nVince, I wanted to raise another issue with you. Now that MarketPoint\nis developed and operational and (hopefully) the leading technology\navailable for dynamic microeconomic market modeling, I perceive that\nthat it has more value as an acquisition play by a major player such as\nEnron than it does as \"just another commoditized model\" supported by a\n\"play for pay\" consulting firm such as Altos who is continually hounding\ninternal users for license and consulting fees. My goal from the outset\nhas been to use my traditional consulting base to capitalize the best\ntool in the industry and when the tool is complete to seek acquisition\nor investment by someone who can make a lot of money by proprietizing\nit. After a substantial development period here in the Silicon Valley\n(a very good place to develop software--that is why we were here),\nMarketPoint is just now arriving at the point of seeking equity\ninvestment or outright acquisition by a major player who can proprietize\nand benefit internally from MarketPoint as well as potentially enhancing\nthe customer value from e-commerce verticals such as enrononline.com.\nWhen you and I had breakfast at the Hyatt about a year ago, you\nexpressed the sentiment that Enron wants to be able to proprietize and\nhusband technology such as MarketPoint (rather than seeing it licensed\nto everyone) so that you can comfortably augment it with your\ncompetitive advantage. We are at the point where we want to talk\nseriously with you and a selected few others about that. That is why I\nwant to speak with you next Friday.\n1. Could we really sell MarketPoint to a single entity such as Enron\nand take it off the market? Without elaborating, our licenses are\nstructured so that we can do that.\n2. Is the MarketPoint genie out of the bottle with licensees; would\nthey know how to replicate it? Not a chance, we have protected the\nsource code and the critical technical documentation and concentrated it\nthree people in the world. (They issue technical tasks on a piecemeal\nbasis.) It is extremely tough to do it.\n3. Can MarketPoint run tens, hundreds, or thousands of fundamentally\nbased forward market scenarios and thereby generate a continuously\nrefreshed, extensive forward joint probability density function over\nprice? We have just completed development of our Enterprise/LAN\nversion, which fully parallelizes our calculations and renders the\nnumber of processors and the MIPS we can access over the intranet or\ninternet essentially limitless. MarketPoint can now automatically \"farm\nout\" its microeconomic calculations across processors on a huge network\nand make all its calculations in parallel. This means that you can\nactually run a continuous, fundamentally based, automatic-feed forward\nprobability density function calculation over gas price or over\nelectricity price by region by time and a few seconds or minutes\ndepending on how many processors reside within your network. Without\nparallelization, this simply cannot happen. Think of the magnitude of\ncompetitive advantage this could bring to Enron if you can proprietize\nit. You are one of a handful of organizations who could really monitize\nthat.\n4. How large or detailed a model can you run? With its tremendous\ndegree of parallelization (under our algorithm, every node can be a\nparallel activity), our LAN Enterprise Version allows models of\nessentially unlimited size to be solved through parallelization very\nquickly and efficiently. The models are highly modularized (individual\nnetwork nodes linked together) and therefore can be expanded and run\nefficiently.\n5. Are the MarketPoint development risks gone? Yes, we have been\noffering MarketPoint under stand alone commercial license for a few\nmonths. The gas, electricity, and oil models all demonstrably work, and\nwe have a number of test and demonstration cases. I have been waiting\nuntil this was true before looking for an investor. While there are\nmaintenance costs and tasks to be done forever, there are no more known\ndevelopment costs or risks.\n6. Does MarketPoint work for other commodities? Yes. MarketPoint can\nhelp you avoid difficulties of the past across a broad range of\ncommodities and guide your businesses in such commodity areas with\nworkable, fundamental models of those industries. MarketPoint is\ndesigned to give you early warning flags and guidance in commodity\noriented business including but not limited to energy.\n7. What would be your role? If Enron proprietized MarketPoint, I have\nthe feeling you would probably inherit technical responsibility and\ncould safely leverage MarketPoint into your group, secure in the\nknowledge that it is truly proprietary to you and Enron and would not be\nin the hands of Enron competitors. I should think that if Enron were\ninterested, someone else's budget would acquire it and you would get it.\nYours is one of a handful of groups in the world with whom I would want\nto work because you have the sophistication to make progress.\n8. Is it really realistic to sell MarketPoint? It is realistic. Only\ntwo people (Mark Nickeson and I) own over 90 percent of the capital\nstock in MarketPoint, and there are no outstanding options,\nencumberances, or other impediments. We own it outright, and we have\nthe ability and disposition to move. That is the beauty of capitalizing\nit as we have with consulting dollars--we paid people with MONEY rather\nthan with stock, and we ended up owning the stock and the flexibility\nand value such ownership affords. We don't have to deal with employees\nor venture capitalists; we have autonomy of action.\nThese are the issues I would like to speak with you about next Friday if\nyou are interested. I would anticipate that this is a not decision that\nyou alone will make within Enron, but I wanted to lay this out for you\nand if you are interested and amenable work together to present it to\nthe right people in your organization. I need to get started in the\nright way with the right Enron people, and I would appreciate your\nsupport if you are so disposed.\nThere is one additional issue as well. Would you, Krishna, and your\nguys be prepared to enthusiastically endorse MarketPoint if I were to\ninterest an internal Enron group in using or licensing it? (If so, I\nwould be prepared make MarketPoint available to you and your group under\ntheir license and train you to use it at no additional cost to you. I\nam confident if I could get MarketPoint into your hands, it would be\nwin-win for you and for us.) The reason I am asking is that I have the\nopportunity to brief one of your operating groups who has expressed\ninterest (through another consulting company) in one of the MarketPoint\nmodels. Before doing that, I want to be confident that you, Krishna,\nand your group are enthusiastic supporters and endorsers of MarketPoint\nif one of your inhouse groups is interested in spending the resources to\nmove forward. Please advise by email or when we get together.\nAll the best. Give me an email shout or voice shout at my cell\n650.218.3069 on Monday if you can. Thanks for your consideration.\nDale Nesbitt\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince J [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@ENRON.com]\nSent: Friday, September 28, 2001 5:17 AM\nTo: dale.nesbitt@marketpointinc.com\nCc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\nSubject: RE: Meeting on Friday to Discuss MarketPoint?\nDale,\nThanks for your message.\nWe don't see at this point any interest from our internal users in\nproceeding with\nlicencing of MarketPoint. I shall stay in touch with you and will notify\nyou if there is any change.\nVince\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Dale M. Nesbitt\" @ENRON\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Dale+20M+2E+20Nesbitt+22+20+3Cdale+2Enesbitt+40w\n> orldnet+2Eatt+2Enet+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 2:02 AM\n> To: Kaminski, Vince J\n> Cc: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni\n> Subject: Meeting on Friday to Discuss MarketPoint?\n>\n> Vince:\n>\n> Would you and Krishna be available to talk about MarketPoint and Enron\n> on Friday October 5 after lunch, say 130? Give an email shout to\n> confirm. Thanks.\n>\n> Dale Nesbitt\n>\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\nby others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n(or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\nor reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\ndelete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\nhereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\ncreate or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\nCorp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\nparty, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\nestoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n**********************************************************************\n", ["RE: Meeting on Friday to Discuss MarketPoint?"], "{'body': ['dale.nesbitt@worldnet.att.net']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 8, "information", ["made", "progress"], "information", " we have made a lot of progress since you and they last reviewed it, completing and finalizing our ."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 152, "nninformation", ["make", "money"], "intention", " my goal from the outset has been to use my traditional consulting base to capitalize the best tool in the industry and when the tool is complete to seek acquisition or investment by someone who can make a lot of money by proprietizing it."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 453, "nninformation", ["make", "progress"], "intention", " yours is one of a handful of groups in the world with whom i would want to work because you have the sophistication to make progress."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 503, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", " i would anticipate that this is a not decision that you alone will make within enron, but i wanted to lay this out for you and if you are interested and amenable work together to present it to the right people in your organization."]], "Vince:\n\nI am disappointed to hear that the interest on the part of your internal\nusers has waned. We have made a lot of progress since you and they last\nreviewed it, completing and finalizing our\n\n. short term North American gas model and data base (which endogenizes\nstorage into a Continent-wide zero arbitrage solution)\n\n. long term North American gas model and data base (which drills wells\nand builds pipe and calculates equilibrium given such decisions)\n\n. short term North American electric model and data base\n\n. long term North American electric model and data base (which tells\nyou precisely where on a nodal basis all forward power plant\nconstruction will and should occur. The model builds the right amount\nof capacity in the right place at the right time)\n\n. Western European gas model and data base\n\n. World Gas Trade model and data base\n\n. World Oil Model and data base\n\nWe are striving to have the definitive economic modeling system so that\ncompanies like Enron can incorporate and proprietize your own \"private\nknowledge\" in combination with our general knowledge.\n\nVince, I wanted to raise another issue with you. Now that MarketPoint\nis developed and operational and (hopefully) the leading technology\navailable for dynamic microeconomic market modeling, I perceive that\nthat it has more value as an acquisition play by a major player such as\nEnron than it does as \"just another commoditized model\" supported by a\n\"play for pay\" consulting firm such as Altos who is continually hounding\ninternal users for license and consulting fees. My goal from the outset\nhas been to use my traditional consulting base to capitalize the best\ntool in the industry and when the tool is complete to seek acquisition\nor investment by someone who can make a lot of money by proprietizing\nit. After a substantial development period here in the Silicon Valley\n(a very good place to develop software--that is why we were here),\nMarketPoint is just now arriving at the point of seeking equity\ninvestment or outright acquisition by a major player who can proprietize\nand benefit internally from MarketPoint as well as potentially enhancing\nthe customer value from e-commerce verticals such as enrononline.com.\n\nWhen you and I had breakfast at the Hyatt about a year ago, you\nexpressed the sentiment that Enron wants to be able to proprietize and\nhusband technology such as MarketPoint (rather than seeing it licensed\nto everyone) so that you can comfortably augment it with your\ncompetitive advantage. We are at the point where we want to talk\nseriously with you and a selected few others about that. That is why I\nwant to speak with you next Friday.\n\n1. Could we really sell MarketPoint to a single entity such as Enron\nand take it off the market? Without elaborating, our licenses are\nstructured so that we can do that.\n\n2. Is the MarketPoint genie out of the bottle with licensees; would\nthey know how to replicate it? Not a chance, we have protected the\nsource code and the critical technical documentation and concentrated it\nthree people in the world. (They issue technical tasks on a piecemeal\nbasis.) It is extremely tough to do it.\n\n3. Can MarketPoint run tens, hundreds, or thousands of fundamentally\nbased forward market scenarios and thereby generate a continuously\nrefreshed, extensive forward joint probability density function over\nprice? We have just completed development of our Enterprise/LAN\nversion, which fully parallelizes our calculations and renders the\nnumber of processors and the MIPS we can access over the intranet or\ninternet essentially limitless. MarketPoint can now automatically \"farm\nout\" its microeconomic calculations across processors on a huge network\nand make all its calculations in parallel. This means that you can\nactually run a continuous, fundamentally based, automatic-feed forward\nprobability density function calculation over gas price or over\nelectricity price by region by time and a few seconds or minutes\ndepending on how many processors reside within your network. Without\nparallelization, this simply cannot happen. Think of the magnitude of\ncompetitive advantage this could bring to Enron if you can proprietize\nit. You are one of a handful of organizations who could really monitize\nthat.\n\n4. How large or detailed a model can you run? With its tremendous\ndegree of parallelization (under our algorithm, every node can be a\nparallel activity), our LAN Enterprise Version allows models of\nessentially unlimited size to be solved through parallelization very\nquickly and efficiently. The models are highly modularized (individual\nnetwork nodes linked together) and therefore can be expanded and run\nefficiently.\n\n5. Are the MarketPoint development risks gone? Yes, we have been\noffering MarketPoint under stand alone commercial license for a few\nmonths. The gas, electricity, and oil models all demonstrably work, and\nwe have a number of test and demonstration cases. I have been waiting\nuntil this was true before looking for an investor. While there are\nmaintenance costs and tasks to be done forever, there are no more known\ndevelopment costs or risks.\n\n6. Does MarketPoint work for other commodities? Yes. MarketPoint can\nhelp you avoid difficulties of the past across a broad range of\ncommodities and guide your businesses in such commodity areas with\nworkable, fundamental models of those industries. MarketPoint is\ndesigned to give you early warning flags and guidance in commodity\noriented business including but not limited to energy.\n\n7. What would be your role? If Enron proprietized MarketPoint, I have\nthe feeling you would probably inherit technical responsibility and\ncould safely leverage MarketPoint into your group, secure in the\nknowledge that it is truly proprietary to you and Enron and would not be\nin the hands of Enron competitors. I should think that if Enron were\ninterested, someone else's budget would acquire it and you would get it.\nYours is one of a handful of groups in the world with whom I would want\nto work because you have the sophistication to make progress.\n\n8. Is it really realistic to sell MarketPoint? It is realistic. Only\ntwo people (Mark Nickeson and I) own over 90 percent of the capital\nstock in MarketPoint, and there are no outstanding options,\nencumberances, or other impediments. We own it outright, and we have\nthe ability and disposition to move. That is the beauty of capitalizing\nit as we have with consulting dollars--we paid people with MONEY rather\nthan with stock, and we ended up owning the stock and the flexibility\nand value such ownership affords. We don't have to deal with employees\nor venture capitalists; we have autonomy of action.\n\nThese are the issues I would like to speak with you about next Friday if\nyou are interested. I would anticipate that this is a not decision that\nyou alone will make within Enron, but I wanted to lay this out for you\nand if you are interested and amenable work together to present it to\nthe right people in your organization. I need to get started in the\nright way with the right Enron people, and I would appreciate your\nsupport if you are so disposed.\n\nThere is one additional issue as well. Would you, Krishna, and your\nguys be prepared to enthusiastically endorse MarketPoint if I were to\ninterest an internal Enron group in using or licensing it? (If so, I\nwould be prepared make MarketPoint available to you and your group under\ntheir license and train you to use it at no additional cost to you. I\nam confident if I could get MarketPoint into your hands, it would be\nwin-win for you and for us.) The reason I am asking is that I have the\nopportunity to brief one of your operating groups who has expressed\ninterest (through another consulting company) in one of the MarketPoint\nmodels. Before doing that, I want to be confident that you, Krishna,\nand your group are enthusiastic supporters and endorsers of MarketPoint\nif one of your inhouse groups is interested in spending the resources to\nmove forward. Please advise by email or when we get together.\n\nAll the best. Give me an email shout or voice shout at my cell\n650.218.3069 on Monday if you can. Thanks for your consideration.\n\nDale Nesbitt\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<20007924.1075863404857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "17-1-2000-5:8:0Selizabeth.grant@enron.com 26-1-2001-13:9:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com 12-3-2001-4:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-3-2001-4:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-3-2001-13:7:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com 14-3-2001-0:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-3-2001-7:18:0Szimin.lu@enron.com 20-3-2001-6:26:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com 25-4-2001-12:13:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com 30-4-2001-10:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-9:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-19:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-4-2000-6:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-4-2000-7:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-1-2002-17:33:6Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com 6-4-2001-10:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-4-2001-6:22:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com 19-4-2001-9:8:0Szimin.lu@enron.com 23-4-2001-3:22:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"17-1-2000-5:8:0Selizabeth.grant@enron.com": ["17-1-2000-5:8:0", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "OK\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2000 12:46 PM\nTo: Elizabeth Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resume \nElizabeth,\nPlease, include Jim Fallon on the list.\nVince\n \n \n \n From: Elizabeth Grant 01/17/2000 09:39 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Resume \nWill do!\n- Elizabeth\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2000 08:21 AM\nTo: Elizabeth Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, James B \nFallon/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Resume\nElizabeth,\nI would like to bring this guy in, not necessarily to hire him,\nthough it's a possibility, but mostly to find out what Cinergy is doing.\nWe should include some power traders and originators in the interview list.\nGrant Masson can give you some hints.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2000 \n08:17 AM ---------------------------\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com on 01/14/2000 02:48:42 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume\nVince,\nHope all is well. This candidate would be interested in talking with you .\nRegards,\nMarshall Brown\nRobert Walters Associates\n212-704-0596\n**********************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\nintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\nare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\nthe system manager.\nThis footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\nMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n**********************************************************************\n\n", ["Re: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "OK\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2000 12:46 PM\n", ["<21915222.1075857069563.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28436188.1075856779581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-1-2001-13:9:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com": ["26-1-2001-13:9:0", "marshall.brown@robertwalters.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Sorry, I did not know about the JV.\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 3:53 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Stinson.Gibner@enron.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> Thanks for the resume. We have a JV with Peoples, so poaching is out of\n> the\n> question.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 01/25/2001 09:04:23\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> This candidate would be interested in speaking with you. Let me know\n> your thoughts.\n> Regards,\n>\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Tel: (212) 704-0596\n> Fax:(212) 704 - 4312\n> mailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> http://www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: LAPS_ROB.DOC)\n>\n> << File: LAPS_ROB.DOC >> ", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Sorry, I did not know about the JV.\n\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n\n\n\n ", ["<33482610.1075856619898.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10941040.1075856226227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16360980.1075856395183.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-3-2001-4:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-3-2001-4:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["marshall.brown@robertwalters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "paulo.issler@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Marshall, \nWe shall call him on Wednesday after 2:30.\nVince\nMarshall Brown on 03/12/2001 11:23:31 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n He can talk today after 2:30pm today or Wednesday afternoon as well.\nHis work # is 713-544-5989. Let me know.\nRegards,\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 11:40 AM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> Looks interesting. Can we arrange an exploratory phone interview?\n>\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 03/09/2001 07:46:22\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> How are you. This candidate would be interested in any positions in\n> your group.\n> Regards,\n>\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Tel: (212) 704-0596\n> Fax:(212) 704 - 4312\n> mailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> http://www.robertwalters.com\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: ZHAN_REN.DOC)\n>\n> << File: ZHAN_REN.DOC >> \n", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com'], 'recipients': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Marshall, \n\nWe shall call him on Wednesday after 2:30.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMarshall Brown ", "<19121092.1075856448421.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12772188.1075856514747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31179711.1075856209827.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-3-2001-4:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-3-2001-4:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["marshall.brown@robertwalters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Marshall,\nA number of my associates. The names are to be determined.\nVince\nMarshall Brown on 03/12/2001 12:48:21 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n Who else besides you will be speaking with him?\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:35 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Cc: Zimin.Lu@enron.com; Paulo.Issler@enron.com;\n> Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> Subject: RE: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> We shall call him on Wednesday after 2:30.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 03/12/2001 11:23:31\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: RE: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> He can talk today after 2:30pm today or Wednesday afternoon as well.\n> His work # is 713-544-5989. Let me know.\n> Regards,\n>\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Tel: (212) 704-0596\n> Fax:(212) 704 - 4312\n> mailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> http://www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n>\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> > Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 11:40 AM\n> > To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> > Subject: Re: Resume\n> >\n> >\n> > Marshall,\n> >\n> > Looks interesting. Can we arrange an exploratory phone interview?\n> >\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Marshall Brown on 03/09/2001 07:46:22\n> > AM\n> >\n> > To: Vince Kaminski \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Resume\n> >\n> >\n> > Vince,\n> > How are you. This candidate would be interested in any positions\n> in\n> > your group.\n> > Regards,\n> >\n> > Marshall Brown\n> > Vice President\n> > Robert Walters Associates\n> > Tel: (212) 704-0596\n> > Fax:(212) 704 - 4312\n> > mailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> > http://www.robertwalters.com\n> >\n> > <>\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> > CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and\n> could\n> > be intercepted by a third party.\n> >\n> > This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> > intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> > are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> > the system manager.\n> >\n> > This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> > MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n> >\n> > **********************************************************************\n> >\n> > (See attached file: ZHAN_REN.DOC)\n> >\n> > << File: ZHAN_REN.DOC >>\n>\n>\n> \n", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com'], 'recipients': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Marshall,\n\nA number of my associates. The names are to be determined.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMarshall Brown ", "<20686038.1075856514724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10505691.1075856209781.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-3-2001-13:7:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com": ["13-3-2001-13:7:0", "marshall.brown@robertwalters.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\n Could you give him (Bill) a call at 1 or 2 on Friday CST? His Cell\nPhone is 918-625-6683.\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:36 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> I am catching up with my mail. We would like to talk to this candidate as\n> well\n> (phone interview).\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 02/21/2001 12:36:39\n> PM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> This candidate would be interested in speaking with you.\n> Regards,\n>\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Tel: (212) 704-0596\n> Fax:(212) 704 - 4312\n> mailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> http://www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: KOUR_VAS.DOC)\n>\n> << File: KOUR_VAS.DOC >> ", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Vince,\n Could you give him (Bill) a call at 1 or 2 on Friday CST? His Cell\nPhone is 918-625-6683.\n\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n\n\n\n ", ["<12420279.1075856618784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21977320.1075856209115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18712695.1075856409164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-0:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-0:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["zimin.lu@enron.com"], [], "Zimin,\nCAn you please call him (exploratory interview).\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 \n08:51 AM ---------------------------\nMarshall Brown on 03/13/2001 03:07:00 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n Could you give him (Bill) a call at 1 or 2 on Friday CST? His Cell\nPhone is 918-625-6683.\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:36 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> I am catching up with my mail. We would like to talk to this candidate as\n> well\n> (phone interview).\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 02/21/2001 12:36:39\n> PM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> This candidate would be interested in speaking with you.\n> Regards,\n>\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Tel: (212) 704-0596\n> Fax:(212) 704 - 4312\n> mailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> http://www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: KOUR_VAS.DOC)\n>\n> << File: KOUR_VAS.DOC >> \n", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Zimin,\n\nCAn you please call him (exploratory interview).\n\nVince\n", ["<24922252.1075856448068.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16888679.1075856514393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28445065.1075856208871.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<230046.1075856409368.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-3-2001-7:18:0Szimin.lu@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-7:18:0", "zimin.lu@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Vince,\nPaulo and I talked to Mr. Zhang on the phone. He is currently with\nKock equity trading and formly a quant supporting power trading.\nHis power market experience could be valuable to us.\nI would recommend to bring him for an on-site interview. \nSince we get more demanding power projects, Alex needs some help.\nZimin\nVince J Kaminski\n03/14/2001 10:06 AM\nTo: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 \n10:07 AM ---------------------------\nMarshall Brown on 03/09/2001 07:46:22 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Resume\nVince,\n How are you. This candidate would be interested in any positions in\nyour group.\nRegards,\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n <>\n**********************************************************************\nCAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\nbe intercepted by a third party.\nThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\nintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\nare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\nthe system manager.\nThis footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\nMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n**********************************************************************\n - ZHAN_REN.DOC\n", ["Re: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "request", " i would recommend to bring him for an on-site interview."]], "Vince,\n\nPaulo and I talked to Mr. Zhang on the phone. He is currently with\nKock equity trading and formly a quant supporting power trading.\nHis power market experience could be valuable to us.\n\nI would recommend to bring him for an on-site interview. \n\nSince we get more demanding power projects, Alex needs some help.\n\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n03/14/2001 10:06 AM\n", ["<17681351.1075856618762.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28214572.1075856208782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27165977.1075856409459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "20-3-2001-6:26:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com": ["20-3-2001-6:26:0", "marshall.brown@robertwalters.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "How did it go with Renshi Zhang and Bill Koures? Renshi has two offers\nalready. If you want to persue him, I would recommend moving quickly.\nRegards,\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:36 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> I am catching up with my mail. We would like to talk to this candidate as\n> well\n> (phone interview).\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 02/21/2001 12:36:39\n> PM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> This candidate would be interested in speaking with you.\n> Regards,\n>\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Tel: (212) 704-0596\n> Fax:(212) 704 - 4312\n> mailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> http://www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: KOUR_VAS.DOC)\n>\n> << File: KOUR_VAS.DOC >> ", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "How did it go with Renshi Zhang and Bill Koures? Renshi has two offers\nalready. If you want to persue him, I would recommend moving quickly.\nRegards,\n\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n\n\n\n ", ["<5240970.1075856618649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25709009.1075856206322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22672146.1075856411779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-4-2001-12:13:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com": ["25-4-2001-12:13:0", "marshall.brown@robertwalters.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\n I apologize, I sent you the wrong resume! Here is the correct one.\n <>\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 1:08 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> He looks OK but below the level of quant skills I typically look for\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 04/23/2001 09:33:00\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> I know this candidate is actively interviewing at El Paso and I think\n> Reliant. He has excellent quantitative background, but no real energy\n> experience. If you are interested in speaking with him let me know.\n> Regards,\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Phone #: 212-704-0596\n> Fax #:212-704-4312\n> marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: LITT_HAR.DOC)\n>\n> << File: LITT_HAR.DOC >>\n - LITT_THO.DOC", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "information", ["sent", "resume"], "information", "vince, i apologize, i sent you the wrong resume!"]], "Vince,\n I apologize, I sent you the wrong resume! Here is the correct one.\n <", "<26128974.1075856426598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-10:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-10:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com"], [], "Vasant,\nWhat do you think? He may be expensive.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n05:31 PM ---------------------------\nMarshall Brown on 04/25/2001 01:13:44 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n I apologize, I sent you the wrong resume! Here is the correct one.\n <>\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 1:08 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> He looks OK but below the level of quant skills I typically look for\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 04/23/2001 09:33:00\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> I know this candidate is actively interviewing at El Paso and I think\n> Reliant. He has excellent quantitative background, but no real energy\n> experience. If you are interested in speaking with him let me know.\n> Regards,\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Phone #: 212-704-0596\n> Fax #:212-704-4312\n> marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: LITT_HAR.DOC)\n>\n> << File: LITT_HAR.DOC >>\n - LITT_THO.DOC\n", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Vasant,\n\nWhat do you think? He may be expensive.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<26354668.1075856437077.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5312510.1075856500459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7909823.1075856184554.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7058963.1075856429958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-9:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-9:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Vasant,\nI agree.\nVince\nFrom: Vasant Shanbhogue/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 10:00 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n he seems to have mostly equity and fixed income background (and then some \ncredit exposure calculation) with not much credit data analysis experience. \nI do not think he would be appropriate for Bryan's group -- he needs a person \nwho tracks market developments and understands fundamental data, and although \nthis guy may be good at modeling, we already have Iris and Amitava doing the \nmodeling and looking at data. At this stage, I would prefer to hire somebody \nwith direct experience in credit analysis (banking, rating agency). I am \nworried that if we get another person without data analysis experience, then \nAmitava will find himself with two people (Iris being the other one) who are \nboth inexperienced in this area, and he will find himself doing a lot of the \nwork anyway.\n If you want to pursue him, we should probably do a phone interview first.\nVasant\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 5:33 PM\nTo: Shanbhogue, Vasant\nSubject: RE: Resume\nVasant,\nWhat do you think? He may be expensive.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n05:31 PM ---------------------------\nMarshall Brown on 04/25/2001 01:13:44 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n I apologize, I sent you the wrong resume! Here is the correct one.\n <>\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 1:08 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> He looks OK but below the level of quant skills I typically look for\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 04/23/2001 09:33:00\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> I know this candidate is actively interviewing at El Paso and I think\n> Reliant. He has excellent quantitative background, but no real energy\n> experience. If you are interested in speaking with him let me know.\n> Regards,\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Phone #: 212-704-0596\n> Fax #:212-704-4312\n> marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: LITT_HAR.DOC)\n>\n> << File: LITT_HAR.DOC >>\n - LITT_THO.DOC << File: LITT_THO.DOC >> \n", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Vasant,\n\nI agree.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Vasant Shanbhogue/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 10:00 AM\n", ["<10456047.1075856617573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2172987.1075856436787.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5654222.1075856500172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<58808.1075856183701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-5-2001-19:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-19:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Vasant,\nI agree.\nVince\nFrom: Vasant Shanbhogue/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 10:00 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n he seems to have mostly equity and fixed income background (and then some credit exposure calculation) with not much credit data analysis experience. I do not think he would be appropriate for Bryan's group -- he needs a person who tracks market developments and understands fundamental data, and although this guy may be good at modeling, we already have Iris and Amitava doing the modeling and looking at data. At this stage, I would prefer to hire somebody with direct experience in credit analysis (banking, rating agency). I am worried that if we get another person without data analysis experience, then Amitava will find himself with two people (Iris being the other one) who are both inexperienced in this area, and he will find himself doing a lot of the work anyway.\n If you want to pursue him, we should probably do a phone interview first.\nVasant\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince \nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 5:33 PM\nTo: Shanbhogue, Vasant\nSubject: RE: Resume\nVasant,\nWhat do you think? He may be expensive.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 05:31 PM ---------------------------\n \nMarshall Brown on 04/25/2001 01:13:44 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Resume\nVince,\n I apologize, I sent you the wrong resume! Here is the correct one.\n <>\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 1:08 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Subject: Re: Resume\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> He looks OK but below the level of quant skills I typically look for\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 04/23/2001 09:33:00\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Resume\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> I know this candidate is actively interviewing at El Paso and I think\n> Reliant. He has excellent quantitative background, but no real energy\n> experience. If you are interested in speaking with him let me know.\n> Regards,\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Phone #: 212-704-0596\n> Fax #:212-704-4312\n> marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n> www.robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n> <>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n> (See attached file: LITT_HAR.DOC)\n>\n> << File: LITT_HAR.DOC >>\n - LITT_THO.DOC << File: LITT_THO.DOC >> \n", ["RE: Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Vasant,\n\nI agree.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVasant Shanbhogue/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 10:00 AM\n", ["<30653307.1075840785636.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7836658.1075858471578.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-4-2000-6:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-6:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["marshall.brown@robertwalters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Marshall,\nI shall be glad to meet him for dinner at his convenience.\nWe can meet at a quiet restaurant in Houston or in the Woodlands where I\nlive. I shall not circulate the resume internally. \nVince\nMarshall Brown on 04/27/2000 08:21:46 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \nVince,\n This gentleman would like to meet with you. If you could keep his\nresume as confidential as possible, he would appreciate it.\nRegards,\nMarshall Brown\nRobert Walters\n212-704-0596\n <>\n - HENA_PAT.DOC\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com'], 'recipients': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Marshall,\n\nI shall be glad to meet him for dinner at his convenience.\nWe can meet at a quiet restaurant in Houston or in the Woodlands where I\nlive. I shall not circulate the resume internally. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMarshall Brown "], {}, true], "27-4-2000-7:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-7:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["marshall.brown@robertwalters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Marshall,\nWednesday (May 3, 2000) will work for me. What about \"La Tour d'Argent\", a \nrestaurant on Ella Blvd,\ninside the loop at 7:00. It's a very discreet place.\nVince\nMarshall Brown on 04/27/2000 02:15:33 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: RE:\nVince,\n He can do Wednesday of next week (7ish). He lives in West University,\nso Houston would be advisable.\nMarshall\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince J Kaminski [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 2:52 PM\n> To: Marshall Brown\n> Cc: Vince J Kaminski\n> Subject: Re:\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> I shall be glad to meet him for dinner at his convenience.\n> We can meet at a quiet restaurant in Houston or in the Woodlands where\n> I\n> live. I shall not circulate the resume internally.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 04/27/2000 08:21:46\n> AM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> cc:\n> Subject:\n>\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> This gentleman would like to meet with you. If you could keep his\n> resume as confidential as possible, he would appreciate it.\n> Regards,\n> Marshall Brown\n> Robert Walters\n> 212-704-0596\n> <>\n> << File: Mac Word 3.0 >> \n", ["RE:"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com'], 'recipients': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Marshall,\n\nWednesday (May 3, 2000) will work for me. What about \"La Tour d'Argent\", a \nrestaurant on Ella Blvd,\ninside the loop at 7:00. It's a very discreet place.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nMarshall Brown "], {}, true], "25-1-2002-17:33:6Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com": ["25-1-2002-17:33:6", "marshall.brown@robertwalters.com", ["sean.crandall@enron.com"], [], "Sean,\n Good luck at UBS. I have attached the job description I was telling\nyou about. We are also in the market for good marketers, traders and\nstructurers. Keep in touch.\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters \nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n \n <> \n**********************************************************************\nCAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\nbe intercepted by a third party. \nThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and \nintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they \nare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify \nthe system manager.\nThis footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by \nMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n**********************************************************************", [""], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 29, "information", ["electronic", "sent"], "information", "doc ********************************************************************** caution: electronic mail sent through the internet is not secure and could be intercepted by a third party."], ["receive_incur gas", 44, "information", ["error", "received"], "information", " if you have received this email in error please notify the system manager."]], "Sean,\n Good luck at UBS. I have attached the job description I was telling\nyou about. We are also in the market for good marketers, traders and\nstructurers. Keep in touch.\n\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters \nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n\n \n <"], {}, true], "6-4-2001-10:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-4-2001-10:49:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["marshall.brown@robertwalters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11807425.1075856198473.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 10:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nSubject: Re: Interviews\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Marshall Brown @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMarshall,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to you.\nMy HR people were asked to get in touch with you re\nthe candidates.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMarshall Brown on 03/27/2001 02:36:12 PM\nTo: \"'Vince Kaminski'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Interviews\n\n\nVince,\n I had two candidates speak with Zamin Lu on 3/14/01 and 3/16/01.\n(Renshi Zhang and Bill Koures respectively). I know you were in London last\nweek. If you could please give me some feedback (either positive or\nnegative) as soon as possible, I would appreciate it.\nRegards,\n\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nPhone: 212-704-0596\nFax: 212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nCAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\nbe intercepted by a third party.\n\nThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\nintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\nare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\nthe system manager.\n\nThis footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\nMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n\n**********************************************************************\n\n", "Re: Interviews", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 3, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", "marshall, sorry for a delay in responding to you."]], "Marshall,\n\nSorry for a delay in responding to you.\nMy HR people were asked to get in touch with you re\nthe candidates.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMarshall Brown ", [], true], "10-4-2001-6:22:0Smarshall.brown@robertwalters.com": ["10-4-2001-6:22:0", "marshall.brown@robertwalters.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\n No problem, I know HR can slow the process down.\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 5:50 PM\n> To: Marshall.Brown@robertwalters.com\n> Cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> Subject: Re: Interviews\n>\n>\n> Marshall,\n>\n> Sorry for a delay in responding to you.\n> My HR people were asked to get in touch with you re\n> the candidates.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Marshall Brown on 03/27/2001 02:36:12\n> PM\n>\n> To: \"'Vince Kaminski'\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Interviews\n>\n>\n> Vince,\n> I had two candidates speak with Zamin Lu on 3/14/01 and 3/16/01.\n> (Renshi Zhang and Bill Koures respectively). I know you were in London\n> last\n> week. If you could please give me some feedback (either positive or\n> negative) as soon as possible, I would appreciate it.\n> Regards,\n>\n> Marshall Brown\n> Vice President\n> Robert Walters Associates\n> Phone: 212-704-0596\n> Fax: 212-704-4312\n> marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\n>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> CAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\n> be intercepted by a third party.\n>\n> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\n> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\n> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\n> the system manager.\n>\n> This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\n> MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n>\n> ", ["RE: Interviews"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "Vince,\n No problem, I know HR can slow the process down.\n\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nPhone #: 212-704-0596\nFax #:212-704-4312\nmarshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nwww.robertwalters.com\n\n\n\n ", ["<31662610.1075856618399.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8183459.1075856197316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1443078.1075856419313.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-9:8:0Szimin.lu@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-9:8:0", "zimin.lu@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shirley and Molly,\nVince is interested to set up an interview for Renshi Zhang. Any day except \nThursday next week\nis good. \nInterviewers: Vince, Stinson, Vasant, Tanya, Alex, Bob,Krishna and myself.\nContact number for Mr. Zhang is 713-544-5989.\nZimin\n---------------------- Forwarded by Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 03:52 PM \n---------------------------\nZimin Lu\n04/05/2001 09:49 AM\n---------------------- Forwarded by Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT on 04/05/2001 09:46 AM \n---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n03/14/2001 10:06 AM\nTo: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 \n10:07 AM ---------------------------\nMarshall Brown on 03/09/2001 07:46:22 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Resume\nVince,\n How are you. This candidate would be interested in any positions in\nyour group.\nRegards,\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n <>\n**********************************************************************\nCAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\nbe intercepted by a third party.\nThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\nintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\nare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\nthe system manager.\nThis footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\nMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n**********************************************************************\n - ZHAN_REN.DOC\n", ["Renshi Zhang's Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 5, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "intention", " vince is interested to set up an interview for renshi zhang."]], "Shirley and Molly,\n\n\nVince is interested to set up an interview for Renshi Zhang. Any day except \nThursday next week\nis good. \n\n\nInterviewers: Vince, Stinson, Vasant, Tanya, Alex, Bob,Krishna and myself.\n\nContact number for Mr. Zhang is 713-544-5989.\n\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<2067548.1075856618068.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21078196.1075856191783.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32638465.1075856423954.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "23-4-2001-3:22:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["23-4-2001-3:22:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "bob.lee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], [], "FYI.\nPlease cancel the interview schedule for Renshi Zhang. HR just notified me\nthat he has accepted another position. It was scheduled for tomorrow. \nI have removed it from the calendars that I have access to.\nThanks!\nShirley\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/23/2001 \n10:19 AM ---------------------------\nZimin Lu\n04/19/2001 04:08 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Molly Magee/Enron@EnronXGate\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Renshi Zhang's Resume\nShirley and Molly,\nVince is interested to set up an interview for Renshi Zhang. Any day except \nThursday next week\nis good. \nInterviewers: Vince, Stinson, Vasant, Tanya, Alex, Bob,Krishna and myself.\nContact number for Mr. Zhang is 713-544-5989.\nZimin\n---------------------- Forwarded by Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 03:52 PM \n---------------------------\nZimin Lu\n04/05/2001 09:49 AM\n---------------------- Forwarded by Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT on 04/05/2001 09:46 AM \n---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n03/14/2001 10:06 AM\nTo: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/14/2001 \n10:07 AM ---------------------------\nMarshall Brown on 03/09/2001 07:46:22 AM\nTo: Vince Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Resume\nVince,\n How are you. This candidate would be interested in any positions in\nyour group.\nRegards,\nMarshall Brown\nVice President\nRobert Walters Associates\nTel: (212) 704-0596\nFax:(212) 704 - 4312\nmailto:marshall.brown@robertwalters.com\nhttp://www.robertwalters.com\n <>\n**********************************************************************\nCAUTION: Electronic mail sent through the Internet is not secure and could\nbe intercepted by a third party.\nThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\nintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\nare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\nthe system manager.\nThis footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by\nMIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.\n**********************************************************************\n - ZHAN_REN.DOC\n", ["Renshi Zhang's Resume"], "{'body': ['marshall.brown@robertwalters.com']}", [], "FYI.\n\nPlease cancel the interview schedule for Renshi Zhang. HR just notified me\nthat he has accepted another position. It was scheduled for tomorrow. \n\nI have removed it from the calendars that I have access to.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n", ["<11540380.1075856618002.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<345018.1075856190488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32892393.1075856425083.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "18-9-2000-6:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 20-9-2000-2:18:0Ssteven.kean@enron.com 20-9-2000-2:21:0Ssteven.kean@enron.com 20-9-2000-2:39:0Sjames.steffes@enron.com 20-9-2000-2:47:0Selizabeth.linnell@enron.com 20-9-2000-3:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-9-2000-6:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-9-2000-6:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["steven.kean@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ashley.baxter@enron.com", "charlene.jackson@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <25212157.1075856638367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 06:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.kean@enron.com\nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\nCc: charlene.jackson@enron.com, celeste.roberts@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, ashley.baxter@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: charlene.jackson@enron.com, celeste.roberts@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, ashley.baxter@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven J Kean\nX-cc: Charlene Jackson, Celeste Roberts, Vince J Kaminski, Ashley Baxter\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777", "Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley", "originEmail", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 16, "information", ["make", "presentation"], "information", " i contacted several friends who work at berkeley and received an invitation from one of them to make a presentation at the weekly faculty seminar of the dept."]], "Steve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777", "<25212157.1075856638367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"berkeley studentTnn": {"value": "berkeley studentTnn", "ne": "berkeley studentTnn", "patterns": ["berkeley studentTnn"]}, "berkeley_cal0berkeley generalTnn": {"value": "berkeley_cal0berkeley generalTnn", "ne": "berkeley_cal0berkeley generalTnn", "patterns": ["berkeley_cal0berkeley generalTnn"]}, "berkeley_cal0berkeley presentationTnn": {"value": "berkeley_cal0berkeley presentationTnn", "ne": "berkeley_cal0berkeley presentationTnn", "patterns": ["berkeley_cal0berkeley presentationTnn"]}, "business_business0school studentTnn": {"value": "business_business0school studentTnn", "ne": "business_business0school studentTnn", "patterns": ["business_business0school studentTnn"]}, "electricity marketTnn": {"value": "electricity marketTnn", "ne": "electricity marketTnn", "patterns": ["electricity marketTnn"]}, "faculty memberTnn": {"value": "faculty memberTnn", "ne": "faculty memberTnn", "patterns": ["faculty memberTnn"]}, "faculty presentation studentTnnn": {"value": "faculty presentation studentTnnn", "ne": "faculty presentation studentTnnn", "patterns": ["faculty presentation studentTnnn"]}, "faculty presentationTnn": {"value": "faculty presentationTnn", "ne": "faculty presentationTnn", "patterns": ["faculty presentationTnn"]}, "faculty studentTnn": {"value": "faculty studentTnn", "ne": "faculty studentTnn", "patterns": ["faculty studentTnn"]}, "opinion publicTnn": {"value": "opinion publicTnn", "ne": "opinion publicTnn", "patterns": ["opinion publicTnn"]}, "point viewTnn": {"value": "point viewTnn", "ne": "point viewTnn", "patterns": ["point viewTnn"]}, "point_power0point presentationTnn": {"value": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "ne": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "patterns": ["point_power0point presentationTnn"]}, "presentation studentTnn": {"value": "presentation studentTnn", "ne": "presentation studentTnn", "patterns": ["presentation studentTnn"]}}, false], "20-9-2000-2:18:0Ssteven.kean@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-2:18:0", "steven.kean@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <29547984.1075846175139.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 02:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: steven.kean@enron.com\nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Steven J Kean\nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Steven_Kean_Dec2000_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: KEAN-S\nX-FileName: skean.nsf\n\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 09/20/2000 09:18 AM -----\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t09/18/2000 01:26 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nSteve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777", "Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley", "forward", [], "---", "<29547984.1075846175139.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-9-2000-2:21:0Ssteven.kean@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-2:21:0", "steven.kean@enron.com", "maureen.mcvicker@enron.com james.steffes@enron.com elizabeth.linnell@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3793911.1075846381296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 02:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: steven.kean@enron.com\nTo: maureen.mcvicker@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.linnell@enron.com\nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Steven J Kean\nX-To: Maureen McVicker, James D Steffes, Elizabeth Linnell\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Steven_Kean_Dec2000_1\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: KEAN-S\nX-FileName: skean.nsf\n\nMaureen -- please send Vince my California testimony and the talking point \npresentation for Jeff Skilling at the National Press Club.\nEliz-- keep Vince on the distribution list for the documents we are \ngenerating now to repond to the California situation.\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 09/20/2000 09:18 AM -----\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t09/18/2000 01:26 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nSteve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777", "Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley", "forward", [["keep_continue desk", 14, "nninformation", ["keep", "vince"], "intention", " eliz-- keep vince on the distribution list for the documents we are generating now to repond to the california situation."]], "Maureen -- please send Vince my California testimony and the talking point \npresentation for Jeff Skilling at the National Press Club.\nEliz-- keep Vince on the distribution list for the documents we are \ngenerating now to repond to the California situation.\n---", "<3793911.1075846381296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-9-2000-2:39:0Sjames.steffes@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-2:39:0", "james.steffes@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com jeff.dasovich@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12697776.1075856638207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 02:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: james.steffes@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com\nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: James D Steffes\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Jeff Dasovich\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince --\n\nPlease feel free to also call Jeff Dasovich (415-782-7822) in our San \nFransisco office. He has been very involved in the California market \ndiscussions and presented before FERC during their field hearings. He knows \nthe profs you are meeting with and has some great insights into our positions.\n\nJeff also attended Berkeley as an undergrad and is now attending their \nB-school in the evenings.\n\nThanks.\n\nJim Steffes\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by James D Steffes/HOU/EES on 09/20/2000 \n09:33 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Steven J Kean@ENRON on 09/20/2000 09:21 AM\nSent by: Steven J Kean@ENRON\nTo: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Elizabeth \nLinnell/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nMaureen -- please send Vince my California testimony and the talking point \npresentation for Jeff Skilling at the National Press Club.\nEliz-- keep Vince on the distribution list for the documents we are \ngenerating now to repond to the California situation.\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 09/20/2000 09:18 AM -----\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t09/18/2000 01:26 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nSteve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\n", "Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley", "forward", [], "Vince --\n\nPlease feel free to also call Jeff Dasovich (415-782-7822) in our San \nFransisco office. He has been very involved in the California market \ndiscussions and presented before FERC during their field hearings. He knows \nthe profs you are meeting with and has some great insights into our positions.\n\nJeff also attended Berkeley as an undergrad and is now attending their \nB-school in the evenings.\n\nThanks.\n\nJim Steffes\n\n\n", "<12697776.1075856638207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-9-2000-2:47:0Selizabeth.linnell@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-2:47:0", "elizabeth.linnell@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "maureen.mcvicker@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12360813.1075856638185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 02:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: elizabeth.linnell@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\nCc: maureen.mcvicker@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: maureen.mcvicker@enron.com\nX-From: Elizabeth Linnell\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Maureen McVicker\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince - Attached are the documents that Steve references below. We'll keep \nyou on the distribution list for further documents as they're created.\n\n\nElizabeth\n\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Linnell/NA/Enron on 09/20/2000 09:40 AM -----\n\n\tSteven J Kean\n\tSent by: Steven J Kean\n\t09/20/2000 09:21 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Elizabeth \nLinnell/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nMaureen -- please send Vince my California testimony and the talking point \npresentation for Jeff Skilling at the National Press Club.\nEliz-- keep Vince on the distribution list for the documents we are \ngenerating now to repond to the California situation.\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 09/20/2000 09:18 AM -----\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t09/18/2000 01:26 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nSteve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\n", "Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley", "forward", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 5, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " we'll keep you on the distribution list for further documents as they're created."]], "Vince - Attached are the documents that Steve references below. We'll keep \nyou on the distribution list for further documents as they're created.\n\n\nElizabeth\n\n---", "<12360813.1075856638185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-9-2000-3:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-3:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "james.steffes@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16113111.1075856482586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 03:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: james.steffes@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: James D Steffes\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nThanks. I shall call him.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJames D Steffes@EES\n09/20/2000 09:39 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nVince --\n\nPlease feel free to also call Jeff Dasovich (415-782-7822) in our San \nFransisco office. He has been very involved in the California market \ndiscussions and presented before FERC during their field hearings. He knows \nthe profs you are meeting with and has some great insights into our positions.\n\nJeff also attended Berkeley as an undergrad and is now attending their \nB-school in the evenings.\n\nThanks.\n\nJim Steffes\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by James D Steffes/HOU/EES on 09/20/2000 \n09:33 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Steven J Kean@ENRON on 09/20/2000 09:21 AM\nSent by: Steven J Kean@ENRON\nTo: Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Elizabeth \nLinnell/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nMaureen -- please send Vince my California testimony and the talking point \npresentation for Jeff Skilling at the National Press Club.\nEliz-- keep Vince on the distribution list for the documents we are \ngenerating now to repond to the California situation.\n----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 09/20/2000 09:18 AM -----\n\n\tVince J Kaminski@ECT\n\t09/18/2000 01:26 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley\n\nSteve,\n\nI am a lead recruiter at the University of California at Berkeley for\nEnron Analyst/Associate program.\n\nI contacted several friends who work at Berkeley and received an invitation\nfrom one of them to make a presentation at the weekly Faculty Seminar\nof the Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.\n\nThe students and faculty members from the business school will be also \ninvited.\n\nBerkeley in general, and Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations \nResearch in\nparticular, are important centers of academic research on electricity markets\n(S. Oren works very closely with Severin Borenstein).\n\nMy presentation will focus on the Analyst/Associate program. I shall also \nhave\nan opportunity to discuss the power markets in California (I expect many\nquestions) before many experts who are very important to shaping\npublic opinion and regulatory agenda.\n\nPlease, let me know who in you group could help me in preparing this \npresentation\nand in presenting Enron's point of view in a more effective way.\n\n\nVince\n\nFYI. The name of my friend who invited me:\n\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\nand Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\n\n\n\n", "Re: Presentation to faculty and students at Berkeley", "reply", [], "Jim,\n\nThanks. I shall call him.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJames D Steffes@EES\n09/20/2000 09:39 AM\n", "<16113111.1075856482586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "15-8-2000-1:5:0Sdouglas.parsons@enron.com 17-8-2000-3:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-8-2000-1:5:0Sdouglas.parsons@enron.com": ["15-8-2000-1:5:0", "douglas.parsons@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <29132435.1075856606136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 01:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: douglas.parsons@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Douglas S Parsons\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Ei\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nI'm following up on our conversation late last week and I'm interested to see \nwhat your group can advise, per Doug Leach's recommendation. As you can see \nhe is raising a major red flag in regards to our non-binding offer to Cairn. \nSince, it was late the other night I didn't touch base with Sandeep Kohli, \nbut Bobby and I are probably the most knowledgeable in regards to the Indian \ngas market. Please let me know what information you may need from us to \nprovide some guidance.\n\nRegards,\nDoug\n---------------------- Forwarded by Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n08/15/2000 07:51 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBobby Farris\n08/14/2000 10:19 PM\nTo: Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid \n\nThere is no harm in seeing what Kaminski's group will advise. Do you have \nany problem in contacting them ?\n\nBOBBY\n\n\n\nDoug Leach@ECT\n08/14/2000 07:45 AM\nTo: Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Marc De La Roche/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bobby \nFarris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \n\nSubject: Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid \n\nI strongly disagree with the pricing and structure of your non-binding offer \nto Cairn. This reminds me of the debacle in Brazil. You should have contacted \nVince Kaminski's research group as we talked about before an offer was made. \nThis is a bad deal. \n\n\n\nDouglas S Parsons@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n08/12/2000 01:51 AM\nTo: Doug Leach@ECT, Marc De La Roche@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid\n\nDoug & Marc,\n\nFYI, please let me know if you think we're totally off base. I appreciate \nyour help.\n\nRegards,\nDoug\n---------------------- Forwarded by Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n08/12/2000 01:48 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDouglas S Parsons\n08/11/2000 06:24 AM\nTo: Bobby Farris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: F B Virani/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ujjwal \nDey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Nilesh \nVaishnav/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \nSubject: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid\n\nBobby,\n\nAfter meeting with Cairn today in Delhi, my perception is that our offer was \nreceived well. They were more open and relaxed then they were on Wed. \nmorning and made several encouraging comments about our price range, (once we \ntalked through the price movements), and the seriousness of our gas related \nactivities on the West Coast of India, in light of the IOC agreement. I \nthink the overall package is attractive to them and no serious objections \nwere raised. We did talk to some extent about the guarantees, but we didn't \nget too far and they're willing to accept at this point that what's \nacceptable to the LNG suppliers, should be suitable for their needs. \nHowever, they would like to understand the corporate structure and assets of \nEnron Energy Marketing a little better and I told them I would get back to \nthem on that point.\n\nDavid and Ajay were up in Hazira yesterday looking at some property for their \ngas treatment facility, which apparently is across the road from pipeline \naccess. While there they went and looked at Shell's proposed LNG site after \nwalking the last 1 km, inaccessible to their 4wd vehicle and not surprisingly \nfound a beach.\n\nIn summary, here is what we offered on a non-binding basis:\n\nSix year production plateau\n85% TOP\n$3.67/MMBtu Net, at a base of $18/bbl Brent, with point of sale at the \ntail-end of the gas processing plant\nFloor & Cap of $15.50 - $27.00/bbl\nPrice movement: +/- $1.00/ bbl from the $18/bbl base price (on a 3 mo. \nrolling average) equals +/- $0.145/MMBtu fixed on a quarterly basis\nGuarantees: Same protection we're providing the LNG suppliers under the \nTrust Retention Account\n\nI appreciate everyone's help in submitting this offer.\n\nThanks,\nDoug\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid", "reply", [["supply_provide info_information", 35, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "intention", " please let me know what information you may need from us to provide some guidance."]], "Vince,\n\nI'm following up on our conversation late last week and I'm interested to see \nwhat your group can advise, per Doug Leach's recommendation. As you can see \nhe is raising a major red flag in regards to our non-binding offer to Cairn. \nSince, it was late the other night I didn't touch base with Sandeep Kohli, \nbut Bobby and I are probably the most knowledgeable in regards to the Indian \ngas market. Please let me know what information you may need from us to \nprovide some guidance.\n\nRegards,\nDoug\n", "<29132435.1075856606136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-8-2000-3:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-8-2000-3:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["douglas.parsons@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32450257.1075856342295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 03:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: douglas.parsons@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Douglas S Parsons\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDoug,\n\nI shall be glad to meet you and help you with the project.\nMy assistant will call you to set up a meeting latter this week.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDouglas S Parsons@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n08/15/2000 08:05 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid\n\nVince,\n\nI'm following up on our conversation late last week and I'm interested to see \nwhat your group can advise, per Doug Leach's recommendation. As you can see \nhe is raising a major red flag in regards to our non-binding offer to Cairn. \nSince, it was late the other night I didn't touch base with Sandeep Kohli, \nbut Bobby and I are probably the most knowledgeable in regards to the Indian \ngas market. Please let me know what information you may need from us to \nprovide some guidance.\n\nRegards,\nDoug\n---------------------- Forwarded by Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n08/15/2000 07:51 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nBobby Farris\n08/14/2000 10:19 PM\nTo: Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid \n\nThere is no harm in seeing what Kaminski's group will advise. Do you have \nany problem in contacting them ?\n\nBOBBY\n\n\n\nDoug Leach@ECT\n08/14/2000 07:45 AM\nTo: Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Marc De La Roche/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bobby \nFarris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \n\nSubject: Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid \n\nI strongly disagree with the pricing and structure of your non-binding offer \nto Cairn. This reminds me of the debacle in Brazil. You should have contacted \nVince Kaminski's research group as we talked about before an offer was made. \nThis is a bad deal. \n\n\n\nDouglas S Parsons@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n08/12/2000 01:51 AM\nTo: Doug Leach@ECT, Marc De La Roche@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid\n\nDoug & Marc,\n\nFYI, please let me know if you think we're totally off base. I appreciate \nyour help.\n\nRegards,\nDoug\n---------------------- Forwarded by Douglas S Parsons/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n08/12/2000 01:48 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDouglas S Parsons\n08/11/2000 06:24 AM\nTo: Bobby Farris/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: F B Virani/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ujjwal \nDey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Nilesh \nVaishnav/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \nSubject: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid\n\nBobby,\n\nAfter meeting with Cairn today in Delhi, my perception is that our offer was \nreceived well. They were more open and relaxed then they were on Wed. \nmorning and made several encouraging comments about our price range, (once we \ntalked through the price movements), and the seriousness of our gas related \nactivities on the West Coast of India, in light of the IOC agreement. I \nthink the overall package is attractive to them and no serious objections \nwere raised. We did talk to some extent about the guarantees, but we didn't \nget too far and they're willing to accept at this point that what's \nacceptable to the LNG suppliers, should be suitable for their needs. \nHowever, they would like to understand the corporate structure and assets of \nEnron Energy Marketing a little better and I told them I would get back to \nthem on that point.\n\nDavid and Ajay were up in Hazira yesterday looking at some property for their \ngas treatment facility, which apparently is across the road from pipeline \naccess. While there they went and looked at Shell's proposed LNG site after \nwalking the last 1 km, inaccessible to their 4wd vehicle and not surprisingly \nfound a beach.\n\nIn summary, here is what we offered on a non-binding basis:\n\nSix year production plateau\n85% TOP\n$3.67/MMBtu Net, at a base of $18/bbl Brent, with point of sale at the \ntail-end of the gas processing plant\nFloor & Cap of $15.50 - $27.00/bbl\nPrice movement: +/- $1.00/ bbl from the $18/bbl base price (on a 3 mo. \nrolling average) equals +/- $0.145/MMBtu fixed on a quarterly basis\nGuarantees: Same protection we're providing the LNG suppliers under the \nTrust Retention Account\n\nI appreciate everyone's help in submitting this offer.\n\nThanks,\nDoug\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cairn Gas Purchase Bid", "originEmail", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 12, "nninformation", ["set", "assistant"], "intention", " my assistant will call you to set up a meeting latter this week."]], "Doug,\n\nI shall be glad to meet you and help you with the project.\nMy assistant will call you to set up a meeting latter this week.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDouglas S Parsons@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n08/15/2000 08:05 AM\n", "<32450257.1075856342295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"personnelpronoun projectTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun projectTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun projectTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun projectTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-12-1979-16:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-5-2000-8:22:0Szimin.lu@enron.com 8-5-2000-9:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-8-2000-11:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 10-8-2000-7:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-8-2000-7:54:0Sduffie@stanford.edu 16-8-2000-9:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-8-2000-10:37:0Sduffie@stanford.edu 18-8-2000-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-12-2000-1:46:0Sduffie@stanford.edu 14-12-2000-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-9-2000-9:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-10-2000-2:0:0Sgreg.whalley@enron.com 24-1-2001-5:46:0Sduffie@stanford.edu 24-1-2001-7:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-1-2002-17:59:48Sduffie@stanford.edu 29-3-2001-9:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-3-2001-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-3-2001-3:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-4-2001-6:35:0Sduffie@stanford.edu 2-4-2001-10:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-4-2001-14:5:0Sduffie@stanford.edu 5-11-2001-14:43:11Stanya.tamarchenko@enron.com 10-12-2001-13:8:10Sduffie@stanford.edu 11-12-2001-6:41:18Sduffie@stanford.edu": {"31-12-1979-16:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-12-1979-16:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["michael_schilmoeller@pgn.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "teresa.knight@nesanet.org", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "duffie@stanford.edu", "john.lavorato@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com", "remi.collonges@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kaminski@enron.com", "david.port@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com"], "Michael,\nThe problem of the correct discount rate has not been correctly accounted for\nin RAROC. One solution is the real options approach which implies a risk-free\ninterets rate, after ALL the risks of a project have been accounted for\nalong multiple scenarios. It makes no sense to dink the same project\ntwice for the same risks (once through adjustments of cash flows, \n\"Michael SCHILMOELLER\" on 02/28/2000 12:20:18 \nPM\nTo: VKamins@enron.com\ncc: Gmasson@enron.com \nSubject: RAROC\nHi Vince,\nI just spoke with Grant about some RAROC issues, and he suggested I contact \nyou.\nWe are trying to understand how to convert pure risk adjusted return on \ncapital to a hurdle rate, or risk-adjusted discount rate. I have never had \nthe Enron RAROC training, but those who have say the training is vague on \nthis point. At one time, Mark Rouen apparently had a utility curve that he \nhad derived that related the two, but I understand Enron RAROC has \nsubsequently abondonned that approach. Instead, they use a database of \ncomparables and a lot of subjectivity to decide which projects get blessed.\nDo you have any resources you would recommend we consult on calculation of \nhurdle rates? Are we thinking about this correctly, i.e., are discounting \ncash flows according to risk-adjusted hurdle rate the correct approach? Are \nthere any individuals in Houston we should speak with about the \nimplementation of RAROC?\nGrant also alluded to your role in establishing RAROC at Enron and to the \nissue that there were some differences between your view of how RAROC should \nbe implemented and the way it has been installed. Care to share?\nThanks,\nMichael\n", ["Re: RAROC", "Agenda", "Re: Remaining work", "", "Re: Happy New Year !", "Re: Weather derivs", "Budget", "Re: Full version", "TO_DO", "VaR issues", "TO DO", "Re: Exmar Purchase Decision", "Edith Terry - a potential candidate"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu'], 'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "1. Ecopetrol", ["<32671714.1075856765992.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15944840.1075856766216.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16223529.1075856224650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17555998.1075856235904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26858420.1075856238681.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2981790.1075856287733.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6064385.1075856293585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4451953.1075856296866.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4083007.1075856308128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26020742.1075856196214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30178889.1075856202180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23541957.1075856734644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30103165.1075856748072.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21459840.1075856750738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29276632.1075856388193.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24220883.1075856395778.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27966475.1075856415440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12643370.1075856420187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33095393.1075856335634.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11029220.1075856807405.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6757906.1075856817531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23016815.1075856819234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26074296.1075856827780.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33206728.1075856343370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13180749.1075856346028.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2000-8:22:0Szimin.lu@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-8:22:0", "zimin.lu@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com"], "Professor Darrel Duffie\n450 Miramonte Avenue\nPalo Alto, CA 94306\n May 8, 2000\nDear Professor Duffie,\nI enclosed with this e-mail Enron Storage Analysis Model (SAM) for your\nreview. The attached files include:\n), 2) c-code of the main\nroutines, 3) Excel spreadsheet interface,\n4) SAM_audit.dll .\nDr. Vince Kaminski, Dr. Stinson Gibner and myself have spent about one year=\n\nin developing this model. \nWith traders, feedback incorporated, the model results are close to real=\nity. \nAlthough there are features to be included,\nwe believe the model is ready for your review. We look forward to your\ncomments and suggestions.\nPlease feel free to contact me should you need additional detail. \nSincerely,\nZimin Lu\nDirector, Enron Research\nZlu@enron.com\n713-853-6388\nEnclosures\n", ["Enron Storage Analysis Model audit"], "{'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [["attach spreadsheet", 21, "information", ["attached", "files"], "information", " the attached files include: numeric numeric ) a brief documentation of the model (sam."], ["send_attach file", 21, "information", ["attached", "files"], "information", " the attached files include: numeric numeric ) a brief documentation of the model (sam."], ["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 53, "information", ["developing", "model"], "information", " stinson gibner and myself have spent about one year numeric in developing this model."]], "Professor Darrel Duffie\n450 Miramonte Avenue\nPalo Alto, CA 94306\n\n May 8, 2000\n\n\n\nDear Professor Duffie,\n\n\nI enclosed with this e-mail Enron Storage Analysis Model (SAM) for your=20\nreview. The attached files include:=20\n 1) a brief documentation of the model (SAM.doc), 2) c-code of the main=20\nroutines, 3) Excel spreadsheet interface,=20\n4) SAM_audit.dll .\n\nDr. Vince Kaminski, Dr. Stinson Gibner and myself have spent about one year=20\nin developing this model. =20\nWith traders=01, feedback incorporated, the model results are close to reality. =20\nAlthough there are features to be included,=20\nwe believe the model is ready for your review. We look forward to your=20\ncomments and suggestions.=20\n\n\nPlease feel free to contact me should you need additional detail. =20\n\n\nSincerely,\n\n\n\nZimin Lu\n\nDirector, Enron Research\nZlu@enron.com\n713-853-6388\n\n\nEnclosures\n\n", ["<21693195.1075856739088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32941009.1075857008563.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13401711.1075856825527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-5-2000-9:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-9:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000=\n\n04:46 PM ---------------------------\nZimin Lu\n05/08/2000 03:22 PM\nTo: duffie@stanford.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin\nLu/HOU/ECT@ECT\nSubject: Enron Storage Analysis Model audit\nProfessor Darrel Duffie\n450 Miramonte Avenue\nPalo Alto, CA 94306\n May 8, 2000\nDear Professor Duffie,\nI enclosed with this e-mail Enron Storage Analysis Model (SAM) for your\nreview. The attached files include:\n), 2) c-code of the main\nroutines, 3) Excel spreadsheet interface,\n4) SAM_audit.dll .\nDr. Vince Kaminski, Dr. Stinson Gibner and myself have spent about one year=\n\nin developing this model. \nWith traders, feedback incorporated, the model results are close to real=\nity. \nAlthough there are features to be included,\nwe believe the model is ready for your review. We look forward to your\ncomments and suggestions.\nPlease feel free to contact me should you need additional detail. \nSincerely,\nZimin Lu\nDirector, Enron Research\nZlu@enron.com\n713-853-6388\nEnclosures\n", ["Enron Storage Analysis Model audit"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "", ["<5120933.1075856930243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23922000.1075856987159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32617206.1075856739024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27286292.1075856825585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-8-2000-11:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-11:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Darrell,\nGrant Masson, Ronnie Chahal and myself made a contribution to the book\non energy derivatives to be published soon in Australia (a book by\nClewlow and Strickland).\nGiven our growing workload and responsibilities, the quality of the paper is \nless\nthan satisfactory. I would like to make sure that there are no obvious and\nembarrassing errors in what we submit. I would appreciate if you could \ntake a quick look at the chapter and give us the feedback (under the same\narrangement as in the previous cases).\nThanks for looking at our storage model. I shall give you a call within the\nnext few days to update you on our work and developments at Enron.\nVince will start his senior year in 6 weeks. He wants to graduate and look\nfor work: he thinks getting an advanced degree in his field makes\nno economic sense. He spent the summer building his\nown computer (1000 MHz clock speed). I was the unskilled immigrant worker\ntoiling under his management.\nI hope everything is well at home and that your wife's company is doing great.\nRegards.\nVince\n", ["A chapter to be published in a book by Clewlow/Strickland"], "{'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [["write_publish book", 1, "nninformation", ["book", "published"], "intention", "a chapter to be published in a book by clewlow/strickland."], ["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 9, "information", ["contribution", "made"], "information", "darrell, grant masson, ronnie chahal and myself made a contribution to the book on energy derivatives to be published soon in australia (a book by clewlow and strickland)."], ["write_publish book", 13, "information", ["book", "published"], "information", "darrell, grant masson, ronnie chahal and myself made a contribution to the book on energy derivatives to be published soon in australia (a book by clewlow and strickland)."], ["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 59, "information", ["field", "makes"], "information", " he wants to graduate and look for work: he thinks getting an advanced degree in his field makes no economic sense."]], "Darrell,\n\nGrant Masson, Ronnie Chahal and myself made a contribution to the book\non energy derivatives to be published soon in Australia (a book by\nClewlow and Strickland).\n\nGiven our growing workload and responsibilities, the quality of the paper is \nless\nthan satisfactory. I would like to make sure that there are no obvious and\nembarrassing errors in what we submit. I would appreciate if you could \ntake a quick look at the chapter and give us the feedback (under the same\narrangement as in the previous cases).\n\nThanks for looking at our storage model. I shall give you a call within the\nnext few days to update you on our work and developments at Enron.\nVince will start his senior year in 6 weeks. He wants to graduate and look\nfor work: he thinks getting an advanced degree in his field makes\nno economic sense. He spent the summer building his\nown computer (1000 MHz clock speed). I was the unskilled immigrant worker\ntoiling under his management.\n\nI hope everything is well at home and that your wife's company is doing great.\n\nRegards.\n\nVince\n", ["<1914514.1075856489148.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6131185.1075856631329.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27906502.1075856555406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23652276.1075856300221.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24121809.1075856341209.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"book energy_energy0derivativeTnn": {"value": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "ne": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "patterns": ["book energy_energy0derivativeTnn"]}, "energy0derivative makeTnv": {"value": "energy0derivative makeTnv", "ne": "energy0derivative makeTnv", "patterns": ["energy0derivative makeTnv"]}, "model storageTnn": {"value": "model storageTnn", "ne": "model storageTnn", "patterns": ["model storageTnn"]}}, true], "10-8-2000-7:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-8-2000-7:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], [], "Message-ID: <2367001.1075856555316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 07:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: duffie@stanford.edu\nSubject: Full version\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: duffie@stanford.edu\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDarrell,\n\nGrant just alerted me that I sent you only part of the text.\n\nHere is the full chapter with an aged version of Gran't part. \nWhat I sent you represents an update of his contribution.\n\nSorry for that.\n\nVince\n\n ", "Full version", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 12, "information", ["you", "sent"], "information", " what i sent you represents an update of his contribution."]], "Darrell,\n\nGrant just alerted me that I sent you only part of the text.\n\nHere is the full chapter with an aged version of Gran't part. \nWhat I sent you represents an update of his contribution.\n\nSorry for that.\n\nVince\n\n ", "<2367001.1075856555316.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"part versionTnn": {"value": "part versionTnn", "ne": "part versionTnn", "patterns": ["part versionTnn"]}}, true], "15-8-2000-7:54:0Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["15-8-2000-7:54:0", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "I'll have a look!\nI haven't much time, but can certainly\nget you a quick reaction, at least!\nBest, Darrell\n> X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: duffie@Stanford.EDU\n> Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:04:47 -0500\n> Subject: Full version\n> Mime-Version: 1.0\n> Content-Disposition: inline\n> X-UIDL: 9fef7462afa5d4ee6c04c9c02df71b25\n> X-Keywords:\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell,\n>\n> Grant just alerted me that I sent you only part of the text.\n>\n> Here is the full chapter with an aged version of Gran't part.\n> What I sent you represents an update of his contribution.\n>\n> Sorry for that.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> (See attached file: vol0720.DOC)\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["Re: Full version"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "I'll have a look!\n\nI haven't much time, but can certainly\nget you a quick reaction, at least!\n\nBest, Darrell\n\n\n X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ", "<13405924.1075856342449.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1559152.1075856602665.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-8-2000-9:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-8-2000-9:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com"], "Darrell,\nThanks a lot. I really appreciate it. The text is below our usual\nstandards but we are completely swamped with work here.\nVince\nDarrell Duffie on 08/15/2000 04:54:23 PM\nPlease respond to Darrell Duffie \nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Full version\nI'll have a look!\nI haven't much time, but can certainly\nget you a quick reaction, at least!\nBest, Darrell\n> X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: duffie@Stanford.EDU\n> Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:04:47 -0500\n> Subject: Full version\n> Mime-Version: 1.0\n> Content-Disposition: inline\n> X-UIDL: 9fef7462afa5d4ee6c04c9c02df71b25\n> X-Keywords:\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell,\n>\n> Grant just alerted me that I sent you only part of the text.\n>\n> Here is the full chapter with an aged version of Gran't part.\n> What I sent you represents an update of his contribution.\n>\n> Sorry for that.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> (See attached file: vol0720.DOC)\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n", ["Re: Full version"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu'], 'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "Darrell,\n\nThanks a lot. I really appreciate it. The text is below our usual\nstandards but we are completely swamped with work here.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDarrell Duffie ", "<1286797.1075856554633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17055007.1075856298157.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28920404.1075856342471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6434669.1075856602643.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-8-2000-10:37:0Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["17-8-2000-10:37:0", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "I read the chapter. Generally,\nI like it, and find it non-controversial\nand well written. Of course, this is\na huge topic and there are things\nthat you haven't discussed.\nI thought the amount of attention\npaid to OLS and MLE estimation\nwas a bit overboard, given that you\ndidn't really exploit it in your\nresults. If you were to state\nthe likelihood function for\nthe GARCH model, it might justify\nthe amount of attention to\ngave to estimation for\nsimple iid processes, which could then\nbe thought of as a simple lead-in\nand intuition builder to\nthe more interesting models that\nyou do actually use.\nBy the way, in your discussion of\nsmiles, you discuss fat tails\nextensively. At least for equity markets,\nwhile fat tails contribute, they don't do very\nmuch at all compared to the effect\nof risk premia, which you allude to briefly,\nusing supply-demand language, at the\nend of that section.\nFor the impact of risk premia, see\nJun Pan's paper, which is available\nfrom her web page. But she covers\nonly SP500, (as do most studies),\nand your markets are obviously much different.\nThe chapter will be a good service to your readers!\nBest, Darrell\n> X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: Darrell Duffie \n> cc: \"Grant Masson\" , \"Vince J Kaminski\"\n\n> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:37:53 -0500\n> Subject: Re: Full version\n> Mime-Version: 1.0\n> Content-Disposition: inline\n> X-UIDL: 00453eda98c82d709e6123af537e4f63\n> X-Keywords:\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell,\n>\n> Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. The text is below our usual\n> standards but we are completely swamped with work here.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell Duffie on 08/15/2000 04:54:23 PM\n>\n> Please respond to Darrell Duffie \n>\n> To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Full version\n>\n>\n> I'll have a look!\n>\n> I haven't much time, but can certainly\n> get you a quick reaction, at least!\n>\n> Best, Darrell\n>\n>\n> > X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n> > From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > To: duffie@Stanford.EDU\n> > Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:04:47 -0500\n> > Subject: Full version\n> > Mime-Version: 1.0\n> > Content-Disposition: inline\n> > X-UIDL: 9fef7462afa5d4ee6c04c9c02df71b25\n> > X-Keywords:\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Darrell,\n> >\n> > Grant just alerted me that I sent you only part of the text.\n> >\n> > Here is the full chapter with an aged version of Gran't part.\n> > What I sent you represents an update of his contribution.\n> >\n> > Sorry for that.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > (See attached file: vol0720.DOC)\n>\n> _____________________________________________\n> Darrell Duffie\n> mail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\n> phone 650 723 1976\n> fax 650 725 7979\n> email duffie@stanford.edu\n> web http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n> _____________________________________________\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["Re: Full version"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [["pay supplier{pipeline}", 15, "information", ["amount", "paid"], "information", " i thought the amount of attention paid to ols and mle estimation was a bit overboard, given that you didn't really exploit it in your results."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 42, "nninformation", ["use", "models"], "intention", " if you were to state the likelihood function for the garch model, it might justify the amount of attention to gave to estimation for simple iid processes, which could then be thought of as a simple lead-in and intuition builder to the more interesting models that you do actually use."]], "I read the chapter. Generally,\nI like it, and find it non-controversial\nand well written. Of course, this is\na huge topic and there are things\nthat you haven't discussed.\n\nI thought the amount of attention\npaid to OLS and MLE estimation\nwas a bit overboard, given that you\ndidn't really exploit it in your\nresults. If you were to state\nthe likelihood function for\nthe GARCH model, it might justify\nthe amount of attention to\ngave to estimation for\nsimple iid processes, which could then\nbe thought of as a simple lead-in\nand intuition builder to\nthe more interesting models that\nyou do actually use.\n\nBy the way, in your discussion of\nsmiles, you discuss fat tails\nextensively. At least for equity markets,\nwhile fat tails contribute, they don't do very\nmuch at all compared to the effect\nof risk premia, which you allude to briefly,\nusing supply-demand language, at the\nend of that section.\n\nFor the impact of risk premia, see\nJun Pan's paper, which is available\nfrom her web page. But she covers\nonly SP500, (as do most studies),\nand your markets are obviously much different.\n\nThe chapter will be a good service to your readers!\n\nBest, Darrell\n\n\n\n X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ", "<10091468.1075856566147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28928623.1075856343347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-8-2000-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-8-2000-1:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["grant.masson@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/18/2000 \n08:18 AM ---------------------------\nDarrell Duffie on 08/17/2000 07:37:51 PM\nPlease respond to Darrell Duffie \nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Full version\nI read the chapter. Generally,\nI like it, and find it non-controversial\nand well written. Of course, this is\na huge topic and there are things\nthat you haven't discussed.\nI thought the amount of attention\npaid to OLS and MLE estimation\nwas a bit overboard, given that you\ndidn't really exploit it in your\nresults. If you were to state\nthe likelihood function for\nthe GARCH model, it might justify\nthe amount of attention to\ngave to estimation for\nsimple iid processes, which could then\nbe thought of as a simple lead-in\nand intuition builder to\nthe more interesting models that\nyou do actually use.\nBy the way, in your discussion of\nsmiles, you discuss fat tails\nextensively. At least for equity markets,\nwhile fat tails contribute, they don't do very\nmuch at all compared to the effect\nof risk premia, which you allude to briefly,\nusing supply-demand language, at the\nend of that section.\nFor the impact of risk premia, see\nJun Pan's paper, which is available\nfrom her web page. But she covers\nonly SP500, (as do most studies),\nand your markets are obviously much different.\nThe chapter will be a good service to your readers!\nBest, Darrell\n> X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: Darrell Duffie \n> cc: \"Grant Masson\" , \"Vince J Kaminski\"\n\n> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:37:53 -0500\n> Subject: Re: Full version\n> Mime-Version: 1.0\n> Content-Disposition: inline\n> X-UIDL: 00453eda98c82d709e6123af537e4f63\n> X-Keywords:\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell,\n>\n> Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. The text is below our usual\n> standards but we are completely swamped with work here.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell Duffie on 08/15/2000 04:54:23 PM\n>\n> Please respond to Darrell Duffie \n>\n> To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Full version\n>\n>\n> I'll have a look!\n>\n> I haven't much time, but can certainly\n> get you a quick reaction, at least!\n>\n> Best, Darrell\n>\n>\n> > X-Lotus-FromDomain: ECT\n> > From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > To: duffie@Stanford.EDU\n> > Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:04:47 -0500\n> > Subject: Full version\n> > Mime-Version: 1.0\n> > Content-Disposition: inline\n> > X-UIDL: 9fef7462afa5d4ee6c04c9c02df71b25\n> > X-Keywords:\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Darrell,\n> >\n> > Grant just alerted me that I sent you only part of the text.\n> >\n> > Here is the full chapter with an aged version of Gran't part.\n> > What I sent you represents an update of his contribution.\n> >\n> > Sorry for that.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > (See attached file: vol0720.DOC)\n>\n> _____________________________________________\n> Darrell Duffie\n> mail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\n> phone 650 723 1976\n> fax 650 725 7979\n> email duffie@stanford.edu\n> web http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n> _____________________________________________\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n", ["Re: Full version"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "", ["<6875143.1075856487945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6828588.1075856554248.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1519277.1075856297100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1826407.1075856343443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-12-2000-1:46:0Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["13-12-2000-1:46:0", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince: This is fresh from Mark Davis.\n-darrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n - WEATHER.PDF", ["Re: Full version"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "Vince: This is fresh from Mark Davis.\n\n-darrell\n\n\n\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n\n - WEATHER.PDF", ["<11154046.1075857052119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13662656.1075856644573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11609811.1075856893843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-12-2000-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-12-2000-2:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/14/2000 \n10:10 AM ---------------------------\nDarrell Duffie on 12/13/2000 11:46:28 AM\nPlease respond to Darrell Duffie \nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Full version\nVince: This is fresh from Mark Davis.\n-darrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n - WEATHER.PDF\n", ["Re: Full version"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "", ["<31958095.1075856466159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12181448.1075856532464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20542539.1075856247975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<314162.1075856379014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-9-2000-9:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-9-2000-9:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/29/2000 \n05:04 PM ---------------------------\nDarrell Duffie on 09/19/2000 08:04:35 PM\nPlease respond to Darrell Duffie \nTo: hoshino@Stanford.EDU\ncc: vince@egs.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSubject: review of valuation model for storage\nTaiichi:\nHere is the cover letter and report\nthat I sent to Vince Kaminsky on June 26.\nAs Zimin was the source of the\nmodel and code, I think Vince\nmay not mind if you forward\nit directly to Zimin.\nPlease wait 24 hours before\ndoing so in order to give\nVince a chance to countermand that.\nThanks!\nDarrell\n------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------\nDate: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 10:04:37 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: Darrell Duffie \nSubject: review of valuation model for storage\nTo: vince@egs.com\nCc: duffie@Stanford.EDU\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nX-UIDL: 6e99939f2365395c2accfdf2edb72b88\nVince:\nI attach a report, prepared under my direction\nby my research assistant, Dr. Taiichi Hoshino,\nnow employed with Goldman Sachs, on the Enron storage\nvaluation model that you asked me to review.\nThis report contains some details that\nyou didn't ask for, but that your research staff\nmight appreciate.\nThe model and software are appropriate to\nthe task they are designed for, in my opinion, based\non the code and the documentation that\nyou sent. Some suggestions for\npotential improvement are noted\nin the attached report, but these\nare either minor or not critical\nto the current business objectives of the model,\nin my view.\nIf this email is not sufficient, or you\nwould prefer a hard-copy opinion letter,\nplease let me know.\nMeanwhile, I hope life at Enron is\nas exciting as usual!\nSincere regards,\nDarrell\nPS I will bill you separately for my time (1.5 hours)\nand the time of Dr. Hoshino.\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n------------- End Forwarded Message -------------\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n\n", ["review of valuation model for storage"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "", ["<9717109.1075856481244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7774756.1075856547550.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4358749.1075856283402.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19898208.1075856353417.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-10-2000-2:0:0Sgreg.whalley@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-2:0:0", "greg.whalley@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], [], "yes it does. how have you been? have the electricity shortages made it to \nStanford?", ["Re:"], "{'recipients': []}", [], "yes it does. how have you been? have the electricity shortages made it to \nStanford?", ["<28386833.1075858012163.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24496173.1075857982926.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25315684.1075858009315.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-5:46:0Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["24-1-2001-5:46:0", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "I'll check my billing! Thanks for the\nwarning!\nWarm regards, and thanks for the book,\nDarrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "I'll check my billing! Thanks for the\nwarning!\n\nWarm regards, and thanks for the book,\n\nDarrell\n\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["<3013079.1075856227126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17053520.1075856394645.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13996177.1075856602598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-7:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-7:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Darrell,\nThanks a lot.\nA quick question: we haven't\nreceived your invoice for the last few model / paper reviews.\nPlease, make sure that we are billed.\nClewlow/Strickland book is out. I shall send you a copy today.\nVince\nDarrell Duffie on 01/24/2001 03:17:01 PM\nPlease respond to Darrell Duffie \nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: hoshino@Stanford.EDU \nSubject: Re:\nVince/ Taiichi\nIn case you are interested, I attach\nthis paper on gas Storage value modeling.\nBest, Darrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu'], 'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [["receive gas", 5, "information", ["invoice", "received"], "information", " a quick question: we haven't received your invoice for the last few model / paper reviews."]], "Darrell,\n\nThanks a lot.\nA quick question: we haven't\nreceived your invoice for the last few model / paper reviews.\nPlease, make sure that we are billed.\n\nClewlow/Strickland book is out. I shall send you a copy today.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDarrell Duffie ", "<5568642.1075856523663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9749732.1075856227172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17193859.1075856602620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-1-2002-17:59:48Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["5-1-2002-17:59:48", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\nVince: I'll be in Houston briefly this week for a seminar.\nI am guessing that you are very busy these days.\nIf you have a chance to meet, let me know,\nas it would be great to catch up.\nWarm regards, Darrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["RE:"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "\n\n\nVince: I'll be in Houston briefly this week for a seminar.\nI am guessing that you are very busy these days.\nIf you have a chance to meet, let me know,\nas it would be great to catch up.\n\nWarm regards, Darrell\n\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["<31738872.1075840774587.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-3-2001-9:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-9:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/29/2001 \n06:00 PM ---------------------------\nDarrell Duffie on 03/28/2001 08:07:38 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enron default swaps\nVince: According to a Bank of America\npublication, your (Enron) default swap spreads\nare consistently trading about 80\nbasis points wider than your asset swaps.\nAny idea of what is going on here?\nThanks for any guidance, Darrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n", ["Re: Enron default swaps"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "", ["<10829360.1075856445601.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31922994.1075856511904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21717939.1075856203273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5798486.1075856414423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-3-2001-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-3-2001-2:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Darrell,\nI shall send youan explanation later today or Monday.\nVince\nDarrell Duffie on 03/28/2001 08:07:38 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enron default swaps\nVince: According to a Bank of America\npublication, your (Enron) default swap spreads\nare consistently trading about 80\nbasis points wider than your asset swaps.\nAny idea of what is going on here?\nThanks for any guidance, Darrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n", ["Re: Enron default swaps"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu'], 'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "Darrell,\n\nI shall send youan explanation later today or Monday.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nDarrell Duffie ", "<13081532.1075856511836.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13468742.1075856202945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-3-2001-3:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-3-2001-3:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Darrell,\nI am sending you 2 technical notes on Enron default swaps: I hope that they \nwill\nbe useful. I shall read the articles on weekend. I am curious if you\nfind these explanations satisfactory.\nWe are very slow in preparing a number of technical documents\nfor you for model reviews. We still hope you will be able\nto find some time to review our credit models (for our London\ncredit trading) and VaR and option pricing related models.\nAlso, please check your invoices. I still think we owe you money.\nVince\n \nDarrell Duffie on 03/28/2001 08:07:38 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enron default swaps\nVince: According to a Bank of America\npublication, your (Enron) default swap spreads\nare consistently trading about 80\nbasis points wider than your asset swaps.\nAny idea of what is going on here?\nThanks for any guidance, Darrell\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n", ["Re: Enron default swaps"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu'], 'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 18, "information", ["preparing", "model"], "information", " we are very slow in preparing a number of technical documents for you for model reviews."]], "Darrell,\n\nI am sending you 2 technical notes on Enron default swaps: I hope that they \nwill\nbe useful. I shall read the articles on weekend. I am curious if you\nfind these explanations satisfactory.\n\nWe are very slow in preparing a number of technical documents\nfor you for model reviews. We still hope you will be able\nto find some time to review our credit models (for our London\ncredit trading) and VaR and option pricing related models.\n\nAlso, please check your invoices. I still think we owe you money.\n\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\nDarrell Duffie ", "<28986216.1075856630490.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18959122.1075856511812.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18497021.1075856202901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn": {"value": "credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn", "ne": "credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn", "patterns": ["credit0model_model credit_referenceTnn"]}, "credit0model_model varTnn": {"value": "credit0model_model varTnn", "ne": "credit0model_model varTnn", "patterns": ["credit0model_model varTnn"]}, "document technicalTnn": {"value": "document technicalTnn", "ne": "document technicalTnn", "patterns": ["document technicalTnn"]}, "model option_real0optionTnn": {"value": "model option_real0optionTnn", "ne": "model option_real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["model option_real0optionTnn"]}, "model pricingTnn": {"value": "model pricingTnn", "ne": "model pricingTnn", "patterns": ["model pricingTnn"]}, "option pricingTnn": {"value": "option pricingTnn", "ne": "option pricingTnn", "patterns": ["option pricingTnn"]}}, true], "2-4-2001-6:35:0Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["2-4-2001-6:35:0", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Vince!\nI got those notes. They should indeed\nbe useful. The one from Deutsche Bank\nis especially helpful!\nI am suppose to know this stuff, as I teach it!\nSorry about the delayed billing.\nI have had trouble getting a bill\nfrom my excellent asistant, Taichi Hoshino,\nwho has returned to Goldman Tokyo,\nand has not been able to get anything else\ndone lately. I will try to get something out soon!\nWe had several energy people,\nfrom several companies, at our credit risk\nexec ed course last month. Seems that\ncredit risk and power risk go\ntogether these days!\nWarm regards, Darrell\nOn Fri, 30 Mar 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Darrell,\n>\n> I am sending you 2 technical notes on Enron default swaps: I hope that they\n> will\n> be useful. I shall read the articles on weekend. I am curious if you\n> find these explanations satisfactory.\n>\n> We are very slow in preparing a number of technical documents\n> for you for model reviews. We still hope you will be able\n> to find some time to review our credit models (for our London\n> credit trading) and VaR and option pricing related models.\n>\n> Also, please check your invoices. I still think we owe you money.\n>\n>\n> Vince\n)\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell Duffie on 03/28/2001 08:07:38 AM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Enron default swaps\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Vince: According to a Bank of America\n> publication, your (Enron) default swap spreads\n> are consistently trading about 80\n> basis points wider than your asset swaps.\n> Any idea of what is going on here?\n>\n> Thanks for any guidance, Darrell\n>\n>\n> _____________________________________________\n> Darrell Duffie\n> mail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\n> phone 650 723 1976\n> fax 650 725 7979\n> email duffie@stanford.edu\n> web http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n> _____________________________________________\n>\n>\n>\n>\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["Re: Enron default swaps"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince!\n\nI got those notes. They should indeed\nbe useful. The one from Deutsche Bank\nis especially helpful!\n\nI am suppose to know this stuff, as I teach it!\n\nSorry about the delayed billing.\nI have had trouble getting a bill\nfrom my excellent asistant, Taichi Hoshino,\nwho has returned to Goldman Tokyo,\nand has not been able to get anything else\ndone lately. I will try to get something out soon!\n\nWe had several energy people,\nfrom several companies, at our credit risk\nexec ed course last month. Seems that\ncredit risk and power risk go\ntogether these days!\n\nWarm regards, Darrell\n\n\n\n\nOn Fri, 30 Mar 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n \n Darrell,\n \n I am sending you 2 technical notes on Enron default swaps: I hope that they\n will\n be useful. I shall read the articles on weekend. I am curious if you\n find these explanations satisfactory.\n \n We are very slow in preparing a number of technical documents\n for you for model reviews. We still hope you will be able\n to find some time to review our credit models (for our London\n credit trading) and VaR and option pricing related models.\n \n Also, please check your invoices. I still think we owe you money.\n \n \n Vince\n (See attached file: CDS vs AS.pdf)(See attached file: cdsstrat.pdf)\n \n \n \n \n Darrell Duffie ", "<21843753.1075856201056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11362533.1075856416219.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-4-2001-10:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-4-2001-10:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["duffie@stanford.edu"], [], "Darrell,\nThanks. I am beating up on my group to accelerate preparation of \ndocumentation for\nthe audit.\nVince\nJ D Duffie on 04/02/2001 03:35:31 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enron default swaps\nHi Vince!\nI got those notes. They should indeed\nbe useful. The one from Deutsche Bank\nis especially helpful!\nI am suppose to know this stuff, as I teach it!\nSorry about the delayed billing.\nI have had trouble getting a bill\nfrom my excellent asistant, Taichi Hoshino,\nwho has returned to Goldman Tokyo,\nand has not been able to get anything else\ndone lately. I will try to get something out soon!\nWe had several energy people,\nfrom several companies, at our credit risk\nexec ed course last month. Seems that\ncredit risk and power risk go\ntogether these days!\nWarm regards, Darrell\nOn Fri, 30 Mar 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Darrell,\n>\n> I am sending you 2 technical notes on Enron default swaps: I hope that they\n> will\n> be useful. I shall read the articles on weekend. I am curious if you\n> find these explanations satisfactory.\n>\n> We are very slow in preparing a number of technical documents\n> for you for model reviews. We still hope you will be able\n> to find some time to review our credit models (for our London\n> credit trading) and VaR and option pricing related models.\n>\n> Also, please check your invoices. I still think we owe you money.\n>\n>\n> Vince\n)\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Darrell Duffie on 03/28/2001 08:07:38 AM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Enron default swaps\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Vince: According to a Bank of America\n> publication, your (Enron) default swap spreads\n> are consistently trading about 80\n> basis points wider than your asset swaps.\n> Any idea of what is going on here?\n>\n> Thanks for any guidance, Darrell\n>\n>\n> _____________________________________________\n> Darrell Duffie\n> mail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\n> phone 650 723 1976\n> fax 650 725 7979\n> email duffie@stanford.edu\n> web http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n> _____________________________________________\n>\n>\n>\n>\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________\n", ["Re: Enron default swaps"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu'], 'recipients': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "Darrell,\n\nThanks. I am beating up on my group to accelerate preparation of \ndocumentation for\nthe audit.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJ D Duffie ", "<4727477.1075856510586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17344540.1075856201012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11829687.1075856416242.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-4-2001-14:5:0Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["2-4-2001-14:5:0", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "No hurry about those documents, I have\nso much to do already!\nThanks and warm regards,\nDarrell\nOn Mon, 2 Apr 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Darrell,\n>\n> Thanks. I am beating up on my group to accelerate preparation of\n> documentation for\n> the audit.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> J D Duffie on 04/02/2001 03:35:31 PM\n>\n> To: \n> cc: \n> Subject: Re: Enron default swaps\n>\n>\n>\n> Hi Vince!\n>\n> I got those notes. They should indeed\n> be useful. The one from Deutsche Bank\n> is especially helpful!\n>\n> I am suppose to know this stuff, as I teach it!\n>\n> Sorry about the delayed billing.\n> I have had trouble getting a bill\n> from my excellent asistant, Taichi Hoshino,\n> who has returned to Goldman Tokyo,\n> and has not been able to get anything else\n> done lately. I will try to get something out soon!\n>\n> We had several energy people,\n> from several companies, at our credit risk\n> exec ed course last month. Seems that\n> credit risk and power risk go\n> together these days!\n>\n> Warm regards, Darrell\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> >\n> > Darrell,\n> >\n> > I am sending you 2 technical notes on Enron default swaps: I hope that\n> they\n> > will\n> > be useful. I shall read the articles on weekend. I am curious if you\n> > find these explanations satisfactory.\n> >\n> > We are very slow in preparing a number of technical documents\n> > for you for model reviews. We still hope you will be able\n> > to find some time to review our credit models (for our London\n> > credit trading) and VaR and option pricing related models.\n> >\n> > Also, please check your invoices. I still think we owe you money.\n> >\n> >\n> > Vince\n)\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Darrell Duffie on 03/28/2001 08:07:38 AM\n> >\n> > To: Vince J Kaminski \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Enron default swaps\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Vince: According to a Bank of America\n> > publication, your (Enron) default swap spreads\n> > are consistently trading about 80\n> > basis points wider than your asset swaps.\n> > Any idea of what is going on here?\n> >\n> > Thanks for any guidance, Darrell\n> >\n> >\n> > _____________________________________________\n> > Darrell Duffie\n> > mail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\n> > phone 650 723 1976\n> > fax 650 725 7979\n> > email duffie@stanford.edu\n> > web http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n> > _____________________________________________\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n> _____________________________________________\n> Darrell Duffie\n> mail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\n> phone 650 723 1976\n> fax 650 725 7979\n> email duffie@stanford.edu\n> web http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n> _____________________________________________\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["Re: Enron default swaps"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "No hurry about those documents, I have\nso much to do already!\n\nThanks and warm regards,\n\nDarrell\n\n\nOn Mon, 2 Apr 2001 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n \n Darrell,\n \n Thanks. I am beating up on my group to accelerate preparation of\n documentation for\n the audit.\n \n Vince\n \n \n \n \n \n J D Duffie ", "<16632592.1075856416334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14547009.1075856602577.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-11-2001-14:43:11Stanya.tamarchenko@enron.com": ["5-11-2001-14:43:11", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", ["rabi.de@enron.com", "j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: J D Duffie [mailto:duffie@Stanford.EDU]\nSent: Monday, November 05, 2001 12:13 PM\nTo: ttamarc@ect.enron.com\nSubject: Re: paper\nTanya\nI wrote down some remarks.\n(This version looks good.)\nWhat is your postal address?\n(Or fax number?)\nThanks, Darrell\n> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 09:13:18 -0500\n> From: tanya tamarchenko \n> X-Accept-Language: en\n> MIME-Version: 1.0\n> To: duffie@Stanford.EDU, vince.kaminski@enron.com\n> Subject: paper\n> X-UIDL: 06629b5c45aac606b6cc56bdd63d2c05\n> X-Keywords: \n> \n> Hi, Darrell,\n> how are you?\n> \n> We reviewed and modified the paper about our new VAR method, tried to\n> make it\n> readable and take in account your comments. Discussions with Vince\n> helped a lot also.\n> \n> Can you, please, review the paper again?\n> \n> Highly appreciate your input,\n> \n> Tanya\n> \n> \n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["FW: paper"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "\n\n", ["<1548066.1075862460163.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-12-2001-13:8:10Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["10-12-2001-13:8:10", "duffie@stanford.edu", [], ["david.port@enron.com", "j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Thanks Naveen. I will have a look and let\nyou know asap.\nDarrell\n> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.4712.0\n> content-class: urn:content-classes:message\n> MIME-Version: 1.0\n> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n> Subject: Documentation\n> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 15:02:46 -0600\n> X-MS-Has-Attach:\n> X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:\n> Thread-Topic: Documentation\n> Thread-Index: AcGBvgSGLHLqTkMJS2CEQeLmXPTAQA==\n> From: \"Andrews, Naveen\" \n> To: \n> Cc: \"Port, David\" , \"Kaminski, Vince J\"\n\n> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Dec 2001 21:03:18.0429 (UTC)\nFILETIME=[17B064D0:01C181BE]\n>\n> Darrell,\n> It was nice to speak with you this afternoon after the Credit\n> conference. As mentioned on the phone, if you have any documentation\n> related to the topic discussed, I would appreciate it if we could get a\n> copy of it. If you have any questions at all, you can also touch base\n> with David Port, who is the head of Market Risk (713-853-9823).\n>\n> Regards\n> Naveen\n> -----------------------------------------\n> Naveen Andrews\n> Director, Risk Assessment and Controls\n> Naveen.Andrews@enron.com\n> Tel: 713-345-8668\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and\nmay contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is\nstrictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to\nreceive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at\nenron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message.\nThis e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an\nacceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract\nbetween Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any\nother party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\nestoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n> **********************************************************************\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["Re: Documentation"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "Thanks Naveen. I will have a look and let\nyou know asap.\n\nDarrell\n\n X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.4712.0\n content-class: urn:content-classes:message\n MIME-Version: 1.0\n Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n Subject: Documentation\n Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 15:02:46 -0600\n X-MS-Has-Attach:\n X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:\n Thread-Topic: Documentation\n Thread-Index: AcGBvgSGLHLqTkMJS2CEQeLmXPTAQA= From: \"Andrews, Naveen\" "], {}, true], "11-12-2001-6:41:18Sduffie@stanford.edu": ["11-12-2001-6:41:18", "duffie@stanford.edu", ["naveen.andrews@enron.com"], ["david.port@enron.com", "j.kaminski@enron.com"], "\nNaveen: I looked both in my paper and\ncomputer files for the information you\nrequested on the phone yesterday. Sorry,\nbut I don't have it!\nLet me know if I can help out in some other\nway.\nThanks, Darrell\nOn Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Andrews, Naveen wrote:\n> Darrell,\n> It was nice to speak with you this afternoon after the Credit\n> conference. As mentioned on the phone, if you have any documentation\n> related to the topic discussed, I would appreciate it if we could get a\n> copy of it. If you have any questions at all, you can also touch base\n> with David Port, who is the head of Market Risk (713-853-9823).\n>\n> Regards\n> Naveen\n> -----------------------------------------\n> Naveen Andrews\n> Director, Risk Assessment and Controls\n> Naveen.Andrews@enron.com\n> Tel: 713-345-8668\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> **********************************************************************\n> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n> **********************************************************************\n>\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["Re: Documentation"], "{'body': ['duffie@stanford.edu']}", [], "\nNaveen: I looked both in my paper and\ncomputer files for the information you\nrequested on the phone yesterday. Sorry,\nbut I don't have it!\n\nLet me know if I can help out in some other\nway.\n\nThanks, Darrell\n\nOn Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Andrews, Naveen wrote:\n\n Darrell,\n It was nice to speak with you this afternoon after the Credit\n conference. As mentioned on the phone, if you have any documentation\n related to the topic discussed, I would appreciate it if we could get a\n copy of it. If you have any questions at all, you can also touch base\n with David Port, who is the head of Market Risk (713-853-9823).\n \n Regards\n Naveen\n -----------------------------------------\n Naveen Andrews\n Director, Risk Assessment and Controls\n Naveen.Andrews@enron.com\n Tel: 713-345-8668\n \n \n \n \n **********************************************************************\n This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n **********************************************************************\n \n\n_____________________________________________\nDarrell Duffie\nmail GSB Stanford CA 94305-5015 USA\nphone 650 723 1976\nfax 650 725 7979\nemail duffie@stanford.edu\nweb http://www.stanford.edu/~duffie/\n_____________________________________________", ["<13807682.1075840775505.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "9-8-2000-0:38:0Sscottw@mathworks.com 10-8-2000-7:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"9-8-2000-0:38:0Sscottw@mathworks.com": ["9-8-2000-0:38:0", "scottw@mathworks.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <635498.1075856301091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 00:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: scottw@mathworks.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: MATLAB at Enron\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Scott Wakefield \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Vince :\n\nI'm the Territory Manager for the MathWorks, we develop MATLAB technical\nsoftware. We've recently developed tools well suited for Energy Trading\nIndustry.\n\nEnron has used our products in the past, but all of those end-users have\nleft Enron.\n\nRisk Management and Research groups at Southern Energy, TXU, Dynegy, El\nPaso Energy, Koch, Calpine, Reliant and others have recently started using\nour products in the following ways.\n\n1. Create sophisticated option pricing models, risk analysis models, and\nstress analysis models. Creating GUI front ends for the end-users.\n2. Pull in Data from ODBC, Corba, and SAS databases to evaluate.\n3. Visualize the results and quantify the solution.\n4. Compile these models and distribute these applications to their\nTraders, Analysists and Managers with no distribution costs.\n\nWho should I contact at your company to discuss Enron's situation to see if\nour can help Enron as it has with our other Energy customers?\n\n\nThank you for your time and help.\n==================================\nScott Wakefield\nThe MathWorks, Inc.\nPhone: (508) 647-7282\nFax: (508) 647-4275\nE-mail: swakefield@mathworks.com\nhttp://www.mathworks.com\n==================================\nMATLAB News Group:\nnews:comp.soft-sys.matlab\n==================================\nVisit the new MathWorks Store and buy MATLAB, Simulink\nand all of our products online\nhttp://www.mathworks.com/store/", "MATLAB at Enron", "reply", [], "Hello Vince :\n\nI'm the Territory Manager for the MathWorks, we develop MATLAB technical\nsoftware. We've recently developed tools well suited for Energy Trading\nIndustry.\n\nEnron has used our products in the past, but all of those end-users have\nleft Enron.\n\nRisk Management and Research groups at Southern Energy, TXU, Dynegy, El\nPaso Energy, Koch, Calpine, Reliant and others have recently started using\nour products in the following ways.\n\n1. Create sophisticated option pricing models, risk analysis models, and\nstress analysis models. Creating GUI front ends for the end-users.\n2. Pull in Data from ODBC, Corba, and SAS databases to evaluate.\n3. Visualize the results and quantify the solution.\n4. Compile these models and distribute these applications to their\nTraders, Analysists and Managers with no distribution costs.\n\nWho should I contact at your company to discuss Enron's situation to see if\nour can help Enron as it has with our other Energy customers?\n\n\nThank you for your time and help.\n=================================Scott Wakefield\nThe MathWorks, Inc.\nPhone: (508) 647-7282\nFax: (508) 647-4275\nE-mail: swakefield@mathworks.com\nhttp://www.mathworks.com\n=================================MATLAB News Group:\nnews:comp.soft-sys.matlab\n=================================Visit the new MathWorks Store and buy MATLAB, Simulink\nand all of our products online\nhttp://www.mathworks.com/store/", "<635498.1075856301091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "10-8-2000-7:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-8-2000-7:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["scottw@mathworks.com"], [], "Message-ID: <12749352.1075856555249.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 07:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: scottw@mathworks.com\nSubject: Re: MATLAB at Enron\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Scott Wakefield @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nScott,\n\nPlease stop by when you visit Houston.\nGive me a few days' warning to set up a meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nScott Wakefield on 08/09/2000 06:38:47 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: MATLAB at Enron\n\n\nHello Vince :\n\nI'm the Territory Manager for the MathWorks, we develop MATLAB technical\nsoftware. We've recently developed tools well suited for Energy Trading\nIndustry.\n\nEnron has used our products in the past, but all of those end-users have\nleft Enron.\n\nRisk Management and Research groups at Southern Energy, TXU, Dynegy, El\nPaso Energy, Koch, Calpine, Reliant and others have recently started using\nour products in the following ways.\n\n1. Create sophisticated option pricing models, risk analysis models, and\nstress analysis models. Creating GUI front ends for the end-users.\n2. Pull in Data from ODBC, Corba, and SAS databases to evaluate.\n3. Visualize the results and quantify the solution.\n4. Compile these models and distribute these applications to their\nTraders, Analysists and Managers with no distribution costs.\n\nWho should I contact at your company to discuss Enron's situation to see if\nour can help Enron as it has with our other Energy customers?\n\n\nThank you for your time and help.\n==================================\nScott Wakefield\nThe MathWorks, Inc.\nPhone: (508) 647-7282\nFax: (508) 647-4275\nE-mail: swakefield@mathworks.com\nhttp://www.mathworks.com\n==================================\nMATLAB News Group:\nnews:comp.soft-sys.matlab\n==================================\nVisit the new MathWorks Store and buy MATLAB, Simulink\nand all of our products online\nhttp://www.mathworks.com/store/\n\n\n", "Re: MATLAB at Enron", "originEmail", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 6, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " give me a few days' warning to set up a meeting."]], "Scott,\n\nPlease stop by when you visit Houston.\nGive me a few days' warning to set up a meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nScott Wakefield ", [], false]}, "13-11-2000-8:23:0Ssquiel@infosel.com 14-11-2000-23:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"13-11-2000-8:23:0Ssquiel@infosel.com": ["13-11-2000-8:23:0", "squiel@infosel.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33202464.1075856636073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: squiel@infosel.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Summer internship\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Ezequiel Luis \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski\n\nI am currently pursuing the M.S. in IEOR at UC Berkeley. I attended the \nspeech you gave some weeks ago.\n\nI am interested in summer internship positions available in Enron. You will \nfind enclosed my resume.\n\nSincerely,\n\nEzequiel Luis\n\nEste mensaje fue enviado desde http://CommCenter.infosel.com\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nInternet Gratis\nhttp://www.terra.com.mx/terralibre\n\n - Resume ELM.doc", "Summer internship", "reply", [], "Dear Mr. Kaminski\n\nI am currently pursuing the M.S. in IEOR at UC Berkeley. I attended the \nspeech you gave some weeks ago.\n\nI am interested in summer internship positions available in Enron. You will \nfind enclosed my resume.\n\nSincerely,\n\nEzequiel Luis\n\nEste mensaje fue enviado desde http://CommCenter.infosel.com\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nInternet Gratis\nhttp://www.terra.com.mx/terralibre\n\n - Resume ELM.doc", "<33202464.1075856636073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-11-2000-23:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-11-2000-23:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["squiel@infosel.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <30339369.1075856622273.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 23:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: squiel@infosel.com\nSubject: Re: Summer internship\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Ezequiel Luis @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEzequiel,\n\nI have forwarded your resume to our Analyst/Associate program with a request \nto accept you as summer intern. If the summer program is full, my group\nwill hire you directly for the summer.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEzequiel Luis on 11/13/2000 04:23:23 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Summer internship\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski\n\nI am currently pursuing the M.S. in IEOR at UC Berkeley. I attended the \nspeech you gave some weeks ago.\n\nI am interested in summer internship positions available in Enron. You will \nfind enclosed my resume.\n\nSincerely,\n\nEzequiel Luis\n\nEste mensaje fue enviado desde http://CommCenter.infosel.com\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nInternet Gratis\nhttp://www.terra.com.mx/terralibre\n\n - Resume ELM.doc\n\n", "Re: Summer internship", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["associate**program", "forwarded", "resume"], "information", "ezequiel, i have forwarded your resume to our analyst/associate program with a request to accept you as summer intern."]], "Ezequiel,\n\nI have forwarded your resume to our Analyst/Associate program with a request \nto accept you as summer intern. If the summer program is full, my group\nwill hire you directly for the summer.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEzequiel Luis ", {"associate0program_program resumeTnn": {"value": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "ne": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "patterns": ["associate0program_program resumeTnn"]}, "associate_associate0program resumeTnn": {"value": "associate_associate0program resumeTnn", "ne": "associate_associate0program resumeTnn", "patterns": ["associate_associate0program resumeTnn"]}, "directly personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "directly personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "directly personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["directly personnelpronounTnn"]}, "personnelpronoun summer_summer0internTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun summer_summer0internTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun summer_summer0internTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun summer_summer0internTnn"]}, "program summer_summer0associateTnn": {"value": "program summer_summer0associateTnn", "ne": "program summer_summer0associateTnn", "patterns": ["program summer_summer0associateTnn"]}, "program summer_summer0internTnn": {"value": "program summer_summer0internTnn", "ne": "program summer_summer0internTnn", "patterns": ["program summer_summer0internTnn"]}, "program summer_summer0internshipTnn": {"value": "program summer_summer0internshipTnn", "ne": "program summer_summer0internshipTnn", "patterns": ["program summer_summer0internshipTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-9-2000-10:6:0Srkosecki@mieco.com 27-9-2000-1:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-9-2000-3:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-9-2000-3:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-10-2000-9:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 13-10-2000-2:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-10-2000-23:29:0Srkosecki@mieco.com 24-10-2000-8:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-9-2000-2:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-10-2000-8:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-9-2000-10:6:0Srkosecki@mieco.com": ["25-9-2000-10:6:0", "rkosecki@mieco.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11351000.1075856615360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rkosecki@mieco.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Roman Kosecki \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Vince,\n NIe bardzo wiem czy pisac po polsku czy po angielsku :)\n Co u Ciebie slychac ?\n U mnie troche zmian jak ze juz nie pracuje w SCEM , a przenioslem sie do\nMIECO ( a small Marubeni backed energy-america trading company ) . Bardzo\nrozne od SCEM. Najbardzij przypomina mi SCEM na poczatku z Joe, jak bylo\n20-30 osob. Sa i minusy i plusy. Troche structure i research ale przede\nwszystkim weather. TRrovhe latam miedzy East i West bo sa officy w obydwu\nmiejscach. California jest ok w zimie :).\n Na bardziej personalnym froncie; pamietasz dinner na ktory poszlismy\nkiedys na conferencji w NY z Catherine ( she used to work for Williams-\nworks for Morgan Stanley now ) , we are dating ( for a while) . It is a\ngood story how we met. So we owe you dinner :)\n Jak bylem w Atlancie to pracowala dla mnie Christa Grey. Bedzie teraz\nkonczyla grad school in international relations ( with Eastern European\nslant ), i zastanawia sie czy sa jakies mozliwosci polaczenia tego co robila\nze \"Wschodem\". Co robila to bylo przede wszystkim VB implementations modeli\n, ( roznego rodzaju) , Web based data collections, basic research , teraz\njest w gas structuring etc. She speaks russian and was in Ukraine/Poland\nfew times on Peace Corp assingments. She is very bright and dedicated.\nMyslalem zeby ja zwabic do Californii ale ten Eastern European pociag jest u\nniej silniejszy niz u mnie :). I have here resume, wiec jak bys myslal ze\njest jakis fit I will foreward it to you.\n Troche tak mieszanka pisze, przepraszam\n Bede chyba w Houston w pazdzierniku to moze bysmy sie mogli spotkac.\nLatwiej pewnie by bylo w NY ( mieszkam po NJ stronie ( rent jest inny niz w\nAtlancie :) (201) 222-0435), wiec daj mi znac jakbys mial czas i ochote.\nThanks\nRoman", "", "reply", [], "Hello Vince,\n NIe bardzo wiem czy pisac po polsku czy po angielsku :)\n Co u Ciebie slychac ?\n U mnie troche zmian jak ze juz nie pracuje w SCEM , a przenioslem sie do\nMIECO ( a small Marubeni backed energy-america trading company ) . Bardzo\nrozne od SCEM. Najbardzij przypomina mi SCEM na poczatku z Joe, jak bylo\n20-30 osob. Sa i minusy i plusy. Troche structure i research ale przede\nwszystkim weather. TRrovhe latam miedzy East i West bo sa officy w obydwu\nmiejscach. California jest ok w zimie :).\n Na bardziej personalnym froncie; pamietasz dinner na ktory poszlismy\nkiedys na conferencji w NY z Catherine ( she used to work for Williams-\nworks for Morgan Stanley now ) , we are dating ( for a while) . It is a\ngood story how we met. So we owe you dinner :)\n Jak bylem w Atlancie to pracowala dla mnie Christa Grey. Bedzie teraz\nkonczyla grad school in international relations ( with Eastern European\nslant ), i zastanawia sie czy sa jakies mozliwosci polaczenia tego co robila\nze \"Wschodem\". Co robila to bylo przede wszystkim VB implementations modeli\n, ( roznego rodzaju) , Web based data collections, basic research , teraz\njest w gas structuring etc. She speaks russian and was in Ukraine/Poland\nfew times on Peace Corp assingments. She is very bright and dedicated.\nMyslalem zeby ja zwabic do Californii ale ten Eastern European pociag jest u\nniej silniejszy niz u mnie :). I have here resume, wiec jak bys myslal ze\njest jakis fit I will foreward it to you.\n Troche tak mieszanka pisze, przepraszam\n Bede chyba w Houston w pazdzierniku to moze bysmy sie mogli spotkac.\nLatwiej pewnie by bylo w NY ( mieszkam po NJ stronie ( rent jest inny niz w\nAtlancie :) (201) 222-0435), wiec daj mi znac jakbys mial czas i ochote.\nThanks\nRoman", "<11351000.1075856615360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "27-9-2000-1:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-1:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rkosecki@mieco.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <12356313.1075856548655.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 01:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rkosecki@mieco.com\nSubject: Re:\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Roman Kosecki \nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRoman,\n\nI shall type in English (faster).\n\nI was trying to locate you for some time after you left SCEM. I shall be glad \nto\nmeet for dinner/coffee and chat. Please, send me your phone number.\n\nI have just come back from Poland and go through my mail. I shall try to \nreach you later\nthis week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRoman Kosecki on 09/25/2000 12:06:12 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\n\nHello Vince,\n NIe bardzo wiem czy pisac po polsku czy po angielsku :)\n Co u Ciebie slychac ?\n U mnie troche zmian jak ze juz nie pracuje w SCEM , a przenioslem sie do\nMIECO ( a small Marubeni backed energy-america trading company ) . Bardzo\nrozne od SCEM. Najbardzij przypomina mi SCEM na poczatku z Joe, jak bylo\n20-30 osob. Sa i minusy i plusy. Troche structure i research ale przede\nwszystkim weather. TRrovhe latam miedzy East i West bo sa officy w obydwu\nmiejscach. California jest ok w zimie :).\n Na bardziej personalnym froncie; pamietasz dinner na ktory poszlismy\nkiedys na conferencji w NY z Catherine ( she used to work for Williams-\nworks for Morgan Stanley now ) , we are dating ( for a while) . It is a\ngood story how we met. So we owe you dinner :)\n Jak bylem w Atlancie to pracowala dla mnie Christa Grey. Bedzie teraz\nkonczyla grad school in international relations ( with Eastern European\nslant ), i zastanawia sie czy sa jakies mozliwosci polaczenia tego co robila\nze \"Wschodem\". Co robila to bylo przede wszystkim VB implementations modeli\n, ( roznego rodzaju) , Web based data collections, basic research , teraz\njest w gas structuring etc. She speaks russian and was in Ukraine/Poland\nfew times on Peace Corp assingments. She is very bright and dedicated.\nMyslalem zeby ja zwabic do Californii ale ten Eastern European pociag jest u\nniej silniejszy niz u mnie :). I have here resume, wiec jak bys myslal ze\njest jakis fit I will foreward it to you.\n Troche tak mieszanka pisze, przepraszam\n Bede chyba w Houston w pazdzierniku to moze bysmy sie mogli spotkac.\nLatwiej pewnie by bylo w NY ( mieszkam po NJ stronie ( rent jest inny niz w\nAtlancie :) (201) 222-0435), wiec daj mi znac jakbys mial czas i ochote.\nThanks\nRoman\n\n\n", "Re:", "originEmail", [["attach spreadsheet", 14, "nninformation", ["phone**number", "send"], "request", " please, send me your phone number."], ["reach cell0phone", 18, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "intention", " i shall try to reach you later this week."]], "Roman,\n\nI shall type in English (faster).\n\nI was trying to locate you for some time after you left SCEM. I shall be glad \nto\nmeet for dinner/coffee and chat. Please, send me your phone number.\n\nI have just come back from Poland and go through my mail. I shall try to \nreach you later\nthis week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRoman Kosecki ", [], true], "27-9-2000-3:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-3:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Roman Kosecki\nPhone: (973) 733 2771\n (562) 951 1790 (CA)\n (201) 222 0435 (h)\nrkosecki@mieco.com", [""], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [], "Roman Kosecki\n\nPhone: (973) 733 2771\n (562) 951 1790 (CA)\n (201) 222 0435 (h)\n\nrkosecki@mieco.com", ["<33464684.1075856482228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29424070.1075856548536.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30887641.1075856285278.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11785174.1075856352201.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-9-2000-3:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-3:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rkosecki@mieco.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Roman,\nI shall be traveling next week (Europe again), Mon thru Fri.\nIt's Power 2000 conference in Paris.\nI have many trips to different places later during October\n(Berkeley, Philadelphia, etc.). These are shorter, 1-2\nday trips. Please, let me know when you come to Houston.\nI shall keep you posted about my itinerary as \nit becomes more certain.\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 09/27/2000 09:08:39 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE:\nThat is so much easier, isnt it ( I mean English )\n My office number inb NJ is (973) 733-2771\n in Cal (562) 951-1790\n My home number is (201) 222-0435\nI will be in Ny till friday , and then will stay in Long Beach for a few\nweeks.\nHope you had a great time in Poland.\nIt would be really nice to have some Italian pastry and a double espresso :)\nLet me know when you are in town.\nRoman\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 9:07 AM\nTo: Roman Kosecki\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Re:\nRoman,\nI shall type in English (faster).\nI was trying to locate you for some time after you left SCEM. I shall be\nglad to\nmeet for dinner/coffee and chat. Please, send me your phone number.\nI have just come back from Poland and go through my mail. I shall try to\nreach you later\nthis week.\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 09/25/2000 12:06:12 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\nSubject:\nHello Vince,\n NIe bardzo wiem czy pisac po polsku czy po angielsku :)\n Co u Ciebie slychac ?\n U mnie troche zmian jak ze juz nie pracuje w SCEM , a przenioslem sie do\nMIECO ( a small Marubeni backed energy-america trading company ) . Bardzo\nrozne od SCEM. Najbardzij przypomina mi SCEM na poczatku z Joe, jak bylo\n20-30 osob. Sa i minusy i plusy. Troche structure i research ale przede\nwszystkim weather. TRrovhe latam miedzy East i West bo sa officy w obydwu\nmiejscach. California jest ok w zimie :).\n Na bardziej personalnym froncie; pamietasz dinner na ktory poszlismy\nkiedys na conferencji w NY z Catherine ( she used to work for Williams-\nworks for Morgan Stanley now ) , we are dating ( for a while) . It is a\ngood story how we met. So we owe you dinner :)\n Jak bylem w Atlancie to pracowala dla mnie Christa Grey. Bedzie teraz\nkonczyla grad school in international relations ( with Eastern European\nslant ), i zastanawia sie czy sa jakies mozliwosci polaczenia tego co\nrobila\nze \"Wschodem\". Co robila to bylo przede wszystkim VB implementations\nmodeli\n, ( roznego rodzaju) , Web based data collections, basic research , teraz\njest w gas structuring etc. She speaks russian and was in Ukraine/Poland\nfew times on Peace Corp assingments. She is very bright and dedicated.\nMyslalem zeby ja zwabic do Californii ale ten Eastern European pociag jest\nu\nniej silniejszy niz u mnie :). I have here resume, wiec jak bys myslal ze\njest jakis fit I will foreward it to you.\n Troche tak mieszanka pisze, przepraszam\n Bede chyba w Houston w pazdzierniku to moze bysmy sie mogli spotkac.\nLatwiej pewnie by bylo w NY ( mieszkam po NJ stronie ( rent jest inny niz w\nAtlancie :) (201) 222-0435), wiec daj mi znac jakbys mial czas i ochote.\nThanks\nRoman\n", ["RE:"], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com'], 'recipients': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 14, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " i shall keep you posted about my itinerary as it becomes more certain."]], "Roman,\n\nI shall be traveling next week (Europe again), Mon thru Fri.\nIt's Power 2000 conference in Paris.\n\nI have many trips to different places later during October\n(Berkeley, Philadelphia, etc.). These are shorter, 1-2\nday trips. Please, let me know when you come to Houston.\nI shall keep you posted about my itinerary as \nit becomes more certain.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRoman Kosecki ", "<31551981.1075856482206.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25356738.1075856548514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4750865.1075856285231.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"3": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["conference numeric powerTnnn", "conference numericTnn", "index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}, "conference powerTnn": {"value": "conference powerTnn", "ne": "conference powerTnn", "patterns": ["conference powerTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "-2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric tripTnn"]}}, true], "12-10-2000-9:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-10-2000-9:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rkosecki@mieco.com"], [], "Roman,\nDrinks after work would be better. I am flying back from Ca on Tue morning.\nPlease, call me at 713 853 3848 or 713 410 5396 (cell)\nin the afternoon.\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 10/12/2000 12:21:50 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: \nHi Vince\n I will be in Houston for a few days next week ( like mon-wed). If you are\nback from your European trips maybe we can \"do\" lunch ?\n Roman\n", ["Re:"], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com'], 'recipients': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [], "Roman,\n\nDrinks after work would be better. I am flying back from Ca on Tue morning.\nPlease, call me at 713 853 3848 or 713 410 5396 (cell)\nin the afternoon.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRoman Kosecki ", "<18260856.1075856545750.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15458191.1075856278406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "13-10-2000-2:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-2:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rkosecki@mieco.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com"], [], "Roman\nThanks.\nMy home number is 281 367 5377\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 10/13/2000 09:38:39 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE:\nI will be in Houston on Wed. Willl give you a call\nRoman\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 2:43 PM\nTo: rkosecki@mieco.com\nSubject: Re:\nRoman,\nDrinks after work would be better. I am flying back from Ca on Tue morning.\nPlease, call me at 713 853 3848 or 713 410 5396 (cell)\nin the afternoon.\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 10/12/2000 12:21:50 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject:\nHi Vince\n I will be in Houston for a few days next week ( like mon-wed). If you\nare\nback from your European trips maybe we can \"do\" lunch ?\n Roman\n", ["RE:", "Re: your wife's coordinates in Stanford"], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com'], 'recipients': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [], "Roman\n\nThanks.\n\nMy home number is 281 367 5377\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRoman Kosecki ", "<8842321.1075856478871.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5550154.1075856545169.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<120250.1075856545191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27546650.1075856277297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26064743.1075856277319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-10-2000-23:29:0Srkosecki@mieco.com": ["18-10-2000-23:29:0", "rkosecki@mieco.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], " Life...:)\nMaybe next time.\nRoman\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rkosecki@mieco.com\nSent: 10/18/00 1:14 PM\nSubject: RE:\nRoman,\nSorry. I am leaving for Philadelphia this evening. Leaving office around\n5\np.m. Let's get together on another occasion.\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 10/18/2000 02:09:28 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com '\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE:\n Hi Vince,\n I am in Houston now. Will have to work late . But how about\ndrinks/food\nsome time around 7-8 or later ? I am staying at Wyndham Greenplace (?)\nand\nwill use taxi to get around.\n Thanks\nRoman\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rkosecki@mieco.com\nSent: 10/13/00 7:55 AM\nSubject: RE:\nRoman\nThanks.\nMy home number is 281 367 5377\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 10/13/2000 09:38:39 AM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject: RE:\nI will be in Houston on Wed. Willl give you a call\nRoman\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 2:43 PM\nTo: rkosecki@mieco.com\nSubject: Re:\nRoman,\nDrinks after work would be better. I am flying back from Ca on Tue\nmorning.\nPlease, call me at 713 853 3848 or 713 410 5396 (cell)\nin the afternoon.\nVince\nRoman Kosecki on 10/12/2000 12:21:50 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject:\nHi Vince\n I will be in Houston for a few days next week ( like mon-wed). If you\nare\nback from your European trips maybe we can \"do\" lunch ?\n Roman\n", ["RE:"], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [], " Life...:)\nMaybe next time.\nRoman\n\n", ["<28603500.1075856615024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21293268.1075856274364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7763288.1075856360356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2000-8:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-8:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "rkosecki@mieco.com", [""], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [], "rkosecki@mieco.com", ["<25067435.1075856477287.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3775506.1075856543609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30756617.1075856272790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18251487.1075856361675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-9-2000-2:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-2:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/28/2000 \n09:20 AM ---------------------------\nRoman Kosecki on 09/25/2000 12:12:23 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: Old email address\n> Hello Vince,\n> NIe bardzo wiem czy pisac po polsku czy po angielsku :)\n> Co u Ciebie slychac ?\n> U mnie troche zmian jak ze juz nie pracuje w SCEM , a przenioslem sie\n> do MIECO ( a small Marubeni backed energy-america trading company ) .\n> Bardzo rozne od SCEM. Najbardzij przypomina mi SCEM na poczatku z Joe, jak\n> bylo 20-30 osob. Sa i minusy i plusy. Troche structure i research ale\n> przede wszystkim weather. TRrovhe latam miedzy East i West bo sa officy\n> w obydwu miejscach. California jest ok w zimie :).\n> Na bardziej personalnym froncie; pamietasz dinner na ktory poszlismy\n> kiedys na conferencji w NY z Catherine ( she used to work for Williams-\n> works for Morgan Stanley now ) , we are dating ( for a while) . It is a\n> good story how we met. So we owe you dinner :)\n> Jak bylem w Atlancie to pracowala dla mnie Christa Grey. Bedzie teraz\n> konczyla grad school in international relations ( with Eastern European\n> slant ), i zastanawia sie czy sa jakies mozliwosci polaczenia tego co\n> robila ze \"Wschodem\". Co robila to bylo przede wszystkim VB\n> implementations modeli , ( roznego rodzaju) , Web based data collections,\n> basic research , teraz jest w gas structuring etc. She speaks russian\n> and was in Ukraine/Poland few times on Peace Corp assingments. She is very\n> bright and dedicated. Myslalem zeby ja zwabic do Californii ale ten\n> Eastern European pociag jest u niej silniejszy niz u mnie :). I have here\n> resume, wiec jak bys myslal ze jest jakis fit I will foreward it to you.\n> Troche tak mieszanka pisze, przepraszam\n> Bede chyba w Houston w pazdzierniku to moze bysmy sie mogli spotkac.\n> Latwiej pewnie by bylo w NY ( mieszkam po NJ stronie ( rent jest inny niz\n> w Atlancie :) (201) 222-0435), wiec daj mi znac jakbys mial czas i ochote.\n> Thanks\n> Roman\n> \n", ["Old email address"], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [], "", ["<24566143.1075856481910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3985955.1075856548222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31928180.1075856284659.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23316890.1075856352613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-10-2000-8:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-8:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com", "rkosecki@mieco.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n03:21 PM ---------------------------\nShirley Crenshaw\n10/18/2000 12:58 PM\nTo: Toni Graham/Corp/Enron@Enron, Stephanie Summers/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Interview for the Research Group\nHello everyone:\nVince would like to bring Jaesoo Lew in next week for an exploratory interview\nwith the Research Group. The dates that would work best for us are: \nWednesday,\nthe 25th (AM), Thursday, 26th (AM) and Friday, 27th (AM). Please see if Mr. \nLew\nis available for any of these times.\nThanks!\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:51 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n10/18/2000 12:29 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: position\nShirley,\nI would like to invite him to an interview next week. We should use his home \nphone\nnumber and/or private E-mail address.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n12:33 PM ---------------------------\n\"Jaesoo Lew\" on 10/17/2000 09:59:01 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: position\nDear Dr. Kaminski\nMy name is Jaesoo Lew and I am referred by Dr. Wayne Lee.\nCurrently I've been working at Aquila Energy in Kansas City as an pricing\nanalyst since July 2000. Since then, I have developed a natural gas storage\nvaluation model applying the swing options (forest method) pricing approach.\nThe price processes would be considered critical for the storage valuation\nsince a trinomial forest is required to value storage. Also the c++\nprogramming using Excel DLL has been developed, too.\nI attached my resume to this message for your consideration and am looking\nforward to talking about an opportunity at Enron.\nMy home phone number is 913-649-0578, Dr. Kaminski, I will wait your call in\nthis week as Dr. Lee informed me. If possible, please let me know your\nexpected calling day through the mail. I appreciate your consideration.\nThank you very much.\nSincerely,\nJaesoo Lew\n_________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.\nShare information about yourself, create your own public profile at\nhttp://profiles.msn.com.\n\n", ["Interview for the Research Group", "RE:"], "{'body': ['rkosecki@mieco.com'], 'recipients': ['rkosecki@mieco.com']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<8556403.1075856477633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26738348.1075856477656.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19780549.1075856543947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27935676.1075856543970.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32329004.1075856274663.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6656781.1075856274686.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2896211.1075856360110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "28-9-2000-9:2:0Sbiliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com 29-9-2000-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-9:2:0Sbiliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com": ["28-9-2000-9:2:0", "biliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21199582.1075856623734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: biliana_pehlivanova@yahoo.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Biliana's resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Biliana Pehlivanova \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n\n\nThank you for referring me to your recruitment\nrepresentative.\n\nAttached is my resume. I would appreciate you letting\nme know the name of the HR person whom I can folow up\nwith.\n\nBest regards,\nBiliana\n\n\n=====\n==================================\nBiliana Pehlivanova\nVice President of Incoming Exchange\nAIESEC Houston\n713 743-4927\n==================================\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/\n - Biliana's resume.doc", "Biliana's resume", "forward", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 6, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " attached is my resume."]], "Mr. Kaminski,\n\n\nThank you for referring me to your recruitment\nrepresentative.\n\nAttached is my resume. I would appreciate you letting\nme know the name of the HR person whom I can folow up\nwith.\n\nBest regards,\nBiliana\n\n\n=====================================Biliana Pehlivanova\nVice President of Incoming Exchange\nAIESEC Houston\n713 743-4927\n=================================\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/\n - Biliana's resume.doc", "<21199582.1075856623734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-9-2000-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-9-2000-7:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["geynille.dillingham@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <14077209.1075856353104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 07:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: geynille.dillingham@enron.com\nSubject: Biliana's resume\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Geynille Dillingham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGeynille,\n\nI understand you are in charge of recruiting at the UofH. I am forwarding to \nyou the resume \nof one of the students of the University of Houston.\n\nShe is involved with the international organization called AIESEC and I was \nmost\nimpressed by her organizational skills and professional attitude. I used\nto work as a volunteer for this organization many years ago and I am\nstill helping their local chapter.\n\nAs far as I know, she signed up for an interview with Enron.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/29/2000 \n02:13 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nBiliana Pehlivanova on 09/28/2000 06:02:20 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Biliana's resume\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n\n\nThank you for referring me to your recruitment\nrepresentative.\n\nAttached is my resume. I would appreciate you letting\nme know the name of the HR person whom I can folow up\nwith.\n\nBest regards,\nBiliana\n\n\n=====\n==================================\nBiliana Pehlivanova\nVice President of Incoming Exchange\nAIESEC Houston\n713 743-4927\n==================================\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!\nhttp://photos.yahoo.com/\n - Biliana's resume.doc\n", "Biliana's resume", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 5, "information", ["forwarding", "resume"], "information", " i am forwarding to you the resume of one of the students of the university of houston."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 18, "information", ["organization", "used"], "information", " i used to work as a volunteer for this organization many years ago and i am still helping their local chapter."]], "Geynille,\n\nI understand you are in charge of recruiting at the UofH. I am forwarding to \nyou the resume \nof one of the students of the University of Houston.\n\nShe is involved with the international organization called AIESEC and I was \nmost\nimpressed by her organizational skills and professional attitude. I used\nto work as a volunteer for this organization many years ago and I am\nstill helping their local chapter.\n\nAs far as I know, she signed up for an interview with Enron.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n", "<14077209.1075856353104.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"resume studentTnn": {"value": "resume studentTnn", "ne": "resume studentTnn", "patterns": ["resume studentTnn"]}, "student universityTnn": {"value": "student universityTnn", "ne": "student universityTnn", "patterns": ["student universityTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-2-2001-7:2:0Sjjw@ziplip.com 16-2-2001-9:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-2-2001-7:2:0Sjjw@ziplip.com": ["16-2-2001-7:2:0", "jjw@ziplip.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25790537.1075856619319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 07:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jjw@ziplip.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Howard Confirmation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nX-To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince, I'm on vacation from Friday (today) until Tuesday. Rachel/London \nsent me this confirmation last night and think it illicts your attention- Did \nthey get it right to meet you satisfaction? I hope your interview goes well \nwith Howard too. It's all set.\n\nAny feedback on the guys from Ford Credit and Citigroup/Oxford University? I \nown them outright- no other firms involved! FYI: My fees are always much less \non these candidates (exclusive ownership by myself) as there are no middlemen \ninvolved from these \"other firms\". I luckily have been attracting very \ntalented candidates with just doing business \"as myself\" rather than MRI. I \nam very encouraged. Please check them out, Vince... as you know- I always \nsend you them first then on to my other clients -if you reject them.\nBye Vince, Thank you for the business!\nJeff\nPS- Use my cellphone if you want me (the next 4 days) for anything; I'm here \nfor you- 949 813 2241\n\n*******************************************************\nCandidate's Name: Howard Haughton\n\nDate of Interview: Tuesday 20 February 2001\n\nTime of Interview: 2.00pm\n\nInterviewers: David Weekes Enron Credit Sales\n& Marketing\n Mark Leahy Enron Credit Sales &\nMarketing\n Bryan Seyfried Enron Credit Executive\n Markus Fiala Enron Credit Trading\n Robina Barker-Bennett Enron Credit\nSyndication\n Ted Murphy Executive RAC\n\n Each interview will be approximately 45 minutes.\n\nAddress: 40 Grosvenor Place\n London\n SW1X 7EN\n\nSwitchboard: 020 7783-0000\n\nClosest Tube/Train Station: Victoria\n\nTo ask for: David Weekes at main reception\n\nLocation Map attached\n (See attached file: Location Map.pdf)\n\nI will take this as confirmed unless I hear otherwise from you. If you\nwould like to discuss this please contact me on 020 7783 5677.\n\nRegards\nRachel Quirke\nHuman Resources\n\n\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *", "Howard Confirmation", "reply", [["check_break object", 44, "nninformation", ["check", "them"], "request", " please check them out, vince."], ["see file", 133, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "intention", " address: numeric grosvenor place london sw numeric x numeric en switchboard: phonenumber numeric closest tube/train station: victoria to ask for: david weekes at main reception location map attached (see attached file: location map."], ["attach spreadsheet", 134, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", " address: numeric grosvenor place london sw numeric x numeric en switchboard: phonenumber numeric closest tube/train station: victoria to ask for: david weekes at main reception location map attached (see attached file: location map."]], "Hi Vince, I'm on vacation from Friday (today) until Tuesday. Rachel/London \nsent me this confirmation last night and think it illicts your attention- Did \nthey get it right to meet you satisfaction? I hope your interview goes well \nwith Howard too. It's all set.\n\nAny feedback on the guys from Ford Credit and Citigroup/Oxford University? I \nown them outright- no other firms involved! FYI: My fees are always much less \non these candidates (exclusive ownership by myself) as there are no middlemen \ninvolved from these \"other firms\". I luckily have been attracting very \ntalented candidates with just doing business \"as myself\" rather than MRI. I \nam very encouraged. Please check them out, Vince... as you know- I always \nsend you them first then on to my other clients -if you reject them.\nBye Vince, Thank you for the business!\nJeff\nPS- Use my cellphone if you want me (the next 4 days) for anything; I'm here \nfor you- 949 813 2241\n\n*******************************************************\nCandidate's Name: Howard Haughton\n\nDate of Interview: Tuesday 20 February 2001\n\nTime of Interview: 2.00pm\n\nInterviewers: David Weekes Enron Credit Sales\n& Marketing\n Mark Leahy Enron Credit Sales &\nMarketing\n Bryan Seyfried Enron Credit Executive\n Markus Fiala Enron Credit Trading\n Robina Barker-Bennett Enron Credit\nSyndication\n Ted Murphy Executive RAC\n\n Each interview will be approximately 45 minutes.\n\nAddress: 40 Grosvenor Place\n London\n SW1X 7EN\n\nSwitchboard: 020 7783-0000\n\nClosest Tube/Train Station: Victoria\n\nTo ask for: David Weekes at main reception\n\nLocation Map attached\n (See attached file: Location Map.pdf)\n\nI will take this as confirmed unless I hear otherwise from you. If you\nwould like to discuss this please contact me on 020 7783 5677.\n\nRegards\nRachel Quirke\nHuman Resources\n\n\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *", "<25790537.1075856619319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"70": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}, "106": {"value": "45", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}}, false], "16-2-2001-9:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-9:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jjw@ziplip.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <10410762.1075856518477.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 09:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jjw@ziplip.com\nSubject: Re: Howard Confirmation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nI cannot interview Howard on Tue (business trip).\nI think the organization is very interested in him.\n\nI don't know what \"illicts your attention\" means.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" on 02/16/2001 03:02:36 PM\nPlease respond to \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Howard Confirmation\n\n\nHi Vince, I'm on vacation from Friday (today) until Tuesday. Rachel/London \nsent me this confirmation last night and think it illicts your attention- Did \nthey get it right to meet you satisfaction? I hope your interview goes well \nwith Howard too. It's all set.\n\nAny feedback on the guys from Ford Credit and Citigroup/Oxford University? I \nown them outright- no other firms involved! FYI: My fees are always much less \non these candidates (exclusive ownership by myself) as there are no middlemen \ninvolved from these \"other firms\". I luckily have been attracting very \ntalented candidates with just doing business \"as myself\" rather than MRI. I \nam very encouraged. Please check them out, Vince... as you know- I always \nsend you them first then on to my other clients -if you reject them.\nBye Vince, Thank you for the business!\nJeff\nPS- Use my cellphone if you want me (the next 4 days) for anything; I'm here \nfor you- 949 813 2241\n\n*******************************************************\nCandidate's Name: Howard Haughton\n\nDate of Interview: Tuesday 20 February 2001\n\nTime of Interview: 2.00pm\n\nInterviewers: David Weekes Enron Credit Sales\n& Marketing\n Mark Leahy Enron Credit Sales &\nMarketing\n Bryan Seyfried Enron Credit Executive\n Markus Fiala Enron Credit Trading\n Robina Barker-Bennett Enron Credit\nSyndication\n Ted Murphy Executive RAC\n\n Each interview will be approximately 45 minutes.\n\nAddress: 40 Grosvenor Place\n London\n SW1X 7EN\n\nSwitchboard: 020 7783-0000\n\nClosest Tube/Train Station: Victoria\n\nTo ask for: David Weekes at main reception\n\nLocation Map attached\n (See attached file: Location Map.pdf)\n\nI will take this as confirmed unless I hear otherwise from you. If you\nwould like to discuss this please contact me on 020 7783 5677.\n\nRegards\nRachel Quirke\nHuman Resources\n\n\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *\n\n\n", "Re: Howard Confirmation", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "howard"], "intention", "jeff, i cannot interview howard on tue (business trip)."]], "Jeff,\n\nI cannot interview Howard on Tue (business trip).\nI think the organization is very interested in him.\n\nI don't know what \"illicts your attention\" means.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" ", [], false]}, "10-2-2000-8:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 11-2-2000-9:13:0Slouise.kitchen@enron.com 11-2-2000-9:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-2-2000-8:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-2-2000-8:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["louise.kitchen@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <622308.1075856803112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 08:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: Ed Krapels\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Louise Kitchen\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLouise, \n\nSome time ago I sent you a message regarding Ed Krapels. He is writing a book \non energy\ncommodity markets and would like to learn more about EOL. \n\nCan you give him a call and chat with him for 10 minutes. He is a good \nfriend of Enron and\nit would be free ad for us.\n\nVince", "Ed Krapels", "originEmail", [["write_publish book", 8, "information", ["book", "writing"], "information", " he is writing a book on energy commodity markets and would like to learn more about orgname can you give him a call and chat with him for numeric minutes."]], "Louise, \n\nSome time ago I sent you a message regarding Ed Krapels. He is writing a book \non energy\ncommodity markets and would like to learn more about EOL. \n\nCan you give him a call and chat with him for 10 minutes. He is a good \nfriend of Enron and\nit would be free ad for us.\n\nVince", "<622308.1075856803112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"book energy_energy0derivativeTnn": {"value": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "ne": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "patterns": ["book energy_energy0derivativeTnn"]}, "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0price marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0price marketTnn"]}}, false], "11-2-2000-9:13:0Slouise.kitchen@enron.com": ["11-2-2000-9:13:0", "louise.kitchen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25323264.1075857045647.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 09:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: louise.kitchen@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Ed Krapels\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Louise Kitchen\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Esai\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAbsolutely - I can't find the previous email but it may have been lost during \nthe few days they moved my email box from London to Houston - I know I had a \nlot of lost emails - do you have his phone number and email and we can sort \nout a password for a few days for him too.\n\nLouise\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/02/2000 22:15\nTo: Louise Kitchen/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Ed Krapels\n\nLouise, \n\nSome time ago I sent you a message regarding Ed Krapels. He is writing a book \non energy\ncommodity markets and would like to learn more about EOL. \n\nCan you give him a call and chat with him for 10 minutes. He is a good \nfriend of Enron and\nit would be free ad for us.\n\nVince\n\n", "Re: Ed Krapels", "reply", [], "Absolutely - I can't find the previous email but it may have been lost during \nthe few days they moved my email box from London to Houston - I know I had a \nlot of lost emails - do you have his phone number and email and we can sort \nout a password for a few days for him too.\n\nLouise\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/02/2000 22:15\n", "<25323264.1075857045647.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "11-2-2000-9:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-2-2000-9:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "louise.kitchen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <257053.1075857045625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 09:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Ed Krapels\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Louise Kitchen\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Esai\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLouise,\n\nThanks. His E-mail address is ekrapels@esaibos.com. The company\n\ncoordinates are as follows:\n\nESAI\n301 Edgewater Place, Suite 108\nWakefield, MA 01880\n(781) 245-2036\n(781) 245-8706\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nLouise Kitchen\n02/11/2000 05:13 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Ed Krapels \n\nAbsolutely - I can't find the previous email but it may have been lost during \nthe few days they moved my email box from London to Houston - I know I had a \nlot of lost emails - do you have his phone number and email and we can sort \nout a password for a few days for him too.\n\nLouise\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/02/2000 22:15\nTo: Louise Kitchen/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Ed Krapels\n\nLouise, \n\nSome time ago I sent you a message regarding Ed Krapels. He is writing a book \non energy\ncommodity markets and would like to learn more about EOL. \n\nCan you give him a call and chat with him for 10 minutes. He is a good \nfriend of Enron and\nit would be free ad for us.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Ed Krapels", "reply", [], "Louise,\n\nThanks. His E-mail address is ekrapels@esaibos.com. The company\n\ncoordinates are as follows:\n\nESAI\n301 Edgewater Place, Suite 108\nWakefield, MA 01880\n(781) 245-2036\n(781) 245-8706\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nLouise Kitchen\n02/11/2000 05:13 PM\n", "<257053.1075857045625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "24-1-2001-8:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-1-2001-23:24:0Sbryan.seyfried@enron.com": {"24-1-2001-8:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-8:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["bryan.seyfried@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <481976.1075856394711.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 08:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bryan.seyfried@enron.com\nSubject: A quant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Bryan Seyfried\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBryan,\n\nDid you have a chance to take a look at the resume I sent you?\nHe looked like a great guy for your group.\n\nVince", "A quant", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 6, "nninformation", ["sent", "resume"], "request information", "bryan, did you have a chance to take a look at the resume i sent you?"]], "Bryan,\n\nDid you have a chance to take a look at the resume I sent you?\nHe looked like a great guy for your group.\n\nVince", "<481976.1075856394711.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "24-1-2001-23:24:0Sbryan.seyfried@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-23:24:0", "bryan.seyfried@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15225638.1075856619942.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 23:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: bryan.seyfried@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A quant\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Bryan Seyfried\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI did...trying to get him in next week so that Vasant can see him as well.\n\nthanks\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n24/01/2001 22:24\nTo: Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: A quant\n\nBryan,\n\nDid you have a chance to take a look at the resume I sent you?\nHe looked like a great guy for your group.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Re: A quant", "reply", [], "I did...trying to get him in next week so that Vasant can see him as well.\n\nthanks\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n24/01/2001 22:24\n", "<15225638.1075856619942.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "16-2-2001-9:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-2-2001-9:5:0Srachel.quirke@enron.com 19-2-2001-11:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-2-2001-9:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-9:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rachel.quirke@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20878021.1075856518499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 09:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rachel.quirke@enron.com\nSubject: Tuesday interview\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rachel Quirke\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRachel,\n\nI would like very much to interview Howard but I am in \nPhiladelphia on Tuesday.\n\nVince", "Tuesday interview", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "howard"], "intention", "rachel, i would like very much to interview howard but i am in philadelphia on tuesday."]], "Rachel,\n\nI would like very much to interview Howard but I am in \nPhiladelphia on Tuesday.\n\nVince", "<20878021.1075856518499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "19-2-2001-9:5:0Srachel.quirke@enron.com": ["19-2-2001-9:5:0", "rachel.quirke@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7407744.1075856619252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 09:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rachel.quirke@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tuesday interview\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Rachel Quirke\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince,\n\nThanks for replying to my email. The scheduled interview with Howard will go \nahead tomorrow, I have written to Shirley to request a convenient time for \nyou and we will arrange for Howard to come back in for a Video Conference \nwith you.\n\nRegards Rachel\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n16/02/2001 23:42\nTo: Rachel Quirke/EU/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Tuesday interview\n\nRachel,\n\nI would like very much to interview Howard but I am in \nPhiladelphia on Tuesday.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Re: Tuesday interview", "reply", [], "Hi Vince,\n\nThanks for replying to my email. The scheduled interview with Howard will go \nahead tomorrow, I have written to Shirley to request a convenient time for \nyou and we will arrange for Howard to come back in for a Video Conference \nwith you.\n\nRegards Rachel\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n16/02/2001 23:42\n", "<7407744.1075856619252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "19-2-2001-11:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-2-2001-11:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "rachel.quirke@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3396382.1075856452016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 11:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rachel.quirke@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tuesday interview\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rachel Quirke\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRachel,\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tuesday interview \n\nHi Vince,\n\nThanks for replying to my email. The scheduled interview with Howard will go \nahead tomorrow, I have written to Shirley to request a convenient time for \nyou and we will arrange for Howard to come back in for a Video Conference \nwith you.\n\nRegards Rachel\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n16/02/2001 23:42\nTo: Rachel Quirke/EU/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Tuesday interview\n\nRachel,\n\nI would like very much to interview Howard but I am in \nPhiladelphia on Tuesday.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Tuesday interview", "reply", [], "Rachel,\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", "<3396382.1075856452016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "31-3-2000-15:36:0Smfujita@mri.co.jp 3-4-2000-4:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-4-2000-7:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-4-2000-7:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-4-2000-11:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-4-2000-4:30:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 4-4-2000-4:32:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 11-4-2000-0:47:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 2-6-2000-1:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-6-2000-2:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 26-6-2000-3:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-3-2000-15:36:0Smfujita@mri.co.jp": ["31-3-2000-15:36:0", "mfujita@mri.co.jp", "vkamins@enron.com", "eugenio.perez@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12301200.1075857044873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 15:36:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mfujita@mri.co.jp\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: A visit\nCc: eugenio.perez@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: eugenio.perez@enron.com\nX-From: Masayuki Fujita \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: Eugenio Perez \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Ei\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nProfessor Vincent Kaminski\nVice President of Research\nEnron Corp.\n\nDear Professor Kaminski\n\n I , Masayuki Fujita was the only Japanese attendee of the Energy \nDerivatives seminar\nin Houston last December and a member of Japanese consultation firm: \nMitsubishi Research\nInstitute, Inc. I would be very honored if you can meet with me 17 or 18 \nApril after\nattending Energy Trading Summit in 12th-14th. As you know, Japanese \nelectricity trading is\non the way of deregulation beneficial to the consumers from a long stage of \nthe nine major\ncompanies' regional monopoly. We are giving a hand to help the Ministry and \nindustry to\nfind the right course of them. I and my colleague Yamada, who will attend Risk\nPublications Monte Calro seminar in Four Seasons Hotel, would like to visit \nyou and your\ncompany for studying the sophisticated risk management at Enron. In return, \nwe may give\nyou the information about recent institutional progress and major electricity \ncompanies\nresponse in Japan.\n\n We are now personally translating your book \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" \nsecond\nedition and wondering if you have not given the right to publish in Japanese \nand nay give\nus the chance to help you introduce modern technology to manage energy risk \nin the\nJapanese energy industry.\n\n I do not hope Japanese English power prevent me to pass my sincerity to \nyou and I can\nvisit you soon.\n\n Best regards,\n\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n\n\n", "A visit", "reply", [], "Professor Vincent Kaminski\nVice President of Research\nEnron Corp.\n\nDear Professor Kaminski\n\n I , Masayuki Fujita was the only Japanese attendee of the Energy \nDerivatives seminar\nin Houston last December and a member of Japanese consultation firm: \nMitsubishi Research\nInstitute, Inc. I would be very honored if you can meet with me 17 or 18 \nApril after\nattending Energy Trading Summit in 12th-14th. As you know, Japanese \nelectricity trading is\non the way of deregulation beneficial to the consumers from a long stage of \nthe nine major\ncompanies' regional monopoly. We are giving a hand to help the Ministry and \nindustry to\nfind the right course of them. I and my colleague Yamada, who will attend Risk\nPublications Monte Calro seminar in Four Seasons Hotel, would like to visit \nyou and your\ncompany for studying the sophisticated risk management at Enron. In return, \nwe may give\nyou the information about recent institutional progress and major electricity \ncompanies\nresponse in Japan.\n\n We are now personally translating your book \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" \nsecond\nedition and wondering if you have not given the right to publish in Japanese \nand nay give\nus the chance to help you introduce modern technology to manage energy risk \nin the\nJapanese energy industry.\n\n I do not hope Japanese English power prevent me to pass my sincerity to \nyou and I can\nvisit you soon.\n\n Best regards,\n\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n\n\n", "<12301200.1075857044873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "3-4-2000-4:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-4:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mfujita@mri.co.jp"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <19132864.1075856993700.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 04:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mfujita@mri.co.jp\nSubject: Re: A visit\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Masayuki Fujita @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Fujita:\n\nThank you for you interest in Enron. I shall be honored if you visit Enron\nand I shall invite other employees of the company to the meeting.\n\nPlease, call my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713 853 5290) to discuss the\nexact time of your visit. She will be trying to reach you from our end.\n\nThe copy right for the book belongs to the RISK magazine. I shall give you \nthe contact at the company\nwith whom you can discuss the Japanese version issues.\n\nSincerely,\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nMasayuki Fujita on 03/31/2000 08:36:00 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: Eugenio Perez \nSubject: A visit\n\n\nProfessor Vincent Kaminski\nVice President of Research\nEnron Corp.\n\nDear Professor Kaminski\n\n I , Masayuki Fujita was the only Japanese attendee of the Energy \nDerivatives seminar\nin Houston last December and a member of Japanese consultation firm: \nMitsubishi Research\nInstitute, Inc. I would be very honored if you can meet with me 17 or 18 \nApril after\nattending Energy Trading Summit in 12th-14th. As you know, Japanese \nelectricity trading is\non the way of deregulation beneficial to the consumers from a long stage of \nthe nine major\ncompanies' regional monopoly. We are giving a hand to help the Ministry and \nindustry to\nfind the right course of them. I and my colleague Yamada, who will attend Risk\nPublications Monte Calro seminar in Four Seasons Hotel, would like to visit \nyou and your\ncompany for studying the sophisticated risk management at Enron. In return, \nwe may give\nyou the information about recent institutional progress and major electricity \ncompanies\nresponse in Japan.\n\n We are now personally translating your book \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" \nsecond\nedition and wondering if you have not given the right to publish in Japanese \nand nay give\nus the chance to help you introduce modern technology to manage energy risk \nin the\nJapanese energy industry.\n\n I do not hope Japanese English power prevent me to pass my sincerity to \nyou and I can\nvisit you soon.\n\n Best regards,\n\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: A visit", "originEmail", [["reach cell0phone", 19, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "intention", " she will be trying to reach you from our end."]], "Dear Mr. Fujita:\n\nThank you for you interest in Enron. I shall be honored if you visit Enron\nand I shall invite other employees of the company to the meeting.\n\nPlease, call my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (713 853 5290) to discuss the\nexact time of your visit. She will be trying to reach you from our end.\n\nThe copy right for the book belongs to the RISK magazine. I shall give you \nthe contact at the company\nwith whom you can discuss the Japanese version issues.\n\nSincerely,\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nMasayuki Fujita ", {"book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "company employeeTnn": {"value": "company employeeTnn", "ne": "company employeeTnn", "patterns": ["company employeeTnn"]}, "company issue_topicTnn": {"value": "company issue_topicTnn", "ne": "company issue_topicTnn", "patterns": ["company issue_topicTnn"]}, "employee meetingTnn": {"value": "employee meetingTnn", "ne": "employee meetingTnn", "patterns": ["employee meetingTnn"]}}, true], "3-4-2000-7:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-7:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["john.ambler@enron.com", "joseph.hirl@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 \n02:02 PM ---------------------------\nMasayuki Fujita on 03/31/2000 08:36:00 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: Eugenio Perez \nSubject: A visit\nProfessor Vincent Kaminski\nVice President of Research\nEnron Corp.\nDear Professor Kaminski\n I , Masayuki Fujita was the only Japanese attendee of the Energy \nDerivatives seminar\nin Houston last December and a member of Japanese consultation firm: \nMitsubishi Research\nInstitute, Inc. I would be very honored if you can meet with me 17 or 18 \nApril after\nattending Energy Trading Summit in 12th-14th. As you know, Japanese \nelectricity trading is\non the way of deregulation beneficial to the consumers from a long stage of \nthe nine major\ncompanies' regional monopoly. We are giving a hand to help the Ministry and \nindustry to\nfind the right course of them. I and my colleague Yamada, who will attend Risk\nPublications Monte Calro seminar in Four Seasons Hotel, would like to visit \nyou and your\ncompany for studying the sophisticated risk management at Enron. In return, \nwe may give\nyou the information about recent institutional progress and major electricity \ncompanies\nresponse in Japan.\n We are now personally translating your book \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" \nsecond\nedition and wondering if you have not given the right to publish in Japanese \nand nay give\nus the chance to help you introduce modern technology to manage energy risk \nin the\nJapanese energy industry.\n I do not hope Japanese English power prevent me to pass my sincerity to \nyou and I can\nvisit you soon.\n Best regards,\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n", ["A visit"], "{'body': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<7488111.1075856936725.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<128137.1075856993630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4011044.1075856752947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15513319.1075856816407.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-4-2000-7:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-7:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["habiba.bayi@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 \n02:16 PM ---------------------------\nMasayuki Fujita on 03/31/2000 08:36:00 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: Eugenio Perez \nSubject: A visit\nProfessor Vincent Kaminski\nVice President of Research\nEnron Corp.\nDear Professor Kaminski\n I , Masayuki Fujita was the only Japanese attendee of the Energy \nDerivatives seminar\nin Houston last December and a member of Japanese consultation firm: \nMitsubishi Research\nInstitute, Inc. I would be very honored if you can meet with me 17 or 18 \nApril after\nattending Energy Trading Summit in 12th-14th. As you know, Japanese \nelectricity trading is\non the way of deregulation beneficial to the consumers from a long stage of \nthe nine major\ncompanies' regional monopoly. We are giving a hand to help the Ministry and \nindustry to\nfind the right course of them. I and my colleague Yamada, who will attend Risk\nPublications Monte Calro seminar in Four Seasons Hotel, would like to visit \nyou and your\ncompany for studying the sophisticated risk management at Enron. In return, \nwe may give\nyou the information about recent institutional progress and major electricity \ncompanies\nresponse in Japan.\n We are now personally translating your book \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" \nsecond\nedition and wondering if you have not given the right to publish in Japanese \nand nay give\nus the chance to help you introduce modern technology to manage energy risk \nin the\nJapanese energy industry.\n I do not hope Japanese English power prevent me to pass my sincerity to \nyou and I can\nvisit you soon.\n Best regards,\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n", ["A visit"], "{'body': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n\n", ["<14360951.1075856936702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15310826.1075856993607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12390243.1075856752922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14422217.1075856816430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-4-2000-11:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-4-2000-11:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["joseph.hirl@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Joe,\nThis is a message from the Japanese guy interested in energy risk management.\nPlease, let me know if you want somebody from your organization at the \nmeeting. He will be here\nnext Monday at 3:00 p.m.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/12/2000 \n06:11 PM ---------------------------\nMasayuki Fujita on 03/31/2000 08:36:00 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: Eugenio Perez \nSubject: A visit\nProfessor Vincent Kaminski\nVice President of Research\nEnron Corp.\nDear Professor Kaminski\n I , Masayuki Fujita was the only Japanese attendee of the Energy \nDerivatives seminar\nin Houston last December and a member of Japanese consultation firm: \nMitsubishi Research\nInstitute, Inc. I would be very honored if you can meet with me 17 or 18 \nApril after\nattending Energy Trading Summit in 12th-14th. As you know, Japanese \nelectricity trading is\non the way of deregulation beneficial to the consumers from a long stage of \nthe nine major\ncompanies' regional monopoly. We are giving a hand to help the Ministry and \nindustry to\nfind the right course of them. I and my colleague Yamada, who will attend Risk\nPublications Monte Calro seminar in Four Seasons Hotel, would like to visit \nyou and your\ncompany for studying the sophisticated risk management at Enron. In return, \nwe may give\nyou the information about recent institutional progress and major electricity \ncompanies\nresponse in Japan.\n We are now personally translating your book \"Managing Energy Price Risk\" \nsecond\nedition and wondering if you have not given the right to publish in Japanese \nand nay give\nus the chance to help you introduce modern technology to manage energy risk \nin the\nJapanese energy industry.\n I do not hope Japanese English power prevent me to pass my sincerity to \nyou and I can\nvisit you soon.\n Best regards,\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n", ["A visit"], "{'body': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [], "Joe,\n\nThis is a message from the Japanese guy interested in energy risk management.\nPlease, let me know if you want somebody from your organization at the \nmeeting. He will be here\nnext Monday at 3:00 p.m.\n\n\nVince\n\n", ["<9129946.1075857044785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25984400.1075856935232.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20686376.1075856992134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28876323.1075856749097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18258449.1075856818507.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-4-2000-4:30:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-4:30:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["mfujita@mri.co.jp"], [], "Dear Mr. Fujita:\nWe would be very honored to have you visit with Enron. Dr. Kaminski is\navailable all day on Monday, April 17 and from 3:30 - 5:00 pm on Tuesday,\nApril 18. Please let me know which day and time is convenient for you.\nThank you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n713/853-5290", ["Your visit with Vince Kaminski - Enron Corp. Research"], "{'recipients': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [], "Dear Mr. Fujita:\n\nWe would be very honored to have you visit with Enron. Dr. Kaminski is\navailable all day on Monday, April 17 and from 3:30 - 5:00 pm on Tuesday,\nApril 18. Please let me know which day and time is convenient for you.\n\nThank you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n713/853-5290", ["<5631522.1075857044828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30326515.1075856753051.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16428371.1075856816360.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-4-2000-4:32:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-4:32:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["mfujita@mri.co.jp"], [], "Dear Mr. Fujita:\nProfessor Kaminski will be delighted to have dinner with you and your\ncolleague Mr. Yamada. I have put you on his calendar at 3:00 pm. with\ndinner to follow in early evening.\nPlease let me know if you would like me to make dinner reservations\nfor you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\nMasayuki Fujita on 04/04/2000 11:07:19 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Your visit with Vince Kaminski - Enron Corp. Research\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\nEnron Corp\nDear Ms. Crenshaw,\n I am very glad to see Professor Kaminski let me meet with him. I offer to\nvisit you around 3 p.m. on 17th Monday. I wonder if we can invite him for a\ndinner that night because my colleague Mr. Yamada who also wishes to meet\nwith him will attend a Risk publication's seminar up to 5 p.m. on that day.\nPlease let Professor Kaminski know we understand this offer may affect on\nhis private time and we do not insist on it. I am very much looking forward\nto seeing him.\nBest regards,\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n", ["Re: Your visit with Vince Kaminski - Enron Corp. Research"], "{'body': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp'], 'recipients': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 17, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " please let me know if you would like me to make dinner reservations for you."]], "Dear Mr. Fujita:\n\nProfessor Kaminski will be delighted to have dinner with you and your\ncolleague Mr. Yamada. I have put you on his calendar at 3:00 pm. with\ndinner to follow in early evening.\n\nPlease let me know if you would like me to make dinner reservations\nfor you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMasayuki Fujita ", "<6959283.1075856752003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"dinner reservationTnn": {"value": "dinner reservationTnn", "ne": "dinner reservationTnn", "patterns": ["dinner reservationTnn"]}}, true], "11-4-2000-0:47:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-0:47:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["mfujita@mri.co.jp"], [], "Dear Mr. Fujita:\nI will be glad to make the dinner arrangements. I will make reservations at\nthe \"LaTour D'Argent\" Restaurant located at 2011 Ella Blvd at T. C. Jester.\nfor 6:30 PM on the 17th. They do require a coat.\nI believe most of the cabs will know where it is - but just in case:\n\"Take I-45 North to 610 East, go to the Ella Blvd exit and turn left (back\nunder the freeway) on Ella Blvd. Go to 2011 Ella Blvd. (on the right).\"\nLook forward to having you at Enron.\nThank you.\nSincerely,\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\nMasayuki Fujita on 04/05/2000 11:44:48 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Your visit with Vince Kaminski - Enron Corp. Research\nDear Ms. Crenshaw:\n We are very glad to see Professor Kaminski has taken our proposal to have \na dinner on\n17th. I would like to take your very kind offer to arrange the place to have \ndinner. We\nare now arranging to stay Four Seasons Hotel. It is just a second time to \nvisit Houston\nand we will not have a car, but may use a taxi between hotel and restaurant. \nPlease give\nus a recommendations. I wonder if Four Seasons have a good one.\nBest regards,\nMasayuki Fujita\nPrincipal Financial Engineer\nFinancial Technologies Section\nMitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n3-6 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku\nTokyo 100-8141\nJapan\nTel +81-3-3277-0582\nFax +81-3-3277-0521\n> Dear Mr. Fujita:\n>\n> Professor Kaminski will be delighted to have dinner with you and your\n> colleague Mr. Yamada. I have put you on his calendar at 3:00 pm. with\n> dinner to follow in early evening.\n>\n> Please let me know if you would like me to make dinner reservations\n> for you.\n>\n> Sincerely,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Corp. Research Group\n> 713/853-5290\n", ["Re: Your visit with Vince Kaminski - Enron Corp. Research"], "{'body': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp'], 'recipients': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 6, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations", "restaurant"], "intention", " i will make reservations at the \"latour d'argent\" restaurant located at numeric ella blvd at t."]], "Dear Mr. Fujita:\n\nI will be glad to make the dinner arrangements. I will make reservations at\nthe \"LaTour D'Argent\" Restaurant located at 2011 Ella Blvd at T. C. Jester.\nfor 6:30 PM on the 17th. They do require a coat.\n\nI believe most of the cabs will know where it is - but just in case:\n\n\"Take I-45 North to 610 East, go to the Ella Blvd exit and turn left (back\nunder the freeway) on Ella Blvd. Go to 2011 Ella Blvd. (on the right).\"\n\nLook forward to having you at Enron.\n\nThank you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n713-853-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMasayuki Fujita ", "<8787078.1075856750509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "2-6-2000-1:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-6-2000-1:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["conrad@risk.co.uk"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/02/2000 \n09:00 AM ---------------------------\nMasayuki Fujita on 05/31/2000 10:17:07 AM\nTo: \"Vince J. Kaminski\" \ncc: Shirley Crenshaw , gmasson@ect.enron.com, \neugenio.prez@enron.com \nSubject: Risk Book Translation\nDear Professor Kaminski,\n It was a great opportunity to meet with you and Mr. Masson. Enclosed are \ndigital\npictures at LaTour D'Argent. Thanks again for your kind hospitality.\n We have translated almost a half of the book \"Managing Energy Price \nRisk\". We are now\nfinding a publisher of Japanese book and want to know the contact in Risk \nPublications. It\nis very kind of you if you can let me know the successor of the editor of the \nbook who may\nstill be anonymous and then a general contact who may assist us to find him \nor her.\n I hope we can host you soon in Tokyo.\nBest regards,\n Masayuki Fujita\n Mitsubishi Research Institute, \nInc.\n", ["Risk Book Translation"], "{'body': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<6215922.1075856927338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29936228.1075856984267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25616890.1075856730845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28711728.1075856830430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-6-2000-2:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-6-2000-2:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mfujita@mri.co.jp"], [], "Dear Mr. Fujita,\nThank you very much for the pictures.\n I have talked to RISK and they will be contacting you shortly.\nVince Kaminski", ["Re: Risk Book Translation"], "{'recipients': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [], "Dear Mr. Fujita,\n\nThank you very much for the pictures.\n\n I have talked to RISK and they will be contacting you shortly.\n\nVince Kaminski", ["<3042968.1075856927315.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31364104.1075856984244.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29692814.1075856730821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-6-2000-3:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-3:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fred.lagrasta@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com"], [], "Stinson-san & Co,\nWe may become famous in Japan. Please, see the message below.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/26/2000 \n10:45 AM ---------------------------\nMasayuki Fujita on 06/26/2000 10:27:51 AM\nTo: Conrad Gardner \ncc: Vince J Kaminski \nSubject: [Fwd: MEPR2]\nDear Mr. Gardner,\nIt is very kind you to spare your very busy time to\nhelp me try to publish a Japanese version of RISK book\n\"Managing Energy Price Risk, 2nd Edition.\"\nI would like to report you that a Japanese financial\npublication company \"KINZAI\" last week agreed to try to\nmake direct contact with you about the specification of\nJapanese edition of the book. So they will offer more\nprecise condition than my last email below. Please\ntake trouble to let me know if any unclear point exist\non the process.\nThanks again for your kindness.\nBest regards,\n Masayuki Fujita\n Financial Technology\nResearch Group\n Research Center for\nPolicy and Economy\n Mitsubishi Research\nInstitute, Inc.\n Tel: +81-3-3277-0583\n Fax: +81-3-3277-0521\n Email: mfujita@mri.co.jp\nMasayuki Fujita wrote:\n> Dear Mr. Gardner,\n>\n> I would like to show you our draft proposal. It is\n> first time for me to create such document, so\n> please help me to complete it. Especially in '6.\n> Copyright fee and terms of condition' how I can\n> create detail for further negotiation ?\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n> Masayuki Fujita\n> Financial Technology Research Group\n> Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n>\n> ---------------------------------------------------\n>\n> Proposal of Japanese edition of MERP2(Draft)\n>\n> Masayuki Fujita\n> Mitsubishi Research\n> Institute, Inc.\n>\n> 1. Translation\n> Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.\n> ( 6 members including me)\n>\n> 2. Supervisor\n> Kenichiro Yamaguchi\n> Tokyo Mitsubishi International, PLC.\n>\n> 3. Publishing\n> Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, Inc. (not\n> yet decided)\n>\n> 4. Spectification\n> Hard Cover\n> A5 600p ( including our original foot-note)\n> Price ?? (50 STG)\n> Volume of First Copy 3,000 ( not yet decided )\n>\n> 5. Publishing Date\n> January, 2000\n>\n> 6. Copyright fee and terms of condition\n> Created between Risk and Kinzai\n>\n> eof\n>\n> ------------------------------------------------\n", ["[Fwd: MEPR2]"], "{'body': ['mfujita@mri.co.jp']}", [], "Stinson-san & Co,\n\nWe may become famous in Japan. Please, see the message below.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<9936018.1075856629588.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18410232.1075856496157.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16110496.1075856562427.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25833341.1075856318791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26757559.1075856328906.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "15-2-2000-0:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-2-2000-4:15:0Slynn.dunphy@enron.com 14-9-2000-4:14:0Sriles@ultracomputer.com": {"15-2-2000-0:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-2-2000-0:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["lynn.dunphy@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <752767.1075856771429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 00:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lynn.dunphy@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Opportunities\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Lynn Dunphy\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLynn,\n\nI am forwarding you the resume of a very bright and motivated young man\nwho attended a lecture I gave recently at LSU.\n\nI think we should consider him for an analyst position.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/15/2000 \n08:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Richard C. Iles\" on 09/14/2000 11:14:56 AM\nPlease respond to \"Richard C. Iles\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Enron Opportunities\n\n\n\nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nHere is my resume and cover letter.\n?\nThanks,\n?\nRichard Iles\n - Enron Cover and Resume.doc\n", "Enron Opportunities", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarding", "resume"], "information", "lynn, i am forwarding you the resume of a very bright and motivated young man who attended a lecture i gave recently at lsu."]], "Lynn,\n\nI am forwarding you the resume of a very bright and motivated young man\nwho attended a lecture I gave recently at LSU.\n\nI think we should consider him for an analyst position.\n\nVince\n\n", "<752767.1075856771429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"bright_promising resumeTnn": {"value": "bright_promising resumeTnn", "ne": "bright_promising resumeTnn", "patterns": ["bright_promising resumeTnn"]}, "location_position personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "location_position personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "location_position personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["location_position personnelpronounTnn"]}, "personnelpronoun position_viewTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun position_viewTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun position_viewTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun position_viewTnn"]}}, false], "15-2-2000-4:15:0Slynn.dunphy@enron.com": ["15-2-2000-4:15:0", "lynn.dunphy@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com ginger.gamble@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32624603.1075856771227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 04:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: lynn.dunphy@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Enron Opportunities\nCc: celeste.roberts@enron.com, ginger.gamble@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: celeste.roberts@enron.com, ginger.gamble@enron.com\nX-From: Lynn Dunphy\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Celeste Roberts, Ginger B Gamble\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThanks Vince. We will follow up with this LSU graduate.\n\nHope you are doing well.\nRegards,\nLynn Dunphy\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n02/15/2000 08:53 AM\nTo: Lynn Dunphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Enron Opportunities\n\nLynn,\n\nI am forwarding you the resume of a very bright and motivated young man\nwho attended a lecture I gave recently at LSU.\n\nI think we should consider him for an analyst position.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/15/2000 \n08:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Richard C. Iles\" on 09/14/2000 11:14:56 AM\nPlease respond to \"Richard C. Iles\" \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Enron Opportunities\n\n\n\nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nHere is my resume and cover letter.\n?\nThanks,\n?\nRichard Iles\n - Enron Cover and Resume.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: Enron Opportunities", "reply", [], "Thanks Vince. We will follow up with this LSU graduate.\n\nHope you are doing well.\nRegards,\nLynn Dunphy\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n02/15/2000 08:53 AM\n", "<32624603.1075856771227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-9-2000-4:14:0Sriles@ultracomputer.com": ["14-9-2000-4:14:0", "riles@ultracomputer.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31693495.1075857069112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: riles@ultracomputer.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Opportunities\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Richard C. Iles\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nHere is my resume and cover letter.\n?\nThanks,\n?\nRichard Iles\n - Enron Cover and Resume.doc", "Enron Opportunities", "forward", [], "Dr. Kaminski:\n?\nHere is my resume and cover letter.\n?\nThanks,\n?\nRichard Iles\n - Enron Cover and Resume.doc", "<31693495.1075857069112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "12-1-2001-8:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-1-2001-23:30:0Sfletcher.sturm@enron.com 13-1-2001-12:58:0Sjohn.arnold@enron.com": {"12-1-2001-8:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-8:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["fletcher.sturm@enron.com", "john.arnold@enron.com", "louise.kitchen@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <22090080.1075856233437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 08:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: fletcher.sturm@enron.com, john.arnold@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com,\n\tchristie.patrick@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com,\n\tchristie.patrick@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Fletcher J Sturm, John Arnold, Louise Kitchen\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Jeffrey A Shankman, Christie Patrick\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI would like to invite you to a meeting with Jeff Shankman on Tuesday\nJanuary 16, 3:30 p.m. at Jeff Shankman's office.\n\nWe are meeting to plan the agenda for the Tiger Team, a group of about 20 \nWharton School\nstudents visiting Enron. A Wharton tiger team works through a semester on a \nspecial project, proposed by\na corporation. The team sponsored by Enron works on project regarding the \nimpact of\nelectronic trading on the energy markets. The semester long project will \nresult in a report that\nwill be submitted to Enron for review and evaluation. I hope that you will \nfind this report useful.\n\n We have invited our tiger team to visit Enron. The students will arrive on \nThursday, \nJanuary 18, and will spend Friday at Enron. I would appreciate if you could \nfind 30 minutes\non Friday to talk to the students.\n\nThe meeting with Jeff on Tuesday should not last longer than 10-15 minutes.\n\nVince", "Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 6, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", "i would like to invite you to a meeting with jeff shankman on tuesday datenumeric , numerictime p."]], "I would like to invite you to a meeting with Jeff Shankman on Tuesday\nJanuary 16, 3:30 p.m. at Jeff Shankman's office.\n\nWe are meeting to plan the agenda for the Tiger Team, a group of about 20 \nWharton School\nstudents visiting Enron. A Wharton tiger team works through a semester on a \nspecial project, proposed by\na corporation. The team sponsored by Enron works on project regarding the \nimpact of\nelectronic trading on the energy markets. The semester long project will \nresult in a report that\nwill be submitted to Enron for review and evaluation. I hope that you will \nfind this report useful.\n\n We have invited our tiger team to visit Enron. The students will arrive on \nThursday, \nJanuary 18, and will spend Friday at Enron. I would appreciate if you could \nfind 30 minutes\non Friday to talk to the students.\n\nThe meeting with Jeff on Tuesday should not last longer than 10-15 minutes.\n\nVince", "<22090080.1075856233437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0price marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0price marketTnn"]}, "market tradingTnn": {"value": "market tradingTnn", "ne": "market tradingTnn", "patterns": ["market tradingTnn"]}, "67": {"value": "-15**minutes", "ne": "numeric0minute", "patterns": ["meeting numeric0minuteTnn", "numeric numeric0minuteTnn"]}, "meeting teamTnn": {"value": "meeting teamTnn", "ne": "meeting teamTnn", "patterns": ["meeting teamTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric numeric0minuteTnn"]}, "project_task tradingTnn": {"value": "project_task tradingTnn", "ne": "project_task tradingTnn", "patterns": ["project_task tradingTnn"]}}, false], "14-1-2001-23:30:0Sfletcher.sturm@enron.com": ["14-1-2001-23:30:0", "fletcher.sturm@enron.com", "tamara.black@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23336396.1075857450975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 23:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: fletcher.sturm@enron.com\nTo: tamara.black@enron.com\nSubject: Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Fletcher J Sturm\nX-To: Tamara Jae Black\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Fletcher_Sturm_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Sturm-F\nX-FileName: fsturm.nsf\n\nT Jae,\n\nPlease put this on my calendar and remind me beforehand if you would. Thanks,\n\nFletch\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Fletcher J Sturm/HOU/ECT on 01/15/2001 \n07:30 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/12/2001 04:41 PM\nTo: Fletcher J Sturm/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT, Louise \nKitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie \nPatrick/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office\n\nI would like to invite you to a meeting with Jeff Shankman on Tuesday\nJanuary 16, 3:30 p.m. at Jeff Shankman's office.\n\nWe are meeting to plan the agenda for the Tiger Team, a group of about 20 \nWharton School\nstudents visiting Enron. A Wharton tiger team works through a semester on a \nspecial project, proposed by\na corporation. The team sponsored by Enron works on project regarding the \nimpact of\nelectronic trading on the energy markets. The semester long project will \nresult in a report that\nwill be submitted to Enron for review and evaluation. I hope that you will \nfind this report useful.\n\n We have invited our tiger team to visit Enron. The students will arrive on \nThursday, \nJanuary 18, and will spend Friday at Enron. I would appreciate if you could \nfind 30 minutes\non Friday to talk to the students.\n\nThe meeting with Jeff on Tuesday should not last longer than 10-15 minutes.\n\nVince\n", "Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office", "forward", [], "T Jae,\n\nPlease put this on my calendar and remind me beforehand if you would. Thanks,\n\nFletch\n\n\n", "<23336396.1075857450975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "13-1-2001-12:58:0Sjohn.arnold@enron.com": ["13-1-2001-12:58:0", "john.arnold@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ina.rangel@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7766659.1075857657949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 12:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: john.arnold@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office\nCc: ina.rangel@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: ina.rangel@enron.com\nX-From: John Arnold\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Ina Rangel\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Arnold_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Arnold-J\nX-FileName: Jarnold.nsf\n\nI'll be there\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/12/2001 04:41 PM\nTo: Fletcher J Sturm/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT, Louise \nKitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie \nPatrick/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office\n\nI would like to invite you to a meeting with Jeff Shankman on Tuesday\nJanuary 16, 3:30 p.m. at Jeff Shankman's office.\n\nWe are meeting to plan the agenda for the Tiger Team, a group of about 20 \nWharton School\nstudents visiting Enron. A Wharton tiger team works through a semester on a \nspecial project, proposed by\na corporation. The team sponsored by Enron works on project regarding the \nimpact of\nelectronic trading on the energy markets. The semester long project will \nresult in a report that\nwill be submitted to Enron for review and evaluation. I hope that you will \nfind this report useful.\n\n We have invited our tiger team to visit Enron. The students will arrive on \nThursday, \nJanuary 18, and will spend Friday at Enron. I would appreciate if you could \nfind 30 minutes\non Friday to talk to the students.\n\nThe meeting with Jeff on Tuesday should not last longer than 10-15 minutes.\n\nVince\n\n", "Re: Tiger Team meeting Jeff Shankman's office", "reply", [], "I'll be there\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/12/2001 04:41 PM\n", "<7766659.1075857657949.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "14-2-2000-13:20:0Sgappy@stanford.edu 17-2-2000-3:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"14-2-2000-13:20:0Sgappy@stanford.edu": ["14-2-2000-13:20:0", "gappy@stanford.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14318104.1075857072061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 13:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gappy@stanford.edu\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Visiting Enron\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Giuseppe Andrea Paleologo \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Stanford\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDr. Kaminski, I would like to thank you very much for taking care of Amy and \nme\nduring our trip to Houston. What I saw at Enron Communication was nothing \nshort\nof revolutionary. More than that, I was impressed with the drive of the \npeople,\ntheir kindness, and their proficiency. I look forward to meeting you again in\nStanford during the last weekend of February. I will send you an email next\nweek, so that we can arrange a meeting between you and Prof. Bambos.\nAll the best wishes,\n\nGiuseppe\n\n\n--\n::Giuseppe A Paleologo:: http://www.stanford.edu/~gappy\n________________________________________________________________________\n\"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being\nvery wasteful. How true that is.\"\n\n - Vice President Dan Quayle winning friends while\n speaking to the United Negro College Fund, 5/9/89 -", "Visiting Enron", "reply", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 24, "nninformation", ["arrange", "meeting"], "intention", " i will send you an email next week, so that we can arrange a meeting between you and prof."]], "Dr. Kaminski, I would like to thank you very much for taking care of Amy and \nme\nduring our trip to Houston. What I saw at Enron Communication was nothing \nshort\nof revolutionary. More than that, I was impressed with the drive of the \npeople,\ntheir kindness, and their proficiency. I look forward to meeting you again in\nStanford during the last weekend of February. I will send you an email next\nweek, so that we can arrange a meeting between you and Prof. Bambos.\nAll the best wishes,\n\nGiuseppe\n\n\n--\n::Giuseppe A Paleologo:: http://www.stanford.edu/~gappy\n________________________________________________________________________\n\"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being\nvery wasteful. How true that is.\"\n\n - Vice President Dan Quayle winning friends while\n speaking to the United Negro College Fund, 5/9/89 -", "<14318104.1075857072061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "17-2-2000-3:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-3:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["gappy@stanford.edu"], ["ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5761374.1075857000004.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 03:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: gappy@stanford.edu\nSubject: Re: Visiting Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: gappy@stanford.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGiuseppe,\n\nThanks a lot. I would appreciate if you could set up a meeting with Prof. \nBambos.\nWe talked to him during our last visit and we would like to follow up with \nsome \nspecific proposals regarding research projects Enron could sponsor.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nGiuseppe Andrea Paleologo on 02/14/2000 03:20:52 PM\nPlease respond to gappy@stanford.edu\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Visiting Enron\n\n\n\nDr. Kaminski, I would like to thank you very much for taking care of Amy and \nme\nduring our trip to Houston. What I saw at Enron Communication was nothing \nshort\nof revolutionary. More than that, I was impressed with the drive of the \npeople,\ntheir kindness, and their proficiency. I look forward to meeting you again in\nStanford during the last weekend of February. I will send you an email next\nweek, so that we can arrange a meeting between you and Prof. Bambos.\nAll the best wishes,\n\nGiuseppe\n\n\n--\n::Giuseppe A Paleologo:: http://www.stanford.edu/~gappy\n________________________________________________________________________\n\"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being\nvery wasteful. How true that is.\"\n\n - Vice President Dan Quayle winning friends while\n speaking to the United Negro College Fund, 5/9/89 -\n\n", "Re: Visiting Enron", "originEmail", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 8, "nninformation", ["sponsor", "like"], "intention", " we talked to him during our last visit and we would like to follow up with some specific proposals regarding research projects enron could sponsor."]], "Giuseppe,\n\nThanks a lot. I would appreciate if you could set up a meeting with Prof. \nBambos.\nWe talked to him during our last visit and we would like to follow up with \nsome \nspecific proposals regarding research projects Enron could sponsor.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nGiuseppe Andrea Paleologo ", {"project proposalTnn": {"value": "project proposalTnn", "ne": "project proposalTnn", "patterns": ["project proposalTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-11-2000-22:44:0Swolak@zia.stanford.edu 13-11-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-11-2000-22:44:0Swolak@zia.stanford.edu": ["12-11-2000-22:44:0", "wolak@zia.stanford.edu", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7625534.1075856630998.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 22:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: wolak@zia.stanford.edu\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Frank A. Wolak\" \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Stanford\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\n I am writing about a student of mine who is on the job market\nthis year. When you stopped by my office, about 18 months ago\nyou asked if I had any students that might be appropriate for\nyour group. Although I didn't at the time, now I do. This student has\nexcellent technical skills, including an M.S. in Statistics\nand a Ph.D. in Economics by the end of the current academic\nyear. His dissertation research is on the investment behavior\nof Independent Power Producers in the US. As a result of research\nassistance he has done for me, he knows the California market very well\nand is familiar with the other ISOs. I think he would be an excellent\nmatch for you. The only problem is that he will probably have many\nother options available. However, I definitely think he's worth a look.\nIf you'd like him to send you a CV, please let me know. Thanks.\n\nFrank Wolak\n\nProfessor Frank A. Wolak email: \nwolak@zia.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics Phone: 650-723-3944 \n(Office)\nStanford University FAX: 650-725-5702\nStanford, CA 94305-6072 Phone: 650-856-0109 (Home)\nWorld-Wide Web Page: http://www.stanford.edu/~wolak Cell Phone: 650-814-0107", "", "reply", [], "Vince,\n\n I am writing about a student of mine who is on the job market\nthis year. When you stopped by my office, about 18 months ago\nyou asked if I had any students that might be appropriate for\nyour group. Although I didn't at the time, now I do. This student has\nexcellent technical skills, including an M.S. in Statistics\nand a Ph.D. in Economics by the end of the current academic\nyear. His dissertation research is on the investment behavior\nof Independent Power Producers in the US. As a result of research\nassistance he has done for me, he knows the California market very well\nand is familiar with the other ISOs. I think he would be an excellent\nmatch for you. The only problem is that he will probably have many\nother options available. However, I definitely think he's worth a look.\nIf you'd like him to send you a CV, please let me know. Thanks.\n\nFrank Wolak\n\nProfessor Frank A. Wolak email: \nwolak@zia.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics Phone: 650-723-3944 \n(Office)\nStanford University FAX: 650-725-5702\nStanford, CA 94305-6072 Phone: 650-856-0109 (Home)\nWorld-Wide Web Page: http://www.stanford.edu/~wolak Cell Phone: 650-814-0107", "<7625534.1075856630998.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "13-11-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-11-2000-2:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["wolak@zia.stanford.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32240401.1075856369296.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 02:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: wolak@zia.stanford.edu\nSubject: Re:\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Frank A. Wolak\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFrank,\n\nI am definitely interested in the resume. I can meet the candidate on campus \nwhen\nI visit my son. I am planning to come to Palo Alto around Thanksgiving.\n\nAlso, Energy and Power Risk Management (an English publication)\norganizes every year in Houston a POWER RISK conference (typically in May).\nThey ask me for recommendations regarding\nspeakers. Would you be interested in participating?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Frank A. Wolak\" on 11/13/2000 08:44:57 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\nVince,\n\n I am writing about a student of mine who is on the job market\nthis year. When you stopped by my office, about 18 months ago\nyou asked if I had any students that might be appropriate for\nyour group. Although I didn't at the time, now I do. This student has\nexcellent technical skills, including an M.S. in Statistics\nand a Ph.D. in Economics by the end of the current academic\nyear. His dissertation research is on the investment behavior\nof Independent Power Producers in the US. As a result of research\nassistance he has done for me, he knows the California market very well\nand is familiar with the other ISOs. I think he would be an excellent\nmatch for you. The only problem is that he will probably have many\nother options available. However, I definitely think he's worth a look.\nIf you'd like him to send you a CV, please let me know. Thanks.\n\nFrank Wolak\n\nProfessor Frank A. Wolak email: \nwolak@zia.stanford.edu\nDepartment of Economics Phone: 650-723-3944 \n(Office)\nStanford University FAX: 650-725-5702\nStanford, CA 94305-6072 Phone: 650-856-0109 (Home)\nWorld-Wide Web Page: http://www.stanford.edu/~wolak Cell Phone: 650-814-0107\n\n", "Re:", "originEmail", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 18, "information", ["conference", "organizes"], "information", " also, energy and power risk management (an english publication) organizes every year in houston a power risk conference (typically in may)."]], "Frank,\n\nI am definitely interested in the resume. I can meet the candidate on campus \nwhen\nI visit my son. I am planning to come to Palo Alto around Thanksgiving.\n\nAlso, Energy and Power Risk Management (an English publication)\norganizes every year in Houston a POWER RISK conference (typically in May).\nThey ask me for recommendations regarding\nspeakers. Would you be interested in participating?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Frank A. Wolak\" ", {"ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "conference powerTnn": {"value": "conference powerTnn", "ne": "conference powerTnn", "patterns": ["conference powerTnn"]}, "conference risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "conference risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "conference risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["conference risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn"]}, "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "energy_energy0power publicationTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0power publicationTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0power publicationTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0power publicationTnn"]}, "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-6-2000-7:14:0Sshanecgreen@earthlink.net 20-6-2000-1:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-6-2000-7:14:0Sshanecgreen@earthlink.net": ["19-6-2000-7:14:0", "shanecgreen@earthlink.net", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30725477.1075856625609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 07:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shanecgreen@earthlink.net\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Shane Green\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nYou probably won't remember my name, but I am the Ph.D. student that took \nyou back to the airport after your visit to Louisiana State University \nduring the previous academic year.\n?\nI received my M.S. in Finance in May of last year, and chose to?remain at \nLSU to work on my Ph.D. At that time, I intended to pursue a career \nin?teaching and research at a four year college or university.? In \npart?because of your visit,?and my?primary interest in normative research, \nmy?plans have changed.? While I?still want to earn my Ph.D.,?I plan to \npursue a career in research in the private sector.\n?\nAs you know, Ph.D. programs in financial economics are designed to train \nfuture academics.? Not surprisingly, they emphasize methods to approach the \ntypes of questions that are of interest to finance academics.? What did \nsurprise me, however, was that these areas of interest often had little to \ndo with what I imagined to be the concerns of practitioners in the real \nworld.? As you mentioned in your discussion, academic researchers know \nlittle about what their counterparts in the private sector \nare?doing.????????????????????????????????????? \n?\nIn light of my objective, I feel I would get the most out of the remainder \nof my doctoral studies if I took some time off to work in the private sector \nto see first hand the?types of challenges I can expect to face as a \nresearcher in corporate America.? As my primary interests revolve around the \nuse of derivatives and financial engineering in corporate risk management, \nEnron, as the leading innovator in these areas, would be an ideal place to \nlearn.? I was wondering if you were aware of any openings at the company \nthat might provide me with the exposure I am looking for.? If there are no \nsuch positions or opportunities, any advice or suggestions you could give \nme,?such as whether or not you think such a \"sabbatical\" (for lack of a \nbetter term) would be helpful, or information on private sector careers for \nPh.D.'s would be greatly appreciated.? \n?\nI am sending a current copy of my vita as an attachment.? If you have any \nquestions my e-mail address is sgreen@finance.lsu.edu.? Thanks for your help \nand advice.\n?\n?\nCordially,\n?\n?\n?\n?\nShane Green\n?\n?\n????? \n - Vita.doc", "", "reply", [], "Dr. Kaminski:\n?\nYou probably won't remember my name, but I am the Ph.D. student that took \nyou back to the airport after your visit to Louisiana State University \nduring the previous academic year.\n?\nI received my M.S. in Finance in May of last year, and chose to?remain at \nLSU to work on my Ph.D. At that time, I intended to pursue a career \nin?teaching and research at a four year college or university.? In \npart?because of your visit,?and my?primary interest in normative research, \nmy?plans have changed.? While I?still want to earn my Ph.D.,?I plan to \npursue a career in research in the private sector.\n?\nAs you know, Ph.D. programs in financial economics are designed to train \nfuture academics.? Not surprisingly, they emphasize methods to approach the \ntypes of questions that are of interest to finance academics.? What did \nsurprise me, however, was that these areas of interest often had little to \ndo with what I imagined to be the concerns of practitioners in the real \nworld.? As you mentioned in your discussion, academic researchers know \nlittle about what their counterparts in the private sector \nare?doing.????????????????????????????????????? \n?\nIn light of my objective, I feel I would get the most out of the remainder \nof my doctoral studies if I took some time off to work in the private sector \nto see first hand the?types of challenges I can expect to face as a \nresearcher in corporate America.? As my primary interests revolve around the \nuse of derivatives and financial engineering in corporate risk management, \nEnron, as the leading innovator in these areas, would be an ideal place to \nlearn.? I was wondering if you were aware of any openings at the company \nthat might provide me with the exposure I am looking for.? If there are no \nsuch positions or opportunities, any advice or suggestions you could give \nme,?such as whether or not you think such a \"sabbatical\" (for lack of a \nbetter term) would be helpful, or information on private sector careers for \nPh.D.'s would be greatly appreciated.? \n?\nI am sending a current copy of my vita as an attachment.? If you have any \nquestions my e-mail address is sgreen@finance.lsu.edu.? Thanks for your help \nand advice.\n?\n?\nCordially,\n?\n?\n?\n?\nShane Green\n?\n?\n????? \n - Vita.doc", "<30725477.1075856625609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "20-6-2000-1:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-6-2000-1:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shanecgreen@earthlink.net"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29013344.1075856497171.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 01:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shanecgreen@earthlink.net\nSubject: Re:\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Shane Green\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShane,\n\nThanks for your message. As a matter of fact, I expected your resume in time\nfor our summer internship program.\n\nWe shall be glad to invite you for an interview. How long \"sabbatical\" do you \nenvisage?\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Shirley, please, call Shane to arrange an interview with HR.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" on 06/19/2000 02:14:00 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\n\nDr. Kaminski:\n?\nYou probably won't remember my name, but I am the Ph.D. student that took \nyou back to the airport after your visit to Louisiana State University \nduring the previous academic year.\n?\nI received my M.S. in Finance in May of last year, and chose to?remain at \nLSU to work on my Ph.D. At that time, I intended to pursue a career \nin?teaching and research at a four year college or university.? In \npart?because of your visit,?and my?primary interest in normative research, \nmy?plans have changed.? While I?still want to earn my Ph.D.,?I plan to \npursue a career in research in the private sector.\n?\nAs you know, Ph.D. programs in financial economics are designed to train \nfuture academics.? Not surprisingly, they emphasize methods to approach the \ntypes of questions that are of interest to finance academics.? What did \nsurprise me, however, was that these areas of interest often had little to \ndo with what I imagined to be the concerns of practitioners in the real \nworld.? As you mentioned in your discussion, academic researchers know \nlittle about what their counterparts in the private sector \nare?doing.????????????????????????????????????? \n?\nIn light of my objective, I feel I would get the most out of the remainder \nof my doctoral studies if I took some time off to work in the private sector \nto see first hand the?types of challenges I can expect to face as a \nresearcher in corporate America.? As my primary interests revolve around the \nuse of derivatives and financial engineering in corporate risk management, \nEnron, as the leading innovator in these areas, would be an ideal place to \nlearn.? I was wondering if you were aware of any openings at the company \nthat might provide me with the exposure I am looking for.? If there are no \nsuch positions or opportunities, any advice or suggestions you could give \nme,?such as whether or not you think such a \"sabbatical\" (for lack of a \nbetter term) would be helpful, or information on private sector careers for \nPh.D.'s would be greatly appreciated.? \n?\nI am sending a current copy of my vita as an attachment.? If you have any \nquestions my e-mail address is sgreen@finance.lsu.edu.? Thanks for your help \nand advice.\n?\n?\nCordially,\n?\n?\n?\n?\nShane Green\n?\n?\n????? \n - Vita.doc\n\n", "Re:", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 9, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", " we shall be glad to invite you for an interview."]], "Shane,\n\nThanks for your message. As a matter of fact, I expected your resume in time\nfor our summer internship program.\n\nWe shall be glad to invite you for an interview. How long \"sabbatical\" do you \nenvisage?\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Shirley, please, call Shane to arrange an interview with HR.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shane Green\" ", {"associate0program_program resumeTnn": {"value": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "ne": "associate0program_program resumeTnn", "patterns": ["associate0program_program resumeTnn"]}, "fact matterTnn": {"value": "fact matterTnn", "ne": "fact matterTnn", "patterns": ["fact matterTnn"]}, "program summer_summer0internshipTnn": {"value": "program summer_summer0internshipTnn", "ne": "program summer_summer0internshipTnn", "patterns": ["program summer_summer0internshipTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-3-2000-1:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-3-2000-1:49:0Selizabeth.grant@enron.com": {"1-3-2000-1:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-1:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["elizabeth.grant@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <4966409.1075856765456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 01:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.grant@enron.com\nSubject: A very good candidate\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Elizabeth Grant\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nElizabeth,\n\nWe got a very good candidate we would like to bring over for an interview.\nHe came through an agency on London (the address is on the resumes).\nThe contact at the agency is Anthony Regamey.\n\nPlease, contact them to arrange an interview in Houston. Please, include\nme, Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tom Gros (EBS), Jean Mrha,\nBrad Blesie. We shall think about some other names later.\n\nVince", "A very good candidate", "originEmail", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", "elizabeth, we got a very good candidate we would like to bring over for an interview."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 15, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "intention", " please, contact them to arrange an interview in houston."]], "Elizabeth,\n\nWe got a very good candidate we would like to bring over for an interview.\nHe came through an agency on London (the address is on the resumes).\nThe contact at the agency is Anthony Regamey.\n\nPlease, contact them to arrange an interview in Houston. Please, include\nme, Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tom Gros (EBS), Jean Mrha,\nBrad Blesie. We shall think about some other names later.\n\nVince", "<4966409.1075856765456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"candidate interviewTnn": {"value": "candidate interviewTnn", "ne": "candidate interviewTnn", "patterns": ["candidate interviewTnn"]}}, false], "1-3-2000-1:49:0Selizabeth.grant@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-1:49:0", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14258359.1075857068674.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 01:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: elizabeth.grant@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A very good candidate\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Elizabeth Grant\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nOK, will get that started. We'll let you know when Rodney can be available \nfor a trip to Houston and will follow up with you to obtain the complete \ninterviewer list.\n\n- Elizabeth\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n03/01/2000 09:31 AM\nTo: Elizabeth Grant/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: A very good candidate\n\nElizabeth,\n\nWe got a very good candidate we would like to bring over for an interview.\nHe came through an agency on London (the address is on the resumes).\nThe contact at the agency is Anthony Regamey.\n\nPlease, contact them to arrange an interview in Houston. Please, include\nme, Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tom Gros (EBS), Jean Mrha,\nBrad Blesie. We shall think about some other names later.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Re: A very good candidate", "reply", [], "OK, will get that started. We'll let you know when Rodney can be available \nfor a trip to Houston and will follow up with you to obtain the complete \ninterviewer list.\n\n- Elizabeth\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n03/01/2000 09:31 AM\n", "<14258359.1075857068674.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "6-5-2001-17:25:0Sjinbaek@yahoo.com 7-5-2001-4:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-5-2001-17:25:0Sjinbaek@yahoo.com": ["6-5-2001-17:25:0", "jinbaek@yahoo.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21552073.1075856617308.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 6 May 2001 17:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jinbaek@yahoo.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: schedule and more..\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Jinbaek Kim\" \nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDr. Kaminski,\nI think I'll be able to start work from the last week of May,\nbut not from monday,\nprobably, I'll be able to work from 5/30 (wed).\nWill it be good? I know it is not that much earlier than I mentioned..6/4\nI am sorry.\n\nAnd actually, there is an e-business conference at Haas school of business,\norganized by my advisor\nCould you distribute the link and the attached invitation letter to groups\ninterested in e-business and especially procurement?\nThe link is as following.\nhttp://www.haas.berkeley.edu/citm/conferences/010522/\n\nI am afraid you might forgot this I told you in the last email...\nMy advisor (Arie Segev at Haas school of business; segev@haas.berkeley.edu)\nwants me to ask whether you have any idea on joint research with him\nduring the summer, while I am staying there.\nHis interest is in e-business.. (what else..?)\nand has expertise in e-procurement system and marketplace...\nXML based standard such as OBI,cXML, xCBL, RosettaNet, BizTalk ..\nsystem interoperability study, auction and negotiation, workflow system,\ne-catalog management, digital signature, EDI, etc etc...\nmany technical aspects of e-business...\nHe wants to do some kind of technical case study\nthat is beneficial for both ENRON and him.\nHe may travel one or two times to Houston to have a meeting during the\nsummer.\n(And to be frankly, this will be good for me too,\nbecause I can have a meeting for my dissertation while he is in Houston..)\nCould you think about the possibility of joint research, with him?\n\nThank you..\n\nSincerely,\nJinbaek\n\n - FCP-invite.pdf", "schedule and more..", "reply", [], "Dr. Kaminski,\nI think I'll be able to start work from the last week of May,\nbut not from monday,\nprobably, I'll be able to work from 5/30 (wed).\nWill it be good? I know it is not that much earlier than I mentioned..6/4\nI am sorry.\n\nAnd actually, there is an e-business conference at Haas school of business,\norganized by my advisor\nCould you distribute the link and the attached invitation letter to groups\ninterested in e-business and especially procurement?\nThe link is as following.\nhttp://www.haas.berkeley.edu/citm/conferences/010522/\n\nI am afraid you might forgot this I told you in the last email...\nMy advisor (Arie Segev at Haas school of business; segev@haas.berkeley.edu)\nwants me to ask whether you have any idea on joint research with him\nduring the summer, while I am staying there.\nHis interest is in e-business.. (what else..?)\nand has expertise in e-procurement system and marketplace...\nXML based standard such as OBI,cXML, xCBL, RosettaNet, BizTalk ..\nsystem interoperability study, auction and negotiation, workflow system,\ne-catalog management, digital signature, EDI, etc etc...\nmany technical aspects of e-business...\nHe wants to do some kind of technical case study\nthat is beneficial for both ENRON and him.\nHe may travel one or two times to Houston to have a meeting during the\nsummer.\n(And to be frankly, this will be good for me too,\nbecause I can have a meeting for my dissertation while he is in Houston..)\nCould you think about the possibility of joint research, with him?\n\nThank you..\n\nSincerely,\nJinbaek\n\n - FCP-invite.pdf", "<21552073.1075856617308.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "7-5-2001-4:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-4:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jinbaek@yahoo.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <12259520.1075856617286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 May 2001 04:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jinbaek@yahoo.com\nSubject: Re: schedule and more..\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, molly.magee@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, molly.magee@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Jinbaek Kim\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Molly Magee\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJinbaek,\n\nMay 30 sounds good. I shall inform our HR department.\n\nI don't see any project I could get going with your advisor on such a short\nnotice.\n\nWhen you come here you can determine in what area he could make\nthe biggest contribution to Enron. I shall call or E-mail\nhim independently and talk to him.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jinbaek Kim\" on 05/07/2001 02:25:53 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: schedule and more..\n\n\nDr. Kaminski,\nI think I'll be able to start work from the last week of May,\nbut not from monday,\nprobably, I'll be able to work from 5/30 (wed).\nWill it be good? I know it is not that much earlier than I mentioned..6/4\nI am sorry.\n\nAnd actually, there is an e-business conference at Haas school of business,\norganized by my advisor\nCould you distribute the link and the attached invitation letter to groups\ninterested in e-business and especially procurement?\nThe link is as following.\nhttp://www.haas.berkeley.edu/citm/conferences/010522/\n\nI am afraid you might forgot this I told you in the last email...\nMy advisor (Arie Segev at Haas school of business; segev@haas.berkeley.edu)\nwants me to ask whether you have any idea on joint research with him\nduring the summer, while I am staying there.\nHis interest is in e-business.. (what else..?)\nand has expertise in e-procurement system and marketplace...\nXML based standard such as OBI,cXML, xCBL, RosettaNet, BizTalk ..\nsystem interoperability study, auction and negotiation, workflow system,\ne-catalog management, digital signature, EDI, etc etc...\nmany technical aspects of e-business...\nHe wants to do some kind of technical case study\nthat is beneficial for both ENRON and him.\nHe may travel one or two times to Houston to have a meeting during the\nsummer.\n(And to be frankly, this will be good for me too,\nbecause I can have a meeting for my dissertation while he is in Houston..)\nCould you think about the possibility of joint research, with him?\n\nThank you..\n\nSincerely,\nJinbaek\n\n - FCP-invite.pdf\n\n", "Re: schedule and more..", "originEmail", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 5, "nninformation", ["see", "project"], "request", " i don't see any project i could get going with your advisor on such a short notice."], ["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 13, "nninformation", ["area", "make"], "intention", " when you come here you can determine in what area he could make the biggest contribution to enron."]], "Jinbaek,\n\nMay 30 sounds good. I shall inform our HR department.\n\nI don't see any project I could get going with your advisor on such a short\nnotice.\n\nWhen you come here you can determine in what area he could make\nthe biggest contribution to Enron. I shall call or E-mail\nhim independently and talk to him.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jinbaek Kim\" ", [], false]}, "31-7-2000-3:20:0Sqkerr@maths.uq.edu.au 31-7-2000-4:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-7-2000-3:20:0Sqkerr@maths.uq.edu.au": ["31-7-2000-3:20:0", "qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7355014.1075856306166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 03:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: message 1\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"qkerr\" \nX-To: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nThis is Quentin Kerr from Australia, I just came back from the Sydney's\nconference. Glen Dixon has told me that you are interested in my work. It is\nalways my honor to work with you. I am currently a PhD student at the\nmathsmatics department of the university of Queensland (aiming to finish my\nthesis at the end of this year). My research interest is financial\nmathematics, in particular, energy market modeling and derivatives pricing.\nNow I send you copies of my first paper (submitted to the Applied\nmathematical finance) and my talk (the full version of the academic paper\nwill be available in 2 weeks). Any comment will be appreciated.\n\nPS: attached with the talk at the conference.\n\nBest regard\nQuentin\n\n---------------------------------\nQuentin Kerr, email: qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au\nRoom: 67-622 Tel: (07)33461428\nDepartment of Mathematics, The University of Queensland\n\n - con1.ppt", "message 1", "reply", [], "Dear Dr. Kaminski\n\nThis is Quentin Kerr from Australia, I just came back from the Sydney's\nconference. Glen Dixon has told me that you are interested in my work. It is\nalways my honor to work with you. I am currently a PhD student at the\nmathsmatics department of the university of Queensland (aiming to finish my\nthesis at the end of this year). My research interest is financial\nmathematics, in particular, energy market modeling and derivatives pricing.\nNow I send you copies of my first paper (submitted to the Applied\nmathematical finance) and my talk (the full version of the academic paper\nwill be available in 2 weeks). Any comment will be appreciated.\n\nPS: attached with the talk at the conference.\n\nBest regard\nQuentin\n\n---------------------------------\nQuentin Kerr, email: qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au\nRoom: 67-622 Tel: (07)33461428\nDepartment of Mathematics, The University of Queensland\n\n - con1.ppt", "<7355014.1075856306166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-7-2000-4:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-4:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <778366.1075856557551.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 04:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au\nSubject: Re: message 1\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"qkerr\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nQuentin,\n\nThanks for your message. We are always looking for new employees\nwith the right skills.\n\nPlease, send me your resume and I shall determine what is the best\nway to arrange an interview. We can interview you in Sydney and then \nbring you to Houston for another round of interviews.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"qkerr\" on 07/30/2000 07:20:28 PM\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: message 1\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski\n\nThis is Quentin Kerr from Australia, I just came back from the Sydney's\nconference. Glen Dixon has told me that you are interested in my work. It is\nalways my honor to work with you. I am currently a PhD student at the\nmathsmatics department of the university of Queensland (aiming to finish my\nthesis at the end of this year). My research interest is financial\nmathematics, in particular, energy market modeling and derivatives pricing.\nNow I send you copies of my first paper (submitted to the Applied\nmathematical finance) and my talk (the full version of the academic paper\nwill be available in 2 weeks). Any comment will be appreciated.\n\nPS: attached with the talk at the conference.\n\nBest regard\nQuentin\n\n---------------------------------\nQuentin Kerr, email: qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au\nRoom: 67-622 Tel: (07)33461428\nDepartment of Mathematics, The University of Queensland\n\n - con1.ppt\n\n", "Re: message 1", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 6, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " please, send me your resume and i shall determine what is the best way to arrange an interview."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 8, "nninformation", ["determine", "interview"], "intention", " please, send me your resume and i shall determine what is the best way to arrange an interview."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 10, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "intention", " please, send me your resume and i shall determine what is the best way to arrange an interview."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 12, "nninformation", ["interview", "you"], "intention", " we can interview you in sydney and then bring you to houston for another round of interviews."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["bring", "interviews"], "intention", " we can interview you in sydney and then bring you to houston for another round of interviews."]], "Quentin,\n\nThanks for your message. We are always looking for new employees\nwith the right skills.\n\nPlease, send me your resume and I shall determine what is the best\nway to arrange an interview. We can interview you in Sydney and then \nbring you to Houston for another round of interviews.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"qkerr\" ", [], false]}, "13-11-2000-8:23:0Ssquiel@infosel.com 14-11-2000-23:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-11-2000-0:58:0Scharlene.jackson@enron.com": {"13-11-2000-8:23:0Ssquiel@infosel.com": ["13-11-2000-8:23:0", "squiel@infosel.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33202464.1075856636073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: squiel@infosel.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: Summer internship\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Ezequiel Luis \nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski\n\nI am currently pursuing the M.S. in IEOR at UC Berkeley. I attended the \nspeech you gave some weeks ago.\n\nI am interested in summer internship positions available in Enron. You will \nfind enclosed my resume.\n\nSincerely,\n\nEzequiel Luis\n\nEste mensaje fue enviado desde http://CommCenter.infosel.com\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nInternet Gratis\nhttp://www.terra.com.mx/terralibre\n\n - Resume ELM.doc", "Summer internship", "forward", [], "Dear Mr. Kaminski\n\nI am currently pursuing the M.S. in IEOR at UC Berkeley. I attended the \nspeech you gave some weeks ago.\n\nI am interested in summer internship positions available in Enron. You will \nfind enclosed my resume.\n\nSincerely,\n\nEzequiel Luis\n\nEste mensaje fue enviado desde http://CommCenter.infosel.com\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nInternet Gratis\nhttp://www.terra.com.mx/terralibre\n\n - Resume ELM.doc", "<33202464.1075856636073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "14-11-2000-23:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-11-2000-23:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["charlene.jackson@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20635802.1075856622295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 23:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: charlene.jackson@enron.com\nSubject: Summer internship\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Charlene Jackson\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Charlene,\n\nI am forwarding you a resume of a student from Berkeley. \nWe would like very much to have him as a summer intern with my group.\n\nPlease, let me know if your program can accommodate him.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n07:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nEzequiel Luis on 11/13/2000 04:23:23 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Summer internship\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski\n\nI am currently pursuing the M.S. in IEOR at UC Berkeley. I attended the \nspeech you gave some weeks ago.\n\nI am interested in summer internship positions available in Enron. You will \nfind enclosed my resume.\n\nSincerely,\n\nEzequiel Luis\n\nEste mensaje fue enviado desde http://CommCenter.infosel.com\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nInternet Gratis\nhttp://www.terra.com.mx/terralibre\n\n - Resume ELM.doc\n", "Summer internship", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 1, "information", ["forwarding", "student"], "information", " i am forwarding you a resume of a student from berkeley."]], "Hello Charlene,\n\nI am forwarding you a resume of a student from Berkeley. \nWe would like very much to have him as a summer intern with my group.\n\nPlease, let me know if your program can accommodate him.\n\nVince\n\n", "<20635802.1075856622295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"berkeley studentTnn": {"value": "berkeley studentTnn", "ne": "berkeley studentTnn", "patterns": ["berkeley studentTnn"]}}, false], "15-11-2000-0:58:0Scharlene.jackson@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-0:58:0", "charlene.jackson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com althea.gordon@enron.com shelly.jones@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18096415.1075856636030.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 00:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: charlene.jackson@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, althea.gordon@enron.com, shelly.jones@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Summer internship\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Charlene Jackson\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Althea Gordon, Shelly Jones\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\nWe have not started our spring hiring yet. However, we will review and let \nhim know we have an interest and tell him when we will be interviewing on \ncampus. Thanks\n\nAlthea and Shelly,\nPlease keep track of his resume so that he is considered for a summer \nposition when we begin the spring recruiting. Thanks\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/15/2000 07:39 AM\nTo: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Summer internship\n\nHello Charlene,\n\nI am forwarding you a resume of a student from Berkeley. \nWe would like very much to have him as a summer intern with my group.\n\nPlease, let me know if your program can accommodate him.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n07:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nEzequiel Luis on 11/13/2000 04:23:23 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Summer internship\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski\n\nI am currently pursuing the M.S. in IEOR at UC Berkeley. I attended the \nspeech you gave some weeks ago.\n\nI am interested in summer internship positions available in Enron. You will \nfind enclosed my resume.\n\nSincerely,\n\nEzequiel Luis\n\nEste mensaje fue enviado desde http://CommCenter.infosel.com\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nInternet Gratis\nhttp://www.terra.com.mx/terralibre\n\n - Resume ELM.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: Summer internship", "reply", [], "Vince,\nWe have not started our spring hiring yet. However, we will review and let \nhim know we have an interest and tell him when we will be interviewing on \ncampus. Thanks\n\nAlthea and Shelly,\nPlease keep track of his resume so that he is considered for a summer \nposition when we begin the spring recruiting. Thanks\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/15/2000 07:39 AM\n", "<18096415.1075856636030.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-11-2000-8:17:0Sanita.dupont@enron.com 22-11-2000-0:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 21-11-2000-14:7:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com 21-11-2000-14:12:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com 22-11-2000-0:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-11-2000-10:58:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com 27-11-2000-0:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-5:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-5:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-5:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-5:43:0Smolly.magee@enron.com 27-11-2000-5:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-11:17:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com 22-11-2000-0:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-12-2000-0:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-1-2001-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 17-1-2001-2:6:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-8:17:0Sanita.dupont@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-8:17:0", "anita.dupont@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Ms. Mack has called you several times today trying to return your call. She \nis currently in New York until December 2, 2000. Ms. Mack is interested in \ntalking with you regarding a position here. She is currently on vacation in \nNew York and she will be difficult to reach. I suggested that she try to \nreach you by phone at 8:00 AM our time tomorrow. Also, she will be checking \nher emails and voice mails regularly if you can give her a time and a phone \nnumber where she might reach you whiole she is on vacation. \nIf she is unable to reach you before the holiday, she left some phone \nnumbers where she may be reached beginning Tuesday, November 28, 2000 in New \nYork. \nTuesday, November 28 - Thursday, November 30\nWashington Square Hotel\n212-777-9515\nFriday, December 1 - Saturday, December 2\nMarriott Hotel\n212-385-4900\nAlso, her email is irismmack@hotmail.com. She said you need both m's.", ["Iris M. Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [["reach cell0phone", 22, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "intention", " i suggested that she try to reach you by phone at numerictime am our time tomorrow."], ["reach cell0phone", 34, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "intention", " also, she will be checking her emails and voice mails regularly if you can give her a time and a phone number where she might reach you whiole she is on vacation."], ["reach cell0phone", 39, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "intention", " if she is unable to reach you before the holiday, she left some phone numbers where she may be reached beginning tuesday, datenumeric , numeric in new york."]], "Ms. Mack has called you several times today trying to return your call. She \nis currently in New York until December 2, 2000. Ms. Mack is interested in \ntalking with you regarding a position here. She is currently on vacation in \nNew York and she will be difficult to reach. I suggested that she try to \nreach you by phone at 8:00 AM our time tomorrow. Also, she will be checking \nher emails and voice mails regularly if you can give her a time and a phone \nnumber where she might reach you whiole she is on vacation. \n\nIf she is unable to reach you before the holiday, she left some phone \nnumbers where she may be reached beginning Tuesday, November 28, 2000 in New \nYork. \n\nTuesday, November 28 - Thursday, November 30\nWashington Square Hotel\n212-777-9515\n\nFriday, December 1 - Saturday, December 2\nMarriott Hotel\n212-385-4900\n\nAlso, her email is irismmack@hotmail.com. She said you need both m's.", ["<8853436.1075856622006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24657711.1075856257467.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6446572.1075856372794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-11-2000-0:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-0:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/22/2000 \n08:12 AM ---------------------------\nAnita DuPont@ENRON\n11/21/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Iris M. Mack\nMs. Mack has called you several times today trying to return your call. She \nis currently in New York until December 2, 2000. Ms. Mack is interested in \ntalking with you regarding a position here. She is currently on vacation in \nNew York and she will be difficult to reach. I suggested that she try to \nreach you by phone at 8:00 AM our time tomorrow. Also, she will be checking \nher emails and voice mails regularly if you can give her a time and a phone \nnumber where she might reach you whiole she is on vacation. \nIf she is unable to reach you before the holiday, she left some phone \nnumbers where she may be reached beginning Tuesday, November 28, 2000 in New \nYork. \nTuesday, November 28 - Thursday, November 30\nWashington Square Hotel\n212-777-9515\nFriday, December 1 - Saturday, December 2\nMarriott Hotel\n212-385-4900\nAlso, her email is irismmack@hotmail.com. She said you need both m's.\n", ["Iris M. Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "", ["<1623323.1075856470279.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30993320.1075856536582.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27257027.1075856257312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24047765.1075856372971.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2000-14:7:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com": ["21-11-2000-14:7:0", "irismmack@hotmail.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi,\nHow are you? Seems like we have had a bit of difficulty contacting each\nother. Sorry I missed your call. I am now in NYC - until December 2nd.\nI will try to call you on tomorrow morning about 8 am Houston time.\nTake care,\nIris\n>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>CC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>Subject: Hello\n>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:14:31 -0600\n>\n>Iris,\n>\n>We are trying to reach you but we are getting error messages.\n>Please, call me 713 853 3848.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "Hi,\n\nHow are you? Seems like we have had a bit of difficulty contacting each\nother. Sorry I missed your call. I am now in NYC - until December 2nd.\n\nI will try to call you on tomorrow morning about 8 am Houston time.\n\nTake care,\nIris\n\n\n\n\n From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n ", ["<29812748.1075856622049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15822379.1075856257512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15918010.1075856372749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2000-14:12:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com": ["21-11-2000-14:12:0", "irismmack@hotmail.com", ["irismmack@hotmail.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi again,\nI am visiting several family members and friends over the next few days.\nTherefore it will be hard to contact me.\nHowever, next week I will be easier to reach. My contact details in NYC are\nas follows. I will be staying at the following hotels:\nWashington Square Hotel\nfrom November 28th for 3 nights (Tue, Wed and Thur)\n212.777.9515\nMarriott NYC Financial\nDecember 1st for 1 night (Fri)\n212.385.4900\nAt any rate, I will still try to reach you on tomorrow morning. If all\nfails, we will try to reach each other next week.\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n>From: \"iris mack\" \n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>Subject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\n>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 22:07:09\n>\n>Hi,\n>\n>How are you? Seems like we have had a bit of difficulty contacting each\n>other. Sorry I missed your call. I am now in NYC - until December 2nd.\n>\n>I will try to call you on tomorrow morning about 8 am Houston time.\n>\n>Take care,\n>Iris\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>>CC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>Subject: Hello\n>>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:14:31 -0600\n>>\n>>Iris,\n>>\n>>We are trying to reach you but we are getting error messages.\n>>Please, call me 713 853 3848.\n>>\n>>Vince\n>>\n>>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com'], 'recipients': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [["reach cell0phone", 30, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "intention", " i will be staying at the following hotels: washington square hotel from datenumeric th for numeric nights (tue, wed and thur) phonenumber marriott nyc orgname datenumeric st for numeric night (fri) phonenumber at any rate, i will still try to reach you on tomorrow morning."]], "Hi again,\n\nI am visiting several family members and friends over the next few days.\nTherefore it will be hard to contact me.\n\nHowever, next week I will be easier to reach. My contact details in NYC are\nas follows. I will be staying at the following hotels:\n\nWashington Square Hotel\nfrom November 28th for 3 nights (Tue, Wed and Thur)\n212.777.9515\n\nMarriott NYC Financial\nDecember 1st for 1 night (Fri)\n212.385.4900\n\n\nAt any rate, I will still try to reach you on tomorrow morning. If all\nfails, we will try to reach each other next week.\n\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n\n\n\n\n From: \"iris mack\" ", "<24922698.1075856257489.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4518362.1075856372772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-11-2000-0:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-0:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/22/2000 \n08:13 AM ---------------------------\n\"iris mack\" on 11/21/2000 04:12:43 PM\nTo: irismmack@hotmail.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nHi again,\nI am visiting several family members and friends over the next few days.\nTherefore it will be hard to contact me.\nHowever, next week I will be easier to reach. My contact details in NYC are\nas follows. I will be staying at the following hotels:\nWashington Square Hotel\nfrom November 28th for 3 nights (Tue, Wed and Thur)\n212.777.9515\nMarriott NYC Financial\nDecember 1st for 1 night (Fri)\n212.385.4900\nAt any rate, I will still try to reach you on tomorrow morning. If all\nfails, we will try to reach each other next week.\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n>From: \"iris mack\" \n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>Subject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\n>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 22:07:09\n>\n>Hi,\n>\n>How are you? Seems like we have had a bit of difficulty contacting each\n>other. Sorry I missed your call. I am now in NYC - until December 2nd.\n>\n>I will try to call you on tomorrow morning about 8 am Houston time.\n>\n>Take care,\n>Iris\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>>CC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>Subject: Hello\n>>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:14:31 -0600\n>>\n>>Iris,\n>>\n>>We are trying to reach you but we are getting error messages.\n>>Please, call me 713 853 3848.\n>>\n>>Vince\n>>\n>>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "", ["<23586224.1075856470257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31999040.1075856536560.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33508138.1075856257289.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7662557.1075856372997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-11-2000-10:58:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com": ["23-11-2000-10:58:0", "irismmack@hotmail.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi again,\nThank you for your email. Sorry for the phone tag and email tag. I will\ntry to call you again next week.\nIn the mean time, I thought I would send you a couple of documents to give\nyou an idea of some of the work that I have done that may be of interest to\nEnron.\n1. The first word document is my London Busines School Executive MBA\nthesis relating to weather derivatives.\n2. The second word document describes a hybrid derivatives structure I I\nworkded on at BNP Paribas. It has applications to the enerygy industry.\nBecause these documents are very large I will forward them in two separate\nemails. Your comments on them would be appreciated.\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>CC: vkaminski@aol.com\n>Subject: Contact #\n>Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 08:10:12 -0600\n>\n>Iris,\n>\n>Yu can reach me on my cell phone during the coming holidays.\n>713 410 5396\n>\n>Vince\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 12, "nninformation", ["documents", "send"], "intention", " in the mean time, i thought i would send you a couple of documents to give you an idea of some of the work that i have done that may be of interest to enron."]], "Hi again,\n\nThank you for your email. Sorry for the phone tag and email tag. I will\ntry to call you again next week.\n\nIn the mean time, I thought I would send you a couple of documents to give\nyou an idea of some of the work that I have done that may be of interest to\nEnron.\n\n1. The first word document is my London Busines School Executive MBA\nthesis relating to weather derivatives.\n\n2. The second word document describes a hybrid derivatives structure I I\nworkded on at BNP Paribas. It has applications to the enerygy industry.\n\nBecause these documents are very large I will forward them in two separate\nemails. Your comments on them would be appreciated.\n\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n\n\n\n\n\n\n From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n ", ["<1056471.1075856621940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<712734.1075856256832.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12341238.1075856373267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-0:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-0:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["irismmack@hotmail.com"], [], "Hi Iris,\nThanks for your messages. Please, call me on my cell phone (713) 410 5396\nor at my office (713) 853 3848. \nBy the way, the 2nd file you sent is password protected.\nVince", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'recipients': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [["send_attach file", 11, "information", ["sent", "file"], "information", " by the way, the datenumeric d file you sent is password protected."]], "Hi Iris,\n\nThanks for your messages. Please, call me on my cell phone (713) 410 5396\nor at my office (713) 853 3848. \n\nBy the way, the 2nd file you sent is password protected.\n\nVince", ["<24769980.1075856470076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6102084.1075856536382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14384905.1075856256661.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14524884.1075856373310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-5:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-5:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n01:30 PM ---------------------------\n\"iris mack\" on 11/23/2000 12:58:23 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nHi again,\nThank you for your email. Sorry for the phone tag and email tag. I will\ntry to call you again next week.\nIn the mean time, I thought I would send you a couple of documents to give\nyou an idea of some of the work that I have done that may be of interest to\nEnron.\n1. The first word document is my London Busines School Executive MBA\nthesis relating to weather derivatives.\n2. The second word document describes a hybrid derivatives structure I I\nworkded on at BNP Paribas. It has applications to the enerygy industry.\nBecause these documents are very large I will forward them in two separate\nemails. Your comments on them would be appreciated.\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>CC: vkaminski@aol.com\n>Subject: Contact #\n>Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 08:10:12 -0600\n>\n>Iris,\n>\n>Yu can reach me on my cell phone during the coming holidays.\n>713 410 5396\n>\n>Vince\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\n\n", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "", ["<9770227.1075856469686.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5133577.1075856535989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5220867.1075856255964.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28412063.1075856373859.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-5:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-5:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n01:34 PM ---------------------------\n\"iris mack\" on 11/27/2000 01:17:33 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nHi,\n Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. So what do you think of the way we\nselect our President?\n Regarding the passwords, they are as follows:\nPassword #1: roviris\nPassword #2: hannah\n I will try to call you shortly.\nKind regards,\nIris\n>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>Subject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\n>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 08:19:52 -0600\n>\n>\n>Hi Iris,\n>\n>Thanks for your messages. Please, call me on my cell phone (713) 410 5396\n>or at my office (713) 853 3848.\n>\n>By the way, the 2nd file you sent is password protected.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "", ["<19292454.1075856469641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11803627.1075856469664.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14728445.1075856535945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9946648.1075856535967.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4354399.1075856255919.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2180440.1075856255941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8432038.1075856373881.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16902173.1075856373902.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-5:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-5:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Molly,\nI would like to invite Iris for an interview. You can contact her at the \naddresses she listed below\nor at her E-mail address.\nThe following persons will participate at the interview:\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu \nTanya Tamarchenko\nVasant Shanbhogue\nmyself\nStinson and I will take her out to lunch.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n01:35 PM ---------------------------\n\"iris mack\" on 11/21/2000 04:12:43 PM\nTo: irismmack@hotmail.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nHi again,\nI am visiting several family members and friends over the next few days.\nTherefore it will be hard to contact me.\nHowever, next week I will be easier to reach. My contact details in NYC are\nas follows. I will be staying at the following hotels:\nWashington Square Hotel\nfrom November 28th for 3 nights (Tue, Wed and Thur)\n212.777.9515\nMarriott NYC Financial\nDecember 1st for 1 night (Fri)\n212.385.4900\nAt any rate, I will still try to reach you on tomorrow morning. If all\nfails, we will try to reach each other next week.\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n>From: \"iris mack\" \n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>Subject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\n>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 22:07:09\n>\n>Hi,\n>\n>How are you? Seems like we have had a bit of difficulty contacting each\n>other. Sorry I missed your call. I am now in NYC - until December 2nd.\n>\n>I will try to call you on tomorrow morning about 8 am Houston time.\n>\n>Take care,\n>Iris\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>>CC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>Subject: Hello\n>>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:14:31 -0600\n>>\n>>Iris,\n>>\n>>We are trying to reach you but we are getting error messages.\n>>Please, call me 713 853 3848.\n>>\n>>Vince\n>>\n>>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 5, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "molly, i would like to invite iris for an interview."]], "Molly,\n\nI would like to invite Iris for an interview. You can contact her at the \naddresses she listed below\nor at her E-mail address.\n\nThe following persons will participate at the interview:\n\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu \nTanya Tamarchenko\nVasant Shanbhogue\nmyself\n\n\nStinson and I will take her out to lunch.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n", ["<8869398.1075856621808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27338616.1075856469619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8673480.1075856535923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2226041.1075856255873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3006996.1075856373926.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"interview iris_iris0mackTnn": {"value": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "ne": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "patterns": ["interview iris_iris0mackTnn"]}}, true], "27-11-2000-5:43:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-5:43:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Happy to do so, Vince. Hope your holidays were wonderful!\nMolly\nVince J Kaminski\n11/27/2000 01:39 PM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nMolly,\nI would like to invite Iris for an interview. You can contact her at the \naddresses she listed below\nor at her E-mail address.\nThe following persons will participate at the interview:\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu \nTanya Tamarchenko\nVasant Shanbhogue\nmyself\nStinson and I will take her out to lunch.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n01:35 PM ---------------------------\n\"iris mack\" on 11/21/2000 04:12:43 PM\nTo: irismmack@hotmail.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nHi again,\nI am visiting several family members and friends over the next few days.\nTherefore it will be hard to contact me.\nHowever, next week I will be easier to reach. My contact details in NYC are\nas follows. I will be staying at the following hotels:\nWashington Square Hotel\nfrom November 28th for 3 nights (Tue, Wed and Thur)\n212.777.9515\nMarriott NYC Financial\nDecember 1st for 1 night (Fri)\n212.385.4900\nAt any rate, I will still try to reach you on tomorrow morning. If all\nfails, we will try to reach each other next week.\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n>From: \"iris mack\" \n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>Subject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\n>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 22:07:09\n>\n>Hi,\n>\n>How are you? Seems like we have had a bit of difficulty contacting each\n>other. Sorry I missed your call. I am now in NYC - until December 2nd.\n>\n>I will try to call you on tomorrow morning about 8 am Houston time.\n>\n>Take care,\n>Iris\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>>CC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>Subject: Hello\n>>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:14:31 -0600\n>>\n>>Iris,\n>>\n>>We are trying to reach you but we are getting error messages.\n>>Please, call me 713 853 3848.\n>>\n>>Vince\n>>\n>>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "Happy to do so, Vince. Hope your holidays were wonderful!\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/27/2000 01:39 PM\n", ["<27827128.1075856621785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9724824.1075856255828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30858309.1075856373972.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-5:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-5:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], [], "Molly,\nThanks. I has a very good time visiting my son\nin California.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Molly Magee 11/27/2000 01:43 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack \nHappy to do so, Vince. Hope your holidays were wonderful!\nMolly\nVince J Kaminski\n11/27/2000 01:39 PM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nMolly,\nI would like to invite Iris for an interview. You can contact her at the \naddresses she listed below\nor at her E-mail address.\nThe following persons will participate at the interview:\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu \nTanya Tamarchenko\nVasant Shanbhogue\nmyself\nStinson and I will take her out to lunch.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n01:35 PM ---------------------------\n\"iris mack\" on 11/21/2000 04:12:43 PM\nTo: irismmack@hotmail.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\nHi again,\nI am visiting several family members and friends over the next few days.\nTherefore it will be hard to contact me.\nHowever, next week I will be easier to reach. My contact details in NYC are\nas follows. I will be staying at the following hotels:\nWashington Square Hotel\nfrom November 28th for 3 nights (Tue, Wed and Thur)\n212.777.9515\nMarriott NYC Financial\nDecember 1st for 1 night (Fri)\n212.385.4900\nAt any rate, I will still try to reach you on tomorrow morning. If all\nfails, we will try to reach each other next week.\nHappy Thanksgiving,\nIris\n>From: \"iris mack\" \n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>Subject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\n>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 22:07:09\n>\n>Hi,\n>\n>How are you? Seems like we have had a bit of difficulty contacting each\n>other. Sorry I missed your call. I am now in NYC - until December 2nd.\n>\n>I will try to call you on tomorrow morning about 8 am Houston time.\n>\n>Take care,\n>Iris\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>>CC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>>Subject: Hello\n>>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:14:31 -0600\n>>\n>>Iris,\n>>\n>>We are trying to reach you but we are getting error messages.\n>>Please, call me 713 853 3848.\n>>\n>>Vince\n>>\n>>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "Molly,\n\nThanks. I has a very good time visiting my son\nin California.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 11/27/2000 01:43 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<29479356.1075856469574.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2891542.1075856535878.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3674057.1075856255805.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18314106.1075856373996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-11:17:0Sirismmack@hotmail.com": ["27-11-2000-11:17:0", "irismmack@hotmail.com", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi,\n Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. So what do you think of the way we\nselect our President?\n Regarding the passwords, they are as follows:\nPassword #1: roviris\nPassword #2: hannah\n I will try to call you shortly.\nKind regards,\nIris\n>From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>To: irismmack@hotmail.com\n>Subject: Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack\n>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 08:19:52 -0600\n>\n>\n>Hi Iris,\n>\n>Thanks for your messages. Please, call me on my cell phone (713) 410 5396\n>or at my office (713) 853 3848.\n>\n>By the way, the 2nd file you sent is password protected.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com", ["Re: F/U to Dr. Kaminski @ Enron from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "Hi,\n\n Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. So what do you think of the way we\nselect our President?\n\n Regarding the passwords, they are as follows:\nPassword #1: roviris\nPassword #2: hannah\n\n I will try to call you shortly.\n\nKind regards,\nIris\n\n\n From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n ", ["<19196341.1075856621830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2286473.1075856255986.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1748589.1075856373837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-11-2000-0:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-0:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["irismmack@hotmail.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32226223.1075856372947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 00:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: irismmack@hotmail.com\nSubject: Contact #\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: irismmack@hotmail.com\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nIris,\n\nYu can reach me on my cell phone during the coming holidays.\n713 410 5396\n\nVince", "Contact #", "originEmail", [["reach cell0phone", 3, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reach"], "intention", "iris, yu can reach me on my cell phone during the coming holidays."]], "Iris,\n\nYu can reach me on my cell phone during the coming holidays.\n713 410 5396\n\nVince", "<32226223.1075856372947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], true], "12-12-2000-0:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-0:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["irismmack@hotmail.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com"], "Iris,\nI have received your E-mail and phone message.\nI shall distribute your papers to the other interviewers.\nAlso, I shall contact you by Thursday regarding a job offer.\nVince\n \n\"iris mack\" on 12/11/2000 08:09:10 PM\nTo: irismmack@hotmail.com, zlu@enron.com, vshanbh@enron.com\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSubject: Re: Documents from Iris Mack\nHi again,\n I don't recall if I mentioned that my Harvard Doctoral dissertation\ninvolved another energy problem - the Transient Stability of Electrical\nPower Systems.\n Much of the data, model and analysis was done with lots of\ncollaborative efforts with my advisors at Harvard and MIT and with the\nElectrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto.\nKind regards,\nIris Mack\n>From: \"iris mack\" \n>To: zlu@enron.com, vshanbh@enron.com\n>CC: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>Subject: Documents from Iris Mack\n>Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 16:57:21\n>\n______________________________________________________________________________\n_______\nGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com\nReceived: from by lw11fd.law11.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Sun, \n10 Dec 2000 16:57:21 GMT\nX-Originating-IP: []\nFrom: \"iris mack\" \nTo: zlu@enron.com, vshanbh@enron.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Documents from Iris Mack\nDate: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 16:57:21\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html\nX-Stn-Info:\nDear Zimin and Vasant,\n?\n???? How are you?? Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to \ntell me about the work you are doing at Enron.\n?\n???? This email is in reference to your requests for two documents I \nforwarded to Dr. Kaminski:\n????????? 1.? My London Business School Executive MBA thesis on weather \nderivatives\n????????? 2.? A document describing some work I did on real options applied \nto the commodities industry.\n?\n???? You should be able to get a copy of these documents from Dr. Kaminski.? \nIf not, please let me know.\n?\nKind regards,\nIris Mack\n", ["Re: Documents from Iris Mack"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com'], 'recipients': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "information", ["received", "iris"], "information", "iris, i have received your e-mail and phone message."]], "Iris,\n\nI have received your E-mail and phone message.\nI shall distribute your papers to the other interviewers.\n\nAlso, I shall contact you by Thursday regarding a job offer.\n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\n\"iris mack\" ", "<21674800.1075856466926.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25008806.1075856533236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3954052.1075856249776.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"job offerTnn": {"value": "job offerTnn", "ne": "job offerTnn", "patterns": ["job offerTnn"]}}, true], "17-1-2001-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-1:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Molly,\nYes, March 1 would work.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Molly Magee 01/16/2001 03:36 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Fed Ex from Iris\nJust checking to be sure you're okay with a March 1 start date for Iris?\nMolly\n---------------------- Forwarded by Molly Magee/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001 03:35 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: \"iris mack\" \n01/16/2001 03:13 PM\n \nTo: molly.magee@enron.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fed Ex from Iris\nHi,\n Thanks for the Fed Ex with the offer letter, and other pertinent\ninformation about Enron.\n I have signed the letter and returned it to you, along with a couple of\nother forms. You should receive these documents via Fed Ex on tomorrow\nmorning.\n Because I have to tie up a few loose ends here in California, I won't\nbe able to start until March 1st. I hope that is okay.\n Thanks so much.\nRegards,\nIris\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: Fed Ex from Iris"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "Molly,\n\nYes, March 1 would work.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 01/16/2001 03:36 PM\n\t\n\n", ["<11601917.1075856459814.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26081462.1075856526155.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28124704.1075856232433.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25237031.1075856576370.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-1-2001-2:6:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-2:6:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["stephanie.cody@enron.com"], "Sounds good to me, Vince. \nThanks,\nMolly\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2001 09:52 AM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Fed Ex from Iris \nMolly,\nYes, March 1 would work.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Molly Magee 01/16/2001 03:36 PM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Fed Ex from Iris\nJust checking to be sure you're okay with a March 1 start date for Iris?\nMolly\n---------------------- Forwarded by Molly Magee/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001 03:35 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: \"iris mack\" \n01/16/2001 03:13 PM\n \nTo: molly.magee@enron.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fed Ex from Iris\nHi,\n Thanks for the Fed Ex with the offer letter, and other pertinent\ninformation about Enron.\n I have signed the letter and returned it to you, along with a couple of\nother forms. You should receive these documents via Fed Ex on tomorrow\nmorning.\n Because I have to tie up a few loose ends here in California, I won't\nbe able to start until March 1st. I hope that is okay.\n Thanks so much.\nRegards,\nIris\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com\n", ["Re: Fed Ex from Iris"], "{'body': ['irismmack@hotmail.com']}", [], "Sounds good to me, Vince. \n\nThanks,\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/17/2001 09:52 AM\n", ["<21905743.1075856232304.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21487358.1075856576348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "2-2-2001-10:10:0Sdaveike@rice.edu 5-2-2001-2:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"2-2-2001-10:10:0Sdaveike@rice.edu": ["2-2-2001-10:10:0", "daveike@rice.edu", "vkamins@ennron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30059679.1075856627988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 10:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daveike@rice.edu\nTo: vkamins@ennron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Ikenberry \nX-To: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Rice\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nIt was great talking with you.\n\nDave \n - brochure.doc\n\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385", "", "forward", [], "It was great talking with you.\n\nDave \n - brochure.doc\n\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385", "<30059679.1075856627988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "5-2-2001-2:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-2-2001-2:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["andrew.fastow@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <29955500.1075856221038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 02:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: andrew.fastow@enron.com\nSubject: The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Andrew S Fastow\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAndy,\n\nI am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top \nfinance practitioners and\nacademics. The idea came from a professor at Rice University who\nhas already received a commitment from a number\nof most distinguished CFOs. \n\nPlease, read the outline and see if you would be interested in joining this \nforum.\nI shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with Prof. Ikenberry.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/05/2001 \n10:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDavid Ikenberry on 02/02/2001 06:10:02 PM\nTo: \"vkamins@ennron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\nIt was great talking with you.\n\nDave \n - brochure.doc\n\n\n***********************************\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385\n\n", "The National Forum on Corporate Finance", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 3, "information", ["draft", "sending"], "information", "andy, i am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top finance practitioners and academics."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 25, "nninformation", ["arrange", "meeting"], "intention", " i shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with prof."]], "Andy,\n\nI am sending you a draft oof a proposal regarding national forum for top \nfinance practitioners and\nacademics. The idea came from a professor at Rice University who\nhas already received a commitment from a number\nof most distinguished CFOs. \n\nPlease, read the outline and see if you would be interested in joining this \nforum.\nI shall be glad to help to arrange a meeting with Prof. Ikenberry.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<29955500.1075856221038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn": {"value": "corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn", "ne": "corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn", "patterns": ["corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn"]}, "professor rice_rice0universityTnn": {"value": "professor rice_rice0universityTnn", "ne": "professor rice_rice0universityTnn", "patterns": ["professor rice_rice0universityTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-4-2001-7:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-4-2001-7:57:0Spercell@swbell.net": {"30-4-2001-7:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-7:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["percell@swbell.net"], [], "Message-ID: <18745575.1075856185087.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 07:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: percell@swbell.net\nSubject: Re: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Peter Percell @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPeter,\n\nI forwarded your resume with my recommendation to two\nsenior executives in our Transportation and Storage Group.\n\nVince", "Re: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", "peter, i forwarded your resume with my recommendation to two senior executives in our transportation and storage group."]], "Peter,\n\nI forwarded your resume with my recommendation to two\nsenior executives in our Transportation and Storage Group.\n\nVince", "<18745575.1075856185087.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"executive seniorTnn": {"value": "executive seniorTnn", "ne": "executive seniorTnn", "patterns": ["executive seniorTnn"]}}, false], "30-4-2001-7:57:0Spercell@swbell.net": ["30-4-2001-7:57:0", "percell@swbell.net", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8719603.1075856184975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 07:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: percell@swbell.net\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Peter Percell \nX-To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\n\nThanks for your quick response.\n\nIf you feel it is appropriate, I would like to know who you sent\nmy resume to, so that I will know that they have already been\n\"covered\".\n\nPeter\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Monday, April 30, 2001 2:17 PM\nTo: percell@swbell.net\nSubject: Re: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\n\n\n\nPeter,\n\nI forwarded your resume with my recommendation to two\nsenior executives in our Transportation and Storage Group.\n\nVince\n", "RE: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop", "reply", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "information", ["sent", "resume"], "information", " if you feel it is appropriate, i would like to know who you sent my resume to, so that i will know that they have already been "]], "Vince,\n\nThanks for your quick response.\n\nIf you feel it is appropriate, I would like to know who you sent\nmy resume to, so that I will know that they have already been\n\"covered\".\n\nPeter\n\n", "<8719603.1075856184975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "5-1-2001-7:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 5-1-2001-8:35:0Sjeff.gray@enron.com": {"5-1-2001-7:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-7:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jeff.gray@enron.com"], ["gary.hickerson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "michelle.cisneros@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <28849262.1075856528234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 07:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeff.gray@enron.com\nSubject: Power Plant Model\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com,\n\tgary.hickerson@enron.com, michelle.cisneros@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com,\n\tgary.hickerson@enron.com, michelle.cisneros@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeff M Gray\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Alex Huang, Gary Hickerson, Michelle D Cisneros\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nA few comments on the model:\n\n1. We have a few reservations about some features of the model but would like \nto\ndiscuss it internally and make the improvements without giving the benefit of \nour insights to the consultant.\nIn general, the model is not unreasonable but the devil is always in the \ndetails and in the inputs and\ncalibration. The same model may produce drastically different results \ndepending\non the quality of inputs. \n\n2. We don't have a separate pool of programmers in the Research Group. We \nwere told that you\nwould provide an IT resource. Alex would supervise this person.\n\n\nVince", "Power Plant Model", "originEmail", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 27, "nninformation", ["produce", "model"], "intention", " the same model may produce drastically different results depending on the quality of inputs."]], "Jeff,\n\nA few comments on the model:\n\n1. We have a few reservations about some features of the model but would like \nto\ndiscuss it internally and make the improvements without giving the benefit of \nour insights to the consultant.\nIn general, the model is not unreasonable but the devil is always in the \ndetails and in the inputs and\ncalibration. The same model may produce drastically different results \ndepending\non the quality of inputs. \n\n2. We don't have a separate pool of programmers in the Research Group. We \nwere told that you\nwould provide an IT resource. Alex would supervise this person.\n\n\nVince", "<28849262.1075856528234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"detail_point model_model0validationTnn": {"value": "detail_point model_model0validationTnn", "ne": "detail_point model_model0validationTnn", "patterns": ["detail_point model_model0validationTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["example_model numericTnn", "model_simulation0model numericTnn"]}, "internally model_model0validationTnn": {"value": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "ne": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "patterns": ["internally model_model0validationTnn"]}, "model_simulation result_solutionTnn": {"value": "model_simulation result_solutionTnn", "ne": "model_simulation result_solutionTnn", "patterns": ["model_simulation result_solutionTnn"]}, "plant powerTnn": {"value": "plant powerTnn", "ne": "plant powerTnn", "patterns": ["plant powerTnn"]}}, false], "5-1-2001-8:35:0Sjeff.gray@enron.com": ["5-1-2001-8:35:0", "jeff.gray@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11946897.1075856237472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 08:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jeff.gray@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Power Plant Model\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jeff M Gray\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vince:\n\nNumber one below is fine...the more accurate the EBITDA model the better. \nYour \"tweaking\" of the model at this point won't create any Chinese Wall \nproblems.\n\nMichelle and Gary will talk about the programmer issue on Monday, and get \nback to you. I apologize if there was any confusion. We're certainly \ngrateful for Alex's involvement.\n\nToday is my last day of Associate rotation within the Financial Trading \ngroup, and I start at EES on Monday. I handed off the project as best I \ncould, and of course will be available if you need me. My e-mail and phone \nnumber will be the same.\n\nHave a nice weekend.\n\nJeff\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n01/05/2001 03:26 PM\nTo: Jeff M Gray/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alex \nHuang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle D \nCisneros/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Power Plant Model\n\nJeff,\n\nA few comments on the model:\n\n1. We have a few reservations about some features of the model but would like \nto\ndiscuss it internally and make the improvements without giving the benefit of \nour insights to the consultant.\nIn general, the model is not unreasonable but the devil is always in the \ndetails and in the inputs and\ncalibration. The same model may produce drastically different results \ndepending\non the quality of inputs. \n\n2. We don't have a separate pool of programmers in the Research Group. We \nwere told that you\nwould provide an IT resource. Alex would supervise this person.\n\n\nVince\n\n", "Re: Power Plant Model", "reply", [], "Hi Vince:\n\nNumber one below is fine...the more accurate the EBITDA model the better. \nYour \"tweaking\" of the model at this point won't create any Chinese Wall \nproblems.\n\nMichelle and Gary will talk about the programmer issue on Monday, and get \nback to you. I apologize if there was any confusion. We're certainly \ngrateful for Alex's involvement.\n\nToday is my last day of Associate rotation within the Financial Trading \ngroup, and I start at EES on Monday. I handed off the project as best I \ncould, and of course will be available if you need me. My e-mail and phone \nnumber will be the same.\n\nHave a nice weekend.\n\nJeff\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n01/05/2001 03:26 PM\n", "<11946897.1075856237472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "27-2-2000-13:7:0Sgljackson2@tva.gov 27-2-2000-23:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-2-2000-13:7:0Sgljackson2@tva.gov": ["27-2-2000-13:7:0", "gljackson2@tva.gov", "vince.kaminski@enron.com ptufano@hbs.edu", "sdemars@tva.gov", "Message-ID: <15128825.1075856766669.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 13:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gljackson2@tva.gov\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, ptufano@hbs.edu\nSubject: RE: March Real Options Conference\nCc: sdemars@tva.gov\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sdemars@tva.gov\nX-From: \"Jackson, Gary L.\" \nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, \"'Peter Tufano'\" \nX-cc: \"DeMars, Suzanne\" \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n <>\n\nThis is a draft of what I was thinking of presenting. I was not planning to\ngo over any specific options or OPAs (these are covered by confidentiality\nclauses and I have to be careful from a competitive standpoint) but to give\nthe audience a few of the \"real world\" applications and challenges. I\nwelcome any thoughts or comments.\n\nGary\n\n> ----------\n> From: Peter Tufano[SMTP:ptufano@hbs.edu]\n> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 4:56 PM\n> To: vkamins@ect.enron.com; gljackson2@tva.gov\n> Subject: RE: March Real Options Conference\n>\n> Dear Vince and Gary,\n>\n> We are all speaking at the March Real Options Session in NY. My work in\n> real options in the energy field has come, to a large part, from my\n> casewriting in your two organizations, so I feel that we should probably\n> allocate more time toward your presentations and less to mine. While we\n> have a two hour block among the three of us, I think we can freely\n> re-arrange things to produce the best result. Would you two like to\n> schedule a brief conference call to coordinate our talks? I am free\n> virtually all of next Wednesday 2/23, perhaps we could talk at 10 am (EST)\n> or 2 pm (EST)? I am happy to arrange the call, if you send me your phone\n> numbers. Thanks.\n>\n> Peter Tufano\n>\n>\n> ---------------------------\n> Prof. Peter Tufano\n> Harvard Business School\n> Morgan Hall 377\n> Soldiers Field\n> Boston, Massachusetts 02163\n> phone: (617) 495-6855\n> fax: (617) 496-6592\n> email: ptufano@hbs.edu\n> http://www.people.hbs.edu/ptufano\n>\n\n - REAL OPTIONS VALUATION IN THE NEW ECONOMY.ppt", "RE: March Real Options Conference", "reply", [], " <", {}, false], "27-2-2000-23:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-2-2000-23:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["gljackson2@tva.gov"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ptufano@hbs.edu"], "Message-ID: <26655184.1075857040036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 23:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: gljackson2@tva.gov\nSubject: RE: March Real Options Conference\nCc: ptufano@hbs.edu, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: ptufano@hbs.edu, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: gljackson2@tva.gov\nX-cc: ptufano@hbs.edu, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Conferences\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGary, Peter,\n\nThis is a copy of my London presentation. I expect to\nmake some minor changes to this presentation for March 13.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\"Jackson, Gary L.\" on 02/27/2000 03:07:13 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, \"'Peter Tufano'\" \ncc: \"DeMars, Suzanne\" \nSubject: RE: March Real Options Conference\n\n\n\n <>\n\nThis is a draft of what I was thinking of presenting. I was not planning to\ngo over any specific options or OPAs (these are covered by confidentiality\nclauses and I have to be careful from a competitive standpoint) but to give\nthe audience a few of the \"real world\" applications and challenges. I\nwelcome any thoughts or comments.\n\nGary\n\n> ----------\n> From: Peter Tufano[SMTP:ptufano@hbs.edu]\n> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 4:56 PM\n> To: vkamins@ect.enron.com; gljackson2@tva.gov\n> Subject: RE: March Real Options Conference\n>\n> Dear Vince and Gary,\n>\n> We are all speaking at the March Real Options Session in NY. My work in\n> real options in the energy field has come, to a large part, from my\n> casewriting in your two organizations, so I feel that we should probably\n> allocate more time toward your presentations and less to mine. While we\n> have a two hour block among the three of us, I think we can freely\n> re-arrange things to produce the best result. Would you two like to\n> schedule a brief conference call to coordinate our talks? I am free\n> virtually all of next Wednesday 2/23, perhaps we could talk at 10 am (EST)\n> or 2 pm (EST)? I am happy to arrange the call, if you send me your phone\n> numbers. Thanks.\n>\n> Peter Tufano\n>\n>\n> ---------------------------\n> Prof. Peter Tufano\n> Harvard Business School\n> Morgan Hall 377\n> Soldiers Field\n> Boston, Massachusetts 02163\n> phone: (617) 495-6855\n> fax: (617) 496-6592\n> email: ptufano@hbs.edu\n> http://www.people.hbs.edu/ptufano\n>\n\n - REAL OPTIONS VALUATION IN THE NEW ECONOMY.ppt\n\n", "RE: March Real Options Conference", "originEmail", [["make change", 6, "nninformation", ["changes", "make", "minor"], "intention", " i expect to make some minor changes to this presentation for datenumeric ."]], "Gary, Peter,\n\nThis is a copy of my London presentation. I expect to\nmake some minor changes to this presentation for March 13.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\"Jackson, Gary L.\" ", {"change minor_smallTnn": {"value": "change minor_smallTnn", "ne": "change minor_smallTnn", "patterns": ["change minor_smallTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-3:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-7-2000-5:23:0Stom.halliburton@enron.com 28-7-2000-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 28-7-2000-5:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-3:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-3:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["tom.halliburton@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <20319029.1075856557977.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 03:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tom.halliburton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: SDDP\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tom Halliburton\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nCan you send the info regarding SDDP to John?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n10:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/19/2000 06:41 PM\nTo: \"O'Brien John\" @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: SDDP \n\nJohn,\n\nI shall E-mail the information about SDDP from Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"O'Brien John\" on 07/18/2000 01:47:41 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: SDDP\n\n\nVincent,\n\nYou kindly suggested that I email you with regard to some information you\nhave on the SDDP system (I'm not sure if I've got the abbreviation correct,\nbut it's something that is currently used in South America).\n\nYour presentation was very interesting and informative.\n\n\nKind regards,\n\nJohn O'Brien\nManager, Treasury & Risk Management\nSnowy Hydro Trading Pty Ltd\nLevel 17, Bligh House\n4 Bligh Street\nSydney NSW 2000\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: SDDP", "originEmail", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["send", "info"], "request", "tom, can you send the info regarding sddp to john?"]], "Tom,\n\nCan you send the info regarding SDDP to John?\n\nVince\n\n", "<20319029.1075856557977.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "28-7-2000-5:23:0Stom.halliburton@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-5:23:0", "tom.halliburton@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13415607.1075856306735.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 05:23:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.halliburton@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: SDDP\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Halliburton\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\nI'll send him one of the manuals, and perhaps a paper on SDDP.\n\nTom\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n07/28/2000 10:53 AM\nTo: Tom Halliburton/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: SDDP\n\nTom,\n\nCan you send the info regarding SDDP to John?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n10:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/19/2000 06:41 PM\nTo: \"O'Brien John\" @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: SDDP \n\nJohn,\n\nI shall E-mail the information about SDDP from Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"O'Brien John\" on 07/18/2000 01:47:41 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: SDDP\n\n\nVincent,\n\nYou kindly suggested that I email you with regard to some information you\nhave on the SDDP system (I'm not sure if I've got the abbreviation correct,\nbut it's something that is currently used in South America).\n\nYour presentation was very interesting and informative.\n\n\nKind regards,\n\nJohn O'Brien\nManager, Treasury & Risk Management\nSnowy Hydro Trading Pty Ltd\nLevel 17, Bligh House\n4 Bligh Street\nSydney NSW 2000\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: SDDP", "reply", [], "Vince,\nI'll send him one of the manuals, and perhaps a paper on SDDP.\n\nTom\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n07/28/2000 10:53 AM\n", "<13415607.1075856306735.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "28-7-2000-5:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-5:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tom.halliburton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17672607.1075856491689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 05:29:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tom.halliburton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: SDDP\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tom Halliburton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nThanks.\nIf you have an extra copy, please send me one.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nTom Halliburton@ENRON\n07/28/2000 12:23 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: SDDP \n\nVince,\nI'll send him one of the manuals, and perhaps a paper on SDDP.\n\nTom\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n07/28/2000 10:53 AM\nTo: Tom Halliburton/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: SDDP\n\nTom,\n\nCan you send the info regarding SDDP to John?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n10:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/19/2000 06:41 PM\nTo: \"O'Brien John\" @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: SDDP \n\nJohn,\n\nI shall E-mail the information about SDDP from Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"O'Brien John\" on 07/18/2000 01:47:41 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: SDDP\n\n\nVincent,\n\nYou kindly suggested that I email you with regard to some information you\nhave on the SDDP system (I'm not sure if I've got the abbreviation correct,\nbut it's something that is currently used in South America).\n\nYour presentation was very interesting and informative.\n\n\nKind regards,\n\nJohn O'Brien\nManager, Treasury & Risk Management\nSnowy Hydro Trading Pty Ltd\nLevel 17, Bligh House\n4 Bligh Street\nSydney NSW 2000\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: SDDP", "reply", [], "Tom,\n\nThanks.\nIf you have an extra copy, please send me one.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nTom Halliburton@ENRON\n07/28/2000 12:23 PM\n", "<17672607.1075856491689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "28-7-2000-5:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-5:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jobrien@snowyhydro.com.au", "", "Message-ID: <32902642.1075856491667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 05:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jobrien@snowyhydro.com.au\nSubject: Re: SDDP\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: jobrien@snowyhydro.com.au\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nFor your information.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n12:34 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nTom Halliburton@ENRON\n07/28/2000 12:23 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: SDDP \n\nVince,\nI'll send him one of the manuals, and perhaps a paper on SDDP.\n\nTom\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n07/28/2000 10:53 AM\nTo: Tom Halliburton/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: SDDP\n\nTom,\n\nCan you send the info regarding SDDP to John?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n10:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n07/19/2000 06:41 PM\nTo: \"O'Brien John\" @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: SDDP \n\nJohn,\n\nI shall E-mail the information about SDDP from Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"O'Brien John\" on 07/18/2000 01:47:41 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: SDDP\n\n\nVincent,\n\nYou kindly suggested that I email you with regard to some information you\nhave on the SDDP system (I'm not sure if I've got the abbreviation correct,\nbut it's something that is currently used in South America).\n\nYour presentation was very interesting and informative.\n\n\nKind regards,\n\nJohn O'Brien\nManager, Treasury & Risk Management\nSnowy Hydro Trading Pty Ltd\nLevel 17, Bligh House\n4 Bligh Street\nSydney NSW 2000\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: SDDP", "forward", [], "John,\n\nFor your information.\n\nVince\n\n", "<32902642.1075856491667.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "20-10-2000-5:10:0Sjlpnymex@aol.com 24-10-2000-8:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-11-2000-5:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 4-11-2000-3:11:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com 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"lguthrie@vignette.com", "lanejb@wellsfargo.com", "john_wackowski@prusec.com", "jhall@harvardreit.com", "reneeb@swiftenergy.com", "theath@coral-energy.com", "fafr@chevron.com", "woodybc@bp.com", "daricha@ppco.com", "robyn_howard@aimfunds.com", "ckcrews@swbell.net", "clairta@yahoo.com", "jstanton@calpine.com", "kcdunnagan@aol.com", "paulcraiglaird2@netscape.net", "cthomso@ppco.com", "info@nutritionsoundbites.com", "mara_smith@aimfunds.com", "dgriffin240@earthlink.net", "elizabethmorrell@excite.com", "chtremel@epri.com", "cefi@dynegy.com", "khcnb@arkansas.net", "mj_nchof@hotmail.com", "jack_plunkett@plunkettresearch.com", "buckl@conedsolutions.com", "mwolper@alum.mit.edu", "genieand@hotmail.com", "agerhardt@pkftexas.com", "rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com", "crowsley@flash.net", "baker99@netropolis.net", "leesa.foster@ipaper.com", "colgin@campbellriggs.com", "martha@plunkettresearch.com", "blackj@wellsfargo.com", "jlpnymex@aol.com", "kathy.kraus@smhhou.com", "adrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com", "carol_mccutcheon@oxy.com", "wbaarltx@aol.com", "njfitzgerald@coral-energy.com", "tknight@houstonenergy.org", "hinojom@wellsfargo.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "mroberts@coral-energy.com", "gburrows@capstonefinancial.com"], [], "fyi\njana\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (rly-yh01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-yh01.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:57:48 \n-0400\nReceived: from texasmonthly.emmis.com (texasmonthly.emmis.com \n[]) by rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct \n2000 18:56:49 -0400\nSubject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nTo: alexana@wellsfargo.com, jlpnymex@aol.com, kingair500@aol.com, \nmdesanto@minddata.com, kwgre@aol.com, pmarb@yahoo.com\nX-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.3 March 21, 2000\nMessage-ID: \nFrom: NAlexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:15:34 -0500\nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on TMNT02/AUS/TXMO(Release 5.0.4a |July 24, \n2000) at 10/18/2000 05:54:02 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nNancy Alexander\nAccount Executive\n214.871.7704\n----- Forwarded by Nancy Alexander/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 06:14 PM -----\n Karen Burke\n To: sloansimmo@yahoo.com,\nccgarcia@prodigy.net, cbsbcol@aol.com,\n 10/18/00 sschrump@ziplink.net, \"Hosty, Maria\"\n,\n 02:10 PM Yvonne Anguiano\n,\n tanya.davis@us.pwcglobal.com,\n2onza@pdq.net, \"Lisa Elledge\"\n ,\nproyecto4@yahoo.com, \"Hughes, Jennifer\"\n , Anita\nZmolek/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Nancy\n Alexander/AUS/TXMO@TXMO\n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be BIG in Texas.\nKaren Burke\n713.871.1643 phone\n713.871.0335 fax\n----- Forwarded by Karen Burke/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/2000 02:08 PM -----\n Jacquelyne\n O'Keefe To: bassw@swbell.net, Karen\nBurke/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Elizabeth\n Wallace Fulghum/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Lanette\nVarnadoe/AUS/TXMO@TXMO,\n simmonds@pdq.net\n 10/18/2000 cc:\n 11:15 AM Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nJackie O'Keefe Wallace\nRetail Advertising Director\nphone 713.871.1762\nfax 713.871.0335\n----- Forwarded by Jacquelyne O'Keefe Wallace/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 11:14 AM\n-----\n \"Karen\n Thompson\" To: \"Tim Marron\"\n, \"Suzanne Waller\"\n , \"Shelley Smelley\nMarron\" ,\n .net> \"Pammy Poindexter\"\n, \"Molly Vaughan\"\n , \"Melissa\nGarlington\"\n 10/17/00\n, \"Mary Marron\"\n 09:07 PM ,\n\"Margie \\\"Aunt Boggie\\\" Marron\"\n , \"Liz Rotan\"\n, \"julia\"\n , \"Joanie Seay\"\n, \"jenny clark\n brown\" ,\n\"Jackie Wallace\"\n ,\n\"Gmommy Clark\"\n , \"George &\nKathy Thompson\"\n , \"Diane Z\"\n, \"Dad\"\n , \"Carolyn\nClark Minett\"\n , \"John\nThompson\" ,\n \"Allie\" \n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Christine B. Williams \nTo: djtaaffe@worldnet.att.net ; kkemp165@aol.com\n; jflesher@kprc.com ;\nakdwyer@yahoo.com\n; cara_clement@yahoo.com ;\nmerrie@mail.ev1.net ; krichardson@texasnf.org\n; kprice@texasnf.org ;\nddeleon@texasnf.org ; rfreeman@texasnf.org\n; dbadura@texasnf.org ; Karen\nThompson ; cmlucas@swbell.net ;\nannie319@aol.com ; bmratch@yahoo.com ;\nsarah@thedykes.com ; laura@thebairds.com\n; mtucker@datamate.com ;\ncolecaroline@hotmail.com ;\nmark.m.meador@us.arthurandersen.com ;\nRobert Muse ; dmoriniere@swbank.tx.com\n; Joanna Latham ; Merritt\nPappas ; Chip Rives ; Reagan Rives\n; Angela & Natalie Nicholson\n; Hilary and Corey Pond\n;\nJeffrey Smith ; Kent Winfield \nDate: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:37 PM\nSubject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>-----Original Message-----\n>From: jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com\n>[mailto:jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com]\n>Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:53 PM\n>To: aford@bpl.com; BirdsBecca@aol.com; bwilliams1236@austin.rr.com;\n>ckmattingly@hotmail.com; cshirley@ccj-law.com; cwilliams@texasnf.org;\n>EWells@nrsc.org; jill.goldstein@mba02.bus.utexas.edu; halejulie@yahoo.com;\n>hollyk8@aol.com; lsm34@columbia.edu; mtucker@dpj.com; sew7@flash.net;\n>Elizabeth.Reid@turner.com; RSKAppraiser@email.msn.com; TEHunt@aol.com;\n>wdtiidd@aol.com\n>Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer P. Toomey on 10/17/2000 03:55\n>PM\n>---------------------------\n>\n>\n>To: Brian_Seiler@aimfunds.com, Fritz_Weiss@aimfunds.com,\n> Jean_Miller@aimfunds.com, Charles_Hebert@aimfunds.com,\n> Sue_Hendrickson@aimfunds.com, Ralph_Terry@aimfunds.com,\n>gormanab@mindspring.com, alysonfisher@yahoo.com, amandam@microsoft.com,\n>adjohnso@students.uiuc.edu, knocks@ecsis.net, cbidding@post.cis.smu.edu,\n>Mpblalock@aol.com, gmb1@compassbnk.com, bcahal@acxiom.com, carle@wt.net,\n>cmiller@rice.edu, connelly.mcgreevy@gs.com, gnconnelly@aol.com,\n>dawn.beach@bowne.com, Aimeedodson@aol.com, DDOMINIC@temmc.com,\n> heather.k.doyle@ac.com, aeasterby@lrmm.com, ferikson@mdanderson.org,\n> rtfass@fcflaw.com, fguinn@flash.net, Tina.Hoffman@petrocosm.com,\n>rhurt@lctn.com, wingram@ddsep.com, jrcoastal@aol.com, Jennyv@dpwpr.com,\n> jbandctaylor@mindspring.com, keasterby@aglife.com, jkiani@coair.com,\n> kianim@epenergy.com, Kristen.Kors@weil.com, BrittonK@perryhomes.net,\n> katek@thepromotionnetwork.com, CLipscomb@kma.com,\n> kaymassmanlobb@yahoo.com, mm52@lucent.com, cjmandola@aol.com,\n>mikebid@earthlink.net, nataliebiddinger@yahoo.com, steven.w.murray@ac.com,\n> jpecher@ect.enron.com, receskim@perryhomes.net, Jennifer P. Toomey,\n> cvanos@texas.net, jennyv@dpwpr.com, kwehner@brobeck.com,\n> elizabeth@keen.com, David.D.Wolf@chase.com\n>cc:\n> Date: 10/16/2000 09:00 AM\n> From: Jackie_McGreevy@aimfunds.com\n> Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>> The Year is 1960.\n>>\n>> JFK wins the election because he receives\n>>\n>> 1 MORE VOTE per precinct in Illinois (8,858 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in Missouri (9,880 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in New Jersey (22,091 votes)\n>>\n>> Without those 40,829 votes, the election goes to Nixon.\n>>\n>> YOUR VOTE DOES MATTER.\n>>\n>> Experts say this will be the CLOSEST election since 1960.\n>> We agree.\n>>\n>> What can YOU do about it? Join the Bush E-Train!\n>> (1) Forward this e-mail to your friends and colleagues\n>> (2) Then click on the link below and enter your e-mail:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/bn.asp?PageMode=FrontPageSignUp\n>>\n>> OUR GOAL:\n>> 2,000,000 e-mail addresses to SPREAD THE WORD\n>> and GET OUT THE VOTE.\n>>\n>> Be a part of history, get on the Bush E-Train and join\n>> what will become one of the LARGEST GRASSROOTS\n>> MOVEMENTS EVER.\n>>\n>> MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! and receive the e-mail on\n>> Nov. 8 that says, \"PRESIDENT-ELECT GEORGE W. BUSH\n>> THANKS YOU.\"\n>>\n>>\n>> _____________________\n>>\n>> Paid for by Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc.\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com\n>>\n>>\n>\n===========================================================================\n=\n>==\n>>\n>> To unsubscribe, please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/unsubscribe.asp?email=YOLAA@EARTHLINK.NET\n>>\n>> To change your e-mail address or any other subscription information,\n>please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/MyGeorgeW.asp\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>*******************Internet Email Confidentiality\nFooter*******************\n>\n>Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If\n>you\n>are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for\ndelivery\n>of\n>the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to\n>anyone.\n>In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender\n>by\n>reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not\n>consent to\n>Internet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\n>information in this message that do not relate to the official business of\n>my\n>firm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Fwd: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "fyi\n\njana\n\nReturn-Path: ", "<3631035.1075856273996.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13195933.1075856360673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2000-8:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-8:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n03:26 PM ---------------------------\nJlpnymex@aol.com on 10/20/2000 11:10:41 AM\nTo: Doris.A.Abernathy@ucm.com, genieand@hotmail.com, WBAARLTX@aol.com, \nbaker99@netropolis.net, blackj@wellsfargo.com, Martha@plunkettresearch.com, \ndgriffin240@earthlink.net, robyn_howard@aimfunds.com, agerhardt@pkftexas.com, \ncolgin@campbellriggs.com, crowsley@flash.net, gburrows@capstonefinancial.com, \njhall@harvardreit.com, Jlpnymex@aol.com, cefi@dynegy.com, clairta@yahoo.com, \nBuckL@conedsolutions.com, mara_smith@aimfunds.com, ckcrews@swbell.net, \nKCDunnagan@aol.com, rdyerlaw@houston.rr.com, ffrederick@usa.com, \nfafr@chevron.com, lguthrie@vignette.com, THEATH@coral-energy.com, \nhinojom@wellsfargo.com, khcnb@arkansas.net, mj_nchof@hotmail.com, \nvkamins@enron.com, tknight@houstonenergy.org, Kathy.Kraus@smhhou.com, \npaulcraiglaird2@netscape.net, lanejb@wellsfargo.com, \nkmmartin-atchison@duke-energy.com, info@nutritionsoundbites.com, \nkmiller@cafb.org, elizabethmorrell@excite.com, adrian.a.nunez@usa.conoco.com, \nJack_Plunkett@plunkettresearch.com, daricha@ppco.com, \nMRoberts@coral-energy.com, JStanton@calpine.com, chtremel@epri.com, \njohn_wackowski@prusec.com, reneeb@swiftenergy.com, \nnjfitzgerald@coral-energy.com, cthomso@ppco.com, mwolper@alum.mit.edu, \ncarol_mccutcheon@oxy.com, leesa.foster@ipaper.com, Woodybc@bp.com, \ndzerba@teldatasolutions.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nfyi\njana\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (rly-yh01.mail.aol.com []) \nby air-yh01.mail.aol.com (v76_r1.8) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:57:48 \n-0400\nReceived: from texasmonthly.emmis.com (texasmonthly.emmis.com \n[]) by rly-yh01.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Wed, 18 Oct \n2000 18:56:49 -0400\nSubject: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?\nTo: alexana@wellsfargo.com, jlpnymex@aol.com, kingair500@aol.com, \nmdesanto@minddata.com, kwgre@aol.com, pmarb@yahoo.com\nX-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.3 March 21, 2000\nMessage-ID: \nFrom: NAlexander@texasmonthly.emmis.com\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:15:34 -0500\nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on TMNT02/AUS/TXMO(Release 5.0.4a |July 24, \n2000) at 10/18/2000 05:54:02 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nNancy Alexander\nAccount Executive\n214.871.7704\n----- Forwarded by Nancy Alexander/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 06:14 PM -----\n Karen Burke\n To: sloansimmo@yahoo.com,\nccgarcia@prodigy.net, cbsbcol@aol.com,\n 10/18/00 sschrump@ziplink.net, \"Hosty, Maria\"\n,\n 02:10 PM Yvonne Anguiano\n,\n tanya.davis@us.pwcglobal.com,\n2onza@pdq.net, \"Lisa Elledge\"\n ,\nproyecto4@yahoo.com, \"Hughes, Jennifer\"\n , Anita\nZmolek/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Nancy\n Alexander/AUS/TXMO@TXMO\n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be BIG in Texas.\nKaren Burke\n713.871.1643 phone\n713.871.0335 fax\n----- Forwarded by Karen Burke/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/2000 02:08 PM -----\n Jacquelyne\n O'Keefe To: bassw@swbell.net, Karen\nBurke/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Elizabeth\n Wallace Fulghum/AUS/TXMO@TXMO, Lanette\nVarnadoe/AUS/TXMO@TXMO,\n simmonds@pdq.net\n 10/18/2000 cc:\n 11:15 AM Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\nTEXAS MONTHLY: If you want to be big in Texas.\nJackie O'Keefe Wallace\nRetail Advertising Director\nphone 713.871.1762\nfax 713.871.0335\n----- Forwarded by Jacquelyne O'Keefe Wallace/AUS/TXMO on 10/18/00 11:14 AM\n-----\n \"Karen\n Thompson\" To: \"Tim Marron\"\n, \"Suzanne Waller\"\n , \"Shelley Smelley\nMarron\" ,\n .net> \"Pammy Poindexter\"\n, \"Molly Vaughan\"\n , \"Melissa\nGarlington\"\n 10/17/00\n, \"Mary Marron\"\n 09:07 PM ,\n\"Margie \\\"Aunt Boggie\\\" Marron\"\n , \"Liz Rotan\"\n, \"julia\"\n , \"Joanie Seay\"\n, \"jenny clark\n brown\" ,\n\"Jackie Wallace\"\n ,\n\"Gmommy Clark\"\n , \"George &\nKathy Thompson\"\n , \"Diane Z\"\n, \"Dad\"\n , \"Carolyn\nClark Minett\"\n , \"John\nThompson\" ,\n \"Allie\" \n cc:\n Subject: Fw: Will You Be The\nDifference?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Christine B. Williams \nTo: djtaaffe@worldnet.att.net ; kkemp165@aol.com\n; jflesher@kprc.com ;\nakdwyer@yahoo.com\n; cara_clement@yahoo.com ;\nmerrie@mail.ev1.net ; krichardson@texasnf.org\n; kprice@texasnf.org ;\nddeleon@texasnf.org ; rfreeman@texasnf.org\n; dbadura@texasnf.org ; Karen\nThompson ; cmlucas@swbell.net ;\nannie319@aol.com ; bmratch@yahoo.com ;\nsarah@thedykes.com ; laura@thebairds.com\n; mtucker@datamate.com ;\ncolecaroline@hotmail.com ;\nmark.m.meador@us.arthurandersen.com ;\nRobert Muse ; dmoriniere@swbank.tx.com\n; Joanna Latham ; Merritt\nPappas ; Chip Rives ; Reagan Rives\n; Angela & Natalie Nicholson\n; Hilary and Corey Pond\n;\nJeffrey Smith ; Kent Winfield \nDate: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:37 PM\nSubject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>-----Original Message-----\n>From: jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com\n>[mailto:jennifer.p.toomey@us.arthurandersen.com]\n>Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:53 PM\n>To: aford@bpl.com; BirdsBecca@aol.com; bwilliams1236@austin.rr.com;\n>ckmattingly@hotmail.com; cshirley@ccj-law.com; cwilliams@texasnf.org;\n>EWells@nrsc.org; jill.goldstein@mba02.bus.utexas.edu; halejulie@yahoo.com;\n>hollyk8@aol.com; lsm34@columbia.edu; mtucker@dpj.com; sew7@flash.net;\n>Elizabeth.Reid@turner.com; RSKAppraiser@email.msn.com; TEHunt@aol.com;\n>wdtiidd@aol.com\n>Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer P. Toomey on 10/17/2000 03:55\n>PM\n>---------------------------\n>\n>\n>To: Brian_Seiler@aimfunds.com, Fritz_Weiss@aimfunds.com,\n> Jean_Miller@aimfunds.com, Charles_Hebert@aimfunds.com,\n> Sue_Hendrickson@aimfunds.com, Ralph_Terry@aimfunds.com,\n>gormanab@mindspring.com, alysonfisher@yahoo.com, amandam@microsoft.com,\n>adjohnso@students.uiuc.edu, knocks@ecsis.net, cbidding@post.cis.smu.edu,\n>Mpblalock@aol.com, gmb1@compassbnk.com, bcahal@acxiom.com, carle@wt.net,\n>cmiller@rice.edu, connelly.mcgreevy@gs.com, gnconnelly@aol.com,\n>dawn.beach@bowne.com, Aimeedodson@aol.com, DDOMINIC@temmc.com,\n> heather.k.doyle@ac.com, aeasterby@lrmm.com, ferikson@mdanderson.org,\n> rtfass@fcflaw.com, fguinn@flash.net, Tina.Hoffman@petrocosm.com,\n>rhurt@lctn.com, wingram@ddsep.com, jrcoastal@aol.com, Jennyv@dpwpr.com,\n> jbandctaylor@mindspring.com, keasterby@aglife.com, jkiani@coair.com,\n> kianim@epenergy.com, Kristen.Kors@weil.com, BrittonK@perryhomes.net,\n> katek@thepromotionnetwork.com, CLipscomb@kma.com,\n> kaymassmanlobb@yahoo.com, mm52@lucent.com, cjmandola@aol.com,\n>mikebid@earthlink.net, nataliebiddinger@yahoo.com, steven.w.murray@ac.com,\n> jpecher@ect.enron.com, receskim@perryhomes.net, Jennifer P. Toomey,\n> cvanos@texas.net, jennyv@dpwpr.com, kwehner@brobeck.com,\n> elizabeth@keen.com, David.D.Wolf@chase.com\n>cc:\n> Date: 10/16/2000 09:00 AM\n> From: Jackie_McGreevy@aimfunds.com\n> Subject: FW: Will You Be The Difference?\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>> The Year is 1960.\n>>\n>> JFK wins the election because he receives\n>>\n>> 1 MORE VOTE per precinct in Illinois (8,858 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in Missouri (9,880 votes)\n>> 3 MORE VOTES per precinct in New Jersey (22,091 votes)\n>>\n>> Without those 40,829 votes, the election goes to Nixon.\n>>\n>> YOUR VOTE DOES MATTER.\n>>\n>> Experts say this will be the CLOSEST election since 1960.\n>> We agree.\n>>\n>> What can YOU do about it? Join the Bush E-Train!\n>> (1) Forward this e-mail to your friends and colleagues\n>> (2) Then click on the link below and enter your e-mail:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/bn.asp?PageMode=FrontPageSignUp\n>>\n>> OUR GOAL:\n>> 2,000,000 e-mail addresses to SPREAD THE WORD\n>> and GET OUT THE VOTE.\n>>\n>> Be a part of history, get on the Bush E-Train and join\n>> what will become one of the LARGEST GRASSROOTS\n>> MOVEMENTS EVER.\n>>\n>> MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! and receive the e-mail on\n>> Nov. 8 that says, \"PRESIDENT-ELECT GEORGE W. BUSH\n>> THANKS YOU.\"\n>>\n>>\n>> _____________________\n>>\n>> Paid for by Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc.\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com\n>>\n>>\n>\n===========================================================================\n=\n>==\n>>\n>> To unsubscribe, please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/unsubscribe.asp?email=YOLAA@EARTHLINK.NET\n>>\n>> To change your e-mail address or any other subscription information,\n>please go here:\n>> http://www.georgewbush.com/MyGeorgeW.asp\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>*******************Internet Email Confidentiality\nFooter*******************\n>\n>Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If\n>you\n>are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for\ndelivery\n>of\n>the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to\n>anyone.\n>In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender\n>by\n>reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not\n>consent to\n>Internet email for messages of this kind. Opinions, conclusions and other\n>information in this message that do not relate to the official business of\n>my\n>firm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Fwd: Fw: Will You Be The Difference?", "Please help"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<7045998.1075856477401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8503427.1075856477424.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6435670.1075856543724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18376656.1075856543747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22788319.1075856273011.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13006519.1075856273035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13359441.1075856361531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19428095.1075856361557.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-11-2000-5:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-5:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Christie,\nLet's meet to discuss this project. I need more information from you about it.\nBy the way, I shall meet Bob Westbrook on Wednesday to discuss unrelated \nissues.\nVince\nChristie Patrick\n11/02/2000 12:33 AM\nTo: cmiller@rice.edu, Cindy Derecskey/Corp/Enron@Enron, Michael B \nRosen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, grwhit@rice.edu, westbro@rice.edu, Mark \nPalmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Action Learning Project and Enron tour\nHi Carrie,\nIt was great meeting with you and Dean Whitaker again last Friday, as well as \nMr. Westbrook.\n As we discussed, I have submitted the Action Learning Program materials to \nVince Kaminski, our managing director of Risk analysis and Corporate \nResearch. I'll be following up with him, and his recommendations for project \nproposals next week.\n Also, I've discussed with our University Affairs team setting up the \nfaculty tours--we're ready when you are!! The sooner the better--I'd love to \nget these in pretty immediately, and in any event, before the reception at \nthe end of the month. I\"ll have Cindy Derecskey in my group eMail you--she \nis prepared to set these tours up. \nI look forward to continuing to develop the multiple potential dynamics of \nthe Enron-Rice relationship!\nThanks!\n--Christie.\nps: Thanks so much for the Crystal Rice Owl--my participation as a judge in \nthe Rice Invitational Case Competition was my pleasure indeed!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000 \n12:23 AM ---------------------------\nCarrie Miller on 11/01/2000 12:47:17 PM\nTo: christie_patrick@enron.com\ncc: grwhit@rice.edu, westbro@rice.edu \nSubject: Action Learning Project and Enron tour\nChristie,\nI enjoyed visiting with you last week at the Jones School. Thanks for\ntaking time to come see us. I wanted to follow up with you regarding the\nAction Learning Project program and Enron tour. We hope to have Enron as\npart of the program in 2001. Please let me know how I can help make this\nhappen. I look for the program to be full before the deadline of December\n1st. Also, I am happy to help organize a group to tour Enron. If you were\nto participate in the ALP program, January/February might be a good time to\nput something together with key faculty and the ALP team. Let me know your\nthoughts.\nAgain, many thanks for your continued support of the Jones School. I look\nforward to hearing from you soon.\nCarrie\n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\n", ["Re: Action Learning Project and Enron tour"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Christie,\n\nLet's meet to discuss this project. I need more information from you about it.\nBy the way, I shall meet Bob Westbrook on Wednesday to discuss unrelated \nissues.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick\n11/02/2000 12:33 AM\n", ["<14064076.1075856474969.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11235637.1075856636482.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18982034.1075856541258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33076551.1075856267050.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-11-2000-3:11:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": ["4-11-2000-3:11:0", "christie.patrick@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi Vince!\nI'll call you Monday to further discuss this! I'll be heading to Atlanta for \na Forbes conference and meeting at Emory, but will call you at my first \nopportunity!\nThanks for the information about the meeting with Bob!\nThanks!\n--Christie.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 11/04/2000 \n11:04 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n11/02/2000 01:55 PM\nTo: Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, vkaminski@aol.com \nSubject: Re: Action Learning Project and Enron tour \nChristie,\nLet's meet to discuss this project. I need more information from you about it.\nBy the way, I shall meet Bob Westbrook on Wednesday to discuss unrelated \nissues.\nVince\nChristie Patrick\n11/02/2000 12:33 AM\nTo: cmiller@rice.edu, Cindy Derecskey/Corp/Enron@Enron, Michael B \nRosen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, grwhit@rice.edu, westbro@rice.edu, Mark \nPalmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Action Learning Project and Enron tour\nHi Carrie,\nIt was great meeting with you and Dean Whitaker again last Friday, as well as \nMr. Westbrook.\n As we discussed, I have submitted the Action Learning Program materials to \nVince Kaminski, our managing director of Risk analysis and Corporate \nResearch. I'll be following up with him, and his recommendations for project \nproposals next week.\n Also, I've discussed with our University Affairs team setting up the \nfaculty tours--we're ready when you are!! The sooner the better--I'd love to \nget these in pretty immediately, and in any event, before the reception at \nthe end of the month. I\"ll have Cindy Derecskey in my group eMail you--she \nis prepared to set these tours up. \nI look forward to continuing to develop the multiple potential dynamics of \nthe Enron-Rice relationship!\nThanks!\n--Christie.\nps: Thanks so much for the Crystal Rice Owl--my participation as a judge in \nthe Rice Invitational Case Competition was my pleasure indeed!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000 \n12:23 AM ---------------------------\nCarrie Miller on 11/01/2000 12:47:17 PM\nTo: christie_patrick@enron.com\ncc: grwhit@rice.edu, westbro@rice.edu \nSubject: Action Learning Project and Enron tour\nChristie,\nI enjoyed visiting with you last week at the Jones School. Thanks for\ntaking time to come see us. I wanted to follow up with you regarding the\nAction Learning Project program and Enron tour. We hope to have Enron as\npart of the program in 2001. Please let me know how I can help make this\nhappen. I look for the program to be full before the deadline of December\n1st. Also, I am happy to help organize a group to tour Enron. If you were\nto participate in the ALP program, January/February might be a good time to\nput something together with key faculty and the ALP team. Let me know your\nthoughts.\nAgain, many thanks for your continued support of the Jones School. I look\nforward to hearing from you soon.\nCarrie\n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\n", ["Re: Action Learning Project and Enron tour"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince!\n\nI'll call you Monday to further discuss this! I'll be heading to Atlanta for \na Forbes conference and meeting at Emory, but will call you at my first \nopportunity!\n\nThanks for the information about the meeting with Bob!\n\nThanks!\n\n--Christie.\n\n", ["<1964583.1075856636434.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<146463.1075856266413.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22768734.1075856366003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-11-2000-9:1:0Scmiller@rice.edu": ["7-11-2000-9:1:0", "cmiller@rice.edu", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Vince,\nI look forward to seeing you tomorrow around 3:30/3:45.? \nChristie, \nMany thanks for helping get this organized.? I am working on the tour list \nalso.\nThanks, Carrie\nAt 12:48 PM 11/7/00 -0600, you wrote:\nHi Vince and Carrie!\nPer my voice mails to each of you, here are your respective phone numbers:\nVince Kaminski: 713-853-3848\nCarrie Miller: 713-348-5260.\nI hope your respective schedules allow for a meeting at Rice tomorrow to\ndiscuss Rice's Action Learning Program. Please leave me a voice mail if\nthere is anything else I can do regarding this effort.? (713)-853-6117.\nThanks!\n--Christie.\n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260\nFax:? (713) 348-5251\nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Re: Meeting Nov 8th"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["leave voice", 42, "nninformation", ["leave", "voice"], "request", " please leave me a voice mail if there is anything else i can do regarding this effort."]], "Vince,\n\nI look forward to seeing you tomorrow around 3:30/3:45.? \n\nChristie, \n\nMany thanks for helping get this organized.? I am working on the tour list \nalso.\n\nThanks, Carrie\n\nAt 12:48 PM 11/7/00 -0600, you wrote:\nHi Vince and Carrie!\n\nPer my voice mails to each of you, here are your respective phone numbers:\n\nVince Kaminski: 713-853-3848\n\nCarrie Miller: 713-348-5260.\n\nI hope your respective schedules allow for a meeting at Rice tomorrow to\ndiscuss Rice's Action Learning Program. Please leave me a voice mail if\nthere is anything else I can do regarding this effort.? (713)-853-6117.\n\nThanks!\n\n--Christie.\n\n=====================================Carrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260\nFax:? (713) 348-5251\nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["<21561208.1075856628779.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20280976.1075856264416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25478026.1075856367340.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-11-2000-2:26:0Scmiller@rice.edu": ["10-11-2000-2:26:0", "cmiller@rice.edu", [], ["spradlin@rice.edu", "castro@rice.edu"], "On behalf of the Jones Graduate School at Rice University, we would like to\nthank all of the company representatives who have submitted Action Learning\nProject (ALP) proposals. Currently, the ALP faculty committee is reviewing\nall proposals received.\nWe also want to remind those who are planning to submit proposals of our\nDecember 1st deadline. Please keep us updated on the status of your\nproject. We are happy to answer any questions or provide assistance.\nOur goal is to have a good mix of projects from a variety of companies, and\nwe are also pleased to accept multiple projects from one company. Thus far,\nmany of our proposals are marketing and/or strategy related. To increase\nthe diversity of projects, we are especially looking for ideas that give\nour students the opportunity to utilize finance skills. Of course, an ideal\nproject is one that allows a student to use multiple skills.\nAgain, thank you for your continued interest in Rice University and the\nJones School ALP program.\nCarrie Miller Pam\nCastro\nDirector of MBA Program MBA Program Associate\nPhone: (713) 348-5260 Phone: (713) 348-6223\nFax: (713) 348-5251 Fax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu E-mail:\ncastro@rice.edu\n", ["Rice University ALP program -- December 1st deadline"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "On behalf of the Jones Graduate School at Rice University, we would like to\nthank all of the company representatives who have submitted Action Learning\nProject (ALP) proposals. Currently, the ALP faculty committee is reviewing\nall proposals received.\n\nWe also want to remind those who are planning to submit proposals of our\nDecember 1st deadline. Please keep us updated on the status of your\nproject. We are happy to answer any questions or provide assistance.\n\nOur goal is to have a good mix of projects from a variety of companies, and\nwe are also pleased to accept multiple projects from one company. Thus far,\nmany of our proposals are marketing and/or strategy related. To increase\nthe diversity of projects, we are especially looking for ideas that give\nour students the opportunity to utilize finance skills. Of course, an ideal\nproject is one that allows a student to use multiple skills.\n\nAgain, thank you for your continued interest in Rice University and the\nJones School ALP program.\n\nCarrie Miller Pam\nCastro\nDirector of MBA Program MBA Program Associate\nPhone: (713) 348-5260 Phone: (713) 348-6223\nFax: (713) 348-5251 Fax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu E-mail:\ncastro@rice.edu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<29122183.1075857056326.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28210083.1075856663387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2576679.1075856878716.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-11-2000-2:31:0Scmiller@rice.edu": ["10-11-2000-2:31:0", "cmiller@rice.edu", [], ["spradlin@rice.edu", "castro@rice.edu"], "On behalf of the Jones Graduate School at Rice University, we would like to \nthank all of the company representatives who have submitted Action Learning \nProject (ALP) proposals. Currently, the ALP faculty committee is reviewing \nall proposals received.\nWe also want to remind those who are planning to submit proposals of our \nDecember 1st deadline. Please keep us updated on the status of your project. \nWe are happy to answer any questions or provide assistance. \nOur goal is to have a good mix of projects from a variety of companies, and \nwe are also pleased to accept multiple projects from one company. Thus far, \nmany of our proposals are marketing and/or strategy related. To increase the \ndiversity of projects, we are especially looking for ideas that give our \nstudents the opportunity to utilize finance skills. Of course, an ideal \nproject is one that allows a student to use multiple skills.\nAgain, thank you for your continued interest in Rice University and the Jones \nSchool ALP program. \nCarrie Miller???????????????????????????????????????????Pam Castro??????\n????????????????\nDirector of MBA Program?????????????????????????MBA Program Associate\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260??????????????????????????????????Phone: (713) 348-6223\nFax:? (713) 348-5251????????????????????????????????????Fax: (713) 348-5251? \nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu???????????????????????????????E-mail:? \ncastro@rice.edu\n", ["Rice University ALP program -- December 1st deadline"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "On behalf of the Jones Graduate School at Rice University, we would like to \nthank all of the company representatives who have submitted Action Learning \nProject (ALP) proposals. Currently, the ALP faculty committee is reviewing \nall proposals received.\n\nWe also want to remind those who are planning to submit proposals of our \nDecember 1st deadline. Please keep us updated on the status of your project. \nWe are happy to answer any questions or provide assistance. \n\nOur goal is to have a good mix of projects from a variety of companies, and \nwe are also pleased to accept multiple projects from one company. Thus far, \nmany of our proposals are marketing and/or strategy related. To increase the \ndiversity of projects, we are especially looking for ideas that give our \nstudents the opportunity to utilize finance skills. Of course, an ideal \nproject is one that allows a student to use multiple skills.\n\nAgain, thank you for your continued interest in Rice University and the Jones \nSchool ALP program. \n\nCarrie Miller???????????????????????????????????????????Pam Castro??????\n????????????????\nDirector of MBA Program?????????????????????????MBA Program Associate\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260??????????????????????????????????Phone: (713) 348-6223\nFax:? (713) 348-5251????????????????????????????????????Fax: (713) 348-5251? \nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu???????????????????????????????E-mail:? \ncastro@rice.edu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<13058553.1075857056303.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26596465.1075856663363.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21039823.1075856878741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-11-2000-5:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-11-2000-5:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/10/2000 \n01:29 PM ---------------------------\nCarrie Miller on 11/10/2000 10:31:25 AM\nTo: (Recipient list suppressed)\ncc: castro@rice.edu, spradlin@rice.edu \nSubject: Rice University ALP program -- December 1st deadline\nOn behalf of the Jones Graduate School at Rice University, we would like to \nthank all of the company representatives who have submitted Action Learning \nProject (ALP) proposals. Currently, the ALP faculty committee is reviewing \nall proposals received.\nWe also want to remind those who are planning to submit proposals of our \nDecember 1st deadline. Please keep us updated on the status of your project. \nWe are happy to answer any questions or provide assistance. \nOur goal is to have a good mix of projects from a variety of companies, and \nwe are also pleased to accept multiple projects from one company. Thus far, \nmany of our proposals are marketing and/or strategy related. To increase the \ndiversity of projects, we are especially looking for ideas that give our \nstudents the opportunity to utilize finance skills. Of course, an ideal \nproject is one that allows a student to use multiple skills.\nAgain, thank you for your continued interest in Rice University and the Jones \nSchool ALP program. \nCarrie Miller???????????????????????????????????????????Pam \nCastro??????????????????????\nDirector of MBA Program?????????????????????????MBA Program Associate\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260??????????????????????????????????Phone: (713) 348-6223\nFax:? (713) 348-5251????????????????????????????????????Fax: (713) 348-5251? \nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu???????????????????????????????E-mail:? \ncastro@rice.edu\n", ["Rice University ALP program -- December 1st deadline"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<25854749.1075856472749.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10885638.1075856472772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32974131.1075856539053.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11228678.1075856539076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22082594.1075856262339.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30142499.1075856262362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15540785.1075856368731.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6283857.1075856368755.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-11-2000-14:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-11-2000-14:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["cmiller@rice.edu"], ["vkamins@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Carrie,\nI am sending you, as promised, the draft of my proposal. Please, let me kno=\nw\nif it meets your requirements. I shall be glad to revise it and send you th=\ne\nfinal version.\nVince Kaminski\n***************************************************************************=\n***\n**********\nOne of the most important trends in the energy industry during the last yea=\nr\nwas proliferation of electronic, Internet based, trading platforms for\nwholesale markets and for retail operations. Websites such as\nwww.houstonstreet.com and www.altranet.com provide facilities for matching=\n\nbuyers and sellers. The website operated by Enron Corp. (EnronOnline)\nrepresents an alternative solution under which Enron acts as a principal in=\n\nevery transaction. On the retail? side, many retail e-commerce companies\noffering auctions, reverse auctions and platforms for creation of buyers=\n,\nclubs challenge incumbent utilities. The objective of this project is to\nevaluate the impact of e-commerce (both at the wholesale and retail levels)=\n\non the energy industry. The study will start with comparative analysis of=\n\ndifferent wholesale trading and retail e-commerce business models and\nevaluation of their long-term viability. The next step will be assessment o=\nf\nthe impact of e-commerce on price dynamics, profit margins and the level of=\n\ncompetition in different energy markets. A separate section will be devoted=\n\nto analysis of reaction of companies and organizations affected by e-commer=\nce\n(incumbent utilities, organized exchanges, energy brokers) to the new\ncompetitive threat, and different strategies they implement to meet the\nchallenge. Organized exchanges have accelerated in many cases the transitio=\nn\nto screen-based trading that has been already replacing open outcry\ntechnology. Power and natural gas marketers have created alliances (with\nother industry players, software companies and electronic exchanges) to\ncreate their own trading platforms. Gas and electric utilities embarked on=\n\ndevelopment of vertical and horizontal e-commerce platforms, offering\nservices to households and other companies in the energy industry. The\ncritical question is how quickly different companies should react to the\ncompetitive threats and how fast they should exploit opportunities created =\nby\nthe Internet based economy. It's quite obvious that the Internet revolution=\n\nwill change the energy industry's landscape during the next few years. The=\n\nobjective of the project is to provide answers to the questions posed above=\n,\nbased on the currently available information. Additionally, the participant=\ns\nshould come up with fallback strategies the energy companies should impleme=\nnt\nin case the currently? expected trends fail to materialize. \nF_", ["ALP Proposal"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "information", ["you", "sending"], "information", "carrie, numeric i am sending you, as promised, the draft of my proposal."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "information", ["you", "sending"], "information", "carrie, numeric i am sending you, as promised, the draft of my proposal."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 14, "nninformation", ["send", "version"], "intention", " i shall be glad to revise it and send you the numeric final version."]], "Carrie,=20\n\nI am sending you, as promised, the draft of my proposal. Please, let me know=20\nif it meets your requirements. I shall be glad to revise it and send you the=20\nfinal version.=20\n\n\nVince Kaminski=20\n\n******************************************************************************\n\n**********=20\n\nOne of the most important trends in the energy industry during the last year=20\nwas proliferation of electronic, Internet based, trading platforms for=20\nwholesale markets and for retail operations. Websites such as=20\nwww.houstonstreet.com and www.altranet.com provide facilities for matching=20\nbuyers and sellers. The website operated by Enron Corp. (EnronOnline)=20\nrepresents an alternative solution under which Enron acts as a principal in=20\nevery transaction. On the retail? side, many retail e-commerce companies=20\noffering auctions, reverse auctions and platforms for creation of buyers=01,=20\nclubs challenge incumbent utilities. The objective of this project is to=20\nevaluate the impact of e-commerce (both at the wholesale and retail levels)=20\non the energy industry. The study will start with comparative analysis of=20\ndifferent wholesale trading and retail e-commerce business models and=20\nevaluation of their long-term viability. The next step will be assessment of=20\nthe impact of e-commerce on price dynamics, profit margins and the level of=20\ncompetition in different energy markets. A separate section will be devoted=20\nto analysis of reaction of companies and organizations affected by e-commerce=20\n(incumbent utilities, organized exchanges, energy brokers) to the new=20\ncompetitive threat, and different strategies they implement to meet the=20\nchallenge. Organized exchanges have accelerated in many cases the transition=20\nto screen-based trading that has been already replacing open outcry=20\ntechnology. Power and natural gas marketers have created alliances (with=20\nother industry players, software companies and electronic exchanges) to=20\ncreate their own trading platforms. Gas and electric utilities embarked on=20\ndevelopment of vertical and horizontal e-commerce platforms, offering=20\nservices to households and other companies in the energy industry. The=20\ncritical question is how quickly different companies should react to the=20\ncompetitive threats and how fast they should exploit opportunities created by=20\nthe Internet based economy. It's quite obvious that the Internet revolution=20\nwill change the energy industry's landscape during the next few years. The=20\nobjective of the project is to provide answers to the questions posed above,=20\nbased on the currently available information. Additionally, the participants=20\nshould come up with fallback strategies the energy companies should implement=20\nin case the currently? expected trends fail to materialize. =20\n\n\n\n\n=0F_", ["<5386237.1075856635931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28265846.1075856259435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12106692.1075856371339.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-11-2000-8:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-11-2000-8:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "Return-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yc03.mx.aol.com (rly-yc03.mail.aol.com [])=\n\nby air-yc02.mail.aol.com (v77.14) with ESMTP; Tue, 21 Nov 2000 16:54:52 -05=\n00\nReceived: from hydrant.ruf.rice.edu (hydrant.ruf.rice.edu [])=\n\nby rly-yc03.mx.aol.com (v76_r1.19) with ESMTP; Tue, 21 Nov 2000 16:52:35 19=\n00\nReceived: from h11p.rice.edu (jgsip047.rice.edu []) by\nhydrant.ruf.rice.edu (8.11.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id eALLqJX22790; Tue, 21 Nov=\n\n2000 15:52:19 -0600 (CST)\nMessage-Id: <>\nX-Sender: chamberl@pop.ruf.rice.edu\nX-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:51:32 -0600\nTo: VKaminski@aol.com\nFrom: Carrie Miller \nSubject: Re: ALP Proposal\nCc: castro@rice.edu\nIn-Reply-To: <2d.3c61319.2749fba9@aol.com>\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative;\nboundaryD\"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\n_1327130DD_.ALT\"\nVince,\nI am on the road traveling right now and am just getting to check my\nemail.? Thanks for your messages.? The project idea looks great\n-- it will be a challenging project for the students.? My only\nrequest is that you follow you follow our sample format which is provided=\n\nin the brochure (there is a sample application) -- you can easily cut and=\n\npaste your description below into the standard format.? Please let\nme know if you need the sample project and I can email it to you (it\nshould be with the brochure).\nThanks again for your interest in Rice and the ALP program.\nCarrie Miller\nAt 10:59 PM 11/19/00 -0500, you wrote:\nCarrie,\nI am sending you, as promised, the draft of my proposal. Please, let me\nknow\nif it meets your requirements. I shall be glad to revise it and send you\nthe\nfinal version.\nVince Kaminski\n***************************************************************************=\n***\n\n**********\nOne of the most important trends in the energy industry during the last\nyear\nwas proliferation of electronic, Internet based, trading platforms for\nwholesale markets and for retail operations. Websites such as\nwww.houstonstreet.com and\nwww.altranet.com\nprovide facilities for matching\nbuyers and sellers. The website operated by Enron Corp. (EnronOnline)\nrepresents an alternative solution under which Enron acts as a principal in=\n\nevery transaction. On the retail? side, many retail e-commerce companies=\n\noffering auctions, reverse auctions and platforms for creation of buyers?=\n ?v\nclubs challenge incumbent utilities. The objective of this project is to\nevaluate the impact of e-commerce (both at the wholesale and retail levels)=\n\non the energy industry. The study will start with comparative analysis of=\n\ndifferent wholesale trading and retail e-commerce business models and\nevaluation of their long-term viability. The next step will be assessment o=\nf\nthe impact of e-commerce on price dynamics, profit margins and the level of=\n\ncompetition in different energy markets. A separate section will be devoted=\n\nto analysis of reaction of companies and organizations affected by\ne-commerce \n(incumbent utilities, organized exchanges, energy brokers) to the new\ncompetitive threat, and different strategies they implement to meet the\nchallenge. Organized exchanges have accelerated in many cases the transitio=\nn\nto screen-based trading that has been already replacing open outcry\ntechnology. Power and natural gas marketers have created alliances (with\nother industry players, software companies and electronic exchanges) to\ncreate their own trading platforms. Gas and electric utilities embarked on=\n\ndevelopment of vertical and horizontal e-commerce platforms, offering\nservices to households and other companies in the energy industry. The\ncritical question is how quickly different companies should react to the\ncompetitive threats and how fast they should exploit opportunities created=\n\nby \nthe Internet based economy. It's quite obvious that the Internet revolution=\n\nwill change the energy industry's landscape during the next few years. The=\n\nobjective of the project is to provide answers to the questions posed above=\n,\nbased on the currently available information. Additionally, the participant=\ns\nshould come up with fallback strategies the energy companies should\nimplement \nin case the currently? expected trends fail to materialize.\n7e\nDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=\nDDDDDDDDDDDDD\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260\nFax:? (713) 348-5251\nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Fwd: ALP Proposal"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Return-Path: ", "<23830785.1075856256707.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31043578.1075856373356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-1-2001-2:51:0Sspradlin@rice.edu": ["11-1-2001-2:51:0", "spradlin@rice.edu", [], ["spradlin@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "castro@rice.edu"], "Spring 2001 Faculty,\nThe Spring 2001 Course Schedule has been posted to EMBANET. To access the\nSchedule please open the JGSM Area icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next\nplease open the Announcement JGSM icon. You will find the Spring 2001\nCourse Schedule located under the Subject column. Please open the\ndocument. If you do not have access to EMBANET you will need to speak with\nDavid Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by calling David at 713-348-5378.\nThanks,\nKathy\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Spring 2001 Course Schedule"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Spring 2001 Faculty,\n\nThe Spring 2001 Course Schedule has been posted to EMBANET. To access the\nSchedule please open the JGSM Area icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next\nplease open the Announcement JGSM icon. You will find the Spring 2001\nCourse Schedule located under the Subject column. Please open the\ndocument. If you do not have access to EMBANET you will need to speak with\nDavid Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by calling David at 713-348-5378.\n\nThanks,\nKathy\n\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["<30306509.1075856628493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9934189.1075856234512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31459878.1075856389000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-1-2001-3:1:0Sspradlin@rice.edu": ["11-1-2001-3:1:0", "spradlin@rice.edu", [], ["spradlin@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "castro@rice.edu"], "Spring 2001 Faculty,\nThe Spring 2001 Schematic has been posted to EMBANET. To access the\nSchematic please open the JGSM Area icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next\nplease open the Announcement JGSM icon. You will find the Spring 2001\nSchematic located under the Subject column. Please open the document. If\nyou do not have access to EMBANET you will need to speak with David Kilgore\nat kilgore@rice.edu or by calling David at 713-348-5378.\nThanks,\nKathy\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Spring 2001 Schematic"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Spring 2001 Faculty,\n\nThe Spring 2001 Schematic has been posted to EMBANET. To access the\nSchematic please open the JGSM Area icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next\nplease open the Announcement JGSM icon. You will find the Spring 2001\nSchematic located under the Subject column. Please open the document. If\nyou do not have access to EMBANET you will need to speak with David Kilgore\nat kilgore@rice.edu or by calling David at 713-348-5378.\n\nThanks,\nKathy\n\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["<16905794.1075856628471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6001937.1075856234490.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28986606.1075856389022.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-1-2001-6:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-6:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["spradlin@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Kathy,\nWhat is EMBANET? Do I have access from the outside?\nVince Kaminski\nKathy Spradling on 01/11/2001 11:01:48 AM\nTo: (Recipient list suppressed)\ncc: cmiller@rice.edu, castro@rice.edu, spradlin@rice.edu \nSubject: Spring 2001 Schematic\nSpring 2001 Faculty,\nThe Spring 2001 Schematic has been posted to EMBANET. To access the\nSchematic please open the JGSM Area icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next\nplease open the Announcement JGSM icon. You will find the Spring 2001\nSchematic located under the Subject column. Please open the document. If\nyou do not have access to EMBANET you will need to speak with David Kilgore\nat kilgore@rice.edu or by calling David at 713-348-5378.\nThanks,\nKathy\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\n", ["Re: Spring 2001 Schematic"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Kathy,\n\nWhat is EMBANET? Do I have access from the outside?\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nKathy Spradling ", "<11170989.1075856457936.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2404210.1075856524280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29092563.1075856228347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1096939.1075856389045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-3:54:0Sspradlin@rice.edu": ["24-1-2001-3:54:0", "spradlin@rice.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Mr. Kaminski,\nYou will need to speak with David Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by calling\nDavid at 713-348-5378 regarding getting set up in EMBANET and if you can\nhave access the database from the outside.\nKathy\nAt 02:40 PM 1/23/01 -0600, you wrote:\n>Kathy,\n>\n>What is EMBANET? Do I have access from the outside?\n>\n>\n>Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>Kathy Spradling on 01/11/2001 11:01:48 AM\n>\n>To: (Recipient list suppressed)\n>cc: cmiller@rice.edu, castro@rice.edu, spradlin@rice.edu\n>Subject: Spring 2001 Schematic\n>\n>\n>Spring 2001 Faculty,\n>\n>The Spring 2001 Schematic has been posted to EMBANET. To access the\n>Schematic please open the JGSM Area icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next\n>please open the Announcement JGSM icon. You will find the Spring 2001\n>Schematic located under the Subject column. Please open the document. If\n>you do not have access to EMBANET you will need to speak with David Kilgore\n>at kilgore@rice.edu or by calling David at 713-348-5378.\n>\n>Thanks,\n>Kathy\n>\n>Kathy M. Spradling\n>MBA Program Coordinator\n>Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\n>Rice University\n>6100 Main Street, MS 531\n>Houston, Texas 77005-1892\n>Phone: (713) 348-3313\n>Fax: (713) 348-5251\n>Email: spradlin@rice.edu\n>http://www.rice.edu/jgs\n>E-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\n>http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Re: Spring 2001 Schematic"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 13, "information", ["set", "david"], "information", "edu or by calling david at phonenumber regarding getting set up in embanet and if you can have access the database from the outside."]], "Mr. Kaminski,\n\nYou will need to speak with David Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by calling\nDavid at 713-348-5378 regarding getting set up in EMBANET and if you can\nhave access the database from the outside.\n\nKathy\n\nAt 02:40 PM 1/23/01 -0600, you wrote:\n\n Kathy,\n \n What is EMBANET? Do I have access from the outside?\n \n \n Vince Kaminski\n \n \n \n \n Kathy Spradling ", "<16930242.1075856227308.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25544896.1075856394506.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-1-2001-7:40:0Sspradlin@rice.edu": ["16-1-2001-7:40:0", "spradlin@rice.edu", [], ["spradlin@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "castro@rice.edu"], "Spring 2001 Faculty and Students,\nThe Spring 2001 Academic Calendar for the Jones Graduate School has been\nposted to EMBANET. To access the Academic Calendar please open the JGSM\nArea icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next please open the Announcement JGSM\nicon. You will find the Spring 2001 Academic Calendar located under the\nSubject column. Please open the document. If you do not have access to\nEMBANET you will need to speak with David Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by\ncalling David at 713-348-5378.\nThanks,\nKathy\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Spring 2001 Academic Calendar for the Jones Graduate School"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Spring 2001 Faculty and Students,\n\nThe Spring 2001 Academic Calendar for the Jones Graduate School has been\nposted to EMBANET. To access the Academic Calendar please open the JGSM\nArea icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next please open the Announcement JGSM\nicon. You will find the Spring 2001 Academic Calendar located under the\nSubject column. Please open the document. If you do not have access to\nEMBANET you will need to speak with David Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by\ncalling David at 713-348-5378.\n\nThanks,\nKathy\n\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["<3820225.1075856628449.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26708069.1075856232545.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27510076.1075856390790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "17-1-2001-2:20:0Sspradlin@rice.edu": ["17-1-2001-2:20:0", "spradlin@rice.edu", [], ["spradlin@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "castro@rice.edu"], "Spring 2001 Faculty and Students,\nJones Graduate School Course Descriptions List for 2000 - 2001 has been\nposted to EMBANET. To access the course descriptions please open the JGSM\nArea icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next please open the Announcement JGSM\nicon. You will find the course descriptions located under the Subject\ncolumn. Please open the document. If you do not have access to EMBANET\nyou will need to speak with David Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by calling\nDavid at 713-348-5378.\nThanks,\nKathy\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Jones Graduate School Course Descriptions List for 2000 - 2001"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Spring 2001 Faculty and Students,\n\nJones Graduate School Course Descriptions List for 2000 - 2001 has been\nposted to EMBANET. To access the course descriptions please open the JGSM\nArea icon on the EMBANET desktop. Next please open the Announcement JGSM\nicon. You will find the course descriptions located under the Subject\ncolumn. Please open the document. If you do not have access to EMBANET\nyou will need to speak with David Kilgore at kilgore@rice.edu or by calling\nDavid at 713-348-5378.\n\nThanks,\nKathy\n\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["<32097246.1075856628427.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14734954.1075856232236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21734715.1075856390882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-8:0:0Scastro@rice.edu": ["19-1-2001-8:0:0", "castro@rice.edu", [], [], "Congratulations! Your company project was selected by the students for the \n2001 Action Learning Project program at Rice University. The Company Day was \na huge success last week, and we appreciate all your time and effort. On \nMonday, January 22, we will send you a list of your team members via email \nwith a hard copy to follow. Student team members will be in touch soon so \nthat you can plan your first meeting. \nThanks for your continued support and interest in the Jones School. \n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \n", ["Action Learning Project"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 7, "information", ["learning", "project"], "information", " your company project was selected by the students for the numeric action learning project program at rice university."]], "Congratulations! Your company project was selected by the students for the \n2001 Action Learning Project program at Rice University. The Company Day was \na huge success last week, and we appreciate all your time and effort. On \nMonday, January 22, we will send you a list of your team members via email \nwith a hard copy to follow. Student team members will be in touch soon so \nthat you can plan your first meeting. \n\nThanks for your continued support and interest in the Jones School. \n\n=====================================Carrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \n", ["<6742762.1075856628341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17154371.1075856230198.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25418758.1075856392252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-8:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-8:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["li.sun@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n05:00 PM ---------------------------\nPamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/19/2001 04:00:28 PM\nTo: (Recipient list suppressed)\ncc: \nSubject: Action Learning Project\nCongratulations! Your company project was selected by the students for the \n2001 Action Learning Project program at Rice University. The Company Day was \na huge success last week, and we appreciate all your time and effort. On \nMonday, January 22, we will send you a list of your team members via email \nwith a hard copy to follow. Student team members will be in touch soon so \nthat you can plan your first meeting. \nThanks for your continued support and interest in the Jones School. \n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \n", ["Action Learning Project"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<15778834.1075856458630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32191544.1075856524968.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10115460.1075856230020.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15295461.1075856392430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-1-2001-9:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-9:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n05:21 PM ---------------------------\nYouyi Feng@ENRON\n01/12/2001 09:28 AM\nTo: Kimberly Watson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Sean Bolks/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jim Wiltfong/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Don \nPowell/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Youyi Feng/NA/Enron@Enron (bcc: Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: A applicable model \nKim, \nAfter yestersday's meeting, I've come up with an idea which is applicable to \nthe zone EF and\nseems also to be applicable to the broader area. The model assumes that if \nthere are positive spreads of energy\nproducts between pairs of locations, we can always find the possibilities of \nswaptions. This assumption, as \ndiscussed with Jim and Sean, is a reasonable approximation. I suggest that \nthe prototype be built up at this\nmodel if you think that it is rational. If you interested in the model, I \nwill explain it to all of you. \nBest regards,\nYouyi\n", ["A applicable model", "Jones Graduate School Course Descriptions List for 2000 - 2001"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "", ["<22373391.1075856458497.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18620346.1075856458518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27512281.1075856524834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18847940.1075856524856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4202570.1075856229860.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<517814.1075856229882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15277573.1075856392568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11670047.1075856392590.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-1-2001-10:18:0Scastro@rice.edu": ["22-1-2001-10:18:0", "castro@rice.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "Dear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice \nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has been \nchosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be working on \nyour project: \nCALABRESE, luigi????????luigical@rice.edu \nGHOSE, Ivy??????????????ghosei@rice.edu \nGHOSH, Ronnie???ghoshr@rice.edu \nIQBAL, Syed?????????????iqbal@rice.edu \nSUD, Pravas?????????????pravas@rice.edu \nWOMACK, Charles?cwomack@rice.edu \nThe faculty liaisons for your project are: \nBARRETT, Deborah????????????????barrett@rice.edu \nUECKER, Will????????????????????uecker@rice.edu \nLOUGHRIDGE, Dennis??????loughrid@rice.edu \nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the students' \nemail addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so this is a good \nway to communicate with them. \nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. \nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for a \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller \nDirector of MBA Program \nRice University \n6100 Main Street, MS 531 \nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n", ["Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 74, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", "edu a representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a meeting time."]], "Dear ALP Company Representatives:\n\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice \nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has been \nchosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be working on \nyour project: \n\nCALABRESE, luigi????????luigical@rice.edu \nGHOSE, Ivy??????????????ghosei@rice.edu \nGHOSH, Ronnie???ghoshr@rice.edu \nIQBAL, Syed?????????????iqbal@rice.edu \nSUD, Pravas?????????????pravas@rice.edu \nWOMACK, Charles?cwomack@rice.edu \n\nThe faculty liaisons for your project are: \n\n\nBARRETT, Deborah????????????????barrett@rice.edu \nUECKER, Will????????????????????uecker@rice.edu \nLOUGHRIDGE, Dennis??????loughrid@rice.edu \n\nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the students' \nemail addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so this is a good \nway to communicate with them. \n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. \nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for a \ngreat project!\n\n=============================================================Carrie Chamberlin Miller \nDirector of MBA Program \nRice University \n6100 Main Street, MS 531 \nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \n\nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n", ["<13310771.1075856628319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32290547.1075856229169.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5622919.1075856393293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-2:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-2:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["cmiller@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], "Carrie,\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001 \n10:04 AM ---------------------------\nPamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/22/2001 06:18:16 PM\nTo: Kenneth.Parkhill@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Enron ALP\nDear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice \nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has been \nchosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be working on \nyour project: \nCALABRESE, luigi????????luigical@rice.edu \nGHOSE, Ivy??????????????ghosei@rice.edu \nGHOSH, Ronnie???ghoshr@rice.edu \nIQBAL, Syed?????????????iqbal@rice.edu \nSUD, Pravas?????????????pravas@rice.edu \nWOMACK, Charles?cwomack@rice.edu \nThe faculty liaisons for your project are: \nBARRETT, Deborah????????????????barrett@rice.edu \nUECKER, Will????????????????????uecker@rice.edu \nLOUGHRIDGE, Dennis??????loughrid@rice.edu \nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up a \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the students' \nemail addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so this is a good \nway to communicate with them. \nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. \nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for a \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller \nDirector of MBA Program \nRice University \n6100 Main Street, MS 531 \nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/ \nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n", ["Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu'], 'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Carrie,\n\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\n\nVince\n", ["<13769396.1075856457598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28928284.1075856523934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26358041.1075856227768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5858235.1075856394217.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-2:13:0Scmiller@rice.edu": ["24-1-2001-2:13:0", "cmiller@rice.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nMany thanks for the invitation.? I'm leaving for a conference in New Orleans \ntoday and won't be in town.? However, I'd love to join you if dinner should \nhappen again in the future.\nThanks again for all your support and interest in the ALP program.? I feel \nconfident that this will be a great project.\nCarrie\nAt 10:03 AM 1/24/01 -0600, you wrote:\nCarrie,\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001\n10:04 AM ---------------------------\nPamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/22/2001 06:18:16 PM\nTo:?? Kenneth.Parkhill@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject:? Enron ALP\nDear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice\nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has\nbeen chosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be\nworking on your project:\n?? CALABRESE, luigi??????? luigical@rice.edu\n?? GHOSE, Ivy????????????? ghosei@rice.edu\n?? GHOSH, Ronnie?? ghoshr@rice.edu\n?? IQBAL, Syed???????????? iqbal@rice.edu\n?? SUD, Pravas???????????? pravas@rice.edu\n?? WOMACK, Charles cwomack@rice.edu\nThe faculty liaisons for your project are:\n?? BARRETT, Deborah??????????????? barrett@rice.edu\n?? UECKER, Will??????????????????? uecker@rice.edu\n?? LOUGHRIDGE, Dennis????? loughrid@rice.edu\nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the\nstudents' email addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so\nthis is a good way to communicate with them.\nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information.\nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260\nFax:? (713) 348-5251\nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["Re: Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nMany thanks for the invitation.? I'm leaving for a conference in New Orleans \ntoday and won't be in town.? However, I'd love to join you if dinner should \nhappen again in the future.\n\nThanks again for all your support and interest in the ALP program.? I feel \nconfident that this will be a great project.\n\nCarrie\n\nAt 10:03 AM 1/24/01 -0600, you wrote:\nCarrie,\n\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\n\nVince\n", ["<15082587.1075856628186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3589459.1075856227722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25960403.1075856394334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2001-2:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-2:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001 \n10:58 AM ---------------------------\nCarrie Miller on 01/24/2001 10:13:44 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enron ALP\nVince,\nMany thanks for the invitation.? I'm leaving for a conference in New Orleans \ntoday and won't be in town.? However, I'd love to join you if dinner should \nhappen again in the future.\nThanks again for all your support and interest in the ALP program.? I feel \nconfident that this will be a great project.\nCarrie\nAt 10:03 AM 1/24/01 -0600, you wrote:\nCarrie,\nWe have invited the team to dinner Thursday, 7:00 p.m.\nWould you loike to join us?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001\n10:04 AM ---------------------------\nPamela Vande Krol Castro on 01/22/2001 06:18:16 PM\nTo:?? Kenneth.Parkhill@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject:? Enron ALP\nDear ALP Company Representatives:\nThank you again for your participation in the ALP Company Day at Rice\nUniversity. We are pleased to inform you that your project proposal has\nbeen chosen for the 2001 ALP program. The following students will be\nworking on your project:\n?? CALABRESE, luigi??????? luigical@rice.edu\n?? GHOSE, Ivy????????????? ghosei@rice.edu\n?? GHOSH, Ronnie?? ghoshr@rice.edu\n?? IQBAL, Syed???????????? iqbal@rice.edu\n?? SUD, Pravas???????????? pravas@rice.edu\n?? WOMACK, Charles cwomack@rice.edu\nThe faculty liaisons for your project are:\n?? BARRETT, Deborah??????????????? barrett@rice.edu\n?? UECKER, Will??????????????????? uecker@rice.edu\n?? LOUGHRIDGE, Dennis????? loughrid@rice.edu\nA representative from the student team will contact you soon to set up \nmeeting time. If you need to contact your team, I have included the\nstudents' email addresses. They check their email on a regular basis, so\nthis is a good way to communicate with them.\nPlease let me know if you have any questions regarding this information.\nAgain, thank you for your interest in the Jones School. Best wishes for \ngreat project!\n==============================================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-5260\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nE-mail: cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\nPamela Castro\nMBA Program Associate\nRice University\nPhone: 713-348-6223\nFAX: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: castro@rice.edu\n======================================\nCarrie Chamberlin Miller\nDirector of MBA Program\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone:? (713) 348-5260\nFax:? (713) 348-5251\nE-mail:? cmiller@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\n", ["Re: Enron ALP"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<26945834.1075856457529.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14864855.1075856523864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11812174.1075856227560.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26011274.1075856394381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-1-2001-2:46:0Skenneth.parkhill@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-2:46:0", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", ["uecker@rice.edu", "cwomack@rice.edu", "barrett@rice.edu", "iqbal@rice.edu", "pravas@rice.edu", "ghoshr@rice.edu", "loughrid@rice.edu", "ghosei@rice.edu", "luigical@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "We are very excited to be able to welcome your ALP team to Enron. We are \nlooking to working with you this semester. To kick things off, we would like \nto invite you to Cacciatore's this Thursday for dinner (1/25/01, 7pm). If \nyou can't stand Italian cuisine, or would like to try a different day or \ntime, please feel free to make a suggestion. We look forward to meeting you.\nken\n713/345-4638", ["Hello team"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["invite personnelpronoun", 8, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " to kick things off, we would like to invite you to cacciatore's this thursday for dinner ( datenumeric , numerictime )."]], "We are very excited to be able to welcome your ALP team to Enron. We are \nlooking to working with you this semester. To kick things off, we would like \nto invite you to Cacciatore's this Thursday for dinner (1/25/01, 7pm). If \nyou can't stand Italian cuisine, or would like to try a different day or \ntime, please feel free to make a suggestion. We look forward to meeting you.\n\nken\n713/345-4638", ["<11801841.1075856628297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10169616.1075856228823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9745461.1075856393566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-4-2001-3:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-4-2001-3:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "Ken,\nI may miss this meeting. Go ahead with the meeting anyway. I shall join you \nin progress. Christie is coming\nat 1:30 to meet the students and talk to me. I can talk to her for a few \nminutes and then\nwe can meet the team around 2:00.\nVince\nKenneth Parkhill@ENRON\n04/05/2001 05:47 PM\nTo: \"Womack Charles\" , \"Ronnie Ghosh\" , \n\"Pravas Sud\" , \"Luigi Calabrese\" , \n\"Farhan Iqbal\" , \ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: meeting with Dan Diamond\nfyi\nTomorrow, Friday, at 1:00, I've scheduled a meeting for you with Dan Diamond, \nmanager of e-commerce in EOL. Please let me know if this time is bad for \nyou. see you tomorrow\nken\n", ["Re: meeting with Dan Diamond"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Ken,\n\nI may miss this meeting. Go ahead with the meeting anyway. I shall join you \nin progress. Christie is coming\nat 1:30 to meet the students and talk to me. I can talk to her for a few \nminutes and then\nwe can meet the team around 2:00.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKenneth Parkhill@ENRON\n04/05/2001 05:47 PM\n", ["<13973414.1075856443613.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28913864.1075856509945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27601268.1075856199312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-4-2001-10:27:0Sluigical@rice.edu": ["9-4-2001-10:27:0", "luigical@rice.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com"], ["cwomack@rice.edu", "iqbal@rice.edu", "ghoshr@ruf.rice.edu", "pravas@rice.edu", "christies_patrick@enron.com", "ghosei@rice.edu"], "Dear Mr. Kaminski,\nThe following are the faculty details:\nMs. Deborah J. Barrett\nInstructor & Dir., MBA Communications\nPhone 713-348-5394\nbarrett@rice.edu\nMr. Wil Uecker\nAssociate Dean for Executive Education\nPhone 713-348-5869\nuecker@rice.edu\nMr. Dennis Wayne Loughridge\nAdjunct Professor-Management\nPhone 713-348-4869\nlounghrid@rice.edu\nI will also speak with the faculty and inform them about the details\nconcerning the presentation on May 7 at Enron office (time to be determine)\nand the dinner following it.\nSincerely,\nLuigi Calabrese\nRice MBA Candidate\nClass of 2002\n", ["Faculty contact and schedule persentation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nThe following are the faculty details:\n\nMs. Deborah J. Barrett\nInstructor & Dir., MBA Communications\nPhone 713-348-5394\nbarrett@rice.edu\n\nMr. Wil Uecker\nAssociate Dean for Executive Education\nPhone 713-348-5869\nuecker@rice.edu\n\nMr. Dennis Wayne Loughridge\nAdjunct Professor-Management\nPhone 713-348-4869\nlounghrid@rice.edu\n\nI will also speak with the faculty and inform them about the details\nconcerning the presentation on May 7 at Enron office (time to be determine)\nand the dinner following it.\n\nSincerely,\n\n\nLuigi Calabrese\nRice MBA Candidate\nClass of 2002\n\n", ["<7683253.1075856627126.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12673533.1075856197428.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15396755.1075856419243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-4-2001-20:27:0Sluigical@rice.edu": ["9-4-2001-20:27:0", "luigical@rice.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com"], ["cwomack@rice.edu", "iqbal@rice.edu", "ghoshr@ruf.rice.edu", "pravas@rice.edu", "christies_patrick@enron.com", "ghosei@rice.edu"], "Please respond to Dear Mr. Kaminski,\nThe following are the faculty details:\nMs. Deborah J. Barrett\nInstructor & Dir., MBA Communications\nPhone 713-348-5394\nbarrett@rice.edu\nMr. Wil Uecker\nAssociate Dean for Executive Education\nPhone 713-348-5869\nuecker@rice.edu\nMr. Dennis Wayne Loughridge\nAdjunct Professor-Management\nPhone 713-348-4869\nlounghrid@rice.edu\nI will also speak with the faculty and inform them about the details\nconcerning the presentation on May 7 at Enron office (time to be determine)\nand the dinner following it.\nSincerely,\nLuigi Calabrese\nRice MBA Candidate\nClass of 2002\n", ["Faculty contact and schedule persentation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Please respond to Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nThe following are the faculty details:\n\nMs. Deborah J. Barrett\nInstructor & Dir., MBA Communications\nPhone 713-348-5394\nbarrett@rice.edu\n\nMr. Wil Uecker\nAssociate Dean for Executive Education\nPhone 713-348-5869\nuecker@rice.edu\n\nMr. Dennis Wayne Loughridge\nAdjunct Professor-Management\nPhone 713-348-4869\nlounghrid@rice.edu\n\nI will also speak with the faculty and inform them about the details\nconcerning the presentation on May 7 at Enron office (time to be determine)\nand the dinner following it.\n\nSincerely,\n\n\nLuigi Calabrese\nRice MBA Candidate\nClass of 2002\n\n", ["<4980709.1075840787910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-1:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "loughrid@rice.edu", "luigical@rice.edu", "Message-ID: <23120904.1075856442317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: loughrid@rice.edu\nSubject: ALP presentation\nCc: luigical@rice.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: luigical@rice.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: loughrid@rice.edu\nX-cc: luigical@rice.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original \nmessage\nwas returned.\n\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n08:15 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu, \nluigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project \npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding \nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\n\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", "ALP presentation", "forward", [], "Sorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original \nmessage\nwas returned.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", "<23120904.1075856442317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "10-4-2001-1:27:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-1:27:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10662537.1075856627058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com\nSubject: ALP presentation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Kenneth Parkhill\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Rice\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThis will be in EB49C1\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n08:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu, \nluigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project \npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding \nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\n\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", "ALP presentation", "forward", [], "This will be in EB49C1\n\n\n", "<10662537.1075856627058.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "10-4-2001-7:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-7:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n02:12 PM ---------------------------\nWil Uecker on 04/10/2001 09:46:32 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ALP presentation\nVince,\nThank you for the invitation. I will attend the presentation, but have\nanother commitment for dinner.\nPlease indicate the specific room for the presentation when it is known.\nThanks,\nWil\nAt 08:13 AM 4/10/01 -0500, you wrote:\n>On behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\n>presentation by a group of students\n>of Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n>\n>The students will present the results of a research project regarding\n>electronic trading\n>platforms in the energy industry.\n>\n>The presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n>\n>We would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n>\n>\n>Vince Kaminski\n>\n>Vincent Kaminski\n>Managing Director - Research\n>Enron Corp.\n>1400 Smith Street\n>Room EB1962\n>Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n>Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> (713) 410 5396 (cell)\n>Fax : (713) 646 2503\n>E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", ["Re: ALP presentation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n", ["<4773368.1075856442186.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19396639.1075856508516.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4135900.1075856196806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19341873.1075856419824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-7:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30162737.1075856442164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 07:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ALP presentation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, let Rice invitees know.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n04/10/2001 08:27 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nThis will be in EB49C1\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n08:22 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu, \nluigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project \npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding \nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\n\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n\n\n\n", "Re: ALP presentation", "reply", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, let Rice invitees know.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n04/10/2001 08:27 AM\n", "<30162737.1075856442164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "10-4-2001-7:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-7:20:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["uecker@rice.edu", "barrett@rice.edu", "lounghrid@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "luigical@rice.edu"], ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], "For your information, the ALP Project presenation that Vince Kaminski\ninvited you to will be held in the Enron Bldg. in conference room EB49C1.\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\nRegards,\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", ["Re: ALP presentation"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["invite personnelpronoun", 6, "information", ["invited", "you"], "information", "for your information, the alp project presenation that vince kaminski invited you to will be held in the enron bldg."]], "For your information, the ALP Project presenation that Vince Kaminski\ninvited you to will be held in the Enron Bldg. in conference room EB49C1.\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", ["<29831849.1075856196763.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3527173.1075856419847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-4-2001-11:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-11:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["uecker@rice.edu", "lounghrid@rice.edu", "luigical@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "barrett@rice.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <28677386.1075840787886.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 11:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu,\n\tluigical@rice.edu\nSubject: ALP presentation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: barrett , uecker , cmiller , lounghrid , luigical \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski , Christie Patrick , Shirley Crenshaw , Kenneth Parkhill \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Rice\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project presentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding electronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\n\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone:\t(713) 853 3848\n\t(713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com", "ALP presentation", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 4, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", "on behalf of orgname i would like to invite you to an alp project presentation by a group of students of jesse h."]], "On behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project presentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding electronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\n\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone:\t(713) 853 3848\n\t(713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com", "<28677386.1075840787886.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"presentation studentTnn": {"value": "presentation studentTnn", "ne": "presentation studentTnn", "patterns": ["presentation studentTnn"]}, "project studentTnn": {"value": "project studentTnn", "ne": "project studentTnn", "patterns": ["project studentTnn"]}, "project_task tradingTnn": {"value": "project_task tradingTnn", "ne": "project_task tradingTnn", "patterns": ["project_task tradingTnn"]}}, true], "11-4-2001-1:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-1:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Christie,\nWhat about the invitation to dinner for Gillis and Whitaker?\nVince\nChristie Patrick\n04/10/2001 06:01 PM\nTo: mgillis@rice.edu, grwhit@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: ALP presentation\nPresident Gillis and Dean Whitaker,\nEnron would be honored with your presense at the presentation set forth \nbelow. \nUnder the guidance of Vince Kaminski and his team here at Enron, we are \nthoroughly enjoying working with this group of bright and enthusiastic Rice \nstudents. We hope you can join us for the culmination of their significant \nefforts.\nPlease let me know--Thanks!!\n--Christie.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n05:52 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu, \nluigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: ALP presentation\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project \npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding \nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\nVince Kaminski\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", ["Re: ALP presentation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Christie,\n\nWhat about the invitation to dinner for Gillis and Whitaker?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick\n04/10/2001 06:01 PM\n", ["<474836.1075856626991.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12755562.1075856441844.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18301567.1075856508187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20185487.1075856196364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-5:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-5:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Christie,\nGreat!! You think big.\nIt also puts a lot of pressure on the students. \nVince\n \nChristie Patrick\n04/11/2001 10:57 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON, Melinda \nMcCarty/Corp/Enron@Enron, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ALP presentation\nVince and Ken,\nPlease see note below. Rice's president is planning to attend the \npresentation and dinner! I'll let you know when I hear from Gil (Dean \nWhitaker). Thanks!\nAlso, please remember that I've scheduled Steve Kean for lunch (I'll have \nMelinda have lunches brought to the conference room). Please let me know the \nexact room number and the exact number of lunches needed from your end.\nThanks!\n--Christie.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 \n10:38 AM ---------------------------\nJudith Duvall on 04/11/2001 10:36:06 AM\nTo: Christie.Patrick@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ALP presentation\nMs. Patrick,\nDr. Gillis will attend both events.\nJudith\nAt 06:01 PM 4/10/01 -0500, you wrote:\n>President Gillis and Dean Whitaker,\n>\n>Enron would be honored with your presense at the presentation set forth\n>below.\n>\n>Under the guidance of Vince Kaminski and his team here at Enron, we are\n>thoroughly enjoying working with this group of bright and enthusiastic Rice\n>students. We hope you can join us for the culmination of their significant\n>efforts.\n>\n>Please let me know--Thanks!!\n>\n>--Christie.\n>---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001\n>05:52 PM ---------------------------\n>\n>\n>Vince J Kaminski\n>04/10/2001 08:13 AM\n>\n>To: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu,\n> lounghrid@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu\n>cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley\n> Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\n>\n>Subject: ALP presentation\n>\n>On behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\n>presentation by a group of students\n>of Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n>\n>The students will present the results of a research project regarding\n>electronic trading\n>platforms in the energy industry.\n>\n>The presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n>\n>We would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n>\n>\n>Vince Kaminski\n>\n>Vincent Kaminski\n>Managing Director - Research\n>Enron Corp.\n>1400 Smith Street\n>Room EB1962\n>Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n>Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> (713) 410 5396 (cell)\n>Fax : (713) 646 2503\n>E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n****************************************************************************\nJudith DuVall\nSecretary to the President\nRice University\n6100 Main Street--MS1\nHouston, TX 77005\n713/348-4601\n713/348-5271 (fax)\n", ["Re: ALP presentation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Christie,\n\nGreat!! You think big.\nIt also puts a lot of pressure on the students. \n\nVince\n \n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick\n04/11/2001 10:57 AM\n", ["<4032868.1075856626969.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20891218.1075856441710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20747902.1075856508051.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24557852.1075856196020.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-4-2001-8:25:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-8:25:0", "christie.patrick@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "Vince and Ken,\nDean Gil Whittaker of the Rice Business school has also confirmed!! Pass the \nword on to the students (no pressure!! ha!!)\n-\nI think i'll go ahead and put the word out to some of the active Rice Alums \nhere at Enron--it'll be a great event!\nThanks!\n--Christie.\n--------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 \n03:20 PM ---------------------------\n\"Gilbert R. Whitaker, Jr.\" on 04/11/2001 03:15:28 PM\nTo: Christie.Patrick@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ALP presentation\nChristie -\nI have rearranged my schedule and will be very pleased to attend the ALP\npresentation and dinner at Enron.\nThanks.\ngil\nAt 06:01 PM 4/10/01 -0500, you wrote:\n>President Gillis and Dean Whitaker,\n>\n>Enron would be honored with your presense at the presentation set forth\n>below.\n>\n>Under the guidance of Vince Kaminski and his team here at Enron, we are\n>thoroughly enjoying working with this group of bright and enthusiastic Rice\n>students. We hope you can join us for the culmination of their significant\n>efforts.\n>\n>Please let me know--Thanks!!\n>\n>--Christie.\n>---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001\n>05:52 PM ---------------------------\n>\n>\n>Vince J Kaminski\n>04/10/2001 08:13 AM\n>\n>To: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu,\n> lounghrid@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu\n>cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley\n> Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\n>\n>Subject: ALP presentation\n>\n>On behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\n>presentation by a group of students\n>of Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n>\n>The students will present the results of a research project regarding\n>electronic trading\n>platforms in the energy industry.\n>\n>The presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n>\n>We would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n>\n>\n>Vince Kaminski\n>\n>Vincent Kaminski\n>Managing Director - Research\n>Enron Corp.\n>1400 Smith Street\n>Room EB1962\n>Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n>Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> (713) 410 5396 (cell)\n>Fax : (713) 646 2503\n>E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", ["ALP presentation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Vince and Ken,\n\nDean Gil Whittaker of the Rice Business school has also confirmed!! Pass the \nword on to the students (no pressure!! ha!!)\n-\nI think i'll go ahead and put the word out to some of the active Rice Alums \nhere at Enron--it'll be a great event!\n\nThanks!\n\n--Christie.\n\n-------------------", ["<23315217.1075856626923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12986374.1075856195578.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17584636.1075856420721.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-4-2001-7:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-7:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10060674.1075856626466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 07:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: christie.patrick@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ALP presentation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Christie Patrick, Kenneth Parkhill\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Rice\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n02:05 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" on 04/30/2001 10:49:10 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: ALP presentation\n\n\nVince\nI will be attending the ALP presentation on May 7 and would be pleased to\njoin the team for dinner if it is not too late.\nThank you\nDennis Loughridge\n\n\nDennis W. Loughridge\nDirector of Energy Consortium\nRice University\n713-348-2812\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: loughrid@rice.edu\nCc: luigical@rice.edu\nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nSorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original\nmessage\nwas returned.\n\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001\n08:15 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\n\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu,\n lounghrid@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley\n Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding\nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\n\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n\n\n\n", "RE: ALP presentation", "forward", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", "<10060674.1075856626466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, true], "30-4-2001-7:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-7:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["loughrid@rice.edu"], ["christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Dennis,\nThanks for you message. I shall send you more information regarding the \ndinner later this week.\nChristie Patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making \narrangements for\nthe evening at the Enron Field. Hopefully, we shall be able to combine \ndinner with a game.\nVince\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" on 04/30/2001 10:49:10 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: ALP presentation\nVince\nI will be attending the ALP presentation on May 7 and would be pleased to\njoin the team for dinner if it is not too late.\nThank you\nDennis Loughridge\nDennis W. Loughridge\nDirector of Energy Consortium\nRice University\n713-348-2812\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: loughrid@rice.edu\nCc: luigical@rice.edu\nSubject: ALP presentation\nSorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original\nmessage\nwas returned.\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001\n08:15 AM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu,\n lounghrid@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley\n Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\nSubject: ALP presentation\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding\nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\nVince Kaminski\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n", ["RE: ALP presentation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 2, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "intention", " i shall send you more information regarding the dinner later this week."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 12, "information", ["arrangements", "making"], "information", " christie patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making arrangements for the evening at the enron field."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 12, "information", ["arrangements", "making"], "information", " christie patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making arrangements for the evening at the enron field."]], "Dennis,\n\nThanks for you message. I shall send you more information regarding the \ndinner later this week.\nChristie Patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making \narrangements for\nthe evening at the Enron Field. Hopefully, we shall be able to combine \ndinner with a game.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" ", "<2004287.1075856437362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<532752.1075856500745.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14328941.1075856185109.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-4-2001-3:42:0Skenneth.parkhill@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-3:42:0", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", ["cwomack@rice.edu", "iqbal@rice.edu", "pravas@rice.edu", "ghoshr@rice.edu", "ghosei@rice.edu", "luigical@rice.edu"], ["melinda.mccarty@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi guys,\nVince talked with Christie and they both are available next Tuesday (game \nday) at 9 am. Can you meet then to start preparing an outline?\nAlso would you be up for a presentation at the research group's lunch meeting \nnext Thursday? Vince will be out, but you'll undoubtably get some \ninteresting questions from others at the meeting, if your up for it. Let me \nknow soon, and we can schedule you for next Thursday.\ntalk to you later\nken", ["meetings next week"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Hi guys,\n\nVince talked with Christie and they both are available next Tuesday (game \nday) at 9 am. Can you meet then to start preparing an outline?\n\nAlso would you be up for a presentation at the research group's lunch meeting \nnext Thursday? Vince will be out, but you'll undoubtably get some \ninteresting questions from others at the meeting, if your up for it. Let me \nknow soon, and we can schedule you for next Thursday.\n\ntalk to you later\n\nken", ["<27993926.1075856626760.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16192341.1075856192073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15457389.1075856423704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-5-2001-0:0:0Skenneth.parkhill@enron.com": ["3-5-2001-0:0:0", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hi Christie,\nwhen do you sleep? 2 am, ugh!\nok, you were correct, my invitation was to those people within Enron that \nthe students talked with before interviewing competitors, and it was an \ninvitation to the presentation only. I didn't think any of them would be \ninvited to the dinner, and probably none will even come to the presentation. \nThe invitation did elicit one request for the final report though, so maybe \nit wasn't a complete waste. \nI didn't realize that the dinner had turned into a box visit. that sounds \ngreat. I wish the group could have made it to dinner before the first game, \nthat would have made the whole slumming experience better. Now they'll get \nthe royal treatment at Enron Field. It'll be great.\nVince invited 4 people from Rice:\nDennis W. Loughridge, Director of Energy Consortium; lounghrid@rice.edu\nCarrie Miller, Director of MBA Program; cmiller@rice.edu\nDeborah Barrett, Inst. Communications, barrett@rice.edu\nDr. Wil Uecker, Associate Dean for Executive Education,uecker@rice.edu\nLoughridge wrote back saying he'll come, I don't know about the others\nHere are the 6 students emails:\n\"Ritwik \\(Ronnie\\) Ghosh\" , \"Ivy Ghose\" , \n\"Luigi Calabrese\" , \"Pravas Sud\" , \"Syed \n\\(Farhan\\) Iqbal\" \n\nyour 2 from Rice makes a total of 12 from Rice, I guess\nlet me know if you would like me to do anything else related to Monday\nlook forward to seeing you then\nken", ["invitations to presentation only"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 47, "information", ["invited", "rice"], "information", " vince invited numeric people from rice: dennis w."]], "Hi Christie,\n\nwhen do you sleep? 2 am, ugh!\n\nok, you were correct, my invitation was to those people within Enron that \nthe students talked with before interviewing competitors, and it was an \ninvitation to the presentation only. I didn't think any of them would be \ninvited to the dinner, and probably none will even come to the presentation. \nThe invitation did elicit one request for the final report though, so maybe \nit wasn't a complete waste. \n\nI didn't realize that the dinner had turned into a box visit. that sounds \ngreat. I wish the group could have made it to dinner before the first game, \nthat would have made the whole slumming experience better. Now they'll get \nthe royal treatment at Enron Field. It'll be great.\n\nVince invited 4 people from Rice:\n\nDennis W. Loughridge, Director of Energy Consortium; lounghrid@rice.edu\nCarrie Miller, Director of MBA Program; cmiller@rice.edu\nDeborah Barrett, Inst. Communications, barrett@rice.edu\nDr. Wil Uecker, Associate Dean for Executive Education,uecker@rice.edu\n\nLoughridge wrote back saying he'll come, I don't know about the others\n\nHere are the 6 students emails:\n\n\"Ritwik \\(Ronnie\\) Ghosh\" ", "<13282643.1075856181768.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32067062.1075856432038.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-5-2001-1:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-5-2001-1:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kenneth.parkhill@enron.com"], [], "Ken\nThanks for baby-sitting this.\nVince\nKenneth Parkhill@ENRON\n05/03/2001 07:00 AM\nTo: Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: invitations to presentation only\nHi Christie,\nwhen do you sleep? 2 am, ugh!\nok, you were correct, my invitation was to those people within Enron that \nthe students talked with before interviewing competitors, and it was an \ninvitation to the presentation only. I didn't think any of them would be \ninvited to the dinner, and probably none will even come to the presentation. \nThe invitation did elicit one request for the final report though, so maybe \nit wasn't a complete waste. \nI didn't realize that the dinner had turned into a box visit. that sounds \ngreat. I wish the group could have made it to dinner before the first game, \nthat would have made the whole slumming experience better. Now they'll get \nthe royal treatment at Enron Field. It'll be great.\nVince invited 4 people from Rice:\nDennis W. Loughridge, Director of Energy Consortium; lounghrid@rice.edu\nCarrie Miller, Director of MBA Program; cmiller@rice.edu\nDeborah Barrett, Inst. Communications, barrett@rice.edu\nDr. Wil Uecker, Associate Dean for Executive Education,uecker@rice.edu\nLoughridge wrote back saying he'll come, I don't know about the others\nHere are the 6 students emails:\n\"Ritwik \\(Ronnie\\) Ghosh\" , \"Ivy Ghose\" , \n\"Luigi Calabrese\" , \"Pravas Sud\" , \"Syed \n\\(Farhan\\) Iqbal\" \n\nyour 2 from Rice makes a total of 12 from Rice, I guess\nlet me know if you would like me to do anything else related to Monday\nlook forward to seeing you then\nken\n", ["Re: invitations to presentation only"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Ken\n\nThanks for baby-sitting this.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKenneth Parkhill@ENRON\n05/03/2001 07:00 AM\n", ["<32644439.1075856435903.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6818320.1075856499288.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24247786.1075856181701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33383659.1075856432061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-5-2001-3:0:0Schristie.patrick@enron.com": ["4-5-2001-3:0:0", "christie.patrick@enron.com", ["uecker@rice.edu", "lounghrid@rice.edu", "grwhit@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "darrett@rice.edu", "mgillis@rice.edu"], ["kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", "pravas@rice.edu", "igbal@rice.edu", "ghoshr@rice.edu", "jeff.skilling@enron.com", "traci.warner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.kean@enron.com", "ghosei@rice.edu", "kean@rice.edu", "luigical@rice.edu"], "Hi Friends!\nThe big Rice-ALP final presentation day is almost here: MONDAY, May 7th, \n4pm, at Enron, 1400 Smith. Please come to the Enron Lobby and ask for me \nor my assistant, Melinda McCarty.\nAfter the presentation, you are cordially invited to dinner and an Astro's \ngame (vs Phillies) at the Enron Box at Enron Field. As participation in the \nEnron Box at Enron Field is limited to this special invitation list only, \nplease confirm your attendance via return eMail, or via voice mail to me at \n713-853-6117 ASAP.\nWe're very excited about the work the Rice ALP team has done and we're all \ngreatly looking forward to the presentation.\nHope to see everyone Monday!!\nBest regards!\n--Christie.", ["Rice ALP Final Presentation and Post presentation Celebration at Enron Box at Enron Field"], "{'recipients': []}", [], "Hi Friends!\n\nThe big Rice-ALP final presentation day is almost here: MONDAY, May 7th, \n4pm, at Enron, 1400 Smith. Please come to the Enron Lobby and ask for me \nor my assistant, Melinda McCarty.\n\nAfter the presentation, you are cordially invited to dinner and an Astro's \ngame (vs Phillies) at the Enron Box at Enron Field. As participation in the \nEnron Box at Enron Field is limited to this special invitation list only, \nplease confirm your attendance via return eMail, or via voice mail to me at \n713-853-6117 ASAP.\n\nWe're very excited about the work the Rice ALP team has done and we're all \ngreatly looking forward to the presentation.\n\nHope to see everyone Monday!!\n\nBest regards!\n\n--Christie.", ["<32932018.1075856611893.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26001757.1075856180881.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20088540.1075856432831.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-5-2001-13:50:0Sjeff.skilling@enron.com": ["4-5-2001-13:50:0", "jeff.skilling@enron.com", ["christie.patrick@enron.com"], [], "Christie, please tell me you don't have Jeff down for this function. He will be returning to Houston Monday afternoon.\nThanks,\nJoannie\nChristie Patrick@ECT\n05/04/2001 10:00 AM\nTo: mgillis@rice.edu, grwhit@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, darrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu\ncc: ghoshr@rice.edu, ghosei@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu, pravas@rice.edu, igbal@rice.edu, Billy Lemmons/Enron@EnronXGate, Traci Warner/ENRON@enronXgate, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, kean@rice.edu, Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON, Alhamd Alkhayat/Enron@EnronXGate \nSubject: Rice ALP Final Presentation and Post presentation Celebration at Enron Box at Enron Field\nHi Friends!\nThe big Rice-ALP final presentation day is almost here: MONDAY, May 7th, 4pm, at Enron, 1400 Smith. Please come to the Enron Lobby and ask for me or my assistant, Melinda McCarty.\nAfter the presentation, you are cordially invited to dinner and an Astro's game (vs Phillies) at the Enron Box at Enron Field. As participation in the Enron Box at Enron Field is limited to this special invitation list only, please confirm your attendance via return eMail, or via voice mail to me at 713-853-6117 ASAP.\nWe're very excited about the work the Rice ALP team has done and we're all greatly looking forward to the presentation.\nHope to see everyone Monday!!\nBest regards!\n--Christie.\n", ["Re: Rice ALP Final Presentation and Post presentation Celebration at Enron Box at Enron Field"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Christie, please tell me you don't have Jeff down for this function. He will be returning to Houston Monday afternoon.\n\nThanks,\nJoannie\n\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick@ECT\n05/04/2001 10:00 AM\n", ["<6673800.1075840163633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-10-2001-13:10:8Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-10-2001-13:10:8", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vkamins@enron.com"], [], "\nReturn-Path: \nReceived: from rly-yc05.mx.aol.com (rly-yc05.mail.aol.com []) by air-yc03.mail.aol.com (v80.17) with ESMTP id MAILINYC33-0924170046; Mon, 24 Sep 2001 17:00:46 2000\nReceived: from postmaster.enron.com (outbound5.enron.com []) by rly-yc05.mx.aol.com (v80.21) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINYC54-0924170009; Mon, 24 Sep 2001 17:00:09 -0400\nReceived: from corp.enron.com (nahou-msmsw02p.corp.enron.com []) by postmaster.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/external_corp-1.08) with ESMTP id f8OL07711088 for ; Mon, 24 Sep 2001 16:00:07 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from nahou-mscnx04p.corp.enron.com (unverified) by corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.2.1) with SMTP id for ; Mon, 24 Sep 2001 16:00:06 -0500\nReceived: from NAHOU-MSMBX03V.corp.enron.com ([]) by nahou-mscnx04p.corp.enron.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2966); Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:59:55 -0500\nx-mimeole: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.4712.0\ncontent-class: urn:content-classes:message\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed ; boundary=\"----_=_NextPart_001_01C1453B.0F0C1AE7\"\nSubject: FW: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics\nDate: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:54:10 -0500\nMessage-ID: <31738B46B7BD864080808A19977D9F754494A3@NAHOU-MSMBX03V.corp.enron.com>\nX-MS-Has-Attach:\nX-MS-TNEF-Correlator:\nThread-Topic: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics\nThread-Index: AcFFCN4gt3DBTrD7EdWxHQBQi+MJ2QAMifng\nFrom: \"Kaminski, Vince J\" \nTo: \nX-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Sep 2001 20:59:55.0259 (UTC) FILETIME=[DCC85CB0:01C1453B]\nX-Mailer: Unknown (No Version)\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"S. Farhan Iqbal\" @ENRON\n> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22S+2E+20Farhan+20Iqbal+22+20+3Csiqbal+40rice+2Eed\n> u+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 9:54 AM\n> To: John Baker\n> Cc: Vincent kaminski; Syed \\(Farhan\\) Iqbal; Son Vu; John\n> Montgomery; Craig A. Parks; Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur\n> Jiantao Yan; luigical@rice.edu\n> Subject: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics\n>\n>\n> John,\n> I think Luigi's idea of giving the 1st years an option to take this\n> course during the Spring semester is great as most of summer\n> internships are I the energy industry... it will give the RICE MBAs\n> an upper hand compared to UT/SMU, etc.\n>\n> Regards,\n> Farhan\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Luigi Calabrese [mailto:luigical@rice.edu]\n> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 11:42 AM\n> To: John Baker\n> Cc: Vincent kaminski; Syed (Farhan) Iqbal; Son Vu; John Montgomery;\n> Craig A. Parks; Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur Jiantao Yan\n> Subject: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics\n> John, thanks for the suggestions. Your proposal looks great. I'll\n> share it with Vincent Kaminski and the other officers of the club. I\n> plan to present the agenda to the companies interested once I get the\n> feedbacks from Vincent and the club's officers. Regarding MGMT 669,\n> I was thinking to extend the possibility to take this course to the\n> first year interested. Let me know if you think is a good idea or\n> not.\n>\n> Have a nice weekend\n>\n> Luigi Calabrese\n> MBA Candidate, Class of 2002\n> Jones Graduate School of Management\n> Rice University - Houston, TXhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical\n> <>\n>\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: John Baker [mailto:zeus@mountolympus.com]\n> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 11:09 AM\n> To: luigical@rice.edu\n> Cc: Syed (Farhan) Iqbal; Son Vu; John Montgomery; Craig A. Parks;\n> Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur Jiantao Yan; Vincent kaminski\n> Subject: RE: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics\n>\n> Luigi,\n>\n> As to topics, I'd suggest working on the following for the rest of\n> the year:\n>\n> 1) Energy 101 (can be accomplished by taking either of the MGMT 669\n> sections -- the Thursday night section will be more lecture based,\n> the Tuesday night section will have less lecture but more guest\n> speakers and student presentations)\n> 2) Energy Consulting\n> 3) Financial Services (trading, risk management)\n> 4) Origination, Marketing and Sales (Oil, Gas, Electricity)\n> 5) Project Development, strategic planning\n> 6) Structuring of Products\n> 7) Supply Chain\n> 8) Venture Capital within energy industry\n> 9) Geo-Political considerations\n>\n> You are on the right track getting companies involved. Typical\n> groupings would be:\n> 1) Utilities (e.g. Reliant)\n> 2) Gas, Pipeline, & Trading (e.g. Enron, El Paso Energy)\n> 3) Oil Products (retail arm of Shell, Exxon, etc.)\n> 4) Exploration & Production (Shell, Exxon, Apache, etc.)\n> 5) Chemicals (majors like Shell, Exxon, but also Lyondell, Du Pont,\n> etc.)\n> 6) Oilfield services (Halliburton, Schlumberger, Core Lab, BJ\n> Services, Weatherford, etc.)\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Luigi Calabrese [mailto:luigical@rice.edu]\n> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 8:51 AM\n> To: Vincent kaminski; John A Baker\n> Cc: Syed (Farhan) Iqbal; Son Vu; John Montgomery; Craig A. Parks;\n> Anthony Beebe; Chris Jensen; Arthur Jiantao Yan\n> Subject: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics\n> Dear John, dear Vincent,\n>\n> Let me up-date you on the roundtables we decided in the last meeting\n> to focus on during the rest of the academic year. The original idea\n> was to keep the number of events from 3 to 4 roundtables each\n> semester. The result of the last meeting with all members was driven\n> by enthusiasm, and as you see below we produced a prolific list of 13\n> subjects. Maybe you can help us to narrow down to a reasonable\n> number, 12 events (one we had yesterday) by May 2002 we think are too\n> many.\n>\n> I also would take this opportunity to update on the ongoing\n> relationships with the most prominent industry in the sectors and\n> have your feedback, suggestion on how to group them in the\n> roundtable.\n> We got great support so far from Reliant, Enron, Mirant, Schell\n> (Coral), Bp, Duke. El Paso, Chevron-Texaco, Phillips, and\n> Halliburton etc.. also are interested and we will present the club to\n> them as well. The major challenge for us is not transform the Energy\n> Club in a Finance Energy Club. At Rice we already have a Finance\n> club and it works very well. We want first educate about the energy\n> industry in general, and second present the opportunities for MBAs in\n> the industry in different areas, including finance but not limited\n> to.\n>\n> Topics of Roundtable Meetings:\n>\n> 0) Energy \"101\"\n> 1) Corporate Finance (Treasurer or Controller)\n> 2) Energy Consulting\n> 3) Financial Services (trading, risk management)\n> 4) Origination, Marketing and Sales (Oil, Gas, Electricity) -\n> Marteen\n> 5) Project Development, strategic planning\n> 6) Project Finance\n> 7) Project Risk Management\n> 8) Regulation, Deregulation, and Restructuring - Reliant done\n> 9/17/2001\n> 9) Structuring of Products\n> 10) Supply Chain\n> 11) Telecom - Broadband\n> 12) Venture Capital within energy industry - Brian, Paresh\n>\n> Thanks in advance for your precious suggestions and I am looking\n> forward to meeting you.\n>\n>\n> Luigi Calabrese\n> MBA Candidate Class of 2002\n> Jones Graduate School of Management\n> Rice University - Houston, TX\n> Phone 713 922 4844\n> http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical\n>\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n**********************************************************************\n - ~~DLNK0.URL ", ["Fwd: FW: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "\n\nReturn-Path: "], {}, true], "24-10-2001-7:38:21Sluigical@rice.edu": ["24-10-2001-7:38:21", "luigical@rice.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "That will be great. If you are available next Thursday or Friday would be\nperfect for me since next Wednesday I have the last final.\nThanks for considering my request.\nBest regards,\nLuigi Calabrese\nMBA Candidate, Class of 2002\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University - Houston, TX\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Kaminski, Vince J [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 8:07 AM\nTo: luigical@rice.edu\nSubject: RE: First rotation\nLuigi,\nNo problem. We shall be glad to have you as an associate.\nWhat about a lunch next week?\nVince\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: \"Luigi Calabrese\" @ENRON\n> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 8:07 PM\n> To: Vincent kaminski\n> Subject: First rotation\n>\n>\n> Hi Vincent:\n>\n> Super Saturday is coming and I am so happy to move toward the end of\n> the recruiting process. During the interviews that I have had so far,\n> I expressed my desire to have my first rotation in your group. Last\n> spring I really enjoyed the work environment and the people I met. I\n> like modeling and I think I can do well from the very beginning. Let\n> me know what you think about it.\n>\n> On another note, Jason gave me two names for the Energy Club. I will\n> contact them shortly after finals next week.\n>\n> Thanks in advance for your consideration.\n>\n> I am looking forward to seeing you again.\n>\n> Luigi Calabrese\n> MBA Candidate, Class of 2002\n> Jones Graduate School of Management\n> Rice University - Houston, TX\n> http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical\n>\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and\nmay contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply\nto Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you.\n**********************************************************************", ["RE: First rotation"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "That will be great. If you are available next Thursday or Friday would be\nperfect for me since next Wednesday I have the last final.\n\nThanks for considering my request.\n\nBest regards,\n\nLuigi Calabrese\nMBA Candidate, Class of 2002\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University - Houston, TX\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~luigical\n\n", ["<21566464.1075862459118.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "21-11-2001-10:16:30Sbarrett@rice.edu": ["21-11-2001-10:16:30", "barrett@rice.edu", ["vkamins@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Dear Vince,\nI have attached the invoice for the workshop that Beth O'Sullivan and I\nconducted for your group last month as well as a summary of the workshop\nevaluation. I am sorry for the delay, but we were waiting to receive more\nof the workshop evaluations so that we could provide you a more complete\nassessment of the workshop by the attendees. As it is, we only collected\n11 responses of the 17 attendees.\nI will also send you a copy of this invoice in the mail and will be glad to\nsend you the actual evaluation forms completed by the attendees if you\nwould like to have them.\nAs mentioned in the attached, we enjoyed working with your group and hope\nthat you can see the difference the training made in the presentation\nability of the attendees.\nIf you have any questions about the attached invoice, please do not\nhesitate to call me at 713-348-5394.\nAgain, thanks for bringing us in to conduct the workshop. I sincerely hope\nthat you are well despite any changes taking place around you and that you\nhave a great Thanksgiving holiday.\nSincerely,\nDeborah\nDeborah J. Barrett, Ph.D.\nInstructor/Director of MBA Communications\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street\nHouston, TX 77005-1892\nPhone: 713.348.5394\nFax: 713.348-5251\nE-mail: barrett@rice.edu\n \n ", ["Workshop Invoice"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 28, "nninformation", ["send", "forms"], "intention", " i will also send you a copy of this invoice in the mail and will be glad to send you the actual evaluation forms completed by the attendees if you would like to have them."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 45, "information", ["made", "presentation"], "information", " as mentioned in the attached, we enjoyed working with your group and hope that you can see the difference the training made in the presentation ability of the attendees."]], "Dear Vince,\n\nI have attached the invoice for the workshop that Beth O'Sullivan and I\nconducted for your group last month as well as a summary of the workshop\nevaluation. I am sorry for the delay, but we were waiting to receive more\nof the workshop evaluations so that we could provide you a more complete\nassessment of the workshop by the attendees. As it is, we only collected\n11 responses of the 17 attendees.\n\nI will also send you a copy of this invoice in the mail and will be glad to\nsend you the actual evaluation forms completed by the attendees if you\nwould like to have them.\n\nAs mentioned in the attached, we enjoyed working with your group and hope\nthat you can see the difference the training made in the presentation\nability of the attendees.\n\nIf you have any questions about the attached invoice, please do not\nhesitate to call me at 713-348-5394.\n\nAgain, thanks for bringing us in to conduct the workshop. I sincerely hope\nthat you are well despite any changes taking place around you and that you\nhave a great Thanksgiving holiday.\n\nSincerely,\n\nDeborah\n\n\nDeborah J. Barrett, Ph.D.\nInstructor/Director of MBA Communications\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street\nHouston, TX 77005-1892\n\nPhone: 713.348.5394\nFax: 713.348-5251\nE-mail: barrett@rice.edu\n\n\n - Enron Presentation Training Invoice.doc \n - Enron Eval Results Final Sum.doc ", ["<22316280.1075862461036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-11-2001-13:42:13Scastro@rice.edu": ["26-11-2001-13:42:13", "castro@rice.edu", ["sowersj@towers.com", "cheyennecurrall@hotmail.com", "jgeorge@rice.edu", "odw@rice.edu", "heeley@rice.edu", "swa@rice.edu", "peters@rice.edu", "bixby@rice.edu", "jfleming@rice.edu", "rtaylor@rice.edu", "jack@vanguardventures.com", "catherton@gulfstargroup.com", "krishnan@rice.edu", "lmspain@texaschildrenshospital.org", "malsup@luminant.com", "fingerint@aol.com", "alnapier@rice.edu", "acadams@imimic.com", "srusso@eagleglobal.com", "dmurphree@murphreeventures.com", "sbanks@bcm.tmc.edu", "bakerj@rice.edu", "hannan@rice.edu", "dmaustgen@shellus.com", "yanzh@rice.edu", "smithb@rice.edu", "jbaker@danielind.com", "epstein@rice.edu", "westonj@rice.edu", "bagozzi@rice.edu", "r.sukumar@pdq.net", "allenweb@aol.com", "rockymc@alumni.rice.edu", "jefinger2@aol.com", "dennism@murphco.com", "barrett@rice.edu", "fingerj@rice.edu", "cmccabe@rice.edu", "daveike@rice.edu", "llusa@rice.edu", "jain@rice.edu", "allenp@csscinc.net", "jettq@rice.edu", "rmcashan@frostbank.com", "patlawlmg@att.net", "dclayton@rice.edu", "ostdiek@rice.edu", "jeshook@texaschildrenshospital.org", "gglober@mdanderson.org", "paul.allen@fluordaniel.com", "schnietz@rice.edu", "scc@rice.edu", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "wangfa@rice.edu", "robert.m.lesnick@conoco.com", "jmkeynes@rice.edu", "sazeff@rice.edu", "wagners@rice.edu"], ["werckle@ruf.rice.edu", "spradlin@rice.edu"], "Enclosed please find the Spring, 2002 final exam schedule. I have\nallocated time, dates, and space for the core courses. If you need to\nschedule a final for your elective course, please contact Linda Werckle\n(werckle@rice.edu or 348-3463). Remember, space goes quickly during the\nexam period so if you have specific needs, please contact Linda as soon as\npossible.\nThank you! - Pam (713-348-6223)\n ", ["final exam schedule"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Enclosed please find the Spring, 2002 final exam schedule. I have\nallocated time, dates, and space for the core courses. If you need to\nschedule a final for your elective course, please contact Linda Werckle\n(werckle@rice.edu or 348-3463). Remember, space goes quickly during the\nexam period so if you have specific needs, please contact Linda as soon as\npossible.\n\nThank you! - Pam (713-348-6223)\n - 2002 spring exam schedule.doc ", ["<22751851.1075863289628.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24647264.1075862452006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-12-2001-12:18:51Sbarrett@rice.edu": ["19-12-2001-12:18:51", "barrett@rice.edu", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shirley,\nThanks for the update. While I am disappointed about the delay, I appreciate you and Vince staying on top of it for me and keeping me informed of what is happening. I guess I will just have to wait my turn with the others going before the court and hope that I will eventually be paid.\nI hope you and Vince have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year despite all that is going on around you at Enron.\nSincerely,\nDeborah\nAt 11:44 AM 12/19/01 -0600, Crenshaw, Shirley wrote:\nDeborah:\n \nJust an update. I understand the check was entered into the system, but then has to go before the bankruptcy court for approval.\nI think you will eventually get it, but there is no time frame. They are paying the invoices to keep the company running first. \n \nI know you wanted this for Christmas and I really apologize for this, but I think you will get it sooner than later, hopefully.\n \nHave a very Merry Christmas and I will keep you updated as I learn things.\n \nRegards,\n \nShirley Crenshaw\n \n -----Original Message----- From: Deborah Barrett mailto:barrett@rice.edu ] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 3:22 PM To: Crenshaw, Shirley Subject: Re: Check\n Shirley,\nNo, I have not received my check yet. Thanks for checking. And thanks to you and Vince for your efforts in staying on top of the invoice process to see that I am paid. I really appreciate it.\nDeborah\n At 02:18 PM 12/13/01 -0600, you wrote:Deborah: Have you received your check? I know it was put into the system on or around the 10th of December, but I can't get anyone to tell me whether it has been mailed or not. Let me know. Thanks! Shirley \n \n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. \n**********************************************************************\nDeborah J. Barrett, Ph.D.\nInstructor and Director of MBA Communications\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University - MS 531\n6100 Main Street\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: 713-348-5394\nFax: 713-348-5251\nE-mail: barrett@rice.edu \nDeborah J. Barrett, Ph.D.\nInstructor/Director of MBA Communications\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street\nHouston, TX 77005-1892\nPhone: 713.348.5394\nFax: 713.348-5251\nE-mail: barrett@rice.edu", ["RE: Check"], "{'body': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 66, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " have a very merry christmas and i will keep you updated as i learn things."]], "Shirley,\nThanks for the update. While I am disappointed about the delay, I appreciate you and Vince staying on top of it for me and keeping me informed of what is happening. I guess I will just have to wait my turn with the others going before the court and hope that I will eventually be paid.\nI hope you and Vince have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year despite all that is going on around you at Enron.\nSincerely,\nDeborah\nAt 11:44 AM 12/19/01 -0600, Crenshaw, Shirley wrote:\nDeborah:\n \nJust an update. I understand the check was entered into the system, but then has to go before the bankruptcy court for approval.\nI think you will eventually get it, but there is no time frame. They are paying the invoices to keep the company running first. \n \nI know you wanted this for Christmas and I really apologize for this, but I think you will get it sooner than later, hopefully.\n \nHave a very Merry Christmas and I will keep you updated as I learn things.\n \nRegards,\n \nShirley Crenshaw\n \n ", ["<1457029.1075840784477.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-1-2002-13:32:40Sspradlin@rice.edu": ["29-1-2002-13:32:40", "spradlin@rice.edu", [], ["spradlin@rice.edu", "cmiller@rice.edu", "castro@rice.edu"], "Module 5 - Spring 2002 Faculty,\nI am contacting you today to remind you book orders for your Module 5\ncourse needs to be placed through the Campus Book Store.\nBelow is the web address you will need to access in order to place your\nbook order for your course.\nhttp://www.dacnet.rice.edu/~rcstore/bookzone/login/\nIf you have any questions regarding enrollment numbers (for book orders)\nfor your course please contact Pam Castro at castro@rice.edu or call her at\n6223 and she will be glad to assist you. Faculty please order for the\nTOTAL number of students in your course (example: MGMT 501 - 001 = 58\nstudents, MGMT 501 - 002 = 59 students, MGMT 501 - 003 = 58 students - the\nTOTAL NUMBER OF BOOKS YOU WILL ORDER for MGMT 501 will be 175).\nAll book orders need to be placed ASAP (NOTE: once orders have been placed\nit can take 2 to 4 weeks before they come in). I will be contacting you on\nMonday, February 4, 2002 to make sure all book orders have been\nplaced. Please let me know if you do not plan to order books for your\ncourse so I will not contact you with reminders. Thanks in advance for\nyour help in this matter.\nKathy\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["IMPORTANT - Module 5 Book Orders"], "{'recipients': ['uecker@rice.edu', 'lounghrid@rice.edu', 'luigical@rice.edu', 'cmiller@rice.edu', 'barrett@rice.edu']}", [], "Module 5 - Spring 2002 Faculty,\n\nI am contacting you today to remind you book orders for your Module 5\ncourse needs to be placed through the Campus Book Store.\n\nBelow is the web address you will need to access in order to place your\nbook order for your course.\n\nhttp://www.dacnet.rice.edu/~rcstore/bookzone/login/\n\nIf you have any questions regarding enrollment numbers (for book orders)\nfor your course please contact Pam Castro at castro@rice.edu or call her at\n6223 and she will be glad to assist you. Faculty please order for the\nTOTAL number of students in your course (example: MGMT 501 - 001 = 58\nstudents, MGMT 501 - 002 = 59 students, MGMT 501 - 003 = 58 students - the\nTOTAL NUMBER OF BOOKS YOU WILL ORDER for MGMT 501 will be 175).\n\nAll book orders need to be placed ASAP (NOTE: once orders have been placed\nit can take 2 to 4 weeks before they come in). I will be contacting you on\nMonday, February 4, 2002 to make sure all book orders have been\nplaced. Please let me know if you do not plan to order books for your\ncourse so I will not contact you with reminders. Thanks in advance for\nyour help in this matter.\n\nKathy\n\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/", ["<11901480.1075840782913.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "18-8-2000-1:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-8-2000-8:51:0Slubowski@visa.com": {"18-8-2000-1:23:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-8-2000-1:23:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["lubowski@visa.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <11121604.1075856297006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 01:23:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lubowski@visa.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Citi, Wells, Enron, S1 and i2 form a B2B venture\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Lubowski, Andrzej\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAndrzej,\n\nThanks. Please, send me the information about the dates\nwhen you plan to visit Houston. Also, the information about\nyour position/title/responsibilities (as well as the info\nabout the other members of your team) would be useful.\n\nI shall be in the Bay Area between the 10th and the 20th of October.\n\nHope to see your then.\n\nWicek", "Re: FW: Citi, Wells, Enron, S1 and i2 form a B2B venture", "originEmail", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "request", " please, send me the information about the dates when you plan to visit houston."]], "Andrzej,\n\nThanks. Please, send me the information about the dates\nwhen you plan to visit Houston. Also, the information about\nyour position/title/responsibilities (as well as the info\nabout the other members of your team) would be useful.\n\nI shall be in the Bay Area between the 10th and the 20th of October.\n\nHope to see your then.\n\nWicek", "<11121604.1075856297006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"area bayTnn": {"value": "area bayTnn", "ne": "area bayTnn", "patterns": ["area bayTnn"]}, "info teamTnn": {"value": "info teamTnn", "ne": "info teamTnn", "patterns": ["info teamTnn"]}, "info_information usefulTnn": {"value": "info_information usefulTnn", "ne": "info_information usefulTnn", "patterns": ["info_information usefulTnn"]}, "member place_positionTnn": {"value": "member place_positionTnn", "ne": "member place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["member place_positionTnn"]}, "member teamTnn": {"value": "member teamTnn", "ne": "member teamTnn", "patterns": ["member teamTnn"]}}, false], "18-8-2000-8:51:0Slubowski@visa.com": ["18-8-2000-8:51:0", "lubowski@visa.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14896374.1075856615713.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 08:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: lubowski@visa.com\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: FW: Citi, Wells, Enron, S1 and i2 form a B2B venture\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"Lubowski, Andrzej\" \nX-To: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nWicke,\nThanks for a prompt reply. I am not planning any particular trip to Houston\nyet. For the time being, I am about to leave for London, and then Poland. I\nwill most likely be at the Olympics in Sydney in late September, and in NY\nin early October. Mid-October could be the first realistic opportunity to\nvisit with Enron, although I am looking forward to seeing you sooner in Palo\nAlto. I am simply curious whether and how we could leverage together core\ncompetencies and connectivity that both our companies seem to have or are\ndeveloping.\n\nI am Senior Vice President for Visa USA, responsible for strategy and\nplanning. I would probably bring with me (though I haven't discuss it yet)\npeople in charge of our network or/and our COO.\nBest,\nAndrzej\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Friday, August 18, 2000 6:24 AM\nTo: Lubowski, Andrzej\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Citi, Wells, Enron, S1 and i2 form a B2B venture\n\n\n\nAndrzej,\n\nThanks. Please, send me the information about the dates\nwhen you plan to visit Houston. Also, the information about\nyour position/title/responsibilities (as well as the info\nabout the other members of your team) would be useful.\n\nI shall be in the Bay Area between the 10th and the 20th of October.\n\nHope to see your then.\n\nWicek", "RE: FW: Citi, Wells, Enron, S1 and i2 form a B2B venture", "reply", [], "Wicke,\nThanks for a prompt reply. I am not planning any particular trip to Houston\nyet. For the time being, I am about to leave for London, and then Poland. I\nwill most likely be at the Olympics in Sydney in late September, and in NY\nin early October. Mid-October could be the first realistic opportunity to\nvisit with Enron, although I am looking forward to seeing you sooner in Palo\nAlto. I am simply curious whether and how we could leverage together core\ncompetencies and connectivity that both our companies seem to have or are\ndeveloping.\n\nI am Senior Vice President for Visa USA, responsible for strategy and\nplanning. I would probably bring with me (though I haven't discuss it yet)\npeople in charge of our network or/and our COO.\nBest,\nAndrzej\n\n", "<14896374.1075856615713.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "27-11-2000-6:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 27-11-2000-6:48:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-6:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-6:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <12543903.1075856535856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 06:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Charles Shen\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nI think you called his bluff. If he does not fax a copy of his paycheck stub,\nwe should not talk to him. He never talked to me about it. If he made a true \nstatement\nabout his compensation, he should have no reservations about sending us the \nconfirmation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 11/27/2000 01:58 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Charles Shen\n\nVince: I left you a voicemail about Charles Shen a week or so ago, but \nwanted to follow up with you. When I called him to extend our offer to him, \nhe expressed surprise at the base salary offer of $110,000, and told me that \nhe was currently earning base pay in the amount of $120,000. I told him \nthat the salary figure he had written himself on the application was \n$102,000, but he insisted that he had made an error and that it should have \nbeen $120,000. I asked him what base salary he was looking for, and he said \nhe would expect at least a 10% increase in his base. I then told him that I \nwas not authorized to make an offer above our initial one, and would contact \nyou and get back to him.\n\nI called him later that afternoon and asked him to fax me a copy of his last \npaycheck stub so that we could minimize the confusion about his base pay. He \nsaid that he would be happy to do so, but I never received the fax. He left \nme a voicemail message during the evening that said he was on vacation and \ndidn't have access to the pay stubs, but would send me a copy when he \nreturned.\n\nI have not heard from him since, and wondered if he had contacted you. If \nnot, would you want to get together to discuss our next step?\n\nI'll wait to hear from you,\nMolly\nx34804\n\n", "Re: Charles Shen", "originEmail", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 10, "information", ["made", "reservations"], "information", " if he made a true statement about his compensation, he should have no reservations about sending us the confirmation."]], "Molly,\n\nI think you called his bluff. If he does not fax a copy of his paycheck stub,\nwe should not talk to him. He never talked to me about it. If he made a true \nstatement\nabout his compensation, he should have no reservations about sending us the \nconfirmation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 11/27/2000 01:58 PM\n\t\n\n", "<12543903.1075856535856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "27-11-2000-6:48:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-6:48:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12254951.1075856655130.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 06:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Charles Shen\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThanks so much, Vince--I couldn't agree with you more.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/27/2000 02:40 PM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Charles Shen \n\nMolly,\n\nI think you called his bluff. If he does not fax a copy of his paycheck stub,\nwe should not talk to him. He never talked to me about it. If he made a true \nstatement\nabout his compensation, he should have no reservations about sending us the \nconfirmation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 11/27/2000 01:58 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Charles Shen\n\nVince: I left you a voicemail about Charles Shen a week or so ago, but \nwanted to follow up with you. When I called him to extend our offer to him, \nhe expressed surprise at the base salary offer of $110,000, and told me that \nhe was currently earning base pay in the amount of $120,000. I told him \nthat the salary figure he had written himself on the application was \n$102,000, but he insisted that he had made an error and that it should have \nbeen $120,000. I asked him what base salary he was looking for, and he said \nhe would expect at least a 10% increase in his base. I then told him that I \nwas not authorized to make an offer above our initial one, and would contact \nyou and get back to him.\n\nI called him later that afternoon and asked him to fax me a copy of his last \npaycheck stub so that we could minimize the confusion about his base pay. He \nsaid that he would be happy to do so, but I never received the fax. He left \nme a voicemail message during the evening that said he was on vacation and \ndidn't have access to the pay stubs, but would send me a copy when he \nreturned.\n\nI have not heard from him since, and wondered if he had contacted you. If \nnot, would you want to get together to discuss our next step?\n\nI'll wait to hear from you,\nMolly\nx34804\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Charles Shen", "reply", [], "Thanks so much, Vince--I couldn't agree with you more.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/27/2000 02:40 PM\n", "<12254951.1075856655130.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "12-12-2000-6:40:0Skhairuddinbmjaafar@petronas.com.my 15-12-2000-9:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-12-2000-6:40:0Skhairuddinbmjaafar@petronas.com.my": ["12-12-2000-6:40:0", "khairuddinbmjaafar@petronas.com.my", "vkamins@ect.enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27206519.1075857053158.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 06:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: khairuddinbmjaafar@petronas.com.my\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\nSubject: Learning from other organizations on risk management practices\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: KhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my\nX-To: vkamins@ect.enron.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Sir,\n\nAttached is a copy of the letter faxed to you last week from Corporate Risk\nManagement Unit, PETRONAS, Malaysia for your kind perusal. We are looking\nforward to hearing from you soon.\n\nThank you for your time and cooperation.\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nKhairuddin Jaafar\n\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n\n\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic30538.pcx)\n - pic30538.pcx", "Learning from other organizations on risk management practices", "forward", [], "Dear Sir,\n\nAttached is a copy of the letter faxed to you last week from Corporate Risk\nManagement Unit, PETRONAS, Malaysia for your kind perusal. We are looking\nforward to hearing from you soon.\n\nThank you for your time and cooperation.\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nKhairuddin Jaafar\n\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n\n\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic30538.pcx)\n - pic30538.pcx", "<27206519.1075857053158.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-12-2000-9:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-9:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <27316365.1075856246638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 09:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Learning from other organizations on risk management practices\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/15/2000 \n05:11 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKhairuddinBMJaafar@petronas.com.my on 12/12/2000 12:40:57 AM\nTo: vkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Learning from other organizations on risk management practices\n\n\nDear Sir,\n\nAttached is a copy of the letter faxed to you last week from Corporate Risk\nManagement Unit, PETRONAS, Malaysia for your kind perusal. We are looking\nforward to hearing from you soon.\n\nThank you for your time and cooperation.\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nKhairuddin Jaafar\n\n DISCLAIMER : This e-mail and any files transmitted with it (\"Message\")\n is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may\n contain confidential information. You are hereby notified that the\n taking of any action in reliance upon, or any review, retransmission,\n dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any\n part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly\n prohibited. If you have received this Message in error, you should\n delete this Message immediately and advise the sender by return e-mail.\n Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not\n relate to the official business of PETRONAS or its Group of Companies\n shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of\n the companies within the Group.\n\n\n(Embedded image moved to file: pic30538.pcx)\n - pic30538.pcx\n", "Learning from other organizations on risk management practices", "originEmail", [["read_translate_learn information", 0, "information", ["learning", "risk**management"], "information", "learning from other organizations on risk management practices."]], "", "<27316365.1075856246638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"management_risk0management organization_systemTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management organization_systemTnn"]}, "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "practice risk0managementTnn": {"value": "practice risk0managementTnn", "ne": "practice risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["practice risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-9-2000-13:18:0Senron.announcements@enron.com 27-9-2000-3:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-9-2000-13:18:0Senron.announcements@enron.com": ["26-9-2000-13:18:0", "enron.announcements@enron.com", "all.houston@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29912479.1075857143845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 13:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: enron.announcements@enron.com\nTo: all.houston@enron.com\nSubject: Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Enron Announcements\nX-To: All Enron Houston\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Benjamin_Rogers_Dec2000_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Rogers-B\nX-FileName: brogers.nsf\n\nTO: Houston Area Employees Participating in the Domestic Medical Plan Benefits\n\nYou may have recently received communication from United HealthCare (UHC) \nconcerning Memorial Hermann Health Systems' (MHHS) decision to terminate \ntheir contract with UHC in the Houston/Beaumont area. This communication \nalso included the names of physicians who will be dropped from the network \ndue to this action. It is our intent to help you understand the situation.\n\nIt is our understanding that Memorial Herman Health Systems asked for a 40% \nincrease in fees - a substantial increase that would have been passed on to \nyou and Enron! When United HealthCare attempted to negotiate with a counter \nproposal, Memorial Hermann cancelled their contract.\n\nWhile this contractual arrangement was between the hospital system and UHC, \nEnron continues to support UHC in their ongoing contract negotiation \nefforts. At this time, it is only UHC which has been affected, however, it \nis our understanding that Cigna has also been contacted by the hospital group \nand may be in contract negotiations at this time as well. \n\nMany doctors have obtained admission privileges to other area hospitals \nwithin the UHC Network or have contracted directly with UHC including those \nwith admission privileges to The Woodlands, Sugarland and Clear Lake \nHospitals, to name a few. In a further effort to limit disruption to our \naffected employees and families who are enrolled in the UHC Network or EPO \noptions, Enron has authorized UHC to process claims incurred between \nSeptember 28 and December 31, 2000 as if the termination of the Memorial \nHermann Health Systems from the network had not occurred and In-Network \nbenefits applied. Office visits will have a $10 copayment and all other \ncharges will be covered at 90%. Hospital admissions will still need to be \npre-certified with UHC.\n\nThese steps have decreased the number of participants' affected by Primary \nCare Physician disruption from 1,050 to 127.\n\nIf You Need Medical Attention: You or your doctor/hospital must call UHC's \ncustomer service number so proper benefits can be verified. In some cases \nthe hospital or doctor may request payment at the time service is performed. \nIf this should happen, please obtain an itemized statement and submit it to \nUHC with a claim form for prompt reimbursement. Claim forms can be obtained \nby calling 1-800-332-7979 or in Houston at 713-853-7979 ( press 1).\n\nOpen enrollment materials will be coming soon. Take this opportunity to \nconsider your elections for 2001. \n\nUnited HealthCare and Enron HR are committed to assisting Enron employees \nthrough this transition. We will communicate any further developments that \nmay impact you or your family.", "Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!", "forward", [], "TO: Houston Area Employees Participating in the Domestic Medical Plan Benefits\n\nYou may have recently received communication from United HealthCare (UHC) \nconcerning Memorial Hermann Health Systems' (MHHS) decision to terminate \ntheir contract with UHC in the Houston/Beaumont area. This communication \nalso included the names of physicians who will be dropped from the network \ndue to this action. It is our intent to help you understand the situation.\n\nIt is our understanding that Memorial Herman Health Systems asked for a 40% \nincrease in fees - a substantial increase that would have been passed on to \nyou and Enron! When United HealthCare attempted to negotiate with a counter \nproposal, Memorial Hermann cancelled their contract.\n\nWhile this contractual arrangement was between the hospital system and UHC, \nEnron continues to support UHC in their ongoing contract negotiation \nefforts. At this time, it is only UHC which has been affected, however, it \nis our understanding that Cigna has also been contacted by the hospital group \nand may be in contract negotiations at this time as well. \n\nMany doctors have obtained admission privileges to other area hospitals \nwithin the UHC Network or have contracted directly with UHC including those \nwith admission privileges to The Woodlands, Sugarland and Clear Lake \nHospitals, to name a few. In a further effort to limit disruption to our \naffected employees and families who are enrolled in the UHC Network or EPO \noptions, Enron has authorized UHC to process claims incurred between \nSeptember 28 and December 31, 2000 as if the termination of the Memorial \nHermann Health Systems from the network had not occurred and In-Network \nbenefits applied. Office visits will have a $10 copayment and all other \ncharges will be covered at 90%. Hospital admissions will still need to be \npre-certified with UHC.\n\nThese steps have decreased the number of participants' affected by Primary \nCare Physician disruption from 1,050 to 127.\n\nIf You Need Medical Attention: You or your doctor/hospital must call UHC's \ncustomer service number so proper benefits can be verified. In some cases \nthe hospital or doctor may request payment at the time service is performed. \nIf this should happen, please obtain an itemized statement and submit it to \nUHC with a claim form for prompt reimbursement. Claim forms can be obtained \nby calling 1-800-332-7979 or in Houston at 713-853-7979 ( press 1).\n\nOpen enrollment materials will be coming soon. Take this opportunity to \nconsider your elections for 2001. \n\nUnited HealthCare and Enron HR are committed to assisting Enron employees \nthrough this transition. We will communicate any further developments that \nmay impact you or your family.", "<29912479.1075857143845.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"41": {"value": "40", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["demand0fee_fee numericTnn"]}}, false], "27-9-2000-3:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-3:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ludkam@aol.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13488337.1075856285207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 03:58:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ludkam@aol.com\nSubject: Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: ludkam@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 09/27/2000 \n11:04 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Enron Human Resources @ ENRON 09/26/2000 \n08:18 PM\n\t\n\nSent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON\nTo: All Enron Houston\ncc: \nSubject: Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!\n\n\nTO: Houston Area Employees Participating in the Domestic Medical Plan Benefits\n\nYou may have recently received communication from United HealthCare (UHC) \nconcerning Memorial Hermann Health Systems' (MHHS) decision to terminate \ntheir contract with UHC in the Houston/Beaumont area. This communication \nalso included the names of physicians who will be dropped from the network \ndue to this action. It is our intent to help you understand the situation.\n\nIt is our understanding that Memorial Herman Health Systems asked for a 40% \nincrease in fees - a substantial increase that would have been passed on to \nyou and Enron! When United HealthCare attempted to negotiate with a counter \nproposal, Memorial Hermann cancelled their contract.\n\nWhile this contractual arrangement was between the hospital system and UHC, \nEnron continues to support UHC in their ongoing contract negotiation \nefforts. At this time, it is only UHC which has been affected, however, it \nis our understanding that Cigna has also been contacted by the hospital group \nand may be in contract negotiations at this time as well. \n\nMany doctors have obtained admission privileges to other area hospitals \nwithin the UHC Network or have contracted directly with UHC including those \nwith admission privileges to The Woodlands, Sugarland and Clear Lake \nHospitals, to name a few. In a further effort to limit disruption to our \naffected employees and families who are enrolled in the UHC Network or EPO \noptions, Enron has authorized UHC to process claims incurred between \nSeptember 28 and December 31, 2000 as if the termination of the Memorial \nHermann Health Systems from the network had not occurred and In-Network \nbenefits applied. Office visits will have a $10 copayment and all other \ncharges will be covered at 90%. Hospital admissions will still need to be \npre-certified with UHC.\n\nThese steps have decreased the number of participants' affected by Primary \nCare Physician disruption from 1,050 to 127.\n\nIf You Need Medical Attention: You or your doctor/hospital must call UHC's \ncustomer service number so proper benefits can be verified. In some cases \nthe hospital or doctor may request payment at the time service is performed. \nIf this should happen, please obtain an itemized statement and submit it to \nUHC with a claim form for prompt reimbursement. Claim forms can be obtained \nby calling 1-800-332-7979 or in Houston at 713-853-7979 ( press 1).\n\nOpen enrollment materials will be coming soon. Take this opportunity to \nconsider your elections for 2001. \n\nUnited HealthCare and Enron HR are committed to assisting Enron employees \nthrough this transition. We will communicate any further developments that \nmay impact you or your family.", "Important Information About United HealthCare - Please Read!", "originEmail", [["read_translate_learn information", 2, "nninformation", ["information", "read"], "request", "important information about united healthcare - please read!"]], "FYI\n", "<13488337.1075856285207.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "30-10-2000-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-10-2000-1:58:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-1:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["molly.magee@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <15131048.1075856622677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 01:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resume,\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nI would like to invite this student for an interview,\nsometimes in late December when things slow down.\n\nInterviews with all my direct reports and George Hopley.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 \n09:58 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/24/2000 04:32 PM\nTo: Jinbaek Kim @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resume, \n\nJinbaek,\n\nWe shall invite you to an interview in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nJinbaek Kim on 10/23/2000 07:25:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Resume,\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nHi,\nI am a Ph.D student at IEOR department at U.C.Berkeley.\nThanks for your presentation today.\nIt gave me knowledge and interest in electricity markets,\nand your company.\nAs you mentioned in the presentation,\nI send a resume to give me opportunity to learn more\nabout your company.\nI hope I can join the super saturday event.\n\nJinbaek\n\n\n - resume.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: Resume,", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 6, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "molly, i would like to invite this student for an interview, sometimes in late december when things slow down."]], "Molly,\n\nI would like to invite this student for an interview,\nsometimes in late December when things slow down.\n\nInterviews with all my direct reports and George Hopley.\n\nVince\n\n", "<15131048.1075856622677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"berkeley studentTnn": {"value": "berkeley studentTnn", "ne": "berkeley studentTnn", "patterns": ["berkeley studentTnn"]}, "graduate studentTnn": {"value": "graduate studentTnn", "ne": "graduate studentTnn", "patterns": ["graduate studentTnn"]}}, false], "30-10-2000-1:58:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-1:58:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2250984.1075856622631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 01:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resume,\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThanks for the heads up, Vince. I'll coordinate with Shirley.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/30/2000 09:52 AM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resume,\n\nMolly,\n\nI would like to invite this student for an interview,\nsometimes in late December when things slow down.\n\nInterviews with all my direct reports and George Hopley.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000 \n09:58 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/24/2000 04:32 PM\nTo: Jinbaek Kim @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Resume, \n\nJinbaek,\n\nWe shall invite you to an interview in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nJinbaek Kim on 10/23/2000 07:25:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Resume,\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nHi,\nI am a Ph.D student at IEOR department at U.C.Berkeley.\nThanks for your presentation today.\nIt gave me knowledge and interest in electricity markets,\nand your company.\nAs you mentioned in the presentation,\nI send a resume to give me opportunity to learn more\nabout your company.\nI hope I can join the super saturday event.\n\nJinbaek\n\n\n - resume.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Resume,", "reply", [], "Thanks for the heads up, Vince. I'll coordinate with Shirley.\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/30/2000 09:52 AM\n", "<2250984.1075856622631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "8-2-2000-6:30:0Sjohn.hou@enron.com 8-2-2000-7:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-2-2000-6:30:0Sjohn.hou@enron.com": ["8-2-2000-6:30:0", "john.hou@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.hou@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4282381.1075857069295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 06:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: john.hou@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: john.hou@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: john.hou@enron.com\nX-From: John Hou\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: John Hou\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDr . Kaminski, \n\n\nThank you for giving me an opportunity to talk with you and Zimin. It's my \ngreat pleasure to meet with you \nand your group members.\n \nI met Zimin last week. We had a wonderful talk. After our meeting, I handed \nin him my current resume.\nHe may already forwarded my resume to you. If not, I will be very happy to \nsend you a copy.\n\nBy talking with you, Zimin and by attending your presentation yesterday at \nUH, I find I am really interesting the \nfields that you are working on . I am deeply impressed by the research works \nyour team have done and I am \nlooking forward I am able to become one of your members. I am also looking \nforward to be able to do researches \nunder your guidance. \n\nI strongly feel that your research department provides the kind of jobs and \nenvironments that I have been looking\nfor a long time. My career objective matches your research fields and \ndirections. I believe my training in mathematics\nand computer science will provide me some necessary backgrounds in energy \nrisk management . I am also sure that \nby working with you, I can greatly expand my IT skills and experiences. I \nalso can learn tremendously from\n you and your research teams.\n\nCurrently after finishing my programing work as an IT spcialist, I am \nreading John Hull's book and try to catch up necessary\nbackground in Finance and related fields. I am also readingyour \"Managing \nEnergy Price Risk\" book. \nThank you for giving me a copy of this book. \n\nAgain, thank you for giving me this opportunity and I am looking forward to \nworking in your team.\n\nJohn Hou\n713-853-1600", "", "forward", [], "Dr . Kaminski, \n\n\nThank you for giving me an opportunity to talk with you and Zimin. It's my \ngreat pleasure to meet with you \nand your group members.\n \nI met Zimin last week. We had a wonderful talk. After our meeting, I handed \nin him my current resume.\nHe may already forwarded my resume to you. If not, I will be very happy to \nsend you a copy.\n\nBy talking with you, Zimin and by attending your presentation yesterday at \nUH, I find I am really interesting the \nfields that you are working on . I am deeply impressed by the research works \nyour team have done and I am \nlooking forward I am able to become one of your members. I am also looking \nforward to be able to do researches \nunder your guidance. \n\nI strongly feel that your research department provides the kind of jobs and \nenvironments that I have been looking\nfor a long time. My career objective matches your research fields and \ndirections. I believe my training in mathematics\nand computer science will provide me some necessary backgrounds in energy \nrisk management . I am also sure that \nby working with you, I can greatly expand my IT skills and experiences. I \nalso can learn tremendously from\n you and your research teams.\n\nCurrently after finishing my programing work as an IT spcialist, I am \nreading John Hull's book and try to catch up necessary\nbackground in Finance and related fields. I am also readingyour \"Managing \nEnergy Price Risk\" book. \nThank you for giving me a copy of this book. \n\nAgain, thank you for giving me this opportunity and I am looking forward to \nworking in your team.\n\nJohn Hou\n713-853-1600", "<4282381.1075857069295.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "8-2-2000-7:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-2-2000-7:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["zimin.lu@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <7348299.1075856802638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 07:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: zimin.lu@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Zimin Lu, Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nZimin, Stinson\n\nHe seems to be really interested.\n\nWe should set up a formal interview for him.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/08/2000 \n03:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJohn Hou\n02/08/2000 02:30 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Hou/HOU/ECT@ect \nSubject: \n\nDr . Kaminski, \n\n\nThank you for giving me an opportunity to talk with you and Zimin. It's my \ngreat pleasure to meet with you \nand your group members.\n \nI met Zimin last week. We had a wonderful talk. After our meeting, I handed \nin him my current resume.\nHe may already forwarded my resume to you. If not, I will be very happy to \nsend you a copy.\n\nBy talking with you, Zimin and by attending your presentation yesterday at \nUH, I find I am really interesting the \nfields that you are working on . I am deeply impressed by the research works \nyour team have done and I am \nlooking forward I am able to become one of your members. I am also looking \nforward to be able to do researches \nunder your guidance. \n\nI strongly feel that your research department provides the kind of jobs and \nenvironments that I have been looking\nfor a long time. My career objective matches your research fields and \ndirections. I believe my training in mathematics\nand computer science will provide me some necessary backgrounds in energy \nrisk management . I am also sure that \nby working with you, I can greatly expand my IT skills and experiences. I \nalso can learn tremendously from\n you and your research teams.\n\nCurrently after finishing my programing work as an IT spcialist, I am \nreading John Hull's book and try to catch up necessary\nbackground in Finance and related fields. I am also readingyour \"Managing \nEnergy Price Risk\" book. \nThank you for giving me a copy of this book. \n\nAgain, thank you for giving me this opportunity and I am looking forward to \nworking in your team.\n\nJohn Hou\n713-853-1600\n", "", "originEmail", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 1, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "intention", " we should set up a formal interview for him."]], "Zimin, Stinson\n\nHe seems to be really interested.\n\nWe should set up a formal interview for him.\n\nVince\n\n", "<7348299.1075856802638.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"formal interviewTnn": {"value": "formal interviewTnn", "ne": "formal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["formal interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-3-2001-3:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-3-2001-5:24:0Srehman.sharif@enron.com": {"6-3-2001-3:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-3:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["rehman.sharif@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <3243997.1075856449610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 03:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rehman.sharif@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Redployment\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rehman Sharif\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRehman,\n\nThanks for you message.\nMy group hires almost exclusively people with background in quantitative \ndisciplines\n(math, physics) or computer programming.\n\nI shall send your resume to some other units in the company that are looking\nfor people with good skills and experience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRehman Sharif@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/27/2001 11:17 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Redployment\n\nVince,\nI am a redeployment candidate out of CALME region and in the process of \nexploring opportunities within Enron. I have very extensive background in \nfinancial analysis and economic structuring. I am interested learning more \nabout your group to find out if my skills and abilities could serve the \npresent and future needs of your group. Attached is my resume for your \nreview, any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.\nRegards,\nRehman Sharif\n\n\n\n", "Re: Redployment", "originEmail", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 14, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "intention", " i shall send your resume to some other units in the company that are looking for people with good skills and experience."]], "Rehman,\n\nThanks for you message.\nMy group hires almost exclusively people with background in quantitative \ndisciplines\n(math, physics) or computer programming.\n\nI shall send your resume to some other units in the company that are looking\nfor people with good skills and experience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRehman Sharif@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/27/2001 11:17 AM\n", "<3243997.1075856449610.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn": {"value": "background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn", "ne": "background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn", "patterns": ["background_scope people_technical0peopleTnn"]}, "computer programmingTnn": {"value": "computer programmingTnn", "ne": "computer programmingTnn", "patterns": ["computer programmingTnn"]}, "experience peopleTnn": {"value": "experience peopleTnn", "ne": "experience peopleTnn", "patterns": ["experience peopleTnn"]}, "people resumeTnn": {"value": "people resumeTnn", "ne": "people resumeTnn", "patterns": ["people resumeTnn"]}, "resume unitTnn": {"value": "resume unitTnn", "ne": "resume unitTnn", "patterns": ["resume unitTnn"]}}, false], "6-3-2001-5:24:0Srehman.sharif@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-5:24:0", "rehman.sharif@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7180076.1075856619007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 05:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: rehman.sharif@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Redployment\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Rehman Sharif\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince,\nI highly appreciate your consideration.\nBest regards,\nRehman\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n03/06/2001 11:41 AM\nTo: Rehman Sharif/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Redployment \n\nRehman,\n\nThanks for you message.\nMy group hires almost exclusively people with background in quantitative \ndisciplines\n(math, physics) or computer programming.\n\nI shall send your resume to some other units in the company that are looking\nfor people with good skills and experience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nRehman Sharif@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/27/2001 11:17 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Redployment\n\nVince,\nI am a redeployment candidate out of CALME region and in the process of \nexploring opportunities within Enron. I have very extensive background in \nfinancial analysis and economic structuring. I am interested learning more \nabout your group to find out if my skills and abilities could serve the \npresent and future needs of your group. Attached is my resume for your \nreview, any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.\nRegards,\nRehman Sharif\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Redployment", "reply", [], "Vince,\nI highly appreciate your consideration.\nBest regards,\nRehman\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n03/06/2001 11:41 AM\n", "<7180076.1075856619007.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "5-12-2000-6:15:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 8-12-2000-11:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 12-12-2000-5:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-12-2000-8:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-12-2000-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 22-12-2000-9:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-2-2001-8:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-3-2001-2:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 31-3-2001-7:12:0Sjames_garven@baylor.edu 16-4-2001-6:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-9:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-9:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-16:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-19:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 16-4-2001-19:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-10-2001-18:54:32Sjames_garven@baylor.edu 5-11-2001-7:32:51Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com 12-11-2001-12:16:15Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"5-12-2000-6:15:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["5-12-2000-6:15:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince:\nDid you get the below email from Jim Garven?\nWould you be able to stay over and speak at the Risk Management Fraternity\nand perhaps come in a day early and speak to his students?\nShirley\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 12/05/2000 \n02:08 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 12/05/2000 02:09:27 PM\nTo: \"Shirley Crenshaw\" \ncc: \nSubject: Vince Kaminski\nDear Ms. Crenshaw,\nOn November 28, I sent Vince Kaminski an email inviting him to visit Baylor \nUniversity (where I now hold an appointment as Professor of Finance & \nInsurance; having resigned from LSU this pas spring).? I have yet to receive \na reply from him.? Can you bring this email (copied below) to his attention?\nThanks,\nJim Garven\n===========================\nDear Vince,\nSince we last corresponded, I have left LSU and am now Professor of Finance & \nInsurance at Baylor University in Waco, TX. My colleague at Baylor, John \nMartin, mentioned that you will be coming to campus for a conference on \nFriday, February 23 that he is organizing. I am curious whether your schedule \nmight permit staying over that evening so that we can feature you as our \ndinner speaker for the chartering ceremony of Gamma Iota Sigma, a national \nrisk management fraternity. For that matter, would you also possibly be \navailable to make any presentations to undergraduate and graduate students on \nthe previous day (Thursday, February 22)? What I have in mind is a \npresentation similar to the presentations you made last spring to my LSU \nclasses. \nThank you for your consideration of this request. I am looking forward to \nseeing you once again. \nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail:? James_Garven@baylor.edu \nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu \n\n\n_________________________________________\n", ["Vince Kaminski"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Vince:\n\nDid you get the below email from Jim Garven?\n\nWould you be able to stay over and speak at the Risk Management Fraternity\nand perhaps come in a day early and speak to his students?\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n \n", ["<29181966.1075857054097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18778173.1075856635383.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15567817.1075856251677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26460001.1075856376593.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-12-2000-11:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-11:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 \n07:29 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 11/28/2000 05:10:55 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Greetings from Baylor University\nDear Vince,\nSince we last corresponded, I have left LSU and am now Professor of Finance & \nInsurance at Baylor University in Waco, TX.? My colleague at Baylor, John \nMartin, mentioned that you will be coming to campus for a conference on \nFriday, February 23 that he is organizing.?? I am curious whether your \nschedule might permit staying over that evening so that we can feature you as \nour dinner speaker for the chartering ceremony of Gamma Iota Sigma, a \nnational risk management fraternity.? For that matter, would you also \npossibly be available to make any presentations to undergraduate and graduate \nstudents on the previous day (Thursday, February 22)?? What I have in mind is \na presentation similar to the presentations you made last spring to my LSU \nclasses.? \nThank you for your consideration of this request.? I am looking forward to \nseeing you once again. \nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail:? James_Garven@baylor.edu \nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu \n\n\n_________________________________________\n", ["Greetings from Baylor University"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "", ["<6521688.1075856467084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1800302.1075856533393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5549271.1075856250354.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26686717.1075856377379.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2000-5:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-5:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["james_garven@baylor.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <3954455.1075856533034.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 05:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: james_garven@baylor.edu\nSubject: Re: Greetings from Baylor University\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jim Garven @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nSorry for the delay in responding to your message. I was traveling \nextensively \nand was overwhelmed with many different projects.\n\nI shall be glad to speak at the Gamma Iota Sigma dinner. Unfortunately, I \ncannot make\na presentation to your class (it would require leaving the office for two \ndays in a row).\n\nI can, however, promise to come on another day and speak to your students.\n\nI hope everything is going well for you. By the way, your former student, \nShane Green, has joined us\nfor 12 month and is doing exceptionally well.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Garven on 11/28/2000 05:10:55 PM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Greetings from Baylor University\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nSince we last corresponded, I have left LSU and am now Professor of Finance & \nInsurance at Baylor University in Waco, TX.? My colleague at Baylor, John \nMartin, mentioned that you will be coming to campus for a conference on \nFriday, February 23 that he is organizing.?? I am curious whether your \nschedule might permit staying over that evening so that we can feature you as \nour dinner speaker for the chartering ceremony of Gamma Iota Sigma, a \nnational risk management fraternity.? For that matter, would you also \npossibly be available to make any presentations to undergraduate and graduate \nstudents on the previous day (Thursday, February 22)?? What I have in mind is \na presentation similar to the presentations you made last spring to my LSU \nclasses.? \n\nThank you for your consideration of this request.? I am looking forward to \nseeing you once again. \n\nSincerely,\n\nJim Garven\n\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\n\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\n\nE-mail:? James_Garven@baylor.edu \nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu \nVita: http://garven.baylor.edu/dossier.html\nResearch Paper Archive: http://garven.baylor.edu/research.html\n_________________________________________\n\n", "Re: Greetings from Baylor University", "originEmail", [["respond delay", 4, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", "jim, sorry for the delay in responding to your message."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 16, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " unfortunately, i cannot make a presentation to your class (it would require leaving the office for two days in a row)."]], "Jim,\n\nSorry for the delay in responding to your message. I was traveling \nextensively \nand was overwhelmed with many different projects.\n\nI shall be glad to speak at the Gamma Iota Sigma dinner. Unfortunately, I \ncannot make\na presentation to your class (it would require leaving the office for two \ndays in a row).\n\nI can, however, promise to come on another day and speak to your students.\n\nI hope everything is going well for you. By the way, your former student, \nShane Green, has joined us\nfor 12 month and is doing exceptionally well.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Garven ", [], true], "15-12-2000-8:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-8:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/15/2000 \n04:54 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 12/14/2000 03:33:52 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Greetings from Baylor University\nDear Vince,\nThanks for writing back.?? I am glad to hear that Shane Green is working \nthere and doing so well.? Please give him my regards.? \nLet's plan on having you speak for our Gamma Iota Sigma dinner on the evening \nof 2/23.? It is my understanding that you are going to be in town anyway for \nJohn Martin's \"new economy\" seminar.? Will you be needing a hotel \naccommodation for that evening?? If so, please let me know and I will have my \nsecretary arrange accommodations for you.\nConcerning class presentations, I am curious when whether we can try to \narrange a date.? I am teaching two undergraduate sections of a business risk \nmanagement course from 11-12:20 and 12:30-1:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays this \nspring.?? I also am teaching a graduate version of the same course from \n3:30-4:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but when you come I will probably have \nyou speak to the undergraduate classes and have my graduate students attend \neither of those sessions.? The spring semester starts January 9 and ends May \n1, and the following dates are already taken for other speakers, exams, or \nspring break: \nThursday, February 15 - Midterm exam 1\nTuesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 8 - no class (spring break)\nThursday, March 15 - presentation on risk adjusted discount rate \nmethodologies by Dr. Richard Derrig, Automobile Insurers Bureau of \nMassachusetts\nTuesday, April 3 - Midterm exam 2\nPlease let me know at your earliest convenience when you would like to \nschedule a presentation.? Considering the fact that the presentation would be \nscheduled for around the middle of the day, it would probably be technically \npossible for you to make your visit into a day trip (back and forth from \nHouston) in case if you are pressed for time.? Continental flies here from \nHouston, but unfortunately the morning flight doesn't come in until 10:45 \na.m., which would be too late for a presentation to the 11 a.m. class.\nThanks again,\nJim \nAt 01:57 PM 12/12/2000 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\nJim,\nSorry for the delay in responding to your message. I was traveling\nextensively\nand was overwhelmed with many different projects.\nI shall be glad to speak at the Gamma Iota Sigma dinner. Unfortunately, \ncannot make\na presentation to your class (it would require leaving the office for two\ndays in a row).\nI can, however, promise to come on another day and speak to your students.\nI hope everything is going well for you. By the way, your former student,\nShane Green, has joined us\nfor 12 month and is doing exceptionally well.\nVince\nJim Garven on 11/28/2000 05:10:55 PM\nTo:?? \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? Greetings from Baylor University\nDear Vince,\nSince we last corresponded, I have left LSU and am now Professor of Finance\n& Insurance at Baylor University in Waco, TX.? My colleague at Baylor, John\nMartin, mentioned that you will be coming to campus for a conference on\nFriday, February 23 that he is organizing.?? I am curious whether your\nschedule might permit staying over that evening so that we can feature you\nas our dinner speaker for the chartering ceremony of Gamma Iota Sigma, \nnational risk management fraternity.? For that matter, would you also\npossibly be available to make any presentations to undergraduate and\ngraduate students on the previous day (Thursday, February 22)?? What I have\nin mind is a presentation similar to the presentations you made last spring\nto my LSU classes.\nThank you for your consideration of this request.? I am looking forward to\nseeing you once again.\nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail:? James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n", ["Re: Greetings from Baylor University"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "", ["<30249452.1075856465501.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1586001.1075856531808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19350480.1075856246775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17387.1075856379865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-12-2000-9:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-9:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/15/2000 \n05:03 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 12/14/2000 03:33:52 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Greetings from Baylor University\nDear Vince,\nThanks for writing back.?? I am glad to hear that Shane Green is working \nthere and doing so well.? Please give him my regards.? \nLet's plan on having you speak for our Gamma Iota Sigma dinner on the evening \nof 2/23.? It is my understanding that you are going to be in town anyway for \nJohn Martin's \"new economy\" seminar.? Will you be needing a hotel \naccommodation for that evening?? If so, please let me know and I will have my \nsecretary arrange accommodations for you.\nConcerning class presentations, I am curious when whether we can try to \narrange a date.? I am teaching two undergraduate sections of a business risk \nmanagement course from 11-12:20 and 12:30-1:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays this \nspring.?? I also am teaching a graduate version of the same course from \n3:30-4:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but when you come I will probably have \nyou speak to the undergraduate classes and have my graduate students attend \neither of those sessions.? The spring semester starts January 9 and ends May \n1, and the following dates are already taken for other speakers, exams, or \nspring break: \nThursday, February 15 - Midterm exam 1\nTuesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 8 - no class (spring break)\nThursday, March 15 - presentation on risk adjusted discount rate \nmethodologies by Dr. Richard Derrig, Automobile Insurers Bureau of \nMassachusetts\nTuesday, April 3 - Midterm exam 2\nPlease let me know at your earliest convenience when you would like to \nschedule a presentation.? Considering the fact that the presentation would be \nscheduled for around the middle of the day, it would probably be technically \npossible for you to make your visit into a day trip (back and forth from \nHouston) in case if you are pressed for time.? Continental flies here from \nHouston, but unfortunately the morning flight doesn't come in until 10:45 \na.m., which would be too late for a presentation to the 11 a.m. class.\nThanks again,\nJim \nAt 01:57 PM 12/12/2000 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\nJim,\nSorry for the delay in responding to your message. I was traveling\nextensively\nand was overwhelmed with many different projects.\nI shall be glad to speak at the Gamma Iota Sigma dinner. Unfortunately, \ncannot make\na presentation to your class (it would require leaving the office for two\ndays in a row).\nI can, however, promise to come on another day and speak to your students.\nI hope everything is going well for you. By the way, your former student,\nShane Green, has joined us\nfor 12 month and is doing exceptionally well.\nVince\nJim Garven on 11/28/2000 05:10:55 PM\nTo:?? \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? Greetings from Baylor University\nDear Vince,\nSince we last corresponded, I have left LSU and am now Professor of Finance\n& Insurance at Baylor University in Waco, TX.? My colleague at Baylor, John\nMartin, mentioned that you will be coming to campus for a conference on\nFriday, February 23 that he is organizing.?? I am curious whether your\nschedule might permit staying over that evening so that we can feature you\nas our dinner speaker for the chartering ceremony of Gamma Iota Sigma, \nnational risk management fraternity.? For that matter, would you also\npossibly be available to make any presentations to undergraduate and\ngraduate students on the previous day (Thursday, February 22)?? What I have\nin mind is a presentation similar to the presentations you made last spring\nto my LSU classes.\nThank you for your consideration of this request.? I am looking forward to\nseeing you once again.\nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail:? James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n", ["Re: Greetings from Baylor University"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "", ["<12188165.1075856465478.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26592885.1075856531785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4732034.1075856246729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27872432.1075856379912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-12-2000-9:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-12-2000-9:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/22/2000 \n05:45 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 12/14/2000 03:33:52 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Greetings from Baylor University\nDear Vince,\nThanks for writing back.?? I am glad to hear that Shane Green is working \nthere and doing so well.? Please give him my regards.? \nLet's plan on having you speak for our Gamma Iota Sigma dinner on the evening \nof 2/23.? It is my understanding that you are going to be in town anyway for \nJohn Martin's \"new economy\" seminar.? Will you be needing a hotel \naccommodation for that evening?? If so, please let me know and I will have my \nsecretary arrange accommodations for you.\nConcerning class presentations, I am curious when whether we can try to \narrange a date.? I am teaching two undergraduate sections of a business risk \nmanagement course from 11-12:20 and 12:30-1:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays this \nspring.?? I also am teaching a graduate version of the same course from \n3:30-4:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but when you come I will probably have \nyou speak to the undergraduate classes and have my graduate students attend \neither of those sessions.? The spring semester starts January 9 and ends May \n1, and the following dates are already taken for other speakers, exams, or \nspring break: \nThursday, February 15 - Midterm exam 1\nTuesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 8 - no class (spring break)\nThursday, March 15 - presentation on risk adjusted discount rate \nmethodologies by Dr. Richard Derrig, Automobile Insurers Bureau of \nMassachusetts\nTuesday, April 3 - Midterm exam 2\nPlease let me know at your earliest convenience when you would like to \nschedule a presentation.? Considering the fact that the presentation would be \nscheduled for around the middle of the day, it would probably be technically \npossible for you to make your visit into a day trip (back and forth from \nHouston) in case if you are pressed for time.? Continental flies here from \nHouston, but unfortunately the morning flight doesn't come in until 10:45 \na.m., which would be too late for a presentation to the 11 a.m. class.\nThanks again,\nJim \nAt 01:57 PM 12/12/2000 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\nJim,\nSorry for the delay in responding to your message. I was traveling\nextensively\nand was overwhelmed with many different projects.\nI shall be glad to speak at the Gamma Iota Sigma dinner. Unfortunately, \ncannot make\na presentation to your class (it would require leaving the office for two\ndays in a row).\nI can, however, promise to come on another day and speak to your students.\nI hope everything is going well for you. By the way, your former student,\nShane Green, has joined us\nfor 12 month and is doing exceptionally well.\nVince\nJim Garven on 11/28/2000 05:10:55 PM\nTo:?? \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc:\nSubject:? Greetings from Baylor University\nDear Vince,\nSince we last corresponded, I have left LSU and am now Professor of Finance\n& Insurance at Baylor University in Waco, TX.? My colleague at Baylor, John\nMartin, mentioned that you will be coming to campus for a conference on\nFriday, February 23 that he is organizing.?? I am curious whether your\nschedule might permit staying over that evening so that we can feature you\nas our dinner speaker for the chartering ceremony of Gamma Iota Sigma, \nnational risk management fraternity.? For that matter, would you also\npossibly be available to make any presentations to undergraduate and\ngraduate students on the previous day (Thursday, February 22)?? What I have\nin mind is a presentation similar to the presentations you made last spring\nto my LSU classes.\nThank you for your consideration of this request.? I am looking forward to\nseeing you once again.\nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail:? James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n", ["Re: Greetings from Baylor University"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "", ["<4276442.1075856463377.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24207569.1075856529686.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11145550.1075856241896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33415141.1075856383847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-2-2001-8:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-2-2001-8:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/02/2001 \n04:53 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 02/01/2001 05:50:13 PM\nTo: vince j kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Your speaking engagement at Baylor on evening of February 23\nDear Vince,\nI am following up concerning your upcoming speaking engagement at Baylor on\nevening of February 23. Of course, I'll plan to see you during the\nafternoon at John Martin's \"new economy\" conference. That evening, you\nwill be the dinner speaker for the official chartering ceremony of the\nGamma Iota Sigma Risk Management and Insurance fraternity. We are hoping\nfor a really good turnout that evening, and expect guests not only from\naround Texas but also possibly other parts of the country. I am not sure\nwhat your travel plans are, but I did take the liberty of setting up a\nguaranteed reservation for you at the Marriott Courtyard (Confirmation\n#84857419). Let me know if you don't need the reservation, but otherwise\nit will be available to you.\nI also am interested in finding out whether I might be able to attract you\nto campus on another occasion to speak to my corporate risk management\nclasses. Perhaps we can discuss this possibility when we see each other\nabout three weeks from now.\nSincerely, with best regards,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n", ["Your speaking engagement at Baylor on evening of February 23"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "", ["<5799868.1075856454519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22837882.1075856520840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1503199.1075856221569.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12225396.1075856398905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2001-2:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2001-2:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["james_garven@baylor.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com"], "Jim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group \nmembers.\nVince\nJim Garven on 03/28/2001 01:01:42 PM\nTo: Stinson_Gibner@enron.com\ncc: vince_j_kaminski@enron.com \nSubject: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship\nDear Stinson,\nI would like to call your attention to Rusty Parks, who is an MBA student \nhere and has been serving as my research assistant since last fall.? Rusty is \na very outstanding individual with a very impressive work ethic and interest \nin topics such as financial engineering and technology, particularly as these \nissues pertain to the energy industry.?? In fact, you met Rusty during your \nrecent visit to Baylor (specifically, last month over dinner at the Gamma \nIota Sigma chartering ceremony).\nI happen to know that Rusty is already scheduled to visit Enron for an \ninterview for a summer internship on April 19.? He has been invited by Althea \nGordon.? If there is any possibility that you could meet with him during his \nvisit, I am sure that he would be most grateful.? Rusty is one of the very \nbest research assistants I have ever had, and I am sure that Enron would \nbenefit from having him aboard during the coming summer. \nSincerely,\nJim Garven\nP.S.: Please find Rusty's resume attached to this email.\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n\n", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu'], 'recipients': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Jim,\n\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group \nmembers.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJim Garven ", "<26614842.1075856632177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32582716.1075856511136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21548114.1075856201998.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-3-2001-7:12:0Sjames_garven@baylor.edu": ["31-3-2001-7:12:0", "james_garven@baylor.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], "At 10:17 AM 3/31/2001 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\nJim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group\nmembers.\nVince\nVince, I am quite grateful. Thanks for arranging this.\nBy the way, is there any chance that I might be able to attract you to campus \nthis spring before school lets out?? If not, let's definitely plan on \nscheduling a time during the coming fall 2001 semester when you can visit \ncampus and present a lecture to my risk management students.\nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (320) 213-5580\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "At 10:17 AM 3/31/2001 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n\nJim,\n\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group\nmembers.\n\nVince\n\n\nVince, I am quite grateful. Thanks for arranging this.\n\nBy the way, is there any chance that I might be able to attract you to campus \nthis spring before school lets out?? If not, let's definitely plan on \nscheduling a time during the coming fall 2001 semester when you can visit \ncampus and present a lecture to my risk management students.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJim Garven\n\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\n\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (320) 213-5580\n\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\nVita: http://garven.baylor.edu/dossier.html\nResearch Paper Archive: http://garven.baylor.edu/research.html\n_________________________________________", ["<6442149.1075856632155.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2603533.1075856201777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8515109.1075856415735.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-6:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-6:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Stinson,\nAny action on this?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n01:26 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 03/31/2001 03:12:15 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship\nAt 10:17 AM 3/31/2001 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\nJim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group\nmembers.\nVince\nVince, I am quite grateful. Thanks for arranging this.\nBy the way, is there any chance that I might be able to attract you to campus \nthis spring before school lets out?? If not, let's definitely plan on \nscheduling a time during the coming fall 2001 semester when you can visit \ncampus and present a lecture to my risk management students.\nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (320) 213-5580\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Stinson,\n\nAny action on this?\n\nVince\n", ["<2053509.1075856440254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13361773.1075856506594.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30633714.1075856193286.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1176256.1075856422666.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-9:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-9:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Stinson,\nA reminder.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n04:19 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n03/31/2001 10:17 AM\nTo: Jim Garven @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson \nGibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship \nJim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group \nmembers.\nVince\nJim Garven on 03/28/2001 01:01:42 PM\nTo: Stinson_Gibner@enron.com\ncc: vince_j_kaminski@enron.com \nSubject: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship\nDear Stinson,\nI would like to call your attention to Rusty Parks, who is an MBA student \nhere and has been serving as my research assistant since last fall.? Rusty is \na very outstanding individual with a very impressive work ethic and interest \nin topics such as financial engineering and technology, particularly as these \nissues pertain to the energy industry.?? In fact, you met Rusty during your \nrecent visit to Baylor (specifically, last month over dinner at the Gamma \nIota Sigma chartering ceremony).\nI happen to know that Rusty is already scheduled to visit Enron for an \ninterview for a summer internship on April 19.? He has been invited by Althea \nGordon.? If there is any possibility that you could meet with him during his \nvisit, I am sure that he would be most grateful.? Rusty is one of the very \nbest research assistants I have ever had, and I am sure that Enron would \nbenefit from having him aboard during the coming summer. \nSincerely,\nJim Garven\nP.S.: Please find Rusty's resume attached to this email.\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n\n", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Stinson,\n\nA reminder.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<7454085.1075856440099.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1668260.1075856506441.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23625192.1075856193000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13306504.1075856422940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-9:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-9:49:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Thanks.\nVince\nStinson Gibner\n04/16/2001 04:47 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship \nI have talked twice to Althea. Once last week and once after your email this \nmorning. She has told me both times that she would arrange with Shirley to \nput Rusty on your schedule and on mine.\n--Stinson\nVince J Kaminski\n04/16/2001 04:19 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship\nStinson,\nA reminder.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 \n04:19 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n03/31/2001 10:17 AM\nTo: Jim Garven @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson \nGibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship \nJim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group \nmembers.\nVince\nJim Garven on 03/28/2001 01:01:42 PM\nTo: Stinson_Gibner@enron.com\ncc: vince_j_kaminski@enron.com \nSubject: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer \ninternship\nDear Stinson,\nI would like to call your attention to Rusty Parks, who is an MBA student \nhere and has been serving as my research assistant since last fall.? Rusty is \na very outstanding individual with a very impressive work ethic and interest \nin topics such as financial engineering and technology, particularly as these \nissues pertain to the energy industry.?? In fact, you met Rusty during your \nrecent visit to Baylor (specifically, last month over dinner at the Gamma \nIota Sigma chartering ceremony).\nI happen to know that Rusty is already scheduled to visit Enron for an \ninterview for a summer internship on April 19.? He has been invited by Althea \nGordon.? If there is any possibility that you could meet with him during his \nvisit, I am sure that he would be most grateful.? Rusty is one of the very \nbest research assistants I have ever had, and I am sure that Enron would \nbenefit from having him aboard during the coming summer. \nSincerely,\nJim Garven\nP.S.: Please find Rusty's resume attached to this email.\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX? 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________\n\n", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Thanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n04/16/2001 04:47 PM\n", ["<16464384.1075856440034.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23235097.1075856506340.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1424005.1075856192929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-16:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-16:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Stinson,\nAny action on this?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 01:26 PM ---------------------------\nJim Garven on 03/31/2001 03:12:15 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship\nAt 10:17 AM 3/31/2001 -0600, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\nJim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group\nmembers.\nVince\nVince, I am quite grateful. Thanks for arranging this.\nBy the way, is there any chance that I might be able to attract you to campus this spring before school lets out? If not, let's definitely plan on scheduling a time during the coming fall 2001 semester when you can visit campus and present a lecture to my risk management students.\nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (320) 213-5580\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\n _________________________________________\n", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Stinson,\n\nAny action on this?\n\nVince\n", ["<24499025.1075858468514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-19:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-19:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Stinson,\nA reminder.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 04:19 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n03/31/2001 10:17 AM\nTo: Jim Garven @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship \nJim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group members.\nVince\nJim Garven on 03/28/2001 01:01:42 PM\nTo: Stinson_Gibner@enron.com\ncc: vince_j_kaminski@enron.com \nSubject: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship\nDear Stinson,\nI would like to call your attention to Rusty Parks, who is an MBA student here and has been serving as my research assistant since last fall. Rusty is a very outstanding individual with a very impressive work ethic and interest in topics such as financial engineering and technology, particularly as these issues pertain to the energy industry. In fact, you met Rusty during your recent visit to Baylor (specifically, last month over dinner at the Gamma Iota Sigma chartering ceremony).\nI happen to know that Rusty is already scheduled to visit Enron for an interview for a summer internship on April 19. He has been invited by Althea Gordon. If there is any possibility that you could meet with him during his visit, I am sure that he would be most grateful. Rusty is one of the very best research assistants I have ever had, and I am sure that Enron would benefit from having him aboard during the coming summer. \nSincerely,\nJim Garven\nP.S.: Please find Rusty's resume attached to this email.\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http:// garven.baylor.edu \n \n \n_________________________________________\n \n", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Stinson,\n\nA reminder.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<6062337.1075858468708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-4-2001-19:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-19:49:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["stinson.gibner@enron.com"], [], "Thanks.\nVince\nStinson Gibner\n04/16/2001 04:47 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship \nI have talked twice to Althea. Once last week and once after your email this morning. She has told me both times that she would arrange with Shirley to put Rusty on your schedule and on mine.\n--Stinson\nVince J Kaminski\n04/16/2001 04:19 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship\nStinson,\nA reminder.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 04:19 PM ---------------------------\nVince J Kaminski\n03/31/2001 10:17 AM\nTo: Jim Garven @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship \nJim,\nI shall contact Althea and make sure Rusty meets with the Research Group members.\nVince\nJim Garven on 03/28/2001 01:01:42 PM\nTo: Stinson_Gibner@enron.com\ncc: vince_j_kaminski@enron.com \nSubject: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship\nDear Stinson,\nI would like to call your attention to Rusty Parks, who is an MBA student here and has been serving as my research assistant since last fall. Rusty is a very outstanding individual with a very impressive work ethic and interest in topics such as financial engineering and technology, particularly as these issues pertain to the energy industry. In fact, you met Rusty during your recent visit to Baylor (specifically, last month over dinner at the Gamma Iota Sigma chartering ceremony).\nI happen to know that Rusty is already scheduled to visit Enron for an interview for a summer internship on April 19. He has been invited by Althea Gordon. If there is any possibility that you could meet with him during his visit, I am sure that he would be most grateful. Rusty is one of the very best research assistants I have ever had, and I am sure that Enron would benefit from having him aboard during the coming summer. \nSincerely,\nJim Garven\nP.S.: Please find Rusty's resume attached to this email.\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http:// garven.baylor.edu \n \n \n_________________________________________\n \n\n", ["Re: recommendation of an outstanding Baylor MBA student for summer internship"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Thanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n04/16/2001 04:47 PM\n", ["<15835255.1075858468774.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2001-18:54:32Sjames_garven@baylor.edu": ["24-10-2001-18:54:32", "james_garven@baylor.edu", ["vince_j_kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Dear Vince,\nIn view of all the turmoil at your company these days, I thought that it\nmight be a good idea to check in with you and confirm that you are still\nplanning to come to campus on 11/15-11/16. We have you scheduled to\npresent to students on 11/15 from 11-2, and on 11/16 to present a seminar\nto the finance faculty. We also have a room reserved for you at the Judge\nBaylor house in Waco for the evening of 11/15.\nBesides confirming your visit, I am wondering whether you would recommend\nthat I have my students read any articles in preparation for your\ntalk. Would it be okay for me to assign your paper with John Martin\n(forthcoming in the JACF) entitled \"Transforming Enron Corporation - the\nValue of Active Management\"? Also, would there be a seminar paper that I\ncould distribute for the faculty seminar, or would you prefer to have more\nof a free flowing presentation along the lines of what you did for me\nduring spring 2000 at LSU?\nFinally, if you want me to distribute any other materials to the students\nor faculty, please let me know. We are looking forward to your visit!\nSincerely,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________", ["your upcoming visit"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Dear Vince,\n\nIn view of all the turmoil at your company these days, I thought that it\nmight be a good idea to check in with you and confirm that you are still\nplanning to come to campus on 11/15-11/16. We have you scheduled to\npresent to students on 11/15 from 11-2, and on 11/16 to present a seminar\nto the finance faculty. We also have a room reserved for you at the Judge\nBaylor house in Waco for the evening of 11/15.\n\nBesides confirming your visit, I am wondering whether you would recommend\nthat I have my students read any articles in preparation for your\ntalk. Would it be okay for me to assign your paper with John Martin\n(forthcoming in the JACF) entitled \"Transforming Enron Corporation - the\nValue of Active Management\"? Also, would there be a seminar paper that I\ncould distribute for the faculty seminar, or would you prefer to have more\nof a free flowing presentation along the lines of what you did for me\nduring spring 2000 at LSU?\n\nFinally, if you want me to distribute any other materials to the students\nor faculty, please let me know. We are looking forward to your visit!\n\nSincerely,\n\nJim Garven\n\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\n\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\nVita: http://garven.baylor.edu/dossier.html\nResearch Paper Archive: http://garven.baylor.edu/research.html\n_________________________________________", ["<21285668.1075862459187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "5-11-2001-7:32:51Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["5-11-2001-7:32:51", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince: Do you want me to resond to Jim? \nShirley\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jim Garven [mailto:James_Garven@baylor.edu]\nSent: Friday, November 02, 2001 9:14 AM\nTo: Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: confirmation of Vince Kaminski's 11/15-11/16 campus visit to\nBaylor University\nImportance: High\nDear Shirley,\nI have emailed and voice mailed Vince about confirming his scheduled \n11/15-11/16 campus visit to Baylor University, but I haven't heard back \nfrom him yet. I have him scheduled to present to students on 11/15 from \n11-2, and on 11/16 to present a seminar to the finance faculty. I also \nhave a room reserved for him at the Judge Baylor house in Waco for the \nevening of 11/15. My colleagues and I plan to take him out to dinner on \nthe evening of 11/15.\nAnyway, can you confirm these plans for me?\nThanks,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________", ["FW: confirmation of Vince Kaminski's 11/15-11/16 campus visit to Baylor University"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [], "Vince: Do you want me to resond to Jim? \n\nShirley\n\n\n\n", ["<27924401.1075863287881.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8167059.1075862453121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-11-2001-12:16:15Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["12-11-2001-12:16:15", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", ["james_garven@baylor.edu"], [], "Hi Jim:\nYes Vince is still planning on coming. He probably will leave\nHouston at 6:00 AM. We have already rescheduled his project\nreview meeting from Thursday to tomorrow, so I know he still \nhas it on his calendar.\nRegards,\nShirley \n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jim Garven [mailto:James_Garven@baylor.edu]\nSent: Monday, November 12, 2001 2:13 PM\nTo: Crenshaw, Shirley\nSubject: Baylor appointment for Vince - 11/15-11/16\nDear Shirley,\nI thought it might not be a bad idea, in light of all the turmoil these \ndays at Enron, to doublecheck one last time to make sure that Vince is \nstill on for this Thursday and Friday. I am planning on meeting him at at \naround 10 a.m. in my office on Thursday.\nThanks,\nJim Garven\n_________________________________________\nJames R. Garven, Ph.D.\nProfessor of Finance & Insurance\nDepartment of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate\nHankamer School of Business\nHSB 336\nBaylor University\nBox 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\nVoice: (254) 710-6207\nFax: (603) 994-6680\nE-mail: James_Garven@baylor.edu\nHome Page: http://garven.baylor.edu\n\n\n_________________________________________", ["RE: Baylor appointment for Vince - 11/15-11/16"], "{'body': ['james_garven@baylor.edu'], 'recipients': ['james_garven@baylor.edu']}", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 6, "information", ["meeting", "rescheduled"], "information", " we have already rescheduled his project review meeting from thursday to tomorrow, so i know he still has it on his calendar."]], "Hi Jim:\n\nYes Vince is still planning on coming. He probably will leave\nHouston at 6:00 AM. We have already rescheduled his project\nreview meeting from Thursday to tomorrow, so I know he still \nhas it on his calendar.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley \n\n\n\n\n\n", ["<20411180.1075863288597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3879626.1075862452973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true]}, "12-5-2000-11:30:0Sds64@mail1.andrew.cmu.edu 15-5-2000-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-5-2000-11:30:0Sds64@mail1.andrew.cmu.edu": ["12-5-2000-11:30:0", "ds64@mail1.andrew.cmu.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21213983.1075857067110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 May 2000 11:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: ds64@mail1.andrew.cmu.edu\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Recommendation for John Gordon\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: ds64@MAIL1.ANDREW.CMU.EDU\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI am writing to bring to your attention a GSIA student, John Gordon, who is\ncurrently being considered for Enron's Associates program. My understanding\nis that Mark Courtney and Andrew Miles at Enron are championing John as a\nlate addition to the program.\n\nWhile I know Enron doesn't routinely recruit at GSIA, John would be an ideal\ncandidate if you are willing to make an exception. He is a terrific finance\nstudent with a strong transcript; including an A+ in my Options class. Since\nJohn has an engineering/energy background, he asked early on for additional\nbackground reading about finance and energy. John is personable and\noutgoing. Normally the job market for someone of John's caliber would have\nalready cleared, but I have been told that there are dual career issues at\nplay here.\n\nI would be very appreciative if you would take a look at John. A copy of\nhis resume is attached to this email.\n\nBest regards,\nDuane\n\n********\nDuane Seppi\n\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\n\nemail ds64@andrew.cmu.edu\n\n - John Gordon's Resume", "Recommendation for John Gordon", "forward", [["make business", 28, "nninformation", ["candidate", "make"], "intention", " while i know enron doesn't routinely recruit at gsia, john would be an ideal candidate if you are willing to make an exception."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 67, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " a copy of his resume is attached to this email."]], "Dear Vince,\n\nI am writing to bring to your attention a GSIA student, John Gordon, who is\ncurrently being considered for Enron's Associates program. My understanding\nis that Mark Courtney and Andrew Miles at Enron are championing John as a\nlate addition to the program.\n\nWhile I know Enron doesn't routinely recruit at GSIA, John would be an ideal\ncandidate if you are willing to make an exception. He is a terrific finance\nstudent with a strong transcript; including an A+ in my Options class. Since\nJohn has an engineering/energy background, he asked early on for additional\nbackground reading about finance and energy. John is personable and\noutgoing. Normally the job market for someone of John's caliber would have\nalready cleared, but I have been told that there are dual career issues at\nplay here.\n\nI would be very appreciative if you would take a look at John. A copy of\nhis resume is attached to this email.\n\nBest regards,\nDuane\n\n********\nDuane Seppi\n\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\n\nemail ds64@andrew.cmu.edu\n\n - John Gordon's Resume", "<21213983.1075857067110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "15-5-2000-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-2:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["celeste.roberts@enron.com"], ["andrew.miles@enron.com", "mark.courtney@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5779518.1075856986499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 May 2000 02:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Recommendation for John Gordon\nCc: andrew.miles@enron.com, mark.courtney@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: andrew.miles@enron.com, mark.courtney@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts\nX-cc: Andrew Miles, Mark Courtney\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nI am forwarding you a letter from Prof. Duane Seppi from Carnegie Mellon \nUniversity.\nI have known Duane for many years and I know that he does not make his\nrecommendations without very good reasons.\n\nI would recommend looking at John Gordon as a very strong candidate:\nI think he will make a terrific contribution to Enron.\n\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/15/2000 \n09:25 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nds64@MAIL1.ANDREW.CMU.EDU on 05/12/2000 01:30:14 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Recommendation for John Gordon\n\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI am writing to bring to your attention a GSIA student, John Gordon, who is\ncurrently being considered for Enron's Associates program. My understanding\nis that Mark Courtney and Andrew Miles at Enron are championing John as a\nlate addition to the program.\n\nWhile I know Enron doesn't routinely recruit at GSIA, John would be an ideal\ncandidate if you are willing to make an exception. He is a terrific finance\nstudent with a strong transcript; including an A+ in my Options class. Since\nJohn has an engineering/energy background, he asked early on for additional\nbackground reading about finance and energy. John is personable and\noutgoing. Normally the job market for someone of John's caliber would have\nalready cleared, but I have been told that there are dual career issues at\nplay here.\n\nI would be very appreciative if you would take a look at John. A copy of\nhis resume is attached to this email.\n\nBest regards,\nDuane\n\n********\nDuane Seppi\n\nGraduate School of Industrial Administration\nCarnegie Mellon University\nPittsburgh PA 15213-3890\n\ntel. (412) 268-2298\nfax (412) 268-8896\n\nemail ds64@andrew.cmu.edu\n\n - John Gordon's Resume\n", "Recommendation for John Gordon", "originEmail", [["make business", 23, "nninformation", ["candidate", "make"], "intention", " i would recommend looking at john gordon as a very strong candidate: i think he will make a terrific contribution to enron."]], "Celeste,\n\nI am forwarding you a letter from Prof. Duane Seppi from Carnegie Mellon \nUniversity.\nI have known Duane for many years and I know that he does not make his\nrecommendations without very good reasons.\n\nI would recommend looking at John Gordon as a very strong candidate:\nI think he will make a terrific contribution to Enron.\n\n\nVince\n\n", "<5779518.1075856986499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "duane", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["personname recommendationTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-4-2001-7:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-5-2001-0:45:0Sstanley.horton@enron.com": {"30-4-2001-7:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-7:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["danny.mccarty@enron.com", "stanley.horton@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <7860134.1075856429493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 07:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stanley.horton@enron.com, danny.mccarty@enron.com\nSubject: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stanley Horton, Danny McCarty\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI am forwarding for your attention the resume of Peter Percell\nwho has an extensive experience in modeling physical flows \nof natural gas in pipeline systems. Peter is looking currently for a job.\n\nI met him last week at the meeting of the Science and Industry Advance with \nMathematics\nsociety at the University of Houston.\n\nThe application of recent developments in optimization theory\nand numerical methods can help Enron to improve further \nefficiency of our pipeline system and reduce the consumption of compressor \nfuel.\n\nPlease, let me know if you interested in introducing Peter to executives\nin your organization. I shall be glad to make arrangements for an interview.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n02:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nPeter Percell on 04/30/2001 11:16:58 AM\nTo: Vincent Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\n\n\nI enjoyed your presentation, and meeting you briefly afterwards, at the\nSIAM Workshop last Friday.\n\nI have extensive experience as a technical leader in the design and\ndevelopment of modeling and simulation software products, mostly\nfor the oil and gas pipeline industry.\n\nI am looking for a position that can utilize my software development and\nmathematical skills. Getting out of the narrow confines of the pipeline\nsimulation industry would be a plus.\n\nPlease consider whether I might fit in your group. Your answer to a\nquestion indicated that I have several of the skills you look for.\n\nAlso, please let me know, by email, the names and contact information of\nother managers within Enron who might benefit from having someone with\nmy qualifications in their group.\n\nAttached are my resume and an addendum covering academic & consulting\nexperience. Publications are available on request.\n\nI will call you in a couple of days to follow up on this email.\n\nThank you for your time.\n\nPeter Percell 10030 Doliver Drive\npercell@swbell.net Houston, TX 77042-2016\n(713) 532-3836 voice & fax\n - Percell, Peter Resume Only.doc\n - Percell, Peter A&C Exp.doc\n", "Follow-up on SIAM Workshop", "originEmail", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarding", "resume"], "information", "i am forwarding for your attention the resume of peter percell who has an extensive experience in modeling physical flows of natural gas in pipeline systems."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 49, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "interview", "make"], "intention", " i shall be glad to make arrangements for an interview."]], "I am forwarding for your attention the resume of Peter Percell\nwho has an extensive experience in modeling physical flows \nof natural gas in pipeline systems. Peter is looking currently for a job.\n\nI met him last week at the meeting of the Science and Industry Advance with \nMathematics\nsociety at the University of Houston.\n\nThe application of recent developments in optimization theory\nand numerical methods can help Enron to improve further \nefficiency of our pipeline system and reduce the consumption of compressor \nfuel.\n\nPlease, let me know if you interested in introducing Peter to executives\nin your organization. I shall be glad to make arrangements for an interview.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n \n", "<7860134.1075856429493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas_natural0gas modelTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas modelTnn"]}, "meeting personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "meeting personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "meeting personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["meeting personnelpronounTnn"]}}, false], "1-5-2001-0:45:0Sstanley.horton@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-0:45:0", "stanley.horton@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "danny.mccarty@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7295733.1075844973884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 00:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stanley.horton@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\nCc: danny.mccarty@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: danny.mccarty@enron.com\nX-From: Stanley Horton\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Danny McCarty\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Stanley_Horton_2\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: HORTON-S\nX-FileName: shorton.nsf\n\nThanks for forwarding Peter's resume. By copy of this memo I am forwarding \nPeter's resume to Danny McCarty and Phil Lowry. Danny and Phil: Please \nfollow-up with Vince if you have an interest in meeting with Peter. He seems \nto be a very qualified candidate.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/30/2001 02:28 PM\nTo: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Danny McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\n\nI am forwarding for your attention the resume of Peter Percell\nwho has an extensive experience in modeling physical flows \nof natural gas in pipeline systems. Peter is looking currently for a job.\n\nI met him last week at the meeting of the Science and Industry Advance with \nMathematics\nsociety at the University of Houston.\n\nThe application of recent developments in optimization theory\nand numerical methods can help Enron to improve further \nefficiency of our pipeline system and reduce the consumption of compressor \nfuel.\n\nPlease, let me know if you interested in introducing Peter to executives\nin your organization. I shall be glad to make arrangements for an interview.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 \n02:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nPeter Percell on 04/30/2001 11:16:58 AM\nTo: Vincent Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop\n\n\nI enjoyed your presentation, and meeting you briefly afterwards, at the\nSIAM Workshop last Friday.\n\nI have extensive experience as a technical leader in the design and\ndevelopment of modeling and simulation software products, mostly\nfor the oil and gas pipeline industry.\n\nI am looking for a position that can utilize my software development and\nmathematical skills. Getting out of the narrow confines of the pipeline\nsimulation industry would be a plus.\n\nPlease consider whether I might fit in your group. Your answer to a\nquestion indicated that I have several of the skills you look for.\n\nAlso, please let me know, by email, the names and contact information of\nother managers within Enron who might benefit from having someone with\nmy qualifications in their group.\n\nAttached are my resume and an addendum covering academic & consulting\nexperience. Publications are available on request.\n\nI will call you in a couple of days to follow up on this email.\n\nThank you for your time.\n\nPeter Percell 10030 Doliver Drive\npercell@swbell.net Houston, TX 77042-2016\n(713) 532-3836 voice & fax\n - Percell, Peter Resume Only.doc\n - Percell, Peter A&C Exp.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop", "reply", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 0, "nninformation", ["forwarding", "resume"], "intention", "thanks for forwarding peter's resume."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 5, "information", ["forwarding", "resume"], "information", " by copy of this memo i am forwarding peter's resume to danny mccarty and phil lowry."]], "Thanks for forwarding Peter's resume. By copy of this memo I am forwarding \nPeter's resume to Danny McCarty and Phil Lowry. Danny and Phil: Please \nfollow-up with Vince if you have an interest in meeting with Peter. He seems \nto be a very qualified candidate.\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n04/30/2001 02:28 PM\n", "<7295733.1075844973884.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "29-1-2001-6:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-1-2001-7:50:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com 29-1-2001-8:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-1-2001-8:3:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": {"29-1-2001-6:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-6:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com greg.whalley@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com john.lavorato@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15027619.1075856456333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 06:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, greg.whalley@enron.com\nSubject: Tom Costantino\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeffrey A Shankman, Greg Whalley\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, John J Lavorato\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff, Greg and John,\n\nOur old friend Tom Costantino is interested in coming back\nto Enron. It seems that his move to NYMEX either will not happen\nor will not happen for some time.\n\nYou can contact him at home:\n\nPhone: (713) 860 8687 (h)\n\nVince", "Tom Costantino", "reply", [], "Jeff, Greg and John,\n\nOur old friend Tom Costantino is interested in coming back\nto Enron. It seems that his move to NYMEX either will not happen\nor will not happen for some time.\n\nYou can contact him at home:\n\nPhone: (713) 860 8687 (h)\n\nVince", "<15027619.1075856456333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-1-2001-7:50:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-7:50:0", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9989126.1075857510071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 07:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tom Costantino\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeffrey_Shankman_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Shankman-J\nX-FileName: jshankm.nsf\n\nI thought he was in the running for the President position, after Pat died. \nHe phoned me today--did he indicate to you in what he is interested?\n\nJeff\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski\n\t01/29/2001 02:12 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron\n\t\t Subject: Tom Costantino\n\nJeff, Greg and John,\n\nOur old friend Tom Costantino is interested in coming back\nto Enron. It seems that his move to NYMEX either will not happen\nor will not happen for some time.\n\nYou can contact him at home:\n\nPhone: (713) 860 8687 (h)\n\nVince\n\n", "Re: Tom Costantino", "reply", [], "I thought he was in the running for the President position, after Pat died. \nHe phoned me today--did he indicate to you in what he is interested?\n\nJeff\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski\n\t01/29/2001 02:12 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<9989126.1075857510071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "29-1-2001-8:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-8:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["jeffrey.shankman@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <32435736.1075856522584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 08:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tom Costantino\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff, \n\nIt seems that NYMEX will not make a decision any time soon\nor they rejected Tom. I think the latter is the case.\n\nTom is looking for a trading or origination job with Enron.\nI think that we can use his expertise here.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Jeffrey A Shankman on 01/29/2001 03:50 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tom Costantino \n\nI thought he was in the running for the President position, after Pat died. \nHe phoned me today--did he indicate to you in what he is interested?\n\nJeff\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski\n\t01/29/2001 02:12 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron\n\t\t Subject: Tom Costantino\n\nJeff, Greg and John,\n\nOur old friend Tom Costantino is interested in coming back\nto Enron. It seems that his move to NYMEX either will not happen\nor will not happen for some time.\n\nYou can contact him at home:\n\nPhone: (713) 860 8687 (h)\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Tom Costantino", "originEmail", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 4, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", "jeff, it seems that nymex will not make a decision any time soon or they rejected tom."]], "Jeff, \n\nIt seems that NYMEX will not make a decision any time soon\nor they rejected Tom. I think the latter is the case.\n\nTom is looking for a trading or origination job with Enron.\nI think that we can use his expertise here.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Jeffrey A Shankman on 01/29/2001 03:50 PM\n", "<32435736.1075856522584.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"business_job tradingTnn": {"value": "business_job tradingTnn", "ne": "business_job tradingTnn", "patterns": ["business_job tradingTnn"]}, "job_task tradingTnn": {"value": "job_task tradingTnn", "ne": "job_task tradingTnn", "patterns": ["job_task tradingTnn"]}}, false], "29-1-2001-8:3:0Sjeffrey.shankman@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-8:3:0", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15216395.1075857510006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 08:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tom Costantino\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeffrey_Shankman_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Shankman-J\nX-FileName: jshankm.nsf\n\nI'll set him up on an interview schedule. Thanks. Jeff\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski\n\t01/29/2001 04:01 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: Tom Costantino\n\nJeff, \n\nIt seems that NYMEX will not make a decision any time soon\nor they rejected Tom. I think the latter is the case.\n\nTom is looking for a trading or origination job with Enron.\nI think that we can use his expertise here.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Jeffrey A Shankman on 01/29/2001 03:50 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Tom Costantino \n\nI thought he was in the running for the President position, after Pat died. \nHe phoned me today--did he indicate to you in what he is interested?\n\nJeff\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski\n\t01/29/2001 02:12 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron\n\t\t Subject: Tom Costantino\n\nJeff, Greg and John,\n\nOur old friend Tom Costantino is interested in coming back\nto Enron. It seems that his move to NYMEX either will not happen\nor will not happen for some time.\n\nYou can contact him at home:\n\nPhone: (713) 860 8687 (h)\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Tom Costantino", "reply", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 0, "nninformation", ["schedule", "set"], "intention", "i'll set him up on an interview schedule."]], "I'll set him up on an interview schedule. Thanks. Jeff\n\n\n\n\tVince J Kaminski\n\t01/29/2001 04:01 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<15216395.1075857510006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "31-7-2000-8:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-8-2000-4:26:0Stoni.graham@enron.com": {"31-7-2000-8:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-8:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["sean.grady@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <5937804.1075856557304.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:46:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sean.grady@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Interview schedule change for Bruce James\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Sean Grady\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSean,\n\nI think we should invite Bruce for additional interviews. I think that he \ndoes not have \nthe skills required in my unit, but he could contribute in other areas.\n\nHere is the list of potential interviewees:\n\nJohn Echols\nTed Murphy\nMark Ruane\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSean Grady@ENRON\n07/26/2000 02:17 PM\nTo: Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S \nBradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson \nGibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nPort/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Toni Graham/Corp/Enron@Enron, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nHennessy/NA/Enron@Enron, Dorothy Youngblood/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Interview schedule change for Bruce James\n\n\nAttached please find the interview packet for the above-referenced person. \nThe interview will happen Thursday July 27, 2000. Please print all three \ndocuments for your hard copies. If you have any questions, or conflicts of \nschedule, please do not hesitate to contact me.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSean Grady\n58701\n\n\n", "Re: Interview schedule change for Bruce James", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 7, "nninformation", ["interviews", "invite"], "intention", "sean, i think we should invite bruce for additional interviews."]], "Sean,\n\nI think we should invite Bruce for additional interviews. I think that he \ndoes not have \nthe skills required in my unit, but he could contribute in other areas.\n\nHere is the list of potential interviewees:\n\nJohn Echols\nTed Murphy\nMark Ruane\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSean Grady@ENRON\n07/26/2000 02:17 PM\n", "<5937804.1075856557304.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "bruce", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false], "1-8-2000-4:26:0Stoni.graham@enron.com": ["1-8-2000-4:26:0", "toni.graham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tony.vasut@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16717841.1075856624487.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 04:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: toni.graham@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Interview schedule change for Bruce James\nCc: tony.vasut@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tony.vasut@enron.com\nX-From: Toni Graham\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Tony Vasut\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince, I am forwarding this information over to Tony Vasut, who recruits for \nRAC, to contact the people listed below. Thanks for the feedback.\n\nToni \n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Toni Graham/Corp/Enron on 08/01/2000 \n11:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nSean Grady\n07/31/2000 04:01 PM\nTo: Toni Graham/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Interview schedule change for Bruce James\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sean Grady/NA/Enron on 07/31/2000 03:59 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n07/31/2000 03:46 PM\nTo: Sean Grady/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Interview schedule change for Bruce James \n\nSean,\n\nI think we should invite Bruce for additional interviews. I think that he \ndoes not have \nthe skills required in my unit, but he could contribute in other areas.\n\nHere is the list of potential interviewees:\n\nJohn Echols\nTed Murphy\nMark Ruane\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSean Grady@ENRON\n07/26/2000 02:17 PM\nTo: Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S \nBradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson \nGibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nPort/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Toni Graham/Corp/Enron@Enron, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita \nHennessy/NA/Enron@Enron, Dorothy Youngblood/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Interview schedule change for Bruce James\n\n\nAttached please find the interview packet for the above-referenced person. \nThe interview will happen Thursday July 27, 2000. Please print all three \ndocuments for your hard copies. If you have any questions, or conflicts of \nschedule, please do not hesitate to contact me.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSean Grady\n58701\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Interview schedule change for Bruce James", "forward", [], "Vince, I am forwarding this information over to Tony Vasut, who recruits for \nRAC, to contact the people listed below. Thanks for the feedback.\n\nToni \n\n", "<16717841.1075856624487.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "8-8-2000-4:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 23-8-2000-9:46:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 23-8-2000-10:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-8-2000-1:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-8-2000-2:49:0Sashley.baxter@enron.com 24-8-2000-6:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-8-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 29-8-2000-9:2:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 30-8-2000-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-8-2000-1:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 30-8-2000-1:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-9-2000-10:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 15-9-2000-21:15:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 18-9-2000-6:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-9-2000-17:6:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 4-10-2000-12:57:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 7-10-2000-12:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 9-10-2000-0:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 18-10-2000-10:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 24-10-2000-9:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-10-2000-3:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-10-2000-8:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-10-2000-10:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 25-10-2000-10:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-11-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 1-11-2000-7:19:0Skristin.gandy@enron.com 1-11-2000-7:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 14-11-2000-2:4:0Slance.cunningham@enron.com 22-12-2000-9:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 8-1-2001-6:42:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 8-1-2001-7:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 6-2-2001-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 19-2-2001-1:36:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 25-9-2001-3:30:54Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu 12-10-2001-10:42:22Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": {"8-8-2000-4:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-8-2000-4:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ashley.baxter@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/08/2000 \n11:55 AM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/08/2000 08:14:59 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nDear Vince\nI will be happy to meet with you. Please let me know when you will be here.\nI will check among our students who may be interested. I have a Ph.D.\nstudent that is very good but he is still in the pipeline.\nShmuel.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ;\n\nSent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\nSubject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible, among\n> other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you a\n> call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join me\n> as well.\n>\n> I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> Program.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n> Vincent Kaminski\n> Managing Director - Research\n> Enron Corp.\n> 1400 Smith Street\n> Room EB1962\n> Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n> Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "", ["<9678677.1075856489552.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12749069.1075856639439.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1254398.1075856555817.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4950726.1075856301312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3958616.1075856340326.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-9:46:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["23-8-2000-9:46:0", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Dear Vince.\nI sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about the\ndate of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you can\nschedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a seminar\nwhich will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and will\ngive you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\nlead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their financial\nengineering students.\nShmuel.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ;\n\nSent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\nSubject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible, among\n> other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you a\n> call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join me\n> as well.\n>\n> I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> Program.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n> Vincent Kaminski\n> Managing Director - Research\n> Enron Corp.\n> 1400 Smith Street\n> Room EB1962\n> Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n> Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n>", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 0, "information", ["you", "sent"], "information", " i sent you a reply earlier this month but i haven't heard from you about the date of your visit."], ["invite personnelpronoun", 12, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " if you can schedule your visit on a monday i would like to invite you to give a seminar which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and will give you an opportunity to tell them about your program."]], "Dear Vince.\nI sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about the\ndate of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you can\nschedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a seminar\nwhich will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and will\ngive you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\nlead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their financial\nengineering students.\nShmuel.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<12307310.1075856295037.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33143734.1075856345141.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "23-8-2000-10:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-10:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ashley.baxter@enron.com"], [], "Ashley.\nFYI. What about Oct 16?\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000 \n05:35 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nDear Vince.\nI sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about the\ndate of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you can\nschedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a seminar\nwhich will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and will\ngive you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\nlead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their financial\nengineering students.\nShmuel.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ;\n\nSent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\nSubject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible, among\n> other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you a\n> call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join me\n> as well.\n>\n> I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> Program.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n> Vincent Kaminski\n> Managing Director - Research\n> Enron Corp.\n> 1400 Smith Street\n> Room EB1962\n> Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n> Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Ashley.\n\nFYI. What about Oct 16?\n\nVince\n\n\n", ["<31629383.1075856486874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<27461574.1075856553175.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1548203.1075856294910.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15739334.1075856345334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-8-2000-1:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-8-2000-1:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oren@ieor.berkeley.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ashley.baxter@enron.com"], "Shmuel,\nThanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\nto finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\nif this date works for the rest of our team.\nVince\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nDear Vince.\nI sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about the\ndate of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you can\nschedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a seminar\nwhich will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and will\ngive you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\nlead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their financial\nengineering students.\nShmuel.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ;\n\nSent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\nSubject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible, among\n> other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you a\n> call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join me\n> as well.\n>\n> I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> Program.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n> Vincent Kaminski\n> Managing Director - Research\n> Enron Corp.\n> 1400 Smith Street\n> Room EB1962\n> Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n> Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu'], 'recipients': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Shmuel,\n\nThanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\nto finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\nif this date works for the rest of our team.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" ", "<1288343.1075856639079.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25189313.1075856553016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26685414.1075856294605.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9627196.1075856345166.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-8-2000-2:49:0Sashley.baxter@enron.com": ["24-8-2000-2:49:0", "ashley.baxter@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], ["donna.jones@enron.com"], "Vince,\nThank you for forwarding the following messages. I am sorry that I am just \nnow getting back to you, my lotus notes was down all afternoon yesterday. \nWe currently have the Cal Berkeley General Presentation set for Wednesday, \nOctober 18th at 7:00 p.m. which works out well because it is just prior to \nthe time deadline for students to submit their resumes. The General \nPresentation is a general overview of Enron, the Program, the interview \nprocess, as well as a chance for students to meet and chat with Enron reps. \nSince this is the first year that we are recruiting from Cal Berkeley, I \nthink that it is important that I attend this event on campus so that I can \nanswer any interview process questions. I will check the schedule and see if \nit is possible to move the presentation to the 23rd. The only negative is \nthat I will not be able to attend because I will be conducting interviews at \nRice that day. Also, it is very difficult to find a location to hold the \npresentation, and I need to check on location availability on the 23rd.\nHowever, I do think that we should take advantage of the seminar on campus. \nThis may mean that they are two seperate trips to campus. Perhaps, we can \nalso set up some other presentations for the 23rd or even the Monday prior. \nAlthough I would like to be able to attend the class/seminar presentations, I \ndon't think that it is as vital as the General Presentation.\nWhat are your thoughts?\nThanks,\nAshley \nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n08/24/2000 08:58 AM\nTo: \"Shmuel Oren\" \ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron \nShmuel,\nThanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\nto finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\nif this date works for the rest of our team.\nVince\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nDear Vince.\nI sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about the\ndate of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you can\nschedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a seminar\nwhich will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and will\ngive you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\nlead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their financial\nengineering students.\nShmuel.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: ; ;\n\nSent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\nSubject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible, among\n> other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you a\n> call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join me\n> as well.\n>\n> I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> Program.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n> Vincent Kaminski\n> Managing Director - Research\n> Enron Corp.\n> 1400 Smith Street\n> Room EB1962\n> Houston, TX 77002-7361\n>\n> Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 51, "nninformation", ["conducting", "interviews"], "intention", " the only negative is that i will not be able to attend because i will be conducting interviews at rice that day."]], "Vince,\n\nThank you for forwarding the following messages. I am sorry that I am just \nnow getting back to you, my lotus notes was down all afternoon yesterday. \n\nWe currently have the Cal Berkeley General Presentation set for Wednesday, \nOctober 18th at 7:00 p.m. which works out well because it is just prior to \nthe time deadline for students to submit their resumes. The General \nPresentation is a general overview of Enron, the Program, the interview \nprocess, as well as a chance for students to meet and chat with Enron reps. \nSince this is the first year that we are recruiting from Cal Berkeley, I \nthink that it is important that I attend this event on campus so that I can \nanswer any interview process questions. I will check the schedule and see if \nit is possible to move the presentation to the 23rd. The only negative is \nthat I will not be able to attend because I will be conducting interviews at \nRice that day. Also, it is very difficult to find a location to hold the \npresentation, and I need to check on location availability on the 23rd.\n\nHowever, I do think that we should take advantage of the seminar on campus. \nThis may mean that they are two seperate trips to campus. Perhaps, we can \nalso set up some other presentations for the 23rd or even the Monday prior. \nAlthough I would like to be able to attend the class/seminar presentations, I \ndon't think that it is as vital as the General Presentation.\n\nWhat are your thoughts?\n\nThanks,\nAshley \n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n08/24/2000 08:58 AM\n", ["<13713731.1075856639056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2299236.1075856294557.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4824485.1075856345189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-8-2000-6:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-8-2000-6:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ashley.baxter@enron.com", "rodrigo.lamas@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ashley,\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/24/2000 \n01:59 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nGreat. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send me a\ntitle and abstract.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: \"Shmuel Oren\" \nCc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n\nSent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\n> to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> if this date works for the rest of our team.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n>\n> Dear Vince.\n> I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about\nthe\n> date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you can\n> schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\nseminar\n> which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and\nwill\n> give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\n> lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\nfinancial\n> engineering students.\n> Shmuel.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: ; ;\n> \n> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible, among\n> > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you a\n> > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join me\n> > as well.\n> >\n> > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> > Program.\n> >\n> > Vince Kaminski\n> >\n> >\n> > Vincent Kaminski\n> > Managing Director - Research\n> > Enron Corp.\n> > 1400 Smith Street\n> > Room EB1962\n> > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> >\n> > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron", "Re: Introduction meeting : RAC London Quants and Houston Research"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Ashley,\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<8850875.1075856486625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9863340.1075856486648.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<1880559.1075856552921.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<31836453.1075856552943.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3374636.1075856294318.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10520612.1075856294341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<59204.1075856345608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "29-8-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-8-2000-9:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oren@ieor.berkeley.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ashley.baxter@enron.com"], "Shmuel,\nThe date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th and \n17th\n(Monday and Tuesday).\nI shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets \n(development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation difficulties, \nEnron's role\nin developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\nPlease, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this is the\ncase, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\nBy the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\nVince\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\nTo: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nGreat. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send me a\ntitle and abstract.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \nTo: \"Shmuel Oren\" \nCc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n\nSent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\n> to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> if this date works for the rest of our team.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n>\n> To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n>\n> Dear Vince.\n> I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about\nthe\n> date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you can\n> schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\nseminar\n> which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and\nwill\n> give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\n> lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\nfinancial\n> engineering students.\n> Shmuel.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: ; ;\n> \n> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible, among\n> > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you a\n> > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join me\n> > as well.\n> >\n> > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> > Program.\n> >\n> > Vince Kaminski\n> >\n> >\n> > Vincent Kaminski\n> > Managing Director - Research\n> > Enron Corp.\n> > 1400 Smith Street\n> > Room EB1962\n> > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> >\n> > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu'], 'recipients': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 7, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " i shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets (development of the markets in the us and europe, valuation difficulties, enron's role in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity)."]], "Shmuel,\n\nThe date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th and \n17th\n(Monday and Tuesday).\n\nI shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets \n(development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation difficulties, \nEnron's role\nin developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n\nPlease, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this is the\ncase, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n\nBy the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" ", "<29517298.1075856638823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14471164.1075856552001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3018386.1075856292351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"date tripTnn": {"value": "date tripTnn", "ne": "date tripTnn", "patterns": ["date tripTnn"]}, "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["development_evolution market_power0marketTnn"]}, "development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv": {"value": "development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv", "ne": "development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv", "patterns": ["development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv"]}, "development_growth market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["development_growth market_power0marketTnn"]}, "development_growth presentationTnn": {"value": "development_growth presentationTnn", "ne": "development_growth presentationTnn", "patterns": ["development_growth presentationTnn"]}, "electricity market natural0gasTnnn": {"value": "electricity market natural0gasTnnn", "ne": "electricity market natural0gasTnnn", "patterns": ["electricity market natural0gasTnnn"]}, "electricity marketTnn": {"value": "electricity marketTnn", "ne": "electricity marketTnn", "patterns": ["electricity marketTnn"]}, "energy0derivative makeTnv": {"value": "energy0derivative makeTnv", "ne": "energy0derivative makeTnv", "patterns": ["energy0derivative makeTnv"]}, "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn"]}, "market part_roleTnn": {"value": "market part_roleTnn", "ne": "market part_roleTnn", "patterns": ["market part_roleTnn"]}, "market role valuationTnnn": {"value": "market role valuationTnnn", "ne": "market role valuationTnnn", "patterns": ["market role valuationTnnn"]}, "market valuationTnn": {"value": "market valuationTnn", "ne": "market valuationTnn", "patterns": ["market valuationTnn"]}}, true], "29-8-2000-9:2:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["29-8-2000-9:2:0", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "That will be a great talk\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th and\n> 17th\n> (Monday and Tuesday).\n>\n> I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation difficulties,\n> Enron's role\n> in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n>\n> Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this is\n> the\n> case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n>\n> By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send me a\n> title and abstract.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> \n> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\n> > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> >\n> > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Dear Vince.\n> > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about\n> the\n> > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you\ncan\n> > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\n> seminar\n> > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and\n> will\n> > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\n> > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> financial\n> > engineering students.\n> > Shmuel.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: ; ;\n> > \n> > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible,\namong\n> > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you\n> a\n> > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join\nme\n> > > as well.\n> > >\n> > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> > > Program.\n> > >\n> > > Vince Kaminski\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > Enron Corp.\n> > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > Room EB1962\n> > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > >\n> > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "That will be a great talk\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<29487843.1075856292189.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18714033.1075856347024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-8-2000-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-1:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oren@ieor.berkeley.edu"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ashley.baxter@enron.com"], "Shmuel,\nLet's see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers\nor change the date of our visit to the campus. Ashley Baxter, our coordinator \nis very efficient and\ngot a faculty room for a presentation on Monday morning on the 16th.\nVince\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/29/2000 05:37:33 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nDear Vince. I spoke too soon. Apparently the seminar slot on the 16 was\nalready filled. I will see if I can switch the speaker for that week to the\nfollowing week. In any case we are on for dinner on the 16.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th and\n> 17th\n> (Monday and Tuesday).\n>\n> I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation difficulties,\n> Enron's role\n> in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n>\n> Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this is\n> the\n> case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n>\n> By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send me a\n> title and abstract.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> \n> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\n> > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> >\n> > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Dear Vince.\n> > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about\n> the\n> > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you\ncan\n> > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\n> seminar\n> > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and\n> will\n> > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\n> > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> financial\n> > engineering students.\n> > Shmuel.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: ; ;\n> > \n> > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible,\namong\n> > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you\n> a\n> > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join\nme\n> > > as well.\n> > >\n> > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> > > Program.\n> > >\n> > > Vince Kaminski\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > Enron Corp.\n> > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > Room EB1962\n> > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > >\n> > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu'], 'recipients': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Shmuel,\n\nLet's see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers\nor change the date of our visit to the campus. Ashley Baxter, our coordinator \nis very efficient and\ngot a faculty room for a presentation on Monday morning on the 16th.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" ", "<23645209.1075856638731.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18430640.1075856551931.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30465393.1075856292069.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-8-2000-1:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-1:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ashley.baxter@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/30/2000 \n08:11 AM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/29/2000 03:02:41 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nThat will be a great talk\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th and\n> 17th\n> (Monday and Tuesday).\n>\n> I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation difficulties,\n> Enron's role\n> in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n>\n> Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this is\n> the\n> case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n>\n> By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send me a\n> title and abstract.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> \n> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\n> > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> >\n> > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Dear Vince.\n> > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about\n> the\n> > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you\ncan\n> > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\n> seminar\n> > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and\n> will\n> > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\n> > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> financial\n> > engineering students.\n> > Shmuel.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: ; ;\n> > \n> > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible,\namong\n> > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you\n> a\n> > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join\nme\n> > > as well.\n> > >\n> > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> > > Program.\n> > >\n> > > Vince Kaminski\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > Enron Corp.\n> > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > Room EB1962\n> > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > >\n> > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<25360893.1075856485608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32860761.1075856551899.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9179519.1075856292043.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11921717.1075856347205.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-8-2000-1:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-8-2000-1:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["ashley.baxter@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Ashley,\nI agree with you. Two trips are the best solution, unless of course Shmuel \nrearranges\nthe speaker list and the 16th will work for the presentation as well. \nCoordinating so many different events is never easy. Thanks for your\npatience.\nVince\n \n \n Enron Technology\n \n From: Ashley Baxter @ ENRON 08/30/2000 08:24 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron \nVince,\nActually, the General Presentation that I have scheduled for the Faculty Club \n(a dining/meeting room) on campus is set for 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. on Monday \nthe 16th. I can attempt to change the presentation date again, however I \nfeel that it would be very unlikely that we are able to get another facility \nthat is near campus. At this point it may be better to plan on making two \nseperate trips so that we are able to handle both events. Maybe we could \ncombine another presentation in during the same visit. What do you think?\nAshley\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n08/30/2000 08:03 AM\nTo: \"Shmuel Oren\" @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ashley Baxter/Corp/Enron@Enron, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron \nShmuel,\nLet's see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers\nor change the date of our visit to the campus. Ashley Baxter, our coordinator \nis very efficient and\ngot a faculty room for a presentation on Monday morning on the 16th.\nVince\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/29/2000 05:37:33 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nDear Vince. I spoke too soon. Apparently the seminar slot on the 16 was\nalready filled. I will see if I can switch the speaker for that week to the\nfollowing week. In any case we are on for dinner on the 16.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th and\n> 17th\n> (Monday and Tuesday).\n>\n> I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation difficulties,\n> Enron's role\n> in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n>\n> Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this is\n> the\n> case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n>\n> By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n>\n> To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send me a\n> title and abstract.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> \n> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley Baxter,\n> > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> >\n> > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Dear Vince.\n> > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you about\n> the\n> > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you\ncan\n> > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\n> seminar\n> > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty and\n> will\n> > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With sufficient\n> > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> financial\n> > engineering students.\n> > Shmuel.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: ; ;\n> > \n> > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian, a\n> > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible,\namong\n> > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give you\n> a\n> > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join\nme\n> > > as well.\n> > >\n> > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst / Associate\n> > > Program.\n> > >\n> > > Vince Kaminski\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > Enron Corp.\n> > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > Room EB1962\n> > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > >\n> > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Ashley,\n\nI agree with you. Two trips are the best solution, unless of course Shmuel \nrearranges\nthe speaker list and the 16th will work for the presentation as well. \n\nCoordinating so many different events is never easy. Thanks for your\npatience.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n \t\n\tEnron Technology\n\t\n\tFrom: Ashley Baxter @ ENRON 08/30/2000 08:24 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<29648277.1075856485539.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30533204.1075856638706.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7856885.1075856551830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11317028.1075856291920.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-9-2000-10:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-9-2000-10:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oren@ieor.berkeley.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Shmuel,\nSorry for not getting back to you earlier.\nIf the 23rd of October is still open, I can make the presentation on this\nday.\nVince\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/30/2000 08:18:15 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nOriginally you mentioned October 23 so I reserved that week which is still\nopen.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; ;\n\nSent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 9:03 AM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> Let's see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers\n> or change the date of our visit to the campus. Ashley Baxter, our\n> coordinator is very efficient and\n> got a faculty room for a presentation on Monday morning on the 16th.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/29/2000 05:37:33 PM\n>\n> To: \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Dear Vince. I spoke too soon. Apparently the seminar slot on the 16 was\n> already filled. I will see if I can switch the speaker for that week to\nthe\n> following week. In any case we are on for dinner on the 16.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: \n> Cc: ; \n> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th\n> and\n> > 17th\n> > (Monday and Tuesday).\n> >\n> > I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> > (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation\ndifficulties,\n> > Enron's role\n> > in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n> >\n> > Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this\nis\n> > the\n> > case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n> >\n> > By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n> >\n> > To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send me\na\n> > title and abstract.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> > Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> > \n> > Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley\nBaxter,\n> > > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> > > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> > >\n> > > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > > cc:\n> > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Dear Vince.\n> > > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you\n> about\n> > the\n> > > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If you\n> can\n> > > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\n> > seminar\n> > > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty\nand\n> > will\n> > > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With\n> sufficient\n> > > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> > financial\n> > > engineering students.\n> > > Shmuel.\n> > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > and Operations Research\n> > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > University of California\n> > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > >\n> > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > From: \n> > > To: ; ;\n> > > \n> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > > Shmuel,\n> > > >\n> > > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram Sogomonian,\n> a\n> > > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible,\n> among\n> > > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or technical\n> > > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give\n> you\n> > a\n> > > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would join\n> me\n> > > > as well.\n> > > >\n> > > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst /\nAssociate\n> > > > Program.\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince Kaminski\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > > Enron Corp.\n> > > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > > Room EB1962\n> > > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > > >\n> > > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu'], 'recipients': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 6, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " if the datenumeric d of october is still open, i can make the presentation on this day."]], "Shmuel,\n\nSorry for not getting back to you earlier.\nIf the 23rd of October is still open, I can make the presentation on this\nday.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" ", "<27705592.1075856638440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17483882.1075856549701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10016978.1075856288084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "15-9-2000-21:15:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["15-9-2000-21:15:0", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Great\nYou Are on for the 23\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: \nSent: Friday, September 15, 2000 6:04 PM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.\n> If the 23rd of October is still open, I can make the presentation on this\n> day.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/30/2000 08:18:15 AM\n>\n> To: \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Originally you mentioned October 23 so I reserved that week which is still\n> open.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: \n> Cc: ; ;\n> \n> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 9:03 AM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > Let's see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers\n> > or change the date of our visit to the campus. Ashley Baxter, our\n> > coordinator is very efficient and\n> > got a faculty room for a presentation on Monday morning on the 16th.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/29/2000 05:37:33 PM\n> >\n> > To: \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > Dear Vince. I spoke too soon. Apparently the seminar slot on the 16 was\n> > already filled. I will see if I can switch the speaker for that week to\n> the\n> > following week. In any case we are on for dinner on the 16.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: \n> > Cc: ; \n> > Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th\n> > and\n> > > 17th\n> > > (Monday and Tuesday).\n> > >\n> > > I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> > > (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation\n> difficulties,\n> > > Enron's role\n> > > in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n> > >\n> > > Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this\n> is\n> > > the\n> > > case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n> > >\n> > > By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n> > >\n> > > To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > > cc:\n> > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send\nme\n> a\n> > > title and abstract.\n> > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > and Operations Research\n> > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > University of California\n> > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > >\n> > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > > To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> > > Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> > > \n> > > Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Shmuel,\n> > > >\n> > > > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley\n> Baxter,\n> > > > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> > > > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> > > >\n> > > > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > > > cc:\n> > > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Dear Vince.\n> > > > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you\n> > about\n> > > the\n> > > > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If\nyou\n> > can\n> > > > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\n> > > seminar\n> > > > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty\n> and\n> > > will\n> > > > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With\n> > sufficient\n> > > > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> > > financial\n> > > > engineering students.\n> > > > Shmuel.\n> > > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > > and Operations Research\n> > > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > > University of California\n> > > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > >\n> > > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > > From: \n> > > > To: ; ;\n> > > > \n> > > > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > > > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > > Shmuel,\n> > > > >\n> > > > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram\n> Sogomonian,\n> > a\n> > > > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible,\n> > among\n> > > > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or\n> technical\n> > > > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give\n> > you\n> > > a\n> > > > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > > > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would\n> join\n> > me\n> > > > > as well.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst /\n> Associate\n> > > > > Program.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vince Kaminski\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > > > Enron Corp.\n> > > > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > > > Room EB1962\n> > > > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Great\nYou Are on for the 23\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<27851378.1075856288035.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4495288.1075856350266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-9-2000-6:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-9-2000-6:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oren@ieor.berkeley.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18191233.1075856287759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 06:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Shmuel Oren\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShmuel,\n\nThanks for the invitation to speak on October 23rd.\n\nWould you like me to split my presentation and devote\nsome time to the Enron Analyst/Associate program?\n\nI plan to make presentation on energy derivatives markets\n(development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation\nchallenges, Enron's role in developing the forward markets for natural gas \nand electricity).\nI shall send you the bullet points in a few days.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 09/18/2000 09:51:29 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n\n\nVince\nPlease send me a title for the talk with your Job title etc. and an abstract\nfor your talk. You will have about an hour.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: \nSent: Friday, September 15, 2000 6:04 PM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n\n\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.\n> If the 23rd of October is still open, I can make the presentation on this\n> day.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/30/2000 08:18:15 AM\n>\n> To: \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Originally you mentioned October 23 so I reserved that week which is still\n> open.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: \n> Cc: ; ;\n> \n> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 9:03 AM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > Let's see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers\n> > or change the date of our visit to the campus. Ashley Baxter, our\n> > coordinator is very efficient and\n> > got a faculty room for a presentation on Monday morning on the 16th.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/29/2000 05:37:33 PM\n> >\n> > To: \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > Dear Vince. I spoke too soon. Apparently the seminar slot on the 16 was\n> > already filled. I will see if I can switch the speaker for that week to\n> the\n> > following week. In any case we are on for dinner on the 16.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: \n> > Cc: ; \n> > Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October 16th\n> > and\n> > > 17th\n> > > (Monday and Tuesday).\n> > >\n> > > I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> > > (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation\n> difficulties,\n> > > Enron's role\n> > > in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n> > >\n> > > Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If this\n> is\n> > > the\n> > > case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n> > >\n> > > By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n> > >\n> > > To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > > cc:\n> > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send\nme\n> a\n> > > title and abstract.\n> > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > and Operations Research\n> > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > University of California\n> > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > >\n> > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > > To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> > > Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> > > \n> > > Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Shmuel,\n> > > >\n> > > > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley\n> Baxter,\n> > > > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the 23rd\n> > > > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> > > >\n> > > > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > > > cc:\n> > > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Dear Vince.\n> > > > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you\n> > about\n> > > the\n> > > > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If\nyou\n> > can\n> > > > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give a\n> > > seminar\n> > > > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty\n> and\n> > > will\n> > > > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With\n> > sufficient\n> > > > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> > > financial\n> > > > engineering students.\n> > > > Shmuel.\n> > > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > > and Operations Research\n> > > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > > University of California\n> > > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > >\n> > > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > > From: \n> > > > To: ; ;\n> > > > \n> > > > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > > > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > > Shmuel,\n> > > > >\n> > > > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram\n> Sogomonian,\n> > a\n> > > > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently responsible,\n> > among\n> > > > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or\n> technical\n> > > > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to give\n> > you\n> > > a\n> > > > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My colleague,\n> > > > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would\n> join\n> > me\n> > > > > as well.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst /\n> Associate\n> > > > > Program.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vince Kaminski\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > > > Enron Corp.\n> > > > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > > > Room EB1962\n> > > > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n", "Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron", "originEmail", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 11, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " i plan to make presentation on energy derivatives markets (development of the markets in the us and europe, valuation challenges, enron's role in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity)."]], "Shmuel,\n\nThanks for the invitation to speak on October 23rd.\n\nWould you like me to split my presentation and devote\nsome time to the Enron Analyst/Associate program?\n\nI plan to make presentation on energy derivatives markets\n(development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation\nchallenges, Enron's role in developing the forward markets for natural gas \nand electricity).\nI shall send you the bullet points in a few days.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" ", {"challenge market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "challenge market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "challenge market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["challenge market_power0marketTnn"]}, "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "development_evolution market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["development_evolution market_power0marketTnn"]}, "development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv": {"value": "development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv", "ne": "development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv", "patterns": ["development_growth energy_energy0derivative makeTnnv"]}, "development_growth market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["development_growth market_power0marketTnn"]}, "development_growth presentationTnn": {"value": "development_growth presentationTnn", "ne": "development_growth presentationTnn", "patterns": ["development_growth presentationTnn"]}, "electricity market natural0gasTnnn": {"value": "electricity market natural0gasTnnn", "ne": "electricity market natural0gasTnnn", "patterns": ["electricity market natural0gasTnnn"]}, "electricity marketTnn": {"value": "electricity marketTnn", "ne": "electricity marketTnn", "patterns": ["electricity marketTnn"]}, "energy0derivative makeTnv": {"value": "energy0derivative makeTnv", "ne": "energy0derivative makeTnv", "patterns": ["energy0derivative makeTnv"]}, "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0derivative planTnv": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative planTnv", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative planTnv", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative planTnv"]}, "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation market_power0marketTnn"]}, "market part_roleTnn": {"value": "market part_roleTnn", "ne": "market part_roleTnn", "patterns": ["market part_roleTnn"]}, "market role valuationTnnn": {"value": "market role valuationTnnn", "ne": "market role valuationTnnn", "patterns": ["market role valuationTnnn"]}, "market valuationTnn": {"value": "market valuationTnn", "ne": "market valuationTnn", "patterns": ["market valuationTnn"]}}, true], "18-9-2000-17:6:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["18-9-2000-17:6:0", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince\nThe audience consist of mostly first year graduate students in Industrial\nEngineering and Operations Research some doctoral students and faculty. A\nshort introduction about opportunities for quantitative minded people at\nEnron would be good. It would also be good if in your talk you can give some\ntechnical examples for people with a good analytic background but no much of\na financial engineering background. Many of the first year graduate students\ngo for a masters degree and wonder what they can do with an OR masters\ndegree.\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: \nSent: Monday, September 18, 2000 2:20 PM\nSubject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> Thanks for the invitation to speak on October 23rd.\n>\n> Would you like me to split my presentation and devote\n> some time to the Enron Analyst/Associate program?\n>\n> I plan to make presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation\n> challenges, Enron's role in developing the forward markets for natural gas\n> and electricity).\n> I shall send you the bullet points in a few days.\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 09/18/2000 09:51:29 PM\n>\n> To: \n> cc:\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> Vince\n> Please send me a title for the talk with your Job title etc. and an\n> abstract\n> for your talk. You will have about an hour.\n> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> and Operations Research\n> 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> University of California\n> Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \n> To: \n> Cc: \n> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 6:04 PM\n> Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n>\n>\n> >\n> > Shmuel,\n> >\n> > Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.\n> > If the 23rd of October is still open, I can make the presentation on\nthis\n> > day.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/30/2000 08:18:15 AM\n> >\n> > To: \n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > Originally you mentioned October 23 so I reserved that week which is\n> still\n> > open.\n> > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > and Operations Research\n> > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > University of California\n> > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> >\n> > ----- Original Message -----\n> > From: \n> > To: \n> > Cc: ; ;\n> > \n> > Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 9:03 AM\n> > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> >\n> >\n> > >\n> > > Shmuel,\n> > >\n> > > Let's see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers\n> > > or change the date of our visit to the campus. Ashley Baxter, our\n> > > coordinator is very efficient and\n> > > got a faculty room for a presentation on Monday morning on the 16th.\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/29/2000 05:37:33 PM\n> > >\n> > > To: \n> > > cc:\n> > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > Dear Vince. I spoke too soon. Apparently the seminar slot on the 16\nwas\n> > > already filled. I will see if I can switch the speaker for that week\nto\n> > the\n> > > following week. In any case we are on for dinner on the 16.\n> > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > and Operations Research\n> > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > University of California\n> > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > >\n> > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > From: \n> > > To: \n> > > Cc: ; \n> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:01 PM\n> > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > >\n> > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Shmuel,\n> > > >\n> > > > The date of our trip to Berkeley has been set. It will be October\n> 16th\n> > > and\n> > > > 17th\n> > > > (Monday and Tuesday).\n> > > >\n> > > > I shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets\n> > > > (development of the markets in the US and Europe, valuation\n> > difficulties,\n> > > > Enron's role\n> > > > in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity).\n> > > >\n> > > > Please, let me know if this topic would be of interest to you. If\n> this\n> > is\n> > > > the\n> > > > case, I shall follow with a title and an abstract.\n> > > >\n> > > > By the way, are you free for dinner on Monday?\n> > > >\n> > > > Vince\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/24/2000 08:59:38 AM\n> > > >\n> > > > To: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > > > cc:\n> > > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > Great. Our seminars are 3:30 to 5PM. If it works for you please send\n> me\n> > a\n> > > > title and abstract.\n> > > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > > and Operations Research\n> > > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > > University of California\n> > > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > >\n> > > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > > From: \"Vince J Kaminski\" \n> > > > To: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> > > > Cc: \"Vince J Kaminski\" ; \"Ashley Baxter\"\n> > > > \n> > > > Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 9:58 AM\n> > > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Shmuel,\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Thanks for the message. I am working with our recruiter, Ashley\n> > Baxter,\n> > > > > to finalize the date of the trip. I shall shoot for October the\n> 23rd\n> > > > > if this date works for the rest of our team.\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Vince\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > \"Shmuel Oren\" on 08/23/2000 11:46:19 AM\n> > > > >\n> > > > > To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\n> > > > > cc:\n> > > > > Subject: Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > Dear Vince.\n> > > > > I sent you a reply earlier this month but I haven't heard from you\n> > > about\n> > > > the\n> > > > > date of your visit. Our department has a Seminar every Monday. If\n> you\n> > > can\n> > > > > schedule your visit on a Monday I would like to invite you to give\n> a\n> > > > seminar\n> > > > > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and\nfaculty\n> > and\n> > > > will\n> > > > > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program. With\n> > > sufficient\n> > > > > lead-time I can advertise the seminar in the Hass school to their\n> > > > financial\n> > > > > engineering students.\n> > > > > Shmuel.\n> > > > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > > > Shmuel S. Oren, Professor\n> > > > > Dept. of Industrial Engineering\n> > > > > and Operations Research\n> > > > > 4117 Etcheverry Hall\n> > > > > University of California\n> > > > > Berkeley, CA 94720-1777\n> > > > > e-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\n> > > > > phone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\n> > > > > Fax: (510) 642-1403\n> > > > > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n> > > > >\n> > > > > ----- Original Message -----\n> > > > > From: \n> > > > > To: ; ;\n> > > > > \n> > > > > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:59 AM\n> > > > > Subject: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > > > Shmuel,\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > I hope you remember me. I visited you together with Aram\n> > Sogomonian,\n> > > a\n> > > > > > good friend of mine, a few years ago. I am currently\nresponsible,\n> > > among\n> > > > > > other things, for recruiting graduates with finance and/or\n> > technical\n> > > > > > backgrounds at the University of Berkeley. I would be glad to\n> give\n> > > you\n> > > > a\n> > > > > > call and talk more about the details of our program. My\n> colleague,\n> > > > > > AshleyBaxter, from the Analyst/Associate Program at Enron would\n> > join\n> > > me\n> > > > > > as well.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > I am sending you a copy of the brochure about the Analyst /\n> > Associate\n> > > > > > Program.\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Vince Kaminski\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Vincent Kaminski\n> > > > > > Managing Director - Research\n> > > > > > Enron Corp.\n> > > > > > 1400 Smith Street\n> > > > > > Room EB1962\n> > > > > > Houston, TX 77002-7361\n> > > > > >\n> > > > > > Phone: (713) 853 3848\n> > > > > > Fax : (713) 646 2503\n> > > > > > E-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n> > > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> > >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Hello from Vince Kaminski at Enron"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Vince\nThe audience consist of mostly first year graduate students in Industrial\nEngineering and Operations Research some doctoral students and faculty. A\nshort introduction about opportunities for quantitative minded people at\nEnron would be good. It would also be good if in your talk you can give some\ntechnical examples for people with a good analytic background but no much of\na financial engineering background. Many of the first year graduate students\ngo for a masters degree and wonder what they can do with an OR masters\ndegree.\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<17727076.1075856287662.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7958431.1075856350503.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-10-2000-12:57:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["4-10-2000-12:57:0", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Thanks\nVince. This is good but I also need a title. It would be good if you can as\npart of the talk present an example of a technical problem addressed by your\ngroup describing the problem and the general methodology employed or\ndeveloped. You can also start with an introduction about your organization\nand the program.\nShmuel\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Monday, October 02, 2000 6:44 AM\nSubject: Abstract\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> This is the abstract for my presentation on the 23rd of October.\n> I am in London and Paris this week. I can be reached at my\n> private E-mail address vkaminski@aol.com.\n>\n> Please, feel free to suggest modifications to the abstract.\n>\n>\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> ******************************************************************\n>\n> > The last three years were characterized by exceptionally high volatility\n> of\n> > the power prices in the US markets. The market developments have created\n> a\n> > number of unique challenges for energy industry economists. One\nimmediate\n> > question we have to answer is how to measure volatility of energy\nprices.\n> > Although we can all agree that the prices in the power markets are\n> > characterized by high variability, the traditional measures used in\n> financial\n> > economics (annualized standard deviation of log price returns) may not\n> fit\n> > well electricity prices. The second challenge is to explain the sources\n> of\n> > high price volatility and to answer the question to what extent it can\nbe\n> > attributed to problems that can be addressed in the long run. Such\n> problems\n> > include flaws in market design that allow some market participants to\n> abuse\n> > market power, limited availability and/or unequal access to\ntransmission,\n> > temporary shortages of generation capacity. Some factors underlying high\n> > volatility of electricity prices may be of permanent nature and may be a\n> > necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and expanded\n> customer\n> > choice.\n>\n>", ["Re: Abstract"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Thanks\nVince. This is good but I also need a title. It would be good if you can as\npart of the talk present an example of a technical problem addressed by your\ngroup describing the problem and the general methodology employed or\ndeveloped. You can also start with an introduction about your organization\nand the program.\nShmuel\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<11091972.1075856282330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2904010.1075856354275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-10-2000-12:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-10-2000-12:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", "vkamins@enron.com"], ["vkamins@enron.com"], "Shmuel,\nWhat about the following: \"Volatility of Electricity Prices. Measurement and\nAnalysis of Underlying Causes.\"\nWhat about dinner on the 23rd, following the presentation? I shall be on the\ncampus on the 16th, but it seems that my presentation to the students will\nend rather late (assuming they will show up). Please, let me know what you\nthink.\nVince\n ", ["Re: Abstract", "Fwd: Abstract"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu'], 'recipients': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nReturn-Path: ", "<25162765.1075856637713.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19588032.1075856281561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13527140.1075856281585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4214097.1075856354840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26478630.1075856354861.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-10-2000-0:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-10-2000-0:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com"], [], "Shirley,\nPlease, send him my bio.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/09/2000 \n08:05 AM ---------------------------\nVKaminski@aol.com on 10/08/2000 11:00:05 AM\nTo: OREN@ieor.berkeley.edu\ncc: scrensh@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com \nSubject: Re: Abstract\nShmuel,\nThanks. I shall send you a bio from the office.\nVince\n", ["Re: Abstract"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, send him my bio.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<22863128.1075856480650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23810228.1075856546965.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20495606.1075856281466.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<16434842.1075856354929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-10-2000-10:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-10:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/18/2000 \n05:14 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/04/2000 06:57:32 PM\nTo: , \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Abstract\nThanks\nVince. This is good but I also need a title. It would be good if you can as\npart of the talk present an example of a technical problem addressed by your\ngroup describing the problem and the general methodology employed or\ndeveloped. You can also start with an introduction about your organization\nand the program.\nShmuel\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nShmuel S. Oren, Professor\nDept. of Industrial Engineering\n and Operations Research\n4117 Etcheverry Hall\nUniversity of California\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\ne-mail: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nphone: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFax: (510) 642-1403\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: ; \nSent: Monday, October 02, 2000 6:44 AM\nSubject: Abstract\n> Shmuel,\n>\n> This is the abstract for my presentation on the 23rd of October.\n> I am in London and Paris this week. I can be reached at my\n> private E-mail address vkaminski@aol.com.\n>\n> Please, feel free to suggest modifications to the abstract.\n>\n>\n>\n> Vince\n>\n>\n> ******************************************************************\n>\n> > The last three years were characterized by exceptionally high volatility\n> of\n> > the power prices in the US markets. The market developments have created\n> a\n> > number of unique challenges for energy industry economists. One\nimmediate\n> > question we have to answer is how to measure volatility of energy\nprices.\n> > Although we can all agree that the prices in the power markets are\n> > characterized by high variability, the traditional measures used in\n> financial\n> > economics (annualized standard deviation of log price returns) may not\n> fit\n> > well electricity prices. The second challenge is to explain the sources\n> of\n> > high price volatility and to answer the question to what extent it can\nbe\n> > attributed to problems that can be addressed in the long run. Such\n> problems\n> > include flaws in market design that allow some market participants to\n> abuse\n> > market power, limited availability and/or unequal access to\ntransmission,\n> > temporary shortages of generation capacity. Some factors underlying high\n> > volatility of electricity prices may be of permanent nature and may be a\n> > necessary price to pay for increased market efficiency and expanded\n> customer\n> > choice.\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Abstract"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "", ["<3405735.1075856477513.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<25847406.1075856543836.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29233544.1075856274500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26791080.1075856360223.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-10-2000-9:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-9:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["charlene.jackson@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mary.bailey@enron.com"], "Charlene,\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:40 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/23/2000 04:37:25 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n?\n\n", ["Yaron's Resume"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 12, "nninformation", ["invite", "him"], "request information", " can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a super saturday?"]], "Charlene,\n\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<11327505.1075856477062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7828104.1075856543385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32341856.1075856272445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17990732.1075856361856.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], [], true], "25-10-2000-3:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-3:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mary.bailey@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Alison,\nI appreciate it. I really need your help on this one. His father is very \nhelpful in my recruiting \nefforts at Berkeley.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Mary Alison Bailey 10/25/2000 09:38 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume \nCORRECTION - I was going too fast last night ( You said Cornell not Carneige \nMellon). Cornell interviews are Monday, October 30 & Tuesday, October 31. We \nare faxing Shmuel Oren's resume to Kristin and checking to see if there is \nany time on the closed schedule, or if the interviewers will stay longer to \ninclude him. I will let you know today if we can make it work.\nSorry my first e-mail was incorrect.\nVince J Kaminski\n10/24/2000 04:37 PM\nTo: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Mary Alison Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\nCharlene,\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:40 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/23/2000 04:37:25 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n?\n\n", ["Re: Yaron's Resume"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Alison,\n\nI appreciate it. I really need your help on this one. His father is very \nhelpful in my recruiting \nefforts at Berkeley.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mary Alison Bailey 10/25/2000 09:38 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<23151979.1075856476922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<757906.1075856543221.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9379645.1075856271934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-10-2000-8:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-8:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["mary.bailey@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Alison,\nThanks a lot.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Mary Alison Bailey 10/25/2000 10:47 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume \nI promise we will do everything we can. Right now Kristin's assistant, Alyse \nHerasimchuk, has a call the Cornell career office to put him on the \nschedule. If that doesn't work, Kristin will ask for the interviewers to \nstay longer to interview him. Will let you know as soon as we do. \nThanks for everything you do for us.\nAlison\nVince J Kaminski\n10/25/2000 10:02 AM\nTo: Mary Alison Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume \nAlison,\nI appreciate it. I really need your help on this one. His father is very \nhelpful in my recruiting \nefforts at Berkeley.\nVince\n \n Enron North America Corp.\n \n From: Mary Alison Bailey 10/25/2000 09:38 AM\n \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume \nCORRECTION - I was going too fast last night ( You said Cornell not Carneige \nMellon). Cornell interviews are Monday, October 30 & Tuesday, October 31. We \nare faxing Shmuel Oren's resume to Kristin and checking to see if there is \nany time on the closed schedule, or if the interviewers will stay longer to \ninclude him. I will let you know today if we can make it work.\nSorry my first e-mail was incorrect.\nVince J Kaminski\n10/24/2000 04:37 PM\nTo: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Mary Alison Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\nCharlene,\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:40 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/23/2000 04:37:25 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n?\n\n", ["Re: Yaron's Resume"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Alison,\n\nThanks a lot.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mary Alison Bailey 10/25/2000 10:47 AM\n\t\n\n", ["<2269558.1075856476855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8490531.1075856636975.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14486088.1075856543154.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4690889.1075856271701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-10-2000-10:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-10:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["charlene.jackson@enron.com"], [], "Charlene,\nThanks.\nVince\nCharlene Jackson@ENRON\n10/24/2000 05:15 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Kristin \nGandy/NA/Enron@Enron, Shelly Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume \nVince,\nKevin Hannon is the executive lead for Cornell and he needs to approve. I \nam not sure if they have already interviewed on campus. He should go through \nthe on-campus screening process before attending a Super Saturday. We are \nreserving the Super Saturday weekend for individuals that are highly likely \nto receive an offer. I will forward this to Kevin and Kristin Gandy. \nAlthough they are responsible for Graduate recruiting at Cornell, perhaps it \nis possible for him to interview when they go on campus.\nCharlene\nKevin and Kristin,\nPlease see Vince's message below. Would it be possible for an undergraduate \nto interview while you are at Cornell? Please let me know. \nThanks\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/24/2000 04:37 PM\nTo: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Mary Alison Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\nCharlene,\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:40 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/23/2000 04:37:25 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n?\n\n", ["Re: Yaron's Resume"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Charlene,\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nCharlene Jackson@ENRON\n10/24/2000 05:15 PM\n", ["<2712486.1075856476787.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21988488.1075856543084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17565895.1075856271561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-10-2000-10:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-10:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kevin.hannon@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Kevin,\nI would greatly appreciate if you could help me in this case. Yaron's father \nhelped me \na lot to open many doors at Berkeley.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000 \n05:39 PM ---------------------------\nCharlene Jackson@ENRON\n10/24/2000 05:15 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Kristin \nGandy/NA/Enron@Enron, Shelly Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Yaron's Resume \nVince,\nKevin Hannon is the executive lead for Cornell and he needs to approve. I \nam not sure if they have already interviewed on campus. He should go through \nthe on-campus screening process before attending a Super Saturday. We are \nreserving the Super Saturday weekend for individuals that are highly likely \nto receive an offer. I will forward this to Kevin and Kristin Gandy. \nAlthough they are responsible for Graduate recruiting at Cornell, perhaps it \nis possible for him to interview when they go on campus.\nCharlene\nKevin and Kristin,\nPlease see Vince's message below. Would it be possible for an undergraduate \nto interview while you are at Cornell? Please let me know. \nThanks\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n10/24/2000 04:37 PM\nTo: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Mary Alison Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\nCharlene,\nPlease, help. This is a son of a professor at Berkeley who helps me a lot in \nthe recruiting process.\nHis son goes to Cornell. Can we invite him (the son, not the professor) to a \nSuper Saturday? I really want\nto repay the debt to his father who is very instrumental in my recruiting \nefforts.\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/24/2000 \n04:40 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/23/2000 04:37:25 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Yaron's Resume\n?\n\n", ["Re: Yaron's Resume"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Kevin,\n\nI would greatly appreciate if you could help me in this case. Yaron's father \nhelped me \na lot to open many doors at Berkeley.\n\nVince\n\n", ["<27153956.1075856476765.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9796523.1075856636908.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<26057052.1075856543062.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29785133.1075856271515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22251616.1075856362357.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-11-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-0:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kristin.gandy@enron.com", "john.goodpasture@enron.com"], [], "FYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n08:47 AM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/31/2000 02:27:18 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: My son\nVince\nApparently the recruiter spoke to one of my son's roommates and left a phone \nnumber (713) 343-3214 which he tried several times and got busy signals. \nToday she called just before you called me and left her cellphone number but \nhe was in classes all morning and got the message in the afternoon. I really \nappreciate your going out of your?way to help. Perhaps there will be another \nopportunity.?\nShmuel?\n", ["My son"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "FYI\n\nVince\n\n", ["<17766268.1075856475378.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<6087467.1075856541672.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30800191.1075856268257.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5862168.1075856364935.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-11-2000-7:19:0Skristin.gandy@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-7:19:0", "kristin.gandy@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Vince,\nI left a message with one of Yaron's roommates on Thursday afternoon for him \nto call ASAP for an interview on Sunday. I guess he took the wrong number \ndown but I do not understand this because the roommate read the number back \nto me and it was correct. When I did not hear from Yaron I called on Friday \nand left a voice mail with my cell and office numbers. I still did not hear \nfrom him and called again yesterday morning. I finally received a call at 4 \npm yesterday but by that time my team and myself were half way back to \nHouston. Sorry it did not work out. I have a call into Charlene Jackson as \nto how she wants me to proceed and I will get back with you.\nKristin\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/01/2000 08:40 AM\nTo: John Goodpasture/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Kristin Gandy/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: My son\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n08:47 AM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/31/2000 02:27:18 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: My son\nVince\nApparently the recruiter spoke to one of my son's roommates and left a phone \nnumber (713) 343-3214 which he tried several times and got busy signals. \nToday she called just before you called me and left her cellphone number but \nhe was in classes all morning and got the message in the afternoon. I really \nappreciate your going out of your?way to help. Perhaps there will be another \nopportunity.?\nShmuel?\n", ["Re: My son"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Vince,\n\nI left a message with one of Yaron's roommates on Thursday afternoon for him \nto call ASAP for an interview on Sunday. I guess he took the wrong number \ndown but I do not understand this because the roommate read the number back \nto me and it was correct. When I did not hear from Yaron I called on Friday \nand left a voice mail with my cell and office numbers. I still did not hear \nfrom him and called again yesterday morning. I finally received a call at 4 \npm yesterday but by that time my team and myself were half way back to \nHouston. Sorry it did not work out. I have a call into Charlene Jackson as \nto how she wants me to proceed and I will get back with you.\n\nKristin\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/01/2000 08:40 AM\n", ["<6246251.1075856267980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10472018.1075856570506.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9647108.1075856364957.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-11-2000-7:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-7:35:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["kristin.gandy@enron.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Kristin,\nI think that we have done enough for this guy. All we can do is to give \nsomebody a chance.\nThe God helps those who help themselves.\nThanks for all your help and your efforts.\nVince\nKristin Gandy@ENRON\n11/01/2000 03:19 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: My son \nVince,\nI left a message with one of Yaron's roommates on Thursday afternoon for him \nto call ASAP for an interview on Sunday. I guess he took the wrong number \ndown but I do not understand this because the roommate read the number back \nto me and it was correct. When I did not hear from Yaron I called on Friday \nand left a voice mail with my cell and office numbers. I still did not hear \nfrom him and called again yesterday morning. I finally received a call at 4 \npm yesterday but by that time my team and myself were half way back to \nHouston. Sorry it did not work out. I have a call into Charlene Jackson as \nto how she wants me to proceed and I will get back with you.\nKristin\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/01/2000 08:40 AM\nTo: John Goodpasture/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Kristin Gandy/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: \nSubject: My son\nFYI\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 \n08:47 AM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 10/31/2000 02:27:18 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: My son\nVince\nApparently the recruiter spoke to one of my son's roommates and left a phone \nnumber (713) 343-3214 which he tried several times and got busy signals. \nToday she called just before you called me and left her cellphone number but \nhe was in classes all morning and got the message in the afternoon. I really \nappreciate your going out of your?way to help. Perhaps there will be another \nopportunity.?\nShmuel?\n", ["Re: My son"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Kristin,\n\nI think that we have done enough for this guy. All we can do is to give \nsomebody a chance.\nThe God helps those who help themselves.\n\nThanks for all your help and your efforts.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKristin Gandy@ENRON\n11/01/2000 03:19 PM\n", ["<33341651.1075856475333.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9679245.1075856541619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21686438.1075856267932.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5019712.1075856570484.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<3931170.1075856364980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-11-2000-2:4:0Slance.cunningham@enron.com": ["14-11-2000-2:4:0", "lance.cunningham@enron.com", ["djray@engr.wisc.edu"], ["vkamins@enron.com", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu"], "Dear Dennis,\nVince Kaminski forwarded your invitation to attend the PSerc IAB meeting. I \nlook forward to meeting you and attending the meeting. I am a manager in \nVince's Research group and my background is in economics of Power Systems.\nSincerely,\nLance B. Cunningham, P.E.\nManager\nEnron North America", ["PSerc IAB meeting"], "{'recipients': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [["attend meeting", 4, "information", ["attend", "meeting"], "information", " vince kaminski forwarded your invitation to attend the pserc iab meeting."], ["attend meeting", 12, "nninformation", ["attending", "meeting"], "intention", " i look forward to meeting you and attending the meeting."]], "Dear Dennis,\n\nVince Kaminski forwarded your invitation to attend the PSerc IAB meeting. I \nlook forward to meeting you and attending the meeting. I am a manager in \nVince's Research group and my background is in economics of Power Systems.\n\nSincerely,\nLance B. Cunningham, P.E.\nManager\nEnron North America", ["<23775874.1075856261187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29962904.1075856599726.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23343339.1075856369843.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "22-12-2000-9:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-12-2000-9:35:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/22/2000 \n05:36 PM ---------------------------\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 12/19/2000 01:40:02 PM\nTo: \ncc: \"Dennis Ray\" , , \n \nSubject: Fw: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem\nHello Vince\nHappy Holidays.\nI wanted to connect with you regarding the possibility of Enron Joining\nPSERC. As you might have heard from Lance and Alex we are going through a\ntransition period having doubled the number of universities and industry\nmembers within the last year. Consequently, our business processes are not\nwell developed. One of the problems we are facing is the balance between the\nelectrical engineering folks and industry members that are more interested\nin market related research. I hope to recruit more of the later so tat we\nhave more of a constituency in the Advisory Board that sees the value of\nmarket related research. I already have a verbal commitment from people at\nElectrabell that expressed interest in joining PSERC. With members like\nElectrabell and Enron we will be able to support more market Stem projects\nsuch as the one that Shijie Deng proposed (not funded in this round). Please\nlet me know if I can do anything to facilitate the decision at Enron. I am\ngoing to be in Austin on January 19 to participate at a PUCT hearing and\ncould come through Huston for a visit. Attached are some items that I shared\nwith our PSERC members and thought that you might be interested in them as\nwell.\nRegards, Shmuel.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Shmuel Oren\" \nTo: \"Power Systems Engineering Research Center\" \nSent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 9:47 AM\nSubject: Re: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem\n> The following are 3 items that demonstrate the impact of PSERC research in\n> the market stem area.\n>\n> 1. On December 12, I (Shmuel Oren) testified at a hearing in San\nFrancisco\n> before the Blue Ribbon Panel (chaired by Alfred Kahn) for the that is\n> investigating the implications of Uniform Price vs. Pay as Bid Auctions in\n> the California PX . As part of my testimony I presented a movie produced\nby\n> Tim Mount and Bob Thomas that show results of an experimental economic\nstudy\n> showing how bidders respond by raising their bids in a pay as bid auction.\n> Following is an acknowledgement I received.\n>\n> Dear Shmuel:\n>\n>\n> Thank you for attending the Blue Ribbon Panel this past Tuesday in San\n> Francisco. Your presentation was very informative and valuable to all the\n> panel members and other participants. The Panel greatly appreciates your\n> involvement in this important project.\n>\n>\n> Thanks again,\n> Natalie Efland\n>\n>\n> 2. A recent E-mail from the Texas PUC\n>\n> Professor Oren, I hope you and your family are doing well. We are\nseriously\n> considering your help and advice to facilitate the Commission's final\n> decision regarding retail competition in ERCOT.\n>\n> I wanted to let you know that ERCOT Stakeholders filled an Application\nfor\n> Approval of the ERCOT Protocols in November. We received Comments\nincluding\n> List of Issues on November 22 and Reply Comments on December 1. Staff\nwill\n> draft and submit a Preliminary Order to the Commissioners for their\n> discussion on December 13. There will be a Pre-hearing on December 15\nwhen\n> parties will be asked to brief the Commission on list of issues by the end\n> of first week in January. There will be a Hearing on January 16 followed\n> with another Hearing if needed. Parties have asked the Commission to\n> finalize its decision by mid March.\n>\n> To give you some more background, I have to mention that almost most of\nyour\n> suggestions were accepted and will be reflected in the final Protocols,\n> except for problems with intra-zonal gaming regarding congestion\nmanagement\n> and Pay-As-Bid compensation for selected ancillary services. A few\n> additional concerns are raised regarding ancillary services and congestion\n> management. Stakeholders are still working toward more load participation\n> in ERCOT market. However, the main problem is the fact that market (pilot\n> that covers 100% of wholesale, but only 5% of retail load) will be open on\n> June 1, 2001 based on a version of the Protocols locked on August 1, 2000.\n> (That was the deadline for ERCOT to give a final design to Anderson\n> Consulting.) That version does not include some of your recommendations\nto\n> address market design flaws. The full version is highly possible to be\n> implemented by January 1, 2002 when market for 100% retail competition is\n> scheduled to open. Given this gap, some parties have recommended not to\n> implement incomplete Protocols and wait for full implementation by January\n> 2002. In other words, they say let's go ahead with 5% pilot retail load,\n> but wait for full design implementation before allowing 100% wholesale\nload\n> (and retail load) be subject to the rules of the game described in the\nfinal\n> Protocols.\n>\n> Thanks.\n>\n> Parviz Adib, Ph. D.\n> Director of Market Oversight Division\n> Public Utility Commission of Texas\n> 1701 N. Congress Avenue\n> P.O. Box 13326\n> Austin, Texas 78711-3326\n> Ph. No.: 512-936-7365\n>\n> 3. The following is a segment from a published summary of the Dec 13 PUCT\n> hearing. This segment describes the commision's deliberation on an agenda\n> item addressing the possibility of instituting price caps as part of the\n> ERCOT protocols. (see reference to my involvement in the next to last\n> paragraph)\n>\n> Docket No. 23220 - Petition of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas\n> for Approval of the ERCOT Protocols. (Discussion and possible action)\n> Parviz Adib, Jess Totten, Keith Rogas, and Tammy Cooper\n> Chairman Wood turned to page 2 item number 3 of the draft order\nidentifying\n> issues, recommending that the word \"including\" be changed to \"other than\"\nin\n> the parentheses. He thinks they know the ups and downs of the two\n> mechanisms, which are bid caps and price caps, but would not mind having\n> parties focus on what other protections might be used. Commissioner Walsh\n> would say \"including, but not limited to\" because she does not think it is\na\n> bad idea for ERCOT to at least consider in their protocols a fail-safe\n> mechanism. It's kind of like the stock market suspending trading when\n> something crazy happens. They could consider a maximum scenario, such as\n> \"we don't think this will ever happen but if it does we need to muffle\nit\",\n> whether it is $1,000 or $99 or whatever it is. They could consider\nwhether\n> to put into the protocols a self-enacting price cap. While not expecting\nit\n> to happen, if it did, you don't have to declare it an emergency and have\nthe\n> Commission have to act. Chairman Wood asked if they could leave the\n> question without the parenthetical at all and just say \"what protections\n> should be added to avoid extreme price spikes.\" Commissioner Walsh\n> reiterated that she wants ERCOT to think about the unlikely possibility of\n> unacceptable price spikes. She would like for them to have their own\n> fail-safe mechanism that is self-initiating as opposed to leaving that to\n> having someone have to come in and act. Commissioner Perlman stated that\nhe\n> thinks the California-type price caps is what the concern is about. He\n> thinks everyone in this state is opposed to those, but he thinks the point\n> Commissioner Walsh is making is an interesting one. He had not thought\n> about the circuit breaker idea, and it might have some merit. He agreed\n> that it was worth considering something like that. Then the question\n> becomes what the level is. Chairman Wood suggested the wording \"what\n> self-implementing protections should be added to avoid the price spikes.\n> Commissioner Perlman said he did not think anyone is talking about $250\n> price caps. Commissioner Walsh agreed, but noted that if the unexpected\n> happens we should be prepared. Commissioner Perlman indicated that if\n> someone is making $10,000 in one particular hour that it probably does not\nb\n> enefit the market and is probably a windfall to them. It is not something\n> they would normally put in their business plan for determining whether\nthey\n> are going to build a plant in Texas. Chairman Wood stated that they want\nto\n> lean toward the market as heavily as they can on these issues.\n>\n> Chairman Wood noted that some of these issues date back to when Dr. Oren\nwas\n> assisting the Commission, and asked if he could be brought back again.\n> Staffer Dr. Parviz Adib said that staff had already talked to Dr. Oren and\n> that he is available to assist the Commission further. Chairman Wood\nnoted\n> that Dr. Oren had helped people think outside the box without just\nfocusing\n> on California.\n>\n> The final wording was clarified to state \"self-implementing mechanisms\"\nand\n> to delete the parenthetical part of the sentence in question. The order\nwas\n> approved as amended.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Fw: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "", ["<25776325.1075856463446.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7918115.1075856529755.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20620514.1075856241966.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24716833.1075856383801.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-1-2001-6:42:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["8-1-2001-6:42:0", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["vince.j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "Hi Vince and Happy New Year\nGood to hear from you and I can understand being busy. I am myself trying to\nbalance my commitments here.\nLike any research consortium Pserc is trying to provide value to its members\nwhile walking the fine line between cooperation and competition. We are\ndefinitely not in the business of providing proprietary research to the\nmembers but rather working on more generic areas that later individual\nmembers could see way to convert to proprietary tools. The work that Shijie\nDeng and Rajnish Kamat have been doing with me are good examples.\nAs to my trip, thanks for the invitation but I already committed myself to\nget back Friday night so I will save my visit for another time.\nI will tell my son about the spring interviews at Cornell. Hopefully this\ntime he will not miss it.\nRegards, Shmuel\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nCc: \nSent: Monday, January 08, 2001 1:40 PM\nSubject: Re: Fw: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem\n>\n> Hello Shmuel,\n>\n> Thanks for your message. The end of 2000 and the beginning of 2001 were\n> extremely busy\n> and I could not focus on PSERC issues. I shall consult a few people in\n> Enron on this subject and get in\n> touch with you. Our concern right now is that the results of research are\n> widely shared with\n> our competition.\n>\n> I am out on the 19th, but the 20th would work for me. I would be glad to\n> cover the cost of your Austin\n> to Houston trip.\n>\n> Regarding your son. The Analyst / Associate program will interview again\non\n> the campus\n> in the spring and they will be more than happy to interview him.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Shmuel Oren\" on 12/19/2000 01:40:02 PM\n>\n> To: \n> cc: \"Dennis Ray\" , ,\n> \n> Subject: Fw: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem\n>\n>\n> Hello Vince\n> Happy Holidays.\n> I wanted to connect with you regarding the possibility of Enron Joining\n> PSERC. As you might have heard from Lance and Alex we are going through a\n> transition period having doubled the number of universities and industry\n> members within the last year. Consequently, our business processes are not\n> well developed. One of the problems we are facing is the balance between\n> the\n> electrical engineering folks and industry members that are more interested\n> in market related research. I hope to recruit more of the later so tat we\n> have more of a constituency in the Advisory Board that sees the value of\n> market related research. I already have a verbal commitment from people at\n> Electrabell that expressed interest in joining PSERC. With members like\n> Electrabell and Enron we will be able to support more market Stem projects\n> such as the one that Shijie Deng proposed (not funded in this round).\n> Please\n> let me know if I can do anything to facilitate the decision at Enron. I am\n> going to be in Austin on January 19 to participate at a PUCT hearing and\n> could come through Huston for a visit. Attached are some items that I\n> shared\n> with our PSERC members and thought that you might be interested in them as\n> well.\n> Regards, Shmuel.\n>\n> ----- Original Message -----\n> From: \"Shmuel Oren\" \n> To: \"Power Systems Engineering Research Center\" \n> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 9:47 AM\n> Subject: Re: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem\n>\n>\n> > The following are 3 items that demonstrate the impact of PSERC research\n> in\n> > the market stem area.\n> >\n> > 1. On December 12, I (Shmuel Oren) testified at a hearing in San\n> Francisco\n> > before the Blue Ribbon Panel (chaired by Alfred Kahn) for the that is\n> > investigating the implications of Uniform Price vs. Pay as Bid Auctions\n> in\n> > the California PX . As part of my testimony I presented a movie produced\n> by\n> > Tim Mount and Bob Thomas that show results of an experimental economic\n> study\n> > showing how bidders respond by raising their bids in a pay as bid\n> auction.\n> > Following is an acknowledgement I received.\n> >\n> > Dear Shmuel:\n> >\n> >\n> > Thank you for attending the Blue Ribbon Panel this past Tuesday in San\n> > Francisco. Your presentation was very informative and valuable to all\n> the\n> > panel members and other participants. The Panel greatly appreciates\nyour\n> > involvement in this important project.\n> >\n> >\n> > Thanks again,\n> > Natalie Efland\n> >\n> >\n> > 2. A recent E-mail from the Texas PUC\n> >\n> > Professor Oren, I hope you and your family are doing well. We are\n> seriously\n> > considering your help and advice to facilitate the Commission's final\n> > decision regarding retail competition in ERCOT.\n> >\n> > I wanted to let you know that ERCOT Stakeholders filled an Application\n> for\n> > Approval of the ERCOT Protocols in November. We received Comments\n> including\n> > List of Issues on November 22 and Reply Comments on December 1. Staff\n> will\n> > draft and submit a Preliminary Order to the Commissioners for their\n> > discussion on December 13. There will be a Pre-hearing on December 15\n> when\n> > parties will be asked to brief the Commission on list of issues by the\n> end\n> > of first week in January. There will be a Hearing on January 16\nfollowed\n> > with another Hearing if needed. Parties have asked the Commission to\n> > finalize its decision by mid March.\n> >\n> > To give you some more background, I have to mention that almost most of\n> your\n> > suggestions were accepted and will be reflected in the final Protocols,\n> > except for problems with intra-zonal gaming regarding congestion\n> management\n> > and Pay-As-Bid compensation for selected ancillary services. A few\n> > additional concerns are raised regarding ancillary services and\n> congestion\n> > management. Stakeholders are still working toward more load\n> participation\n> > in ERCOT market. However, the main problem is the fact that market\n> (pilot\n> > that covers 100% of wholesale, but only 5% of retail load) will be open\n> on\n> > June 1, 2001 based on a version of the Protocols locked on August 1,\n> 2000.\n> > (That was the deadline for ERCOT to give a final design to Anderson\n> > Consulting.) That version does not include some of your recommendations\n> to\n> > address market design flaws. The full version is highly possible to be\n> > implemented by January 1, 2002 when market for 100% retail competition\nis\n> > scheduled to open. Given this gap, some parties have recommended not to\n> > implement incomplete Protocols and wait for full implementation by\n> January\n> > 2002. In other words, they say let's go ahead with 5% pilot retail\nload,\n> > but wait for full design implementation before allowing 100% wholesale\n> load\n> > (and retail load) be subject to the rules of the game described in the\n> final\n> > Protocols.\n> >\n> > Thanks.\n> >\n> > Parviz Adib, Ph. D.\n> > Director of Market Oversight Division\n> > Public Utility Commission of Texas\n> > 1701 N. Congress Avenue\n> > P.O. Box 13326\n> > Austin, Texas 78711-3326\n> > Ph. No.: 512-936-7365\n> >\n> > 3. The following is a segment from a published summary of the Dec 13\nPUCT\n> > hearing. This segment describes the commision's deliberation on an\nagenda\n> > item addressing the possibility of instituting price caps as part of the\n> > ERCOT protocols. (see reference to my involvement in the next to last\n> > paragraph)\n> >\n> > Docket No. 23220 - Petition of the Electric Reliability Council of\n> Texas\n> > for Approval of the ERCOT Protocols. (Discussion and possible action)\n> > Parviz Adib, Jess Totten, Keith Rogas, and Tammy Cooper\n> > Chairman Wood turned to page 2 item number 3 of the draft order\n> identifying\n> > issues, recommending that the word \"including\" be changed to \"other\nthan\"\n> in\n> > the parentheses. He thinks they know the ups and downs of the two\n> > mechanisms, which are bid caps and price caps, but would not mind having\n> > parties focus on what other protections might be used. Commissioner\n> Walsh\n> > would say \"including, but not limited to\" because she does not think it\n> is\n> a\n> > bad idea for ERCOT to at least consider in their protocols a fail-safe\n> > mechanism. It's kind of like the stock market suspending trading when\n> > something crazy happens. They could consider a maximum scenario, such\nas\n> > \"we don't think this will ever happen but if it does we need to muffle\n> it\",\n> > whether it is $1,000 or $99 or whatever it is. They could consider\n> whether\n> > to put into the protocols a self-enacting price cap. While not\nexpecting\n> it\n> > to happen, if it did, you don't have to declare it an emergency and have\n> the\n> > Commission have to act. Chairman Wood asked if they could leave the\n> > question without the parenthetical at all and just say \"what protections\n> > should be added to avoid extreme price spikes.\" Commissioner Walsh\n> > reiterated that she wants ERCOT to think about the unlikely possibility\n> of\n> > unacceptable price spikes. She would like for them to have their own\n> > fail-safe mechanism that is self-initiating as opposed to leaving that\nto\n> > having someone have to come in and act. Commissioner Perlman stated\nthat\n> he\n> > thinks the California-type price caps is what the concern is about. He\n> > thinks everyone in this state is opposed to those, but he thinks the\n> point\n> > Commissioner Walsh is making is an interesting one. He had not thought\n> > about the circuit breaker idea, and it might have some merit. He agreed\n> > that it was worth considering something like that. Then the question\n> > becomes what the level is. Chairman Wood suggested the wording \"what\n> > self-implementing protections should be added to avoid the price spikes.\n> > Commissioner Perlman said he did not think anyone is talking about $250\n> > price caps. Commissioner Walsh agreed, but noted that if the unexpected\n> > happens we should be prepared. Commissioner Perlman indicated that if\n> > someone is making $10,000 in one particular hour that it probably does\n> not\n> b\n> > enefit the market and is probably a windfall to them. It is not\n> something\n> > they would normally put in their business plan for determining whether\n> they\n> > are going to build a plant in Texas. Chairman Wood stated that they\nwant\n> to\n> > lean toward the market as heavily as they can on these issues.\n> >\n> > Chairman Wood noted that some of these issues date back to when Dr. Oren\n> was\n> > assisting the Commission, and asked if he could be brought back again.\n> > Staffer Dr. Parviz Adib said that staff had already talked to Dr. Oren\n> and\n> > that he is available to assist the Commission further. Chairman Wood\n> noted\n> > that Dr. Oren had helped people think outside the box without just\n> focusing\n> > on California.\n> >\n> > The final wording was clarified to state \"self-implementing mechanisms\"\n> and\n> > to delete the parenthetical part of the sentence in question. The order\n> was\n> > approved as amended.\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> >\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>", ["Re: Fw: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "Hi Vince and Happy New Year\nGood to hear from you and I can understand being busy. I am myself trying to\nbalance my commitments here.\n\nLike any research consortium Pserc is trying to provide value to its members\nwhile walking the fine line between cooperation and competition. We are\ndefinitely not in the business of providing proprietary research to the\nmembers but rather working on more generic areas that later individual\nmembers could see way to convert to proprietary tools. The work that Shijie\nDeng and Rajnish Kamat have been doing with me are good examples.\n\nAs to my trip, thanks for the invitation but I already committed myself to\nget back Friday night so I will save my visit for another time.\n\nI will tell my son about the spring interviews at Cornell. Hopefully this\ntime he will not miss it.\n\nRegards, Shmuel\n\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: ", "<2047323.1075856236249.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30159489.1075856387958.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-1-2001-7:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-1-2001-7:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["oren@ieor.berkeley.edu"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Hello Shmuel,\nThanks for your message. The end of 2000 and the beginning of 2001 were \nextremely busy \nand I could not focus on PSERC issues. I shall consult a few people in Enron \non this subject and get in\ntouch with you. Our concern right now is that the results of research are \nwidely shared with\nour competition.\nI am out on the 19th, but the 20th would work for me. I would be glad to \ncover the cost of your Austin\nto Houston trip.\nRegarding your son. The Analyst / Associate program will interview again on \nthe campus\nin the spring and they will be more than happy to interview him.\n\"Shmuel Oren\" on 12/19/2000 01:40:02 PM\nTo: \ncc: \"Dennis Ray\" , , \n \nSubject: Fw: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem\nHello Vince\nHappy Holidays.\nI wanted to connect with you regarding the possibility of Enron Joining\nPSERC. As you might have heard from Lance and Alex we are going through a\ntransition period having doubled the number of universities and industry\nmembers within the last year. Consequently, our business processes are not\nwell developed. One of the problems we are facing is the balance between the\nelectrical engineering folks and industry members that are more interested\nin market related research. I hope to recruit more of the later so tat we\nhave more of a constituency in the Advisory Board that sees the value of\nmarket related research. I already have a verbal commitment from people at\nElectrabell that expressed interest in joining PSERC. With members like\nElectrabell and Enron we will be able to support more market Stem projects\nsuch as the one that Shijie Deng proposed (not funded in this round). Please\nlet me know if I can do anything to facilitate the decision at Enron. I am\ngoing to be in Austin on January 19 to participate at a PUCT hearing and\ncould come through Huston for a visit. Attached are some items that I shared\nwith our PSERC members and thought that you might be interested in them as\nwell.\nRegards, Shmuel.\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Shmuel Oren\" \nTo: \"Power Systems Engineering Research Center\" \nSent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 9:47 AM\nSubject: Re: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem\n> The following are 3 items that demonstrate the impact of PSERC research in\n> the market stem area.\n>\n> 1. On December 12, I (Shmuel Oren) testified at a hearing in San\nFrancisco\n> before the Blue Ribbon Panel (chaired by Alfred Kahn) for the that is\n> investigating the implications of Uniform Price vs. Pay as Bid Auctions in\n> the California PX . As part of my testimony I presented a movie produced\nby\n> Tim Mount and Bob Thomas that show results of an experimental economic\nstudy\n> showing how bidders respond by raising their bids in a pay as bid auction.\n> Following is an acknowledgement I received.\n>\n> Dear Shmuel:\n>\n>\n> Thank you for attending the Blue Ribbon Panel this past Tuesday in San\n> Francisco. Your presentation was very informative and valuable to all the\n> panel members and other participants. The Panel greatly appreciates your\n> involvement in this important project.\n>\n>\n> Thanks again,\n> Natalie Efland\n>\n>\n> 2. A recent E-mail from the Texas PUC\n>\n> Professor Oren, I hope you and your family are doing well. We are\nseriously\n> considering your help and advice to facilitate the Commission's final\n> decision regarding retail competition in ERCOT.\n>\n> I wanted to let you know that ERCOT Stakeholders filled an Application\nfor\n> Approval of the ERCOT Protocols in November. We received Comments\nincluding\n> List of Issues on November 22 and Reply Comments on December 1. Staff\nwill\n> draft and submit a Preliminary Order to the Commissioners for their\n> discussion on December 13. There will be a Pre-hearing on December 15\nwhen\n> parties will be asked to brief the Commission on list of issues by the end\n> of first week in January. There will be a Hearing on January 16 followed\n> with another Hearing if needed. Parties have asked the Commission to\n> finalize its decision by mid March.\n>\n> To give you some more background, I have to mention that almost most of\nyour\n> suggestions were accepted and will be reflected in the final Protocols,\n> except for problems with intra-zonal gaming regarding congestion\nmanagement\n> and Pay-As-Bid compensation for selected ancillary services. A few\n> additional concerns are raised regarding ancillary services and congestion\n> management. Stakeholders are still working toward more load participation\n> in ERCOT market. However, the main problem is the fact that market (pilot\n> that covers 100% of wholesale, but only 5% of retail load) will be open on\n> June 1, 2001 based on a version of the Protocols locked on August 1, 2000.\n> (That was the deadline for ERCOT to give a final design to Anderson\n> Consulting.) That version does not include some of your recommendations\nto\n> address market design flaws. The full version is highly possible to be\n> implemented by January 1, 2002 when market for 100% retail competition is\n> scheduled to open. Given this gap, some parties have recommended not to\n> implement incomplete Protocols and wait for full implementation by January\n> 2002. In other words, they say let's go ahead with 5% pilot retail load,\n> but wait for full design implementation before allowing 100% wholesale\nload\n> (and retail load) be subject to the rules of the game described in the\nfinal\n> Protocols.\n>\n> Thanks.\n>\n> Parviz Adib, Ph. D.\n> Director of Market Oversight Division\n> Public Utility Commission of Texas\n> 1701 N. Congress Avenue\n> P.O. Box 13326\n> Austin, Texas 78711-3326\n> Ph. No.: 512-936-7365\n>\n> 3. The following is a segment from a published summary of the Dec 13 PUCT\n> hearing. This segment describes the commision's deliberation on an agenda\n> item addressing the possibility of instituting price caps as part of the\n> ERCOT protocols. (see reference to my involvement in the next to last\n> paragraph)\n>\n> Docket No. 23220 - Petition of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas\n> for Approval of the ERCOT Protocols. (Discussion and possible action)\n> Parviz Adib, Jess Totten, Keith Rogas, and Tammy Cooper\n> Chairman Wood turned to page 2 item number 3 of the draft order\nidentifying\n> issues, recommending that the word \"including\" be changed to \"other than\"\nin\n> the parentheses. He thinks they know the ups and downs of the two\n> mechanisms, which are bid caps and price caps, but would not mind having\n> parties focus on what other protections might be used. Commissioner Walsh\n> would say \"including, but not limited to\" because she does not think it is\na\n> bad idea for ERCOT to at least consider in their protocols a fail-safe\n> mechanism. It's kind of like the stock market suspending trading when\n> something crazy happens. They could consider a maximum scenario, such as\n> \"we don't think this will ever happen but if it does we need to muffle\nit\",\n> whether it is $1,000 or $99 or whatever it is. They could consider\nwhether\n> to put into the protocols a self-enacting price cap. While not expecting\nit\n> to happen, if it did, you don't have to declare it an emergency and have\nthe\n> Commission have to act. Chairman Wood asked if they could leave the\n> question without the parenthetical at all and just say \"what protections\n> should be added to avoid extreme price spikes.\" Commissioner Walsh\n> reiterated that she wants ERCOT to think about the unlikely possibility of\n> unacceptable price spikes. She would like for them to have their own\n> fail-safe mechanism that is self-initiating as opposed to leaving that to\n> having someone have to come in and act. Commissioner Perlman stated that\nhe\n> thinks the California-type price caps is what the concern is about. He\n> thinks everyone in this state is opposed to those, but he thinks the point\n> Commissioner Walsh is making is an interesting one. He had not thought\n> about the circuit breaker idea, and it might have some merit. He agreed\n> that it was worth considering something like that. Then the question\n> becomes what the level is. Chairman Wood suggested the wording \"what\n> self-implementing protections should be added to avoid the price spikes.\n> Commissioner Perlman said he did not think anyone is talking about $250\n> price caps. Commissioner Walsh agreed, but noted that if the unexpected\n> happens we should be prepared. Commissioner Perlman indicated that if\n> someone is making $10,000 in one particular hour that it probably does not\nb\n> enefit the market and is probably a windfall to them. It is not something\n> they would normally put in their business plan for determining whether\nthey\n> are going to build a plant in Texas. Chairman Wood stated that they want\nto\n> lean toward the market as heavily as they can on these issues.\n>\n> Chairman Wood noted that some of these issues date back to when Dr. Oren\nwas\n> assisting the Commission, and asked if he could be brought back again.\n> Staffer Dr. Parviz Adib said that staff had already talked to Dr. Oren and\n> that he is available to assist the Commission further. Chairman Wood\nnoted\n> that Dr. Oren had helped people think outside the box without just\nfocusing\n> on California.\n>\n> The final wording was clarified to state \"self-implementing mechanisms\"\nand\n> to delete the parenthetical part of the sentence in question. The order\nwas\n> approved as amended.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n", ["Re: Fw: PSERC nuggets related to market Stem"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu'], 'recipients': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 21, "nninformation", ["cover", "cost"], "intention", " i would be glad to cover the cost of your austin to houston trip."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 31, "nninformation", ["interview", "him"], "intention", " the analyst / associate program will interview again on the campus in the spring and they will be more than happy to interview him."]], "Hello Shmuel,\n\nThanks for your message. The end of 2000 and the beginning of 2001 were \nextremely busy \nand I could not focus on PSERC issues. I shall consult a few people in Enron \non this subject and get in\ntouch with you. Our concern right now is that the results of research are \nwidely shared with\nour competition.\n\nI am out on the 19th, but the 20th would work for me. I would be glad to \ncover the cost of your Austin\nto Houston trip.\n\nRegarding your son. The Analyst / Associate program will interview again on \nthe campus\nin the spring and they will be more than happy to interview him.\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shmuel Oren\" ", "<30222794.1075856634458.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23028407.1075856527644.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10692732.1075856236385.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"cost tripTnn": {"value": "cost tripTnn", "ne": "cost tripTnn", "patterns": ["cost tripTnn"]}}, true], "6-2-2001-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-1:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/06/2001 \n09:04 AM ---------------------------\nFabienne on 02/06/2001 08:44:19 AM\nTo: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu, alvaro.baillo@iit.upco.es, \nkamat@ieor.berkeley.edu, william.stewart@business.wm.edu, \nsmeers@core.ucl.ac.be, jbower@london.edu, baldick@ece.utexas.edu, \njimb@ieor.berkeley.edu, christopher.j.day@enron.com, overbye@powerworld.com, \nborenste@haas.berkeley.edu, rogers@mie.utoronto.ca, javier@ind-cr.uclm.es, \nmariano.ventosa@iit.upco.es, amy.craft@usdoj.gov, hchao@epri.com, \nbhobbs@jhu.edu, chungli@eng.umd.edu, ajsh@pge.com, \nsgabriel@icfconsulting.com, deng@isye.gatech.edu, jrbirge@nwu.edu, \ncrovelli@usgs.gov, vince.j.kaminski@enron.com, alvarado@engr.wisc.edu, \nbrignone@ece.umn.edu, cottle@soe.stanford.edu, cplott@hss.caltech.edu, \ndhale@eia.doe.gov, ed@apx.com, gross@uiuc.edu, hillh@stanford.edu, \nhuang@ee.tamu.edu, h.outhred@unsw.edu.au, ilic@mit.edu, \njeromeyen@hotmail.com, laurence@lrca.com, mamin@epri.com, niemeyer@epri.com, \nott@pjm.com, richard.oneill@ferc.fed.us, rothkopf@rutcor.rutgers.edu, \nrwilson@stanford.edu, scpeck@epri.com, smeers@core.ucl.ac.be, \nthanh.luong@ferc.fed.us, udi.helman@ferc.fed.us, VSmith@arizona.edu, \nWilliam_Hogan@harvard.edu, wolak@zia.stanford.edu, wollenbe@ece.umn.edu, \njohn_chandley@lecg.com, dgarber@sdge.com, RRILEY2@entergy.com, \nrmcnamar@enron.com, pkp@nbgroup.com, royjshanker@worldnet.att.net, \ngcauley@worldnet.att.net, ed@apx.com, rentrike@epri.com, \nudi.helman@ferc.fed.us, laurence@lrca.com, h.outhred@unsw.edu.au, \nalexp@eccointl.com, cplott@hss.caltech.edu, tabors@tca-us.com, \nBWilson@econlab.arizona.edu, rwilson@stanford.edu, wolak@zia.stanford.edu, \nwollenbe@ece.umn.edu, wwu@tva.gov\ncc: \nSubject: \n\n", ["mkt_trans"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "", ["<4751859.1075856453857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12310604.1075856520173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21187088.1075856220495.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<9842764.1075856399797.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-2-2001-1:36:0Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["19-2-2001-1:36:0", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["jeff.dasovich@enron.com"], [], "----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Shmuel Oren\" \nTo: \nSent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 10:18 AM\nSubject: IEEE Summer meeting\n>\n> Dear Jeff\n> I am Organizing a Panel at the IEEE Summer Meeting in Vancouver July 15-19\n> on the California electricity crisis: cause, remedies and prevention. The\n> idea is to have different perspectives e.g. operations, market power,\ndemand\n> side response, supply, regulatory etc. I would like to invite you to take\n> part in this panel. As someone that was intimately involved in the\n> restructuring you could provide an invaluable regulatory and political\n> perspective on how did we get into this and how can we get out. At this\n> point I have commitments from Fluckiger of the CAISO, Ed Kahn, Ward\nUggerud\n> CEO of Otter Tail Power Company, Gary Ackermann, Executive\nDirector-Western\n> Power Trading Forum and I am waiting for a commitment from Vikram Budraja.\n>\n> Regard, Shmuel Oren\n>", ["Fw: IEEE Summer meeting"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Shmuel Oren\" ", "<20507.1075843732074.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "25-9-2001-3:30:54Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["25-9-2001-3:30:54", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["j.kaminski@enron.com"], [], "\nDear Vince\nI know that you are always looking for good prospective hires so I am brin=\nging this to your attention. Armando Ugarte who is a former Ph.D. student =\nof mine is currently working for i2 in Texas but told me recently that he =\nis considering a career move. Armando has a very interesting background co=\nmbining excellent training in economics and operations research with exten=\nsive practical experience in IT working as software architect and applicat=\nion developer for HP, Oracle and i2. I know Armando for over 14 years sinc=\ne his undergraduate studies in our department and was always fascinated by =\n his broad spectrum of talents and experience. I am enclosing his resume. I=\n do not exactly know what his immediate plans are and if he has already an=\nother job lined up. He told me ,however , that he would like to make bette=\nr use of his education. He took the job at i2 after deciding, for personal=\n reasons, to repatriate from Colombia where he held a faculty position. I =\nhighly recommend him as a hard worker, solid and mature researcher and a v=\nery likable person. If you are interested you should contact him directly.=\n His contact info is on his resume.\nRegards, Shmuel.\n#########################################\nShmuel S. Oren\nProfessor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research\nUniversity of California at Berkeley\nEtcheverry Hall 4119\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\nTEL: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFAX: (510) 642-1403\nE-MAIL: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nURL: http://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~oren/\n", ["Prospective hire"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "\nDear Vince\nI know that you are always looking for good prospective hires so I am bringing this to your attention. Armando Ugarte who is a former Ph.D. student of mine is currently working for i2 in Texas but told me recently that he is considering a career move. Armando has a very interesting background combining excellent training in economics and operations research with extensive practical experience in IT working as software architect and application developer for HP, Oracle and i2. I know Armando for over 14 years since his undergraduate studies in our department and was always fascinated by his broad spectrum of talents and experience. I am enclosing his resume. I do not exactly know what his immediate plans are and if he has already another job lined up. He told me ,however , that he would like to make better use of his education. He took the job at i2 after deciding, for personal reasons, to repatriate from Colombia where he held a faculty position. I highly recommend him as a hard worker, solid and mature researcher and a very likable person. If you are interested you should contact him directly. His contact info is on his resume.\nRegards, Shmuel.\n#########################################\nShmuel S. Oren\nProfessor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research\nUniversity of California at Berkeley\nEtcheverry Hall 4119\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\nTEL: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFAX: (510) 642-1403\nE-MAIL: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu=20\nURL: http://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~oren/=20\n - Armando_ugarte's resume.doc", ["<1297255.1075863445145.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-10-2001-10:42:22Soren@ieor.berkeley.edu": ["12-10-2001-10:42:22", "oren@ieor.berkeley.edu", ["vkamins@ect.enron.com"], [], "\nVince\nI am not sure if this email ever got out so I am resending it just in cas=\ne\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Shmuel Oren \nTo: Vince J Kaminski \nSent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:30 AM\nSubject: Prospective hire\nDear Vince\nI know that you are always looking for good prospective hires so I am brin=\nging this to your attention. Armando Ugarte who is a former Ph.D. student =\nof mine is currently working for i2 in Texas but told me recently that he =\nis considering a career move. Armando has a very interesting background co=\nmbining excellent training in economics and operations research with exten=\nsive practical experience in IT working as software architect and applicat=\nion developer for HP, Oracle and i2. I know Armando for over 14 years sinc=\ne his undergraduate studies in our department and was always fascinated by =\n his broad spectrum of talents and experience. I am enclosing his resume. I=\n do not exactly know what his immediate plans are and if he has already an=\nother job lined up. He told me ,however , that he would like to make bette=\nr use of his education. He took the job at i2 after deciding, for personal=\n reasons, to repatriate from Colombia where he held a faculty position. I =\nhighly recommend him as a hard worker, solid and mature researcher and a v=\nery likable person. If you are interested you should contact him directly.=\n His contact info is on his resume.\nRegards, Shmuel.\n#########################################\nShmuel S. Oren\nProfessor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research\nUniversity of California at Berkeley\nEtcheverry Hall 4119\nBerkeley, CA 94720-1777\nTEL: (510) 642-1836 or 5484\nFAX: (510) 642-1403\nE-MAIL: oren@ieor.berkeley.edu\nURL: http://www.ieor.berkeley.edu/~oren/\n", ["Fw: Prospective hire"], "{'body': ['oren@ieor.berkeley.edu']}", [], "\nVince\nI am not sure if this email ever got out so I am resending it just in case\n----- Original Message ----- =20\nFrom: Shmuel Oren =20\n", ["<27648641.1075863286338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "25-4-2000-4:11:0Snvaldes@txuenergy.com 25-4-2000-9:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-4-2000-4:11:0Snvaldes@txuenergy.com": ["25-4-2000-4:11:0", "nvaldes@txuenergy.com", "vkamins@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <800223.1075857067865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: nvaldes@txuenergy.com\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: nvaldes@txuenergy.com\nX-To: vkamins@enron.com\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Vince,\nI enjoyed talking with you this morning. Per our conversation, here is\nNorberto Valdes' resume. I will call you in about an hour to make sure you\nreceived it. Thank you and let me know when you would like to meet him.\nSincerely,\nLisa Ford\n281)913-2076\n\n(See attached file: resumen 4.doc)\n\n - resumen 4.doc", "", "reply", [["see file", 23, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", " sincerely, lisa ford numeric ) phonenumber (see attached file: resumen numeric ."], ["attach spreadsheet", 24, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", " sincerely, lisa ford numeric ) phonenumber (see attached file: resumen numeric ."]], "Hello Vince,\nI enjoyed talking with you this morning. Per our conversation, here is\nNorberto Valdes' resume. I will call you in about an hour to make sure you\nreceived it. Thank you and let me know when you would like to meet him.\nSincerely,\nLisa Ford\n281)913-2076\n\n(See attached file: resumen 4.doc)\n\n - resumen 4.doc", "<800223.1075857067865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "25-4-2000-9:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-9:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["nvaldes@txuenergy.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4861496.1075856989462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 09:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: nvaldes@txuenergy.com\nSubject: Re:\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: nvaldes@txuenergy.com @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNorberto,\n\nI would like to invite you for a preliminary interview \n\n\n\n\nnvaldes@txuenergy.com on 04/25/2000 11:11:23 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: vkaminski@aol.com \nSubject: \n\n\nHello Vince,\nI enjoyed talking with you this morning. Per our conversation, here is\nNorberto Valdes' resume. I will call you in about an hour to make sure you\nreceived it. Thank you and let me know when you would like to meet him.\nSincerely,\nLisa Ford\n281)913-2076\n\n(See attached file: resumen 4.doc)\n\n - resumen 4.doc\n\n", "Re:", "originEmail", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 2, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "norberto, i would like to invite you for a preliminary interview nvaldes@txuenergy."]], "Norberto,\n\nI would like to invite you for a preliminary interview \n\n\n\n\nnvaldes@txuenergy.com on 04/25/2000 11:11:23 AM\n", "<4861496.1075856989462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview preliminaryTnn": {"value": "interview preliminaryTnn", "ne": "interview preliminaryTnn", "patterns": ["interview preliminaryTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-4-2001-9:42:0Sloleary@riskwaters.com 18-4-2001-13:42:0Sloleary@riskwaters.com 2-5-2001-2:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 2-5-2001-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com 3-5-2001-10:25:0Sloleary@riskwaters.com": {"18-4-2001-9:42:0Sloleary@riskwaters.com": ["18-4-2001-9:42:0", "loleary@riskwaters.com", ["loleary@riskwaters.com"], [], "Dear Speaker,\nI would like to remind you that the room block at The Houstonian Hotel where\nthe above mentioned event is being held is about to expire. After Friday\n20th April you will not be able to take advantage of the discounted rooms\nthat are being held there.\nPlease book your accommodation ASAP to take advantage of this offer.\nContact the hotel directly and say that you are part of the RISK conference\non 14 & 15 May 2001. 001 713 680 2626.\nRisk waters Group do not book accommodation for speakers, you have to\ncontact them yourself, directly.\nIf you have not already sent me a short biography and your speaker\nchecklist, please do so at your earliest convenience.\nKind Regards\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n", ["EPRM 2001 Houston"], "{'recipients': []}", [], "Dear Speaker,\n\nI would like to remind you that the room block at The Houstonian Hotel where\nthe above mentioned event is being held is about to expire. After Friday\n20th April you will not be able to take advantage of the discounted rooms\nthat are being held there.\n\nPlease book your accommodation ASAP to take advantage of this offer.\n\nContact the hotel directly and say that you are part of the RISK conference\non 14 & 15 May 2001. 001 713 680 2626.\n\nRisk waters Group do not book accommodation for speakers, you have to\ncontact them yourself, directly.\n\nIf you have not already sent me a short biography and your speaker\nchecklist, please do so at your earliest convenience.\n\nKind Regards\n\n\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\n\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\n\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n", ["<5957046.1075856629102.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<32621564.1075856192493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<18968901.1075856423379.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-4-2001-13:42:0Sloleary@riskwaters.com": ["18-4-2001-13:42:0", "loleary@riskwaters.com", ["loleary@riskwaters.com"], [], "Please respond to Dear Speaker,\nI would like to remind you that the room block at The Houstonian Hotel where\nthe above mentioned event is being held is about to expire. After Friday\n20th April you will not be able to take advantage of the discounted rooms\nthat are being held there.\nPlease book your accommodation ASAP to take advantage of this offer.\nContact the hotel directly and say that you are part of the RISK conference\non 14 & 15 May 2001. 001 713 680 2626.\nRisk waters Group do not book accommodation for speakers, you have to\ncontact them yourself, directly.\nIf you have not already sent me a short biography and your speaker\nchecklist, please do so at your earliest convenience.\nKind Regards\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n", ["EPRM 2001 Houston"], "{'recipients': []}", [], "Please respond to Dear Speaker,\n\nI would like to remind you that the room block at The Houstonian Hotel where\nthe above mentioned event is being held is about to expire. After Friday\n20th April you will not be able to take advantage of the discounted rooms\nthat are being held there.\n\nPlease book your accommodation ASAP to take advantage of this offer.\n\nContact the hotel directly and say that you are part of the RISK conference\non 14 & 15 May 2001. 001 713 680 2626.\n\nRisk waters Group do not book accommodation for speakers, you have to\ncontact them yourself, directly.\n\nIf you have not already sent me a short biography and your speaker\nchecklist, please do so at your earliest convenience.\n\nKind Regards\n\n\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\n\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\n\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n", ["<10284000.1075840788111.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-5-2001-2:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-2:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["loleary@riskwaters.com"], ["vince.kaminski@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <7898769.1075856436348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 02:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: loleary@riskwaters.com\nSubject: Re: EPRM 2001 Houston\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLayla,\n\nA few points.\n\nI shall be glad to attend the reception.\n\nI am falling behind in getting my presentation ready. Sorry for the delay.\nI can commit to delivering the required number of copies on the day of my \npresentation\n(or a day before). I have done it on two occasions before (Power 2000 and \nPower 1999):\nthe copies were produced by our company Copy Center at no cost to you. \n\nMy associate, Tanya Tamarchenko, is helping me with one aspect of the \npresentation and\nI would like her to deliver part of my speach. It's only fair to give her the \ncredit when the\ncredit is due. Is it OK to include her as an additional speaker?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Layla O'Leary\" on 04/30/2001 09:04:52 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: EPRM 2001 Houston\n\n\nDear Speaker,\n\nPre-Congress Cocktail Reception - Sunday 13th May @ 5:30pm in the Juniper\nRoom\nWe would be delighted to have you attend our pre-congress cocktail\nreception. We will be extending this invitation to all our sponsors,\nexhibitors and EPRM/Risk Waters Group staff. We hope this will provide a\nperfect opportunity for you to meet all our staff and clients before the\nformal opening of EPRM 2001 USA\n\n+ RSVP\n\nI would also like to remind you that I need any missing presentations by\nThursday 3rd May. It is essential that I get these in as the delegates rely\non these to make notes and get very upset if they are not included in the\npacks.\n\nIf you still haven't informed me of your AV requirements, please do so as\nquickly as possible. I also require a short biography.\n\nI would like to point out that I will not be taking any presentations on\ndisk to the event. If you are using a laptop, your presentation should be\nloaded onto the laptop that you bring with you. You must bring your own\nlaptop and disc, with connecting cables.\n\nAny questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.\n\nKind Regards\n\n\n\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\n\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\n\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n\n\n\n", "Re: EPRM 2001 Houston", "originEmail", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 9, "nninformation", ["commit", "presentation"], "intention", " i can commit to delivering the required number of copies on the day of my presentation (or a day before)."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 18, "information", ["produced", "cost"], "information", " i have done it on two occasions before (power numeric and power numeric ): the copies were produced by our company copy center at no cost to you."]], "Layla,\n\nA few points.\n\nI shall be glad to attend the reception.\n\nI am falling behind in getting my presentation ready. Sorry for the delay.\nI can commit to delivering the required number of copies on the day of my \npresentation\n(or a day before). I have done it on two occasions before (Power 2000 and \nPower 1999):\nthe copies were produced by our company Copy Center at no cost to you. \n\nMy associate, Tanya Tamarchenko, is helping me with one aspect of the \npresentation and\nI would like her to deliver part of my speach. It's only fair to give her the \ncredit when the\ncredit is due. Is it OK to include her as an additional speaker?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Layla O'Leary\" ", {"17": {"value": "1999", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["company numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}, "part_portion presentationTnn": {"value": "part_portion presentationTnn", "ne": "part_portion presentationTnn", "patterns": ["part_portion presentationTnn"]}}, true], "2-5-2001-7:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-7:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", ["loleary@riskwaters.com"], ["shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com"], "Layla,\nMy associate's name is Tanya Tamarchenko. The \nE-mail address is: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com.\nLocation is the same as mine, Enron, 1400 Smith, Houston.\nThanks\nVince\nP.S. Shirley, please send my bio to Layla\n\"Layla O'Leary\" on 05/02/2001 10:33:00 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: RE: EPRM 2001 Houston\nYes, That's fine. If you can please give me her full contact details\nincluding e-mail and address I will have her registered as a co-speaker.\nIf you would like to bring your own copies to the event I would ask you to\nsend 200 copies directly to the venue. Although if you can get it to me on\nFriday I can still insert it!\nCould I please trouble you for a short biography?\nKind Regards\nLayla\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: 02 May 2001 15:38\nTo: loleary@riskwaters.com\nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: EPRM 2001 Houston\nLayla,\nA few points.\nI shall be glad to attend the reception.\nI am falling behind in getting my presentation ready. Sorry for the delay.\nI can commit to delivering the required number of copies on the day of my\npresentation\n(or a day before). I have done it on two occasions before (Power 2000 and\nPower 1999):\nthe copies were produced by our company Copy Center at no cost to you.\nMy associate, Tanya Tamarchenko, is helping me with one aspect of the\npresentation and\nI would like her to deliver part of my speach. It's only fair to give her\nthe credit when the\ncredit is due. Is it OK to include her as an additional speaker?\nVince\n\"Layla O'Leary\" on 04/30/2001 09:04:52 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo: \ncc:\nSubject: EPRM 2001 Houston\nDear Speaker,\nPre-Congress Cocktail Reception - Sunday 13th May @ 5:30pm in the Juniper\nRoom\nWe would be delighted to have you attend our pre-congress cocktail\nreception. We will be extending this invitation to all our sponsors,\nexhibitors and EPRM/Risk Waters Group staff. We hope this will provide a\nperfect opportunity for you to meet all our staff and clients before the\nformal opening of EPRM 2001 USA\n+ RSVP\nI would also like to remind you that I need any missing presentations by\nThursday 3rd May. It is essential that I get these in as the delegates\nrely\non these to make notes and get very upset if they are not included in the\npacks.\nIf you still haven't informed me of your AV requirements, please do so as\nquickly as possible. I also require a short biography.\nI would like to point out that I will not be taking any presentations on\ndisk to the event. If you are using a laptop, your presentation should be\nloaded onto the laptop that you bring with you. You must bring your own\nlaptop and disc, with connecting cables.\nAny questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.\nKind Regards\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n", ["RE: EPRM 2001 Houston"], "{'body': ['loleary@riskwaters.com'], 'recipients': ['loleary@riskwaters.com']}", [], "Layla,\n\nMy associate's name is Tanya Tamarchenko. The \nE-mail address is: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com.\n\nLocation is the same as mine, Enron, 1400 Smith, Houston.\n\nThanks\n\nVince\n\n\nP.S. Shirley, please send my bio to Layla\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Layla O'Leary\" ", "<19476677.1075856436259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12701918.1075856499641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29388421.1075856182345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-5-2001-10:25:0Sloleary@riskwaters.com": ["3-5-2001-10:25:0", "loleary@riskwaters.com", ["loleary@riskwaters.com"], [], "Dear Speaker,\nMay I remind you that the final date for submitting your docs is Friday 4th\nApril 2001. I need to have them by 2pm my time.\nIf you will not be able to get your presentation to me, please can you\nensure that you bring 200 copies to the event.\nPlease confirm receipt.\nYou are cordially invited to the\nCocktail Reception\nsponsored by\nNew York Mercantile Exchange, Inc\nin the Exhibition Hall\nand the\nCongress Dinner at Paraiso Maravilla\non Monday 14 May\n Paraiso Maravilla is just minutes from the Houstonian Hotel and Conference\nCenter and boasts Mediterranean architecture and the reverent feel of an ol=\nd\nSpanish mission. Well known as Houston,s most intriguing and beautiful\nvenue, the Paraiso Maravilla has indoor and outdoor stone fountains, 17th\nCentury hand-carved arches that sit amidst the lush banana trees, hibiscus,\nand a touch of wrought iron. You are surrounded by massive stone altars,\nstucco walls lined with ivy, Saltillo marble and floor-to-ceiling\nfireplaces.\nTransport to the restaurant will be provided\nDeparture from the Houstonian Hotel from 7pm\nPLEASE SIGN AND FAX / EMAIL BACK THIS PAGE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE\nDINNER\n___________________________________________________________________________=\n_\n_________________\nI (((((..(((..((( from .. ((((=\n((((((. confirm attendance at the dinner\nto be held at Paraiso Maravilla on Monday 14th May\nSigned((((((((.(((. Date((((=\n(((((..\n(If we do not receive your signed confirmation we will assume you cannot\nattend)\n(Fax +44 (0) 20 7484 9800 / Email mshah@riskwaters.com)\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n - Picture\n - Picture", [""], "{'recipients': []}", [], "Dear Speaker,\n\nMay I remind you that the final date for submitting your docs is Friday 4th\nApril 2001. I need to have them by 2pm my time.\n\nIf you will not be able to get your presentation to me, please can you\nensure that you bring 200 copies to the event.\n\nPlease confirm receipt.\n\n\n\nYou are cordially invited to the\nCocktail Reception\nsponsored by\nNew York Mercantile Exchange, Inc\nin the Exhibition Hall\nand the\nCongress Dinner at Paraiso Maravilla\non Monday 14 May\n\n\n\n Paraiso Maravilla is just minutes from the Houstonian Hotel and Conference\nCenter and boasts Mediterranean architecture and the reverent feel of an old\nSpanish mission. Well known as Houston=01,s most intriguing and beautiful\nvenue, the Paraiso Maravilla has indoor and outdoor stone fountains, 17th\nCentury hand-carved arches that sit amidst the lush banana trees, hibiscus,\nand a touch of wrought iron. You are surrounded by massive stone altars,\nstucco walls lined with ivy, Saltillo marble and floor-to-ceiling\nfireplaces.\n\nTransport to the restaurant will be provided\nDeparture from the Houstonian Hotel from 7pm\n\nPLEASE SIGN AND FAX / EMAIL BACK THIS PAGE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE\nDINNER\n____________________________________________________________________________\n_________________\n\nI =01(=01(=01(=01(=01(..=01(=01(=01(..=01(=01(=01( from .. =01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(. confirm attendance at the dinner\nto be held at Paraiso Maravilla on Monday 14th May\nSigned=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(.=01(=01(=01(. Date=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(=01(..\n(If we do not receive your signed confirmation we will assume you cannot\nattend)\n(Fax +44 (0) 20 7484 9800 / Email mshah@riskwaters.com)\n\n\n\n\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\n\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\n\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n\n\n\nLayla O'Leary\nEvent Co-ordinator\n\nRisk Waters Group\nHaymarket house\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\n\nTel: +44 (0) 20 7484 9871\nFax: +44 (0) 20 7484 9800\n\n - Picture\n - Picture", ["<14994040.1075856181235.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12940321.1075856432504.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "23-10-2001-16:23:17Sdavid.portz@enron.com 23-10-2001-16:24:9Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": {"23-10-2001-16:23:17Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-16:23:17", "david.portz@enron.com", ["doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com"], ["twanda.sweet@enron.com", "b..sanders@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <19085033.1075858679810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:23:17 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT Marketplace\nCc: b..sanders@enron.com, twanda.sweet@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: b..sanders@enron.com, twanda.sweet@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-cc: Sanders, Richard B. , Sweet, Twanda \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sanders, Richard B (Non-Privileged)\\Sanders, Richard B.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Sanders-R\nX-FileName: Sanders, Richard B (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nRichard Sanders' assistant, Twanda, is trying to set up a meeting with outside counsel to discuss congestion in ERCOT -- please respond if certain times are best for you before the end of the week, and/or early next week. \n\nAdditionally, please ask someone in your group to get us examples prior to such meeting of what is submitted to ERCOT in connection with (1) scheduling load represented by EPMI acting as QSE, and (2) scheduling in relation to congestion occurring between zones. I presume this would be hard copies of what appears on the computer screen and is transmitted to ERCOT at each of point in the day that scheduling activities are being effected by EPMI as QSE -- day-ahead, day-of and real time. ", "ERCOT Marketplace", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 40, "information", ["screen", "transmitted"], "information", " i presume this would be hard copies of what appears on the computer screen and is transmitted to ercot at each of point in the day that scheduling activities are being effected by epmi as qse -- day-ahead, day-of and real time."]], "\nRichard Sanders' assistant, Twanda, is trying to set up a meeting with outside counsel to discuss congestion in ERCOT -- please respond if certain times are best for you before the end of the week, and/or early next week. \n\nAdditionally, please ask someone in your group to get us examples prior to such meeting of what is submitted to ERCOT in connection with (1) scheduling load represented by EPMI acting as QSE, and (2) scheduling in relation to congestion occurring between zones. I presume this would be hard copies of what appears on the computer screen and is transmitted to ERCOT at each of point in the day that scheduling activities are being effected by EPMI as QSE -- day-ahead, day-of and real time. ", "<19085033.1075858679810.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counsel outsideTnn": {"value": "counsel outsideTnn", "ne": "counsel outsideTnn", "patterns": ["counsel outsideTnn"]}}, false], "23-10-2001-16:24:9Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-16:24:9", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7185781.1075852398362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:24:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: FW: ERCOT Marketplace\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nplease help me get these examples.\n\nthanks,\n\ndoug\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tTuesday, October 23, 2001 6:23 PM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug\nCc:\tSanders, Richard B.; Sweet, Twanda\nSubject:\t ERCOT Marketplace\n\n\nRichard Sanders' assistant, Twanda, is trying to set up a meeting with outside counsel to discuss congestion in ERCOT -- please respond if certain times are best for you before the end of the week, and/or early next week. \n\nAdditionally, please ask someone in your group to get us examples prior to such meeting of what is submitted to ERCOT in connection with (1) scheduling load represented by EPMI acting as QSE, and (2) scheduling in relation to congestion occurring between zones. I presume this would be hard copies of what appears on the computer screen and is transmitted to ERCOT at each of point in the day that scheduling activities are being effected by EPMI as QSE -- day-ahead, day-of and real time. ", "FW: ERCOT Marketplace", "reply", [], "\nplease help me get these examples.\n\nthanks,\n\ndoug\n ", "<7185781.1075852398362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "30-1-2002-15:24:57Sdavid.portz@enron.com 30-1-2002-15:40:27Sd..steffes@enron.com 31-1-2002-6:44:10Sd..steffes@enron.com 31-1-2002-7:4:25Sdavid.portz@enron.com 31-1-2002-7:6:41Sd..steffes@enron.com": {"30-1-2002-15:24:57Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["30-1-2002-15:24:57", "david.portz@enron.com", ["d..steffes@enron.com"], ["doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "m..presto@enron.com", "s..bradford@enron.com", "debra.bailey@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "e..haedicke@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9041582.1075840545999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:24:57 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: d..steffes@enron.com\nSubject: RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com,\n\tdebra.bailey@enron.com, e..haedicke@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com,\n\tdebra.bailey@enron.com, e..haedicke@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Steffes, James D. \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Day, Smith L. , Sager, Elizabeth , Bradford, William S. , Sacks, Edward , Miller, Jeffrey , Will, Lloyd , Presto, Kevin M. , Bailey, Debra , Haedicke, Mark E. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Inbox\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nI understand from Smith Day that APX forwarded us today a format of contract relating to their potentially serving as QSE for UBS AG trading. APX is apparently willing to contract on a month-to-month basis (thus allowing us to move to our own IT interface with ERCOT as soon as possible). \n\nAs to item two below, until UBS would have the IT capability (currently under development and projected to be roughly a month from completion) to become certified to act as its own QSE, it would not need to execute any 'market participant' agreement with ERCOT in order to be a power marketer within ERCOT. As soon as UBS desired to trade Renewable Energy Credits (\"RECs\"), it would need to sign a standard-form agreement with ERCOT in order to maintain a REC account. \n\nTrading conducted by UBS with any given counterparty within ERCOT would be pursuant to 'UBSWarburgEnergyOnline' GTCs or else subject to discrete negotiated wholesale power enabling agreements and/or ISDA master agreements. The ERCOT ISO would have no connection with such relationship documents supporting UBS AG trading activities. On the other hand, as UBS's likely counterparties are entities with wholesale power trading activities of national scope, the timeline for trading in ERCOT is linked to the timeline for completing wholesale power/financial master enabling agreements approved by UBS. Doug Gilbert-Smith this afternoon identified the following counterparties in decreasing order of of their priority as trading partners in ERCOT: \n\nTXU Energy Trading \nBP Energy Company\nReliant Energy Services, Inc.\nAquila Power Corporation\nMorgan Stanley capitral Group\nConstellation Power Source\nFPL Energy Power Marketing, Inc.\nAmerican Electic Power Service Corporation\nMirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP\nCalpine Energy Servicces LP\nDynegy Marketing & Trade\nLCRA --Lower Colorado River Authority\n\nalong with a couple of incumbent utilities:\n\nSan Antonio City Public Service\nReliant HL&P\n\nIf you desire Doug Gilbert -Smith to sit in on this meeting, then it would have to be scheduled for Thursday.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 8:41 AM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Portz, David\nCc:\tWill, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tUBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nUBS Legal and UBS Credit is heading to Houston this Thursday and Friday. I have asked that ERCOT matters get 1 hour to discuss the necessary contracts that UBS will need to sign to participate in the ERCOT market.\n\nBasically, my understanding is the following --\n\n1.\tPUCT Registration Form for Power Marketer\n2.\tERCOT ISO Information\n\tQSE [Portz, David] N/A until IT platform is ready for UBS to serve as its own QSE \n\tLSE [Portz, David] N/A \n\tWholesale Enabling Agreement [Portz, David] No ERCOT involvement \n\tOther [Portz, David] REC Trading Account Agreement \n3.\tAPX Agreement [Portz, David] initially\n4.\tOther\n\nGiven the list of issues, this assumes that UBSW Energy will not be selling electricity at retail. If we need this for Day 1, we would have to get an additional license from the PUCT.\n\nThanks,\n\nJim", "RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs", "originEmail", [["execute agreement", 29, "nninformation", ["agreement", "execute"], "intention", " as to item two below, until ubs would have the it capability (currently under development and projected to be roughly a month from completion) to become certified to act as its own qse, it would not need to execute any 'market participant' agreement with ercot in order to be a power marketer within ercot."], ["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 66, "nninformation", ["supporting", "trading"], "intention", " the ercot iso would have no connection with such relationship documents supporting ubs ag trading activities."], ["complete transaction{agreement}", 83, "nninformation", ["completing", "master"], "intention", " on the other hand, as ubs's likely counterparties are entities with wholesale power trading activities of national scope, the timeline for trading in ercot is linked to the timeline for completing wholesale power/financial master enabling agreements approved by ubs."]], "I understand from Smith Day that APX forwarded us today a format of contract relating to their potentially serving as QSE for UBS AG trading. APX is apparently willing to contract on a month-to-month basis (thus allowing us to move to our own IT interface with ERCOT as soon as possible). \n\nAs to item two below, until UBS would have the IT capability (currently under development and projected to be roughly a month from completion) to become certified to act as its own QSE, it would not need to execute any 'market participant' agreement with ERCOT in order to be a power marketer within ERCOT. As soon as UBS desired to trade Renewable Energy Credits (\"RECs\"), it would need to sign a standard-form agreement with ERCOT in order to maintain a REC account. \n\nTrading conducted by UBS with any given counterparty within ERCOT would be pursuant to 'UBSWarburgEnergyOnline' GTCs or else subject to discrete negotiated wholesale power enabling agreements and/or ISDA master agreements. The ERCOT ISO would have no connection with such relationship documents supporting UBS AG trading activities. On the other hand, as UBS's likely counterparties are entities with wholesale power trading activities of national scope, the timeline for trading in ERCOT is linked to the timeline for completing wholesale power/financial master enabling agreements approved by UBS. Doug Gilbert-Smith this afternoon identified the following counterparties in decreasing order of of their priority as trading partners in ERCOT: \n\nTXU Energy Trading \nBP Energy Company\nReliant Energy Services, Inc.\nAquila Power Corporation\nMorgan Stanley capitral Group\nConstellation Power Source\nFPL Energy Power Marketing, Inc.\nAmerican Electic Power Service Corporation\nMirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP\nCalpine Energy Servicces LP\nDynegy Marketing & Trade\nLCRA --Lower Colorado River Authority\n\nalong with a couple of incumbent utilities:\n\nSan Antonio City Public Service\nReliant HL&P\n\nIf you desire Doug Gilbert -Smith to sit in on this meeting, then it would have to be scheduled for Thursday.\n\n\n ", "<9041582.1075840545999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"137": {"value": "colorado", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn"]}, "121": {"value": "american", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "market powerTnn": {"value": "market powerTnn", "ne": "market powerTnn", "patterns": ["market powerTnn"]}, "activity tradingTnn": {"value": "activity tradingTnn", "ne": "activity tradingTnn", "patterns": ["activity tradingTnn"]}, "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "company energyTnn": {"value": "company energyTnn", "ne": "company energyTnn", "patterns": ["company energyTnn"]}, "company_party serviceTnn": {"value": "company_party serviceTnn", "ne": "company_party serviceTnn", "patterns": ["company_party serviceTnn"]}, "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "energy index_powerTnn": {"value": "energy index_powerTnn", "ne": "energy index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy index_powerTnn"]}, "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn"]}, "energy power service_service0corporationTnnn": {"value": "energy power service_service0corporationTnnn", "ne": "energy power service_service0corporationTnnn", "patterns": ["energy power service_service0corporationTnnn"]}, "energy power tradingTnnn": {"value": "energy power tradingTnnn", "ne": "energy power tradingTnnn", "patterns": ["energy power tradingTnnn"]}, "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "energy service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["energy service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "energy tradingTnn": {"value": "energy tradingTnn", "ne": "energy tradingTnn", "patterns": ["energy tradingTnn"]}, "marketing powerTnn": {"value": "marketing powerTnn", "ne": "marketing powerTnn", "patterns": ["marketing powerTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "power service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["power service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power tradingTnn"]}}, false], "30-1-2002-15:40:27Sd..steffes@enron.com": ["30-1-2002-15:40:27", "d..steffes@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com l..day@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com s..bradford@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com m..presto@enron.com debra.bailey@enron.com e..haedicke@enron.com legal .taylor@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31252836.1075841430334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:40:27 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: d..steffes@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com,\n\tdebra.bailey@enron.com, e..haedicke@enron.com,\n\tlegal <.taylor@enron.com>\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com,\n\tdebra.bailey@enron.com, e..haedicke@enron.com,\n\tlegal <.taylor@enron.com>\nX-From: Steffes, James D. \nX-To: Portz, David \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Day, Smith L. , Sager, Elizabeth , Bradford, William S. , Sacks, Edward , Miller, Jeffrey , Will, Lloyd , Presto, Kevin M. , Bailey, Debra , Haedicke, Mark E. , Taylor, Mark E (Legal) \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Presto, Kevin M.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: PRESTO-K\nX-FileName: kevin presto 2-7-02.pst\n\nThanks David.\n\nI have asked Mark Taylor to see if the ERCOT team could speak with Bryan Murtaugh at 1pm Thursday (in 38c2). The purpose is simply to walk through the documents to ensure that UBS can sign-off as quickly as possible. We will know, hopefully, by mid morning tomorrow.\n\nI'll send another note with the final plans.\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 5:25 PM\nTo:\tSteffes, James D.\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Bradford, William S.; Sacks, Edward; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tRE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nI understand from Smith Day that APX forwarded us today a format of contract relating to their potentially serving as QSE for UBS AG trading. APX is apparently willing to contract on a month-to-month basis (thus allowing us to move to our own IT interface with ERCOT as soon as possible). \n\nAs to item two below, until UBS would have the IT capability (currently under development and projected to be roughly a month from completion) to become certified to act as its own QSE, it would not need to execute any 'market participant' agreement with ERCOT in order to be a power marketer within ERCOT. As soon as UBS desired to trade Renewable Energy Credits (\"RECs\"), it would need to sign a standard-form agreement with ERCOT in order to maintain a REC account. \n\nTrading conducted by UBS with any given counterparty within ERCOT would be pursuant to 'UBSWarburgEnergyOnline' GTCs or else subject to discrete negotiated wholesale power enabling agreements and/or ISDA master agreements. The ERCOT ISO would have no connection with such relationship documents supporting UBS AG trading activities. On the other hand, as UBS's likely counterparties are entities with wholesale power trading activities of national scope, the timeline for trading in ERCOT is linked to the timeline for completing wholesale power/financial master enabling agreements approved by UBS. Doug Gilbert-Smith this afternoon identified the following counterparties in decreasing order of of their priority as trading partners in ERCOT: \n\nTXU Energy Trading \nBP Energy Company\nReliant Energy Services, Inc.\nAquila Power Corporation\nMorgan Stanley capitral Group\nConstellation Power Source\nFPL Energy Power Marketing, Inc.\nAmerican Electic Power Service Corporation\nMirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP\nCalpine Energy Servicces LP\nDynegy Marketing & Trade\nLCRA --Lower Colorado River Authority\n\nalong with a couple of incumbent utilities:\n\nSan Antonio City Public Service\nReliant HL&P\n\nIf you desire Doug Gilbert -Smith to sit in on this meeting, then it would have to be scheduled for Thursday.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 8:41 AM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Portz, David\nCc:\tWill, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tUBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nUBS Legal and UBS Credit is heading to Houston this Thursday and Friday. I have asked that ERCOT matters get 1 hour to discuss the necessary contracts that UBS will need to sign to participate in the ERCOT market.\n\nBasically, my understanding is the following --\n\n1.\tPUCT Registration Form for Power Marketer\n2.\tERCOT ISO Information\n\tQSE [Portz, David] N/A until IT platform is ready for UBS to serve as its own QSE \n\tLSE [Portz, David] N/A \n\tWholesale Enabling Agreement [Portz, David] No ERCOT involvement \n\tOther [Portz, David] REC Trading Account Agreement \n3.\tAPX Agreement [Portz, David] initially\n4.\tOther\n\nGiven the list of issues, this assumes that UBSW Energy will not be selling electricity at retail. If we need this for Day 1, we would have to get an additional license from the PUCT.\n\nThanks,\n\nJim", "RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs", "reply", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 22, "nninformation", ["plans", "send"], "intention", " i'll send another note with the final plans."]], "Thanks David.\n\nI have asked Mark Taylor to see if the ERCOT team could speak with Bryan Murtaugh at 1pm Thursday (in 38c2). The purpose is simply to walk through the documents to ensure that UBS can sign-off as quickly as possible. We will know, hopefully, by mid morning tomorrow.\n\nI'll send another note with the final plans.\n\nJim\n\n ", "<31252836.1075841430334.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-1-2002-6:44:10Sd..steffes@enron.com": ["31-1-2002-6:44:10", "d..steffes@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com l..day@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com s..bradford@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com m..presto@enron.com debra.bailey@enron.com e..haedicke@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18851328.1075841429922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 06:44:10 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: d..steffes@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com,\n\tdebra.bailey@enron.com, e..haedicke@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, m..presto@enron.com,\n\tdebra.bailey@enron.com, e..haedicke@enron.com\nX-From: Steffes, James D. \nX-To: Portz, David \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Day, Smith L. , Sager, Elizabeth , Bradford, William S. , Sacks, Edward , Miller, Jeffrey , Will, Lloyd , Presto, Kevin M. , Bailey, Debra , Haedicke, Mark E. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Presto, Kevin M.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: PRESTO-K\nX-FileName: kevin presto 2-7-02.pst\n\nAfter thinking about this last night, I would still like to bring to the meeting today at 1pm all the documents that would be necessary for UBS to be \"fully\" functioning so that we can get this data in front of the UBS legal group.\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 5:25 PM\nTo:\tSteffes, James D.\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Bradford, William S.; Sacks, Edward; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tRE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nI understand from Smith Day that APX forwarded us today a format of contract relating to their potentially serving as QSE for UBS AG trading. APX is apparently willing to contract on a month-to-month basis (thus allowing us to move to our own IT interface with ERCOT as soon as possible). \n\nAs to item two below, until UBS would have the IT capability (currently under development and projected to be roughly a month from completion) to become certified to act as its own QSE, it would not need to execute any 'market participant' agreement with ERCOT in order to be a power marketer within ERCOT. As soon as UBS desired to trade Renewable Energy Credits (\"RECs\"), it would need to sign a standard-form agreement with ERCOT in order to maintain a REC account. \n\nTrading conducted by UBS with any given counterparty within ERCOT would be pursuant to 'UBSWarburgEnergyOnline' GTCs or else subject to discrete negotiated wholesale power enabling agreements and/or ISDA master agreements. The ERCOT ISO would have no connection with such relationship documents supporting UBS AG trading activities. On the other hand, as UBS's likely counterparties are entities with wholesale power trading activities of national scope, the timeline for trading in ERCOT is linked to the timeline for completing wholesale power/financial master enabling agreements approved by UBS. Doug Gilbert-Smith this afternoon identified the following counterparties in decreasing order of of their priority as trading partners in ERCOT: \n\nTXU Energy Trading \nBP Energy Company\nReliant Energy Services, Inc.\nAquila Power Corporation\nMorgan Stanley capitral Group\nConstellation Power Source\nFPL Energy Power Marketing, Inc.\nAmerican Electic Power Service Corporation\nMirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP\nCalpine Energy Servicces LP\nDynegy Marketing & Trade\nLCRA --Lower Colorado River Authority\n\nalong with a couple of incumbent utilities:\n\nSan Antonio City Public Service\nReliant HL&P\n\nIf you desire Doug Gilbert -Smith to sit in on this meeting, then it would have to be scheduled for Thursday.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 8:41 AM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Portz, David\nCc:\tWill, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tUBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nUBS Legal and UBS Credit is heading to Houston this Thursday and Friday. I have asked that ERCOT matters get 1 hour to discuss the necessary contracts that UBS will need to sign to participate in the ERCOT market.\n\nBasically, my understanding is the following --\n\n1.\tPUCT Registration Form for Power Marketer\n2.\tERCOT ISO Information\n\tQSE [Portz, David] N/A until IT platform is ready for UBS to serve as its own QSE \n\tLSE [Portz, David] N/A \n\tWholesale Enabling Agreement [Portz, David] No ERCOT involvement \n\tOther [Portz, David] REC Trading Account Agreement \n3.\tAPX Agreement [Portz, David] initially\n4.\tOther\n\nGiven the list of issues, this assumes that UBSW Energy will not be selling electricity at retail. If we need this for Day 1, we would have to get an additional license from the PUCT.\n\nThanks,\n\nJim", "RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs", "reply", [], "After thinking about this last night, I would still like to bring to the meeting today at 1pm all the documents that would be necessary for UBS to be \"fully\" functioning so that we can get this data in front of the UBS legal group.\n\nJim\n\n ", "<18851328.1075841429922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-1-2002-7:4:25Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["31-1-2002-7:4:25", "david.portz@enron.com", "d..steffes@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com l..day@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com s..bradford@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16134616.1075840545865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 07:04:25 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: d..steffes@enron.com\nSubject: RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Steffes, James D. \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Day, Smith L. , Sager, Elizabeth , Bradford, William S. , Sacks, Edward , Miller, Jeffrey \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Inbox\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nI had the same thought last night, as to the QSE agreement, if it is only a month or two until UBS would execute that with ERCOT. I am hoping that the Enron credit person attending can, if requested, give background on the credit requirements that would be placed on UBS if it became a QSE. Please let me know the number of attendees when you find out so that we can provide adequate copies for those needing them. Thanks. -- David \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tThursday, January 31, 2002 8:44 AM\nTo:\tPortz, David\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Bradford, William S.; Sacks, Edward; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tRE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nAfter thinking about this last night, I would still like to bring to the meeting today at 1pm all the documents that would be necessary for UBS to be \"fully\" functioning so that we can get this data in front of the UBS legal group.\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 5:25 PM\nTo:\tSteffes, James D.\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Bradford, William S.; Sacks, Edward; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tRE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nI understand from Smith Day that APX forwarded us today a format of contract relating to their potentially serving as QSE for UBS AG trading. APX is apparently willing to contract on a month-to-month basis (thus allowing us to move to our own IT interface with ERCOT as soon as possible). \n\nAs to item two below, until UBS would have the IT capability (currently under development and projected to be roughly a month from completion) to become certified to act as its own QSE, it would not need to execute any 'market participant' agreement with ERCOT in order to be a power marketer within ERCOT. As soon as UBS desired to trade Renewable Energy Credits (\"RECs\"), it would need to sign a standard-form agreement with ERCOT in order to maintain a REC account. \n\nTrading conducted by UBS with any given counterparty within ERCOT would be pursuant to 'UBSWarburgEnergyOnline' GTCs or else subject to discrete negotiated wholesale power enabling agreements and/or ISDA master agreements. The ERCOT ISO would have no connection with such relationship documents supporting UBS AG trading activities. On the other hand, as UBS's likely counterparties are entities with wholesale power trading activities of national scope, the timeline for trading in ERCOT is linked to the timeline for completing wholesale power/financial master enabling agreements approved by UBS. Doug Gilbert-Smith this afternoon identified the following counterparties in decreasing order of of their priority as trading partners in ERCOT: \n\nTXU Energy Trading \nBP Energy Company\nReliant Energy Services, Inc.\nAquila Power Corporation\nMorgan Stanley capitral Group\nConstellation Power Source\nFPL Energy Power Marketing, Inc.\nAmerican Electic Power Service Corporation\nMirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP\nCalpine Energy Servicces LP\nDynegy Marketing & Trade\nLCRA --Lower Colorado River Authority\n\nalong with a couple of incumbent utilities:\n\nSan Antonio City Public Service\nReliant HL&P\n\nIf you desire Doug Gilbert -Smith to sit in on this meeting, then it would have to be scheduled for Thursday.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 8:41 AM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Portz, David\nCc:\tWill, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tUBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nUBS Legal and UBS Credit is heading to Houston this Thursday and Friday. I have asked that ERCOT matters get 1 hour to discuss the necessary contracts that UBS will need to sign to participate in the ERCOT market.\n\nBasically, my understanding is the following --\n\n1.\tPUCT Registration Form for Power Marketer\n2.\tERCOT ISO Information\n\tQSE [Portz, David] N/A until IT platform is ready for UBS to serve as its own QSE \n\tLSE [Portz, David] N/A \n\tWholesale Enabling Agreement [Portz, David] No ERCOT involvement \n\tOther [Portz, David] REC Trading Account Agreement \n3.\tAPX Agreement [Portz, David] initially\n4.\tOther\n\nGiven the list of issues, this assumes that UBSW Energy will not be selling electricity at retail. If we need this for Day 1, we would have to get an additional license from the PUCT.\n\nThanks,\n\nJim", "RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs", "reply", [["execute agreement", 4, "nninformation", ["agreement", "execute"], "intention", "i had the same thought last night, as to the qse agreement, if it is only a month or two until ubs would execute that with ercot."]], "I had the same thought last night, as to the QSE agreement, if it is only a month or two until UBS would execute that with ERCOT. I am hoping that the Enron credit person attending can, if requested, give background on the credit requirements that would be placed on UBS if it became a QSE. Please let me know the number of attendees when you find out so that we can provide adequate copies for those needing them. Thanks. -- David \n\n ", "<16134616.1075840545865.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "31-1-2002-7:6:41Sd..steffes@enron.com": ["31-1-2002-7:6:41", "d..steffes@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com l..day@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com s..bradford@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10334615.1075840545839.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 07:06:41 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: d..steffes@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\ts..bradford@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com\nX-From: Steffes, James D. \nX-To: Portz, David \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Day, Smith L. , Sager, Elizabeth , Bradford, William S. , Sacks, Edward , Miller, Jeffrey \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Inbox\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nMy take is that we will have 4 UBS people and then the ERCOT team and someone from credit.\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tThursday, January 31, 2002 9:04 AM\nTo:\tSteffes, James D.\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Bradford, William S.; Sacks, Edward; Miller, Jeffrey\nSubject:\tRE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nI had the same thought last night, as to the QSE agreement, if it is only a month or two until UBS would execute that with ERCOT. I am hoping that the Enron credit person attending can, if requested, give background on the credit requirements that would be placed on UBS if it became a QSE. Please let me know the number of attendees when you find out so that we can provide adequate copies for those needing them. Thanks. -- David \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tThursday, January 31, 2002 8:44 AM\nTo:\tPortz, David\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Bradford, William S.; Sacks, Edward; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tRE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nAfter thinking about this last night, I would still like to bring to the meeting today at 1pm all the documents that would be necessary for UBS to be \"fully\" functioning so that we can get this data in front of the UBS legal group.\n\nJim\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 5:25 PM\nTo:\tSteffes, James D.\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Bradford, William S.; Sacks, Edward; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tRE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nI understand from Smith Day that APX forwarded us today a format of contract relating to their potentially serving as QSE for UBS AG trading. APX is apparently willing to contract on a month-to-month basis (thus allowing us to move to our own IT interface with ERCOT as soon as possible). \n\nAs to item two below, until UBS would have the IT capability (currently under development and projected to be roughly a month from completion) to become certified to act as its own QSE, it would not need to execute any 'market participant' agreement with ERCOT in order to be a power marketer within ERCOT. As soon as UBS desired to trade Renewable Energy Credits (\"RECs\"), it would need to sign a standard-form agreement with ERCOT in order to maintain a REC account. \n\nTrading conducted by UBS with any given counterparty within ERCOT would be pursuant to 'UBSWarburgEnergyOnline' GTCs or else subject to discrete negotiated wholesale power enabling agreements and/or ISDA master agreements. The ERCOT ISO would have no connection with such relationship documents supporting UBS AG trading activities. On the other hand, as UBS's likely counterparties are entities with wholesale power trading activities of national scope, the timeline for trading in ERCOT is linked to the timeline for completing wholesale power/financial master enabling agreements approved by UBS. Doug Gilbert-Smith this afternoon identified the following counterparties in decreasing order of of their priority as trading partners in ERCOT: \n\nTXU Energy Trading \nBP Energy Company\nReliant Energy Services, Inc.\nAquila Power Corporation\nMorgan Stanley capitral Group\nConstellation Power Source\nFPL Energy Power Marketing, Inc.\nAmerican Electic Power Service Corporation\nMirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP\nCalpine Energy Servicces LP\nDynegy Marketing & Trade\nLCRA --Lower Colorado River Authority\n\nalong with a couple of incumbent utilities:\n\nSan Antonio City Public Service\nReliant HL&P\n\nIf you desire Doug Gilbert -Smith to sit in on this meeting, then it would have to be scheduled for Thursday.\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSteffes, James D. \nSent:\tWednesday, January 30, 2002 8:41 AM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug; Day, Smith L.; Sager, Elizabeth; Portz, David\nCc:\tWill, Lloyd; Presto, Kevin M.; Bailey, Debra; Haedicke, Mark E.\nSubject:\tUBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs\n\nUBS Legal and UBS Credit is heading to Houston this Thursday and Friday. I have asked that ERCOT matters get 1 hour to discuss the necessary contracts that UBS will need to sign to participate in the ERCOT market.\n\nBasically, my understanding is the following --\n\n1.\tPUCT Registration Form for Power Marketer\n2.\tERCOT ISO Information\n\tQSE [Portz, David] N/A until IT platform is ready for UBS to serve as its own QSE \n\tLSE [Portz, David] N/A \n\tWholesale Enabling Agreement [Portz, David] No ERCOT involvement \n\tOther [Portz, David] REC Trading Account Agreement \n3.\tAPX Agreement [Portz, David] initially\n4.\tOther\n\nGiven the list of issues, this assumes that UBSW Energy will not be selling electricity at retail. If we need this for Day 1, we would have to get an additional license from the PUCT.\n\nThanks,\n\nJim", "RE: UBS Sign-Off on ERCOT Docs", "reply", [], "My take is that we will have 4 UBS people and then the ERCOT team and someone from credit.\n\nJim\n\n ", "<10334615.1075840545839.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "26-7-1999-6:40:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 16-8-1999-4:7:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 16-8-1999-8:33:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 19-8-1999-6:10:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 2-9-1999-2:29:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 4-10-1999-3:50:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 24-11-1999-5:13:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 9-12-1999-7:20:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 30-12-1999-1:23:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 24-1-2000-7:39:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 14-2-2000-8:45:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 12-12-2000-4:25:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 12-12-2000-5:23:0Sshari.stack@enron.com 28-2-2000-2:39:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 1-3-2000-5:48:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 6-3-2000-1:33:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 6-3-2000-1:34:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 15-6-2000-7:23:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 18-7-2000-5:32:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 31-7-2000-10:17:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 10-8-2000-7:49:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 31-10-2000-0:46:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 1-11-2000-7:50:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 27-11-2000-3:28:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 8-12-2000-9:40:0Sshari.stack@enron.com 7-12-2000-10:7:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 7-12-2000-11:2:0Stracy.ngo@enron.com 8-12-2000-9:14:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 8-12-2000-10:44:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 13-12-2000-3:30:0Sshari.stack@enron.com 11-6-2001-4:28:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 30-7-2001-12:40:48Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 31-7-2001-7:52:52Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 6-8-2001-7:13:33Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 6-8-2001-11:35:49Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 7-8-2001-15:29:1Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 26-9-2001-8:45:33Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 18-10-2001-6:10:0Sfmdutton@aep.com 15-11-2001-7:19:44Sfmdutton@aep.com 19-11-2001-13:58:30Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 19-11-2001-15:9:22Smarcus.nettelton@enron.com 19-11-2001-15:12:58Selizabeth.sager@enron.com 3-12-2001-14:28:41Sjeff.gollomp@cinergy.com 3-12-2001-15:43:24Sjeff.gollomp@cinergy.com": {"26-7-1999-6:40:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["26-7-1999-6:40:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["brenda.whitehead@enron.com"], [], "Please print thanks\n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 07/26/99 01:40 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: \"Andy Katz\" 07/22/99 02:53 PM\n \nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT, Mroger3@entergy.com, \nwfhenze@jonesday.com, kdleitao@llgm.com, Jcrespo@statoilenergy.com\ncc: EComer@eei.org, dperlman@powersrc.com, rosteen@powersrc.com \nSubject: Standard Contract\nA clean and redline version of the latest draft are attached. This version \nis what we will use at the meeting next week in Baltimore.\n************************************************************\nAndrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney\nEdison Electric Institute\nakatz@eei.org\nPH (202) 508-5616\nFAX (202) 508-5673\n\n\n", ["Standard Contract"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "Please print thanks\n", ["<1284975.1075859512040.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23301991.1075859547228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-8-1999-4:7:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["16-8-1999-4:7:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["brenda.whitehead@enron.com"], [], "Please print\n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 08/16/99 11:06 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: \"Caroline Goodson\" \n 08/06/99 02:35 PM\n \nTo: fmd@aep.com, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT, akatz@eei.org, ecomer@eei.org, \nmroger3@entergy.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, kdleitao@llgm.com, \ndmperlman@powersrc.com, rosteen@powersrc.com, jcrespo@statoilenergy.com\ncc: PDONDANV@schiffhardin.com \nSubject: EEI Standardized Contract - Revised Draft\nTo the Drafting Committee:\nAttached for your review are clean and marked copies of the\nstandardized contract. These documents are in Word Perfect; if you are\nunable to open them, please call my secretary Sue Edwards and she can\nsend you a fax instead. I will be out of the office for the rest of the\nday but will be back on Monday if you have any questions. In order to\nkeep with our mid-August deadline, please call me (312) 258-5659 or fax\nme (312) 258-5600 your comments by 5 pm Chicago time on Tuesday, Aug.\n10. Also, please let me know if you want to have a conference call\nbefore this goes out to the larger group, as opposed to just reviewing\nthe draft one last time once I revise it with all your comments. Pleae\nlet me know if there is any time on Aug. 11 or Aug. 12 when you are NOT\navailable for a conference call.\nThanks,\nCaroline\n*****************************************************************************\nThe preceding message and any attachments may contain\nconfidential information protected by the attorney-client or other\nprivilege. If you believe that it has been sent to you in error,\nplease reply to the sender that you received the message in\nerror. Then delete it. Thank you.\n*****************************************************************************\n - marked.agm.wpd\n - Clean.agm.wpd\n", ["EEI Standardized Contract - Revised Draft", "Revisions to WSPP Agreement"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "please print\n", ["<20497766.1075859512131.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<2607068.1075859512154.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24706659.1075859547318.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<8733823.1075859547341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "16-8-1999-8:33:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["16-8-1999-8:33:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["mark.haedicke@enron.com"], [], "Mark\nAttached is the preliminary outline of a conference EEI is considering \nholding on November 17, 1999 to introduce the form of standardized power \ncontract developed through EEI. You will note that EEI listed you as a \npotential speaker. EEI has also called me to discuss my role in this \npresentation but I wanted to get your thoughts first. \nThanks\nElizabeth\n36349\n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 08/16/99 03:24 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: \"Andy Katz\" 08/06/99 05:15 PM\n \nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, SturdyR@dteenergy.com, hemu@dynegy.com, Elizabeth \nSager/HOU/ECT, Jberna2@entergy.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, kdleitao@llgm.com, \ndperlman@powersrc.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com, \npdondanville@schiffhardin.com, sonnet.edmonds@southernenergy.com, \nJcrespo@statoilenergy.com, john.varholy@troutmansanders.com, \nMartin_Bregman@wstnres.com\ncc: EComer@eei.org \nSubject: Conference on Standardized Contract\nAs part of our outreach process for the standardized contract, EEI is \nplanning to offer a conference for the industry and regulators on November \n17, 1999 in Washington, D.C. We would like to invite you to participate in \nthe conference as speakers because of your roles in developing the Master \nAgreement. I've attached a proposed program for the conference would \nappreciate your comments. Not all the issues need to be part of the oral \npresentation, but could be included in the written handouts.\nPlease review the program to see which issues you might want to address. Let \nme know if you are interested in being on the program, are available, or have \nsomeone else to recommend as a speaker. As co-chairs of the working group, \nit seems logical to make Patti and Dave moderators. for the main sessions on \nthe contract. I've filled in some other potential speakers. Also, we were \nthinking of having speakers on managing trading floor operations and credit \nratings for power marketers. Any suggestions there would be welcome. If \nneed be, we can set up a conference call to discuss working out the rest of \nthe presenters for the program.\n************************************************************\nAndrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney\nEdison Electric Institute\nakatz@eei.org\nPH (202) 508-5616\nFAX (202) 508-5673\n\n", ["Conference on Standardized Contract"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "Mark\n\nAttached is the preliminary outline of a conference EEI is considering \nholding on November 17, 1999 to introduce the form of standardized power \ncontract developed through EEI. You will note that EEI listed you as a \npotential speaker. EEI has also called me to discuss my role in this \npresentation but I wanted to get your thoughts first. \n\nThanks\nElizabeth\n36349\n", ["<28472842.1075859512176.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22290791.1075859547364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-8-1999-6:10:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["19-8-1999-6:10:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["brenda.whitehead@enron.com"], [], "please print\n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 08/19/99 01:09 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: howard@wrightlaw.com 08/10/99 10:22 AM\n \nTo: afpaschke@bpa.gov, amacfa@ladwp.com, AMolnar@sempra.com, \nantoine.eustache@dowjones.com, anyoung@apsc.com, \narlene.ragozin@ci.seattle.wa.us, arlene-hillestad@aol.com, bbowman@enova.com, \nbkenison@idahopower.com, blafferty@avistacorp.com, blairj@mid.org, \nbobby.campo@southernenergy.com, bobv@citizenspower.com, bremer@wapa.gov, \nbrown_chris@wes.twc.com, bsanderson@bpa.gov, bschwer@smud.org, \nCaroline_Thebault@transalta.com, cheryl.a.bredenbeck@nspco.com, \ncmorgan@energy.twc.com, cmpallenik@duke-energy.com, \ncolin.persichetti@pacificorp.com, csprouse@eprime.com, cxg2@pge.com, \ncyanez@mwd.dst.ca.us, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, \ndan.freeman@engageenergy.com, darren.hayes@engageenergy.com, \ndaustin@sanfrancisco.usgen.com, david.avren@bchydro.bc.ca, dcalver@smud.org, \ndcfl@dynegy.com, dfarmer@mail.pnm.com, dhatch@ong.com, diane_wood@apsc.com, \ndlengmann@aep.com, dmahmud@mwd.dst.ca.us, dmb3743@kcpl.com, \ndonald_rooker@kne.com, drice@mwe.com, dspannagel@avistacorp.com, \ndstegema@ci.tacoma.wa.us, ebarbat@sempra.com, ehudson@avistaenergy.com, \nelaine@citizenspower.com, ericf@prestongates.com, erika.rosin@bchydro.bc.ca, \nElizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, fhill@whc.net, fmdutton@aep.com, \ngbalboa@tractebelusa.com, gerald.miller@pacificorp.com, gljackson2@tva.gov, \ngperlmutter@sempra.com, gray@wapa.gov, hebenstreitb@epenergy.com, \nheinricd@kochind.com, hemu@dynegy.com, Holli Krebs/HOU/ECT@ECT, \njana_seibel@transalta.com, janetb@chelanpud.org, jatkins@gcpud.org, \njbutler@mail.pnm.com, jdeason@chbh.com, jennifer.hein@gen.pge.com, \njhartso@enron.com, jkenne1@entergy.com, joe_nadal@pngc.com, \njohn.brewster@cajunelectric.com, jsimmons@empiredistrict.com, \njsj1400@idahopower.com, jthompson@idahopower.com, jtsalway@aep.com, \njwalsh@sempra.com, jwoodford@sdge.com, khall@pwrteam.com, \nking.lum@powerex.com, klinefel@wapa.gov, kweisel@tid.org, Lysa \nAkin/PDX/ECT@ECT, Layne_Brown@IEP.illinova.com, linda.dong@bchydro.bc.ca, \nlinda.dong@powerex.com, ljohnson@pwrteam.com, lmcmurray@exchange.ml.com, \nmalcolm@dadkp.com, marlene_huntsinger@pgn.com, mbowling@tucsonelectric.com, \nmcato@entergy.com, mgreenbl@sempratrading.com, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nmontoya@nevp.com, morten@calpol.com, mroger3@entergy.com, mwhite@wapa.gov, \nnagels@epenergy.com, nitinmm@aol.com, nwodka@bracepatt.com, \nphil.newton@southernenergy.com, psteele@coral-energy.com, \npvrana@tractebelusa.com, r-ba@worldnet.att.net, rbittle@aecc.com, \nreyna2r@kochind.com, rgdietri@srp.gov, rivey@pwrteam.com, rjfreeman@bpa.gov, \nrjr5543@flash.net, robin_tompkins@pgn.com, rod.nefsky@cleco.com, \nrosteen@powersrc.com, rpkozma@aep.com, rsholten@wwpco.com, \nrtask@reliantenergy.com, scmeiner@srpnet.com, \nscott.spettel@eweb.eugene.or.us, shoang@ladwp.com, sireland@tnpe.com, \nsivey@pwrteam.com, sjones@aep.com, smao@dwp.ci.la.ca.us, snorris@apsc.com, \nsonnet.edmonds@southernenergy.com, ssorey@smud.org, \nsterling_koch@transalta.com, SzablyaL@epenergy.com, teh9284@kcpl.com, \ntom.imbler@ncepower.com, tsoto@epelectric.com, vernonlp@globalpac.com, \nWayner@swps.com, wordgal@aol.com\ncc: \nSubject: August 20th Meeting in Denver\nAttached are several documents:\n1003-391-147 - formatted in Microsoft Word (Mediation)\n1003-153.sch - formatted in Wordperfect (Schs. A-C)\n1003-153.rv5 - formatted in Wordperfect (Agreement)\n1003-415-147 - formatted in Microsoft Word (Cover Memo)\n \n - 1003-391-147.DOC\n - 1003-153.SCH\n - 1003-153.RV5\n - 1003-415-147.DOC\n", ["August 20th Meeting in Denver"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "please print\n", ["<16973748.1075859512222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28939596.1075859547408.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "2-9-1999-2:29:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["2-9-1999-2:29:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["genia.fitzgerald@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 09/02/99 09:29 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.\n \n From: \"Caroline Goodson\" \n 09/01/99 10:15 AM\n \nTo: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, rosteen@powersrc.com\ncc: fmdutton@aep.com, akatz@eei.org, ecomer@eei.org, mroger3@entergy.com, \nfwhenze@JonesDay.com, kdleitao@llgm.com, dmperlman@powersrc.com, \nPDONDANV@schiffhardin.com, jcrespo@statoilenergy.com \nSubject: Standardized Contract\nElizabeth and Randy:\nAttached are clean and marked copies of the standardized contract,\nrevised to reflect comments from Kevin, Fritz, Mitch and Andy, and other\nchanges discussed during the conference calls on Monday and Tuesday. As\nwe discussed, please coordinate with Fritz so that he can revise the\ndocument to reflect any additional comments either of you have. He will\nthen circulate a revised draft to the drafting committee in time for our\nnext conference call on Sept. 9 at 2 pm eastern time.\nThanks,\nCaroline\n*****************************************************************************\nThe preceding message and any attachments may contain\nconfidential information protected by the attorney-client or other\nprivilege. If you believe that it has been sent to you in error,\nplease reply to the sender that you received the message in\nerror. Then delete it. Thank you.\n*****************************************************************************\n - W093RED.WPD\n - sept1.wpd\n", ["Standardized Contract"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "", ["<14568064.1075859512421.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<510456.1075859547606.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "4-10-1999-3:50:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["4-10-1999-3:50:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["christian.yoder@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 10/04/99 10:49 \nAM ---------------------------\nfmdutton@aep.com on 09/29/99 04:29:47 PM\nTo: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, drusso@reliantenergy.com, \nwahoefling@duke-energy.com\ncc: \nSubject: Proposed WSPP Firm Power Definition\nThe WSPP operating/contract drafting committee is meeting on October 7 in\nPhoenix to discuss the reserve requirements for firm sales. I would \nappreciate\nyour review and comments on the following as a definition for Firm Power for \nuse\nin the WSPP Agreement in lieu of the current language. This language would be\ninserted in Schedule C and replace Sections C-3.3 and C-3.6:\n Firm Power shall be interrupted only if the interruption is: (a) due to \nan\n Uncontrollable Force as provided in Section 10 of this Agreement and \npower\n is not available at the Delivery Point; or, (b) where applicable, to meet\n Seller's public utility or statutory obligations to its customers. If\n Seller exercises its right to interrupt to meet its public utility or\n statutory obligations, Seller shall be responsible for payment of damages\n for failure to deliver Firm Power as provided in Section 21.3 of this\n Agreement or in any Confirmation Agreement. If Firm Power is interrupted\n for any reason other than as provided in subpart (a) above, the\n non-performing party shall be obligated to pay damages under this \nAgreement\n or Confirmation Agreement.\n", ["Proposed WSPP Firm Power Definition"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "", ["<597830.1075859512986.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21527202.1075859548099.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-11-1999-5:13:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["24-11-1999-5:13:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["christian.yoder@enron.com"], [], "More on the subject, which I haven't reviewed - let me know what you think. \nComes from a guy who is very nice and attentive at Citizens but ... Happy \nDays Off\n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 11/24/99 01:11 \nPM ---------------------------\nGeoff Mathews on 11/24/99 09:10:44 AM\nTo: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Hein , \nLouis Szablya , Marty Jo Rogers , \nMitch Dutton , Paul Vrana , Randy \nOsteen , Sonnet Edmonds \n\ncc: \nSubject: SERVICE SCHEDULE C\nI've rewritten Schedule C as I think we would like to see it. This draft\ndefines firm power as we're used to seeing it in the East, and places a\nseparate requirement on one of the parties to provide minimum operating\nreserves. I wasn't sure who should be the default provider of the reserves;\nhowever, I'm inclined to think it should be the Buyer. Please take a look\nat the attached document and let me know if you have any comments. I\nhaven't circulated this to anyone else yet, and probably won't until I hear\nback from you. Thanks to all of you.\nHappy Thanksgiving!\n>>\n\n", ["SERVICE SCHEDULE C"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "More on the subject, which I haven't reviewed - let me know what you think. \nComes from a guy who is very nice and attentive at Citizens but ... Happy \nDays Off\n", ["<29870693.1075859513549.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7382027.1075859548562.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "9-12-1999-7:20:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["9-12-1999-7:20:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["david.portz@enron.com"], [], "Draft Definitions should go to all the peole on this email both as \"to\" and \n\"cc\".\n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 12/09/99 03:09 \nPM ---------------------------\nHEMU@dynegy.com on 12/09/99 09:21:06 AM\nTo: \"Osteen, Randall D\" \ncc: \"'Andy Katz'\" , \"Patricia Dondanville (E-mail)\" \n, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, \"Mitch Dutton \n(E-mail)\" \nSubject: Draft Agenda for 12/15/99 EEI/NEMA Contract Group Meeting\nGood point. I agree. We should take that item off of the agenda.\n", ["Into Product"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "Draft Definitions should go to all the peole on this email both as \"to\" and \n\"cc\".\n\n\n", ["<9048493.1075859513891.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28775707.1075859548833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-12-1999-1:23:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["30-12-1999-1:23:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["david.portz@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 12/30/99 09:22 \nAM ---------------------------\n\"Andy Katz\" on 12/22/99 03:50:04 PM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, mroger3@entergy.com, \nwfhenze@jonesday.com, KDLEITAO@LLGM.COM, rosteen@powersrc.com\ncc: hemu@dynegy.com, MPhilips@pwrteam.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com \nSubject: Drafting Committee Meeting for Products Definition\nThe Drafting Committee will meet on Janurary 13 at EEI's offices to develop \nconsensus language for products definitions in the Contract. This would be \nin preparation for a meeting of the entire working group in Houston on either \nJanurary 25 or 26. We would like to have Reliant, Dynegy, and PECO serve \non the drafting committee since your companies' have concrete proposals on \nthe table. Several of you have already indicated that you will be available \nfor this meeting, will the others please let me know your availability. \nThanks.\nHave a great holiday and a Happy New Year!\nAndrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n", ["Drafting Committee Meeting for Products Definition"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "", ["<21690349.1075859514344.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<21109662.1075859549285.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "24-1-2000-7:39:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["24-1-2000-7:39:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["janet.moore@enron.com", "leslie.hansen@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2000 \n03:38 PM ---------------------------\n\"Andy Katz\" on 01/24/2000 02:26:43 PM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, HEMU@dynegy.com, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nmroger3@entergy.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, kdleitao@llgm.com, \nrosteen@powersrc.com, MPhilips@pwrteam.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com\ncc: \nSubject: Fwd: Option B Into Product\nJust received the Option B Into Product. Marji is available for a conference \ncall tommorow at 10:30 am est. to discuss, but unless I hear objection their \ndefinition will go to the working group today along w/ option A.\nAndrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\nReceived: from pwrteam.com by mail.eei.org; Mon, 24 Jan 2000 15:12:22 -0500\nMessage-ID: \nTo: akatz@eei.com\nCc: hemu@dynegy.com\nSubject: Document\nFrom: MPhilips@pwrteam.com\nDate: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 15:10:28 -0500\nX-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on PTN02/Power Team(Release 5.0.2b |December \n16, 1999) at 01/24/2000 03:09:47 PM\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: multipart/mixed; \nBoundary=\"0__=vwvTCyrq7WIS5kEINw1Jvu7zFUQ2Ec8p9UV0A6RKSPTd3laX81u67oCs\"\nContent-Disposition: inline\nAttached is a re-write of Product B, based on a general agreement between\nHarlan and myself. I apologize but I had a tremendous amount of problems\nwith redlining, and so have sent you a document that accepted all changes.\nHopefully someone has a comparerite program. Andy would you please\ncirculate this product. I will be glad to write up a summary in plain\nEnglish if you think that would be helpful. All errors are my\nresponsibility alone, not Harlan's! Look forward to seeing you on Wed.\nMarji\nPS: My email was wiped out since 1/3, what time do we meet, and would you\nplease provide Reliant's address. Thanks. M.\n)\n\n", ["Option B Into Product", "Re: Maine retail license for EPMI"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "", ["<16189227.1075859515084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<33016002.1075859515106.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20161389.1075859549872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<19819936.1075859549894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "14-2-2000-8:45:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["14-2-2000-8:45:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["akatz@eei.org"], ["kdleitao@llgm.com", "drusso@reliantenergy.com", "mphilips@pwrteam.com", "hemu@dynegy.com", "mroger3@entergy.com", "dperlman@powersrc.com", "rosteen@powersrc.com", "fmdutton@aep.com", "wfhenze@jonesday.com"], "Tuesday works great for me. \n As we discussed at the last meeting in Houston, I have begun, but not yet \nfinished, revisions to Product B. I have several questions and will need \ninput from others as how best to proceed on some issues. I spoke w Harlan \nbriefly but would appreciate further input, particularly on the \"one-time, \ngood faith effort\" to find an ADI. I will call Harlan and Marjie to further \ndiscuss. A draft will be circulated before the Tuesday call.\nThanks\nElizabeth\n713 853 6349", ["Re: Conference Call"], "{'recipients': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "Tuesday works great for me. \n\n As we discussed at the last meeting in Houston, I have begun, but not yet \nfinished, revisions to Product B. I have several questions and will need \ninput from others as how best to proceed on some issues. I spoke w Harlan \nbriefly but would appreciate further input, particularly on the \"one-time, \ngood faith effort\" to find an ADI. I will call Harlan and Marjie to further \ndiscuss. A draft will be circulated before the Tuesday call.\n\nThanks\nElizabeth\n713 853 6349", ["<17956866.1075859515948.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<518775.1075859545792.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<20318484.1075859550406.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2000-4:25:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-4:25:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["shari.stack@enron.com"], [], "----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 12:28 PM -----\n \"Patricia Young\" \n 12/12/2000 11:29 AM\n \n To: , , , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n cc: \"Andy Katz\" \n Subject: CONFERENCE CALL\nA conference call has been arranged for Thursday, December 14 at 2:30 pm \nEastern Standard Time so that credit managers can discuss their comments \nregarding Bill McCoy's draft collateral annex (attached). Please dial in at \n800/860-2442 and reference the EEI-Katz conference call.\n", ["CONFERENCE CALL"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "---", ["<10765514.1075853404521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<24075427.1075853440345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "12-12-2000-5:23:0Sshari.stack@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-5:23:0", "shari.stack@enron.com", ["elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], [], "I will participate.\n Elizabeth Sager\n 12/12/00 12:25 PM\n \n To: Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: \n Subject: CONFERENCE CALL\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 12:28 PM -----\n \"Patricia Young\" \n 12/12/2000 11:29 AM\n \n To: , , , \n, , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n, , \n cc: \"Andy Katz\" \n Subject: CONFERENCE CALL\nA conference call has been arranged for Thursday, December 14 at 2:30 pm \nEastern Standard Time so that credit managers can discuss their comments \nregarding Bill McCoy's draft collateral annex (attached). Please dial in at \n800/860-2442 and reference the EEI-Katz conference call.\n\n", ["Re: CONFERENCE CALL"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "I will participate.\n\n\n\n\n\n\tElizabeth Sager\n\t12/12/00 12:25 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", ["<9397153.1075859534202.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<10078808.1075859543997.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "28-2-2000-2:39:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-2:39:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["leslie.hansen@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "jeffrey.hodge@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "janet.moore@enron.com", "christian.yoder@enron.com"], [], "A huge debate has been ongoing in he battle whether to include language in \nthe EEI Contract that would provide that a confirmation that contains \n\"substantive\" terms not discussed by the traders is subject to the \"deemed \naccepted\" language. I have been very vocal against adding this language. \nThe politics as you can tell from this email have been fierce, and as in much \nof successful politics, dirty. I'm not sure where this will end up, but feel \nlike it is important that we all are aware of the history here as well as \nEnron's position (Confirmation needs to be the final, best evidence unless \nobjected to in a timely manner). I will keep everybody posted on the results \nof the vote. \n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 02/28/2000 \n10:29 AM ---------------------------\n\"Andy Katz\" on 02/25/2000 03:52:18 PM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, hemu@dynegy.com, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nmroger3@entergy.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, dperlman@powersrc.com, \nrosteen@powersrc.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com\ncc: \nSubject: FWD: Today's Decision\nI am passing on the following message from Patty expressing her concern with \ntoday's decision to limit the choice on the ballot to optional language or no \nlanguage. Cutting through the \"edge\" of her comments, no doubt brought on by \nthe frustration of being outvoted, I believe she has some valid points on our \nprocess here. I have avoided taking a position on substantive questions \nregarding the contract, but I too have a process concern which I have raised \nwith some of you individually. I apologize for not vocalizing these concerns \nthis morning. Nevertheless, this is what I intend to do . Given that Mitch \nwas not available for the discussion and knowing Mitch's position on this \nissue compels me to release the comments he wanted circulated before going on \nvacation. If there is a consensus from the balloting that the language \nshould be included, but not as an option or as an \"opt out\" provision, this \ndrafting committee should respect that sentiment.\nThe attention of many members of the Drafting Committee has waned and\nEEI members (electric utilities which conduct wholesale power\ntransactions) are no longer represented on the Drafting Committee.\nMitch, in his email, did not think EEI member views were considered on\nthe Tuesday call. And today's call by Constellation, Enron, EPMC (and\nJones, Day and Schiff) did not even include any EEI members...\n The language compromise I accept, and believe that Mitch would\naccept, in the spirit of Drafting Committee give and take. But let's\nnot kid ourselves. Today, a few members of the Drafting Committee made\na decision that even Mitch (the only EEI member on the Tuesday call) did\nnot think we had made or would make. Read his email. Today's decision\nwas to not even \"allow\" the EEI members' vote to be heard to choose\nwhat they overwhelmingly chose in Houston --- that is, to have the\nprovision in Section 2.3 of the Contract --- not just an option on the\nCover sheet). Today's decision is just wrong.\n As the person who was standing in the front of the room in\nHouston, I feel strongly that I know what occurred, and what Comed,\nDynegy, Cinergy, IPALCO, AEP, Ameren and Toni Frost's group of\nutilities, among others, know they voted on. I am the person that\nfolks are going to call to ask why their views were ignored. I had\nbecome comfortable with the explanation for the revote --- to either not\nadd the language at all, add to 2.3, or add as an option. But now\nWorking Group is not being given the choice to vote as they did, like\nthe result or not, in Houston. Even Fritz's suggestion that three\nchoices be given on the ballot was ignored. Those three choices, as I\nunderstood it, would have included an even more aggressive elimination\nof the 2 business day presumption that the confirm, as sent, controls.\n The question I asked... why we are afraid of even giving the\nWorking Group the choice to express the same views they expressed in\nHouston...was never answered.\n When EEI members call me to ask about this, I intend to suggest\nthat they vote \"YES\" on the ballot, and then add an admonition to their\nballot that the language be included in 2.3 and not just be an option on\nthe cover sheet. I would hope that the Drafting Committee (or whoever\nremains on it) would at least consider such added comments although,\nagain, after today I have my doubts. I intend to call some of the EEI\nmembers that I know will feel strongly about this. Since I know Mitch\nwill not be around (and don't feel he should be disenfranchised), I also\nintend to call AEP as a courtesy. I no longer support the idea of not\nforwarding Mitch's email to the whole group, as he obviously intended.\n Ironically or perhaps intentionally, the Drafting Committee's\nfailure to address this directly until almost a month after the Houston\nmeeting means people won't even have a 2 Business Day voting window.\nNonetheless, regardless of the vote, I intend to discuss this in the\nimplementation discussion in the Houston/New York seminars.\nAndrew S. Katz, Senior Attorney\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n", ["EEI Draft- historical data for future use in the battle of the confirmation process"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "A huge debate has been ongoing in he battle whether to include language in \nthe EEI Contract that would provide that a confirmation that contains \n\"substantive\" terms not discussed by the traders is subject to the \"deemed \naccepted\" language. I have been very vocal against adding this language. \nThe politics as you can tell from this email have been fierce, and as in much \nof successful politics, dirty. I'm not sure where this will end up, but feel \nlike it is important that we all are aware of the history here as well as \nEnron's position (Confirmation needs to be the final, best evidence unless \nobjected to in a timely manner). I will keep everybody posted on the results \nof the vote. \n", ["<10657303.1075859516517.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15528209.1075859550939.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-3-2000-5:48:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-5:48:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["brenda.whitehead@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 03/01/2000 \n01:47 PM ---------------------------\n\"Andy Katz\" on 03/01/2000 08:08:11 AM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, Jhopf@amerenenergy.com, hemu@dynegy.com, Elizabeth \nSager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nmroger3@entergy.com, elapson@fitchibca.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, \ndmperlman@powersrc.com, rosteen@powersrc.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com, \nrbaker@reliantenergy.com, john.varholy@troutmansanders.com\ncc: \nSubject: March 7 Workshop\nI'm attaching my proposed schedule and panel assignments for the March 7 \nworkshop. I've already spoken with several of you about your assignments. \nThe panel moderators should have a conference call with their panels either \nThursday or Friday this week to discuss the timing and assignments I put in \nthe schedule. I'd be happy to participate with you.\nMaterials. For most of the contract-specific panels, I think we should use \nan updated version of the slides we used in November. I am attaching the \noriginal slides and updated versions I've used subsequently. Please make any \nchanges you feel are needed and FAX them to me by noon Eastern tommorow. I \nam also attaching Fritz' flowchart (into product 2.ppt) of the Into Product A \nand Liz' hypotheticals (examples.ppt). Liz or Fritz, in light of the latest \nchanges to the Into product, do these need to change?\nAnyone with separate presentations they want distributed at the workshop has \ntwo options: they can email them no later than cob Thursday or, if you can't \nmake that deadline, make arrangements to have 110 copies delivered to the \nconference hotel on Monday March 6. Stapled, 3 hole punched, double sided \ncopies would be preferable.\nAV - we will have a laptop, LCD, overhead and slide projector available.\nAny speaker who can make it for 7 o'clock dinner at Molina's on Westheimer is \nwelcome as EEI's guest. Houston-based speakers are welcome to invite their \ncolleagues to the reception.\nPlease contact me if you have any questions\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n\n - master contracts 2.ppt\n - EEIpresentationnew.ppt\n - intoproduct2.ppt\n - Contract FERC.ppt\n - examples.ppt\n", ["please print all March 7 Workshop"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "", ["<29870708.1075859516694.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<23286492.1075859551096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2000-1:33:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-1:33:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["brenda.whitehead@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 \n09:32 AM ---------------------------\n\"Andy Katz\" on 03/03/2000 05:32:46 PM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, Jhopf@amerenenergy.com, hemu@dynegy.com, Elizabeth \nSager/HOU/ECT@ECT, mroger3@entergy.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, \ndmperlman@powersrc.com, rosteen@powersrc.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com, \nrbaker@reliantenergy.com, john.varholy@troutmansanders.com\ncc: \nSubject: Main Power Point\nThis is an updated version of the main contract panels slide show. I've \nalready sent this to Houston to be copied for the conference binders. All \nslide shows received as of today were also sent for copying. Thanks Joe \nHopf, David Portz, & Randy Baker. If you want to provide supplemental \nmaterial to hand out make sure its delivered to the Marriott by Monday night.\nI'll be traveling Monday morning and will be in Houston around 12pm. Again, \nanyone who wishes to join us for dinner Monday night at Molina's around 7pm \nis welcome. My cell phone number is 301-213-0288.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n - houston slides.ppt\n - EEI Presentation 2000.ppt\n", ["please print - Main Power Point", "please print - Final Version 2-1 of Master Agreement"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "", ["<32263518.1075859516918.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13338501.1075859516940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<14768843.1075859551252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<17812225.1075859551275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-3-2000-1:34:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-1:34:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["brenda.whitehead@enron.com"], [], "---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 \n09:34 AM ---------------------------\n\"Andy Katz\" on 03/03/2000 09:58:41 AM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com, hemu@dynegy.com, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nmroger3@entergy.com, wfhenze@jonesday.com, dperlman@powersrc.com, \nrosteen@powersrc.com, drusso@reliantenergy.com\ncc: \nSubject: into product definition slides\nI made the following changes to these hypotheticals as I understand the \nchanges made to the product:\nExample #1\n3. Buyer puts in request for Firm transmission within 30 minutes of Seller's \nnotification and request is accepted and purchased by Buyer. Entergy is \nsinking in Cinergy.\nSeller must move to another interface (either on Cinergy's border (NIPSCO, \nLG&E, AEP. . .) or in Cinergy's control area (Wabash) at which Buyer can \nreceive energy such that energy can sink in Cinergy. Seller can require \nBuyer to purchase Non-Firm transmission (or Firm, if available) but each \nparty will be responsible for any additional transmission costs incurred to \nreschedule to another delivery point.\nEx #2\n3. Buyer puts in request for Firm transmission within 30 minutes of Seller's \nnotification and receives response that Firm is available. Buyer purchases \nNon-Firm instead. Entergy is sinking in Cinergy.\nEx #3\n3. Buyer puts in request for Firm transmission from Cinergy within 30 minutes \nof Seller's notification and request is accepted and purchased by Buyer. \nBuyer also secures Firm transmission from LG&E to sink energy in LG&E.\nThere are references to specific sections in the product definition, I don't \nknow if they are still valid in light of the latest changes.\nCould someone help me out before 4pm Eastern? Thanks.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n - examples.ppt\n", ["please print - into product definition slides"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "", ["<3028582.1075859516962.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30988346.1075859551297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "15-6-2000-7:23:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["15-6-2000-7:23:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["fmdutton@aep.com"], [], "----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 06/15/2000 02:21 PM -----\n Genia FitzGerald\n 06/15/2000 08:59 AM\n \n To: DRusso@reliant.com\n cc: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: EEI Master Purchase and Sale Agreement\nPer your conversation with Elizabeth, please find attached Enron Power \nMarketing, Inc.'s standard cover page for the above referenced Agreement. \nDon't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else. I can be reached at \n(713) 853-6389.\nGenia FitzGerald\n", ["EEI Master Purchase and Sale Agreement"], "{'recipients': []}", [], "---", ["<33121567.1075853397968.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<15996542.1075853434176.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-7-2000-5:32:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["18-7-2000-5:32:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["david.portz@enron.com"], [], "----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 07/18/2000 12:31 PM -----\n Elizabeth Sager\n 06/15/2000 02:23 PM\n \n To: fmdutton@aep.com\n cc: \n Subject: EEI Master Purchase and Sale Agreement\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 06/15/2000 02:21 PM -----\n Genia FitzGerald\n 06/15/2000 08:59 AM\n \n To: DRusso@reliant.com\n cc: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: EEI Master Purchase and Sale Agreement\nPer your conversation with Elizabeth, please find attached Enron Power \nMarketing, Inc.'s standard cover page for the above referenced Agreement. \nDon't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else. I can be reached at \n(713) 853-6389.\nGenia FitzGerald\n", ["AEP - EEI Master Purchase and Sale Agreement"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "---", ["<28949339.1075853398798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<30937535.1075853434882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-7-2000-10:17:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-10:17:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["akatz@eei.org"], ["drusso@reliantenergy.com", "hemu@dynegy.com", "dperlman@powersrc.com", "mroger3@entergy.com", "rosteen@powersrc.com", "fmdutton@aep.com", "wfhenze@jonesday.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], "Andy \nSorry to get back to you so late - I've been out of town and will be out all \nthis week as well. A meeting on 14th/15th in DC would be great for me. \nJust let me know. If you need to reach me this week - just leave me a voice \nmail at 713 853 6349.\nThanks \nElizabeth", ["Re: Working Group Meeting"], "{'recipients': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [["leave voice", 9, "nninformation", ["leave", "voice"], "intention", " if you need to reach me this week - just leave me a voice mail at phonenumber ."]], "Andy \n\nSorry to get back to you so late - I've been out of town and will be out all \nthis week as well. A meeting on 14th/15th in DC would be great for me. \nJust let me know. If you need to reach me this week - just leave me a voice \nmail at 713 853 6349.\n\nThanks \nElizabeth", ["<12279163.1075853398821.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7675078.1075853434905.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "10-8-2000-7:49:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["10-8-2000-7:49:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["christian.yoder@enron.com", "shari.stack@enron.com"], [], "----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 08/10/2000 02:44 PM -----\n \"Edmonds, Sonnet\" \n 08/03/2000 04:10 PM\n \n To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, \"'fmdutton@aep.com'\" \n cc: \n Subject: memo \n>> This is the memo I prepared for the WSPP\nmeeting on Friday.\n", ["fyi - book out memo from southern"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "---", ["<27864318.1075853398977.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<5570698.1075853435063.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-10-2000-0:46:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["31-10-2000-0:46:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["drusso@reliantenergy.com"], ["bbrou91@powersrc.com", "akatz@eei.org"], "I also think this is a great idea - there would be a tremendous benefit if \nthe EEI contract became the standard for on-line trading platforms. While \nEnron currently uses simplified GTCs for trading online with those \ncounterparties with whom we do not have a Master Power Trading Contract (if \nwe do that agreement governs power trades), we have talked about and likely \nwill eventually make the EEI contract the \"default\" contract if there are no \nother arrangements in place. I would fully support and provide any \nassistance to pursue this idea with and through EEI.\n drusso@reliantenergy.com\n 10/30/2000 06:07 PM\n \n To: \"Pooya, Babak\" \n cc: \"'Andy Katz'\" , fmdutton@aep.com, hemu@dynegy.com, \nelizabeth.sager@enron.com, bbrou91@entergy.com, mroger3@entergy.com, \nwfhenze@jonesday.com, dperlman@powersrc.com, rosteen@powersrc.com, \ndrusso@reliantenergy.com, pdondanville@schiffhardin.com, \"Pooya, Babak\" \n, \"Edmonds, Sonnet\" \n\n Subject: RE: Oct 13 Meeting Follow-Up\nGREAT IDEA!!!\nLet me know how RES can support such an effort.\n\"Pooya, Babak\" on 10/27/2000 03:04:52 PM\nTo: \"'Andy Katz'\" , fmdutton@aep.com, hemu@dynegy.com,\n elizabeth.sager@enron.com, bbrou91@entergy.com, mroger3@entergy.com,\n wfhenze@jonesday.com, dperlman@powersrc.com, rosteen@powersrc.com,\n drusso@reliantenergy.com, pdondanville@schiffhardin.com, \"Pooya,\n Babak\" \ncc: \"Edmonds, Sonnet\" \nSubject: RE: Oct 13 Meeting Follow-Up\nAndy,\nI could provide language by the end of next week, if needed by then.\nSeparately, I understand that we intend to emphasize marketing efforts\ntowards all potential EEI users, but utilities in particular due to that\ngroup's lower acceptance rate to date. Another \"group\" to which I believe\nthat we should emphasize our marketing efforts includes the online trading\nplatforms.\nThree types of online trading platforms presently exist: (1)proprietary\nexchanges (EnronOnline, Dynegydirect); (2) consortium platforms (ICEX); and\n(3) independent, third-party platform (Altra) [these platforms are similar\nto (2)but differ in that the shareholders/backers have not committed\nliquidity]. The volumes traded on these types of electric platforms are\nsignificant and growing. According to MegawattDaily, Ameren Energy\nconducts\nabout 40% of next-day deals and 30% of forwards on various electronic\nplatforms. There are presently close to 25 platforms (of course, with so\nmany competitors, as usually happens, there will probably be a weeding out\nand/or consolidations/mergers...the Jurassic period notwithstanding, as\nblame for the mass dinosaur extinction lay with an errant meteor or\npossibly\nthe taking up of cigarette smoking by the majority of the dinosaurs\naccording to Larsen...all apologies for the joke).\nAs each platform system has different definitions, products, and contracts,\nand as several of the platforms are considering adopting standard\ncontracts,\nI believe an opportunity exists to push the EEI as either the exclusive\nstandard agreement used for trading on a particular platform or as a\ndefault\nagreement for those proprietary and other platforms under which trading\npartners lack executed Masters with the counterparty. In fact, according\nto\npublished sources, Houston Street, RedMeteor, and others have been working\nwith others for several months on developing industry standards.\nJust a thought.\nBabak\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Andy Katz [mailto:AKatz@eei.org]\nSent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 3:54 PM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com; hemu@dynegy.com; elizabeth.sager@enron.com;\nbbrou91@entergy.com; mroger3@entergy.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com;\ndperlman@powersrc.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com;\npdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com\nSubject: Oct 13 Meeting Follow-Up\nSome random thoughts:\nThere was a teleconference today regarding the credit annex. Bill McCoy\nshould have draft language by early next week. This draft only addresses\nEEI transactions, but could easily be expanded to transactions under other\nmaster agreements. I will circulate Bill's draft as soon as I get it.\nRandy Baker & Michelle McLendin (Duke), and Lisa Grof & Frank Hilton (AEP)\nhave volunteered to work on the on the credit annex subcommittee.\nAccording to my notes, assignments for the remaining optional provisions\nare\nas follows:\n1) Incorporating old trades - Elizabeth\n2) One-way transactions - Buddy\n3) New products e.g. Western Firm/CAISO - Dede & Elizabeth\n4) Regulatory Out - John Crespo & Randy Osteen\n5) New taxes - Fritz\n6) ADR - Patty\n7) Agency relationship - Elizabeth\n8) Electronic Exchanges - Babak\nAdditional provisions\n9) Credit Annex - Bill McCoy, et al.\n10) incorporating prior trades not under netting, Frank Stllingwerf\n11) Broker Confirmations ?\n12) Over Deliveries - Phyliss Lemel\nWhat kind of deadline for these assignments is realistic?\nRandy Osteen & I plan to meet next w/ week to start planning the workshop\nin\nAtlanta we plan to hold at the end of January. If anyone has ideas for the\nprogram please let us know.\nI plan to fix up the contract web page next week\nSterling Koch of TransAlta said he would like to set up a presentation\nopportunity for an EEI contract representative to talk to the Canadian\nstandardization group.\nFinally, EEI has a block of rooms and meeting space at the Four Seasons in\nNewport Bearch, CA for our Legal Committee from April 18-21. We would like\nto shorten our meeting to two days. Ed has offerred the block of rooms and\nmeeting space to us for the night of the 20th and the 21st if we want to\nput\non a conference or hold a meeting then. Something to think about.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n", ["RE: Oct 13 Meeting Follow-Up"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "I also think this is a great idea - there would be a tremendous benefit if \nthe EEI contract became the standard for on-line trading platforms. While \nEnron currently uses simplified GTCs for trading online with those \ncounterparties with whom we do not have a Master Power Trading Contract (if \nwe do that agreement governs power trades), we have talked about and likely \nwill eventually make the EEI contract the \"default\" contract if there are no \nother arrangements in place. I would fully support and provide any \nassistance to pursue this idea with and through EEI.\n\n\n\n\tdrusso@reliantenergy.com\n\t10/30/2000 06:07 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", ["<10897228.1075853402203.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22810895.1075853438185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "1-11-2000-7:50:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-7:50:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["christian.yoder@enron.com", "steve.hall@enron.com"], [], "Steve and Christian \nCould you please review and let me know what you think of this? There is a \ncall on Thurs at 200 (Central) to discuss. Do you want to participate?\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 03:45 PM -----\n \"Edmonds, Sonnet\" \n 11/01/2000 03:39 PM\n \n To: \"Pooya, Babak\" , \"Edmonds, Sonnet\" \n, \"Chornyak, Paula\" \n, \"Eckersley, Trevin\" \n, \"Redding, David\" \n, \"'fmdutton@aep.com'\" , \n\"'Shari.stack@enron.com'\" , \n\"'elizabeth.sager@enron.com'\" , \n\"'drusso@reliantenergy.com'\" , \n\"'rosteen@powersrc.com'\" , \n\"'gmatthews@edisonmission.com'\" \n cc: \n Subject: CAISO draft definition rewording\nI've attempted to draft language for the \"CAISO Schedule Adjustment\"\ndefinition, as we discussed yesterday. We can discuss this proposed\nlanguage in our call tomorrow:\n\"CAISO Schedule Adjustment\" means a schedule change implemented by the CAISO\non a schedule coordinator-schedule coordinator transaction after the CAISO's\nfinal hourly scheduling deadline for the transaction, and on which\ntransaction the CAISO imposes Inc and Dec Prices. Such schedule change\nshall neither be caused by, nor within the control of, either Party.\nNotwithstanding the foregoing, a CAISO Schedule Adjustment shall not be\ndeemed to occur if the schedule change is due to (i) the curtailment of\nimports into, or exports from, California; (ii) load deviations; (iii) the\nfailure of a Party to accurately submit or balance its schedule with the\nCAISO.\n", ["CAISO draft definition rewording"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "Steve and Christian \n\nCould you please review and let me know what you think of this? There is a \ncall on Thurs at 200 (Central) to discuss. Do you want to participate?\n---", ["<4789087.1075853402382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<13841408.1075853438364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "27-11-2000-3:28:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-3:28:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["edward.sacks@enron.com", "shari.stack@enron.com", "leslie.hansen@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "tracy.ngo@enron.com", "janice.moore@enron.com", "william.bradford@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "janet.moore@enron.com", "christian.yoder@enron.com"], [], "At the last EEI meeting there was a strong interest in beefing up the \ncollateral provisions of the EEI (what a great idea). Bill McCoy at Morgan \nStanley was asked to prepare the first draft, a copy of which I am forwarding \nto you for your review. Please review and let either Shari or I know if you \nhave any comments or thoughts - while EEI's message does not indicate when \ncomments are due ( I have a call into EEI but have not yet heard back), I \nhave asked Shari to help coordinate all comments so we can get back in touch \nwith EEI within the next week or so. Thanks for your input.\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 11:18 AM -----\n \"Andy Katz\" \n 11/27/2000 10:37 AM\n \n To: , , , \n, , , \n, , \n, \n cc: , , , \n\n Subject: Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nTo All:\nBill McCoy has completed an initial draft of a credit annex for consideration \nby the drafting committee and interested working group participants. If you \nprovide your comments to me, I'll circulate them. Bill is willing to have a \nconference call to discuss when everyone is ready.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\nReceived: from pivsbh1.ms.com by mail.eei.org; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:28:47 -0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/fw v1.30) id \nPAA05635 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:57 -0500 (EST)\nReceived: from localhost( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id \nsma.9750976711.005572; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:51 -0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/8.9.3(vs)) id \nPAA05566 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:50 -0500 (EST)\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed from queue \n/var/spool/mqueue-vs\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed by uucp with -C \n/etc/mail/sendmail.vs.cf\nReceived: from hqsmh2.ms.com( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id \nsma.9750976681.005562; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:48 -0500\nReceived: from msdw.com (bmccoypc.morgan.com []) by \nhqsmh2.ms.com (8.8.5/imap+ldap v2.4) with ESMTP id PAA21970; Fri, 24 \nNov 2000 15:27:47 -0500 (EST)\nMessage-ID: <3A1ECF44.BA40A978@msdw.com>\nDate: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:48 -0500\nFrom: William McCoy \nReply-To: William.McCoy@msdw.com\nOrganization: Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.\nX-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD (WinNT; U)\nX-Accept-Language: en,ja\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nTo: Andy Katz \nCC: Edward J Zabrocki \nSubject: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"------------E36A7CD4CD12DC11F94F8638\"\nAndy, As discussed, heer is MSDW's proposal for a draft version of a\nCollateral Annex that can be used in connection with the EEI Agreement\n(it would be advisable for a clause to be included in the EEI cover\nsheet incorporating the collateral annex by reference). We are offering\nthis draft as a starting point for the industry's efforts to develop an\nEEI Collateral Annex. Please feel free to distribute it and let Ed or\nme know if you would like to have a conference call with others to\ndetermine the next steps in getting feedback. Bill McCoy\n--\nThis e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is intended only for use by the\naddressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or\nconfidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this\ne-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or\ncopying of this e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is strictly\nprohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please\nimmediately notify me by reply e-mail and permanently delete all copies\nof this e-mail and destroy any printouts of it.\n\n - Andy Katz.vcf", ["Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 14, "information", ["mccoy", "prepare"], "information", " bill mccoy at orgname stanley was asked to prepare the first draft, a copy of which i am forwarding to you for your review."]], "At the last EEI meeting there was a strong interest in beefing up the \ncollateral provisions of the EEI (what a great idea). Bill McCoy at Morgan \nStanley was asked to prepare the first draft, a copy of which I am forwarding \nto you for your review. Please review and let either Shari or I know if you \nhave any comments or thoughts - while EEI's message does not indicate when \ncomments are due ( I have a call into EEI but have not yet heard back), I \nhave asked Shari to help coordinate all comments so we can get back in touch \nwith EEI within the next week or so. Thanks for your input.\n---", ["<14376065.1075853403310.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<11421501.1075853439263.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-12-2000-9:40:0Sshari.stack@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-9:40:0", "shari.stack@enron.com", ["edward.sacks@enron.com", "leslie.hansen@enron.com", "tracy.ngo@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "janice.moore@enron.com", "william.bradford@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "janet.moore@enron.com", "christian.yoder@enron.com"], ["elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], "Elizabeth asked me to let you all know that MS has proposed to have a conf. \ncall on the 14th to discuss their draft Collateral Support Annex. We plan to \nparticipate. Please email me any comments you may have - in advance of the \n14th of course!\nThank you, \nShari \n \n----- Forwarded by Shari Stack/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 05:37 PM -----\n Elizabeth Sager\n 11/27/2000 11:28 AM\n \n To: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nPortz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet H Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nChristian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tracy \nNgo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron, William S \nBradford/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: \n Subject: Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nAt the last EEI meeting there was a strong interest in beefing up the \ncollateral provisions of the EEI (what a great idea). Bill McCoy at Morgan \nStanley was asked to prepare the first draft, a copy of which I am forwarding \nto you for your review. Please review and let either Shari or I know if you \nhave any comments or thoughts - while EEI's message does not indicate when \ncomments are due ( I have a call into EEI but have not yet heard back), I \nhave asked Shari to help coordinate all comments so we can get back in touch \nwith EEI within the next week or so. Thanks for your input.\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 11:18 AM -----\n \"Andy Katz\" \n 11/27/2000 10:37 AM\n \n To: , , , \n, , , \n, , \n, \n cc: , , , \n\n Subject: Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nTo All:\nBill McCoy has completed an initial draft of a credit annex for consideration \nby the drafting committee and interested working group participants. If you \nprovide your comments to me, I'll circulate them. Bill is willing to have a \nconference call to discuss when everyone is ready.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\nReceived: from pivsbh1.ms.com by mail.eei.org; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:28:47 -0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/fw v1.30) id \nPAA05635 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:57 -0500 (EST)\nReceived: from localhost( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id \nsma.9750976711.005572; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:51 -0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/8.9.3(vs)) id \nPAA05566 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:50 -0500 (EST)\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed from queue \n/var/spool/mqueue-vs\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed by uucp with -C \n/etc/mail/sendmail.vs.cf\nReceived: from hqsmh2.ms.com( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id \nsma.9750976681.005562; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:48 -0500\nReceived: from msdw.com (bmccoypc.morgan.com []) by \nhqsmh2.ms.com (8.8.5/imap+ldap v2.4) with ESMTP id PAA21970; Fri, 24 \nNov 2000 15:27:47 -0500 (EST)\nMessage-ID: <3A1ECF44.BA40A978@msdw.com>\nDate: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:48 -0500\nFrom: William McCoy \nReply-To: William.McCoy@msdw.com\nOrganization: Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.\nX-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD (WinNT; U)\nX-Accept-Language: en,ja\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nTo: Andy Katz \nCC: Edward J Zabrocki \nSubject: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"------------E36A7CD4CD12DC11F94F8638\"\nAndy, As discussed, heer is MSDW's proposal for a draft version of a\nCollateral Annex that can be used in connection with the EEI Agreement\n(it would be advisable for a clause to be included in the EEI cover\nsheet incorporating the collateral annex by reference). We are offering\nthis draft as a starting point for the industry's efforts to develop an\nEEI Collateral Annex. Please feel free to distribute it and let Ed or\nme know if you would like to have a conference call with others to\ndetermine the next steps in getting feedback. Bill McCoy\n--\nThis e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is intended only for use by the\naddressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or\nconfidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this\ne-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or\ncopying of this e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is strictly\nprohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please\nimmediately notify me by reply e-mail and permanently delete all copies\nof this e-mail and destroy any printouts of it.\n\n - Andy Katz.vcf\n", ["Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "Elizabeth asked me to let you all know that MS has proposed to have a conf. \ncall on the 14th to discuss their draft Collateral Support Annex. We plan to \nparticipate. Please email me any comments you may have - in advance of the \n14th of course!\n\nThank you, \n\nShari \n\n \n---", ["<13895853.1075853404432.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<4649362.1075853424462.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<12120419.1075859543134.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-12-2000-10:7:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-10:7:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["fmdutton@aep.com"], ["tracy.ngo@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], "Mitch -- Per my voicemail to you on this subject, attached for your review is \na draft \"Supplemental Agreement\" and a draft Attachment A thereto. Please \nforward to Frank Hilton if this formulation looks workable to you. I look \nforward to hearing from you. Best regards, David\n", ["Re: EEI cover sheet completion"], "{'recipients': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 6, "information", ["agreement", "attached", "supplemental"], "information", "mitch -- per my voicemail to you on this subject, attached for your review is a draft \"supplemental agreement\" and a draft attachment a thereto."]], "Mitch -- Per my voicemail to you on this subject, attached for your review is \na draft \"Supplemental Agreement\" and a draft Attachment A thereto. Please \nforward to Frank Hilton if this formulation looks workable to you. I look \nforward to hearing from you. Best regards, David\n\n", ["<5638732.1075859532440.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<28705286.1075859542366.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agreement attachmentTnn": {"value": "agreement attachmentTnn", "ne": "agreement attachmentTnn", "patterns": ["agreement attachmentTnn"]}, "agreement draftTnn": {"value": "agreement draftTnn", "ne": "agreement draftTnn", "patterns": ["agreement draftTnn"]}, "agreement supplementalTnn": {"value": "agreement supplementalTnn", "ne": "agreement supplementalTnn", "patterns": ["agreement supplementalTnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}}, true], "7-12-2000-11:2:0Stracy.ngo@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-11:2:0", "tracy.ngo@enron.com", ["david.portz@enron.com"], ["elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com"], "David,\nThe Supplementary Agreement looks fine. There needs to be a few changes made \nto the cover sheet with respect to the MAC provision (debt rating) and the \nfinancial reporting for Party B (AEPSC). AEPSC does not provide its own \nfinancials and is not rated. So, the MAC and financial reporting \nrequirements are only required for the 9 utilities.\nAEPSC is only on the hook for third-party cross-default along with the 9 \nutilities.\nI'm sorry that I missed you today...got bogged down with other emergencies. \nBut we can always wait for the cp's response and amend the above, unless you \nwant to send another version.\nRegards,\nTracy\nDavid Portz\n12/07/2000 04:07 PM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com@ENRON\ncc: Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: EEI cover sheet completion \nMitch -- Per my voicemail to you on this subject, attached for your review is \na draft \"Supplemental Agreement\" and a draft Attachment A thereto. Please \nforward to Frank Hilton if this formulation looks workable to you. I look \nforward to hearing from you. Best regards, David\n", ["Re: EEI cover sheet completion"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [["make change", 6, "nninformation", ["changes", "made"], "intention", " there needs to be a few changes made to the cover sheet with respect to the mac provision (debt rating) and the orgname reporting for party b (aepsc)."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 45, "nninformation", ["send", "version"], "intention", " but we can always wait for the cp's response and amend the above, unless you want to send another version."]], "David,\n\nThe Supplementary Agreement looks fine. There needs to be a few changes made \nto the cover sheet with respect to the MAC provision (debt rating) and the \nfinancial reporting for Party B (AEPSC). AEPSC does not provide its own \nfinancials and is not rated. So, the MAC and financial reporting \nrequirements are only required for the 9 utilities.\n\nAEPSC is only on the hook for third-party cross-default along with the 9 \nutilities.\n\nI'm sorry that I missed you today...got bogged down with other emergencies. \nBut we can always wait for the cp's response and amend the above, unless you \nwant to send another version.\n\nRegards,\nTracy\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Portz\n12/07/2000 04:07 PM\n", ["<3133623.1075859532647.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<22542796.1075859542571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "8-12-2000-9:14:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-9:14:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["fmdutton@aep.com"], ["rhonda.denton@enron.com", "tracy.ngo@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], "Mitch -- Following our discussions, attached for your review is a \n\"Supplemental Agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a \nrevised draft Attachment A thereto. Please forward to Frank Hilton, etc. \nfor review so that we may now complete the EEI master. \nI have reviewed the revised final EEI cover sheet (attached below) e-mailed \nto me by you earlier today and confirm that the CAISO definition has been \nsubstituted appropriately. Also attached below is a sample copy of the \nExhibit B (56 pages, and apparently labelled Exhibit D, to be rectified \nlater), contemplated by the Cover Sheet for incorporation of prior \ntransactions, identifying open trades as of next Monday December 11th. \n I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, David\n \n - EEI AEP-Enron 12-00.DOC\n", ["Re: EEI cover sheet completion"], "{'recipients': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 5, "information", ["agreement", "attached", "discussions"], "information", "mitch -- following our discussions, attached for your review is a \"supplemental agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a revised draft attachment a thereto."], ["review comment", 10, "information", ["draft", "reviewed"], "information", "mitch -- following our discussions, attached for your review is a \"supplemental agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a revised draft attachment a thereto."], ["complete transaction{agreement}", 19, "nninformation", ["complete", "master"], "intention", " for review so that we may now complete the eei master."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 25, "information", ["attached", "definition"], "information", " i have reviewed the revised final eei cover sheet (attached below) e-mailed to me by you earlier today and confirm that the caiso definition has been substituted appropriately."]], "Mitch -- Following our discussions, attached for your review is a \n\"Supplemental Agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a \nrevised draft Attachment A thereto. Please forward to Frank Hilton, etc. \nfor review so that we may now complete the EEI master. \n\nI have reviewed the revised final EEI cover sheet (attached below) e-mailed \nto me by you earlier today and confirm that the CAISO definition has been \nsubstituted appropriately. Also attached below is a sample copy of the \nExhibit B (56 pages, and apparently labelled Exhibit D, to be rectified \nlater), contemplated by the Cover Sheet for incorporation of prior \ntransactions, identifying open trades as of next Monday December 11th. \n\n I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, David\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n - EEI AEP-Enron 12-00.DOC\n\n\n", ["<33107225.1075859533077.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<7967193.1075859542998.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {"agreement supplementalTnn": {"value": "agreement supplementalTnn", "ne": "agreement supplementalTnn", "patterns": ["agreement supplementalTnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}, "open tradeTnn": {"value": "open tradeTnn", "ne": "open tradeTnn", "patterns": ["open tradeTnn"]}, "trade transactionTnn": {"value": "trade transactionTnn", "ne": "trade transactionTnn", "patterns": ["trade transactionTnn"]}}, true], "8-12-2000-10:44:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-10:44:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["fmdutton@aep.com"], ["tracy.ngo@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "rhonda.denton@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <16117634.1075859543179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 10:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com\nSubject: Re: EEI cover sheet completion\nCc: tracy.ngo@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tracy.ngo@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: fmdutton@aep.com@ENRON\nX-cc: Tracy Ngo, Elizabeth Sager, Rhonda L Denton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nExhibit D is, it turns out, appropriately named Exhibit D.\n\n__________________\n\n\nMitch -- Following our discussions, attached for your review is a \n\"Supplemental Agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a \nrevised draft Attachment A thereto. Please forward to Frank Hilton, etc. \nfor review so that we may now complete the EEI master. \n\nI have reviewed the revised final EEI cover sheet (attached below) e-mailed \nto me by you earlier today and confirm that the CAISO definition has been \nsubstituted appropriately. Also attached below is a sample copy of the \nExhibit B (56 pages, and apparently labelled Exhibit D, to be rectified \nlater), contemplated by the Cover Sheet for incorporation of prior \ntransactions, identifying open trades as of next Monday December 11th. \n\n I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, David\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n - EEI AEP-Enron 12-00.DOC\n\n\n", "Re: EEI cover sheet completion", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 10, "information", ["agreement", "attached", "discussions"], "information", " mitch -- following our discussions, attached for your review is a \"supplemental agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a revised draft attachment a thereto."], ["review comment", 15, "information", ["draft", "reviewed"], "information", " mitch -- following our discussions, attached for your review is a \"supplemental agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a revised draft attachment a thereto."], ["complete transaction{agreement}", 24, "nninformation", ["complete", "master"], "intention", " for review so that we may now complete the eei master."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 30, "information", ["attached", "definition"], "information", " i have reviewed the revised final eei cover sheet (attached below) e-mailed to me by you earlier today and confirm that the caiso definition has been substituted appropriately."]], "Exhibit D is, it turns out, appropriately named Exhibit D.\n\n__________________\n\n\nMitch -- Following our discussions, attached for your review is a \n\"Supplemental Agreement\" (unchanged from what you had reviewed before) and a \nrevised draft Attachment A thereto. Please forward to Frank Hilton, etc. \nfor review so that we may now complete the EEI master. \n\nI have reviewed the revised final EEI cover sheet (attached below) e-mailed \nto me by you earlier today and confirm that the CAISO definition has been \nsubstituted appropriately. Also attached below is a sample copy of the \nExhibit B (56 pages, and apparently labelled Exhibit D, to be rectified \nlater), contemplated by the Cover Sheet for incorporation of prior \ntransactions, identifying open trades as of next Monday December 11th. \n\n I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, David\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n - EEI AEP-Enron 12-00.DOC\n\n\n", "<16117634.1075859543179.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement supplementalTnn": {"value": "agreement supplementalTnn", "ne": "agreement supplementalTnn", "patterns": ["agreement supplementalTnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}, "open tradeTnn": {"value": "open tradeTnn", "ne": "open tradeTnn", "patterns": ["open tradeTnn"]}, "trade transactionTnn": {"value": "trade transactionTnn", "ne": "trade transactionTnn", "patterns": ["trade transactionTnn"]}}, true], "13-12-2000-3:30:0Sshari.stack@enron.com": ["13-12-2000-3:30:0", "shari.stack@enron.com", ["elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], [], "This is AEP's approach - I did not know all the background to this. \n----- Forwarded by Shari Stack/HOU/ECT on 12/13/00 11:28 AM -----\n fmdutton@aep.com\n 12/13/00 09:17 AM\n \n To: Shari.Stack@enron.com\n cc: drusso@reliantenergy.com, rosteen@powersrc.com, fhilton@aep.com, \nlrgroff@aep.com\n Subject: Re: MS Proposed EEI Collateral Annex\nShari:\nI was not presently planning on participating. I previously spoke with\nLisa Groff/Frank Hilton, my credit people participating on this\nsubcommittee, and we agreed that it was preferable to have the credit\nmanagers and those on this mini-drafting group complete their assignment of\ncrafting a provision for the larger drafting committee of the EEI contract\nto subsequently review. The larger drafting committee would review to\nensure that the language, phrasing and structure of the document is\nconsistent with the existing EEI contract, and also have the larger group's\ncredit personnel involved in reviewing the subcommittee's work. As a\nresult, I have not tried to redline at this juncture, because the smaller\ndrafting committee has not finished its work and created a consensus\ndocument.\nI agree that the timing at year end of this effort is really squeezing our\nresources.\nMitch\nShari.Stack@enron.com on 12/12/2000 08:04:43 PM\nDate: 12/12/2000 08:04:43 PM\nFrom: Shari.Stack\nTo: drusso@reliantenergy.com, rosteen@powersrc.com, fmdutton@aep.com\ncc:\nSubject: MS Proposed EEI Collateral Annex\nI am going to be on the call on Thursday - are you? If so, how are you\napproaching it? Are you going to come to the meeting with general comments\nor are you going to circulate a redline in advance? Will your credit people\nbe on the line too? It is quite a push to fit this in with everything else\nthat is going on at this time of year. I just wondered how you are treating\nthis from your company's perspective.\nPersonally I am going to try and get a redline out in advance of the call.\nI will send it to everyone that is on the distribution list below.\nThanks!\nS\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 11:18 AM -----\n \"Andy Katz\"\n ,\n,\n g> ,\n,\n ,\n, ,\n 11/27/2000 ,\n,\n 10:37 AM \n cc: ,\n,\n ,\n\n Subject: Fwd: Proposed Draft\nfor an EEI Collateral Annex\nTo All:\nBill McCoy has completed an initial draft of a credit annex for\nconsideration by the drafting committee and interested working group\nparticipants. If you provide your comments to me, I'll circulate them.\nBill is willing to have a conference call to discuss when everyone is\nready.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\nReceived: from pivsbh1.ms.com by mail.eei.org; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:28:47\n-0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/fw v1.30)\nid PAA05635 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:57 -0500\n(EST)\nReceived: from localhost( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id\nsma.9750976711.005572; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:51 -0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/8.9.3(vs)) id\nPAA05566 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:50 -0500 (EST)\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed from queue\n/var/spool/mqueue-vs\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed by uucp with -C\n/etc/mail/sendmail.vs.cf\nReceived: from hqsmh2.ms.com( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id\nsma.9750976681.005562; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:48 -0500\nReceived: from msdw.com (bmccoypc.morgan.com []) by\nhqsmh2.ms.com (8.8.5/imap+ldap v2.4) with ESMTP id PAA21970; Fri, 24\nNov 2000 15:27:47 -0500 (EST)\nMessage-ID: <3A1ECF44.BA40A978@msdw.com>\nDate: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:48 -0500\nFrom: William McCoy \nReply-To: William.McCoy@msdw.com\nOrganization: Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.\nX-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD (WinNT; U)\nX-Accept-Language: en,ja\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nTo: Andy Katz \nCC: Edward J Zabrocki \nSubject: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"\n------------E36A7CD4CD12DC11F94F8638\"\nAndy, As discussed, heer is MSDW's proposal for a draft version of a\nCollateral Annex that can be used in connection with the EEI Agreement\n(it would be advisable for a clause to be included in the EEI cover\nsheet incorporating the collateral annex by reference). We are offering\nthis draft as a starting point for the industry's efforts to develop an\nEEI Collateral Annex. Please feel free to distribute it and let Ed or\nme know if you would like to have a conference call with others to\ndetermine the next steps in getting feedback. Bill McCoy\n--\nThis e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is intended only for use by the\naddressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or\nconfidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this\ne-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or\ncopying of this e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is strictly\nprohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please\nimmediately notify me by reply e-mail and permanently delete all copies\nof this e-mail and destroy any printouts of it.\n)\n(See attached file: Andy Katz.vcf)\n)\n(See attached file: Andy Katz.vcf)\n\n - Andy Katz.vcf", ["Re: MS Proposed EEI Collateral Annex"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "This is AEP's approach - I did not know all the background to this. \n\n---", ["<1138408.1075859535156.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<849499.1075859544874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "11-6-2001-4:28:0Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["11-6-2001-4:28:0", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["carol.clair@enron.com"], [], "----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 06/11/2001 11:28 AM -----\n Shari Stack\n 12/08/2000 05:40 PM\n \n To: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet H Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R \nMoore/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGenia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron, Tracy \nNgo/PDX/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT\n Subject: Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\n \nElizabeth asked me to let you all know that MS has proposed to have a conf. \ncall on the 14th to discuss their draft Collateral Support Annex. We plan to \nparticipate. Please email me any comments you may have - in advance of the \n14th of course!\nThank you, \nShari \n \n----- Forwarded by Shari Stack/HOU/ECT on 12/08/2000 05:37 PM -----\n Elizabeth Sager\n 11/27/2000 11:28 AM\n \n To: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nPortz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet H Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nChristian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tracy \nNgo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron, William S \nBradford/HOU/ECT@ECT\n cc: \n Subject: Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nAt the last EEI meeting there was a strong interest in beefing up the \ncollateral provisions of the EEI (what a great idea). Bill McCoy at Morgan \nStanley was asked to prepare the first draft, a copy of which I am forwarding \nto you for your review. Please review and let either Shari or I know if you \nhave any comments or thoughts - while EEI's message does not indicate when \ncomments are due ( I have a call into EEI but have not yet heard back), I \nhave asked Shari to help coordinate all comments so we can get back in touch \nwith EEI within the next week or so. Thanks for your input.\n----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 11:18 AM -----\n \"Andy Katz\" \n 11/27/2000 10:37 AM\n \n To: , , , \n, , , \n, , \n, \n cc: , , , \n\n Subject: Fwd: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nTo All:\nBill McCoy has completed an initial draft of a credit annex for consideration \nby the drafting committee and interested working group participants. If you \nprovide your comments to me, I'll circulate them. Bill is willing to have a \nconference call to discuss when everyone is ready.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\nReceived: from pivsbh1.ms.com by mail.eei.org; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:28:47 -0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/fw v1.30) id \nPAA05635 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:57 -0500 (EST)\nReceived: from localhost( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id \nsma.9750976711.005572; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:51 -0500\nReceived: (from uucp@localhost) by pivsbh1.ms.com (8.9.3/8.9.3(vs)) id \nPAA05566 for ; Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:50 -0500 (EST)\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed from queue \n/var/spool/mqueue-vs\nX-Authentication-Warning: pivsbh1.ms.com: Processed by uucp with -C \n/etc/mail/sendmail.vs.cf\nReceived: from hqsmh2.ms.com( by pivsbh1 via smap (4.1) id \nsma.9750976681.005562; Fri, 24 Nov 00 15:27:48 -0500\nReceived: from msdw.com (bmccoypc.morgan.com []) by \nhqsmh2.ms.com (8.8.5/imap+ldap v2.4) with ESMTP id PAA21970; Fri, 24 \nNov 2000 15:27:47 -0500 (EST)\nMessage-ID: <3A1ECF44.BA40A978@msdw.com>\nDate: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 15:27:48 -0500\nFrom: William McCoy \nReply-To: William.McCoy@msdw.com\nOrganization: Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.\nX-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD (WinNT; U)\nX-Accept-Language: en,ja\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nTo: Andy Katz \nCC: Edward J Zabrocki \nSubject: Proposed Draft for an EEI Collateral Annex\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"------------E36A7CD4CD12DC11F94F8638\"\nAndy, As discussed, heer is MSDW's proposal for a draft version of a\nCollateral Annex that can be used in connection with the EEI Agreement\n(it would be advisable for a clause to be included in the EEI cover\nsheet incorporating the collateral annex by reference). We are offering\nthis draft as a starting point for the industry's efforts to develop an\nEEI Collateral Annex. Please feel free to distribute it and let Ed or\nme know if you would like to have a conference call with others to\ndetermine the next steps in getting feedback. Bill McCoy\n--\nThis e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is intended only for use by the\naddressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or\nconfidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this\ne-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or\ncopying of this e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is strictly\nprohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please\nimmediately notify me by reply e-mail and permanently delete all copies\nof this e-mail and destroy any printouts of it.\n\n - Andy Katz.vcf\n", ["morgan eei collateral annex"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "---", ["<11819516.1075853423348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", "<29983742.1075853450518.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "30-7-2001-12:40:48Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["30-7-2001-12:40:48", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["sstack@reliant.com"], [], "\nHi Shari\nHope all is well.\nCount me in for the group present.\nSee ya next week if not earlier\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: SStack@reliant.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-SStack+40reliant+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, July 30, 2001 2:24 PM\nTo: Sager, Elizabeth; Murphy, Harlan; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; dperlman@powersrc.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com; drusso@reliant.com; AKatz@eei.org; fmdutton@aep.com; sonnet.edmonds@mirant.com; nagels@epenergy.com\nCc: ntillett@reliant.com\nSubject: Shhhh.... it's a SURPRISE !\nDede Russo and I are planning to have a surprise baby shower for Marty Jo\nRogers from Axia at some point during the two-day EEI Working Group session\nnext week. We will arrange to have cake, balloons and a few presents. All\nyou participants are invited to the shower and if I have missed sending\nsomeone on this email - please forward it on to them.\nRegarding presents, I will buy group presents for the baby this weekend.\nYou can either contribute to this or do something on your own (p.s. it is a\nboy). If you would like to go in on the group present, you can discreetly\ngive me money next week but please let me know if so by email NO LATER THAN\nTHIS FRIDAY so I can plan accordingly. I would imagine that $10 per person\nwould be plenty.\nPlease call me (713) 207-5233 or Dede (713) 207-5240 if you have any\nquestions.\nThanks!\nShari", ["RE: Shhhh.... it's a SURPRISE !"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\nHi Shari\n\nHope all is well.\nCount me in for the group present.\nSee ya next week if not earlier\n\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<14306094.1075852284620.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "31-7-2001-7:52:52Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["31-7-2001-7:52:52", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["sstack@reliant.com"], [], "\nHi Shari\nNo problem rescheduling lunch.\nI'd be happy to drive out of downtown for EEI (assuming I can go - Grant may be traveling some)\nLooking forward to Colorado most but also EEI (and I will be there).\nTalk to you soon.\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: SStack@reliant.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-SStack+40reliant+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, July 30, 2001 2:52 PM\nTo: Sager, Elizabeth\nSubject: RE: Shhhh.... it's a SURPRISE ! (2)\nUmmmmm.... are we still on for lunch tomorrow?\n Elizabeth.Sager\n @enron.com To:\n IMCEANOTES-SStack+40reliant+2Ecom+40ENRON@enron.co\n 07/30/2001 m\n 02:40 PM cc:\n Subject: RE: Shhhh.... it's a SURPRISE !\nHi Shari\nHope all is well.\nCount me in for the group present.\nSee ya next week if not earlier\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\n From: SStack@reliant.com@ENRON\n [mailto:IMCEANOTES-SStack+40reliant+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com]\n Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 2:24 PM\n To: Sager, Elizabeth; Murphy, Harlan; jcrespo@hess.com;\n wfhenze@jonesday.com; dperlman@powersrc.com;\n rosteen@powersrc.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com;\n drusso@reliant.com; AKatz@eei.org; fmdutton@aep.com;\n sonnet.edmonds@mirant.com; nagels@epenergy.com\n Cc: ntillett@reliant.com\n Subject: Shhhh.... it's a SURPRISE !\n Dede Russo and I are planning to have a surprise baby shower for Marty\n Jo\n Rogers from Axia at some point during the two-day EEI Working Group\n session\n next week. We will arrange to have cake, balloons and a few presents.\n All\n you participants are invited to the shower and if I have missed sending\n someone on this email - please forward it on to them.\n Regarding presents, I will buy group presents for the baby this weekend.\n You can either contribute to this or do something on your own (p.s. it\n is a\n boy). If you would like to go in on the group present, you can\n discreetly\n give me money next week but please let me know if so by email NO LATER\n THAN\n THIS FRIDAY so I can plan accordingly. I would imagine that $10 per\n person\n would be plenty.\n Please call me (713) 207-5233 or Dede (713) 207-5240 if you have any\n questions.\n Thanks!\n Shari\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\nand may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\nthe intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or\nreply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete\nall copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you.\n**********************************************************************\n", ["RE: Shhhh.... it's a SURPRISE ! (2)"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\n\nHi Shari\nNo problem rescheduling lunch.\nI'd be happy to drive out of downtown for EEI (assuming I can go - Grant may be traveling some)\nLooking forward to Colorado most but also EEI (and I will be there).\nTalk to you soon.\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<9434104.1075852284597.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-8-2001-7:13:33Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["6-8-2001-7:13:33", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["alice.wright@enron.com"], [], "\nplease print all - thanks\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Andy Katz\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Andy+20Katz+22+20+3CAKatz+40eei+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Friday, August 03, 2001 10:46 AM\nTo: louv@acespower.com; fhilton@aep.com; fmdutton@aep.com; lrgroff@aep.com; Christine_Schwab@dom.com; Francine_Mathews@dom.com; rsbaker@duke-energy.com; pjpa@dynegy.com; mtwilliams@edisonmission.com; RReyna@energyusa.com; St. Clair, Carol; Sacks, Edward; Sager, Elizabeth; Murphy, Harlan; Radous, Paul; Ngo, Tracy; Conwell, Wendy; martyjo.rogers@entergykoch.com; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; ed.zabrocki@msdw.com; william.mccoy@msdw.com; daniel.sarti@neg.pge.com; Jeremy.Weinstein@pacificorp.com; PamelaA.Erickson@pgnmail.com; dperlman@powersrc.com; kabedin@powersrc.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; pdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com; cward@utilicorp.com; mcrocker@utilicorp.com; pharrod@utilicorp.com; bill.dudley@xemkt.com\nCc: nina.tillett@reliant.com\nSubject: Houston Meetings 8/7, 8/8\nMeeting Attendees:\nFor those who were planning to join us for dinner on the night of the 7th, the location of the restaurant HAS CHANGED to MAGGIANO'S LITTLE ITALY, 2019 South Post Oak Blvd. Houston, TX 77056 713-961-2700. It's between Westheimer and San Felipe (see map attached). I've made a reservation in a private room there for 20 at 6:30pm, based on contact from those who had previously indicated they were joining us. Please check the attached attendance roster to make sure my list of those who are attending the dinner (and the meetings) is correct. If you are not listed and would like to join us please let Nina Tillett at Reliant know by COB Monday (her email is nina.tillett@reliant.com - please note I had an incorrect email for her previously). Also note that continental breakfast and lunch will be provided at both meetings.\nAlso, please find attached the following:\nOptional EEI Contract Provisions/sponsor:\nUnilateral Language - Marty Jo Rogers\nMarket Disruption - Elizabeth Sager\nIncorporation of Prior Transactions - Elizabeth Sager\nArbitration - Patty Dondanville\nAdditional Products - Dede Russo\nOther Optional Provisions - Miscellaneous sponsors\nCollateral Annex - Carol St. Clair (for discussion at 8/7 meeting)\nI look forward to seeing you there.\nRegards,\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n \n \n \n \n \n - sample arbitration clause.PDF \n \n \n \n ", ["FW: Houston Meetings 8/7, 8/8"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\nplease print all - thanks\n\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<33398846.1075852284276.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "6-8-2001-11:35:49Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["6-8-2001-11:35:49", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["edward.sacks@enron.com", "paul.radous@enron.com"], [], "\nfyi\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Andy Katz\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Andy+20Katz+22+20+3CAKatz+40eei+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, August 06, 2001 12:16 PM\nTo: louv@acespower.com; fhilton@aep.com; lrgroff@aep.com; Christine_Schwab@dom.com; Francine_Mathews@dom.com; rsbaker@duke-energy.com; pjpa@dynegy.com; mtwilliams@edisonmission.com; RReyna@energyusa.com; St. Clair, Carol; Sacks, Edward; Radous, Paul; Ngo, Tracy; Conwell, Wendy; ed.zabrocki@msdw.com; william.mccoy@msdw.com; daniel.sarti@neg.pge.com; Jeremy.Weinstein@pacificorp.com; PamelaA.Erickson@pgnmail.com; kabedin@powersrc.com; cward@utilicorp.com; mcrocker@utilicorp.com; pharrod@utilicorp.com; bill.dudley@xemkt.com\nCc: fmdutton@aep.com; Sager, Elizabeth; Murphy, Harlan; martyjo.rogers@entergykoch.com; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; dperlman@powersrc.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; pdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com\nSubject: Draft Collateral Annex\nFor those who did'nt notice, the draft collateral annex file I sent out with other documents last Friday was the earlier version of the annex. The version I sent out on 7/18 is correct, its attached for your convenience.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n \n \n - Andy Katz.vcf ", ["FW: Draft Collateral Annex"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\nfyi\n\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<24711045.1075852284091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "7-8-2001-15:29:1Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["7-8-2001-15:29:1", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["carol.st.@enron.com"], [], "\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Andy Katz\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Andy+20Katz+22+20+3CAKatz+40eei+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Monday, August 06, 2001 9:07 AM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com; Sager, Elizabeth; Murphy, Harlan; martyjo.rogers@entergykoch.com; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; dperlman@powersrc.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; pdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com\nSubject: Fwd: Comments on Master Agreement for Drafting Committee Consideration\nI received the attached comments on the Master Agreement from outside counsel for Wisconsin Public Service Corp.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org\n \nReceived: from ILCHIMAIL02.foleylaw.com (a100.hopsut.com []) by mail.eei.org; Fri, 03 Aug 2001 20:12:35 -0400\nReceived: by ILCHIMAIL02.foleylaw.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) id ; Fri, 3 Aug 2001 19:15:20 -0500\nMessage-ID: <46C74AF40E4B70489C10C1B646EC17A50B061B@wimkemail03>\nFrom: \"Mullooly, Thomas McCann\" \nTo: \"'akatz@eei.org'\" \nCc: \"Nelson, Eric C.\" \nSubject: Comments on Master Agreement for Drafting Committee Consideration\nDate: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 19:15:15 -0500\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nX-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"----_=_NextPart_000_01C11C7A.8921DC10\"\nAndy,\n Please accept the attached document containing comments for\nconsideration by the EEI Master Agreement drafting committee. Eric Nelson\nor I would be available to answer any questions about the issues we raise.\n Thanks for all the time and effort you've put into this project.\nTom Mullooly (414-297-5566)\nEric Nelson (414-297-5666)\nFoley & Lardner\n <>\n - 1056399_1.DOC \n - Andy Katz.vcf ", ["FW: Comments on Master Agreement for Drafting CommitteeConsideration"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\n\n\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<16928008.1075852283893.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "26-9-2001-8:45:33Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["26-9-2001-8:45:33", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["katz\".'\"andy@enron.com"], [], "oct 3 at 200 also works for me\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \"Andy Katz\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Andy+20Katz+22+20+3CAKatz+40eei+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 7:47 AM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com; Sager, Elizabeth; Murphy, Harlan; martyjo.rogers@entergykoch.com; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; dperlman@powersrc.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; pdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com\nSubject: Availability for Conference Call\nTo All:\n \nPlease let me know your availability for a conference call next week on 10/1-10/3 or 10/5 at 2pm Eastern TIme to discuss the following:\n \n1) Getting a EEI Contract Working Group organizational plan in place asap. The best antidote for preventing an Energy Industry Standards Board from taking over the EEI Contract management is to have a separate, well-defined and broadly-supported group in place.\n \n3) Agenda and schedule for the next meeting of the Working Group.\n \n3) Adding new members to the drafting committe. In particular, Noel Trask of the Excelon Power Team has asked to join.\n \nASAP, I would like to get the optional provisions circulated earlier this week up on the website and through the listserver along w/ the announcement of our organizational proposal and future working group meetings.\n \nThanks.\n \nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org << File: mailto:akatz@eei.org >> \n - Andy Katz.vcf << File: Andy Katz.vcf >> ", ["RE: Availability for Conference Call"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "oct 3 at 200 also works for me\n\n\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<5974835.1075852281412.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "18-10-2001-6:10:0Sfmdutton@aep.com": ["18-10-2001-6:10:0", "fmdutton@aep.com", ["akatz@eei.org"], ["elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], "\nDrafting Committee:\nI apologize for the delay in responding. If still interested, AEP would be\nglad to host the drafting committee. I would proposed dinner the night\nbefore on Sunday evening November 11 and meeting November 12. The meeting\ncould start around 10 AM and lunch will be provided. Further details to\nfollow but let me know if my unfortunate delay has made alternative plans\nmore attractive.\nF. Mitchell Dutton\nSenior Counsel\nWholesale & Energy Services\nAmerican Electric Power\naudionet 205.4568\n614.223.1605\nFax 614.324.5096\nCellular 614.203.7861\n \"Andy Katz\"\n \n 10/17/01\n 04:55 PM\nDate: 10/17/2001 04:55:18 PM\nFrom: \"Andy Katz\"\nTo: , ,\n, ,\n, , ,\n, , ,\n, ,\n\ncc: \"Ed Comer\" \nSubject: Next Meeting of Drafting Committee\nI have been unable to confirm a meeting for the week of November 12 at AEP\nin Columbus. I would like to propose an alternative, which is to meet in\nWashington, D.C. on the 12th. ALthough EEI's offices will be closed that\nday, Ed Comer said we could use the meeting space. EEI would be unable to\narrange any catering however. Alternatively, we might be able to rely on\nthe good graces of member company Washington counsel. Please let me know\nif the 12th in D.C. from 10-4 works for people. Liz Sager says that the\ncollateral annex will be ready for review by then. The concern is that if\nwe wait too long we are into the holidays and I think there needs to be a\nmeeting of the working group and a workshop on the collateral annex no\nlater than January. Although my last day at EEI is the 22nd, I will be\nkeeping this email address for purposes of communications regarding the EEI\nContract.\nAndrew S. Katz, Director Industry Legal Affairs\nEdison Electric Institute\n701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.\nWashington, D.C. 20004\nVoice: 202-508-5616\nFax: 202-508-5673\ne-mail: akatz@eei.org(See attached file: Andy Katz.vcf)\n - Andy Katz.vcf ", ["Re: Next Meeting of Drafting Committee"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [["respond delay", 4, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", " drafting committee: i apologize for the delay in responding."]], "\nDrafting Committee:\nI apologize for the delay in responding. If still interested, AEP would be\nglad to host the drafting committee. I would proposed dinner the night\nbefore on Sunday evening November 11 and meeting November 12. The meeting\ncould start around 10 AM and lunch will be provided. Further details to\nfollow but let me know if my unfortunate delay has made alternative plans\nmore attractive.\nF. Mitchell Dutton\nSenior Counsel\nWholesale & Energy Services\nAmerican Electric Power\naudionet 205.4568\n614.223.1605\nFax 614.324.5096\nCellular 614.203.7861\n\n\n\n\n \"Andy Katz\"\n "], {}, true], "15-11-2001-7:19:44Sfmdutton@aep.com": ["15-11-2001-7:19:44", "fmdutton@aep.com", ["nina.tillett@enron.com"], ["djstephens@aep.com"], "\nRecipients:\nI also have been meeting with AEP's Into Product traders to discuss the\nimplications of moving to the MISO. Conceptually what we have been\ndiscussing is a \"policy statement\" of the \"Best Practices\" for allocating\nthe rights, obligations and commercial risk as between Sellers and Buyers\nof existing Into Product transactions based on the current definition\ncontained in the EEI contract in as much the same manner under an RTO\nstructure as possible. Separately from that transition product issue, but\nsomewhat related, is a need to define on a going-forward basis the products\nsold within these emerging RTO structures on the first day of operation and\nas a market rules emerge. I will endeavor to email a draft proposal Monday\nmorning to this group.\nI am NOT available to participate in a conference call from 2-3 PM Central\ntime (3-4 PM Eastern Time) on Monday. I could do 4-5 PM Central (5-6 PM\nEastern) on Monday. If that is agreeable, I will set up the conference\ncall in number and pass code. Please let me know.\n.\nF. Mitchell Dutton\nSenior Counsel\nWholesale & Energy Services\nAmerican Electric Power\naudionet 205.4568\n614.223.1605\nFax 614.324.5096\nCellular 614.203.7861\n \"Tillett,\n Nina\"\n \n 11/14/01\n 06:23 PM\nDate: 11/14/2001 06:23:49 PM\nFrom: \"Tillett, Nina\"\nTo: \ncc: , ,\n, \nSubject: \"Into\" Products\n This is a reminder to Mitch that he is going to draft some\nlanguage for our \"going forward\" transactions dealing with anticipated\nchanges to \"into\" obligations. GO MITCH GO!\n I met with our traders today and I am sure of only one thing --\nit's a mess. Mitch - if you're not ready to draft, we should maybe just\nset up a conference call next week to discuss. If so, can we do it\nMonday, 11/19 between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. (Houston time)?\nDede Russo\nReliant Resources Legal Department\nP.O. Box 1384\nHouston, TX 77251-1384\n(713) 207-5240\n(713) 207-0161 (fax)\ndrusso@reliant.com\nThe preceding e-mail message contains information that is confidential,\nmay be protected by the attorney/client or other applicable privileges,\nand may constitute non-public information. It is intended to be\nconveyed only to the designated recipient's). If you are not an\nintended recipient of this message, please do not read, copy or disclose\nthe contents of this communication to others and please notify the\nsender at (713) 207-3331. If you are not the intended recipient, we\nwould appreciate your forwarding the message back to us and deleting it\nfrom your system. Unauthorized use, dissemination, distribution, or\nreproduction of this message is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.\nThank you.\n", ["Transition of Into Product To MISO"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\n\nRecipients:\nI also have been meeting with AEP's Into Product traders to discuss the\nimplications of moving to the MISO. Conceptually what we have been\ndiscussing is a \"policy statement\" of the \"Best Practices\" for allocating\nthe rights, obligations and commercial risk as between Sellers and Buyers\nof existing Into Product transactions based on the current definition\ncontained in the EEI contract in as much the same manner under an RTO\nstructure as possible. Separately from that transition product issue, but\nsomewhat related, is a need to define on a going-forward basis the products\nsold within these emerging RTO structures on the first day of operation and\nas a market rules emerge. I will endeavor to email a draft proposal Monday\nmorning to this group.\n\nI am NOT available to participate in a conference call from 2-3 PM Central\ntime (3-4 PM Eastern Time) on Monday. I could do 4-5 PM Central (5-6 PM\nEastern) on Monday. If that is agreeable, I will set up the conference\ncall in number and pass code. Please let me know.\n.\nF. Mitchell Dutton\nSenior Counsel\nWholesale & Energy Services\nAmerican Electric Power\naudionet 205.4568\n614.223.1605\nFax 614.324.5096\nCellular 614.203.7861\n\n\n\n\n \"Tillett,\n Nina\"\n "], {}, true], "19-11-2001-13:58:30Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-13:58:30", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["marcus.nettelton@enron.com"], [], "\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: djstephens@aep.com@ENRON \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:18 PM\nTo: NTillett@reliant.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; david.perlman@powersrc.com; Sager, Elizabeth; fmdutton@aep.com; nicole.daggs@mirant.com; ntrask@pwrteam.com; ecomer@aep.com; jcrespo@hess.com\nSubject: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO\nAttached please find a copy of the memo from F. Mitchell Dutton regarding\nInto Product Definition and Formation of Regional Transmission Organization\nfor the 5:00 p.m. (EST) Conference call today. Please contact Mitch Dutton\nat (614) 223-1605 or myself at (614) 324-6843 if you have any questions or\ncomments.\n(See attached file: 87712.DOC)\nThank you,\nDJ Stephens\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThis e-mail message from the Legal Department of American Electric\nPower is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain\nconfidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use,\ndisclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended\nrecipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all\ncopies of the original message.\n - 87712.DOC ", ["FW: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\n\n\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<4649734.1075861309463.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-11-2001-15:9:22Smarcus.nettelton@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-15:9:22", "marcus.nettelton@enron.com", ["elizabeth.sager@enron.com"], [], "Liz\n \nAgreed that all parties would review the proposed framework with traders to try to \"fill in the boxes\". It was however recognised that there were difficulties in interpreting what was intended by the proposed RTO's and the relationship with the current Into Cinergy market.\n \nAEP viewed that purchase of transmission was the critical area, who had to purchase what and several scenarios to work through. Whether Seller buys a wheel, whether buyer buys a wheel, or under MISO both parties buy a wheel. This clearly has knock on effect for obligations in respect of firm and non-firm transmission and curtailment. In particular, what if non-firm is elected and how this flows through into obligations of the parties to a transaction.\n \nPerception that the framework prepared by AEP will start all interested parties in the same place to talk about the issues. \n \nIt was agreed to try to get a representative from Duke to join the next call as they were an Into Cinergy product trader as well.\n \nThe next call was scheduled for November 29th at 10 o clock Eastern time. It was suggested that everyone at least take first page of Mitch's schedule and talk to the traders, since this would probably the best starting point, Mitch encouraged any comments to be shared earlier if possible.\n \nSigned you up for this call in your absence.\n \nMarcus\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sager, Elizabeth \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 3:59 PM\nTo: Nettelton, Marcus\nSubject: FW: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: djstephens@aep.com@ENRON \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:18 PM\nTo: NTillett@reliant.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; david.perlman@powersrc.com; Sager, Elizabeth; fmdutton@aep.com; nicole.daggs@mirant.com; ntrask@pwrteam.com; ecomer@aep.com; jcrespo@hess.com\nSubject: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO\nAttached please find a copy of the memo from F. Mitchell Dutton regarding\nInto Product Definition and Formation of Regional Transmission Organization\nfor the 5:00 p.m. (EST) Conference call today. Please contact Mitch Dutton\nat (614) 223-1605 or myself at (614) 324-6843 if you have any questions or\ncomments.\n(See attached file: 87712.DOC)\nThank you,\nDJ Stephens\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThis e-mail message from the Legal Department of American Electric\nPower is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain\nconfidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use,\ndisclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended\nrecipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all\ncopies of the original message.\n - 87712.DOC << File: 87712.DOC >> ", ["RE: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "Liz\n\t\nAgreed that all parties would review the proposed framework with traders to try to \"fill in the boxes\". It was however recognised that there were difficulties in interpreting what was intended by the proposed RTO's and the relationship with the current Into Cinergy market.\n\t\nAEP viewed that purchase of transmission was the critical area, who had to purchase what and several scenarios to work through. Whether Seller buys a wheel, whether buyer buys a wheel, or under MISO both parties buy a wheel. This clearly has knock on effect for obligations in respect of firm and non-firm transmission and curtailment. In particular, what if non-firm is elected and how this flows through into obligations of the parties to a transaction.\n\t\nPerception that the framework prepared by AEP will start all interested parties in the same place to talk about the issues. \n\t\nIt was agreed to try to get a representative from Duke to join the next call as they were an Into Cinergy product trader as well.\n\t\nThe next call was scheduled for November 29th at 10 o clock Eastern time. It was suggested that everyone at least take first page of Mitch's schedule and talk to the traders, since this would probably the best starting point, Mitch encouraged any comments to be shared earlier if possible.\n\t\nSigned you up for this call in your absence.\n\t\nMarcus\n\n ", ["<32517408.1075861320364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "19-11-2001-15:12:58Selizabeth.sager@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-15:12:58", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", ["marcus.nettelton@enron.com"], [], "thanks\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Nettelton, Marcus \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 5:09 PM\nTo: Sager, Elizabeth\nSubject: RE: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO\nImportance: High\nSensitivity: Confidential\nLiz\n \nAgreed that all parties would review the proposed framework with traders to try to \"fill in the boxes\". It was however recognised that there were difficulties in interpreting what was intended by the proposed RTO's and the relationship with the current Into Cinergy market.\n \nAEP viewed that purchase of transmission was the critical area, who had to purchase what and several scenarios to work through. Whether Seller buys a wheel, whether buyer buys a wheel, or under MISO both parties buy a wheel. This clearly has knock on effect for obligations in respect of firm and non-firm transmission and curtailment. In particular, what if non-firm is elected and how this flows through into obligations of the parties to a transaction.\n \nPerception that the framework prepared by AEP will start all interested parties in the same place to talk about the issues. \n \nIt was agreed to try to get a representative from Duke to join the next call as they were an Into Cinergy product trader as well.\n \nThe next call was scheduled for November 29th at 10 o clock Eastern time. It was suggested that everyone at least take first page of Mitch's schedule and talk to the traders, since this would probably the best starting point, Mitch encouraged any comments to be shared earlier if possible.\n \nSigned you up for this call in your absence.\n \nMarcus\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sager, Elizabeth \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 3:59 PM\nTo: Nettelton, Marcus\nSubject: FW: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: djstephens@aep.com@ENRON \nSent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:18 PM\nTo: NTillett@reliant.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; david.perlman@powersrc.com; Sager, Elizabeth; fmdutton@aep.com; nicole.daggs@mirant.com; ntrask@pwrteam.com; ecomer@aep.com; jcrespo@hess.com\nSubject: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO\nAttached please find a copy of the memo from F. Mitchell Dutton regarding\nInto Product Definition and Formation of Regional Transmission Organization\nfor the 5:00 p.m. (EST) Conference call today. Please contact Mitch Dutton\nat (614) 223-1605 or myself at (614) 324-6843 if you have any questions or\ncomments.\n(See attached file: 87712.DOC)\nThank you,\nDJ Stephens\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThis e-mail message from the Legal Department of American Electric\nPower is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain\nconfidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use,\ndisclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended\nrecipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all\ncopies of the original message.\n - 87712.DOC << File: 87712.DOC >> ", ["RE: Conference Call re: Transition of Into Product to MISO"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "thanks\n\n\nElizabeth Sager\n713-853-6349\n\n ", ["<33371394.1075861309486.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-12-2001-14:28:41Sjeff.gollomp@cinergy.com": ["3-12-2001-14:28:41", "jeff.gollomp@cinergy.com", ["harlan.murphy@enron.com", "comer.ed@enron.com"], ["djstephens@aep.com", "ctrueheart@eei.org"], "\nJoe Gardner with MISO indicated that he can, at a minimum, participate by conference call for part of the meeting. He is to get back with me to indicate whether he can attend in person.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ed Comer [mailto:EComer@eei.org]\nSent: Monday, December 03, 2001 9:24 AM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com; Gollomp, Jeff; Andrew.Katz@constellation.com; david.perlman@constellation.com; elizabeth.sager@enron.com; harlan.murphy@enron.com; martyjo.rogers@entergykoch.com; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; lora.aria@lgeenergy.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; ntrask@pwrteam.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; pdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com\nCc: djstephens@aep.com; Cynthia Trueheart; Ed Comer\nSubject: Dec 6 Miso Mtg. Details; Agenda\nOur December 6 meeting in Columbus will begin at 10:15 at AEP's Headquarter's Office in a Conference Room on the 28th floor. \n \nThe address is American Electric Power, 1 Riverside Plaza, 28th\nFloor - Conference Room 28C, Columbus, OH 43215. \nFor Directions from the airport, as you exit down International Gateway follow the signs to I-670.\nTake I-670 west to downtown, exit onto Third Street. Follow Third Street\nand turn right onto Spring Street. Follow Spring Street to Marconi/Civic\nCenter Drive and turn left. There is an Alcoa parking garage on the left\nside that Mitch recommends parking in. The AEP building is directly across the\nstreet.\nWe expect about 10-12 people, including representatives form Cinergy and LG&E. Mitch drafted an agenda, which is attached. ", ["RE: Dec 6 Miso Mtg. Details; Agenda"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\nJoe Gardner with MISO indicated that he can, at a minimum, participate by conference call for part of the meeting. He is to get back with me to indicate whether he can attend in person.\n", ["<22541850.1075859131105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true], "3-12-2001-15:43:24Sjeff.gollomp@cinergy.com": ["3-12-2001-15:43:24", "jeff.gollomp@cinergy.com", ["harlan.murphy@enron.com", "comer.ed@enron.com"], ["djstephens@aep.com", "ctrueheart@eei.org"], "\nIt appears now that Joe Gardner and Tom Mallinger will be attending.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gollomp, Jeff \nSent: Monday, December 03, 2001 5:29 PM\nTo: 'Ed Comer'; fmdutton@aep.com; Andrew.Katz@constellation.com; david.perlman@constellation.com; elizabeth.sager@enron.com; harlan.murphy@enron.com; martyjo.rogers@entergykoch.com; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; lora.aria@lgeenergy.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; ntrask@pwrteam.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; pdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com\nCc: djstephens@aep.com; Cynthia Trueheart\nSubject: RE: Dec 6 Miso Mtg. Details; Agenda\nJoe Gardner with MISO indicated that he can, at a minimum, participate by conference call for part of the meeting. He is to get back with me to indicate whether he can attend in person.\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Ed Comer [mailto:EComer@eei.org]\nSent: Monday, December 03, 2001 9:24 AM\nTo: fmdutton@aep.com; Gollomp, Jeff; Andrew.Katz@constellation.com; david.perlman@constellation.com; elizabeth.sager@enron.com; harlan.murphy@enron.com; martyjo.rogers@entergykoch.com; jcrespo@hess.com; wfhenze@jonesday.com; lora.aria@lgeenergy.com; rosteen@powersrc.com; ntrask@pwrteam.com; drusso@reliantenergy.com; Shari_Stack@reliantenergy.com; pdondanville@schiffhardin.com; babak.pooya@southernenergy.com\nCc: djstephens@aep.com; Cynthia Trueheart; Ed Comer\nSubject: Dec 6 Miso Mtg. Details; Agenda\nOur December 6 meeting in Columbus will begin at 10:15 at AEP's Headquarter's Office in a Conference Room on the 28th floor. \n \nThe address is American Electric Power, 1 Riverside Plaza, 28th\nFloor - Conference Room 28C, Columbus, OH 43215. \nFor Directions from the airport, as you exit down International Gateway follow the signs to I-670.\nTake I-670 west to downtown, exit onto Third Street. Follow Third Street\nand turn right onto Spring Street. Follow Spring Street to Marconi/Civic\nCenter Drive and turn left. There is an Alcoa parking garage on the left\nside that Mitch recommends parking in. The AEP building is directly across the\nstreet.\nWe expect about 10-12 people, including representatives form Cinergy and LG&E. Mitch drafted an agenda, which is attached. ", ["RE: Dec 6 Miso Mtg. Details; Agenda"], "{'body': ['fmdutton@aep.com']}", [], "\nIt appears now that Joe Gardner and Tom Mallinger will be attending.\n", ["<31343987.1075859131129.JavaMail.evans@thyme>"], {}, true]}, "8-6-2001-10:35:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 11-6-2001-1:56:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-6-2001-10:35:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-6-2001-10:35:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["priest@yazoopsc.org", "mcarraway@watervalley.net", "drhunt@watervalley.net", "amalmsjo@rwbeck.com"], ["kay.mann@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "rhonda.denton@enron.com", "reagan.rorschach@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <26166050.1075853506435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 10:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mcarraway@watervalley.net, priest@yazoopsc.org, drhunt@watervalley.net,\n\tamalmsjo@rwbeck.com\nSubject: EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement --MDEA\nCc: reagan.rorschach@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: reagan.rorschach@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: mcarraway@watervalley.net, priest@yazoopsc.org, drhunt@watervalley.net, amalmsjo@rwbeck.com\nX-cc: Reagan Rorschach, Kay Mann, Edward Sacks, Genia FitzGerald, Rhonda L Denton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kay_Mann_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Mann-K\nX-FileName: kmann.nsf\n\nAt the request of Reagan Rorschach and Kay Mann, attached please find the \nCover Sheet, General Terms and Conditions and Attachments for the above \nreferenced Agreement for your review. Please do not hesitate to call me at \n(713) 853-9239 with any questions you may have. --David Portz\n\n\n ", "EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement --MDEA", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 8, "information", ["attached", "sheet"], "information", "at the request of reagan rorschach and kay mann, attached please find the cover sheet, general terms and conditions and attachments for the above referenced agreement for your review."]], "At the request of Reagan Rorschach and Kay Mann, attached please find the \nCover Sheet, General Terms and Conditions and Attachments for the above \nreferenced Agreement for your review. Please do not hesitate to call me at \n(713) 853-9239 with any questions you may have. --David Portz\n\n\n ", "<26166050.1075853506435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "agreement attachmentTnn": {"value": "agreement attachmentTnn", "ne": "agreement attachmentTnn", "patterns": ["agreement attachmentTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn"]}, "sheet termTnn": {"value": "sheet termTnn", "ne": "sheet termTnn", "patterns": ["sheet termTnn"]}}, false], "11-6-2001-1:56:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["11-6-2001-1:56:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mcarraway@watervalley.net priest@yazoopsc.org drhunt@watervalley.net amalmsjo@rwbeck.com", "reagan.rorschach@enron.com kay.mann@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com genia.fitzgerald@enron.com rhonda.denton@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16818837.1075853530170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 01:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mcarraway@watervalley.net, priest@yazoopsc.org, drhunt@watervalley.net,\n\tamalmsjo@rwbeck.com\nSubject: EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement --MDEA\nCc: reagan.rorschach@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: reagan.rorschach@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: mcarraway@watervalley.net, priest@yazoopsc.org, drhunt@watervalley.net, amalmsjo@rwbeck.com\nX-cc: Reagan Rorschach, Kay Mann, Edward Sacks, Genia FitzGerald, Rhonda L Denton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kay_Mann_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Mann-K\nX-FileName: kmann.nsf\n\nMr. Priest's office had notified me this morning that the second and third \nattachments below were diffcult to open. I am resending them as the \nattachments immediately below. If anyone has further problems, please be \naware that the second and third attachments are the standardized text \nportions of the EEI Master Agreement, without any modifications by Enron, and \nare available at the following website: http://www.eei.org/ You must go to \n\"Energy Issues/News\" to get to the menu with the \"Standard Contract\". \n\n -- David Portz\n\n\n \n\n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 06/11/2001 08:46 AM -----\n\n\tDavid Portz\n\t06/08/2001 05:35 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: mcarraway@watervalley.net, priest@yazoopsc.org, drhunt@watervalley.net, \namalmsjo@rwbeck.com\n\t\t cc: Reagan Rorschach/Enron@EnronXGate, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, Edward \nSacks/Enron@EnronXGate, Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonda L \nDenton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement --MDEA \n\nAt the request of Reagan Rorschach and Kay Mann, attached please find the \nCover Sheet, General Terms and Conditions and Attachments for the above \nreferenced Agreement for your review. Please do not hesitate to call me at \n(713) 853-9239 with any questions you may have. --David Portz\n\n\n \n", "EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement --MDEA", "forward", [], "Mr. Priest's office had notified me this morning that the second and third \nattachments below were diffcult to open. I am resending them as the \nattachments immediately below. If anyone has further problems, please be \naware that the second and third attachments are the standardized text \nportions of the EEI Master Agreement, without any modifications by Enron, and \nare available at the following website: http://www.eei.org/ You must go to \n\"Energy Issues/News\" to get to the menu with the \"Standard Contract\". \n\n -- David Portz\n\n\n \n\n\n---", "<16818837.1075853530170.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "23-3-2001-4:55:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 23-3-2001-5:12:0Sgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com 23-3-2001-5:21:0Smarcus.nettelton@enron.com": {"23-3-2001-4:55:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["23-3-2001-4:55:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["jim.malone@enron.com"], ["mike.curry@enron.com", "anoush.farhangi@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "rhonda.denton@enron.com", "michelle.parks@enron.com", "john.ranieri@enron.com", "james.copeland@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <2454798.1075847419658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 04:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: jim.malone@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master\nCc: anoush.farhangi@enron.com, john.ranieri@enron.com, james.copeland@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com,\n\tmichelle.parks@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anoush.farhangi@enron.com, john.ranieri@enron.com, james.copeland@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com,\n\tmichelle.parks@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Jim Malone\nX-cc: Anoush Farhangi, John Ranieri, James L Copeland, Genia FitzGerald, Rhonda L Denton, Michelle Parks, Mike Curry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Tanya_Jones_June2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: JONES-T\nX-FileName: tjones.nsf\n\nPer my voicemail last night to Anoush, attached is a draft EEI Master Power \nPurchase & Sale Agreement cover sheet for your review and comment on behalf \nof New Power. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. \n\n\nDavid Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp. - Legal\n1400 Smith St.\nHouston, TX 77002\nTel: (713) 853-9239\nFax: (713) 646-3491\n", "Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 4, "information", ["sale**agreement", "attached", "draft"], "information", "per my voicemail last night to anoush, attached is a draft eei master power purchase & sale agreement cover sheet for your review and comment on behalf of new power."]], "Per my voicemail last night to Anoush, attached is a draft EEI Master Power \nPurchase & Sale Agreement cover sheet for your review and comment on behalf \nof New Power. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. \n\n\nDavid Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp. - Legal\n1400 Smith St.\nHouston, TX 77002\nTel: (713) 853-9239\nFax: (713) 646-3491\n", "<2454798.1075847419658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn": {"value": "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn", "ne": "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn", "patterns": ["cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn"]}}, false], "23-3-2001-5:12:0Sgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com": ["23-3-2001-5:12:0", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "tana.jones@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10385680.1075847334001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 05:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nTo: tana.jones@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Genia FitzGerald\nX-To: Tana Jones\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Tanya_Jones_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: JONES-T\nX-FileName: tjones.nsf\n\nFYI\n---------------------- Forwarded by Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT on 03/23/2001 \n01:12 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDavid Portz\n03/23/2001 12:55 PM\nTo: Jim Malone/HOU/NewPower@NewPower\ncc: Anoush Farhangi/HOU/NewPower@NEWPOWER@EES, John \nRanieri/HOU/NewPower@NewPower, James L Copeland/ENRON@enronXgate, Genia \nFitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle \nParks/Enron@EnronXGate, Mike Curry/Enron@EnronXGate \nSubject: Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master \n\nPer my voicemail last night to Anoush, attached is a draft EEI Master Power \nPurchase & Sale Agreement cover sheet for your review and comment on behalf \nof New Power. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. \n\n\nDavid Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp. - Legal\n1400 Smith St.\nHouston, TX 77002\nTel: (713) 853-9239\nFax: (713) 646-3491\n\n\n", "Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master", "forward", [], "FYI\n", "<10385680.1075847334001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "23-3-2001-5:21:0Smarcus.nettelton@enron.com": ["23-3-2001-5:21:0", "marcus.nettelton@enron.com", "tana.jones@enron.com", "janice.moore@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1972516.1075847334027.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 05:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: marcus.nettelton@enron.com\nTo: tana.jones@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master\nCc: janice.moore@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: janice.moore@enron.com\nX-From: Marcus Nettelton\nX-To: Tana Jones\nX-cc: Janice R Moore\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Tanya_Jones_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: JONES-T\nX-FileName: tjones.nsf\n\nFYI.\n----- Forwarded by Marcus Nettelton/NA/Enron on 03/23/2001 01:21 PM -----\n\n\tDavid Portz@ECT\n\t03/23/2001 12:55 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Jim Malone/HOU/NewPower@NewPower\n\t\t cc: Anoush Farhangi/HOU/NewPower@NEWPOWER@EES, John \nRanieri/HOU/NewPower@NewPower, James L Copeland/ENRON@enronXgate, Genia \nFitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle \nParks/Enron@EnronXGate, Mike Curry/Enron@EnronXGate, (bcc: Marcus \nNettelton/NA/Enron)\n\t\t Subject: Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master \n\nPer my voicemail last night to Anoush, attached is a draft EEI Master Power \nPurchase & Sale Agreement cover sheet for your review and comment on behalf \nof New Power. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. \n\n\nDavid Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp. - Legal\n1400 Smith St.\nHouston, TX 77002\nTel: (713) 853-9239\nFax: (713) 646-3491\n\n", "Re: Texas QSE agreement/EEI Master", "forward", [], "FYI.\n---", "<1972516.1075847334027.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "11-6-2001-3:51:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 11-6-2001-4:18:0Sleslie.hansen@enron.com": {"11-6-2001-3:51:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["11-6-2001-3:51:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["leslie.hansen@enron.com"], ["elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "stuart.zisman@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <18740667.1075853425259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 03:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: leslie.hansen@enron.com\nSubject: New Alpany Peaker -potential sale\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, stuart.zisman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, stuart.zisman@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Leslie Hansen\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager, Stuart Zisman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nLeslie --Stuart Zisman is working to finalize a Purchase and Sale Agreement \n(\"P&SA\") as to the New Albany plant and is trying to be fully informed as to \noutstanding contracts in relation to the plant known to the legal's power \ntrading group. He will meet with a large group on this project at 11 a.m. \nthis morning. On information from the midmarket group, I have confirmed to \nhim there are no trading contracts currently in effect, committing sales \nfrom the plant. He is also inquiring about a 'Station Service Agreement' or \nany other basic agreement(s) in effect allowing the plant's operation \n(beyond those referenced in the P&SA --see Schedules 4.1(m) and 7.1 --I'll \nbring you a copy of these Schedules). As you may have been involved when \nsuch contracts would have been negotiated or placed in effect, would you give \nStuart any information you have on this at your soonest opportunity? Thanks. \n", "New Alpany Peaker -potential sale", "originEmail", [["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 32, "information", ["confirmed", "trading"], "information", " on information from the midmarket group, i have confirmed to him there are no trading contracts currently in effect, committing sales from the plant."]], "Leslie --Stuart Zisman is working to finalize a Purchase and Sale Agreement \n(\"P&SA\") as to the New Albany plant and is trying to be fully informed as to \noutstanding contracts in relation to the plant known to the legal's power \ntrading group. He will meet with a large group on this project at 11 a.m. \nthis morning. On information from the midmarket group, I have confirmed to \nhim there are no trading contracts currently in effect, committing sales \nfrom the plant. He is also inquiring about a 'Station Service Agreement' or \nany other basic agreement(s) in effect allowing the plant's operation \n(beyond those referenced in the P&SA --see Schedules 4.1(m) and 7.1 --I'll \nbring you a copy of these Schedules). As you may have been involved when \nsuch contracts would have been negotiated or placed in effect, would you give \nStuart any information you have on this at your soonest opportunity? Thanks. \n", "<18740667.1075853425259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"59": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn": {"value": "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn", "ne": "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn", "patterns": ["agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power tradingTnn"]}}, false], "11-6-2001-4:18:0Sleslie.hansen@enron.com": ["11-6-2001-4:18:0", "leslie.hansen@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com stuart.zisman@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23143618.1075853423323.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 04:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: leslie.hansen@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com, stuart.zisman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: New Alpany Peaker -potential sale\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: Leslie Hansen\nX-To: David Portz, Stuart Zisman\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nI know of no other station service or similar agreements relating to the New \nAlbany plant other than those already listed on the schedules.\n\nLeslie\n\n\n\n\tDavid Portz\n\t06/11/2001 10:51 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stuart Zisman/Enron@EnronXGate\n\t\t Subject: New Alpany Peaker -potential sale\n\nLeslie --Stuart Zisman is working to finalize a Purchase and Sale Agreement \n(\"P&SA\") as to the New Albany plant and is trying to be fully informed as to \noutstanding contracts in relation to the plant known to the legal's power \ntrading group. He will meet with a large group on this project at 11 a.m. \nthis morning. On information from the midmarket group, I have confirmed to \nhim there are no trading contracts currently in effect, committing sales \nfrom the plant. He is also inquiring about a 'Station Service Agreement' or \nany other basic agreement(s) in effect allowing the plant's operation \n(beyond those referenced in the P&SA --see Schedules 4.1(m) and 7.1 --I'll \nbring you a copy of these Schedules). As you may have been involved when \nsuch contracts would have been negotiated or placed in effect, would you give \nStuart any information you have on this at your soonest opportunity? Thanks. \n\n\n", "Re: New Alpany Peaker -potential sale", "reply", [], "I know of no other station service or similar agreements relating to the New \nAlbany plant other than those already listed on the schedules.\n\nLeslie\n\n\n\n\tDavid Portz\n\t06/11/2001 10:51 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<23143618.1075853423323.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "6-11-2001-13:29:28Smarie.heard@enron.com 12-11-2001-14:14:9Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"6-11-2001-13:29:28Smarie.heard@enron.com": ["6-11-2001-13:29:28", "marie.heard@enron.com", "alan.aronowitz@enron.com e-mail .athena@enron.com morris.clark@enron.com mary.cook@enron.com e-mail .david@enron.com angela.davis@enron.com peter.del@enron.com h..douglas@enron.com chris.gaffney@enron.com n..gray@enron.com leslie.hansen@enron.com marie.heard@enron.com brent.hendry@enron.com t..hodge@enron.com greg.johnston@enron.com tana.jones@enron.com peter.keohane@enron.com c..koehler@enron.com e-mail .lech@enron.com pinto.leite@enron.com e-mail .marissa@enron.com travis.mccullough@enron.com lisa.mellencamp@enron.com harlan.murphy@enron.com julia.murray@enron.com gerald.nemec@enron.com david.portz@enron.com e-mail .rick@enron.com tanya.rohauer@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com rahul.saxena@enron.com frank.sayre@enron.com michael.schuh@enron.com sara.shackleton@enron.com paul.simons@enron.com carol.st.@enron.com steve.van@enron.com john.viverito@enron.com marcus.von@enron.com credit .williams@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2563941.1075861358050.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:29:28 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: marie.heard@enron.com\nTo: alan.aronowitz@enron.com, e-mail <.athena@enron.com>, morris.clark@enron.com,\n\tmary.cook@enron.com, e-mail <.david@enron.com>,\n\tangela.davis@enron.com, peter.del@enron.com, h..douglas@enron.com,\n\tchris.gaffney@enron.com, n..gray@enron.com, leslie.hansen@enron.com,\n\tmarie.heard@enron.com, brent.hendry@enron.com, t..hodge@enron.com,\n\tgreg.johnston@enron.com, tana.jones@enron.com,\n\tpeter.keohane@enron.com, c..koehler@enron.com,\n\te-mail <.lech@enron.com>, pinto.leite@enron.com,\n\te-mail <.marissa@enron.com>, travis.mccullough@enron.com,\n\tlisa.mellencamp@enron.com, harlan.murphy@enron.com,\n\tjulia.murray@enron.com, gerald.nemec@enron.com,\n\tdavid.portz@enron.com, e-mail <.rick@enron.com>,\n\ttanya.rohauer@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\trahul.saxena@enron.com, frank.sayre@enron.com,\n\tmichael.schuh@enron.com, sara.shackleton@enron.com,\n\tpaul.simons@enron.com, carol.st.@enron.com, steve.van@enron.com,\n\tjohn.viverito@enron.com, marcus.von@enron.com,\n\tcredit <.williams@enron.com>\nSubject: Status of Agreements\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Heard, Marie \nX-To: Aronowitz, Alan , Athena Alexander (E-mail) , Clark, Morris , Cook, Mary , David Mitchell (E-mail) , Davis, Angela , Del vecchio, Peter , Douglas, Stephen H. , Evans, Mark (London Legal) , Gaffney, Chris , Gray, Barbara N. , Hansen, Leslie , Heard, Marie , Hendry, Brent , Hodge, Jeffrey T. , Johnston, Greg , Jones, Tana , Keohane, Peter , Koehler, Anne C. , Lech Kalembka (E-mail) , Leite, Francisco Pinto , Marissa Morelle (E-mail) , McCullough, Travis , Mellencamp, Lisa , Murphy, Harlan , Murray, Julia , Nemec, Gerald , Portz, David , Rick Antonoff (E-mail) , Rohauer, Tanya , Sager, Elizabeth , Saxena, Rahul , Sayre, Frank , Schuh, Michael , Shackleton, Sara , Simons, Paul , St. Clair, Carol , Van Hooser, Steve , Viverito, John , Von Bock Und Polach, Marcus , Williams, Jason R (Credit) \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\GNEMEC (Non-Privileged)\\Nemec, Gerald\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Nemec-G\nX-FileName: GNEMEC (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nPer Carol's request, please e-mail Carol, Mary and me with an update on the agreements you are working on.\n\nThanks!\n\nMarie", "Status of Agreements", "reply", [], "Per Carol's request, please e-mail Carol, Mary and me with an update on the agreements you are working on.\n\nThanks!\n\nMarie", "<2563941.1075861358050.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "12-11-2001-14:14:9Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["12-11-2001-14:14:9", "david.portz@enron.com", ["marie.heard@enron.com"], ["mary.cook@enron.com", "tanya.rohauer@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "carol.st.@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <9753719.1075861318069.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 14:14:09 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: marie.heard@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Status of Agreements: AEP, TXU\nCc: carol.st.@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, tanya.rohauer@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: carol.st.@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, tanya.rohauer@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Heard, Marie \nX-cc: St. Clair, Carol , Cook, Mary , Rohauer, Tanya , Sager, Elizabeth \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nAEP: AEP had responded late Thursday, 11-8-01, with a few small changes to Elizabeth Sager's redraft of Master Setoff Agr.. Certain european affiliates and Enron Canada Corp. had been brought in. Our credit group had indicated Friday that they would inform legal when final matters were resolved. \n\nTXU: Standard forms of Master Netting Agr. and CSA sent on 11-8-01 to TXU's credit contact Dan Carey. We are awaiting comment back.\n\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHeard, Marie \nSent:\tMonday, November 12, 2001 3:10 PM\nTo:\tAronowitz, Alan; Athena Alexander (E-mail); Clark, Morris; Cook, Mary; David Mitchell (E-mail); Davis, Angela; Del vecchio, Peter; Douglas, Stephen H.; Evans, Mark (London Legal); Gaffney, Chris; Gray, Barbara N.; Hansen, Leslie; Heard, Marie; Hendry, Brent; Hodge, Jeffrey T.; Johnston, Greg; Jones, Tana; Keohane, Peter; Koehler, Anne C.; Lech Kalembka (E-mail); Leite, Francisco Pinto; Marissa Morelle (E-mail); McCullough, Travis; Mellencamp, Lisa; Murphy, Harlan; Murray, Julia; Nemec, Gerald; Portz, David; Rick Antonoff (E-mail); Rohauer, Tanya; Sager, Elizabeth; Saxena, Rahul; Sayre, Frank; Schuh, Michael; Shackleton, Sara; Simons, Paul; St. Clair, Carol; Van Hooser, Steve; Viverito, John; Von Bock Und Polach, Marcus; Williams, Jason R (Credit)\nSubject:\tStatus of Agreements\n\nPer Carol's request, please e-mail Carol, Mary and me with an update on the agreements you are working on.\n\nThanks!\n\nMarie", "RE: Status of Agreements: AEP, TXU", "originEmail", [["show deal", 18, "information", ["credit", "indicated"], "information", " our credit group had indicated friday that they would inform legal when final matters were resolved."]], "\nAEP: AEP had responded late Thursday, 11-8-01, with a few small changes to Elizabeth Sager's redraft of Master Setoff Agr.. Certain european affiliates and Enron Canada Corp. had been brought in. Our credit group had indicated Friday that they would inform legal when final matters were resolved. \n\nTXU: Standard forms of Master Netting Agr. and CSA sent on 11-8-01 to TXU's credit contact Dan Carey. We are awaiting comment back.\n\n \n ", "<9753719.1075861318069.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agr master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agr master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agr master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agr master_master0netTnn"]}, "change_modification masterTnn": {"value": "change_modification masterTnn", "ne": "change_modification masterTnn", "patterns": ["change_modification masterTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "-01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["credit_reference numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-6-2001-6:16:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 4-6-2001-23:22:0Skay.mann@enron.com 5-6-2001-1:32:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"4-6-2001-6:16:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["4-6-2001-6:16:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["kay.mann@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <4179992.1075845736973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 06:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: kay.mann@enron.com\nSubject: Clarksdale\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Kay Mann\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kay_Mann_June2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: MANN-K\nX-FileName: kmann.nsf\n\nKay -- Could you forward me e-versions of (1) the completed one month \nClarksdale transaction, (2) the draft transaction document you feel is the \nbest template from the point of view of the seller of the marketing services \nand (3) the finalized term sheet, if there was one, before the parties \nstarted to work on the definitive agreement relating to Clarksdale? My \n'Virginia garbage burners' transaction has awakened, with negotiations \noccurring tomorrow. Thanks, David", "Clarksdale", "originEmail", [["complete transaction{agreement}", 5, "nninformation", ["completed", "transaction"], "request", "kay -- could you forward me e-versions of ( numeric ) the completed one month clarksdale transaction, ( numeric ) the draft transaction document you feel is the best template from the point of view of the seller of the marketing services and ( numeric ) the finalized term sheet, if there was one, before the parties started to work on the definitive agreement relating to clarksdale?"]], "Kay -- Could you forward me e-versions of (1) the completed one month \nClarksdale transaction, (2) the draft transaction document you feel is the \nbest template from the point of view of the seller of the marketing services \nand (3) the finalized term sheet, if there was one, before the parties \nstarted to work on the definitive agreement relating to Clarksdale? My \n'Virginia garbage burners' transaction has awakened, with negotiations \noccurring tomorrow. Thanks, David", "<4179992.1075845736973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["draft numericTnn"]}, "sheet termTnn": {"value": "sheet termTnn", "ne": "sheet termTnn", "patterns": ["sheet termTnn"]}}, false], "4-6-2001-23:22:0Skay.mann@enron.com": ["4-6-2001-23:22:0", "kay.mann@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24089311.1075845871002.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 23:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kay.mann@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Clarksdale\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kay Mann\nX-To: David Portz\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kay_Mann_June2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: MANN-K\nX-FileName: kmann.nsf\n\nI was in Clarksdale yesterday, and have a dr's appt this am, but will be glad \nto give you what I have. In fact, I could use some help with the EEI if the \noffer is still good. Maybe you could just talk me through it.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\nDavid Portz@ECT\n06/04/2001 01:16 PM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Clarksdale\n\nKay -- Could you forward me e-versions of (1) the completed one month \nClarksdale transaction, (2) the draft transaction document you feel is the \nbest template from the point of view of the seller of the marketing services \nand (3) the finalized term sheet, if there was one, before the parties \nstarted to work on the definitive agreement relating to Clarksdale? My \n'Virginia garbage burners' transaction has awakened, with negotiations \noccurring tomorrow. Thanks, David\n\n", "Re: Clarksdale", "reply", [], "I was in Clarksdale yesterday, and have a dr's appt this am, but will be glad \nto give you what I have. In fact, I could use some help with the EEI if the \noffer is still good. Maybe you could just talk me through it.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\n\nDavid Portz@ECT\n06/04/2001 01:16 PM\n", "<24089311.1075845871002.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "5-6-2001-1:32:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-1:32:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "kay.mann@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1274441.1075845871026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 01:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: kay.mann@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Clarksdale\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Kay Mann\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kay_Mann_June2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: MANN-K\nX-FileName: kmann.nsf\n\nI'll be glad to help. I may be pulled into negotiations starting at noon on \nthis garbage burner deal. \n\n\n\n\n\tKay Mann@ENRON\n\t06/05/2001 06:22 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Re: Clarksdale\n\nI was in Clarksdale yesterday, and have a dr's appt this am, but will be glad \nto give you what I have. In fact, I could use some help with the EEI if the \noffer is still good. Maybe you could just talk me through it.\n\nThanks,\n\nKay\n\n\n\nDavid Portz@ECT\n06/04/2001 01:16 PM\nTo: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: \n\nSubject: Clarksdale\n\nKay -- Could you forward me e-versions of (1) the completed one month \nClarksdale transaction, (2) the draft transaction document you feel is the \nbest template from the point of view of the seller of the marketing services \nand (3) the finalized term sheet, if there was one, before the parties \nstarted to work on the definitive agreement relating to Clarksdale? My \n'Virginia garbage burners' transaction has awakened, with negotiations \noccurring tomorrow. Thanks, David\n\n\n\n", "Re: Clarksdale", "reply", [], "I'll be glad to help. I may be pulled into negotiations starting at noon on \nthis garbage burner deal. \n\n\n\n\n\tKay Mann@ENRON\n\t06/05/2001 06:22 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<1274441.1075845871026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "25-8-2000-2:40:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com 25-8-2000-6:20:0Ssara.shackleton@enron.com 6-9-2000-7:16:0Ssara.shackleton@enron.com 6-9-2000-8:16:0Smelissa.murphy@enron.com": {"25-8-2000-2:40:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["25-8-2000-2:40:0", "david.portz@enron.com", ["sara.shackleton@enron.com"], [], "Message-ID: <13288200.1075844498922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 02:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: sara.shackleton@enron.com\nSubject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Sara Shackleton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: SHACKLETON-S\nX-FileName: sshackle.nsf\n\nSara: When you have a chance, would you forward me a sample confirmation for \none of the above referenced trades? I want to have a sense of the terms of \nthe GTCs attached to such confirmations when an ISDA master is not in place \nwith a counterparty. Thanks. --David ", "Financial swap re PJM wholesale power", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 13, "information", ["attached", "confirmations"], "information", " i want to have a sense of the terms of the gtcs attached to such confirmations when an isda master is not in place "]], "Sara: When you have a chance, would you forward me a sample confirmation for \none of the above referenced trades? I want to have a sense of the terms of \nthe GTCs attached to such confirmations when an ISDA master is not in place \nwith a counterparty. Thanks. --David ", "<13288200.1075844498922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false], "25-8-2000-6:20:0Ssara.shackleton@enron.com": ["25-8-2000-6:20:0", "sara.shackleton@enron.com", "melissa.murphy@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30337765.1075844389818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 06:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sara.shackleton@enron.com\nTo: melissa.murphy@enron.com\nSubject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sara Shackleton\nX-To: Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SHACKLETON-S\nX-FileName: sshackle.nsf\n\nMelissa: Would you please sent David an example of a confirm with the GTC's \n(standard Annex A). Please cc me. Thanks. Sara\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/25/2000 01:18 PM -----\n\n\tDavid Portz\n\t08/25/2000 09:40 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\n\nSara: When you have a chance, would you forward me a sample confirmation for \none of the above referenced trades? I want to have a sense of the terms of \nthe GTCs attached to such confirmations when an ISDA master is not in place \nwith a counterparty. Thanks. --David ", "Financial swap re PJM wholesale power", "forward", [], "Melissa: Would you please sent David an example of a confirm with the GTC's \n(standard Annex A). Please cc me. Thanks. Sara\n---", "<30337765.1075844389818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "6-9-2000-7:16:0Ssara.shackleton@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-7:16:0", "sara.shackleton@enron.com", "melissa.murphy@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24646537.1075844395048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 07:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sara.shackleton@enron.com\nTo: melissa.murphy@enron.com\nSubject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Sara Shackleton\nX-To: Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SHACKLETON-S\nX-FileName: sshackle.nsf\n\nMelissa: Did you ever send this to David per my email?\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 02:15 PM -----\n\n\tSara Shackleton\n\t08/25/2000 01:20 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Melissa Ann Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\n\nMelissa: Would you please sent David an example of a confirm with the GTC's \n(standard Annex A). Please cc me. Thanks. Sara\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/25/2000 01:18 PM -----\n\n\tDavid Portz\n\t08/25/2000 09:40 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\n\nSara: When you have a chance, would you forward me a sample confirmation for \none of the above referenced trades? I want to have a sense of the terms of \nthe GTCs attached to such confirmations when an ISDA master is not in place \nwith a counterparty. Thanks. --David \n", "Financial swap re PJM wholesale power", "forward", [], "Melissa: Did you ever send this to David per my email?\n---", "<24646537.1075844395048.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "6-9-2000-8:16:0Smelissa.murphy@enron.com": ["6-9-2000-8:16:0", "melissa.murphy@enron.com", "sara.shackleton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4309086.1075844395173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 08:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: melissa.murphy@enron.com\nTo: sara.shackleton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-To: Sara Shackleton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SHACKLETON-S\nX-FileName: sshackle.nsf\n\nHi Sara, yes I sent this to David and I thought I copied you on it. I can't \nfind it in my e-mail I must have deleted it. If he still needs it I can \nre-send it.\n\nThanks,\nMelissa\n\n\nFrom: Sara Shackleton on 09/06/2000 02:16 PM\nTo: Melissa Ann Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\n\nMelissa: Did you ever send this to David per my email?\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 09/06/2000 02:15 PM -----\n\n\tSara Shackleton\n\t08/25/2000 01:20 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Melissa Ann Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\n\nMelissa: Would you please sent David an example of a confirm with the GTC's \n(standard Annex A). Please cc me. Thanks. Sara\n----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/25/2000 01:18 PM -----\n\n\tDavid Portz\n\t08/25/2000 09:40 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power\n\nSara: When you have a chance, would you forward me a sample confirmation for \none of the above referenced trades? I want to have a sense of the terms of \nthe GTCs attached to such confirmations when an ISDA master is not in place \nwith a counterparty. Thanks. --David \n\n\n\n", "Re: Financial swap re PJM wholesale power", "reply", [], "Hi Sara, yes I sent this to David and I thought I copied you on it. I can't \nfind it in my e-mail I must have deleted it. If he still needs it I can \nre-send it.\n\nThanks,\nMelissa\n\n\nFrom: Sara Shackleton on 09/06/2000 02:16 PM\n", "<4309086.1075844395173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "27-12-2001-9:24:35Sedward.baughman@enron.com 28-12-2001-9:2:28Sdavid.portz@enron.com 28-12-2001-9:39:21Sno.address@enron.com": {"27-12-2001-9:24:35Sedward.baughman@enron.com": ["27-12-2001-9:24:35", "edward.baughman@enron.com", "m..presto@enron.com gerald.gilbert@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25340849.1075859254648.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 09:24:35 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: edward.baughman@enron.com\nTo: m..presto@enron.com, gerald.gilbert@enron.com\nSubject: Wabash Power\nCc: david.portz@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: david.portz@enron.com\nX-From: Baughman, Edward \nX-To: Presto, Kevin M. , Gilbert, Gerald \nX-cc: Portz, David \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kevin_Presto_Jan2002\\Presto, Kevin M.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Presto-K\nX-FileName: kpresto (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nKevin/Gerald:\n\nElizabeth Sager indicated that Wabash has given appropriate termination notice on all transactions associated with the EEI. I will confirm with David Portz to make sure their termination notice covers any one off contracts in the event they exist.\n\n\nDavid:\n\nAre there any one off contracts and does the Wabash termination notice cover if there are? Please advise.", "Wabash Power", "reply", [], "Kevin/Gerald:\n\nElizabeth Sager indicated that Wabash has given appropriate termination notice on all transactions associated with the EEI. I will confirm with David Portz to make sure their termination notice covers any one off contracts in the event they exist.\n\n\nDavid:\n\nAre there any one off contracts and does the Wabash termination notice cover if there are? Please advise.", "<25340849.1075859254648.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false], "28-12-2001-9:2:28Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["28-12-2001-9:2:28", "david.portz@enron.com", ["edward.baughman@enron.com"], ["l..denton@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com", "m..presto@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "dana.davis@enron.com", "gerald.gilbert@enron.com"], "Message-ID: <8703560.1075859133734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 09:02:28 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: edward.baughman@enron.com\nSubject: Terminations by Wabash Power, GPU Energy, Ameren\nCc: m..presto@enron.com, gerald.gilbert@enron.com, dana.davis@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, l..denton@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: m..presto@enron.com, gerald.gilbert@enron.com, dana.davis@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, l..denton@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Baughman, Edward \nX-cc: Presto, Kevin M. , Gilbert, Gerald , Davis, Mark Dana , Miller, Don (Asset Mktg) , Sager, Elizabeth , Denton, Rhonda L. , Sacks, Edward \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jan2002\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n(1) I've reconfirmed through Documentation that Wabash's termination, (stated to be effective Dec 19, 2001) was as to all wholesale power transactions between EPMI and Wabash.\n\n(2) GPU Services has delivered a notice of termination as to all transactions with EPMI. We will be treating all wholesale power Transactions with GPU as terminated but have not had to make a final concluision as to the effective date of such termination. (They've sought to make their terminations effective Dec.21, 2001, though they had to give us a month's notice on the agrement by which EPMI sells to GPU, so that termination weffective date would be January 21, 2001.)\n\n(3) Ameren Energy Inc. has sent us a notice of termination dated December 18, 2001, which appears to be a termination and calculation of settlement payment as to all transactions with Enron Power Marketing, Inc. -- I am trying to obtain a verification on the breaadth of this termination notice.\n\nEd --I'll send you copies of these termination notices for your reference. -David \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBaughman, Edward \nSent:\tThursday, December 27, 2001 11:25 AM\nTo:\tPresto, Kevin M.; Gilbert, Gerald\nCc:\tPortz, David\nSubject:\tWabash Power\n\nKevin/Gerald:\n\nElizabeth Sager indicated that Wabash has given appropriate termination notice on all transactions associated with the EEI. I will confirm with David Portz to make sure their termination notice covers any one off contracts in the event they exist.\n\n\nDavid:\n\nAre there any one off contracts and does the Wabash termination notice cover if there are? Please advise.", "Terminations by Wabash Power, GPU Energy, Ameren", "originEmail", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 47, "information", ["sent", "notice"], "information", ") ( numeric ) ameren energy orgname has sent us a notice of termination dated datenumeric , numeric , which appears to be a termination and calculation of settlement payment as to all transactions with enron power marketing, orgname -- i am trying to obtain a verification on the breaadth of this termination notice."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 67, "nninformation", ["send", "notices"], "intention", " ed --i'll send you copies of these termination notices for your reference."]], "(1) I've reconfirmed through Documentation that Wabash's termination, (stated to be effective Dec 19, 2001) was as to all wholesale power transactions between EPMI and Wabash.\n\n(2) GPU Services has delivered a notice of termination as to all transactions with EPMI. We will be treating all wholesale power Transactions with GPU as terminated but have not had to make a final concluision as to the effective date of such termination. (They've sought to make their terminations effective Dec.21, 2001, though they had to give us a month's notice on the agrement by which EPMI sells to GPU, so that termination weffective date would be January 21, 2001.)\n\n(3) Ameren Energy Inc. has sent us a notice of termination dated December 18, 2001, which appears to be a termination and calculation of settlement payment as to all transactions with Enron Power Marketing, Inc. -- I am trying to obtain a verification on the breaadth of this termination notice.\n\nEd --I'll send you copies of these termination notices for your reference. -David \n\n ", "<8703560.1075859133734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"43": {"value": "January 21**2001", "ne": "datenumeric0numeric", "patterns": ["date datenumeric0numericTnn"]}, "date effectiveTnn": {"value": "date effectiveTnn", "ne": "date effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["date effectiveTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "Dec 21**2001", "ne": "datenumeric0numeric", "patterns": ["datenumeric0numeric effectiveTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "Dec 19**2001", "ne": "datenumeric0numeric", "patterns": ["datenumeric0numeric effectiveTnn"]}, "energy index_powerTnn": {"value": "energy index_powerTnn", "ne": "energy index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy index_powerTnn"]}, "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "marketing powerTnn": {"value": "marketing powerTnn", "ne": "marketing powerTnn", "patterns": ["marketing powerTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric serviceTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase transactionTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase transactionTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase transactionTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase transactionTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power terminationTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power transactionTnn"]}}, false], "28-12-2001-9:39:21Sno.address@enron.com": ["28-12-2001-9:39:21", "no.address@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com edward.baughman@enron.com", "m..presto@enron.com gerald.gilbert@enron.com dana.davis@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com l..denton@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9087918.1075859133790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 09:39:21 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: no.address@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com, edward.baughman@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Terminations by Wabash Power, GPU Energy, Ameren\nCc: m..presto@enron.com, gerald.gilbert@enron.com, dana.davis@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, l..denton@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: m..presto@enron.com, gerald.gilbert@enron.com, dana.davis@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, l..denton@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com\nX-From: Miller, Don (Asset Mktg) \nX-To: Portz, David , Baughman, Edward \nX-cc: Presto, Kevin M. , Gilbert, Gerald , Davis, Mark Dana , Sager, Elizabeth , Denton, Rhonda L. , Sacks, Edward \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jan2002\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nShould we attempt to serve GPU through the 21st of January. We have a nice in-the-money contract with them in PJM. If we don't serve, why wouldn't we use Dec. 21st as the termination date?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tFriday, December 28, 2001 11:02 AM\nTo:\tBaughman, Edward\nCc:\tPresto, Kevin M.; Gilbert, Gerald; Davis, Mark Dana; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Sager, Elizabeth; Denton, Rhonda L.; Sacks, Edward\nSubject:\tTerminations by Wabash Power, GPU Energy, Ameren\n\n(1) I've reconfirmed through Documentation that Wabash's termination, (stated to be effective Dec 19, 2001) was as to all wholesale power transactions between EPMI and Wabash.\n\n(2) GPU Services has delivered a notice of termination as to all transactions with EPMI. We will be treating all wholesale power Transactions with GPU as terminated but have not had to make a final concluision as to the effective date of such termination. (They've sought to make their terminations effective Dec.21, 2001, though they had to give us a month's notice on the agrement by which EPMI sells to GPU, so that termination weffective date would be January 21, 2001.)\n\n(3) Ameren Energy Inc. has sent us a notice of termination dated December 18, 2001, which appears to be a termination and calculation of settlement payment as to all transactions with Enron Power Marketing, Inc. -- I am trying to obtain a verification on the breaadth of this termination notice.\n\nEd --I'll send you copies of these termination notices for your reference. -David \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBaughman, Edward \nSent:\tThursday, December 27, 2001 11:25 AM\nTo:\tPresto, Kevin M.; Gilbert, Gerald\nCc:\tPortz, David\nSubject:\tWabash Power\n\nKevin/Gerald:\n\nElizabeth Sager indicated that Wabash has given appropriate termination notice on all transactions associated with the EEI. I will confirm with David Portz to make sure their termination notice covers any one off contracts in the event they exist.\n\n\nDavid:\n\nAre there any one off contracts and does the Wabash termination notice cover if there are? Please advise.", "RE: Terminations by Wabash Power, GPU Energy, Ameren", "reply", [], "Should we attempt to serve GPU through the 21st of January. We have a nice in-the-money contract with them in PJM. If we don't serve, why wouldn't we use Dec. 21st as the termination date?\n\n ", "<9087918.1075859133790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {}, false]}, "21-9-2001-14:20:43Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-9-2001-14:20:43Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-9-2001-14:20:43", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33157452.1075852295583.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:20:43 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera position\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nThe position for Monday is currently scheduled into imbalance in both the QSE MOS and Enpower.\nMake sure that both are modified when you make sales/purchases.\n\n\nAttached are the spreadsheets that reflect what Frontera is doing for the next three days. Again, look to the top line to know what generation output should be. \n\nKnow it, learn it, live it.\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF\n\n\n ", "Frontera position", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 9, "nninformation", ["make", "sales"], "intention", " make sure that both are modified when you make sales/purchases."], ["attach spreadsheet", 12, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheets"], "information", " attached are the spreadsheets that reflect what orgname is doing for the next three days."]], "\n\nThe position for Monday is currently scheduled into imbalance in both the QSE MOS and Enpower.\nMake sure that both are modified when you make sales/purchases.\n\n\nAttached are the spreadsheets that reflect what Frontera is doing for the next three days. Again, look to the top line to know what generation output should be. \n\nKnow it, learn it, live it.\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF\n\n\n ", "<33157452.1075852295583.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-8-2001-13:55:27Sm..forney@enron.com": {"14-8-2001-13:55:27Sm..forney@enron.com": ["14-8-2001-13:55:27", "m..forney@enron.com", "claudia.guerra@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31223521.1075852396509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 13:55:27 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: claudia.guerra@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Interview Keenon C. Wilborn\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Guerra, Claudia \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI will not be in the office on Thursday or Friday. I will be attending a meeting in Austin.\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGuerra, Claudia \nSent:\tTuesday, August 14, 2001 2:25 PM\nTo:\tBaughman Jr., Don; Hernandez, Juan; Will, Lloyd; Day, Smith L.; Forney, John M.\nCc:\tBlack, Tamara Jae; Shoemake, Lisa\nSubject:\tInterview Keenon C. Wilborn\n\nI am trying to set up this interview for Keenon C. Wilborn. I am shooting for this Friday, August 17th starting at 1:00 pm\nfor 30 minutes each one of you. I have reserved conference room EB3127. Please let me know if this will workout for you.\n\nThank you,\nClaudia\nx34588", "RE: Interview Keenon C. Wilborn", "", [["attend meeting", 3, "nninformation", ["attending", "meeting"], "intention", " i will be attending a meeting in austin."]], "I will not be in the office on Thursday or Friday. I will be attending a meeting in Austin.\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<31223521.1075852396509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-11-2001-6:54:41Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-11-2001-6:54:41Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-6:54:41", "m..forney@enron.com", "michael.corley@elpaso.com", "", "Message-ID: <16834527.1075861679040.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 06:54:41 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: michael.corley@elpaso.com\nSubject: RE: ERCOT financial swaps\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: '\"Corley, Michael\" @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nA lot of shops are interested, mainly speculators. I have had at least 7 different counterparties use this. Utilities or generators have a big interest in hedging their balancing energy exposure, locking in a fixed return. How they are exposed to the imbalance price is their business, as I am not encouraging running an imbalance, etc.\nNo problem with EOL, as we are trading it up.\nYou need to add the US PWR Financial Swap to your EOL profile, in my opinion. You will see Ercot S 8-22 and N 8-22. You will need to add these and every other hour listed.\nThanks,\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Corley, Michael\" @ENRON \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 8:23 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: ERCOT financial swaps\n\nThanks for the info. Just curious, are there many other shops showing an\ninterest? Also, I haven't seen any numbers yet this morning, have you not\nshown any or is it a problem with my EOL? Thanks again.\n\nMC\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: John.M.Forney@enron.com [mailto:John.M.Forney@enron.com]\nSent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 8:17 AM\nTo: Corley, Michael\nSubject: RE: ERCOT financial swaps\n\n\nSure, I am online everyday.\nI get in about 6 am, usually putting the numbers on at 6:30. I start with\nhr ending 8-22 and change to 9-22 usually when the first interval of he 9\nis printed.\nThis is at my discretion.\nYou may post a limit order (either a bid or offer) that covers mine and\ntransact online. You wont necessarily be trading with me, another\ncounterparty can lift your offer or hit your bid.\n\nLet's trade it up!!!\n\nJForney\n\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"Corley, Michael\" @ENRON\n Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 8:06 AM\n To: 'jforney@enron.com'\n Subject: ERCOT financial swaps\n\n Are you all still showing numbers for intraday ERCOT swaps? If so when\n do\n you normally post them. Thanks.\n\n Mike Corley\n\n\n ******************************************************************\n This email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\n Corporation are confidential and intended solely for the\n use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\n If you have received this email in error please notify the\n sender.\n ******************************************************************\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and\nmay contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the\nintended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by\nothers is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or\nauthorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply\nto Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all\ncopies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not\nintended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a\nbinding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its\naffiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be\nrelied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.\nThank you.\n**********************************************************************\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************", "RE: ERCOT financial swaps", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 25, "information", ["it", "trading"], "information", " no problem with orgname as we are trading it up."]], "A lot of shops are interested, mainly speculators. I have had at least 7 different counterparties use this. Utilities or generators have a big interest in hedging their balancing energy exposure, locking in a fixed return. How they are exposed to the imbalance price is their business, as I am not encouraging running an imbalance, etc.\nNo problem with EOL, as we are trading it up.\nYou need to add the US PWR Financial Swap to your EOL profile, in my opinion. You will see Ercot S 8-22 and N 8-22. You will need to add these and every other hour listed.\nThanks,\n\n\n ", "<16834527.1075861679040.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"imbalance priceTnn": {"value": "imbalance priceTnn", "ne": "imbalance priceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-11-2001-5:36:46Sm..forney@enron.com": {"7-11-2001-5:36:46Sm..forney@enron.com": ["7-11-2001-5:36:46", "m..forney@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com thane.twiggs@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4008218.1075861678809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 05:36:46 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: l..day@enron.com, thane.twiggs@enron.com\nSubject: Major Problems with OOMC\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Day, Smith L. , Twiggs, Thane \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nI need some support on this:\nFor the last two weeks, Ercot has been giving us OOMC orders. They have told us to run the plant, without question. We have asked them whether they mean OOME when we run. To a man, the Ercot dispatch guys have said that OOMC means to run, they want the power. \nI have launched three e-mails (requesting clarification) to Mark Patterson, starting weeks ago on this issue. Yesterday, I caught Mark by phone at 5:30pm.\n\nMark consulted with his operations group and determined that we had been OOMC'd and we should run, but they are not going to pay us the hr calc.\nThey said that OOMC means run and we are supposed to sell this power. This confusion on our part will prove costly to Frontera as they will be paid the imbalance, instead of the heat rate calc. We cannot sell in the offpeak hours for greater than $5. It costs us $26 to generate power.\n\nMark said \" dont worry, at worst case you can file for reimbursement.\" Mark also said that we will get paid for the capacity. But what???\n\nIt is my opinion that it is no accident that Ercot was vague on this issue. They want to penalize us if we dont run, and if we do , we will lose money.\nWe then file to get a break-even rebate. They are acquiring ancillary reserves for free and not even paying for the energy component.\n\nI realize that these issues will be discussed in the Tuesday meeting and I will provide examples, as requested by Ercot.\n\nI need some support from the protocols and I need some suggestions. I do not want to allow these guys to game us anymore. \nWe will be more vocal in this meeting. If no resolution is reached, I vote for ignoring their OOM instructions.\nI need a ruling on whether they can force us to lose money. \n\nThanks,\n\nJForney\n\n\n\n", "Major Problems with OOMC", "", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 7, "nninformation", ["plant", "run"], "intention", " they have told us to run the plant, without question."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 16, "nninformation", ["oomc**means", "run"], "intention", " to a man, the ercot dispatch guys have said that oomc means to run, they want the power."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 35, "nninformation", ["calc", "oomc", "run"], "intention", " mark consulted with his operations group and determined that we had been oomc'd and we should run, but they are not going to pay us the hr calc."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 36, "nninformation", ["calc", "pay"], "intention", " mark consulted with his operations group and determined that we had been oomc'd and we should run, but they are not going to pay us the hr calc."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 39, "information", ["oomc**means", "run"], "information", " they said that oomc means run and we are supposed to sell this power."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 41, "nninformation", ["power", "sell"], "intention", " they said that oomc means run and we are supposed to sell this power."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 52, "nninformation", ["hours", "offpeak", "sell"], "intention", " we cannot sell in the offpeak hours for greater than pricenumeric ."]], "\n\nI need some support on this:\nFor the last two weeks, Ercot has been giving us OOMC orders. They have told us to run the plant, without question. We have asked them whether they mean OOME when we run. To a man, the Ercot dispatch guys have said that OOMC means to run, they want the power. \nI have launched three e-mails (requesting clarification) to Mark Patterson, starting weeks ago on this issue. Yesterday, I caught Mark by phone at 5:30pm.\n\nMark consulted with his operations group and determined that we had been OOMC'd and we should run, but they are not going to pay us the hr calc.\nThey said that OOMC means run and we are supposed to sell this power. This confusion on our part will prove costly to Frontera as they will be paid the imbalance, instead of the heat rate calc. We cannot sell in the offpeak hours for greater than $5. It costs us $26 to generate power.\n\nMark said \" dont worry, at worst case you can file for reimbursement.\" Mark also said that we will get paid for the capacity. But what???\n\nIt is my opinion that it is no accident that Ercot was vague on this issue. They want to penalize us if we dont run, and if we do , we will lose money.\nWe then file to get a break-even rebate. They are acquiring ancillary reserves for free and not even paying for the energy component.\n\nI realize that these issues will be discussed in the Tuesday meeting and I will provide examples, as requested by Ercot.\n\nI need some support from the protocols and I need some suggestions. I do not want to allow these guys to game us anymore. \nWe will be more vocal in this meeting. If no resolution is reached, I vote for ignoring their OOM instructions.\nI need a ruling on whether they can force us to lose money. \n\nThanks,\n\nJForney\n\n\n\n", "<4008218.1075861678809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy_energy payTnv": {"value": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "ne": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy payTnv"]}, "component_portion energyTnn": {"value": "component_portion energyTnn", "ne": "component_portion energyTnn", "patterns": ["component_portion energyTnn"]}, "hour offpeakTnn": {"value": "hour offpeakTnn", "ne": "hour offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["hour offpeakTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "$5", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "offpeak pricenumericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "$26", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["power pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-7-2001-9:15:54Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-7-2001-9:15:54Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-7-2001-9:15:54", "m..forney@enron.com", "jae.black@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25829654.1075852394882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 09:15:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jae.black@enron.com\nSubject: Tampa Trip on Tuesday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Black, Tamara Jae \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nTj,\nCan you price a flight for me to Tampa that would leave from Hobby airport? The meetnig is on Tuesday and I could leave either Monday night or Tuesday morning.\nI could take an afternoon flight from Tampa to Houston Hobby.\n\n\nThanks,.\n\nJMF", "Tampa Trip on Tuesday", "", [["provide_leave cost_price", 5, "nninformation", ["price", "leave"], "request", " tj, can you price a flight for me to tampa that would leave from hobby airport?"]], "\n\nTj,\nCan you price a flight for me to Tampa that would leave from Hobby airport? The meetnig is on Tuesday and I could leave either Monday night or Tuesday morning.\nI could take an afternoon flight from Tampa to Houston Hobby.\n\n\nThanks,.\n\nJMF", "<25829654.1075852394882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "5-12-2001-7:21:20Sm..forney@enron.com": {"5-12-2001-7:21:20Sm..forney@enron.com": ["5-12-2001-7:21:20", "m..forney@enron.com", "employment@anadarko.com", "", "Message-ID: <13251355.1075859220200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 07:21:20 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: employment@anadarko.com\nSubject: Energy Marketing\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'employment@anadarko.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nGreetings:\n\nMy name is John Forney and I am currently an employee of Enron North America. I am a Woodlands resident and take great interest in employment opportunities withyour company. I have been involved, primarily, in electricity and gas trading. I also have gas purchase and natural gas pipeline experience. \n I have a proven track record of success and look forward to new challenges.\n\nI have attached my resume which details my experience and capabilities. If you have further interest in talking with me, please contact me at 713-853-7160 or 281-419-4388.\n\nThanks for your time,\n\nJohn Forney\nDirector, Ercot Trading\n\n\n ", "Energy Marketing", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 33, "information", ["attached", "details"], "information", " i have attached my resume which details my experience and capabilities."]], "Greetings:\n\nMy name is John Forney and I am currently an employee of Enron North America. I am a Woodlands resident and take great interest in employment opportunities withyour company. I have been involved, primarily, in electricity and gas trading. I also have gas purchase and natural gas pipeline experience. \n I have a proven track record of success and look forward to new challenges.\n\nI have attached my resume which details my experience and capabilities. If you have further interest in talking with me, please contact me at 713-853-7160 or 281-419-4388.\n\nThanks for your time,\n\nJohn Forney\nDirector, Ercot Trading\n\n\n ", "<13251355.1075859220200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "name", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["employee personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-9-2001-12:53:41Sm..forney@enron.com": {"13-9-2001-12:53:41Sm..forney@enron.com": ["13-9-2001-12:53:41", "m..forney@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com paul.schiavone@enron.com andrea.dahlke@enron.com wayne.vinson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17399116.1075852368347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 12:53:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, paul.schiavone@enron.com,\n\tandrea.dahlke@enron.com, wayne.vinson@enron.com\nSubject: Annuity for September 12th flow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Schiavone, Paul , Dahlke, Andrea , Vinson, Donald Wayne \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nI have entered an annuity from Doug's book to Paul's to account for imbalance losses due to the September 11th tragedy.\nAnnuity number 774083, dated 9/12 will transfer a total of $67,530.15.\n\nSee the attached spreadsheet. \n\nJMF\n\n\n\n ", "Annuity for September 12th flow", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 2, "information", ["book", "entered"], "information", " i have entered an annuity from doug's book to personname s to account for imbalance losses due to the datenumeric th tragedy."], ["attach spreadsheet", 19, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " see the attached spreadsheet."]], "\n\nI have entered an annuity from Doug's book to Paul's to account for imbalance losses due to the September 11th tragedy.\nAnnuity number 774083, dated 9/12 will transfer a total of $67,530.15.\n\nSee the attached spreadsheet. \n\nJMF\n\n\n\n ", "<17399116.1075852368347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"17": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$67,530", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-10-2001-11:9:32Sm..forney@enron.com": {"31-10-2001-11:9:32Sm..forney@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-11:9:32", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14585350.1075862637820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:09:32 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Just a couple of housecleaning issues.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Saibi-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nAs you have heard, we are working with creditors to shore up our creditworthiness due to the recent cash crunch. We have been successful in addressing most of the fears of certain counterparties who were reluctant to trade with us. The Power and Gas Trading floors have been supporting the profitability of the entire company for the last three years at least, so it is my personal belief that we will still have plenty of opportunity in this department, ie courting new service customers and continuing to build the Teco/Frontera relationship. I have been working with the physical RT traders and selling/buying the financial swap; this has held great interest in the market.\nI realize and understand that it is tough to read the papers and wonder what is happening - but, for the new employees, this means getting in on the ground floor.\nThis is a huge business and we expect to get back to our roots: TRADING. We will have to tough this one out. \n\nWe are, however, avoiding expenditures as evidenced by the food service being cancelled. All personal cell phone expenses that had been previously turned in on an expense report will no longer be honored for Real time workers. Additionally, expenses related to happy hours, etc will not be honored unless previously approved.\n\nI also have to mention:\n\nThe chairs for the traders (and myself) have been moving around. Some of these chairs have been acquired specifically for employees with lower back issues, etc.\nDont borrow chairs from the traders because they are not being returned. If other RT groups are borrowing them, this must stop.\nSome chairs are never to be seen again. This defies logic. It sounds a bit petty, but when you come in for work at 5:30 am, the last thing you want to do is find your chair or at least one that is not broken. \n\nWe are soon to have a meeting to discuss the Hourly QSE MOS system. We are revising it again to make it simpler.\n\nAlso, on Sunday November 18th, we are to be testing the computers in the new building. The Sunday day shift trader will trade in this building. I will be at the new building, testing paralell until the night shift arrives. The night shift will report to the new building on the 18th. We will be cleaning up around our workspace starting this Friday. \n\nAdditionally, a new schedule has been implemented. The changes affect only George Phillips and Isaac Wong. We need to delete all other test versions of the schedule.\n\n\n\nThanks for hanging in there,\nJMF\n", "Just a couple of housecleaning issues.", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 15, "information", ["counterparties", "trade"], "information", " we have been successful in addressing most of the fears of certain counterparties who were reluctant to trade with us."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 36, "information", ["0financial**swap", "selling"], "information", " i have been working with the physical rt traders and selling/buying the orgname swap; this has held great interest in the market."]], "\nAs you have heard, we are working with creditors to shore up our creditworthiness due to the recent cash crunch. We have been successful in addressing most of the fears of certain counterparties who were reluctant to trade with us. The Power and Gas Trading floors have been supporting the profitability of the entire company for the last three years at least, so it is my personal belief that we will still have plenty of opportunity in this department, ie courting new service customers and continuing to build the Teco/Frontera relationship. I have been working with the physical RT traders and selling/buying the financial swap; this has held great interest in the market.\nI realize and understand that it is tough to read the papers and wonder what is happening - but, for the new employees, this means getting in on the ground floor.\nThis is a huge business and we expect to get back to our roots: TRADING. We will have to tough this one out. \n\nWe are, however, avoiding expenditures as evidenced by the food service being cancelled. All personal cell phone expenses that had been previously turned in on an expense report will no longer be honored for Real time workers. Additionally, expenses related to happy hours, etc will not be honored unless previously approved.\n\nI also have to mention:\n\nThe chairs for the traders (and myself) have been moving around. Some of these chairs have been acquired specifically for employees with lower back issues, etc.\nDont borrow chairs from the traders because they are not being returned. If other RT groups are borrowing them, this must stop.\nSome chairs are never to be seen again. This defies logic. It sounds a bit petty, but when you come in for work at 5:30 am, the last thing you want to do is find your chair or at least one that is not broken. \n\nWe are soon to have a meeting to discuss the Hourly QSE MOS system. We are revising it again to make it simpler.\n\nAlso, on Sunday November 18th, we are to be testing the computers in the new building. The Sunday day shift trader will trade in this building. I will be at the new building, testing paralell until the night shift arrives. The night shift will report to the new building on the 18th. We will be cleaning up around our workspace starting this Friday. \n\nAdditionally, a new schedule has been implemented. The changes affect only George Phillips and Isaac Wong. We need to delete all other test versions of the schedule.\n\n\n\nThanks for hanging in there,\nJMF\n", "<14585350.1075862637820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"customer serviceTnn": {"value": "customer serviceTnn", "ne": "customer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["customer serviceTnn"]}, "gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}, "rt traderTnn": {"value": "rt traderTnn", "ne": "rt traderTnn", "patterns": ["rt traderTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-10-2001-13:20:54Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-10-2001-13:20:54Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-10-2001-13:20:54", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9650598.1075852370049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 13:20:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com\nSubject: FW: FPL Energy Mktg dispute 9/1/01\nCc: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe \nX-cc: Jacobson, Michael \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nJoe,\nHere's another. Please check this out and let me know what's going on.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJacobson, Michael \nSent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 12:56 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tFPL Energy Mktg dispute 9/1/01\n\nJMF,\n\nOn 9/1/01 FPL Energy Mktg is showing the following deal that we do not have in the Hourly P&L nor in EnPower...\n\nHE 9 - 25 mws @ $21\nHE 10 - 25 mws @ $21\n\nThanks,\nMJ", "FW: FPL Energy Mktg dispute 9/1/01", "", [["check_break object", 3, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request", " please check this out and let me know what's going on."]], "\nJoe,\nHere's another. Please check this out and let me know what's going on.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n ", "<9650598.1075852370049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-9-2001-14:52:40Sm..forney@enron.com": {"20-9-2001-14:52:40Sm..forney@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-14:52:40", "m..forney@enron.com", "erik.serio@enron.com joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "laurel.adams@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5217664.1075852295260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:52:40 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: erik.serio@enron.com, joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com,\n\tjoe.errigo@enron.com, alexander.mcelreath@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com,\n\teric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera for hour ending 7 tomorrow, 9/21\nCc: laurel.adams@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: laurel.adams@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Serio, Erik , Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Adams, Laurel \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n\nFor tomorrow, see the attached schedule. This is what is communicated to Frontera. The mw value at the top of the page indicates what their total generation should be by hour. The Resource Plan shuold be identical to this row. Row 5 mirrors the purchase from Frontera in Enpower. The Mirant call and Enron's call (Ercot Asset Book - 100 mw's) are listed as well as any daily trades executed on behalf of Frontera. Please familiarize yourself with this report \n\nThe top line will indicate how much power is available for bal-day sales, etc. Additionally, the Resource Plan needs to accurately reflect to Ercot what the plant is capable of. For example, if we are generating at the maximum of 450 mw's, we need to reflect that the combined maximums on units 1-3 do not exceed this amount.\n\nOtherwise, Ercot thinks they can OOM you up.\n\n\nSpecifically for tomorrow, please note that we are going from 135 mw hour ending 6 to 250 mw's hour ending 7. The plant doesnt like to do this. A 200 mw schedule would be much more preferrable for this ramp.\nSo either :\n1. purchase 50 mw's from RT market for he 7. Change Resource Plan to 200 mw's for hour ending 7 only. Put purchase from in Teco Services book.\nMake another corresponding sale to Frontera counterparty in the Teco Services book. If you dont make the second entry in Enpower the Teco Services book will be long for hour ending 7.\n2. have plant drag and buy imbalance - they will call to make this decision. No entries will be needed.\n\nCall if you have questions.\n\n\n\nJMF\n\n \n\n\n\n", "Frontera for hour ending 7 tomorrow, 9/21", "", [["attach schedule", 3, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " for tomorrow, see the attached schedule."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 9, "information", ["indicates", "mw"], "information", " this is what is communicated to orgname the mw value at the top of the page indicates what their total generation should be by hour."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 27, "information", ["executed", "100**mw"], "information", " the mirant call and enron's call orgname book - numeric mw's) are listed as well as any daily trades executed on behalf of orgname please familiarize yourself with this report the top line will indicate how much power is available for bal-day sales, etc."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 74, "nninformation", ["purchase", "50**mw"], "request", " purchase numeric mw's from rt market for he numeric ."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 87, "nninformation", ["make", "sale"], "request", " make another corresponding sale to orgname counterparty in the orgname book."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 95, "nninformation", ["0teco0services**book", "long"], "intention", " if you dont make the second entry in enpower the orgname book will be long for hour ending numeric ."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 104, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", " have plant drag and buy imbalance - they will call to make this decision."]], "\n\n\nFor tomorrow, see the attached schedule. This is what is communicated to Frontera. The mw value at the top of the page indicates what their total generation should be by hour. The Resource Plan shuold be identical to this row. Row 5 mirrors the purchase from Frontera in Enpower. The Mirant call and Enron's call (Ercot Asset Book - 100 mw's) are listed as well as any daily trades executed on behalf of Frontera. Please familiarize yourself with this report \n\nThe top line will indicate how much power is available for bal-day sales, etc. Additionally, the Resource Plan needs to accurately reflect to Ercot what the plant is capable of. For example, if we are generating at the maximum of 450 mw's, we need to reflect that the combined maximums on units 1-3 do not exceed this amount.\n\nOtherwise, Ercot thinks they can OOM you up.\n\n\nSpecifically for tomorrow, please note that we are going from 135 mw hour ending 6 to 250 mw's hour ending 7. The plant doesnt like to do this. A 200 mw schedule would be much more preferrable for this ramp.\nSo either :\n1. purchase 50 mw's from RT market for he 7. Change Resource Plan to 200 mw's for hour ending 7 only. Put purchase from in Teco Services book.\nMake another corresponding sale to Frontera counterparty in the Teco Services book. If you dont make the second entry in Enpower the Teco Services book will be long for hour ending 7.\n2. have plant drag and buy imbalance - they will call to make this decision. No entries will be needed.\n\nCall if you have questions.\n\n\n\nJMF\n\n \n\n\n\n", "<5217664.1075852295260.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"91": {"value": "0teco0services**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book saleTnn"]}, "counterparty saleTnn": {"value": "counterparty saleTnn", "ne": "counterparty saleTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty saleTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "61": {"value": "135**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "64": {"value": "250**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "83": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "200**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw resource0planTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "(ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "200**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw scheduleTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "0teco0services**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["orgname0book purchaseTnn"]}, "reflect resource0planTvn": {"value": "reflect resource0planTvn", "ne": "reflect resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["reflect resource0planTvn"]}}, false]}, "26-9-2001-10:32:31Sm..forney@enron.com": {"26-9-2001-10:32:31Sm..forney@enron.com": ["26-9-2001-10:32:31", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25969950.1075852369246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:32:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Morning trades\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nUntil further, it is best to avoid long positions in the morning hours that are to liquidate against the balancing market. The downside is $1000 and the upside maybe $10.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n", "Morning trades", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 2, "information", ["hours", "long"], "information", " until further, it is best to avoid long positions in the morning hours that are to liquidate against the balancing market."]], "\n\nUntil further, it is best to avoid long positions in the morning hours that are to liquidate against the balancing market. The downside is $1000 and the upside maybe $10.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n", "<25969950.1075852369246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance_balance0energy hourTnn": {"value": "balance_balance0energy hourTnn", "ne": "balance_balance0energy hourTnn", "patterns": ["balance_balance0energy hourTnn"]}, "balance_balance0energy positionTnn": {"value": "balance_balance0energy positionTnn", "ne": "balance_balance0energy positionTnn", "patterns": ["balance_balance0energy positionTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-11-2001-10:35:31Sm..forney@enron.com": {"2-11-2001-10:35:31Sm..forney@enron.com": ["2-11-2001-10:35:31", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29294931.1075862638347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 10:35:31 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Length in the Hrly Ercot Book\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Saibi-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nThe Hrly Ercot book is 30 mw's long for Sat and Sund. This pwr has been schedule to the North Zone. \n\nThe Ercot Offpeak desk has floated 50 mw's for the same time period. If the pool starts to tank, then sell out to a bilateral counterparty.\n\nFYI, the purchase price was $26.25.\n\nJMF", "Length in the Hrly Ercot Book", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 6, "information", ["ercot**book", "long"], "information", " the hrly ercot book is numeric mw's long for sat and sund."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 21, "nninformation", ["counterparty", "sell"], "request", " if the pool starts to tank, then sell out to a bilateral counterparty."]], "\n\nThe Hrly Ercot book is 30 mw's long for Sat and Sund. This pwr has been schedule to the North Zone. \n\nThe Ercot Offpeak desk has floated 50 mw's for the same time period. If the pool starts to tank, then sell out to a bilateral counterparty.\n\nFYI, the purchase price was $26.25.\n\nJMF", "<29294931.1075862638347.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"27": {"value": "$26 25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "ercot**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["length orgname0bookTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw offpeakTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "ercot**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-11-2001-12:3:11Sm..forney@enron.com": {"27-11-2001-12:3:11Sm..forney@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-12:3:11", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com oh.seung-taek@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12452286.1075859219840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 12:03:11 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, phillips.george@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, oh.seung-taek@enron.com\nSubject: length for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , George Phillips , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , seung-taek oh \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nThere is length for the offpeak scheduled in the North and South. LET IT RIDE, no adjustment is necessary.\n\nErcot Asset is long 50 mw from 12-23 in the North. We will monitor and sell hourly, as needed.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "length for tomorrow", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 3, "information", ["length", "scheduled"], "information", " there is length for the offpeak scheduled in the north and south."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 8, "information", ["long", "12", "50**mw"], "information", " orgname is long numeric mw from numeric numeric in the north."]], "\n\nThere is length for the offpeak scheduled in the North and South. LET IT RIDE, no adjustment is necessary.\n\nErcot Asset is long 50 mw from 12-23 in the North. We will monitor and sell hourly, as needed.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<12452286.1075859219840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"length offpeakTnn": {"value": "length offpeakTnn", "ne": "length offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["length offpeakTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "12", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-12-2001-9:2:45Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-12-2001-9:2:45Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-12-2001-9:2:45", "m..forney@enron.com", "rob_wiggins@agfg.com", "", "Message-ID: <2039886.1075859220376.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 09:02:45 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: rob_wiggins@agfg.com\nSubject: resumes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Rob Wiggins (E-mail) \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nRob,\nattached are my friend's resumes. i also added mine for your critique. Let me know what you think.\nI need to talk to you about negotiating a new deal; unfortunately it looks as if I may be leaving the state, either to Florida or back to Oregon.\n\nThe offers are starting to come in, but I dont want to leave anything on the table. Need your advice, so let's have that beer!\n\n\n ", "resumes", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 2, "information", ["attached", "resumes"], "information", " rob, attached are my friend's resumes."]], "\n\nRob,\nattached are my friend's resumes. i also added mine for your critique. Let me know what you think.\nI need to talk to you about negotiating a new deal; unfortunately it looks as if I may be leaving the state, either to Florida or back to Oregon.\n\nThe offers are starting to come in, but I dont want to leave anything on the table. Need your advice, so let's have that beer!\n\n\n ", "<2039886.1075859220376.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-9-2001-11:21:19Sm..forney@enron.com": {"17-9-2001-11:21:19Sm..forney@enron.com": ["17-9-2001-11:21:19", "m..forney@enron.com", "flbusot@tecoenergy.com", "", "Message-ID: <5401596.1075852368527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 11:21:19 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: flbusot@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: RE: Deployments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: '\"Frank Busot\" @ENRON' \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nFrank. \nThe ancillary services market for non-spinning has been horrible. Non- spinnning for today is, at most, 90 cents/mw for hours 14-18. The remaining hours are worth zero.\nThe down regulation and up regulation markets are lucrative at as much as $11.99/mw , but we are not certified for this service. As I understand it, there is some work necessary on the plant to allow us to sell up/down regulation and replacement. GE personel were to travel to the plant and do some work, but in light of world events, I do not know if they have arrived.\nOnce the upgrades are complete, we need to restart the certification process with Ercot.\n\nIf we sell non-spin for .90, we would need to withhold this power from the market. We have been selling, on a Real Time basis, as much power as we can get out the door. We have not been selling offpeak and we are starting schedules, typically at hour 10 through 22 for a sales price of $24.\n\nThat is the latest. We are currently looking at making sales in October. The heat rate is around 10.7\n\nThanks,\n\nJForney\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Frank Busot\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Frank+20Busot+22+20+3Cflbusot+40tecoenergy+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tMonday, September 17, 2001 12:48 PM\nTo:\tjforney@ect.enron.com; Jerry Watson\nCc:\tMiller, Jeffrey\nSubject:\tFwd: Deployments\n\nJerry / John,\n\nAre there any opportunities for our units in the non-spinning (day-ahead) reserves market?\n\nLooks like the only awards / deployments thus far have been in the intra-day down-balancing market...\n\nThanks,\nFrank\nReceived: from ybor-1mail.corp.teco.net\t(ybor-1mail-nt-srv.corp.teco.net [])\tby tecoenergy.com; Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:26:48 -0400\nReceived: from cyclops (unverified) by ybor-1mail.corp.teco.net (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.1.5) with SMTP id ; Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:26:16 -0400\nReceived: from corp.enron.com ([])\tby postmaster.enron.com (8.10.1/8.10.1/external_corp-1.08) with ESMTP id f8CDQX703063;\tWed, 12 Sep 2001 08:26:33 -0500 (CDT)\nReceived: from nahou-mscnx04p.corp.enron.com (unverified) by corp.enron.com (Content Technologies SMTPRS 4.2.1) with SMTP id ; Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:26:31 -0500\nReceived: from NAHOU-MSMBX01V.corp.enron.com ([]) by nahou-mscnx04p.corp.enron.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2966);\t Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:26:29 -0500\nX-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.4712.0\ncontent-class: urn:content-classes:message\nReturn-Receipt-To: \"Bolt, Laurel\" \nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed ; boundary=\"----_=_NextPart_001_01C13B8E.5E32ACFE\"\nDisposition-Notification-To: \"Bolt, Laurel\" \nSubject: Deployments\nDate: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:25:19 -0500\nMessage-ID: \nX-MS-Has-Attach:\nX-MS-TNEF-Correlator:\nThread-Topic: Deployments\nThread-Index: AcE7jl435kZ2pMDlRPOLgwsGV0SSJA==\nFrom: \"Bolt, Laurel\" \nTo: , , \nCc: \"Miller, Jeffrey\" \nX-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Sep 2001 13:26:29.0887 (UTC) FILETIME=[882908F0:01C13B8E]\n\nAttached is a schedule of all automated deployments related to the\nFrontera Plant. This schedule does not include any manual deployments.\nPlease let me know if you have any questions or comments.\n\n <>\n\nThanks,\nLaurel\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n**********************************************************************\n - TECODEPLOYMENTS.xls << File: TECODEPLOYMENTS.xls >> ", "RE: Deployments", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 29, "nninformation", ["plant", "sell"], "intention", " as i understand it, there is some work necessary on the plant to allow us to sell up/down regulation and replacement."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 55, "information", ["power", "selling"], "information", " we have been selling, on a real time basis, as much power as we can get out the door."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 60, "information", ["hour", "offpeak", "selling"], "information", " we have not been selling offpeak and we are starting schedules, typically at hour numeric through numeric for a sales price of pricenumeric ."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 70, "nninformation", ["making", "sales"], "intention", " we are currently looking at making sales in october."]], "Frank. \nThe ancillary services market for non-spinning has been horrible. Non- spinnning for today is, at most, 90 cents/mw for hours 14-18. The remaining hours are worth zero.\nThe down regulation and up regulation markets are lucrative at as much as $11.99/mw , but we are not certified for this service. As I understand it, there is some work necessary on the plant to allow us to sell up/down regulation and replacement. GE personel were to travel to the plant and do some work, but in light of world events, I do not know if they have arrived.\nOnce the upgrades are complete, we need to restart the certification process with Ercot.\n\nIf we sell non-spin for .90, we would need to withhold this power from the market. We have been selling, on a Real Time basis, as much power as we can get out the door. We have not been selling offpeak and we are starting schedules, typically at hour 10 through 22 for a sales price of $24.\n\nThat is the latest. We are currently looking at making sales in October. The heat rate is around 10.7\n\nThanks,\n\nJForney\n\n \n\n ", "<5401596.1075852368527.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"69": {"value": "$24", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "hour_hour0end price pricenumericTnnn", "pricenumeric saleTnn"]}, "cost_price saleTnn": {"value": "cost_price saleTnn", "ne": "cost_price saleTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price saleTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["heat0rate numericTnn"]}, "hour offpeakTnn": {"value": "hour offpeakTnn", "ne": "hour offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["hour offpeakTnn"]}, "65": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "hour_hour0end priceTnn": {"value": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "ne": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end priceTnn"]}, "market powerTnn": {"value": "market powerTnn", "ne": "market powerTnn", "patterns": ["market powerTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$11 99", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-9-2001-11:26:51Sm..forney@enron.com": {"7-9-2001-11:26:51Sm..forney@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-11:26:51", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21926510.1075852367823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 11:26:51 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Please read the attached\nCc: l..day@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: l..day@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Day, Smith L. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nPlease note that when we will receive a unit specific instruction, we will also receive a category one deployment.\nThe unit specific instruction tells us the level that they want the unit to produce. The category one is just a summary of how much we need to move to achieve the unit specific level. These should not be combined .\n\nAlso, when you receive a category 2, 3 or 4 we are essentially receiving an OOM type instruction that is settled under the OOM provisions. \n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Hunsucker, Brett\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hunsucker+2C+20Brett+22+20+3CBhunsucker+40ercot+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tFriday, September 07, 2001 12:54 PM\nTo:\tMiller, Jeffrey; Patterson, Mark\nCc:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: Question\n\n\nJeff,\nIf you've rec'd a deployment instruction that is a Category 2,3 or 4, it implies the deployment is to relieve operational, or local, CONG. The Security Constrained Economic Dispatch algorithm has determined your unit is located such that its movement per the instructions will help to alleviate the local congestion. Following is copied from the document, \"Market Bulletin-Thursday August 8, 2001\". This is the last paragraph on page 2 of that document.\n\"Therefore, when Operational Congestion exists, the solution found in STEP 1 may be augmented in STEP 2 with both resource specific and modified portfolio awards. The result of STEP 2 is always a set of final portfolio based and resource specific dispatch instructions to be issued to the QSEs to solve the operational congestion. Because the final portfolio based dispatch instruction equals the net result of the preliminary STEP 1 portfolio based balancing energy awards and any STEP 2 portfolio adjustments, the QSE's bid curve may not match the MCPE determined in STEP 1. This may be causing the appearance of being incorrectly \"struck\". Whenever a QSE receives unit specific deployments, it will also receive a Category 1 portfolio based deployment. ERCOT expects that the portfolio-based instruction will be followed.\"\nSo, even though your customer is determining your bids, your unit could be called upon to relieve any local Cong that results from \"Step 1\" (per the referenced bulletin) deployments to resolve load/gen imbalances and zonal cong, if that unit is deemed to have an effect (the shift factor) on the constrained line. \n \nClear as mud? Hope this helps. \n \nI'm leaving here in about five minutes to go to an appt with Holly, but will be back in on Monday. \n \nRegards,\n \nBrett \n \n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jeffrey.Miller@enron.com mailto:Jeffrey.Miller@enron.com ]\nSent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:53 AM\nTo: Bhunsucker@ercot.com\nCc: John.M.Forney@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Question\nBrett--\nwe're being deployed down (DBES) for more than what our bid states. In\nother words, we had a DBES Bid in for $-5 and we're getting deployed to dec\ngeneration and the MCP is $28. The kicker is the \"category\" of DBES in\nwhich we're being deployed. I just got off the phone with Mark Paterson &\nhe's indicated that if you are deployed to provide DBES in \"category\" 2\nthrough 4, then that DBES Deployment was given--unit specific-- OUTSIDE THE\nBID STACK (he said it was because we were CAUSING congestion).\nMy concern is that our bids are instructed by our customer. The customer\nis wondering why we're being deployed above our bid. Also of concern is\nthat, according to Mark, that these DBES's--categories 2 through 4 are\ntreated and settled as OOM's--largely a different settlement than DBES.\nAdd to that that the \"category\" treatment relative to settlement (or even\nbeing mentioned, for that matter) is NOT in the protocols--per Mark.\nHe's just sent me a one-page explanation of this process so I need to\nreview it but have you heard of this?\n -----Original Message-----\n From: \"Hunsucker, Brett\" @ENRON\n mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hunsucker+2C+20Brett+22+20+3CBhunsucker+40ercot+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com ]\n Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:37 AM\n To: Miller, Jeffrey\n Subject: RE: Question\n What's the question?\n -----Original Message-----\n From: Miller, Jeffrey [mailto:Jeffrey.Miller@ENRON.com << File:\n mailto:Jeffrey.Miller@ENRON.com >> \n Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:06 AM\n To: Brett Hunsucker (E-mail)\n Subject: Question\n Would it be prudent for me to call Cheryl Moseley for a Market Ops\n question? (a la Nancy Traweek in CA?)\n **********************************************************************\n This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate\n and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of\n the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure\n by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient\n (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender\n or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and\n delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments\n hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not\n create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron\n Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other\n party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by\n estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.\n **********************************************************************", "Please read the attached", "", [["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 3, "nninformation", ["instruction", "receive"], "intention", "please note that when we will receive a unit specific instruction, we will also receive a category one deployment."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 28, "nninformation", ["instruction", "receiving"], "intention", " also, when you receive a category numeric , numeric or numeric we are essentially receiving an oom type instruction that is settled under the oom provisions."]], "Please note that when we will receive a unit specific instruction, we will also receive a category one deployment.\nThe unit specific instruction tells us the level that they want the unit to produce. The category one is just a summary of how much we need to move to achieve the unit specific level. These should not be combined .\n\nAlso, when you receive a category 2, 3 or 4 we are essentially receiving an OOM type instruction that is settled under the OOM provisions. \n\nJMF\n\n ", "<21926510.1075852367823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "23-7-2001-12:13:55Sm..forney@enron.com": {"23-7-2001-12:13:55Sm..forney@enron.com": ["23-7-2001-12:13:55", "m..forney@enron.com", "jmwatson@tecoenergy.com", "", "Message-ID: <29378546.1075852395248.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:13:55 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: Worksheet for July 24th.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'jmwatson@tecoenergy.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nJerry,\nTake a look and check to see if I missed anything. Also, I would assume that you have some additional energy to sell for hour ending 7&8 and he 22. Is that true?\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "Worksheet for July 24th.", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 8, "nninformation", ["he**22", "sell"], "intention", " also, i would assume that you have some additional energy to sell for hour ending numeric & numeric and he numeric ."]], "\n\nJerry,\nTake a look and check to see if I missed anything. Also, I would assume that you have some additional energy to sell for hour ending 7&8 and he 22. Is that true?\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "<29378546.1075852395248.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy sellTnv": {"value": "energy sellTnv", "ne": "energy sellTnv", "patterns": ["energy sellTnv"]}, "12": {"value": "he**22", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-10-2001-14:19:16Sm..forney@enron.com": {"22-10-2001-14:19:16Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-14:19:16", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com wong.isaac@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19158666.1075852370653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:19:16 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tphillips.george@enron.com, wong.isaac@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera position for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , George Phillips , Isaac Wong , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nI have sold Frontera a financial swap for $28.50 for hours ending 7-12. The first 3 hours are for size (300 mw's). \nI would buy hours 7-9 tomorrow for up to $20. I could buy up to the 300 mw's. Schedule this to load in the North.\nI could also use 200 mw's for he 10 and 150 mw's for he 11.\n\nCalpine has had an offer recently for hours ending 7-9.\n\nIf you have questions, please give me a call, as this is a very important issue.\n\nWords of advice:\n\nDont go into the market with a $20 bid for 300 mw's. Quietly accumulate these mw's if possible. Do not tip your hand on this deal, as that would contribute to spiking RT prices.\n\nThanks,\nJMF ", "Frontera position for tomorrow", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 1, "information", ["hours**ending", "7", "0financial**swap", "sold"], "information", " i have sold orgname a orgname swap for pricenumeric for hours ending numeric numeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 11, "nninformation", ["buy", "hours", "7"], "intention", " i would buy hours numeric numeric tomorrow for up to pricenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 16, "nninformation", ["buy", "300**mw"], "intention", " i could buy up to the numeric mw's."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 18, "nninformation", ["this", "schedule"], "request", " schedule this to load in the north."]], "\n\nI have sold Frontera a financial swap for $28.50 for hours ending 7-12. The first 3 hours are for size (300 mw's). \nI would buy hours 7-9 tomorrow for up to $20. I could buy up to the 300 mw's. Schedule this to load in the North.\nI could also use 200 mw's for he 10 and 150 mw's for he 11.\n\nCalpine has had an offer recently for hours ending 7-9.\n\nIf you have questions, please give me a call, as this is a very important issue.\n\nWords of advice:\n\nDont go into the market with a $20 bid for 300 mw's. Quietly accumulate these mw's if possible. Do not tip your hand on this deal, as that would contribute to spiking RT prices.\n\nThanks,\nJMF ", "<19158666.1075852370653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"37": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["bid pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "he**10", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "200**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "he**11", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "150**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "300**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "$28 50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "300**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "-9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "0financial**swap", "ne": "orgname0swap", "patterns": ["orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-6-2001-10:35:33Sm..forney@enron.com": {"7-6-2001-10:35:33Sm..forney@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-10:35:33", "m..forney@enron.com", "christopher.watts@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28646888.1075852393227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 10:35:33 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: christopher.watts@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com\nSubject: Ercot Scheduling Fees\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Watts, Christopher , Errigo, Joe , Saibi, Eric , Olinde Jr., Steve \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nPlease note that when you start/stop a schedule to or from the following control areas, the listed static scheduling fee applies. \n\nReliant/HLP - $49\nTNMP - $55\nCOA - $40\nBEC - $25\n\n\nFor example, if we schedule for one hour from BEC>COA, the one-time charge for scheduling alone would be a flat $65. Also applicable would be the per mw line losses and the wheeling fee of $.22 . \nPlease account for all such charges in the P&L report.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\t", "Ercot Scheduling Fees", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 17, "nninformation", ["$25", "schedule"], "intention", " reliant/hlp - pricenumeric tnmp - pricenumeric coa - pricenumeric bec - pricenumeric for example, if we schedule for one hour from bec coa, the one-time charge for scheduling alone would be a flat pricenumeric ."]], "\n\nPlease note that when you start/stop a schedule to or from the following control areas, the listed static scheduling fee applies. \n\nReliant/HLP - $49\nTNMP - $55\nCOA - $40\nBEC - $25\n\n\nFor example, if we schedule for one hour from BEC COA, the one-time charge for scheduling alone would be a flat $65. Also applicable would be the per mw line losses and the wheeling fee of $.22 . \nPlease account for all such charges in the P&L report.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\t", "<28646888.1075852393227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"23": {"value": "$65", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["flat pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-6-2001-6:33:44Sm..forney@enron.com": {"4-6-2001-6:33:44Sm..forney@enron.com": ["4-6-2001-6:33:44", "m..forney@enron.com", "bhunsucker@ercot.com", "", "Message-ID: <222038.1075852393087.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 06:33:44 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: bhunsucker@ercot.com\nSubject: howdy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'bhunsucker@ercot.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nBart,\nque paso, juaro? \nJeff passed on your e-mail. Too bad about the beetles. Is that the Taylor High School Mascot? \"Taylor, home of the fighting beetles,\".... Go beetles!\nI think you are right about Ercot being difficult to set up, but it just reemphasizes the need for you; they need an organizer and this situation fits your strengths.\nWell, enough about you, let's talk about me..............\nthe Entergy gig was made more difficult, as I received NO training in cash trading. After a couple of months, a coworker took me in and gave me some pointers on hedging, which is especially important in my region. The month of May was very profitable, finally, and things were coming together until..........\n\n(Please keep this confidential)\nPresto called me in to tell me that I was moving to Ercot as Manager of the Real Time group, his decision being final, no negotiations. (thanks for your understanding, bunghole).\nI had previously turned down several attempts to bring me back to Texas in this capacity and I expressed that I was less than happy with his decision.\nI think that Ercot will be busy and a worthwhile region to be involved with, given that we have retail load to service, etc. However, thats not the job that I agreed to move 3000 miles for. I suspect other changes would ensue, once I established this region.\n\nSo. It looks like I will be returning to Portland. We bought a new house here and are very happy with everything, except my job (which is a huge thing).\nI may be working West Mid Mkt SW or doing something with the Service Desk. I dont mind doing anything as long as it's productive. \nAnyway, I was pissed in the beginning, but I had to take time to digest this, analyze the opportunity and make an informed unemotional decision. \nI am too deep in the (out of the money) options to cut and run, so it now boils down to where do I want to live. There is interest outside of the company in me, but I am under contract. I miss Portland and I think about it all the time. I must be a mountain man at heart.\n\nWell, let me know if you have any thoughts on the above. Once again, I dont wish to have this get out to anyone on the West desk, just yet.\nI heard that you did really well on your home sale. That's awesome. Maybe I can buy back my house and my boat. (just kidding).\nI am actually more concerned about buying another boat than I am a house. How is your housing in Taylor?\nI miss the beer in PDX, boating and the winter bowling. It is freaking hot here in Texas!\n\nAnyway, keep kicking butt and keep those Texans in line! \n\nJMF\n\n\n\n", "howdy", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 104, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", " anyway, i was pissed in the beginning, but i had to take time to digest this, analyze the opportunity and make an informed unemotional decision."]], "\nBart,\nque paso, juaro? \nJeff passed on your e-mail. Too bad about the beetles. Is that the Taylor High School Mascot? \"Taylor, home of the fighting beetles,\".... Go beetles!\nI think you are right about Ercot being difficult to set up, but it just reemphasizes the need for you; they need an organizer and this situation fits your strengths.\nWell, enough about you, let's talk about me..............\nthe Entergy gig was made more difficult, as I received NO training in cash trading. After a couple of months, a coworker took me in and gave me some pointers on hedging, which is especially important in my region. The month of May was very profitable, finally, and things were coming together until..........\n\n(Please keep this confidential)\nPresto called me in to tell me that I was moving to Ercot as Manager of the Real Time group, his decision being final, no negotiations. (thanks for your understanding, bunghole).\nI had previously turned down several attempts to bring me back to Texas in this capacity and I expressed that I was less than happy with his decision.\nI think that Ercot will be busy and a worthwhile region to be involved with, given that we have retail load to service, etc. However, thats not the job that I agreed to move 3000 miles for. I suspect other changes would ensue, once I established this region.\n\nSo. It looks like I will be returning to Portland. We bought a new house here and are very happy with everything, except my job (which is a huge thing).\nI may be working West Mid Mkt SW or doing something with the Service Desk. I dont mind doing anything as long as it's productive. \nAnyway, I was pissed in the beginning, but I had to take time to digest this, analyze the opportunity and make an informed unemotional decision. \nI am too deep in the (out of the money) options to cut and run, so it now boils down to where do I want to live. There is interest outside of the company in me, but I am under contract. I miss Portland and I think about it all the time. I must be a mountain man at heart.\n\nWell, let me know if you have any thoughts on the above. Once again, I dont wish to have this get out to anyone on the West desk, just yet.\nI heard that you did really well on your home sale. That's awesome. Maybe I can buy back my house and my boat. (just kidding).\nI am actually more concerned about buying another boat than I am a house. How is your housing in Taylor?\nI miss the beer in PDX, boating and the winter bowling. It is freaking hot here in Texas!\n\nAnyway, keep kicking butt and keep those Texans in line! \n\nJMF\n\n\n\n", "<222038.1075852393087.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"company outsideTnn": {"value": "company outsideTnn", "ne": "company outsideTnn", "patterns": ["company outsideTnn"]}, "130": {"value": "west", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["desk locnameTnn"]}, "mid mktTnn": {"value": "mid mktTnn", "ne": "mid mktTnn", "patterns": ["mid mktTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-8-2001-8:0:38Sm..forney@enron.com": {"8-8-2001-8:0:38Sm..forney@enron.com": ["8-8-2001-8:0:38", "m..forney@enron.com", "peter.maheu@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3432952.1075852396147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 08:00:38 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: peter.maheu@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ERCOT SETTLEMENTS\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Maheu, Peter \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHere you go:\n\nThere is no banking mechanism. If A&B are net long, they receive the balancing energy price for all of their mw's. If C & D are short, then their short position is covered by the Ercot ISO; C & D are charged the balancing energy price plus replacement reserve /mw.\n\nIf the money, at the end of the day, is insufficient to pay A&B, then this full cost will be allocated on a load share ratio basis. This charge will be allocated under the UFE (unaccounted for energy) charge type. \nIf C & D serve load, then they will share the expense of paying for the balancing energy price to A & B. A & B escapes this expense allocation, as they do not serve load.\n\n\nJForney\n\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMaheu, Peter \nSent:\tWednesday, August 08, 2001 8:28 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRe: ERCOT SETTLEMENTS\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Peter Maheu/HOU/EES on 08/08/2001 08:27 AM ---------------------------\n\n \nPeter Maheu\n07/30/2001 12:55 PM\nTo:\tJohn M Forney/ENRON@enronXgate @ ENRON\ncc:\tKenneth Farrar/HOU/EES@EES, Gary Galow/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject:\tRe: ERCOT SETTLEMENTS << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \n\nExample assumptions:\nMarket consists entirely of 4 QSEs who have the following schedule-actual variances in a particular hour; A=+50MW; B=+50MW; C=-25MW & D=-25MW.\nMarket energy price is $100/MWH.\n\nSince money paid by C & D is insufficient to fully reimburse A & B (5000+5000-2500-2500=5000), what happens in the settlement? Do A & B get proportionally less than they otherwise would have gotten? Or, is there a banking mechanism that builds up in hours where there are overages and is drawn down in hours where there are shortages (such as example above)?\n\n\n\n", "RE: ERCOT SETTLEMENTS", "", [["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 5, "nninformation", ["mw", "receive"], "intention", " if a&b are net long, they receive the balancing energy price for all of their mw's."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 22, "nninformation", ["cost", "pay"], "intention", " if the money, at the end of the day, is insufficient to pay a&b, then this full cost will be allocated on a load share ratio basis."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 38, "nninformation", ["price", "paying"], "intention", " if c & d serve load, then they will share the expense of paying for the balancing energy price to a & b."]], "Here you go:\n\nThere is no banking mechanism. If A&B are net long, they receive the balancing energy price for all of their mw's. If C & D are short, then their short position is covered by the Ercot ISO; C & D are charged the balancing energy price plus replacement reserve /mw.\n\nIf the money, at the end of the day, is insufficient to pay A&B, then this full cost will be allocated on a load share ratio basis. This charge will be allocated under the UFE (unaccounted for energy) charge type. \nIf C & D serve load, then they will share the expense of paying for the balancing energy price to A & B. A & B escapes this expense allocation, as they do not serve load.\n\n\nJForney\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "<3432952.1075852396147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy pay priceTnvn": {"value": "balance0energy pay priceTnvn", "ne": "balance0energy pay priceTnvn", "patterns": ["balance0energy pay priceTnvn"]}, "balance0energy price receiveTnnv": {"value": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "ne": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy price receiveTnnv"]}, "balance0energy_energy payTnv": {"value": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "ne": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy payTnv"]}, "balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "balance_balance0energy positionTnn": {"value": "balance_balance0energy positionTnn", "ne": "balance_balance0energy positionTnn", "patterns": ["balance_balance0energy positionTnn"]}, "cost_price loadTnn": {"value": "cost_price loadTnn", "ne": "cost_price loadTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price loadTnn"]}, "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn": {"value": "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn", "ne": "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw priceTnn"]}, "price replacement reserveTnnn": {"value": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "ne": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "patterns": ["price replacement reserveTnnn"]}, "replacement reserveTnn": {"value": "replacement reserveTnn", "ne": "replacement reserveTnn", "patterns": ["replacement reserveTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-6-2001-13:27:54Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-6-2001-13:27:54Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-6-2001-13:27:54", "m..forney@enron.com", "clint.dean@enron.com", "joy.werner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22934983.1075852393317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 13:27:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: clint.dean@enron.com\nSubject: Flood Sale on Saturday\nCc: joy.werner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: joy.werner@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Dean, Clint \nX-cc: Werner, Joy \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nClinton,\nDue to the flood, our phones rolled over to the Portland office on Saturday. Geir Solberg sold hours 13-15, 230 mw's each hour to CSCS for $25.\nI have entered the deals today and they are as follows:\n\nFrontera, deal no. 644515, entered under Teco Services book\nAEP deal no. 644529, also entered under Teco Services.\n\nI dont know how the reconciliation of this Services book takes place. I am working on some procedures and need some input.\n\nLets party,\n\nJMF", "Flood Sale on Saturday", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 9, "information", ["hours", "13", "sold"], "information", " geir solberg sold hours numeric numeric , numeric mw's each hour to cscs for pricenumeric ."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 16, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", " i have entered the deals today and they are as follows: orgname deal no numeric , entered under orgname book aep deal no numeric , also entered under orgname i dont know how the reconciliation of this services book takes place."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 20, "information", ["0teco0services**book", "entered"], "information", " i have entered the deals today and they are as follows: orgname deal no numeric , entered under orgname book aep deal no numeric , also entered under orgname i dont know how the reconciliation of this services book takes place."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 24, "information", ["deal", "entered", "644529"], "information", " i have entered the deals today and they are as follows: orgname deal no numeric , entered under orgname book aep deal no numeric , also entered under orgname i dont know how the reconciliation of this services book takes place."]], "\n\nClinton,\nDue to the flood, our phones rolled over to the Portland office on Saturday. Geir Solberg sold hours 13-15, 230 mw's each hour to CSCS for $25.\nI have entered the deals today and they are as follows:\n\nFrontera, deal no. 644515, entered under Teco Services book\nAEP deal no. 644529, also entered under Teco Services.\n\nI dont know how the reconciliation of this Services book takes place. I am working on some procedures and need some input.\n\nLets party,\n\nJMF", "<22934983.1075852393317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"19": {"value": "644515", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "644529", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "230**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "12": {"value": "-15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}}, false]}, "4-9-2001-8:9:2Sm..forney@enron.com": {"4-9-2001-8:9:2Sm..forney@enron.com": ["4-9-2001-8:9:2", "m..forney@enron.com", "george.phillips@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9002060.1075852367505.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 08:09:02 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: george.phillips@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Couple of Questions\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Phillips, George \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHello, George.\n1. The actual shift change occurs at 6 am until further, however, I expect traders to arrive at least 20 minutes before shift change.\n2 the September work schedule is attached\n3. I understand that most park in daily fee, \"outside\" lots.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPhillips, George \nSent:\tTuesday, September 04, 2001 9:50 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tCouple of Questions\n\nJohn, \n\nGood morning. Just wanted to pose a couple of questions that I was thinking about this weekend. First, does the shift begin at 5:30or 6? I know you had mentioned that you may change the hours. If you know, what is the general consensus for those individuals working night and days, as far as parking is concerned. Lastly, please forward me the September schedule when you get a chance? \n\nThanks John, I'm looking forward to coming up!!! George ", "RE: Couple of Questions", "", [["attach schedule", 17, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " numeric the september work schedule is attached numeric ."]], "Hello, George.\n1. The actual shift change occurs at 6 am until further, however, I expect traders to arrive at least 20 minutes before shift change.\n2 the September work schedule is attached\n3. I understand that most park in daily fee, \"outside\" lots.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF \n\n ", "<9002060.1075852367505.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["minute numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-8-2001-6:11:15Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-8-2001-6:11:15Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-8-2001-6:11:15", "m..forney@enron.com", "m..presto@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25749331.1075852396872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 06:11:15 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: m..presto@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Texas Pilot Enrollments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Presto, Kevin M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nWe have not scheduled this load as of yet. I met with Narasimha yesterday in order to cut through the b.s. and get at least a rudimentary plan in place.\nHere it is:\n\tBy 7am - EES submits to us their load plan / hedges - EES to use their forecast initially.\n\tWe cover open position and submit schedules to Ercot\n\tWe monitor Real Time and handle continigencies\n\tWholesale settlement provided, ancillary service charges , local congestion, etc is to be passed to EES.\n\nNarasimha will provide the load info and we are projecting a September 1st start at the latest. \n\nWe are preparing a term sheet today that will reflect the basic requirements above. We will certainly add more complexity to this deal in the form of fixing exposure to A/S and other charges. \nWe are prepared to go forward with this immediately. \n\nJMF\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPresto, Kevin M. \nSent:\tMonday, August 20, 2001 6:19 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.; Gilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tFW: Texas Pilot Enrollments\n\nAre we using this load now?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHerndon, Rogers \nSent:\tMonday, August 20, 2001 3:44 PM\nTo:\tPresto, Kevin M.\nSubject:\tFW: Texas Pilot Enrollments\n\nFYI\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMerola, Jeff \nSent:\tMonday, August 20, 2001 3:14 PM\nTo:\tHerndon, Rogers\nCc:\tOgenyi, Gloria; Ochsner, Preston\nSubject:\tTexas Pilot Enrollments\n\nRogers,\n\nHere is the answer on the TX pilots, we have all 5 accounts enrolled in TXU and 0 behind Reliant HL&P.\n\nJeff\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jeff Merola/HOU/EES on 08/20/2001 03:12 PM ---------------------------\n\n << OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >> \nRebecca Fite\n08/20/2001 02:47 PM\nTo:\tJeff Merola/HOU/EES@EES, Preston Ochsner/Enron@EnronXGate, nhetrick@enron.com, Patricia Collins/HOU/EES@EES, David Salley/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\tEvan Hughes/HOU/EES@EES, Jason Woodward/HOU/EES@EES \nSubject:\tTexas Pilot Enrollments\n\nTeam,\n\nI'm not sure what has been communicated regarding the enrollments. I wanted to ensure everyone was aware of the current status. \n\nThe (5) packaged ice accounts were accepted by TXU and load availability was confirmed. The 814 enrollment request will be submitted today/tomorrow by CSC.\n\nThe (28) target accounts were rejected by Reliant as the rate class is full. There is no load available.\n\nPlease advise if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nRebecca\n", "RE: Texas Pilot Enrollments", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 2, "information", ["load", "scheduled"], "information", "we have not scheduled this load as of yet."], ["submit schedule", 21, "nninformation", ["schedules", "submit"], "intention", " we cover open position and submit schedules to ercot we monitor real time and handle continigencies wholesale settlement provided, ancillary service charges , local congestion, etc is to be passed to ees."], ["supply_provide info_information", 36, "nninformation", ["info", "provide"], "intention", " narasimha will provide the load info and we are projecting a datenumeric st start at the latest."]], "We have not scheduled this load as of yet. I met with Narasimha yesterday in order to cut through the b.s. and get at least a rudimentary plan in place.\nHere it is:\n\tBy 7am - EES submits to us their load plan / hedges - EES to use their forecast initially.\n\tWe cover open position and submit schedules to Ercot\n\tWe monitor Real Time and handle continigencies\n\tWholesale settlement provided, ancillary service charges , local congestion, etc is to be passed to EES.\n\nNarasimha will provide the load info and we are projecting a September 1st start at the latest. \n\nWe are preparing a term sheet today that will reflect the basic requirements above. We will certainly add more complexity to this deal in the form of fixing exposure to A/S and other charges. \nWe are prepared to go forward with this immediately. \n\nJMF\n\n\n ", "<25749331.1075852396872.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"real0time scheduleTnn": {"value": "real0time scheduleTnn", "ne": "real0time scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["real0time scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-8-2001-8:2:41Sm..forney@enron.com": {"31-8-2001-8:2:41Sm..forney@enron.com": ["31-8-2001-8:2:41", "m..forney@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28398195.1075852397098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 08:02:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: lloyd.will@enron.com\nSubject: Digital Certificate for Frontera\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Will, Lloyd \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nLloyd,\nFrontera needs a portal so that they may submit outage schedules for their plant. We, as the QSE, arent able to submit this, per Protocols.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Digital Certificate for Frontera", "", [["submit schedule", 5, "nninformation", ["schedules", "submit"], "intention", " lloyd, orgname needs a portal so that they may submit outage schedules for their plant."], ["submit schedule", 10, "nninformation", ["qse", "submit"], "intention", " we, as the qse, arent able to submit this, per protocols."]], "\n\nLloyd,\nFrontera needs a portal so that they may submit outage schedules for their plant. We, as the QSE, arent able to submit this, per Protocols.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<28398195.1075852397098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"portal scheduleTnn": {"value": "portal scheduleTnn", "ne": "portal scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["portal scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-10-2001-10:52:12Sm..forney@enron.com": {"30-10-2001-10:52:12Sm..forney@enron.com": ["30-10-2001-10:52:12", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7935343.1075862637464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 10:52:12 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Ercot Options book is long tomorrow 7-22\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Saibi-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThe company is 50 mw's long onpeak under deal 683846.1. Either leave in the pool or sell balance of the day. The sale side should go under Ercot Options book.\nThe power is currently scheduled to the North Zone.\n\nJMF", "Ercot Options book is long tomorrow 7-22", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 2, "information", ["book", "long"], "information", "ercot options book is long tomorrow numeric numeric."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 7, "information", ["deal", "long"], "information", "the company is numeric mw's long onpeak under deal numeric numeric ."], ["provide_leave cost_price", 12, "nninformation", ["leave", "pool"], "request", " either leave in the pool or sell balance of the day."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 14, "nninformation", ["pool", "sell"], "request", " either leave in the pool or sell balance of the day."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 20, "information", ["north", "scheduled", "zone"], "information", " the power is currently scheduled to the north zone."]], "The company is 50 mw's long onpeak under deal 683846.1. Either leave in the pool or sell balance of the day. The sale side should go under Ercot Options book.\nThe power is currently scheduled to the North Zone.\n\nJMF", "<7935343.1075862637464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"book_orgname0book saleTnn": {"value": "book_orgname0book saleTnn", "ne": "book_orgname0book saleTnn", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book saleTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "683846", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["deal numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "deal_trade numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw onpeakTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-9-2001-13:38:13Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-9-2001-13:38:13Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-9-2001-13:38:13", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21904864.1075852368738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:38:13 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Monday Required Teco Trading\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nFor Monday, it is necessary that we sell the following for Frontera:\n\nhe 4 -30mw's\nhe 5 - 30 mw's\nhe 7 - 30 mw's\nhe 23 - 85 mw's \nhe 24 - 85 mw's\n\n\nAlso, we need to buy 15 mw's for hour ending 7 to assist with Frontera's ramp.\n\nWe are not running the plant this weekend. The Resource Plan should reflect that we are available but offline.\nWe need to ensure that the minimums and maximums accurately reflect what the plant is capable of.\nAlso, please make sure that the OOM premiums (up & down) are input as $50 and $40 respectively.\n\nFYI - for OOM up, we receive a 14.1 heat rate multiplied by the Houston Ship Channel price. For this weekend assume $2.05. IF you can make hourly, bal-day sales in excess of this, check with Jerry or Ken at Frontera.\n\nSteve Olinde is notifying Ercot that we are coming down this weekend for economics. We have given them this notice so that they can effectively manage their system.\n\n\nI will be out of town this weekend. I can be reached by my cell if you have an important issue.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n", "Monday Required Teco Trading", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 2, "nninformation", ["he**4", "-30**mw", "sell"], "intention", " for monday, it is necessary that we sell the following for frontera: he numeric numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's also, we need to buy numeric mw's for hour ending numeric to assist with orgname s ramp."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 14, "nninformation", ["buy", "hour**ending", "7", "85**mw"], "intention", " for monday, it is necessary that we sell the following for frontera: he numeric numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's also, we need to buy numeric mw's for hour ending numeric to assist with orgname s ramp."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 20, "nninformation", ["plant", "running"], "intention", " we are not running the plant this weekend."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 33, "nninformation", ["make", "oom"], "request", " also, please make sure that the oom premiums (up & down) are input as pricenumeric and pricenumeric respectively."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 42, "nninformation", ["oom", "receive"], "intention", " fyi - for oom up, we receive a numeric numeric heat rate multiplied by the houston ship channel price."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 52, "nninformation", ["make", "sales"], "intention", " if you can make hourly, bal-day sales in excess of this, check with jerry or ken at orgname steve olinde is notifying ercot that we are coming down this weekend for economics."], ["reach cell0phone", 70, "nninformation", ["cell", "reached"], "intention", " i can be reached by my cell if you have an important issue."]], "\n\nFor Monday, it is necessary that we sell the following for Frontera:\n\nhe 4 -30mw's\nhe 5 - 30 mw's\nhe 7 - 30 mw's\nhe 23 - 85 mw's \nhe 24 - 85 mw's\n\n\nAlso, we need to buy 15 mw's for hour ending 7 to assist with Frontera's ramp.\n\nWe are not running the plant this weekend. The Resource Plan should reflect that we are available but offline.\nWe need to ensure that the minimums and maximums accurately reflect what the plant is capable of.\nAlso, please make sure that the OOM premiums (up & down) are input as $50 and $40 respectively.\n\nFYI - for OOM up, we receive a 14.1 heat rate multiplied by the Houston Ship Channel price. For this weekend assume $2.05. IF you can make hourly, bal-day sales in excess of this, check with Jerry or Ken at Frontera.\n\nSteve Olinde is notifying Ercot that we are coming down this weekend for economics. We have given them this notice so that they can effectively manage their system.\n\n\nI will be out of town this weekend. I can be reached by my cell if you have an important issue.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n", "<21904864.1075852368738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "he**24", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "85**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "he**23", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "85**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "he**5", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "he**4", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "-30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["heat0rate numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "15**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "oom premiumTnn": {"value": "oom premiumTnn", "ne": "oom premiumTnn", "patterns": ["oom premiumTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "$50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["oom pricenumericTnn", "premium pricenumericTnn"]}, "reflect resource0planTvn": {"value": "reflect resource0planTvn", "ne": "reflect resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["reflect resource0planTvn"]}}, false]}, "27-9-2001-15:22:44Sm..forney@enron.com": {"27-9-2001-15:22:44Sm..forney@enron.com": ["27-9-2001-15:22:44", "m..forney@enron.com", "tom.may@enron.com", "clint.dean@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13375799.1075852369471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 15:22:44 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: tom.may@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera Ideas\nCc: clint.dean@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: clint.dean@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: May, Tom \nX-cc: Dean, Clint \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nTom,\nFrontera did agree to do the financial swap for tomorrow. I am really excited about getting this product off. I guess we need to follow up with the swap papers now.\n\nHere are some things that we proposed to Frontera:\n\nSeptember 20th - I suggested selling October at $24.75. This was a 10.72 heat rate. I had to take off for an Austin trip and Clint took over for me in trying to get them to transact.\nPower moved down, but so did gas, The heat rate was the same, but they still didnt want to transact as power moved down to $24.75. Power reached low of 10 heat rate for October recently - it is currently 10.2.\n\nI suggested early this week in selling balance of the week at a 10.5 heat rate. The dailies have been now liquidating as low as 8.9 hr.\n\n\nAugust (late) - Clint proposed selling 12.7 heat rate in September . They didnt want to because they wanted to liquidate in the daily market. This didnt work out.\n\nOn a daily basis, Frontera has a problem making timely decisions. For example, I give them gas prices and daily prices. They say that they would like to stay offline for the next day. I tell them that I will bookout my option. \nThey call back later and say that they would like to run. Bids are now $2 less for my option and the prices they receive for their ramp up and onpeak schedule are horrible.\n\nOn Tuesday, I suggested selling a $24 call option for October for a $1.25 premium. This would have at least brought in $23,000. They werent interested in this idea.\n\nI communicate my feelings on the market very early. If they could react quicker, I would smack the first bids that showed their faces, including EOL.\nI could have taken out 200mw's in a simultaneous trades several times over the last two weeks.\n\n\nClint has some other instances that he would like to relay. He will be sending another e-mail.\n\n\nThis relationship, although not initially profitable, has allowed us to develop other relationships that would not have otherwise been possible. I dont really want to lose the job. We are providing some outstanding support, in my opinion.\n\nThe thing that weakens our case is that Ercot is not providing the appropriate settlement details that would help illustrate our case on the OOM payments.\nThe settlements extract, as I learned on my trip, is key to explainnig this value. The OOM value itself is well over $200k.\n\nGood luck!\n\nJMF\n\n\n\n", "Frontera Ideas", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 13, "information", ["$24 75", "selling"], "information", " here are some things that we proposed to frontera: datenumeric th - i suggested selling october at pricenumeric ."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 62, "nninformation", ["decisions", "making"], "intention", " on a daily basis, orgname has a problem making timely decisions."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 84, "information", ["prices", "receive"], "information", " bids are now pricenumeric less for my option and the prices they receive for their ramp up and onpeak schedule are horrible."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 90, "information", ["$24", "selling"], "information", " on tuesday, i suggested selling a pricenumeric call option for october for a pricenumeric premium."]], "\n\nTom,\nFrontera did agree to do the financial swap for tomorrow. I am really excited about getting this product off. I guess we need to follow up with the swap papers now.\n\nHere are some things that we proposed to Frontera:\n\nSeptember 20th - I suggested selling October at $24.75. This was a 10.72 heat rate. I had to take off for an Austin trip and Clint took over for me in trying to get them to transact.\nPower moved down, but so did gas, The heat rate was the same, but they still didnt want to transact as power moved down to $24.75. Power reached low of 10 heat rate for October recently - it is currently 10.2.\n\nI suggested early this week in selling balance of the week at a 10.5 heat rate. The dailies have been now liquidating as low as 8.9 hr.\n\n\nAugust (late) - Clint proposed selling 12.7 heat rate in September . They didnt want to because they wanted to liquidate in the daily market. This didnt work out.\n\nOn a daily basis, Frontera has a problem making timely decisions. For example, I give them gas prices and daily prices. They say that they would like to stay offline for the next day. I tell them that I will bookout my option. \nThey call back later and say that they would like to run. Bids are now $2 less for my option and the prices they receive for their ramp up and onpeak schedule are horrible.\n\nOn Tuesday, I suggested selling a $24 call option for October for a $1.25 premium. This would have at least brought in $23,000. They werent interested in this idea.\n\nI communicate my feelings on the market very early. If they could react quicker, I would smack the first bids that showed their faces, including EOL.\nI could have taken out 200mw's in a simultaneous trades several times over the last two weeks.\n\n\nClint has some other instances that he would like to relay. He will be sending another e-mail.\n\n\nThis relationship, although not initially profitable, has allowed us to develop other relationships that would not have otherwise been possible. I dont really want to lose the job. We are providing some outstanding support, in my opinion.\n\nThe thing that weakens our case is that Ercot is not providing the appropriate settlement details that would help illustrate our case on the OOM payments.\nThe settlements extract, as I learned on my trip, is key to explainnig this value. The OOM value itself is well over $200k.\n\nGood luck!\n\nJMF\n\n\n\n", "<13375799.1075852369471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"81": {"value": "$2", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["bid pricenumericTnn", "cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomTnn"]}, "111": {"value": "200**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric0mwTnn"]}, "gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "72", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["heat0rate numericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["heat0rate numericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["heat0rate numericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["heat0rate numericTnn"]}, "onpeak scheduleTnn": {"value": "onpeak scheduleTnn", "ne": "onpeak scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["onpeak scheduleTnn"]}, "152": {"value": "$200", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["oom pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$24 75", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["power pricenumericTnn"]}, "94": {"value": "$1 25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["premium pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-7-2001-10:2:29Sm..forney@enron.com": {"3-7-2001-10:2:29Sm..forney@enron.com": ["3-7-2001-10:2:29", "m..forney@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com christopher.watts@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com reese.trejo@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8618910.1075852394452.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 10:02:29 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.miller@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com, christopher.watts@enron.com,\n\tclint.dean@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\treese.trejo@enron.com\nSubject: QSE Trade Instructions\nCc: lloyd.will@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lloyd.will@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Miller, Jeffrey , Saibi, Eric , Watts, Christopher , Dean, Clint , Olinde Jr., Steve , Errigo, Joe , Trejo, Reese \nX-cc: Will, Lloyd , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n We have created a quick quide to do QSE trades through the Ercot Portal. This initial guide should get you started, however, this is not a comprehensive handout that contemplates every situation. I am asking you to read the rules and implement a trade using the Portal. As you have noticed, our counterparties have already started trading two hours out. We will be trading paralell until the ISO rolls out for Friday. This means that you will have to submit the \"traditional\" Ercot Oasis and also submit the QSE trade. We must monitor to make sure that our counterparties have submitted their matching QSE trades, as well. Otherwise we will be out of balance with Ercot.\n\n\nA copy of our QSE quide will be in your inbox. Make sure that you read/ study it and ASK QUESTIONS.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF", "QSE Trade Instructions", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 26, "information", ["counterparties", "trading"], "information", " as you have noticed, our counterparties have already started trading two hours out."], ["submit schedule", 34, "nninformation", ["qse", "submit"], "intention", " this means that you will have to submit the \"traditional\" ercot oasis and also submit the qse trade."], ["submit schedule", 40, "information", ["qse", "submitted"], "information", " we must monitor to make sure that our counterparties have submitted their matching qse trades, as well."]], "\n\n We have created a quick quide to do QSE trades through the Ercot Portal. This initial guide should get you started, however, this is not a comprehensive handout that contemplates every situation. I am asking you to read the rules and implement a trade using the Portal. As you have noticed, our counterparties have already started trading two hours out. We will be trading paralell until the ISO rolls out for Friday. This means that you will have to submit the \"traditional\" Ercot Oasis and also submit the QSE trade. We must monitor to make sure that our counterparties have submitted their matching QSE trades, as well. Otherwise we will be out of balance with Ercot.\n\n\nA copy of our QSE quide will be in your inbox. Make sure that you read/ study it and ASK QUESTIONS.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF", "<8618910.1075852394452.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"qse tradeTnn": {"value": "qse tradeTnn", "ne": "qse tradeTnn", "patterns": ["qse tradeTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-11-2001-10:58:0Sm..forney@enron.com": {"16-11-2001-10:58:0Sm..forney@enron.com": ["16-11-2001-10:58:0", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com oh.seung-taek@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2610131.1075861679432.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 10:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, phillips.george@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, oh.seung-taek@enron.com\nSubject: POSITION FOR WEEKEND AND MONDAY\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , George Phillips , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , seung-taek oh \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are long 50 mw's for 16 hours Saturday and Sunday. The length is under the Ercot Asset book and the cost is $15. I am concerned about Sunday morning, specifically, hours ending 7-11. If you could sell this for a decent price, it would be a good thing. The purchase is an interdesk deal, so it wont show in Enpower Scheduling.\nAlso, for hours ending 15-20 on Sunday we are long an additional 100 mw's at $16.31. The purchase is under deal #873330 from City of Austin. The temps are supposed to be warm and it should be muggy on Sunday ahead of the cold front. This is scheduled to the North Zone under Enpower 873332. Either leave alone or sell under the Ercot Asset book.\n\nFor Monday, we are long 50 mw's onpeak under another interdesk deal. The length cannot be seen in Enpower scheduling. This deal is under Ercot Asset and has been scheduled to load (north) under deal #873255. Also, we have another 100 mw's from COA (see Enpower #873330) for he 15-20. \nThis is scheduled to north zone under enpower #873332.\n\n\nDont forget that the night crew will report to the new building Sunday evening. The phones are to be inactivated here at 5:30 pm Sunday.\n\n\nThanks and lets trade it up!\n\nJMF", "POSITION FOR WEEKEND AND MONDAY", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 1, "information", ["hours", "long", "16", "50**mw"], "information", " we are long numeric mw's for numeric hours saturday and sunday."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 14, "nninformation", ["this", "sell"], "request", " if you could sell this for a decent price, it would be a good thing."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 26, "information", ["hours**ending", "long", "15", "100**mw"], "information", " also, for hours ending numeric numeric on sunday we are long an additional numeric mw's at pricenumeric ."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 39, "information", ["north", "scheduled", "zone"], "information", " this is scheduled to the north zone under enpower numeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 44, "nninformation", ["0ercot0asset**book", "sell"], "request", " either leave alone or sell under the orgname book."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 46, "information", ["long", "50**mw"], "information", " for monday, we are long numeric mw's onpeak under another interdesk deal."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 55, "information", ["north", "scheduled"], "information", " this deal is under orgname and has been scheduled to load (north) under deal # numeric ."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 65, "information", ["north", "scheduled", "zone"], "information", " this is scheduled to north zone under enpower # numeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 76, "nninformation", ["it", "trade"], "intention", " thanks and lets trade it up!"]], "\n\nWe are long 50 mw's for 16 hours Saturday and Sunday. The length is under the Ercot Asset book and the cost is $15. I am concerned about Sunday morning, specifically, hours ending 7-11. If you could sell this for a decent price, it would be a good thing. The purchase is an interdesk deal, so it wont show in Enpower Scheduling.\nAlso, for hours ending 15-20 on Sunday we are long an additional 100 mw's at $16.31. The purchase is under deal #873330 from City of Austin. The temps are supposed to be warm and it should be muggy on Sunday ahead of the cold front. This is scheduled to the North Zone under Enpower 873332. Either leave alone or sell under the Ercot Asset book.\n\nFor Monday, we are long 50 mw's onpeak under another interdesk deal. The length cannot be seen in Enpower scheduling. This deal is under Ercot Asset and has been scheduled to load (north) under deal #873255. Also, we have another 100 mw's from COA (see Enpower #873330) for he 15-20. \nThis is scheduled to north zone under enpower #873332.\n\n\nDont forget that the night crew will report to the new building Sunday evening. The phones are to be inactivated here at 5:30 pm Sunday.\n\n\nThanks and lets trade it up!\n\nJMF", "<2610131.1075861679432.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "0ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["cost_price orgname0bookTnn", "length orgname0bookTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$15", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "873330", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "59": {"value": "873255", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "locname numericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn", "locname numericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw onpeakTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "he**15", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "62": {"value": "873330", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "16", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "28": {"value": "$16 31", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "12": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "873332", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "68": {"value": "873332", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "-20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}}, false]}, "14-9-2001-13:53:25Sm..forney@enron.com": {"14-9-2001-13:53:25Sm..forney@enron.com": ["14-9-2001-13:53:25", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26274058.1075852368459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 13:53:25 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: positions for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nWe are short on the offpeak for the three days including saturday, sunday, and monday. We are floating 55 mw's in the South zone.\nIf you replace this power, please remove the appropriate counterparty in the portal and replace with new counterparty.\n\nAlso:\n\nThe Frontera plant is currently NOT scheduled to run this weekend or Monday. We are currently, as of Friday, experiencing problems with units #2 & #3. These tripped offline when a breaker problem on CPL's side occurred.\nWe have been asked by Ercot to reflect in the Resource Plan that unit #1 is available but offline. We have done so. When the other units become available, please update them as available in the Resource Plan for the remaining hours of Saturday. We should make sure that we have OOM premiums (up and down) and zero mw's scheduled.\n\nIf you have questions, give me a call. \n\n\n\nJMF\n", "positions for tomorrow", "", [["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 1, "information", ["offpeak", "short"], "information", " we are short on the offpeak for the three days including saturday, sunday, and monday."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 8, "nninformation", ["counterparty", "replace"], "request", " if you replace this power, please remove the appropriate counterparty in the portal and replace with new counterparty."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 16, "nninformation", ["plant", "scheduled"], "intention", " also: the orgname plant is currently not scheduled to run this weekend or monday."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 17, "nninformation", ["plant", "run"], "intention", " also: the orgname plant is currently not scheduled to run this weekend or monday."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 42, "nninformation", ["make", "oom"], "intention", " we should make sure that we have oom premiums (up and down) and zero mw's scheduled."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 47, "information", ["mw", "scheduled"], "information", " we should make sure that we have oom premiums (up and down) and zero mw's scheduled."]], "\nWe are short on the offpeak for the three days including saturday, sunday, and monday. We are floating 55 mw's in the South zone.\nIf you replace this power, please remove the appropriate counterparty in the portal and replace with new counterparty.\n\nAlso:\n\nThe Frontera plant is currently NOT scheduled to run this weekend or Monday. We are currently, as of Friday, experiencing problems with units #2 & #3. These tripped offline when a breaker problem on CPL's side occurred.\nWe have been asked by Ercot to reflect in the Resource Plan that unit #1 is available but offline. We have done so. When the other units become available, please update them as available in the Resource Plan for the remaining hours of Saturday. We should make sure that we have OOM premiums (up and down) and zero mw's scheduled.\n\nIf you have questions, give me a call. \n\n\n\nJMF\n", "<26274058.1075852368459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn": {"value": "mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn", "ne": "mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}, "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn": {"value": "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn", "ne": "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn", "patterns": ["offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn"]}, "offline unitTnn": {"value": "offline unitTnn", "ne": "offline unitTnn", "patterns": ["offline unitTnn"]}, "oom premiumTnn": {"value": "oom premiumTnn", "ne": "oom premiumTnn", "patterns": ["oom premiumTnn"]}, "portal powerTnn": {"value": "portal powerTnn", "ne": "portal powerTnn", "patterns": ["portal powerTnn"]}, "reflect resource0planTvn": {"value": "reflect resource0planTvn", "ne": "reflect resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["reflect resource0planTvn"]}}, false]}, "20-8-2001-5:48:18Sm..forney@enron.com": {"20-8-2001-5:48:18Sm..forney@enron.com": ["20-8-2001-5:48:18", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com l..day@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23153530.1075852396647.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 05:48:18 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Ticket number\nCc: lloyd.will@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lloyd.will@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Will, Lloyd , Day, Smith L. , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nErcot has a problem that could cause us great financial pain: \nSometimes when we are submitting an hourly schedule, through the Ercot Portal, the Day-ahead schedules are affected.\nMismatches for every counterparty occur. We are subject to the hourly price for mismatches and this could prove extremely costly, even for one hour.\n Eric Saibi spoke with the Ercot help desk who indicated that the problem was on our side.\n\nI called Ercot and after some time, they relayed that they were experiencing server problems.\n\nAttached below is the ticket number related to this problem. If this occurs again, make sure that you reference this number.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Svetly, David\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Svetly+2C+20David+22+20+3CDSvetly+40ercot+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tSaturday, August 18, 2001 2:53 PM\nTo:\t'Jforney@enron.com'\nSubject:\tTicket number\n\n\nJohn, \nThe Ticket number documenting this call is 6231. \nRegards, \nDavid Svetly \nHelp Desk Analyst \nElectric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc \nBusiness - 512-248-6816 \nPager - 800-805-8561 ", "FW: Ticket number", "", [["submit schedule", 4, "nninformation", ["schedule", "submitting"], "intention", "ercot has a problem that could cause us great orgname pain: sometimes when we are submitting an hourly schedule, through the ercot portal, the day-ahead schedules are affected."]], "Ercot has a problem that could cause us great financial pain: \nSometimes when we are submitting an hourly schedule, through the Ercot Portal, the Day-ahead schedules are affected.\nMismatches for every counterparty occur. We are subject to the hourly price for mismatches and this could prove extremely costly, even for one hour.\n Eric Saibi spoke with the Ercot help desk who indicated that the problem was on our side.\n\nI called Ercot and after some time, they relayed that they were experiencing server problems.\n\nAttached below is the ticket number related to this problem. If this occurs again, make sure that you reference this number.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "<23153530.1075852396647.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"portal scheduleTnn": {"value": "portal scheduleTnn", "ne": "portal scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["portal scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-10-2001-13:43:13Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-10-2001-13:43:13Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-10-2001-13:43:13", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20568629.1075852302599.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 13:43:13 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Short for this evening\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nDue to Oklaunion being down for maintenance, we are being cut again on offpeak schedule #570719. This 25 mw purchase from Tenaska needs to be replaced for hour ending 23 and 24 today. Buy the power tonight and enter deal under Ercot Mgmt book, as this is Doug's power.\nI have already made the cuts in Enpower for both hours ending 23,24 and tomorrow.\n\nFor tomorrow, I have purchased energy for this schedule, so we dont have to worry about it on a real time basis.\n\nIf you have questions, let me know.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n", "Short for this evening", "", [["cut deal", 3, "information", ["cut", "schedule"], "information", " due to oklaunion being down for maintenance, we are being cut again on offpeak schedule # numeric ."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 10, "nninformation", ["replaced", "purchase"], "intention", " this numeric mw purchase from orgname needs to be replaced for hour ending numeric and numeric today."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 14, "nninformation", ["buy", "power"], "request", " buy the power tonight and enter deal under ercot mgmt book, as this is doug's power."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 16, "nninformation", ["book", "enter"], "request", " buy the power tonight and enter deal under ercot mgmt book, as this is doug's power."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 26, "information", ["purchased", "schedule"], "information", " for tomorrow, i have purchased energy for this schedule, so we dont have to worry about it on a real time basis."]], "\n\nDue to Oklaunion being down for maintenance, we are being cut again on offpeak schedule #570719. This 25 mw purchase from Tenaska needs to be replaced for hour ending 23 and 24 today. Buy the power tonight and enter deal under Ercot Mgmt book, as this is Doug's power.\nI have already made the cuts in Enpower for both hours ending 23,24 and tomorrow.\n\nFor tomorrow, I have purchased energy for this schedule, so we dont have to worry about it on a real time basis.\n\nIf you have questions, let me know.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n", "<20568629.1075852302599.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal powerTnn": {"value": "deal powerTnn", "ne": "deal powerTnn", "patterns": ["deal powerTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "23", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "23,24", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "570719", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "25**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw purchaseTnn"]}, "real0time scheduleTnn": {"value": "real0time scheduleTnn", "ne": "real0time scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["real0time scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-9-2001-11:15:44Sm..forney@enron.com": {"13-9-2001-11:15:44Sm..forney@enron.com": ["13-9-2001-11:15:44", "m..forney@enron.com", "jmwatson@tecoenergy.com", "erik.serio@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5706905.1075852368325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:15:44 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: spreadsheet for 9/14\nCc: erik.serio@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: erik.serio@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Jerry Watson (E-mail) \nX-cc: Serio, Erik \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nJerry,\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet for tomorrow.\nWe booked you out on the Enron option for $22.25. So, we are selling you next day for $22.25.\nAlso, to fill Mirant's call for 12-22 we purchased $23 power from Aquila. This should get you flat for the day.\n\nWe will not run tomorrow, as of now. We will reflect this in the Resource Plan and reflect that the unit is unavailable and offline.\n\n ", "spreadsheet for 9/14", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 3, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " jerry, please see the attached spreadsheet for tomorrow."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 9, "nninformation", ["$22 25", "selling"], "intention", " so, we are selling you next day for pricenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 17, "information", ["purchased", "power"], "information", " also, to fill mirant's call for numeric numeric we purchased pricenumeric power from orgname this should get you flat for the day."]], "\n\nJerry,\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet for tomorrow.\nWe booked you out on the Enron option for $22.25. So, we are selling you next day for $22.25.\nAlso, to fill Mirant's call for 12-22 we purchased $23 power from Aquila. This should get you flat for the day.\n\nWe will not run tomorrow, as of now. We will reflect this in the Resource Plan and reflect that the unit is unavailable and offline.\n\n ", "<5706905.1075852368325.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "$23", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["flat pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "power pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "-22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn": {"value": "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn", "ne": "offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn", "patterns": ["offline plan_resource0plan unitTnnn"]}, "offline unitTnn": {"value": "offline unitTnn", "ne": "offline unitTnn", "patterns": ["offline unitTnn"]}, "reflect resource0planTvn": {"value": "reflect resource0planTvn", "ne": "reflect resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["reflect resource0planTvn"]}}, false]}, "18-6-2001-17:47:37Sm..forney@enron.com": {"18-6-2001-17:47:37Sm..forney@enron.com": ["18-6-2001-17:47:37", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.errigo@enron.com christopher.watts@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com juan.hernandez@enron.com don.baughman@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30656253.1075840337911.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:47:37 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.errigo@enron.com, christopher.watts@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tjuan.hernandez@enron.com, don.baughman@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT DIRECT LINES\nCc: l..day@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: l..day@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Errigo, Joe , Watts, Christopher , Saibi, Eric , Olinde Jr., Steve , Miller, Jeffrey , Hernandez, Juan , Baughman Jr., Don \nX-cc: Day, Smith L. , Dean, Clint , Will, Lloyd \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Baughman Jr., Don\\Enron Power\\24 Hour\nX-Origin: BAUGHMAN-D\nX-FileName: don baughman 6-25-02.PST\n\n\n\nWe have four direct lines to the Ercot ISO that have been installed on each of your turrets. As an ISO participant, we are required to be staffed 24-7 to handle any request from the ISO concerning our generation, or to handle contingencies related to our preschedules.\n\nIf any of these lines should ring, we need to be sure to pick it up. Ercot may just be testing our responsiveness, or , they may have a specific question about the mock market that is taking place now. Any questions that cannot be immediately answered should be relayed to Smith Day or myself.\n\nWe will be installing hardware soon that will receive generation instructions from the ISO. For RT purposes, this will be used for billing purposes. Any action ordered by the ISO will also be communicated to the Control room simultaneously. They will be responsible for the actual dispatch of the unit.\n\nWe will be announcing a meeting soon to describe our new Ercot world and to exchange ideas. I would also like to have a session with the group to explain the logic behind the reports we are responsible and to explain how the whole floor works. This can be a broad overview, or we can drill down to specifics at your request.\n\n \n\nThanks for your attention.\n\nJMF\n\n ", "ERCOT DIRECT LINES", "", [["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 37, "nninformation", ["instructions", "receive"], "intention", " we will be installing hardware soon that will receive generation instructions from the iso."]], "\n\nWe have four direct lines to the Ercot ISO that have been installed on each of your turrets. As an ISO participant, we are required to be staffed 24-7 to handle any request from the ISO concerning our generation, or to handle contingencies related to our preschedules.\n\nIf any of these lines should ring, we need to be sure to pick it up. Ercot may just be testing our responsiveness, or , they may have a specific question about the mock market that is taking place now. Any questions that cannot be immediately answered should be relayed to Smith Day or myself.\n\nWe will be installing hardware soon that will receive generation instructions from the ISO. For RT purposes, this will be used for billing purposes. Any action ordered by the ISO will also be communicated to the Control room simultaneously. They will be responsible for the actual dispatch of the unit.\n\nWe will be announcing a meeting soon to describe our new Ercot world and to exchange ideas. I would also like to have a session with the group to explain the logic behind the reports we are responsible and to explain how the whole floor works. This can be a broad overview, or we can drill down to specifics at your request.\n\n \n\nThanks for your attention.\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<30656253.1075840337911.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-11-2001-7:44:41Sm..forney@enron.com": {"29-11-2001-7:44:41Sm..forney@enron.com": ["29-11-2001-7:44:41", "m..forney@enron.com", "kayla.harmon@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10528514.1075859220006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 07:44:41 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: kayla.harmon@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ERCOT Options 11/29\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Harmon, Kayla \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nKayla,\nLCRA exercised their option for tomorrow, 11/30. See deal no. 882244.\nI dont remember whether this gets trued up or not. Im sure it does.\n\nCall if you have questions.\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHarmon, Kayla \nSent:\tThursday, November 29, 2001 9:09 AM\nTo:\tCason, Sharen; Forney, John M.; Freije, William; Dean, Clint; Day, Smith L.\nSubject:\tERCOT Options 11/29\n\nFrontera 848971.15 price changed from $21.25 to $22.4625\n\nKayla Harmon\nEnron\nVolume Management\n713-345-1778", "RE: ERCOT Options 11/29", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", " see deal no numeric ."]], "Kayla,\nLCRA exercised their option for tomorrow, 11/30. See deal no. 882244.\nI dont remember whether this gets trued up or not. Im sure it does.\n\nCall if you have questions.\nJMF\n\n ", "<10528514.1075859220006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "882244", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-8-2001-10:4:45Sm..forney@enron.com": {"1-8-2001-10:4:45Sm..forney@enron.com": ["1-8-2001-10:4:45", "m..forney@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33048215.1075852395732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 10:04:45 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: lloyd.will@enron.com\nSubject: FW: TX Pilot Enrollment and Billing Capability\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Will, Lloyd \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nLloyd,\nI received this from Preston. It appears now that they wish to choose the customers that will switch. \nWe were of the understanding that we were to pick the customer based upon the information that EES was to provide.\nWe havent received the necessary information, so no choice has been made yet.\n\nPlease see the attached and let me know your comments.\n\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tOchsner, Preston \nSent:\tWednesday, August 01, 2001 10:18 AM\nTo:\tFite, Rebecca\nCc:\tMerola, Jeff; Miller, Jeffrey; Will, Lloyd; May, Tom; Forney, John M.; Wagner, Joseph; Misra, Narsimha\nSubject:\tRe: TX Pilot Enrollment and Billing Capability\n\nWe would like to switch these accounts. We'd like the switch to be effective September 4th, but our top priority is to make sure they get into the pilot program. (I realize that it may be impossible to decide exactly when the switch will become effective)\n\nPlease confirm that we can get this done. \n\n \n\n\n\n \nJeff Merola\n07/26/2001 07:28 PM\nTo:\tPreston Ochsner/HOU/EES@EES\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tTX Pilot Enrollment and Billing Capability\n\nPreston,\n\nI talked with Rebecca this evening. Here is the summary:\n\n- We cannot be ready to do business with CP&L or TNP by August.\n- She has a relatively high degree of confidence (85%) that we could be ready with HL&P and TXU, here are the main issues:\nShe would like the rate schedule (and account number if available) of each account we would like to get into the pilot to confirm that there is room. She indicated that she had understood that all rate schedules are filled and that the website may be in error.\nThere are outstanding issues on how interzonal congestion and gross receipts tax will be billed.\nInvoicing will likely be manual with additional costs associated. There may also be other manual workarounds necessary at additional expense.\nThe Pilot Agreements will need to be completed (per Gloria Ogenyi).\n\nPlease send her item #1 asap so that she can confirm that there is room for these accounts. Once this is done we can put on the full court press for August.\n\nThanks,\nJeff\n\n\n\n\n", "FW: TX Pilot Enrollment and Billing Capability", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 17, "information", ["information", "provide"], "information", " we were of the understanding that we were to pick the customer based upon the information that ees was to provide."]], "\nLloyd,\nI received this from Preston. It appears now that they wish to choose the customers that will switch. \nWe were of the understanding that we were to pick the customer based upon the information that EES was to provide.\nWe havent received the necessary information, so no choice has been made yet.\n\nPlease see the attached and let me know your comments.\n\nJMF\n ", "<33048215.1075852395732.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "11-9-2001-7:5:46Sm..forney@enron.com": {"11-9-2001-7:5:46Sm..forney@enron.com": ["11-9-2001-7:5:46", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15455351.1075852368099.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 07:05:46 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Long hour ending 6 for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are long 65 mw's from Frontera at $5 for tomorrow. It is scheduled into the North 2001.\nSell if needed.\n\n\nJMF", "Long hour ending 6 for tomorrow", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 0, "nninformation", ["hour**ending", "long", "6"], "request", "long hour ending numeric for tomorrow."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 3, "information", ["long", "65**mw", "$5"], "information", " we are long numeric mw's from orgname at pricenumeric for tomorrow."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 6, "information", ["north", "scheduled"], "information", " it is scheduled into the north numeric ."]], "\n\nWe are long 65 mw's from Frontera at $5 for tomorrow. It is scheduled into the North 2001.\nSell if needed.\n\n\nJMF", "<15455351.1075852368099.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "65**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "$5", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-7-2001-9:26:21Sm..forney@enron.com": {"24-7-2001-9:26:21Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-7-2001-9:26:21", "m..forney@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21670207.1075852395359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 09:26:21 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nSubject: RE: TECO CHECKOUT - HOURLY DEALS W/ HL&P\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Miller, Jeffrey \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHour ending 3 for 5 mw's has been confirmed with HLP.\nHE 3 was 60 mw's originally, but was cut intra hour. The integrate mw's are 10mw'w and are reflected on revised oasis request 4405.\n\nHLP agrees with this.\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMiller, Jeffrey \nSent:\tMonday, July 23, 2001 5:39 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tTECO CHECKOUT - HOURLY DEALS W/ HL&P\n\nHE3 & HE5 ARE IN QUESTION\n\nI've already checked the quantities on the preschedule....The hourly deals (allegedly) for HE 3 & 6 are in question.\n\nOUR OASIS requests indicate 5 Mwh for HE3 & some other quantity (either 0 or 10--indicating a potential cut--the original deal was for 60). The Oasis request will shed some light on this. \n\nSo we have for HE3 & 5:\n\nOur OASIS requests\nDeals entered in Enpower\nDeals entered in the P&L sheet.\n\nCall HL&P & see if they show anything ABOVE & BEYOND the preschedule for these hours. I'll be back around 1pm & we can finish this and the minor price discrepancies.\n\nMiller\n\n << File: June TECO Checkout.xls >> \n", "RE: TECO CHECKOUT - HOURLY DEALS W/ HL&P", "", [["cut deal", 11, "information", ["cut", "60**mw"], "information", " he numeric was numeric mw's originally, but was cut intra hour."]], "Hour ending 3 for 5 mw's has been confirmed with HLP.\nHE 3 was 60 mw's originally, but was cut intra hour. The integrate mw's are 10mw'w and are reflected on revised oasis request 4405.\n\nHLP agrees with this.\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<21670207.1075852395359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "he**3", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "60**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "5**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-9-2001-14:25:26Sm..forney@enron.com": {"6-9-2001-14:25:26Sm..forney@enron.com": ["6-9-2001-14:25:26", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22468569.1075852367753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 14:25:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Positions for 9/7\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nHourly Ercot is long 65 mw's for hour ending 6. We have this routed to North Zone load. If prices appear to be heading negative, then export or sell outright.\n\nPlease review all positions in the system for tomorrow so that you can transact if necessary.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Positions for 9/7", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 2, "information", ["hour**ending", "long", "6", "65**mw"], "information", " hourly ercot is long numeric mw's for hour ending numeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 13, "nninformation", ["prices", "sell"], "request", " if prices appear to be heading negative, then export or sell outright."]], "\n\nHourly Ercot is long 65 mw's for hour ending 6. We have this routed to North Zone load. If prices appear to be heading negative, then export or sell outright.\n\nPlease review all positions in the system for tomorrow so that you can transact if necessary.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<22468569.1075852367753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "65**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["load locname zoneTnnn", "load locnameTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-10-2001-9:26:50Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-10-2001-9:26:50Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-9:26:50", "m..forney@enron.com", "mpatterson@ercot.com", "jmwatson@tecoenergy.com", "Message-ID: <12793475.1075852369729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 09:26:50 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: mpatterson@ercot.com\nSubject: OOMC Capacity Payments\nCc: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Mark Patterson (E-mail) \nX-cc: Jerry Watson (E-mail) \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nMark,\nThanks for your reply concerning ancillary service procurement. I was wondering if Ercot had made a decision on OOM capacity payments.\nOur position is that our custmers, ie. Teco/Frontera should recover at least their O&M expenses for the capacity, as they are standing by awaiting instruction.\n\nHas there been any progress in this subject?\n\nJForney", "OOMC Capacity Payments", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 8, "information", ["decision", "made"], "information", " i was wondering if ercot had made a decision on oom capacity payments."]], "\n\nMark,\nThanks for your reply concerning ancillary service procurement. I was wondering if Ercot had made a decision on OOM capacity payments.\nOur position is that our custmers, ie. Teco/Frontera should recover at least their O&M expenses for the capacity, as they are standing by awaiting instruction.\n\nHas there been any progress in this subject?\n\nJForney", "<12793475.1075852369729.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"capacity0payment_payment oomTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomTnn"]}, "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn"]}, "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn": {"value": "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn", "ne": "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn", "patterns": ["capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-10-2001-14:45:19Sm..forney@enron.com": {"19-10-2001-14:45:19Sm..forney@enron.com": ["19-10-2001-14:45:19", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com wong.isaac@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23176907.1075852370471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 14:45:19 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tphillips.george@enron.com, wong.isaac@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Length scheduled to load for offpeak on monday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , George Phillips , Isaac Wong , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nThe ST ercot book is long 30 mw's in the offpeak hours for Monday. We would like to sell these mw's at a reasonable price that is left to your judgement.\nIf prices look to be potentially negative, of course, sell the mw's.\n\nGive me a call if you have questions, preferrably before 10 pm.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Length scheduled to load for offpeak on monday", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 1, "nninformation", ["length", "scheduled"], "intention", "length scheduled to load for offpeak on monday."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 5, "information", ["ercot**book", "long"], "information", " the st ercot book is long numeric mw's in the offpeak hours for monday."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 10, "nninformation", ["mw", "price", "sell"], "intention", " we would like to sell these mw's at a reasonable price that is left to your judgement."], ["provide_leave cost_price", 14, "information", ["price", "left"], "information", " we would like to sell these mw's at a reasonable price that is left to your judgement."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 20, "nninformation", ["mw", "sell"], "request", " if prices look to be potentially negative, of course, sell the mw's."]], "\n\nThe ST ercot book is long 30 mw's in the offpeak hours for Monday. We would like to sell these mw's at a reasonable price that is left to your judgement.\nIf prices look to be potentially negative, of course, sell the mw's.\n\nGive me a call if you have questions, preferrably before 10 pm.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<23176907.1075852370471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour numeric0mw offpeakTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw offpeakTnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "hour offpeakTnn": {"value": "hour offpeakTnn", "ne": "hour offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["hour offpeakTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "ercot**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "length offpeakTnn": {"value": "length offpeakTnn", "ne": "length offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["length offpeakTnn"]}, "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn": {"value": "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn", "ne": "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-10-2001-7:56:14Sm..forney@enron.com": {"24-10-2001-7:56:14Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-7:56:14", "m..forney@enron.com", "karen.buckley@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2276780.1075852370792.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 07:56:14 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: karen.buckley@enron.com\nSubject: Ruben Lorenzo\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Buckley, Karen \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nI have spoken with Ruben this morning. He is currently working in Structuring for Sempra, focusing on the Ercot retail market. Additionally, he has worked for the California PX. This and his educational background would have me recommend scheduling an interview with this applicant.\n\n\nJFORNEY", "Ruben Lorenzo", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 15, "nninformation", ["interview", "scheduling"], "request", " this and his educational background would have me recommend scheduling an interview with this applicant."]], "\n\nI have spoken with Ruben this morning. He is currently working in Structuring for Sempra, focusing on the Ercot retail market. Additionally, he has worked for the California PX. This and his educational background would have me recommend scheduling an interview with this applicant.\n\n\nJFORNEY", "<2276780.1075852370792.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-8-2001-3:50:0Sm..forney@enron.com": {"1-8-2001-3:50:0Sm..forney@enron.com": ["1-8-2001-3:50:0", "m..forney@enron.com", "m..grace@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12249859.1075852395650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 03:50:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: m..grace@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Hrly-ERCOT deals with Frontera\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Grace, Rebecca M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHourly deals should be under Teco SVC the majority of the time. However, at times Enron's option (under Ercot Asset book) will be long into the Real Time market.\nThis is Frontera generation, but Enron bought it in the form of the option. \nYou will see deals of this type for today under the Ercot Asset.\n\nSo hourly deals:\nTeco Services - 99% of time\nErcot Asset - 1 %\nHrly Ercot - NEVER\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Grace, Rebecca M. \nSent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 10:16 PM\nTo: Miller, Jeffrey; Forney, John M.\nSubject: Hrly-ERCOT deals with Frontera\n\n\nJeff or John,\n\nPlease confirm for me that HRLY-ERCOT should NOT have any deals with Frontera and that all \"hourly\" deals with Frontera should be with the TECO-SVCE book.\n\nRebecca", "RE: Hrly-ERCOT deals with Frontera", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 9, "nninformation", ["0ercot0asset**book", "long"], "intention", " however, at times enron's option (under orgname book) will be long into the real time market."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["see", "deals"], "intention", " you will see deals of this type for today under the orgname so hourly deals: orgname - numeric % of time orgname - numeric % hrly ercot - never "]], "Hourly deals should be under Teco SVC the majority of the time. However, at times Enron's option (under Ercot Asset book) will be long into the Real Time market.\nThis is Frontera generation, but Enron bought it in the form of the option. \nYou will see deals of this type for today under the Ercot Asset.\n\nSo hourly deals:\nTeco Services - 99% of time\nErcot Asset - 1 %\nHrly Ercot - NEVER\n\n", "<12249859.1075852395650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"22": {"value": "99", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "option real_real0timeTnn": {"value": "option real_real0timeTnn", "ne": "option real_real0timeTnn", "patterns": ["option real_real0timeTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-9-2001-15:36:36Sm..forney@enron.com": {"13-9-2001-15:36:36Sm..forney@enron.com": ["13-9-2001-15:36:36", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5925846.1075852368392.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 15:36:36 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Short for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are short the following schedule to Stec:\n\nhe 13 -10 mw's\nhe 14 - 20\nhe 15 - 30\nhe 16 thru 21 - 40 mw's\nhe 22 - 30 mw's\nhe 23 - 25mw's\n\n\nIf you fill this schedule, reduce the purchase that is in the Portal and replace with the new source.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF\t ", "Short for tomorrow", "", [["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 1, "information", ["he**13", "short"], "information", " we are short the following schedule to stec: he numeric numeric mw's he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric he numeric thru numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's if you fill this schedule, reduce the purchase that is in the portal and replace with the new source."], ["cut deal", 18, "nninformation", ["reduce", "schedule"], "request", " we are short the following schedule to stec: he numeric numeric mw's he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric he numeric thru numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's if you fill this schedule, reduce the purchase that is in the portal and replace with the new source."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 21, "nninformation", ["replace", "purchase"], "request", " we are short the following schedule to stec: he numeric numeric mw's he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric he numeric thru numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mw's if you fill this schedule, reduce the purchase that is in the portal and replace with the new source."]], "\n\nWe are short the following schedule to Stec:\n\nhe 13 -10 mw's\nhe 14 - 20\nhe 15 - 30\nhe 16 thru 21 - 40 mw's\nhe 22 - 30 mw's\nhe 23 - 25mw's\n\n\nIf you fill this schedule, reduce the purchase that is in the Portal and replace with the new source.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF\t ", "<5925846.1075852368392.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "he**16", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "21", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "40**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "he**13", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "-10**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw scheduleTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "he**22", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "he**14", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "he**15", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "25**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw scheduleTnn"]}, "portal scheduleTnn": {"value": "portal scheduleTnn", "ne": "portal scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["portal scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-7-2001-4:25:2Sm..forney@enron.com": {"23-7-2001-4:25:2Sm..forney@enron.com": ["23-7-2001-4:25:2", "m..forney@enron.com", "steve.olinde@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22084113.1075852395155.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 04:25:02 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: steve.olinde@enron.com\nSubject: FW: An Interesting Occurence\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Olinde Jr., Steve \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nSteve,\nCheck this out- does this have any truth to it?\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Kevin Libby\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Kevin+20Libby+22+20+3Ckevin+5Flibby+40hotmail+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tSaturday, July 21, 2001 2:22 PM\nTo:\tlwill@enron.com\nCc:\tjforney@enron.com\nSubject:\tAn Interesting Occurence\n\nLloyd,\n\nFirst, I would thank you for taking time out of your busy day on Friday to\ntouch base with me via email about where we are in the interview process.\n\nWhen I spoke with John Forney on Friday afternoon, I did not know exactly\nhow to handle a situation that had come to my attention early that morning.\nI wanted to spend some time mulling it over prior to emailing about it.\n\nAs you may have remembered from previous conversations, I was off for four\ndays last week, returning to BTU on Friday at 5:30 a.m. When I arrived to\nwork, I was greeted by Dan Bailey, who informed me of a very interesting\nconversation that he'd had with Steve Olindi.\n\nApparently, Steve had taken the liberty of informing Dan of my interviewing\nactivities with Enron the previous week.\n\nWith this information at his disposal, Dan (who is my senior trader and,\ntherefore, someone to whom I report) decided to share this with my\nco-workers at the QSE.\n\nBoth Brandon Whittle and Dan Bailey's response to this was to proceed in\nquestioning me about the innerworkings of Enron's trading practice. I felt\nthat if I shared what information I do have, that would be considered a\nbreech of confidentiality. However, they do have their intentions set on\nsecuring interviews of thier own, so their persistence increased over the\ncourse of the day. This made my day extremely uncomfortable even though I\nrepeatedly downplayed the interview.\n\nWith this leak of information, that I assumed was to be kept confidential,\nmy concern is that this has put both my job at BTU and the possibility of\nemployment with Enron in danger.\n\nI am interested in the opportunity with your company, but am now very\nconcerned where this puts me in both areas.\n\nPlease advise.\n\nKevin Libby\n\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp", "FW: An Interesting Occurence", "", [["check_break object", 3, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request information", " steve, check this out- does this have any truth to it?"]], "\nSteve,\nCheck this out- does this have any truth to it?\nJMF\n ", "<22084113.1075852395155.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-9-2001-14:4:52Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-9-2001-14:4:52Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-9-2001-14:4:52", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18630901.1075852295559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:04:52 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Position for Monday onpeak\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are long 100 mw's for hour ending 16-19 on Monday. This is currently scheduled to load.\nIf prices are poor, we need to sell this energy early Monday morning for > $22 if possible.\n\nThe sale goes into the Ercot Asset book.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Position for Monday onpeak", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 2, "information", ["hour**ending", "long", "16", "100**mw"], "information", " we are long numeric mw's for hour ending numeric numeric on monday."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 12, "nninformation", ["prices", "$22", "sell"], "intention", " if prices are poor, we need to sell this energy early monday morning for pricenumeric if possible."]], "\n\nWe are long 100 mw's for hour ending 16-19 on Monday. This is currently scheduled to load.\nIf prices are poor, we need to sell this energy early Monday morning for $22 if possible.\n\nThe sale goes into the Ercot Asset book.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<18630901.1075852295559.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"16": {"value": "0ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book saleTnn"]}, "energy sellTnv": {"value": "energy sellTnv", "ne": "energy sellTnv", "patterns": ["energy sellTnv"]}, "5": {"value": "16", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-7-2001-4:55:29Sm..forney@enron.com": {"5-7-2001-4:55:29Sm..forney@enron.com": ["5-7-2001-4:55:29", "m..forney@enron.com", "christopher.watts@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3549573.1075852394475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 04:55:29 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: christopher.watts@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tclint.dean@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ercot questions 7-4-01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Watts, Christopher , Errigo, Joe , Saibi, Eric , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Dean, Clint , Olinde Jr., Steve \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nChris,\nGood questions:\n1. You are fine using Ercot System as the delivery opint until the Ercot ISO opens on July 20th. Subsequent to that, we will enter the appropriate zone for each purchase or sale as West, North or South Zone. If we wish to schedule mw's across a path, ie South to North, we will need to create an Ercot transmission deal to link south>north. We do not actually do an Ercot Oasis, etc, to buy this transmission, rather, this is a way to reflect the desired pathing internally.\nRisk Management is creating this internal transmission counterparty for us. I will let you know what it is called.\n\n2. The positions that we manage for Frontera/Teco Services should not be reflected in the P&L sheet, as we had been doing.\nMy fault for not knowing the process as agreed to previously with Settlements & Risk Mgmt. We are to keep these deals in the Services P&L sheet, as Real Time has done for MDEA. \nThe location for this spreadsheet is:\n\nM:Eservices/applications/services\n\nWe will request access to this tool for everyone.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Watts, Christopher \nSent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 10:02 PM\nTo: Forney, John M.\nCc: Watts, Christopher\nSubject: ercot questions 7-4-01\n\n\nAttached are a few questions Steve and I have talked about.\n\n1) What do we need to be showing as the delivery point on our Ercot trades (i.e. Ercot system border only? the various zones \"West 2001\" \"South 2001, \"North 2001\"? split delivery point b/w the buy and sale piece \"i.e CPBS border on the buy form San Antonio and HLP border on the sale to RHLP?\n\n2) What acronynm do we need to put in the P&L for Frontera? EPMI Teco Services? or Frontera? \n\nNOTE: Steve Olinde wanted me to remind you that he will not be in the office for training tomorrow (Thursday) b/c the Ercot portal will be down. He will return for training on Monday around 3:30 pm.", "RE: ercot questions 7-4-01", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 13, "nninformation", ["enter", "purchase"], "intention", " subsequent to that, we will enter the appropriate zone for each purchase or sale as west, north or south zone."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 21, "nninformation", ["south", "schedule"], "intention", " if we wish to schedule mw's across a path, ie south to north, we will need to create an ercot transmission deal to link south north."]], "Chris,\nGood questions:\n1. You are fine using Ercot System as the delivery opint until the Ercot ISO opens on July 20th. Subsequent to that, we will enter the appropriate zone for each purchase or sale as West, North or South Zone. If we wish to schedule mw's across a path, ie South to North, we will need to create an Ercot transmission deal to link south north. We do not actually do an Ercot Oasis, etc, to buy this transmission, rather, this is a way to reflect the desired pathing internally.\nRisk Management is creating this internal transmission counterparty for us. I will let you know what it is called.\n\n2. The positions that we manage for Frontera/Teco Services should not be reflected in the P&L sheet, as we had been doing.\nMy fault for not knowing the process as agreed to previously with Settlements & Risk Mgmt. We are to keep these deals in the Services P&L sheet, as Real Time has done for MDEA. \nThe location for this spreadsheet is:\n\nM:Eservices/applications/services\n\nWe will request access to this tool for everyone.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n\n\n\n", "<3549573.1075852394475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"25": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "procedure_process settlementTnn": {"value": "procedure_process settlementTnn", "ne": "procedure_process settlementTnn", "patterns": ["procedure_process settlementTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "risk settlementTnn": {"value": "risk settlementTnn", "ne": "risk settlementTnn", "patterns": ["risk settlementTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-7-2001-7:32:16Sm..forney@enron.com": {"24-7-2001-7:32:16Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-7-2001-7:32:16", "m..forney@enron.com", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22519313.1075852395337.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 07:32:16 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nSubject: RE: ERCOT Options 7/24/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Jacobson, Michael \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nMichael,\nhow do you know which deals are the options if they are entered as forwards?\nI input into the comments, but I was about to ask how these options get trued up.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJacobson, Michael \nSent:\tTuesday, July 24, 2001 9:18 AM\nTo:\tSmith, Amy; Cason, Sharen; Dean, Clint\nCc:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tERCOT Options 7/24/01\n\nFrontera 696831.1 price changed from $25.66 to $26.6975\nLCRA 697499.1 price changed from $36.02 to $35.855", "RE: ERCOT Options 7/24/01", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "nninformation", ["deals", "entered"], "request information", "michael, how do you know which deals are the options if they are entered as forwards?"]], "Michael,\nhow do you know which deals are the options if they are entered as forwards?\nI input into the comments, but I was about to ask how these options get trued up.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "<22519313.1075852395337.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-6-2001-15:33:6Sm..forney@enron.com": {"27-6-2001-15:33:6Sm..forney@enron.com": ["27-6-2001-15:33:6", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.errigo@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com christopher.watts@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23014019.1075852394180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 15:33:06 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.errigo@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com,\n\tchristopher.watts@enron.com\nSubject: JULY SCHEDULE IS OUT\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Errigo, Joe , Saibi, Eric , Olinde Jr., Steve , Watts, Christopher \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nCHECK IT OUT. IF YOU TRADE DAYS WITH ANYONE, MAKE SURE THEY HAVE A SIMILAR SKILLSET.\nIE, DONT TRADE WITH THE NEW GUY TO FILL A NIGHT SHIFT ALONE.\n\nTHANKS!\n\nJMF", "JULY SCHEDULE IS OUT", "", [["check_break object", 1, "nninformation", ["check", "it"], "request", " check it out."]], "\n\nCHECK IT OUT. IF YOU TRADE DAYS WITH ANYONE, MAKE SURE THEY HAVE A SIMILAR SKILLSET.\nIE, DONT TRADE WITH THE NEW GUY TO FILL A NIGHT SHIFT ALONE.\n\nTHANKS!\n\nJMF", "<23014019.1075852394180.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "18-10-2001-11:44:9Sm..forney@enron.com": {"18-10-2001-11:44:9Sm..forney@enron.com": ["18-10-2001-11:44:9", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29826720.1075852303879.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 11:44:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Position for 23 & 24 tomorrow.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nThe Hourly Ercot book is long 30 mw's at $13.25 for hour ending 23 and 24 on Friday. This is currently scheduled into the North Zone load.\nWhen you sell this, cut the load and replace with the appropriate QSE trade.\n\nThe purchase is in Enpower as #825387. The sale to Ercot Imbal is under #825406. Cut the enpower sale and replace with appropiate sale counterparty.\nEverything should be entered under the Hourly Ercot desk.\n\nLet me know how it goes.\n\nJMF", "Position for 23 & 24 tomorrow.", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 5, "information", ["ercot**book", "long"], "information", " the hourly ercot book is long numeric mw's at pricenumeric for hour ending numeric and numeric on friday."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 11, "information", ["load", "scheduled"], "information", " this is currently scheduled into the north zone load."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 18, "nninformation", ["trade", "replace"], "intention", " when you sell this, cut the load and replace with the appropriate qse trade."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 28, "nninformation", ["counterparty", "replace"], "request", " cut the enpower sale and replace with appropiate sale counterparty."]], "\nThe Hourly Ercot book is long 30 mw's at $13.25 for hour ending 23 and 24 on Friday. This is currently scheduled into the North Zone load.\nWhen you sell this, cut the load and replace with the appropriate QSE trade.\n\nThe purchase is in Enpower as #825387. The sale to Ercot Imbal is under #825406. Cut the enpower sale and replace with appropiate sale counterparty.\nEverything should be entered under the Hourly Ercot desk.\n\nLet me know how it goes.\n\nJMF", "<29826720.1075852303879.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "ercot**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book hourlyTnn", "hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "counterparty saleTnn": {"value": "counterparty saleTnn", "ne": "counterparty saleTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty saleTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "23", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$13 25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["load locname zoneTnnn", "load locnameTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "qse tradeTnn": {"value": "qse tradeTnn", "ne": "qse tradeTnn", "patterns": ["qse tradeTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-10-2001-13:50:9Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-10-2001-13:50:9Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-10-2001-13:50:9", "m..forney@enron.com", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21600064.1075852370094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 13:50:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: alexander.mcelreath@enron.com\nSubject: Enpower Deal Entry\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: McElreath, Alexander \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nAlex,\nYou have been somehow entering deals under South America - Brazil region, rather than South 2001. Risk has been having a problem with this.\nThis has also affected the Brazil trading desk. \nDouble check your deal entry desks and zones. I intended to mention this last week and I forgot. It came up again today, per risk.\n\nAlso,\non the hour ending 6 deal today; you should have entered a sale to Frontera in Enpower, rather than Mirant.\nThis is a bit confusing, but here goes:\n\nFrontera had sold Mirant this option, not Enron. Frontera tells me daily what Mirant is calling for. I replace this power, or Frontera generates the schedule.\nIf I (or you) replace, then we do enter a schedule of a sale to Mirant in the Portal. But, we dont sell to Mirant in Enpower, as this is not our deal.\n\nInstead, the sale goes to Frontera. They pay us to reimburse us for buying LCRA on their behalf. \n\nDoes that help?\n\nJMF", "Enpower Deal Entry", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "information", ["deals", "entering"], "information", " alex, you have been somehow entering deals under south america - brazil region, rather than south numeric ."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["check", "deal"], "intention", " double check your deal entry desks and zones."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 27, "information", ["deal", "entered", "6"], "information", " also, on the hour ending numeric deal today; you should have entered a sale to orgname in enpower, rather than mirant."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 36, "nninformation", ["power", "replace"], "intention", " i replace this power, or orgname generates the schedule."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["replace", "sale"], "intention", " if i (or you) replace, then we do enter a schedule of a sale to mirant in the portal."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 41, "nninformation", ["enter", "sale"], "request", " if i (or you) replace, then we do enter a schedule of a sale to mirant in the portal."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 46, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "request", " but, we dont sell to mirant in enpower, as this is not our deal."]], "\n\nAlex,\nYou have been somehow entering deals under South America - Brazil region, rather than South 2001. Risk has been having a problem with this.\nThis has also affected the Brazil trading desk. \nDouble check your deal entry desks and zones. I intended to mention this last week and I forgot. It came up again today, per risk.\n\nAlso,\non the hour ending 6 deal today; you should have entered a sale to Frontera in Enpower, rather than Mirant.\nThis is a bit confusing, but here goes:\n\nFrontera had sold Mirant this option, not Enron. Frontera tells me daily what Mirant is calling for. I replace this power, or Frontera generates the schedule.\nIf I (or you) replace, then we do enter a schedule of a sale to Mirant in the Portal. But, we dont sell to Mirant in Enpower, as this is not our deal.\n\nInstead, the sale goes to Frontera. They pay us to reimburse us for buying LCRA on their behalf. \n\nDoes that help?\n\nJMF", "<21600064.1075852370094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal entryTnn": {"value": "deal entryTnn", "ne": "deal entryTnn", "patterns": ["deal entryTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "brazil", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn", "locname part_regionTnn"]}, "deal_trade part_regionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade part_regionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade part_regionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade part_regionTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "brazil", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["desk locnameTnn"]}, "desk tradingTnn": {"value": "desk tradingTnn", "ne": "desk tradingTnn", "patterns": ["desk tradingTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "portal scheduleTnn": {"value": "portal scheduleTnn", "ne": "portal scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["portal scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-8-2001-16:2:2Sm..forney@enron.com": {"9-8-2001-16:2:2Sm..forney@enron.com": ["9-8-2001-16:2:2", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com l..day@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10524813.1075852396309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 16:02:02 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com, alexander.mcelreath@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com,\n\teric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Interzonal Trading\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, l..day@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Day, Smith L. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n\tAttention:\nThe Ercot ISO has been settling our trades scheduled to the North by giving us the West or South Balancing Energy price. We have officially disputed this allocation, as we believe that we would, at most, incur a load deviation imbalance in the North zone (to be settled in the North). \nAgain, a purchase in the South scheduled to our load in the North is receiving the South or West prices.\n\nWe are awaiting Ercot's explanation.\n\nUntil further notice, do not schedule energy from the South or West to the North. You may still engage in intrazonal, or same zone, trades (QSE to QSE ).\n\nWhat IS permitted is imported from outside Ercot into the North zone. The DC tie is in the North and we should stay aggressive, working with the SPP team to secure transmission to and from Ercot. When in doubt, wake me up.\n\nUpdate:\n\nAt 6 pm, our Rep from Ercot agreed that the schedule mentioned above should have load imbalance assessed at the NORTH price. However, I still cannot accept his answer as the gospel, as any written interpretation of their tariff will always overrule our guy.\n\n\nI will advise when it is safe to re-enter the water, but for now: EVERYBODY OUT OF THE POOL!\n\n\nJMF", "Interzonal Trading", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 5, "information", ["north", "scheduled"], "information", " attention: the ercot iso has been settling our trades scheduled to the north by giving us the west or south balancing energy price."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 25, "information", ["load", "scheduled"], "information", " again, a purchase in the south scheduled to our load in the north is receiving the south or west prices."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 28, "information", ["prices", "receiving"], "information", " again, a purchase in the south scheduled to our load in the north is receiving the south or west prices."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 35, "nninformation", ["south", "schedule"], "request", " until further notice, do not schedule energy from the south or west to the north."]], "\n\n\tAttention:\nThe Ercot ISO has been settling our trades scheduled to the North by giving us the West or South Balancing Energy price. We have officially disputed this allocation, as we believe that we would, at most, incur a load deviation imbalance in the North zone (to be settled in the North). \nAgain, a purchase in the South scheduled to our load in the North is receiving the South or West prices.\n\nWe are awaiting Ercot's explanation.\n\nUntil further notice, do not schedule energy from the South or West to the North. You may still engage in intrazonal, or same zone, trades (QSE to QSE ).\n\nWhat IS permitted is imported from outside Ercot into the North zone. The DC tie is in the North and we should stay aggressive, working with the SPP team to secure transmission to and from Ercot. When in doubt, wake me up.\n\nUpdate:\n\nAt 6 pm, our Rep from Ercot agreed that the schedule mentioned above should have load imbalance assessed at the NORTH price. However, I still cannot accept his answer as the gospel, as any written interpretation of their tariff will always overrule our guy.\n\n\nI will advise when it is safe to re-enter the water, but for now: EVERYBODY OUT OF THE POOL!\n\n\nJMF", "<10524813.1075852396309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["load locname zoneTnnn", "load locnameTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["load locnameTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "qse tradeTnn": {"value": "qse tradeTnn", "ne": "qse tradeTnn", "patterns": ["qse tradeTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-10-2001-13:19:24Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-10-2001-13:19:24Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-10-2001-13:19:24", "m..forney@enron.com", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6544956.1075852370025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 13:19:24 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: alexander.mcelreath@enron.com\nSubject: FW: FPL Energy Mktg dispute 9/4/01\nCc: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: McElreath, Alexander \nX-cc: Jacobson, Michael \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nAlex,\nCould you check your trade log for this? I show that you were on this day. If this trade is good, we need to Enpower.\nLet me know what you find.\n\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tJacobson, Michael \nSent:\tMonday, October 15, 2001 12:59 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tFPL Energy Mktg dispute 9/4/01\n\nJMF,\n\nOn 9/4/01 FPL Energy Mktg is showing the following deal that we do not have in the Hourly P&L nor in EnPower...\n\nHE 18 - 25 mws @ $30\nHE 19 - 25 mws @ $30\nHE 20 - 25 mws @ $30\n\nThanks,\nMJ", "FW: FPL Energy Mktg dispute 9/4/01", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["check", "trade"], "request", " alex, could you check your trade log for this?"]], "\nAlex,\nCould you check your trade log for this? I show that you were on this day. If this trade is good, we need to Enpower.\nLet me know what you find.\n\nJMF\n ", "<6544956.1075852370025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "12-9-2001-14:13:12Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-9-2001-14:13:12Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-9-2001-14:13:12", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5104466.1075852368236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:13:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera length for he 7-11\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nFrontera is long hour ending 7-11 by 5 mw';s. This has been scheduled into the North 2001 zone on behalf of Teco Services. Please sell this power for > $5, if possible.\nUse your judgement - let me know if you have questions.\n\nPlease cut the imbalance deal and replace with the new sale.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Frontera length for he 7-11", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 3, "information", ["hour**ending", "long", "7", "5**mw"], "information", " orgname is long hour ending numeric numeric by numeric mw';s."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 8, "information", ["north", "scheduled", "zone"], "information", " this has been scheduled into the north numeric zone on behalf of orgname please sell this power for pricenumeric , if possible."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 13, "nninformation", ["power", "sell"], "request", " this has been scheduled into the north numeric zone on behalf of orgname please sell this power for pricenumeric , if possible."], ["cut deal", 21, "nninformation", ["cut", "deal"], "request", " please cut the imbalance deal and replace with the new sale."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 24, "nninformation", ["deal", "replace"], "request", " please cut the imbalance deal and replace with the new sale."]], "\nFrontera is long hour ending 7-11 by 5 mw';s. This has been scheduled into the North 2001 zone on behalf of Teco Services. Please sell this power for $5, if possible.\nUse your judgement - let me know if you have questions.\n\nPlease cut the imbalance deal and replace with the new sale.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<5104466.1075852368236.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "-11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "5**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn", "locname powerTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "-11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$5", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["power pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-11-2001-6:16:40Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-11-2001-6:16:40Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-11-2001-6:16:40", "m..forney@enron.com", "michael.corley@elpaso.com", "", "Message-ID: <31960265.1075861679016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 06:16:40 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: michael.corley@elpaso.com\nSubject: RE: ERCOT financial swaps\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: '\"Corley, Michael\" @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nSure, I am online everyday.\nI get in about 6 am, usually putting the numbers on at 6:30. I start with hr ending 8-22 and change to 9-22 usually when the first interval of he 9 is printed. \nThis is at my discretion. \nYou may post a limit order (either a bid or offer) that covers mine and transact online. You wont necessarily be trading with me, another counterparty can lift your offer or hit your bid.\n\nLet's trade it up!!!\n\nJForney\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Corley, Michael\" @ENRON \nSent:\tThursday, November 15, 2001 8:06 AM\nTo:\t'jforney@enron.com'\nSubject:\tERCOT financial swaps\n\nAre you all still showing numbers for intraday ERCOT swaps? If so when do\nyou normally post them. Thanks.\n\nMike Corley\n\n\n******************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso\nCorporation are confidential and intended solely for the\nuse of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.\nIf you have received this email in error please notify the\nsender.\n******************************************************************", "RE: ERCOT financial swaps", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 25, "nninformation", ["counterparty", "trading"], "intention", " you wont necessarily be trading with me, another counterparty can lift your offer or hit your bid."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 32, "nninformation", ["it", "trade"], "intention", " let's trade it up!"]], "Sure, I am online everyday.\nI get in about 6 am, usually putting the numbers on at 6:30. I start with hr ending 8-22 and change to 9-22 usually when the first interval of he 9 is printed. \nThis is at my discretion. \nYou may post a limit order (either a bid or offer) that covers mine and transact online. You wont necessarily be trading with me, another counterparty can lift your offer or hit your bid.\n\nLet's trade it up!!!\n\nJForney\n\n ", "<31960265.1075861679016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "he**9", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "-22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-8-2001-6:43:51Sm..forney@enron.com": {"13-8-2001-6:43:51Sm..forney@enron.com": ["13-8-2001-6:43:51", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19752267.1075852396419.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 06:43:51 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com, alexander.mcelreath@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com,\n\teric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: FRONTERA DOWN BALANCING (DBES)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are required to input down balancing bids for all generators that we represent. Every morning it is especially important that we have a DBES bid input for Frontera.\nWe should have balancing bids in for all hours, but we are most likely to be deployed in the morning hours.\nWe are required to monitor the Deployment instructions and communicate any instructions to Jerry Watson @ Teco/Frontera.\n\nFrontera is willing to pay a max of $10 to decrease their gen. This bid tells Ercot that we are willing to pay up to $10 for Ercot to fill our schedule during the time that we are being \"balanced down.\"\n\nWe should never see prices below $10 without being deployed down. If this situation happens, we have to explain to Frontera why we didnt get selected by the ISO.\nThis is an important part of the Services side of our business, and is the only way that we get paid on these type transactions.\n\n\nIf anyone has any questions on this, please give me a call as this is very important to all of us.'\n\n\nJMF\n", "FRONTERA DOWN BALANCING (DBES)", "", [["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 27, "nninformation", ["pay", "$10"], "intention", " orgname is willing to pay a max of pricenumeric to decrease their gen."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 34, "nninformation", ["pay", "$10"], "intention", " this bid tells ercot that we are willing to pay up to pricenumeric for ercot to fill our schedule during the time that we are being \"balanced down."]], "\n\nWe are required to input down balancing bids for all generators that we represent. Every morning it is especially important that we have a DBES bid input for Frontera.\nWe should have balancing bids in for all hours, but we are most likely to be deployed in the morning hours.\nWe are required to monitor the Deployment instructions and communicate any instructions to Jerry Watson @ Teco/Frontera.\n\nFrontera is willing to pay a max of $10 to decrease their gen. This bid tells Ercot that we are willing to pay up to $10 for Ercot to fill our schedule during the time that we are being \"balanced down.\"\n\nWe should never see prices below $10 without being deployed down. If this situation happens, we have to explain to Frontera why we didnt get selected by the ISO.\nThis is an important part of the Services side of our business, and is the only way that we get paid on these type transactions.\n\n\nIf anyone has any questions on this, please give me a call as this is very important to all of us.'\n\n\nJMF\n", "<19752267.1075852396419.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance_balance0energy hourTnn": {"value": "balance_balance0energy hourTnn", "ne": "balance_balance0energy hourTnn", "patterns": ["balance_balance0energy hourTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["bid pricenumericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "$10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-8-2001-5:7:31Sm..forney@enron.com": {"8-8-2001-5:7:31Sm..forney@enron.com": ["8-8-2001-5:7:31", "m..forney@enron.com", "peter.maheu@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32914508.1075852396055.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 05:07:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: peter.maheu@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Question\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Maheu, Peter \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI left you a request over a week ago concerning clarification of your question.\nCould you please present your question in written form as a reply to this e-mail?\nIf I cannot answer the question, then I will get an answer from our Ercot Rep.\n\nThe Ercot Settlement Statements have just arrived and we are breaking them down to ensure that they Protocols are being followed.\nThis is what is complicated as Ercot doesnt yet know their own rules.\n\nLet me know what you have.\n\nJMF\n3-7160\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMaheu, Peter \nSent:\tTuesday, August 07, 2001 9:23 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tQuestion\n\nAny luck yet on the question regarding ERCOT settlements?", "RE: Question", "", [["check_break object", 19, "information", ["breaking", "them"], "information", " the ercot settlement statements have just arrived and we are breaking them down to ensure that they protocols are being followed."]], "I left you a request over a week ago concerning clarification of your question.\nCould you please present your question in written form as a reply to this e-mail?\nIf I cannot answer the question, then I will get an answer from our Ercot Rep.\n\nThe Ercot Settlement Statements have just arrived and we are breaking them down to ensure that they Protocols are being followed.\nThis is what is complicated as Ercot doesnt yet know their own rules.\n\nLet me know what you have.\n\nJMF\n3-7160\n\n\n ", "<32914508.1075852396055.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "25-10-2001-12:46:29Sm..forney@enron.com": {"25-10-2001-12:46:29Sm..forney@enron.com": ["25-10-2001-12:46:29", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com wong.isaac@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33014796.1075852370950.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 12:46:29 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tphillips.george@enron.com, wong.isaac@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera Position for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , George Phillips , Isaac Wong , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nSell hour ending 6 only- 30 mw's for Frontera tomorrow. DO NOT GO TO THE POOL .\nIf you cannot sell the mw's for a reasonable price ($0 or greater) and the pool appears to be going to a negative, call Jerry and wake him up. Have him ramp up starting he 7.\nTry to sell tonite if possible, so we wont have to wake them up.\n\nI have sold the swap to Frontera for tomorrow.\n\nThey will be short the following hours:\n\nhe 7 - 370\nhe 8 - 265\nhe 9 - 200\nhe 10 - 50\n\nI have sold the swap to them at $24.50. I sell fixed and buy floating. If you think that the pool will be high, then you buy fixed and take to the pool.\nYou will buy fixed and sell floating. Net, we are left with two fixed prices. Very cool.\n\nErcot will be calling due to the ACE issue. The plant will be coming up slowly.\n\nCall if you have questions,\n\nJMF", "Frontera Position for tomorrow", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 1, "nninformation", ["hour**ending", "6", "30**mw", "sell"], "request", " sell hour ending numeric only- numeric mw's for orgname tomorrow."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 7, "nninformation", ["mw", "price", "sell"], "intention", " if you cannot sell the mw's for a reasonable price ( pricenumeric or greater) and the pool appears to be going to a negative, call jerry and wake him up."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 26, "information", ["swap", "sold"], "information", " i have sold the swap to orgname for tomorrow."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 28, "nninformation", ["he**7", "short"], "intention", " they will be short the following hours: he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric i have sold the swap to them at pricenumeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 38, "information", ["he**10", "sold"], "information", " they will be short the following hours: he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric he numeric - numeric i have sold the swap to them at pricenumeric ."], ["provide_leave cost_price", 57, "information", ["prices", "left"], "information", " net, we are left with two fixed prices."]], "\n\nSell hour ending 6 only- 30 mw's for Frontera tomorrow. DO NOT GO TO THE POOL .\nIf you cannot sell the mw's for a reasonable price ($0 or greater) and the pool appears to be going to a negative, call Jerry and wake him up. Have him ramp up starting he 7.\nTry to sell tonite if possible, so we wont have to wake them up.\n\nI have sold the swap to Frontera for tomorrow.\n\nThey will be short the following hours:\n\nhe 7 - 370\nhe 8 - 265\nhe 9 - 200\nhe 10 - 50\n\nI have sold the swap to them at $24.50. I sell fixed and buy floating. If you think that the pool will be high, then you buy fixed and take to the pool.\nYou will buy fixed and sell floating. Net, we are left with two fixed prices. Very cool.\n\nErcot will be calling due to the ACE issue. The plant will be coming up slowly.\n\nCall if you have questions,\n\nJMF", "<33014796.1075852370950.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "$0", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "pool pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "he**8", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "265", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "370", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "he**9", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "200", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn": {"value": "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn", "ne": "mw_numeric0mw priceTnn", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw priceTnn"]}, "pool priceTnn": {"value": "pool priceTnn", "ne": "pool priceTnn", "patterns": ["pool priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-9-2001-10:27:40Sm..forney@enron.com": {"26-9-2001-10:27:40Sm..forney@enron.com": ["26-9-2001-10:27:40", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1555279.1075852297036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:27:40 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Frontera Resource Plan - Min/Max MWs\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nFYI,\nThis morning Ercot asked us to run all three units for a manual OOM. Our Resource plan indicated that our total minimum was 220. I believe that we had a discussion with Ercot indicating that our minimum on a 2 on 1 config was 280. We ran at 280, but our resource plan was not updated. Ercot called mid-morning to say that they only wanted 220. It is possible that we will be punished financially (receive the balancing energy price) for the 60 mw's over their request.\n\nThe point is, the Resource Plan is the only thing binding. We must reflect our true minimums at all times. If the situation changes intraday, we need to make changes in the resource plan to reflect what we can actually do.\n\n\nPlease see the e-mail below from Alan.\n\nJMF\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSerio, Erik \nSent:\tWednesday, September 26, 2001 11:30 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tFW: Frontera Resource Plan - Min/Max MWs\nImportance:\tHigh\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tChen, Alan \nSent:\tTuesday, September 25, 2001 3:07 PM\nTo:\tBroussard, Richard; Comeaux, Keith; Kumar, Madhup; Laverell, Justin; Lenartowicz, Chris; Serio, Erik; Stewart, Kirk; Will, Lloyd\nSubject:\tFrontera Resource Plan - Min/Max MWs\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nAll,\n\nERCOT is questioning us the resource plan we put in the MOS, especially the Min/Max MWs for STG001. If we only have one CT running, then the Min/Max for ST would be 58/80 MWs instead of 130/184 MWs. Here is a list of points I got from Frontera for your reference:\n\n1. One CT running:\n\tCTG101\t\tSTG001\nMW\t80\t\t58\nMW\t100\t\t64\nMW\t110\t\t66\nMW\t120\t\t68\nMW\t130\t\t70\nMW\t140\t\t74\nMW\t150\t\t80\n\n2. Both CT's running:\n\tCTG101\t\tCTG201\t\tSTG001\nMW\t80\t\t80\t\t130\nMW\t100\t\t100\t\t140\nMW\t110\t\t110\t\t148\nMW\t120\t\t120\t\t151\nMW\t130\t\t130\t\t154\nMW\t140\t\t140\t\t158\nMW\t150\t\t150\t\t165\n\nIf you have questions, please let me know. Thanks.\n\nAlan Chen\nx37027", "FW: Frontera Resource Plan - Min/Max MWs", "", [["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 33, "nninformation", ["60**mw", "receive"], "intention", " it is possible that we will be punished financially (receive the balancing energy price) for the numeric mw's over their request."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 40, "information", ["binding", "point"], "information", " the point is, the resource plan is the only thing binding."], ["make change", 48, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", " if the situation changes intraday, we need to make changes in the resource plan to reflect what we can actually do."]], "\nFYI,\nThis morning Ercot asked us to run all three units for a manual OOM. Our Resource plan indicated that our total minimum was 220. I believe that we had a discussion with Ercot indicating that our minimum on a 2 on 1 config was 280. We ran at 280, but our resource plan was not updated. Ercot called mid-morning to say that they only wanted 220. It is possible that we will be punished financially (receive the balancing energy price) for the 60 mw's over their request.\n\nThe point is, the Resource Plan is the only thing binding. We must reflect our true minimums at all times. If the situation changes intraday, we need to make changes in the resource plan to reflect what we can actually do.\n\n\nPlease see the e-mail below from Alan.\n\nJMF\n ", "<1555279.1075852297036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy price receiveTnnv": {"value": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "ne": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy price receiveTnnv"]}, "balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "indicate_show resource0planTvn": {"value": "indicate_show resource0planTvn", "ne": "indicate_show resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["indicate_show resource0planTvn"]}, "36": {"value": "60**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw priceTnn"]}, "reflect resource0planTvn": {"value": "reflect resource0planTvn", "ne": "reflect resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["reflect resource0planTvn"]}}, false]}, "20-9-2001-11:7:11Sm..forney@enron.com": {"20-9-2001-11:7:11Sm..forney@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-11:7:11", "m..forney@enron.com", "jmwatson@tecoenergy.com kbparker@tecoenergy.com", "", "Message-ID: <28413140.1075852368669.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 11:07:11 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com, kbparker@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: Spreadsheet for Friday, 9/21\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Jerry Watson (E-mail) , Kenneth Parker (E-mail) \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nPlease see the attached. Remember that we are planning on buying hour ending 7 (50 mw's). So, we wont actually generate 250's as the schedule indicates.\nAlex will take care of this tonight.\n\nPrices for the weekend look like:\nonpeak $20.75\noffpeak $ 12.25\ngas $2.06\nThis doesnt look too good for the weekend run. Let me know what you need to do.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF\n\n ", "Spreadsheet for Friday, 9/21", "", [["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 5, "nninformation", ["buying", "hour**ending", "7", "50**mw"], "intention", " remember that we are planning on buying hour ending numeric ( numeric mw's)."]], "\n\nPlease see the attached. Remember that we are planning on buying hour ending 7 (50 mw's). So, we wont actually generate 250's as the schedule indicates.\nAlex will take care of this tonight.\n\nPrices for the weekend look like:\nonpeak $20.75\noffpeak $ 12.25\ngas $2.06\nThis doesnt look too good for the weekend run. Let me know what you need to do.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<28413140.1075852368669.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "12", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$20 75", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "offpeak pricenumericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "25", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "$2 06", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "250", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-6-2001-10:36:1Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-6-2001-10:36:1Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-6-2001-10:36:1", "m..forney@enron.com", "christopher.watts@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2711972.1075852393973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:36:01 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: christopher.watts@enron.com\nSubject: City of Bryan for May 29th, hour ending 19\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Watts, Christopher \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nChris, I think we already discussed this issue but let me summarize what I think happened:\n\nwe were parking 50 mw's with COB. We sold 50 to Reliant/HLP, but the transmission got cut. 3 mw's flowed on Oasis 9337 to Reliant. We show in the system that we are purchasing 50 mw's from COB and selling them 47.\nSo, I dont think that we needed to bookout 3 mw's with HLP. They received 3 mw's from City of Bryan on deal #625291. \nYou entered a bookout purchase on deal #625352.\n\nOasis also shows that 3 mw's flowed on #9337. So once again, we have an extra purchase from HLP that we didnt need.\nDid you negotiate this with HLP? \nIs this what happened?\n\nI'll talk to you about this tonight.\n\nThanks, MW\n\nJMF", "City of Bryan for May 29th, hour ending 19", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 13, "information", ["50**mw", "sold"], "information", " chris, i think we already discussed this issue but let me summarize what i think happened: we were parking numeric mw's with orgname we sold numeric to reliant/hlp, but the transmission got cut numeric mw's flowed on oasis numeric to reliant."], ["cut deal", 17, "information", ["cut", "3**mw"], "information", " chris, i think we already discussed this issue but let me summarize what i think happened: we were parking numeric mw's with orgname we sold numeric to reliant/hlp, but the transmission got cut numeric mw's flowed on oasis numeric to reliant."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 21, "nninformation", ["show", "50**mw"], "intention", " we show in the system that we are purchasing numeric mw's from orgname and selling them numeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 23, "nninformation", ["purchasing", "50**mw"], "intention", " we show in the system that we are purchasing numeric mw's from orgname and selling them numeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 25, "nninformation", ["50**mw", "selling"], "intention", " we show in the system that we are purchasing numeric mw's from orgname and selling them numeric ."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 32, "information", ["3**mw", "received"], "information", " they received numeric mw's from orgname on deal # numeric ."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 36, "information", ["deal", "entered", "625352"], "information", " you entered a bookout purchase on deal # numeric ."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 41, "information", ["shows", "3**mw"], "information", " oasis also shows that numeric mw's flowed on # numeric ."]], "\nChris, I think we already discussed this issue but let me summarize what I think happened:\n\nwe were parking 50 mw's with COB. We sold 50 to Reliant/HLP, but the transmission got cut. 3 mw's flowed on Oasis 9337 to Reliant. We show in the system that we are purchasing 50 mw's from COB and selling them 47.\nSo, I dont think that we needed to bookout 3 mw's with HLP. They received 3 mw's from City of Bryan on deal #625291. \nYou entered a bookout purchase on deal #625352.\n\nOasis also shows that 3 mw's flowed on #9337. So once again, we have an extra purchase from HLP that we didnt need.\nDid you negotiate this with HLP? \nIs this what happened?\n\nI'll talk to you about this tonight.\n\nThanks, MW\n\nJMF", "<2711972.1075852393973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"35": {"value": "625291", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "3**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["deal numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "deal_trade numeric0mwTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "625352", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "19", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-5-2001-10:34:4Sm..forney@enron.com": {"30-5-2001-10:34:4Sm..forney@enron.com": ["30-5-2001-10:34:4", "m..forney@enron.com", "kim.melodick@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18508466.1075852392973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 May 2001 10:34:04 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: kim.melodick@enron.com\nSubject: Forney's Resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Melodick, Kim \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nKim,\nThanks for spending time with me yesterday. I have spoken with Tom May concerning what my status was. I mentioned that my preference would be to return to Portland, however, I would be considering other options within the company for one week.\nMy thought was that I need to relay this same message to Presto, Doug and Lloyd. I will communicate this today, unless you have other ideas.\n\nAs discussed, I have attached a copy of my resume. It is getting kind of long, but I havent really gotten a chance to \"abbreviate.\"\n\nThanks again for helping, \nJMF\n\n\n\n ", "Forney's Resume", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 26, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " as discussed, i have attached a copy of my resume."]], "\nKim,\nThanks for spending time with me yesterday. I have spoken with Tom May concerning what my status was. I mentioned that my preference would be to return to Portland, however, I would be considering other options within the company for one week.\nMy thought was that I need to relay this same message to Presto, Doug and Lloyd. I will communicate this today, unless you have other ideas.\n\nAs discussed, I have attached a copy of my resume. It is getting kind of long, but I havent really gotten a chance to \"abbreviate.\"\n\nThanks again for helping, \nJMF\n\n\n\n ", "<18508466.1075852392973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-9-2001-12:52:14Sm..forney@enron.com": {"10-9-2001-12:52:14Sm..forney@enron.com": ["10-9-2001-12:52:14", "m..forney@enron.com", "iz.wong@enron.com", "johnny.palmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3846093.1075852368077.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 12:52:14 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: iz.wong@enron.com\nSubject: Work schedule for September\nCc: johnny.palmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: johnny.palmer@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Wong, Iz \nX-cc: Palmer, Johnny \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nIz -\nPlease see the attached work schedule for Sept. I have you officially joining the group on Wednesday, however, your actual shift work begins on Thursday, September 13th.\n\nIf you have any questions, give me a call at 3-7160.\n\nWe look forward to having you on the team.\n\nJForney\n\n ", "Work schedule for September", "", [["attach schedule", 4, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " iz - please see the attached work schedule for sept."]], "\n\nIz -\nPlease see the attached work schedule for Sept. I have you officially joining the group on Wednesday, however, your actual shift work begins on Thursday, September 13th.\n\nIf you have any questions, give me a call at 3-7160.\n\nWe look forward to having you on the team.\n\nJForney\n\n ", "<3846093.1075852368077.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-11-2001-12:1:54Sm..forney@enron.com": {"29-11-2001-12:1:54Sm..forney@enron.com": ["29-11-2001-12:1:54", "m..forney@enron.com", "mholdaway@lucascareers.com", "", "Message-ID: <12139076.1075859220049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 12:01:54 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: mholdaway@lucascareers.com\nSubject: Resume of John Forney\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'mholdaway@lucascareers.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nMark,\nPlease see the attached resume that details my professional experience. I can be reached by cell phone, 713-412-7529 to answer any questions you may have.\nMy home number is 281-419-4388.\n\nThanks for your interest.\n\nJForney\nDirector, Ercot Trading\n\n\n\n ", "Resume of John Forney", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 5, "information", ["attached", "details"], "information", " mark, please see the attached resume that details my professional experience."], ["reach cell0phone", 10, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reached"], "intention", " i can be reached by cell phone, phonenumber to answer any questions you may have."]], "\n\nMark,\nPlease see the attached resume that details my professional experience. I can be reached by cell phone, 713-412-7529 to answer any questions you may have.\nMy home number is 281-419-4388.\n\nThanks for your interest.\n\nJForney\nDirector, Ercot Trading\n\n\n\n ", "<12139076.1075859220049.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "6-9-2001-10:26:26Sm..forney@enron.com": {"6-9-2001-10:26:26Sm..forney@enron.com": ["6-9-2001-10:26:26", "m..forney@enron.com", "jmwatson@tecoenergy.com", "erik.serio@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4278204.1075852367685.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 10:26:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: Trades for tomorrow\nCc: erik.serio@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: erik.serio@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Jerry Watson (E-mail) \nX-cc: Serio, Erik \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nJerry,\nPlease see tomorrow's schedules as attached:\n\n\n\n ", "Trades for tomorrow", "", [["attach schedule", 4, "information", ["attached", "schedules"], "information", " jerry, please see tomorrow's schedules as attached: "]], "\n\nJerry,\nPlease see tomorrow's schedules as attached:\n\n\n\n ", "<4278204.1075852367685.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "25-9-2001-9:29:51Sm..forney@enron.com": {"25-9-2001-9:29:51Sm..forney@enron.com": ["25-9-2001-9:29:51", "m..forney@enron.com", "kbparker@tecoenergy.com", "", "Message-ID: <10139925.1075852368969.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 09:29:51 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: kbparker@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: RE: Spreadsheet\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: '\"Kenneth Parker\" @ENRON' \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nKen,\nLaurel will be sending the spreadsheet from now on. I asked her yesterday to include you on the distribution. \nI will be out of the office next week. Clint Dean will step in for me.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Kenneth Parker\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Kenneth+20Parker+22+20+3Ckbparker+40tecoenergy+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tTuesday, September 25, 2001 10:55 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tSpreadsheet\n\nJohn - Don't forget to add me to your spreadsheet distribution.\n\nkbparker@tecoenergy.com\n\nThanks,\n\nKen", "RE: Spreadsheet", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 3, "nninformation", ["sending", "spreadsheet"], "intention", "ken, laurel will be sending the spreadsheet from now on."]], "Ken,\nLaurel will be sending the spreadsheet from now on. I asked her yesterday to include you on the distribution. \nI will be out of the office next week. Clint Dean will step in for me.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "<10139925.1075852368969.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "12-7-2001-15:31:50Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-7-2001-15:31:50Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-7-2001-15:31:50", "m..forney@enron.com", "jae.black@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25892598.1075852394927.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 15:31:50 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jae.black@enron.com\nSubject: airline reservations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Black, Tamara Jae \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n\tPlease make the following arrangements for me in order to join Tom and Jeff in Tampa for the Teco meeting:\n\n7/16 - Depart Hobby to Tampa at 7:50pm flight.\nStay at Hyatt - Jeff Miller has made the arrangements already.\n\n7/17 - Depart Tampa 4:30, arrive Houston 6:35pm.\n\n\n\n\nI will be calling on Friday to check on this. Remember, I will be on vacation Friday and Monday. I was scheduled to take Tuesday off, but I will have to attend this meeting.\nPlease do not schedule a vacation day for me on Tuesday.\n\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n", "airline reservations", "", [["attend meeting", 28, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " i was scheduled to take tuesday off, but i will have to attend this meeting."]], "\n\n\tPlease make the following arrangements for me in order to join Tom and Jeff in Tampa for the Teco meeting:\n\n7/16 - Depart Hobby to Tampa at 7:50pm flight.\nStay at Hyatt - Jeff Miller has made the arrangements already.\n\n7/17 - Depart Tampa 4:30, arrive Houston 6:35pm.\n\n\n\n\nI will be calling on Friday to check on this. Remember, I will be on vacation Friday and Monday. I was scheduled to take Tuesday off, but I will have to attend this meeting.\nPlease do not schedule a vacation day for me on Tuesday.\n\n\nThanks,\nJForney\n\n", "<25892598.1075852394927.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "13-9-2001-4:37:39Sm..forney@enron.com": {"13-9-2001-4:37:39Sm..forney@enron.com": ["13-9-2001-4:37:39", "m..forney@enron.com", "jmwatson@tecoenergy.com", "", "Message-ID: <25648454.1075852368258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 04:37:39 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: REVISED 9/13 SPREADSHEET\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Jerry Watson (E-mail) \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n\nJerry -\nMy trader, Eric, was able to sell the he 7-11 5 mw's for $14. \n\n\nPlease see the attached:\n\n\nJMF\n\n ", "REVISED 9/13 SPREADSHEET", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 4, "information", ["he**7", "5**mw", "sell"], "information", " my trader, eric, was able to sell the he numeric numeric numeric mw's for pricenumeric ."]], "\n\n\nJerry -\nMy trader, Eric, was able to sell the he 7-11 5 mw's for $14. \n\n\nPlease see the attached:\n\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<25648454.1075852368258.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "-11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "5**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$14", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-11-2001-13:29:10Sm..forney@enron.com": {"8-11-2001-13:29:10Sm..forney@enron.com": ["8-11-2001-13:29:10", "m..forney@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com thane.twiggs@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26001102.1075862640012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 13:29:10 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: l..day@enron.com, thane.twiggs@enron.com\nSubject: oomc/oome\nCc: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Day, Smith L. , Twiggs, Thane \nX-cc: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Saibi-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nToday, we were both OOMC'd and OOME'd for 135mw's for the entire day. The OOME instruction was a category 4, which means operate AT this level.\nWe sold an additional 85 mw's from the plant, bringing the total to 220.\nErcot called to tell us to drop the output of the plant to 135. I hesitated because of the confusion we have previously experienced with this product.\n\nI contacted Mark Patterson and discussed the category 4 requirements and I agreed to take the plant down.\nColleen at Ercot said that she was going to \"report me\" for not immediately complying. Am I in trouble?\n\nJMF", "oomc/oome", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 9, "information", ["85**mw", "sold"], "information", " we sold an additional numeric mw's from the plant, bringing the total to numeric ."]], "\nToday, we were both OOMC'd and OOME'd for 135mw's for the entire day. The OOME instruction was a category 4, which means operate AT this level.\nWe sold an additional 85 mw's from the plant, bringing the total to 220.\nErcot called to tell us to drop the output of the plant to 135. I hesitated because of the confusion we have previously experienced with this product.\n\nI contacted Mark Patterson and discussed the category 4 requirements and I agreed to take the plant down.\nColleen at Ercot said that she was going to \"report me\" for not immediately complying. Am I in trouble?\n\nJMF", "<26001102.1075862640012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "85**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-6-2001-11:8:39Sm..forney@enron.com": {"5-6-2001-11:8:39Sm..forney@enron.com": ["5-6-2001-11:8:39", "m..forney@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21707823.1075852393182.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 11:08:39 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: l..day@enron.com\nSubject: Fishin site\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Day, Smith L. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nLinus,\n\ncheck this out:\n\nhttp://www.fishtexas.cc/\n\n\nGo under Texas City and you can get some good webcam action, wind speed and direction. Also, you can call one of the bait camps and get directions.\n\n\nJMF", "Fishin site", "", [["check_break object", 3, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "request", " linus, check this out: "]], "\n\nLinus,\n\ncheck this out:\n\nhttp://www.fishtexas.cc/\n\n\nGo under Texas City and you can get some good webcam action, wind speed and direction. Also, you can call one of the bait camps and get directions.\n\n\nJMF", "<21707823.1075852393182.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "23-10-2001-15:24:0Sm..forney@enron.com": {"23-10-2001-15:24:0Sm..forney@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-15:24:0", "m..forney@enron.com", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "m..grace@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31403570.1075852370743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 15:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera Financial Swap\nCc: m..grace@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: m..grace@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Jacobson, Michael \nX-cc: Grace, Rebecca M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nI have sold Frontera the following:\n\nhe 7 - 200 mw for $26.04\nhe 8 - 50 mw for $26.04\n\n\nPlease transfer this imbalance amount to me. See deal no's 835119 & 835120.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Frontera Financial Swap", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 1, "information", ["he**7", "200**mw", "sold"], "information", " i have sold orgname the following: he numeric - numeric mw for pricenumeric he numeric - numeric mw for pricenumeric please transfer this imbalance amount to me."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", " see deal no's numeric & numeric ."]], "\n\nI have sold Frontera the following:\n\nhe 7 - 200 mw for $26.04\nhe 8 - 50 mw for $26.04\n\n\nPlease transfer this imbalance amount to me. See deal no's 835119 & 835120.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<31403570.1075852370743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric0mwTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "835119", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "200**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$26 04", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["imbalance pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "$26 04", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-11-2001-11:20:48Sm..forney@enron.com": {"30-11-2001-11:20:48Sm..forney@enron.com": ["30-11-2001-11:20:48", "m..forney@enron.com", "jbengson@utilicorp.com", "", "Message-ID: <6818544.1075859220092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 11:20:48 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jbengson@utilicorp.com\nSubject: John Forney Information\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'jbengson@utilicorp.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nJosh,\nThanks for the inquiry. I have attached my resume and if you could pass it on, I would appreciate it.\nThanks again and I'll be talking to you soon.\n\nJForney\n\n\n\n \n", "John Forney Information", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 5, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " i have attached my resume and if you could pass it on, i would appreciate it."]], "\n\nJosh,\nThanks for the inquiry. I have attached my resume and if you could pass it on, I would appreciate it.\nThanks again and I'll be talking to you soon.\n\nJForney\n\n\n\n \n", "<6818544.1075859220092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "19-11-2001-12:25:52Sm..forney@enron.com": {"19-11-2001-12:25:52Sm..forney@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-12:25:52", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com oh.seung-taek@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21921358.1075861679565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 12:25:52 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, phillips.george@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, oh.seung-taek@enron.com\nSubject: Short Position for offpeak\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , George Phillips , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , seung-taek oh \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are short 50 mw's for offpeak tomorrow @ $13. I would not expect to have to fill this, but if you do, buy in the South and schedule under Ercot Asset.\nWe originally purchased this power from El Paso.\n\nCall me with questions.\n\nJMF", "Short Position for offpeak", "", [["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 0, "nninformation", ["offpeak", "short"], "request", "short position for offpeak."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 3, "information", ["50**mw", "short"], "information", " we are short numeric mw's for offpeak tomorrow @ pricenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 10, "nninformation", ["buy", "schedule"], "request", " i would not expect to have to fill this, but if you do, buy in the south and schedule under orgname we originally purchased this power from orgname call me with questions."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 14, "information", ["purchased", "power"], "information", " i would not expect to have to fill this, but if you do, buy in the south and schedule under orgname we originally purchased this power from orgname call me with questions."]], "\n\nWe are short 50 mw's for offpeak tomorrow @ $13. I would not expect to have to fill this, but if you do, buy in the South and schedule under Ercot Asset.\nWe originally purchased this power from El Paso.\n\nCall me with questions.\n\nJMF", "<21921358.1075861679565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw offpeak pricenumericTnnn", "numeric0mw offpeakTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$13", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw offpeak pricenumericTnnn", "offpeak pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-10-2001-4:22:5Sm..forney@enron.com": {"23-10-2001-4:22:5Sm..forney@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-4:22:5", "m..forney@enron.com", "karen.buckley@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11374079.1075852370675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 04:22:05 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: karen.buckley@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Trading Track Interviews\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Buckley, Karen \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nKaren,\nI have spoken with Adrianne yesterday concerning the status of this process. At that time, I had left messages with all three candidates, but was unable to reach them.\nLate yesterday afternoon, I received a call from Nicholas Watson. \nI was impressed with his previous experience in trading and his educational background. He also had shown some innovation related to some projects that he worked on at JP Morgan Chase & Co.\n\nI would recommend scheduling Nicholas for an interview. I did relay to him that we would contact him within a week.\n\nI will again call the other candidates.\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBuckley, Karen \nSent:\tMonday, October 22, 2001 5:56 PM\nTo:\tArnold, John; Forney, John M.; Ermis, Frank\nCc:\tEngler, Adrianne\nSubject:\tTrading Track Interviews\n\nJohn/John/Frank\n\nAs we are approaching the November 1st Trading Track interview dates, we need to finalize the reminder of the external candidate's initial screen.\n\nCan you please provide me with your feedback/status. If we need to re-assign your candidates to other traders please let me know by return.\n\nThanks,\n\nKaren\nx54667", "RE: Trading Track Interviews", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 33, "nninformation", ["interview", "scheduling"], "request", " i would recommend scheduling nicholas for an interview."]], "Karen,\nI have spoken with Adrianne yesterday concerning the status of this process. At that time, I had left messages with all three candidates, but was unable to reach them.\nLate yesterday afternoon, I received a call from Nicholas Watson. \nI was impressed with his previous experience in trading and his educational background. He also had shown some innovation related to some projects that he worked on at JP Morgan Chase & Co.\n\nI would recommend scheduling Nicholas for an interview. I did relay to him that we would contact him within a week.\n\nI will again call the other candidates.\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<11374079.1075852370675.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-10-2001-11:58:42Sm..forney@enron.com": {"16-10-2001-11:58:42Sm..forney@enron.com": ["16-10-2001-11:58:42", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com wong.isaac@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31098921.1075852370185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 11:58:42 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tphillips.george@enron.com, wong.isaac@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska offpeak purchase\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , George Phillips , Isaac Wong , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nThe Oklaunion plant is offline until midnight Friday. I have replaced the power for this deal in the cash market. \nNo replacement is needed.\nAlso;\nYou will notice that from peak on through 24, the pool has been strong. Generators are taking their units offline for offpeak and are running short until peak the next day.\nYou can recognize this in the ACE display on the monitor. Notice hour ending 3,4,5. Theyre draggin.\nPrices still havent done much in the offpeak,even with this going on.\n\nJMF", "Tenaska offpeak purchase", "", [["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["deal", "replaced"], "information", " i have replaced the power for this deal in the cash market."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 23, "information", ["offpeak", "short"], "information", " generators are taking their units offline for offpeak and are running short until peak the next day."]], "\n\nThe Oklaunion plant is offline until midnight Friday. I have replaced the power for this deal in the cash market. \nNo replacement is needed.\nAlso;\nYou will notice that from peak on through 24, the pool has been strong. Generators are taking their units offline for offpeak and are running short until peak the next day.\nYou can recognize this in the ACE display on the monitor. Notice hour ending 3,4,5. Theyre draggin.\nPrices still havent done much in the offpeak,even with this going on.\n\nJMF", "<31098921.1075852370185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal powerTnn": {"value": "deal powerTnn", "ne": "deal powerTnn", "patterns": ["deal powerTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "3,4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "market powerTnn": {"value": "market powerTnn", "ne": "market powerTnn", "patterns": ["market powerTnn"]}, "offline unitTnn": {"value": "offline unitTnn", "ne": "offline unitTnn", "patterns": ["offline unitTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-10-2001-14:57:31Sm..forney@enron.com": {"23-10-2001-14:57:31Sm..forney@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-14:57:31", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15899566.1075852305784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 14:57:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: postion for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nGreetings:\n\nFor tonight, Frontera is long 85mw's hour ending 2300. We need to sell this under the Teco Services book.\n\n\nFor tomorrow Frontera needs to sell:\n\nhour ending 4 - 30 mw's\nhour ending 5 -30 mw's\nEnter a purchase from Frontera (Teco services book) enter the same price as you sold for.\nEnter the sale (Teco Services).\n\nI am also selling Frontera 200 mw's for hour ending 7 and 50 mw's hour ending 8.\nI am selling this position for $26.04. I will be short the Imbalance price during this time. \nIf you can buy below $26.04 for this time period, do so and schedule to load in the South. \n\nI am long into the North Zone as follows :\nhe 1-6, 40 mw's\nhe 23&24, 55mw's\n\nI am long under deal #834600\nIf prices appear to weaken, sell these mw's for 1-6 and cut this Ercot Imbalance deal by same. This deals should be listed under Ercot Asset.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n\n", "postion for tomorrow", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 2, "information", ["hour**ending", "long", "2300", "85**mw"], "information", " greetings: for tonight, orgname is long numeric mw's hour ending numeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 7, "nninformation", ["0teco0services**book", "sell"], "intention", " we need to sell this under the orgname book."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 11, "nninformation", ["hour**ending", "4", "30**mw", "sell"], "intention", " for tomorrow orgname needs to sell: hour ending numeric - numeric mw's hour ending numeric numeric mw's enter a purchase from orgname orgname book) enter the same price as you sold for."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 18, "nninformation", ["(teco0services**book", "enter"], "intention", " for tomorrow orgname needs to sell: hour ending numeric - numeric mw's hour ending numeric numeric mw's enter a purchase from orgname orgname book) enter the same price as you sold for."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 23, "information", ["(teco0services**book", "sold"], "information", " for tomorrow orgname needs to sell: hour ending numeric - numeric mw's hour ending numeric numeric mw's enter a purchase from orgname orgname book) enter the same price as you sold for."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 24, "nninformation", ["enter", "sale"], "request", " enter the sale orgname ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 26, "information", ["hour**ending", "7", "200**mw", "selling"], "information", " i am also selling orgname numeric mw's for hour ending numeric and numeric mw's hour ending numeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 33, "information", ["position", "selling"], "information", " i am selling this position for pricenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 40, "nninformation", ["buy", "$26 04"], "intention", " if you can buy below pricenumeric for this time period, do so and schedule to load in the south."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 44, "nninformation", ["$26 04", "schedule"], "request", " if you can buy below pricenumeric for this time period, do so and schedule to load in the south."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 55, "information", ["deal", "long"], "information", " i am long into the north zone as follows : he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric & numeric , numeric mw's i am long under deal # numeric if prices appear to weaken, sell these mw's for numeric numeric and cut this ercot imbalance deal by same."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 61, "nninformation", ["mw", "prices", "sell"], "intention", " i am long into the north zone as follows : he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric & numeric , numeric mw's i am long under deal # numeric if prices appear to weaken, sell these mw's for numeric numeric and cut this ercot imbalance deal by same."], ["cut deal", 65, "information", ["cut", "deal"], "information", " i am long into the north zone as follows : he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric & numeric , numeric mw's i am long under deal # numeric if prices appear to weaken, sell these mw's for numeric numeric and cut this ercot imbalance deal by same."]], "\nGreetings:\n\nFor tonight, Frontera is long 85mw's hour ending 2300. We need to sell this under the Teco Services book.\n\n\nFor tomorrow Frontera needs to sell:\n\nhour ending 4 - 30 mw's\nhour ending 5 -30 mw's\nEnter a purchase from Frontera (Teco services book) enter the same price as you sold for.\nEnter the sale (Teco Services).\n\nI am also selling Frontera 200 mw's for hour ending 7 and 50 mw's hour ending 8.\nI am selling this position for $26.04. I will be short the Imbalance price during this time. \nIf you can buy below $26.04 for this time period, do so and schedule to load in the South. \n\nI am long into the North Zone as follows :\nhe 1-6, 40 mw's\nhe 23&24, 55mw's\n\nI am long under deal #834600\nIf prices appear to weaken, sell these mw's for 1-6 and cut this Ercot Imbalance deal by same. This deals should be listed under Ercot Asset.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n\n", "<15899566.1075852305784.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"20": {"value": "(teco0services**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["cost_price orgname0bookTnn", "hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn", "orgname0book purchaseTnn"]}, "deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "24", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "55**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["deal numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "deal_trade numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "57": {"value": "834600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "he**1", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "-6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "40**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "he**23", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "-30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn", "numeric0mw purchaseTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "2300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "85**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "200**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "imbalance priceTnn": {"value": "imbalance priceTnn", "ne": "imbalance priceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance priceTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-9-2001-10:46:20Sm..forney@enron.com": {"25-9-2001-10:46:20Sm..forney@enron.com": ["25-9-2001-10:46:20", "m..forney@enron.com", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32315959.1075852368994.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:46:20 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Possible Scam\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Miller, Jeffrey \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI used to carpool with a guy and his wife from Liberty. He asked me one day: \" what if someone called you and told you that you just won a new Towncar - all you had to pay was the $700 in taxes?\" I told both of them (laughing) that it was a scam and someone would have to be an idiot to fall for that, since they didnt enter any contest.\nThey both looked down at their feet and said that they sent a check to this outfit. I called them dumbasses again and they called their bank to cancel the check.\n\nThe jackass scam artist called them back, bitching that they had cancelled their check. My dumbass friend was talked into this transaction AGAIN.\nHe tried to reinstate the check , but the bank's policy prevented him from reactivating this payment. He was going to do this again, but I told his in-laws, friends and everyone else I could to talk to him. He finally saw the light. Just doing my job.\n\nAnyway, this guy is a super nice (but dumbass) guy. He works at the Harris county courthouse. His wife ran off with a crack head, left him with the kids, didnt come homefor several weeks and then wanted a divorce. The divorce was in Liberty where this woman, also a dumbass friend from wayback, had worked for the Judge presiding over her case. \nShe got the kids and he pays $2500/month.\n\nLife is less fair to dumbasses\n\nJMF\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMiller, Jeffrey \nSent:\tTuesday, September 25, 2001 12:16 PM\nTo:\tGilbert, Gerald\nCc:\tCoulter, Kayne; Day, Smith L.; Forney, John M.\nSubject:\tFW: Possible Scam\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGiancannoli @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Giancannoli+20+3Cdgian00+40yahoo+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tTuesday, September 25, 2001 10:09 AM\nTo:\tAndy Tosch; Matt Tosch; Gillian Wilson \\(Home\\); Alan Wing; William Young; Dan Giancola; Michael Giancola; Mike Giancola; David Haddock; Pat Martell; Miller, Jeffrey\nSubject:\tPossible Scam\n\nNot sure if you knew of this or not...\n\nDON'T EVER DIAL AREA CODE 809\n\nThis one is being distributed all over the U.S. This\nis pretty scary - especially given the way they try to\nget you to call. Be sure you read this and pass it on\nto all your friends, family and business associates so\nthey don't get scammed!! THIS IS A MAJOR SCAM.\n\nDon't respond to E-Mails, phone calls or web pages\nwhich tell you to call an \"809\" phone number. This is\na very important issue of Scam Busters because it\nalerts you to a scam that is spreading \"extremely\"\nquickly. This can easily cost you $24,100.00 or more\nand is difficult to avoid unless you are aware of it.\nWe'd like to thank Verizon for bringing this scam to\nour attention. This scam has also been identified by\nthe National Fraud Information Center and is costing\nvictims a lot of money.\n\nThere are lots of different permutations of this scam,\nbut HERE'S HOW IT WORKS. You will receive a message on\nyour answering machine, voice mail, etc, asking you to\ncall a number beginning with the area code 809. The\nreasons you are asked to call varies. It can be to\nreceive information about a family member who has been\nill, to tell you someone you know has been arrested,\ndied, to let you know you have won a wonderful prize,\netc. In each case, you are told to call the 809\nnumber right away. Since there are so many new area\ncodes these days, people unknowingly return these\ncalls. If you call from the U.S., you will apparently\nbe charged $2,425.00 per minute. Or. you will get a\nlong recorded message. The point is, they will try to\nkeep you on the phone as long as possible to increase\nthe charges. Unfortunately, when you get your phone\nbill, you'll often be charged more than $24,100.00.\n\nWHY IT WORKS: The 809 area code number is located in\nthe British Virgin Islands (The Bahamas). The 809\narea code can be used as a \"pay-per-call\" number,\nsimilar to 900 numbers in the U.S. Since 809 is not\nin the U.S., it is not covered by U.S. regulations of\n900 numbers, which require that you be notified and\nwarned of charges and rates involved when you call a\n\"pay-per-call\" number. There is also no requirement\nthat the company provide a time period during which\nyou may terminate the call without being charged.\nFurthermore, whereas many U.S. phones have 900 number\nblocking to avoid these kinds of charges. 900 number\nblocking will not prevent calls to the 809 area code.\nWe recommend that no matter how you get the message,\nif you are asked to call a number with an 809 area\ncode that you don't recognize and/orinvestigate\nfurther and just disregard the message. Be wary of\nE-Mail or calls asking you to call an 809 area code\nnum! ber. It's important to prevent becoming a victim\nof this scam since trying to fight the charges\nafterwards can become a real nightmare.\n\nThat's because you did actually make the call. If you\ncomplain, both your local phone company and your long\ndistance carrier will not want to get involved. They\nwill most likely tell you that they are simply\nproviding the billing for the foreign company. You'll\nend up dealing with a foreign company that argues they\nhave done nothing wrong. Please forward this entire\nmessage to all of your friends, family and colleagues\nto help them become aware of this scam\n\n\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com", "RE: Possible Scam", "", [["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 11, "nninformation", ["pay", "$700"], "request information", " he asked me one day: \" what if someone called you and told you that you just won a new towncar - all you had to pay was the pricenumeric in taxes?"], ["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 49, "information", ["prevented", "him"], "information", " he tried to reinstate the check , but the bank's policy prevented him from reactivating this payment."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 92, "information", ["pays", "$2500"], "information", " she got the kids and he pays pricenumeric /month."]], "I used to carpool with a guy and his wife from Liberty. He asked me one day: \" what if someone called you and told you that you just won a new Towncar - all you had to pay was the $700 in taxes?\" I told both of them (laughing) that it was a scam and someone would have to be an idiot to fall for that, since they didnt enter any contest.\nThey both looked down at their feet and said that they sent a check to this outfit. I called them dumbasses again and they called their bank to cancel the check.\n\nThe jackass scam artist called them back, bitching that they had cancelled their check. My dumbass friend was talked into this transaction AGAIN.\nHe tried to reinstate the check , but the bank's policy prevented him from reactivating this payment. He was going to do this again, but I told his in-laws, friends and everyone else I could to talk to him. He finally saw the light. Just doing my job.\n\nAnyway, this guy is a super nice (but dumbass) guy. He works at the Harris county courthouse. His wife ran off with a crack head, left him with the kids, didnt come homefor several weeks and then wanted a divorce. The divorce was in Liberty where this woman, also a dumbass friend from wayback, had worked for the Judge presiding over her case. \nShe got the kids and he pays $2500/month.\n\nLife is less fair to dumbasses\n\nJMF\n\n\n\n ", "<32315959.1075852368994.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-8-2001-12:3:9Sm..forney@enron.com": {"20-8-2001-12:3:9Sm..forney@enron.com": ["20-8-2001-12:3:9", "m..forney@enron.com", "narsimha.misra@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21203283.1075852396804.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 12:03:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: narsimha.misra@enron.com\nSubject: EES Proposal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Misra, Narsimha \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nNarsimha -\nCan we get together to discuss how best to serve your retail load? I think this simple process has been complicated by the number of players involved.\nWe will give you any structure that you need and provide transparency as to how we do what we do. What more is there?\n\nI have heard that this could start as early as September, but we are still a bit short on detail. If we started in September, I would envision passing local charges, congestion, etc to EES. We would schedule your hedges, your load and cover any remaining balance (or not) with respect to load zone.\nWe would provide scheduling services, settlements and 24 hour coverage to handle any contingencies that might occur.\n\nI look forward to working with you on this issue. \n\nGive me a call when you get a chance.\n\nThanks,\nJForney", "EES Proposal", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 26, "nninformation", ["load", "schedule"], "intention", " we would schedule your hedges, your load and cover any remaining balance (or not) with respect to load zone."]], "\n\nNarsimha -\nCan we get together to discuss how best to serve your retail load? I think this simple process has been complicated by the number of players involved.\nWe will give you any structure that you need and provide transparency as to how we do what we do. What more is there?\n\nI have heard that this could start as early as September, but we are still a bit short on detail. If we started in September, I would envision passing local charges, congestion, etc to EES. We would schedule your hedges, your load and cover any remaining balance (or not) with respect to load zone.\nWe would provide scheduling services, settlements and 24 hour coverage to handle any contingencies that might occur.\n\nI look forward to working with you on this issue. \n\nGive me a call when you get a chance.\n\nThanks,\nJForney", "<21203283.1075852396804.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"39": {"value": "24", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-9-2001-12:38:28Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-9-2001-12:38:28Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-9-2001-12:38:28", "m..forney@enron.com", "jae.black@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15422924.1075852368213.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:38:28 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jae.black@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Las Vegas Trip\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Black, Tamara Jae \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nTJ:\nPlease make sure that the Ercot RC is not billed for our portion of the customer trip. If I can assist with this accounting, let me know. I dont wish to subsidize the other Hourly traders who are now able to attend this customer meeting at my expense.\n\nIn the future, I need to be aware of any decisions that will adversely affect me or my group.\nI am a Commercial Director and no one below this rank should be making decisions on my behalf without my knowledge.\n\nI do realize what a large undertaking this trip was. We werent able to secure a commitment from customers, but I was confident that our spots could be filled internally ( with our group members). I am sure that the overall headcount for this trip\ndid not change, rather the allocation to each group was changed.\n\nMy goal is not to give you a hard time - I dont usually mention rank or make much of a big deal out of anything.\nBut I do expect a certain amount of respect given my rank, profitability and that I have been here 8 years.\nI try to extend the same courtesy to you and your staff.\n\nJMF \n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBlack, Tamara Jae \nSent:\tWednesday, September 12, 2001 1:49 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: Las Vegas Trip\n\nThank you for the communication...I will add Steve and do my best to get him in all the activities. Next time I will just be a pain in your ... I thought you realized how important it was at the time I gave you the note to finalize this trip. They are a lot of work and we have to have all info. in at least a month to make room for changes or errors.\n\nSorry for the confusion.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tWednesday, September 12, 2001 1:36 PM\nTo:\tBlack, Tamara Jae\nSubject:\tRE: Las Vegas Trip\n\nThanks for your reply.\nHere's what I have learned from our conversation:\nSince I have not gotten a specific response from my customers, my spots were \"captured\" by Don and Juan's group?\nI acknowledge that I have not relayed specific names for Reliant and TXU, as they havent responded after many calls, but did not receive notice that I was to lose my spots.\nI expected to be able to include my employees, as Juan and Don have now done with my spots.\n\nDon and Juan have invited my employee, Steve Olinde, with one of my original spots. He will attend.\n\nI am not trying to give you a hard time, but I need to know who authorized filling my spots?\n\nJMF\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBlack, Tamara Jae \nSent:\tWednesday, September 12, 2001 1:18 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tRE: Las Vegas Trip\n\nWell...the trip has been booked....at one time you had a few spots. The only room we have now if for one. We used your spots because we never got your response so we filled them with customers.\n\nPlease let me know ASAP if Steve Olinde will be in that spot so that I can get his airfare booked and notify the hotel.\n\nThanks TJae\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tForney, John M. \nSent:\tWednesday, September 12, 2001 1:16 PM\nTo:\tBlack, Tamara Jae\nSubject:\tLas Vegas Trip\n\n\n\nTJ -\nHow many spots does the Ercot RT group have for the LV trip in October?\n\nJMF", "RE: Las Vegas Trip", "", [["attend meeting", 17, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " i dont wish to subsidize the other hourly traders who are now able to attend this customer meeting at my expense."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 31, "nninformation", ["decisions", "making"], "intention", " i am a commercial director and no one below this rank should be making decisions on my behalf without my knowledge."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 60, "information", ["deal", "make"], "information", " my goal is not to give you a hard time - i dont usually mention rank or make much of a big deal out of anything."]], "TJ:\nPlease make sure that the Ercot RC is not billed for our portion of the customer trip. If I can assist with this accounting, let me know. I dont wish to subsidize the other Hourly traders who are now able to attend this customer meeting at my expense.\n\nIn the future, I need to be aware of any decisions that will adversely affect me or my group.\nI am a Commercial Director and no one below this rank should be making decisions on my behalf without my knowledge.\n\nI do realize what a large undertaking this trip was. We werent able to secure a commitment from customers, but I was confident that our spots could be filled internally ( with our group members). I am sure that the overall headcount for this trip\ndid not change, rather the allocation to each group was changed.\n\nMy goal is not to give you a hard time - I dont usually mention rank or make much of a big deal out of anything.\nBut I do expect a certain amount of respect given my rank, profitability and that I have been here 8 years.\nI try to extend the same courtesy to you and your staff.\n\nJMF \n\n\n\n\n ", "<15422924.1075852368213.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"hourly traderTnn": {"value": "hourly traderTnn", "ne": "hourly traderTnn", "patterns": ["hourly traderTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-9-2001-14:41:13Sm..forney@enron.com": {"27-9-2001-14:41:13Sm..forney@enron.com": ["27-9-2001-14:41:13", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5101725.1075852369426.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:41:13 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera ACE Issue for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe have sold a financial swap to Frontera for hours 7-11 for $20. They sold a 340 mw schedule for the onpeak tomorrow.\nThey will be ramping up starting hour ending 7 for the following:\n\nHe7,8 - 30mw's\nHe 9 - 100\nHE 10 - 200\nHE 11 -280\n\nSo, basically, they will be dragging significantly for these hours. We sold this imbalance to them for $20 and we will take the floating price.\nThe Resource Plan will only show 340 mw's onpeak. \n\nErcot will call and ask about our ACE issue. Just say that our unit is just now coming up and we are on the normal ascension ramp mentioned above.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF", "Frontera ACE Issue for tomorrow", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 2, "information", ["hours", "7", "0financial**swap", "sold"], "information", " we have sold a orgname swap to orgname for hours numeric numeric for pricenumeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 8, "information", ["340**mw", "sold"], "information", " they sold a numeric mw schedule for the onpeak tomorrow."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 28, "information", ["imbalance", "sold"], "information", " we sold this imbalance to them for pricenumeric and we will take the floating price."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 35, "nninformation", ["show", "340**mw"], "intention", " the resource plan will only show numeric mw's onpeak."]], "\n\nWe have sold a financial swap to Frontera for hours 7-11 for $20. They sold a 340 mw schedule for the onpeak tomorrow.\nThey will be ramping up starting hour ending 7 for the following:\n\nHe7,8 - 30mw's\nHe 9 - 100\nHE 10 - 200\nHE 11 -280\n\nSo, basically, they will be dragging significantly for these hours. We sold this imbalance to them for $20 and we will take the floating price.\nThe Resource Plan will only show 340 mw's onpeak. \n\nErcot will call and ask about our ACE issue. Just say that our unit is just now coming up and we are on the normal ascension ramp mentioned above.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nJMF", "<5101725.1075852369426.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"30": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "imbalance pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "he**7,8", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "he**9", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "he**10", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "200", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}, "imbalance priceTnn": {"value": "imbalance priceTnn", "ne": "imbalance priceTnn", "patterns": ["imbalance priceTnn"]}, "indicate_show resource0planTvn": {"value": "indicate_show resource0planTvn", "ne": "indicate_show resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["indicate_show resource0planTvn"]}, "6": {"value": "-11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "340**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw onpeakTnn", "numeric0mw scheduleTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "340**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw onpeakTnn", "numeric0mw resource0planTnn"]}, "onpeak scheduleTnn": {"value": "onpeak scheduleTnn", "ne": "onpeak scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["onpeak scheduleTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "0financial**swap", "ne": "orgname0swap", "patterns": ["orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-10-2001-13:59:41Sm..forney@enron.com": {"23-10-2001-13:59:41Sm..forney@enron.com": ["23-10-2001-13:59:41", "m..forney@enron.com", "john.wester@austinenergy.com", "", "Message-ID: <4548051.1075852370698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:59:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: john.wester@austinenergy.com\nSubject: Outage for Friday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'john.wester@austinenergy.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nJohn,\nThe outage requested for Friday has been approved by Kevin Presto. I am glad to hear that the demin tank situation has been resolved.\nThe meeting that I attended was helpful in understanding your level of frustration. \n\nIf you have further questions, please let me know.\n\nJohn Forney\n", "Outage for Friday", "", [["attend meeting", 13, "information", ["attended", "meeting"], "information", " the meeting that i attended was helpful in understanding your level of frustration."]], "\n\nJohn,\nThe outage requested for Friday has been approved by Kevin Presto. I am glad to hear that the demin tank situation has been resolved.\nThe meeting that I attended was helpful in understanding your level of frustration. \n\nIf you have further questions, please let me know.\n\nJohn Forney\n", "<4548051.1075852370698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-8-2001-8:10:28Sm..forney@enron.com": {"8-8-2001-8:10:28Sm..forney@enron.com": ["8-8-2001-8:10:28", "m..forney@enron.com", "kim.melodick@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17567500.1075852396172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 08:10:28 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: kim.melodick@enron.com\nSubject: Keenan Wilborn\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Melodick, Kim \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nKim,\nKeenon has been recommended to Doug as a possiblity in RT. I think our roster has been filled out, however, I had promised this guy an interview before I knew that Lloyd had lifted some people.\nCan we schedule an interview with Keenon, as I think that he is a strong prospect.\n\nI will send you a copy of his resume via office mail. He can be reached at 713-410-2255.\n\nPlease let me know what you think.\n\nThanks,\nJForney", "Keenan Wilborn", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 17, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "intention", " can we schedule an interview with keenon, as i think that he is a strong prospect."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 23, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "intention", " i will send you a copy of his resume via office mail."]], "\n\nKim,\nKeenon has been recommended to Doug as a possiblity in RT. I think our roster has been filled out, however, I had promised this guy an interview before I knew that Lloyd had lifted some people.\nCan we schedule an interview with Keenon, as I think that he is a strong prospect.\n\nI will send you a copy of his resume via office mail. He can be reached at 713-410-2255.\n\nPlease let me know what you think.\n\nThanks,\nJForney", "<17567500.1075852396172.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-9-2001-13:46:25Sm..forney@enron.com": {"7-9-2001-13:46:25Sm..forney@enron.com": ["7-9-2001-13:46:25", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <893233.1075852367894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 13:46:25 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Lenth for hour ending on Monday 9/10\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe have purchased 65 mw's from Teco for hour ending 6 on Monday for $5. This is scheduled into the North Zone.\nIf prices dictate, sell to another counterparty. See deal no. 767454\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Lenth for hour ending on Monday 9/10", "", [["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 2, "information", ["purchased", "hour**ending", "6", "65**mw"], "information", " we have purchased numeric mw's from teco for hour ending numeric on monday for pricenumeric ."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 7, "information", ["north", "scheduled", "zone"], "information", " this is scheduled into the north zone."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 12, "nninformation", ["counterparty", "sell"], "request", " if prices dictate, sell to another counterparty."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", " see deal no numeric "]], "\n\nWe have purchased 65 mw's from Teco for hour ending 6 on Monday for $5. This is scheduled into the North Zone.\nIf prices dictate, sell to another counterparty. See deal no. 767454\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<893233.1075852367894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"16": {"value": "767454", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "65**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$5", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-9-2001-16:13:12Sm..forney@enron.com": {"24-9-2001-16:13:12Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-9-2001-16:13:12", "m..forney@enron.com", "andrea.dahlke@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7540382.1075852368923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 16:13:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: andrea.dahlke@enron.com\nSubject: New deal value for 9/25\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Dahlke, Andrea \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nAndrea,\napparently an imbalance deal was entered under Teco services and the mark to market flag was not removed. I show negative new deal value for Teco Services, when I sold above the curve on their behalf.\nI assume this is the reason for the negative new deal value.\n\nThe deal has been revised, as it was to be a temporary placeholder anyway. This imbal. sale deal will be taken to zero and resold to another counterparty tonight.\n\nWill I ever get a true up for the negative new deal value?\n\nJMF", "New deal value for 9/25", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deal", "entered"], "information", " apparently an imbalance deal was entered under orgname and the mark to market flag was not removed."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 12, "information", ["deal", "sold"], "information", " i show negative new deal value for orgname when i sold above the curve on their behalf."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 28, "nninformation", ["counterparty", "resold"], "intention", " sale deal will be taken to zero and resold to another counterparty tonight."]], "\nAndrea,\napparently an imbalance deal was entered under Teco services and the mark to market flag was not removed. I show negative new deal value for Teco Services, when I sold above the curve on their behalf.\nI assume this is the reason for the negative new deal value.\n\nThe deal has been revised, as it was to be a temporary placeholder anyway. This imbal. sale deal will be taken to zero and resold to another counterparty tonight.\n\nWill I ever get a true up for the negative new deal value?\n\nJMF", "<7540382.1075852368923.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal imbalanceTnn": {"value": "deal imbalanceTnn", "ne": "deal imbalanceTnn", "patterns": ["deal imbalanceTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-9-2001-15:58:47Sm..forney@enron.com": {"24-9-2001-15:58:47Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-9-2001-15:58:47", "m..forney@enron.com", "mpatterson@ercot.com", "laurel.bolt@enron.com m..grace@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30534243.1075852368901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:58:47 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: mpatterson@ercot.com\nSubject: More questions\nCc: laurel.bolt@enron.com, m..grace@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: laurel.bolt@enron.com, m..grace@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Mark Patterson (E-mail) \nX-cc: Bolt, Laurel , Grace, Rebecca M. , Miller, Jeffrey \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nMark,\nHope all is well in Taylor. I have a couple of questions about OOMC capacity payments. As discussed in our meeting, I received a manual OOMC on Thursday 9/13 (10:30 pm) from Terry at the ISO.\nHe reserved 220 mw of capacity from the Frontera unti for hours ending 9-2400 for Friday, Sept 14th.\n\nWe were, indeed, exercised on Friday. I think that we understand the payment for the energy portion of the exercise.\n\nHowever, we are not certain what we will be paid for the capacity portion, as the formula for OOMC payment is based upon the Replacement reserve market.\nThe replacement reserve prices have been zero.\n\nCould you provide some help on this?\n\nThanks,\n\nJ Forney\n\n \n", "More questions", "", [["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 10, "information", ["oomc", "received"], "information", " as discussed in our meeting, i received a manual oomc on thursday datenumeric ( numerictime pm) from terry at the iso."]], "\n\nMark,\nHope all is well in Taylor. I have a couple of questions about OOMC capacity payments. As discussed in our meeting, I received a manual OOMC on Thursday 9/13 (10:30 pm) from Terry at the ISO.\nHe reserved 220 mw of capacity from the Frontera unti for hours ending 9-2400 for Friday, Sept 14th.\n\nWe were, indeed, exercised on Friday. I think that we understand the payment for the energy portion of the exercise.\n\nHowever, we are not certain what we will be paid for the capacity portion, as the formula for OOMC payment is based upon the Replacement reserve market.\nThe replacement reserve prices have been zero.\n\nCould you provide some help on this?\n\nThanks,\n\nJ Forney\n\n \n", "<30534243.1075852368901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomcTnn"]}, "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn": {"value": "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn", "ne": "capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn", "patterns": ["capacity_capacity0payment oomcTnn"]}, "component_portion energyTnn": {"value": "component_portion energyTnn", "ne": "component_portion energyTnn", "patterns": ["component_portion energyTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "220**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}, "price replacement reserveTnnn": {"value": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "ne": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "patterns": ["price replacement reserveTnnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}, "replacement reserveTnn": {"value": "replacement reserveTnn", "ne": "replacement reserveTnn", "patterns": ["replacement reserveTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-8-2001-16:57:16Sm..forney@enron.com": {"1-8-2001-16:57:16Sm..forney@enron.com": ["1-8-2001-16:57:16", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com tom.may@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26419010.1075852395778.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 16:57:16 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: Ancillary service awards for Frontera\nCc: jeffrey.miller@enron.com, tom.may@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.miller@enron.com, tom.may@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'jmwatson@tecoenergy.com', Comeaux, Keith \nX-cc: Miller, Jeffrey , May, Tom , Olinde Jr., Steve \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\t\n\n\nJerrry,\n\nSee the attached megawatt awards for tomorrow. We are talking with the Ercot staff regarding the settlement of this and the\tOOM (Out of Merit) decrease for today. It is our understanding, per the protocols, that when we are dispatched down the ISO keeps our $35 scheduled sale whole. We are paid this revenue stream (by our sale counterparty) PLUS the greater of: the applicable balancing energy price for that hour or zero. If you are decreased by 50 mw's for an hour you receive:\n$35 sale + balancing $33.50 = 68.50/mw for not running your plant. \n\nFor the capacity tomorrow,\nWe will reserve the mw's below and possibly sell the rest. The Resource Plan is increased to reflect 400 mw's plus the awarded megs for each hour. The EMS will only show 400 mw until we get deployed. \n At the time of deployment, we also receive the balancing energy price for the hour exercised.\nWe bid in a Non-spin product which requires us to respond within 30 \". They can take partial hours, at their option.\n\nI hope this helps.\n\nJFORNEY\nDirector, EPMI\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \t", "Ancillary service awards for Frontera", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 17, "information", ["$35", "scheduled"], "information", " it is our understanding, per the protocols, that when we are dispatched down the iso keeps our pricenumeric scheduled sale whole."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 34, "nninformation", ["50**mw", "receive"], "request", " if you are decreased by numeric mw's for an hour you receive: pricenumeric sale balancing pricenumeric numeric numeric /mw for not running your plant."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 41, "nninformation", ["running", "50**mw"], "intention", " if you are decreased by numeric mw's for an hour you receive: pricenumeric sale balancing pricenumeric numeric numeric /mw for not running your plant."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 47, "nninformation", ["mw", "sell"], "intention", " for the capacity tomorrow, we will reserve the mw's below and possibly sell the rest."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 58, "nninformation", ["show", "400**mw"], "intention", " the ems will only show numeric mw until we get deployed."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 64, "nninformation", ["price", "receive"], "intention", " at the time of deployment, we also receive the balancing energy price for the hour exercised."]], "\t\n\n\nJerrry,\n\nSee the attached megawatt awards for tomorrow. We are talking with the Ercot staff regarding the settlement of this and the\tOOM (Out of Merit) decrease for today. It is our understanding, per the protocols, that when we are dispatched down the ISO keeps our $35 scheduled sale whole. We are paid this revenue stream (by our sale counterparty) PLUS the greater of: the applicable balancing energy price for that hour or zero. If you are decreased by 50 mw's for an hour you receive:\n$35 sale + balancing $33.50 = 68.50/mw for not running your plant. \n\nFor the capacity tomorrow,\nWe will reserve the mw's below and possibly sell the rest. The Resource Plan is increased to reflect 400 mw's plus the awarded megs for each hour. The EMS will only show 400 mw until we get deployed. \n At the time of deployment, we also receive the balancing energy price for the hour exercised.\nWe bid in a Non-spin product which requires us to respond within 30 \". They can take partial hours, at their option.\n\nI hope this helps.\n\nJFORNEY\nDirector, EPMI\n\n\n \n\n\n\n \t", "<26419010.1075852395778.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy price receiveTnnv": {"value": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "ne": "balance0energy price receiveTnnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy price receiveTnnv"]}, "balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "balance_balance0energy hourTnn": {"value": "balance_balance0energy hourTnn", "ne": "balance_balance0energy hourTnn", "patterns": ["balance_balance0energy hourTnn"]}, "closure_settlement oomTnn": {"value": "closure_settlement oomTnn", "ne": "closure_settlement oomTnn", "patterns": ["closure_settlement oomTnn"]}, "counterparty saleTnn": {"value": "counterparty saleTnn", "ne": "counterparty saleTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty saleTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "$35", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric saleTnn"]}, "hour_hour0end priceTnn": {"value": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "ne": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end priceTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric0mw plantTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "68", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "$33 50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "400**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw resource0planTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$35", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pricenumeric saleTnn"]}, "reflect resource0planTvn": {"value": "reflect resource0planTvn", "ne": "reflect resource0planTvn", "patterns": ["reflect resource0planTvn"]}}, false]}, "22-10-2001-13:47:0Sm..forney@enron.com": {"22-10-2001-13:47:0Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-13:47:0", "m..forney@enron.com", "jmwatson@tecoenergy.com kbparker@tecoenergy.com", "laurel.bolt@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14907229.1075852370606.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 13:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jmwatson@tecoenergy.com, kbparker@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: Next day schedule\nCc: laurel.bolt@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: laurel.bolt@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Jerry Watson (E-mail) , Kenneth Parker (E-mail) \nX-cc: Bolt, Laurel \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nKen, \nTake a look at this. We will sell an additional 85mw's for hour ending 2300 tomorrow. This is not on the sheet, obviously.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "Next day schedule", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 4, "nninformation", ["hour**ending", "2300", "85**mw", "sell"], "intention", " we will sell an additional numeric mw's for hour ending numeric tomorrow."]], "\nKen, \nTake a look at this. We will sell an additional 85mw's for hour ending 2300 tomorrow. This is not on the sheet, obviously.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "<14907229.1075852370606.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "2300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "85**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-12-2001-12:29:14Sm..forney@enron.com": {"3-12-2001-12:29:14Sm..forney@enron.com": ["3-12-2001-12:29:14", "m..forney@enron.com", "jagildea@tecoenergy.com", "", "Message-ID: <10887720.1075859220114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 12:29:14 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jagildea@tecoenergy.com\nSubject: John Forney's information\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'jagildea@tecoenergy.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nJulie,\nPlease see my resume, as attached. I would be able to meet Frank Busot and others this week or next, at their convenience.\t\nPlease note that I would prefer to travel out of Bush Intercontinental Airport, as it is very close to my home.\n\nThanks for your interest and let me know if I can provide more information to your company.\n\nJohn Forney\nDirector, Enron North America\n\n\n \n", "John Forney's information", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 6, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " julie, please see my resume, as attached."], ["supply_provide info_information", 19, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "intention", " thanks for your interest and let me know if i can provide more information to your company."]], "\n\nJulie,\nPlease see my resume, as attached. I would be able to meet Frank Busot and others this week or next, at their convenience.\t\nPlease note that I would prefer to travel out of Bush Intercontinental Airport, as it is very close to my home.\n\nThanks for your interest and let me know if I can provide more information to your company.\n\nJohn Forney\nDirector, Enron North America\n\n\n \n", "<10887720.1075859220114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "25-10-2001-13:4:17Sm..forney@enron.com": {"25-10-2001-13:4:17Sm..forney@enron.com": ["25-10-2001-13:4:17", "m..forney@enron.com", "james.bakondy@enron.com keith.comeaux@enron.com justin.laverell@enron.com chris.lenartowicz@enron.com d..poppa@enron.com erik.serio@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23597744.1075852370973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 13:04:17 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: james.bakondy@enron.com, keith.comeaux@enron.com, justin.laverell@enron.com,\n\tchris.lenartowicz@enron.com, d..poppa@enron.com,\n\terik.serio@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera for October 26th\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Bakondy, James , Comeaux, Keith , Laverell, Justin , Lenartowicz, Chris , Poppa, John D. , Serio, Erik \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nFrontera is scheduled to generate a total of 400 mw's onpeak. There may be an ace issue for hours ending 7-10. We suspect that Ercot will want us to stay down due to price/lack of load.\nCheck with Real Time trader.\n\nThanks,.\n\nJForney", "Frontera for October 26th", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 0, "information", ["400**mw", "scheduled"], "information", " orgname is scheduled to generate a total of numeric mw's onpeak."]], "\n\nFrontera is scheduled to generate a total of 400 mw's onpeak. There may be an ace issue for hours ending 7-10. We suspect that Ercot will want us to stay down due to price/lack of load.\nCheck with Real Time trader.\n\nThanks,.\n\nJForney", "<23597744.1075852370973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "400**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw onpeakTnn"]}, "cost_price loadTnn": {"value": "cost_price loadTnn", "ne": "cost_price loadTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price loadTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-10-2001-13:29:17Sm..forney@enron.com": {"24-10-2001-13:29:17Sm..forney@enron.com": ["24-10-2001-13:29:17", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16844377.1075852306181.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 13:29:17 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: positions for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nA reminder, I am 55 mws long for hours 23 & 24 today. This has been scheduled into the North Zone. If you sell make sure that you cut the Enpower deal and make the appropriate entries in the Portal. Enpwr deal 834600 is the sale to North Zone.\n\n\nThe Ercot Asset desk is long 5 mw's for the offpeak hours at $9.20. The Enpwr deal number is #836534\nIf you sell hours 1-6, cut this sale to Ercot Imbal and replace with the appropriate counterparty under Hourly Ercot book. We will leave\n\n\nAdditionally, Frontera needs to sell the following:\n\nhour ending 4 - 30 mw's\nhe 5 - 30 mws\nhe 6 - 85 mw's\nPut these purchases/ sales in the Teco Services book.\n\nI have sold them the power swap where I sell them 100 mw for 7&8 ($25). I then pay the pool price. If prices somehow appear that they will be greater than $25 for these hours, please cover and schedule to the South Zone\n\n\n\nThe Swap went very well today, since we had a physical position:\n\nAlthough the physical may lose $1500, the financial swap will make $17,000.\n\nHere's how it works:\nWhen you buy balday, you buy fixed ($30) and sell floating (Ercot Pool)\nToday I sold fixed ( $37) and bought floating. \n\nThe floating components cancel and we are left with a $7 margin.\n\n\nCall if you have questions.\nJMF", "positions for tomorrow", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 4, "information", ["hours", "long", "55"], "information", "a reminder, i am numeric mws long for hours numeric & numeric today."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 8, "information", ["north", "scheduled", "zone"], "information", " this has been scheduled into the north zone."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 11, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "other", " if you sell make sure that you cut the enpower deal and make the appropriate entries in the portal."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "make"], "request", " if you sell make sure that you cut the enpower deal and make the appropriate entries in the portal."], ["cut deal", 13, "nninformation", ["cut", "deal"], "request", " if you sell make sure that you cut the enpower deal and make the appropriate entries in the portal."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 25, "information", ["hours", "long", "5**mw"], "information", " the orgname desk is long numeric mw's for the offpeak hours at pricenumeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 33, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "other", " the enpwr deal number is # numeric if you sell hours numeric numeric , cut this sale to ercot imbal and replace with the appropriate counterparty under hourly ercot book."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 40, "nninformation", ["counterparty", "replace"], "request", " the enpwr deal number is # numeric if you sell hours numeric numeric , cut this sale to ercot imbal and replace with the appropriate counterparty under hourly ercot book."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 47, "nninformation", ["he**5", "30**mw", "sell"], "intention", " we will leave additionally, orgname needs to sell the following: hour ending numeric - numeric mw's he numeric - numeric mws he numeric - numeric mw's put these purchases/ sales in the orgname book."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 60, "information", ["swap", "sold"], "information", " i have sold them the power swap where i sell them numeric mw for numeric & numeric ( pricenumeric )."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 63, "information", ["100**mw", "$25", "sell"], "information", " i have sold them the power swap where i sell them numeric mw for numeric & numeric ( pricenumeric )."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 69, "nninformation", ["price", "pay"], "intention", " i then pay the pool price."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 77, "nninformation", ["south", "schedule", "zone"], "request", " if prices somehow appear that they will be greater than pricenumeric for these hours, please cover and schedule to the south zone the swap went very well today, since we had a physical position: although the physical may lose pricenumeric , the orgname swap will make pricenumeric ."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 92, "nninformation", ["buy", "$30"], "intention", " here's how it works: when you buy balday, you buy fixed ( pricenumeric ) and sell floating (ercot pool) today i sold fixed ( pricenumeric ) and bought floating."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 95, "nninformation", ["pool", "sell"], "intention", " here's how it works: when you buy balday, you buy fixed ( pricenumeric ) and sell floating (ercot pool) today i sold fixed ( pricenumeric ) and bought floating."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 98, "information", ["$37", "sold"], "information", " here's how it works: when you buy balday, you buy fixed ( pricenumeric ) and sell floating (ercot pool) today i sold fixed ( pricenumeric ) and bought floating."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 101, "information", ["bought", "$37"], "information", " here's how it works: when you buy balday, you buy fixed ( pricenumeric ) and sell floating (ercot pool) today i sold fixed ( pricenumeric ) and bought floating."]], "A reminder, I am 55 mws long for hours 23 & 24 today. This has been scheduled into the North Zone. If you sell make sure that you cut the Enpower deal and make the appropriate entries in the Portal. Enpwr deal 834600 is the sale to North Zone.\n\n\nThe Ercot Asset desk is long 5 mw's for the offpeak hours at $9.20. The Enpwr deal number is #836534\nIf you sell hours 1-6, cut this sale to Ercot Imbal and replace with the appropriate counterparty under Hourly Ercot book. We will leave\n\n\nAdditionally, Frontera needs to sell the following:\n\nhour ending 4 - 30 mw's\nhe 5 - 30 mws\nhe 6 - 85 mw's\nPut these purchases/ sales in the Teco Services book.\n\nI have sold them the power swap where I sell them 100 mw for 7&8 ($25). I then pay the pool price. If prices somehow appear that they will be greater than $25 for these hours, please cover and schedule to the South Zone\n\n\n\nThe Swap went very well today, since we had a physical position:\n\nAlthough the physical may lose $1500, the financial swap will make $17,000.\n\nHere's how it works:\nWhen you buy balday, you buy fixed ($30) and sell floating (Ercot Pool)\nToday I sold fixed ( $37) and bought floating. \n\nThe floating components cancel and we are left with a $7 margin.\n\n\nCall if you have questions.\nJMF", "<16844377.1075852306181.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"43": {"value": "ercot**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book hourlyTnn"]}, "59": {"value": "0teco0services**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book saleTnn", "orgname0book purchaseTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "$25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "hour_hour0end price pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn"]}, "counterparty saleTnn": {"value": "counterparty saleTnn", "ne": "counterparty saleTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty saleTnn"]}, "deal entryTnn": {"value": "deal entryTnn", "ne": "deal entryTnn", "patterns": ["deal entryTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "834600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "locname numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "836534", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn", "locname numericTnn", "locname zoneTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "he**6", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "85**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw purchaseTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "he**5", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "30**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "5**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour numeric0mw offpeakTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw offpeak pricenumericTnnn", "numeric0mw offpeakTnn"]}, "hour offpeakTnn": {"value": "hour offpeakTnn", "ne": "hour offpeakTnn", "patterns": ["hour offpeakTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "$9 20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "hour_hour0end pricenumericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw offpeak pricenumericTnnn", "offpeak pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "23", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "hour_hour0end priceTnn": {"value": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "ne": "hour_hour0end priceTnn", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end priceTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "65": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric0mw objectTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "68": {"value": "$25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "67": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "0financial**swap", "ne": "orgname0swap", "patterns": ["orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "$1500", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["orgname0swap pricenumericTnn"]}, "pool priceTnn": {"value": "pool priceTnn", "ne": "pool priceTnn", "patterns": ["pool priceTnn"]}, "94": {"value": "$30", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pool pricenumericTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-10-2001-13:53:52Sm..forney@enron.com": {"22-10-2001-13:53:52Sm..forney@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-13:53:52", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com george.phillips@enron.com iz.wong@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "erik.serio@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10139060.1075852305094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 13:53:52 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.phillips@enron.com, iz.wong@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera Generation for tomorrow\nCc: erik.serio@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: erik.serio@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , Phillips, George , Wong, Iz , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Serio, Erik \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nFrontera has scheduled the following for tomorrow:\n\nhe 7-11, 350 mw's\nhe 12-22, 400 mw's\nhe 23, 50 mw's \n\n\nWe will be required to sell an additional 85 mw's tomorrow for hour ending 23 in order to get up to the minimum run of 135mw's.\nIf Frontera has problems coming up tomorrow, there may be an ACE issue. \n\nWe will advise.\n\nJMF", "Frontera Generation for tomorrow", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 1, "information", ["350**mw", "scheduled"], "information", " orgname has scheduled the following for tomorrow: he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric , numeric mw's we will be required to sell an additional numeric mw's tomorrow for hour ending numeric in order to get up to the minimum run of numeric mw's."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 11, "nninformation", ["he**23", "50**mw", "sell"], "intention", " orgname has scheduled the following for tomorrow: he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric , numeric mw's we will be required to sell an additional numeric mw's tomorrow for hour ending numeric in order to get up to the minimum run of numeric mw's."], ["run oomc0mean{calc}", 17, "nninformation", ["run", "135**mw"], "intention", " orgname has scheduled the following for tomorrow: he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric numeric , numeric mw's he numeric , numeric mw's we will be required to sell an additional numeric mw's tomorrow for hour ending numeric in order to get up to the minimum run of numeric mw's."]], "\n\nFrontera has scheduled the following for tomorrow:\n\nhe 7-11, 350 mw's\nhe 12-22, 400 mw's\nhe 23, 50 mw's \n\n\nWe will be required to sell an additional 85 mw's tomorrow for hour ending 23 in order to get up to the minimum run of 135mw's.\nIf Frontera has problems coming up tomorrow, there may be an ACE issue. \n\nWe will advise.\n\nJMF", "<10139060.1075852305094.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "he**12", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "-22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "400**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "he**7", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "he0numeric numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "-11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "350**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "he0numeric numeric0mwTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "he**23", "ne": "he0numeric", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["he0numeric numeric0mwTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "23", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "85**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-8-2001-14:42:37Sm..forney@enron.com": {"13-8-2001-14:42:37Sm..forney@enron.com": ["13-8-2001-14:42:37", "m..forney@enron.com", "samuel.schott@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26606563.1075852396465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 14:42:37 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: samuel.schott@enron.com\nSubject: Joe Capasso and Alex McElreath\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Schott, Samuel \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nSamuel,\nThe traders listed above are not valid in Enpower as traders under the following books:\n\nErcot Hourly\nTeco Services\n\n\nPlease have them added asap, or if you could, let me know who is responsible for making this change.\n\n\nThanks Samuel,\n\nJMF\n", "Joe Capasso and Alex McElreath", "", [["make change", 15, "nninformation", ["change", "making"], "intention", " samuel, the traders listed above are not valid in enpower as traders under the following books: ercot hourly orgname please have them added asap, or if you could, let me know who is responsible for making this change."]], "\n\nSamuel,\nThe traders listed above are not valid in Enpower as traders under the following books:\n\nErcot Hourly\nTeco Services\n\n\nPlease have them added asap, or if you could, let me know who is responsible for making this change.\n\n\nThanks Samuel,\n\nJMF\n", "<26606563.1075852396465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"book_orgname0book hourlyTnn": {"value": "book_orgname0book hourlyTnn", "ne": "book_orgname0book hourlyTnn", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book hourlyTnn"]}, "hourly traderTnn": {"value": "hourly traderTnn", "ne": "hourly traderTnn", "patterns": ["hourly traderTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-11-2001-7:28:18Sm..forney@enron.com": {"19-11-2001-7:28:18Sm..forney@enron.com": ["19-11-2001-7:28:18", "m..forney@enron.com", "m..grace@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20145247.1075861679476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 07:28:18 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: m..grace@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera disputes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Grace, Rebecca M. , Miller, Jeffrey \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are collecting information to dispute Ercot's OOMC calculation. OOMC has not had a defined clearing price due to the the non-functioning Replacement reserves mkt.\nErcot has asked us to file a dispute for each time that we were issued an OOMC. I think that this goes back to Sept 14th.\n\nAlso at issue is the payment for the actual power once it is called for. Ercot claims that OOMC means run, instead of standby. So, for the times that we were asked to run, Ercot will only pay us the balancing energy price, versus the OOME heat rate calculation.\n\nHow far can we go back in a dispute? I thought we were somewhat limited.\n\nJMF", "Frontera disputes", "", [["run oomc0mean{calc}", 27, "information", ["oomc**means", "run"], "information", " ercot claims that oomc means run, instead of standby."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 33, "nninformation", ["price", "pay"], "intention", " so, for the times that we were asked to run, ercot will only pay us the balancing energy price, versus the oome heat rate calculation."]], "\n\nWe are collecting information to dispute Ercot's OOMC calculation. OOMC has not had a defined clearing price due to the the non-functioning Replacement reserves mkt.\nErcot has asked us to file a dispute for each time that we were issued an OOMC. I think that this goes back to Sept 14th.\n\nAlso at issue is the payment for the actual power once it is called for. Ercot claims that OOMC means run, instead of standby. So, for the times that we were asked to run, Ercot will only pay us the balancing energy price, versus the OOME heat rate calculation.\n\nHow far can we go back in a dispute? I thought we were somewhat limited.\n\nJMF", "<20145247.1075861679476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy pay priceTnvn": {"value": "balance0energy pay priceTnvn", "ne": "balance0energy pay priceTnvn", "patterns": ["balance0energy pay priceTnvn"]}, "balance0energy_energy payTnv": {"value": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "ne": "balance0energy_energy payTnv", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy payTnv"]}, "balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "price replacement reserveTnnn": {"value": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "ne": "price replacement reserveTnnn", "patterns": ["price replacement reserveTnnn"]}, "replacement reserveTnn": {"value": "replacement reserveTnn", "ne": "replacement reserveTnn", "patterns": ["replacement reserveTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-7-2001-8:37:45Sm..forney@enron.com": {"23-7-2001-8:37:45Sm..forney@enron.com": ["23-7-2001-8:37:45", "m..forney@enron.com", "lloyd.will@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30086550.1075852395200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 08:37:45 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: lloyd.will@enron.com\nSubject: Kevin Libbey\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Will, Lloyd \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nLloyd,\nI spoke with Steve directly about Kevin's e-mail and concerns. Steve said that Dan of C.O.B contacted him, inquiring about job opportunities here. Steve did mention to Dan that \"someone\" from their shop had already inquired. He was not specific. Dan, evidently, figured who this was (not very hard) and spread the word at the COB office. Subsequently, Dan and Brandon sent their resumes.\n\nI have spoken directly with Steve about this issue. I also have put out a note to the group which I copied you on. Clearly, this is unacceptable and Steve has apologized.\n\nHow do you feel about this: \nif we hire Kevin, then this problem somewhat goes away. I need someone immediately and Kevin could be plugged right in, similar to Alex. I know that Kevin may not be a solid fit for the trader track program, but I am needing some help pretty quick.\n\nLet me know - sorry for the very awkward situation.\n\nJMF\n\n\n", "Kevin Libbey", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 22, "information", ["sent", "resumes"], "information", " subsequently, dan and brandon sent their resumes."]], "Lloyd,\nI spoke with Steve directly about Kevin's e-mail and concerns. Steve said that Dan of C.O.B contacted him, inquiring about job opportunities here. Steve did mention to Dan that \"someone\" from their shop had already inquired. He was not specific. Dan, evidently, figured who this was (not very hard) and spread the word at the COB office. Subsequently, Dan and Brandon sent their resumes.\n\nI have spoken directly with Steve about this issue. I also have put out a note to the group which I copied you on. Clearly, this is unacceptable and Steve has apologized.\n\nHow do you feel about this: \nif we hire Kevin, then this problem somewhat goes away. I need someone immediately and Kevin could be plugged right in, similar to Alex. I know that Kevin may not be a solid fit for the trader track program, but I am needing some help pretty quick.\n\nLet me know - sorry for the very awkward situation.\n\nJMF\n\n\n", "<30086550.1075852395200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-11-2001-6:22:15Sm..forney@enron.com": {"16-11-2001-6:22:15Sm..forney@enron.com": ["16-11-2001-6:22:15", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com oh.seung-taek@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27102285.1075861679388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 06:22:15 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, phillips.george@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, oh.seung-taek@enron.com\nSubject: length for Saturday and Sunday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , George Phillips , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , seung-taek oh \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are long 50 mw's (ercot asset book) for the 2x16 . This is scheduled into the North market.\n\nJMF", "length for Saturday and Sunday", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 1, "information", ["(ercot0asset**book", "long"], "information", " we are long numeric mw's orgname book) for the numeric x numeric ."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 6, "information", ["north", "scheduled"], "information", " this is scheduled into the north market."]], "\n\nWe are long 50 mw's (ercot asset book) for the 2x16 . This is scheduled into the North market.\n\nJMF", "<27102285.1075861679388.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "(ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-12-2001-12:33:45Sm..forney@enron.com": {"3-12-2001-12:33:45Sm..forney@enron.com": ["3-12-2001-12:33:45", "m..forney@enron.com", "madhup_kumar@yahoo.com", "", "Message-ID: <17600832.1075859220136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 12:33:45 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: madhup_kumar@yahoo.com\nSubject: Forney's Info\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: 'madhup_kumar@yahoo.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nMadhup,\nI apologize for your situation, given the strong performance and effort that I have witnessed from you. You are a true professional and I know that things will work out for the better. I expect to know my own status later this week.\n\nHere is my contact info:\ncell: 713-412-7529\nhome: 281-419-4388\ne-mail: fourknees@msn.com\n\n\nPlease see the attached resume and I look forward to speaking with you soon (even if it is over a beer).\n\n\nJMF\n\n \n", "Forney's Info", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 23, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", "com please see the attached resume and i look forward to speaking with you soon (even if it is over a beer)."]], "\n\nMadhup,\nI apologize for your situation, given the strong performance and effort that I have witnessed from you. You are a true professional and I know that things will work out for the better. I expect to know my own status later this week.\n\nHere is my contact info:\ncell: 713-412-7529\nhome: 281-419-4388\ne-mail: fourknees@msn.com\n\n\nPlease see the attached resume and I look forward to speaking with you soon (even if it is over a beer).\n\n\nJMF\n\n \n", "<17600832.1075859220136.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "19-7-2001-10:24:42Sm..forney@enron.com": {"19-7-2001-10:24:42Sm..forney@enron.com": ["19-7-2001-10:24:42", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.errigo@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6664718.1075841498673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:24:42 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.errigo@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com, alexander.mcelreath@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com\nSubject: ALTERNATE NUMBERS FOR JERRY WATSON AT FRONTERA/TECO\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Errigo, Joe , Saibi, Eric , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Saibi, Eric\\Saved\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: eric saibi 6-26-02.PST\n\n\n\nPlease use the following:\n\nCell - 813-760-7199\nOffice - 813-228-4907 (should roll over to his cell after hours)\nsecond line in home: 813-634-7772\n\n\nWe have had problems locating Jerry on occasion in order to affect schedule changes. He lives in a rural area and his cell phone doesnt always work. In these instances, we tried to contact the plant to instruct them to increase/decrease generation. They have refused in the past, as they were only to receive instruction from Jerry.\n\nThe plant should now be aware that this communication problem can exist and will be receptive to making generation changes per our instructions.\n\n\nJMF", "ALTERNATE NUMBERS FOR JERRY WATSON AT FRONTERA/TECO", "", [["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 35, "information", ["instruction", "receive"], "information", " they have refused in the past, as they were only to receive instruction from jerry."], ["make change", 44, "nninformation", ["changes", "making"], "intention", " the plant should now be aware that this communication problem can exist and will be receptive to making generation changes per our instructions."]], "\n\nPlease use the following:\n\nCell - 813-760-7199\nOffice - 813-228-4907 (should roll over to his cell after hours)\nsecond line in home: 813-634-7772\n\n\nWe have had problems locating Jerry on occasion in order to affect schedule changes. He lives in a rural area and his cell phone doesnt always work. In these instances, we tried to contact the plant to instruct them to increase/decrease generation. They have refused in the past, as they were only to receive instruction from Jerry.\n\nThe plant should now be aware that this communication problem can exist and will be receptive to making generation changes per our instructions.\n\n\nJMF", "<6664718.1075841498673.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cell_cell0phone lineTnn": {"value": "cell_cell0phone lineTnn", "ne": "cell_cell0phone lineTnn", "patterns": ["cell_cell0phone lineTnn"]}, "job_problem line_noteTnn": {"value": "job_problem line_noteTnn", "ne": "job_problem line_noteTnn", "patterns": ["job_problem line_noteTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-8-2001-5:4:55Sm..forney@enron.com": {"15-8-2001-5:4:55Sm..forney@enron.com": ["15-8-2001-5:4:55", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "jae.black@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15957481.1075852396532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 05:04:55 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Forney out of the office Thursday/Friday\nCc: jae.black@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jae.black@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Black, Tamara Jae , Will, Lloyd , Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nI will be attending Ercot meetings in Austin Thursday and Friday of this week. I can be reached by cell phone.\n\n\nThanks,\nJForney", "Forney out of the office Thursday/Friday", "", [["attend meeting", 1, "nninformation", ["attending", "meetings"], "intention", " i will be attending ercot meetings in austin thursday and friday of this week."], ["reach cell0phone", 4, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reached"], "intention", " i can be reached by cell phone."]], "\n\nI will be attending Ercot meetings in Austin Thursday and Friday of this week. I can be reached by cell phone.\n\n\nThanks,\nJForney", "<15957481.1075852396532.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-9-2001-15:6:8Sm..forney@enron.com": {"27-9-2001-15:6:8Sm..forney@enron.com": ["27-9-2001-15:6:8", "m..forney@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13131485.1075852369448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 15:06:08 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nwe put it on for tomorrow. i am short the pool at $20.\ni gave them an agressive bid and i think that we will both win.\n\njmf\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nSent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 4:54 PM\nTo: Forney, John M.\nSubject: Re: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow\n\n\nLike it\n\nTalk to you later,\n\nDoug\nDoug-Gilbert Smith", "RE: Frontera Proposal for tomorrow", "", [["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 3, "information", ["$20", "short"], "information", " i am short the pool at pricenumeric ."]], "we put it on for tomorrow. i am short the pool at $20.\ni gave them an agressive bid and i think that we will both win.\n\njmf\n\n", "<13131485.1075852369448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["pool pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-5-2001-7:39:38Sm..forney@enron.com": {"30-5-2001-7:39:38Sm..forney@enron.com": ["30-5-2001-7:39:38", "m..forney@enron.com", "joan.quick@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28502503.1075852392951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 May 2001 07:39:38 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joan.quick@enron.com\nSubject: The latest\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Quick, Joan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHey,\nlooks like I will be returning to Portland. They want me back and it is a much better place to work. HR is wanting me to consider other opportunities in Houston, however. They have one week to come up with something, otherwise I'm outta here. Other companies are paying ridiculous sums to experienced West traders (California experience).\nThanks for considering me for your group and I'll keep you updated.\n\nJMF", "The latest", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 22, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " thanks for considering me for your group and i'll keep you updated."]], "Hey,\nlooks like I will be returning to Portland. They want me back and it is a much better place to work. HR is wanting me to consider other opportunities in Houston, however. They have one week to come up with something, otherwise I'm outta here. Other companies are paying ridiculous sums to experienced West traders (California experience).\nThanks for considering me for your group and I'll keep you updated.\n\nJMF", "<28502503.1075852392951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "11-6-2001-6:22:57Sm..forney@enron.com": {"11-6-2001-6:22:57Sm..forney@enron.com": ["11-6-2001-6:22:57", "m..forney@enron.com", "andrea.dahlke@enron.com", "wayne.vinson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29264645.1075852393250.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 06:22:57 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: andrea.dahlke@enron.com\nSubject: Teco test power for Friday\nCc: wayne.vinson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: wayne.vinson@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Dahlke, Andrea \nX-cc: Vinson, Donald Wayne \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nAndrea, \n\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet for Friday. All of the deals listed have been moved to Teco Services for this day only. We entered a buy (which is an estimate of the cost of gen) and the appropriate sales. We need to talk about how this gets reconciled. I would like to know the detail of this transaction. \nI know that not everything has been discussed with this account, so I would like to discuss it.\n\nI am positive that I need to change all deals for over the weekend. We had some length for this customer that was sold hourly. I assume that everything from now on will be entered under Teco Services for this account.\nCan you think of any exceptions? \n\nI will let you know when the weekend is complete.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n ", "Teco test power for Friday", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 3, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " please see the attached spreadsheet for friday."]], "\n\nAndrea, \n\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet for Friday. All of the deals listed have been moved to Teco Services for this day only. We entered a buy (which is an estimate of the cost of gen) and the appropriate sales. We need to talk about how this gets reconciled. I would like to know the detail of this transaction. \nI know that not everything has been discussed with this account, so I would like to discuss it.\n\nI am positive that I need to change all deals for over the weekend. We had some length for this customer that was sold hourly. I assume that everything from now on will be entered under Teco Services for this account.\nCan you think of any exceptions? \n\nI will let you know when the weekend is complete.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n\n ", "<29264645.1075852393250.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price saleTnn": {"value": "cost_price saleTnn", "ne": "cost_price saleTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-7-2001-15:11:54Sm..forney@enron.com": {"26-7-2001-15:11:54Sm..forney@enron.com": ["26-7-2001-15:11:54", "m..forney@enron.com", "eric.saibi@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com joseph.capasso@enron.com", "keith.comeaux@enron.com l..day@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19973250.1075852395448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 15:11:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: eric.saibi@enron.com, alexander.mcelreath@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, joseph.capasso@enron.com\nSubject: Procedure for Making Sales from Frontera\nCc: keith.comeaux@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: keith.comeaux@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Saibi, Eric , McElreath, Alexander , Errigo, Joe , Olinde Jr., Steve , Capasso, Joseph \nX-cc: Comeaux, Keith , Day, Smith L. , Will, Lloyd \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe must notify the Control room (GENCO) personnel concerning any deviation from the preschedule. \n For example, when we have availability, or even \"must sell\" situations off of Frontera, the Control Room must revise their Resource Plan. They need to revise in order to prevent an Area Control Error problem. \n\nThey have the same deadline (two hours before hour ending) that we face in submitting QSE trades - give them timely info so that they can get their side in. \n\n\nFor now, you can use the Stento (dial 5 432) or telephone 877-294-3900. Of course, you can just knock on the door.\nIn Ercot only, we are allowed to exchange information with the control room. No other region has this capability.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMForney\n\n", "Procedure for Making Sales from Frontera", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 1, "nninformation", ["making", "sales"], "intention", "procedure for making sales from orgname."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 13, "nninformation", ["situations", "sell"], "intention", " for example, when we have availability, or even \"must sell\" situations off of orgname the control room must revise their resource plan."], ["submit schedule", 30, "nninformation", ["qse", "submitting"], "intention", " they have the same deadline (two hours before hour ending) that we face in submitting qse trades - give them timely info so that they can get their side in."]], "\n\nWe must notify the Control room (GENCO) personnel concerning any deviation from the preschedule. \n For example, when we have availability, or even \"must sell\" situations off of Frontera, the Control Room must revise their Resource Plan. They need to revise in order to prevent an Area Control Error problem. \n\nThey have the same deadline (two hours before hour ending) that we face in submitting QSE trades - give them timely info so that they can get their side in. \n\n\nFor now, you can use the Stento (dial 5 432) or telephone 877-294-3900. Of course, you can just knock on the door.\nIn Ercot only, we are allowed to exchange information with the control room. No other region has this capability.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMForney\n\n", "<19973250.1075852395448.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"plan_resource0plan reviseTnv": {"value": "plan_resource0plan reviseTnv", "ne": "plan_resource0plan reviseTnv", "patterns": ["plan_resource0plan reviseTnv"]}, "qse tradeTnn": {"value": "qse tradeTnn", "ne": "qse tradeTnn", "patterns": ["qse tradeTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-7-2001-4:55:26Sm..forney@enron.com": {"9-7-2001-4:55:26Sm..forney@enron.com": ["9-7-2001-4:55:26", "m..forney@enron.com", "l..day@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23565469.1075852394659.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 04:55:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: l..day@enron.com\nSubject: FW: ercot news\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Day, Smith L. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nSmitty,\nI havent been aware that we were to be \"on notice\" and ready to submit practice schedules to ISO. This is a great training opportunity.\nAre we supposed to be ready today and if yes, for what?\n\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWatts, Christopher \nSent:\tSunday, July 08, 2001 9:48 AM\nTo:\tDay, Smith L.; Forney, John M.\nSubject:\tercot news\n\n1) ERCOT conference call\n\nJohn Adams with ERCOT called at 3:30 pm on Saturday afternoon to say Enron responded to instructions inappropriately during Friday's frequency control test while under single control area operations. Friday's instruction from Ercot was for Enron to deploy balancing energy while Enron did not deploy balancing energy as per the instruction because no balancing bid was in place. Enron was not the only QSE to be confused by these instructions. \n\nAdams later clarified the definitions of the operation constraints\nOC1\tworst level constraint\n\nOC0\tcommercially significant constraints CSC) approved once per year by ERCOT\n\nOC2\tentered manually through operator entry\n\nOC3\tpopulated by DC power flows (FST); designed to include all generators in the constraint equation and adjust for load flows.\n\nJohn encouraged all to understand the distinctions between all these constraints before actively participating in the balancing energy market.\n\n2) schedule mismatch\n\nEnron had a schedule mismatch for Sunday's (7-8-01) schedules. The mismatch was with a 5 mw obligation to BTU for HE 7 to HE 22. Sunny and I reviewed this situation on Saturday evening. Sunny said he submitted this schedule several times on Saturday and early Sunday morning. The off peak hours matched fine.\n\n\nChris Watts\nAnalyst Enron\nWK: 713-853-4292\nchristopher.watts@enron.com", "FW: ercot news", "", [["submit schedule", 4, "information", ["schedules", "submit"], "information", "smitty, i havent been aware that we were to be \"on notice\" and ready to submit practice schedules to iso."]], "Smitty,\nI havent been aware that we were to be \"on notice\" and ready to submit practice schedules to ISO. This is a great training opportunity.\nAre we supposed to be ready today and if yes, for what?\n\nJMF\n\n ", "<23565469.1075852394659.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-6-2001-9:10:3Sm..forney@enron.com": {"21-6-2001-9:10:3Sm..forney@enron.com": ["21-6-2001-9:10:3", "m..forney@enron.com", "amy.fitzpatrick@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32957944.1075852393904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 09:10:03 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: amy.fitzpatrick@enron.com\nSubject: RE: What have you decided?\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Fitzpatrick, Amy \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAmy,\nI have elected to stay in Houston until at least February. It is so late in the year, that I may not be immediately effective in the West and I would have \"lost\" the first part of this year, as I was training (myself).\nThere is a huge need for me here and I am trying to do what's right for both E and myself. To that end, Lloyd Will has offered me an opportunity to trade around Enron's assets in Texas, learning the term trading side of the business from Doug Gilbert-Smith.\nBoth Doug and Lloyd know my circumstances and their proposal gets me the experience that I need, while they get my experience in Services, training & managing a team and making money in a pool type market, as exists in Texas.\n\nThese opportunities were presented to me only after I stated emphatically that I was returning to Portland. I would still like to live in Portland as early as February. I realize that a seat wont be held open for anyone, and I will revisit this issue in Feb.\n\nThis compromise seems reasonable. I have asked that this be committed to writing, so I am editing what Lloyd has created concerning job responsibilities.\n\nAdditionally, most junior people are dissatisfied here and the bottom line reason: they dont know how their job relates to the entire floor making money.\nThis explanation to them and an acknowledement of their contribution will bring the ideas forth from the \"back corner.\"\nThe senior traders say aloud that they dont need anyone, and they will make their money with or without help.\n\nA particular trader antagonizes until someone stands up to him, then he has them sent home. I think that there are three Real Timers at home at full pay right now. One or two will be paid for two years, or so I'm told. This type behavior is allowed as the trader makes a great amount of money for the company. This is not an unusual occurence on trade floors, but I will not be any part of it.\n\nI am going to spend this time to try to make some difference in this culture. If we dont get buy in from the top, I will also be at risk of going home. Some of these guys just dont get it.\n\nThere are, however, many positives to staying here: the guys I report to are like-minded concerning the above. They are very competent and have a lot to teach & they are willing to teach. I am excited about learning something new and also being able to lead a team.\n\nWell, thanks for listening to my sermon, sister Amy. My wife and I miss Portland and will probably be back next year.\nHopefully there will still be opportunity for me at that time. If you have any thoughts or advice, please share, as I have alot of exposure this year, due to the move and subsequent reorg. \n\nLater,\nJMF\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFitzpatrick, Amy \nSent:\tWednesday, June 20, 2001 12:51 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tWhat have you decided?\n", "RE: What have you decided?", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 38, "information", ["making", "money"], "information", " both doug and lloyd know my circumstances and their proposal gets me the experience that i need, while they get my experience in services, training & managing a team and making money in a pool type market, as exists in texas."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 78, "information", ["making", "money"], "information", " additionally, most junior people are dissatisfied here and the bottom line reason: they dont know how their job relates to the entire floor making money."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 90, "nninformation", ["make", "money"], "intention", "\" the senior traders say aloud that they dont need anyone, and they will make their money with or without help."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 107, "information", ["makes", "money"], "information", " this type behavior is allowed as the trader makes a great amount of money for the company."]], "Amy,\nI have elected to stay in Houston until at least February. It is so late in the year, that I may not be immediately effective in the West and I would have \"lost\" the first part of this year, as I was training (myself).\nThere is a huge need for me here and I am trying to do what's right for both E and myself. To that end, Lloyd Will has offered me an opportunity to trade around Enron's assets in Texas, learning the term trading side of the business from Doug Gilbert-Smith.\nBoth Doug and Lloyd know my circumstances and their proposal gets me the experience that I need, while they get my experience in Services, training & managing a team and making money in a pool type market, as exists in Texas.\n\nThese opportunities were presented to me only after I stated emphatically that I was returning to Portland. I would still like to live in Portland as early as February. I realize that a seat wont be held open for anyone, and I will revisit this issue in Feb.\n\nThis compromise seems reasonable. I have asked that this be committed to writing, so I am editing what Lloyd has created concerning job responsibilities.\n\nAdditionally, most junior people are dissatisfied here and the bottom line reason: they dont know how their job relates to the entire floor making money.\nThis explanation to them and an acknowledement of their contribution will bring the ideas forth from the \"back corner.\"\nThe senior traders say aloud that they dont need anyone, and they will make their money with or without help.\n\nA particular trader antagonizes until someone stands up to him, then he has them sent home. I think that there are three Real Timers at home at full pay right now. One or two will be paid for two years, or so I'm told. This type behavior is allowed as the trader makes a great amount of money for the company. This is not an unusual occurence on trade floors, but I will not be any part of it.\n\nI am going to spend this time to try to make some difference in this culture. If we dont get buy in from the top, I will also be at risk of going home. Some of these guys just dont get it.\n\nThere are, however, many positives to staying here: the guys I report to are like-minded concerning the above. They are very competent and have a lot to teach & they are willing to teach. I am excited about learning something new and also being able to lead a team.\n\nWell, thanks for listening to my sermon, sister Amy. My wife and I miss Portland and will probably be back next year.\nHopefully there will still be opportunity for me at that time. If you have any thoughts or advice, please share, as I have alot of exposure this year, due to the move and subsequent reorg. \n\nLater,\nJMF\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "<32957944.1075852393904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal_trade part_regionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade part_regionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade part_regionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade part_regionTnn"]}, "job_problem line_noteTnn": {"value": "job_problem line_noteTnn", "ne": "job_problem line_noteTnn", "patterns": ["job_problem line_noteTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "west", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname part_regionTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-9-2001-10:19:15Sm..forney@enron.com": {"26-9-2001-10:19:15Sm..forney@enron.com": ["26-9-2001-10:19:15", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23535150.1075852369200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:19:15 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Position for tomorrow\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nWe are short 100 mw's in the Ercot Asset book for hours ending 7-22. We want to remain that way, unless the balancing energy market goes haywire.\nWe would need to delete our SC counterparty EL Paso and input a replacement QSE in the portal if this is filled.\nEnpower shows 100 mw's coming from Ercot imbalance.\n\nThis deal would need to be cut and replaced with the power that was purchased for bal-day, etc.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Position for tomorrow", "", [["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 1, "information", ["hours**ending", "short"], "information", " we are short numeric mw's in the orgname book for hours ending numeric numeric ."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 22, "information", ["shows", "100**mw"], "information", " enpower shows numeric mw's coming from ercot imbalance."], ["cut deal", 27, "nninformation", ["cut", "deal"], "intention", " this deal would need to be cut and replaced with the power that was purchased for bal-day, etc."], ["replace deal_trade{sale}{power}{counterparty}", 28, "nninformation", ["deal", "replaced"], "intention", " this deal would need to be cut and replaced with the power that was purchased for bal-day, etc."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 30, "information", ["purchased", "power"], "information", " this deal would need to be cut and replaced with the power that was purchased for bal-day, etc."]], "\n\nWe are short 100 mw's in the Ercot Asset book for hours ending 7-22. We want to remain that way, unless the balancing energy market goes haywire.\nWe would need to delete our SC counterparty EL Paso and input a replacement QSE in the portal if this is filled.\nEnpower shows 100 mw's coming from Ercot imbalance.\n\nThis deal would need to be cut and replaced with the power that was purchased for bal-day, etc.\n\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<23535150.1075852369200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "100**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric numeric0mwTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mwTnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "0ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["hour0end numeric numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnnn", "hour_hour0end numeric0mw orgname0bookTnnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-11-2001-14:43:41Sm..forney@enron.com": {"28-11-2001-14:43:41Sm..forney@enron.com": ["28-11-2001-14:43:41", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com oh.seung-taek@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12225678.1075859219940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 14:43:41 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, phillips.george@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, oh.seung-taek@enron.com\nSubject: The latest available\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , George Phillips , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , seung-taek oh \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Forney_Jan2002\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: jforney (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nFor all that have missed the floor meeting, we have been downgraded to \"junk\" status, ending our merger plans and crushing our stock price.\nA likely scenario would have us declaring bankruptcy within a few days. Payroll is said to be funded until the end of the month, at least. \nIf bankruptcy is filed, payroll should be covered.\nAnother very real option is that the trading floor could be parcelled and sold to an outside company. There are discussion underway that deal with this possibility.\n\nCurrently, we are not trading. We need to continue to report to work and keep a log of Real Time prices. Continue to update the Hourly Prices sheet for a record of prices. We may need these prices as support for liquidated damages.\n\nMore counterparties will be defaulting and cutting schedules. Please make note of such cuts and prepare to bill LD's. We have prepared a cut log for this purpose.\n\nJMF \n", "The latest available", "", [["cut deal", 55, "nninformation", ["cutting", "schedules"], "intention", " more counterparties will be defaulting and cutting schedules."]], "\nFor all that have missed the floor meeting, we have been downgraded to \"junk\" status, ending our merger plans and crushing our stock price.\nA likely scenario would have us declaring bankruptcy within a few days. Payroll is said to be funded until the end of the month, at least. \nIf bankruptcy is filed, payroll should be covered.\nAnother very real option is that the trading floor could be parcelled and sold to an outside company. There are discussion underway that deal with this possibility.\n\nCurrently, we are not trading. We need to continue to report to work and keep a log of Real Time prices. Continue to update the Hourly Prices sheet for a record of prices. We may need these prices as support for liquidated damages.\n\nMore counterparties will be defaulting and cutting schedules. Please make note of such cuts and prepare to bill LD's. We have prepared a cut log for this purpose.\n\nJMF \n", "<12225678.1075859219940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"company outsideTnn": {"value": "company outsideTnn", "ne": "company outsideTnn", "patterns": ["company outsideTnn"]}, "option real_real0timeTnn": {"value": "option real_real0timeTnn", "ne": "option real_real0timeTnn", "patterns": ["option real_real0timeTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-10-2001-10:14:49Sm..forney@enron.com": {"12-10-2001-10:14:49Sm..forney@enron.com": ["12-10-2001-10:14:49", "m..forney@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com phillips.george@enron.com wong.isaac@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3139158.1075852369757.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 10:14:49 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, l..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\tphillips.george@enron.com, wong.isaac@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: positions for Monday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , George Phillips , Isaac Wong , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nDue to the slowdown in trading, I will be concentrating on leaving positions for RT to trade around. \nThese will keep you in the market and give some flexibilty and decision making responsibility. This will make more sense, once you inherit the position.\n\nThe following positions need to be watched for monday:\n\n1. We are short to Mirant (on behalf of Frontera) for hour ending 6 only. We need to buy 50 mw's and schedule this with Mirant Real Time. \nThey are expecting and have agreed to this trade. This is energy that Frontera owes them on a prescheduled basis.\n\nIf you are working Sunday night, check in early with Mirant to make sure they are aware of this trade. It is very common that they get a bad \"handoff\" and are unaware of this transaction. Give them plenty of time to work this out.\n\nWe schedule this in the portal as a buy from X and a sale to Mirant. In Enpower, buy from X and sell to Frontera (under the Teco Services book). Enter this as a flat transaction, ie buy for $20 and sell to Frontera for $20.\n\n\n2. The Ercot Asset book is long 5 mw's for offpeak Monday at $11.25. Sell this or leave to the pool, as necessary. I will be long this power offpeak for the balance of next week 10/16-19. \n\n\n\nI think that Saturday morning will come in strong, as we are getting some cooler weather. I think also that some larger units are coming off line, which will put upward pressure on the offpeak.\n\n\nEach member of the group needs to tell me what positions they want. Next day onpeak is trading for $20.5, offpeak is trading $11.25. \nWhere is the value??? Lets trade it up!\n\n\nJMF\n\n\n\n\n", "positions for Monday", "", [["provide_leave cost_price", 4, "nninformation", ["leaving", "positions"], "intention", " due to the slowdown in trading, i will be concentrating on leaving positions for rt to trade around."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 7, "nninformation", ["positions", "trade"], "intention", " due to the slowdown in trading, i will be concentrating on leaving positions for rt to trade around."], ["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 8, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " these will keep you in the market and give some flexibilty and decision making responsibility."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 14, "nninformation", ["decision", "making"], "intention", " these will keep you in the market and give some flexibilty and decision making responsibility."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 24, "information", ["hour**ending", "short"], "information", " we are short to mirant (on behalf of orgname for hour ending numeric only."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 30, "nninformation", ["buy", "50**mw"], "intention", " we need to buy numeric mw's and schedule this with mirant real time."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 32, "nninformation", ["50**mw", "schedule"], "intention", " we need to buy numeric mw's and schedule this with mirant real time."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 46, "nninformation", ["trade", "make"], "intention", " if you are working sunday night, check in early with mirant to make sure they are aware of this trade."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 57, "nninformation", ["this", "schedule"], "intention", " we schedule this in the portal as a buy from x and a sale to mirant."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 64, "nninformation", ["0teco0services**book", "sell"], "request", " in enpower, buy from x and sell to orgname (under the orgname book)."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 70, "nninformation", ["buy", "$20"], "request", " enter this as a flat transaction, ie buy for pricenumeric and sell to orgname for pricenumeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 72, "nninformation", ["$20", "sell"], "request", " enter this as a flat transaction, ie buy for pricenumeric and sell to orgname for pricenumeric ."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 76, "information", ["0ercot0asset**book", "long"], "information", " the orgname book is long numeric mw's for offpeak monday at pricenumeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 80, "nninformation", ["this", "sell"], "request", " sell this or leave to the pool, as necessary."], ["provide_leave cost_price", 82, "nninformation", ["leave", "pool"], "request", " sell this or leave to the pool, as necessary."], ["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 84, "nninformation", ["long", "offpeak"], "intention", " i will be long this power offpeak for the balance of next week datenumeric numeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 110, "nninformation", ["$20 5", "trading"], "intention", " next day onpeak is trading for pricenumeric , offpeak is trading pricenumeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 113, "nninformation", ["$11 25", "trading"], "intention", " next day onpeak is trading for pricenumeric , offpeak is trading pricenumeric ."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 116, "nninformation", ["it", "trade"], "intention", " lets trade it up!"]], "\n\nDue to the slowdown in trading, I will be concentrating on leaving positions for RT to trade around. \nThese will keep you in the market and give some flexibilty and decision making responsibility. This will make more sense, once you inherit the position.\n\nThe following positions need to be watched for monday:\n\n1. We are short to Mirant (on behalf of Frontera) for hour ending 6 only. We need to buy 50 mw's and schedule this with Mirant Real Time. \nThey are expecting and have agreed to this trade. This is energy that Frontera owes them on a prescheduled basis.\n\nIf you are working Sunday night, check in early with Mirant to make sure they are aware of this trade. It is very common that they get a bad \"handoff\" and are unaware of this transaction. Give them plenty of time to work this out.\n\nWe schedule this in the portal as a buy from X and a sale to Mirant. In Enpower, buy from X and sell to Frontera (under the Teco Services book). Enter this as a flat transaction, ie buy for $20 and sell to Frontera for $20.\n\n\n2. The Ercot Asset book is long 5 mw's for offpeak Monday at $11.25. Sell this or leave to the pool, as necessary. I will be long this power offpeak for the balance of next week 10/16-19. \n\n\n\nI think that Saturday morning will come in strong, as we are getting some cooler weather. I think also that some larger units are coming off line, which will put upward pressure on the offpeak.\n\n\nEach member of the group needs to tell me what positions they want. Next day onpeak is trading for $20.5, offpeak is trading $11.25. \nWhere is the value??? Lets trade it up!\n\n\nJMF\n\n\n\n\n", "<3139158.1075852369757.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"71": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["flat pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "6", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "5**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw offpeak pricenumericTnnn", "numeric0mw offpeakTnn", "numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "79": {"value": "$11 25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric0mw offpeak pricenumericTnnn", "offpeak pricenumericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "0ercot0asset**book", "ne": "orgname0book", "patterns": ["numeric0mw orgname0bookTnn"]}, "111": {"value": "$20 5", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["offpeak pricenumericTnn"]}, "position_spot rtTnn": {"value": "position_spot rtTnn", "ne": "position_spot rtTnn", "patterns": ["position_spot rtTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-9-2001-12:24:57Sm..forney@enron.com": {"25-9-2001-12:24:57Sm..forney@enron.com": ["25-9-2001-12:24:57", "m..forney@enron.com", "clickathome@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12428550.1075852369086.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:24:57 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: clickathome@enron.com\nSubject: MSN dial up charges\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: ClickatHome \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nHello,\nI am using MSN dial up through the Enron program. I understood it to be a $5 co-pay. MSN customer service has said that they are billing me $25/month for this service and they dont know anything about an Enron special program.\nWho can I contact to resolve this issue?\n\nJohn Forney\nDirector,\nErcot Power Trading", "MSN dial up charges", "", [["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 9, "information", ["pay", "$5"], "information", " i understood it to be a pricenumeric co-pay."], ["settle_resolve issue", 20, "nninformation", ["issue", "resolve"], "request information", " who can i contact to resolve this issue?"]], "\n\nHello,\nI am using MSN dial up through the Enron program. I understood it to be a $5 co-pay. MSN customer service has said that they are billing me $25/month for this service and they dont know anything about an Enron special program.\nWho can I contact to resolve this issue?\n\nJohn Forney\nDirector,\nErcot Power Trading", "<12428550.1075852369086.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"customer serviceTnn": {"value": "customer serviceTnn", "ne": "customer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["customer serviceTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-6-2001-11:8:28Sm..forney@enron.com": {"1-6-2001-11:8:28Sm..forney@enron.com": ["1-6-2001-11:8:28", "m..forney@enron.com", "amy.fitzpatrick@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17812391.1075852393064.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:08:28 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: amy.fitzpatrick@enron.com\nSubject: Howdy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Fitzpatrick, Amy \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAmy,\nHope everything is going well with you. I dont know if Tim has talked with you, but I am considering returning to Portland. \nI am talking with Wolfe and Tim, but I would like to keep things low key. I know this all seems pretty weird, but my situation has changed so drastically that I have some major, immediate decisions to make. Basically, the East Desk wants me to build a team in Real Time, similar to how we did it in Portland.\nUnfortunately, that was not the job I agreed to take (always get it in writing - I never could). Had I known that it was a similar position to what I had, I never would have left.\n\nAnyway, Kim Melodick wants me to consider opportunities within Enron Houston and I have agreed to give her a week to see if a fit exists. She is easy to work with and is being very helpful. However, I have expressed to Kevin and Kim that my first preference would be to return to Portland.\n\nI have given this some thought and believe that taking the Real Time position would not be a good move for me, given the atmosphere here. \n I would like to have a new perspective on this if you have time to converse. I would appreciate any feedback that you can give me.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\nI", "Howdy", "", [["provide_leave cost_price", 39, "information", ["left", "position"], "information", " had i known that it was a similar position to what i had, i never would have left."]], "Amy,\nHope everything is going well with you. I dont know if Tim has talked with you, but I am considering returning to Portland. \nI am talking with Wolfe and Tim, but I would like to keep things low key. I know this all seems pretty weird, but my situation has changed so drastically that I have some major, immediate decisions to make. Basically, the East Desk wants me to build a team in Real Time, similar to how we did it in Portland.\nUnfortunately, that was not the job I agreed to take (always get it in writing - I never could). Had I known that it was a similar position to what I had, I never would have left.\n\nAnyway, Kim Melodick wants me to consider opportunities within Enron Houston and I have agreed to give her a week to see if a fit exists. She is easy to work with and is being very helpful. However, I have expressed to Kevin and Kim that my first preference would be to return to Portland.\n\nI have given this some thought and believe that taking the Real Time position would not be a good move for me, given the atmosphere here. \n I would like to have a new perspective on this if you have time to converse. I would appreciate any feedback that you can give me.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\nI", "<17812391.1075852393064.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"22": {"value": "east", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["desk locnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-1-2002-8:27:8Sm..forney@enron.com": {"18-1-2002-8:27:8Sm..forney@enron.com": ["18-1-2002-8:27:8", "m..forney@enron.com", "david.portz@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27237422.1075840547237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 08:27:08 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Deal nos.: 785477.01, 783755.01 & 783741.01\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Portz, David \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Inbox\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nDavid,\nI havent spoken to you for awhile. I hope that everything is going as well as can be. \nTeco has contacted me and asked whether we were going to honor the call options that they bought from us for cal 2002.\nThese options are in the money for us and I am sure that the estate would like to honor these agreements.\n\nIf Teco is asking, I am guessing that they did not take the proper steps to terminate these agreements.\n\nPaula Castoro listed below the Enpower #'s for these three options, but I can give you an unofficial detail of the contracts:\n\n1. 150 mw's @ $50\n2. 50 mw's @ $50\n3. 50 mw's @ $40\n\nThe premiums paid are unimportant, but I have them if you need them.\n\nTeco is looking for an answer ( from the estate) on this issue.\n\nCan you give me a call on this?\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Paula Castoro\" @ENRON \nSent:\tFriday, January 18, 2002 9:17 AM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nSubject:\tFwd: Deal nos.: 785477.01, 783755.01 & 783741.01\n\nLet's try this again.\n\nthanks,\n\nPaula A. Castoro\nManager, Contracts Administration\nTECO EnergySource, Inc.\n(813) 228-1303 (Office)\n(813) 228-1308 (Fax)\n\n\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nDate: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 09:47:26 -0500\nFrom: \"Paula Castoro\" \nCc: \"Frank Busot\" ,\t\"Jerry Brown\" \nSubject: Deal nos.: 785477.01, 783755.01 & 783741.01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\"\nContent-Disposition: inline\n\nJohn, I know we've played telephone tag quite a bit, thought I would attempt e-mail. Called this morning before you were in.\n\nJerry Brown would like to know the status of the above call options in light of the recent acquisition by UBS. Are you the individual that can provide some clarifications for us??\n\nIf so:\n\nWill Enron be honoring these calls??\n\nHave these been assigned to any other counterparty?\n\nIf not, would you kindly refer us to the appropriate person??\n\nThanks in advance.\n\n\n\nPaula A. Castoro\nManager, Contracts Administration\nTECO EnergySource, Inc.\n(813) 228-1303 (Office)\n(813) 228-1308 (Fax)\n\n", "FW: Deal nos.: 785477.01, 783755.01 & 783741.01", "", [["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 49, "information", ["paid", "$50"], "information", " paula castoro listed below the enpower #'s for these three options, but i can give you an unofficial detail of the contracts: numeric numeric mw's @ pricenumeric numeric numeric mw's @ pricenumeric numeric numeric mw's @ pricenumeric the premiums paid are unimportant, but i have them if you need them."]], "David,\nI havent spoken to you for awhile. I hope that everything is going as well as can be. \nTeco has contacted me and asked whether we were going to honor the call options that they bought from us for cal 2002.\nThese options are in the money for us and I am sure that the estate would like to honor these agreements.\n\nIf Teco is asking, I am guessing that they did not take the proper steps to terminate these agreements.\n\nPaula Castoro listed below the Enpower #'s for these three options, but I can give you an unofficial detail of the contracts:\n\n1. 150 mw's @ $50\n2. 50 mw's @ $50\n3. 50 mw's @ $40\n\nThe premiums paid are unimportant, but I have them if you need them.\n\nTeco is looking for an answer ( from the estate) on this issue.\n\nCan you give me a call on this?\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "<27237422.1075840547237.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"40": {"value": "150**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "39": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn"]}, "42": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "50**mw", "ne": "numeric0mw", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw premiumTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "$50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw pricenumericTnn", "numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "$50", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric numeric0mw pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "premium pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-10-2001-15:3:1Sm..forney@enron.com": {"8-10-2001-15:3:1Sm..forney@enron.com": ["8-10-2001-15:3:1", "m..forney@enron.com", "jae.black@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com joe.capasso@enron.com l..day@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2195896.1075852369685.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:03:01 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: jae.black@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, joe.capasso@enron.com,\n\tl..day@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com,\n\talexander.mcelreath@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: Forney out of the office at Sandhill meeting on Tuesday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Black, Tamara Jae , Dean, Clint , Capasso, Joe , Day, Smith L. , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\nI have received notice that I need to attend the Sandhill board of directors meeting tomorrow. Clint Dean will be trading the Asset book.\nI will be available via cell phone.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "Forney out of the office at Sandhill meeting on Tuesday", "", [["attend meeting", 5, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " i have received notice that i need to attend the sandhill board of directors meeting tomorrow."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 10, "nninformation", ["book", "trading"], "intention", " clint dean will be trading the asset book."]], "\n\nI have received notice that I need to attend the Sandhill board of directors meeting tomorrow. Clint Dean will be trading the Asset book.\nI will be available via cell phone.\n\nThanks,\nJMF", "<2195896.1075852369685.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "18-6-2001-16:19:53Sm..forney@enron.com": {"18-6-2001-16:19:53Sm..forney@enron.com": ["18-6-2001-16:19:53", "m..forney@enron.com", "joy.werner@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8155485.1075852393633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:19:53 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: m..forney@enron.com\nTo: joy.werner@enron.com\nSubject: RE: May 2001 Checkout\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Forney, John M. \nX-To: Werner, Joy \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nOkay, so we now have a procedure. I will broadcast to the group and see that it is implemented. I still havent completed all of their discrepancy checkout.\nI have been working nights through the weekend and tonite. I will address these on Tuesday.\nClint will be helping me to resolve these and future issues.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWerner, Joy \nSent:\tMonday, June 18, 2001 5:29 PM\nTo:\tForney, John M.\nCc:\tAllen, Thresa A.; Ratnala, Melissa K.; Jacobson, Michael\nSubject:\tFW: May 2001 Checkout\n\nHI John,\nAny word on this?\nPlease let me know.\nThank you\nJoy\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Amie Jackson\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Amie+20Jackson+22+20+3Cajackson+40btutilities+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tMonday, June 18, 2001 3:25 PM\nTo:\tWerner, Joy\nSubject:\tRE: May 2001 Checkout\n\nJoy,\n\nWe spoke with John at your office about a proposed idea where EPMI and\nCOB book both sides of the parking agreements and then any power COB\nkeeps is sold to COB at a price plus $4 to zero out the parking. This\nis acceptable for us, and I have tried to get in touch with John several\ntimes so that he can instruct whoever to make the changes in your system\nand to confirm that this is ok so we can change our system. However, I\nam not getting any response. Do you know if any changes have been made\nto your numbers? If you could get with him and give me a call, we could\ntry to close out May! Thanks.\n\n\n\nAmie Jackson\nSettlement Operations Analyst\nBryan Texas Utilities - QSE\n630 Atkins St.\nBryan, TX 77801\nphone:\t(979) 821-5790\nfax:\t(979) 821-5864\ne-mail:\tAJackson@btutilities.com\n", "RE: May 2001 Checkout", "", [["settle_resolve issue", 16, "nninformation", ["issues", "resolve"], "intention", " clint will be helping me to resolve these and future issues."]], "Okay, so we now have a procedure. I will broadcast to the group and see that it is implemented. I still havent completed all of their discrepancy checkout.\nI have been working nights through the weekend and tonite. I will address these on Tuesday.\nClint will be helping me to resolve these and future issues.\n\nThanks,\nJMF\n\n ", "<8155485.1075852393633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-6-2001-1:53:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"1-6-2001-1:53:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["1-6-2001-1:53:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23117614.1075853428795.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 01:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nSubject: DAP Major Activities List mid-year 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Elizabeth Sager\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\n1 . Negotiated and completed various significant term deals in Mdwest=20\n(MAPP, MAIN) ERCOT, SPP and Northeast:\n BP Energy/ GreenMountain: EEI/All Requirements Sale/QSE Agreement\n Minnesota Power (multiple transactions)\n Manitoba Hydro (multiple transactions)\n New England Power ICAP transaction (Llodra)\n Austin Energy 50 MWs UG -ERCOT\n Frontera 100MWs C&E Feb16-March 15=20\n Prepared bid package re New Albany peaker tolling arragnement\n City Public Service Board -- San Antonio 50 MWs Capacity & Energy -ERCOT\n Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN) 25MW=20\n Florida Power & Light Year 2002 On-Peak/Off Peak Energy Swap\n Contingent Call Option purchase for New Albany Peaker (Presto)\n Developed template documents for Parking & Lending arrangements\n2. Assisted in development of Services Desk business areas by development=\n=20\nof template contracts, etc:\n ERCOT QSE business area\n Control Area Services business area -- Allegheny Energy Supply\n3. Completed Risk Reduction transactions\n Tractabel/PGET/EPMI Settlement Agreement\n Cargill Alliant/Powerex/EPMI 3 trade termination agreement=20\n4. Resolved disputed matters favorably for EPMI:\n TXU -- LDs claim in ERCOT\n TXU -- heat rate option ($600K)=20\n AEP -- force majeure claim in ERCOT\n various other disputes involving confirmation/enabling agreement language\n5. Negotiated and completed many EEI contracts and associated documentatio=\nn=20\n-- many to facilitate completion of term deals on favorable tems=20\n6. Assisted development/negotiated solutions to cover problem contracts:\n Western =01&system firm=018 with reserve account to cover ETEC\n DP&L Option Agreement termination (not completed)\n OPPD termination of long term suppply contract (not completed)\n Efforts to supply JEA PPA=20\n7. Reviewed and readied various proposals/draft term sheets for Midmarket=\n=20\ngroup\n8. Frequently stood in on urgent matters when other attorneys were=20\nunavailable/out=20\n9. Assisted in training of new Power Group members and developing material=\ns=20\nfor their use\n10. Assisted development of wholesale power market products and product=20\nterms, including ERCOT products and=20\n EOL product language=20\n11. Regularly went to Documentation Group work area to troubleshoot, answ=\ner=20\nquestions and discuss developing areas/problems\n\n", "DAP Major Activities List mid-year 2001", "", [["complete transaction{agreement}", 104, "information", ["completed", "transactions"], "information", " completed risk reduction transactions tractabel/pget/epmi settlement agreement cargill alliant/powerex/epmi numeric trade termination agreement numeric numeric ."], ["complete transaction{agreement}", 175, "information", ["agreement", "completed"], "information", " assisted development/negotiated solutions to cover problem contracts: western numeric &system firm numeric with reserve account to cover etec dp&l option agreement termination (not completed) oppd termination of long term suppply contract (not completed) efforts to supply jea ppa numeric numeric ."], ["review comment", 186, "information", ["draft", "reviewed"], "information", " reviewed and readied various proposals/draft term sheets for midmarket numeric group numeric ."]], "1 . Negotiated and completed various significant term deals in Mdwest=20\n(MAPP, MAIN) ERCOT, SPP and Northeast:\n BP Energy/ GreenMountain: EEI/All Requirements Sale/QSE Agreement\n Minnesota Power (multiple transactions)\n Manitoba Hydro (multiple transactions)\n New England Power ICAP transaction (Llodra)\n Austin Energy 50 MWs UG -ERCOT\n Frontera 100MWs C&E Feb16-March 15=20\n Prepared bid package re New Albany peaker tolling arragnement\n City Public Service Board -- San Antonio 50 MWs Capacity & Energy -ERCOT\n Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN) 25MW=20\n Florida Power & Light Year 2002 On-Peak/Off Peak Energy Swap\n Contingent Call Option purchase for New Albany Peaker (Presto)\n Developed template documents for Parking & Lending arrangements\n2. Assisted in development of Services Desk business areas by development=20\nof template contracts, etc:\n ERCOT QSE business area\n Control Area Services business area -- Allegheny Energy Supply\n3. Completed Risk Reduction transactions\n Tractabel/PGET/EPMI Settlement Agreement\n Cargill Alliant/Powerex/EPMI 3 trade termination agreement=20\n4. Resolved disputed matters favorably for EPMI:\n TXU -- LDs claim in ERCOT\n TXU -- heat rate option ($600K)=20\n AEP -- force majeure claim in ERCOT\n various other disputes involving confirmation/enabling agreement language\n5. Negotiated and completed many EEI contracts and associated documentation=20\n-- many to facilitate completion of term deals on favorable tems=20\n6. Assisted development/negotiated solutions to cover problem contracts:\n Western =01&system firm=018 with reserve account to cover ETEC\n DP&L Option Agreement termination (not completed)\n OPPD termination of long term suppply contract (not completed)\n Efforts to supply JEA PPA=20\n7. Reviewed and readied various proposals/draft term sheets for Midmarket=20\ngroup\n8. Frequently stood in on urgent matters when other attorneys were=20\nunavailable/out=20\n9. Assisted in training of new Power Group members and developing materials=20\nfor their use\n10. Assisted development of wholesale power market products and product=20\nterms, including ERCOT products and=20\n EOL product language=20\n11. Regularly went to Documentation Group work area to troubleshoot, answer=20\nquestions and discuss developing areas/problems\n\n", "<23117614.1075853428795.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"59": {"value": "nebraska", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "61": {"value": "25", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "minnesota", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "market powerTnn": {"value": "market powerTnn", "ne": "market powerTnn", "patterns": ["market powerTnn"]}, "136": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "135": {"value": "$600", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "agreement confirmationTnn": {"value": "agreement confirmationTnn", "ne": "agreement confirmationTnn", "patterns": ["agreement confirmationTnn"]}, "agreement power qseTnnn": {"value": "agreement power qseTnnn", "ne": "agreement power qseTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement power qseTnnn"]}, "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn": {"value": "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn", "ne": "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn", "patterns": ["agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn"]}, "agreement terminationTnn": {"value": "agreement terminationTnn", "ne": "agreement terminationTnn", "patterns": ["agreement terminationTnn"]}, "agreement_arrangement documentTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement documentTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement documentTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement documentTnn"]}, "141": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement numericTnn"]}, "118": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement numericTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement numericTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "capacity energyTnn": {"value": "capacity energyTnn", "ne": "capacity energyTnn", "patterns": ["capacity energyTnn"]}, "draft sheet termTnnn": {"value": "draft sheet termTnnn", "ne": "draft sheet termTnnn", "patterns": ["draft sheet termTnnn"]}, "draft termTnn": {"value": "draft termTnn", "ne": "draft termTnn", "patterns": ["draft termTnn"]}, "energy provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "energy provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "energy provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["energy provision_supplyTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["guide_template numericTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric power_power0purchaseTnn", "numeric power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "226": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productTnn"]}, "224": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productTnn"]}, "220": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase transactionTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase transactionTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase transactionTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase transactionTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power productTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power productTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power productTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power productTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power transactionTnn"]}, "sheet termTnn": {"value": "sheet termTnn", "ne": "sheet termTnn", "patterns": ["sheet termTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-3-2001-9:19:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"22-3-2001-9:19:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["22-3-2001-9:19:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mark.haedicke@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com stuart.zisman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7554230.1075859793612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 09:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mark.haedicke@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, stuart.zisman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, stuart.zisman@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mark E Haedicke\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager, Stuart Zisman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Haedicke_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Haedicke-M\nX-FileName: mhaedic.nsf\n\nIn connection with the risk memorandum already provided you as to the Energy \nMarketing Services Agreement (EMSA) between EPMI and TECO's Frontera \nGeneration Limited Partnership, Stuart Zisman asked me to forward you the \ncurrent draft of a risk memorandum relating to the Qualified Scheduling \nEntity (\"QSE\") services relationships that EPMI would enter with third \nparties in the ERCOT Region. Per my voicemail to you, attached is such draft \nrisk memorandum. \n\n1. Risk memorandum addressing the downstream (EPMI - Customer) contract, \nrelevant to the TECO transaction:\n \n\nAlso per my voicemail, I am making available other materials bearing on ERCOT \nmarket context and the contractual position EPMI would occupy in offering QSE \nServices, including a draft risk memorandum treating EPMI's contractual \nrelationship to be put in place with the ERCOT ISO, and relevant background \nmaterials referenced by the two risk memoranda. Please contact me with any \nquestions. - David\n\n2. Draft risk memorandum addressing the upstream (EPMI - ERCOT ISO) \ncontract: \n\n3. Specimen of downstream contract, which would be altered in negotiations \nwith individual customers: \n \n4.. Form of upstream contract, non-negotiable: \n\n5. Each of the risk memos makes reference to a ERCOT-published Market \nGuide, attached below, decribing the restructured ERCOT marketplace:\n ", "", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 26, "information", ["attached", "draft", "voicemail"], "information", " per my voicemail to you, attached is such draft risk memorandum."]], "In connection with the risk memorandum already provided you as to the Energy \nMarketing Services Agreement (EMSA) between EPMI and TECO's Frontera \nGeneration Limited Partnership, Stuart Zisman asked me to forward you the \ncurrent draft of a risk memorandum relating to the Qualified Scheduling \nEntity (\"QSE\") services relationships that EPMI would enter with third \nparties in the ERCOT Region. Per my voicemail to you, attached is such draft \nrisk memorandum. \n\n1. Risk memorandum addressing the downstream (EPMI - Customer) contract, \nrelevant to the TECO transaction:\n \n\nAlso per my voicemail, I am making available other materials bearing on ERCOT \nmarket context and the contractual position EPMI would occupy in offering QSE \nServices, including a draft risk memorandum treating EPMI's contractual \nrelationship to be put in place with the ERCOT ISO, and relevant background \nmaterials referenced by the two risk memoranda. Please contact me with any \nquestions. - David\n\n2. Draft risk memorandum addressing the upstream (EPMI - ERCOT ISO) \ncontract: \n\n3. Specimen of downstream contract, which would be altered in negotiations \nwith individual customers: \n \n4.. Form of upstream contract, non-negotiable: \n\n5. Each of the risk memos makes reference to a ERCOT-published Market \nGuide, attached below, decribing the restructured ERCOT marketplace:\n ", "<7554230.1075859793612.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn": {"value": "agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn", "ne": "agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn"]}, "agreement energyTnn": {"value": "agreement energyTnn", "ne": "agreement energyTnn", "patterns": ["agreement energyTnn"]}, "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn": {"value": "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "ne": "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "patterns": ["agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn"]}, "company_party serviceTnn": {"value": "company_party serviceTnn", "ne": "company_party serviceTnn", "patterns": ["company_party serviceTnn"]}, "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn"]}, "guide market_marketplaceTnn": {"value": "guide market_marketplaceTnn", "ne": "guide market_marketplaceTnn", "patterns": ["guide market_marketplaceTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-5-2001-9:17:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"7-5-2001-9:17:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-9:17:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "melissa.murphy@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com sharen.cason@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19636047.1075853412998.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 May 2001 09:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: melissa.murphy@enron.com\nSubject: Revised TC language if EPMI is Buyer in ERCOT across DC tie\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, sharen.cason@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, sharen.cason@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-cc: Doug Gilbert-Smith, Clint Dean, Elizabeth Sager, Sharen Cason\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\n__________________\n\nI have discussed with Doug Gilbert-Smith the transmission contingent language \ne-mailed to you on 4-27-01 and am communicating the revised text below for \ninsertion into those written confirmations of EPMI's purchases in ERCOT being \nsupplied across a DC tie, when designated by the ERCOT traders to require \nthis insert . This text is only for those specific transactions which the \nERCOT traders indicate. \n\n\"Transmission Contingent: DC Tie. If Seller is unable to secure the \ntransmission required for this Transaction on a DC tie line across the ERCOT \nsystem border (\"DC tie\"), or transmission on such DC tie is curtailed in a \nmanner affecting Seller's delivery hereunder, then Seller at its election \nshall not be required to deliver the affected portion of the Energy and, in \nthe event of that election by Seller, neither party shall be liable to the \nother hereunder for failure to deliver/receive such Energy. No other \ntransmission contingency is designated by the parties to pertain to this \nTransaction.\" ", "Revised TC language if EPMI is Buyer in ERCOT across DC tie", "", [["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 39, "nninformation", ["tie", "line"], "intention", " if seller is unable to secure the transmission required for this transaction on a dc tie line across the ercot system border (\"dc tie\"), or transmission on such dc tie is curtailed in a manner affecting seller's delivery hereunder, then seller at its election shall not be required to deliver the affected portion of the energy and, in the event of that election by seller, neither party shall be liable to the other hereunder for failure to deliver/receive such energy."]], "__________________\n\nI have discussed with Doug Gilbert-Smith the transmission contingent language \ne-mailed to you on 4-27-01 and am communicating the revised text below for \ninsertion into those written confirmations of EPMI's purchases in ERCOT being \nsupplied across a DC tie, when designated by the ERCOT traders to require \nthis insert . This text is only for those specific transactions which the \nERCOT traders indicate. \n\n\"Transmission Contingent: DC Tie. If Seller is unable to secure the \ntransmission required for this Transaction on a DC tie line across the ERCOT \nsystem border (\"DC tie\"), or transmission on such DC tie is curtailed in a \nmanner affecting Seller's delivery hereunder, then Seller at its election \nshall not be required to deliver the affected portion of the Energy and, in \nthe event of that election by Seller, neither party shall be liable to the \nother hereunder for failure to deliver/receive such Energy. No other \ntransmission contingency is designated by the parties to pertain to this \nTransaction.\" ", "<19636047.1075853412998.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"component_portion energyTnn": {"value": "component_portion energyTnn", "ne": "component_portion energyTnn", "patterns": ["component_portion energyTnn"]}, "affect_involve energyTvn": {"value": "affect_involve energyTvn", "ne": "affect_involve energyTvn", "patterns": ["affect_involve energyTvn"]}, "deliver energyTvn": {"value": "deliver energyTvn", "ne": "deliver energyTvn", "patterns": ["deliver energyTvn"]}, "effect_event percentage_portionTnn": {"value": "effect_event percentage_portionTnn", "ne": "effect_event percentage_portionTnn", "patterns": ["effect_event percentage_portionTnn"]}, "energy event_issueTnn": {"value": "energy event_issueTnn", "ne": "energy event_issueTnn", "patterns": ["energy event_issueTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-5-2001-3:40:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"11-5-2001-3:40:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["11-5-2001-3:40:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mike.curry@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com drew.tingleaf@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22574474.1075859605650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 May 2001 03:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mike.curry@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: REVISED Frontera FM Notice responses: Privileged - attorney work\n product\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mike Curry, Clint Dean, Drew Tingleaf, Doug Gilbert-Smith\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nAttached are new draft responses to the Frontera Notices of Force Majeure/ \nUncpontrollable Forces, for dispatch today if the your desk deems \nappropriate. Please review and comment. Also please let me know who would \nsign these letters for the desk. I will distribute to each of you hard copies \nof Frontera's notices. -David\n", "REVISED Frontera FM Notice responses: Privileged - attorney work\n product", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 8, "information", ["attached", "draft", "notices"], "information", "attached are new draft responses to the orgname notices of force majeure/ uncpontrollable forces, for dispatch today if the your desk deems appropriate."], ["review comment", 19, "nninformation", ["comment", "review"], "request", " please review and comment."]], "Attached are new draft responses to the Frontera Notices of Force Majeure/ \nUncpontrollable Forces, for dispatch today if the your desk deems \nappropriate. Please review and comment. Also please let me know who would \nsign these letters for the desk. I will distribute to each of you hard copies \nof Frontera's notices. -David\n", "<22574474.1075859605650.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"desk force_powerTnn": {"value": "desk force_powerTnn", "ne": "desk force_powerTnn", "patterns": ["desk force_powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-12-2000-4:27:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"6-12-2000-4:27:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["6-12-2000-4:27:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mike.curry@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11977899.1075859541590.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 04:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mike.curry@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mike Curry\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nAs discussed in our exchange of voicemails, attached is a draft notice letter \nto FP&L. Please confirm this is consistent with the desk's intention for the \nfinal 2 months of the term. Notice must be sent by 15 December. --David\n", "", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 3, "information", ["attached", "draft", "notice"], "information", "as discussed in our exchange of voicemails, attached is a draft notice letter to fp&l."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 15, "nninformation", ["sent", "notice"], "intention", " notice must be sent by numeric december."]], "As discussed in our exchange of voicemails, attached is a draft notice letter \nto FP&L. Please confirm this is consistent with the desk's intention for the \nfinal 2 months of the term. Notice must be sent by 15 December. --David\n", "<11977899.1075859541590.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-5-2001-10:11:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"15-5-2001-10:11:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["15-5-2001-10:11:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "michelle.parks@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com drew.tingleaf@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com kevin.presto@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com paul.radous@enron.com smith.day@enron.com thresa.allen@enron.com tom.may@enron.com william.bradford@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5025457.1075859604687.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 May 2001 10:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: michelle.parks@enron.com\nSubject: New Power QSE Agreement- execution copy\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com,\n\tlloyd.will@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com,\n\tsmith.day@enron.com, thresa.allen@enron.com, tom.may@enron.com,\n\twilliam.bradford@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com,\n\tlloyd.will@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com,\n\tsmith.day@enron.com, thresa.allen@enron.com, tom.may@enron.com,\n\twilliam.bradford@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Michelle Parks\nX-cc: Doug Gilbert-Smith, Drew Tingleaf, Jeffrey Miller, Kevin M Presto, Lloyd Will, Mike Curry, Paul Radous, Smith L Day, Thresa A Allen, Tom May, William S Bradford, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nMichelle -- As discussed, attached is a redlined and an execution copy of the \nNew Power QSE Agreement, for your review and transmission onwards to New \nPower's Anoush Farhangi. The document is being cc'd to the EPMI recipients \nyou had designated. For their benefit I direct their attention to the \nconfidentiality obligations stated in Section 7.2: in particular, EPMI will \nbe under obligations to keep New Power's scheduling and settlements \ninformation confidential from EES and EES personnel.\n \nMichelle, please note to New Power that: (1) New Power still needs to fill in \ntheir contact/payments information on Schedule A. (2) the Enron Guarantee \nformat was not referenced in the document as Schedule E and Schedule E was \ntherefore eliminated. Per the Credit Support Annex, each guarantee must be \nin a format acceptable to the other party. (3) The lengthy ERCOT Calendar \nwill be kept current on the MIS website, so it was not included as \n'Attachment X' to the document.\n\nPlease call me with any questions or comments. --David\n\n\n\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n___________________\n\n\n\n\tMichelle Parks/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/15/2001 03:39 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Drew Tingleaf/ENRON@enronXgate, Doug \nGilbert-Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike Curry/ENRON@enronXgate, Lloyd \nWill/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom May/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey Miller/NA/Enron@Enron, \nSmith L Day/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thresa A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nPaul Radous/ENRON@enronXgate, William S Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: New Power QSE Agreement is Done!\n\nI want to let you all know that we have reached agreement on the New Power \nQSE Agreement. We are finalizing the execution copy right now and will send \nit out this afternoon.\n\nThanks for eveyone's input in this effort.\n\nMichelle\n", "New Power QSE Agreement- execution copy", "", [["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 6, "information", ["attached", "execution**copy"], "information", "michelle -- as discussed, attached is a redlined and an execution copy of the new power qse agreement, for your review and transmission onwards to new power's anoush farhangi."], ["show deal", 20, "information", ["designated", "document"], "information", " the document is being cc'd to the epmi recipients you had designated."]], "Michelle -- As discussed, attached is a redlined and an execution copy of the \nNew Power QSE Agreement, for your review and transmission onwards to New \nPower's Anoush Farhangi. The document is being cc'd to the EPMI recipients \nyou had designated. For their benefit I direct their attention to the \nconfidentiality obligations stated in Section 7.2: in particular, EPMI will \nbe under obligations to keep New Power's scheduling and settlements \ninformation confidential from EES and EES personnel.\n \nMichelle, please note to New Power that: (1) New Power still needs to fill in \ntheir contact/payments information on Schedule A. (2) the Enron Guarantee \nformat was not referenced in the document as Schedule E and Schedule E was \ntherefore eliminated. Per the Credit Support Annex, each guarantee must be \nin a format acceptable to the other party. (3) The lengthy ERCOT Calendar \nwill be kept current on the MIS website, so it was not included as \n'Attachment X' to the document.\n\nPlease call me with any questions or comments. --David\n\n\n\n\n______________________________________________________________________________\n___________________\n\n\n\n\tMichelle Parks/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/15/2001 03:39 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<5025457.1075859604687.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power obligationTnn": {"value": "ability_power obligationTnn", "ne": "ability_power obligationTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power obligationTnn"]}, "agreement power qseTnnn": {"value": "agreement power qseTnnn", "ne": "agreement power qseTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement power qseTnnn"]}, "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "annex credit supportTnnn": {"value": "annex credit supportTnnn", "ne": "annex credit supportTnnn", "patterns": ["annex credit supportTnnn"]}, "annex creditTnn": {"value": "annex creditTnn", "ne": "annex creditTnn", "patterns": ["annex creditTnn"]}, "credit supportTnn": {"value": "credit supportTnn", "ne": "credit supportTnn", "patterns": ["credit supportTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric power_power0purchaseTnn", "numeric power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "section**7", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["obligation power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power schedulingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power schedulingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power schedulingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power schedulingTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-6-2001-11:17:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"1-6-2001-11:17:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["1-6-2001-11:17:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com smith.day@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <399380.1075853428701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, smith.day@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT product development\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Doug Gilbert-Smith, Mike Curry, Smith L Day\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nFor purposes of going forward, attached are the various drafts relating to \nERCOT product changes we have been discussing:\n\n1. Re 11:00 am scheduling deadline. This effort was sidelined because (i) \nit would fix the problem that surfaced with TXU, and (ii) in most instances I \nunderstand us to prefer the presence of the 11:00 am deadline to cuase the \nsheduling to be wrapped up under potential threat of LDs. \n \n\n2. EOL financially firm UB product. Doug, I believe you want to explore if \nthe reference to the B product can be eliminated altogether.\n\n\n\n3. ERCOT wide and Zonal EOL products. Questions clearly present are: (1) \nuncertain duration of the zones, and what should happen to the commitments of \nthe parties when newly defined zones replace the old. The marketplace can't \neven be assured of zonal changeovers each October. (Buyer serving load is \nmost at risk) (2) uncertainty over whether the B product classification \nwill persist, and what the Opertating guides will say about it or a \nsubsequent Firm (LD) product, (3) whether delivery can only take place inside \na zone, rather than at its border. Doug you said you were considering \nrolling out an ERCOT wide product and then afterwards offering North and \nSouth Zones, followed by West Zone if there's market interest. \n\n \n\nPlease come back to me with any thoughts you have on these draft efforts. \n--DP", "ERCOT product development", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 4, "information", ["attached", "drafts"], "information", "for purposes of going forward, attached are the various drafts relating to ercot product changes we have been discussing: numeric ."]], "For purposes of going forward, attached are the various drafts relating to \nERCOT product changes we have been discussing:\n\n1. Re 11:00 am scheduling deadline. This effort was sidelined because (i) \nit would fix the problem that surfaced with TXU, and (ii) in most instances I \nunderstand us to prefer the presence of the 11:00 am deadline to cuase the \nsheduling to be wrapped up under potential threat of LDs. \n \n\n2. EOL financially firm UB product. Doug, I believe you want to explore if \nthe reference to the B product can be eliminated altogether.\n\n\n\n3. ERCOT wide and Zonal EOL products. Questions clearly present are: (1) \nuncertain duration of the zones, and what should happen to the commitments of \nthe parties when newly defined zones replace the old. The marketplace can't \neven be assured of zonal changeovers each October. (Buyer serving load is \nmost at risk) (2) uncertainty over whether the B product classification \nwill persist, and what the Opertating guides will say about it or a \nsubsequent Firm (LD) product, (3) whether delivery can only take place inside \na zone, rather than at its border. Doug you said you were considering \nrolling out an ERCOT wide product and then afterwards offering North and \nSouth Zones, followed by West Zone if there's market interest. \n\n \n\nPlease come back to me with any thoughts you have on these draft efforts. \n--DP", "<399380.1075853428701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"90": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "change_modification productTnn": {"value": "change_modification productTnn", "ne": "change_modification productTnn", "patterns": ["change_modification productTnn"]}, "credit_reference productTnn": {"value": "credit_reference productTnn", "ne": "credit_reference productTnn", "patterns": ["credit_reference productTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productTnn"]}, "76": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productTnn"]}, "product wideTnn": {"value": "product wideTnn", "ne": "product wideTnn", "patterns": ["product wideTnn"]}, "product zonalTnn": {"value": "product zonalTnn", "ne": "product zonalTnn", "patterns": ["product zonalTnn"]}, "product zoneTnn": {"value": "product zoneTnn", "ne": "product zoneTnn", "patterns": ["product zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-6-2001-2:37:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"7-6-2001-2:37:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["7-6-2001-2:37:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "drew.tingleaf@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com travis.mccullough@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11031185.1075853421262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 02:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: drew.tingleaf@enron.com\nSubject: Power Brokers Aggregator\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, travis.mccullough@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, travis.mccullough@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Drew Tingleaf\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager, Travis McCullough\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nDraft response. Please come back to me with questions/comments/ changes. \n\nRandy/Josh,\n\nI'm putting aside the forwarded files and not letting anyone here review them \nuntil we've had a conversation on what sort of fee/percentage arrangement, if \nany, we could put in effect by a signed agreement. Please don't send any \nmore potential customers' information until we've gone over this. Enron is a \nbig place with a lot of marketers fanned out and soliciting customers -- I \ncan't have you just sending me information of this sort and creating risk \nthat you'll surface at some point and claim a fee on a deal you were not \ninvolved in. Especially where you have a non-exclusive relationship with the \ncustomer. In general, I would have preferred that you had told me simply the \nERCOT region and the size of a load, without identifying the customer, and I \ncould then signal back to you whether Enron was interested in going forward. \nEnron Power Marketing will not pay anything in this sort of 'finders' \narrangement except under an executed agreement with the finder, presuming an \nagreement can be reached. So we should explore, as to Tyco, a potential \nagreement as to a \"success fee\", with a payment structure based on the \ncompletion of an identified type of deal within a stated time frame, and tied \nto your actual assistance in the completion of the transaction, not just \nidentifying the prospect. \n\nPlease come back to me when you have a chance. \n\nDrew\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tDrew Tingleaf/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t06/04/2001 09:48 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Aggregator\n\nDavid - please take a look. Let's discuss.\n\nDTT\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Prenglight@aol.com@ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Prenglight+40aol+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent: Friday, June 01, 2001 4:21 PM\nTo: Tingleaf, Drew\nSubject: RATE\n\ndrew, \nwe are working on the data for the corpus account and will forward it to you \nas soon as it is recevied. \nto keep it simple we'll only send our biggest accounts, one by one, if there \nis a problem with it, such as a conflict, let us know immediately. we'll \ntake the risk. we would like a quote with a fixed rate, with transmission, \ndistribution, billing and any other by pass charges included. the quote \nshould provide a comparison of your rate against the incumbants rate and a \ncost savings percentage. we will present your to our clients rate as it is \ngiven to us. we would like a sign up fee, and 2% of gross from enron \n(outside of our clients discount) for the term of the agreement between \nenron \nand our clients. \nattached are a few files from a customer tyco. they are registered for the \npilot program, and wants service to begin july 6 2001. \nwe look forward to hearing from you.. \nsincerely, \nrandy prengler/josh stern \npower brokers, llc. \n \n - TYC38.ZIP\n", "Power Brokers Aggregator", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 34, "nninformation", ["sending", "sort"], "intention", " enron is a big place with a lot of marketers fanned out and soliciting customers -- i can't have you just sending me information of this sort and creating risk that you'll surface at some point and claim a fee on a deal you were not involved in."], ["execute agreement", 67, "information", ["agreement", "executed"], "information", " enron power marketing will not pay anything in this sort of 'finders' arrangement except under an executed agreement with the finder, presuming an agreement can be reached."], ["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 87, "information", ["tied", "transaction"], "information", " so we should explore, as to tyco, a potential agreement as to a \"success fee\", with a payment structure based on the completion of an identified type of deal within a stated time frame, and tied to your actual assistance in the completion of the transaction, not just identifying the prospect."]], "Draft response. Please come back to me with questions/comments/ changes. \n\nRandy/Josh,\n\nI'm putting aside the forwarded files and not letting anyone here review them \nuntil we've had a conversation on what sort of fee/percentage arrangement, if \nany, we could put in effect by a signed agreement. Please don't send any \nmore potential customers' information until we've gone over this. Enron is a \nbig place with a lot of marketers fanned out and soliciting customers -- I \ncan't have you just sending me information of this sort and creating risk \nthat you'll surface at some point and claim a fee on a deal you were not \ninvolved in. Especially where you have a non-exclusive relationship with the \ncustomer. In general, I would have preferred that you had told me simply the \nERCOT region and the size of a load, without identifying the customer, and I \ncould then signal back to you whether Enron was interested in going forward. \nEnron Power Marketing will not pay anything in this sort of 'finders' \narrangement except under an executed agreement with the finder, presuming an \nagreement can be reached. So we should explore, as to Tyco, a potential \nagreement as to a \"success fee\", with a payment structure based on the \ncompletion of an identified type of deal within a stated time frame, and tied \nto your actual assistance in the completion of the transaction, not just \nidentifying the prospect. \n\nPlease come back to me when you have a chance. \n\nDrew\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tDrew Tingleaf/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t06/04/2001 09:48 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<11031185.1075853421262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change commentTnn": {"value": "change commentTnn", "ne": "change commentTnn", "patterns": ["change commentTnn"]}, "effect_event percentage_portionTnn": {"value": "effect_event percentage_portionTnn", "ne": "effect_event percentage_portionTnn", "patterns": ["effect_event percentage_portionTnn"]}, "marketing powerTnn": {"value": "marketing powerTnn", "ne": "marketing powerTnn", "patterns": ["marketing powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-11-2001-15:4:11Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"26-11-2001-15:4:11Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["26-11-2001-15:4:11", "david.portz@enron.com", "jeff.gollomp@cinergy.com", "paul.radous@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23498208.1075861323097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 15:04:11 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: jeff.gollomp@cinergy.com\nSubject: EEI coversheet\nCc: paul.radous@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: paul.radous@enron.com, edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: 'jeff.gollomp@cinergy.com'\nX-cc: 'kim.twele@cinergy.com', 'randy.bevis@cinergy.com', Bradford, William S. , Radous, Paul , Sacks, Edward , Sager, Elizabeth , Fitzgerald, Genia \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nFollowing upon our telephone discussion this afternoon, attached is the redlined draft Kim Twele had forwarded on 11/2/01 of the EEI coversheet, CSA and Paragraph 10, with (a) credit discussion points remaining unchanged pending discussion by the parties' credit representatives, and (b) showing our resolution as to certain legal points, viz, acceptance of Section 2.4, rejection of amendment to Section 3.2, deletion of Section 6.2 amendment, acceptance of amendment to Section 6.3, rejection of proposed new Section 9.3, and modification of Section 10.1(a). Please contact me with any questions or comments. David \n\n \n\n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)", "EEI coversheet", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 3, "information", ["attached", "discussion", "draft"], "information", "following upon our telephone discussion this afternoon, attached is the redlined draft kim twele had forwarded on datenumeric of the eei coversheet, csa and paragraph numeric , with (a) credit discussion points remaining unchanged pending discussion by the parties' credit representatives, and (b) showing our resolution as to certain legal points, viz, acceptance of section numeric numeric , rejection of amendment to section numeric numeric , deletion of section numeric numeric amendment, acceptance of amendment to section numeric numeric , rejection of proposed new section numeric numeric , and modification of section numeric numeric (a)."], ["show deal", 23, "information", ["credit", "showing"], "information", "following upon our telephone discussion this afternoon, attached is the redlined draft kim twele had forwarded on datenumeric of the eei coversheet, csa and paragraph numeric , with (a) credit discussion points remaining unchanged pending discussion by the parties' credit representatives, and (b) showing our resolution as to certain legal points, viz, acceptance of section numeric numeric , rejection of amendment to section numeric numeric , deletion of section numeric numeric amendment, acceptance of amendment to section numeric numeric , rejection of proposed new section numeric numeric , and modification of section numeric numeric (a)."]], "Following upon our telephone discussion this afternoon, attached is the redlined draft Kim Twele had forwarded on 11/2/01 of the EEI coversheet, CSA and Paragraph 10, with (a) credit discussion points remaining unchanged pending discussion by the parties' credit representatives, and (b) showing our resolution as to certain legal points, viz, acceptance of Section 2.4, rejection of amendment to Section 3.2, deletion of Section 6.2 amendment, acceptance of amendment to Section 6.3, rejection of proposed new Section 9.3, and modification of Section 10.1(a). Please contact me with any questions or comments. David \n\n \n\n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)", "<23498208.1075861323097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"63": {"value": "77", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["assistant ext fax numeric phoneTnnnnn"]}, "73": {"value": "57851", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["assistant ext numericTnnn"]}, "59": {"value": "1400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "60": {"value": "smith", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "12": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["credit_reference numericTnn"]}, "fax phoneTnn": {"value": "fax phoneTnn", "ne": "fax phoneTnn", "patterns": ["fax phoneTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "section**2", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "section**3", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "section**6", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "section**6", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "section**9", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "section**10", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-12-2000-9:42:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"13-12-2000-9:42:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["13-12-2000-9:42:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "terri.clynes@enron.com", "edward.baughman@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com doug.sewell@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24761832.1075859545107.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 09:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: terri.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: OPPD termination agreement\nCc: edward.baughman@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, doug.sewell@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.baughman@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, doug.sewell@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Terri Clynes\nX-cc: Edward D Baughman, Elizabeth Sager, Doug Sewell, Edward Sacks\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nTerri - As requested and per our discussions, attached are draft agreements \nfor the termination of the Aug. 15 1996 PPA with OPPD, for review and \ncomment. Please come back to me with any questions or comments. --DP\n", "OPPD termination agreement", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 6, "information", ["agreements", "attached", "discussions"], "information", "terri - as requested and per our discussions, attached are draft agreements for the termination of the datenumeric ppa with oppd, for review and comment."]], "Terri - As requested and per our discussions, attached are draft agreements \nfor the termination of the Aug. 15 1996 PPA with OPPD, for review and \ncomment. Please come back to me with any questions or comments. --DP\n", "<24761832.1075859545107.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement discussionTnn": {"value": "agreement discussionTnn", "ne": "agreement discussionTnn", "patterns": ["agreement discussionTnn"]}, "agreement draftTnn": {"value": "agreement draftTnn", "ne": "agreement draftTnn", "patterns": ["agreement draftTnn"]}, "agreement terminationTnn": {"value": "agreement terminationTnn", "ne": "agreement terminationTnn", "patterns": ["agreement terminationTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2001-4:7:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"27-4-2001-4:7:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-4:7:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "melissa.murphy@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com sharen.cason@enron.com melissa.murphy@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30865254.1075859607338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 04:07:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: melissa.murphy@enron.com\nSubject: TC language if EPMI is Buyer in ERCOT across DC tie\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, sharen.cason@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.murphy@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, sharen.cason@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.murphy@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-cc: Doug Gilbert-Smith, Clint Dean, Elizabeth Sager, Sharen Cason, Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nFor those written confirmations of EPMI's purchases in ERCOT which the ERCOT \ntraders designate as being supplied across a DC tie, I suggest this draft \ntext insert, which is subject to review and approval by Doug Gilbert-Smith \nand Clint Dean before incorporation into specific confirmations which the \ntraders indicate. \n\n\"Transmission Contingent. If Seller is unable to secure the transmission \nrequired for this Transaction on a DC tie line across the ERCOT system border \n(\"DC tie\"), or transmission on such DC tie is curtailed in a manner \naffecting Seller's delivery hereunder, then Seller at its election shall not \nbe required to deliver the affected portion of the Energy and, in the event \nof that election by Seller, neither party shall be liable to the other \nhereunder for failure to deliver/receive such Energy.\" \n\nI will be attempting to confirm this treatment with Doug and Clint today if \npossible, and I or one of them will confirm that this text is to be inserted \nin pertinent confirmations.", "TC language if EPMI is Buyer in ERCOT across DC tie", "", [["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 34, "nninformation", ["tie", "line"], "intention", " if seller is unable to secure the transmission required for this transaction on a dc tie line across the ercot system border (\"dc tie\"), or transmission on such dc tie is curtailed in a manner affecting seller's delivery hereunder, then seller at its election shall not be required to deliver the affected portion of the energy and, in the event of that election by seller, neither party shall be liable to the other hereunder for failure to deliver/receive such energy."]], "For those written confirmations of EPMI's purchases in ERCOT which the ERCOT \ntraders designate as being supplied across a DC tie, I suggest this draft \ntext insert, which is subject to review and approval by Doug Gilbert-Smith \nand Clint Dean before incorporation into specific confirmations which the \ntraders indicate. \n\n\"Transmission Contingent. If Seller is unable to secure the transmission \nrequired for this Transaction on a DC tie line across the ERCOT system border \n(\"DC tie\"), or transmission on such DC tie is curtailed in a manner \naffecting Seller's delivery hereunder, then Seller at its election shall not \nbe required to deliver the affected portion of the Energy and, in the event \nof that election by Seller, neither party shall be liable to the other \nhereunder for failure to deliver/receive such Energy.\" \n\nI will be attempting to confirm this treatment with Doug and Clint today if \npossible, and I or one of them will confirm that this text is to be inserted \nin pertinent confirmations.", "<30865254.1075859607338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"component_portion energyTnn": {"value": "component_portion energyTnn", "ne": "component_portion energyTnn", "patterns": ["component_portion energyTnn"]}, "affect_involve energyTvn": {"value": "affect_involve energyTvn", "ne": "affect_involve energyTvn", "patterns": ["affect_involve energyTvn"]}, "deliver energyTvn": {"value": "deliver energyTvn", "ne": "deliver energyTvn", "patterns": ["deliver energyTvn"]}, "effect_event percentage_portionTnn": {"value": "effect_event percentage_portionTnn", "ne": "effect_event percentage_portionTnn", "patterns": ["effect_event percentage_portionTnn"]}, "energy event_issueTnn": {"value": "energy event_issueTnn", "ne": "energy event_issueTnn", "patterns": ["energy event_issueTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-11-2000-3:39:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"7-11-2000-3:39:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["7-11-2000-3:39:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "terri.clynes@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com doug.sewell@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24930862.1075859537629.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 03:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: terri.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: NSP Summer 2001 Confirmations\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, doug.sewell@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, doug.sewell@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Terri Clynes\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager, Doug Sewell\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nAs requested, attached are electronic versions of the confirmation letters \nfaxed by Doug late morning to NSP for signature.\n", "NSP Summer 2001 Confirmations", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 3, "information", ["attached", "confirmation"], "information", "as requested, attached are electronic versions of the confirmation letters faxed by doug late morning to nsp for signature."]], "As requested, attached are electronic versions of the confirmation letters \nfaxed by Doug late morning to NSP for signature.\n", "<24930862.1075859537629.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-5-2001-4:35:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"1-5-2001-4:35:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-4:35:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "martha.keesler@enron.com carol.clair@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15423526.1075842191901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 04:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: martha.keesler@enron.com, carol.clair@enron.com\nSubject: Power In-Service Binders\nCc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Martha Keesler, Carol St Clair\nX-cc: Genia FitzGerald\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Carol_StClair_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: STCLAIR-C\nX-FileName: cstclai.nsf\n\nMartha - Per my voicemail, attached below is a copy of the Andy Katz article \nwhich is to be substituted for the Mark Haedicke's article in the second \nbinder.\n\n\n\nCarol -- This is a useful overview which you may want to print and take along \nwith other materials being provided to you in advance of the legal \nconference.", "Power In-Service Binders", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 5, "information", ["attached", "voicemail"], "information", "martha - per my voicemail, attached below is a copy of the andy katz article which is to be substituted for the mark haedicke's article in the second "]], "Martha - Per my voicemail, attached below is a copy of the Andy Katz article \nwhich is to be substituted for the Mark Haedicke's article in the second \nbinder.\n\n\n\nCarol -- This is a useful overview which you may want to print and take along \nwith other materials being provided to you in advance of the legal \nconference.", "<15423526.1075842191901.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"power service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["power service_service0corporationTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-12-2000-8:55:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-12-2000-8:55:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-8:55:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "rknauss@mnpower.com jkeil@mnpower.com rhonda.denton@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com genia.fitzgerald@enron.com clement.abrams@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14380944.1075859542974.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 08:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: rknauss@mnpower.com, jkeil@mnpower.com, rhonda.denton@enron.com\nSubject: Enron - EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Split Rock\n Energ;y LLC\nCc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, clement.abrams@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tgenia.fitzgerald@enron.com, clement.abrams@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: rknauss@mnpower.com, jkeil@mnpower.com, Rhonda L Denton\nX-cc: Edward Sacks, Elizabeth Sager, Genia FitzGerald, Clement Abrams\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nAs discussed, attached please find the modified EEI cover sheet revised to \nreflect the day's discussions. Please contact me following your review of \nsame. We will accept the form of guaranty below. --Best regards, David\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\"Ronald Knauss (MPEX)\" \n\t12/07/2000 08:20 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"'Genia.FitzGerald@enron.com'\" \n\t\t cc: \"Jason Keil (MP)\" \n\t\t Subject: Enron - EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Split Rock \nEnerg;y LLC\n\n\nGood morning, Genia!!\n\n Attached is SRE's response to Enron's proposed Cover Sheet. Note\nthat in the first section the blanks have been completed with various basic\ninfo for the SRE operation. In addition, SRE has included proposed changes\nto certain Articles and to the General Terms and Conditions. SRE's proposed\nchanges have been indicated with blue or red print. For clarification,\ncould you briefly provide an explanation of the Exhibit B referenced in the\nPrior Transactions paragraph in Part 1?\n\n Additionally, attached is a draft of SRE's Guaranty that has been\nnegotiated between our credit people which I understand is in its final\nform.\n\n If you have any questions or require clarification, please advise\nme. Thanks for your assistance in processing this agreement. Ron\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Genia.FitzGerald@enron.com [mailto:Genia.FitzGerald@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 10:59 AM\nTo: Ronald Knauss (MPEX)\nCc: David.Portz@enron.com; Rhonda.L.Denton@enron.com;\nWilliam.S.Bradford@enron.com; Veronica.Gonzalez@enron.com;\nEdward.Sacks@enron.com\nSubject: Enron - EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Split\nRock Energ;y LLC\nImportance: High\n\n\nDear Ron,\n\nAttached please find the Cover Sheet, General Terms and Conditions and\nAttachments for the above referenced Agreement. Please don't hesitate to\ncontact our attorney, David Portz at (713) 853-9239 or me at (713) 853-6389\nif you have any questions.\n\nRegards,\nGenia FitzGerald\nLegal Specialist\n\n(See attached file: Split Rock CS1.doc)(See attached file: EEI Master\n4-25-00 Pg 8.doc)(See attached file: Split Rock Attachments.doc)\n\n\n - Enron EEI 12 04.doc\n - New Enron Gty 11 01 00.doc", "Enron - EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Split Rock\n Energ;y LLC", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 8, "information", ["attached", "cover", "sheet"], "information", "as discussed, attached please find the modified eei cover sheet revised to reflect the day's discussions."]], "As discussed, attached please find the modified EEI cover sheet revised to \nreflect the day's discussions. Please contact me following your review of \nsame. We will accept the form of guaranty below. --Best regards, David\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\"Ronald Knauss (MPEX)\" ", {"purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-1-2002-14:25:43Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"10-1-2002-14:25:43Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["10-1-2002-14:25:43", "david.portz@enron.com", "stephanie.panus@enron.com", "susan.bailey@enron.com l..denton@enron.com w..white@enron.com legal .hall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3388108.1075841990710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 14:25:43 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: stephanie.panus@enron.com\nSubject: Terminations -- The Energy Authority, Montana Power\nCc: susan.bailey@enron.com, l..denton@enron.com, w..white@enron.com,\n\tlegal <.hall@enron.com>\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: susan.bailey@enron.com, l..denton@enron.com, w..white@enron.com,\n\tlegal <.hall@enron.com>\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Panus, Stephanie \nX-cc: Bailey, Susan , Denton, Rhonda L. , White, Stacey W. , Hall, Steve C. (Legal) \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - White, Stacey W.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: WHITE-S\nX-FileName: stacy white 7-15-02.PST\n\nSterphanie -- Following your having brought me the termination letters for the above-referenced wholesale power counterparties, I confirm the following:\n\nMontana Power's 12-21-99 master should be consiedered terminated as of the dates of stated in their termination letter, Jan. 8, 2002\n\nThe Energy Company's attempt to terminate the 9-17-97 master effective Nov 29, 2001 was ineffective, because the master had a five day advance notice provision, but the master's automatic termination provision operates to have terminated it Dec. 2, 2001.\n\nPlease contact me with any questions. David\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDenton, Rhonda L. \nSent:\tThursday, January 10, 2002 4:05 PM\nTo:\tPortz, David\nSubject:\t\n\nThere are no deals for Montana Power for 12/1/01 forward\nAll the deals for The Energy Authority are under the Master Sharen sent you. There are 3 killed deals.", "Terminations -- The Energy Authority, Montana Power", "", [["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 11, "nninformation", ["confirm", "wholesale**power"], "request", "sterphanie -- following your having brought me the termination letters for the above-referenced wholesale power counterparties, i confirm the following: montana power's numeric numeric numeric master should be consiedered terminated as of the dates of stated in their termination letter, datenumeric , numeric the energy company's attempt to terminate the numeric numeric numeric master effective datenumeric , numeric was ineffective, because the master had a five day advance notice provision, but the master's automatic termination provision operates to have terminated it datenumeric , numeric ."]], "Sterphanie -- Following your having brought me the termination letters for the above-referenced wholesale power counterparties, I confirm the following:\n\nMontana Power's 12-21-99 master should be consiedered terminated as of the dates of stated in their termination letter, Jan. 8, 2002\n\nThe Energy Company's attempt to terminate the 9-17-97 master effective Nov 29, 2001 was ineffective, because the master had a five day advance notice provision, but the master's automatic termination provision operates to have terminated it Dec. 2, 2001.\n\nPlease contact me with any questions. David\n\n ", "<3388108.1075841990710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"14": {"value": "montana", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn", "locname powerTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "12", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "montana", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "company energyTnn": {"value": "company energyTnn", "ne": "company energyTnn", "patterns": ["company energyTnn"]}, "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "counterparty terminationTnn": {"value": "counterparty terminationTnn", "ne": "counterparty terminationTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty terminationTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "Nov 29**2001", "ne": "datenumeric0numeric", "patterns": ["datenumeric0numeric effectiveTnn"]}, "energy index_powerTnn": {"value": "energy index_powerTnn", "ne": "energy index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy index_powerTnn"]}, "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "12", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric power_power0purchaseTnn", "numeric power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power terminationTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-6-2000-10:59:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"16-6-2000-10:59:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["16-6-2000-10:59:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mark.taylor@enron.com edward.baughman@enron.com leslie.hansen@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com tracy.ngo@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9532249.1075859934089.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mark.taylor@enron.com, edward.baughman@enron.com, leslie.hansen@enron.com,\n\teric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: EOL Capacity Auction Product\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, tracy.ngo@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, tracy.ngo@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mario Parra Cardoso@ENRON, Mark Taylor, Edward D Baughman, Leslie Hansen, Eric Saibi\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager, Tracy Ngo\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Taylor _Dec_2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Taylor-M\nX-FileName: mtaylor.nsf\n\nAttached are revised auction rules and an auction website text prepared as to \nthe EOL Generation Capacity Products. These represent final stage drafts -- \nplease review them and respond with comments at your earliest opportunity, so \nthat definitve text can be made available to the EOL programmers who will \ndesign the site. Thanks.\n", "EOL Capacity Auction Product", "", [["review comment", 15, "nninformation", ["comments", "review"], "request", " these represent final stage drafts -- please review them and respond with comments at your earliest opportunity, so that definitve text can be made available to the orgname programmers who will design the site."]], "Attached are revised auction rules and an auction website text prepared as to \nthe EOL Generation Capacity Products. These represent final stage drafts -- \nplease review them and respond with comments at your earliest opportunity, so \nthat definitve text can be made available to the EOL programmers who will \ndesign the site. Thanks.\n", "<9532249.1075859934089.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"auction capacity productTnnn": {"value": "auction capacity productTnnn", "ne": "auction capacity productTnnn", "patterns": ["auction capacity productTnnn"]}, "auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn": {"value": "auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn", "ne": "auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn", "patterns": ["auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn"]}, "auction capacity0product_productTnn": {"value": "auction capacity0product_productTnn", "ne": "auction capacity0product_productTnn", "patterns": ["auction capacity0product_productTnn"]}, "auction capacityTnn": {"value": "auction capacityTnn", "ne": "auction capacityTnn", "patterns": ["auction capacityTnn"]}, "auction rule website_website0textTnnn": {"value": "auction rule website_website0textTnnn", "ne": "auction rule website_website0textTnnn", "patterns": ["auction rule website_website0textTnnn"]}, "capacity productTnn": {"value": "capacity productTnn", "ne": "capacity productTnn", "patterns": ["capacity productTnn"]}, "capacity0product_product website0textTnn": {"value": "capacity0product_product website0textTnn", "ne": "capacity0product_product website0textTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0product_product website0textTnn"]}, "capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn": {"value": "capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn", "ne": "capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn", "patterns": ["capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn"]}, "rule website0textTnn": {"value": "rule website0textTnn", "ne": "rule website0textTnn", "patterns": ["rule website0textTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-11-2001-10:42:2Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-11-2001-10:42:2Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-11-2001-10:42:2", "david.portz@enron.com", "dcarey1@txu.com", "marie.heard@enron.com credit .williams@enron.com paul.radous@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13932836.1075861929917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 10:42:02 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: dcarey1@txu.com\nSubject: Form of Master Netting Agreement and Credit Support Annex\nCc: marie.heard@enron.com, credit <.williams@enron.com>, paul.radous@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: marie.heard@enron.com, credit <.williams@enron.com>, paul.radous@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: 'dcarey1@txu.com'\nX-cc: Heard, Marie , Williams, Jason R (Credit) , Radous, Paul \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\MHEARD (Non-Privileged)\\Heard, Marie\\Inbox\\master netting\nX-Origin: Heard-M\nX-FileName: MHEARD (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nDan -- As we had discussed, attached for review by TXU are the basic forms of (i) Master Netting, Setoff and Security Agreement and (ii) Collateral Annex. I have modified the former document to show those master agreements which the Enron Credit group had identified to be referenced. Please contact me or the Enron Credit group's Jay Williams (tel. 713-345-3923) with any questions you may have. --David Portz\n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)\n\n ", "Form of Master Netting Agreement and Credit Support Annex", "", [["show deal", 21, "nninformation", ["agreements", "show", "master"], "intention", " i have modified the former document to show those master agreements which the enron credit group had identified to be referenced."]], "Dan -- As we had discussed, attached for review by TXU are the basic forms of (i) Master Netting, Setoff and Security Agreement and (ii) Collateral Annex. I have modified the former document to show those master agreements which the Enron Credit group had identified to be referenced. Please contact me or the Enron Credit group's Jay Williams (tel. 713-345-3923) with any questions you may have. --David Portz\n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)\n\n ", "<13932836.1075861929917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement master0nettingTnn": {"value": "agreement master0nettingTnn", "ne": "agreement master0nettingTnn", "patterns": ["agreement master0nettingTnn"]}, "agreement_arrangement documentTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement documentTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement documentTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement documentTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "annex credit supportTnnn": {"value": "annex credit supportTnnn", "ne": "annex credit supportTnnn", "patterns": ["annex credit supportTnnn"]}, "annex creditTnn": {"value": "annex creditTnn", "ne": "annex creditTnn", "patterns": ["annex creditTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "77", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["assistant ext fax numeric phoneTnnnnn"]}, "55": {"value": "57851", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["assistant ext numericTnnn"]}, "41": {"value": "1400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "42": {"value": "smith", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "credit supportTnn": {"value": "credit supportTnn", "ne": "credit supportTnn", "patterns": ["credit supportTnn"]}, "fax phoneTnn": {"value": "fax phoneTnn", "ne": "fax phoneTnn", "patterns": ["fax phoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-12-2001-16:57:38Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"3-12-2001-16:57:38Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["3-12-2001-16:57:38", "david.portz@enron.com", "jay.webb@enron.com john.lavorato@enron.com louise.kitchen@enron.com", "lisa.mellencamp@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com legal .taylor@enron.com carol.st.@enron.com alan.aronowitz@enron.com harlan.murphy@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20717397.1075840822683.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 16:57:38 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: jay.webb@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: EOL click trade curtailment and banner\nCc: lisa.mellencamp@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tlegal <.taylor@enron.com>, carol.st.@enron.com,\n\talan.aronowitz@enron.com, harlan.murphy@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lisa.mellencamp@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tlegal <.taylor@enron.com>, carol.st.@enron.com,\n\talan.aronowitz@enron.com, harlan.murphy@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Webb, Jay , Lavorato, John , Kitchen, Louise \nX-cc: Mellencamp, Lisa , Sager, Elizabeth , Taylor, Mark E (Legal) , St. Clair, Carol , Aronowitz, Alan , Murphy, Harlan \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Kitchen, Louise\\'Americas\\EOL\nX-Origin: KITCHEN-L\nX-FileName: louise kitchen 2-7-02.pst\n\nJay -- Consistent with my voicemail to you, Elizabeth Sager has indicated that Louise Kitchens and John Lavorado approved that counterparties will not be able to click trades on EOL commencing tomorrow morning, and that the banner shown in red below shall be shown to direct counterparties to execute as over-the-counter trades with desk personnel. Legal's Lisa Mellencamp has okayed the banner in relation to the bankruptcy aspects. Accordingly, please implement for EOL site starting tomorrow.\n\n\"All prices posted are read only. Please contact Enron trading desk personnel to transact on posted information.\"\n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nCell: 713-417-9116\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)\n ", "EOL click trade curtailment and banner", "", [["show deal", 19, "information", ["shown", "trades"], "information", "jay -- consistent with my voicemail to you, personname has indicated that louise kitchens and john lavorado approved that counterparties will not be able to click trades on orgname commencing tomorrow morning, and that the banner shown in red below shall be shown to direct counterparties to execute as over-the-counter trades with desk personnel."], ["show deal", 21, "information", ["counterparties", "shown"], "information", "jay -- consistent with my voicemail to you, personname has indicated that louise kitchens and john lavorado approved that counterparties will not be able to click trades on orgname commencing tomorrow morning, and that the banner shown in red below shall be shown to direct counterparties to execute as over-the-counter trades with desk personnel."]], "Jay -- Consistent with my voicemail to you, Elizabeth Sager has indicated that Louise Kitchens and John Lavorado approved that counterparties will not be able to click trades on EOL commencing tomorrow morning, and that the banner shown in red below shall be shown to direct counterparties to execute as over-the-counter trades with desk personnel. Legal's Lisa Mellencamp has okayed the banner in relation to the bankruptcy aspects. Accordingly, please implement for EOL site starting tomorrow.\n\n\"All prices posted are read only. Please contact Enron trading desk personnel to transact on posted information.\"\n\nDavid A. Portz\nSenior Counsel\nEnron North America Corp.\n1400 Smith, EB 3805a\nHouston, Texas 77002-7361\nPhone: 713-853-9239\nFax: 713-646-3491\nCell: 713-417-9116\nAssistant: Linda Simmons (Ext. 57851)\n ", "<20717397.1075840822683.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"desk tradingTnn": {"value": "desk tradingTnn", "ne": "desk tradingTnn", "patterns": ["desk tradingTnn"]}, "71": {"value": "57851", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["assistant ext numericTnnn"]}, "55": {"value": "1400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "56": {"value": "smith", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["counsel eb numeric personname seniorTnnnnn"]}, "fax phoneTnn": {"value": "fax phoneTnn", "ne": "fax phoneTnn", "patterns": ["fax phoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-10-2001-8:36:4Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"31-10-2001-8:36:4Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-8:36:4", "david.portz@enron.com", "leslie.hansen@enron.com", "kevin.meredith@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com martin.lin@enron.com lance.cunningham@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30772858.1075861314603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 08:36:04 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: leslie.hansen@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT 2002 Congestion Management Zone Products\nCc: kevin.meredith@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com,\n\tlance.cunningham@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: kevin.meredith@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com,\n\tlance.cunningham@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Hansen, Leslie \nX-cc: Meredith, Kevin , Gilbert-smith, Doug , Lin, Martin , Cunningham, Lance , Sager, Elizabeth \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nLeslie -- As requested, attached is delivery point language for each of the=\n four new ERCOT zones. Colored text identifies the changes from that deliv=\nery point text format which was resolved for the ERCOT 2001 zones. (Also, =\nI think the Confirmation templates are now using 'Product' rather than 'ene=\nrgy', right?) For your convenience of reference, also attached below is th=\ne map of the four zones provided by ERCOT. Based on indications from the E=\nNA Research group that immediate modifications to the zones (in relation to=\n a petition of STEC) are unlikely, Doug Gilbert-Smith has indicated that he=\n would like the EOL zone-oriented product roll-outs to proceed ASAP. Doug =\nwill come back to you directly if he wants to indicate a date after which t=\nhese Zonal products should not be tradable on EOL (I presume such date, if =\ninstalled, would be either Oct 31, 2002 or Dec. 31, 2002). David =20\n\n=20\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Donohoo, Ken [mailto:KDonohoo@ercot.com]=20\nSent:=09Thursday, October 25, 2001 2:22 PM\nTo:=09Cunningham, Lance\nSubject:=09map\nImportance:=09High\n\n=20\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Hansen, Leslie =20\nSent:=09Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:53 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David\nSubject:=09FW: ERCOT Update\n\nDavid:\n\nThis looks complicated! Let me know when you've got some language for the =\nconfirms and I'll help ensure that it's in EOL format.\n\nLeslie\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Gilbert-smith, Doug =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, October 17, 2001 5:11 PM\nTo:=09Portz, David; Meredith, Kevin; Hansen, Leslie\nSubject:=09FW: ERCOT Update\n\nDavid,\n\nPlease co-ordinate with the gang to get the basis markets set up for EOL. I=\n believe they are mechanically done but we need to test the empower brdigin=\ng issues. I asked Thane to get you the relevant information for the legal d=\nescriptions needed.\n\nI will be in tomorrow morning and in Friday if there are any questions.\n\nThanks very much.\n\nDoug\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09Twiggs, Thane =20\nSent:=09Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:13 PM\nTo:=09Gilbert-smith, Doug; Jester, Larry; Curry, Mike; Wagner, Joseph; Port=\nz, David; Ochsner, Preston; Forney, John M.; Day, Smith L.; Herndon, Rogers=\n; Benke, Terrell\nCc:=09Nicolay, Christi L.; Ryall, Jean; Steffes, James D.\nSubject:=09ERCOT Update\n\n\nThe ERCOT Board approved the congestion zones for next year, 2001. The ERCO=\nT Board accepted the 3 CSC 4 CM Zone model for use in commercial congestion=\n management for 2002. Effective date is January 1, 2002. The three CSC's =\nare Graham-Parker 345 kV DCKT, Sandow-Temple 345 kV DCKT and STP-DOW 345 kV=\n DCKT. The four CM Zones are West02, North02, South02 and Houston02. A po=\nwer point presentation along with a map is available at ftp://ftp.ercot.com=\n/CSCDATA/csc.htm. =20\n\nCurrent Congestion Cost and Outlook. The congestion charges that have been=\n incurred are 55.6 million or 137 million depending on the methodology used=\n to calculate the charge. If you look purely at the scheduled MWs then it i=\ns 137 MM based upon the ERCOT protocols. The actual cost to redispatch and =\nclear congestion as of Sept. 22, 2001 was 55.6 MM. Both obviously are very =\nhigh considering it is for one month of operation.=20\nWhen the 20 MM trigger was hit August 14, 2001, ERCOT has 6 month by Protoc=\nol and reaffirmed in the commission order to implement the full zonal model=\n. This means that there will no longer be an uplift of interzonal congestio=\nn, rather a direct assignment of the charge. The charge may be partially of=\nfset by the TCR that will be auctioned. The PUCT has indicated an interest =\nto move to direct assignment prior to the development and implementation of=\n a TCR instrument as a hedge. I am chairing the congestion management work=\ning group that is deciding the TCR issue and will be dealing with the local=\n congestion issues when that trigger has been hit. I will attach a copy of=\n the current draft of the TCR white paper. In short, the TCR is a financia=\nl option that can be purchased as hedge against zonal congestion. There is=\n no physical requirement for the TCR in that you do not have to physically =\nschedule to receive the benefit of the TCR. There will be an auction on or=\n about the 4th of February, 2002 and the full zonal implementation will tak=\ne place February 15, 2002. The tentative schedule is as follows:\n?=0910/5/01 - Distribute draft TCR White Paper\n?=0910/22/01 - Review and edit draft TCR White Paper\n?=0910/30/01 - Distribute TCR White Paper to WMS\n?=0911/1/01 - WMS Meeting; vote on PRR\n?=0911/8/01 - TAC Meeting\n?=0911/19/01 - Board Meeting\n?=0912/4/01 - ERCOT issues notice of TCR Auction\n?=092/15/02 - First effective date of TCRs and direct assignment of CSC Con=\ngestion Costs\n << File: TCR_whitepaper_rev04.1.doc >>=20\nCapacity Auction. The capacity auction workshops have begun to rework that=\n capacity rule and problems experienced with the last round. There was an =\ninitial discussion on the problems that were experienced with credit and ho=\nw the standard was one-way and the buyers of capacity were left without rec=\nourse. There was a subsequent conference call with the credit professional=\ns to discuss the issues ( I did not participate) and there will be an addit=\nional meeting on the 19th. The purpose of the short-term meeting are to re=\nctify issues such as credit and documents prior to the March and July 2002 =\nauctions. Substantive issues such as the actual products, zone determinati=\non and the auction process will be part of a rulemaking prior to the Septem=\nber 2002 auction which includes annual products.=20\n\nProtocol Implementation. ERCOT is in the process of determining what shoul=\nd be included in the Phase II design which will begin January 2001. There =\nis a priority list that is currently under review by ERCOT vendors to deter=\nmine lead times of Phase II items in an attempt to deliver Phase II items A=\nSAP. Parviz Adib from MOD stressed that there are certain issues that the =\nPUCT expects to be addressed in Phase II. Issues that do not require major=\n system changes might still be doable in Phase II if the PRR Process is sta=\nrted immediately. There is a placeholder in the Protocols related to BULs =\nand loads acting as resources.\n\nMechanism for Simultaneous Procurement of Ancillary Services. The PUCT ha=\ns expressed concern that there could be price reversals associated with the=\n ancillary services market (if it is assumed that the various ancillary ser=\nvices have different levels of value to the market). The Board had approve=\nd a contingency plan to allow price modifications in the early markets, how=\never the plan has not been implemented. The WMS discussed, at length, the =\nissue of simultaneously clearing all three markets - non-spinning, regulati=\non, and responsive reserve. A task force was formed to initially identify =\nthe principles for developing a mechanism for simultaneous procurement of a=\nncillary services issue. It was suggested that a consultant be hired to de=\nvelop Protocol language once the principles are identified. The first task=\n force meeting was cancelled and has not been rescheduled. =20\n\nDemand-Side Task Force. Jay Zarnikau reported on activities of the Demand-=\nSide Task Force that is addressing Balancing Up Load (BUL) Market Issues an=\nd other demand-side issues. The PUCT expects the full functionality to be =\nin place on January 1, 2002. The DSTF met last on October 1st (third meeti=\nng). The DSTF completed a draft status report on Demand-Side Resources and=\n Demand Responsiveness. It was noted that the work of the DSTF is not comp=\nlete and has not been approved by any ERCOT Committee or the Board. Howeve=\nr, ERCOT was required to file a report on these issues in the STF Report. =\nThe report reviews the policy considerations that have prompted interest in=\n the demand side of ERCOT's market, reviews the PUCT's directive, reviews t=\nhe role of demand-side resources in ERCOT's markets, and identifies the iss=\nues and impediments that the DSTF is presently addressing. It also summari=\nzes the options discussed by the DSTF to date. The PUCT staff has suggeste=\nd that ERCOT hire a consultant, such as Eric Hirsch, to provide more resour=\nces for this effort. The group expects to wrap up BUL issues and address d=\nirect load control issues at its next meeting.\n\nUnit Specific Deployments. At the next WMS meeting October 24, 2001, there=\n will be a discussion regarding unit specific deployments and ERCOT will di=\nscuss the issues and the difficult that participants are having to meet the=\n ramp rates of the deployments. The WMS will develop a list of issues and =\ncase studies for ERCOT to discuss. The WMS also briefly discussed PRR 282 =\nrelated to defining OOME as an Instructed Deviation.", "ERCOT 2002 Congestion Management Zone Products", "", [["show deal", 55, "nninformation", ["indicate", "products"], "intention", " doug will come back to you directly if he wants to indicate a date after which these zonal products should not be tradable on orgname (i presume such date, if installed, would be either datenumeric , numeric or datenumeric , numeric )."]], "Leslie -- As requested, attached is delivery point language for each of the four new ERCOT zones. Colored text identifies the changes from that delivery point text format which was resolved for the ERCOT 2001 zones. (Also, I think the Confirmation templates are now using 'Product' rather than 'energy', right?) For your convenience of reference, also attached below is the map of the four zones provided by ERCOT. Based on indications from the ENA Research group that immediate modifications to the zones (in relation to a petition of STEC) are unlikely, Doug Gilbert-Smith has indicated that he would like the EOL zone-oriented product roll-outs to proceed ASAP. Doug will come back to you directly if he wants to indicate a date after which these Zonal products should not be tradable on EOL (I presume such date, if installed, would be either Oct 31, 2002 or Dec. 31, 2002). David =20\n\n=20\n\n\n\n ", "<30772858.1075861314603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"63": {"value": "Oct 31**2002", "ne": "datenumeric0numeric", "patterns": ["date datenumeric0numericTnn"]}, "delivery pointTnn": {"value": "delivery pointTnn", "ne": "delivery pointTnn", "patterns": ["delivery pointTnn"]}, "energy productTnn": {"value": "energy productTnn", "ne": "energy productTnn", "patterns": ["energy productTnn"]}, "product zonalTnn": {"value": "product zonalTnn", "ne": "product zonalTnn", "patterns": ["product zonalTnn"]}, "product zoneTnn": {"value": "product zoneTnn", "ne": "product zoneTnn", "patterns": ["product zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-12-2000-3:30:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"11-12-2000-3:30:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["11-12-2000-3:30:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "terri.clynes@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6164341.1075859543556.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 03:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: terri.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: MP, Split Rock: 2 Draft Confirmations\nCc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Terri Clynes\nX-cc: Edward Sacks, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nTerri -- As discussed this morning, attached please find the two \nconfirmation agreements with my comments. --David\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tTerri Clynes\n\t12/06/2000 07:04 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: 2 Draft Contracts\n\nDavid,\n\nPlease review these agreements and let me know your comments. I am in Las \nVegas this week but am available to discuss.\n\nThanks,\n\nTerri\n---------------------- Forwarded by Terri Clynes/HOU/ECT on 12/06/2000 06:56 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Pam Sarvela (MPEX)\" on 12/06/2000 11:41:47 AM\nTo: \"'Terri.Clynes@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: 2 Draft Contracts\n\n\n <> <>\n\nTerri;\n\nAttached are two draft contracts.\n\nThe first contract is for the Schedule K - Participation Power Purchase,\nwith a fixed price block of energy for $64 MWh, and capacity at $4,666.67\nMW-Month (or $28-Kw season). The repricing provisions are based off of a\nloss of system resources of greater than 150 MW, with the units identified.\n\nThe second contract is for the Financially Firm Energy. I structured this a\nlittle differently than what I originally anticipated, based on a discussion\nwith Tim and how the ASC views \"financially firm\" accredited products.\nSince EPRI wants to be able to accredit this transaction, the best way to\ndeal with the financial firm energy seemed to be by pulling it out and\nputting it into an exhibit. I'm open to discussion on this if EPMI has a\nalternative way that they would like to see. Also, please note that per our\ndiscussion on Friday, December 1, I added a contingency into this document\nthat Split Rock and EPMI must enter into a Master Agreement by December 15\nor the agreement will be void.\n\n\n\n - ScheduleK2001..doc\n - EnronLD_K2001.doc\n\n\n", "MP, Split Rock: 2 Draft Confirmations", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 7, "information", ["agreements", "attached"], "information", "terri -- as discussed this morning, attached please find the two confirmation agreements with my comments."]], "Terri -- As discussed this morning, attached please find the two \nconfirmation agreements with my comments. --David\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tTerri Clynes\n\t12/06/2000 07:04 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<6164341.1075859543556.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement confirmationTnn": {"value": "agreement confirmationTnn", "ne": "agreement confirmationTnn", "patterns": ["agreement confirmationTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["draft numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-9-2001-16:14:59Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"20-9-2001-16:14:59Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-16:14:59", "david.portz@enron.com", "clement.abrams@enron.com", "andrew.edison@enron.com mary.cook@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com l..denton@enron.com genia.fitzgerald@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5309918.1075858546021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 16:14:59 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: clement.abrams@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Guaranties supporting EEI Maste, other commodities\nCc: andrew.edison@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tl..denton@enron.com, genia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: andrew.edison@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tl..denton@enron.com, genia.fitzgerald@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Abrams, Clement \nX-cc: Edison, Andrew , Cook, Mary , Sager, Elizabeth , Denton, Rhonda L. , Fitzgerald, Genia \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sager, Elizabeth (Non-Privileged)\\Elizabeth Sager\\Miscellaneous\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: Sager, Elizabeth (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nClement -- Attached are redlined and clean formats of (1) EPMI Amended and Restated Guarantee [multicommodity, excepting power] Agreement and (2) Enron Corp. Guaranty supporting wholesale power trading activities of EPMI which I am printing and sending to you in signature counterpart. Please note in the last paragraph of the second guaranty referenced above that the earlier-issued guaranty of the same date is being superseded and cancelled upon issuance of item 2. Please call me with any questions. David\n\n execution copy of multicommodity gty: \n\n execution copy of wholesale power gty: \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Hamm, Jean\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hamm+2C+20Jean+22+20+3CJean+2EHamm+40leonard+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tMonday, July 30, 2001 3:12 PM\nTo:\tPortz, David\nCc:\tJim Croyle (E-mail); Striker, Bob\nSubject:\tEnron and NRG Guaranties\n\nDavid,\nConfirming our phone conversation earlier today, the changes you recommend\nto the NRG and Enron power guaranties (June 29, 2001) are acceptable. These\nchanges pertain to documenting in the power guaranties the partial\ncancellation of the prior multi-commodity guaranties issued in 2000.\n\nIn addition, the proposed \"Amended and Restated\" Enron multi-commodity\nguaranty is acceptable, although NRG views the current multi-commodity\nguaranties as interim guaranties, pending negotiation of the ISDA credit\nterms. At that time NRG plans to cancel its year 2000 guaranty and issue a\nnew guaranty reflecting the ISDA negotiations. How does Enron plan to\naccommodate the ISDA negotiations in its multi-commodity guaranty?\n\nIn my absence, Bob Striker will continue to work with you to complete these\ndocuments.\n\nJean\n\nJean M. Hamm\nLeonard, Street and Deinard\n150 South Fifth Street, Suite 2300\nMinneapolis, MN. 55402\n Phone: (612) 335-1955\n Fax: (612) 335-1657\n e-mail: jean.hamm@leonard.com", "Enron Guaranties supporting EEI Maste, other commodities", "", [["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 19, "information", ["supporting", "power"], "information", "clement -- attached are redlined and clean formats of ( numeric ) epmi amended and restated guarantee [multicommodity, excepting power] agreement and ( numeric ) orgname guaranty supporting wholesale power trading activities of epmi which i am printing and sending to you in signature counterpart."]], "Clement -- Attached are redlined and clean formats of (1) EPMI Amended and Restated Guarantee [multicommodity, excepting power] Agreement and (2) Enron Corp. Guaranty supporting wholesale power trading activities of EPMI which I am printing and sending to you in signature counterpart. Please note in the last paragraph of the second guaranty referenced above that the earlier-issued guaranty of the same date is being superseded and cancelled upon issuance of item 2. Please call me with any questions. David\n\n execution copy of multicommodity gty: \n\n execution copy of wholesale power gty: \n ", "<5309918.1075858546021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"activity tradingTnn": {"value": "activity tradingTnn", "ne": "activity tradingTnn", "patterns": ["activity tradingTnn"]}, "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement numericTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-2-2002-7:58:22Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"5-2-2002-7:58:22Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["5-2-2002-7:58:22", "david.portz@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com l..day@enron.com paul.schiavone@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28029811.1075840544401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 07:58:22 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Final ERCOT Physical Hourly Firm LD Definition\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, l..day@enron.com,\n\tpaul.schiavone@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, l..day@enron.com,\n\tpaul.schiavone@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Sager, Elizabeth \nX-cc: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Curry, Mike , Day, Smith L. , Schiavone, Paul \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Inbox\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nLiz -- I've been unable to discuss this with Doug, as he's been out of the =\noffice. I'm not even sure if he's terribly interested in this product being=\n promulgated -- the UBSWenergy ERCOT products he will first offer are confi=\nned to specific zones. This product definition would presumably be used to=\n support a \"Seller's choice\" ERCOT-wide product spanning the four current =\nzones, and the Market Clearing Price (\"MCP\") applicable would be in that zo=\nne the Seller specified day-ahead. (That is, there are several moving parts=\n to this.) The denomination 'Hourly Firm' was also a matter I wished to exp=\nlore with him. Attached is a markup with my thoughts on the draft product,=\n and this morning I'm going to talk to some other folks who might have a re=\nad on the operation of the MCP in relation to the LDs calcualtion. Please =\nnote that if one specifies that the MCP is the cap on the Replacement Price=\n, then a presumption is being made that no additional costs are being incur=\nred in purchasing substitute product. I think this is an acceptable assump=\ntion but Doug may think different. The corrections on the attachment incl=\nude some intended merely to use the defined terms actually stated in the Pr=\notocols. The changes in the second paragraph are intended to reverse any i=\nmplication that the settlement on LDs would be held open a month or even 6 =\nmonths until a final MCP value is identified by ERCOT -- I'd confine the wi=\nndow for recalculation to one month. --DP\n=20\n=20\n=20\n=20\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Sager, Elizabeth=20\nSent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 5:57 PM\nTo: Portz, David\nSubject: FW: Final ERCOT Physical Hourly Firm LD Definition\n\n\nDavid - can you review and let me know your thoughts (there is an EEI meet=\ning next Tues to discuss collateral annex and dede is proposing to also dis=\ncuss this. thanks\n\n-----Original Message-----=20\nFrom: \"Tillett, Nina\" @ENRON on behalf of \"Russo, Dia=\nnne\" =20\nSent: Wed 1/30/2002 4:07 PM=20\nTo: Andy Katz (E-mail); Babak Pooya (E-mail); David Perlman (E-mail); Ed Co=\nmer (E-mail); Sager, Elizabeth; Fritz Henze (E-mail); Murphy, Harlan; J. Cr=\nespo (E-mail); Maryjo Rogers (E-mail); Mitch Dutton; Noel Trask (E-mail); P=\natty Dondanville (E-mail); Randy Osteen (E-mail); Stack, Shari=20\nCc:=20\nSubject: Final ERCOT Physical Hourly Firm LD Definition\n\n\n\n We have slightly revised the definition of the ERCOT hourly\n\nproduct which is on the agenda for Tuesday's meeting.\n\nDede Russo\n\nReliant Resources Legal Department\n\nP.O. Box 1384\n\nHouston, TX 77251-1384\n\n(713) 207-5240\n\n(713) 207-0161 (fax)\n\ndrusso@reliant.com\n\n\n <>\n\n\n\nThe preceding e-mail message contains information that is confidential,\n\nmay be protected by the attorney/client or other applicable privileges,\n\nand may constitute non-public information. It is intended to be\n\nconveyed only to the designated recipient(s). If you are not an\n\nintended recipient of this message, please do not read, copy or disclose\n\nthe contents of this communication to others and please notify the\n\nsender at (713) 207-3331. If you are not the intended recipient, we\n\nwould appreciate your forwarding the message back to us and deleting it\n\nfrom your system. Unauthorized use, dissemination, distribution, or\n\nreproduction of this message is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.\n\nThank you.\n\n\n - Final ERCOT Physical Hourly Firm LD Def 013002.doc << Final ERCOT Physic=\nal Hourly Firm LD Def 013002.doc >>", "RE: Final ERCOT Physical Hourly Firm LD Definition", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 45, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", " attached is a markup with my thoughts on the draft product, and this morning i'm going to talk to some other folks who might have a read on the operation of the mcp in relation to the lds calcualtion."]], "Liz -- I've been unable to discuss this with Doug, as he's been out of the office. I'm not even sure if he's terribly interested in this product being promulgated -- the UBSWenergy ERCOT products he will first offer are confined to specific zones. This product definition would presumably be used to support a \"Seller's choice\" ERCOT-wide product spanning the four current zones, and the Market Clearing Price (\"MCP\") applicable would be in that zone the Seller specified day-ahead. (That is, there are several moving parts to this.) The denomination 'Hourly Firm' was also a matter I wished to explore with him. Attached is a markup with my thoughts on the draft product, and this morning I'm going to talk to some other folks who might have a read on the operation of the MCP in relation to the LDs calcualtion. Please note that if one specifies that the MCP is the cap on the Replacement Price, then a presumption is being made that no additional costs are being incurred in purchasing substitute product. I think this is an acceptable assumption but Doug may think different. The corrections on the attachment include some intended merely to use the defined terms actually stated in the Protocols. The changes in the second paragraph are intended to reverse any implication that the settlement on LDs would be held open a month or even 6 months until a final MCP value is identified by ERCOT -- I'd confine the window for recalculation to one month. --DP\n=20\n=20\n=20\n=20\n\n", "<28029811.1075840544401.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"definition productTnn": {"value": "definition productTnn", "ne": "definition productTnn", "patterns": ["definition productTnn"]}, "product wideTnn": {"value": "product wideTnn", "ne": "product wideTnn", "patterns": ["product wideTnn"]}, "product zoneTnn": {"value": "product zoneTnn", "ne": "product zoneTnn", "patterns": ["product zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-12-2000-10:57:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-12-2000-10:57:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-10:57:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "terri.clynes@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4147066.1075859543202.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 10:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: terri.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 2 Draft Contracts\nCc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Terri Clynes\nX-cc: Edward Sacks, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nTerri -- As discussed, attached please find the two confirmation agreements \nwith my comments. Please modify to reflect your own review and come back to \nme with any questions or comments. --David\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tTerri Clynes\n\t12/06/2000 07:04 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: 2 Draft Contracts\n\nDavid,\n\nPlease review these agreements and let me know your comments. I am in Las \nVegas this week but am available to discuss.\n\nThanks,\n\nTerri\n---------------------- Forwarded by Terri Clynes/HOU/ECT on 12/06/2000 06:56 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Pam Sarvela (MPEX)\" on 12/06/2000 11:41:47 AM\nTo: \"'Terri.Clynes@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: 2 Draft Contracts\n\n\n <> <>\n\nTerri;\n\nAttached are two draft contracts.\n\nThe first contract is for the Schedule K - Participation Power Purchase,\nwith a fixed price block of energy for $64 MWh, and capacity at $4,666.67\nMW-Month (or $28-Kw season). The repricing provisions are based off of a\nloss of system resources of greater than 150 MW, with the units identified.\n\nThe second contract is for the Financially Firm Energy. I structured this a\nlittle differently than what I originally anticipated, based on a discussion\nwith Tim and how the ASC views \"financially firm\" accredited products.\nSince EPRI wants to be able to accredit this transaction, the best way to\ndeal with the financial firm energy seemed to be by pulling it out and\nputting it into an exhibit. I'm open to discussion on this if EPMI has a\nalternative way that they would like to see. Also, please note that per our\ndiscussion on Friday, December 1, I added a contingency into this document\nthat Split Rock and EPMI must enter into a Master Agreement by December 15\nor the agreement will be void.\n\n\n\n - ScheduleK2001..doc\n - EnronLD_K2001.doc\n\n\n", "Re: 2 Draft Contracts", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 5, "information", ["agreements", "attached"], "information", "terri -- as discussed, attached please find the two confirmation agreements with my comments."]], "Terri -- As discussed, attached please find the two confirmation agreements \nwith my comments. Please modify to reflect your own review and come back to \nme with any questions or comments. --David\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tTerri Clynes\n\t12/06/2000 07:04 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<4147066.1075859543202.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement confirmationTnn": {"value": "agreement confirmationTnn", "ne": "agreement confirmationTnn", "patterns": ["agreement confirmationTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["draft numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-5-2001-19:52:0Schristopher.watts@enron.com": {"5-5-2001-19:52:0Schristopher.watts@enron.com": ["5-5-2001-19:52:0", "christopher.watts@enron.com", "patrick.hanse@enron.com", "don.baughman@enron.com dustin.collins@enron.com juan.hernandez@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7872323.1075855143471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 5 May 2001 19:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: christopher.watts@enron.com\nTo: patrick.hanse@enron.com\nSubject: MAPP Customer Service Issue\nCc: don.baughman@enron.com, dustin.collins@enron.com, juan.hernandez@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: don.baughman@enron.com, dustin.collins@enron.com, juan.hernandez@enron.com\nX-From: Christopher Watts \nX-To: Patrick Hanse \nX-cc: Don Baughman , Dustin Collins , Juan Hernandez \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Edward_Baughman_Jan2002\\Baughman Jr., Don\\Power\\MAPP\nX-Origin: Baughman-E\nX-FileName: dbaughm (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nOn Saturday 5-05-01, Dean, Dustin & myself were attempting to schedule a 100 mws from NSP to AMRN for HE 16, and we received very little help or courtesy from the MAPP security center. This deal cost us $1200 profit (bought $40 from NSP and sold $52 to AMRN). Three MAPP Fs were submitted showing as the POD: (NSP.AMRN, ALTW.AMRN, MEC.AMRN). All the requests were returned as \"refused.\" Ample ATCs were showing on the MAPP web page from NSP to AMRN, ALTW to AMRN, MEC to AMRN. Pat, the file with these ATC printouts are on your desk. No explanation was given as to the reason for the refusal on the oasis. Furthermore, no explanation was given upon calling the MAPP Security Center. In fact, the gentleman at MAPP hung up on us when we called. \n\nThis was not an example of MAPP's finest in customer service. Dustin suggested adding this situation to your complaint file. We wanted to make you aware of the situation.", "MAPP Customer Service Issue", "", [["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 24, "information", ["bought", "$1200"], "information", " this deal cost us pricenumeric profit (bought pricenumeric from nsp and sold pricenumeric to amrn)."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 26, "information", ["$40", "sold"], "information", " this deal cost us pricenumeric profit (bought pricenumeric from nsp and sold pricenumeric to amrn)."]], "On Saturday 5-05-01, Dean, Dustin & myself were attempting to schedule a 100 mws from NSP to AMRN for HE 16, and we received very little help or courtesy from the MAPP security center. This deal cost us $1200 profit (bought $40 from NSP and sold $52 to AMRN). Three MAPP Fs were submitted showing as the POD: (NSP.AMRN, ALTW.AMRN, MEC.AMRN). All the requests were returned as \"refused.\" Ample ATCs were showing on the MAPP web page from NSP to AMRN, ALTW to AMRN, MEC to AMRN. Pat, the file with these ATC printouts are on your desk. No explanation was given as to the reason for the refusal on the oasis. Furthermore, no explanation was given upon calling the MAPP Security Center. In fact, the gentleman at MAPP hung up on us when we called. \n\nThis was not an example of MAPP's finest in customer service. Dustin suggested adding this situation to your complaint file. We wanted to make you aware of the situation.", "<7872323.1075855143471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"customer serviceTnn": {"value": "customer serviceTnn", "ne": "customer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["customer serviceTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-10-2001-7:26:34Sclint.dean@enron.com": {"11-10-2001-7:26:34Sclint.dean@enron.com": ["11-10-2001-7:26:34", "clint.dean@enron.com", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23858017.1075852134123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 07:26:34 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: clint.dean@enron.com\nTo: alexander.mcelreath@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Dean, Clint \nX-To: McElreath, Alexander \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\CDEAN (Non-Privileged)\\Dean, Clint\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: DEAN-C\nX-FileName: CDEAN (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAlex, be careful when entering hourly deals in enpower. There was one for the 10th that was put in for North and South Brazil instead of Texas. I changed it. \n\nClint", "", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 2, "nninformation", ["deals", "entering"], "intention", "alex, be careful when entering hourly deals in enpower."]], "Alex, be careful when entering hourly deals in enpower. There was one for the 10th that was put in for North and South Brazil instead of Texas. I changed it. \n\nClint", "<23858017.1075852134123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-9-2001-14:54:9Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"10-9-2001-14:54:9Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["10-9-2001-14:54:9", "david.portz@enron.com", "christian.yoder@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28977084.1075858545973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 14:54:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: christian.yoder@enron.com\nSubject: Format of Credit risk reduction transaction agr\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Yoder, Christian \nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sager, Elizabeth (Non-Privileged)\\Elizabeth Sager\\Miscellaneous\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: Sager, Elizabeth (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nChristian-- Liz asked me to forward a good template of the three way agreement for assignment/ termination of trades in a credit-driven context. Underlying these transactions, if EPMI will emerge with trades with the substituted counterparty, EPMI needs to have a modernized master trading agreement with such party -- and sometimes the prospect of completing this type of transaction is incentive for a counterparty to modernize its paper/do an EEI with us. I found also that the assigned confirmations needed to be reviewed closely to make sure that what EPMI stepped into was equivalent to what was being terminated; the confirmations themselves were sometimes amended as part of the transaction to make them conform to what EPMI insists upon as to product definitions, etc. Please feel free to come back to me with any questions you may have. -David \n\n \n\n (different date -- may not match up exactly with the 6-5-01 draft agreement above.)", "Format of Credit risk reduction transaction agr", "", [["complete transaction{agreement}", 32, "information", ["agreement", "completing"], "information", " underlying these transactions, if epmi will emerge with trades with the substituted counterparty, epmi needs to have a modernized master trading agreement with such party -- and sometimes the prospect of completing this type of transaction is incentive for a counterparty to modernize its paper/do an eei with us."]], "Christian-- Liz asked me to forward a good template of the three way agreement for assignment/ termination of trades in a credit-driven context. Underlying these transactions, if EPMI will emerge with trades with the substituted counterparty, EPMI needs to have a modernized master trading agreement with such party -- and sometimes the prospect of completing this type of transaction is incentive for a counterparty to modernize its paper/do an EEI with us. I found also that the assigned confirmations needed to be reviewed closely to make sure that what EPMI stepped into was equivalent to what was being terminated; the confirmations themselves were sometimes amended as part of the transaction to make them conform to what EPMI insists upon as to product definitions, etc. Please feel free to come back to me with any questions you may have. -David \n\n \n\n (different date -- may not match up exactly with the 6-5-01 draft agreement above.)", "<28977084.1075858545973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn": {"value": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "ne": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn"]}, "agreement draftTnn": {"value": "agreement draftTnn", "ne": "agreement draftTnn", "patterns": ["agreement draftTnn"]}, "agreement master tradingTnnn": {"value": "agreement master tradingTnnn", "ne": "agreement master tradingTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement master tradingTnnn"]}, "agreement terminationTnn": {"value": "agreement terminationTnn", "ne": "agreement terminationTnn", "patterns": ["agreement terminationTnn"]}, "67": {"value": "-01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement numericTnn", "draft numericTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn": {"value": "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn", "ne": "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn"]}, "credit deal_tradeTnn": {"value": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "ne": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["credit deal_tradeTnn"]}, "definition productTnn": {"value": "definition productTnn", "ne": "definition productTnn", "patterns": ["definition productTnn"]}, "trade transactionTnn": {"value": "trade transactionTnn", "ne": "trade transactionTnn", "patterns": ["trade transactionTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-7-2000-5:17:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"14-7-2000-5:17:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["14-7-2000-5:17:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "leonardo.pacheco@enron.com", "edward.baughman@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com david.forster@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com mark.taylor@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15795408.1075860225752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 05:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: leonardo.pacheco@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Capacity Generation Auction Timeline\nCc: edward.baughman@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com, david.forster@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.baughman@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com, david.forster@enron.com,\n\telizabeth.sager@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Leonardo Pacheco\nX-cc: Edward D Baughman, Eric Saibi, David Forster, Elizabeth Sager, Mark Taylor\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Taylor_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Archive\\7_00\nX-Origin: Taylor-M\nX-FileName: mtaylor.nsf\n\nLeonardo -- I have spoken to Ed Baughman about your communication below. He \nhas indicated that we will shelve the summer 2000 product offering but that \nit is still desirable to offer the second product, minus its Summer 2000 \nportion. That is, the power desk would like to get up and running as soon as \npossible the same website and auction rules, offering Summer 2001-2002 \nCapacity and Energy as the sole initial product. Please either take a run \nat revising the website text to remove product one and the reference to \nAug-Sept 2000 in product two, or send me the most recent revision so that I \ncan make these deletions. Additionally, feel free to call me with any \nquestions. --David. \n\n \n\n\n\n\tLeonardo Pacheco@ENRON\n\t07/12/2000 04:55 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: Edward D Baughman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Saibi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David \nForster/Corp/Enron@Enron\n\t\t Subject: Capacity Generation Auction Timeline\n\nDavid,\n\nWe have talked to our development team and we have concluded that we will not \nbe able to have the auction site up and running before August 14th. As we \nhave discussed previously, it usually takes around 3 to 4 weeks to develop an \nauction site. However, due to the various projects that our developers are \nworking on this timeline has been extended. \n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks!\n\n\nLeonardo Pacheco\next. 39938\n", "Re: Capacity Generation Auction Timeline", "", [["show deal", 9, "information", ["indicated", "product"], "information", " he has indicated that we will shelve the summer numeric product offering but that it is still desirable to offer the second product, minus its summer numeric portion."]], "Leonardo -- I have spoken to Ed Baughman about your communication below. He \nhas indicated that we will shelve the summer 2000 product offering but that \nit is still desirable to offer the second product, minus its Summer 2000 \nportion. That is, the power desk would like to get up and running as soon as \npossible the same website and auction rules, offering Summer 2001-2002 \nCapacity and Energy as the sole initial product. Please either take a run \nat revising the website text to remove product one and the reference to \nAug-Sept 2000 in product two, or send me the most recent revision so that I \ncan make these deletions. Additionally, feel free to call me with any \nquestions. --David. \n\n \n\n\n\n\tLeonardo Pacheco@ENRON\n\t07/12/2000 04:55 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<15795408.1075860225752.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"auction capacityTnn": {"value": "auction capacityTnn", "ne": "auction capacityTnn", "patterns": ["auction capacityTnn"]}, "auction rule website_website0textTnnn": {"value": "auction rule website_website0textTnnn", "ne": "auction rule website_website0textTnnn", "patterns": ["auction rule website_website0textTnnn"]}, "capacity energy productTnnn": {"value": "capacity energy productTnnn", "ne": "capacity energy productTnnn", "patterns": ["capacity energy productTnnn"]}, "capacity energyTnn": {"value": "capacity energyTnn", "ne": "capacity energyTnn", "patterns": ["capacity energyTnn"]}, "capacity productTnn": {"value": "capacity productTnn", "ne": "capacity productTnn", "patterns": ["capacity productTnn"]}, "capacity0product_product offeringTnn": {"value": "capacity0product_product offeringTnn", "ne": "capacity0product_product offeringTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0product_product offeringTnn"]}, "capacity0product_product website0textTnn": {"value": "capacity0product_product website0textTnn", "ne": "capacity0product_product website0textTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0product_product website0textTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["credit_reference numericTnn", "numeric productTnn"]}, "credit_reference productTnn": {"value": "credit_reference productTnn", "ne": "credit_reference productTnn", "patterns": ["credit_reference productTnn"]}, "desk force_powerTnn": {"value": "desk force_powerTnn", "ne": "desk force_powerTnn", "patterns": ["desk force_powerTnn"]}, "energy productTnn": {"value": "energy productTnn", "ne": "energy productTnn", "patterns": ["energy productTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-5-2001-11:12:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"10-5-2001-11:12:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["10-5-2001-11:12:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "mike.curry@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com drew.tingleaf@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7726356.1075857365876.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 May 2001 11:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nSubject: Frontera FM Notice response: Privileged - attorney work product\nCc: mike.curry@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mike.curry@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Elizabeth Sager\nX-cc: Mike Curry, Clint Dean, Drew Tingleaf, Doug Gilbert-Smith\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Clint_Dean_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Dean-C\nX-FileName: cdean.nsf\n\nAttached is a draft response to the Frontera Notice of Force Majuere, and my \ntentative and preliminary litigation briefing. Please review and comment. I \nwill place a copy of Frontera's notice on your chair. -David\n", "Frontera FM Notice response: Privileged - attorney work product", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 6, "information", ["attached", "draft", "notice"], "information", "attached is a draft response to the orgname notice of force majuere, and my tentative and preliminary litigation briefing."], ["review comment", 16, "nninformation", ["comment", "review"], "request", " please review and comment."]], "Attached is a draft response to the Frontera Notice of Force Majuere, and my \ntentative and preliminary litigation briefing. Please review and comment. I \nwill place a copy of Frontera's notice on your chair. -David\n", "<7726356.1075857365876.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "2-11-2001-11:31:23Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"2-11-2001-11:31:23Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["2-11-2001-11:31:23", "david.portz@enron.com", "n..gray@enron.com joel.ephross@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com mary.cook@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16079233.1075861315578.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 11:31:23 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: n..gray@enron.com, joel.ephross@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Master Netting Agreement Assignments...Identification of legal\n entities comprising your assigned \"houses\"\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Gray, Barbara N. , Ephross, Joel \nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth , Cook, Mary \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nRe gas receivables facility:\n\nThe following are the counterparties designated in the draft Master Netting Agreement under negotiation with AEP, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon. All other gas trading affiliates of Enron and AEP are intended to be excluded from the agreement, though this is still under discussion. Please contact Elizabeth Sager or me with any questions. \n\nAEP ENERGY SERVICES, INC.\nAMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE CORPORATION \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarrell, Keegan On Behalf Of Gray, Barbara N.\nSent:\tFriday, November 02, 2001 12:36 PM\nTo:\tHansen, Leslie; Murphy, Harlan; Van Hooser, Steve; Sayre, Frank; Hendry, Brent; Davis, Angela; Portz, David; Viverito, John; Leite, Francisco Pinto; St. Clair, Carol; Del vecchio, Peter\nCc:\tReeves, Leslie; Herron, Chris; Cook, Mary; Ephross, Joel\nSubject:\tMaster Netting Agreement Assignments...Identification of legal entities comprising your assigned \"houses\"\n\nBased on the latest Master Netting Agreement Assignment List, you are assigned to one or more \"houses\" to prepare a Master Netting Agreement. I am currently working on excising natural gas receivables from an existing gas receivable facility known as the Swee'P Receivables Facility. This \"excisement\" is a prerequisite to our actual execution of the various Master Netting Agreements on which you are working. In order for me to accomplish the excisement, I need to create a list of each of the non-Enron legal entities, which will be parties to the Master Netting Agreement you have been assigned. The legal entities are needed so that we may assure that none of these legal entities will have its payables to ENA transferred to Swee'P. The final submission of receivables is due on Monday, November 5th. The list I am requesting from you will allow Leslie Reeves to excise your complete \"house\" from the submission of receivables.\n\nI know that each of you are swamped, but this excisement is a prerequisite to the execution of the Master Netting Agreements. Even if you have only a rough list of the entities in your house, please provide your best available information to me via email, copying the CCs listed on this email. Thank you for your assistance.\n\nBest Regards,\nBNG", "RE: Master Netting Agreement Assignments...Identification of legal\n entities comprising your assigned \"houses\"", "", [["show deal", 13, "information", ["agreement", "designated", "master**netting"], "information", "re gas receivables facility: the following are the counterparties designated in the draft master netting agreement under negotiation with aep, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon."], ["execute agreement", 18, "nninformation", ["agreement", "executed"], "intention", "re gas receivables facility: the following are the counterparties designated in the draft master netting agreement under negotiation with aep, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon."]], "Re gas receivables facility:\n\nThe following are the counterparties designated in the draft Master Netting Agreement under negotiation with AEP, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon. All other gas trading affiliates of Enron and AEP are intended to be excluded from the agreement, though this is still under discussion. Please contact Elizabeth Sager or me with any questions. \n\nAEP ENERGY SERVICES, INC.\nAMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE CORPORATION \n\n ", "<16079233.1075861315578.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"33": {"value": "american", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "agreement counterparty draftTnnn": {"value": "agreement counterparty draftTnnn", "ne": "agreement counterparty draftTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterparty draftTnnn"]}, "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn": {"value": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "ne": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn"]}, "agreement discussionTnn": {"value": "agreement discussionTnn", "ne": "agreement discussionTnn", "patterns": ["agreement discussionTnn"]}, "agreement draftTnn": {"value": "agreement draftTnn", "ne": "agreement draftTnn", "patterns": ["agreement draftTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "electric energy powerTnnn": {"value": "electric energy powerTnnn", "ne": "electric energy powerTnnn", "patterns": ["electric energy powerTnnn"]}, "electric energyTnn": {"value": "electric energyTnn", "ne": "electric energyTnn", "patterns": ["electric energyTnn"]}, "electric service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "electric service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "electric service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["electric service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "energy index_powerTnn": {"value": "energy index_powerTnn", "ne": "energy index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy index_powerTnn"]}, "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "energy power service_service0corporationTnnn": {"value": "energy power service_service0corporationTnnn", "ne": "energy power service_service0corporationTnnn", "patterns": ["energy power service_service0corporationTnnn"]}, "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "energy service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["energy service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "power service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "power service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["power service_service0corporationTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-3-2001-10:35:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"6-3-2001-10:35:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-10:35:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mike.curry@enron.com", "stuart.zisman@enron.com kay.mann@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21338925.1075845888819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 10:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mike.curry@enron.com\nSubject: TECO EEI Master\nCc: stuart.zisman@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stuart.zisman@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mike Curry\nX-cc: Stuart Zisman, Kay Mann\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kay_Mann_June2001_2\\Notes Folders\\General stuff\nX-Origin: MANN-K\nX-FileName: kmann.nsf\n\nPer our discussion, attached is the current form of Enron Corp. Guarantee \nused to support trading under the EEI wholesale power bilateral master.\n", "TECO EEI Master", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 2, "information", ["attached", "discussion"], "information", "per our discussion, attached is the current form of orgname guarantee used to support trading under the eei wholesale power bilateral master."], ["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 7, "nninformation", ["support", "wholesale**power"], "intention", "per our discussion, attached is the current form of orgname guarantee used to support trading under the eei wholesale power bilateral master."]], "Per our discussion, attached is the current form of Enron Corp. Guarantee \nused to support trading under the EEI wholesale power bilateral master.\n", "<21338925.1075845888819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-6-2001-3:53:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-6-2001-3:53:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-6-2001-3:53:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "terri.clynes@enron.com", "edward.baughman@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18128992.1075853422369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 03:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: terri.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: OPPD 2nd Amendment\nCc: edward.baughman@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.baughman@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Terri Clynes\nX-cc: Edward D Baughman, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nTerri -- As you requested, attached is an execution copy of the Second \nAmendment providing for cancellation of the year 2002 obligations under the \n8/15/96 Power Purchase and Sale Agreement between EPMI and OPPD. Please note \nthat I have modified the paragraph immediately above the signature blank to \nexplicitly authorize fax exchange of executed documents in advance of the \nexchange of hand-signed originals. If this document is acceptable, please \nsend it to OPPD's attorney Steve Bruckner (SBRUCKNER@FraserStryker.com) at \nthe same time you transmit it to OPPD's business persons (cmoriarty@oppd.com, \ndried@oppd.com). Please call me with any questions. --David\n", "OPPD 2nd Amendment", "", [["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 4, "information", ["attached", "execution**copy"], "information", "terri -- as you requested, attached is an execution copy of the second amendment providing for cancellation of the year numeric obligations under the datenumeric power purchase and sale agreement between epmi and oppd."], ["execute agreement", 24, "information", ["documents", "executed"], "information", " please note that i have modified the paragraph immediately above the signature blank to explicitly authorize fax exchange of executed documents in advance of the exchange of hand-signed originals."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 31, "nninformation", ["document", "send"], "request", " if this document is acceptable, please send it to oppd's attorney steve bruckner (sbruckner@fraserstryker."]], "Terri -- As you requested, attached is an execution copy of the Second \nAmendment providing for cancellation of the year 2002 obligations under the \n8/15/96 Power Purchase and Sale Agreement between EPMI and OPPD. Please note \nthat I have modified the paragraph immediately above the signature blank to \nexplicitly authorize fax exchange of executed documents in advance of the \nexchange of hand-signed originals. If this document is acceptable, please \nsend it to OPPD's attorney Steve Bruckner (SBRUCKNER@FraserStryker.com) at \nthe same time you transmit it to OPPD's business persons (cmoriarty@oppd.com, \ndried@oppd.com). Please call me with any questions. --David\n", "<18128992.1075853422369.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement oppdTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "2002", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["obligation power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-11-2001-11:35:1Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"2-11-2001-11:35:1Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["2-11-2001-11:35:1", "david.portz@enron.com", "trey.cash@enron.com marian.briscoe@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com mary.cook@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7976111.1075861315624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 11:35:01 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: trey.cash@enron.com, marian.briscoe@enron.com\nSubject: Power Receivables Financing: Master Netting with AEP\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Cash, Trey , Briscoe, Marian \nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth , Cook, Mary \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nRe power receivables facility:\n\nThe following are the counterparties designated in the draft Master Netting Agreement under negotiation with AEP, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon. All other power trading affiliates of Enron and AEP, if any, are intended to be excluded from the agreement, though this is still under discussion. Please contact Elizabeth Sager or me with any questions. \n\nAEP ENERGY SERVICES, INC.\nAMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE CORPORATION ", "Power Receivables Financing: Master Netting with AEP", "", [["show deal", 8, "information", ["agreement", "designated", "master**netting"], "information", "re power receivables facility: the following are the counterparties designated in the draft master netting agreement under negotiation with aep, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon."], ["execute agreement", 13, "nninformation", ["agreement", "executed"], "intention", "re power receivables facility: the following are the counterparties designated in the draft master netting agreement under negotiation with aep, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon."]], "Re power receivables facility:\n\nThe following are the counterparties designated in the draft Master Netting Agreement under negotiation with AEP, which could be executed as soon as [late] this afternoon. All other power trading affiliates of Enron and AEP, if any, are intended to be excluded from the agreement, though this is still under discussion. Please contact Elizabeth Sager or me with any questions. \n\nAEP ENERGY SERVICES, INC.\nAMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE CORPORATION ", "<7976111.1075861315624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement counterparty draftTnnn": {"value": "agreement counterparty draftTnnn", "ne": "agreement counterparty draftTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterparty draftTnnn"]}, "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn": {"value": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "ne": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn"]}, "agreement discussionTnn": {"value": "agreement discussionTnn", "ne": "agreement discussionTnn", "patterns": ["agreement discussionTnn"]}, "agreement draftTnn": {"value": "agreement draftTnn", "ne": "agreement draftTnn", "patterns": ["agreement draftTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement draft master_master0netTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "energy service_service0corporationTnn": {"value": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "ne": "energy service_service0corporationTnn", "patterns": ["energy service_service0corporationTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-1-2002-15:12:59Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"2-1-2002-15:12:59Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["2-1-2002-15:12:59", "david.portz@enron.com", "stephanie.panus@enron.com susan.bailey@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com marcus.nettelton@enron.com leslie.hansen@enron.com harlan.murphy@enron.com h..moore@enron.com corry.bentley@enron.com w..white@enron.com carl.tricoli@enron.com edward.baughman@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com m..presto@enron.com dana.davis@enron.com j..sturm@enron.com harry.arora@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com john.suarez@enron.com s..bradford@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5796941.1075841605834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 15:12:59 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: stephanie.panus@enron.com, susan.bailey@enron.com\nSubject: RE: EPMI List Non terminated parties\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, marcus.nettelton@enron.com,\n\tleslie.hansen@enron.com, harlan.murphy@enron.com, h..moore@enron.com,\n\tcorry.bentley@enron.com, w..white@enron.com, carl.tricoli@enron.com,\n\tedward.baughman@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tm..presto@enron.com, dana.davis@enron.com, j..sturm@enron.com,\n\tharry.arora@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com,\n\tjohn.suarez@enron.com, s..bradford@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, marcus.nettelton@enron.com,\n\tleslie.hansen@enron.com, harlan.murphy@enron.com, h..moore@enron.com,\n\tcorry.bentley@enron.com, w..white@enron.com, carl.tricoli@enron.com,\n\tedward.baughman@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com,\n\tm..presto@enron.com, dana.davis@enron.com, j..sturm@enron.com,\n\tharry.arora@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com,\n\tjohn.suarez@enron.com, s..bradford@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Panus, Stephanie , Bailey, Susan \nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth , Nettelton, Marcus , Hansen, Leslie , Murphy, Harlan , Moore, Janet H. , Bentley, Corry , White, Stacey W. , Miller, Don (Asset Mktg) , Tricoli, Carl , Baughman, Edward , Miller, Jeffrey , Presto, Kevin M. , Davis, Mark Dana , Sturm, Fletcher J. , Arora, Harry , Gilbert-smith, Doug , Suarez, John , Bradford, William S. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Sturm, Fletcher J.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: STURM-F\nX-FileName: fletcher sturm 6-26-02.PST\n\n1. The cc'd individuals shown above are to be cc'd on each e-mail communication relating to terminations by the counterparties shown below which have not yet terminated. Communication on termination notices coming in should be made as soon as possible after receipt from the counterparty. Please try to assure that any termination notices reaching the 6th floor credit war room are brought to you ASAP for review. Starting today, those counterparties shown in red may be receiving performance from EPMI on any given day going forward. To serve our commercial purposes, we are hoping to get the time beween receipt of wholesale power side terminations and their review and internal acknowledgment on your spreadsheet and among the referenced persons reduced to a maximum of 24 hours. \n\n2. I am confirming back to you that MidAmerican Energy Company has delivered to EPMI a 1-2-02 notice of termination, terminating effective 1-4-02 all wholesale power transactions under its Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreement with EPMI dated 11-13-01. Please reflect this on your next issued spreadsheet.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tWednesday, January 02, 2002 10:01 AM\nTo:\tPanus, Stephanie; Bailey, Susan\nCc:\tNettelton, Marcus; Sager, Elizabeth; Hansen, Leslie; Murphy, Harlan; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Presto, Kevin M.; Portz, David\nSubject:\tRE: EPMI List Non terminated parties\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nStephanie and Susan -- This remains a priority. Please e-mail those persons identified above when a termination letter comes in from any of the below-listed East Power counterparties, and give a copy of the letter received to one of the listed power trading attorneys for immediate review. Following a meeting this afternoon we will have a moire fully defined procedure and distribution list of names for communicating regarding the listed counterparties. I will visit with you this morning so that we work out any questions you may have about this. Thanks. --David\n \n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tFriday, December 21, 2001 11:30 AM\nTo:\tPanus, Stephanie\nCc:\tNettelton, Marcus; Sager, Elizabeth; Hansen, Leslie; Murphy, Harlan\nSubject:\tRE: EPMI List Non terminated parties\n\nStephanie -- Please keep watch for termination letters coming in from any of these counterparties and make me aware immediately of anything received --also Elizabeth Sager, Marcus, Harlan and Leslie. We may be resuming the scheduling of power with these counterparties but will not do so with a party that has terminated its enabling agreement(s) with EPMI. Thanks.\n\n\nRestore Service List 21 Dec. 01\n\nAES New Energy\nAlcoa Power Geenerating\nAmeren [Portz, David] terminated by letter dated 12-18-01 \nBECO (Boston Electric)\nCargill Alliant LLC\nCentral Maine\nCitizens Communications Co \nCP&L (Carolina Power & Light)\nDTE Energy Trading\nEntergy Services\nFirst Energy Solutions [Portz, David] terminated effective 1- 2 -02 by letter dated 12-21-01 \nGreen Mountain Power Corp.\nGPU Service [Portz, David] terminated effective 1-21-02 by letter dated 12-21-01 \nHQ Energy Services (Hydro Quebec) [Portz, David] terminated effective 1-1-02 by letter dated 12-18-01 \nIP&L (Indiana Power & Light)\nLG&E (LG&E Energy Marketing)\nMinnesota Power & Light\nNIMO (Niagara Mohawk Energy\nNSTAR Electric \nOG&E (OGE Energy Resources)\nSelect Energy \nSouthern Illinois\nSplit Rock Energy\nTaunton Municipal Light\nTXU Energy Trading\nUI (United Illuminating [Portz, David] terminated by letter dated 12-21-01 \nVEPCO (Virginia Electric Power Co.)\nWisconsin Electric \n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPanus, Stephanie \nSent:\tFriday, December 21, 2001 10:00 AM\nTo:\tPortz, David; Nettelton, Marcus\nSubject:\tEPMI List\n\n << File: EPMI List.xls >> << File: Letter Log 12-20.xls >> \n\nAttached is a list of the EPMI terminations. The 12-20 list may contain additional EPMI counterparties that have not yet been added to the Master List.", "RE: EPMI List Non terminated parties", "", [["show deal", 10, "nninformation", ["counterparties", "shown"], "intention", " the cc'd individuals shown above are to be cc'd on each e-mail communication relating to terminations by the counterparties shown below which have not yet terminated."], ["show deal", 32, "information", ["counterparties", "shown"], "information", " starting today, those counterparties shown in red may be receiving performance from epmi on any given day going forward."]], "1. The cc'd individuals shown above are to be cc'd on each e-mail communication relating to terminations by the counterparties shown below which have not yet terminated. Communication on termination notices coming in should be made as soon as possible after receipt from the counterparty. Please try to assure that any termination notices reaching the 6th floor credit war room are brought to you ASAP for review. Starting today, those counterparties shown in red may be receiving performance from EPMI on any given day going forward. To serve our commercial purposes, we are hoping to get the time beween receipt of wholesale power side terminations and their review and internal acknowledgment on your spreadsheet and among the referenced persons reduced to a maximum of 24 hours. \n\n2. I am confirming back to you that MidAmerican Energy Company has delivered to EPMI a 1-2-02 notice of termination, terminating effective 1-4-02 all wholesale power transactions under its Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreement with EPMI dated 11-13-01. Please reflect this on your next issued spreadsheet.\n\n ", "<5796941.1075841605834.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"56": {"value": "24", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master power0purchaseTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "company energyTnn": {"value": "company energyTnn", "ne": "company energyTnn", "patterns": ["company energyTnn"]}, "counterparty terminationTnn": {"value": "counterparty terminationTnn", "ne": "counterparty terminationTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty terminationTnn"]}, "deliver energyTvn": {"value": "deliver energyTvn", "ne": "deliver energyTvn", "patterns": ["deliver energyTvn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "71": {"value": "-02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase sale_sale0agreementTnn"]}, "power_power0purchase transactionTnn": {"value": "power_power0purchase transactionTnn", "ne": "power_power0purchase transactionTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0purchase transactionTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power terminationTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power terminationTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power transactionTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power transactionTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-11-2000-14:22:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"9-11-2000-14:22:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-14:22:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mark.haedicke@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30476391.1075859661492.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 14:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mark.haedicke@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nSubject: Wind PPA and GPSA\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mark E Haedicke, Elizabeth Sager\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Haedicke_Dec2000_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Haedicke-M\nX-FileName: mhaedic.nsf\n\nAttached are the turns of the Wind documents being transmitted to Wind after \ntoday's negotiations. Elizabeth, by separate e-mail I am providing you my \ndraft legal risk memo and the Desk's draft DASH for your review. Accounting \nis expected to report in tomorrow or Monday regarding the mark-to-market \naspects, and I expect that the remaining known issues will be resolved in \nnegotiations with Wind tomorrow afternoon, presuming I am released from jury \nduty by then. --David\n\n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 11/09/2000 09:39 PM -----\n\n\tMike Curry\n\t11/09/2000 09:23 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Michael Payne/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John \nLamb/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Bob Gates/EWC/Enron@ENRON, Stephen H \nFriedlander/EWC/Enron@Enron\n\t\t cc: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Doug Gilbert-Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t Subject: Wind PPA and GPSA\n\nIt appears we have resolved these documents excepting (1) the number of days \nin 1(b) of the GPSA, (2) your review of our agreed concept for new taxes in \nthe GPSA, (3) the Security Section 7.03 in the PPA regarding Seller's ability \nto provide and Enron Corp. guaranty before selldown occurs, and (4) agreement \nto a guaranty amount for EPMI to provide in association of the PPA (we have \nproposed a $25MM guaranty).\n\nMichael, once you have had a chance to discuss these issues please give me a \ncall to resolve. \n\nThanks, - Mike\n\n ", "Wind PPA and GPSA", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 6, "nninformation", ["documents", "transmitted"], "intention", "attached are the turns of the wind documents being transmitted to wind after today's negotiations."]], "Attached are the turns of the Wind documents being transmitted to Wind after \ntoday's negotiations. Elizabeth, by separate e-mail I am providing you my \ndraft legal risk memo and the Desk's draft DASH for your review. Accounting \nis expected to report in tomorrow or Monday regarding the mark-to-market \naspects, and I expect that the remaining known issues will be resolved in \nnegotiations with Wind tomorrow afternoon, presuming I am released from jury \nduty by then. --David\n\n\n---", "<30476391.1075859661492.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-6-2000-4:57:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"20-6-2000-4:57:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["20-6-2000-4:57:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mark.taylor@enron.com edward.baughman@enron.com leslie.hansen@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com tracy.ngo@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20160838.1075860002662.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mark.taylor@enron.com, edward.baughman@enron.com, leslie.hansen@enron.com,\n\teric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: EOL Capacity Auction Product\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, tracy.ngo@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, tracy.ngo@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mario Parra Cardoso@ENRON, Mark Taylor, Edward D Baughman, Leslie Hansen, Eric Saibi\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager, Tracy Ngo\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Taylor _Dec_2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Taylor-M\nX-FileName: mtaylor.nsf\n\nReflecting a few comments from Eric Saibi, Ed Baughman and Leslie Hansen to \nthe June 16th draft website text, attached are auction rules and the auction \nwebsite text for the EOL Generation Capacity Products. I am asking for any \nfinal comments/changes, within the next day if possible, so that the \ndefinitve texts can be made available to the EOL programmers. Thanks.\n", "EOL Capacity Auction Product", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 13, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", "reflecting a few comments from eric saibi, ed baughman and leslie hansen to the datenumeric th draft website text, attached are auction rules and the auction website text for the orgname generation capacity products."]], "Reflecting a few comments from Eric Saibi, Ed Baughman and Leslie Hansen to \nthe June 16th draft website text, attached are auction rules and the auction \nwebsite text for the EOL Generation Capacity Products. I am asking for any \nfinal comments/changes, within the next day if possible, so that the \ndefinitve texts can be made available to the EOL programmers. Thanks.\n", "<20160838.1075860002662.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"auction capacity productTnnn": {"value": "auction capacity productTnnn", "ne": "auction capacity productTnnn", "patterns": ["auction capacity productTnnn"]}, "auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn": {"value": "auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn", "ne": "auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn", "patterns": ["auction capacity0product generation rule website0textTnnnnn"]}, "auction capacity0product_productTnn": {"value": "auction capacity0product_productTnn", "ne": "auction capacity0product_productTnn", "patterns": ["auction capacity0product_productTnn"]}, "auction capacityTnn": {"value": "auction capacityTnn", "ne": "auction capacityTnn", "patterns": ["auction capacityTnn"]}, "auction rule website_website0textTnnn": {"value": "auction rule website_website0textTnnn", "ne": "auction rule website_website0textTnnn", "patterns": ["auction rule website_website0textTnnn"]}, "capacity productTnn": {"value": "capacity productTnn", "ne": "capacity productTnn", "patterns": ["capacity productTnn"]}, "capacity0product_product website0textTnn": {"value": "capacity0product_product website0textTnn", "ne": "capacity0product_product website0textTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0product_product website0textTnn"]}, "capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn": {"value": "capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn", "ne": "capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn", "patterns": ["capacity_capacity0product text_website0textTnn"]}, "change commentTnn": {"value": "change commentTnn", "ne": "change commentTnn", "patterns": ["change commentTnn"]}, "rule website0textTnn": {"value": "rule website0textTnn", "ne": "rule website0textTnn", "patterns": ["rule website0textTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-11-2001-14:32:48Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"7-11-2001-14:32:48Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["7-11-2001-14:32:48", "david.portz@enron.com", "s..bradford@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22270361.1075861316888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 14:32:48 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: s..bradford@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nSubject: AEP Master Netting\nCc: edward.sacks@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.sacks@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Bradford, William S. , Sager, Elizabeth \nX-cc: Sacks, Edward \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nI've had a call from David Musselman, AEP's attorney, late this afternoon, checking in. I said their revised document was not what I understood us to be willing to put in place (e.g., the various affiliates referenced, and the adequate assurances in Section 8) but I hadn't had any input yet from the Credit group. He said Lisa Groff was trying to reach Bill Bradford, and he understood Bill to be tied up in meetings. Eliz, for your reference, Musselman's cell phone is 614-563-3864. \n\nFor convenience of reference, here is AEP's revised draft: \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPortz, David \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 2:03 PM\nTo:\tSager, Elizabeth\nCc:\tSacks, Edward\nSubject:\tFW: aep\n\nDocumentation has now turned up this 6-23-98 wholesale power Netting Agr. 9referenced in the AEP comments to the master Netting Agr. draft), with adequate assurances (Sec. 3) , cherry picking (Sec. 4) and other limiting language (Sec 6) and Ohio law. \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDenton, Rhonda L. \nSent:\tWednesday, November 07, 2001 1:45 PM\nTo:\tPortz, David\nSubject:\taep\n\n << File: aepnetting.pdf >> ", "AEP Master Netting", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 28, "information", ["tied", "bill"], "information", " he said lisa groff was trying to reach personname and he understood bill to be tied up in meetings."]], "\nI've had a call from David Musselman, AEP's attorney, late this afternoon, checking in. I said their revised document was not what I understood us to be willing to put in place (e.g., the various affiliates referenced, and the adequate assurances in Section 8) but I hadn't had any input yet from the Credit group. He said Lisa Groff was trying to reach Bill Bradford, and he understood Bill to be tied up in meetings. Eliz, for your reference, Musselman's cell phone is 614-563-3864. \n\nFor convenience of reference, here is AEP's revised draft: \n\n ", "<22270361.1075861316888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-11-2000-5:6:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-5:6:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-5:6:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "rhonda.denton@enron.com", "melissa.murphy@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7866368.1075859527275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 05:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: rhonda.denton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Michigan Electric Coordinated systems\nCc: melissa.murphy@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: melissa.murphy@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Rhonda L Denton\nX-cc: Melissa Ann Murphy, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nRhonda -- Attached are my notes re the disputed matters with MECS, including \nthe short term resolution I discussed with Bill Keyser. After updating \nLeslie Reeves I will be asking Melissa to help get the long form confirmation \ntemplate modified to '10 days'. Please put me down as the attorney who will \nget the EEI cover sheet negotiated with Consumers, if this has not yet been \nallocated, and call me with any questions you may have. --David\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tRhonda L Denton\n\t11/20/2000 02:10 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: Joy Werner/Corp/Enron@ENRON\n\t\t cc: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: Re: Michigan Electric Coordinated systems\n\nI talked to David Portz about MECS and have passed on the information that he \ngave me to Eileen. He believes that we should not go back to confirming \nunder the 1996 agreement since we have been confirming under the long form \nGTC and they have executed them in the past. I am faxing an executed confirm \nto Eileen and told her that she could contact David regarding this matter \nsince I could not convince her that the long form GTC controls. We would \nhave to get Leslie Reeves approval in order to change the payment terms of \nthe long form confirm to 10 days after receipt..\n\n\n\nJoy Werner@ENRON\n11/17/2000 10:21 AM\nTo: Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Michigan Electric Coordinated systems\n\nEileen\n734.665.3351 \nshe says that the 1996 master agreement overrides eveything!\nthey show payment terms of 10 days after receipt\n\nthank you!!!\nJoy\n\n\n\n", "Re: Michigan Electric Coordinated systems", "", [["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 4, "information", ["attached", "notes"], "information", "rhonda -- attached are my notes re the disputed matters with mecs, including the short term resolution i discussed with bill keyser."]], "Rhonda -- Attached are my notes re the disputed matters with MECS, including \nthe short term resolution I discussed with Bill Keyser. After updating \nLeslie Reeves I will be asking Melissa to help get the long form confirmation \ntemplate modified to '10 days'. Please put me down as the attorney who will \nget the EEI cover sheet negotiated with Consumers, if this has not yet been \nallocated, and call me with any questions you may have. --David\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tRhonda L Denton\n\t11/20/2000 02:10 PM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<7866368.1075859527275.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-11-2001-11:19:48Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"7-11-2001-11:19:48Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["7-11-2001-11:19:48", "david.portz@enron.com", "wendy.conwell@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31438806.1075861316736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 11:19:48 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: wendy.conwell@enron.com\nSubject: MidAmerican draft finalized EEI docs\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Conwell, Wendy \nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nWendy -- As discussed. MidAm is anxious to get this EEI in place, and you had indicated the open power trades are not a large exposure (SeeAtttachement A below). Enron's triangular set-off is installed in 5.6, not the EEI's square set-off in the 5.6 B election. Please help assure that execution of this fits into the larger credit picture as well. --David\n\n\n\n \n\n Attachment A (showing open trades) ", "MidAmerican draft finalized EEI docs", "", [["show deal", 9, "information", ["indicated", "trades"], "information", " midam is anxious to get this eei in place, and you had indicated the open power trades are not a large exposure (seeatttachement a below)."], ["show deal", 35, "information", ["showing", "trades"], "information", " --david attachment a (showing open trades) "]], "\nWendy -- As discussed. MidAm is anxious to get this EEI in place, and you had indicated the open power trades are not a large exposure (SeeAtttachement A below). Enron's triangular set-off is installed in 5.6, not the EEI's square set-off in the 5.6 B election. Please help assure that execution of this fits into the larger credit picture as well. --David\n\n\n\n \n\n Attachment A (showing open trades) ", "<31438806.1075861316736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"open tradeTnn": {"value": "open tradeTnn", "ne": "open tradeTnn", "patterns": ["open tradeTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-5-2000-10:25:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-5-2000-10:25:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-10:25:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "sara.shackleton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23116409.1075844511305.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 May 2000 10:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: sara.shackleton@enron.com\nSubject: Revised U.S. Wholesale Power Bilateral Master Agreement\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Sara Shackleton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sara_Shackleton_Dec2000_June2001_1\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: SHACKLETON-S\nX-FileName: sshackle.nsf\n\nSara -- As discussed last Friday, attached is the referenced agreement \nreflecting the power group's most current thinking, though it has not yet \nbeen finalized or rolled out. I also attach the 'long form confirmation' \nused for trading wholesale power with counterparties who have not executed a \nmaster agreement or other sort of enabling agreement with EPMI. The latter \ndocument has not been updated in about nine months' time and thus may not \nreflect all proposed changes to the master. The formatting may also be out \nof kilter on Annex A of the latter document but I believe it should be \nusable by the person you are assisting in Brazil. Please contact me if you \nhave any questions. --David \n", "Revised U.S. Wholesale Power Bilateral Master Agreement", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 8, "information", ["agreement", "attached"], "information", "personname -- as discussed last friday, attached is the referenced agreement reflecting the power group's most current thinking, though it has not yet been finalized or rolled out."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 17, "information", ["attach", "confirmation"], "information", " i also attach the 'long form confirmation' used for trading wholesale power with counterparties who have not executed a master agreement or other sort of enabling agreement with epmi."], ["execute agreement", 24, "information", ["agreement", "executed"], "information", " i also attach the 'long form confirmation' used for trading wholesale power with counterparties who have not executed a master agreement or other sort of enabling agreement with epmi."]], "Sara -- As discussed last Friday, attached is the referenced agreement \nreflecting the power group's most current thinking, though it has not yet \nbeen finalized or rolled out. I also attach the 'long form confirmation' \nused for trading wholesale power with counterparties who have not executed a \nmaster agreement or other sort of enabling agreement with EPMI. The latter \ndocument has not been updated in about nine months' time and thus may not \nreflect all proposed changes to the master. The formatting may also be out \nof kilter on Annex A of the latter document but I believe it should be \nusable by the person you are assisting in Brazil. Please contact me if you \nhave any questions. --David \n", "<23116409.1075844511305.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn": {"value": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "ne": "agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterparty master_master0netTnnn"]}, "agreement counterpartyTnn": {"value": "agreement counterpartyTnn", "ne": "agreement counterpartyTnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterpartyTnn"]}, "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "change_modification masterTnn": {"value": "change_modification masterTnn", "ne": "change_modification masterTnn", "patterns": ["change_modification masterTnn"]}, "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-11-2001-22:42:19Sjoe.capasso@enron.com": {"16-11-2001-22:42:19Sjoe.capasso@enron.com": ["16-11-2001-22:42:19", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19017492.1075861682589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 22:42:19 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: joe.capasso@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: Ercot Balancing for Friday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Capasso, Joe \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn,\n\nI made an adjustment in Enpower for Friday.\n\nWhen balancing the books, I noticed that we were 100mw's long into the pool for HE21 & HE22, but in the portal it only shows 50mw for each hour.\n(A 16hour block of 50mw was already in the portal.) So I adjusted HE21 & HE22 from 50mw to 0 mw, so that it matched the portal. Please notify me \nif my adjustment was incorrect. I made a note in the comment field for enpower #871228. \n\nJoe ", "Ercot Balancing for Friday", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 9, "information", ["books", "long"], "information", " when balancing the books, i noticed that we were numeric mw's long into the pool for he numeric & he numeric , but in the portal it only shows numeric mw for each hour."], ["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 14, "information", ["shows", "mw"], "information", " when balancing the books, i noticed that we were numeric mw's long into the pool for he numeric & he numeric , but in the portal it only shows numeric mw for each hour."]], "John,\n\nI made an adjustment in Enpower for Friday.\n\nWhen balancing the books, I noticed that we were 100mw's long into the pool for HE21 & HE22, but in the portal it only shows 50mw for each hour.\n(A 16hour block of 50mw was already in the portal.) So I adjusted HE21 & HE22 from 50mw to 0 mw, so that it matched the portal. Please notify me \nif my adjustment was incorrect. I made a note in the comment field for enpower #871228. \n\nJoe ", "<19017492.1075861682589.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"15": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn", "mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-2-2001-17:50:0Schristopher.watts@enron.com": {"8-2-2001-17:50:0Schristopher.watts@enron.com": ["8-2-2001-17:50:0", "christopher.watts@enron.com", "richard.hrabal@enron.com cyril.price@enron.com john.kinser@enron.com kayne.coulter@enron.com rudy.acevedo@enron.com don.baughman@enron.com lawrence.clayton@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com juan.hernandez@enron.com wayne.herndon@enron.com dean.laurent@enron.com keller.mayeaux@enron.com doug.miller@enron.com chad.starnes@enron.com joe.stepenovitch@enron.com greg.trefz@enron.com jay.wills@enron.com miguel.garcia@enron.com mitch.robinson@enron.com christopher.watts@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com benjamin.rogers@enron.com juan.padron@enron.com alton.jackson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8719186.1075848314240.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 17:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: christopher.watts@enron.com\nTo: richard.hrabal@enron.com, cyril.price@enron.com, john.kinser@enron.com,\n\tkayne.coulter@enron.com, rudy.acevedo@enron.com,\n\tdon.baughman@enron.com, lawrence.clayton@enron.com,\n\tjoe.errigo@enron.com, juan.hernandez@enron.com,\n\twayne.herndon@enron.com, dean.laurent@enron.com,\n\tkeller.mayeaux@enron.com, doug.miller@enron.com,\n\tchad.starnes@enron.com, joe.stepenovitch@enron.com,\n\tgreg.trefz@enron.com, jay.wills@enron.com, miguel.garcia@enron.com,\n\tmitch.robinson@enron.com, christopher.watts@enron.com,\n\tsteve.olinde@enron.com, benjamin.rogers@enron.com,\n\tjuan.padron@enron.com, alton.jackson@enron.com\nSubject: BOOKEDOUT ERCOT SCHEDULE(WR TO RHLP) ISO 9095\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Christopher Watts\nX-To: Richard Hrabal, Cyril Price, John Kinser, Kayne Coulter, Rudy Acevedo, Don Baughman, Lawrence Clayton, Joe Errigo, Juan Hernandez, Wayne Herndon, Dean Laurent, Keller Mayeaux, Doug Miller, Chad Starnes, Joe Stepenovitch, Greg Trefz, Jay Wills, Miguel Garcia, Mitch Robinson, Christopher Watts, Steve Olinde, Benjamin Rogers, Juan Padron, Alton Jackson\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Edward_Baughman_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: BAUGHMAN-E\nX-FileName: dbaughm.nsf\n\nKEVIN AT WRI INFORMED ME THAT THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE WAS BOOKED OUT. IT \nAPPEARS IN LOTUS NOTES FOR TODAY, HOWEVER IT WILL NOT FLOW.\n\nWRI(G)-WRI-SPP(W) - WRI ---E--- HLP - RHLP SINK\n\n\n\n\n\nHOUSTON LIGHTING AND POWER\n713-207-2740/281-894-0491(# for confirms) \nCONTACTED: WAGNER", "BOOKEDOUT ERCOT SCHEDULE(WR TO RHLP) ISO 9095", "", [["attach schedule", 7, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", "kevin at wri informed me that the attached schedule was booked out."]], "KEVIN AT WRI INFORMED ME THAT THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE WAS BOOKED OUT. IT \nAPPEARS IN LOTUS NOTES FOR TODAY, HOWEVER IT WILL NOT FLOW.\n\nWRI(G)-WRI-SPP(W) - WRI ---E--- HLP - RHLP SINK\n\n\n\n\n\nHOUSTON LIGHTING AND POWER\n713-207-2740/281-894-0491(# for confirms) \nCONTACTED: WAGNER", "<8719186.1075848314240.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "30-1-2001-21:53:0Schristopher.watts@enron.com": {"30-1-2001-21:53:0Schristopher.watts@enron.com": ["30-1-2001-21:53:0", "christopher.watts@enron.com", "juan.hernandez@enron.com christopher.watts@enron.com don.baughman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30109742.1075848336794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 21:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: christopher.watts@enron.com\nTo: juan.hernandez@enron.com, christopher.watts@enron.com,\n\tdon.baughman@enron.com\nSubject: DUKE to SOCO deal 1-30-01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Christopher Watts\nX-To: Juan Hernandez, Christopher Watts, Don Baughman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Edward_Baughman_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Power\\24 hour\nX-Origin: BAUGHMAN-E\nX-FileName: dbaughm.nsf\n\nThis deal from Tuesday was not entered in Enpower (HE 10). We entered it \nlast night. The Enpower numbers are attached.\n\n\nDUKE to SOCO schedule for 1-30-01\nBuy @ Duke E: 509197\nSale @ SOCO E: 509198\n", "DUKE to SOCO deal 1-30-01", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered", "10"], "information", "this deal from tuesday was not entered in enpower (he numeric )."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 14, "nninformation", ["buy", "schedule"], "intention", " orgname to soco schedule for numeric numeric numeric buy @ orgname e: numeric sale @ soco e: numeric "]], "This deal from Tuesday was not entered in Enpower (HE 10). We entered it \nlast night. The Enpower numbers are attached.\n\n\nDUKE to SOCO schedule for 1-30-01\nBuy @ Duke E: 509197\nSale @ SOCO E: 509198\n", "<30109742.1075848336794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-11-2001-17:0:31Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": {"3-11-2001-17:0:31Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": ["3-11-2001-17:0:31", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1306554.1075861680016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 17:00:31 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com\nSubject: RE: MCP revisions\nCc: m..forney@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: m..forney@enron.com\nX-From: Jacobson, Michael \nX-To: Capasso, Joe \nX-cc: Forney, John M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHey Joe,\n \nIt usually takes about a week after flow date for ERCOT to put out a revision file for that day. I will check it first thing Monday morning as well as put in a dispute to make sure that ERCOT is reviewing this interval price. I will update you as soon as I find anything out, thanks for the heads up!\n \nMJ\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: Capasso, Joe \nSent: Sat 11/3/2001 5:12 PM \nTo: Jacobson, Michael; Forney, John M. \nCc: \nSubject: MCP revisions\n\n\n\nMichael, \n\nThe Hourly Ercot desk had a long position in the Ercot Pool on October 24th for hour 24. \nThe final interval for 2400 came in negative at ($999.00). I checked in the Ercot website, but it has not been revised. \n\nCan we dispute the MCP settlement price? \n\nHere is a little more information: \nAt 2345 on Oct. 24th, Ercot called all of the QSE's and said that the computer systems would be going down. \nThey said that the systems should be down for about 15 minutes. This means that the computer systems were not \neven on throughout the entire interval. When it came back on line, the neg. $999 print occurred for all three zones. \nIt is very unusual for all three zones to print negative $999 for the same interval. We might have a chance for a realistic\n\nrevision. \n\nAny help is appreciated. \n\nThanks, \nJoe C. \n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: MCP revisions", "", [["check_break object", 8, "nninformation", ["check", "it"], "intention", " i will check it first thing monday morning as well as put in a dispute to make sure that ercot is reviewing this interval price."]], "Hey Joe,\n \nIt usually takes about a week after flow date for ERCOT to put out a revision file for that day. I will check it first thing Monday morning as well as put in a dispute to make sure that ERCOT is reviewing this interval price. I will update you as soon as I find anything out, thanks for the heads up!\n \nMJ\n\n", "<1306554.1075861680016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-11-2001-11:7:10Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": {"16-11-2001-11:7:10Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": ["16-11-2001-11:7:10", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "katina.smith@enron.com jim.cashion@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18063066.1075861682566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 11:07:10 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: LCRA discrepancy\nCc: katina.smith@enron.com, jim.cashion@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: katina.smith@enron.com, jim.cashion@enron.com\nX-From: Jacobson, Michael \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: Smith, Katina , Cashion, Jim \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJMF,\n\nI have a discrepancy with LCRA on 10/22/01. The following notes are in the P&L...\n\n\"830711,830709 . The original deal was a buy from LCRA and a sale to RESI but LCRA did not enter into Portal in time. Therefore the purchase was made from the ERCOT Imbal. market where it was purchased for $11.55.\"\n\nThe initials in the P&L are 'GTP'\n\nWe show this in the system as an ERCOT-Imbalance purchase and a sale to Reliant however LCRA claims that we should show this purchase from them.\n\nPlease pass this along to the appropriate trader to clear up the discrepancy.\n\nThanks,\nMJ\n", "LCRA discrepancy", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["enter", "sale"], "information", " the original deal was a buy from lcra and a sale to resi but lcra did not enter into portal in time."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 16, "information", ["purchased", "$11 55"], "information", " market where it was purchased for pricenumeric ."]], "JMF,\n\nI have a discrepancy with LCRA on 10/22/01. The following notes are in the P&L...\n\n\"830711,830709 . The original deal was a buy from LCRA and a sale to RESI but LCRA did not enter into Portal in time. Therefore the purchase was made from the ERCOT Imbal. market where it was purchased for $11.55.\"\n\nThe initials in the P&L are 'GTP'\n\nWe show this in the system as an ERCOT-Imbalance purchase and a sale to Reliant however LCRA claims that we should show this purchase from them.\n\nPlease pass this along to the appropriate trader to clear up the discrepancy.\n\nThanks,\nMJ\n", "<18063066.1075861682566.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-7-2001-7:58:42Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": {"26-7-2001-7:58:42Smichael.jacobson@enron.com": ["26-7-2001-7:58:42", "michael.jacobson@enron.com", "f..campbell@enron.com jim.cashion@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26112242.1075852936046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 07:58:42 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: michael.jacobson@enron.com\nTo: f..campbell@enron.com, jim.cashion@enron.com\nSubject: NYISO 7/19\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jacobson, Michael \nX-To: Campbell, Larry F. , Cashion, Jim \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\LCAMPBEL (Non-Privileged)\\Campbell, Larry F.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Campbell-L\nX-FileName: LCAMPBEL (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHey Larry,\n\nI made some changes to 7-19...\n\n695979.1 & 695995.1 - had extra hour (HE 23) - I zeroed this hour out (NYISO 5081505)\n694766.1 - missing HE 11&12 per PJM & NYISO - I added these two hours in\n\nPlease check these changes and let me know if you do not agree with them.\n\nThanks,\nMichael\nx35098", "NYISO 7/19", "", [["make change", 1, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " i made some changes to numeric numeric ."]], "Hey Larry,\n\nI made some changes to 7-19...\n\n695979.1 & 695995.1 - had extra hour (HE 23) - I zeroed this hour out (NYISO 5081505)\n694766.1 - missing HE 11&12 per PJM & NYISO - I added these two hours in\n\nPlease check these changes and let me know if you do not agree with them.\n\nThanks,\nMichael\nx35098", "<26112242.1075852936046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "23", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2001-7:59:6Sjeffrey.miller@enron.com": {"21-11-2001-7:59:6Sjeffrey.miller@enron.com": ["21-11-2001-7:59:6", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23303383.1075861677981.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 07:59:06 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: FW: CHECK IT OUT!\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Miller, Jeffrey \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Forney-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Haddock, David\" @ENRON \nSent:\tWednesday, November 21, 2001 9:38 AM\nTo:\tBernard Teal (E-mail); David Giancola (Home) (E-mail); Dwayne Young (E-mail); Heath Trousdale (E-mail); Miller, Jeffrey; Kevin Dixon (E-mail); Martin Thomas (E-mail); Matt Donnell (E-mail); Melissa Heier (E-mail); Rhett Horton (E-mail); Rob Porchey (E-mail); Robert Renner (E-mail); Stephan Eckhardt (E-mail); Steve Snyder (E-mail); Tom Franzone (E-mail); Tom Ivester (E-mail); Walter Chance (E-mail)\nSubject:\tFW: CHECK IT OUT!\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Runyan, Jim (Decatur) [mailto:RunyanJ@bek.com]\nSent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 10:05 AM\nTo: Whitley, Joyce (Decatur)\nCc: 'David.Haddock@jacobs.com'\nSubject: FW: CHECK IT OUT!\n\n\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From:\tRay, JoAnne (Decatur)\n> Sent:\tWednesday, November 21, 2001 8:16 AM\n> To:\tRunyan, Jim (Decatur); abrams, daryl (000138); Pugh, Larry\n> (Decatur); Yelvington, Evan; Johnson, Elisa (Decatur); Strickland, J\n> (Decatur); Sheffield, John (Decatur)\n> Subject:\tCHECK IT OUT!\n>\n> <>\n>\n> Miss you all ! ! ! !\n>\n> Joanne.\n\n\n======================================================================================\nNOTICE - This message may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer.\n\n==============================================================================\n\n - ban.jpg ", "FW: CHECK IT OUT!", "", [["check_break object", 0, "nninformation", ["check", "it"], "request", " check it out!"]], "\n\n ", "<23303383.1075861677981.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "26-6-2001-10:9:50Sjeffrey.miller@enron.com": {"26-6-2001-10:9:50Sjeffrey.miller@enron.com": ["26-6-2001-10:9:50", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "kayne.coulter@enron.com", "juan.hernandez@enron.com m..grace@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2492658.1075852428465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 10:09:50 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nTo: kayne.coulter@enron.com\nSubject: MDEA May 4 HE5 4 Mwhs\nCc: juan.hernandez@enron.com, m..grace@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: juan.hernandez@enron.com, m..grace@enron.com\nX-From: Miller, Jeffrey \nX-To: Coulter, Kayne \nX-cc: Hernandez, Juan , Grace, Rebecca M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JHERNAN3 (Non-Privileged)\\Hernandez, Juan\\Inbox\nX-Origin: HERNANDEZ-J\nX-FileName: JHERNAN3 (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nGuys,\n\nRebecca Grace received a call from Axia and they are NOT agreeing that they sold us 4 Mwhs for HE5 on May 4. The MDEA 0504.xls model (maintained at the time by GENCO) indicates that we made a 4 Mwh purchase from Axia for MDEA. Rebecca has checked OATI for any/all tags for this day and has accounted for everything but that transaction. \n\nI was hoping we could find out who was working that morning and perhaps they could check their records / log book to see if the transaction occured and verify it was, in fact, AXIA.\n\nPlease let me know and copy Rebecca Grace what we can do to resolve this issue.\n\nRegards,\n\nJeff Miller\nEnron North America\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, TX 77002\n713.853.5642", "MDEA May 4 HE5 4 Mwhs", "", [["settle_resolve issue", 43, "nninformation", ["issue", "resolve"], "intention", " please let me know and copy rebecca grace what we can do to resolve this issue."]], "Guys,\n\nRebecca Grace received a call from Axia and they are NOT agreeing that they sold us 4 Mwhs for HE5 on May 4. The MDEA 0504.xls model (maintained at the time by GENCO) indicates that we made a 4 Mwh purchase from Axia for MDEA. Rebecca has checked OATI for any/all tags for this day and has accounted for everything but that transaction. \n\nI was hoping we could find out who was working that morning and perhaps they could check their records / log book to see if the transaction occured and verify it was, in fact, AXIA.\n\nPlease let me know and copy Rebecca Grace what we can do to resolve this issue.\n\nRegards,\n\nJeff Miller\nEnron North America\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, TX 77002\n713.853.5642", "<2492658.1075852428465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-2-2002-6:13:47Sjeffrey.miller@enron.com": {"1-2-2002-6:13:47Sjeffrey.miller@enron.com": ["1-2-2002-6:13:47", "jeffrey.miller@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com david.portz@enron.com l..day@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15052830.1075840545461.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 06:13:47 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jeffrey.miller@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com, l..day@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Additional Information and Answers--APX\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Miller, Jeffrey \nX-To: Gilbert-smith, Doug , Portz, David , Day, Smith L. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Inbox\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nGuys,\n\nThis is different than my previous conversation with Thane....In my previous conversation, Thane indicated that we could do a 2 month contract (for example) and not have to pay the \"LDs\" for 60 days. Point 2 indicates we WILL have to pay $20K ($10K monthly minimum * 2) if we cancel prior to 60 days' notice.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tThane Twiggs @ENRON \nSent:\tThursday, January 31, 2002 5:41 PM\nTo:\tMiller, Jeffrey\nSubject:\tAdditional Information and Answers\n\nJeff here is some additional information.\n\n1) Inside the APX QSE we offer a \"short\" facility/ or \"long\" facility that\nallows you want to take a position up to 50 MW a zone. This is our way of\nallowing our clients two work within the balance schedule requirement in\nERCOT.\n\n2) For the no-term, there is a 60 day termination policy that cannot be\nwaived. The short of it is that if you want service for only thirty days,\nyou would need to pay the monthly minimum for two month ($20,000) plus\nwhatever volumetric that you incurred while you were using the service.\n\n3) For the standard service there are 10 logins. Additional logins are\n$150 per login.\n\n4) For the ASP service, where your are your own QSE and we provide the\napplication and support, the minimum term is one year. I have attached a\npricing sheet for the service. Note that it compares the pricing for the\nQSE service, one-year term ASP service without operations and one-year term\nwith operations.\n\n\n <>\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nDirector, Market Development\n3800 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 150\nHouston, Texas 77098\nttwiggs@apx.com\n713-850-9517 Voice\n713-850-9529 Facsimile\n713-408-4463 Mobile\nVisit us at www.APX.com\n\n\n\n\n - ASP pricing_Enron.doc ", "FW: Additional Information and Answers--APX", "", [["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 19, "nninformation", ["pay", "$20"], "intention", " point numeric indicates we will have to pay pricenumeric k ( pricenumeric k monthly minimum * numeric ) if we cancel prior to numeric days' notice."]], "Guys,\n\nThis is different than my previous conversation with Thane....In my previous conversation, Thane indicated that we could do a 2 month contract (for example) and not have to pay the \"LDs\" for 60 days. Point 2 indicates we WILL have to pay $20K ($10K monthly minimum * 2) if we cancel prior to 60 days' notice.\n\n ", "<15052830.1075840545461.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-4-2001-5:54:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"16-4-2001-5:54:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-5:54:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "mike.curry@enron.com jducote@enron.com drew.tingleaf@enron.com cahn@enron.com jason.wiesepape@enron.com berney.aucoin@enron.com michelle.parks@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com larry.jester@enron.com joe.allen@enron.com patrick.keene@enron.com stacey.bolton@enron.com leslie.lawner@enron.com ron.mcnamara@enron.com gloria.ogenyi@enron.com lance.cunningham@enron.com thane.twiggs@enron.com nancy.hetrick@enron.com clandry@enron.com bevin.hunter@enron.com jean.ryall@enron.com preston.ochsner@enron.com paul.radous@enron.com", "richard.shapiro@enron.com james.steffes@enron.com kevin.presto@enron.com christi.nicolay@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4595126.1075844199345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 05:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: mike.curry@enron.com, jducote@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,\n\tcahn@enron.com, jason.wiesepape@enron.com, berney.aucoin@enron.com,\n\tmichelle.parks@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com,\n\tlarry.jester@enron.com, joe.allen@enron.com, patrick.keene@enron.com,\n\tstacey.bolton@enron.com, leslie.lawner@enron.com,\n\tron.mcnamara@enron.com, gloria.ogenyi@enron.com,\n\tlance.cunningham@enron.com, thane.twiggs@enron.com,\n\tnancy.hetrick@enron.com, clandry@enron.com, bevin.hunter@enron.com,\n\tjean.ryall@enron.com, preston.ochsner@enron.com,\n\tpaul.radous@enron.com\nSubject: PUCT Protocols Order\nCc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com,\n\tchristi.nicolay@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, kevin.presto@enron.com,\n\tchristi.nicolay@enron.com\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: mike.curry@enron.com, jducote@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com, cahn@enron.com, Jason R Wiesepape, Berney C Aucoin, Michelle Parks, Doug Gilbert-Smith, Larry Jester, Joe Allen, Patrick Keene, Stacey Bolton, Leslie Lawner, Ron McNamara, Gloria Ogenyi, Lance Cunningham, Thane Twiggs, Nancy Hetrick, clandry@enron.com, Bevin Hunter, Jean Ryall, Preston Ochsner, Paul Radous\nX-cc: Richard Shapiro, James D Steffes, Kevin M Presto, Christi L Nicolay\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Richard_Shapiro_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SHAPIRO-R\nX-FileName: rshapiro.nsf\n\nPlease find attached the PUCT order approving, with modifications, the ERCO=\nT=20\nProtocols. What follows is a brief summary of many of the points that=20\ndirectly affect the ERCOT market. I will provide a complete summary and=20\ntimeline for response or request for rehearing on any of the issues later=\n=20\nthis week.\n\nTwo of the most noticeable departures from the Protocols was for the=20\nCommission to ask for a review of the balanced schedule requirement and a=\n=20\ndeparture from the current bilateral market to an LMP type market. The=20\nCommission directed ERCOT to respond with the technical feasibility of=20\nrelaxing or eliminating the balanced schedule requirement. The other=20\ndeparture from the ERCOT protocols by the Commission is in reference to loc=\nal=20\nor intrazonal congestion. The Commission states that if direct assignment =\nof=20\nthe local congestion to the generating resources is not possible, they will=\n=20\nconsider other market options such as an LMP model. The Commission will=20\nreview both of these market concepts in September 2001.=20\n\nThe ERCOT Protocol Review Subcommittee will take the ordered protocols and=\n=20\nstart the process of Protocol Revision. Each of the revisions have been=20\nassigned a completion date by the PUCT and can be found in schedule 4=20\nattached.\n\n\n\nThe PUCT approved the ERCOT petition and Ordered the that the Protocols=20\nshould take effect June 1, 2001. The Commission state that the Protocols a=\nre=20\nfundamentally sound, however there are certain provisions that are boxed=20\n(cannot take effect until the ERCOT system can accommodate them) as provide=\nd=20\nfor in the Protocol Implementation Plan. ERCOT was directed to initiate a=\n=20\nprocess to implement the boxed provisions as soon as possible. As for the=\n=20\nrest of the changed required by the PUCT, a timeline was attached for the=\n=20\nimplementation of the protocol revisions.\nUnder the Protocols as filed, ERCOT had =01&sole discretion=018 for its con=\nduct,=20\nhowever, the PUCT will require ERCOT to exercise its discretion in a=20\n=01&reasonable, nondiscriminatory manner.=018\nAncillary Services. The Protocols require ERCOT to procure the following=\n=20\nAncillary Services sequentially through an Auction: regulation down,=20\nregulation up, responsive reserves and non-spinning reserves. The PUCT is=\n=20\nconcerned that the process results in the possibility of price reversals=20\nwhere the clearing price for some A/S may be higher than other higher grade=\n=20\nA/S services which may create incentives to game the system. The PUCT=20\ndirected ERCOT to amend the Protocols such that it will procure A/S through=\n=20\nuse of simultaneous optimization for assignment of resources to A/S product=\ns,=20\nand will set prices for each A/S to the corresponding shadow price. The PU=\nCT=20\nalso ordered to ERCOT to amend the protocols such that it will use a two=20\nsettlement system for the procurement of A/S. The day ahead period=20\nprocurement will settle and announce at 13:30 with the second to take place=\n=20\nduring the adjustment period for each hour. Until the system is capable of=\n=20\nthe two-settlement system, ERCOT must amend the system to only allow downwa=\nrd=20\nadjustment of prices for unselected A/S bids and allow unselected bids by a=\n=20\nQSE to be withdrawn only in descending order of bid prices. The wrinkle he=\nre=20\nis that the ERCOT system purges unselected bids and will require a manual=\n=20\ntracking of the bids. A =01&spot check=018 for the activity has been discu=\nssed. =20\nFinally, ERCOT is to consider and report whether or not ERCOT should make=\n=20\nconditional selections of A/S bids (from a QSE portfolio) and then possible=\n=20\ndeselect based on location and not price after the QSE resource plans are=\n=20\npublished.\nMarket Solution. Under the ERCOT protocols, a Market Solution for reducing=\n=20\ncongestion exists when at least three unaffiliated resources have available=\n=20\ncapacity and the ability to submit a bid to ERCOT to solve a circumstance o=\nf=20\nlocal congestion and no one bidder is essential to solve the congestion. T=\nhe=20\nPUCT would like the protocol amended to require that a =01&market solution=\n=018=20\nexists only when at least three bids are received from unaffiliated resourc=\nes.\nOut of Merit Order (OOM) Service. The PUCT directs ERCOT to use the same=\n=20\nratcheting sown mechanism for out of merit order capacity payments to out o=\nf=20\nmerit order energy payments that are based on the 18,000 heat rates.\nReliability Must-Run Service. The PUCT would like to have additional=20\nincentives for generation entities to enter into RMR service contracts and=\n=20\nthat once covered, the until will be efficiently utilized. As such, ERCOT =\nis=20\nto amen the Protocols to give an RMR unit owner the additional option for=\n=20\nretaining 10% of net positive margins for energy generated in excess of the=\n=20\namount that the unit is obligated to produce under its RMR contract.\nUninstructed Deviations. In order to encourage =01&good price chasing=018 =\nand=20\ndiscourage =01&bad price chasing,=018 ERCOT was ordered to amend the Protoc=\nols to=20\napply the ex ante MCPE for balancing energy set ten minutes for the beginni=\nng=20\nof a settlement interval to all instructed deployment of balancing energy=\n=20\nduring the settlement interval and use the second subsequent interval ex=20\nposte MCPE, which will be set five minutes after the end of the first=20\nsettlement interval, for uninstructed deviations during the first load=20\ninterval.\nBid Caps. During the transition period, until July 4, 2004, there shall b=\ne=20\na generation resource bid cap of $1,000 per MWh for energy that ERCOT=20\nprocures. The bid cap does not apply to load resources. ERCOT was also=20\ndirected to develop and submit for possible approval a bid cap on capacity=\n=20\nbids for generation resource offering to provide replacement reserve servic=\ne.\nBalance Schedule Requirement. The current Protocols require QSEs submit a=\n=20\nbalanced schedule, however, the PUCT intends to consider in September, 2001=\n,=20\nthe policy implications of the balanced schedule requirement, and whether t=\nhe=20\nrequirement should be relaxed or eliminated. ERCOT was also directed to=20\nreport on the technical implications of relaxing or eliminating the balance=\nd=20\nschedule requirement.\nInter-zonal Congestion. ERCOT shall amend the Protocols to convert to the=\n=20\ndirect assignment of inter-zonal congestion costs, and base direct assignme=\nnt=20\nof inter-zonal congestion costs on an adjustable commercial model that=20\nemploys operational shift factors on the CSCs. The Commission will also=20\nrequire ERCOT to publish advisory updates or forecasts of the shift factors=\n=20\ncorresponding to CSCs to reflect predicted operating conditions and=20\ncontingencies. ERCOT's obligation to guarantee full zone-to-zone- congesti=\non=20\ncost insurance to those who acquire TCRs in proportions based on forecasted=\n=20\nshift factors, shall be eliminated. The result of this is that a TCR=20\nportfolio that provides a full hedge of inter-zonal congestion cost based o=\nn=20\nthe forecasted shift factors will not guarantee a full hedge against the=20\nactual congestion charges. The Commission does not like ERCOT to be in the=\n=20\nbusiness of insuring transmission users against changes in shift factors. =\n=20\nThe Commission also feels that =01&use-it-or-loose-it=018 feature will resu=\nlt in=20\ninefficient usage of the transmission system. As such the Commission direc=\nts=20\nERCOT to amends the protocols to define TCRs as pure financial instruments=\n=20\nand eliminate =01&use it or loose it=018. As for the TCR Auction, a single=\n round=20\ncombinatorial auction is more appropriate. Bids can take the form of=20\nprice-quantity pairs for TCR portfolios or single TCRs.\nPreassigned TCRs. MOUs and Coops that own or have a long-term annual=20\ncapacity and energy commitment from a specific =01&remote=018 generation re=\nsource=20\nshall be preassigned TCRs. Other Stakeholders argued that the preassigning=\n=20\nof TCRs reduces the amount available to the market and increases congest=20\ncosts borne by other market participants. The Protocols, however, will be=\n=20\nchanged to state that the preassigned TCRs are subject to change or=20\nelimination at any time upon ERCOT Board of Directors approvals or Commissi=\non=20\nOrder.=20\nIntrazonal Congestion. ERCOT shall amend the Protocols to require direct=\n=20\nassignment in intrazonal congestion management costs through a usage fee=20\nbased on the flow over the congested intrazonal interfaces. The usage fee=\n=20\nshall apply to the generation resources that cause the congestion fee. The=\n=20\nnet revenues from the usage fee shall be distributed, or credited against=\n=20\nuplift charges. However, the Commission advises that to the extent feasibl=\ne=20\nunder the zonal, portfolio-based model embodied in the Protocols, ERCOT sha=\nll=20\npromptly notify the commission, so that the Commission can promptly conside=\nr=20\nordering the implementation of other alternative congestion management=20\nmethods, particularly locational marginal pricing.\n\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com\n\n<>\n\n\n\n - 23220fo.doc\n - 23220fo, Attachment 5.xls\n - 23220fo, Attachment 6.xls\n - 23220fo, Attachment 7.doc\n - 23220fo, Attachment 8.doc\n\n", "PUCT Protocols Order", "", [["attach schedule", 107, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " each of the revisions have been numeric assigned a completion date by the puct and can be found in schedule numeric numeric attached."], ["submit schedule", 500, "nninformation", ["qses", "submit"], "request", " the current protocols require qses submit a numeric balanced schedule, however, the puct intends to consider in september, numeric , numeric the policy implications of the balanced schedule requirement, and whether the numeric requirement should be relaxed or eliminated."]], "Please find attached the PUCT order approving, with modifications, the ERCOT=20\nProtocols. What follows is a brief summary of many of the points that=20\ndirectly affect the ERCOT market. I will provide a complete summary and=20\ntimeline for response or request for rehearing on any of the issues later=20\nthis week.\n\nTwo of the most noticeable departures from the Protocols was for the=20\nCommission to ask for a review of the balanced schedule requirement and a=20\ndeparture from the current bilateral market to an LMP type market. The=20\nCommission directed ERCOT to respond with the technical feasibility of=20\nrelaxing or eliminating the balanced schedule requirement. The other=20\ndeparture from the ERCOT protocols by the Commission is in reference to local=20\nor intrazonal congestion. The Commission states that if direct assignment of=20\nthe local congestion to the generating resources is not possible, they will=20\nconsider other market options such as an LMP model. The Commission will=20\nreview both of these market concepts in September 2001.=20\n\nThe ERCOT Protocol Review Subcommittee will take the ordered protocols and=20\nstart the process of Protocol Revision. Each of the revisions have been=20\nassigned a completion date by the PUCT and can be found in schedule 4=20\nattached.\n\n\n\nThe PUCT approved the ERCOT petition and Ordered the that the Protocols=20\nshould take effect June 1, 2001. The Commission state that the Protocols are=20\nfundamentally sound, however there are certain provisions that are boxed=20\n(cannot take effect until the ERCOT system can accommodate them) as provided=20\nfor in the Protocol Implementation Plan. ERCOT was directed to initiate a=20\nprocess to implement the boxed provisions as soon as possible. As for the=20\nrest of the changed required by the PUCT, a timeline was attached for the=20\nimplementation of the protocol revisions.\nUnder the Protocols as filed, ERCOT had =01&sole discretion=018 for its conduct,=20\nhowever, the PUCT will require ERCOT to exercise its discretion in a=20\n=01&reasonable, nondiscriminatory manner.=018\nAncillary Services. The Protocols require ERCOT to procure the following=20\nAncillary Services sequentially through an Auction: regulation down,=20\nregulation up, responsive reserves and non-spinning reserves. The PUCT is=20\nconcerned that the process results in the possibility of price reversals=20\nwhere the clearing price for some A/S may be higher than other higher grade=20\nA/S services which may create incentives to game the system. The PUCT=20\ndirected ERCOT to amend the Protocols such that it will procure A/S through=20\nuse of simultaneous optimization for assignment of resources to A/S products,=20\nand will set prices for each A/S to the corresponding shadow price. The PUCT=20\nalso ordered to ERCOT to amend the protocols such that it will use a two=20\nsettlement system for the procurement of A/S. The day ahead period=20\nprocurement will settle and announce at 13:30 with the second to take place=20\nduring the adjustment period for each hour. Until the system is capable of=20\nthe two-settlement system, ERCOT must amend the system to only allow downward=20\nadjustment of prices for unselected A/S bids and allow unselected bids by a=20\nQSE to be withdrawn only in descending order of bid prices. The wrinkle here=20\nis that the ERCOT system purges unselected bids and will require a manual=20\ntracking of the bids. A =01&spot check=018 for the activity has been discussed. =20\nFinally, ERCOT is to consider and report whether or not ERCOT should make=20\nconditional selections of A/S bids (from a QSE portfolio) and then possible=20\ndeselect based on location and not price after the QSE resource plans are=20\npublished.\nMarket Solution. Under the ERCOT protocols, a Market Solution for reducing=20\ncongestion exists when at least three unaffiliated resources have available=20\ncapacity and the ability to submit a bid to ERCOT to solve a circumstance of=20\nlocal congestion and no one bidder is essential to solve the congestion. The=20\nPUCT would like the protocol amended to require that a =01&market solution=018=20\nexists only when at least three bids are received from unaffiliated resources.\nOut of Merit Order (OOM) Service. The PUCT directs ERCOT to use the same=20\nratcheting sown mechanism for out of merit order capacity payments to out of=20\nmerit order energy payments that are based on the 18,000 heat rates.\nReliability Must-Run Service. The PUCT would like to have additional=20\nincentives for generation entities to enter into RMR service contracts and=20\nthat once covered, the until will be efficiently utilized. As such, ERCOT is=20\nto amen the Protocols to give an RMR unit owner the additional option for=20\nretaining 10% of net positive margins for energy generated in excess of the=20\namount that the unit is obligated to produce under its RMR contract.\nUninstructed Deviations. In order to encourage =01&good price chasing=018 and=20\ndiscourage =01&bad price chasing,=018 ERCOT was ordered to amend the Protocols to=20\napply the ex ante MCPE for balancing energy set ten minutes for the beginning=20\nof a settlement interval to all instructed deployment of balancing energy=20\nduring the settlement interval and use the second subsequent interval ex=20\nposte MCPE, which will be set five minutes after the end of the first=20\nsettlement interval, for uninstructed deviations during the first load=20\ninterval.\nBid Caps. During the transition period, until July 4, 2004, there shall be=20\na generation resource bid cap of $1,000 per MWh for energy that ERCOT=20\nprocures. The bid cap does not apply to load resources. ERCOT was also=20\ndirected to develop and submit for possible approval a bid cap on capacity=20\nbids for generation resource offering to provide replacement reserve service.\nBalance Schedule Requirement. The current Protocols require QSEs submit a=20\nbalanced schedule, however, the PUCT intends to consider in September, 2001,=20\nthe policy implications of the balanced schedule requirement, and whether the=20\nrequirement should be relaxed or eliminated. ERCOT was also directed to=20\nreport on the technical implications of relaxing or eliminating the balanced=20\nschedule requirement.\nInter-zonal Congestion. ERCOT shall amend the Protocols to convert to the=20\ndirect assignment of inter-zonal congestion costs, and base direct assignment=20\nof inter-zonal congestion costs on an adjustable commercial model that=20\nemploys operational shift factors on the CSCs. The Commission will also=20\nrequire ERCOT to publish advisory updates or forecasts of the shift factors=20\ncorresponding to CSCs to reflect predicted operating conditions and=20\ncontingencies. ERCOT's obligation to guarantee full zone-to-zone- congestion=20\ncost insurance to those who acquire TCRs in proportions based on forecasted=20\nshift factors, shall be eliminated. The result of this is that a TCR=20\nportfolio that provides a full hedge of inter-zonal congestion cost based on=20\nthe forecasted shift factors will not guarantee a full hedge against the=20\nactual congestion charges. The Commission does not like ERCOT to be in the=20\nbusiness of insuring transmission users against changes in shift factors. =20\nThe Commission also feels that =01&use-it-or-loose-it=018 feature will result in=20\ninefficient usage of the transmission system. As such the Commission directs=20\nERCOT to amends the protocols to define TCRs as pure financial instruments=20\nand eliminate =01&use it or loose it=018. As for the TCR Auction, a single round=20\ncombinatorial auction is more appropriate. Bids can take the form of=20\nprice-quantity pairs for TCR portfolios or single TCRs.\nPreassigned TCRs. MOUs and Coops that own or have a long-term annual=20\ncapacity and energy commitment from a specific =01&remote=018 generation resource=20\nshall be preassigned TCRs. Other Stakeholders argued that the preassigning=20\nof TCRs reduces the amount available to the market and increases congest=20\ncosts borne by other market participants. The Protocols, however, will be=20\nchanged to state that the preassigned TCRs are subject to change or=20\nelimination at any time upon ERCOT Board of Directors approvals or Commission=20\nOrder.=20\nIntrazonal Congestion. ERCOT shall amend the Protocols to require direct=20\nassignment in intrazonal congestion management costs through a usage fee=20\nbased on the flow over the congested intrazonal interfaces. The usage fee=20\nshall apply to the generation resources that cause the congestion fee. The=20\nnet revenues from the usage fee shall be distributed, or credited against=20\nuplift charges. However, the Commission advises that to the extent feasible=20\nunder the zonal, portfolio-based model embodied in the Protocols, ERCOT shall=20\npromptly notify the commission, so that the Commission can promptly consider=20\nordering the implementation of other alternative congestion management=20\nmethods, particularly locational marginal pricing.\n\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com\n\n<", {"466": {"value": "$1,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["bid pricenumericTnn"]}, "448": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["minute numericTnn"]}, "105": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}, "501": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}, "525": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}, "397": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric unitTnn"]}, "replacement reserveTnn": {"value": "replacement reserveTnn", "ne": "replacement reserveTnn", "patterns": ["replacement reserveTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-4-2001-5:21:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"11-4-2001-5:21:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-5:21:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com smith.day@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com martin.lin@enron.com ron.mcnamara@enron.com thane.twiggs@enron.com jean.ryall@enron.com michelle.parks@enron.com christi.nicolay@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25293562.1075851700940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 05:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com, smith.day@enron.com,\n\teric.saibi@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com,\n\tron.mcnamara@enron.com, thane.twiggs@enron.com, jean.ryall@enron.com,\n\tmichelle.parks@enron.com, christi.nicolay@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT Ancillary Services Methodology\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: Doug Gilbert-Smith, Clint Dean, Smith L Day, Eric Saibi, Mike Curry, Martin Lin, Ron McNamara, Thane Twiggs, Jean Ryall, Michelle Parks, Christi L Nicolay\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Eric_Saibi_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Saved\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: esaibi.nsf\n\nThere are several items worth noting regarding the ERCOT's methodology:\n\nRegulation Reserve Requirements (RGRS). ERCOT has determined that 600 MW o=\nf=20\nReg up and down will be adequate for 95% of the hours during the year, if=\n=20\nhistoric patterns hold and if balancing energy is deployed properly. Durin=\ng=20\nwhat ERCOT considers to be \"high stress\" periods, they will increase their=\n=20\nnormal RGRS requirement by a multiple of 2-3. The initial start-up of the=\n=20\nsingle control area will be considered \"high stress\" and ERCOT will purcha=\nse=20\n2-3 what is necessary to cover the inexperience of the operators. This wil=\nl=20\nbe the practice until ERCOT is comfortable with the single control area (or=\n=20\nuntil market participants complain about the high cost of A/S). The high=\n=20\nstress option will remain available for the first year of operations.\nNon-Spinning Reserve Requirements (NSRS). ERCOT proposes to a methodology =\nof=20\npurchasing NSRS only when projected risk of insufficiency is higher than=20\nnormal, or large amounts of spinning reserve are not projected to be=20\navailable online based on resource plans.. This boils down to where the=20\ntemperature is projected to be greater than 92 degrees, less than 32 degree=\ns=20\nFahrenheit or uncertain and when spinning reserves less than 4600 MW are=20\nprojected. Here is the process:\n 1. Review the weather forecast for the next day and see if it differs=20\nsignificantly from the current day.\n 2. If the next day forecast is =01&similar=018 to the current day forecas=\nt, and=20\nthe current day forecast high temperature is <92, and the current day lo=\nw=20\ntemperature is greater than 32 degrees, and the current day generation plan=\n=20\nshows >4600 MW of spinning reserve online all day long, and the current=\n=20\nmonth is not April, May, or October, THEN no NSRS is considered to be=20\nrequired all day for the next day.\n 3. Else: Purchase NSRS using the following:\n ? If the current month is April, May or October, then purchase NSRS in=20\namounts equal to the largest unit online for the hours projected within=\n=20\n80% of peak hour.\n ? If today=01,s and tomorrow=01,s ERCOT high temperature is projected abo=\nve 92=20\ndegrees, then purchase NSRS in amounts equal to the largest unit online=\n=20\nfor the hours projected warmer than 92 degrees.\n ? If tomorrow=01,s low temperature forecast is projected below 30 degrees=\n,=20\nthen purchase NSRS in amounts equal to the largest unit online for the=\n=20\nprojected morning load pickup hours and hours projected within 80% of peak=\n=20\nhour.\n Purchase amounts of NSRS equal to the largest unit online for hours in=\n=20\nwhich the Day Ahead operator estimates spinning reserves online will dro=\np=20\nlower than 4600 MW.\nReplacement Reserve Requirements (RPRS). The requirement will be set at th=\ne=20\namount of RPRS required to resolve supply inadequacy, CSC, and OC (local)=\n=20\ncongestion simultaneously. There will be procurement of RPRS if the resour=\nce=20\nplans indicate capacity inadequacy based on the QSE scheduled load with th=\ne=20\nERCOT projected load. If the ERCOT projected load is greater than the QSE=\n=20\nscheduled load and capacity available in the resource plan does not cover t=\nhe=20\ndifference, then there is a capacity inadequacy problem. If the CSC flows=\n=20\nbased on the QSE schedules are greater than the limits, then the CSC proble=\nms=20\nare recorded. Then a transmission contingency analysis will be run to=20\nidentify OC constraints. If the flows are greater than the limits, the OC=\n=20\nflow values are recorded. When there are insufficient RPRS bids for ERCOT =\nto=20\nresolve its reliability and security concerns, ERCOT may choose to request=\n=20\nOOM capacity or to use RMR units. ERCOT will use the scheduling pricing=20\ndispatch (SPD) to determine which OOM and RMR units should be selected and=\n=20\nwhen to discontinue OOM/RMR service.\nBalancing Energy Requirement. ERCOT's goal for balancing energy is (1) to=\n=20\nuse BES so that regulation service in either direction is not depleted, (2)=\n=20\nto minimize net energy in regulation, and (3) to provide frequency control=\n=20\nwhen frequency is high, especially during minimum load intervals. ERCOT wi=\nll=20\nuse a two-step approach to calculate balancing energy service needs. Step=\n=20\none will be to clear the balancing energy service market resolving=20\nload-generation balances and Zonal congestion (local congestion is ignored)=\n. =20\nStep two is to determine the balance energy service needs to resolve local=\n=20\ncongestion as well as generation-load balance and zonal congestion. The=\n=20\ndesired result of step two is to minimize the cost of local congestion whic=\nh=20\nwill be an uplift to the market.\nBalancing Energy Down Bid Percentage Requirement. This will be used for=20\ncongestion management and frequency control (to correct for high frequency)=\n. =20\nERCOT will evaluate the export amount of each congestion management zone an=\nd=20\ntransmission transfer capability between CM Zones. If the export amount is=\n=20\ngreater than the calculated transfer capability of a CM Zone, then the=20\ndifference between these two values is the potential congested MW, or the=\n=20\ntotal MW of DES Down bids needed for clearing Zonal Congestion. Also=20\nsufficient down bid percentage requirement will be determined by ERCOT. =20\nMarket rules dictate that by 0600 of the day ahead QSEs will be notified of=\n=20\nthis percentage requirement for BES down bids by Congestion Zone.\nResponsive Reserve Requirement (RRS). The RRS requirement is set at 2300 M=\nW=20\nfor all hours under normal conditions. Interruptible responsive reserve=20\ncannot exceed 25% of the QSE total requirement.=20\n\nFor the initial start-up period of the market, ERCOT will have the tendency=\n=20\nto over buy ancillary services while the are \"adjusting\" to the single=20\ncontrol area.\n\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com\n----- Forwarded by Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 04/10/2001 04:59 PM --=\n---\n\n=09Thane Twiggs\n=0904/10/2001 03:42 PM\n=09=09=20\n=09=09 To: Doug Gilbert-Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Clint Dean/Corp/Enron@Enron=\n, Smith=20\nL Day/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Saibi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike Curry/Enron@EnronXGate=\n,=20\nMartin Lin/Contractor/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Ron=20\nMcNamara/NA/Enron@Enron, Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT,=\n=20\nJean Ryall/NA/Enron@ENRON, Michelle Parks/Enron@EnronXGate, Christi L=20\nNicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT\n=09=09 cc:=20\n=09=09 Subject: ERCOT Ancillary Services Methodology\n\nThe attached file was large so I will provide the link to the ERCOT website=\n. =20\nIf you cannot down load and would like a hard copy, let me know.=20\n\nhttp://www.ercot.com/currents.htm -- It is under Ancillary Services=20\nMethodologies.\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com\n----- Forwarded by Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 04/10/2001 03:38 PM --=\n---\n\n=09Thane Twiggs\n=0904/10/2001 03:04 PM\n=09=09=20\n=09=09 To: Doug Gilbert-Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Clint Dean/Corp/Enron@Enron=\n, Smith=20\nL Day/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Saibi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mike Curry/Enron@EnronXGate=\n,=20\nMartin Lin/Contractor/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Ron=20\nMcNamara/NA/Enron@Enron, Thane Twiggs/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT,=\n=20\nJean Ryall/NA/Enron@ENRON, Michelle Parks/Enron@EnronXGate, Christi L=20\nNicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT\n=09=09 cc:=20\n=09=09 Subject: ERCOT Ancillary Services Methodology\n\nAttached is the proposed ERCOT ISO methodology for determining A/S=20\nPurchases. The methodologies will be presented to the ERCOT Board for=20\napproval April 17, 2001.\n\n\n\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com\n", "ERCOT Ancillary Services Methodology", "", [["show_indicate numeric0mw{resource0plan}", 147, "nninformation", ["shows", "mw"], "intention", " if the next day forecast is numeric &similar numeric to the current day forecast, and numeric the current day forecast high temperature is < numeric , and the current day low numeric temperature is greater than numeric degrees, and the current day generation plan numeric shows numeric mw of spinning reserve online all day long, and the current numeric month is not april, may, or october, then no nsrs is considered to be numeric required all day for the next day."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 273, "information", ["load", "scheduled"], "information", " there will be procurement of rprs if the resource numeric plans indicate capacity inadequacy based on the qse scheduled load with the numeric ercot projected load."], ["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 282, "information", ["load", "scheduled"], "information", " if the ercot projected load is greater than the qse numeric scheduled load and capacity available in the resource plan does not cover the numeric difference, then there is a capacity inadequacy problem."]], "There are several items worth noting regarding the ERCOT's methodology:\n\nRegulation Reserve Requirements (RGRS). ERCOT has determined that 600 MW of=20\nReg up and down will be adequate for 95% of the hours during the year, if=20\nhistoric patterns hold and if balancing energy is deployed properly. During=20\nwhat ERCOT considers to be \"high stress\" periods, they will increase their=20\nnormal RGRS requirement by a multiple of 2-3. The initial start-up of the=20\nsingle control area will be considered \"high stress\" and ERCOT will purchase=20\n2-3 what is necessary to cover the inexperience of the operators. This will=20\nbe the practice until ERCOT is comfortable with the single control area (or=20\nuntil market participants complain about the high cost of A/S). The high=20\nstress option will remain available for the first year of operations.\nNon-Spinning Reserve Requirements (NSRS). ERCOT proposes to a methodology of=20\npurchasing NSRS only when projected risk of insufficiency is higher than=20\nnormal, or large amounts of spinning reserve are not projected to be=20\navailable online based on resource plans.. This boils down to where the=20\ntemperature is projected to be greater than 92 degrees, less than 32 degrees=20\nFahrenheit or uncertain and when spinning reserves less than 4600 MW are=20\nprojected. Here is the process:\n 1. Review the weather forecast for the next day and see if it differs=20\nsignificantly from the current day.\n 2. If the next day forecast is =01&similar=018 to the current day forecast, and=20\nthe current day forecast high temperature is <92, and the current day low=20\ntemperature is greater than 32 degrees, and the current day generation plan=20\nshows 4600 MW of spinning reserve online all day long, and the current=20\nmonth is not April, May, or October, THEN no NSRS is considered to be=20\nrequired all day for the next day.\n 3. Else: Purchase NSRS using the following:\n ? If the current month is April, May or October, then purchase NSRS in=20\namounts equal to the largest unit online for the hours projected within=20\n80% of peak hour.\n ? If today=01,s and tomorrow=01,s ERCOT high temperature is projected above 92=20\ndegrees, then purchase NSRS in amounts equal to the largest unit online=20\nfor the hours projected warmer than 92 degrees.\n ? If tomorrow=01,s low temperature forecast is projected below 30 degrees,=20\nthen purchase NSRS in amounts equal to the largest unit online for the=20\nprojected morning load pickup hours and hours projected within 80% of peak=20\nhour.\n Purchase amounts of NSRS equal to the largest unit online for hours in=20\nwhich the Day Ahead operator estimates spinning reserves online will drop=20\nlower than 4600 MW.\nReplacement Reserve Requirements (RPRS). The requirement will be set at the=20\namount of RPRS required to resolve supply inadequacy, CSC, and OC (local)=20\ncongestion simultaneously. There will be procurement of RPRS if the resource=20\nplans indicate capacity inadequacy based on the QSE scheduled load with the=20\nERCOT projected load. If the ERCOT projected load is greater than the QSE=20\nscheduled load and capacity available in the resource plan does not cover the=20\ndifference, then there is a capacity inadequacy problem. If the CSC flows=20\nbased on the QSE schedules are greater than the limits, then the CSC problems=20\nare recorded. Then a transmission contingency analysis will be run to=20\nidentify OC constraints. If the flows are greater than the limits, the OC=20\nflow values are recorded. When there are insufficient RPRS bids for ERCOT to=20\nresolve its reliability and security concerns, ERCOT may choose to request=20\nOOM capacity or to use RMR units. ERCOT will use the scheduling pricing=20\ndispatch (SPD) to determine which OOM and RMR units should be selected and=20\nwhen to discontinue OOM/RMR service.\nBalancing Energy Requirement. ERCOT's goal for balancing energy is (1) to=20\nuse BES so that regulation service in either direction is not depleted, (2)=20\nto minimize net energy in regulation, and (3) to provide frequency control=20\nwhen frequency is high, especially during minimum load intervals. ERCOT will=20\nuse a two-step approach to calculate balancing energy service needs. Step=20\none will be to clear the balancing energy service market resolving=20\nload-generation balances and Zonal congestion (local congestion is ignored). =20\nStep two is to determine the balance energy service needs to resolve local=20\ncongestion as well as generation-load balance and zonal congestion. The=20\ndesired result of step two is to minimize the cost of local congestion which=20\nwill be an uplift to the market.\nBalancing Energy Down Bid Percentage Requirement. This will be used for=20\ncongestion management and frequency control (to correct for high frequency). =20\nERCOT will evaluate the export amount of each congestion management zone and=20\ntransmission transfer capability between CM Zones. If the export amount is=20\ngreater than the calculated transfer capability of a CM Zone, then the=20\ndifference between these two values is the potential congested MW, or the=20\ntotal MW of DES Down bids needed for clearing Zonal Congestion. Also=20\nsufficient down bid percentage requirement will be determined by ERCOT. =20\nMarket rules dictate that by 0600 of the day ahead QSEs will be notified of=20\nthis percentage requirement for BES down bids by Congestion Zone.\nResponsive Reserve Requirement (RRS). The RRS requirement is set at 2300 MW=20\nfor all hours under normal conditions. Interruptible responsive reserve=20\ncannot exceed 25% of the QSE total requirement.=20\n\nFor the initial start-up period of the market, ERCOT will have the tendency=20\nto over buy ancillary services while the are \"adjusting\" to the single=20\ncontrol area.\n\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com\n---", "<25293562.1075851700940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"510": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "95", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "175": {"value": "80", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "193": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "223": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "233": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "110": {"value": "4600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "148": {"value": "4600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "243": {"value": "4600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "471": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "508": {"value": "2300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "600", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "295": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}, "replacement reserveTnn": {"value": "replacement reserveTnn", "ne": "replacement reserveTnn", "patterns": ["replacement reserveTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-8-2000-6:47:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"23-8-2000-6:47:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-6:47:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "thane.twiggs@enron.com james.steffes@enron.com jeff.dasovich@enron.com mona.petrochko@enron.com paul.kaufman@enron.com richard.shapiro@enron.com sandra.mccubbin@enron.com steven.kean@enron.com susan.mara@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14207942.1075843095327.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 06:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: thane.twiggs@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,\n\tmona.petrochko@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com,\n\trichard.shapiro@enron.com, sandra.mccubbin@enron.com,\n\tsteven.kean@enron.com, susan.mara@enron.com\nSubject: WSJ Article on Pres. Clinton's Press Conference\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: Thane Twiggs, James D Steffes, Jeff Dasovich, Karen Denne@ENRON, Mona L Petrochko, Paul Kaufman, Richard Shapiro, Sandra McCubbin, Steven J Kean, Susan J Mara\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeff_Dasovich_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: DASOVICH-J\nX-FileName: jdasovic.nsf\n\n\n\n\nClinton Pledges Support for Californians\nUnder Pressure From High Electric Bills\nA WSJ.COM News Roundup\nWASHINGTON -- President Clinton said he has asked federal regulators to look \ninto the possibility that California electricity producers have engaged in \nprofiteering this summer.\nAsked Wednesday if he thought the power companies were unfairly taking \nadvantage of the power shortages in California he responded, \"Well, that's \nwhat the [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is] going to investigate.\"\nMr. Clinton also announced other steps to help consumers in Southern \nCalifornia deal with \"skyrocketing\" electric bills and called on Congress to \npass legislation to \"build a better energy future over the long run.\"\n\"We'll do what we can to help you get through this summer,\" Mr. Clinton told \nCalifornians, referring especially those in the San Diego area where the \nprice crunch has been most severe.\nSpeaking on the steps overlooking the Rose Garden moments before leaving for \na political fund-raising trip to New Jersey, Mr. Clinton said he has ordered \nthese steps:\nThe FERC has been asked to quicken the pace of its investigation into \nwholesale power markets \"so we can better understand what's happening in \nCalifornia and provide policy-makers with the information they need to \nprotect consumers in a timely fashion.\" \nThe Department of Health and Human Services will release $2.6 million to \nSouthern California families from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance \nProgram. Mr. Clinton said that doubles the amount of aid available in the San \nDiego area and will help low-income families and the elderly \"to pay their \nbills and stay cool.\" \nThe Small Business Administration has been told to put out the word about SBA \nloans \"to help cope with unusually high electrical bills.\" \nResidential and business customers who receive power from the San Diego Gas \nand Electric Co., a unit of Sempra Energy, have seen their bills double or \neven quadruple since rates were deregulated in June.\nThe phased-in, south-to-north deregulation of California's $20 billion \nelectrical power industry was supposed to lower prices by creating greater \ncompetition.\nBut demand for electricity has outstripped supply because of a growing \npopulation and a booming high-tech economy and less power available from \nneighboring states that haven't deregulated. A sweltering summer in \nCalifornia has contributed to the problem.\nMr. Clinton said the problem has a broader base than just the current price \ncrunch in southern California.\n\"I also renew my call to Congress to work with us to build a better energy \nfuture over the long run, to take up my energy budget initiatives and the tax \nincentives to promote energy efficiency and conservation,\" the president said.\n\"I hope they will also pass a national comprehensive bill to foster a new era \nof the right kind of competition in the electric industry, to establish a \nmore competitive, efficient and reliable electric power system for our nation \nand to beef up efforts to prevent utilities from abusing their market power \nto raise rates above competitive levels,\" he said.\nMr. Clinton said those steps would save American consumers about $20 billion \na year.\nResponding to questions, Mr. Clinton was asked about high gasoline prices and \nwhat the U.S. is doing to convince oil-producing nations to increase \nproduction at lower prices.\nHe said he will discuss the issue on his trip to Nigeria, a big oil producer, \nlater in the week and that renewed economic growth elsewhere in the world is \n\"putting more pressure on the oil supplies that are available.\"\nMr. Clinton said the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will \nsuffer if high oil prices trigger regional recessions, causing oil purchases \nto drop dramatically.\nHe said OPEC will be much better off at a lower, sustainable oil price.\n\"They don't want to go down to $13 to $15 a barrel again, but it needs to be, \nI think, in the low $20s somewhere,\" Mr. Clinton said, calling that \"the more \nsustainable rate.\"\nOne benchmark crude oil was priced Wednesday at $32.68 a barrel (see full \ncoverage of the commodities markets).\n\n\n\n\n\n\tThane Twiggs\n\t08/23/2000 10:27 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t To: James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Bruno Gaillard/SFO/EES@EES, Jeff \nDasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Mona L Petrochko/SFO/EES@EES, Paul \nKaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT@EES, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Sandra \nMcCubbin/SFO/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron@EES, Susan J \nMara/SFO/EES@EES\n\t\t cc: Karen Denne@ENRON\n\t\t Subject: Re: Daily Update/Information on CA Activity\n\nFYI:\n\nAs some of you may know President Clinton held a press conference today where \nhe discussed the CA price spikes and other issues. Apparently he will put \ntogether a task force and provide relief to customer groups via income \nassistance and the SBA. \n\nKaren Denne of the Communications department is putting together additional \ninformation at this time.\n", "WSJ Article on Pres. Clinton's Press Conference", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 97, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "intention", " clinton said he has ordered these steps: the ferc has been asked to quicken the pace of its investigation into wholesale power markets \"so we can better understand what's happening in california and provide policy-makers with the information they need to protect consumers in a timely fashion."]], "\n\n\nClinton Pledges Support for Californians\nUnder Pressure From High Electric Bills\nA WSJ.COM News Roundup\nWASHINGTON -- President Clinton said he has asked federal regulators to look \ninto the possibility that California electricity producers have engaged in \nprofiteering this summer.\nAsked Wednesday if he thought the power companies were unfairly taking \nadvantage of the power shortages in California he responded, \"Well, that's \nwhat the [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is] going to investigate.\"\nMr. Clinton also announced other steps to help consumers in Southern \nCalifornia deal with \"skyrocketing\" electric bills and called on Congress to \npass legislation to \"build a better energy future over the long run.\"\n\"We'll do what we can to help you get through this summer,\" Mr. Clinton told \nCalifornians, referring especially those in the San Diego area where the \nprice crunch has been most severe.\nSpeaking on the steps overlooking the Rose Garden moments before leaving for \na political fund-raising trip to New Jersey, Mr. Clinton said he has ordered \nthese steps:\nThe FERC has been asked to quicken the pace of its investigation into \nwholesale power markets \"so we can better understand what's happening in \nCalifornia and provide policy-makers with the information they need to \nprotect consumers in a timely fashion.\" \nThe Department of Health and Human Services will release $2.6 million to \nSouthern California families from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance \nProgram. Mr. Clinton said that doubles the amount of aid available in the San \nDiego area and will help low-income families and the elderly \"to pay their \nbills and stay cool.\" \nThe Small Business Administration has been told to put out the word about SBA \nloans \"to help cope with unusually high electrical bills.\" \nResidential and business customers who receive power from the San Diego Gas \nand Electric Co., a unit of Sempra Energy, have seen their bills double or \neven quadruple since rates were deregulated in June.\nThe phased-in, south-to-north deregulation of California's $20 billion \nelectrical power industry was supposed to lower prices by creating greater \ncompetition.\nBut demand for electricity has outstripped supply because of a growing \npopulation and a booming high-tech economy and less power available from \nneighboring states that haven't deregulated. A sweltering summer in \nCalifornia has contributed to the problem.\nMr. Clinton said the problem has a broader base than just the current price \ncrunch in southern California.\n\"I also renew my call to Congress to work with us to build a better energy \nfuture over the long run, to take up my energy budget initiatives and the tax \nincentives to promote energy efficiency and conservation,\" the president said.\n\"I hope they will also pass a national comprehensive bill to foster a new era \nof the right kind of competition in the electric industry, to establish a \nmore competitive, efficient and reliable electric power system for our nation \nand to beef up efforts to prevent utilities from abusing their market power \nto raise rates above competitive levels,\" he said.\nMr. Clinton said those steps would save American consumers about $20 billion \na year.\nResponding to questions, Mr. Clinton was asked about high gasoline prices and \nwhat the U.S. is doing to convince oil-producing nations to increase \nproduction at lower prices.\nHe said he will discuss the issue on his trip to Nigeria, a big oil producer, \nlater in the week and that renewed economic growth elsewhere in the world is \n\"putting more pressure on the oil supplies that are available.\"\nMr. Clinton said the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will \nsuffer if high oil prices trigger regional recessions, causing oil purchases \nto drop dramatically.\nHe said OPEC will be much better off at a lower, sustainable oil price.\n\"They don't want to go down to $13 to $15 a barrel again, but it needs to be, \nI think, in the low $20s somewhere,\" Mr. Clinton said, calling that \"the more \nsustainable rate.\"\nOne benchmark crude oil was priced Wednesday at $32.68 a barrel (see full \ncoverage of the commodities markets).\n\n\n\n\n\n\tThane Twiggs\n\t08/23/2000 10:27 AM\n\t\t\n\t\t ", "<14207942.1075843095327.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"325": {"value": "$32 68", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "california", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn"]}, "gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "california", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "170": {"value": "california", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "market powerTnn": {"value": "market powerTnn", "ne": "market powerTnn", "patterns": ["market powerTnn"]}, "171": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["power pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-9-2000-4:15:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"14-9-2000-4:15:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["14-9-2000-4:15:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <16248253.1075842970863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nSubject: CPUC\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: Jeff Dasovich@EES\nX-cc: James D Steffes@EES\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeff_Dasovich_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: DASOVICH-J\nX-FileName: jdasovic.nsf\n\nA couple of folks have told me that SDG&E wants to go to the commission to \nget a \"pre-prudency\" type approval with the CPUC prior to moving forward with \nany type of deal. That seamed odd to me and they would need to have a deal \nin hand or have some parameters of a deal structure to get any type of \napproval. I imagine that SDG&E is concerned that the shareholders get stuck \nwith any risk if the do enter into a deal and it is found not to be prudent \n(not to mention the fact that they have had trouble pulling a trigger or even \npointing in the past).\n\nHave any of the other utilities tried something like this or does the CPUC \ngive a pre-approval or a declaratory order of this nature. Does the CPUC \nhave process in place to do this. Any thoughts.", "CPUC", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 32, "information", ["deal", "enter"], "information", " i imagine that sdg&e is concerned that the shareholders get stuck with any risk if the do enter into a deal and it is found not to be prudent (not to mention the fact that they have had trouble pulling a trigger or even pointing in the past)."]], "A couple of folks have told me that SDG&E wants to go to the commission to \nget a \"pre-prudency\" type approval with the CPUC prior to moving forward with \nany type of deal. That seamed odd to me and they would need to have a deal \nin hand or have some parameters of a deal structure to get any type of \napproval. I imagine that SDG&E is concerned that the shareholders get stuck \nwith any risk if the do enter into a deal and it is found not to be prudent \n(not to mention the fact that they have had trouble pulling a trigger or even \npointing in the past).\n\nHave any of the other utilities tried something like this or does the CPUC \ngive a pre-approval or a declaratory order of this nature. Does the CPUC \nhave process in place to do this. Any thoughts.", "<16248253.1075842970863.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-5-2001-6:36:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"16-5-2001-6:36:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["16-5-2001-6:36:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "stacey.bolton@enron.com leslie.lawner@enron.com ron.mcnamara@enron.com gloria.ogenyi@enron.com lance.cunningham@enron.com thane.twiggs@enron.com nancy.hetrick@enron.com clandry@enron.com pochsner@enron.com bevin.hunter@enron.com jean.ryall@enron.com joe.allen@enron.com patrick.keene@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com christopher.ahn@enron.com james.steffes@enron.com christi.nicolay@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com drew.tingleaf@enron.com larry.jester@enron.com", "richard.shapiro@enron.com dietrich.janet@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4651567.1075844207480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 May 2001 06:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: stacey.bolton@enron.com, leslie.lawner@enron.com, ron.mcnamara@enron.com,\n\tgloria.ogenyi@enron.com, lance.cunningham@enron.com,\n\tthane.twiggs@enron.com, nancy.hetrick@enron.com, clandry@enron.com,\n\tpochsner@enron.com, bevin.hunter@enron.com, jean.ryall@enron.com,\n\tjoe.allen@enron.com, patrick.keene@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, christopher.ahn@enron.com,\n\tjames.steffes@enron.com, christi.nicolay@enron.com,\n\tmike.curry@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com,\n\tlarry.jester@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT Board Meeting\nCc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, dietrich.janet@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, dietrich.janet@enron.com\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: Stacey Bolton, Leslie Lawner, Ron McNamara, Gloria Ogenyi, Lance Cunningham, Thane Twiggs, Nancy Hetrick, clandry@enron.com, pochsner@enron.com, bevin.hunter@enron.com, Jean Ryall, Joe Allen, Patrick Keene, Doug Gilbert-Smith, Christopher Ahn, James D Steffes, Christi L Nicolay, Mike Curry, Drew Tingleaf, Larry Jester\nX-cc: Richard Shapiro, dietrich janet\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Richard_Shapiro_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SHAPIRO-R\nX-FileName: rshapiro.nsf\n\nThe ERCOT Board met yesterday in Austin to discuss among other things the \nimplementation of the Texas Choice Pilot and the single control area under \nthe control of the ERCOT ISO. Below are the primary items of interest.\n\n1. ERCOT proposed the following plan to implement the Pilot program and the \nwholesale:\n\nMay 25, 2001\n\nERCOT begins to transfer security analysis to the ESCA system\nParticipants able to start viewing network conditions, preliminary load \nforecasts, preliminary A/S market requirement analysis, and retail load \nprofiles\nERCOT begins to manage and publish participant information and process \ncustomer service requests\n\nJune 1, 2001\n\nERCOT initiates switch processing from competitive retailers starting with \nsmall volumes and to be completed by July 1, 2001 (this is only the switch \nrequest, power does not \"flow\" from the REP until the billing cycle after \nJuly 6, 2001).\nERCOT begins to process retail meter read information.\nParticipants begin to enter outages in ERCOT systems (this will be parallel \nto current outage system entry).\nERCOT will begin to publish distribution and transmission loss factors to the \nmarket.\n\nJune 8, 2001\n\nERCOT Begins to complete data aggregation functions and initiates UFE \ncalculations/analysis.\nERCOT's A/S market requirements and QSE obligation Calculations are ready for \nsing control area operations\nERCOT begins to execute the production settlement algorithms. The settlement \nresults are not binding.\nERCOT begins to transfer grid security decisions to the new systems\nData aggregation allows initial calculations of UFE to be made visible to the \nmarket providing energy accounting information\n\nJuly 6, 2001\n\nFrequency Control. ERCOT begins single control area operation and \ncontrolling frequency. The existing control area replaced with the single \ncontrol area run by ERCOT.\nWholesale Markets. ERCOT administers the regulation, balancing energy, and \nreserve markets. ERCOT starts clearing prices as part of single control area \noperations. The wholesale competitive market, as defined by the protocols is \ninitiated with ERCOT settling A/S markets centrally.\nERCOT begins to execute financial transfer processes as a result of binding \nsettlement with participants\nQSEs must have completed qualification activities\n\n\nWhile the proposal satisfies many of the competing concerns of the \nStakeholders and the PUCT, there are a few outstanding issues that remain.\n\nERCOT will begin switching load transfer requests on June 1 2001, but actual \nsettlement and energy flow will not occur until after the wholesale market \nopens on July 6, 2001. Enron has submitted a proposal that would allow the \nretail market to decouple from the wholesale market which would allow the \nwholesale market time to remedy the system limitations and the retail market \ncould begin June 1, 2001. Under the ERCOT timeline if the wholesale market \nis not ready by July 6, 2001 and the switch requests have already begun, then \nthere is no method to serve a customer full requirements without the ability \nof the REP to purchase balancing energy and other A/S other than purchasing \nunder current tariff. I can provide a copy of the Enron proposal to those \nwho are interested.\n\nAnother concern is for reliability of the system. Some parties question the \nwisdom of opening the wholesale market in the middle of the summer peak, \nrather than waiting until the summer peak has passed.\n\n \n2. Credit Standards. The Board also voted on language for the surety bonds. \nThere has been a debate as to whether ERCOT should allow security bonds in \nlight of what has happened in California and the surety bond that was \nunderwritten by AIG. At this point, the PUCT order requires ERCOT to accept \na surety bond, however, ERCOT is trying to tighten the payment language. The \nlanguage that the board approved will be forwarded when I get the correct \nlanguage. The board approved the addition of BBB- credit to the credit limit \nmatrix.\n\n\n3. New Power Company made an unsuccessful appeal for corporate membership. \nNew Power argued that they were technically not an affiliate of EPMI who \nholds the Corporate Membership. EES for example has associate member \nstatus. It was pointed out by ERCOT that EPMI listed New Power as a \ncorporate affiliate on their application for corporate membership. Marianne \nCarroll, represented New Power in the appeal, and stated that EPMI did not \nask her advice prior to listing New Power as affiliate. An additional \nrationale cited by New Power was that in the future Reliant Energy wants to \n\"spin off\" their generation company and that when they do, they should be \nallowed a Corporate membership as well. I am concerned about the appearance \nof the appeal by New Power, it looked like an attempt by Enron to sway the \nprocess in \"their\" favor by getting additional votes on ERCOT issues.\n\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com", "ERCOT Board Meeting", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 134, "information", ["information", "providing"], "information", " ercot begins to transfer grid security decisions to the new systems data aggregation allows initial calculations of ufe to be made visible to the market providing energy accounting information datenumeric , numeric frequency control."]], "The ERCOT Board met yesterday in Austin to discuss among other things the \nimplementation of the Texas Choice Pilot and the single control area under \nthe control of the ERCOT ISO. Below are the primary items of interest.\n\n1. ERCOT proposed the following plan to implement the Pilot program and the \nwholesale:\n\nMay 25, 2001\n\nERCOT begins to transfer security analysis to the ESCA system\nParticipants able to start viewing network conditions, preliminary load \nforecasts, preliminary A/S market requirement analysis, and retail load \nprofiles\nERCOT begins to manage and publish participant information and process \ncustomer service requests\n\nJune 1, 2001\n\nERCOT initiates switch processing from competitive retailers starting with \nsmall volumes and to be completed by July 1, 2001 (this is only the switch \nrequest, power does not \"flow\" from the REP until the billing cycle after \nJuly 6, 2001).\nERCOT begins to process retail meter read information.\nParticipants begin to enter outages in ERCOT systems (this will be parallel \nto current outage system entry).\nERCOT will begin to publish distribution and transmission loss factors to the \nmarket.\n\nJune 8, 2001\n\nERCOT Begins to complete data aggregation functions and initiates UFE \ncalculations/analysis.\nERCOT's A/S market requirements and QSE obligation Calculations are ready for \nsing control area operations\nERCOT begins to execute the production settlement algorithms. The settlement \nresults are not binding.\nERCOT begins to transfer grid security decisions to the new systems\nData aggregation allows initial calculations of UFE to be made visible to the \nmarket providing energy accounting information\n\nJuly 6, 2001\n\nFrequency Control. ERCOT begins single control area operation and \ncontrolling frequency. The existing control area replaced with the single \ncontrol area run by ERCOT.\nWholesale Markets. ERCOT administers the regulation, balancing energy, and \nreserve markets. ERCOT starts clearing prices as part of single control area \noperations. The wholesale competitive market, as defined by the protocols is \ninitiated with ERCOT settling A/S markets centrally.\nERCOT begins to execute financial transfer processes as a result of binding \nsettlement with participants\nQSEs must have completed qualification activities\n\n\nWhile the proposal satisfies many of the competing concerns of the \nStakeholders and the PUCT, there are a few outstanding issues that remain.\n\nERCOT will begin switching load transfer requests on June 1 2001, but actual \nsettlement and energy flow will not occur until after the wholesale market \nopens on July 6, 2001. Enron has submitted a proposal that would allow the \nretail market to decouple from the wholesale market which would allow the \nwholesale market time to remedy the system limitations and the retail market \ncould begin June 1, 2001. Under the ERCOT timeline if the wholesale market \nis not ready by July 6, 2001 and the switch requests have already begun, then \nthere is no method to serve a customer full requirements without the ability \nof the REP to purchase balancing energy and other A/S other than purchasing \nunder current tariff. I can provide a copy of the Enron proposal to those \nwho are interested.\n\nAnother concern is for reliability of the system. Some parties question the \nwisdom of opening the wholesale market in the middle of the summer peak, \nrather than waiting until the summer peak has passed.\n\n \n2. Credit Standards. The Board also voted on language for the surety bonds. \nThere has been a debate as to whether ERCOT should allow security bonds in \nlight of what has happened in California and the surety bond that was \nunderwritten by AIG. At this point, the PUCT order requires ERCOT to accept \na surety bond, however, ERCOT is trying to tighten the payment language. The \nlanguage that the board approved will be forwarded when I get the correct \nlanguage. The board approved the addition of BBB- credit to the credit limit \nmatrix.\n\n\n3. New Power Company made an unsuccessful appeal for corporate membership. \nNew Power argued that they were technically not an affiliate of EPMI who \nholds the Corporate Membership. EES for example has associate member \nstatus. It was pointed out by ERCOT that EPMI listed New Power as a \ncorporate affiliate on their application for corporate membership. Marianne \nCarroll, represented New Power in the appeal, and stated that EPMI did not \nask her advice prior to listing New Power as affiliate. An additional \nrationale cited by New Power was that in the future Reliant Energy wants to \n\"spin off\" their generation company and that when they do, they should be \nallowed a Corporate membership as well. I am concerned about the appearance \nof the appeal by New Power, it looked like an attempt by Enron to sway the \nprocess in \"their\" favor by getting additional votes on ERCOT issues.\n\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com", "<4651567.1075844207480.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"customer serviceTnn": {"value": "customer serviceTnn", "ne": "customer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["customer serviceTnn"]}, "procedure_process settlementTnn": {"value": "procedure_process settlementTnn", "ne": "procedure_process settlementTnn", "patterns": ["procedure_process settlementTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-5-2001-5:0:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"10-5-2001-5:0:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["10-5-2001-5:0:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "rhonda.denton@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com paul.radous@enron.com michelle.parks@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <317295.1075853414113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 May 2001 05:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: rhonda.denton@enron.com\nSubject: New Power- EPMI EEI Master\nCc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com, michelle.parks@enron.com,\n\tmike.curry@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com, michelle.parks@enron.com,\n\tmike.curry@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Rhonda L Denton\nX-cc: Genia FitzGerald, Paul Radous, Michelle Parks, Mike Curry, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nRhonda -- I am on my way to your desk with two initialled copies of the \nattachment -- the negotiated NewPower EEI cover sheet. Attached immediately \nbelow is what I retrieved from Genia's files as the other document usually \nsent to C/Ps executing the EEI cover sheet with us. The cover sheet \nreferences an Attachement A as of the Effective Date (May 4, 2001) --please \ngenerate it (without prices ) e-mail a copy ot me and circulate it to \nNewPower with execution documents. Please arrange to have the EEI cover sheet \ncountersigned by New Power ASAP and then come back to confirm this cover \nsheet's completion to persons named above (and any others who are tracking \nthis matter in relation to sleeved transactions through EES). Thanks. \n--David \n\n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 11:41 AM -----\n\n\tPaul Radous/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/10/2001 11:34 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: William S Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t\t Subject: RE: EPMI agreement/EEI Master \n\nDavid,\n\nAs this document stands, it is okay. With respect to the QSE agreement, we \nwill need to reinstate the New Power Holding's MACs since a $1MM line of \ncredit will be extended to them under that agreement. Those MACs were \neliminated from the EEI since Enron is not extending credit under that \nagreement.\n\nPaul\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Portz, David \nSent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 9:18 AM\nTo: Radous, Paul\nCc: Bradford, William S.\nSubject: Re: EPMI agreement/EEI Master \n\nThis is the most recent draft shown in my e-mails. I didn't have word back \nthat this draft is okay with Credit. Is this the version you were looking at \nwhen you okayed the QSE Credit Support Annex last night? Please come back \nto me ASAP and we'll get this signed up. David\n \n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 09:14 AM -----\n\n\n\tDavid Portz 05/01/2001 03:32 PM \t To: Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate cc: \nWilliam S Bradford/Enron@EnronXGate, Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: \nRe: EPMI agreement/EEI Master \n\n\nAs discussed, please confirm this matches up with Bill's discussions with New \nPower. I will immediately be looking it over so that we can proceed this \nafternoon to signature if acceptable. --David \n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 03:27 PM -----\n\n\n\tJohn Ranieri@NEWPOWER 05/01/2001 02:03 PM \t To: David \nPortz/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, William S Bradford/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Mary \nCook/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Henderson/HOU/NewPower@NewPower, Jim \nMalone/HOU/NewPower@NewPower, William Cronin/HOU/NewPower@NewPower Subject: \nRe: EPMI agreement/EEI Master << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \n\n\nDavid,\nAttached below is a revised EEI cover for the EPMI Power agreement. Bill \nBradford and I agreed to the revisions that I incorporated. Please touch \nbase with Bill to obtain his concurrence with the revisions I made. If the \nrevisions are ok, let me know and I'll get the document signed and send you \ntwo signed originals for Enron signature. Once the document is signed could \nyou work with Mary Cook to incorporate this agreement in the Master \nCross-Product Netting....Agreement. I would appreciate anything you can do \nto move this along as EES will no longer be trading power and NPW needs to \nestablish a power trading relationship with EPMI.\n\n << File: EPMI EEI cover.doc >> \nThank you,\nJohn\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn Ranieri\nThe New Power Company\njranieri@newpower.com\n(914) 697-2424\n\n", "New Power- EPMI EEI Master", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 15, "information", ["sent", "cover", "sheet"], "information", " attached immediately below is what i retrieved from genia's files as the other document usually sent to c/ps executing the eei cover sheet with us."], ["execute agreement", 17, "information", ["document", "executing"], "information", " attached immediately below is what i retrieved from genia's files as the other document usually sent to c/ps executing the eei cover sheet with us."], ["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 40, "nninformation", ["confirm", "power"], "intention", " please arrange to have the eei cover sheet countersigned by new power asap and then come back to confirm this cover sheet's completion to persons named above (and any others who are tracking this matter in relation to sleeved transactions through ees)."]], "Rhonda -- I am on my way to your desk with two initialled copies of the \nattachment -- the negotiated NewPower EEI cover sheet. Attached immediately \nbelow is what I retrieved from Genia's files as the other document usually \nsent to C/Ps executing the EEI cover sheet with us. The cover sheet \nreferences an Attachement A as of the Effective Date (May 4, 2001) --please \ngenerate it (without prices ) e-mail a copy ot me and circulate it to \nNewPower with execution documents. Please arrange to have the EEI cover sheet \ncountersigned by New Power ASAP and then come back to confirm this cover \nsheet's completion to persons named above (and any others who are tracking \nthis matter in relation to sleeved transactions through EES). Thanks. \n--David \n\n\n---", "<317295.1075853414113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cover credit_referenceTnn": {"value": "cover credit_referenceTnn", "ne": "cover credit_referenceTnn", "patterns": ["cover credit_referenceTnn"]}, "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn": {"value": "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn", "ne": "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn", "patterns": ["cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "May 4**2001", "ne": "datenumeric0numeric", "patterns": ["date datenumeric0numericTnn", "datenumeric0numeric effectiveTnn"]}, "date effectiveTnn": {"value": "date effectiveTnn", "ne": "date effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["date effectiveTnn"]}, "document executionTnn": {"value": "document executionTnn", "ne": "document executionTnn", "patterns": ["document executionTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-2-2002-7:22:3Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"6-2-2002-7:22:3Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["6-2-2002-7:22:3", "david.portz@enron.com", "louise.kitchen@enron.com", "david.forster@enron.com legal .taylor@enron.com t..hodge@enron.com robert.hemstock@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com e..haedicke@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14180567.1075840954437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 07:22:03 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: louise.kitchen@enron.com\nSubject: Power of Attorney re UBS AG energy trading activities\nCc: david.forster@enron.com, legal <.taylor@enron.com>, t..hodge@enron.com,\n\trobert.hemstock@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\te..haedicke@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: david.forster@enron.com, legal <.taylor@enron.com>, t..hodge@enron.com,\n\trobert.hemstock@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\te..haedicke@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: Kitchen, Louise \nX-cc: Forster, David , Taylor, Mark E (Legal) , Hodge, Jeffrey T. , Hemstock, Robert , Sager, Elizabeth , Haedicke, Mark E. , Will, Lloyd \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Kitchen, Louise\\Inbox\nX-Origin: KITCHEN-L\nX-FileName: louise kitchen 2-7-02.pst\n\nLouise -- The Houston legal/regulatory group is working with the UBS legal department to obtain from the London branch of UBS AG a power of attorney which will expedite the execution of agreements and other signature documents involved in starting the energy trading activities. (I will provide you specific information on the nature of this power of attorney as soon as I obtain it.) To get this in place as soon as possible, we've been asked to provide backup information with sufficient specificity that the nature of each relationship/contract and counterparty is identified. (Example 1: \"Wholesale power trading master purchase and sale agreement with Duke Energy Trading and Marketing L.L.C. and related transaction confirmations\". Example 2: We would specify the contract and counterparty for each of the 44 gas pipelines which we need to utilize for gas trading operations in ERCOT). \n\nAccordingly, we will need to get (from Dave Forster?) the names of the priority counterparties, correlated with the list of the agreements we are seeking to complete with each. I think it would be best if we were also provided such information on other, lower priority, tiers of counterparties, if they have been identified, with whom we seek trading relationships but which were not included in the first priority group who were sent materials. That way, if lower priority counterparties surface and want to complete trading relationship documents with us, they will be covered by such power of attorney. I am going to contact Dave Forster this morning to discuss this further. I am also going to discuss this matter with LLoyd Will, who may be aware of other relationships/agreements pertinent to the start-up of trading operations, say, research oriented relationships involving data feed relationships, software licenses, etc. \n\nJim Steffes last night started his group working on this from the standpoint of contracts, registrations, applications, licenses and other regulatory requirements he has identified for the UBS start. Please contact me with any questions. --David Portz ", "Power of Attorney re UBS AG energy trading activities", "", [["complete transaction{agreement}", 83, "information", ["agreements", "complete"], "information", ") the names of the priority counterparties, correlated with the list of the agreements we are seeking to complete with each."]], "Louise -- The Houston legal/regulatory group is working with the UBS legal department to obtain from the London branch of UBS AG a power of attorney which will expedite the execution of agreements and other signature documents involved in starting the energy trading activities. (I will provide you specific information on the nature of this power of attorney as soon as I obtain it.) To get this in place as soon as possible, we've been asked to provide backup information with sufficient specificity that the nature of each relationship/contract and counterparty is identified. (Example 1: \"Wholesale power trading master purchase and sale agreement with Duke Energy Trading and Marketing L.L.C. and related transaction confirmations\". Example 2: We would specify the contract and counterparty for each of the 44 gas pipelines which we need to utilize for gas trading operations in ERCOT). \n\nAccordingly, we will need to get (from Dave Forster?) the names of the priority counterparties, correlated with the list of the agreements we are seeking to complete with each. I think it would be best if we were also provided such information on other, lower priority, tiers of counterparties, if they have been identified, with whom we seek trading relationships but which were not included in the first priority group who were sent materials. That way, if lower priority counterparties surface and want to complete trading relationship documents with us, they will be covered by such power of attorney. I am going to contact Dave Forster this morning to discuss this further. I am also going to discuss this matter with LLoyd Will, who may be aware of other relationships/agreements pertinent to the start-up of trading operations, say, research oriented relationships involving data feed relationships, software licenses, etc. \n\nJim Steffes last night started his group working on this from the standpoint of contracts, registrations, applications, licenses and other regulatory requirements he has identified for the UBS start. Please contact me with any questions. --David Portz ", "<14180567.1075840954437.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"14": {"value": "london", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "activity tradingTnn": {"value": "activity tradingTnn", "ne": "activity tradingTnn", "patterns": ["activity tradingTnn"]}, "affect_involve energyTvn": {"value": "affect_involve energyTvn", "ne": "affect_involve energyTvn", "patterns": ["affect_involve energyTvn"]}, "agreement counterpartyTnn": {"value": "agreement counterpartyTnn", "ne": "agreement counterpartyTnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterpartyTnn"]}, "agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn": {"value": "agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn", "ne": "agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn"]}, "agreement energyTnn": {"value": "agreement energyTnn", "ne": "agreement energyTnn", "patterns": ["agreement energyTnn"]}, "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn": {"value": "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "ne": "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "patterns": ["agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn"]}, "agreement master tradingTnnn": {"value": "agreement master tradingTnnn", "ne": "agreement master tradingTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement master tradingTnnn"]}, "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn": {"value": "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn", "ne": "agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn", "patterns": ["agreement purchase0sale_saleTnn"]}, "agreement_arrangement documentTnn": {"value": "agreement_arrangement documentTnn", "ne": "agreement_arrangement documentTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_arrangement documentTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master wholesale0powerTnnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement master_master0netTnn"]}, "document executionTnn": {"value": "document executionTnn", "ne": "document executionTnn", "patterns": ["document executionTnn"]}, "energy index_powerTnn": {"value": "energy index_powerTnn", "ne": "energy index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy index_powerTnn"]}, "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn"]}, "energy power tradingTnnn": {"value": "energy power tradingTnnn", "ne": "energy power tradingTnnn", "patterns": ["energy power tradingTnnn"]}, "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "energy power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["energy power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "energy tradingTnn": {"value": "energy tradingTnn", "ne": "energy tradingTnn", "patterns": ["energy tradingTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn": {"value": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "ne": "power_wholesale0power tradingTnn", "patterns": ["power_wholesale0power tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-5-2001-12:54:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-5-2001-12:54:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-12:54:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "michelle.parks@enron.com paul.radous@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9502169.1075853413521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 May 2001 12:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: michelle.parks@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com\nSubject: QSE Agreement with New Power\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Michelle Parks, Paul Radous, Mike Curry\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nAttached is my preliminary mark-up of the draft sent by Mike Curry (5-2-01) \nincorporating the various following e-mails of Michelle to the best of my \nability. I ask that commercial persons rig up (or have someone else rig up \nfor them) the \"Attachment X\" referenced in Michelle's new Section 2.9 \nlanguage. Paul, I have reinstalled the Credit Support Annex in case you were \nintending to use that apparatus to install credit terms (and I'm presuming \nyou are going to pull in an Enron Corp. guaranty, though I don't know your \nintentions.) Please respond to me ASAP with your best efforts to state the \nfinal terms to be shown to \nNew Power, and I will refine the document into shape suitable to be sent \nout. Note -- I am uncertain how the confidentiality obligation in Section \n7.2 should be stated in view of the possibly converging relations of ENA \nWholesale with EES, and therefore desire that it be stated as narrowly as can \nbe done while addressing New Power's main concerns and stating an EPMI \nobligation with clear and livable boundaries.\n\n\n_______________________________________________\n\n\n\n\tPaul Radous/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/07/2001 10:50 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Michelle Parks/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t\t cc: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t Subject: RE: QSE Agreement with New Power\n\nMichelle,\n\nI do not see any problem whatever with this timeline.\n\nThanks.\nPaul\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parks, Michelle \nSent: Monday, May 07, 2001 10:43 AM\nTo: Radous, Paul; Portz, David\nSubject: QSE Agreement with New Power\n\nDavid, Paul:\n\nDo you think it will be possible to finish your mark-ups on the New Power \nAgreement by Wednesday?\n\nThanks,\n\nMichelle\n\n\n\n", "QSE Agreement with New Power", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 3, "information", ["attached", "draft"], "information", "attached is my preliminary mark-up of the draft sent by mike curry ( numeric numeric numeric ) incorporating the various following e-mails of michelle to the best of my ability."], ["show deal", 47, "nninformation", ["shown", "document"], "intention", ") please respond to me asap with your best efforts to state the final terms to be shown to new power, and i will refine the document into shape suitable to be sent out."], ["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 53, "nninformation", ["sent", "shape"], "intention", ") please respond to me asap with your best efforts to state the final terms to be shown to new power, and i will refine the document into shape suitable to be sent out."]], "Attached is my preliminary mark-up of the draft sent by Mike Curry (5-2-01) \nincorporating the various following e-mails of Michelle to the best of my \nability. I ask that commercial persons rig up (or have someone else rig up \nfor them) the \"Attachment X\" referenced in Michelle's new Section 2.9 \nlanguage. Paul, I have reinstalled the Credit Support Annex in case you were \nintending to use that apparatus to install credit terms (and I'm presuming \nyou are going to pull in an Enron Corp. guaranty, though I don't know your \nintentions.) Please respond to me ASAP with your best efforts to state the \nfinal terms to be shown to \nNew Power, and I will refine the document into shape suitable to be sent \nout. Note -- I am uncertain how the confidentiality obligation in Section \n7.2 should be stated in view of the possibly converging relations of ENA \nWholesale with EES, and therefore desire that it be stated as narrowly as can \nbe done while addressing New Power's main concerns and stating an EPMI \nobligation with clear and livable boundaries.\n\n\n_______________________________________________\n\n\n\n\tPaul Radous/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/07/2001 10:50 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t ", "<9502169.1075853413521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power obligationTnn": {"value": "ability_power obligationTnn", "ne": "ability_power obligationTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power obligationTnn"]}, "agreement power qseTnnn": {"value": "agreement power qseTnnn", "ne": "agreement power qseTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement power qseTnnn"]}, "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["agreement power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}, "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_sale0agreement power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "annex credit supportTnnn": {"value": "annex credit supportTnnn", "ne": "annex credit supportTnnn", "patterns": ["annex credit supportTnnn"]}, "annex creditTnn": {"value": "annex creditTnn", "ne": "annex creditTnn", "patterns": ["annex creditTnn"]}, "credit supportTnn": {"value": "credit supportTnn", "ne": "credit supportTnn", "patterns": ["credit supportTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "section**2", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "59": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "section**7", "ne": "section0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric section0numericTnn"]}, "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "obligation power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["obligation power_power0purchaseTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-12-2000-9:19:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"12-12-2000-9:19:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-9:19:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "clint.dean@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com melissa.murphy@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27987411.1075857346737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 09:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: clint.dean@enron.com\nSubject: City of Bryan Dec parking transactions\nCc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.murphy@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.murphy@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Clint Dean\nX-cc: Doug Gilbert-Smith, Elizabeth Sager, Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Clint_Dean_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Dean-C\nX-FileName: cdean.nsf\n\nFollowing discussions with you and Doug, attached is a draft parking \ntransaction agreement for your review and, if acceptable, for circualtion to \nthe counterparty. Please call me with any questions. --David\n", "City of Bryan Dec parking transactions", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 5, "information", ["agreement", "attached", "draft"], "information", "following discussions with you and doug, attached is a draft parking transaction agreement for your review and, if acceptable, for circualtion to the counterparty."]], "Following discussions with you and Doug, attached is a draft parking \ntransaction agreement for your review and, if acceptable, for circualtion to \nthe counterparty. Please call me with any questions. --David\n", "<27987411.1075857346737.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement counterparty draftTnnn": {"value": "agreement counterparty draftTnnn", "ne": "agreement counterparty draftTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterparty draftTnnn"]}, "agreement counterpartyTnn": {"value": "agreement counterpartyTnn", "ne": "agreement counterpartyTnn", "patterns": ["agreement counterpartyTnn"]}, "agreement draftTnn": {"value": "agreement draftTnn", "ne": "agreement draftTnn", "patterns": ["agreement draftTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-5-2001-5:36:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"10-5-2001-5:36:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["10-5-2001-5:36:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "rhonda.denton@enron.com", "genia.fitzgerald@enron.com paul.radous@enron.com michelle.parks@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10845985.1075859605764.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 May 2001 05:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: rhonda.denton@enron.com\nSubject: New Power- EPMI EEI Master\nCc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com, michelle.parks@enron.com,\n\tmike.curry@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: genia.fitzgerald@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com, michelle.parks@enron.com,\n\tmike.curry@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Rhonda L Denton\nX-cc: Genia FitzGerald, Paul Radous, Michelle Parks, Mike Curry, Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nCover sheet referenced below: \n\n__________________\n\nRhonda -- I am on my way to your desk with two initialled copies of the \nattachment -- the negotiated NewPower EEI cover sheet. Attached immediately \nbelow is what I retrieved from Genia's files as the other document usually \nsent to C/Ps executing the EEI cover sheet with us. The cover sheet \nreferences an Attachement A as of the Effective Date (May 4, 2001) --please \ngenerate it (without prices ) e-mail a copy ot me and circulate it to \nNewPower with execution documents. Please arrange to have the EEI cover sheet \ncountersigned by New Power ASAP and then come back to confirm this cover \nsheet's completion to persons named above (and any others who are tracking \nthis matter in relation to sleeved transactions through EES). Thanks. \n--David \n\n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 11:41 AM -----\n\n\tPaul Radous/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/10/2001 11:34 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: William S Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t\t Subject: RE: EPMI agreement/EEI Master \n\nDavid,\n\nAs this document stands, it is okay. With respect to the QSE agreement, we \nwill need to reinstate the New Power Holding's MACs since a $1MM line of \ncredit will be extended to them under that agreement. Those MACs were \neliminated from the EEI since Enron is not extending credit under that \nagreement.\n\nPaul\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Portz, David \nSent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 9:18 AM\nTo: Radous, Paul\nCc: Bradford, William S.\nSubject: Re: EPMI agreement/EEI Master \n\nThis is the most recent draft shown in my e-mails. I didn't have word back \nthat this draft is okay with Credit. Is this the version you were looking at \nwhen you okayed the QSE Credit Support Annex last night? Please come back \nto me ASAP and we'll get this signed up. David\n \n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 09:14 AM -----\n\n\n\tDavid Portz 05/01/2001 03:32 PM \t To: Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate cc: \nWilliam S Bradford/Enron@EnronXGate, Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: \nRe: EPMI agreement/EEI Master \n\n\nAs discussed, please confirm this matches up with Bill's discussions with New \nPower. I will immediately be looking it over so that we can proceed this \nafternoon to signature if acceptable. --David \n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 03:27 PM -----\n\n\n\tJohn Ranieri@NEWPOWER 05/01/2001 02:03 PM \t To: David \nPortz/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, William S Bradford/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Mary \nCook/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Henderson/HOU/NewPower@NewPower, Jim \nMalone/HOU/NewPower@NewPower, William Cronin/HOU/NewPower@NewPower Subject: \nRe: EPMI agreement/EEI Master << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \n\n\nDavid,\nAttached below is a revised EEI cover for the EPMI Power agreement. Bill \nBradford and I agreed to the revisions that I incorporated. Please touch \nbase with Bill to obtain his concurrence with the revisions I made. If the \nrevisions are ok, let me know and I'll get the document signed and send you \ntwo signed originals for Enron signature. Once the document is signed could \nyou work with Mary Cook to incorporate this agreement in the Master \nCross-Product Netting....Agreement. I would appreciate anything you can do \nto move this along as EES will no longer be trading power and NPW needs to \nestablish a power trading relationship with EPMI.\n\n << File: EPMI EEI cover.doc >> \nThank you,\nJohn\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn Ranieri\nThe New Power Company\njranieri@newpower.com\n(914) 697-2424\n\n", "New Power- EPMI EEI Master", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 18, "information", ["sent", "cover", "sheet"], "information", " attached immediately below is what i retrieved from genia's files as the other document usually sent to c/ps executing the eei cover sheet with us."], ["execute agreement", 20, "information", ["document", "executing"], "information", " attached immediately below is what i retrieved from genia's files as the other document usually sent to c/ps executing the eei cover sheet with us."], ["support_confirm wholesale0power{trading}", 43, "nninformation", ["confirm", "power"], "intention", " please arrange to have the eei cover sheet countersigned by new power asap and then come back to confirm this cover sheet's completion to persons named above (and any others who are tracking this matter in relation to sleeved transactions through ees)."]], "Cover sheet referenced below: \n\n__________________\n\nRhonda -- I am on my way to your desk with two initialled copies of the \nattachment -- the negotiated NewPower EEI cover sheet. Attached immediately \nbelow is what I retrieved from Genia's files as the other document usually \nsent to C/Ps executing the EEI cover sheet with us. The cover sheet \nreferences an Attachement A as of the Effective Date (May 4, 2001) --please \ngenerate it (without prices ) e-mail a copy ot me and circulate it to \nNewPower with execution documents. Please arrange to have the EEI cover sheet \ncountersigned by New Power ASAP and then come back to confirm this cover \nsheet's completion to persons named above (and any others who are tracking \nthis matter in relation to sleeved transactions through EES). Thanks. \n--David \n\n\n---", "<10845985.1075859605764.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cover credit_referenceTnn": {"value": "cover credit_referenceTnn", "ne": "cover credit_referenceTnn", "patterns": ["cover credit_referenceTnn"]}, "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn": {"value": "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn", "ne": "cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn", "patterns": ["cover power_power0purchase sheetTnnn"]}, "cover sheetTnn": {"value": "cover sheetTnn", "ne": "cover sheetTnn", "patterns": ["cover sheetTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "May 4**2001", "ne": "datenumeric0numeric", "patterns": ["date datenumeric0numericTnn", "datenumeric0numeric effectiveTnn"]}, "date effectiveTnn": {"value": "date effectiveTnn", "ne": "date effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["date effectiveTnn"]}, "document executionTnn": {"value": "document executionTnn", "ne": "document executionTnn", "patterns": ["document executionTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_power0purchaseTnn"]}, "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn": {"value": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "ne": "master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn", "patterns": ["master_master0net power_wholesale0powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-12-2000-1:53:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"8-12-2000-1:53:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-1:53:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "edward.sacks@enron.com elizabeth.sager@enron.com melissa.murphy@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9135207.1075859532738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 01:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: Calpine 2002-04 offpeak firm confirmation\nCc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, melissa.murphy@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.sacks@enron.com, elizabeth.sager@enron.com, melissa.murphy@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Doug Gilbert-Smith\nX-cc: Edward Sacks, Elizabeth Sager, Melissa Ann Murphy\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nDoug -- As discussed, attached is a redlined copy and an execution copy of \nthe off peak 2002-2004 confirmation letter reflecting the changes taking into \naccount that modifications to product definitions are more likely to arise \nfrom the efforts of industry participants than via ERCOT action as to the \nprotocols or otherwise. The definition of UB itself makes clear this product \nis firm, and the term \"Undelivered\" currently carries the meaning that Buyer \nmust be capable of moving the firm energy from the Delivery Point to more \nthan one potential destination. Please contact me with any questions. --David\n\n\n", "Calpine 2002-04 offpeak firm confirmation", "", [["tie_attach transaction{line_note}", 7, "information", ["attached", "execution**copy"], "information", "doug -- as discussed, attached is a redlined copy and an execution copy of the off peak numeric phonenumber confirmation letter reflecting the changes taking into account that modifications to product definitions are more likely to arise from the efforts of industry participants than via ercot action as to the protocols or otherwise."]], "Doug -- As discussed, attached is a redlined copy and an execution copy of \nthe off peak 2002-2004 confirmation letter reflecting the changes taking into \naccount that modifications to product definitions are more likely to arise \nfrom the efforts of industry participants than via ERCOT action as to the \nprotocols or otherwise. The definition of UB itself makes clear this product \nis firm, and the term \"Undelivered\" currently carries the meaning that Buyer \nmust be capable of moving the firm energy from the Delivery Point to more \nthan one potential destination. Please contact me with any questions. --David\n\n\n", "<9135207.1075859532738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change_modification productTnn": {"value": "change_modification productTnn", "ne": "change_modification productTnn", "patterns": ["change_modification productTnn"]}, "definition productTnn": {"value": "definition productTnn", "ne": "definition productTnn", "patterns": ["definition productTnn"]}, "delivery energyTnn": {"value": "delivery energyTnn", "ne": "delivery energyTnn", "patterns": ["delivery energyTnn"]}, "delivery pointTnn": {"value": "delivery pointTnn", "ne": "delivery pointTnn", "patterns": ["delivery pointTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-5-2001-11:10:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"7-5-2001-11:10:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-11:10:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "clint.dean@enron.com smith.day@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22493575.1075857370935.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 May 2001 11:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nSubject: ERCOT language\nCc: clint.dean@enron.com, smith.day@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: clint.dean@enron.com, smith.day@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Doug Gilbert-Smith\nX-cc: Clint Dean, Smith L Day\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Clint_Dean_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Dean-C\nX-FileName: cdean.nsf\n\nDoug -- Following up on our discussion, attached is the single definition of \nERCOT Unplanned B product currently traded on EOL. Although a different \ntransition can be arranged with EOL, they ordinarily show a 'banner' on the \nday that the product change is instituted and for a couple days afterwards, \nstating that the product definition has changed and very briefly summarizing \nthe change. Let's talk about what should be done to the definition below. \nMy understanding is that new Operating Guides are not being published at or \nbefore the June 1 market transition. \n\n\n----- Forwarded by David Portz/HOU/ECT on 05/07/2001 05:50 PM -----\n\n\tChris Walker/ENRON@enronXgate\n\t05/07/2001 05:35 PM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: ERCOT language\n\nDavid,\n\nHere is the current description as it appears on EnronOnline.\n\nUS Pwr Phy Unp B ERCOT Peak Jun01 USD/MWh\n\nA US Power Transaction with Enron Power Marketing, Inc. under which the \nSeller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase a quantity of Unplanned B \nenergy as defined in Section E of Operating Guide No 1 - System Control of \nthe most recent version of the Operating Guides of the Electric Reliability \nCouncil of Texas, Inc. (\"ERCOT\") equal to the Hourly Quantity at the Contract \nPrice. The Contract Price shall be as submitted by the Counterparty via the \nWebsite.\nThe transaction is for the applicable hours as set forth herein on each \nDelivery Day for the Effective Date 01 Jun 2001 to the Termination Date 30 \nJun 2001.\nThe transaction is for delivery or receipt of energy within ERCOT that is \n\"Undelivered\" in accordance with the most recent version of the ERCOT Market \nGuides.\nThe price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume, which will be the \nContractual Currency.\nThe unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be megawatt-hours \n(MWh) and the quantity shown shall be in MW's delivered in each applicable \nhour for the duration of the Transaction (the \"Hourly Quantity').\nThe transaction is for on-peak (\"Peak\") hours on each Delivery Day beginning \nwith the hour ending 0700 (6:00 am) and concluding with the hour ending 2200 \n(10:00 pm) Central Prevailing Time. \"Delivery Day\" means a day during the \nterm of the transaction that is a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or \nFriday, excluding any day that is a NERC holiday.\n\nCW\n3-7533\n\n", "ERCOT language", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 2, "information", ["attached", "definition"], "information", "doug -- following up on our discussion, attached is the single definition of ercot unplanned b product currently traded on orgname although a different transition can be arranged with orgname they ordinarily show a 'banner' on the day that the product change is instituted and for a couple days afterwards, stating that the product definition has changed and very briefly summarizing the change."], ["show deal", 11, "nninformation", ["change", "show"], "intention", "doug -- following up on our discussion, attached is the single definition of ercot unplanned b product currently traded on orgname although a different transition can be arranged with orgname they ordinarily show a 'banner' on the day that the product change is instituted and for a couple days afterwards, stating that the product definition has changed and very briefly summarizing the change."]], "Doug -- Following up on our discussion, attached is the single definition of \nERCOT Unplanned B product currently traded on EOL. Although a different \ntransition can be arranged with EOL, they ordinarily show a 'banner' on the \nday that the product change is instituted and for a couple days afterwards, \nstating that the product definition has changed and very briefly summarizing \nthe change. Let's talk about what should be done to the definition below. \nMy understanding is that new Operating Guides are not being published at or \nbefore the June 1 market transition. \n\n\n---", "<22493575.1075857370935.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn": {"value": "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn", "ne": "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn"]}, "change_modification productTnn": {"value": "change_modification productTnn", "ne": "change_modification productTnn", "patterns": ["change_modification productTnn"]}, "definition productTnn": {"value": "definition productTnn", "ne": "definition productTnn", "patterns": ["definition productTnn"]}, "guide market_marketplaceTnn": {"value": "guide market_marketplaceTnn", "ne": "guide market_marketplaceTnn", "patterns": ["guide market_marketplaceTnn"]}, "guide operatingTnn": {"value": "guide operatingTnn", "ne": "guide operatingTnn", "patterns": ["guide operatingTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-11-2000-8:30:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"28-11-2000-8:30:0Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["28-11-2000-8:30:0", "david.portz@enron.com", "mike.curry@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9037339.1075859538438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 08:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: mike.curry@enron.com\nSubject: Wind Condition Subsequent Side Letter\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com\nX-From: David Portz\nX-To: Mike Curry\nX-cc: Elizabeth Sager\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager.nsf\n\nAs discussed, attached is the above referenced letter in a clean version and \nin a redlined version showing changes from the version put forward by Lee \nGarner, Wind's outside counsel. Please review and respond with comments. I \nwill provide each of you a hard copy of Feb. 1998 Enron Corp. corporate \nresolutions passed in connection with a Minnesota project, though it is not \ncertain that they are flush with what will be required in this instance. \n--David \n", "Wind Condition Subsequent Side Letter", "", [["show deal", 11, "information", ["changes", "showing"], "information", "as discussed, attached is the above referenced letter in a clean version and in a redlined version showing changes from the version put forward by lee garner, wind's outside counsel."], ["review comment", 21, "nninformation", ["comments", "review"], "request", " please review and respond with comments."]], "As discussed, attached is the above referenced letter in a clean version and \nin a redlined version showing changes from the version put forward by Lee \nGarner, Wind's outside counsel. Please review and respond with comments. I \nwill provide each of you a hard copy of Feb. 1998 Enron Corp. corporate \nresolutions passed in connection with a Minnesota project, though it is not \ncertain that they are flush with what will be required in this instance. \n--David \n", "<9037339.1075859538438.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counsel outsideTnn": {"value": "counsel outsideTnn", "ne": "counsel outsideTnn", "patterns": ["counsel outsideTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-11-2001-8:15:47Sdavid.portz@enron.com": {"9-11-2001-8:15:47Sdavid.portz@enron.com": ["9-11-2001-8:15:47", "david.portz@enron.com", "tom.may@enron.com d..baughman@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com kay.mann@enron.com paul.radous@enron.com edward.sacks@enron.com steve.hall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9567939.1075861317477.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 08:15:47 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.portz@enron.com\nTo: tom.may@enron.com, d..baughman@enron.com\nSubject: Energy Marketing Services Deal Templates, and credit annex\nCc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com, steve.hall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, kay.mann@enron.com, paul.radous@enron.com,\n\tedward.sacks@enron.com, steve.hall@enron.com\nX-From: Portz, David \nX-To: May, Tom , Baughman, Edward D. \nX-cc: Sager, Elizabeth , Mann, Kay , Radous, Paul , Sacks, Edward , Hall, Steve \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAGER (Non-Privileged)\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: ESAGER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nAs discussed with Tom today, and a while ago with Ed, I'm forwarding for yo=\nur review and comment the current state of development of several Energy Ma=\nrketing Service Agreement templates. These are all prepared solely as to t=\nhe marketing of power, and do not cover provision of fuel or performing any=\n origination work for Customers. The templates attached are: (1) the hourl=\ny/day-ahead template (or \"extreme short form EMSA\"), unchanged from what wa=\ns circulated 9-7-01 for comment, (2) an EMSA for use with a Customer owning=\n a generator (similar to Mobile, SPSA situation), (3) an EMSA template for =\nuse with a Customer owning a mix of purchased power (under \"PPAs\") and gene=\nration, (together referenced as \"Resources\"), and (4) a credit support anne=\nx, for use when appropriate with the forms referenced as items 2 and 3. Pl=\nease pay particular attention to the draft Exhibit A to the item 2 & 3 temp=\nlates, where the manner in which services will be compensated remains to be=\n worked out. Redlining in the \"PPA & Gen\" EMSA template (Item 3) mostly in=\ndicates changes from the \"Gen only\" template (Item 2). Please come back t=\no me with questions, comments, or redlines of any changes you may want to s=\nuggest. --David\n\n(1) \"extreme short form EMSA\" =20\n(2) EMSA for use with a Customer owning a generator =20\n(3) EMSA for use with a Customer owning a mix of purchased power (under \"PP=\nAs\") and generation =20\n\n(4) credit support annex, for use when appropriate with items 2 and 3 . ", "Energy Marketing Services Deal Templates, and credit annex", "", [["show deal", 93, "information", ["changes", "indicates"], "information", " redlining in the \"ppa & gen\" emsa template (item numeric ) mostly indicates changes from the \"gen only\" template (item numeric )."]], "As discussed with Tom today, and a while ago with Ed, I'm forwarding for your review and comment the current state of development of several Energy Marketing Service Agreement templates. These are all prepared solely as to the marketing of power, and do not cover provision of fuel or performing any origination work for Customers. The templates attached are: (1) the hourly/day-ahead template (or \"extreme short form EMSA\"), unchanged from what was circulated 9-7-01 for comment, (2) an EMSA for use with a Customer owning a generator (similar to Mobile, SPSA situation), (3) an EMSA template for use with a Customer owning a mix of purchased power (under \"PPAs\") and generation, (together referenced as \"Resources\"), and (4) a credit support annex, for use when appropriate with the forms referenced as items 2 and 3. Please pay particular attention to the draft Exhibit A to the item 2 & 3 templates, where the manner in which services will be compensated remains to be worked out. Redlining in the \"PPA & Gen\" EMSA template (Item 3) mostly indicates changes from the \"Gen only\" template (Item 2). Please come back to me with questions, comments, or redlines of any changes you may want to suggest. --David\n\n(1) \"extreme short form EMSA\" =20\n(2) EMSA for use with a Customer owning a generator =20\n(3) EMSA for use with a Customer owning a mix of purchased power (under \"PPAs\") and generation =20\n\n(4) credit support annex, for use when appropriate with items 2 and 3 . ", "<9567939.1075861317477.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn": {"value": "agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn", "ne": "agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn", "patterns": ["agreement energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnnn"]}, "agreement energyTnn": {"value": "agreement energyTnn", "ne": "agreement energyTnn", "patterns": ["agreement energyTnn"]}, "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["agreement marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn": {"value": "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "ne": "agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "patterns": ["agreement marketing_marketing0serviceTnn"]}, "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn": {"value": "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn", "ne": "agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn", "patterns": ["agreement_understanding guide_templateTnn"]}, "annex credit supportTnnn": {"value": "annex credit supportTnnn", "ne": "annex credit supportTnnn", "patterns": ["annex credit supportTnnn"]}, "annex creditTnn": {"value": "annex creditTnn", "ne": "annex creditTnn", "patterns": ["annex creditTnn"]}, "change commentTnn": {"value": "change commentTnn", "ne": "change commentTnn", "patterns": ["change commentTnn"]}, "credit deal_tradeTnn": {"value": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "ne": "credit deal_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["credit deal_tradeTnn"]}, "credit supportTnn": {"value": "credit supportTnn", "ne": "credit supportTnn", "patterns": ["credit supportTnn"]}, "64": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["credit_reference numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade energyTnn": {"value": "deal_trade energyTnn", "ne": "deal_trade energyTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade energyTnn"]}, "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing0service_serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing0service_serviceTnn"]}, "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn": {"value": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "ne": "energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy marketing_marketing0serviceTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["guide_template numericTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["guide_template numericTnn"]}, "marketing powerTnn": {"value": "marketing powerTnn", "ne": "marketing powerTnn", "patterns": ["marketing powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-11-2001-13:40:30Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": {"14-11-2001-13:40:30Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": ["14-11-2001-13:40:30", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "frank.hayden@enron.com", "john.lavorato@enron.com w..white@enron.com e-mail .kevin@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10351390.1075861703228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:40:30 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nTo: frank.hayden@enron.com\nSubject: FW: correlations\nCc: john.lavorato@enron.com, w..white@enron.com, e-mail <.kevin@enron.com>\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: john.lavorato@enron.com, w..white@enron.com, e-mail <.kevin@enron.com>\nX-From: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-To: Hayden, Frank \nX-cc: Lavorato, John , White, Stacey W. , Kevin Presto (E-mail) \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JLAVORA (Non-Privileged)\\Lavorato, John\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Lavorato-J\nX-FileName: JLAVORA (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nFrank,\n\nPlease can you verify for John that this change to VaR makes sense from your perspective given your independent analysis of the price curves. The existing VaR calculation assumes a power to gas correlation in Texas of 47% and the empirical evidence shows something in the order of 93%. I believe that, while we have provided this data, you and Mike have found it to be accurate and agree that VaR should drop by the amount stated below.\n\nI realize that, in order to process this change company wide you need to recalculate all the associated matrices and your group is working on that. In the meantime, as this is a material change to the East Power VaR, I would appreciate it if you could convey this to John so that he is aware of the change and is comfortable that it is not simply driven by the Desk but is a reflection of your work following our discussions relating to Power/Gas correlations in ERCOT.\n\nPlease let me know if there is anything else we can do to facilitate wrapping this up.\n\nthanks,\n\nDoug \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHayden, Frank \nSent:\tFriday, November 02, 2001 12:52 PM\nTo:\tDahlke, Andrea\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tRE: correlations\n\nNew correlations drop TX group VAR by $3.2MM\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDahlke, Andrea \nSent:\tFriday, November 02, 2001 8:53 AM\nTo:\tHayden, Frank\nCc:\tGilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tRE: correlations\n\nFrank-\n\nDoug is actually out of the office today, but I wanted to check with you and see where we are at on the issue of revising his correlations in the VaR engine. The VaR for the Ercot desk is $6 million today (limit of $5 million), so I know he is anxious to resolve this.\n\nThanks!\n\nAndrea\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHayden, Frank \nSent:\tWednesday, October 31, 2001 3:50 PM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug\nCc:\tEvans, Casey; Dahlke, Andrea; Presley, Mike E\nSubject:\tRE: correlations\n\nDoug,\nIs this the same function used in Enpower's port calc? As an aside, Mike brought up a point that the correl excel function is using actual prices, similar to calc'ing pnl using price instead of price change?seems like \"correl\" should be operating off second layer of data, ie. log returns or price changes?(variance, covariance) \n\nOut of due diligence, we should confirm that this is not the same function/operation utilized by valuation engine?(let's cross fingers)\n\nPlease keep me posted.\nThanks,\nFrank\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGilbert-smith, Doug \nSent:\tWednesday, October 31, 2001 2:27 PM\nTo:\tHayden, Frank; Presley, Mike E\nCc:\tDahlke, Andrea; Evans, Casey; Presto, Kevin M.\nSubject:\tcorrelations\n\n << File: Doug_Correlation_103101.xls >> \n\nHere are the correlations for selected term structures. Please feel free to ask for further info if necessary. Based on this, it looks like moving the correlations closer to 70-80% would be prudent while still being conservative.\n\nThanks,\n\nDoug", "FW: correlations", "", [["make change", 6, "nninformation", ["change", "makes"], "intention", "frank, please can you verify for john that this change to var makes sense from your perspective given your independent analysis of the price curves."]], "Frank,\n\nPlease can you verify for John that this change to VaR makes sense from your perspective given your independent analysis of the price curves. The existing VaR calculation assumes a power to gas correlation in Texas of 47% and the empirical evidence shows something in the order of 93%. I believe that, while we have provided this data, you and Mike have found it to be accurate and agree that VaR should drop by the amount stated below.\n\nI realize that, in order to process this change company wide you need to recalculate all the associated matrices and your group is working on that. In the meantime, as this is a material change to the East Power VaR, I would appreciate it if you could convey this to John so that he is aware of the change and is comfortable that it is not simply driven by the Desk but is a reflection of your work following our discussions relating to Power/Gas correlations in ERCOT.\n\nPlease let me know if there is anything else we can do to facilitate wrapping this up.\n\nthanks,\n\nDoug \n\n ", "<10351390.1075861703228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "east", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-12-2001-12:54:2Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": {"14-12-2001-12:54:2Sdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com": ["14-12-2001-12:54:2", "doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com", "rpastore@aerienetworks.com", "", "Message-ID: <12475347.1075840541292.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 12:54:02 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com\nTo: rpastore@aerienetworks.com\nSubject: new toy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gilbert-smith, Doug \nX-To: 'rpastore@aerienetworks.com@ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Gilbert-smith, Doug\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: GILBERTSMITH-D\nX-FileName: doug gilbert smith 6-25-02.PST\n\nwww.interactivebrokers.com\n\ncheck this out-something to do for me.\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \trpastore@aerienetworks.com@ENRON \nSent:\tThursday, December 13, 2001 9:28 AM\nTo:\tGilbert-smith, Doug\nSubject:\tPhone number\n\nDoug:\n\nJohn and Esther's Home Number: 713-218-9536\nEsther's Work Number at Silver Creations: 713-655-9330\n\nI'll call you in a bit.\n\nLater,\n\nRich Pastore\n\n303-542-1215 office\n832-545-0243 cell\n\n - C.DTF << File: C.DTF >> ", "new toy", "", [["check_break object", 1, "nninformation", ["check", "this"], "intention", "com check this out-something to do for me."]], "www.interactivebrokers.com\n\ncheck this out-something to do for me.\n\n ", "<12475347.1075840541292.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-4-2001-8:28:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"9-4-2001-8:28:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-8:28:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "bruce.sukaly@enron.com mike.curry@enron.com jducote@enron.com drew.tingleaf@enron.com cahn@enron.com jason.wiesepape@enron.com berney.aucoin@enron.com michelle.parks@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com larry.jester@enron.com joe.allen@enron.com patrick.keene@enron.com stacey.bolton@enron.com leslie.lawner@enron.com ron.mcnamara@enron.com gloria.ogenyi@enron.com lance.cunningham@enron.com thane.twiggs@enron.com nancy.hetrick@enron.com clandry@enron.com bevin.hunter@enron.com jean.ryall@enron.com preston.ochsner@enron.com", "richard.shapiro@enron.com james.steffes@enron.com christi.nicolay@enron.com mike.roan@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6088509.1075844197658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 08:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: bruce.sukaly@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, jducote@enron.com,\n\tdrew.tingleaf@enron.com, cahn@enron.com, jason.wiesepape@enron.com,\n\tberney.aucoin@enron.com, michelle.parks@enron.com,\n\tdoug.gilbert-smith@enron.com, larry.jester@enron.com,\n\tjoe.allen@enron.com, patrick.keene@enron.com,\n\tstacey.bolton@enron.com, leslie.lawner@enron.com,\n\tron.mcnamara@enron.com, gloria.ogenyi@enron.com,\n\tlance.cunningham@enron.com, thane.twiggs@enron.com,\n\tnancy.hetrick@enron.com, clandry@enron.com, bevin.hunter@enron.com,\n\tjean.ryall@enron.com, preston.ochsner@enron.com\nSubject: Capacity Auction Agreement Working Group for ERCOT (CAAWG - ERCOT)\n and SPP (CAAWG - SPP)\nCc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,\n\tchristi.nicolay@enron.com, mike.roan@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,\n\tchristi.nicolay@enron.com, mike.roan@enron.com\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: bruce.sukaly@enron.com, mike.curry@enron.com, jducote@enron.com, drew.tingleaf@enron.com, cahn@enron.com, Jason R Wiesepape, Berney C Aucoin, Michelle Parks, Doug Gilbert-Smith, Larry Jester, Joe Allen, Patrick Keene, Stacey Bolton, Leslie Lawner, Ron McNamara, Gloria Ogenyi, Lance Cunningham, Thane Twiggs, Nancy Hetrick, clandry@enron.com, Bevin Hunter, Jean Ryall, Preston Ochsner, Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate\nX-cc: Richard Shapiro, James D Steffes, Christi L Nicolay, Mike Roan\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Richard_Shapiro_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: SHAPIRO-R\nX-FileName: rshapiro.nsf\n\nThe Capacity Auction Agreement Working Group for ERCOT (CAAWG - ERCOT) will=\n=20\nbe the forum to work on the implementation of the standard form agreement a=\nnd=20\nresolution of issues related to using capacity auction products in the=20\nancillary services markets of ERCOT. The CAAWG - ERCOT will hold its meetin=\ngs=20\nat the Commission where a member of the Commission's Market Oversight=20\nDivision will be present. This group will be filing its final work product=\n=20\nin Central Records at 3 pm on Friday, May 4, 2001, for public comment prior=\n=20\nto consideration at the Commission's June 14, 2001 Open Meeting.=20\n\nThe SPP Stakeholders will be filing a standard form agreement and resolutio=\nn=20\nof issues related to the use of capacity auction products in the SPP=20\nancillary services markets at the Commission at 3 pm on Friday, May 4, 2001=\n=20\nfor public comment prior to consideration at the Commission's June 14, 2001=\n=20\nOpen Meeting. Because the structure of the SPP ancillary services market is=\n=20\nstill under development, the focus will be on ERCOT and input and assistanc=\ne=20\nfrom SPP staff will be sought in the coming weeks.\n\nThe Working Groups are a direct result of the PUCT Capacity Auction Order. =\n=20\nThe current time line proposes meeting weekly as Stakeholders to work to=20\nresolve the issues, schedules and final products to be included in the=20\nauction this fall. Under the current proposal the Capacity Auction Product=\ns=20\nwill be Baseline, Gas Intermediate, Gas Cyclic and Gas Peaking. Each of th=\ne=20\nPGCs must auction 15% of the Texas Jurisdictional Installed Generation=20\nCapacity. The capacity will be sold as a \"slice of the system\" of each of=\n=20\nthe divesting PGCs and will not be for any specific unit. During the month=\ns=20\nof March, April May, October, and November of each year the available=20\nentitlements may be reduced proportionately to the average planned plant=20\noutage. With respect to the firmness of the products, the PUCT found that=\n=20\nthe products should be 100% financially firm to provide potential buyers of=\n=20\nthe entitlements certainty in the products that they are buying. Forced=20\noutages are limited to 2.0% of the hours of the entitlement.\n\nThe Power Generation Companies (PGCs) have recommended using the EEI Maste=\nr=20\nPower Purchase and Sale Agreement and Schedule CA will describe the product=\ns=20\navailable for auction. A copy of Schedule CA will be attached below for yo=\nur=20\nreview and comment. Please note that the Schedule CA is not a final docume=\nnt=20\nand is an initial proposal from the PGCs. Your review and comments will be=\n=20\nessential. Also, if you have any questions or comments as to the process o=\nf=20\nthe CAAWG or the auction process in general please feel free to call me. T=\nhe=20\nworking group will meet each Wednesday for the balance of April after which=\n=20\nthe working group will meet May 1st and May 2nd in anticipation of the=20\nproposed May 4th filing date. After the filing, Enron will have the=20\nopportunity to file written comments with the PUCT. The Auction process=20\nunder the rule must be completed prior to September 1, 2001 for the initial=\n=20\nauction period.\n\nThe following is an initial list of issues. =20\n\n1. What is the timing of schedules for each of the products from the buyer =\nof=20\nthe entitlement to the seller of the entitlement.\n2. Are ancillary services available from the Baseload product? TXU has=20\nstated that they cannot provide A/S from their Baseload units. As such,=\n=20\nshould A/S be removed from all Baseload product offerings from all PGCs so=\n=20\nthat there is a standard product or should the Baseload offerings include=\n=20\nancillary services when and where available. The argument distills to if t=\nhe=20\nentitlement is more valuable in the market as a standardized product or a=\n=20\ndifferentiated product that may or may not include A/S.\n3. What is the delivery point for the entitlement and other operational=20\nissues? Should it be a single bus, multiple busses or congestion zones. =\n=20\nCongestion zones may change each year, under the current auction schedule,=\n=20\nyou would bid for the product before you know the final congestion zone.\n4. How (or if possible) can responsibility transfers be used for balancing=\n=20\nenergy?\n5. Who will receive OOM payments?\n6. What about compensation for other A/S payments?\n7. Does released capacity exist, should it exist at all? If so, what happe=\nns=20\nwhen the capacity is released. The PGC would like the offering to look lik=\ne =20\na call option. If the option is not exercised by scheduling, then the=20\ncapacity is deemed released. This is the interpretation of the PGC=01,s an=\nd=20\nnot necessarily that of the PUCT or other Stakeholders.\n8. How much of a product or entitlement is available in A/S?\n\n The order adopting the final rule can be found at =20\nhttp://www.puc.state.tx.us/rules/rulemake/21405/121900adt.pdf the actual =\n =20\nrule starts at page 41 of 65.\n\nPlease review and comment.\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com", "Capacity Auction Agreement Working Group for ERCOT (CAAWG - ERCOT)\n and SPP (CAAWG - SPP)", "", [["settle_resolve issue", 119, "nninformation", ["issues", "resolve"], "intention", " numeric the current time line proposes meeting weekly as stakeholders to work to numeric resolve the issues, schedules and final products to be included in the numeric auction this fall."], ["attach schedule", 211, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " a copy of schedule ca will be attached below for your numeric review and comment."], ["receive price{numeric0mw}{balance0energy}", 350, "nninformation", ["oom", "receive"], "request information", " who will receive oom payments?"]], "The Capacity Auction Agreement Working Group for ERCOT (CAAWG - ERCOT) will=20\nbe the forum to work on the implementation of the standard form agreement and=20\nresolution of issues related to using capacity auction products in the=20\nancillary services markets of ERCOT. The CAAWG - ERCOT will hold its meetings=20\nat the Commission where a member of the Commission's Market Oversight=20\nDivision will be present. This group will be filing its final work product=20\nin Central Records at 3 pm on Friday, May 4, 2001, for public comment prior=20\nto consideration at the Commission's June 14, 2001 Open Meeting.=20\n\nThe SPP Stakeholders will be filing a standard form agreement and resolution=20\nof issues related to the use of capacity auction products in the SPP=20\nancillary services markets at the Commission at 3 pm on Friday, May 4, 2001=20\nfor public comment prior to consideration at the Commission's June 14, 2001=20\nOpen Meeting. Because the structure of the SPP ancillary services market is=20\nstill under development, the focus will be on ERCOT and input and assistance=20\nfrom SPP staff will be sought in the coming weeks.\n\nThe Working Groups are a direct result of the PUCT Capacity Auction Order. =20\nThe current time line proposes meeting weekly as Stakeholders to work to=20\nresolve the issues, schedules and final products to be included in the=20\nauction this fall. Under the current proposal the Capacity Auction Products=20\nwill be Baseline, Gas Intermediate, Gas Cyclic and Gas Peaking. Each of the=20\nPGCs must auction 15% of the Texas Jurisdictional Installed Generation=20\nCapacity. The capacity will be sold as a \"slice of the system\" of each of=20\nthe divesting PGCs and will not be for any specific unit. During the months=20\nof March, April May, October, and November of each year the available=20\nentitlements may be reduced proportionately to the average planned plant=20\noutage. With respect to the firmness of the products, the PUCT found that=20\nthe products should be 100% financially firm to provide potential buyers of=20\nthe entitlements certainty in the products that they are buying. Forced=20\noutages are limited to 2.0% of the hours of the entitlement.\n\nThe Power Generation Companies (PGCs) have recommended using the EEI Master=20\nPower Purchase and Sale Agreement and Schedule CA will describe the products=20\navailable for auction. A copy of Schedule CA will be attached below for your=20\nreview and comment. Please note that the Schedule CA is not a final document=20\nand is an initial proposal from the PGCs. Your review and comments will be=20\nessential. Also, if you have any questions or comments as to the process of=20\nthe CAAWG or the auction process in general please feel free to call me. The=20\nworking group will meet each Wednesday for the balance of April after which=20\nthe working group will meet May 1st and May 2nd in anticipation of the=20\nproposed May 4th filing date. After the filing, Enron will have the=20\nopportunity to file written comments with the PUCT. The Auction process=20\nunder the rule must be completed prior to September 1, 2001 for the initial=20\nauction period.\n\nThe following is an initial list of issues. =20\n\n1. What is the timing of schedules for each of the products from the buyer of=20\nthe entitlement to the seller of the entitlement.\n2. Are ancillary services available from the Baseload product? TXU has=20\nstated that they cannot provide A/S from their Baseload units. As such,=20\nshould A/S be removed from all Baseload product offerings from all PGCs so=20\nthat there is a standard product or should the Baseload offerings include=20\nancillary services when and where available. The argument distills to if the=20\nentitlement is more valuable in the market as a standardized product or a=20\ndifferentiated product that may or may not include A/S.\n3. What is the delivery point for the entitlement and other operational=20\nissues? Should it be a single bus, multiple busses or congestion zones. =20\nCongestion zones may change each year, under the current auction schedule,=20\nyou would bid for the product before you know the final congestion zone.\n4. How (or if possible) can responsibility transfers be used for balancing=20\nenergy?\n5. Who will receive OOM payments?\n6. What about compensation for other A/S payments?\n7. Does released capacity exist, should it exist at all? If so, what happens=20\nwhen the capacity is released. The PGC would like the offering to look like =20\na call option. If the option is not exercised by scheduling, then the=20\ncapacity is deemed released. This is the interpretation of the PGC=01,s and=20\nnot necessarily that of the PUCT or other Stakeholders.\n8. How much of a product or entitlement is available in A/S?\n\n The order adopting the final rule can be found at =20\nhttp://www.puc.state.tx.us/rules/rulemake/21405/121900adt.pdf the actual =20\nrule starts at page 41 of 65.\n\nPlease review and comment.\n\nThane Thomas Twiggs\nEnron Corp\n1400 Smith Street\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-853-3199 Voice\n713-408-4463 Mobile\n713-646-8272 Fax\n877-968-8967 Digital Pager or 8779688967@skytel.com", "<6088509.1075844197658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"capacity0payment_payment oomTnn": {"value": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "ne": "capacity0payment_payment oomTnn", "patterns": ["capacity0payment_payment oomTnn"]}, "189": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_hour0end numericTnn"]}, "336": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric scheduleTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-8-2000-7:19:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": {"23-8-2000-7:19:0Sthane.twiggs@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-7:19:0", "thane.twiggs@enron.com", "bruno.gaillard@enron.com james.steffes@enron.com jeff.dasovich@enron.com paul.kaufman@enron.com richard.shapiro@enron.com sandra.mccubbin@enron.com steven.kean@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5401849.1075842951836.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 07:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: thane.twiggs@enron.com\nTo: bruno.gaillard@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,\n\tpaul.kaufman@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com,\n\tsandra.mccubbin@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com\nSubject: More CA information\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\nX-To: Bruno Gaillard, James D Steffes, Jeff Dasovich, Paul Kaufman, Richard Shapiro, Sandra McCubbin, Steven J Kean\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Jeff_Dasovich_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: DASOVICH-J\nX-FileName: jdasovic.nsf\n\n\n\n\nCalifornia is electric industry test case \n\n\n\n\nBy Deborah Adamson, CBS.MarketWatch.com\nLast Update: 3:03 PM ET Aug 23, 2000 \nNewsWatch\nLatest headlines\n\nSAN DIEGO (CBS.MW) -- The federal government will provide grants and loans to \nhelp local residents and businesses pay for soaring electricity bills, \nPresident Clinton said Wednesday.\nClinton said $2.6 million will be earmarked to help low-income families and \nseniors pay for electricity bills that have more than doubled. He urged the \nSmall Business Administration to provide loans to companies that are \nstruggling to pay power bills.\nHe also called for expediting the investigation of wholesale power markets by \nthe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.\n\"We'll do what we can to help you,\" the president said during a televised \nnews conference at the White House in Washington.\nTest case yields public outcry\nThe San Diego area is a test case for the rest of the country over the \nfeasibility of electric industry deregulation. The region -- which also \nencompasses South Orange County, north of San Diego -- is the first in the \nnation to have its power market completely deregulated. \nNew York, New England and mid-Atlantic states are following suit, and they're \nwatching California carefully.\nThus far, the San Diego test has turned out to be a shambles.\nElectricity supply that hasn't increased in 10 years failed this summer to \nmeet strong demand resulting from a growing state. With market forces in play \nfor the first time, strong demand led to much higher wholesale rates that was \npassed along to residents.\nAfter a public outcry, the California Public Utilities Commission on Monday \napproved a plan that would cap customers' electric bills for normal use, but \nthey'll pay market rates for anything extra. Utility companies also can \ncollect on any shortfalls later.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nToday on CBS MarketWatch\nNasdaq inches higher; Dow lags\nOil inventories at 24-year low\nCommentary: Garzarelli sees stock rally in fourth quarter\nAmazon.com enters car market\nCalifornia is electric industry test case\nMore top stories...\nCBS MarketWatch Columns\nUpdated:\n8/23/2000 3:02:08 PM?ET\n\n\n\n\nIn other words, if the electric company can't pass along the entire cost of \nbuying the energy for now, they'll be able to pass it along months later. \nTherefore, people who are used to seeing lower electricity bills for the \ncooler months in fall and winter won't see much of a drop-off.\n\"It's a shameful pay-now-or-pay-later plan,\" said Bob Finkelstein, staff \nattorney for the Utility Reform Network, a consumer advocacy group. \n\"California jumped off the deregulation cliff.\"\nState legislators, which have the power to expand on the commission's ruling, \nshelved a plan to roll back rates to mid-1999 levels and cap them for \ncustomers of San Diego Gas & Electric, a Sempra Energy (SRE: news, msgs) \nsubsidiary. They faced opposition from Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, and from \nRepublican lawmakers.\nDavis prefers a plan that would cut rates by 60 percent immediately but that \nwould stipulate customers pay the full amount of what they owe later. \nRepublican lawmakers want the state to use taxpayers' money to help pay \nelectric bills for consumers while businesses get tax credits.\nSan Diego fiasco\nThe Southern California fiasco came about as a result of a deregulated \nelectricity market that began two years ago. The effects of deregulation are \nbeing felt first in the San Diego area because it was the first to end its \nrate freeze -- last summer. The rest of California should follow, region \nafter region, by 2002. \nThe idea sounded good: Deregulate the electric industry and let the market \nset the prices. With competition, rates should come down and service should \nimprove. When the long-distance phone market was deregulated, it did bring \nabout low prices and greater competition.\nBut things got messed up along the way.\nFor one, the hope that consumers and businesses could one day shop for \nelectricity as they shop for better deals among long-distance carriers was \ndashed, at least for now. Initially, hundreds of companies had signed up to \noffer power but most have gone out of business or left the market. Of the \nremaining companies, most serve the more lucrative corporate market, said \nLinda Sherry, a spokeswoman at Consumer Action.\nAlso, the strategy of letting housing developments form power cooperatives \nand negotiate better rates \"didn't pan out,\" Sherry said.\nDemand far outstrips supply\nDemand for power in California surged as businesses and the population grew. \nBut supply didn't grow with it because no new electric generation plants have \nbeen built in the state for 10 years. Last year, the state approved five \napplications to build new plants, but they're years away from becoming \noperational.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnder the deregulated market, electric utility companies were mandated to \nsell their power generation plants. By separating the provider of electricity \nand the generator of electricity, the idea is to usher in a more competitive \nmarket.\nToday, San Diego Gas & Electric buys from electric generators through an \nauction market.\nBut the auction market rules as set up actually make the situation in San \nDiego worse. According to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, when \nelectric utilities accept bids from generators at various prices, they are \nrequired to pay to everyone the rate of the highest bid. But in a situation \nwhere the electric company needs all the power available, it has to accept \nall the bids and apply the highest price to every deal -- inflating the cost.\nElectric generators were taking advantage of the situation by charging more, \nSherry said. FERC is investigating and plans to issue a report later this \nyear. But for now, price caps have been set.\nUtility company buffeted\nEd Van Herik, a Sempra spokesman, said the auction rules are putting the \nsqueeze on utility companies, already buffeted from all sides by public \noutcry and political pressure.\nBut Utility Reform Network's Finkelstein said San Diego Gas & Electric isn't \ntotally blameless because it could have done a better job of hedging high \ncosts.\n\"They could have entered into (futures) contracts to hedge these risks,\" \nwhich would have allowed the utility to buy electricity at prices under \nnormal conditions, the attorney said.?\n", "More CA information", "", [["long numeric0mw{hour0end}{orgname0book}{pricenumeric}{offpeak}{deal}", 350, "nninformation", ["deals", "long"], "request", " for one, the hope that consumers and businesses could one day shop for electricity as they shop for better deals among long-distance carriers was dashed, at least for now."], ["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 415, "information", ["plants", "sell"], "information", " under the deregulated market, electric utility companies were mandated to sell their power generation plants."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 458, "nninformation", ["prices", "pay"], "intention", " according to the federal energy regulatory commission, when electric utilities accept bids from generators at various prices, they are required to pay to everyone the rate of the highest bid."]], "\n\n\nCalifornia is electric industry test case \n\n\n\n\nBy Deborah Adamson, CBS.MarketWatch.com\nLast Update: 3:03 PM ET Aug 23, 2000 \nNewsWatch\nLatest headlines\n\nSAN DIEGO (CBS.MW) -- The federal government will provide grants and loans to \nhelp local residents and businesses pay for soaring electricity bills, \nPresident Clinton said Wednesday.\nClinton said $2.6 million will be earmarked to help low-income families and \nseniors pay for electricity bills that have more than doubled. He urged the \nSmall Business Administration to provide loans to companies that are \nstruggling to pay power bills.\nHe also called for expediting the investigation of wholesale power markets by \nthe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.\n\"We'll do what we can to help you,\" the president said during a televised \nnews conference at the White House in Washington.\nTest case yields public outcry\nThe San Diego area is a test case for the rest of the country over the \nfeasibility of electric industry deregulation. The region -- which also \nencompasses South Orange County, north of San Diego -- is the first in the \nnation to have its power market completely deregulated. \nNew York, New England and mid-Atlantic states are following suit, and they're \nwatching California carefully.\nThus far, the San Diego test has turned out to be a shambles.\nElectricity supply that hasn't increased in 10 years failed this summer to \nmeet strong demand resulting from a growing state. With market forces in play \nfor the first time, strong demand led to much higher wholesale rates that was \npassed along to residents.\nAfter a public outcry, the California Public Utilities Commission on Monday \napproved a plan that would cap customers' electric bills for normal use, but \nthey'll pay market rates for anything extra. Utility companies also can \ncollect on any shortfalls later.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nToday on CBS MarketWatch\nNasdaq inches higher; Dow lags\nOil inventories at 24-year low\nCommentary: Garzarelli sees stock rally in fourth quarter\nAmazon.com enters car market\nCalifornia is electric industry test case\nMore top stories...\nCBS MarketWatch Columns\nUpdated:\n8/23/2000 3:02:08 PM?ET\n\n\n\n\nIn other words, if the electric company can't pass along the entire cost of \nbuying the energy for now, they'll be able to pass it along months later. \nTherefore, people who are used to seeing lower electricity bills for the \ncooler months in fall and winter won't see much of a drop-off.\n\"It's a shameful pay-now-or-pay-later plan,\" said Bob Finkelstein, staff \nattorney for the Utility Reform Network, a consumer advocacy group. \n\"California jumped off the deregulation cliff.\"\nState legislators, which have the power to expand on the commission's ruling, \nshelved a plan to roll back rates to mid-1999 levels and cap them for \ncustomers of San Diego Gas & Electric, a Sempra Energy (SRE: news, msgs) \nsubsidiary. They faced opposition from Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, and from \nRepublican lawmakers.\nDavis prefers a plan that would cut rates by 60 percent immediately but that \nwould stipulate customers pay the full amount of what they owe later. \nRepublican lawmakers want the state to use taxpayers' money to help pay \nelectric bills for consumers while businesses get tax credits.\nSan Diego fiasco\nThe Southern California fiasco came about as a result of a deregulated \nelectricity market that began two years ago. The effects of deregulation are \nbeing felt first in the San Diego area because it was the first to end its \nrate freeze -- last summer. The rest of California should follow, region \nafter region, by 2002. \nThe idea sounded good: Deregulate the electric industry and let the market \nset the prices. With competition, rates should come down and service should \nimprove. When the long-distance phone market was deregulated, it did bring \nabout low prices and greater competition.\nBut things got messed up along the way.\nFor one, the hope that consumers and businesses could one day shop for \nelectricity as they shop for better deals among long-distance carriers was \ndashed, at least for now. Initially, hundreds of companies had signed up to \noffer power but most have gone out of business or left the market. Of the \nremaining companies, most serve the more lucrative corporate market, said \nLinda Sherry, a spokeswoman at Consumer Action.\nAlso, the strategy of letting housing developments form power cooperatives \nand negotiate better rates \"didn't pan out,\" Sherry said.\nDemand far outstrips supply\nDemand for power in California surged as businesses and the population grew. \nBut supply didn't grow with it because no new electric generation plants have \nbeen built in the state for 10 years. Last year, the state approved five \napplications to build new plants, but they're years away from becoming \noperational.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnder the deregulated market, electric utility companies were mandated to \nsell their power generation plants. By separating the provider of electricity \nand the generator of electricity, the idea is to usher in a more competitive \nmarket.\nToday, San Diego Gas & Electric buys from electric generators through an \nauction market.\nBut the auction market rules as set up actually make the situation in San \nDiego worse. According to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, when \nelectric utilities accept bids from generators at various prices, they are \nrequired to pay to everyone the rate of the highest bid. But in a situation \nwhere the electric company needs all the power available, it has to accept \nall the bids and apply the highest price to every deal -- inflating the cost.\nElectric generators were taking advantage of the situation by charging more, \nSherry said. FERC is investigating and plans to issue a report later this \nyear. But for now, price caps have been set.\nUtility company buffeted\nEd Van Herik, a Sempra spokesman, said the auction rules are putting the \nsqueeze on utility companies, already buffeted from all sides by public \noutcry and political pressure.\nBut Utility Reform Network's Finkelstein said San Diego Gas & Electric isn't \ntotally blameless because it could have done a better job of hedging high \ncosts.\n\"They could have entered into (futures) contracts to hedge these risks,\" \nwhich would have allowed the utility to buy electricity at prices under \nnormal conditions, the attorney said.?\n", "<5401849.1075842951836.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"91": {"value": "south", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname part_regionTnn"]}, "314": {"value": "california", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname part_regionTnn"]}, "94": {"value": "north", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "389": {"value": "california", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}, "market powerTnn": {"value": "market powerTnn", "ne": "market powerTnn", "patterns": ["market powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-9-2001-23:44:55Seric.saibi@enron.com": {"24-9-2001-23:44:55Seric.saibi@enron.com": ["24-9-2001-23:44:55", "eric.saibi@enron.com", "ossiealamsyah2001@yahoo.com", "", "Message-ID: <5861163.1075852294042.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:44:55 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: eric.saibi@enron.com\nTo: ossiealamsyah2001@yahoo.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Saibi, Eric \nX-To: 'ossiealamsyah2001@yahoo.com'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThanks. Dad has had problems digesting food lately. It just gets stuck in there. So Sasha took him to the hospital. They used tubes to remove some of the food that has been stuck, but they are not sure what types of treatment they will do now. I will keep you guys posted.\n\nEric\n\n\n\n>From: ossie alamsyah \n>To: Eric Saibi \n>Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 04:53:43 +0100 (BST)\n>\n>Heard that your dad is back in hospital. What's wrong\n>? Please tell him to be strong and hope to get well\n>soon....\n>\n>Regards from me, Tita, Olla & Alifa\n>\n>", "", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 17, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " i will keep you guys posted."]], "Thanks. Dad has had problems digesting food lately. It just gets stuck in there. So Sasha took him to the hospital. They used tubes to remove some of the food that has been stuck, but they are not sure what types of treatment they will do now. I will keep you guys posted.\n\nEric\n\n\n\n From: ossie alamsyah ", [], false]}, "30-9-2001-11:19:37Seric.saibi@enron.com": {"30-9-2001-11:19:37Seric.saibi@enron.com": ["30-9-2001-11:19:37", "eric.saibi@enron.com", "william.freije@enron.com m..forney@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1744034.1075852294086.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 11:19:37 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: eric.saibi@enron.com\nTo: william.freije@enron.com, m..forney@enron.com, clint.dean@enron.com\nSubject: Off Peak Length for Monday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Saibi, Eric \nX-To: Freije, William , Forney, John M. , Dean, Clint \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI sold the 10 MW off peak to STEC. Enpower 796442. I thought the length was in the Asset book, but it appeared that the lenth was in the Ercot Mngmnt book. So I put the sale in that book to keep everyone flat. I did not make any other changes to Enpower.\n\nEric", "Off Peak Length for Monday", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 2, "information", ["mw", "sold"], "information", "i sold the numeric mw off peak to stec."], ["make change", 21, "information", ["changes", "make"], "information", " i did not make any other changes to enpower."]], "I sold the 10 MW off peak to STEC. Enpower 796442. I thought the length was in the Asset book, but it appeared that the lenth was in the Ercot Mngmnt book. So I put the sale in that book to keep everyone flat. I did not make any other changes to Enpower.\n\nEric", "<1744034.1075852294086.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"book_orgname0book saleTnn": {"value": "book_orgname0book saleTnn", "ne": "book_orgname0book saleTnn", "patterns": ["book_orgname0book saleTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-8-2001-12:31:54Sl..day@enron.com": {"10-8-2001-12:31:54Sl..day@enron.com": ["10-8-2001-12:31:54", "l..day@enron.com", "joe.capasso@enron.com joe.errigo@enron.com alexander.mcelreath@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com steve.olinde@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4155780.1075841498624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 12:31:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: l..day@enron.com\nTo: joe.capasso@enron.com, joe.errigo@enron.com, alexander.mcelreath@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.miller@enron.com, steve.olinde@enron.com,\n\teric.saibi@enron.com\nSubject: How to Copy ERCOT Weekend Schedules\nCc: m..forney@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: m..forney@enron.com\nX-From: Day, Smith L. \nX-To: Capasso, Joe , Errigo, Joe , McElreath, Alexander , Miller, Jeffrey , Olinde Jr., Steve , Saibi, Eric \nX-cc: Forney, John M. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Saibi, Eric\\Saved\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: eric saibi 6-26-02.PST\n\nJoe E, \n\nThis is the procedure you'll need to follow Satuday, 8/11 between 8 and 10 to submit the day ahead schedule.\n\nEveryone else: This will come in handy for the future if you have to copy a schedule.\n\n\n ", "How to Copy ERCOT Weekend Schedules", "", [["submit schedule", 6, "nninformation", ["schedule", "submit"], "intention", " this is the procedure you'll need to follow satuday, datenumeric between numeric and numeric to submit the day ahead schedule."]], "Joe E, \n\nThis is the procedure you'll need to follow Satuday, 8/11 between 8 and 10 to submit the day ahead schedule.\n\nEveryone else: This will come in handy for the future if you have to copy a schedule.\n\n\n ", "<4155780.1075841498624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-9-2001-11:37:20Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com": {"29-9-2001-11:37:20Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com": ["29-9-2001-11:37:20", "george.phillips@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com jeffrey.miller@enron.com eric.saibi@enron.com l..day@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1573845.1075852298416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 11:37:20 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: george.phillips@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com, jeffrey.miller@enron.com, eric.saibi@enron.com,\n\tl..day@enron.com\nSubject: CA/TX reads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Phillips, George \nX-To: Forney, John M. , Miller, Jeffrey , Saibi, Eric , Day, Smith L. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ESAIBI (Non-Privileged)\\Saibi, Eric\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SAIBI-E\nX-FileName: ESAIBI (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n40 percent of Texans Plan to Try Electricity Competition: When the gates to deregulation open on January 1, 2002, the race to choose a new energy supplier will begin in the Texas market. According to a recent Scripps Howard Texas poll, there will be plenty of consumers ready to make the switch. The poll predicts that 40 percent of Texans are likely to switch their electric providers when the state markets open to competition. Results also showed that a majority of Texans agree that there should be more competition in the states electric power industry.\n\nTexas Deregulation Gets More Kudos: Texas' deregulation plan is receiving praise yet again as a successful approach to deregulation. The Retail Energy Deregulation Index (RED Index), a scorecard developed by the Center for the Advancement of Energy Markets (CAEM), lists Texas' deregulation plan as second only to Pennsylvania's deregulation approach. According to Ken Malloy, CEO of CAEM, Texas is primed for a successful transition to a competitive electric retail market. CAEM, an independent, non-profit, Washington, DC based, think-tank specializing in energy competition policies produces the Retail Energy Deregulation Index (RED Index). \n\nElectric Choice Stalled in California: California's ongoing struggle to get above their problems with deregulation has finally came to a head. On September 20, the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) suspended direct access until the Department of Water Resources no longer supplies power to the customers in California. The PUC's decision to take away direct access was deemed necessary to help the state pay for the upcoming 12.5 billion bond issue planned for later this year and to help pay off the states outstanding debt for energy purchased by the Department of Water Resources. \n\nAlthough consumers can no longer change electricity providers, companies who already hold energy agreements will continue to receive service through the end of their contracts. EES is continuing to move forward in the California market with sales of natural gas procurement and delivery and many other services that are still needed in the region. With California consumers temporarily unable to seek the best price for power, services such as business risk management, distributed generation, and energy efficiency improvement services will become customers only outlet for achieving energy savings.\n\nDaniel Weintraub: Now it's illegal to purchase your own electricity\n> > \n> > (Published Sept. 25, 2001) \n> > \n> > Buying your own has been banned in California. Electricity on the open\n> > market is now officially contraband. Like prescription drugs, which you\n> > can get only from a licensed pharmacy, electricity is something you can\n> > buy from your local utility, which can make its own or buy it from the\n> > state. Beyond that, it's an illegal substance. \n> > It was the grand hope of a deregulated electricity industry that you and\n> I\n> > and the factory down the street would be able to buy our own juice from\n> > the lowest bidder. It might have been a pain -- kind of like shopping\n> for\n> > telephone service. But just as breaking up Ma Bell spawned great leaps\n> in\n> > mobile phone technology, busting the utility monopoly was supposed to\n> > usher in a new era for electricity. \n> > Not that there were mobs of shopkeepers and apartment dwellers lobbying\n> > the Legislature for consumer choice. It was the biggest users who really\n> > wanted to cut their own deals. Under the old, regulated system, the huge\n> > factories that make steel and cement and computers, and gobble up\n> > electricity by the megawatt, were paying 50 percent more than their\n> > competitors in other states. They wanted the right to shop around. \n> > The Legislature agreed, but only to a point. Lawmakers permitted choice,\n> > but they rigged the new system in its early years to favor the utilities\n> > that were a powerful force in the Capitol. They made it nearly\n> impossible\n> > for the private generators to undercut the utilities' pricing, and they\n> > put roadblocks in the way of cities that might have gathered their small\n> > customers together and used their market clout to negotiate for lower\n> > rates. \n> > The government spent millions on an advertising campaign trying to\n> > persuade us of the wisdom of buying our own energy. But there weren't\n> > really many deals to be had. Now there are none. \n> > Consumer choice died a quiet death last week at the hands of the Public\n> > Utility Commission. Its demise was collateral damage from the mess that\n> > was California's experiment in electricity deregulation. \n> > Choice couldn't survive because the state, which now controls the energy\n> > business, can't cope with the competition. If Californians were allowed\n> to\n> > buy their own electricity, pretty soon most of us would figure out that\n> we\n> > are getting a rotten deal from the state. As more people left the state\n> > system, the few that remained would have to pay higher and higher rates\n> to\n> > keep the books balanced. Eventually, the whole thing would collapse of\n> its\n> > own weight. \n> > We're in this fix because Gov. Gray Davis, when he stepped in to buy\n> > electricity on behalf of the failing utilities in January, went too far.\n> > Craving stability at any price, Davis bought almost all the energy the\n> > state will need for the next few years and much of what we'll need for a\n> > decade. And he bought that electricity at the top of the market, paying\n> > prices that had never been so high, and might never be again. \n> > As those prices were passed along to consumers, suddenly choosing your\n> own\n> > electricity supplier got more attractive than ever. Thousands of\n> > businesses jumped at the opportunity. Among them were the big steel\n> > factories in the Inland Empire region east of Los Angeles. \n> > Tamco Steel of Rancho Cucamonga, which makes rebar, realized its annual\n> > electricity bill was going to climb from $12 million to $26 million if\n> it\n> > stayed with the local utility, Southern California Edison, according to\n> a\n> > report in the Riverside Press-Enterprise. The company, which just laid\n> off\n> > 70 people, one-fourth of its workers, desperately started searching for\n> > cheaper energy. It signed a deal with a private supplier on Sept. 1,\n> just\n> > days before the state slammed the door shut on such opportunities. \n> > That's a scenario that was repeated up and down the state all summer,\n> and\n> > it illustrates why, in the twisted world of electricity regulation, the\n> > Public Utilities Commission had to step in and just say no. Without the\n> > ban there would have been a \"jailbreak,\" in the words of one\n> commissioner,\n> > leaving small customers or the taxpayers holding the bag. \n> > That decision might have been unavoidable, given the circumstances. But\n> it\n> > didn't have to be this way. Davis could have swallowed hard and ridden\n> out\n> > the storm earlier this year. He could have signed electricity contracts\n> > for shorter terms at higher prices. That would have been painful,\n> > financially and politically, but once the crisis passed, Californians\n> > would have been free again to set their own course. Instead, we are\n> > imprisoned in a high-priced, state-run system, and will be for years to\n> > come. \n> > California, in fact, is worse off than it was in 1995, when companies\n> > stuck with high utility rates first asked for the freedom to buy their\n> own\n> > electricity. This does not seem like an unreasonable request, an act\n> that\n> > should be against the law. Yet now it is. The real crime, though, is the\n> > state bungling that destroyed the electricity industry.", "CA/TX reads", "", [["cut deal", 274, "information", ["cut", "deals"], "information", " it was the biggest users who really wanted to cut their own deals."], ["pay cost_price{balance0energy}", 411, "information", ["prices", "paying"], "information", " and he bought that electricity at the top of the market, paying prices that had never been so high, and might never be again."]], "40 percent of Texans Plan to Try Electricity Competition: When the gates to deregulation open on January 1, 2002, the race to choose a new energy supplier will begin in the Texas market. According to a recent Scripps Howard Texas poll, there will be plenty of consumers ready to make the switch. The poll predicts that 40 percent of Texans are likely to switch their electric providers when the state markets open to competition. Results also showed that a majority of Texans agree that there should be more competition in the states electric power industry.\n\nTexas Deregulation Gets More Kudos: Texas' deregulation plan is receiving praise yet again as a successful approach to deregulation. The Retail Energy Deregulation Index (RED Index), a scorecard developed by the Center for the Advancement of Energy Markets (CAEM), lists Texas' deregulation plan as second only to Pennsylvania's deregulation approach. According to Ken Malloy, CEO of CAEM, Texas is primed for a successful transition to a competitive electric retail market. CAEM, an independent, non-profit, Washington, DC based, think-tank specializing in energy competition policies produces the Retail Energy Deregulation Index (RED Index). \n\nElectric Choice Stalled in California: California's ongoing struggle to get above their problems with deregulation has finally came to a head. On September 20, the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) suspended direct access until the Department of Water Resources no longer supplies power to the customers in California. The PUC's decision to take away direct access was deemed necessary to help the state pay for the upcoming 12.5 billion bond issue planned for later this year and to help pay off the states outstanding debt for energy purchased by the Department of Water Resources. \n\nAlthough consumers can no longer change electricity providers, companies who already hold energy agreements will continue to receive service through the end of their contracts. EES is continuing to move forward in the California market with sales of natural gas procurement and delivery and many other services that are still needed in the region. With California consumers temporarily unable to seek the best price for power, services such as business risk management, distributed generation, and energy efficiency improvement services will become customers only outlet for achieving energy savings.\n\nDaniel Weintraub: Now it's illegal to purchase your own electricity\n \n (Published Sept. 25, 2001) \n \n Buying your own has been banned in California. Electricity on the open\n market is now officially contraband. Like prescription drugs, which you\n can get only from a licensed pharmacy, electricity is something you can\n buy from your local utility, which can make its own or buy it from the\n state. Beyond that, it's an illegal substance. \n It was the grand hope of a deregulated electricity industry that you and\n I\n and the factory down the street would be able to buy our own juice from\n the lowest bidder. It might have been a pain -- kind of like shopping\n for\n telephone service. But just as breaking up Ma Bell spawned great leaps\n in\n mobile phone technology, busting the utility monopoly was supposed to\n usher in a new era for electricity. \n Not that there were mobs of shopkeepers and apartment dwellers lobbying\n the Legislature for consumer choice. It was the biggest users who really\n wanted to cut their own deals. Under the old, regulated system, the huge\n factories that make steel and cement and computers, and gobble up\n electricity by the megawatt, were paying 50 percent more than their\n competitors in other states. They wanted the right to shop around. \n The Legislature agreed, but only to a point. Lawmakers permitted choice,\n but they rigged the new system in its early years to favor the utilities\n that were a powerful force in the Capitol. They made it nearly\n impossible\n for the private generators to undercut the utilities' pricing, and they\n put roadblocks in the way of cities that might have gathered their small\n customers together and used their market clout to negotiate for lower\n rates. \n The government spent millions on an advertising campaign trying to\n persuade us of the wisdom of buying our own energy. But there weren't\n really many deals to be had. Now there are none. \n Consumer choice died a quiet death last week at the hands of the Public\n Utility Commission. Its demise was collateral damage from the mess that\n was California's experiment in electricity deregulation. \n Choice couldn't survive because the state, which now controls the energy\n business, can't cope with the competition. If Californians were allowed\n to\n buy their own electricity, pretty soon most of us would figure out that\n we\n are getting a rotten deal from the state. As more people left the state\n system, the few that remained would have to pay higher and higher rates\n to\n keep the books balanced. Eventually, the whole thing would collapse of\n its\n own weight. \n We're in this fix because Gov. Gray Davis, when he stepped in to buy\n electricity on behalf of the failing utilities in January, went too far.\n Craving stability at any price, Davis bought almost all the energy the\n state will need for the next few years and much of what we'll need for a\n decade. And he bought that electricity at the top of the market, paying\n prices that had never been so high, and might never be again. \n As those prices were passed along to consumers, suddenly choosing your\n own\n electricity supplier got more attractive than ever. Thousands of\n businesses jumped at the opportunity. Among them were the big steel\n factories in the Inland Empire region east of Los Angeles. \n Tamco Steel of Rancho Cucamonga, which makes rebar, realized its annual\n electricity bill was going to climb from $12 million to $26 million if\n it\n stayed with the local utility, Southern California Edison, according to\n a\n report in the Riverside Press-Enterprise. The company, which just laid\n off\n 70 people, one-fourth of its workers, desperately started searching for\n cheaper energy. It signed a deal with a private supplier on Sept. 1,\n just\n days before the state slammed the door shut on such opportunities. \n That's a scenario that was repeated up and down the state all summer,\n and\n it illustrates why, in the twisted world of electricity regulation, the\n Public Utilities Commission had to step in and just say no. Without the\n ban there would have been a \"jailbreak,\" in the words of one\n commissioner,\n leaving small customers or the taxpayers holding the bag. \n That decision might have been unavoidable, given the circumstances. But\n it\n didn't have to be this way. Davis could have swallowed hard and ridden\n out\n the storm earlier this year. He could have signed electricity contracts\n for shorter terms at higher prices. That would have been painful,\n financially and politically, but once the crisis passed, Californians\n would have been free again to set their own course. Instead, we are\n imprisoned in a high-priced, state-run system, and will be for years to\n come. \n California, in fact, is worse off than it was in 1995, when companies\n stuck with high utility rates first asked for the freedom to buy their\n own\n electricity. This does not seem like an unreasonable request, an act\n that\n should be against the law. Yet now it is. The real crime, though, is the\n state bungling that destroyed the electricity industry.", "<1573845.1075852298416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "customer serviceTnn": {"value": "customer serviceTnn", "ne": "customer serviceTnn", "patterns": ["customer serviceTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "texans", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "40", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "texans", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "40", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "539": {"value": "california", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "541": {"value": "1995", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "432": {"value": "east", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname part_regionTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-7-2001-12:42:21Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com": {"3-7-2001-12:42:21Sgeorge.phillips@enron.com": ["3-7-2001-12:42:21", "george.phillips@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com don.baughman@enron.com juan.hernandez@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14827585.1075855147874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 12:42:21 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: george.phillips@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com, don.baughman@enron.com, juan.hernandez@enron.com\nSubject: Thank you.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Phillips, George \nX-To: Forney, John M. , Baughman Jr., Don , Hernandez, Juan \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Edward_Baughman_Jan2002\\Baughman Jr., Don\\Power\\Interviews\nX-Origin: Baughman-E\nX-FileName: dbaughm (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nThank you for your time spent discussing the real-time power trading position opening(s) in your department. The interview reaffirmed my interest in the position and provided me additional valuable information to consider in the pursuit of the real-time position. Thanks again. \n\nRegards, \n\nGeorge ", "Thank you.", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 16, "information", ["information", "provided"], "information", " the interview reaffirmed my interest in the position and provided me additional valuable information to consider in the pursuit of the real-time position."]], "Thank you for your time spent discussing the real-time power trading position opening(s) in your department. The interview reaffirmed my interest in the position and provided me additional valuable information to consider in the pursuit of the real-time position. Thanks again. \n\nRegards, \n\nGeorge ", "<14827585.1075855147874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-10-2001-3:11:26Salexander.mcelreath@enron.com": {"22-10-2001-3:11:26Salexander.mcelreath@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-3:11:26", "alexander.mcelreath@enron.com", "m..forney@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24717423.1075852366006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 03:11:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: alexander.mcelreath@enron.com\nTo: m..forney@enron.com\nSubject: Prices\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: McElreath, Alexander \nX-To: Forney, John M. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\JFORNEY (Non-Privileged)\\Forney, John M.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: FORNEY-J\nX-FileName: JFORNEY (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nJohn,\n\nJust passing on some nightly info. it looks like the last four nights HE 23-24 have been very strong averaging in the mid 20's. The west printed negative on the 19th and 20th HE 20-21. Calpine and Aquila were offering $14-$15 power for HE 23-24 every night. Const or Mirant were $15-$16 bids. I sold the 30mw short term ercot was long @ $13.5 to CPS. \n\n\nAlex", "Prices", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 27, "information", ["mw", "sold"], "information", " i sold the numeric mw short term ercot was long @ pricenumeric to cps."], ["short numeric0mw{he0numeric}", 30, "information", ["$13 5", "short"], "information", " i sold the numeric mw short term ercot was long @ pricenumeric to cps."]], "John,\n\nJust passing on some nightly info. it looks like the last four nights HE 23-24 have been very strong averaging in the mid 20's. The west printed negative on the 19th and 20th HE 20-21. Calpine and Aquila were offering $14-$15 power for HE 23-24 every night. Const or Mirant were $15-$16 bids. I sold the 30mw short term ercot was long @ $13.5 to CPS. \n\n\nAlex", "<24717423.1075852366006.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"25": {"value": "$16", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["bid pricenumericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "west", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "23", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "$15", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "power pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-1-2002-9:58:43Stom.may@enron.com": {"31-1-2002-9:58:43Stom.may@enron.com": ["31-1-2002-9:58:43", "tom.may@enron.com", "corry.bentley@enron.com brad.morse@enron.com william.crooks@enron.com cara.semperger@enron.com erik.serio@enron.com mike.purcell@enron.com", "paul.racicot@enron.com m.hall@enron.com john.suarez@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32595300.1075841545521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 09:58:43 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: corry.bentley@enron.com, brad.morse@enron.com, william.crooks@enron.com,\n\tcara.semperger@enron.com, erik.serio@enron.com,\n\tmike.purcell@enron.com\nSubject: \nCc: paul.racicot@enron.com, m.hall@enron.com, john.suarez@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: paul.racicot@enron.com, m.hall@enron.com, john.suarez@enron.com\nX-From: May, Tom \nX-To: Bentley, Corry , Morse, Brad , Crooks, William , Semperger, Cara , Serio, Erik , Purcell, Mike \nX-cc: Racicot, Paul , Hall, Bob M , Suarez, John \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Semperger, Cara\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: SEMPERGER-C\nX-FileName: cara semperger 6-26-02.PST\n\nPlease attend a meeting at 1pm CST to coordinate transfer of scheduling of estate contracts from UBS staff to estate staff. We will meet in EB 3133 and conference in Cara Freeland from the west desk.\n \nTom May\n713-870-4329", "", "", [["attend meeting", 0, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "request", "please attend a meeting at numerictime cst to coordinate transfer of scheduling of estate contracts from ubs staff to estate staff."]], "Please attend a meeting at 1pm CST to coordinate transfer of scheduling of estate contracts from UBS staff to estate staff. We will meet in EB 3133 and conference in Cara Freeland from the west desk.\n \nTom May\n713-870-4329", "<32595300.1075841545521.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"16": {"value": "west", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["desk locnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-11-2001-8:41:21Stom.may@enron.com": {"29-11-2001-8:41:21Stom.may@enron.com": ["29-11-2001-8:41:21", "tom.may@enron.com", "elizabeth.sager@enron.com david.portz@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9613227.1075859130648.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 08:41:21 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.sager@enron.com, david.portz@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Services Contracts\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: May, Tom \nX-To: Sager, Elizabeth , Portz, David \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Elizabeth_Sager_Jan2002\\Sager, Elizabeth\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Sager-E\nX-FileName: esager (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\n\n\nAs we discussed, we would like to notify our customers of our current status and our ability to look after them. Here is a brief summary of the services contracts and obligations that we currently have along with the notification letter we would like to send them. Please let us know if we are ok to send these out.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n\nMDEA\npurchase power for the cities\npurchase and schedule gas as agent to supply the cities generating units\nreal-time operational coordination via our control room to balance the cities load and resources\n\nMDEA relies entirely on EPMI for this as they have no other enabling agreements or marketing/scheduling capability. We are no longer able to purchase power for them but are able to schedule gas as their agent. The sities could incur signifigant imbalance charges as a result of our inability to perform.\n\n \n\nQSE Customers\n\nGreen Mountain Power (BP Energy), New Power Company, XERS (starts Jan 1) \n\nWe schedule all power contracts with ERCOT\nWe settle all charges and payments with ERCOT (ERCOT settles with EPMI and EPMI settles with customer)\n\n \n\nFrontera\n\nWe market the output of the Frontera plant (450 MW) \nWe buy to suppy Frontera's obligations (call options to EPMI and Mirant) when the market is below Frontera's cost.\nWe schedule all transactions as QSE\n\nFrontera has no other enabling agreements and relies on EPMI for all trading activities.\n\n ", "FW: Services Contracts", "", [["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 51, "nninformation", ["purchase", "power"], "intention", " we are no longer able to purchase power for them but are able to schedule gas as their agent."], ["purchase_buy numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}", 85, "nninformation", ["buy", "mw"], "intention", " qse customers green mountain power orgname energy), orgname xers (starts datenumeric ) we schedule all power contracts with ercot we settle all charges and payments with ercot (ercot settles with epmi and epmi settles with customer) orgname we market the output of the orgname plant ( numeric mw) we buy to suppy orgname s obligations (call options to epmi and mirant) when the market is below orgname s cost."]], "\n\n\nAs we discussed, we would like to notify our customers of our current status and our ability to look after them. Here is a brief summary of the services contracts and obligations that we currently have along with the notification letter we would like to send them. Please let us know if we are ok to send these out.\n\nThanks,\n\nTom.\n\n\nMDEA\npurchase power for the cities\npurchase and schedule gas as agent to supply the cities generating units\nreal-time operational coordination via our control room to balance the cities load and resources\n\nMDEA relies entirely on EPMI for this as they have no other enabling agreements or marketing/scheduling capability. We are no longer able to purchase power for them but are able to schedule gas as their agent. The sities could incur signifigant imbalance charges as a result of our inability to perform.\n\n \n\nQSE Customers\n\nGreen Mountain Power (BP Energy), New Power Company, XERS (starts Jan 1) \n\nWe schedule all power contracts with ERCOT\nWe settle all charges and payments with ERCOT (ERCOT settles with EPMI and EPMI settles with customer)\n\n \n\nFrontera\n\nWe market the output of the Frontera plant (450 MW) \nWe buy to suppy Frontera's obligations (call options to EPMI and Mirant) when the market is below Frontera's cost.\nWe schedule all transactions as QSE\n\nFrontera has no other enabling agreements and relies on EPMI for all trading activities.\n\n ", "<9613227.1075859130648.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas powerTnn": {"value": "gas powerTnn", "ne": "gas powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas powerTnn"]}, "83": {"value": "450", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-2-2002-7:20:50Stom.may@enron.com": {"1-2-2002-7:20:50Stom.may@enron.com": ["1-2-2002-7:20:50", "tom.may@enron.com", "tom.may@enron.com jason.choate@enron.com dean.laurent@enron.com corry.bentley@enron.com william.crooks@enron.com erik.serio@enron.com brad.morse@enron.com john.suarez@enron.com", "cara.semperger@enron.com mike.purcell@enron.com p..o'neil@enron.com paul.racicot@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8566685.1075841545101.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 07:20:50 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: tom.may@enron.com, jason.choate@enron.com, dean.laurent@enron.com,\n\tcorry.bentley@enron.com, william.crooks@enron.com,\n\terik.serio@enron.com, brad.morse@enron.com, john.suarez@enron.com\nSubject: RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI\n FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\nCc: cara.semperger@enron.com, mike.purcell@enron.com, p..o'neil@enron.com,\n\tpaul.racicot@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: cara.semperger@enron.com, mike.purcell@enron.com, p..o'neil@enron.com,\n\tpaul.racicot@enron.com\nX-From: May, Tom \nX-To: May, Tom , Choate, Jason , Laurent, Dean , Bentley, Corry , Crooks, William , Serio, Erik , Morse, Brad , Suarez, John \nX-cc: Semperger, Cara , Purcell, Mike , O'Neil, Murray P. , Racicot, Paul \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Semperger, Cara\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: SEMPERGER-C\nX-FileName: cara semperger 6-26-02.PST\n\nErik, Dean, & Mike,\n \nDo you folks feel you will be able to schedule the east power contracts with some assistance from Jason and Lisa on Monday and do you have the logins that you will require? If not, what do we need to get?\n \nTom.\n \n \n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: Choate, Jason \nSent: Fri 2/1/2002 9:06 AM \nTo: May, Tom \nCc: \nSubject: RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\n\n\nI'm not sure. Corry came over and told me this was happening on Monday. It shouldn't be a problem for me and Lisa to come down and help whoever is going to be scheduling.\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: May, Tom \nSent: Fri 2/1/2002 9:02 AM \nTo: Choate, Jason; Laurent, Dean; Bentley, Corry; Crooks, William; Serio, Erik; Morse, Brad; Suarez, John \nCc: Semperger, Cara; Purcell, Mike; O'Neil, Murray P. \nSubject: RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\n\n\nJason,\n \nWhy has this now changed to Monday from Thursday morning and who made this decision?\n \nWill we be able to schedule Monday without the UBS folks?\n \nTom\n\n-----Original Message----- \nFrom: Choate, Jason \nSent: Fri 2/1/2002 8:53 AM \nTo: Laurent, Dean; Bentley, Corry; May, Tom; Crooks, William; Serio, Erik; Morse, Brad; Suarez, John \nCc: \nSubject: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!\n\n\n\nMORNING AGENDA: \n\n1. ROLL SYSTEM (this throws all the enpower deals into the Scheduling function for enpower so you can route your deals)\n\n \n a. Login to Enpower \n b. go to the hand (upper left hand corner of launch pad) \n c. select tools \n 1. select Auto Scheduler (4th selection) \n d. in Auto Scheduler \n 1. Portfolio Code- East \n 2. select Schedule Entire Days tab (far left) \n 3. the date that it defaults to is the next day to be rolled (should be tomorrow) \n 4. click the Schedule button (it has a green check mark on it) \n\n2. WHERE TO FIND THE SCHEDULING EXCEL SHEETS \n\n a. COMED m:/electric/schedule/comed/2002/COMED-FEB-2002 \n b. CINERGY m:/electric/schedule/ECAR/2002/ECAR-FEB-002 \n c. ENTERGY m:/electric/schedule/spp/2002/ENTERGY-FEB2002 \n d. PJM m:/electric/schedule/PJM/pjm-2002/PJM-FEB2002 \n\n3. SCHEDULE AND ROUTE DEALS IN ENPOWER \n\n PHONE #'S FOR SCHEDULING \n\n WEPCO 414-221-4398 \n VEPCO 804-273-4477 \n KOCH 713-544-5523 \n SELECT 860-665-3654 \n MPEX 612-332-1289 ", "RE: URGENT!!! UBS SCHEDULERS WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO EPMI\n FILES ON MONDAY, FEB 4!!!!", "", [["schedule locname{zone}{load}", 11, "nninformation", ["east", "schedule"], "request information", "erik, dean, & mike, do you folks feel you will be able to schedule the east power contracts with some assistance from jason and lisa on monday and do you have the logins that you will require?"]], "Erik, Dean, & Mike,\n \nDo you folks feel you will be able to schedule the east power contracts with some assistance from Jason and Lisa on Monday and do you have the logins that you will require? If not, what do we need to get?\n \nTom.\n \n \n", "<8566685.1075841545101.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "east", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-9-2000-8:24:0Stom.may@enron.com": {"25-9-2000-8:24:0Stom.may@enron.com": ["25-9-2000-8:24:0", "tom.may@enron.com", "christi.nicolay@enron.com", "sarah.novosel@enron.com howard.fromer@enron.com james.steffes@enron.com kevin.presto@enron.com joe.hartsoe@enron.com richard.shapiro@enron.com steven.kean@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1375857.1075846358397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 08:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: christi.nicolay@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HQ Energy Mkt. Power\nCc: sarah.novosel@enron.com, howard.fromer@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,\n\tkevin.presto@enron.com, joe.hartsoe@enron.com,\n\trichard.shapiro@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sarah.novosel@enron.com, howard.fromer@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,\n\tkevin.presto@enron.com, joe.hartsoe@enron.com,\n\trichard.shapiro@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com\nX-From: Tom May\nX-To: Christi L Nicolay\nX-cc: Sarah Novosel, Howard Fromer, James D Steffes, Kevin M Presto, Joe Hartsoe, Richard Shapiro, Steven J Kean\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Steven_Kean_Dec2000_1\\Notes Folders\\New york\nX-Origin: KEAN-S\nX-FileName: skean.nsf\n\nJust to clarify.\n\nThe product that is traded in New York is a financial swap that settles \nagainst the Day Ahead clearing price. It is changes to HQ's physical \ndeliveries (0 to 1500 MW) into NY that can swing the clearing price by at \nleast $20. This is not just due to the price that HQ sells their energy for, \nbut is mostly due to the impact on congestion in NY of HQ deliveries. When \nHQ is not delivering high volumes, NY is generally uncongested and the price \nfor the entire state is set by gas generation in the East. When HQ delivers \nhigh volumes, the system becomes congested and the west price is set by much \nlower cost resources and the east price is set by gas generation. The impact \non the NY West price (Zone A) is at least $15 dollars. Since the majority of \nthe OTC trades are settled against this price, it gives HQ tremendous ability \nto trade financially and then influence the settlement price. Large \ngenerators in New York west could also do this but it would be quite costly \nfor them to withhold 1000 MW of generation and this would be easily noticed. \nHQ however, has hydro generation and can easily store their water for \ndelivery another day.\n\nHQ trades directly in the New York OTC market as HQ Energy Services (US) \nInc.. The general market realizes the impact that HQ can have on the \nclearing price and will often pull out of the market when HQ is trading. I \nhave heard from a couple of sources that HQ is using Select to trade for them \nto avoid this problem but I cannot confirm this.\n\nHope this helps clarify things.\n\nTom.\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Christi L Nicolay @ ECT 09/22/2000 11:03 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Howard Fromer/HOU/EES@EES, James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin M \nPresto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom May/Corp/Enron@Enron, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nRichard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron \n\nSubject: HQ Energy Mkt. Power\n\nTom May asked me to get a summary of what FERC reviewed and why FERC found \nthat HQ had mitigated its market power initially. HQ's 3 year update is due \nin Nov.\n\nHQ, acting through Select, has the ability to move the price $20 or more.\n\nIn accordance with our strategy to protest MBRs for problem utilties, EPMI \nwill most probably protest the HQ request for continuation of MBRs. Please \nproceed with the RCR for Tabors and B&P to research this problem and begin \nwork on a protest.\n\n", "Re: HQ Energy Mkt. Power", "", [["sell_trade numeric0mw{pricenumeric}{hour0end}{he0numeric}{object}{power}", 27, "information", ["price", "sells"], "information", " this is not just due to the price that hq sells their energy for, but is mostly due to the impact on congestion in ny of hq deliveries."]], "Just to clarify.\n\nThe product that is traded in New York is a financial swap that settles \nagainst the Day Ahead clearing price. It is changes to HQ's physical \ndeliveries (0 to 1500 MW) into NY that can swing the clearing price by at \nleast $20. This is not just due to the price that HQ sells their energy for, \nbut is mostly due to the impact on congestion in NY of HQ deliveries. When \nHQ is not delivering high volumes, NY is generally uncongested and the price \nfor the entire state is set by gas generation in the East. When HQ delivers \nhigh volumes, the system becomes congested and the west price is set by much \nlower cost resources and the east price is set by gas generation. The impact \non the NY West price (Zone A) is at least $15 dollars. Since the majority of \nthe OTC trades are settled against this price, it gives HQ tremendous ability \nto trade financially and then influence the settlement price. Large \ngenerators in New York west could also do this but it would be quite costly \nfor them to withhold 1000 MW of generation and this would be easily noticed. \nHQ however, has hydro generation and can easily store their water for \ndelivery another day.\n\nHQ trades directly in the New York OTC market as HQ Energy Services (US) \nInc.. The general market realizes the impact that HQ can have on the \nclearing price and will often pull out of the market when HQ is trading. I \nhave heard from a couple of sources that HQ is using Select to trade for them \nto avoid this problem but I cannot confirm this.\n\nHope this helps clarify things.\n\nTom.\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Christi L Nicolay @ ECT 09/22/2000 11:03 AM\n\t\n\n", "<1375857.1075846358397.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"balance0energy_energy priceTnn": {"value": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "ne": "balance0energy_energy priceTnn", "patterns": ["balance0energy_energy priceTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "$20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "$15", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "106": {"value": "0new0york", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["deal_trade locnameTnn"]}, "energy sellTnv": {"value": "energy sellTnv", "ne": "energy sellTnv", "patterns": ["energy sellTnv"]}, "66": {"value": "west", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname zoneTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "1500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}, "91": {"value": "1000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mw_numeric0mw numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-5-2001-18:41:0Stom.may@enron.com": {"11-5-2001-18:41:0Stom.may@enron.com": ["11-5-2001-18:41:0", "tom.may@enron.com", "kay.mann@enron.com", "reagan.rorschach@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com david.fairley@enron.com kayne.coulter@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25083513.1075855246380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 May 2001 18:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: kay.mann@enron.com\nSubject: Re: MDEA Commercial Issues\nCc: reagan.rorschach@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, david.fairley@enron.com,\n\tkayne.coulter@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: reagan.rorschach@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com, david.fairley@enron.com,\n\tkayne.coulter@enron.com\nX-From: Tom May \nX-To: Kay Mann \nX-cc: Reagan Rorschach , Lloyd Will , David Fairley , Kayne Coulter \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Kay_Mann_Jan2002\\Mann, Kay\\Yazoo City\nX-Origin: Mann-K\nX-FileName: kmann (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nI think that this will continue to be a very sticky issue for us on all services deals and I think the following is the way to handle it.\n\nWe build into all of these contracts that the counterparty may at any time, chose to transact directly with a third counterparty. We would still administer the contracts and perform the scheduling etc. for them if they chose to do this. In this way, the customer may always chose to deal directly if they chose and we would be doing the scheduling. I believe that this will serve to counteract concerns that we will not provide them fair market prices since they could always chose to deal directly. We are confident that our prices are will be competitive and that the counterparty will chose to transact through us. We would of course need to protect our share of the benefit in the case they transact with someone else.\n\nTom.\n\n\n\n\nKay Mann\n05/11/2001 09:40 AM\nTo:\tReagan Rorschach/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc:\tLloyd Will/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom May/Corp/Enron@Enron, David Fairley/ENRON@enronXgate \n\nSubject:\tRe: MDEA Commercial Issues \n\nAnother point:\n\nHow do we price gas/power we sell to them, especially in light of our duty of good faith and fair dealing? \n\nNot expecting an answer via email, this is just a topic for further discussion.\n\nckm\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tReagan Rorschach/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/11/2001 09:03 AM\nTo:\tLloyd Will/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom May/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Broussard/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, David Fairley/ENRON@enronXgate, Jim Homco/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gerald Gilbert/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tMDEA Commercial Issues\n\nIn an effort to get the commercial terms of the contract organized and papered, we discussed the following issues during yesterday's meeting:\n\n?\tWhat will be the contracted process for setting the Bogey?\n?\tWhat heat rates or heat rate ranges will go in the contract?\n?\tCan we create a schedule to collar the Bogey given a certain gas price?\n?\tCan we get a gas management fee for being the Fuel Manager? (this is a retrade)\n?\tHow does the network service transmission agreement including ancillary services get accounted for in the \"cost\" calculation?\n?\tHow does Imballance get sorted out at the end of the the month as a profit or a cost?\n\nRegarding calculation of the Bogey, we have several issues. First, what is the methodology? Rick is very close to having a stack model that incorporates the business rules including minimum run times, startup costs, VOM, etc. Second, what are the daily inputs and who is responsible for running the model? This process will need to be documented every time the calc is performed. Third, what is the timing of the calc? We discussed getting the input info by 2am and doing the calc on a \"day ahead\" basis. Only on a select basis would the calc be re-done mid-day.\n\nWe are planning on meeting with Marvin next week and working to resolution on these issues. This should result in a set of business rules that can be put into the contract.\n\nPlease comment/correct/add/subtract to any or all of the above. David Fairley and I will be sending out the Marketing Strategy and Trading and Risk Policy later this morning.\n\nThanks,\n\nReagan\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: MDEA Commercial Issues", "", [["provide_leave cost_price", 36, "nninformation", ["prices", "provide"], "intention", " i believe that this will serve to counteract concerns that we will not provide them fair market prices since they could always chose to deal directly."]], "I think that this will continue to be a very sticky issue for us on all services deals and I think the following is the way to handle it.\n\nWe build into all of these contracts that the counterparty may at any time, chose to transact directly with a third counterparty. We would still administer the contracts and perform the scheduling etc. for them if they chose to do this. In this way, the customer may always chose to deal directly if they chose and we would be doing the scheduling. I believe that this will serve to counteract concerns that we will not provide them fair market prices since they could always chose to deal directly. We are confident that our prices are will be competitive and that the counterparty will chose to transact through us. We would of course need to protect our share of the benefit in the case they transact with someone else.\n\nTom.\n\n\n\n\nKay Mann\n05/11/2001 09:40 AM\n", "<25083513.1075855246380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-8-2000-10:6:0Stom.may@enron.com": {"9-8-2000-10:6:0Stom.may@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-10:6:0", "tom.may@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com", "margaret.dhont@ontariopowergeneration.com", "Message-ID: <30824249.1075855895233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 10:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.may@enron.com\nTo: sally.beck@enron.com\nSubject: Resume for Margaret Dhont\nCc: margaret.dhont@ontariopowergeneration.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: margaret.dhont@ontariopowergeneration.com\nX-From: Tom May\nX-To: Sally Beck\nX-cc: margaret.dhont@ontariopowergeneration.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sally_Beck_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Beck-S\nX-FileName: sbeck.nsf\n\nSally,\n\nAs discussed, attached below is the resume for Margaret Dhont. You can \ncontact her in Toronto at the following numbers:\n\nwork: (416) 462-9095\nhome: (416) 592-7304\nemail: margaret.dhont@ontariopowergeneration.com\n\nWe certainly appreciate any help you can be.\n\n\n\nThanks,\n\nTom May.\n\nphone (713) 853-1613\ncell (713) 906-4279\npager (800) 320-4734\n\n\n", "Resume for Margaret Dhont", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 5, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", "sally, as discussed, attached below is the resume for margaret dhont."]], "Sally,\n\nAs discussed, attached below is the resume for Margaret Dhont. You can \ncontact her in Toronto at the following numbers:\n\nwork: (416) 462-9095\nhome: (416) 592-7304\nemail: margaret.dhont@ontariopowergeneration.com\n\nWe certainly appreciate any help you can be.\n\n\n\nThanks,\n\nTom May.\n\nphone (713) 853-1613\ncell (713) 906-4279\npager (800) 320-4734\n\n\n", "<30824249.1075855895233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "toronto", "ne": "locname", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "416", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["locname numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-5-2001-10:55:10Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"3-5-2001-10:55:10Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["3-5-2001-10:55:10", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24124503.1075845113396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 3 May 2001 10:55:10 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Suemar Berryman well\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Poorman, Mary \nX-To: Cotten, Robert , Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe inlet to the Gulf Plains Plant is undernom'd, and I see that they Berryman Well, Meter 989766, ticket 470753, is flowing about 25,500 Dth/Day. Currently, we have scheduled 20,046. We may need to bump it up. \n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "Suemar Berryman well", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["flowing", "25,500**dth"], "information", "the inlet to the gulf plains plant is undernom'd, and i see that they berryman well, meter numeric , ticket numeric , is flowing about numeric dth/day."]], "The inlet to the Gulf Plains Plant is undernom'd, and I see that they Berryman Well, Meter 989766, ticket 470753, is flowing about 25,500 Dth/Day. Currently, we have scheduled 20,046. We may need to bump it up. \n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "<24124503.1075845113396.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "gulf**plains**plant", "ne": "gulf0locname0plant", "patterns": ["gulf0locname0plant_plant inletTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "989766", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "25,500**dth", "ne": "numeric0dth", "patterns": ["numeric0dth ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-4-2001-7:15:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"9-4-2001-7:15:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-7:15:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "teresa.mcomber@enron.com michael.olsen@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <893824.1075854189477.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 07:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: teresa.mcomber@enron.com, michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: Desk to Desk Ticket between NNG and PGEV and OPLC\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Teresa McOmber, Michael Olsen\nX-cc: Edward Terry, Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren has copied the old ticket and reput the volumes on a new deal ticket, \ndating back to the first, which reflects the correct Texas desk entity. All \nof the buys/sales currently transacted at Waha by the Texas desk are done by \nHPLC-HPLC. Please check your deal tickets as any volumes for April will need \nto be repathed, nom'd, etc.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "Desk to Desk Ticket between NNG and PGEV and OPLC", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["check", "deal"], "request", " please check your deal tickets as any volumes for april will need to be repathed, nom'd, etc."]], "Daren has copied the old ticket and reput the volumes on a new deal ticket, \ndating back to the first, which reflects the correct Texas desk entity. All \nof the buys/sales currently transacted at Waha by the Texas desk are done by \nHPLC-HPLC. Please check your deal tickets as any volumes for April will need \nto be repathed, nom'd, etc.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "<893824.1075854189477.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "desk ticketTnn": {"value": "desk ticketTnn", "ne": "desk ticketTnn", "patterns": ["desk ticketTnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-4-2001-7:57:59Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"25-4-2001-7:57:59Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["25-4-2001-7:57:59", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "thu.nguyen@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com tom.daren@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com brian.vance@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29408075.1075840435999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 07:57:59 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: thu.nguyen@enron.com\nSubject: Big Cowboy/GEPL Actuals for February\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com, tom.daren@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tbrian.vance@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com, tom.daren@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tbrian.vance@enron.com\nX-From: Poorman, Mary \nX-To: Nguyen, Thu \nX-cc: Terry, Edward , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Acton, Tom , Cotten, Robert , Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Riley, Brian \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nThu,\n\nWe have an ongoing issue every month between what we nominate from GEPL into HGPL and on to King Ranch (flows into HGPL at meter 8284) and what is in the system as purchase gas upstream of the meter. The volume has been anywhere from 6,000 to 10,000/Day over the nomination for at least the past six months. Would you please fax the meter statements from GEPL for February so that I can try to determine which meters are flowing over what is nominated and verify that we have deals in the system for each offsystem meter. Should you require a more specific listing, I have Tom's schematic of the area.\n\nThank you for your time. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.\n\nMary", "Big Cowboy/GEPL Actuals for February", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flows", "meter", "8284"], "information", "thu, we have an ongoing issue every month between what we nominate from gepl into hgpl and on to king ranch (flows into hgpl at meter numeric ) and what is in the system as purchase gas upstream of the meter."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 23, "nninformation", ["determine", "meter"], "intention", " would you please fax the meter statements from gepl for february so that i can try to determine which meters are flowing over what is nominated and verify that we have deals in the system for each offsystem meter."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 25, "information", ["deals", "flowing", "meters"], "information", " would you please fax the meter statements from gepl for february so that i can try to determine which meters are flowing over what is nominated and verify that we have deals in the system for each offsystem meter."]], "Thu,\n\nWe have an ongoing issue every month between what we nominate from GEPL into HGPL and on to King Ranch (flows into HGPL at meter 8284) and what is in the system as purchase gas upstream of the meter. The volume has been anywhere from 6,000 to 10,000/Day over the nomination for at least the past six months. Would you please fax the meter statements from GEPL for February so that I can try to determine which meters are flowing over what is nominated and verify that we have deals in the system for each offsystem meter. Should you require a more specific listing, I have Tom's schematic of the area.\n\nThank you for your time. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.\n\nMary", "<29408075.1075840435999.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_system dealTnn": {"value": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "ne": "arrangement_system dealTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system dealTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas purchaseTnn": {"value": "gas purchaseTnn", "ne": "gas purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["gas purchaseTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "8284", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric systemTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn", "numeric systemTnn"]}, "meter purchaseTnn": {"value": "meter purchaseTnn", "ne": "meter purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["meter purchaseTnn"]}, "meter systemTnn": {"value": "meter systemTnn", "ne": "meter systemTnn", "patterns": ["meter systemTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "6,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-9-2000-1:47:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"19-9-2000-1:47:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["19-9-2000-1:47:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <330119.1075854138425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 01:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Meter Variances - UA4 Clean-Up\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren/Vance - \n\nThe two meters below are new and have unallocatable flow.......I will need a \npurchase for each of them. Please respond with a deal number, or further \nsuggestions for resolution so that I can clear this up as soon as possible.\n\nMary\n\nEnron on 09/19/2000 08:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Benedict@ECT\n09/18/2000 04:53 PM\nTo: Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Fred Boas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Meter Variances - UA4 Clean-Up\n\nHi Guys,\n\nPlease take a look at the following meters which are showing up with \nvariances on my UA4 report. Once the variance has been cleared, please send \nme an e-mail. Please try to clear these within the next couple of days.\n\nThanks,\n\nKathy Benedict\n\n\n\nMeter Number: 9851\nVariance: 11,204\nMeter Type: Daily Swing\nProduction Month: August 2000\nLogistics Contact: None\nVolume Mgmt Contact: Anita Luong\n\nMeter Number: 9852\nVariance 568\nMeter Type: Daily Swing\nProduction Month: August 2000\nLogistics Contact: None\nVolume Mgmt Contact: Anita Luong\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Meter Variances - UA4 Clean-Up", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flow", "meters"], "information", "daren/vance - the two meters below are new and have unallocatable flow."]], "Daren/Vance - \n\nThe two meters below are new and have unallocatable flow.......I will need a \npurchase for each of them. Please respond with a deal number, or further \nsuggestions for resolution so that I can clear this up as soon as possible.\n\nMary\n\nEnron on 09/19/2000 08:44 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nKatherine Benedict@ECT\n09/18/2000 04:53 PM\n", "<330119.1075854138425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric uaTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-9-2000-8:56:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"27-9-2000-8:56:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-8:56:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "clem.cernosek@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20757684.1075853981416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 08:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Big Cowboy for August\nCc: clem.cernosek@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: clem.cernosek@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Tom Acton\nX-cc: Clem Cernosek, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren & Tom,\n\nBeginning with August production, I noticed that Big Cowboy, into King Ranch \nappeared to be flowing approximately 9M over the nomination/day. Per a \nconversation I had with Fred Boas today, I discovered that two wells with \nzero noms flowed a considerable volume.\n\nThey are as follows:\n\n Rocher Big Cowboy (27002) - 42,000 approx.\n Big Cowboy #2 (27003 - 84,000 approx.\n Total flow: 126,000 MM's, more or less\n\nI think that this may be part of the production increase which we are trying \nto account for, in addition to the Acock production at the Briscoe well which \ncame on in August. Please let me know what you think. I would like to make \nsure that we are capturing our purchases correctly for both accounting and \nour economics.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n", "Big Cowboy for August", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["flowing", "nomination"], "information", " beginning with august production, i noticed that big cowboy, into king ranch appeared to be flowing approximately numeric m over the nomination/day."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "information", ["flowed", "volume"], "information", " per a conversation i had with fred boas today, i discovered that two wells with zero noms flowed a considerable volume."]], "Daren & Tom,\n\nBeginning with August production, I noticed that Big Cowboy, into King Ranch \nappeared to be flowing approximately 9M over the nomination/day. Per a \nconversation I had with Fred Boas today, I discovered that two wells with \nzero noms flowed a considerable volume.\n\nThey are as follows:\n\n Rocher Big Cowboy (27002) - 42,000 approx.\n Big Cowboy #2 (27003 - 84,000 approx.\n Total flow: 126,000 MM's, more or less\n\nI think that this may be part of the production increase which we are trying \nto account for, in addition to the Acock production at the Briscoe well which \ncame on in August. Please let me know what you think. I would like to make \nsure that we are capturing our purchases correctly for both accounting and \nour economics.\n\nThank you,\n\nMary\n", "<20757684.1075853981416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cowboy kingTnn": {"value": "cowboy kingTnn", "ne": "cowboy kingTnn", "patterns": ["cowboy kingTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "27002", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cowboy numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cowboy numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-4-2001-17:6:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"5-4-2001-17:6:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["5-4-2001-17:6:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32567242.1075840436795.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 17:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nSubject: Big Cowboy - Additional production\nCc: tom.acton@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tom.acton@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman \nX-To: Daren J Farmer , Edward Terry \nX-cc: Tom Acton , Vance L Taylor , Robert Cotten \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nTom did some footwork and questioning and determined where the additional Big Cowboy production is coming from. Apparently, HPL cut a deal to purchase this gas at \"HPL meters\" at Rocher and Big Cowboy #2, so the gas had been pathed on the gathering agreement into our pipe. All along, these volumes have been flowing into the GEPL/Big Cowboy system and on to King Ranch. Tom and I spoke with Clem about the most correct way to reflect the physical and determined that a Transport Usage ticket needed to be put into place, as IM Wellhead, to transfer the volumes from HPL to GEPL and into the plant. \n\nWe unpathed the gathering agreement and brokered the HPL purchase to the TU tickets and moved the gas on our transport on GEPL to the plant, effective April 1. This resolves our overproduction issues for April and forward.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any further questions, comments, or information to add.\n\n\nMary", "Big Cowboy - Additional production", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 21, "information", ["flowing", "system"], "information", " all along, these volumes have been flowing into the gepl/big cowboy system and on to king ranch."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 37, "information", ["put", "ticket", "transport", "usage"], "information", " tom and i spoke with clem about the most correct way to reflect the physical and determined that a transport usage ticket needed to be put into place, as im wellhead, to transfer the volumes from hpl to gepl and into the plant."], ["settle_resolve issue", 54, "information", ["issues", "resolves"], "information", " this resolves our overproduction issues for april and forward."]], "Tom did some footwork and questioning and determined where the additional Big Cowboy production is coming from. Apparently, HPL cut a deal to purchase this gas at \"HPL meters\" at Rocher and Big Cowboy #2, so the gas had been pathed on the gathering agreement into our pipe. All along, these volumes have been flowing into the GEPL/Big Cowboy system and on to King Ranch. Tom and I spoke with Clem about the most correct way to reflect the physical and determined that a Transport Usage ticket needed to be put into place, as IM Wellhead, to transfer the volumes from HPL to GEPL and into the plant. \n\nWe unpathed the gathering agreement and brokered the HPL purchase to the TU tickets and moved the gas on our transport on GEPL to the plant, effective April 1. This resolves our overproduction issues for April and forward.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any further questions, comments, or information to add.\n\n\nMary", "<32567242.1075840436795.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cowboy kingTnn": {"value": "cowboy kingTnn", "ne": "cowboy kingTnn", "patterns": ["cowboy kingTnn"]}, "cowboy meterTnn": {"value": "cowboy meterTnn", "ne": "cowboy meterTnn", "patterns": ["cowboy meterTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cowboy numericTnn", "gas numericTnn"]}, "cowboy systemTnn": {"value": "cowboy systemTnn", "ne": "cowboy systemTnn", "patterns": ["cowboy systemTnn"]}, "deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "deal meter purchaseTnnn": {"value": "deal meter purchaseTnnn", "ne": "deal meter purchaseTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter purchaseTnnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas purchaseTnn": {"value": "gas purchaseTnn", "ne": "gas purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["gas purchaseTnn"]}, "gas_gas0control gulf0locname0plant_plantTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0control gulf0locname0plant_plantTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0control gulf0locname0plant_plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0control gulf0locname0plant_plantTnn"]}, "gulf0locname0plant_plant volumeTnn": {"value": "gulf0locname0plant_plant volumeTnn", "ne": "gulf0locname0plant_plant volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gulf0locname0plant_plant volumeTnn"]}, "meter purchaseTnn": {"value": "meter purchaseTnn", "ne": "meter purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["meter purchaseTnn"]}, "purchase ticketTnn": {"value": "purchase ticketTnn", "ne": "purchase ticketTnn", "patterns": ["purchase ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transport usageTnnn": {"value": "ticket transport usageTnnn", "ne": "ticket transport usageTnnn", "patterns": ["ticket transport usageTnnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-11-2000-0:40:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"13-11-2000-0:40:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["13-11-2000-0:40:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "christina.sanchez@enron.com", "edward.gottlob@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com james.mckay@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5805078.1075854106410.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 00:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: christina.sanchez@enron.com\nSubject: Transport on Koch, beginning Wednesday\nCc: edward.gottlob@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tjames.mckay@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.gottlob@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tjames.mckay@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Christina Sanchez\nX-cc: Edward D Gottlob, Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, James McKay\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nChristina,\n\nThe Indian Springs plant delivery into HPL will be taken out of service for \nrepiping work effective Wednesday morning the 15th. ENA will be moving \nTexas Desk purchases via Koch Gateway from Teco Polk Co. Plant (12780) to \nMidCon Needville (6350). I have confirmed available capacity with Koch and \nmade sure that the IT agreement is evergreen and will work for these \npurposes. \n\nPlease let me know what I can do to ensure that the nomination process works \nas smoothly as possible. I will work with Daren and Liz to make sure that \nthe purchase and sales tickets are moved to Koch. Please let me know who is \nresponsible for the Transport Usage ticket on Koch, if necessary, I will put \nthe ticket in this afternoon. We will be responsible for a $.02 Commodity \nfee, ACA of $.0022 and 1.6% fuel (monetizes to $.09 approximately) to move \nthese volumes. \n\nENA will be receiving 84,987 Dth at the plant and delivering 83,627 into \nMidCon Texas. We also have the option to deliver by displacement into MidCon \nat Goodrich or Edna, or displace deliveries to Koch Bayside.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions or need anything further from \nme. \n\nMary\n\next. 35251", "Transport on Koch, beginning Wednesday", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 52, "nninformation", ["put", "ticket", "transport", "usage"], "intention", " please let me know who is responsible for the transport usage ticket on koch, if necessary, i will put the ticket in this afternoon."]], "Christina,\n\nThe Indian Springs plant delivery into HPL will be taken out of service for \nrepiping work effective Wednesday morning the 15th. ENA will be moving \nTexas Desk purchases via Koch Gateway from Teco Polk Co. Plant (12780) to \nMidCon Needville (6350). I have confirmed available capacity with Koch and \nmade sure that the IT agreement is evergreen and will work for these \npurposes. \n\nPlease let me know what I can do to ensure that the nomination process works \nas smoothly as possible. I will work with Daren and Liz to make sure that \nthe purchase and sales tickets are moved to Koch. Please let me know who is \nresponsible for the Transport Usage ticket on Koch, if necessary, I will put \nthe ticket in this afternoon. We will be responsible for a $.02 Commodity \nfee, ACA of $.0022 and 1.6% fuel (monetizes to $.09 approximately) to move \nthese volumes. \n\nENA will be receiving 84,987 Dth at the plant and delivering 83,627 into \nMidCon Texas. We also have the option to deliver by displacement into MidCon \nat Goodrich or Edna, or displace deliveries to Koch Bayside.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions or need anything further from \nme. \n\nMary\n\next. 35251", "<5805078.1075854106410.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"19": {"value": "12780", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}, "64": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "purchase ticketTnn": {"value": "purchase ticketTnn", "ne": "purchase ticketTnn", "patterns": ["purchase ticketTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "ticket transport usageTnnn": {"value": "ticket transport usageTnnn", "ne": "ticket transport usageTnnn", "patterns": ["ticket transport usageTnnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-10-2000-2:37:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"24-10-2000-2:37:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-2:37:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com nick.moshou@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17024336.1075854185282.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 02:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 0980438 - Acock Production ??????\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Fred Boas, Nick Moshou, Cynthia Hakemack, Kristen J Hanson, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Robert Cotten, Tom Acton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nThank you for the information. That explains the deal. What we need now, to \ncorrectly book these volumes and clear any current issues in Volume \nManagement and/or settlements which would date back to the inception of the \ndeal. This will also ensure that your book is correct for this deal. I \nthink that Bob Cotten is the one to correct/add the deal, and then Tom Acton \nand myself will need to make requests of Volume Mgmt. to kick-off the \nre-booking process.\n\nThank you for your time,\n\nMary\n\next. 35251", "Re: Meter 0980438 - Acock Production ??????", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 20, "nninformation", ["ensure", "deal"], "intention", " this will also ensure that your book is correct for this deal."]], "Vance,\n\nThank you for the information. That explains the deal. What we need now, to \ncorrectly book these volumes and clear any current issues in Volume \nManagement and/or settlements which would date back to the inception of the \ndeal. This will also ensure that your book is correct for this deal. I \nthink that Bob Cotten is the one to correct/add the deal, and then Tom Acton \nand myself will need to make requests of Volume Mgmt. to kick-off the \nre-booking process.\n\nThank you for your time,\n\nMary\n\next. 35251", "<17024336.1075854185282.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"current issueTnn": {"value": "current issueTnn", "ne": "current issueTnn", "patterns": ["current issueTnn"]}, "management volumeTnn": {"value": "management volumeTnn", "ne": "management volumeTnn", "patterns": ["management volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-10-2000-2:53:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"27-10-2000-2:53:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-2:53:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com nick.moshou@enron.com brian.riley@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9747027.1075854184984.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 02:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: donald.reinhardt@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Coastal Ctr# 96008903 Meter 0984179 Sit#135714\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, brian.riley@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com, nick.moshou@enron.com, brian.riley@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Donald P Reinhardt\nX-cc: Anita Luong, Nick Moshou, Brian M Riley, Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI checked the meter for September, there are measured volumes of 36,085 Dth \nfor the month. The meter had a purchase from MJG at the beginning of the \nmonth. It looks like it was zeroed after the fact. We are going to need to \npay someone for this production....I think we may need to extend the deal \nuntil the point at which the meter was actually shut-in. I do not agree with \nallocating this gas to Strangers, it is not a true line gain/loss, or a \ndirect result of any pipe/well work.\n\nPlease advise so that Anita and I can clean this up as promptly as possible.\n\nMary\n\nx 35251", "Re: Coastal Ctr# 96008903 Meter 0984179 Sit#135714", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 6, "information", ["checked", "meter"], "information", "i checked the meter for september, there are measured volumes of numeric dth for the month."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 22, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "intention", "i think we may need to extend the deal until the point at which the meter was actually shut-in."]], "I checked the meter for September, there are measured volumes of 36,085 Dth \nfor the month. The meter had a purchase from MJG at the beginning of the \nmonth. It looks like it was zeroed after the fact. We are going to need to \npay someone for this production....I think we may need to extend the deal \nuntil the point at which the meter was actually shut-in. I do not agree with \nallocating this gas to Strangers, it is not a true line gain/loss, or a \ndirect result of any pipe/well work.\n\nPlease advise so that Anita and I can clean this up as promptly as possible.\n\nMary\n\nx 35251", "<9747027.1075854184984.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "36,085**dth", "ne": "numeric0dth", "patterns": ["dth_numeric0dth volumeTnn", "meter numeric0dthTnn"]}, "gas strangerTnn": {"value": "gas strangerTnn", "ne": "gas strangerTnn", "patterns": ["gas strangerTnn"]}, "meter purchaseTnn": {"value": "meter purchaseTnn", "ne": "meter purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["meter purchaseTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-9-2000-4:20:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-4:20:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-4:20:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com susan.hadix@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9436726.1075853981151.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 04:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, susan.hadix@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nSubject: Shell Meters for October\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Susan Hadix, Gary A Hanks\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have confirmed with Rusty at Shell for October. Expected flows by meter \nare as follows:\n\n 1060 - East Low Pressure: 35M\n 1061 - West Low Pressure: 0M\n 1095 - Shell South: 40M\n 1581 - Shell High Pressure: 15M\n\nThe numbers may flip around in a couple of weeks, after they bring some units \nback on at Meter 1581. We need to just be sure that they keep a rate between \npoints of 90M/Day.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions, comments. \n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "Shell Meters for October", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flows", "meter", "1060"], "information", " expected flows by meter are as follows: numeric - east low pressure: numeric m numeric - west low pressure: numeric m numeric - shell south: numeric m numeric - shell high pressure: numeric m the numbers may flip around in a couple of weeks, after they bring some units back on at meter numeric ."]], "I have confirmed with Rusty at Shell for October. Expected flows by meter \nare as follows:\n\n 1060 - East Low Pressure: 35M\n 1061 - West Low Pressure: 0M\n 1095 - Shell South: 40M\n 1581 - Shell High Pressure: 15M\n\nThe numbers may flip around in a couple of weeks, after they bring some units \nback on at Meter 1581. We need to just be sure that they keep a rate between \npoints of 90M/Day.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions, comments. \n\nThank you,\n\nMary", "<9436726.1075853981151.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "1060", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "1581", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-12-2000-0:10:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"15-12-2000-0:10:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-0:10:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com elsa.villarreal@enron.com victor.lamadrid@enron.com jesse.villarreal@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12249187.1075854316852.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, elsa.villarreal@enron.com, victor.lamadrid@enron.com,\n\tjesse.villarreal@enron.com\nSubject: Gulf Plains into Tennessee for November\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Elsa Villarreal, Victor Lamadrid, Jesse Villarreal\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI received a call from the plant, apparently, they shorted us 60 Dth on the \n3rd of November. However, someone opened the valve on the 20th and they \nflowed 69 Dth into the pipe without a nomination. The plant is asking if we \nwill phone Tennessee and accept allocation of this volume. I realize that it \nis really not alot of net difference volumetrically, but, the market has been \nvolatile and prices have risen significantly since the Nov. 3rd. I also \ndon't know what the market situation is like on TGPL, would we be creating an \nimbalance on a contract, is there a market to allocate to, are there any \npotential penalties? I would like to resolve this today, if at all possible.\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary", "Gulf Plains into Tennessee for November", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["flowed", "nomination"], "information", " however, someone opened the valve on the datenumeric h and they flowed numeric dth into the pipe without a nomination."]], "I received a call from the plant, apparently, they shorted us 60 Dth on the \n3rd of November. However, someone opened the valve on the 20th and they \nflowed 69 Dth into the pipe without a nomination. The plant is asking if we \nwill phone Tennessee and accept allocation of this volume. I realize that it \nis really not alot of net difference volumetrically, but, the market has been \nvolatile and prices have risen significantly since the Nov. 3rd. I also \ndon't know what the market situation is like on TGPL, would we be creating an \nimbalance on a contract, is there a market to allocate to, are there any \npotential penalties? I would like to resolve this today, if at all possible.\n\nPlease advise.\n\nMary", "<12249187.1075854316852.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "2-10-2000-4:14:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"2-10-2000-4:14:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["2-10-2000-4:14:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "susan.hadix@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27361969.1075854098858.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 04:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: susan.hadix@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 1553; Equistar\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Susan Hadix, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease check this meter back to the first, the deal volume is zero and it is \npathed for 5m.", "Meter 1553; Equistar", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["check", "meter"], "request", "please check this meter back to the first, the deal volume is zero and it is "]], "Please check this meter back to the first, the deal volume is zero and it is \npathed for 5m.", "<27361969.1075854098858.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "1553", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-1-2001-9:25:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"22-1-2001-9:25:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["22-1-2001-9:25:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14096892.1075854318542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 09:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: michael.olsen@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tjackie.young@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\teddie.janzen@enron.com\nSubject: Weekend OnCall Notes\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Michael Olsen, Edward Terry, Tom Acton, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Jackie Young, Sabrae Zajac, Carlos J Rodriguez, Mark McCoy, Aimee Lannou, Mary Poorman, Eddie Janzen\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Gary A Hanks\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFriday 1/19/01 - Received a call from Sheila at Basin regarding a well which \nmay be coming on this weekend (meter 9696). Phone Lee in Gas Control \nregarding same. Lee informed me that HPL would prefer that the volumes are \nnot brought on until a field tech can pull a sample and verify that there are \nno liquids involved. Lee further informed me that the same day to Tejas at \nHardy was not in the system, and, per Gary Hanks, needed to be corrected. \nLee informed me that the volumes were actually split 10M at Hardy/Tejas and \n10M at Lomax. I went into Sitara and updated the deal ticket, pathed and \nnominated over to Pops.\n\nSaturday 1/20/01 - 8:30 am Sean paged regarding the nomination at Dow \nFreeport, he was questioning the validity, as we do not often flow at this \nmeter. I checked and the nomination was good for Saturday's gas day. Sean \ninformed me that the Valero Refinery was up and down and would be going \ncompletely down on Sunday.\n\n10:00 am - Sean called regarding Tejas LaPorte, meter 665. Apparently, the \nmeter had a confirmed volume of 20M and HPL/ENA had no deal at the meter. \nChecked in POPS and discovered that the deal was confirmed at 20M on a deal \nvolume of zero. Informed Sean that the Tejas volume was confirmed. Also, \nper Sean Koch George West (meter 6722) had a nomination increase of 10M, \nwhich he wanted to confirm.\n\nSunday 1/21/01 10:00 am Sean paged regarding the Dow meter 1442, Pops still \nshowed a confirmed voume of 10M which Dow and Oasis showed at zero for \nSunday. I checked the system and confirmed that the meter was indeed at \nzero and phoned Sean back to confirm. Checked on MTP Hardy, Sean informed me \nthat we came in on rate for Saturday and that current meter activity looked \ngood.", "Weekend OnCall Notes", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 50, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " saturday datenumeric - numerictime am sean paged regarding the nomination at dow freeport, he was questioning the validity, as we do not often flow at this meter."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 71, "information", ["checked", "deal"], "information", " checked in pops and discovered that the deal was confirmed at numeric m on a deal volume of zero."], ["show deal", 100, "information", ["showed", "meter"], "information", " sunday datenumeric numerictime am sean paged regarding the dow meter numeric , pops still showed a confirmed voume of numeric m which dow and oasis showed at zero for sunday."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 107, "information", ["checked", "meter"], "information", " i checked the system and confirmed that the meter was indeed at zero and phoned sean back to confirm."]], "Friday 1/19/01 - Received a call from Sheila at Basin regarding a well which \nmay be coming on this weekend (meter 9696). Phone Lee in Gas Control \nregarding same. Lee informed me that HPL would prefer that the volumes are \nnot brought on until a field tech can pull a sample and verify that there are \nno liquids involved. Lee further informed me that the same day to Tejas at \nHardy was not in the system, and, per Gary Hanks, needed to be corrected. \nLee informed me that the volumes were actually split 10M at Hardy/Tejas and \n10M at Lomax. I went into Sitara and updated the deal ticket, pathed and \nnominated over to Pops.\n\nSaturday 1/20/01 - 8:30 am Sean paged regarding the nomination at Dow \nFreeport, he was questioning the validity, as we do not often flow at this \nmeter. I checked and the nomination was good for Saturday's gas day. Sean \ninformed me that the Valero Refinery was up and down and would be going \ncompletely down on Sunday.\n\n10:00 am - Sean called regarding Tejas LaPorte, meter 665. Apparently, the \nmeter had a confirmed volume of 20M and HPL/ENA had no deal at the meter. \nChecked in POPS and discovered that the deal was confirmed at 20M on a deal \nvolume of zero. Informed Sean that the Tejas volume was confirmed. Also, \nper Sean Koch George West (meter 6722) had a nomination increase of 10M, \nwhich he wanted to confirm.\n\nSunday 1/21/01 10:00 am Sean paged regarding the Dow meter 1442, Pops still \nshowed a confirmed voume of 10M which Dow and Oasis showed at zero for \nSunday. I checked the system and confirmed that the meter was indeed at \nzero and phoned Sean back to confirm. Checked on MTP Hardy, Sean informed me \nthat we came in on rate for Saturday and that current meter activity looked \ngood.", "<14096892.1075854318542.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "67": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "76": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "meter systemTnn": {"value": "meter systemTnn", "ne": "meter systemTnn", "patterns": ["meter systemTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "9696", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "665", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "88": {"value": "6722", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn", "nomination numericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "1442", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-10-2000-3:0:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"25-10-2000-3:0:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["25-10-2000-3:0:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32193940.1075854103159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 03:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: pat.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: Proposed Solution\nCc: robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Pat Clynes\nX-cc: Robert Cotten, Vance L Taylor, Daren J Farmer, Cynthia Hakemack, Kristen J Hanson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPat,\n\nI have been working with Volume Management, Settlements, Vance, and Bob to \nclean up some prior period and prior-to-current month issues. This process \nshould result in a correction to booked profit/loss for Vance and the desk. \nThis has brought to my attention that we have been paying some parties \nmanually for volumes when deals are not correctly entered. I would propose \nthat Logistics be included in the communication of when checks are manually \ncut. It would be especially beneficial if we tracked manual checks by \ncounterparty, meter, and/or deal ticket id or price. I feel that this will \nallow us to spot and resolve potential issues more effectively.\n\nPlease let me know what your thoughts are on this matter. \n\nThank you for your time,\n\nMary\n\next 35251", "Proposed Solution", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 43, "nninformation", ["checks", "meter"], "request", " it would be especially beneficial if we tracked manual checks by counterparty, meter, and/or deal ticket id or price."], ["settle_resolve issue", 52, "nninformation", ["issues", "resolve"], "intention", " i feel that this will allow us to spot and resolve potential issues more effectively."]], "Pat,\n\nI have been working with Volume Management, Settlements, Vance, and Bob to \nclean up some prior period and prior-to-current month issues. This process \nshould result in a correction to booked profit/loss for Vance and the desk. \nThis has brought to my attention that we have been paying some parties \nmanually for volumes when deals are not correctly entered. I would propose \nthat Logistics be included in the communication of when checks are manually \ncut. It would be especially beneficial if we tracked manual checks by \ncounterparty, meter, and/or deal ticket id or price. I feel that this will \nallow us to spot and resolve potential issues more effectively.\n\nPlease let me know what your thoughts are on this matter. \n\nThank you for your time,\n\nMary\n\next 35251", "<32193940.1075854103159.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"current issueTnn": {"value": "current issueTnn", "ne": "current issueTnn", "patterns": ["current issueTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volumeTnn": {"value": "deal volumeTnn", "ne": "deal volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal volumeTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "management volumeTnn": {"value": "management volumeTnn", "ne": "management volumeTnn", "patterns": ["management volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2001-0:16:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": {"11-1-2001-0:16:0Smary.poorman@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-0:16:0", "mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3742827.1075854205577.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 00:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mary.poorman@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Saxet Canales into King Ranch - Balancing issue\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mary Poorman\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n7 Sis is averaging 23,000 M/Day. Big Cowboy is pretty dead on. Carol would \nlike for us to gross up for Saxet based on the number of flow days left so \nthat the nomination to the plant takes the payback into account.\n\nMary", "Re: Saxet Canales into King Ranch - Balancing issue", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 14, "information", ["flow", "nomination"], "information", " carol would like for us to gross up for saxet based on the number of flow days left so that the nomination to the plant takes the payback into account."]], "7 Sis is averaging 23,000 M/Day. Big Cowboy is pretty dead on. Carol would \nlike for us to gross up for Saxet based on the number of flow days left so \nthat the nomination to the plant takes the payback into account.\n\nMary", "<3742827.1075854205577.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-10-2000-4:15:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"27-10-2000-4:15:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-4:15:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "janet.wallis@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com dan.hyvl@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30781811.1075842259568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 04:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: janet.wallis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Osborn Purchase\nCc: gary.lamphier@enron.com, dan.hyvl@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.lamphier@enron.com, dan.hyvl@enron.com\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Janet H Wallis\nX-cc: Gary W Lamphier, Dan J Hyvl\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\Gas\\Hpl customers\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nWe have the allocation statement and the invoice from Osborn, so I will wait \nto hear from you about the ENTEX contract before I pay. With the deal \nalready in the system, I will be able to get the check out the next day.\n\nMegan", "Re: Osborn Purchase", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 13, "nninformation", ["check", "deal", "system"], "intention", " with the deal already in the system, i will be able to get the check out the next day."]], "We have the allocation statement and the invoice from Osborn, so I will wait \nto hear from you about the ENTEX contract before I pay. With the deal \nalready in the system, I will be able to get the check out the next day.\n\nMegan", "<30781811.1075842259568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal systemTnn": {"value": "deal systemTnn", "ne": "deal systemTnn", "patterns": ["deal systemTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-10-2001-8:50:26Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"26-10-2001-8:50:26Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["26-10-2001-8:50:26", "megan.parker@enron.com", "l..mims@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1742207.1075855023356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 08:50:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: l..mims@enron.com\nSubject: Crestar 9/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Mims, Patrice L. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\PMIMS (Non-Privileged)\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Mims-Thurston-P\nX-FileName: PMIMS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nPatrice:\nI understand from Jerry at Crestar that you two have spoken and that we will be revising deals 599461 and 1022740 for Sept 2001 to keep the firm deal, 599461, whole. Have you communicated this to Kirk Lenart in logistics so he can repath the deals? I will be out of the office this afternoon, but will be back on Monday. If a payment needs to be made, we can get it out on Tuesday. We've only short paid $500.00.\n\nGoing forward, should we be keeping the firm deal whole and swinging on the AOS deal? We've had some confusion in the past on how to handle these deals and I would like to be able to verify that we are accounting for them correctly. I tried to find a copy of the contract, but have not come across one as of yet.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\nx54780", "Crestar 9/01", "", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 25, "nninformation", ["paid", "$500 00"], "intention", " we've only short paid pricenumeric ."]], "Patrice:\nI understand from Jerry at Crestar that you two have spoken and that we will be revising deals 599461 and 1022740 for Sept 2001 to keep the firm deal, 599461, whole. Have you communicated this to Kirk Lenart in logistics so he can repath the deals? I will be out of the office this afternoon, but will be back on Monday. If a payment needs to be made, we can get it out on Tuesday. We've only short paid $500.00.\n\nGoing forward, should we be keeping the firm deal whole and swinging on the AOS deal? We've had some confusion in the past on how to handle these deals and I would like to be able to verify that we are accounting for them correctly. I tried to find a copy of the contract, but have not come across one as of yet.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\nx54780", "<1742207.1075855023356.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "599461", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "599461", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2000-1:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-1:25:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-1:25:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31891315.1075854108200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 01:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren:\nCan you shed a little light on this Tenaska IV deal? James Armstrong is \ntelling me that we should have a purchase deal in the system to pay Tenaska \nIV for the 9/00 and 10/00 gas that we are marketing for them. I do not see a \ndeal in Path Manager for either month. I also need some detail on who we are \nbuying and selling this gas from and to. There are a number of \ncounterparties at Lonestar for ENA and I'm not sure which ones go with this \ndeal. Is there a schedule you can email to me? James is looking for an \nanswer today on the Tenaska IV payment, so whatever you can tell me will be \nappreciated.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 11/21/2000 \n09:15 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJames Armstrong@ECT\n11/20/2000 06:00 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\n\nMegan below is a list of the outstanding receivables for Tenaska IV Texas \nPartners, Ltd. (1089):\n\nSeptember - Sales:\n\n MMbtu Price Amount \n 26,275 5.20 136,630\n 18,538 5.06 93,802.28 \n 20,000 5.045 100,900\n 25,000 5.09 127,250\n\nTotals 89,813 $458,582.28 (This total is per phone conversation with \nDarren Farmer)\n\n\nOctober - Sales summary per Detail Economics Report - 1,124,275 MMbtu for \n$5,148,787.47 (these amounts were adjusted for the Gas sent to the plant for \ntheir direct use - 427,851 MMbtu for $1,245,046.41).\n\nThe total of these two amounts is $5,607,369.75. Please let me know what the \npayment schedule is for these amounts. \n\nAdditionally, I need to ask about the payment schedule for Tenaska IV this \nmonth. I need to find out if I am paying the following bills or if it is \nsomething your department is going to pay. Please advise:\n\nWilliams Energy 1,722,293.49\n 354,175.00\n 2,076,468.49\n\nApache Corp 1,348,500.00\n\nTXU/Lone Star 111,980.31\n\nI need to submit my funding request tomorrow, so please let me know where we \nstand on these items as soon as possible. Thanks.\n\nJames\n\n\n", "Tenaska IV Receivables", "", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 10, "nninformation", ["deal", "pay"], "intention", " james armstrong is telling me that we should have a purchase deal in the system to pay orgname iv for the datenumeric and datenumeric gas that we are marketing for them."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 13, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", " i do not see a deal in path manager for either month."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 18, "information", ["buying", "gas"], "information", " i also need some detail on who we are buying and selling this gas from and to."]], "Daren:\nCan you shed a little light on this Tenaska IV deal? James Armstrong is \ntelling me that we should have a purchase deal in the system to pay Tenaska \nIV for the 9/00 and 10/00 gas that we are marketing for them. I do not see a \ndeal in Path Manager for either month. I also need some detail on who we are \nbuying and selling this gas from and to. There are a number of \ncounterparties at Lonestar for ENA and I'm not sure which ones go with this \ndeal. Is there a schedule you can email to me? James is looking for an \nanswer today on the Tenaska IV payment, so whatever you can tell me will be \nappreciated.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n", "<31891315.1075854108200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "deal pathTnn": {"value": "deal pathTnn", "ne": "deal pathTnn", "patterns": ["deal pathTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal systemTnn": {"value": "deal systemTnn", "ne": "deal systemTnn", "patterns": ["deal systemTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-12-2000-5:17:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"8-12-2000-5:17:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["8-12-2000-5:17:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23766064.1075854247537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 05:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV 10/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Cleburne plant - \"cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI don't see anything in Path Manager. Mark is out today. Do you have a new \ndeal number for the purchase?", "Re: Tenaska IV 10/00", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 0, "nninformation", ["see", "path"], "request", "i don't see anything in path manager."]], "I don't see anything in Path Manager. Mark is out today. Do you have a new \ndeal number for the purchase?", "<23766064.1075854247537.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-10-2001-10:3:9Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"1-10-2001-10:3:9Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["1-10-2001-10:3:9", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6905859.1075840428649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 10:03:09 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Cleburne 11/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nI see the new path for the desk to desk in Nov 2000. You pathed it as a buy/sell. Should it be on contract 1023 where the old path was? We have a transport statement from TXU for contract 1023 that has 21,309 mm. \nMegan\n \n\n", "Cleburne 11/00", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 1, "nninformation", ["see", "path"], "intention", "darren: i see the new path for the desk to desk in datenumeric numeric ."]], "Darren:\nI see the new path for the desk to desk in Nov 2000. You pathed it as a buy/sell. Should it be on contract 1023 where the old path was? We have a transport statement from TXU for contract 1023 that has 21,309 mm. \nMegan\n \n\n", {"16": {"value": "1023", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numeric txuTnnn", "contract numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "1023", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "statement txuTnn": {"value": "statement txuTnn", "ne": "statement txuTnn", "patterns": ["statement txuTnn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-1-2001-3:13:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"17-1-2001-3:13:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-3:13:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22544242.1075854247234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 03:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tenaska\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Cleburne plant - \"cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI see the demand fee changes and the Williams price change. That all looks \ngreat, but I still have a problem with the Apache prices. For 10/00 and \n11/00, we have a price of 2.285 for deal 384247. Apache billed 2.175 for \nboth months. Are we going to change the Apache prices?\n\nMegan", "Re: Tenaska", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 0, "nninformation", ["see", "price"], "intention", "i see the demand fee changes and the orgname price change."]], "I see the demand fee changes and the Williams price change. That all looks \ngreat, but I still have a problem with the Apache prices. For 10/00 and \n11/00, we have a price of 2.285 for deal 384247. Apache billed 2.175 for \nboth months. Are we going to change the Apache prices?\n\nMegan", "<22544242.1075854247234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "change demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["change demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "285", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "demand0fee priceTnn": {"value": "demand0fee priceTnn", "ne": "demand0fee priceTnn", "patterns": ["demand0fee priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-7-2000-3:34:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"17-7-2000-3:34:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["17-7-2000-3:34:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8202085.1075854135476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 03:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: PG&E Texas 6/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Stacey Neuweiler, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI received an invoice from PG&E Texas Industrial Energy for 6/00 production \nand I do not see one of the pieces in Unify. They are invoicing us for \n50,000 MMBtu at 4.16 on 6/13. Is this a good deal? If it is, please tell me \nthe deal number. I checked path manager and I do not see anything there \neither.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "PG&E Texas 6/00", "", [["receive gas", 0, "information", ["invoice", "received"], "information", "i received an invoice from orgname texas industrial energy for datenumeric production and i do not see one of the pieces in unify."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 15, "information", ["checked", "path"], "information", " i checked path manager and i do not see anything there either."]], "I received an invoice from PG&E Texas Industrial Energy for 6/00 production \nand I do not see one of the pieces in Unify. They are invoicing us for \n50,000 MMBtu at 4.16 on 6/13. Is this a good deal? If it is, please tell me \nthe deal number. I checked path manager and I do not see anything there \neither.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<8202085.1075854135476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "50,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-1-2001-6:7:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"10-1-2001-6:7:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-6:7:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20564697.1075854205747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 06:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDarren:\nI think Marta is referring to the supply deal 391119 on 9/6 for 10,545. We \ndo not have a price of GD + $0.04. We have IF + $0.04. Please check this \nprice. Also, they seem to be missing the overdelivery calculation in their \nspreadsheet. Attached is the September 2000 spreadsheet.\n\n\n\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n01/10/2001 10:58 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination for \n9/7/00\n\nMegan, \n\nPlease see the message below. The pricing on deal 391125 was incorrect; \nshould be HSC GD-.04. I corrected the deal ticket.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2001 \n10:57 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 01/10/2001 10:42:30 AM\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination for \n9/7/00\n\n\nPlease pass the following information to Meagan Parker. Her pricing isn't\nmatching.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n01/10/2001 10:41 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMarta K Henderson\n09/06/2000 03:39 PM\n\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC\ncc: John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna J Dobb/Houston/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC\n\nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00\n\nAs follow-up documentation for the Intraday sale on 9/6/00, the following\nstates the pricing for the redeliveries:\n\n8500 MMBTU from Fuels Cotton Valley priced per Paragraph 1a of the Contract\nPrice (per MMBTU) section in the Transaction Agreement.\n10955 MMBTU at ETGS Carthage Hub Tailgate priced per Paragraph 1c of the\nContract Price (per MMBTU) section in the Transaction Agreement\n10545 MMBTU at CIPCO/Mobile Beaumont which is priced differently than\nParagraph 1b of the Contract Price (per MMBTU) section in the Transaction\nAgreement. The price for 10545 MMBTU for 9/6/00 will be HSC Daily plus\n$.04/MMBTU.\n\nPlease confirm the above by replying to this E-Mail message.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n09/06/2000 01:07 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMarta K Henderson\n09/06/2000 09:58 AM\n\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\n\nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00\n\nDeliveries continue to be 30,000 MMBtu/dy\n\nThe redeliveries will be:\n\n8500 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n10955 to HPL's Cartwheel Agreement at Carthage\n10545 at Mobil Beaumont\n\nEffective for 9/7/00, deliveries to Eastrans continue to be 30,000 MMBtu/dy\n\nThe redeliveries will be:\n\n8500 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n21500 to HPL's Cartwheel Agreement at Carthage\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 16, "nninformation", ["check", "price"], "request", " please check this price."], ["attach spreadsheet", 21, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " attached is the datenumeric numeric spreadsheet."]], "Darren:\nI think Marta is referring to the supply deal 391119 on 9/6 for 10,545. We \ndo not have a price of GD + $0.04. We have IF + $0.04. Please check this \nprice. Also, they seem to be missing the overdelivery calculation in their \nspreadsheet. Attached is the September 2000 spreadsheet.\n\n\n\nMegan\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n01/10/2001 10:58 AM\n", "<20564697.1075854205747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "391119", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$0 04", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["price pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-8-2001-12:18:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"7-8-2001-12:18:54Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["7-8-2001-12:18:54", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3813377.1075840434022.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 12:18:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: GLO deals 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nHere is my problem. As you know, HPLC did a deal with Texas General Land O=\nffice where we would exchange gas for crude. The problem was HPLC was sell=\ning the gas and Enron Gas Marketing was receiving the crude. Bryce Baxter =\nworked out a series of intercompany deals between HPLC, ENA and EGM that wo=\nuld book the deal correctly. Julie Meyers was told how to create the deals=\n and she completed January and February, except for one small part, but Mar=\nch forward was never completed. The attached word document explains the pr=\nocedure. Basically, we were suppose to book an HPLC sale to the TGLO with =\nvolume and zero price. This would book the volume to the GL and zero out t=\nhe receivable since we were never going to receive cash from TGLO. Then, w=\ne would book a sale from HPLC-Wellhead to ENA-Wellhead for the value of the=\n gas only (no volume) and a sale from ENA-Wellhead to EGM for the value of =\nthe crude (no volume). For these deals, we would use demand fees. EGM will=\n pay ENA for the crude dollars.\n\n =20\n\nI will give you the deals for January so you can see how the dollars move. =\n You will see that the price is still on the sale from HPLC to TGLO. Julie=\n zeroed this out, but O'Neal put it back. I've left him a message to find =\nout why.\n1. Sale from HPLC-IM Wellhead to TGLO=09=09=09547201\n2. Sale from HPLC-IM HPLC to HPLC-IM Wellhead=09=09547205 =20\n3. Sale from HPLC-Wellhead to ENA-IM Wellhead Texas=09679847\n4. Sale from ENA-IM Wellhead Texas to EGM=09=09=09679859=20\n\nHere is a preliminary list of what needs to be done to finish out the trans=\nactions for March, April and May. The previous email went to Kam Keiser, J=\nohn Grass, Linda Roberts and Dayem Khandker. They may be able to help us w=\nork through this. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\n1. Zero out the prices on the HPLC sales to Texas General Land Office, lea=\nve volume only.\n=09Jan 2001=09547201=09\n=09Feb 2001=09591307\n=09March 2001=09640685\n=09April 2001=09692167\n=09May 2001=09755787\n2. Enter a ticket for the HPL-Wellhead sale to ENA-Wellhead for March, Apr=\nil and May 2001 (the Feb deal number is 679848) for the value of the gas be=\nlow. This should be entered as a demand fee only, no volume.\n=09March 2001=09$774,612.50\n=09April 2001=09$705,870.00\n=09May 2001=09$664,609.00\n=09\n3. Enter a ticket for the sale from ENA-Wellhead to EGM for the value of t=\nhe crude below. There is an existing ticket for Jan and Feb that can be ex=\ntended, deal 679859.\n=09March 2001=09$757,603.93\n=09April 2001=09$820,983.94\n=09May 2001=09$598,885.13\n\n4. Update Jan and Feb crude values on deal 679859\n=09Jan 2001=09change $886,638.63 to $886,015.18\n=09Feb 2001=09change $839,008.31 to $842,475.06\n\n Let me know if you want me to come down to discuss.\n\nMegan", "GLO deals 2001", "", [["receive gas", 15, "nninformation", ["gas", "receiving"], "intention", " as you know, orgname did a deal with texas general land office where we would exchange gas for orgname the problem was orgname was selling the gas and enron gas marketing was receiving the orgname bryce baxter worked out a series of intercompany deals between orgname orgname and egm that would book the deal correctly."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 73, "nninformation", ["see", "deals"], "intention", " numeric i will give you the deals for january so you can see how the dollars move."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 75, "nninformation", ["see", "price"], "intention", " you will see that the price is still on the sale from orgname to tglo."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 172, "nninformation", ["demand**fee", "entered"], "intention", " this should be entered as a demand fee only, no volume."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 225, "nninformation", ["change", "09", "$886,638"], "request", " update jan and feb orgname values on deal numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric let me know if you want me to come down to discuss."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 233, "nninformation", ["change", "09", "$839,008"], "request", " update jan and feb orgname values on deal numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric change pricenumeric numeric to pricenumeric numeric let me know if you want me to come down to discuss."]], "Darren:\nHere is my problem. As you know, HPLC did a deal with Texas General Land Office where we would exchange gas for crude. The problem was HPLC was selling the gas and Enron Gas Marketing was receiving the crude. Bryce Baxter worked out a series of intercompany deals between HPLC, ENA and EGM that would book the deal correctly. Julie Meyers was told how to create the deals and she completed January and February, except for one small part, but March forward was never completed. The attached word document explains the procedure. Basically, we were suppose to book an HPLC sale to the TGLO with volume and zero price. This would book the volume to the GL and zero out the receivable since we were never going to receive cash from TGLO. Then, we would book a sale from HPLC-Wellhead to ENA-Wellhead for the value of the gas only (no volume) and a sale from ENA-Wellhead to EGM for the value of the crude (no volume). For these deals, we would use demand fees. EGM will pay ENA for the crude dollars.\n\n =20\n\nI will give you the deals for January so you can see how the dollars move. You will see that the price is still on the sale from HPLC to TGLO. Julie zeroed this out, but O'Neal put it back. I've left him a message to find out why.\n1. Sale from HPLC-IM Wellhead to TGLO=09=09=09547201\n2. Sale from HPLC-IM HPLC to HPLC-IM Wellhead=09=09547205 =20\n3. Sale from HPLC-Wellhead to ENA-IM Wellhead Texas=09679847\n4. Sale from ENA-IM Wellhead Texas to EGM=09=09=09679859=20\n\nHere is a preliminary list of what needs to be done to finish out the transactions for March, April and May. The previous email went to Kam Keiser, John Grass, Linda Roberts and Dayem Khandker. They may be able to help us work through this. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\n1. Zero out the prices on the HPLC sales to Texas General Land Office, leave volume only.\n=09Jan 2001=09547201=09\n=09Feb 2001=09591307\n=09March 2001=09640685\n=09April 2001=09692167\n=09May 2001=09755787\n2. Enter a ticket for the HPL-Wellhead sale to ENA-Wellhead for March, April and May 2001 (the Feb deal number is 679848) for the value of the gas below. This should be entered as a demand fee only, no volume.\n=09March 2001=09$774,612.50\n=09April 2001=09$705,870.00\n=09May 2001=09$664,609.00\n=09\n3. Enter a ticket for the sale from ENA-Wellhead to EGM for the value of the crude below. There is an existing ticket for Jan and Feb that can be extended, deal 679859.\n=09March 2001=09$757,603.93\n=09April 2001=09$820,983.94\n=09May 2001=09$598,885.13\n\n4. Update Jan and Feb crude values on deal 679859\n=09Jan 2001=09change $886,638.63 to $886,015.18\n=09Feb 2001=09change $839,008.31 to $842,475.06\n\n Let me know if you want me to come down to discuss.\n\nMegan", "<3813377.1075840434022.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal demand0fee_feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand0fee_feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand0fee_feeTnn"]}, "deal demand_demand0feeTnn": {"value": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "ne": "deal demand_demand0feeTnn", "patterns": ["deal demand_demand0feeTnn"]}, "167": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal gas numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "221": {"value": "679859", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "201": {"value": "679859", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn": {"value": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "ne": "demand_demand0fee volumeTnn", "patterns": ["demand_demand0fee volumeTnn"]}, "169": {"value": "679848", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "232": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "234": {"value": "$839,008", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "227": {"value": "63", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "228": {"value": "$886,015", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "224": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "226": {"value": "$886,638", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "214": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "215": {"value": "$598,885", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "209": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "210": {"value": "$820,983", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "204": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "205": {"value": "$757,603", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "177": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "178": {"value": "$774,612", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "182": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "183": {"value": "$705,870", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "187": {"value": "09", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "188": {"value": "$664,609", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price saleTnn": {"value": "price saleTnn", "ne": "price saleTnn", "patterns": ["price saleTnn"]}, "price zeroTnn": {"value": "price zeroTnn", "ne": "price zeroTnn", "patterns": ["price zeroTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-7-2001-9:21:55Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"23-7-2001-9:21:55Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["23-7-2001-9:21:55", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26245357.1075840434339.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 09:21:55 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Equistar Swing 5/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nWe need to add TGPL meter 52-1087 to deal 895951. We have some swing gas for May that we need to allocate.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "Equistar Swing 5/01", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["add", "deal"], "intention", "we need to add tgpl meter numeric phonenumber to deal numeric ."]], "We need to add TGPL meter 52-1087 to deal 895951. We have some swing gas for May that we need to allocate.\n\nThanks,\nMegan", "<26245357.1075840434339.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-3-2000-3:12:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"24-3-2000-3:12:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["24-3-2000-3:12:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17336643.1075854127806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 03:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Williams Energy Marketing\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have a request from the ENA settlements group. Williams Energy is billing \nthe HPL purchase deals on the ENA invoice. The accountant at Williams says, \nthat by the request of the HPL trader, the deals are to be billed to ENA. We \nwould like to have the Texas deals billed directly to HPL. If you do not \nhave a problem with this, can you ask your counterpart at Williams to split \nthe deals between HPL and ENA? It would make the payment process much easier.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\nx5-7480", "Williams Energy Marketing", "", [["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 6, "information", ["billing", "deals"], "information", " orgname energy is billing the hpl purchase deals on the orgname invoice."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 14, "nninformation", ["billed", "deals"], "intention", " the accountant at orgname says, that by the request of the hpl trader, the deals are to be billed to orgname we would like to have the texas deals billed directly to hpl."], ["bill pricenumeric{deal}", 17, "nninformation", ["billed", "deals"], "intention", " the accountant at orgname says, that by the request of the hpl trader, the deals are to be billed to orgname we would like to have the texas deals billed directly to hpl."]], "I have a request from the ENA settlements group. Williams Energy is billing \nthe HPL purchase deals on the ENA invoice. The accountant at Williams says, \nthat by the request of the HPL trader, the deals are to be billed to ENA. We \nwould like to have the Texas deals billed directly to HPL. If you do not \nhave a problem with this, can you ask your counterpart at Williams to split \nthe deals between HPL and ENA? It would make the payment process much easier.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\nx5-7480", "<17336643.1075854127806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal energyTnn": {"value": "deal energyTnn", "ne": "deal energyTnn", "patterns": ["deal energyTnn"]}, "deal invoiceTnn": {"value": "deal invoiceTnn", "ne": "deal invoiceTnn", "patterns": ["deal invoiceTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-9-2001-12:13:24Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"4-9-2001-12:13:24Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["4-9-2001-12:13:24", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27361716.1075840433627.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 12:13:24 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Coral on ExxonKaty 6/01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDarren:\nENA was invoiced by Coral Energy for two deals on Tejas for June 2001 that I do not see in the system. The first deal was on 6/1 for 5,400 at $3.87. The second deal was on 6/13 for 22,000 at $4.25. Do you know anything about these deals? I think we would show it on ExxonKaty, but I can't find anything in path manager on ExxonKaty or Tejas.\n\nMegan", "Coral on ExxonKaty 6/01", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["see", "deals", "system"], "request", "darren: orgname was invoiced by orgname energy for two deals on tejas for datenumeric numeric that i do not see in the system."]], "Darren:\nENA was invoiced by Coral Energy for two deals on Tejas for June 2001 that I do not see in the system. The first deal was on 6/1 for 5,400 at $3.87. The second deal was on 6/13 for 22,000 at $4.25. Do you know anything about these deals? I think we would show it on ExxonKaty, but I can't find anything in path manager on ExxonKaty or Tejas.\n\nMegan", "<27361716.1075840433627.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal energy numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal energyTnn": {"value": "deal energyTnn", "ne": "deal energyTnn", "patterns": ["deal energyTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "5,400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$3 87", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "22,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "$4 25", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric pricenumericTnnn", "deal pricenumericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal systemTnn": {"value": "deal systemTnn", "ne": "deal systemTnn", "patterns": ["deal systemTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-7-2001-13:18:58Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"6-7-2001-13:18:58Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-7-2001-13:18:58", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31643511.1075840429085.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 13:18:58 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Cornhusker - Lone Star Payments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Cleburne Plant - \"Cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nI looked at the service records and, for Oct 2000 through April 2001, we have paid $381,263.04 to TXU for transport. We have another $159,745.14 in draft status. The two amounts total $541,008.18. I'm not sure why we have items in draft status. Antoinette Beale handles the transport payments and I think she is out today. I know she was having trouble with the volumes coming over. I have left her a message to call me when she gets back so we can finalize those payments. The May 2001 estimates total $57,249.44 in the system. Let me know if you need any more information.\n\nMegan\nx5-7480\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/06/2001 11:35 AM\nTo:\tMegan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tFW: Cornhusker - Lone Star Payments\n\n\tMegan, \n\nAre you able to get this information?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHill, Garrick \nSent:\tFriday, July 06, 2001 8:12 AM\nTo:\tArmstrong, James; Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tCornhusker - Lone Star Payments\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nSection 6.4 of Tenaska IV's gas transportation agreement with Lone Star requires the shipper to pay transporter $1,040,000 in transportation fees and/or deficienty payments from the initial delivery date through December 31, 2003. Do we know what the payments to Lone Star have been to date? If not, can we find out by contacting Lone Star?\n\nRH\n\n", "Re: FW: Cornhusker - Lone Star Payments", "", [["pay pricenumeric{txu}", 5, "information", ["01", "paid", "$381,263"], "information", "i looked at the service records and, for datenumeric numeric through datenumeric numeric , we have paid pricenumeric numeric to txu for transport."]], "I looked at the service records and, for Oct 2000 through April 2001, we have paid $381,263.04 to TXU for transport. We have another $159,745.14 in draft status. The two amounts total $541,008.18. I'm not sure why we have items in draft status. Antoinette Beale handles the transport payments and I think she is out today. I know she was having trouble with the volumes coming over. I have left her a message to call me when she gets back so we can finalize those payments. The May 2001 estimates total $57,249.44 in the system. Let me know if you need any more information.\n\nMegan\nx5-7480\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/06/2001 11:35 AM\n", "<31643511.1075840429085.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"17": {"value": "18", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$541,008", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn"]}, "39": {"value": "$57,249", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["amount_total numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "$381,263", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "14", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "$159,745", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "44", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "04", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric txuTnn"]}, "pay txuTvn": {"value": "pay txuTvn", "ne": "pay txuTvn", "patterns": ["pay txuTvn"]}, "transport txuTnn": {"value": "transport txuTnn", "ne": "transport txuTnn", "patterns": ["transport txuTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-7-2001-8:27:55Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"19-7-2001-8:27:55Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["19-7-2001-8:27:55", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16564840.1075840434387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 08:27:55 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com\nSubject: The Houston Expl Dec 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Parker, Megan \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren:\nI'm not sure if you can help me, but I have a Danny Conner deal from Decemb=\ner 2000 that has a price issue. =20\n\nWe were buying gas from The Houston Exploration Company on Black Marlin, Hi=\ngh Island 138/HPL meter 98663, deal 508426. The deal was priced at HSC - 0=\n.14. In December, a new platform came on, High Island 115/HPL meter 986431=\n. It did not start flowing until the 20th. Danny did not put a new deal i=\nn for this meter, so we combined the gas on deal 508426. The Houston Explo=\nration thinks that the gas at HI 115 should be kept separate and priced at =\nHSC GD - 0.14 since it did not begin flowing until the 20th. We agree that=\n we received the gas. We have the pipeline statement from Black Marlin. W=\ne just don't have the same pricing. The Houston Exploration shows that we =\nowe them an additional $222k due to this price difference. We only purchas=\ned this gas in Dec 2000 and Jan 2001. The deal for Jan, 547063, was priced=\n at GD - 0.14. Can you verify how this deal should be priced? I sent this=\n issue to Danny back in January and he said the IF price was correct, but T=\nhe Houston Exploration is sticking to their price. If you need to talk to =\ntheir trader, his name is Lester Lipperdt 713-830-6960.\n\nMegan", "The Houston Expl Dec 2000", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 11, "information", ["buying", "gas"], "information", " numeric we were buying gas from the orgname company on black marlin, high island numeric /hpl meter numeric , deal numeric ."], ["receive gas", 54, "information", ["gas", "received"], "information", " we agree that we received the gas."], ["show deal", 61, "information", ["$222", "shows"], "information", " the orgname shows that we owe them an additional pricenumeric k due to this price difference."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 66, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " we only purchased this gas in datenumeric numeric and datenumeric numeric ."]], "Daren:\nI'm not sure if you can help me, but I have a Danny Conner deal from December 2000 that has a price issue. =20\n\nWe were buying gas from The Houston Exploration Company on Black Marlin, High Island 138/HPL meter 98663, deal 508426. The deal was priced at HSC - 0.14. In December, a new platform came on, High Island 115/HPL meter 986431. It did not start flowing until the 20th. Danny did not put a new deal in for this meter, so we combined the gas on deal 508426. The Houston Exploration thinks that the gas at HI 115 should be kept separate and priced at HSC GD - 0.14 since it did not begin flowing until the 20th. We agree that we received the gas. We have the pipeline statement from Black Marlin. We just don't have the same pricing. The Houston Exploration shows that we owe them an additional $222k due to this price difference. We only purchased this gas in Dec 2000 and Jan 2001. The deal for Jan, 547063, was priced at GD - 0.14. Can you verify how this deal should be priced? I sent this issue to Danny back in January and he said the IF price was correct, but The Houston Exploration is sticking to their price. If you need to talk to their trader, his name is Lester Lipperdt 713-830-6960.\n\nMegan", "<16564840.1075840434387.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal gasTnn": {"value": "deal gasTnn", "ne": "deal gasTnn", "patterns": ["deal gasTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "138", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "71": {"value": "547063", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric priceTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "508426", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "98663", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal priceTnn": {"value": "deal priceTnn", "ne": "deal priceTnn", "patterns": ["deal priceTnn"]}, "difference priceTnn": {"value": "difference priceTnn", "ne": "difference priceTnn", "patterns": ["difference priceTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "115", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "68": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "issue priceTnn": {"value": "issue priceTnn", "ne": "issue priceTnn", "patterns": ["issue priceTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "115", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "$222", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["price pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-10-2000-4:9:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": {"6-10-2000-4:9:0Smegan.parker@enron.com": ["6-10-2000-4:9:0", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2876333.1075853979280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 04:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: megan.parker@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Duke Cashout Entries 7/00 and 8/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Megan Parker\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe did take into account the price adjustments you made. The actual purchase \ncashout for 8/00 was $118,103.67. Your pricing took care of most of the \ncashout, but there was still a balance. The over delivery pricing per MMBtu \nin the contract is the difference between HSC Spot - 0.05 and HSC Index, so \nGD - 0.10 didn't quite cover the entire cashout. I have attached the calc \nsheet in case you need it.\n\n\n\nMegan", "Re: Duke Cashout Entries 7/00 and 8/00", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 28, "information", ["attached", "case"], "information", " i have attached the calc sheet in case you need it."]], "We did take into account the price adjustments you made. The actual purchase \ncashout for 8/00 was $118,103.67. Your pricing took care of most of the \ncashout, but there was still a balance. The over delivery pricing per MMBtu \nin the contract is the difference between HSC Spot - 0.05 and HSC Index, so \nGD - 0.10 didn't quite cover the entire cashout. I have attached the calc \nsheet in case you need it.\n\n\n\nMegan", "<2876333.1075853979280.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"calc sheetTnn": {"value": "calc sheetTnn", "ne": "calc sheetTnn", "patterns": ["calc sheetTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "67", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "$118,103", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cashout numeric pricenumericTnnn", "numeric pricenumeric purchaseTnnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric purchaseTnn"]}, "contract pricingTnn": {"value": "contract pricingTnn", "ne": "contract pricingTnn", "patterns": ["contract pricingTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "05", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-5-2000-8:26:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": {"4-5-2000-8:26:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["4-5-2000-8:26:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4130770.1075854069373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 4 May 2000 08:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\nCc: fred.boas@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: fred.boas@enron.com\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Fred Boas\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n\n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\n\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2000 03:17 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n05/04/2000 12:08 PM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters\n\nAimee:\n\nThe Crow O'Connor, meter 6757 has its gas allocated to Strangers Gas for \nApril and May 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for their \nmoney. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter for \nthese months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\n\nIn addition, the Sarco Lateral, meter 5192 has its gas allocated to Strangers \nGas for May and July 1999 and Duke has been calling Settlements asking for \ntheir money. I will need to set up accounting arrangements for this meter \nfor these months so please provide me the correct transportation contract and \nvalid deal # for this transaction.\n\nI would like to get this done ASAP since the customer is calling Settlements \nand we start close next week.\n\nThanks,\n\nFred\n", "Sarco Lateral and Crow O'Connor Meters", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["deals", "meter", "6757", "set"], "request", "daren - can you set up new deals for meter numeric and numeric ?"], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 34, "information", ["deal", "meter", "02", "set"], "information", " meter numeric crow o'connor - counterparty orgname energy & trading month contract deal # datenumeric orgname phonenumber numeric datenumeric hpl phonenumber numeric datenumeric hpl phonenumber numeric sept numeric hpl phonenumber numeric meter numeric sarco lateral no deal has ever been set up for meter numeric for orgname energy & trading."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 42, "nninformation", ["deals", "meters", "set"], "request information", " will you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?"]], "Daren - Can you set up new deals for meter 6757 and 5192? \n\n Meter 6757 Crow O'Connor - Counterparty Duke Energy & Trading\n \n Month Contract Deal #\n June 99 ENA 201 87426\n July 99 HPL 215 95072\n Aug 99 HPL 215 102775\n Sept 99 HPL 215 110502\n\n Meter 5192 Sarco Lateral\n\n No deal has ever been set up for meter 5192 for Duke Energy & Trading. \nThere is flow for May, July and Nov. 99.\n\nWill you please let me know if you set up new deals for these meters?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n", "<4130770.1075854069373.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "6757", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "5192", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy meter numeric tradingTnnnn", "energy numeric tradingTnnn", "energy numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "6757", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-8-2000-1:54:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": {"29-8-2000-1:54:0Saimee.lannou@enron.com": ["29-8-2000-1:54:0", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10466367.1075854091775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 01:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 5593\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Aimee Lannou\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - canyou get a deal set up for meter 5593 for Aug 00? There has been a \nsmall amount of flow everyday. Total flow for Aug. 00 is 1.054. Last deal \nticket associated was 133169 for Jul. 00. Let me know if you have any \nquestions.\n\nAL", "Meter 5593", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "meter", "5593", "set"], "request information", "daren - canyou get a deal set up for meter numeric for datenumeric ?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 14, "information", ["flow", "1", "total"], "information", " total flow for datenumeric is numeric numeric ."]], "Daren - canyou get a deal set up for meter 5593 for Aug 00? There has been a \nsmall amount of flow everyday. Total flow for Aug. 00 is 1.054. Last deal \nticket associated was 133169 for Jul. 00. Let me know if you have any \nquestions.\n\nAL", "<10466367.1075854091775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "5593", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal meterTnn": {"value": "deal meterTnn", "ne": "deal meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5593", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-10-2000-10:2:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"20-10-2000-10:2:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["20-10-2000-10:2:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27094260.1075854185443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 10:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Lisa Hesse, Julie Meyers, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 446704 has been created and entered in Sitara for Cummins & Walker Oil \nCompany Inc. for the period 9/26/00 - 9/30/00.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/20/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON\n\n\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global no.\nCummins & Walker Oil Co. 9857 600mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.18 9/26 - \n9/30 96048113\n 100% IF/HSC less $0.18 10/1 - 10/31 96048113\n\nSuemaur Exploration Co. 9856 2700mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 10/20 \n- 10/31 96023525\n \n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of November. \nAdditionally, this is Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 10/20/2000 \n04:18 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 09/26/2000 01:59 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nJo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R \nFosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nRobert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON\n\n\n\nSee attached letters for First Deliveries\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "446704"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for orgname oil company orgname for the period datenumeric - datenumeric ."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered", "446704"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for orgname oil company orgname for the period datenumeric - datenumeric ."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 446704 has been created and entered in Sitara for Cummins & Walker Oil \nCompany Inc. for the period 9/26/00 - 9/30/00.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/20/2000 04:17 PM\n", "<27094260.1075854185443.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "446704", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-10-2000-6:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"20-10-2000-6:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["20-10-2000-6:40:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6045540.1075854185467.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 06:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - WAGNER OIL\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach, Lisa Hesse, Julie Meyers, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 446555 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/19/2000 02:17 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - WAGNER OIL\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nWagner Oil Company 9859 300mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.11 10/16 - \n10/31 96049058\n\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of November. \nAdditionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 10/19/2000 \n02:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 10/19/2000 02:04 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nJo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R \nFosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nRobert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - WAGNER OIL\n\n\n\nSee attached file\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - WAGNER OIL", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "446555"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered", "446555"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 446555 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/19/2000 02:17 PM\n", "<6045540.1075854185467.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "446555", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-2-2001-6:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"7-2-2001-6:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["7-2-2001-6:3:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26412707.1075854289829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 06:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Deals Changed\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren/O'Neal,\n\nThe attached spreadsheet represents deal volumes changed effective 2/7/01.\n\nBob\n", "Wellhead Deals Changed", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 2, "information", ["changed", "deals"], "information", "wellhead deals changed."], ["attach spreadsheet", 5, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "daren/o'neal, the attached spreadsheet represents deal volumes changed effective datenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "information", ["changed", "volumes"], "information", "daren/o'neal, the attached spreadsheet represents deal volumes changed effective datenumeric ."]], "Daren/O'Neal,\n\nThe attached spreadsheet represents deal volumes changed effective 2/7/01.\n\nBob\n", "<26412707.1075854289829.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal effective volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective volumeTnnn"]}, "deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "deal spreadsheetTnn": {"value": "deal spreadsheetTnn", "ne": "deal spreadsheetTnn", "patterns": ["deal spreadsheetTnn"]}, "deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "effective volumeTnn": {"value": "effective volumeTnn", "ne": "effective volumeTnn", "patterns": ["effective volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-2-2001-4:41:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"1-2-2001-4:41:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-4:41:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "brian.riley@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27813179.1075854356922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 04:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Coastal O&G, Mtr. 4179, Goliad Co.\nCc: brian.riley@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\tanita.luong@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: brian.riley@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\tanita.luong@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Brian M Riley, Daren J Farmer, Melissa Graves, Clem Cernosek, Mary Poorman, Anita Luong, Donald P Reinhardt, Cynthia Hakemack, Julie Meyers, Lisa Hesse\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nJulie Meyers created deal # 592122 in Sitara. I have edited the ticket to \nreflect the details described below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/01/2001 08:21 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Coastal O&G, Mtr. 4179, Goliad Co.\n\nBob,\n\nIf have not put the deal in yet, please modify the period to reflect 9/1 - \n9/13. There was flow on 9/13.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 \n08:24 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/31/2001 05:08 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie \nMeyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Coastal O&G, Mtr. 4179, Goliad Co.\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC purchased wellhead gas from the producer listed below for the specified \nperiod. This production was purchased on a \"spot\" basis and a deal ticket \nshould be created and entered into sitara based on the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corp 4179 4,500mmbtu/d 85% IF/HSC 9/1/00-9/8/00 \n\nAdditionally, this are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n", "Re: Coastal O&G, Mtr. 4179, Goliad Co.", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal", "592122"], "information", "vance, julie meyers created deal # numeric in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nJulie Meyers created deal # 592122 in Sitara. I have edited the ticket to \nreflect the details described below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/01/2001 08:21 AM\n", "<27813179.1075854356922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "592122", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-6-2000-11:43:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"13-6-2000-11:43:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["13-6-2000-11:43:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6841008.1075854187722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 11:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nomination - Cody Energy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI received a revised nomination from Cody Energy requesting volume be \nadjusted from 5,500/d to 6,000/d at meter 6722 effective 6/15/00. Do you \nwant me to adjust? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob", "Revised Nomination - Cody Energy", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 0, "information", ["nomination", "revised"], "information", "revised nomination - orgname."], ["receive gas", 3, "information", ["nomination", "received"], "information", "daren, i received a revised nomination from orgname requesting volume be adjusted from numeric /d to numeric /d at meter numeric effective datenumeric ."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 4, "information", ["nomination", "revised"], "information", "daren, i received a revised nomination from orgname requesting volume be adjusted from numeric /d to numeric /d at meter numeric effective datenumeric ."], ["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["adjusted", "5,500", "volume"], "information", "daren, i received a revised nomination from orgname requesting volume be adjusted from numeric /d to numeric /d at meter numeric effective datenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nI received a revised nomination from Cody Energy requesting volume be \nadjusted from 5,500/d to 6,000/d at meter 6722 effective 6/15/00. Do you \nwant me to adjust? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob", "<6841008.1075854187722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "6,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "effective meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["effective meter volumeTnnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "6722", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "nomination volumeTnn": {"value": "nomination volumeTnn", "ne": "nomination volumeTnn", "patterns": ["nomination volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-5-2001-5:57:5Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"8-5-2001-5:57:5Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-5:57:5", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <22325768.1075845113420.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 May 2001 05:57:05 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet for the changes you requested. KCS at meter # 9658 is a stand-alone purchase. The buy/sell with KCS are meters # 9797 and 3543.\n\nBob\n\n ", "Revised Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001", "", [["see file", 5, "nninformation", ["see", "spreadsheet"], "request", "daren, please see the attached spreadsheet for the changes you requested."], ["attach spreadsheet", 6, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "daren, please see the attached spreadsheet for the changes you requested."]], "Daren,\n\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet for the changes you requested. KCS at meter # 9658 is a stand-alone purchase. The buy/sell with KCS are meters # 9797 and 3543.\n\nBob\n\n ", "<22325768.1075845113420.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["adjustment numeric wellheadTnnn"]}, "adjustment wellheadTnn": {"value": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "ne": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment wellheadTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "9658", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric purchaseTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "9797", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-3-2001-5:10:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-3-2001-5:10:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-5:10:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4200369.1075854298045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 05:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: KCS Resources nom - April 1\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe nom for KCS Resources (deal # 125822) at meter # 9658 has been revised \nfrom 7,129 to 5,500.\n\nBob", "KCS Resources nom - April 1", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 6, "information", ["deal", "meter", "125822", "revised"], "information", "the nom for kcs resources (deal # numeric ) at meter # numeric has been revised from numeric to numeric ."]], "The nom for KCS Resources (deal # 125822) at meter # 9658 has been revised \nfrom 7,129 to 5,500.\n\nBob", "<4200369.1075854298045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "125822", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-8-2000-7:44:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"10-8-2000-7:44:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["10-8-2000-7:44:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "susan.smith@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com jeffrey.austin@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16213908.1075853991065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 07:44:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: susan.smith@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tri-C-Governer Bill Daniels #1\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.austin@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.austin@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Susan Smith\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach, Melissa Graves, Jeffrey A Austin, Vance L Taylor, Sabrae Zajac, Lisa Hesse\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSusan,\n\nDeal # 360695 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\nSUSAN \nSMITH \n08/10/2000 12:23 PM\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A \nAustin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tri-C-Governer Bill Daniels #1\n\nBob:\n\n Please create and enter a ticket into Sitara based on the following:\n\n Counterparty Meter Period-Volumes Price\n Cokinos Natural Gas Co. 9842 8-1/8-30 - First 5000/day is 96%, over 5000 \nday is 97%\n 7328 MMbtu/d\n\n\n This is a Producer Services deal and should be tracked in the IM wellhead \nportfolio, attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\n\n Thank You,\n\n Susan\n x 33321\n \n\n", "Re: Tri-C-Governer Bill Daniels #1", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 8, "information", ["created", "deal", "360695"], "information", "susan, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["deal", "entered", "360695"], "information", "susan, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Susan,\n\nDeal # 360695 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\nSUSAN \nSMITH \n08/10/2000 12:23 PM\n\n", "<16213908.1075853991065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "360695", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-4-2001-12:25:41Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"25-4-2001-12:25:41Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["25-4-2001-12:25:41", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "george.weissman@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16638039.1075845112962.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 12:25:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: george.weissman@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Missing Deals - May, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Weissman, George , Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Terry, Edward , Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Winfree, O'Neal , Meyers, Julie \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe following deals have been created and entered in Sitara as Baseload priced at IFHSC.\n\nBob\n\nDeal #\t\tCounterparty\t\tMeter\tZone\t\tNomination\n\n752476\t\tCarrizo Oil & Gas\t9888\t12\t\t10,000\n752480\t\tComstock Oil & Gas\t9878\t20\t\t100\n752482\t\tD & P Operating\t?\t001(Gulf Coast)\t500\n752487\t\tErgon Exploration\t9880\t08\t\t9,000\n752489\t\tHESCO Gathering\t9649\t?\t\t300\n752491\t\tHESCO Gathering\t9876\t05\t\t85\n752556\t\tHESCO Gathering\t9885\t05\t\t1,100\n752566\t\tLouis Dreyfus\t\t9874\t14\t\t750\n752571\t\tSuemaur Exploration\t9881\t02\t\t1,300\n752578\t\tUnited Oil & Mineral\t9887\t19\t\t2,000\n", "Missing Deals - May, 2001", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "the following deals have been created and entered in sitara as baseload priced at ifhsc."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "the following deals have been created and entered in sitara as baseload priced at ifhsc."]], "The following deals have been created and entered in Sitara as Baseload priced at IFHSC.\n\nBob\n\nDeal #\t\tCounterparty\t\tMeter\tZone\t\tNomination\n\n752476\t\tCarrizo Oil & Gas\t9888\t12\t\t10,000\n752480\t\tComstock Oil & Gas\t9878\t20\t\t100\n752482\t\tD & P Operating\t?\t001(Gulf Coast)\t500\n752487\t\tErgon Exploration\t9880\t08\t\t9,000\n752489\t\tHESCO Gathering\t9649\t?\t\t300\n752491\t\tHESCO Gathering\t9876\t05\t\t85\n752556\t\tHESCO Gathering\t9885\t05\t\t1,100\n752566\t\tLouis Dreyfus\t\t9874\t14\t\t750\n752571\t\tSuemaur Exploration\t9881\t02\t\t1,300\n752578\t\tUnited Oil & Mineral\t9887\t19\t\t2,000\n", "<16638039.1075845112962.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"coast gulfTnn": {"value": "coast gulfTnn", "ne": "coast gulfTnn", "patterns": ["coast gulfTnn"]}, "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meter zoneTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "752571", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["exploration numericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "752487", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["exploration numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "752480", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn", "numeric oil_oil0gasTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "752476", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn", "nomination numericTnn", "numeric oil_oil0gasTnn"]}, "meter nominationTnn": {"value": "meter nominationTnn", "ne": "meter nominationTnn", "patterns": ["meter nominationTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}, "mineral oilTnn": {"value": "mineral oilTnn", "ne": "mineral oilTnn", "patterns": ["mineral oilTnn"]}, "62": {"value": "752578", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric oil_oil0gasTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-4-2001-7:59:26Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"17-4-2001-7:59:26Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-7:59:26", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <29899749.1075845112630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 07:59:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERIES - COMSTOCK OIL & GAS AND HESCO GATHERING\n COMPANY\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nIs it okay to enter a wellhead deal in April for a purchase from HESCO at meter # 9885 priced at Gas Daily less $0.14 with a volume of 1,100/d?\n\nBob\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 04/17/2001 09:55 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Robert Cotten 04/16/2001 04:13 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate @ ENRON\ncc:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON \nSubject:\tRe: FW: FIRST DELIVERIES - COMSTOCK OIL & GAS AND HESCO GATHERING COMPANY \n\nVance,\n\nDeal tickets have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below. Deal # 652448 was entered by Risk as a term purchase at a price of IFHSC less $0.14. You have indicated the price to be Gas Daily less $0.14. Which price is correct?\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/03/2001 05:40 PM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tFW: FIRST DELIVERIES - COMSTOCK OIL & GAS AND HESCO GATHERING COMPANY \n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty\t\t\tMeter\t\t\tVolumes\tDeal #\tPrice\t\t\t\tPeriod\t\tGlobal No.\nComstock Oil &Gas\t\t\t9872\t\t\t500mmbtu/d\t652448\t100% GD less $0.20\t\t3/30-3/31\t96057106\n\nHESCO Gathering Co., LLC\t\t9885\t\t\t1100mmbtu/d\t733139\t100% GD less $0.14\t\t3/30-3/31\t96058382\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t4/01-4/30\t96058382\n\t\nFYI, we will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of the deal beginning with the appropiate month. Additionally, these are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBuckley, Esther \nSent:\tMonday, April 02, 2001 2:31 PM\nTo:\tCarriere, Molly; Cernosek, Clem; Consemiu, Donna; Cook, Robert; Camp, Howard; Hesse, Lisa; Hlavaty, Nathan; Wayne E Lightfoot/HOU/ECT@ENRON; McKay, James; Smith, Mary; Schneider, Steve HPL; Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Walters, Michael; Zivley, Jill; Johnson, Mary Jo; Wynne, Rita; Allen, Lauri; Jones, Cheryl; Hansen, Reid; Giron, Darron; Winfree, O'Neal; Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Bryan, Gary; Hanks, Gary; Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Baumbach, David; Cotten, Robert; Riley, Brian; Austin, Jeff; Hakemack, Cynthia; Kenne, Dawn; Csikos, Lisa; Fosdick, J R; Rodriguez, Carlos; Gomes, Stephanie; Clynes, Pat; Acton, Tom; Walker, Robert; Weissman, George; Harris, JoAnne; Sweeney, Christy; Tisdale, Earl; Farmer, Daren\nSubject:\tFIRST DELIVERIES - COMSTOCK OIL & GAS AND HESCO GATHERING COMPANY \n\nSee attached letters\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERIES - COMSTOCK OIL & GAS AND HESCO GATHERING\n COMPANY", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter", "meter", "9885"], "request information", "daren, is it okay to enter a wellhead deal in april for a purchase from orgname at meter # numeric priced at orgname less pricenumeric with a volume of numeric /d?"]], "Daren,\n\nIs it okay to enter a wellhead deal in April for a purchase from HESCO at meter # 9885 priced at Gas Daily less $0.14 with a volume of 1,100/d?\n\nBob\n\n\n", "<29899749.1075845112630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "9885", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numeric purchase wellheadTnnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "meter numeric purchaseTnnn", "meter numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "meter wellheadTnn": {"value": "meter wellheadTnn", "ne": "meter wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["meter wellheadTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$0 14", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "1,100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}, "purchase wellheadTnn": {"value": "purchase wellheadTnn", "ne": "purchase wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["purchase wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-2-2001-4:31:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"27-2-2001-4:31:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["27-2-2001-4:31:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2065881.1075854356469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 04:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - WHEELER OPERATING\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Julie Meyers, Lisa Hesse, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 643714 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/23/2001 04:55 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - WHEELER OPERATING\n\n\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nWheeler Operating 9879 800mmbtu/d 85% Gas Daily 2/17 - 2/28 NYA\n\nFYI, I have created and submitted a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of March. Additionally, \nthis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 02/23/2001 \n04:21 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 02/22/2001 10:39 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve \nHPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/EES@EES, \nRita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cheryl \nJones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeff A Austin/HOU/EES@EES, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R Fosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, \nCarlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert \nWalker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - WHEELER OPERATING\n\n\n\nPlease see attached letter\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - WHEELER OPERATING", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "643714"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered", "643714"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 643714 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/23/2001 04:55 PM\n", "<2065881.1075854356469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "643714", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-6-2000-4:42:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"22-6-2000-4:42:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["22-6-2000-4:42:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19095012.1075854002112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 04:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter # 9833\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nSilver in Gas Control called me and said the flow at meter # 9833 was approx. \n5,400/d for June. The nom is 13,171/d. Do you want me to adjust June? The \nnom for July is 5,398/d. Vance listed 11,068/d on the preliminary July \nspreadsheet but he called me and revised it to 5,398/d. The C/P is Helmerich \n& Payne.\n\nBob", "Meter # 9833", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 7, "information", ["flow", "meter", "9833"], "information", "daren, silver in gas control called me and said the flow at meter # numeric was approx."]], "Daren,\n\nSilver in Gas Control called me and said the flow at meter # 9833 was approx. \n5,400/d for June. The nom is 13,171/d. Do you want me to adjust June? The \nnom for July is 5,398/d. Vance listed 11,068/d on the preliminary July \nspreadsheet but he called me and revised it to 5,398/d. The C/P is Helmerich \n& Payne.\n\nBob", "<19095012.1075854002112.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "9833", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["control gas meter numericTnnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "control gasTnn": {"value": "control gasTnn", "ne": "control gasTnn", "patterns": ["control gasTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "9833", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-7-2000-2:1:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"10-7-2000-2:1:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["10-7-2000-2:1:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com amelia.alland@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19518174.1075853998705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 02:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: melissa.graves@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, amelia.alland@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, amelia.alland@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Melissa Graves\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Susan Smith, Vance L Taylor, George Weissman, Hillary Mack, Amelia Alland\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMelissa,\n\nDeal ticket # 325550 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Melissa Graves 07/07/2000 03:34 PM\n=09\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L=20\nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary=20\nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Amelia Alland/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nBob,=20\n\nPer George's note below, HPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the=20\nproducer listed below for the production month of July. This production wi=\nll=20\nbe purchased on a \"spot\" basis and a deal ticket should be created and=20\nentered into sitara based on the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corporation 4179, Albrecht #4 Well 7/7/00 - 1,500 Mmbtu/=\nd\n 7/8/00 - 3,000 Mmbtu/d\n 7/9/00 thru 7/31/00 - 4,000 Mmbtu/d 93% IF/HSC =20\n\nAdditionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM=\n=20\nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,=20\nMelissa\n\n------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT on 07/07/2000 03:03=\n=20\nPM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman 07/07/2000 01:11 PM\n=09\n\nTo: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente=20\nSarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A=20\nAllen/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nMelissa,\n\nBased on the attached Contract Preparation Request for a Spot GTC for the=\n=20\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corporation Albrecht #4 well to be attached behind existi=\nng=20\nmeter 098-4179 on the Meyersville - West Mission Valley lateral (1130) in=\n=20\nGoliad Co., TX, please enter a deal into Sitara that will generate a spot g=\ntc=20\nfor the remainder of the month of July.\n\nFor your information:\n\nWe expect the following production at the point named above for the=20\nremainder of the month of July, 2000:\n\n7/7/00 - 1,500 Mmbtu/d\n\n7/8/00 - 3,000 Mmbtu/d\n\n7/9/00 thru 7/31/00 - 4,000 Mmbtu/d\n\n\nADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\n\nCoastal has acquired 3 previously drilled wells subject to HPLC contract=20\n96008903 behind Meter 098-4179 from Sierra 1996 I Limited Partnership and=\n=20\nM.J.G. Inc., as Seller=01,s Representative for Sierra effective 3/1/2000; t=\nhe=20\nLegal Department has prepared and is currently circulating a Ratification a=\nnd=20\nConsent to Assign Document to reflect this transaction.\n\nThe spot gtc requested herein will cover gas from the Albrecht #4 well ONLY=\n. =20\nThe Albrecht #4 will not be covered by 96008903, nor will the wells current=\nly=20\nsubject to 96008903 be subject to the spot gtc.=20\n\nShawna, please prepare the Termination Letter for 96008903 as requested.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/07/2000=\n=20\n01:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDebbie Boudar@ENRON\n07/06/2000 03:25 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Brian M=\n=20\nRiley/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX =20\n\nIn regards to Meter 098-4179 the following information is what I have been=\n=20\nable to determine from the information available to me.\n\nTo your questions:\n\n1. Cannot determine who owns this meter. I will contact Molly Carriere on=\n=20\nMonday when she returns.\n\n2. HPL has a fifty (50) ft. easement at this location which does contain=20\nlanguage for appurtenance rights within the 50'.\n\n3. I pulled the meter file for this location which was prepared during=20\nProject Rock and it does not contain a Facility Agreement so I am assuming=\n=20\none was not located.\n\nHope this helps.\n\n\n =20\n=09\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman @ ECT 07/06/2000 11:09 =\nAM\n=09\n\nTo: Debbie Boudar/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Brian M=\n=20\nRiley/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\n\nSubject: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nDebbie,\n\nMeter 098-4179 is located at sta. plus 40+85 on Align. Dwg. HC-1130-18-H in=\n=20\nGoliad Co., TX. In connection with the Facility Agreement request below, w=\ne=20\nneed to know the following:\n\n1. Who owns the meter, HPLC or the operator?\n\n2. Do we own an easement and an access right of way to the meter station?\n\n3. Is there, to your knowledge, a Facility Agreement in place covering thi=\ns=20\nmeter? We cannot locate such an agreement in our records.\n\nThanks. George x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/06/2000=\n=20\n11:06 AM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman 07/06/2000 09:37 AM\n=09\n\nTo: Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente=20\nSarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lal=20\nEchterhoff/HOU/ECT@ECT, James R Haden/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nShawna,\n\nAttached is a Contract Preparation Request for a Facilities Agreement for t=\nhe=20\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corporation Albrecht #4 well to be attached behind existi=\nng=20\nmeter 098-4179 on the Meyersville - West Mission Valley lateral (1130) in=\n=20\nGoliad Co., TX. =20\n\nOf particular note:\n\nCoastal has acquired 3 previously drilled wells subject to HPLC contract=20\n96008903 behind Meter 098-4179 from Sierra 1996 I Limited Partnership and=\n=20\nM.J.G. Inc., as Seller=01,s Representative for Sierra effective 3/1/2000; t=\nhe=20\nLegal Department has prepared and is currently circulating a Ratification a=\nnd=20\nConsent to Assign Document to reflect this transaction.\n\nWe have been unable to locate an existing Facility Agreement for the 3=20\npreviously drilled wells and suspect that no such Agreement exists.\n\nThe Facility Agreement requested herein is intended to cover only alteratio=\nns=20\nto be made to existing Meter 098-4179 to install an H2S monitor and necessa=\nry=20\nvalving to allow HPLC to accept gas from the newly drilled Albrecht #4 well=\n.\n\nOnce the H2S monitor has been installed and the Albrecht #4 well is ready t=\no=20\nflow, we intend to paper the purchase of gas from the Albrecht #4 well only=\n=20\nvia a spot confirmation pursuant to a spot gtc. The Albrecht #4 will not b=\ne=20\ncovered by 96008903, nor will the wells currently subject to 96008903 be=20\nsubject to the spot gtc.=20\n\nCoastal will reimburse HPLC $39,600 for the cost of the installation.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/06/2000=\n=20\n09:21 AM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman 07/04/2000 01:28 PM\n=09\n\nTo: Lal Echterhoff/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Flavin/GCO/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente=20\nSarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, James R Haden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donnie=20\nMcCabe/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Mark Walch/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Steve HPL=20\nSchneider/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nLal,\n\nWe intend to attempt to connect about 4,000 Mmbtu/d of new production from=\n=20\nthe newly drilled Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation Albrecht #4 into the=20\nwesternmost end of the Meyerville - West Mission Valley 6\" Lateral (1130) o=\nn=20\nthe Mission Valley System 485 in Goliad and Victoria Counties behind a=20\nexisting meter 098-4179. Coastal intends to add an incremental 1,000 Mmbut=\n/d=20\neach day for four successive days; in May, 2000, the meter flowed about 960=\n=20\nMmbtu/d of 3.36% CO2 gas. =20\n\nThe content of the Albrecht #4 gas according to the Field Gas Analysis=20\nprepared by Coastal Oil & Gas on 7/1/00:\n\nNitrogen 0.1124%\nCO2 2.7224%\nMethane 87.8390%\nEthane 6.1200% 1.628\nPropane 2.0682% 0.567\nIsobutane 0.3420% 0.111\nn-Butane 0.4153% 0.130\nIsopentane 0.1269% 0.046=20\nn-Pentane 0.0904% 0.033\nHexanes 0.1634% 0.069\nHeptanes Plus 0.0000% 0.000\n 2.584\n\nCan HPLC accept this gas?\n\nPat,\n\nCoastal has verbally advised that the Albrecht #4 well contains more than=\n=20\nHPLC's permissible H2S content at the wellhead; the Albrecht #4 H2S content=\n=20\nis similar to that of the three wells currently producing 960 Mmbtu/d behin=\nd=20\nmeter 098-4179, the Miller-Albrecht Unit #1-A and the Hoff Heller Gas Unit=\n=20\n#1A & #2D. Coastal further purports that for some time now it (and/or its=\n=20\npredecessor, MJG, Corp.) has treated these three wells for H2S in a manner=\n=20\nsufficient to reduce the H2S content delivered into HPLC to permissible=20\nlevels. Coastal has further indicated that it intends to reduce the H2S=20\ncontent of the Albrecht #4 to permissible levels before delivering same to=\n=20\nHPLC. In your opinion, should Coastal be forced to install an H2S monitor=\n=20\nfor this new gas prior to flowing same to HPLC?=20\n\nGeorge x3-6992=20\n\n=20\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/04/2000=\n=20\n12:48 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nChristy Sweeney\n06/29/2000 04:56 PM\nTo: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa=20\nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne Wagstaff/NA/Enron@Enron, Heidi Withers/HOU/ECT@E=\nCT=20\nSubject: Transport Request for Coastal Albrecht #4, Goliad County, TX\n\nLisa,\n\nAttached is our Physical Well Connect form, including a Transportation Quot=\ne=20\nSheet, for the Coastal Albrecht #4 well in Goliad County, TX. Please=20\nprovide us with a Transport Quote. I have attached below a quote you gave =\nus=20\nin April 2000. The volume is now 5,000/day.\n\n\n\nI am headed that way with a map that shows the well's location in relation =\nto=20\nus, Tejas, Koch, and Tetco. Please note 2% fuel.\n\nThank you!!!\n\nChristy\n39050\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000=\n=20\n02:46 PM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Lisa Hesse 04/07/2000 10:48 AM\n=09\n\nTo: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi=20\nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@EC=\nT,=20\nSusan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L=20\nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: MJG, Inc. meter 4179 and Cokinos Meter 9676\n\n Brian,\n\nHere are the transport rates for the below meters:\n\nMJG Meter 4179 3.39% co2 1 year Quote April 00\nRel: 1180 avg. 1200-1988 .014\nloc. .05\nP/l Density .02\nQuality .049\nMarket Adjustment .05\n ____\n ..183\nless discount and market fee .02\n ____\n .16\n\n\n\nPlease call if you have any questions or comments. lisa 3 5901\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deal", "325550", "ticket"], "information", "melissa, deal ticket # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deal", "entered", "ticket"], "information", "melissa, deal ticket # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Melissa,\n\nDeal ticket # 325550 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Melissa Graves 07/07/2000 03:34 PM\n=09\n\n", "<19518174.1075853998705.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "325550", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-6-2000-2:12:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"27-6-2000-2:12:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-2:12:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3458845.1075854001119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 02:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: July Noms\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see the Volume and Action Needed columns below: 50,158 mm has not \nbeen entered in Sitara or Path Manager because deal tickets are needed.\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 06/27/2000 09:01 \nAM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 06/26/2000 09:02 AM\n\t\n\nTo: O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: July Noms\n\nO'Neal/Vance,\n\nThe following deals appear to have expired 6/30/00:\n\nCounterparty Sitara Deal No. Volume Action Needed\n\nCamoil 138822 161 Pathed 6/27\nCody Texas 305549 2,800 Deal Ticket\nEEX Corp. 278748 14,213 \" \"\nEEX Corp. 278770 1,710 Pathed 6/27\nEngage Energy 278784 70 Deal Ticket\n 278806 117 \" \"\n 278821 657 \" \"\n 278834 1,096 \" \"\nGoldston 225006 30,055 \" \"\nHydrocarbon Lease 281540 1,000 \" \"\nPetromac 138536 45 Pathed 6/26\nSetex 132845 76 Deal Ticket\n 138601 53 \" \"\nSwift Energy 279778 21 \" \"\nTexLan 138848 166 Pathed 6/27\n\n\n\nI will need either new deal ticket(s) or roll the current ones in Sitara. \nPlease advise. Thanks.\n\nBob\n", "July Noms", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["deal", "entered", "50,158"], "information", "daren, please see the volume and action needed columns below: numeric mm has not been entered in sitara or path manager because deal tickets are needed."]], "Daren,\n\nPlease see the Volume and Action Needed columns below: 50,158 mm has not \nbeen entered in Sitara or Path Manager because deal tickets are needed.\n\nBob\n\n", "<3458845.1075854001119.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"column volumeTnn": {"value": "column volumeTnn", "ne": "column volumeTnn", "patterns": ["column volumeTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-6-2000-10:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"19-6-2000-10:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["19-6-2000-10:40:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24980109.1075854187635.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Atmic Hurta #1 - New Production\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Hillary Mack, Lisa Hesse, Heidi Withers, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 303948 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/19/2000 02:56 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa \nHesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi Withers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald \nP Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Atmic Hurta #1 - New Production \n\nAuugghh!\n\nThat's the Marquee Corporation\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/19/2000 02:54 PM\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa \nHesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi Withers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald \nP Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Atmic Hurta #1 - New Production \n\nRevision, the correct counterparty name should be Marque Cooperation acting \nas Seller and Seller's representative.\n\nThanks, \n\nvlt\nx-6353\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/19/2000 02:10 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMelissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Atmic Hurta #1 - New Production\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production commenced to flow on Friday and a ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period\nISS, L.L.C 9837 3,500mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.09 6/16 - 6/30\n\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of July. Additionally, \nthis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Atmic Hurta #1 - New Production", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal", "303948"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deal", "entered", "303948"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 303948 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/19/2000 02:56 PM\n", "<24980109.1075854187635.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "303948", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productionTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-4-2001-14:28:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"9-4-2001-14:28:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-14:28:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30576346.1075845111952.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 14:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Adjustments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see the attached file.\n\nBob\n\n ", "Wellhead Adjustments", "", [["see file", 3, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "daren, please see the attached file."], ["attach spreadsheet", 4, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "daren, please see the attached file."]], "Daren,\n\nPlease see the attached file.\n\nBob\n\n ", "<30576346.1075845111952.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"adjustment wellheadTnn": {"value": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "ne": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-2-2001-0:17:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"16-2-2001-0:17:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-0:17:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17624431.1075854356702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 00:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - HELMERICH & PAYNE\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Julie Meyers, Lisa Hesse, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 621422 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/09/2001 04:03 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - HELMERICH & PAYNE\n\n\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nHelmerich & Payne, Inc. 9841 1500mmbtu/d 100% GD less $0.05 2/8 - 2/28 \n96046469\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of March. Additionally, \nthis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 02/09/2001 \n04:01 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 02/08/2001 04:23 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nJo Johnson/HOU/EES@EES, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeff A Austin/HOU/EES@EES, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R \nFosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nRobert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - HELMERICH & PAYNE\n\n\n\nSee attached letter\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - HELMERICH & PAYNE", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "621422"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deal", "entered", "621422"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 621422 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/09/2001 04:03 PM\n", "<17624431.1075854356702.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "621422", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-4-2001-9:17:57Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"26-4-2001-9:17:57Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-4-2001-9:17:57", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23773292.1075845113013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 09:17:57 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: o'neal.winfree@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nomination\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Winfree, O'Neal , Zajac, Sabrae \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDeal # 377169 has been revised today effective 4/19/01 as follows:\n\nC/P\t\tMeter #\tTrade Zone\tFrom\t\tTo\n\nCokinos\t98-9842\t\t07\t\t0\t\t3,000\n\nBob", "Revised Nomination", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 0, "information", ["nomination", "revised"], "information", "revised nomination."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 4, "information", ["deal", "effective", "meter", "revised", "zone"], "information", "deal # numeric has been revised today effective datenumeric as follows: c/p meter # trade zone from to cokinos numeric phonenumber numeric numeric numeric "]], "Deal # 377169 has been revised today effective 4/19/01 as follows:\n\nC/P\t\tMeter #\tTrade Zone\tFrom\t\tTo\n\nCokinos\t98-9842\t\t07\t\t0\t\t3,000\n\nBob", "<23773292.1075845113013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meterTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meterTnnn"]}, "9": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numeric zoneTnnnn", "numeric trade zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "377169", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn", "effective meter numericTnnn", "effective numericTnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-4-2001-13:58:2Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"19-4-2001-13:58:2Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-13:58:2", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14882529.1075845112778.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 13:58:02 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL\n GAS\nCc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Winfree, O'Neal , Meyers, Julie , Hesse, Lisa , Hakemack, Cynthia , Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Weissman, George \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nVance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/18/2001 11:35 AM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tFW: FIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL GAS \n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty\t\t\tMeter\t\t\tVolumes\tDeal #\tPrice\t\t\t\tPeriod\t\tGlobal No.\nLouis Dreyfus Nat Gas Corp\t\t9874\t\t\t750mmbtu/d\t740193\tIf del vols <300/d, 88% GD\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t>300/d, 100% GD less $0.29\t4/12-4/30\t96058618\n\nPure Resources, L.P.\t\t9882\t\t\t425mmbtu/d\t740198\t100% GD less $0.14\t\t4/17-4/30\t96058384\n\t\nFYI, we will create and submit committed reserves firm tickets for the remaining term of the deals beginning with the appropiate month. Additionally, these are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tBuckley, Esther \nSent:\tWednesday, April 18, 2001 10:53 AM\nTo:\tCarriere, Molly; Cernosek, Clem; Consemiu, Donna; Cook, Robert; Camp, Howard; Hesse, Lisa; Hlavaty, Nathan; Wayne E Lightfoot/HOU/ECT@ENRON; McKay, James; Smith, Mary; Schneider, Steve HPL; Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Walters, Michael; Zivley, Jill; Johnson, Mary Jo; Wynne, Rita; Allen, Lauri; Jones, Cheryl; Hansen, Reid; Giron, Darron; Winfree, O'Neal; Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Bryan, Gary; Hanks, Gary; Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Baumbach, David; Cotten, Robert; Riley, Brian; Austin, Jeff; Hakemack, Cynthia; Kenne, Dawn; Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Fosdick, J R; Rodriguez, Carlos; Gomes, Stephanie; Clynes, Pat; Acton, Tom; Walker, Robert; Weissman, George; Harris, JoAnne; Sweeney, Christy; Tisdale, Earl; Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tFIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL GAS \n\nSee attached files\n\n \n\n", "Re: FW: FIRST DELIVERIES - PURE RESOURCES AND LOUIS DREYFUS NATURAL\n GAS", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 8, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: "], ["note deal", 10, "information", ["deals", "noted"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: "]], "Vance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/18/2001 11:35 AM\n", "<14882529.1075845112778.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-6-2000-5:16:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"27-6-2000-5:16:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-5:16:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4355951.1075854000917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 05:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: EEX Corporation - Meter # 5999\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSitara deal ticket # 314349 has been created and entered for July, 2000 as \nfollows:\n\n14,213/d IFHSC minus $0.11\n\nBob", "EEX Corporation - Meter # 5999", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deal", "314349", "ticket"], "information", "sitara deal ticket # numeric has been created and entered for july, numeric as "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deal", "entered", "ticket"], "information", "sitara deal ticket # numeric has been created and entered for july, numeric as "]], "Sitara deal ticket # 314349 has been created and entered for July, 2000 as \nfollows:\n\n14,213/d IFHSC minus $0.11\n\nBob", "<4355951.1075854000917.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "314349", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "5999", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-4-2001-19:31:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"2-4-2001-19:31:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["2-4-2001-19:31:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17880101.1075845112074.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 19:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: New Production\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Vance L Taylor \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer , Edward Terry , Clem Cernosek , Julie Meyers , Cynthia Hakemack , Melissa Graves , Susan Smith , Donald P Reinhardt \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nVance,\n\nThe following deals have been created and entered in Sitara:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 12:57 PM\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/ENRON@enronXgate, Susan Smith/ENRON@enronXgate, Donald P Reinhardt/ENRON@enronXgate \nSubject:\tNew Production\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty\t\t\tMeter\t\t\tVolumes\tDeal #\tPrice\t\t\t\tPeriod\t\tGlobal No.\nSuemaur Explor & Prod\t\t9881\t\t\t1300mmbtu/d\t709716\t100% GD less $0.10\t\t3/22-3/31\t96058314\n\nMSLATX P/L Company\t\t9880\t\t\t2000mmbtu/d\t709721\t100% GD less $0.25\t\t3/27-3/31\t96058031\n\n\t\nFYI, I have created and submitted a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of the deal beginning with the month of April. Additionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n", "Re: New Production", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, the following deals have been created and entered in sitara: "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, the following deals have been created and entered in sitara: "]], "Vance,\n\nThe following deals have been created and entered in Sitara:\n\nBob\n\n\n\nFrom:\tVance L Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/30/2001 12:57 PM\n", "<17880101.1075845112074.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "23-6-2000-6:30:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"23-6-2000-6:30:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["23-6-2000-6:30:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2040223.1075854134294.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 06:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nPrize Energy revised their nom eff. 6/26 through 6/29 for the following \nmeters:\n\nMeter # 4028 4965 9604\nOld Nom: 659 182 101\nNew Nom: 0 0 0\n\nPlease advise if you want me to adjust.\n\nBob", "Revised Nom", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 4, "information", ["meters", "revised"], "information", "daren, prize energy revised their nom eff datenumeric through datenumeric for the following meters: meter # numeric phonenumber numeric old nom: numeric numeric numeric new nom: numeric numeric numeric please advise if you want me to adjust."]], "Daren,\n\nPrize Energy revised their nom eff. 6/26 through 6/29 for the following \nmeters:\n\nMeter # 4028 4965 9604\nOld Nom: 659 182 101\nNew Nom: 0 0 0\n\nPlease advise if you want me to adjust.\n\nBob", "<2040223.1075854134294.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy reviseTnv": {"value": "energy reviseTnv", "ne": "energy reviseTnv", "patterns": ["energy reviseTnv"]}, "8": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-1-2001-9:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"31-1-2001-9:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-9:29:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9307478.1075854356944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 09:29:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: North Central Oil Corp. - 2/01\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nThe following deals changed effective 2/1/01:\n\nDeal # Meter # Trade Zone Original Volume Revised Volume Price \n\n138550 98-0071 8 15,000 0 100% IFHSC less $0.05\n\n597360 98-6296 1 0 15,000 98% IFHSC less $0.05\n\nBob", "North Central Oil Corp. - 2/01", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "information", ["changed", "deals"], "information", "vance, the following deals changed effective datenumeric : deal # meter # trade zone original volume revised volume price numeric numeric phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric % ifhsc less pricenumeric numeric numeric phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric % ifhsc less pricenumeric "], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 11, "information", ["deals", "effective", "meter", "revised", "zone"], "information", "vance, the following deals changed effective datenumeric : deal # meter # trade zone original volume revised volume price numeric numeric phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric % ifhsc less pricenumeric numeric numeric phonenumber numeric numeric numeric numeric % ifhsc less pricenumeric "]], "Vance,\n\nThe following deals changed effective 2/1/01:\n\nDeal # Meter # Trade Zone Original Volume Revised Volume Price \n\n138550 98-0071 8 15,000 0 100% IFHSC less $0.05\n\n597360 98-6296 1 0 15,000 98% IFHSC less $0.05\n\nBob", "<9307478.1075854356944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn": {"value": "deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn", "ne": "deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn"]}, "deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volume zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meterTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meterTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "effective meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["effective meter volumeTnnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "138550", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$0 05", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "98", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "$0 05", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-10-2000-6:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"26-10-2000-6:29:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-6:29:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com michael.walters@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14152038.1075854185031.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 06:29:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, michael.walters@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Spot Deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Michael Walters, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created and entered the following deals in Sitara as HPLC - IM \nWellhead purchases for November, 2000 production:\n\nDeal # Counterparty Meter # Volume\n\n452582 Cokinos Nat Gas 9840 890 Killed\n452574 Crosstex Energy 9858 1,000\n452579 Cummins & Walker 9857 537 Killed\n452590 Duke Energy Trad 6347 139\n452595 Coastal Merchant 5848 183\n452597 Coastal Merchant 5923 562\n452600 Heatherloch Mun 6879 359\n452601 Pringle Resources 9849 300\n453067 Shoreline Gas 9860 700\n452566 Suemaur Explor 9856 2,700\n453305 Swift Energy 2630 322\n453483 Tri-Union Devel 2697 1,016\n453525 Vintage Gas, Inc 9603 1\n453572 Whiting Petroleum 6523 106\n\nBob", "Spot Deals", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "i have created and entered the following deals in sitara as orgname - im wellhead purchases for november, numeric production: deal # counterparty meter # volume numeric orgname nat gas numeric numeric killed numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric killed numeric orgname energy trad numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname devel numeric numeric numeric orgname gas, orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname petroleum numeric numeric "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "information", ["deals", "entered", "2000", "purchases"], "information", "i have created and entered the following deals in sitara as orgname - im wellhead purchases for november, numeric production: deal # counterparty meter # volume numeric orgname nat gas numeric numeric killed numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric killed numeric orgname energy trad numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname devel numeric numeric numeric orgname gas, orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname petroleum numeric numeric "]], "I have created and entered the following deals in Sitara as HPLC - IM \nWellhead purchases for November, 2000 production:\n\nDeal # Counterparty Meter # Volume\n\n452582 Cokinos Nat Gas 9840 890 Killed\n452574 Crosstex Energy 9858 1,000\n452579 Cummins & Walker 9857 537 Killed\n452590 Duke Energy Trad 6347 139\n452595 Coastal Merchant 5848 183\n452597 Coastal Merchant 5923 562\n452600 Heatherloch Mun 6879 359\n452601 Pringle Resources 9849 300\n453067 Shoreline Gas 9860 700\n452566 Suemaur Explor 9856 2,700\n453305 Swift Energy 2630 322\n453483 Tri-Union Devel 2697 1,016\n453525 Vintage Gas, Inc 9603 1\n453572 Whiting Petroleum 6523 106\n\nBob", "<14152038.1075854185031.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter numeric volumeTnnnnn", "counterparty deal meter numericTnnnn", "deal meter numeric production purchaseTnnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric productionTnn"]}, "counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "50": {"value": "453305", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "452590", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "452574", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "452582", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn", "meter numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "58": {"value": "453525", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-11-2000-6:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"2-11-2000-6:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-6:3:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com michael.walters@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29211639.1075854104970.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 06:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tmichael.walters@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Seac/HPL - Freeport Meter # 98-0435\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Lauri A Allen, Melissa Graves, George Weissman, Vance L Taylor, O'Neal D Winfree, Michael Walters, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe following deals have been created and entered in Sitara effective 11/1/00 \nat meter # 98-0435:\n\nCounterparty Deal # Nom Price (IFHSC less)\n\nAmerada Hess 465994 2,822 0.065\nAnadarko Petroleum 465995 1,148 0.065\nApache Corp 465998 1,379 0.065\nBarrett Resources 466000 1,597 0.06\nCrosstex Energy Svcs 466003 682 0.065\nMariner Energy 466008 350 0.055\nOcean Energy 466014 3,750 0.065\nSeneca Resources 466016 3,195 0.06\nSt. Mary Land & Expl 466017 3,299 0.065\nWalter Oil & Gas 466021 6,778 0.055\n\nDummy 456228 25,000 Killed\n\nBob", "Seac/HPL - Freeport Meter # 98-0435", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "the following deals have been created and entered in sitara effective datenumeric at meter # numeric phonenumber : counterparty deal # nom price (ifhsc less) orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname petroleum numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname energy svcs numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname & expl numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric killed "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deals", "entered", "meter", "9"], "information", "the following deals have been created and entered in sitara effective datenumeric at meter # numeric phonenumber : counterparty deal # nom price (ifhsc less) orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname petroleum numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname energy svcs numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname & expl numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric killed "]], "The following deals have been created and entered in Sitara effective 11/1/00 \nat meter # 98-0435:\n\nCounterparty Deal # Nom Price (IFHSC less)\n\nAmerada Hess 465994 2,822 0.065\nAnadarko Petroleum 465995 1,148 0.065\nApache Corp 465998 1,379 0.065\nBarrett Resources 466000 1,597 0.06\nCrosstex Energy Svcs 466003 682 0.065\nMariner Energy 466008 350 0.055\nOcean Energy 466014 3,750 0.065\nSeneca Resources 466016 3,195 0.06\nSt. Mary Land & Expl 466017 3,299 0.065\nWalter Oil & Gas 466021 6,778 0.055\n\nDummy 456228 25,000 Killed\n\nBob", "<29211639.1075854104970.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter numericTnnnn", "counterparty effective meter numericTnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "effective meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meterTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meterTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "06", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "465994", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-6-2000-7:42:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"30-6-2000-7:42:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["30-6-2000-7:42:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12987758.1075853999459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 07:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cody Texas, L.P., Meter 5333\nCc: melissa.graves@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\to'neal.winfree@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: melissa.graves@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\to'neal.winfree@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Melissa Graves, Hillary Mack, Vance L Taylor, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nDeal # 320162 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 06/30/2000 12:22 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cody Texas, L.P., Meter 5333\n\nBob, \n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producer listed below for the \nproduction month of July. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and a deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on \nthe following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price \n\nCody Texas, L.P. 5333 2975mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.09\n\nThis ticket should be marked evergreen, so that it rolls month to month.\n\nAdditionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nHillary, \n\nI noticed deal 305549 has just been put in for one day (6/1/00). We have \nflow at this meter during the month of June, so could this ticket be changed \nto go through 6/30/00? \n\nThanks you,\nMelissa\nx39173\n\n", "Re: Cody Texas, L.P., Meter 5333", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deal", "320162"], "information", "daren, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deal", "entered", "320162"], "information", "daren, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Daren,\n\nDeal # 320162 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 06/30/2000 12:22 PM\n\t\n\n", "<12987758.1075853999459.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "320162", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "5333", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-5-2000-9:4:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"31-5-2000-9:4:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-9:4:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31856295.1075854073320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 09:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nomination - June, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nCharlotte Hawkins is having trouble confirming the volume of 5,733 with El \nPaso. El Paso will not confirm the volume that high. EOG revised their \nnomination as follows:\n\nC/P Name Meter # Orig Nom Rev Nom\n\nEOG Res. 6296 5,733 2,300\n\nWill you approve revising the volume in Unify down to 2,300? Please advise. \nThanks.\n\nBob", "Revised Nomination - June, 2000", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 0, "information", ["nomination", "2000", "revised"], "information", "revised nomination - june, numeric."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 14, "nninformation", ["meter", "nomination", "revised"], "request information", " eog revised their nomination as follows: c/p name meter # orig nom rev nom orgname numeric numeric numeric will you approve revising the volume in unify down to numeric ?"], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 23, "nninformation", ["2,300", "revising", "volume"], "request information", " eog revised their nomination as follows: c/p name meter # orig nom rev nom orgname numeric numeric numeric will you approve revising the volume in unify down to numeric ?"]], "Daren,\n\nCharlotte Hawkins is having trouble confirming the volume of 5,733 with El \nPaso. El Paso will not confirm the volume that high. EOG revised their \nnomination as follows:\n\nC/P Name Meter # Orig Nom Rev Nom\n\nEOG Res. 6296 5,733 2,300\n\nWill you approve revising the volume in Unify down to 2,300? Please advise. \nThanks.\n\nBob", "<31856295.1075854073320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meter nominationTnn": {"value": "meter nominationTnn", "ne": "meter nominationTnn", "patterns": ["meter nominationTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "6296", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric origTnnn"]}, "meter origTnn": {"value": "meter origTnn", "ne": "meter origTnn", "patterns": ["meter origTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "5,733", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "2,300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-8-2000-3:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"7-8-2000-3:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["7-8-2000-3:8:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com jennifer.blay@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24299845.1075854186305.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 03:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: United Oil & Minerals, Inc., Chapman Unit #1\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.blay@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\ttom.acton@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.blay@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\ttom.acton@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Melissa Graves, O'Neal D Winfree, Jennifer Blay, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves, Tom Acton\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 357904 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n08/04/2000 04:06 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa \nHesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: United Oil & Minerals, Inc., Chapman Unit #1\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production commenced to flow on Friday and a ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period\nUnited Oil & Minerals, Inc. 9846 1,500mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.12 \n8/4 - 8/31\n\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of September. \nAdditionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 08/04/2000 \n03:54 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 08/03/2000 02:53 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christy \nSweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: United Oil & Minerals, Inc., Chapman Unit #1\n\nVance, \n\nPer Jill and Vic, tomorrow we will be getting a first turn on notice for the \nUnited Oil & Minerals, Chapman Unit #1 well (Meter 9846). \n\nWhen you see this notice, please prepare your usual spot ticket request per \nthe following:\nTerm: 8/4/00-8/31/00\nPrice: Gas Daily less $0.12\nExpected Volumes: 1,500 MMBTU/D (please alter per Esther's notice as \nnecessary)\n\nJennifer, \n\nOnce Vance requests the Sitara Ticket and provides you with the Sitara deal \nnumber, please ensure that a GTC Spot is sent to Doyle Valdez at United Oil & \nMinerals, Inc. (fax #:361-328-8189).\n\nPlease also provide a copy of the GTC for our records (HPL's fax #: \n713-345-7040).\n\nThank you, \nMelissa\n\n\n\n", "Re: United Oil & Minerals, Inc., Chapman Unit #1", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["deal", "entered", "357904"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 357904 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n08/04/2000 04:06 PM\n", "<24299845.1075854186305.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "357904", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-10-2000-6:31:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"20-10-2000-6:31:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["20-10-2000-6:31:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com susan.hadix@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4586750.1075854185491.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 06:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - SPINAKER EXPLORATION\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, susan.hadix@enron.com,\n\tanita.luong@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, susan.hadix@enron.com,\n\tanita.luong@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach, Susan Hadix, Anita Luong, Julie Meyers, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 379424 has been adjusted to reflect an increase in volume as noted \nbelow.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/19/2000 03:36 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - SPINAKER EXPLORATION\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and sitara ticket #379424 should be \nmodified to reflect the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nSpinnaker Exploration 9848 1000mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.21 10/17 - \n10/31 96047295\n\n\nJulie,\n\nPlease note the committed reserves global contract number for attachment.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 10/19/2000 \n03:34 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 10/19/2000 03:13 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nJo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R \nFosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nRobert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - SPINAKER EXPLORATION\n\n\n\nSee attached file\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - SPINAKER EXPLORATION", "", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["adjusted", "379424", "volume"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been adjusted to reflect an increase in volume as noted "]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 379424 has been adjusted to reflect an increase in volume as noted \nbelow.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/19/2000 03:36 PM\n", "<4586750.1075854185491.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "379424", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "increase volumeTnn": {"value": "increase volumeTnn", "ne": "increase volumeTnn", "patterns": ["increase volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-1-2001-15:49:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"1-1-2001-15:49:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["1-1-2001-15:49:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com edward.gottlob@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com michael.olsen@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com earl.tisdale@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4912464.1075854282677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com,\n\tgary.hanks@enron.com, eddie.janzen@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tmark.mccoy@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com,\n\tmichael.olsen@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com,\n\tearl.tisdale@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com\nSubject: On-Call Notes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Tom Acton, Lauri A Allen, Clem Cernosek, Daren J Farmer, Edward D Gottlob, Gary A Hanks, Eddie Janzen, Aimee Lannou, Mark McCoy, Stacey Neuweiler, Michael Olsen, Mary Poorman, Carlos J Rodriguez, Edward Terry, Earl Tisdale, Jackie Young, Sabrae Zajac\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease see the attached file for On-Call Notes.\n\nBob\n", "On-Call Notes", "", [["see file", 2, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "please see the attached file for on-call notes."], ["attach spreadsheet", 3, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "please see the attached file for on-call notes."]], "Please see the attached file for On-Call Notes.\n\nBob\n", "<4912464.1075854282677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-2-2001-0:17:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"9-2-2001-0:17:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-0:17:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com fred.boas@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11261638.1075854356826.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 00:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - SAFARI PRODUCTION\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tfred.boas@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tfred.boas@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Sabrae Zajac, Fred Boas, Cynthia Hakemack, Lisa Hesse, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 611981 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/05/2001 04:29 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa \nHesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMelissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - SAFARI PRODUCTION\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nSafari Production Company 4594 400mmbtu/d 85% Gas Daily 2/2 - 2/28 \n96057046\n\n\nFYI, I will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of March. Additionally, \nthis is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - SAFARI PRODUCTION", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "611981"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deal", "entered", "611981"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 611981 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/05/2001 04:29 PM\n", "<11261638.1075854356826.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "611981", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-10-2000-8:6:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"31-10-2000-8:6:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["31-10-2000-8:6:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23708155.1075854104395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 08:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Meter # 0071\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler, Sabrae Zajac, David Baumbach, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe volume on deal # 138550, North Central Oil Corporation, has been revised \nfrom 14,500 to 15,000/d effective 11/1/00.\n\nBob", "Meter # 0071", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 5, "information", ["deal", "138550", "revised"], "information", "the volume on deal # numeric , orgname has been revised from numeric to numeric /d effective datenumeric ."]], "The volume on deal # 138550, North Central Oil Corporation, has been revised \nfrom 14,500 to 15,000/d effective 11/1/00.\n\nBob", "<23708155.1075854104395.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "138550", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "15,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "0071", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-10-2000-7:27:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"13-10-2000-7:27:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-7:27:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com liz.bellamy@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21182901.1075853978502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 07:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: October Spot Purchases\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, liz.bellamy@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, liz.bellamy@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Liz Bellamy, David Baumbach, Julie Meyers, Cynthia Hakemack, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal tickets as referenced below have been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/11/2000 02:55 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: October Spot Purchases\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of October. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Deal # \n\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 91% IF/HSC 438322\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24 438332\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24 438338\nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC less $0.258 438340\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 85% IF/HSC 438344\n\nAdditionally, this are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: October Spot Purchases", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "tickets"], "information", "vance, deal tickets as referenced below have been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deal", "entered", "tickets"], "information", "vance, deal tickets as referenced below have been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal tickets as referenced below have been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/11/2000 02:55 PM\n", "<21182901.1075853978502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-11-2000-3:45:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-3:45:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-3:45:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25808748.1075853968940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 03:45:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Volume Changes - December, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease note the following volume changes for December, 2000:\n\nDeal # Meter # Counterparty Trade Zone From To\n\n126281 6296 EOG Res 1 5,412 4,000\n\n125822 9658 KCS Res 16 9,379 7,500\n\nBob", "Volume Changes - December, 2000", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["changes", "volume"], "request", "volume changes - december, numeric."]], "Please note the following volume changes for December, 2000:\n\nDeal # Meter # Counterparty Trade Zone From To\n\n126281 6296 EOG Res 1 5,412 4,000\n\n125822 9658 KCS Res 16 9,379 7,500\n\nBob", "<25808748.1075853968940.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter numericTnnnn", "deal_trade meter numeric zoneTnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "counterparty meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meter zoneTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal meter volume zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volume zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-4-2001-12:44:35Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"18-4-2001-12:44:35Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["18-4-2001-12:44:35", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11119570.1075845112703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 12:44:35 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Adjustments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Terry, Edward , Winfree, O'Neal \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe attached spreadsheet represents adjustments to nominations on wellhead meters. The adjustments were made effective 4/18/01.\n\nBob\n\n ", "Wellhead Adjustments", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 2, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "the attached spreadsheet represents adjustments to nominations on wellhead meters."]], "The attached spreadsheet represents adjustments to nominations on wellhead meters. The adjustments were made effective 4/18/01.\n\nBob\n\n ", "<11119570.1075845112703.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"adjustment meterTnn": {"value": "adjustment meterTnn", "ne": "adjustment meterTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment meterTnn"]}, "adjustment wellheadTnn": {"value": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "ne": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment wellheadTnn"]}, "meter nominationTnn": {"value": "meter nominationTnn", "ne": "meter nominationTnn", "patterns": ["meter nominationTnn"]}, "meter wellheadTnn": {"value": "meter wellheadTnn", "ne": "meter wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["meter wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-1-2001-5:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"18-1-2001-5:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-5:8:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5252321.1075854285830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 05:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Adjusted Deal Ticket\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren/O'Neal,\n\nEffective 1/18/01, deal ticket 137205 has been adjusted from a daily volume \nof 2,773 to 25. The meter # is 9748 and the trade zone is 10.\n\nBob", "Adjusted Deal Ticket", "", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["adjusted", "137205", "volume"], "information", "daren/o'neal, effective datenumeric , deal ticket numeric has been adjusted from a daily volume of numeric to numeric ."]], "Daren/O'Neal,\n\nEffective 1/18/01, deal ticket 137205 has been adjusted from a daily volume \nof 2,773 to 25. The meter # is 9748 and the trade zone is 10.\n\nBob", "<5252321.1075854285830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal effective volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective volumeTnnn"]}, "deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "137205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "9748", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numeric zoneTnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn", "numeric trade zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-1-2001-3:4:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"23-1-2001-3:4:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-3:4:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com amelia.alland@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19770326.1075854203640.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 03:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - PURE RESOURCES, L.P.\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tamelia.alland@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tamelia.alland@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Edward Terry, O'Neal D Winfree, Julie Meyers, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Amelia Alland, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 581202 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/22/2001 09:53 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amelia Alland/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMelissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - PURE RESOURCES, L.P.\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period \nPure Resources, L.P. 9867 500mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.16 1/19 - \n1/31 \n\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of February. \nAdditionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 01/22/2001 \n04:19 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 01/22/2001 03:01 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nJo Johnson/HOU/EES@EES, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeff A Austin/HOU/EES@EES, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R \nFosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nRobert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - PURE RESOURCES, L.P.\n\nSee attached letter\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - PURE RESOURCES, L.P.", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deal", "581202"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deal", "entered", "581202"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 581202 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n01/22/2001 09:53 PM\n", "<19770326.1075854203640.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "581202", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-4-2001-13:5:22Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"18-4-2001-13:5:22Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["18-4-2001-13:5:22", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21993086.1075845112727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 13:05:22 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Retroactive Adjustments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Winfree, O'Neal \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe following volume adjustment was entered today retroactive to 4/1/01:\n\nDeal #\t\tMeter #\t\tTr. Zn.\tFrom\tTo\tPrice\n\n737854\t\t9885\t\t05\t0\t1,100\tGas Daily - 0.14\n\n\nBob", "Retroactive Adjustments", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "entered", "meter"], "intention", "the following volume adjustment was entered today retroactive to datenumeric : deal # meter # tr."]], "The following volume adjustment was entered today retroactive to 4/1/01:\n\nDeal #\t\tMeter #\t\tTr. Zn.\tFrom\tTo\tPrice\n\n737854\t\t9885\t\t05\t0\t1,100\tGas Daily - 0.14\n\n\nBob", "<21993086.1075845112727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "1,100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "737854", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-6-2000-7:42:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-6-2000-7:42:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-6-2000-7:42:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22993304.1075853999978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 07:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Maynard Oil - Revised Nom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nMaynard Oil at meter # 6674 revised their nom from 4,920 to 5,595 for July.\n\nBob", "Maynard Oil - Revised Nom", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 2, "information", ["oil", "revised"], "information", "maynard oil - revised nom."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 8, "information", ["meter", "6674", "revised"], "information", "daren, maynard oil at meter # numeric revised their nom from numeric to numeric for july."]], "Daren,\n\nMaynard Oil at meter # 6674 revised their nom from 4,920 to 5,595 for July.\n\nBob", "<22993304.1075853999978.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "6674", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-2-2001-1:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"9-2-2001-1:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-1:21:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com karen.lindley@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20604093.1075854356802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 01:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: January Spot Purchases-Deals Needed\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com,\n\tkaren.lindley@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com,\n\tkaren.lindley@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Anita Luong, Karen Lindley, Julie Meyers, Lisa Hesse, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below:\n\nJulie,\n\nPlease edit deal # 553552 to reflect tiered pricing. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/06/2001 02:24 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: January Spot Purchases-Deals Needed\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC purchased wellhead gas from the producer listed below for the production \nmonth of January, 2001. This production wasl purchased on a \"spot\" basis and \na deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Deal #\nCrosstex Energy Svcs., Ltd. 0435 682mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC $0.065 608779\nTri-Union Development 0435 60mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.055 608800\n\n\n\nAdditionally, the following production is now on-line and a ticket should be \ncreated and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Deal #\nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 85% Gas Daily if <300/d 12/27 - 12/31 \n553552\n 90% Gas Daily if >300/d \n\nRanger Oil Company 9871 200mmbtu/d 85% IF/HSC if <300/d 1/1 - 1/31 608878\n 2/1 - 2/28 611973\n 200mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC if >300/d\n\nAdditionally, these are Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: January Spot Purchases-Deals Needed", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: julie, please edit deal # numeric to reflect tiered pricing."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: julie, please edit deal # numeric to reflect tiered pricing."], ["note deal", 8, "information", ["deals", "noted"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as noted below: julie, please edit deal # numeric to reflect tiered pricing."]], "Vance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as noted below:\n\nJulie,\n\nPlease edit deal # 553552 to reflect tiered pricing. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/06/2001 02:24 PM\n", "<20604093.1075854356802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "553552", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-12-2000-6:13:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"5-12-2000-6:13:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["5-12-2000-6:13:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27707162.1075854184430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 06:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Deal # 413652 - Meter # 9603\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe subject volume was revised from 35,517 to 38,488 effective 12/5/00.\n\nBob", "Deal # 413652 - Meter # 9603", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 6, "information", ["effective", "revised"], "information", "the subject volume was revised from numeric to numeric effective datenumeric ."]], "The subject volume was revised from 35,517 to 38,488 effective 12/5/00.\n\nBob", "<27707162.1075854184430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "413652", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "38,488", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}, "effective volumeTnn": {"value": "effective volumeTnn", "ne": "effective volumeTnn", "patterns": ["effective volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-5-2001-9:44:1Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"8-5-2001-9:44:1Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-9:44:1", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1434609.1075845113468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 May 2001 09:44:01 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Volumes Adjusted - May, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Terry, Edward , Winfree, O'Neal \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe wellhead volumes have been adjusted to the Avg. column on the attached spreadsheet effective 5/8/01.\n\nBob\n\n ", "Wellhead Volumes Adjusted - May, 2001", "", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 2, "information", ["adjusted", "2001", "volumes"], "information", "wellhead volumes adjusted - may, numeric."], ["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "information", "the wellhead volumes have been adjusted to the avg."]], "The wellhead volumes have been adjusted to the Avg. column on the attached spreadsheet effective 5/8/01.\n\nBob\n\n ", "<1434609.1075845113468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"avg volumeTnn": {"value": "avg volumeTnn", "ne": "avg volumeTnn", "patterns": ["avg volumeTnn"]}, "volume wellheadTnn": {"value": "volume wellheadTnn", "ne": "volume wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["volume wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-5-2001-13:41:5Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"7-5-2001-13:41:5Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-13:41:5", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <23534305.1075845113444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 May 2001 13:41:05 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see attached file.\n\nBob\n\n ", "Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001", "", [["see file", 4, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "daren, please see attached file."], ["attach spreadsheet", 5, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "daren, please see attached file."]], "Daren,\n\nPlease see attached file.\n\nBob\n\n ", "<23534305.1075845113444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["adjustment numeric wellheadTnnn"]}, "adjustment wellheadTnn": {"value": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "ne": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-7:51:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-7:51:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-7:51:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14268376.1075854186489.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 07:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Heidi Withers, Hillary Mack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 348616 has been created and entered in Sitara for Samson Lone Star \nLimited. Meter # 9847 is not yet available in Sitara and I am awaiting \nadditional information from you on HESCO. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 01:24 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDonald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co 9835 600mmbtu/d 96% Gas Daily less $0.14 \n6/10 - 7/31\nSamson Lone Star Limited 9845 3000mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 7/21 - \n7/31\n\nWinn Exploration Co., Inc. 9847 800mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.13 7/25 \n- 7/31\n (for fuel use less 3.35% of del vols)\n\nFYI, Susan has created and submitted committed reserves firm tickets for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of August. Additionally, \nthese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deal", "348616"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for samson orgname limited."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deal", "entered", "348616"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for samson orgname limited."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 348616 has been created and entered in Sitara for Samson Lone Star \nLimited. Meter # 9847 is not yet available in Sitara and I am awaiting \nadditional information from you on HESCO. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 01:24 PM\n", "<14268376.1075854186489.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "348616", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "9847", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-3-2001-17:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-3-2001-17:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-17:5:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28694029.1075845112121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com\nSubject: Revised HPLC Purchase Estimates - April 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Daren J Farmer , O'Neal D Winfree , Sabrae Zajac \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDeal # 126281 has been revised from 3,800 to 3,400/d at meter # 6296.\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 03/29/2001 01:59 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nSuzanne_Saldivar@eogresources.com on 03/29/2001 11:12:01 AM\nTo:\trcotten@enron.com\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRevised HPLC Purchase Estimates - April 2001\n\n\nBob:\n\nWe have just been advised by EPGT (El Paso) that they will be processing\nthe S.G. Marshall gas April 2001; therefore, EOGR will have to reduce the\nvolume that will be available for sale to HPL. The new estimate is 3,400\nmmbtu/day.\n\nThanks.\n\nSuzanne\n713-651-6858\n\n", "Revised HPLC Purchase Estimates - April 2001", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 6, "information", ["deal", "126281", "revised"], "information", "deal # numeric has been revised from numeric to numeric /d at meter # numeric ."]], "Deal # 126281 has been revised from 3,800 to 3,400/d at meter # 6296.\n\nBob\n\n", "<28694029.1075845112121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "126281", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "3,400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-5-2000-8:55:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"30-5-2000-8:55:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["30-5-2000-8:55:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1019600.1075854072983.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 30 May 2000 08:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nWe have received revised nominations from Prize Energy Resources, L.P. for \nJune, 2000. The revisions are as follows:\n\nMeter # Original Volume Revised Volume\n\n5579 2,209 2,536\n6534 1,906 1,123\n6614 2,215 2,128\n\nDo you want me to enter the revised volumes? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob", "Revised Nominations", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 0, "information", ["nominations", "revised"], "information", "revised nominations."], ["receive gas", 3, "information", ["nominations", "received"], "information", "daren, we have received revised nominations from orgname orgname for june, numeric ."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 4, "information", ["nominations", "2000", "revised"], "information", "daren, we have received revised nominations from orgname orgname for june, numeric ."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 10, "nninformation", ["meter", "revised"], "request information", " the revisions are as follows: meter # original volume revised volume numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric do you want me to enter the revised volumes?"], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 22, "nninformation", ["enter", "volumes"], "request information", " the revisions are as follows: meter # original volume revised volume numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric do you want me to enter the revised volumes?"], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 23, "nninformation", ["revised", "volumes"], "request information", " the revisions are as follows: meter # original volume revised volume numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric do you want me to enter the revised volumes?"]], "Daren,\n\nWe have received revised nominations from Prize Energy Resources, L.P. for \nJune, 2000. The revisions are as follows:\n\nMeter # Original Volume Revised Volume\n\n5579 2,209 2,536\n6534 1,906 1,123\n6614 2,215 2,128\n\nDo you want me to enter the revised volumes? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob", "<1019600.1075854072983.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "5579", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-8:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-8:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-8:21:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5949665.1075853994036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 08:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Heidi Withers, Hillary Mack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeals # 348725 (6/10 - 6/30) and # 348729 (7/1 - 7/31) have been created and \nentered in Sitara for HESCO.\n\nHillary,\n\nDO NOT CONFIRM.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 01:24 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDonald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co 9835 600mmbtu/d 96% Gas Daily less $0.14 \n6/10 - 7/31\nSamson Lone Star Limited 9845 3000mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 7/21 - \n7/31\n\nWinn Exploration Co., Inc. 9847 800mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.13 7/25 \n- 7/31\n (for fuel use less 3.35% of del vols)\n\nFYI, Susan has created and submitted committed reserves firm tickets for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of August. Additionally, \nthese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deals", "348725"], "information", "vance, deals # numeric ( datenumeric - datenumeric ) and # numeric ( datenumeric - datenumeric ) have been created and entered in sitara for orgname hillary, do not confirm."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals # numeric ( datenumeric - datenumeric ) and # numeric ( datenumeric - datenumeric ) have been created and entered in sitara for orgname hillary, do not confirm."]], "Vance,\n\nDeals # 348725 (6/10 - 6/30) and # 348729 (7/1 - 7/31) have been created and \nentered in Sitara for HESCO.\n\nHillary,\n\nDO NOT CONFIRM.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 01:24 PM\n", "<5949665.1075853994036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "348725", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-6-2000-3:48:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"2-6-2000-3:48:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["2-6-2000-3:48:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27733622.1075854007381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 03:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 9687\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nSean in Gas Control called and said meter 9687 was flowing approx. 16,000 \nmmbtu/day. The nomination is for 24,000 mmbtu/day. The C/P is Costilla \nEnergy and the deal # is 125783. Do you want me to adjust? Please advise.\n\nBob", "Meter 9687", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flowing", "meter", "9687"], "information", "daren, sean in gas control called and said meter numeric was flowing approx numeric mmbtu/day."]], "Daren,\n\nSean in Gas Control called and said meter 9687 was flowing approx. 16,000 \nmmbtu/day. The nomination is for 24,000 mmbtu/day. The C/P is Costilla \nEnergy and the deal # is 125783. Do you want me to adjust? Please advise.\n\nBob", "<27733622.1075854007381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "9687", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["control gas meter numericTnnnn", "gas meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "control gasTnn": {"value": "control gasTnn", "ne": "control gasTnn", "patterns": ["control gasTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "125783", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "9687", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "16,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "24,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "nomination numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-8-2000-7:50:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"29-8-2000-7:50:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["29-8-2000-7:50:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10091108.1075853987590.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 07:50:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: September Spot Purchases\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal tickets have been created and entered in Sitara as follows:\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n08/28/2000 04:33 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Elizabeth L Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha \nHughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMelissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: September Spot Purchases\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of September. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Deal # Price\n\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 382601 91% IF/HSC \nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 382610 100% IF/HSC less $0.24\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 382621 100% IF/HSC less $0.24\nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 382627 90% IF/HSC less $0.258\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 382631 85% IF/HSC\n\nAdditionally, this are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: September Spot Purchases", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "tickets"], "information", "vance, deal tickets have been created and entered in sitara as follows: "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered", "tickets"], "information", "vance, deal tickets have been created and entered in sitara as follows: "]], "Vance,\n\nDeal tickets have been created and entered in Sitara as follows:\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n08/28/2000 04:33 PM\n", "<10091108.1075853987590.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-6-2000-2:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"30-6-2000-2:21:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["30-6-2000-2:21:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11493312.1075854187266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 02:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nom - Yates Energy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nYates Energy has revised their nom for 7/00 at meter # 6598 from 2,939 to \n3,096?\n\nBob", "Revised Nom - Yates Energy", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 6, "nninformation", ["meter", "6598", "revised"], "request information", "daren, yates energy has revised their nom for datenumeric at meter # numeric from numeric to numeric ?"]], "Daren,\n\nYates Energy has revised their nom for 7/00 at meter # 6598 from 2,939 to \n3,096?\n\nBob", "<11493312.1075854187266.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy reviseTnv": {"value": "energy reviseTnv", "ne": "energy reviseTnv", "patterns": ["energy reviseTnv"]}, "8": {"value": "6598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-2-2001-9:46:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"16-2-2001-9:46:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["16-2-2001-9:46:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26626346.1075854199016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 09:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - CODY\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, cynthia.hakemack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Julie Meyers, Lisa Hesse, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 586029 has been modified to reflect 2% less as fuel.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/12/2001 04:35 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - CODY\n\n\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and sitara ticket no. ????? should be \nmodified in sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global No.\nCody Energy LLC 9864 20,000mmbtu/d Less 2 % as fuel 100% \nGD less $0.21 2/12 - 2/28 96052809\n\nFYI, a firm ticket has already been created and submitted for the remaining \nterm of the deal beginning with the month of March. Additionally, this is a \nProducer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... \nattached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 02/12/2001 \n04:15 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 02/12/2001 03:45 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nJo Johnson/HOU/EES@EES, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeff A Austin/HOU/EES@EES, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R Fosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, \nCarlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert \nWalker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - CODY\n\n\n\nSee attached letter\n\nEB\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - CODY", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["modified", "deal"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been modified to reflect numeric % less as fuel."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 586029 has been modified to reflect 2% less as fuel.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n02/12/2001 04:35 PM\n", "<26626346.1075854199016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "586029", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-5-2000-7:10:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"31-5-2000-7:10:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-7:10:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22080087.1075854073277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 07:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Nomination - June, 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nFYI. We have received a revised nomination as follows:\n\nC/P Name Meter # Original Nomination Revised Nomination\n\nMaynard Oil 6674 5,459 5,547\n\n\nBob", "Revised Nomination - June, 2000", "", [["receive gas", 5, "information", ["nomination", "received"], "information", " we have received a revised nomination as follows: c/p name meter # original nomination revised nomination maynard oil numeric numeric numeric "], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 6, "information", ["meter", "nomination", "revised"], "information", " we have received a revised nomination as follows: c/p name meter # original nomination revised nomination maynard oil numeric numeric numeric "], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 11, "information", ["nomination", "revised"], "information", " we have received a revised nomination as follows: c/p name meter # original nomination revised nomination maynard oil numeric numeric numeric "]], "Daren,\n\nFYI. We have received a revised nomination as follows:\n\nC/P Name Meter # Original Nomination Revised Nomination\n\nMaynard Oil 6674 5,459 5,547\n\n\nBob", "<22080087.1075854073277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meter nominationTnn": {"value": "meter nominationTnn", "ne": "meter nominationTnn", "patterns": ["meter nominationTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "6674", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric oil_oil0gasTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-3-2001-16:27:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"16-3-2001-16:27:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["16-3-2001-16:27:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12343921.1075845112580.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Adjustments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Daren J Farmer , Edward Terry , O'Neal D Winfree \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe attached spreadsheet reflects adjustments to wellhead meters effective 3/16/01. The nominations were changed to volumes in the \"To\" column.\n\nBob\n\n ", "Wellhead Adjustments", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 2, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "the attached spreadsheet reflects adjustments to wellhead meters effective datenumeric ."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "information", ["changed", "volumes"], "information", " the nominations were changed to volumes in the \"to\" column."]], "The attached spreadsheet reflects adjustments to wellhead meters effective 3/16/01. The nominations were changed to volumes in the \"To\" column.\n\nBob\n\n ", "<12343921.1075845112580.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"adjustment meterTnn": {"value": "adjustment meterTnn", "ne": "adjustment meterTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment meterTnn"]}, "adjustment wellheadTnn": {"value": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "ne": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment wellheadTnn"]}, "column volumeTnn": {"value": "column volumeTnn", "ne": "column volumeTnn", "patterns": ["column volumeTnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "nomination volumeTnn": {"value": "nomination volumeTnn", "ne": "nomination volumeTnn", "patterns": ["nomination volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-3-2001-11:6:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"22-3-2001-11:6:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["22-3-2001-11:6:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9129329.1075845112416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 11:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter # 9842\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nMike in Gas Control called and said meter # 9842 is flooded and has not flowed in a couple of days. The field tech said it will probably be a few days before it resumes. Do you want the nom adjusted? It is at 8,034. The deal # is 377169.\n\nBob", "Meter # 9842", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 10, "information", ["flowed", "meter", "9842"], "information", "daren, mike in gas control called and said meter # numeric is flooded and has not flowed in a couple of days."]], "Daren,\n\nMike in Gas Control called and said meter # 9842 is flooded and has not flowed in a couple of days. The field tech said it will probably be a few days before it resumes. Do you want the nom adjusted? It is at 8,034. The deal # is 377169.\n\nBob", "<9129329.1075845112416.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "9842", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["control gas meter numericTnnnn", "gas meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "control gasTnn": {"value": "control gasTnn", "ne": "control gasTnn", "patterns": ["control gasTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "377169", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "9842", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-5-2001-14:17:14Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"14-5-2001-14:17:14Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["14-5-2001-14:17:14", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <21304235.1075845113571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 May 2001 14:17:14 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet.\n\nBob\n\n ", "Wellhead Adjustments - May, 2001", "", [["see file", 4, "nninformation", ["see", "spreadsheet"], "request", "daren, please see the attached spreadsheet."], ["attach spreadsheet", 5, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "daren, please see the attached spreadsheet."]], "Daren,\n\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet.\n\nBob\n\n ", "<21304235.1075845113571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["adjustment numeric wellheadTnnn"]}, "adjustment wellheadTnn": {"value": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "ne": "adjustment wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-4:45:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-4:45:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-4:45:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com brian.riley@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18945064.1075854186539.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 04:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: melissa.graves@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, brian.riley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tvance.taylor@enron.com, brian.riley@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Melissa Graves\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Hillary Mack, Donald P Reinhardt, Susan Smith, Vance L Taylor, Brian M Riley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMelissa,\n\nDeal # 348450 has been created and entered in Sitara. In addition, the=20\nvolume has been edited from 3,000 to 1,000 on deal # 135714 for MJG Inc. at=\n=20\nmeter # 4179. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Melissa Graves 07/28/2000 11:09 AM\n=09\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan=20\nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nBob,=20\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producer listed below for the=\n=20\nproduction month of August. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\"=\n=20\nbasis and a deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on=\n=20\nthe following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corporation 4179, Albrecht #4 Well 2,000Mmbtu/d 93% GAS=\n=20\nDAILY =20\n\nAdditionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM=\n=20\nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,=20\nMelissa\n---------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000=20\n10:02 AM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Melissa Graves 07/10/2000 02:18 PM\n=09\n\nTo: Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nHillary, =20\n\nSee below for your answer.=20\n\nThanks,\nMelissa\n---------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT on 07/10/2000=20\n02:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJoAnne Wagstaff@ENRON\n07/10/2000 02:14 PM\nTo: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX =20\n\nMelissa,\n\nI have confirmed through emails from Bob Walker that the name of the=20\ncounterparty for the Albrecht #4 Well is Coastal Oil & Gas Corp.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nJoAnne\nX68228\n\n\n =20\n=09\n=09\n=09From: Melissa Graves @ ECT 07/10/2000 10:14 A=\nM\n=09\n\nTo: JoAnne Wagstaff/NA/Enron@Enron\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\n\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nJoAnne,=20\n\nCan you confirm the counterparty name on this please.=20\n\nThanks,\nMelissa\n---------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT on 07/10/2000=20\n10:13 AM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Robert Cotten 07/10/2000 10:11 AM\n=09\n\nTo: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: =20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nMelissa,\n\nHillary Mack called me about the following deal. He believes the=20\ncounterparty should be Coastal Oil & Gas USA, L.P. rather than Coastal Oil =\n&=20\nGas Corp. Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 07/10/2000 10:=\n08=20\nAM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Robert Cotten 07/10/2000 09:01 AM\n=09\n\nTo: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan=20\nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT,=\n=20\nHillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Amelia Alland/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX =20\n\nMelissa,\n\nDeal ticket # 325550 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Melissa Graves 07/07/2000 03:34 PM\n=09\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L=20\nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary=20\nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Amelia Alland/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nBob,=20\n\nPer George's note below, HPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the=20\nproducer listed below for the production month of July. This production wi=\nll=20\nbe purchased on a \"spot\" basis and a deal ticket should be created and=20\nentered into sitara based on the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corporation 4179, Albrecht #4 Well 7/7/00 - 1,500 Mmbtu/=\nd\n 7/8/00 - 3,000 Mmbtu/d\n 7/9/00 thru 7/31/00 - 4,000 Mmbtu/d 93% IF/HSC =20\n\nAdditionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM=\n=20\nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,=20\nMelissa\n\n------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT on 07/07/2000 03:03=\n=20\nPM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman 07/07/2000 01:11 PM\n=09\n\nTo: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente=20\nSarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A=20\nAllen/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nMelissa,\n\nBased on the attached Contract Preparation Request for a Spot GTC for the=\n=20\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corporation Albrecht #4 well to be attached behind existi=\nng=20\nmeter 098-4179 on the Meyersville - West Mission Valley lateral (1130) in=\n=20\nGoliad Co., TX, please enter a deal into Sitara that will generate a spot g=\ntc=20\nfor the remainder of the month of July.\n\nFor your information:\n\nWe expect the following production at the point named above for the=20\nremainder of the month of July, 2000:\n\n7/7/00 - 1,500 Mmbtu/d\n\n7/8/00 - 3,000 Mmbtu/d\n\n7/9/00 thru 7/31/00 - 4,000 Mmbtu/d\n\n\nADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\n\nCoastal has acquired 3 previously drilled wells subject to HPLC contract=20\n96008903 behind Meter 098-4179 from Sierra 1996 I Limited Partnership and=\n=20\nM.J.G. Inc., as Seller=01,s Representative for Sierra effective 3/1/2000; t=\nhe=20\nLegal Department has prepared and is currently circulating a Ratification a=\nnd=20\nConsent to Assign Document to reflect this transaction.\n\nThe spot gtc requested herein will cover gas from the Albrecht #4 well ONLY=\n. =20\nThe Albrecht #4 will not be covered by 96008903, nor will the wells current=\nly=20\nsubject to 96008903 be subject to the spot gtc.=20\n\nShawna, please prepare the Termination Letter for 96008903 as requested.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/07/2000=\n=20\n01:04 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDebbie Boudar@ENRON\n07/06/2000 03:25 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Brian M=\n=20\nRiley/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX =20\n\nIn regards to Meter 098-4179 the following information is what I have been=\n=20\nable to determine from the information available to me.\n\nTo your questions:\n\n1. Cannot determine who owns this meter. I will contact Molly Carriere on=\n=20\nMonday when she returns.\n\n2. HPL has a fifty (50) ft. easement at this location which does contain=20\nlanguage for appurtenance rights within the 50'.\n\n3. I pulled the meter file for this location which was prepared during=20\nProject Rock and it does not contain a Facility Agreement so I am assuming=\n=20\none was not located.\n\nHope this helps.\n\n\n =20\n=09\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman @ ECT 07/06/2000 11:09 =\nAM\n=09\n\nTo: Debbie Boudar/NA/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Brian M=\n=20\nRiley/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\n\nSubject: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nDebbie,\n\nMeter 098-4179 is located at sta. plus 40+85 on Align. Dwg. HC-1130-18-H in=\n=20\nGoliad Co., TX. In connection with the Facility Agreement request below, w=\ne=20\nneed to know the following:\n\n1. Who owns the meter, HPLC or the operator?\n\n2. Do we own an easement and an access right of way to the meter station?\n\n3. Is there, to your knowledge, a Facility Agreement in place covering thi=\ns=20\nmeter? We cannot locate such an agreement in our records.\n\nThanks. George x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/06/2000=\n=20\n11:06 AM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman 07/06/2000 09:37 AM\n=09\n\nTo: Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente=20\nSarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lal=20\nEchterhoff/HOU/ECT@ECT, James R Haden/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nShawna,\n\nAttached is a Contract Preparation Request for a Facilities Agreement for t=\nhe=20\nCoastal Oil & Gas Corporation Albrecht #4 well to be attached behind existi=\nng=20\nmeter 098-4179 on the Meyersville - West Mission Valley lateral (1130) in=\n=20\nGoliad Co., TX. =20\n\nOf particular note:\n\nCoastal has acquired 3 previously drilled wells subject to HPLC contract=20\n96008903 behind Meter 098-4179 from Sierra 1996 I Limited Partnership and=\n=20\nM.J.G. Inc., as Seller=01,s Representative for Sierra effective 3/1/2000; t=\nhe=20\nLegal Department has prepared and is currently circulating a Ratification a=\nnd=20\nConsent to Assign Document to reflect this transaction.\n\nWe have been unable to locate an existing Facility Agreement for the 3=20\npreviously drilled wells and suspect that no such Agreement exists.\n\nThe Facility Agreement requested herein is intended to cover only alteratio=\nns=20\nto be made to existing Meter 098-4179 to install an H2S monitor and necessa=\nry=20\nvalving to allow HPLC to accept gas from the newly drilled Albrecht #4 well=\n.\n\nOnce the H2S monitor has been installed and the Albrecht #4 well is ready t=\no=20\nflow, we intend to paper the purchase of gas from the Albrecht #4 well only=\n=20\nvia a spot confirmation pursuant to a spot gtc. The Albrecht #4 will not b=\ne=20\ncovered by 96008903, nor will the wells currently subject to 96008903 be=20\nsubject to the spot gtc.=20\n\nCoastal will reimburse HPLC $39,600 for the cost of the installation.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/06/2000=\n=20\n09:21 AM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: George Weissman 07/04/2000 01:28 PM\n=09\n\nTo: Lal Echterhoff/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Flavin/GCO/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente=20\nSarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron, James R Haden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donnie=20\nMcCabe/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Mark Walch/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Steve HPL=20\nSchneider/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation\nAlbrecht #4 Well\nMeter 098-4179, Goliad Co., TX\n\nLal,\n\nWe intend to attempt to connect about 4,000 Mmbtu/d of new production from=\n=20\nthe newly drilled Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation Albrecht #4 into the=20\nwesternmost end of the Meyerville - West Mission Valley 6\" Lateral (1130) o=\nn=20\nthe Mission Valley System 485 in Goliad and Victoria Counties behind a=20\nexisting meter 098-4179. Coastal intends to add an incremental 1,000 Mmbut=\n/d=20\neach day for four successive days; in May, 2000, the meter flowed about 960=\n=20\nMmbtu/d of 3.36% CO2 gas. =20\n\nThe content of the Albrecht #4 gas according to the Field Gas Analysis=20\nprepared by Coastal Oil & Gas on 7/1/00:\n\nNitrogen 0.1124%\nCO2 2.7224%\nMethane 87.8390%\nEthane 6.1200% 1.628\nPropane 2.0682% 0.567\nIsobutane 0.3420% 0.111\nn-Butane 0.4153% 0.130\nIsopentane 0.1269% 0.046=20\nn-Pentane 0.0904% 0.033\nHexanes 0.1634% 0.069\nHeptanes Plus 0.0000% 0.000\n 2.584\n\nCan HPLC accept this gas?\n\nPat,\n\nCoastal has verbally advised that the Albrecht #4 well contains more than=\n=20\nHPLC's permissible H2S content at the wellhead; the Albrecht #4 H2S content=\n=20\nis similar to that of the three wells currently producing 960 Mmbtu/d behin=\nd=20\nmeter 098-4179, the Miller-Albrecht Unit #1-A and the Hoff Heller Gas Unit=\n=20\n#1A & #2D. Coastal further purports that for some time now it (and/or its=\n=20\npredecessor, MJG, Corp.) has treated these three wells for H2S in a manner=\n=20\nsufficient to reduce the H2S content delivered into HPLC to permissible=20\nlevels. Coastal has further indicated that it intends to reduce the H2S=20\ncontent of the Albrecht #4 to permissible levels before delivering same to=\n=20\nHPLC. In your opinion, should Coastal be forced to install an H2S monitor=\n=20\nfor this new gas prior to flowing same to HPLC?=20\n\nGeorge x3-6992=20\n\n=20\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 07/04/2000=\n=20\n12:48 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nChristy Sweeney\n06/29/2000 04:56 PM\nTo: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa=20\nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne Wagstaff/NA/Enron@Enron, Heidi Withers/HOU/ECT@E=\nCT=20\nSubject: Transport Request for Coastal Albrecht #4, Goliad County, TX\n\nLisa,\n\nAttached is our Physical Well Connect form, including a Transportation Quot=\ne=20\nSheet, for the Coastal Albrecht #4 well in Goliad County, TX. Please=20\nprovide us with a Transport Quote. I have attached below a quote you gave =\nus=20\nin April 2000. The volume is now 5,000/day.\n\n\n\nI am headed that way with a map that shows the well's location in relation =\nto=20\nus, Tejas, Koch, and Tetco. Please note 2% fuel.\n\nThank you!!!\n\nChristy\n39050\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT on 06/29/2000=\n=20\n02:46 PM ---------------------------\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Lisa Hesse 04/07/2000 10:48 AM\n=09\n\nTo: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi=20\nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@EC=\nT,=20\nSusan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L=20\nTaylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT=20\nSubject: MJG, Inc. meter 4179 and Cokinos Meter 9676\n\n Brian,\n\nHere are the transport rates for the below meters:\n\nMJG Meter 4179 3.39% co2 1 year Quote April 00\nRel: 1180 avg. 1200-1988 .014\nloc. .05\nP/l Density .02\nQuality .049\nMarket Adjustment .05\n ____\n ..183\nless discount and market fee .02\n ____\n .16\n\n\n\nPlease call if you have any questions or comments. lisa 3 5901\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Coastal Oil & Gas Corporation", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "348450"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deal", "entered", "348450"], "information", "melissa, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Melissa,\n\nDeal # 348450 has been created and entered in Sitara. In addition, the=20\nvolume has been edited from 3,000 to 1,000 on deal # 135714 for MJG Inc. at=20\nmeter # 4179. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n =20\n=09Enron North America Corp.\n=09\n=09From: Melissa Graves 07/28/2000 11:09 AM\n=09\n\n", "<18945064.1075854186539.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "348450", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "1,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-4-2001-6:56:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"9-4-2001-6:56:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-6:56:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17741521.1075854299995.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 06:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Gathering Meters Adjustments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Edward Terry, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease refer to the attached spreadsheet. The gathering meters nominations \nhave been adjusted to the volumes in the Avg column effective 4/9/01.\n\nBob\n", "Gathering Meters Adjustments", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 4, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "please refer to the attached spreadsheet."], ["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "information", " the gathering meters nominations have been adjusted to the volumes in the avg column effective datenumeric ."]], "Please refer to the attached spreadsheet. The gathering meters nominations \nhave been adjusted to the volumes in the Avg column effective 4/9/01.\n\nBob\n", "<17741521.1075854299995.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"adjustment meterTnn": {"value": "adjustment meterTnn", "ne": "adjustment meterTnn", "patterns": ["adjustment meterTnn"]}, "avg column volumeTnnn": {"value": "avg column volumeTnnn", "ne": "avg column volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["avg column volumeTnnn"]}, "avg volumeTnn": {"value": "avg volumeTnn", "ne": "avg volumeTnn", "patterns": ["avg volumeTnn"]}, "column volumeTnn": {"value": "column volumeTnn", "ne": "column volumeTnn", "patterns": ["column volumeTnn"]}, "effective meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "effective meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["effective meter volumeTnnn"]}, "effective volumeTnn": {"value": "effective volumeTnn", "ne": "effective volumeTnn", "patterns": ["effective volumeTnn"]}, "meter nominationTnn": {"value": "meter nominationTnn", "ne": "meter nominationTnn", "patterns": ["meter nominationTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "nomination volumeTnn": {"value": "nomination volumeTnn", "ne": "nomination volumeTnn", "patterns": ["nomination volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-3-2001-14:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"23-3-2001-14:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["23-3-2001-14:5:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20489563.1075845112367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nSubject: Phillips - 4/01\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten \nX-To: Carlos J Rodriguez \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer , Vance L Taylor \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nCarlos,\n\nI created the following deal for 4/01 production:\n\nDeal #:\t\t689508\nMeter #:\t\t98-6782\nDeal Volume:\t5,000\nExpected Vol.:\t4,200\nPrice:\t\tIFHSC less $0.05\n\nBob", "Phillips - 4/01", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "information", ["created", "deal"], "information", "carlos, i created the following deal for datenumeric production: deal #: numeric meter #: numeric phonenumber deal volume: numeric expected vol."]], "Carlos,\n\nI created the following deal for 4/01 production:\n\nDeal #:\t\t689508\nMeter #:\t\t98-6782\nDeal Volume:\t5,000\nExpected Vol.:\t4,200\nPrice:\t\tIFHSC less $0.05\n\nBob", "<20489563.1075845112367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "689508", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "4,200", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$0 05", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-10-2000-8:0:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"11-10-2000-8:0:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["11-10-2000-8:0:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29752971.1075853978726.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 5848\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Aimee Lannou, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nWhat is the price and volume that should be entered for October? Apparently, \nEngage changed their name to Coastal was the reason the deal ticket was \ncreated that way.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/11/2000 02:47 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECt, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Meter 5848 \n\nBob,\n\nYou are correct, I did request a ticket at meter 5848 as a spot purchase. \nHowever, I'm not sure why the ticket was created in the name of Coastal; it \nshould have been in the name Engage Energy US, LP. As for October, HPLC is \nbuying this package of gas on a \"spot\" basis and a ticket should be created \nand entered in to sitara.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 10/11/2000 11:12 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Aimee \nLannou/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 5848\n\nVance,\n\nOn August 28, you sent a request to enter a spot ticket for September \nproduction on Engage Energy, meter # 5848, 240 mmbtu/d. The ticket was \nentered as a purchase from Coastal Merchant Energy, L.P. A volume of 304 \nmmbtu flowed on meter # 5848 on 10/1/00. Should there be a spot purchase at \nmeter # 5848 in October? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 10/11/2000 10:45 \nAM ---------------------------\nAimee Lannou 10/11/2000 10:02 AM\n\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Meter 5848\n\nBob - there is flow at meter 5848 for 10/1. In Sept. it was on a Gathering \ncontract on deal # 382621 for Coastal Merchant Energy. Could you please \ncheck to see if there should be a deal for October?\n\nThanks.\n\nAimee\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter 5848", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "nninformation", ["entered", "volume"], "request information", "vance, what is the price and volume that should be entered for october?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 11, "information", ["created", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " apparently, orgname changed their name to orgname was the reason the deal ticket was created that way."]], "Vance,\n\nWhat is the price and volume that should be entered for October? Apparently, \nEngage changed their name to Coastal was the reason the deal ticket was \ncreated that way.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/11/2000 02:47 PM\n", "<29752971.1075853978726.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5848", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-10-2000-5:43:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"26-10-2000-5:43:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["26-10-2000-5:43:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "suzanne_saldivar@eogresources.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18036061.1075853975331.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 05:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: suzanne_saldivar@eogresources.com\nSubject: Re: Nom Change - Effective Oct 26, 2000; SG Marshall - HPL Meter\n 98-6296\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Suzanne_Saldivar@eogresources.com @ ENRON\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Sabrae Zajac, David Baumbach\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDeal # 126281 has been revised as noted below.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nSuzanne_Saldivar@eogresources.com on 10/26/2000 11:09:11 AM\nTo: rcotten@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Nom Change - Effective Oct 26, 2000; SG Marshall - HPL Meter 98-6296\n\n\nDue to loss of production from the SG Marshall wells, a nom change from\n5,200 mmbtu/d to 4,300 will be effective Oct 26, 2000. Please call me\n(713) 651-6858 with any questions. Thanks!\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Nom Change - Effective Oct 26, 2000; SG Marshall - HPL Meter\n 98-6296", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 9, "information", ["deal", "126281", "revised"], "information", "deal # numeric has been revised as noted below."], ["note deal", 10, "information", ["deal", "noted"], "information", "deal # numeric has been revised as noted below."]], "Deal # 126281 has been revised as noted below.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nSuzanne_Saldivar@eogresources.com on 10/26/2000 11:09:11 AM\n", "<18036061.1075853975331.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "126281", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective meter numericTnnn", "effective numericTnn", "meter numeric returnlinenTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric returnlinenTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-10-2000-8:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"23-10-2000-8:5:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["23-10-2000-8:5:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com cynthia.hakemack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31859825.1075853976256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 08:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tcynthia.hakemack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, David Baumbach, Mary Poorman, Lisa Hesse, Julie Meyers, Cynthia Hakemack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as highlighted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/20/2000 04:17 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON\n\n\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period Global no.\nCummins & Walker Oil Co. 9857 600mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.18 9/26 - \n9/30 96048113\n448381 100% IF/HSC less $0.18 10/1 - 10/31 96048113\n\nSuemaur Exploration Co. 9856 2700mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 10/20 \n- 10/31 96023525\n448385 \n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of November. \nAdditionally, this is Producer Svcs. deal and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 10/20/2000 \n04:18 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Esther Buckley 09/26/2000 01:59 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Molly L Carriere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna \nConsemiu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wayne E \nLightfoot/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nSteve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael \nWalters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary \nJo Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCheryl Jones/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Reid Hansen/GCO/Enron@Enron, Darron C \nGiron/HOU/ECT@ECT, O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nBaumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJeffrey A Austin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dawn C \nKenne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, J R \nFosdick/GCO/Enron@Enron, Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie \nGomes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nRobert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, JoAnne \nHarris/NA/Enron@Enron, Christy Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Earl Tisdale/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON\n\n\n\nSee attached letters for First Deliveries\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FIRST DELIVERY - CUMMINGS & WALKER AND EXXON", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as highlighted below: "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, deals have been created and entered in sitara as highlighted below: "]], "Vance,\n\nDeals have been created and entered in Sitara as highlighted below:\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n10/20/2000 04:17 PM\n", "<31859825.1075853976256.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "5-12-2000-7:12:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"5-12-2000-7:12:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["5-12-2000-7:12:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8542486.1075854184409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 07:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\ttom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Revised Deal tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Sabrae Zajac, Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVolumes have been revised on the following deal tickets effective 12/6/00:\n\nDeal # Meter # Trade Zone From To\n\n126281 6296 1 4,000 4,500\n\n126289 9757 23 2,455 1,955\n\nBob", "Revised Deal tickets", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 0, "information", ["deal", "revised"], "information", "revised deal tickets."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 4, "information", ["deal", "effective", "meter", "revised", "zone"], "information", "volumes have been revised on the following deal tickets effective datenumeric : deal # meter # trade zone from to phonenumber numeric numeric numeric phonenumber numeric numeric numeric "]], "Volumes have been revised on the following deal tickets effective 12/6/00:\n\nDeal # Meter # Trade Zone From To\n\n126281 6296 1 4,000 4,500\n\n126289 9757 23 2,455 1,955\n\nBob", "<8542486.1075854184409.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn": {"value": "deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn", "ne": "deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective meter volume zoneTnnnnn"]}, "deal effective volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective volumeTnnn"]}, "deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meter zoneTnnnn"]}, "deal_trade effective meterTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade effective meterTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade effective meterTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn": {"value": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "ne": "deal_trade meter zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter zoneTnnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "effective meterTnn": {"value": "effective meterTnn", "ne": "effective meterTnn", "patterns": ["effective meterTnn"]}, "meter zoneTnn": {"value": "meter zoneTnn", "ne": "meter zoneTnn", "patterns": ["meter zoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-6-2000-7:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"6-6-2000-7:3:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["6-6-2000-7:3:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com stephanie.gomes@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4481789.1075854006475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 07:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Gasper Rice Resources, Ltd.\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.gomes@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tstephanie.gomes@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Tom Acton, Julie Meyers, Stephanie Gomes, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nSitara deal ticket number 290545 has been created and entered based on the \nfollowing information.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/05/2000 01:54 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: \n\nBob/Tom\n\nSamson Lone Star LP reduced its working interest in contract (#96016762) to \n33.375% effective 3/1/00. The remaining 66.625% working interest was sold to \nGasper Rice, Ltd. HPLC amended and ratified the contract effective 3/1/00. \nThe contract is currently in its primary term thru 7/31/00 with 100% of the \nvolumes allocated to Samson Lone Star. It will began its \"evergreen\" status \ncommencing 8/1/2000.\n\nBased on the aforementioned information, please create a sitara deal ticket \nfor the following:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\nGasper Rice, Ltd. 6464 1mmbtu/d 85%IF/HSC 3/1/00 - 7/31/00\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Gasper Rice Resources, Ltd.", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal", "290545", "ticket"], "information", "vance, sitara deal ticket number numeric has been created and entered based on the following information."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deal", "entered", "ticket"], "information", "vance, sitara deal ticket number numeric has been created and entered based on the following information."]], "Vance,\n\nSitara deal ticket number 290545 has been created and entered based on the \nfollowing information.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/05/2000 01:54 PM\n", "<4481789.1075854006475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "290545", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-11-2000-0:54:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-0:54:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-0:54:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com michael.walters@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6519933.1075854108753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 00:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, michael.walters@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Spot Deals\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Michael Walters, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created and entered the following deals in Sitara as HPLC - IM \nWellhead purchases for December, 2000 production:\n\nDeal # Counterparty Meter # Volume\n\n500590 Amerada Hess 435 2,822\n500591 Anadarko Petr. 435 1,148\n500592 Apache Corp. 435 1,379\n500593 Barrett Res. 435 1,597\n500595 Crosstex Energy 435 682\n500596 Mariner Energy 435 350\n500597 Ocean Energy 435 3,750\n500598 Seneca Res. 435 3,195\n500599 St. Mary Land 435 3,299\n500600 Walter Oil & Gas 435 6,778\n500601 Whiting Petr. 6523 117\n500658 Cavalier Oil & Gas 6850 500\n500662 Cavalier Oil & Gas 9800 166\n500664 Cody Energy 5333 2,169\n500665 Cokinos Natural 9676 1\n500666 Crosstex Energy 9843 122\n500667 Crosstex Energy 6789 2,500 (9868 not set up)\n500668 Crosstex Energy 9858 2,800\n500669 Crosstex Energy 6519 1\n500670 CTL Oil & Gas 6821 300\n500671 Duke Energy 6347 168\n500672 EEX Oper. 6500 1,789\n500673 Embassy Nat. 6598 1\n500674 Coastal Merchant 5848 195\n500675 Coastal Merchant 5923 667\n500676 George Alcorn 9746 1\n500677 Heatherloch Mun. 6879 226\n500678 Richardson Prod. 9807 7,646\n500680 Sanchez Oil & Gas 9760 10,038\n500681 Sanchez Oil & Gas 9760 5,379\n500682 Swift Energy 2630 223\n500683 Tri-Union Devel. 2697 990\n500730 Etoco, Inc. 0393 3,802 (9738 ?)\n\nBob", "Spot Deals", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 2, "nninformation", ["created", "deals"], "request information", "i have created and entered the following deals in sitara as orgname - im wellhead purchases for december, numeric production: deal # counterparty meter # volume numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname petr numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname petr numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname natural numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric ( numeric not set up) numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric eex oper numeric numeric numeric orgname nat numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric personname alcorn numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric richardson prod numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname devel numeric numeric numeric orgname orgname numeric numeric ( numeric ?"], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 3, "nninformation", ["deals", "entered", "2000", "purchases"], "request information", "i have created and entered the following deals in sitara as orgname - im wellhead purchases for december, numeric production: deal # counterparty meter # volume numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname petr numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname petr numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname natural numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric ( numeric not set up) numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric eex oper numeric numeric numeric orgname nat numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric personname alcorn numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric richardson prod numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname numeric numeric numeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric orgname devel numeric numeric numeric orgname orgname numeric numeric ( numeric ?"]], "I have created and entered the following deals in Sitara as HPLC - IM \nWellhead purchases for December, 2000 production:\n\nDeal # Counterparty Meter # Volume\n\n500590 Amerada Hess 435 2,822\n500591 Anadarko Petr. 435 1,148\n500592 Apache Corp. 435 1,379\n500593 Barrett Res. 435 1,597\n500595 Crosstex Energy 435 682\n500596 Mariner Energy 435 350\n500597 Ocean Energy 435 3,750\n500598 Seneca Res. 435 3,195\n500599 St. Mary Land 435 3,299\n500600 Walter Oil & Gas 435 6,778\n500601 Whiting Petr. 6523 117\n500658 Cavalier Oil & Gas 6850 500\n500662 Cavalier Oil & Gas 9800 166\n500664 Cody Energy 5333 2,169\n500665 Cokinos Natural 9676 1\n500666 Crosstex Energy 9843 122\n500667 Crosstex Energy 6789 2,500 (9868 not set up)\n500668 Crosstex Energy 9858 2,800\n500669 Crosstex Energy 6519 1\n500670 CTL Oil & Gas 6821 300\n500671 Duke Energy 6347 168\n500672 EEX Oper. 6500 1,789\n500673 Embassy Nat. 6598 1\n500674 Coastal Merchant 5848 195\n500675 Coastal Merchant 5923 667\n500676 George Alcorn 9746 1\n500677 Heatherloch Mun. 6879 226\n500678 Richardson Prod. 9807 7,646\n500680 Sanchez Oil & Gas 9760 10,038\n500681 Sanchez Oil & Gas 9760 5,379\n500682 Swift Energy 2630 223\n500683 Tri-Union Devel. 2697 990\n500730 Etoco, Inc. 0393 3,802 (9738 ?)\n\nBob", "<6519933.1075854108753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meter numeric volumeTnnnnn", "counterparty deal meter numericTnnnn", "deal meter numeric production purchaseTnnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric productionTnn"]}, "counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "83": {"value": "500671", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "76": {"value": "500669", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "500668", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "500667", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "62": {"value": "500666", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "500595", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "120": {"value": "500682", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "500590", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-3-2001-6:49:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"8-3-2001-6:49:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-6:49:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27285728.1075854195425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 06:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Edward Terry, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWellhead volumes have been adjusted to the Avg column on the attached \nspreadsheet as of 3/8/01 forward.\n\nBob\n", "Wellhead Nominations", "", [["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 4, "information", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "information", "wellhead volumes have been adjusted to the avg column on the attached spreadsheet as of datenumeric forward."], ["attach spreadsheet", 7, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "wellhead volumes have been adjusted to the avg column on the attached spreadsheet as of datenumeric forward."]], "Wellhead volumes have been adjusted to the Avg column on the attached \nspreadsheet as of 3/8/01 forward.\n\nBob\n", "<27285728.1075854195425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"avg column volumeTnnn": {"value": "avg column volumeTnnn", "ne": "avg column volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["avg column volumeTnnn"]}, "avg volumeTnn": {"value": "avg volumeTnn", "ne": "avg volumeTnn", "patterns": ["avg volumeTnn"]}, "column volumeTnn": {"value": "column volumeTnn", "ne": "column volumeTnn", "patterns": ["column volumeTnn"]}, "volume wellheadTnn": {"value": "volume wellheadTnn", "ne": "volume wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["volume wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-4:11:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-4:11:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-4:11:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14545413.1075854186933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 04:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: August Spot Tickets\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Heidi Withers, Hillary Mack, Melissa Graves, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nPlease note the following deal tickets have been created and entered in \nSitara. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 09:33 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: August Spot Tickets\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of August. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Sitara Deal #\n\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 91% IF/HSC 348374\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24 348390\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24 348396\nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC less $0.258 348412\n\nAdditionally, this are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: August Spot Tickets", "", [["note deal", 3, "nninformation", ["deal", "note"], "request", "vance, please note the following deal tickets have been created and entered in sitara."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deal", "tickets"], "information", "vance, please note the following deal tickets have been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deal", "entered", "tickets"], "information", "vance, please note the following deal tickets have been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nPlease note the following deal tickets have been created and entered in \nSitara. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 09:33 AM\n", "<14545413.1075854186933.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-9:22:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-9:22:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-9:22:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2610108.1075854186442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 09:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Heidi Withers, Hillary Mack, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 348760 has been created and entered in Sitara for Winn Exploration.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 01:24 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDonald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period\nHESCO Gathering Oil Co 9835 600mmbtu/d 96% Gas Daily less $0.14 \n6/10 - 7/31\nSamson Lone Star Limited 9845 3000mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 7/21 - \n7/31\n\nWinn Exploration Co., Inc. 9847 800mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.13 7/25 \n- 7/31\n (for fuel use less 3.35% of del vols)\n\nFYI, Susan has created and submitted committed reserves firm tickets for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of August. Additionally, \nthese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: New Production-Sitara Deals Needed", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "information", ["created", "deal", "348760"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for winn exploration."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deal", "entered", "348760"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for winn exploration."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 348760 has been created and entered in Sitara for Winn Exploration.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 01:24 PM\n", "<2610108.1075854186442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "348760", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-4-2001-4:20:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"5-4-2001-4:20:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["5-4-2001-4:20:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4190411.1075854190029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 04:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Wellhead Volumes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease click on the Supply Analysis tab of the attached spreadsheet to view \nthe wellhead volumes through 4/4/01.\n\nBob\n", "Wellhead Volumes", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 7, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "daren, please click on the supply analysis tab of the attached spreadsheet to view the wellhead volumes through datenumeric ."], ["see file", 9, "nninformation", ["view", "spreadsheet"], "intention", "daren, please click on the supply analysis tab of the attached spreadsheet to view the wellhead volumes through datenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nPlease click on the Supply Analysis tab of the attached spreadsheet to view \nthe wellhead volumes through 4/4/01.\n\nBob\n", "<4190411.1075854190029.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"volume wellheadTnn": {"value": "volume wellheadTnn", "ne": "volume wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["volume wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-10:47:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-10:47:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-10:47:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20266177.1075854186419.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 10:47:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: August Spot Tickets\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\ttrisha.hughes@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\thillary.mack@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Heidi Withers, Hillary Mack, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 348777 has been created and entered in Sitara for Duke Energy Trading \n& Marketing, L.L.C.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 03:09 PM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: August Spot Tickets\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of August. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\nDuke Energy Trading & Marketing 6347 200mmbtu/d 85% IF/HSC\n\n\nAdditionally, this are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 09:33 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha Hughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi \nWithers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: August Spot Tickets\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of August. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 91% IF/HSC \nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 775mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 240mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24\nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC less $0.258\n\nAdditionally, this are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n", "Re: August Spot Tickets", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "deal", "348777"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for orgname energy trading & marketing, orgname "], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deal", "entered", "348777"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara for orgname energy trading & marketing, orgname "]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 348777 has been created and entered in Sitara for Duke Energy Trading \n& Marketing, L.L.C.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/28/2000 03:09 PM\n", "<20266177.1075854186419.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "348777", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-6-2000-4:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"2-6-2000-4:8:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["2-6-2000-4:8:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com don@enron.com ald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10064103.1075854187790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 04:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: New Turn-on Range Resources\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com, don@enron.com,\n\tald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, heidi.withers@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com, don@enron.com,\n\tald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Tom Acton, Lisa Hesse, Heidi Withers, Julie Meyers, Susan Smith, Don, ald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nA ticket has been created and entered in Sitara based on the information \nbelow. The deal number is 287507. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/02/2000 10:23 AM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi Withers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie \nMeyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMelissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New Turn-on Range Resources\n\nRobert/Tom,\n\nThe following production commenced to flow earlier in the week and a ticket \nshould be created and entered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volumes Price Period\n\nRange Resources Corporation 9832 350mmbtu/d 100% GasDaily less $0.18 5/30 \n- 5/31\n\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for June \nand for the remaining term of the deal beginning with the month of July once \nshe recieves a reserve study. Additionally, this is a Producer Svcs. deal \nand should be tracked in the IM Wellhead portfolio... attached to the \ngathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n\n", "Re: New Turn-on Range Resources", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 5, "information", ["created", "ticket"], "information", "vance, a ticket has been created and entered in sitara based on the information below."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["entered", "ticket"], "information", "vance, a ticket has been created and entered in sitara based on the information below."]], "Vance,\n\nA ticket has been created and entered in Sitara based on the information \nbelow. The deal number is 287507. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/02/2000 10:23 AM\n", "<10064103.1075854187790.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "287507", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-6-2000-5:44:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"27-6-2000-5:44:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-5:44:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10894918.1075854000895.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 05:44:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: July Spot Tickets\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\theidi.withers@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com,\n\theidi.withers@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Lisa Hesse, Heidi Withers, Hillary Mack, Susan Smith, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nThe following deals have been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/27/2000 11:24 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi Withers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hillary \nMack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: July Spot Tickets\n\nBob,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of July. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Sitara #\n\nWhiting Petroleum Corp 6523 200mmbtu/d 91% IF/HSC 314390\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 657mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24 314399\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 117mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.24 314408\nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC less $0.258 314414\n\nAdditionally, this are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM \nWellhead portfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: July Spot Tickets", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", "vance, the following deals have been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "vance, the following deals have been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nThe following deals have been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n06/27/2000 11:24 AM\n", "<10894918.1075854000895.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-1-2001-6:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"8-1-2001-6:40:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["8-1-2001-6:40:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16083059.1075854357436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 06:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nSubject: Adjusted Wellhead Volumes - January, 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease see attached file.\n\nBob\n", "Adjusted Wellhead Volumes - January, 2001", "", [["see file", 5, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "please see attached file."], ["attach spreadsheet", 6, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "please see attached file."]], "Please see attached file.\n\nBob\n", "<16083059.1075854357436.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "14-6-2000-9:37:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"14-6-2000-9:37:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["14-6-2000-9:37:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7640550.1075854187658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 09:37:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Yates Energy Corp. - Revised Nomination\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nYates Energy has revised their nomination from 3,135/d to 3,060/d eff. \n6/15/00 at meter 6598. The deal # is 138856. Do you want me to adjust?\n\nBob", "Yates Energy Corp. - Revised Nomination", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 2, "information", ["nomination", "revised"], "information", " - revised nomination."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 7, "information", ["nomination", "3,135", "revised"], "information", "daren, yates energy has revised their nomination from numeric /d to numeric /d eff."]], "Daren,\n\nYates Energy has revised their nomination from 3,135/d to 3,060/d eff. \n6/15/00 at meter 6598. The deal # is 138856. Do you want me to adjust?\n\nBob", "<7640550.1075854187658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"15": {"value": "138856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "energy reviseTnv": {"value": "energy reviseTnv", "ne": "energy reviseTnv", "patterns": ["energy reviseTnv"]}, "13": {"value": "6598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "3,135", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-10-2000-4:22:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"31-10-2000-4:22:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["31-10-2000-4:22:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22681440.1075854104329.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 04:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Meter # 9859\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nDeal # 450391 has been entered in Sitara as a spot wellhead purchase from \nWagner Oil Company. The deal is for 250/d at meter # 9859 priced at IFHSC \nless $0.11. The deal was not in Vance's nom.\n\nBob", "Meter # 9859", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered", "450391", "purchase"], "information", "daren, deal # numeric has been entered in sitara as a spot wellhead purchase from orgname the deal is for numeric /d at meter # numeric priced at ifhsc less pricenumeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nDeal # 450391 has been entered in Sitara as a spot wellhead purchase from \nWagner Oil Company. The deal is for 250/d at meter # 9859 priced at IFHSC \nless $0.11. The deal was not in Vance's nom.\n\nBob", "<22681440.1075854104329.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "250", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter numeric purchase wellheadTnnnnn", "deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal wellheadTnn": {"value": "deal wellheadTnn", "ne": "deal wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["deal wellheadTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "450391", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "9859", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "9859", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "$0 11", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn", "price pricenumericTnn"]}, "purchase wellheadTnn": {"value": "purchase wellheadTnn", "ne": "purchase wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["purchase wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-9-2000-8:4:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-8:4:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-8:4:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com ami.chokshi@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12956534.1075853981039.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 08:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: October Wellhead\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Ami Chokshi, Julie Meyers\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal # 420022 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n09/28/2000 02:09 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: October Wellhead \n\n\nBob,\n\nPlease create and enter into sitara a ticket based on the following \ninformation:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price Period\n\nHeatherloch Municipal Utility District 6879 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.12 10/1 - 10/31\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n09/28/2000 10:52 AM\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n09/28/2000 07:41 AM\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: October Wellhead", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "deal", "420022"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deal", "entered", "420022"], "information", "vance, deal # numeric has been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal # 420022 has been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n09/28/2000 02:09 PM\n", "<12956534.1075853981039.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "420022", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-5-2001-9:34:47Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"30-5-2001-9:34:47Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["30-5-2001-9:34:47", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26330260.1075845113718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 May 2001 09:34:47 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: edward.terry@enron.com\nSubject: Cobra Operating Meter # 9748\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Cotten, Robert \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Terry, Edward , O'Neal D Winfree/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe volume has been revised from 0 to 5,000/d on deal # 137205 effective 5/30 & 5/31/01.\n\nBob ", "Cobra Operating Meter # 9748", "", [["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 5, "information", ["deal", "0", "revised"], "information", "the volume has been revised from numeric to numeric /d on deal # numeric effective datenumeric & datenumeric ."]], "The volume has been revised from 0 to 5,000/d on deal # 137205 effective 5/30 & 5/31/01.\n\nBob ", "<26330260.1075845113718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal effective volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal effective volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal effective volumeTnnn"]}, "deal effectiveTnn": {"value": "deal effectiveTnn", "ne": "deal effectiveTnn", "patterns": ["deal effectiveTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "5,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "137205", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["effective numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "9748", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-7-2000-13:51:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": {"11-7-2000-13:51:0Srobert.cotten@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-13:51:0", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com hillary.mack@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com trisha.hughes@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8088191.1075853997987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 13:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.cotten@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re: New Production-Sitara deals needed\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, trisha.hughes@enron.com,\n\theidi.withers@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com, hillary.mack@enron.com,\n\tlisa.hesse@enron.com, trisha.hughes@enron.com,\n\theidi.withers@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Robert Cotten\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, O'Neal D Winfree, Hillary Mack, Lisa Hesse, Trisha Hughes, Heidi Withers, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nVance,\n\nDeal tickets, as noted below, have been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/11/2000 09:18 AM\nTo: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Hillary Mack/Corp/Enron@Enron, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Trisha \nHughes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi Withers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDonald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: New Production-Sitara deals needed\n\nBob,\n\nThe following production is now on-line and a ticket should be created and \nentered into sitara based on the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Deal # Meter Volumes Price Period\nCokinos Natural Gas Co. 327963 9842 2,800mmbtu/d 96% Gas Daily 7/6 \n- 7/31\nUpstream Energy Services 327964 9844 150mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less \n$0.14 7/8 - 7/31\n\nFYI, Susan will create and submit committed reserves firm tickets for the \nremaining term of the deal beginning with the month of August. Additionally, \nthese are Producer Svcs. deals and should be tracked in the IM Wellhead \nportfolio... attached to the gathering contract.\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n", "Re: New Production-Sitara deals needed", "", [["note deal", 6, "information", ["deal", "noted"], "information", "vance, deal tickets, as noted below, have been created and entered in sitara."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal", "tickets"], "information", "vance, deal tickets, as noted below, have been created and entered in sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 8, "information", ["deal", "entered", "tickets"], "information", "vance, deal tickets, as noted below, have been created and entered in sitara."]], "Vance,\n\nDeal tickets, as noted below, have been created and entered in Sitara.\n\nBob\n\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor\n07/11/2000 09:18 AM\n", "<8088191.1075853997987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-2-2000-3:30:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": {"2-2-2000-3:30:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["2-2-2000-3:30:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "bryan.hull@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com amelia.alland@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24751850.1075854030498.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 03:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Union Gas - Thamm #1\nCc: bryan.hull@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, amelia.alland@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: bryan.hull@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com,\n\tsusan.smith@enron.com, donald.reinhardt@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, amelia.alland@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: Bryan Hull, Daren J Farmer, Julie Meyers, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves, Amelia Alland\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nThe Thamm #1 well came on line for first delivery on Tuesday, 2/1/00 at \n6:45pm. The contract calls for first of the month pricing. Please create a \none month baseload firm deal ticket in sitara based upon the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nUnion Gas Corporation 9823 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.10\n\n\n\nSusan will create a firm ticket for the term of the deal once our geologists \nhave gathered enough data to forecast the reserves for this well; at such \ntime, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out.\n\nIf there are any questions or concerns please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "Union Gas - Thamm #1", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 12, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "ticket"], "request", " please create a one month baseload firm deal ticket in sitara based upon the following: counterparty meter volume price union gas corporation numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % if/hsc less pricenumeric susan will create a firm ticket for the term of the deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the reserves for this well; at such time, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 30, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "100", "ticket"], "request", " please create a one month baseload firm deal ticket in sitara based upon the following: counterparty meter volume price union gas corporation numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric % if/hsc less pricenumeric susan will create a firm ticket for the term of the deal once our geologists have gathered enough data to forecast the reserves for this well; at such time, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out."]], "Tom,\n\nThe Thamm #1 well came on line for first delivery on Tuesday, 2/1/00 at \n6:45pm. The contract calls for first of the month pricing. Please create a \none month baseload firm deal ticket in sitara based upon the following:\n\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nUnion Gas Corporation 9823 500mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.10\n\n\n\nSusan will create a firm ticket for the term of the deal once our geologists \nhave gathered enough data to forecast the reserves for this well; at such \ntime, we will request that this ticket be zeroed out.\n\nIf there are any questions or concerns please give me a call.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "<24751850.1075854030498.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal meter volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal meter volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal meter volumeTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-12-2000-0:16:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"20-12-2000-0:16:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-0:16:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "sandy.olitsky@enron.com", "eric.moon@enron.com john.griffith@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com robert.crockett@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24164120.1075849635299.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 00:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: sandy.olitsky@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\nCc: eric.moon@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com, jill.zivley@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, robert.crockett@enron.com,\n\tbob.hall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: eric.moon@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com, jill.zivley@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, robert.crockett@enron.com,\n\tbob.hall@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: Sandy Olitsky\nX-cc: Eric Moon, John Griffith, Jill T Zivley, Melissa Graves, Robert Crockett, Bob M Hall\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\nSandy,\n\nAs a result of recent contract re-negotiations, the proposed Cabot Oil & Gas \nMarketing Corporation deals in Terrebonne Parish has changed significantly. \nFirst, our reserve study has been completed and we have determined that the \nTurtle Bayou Field production is expected to last only 18 months. Second, \nCabot has balked at our tiered pricing proposal, so 100% of the production \nwill be index priced. Third, Cabot will only commit its working interest \nshare of production, not its partners' share. Fourth, one of the 4 wells \n(Castex #1) has been removed from the contract. Finally, Cabot has indicated \nit will not accept a price less than index flat.\n\nA revised expectation of volumes for the two Cabot deals is attached. For \nthe Transco Turtle Bayou Field, the intitial volume is expected to be 9,406 \nMmbtu/d for 01/2001 declining to 7,049 Mmbtu/d for 05/2002; please obtain a \nbid from the East desk for this gas for the period indicated. For the \nTennessee Kent Bayou Field, the initial volume is expected to be 9,570 \nMmbtu/d for 01/2001 declining to 7,121 Mmbtu/d for 12/2003; please obtain a \nbid from the East desk for this gas for the period indicated. Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 12/20/2000 \n08:01 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 12/11/2000 07:37 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Moon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Robert \nCrockett/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1\n\nSandy, we are still finalizing the contract and expected volumes with Cabot \nOil & Gas Marketing Corporation for the two Terrebonne Parish deals \nreferenced above, but we expect to enter into a long term deal prior to the \nend of December. Would you please re-confirm that the notional pricing set \nforth in your 11/13/2000 memo for the two Cabot Terrebonne Parish deals is \nstill valid for 5 years firm out of January 2001 for 80% of the volumes cited \nin my original request . Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992 \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 12/11/2000 \n07:26 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sandy Olitsky 11/13/2000 02:11 PM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Eric Moon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Robert \nCrockett/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cabot Quotes\n\nGeorge:\n\nWe got new quotes from the desk regarding Cabot. Attached is the spreadsheet \nwith the new numbers. Let me know if you need anything else. \n\nThanks.\nSandy\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 12, "information", ["changed", "deals"], "information", "sandy, as a result of recent contract re-negotiations, the proposed orgname & gas marketing corporation deals in terrebonne parish has changed significantly."], ["revise numeric{meter}{deal}{volume}{nomination}{effective}", 54, "information", ["deals", "revised", "volumes"], "information", " a revised expectation of volumes for the two cabot deals is attached."]], "Sandy,\n\nAs a result of recent contract re-negotiations, the proposed Cabot Oil & Gas \nMarketing Corporation deals in Terrebonne Parish has changed significantly. \nFirst, our reserve study has been completed and we have determined that the \nTurtle Bayou Field production is expected to last only 18 months. Second, \nCabot has balked at our tiered pricing proposal, so 100% of the production \nwill be index priced. Third, Cabot will only commit its working interest \nshare of production, not its partners' share. Fourth, one of the 4 wells \n(Castex #1) has been removed from the contract. Finally, Cabot has indicated \nit will not accept a price less than index flat.\n\nA revised expectation of volumes for the two Cabot deals is attached. For \nthe Transco Turtle Bayou Field, the intitial volume is expected to be 9,406 \nMmbtu/d for 01/2001 declining to 7,049 Mmbtu/d for 05/2002; please obtain a \nbid from the East desk for this gas for the period indicated. For the \nTennessee Kent Bayou Field, the initial volume is expected to be 9,570 \nMmbtu/d for 01/2001 declining to 7,121 Mmbtu/d for 12/2003; please obtain a \nbid from the East desk for this gas for the period indicated. Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n \n", "<24164120.1075849635299.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "65": {"value": "9,406", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "7,049", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "82": {"value": "9,570", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "7,121", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric productionTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-12-2000-23:37:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"10-12-2000-23:37:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["10-12-2000-23:37:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "sandy.olitsky@enron.com", "jill.zivley@enron.com eric.moon@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com john.griffith@enron.com robert.crockett@enron.com", "Message-ID: <426861.1075849653464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 23:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: sandy.olitsky@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\nCc: jill.zivley@enron.com, eric.moon@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griffith@enron.com, robert.crockett@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jill.zivley@enron.com, eric.moon@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griffith@enron.com, robert.crockett@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: Sandy Olitsky\nX-cc: Jill T Zivley, Eric Moon, Melissa Graves, John Griffith, Robert Crockett\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\nSandy, we are still finalizing the contract and expected volumes with Cabot \nOil & Gas Marketing Corporation for the two Terrebonne Parish deals \nreferenced above, but we expect to enter into a long term deal prior to the \nend of December. Would you please re-confirm that the notional pricing set \nforth in your 11/13/2000 memo for the two Cabot Terrebonne Parish deals is \nstill valid for 5 years firm out of January 2001 for 80% of the volumes cited \nin my original request . Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992 \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 12/11/2000 \n07:26 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sandy Olitsky 11/13/2000 02:11 PM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Eric Moon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Robert \nCrockett/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Cabot Quotes\n\nGeorge:\n\nWe got new quotes from the desk regarding Cabot. Attached is the spreadsheet \nwith the new numbers. Let me know if you need anything else. \n\nThanks.\nSandy\n\n\n", "Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 12, "nninformation", ["deals", "enter"], "intention", "sandy, we are still finalizing the contract and expected volumes with cabot oil & orgname for the two terrebonne parish deals referenced above, but we expect to enter into a long term deal prior to the end of december."]], "Sandy, we are still finalizing the contract and expected volumes with Cabot \nOil & Gas Marketing Corporation for the two Terrebonne Parish deals \nreferenced above, but we expect to enter into a long term deal prior to the \nend of December. Would you please re-confirm that the notional pricing set \nforth in your 11/13/2000 memo for the two Cabot Terrebonne Parish deals is \nstill valid for 5 years firm out of January 2001 for 80% of the volumes cited \nin my original request . Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992 \n", "<426861.1075849653464.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"29": {"value": "80", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-11-2000-10:26:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-10:26:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-10:26:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "victor.lamadrid@enron.com", "sandy.olitsky@enron.com john.griffith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com linda.roberts@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com shawna.flynn@enron.com scott.neal@enron.com robert.superty@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14451547.1075849652153.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 10:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: victor.lamadrid@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\nCc: sandy.olitsky@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com,\n\tshawna.flynn@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com,\n\trobert.superty@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sandy.olitsky@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com,\n\tshawna.flynn@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com,\n\trobert.superty@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: Victor Lamadrid\nX-cc: Sandy Olitsky, John Griffith, Melissa Graves, Jill T Zivley, Linda Roberts, Bob M Hall, Shawna Flynn, Scott Neal, Robert Superty, Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\nVictor,\n\nAre you guys nominating/confirming this gas on Tennessee Passkey and Transco \nTransit for December or are we? We expect that as the deals are entered into \nSitara, you will be asked to nominate and confirm this gas.\n\nAre there going to be two sets of tickets for each deal (one for the firm \nvolume and one for the swing)? We'll need those deal numbers when you have \nthem.. Actually, we've prepared 3 deal tickets for each deal. One ticket is \nfor the 80% firm purchase (first of the month index pricing) from Cabot by \nUpstream, the second ticket is for the 20% spot purchase (gas daily pricing) \nfrom Cabot by Upstream and the third ticket is the desk-to-desk transaction \nin which Upstream sells the 80% firm volume to the East Desk - this is the \nticket which will generate origination to the Upstream Desk, if applicable.\n \nAre you scheduling this internally in Unify or are we? You are. \n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 11/27/2000 05:56 PM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, \nBob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRobert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\nGeorge/Sandy, \nAre you guys nominating/confirming this gas on Tennessee Passkey and Transco \nTransit for December or are we? \nAre there going to be two sets of tickets for each deal (one for the firm \nvolume and one for the swing)? We'll need those deal numbers when you have \nthem.. \nAre you scheduling this internally in Unify or are we? \nPlease let me know as soon as possible as noms for December 1 are due to the \npipelines by 11:30 this Thursday morning! THANKS!\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/27/2000 04:37 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T \nZivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nVictor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1\n\nSandy,\n\nAttached are the tickets we intend to submit to document the two (2) deals \nwith Cabot for December. Once you and John have had an opportunity to review \nthese tickets, Melissa and I would like to come down and walk them through \nthe system. Thanks.\n\nCabot has agreed to do the December deals at index minus $0.01 for 80% of \ntheir volume and gas daily minus $0.01 for the remaining 20% of their \nvolume. We expect that they will soon execute the long term paper providing \nfor index minus $0.005 for the 80% firm traunch and gas daily minus $0.005 \nfor the 20% spot traunch; a set of new long term tickets will be prepared and \nsubmitted upon execution of the long term paper.\n\nIf this mechanism of documenting our deals works, we intend to submit all \nfuture deals in a similar manner.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n04:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sandy Olitsky 11/27/2000 11:07 AM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cabot Quotes Dec Only\n\nGeorge:\n\nScott Neal gave me the following quotes for your December only volumes:\n\nTransco Zn3 WH: Index +.01 minus IT feeder to Ste. 65\nTenn. ZL500: -.01\n\nLet me know if you need anything else.\nThanks.\nSandy\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 7, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", " we expect that as the deals are entered into sitara, you will be asked to nominate and confirm this gas."]], "Victor,\n\nAre you guys nominating/confirming this gas on Tennessee Passkey and Transco \nTransit for December or are we? We expect that as the deals are entered into \nSitara, you will be asked to nominate and confirm this gas.\n\nAre there going to be two sets of tickets for each deal (one for the firm \nvolume and one for the swing)? We'll need those deal numbers when you have \nthem.. Actually, we've prepared 3 deal tickets for each deal. One ticket is \nfor the 80% firm purchase (first of the month index pricing) from Cabot by \nUpstream, the second ticket is for the 20% spot purchase (gas daily pricing) \nfrom Cabot by Upstream and the third ticket is the desk-to-desk transaction \nin which Upstream sells the 80% firm volume to the East Desk - this is the \nticket which will generate origination to the Upstream Desk, if applicable.\n \nAre you scheduling this internally in Unify or are we? You are. \n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 11/27/2000 05:56 PM\n\t\n\n", "<14451547.1075849652153.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"22": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "80", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-11-2000-6:48:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"28-11-2000-6:48:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["28-11-2000-6:48:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "william.kelly@enron.com", "jeffrey.gossett@enron.com scott.neal@enron.com victor.lamadrid@enron.com sandy.olitsky@enron.com john.griffith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com linda.roberts@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com shawna.flynn@enron.com robert.superty@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3501430.1075849652393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 06:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: william.kelly@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\nCc: jeffrey.gossett@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com, victor.lamadrid@enron.com,\n\tsandy.olitsky@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, jill.zivley@enron.com,\n\tlinda.roberts@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com, shawna.flynn@enron.com,\n\trobert.superty@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.gossett@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com, victor.lamadrid@enron.com,\n\tsandy.olitsky@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com, jill.zivley@enron.com,\n\tlinda.roberts@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com, shawna.flynn@enron.com,\n\trobert.superty@enron.com, edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: William Kelly\nX-cc: Jeffrey C Gossett, Scott Neal, Victor Lamadrid, Sandy Olitsky, John Griffith, Melissa Graves, Jill T Zivley, Linda Roberts, Bob M Hall, Shawna Flynn, Robert Superty, Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\nWill, consistent with the tickets we provided you earlier today, you entered \nthe following deals with the volumes indicated in the column \"11/28/00 \nTickets\":\n\n\nTennessee 11/28/00 10/26/00\n Tickets Quote\n\nBaseload\nCabot: #505762 11,280 9,136\nD2D: #505910\n\nSwing:\nCabot: #505855 2,820 2,284\nD2D: #505913\n\nTransco\n\nBaseload\nCabot: #505870 14,720 14,400\nD2D: #505892\n\nSwing\nCabot: #505880 3,680 3,600\nD2D: #505902\n\n\nBut, the volumes cited in the tickets prepared today were not consistent with \nthe volumes for which the East Desk originally provided price quotes based on \nthe volumes we cited on 10/26/00. I have spoken with Scott Neal and he is \nagreeable to allowing us to amend the Sitara deals to reflect the 10/26/00 \nvolumes rather than the 11/28/00 volumes. Please, therefore, substitute the \nQuoted volumes for the Ticketed volumes on the 8 deals listed above. Thanks \nmuch.\n\nI have prepared and attach herewith revised tickets.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 11/28/2000 \n02:20 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/28/2000 10:18 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandy \nOlitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, \nBob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert \nSuperty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1\n\nJeff,\n\nFollowing my discussion with Bob Hall earlier today, we've changed the two \ndesk-to-desk tickets to reflect the full 100% volume - 14,100 Mmbtu/d on \nTennessee and 18,400 Mmbtu/d on Transco. A set of six tickets - 3 for each \ndeal - is attached. Please enter these tickets into Tagg and Sitara, or \nadvise me if you require additional documentation. Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\nTHESE TICKETS BECAME OBSOLETE AT 2:47 PM\nON 11/28/2000:\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 11/28/2000 \n10:04 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/28/2000 08:50 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T \nZivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nShawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward \nTerry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\n1) Is this deal done? No, not yet. Cabot is reviewing our new Enfolio long \nterm contract and has suggested some minor modifications. Also, this new \nlong term contract form is awaiting final Legal Department approval - we \nexpect this imminently. Finally, our reservoir engineers are scheduled to \nvisit Cabot's offices on 12/5/2000 to review their downhole data - we will \nnot enter into a long term contract until a full reserve review has been \ncompleted. \n2) What is the firm quantity? The quantitiy should be fixed. For \nDecember, the firm quantity on Tennessee is 11,280 Mmbtu/d, or 80% of the \n14,100 Mmbtu/d we expect to flow. The firm quantity on Transco is 14,720 \nMmbtu/d, or 80% of the 18,400 Mmbtu/d we expect to flow. We intend to keep \nthe desk whole on these firm quantities.\n3) Who is communcating with Cabot from a logisitics/volume management point \nof view? We expect to communicate with Cabot from a logistics/volume \nmanagement point of view. \n4) Why are we nominating ( instead of ENA Upstream) and which group is \nresponsible for balancing on Tenn and Transco? We intend to do whatever is \nnecessary to get the gas to pipeline pooling points and thereupon turn it \nover to each Desk's logistics team. We do not see the need to duplicate our \nexisting logistics function. \n\n\n\n\nScott Neal\n11/27/2000 06:57 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T \nZivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nShawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward \nTerry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\n1) Is this deal done?\n2) What is the firm quantity? The quantitiy should be fixed.\n3) Who is communcating with Cabot from a logisitics/volume management point \nof view?\n4) Why are we nominating ( instead of ENA Upstream) and which group is \nresponsible for balancing on Tenn and Transco?\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/27/2000 06:26 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, \nBob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRobert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\nVictor,\n\nAre you guys nominating/confirming this gas on Tennessee Passkey and Transco \nTransit for December or are we? We expect that as the deals are entered into \nSitara, you will be asked to nominate and confirm this gas.\n\nAre there going to be two sets of tickets for each deal (one for the firm \nvolume and one for the swing)? We'll need those deal numbers when you have \nthem.. Actually, we've prepared 3 deal tickets for each deal. One ticket is \nfor the 80% firm purchase (first of the month index pricing) from Cabot by \nUpstream, the second ticket is for the 20% spot purchase (gas daily pricing) \nfrom Cabot by Upstream and the third ticket is the desk-to-desk transaction \nin which Upstream sells the 80% firm volume to the East Desk - this is the \nticket which will generate origination to the Upstream Desk, if applicable.\n \nAre you scheduling this internally in Unify or are we? You are. \n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 11/27/2000 05:56 PM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, \nBob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRobert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\nGeorge/Sandy, \nAre you guys nominating/confirming this gas on Tennessee Passkey and Transco \nTransit for December or are we? \nAre there going to be two sets of tickets for each deal (one for the firm \nvolume and one for the swing)? We'll need those deal numbers when you have \nthem.. \nAre you scheduling this internally in Unify or are we? \nPlease let me know as soon as possible as noms for December 1 are due to the \npipelines by 11:30 this Thursday morning! THANKS!\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/27/2000 04:37 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T \nZivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nVictor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1\n\nSandy,\n\nAttached are the tickets we intend to submit to document the two (2) deals \nwith Cabot for December. Once you and John have had an opportunity to review \nthese tickets, Melissa and I would like to come down and walk them through \nthe system. Thanks.\n\nCabot has agreed to do the December deals at index minus $0.01 for 80% of \ntheir volume and gas daily minus $0.01 for the remaining 20% of their \nvolume. We expect that they will soon execute the long term paper providing \nfor index minus $0.005 for the 80% firm traunch and gas daily minus $0.005 \nfor the 20% spot traunch; a set of new long term tickets will be prepared and \nsubmitted upon execution of the long term paper.\n\nIf this mechanism of documenting our deals works, we intend to submit all \nfuture deals in a similar manner.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\nAttachment deleted\n11/28/00 @ 10:17 am\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n04:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sandy Olitsky 11/27/2000 11:07 AM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cabot Quotes Dec Only\n\nGeorge:\n\nScott Neal gave me the following quotes for your December only volumes:\n\nTransco Zn3 WH: Index +.01 minus IT feeder to Ste. 65\nTenn. ZL500: -.01\n\nLet me know if you need anything else.\nThanks.\nSandy\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 5, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "will, consistent with the tickets we provided you earlier today, you entered the following deals with the volumes indicated in the column \" datenumeric tickets\": tennessee datenumeric datenumeric tickets quote baseload cabot: # numeric numeric numeric d numeric d: # numeric swing: cabot: # numeric numeric numeric d numeric d: # numeric orgname baseload cabot: # numeric numeric numeric d numeric d: # numeric swing cabot: # numeric numeric numeric d numeric d: # numeric but, the volumes cited in the tickets prepared today were not consistent with the volumes for which the east desk originally provided price quotes based on the volumes we cited on datenumeric ."]], "Will, consistent with the tickets we provided you earlier today, you entered \nthe following deals with the volumes indicated in the column \"11/28/00 \nTickets\":\n\n\nTennessee 11/28/00 10/26/00\n Tickets Quote\n\nBaseload\nCabot: #505762 11,280 9,136\nD2D: #505910\n\nSwing:\nCabot: #505855 2,820 2,284\nD2D: #505913\n\nTransco\n\nBaseload\nCabot: #505870 14,720 14,400\nD2D: #505892\n\nSwing\nCabot: #505880 3,680 3,600\nD2D: #505902\n\n\nBut, the volumes cited in the tickets prepared today were not consistent with \nthe volumes for which the East Desk originally provided price quotes based on \nthe volumes we cited on 10/26/00. I have spoken with Scott Neal and he is \nagreeable to allowing us to amend the Sitara deals to reflect the 10/26/00 \nvolumes rather than the 11/28/00 volumes. Please, therefore, substitute the \nQuoted volumes for the Ticketed volumes on the 8 deals listed above. Thanks \nmuch.\n\nI have prepared and attach herewith revised tickets.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "<3501430.1075849652393.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"column volumeTnn": {"value": "column volumeTnn", "ne": "column volumeTnn", "patterns": ["column volumeTnn"]}, "69": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "505902", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-12-2000-0:3:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"19-12-2000-0:3:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-0:3:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "eric.moon@enron.com john.griffith@enron.com", "gary.bryan@enron.com eric.wardle@enron.com linda.roberts@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26307891.1075849635037.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: eric.moon@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com\nSubject: St. Mary's Production LLC VPP\nCc: gary.bryan@enron.com, eric.wardle@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.bryan@enron.com, eric.wardle@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: Eric Moon, John Griffith\nX-cc: Gary Bryan, Eric Wardle, Linda Roberts, Jill T Zivley, Melissa Graves, Bob M Hall\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\nEric & John\n\nECT Merchant Investments Corp. has entered into a Volumetric Production \nPayment agreement with St. Mary's Production LLC which provides for the \ndedication of St. Mary's non-operated gas production from the Hunt Oil \nCompany operated Myette Point Northwest Field. ECT Merchant Investments \nCorp. has arranged for the Enron North America Upstream Wellhead Desk to \nmanage the sale, nomination and transport of this production.\n\nCould you please get us a quote to purchase this wellhead gas on a firm basis \nbased on the following:\n\na. 18 month term commencing 1/1/2001 and ending 6/30/2003\n\nb. firm purchase and firm transport for 90% of the wellhead volume, starting \nat 90% of 11,567 per day and declining as defined on the last tab labelled \n\"Volume\" on the spreadsheet attached\n\nc. gas daily purchase and interruptible transport for the remaining 10% of \nthe wellhead volume\n\nEnron Upstream will keep the desk financially whole should volumes for the \n90% firm component fail to show up on any given day of the 18 month term\n\nDrafts of proposed Deal Tickets are attached.\n\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n", "St. Mary's Production LLC VPP", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 59, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " firm purchase and firm transport for numeric % of the wellhead volume, starting at numeric % of numeric per day and declining as defined on the last tab labelled \"volume\" on the spreadsheet attached c."]], "Eric & John\n\nECT Merchant Investments Corp. has entered into a Volumetric Production \nPayment agreement with St. Mary's Production LLC which provides for the \ndedication of St. Mary's non-operated gas production from the Hunt Oil \nCompany operated Myette Point Northwest Field. ECT Merchant Investments \nCorp. has arranged for the Enron North America Upstream Wellhead Desk to \nmanage the sale, nomination and transport of this production.\n\nCould you please get us a quote to purchase this wellhead gas on a firm basis \nbased on the following:\n\na. 18 month term commencing 1/1/2001 and ending 6/30/2003\n\nb. firm purchase and firm transport for 90% of the wellhead volume, starting \nat 90% of 11,567 per day and declining as defined on the last tab labelled \n\"Volume\" on the spreadsheet attached\n\nc. gas daily purchase and interruptible transport for the remaining 10% of \nthe wellhead volume\n\nEnron Upstream will keep the desk financially whole should volumes for the \n90% firm component fail to show up on any given day of the 18 month term\n\nDrafts of proposed Deal Tickets are attached.\n\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n", "<26307891.1075849635037.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "90", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "64": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "72": {"value": "90", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "purchase wellheadTnn": {"value": "purchase wellheadTnn", "ne": "purchase wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["purchase wellheadTnn"]}, "volume wellheadTnn": {"value": "volume wellheadTnn", "ne": "volume wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["volume wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-4-2001-8:31:23Slauri.allen@enron.com": {"11-4-2001-8:31:23Slauri.allen@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-8:31:23", "lauri.allen@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com danny.conner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26080863.1075840436596.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 08:31:23 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: lauri.allen@enron.com\nTo: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nSubject: Duke Deliveries to Mobil\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com, danny.conner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com, danny.conner@enron.com\nX-From: Allen, Lauri \nX-To: Rodriguez, Carlos , dfarmer@enron.com\nX-cc: Terry, Edward , Conner, Danny \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nApparently, we inadvertently rolled the Duke delivery to Mobil refinery into April and gas flowed to Mobil via Centana from Duke April 1, 2, and 3. I understand that there were no tickets entered into Sitara to cover that flow, so I have captured the transaction in Sitara utilizing the following tickets:\n\n#727481 reflects the HPLC purchase from Duke on Centana's pipe April 1,2,3 total volume estimated to be 21,490mm\n#538950 has been updated to show deliveries to Mobil refinery off Centana's pipe for the same time period, same volume\n#727497 reflects HPLC selling the gas back to Duke (payback) at the same price it was purchased, a volume of 10,000mm for 4/12, at meter 7001\n\nPlease let me know if there are any questions. If I've screwed something up, my apologies!!", "Duke Deliveries to Mobil", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 11, "information", ["entered", "tickets"], "information", " i understand that there were no tickets entered into sitara to cover that flow, so i have captured the transaction in sitara utilizing the following tickets: # numeric reflects the orgname purchase from orgname on orgname s pipe datenumeric , numeric total volume estimated to be numeric mm # numeric has been updated to show deliveries to mobil refinery off orgname s pipe for the same time period, same volume # numeric reflects orgname selling the gas back to orgname (payback) at the same price it was purchased, a volume of numeric mm for datenumeric , at meter numeric "]], "Apparently, we inadvertently rolled the Duke delivery to Mobil refinery into April and gas flowed to Mobil via Centana from Duke April 1, 2, and 3. I understand that there were no tickets entered into Sitara to cover that flow, so I have captured the transaction in Sitara utilizing the following tickets:\n\n#727481 reflects the HPLC purchase from Duke on Centana's pipe April 1,2,3 total volume estimated to be 21,490mm\n#538950 has been updated to show deliveries to Mobil refinery off Centana's pipe for the same time period, same volume\n#727497 reflects HPLC selling the gas back to Duke (payback) at the same price it was purchased, a volume of 10,000mm for 4/12, at meter 7001\n\nPlease let me know if there are any questions. If I've screwed something up, my apologies!!", "<26080863.1075840436596.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"45": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "2,3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "727497", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-11-2000-4:25:0Ssabrae.zajac@enron.com": {"2-11-2000-4:25:0Ssabrae.zajac@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-4:25:0", "sabrae.zajac@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com fred.boas@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com jennifer.martinez@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com danny.conner@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com rosa.brown@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4807855.1075854217066.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 04:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sabrae.zajac@enron.com\nTo: anita.luong@enron.com, fred.boas@enron.com\nSubject: CLECO Deals 449243 & 397957/State Tract 121 (Meter 785)\nCc: rita.wynne@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.martinez@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, danny.conner@enron.com,\n\ttom.acton@enron.com, rosa.brown@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: rita.wynne@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.martinez@enron.com, kristen.hanson@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, danny.conner@enron.com,\n\ttom.acton@enron.com, rosa.brown@enron.com\nX-From: Sabrae Zajac\nX-To: Anita Luong, Fred Boas\nX-cc: Rita Wynne, Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor, Jennifer Martinez, Kristen J Hanson, Pat Clynes, Gary A Hanks, Danny Conner, Tom Acton, Rosa Brown\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFred or Anita,\n\n I just wanted to recap our discussion to be sure that we are all on the same \npage. From my understanding, the allocation for meter 785: State Tract 121 \nis supplied from Bryancy Braumley. Prior to 09/1/00 Bryancy would calculate \nflow from certain wellheads, total this volume, and then send us an \nallocation that would show how much gas was allocated to Texas General Land \nand HPL (Sale from CLECO) at meter 785. Effective 09/1/00 a compressor was \nput in and the gas from 785 now flows through this compressor, as well as the \ngas from meter 9662 (Deal 137595 Sales from Dewbre), and is now measured at \nmeter 3527:Tivoli Station. For Bryancy's allocation, she must take the meter \nstatement from meter 3527 and deduct meter 9662's flow. Once this is done, \nshe can take that net number and do an allocation between Texas General Land \nand HPL (CLECO) like she has done previously. I believe meter 785 is now a \ncheck meter and meter 3527 is the actual pay meter.\n\n For 9/00 there were two deals in place for the sale from CLECO, deal 397957 \nand 449243. Per discussions with Daren Farmer, Danny Conner, and Jennifer \nMartinez, I have been instructed to zero out the deal for 397957 and use \n449243 as the correct deal number. Therefore, Fred Boas and I have zeroed \nout the 397957 deal and placed the volume that was allocated there to deal \n449243. Deal 397957 was priced at ship less .18 which was incorrect and deal \n449243 is priced at ship less .15. Therefore, an adjustment will generate \nfor 9/00 for the difference in price and the change in location. The \nallocated volume for CLECO did not change. However, I am not sure that \nBryancy is allocating the volume properly between Texas General Land and HPL \n(CLECO). I have spoke to her, as well as Jennifer Martinez, and Curtis \nFunderbruk with CLECO so there might be some PMA's for volume differences. \nIn addition, I have changed the allocation method at meter 3527 to be a \ncallout\\swing effect 9/00. For October and succeeding months, the volume \nshould be computed by taking meter 3527 deducting out meter 9662. Then \nByancy should take this net number and split it between Texas General Land \nand HPL (CLECO). The Texas General Land nom is currently at meter 785 and \nthe HPL (Cleco) deal is at meter 3527. Fred mentioned that the Texas General \nLand nom might need to be moved to meter 3527 but nothing has been decided on \nthat yet. \n\n Please let me know if something I have stated is not your understanding or \nyou need something more done on my end. Also, let me know who is going to be \ndoing this monthly allocation. It might be beneficial to have one person \ndoing all the points (meters 3527, 9662, 785). Thanks for your help!!!\n\n\n\n\n", "CLECO Deals 449243 & 397957/State Tract 121 (Meter 785)", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 45, "information", ["flows", "meter", "785"], "information", " effective datenumeric a compressor was put in and the gas from numeric now flows through this compressor, as well as the gas from meter numeric (deal numeric sales from dewbre), and is now measured at meter numeric :tivoli station."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 69, "information", ["flow", "meter", "9662"], "information", " for bryancy's allocation, she must take the meter statement from meter numeric and deduct meter numeric 's flow."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 134, "information", ["change", "volume"], "information", " the allocated volume for cleco did not change."]], "Fred or Anita,\n\n I just wanted to recap our discussion to be sure that we are all on the same \npage. From my understanding, the allocation for meter 785: State Tract 121 \nis supplied from Bryancy Braumley. Prior to 09/1/00 Bryancy would calculate \nflow from certain wellheads, total this volume, and then send us an \nallocation that would show how much gas was allocated to Texas General Land \nand HPL (Sale from CLECO) at meter 785. Effective 09/1/00 a compressor was \nput in and the gas from 785 now flows through this compressor, as well as the \ngas from meter 9662 (Deal 137595 Sales from Dewbre), and is now measured at \nmeter 3527:Tivoli Station. For Bryancy's allocation, she must take the meter \nstatement from meter 3527 and deduct meter 9662's flow. Once this is done, \nshe can take that net number and do an allocation between Texas General Land \nand HPL (CLECO) like she has done previously. I believe meter 785 is now a \ncheck meter and meter 3527 is the actual pay meter.\n\n For 9/00 there were two deals in place for the sale from CLECO, deal 397957 \nand 449243. Per discussions with Daren Farmer, Danny Conner, and Jennifer \nMartinez, I have been instructed to zero out the deal for 397957 and use \n449243 as the correct deal number. Therefore, Fred Boas and I have zeroed \nout the 397957 deal and placed the volume that was allocated there to deal \n449243. Deal 397957 was priced at ship less .18 which was incorrect and deal \n449243 is priced at ship less .15. Therefore, an adjustment will generate \nfor 9/00 for the difference in price and the change in location. The \nallocated volume for CLECO did not change. However, I am not sure that \nBryancy is allocating the volume properly between Texas General Land and HPL \n(CLECO). I have spoke to her, as well as Jennifer Martinez, and Curtis \nFunderbruk with CLECO so there might be some PMA's for volume differences. \nIn addition, I have changed the allocation method at meter 3527 to be a \ncallout\\swing effect 9/00. For October and succeeding months, the volume \nshould be computed by taking meter 3527 deducting out meter 9662. Then \nByancy should take this net number and split it between Texas General Land \nand HPL (CLECO). The Texas General Land nom is currently at meter 785 and \nthe HPL (Cleco) deal is at meter 3527. Fred mentioned that the Texas General \nLand nom might need to be moved to meter 3527 but nothing has been decided on \nthat yet. \n\n Please let me know if something I have stated is not your understanding or \nyou need something more done on my end. Also, let me know who is going to be \ndoing this monthly allocation. It might be beneficial to have one person \ndoing all the points (meters 3527, 9662, 785). Thanks for your help!!!\n\n\n\n\n", "<4807855.1075854217066.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"176": {"value": "785", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "49": {"value": "9662", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn", "gas meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "108": {"value": "397957", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numeric volumeTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "116": {"value": "397957", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "114": {"value": "449243", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "103": {"value": "449243", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "101": {"value": "397957", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "89": {"value": "397957", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "449243", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "119": {"value": "18", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "785", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn"]}, "163": {"value": "3527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "121", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "785", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "785", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "68": {"value": "9662", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "78": {"value": "785", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "3527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "203": {"value": "3527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "179": {"value": "3527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "65": {"value": "3527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "154": {"value": "3527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "82": {"value": "3527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "166": {"value": "9662", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "122": {"value": "449243", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "volume wellheadTnn": {"value": "volume wellheadTnn", "ne": "volume wellheadTnn", "patterns": ["volume wellheadTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-2-2000-1:45:0So'neal.winfree@enron.com": {"8-2-2000-1:45:0So'neal.winfree@enron.com": ["8-2-2000-1:45:0", "o'neal.winfree@enron.com", "thu.nguyen@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19659430.1075854123407.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 01:45:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: o'neal.winfree@enron.com\nTo: thu.nguyen@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Mid-Tex deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: O'Neal D Winfree\nX-To: Thu Nguyen, Aimee Lannou, Daren J Farmer, Clem Cernosek, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHey gang,\n\nI have created the new deals reflecting the Mid-Texas meters for the \nfollowing deals beginning in January 2000:\n\nETOCO: from HPL meter 393 to Mid-Texas meter 9738 \nold sitara deal = 133435\nnew sitara deal = 163874\n\nRichardson: from HPL meter 7283 to Mid-Texas meter 9807\nold sitara deal = 141691\nnew sitara deal = 164003\n\nMueller: from HPL meter 7260 to Mid-Texas meter 9769\nold sitara deal = 156247 Feb. 2000 through June 2000\nold sitara deal = 143885 Jan. 2000 only\nold sitara deal = 143887 Jan. 2000 only\nnew sitara deal = 164172 \n\n\nPlease take a look at the deals and let me know if I have doubled volumes, or \nif there is anything else I need to do to make things work better...\n\nO'Neal 3-9686", "Mid-Tex deals", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", " i have created the new deals reflecting the mid-texas meters for the following deals beginning in datenumeric numeric : etoco: from hpl meter numeric to mid-texas meter numeric old sitara deal numeric new sitara deal numeric richardson: from hpl meter numeric to mid-texas meter numeric old sitara deal numeric new sitara deal numeric mueller: from hpl meter numeric to mid-texas meter numeric old sitara deal numeric datenumeric numeric through datenumeric numeric old sitara deal numeric datenumeric numeric only old sitara deal numeric datenumeric numeric only new sitara deal numeric please take a look at the deals and let me know if i have doubled volumes, or if there is anything else i need to do to make things work better."]], "Hey gang,\n\nI have created the new deals reflecting the Mid-Texas meters for the \nfollowing deals beginning in January 2000:\n\nETOCO: from HPL meter 393 to Mid-Texas meter 9738 \nold sitara deal = 133435\nnew sitara deal = 163874\n\nRichardson: from HPL meter 7283 to Mid-Texas meter 9807\nold sitara deal = 141691\nnew sitara deal = 164003\n\nMueller: from HPL meter 7260 to Mid-Texas meter 9769\nold sitara deal = 156247 Feb. 2000 through June 2000\nold sitara deal = 143885 Jan. 2000 only\nold sitara deal = 143887 Jan. 2000 only\nnew sitara deal = 164172 \n\n\nPlease take a look at the deals and let me know if I have doubled volumes, or \nif there is anything else I need to do to make things work better...\n\nO'Neal 3-9686", "<19659430.1075854123407.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"32": {"value": "7260", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "7283", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "133435", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "393", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "meter numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "141691", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade meter numericTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade meterTnn": {"value": "deal_trade meterTnn", "ne": "deal_trade meterTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade meterTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "9807", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "9738", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "9769", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade volumeTnn": {"value": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "ne": "deal_trade volumeTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade volumeTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "164003", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "163874", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-3-2001-7:34:0Smelissa.graves@enron.com": {"6-3-2001-7:34:0Smelissa.graves@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-7:34:0", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "eric.bass@enron.com", "john.grass@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com gary.bryan@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com thomas.martin@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24524348.1075854319945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 07:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: melissa.graves@enron.com\nTo: eric.bass@enron.com\nSubject: Exxon Bids\nCc: john.grass@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com, gary.bryan@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, thomas.martin@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: john.grass@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com, gary.bryan@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, thomas.martin@enron.com\nX-From: Melissa Graves\nX-To: Eric Bass\nX-cc: John Grass, George Weissman, Gary Bryan, Daren J Farmer, Thomas A Martin\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nEric, \n\nDaren suggested that I forward this request to you:\n\nPer my voice mail, attached below, please find a spreadsheet detailing \nlocations/delivery points/meter numbers and available volumes for each \npackage of gas in the Texas Gulf Coast/WAHA Area. Please provide Firm gas \nbids for each package for the period April 2001 - October 2001 and April 2001 \n- March 2002 in the available columns \"B\" and \"C\" on the spreadsheet. \n\n\n\nAfter completing the spreadsheet, please return to me via e:mail.\n\nThank you, \nMelissa Graves\nX39173", "Exxon Bids", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 7, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "eric, daren suggested that i forward this request to you: per my voice mail, attached below, please find a spreadsheet detailing locations/delivery points/meter numbers and available volumes for each package of gas in the texas gulf coast/waha area."]], "Eric, \n\nDaren suggested that I forward this request to you:\n\nPer my voice mail, attached below, please find a spreadsheet detailing \nlocations/delivery points/meter numbers and available volumes for each \npackage of gas in the Texas Gulf Coast/WAHA Area. Please provide Firm gas \nbids for each package for the period April 2001 - October 2001 and April 2001 \n- March 2002 in the available columns \"B\" and \"C\" on the spreadsheet. \n\n\n\nAfter completing the spreadsheet, please return to me via e:mail.\n\nThank you, \nMelissa Graves\nX39173", "<24524348.1075854319945.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"coast gulfTnn": {"value": "coast gulfTnn", "ne": "coast gulfTnn", "patterns": ["coast gulfTnn"]}, "gas meterTnn": {"value": "gas meterTnn", "ne": "gas meterTnn", "patterns": ["gas meterTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-1-2001-7:35:0Sedward.terry@enron.com": {"12-1-2001-7:35:0Sedward.terry@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-7:35:0", "edward.terry@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com liz.bellamy@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26029193.1075854285032.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 07:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: edward.terry@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, liz.bellamy@enron.com\nSubject: Link to the HPL Scheduling Mailbox\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Edward Terry\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Liz Bellamy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease follow the instructions below.\n\nWhy: A suggestion was made (by Carlos) to centralize transport nominations \nwe receive by email. We now have an email account set up: \nHPL.Scheduling@enron.com. The group is to let our customers know this is \nwhere all nominations need to be sent. This way, if people are out (or no \nlonger with us), someone will be able to receive the nomination change. I \nhave also created folders for each shipper. As each nomination is addressed, \nthe file is to be moved to the folder for later reference. If the file is \nstill in the \"inbox\", it has not been addressed.\n\nAny comments to this, I would greatly appreaciate feedback.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Edward Terry/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 03:27 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Enron Messaging Security @ ENRON 01/09/2001 \n09:07 AM\n\t\n\nTo: HPL Scheduling Team\ncc: \nSubject: Link to the HPL Scheduling Mailbox\n\n<=<=Double-click on the link and the mail box will be added to your Lotus \nNotes Workspace. Each of you are editors of this mailbox. The Internet \naddress is hpl.scheduling@enron.com. Just in case, the mailbox is located \nNAHOU-LNMAI20/Enron under the Mail folder.\n\nThe following have access:\n\nMichael Olsen/NA/Enron\nTom Acton/Corp/Enron\nMary Poorman/NA/Enron\nEddie Janzen/NA/Enron\nEdward Terry/HOU/ECT\nRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT\nAimee Lannou/HOU/ECT\nJackie Young/HOU/ECT\nCarlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT\nMark McCoy/Corp/Enron\nSabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT\n\nThanks,\nSandy Rivas\nEnron Messaging Security\n", "Link to the HPL Scheduling Mailbox", "", [["receive gas", 9, "nninformation", ["nominations", "receive"], "intention", " why: a suggestion was made (by carlos) to centralize transport nominations we receive by email."], ["receive gas", 24, "nninformation", ["nomination", "receive"], "intention", " this way, if people are out (or no longer with us), someone will be able to receive the nomination change."]], "Please follow the instructions below.\n\nWhy: A suggestion was made (by Carlos) to centralize transport nominations \nwe receive by email. We now have an email account set up: \nHPL.Scheduling@enron.com. The group is to let our customers know this is \nwhere all nominations need to be sent. This way, if people are out (or no \nlonger with us), someone will be able to receive the nomination change. I \nhave also created folders for each shipper. As each nomination is addressed, \nthe file is to be moved to the folder for later reference. If the file is \nstill in the \"inbox\", it has not been addressed.\n\nAny comments to this, I would greatly appreaciate feedback.\n\n\n", "<26029193.1075854285032.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-12-2000-1:1:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"20-12-2000-1:1:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["20-12-2000-1:1:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "eric.moon@enron.com john.griffith@enron.com", "gary.bryan@enron.com eric.wardle@enron.com linda.roberts@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com lia.halstead@enron.com william.kelly@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13188864.1075849680544.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 01:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: eric.moon@enron.com, john.griffith@enron.com\nSubject: St. Mary's Production LLC VPP\nCc: gary.bryan@enron.com, eric.wardle@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com,\n\tlia.halstead@enron.com, william.kelly@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.bryan@enron.com, eric.wardle@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com,\n\tlia.halstead@enron.com, william.kelly@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: Eric Moon, John Griffith\nX-cc: Gary Bryan, Eric Wardle, Linda Roberts, Jill T Zivley, Melissa Graves, Bob M Hall, Lia Halstead, William Kelly\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\Vpp\\Brazos lp\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\nEric (Moon) and John, attached are the tickets for the physical part of the \nPreston VPP deal. Please work with Will Kelly to have them entered into \nSitara and provide me with the deal numbers.\n\nEric (Wardle), we'll need to get contract numbers established for the \nCounterparty Firm Agreement (ECT Merchant Investments) and the Counterparty \nSpot Agreement (St. Mary's Production LLC). Have either of these agreements \nyet been executed? If not, should we generate a spot gtc for the St. Mary's \nspot production?\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 12/20/2000 \n08:31 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 12/19/2000 08:03 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Eric Moon/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Gary Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Wardle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda \nRoberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: St. Mary's Production LLC VPP\nHunt Oil Company Myette Point Northwest Field\nSt. Mary Parish, LA\n\nEric & John\n\nECT Merchant Investments Corp. has entered into a Volumetric Production \nPayment agreement with St. Mary's Production LLC which provides for the \ndedication of St. Mary's non-operated gas production from the Hunt Oil \nCompany operated Myette Point Northwest Field. ECT Merchant Investments \nCorp. has arranged for the Enron North America Upstream Wellhead Desk to \nmanage the sale, nomination and transport of this production.\n\nCould you please get us a quote to purchase this wellhead gas on a firm basis \nbased on the following:\n\na. 18 month term commencing 1/1/2001 and ending 6/30/2003\n\nb. firm purchase and firm transport for 90% of the wellhead volume, starting \nat 90% of 11,567 per day and declining as defined on the last tab labelled \n\"Volume\" on the spreadsheet attached\n\nc. gas daily purchase and interruptible transport for the remaining 10% of \nthe wellhead volume\n\nEnron Upstream will keep the desk financially whole should volumes for the \n90% firm component fail to show up on any given day of the 18 month term\n\nDrafts of proposed Deal Tickets are attached.\n\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n\n", "St. Mary's Production LLC VPP", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 13, "information", ["deal", "entered"], "information", " please work with will kelly to have them entered into sitara and provide me with the deal numbers."]], "Eric (Moon) and John, attached are the tickets for the physical part of the \nPreston VPP deal. Please work with Will Kelly to have them entered into \nSitara and provide me with the deal numbers.\n\nEric (Wardle), we'll need to get contract numbers established for the \nCounterparty Firm Agreement (ECT Merchant Investments) and the Counterparty \nSpot Agreement (St. Mary's Production LLC). Have either of these agreements \nyet been executed? If not, should we generate a spot gtc for the St. Mary's \nspot production?\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n \n", "<13188864.1075849680544.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-5-2001-12:28:41Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"29-5-2001-12:28:41Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["29-5-2001-12:28:41", "george.weissman@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "brian.riley@enron.com edward.gottlob@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8851855.1075845113693.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 May 2001 12:28:41 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: June 2001 Wellhead Nomination\nCc: brian.riley@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: brian.riley@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com\nX-From: Weissman, George \nX-To: Cotten, Robert \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Riley, Brian , Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ENRON , Gottlob, Edward \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThe attachment provides details for a final total wellhead nomination for June 2001 of 727.856 Mmbtu/d. Of significance, we have reduced the North Central nomination at meter 6633 from 25,000 Mmbtu/d to 14,000 Mmbtu/d. Also, the 727,856 Mmbtu/d includes an approximate incremental 10,000 Mmbtu/d (from 22,121 Mmbtu/d to 31,591 Mmbtu/d) volume at the Spinnaker meter (9862) which is not yet flowing, but is expected to flow by the first of the month.\n\nChanges from the nomination submitted to you on 5/24/2001 are noted in Column F of the spreadsheet.\n\nGeorge\n\n \n\n\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 05/29/2001 02:13 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: George Weissman 05/24/2001 11:27 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tRobert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT, Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tJune 2001 Wellhead Nomination\n\nThe attachment provides details for a total wellhead nomination for June 2001 of 734,436 Mmbtu/d. George\n\n \n", "June 2001 Wellhead Nomination", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 38, "information", ["flowing", "meter", "9862"], "information", " also, the numeric mmbtu/d includes an approximate incremental numeric mmbtu/d (from numeric mmbtu/d to numeric mmbtu/d) volume at the spinnaker meter ( numeric ) which is not yet flowing, but is expected to flow by the first of the month."]], "The attachment provides details for a final total wellhead nomination for June 2001 of 727.856 Mmbtu/d. Of significance, we have reduced the North Central nomination at meter 6633 from 25,000 Mmbtu/d to 14,000 Mmbtu/d. Also, the 727,856 Mmbtu/d includes an approximate incremental 10,000 Mmbtu/d (from 22,121 Mmbtu/d to 31,591 Mmbtu/d) volume at the Spinnaker meter (9862) which is not yet flowing, but is expected to flow by the first of the month.\n\nChanges from the nomination submitted to you on 5/24/2001 are noted in Column F of the spreadsheet.\n\nGeorge\n\n \n\n\n \n", "<8851855.1075845113693.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meter nominationTnn": {"value": "meter nominationTnn", "ne": "meter nominationTnn", "patterns": ["meter nominationTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "31,591", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numeric volumeTnnn", "mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "6633", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "9862", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}, "meter volumeTnn": {"value": "meter volumeTnn", "ne": "meter volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter volumeTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "25,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "14,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "727,856", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "22,121", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "01", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["nomination numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-4-2000-7:40:0Slauri.allen@enron.com": {"19-4-2000-7:40:0Slauri.allen@enron.com": ["19-4-2000-7:40:0", "lauri.allen@enron.com", "heidi.withers@enron.com", "william.c.falbaum@enron.com george.weissman@enron.com dfarmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23622224.1075854130061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 07:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: lauri.allen@enron.com\nTo: heidi.withers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: HPL Delivery Meter 1520\nCc: william.c.falbaum@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: william.c.falbaum@enron.com, george.weissman@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com\nX-From: Lauri A Allen\nX-To: Heidi Withers\nX-cc: william.c.falbaum@enron.com, George Weissman, dfarmer@enron.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHeidi- There should be a deal ticket in Sitara for this sale to Engage, but \nit looks as though 12/99 was the last month a deal was entered \n(IF/HSC+1.00). George/Craig- could you guys coordinate who should be rolling \nthis deal or let us know if this gas should not be flowing? Heidi- \nhistorically we've been charging $.60/mm for this transport.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Heidi Withers 04/19/2000 10:27 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: HPL Delivery Meter 1520\n\nI am finding flow out there on HPL 215 for meter 1520 (Tx City Coastal \nStates) starting 4/1/00 (actually, no volume was scheduled but looks like it \nhas been allocated since March 1). Did you want a premium rate for this?\n\n", "Re: HPL Delivery Meter 1520", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 9, "information", ["deal", "entered", "9"], "information", "heidi- there should be a deal ticket in sitara for this sale to orgname but it looks as though datenumeric numeric was the last month a deal was entered (if/hsc numeric numeric )."]], "Heidi- There should be a deal ticket in Sitara for this sale to Engage, but \nit looks as though 12/99 was the last month a deal was entered \n(IF/HSC+1.00). George/Craig- could you guys coordinate who should be rolling \nthis deal or let us know if this gas should not be flowing? Heidi- \nhistorically we've been charging $.60/mm for this transport.\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Heidi Withers 04/19/2000 10:27 AM\n\t\n\n", "<23622224.1075854130061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "1520", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-11-2000-2:18:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"28-11-2000-2:18:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["28-11-2000-2:18:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "jeffrey.gossett@enron.com", "scott.neal@enron.com victor.lamadrid@enron.com sandy.olitsky@enron.com john.griffith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com linda.roberts@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com shawna.flynn@enron.com robert.superty@enron.com edward.terry@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5163566.1075849632858.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 02:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.gossett@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\nCc: scott.neal@enron.com, victor.lamadrid@enron.com, sandy.olitsky@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griffith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com,\n\tshawna.flynn@enron.com, robert.superty@enron.com,\n\tedward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: scott.neal@enron.com, victor.lamadrid@enron.com, sandy.olitsky@enron.com,\n\tjohn.griffith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com, linda.roberts@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com,\n\tshawna.flynn@enron.com, robert.superty@enron.com,\n\tedward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: Jeffrey C Gossett\nX-cc: Scott Neal, Victor Lamadrid, Sandy Olitsky, John Griffith, Melissa Graves, Jill T Zivley, Linda Roberts, Bob M Hall, Shawna Flynn, Robert Superty, Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\John_Griffith_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: GRIFFITH-J\nX-FileName: jgriffit.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nFollowing my discussion with Bob Hall earlier today, we've changed the two \ndesk-to-desk tickets to reflect the full 100% volume - 14,100 Mmbtu/d on \nTennessee and 18,400 Mmbtu/d on Transco. A set of six tickets - 3 for each \ndeal - is attached. Please enter these tickets into Tagg and Sitara, or \nadvise me if you require additional documentation. Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 11/28/2000 \n10:04 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/28/2000 08:50 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T \nZivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nShawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward \nTerry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\n1) Is this deal done? No, not yet. Cabot is reviewing our new Enfolio long \nterm contract and has suggested some minor modifications. Also, this new \nlong term contract form is awaiting final Legal Department approval - we \nexpect this imminently. Finally, our reservoir engineers are scheduled to \nvisit Cabot's offices on 12/5/2000 to review their downhole data - we will \nnot enter into a long term contract until a full reserve review has been \ncompleted. \n2) What is the firm quantity? The quantitiy should be fixed. For \nDecember, the firm quantity on Tennessee is 11,280 Mmbtu/d, or 80% of the \n14,100 Mmbtu/d we expect to flow. The firm quantity on Transco is 14,720 \nMmbtu/d, or 80% of the 18,400 Mmbtu/d we expect to flow. We intend to keep \nthe desk whole on these firm quantities.\n3) Who is communcating with Cabot from a logisitics/volume management point \nof view? We expect to communicate with Cabot from a logistics/volume \nmanagement point of view. \n4) Why are we nominating ( instead of ENA Upstream) and which group is \nresponsible for balancing on Tenn and Transco? We intend to do whatever is \nnecessary to get the gas to pipeline pooling points and thereupon turn it \nover to each Desk's logistics team. We do not see the need to duplicate our \nexisting logistics function. \n\n\n\n\nScott Neal\n11/27/2000 06:57 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nGriffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T \nZivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nShawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward \nTerry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\n1) Is this deal done?\n2) What is the firm quantity? The quantitiy should be fixed.\n3) Who is communcating with Cabot from a logisitics/volume management point \nof view?\n4) Why are we nominating ( instead of ENA Upstream) and which group is \nresponsible for balancing on Tenn and Transco?\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/27/2000 06:26 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, \nBob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRobert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\nVictor,\n\nAre you guys nominating/confirming this gas on Tennessee Passkey and Transco \nTransit for December or are we? We expect that as the deals are entered into \nSitara, you will be asked to nominate and confirm this gas.\n\nAre there going to be two sets of tickets for each deal (one for the firm \nvolume and one for the swing)? We'll need those deal numbers when you have \nthem.. Actually, we've prepared 3 deal tickets for each deal. One ticket is \nfor the 80% firm purchase (first of the month index pricing) from Cabot by \nUpstream, the second ticket is for the 20% spot purchase (gas daily pricing) \nfrom Cabot by Upstream and the third ticket is the desk-to-desk transaction \nin which Upstream sells the 80% firm volume to the East Desk - this is the \nticket which will generate origination to the Upstream Desk, if applicable.\n \nAre you scheduling this internally in Unify or are we? You are. \n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 11/27/2000 05:56 PM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, \nBob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRobert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1 \n\nGeorge/Sandy, \nAre you guys nominating/confirming this gas on Tennessee Passkey and Transco \nTransit for December or are we? \nAre there going to be two sets of tickets for each deal (one for the firm \nvolume and one for the swing)? We'll need those deal numbers when you have \nthem.. \nAre you scheduling this internally in Unify or are we? \nPlease let me know as soon as possible as noms for December 1 are due to the \npipelines by 11:30 this Thursday morning! THANKS!\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 11/27/2000 04:37 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Sandy Olitsky/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John Griffith/Corp/Enron@Enron, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T \nZivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda Roberts/NA/Enron@Enron, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nVictor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation\n\nTurtle Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 58 #2 Well\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 514800, Transco Zone 3\n\nKent Bayou Field\nContinental Land & Fur 11 #1, 24 #1 & 28 #1 Wells\nTerrebonne Parish, LA\nFacility 820010, Tennessee La. Zone 1\n\nSandy,\n\nAttached are the tickets we intend to submit to document the two (2) deals \nwith Cabot for December. Once you and John have had an opportunity to review \nthese tickets, Melissa and I would like to come down and walk them through \nthe system. Thanks.\n\nCabot has agreed to do the December deals at index minus $0.01 for 80% of \ntheir volume and gas daily minus $0.01 for the remaining 20% of their \nvolume. We expect that they will soon execute the long term paper providing \nfor index minus $0.005 for the 80% firm traunch and gas daily minus $0.005 \nfor the 20% spot traunch; a set of new long term tickets will be prepared and \nsubmitted upon execution of the long term paper.\n\nIf this mechanism of documenting our deals works, we intend to submit all \nfuture deals in a similar manner.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\nAttachment deleted\n11/28/00 @ 10:17 am\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n04:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sandy Olitsky 11/27/2000 11:07 AM\n\t\n\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Cabot Quotes Dec Only\n\nGeorge:\n\nScott Neal gave me the following quotes for your December only volumes:\n\nTransco Zn3 WH: Index +.01 minus IT feeder to Ste. 65\nTenn. ZL500: -.01\n\nLet me know if you need anything else.\nThanks.\nSandy\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 21, "nninformation", ["enter", "tickets"], "request", " please enter these tickets into tagg and sitara, or advise me if you require additional documentation."]], "Jeff,\n\nFollowing my discussion with Bob Hall earlier today, we've changed the two \ndesk-to-desk tickets to reflect the full 100% volume - 14,100 Mmbtu/d on \nTennessee and 18,400 Mmbtu/d on Transco. A set of six tickets - 3 for each \ndeal - is attached. Please enter these tickets into Tagg and Sitara, or \nadvise me if you require additional documentation. Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n\n", "<5163566.1075849632858.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric ticketTnnn", "deal_trade numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "14,100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "18,400", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-10-2000-4:35:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": {"31-10-2000-4:35:0Sgeorge.weissman@enron.com": ["31-10-2000-4:35:0", "george.weissman@enron.com", "dan.hyvl@enron.com", "barbara.gray@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com jim.coffey@enron.com sandi.braband@enron.com patrick.wade@enron.com jill.zivley@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16913551.1075842222090.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 04:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: george.weissman@enron.com\nTo: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nSubject: Reliant Energ - Entex\nCc: barbara.gray@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, jim.coffey@enron.com,\n\tsandi.braband@enron.com, patrick.wade@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: barbara.gray@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com, jim.coffey@enron.com,\n\tsandi.braband@enron.com, patrick.wade@enron.com,\n\tjill.zivley@enron.com\nX-From: George Weissman\nX-To: Dan J Hyvl\nX-cc: Barbara N Gray, Melissa Graves, Jim Coffey, Sandi M Braband, Patrick Wade, Jill T Zivley\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nDan,\n\nWe have previously provided you with hard copy of a rough draft of the \nschedule of purchase and sale contracts which support the Triple Lutz \nfinancial statements. When assembling our data, we typically select a common \ncounterparty name to attach to all business with those counterparties that \nhave multiple entities - thus \"Reliant Energy - Entex\" in our schedule \ncaptures all business with the following counterparties: Reliant Energy - \nEntex, Unit Gas Transmission Company Inc., Entex Gas Marketing Company and \nReliant Energy Services, Inc. The spreadsheet attached sets forth the exact \ncounterparty name and contract type for each of the \"Reliant Energy - Entex\" \ncontracts included in the schedule of purchase and sale contracts previously \nprovided to you. Please also keep in mind that the schedule provided to you \nonly covers purchases and sales that hit HPLC's general ledger during the \nperiod from 5/99 to 4/2000.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n ", "Reliant Energ - Entex", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 38, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " when assembling our data, we typically select a common counterparty name to attach to all business with those counterparties that have multiple entities - thus \"reliant energy - entex\" in our schedule captures all business with the following counterparties: orgname - entex, unit gas transmission company orgname entex gas marketing company and orgname services, orgname the spreadsheet attached sets forth the exact counterparty name and contract type for each of the \"reliant energy - entex\" contracts included in the schedule of purchase and sale contracts previously provided to you."]], "Dan,\n\nWe have previously provided you with hard copy of a rough draft of the \nschedule of purchase and sale contracts which support the Triple Lutz \nfinancial statements. When assembling our data, we typically select a common \ncounterparty name to attach to all business with those counterparties that \nhave multiple entities - thus \"Reliant Energy - Entex\" in our schedule \ncaptures all business with the following counterparties: Reliant Energy - \nEntex, Unit Gas Transmission Company Inc., Entex Gas Marketing Company and \nReliant Energy Services, Inc. The spreadsheet attached sets forth the exact \ncounterparty name and contract type for each of the \"Reliant Energy - Entex\" \ncontracts included in the schedule of purchase and sale contracts previously \nprovided to you. Please also keep in mind that the schedule provided to you \nonly covers purchases and sales that hit HPLC's general ledger during the \nperiod from 5/99 to 4/2000.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n ", "<16913551.1075842222090.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-3-2000-0:22:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": {"22-3-2000-0:22:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["22-3-2000-0:22:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com bryan.hull@enron.com o'neal.winfree@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4342500.1075854188831.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 00:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com, bryan.hull@enron.com, o'neal.winfree@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: New Turn-ons\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Tom Acton, Bryan Hull, O'Neal D Winfree, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Julie Meyers, Lisa Hesse, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nProduction commenced to flow as stated below; please create a base load \nticket in sitara based upon the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter no. Volumes Price Period\n\nUnion Gas Corp. 9827 3,000mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 3/9-3/31\n\nCico Oil & Gas Co. 9828 1,200mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.095 3/15-3/31\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "New Turn-ons", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 6, "nninformation", ["create", "ticket"], "request", "tom, production commenced to flow as stated below; please create a base load ticket in sitara based upon the following information: counterparty meter no."]], "Tom,\n\nProduction commenced to flow as stated below; please create a base load \nticket in sitara based upon the following information:\n\nCounterparty Meter no. Volumes Price Period\n\nUnion Gas Corp. 9827 3,000mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.10 3/9-3/31\n\nCico Oil & Gas Co. 9828 1,200mmbtu/d 100% Gas Daily less $0.095 3/15-3/31\n\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "<4342500.1075854188831.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "9827", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas_oil0gas numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "3,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "1,200", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric oil_oil0gasTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$0 10", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "$0 095", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "price volumeTnn": {"value": "price volumeTnn", "ne": "price volumeTnn", "patterns": ["price volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-1-2001-9:45:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": {"23-1-2001-9:45:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-9:45:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "mary.smith@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24819048.1075854203500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 09:45:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: February Wellhead Production Estimate\nCc: mary.smith@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.smith@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tmelissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Robert Cotten\nX-cc: Mary M Smith, Gary A Hanks, Daren J Farmer, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBob,\n\nPlease see the attached file estimating wellhead production for the month of \nFebruary. Please be advised that this is a preliminary estimate as to this \ndate, we have received one nom for February. I will update you with any \nrevisions as they occur.\n\nI'll be out of the office on tomorrow; however, I will return to the office \non Thursday.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n", "February Wellhead Production Estimate", "", [["see file", 4, "nninformation", ["file", "see"], "request", "bob, please see the attached file estimating wellhead production for the month of february."], ["attach spreadsheet", 5, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "bob, please see the attached file estimating wellhead production for the month of february."]], "Bob,\n\nPlease see the attached file estimating wellhead production for the month of \nFebruary. Please be advised that this is a preliminary estimate as to this \ndate, we have received one nom for February. I will update you with any \nrevisions as they occur.\n\nI'll be out of the office on tomorrow; however, I will return to the office \non Thursday.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n\n", "<24819048.1075854203500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-12-1999-7:56:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": {"17-12-1999-7:56:0Svance.taylor@enron.com": ["17-12-1999-7:56:0", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31453418.1075854044815.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 07:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vance.taylor@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: January Spot Tickets\nCc: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com\nX-From: Vance L Taylor\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Carlos J Rodriguez, Susan Smith, Melissa Graves\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nHPLC is purchasing gas from the following list of producers. This \nproduction is currently being purchased on a spot basis and deal tickets \nshould be entered into sitara for the follow:\n\nCounterparty Meter MMBTu/d Price\n \nEngage Energy US, LP 5839 600 100% less $0.18\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 500 100% less $0.18\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 700 100% less $0.18\nEngage Energy US, LP 6801 1,100 100% less $0.18\nGasper Rice Resources, Ltd. 9810 1 100% less $0.11\nPrize Resources 4028 1,300 100% less $0.20\nPrize Resources 4965 200 100% less $0.35\nPrize Resources 5121 800 100% less $0.11\nPrize Resources 6523 40 100% less $0.35\nSwift Energy 2630 20 90% less $0.258\nWhiting Petroleum 6523 500 ???\n\n\nAdditionally, I asked Carlos to search sitara for what would be essentially \nbe a spot ticket for the incremental volumes delivered to meter 9610 (Cage \nRanch) for the production month of November. I've received executed paper \nfrom Coastal documenting a purchase price of 100% of Gas Daily less a GPM \nsliding scale. Please confirm whether or not a sitara ticket has been \ngenerated. If not, please use this e-mail as a request to do so.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "January Spot Tickets", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "entered", "meter"], "request information", " this production is currently being purchased on a spot basis and deal tickets should be entered into sitara for the follow: counterparty meter mmbtu/d price orgname us, lp numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname us, lp numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname us, lp numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname us, lp numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname ltd numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname energy numeric numeric numeric % less pricenumeric orgname petroleum numeric numeric ?"]], "Daren,\n\nHPLC is purchasing gas from the following list of producers. This \nproduction is currently being purchased on a spot basis and deal tickets \nshould be entered into sitara for the follow:\n\nCounterparty Meter MMBTu/d Price\n \nEngage Energy US, LP 5839 600 100% less $0.18\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 500 100% less $0.18\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 700 100% less $0.18\nEngage Energy US, LP 6801 1,100 100% less $0.18\nGasper Rice Resources, Ltd. 9810 1 100% less $0.11\nPrize Resources 4028 1,300 100% less $0.20\nPrize Resources 4965 200 100% less $0.35\nPrize Resources 5121 800 100% less $0.11\nPrize Resources 6523 40 100% less $0.35\nSwift Energy 2630 20 90% less $0.258\nWhiting Petroleum 6523 500 ???\n\n\nAdditionally, I asked Carlos to search sitara for what would be essentially \nbe a spot ticket for the incremental volumes delivered to meter 9610 (Cage \nRanch) for the production month of November. I've received executed paper \nfrom Coastal documenting a purchase price of 100% of Gas Daily less a GPM \nsliding scale. Please confirm whether or not a sitara ticket has been \ngenerated. If not, please use this e-mail as a request to do so.\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353", "<31453418.1075854044815.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty deal meterTnnn": {"value": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "ne": "counterparty deal meterTnnn", "patterns": ["counterparty deal meterTnnn"]}, "counterparty meterTnn": {"value": "counterparty meterTnn", "ne": "counterparty meterTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty meterTnn"]}, "deal productionTnn": {"value": "deal productionTnn", "ne": "deal productionTnn", "patterns": ["deal productionTnn"]}, "deal spotTnn": {"value": "deal spotTnn", "ne": "deal spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "55": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "86": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$0 18", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "$0 18", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "36": {"value": "$0 18", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "$0 11", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "$0 20", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "48": {"value": "$0 35", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "51": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "$0 11", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "$0 35", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "90", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "61": {"value": "$0 258", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "$0 18", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-1-2001-5:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-1-2001-5:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-5:42:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18662096.1075854327025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 05:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: PanEnergy Swap\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe PanEnergy spreadsheet is attached.\n\nD\n\n", "PanEnergy Swap", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 2, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "the panenergy spreadsheet is attached."]], "The PanEnergy spreadsheet is attached.\n\nD\n\n", "<18662096.1075854327025.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-6-2000-9:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"1-6-2000-9:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-6-2000-9:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "steve.hooser@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24306056.1075854073698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 09:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: steve.hooser@enron.com\nSubject: Transport contracts\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Steve Van Hooser\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSteve, \n\nI really need the Oasis and PGE transport contracts assigned to HPL by July \n2000. Currently, we are buying gas in the Waha region as HPLC. But since \nour transport is under ENA, we have to enter an additional transaction where \nHPL sales the gas to ENA at the point of purchase. ENA then transports the \ngas to a delivery point. If the gas is sold to another counterparty, an \nadditional transaction between ENA and HPL must be entered at the delivery \npoint. This causes great difficulty in balancing out the pipelines and \ncompleting the scheduling in reasonable time. Plus, it just doesn't make \nsense to keep the transport under ENA since we transact all other deals as \nHPLC. Please let me know when we can get these contracts assigned.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nDaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 \n04:22 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n04/04/2000 04:47 PM\nTo: Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Transport contracts\n\nSteve, \n\nHow are things going with this request?\n\nFYI. The majority of deals we transact on Oasis are done as HPLC. Only \nsales to LCRA and term sales to Tufco are done as ENA.\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2000 \n04:44 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Dan J Hyvl 03/22/2000 01:00 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Transport contracts\n\nPlease forward this to whoever in the Pipeline group does transport, \nespecially Oasis, and I disagree that it should be HPL cause most of the \nthings off Oasis are ENA and will continue to be.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 12:56 PM \n---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n03/22/2000 12:05 PM\nTo: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Transport contracts\n\nDan, \n\nENA - Texas currently has tranport contracts on PGEV and Oasis pipelines \n(listed below). Since we are transacting as Houston Pipe Line for the \nmajority of our trades, we need these contractsto be assigned from ENA to \nHPL. Or, we need to enter into new agreements as HPL. What is the process \nused to accomlish this? We would like to get this set up as soon as we can.\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 \n12:00 PM ---------------------------\nStacey Neuweiler 03/21/2000 12:21 PM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Transport contracts\n\nD-\n\nThe Oasis contract #s are: 028 27099 201\n 028 27099 202\n 028 27099 203\n 028 27099 204\n\nPG&E contract #s are: 5095-037\n 5098-695\n 9121\n 5203-010\n \nPG&E parking and lending contracts awaiting approval: PLE00004\n PLA00004\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Transport contracts", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 6, "information", ["buying", "gas"], "information", " currently, we are buying gas in the waha region as orgname but since our transport is under orgname we have to enter an additional transaction where hpl sales the gas to orgname at the point of purchase."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 21, "information", ["counterparty", "sold"], "information", " if the gas is sold to another counterparty, an additional transaction between orgname and hpl must be entered at the delivery point."], ["put_assign contract", 46, "information", ["assigned", "contracts"], "information", " plus, it just doesn't make sense to keep the transport under orgname since we transact all other deals as orgname please let me know when we can get these contracts assigned."]], "Steve, \n\nI really need the Oasis and PGE transport contracts assigned to HPL by July \n2000. Currently, we are buying gas in the Waha region as HPLC. But since \nour transport is under ENA, we have to enter an additional transaction where \nHPL sales the gas to ENA at the point of purchase. ENA then transports the \ngas to a delivery point. If the gas is sold to another counterparty, an \nadditional transaction between ENA and HPL must be entered at the delivery \npoint. This causes great difficulty in balancing out the pipelines and \ncompleting the scheduling in reasonable time. Plus, it just doesn't make \nsense to keep the transport under ENA since we transact all other deals as \nHPLC. Please let me know when we can get these contracts assigned.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nDaren\n", "<24306056.1075854073698.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"area_region gasTnn": {"value": "area_region gasTnn", "ne": "area_region gasTnn", "patterns": ["area_region gasTnn"]}, "balance line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "balance line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "balance line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["balance line_pipelineTnn"]}, "counterparty gasTnn": {"value": "counterparty gasTnn", "ne": "counterparty gasTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty gasTnn"]}, "delivery gasTnn": {"value": "delivery gasTnn", "ne": "delivery gasTnn", "patterns": ["delivery gasTnn"]}, "delivery pointTnn": {"value": "delivery pointTnn", "ne": "delivery pointTnn", "patterns": ["delivery pointTnn"]}, "gas pointTnn": {"value": "gas pointTnn", "ne": "gas pointTnn", "patterns": ["gas pointTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "point transport_transport0contractTnn": {"value": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "ne": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "patterns": ["point transport_transport0contractTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "sale transportTnn": {"value": "sale transportTnn", "ne": "sale transportTnn", "patterns": ["sale transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-8-2000-7:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-8-2000-7:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-7:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32534748.1075854165835.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 07:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: anita.luong@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com\nSubject: Tufco @ Lone Star Katy - July 24 and 30\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Anita Luong, Mark McCoy\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease see the attached Tufco file for July. The 2,500 under the Wagner \nBrown contract on the 24th has been zeroed out (no flow at LS Katy for that \nday). This resulted in a change between contracts/deals on the 31st also. \nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n", "Tufco @ Lone Star Katy - July 24 and 30", "", [["send_attach file", 3, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "please see the attached tufco file for july."]], "Please see the attached Tufco file for July. The 2,500 under the Wagner \nBrown contract on the 24th has been zeroed out (no flow at LS Katy for that \nday). This resulted in a change between contracts/deals on the 31st also. \nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n", "<32534748.1075854165835.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-4-2001-9:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-4-2001-9:44:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-4-2001-9:44:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "", "Message-ID: <25321924.1075854190528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 09:44:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: buylow@houston.rr.com\nSubject: Re: Me Again\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: \"buylow\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWell, the staff level is prettly low here, for just about every group related \nto HPL. Stacey did leave, so I am back to trading Waha. However, it's going \na lot better this time. I am actualy enjoying it somewhat. With the \nmajority of the desk leaving, I am looking into moving into the day trading \narena for the new Texas Desk. We'll see how that goes. Bidweek was kinda \nrough this time. In addition to Stacey leaving during the middle of the \nweek, we have some major outages on the A/S line where we have to stay \nbalanced on Texoma and balanced on the south end. The line has been split \ninto two seperate systems. Handling that has been a constant battle. Plus, \nwith the pending sale, people just don't care as much about the business. \nIt's a little harder to get things done.\n\nAnyway, things are going pretty good at the house. But, the list of things \nto fix and do keeps getting longer and longer. We are extremely busy. The \nkids are loving the stairs. You ought to see Jake go down. We taught him to \nturn around backwards and crawl down the stairs on his belly. Well, that was \ntoo slow for him. Now, he get's on his belly, feet up in the air, and slides \ndown, barely skiming the stairs. He looks a penguin sliding down a snow \nbank, except on his stomach. Cole is doing his best to either run Jake off \nor make him tough. Cole runs over Jake with his toys, pushes Jake out the \nway, or just walks right over him. It doesn't affect Jake, though, he gets \nright back up and keeps on going.\n\nAnyway, I need to get back to work. Hope the family is doing well. Maybe \nyou can come down for lunch next week. I'll give you a call in the next \ncouple of days.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\"buylow\" on 03/31/2001 02:24:42 AM\nTo: \"Daren Farmer\" \ncc: \nSubject: Me Again\n\n\n\nDid you survive bid week?\n?\nI hear you lost another employee (Stacey). If you need someone to work for \nyou I suppose I'm free (in a freedom sense, not $). Do you have any staff \nleft?\n?\nJust giving you a hard time. (like you need one)\n?\nGotta run. Almost have my *&%$#!!@# taxes done. If people had to write a ?personal check every quarter for their taxes there would be some big ?changes. It sucks.???Later,?Ken??????", "Re: Me Again", "", [["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 13, "nninformation", ["arena", "leaving"], "request", " with the majority of the desk leaving, i am looking into moving into the day trading arena for the new texas desk."], ["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 24, "nninformation", ["leaving", "line"], "intention", " in addition to stacey leaving during the middle of the week, we have some major outages on the a/s line where we have to stay balanced on texoma and balanced on the south end."], ["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 28, "nninformation", ["balanced", "stay"], "intention", " in addition to stacey leaving during the middle of the week, we have some major outages on the a/s line where we have to stay balanced on texoma and balanced on the south end."], ["keep_continue desk", 94, "information", ["keeps", "jake"], "information", " it doesn't affect jake, though, he gets right back up and keeps on going."]], "Well, the staff level is prettly low here, for just about every group related \nto HPL. Stacey did leave, so I am back to trading Waha. However, it's going \na lot better this time. I am actualy enjoying it somewhat. With the \nmajority of the desk leaving, I am looking into moving into the day trading \narena for the new Texas Desk. We'll see how that goes. Bidweek was kinda \nrough this time. In addition to Stacey leaving during the middle of the \nweek, we have some major outages on the A/S line where we have to stay \nbalanced on Texoma and balanced on the south end. The line has been split \ninto two seperate systems. Handling that has been a constant battle. Plus, \nwith the pending sale, people just don't care as much about the business. \nIt's a little harder to get things done.\n\nAnyway, things are going pretty good at the house. But, the list of things \nto fix and do keeps getting longer and longer. We are extremely busy. The \nkids are loving the stairs. You ought to see Jake go down. We taught him to \nturn around backwards and crawl down the stairs on his belly. Well, that was \ntoo slow for him. Now, he get's on his belly, feet up in the air, and slides \ndown, barely skiming the stairs. He looks a penguin sliding down a snow \nbank, except on his stomach. Cole is doing his best to either run Jake off \nor make him tough. Cole runs over Jake with his toys, pushes Jake out the \nway, or just walks right over him. It doesn't affect Jake, though, he gets \nright back up and keeps on going.\n\nAnyway, I need to get back to work. Hope the family is doing well. Maybe \nyou can come down for lunch next week. I'll give you a call in the next \ncouple of days.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\n\"buylow\" ", {"area_arena tradingTnn": {"value": "area_arena tradingTnn", "ne": "area_arena tradingTnn", "patterns": ["area_arena tradingTnn"]}, "balance line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "balance line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "balance line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["balance line_pipelineTnn"]}, "business saleTnn": {"value": "business saleTnn", "ne": "business saleTnn", "patterns": ["business saleTnn"]}, "desk majorityTnn": {"value": "desk majorityTnn", "ne": "desk majorityTnn", "patterns": ["desk majorityTnn"]}, "desk tradingTnn": {"value": "desk tradingTnn", "ne": "desk tradingTnn", "patterns": ["desk tradingTnn"]}, "line_pipe0line systemTnn": {"value": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "ne": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "patterns": ["line_pipe0line systemTnn"]}, "majority tradingTnn": {"value": "majority tradingTnn", "ne": "majority tradingTnn", "patterns": ["majority tradingTnn"]}, "people saleTnn": {"value": "people saleTnn", "ne": "people saleTnn", "patterns": ["people saleTnn"]}, "88": {"value": "jake", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["personname pushTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-5-2000-4:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-5-2000-4:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-5-2000-4:42:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "christine.pham@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18484778.1075854010404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 19 May 2000 04:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: christine.pham@enron.com\nSubject: Entex Adjustments for 5/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Christine Pham\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nChristine, \n\nAttached is the Entex file I mentioned in the voice mail this morning. We \nreally need to have these adjustments made in POPS today. Please let me know \nif you can help with this. Thanks.\n\nDaren\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 05/19/2000 \n11:40 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary A Hanks 05/18/2000 03:51 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Romeo D'Souza/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ami \nChokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Entex Adjustments for 5/00\n\nI have reviewed the Entex actuals and adjusted Gas Control's Entex factor for \nthe month of May. I have found that Entex estimates have been overstated by \napproximately 10.0 Mmcf/Day.\n\nRomeo:\n\nWill you make sure the estimates that are in POPs are corrected to reflect \nthe new volumes. This should help reduce some of the UA4 that Daren and Pat \nare trying to locate. \n\nThe attached file has the changes that need to be made. Please let everyone \non this mailing list know once the changes have been made.\n\n\n\nIf you have any questions please call me at 36449.\n\nThanks\nGary H\n\n\n", "Entex Adjustments for 5/00", "", [["send_attach file", 2, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "christine, attached is the entex file i mentioned in the voice mail this morning."]], "Christine, \n\nAttached is the Entex file I mentioned in the voice mail this morning. We \nreally need to have these adjustments made in POPS today. Please let me know \nif you can help with this. Thanks.\n\nDaren\n", "<18484778.1075854010404.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-8-2000-5:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-8-2000-5:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-5:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "thomas.engel@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15913658.1075854090319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 05:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: thomas.engel@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ECT - IM WAHA ???\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Thomas Engel\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThese deals should be converted to ENA-IM Texas. Is there a way that you can \nchange all of these deals systematically?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thomas Engel 08/22/2000 08:54 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heidi Withers/HOU/EES@EES, Trisha \nHughes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russ Severson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott \nMills/HOU/ECT@ECT, Regina Perkins/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ECT - IM WAHA ???\n\n\nShould these not be converted to ENA - IM Texas ??? Some time ago - we were \ntold this desk was dead and the existing deals would end. This desk is not \nincluded in any Texas desk portfolios.\n\nThe ECT desks are supposed to be inactive - however - these deals keep \nrolling - and \nsomeone created some new ones? If the desk is active - should we change it \nto ENA - IM Waha - \nas ECT is no more ???\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: ECT - IM WAHA ???", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 1, "nninformation", ["converted", "deals"], "intention", "these deals should be converted to orgname im texas."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 3, "nninformation", ["change", "deals"], "request", " is there a way that you can change all of these deals systematically?"]], "These deals should be converted to ENA-IM Texas. Is there a way that you can \nchange all of these deals systematically?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thomas Engel 08/22/2000 08:54 AM\n\t\n\n", "<15913658.1075854090319.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "3-4-2000-10:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"3-4-2000-10:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["3-4-2000-10:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25708545.1075854017291.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Procedure for adding new Capacity tickets for multi-desk Service\n utilization - revised\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2000 \n05:12 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Dave Nommensen 04/03/2000 04:51 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tricia \nBowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maria Garza/HOU/ECT@ECT, George \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCarlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly S \nOlinger/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Tommy J Yanowski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Mills/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thomas \nEngel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Inja Chun/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Procedure for adding new Capacity tickets for multi-desk Service \nutilization - revised\n\nRevision in bold. Pass on to any who may need this.\n\nIn order to provide the ability to track transport expense by Desk, Sitara \nwas modified to allow multiple Transport Capacity tickets for the same \nService Contract provided that they are for different desks and only one is \ntagged as \"Primary\". Here is the procedure for setting up new Capacity \ntickets to reflect the \"other\" desks:\n\na. You will probably first notice this via a warning/error message in Path \nManager when building a new path. The message will read something like \n\"Source/Destination 123456 for desk IMCT does not match Service contract 3434 \nand will be removed.\"\nb. Make note of the deal number in the Service List of the Service contract \nthat you were using in the new path.\nc. Open that Transport Capacity deal in Sitara. Then hit Copy.\nd. On the new deal:\n Change the Buyer from the old desk to the new desk that matches the Supply \nor Market deal that you are pathing with. If it a deal for which we are \n agent, then don't change the Buyer but instead change the Agent to the new \ndesk. The \"primary\" deal will carry the actual Agent. The Agent\n contract will get cleared. Re-select the Agent Contract.\n Changing the Buyer causes the Contract field to get blanked out. Re-select \nthe Pipeline contract.\n Just above the various exchange line items is a Primary Deal check box. \nUn-check it.\n On each exchange line item, change the MDQ to zero and for any Negotiated \nrates, uncheck them as well. The \"primary\" deal will carry the MDQ and\n any negotiated Demand, Commodity or fuel.\n Hit Release.\ne. You may need to re-retrieve Path Manager. You should see the Deal number \nin the Service list now read \"Multiple\". Right-click/Service Deals will list \nthe specific deals.\nf. Re-build the path as you originally desired. The warning/error message \nshould not appear again.\n\nThis could occur for any combination of Desk and Service Contract.\nPlease file this in your \"Call Dave If I Can't Find This\" folder.\n\nThanks, d.n.\n", "Procedure for adding new Capacity tickets for multi-desk Service\n utilization - revised", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 1, "nninformation", ["adding", "tickets"], "intention", "procedure for adding new capacity tickets for multi-desk service returnlinen utilization - revised."]], "", "<25708545.1075854017291.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"capacity ticketTnn": {"value": "capacity ticketTnn", "ne": "capacity ticketTnn", "patterns": ["capacity ticketTnn"]}, "desk ticketTnn": {"value": "desk ticketTnn", "ne": "desk ticketTnn", "patterns": ["desk ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-2-2000-4:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-2-2000-4:17:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-2-2000-4:17:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18026397.1075854056012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 04:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Deal 107937 for 1/2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWe bought the gas from Koch Energy Trading (Deal 138613). \n\nD\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 02/18/2000 11:20 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Deal 107937 for 1/2000\n\nDaren,\n\nStacey is out of the office today, I hope you can help. Deal 107937 was \noriginally set up for 155,000, but the nom was changed to 140,000. I show \n5,000 was purchased from Conoco, where did HPLC get the additional 135,000? \nSitara shows HPLC IM Wellhead. Joanie Ngo says TXU is saying they bought \n155,000. I am trying to back track to the purchase invoices to see what we \nwere invoiced. \n\n", "Re: Deal 107937 for 1/2000", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 3, "information", ["bought", "gas"], "information", "we bought the gas from koch energy trading (deal numeric )."]], "We bought the gas from Koch Energy Trading (Deal 138613). \n\nD\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 02/18/2000 11:20 AM\n\t\n\n", "<18026397.1075854056012.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "107937", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "138613", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "energy_energy0field gasTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0field gasTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0field gasTnn"]}, "gas tradingTnn": {"value": "gas tradingTnn", "ne": "gas tradingTnn", "patterns": ["gas tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-11-2000-3:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-11-2000-3:16:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-11-2000-3:16:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8456228.1075854150085.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 03:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tenaska IV Receivables\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFor October, Tenaska IV should be paying us. We bought gas from Apache and \nWilliams on Lone Star Pipeline. We sold that gas to Tenaska IV when the \nCleburne plant was operating. On days the plant was not operating, we sold \nthat gas to other counterparties (the sales on Lone Star you see for ENA). \nFor September, we may need to pay them an amount, but I need to check into \nthat. With the way this deal has been in the structuring process over a \ncouple of months, there are some questions on how to handle Sep. I'll let \nyou know what I determine about Sep.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/21/2000 09:25 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\n\nDaren:\nCan you shed a little light on this Tenaska IV deal? James Armstrong is \ntelling me that we should have a purchase deal in the system to pay Tenaska \nIV for the 9/00 and 10/00 gas that we are marketing for them. I do not see a \ndeal in Path Manager for either month. I also need some detail on who we are \nbuying and selling this gas from and to. There are a number of \ncounterparties at Lonestar for ENA and I'm not sure which ones go with this \ndeal. Is there a schedule you can email to me? James is looking for an \nanswer today on the Tenaska IV payment, so whatever you can tell me will be \nappreciated.\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 11/21/2000 \n09:15 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJames Armstrong@ECT\n11/20/2000 06:00 PM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Tenaska IV Receivables\n\nMegan below is a list of the outstanding receivables for Tenaska IV Texas \nPartners, Ltd. (1089):\n\nSeptember - Sales:\n\n MMbtu Price Amount \n 26,275 5.20 136,630\n 18,538 5.06 93,802.28 \n 20,000 5.045 100,900\n 25,000 5.09 127,250\n\nTotals 89,813 $458,582.28 (This total is per phone conversation with \nDarren Farmer)\n\n\nOctober - Sales summary per Detail Economics Report - 1,124,275 MMbtu for \n$5,148,787.47 (these amounts were adjusted for the Gas sent to the plant for \ntheir direct use - 427,851 MMbtu for $1,245,046.41).\n\nThe total of these two amounts is $5,607,369.75. Please let me know what the \npayment schedule is for these amounts. \n\nAdditionally, I need to ask about the payment schedule for Tenaska IV this \nmonth. I need to find out if I am paying the following bills or if it is \nsomething your department is going to pay. Please advise:\n\nWilliams Energy 1,722,293.49\n 354,175.00\n 2,076,468.49\n\nApache Corp 1,348,500.00\n\nTXU/Lone Star 111,980.31\n\nI need to submit my funding request tomorrow, so please let me know where we \nstand on these items as soon as possible. Thanks.\n\nJames\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Tenaska IV Receivables", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 2, "information", ["bought", "gas"], "information", " we bought gas from orgname and orgname on orgname pipeline."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["gas", "plant", "sold"], "information", " we sold that gas to orgname when the cleburne plant was operating."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 11, "information", ["counterparties", "sold"], "information", " on days the plant was not operating, we sold that gas to other counterparties (the sales on orgname you see for orgname ."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 15, "information", ["see", "gas"], "information", " on days the plant was not operating, we sold that gas to other counterparties (the sales on orgname you see for orgname ."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 17, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "intention", " for september, we may need to pay them an amount, but i need to check into that."]], "For October, Tenaska IV should be paying us. We bought gas from Apache and \nWilliams on Lone Star Pipeline. We sold that gas to Tenaska IV when the \nCleburne plant was operating. On days the plant was not operating, we sold \nthat gas to other counterparties (the sales on Lone Star you see for ENA). \nFor September, we may need to pay them an amount, but I need to check into \nthat. With the way this deal has been in the structuring process over a \ncouple of months, there are some questions on how to handle Sep. I'll let \nyou know what I determine about Sep.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/21/2000 09:25 AM\n\t\n\n", "<8456228.1075854150085.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"counterparty gasTnn": {"value": "counterparty gasTnn", "ne": "counterparty gasTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty gasTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-9-2000-0:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-9-2000-0:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-9-2000-0:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "nagesh.kavi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3555138.1075853983309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 00:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: nagesh.kavi@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Nagesh Kavi\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nNagesh ,\n\nI would like to have the CPR Position Manager resorted for the TEXASMKT \nscreen as Follows:\n\nHouston Pipe Line\nEast Texas Gas Systems\nNNGB\nHumble Gas Pipeline\nChannel Industries Gas\nCentana Pipeline\nOasis Pipeline Comp\nPG&E Valero\nPG&E TECO\nLone Star Gas\nRemaining pipelines in alphabetical order.\n\nIn addition to this, please sort the location level (zones) under Houston \nPipeline as follows:\n\n01-Thompsonville\n14-South Texas\n02-Robstown\n19-King Ranch\n11-Corpus\n03-A/S South\n04-A/S Central\n07-A/S East\n08-East Texas\n15-Katy\n16-West Loop\n10-Ship Channel\nRemaining zones in numerical order\n\nLet me know if you have any questions or problems. Thanks.\n\nDaren", "", "", [["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 20, "nninformation", ["order", "remaining"], "intention", " i would like to have the cpr position manager resorted for the texasmkt screen as follows: houston pipe line orgname gas systems nngb humble gas pipeline channel industries gas orgname pipeline oasis pipeline comp orgname valero orgname teco orgname gas remaining pipelines in alphabetical order."], ["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 51, "information", ["order", "remaining"], "information", " in addition to this, please sort the location level (zones) under houston pipeline as follows: numeric -thompsonville numeric -south texas numeric -robstown numeric -king ranch numeric -corpus numeric -a/s south numeric -a/s central numeric -a/s east numeric orgname numeric -katy numeric -west loop numeric -ship channel remaining zones in numerical order let me know if you have any questions or problems."]], "Nagesh ,\n\nI would like to have the CPR Position Manager resorted for the TEXASMKT \nscreen as Follows:\n\nHouston Pipe Line\nEast Texas Gas Systems\nNNGB\nHumble Gas Pipeline\nChannel Industries Gas\nCentana Pipeline\nOasis Pipeline Comp\nPG&E Valero\nPG&E TECO\nLone Star Gas\nRemaining pipelines in alphabetical order.\n\nIn addition to this, please sort the location level (zones) under Houston \nPipeline as follows:\n\n01-Thompsonville\n14-South Texas\n02-Robstown\n19-King Ranch\n11-Corpus\n03-A/S South\n04-A/S Central\n07-A/S East\n08-East Texas\n15-Katy\n16-West Loop\n10-Ship Channel\nRemaining zones in numerical order\n\nLet me know if you have any questions or problems. Thanks.\n\nDaren", "<3555138.1075853983309.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn": {"value": "arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn", "ne": "arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn"]}, "40": {"value": "04", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["central numericTnn"]}, "channel gasTnn": {"value": "channel gasTnn", "ne": "channel gasTnn", "patterns": ["channel gasTnn"]}, "gas pipe0line systemTnnn": {"value": "gas pipe0line systemTnnn", "ne": "gas pipe0line systemTnnn", "patterns": ["gas pipe0line systemTnnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn"]}, "line_pipe0line systemTnn": {"value": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "ne": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "patterns": ["line_pipe0line systemTnn"]}, "location_position pipelineTnn": {"value": "location_position pipelineTnn", "ne": "location_position pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["location_position pipelineTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "corpus", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}, "45": {"value": "katy", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2000-23:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-1-2000-23:7:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-23:7:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8912614.1075854173378.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 23:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n10,000 is being sold to ICC @ 2.84 on deal 131478.\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/11/2000 05:22 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527 \n\nWhat is the deal number?\n\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n01/11/2000 05:02 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527 \n\nThen 10,000 is already moved. It just needs to be reallocated by vol Mgmt.\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/11/2000 04:03 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2000 04:03 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nTina Valadez\n01/11/2000 01:30 PM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527 \n\nI only need 10,000 to be moved to ICC.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527", "", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 5, "information", ["deal", "sold"], "information", "numeric is being sold to icc @ numeric numeric on deal numeric ."]], "10,000 is being sold to ICC @ 2.84 on deal 131478.\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/11/2000 05:22 PM\n", "<8912614.1075854173378.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "84", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "981527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-12-1999-7:18:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"29-12-1999-7:18:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["29-12-1999-7:18:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "charlotte.hawkins@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24008602.1075854046285.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 07:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: charlotte.hawkins@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter 74, December BRIDGEBACK ERROR\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Charlotte Hawkins\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCharlotte, \n\nThis is a desk-to-desk deal. You need to get with the scheduler on the East \nDesk who handles Transco. Both desks will need to tie in MOPS. In this \ncase, POPS most likely tried to update the HPL side, but the East Desk has \nnot adjusted their side in MOPS.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Charlotte Hawkins 12/29/99 11:26 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 74, December BRIDGEBACK ERROR\n\nDaren:\n\nI have an error for Transco Bammel for that 20.0/day on days 23 through 27 - \ndo you change the volumes as they are sent back? \n\nThe volumes are:\n\n23 133\n24 20783\n25 20738\n26 20787\n27 20123\n\nThanks!\n\nCharlotte\n\nPS I have to be clear by noon tomorrow.........................\n\n \n\n", "Re: Meter 74, December BRIDGEBACK ERROR", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 22, "information", ["adjusted", "desk"], "information", " in this case, pops most likely tried to update the hpl side, but the east desk has not adjusted their side in mops."]], "Charlotte, \n\nThis is a desk-to-desk deal. You need to get with the scheduler on the East \nDesk who handles Transco. Both desks will need to tie in MOPS. In this \ncase, POPS most likely tried to update the HPL side, but the East Desk has \nnot adjusted their side in MOPS.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Charlotte Hawkins 12/29/99 11:26 AM\n\t\n\n", "<24008602.1075854046285.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal deskTnn": {"value": "deal deskTnn", "ne": "deal deskTnn", "patterns": ["deal deskTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "74", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-3-2001-16:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-3-2001-16:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-3-2001-16:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com megan.parker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21779345.1075845122988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 16:45:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com, megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Duke\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mary Poorman , Megan Parker \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nOn Feb 7, we sold 10,000 to Duke Energy Field Services at Waha. However, I entered the deal (#603484) under Duke Energy Marketing (Can you believe I made a mistake?). To correct this, I created a new ticket (#700132) under DEFS. \n\nMary - Please repath these deals and let Megan know when you're done.\n\nSorry for the extra work.\n\nD", "Duke", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "entered"], "request information", " however, i entered the deal (# numeric ) under orgname energy marketing (can you believe i made a mistake?"], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 12, "information", ["created", "ticket"], "information", " to correct this, i created a new ticket (# numeric ) under defs."]], "On Feb 7, we sold 10,000 to Duke Energy Field Services at Waha. However, I entered the deal (#603484) under Duke Energy Marketing (Can you believe I made a mistake?). To correct this, I created a new ticket (#700132) under DEFS. \n\nMary - Please repath these deals and let Megan know when you're done.\n\nSorry for the extra work.\n\nD", "<21779345.1075845122988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "603484", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy0field numeric serviceTnnn"]}, "energy0field serviceTnn": {"value": "energy0field serviceTnn", "ne": "energy0field serviceTnn", "patterns": ["energy0field serviceTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "700132", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-9-2000-0:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"20-9-2000-0:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-0:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "steve.jackson@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com", "Message-ID: <33243671.1075854096252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 00:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Jury Duty\nCc: steve.jackson@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: steve.jackson@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Steve Jackson, Bob M Hall, Pat Clynes, Kristen J Hanson, Rita Wynne, Mary M Smith, David Baumbach, Gary A Hanks\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nWell, I got selected. The judge estimated that we would probably be there \nthrough Friday. I will be in the office each morning until 9:15 and may \nreturn some evenings. If you need anything, you can leave me a voice mail or \ncall Liz and Stacey.\n\nD", "Re: Jury Duty", "", [["leave voice", 9, "nninformation", ["leave", "voice"], "intention", " if you need anything, you can leave me a voice mail or call personname and stacey."]], "Well, I got selected. The judge estimated that we would probably be there \nthrough Friday. I will be in the office each morning until 9:15 and may \nreturn some evenings. If you need anything, you can leave me a voice mail or \ncall Liz and Stacey.\n\nD", "<33243671.1075854096252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-7-2000-0:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-7-2000-0:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-7-2000-0:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "esther.buckley@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13261627.1075854166994.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 00:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: esther.buckley@enron.com\nSubject: Customer trip for Gary Hanks\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Esther Buckley\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nEsther, \n\nGary asked me to send this info to you for the business trip that I've \ninvited him on.\n\n Enron employees will be leaving at 11:30am on Continental flight #1668 from \nBush Intercontinental on Friday 8/4/00.\n\nThe return flight from Tampa will be Continental #1663 leaving Tampa at 3:20 \npm on Sunday, arriving in Houston at 4:29pm.\n\nI believe that there are a couple of later flights on Friday (around 1:30 and \n3:30) if Gary needs to come in for a part of the day. I will probably have \nto catch one of the later ones, but Gary is welcome to go whenever he likes.\n\nIf you have any questions, give me a call @ 36905.\n\nDaren", "Customer trip for Gary Hanks", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 6, "information", ["send", "info"], "information", "esther, gary asked me to send this info to you for the business trip that i've invited him on."]], "Esther, \n\nGary asked me to send this info to you for the business trip that I've \ninvited him on.\n\n Enron employees will be leaving at 11:30am on Continental flight #1668 from \nBush Intercontinental on Friday 8/4/00.\n\nThe return flight from Tampa will be Continental #1663 leaving Tampa at 3:20 \npm on Sunday, arriving in Houston at 4:29pm.\n\nI believe that there are a couple of later flights on Friday (around 1:30 and \n3:30) if Gary needs to come in for a part of the day. I will probably have \nto catch one of the later ones, but Gary is welcome to go whenever he likes.\n\nIf you have any questions, give me a call @ 36905.\n\nDaren", "<13261627.1075854166994.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-2-2000-9:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"7-2-2000-9:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-2-2000-9:55:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23753325.1075854053619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 09:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: pat.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: HPL Training\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Pat Clynes\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCheck out the following dates/times for a training session on HPL \noperations/gas flows/points. I would allow about 2 hours to cover all \nquestions. We may only need an hour.\n\nThurs 2/10 any time after 1pm\nFri 2/11 Lunch to earlier afternoon\nMon 2/14 11:00am-1:00pm\nTues 2/15 Lunch to 2:30\n\nLet me know the best time for you and your group. I am also going to invite \nthe risk group (their schedule is flexible).\n\nD", "HPL Training", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 8, "information", ["flows", "gas"], "information", "check out the following dates/times for a training session on hpl operations/gas flows/points."]], "Check out the following dates/times for a training session on HPL \noperations/gas flows/points. I would allow about 2 hours to cover all \nquestions. We may only need an hour.\n\nThurs 2/10 any time after 1pm\nFri 2/11 Lunch to earlier afternoon\nMon 2/14 11:00am-1:00pm\nTues 2/15 Lunch to 2:30\n\nLet me know the best time for you and your group. I am also going to invite \nthe risk group (their schedule is flexible).\n\nD", "<23753325.1075854053619.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas operation_processTnn": {"value": "gas operation_processTnn", "ne": "gas operation_processTnn", "patterns": ["gas operation_processTnn"]}, "gas pointTnn": {"value": "gas pointTnn", "ne": "gas pointTnn", "patterns": ["gas pointTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour numericTnn"]}, "session trainingTnn": {"value": "session trainingTnn", "ne": "session trainingTnn", "patterns": ["session trainingTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-6-2000-4:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"8-6-2000-4:55:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-6-2000-4:55:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32240588.1075854075288.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 04:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: EEX mtr 5999\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten, Tom Acton\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI received a call from Jill Zively about our supply at mtr 5999. Late Friday \nnight (6/9), a portion of this gas will be delivered into Midcon instead of \nHPL. The nomination into HPL for the 10th through the rest of the month will \nbe 11,300/d. Jill knew this would be happening, so they priced the deal at \nGas Daily. I changed deal #278748 to reflect this change for Saturday \nforward. Since this is priced at Gas Daily, there will be no mark-to-market \nimpact. We need to review the flows next week to see how much the volume \nchanged and adjust if necessary.\n\nD", "EEX mtr 5999", "", [["deliver gas", 10, "nninformation", ["delivered", "gas"], "intention", " late friday night ( datenumeric ), a portion of this gas will be delivered into orgname instead of hpl."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 19, "information", ["changed", "deal", "priced"], "information", " jill knew this would be happening, so they priced the deal at orgname i changed deal # numeric to reflect this change for saturday forward."], ["reflect deal", 22, "information", ["deal", "reflect"], "information", " jill knew this would be happening, so they priced the deal at orgname i changed deal # numeric to reflect this change for saturday forward."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 24, "nninformation", ["deal", "forward"], "request", " jill knew this would be happening, so they priced the deal at orgname i changed deal # numeric to reflect this change for saturday forward."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 31, "information", ["flows", "volume"], "information", " we need to review the flows next week to see how much the volume changed and adjust if necessary."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 32, "nninformation", ["see", "volume"], "intention", " we need to review the flows next week to see how much the volume changed and adjust if necessary."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 34, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", " we need to review the flows next week to see how much the volume changed and adjust if necessary."], ["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 35, "nninformation", ["adjust", "volume"], "request", " we need to review the flows next week to see how much the volume changed and adjust if necessary."]], "I received a call from Jill Zively about our supply at mtr 5999. Late Friday \nnight (6/9), a portion of this gas will be delivered into Midcon instead of \nHPL. The nomination into HPL for the 10th through the rest of the month will \nbe 11,300/d. Jill knew this would be happening, so they priced the deal at \nGas Daily. I changed deal #278748 to reflect this change for Saturday \nforward. Since this is priced at Gas Daily, there will be no mark-to-market \nimpact. We need to review the flows next week to see how much the volume \nchanged and adjust if necessary.\n\nD", "<32240588.1075854075288.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change dealTnn": {"value": "change dealTnn", "ne": "change dealTnn", "patterns": ["change dealTnn"]}, "cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "278748", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "gas insteadTnn": {"value": "gas insteadTnn", "ne": "gas insteadTnn", "patterns": ["gas insteadTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "5999", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "5999", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "11,300", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric restTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-1-2001-6:41:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-1-2001-6:41:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-6:41:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24491746.1075854205724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 06:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCan you send me a copy of Pan Energy's spreadsheet for Sept, also?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/10/2001 02:07 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination \nfor 9/7/00 \n\nDarren:\nI think Marta is referring to the supply deal 391119 on 9/6 for 10,545. We \ndo not have a price of GD + $0.04. We have IF + $0.04. Please check this \nprice. Also, they seem to be missing the overdelivery calculation in their \nspreadsheet. Attached is the September 2000 spreadsheet.\n\n\n\nMegan\n\n\n\n\nDaren J Farmer@ECT\n01/10/2001 10:58 AM\nTo: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination for \n9/7/00\n\nMegan, \n\nPlease see the message below. The pricing on deal 391125 was incorrect; \nshould be HSC GD-.04. I corrected the deal ticket.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2001 \n10:57 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nmkhenderson@duke-energy.com on 01/10/2001 10:42:30 AM\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination for \n9/7/00\n\n\nPlease pass the following information to Meagan Parker. Her pricing isn't\nmatching.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n01/10/2001 10:41 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMarta K Henderson\n09/06/2000 03:39 PM\n\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC\ncc: John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna J Dobb/Houston/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC\n\nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00\n\nAs follow-up documentation for the Intraday sale on 9/6/00, the following\nstates the pricing for the redeliveries:\n\n8500 MMBTU from Fuels Cotton Valley priced per Paragraph 1a of the Contract\nPrice (per MMBTU) section in the Transaction Agreement.\n10955 MMBTU at ETGS Carthage Hub Tailgate priced per Paragraph 1c of the\nContract Price (per MMBTU) section in the Transaction Agreement\n10545 MMBTU at CIPCO/Mobile Beaumont which is priced differently than\nParagraph 1b of the Contract Price (per MMBTU) section in the Transaction\nAgreement. The price for 10545 MMBTU for 9/6/00 will be HSC Daily plus\n$.04/MMBTU.\n\nPlease confirm the above by replying to this E-Mail message.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Marta K Henderson/Houston/PEFS/PEC on\n09/06/2000 01:07 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMarta K Henderson\n09/06/2000 09:58 AM\n\nTo: Darrel F. Bane/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, John A. Bretz/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC,\n Chad W. Cass/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Michael R.\n Cherry/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC, Bruce McMills/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n William E. Speckels/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Donna C.\n Spencer/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Julia A. Urbanek/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, Dora J.\n Levy/GCS/CEC/PEC@PEC, briley@enron.com, dfarmer@enron.com,\n carlos.j.rodriguez@enron.com, Sharon Beemer/FtWorth/PEFS/PEC@PEC,\n Connie Wester/EastTexas/PEFS/PEC@PEC\ncc:\n\nSubject: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00\n\nDeliveries continue to be 30,000 MMBtu/dy\n\nThe redeliveries will be:\n\n8500 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n10955 to HPL's Cartwheel Agreement at Carthage\n10545 at Mobil Beaumont\n\nEffective for 9/7/00, deliveries to Eastrans continue to be 30,000 MMBtu/dy\n\nThe redeliveries will be:\n\n8500 from Fuels Cotton Valley\n21500 to HPL's Cartwheel Agreement at Carthage\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Intraday Eastrans Nominations change for 9/6/00 and Nomination\n for 9/7/00", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 5, "nninformation", ["send", "spreadsheet"], "request", "can you send me a copy of orgname s spreadsheet for sept, also?"]], "Can you send me a copy of Pan Energy's spreadsheet for Sept, also?\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 01/10/2001 02:07 PM\n\t\n\n", "<24491746.1075854205724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-6-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"8-6-2000-4:38:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-6-2000-4:38:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17611566.1075854168109.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 04:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: ami.chokshi@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com\nSubject: New Entex deal\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Ami Chokshi, David Baumbach\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTom Engel (Sitara) has moved the big Entex ticket (#117413) for July 2000 \nforward to deal #292249. This should help some with amount of time it takes \nto update and bridge back this deal. He is adjusting the swap tickets also. \nYou should probably double check these to make sure everything looks ok. \n\nThe programmers are also trying to find ways to further decrease the time \ninvolved in updating the deal.\n\nD", "New Entex deal", "", [["forward deal{ticket}", 6, "information", ["deal", "forward"], "information", "tom engel (sitara) has moved the big entex ticket (# numeric ) for datenumeric numeric forward to deal # numeric ."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 16, "information", ["adjusting", "tickets"], "information", " he is adjusting the swap tickets also."]], "Tom Engel (Sitara) has moved the big Entex ticket (#117413) for July 2000 \nforward to deal #292249. This should help some with amount of time it takes \nto update and bridge back this deal. He is adjusting the swap tickets also. \nYou should probably double check these to make sure everything looks ok. \n\nThe programmers are also trying to find ways to further decrease the time \ninvolved in updating the deal.\n\nD", "<17611566.1075854168109.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "117413", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-9-2000-5:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-9-2000-5:2:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-9-2000-5:2:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31402494.1075854152652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 05:02:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com\nSubject: Duke purchase on 8/2/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Carlos J Rodriguez\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCR, \n\nCan you get with Duke and see if this gas should have been at Centana into \nMobil instead of HPL?\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 09/12/2000 \n12:02 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 09/12/2000 10:57 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Rebecca Griffin/NA/Enron@Enron, Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Duke purchase on 8/2/00\n\nDaren,\nDeal 351653 is set up for 20,000mmbtu purchase from Duke at meter 981040 on \nHPL, but the actuals on CENT show a volume of 19,606 mmbtu at meter 77455 on \n8/2/00 with no deal set up. Should this sale to Mobil have taken place on \nCENT instead of HPL?\n\n\n", "Duke purchase on 8/2/00", "", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 3, "nninformation", ["see", "gas"], "request", "cr, can you get with orgname and see if this gas should have been at orgname into mobil instead of hpl?"]], "CR, \n\nCan you get with Duke and see if this gas should have been at Centana into \nMobil instead of HPL?\n\nD\n", "<31402494.1075854152652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas insteadTnn": {"value": "gas insteadTnn", "ne": "gas insteadTnn", "patterns": ["gas insteadTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-3-2000-3:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-3-2000-3:34:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-3-2000-3:34:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "stephanie.gomes@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31615200.1075854062132.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 03:34:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production\nCc: stephanie.gomes@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stephanie.gomes@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-cc: Stephanie Gomes, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created deal 223865 (zero volumes) to cover this name change.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 03/22/2000 10:33 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production\n\n\nStephanie,\n\nThe problem with the January payment is that the deal is set up incorrectly \nin sitara. For January production deal 153864 shows HPLC purchasing gas \nfrom GMT Company Inc, not GMT Inc. Someone needs to either correct the deal \nfor 1/00 or put in a new deal, then I can do an accounting arrangement to \nmake the necessary correction. It is correct for 2/00 on deal 156292. I \nemailed Daren on this because I see his name in sitara as the contact, but I \nam not sure who actually takes care of it.\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 \n10:27 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/20/2000 03:07 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production\n\nSherlyn,\n\n I believe this is your meter........\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2000 03:05 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 03/18/2000 09:21 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production\n\nThu,\nI'm not sure if this is your meter or not. If it is not, could you please \npass this email on to the correct person.\nFor meter # 9814, Jan. 2000 production, the volume was allocated to the wrong \ncompany. The gas was allocated to GMT Company Inc., but it should have been\nallocated to GMT, Inc. For Feb. 2000 it is done correctly.\nI need to recoup the money from GMT Company, so could you please let me know \nwhen the change has been made in the system.\nThanks for your help.\n\nStephanie ( 3-6004 )\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 03/18/2000 \n09:09 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nNick Moshou@ENRON\n03/15/2000 03:25 PM\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nHere you go let me know if you need anything else.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron on 03/15/2000 \n03:22 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman @ ECT 03/06/2000 10:34 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nWould you please send a note to Brian Riley verifying that the GMT payment \nhas gone out to the Houston company? Please include the amount.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 \n10:20 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 03/03/2000 04:18 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nNick, it appears that we paid GMT Company, Inc. (BA 01474) of Corpus Christi \ninstead of GMT, Inc. (BA 75046) of Houston. These companies are not \nrelated. We should pay the Houston GMT for production at meter 098-9814. \nWould you please make the necessary adjustments? Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 \n04:14 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nNick Moshou@ENRON\n03/03/2000 03:00 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nI was looking in Unify for last month and this invoice was finalled under the \nGMT Company Inc for 15975 mmbtu at meter 0989814. The check was sent to \ntheir Corpus Christi address. The Sitara# was 153864. The Sitara # you gave \nme is showing February as the beginning month with GMT, Inc. as the payee. \nDo you know if these are different companies?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron on 03/03/2000 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCynthia Hakemack@ECT\n03/02/2000 04:07 PM\nTo: Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nNick, Can you please handle this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT on 03/02/2000 \n03:58 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 03/02/2000 02:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nCindy, GMT has advised Brian that they have not yet received payment for \nproduction at meter 098-9814 for the period from 1/14/2000 to 1/31/2000. \nWould you look into this and have them paid as promptly as possible? It \nappears that the January deal was 156292 and I believe GMT produced 15,984 \nMmbtu in January.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 03/02/2000 \n02:16 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 01/13/2000 09:11 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert D Morgan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nVic, attached is a Physical Well Connect form authorizing you to turn-on the \nGMT Tillison #1 well. We expect this production to commence either late \ntoday or tomorrow at Meter 098-9814.\n\nNathan, WO C59605 on its way to you.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 01/13/2000 \n09:01 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 01/13/2000 07:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert D Morgan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nBrian, for your information. Please note Robert's cautionary warning with \nrespect to additional wells that GMT may want to drill and add to this \nmeter. Does GMT have additional drilling plans? If so, should we alert them \nto the gas quality issue early on?\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 01/13/2000 \n07:41 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRobert D Morgan\n01/12/2000 10:04 AM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1 \n\nAlthough the gas is non-spec, the volumes and gas total inerts are low enough \nthat it can be blended okay before reaching Beaumont. GO FOR IT.\n\nAs a precaution, we are starting a trend and I want to be very cautious. \nOnce we connect a well, we can't go backwards. Please be specific with GMT \nand limit him to this one well. Otherwise he could drill more wells and flow \nthem ALL through this new meter.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 3, "information", ["created", "deal", "223865"], "information", "i have created deal numeric (zero volumes) to cover this name change."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 8, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "intention", "i have created deal numeric (zero volumes) to cover this name change."]], "I have created deal 223865 (zero volumes) to cover this name change.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherlyn Schumack 03/22/2000 10:33 AM\n\t\n\n", "<31615200.1075854062132.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "223865", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numeric zeroTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn", "numeric zeroTnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-3-2001-2:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-3-2001-2:57:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-3-2001-2:57:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "timothy.blanchard@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14518451.1075854194203.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 02:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: timothy.blanchard@enron.com\nSubject: Bruggers Bagels\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Timothy Blanchard\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTim, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person.\n\nScott Berkman with Bruggers Bagels is looking to buy gas delivered to their \nchain of stores. He mentioned locations in Minn, Iowa, Detroit, Pitt, \nCleveland, Boston, and Albany. His phone number is 802-660-4020 ext. 264. I \nwould apprectiate it if someone would contact him regarding this supply. \nThanks.\n\nDaren", "Bruggers Bagels", "", [["forward deal{ticket}", 2, "nninformation", ["forward", "person"], "request", "tim, please forward this to the appropriate person."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 8, "nninformation", ["buy", "gas"], "intention", " scott berkman with bruggers bagels is looking to buy gas delivered to their chain of stores."], ["deliver gas", 10, "information", ["delivered", "gas"], "information", " scott berkman with bruggers bagels is looking to buy gas delivered to their chain of stores."]], "Tim, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person.\n\nScott Berkman with Bruggers Bagels is looking to buy gas delivered to their \nchain of stores. He mentioned locations in Minn, Iowa, Detroit, Pitt, \nCleveland, Boston, and Albany. His phone number is 802-660-4020 ext. 264. I \nwould apprectiate it if someone would contact him regarding this supply. \nThanks.\n\nDaren", "<14518451.1075854194203.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-5-2000-23:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-5-2000-23:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-5-2000-23:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27356355.1075854168833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 May 2000 23:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-6725 (Extension of deal 244700 for 5/1/200)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nSchedule the volume under the gathering k.\n\nD", "Re: 98-6725 (Extension of deal 244700 for 5/1/200)", "", [["schedule volume", 5, "nninformation", ["schedule", "volume"], "request", "schedule the volume under the gathering k."]], "Schedule the volume under the gathering k.\n\nD", "<27356355.1075854168833.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"0": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2000-2:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-1-2000-2:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-2:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7719684.1075854161000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 02:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nShould the entire volume be moved over to ICC now? Currently on deal 131478 \n(ICC), 10,000 is being sold at 2.84. The sale on the TXU ticket has been \nzeroed out on the deal line, but needs to be reallocated in Vol Mgmt. If I \nneed to move the additional 25,000 to ICC, I will. But, I want to make sure \nthat is what we need to do.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/11/2000 10:23 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527\n\n\nCould you please setup a spot deal for October under ICC Energy Corp. I \nwould just copy the TXU deal below. I believe the pricing is the same.\n\nJulie\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2000 10:20 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/07/2000 09:12 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527 \n\nWas the gas allocated wrong?\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n01/07/2000 08:22 AM\nTo: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527\n\nCould you set up the deal for ICC Energy Corp for 10/99 production? The gas \nwas originally billed to TXU Fuel Company. If you have any questions, please \nlet me know.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 01/07/2000 08:20 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nKristen J Hanson\n01/07/2000 08:11 AM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527 \n\n\n\n\n\nJoanie H Ngo\n01/04/2000 02:22 PM\nTo: Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527\n\nHi Kris,\n\nThis issue is still open. Please let Howard know. Thank you.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT on 01/04/2000 02:21 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nJoanie H Ngo\n11/22/99 01:07 PM\nTo: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527\n\nHoward,\n\nPlease forward to the appropriate v.m. person in your group. Thanks.\n\n10,000 mmbtu scheduled on October 14th should be moved from Sitara deal \n#120941 (TXU Fuel Company) to Sitara deal #131478 (ICC Energy Corporation) on \nOPLC Meter 1527.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nJoanie\nx36574\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: ICC Energy - OPLC Meter 981527", "", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 8, "information", ["deal", "sold"], "information", " currently on deal numeric (icc), numeric is being sold at numeric numeric ."]], "Should the entire volume be moved over to ICC now? Currently on deal 131478 \n(ICC), 10,000 is being sold at 2.84. The sale on the TXU ticket has been \nzeroed out on the deal line, but needs to be reallocated in Vol Mgmt. If I \nneed to move the additional 25,000 to ICC, I will. But, I want to make sure \nthat is what we need to do.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nJulie Meyers\n01/11/2000 10:23 AM\n", "<7719684.1075854161000.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["deal line_pipelineTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "131478", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "deal_trade txuTnn": {"value": "deal_trade txuTnn", "ne": "deal_trade txuTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade txuTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "981527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "ticket zeroTnn": {"value": "ticket zeroTnn", "ne": "ticket zeroTnn", "patterns": ["ticket zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-3-2000-5:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-3-2000-5:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-3-2000-5:27:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.eiben@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19924663.1075854158389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 05:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.eiben@enron.com\nSubject: Error Message\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Eiben\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMike, \n\nThe following attachment contains the error message I received when trying to \nlog in to POPS. I need to get this fixed as soon as possible, since it is \nused to assist with our trading activities. Thanks for your help.\n\nD\n\n\n", "Error Message", "", [["receive_incur gas", 7, "information", ["error", "received"], "information", "mike, the following attachment contains the error message i received when trying to log in to pops."]], "Mike, \n\nThe following attachment contains the error message I received when trying to \nlog in to POPS. I need to get this fixed as soon as possible, since it is \nused to assist with our trading activities. Thanks for your help.\n\nD\n\n\n", "<19924663.1075854158389.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "11-1-2002-13:12:34Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-1-2002-13:12:34Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-1-2002-13:12:34", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "ed.mcmichael@enron.com", "a..martin@enron.com michael.olsen@enron.com garrick.hill@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32613202.1075841181823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:12:34 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: ed.mcmichael@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV Agency Agreement\nCc: a..martin@enron.com, michael.olsen@enron.com, garrick.hill@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: a..martin@enron.com, michael.olsen@enron.com, garrick.hill@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: McMichael Jr., Ed \nX-cc: Martin, Thomas A. , Olsen, Michael , Hill, Garrick \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Martin, Thomas A.\\Inbox\nX-Origin: MARTIN-T\nX-FileName: tom martin 6-25-02.PST\n\nEd,=20\n\nENA has acted as agent for Tenaska IV , a generation facility in Cleburne, =\nTexas, in which , Enron has ownership interest. Our role was to manage the=\n fuel requirements for the plant. This includes scheduling, invoicing, and=\n settling the natural gas supplies and transportation. In addition to the =\ndaily activity, ENA has the responsibility to sale any excess fuel from the=\n baseload supplies and purchase an additional fuel needs. Any profits/loss=\nes are passed on to Tenaska IV. ENA is just paid a monthly fee for the ser=\nvice. Rick Hill is my contact person for the project. He is looking into f=\ninding another party to handle this fuel management responsibility. If he =\ncan't find a party willing to do this under similar terms, we will need to =\nfind some one with the Enron estate to handle this. The problem with Enron=\n continuing in the role is the inability to transact in the gas market (no =\ncustomers willing to trade with us). So, the project is losing value. Ple=\nase give me a call when you get a chance. Or, maybe we can meet sometime n=\next week to go over this. My schedule is pretty flexible.\n\nDaren\n3-6905", "Tenaska IV Agency Agreement", "", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 69, "nninformation", ["market", "trade"], "intention", " the problem with enron continuing in the role is the inability to transact in the gas market (no customers willing to trade with us)."]], "Ed,=20\n\nENA has acted as agent for Tenaska IV , a generation facility in Cleburne, Texas, in which , Enron has ownership interest. Our role was to manage the fuel requirements for the plant. This includes scheduling, invoicing, and settling the natural gas supplies and transportation. In addition to the daily activity, ENA has the responsibility to sale any excess fuel from the baseload supplies and purchase an additional fuel needs. Any profits/losses are passed on to Tenaska IV. ENA is just paid a monthly fee for the service. Rick Hill is my contact person for the project. He is looking into finding another party to handle this fuel management responsibility. If he can't find a party willing to do this under similar terms, we will need to find some one with the Enron estate to handle this. The problem with Enron continuing in the role is the inability to transact in the gas market (no customers willing to trade with us). So, the project is losing value. Please give me a call when you get a chance. Or, maybe we can meet sometime next week to go over this. My schedule is pretty flexible.\n\nDaren\n3-6905", "<32613202.1075841181823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agency agreementTnn": {"value": "agency agreementTnn", "ne": "agency agreementTnn", "patterns": ["agency agreementTnn"]}, "excess fuelTnn": {"value": "excess fuelTnn", "ne": "excess fuelTnn", "patterns": ["excess fuelTnn"]}, "fuel plantTnn": {"value": "fuel plantTnn", "ne": "fuel plantTnn", "patterns": ["fuel plantTnn"]}, "gas marketTnn": {"value": "gas marketTnn", "ne": "gas marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas marketTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas supplyTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-5-2001-6:49:6Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"30-5-2001-6:49:6Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-5-2001-6:49:6", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "h..wallis@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26346077.1075845125317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 May 2001 06:49:06 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: h..wallis@enron.com\nSubject: Tufco May\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Wallis, Janet H. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nJW, \n\nAttached is a schedule of Tufoco take for May according to our schedulers. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n ", "Tufco May", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 0, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", "jw, attached is a schedule of tufoco take for may according to our schedulers."]], "JW, \n\nAttached is a schedule of Tufoco take for May according to our schedulers. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n ", "<26346077.1075845125317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "26-9-2001-11:35:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"26-9-2001-11:35:31Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-9-2001-11:35:31", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "elizabeth.webb@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13789734.1075852213533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 11:35:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.webb@enron.com\nSubject: RE: OPM - September 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Webb, Elizabeth \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nElizabeth, \n\nCan you re-send the file with the attachement? I accidentally deleted the first message and I don't have access to the file online.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWebb, Elizabeth \nSent:\tTuesday, September 25, 2001 4:53 PM\nTo:\tGreif, Donna; Muzzy, Charles T.; Dinari, Sabra L.; Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.; Sullivan, Patti; Williams, Jason (Trading); Farmer, Daren J.; Smith, George F.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Jaquet, Tammy; Calcagno, Suzanne\nCc:\tSuperty, Robert; Nicholie, Suzanne; Saldana, Roxanne; Cook, Diane H.\nSubject:\tRE: OPM - September 2001\n\nHi Guys, \n\nJust a friendly reminder that your OPM Monthly Hours Survey for September is due to me by tomorrow, Wednesday, September 26th no later than 5:00pm. \n\nThanks for your cooperation and attention to this matter. Please call me with any questions. \n\nThanks, \nElizabeth \nx51694 \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWebb, Elizabeth \nSent:\tFriday, September 21, 2001 8:41 AM\nTo:\tGreif, Donna; Muzzy, Charles T.; Dinari, Sabra L.; Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.; Lamadrid, Victor; Kinsey, Lisa; Sullivan, Patti; Williams, Jason (Trading); Farmer, Daren J.; Smith, George F.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Jaquet, Tammy; Calcagno, Suzanne\nCc:\tSuperty, Robert; Nicholie, Suzanne; Saldana, Roxanne; Cook, Diane H.\nSubject:\tOPM - September 2001\n\nHi All, \n\nAttached is the OPM Monthly Hours Survey for September. I need this returned to me by NEXT Wednesday, September 26th no later than 5:00pm. \n\nPlease do the following: \n\n1.) Please click on your region's / cost center's tab in the attached spreadsheet and enter the appropriate percentages \n of time that you and your employees spend on each of the tasks listed in the spreadsheet. \n\n2.) Please verify that the Charge Allocations listed in the spreadsheet are correct and that the correct percentages are allocated to each of the trading desks. \n\n3.) Please note that the percentages currently in the spreadsheet are from last month (with the exception of groups in EES). Please change any of these numbers as is appropriate to reflect September's activities. \n\n4.) Please make any other changes that may be needed regarding employees, titles, etc. \n\n\nPlease note that the spreadsheet is located on O:/logistics/management/time allocation/OPM September Totals \n\n\nThank you so much for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please let me know. \n\nThanks, \nElizabeth \n\nElizabeth Webb \n713-345-1694 \nEB 3277B\n \n << File: OPM September Totals.xls >> \n\n\n", "RE: OPM - September 2001", "", [["send_attach file", 3, "nninformation", ["send", "file"], "request", "elizabeth, can you re-send the file with the attachement?"]], "Elizabeth, \n\nCan you re-send the file with the attachement? I accidentally deleted the first message and I don't have access to the file online.\n\nD\n\n ", "<13789734.1075852213533.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-5-2001-11:5:19Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"9-5-2001-11:5:19Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-5-2001-11:5:19", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "", "Message-ID: <31277011.1075845124622.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 May 2001 11:05:19 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: buylow@houston.rr.com\nSubject: RE: HEY\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: '\"buylow\" @ENRON' \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nHey, man!\n\nWell, let me tell you what's' going on. Every evening and every weekend fo=\nr the last month and a half, I have been painting and working on the house.=\n The previous owners of the house had the worst color scheme going (pink i=\nn one room and a portion of the entry way, lime sherbet green in the other =\nportion of the entry way). There is a lot of trim, 4 doors, and a 20 ft ce=\niling in the living room and entry way. So it is taking quite a while to c=\nomplete. One reason it is taking so long is other things keep breaking (di=\nsposal, toilet flanges, alarm system). In the middle of trying to finish p=\nainting, we ripped out the floors in the bathrooms and entry and laid tile =\n(I got the floors ready, we paid to have the tile laid.). Tonya wants ever=\nything done now. It doesn't bother her that I haven't finished a single pr=\noject since we started the whole renovation thing. But, IT'S KILLING ME! =\nI would like just one finished product. One small room would be fine. The=\n house is looking a lot better, though.\n\nI'm trying to not let the work take time away from the kids, so I usually s=\ntart after 8pm each night. Plus, when I do work while the kids are running=\n around I pay a high price. Last week I was painting the baseboards in the=\n dining room, with the gallon of white semi-gloss next to me on the floor. =\n I had earlier used Windex to clean the window seal and had left the bottle=\n in the middle of the floor. Jake was coming into the room, watching and c=\nlimbing up and down the step ladder (6 ft; he climbs to the very top like =\nit's nothing. Other people come in and see him up there and freak out. We=\n just let him go.). He is big into cleaning (guts it from his mom), so whe=\nn he saw the Windex he ran and picked it up. I told him to \"take it to Mam=\na\". He started out the doorway, but came back in and walked behind me. I =\njust kept working, thinking that he was watching me. Then I noticed out of=\n the corner of my eye that he had moved closer to me. When I turned to loo=\nk, I just lost my breath. Jake had dipped the Windex bottle down into the =\npaint can, pulled it out and was holding the bottle over our brown carpet. =\n White paint was just pouring off the bottle. It looked like someone had p=\noured paint straight out of the can onto the floor. Thank goodness it was =\nlatex, after about 45 minutes we got it cleaned up. Cole has helped me wit=\nh some of the work, such as sanding the walls. But, he carried his work a =\nlittle farther than I wanted. Yesterday, he had a friend over. They got h=\nis tools (play sander/grinder, circular saw, screw drivers), climbed up on =\nhis bunk bed, and decided they needed to take the texture off the ceiling. =\n You should have seen the mess.\n\nI am taking a break this weekend though. Cole and I are going camping at L=\nake Livingston. I am really looking forward to it. I'm trying to start so=\nmething with him (and will include Jake when he gets a little bigger) wher=\ne we do a guy thing each month. Last month I took Cole to his first Rocket=\ns game. He loved it. They are getting too big, too fast.\n\nAt work, I guess I'm becoming a full fledge trader. I will be getting my o=\nwn book in a couple of days. I'm pretty nervous about that. There's not a=\n lot of activity in the training/coaching area around here (hard to believe=\n, huh?). But, we'll see how it goes. The last of the HPL/AEP people are m=\noving out of the building tonight. Everything is on course to close the sa=\nle on June 1st.\n\nAnyway, I hope you and Linda are doing well. We'd like to have you over if=\n we ever get the house in presentable shape.\n\nD\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09\"buylow\" @ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22buylo=\nw+22+20+3Cbuylow+40houston+2Err+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]=20\nSent:=09Wednesday, May 09, 2001 8:34 AM\nTo:=09Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject:=09HEY\n\n\nHi,\nWhat the heck is going on with you these days? Let's see, job, family, hou=\nse all settled ---- I just can't understand why you don't have time to dro=\np social e-mails to friends. (chuckle)\n=20\nKen", "RE: HEY", "", [["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 103, "information", ["left", "middle"], "information", " i had earlier used windex to clean the window seal and had left the bottle in the middle of the floor."]], "Hey, man!\n\nWell, let me tell you what's' going on. Every evening and every weekend for the last month and a half, I have been painting and working on the house. The previous owners of the house had the worst color scheme going (pink in one room and a portion of the entry way, lime sherbet green in the other portion of the entry way). There is a lot of trim, 4 doors, and a 20 ft ceiling in the living room and entry way. So it is taking quite a while to complete. One reason it is taking so long is other things keep breaking (disposal, toilet flanges, alarm system). In the middle of trying to finish painting, we ripped out the floors in the bathrooms and entry and laid tile (I got the floors ready, we paid to have the tile laid.). Tonya wants everything done now. It doesn't bother her that I haven't finished a single project since we started the whole renovation thing. But, IT'S KILLING ME! I would like just one finished product. One small room would be fine. The house is looking a lot better, though.\n\nI'm trying to not let the work take time away from the kids, so I usually start after 8pm each night. Plus, when I do work while the kids are running around I pay a high price. Last week I was painting the baseboards in the dining room, with the gallon of white semi-gloss next to me on the floor. I had earlier used Windex to clean the window seal and had left the bottle in the middle of the floor. Jake was coming into the room, watching and climbing up and down the step ladder (6 ft; he climbs to the very top like it's nothing. Other people come in and see him up there and freak out. We just let him go.). He is big into cleaning (guts it from his mom), so when he saw the Windex he ran and picked it up. I told him to \"take it to Mama\". He started out the doorway, but came back in and walked behind me. I just kept working, thinking that he was watching me. Then I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he had moved closer to me. When I turned to look, I just lost my breath. Jake had dipped the Windex bottle down into the paint can, pulled it out and was holding the bottle over our brown carpet. White paint was just pouring off the bottle. It looked like someone had poured paint straight out of the can onto the floor. Thank goodness it was latex, after about 45 minutes we got it cleaned up. Cole has helped me with some of the work, such as sanding the walls. But, he carried his work a little farther than I wanted. Yesterday, he had a friend over. They got his tools (play sander/grinder, circular saw, screw drivers), climbed up on his bunk bed, and decided they needed to take the texture off the ceiling. You should have seen the mess.\n\nI am taking a break this weekend though. Cole and I are going camping at Lake Livingston. I am really looking forward to it. I'm trying to start something with him (and will include Jake when he gets a little bigger) where we do a guy thing each month. Last month I took Cole to his first Rockets game. He loved it. They are getting too big, too fast.\n\nAt work, I guess I'm becoming a full fledge trader. I will be getting my own book in a couple of days. I'm pretty nervous about that. There's not a lot of activity in the training/coaching area around here (hard to believe, huh?). But, we'll see how it goes. The last of the HPL/AEP people are moving out of the building tonight. Everything is on course to close the sale on June 1st.\n\nAnyway, I hope you and Linda are doing well. We'd like to have you over if we ever get the house in presentable shape.\n\nD\n ", "<31277011.1075845124622.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-4-2001-9:51:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-4-2001-9:51:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2001-9:51:32", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29245831.1075845123840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 09:51:32 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: RE: GLO/EGM Gas/Crude Swap\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Meyers, Julie \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nthe deal with TGLO should be handled the same way in March.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMeyers, Julie \nSent:\tTuesday, April 17, 2001 10:20 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tRe: GLO/EGM Gas/Crude Swap\n\n\nWhat do you think?\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 04/17/2001 10:16 AM ---------------------------\n\n \nJoanie H Ngo\n04/16/2001 10:07 AM\nTo:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tKatherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject:\tRe: GLO/EGM Gas/Crude Swap\n\nJulie,\n\nDeal 640685 for March 01 production: per Daren Farmer (in the Audit field in Sitara), this was copied from deal #547201. This deal is the Crude Swap where volume stayed but price got zeroed out and booked as a demand charge under 679847 and 679848.\n\nPlease confirm that it is the Crude Swap and rebook as necessary.\n\nIf you have any questions or need additional clarification, please let me or Katherine H. know.\n\nThanks in advance for your help on this matter.\n\nJoanie\nx36574\n---------------------- Forwarded by Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 09:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n \nJulie Meyers\n03/19/2001 05:33 PM\nTo:\tKatherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tJoanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donnie Myers/NA/Enron@ENRON, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth L Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tRe: GLO/EGM Gas/Crude Swap << OLE Object: StdOleLink >> \n\n\n547201 & 591307 has been zeroed out. 679847 & 679848 have been created between ENA & HPLC. 679859 has been created for the sale to EGM from ENA Wellhead. I have placed both January and February on that deal.\n\nIf this will not work, please let me know.\n\nThanks!!\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n \nKatherine Herrera@ENRON\n03/06/2001 03:36 PM\nTo:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tGLO/EGM Gas/Crude Swap\n\nFYI-\n\nWill the price be reversed on HPLC sale for Jan01 and Feb 01 prod?\nThanks- katherine\n---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron on 03/06/2001 03:24 PM ---------------------------\n \n \tEnron North America Corp. From: Bryce Baxter @ ECT 03/05/2001 06:33 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tGeorge Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tDonnie Myers/NA/Enron@ENRON, Katherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject:\tGLO/EGM Gas/Crude Swap\n\nGeorge - I've done some T-accounts (the bean counter in me) and I think the following is the best way to handle this going forward:\n\t\nChange the existing deals, 547201 and 591307, to a zero price. This will eliminate the A/R balance on HPL's books for GLO, but will keep the volume nom'd to GLO and will not impact UA4.\nEnter a ticket on HPL for a sale to ENA for the value of the gas that was zeroed out on the above tickets. This should be entered as a demand charge only and the amounts should be $974,144 for 1/01 and $766,304 for 2/01.\nEnter a ticket on ENA where the ENA-Wellhead Book purchases the demand from HPL. The amounts would be the same as in #2 above.\nEnter a ticket on ENA where the ENA-Wellhead Book sells demand to EGM for the value of the crude oil for the prior month. For 1/01, the sale would be for $886,638.60 (the 12/00 Crude Oil delivered to EGM by GLO). For 2/01, the sale would be for $839,008.29 (the 1/01 Crude Oil delivered to EGM by GLO).\n\nThis will require the following steps be taken monthly as this deal goes forward:\nThe price on the sale from HPL to GLO will need to be zeroed out monthly.\nThe demand charges on steps 2 and 3 will have to be updated to reflect the value zeroed out.\nThe demand charges on step 4 will have to be updated to reflect the value of the crude delivered to EGM.\n\nOnce this is done, the A/R balance for GLO will be cleared, the margin will be on the ENA Wellhead book, and the intercompany transactions will move the money from EGM to HPL. This needs to be done monthly prior to flash, which will prevent any OA variances. The index for the gas value is available shortly after the 1st of the month, and since the volume is firm, there shouldn't be a problem calculating the value. We should also know the value of the crude oil so that we can flash the sale from ENA to EGM. If you have any questions or see a better way to do this, please let me know. Thanks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: GLO/EGM Gas/Crude Swap", "", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 4, "nninformation", ["handled", "deal"], "intention", "the deal with tglo should be handled the same way in march."]], "the deal with TGLO should be handled the same way in March.\n\nD\n\n ", "<29245831.1075845123840.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution swap_tradeTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-12-2001-12:9:25Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-12-2001-12:9:25Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-12-2001-12:9:25", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.superty@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26416069.1075859102519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 12:09:25 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.superty@enron.com\nSubject: December 2001\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Superty, Robert \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jan2002\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nBob, \n\nWe have the following net-outs in place at the Exxon Katy Plant:\n\nTexas Energy Transfer \n\tBuy\t10 @ HSC-.0575\n\tBuy\t2 @ 2.60\n\tBuy \t2 @ 3.40\n\tBuy \t2 @ 2.465\n\tSale\t15 @ Katy GD-.0175\n\tSale\t1 @ 2.79\n\n\nAs for contracts we will need as a new company:\n\nIT transport (intrastate and interstate) on the following pipes:\n\n\tTXU Lone Star\n\tOasis\n\tEPGT (PGE Valero)\n\tHPL\n\tMidcon\n\tWestar\n\tChannel\n\tEast Texas Gas Systems (ETXG)\n\tDuke Guadalupe\n\nPark and Lend contract on EPGT.\n\nHub (or wheeling) contracts on EPGT and ETXG.\n\t\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "December 2001", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 8, "nninformation", ["buy", "plant"], "intention", "bob, we have the following net-outs in place at the exxon katy plant: texas energy transfer buy numeric @ hsc- numeric buy numeric @ numeric numeric buy numeric @ numeric numeric buy numeric @ numeric numeric sale numeric @ katy gd- numeric sale numeric @ numeric numeric as for contracts we will need as a new company: it transport (intrastate and interstate) on the following pipes: txu orgname oasis epgt (pge valero) hpl midcon westar channel east texas gas systems (etxg) duke guadalupe park and lend contract on epgt."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 19, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "intention", "bob, we have the following net-outs in place at the exxon katy plant: texas energy transfer buy numeric @ hsc- numeric buy numeric @ numeric numeric buy numeric @ numeric numeric buy numeric @ numeric numeric sale numeric @ katy gd- numeric sale numeric @ numeric numeric as for contracts we will need as a new company: it transport (intrastate and interstate) on the following pipes: txu orgname oasis epgt (pge valero) hpl midcon westar channel east texas gas systems (etxg) duke guadalupe park and lend contract on epgt."]], "Bob, \n\nWe have the following net-outs in place at the Exxon Katy Plant:\n\nTexas Energy Transfer \n\tBuy\t10 @ HSC-.0575\n\tBuy\t2 @ 2.60\n\tBuy \t2 @ 3.40\n\tBuy \t2 @ 2.465\n\tSale\t15 @ Katy GD-.0175\n\tSale\t1 @ 2.79\n\n\nAs for contracts we will need as a new company:\n\nIT transport (intrastate and interstate) on the following pipes:\n\n\tTXU Lone Star\n\tOasis\n\tEPGT (PGE Valero)\n\tHPL\n\tMidcon\n\tWestar\n\tChannel\n\tEast Texas Gas Systems (ETXG)\n\tDuke Guadalupe\n\nPark and Lend contract on EPGT.\n\nHub (or wheeling) contracts on EPGT and ETXG.\n\t\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "<26416069.1075859102519.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"channel gasTnn": {"value": "channel gasTnn", "ne": "channel gasTnn", "patterns": ["channel gasTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "79", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution txuTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution txuTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "465", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "0175", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "plant transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "plant transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "plant transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["plant transfer_transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-10-2001-11:55:5Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-10-2001-11:55:5Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-10-2001-11:55:5", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "elizabeth.webb@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1482768.1075852212964.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 11:55:05 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.webb@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Logistics PowerPoint presentation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Webb, Elizabeth \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nElizabeth, \n\nTexas and Wellhead were grouped under George. I adjusted Texas, but not Wellhead. I also added the market hubs that we trade, under the pipeline section. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWebb, Elizabeth \nSent:\tThursday, October 11, 2001 9:01 AM\nTo:\tLamadrid, Victor; Kinsey, Lisa; Sullivan, Patti; Jaquet, Tammy; Greif, Donna; Smith, George F.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Farmer, Daren J.; Calcagno, Suzanne; Williams, Jason (Trading)\nCc:\tSuperty, Robert; Newton, Lisbet; Garcia, Clarissa; Schrab, Mark L.\nSubject:\tRE: Logistics PowerPoint presentation \n\nHi All,\n\nThis is just a friendly reminder that I need the information for the Gas Logistics PowerPoint presentation by tomorrow, Friday, October 12th. \n\nThanks for your time and assistance. Please call me with any questions. \n\nThanks, \nElizabeth \nx51694 \n << File: Gas Logistics PowerPoint1.ppt >> Presentation is located at O:/Logistics/Management/Presentations/Gas Logistics PowerPoint1.ppt \n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tWebb, Elizabeth \nSent:\tThursday, October 04, 2001 2:56 PM\nTo:\tLamadrid, Victor; Kinsey, Lisa; Sullivan, Patti; Jaquet, Tammy; Greif, Donna; Smith, George F.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Farmer, Daren J.; Calcagno, Suzanne; Williams, Jason (Trading)\nCc:\tSuperty, Robert; Newton, Lisbet; Garcia, Clarissa; Schrab, Mark L.\nSubject:\tLogistics PowerPoint presentation \n\nHi All, \n\nPer the discussion at today's staff meeting, I would like you all to review the attached presentation and put in general information for your particular desk/cost center in the respective slides. I have one slide for each desk/cost center called \" Desk/Cost Center X Information\" and another called \"Asset Management Deals\" if this is applicable to you. \n\nPlease return the attached presentation with your additions and/or changes to me by Friday, October 12th. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. \n\nAlso, please feel free to utilize me as a resource for any PowerPoint presentations, data gathering that you may need done. \n\nThanks, \nElizabeth \n\nPresentation is located on O:/logistics/management/Gas Logistics PowerPoint1 \n\n << File: Gas Logistics PowerPoint1.ppt >> \nElizabeth Webb \nelizabeth.webb@enron.com\n713-345-1694", "RE: Logistics PowerPoint presentation", "", [["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 11, "information", ["market", "trade"], "information", " i also added the market hubs that we trade, under the pipeline section."]], "Elizabeth, \n\nTexas and Wellhead were grouped under George. I adjusted Texas, but not Wellhead. I also added the market hubs that we trade, under the pipeline section. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n \n\n ", "<1482768.1075852212964.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"hub pipelineTnn": {"value": "hub pipelineTnn", "ne": "hub pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["hub pipelineTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-12-2001-6:37:34Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-12-2001-6:37:34Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-12-2001-6:37:34", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "t..hodge@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20216008.1075840438871.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 06:37:34 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: t..hodge@enron.com\nSubject: Cleburne Plant - Tenaska IV\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Hodge, Jeffrey T. \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nJeff, \n\nI left a voice mail message for you yesterday about our role as agents for the Tenaska IV's Cleburne plant. I wanted to make sure that you got the message. Please give me a call when you get a chance (3-6905).\n\nD", "Cleburne Plant - Tenaska IV", "", [["leave voice", 2, "information", ["left", "voice"], "information", "jeff, i left a voice mail message for you yesterday about our role as agents for the orgname s cleburne plant."]], "Jeff, \n\nI left a voice mail message for you yesterday about our role as agents for the Tenaska IV's Cleburne plant. I wanted to make sure that you got the message. Please give me a call when you get a chance (3-6905).\n\nD", "<20216008.1075840438871.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "31-12-2001-7:21:49Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"31-12-2001-7:21:49Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-12-2001-7:21:49", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "", "Message-ID: <5029090.1075840438773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 07:21:49 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: buylow@houston.rr.com\nSubject: RE: Hello out there\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: '\"buylow\" @ENRON'\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nHey Ken. Well, I'm still here for now. It's hard to leave. We have all t=\naken quite a bit of time off (out all last week and a couple of days the we=\nek before that.) I'll only be here a couple of hours today. But we had a =\ngreat Christmas. The kids have been so excited. I made the mistake of get=\nting a couple of microphones/sirens for their tricycles. You can hear them=\n all through our neighborhood. The neighbors have already asked my what I =\nwas thinking. Cole wanted 3 things (a play airport, a pirate ship, and Buz=\nz Lightyear). He got them all. With each present, he kept getting louder =\nand more excited. Jake was primarily interested in in opening presents, he=\n didn't care what was in them. That kid gets more out of ripping things up=\n and tearing things down than any kid I have ever seen. In fact, the other=\n day, Cole and I were stacking his big leggo blocks as high as we could go.=\n Cole likes to make things and he likes them neat and orderly. So, he was=\n working hard at making this tower stand up and work (it ended up being abo=\nut eight feet tall). Well Jake was chomping at the bit to run through it. =\n After holding him off for a few minutes, I let him go. You should have se=\nen his eyes light up. You would have thought it was the biggest event of t=\nhe year. He tore through it, smiling all the way, saying \"again, again.\" =\nIt has been so fun spending extra time with the kids. My mom and sister ca=\nme in the weekend before Christmas. Tonya's parents and sister came in Fri=\nday. With the couple of days between their visits, I remodeled our downsta=\nirs bathroom (strip wallpaper, paint, hung a border, hung crown molding). =\nThat was my first try with crown molding. It turned out ok. Thank the Lord=\n for wood putty. So, we've been pretty busy. But, it's been fun.\n\nHow was your Christmas? Was Santa Claus good to you? I guess your kids we=\nre in. I hope you had a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to Corn Boys =\nbowl game. Anyway, I need to go make a call on a tee time. Tonya's dad an=\nd I decided that we would pay good money to get mad and lose a bunch of bal=\nls and break a few clubs, while out in the cold. It doesn't make much sens=\ne, does it? But then again, most things that men do don't make much sense.\n\nLater,=20\n\nDaren\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: =09\"buylow\" @ENRON =20\nSent:=09Thursday, December 27, 2001 1:17 AM\nTo:=09Farmer, Daren J.\nSubject:=09Hello out there\n\n\nAre you still there????\n=20\nDid you and yours have a good Christmas?\n=20\nKen", "RE: Hello out there", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 69, "nninformation", ["holding", "him"], "intention", " after holding him off for a few minutes, i let him go."]], "Hey Ken. Well, I'm still here for now. It's hard to leave. We have all taken quite a bit of time off (out all last week and a couple of days the week before that.) I'll only be here a couple of hours today. But we had a great Christmas. The kids have been so excited. I made the mistake of getting a couple of microphones/sirens for their tricycles. You can hear them all through our neighborhood. The neighbors have already asked my what I was thinking. Cole wanted 3 things (a play airport, a pirate ship, and Buzz Lightyear). He got them all. With each present, he kept getting louder and more excited. Jake was primarily interested in in opening presents, he didn't care what was in them. That kid gets more out of ripping things up and tearing things down than any kid I have ever seen. In fact, the other day, Cole and I were stacking his big leggo blocks as high as we could go. Cole likes to make things and he likes them neat and orderly. So, he was working hard at making this tower stand up and work (it ended up being about eight feet tall). Well Jake was chomping at the bit to run through it. After holding him off for a few minutes, I let him go. You should have seen his eyes light up. You would have thought it was the biggest event of the year. He tore through it, smiling all the way, saying \"again, again.\" It has been so fun spending extra time with the kids. My mom and sister came in the weekend before Christmas. Tonya's parents and sister came in Friday. With the couple of days between their visits, I remodeled our downstairs bathroom (strip wallpaper, paint, hung a border, hung crown molding). That was my first try with crown molding. It turned out ok. Thank the Lord for wood putty. So, we've been pretty busy. But, it's been fun.\n\nHow was your Christmas? Was Santa Claus good to you? I guess your kids were in. I hope you had a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to Corn Boys bowl game. Anyway, I need to go make a call on a tee time. Tonya's dad and I decided that we would pay good money to get mad and lose a bunch of balls and break a few clubs, while out in the cold. It doesn't make much sense, does it? But then again, most things that men do don't make much sense.\n\nLater,=20\n\nDaren\n\n ", "<5029090.1075840438773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"boy cornTnn": {"value": "boy cornTnn", "ne": "boy cornTnn", "patterns": ["boy cornTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-4-2001-14:2:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-4-2001-14:2:32Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-4-2001-14:2:32", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.poorman@enron.com sean.maki@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22410731.1075845124022.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:02:32 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: mary.poorman@enron.com, sean.maki@enron.com\nSubject: RE: FW: King Ranch Balancing.xls\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Poorman, Mary , Maki, Sean \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nGo ahead and adjust the deals to bring us in balance. What is the daily flow for the Saxet well now?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPoorman, Mary \nSent:\tThursday, April 19, 2001 2:31 PM\nTo:\tMaki, Sean\nCc:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tRe: FW: King Ranch Balancing.xls\n\nIn looking at the MTD prod. vs. nom numbers, we have consistently been under nominated by about 2,000/day at Three Rivers and 2,000/day at the Saxet well. We are making our imbalance worse, cumulative. We need to update our forward position and our nomination by 4,000/day to stay in balance to entitlements.\n\nMary", "RE: FW: King Ranch Balancing.xls", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["adjust", "deals"], "intention", "go ahead and adjust the deals to bring us in balance."]], "Go ahead and adjust the deals to bring us in balance. What is the daily flow for the Saxet well now?\n\nD\n\n ", "<22410731.1075845124022.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-5-2001-8:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-5-2001-8:5:44Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-5-2001-8:5:44", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "charlene.richmond@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5228971.1075845124736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 May 2001 08:05:44 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: RE: price for Crosstex\nCc: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: charlene.richmond@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Meyers, Julie , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: Richmond, Charlene \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nI wish we could have purchased that gas at 4.18. But, the correct price is 5.18. I have corrected the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMeyers, Julie \nSent:\tThursday, May 10, 2001 9:27 AM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc:\tRichmond, Charlene\nSubject:\tprice for Crosstex\n\nWhat do you think?\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 09:26 AM ---------------------------\n\n \nCharlene Richmond\n05/09/2001 04:37 PM\nTo:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tprice for Crosstex\n\nJulie , CrossTex said that they were paid incorrectly on deal 681360 for the days of 3/24 thru 3/26/2001. \n\nWe paid them $4.18 and they said that their price should be $5.18.\n\n\n\n", "RE: price for Crosstex", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 2, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", "i wish we could have purchased that gas at numeric numeric ."]], "I wish we could have purchased that gas at 4.18. But, the correct price is 5.18. I have corrected the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n ", "<5228971.1075845124736.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-7-2001-14:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-7-2001-14:8:59Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-7-2001-14:8:59", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "dboerner1@txu.com", "bryan.hull@enron.com", "Message-ID: <33154345.1075840440252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:08:59 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: dboerner1@txu.com\nSubject: RFP dated June 25, 2001\nCc: bryan.hull@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: bryan.hull@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: 'dboerner1@txu.com'\nX-cc: Hull, Bryan \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Term Proposals\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDick, \n\nEnron would to extend an offer in response to your RFP dated June 25, 2001. Please see the attached document outlining the terms, volumes, and pricing.\n\nEnron is willing to provide you with the flexibility to exchange the floating price(s) for a fixed price, under appropriate contractual agreements.\n\nThank you for giving us the opportunity supply your gas needs. I look forward to discussing this offer with you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.\n\nDaren Farmer\nEnron North America\nPh: (713) 853-6905\nFax: (713) 646-2391\nE-mail: dfarmer@enron.com\n\n ", "RFP dated June 25, 2001", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 11, "information", ["attached", "terms"], "information", " please see the attached document outlining the terms, volumes, and pricing."]], "Dick, \n\nEnron would to extend an offer in response to your RFP dated June 25, 2001. Please see the attached document outlining the terms, volumes, and pricing.\n\nEnron is willing to provide you with the flexibility to exchange the floating price(s) for a fixed price, under appropriate contractual agreements.\n\nThank you for giving us the opportunity supply your gas needs. I look forward to discussing this offer with you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.\n\nDaren Farmer\nEnron North America\nPh: (713) 853-6905\nFax: (713) 646-2391\nE-mail: dfarmer@enron.com\n\n ", "<33154345.1075840440252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas supplyTnn"]}, "pricing volumeTnn": {"value": "pricing volumeTnn", "ne": "pricing volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pricing volumeTnn"]}, "term volumeTnn": {"value": "term volumeTnn", "ne": "term volumeTnn", "patterns": ["term volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-4-2001-12:52:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-4-2001-12:52:7Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-12:52:7", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "cynthia.hakemack@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <946690.1075845123699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 12:52:07 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: cynthia.hakemack@enron.com\nSubject: RE: HPL/Conoco - Teco Waha 03/23/01 Purchase\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Hakemack, Cynthia \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nCynthia,\n\n$4.87 is the correct price for this deal. Waha did not trade above 4.94 on 3/23. This is an EOL deal, so Conoco should be able to easily check their records to confirm this.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHakemack, Cynthia \nSent:\tThursday, April 12, 2001 2:24 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nSubject:\tHPL/Conoco - Teco Waha 03/23/01 Purchase\n\nDaren, Conoco invoiced HPL at $5.87 for 03/23 at PGEV/Waha and deal ticket 685350 shows $4.87. Can you confirm the price? Thanks.\n\n \n\n", "RE: HPL/Conoco - Teco Waha 03/23/01 Purchase", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["check", "deal"], "intention", " this is an orgname deal, so conoco should be able to easily check their records to confirm this."]], "Cynthia,\n\n$4.87 is the correct price for this deal. Waha did not trade above 4.94 on 3/23. This is an EOL deal, so Conoco should be able to easily check their records to confirm this.\n\nD\n\n ", "<946690.1075845123699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "$4 87", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "deal pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-5-2001-9:43:8Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"9-5-2001-9:43:8Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["9-5-2001-9:43:8", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com jennifer.pattison@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21938916.1075845124598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 May 2001 09:43:08 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Tenaska Marketing Ventures - 04/01 prod\nCc: robert.cotten@enron.com, jennifer.pattison@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.cotten@enron.com, jennifer.pattison@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Herrera, Katherine \nX-cc: Cotten, Robert , Pattison, Jennifer \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nThese flows are due to the timing of the meter change. So, I have adjusted Sitara to cover the 4th and 7th. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tHerrera, Katherine \nSent:\tTuesday, May 08, 2001 4:39 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nCc:\tCotten, Robert; Pattison, Jennifer\nSubject:\tTenaska Marketing Ventures - 04/01 prod\n\n\nSale\nDeal # 714540\n\nDaren-\nLooks like the meter statement is showing some gas was pulled on days April 04 & 07 that was not priced or pathed.\nPlease let me know what price Tenaska should be billed for these two days. \n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: Tenaska Marketing Ventures - 04/01 prod", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 2, "information", ["flows", "meter"], "information", "these flows are due to the timing of the meter change."]], "These flows are due to the timing of the meter change. So, I have adjusted Sitara to cover the 4th and 7th. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n ", "<21938916.1075845124598.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "change meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "change meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["change meter_mtrTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-10-2001-8:49:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"31-10-2001-8:49:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["31-10-2001-8:49:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "buddy.majorwitz@enron.com", "michael.olsen@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24403329.1075861272076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 08:49:12 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: buddy.majorwitz@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Need Deal For March 2000\nCc: michael.olsen@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: michael.olsen@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Majorwitz, Buddy \nX-cc: Olsen, Michael , Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nIsn't the deal pathed from Exxon King Ranch (Deal 210722) to Reliant?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMajorwitz, Buddy \nSent:\tTuesday, October 30, 2001 4:25 PM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tOlsen, Michael; Schumack, Sherlyn\nSubject:\tNeed Deal For March 2000\n\nDaren,\n\nSherlyn Schumack suggested that I contact you with this matter. I am working on some old HPL issues and have come across a deal that was initially set up, #208101, but this deal was subsequently killed (no reason found). This deal was copied from #205533 which was good through 2/29/00. Please set up a valid deal for March 2000 just like either one of these deals whereby HPL is buying gas from ENA on Tejas at the same points. This deal is needed because it leads to a valid sale to Reliant Energy. Please note that Reliant has been invoiced and settlement has already been made.\n\nIf I have not provided enough information or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. As I need to resolve this issue as soon as possible, your prompt attention to this matter would be most appreciated.\n\nBuddy\nX-31933", "RE: Need Deal For March 2000", "", [["pathe deal", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "pathed"], "request information", "isn't the deal pathed from exxon king ranch (deal numeric ) to reliant?"]], "Isn't the deal pathed from Exxon King Ranch (Deal 210722) to Reliant?\n\nD\n\n ", "<24403329.1075861272076.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "210722", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-12-2000-4:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-12-2000-4:22:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-12-2000-4:22:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "luis.aybar@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4101938.1075854208633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 04:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: luis.aybar@enron.com\nSubject: Base Gas Roll\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Luis Aybar\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLuis, \n\nPlease see the attachment. This file shows deals that still need adjustment \nstemming from the base gas program being kicked off for Dec. Please have \nthese corrected also. Thanks.\n\nThe \"arranged_quantity\" column contains the correct volume.\n\nDaren\n\n", "Base Gas Roll", "", [["show deal", 6, "information", ["deals", "shows"], "information", " this file shows deals that still need adjustment stemming from the base gas program being kicked off for dec."]], "Luis, \n\nPlease see the attachment. This file shows deals that still need adjustment \nstemming from the base gas program being kicked off for Dec. Please have \nthese corrected also. Thanks.\n\nThe \"arranged_quantity\" column contains the correct volume.\n\nDaren\n\n", "<4101938.1075854208633.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-9-2000-10:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-10:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-10:46:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29131894.1075854152088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:46:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: melissa.graves@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Expected Volumes for October\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Melissa Graves\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMelissa, \n\nIt would help us considerably if Vance would include the prices for new deals \nin the monthly nom. In order to manage our postion and schedule the gas, we \nneed to put the deals into Sitara. We will enter spot deals with the info \nVance gives us. When the deals are ticketed, the risk group will adjust \nSitara with the finalized terms. \n\nThanks for your help.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 09/28/2000 04:46 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P \nReinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Expected Volumes for October\n\nDaren, \n\nPer our phone conversation, please find the following information:\n\nCamden Resources Inc., Driscoll Ranch #1, meter 9858, price: HSC less $0.10\nNorth Central Oil Corporation, McMurrey-Talbert #2, meter 5228, price: HSC \nless $0.14\nKCS, Dickenson, meter 9797 - Susan Smith will be preparing a formal ticket \nfor the Buy and the Sell for the month of October. We will be watching the \ngas specs on this package, and if all goes well, we will book the rest of the \nterm at the end of October.\n\nOn a go forward basis, for gas that we provide in the monthly nomination that \nwe know is not ticketed, can Vance just include the price in the comments \nfield on each package to help you estimate for bid-week? Let us know if this \ninformation will be helpful in the future.\n\nThank you, \nMelissa\n\n", "Re: Expected Volumes for October", "", [["expect volume", 0, "information", ["expected", "volumes"], "information", " expected volumes for october."], ["schedule volume", 12, "nninformation", ["gas", "schedule"], "intention", " in order to manage our postion and schedule the gas, we need to put the deals into sitara."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 15, "nninformation", ["deals", "put"], "intention", " in order to manage our postion and schedule the gas, we need to put the deals into sitara."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 17, "nninformation", ["deals", "enter"], "intention", " we will enter spot deals with the info vance gives us."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 27, "nninformation", ["adjust", "ticketed"], "intention", " when the deals are ticketed, the risk group will adjust sitara with the finalized terms."]], "Melissa, \n\nIt would help us considerably if Vance would include the prices for new deals \nin the monthly nom. In order to manage our postion and schedule the gas, we \nneed to put the deals into Sitara. We will enter spot deals with the info \nVance gives us. When the deals are ticketed, the risk group will adjust \nSitara with the finalized terms. \n\nThanks for your help.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Melissa Graves 09/28/2000 04:46 PM\n\t\n\n", "<29131894.1075854152088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "deal infoTnn": {"value": "deal infoTnn", "ne": "deal infoTnn", "patterns": ["deal infoTnn"]}, "deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-1-2001-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-7:1:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-7:1:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com james.armstrong@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13298035.1075854204692.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 07:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com, james.armstrong@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker, Mark McCoy, James Armstrong\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have adjusted the pricing for the Apache and Williams deals for September \nforward as we disucussed in the meeting today. \n\nD", "Tenaska", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 0, "information", ["adjusted", "deals"], "information", "i have adjusted the pricing for the orgname and orgname deals for september forward as we disucussed in the meeting today."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 3, "nninformation", ["deals", "forward"], "request", "i have adjusted the pricing for the orgname and orgname deals for september forward as we disucussed in the meeting today."]], "I have adjusted the pricing for the Apache and Williams deals for September \nforward as we disucussed in the meeting today. \n\nD", "<13298035.1075854204692.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal pricingTnn": {"value": "deal pricingTnn", "ne": "deal pricingTnn", "patterns": ["deal pricingTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-4-2001-8:18:25Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"18-4-2001-8:18:25Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["18-4-2001-8:18:25", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17924942.1075845123930.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 08:18:25 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Wellheads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Cotten, Robert \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nBob, \n\nI have made a few adjustments to the wellhead file, with some comments. Please review the file and make the changes in Sitara today. Let me know if you have any questions or if something changes. Thanks.\n\nD\n\nP.S. How do you like the shading?\n\n ", "Wellheads", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["adjustments", "made"], "information", "bob, i have made a few adjustments to the wellhead file, with some comments."], ["make change", 9, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "request", " please review the file and make the changes in sitara today."]], "Bob, \n\nI have made a few adjustments to the wellhead file, with some comments. Please review the file and make the changes in Sitara today. Let me know if you have any questions or if something changes. Thanks.\n\nD\n\nP.S. How do you like the shading?\n\n ", "<17924942.1075845123930.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-1-2002-8:6:2Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-1-2002-8:6:2Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2002-8:6:2", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.superty@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25484824.1075840438246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 08:06:02 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.superty@enron.com\nSubject: MIke Olsen\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Superty, Robert \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nBob,=20\n\nI would like to recommend a promotion for Mike Olsen. Mike has been instru=\nmental to the Texas Desk. With the sale of HPL, we were left with only one=\n scheduler with Texas experience. Mike took on the responsibility that two=\n people were carrying prior to the sale of the pipeline (Waha scheduling). =\n He trained our new hire, Jay Smith, and assisted in developing scheduling =\nprocesses at the Katy Hub. Prior to the sale of HPL, all of our activity a=\nt the Katy hub passed through the pipeline. Mike used his knowledge of the=\n Waha hub and helped develop a net out procedure that allowed us to effecti=\nvely schedule our transactions. Since June, Mike has handled the logistics=\n activities of the majority of Texas pipes (Westar, HPL, PGE, Channel, Oasi=\ns, Guadalupe). Mike most outstanding accomplishment is the over $30,000 he=\n saved us in hub transport fees from July to November. In July, I began tr=\nacking the amount of hub fees that we should have to pay in the Waha area (=\non EOL we transacted on the basis that the seller pays the transport fees t=\nhrough the hub). Mike used his knowledge of the pipes, his business relati=\nonships, and his negotiation skills to decrease the amount of gas that we s=\ncheduled under our contracts. In essence, I kept a sort of P&L for him. M=\nike has taken the desks responsibilities upon himself, as if this were his =\nbusiness. With the limited number of people on our desk, I needed to split=\n my time between Logistics and Trading. Truthfully, I spent the majority o=\nf my time with the trading. Mike handled the daily logistics responsibilit=\nies. He acted as lead, supervising and training Jay, our other team member=\n. Mike performed at a senior level since his first month with the desk. M=\nike came to the desk with experience on the pipeline side of the business, =\naccepting nominations and confirming the plants and interconnects. He came =\nto the Texas desk and exceeded all of my expectations. He has advanced quic=\nker than any of the schedulers I've seen. In fact, he has gone from very m=\ninimal marketing logistics knowledge to explaining transactions and process=\nes to other people in the industry with more experience than him. In short=\n, Mike has been the heart of the Texas Logistics team. His abilities and h=\nard work have reduced our transport fees, kept our headcount low (he has fu=\nlfilled the responsibilities of two people), and enabled the Texas Desk to =\nclose time sensitive deals and transact in increasingly complicated deals. =\n Mike is a superior employee. His knowledge, ability, and hard work are es=\nsential to the success of the Texas Desk. Please support him with a promot=\nion. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any information.=\n =20\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "MIke Olsen", "", [["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 13, "information", ["left", "sale"], "information", " with the sale of hpl, we were left with only one scheduler with texas experience."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 75, "nninformation", ["amount", "pay"], "intention", " in july, i began tracking the amount of hub fees that we should have to pay in the waha area (on orgname we transacted on the basis that the seller pays the transport fees through the hub)."], ["use_apply transport0contract{pipe}", 84, "information", ["pipes", "used"], "information", " mike used his knowledge of the pipes, his business relationships, and his negotiation skills to decrease the amount of gas that we scheduled under our contracts."], ["schedule volume", 94, "information", ["gas", "scheduled"], "information", " mike used his knowledge of the pipes, his business relationships, and his negotiation skills to decrease the amount of gas that we scheduled under our contracts."]], "Bob,=20\n\nI would like to recommend a promotion for Mike Olsen. Mike has been instrumental to the Texas Desk. With the sale of HPL, we were left with only one scheduler with Texas experience. Mike took on the responsibility that two people were carrying prior to the sale of the pipeline (Waha scheduling). He trained our new hire, Jay Smith, and assisted in developing scheduling processes at the Katy Hub. Prior to the sale of HPL, all of our activity at the Katy hub passed through the pipeline. Mike used his knowledge of the Waha hub and helped develop a net out procedure that allowed us to effectively schedule our transactions. Since June, Mike has handled the logistics activities of the majority of Texas pipes (Westar, HPL, PGE, Channel, Oasis, Guadalupe). Mike most outstanding accomplishment is the over $30,000 he saved us in hub transport fees from July to November. In July, I began tracking the amount of hub fees that we should have to pay in the Waha area (on EOL we transacted on the basis that the seller pays the transport fees through the hub). Mike used his knowledge of the pipes, his business relationships, and his negotiation skills to decrease the amount of gas that we scheduled under our contracts. In essence, I kept a sort of P&L for him. Mike has taken the desks responsibilities upon himself, as if this were his business. With the limited number of people on our desk, I needed to split my time between Logistics and Trading. Truthfully, I spent the majority of my time with the trading. Mike handled the daily logistics responsibilities. He acted as lead, supervising and training Jay, our other team member. Mike performed at a senior level since his first month with the desk. Mike came to the desk with experience on the pipeline side of the business, accepting nominations and confirming the plants and interconnects. He came to the Texas desk and exceeded all of my expectations. He has advanced quicker than any of the schedulers I've seen. In fact, he has gone from very minimal marketing logistics knowledge to explaining transactions and processes to other people in the industry with more experience than him. In short, Mike has been the heart of the Texas Logistics team. His abilities and hard work have reduced our transport fees, kept our headcount low (he has fulfilled the responsibilities of two people), and enabled the Texas Desk to close time sensitive deals and transact in increasingly complicated deals. Mike is a superior employee. His knowledge, ability, and hard work are essential to the success of the Texas Desk. Please support him with a promotion. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any information. =20\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "<25484824.1075840438246.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}, "hub pipelineTnn": {"value": "hub pipelineTnn", "ne": "hub pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["hub pipelineTnn"]}, "majority tradingTnn": {"value": "majority tradingTnn", "ne": "majority tradingTnn", "patterns": ["majority tradingTnn"]}, "people saleTnn": {"value": "people saleTnn", "ne": "people saleTnn", "patterns": ["people saleTnn"]}, "pipeline saleTnn": {"value": "pipeline saleTnn", "ne": "pipeline saleTnn", "patterns": ["pipeline saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2001-10:33:50Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"27-4-2001-10:33:50Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-10:33:50", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tess.ray@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28205934.1075845124228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 10:33:50 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: tess.ray@enron.com\nSubject: RE: FW: FW: March 2001 Invoice\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Ray, Tess \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nOk, We should be paying Dow based on the index price. But, it should be IF HSC - .07 instead of -.06. Sales volumes should be allocated to deal 639612.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRay, Tess \nSent:\tFriday, April 27, 2001 7:48 AM\nTo:\tEllenberger, Mary\nCc:\tFarmer, Daren J.; Meyers, Julie\nSubject:\tRE: FW: FW: March 2001 Invoice\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nThanks Mary!\nDaren, is the info that you need?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tEllenberger, Mary \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 4:45 PM\nTo:\tRay, Tess\nCc:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tRe: FW: FW: March 2001 Invoice\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nThe question is not that \"cut and dry\". However, for the month of March Enron paid Spinnaker @ IF HSC -$0.085. \nCurrently the volume is posted under deal ticket #144271 with is the deal tick for gas daily production.\nThis production should be moved to Deal ticket #144264 with is the IF.\n\n\nFrom:\tTess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/26/2001 03:48 PM\nTo:\tMary Ellenberger/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate \n\nSubject:\tFW: FW: March 2001 Invoice\n\nMary -\nDo you pay Spinnaker, for gas purchases? (See Daren's question below, re: 03/01 purchase price from Spinnaker (#144271 & 144264), Need to know if price is at IF or Gas Daily?\nThanks,\nTess\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRay, Tess \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 3:26 PM\nTo:\tRichmond, Charlene; Hakemack, Cynthia; Howard, Charles\nCc:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nSubject:\tFW: FW: March 2001 Invoice\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nCharlene/Cindy/Charles:\nCan either of you answer Darren's question to me below? My sales deal is under ENA.\nThanks,\nTess\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 3:20 PM\nTo:\tRay, Tess\nSubject:\tRE: FW: March 2001 Invoice\n\nTess, \n\nWe probably should be invoicing selling to Dow at IF. However, we should also have purchased the supply from Spinnaker (#144271 & 144264) at IF. Did Spinnaker bill us at Index or Gas Daily? What did we pay? Let me know this and we can proceed from there. Nelson Ferris did these deals. I will talk to him after I hear from you.\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tRay, Tess \nSent:\tThursday, April 26, 2001 9:43 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tMeyers, Julie\nSubject:\tFW: FW: March 2001 Invoice\nImportance:\tHigh\n\nDaren -\nDow Hydrocarbons and Resources, Inc., stated on 4/24/01, re: ENA deal # SA 639615, that their 03/01 price for ENA sales on CSGT @ B368-Brazos # 368 (i.e. cowtrap), is IF - $.06. We are invoicing them at HSC GDP DA. Need to know which price is correct and copy of confirmation. \n\nThanks,\nTess\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tMeyers, Julie \nSent:\tTuesday, April 24, 2001 10:53 AM\nTo:\tRay, Tess\nCc:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Bellamy, Liz\nSubject:\tRe: FW: March 2001 Invoice\n\n\nTess there is a deal out there for the blue dolphin S#745589. And there are three deal out there for CSGT #639612, #639615, #745589. The problem is that none of these deals have actuals. It looks as though they have not been nom'd.\n\nDaren are these deals real or what? Why have they not been nom'd? Could they be under another Dow company?\n\nTess, I'm leaving the office for a little bit today. But I'll be back this afternoon.\n\nJulie\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tTess Ray/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 08:11 AM\nTo:\tJulie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tFW: March 2001 Invoice\n\nJulie -\nPlease help! Per Dow Hydrocarbon's Accountant, Marilu Trochta's e-mail below, (with attachment), there are volume and price discrepancies with what ENA billed them and what she reflects in her system. ENA Invoice # 24636SA invoiced Dow Hydrocarbons and Resources, Inc, on CSGT @ B368-Brazos, per deal number SA639615, @ 685 per day (3/1/01 - 3/31/01) @ HSC GDP D.A. - $0.07/mmbtu. Vs. the 18,457 mmbtu @ $4.960 that Dow has and ENA did not invoice them for sales on Bluedolphin 250 and 249 vs. the 5,459 mmbtu @ $4.960 & 18,218 mmbtu @ $4.960 that Dow reflects. I realize that the volumes ENA billed on the Brazos are estimates or noms. Problem: I need to confirm the March 2001, sale @ Brazos (volume & price) in addition to the sale @ Blue Dolphin 250 & 249 (volume & price). Can you print the confirmations for me? Also, Sitara does not show me who the trader is for this deal, and by chance do you know who the scheduler(s) are?\nThanks,\nTess\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \t\"Trochta, Mary (ML)\" >@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Trochta+2C+20Mary+20+28ML+29+22+20+3CMLTrochta+40dow+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tMonday, April 23, 2001 5:52 PM\nTo:\tRay, Tess\nSubject:\tMarch 2001 Invoice\n\n - Book2.xls << File: Book2.xls >> \n\n\n\n\n", "RE: FW: FW: March 2001 Invoice", "", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["allocated", "deal", "639612"], "intention", " sales volumes should be allocated to deal numeric ."]], "Ok, We should be paying Dow based on the index price. But, it should be IF HSC - .07 instead of -.06. Sales volumes should be allocated to deal 639612.\n\nD\n\n ", "<28205934.1075845124228.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "639612", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numeric volumeTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "index priceTnn": {"value": "index priceTnn", "ne": "index priceTnn", "patterns": ["index priceTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "07", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["instead numericTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-11-2001-12:44:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"12-11-2001-12:44:47Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["12-11-2001-12:44:47", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <6563588.1075861272823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 12:44:47 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: HPL/LOBO Imbalance\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Wynne, Rita \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nRita, \n\nIn order to book the imbalance payback between HPL and Lobo, I have created deal 1166748 (ENA selling to AEP @ $2.45). I have changed the price on Deal 1109140 from $0.00 to $2.455. From what I understand, we received the gas at King Ranch, sold it to AEP so that they would move it through the header on their contract and bought it back at a half cent difference. Following that, we sold the gas to the central desk, who sold it to Oneok at the South Texas pool. With the changes I made and the entries you are able to do, hopefully this deal will be wrapped up. Let me know if you need me to do anything else.\n\nD", "HPL/LOBO Imbalance", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 7, "information", ["created", "deal"], "information", "rita, in order to book the imbalance payback between hpl and lobo, i have created deal phonenumber orgname selling to aep @ pricenumeric )."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 10, "information", ["deal", "selling"], "information", "rita, in order to book the imbalance payback between hpl and lobo, i have created deal phonenumber orgname selling to aep @ pricenumeric )."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 12, "information", ["changed", "deal", "price"], "information", " i have changed the price on deal phonenumber from pricenumeric to pricenumeric ."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 18, "nninformation", ["gas", "understand"], "intention", " from what i understand, we received the gas at king ranch, sold it to aep so that they would move it through the header on their contract and bought it back at a half cent difference."], ["receive_incur gas", 19, "information", ["gas", "received"], "information", " from what i understand, we received the gas at king ranch, sold it to aep so that they would move it through the header on their contract and bought it back at a half cent difference."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 23, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " from what i understand, we received the gas at king ranch, sold it to aep so that they would move it through the header on their contract and bought it back at a half cent difference."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 30, "information", ["gas", "sold"], "information", " following that, we sold the gas to the central desk, who sold it to orgname at the south texas pool."], ["make change", 37, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " with the changes i made and the entries you are able to do, hopefully this deal will be wrapped up."], ["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 41, "nninformation", ["deal", "wrapped"], "intention", " with the changes i made and the entries you are able to do, hopefully this deal will be wrapped up."]], "Rita, \n\nIn order to book the imbalance payback between HPL and Lobo, I have created deal 1166748 (ENA selling to AEP @ $2.45). I have changed the price on Deal 1109140 from $0.00 to $2.455. From what I understand, we received the gas at King Ranch, sold it to AEP so that they would move it through the header on their contract and bought it back at a half cent difference. Following that, we sold the gas to the central desk, who sold it to Oneok at the South Texas pool. With the changes I made and the entries you are able to do, hopefully this deal will be wrapped up. Let me know if you need me to do anything else.\n\nD", "<6563588.1075861272823.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "$0 00", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "deal pricenumericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "$2 45", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["deal pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-1-2002-6:1:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-1-2002-6:1:52Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2002-6:1:52", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "suzanne.calcagno@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1117677.1075840438300.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 06:01:52 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: suzanne.calcagno@enron.com\nSubject: contracts and credit\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Calcagno, Suzanne \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nSuzanne, \n\nAttached is an updated file on our pipeline contract situation. I haven't gotten much info from credit managers, but I wanted to pass along their names and numbers.\n\nD\n\n\n ", "contracts and credit", "", [["send_attach file", 3, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "suzanne, attached is an updated file on our pipeline contract situation."]], "Suzanne, \n\nAttached is an updated file on our pipeline contract situation. I haven't gotten much info from credit managers, but I wanted to pass along their names and numbers.\n\nD\n\n\n ", "<1117677.1075840438300.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract pipelineTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-4-2001-7:52:15Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-4-2001-7:52:15Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-7:52:15", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.gottlob@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8737434.1075845123631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 07:52:15 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: edward.gottlob@enron.com\nSubject: RE: EEX bid\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Gottlob, Edward \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nJill wants a quote on the supply. This can be given at the wellhead or at a liquid point (with EEX incurring the transport to get the gas to the liquid point.)\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tGottlob, Edward \nSent:\tWednesday, April 11, 2001 8:35 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.\nCc:\tAllen, Lauri\nSubject:\tRe: EEX bid\n\nDoes Jill want a transport quote on these wells or should I pass these wells for quoting to someone in supply?\n\n\nFrom:\tDaren J Farmer/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/10/2001 04:44 PM\nTo:\tEdward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tEEX bid\n\nEd and Lauri, \n\nJill Zivley is needing bids on various wells from EEX. I understand that anything that is captive to HPL will be going with the pipeline after the sale. So, you should probably quote the bids for any of this supply. I have listed the applicable wells and some limited info in the attached spreadsheet. Eric Boyt is working on the structuring of the deal. He may be contacting you. He would like to get the bids to Jill by Friday. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n << File: EEX_HPL.xls >> \n\n", "RE: EEX bid", "", [["receive_incur gas", 9, "nninformation", ["gas", "incurring"], "intention", " this can be given at the wellhead or at a liquid point (with eex incurring the transport to get the gas to the liquid point."]], "Jill wants a quote on the supply. This can be given at the wellhead or at a liquid point (with EEX incurring the transport to get the gas to the liquid point.)\n\nD\n\n ", "<8737434.1075845123631.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas pointTnn": {"value": "gas pointTnn", "ne": "gas pointTnn", "patterns": ["gas pointTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "point transport_transport0contractTnn": {"value": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "ne": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "patterns": ["point transport_transport0contractTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-4-2001-14:28:54Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-4-2001-14:28:54Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-14:28:54", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "eric.boyt@enron.com santiago.garcia@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30409463.1075845123586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 14:28:54 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: eric.boyt@enron.com, santiago.garcia@enron.com\nSubject: EEX Bid\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Boyt, Eric , Garcia, Santiago \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nPlease see the attached spreadsheet related to the EEX supply. Let me know if you have any questions. \n\nD\n\n\n\n ", "EEX Bid", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 2, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", "please see the attached spreadsheet related to the eex supply."]], "Please see the attached spreadsheet related to the EEX supply. Let me know if you have any questions. \n\nD\n\n\n\n ", "<30409463.1075845123586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-4-2001-14:44:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-4-2001-14:44:12Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-14:44:12", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.gottlob@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24307368.1075845123609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 14:44:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: j..farmer@enron.com\nTo: edward.gottlob@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nSubject: EEX bid\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Farmer, Daren J. \nX-To: Gottlob, Edward , Allen, Lauri \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nEd and Lauri, \n\nJill Zivley is needing bids on various wells from EEX. I understand that anything that is captive to HPL will be going with the pipeline after the sale. So, you should probably quote the bids for any of this supply. I have listed the applicable wells and some limited info in the attached spreadsheet. Eric Boyt is working on the structuring of the deal. He may be contacting you. He would like to get the bids to Jill by Friday. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n ", "EEX bid", "", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 5, "nninformation", ["sale", "understand"], "intention", " i understand that anything that is captive to hpl will be going with the pipeline after the sale."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 15, "information", ["attached", "info"], "information", " i have listed the applicable wells and some limited info in the attached spreadsheet."]], "Ed and Lauri, \n\nJill Zivley is needing bids on various wells from EEX. I understand that anything that is captive to HPL will be going with the pipeline after the sale. So, you should probably quote the bids for any of this supply. I have listed the applicable wells and some limited info in the attached spreadsheet. Eric Boyt is working on the structuring of the deal. He may be contacting you. He would like to get the bids to Jill by Friday. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n\n ", "<24307368.1075845123609.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"pipeline saleTnn": {"value": "pipeline saleTnn", "ne": "pipeline saleTnn", "patterns": ["pipeline saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-11-2000-8:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-11-2000-8:50:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-8:50:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "patrick.wade@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9290490.1075853973265.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 08:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: patrick.wade@enron.com\nSubject: September 2000 Supply\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Patrick Wade\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPatrick, \n\nThe attached file contains the base and spot purchases by zone on HPL for \nSeptember 2000. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n", "September 2000 Supply", "", [["send_attach file", 3, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "patrick, the attached file contains the base and spot purchases by zone on hpl for datenumeric numeric ."]], "Patrick, \n\nThe attached file contains the base and spot purchases by zone on HPL for \nSeptember 2000. Let me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n", "<9290490.1075853973265.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"purchase spot zoneTnnn": {"value": "purchase spot zoneTnnn", "ne": "purchase spot zoneTnnn", "patterns": ["purchase spot zoneTnnn"]}}, false]}, "24-5-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"24-5-2000-10:49:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["24-5-2000-10:49:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14450079.1075854009105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 May 2000 10:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Tufco on PGE 5/12/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Carlos J Rodriguez, Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCR and AL, \n\nWe bought 8000 from Richardson (#245410) at Teco - Lone Star Katy and sold it \nto Tufco at that point on 5/12/00. At 3am Tufco cut us on the sale, \nresulting in only 6,000 flowing to Tufco for the day. We need to find out \nwhat PGE did with the remaining 2,000 we bought from Richardson. Did they \ndeliverit to us at HPL? Or did they cut Richardson? Or, are they showing \nthat we have gas stranded at that point? Please look into this and let me \nknow.\n\nD", "Tufco on PGE 5/12/00", "", [["leave_result line_note{middle}{majority}{area_arena}", 11, "information", ["resulting", "sale"], "information", " at numerictime tufco cut us on the sale, resulting in only numeric flowing to tufco for the day."], ["show deal", 23, "nninformation", ["gas", "showing"], "request information", " or, are they showing that we have gas stranded at that point?"]], "CR and AL, \n\nWe bought 8000 from Richardson (#245410) at Teco - Lone Star Katy and sold it \nto Tufco at that point on 5/12/00. At 3am Tufco cut us on the sale, \nresulting in only 6,000 flowing to Tufco for the day. We need to find out \nwhat PGE did with the remaining 2,000 we bought from Richardson. Did they \ndeliverit to us at HPL? Or did they cut Richardson? Or, are they showing \nthat we have gas stranded at that point? Please look into this and let me \nknow.\n\nD", "<14450079.1075854009105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas pointTnn": {"value": "gas pointTnn", "ne": "gas pointTnn", "patterns": ["gas pointTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-1-2000-0:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-1-2000-0:42:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-1-2000-0:42:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30247950.1075854035553.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 00:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.vaughn@enron.com\nSubject: Meter 7268 Nov Allocation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Kimberly Vaughn\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nKim, \n\nDeal 93485 has meter 7268 attached to it. You can apply the flow to this \ndeal. You may need to renom from MOPS to POPS to get it through the systems.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2000 \n08:39 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nLauri A Allen\n12/14/99 12:17 PM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter 7268 Nov Allocation\n\nFYI.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT on 12/14/99 12:17 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tKimberly Vaughn\n\t12/10/99 02:54 PM\n\t\nTo: Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 7268 Nov Allocation\n\nLauri .. i have put this on strangas gas until I can get a contract from \ndaren.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT on 12/10/99 01:52 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nLauri A Allen\n12/09/99 01:20 PM\nTo: Kimberly Vaughn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter 7268 Nov Allocation\n\nKim/Anita-\n\nA volume of 7247mm shows to have been allocated to the Reliant 201 contract \nfor November. There was no nomination for Reliant at this point in November \nand, therefore, there should be no volume allocated to their contract. \nPlease make sure these volumes are moved off the Reliant contract prior to \nNovember close.\n\nThanks.\n\n\n\n\n", "Meter 7268 Nov Allocation", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 8, "information", ["attached", "deal"], "information", "kim, deal numeric has meter numeric attached to it."], ["use_apply deal{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["apply", "deal"], "intention", " you can apply the flow to this deal."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 10, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " you can apply the flow to this deal."]], "Kim, \n\nDeal 93485 has meter 7268 attached to it. You can apply the flow to this \ndeal. You may need to renom from MOPS to POPS to get it through the systems.\n\nD\n", "<30247950.1075854035553.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "93485", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "7268", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-4-2001-18:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-4-2001-18:48:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-4-2001-18:48:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "juliann.kemp@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2013939.1075840439753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 18:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: juliann.kemp@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Pathing question\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Juliann Kemp \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\'Sent Mail\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nYou need to path the change at mtr 8055. You should not path the buyback at mtr 1040 (Only deals 538950 and 702826 should be pathed with volume. All other deals at mtr 1040 should be pathed with zero volumes.)\n\nD\n\n\nFrom:\tJuliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/02/2001 01:32 PM\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tPathing question\n\nDaren,\nI have HPL Resources meter 988055 wasn't sure if I should path this for April 3rd's deal change.\nand I have Mobil Oil meter 981040 that I pathed on the first for 30,000 that change to 50,000 for the 3rd.\nI didn't path them since they are industrials and Aimee's notes told me to path Industrials -\nexcept for a few exceptions.\nThanks, Julie\nx58639\n\n\n", "Re: Pathing question", "", [["pathe deal", 14, "nninformation", ["deals", "pathed"], "intention", " you should not path the buyback at mtr numeric (only deals numeric and numeric should be pathed with volume."], ["pathe deal", 19, "nninformation", ["deals", "pathed"], "intention", " all other deals at mtr numeric should be pathed with zero volumes."]], "You need to path the change at mtr 8055. You should not path the buyback at mtr 1040 (Only deals 538950 and 702826 should be pathed with volume. All other deals at mtr 1040 should be pathed with zero volumes.)\n\nD\n\n\nFrom:\tJuliann Kemp/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/02/2001 01:32 PM\n", "<2013939.1075840439753.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "change meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "change meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "change meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["change meter_mtrTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "1040", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric zeroTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "1040", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "8055", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "702826", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-7-2000-5:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"27-7-2000-5:39:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["27-7-2000-5:39:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "nicole.vo@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3285473.1075854154262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 05:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: nicole.vo@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 6/00 Production for Lower Colorado River Authority, Sitara\n #283939\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Nicole Vo\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nNicole, \nThe correct price is 4.50. I changed the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Nicole Vo @ ENRON 07/27/2000 09:00 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 6/00 Production for Lower Colorado River Authority, Sitara #283939\n\nDaren,\n\nMary Gregg from LCRA said that Sitara #283939 should have been for \n$4.50/MMBtu. Currently in Deal Manager-Sitara, it is at $2.50 and that is \nthe price that I billed them at. Please verify the price and let me know \nwhat you find out.\n\nIf you have any question, please, call me.\n\nThank you in advance for your help.\n\nNicole\n3-9544\n\n", "Re: 6/00 Production for Lower Colorado River Authority, Sitara\n #283939", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 10, "information", ["changed", "deal", "ticket"], "information", " i changed the deal ticket."]], "Nicole, \nThe correct price is 4.50. I changed the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Nicole Vo @ ENRON 07/27/2000 09:00 AM\n\t\n\n", "<3285473.1075854154262.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-1-2000-23:28:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"6-1-2000-23:28:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["6-1-2000-23:28:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "stella.morris@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23831492.1075854173792.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 23:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: stella.morris@enron.com\nSubject: Re: UA4 for Meter 8608 - 6/98 - deal 96731\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Stella L Morris\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nStella, \n\nThe deal is in Sitara (#11121). However, that point has been inactivated. \nIn OSS, you can manually enter the contract you need to allocate the volumes.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 12/16/99 06:09 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: UA4 for Meter 8608 - 6/98 - deal 96731\n\nDaren - deal 96731 is not in CPR for 6/98 or OSS. Please enter deal for \nsale on contract 078-15631-102 for 17,462 MMBTU.\n\nThanks, Stella\n\n", "Re: UA4 for Meter 8608 - 6/98 - deal 96731", "", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 16, "nninformation", ["allocate", "contract", "volumes"], "intention", " in oss, you can manually enter the contract you need to allocate the volumes."]], "Stella, \n\nThe deal is in Sitara (#11121). However, that point has been inactivated. \nIn OSS, you can manually enter the contract you need to allocate the volumes.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stella L Morris 12/16/99 06:09 PM\n\t\n\n", "<23831492.1075854173792.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract volumeTnn": {"value": "contract volumeTnn", "ne": "contract volumeTnn", "patterns": ["contract volumeTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "8608", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "11121", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2001-8:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-1-2001-8:46:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-8:46:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "", "Message-ID: <11045373.1075854327200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 08:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: buylow@houston.rr.com\nSubject: Re: HPL\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: \"buylow\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHey, Ken.\n\nWell, I don't know what I'm going to do. We will have a Texas Desk, but I \ndon't really want to continue here. I may look into Brenda's group (Pulp, \nPaper, Lumber, Steel). I will most likely interview with AEP to see what \nthey have to offer, but it has to be very good in order for me to leave the \nEvil Empire. I am just glad they finally anounced the sale. Some folks are \nupset and concerned about the whole deal, but I'm glad it's happened.\n\nAnyway, I meant to let you know how our Christmas went with the boys. Cole \nloved everything. He had a great time and was sad to see Christmas come to \nan end. Jake is a little different. We spent $60 on a couple of things for \nhim. He hasn't touched them more than twice. He found his new favorite toy \nthe day after Christmas: it's one of those soft cooler things you carry your \nlunch in. He found that in the bottom of our pantry and now carries it \naround everywhere. Now we have these two big plastic things just taking up \nmore room in our already crowded house.\n\nWe started our house hunting last week. I think this is going to be a long \nprocess. Tonya's out looking today. I'm letting her make the first cut. I \nwill come in on the second round. We will probably put our house on the \nmarket in a couple of weeks. We have a few small things we want to clean up, \nfix, etc., before we list it. According to the other sales in the \nneighborhood, we should make a little money.\n\nI hope everything is going well with you and the family. \n\nLater.\n\nD", "Re: HPL", "", [["keep_continue desk", 4, "nninformation", ["continue", "desk"], "intention", " we will have a texas desk, but i don't really want to continue here."], ["put_assign contract", 72, "nninformation", ["market", "put"], "intention", " we will probably put our house on the market in a couple of weeks."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 83, "nninformation", ["make", "money"], "intention", " according to the other sales in the neighborhood, we should make a little money."]], "Hey, Ken.\n\nWell, I don't know what I'm going to do. We will have a Texas Desk, but I \ndon't really want to continue here. I may look into Brenda's group (Pulp, \nPaper, Lumber, Steel). I will most likely interview with AEP to see what \nthey have to offer, but it has to be very good in order for me to leave the \nEvil Empire. I am just glad they finally anounced the sale. Some folks are \nupset and concerned about the whole deal, but I'm glad it's happened.\n\nAnyway, I meant to let you know how our Christmas went with the boys. Cole \nloved everything. He had a great time and was sad to see Christmas come to \nan end. Jake is a little different. We spent $60 on a couple of things for \nhim. He hasn't touched them more than twice. He found his new favorite toy \nthe day after Christmas: it's one of those soft cooler things you carry your \nlunch in. He found that in the bottom of our pantry and now carries it \naround everywhere. Now we have these two big plastic things just taking up \nmore room in our already crowded house.\n\nWe started our house hunting last week. I think this is going to be a long \nprocess. Tonya's out looking today. I'm letting her make the first cut. I \nwill come in on the second round. We will probably put our house on the \nmarket in a couple of weeks. We have a few small things we want to clean up, \nfix, etc., before we list it. According to the other sales in the \nneighborhood, we should make a little money.\n\nI hope everything is going well with you and the family. \n\nLater.\n\nD", "<11045373.1075854327200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-12-2000-6:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-12-2000-6:14:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-6:14:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15420243.1075854337809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 06:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Global Octanes - Mtr 1528\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAimee, \n\nThe Global Octanes plant crashed last night. The undertakes (volume below \nthe base load sale) will not go to the buyback. This is considered a force \nmajeure. Do not allow any volumes to be allocated to the buyback until \nnotified by either Lee Papyoti or myself. Thanks.\n\nD", "Global Octanes - Mtr 1528", "", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 20, "nninformation", ["allocated", "buyback"], "intention", " do not allow any volumes to be allocated to the buyback until notified by either lee papyoti or myself."]], "Aimee, \n\nThe Global Octanes plant crashed last night. The undertakes (volume below \nthe base load sale) will not go to the buyback. This is considered a force \nmajeure. Do not allow any volumes to be allocated to the buyback until \nnotified by either Lee Papyoti or myself. Thanks.\n\nD", "<15420243.1075854337809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback saleTnn": {"value": "buyback saleTnn", "ne": "buyback saleTnn", "patterns": ["buyback saleTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "1528", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-5-2000-10:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"30-5-2000-10:13:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["30-5-2000-10:13:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31663151.1075854008213.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 30 May 2000 10:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Revised Nominations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLet's keep the current noms in the system for now. After a few days have \nflowed, we will look at all the wellhead volumes and adjust if needed.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 05/30/2000 03:55 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Revised Nominations\n\nDaren,\n\nWe have received revised nominations from Prize Energy Resources, L.P. for \nJune, 2000. The revisions are as follows:\n\nMeter # Original Volume Revised Volume\n\n5579 2,209 2,536\n6534 1,906 1,123\n6614 2,215 2,128\n\nDo you want me to enter the revised volumes? Please advise. Thanks.\n\nBob\n\n", "Re: Revised Nominations", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flowed", "volumes"], "information", " after a few days have flowed, we will look at all the wellhead volumes and adjust if needed."], ["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 10, "nninformation", ["adjust", "volumes"], "request", " after a few days have flowed, we will look at all the wellhead volumes and adjust if needed."]], "Let's keep the current noms in the system for now. After a few days have \nflowed, we will look at all the wellhead volumes and adjust if needed.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert Cotten 05/30/2000 03:55 PM\n\t\n\n", "<31663151.1075854008213.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "2-3-2000-8:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-3-2000-8:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-3-2000-8:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com ami.chokshi@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22336564.1075854023661.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 08:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Industrial changes\nCc: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young, Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Stacey Neuweiler, Ami Chokshi\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI made the following industrial changes for March 3rd:\n\nChevron decreased to 9500/day. This should remain for the rest of the month.\n\nLyon-Citgo increased to 34,000. This is an increase of 10,000 that will need \nto be rolled daily until further notice.\n\nShell Cogen increased by 5,000 to 45,000. This will need to be rolled daily \nuntil further notice.\n\nLet me know if you have any quesitons.\n\nD ", "Industrial changes", "", [["make change", 2, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", "i made the following industrial changes for datenumeric rd: chevron decreased to numeric /day."]], "I made the following industrial changes for March 3rd:\n\nChevron decreased to 9500/day. This should remain for the rest of the month.\n\nLyon-Citgo increased to 34,000. This is an increase of 10,000 that will need \nto be rolled daily until further notice.\n\nShell Cogen increased by 5,000 to 45,000. This will need to be rolled daily \nuntil further notice.\n\nLet me know if you have any quesitons.\n\nD ", "<22336564.1075854023661.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-3-2001-2:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"21-3-2001-2:11:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["21-3-2001-2:11:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "timothy.blanchard@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32256199.1075854296392.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 02:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: timothy.blanchard@enron.com\nSubject: Southwest Garment & Laundry\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Timothy Blanchard\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTim, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person.\n\nBill Bailey with Southwest Garment & Laundry in Irving Texas is looking for \nan offer for gas supplied to their business under an 18-36 month term. The \nlast year of volume flow is:\n\nDec'00 1023\nJan'01 972\nMar 951\nApr 936\nMay 821\nJun 831\nJul 743\nAug 577\nSep 540\nOct 581\nNov 727\nDec 797\nJan 1098\n\nBill is needing a price as quickly as possible. He is apparantly getting \npressure from accountants to quickly tie up this supply. His phone number is \n972-438-2730.\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "Southwest Garment & Laundry", "", [["forward deal{ticket}", 2, "nninformation", ["forward", "person"], "request", "tim, please forward this to the appropriate person."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 16, "information", ["flow", "00", "volume"], "information", " the last year of volume flow is: dec' numeric numeric jan' numeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric datenumeric numeric bill is needing a price as quickly as possible."]], "Tim, \n\nPlease forward this to the appropriate person.\n\nBill Bailey with Southwest Garment & Laundry in Irving Texas is looking for \nan offer for gas supplied to their business under an 18-36 month term. The \nlast year of volume flow is:\n\nDec'00 1023\nJan'01 972\nMar 951\nApr 936\nMay 821\nJun 831\nJul 743\nAug 577\nSep 540\nOct 581\nNov 727\nDec 797\nJan 1098\n\nBill is needing a price as quickly as possible. He is apparantly getting \npressure from accountants to quickly tie up this supply. His phone number is \n972-438-2730.\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "<32256199.1075854296392.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas_natural0gas supplyTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas supplyTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-2-2001-9:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"7-2-2001-9:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["7-2-2001-9:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com james.armstrong@enron.com", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8995249.1075854200101.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 09:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com, james.armstrong@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV\nCc: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Megan Parker, James Armstrong\nX-cc: Mark McCoy\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have created a spreadsheet to assist in the tracking and booking of the gas \nsupply related to Tenaska IV. If you have suggestions or comments on the \nfile, contact either me or Mark.\n\nMegan - You can copy the Jan 01 Est tab and update the volumes with actuals. \nThe file should calculate the resulting settlement with Tenaska. I will then \nupdate the demand fee on the deal ticket to true-up the month. Since we \nhaven't gone through actuals in the spreadsheet, we may have to do some \ntweaking with the formulas. Anyway, this should give us a good start and you \nwill be able to see where we closed the month in Logisitics.\n\nThe file is located in O/Logistics/Cleburne Plant/2001FuelMgmt.xls. If you \ndon't have access, we can look into creating a new location on the O drive. \nThe spreadsheet is attached for this month. This is definitely a work in \nprogress. So, if you have ideas to make it easier, or if you need something \nadded, let us know.\n\nD\n\n", "Tenaska IV", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 46, "information", ["attached", "spreadsheet"], "information", " the spreadsheet is attached for this month."]], "I have created a spreadsheet to assist in the tracking and booking of the gas \nsupply related to Tenaska IV. If you have suggestions or comments on the \nfile, contact either me or Mark.\n\nMegan - You can copy the Jan 01 Est tab and update the volumes with actuals. \nThe file should calculate the resulting settlement with Tenaska. I will then \nupdate the demand fee on the deal ticket to true-up the month. Since we \nhaven't gone through actuals in the spreadsheet, we may have to do some \ntweaking with the formulas. Anyway, this should give us a good start and you \nwill be able to see where we closed the month in Logisitics.\n\nThe file is located in O/Logistics/Cleburne Plant/2001FuelMgmt.xls. If you \ndon't have access, we can look into creating a new location on the O drive. \nThe spreadsheet is attached for this month. This is definitely a work in \nprogress. So, if you have ideas to make it easier, or if you need something \nadded, let us know.\n\nD\n\n", "<8995249.1075854200101.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "demand feeTnn": {"value": "demand feeTnn", "ne": "demand feeTnn", "patterns": ["demand feeTnn"]}, "demand ticketTnn": {"value": "demand ticketTnn", "ne": "demand ticketTnn", "patterns": ["demand ticketTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas supplyTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-4-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-4-2000-5:52:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-4-2000-5:52:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17574918.1075854014259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 05:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: ENA 202 and HPL 216 Transport Contracts Needed at Meter 378 for\n March 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nYes, you can create the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 04/17/2000 10:56 AM\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: ENA 202 and HPL 216 Transport Contracts Needed at Meter 378 for \nMarch 2000\n\nDaren - Would there be a problem if I created a desk to desk for meter 378 \nfor March 2000 going forward? It would help out with the allocation \nprocess. The kind of deal I need is the total opposite of deal # 115101. \nPlease let me know if there is a problem. Volume management would like this \ndone today. Thanls.\n\n- Aimee\n---------------------- Forwarded by Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT on 04/17/2000 10:51 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n04/17/2000 09:19 AM\nTo: Aimee Lannou/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: ENA 202 and HPL 216 Transport Contracts Needed at Meter 378 for \nMarch 2000\n\n\n\t\n\nAimee:\n\nThe ENA 012-27049-02-002 and HPL 012-41500-02-016 contract are not at Meter \n378 for March 2000. I need for you to put the correct deal number for both \ncontracts in Path Manager.\n\nWe need the ENA 202 contract as a delivery and the HPL 216 as a receipt. \nPlease get the deal in the System this morning and let me know what the deal \nnumbers are and I will set up the arraignments and let you know what the \nTrack ID's are.\n\nThanks,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n", "Re: ENA 202 and HPL 216 Transport Contracts Needed at Meter 378 for\n March 2000", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 8, "nninformation", ["create", "deal", "ticket"], "intention", "yes, you can create the deal ticket."]], "Yes, you can create the deal ticket.\n\nD\n\n\n Aimee Lannou 04/17/2000 10:56 AM\n\n", "<17574918.1075854014259.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "378", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-1-2000-5:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"26-1-2000-5:32:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["26-1-2000-5:32:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13008350.1075854160297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 05:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.vaughn@enron.com\nSubject: Re: meter 1424\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Kimberly Vaughn\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI rolled the deal for Jan and Feb.\n\nD", "Re: meter 1424", "", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 2, "information", ["deal", "rolled"], "information", "i rolled the deal for jan and feb."]], "I rolled the deal for Jan and Feb.\n\nD", "<13008350.1075854160297.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "1424", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-5-2000-5:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"19-5-2000-5:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["19-5-2000-5:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "nagesh.kavi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29088434.1075854010358.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 19 May 2000 05:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: nagesh.kavi@enron.com\nSubject: CPR Position Manager\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Nagesh Kavi\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nNagesh, \n\nPlease resort the pipeline order on the Texas/HPLC position screen in CPR. \nThe current sort makes it difficult for us to manage our trading position \neach day. The arrangement (from the top of the screen to the bottom) that \nwould most benefit us is listed below:\n\nHouston Pipe Line\nEast Texas Gas System\nNNGB\nOasis\nPG&E Valero\nAll remaining pipes listed in alphabetical order by pipe name.\n\n\nPlease look into this and let me know of any problems in making these changes.\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "CPR Position Manager", "", [["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 22, "nninformation", ["order", "remaining"], "intention", " the arrangement (from the top of the screen to the bottom) that would most benefit us is listed below: houston pipe line orgname gas system nngb oasis orgname valero all remaining pipes listed in alphabetical order by pipe name."], ["make change", 32, "nninformation", ["changes", "making"], "intention", " please look into this and let me know of any problems in making these changes."]], "Nagesh, \n\nPlease resort the pipeline order on the Texas/HPLC position screen in CPR. \nThe current sort makes it difficult for us to manage our trading position \neach day. The arrangement (from the top of the screen to the bottom) that \nwould most benefit us is listed below:\n\nHouston Pipe Line\nEast Texas Gas System\nNNGB\nOasis\nPG&E Valero\nAll remaining pipes listed in alphabetical order by pipe name.\n\n\nPlease look into this and let me know of any problems in making these changes.\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "<29088434.1075854010358.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn": {"value": "arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn", "ne": "arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn"]}, "gas pipe0line systemTnnn": {"value": "gas pipe0line systemTnnn", "ne": "gas pipe0line systemTnnn", "patterns": ["gas pipe0line systemTnnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn"]}, "line_pipe0line systemTnn": {"value": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "ne": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "patterns": ["line_pipe0line systemTnn"]}, "location_position pipelineTnn": {"value": "location_position pipelineTnn", "ne": "location_position pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["location_position pipelineTnn"]}, "position tradingTnn": {"value": "position tradingTnn", "ne": "position tradingTnn", "patterns": ["position tradingTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-3-2000-12:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-3-2000-12:45:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-3-2000-12:45:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com ami.chokshi@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23551181.1075854158630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 12:45:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: 3-rivers / King Ranch / HPLR Liquids\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, ami.chokshi@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mandy MacKinnon, Stella L Morris, Jackie Young\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Stacey Neuweiler, Ami Chokshi\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nIn February, 539,594 Mmbtu were allocated to the our index purchase from HPLR \nLiquids at King Ranch. This allocation resulted in a large physical \nunaccounted for loss. Effectively, the gas was being purchased twice in our \nsystems. In addition, a sale to the Liquids group, which should have been \nzero, was brokered with a purchase from Swift (2500 Mmbtu/day), resluting in \nadditional gas being allocated to the HPLR Liquids purchase contract. I have \nattached a schedule detailing the volumes that were double booked in \nFebruary. This schedule also reports the daily volumes for March which will \nneed to be adjusted. I have calculated (based on estimates) that we should \nhave only purchased about 88,000 from the Liquids group at King Ranch for \nFebruary. See the following:\n\nBooked to HPLR Liquids: 539,574 18,606/day\nPurch by HPLC @ WH: 379,108 13,073/day\nIncorrect Liquids Sale: 72,500 2,500/day\n Adjusted purch from Liquids: 87,986 3,034/day\n\n\nWe usually input a purchase of 2,500 Mmbtu/day from HPLR Liquids at the \ntailgate. We can increase this to 3,000/day for March.\n\nThe majority of gas in the 3-Rivers system is transported to the King Ranch \nplant through HGPL. Some of this gas is purchased at the wellhead by HPLC, \nsome of the gas is purchased at the wellhead by HPLR Liquids, and three \nproducers have the option to either sell their gas to HPLC at the wellhead or \nto process their gas and sell the residue to HPLC at the tailgate of the \nplant. It is very important to keep the meters and volumes allocated \ncorrectly among parties related to these transactions. The attached schedule \nshould assist in doing this. I have reported the meters at which HPLC buys \nwellhead gas. The movement of this gas through HGPL and King Ranch should be \nkept seperate from the gas purchased by the Liquids group. A transport usage \nticket can be used to show the transfer of HPLC's gas from King Ranch to HPL.\n\nLet's plan on discussing this either Friday or Monday afternoon. Let me know \nwhat works best for you.\n\nD\n\n", "3-rivers / King Ranch / HPLR Liquids", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 21, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " effectively, the gas was being purchased twice in our systems."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 35, "information", ["allocated", "contract"], "information", " in addition, a sale to the liquids group, which should have been zero, was brokered with a purchase from orgname ( numeric mmbtu/day), resluting in additional gas being allocated to the hplr liquids purchase contract."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 39, "information", ["attached", "schedule"], "information", " i have attached a schedule detailing the volumes that were double booked in february."], ["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 48, "nninformation", ["adjusted", "volumes"], "intention", " this schedule also reports the daily volumes for march which will need to be adjusted."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 93, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " some of this gas is purchased at the wellhead by orgname some of the gas is purchased at the wellhead by hplr liquids, and three producers have the option to either sell their gas to orgname at the wellhead or to process their gas and sell the residue to orgname at the tailgate of the plant."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 96, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " some of this gas is purchased at the wellhead by orgname some of the gas is purchased at the wellhead by hplr liquids, and three producers have the option to either sell their gas to orgname at the wellhead or to process their gas and sell the residue to orgname at the tailgate of the plant."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 101, "nninformation", ["gas", "sell"], "intention", " some of this gas is purchased at the wellhead by orgname some of the gas is purchased at the wellhead by hplr liquids, and three producers have the option to either sell their gas to orgname at the wellhead or to process their gas and sell the residue to orgname at the tailgate of the plant."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 106, "nninformation", ["gas", "plant", "sell"], "intention", " some of this gas is purchased at the wellhead by orgname some of the gas is purchased at the wellhead by hplr liquids, and three producers have the option to either sell their gas to orgname at the wellhead or to process their gas and sell the residue to orgname at the tailgate of the plant."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 113, "information", ["allocated", "meters"], "information", " it is very important to keep the meters and volumes allocated correctly among parties related to these transactions."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 122, "information", ["buys", "gas"], "information", " i have reported the meters at which orgname buys wellhead gas."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 132, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", " the movement of this gas through hgpl and king ranch should be kept seperate from the gas purchased by the liquids group."], ["show deal", 139, "nninformation", ["gas", "show"], "intention", " a transport usage ticket can be used to show the transfer of orgname s gas from king ranch to hpl."]], "In February, 539,594 Mmbtu were allocated to the our index purchase from HPLR \nLiquids at King Ranch. This allocation resulted in a large physical \nunaccounted for loss. Effectively, the gas was being purchased twice in our \nsystems. In addition, a sale to the Liquids group, which should have been \nzero, was brokered with a purchase from Swift (2500 Mmbtu/day), resluting in \nadditional gas being allocated to the HPLR Liquids purchase contract. I have \nattached a schedule detailing the volumes that were double booked in \nFebruary. This schedule also reports the daily volumes for March which will \nneed to be adjusted. I have calculated (based on estimates) that we should \nhave only purchased about 88,000 from the Liquids group at King Ranch for \nFebruary. See the following:\n\nBooked to HPLR Liquids: 539,574 18,606/day\nPurch by HPLC @ WH: 379,108 13,073/day\nIncorrect Liquids Sale: 72,500 2,500/day\n Adjusted purch from Liquids: 87,986 3,034/day\n\n\nWe usually input a purchase of 2,500 Mmbtu/day from HPLR Liquids at the \ntailgate. We can increase this to 3,000/day for March.\n\nThe majority of gas in the 3-Rivers system is transported to the King Ranch \nplant through HGPL. Some of this gas is purchased at the wellhead by HPLC, \nsome of the gas is purchased at the wellhead by HPLR Liquids, and three \nproducers have the option to either sell their gas to HPLC at the wellhead or \nto process their gas and sell the residue to HPLC at the tailgate of the \nplant. It is very important to keep the meters and volumes allocated \ncorrectly among parties related to these transactions. The attached schedule \nshould assist in doing this. I have reported the meters at which HPLC buys \nwellhead gas. The movement of this gas through HGPL and King Ranch should be \nkept seperate from the gas purchased by the Liquids group. A transport usage \nticket can be used to show the transfer of HPLC's gas from King Ranch to HPL.\n\nLet's plan on discussing this either Friday or Monday afternoon. Let me know \nwhat works best for you.\n\nD\n\n", "<23551181.1075854158630.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "numeric riverTnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "539,594", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "2500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "2,500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "74": {"value": "3,034", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric riverTnn"]}, "68": {"value": "72,500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "plant transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "plant transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "plant transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["plant transfer_transportTnn"]}, "ticket transportTnn": {"value": "ticket transportTnn", "ne": "ticket transportTnn", "patterns": ["ticket transportTnn"]}, "ticket usageTnn": {"value": "ticket usageTnn", "ne": "ticket usageTnn", "patterns": ["ticket usageTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-11-2000-5:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"15-11-2000-5:27:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-5:27:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com rebecca.griffin@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31321223.1075854107113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 05:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: gary.lamphier@enron.com, rebecca.griffin@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Valero 10/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Gary W Lamphier, Rebecca Griffin\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe old swing deals should not be used for October. Please have Volume \nManagement allocate any volumes on the old deals to the new deals.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 11/15/2000 12:17 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Valero 10/00\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n12:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRebecca Griffin@ENRON\n11/15/2000 12:06 PM\nTo: Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Valero 10/00\n\nI noticed the new October deals for Valero (414065, 414074, 414071) include \nboth the base Index pricing and the swing Gas Daily pricing. However, the \nold swing deals (148386, 148391, 148382) are still valid through October. \nShould these deals be effective for October?\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nRebecca\n\n\n\n", "Re: Valero 10/00", "", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["used", "deals"], "intention", "the old swing deals should not be used for october."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["allocate", "deals", "volume**management"], "intention", " please have volume management allocate any volumes on the old deals to the new deals."]], "The old swing deals should not be used for October. Please have Volume \nManagement allocate any volumes on the old deals to the new deals.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 11/15/2000 12:17 PM\n\t\n\n", "<31321223.1075854107113.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal swingTnn": {"value": "deal swingTnn", "ne": "deal swingTnn", "patterns": ["deal swingTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-3-2000-4:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"10-3-2000-4:24:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["10-3-2000-4:24:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33536932.1075854158187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 04:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Well head\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe bridgeback will take care of changing the volumes from the 1st.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/10/2000 11:17 AM\nTo: Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey \nNeuweiler/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Well head\n\nPatty Boling from Vintage called and wanted to know why her nom was at 630 \nfor the first when it should be 320. This was one of the ones that the \nsystem pushed the Jan numbers over. We have it changed back to the 320 from \nthe 9th on due you want me to change the volumes from the 1st to the 8th \nfrom 630 to 320. Let me know.\n\n", "Re: Well head", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 4, "nninformation", ["changing", "volumes"], "intention", "the bridgeback will take care of changing the volumes from the datenumeric t."]], "The bridgeback will take care of changing the volumes from the 1st.\n\nD\n\n\n\n\nTom Acton@ENRON\n03/10/2000 11:17 AM\n", "<33536932.1075854158187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-2-2001-8:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"22-2-2001-8:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["22-2-2001-8:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "", "Message-ID: <6487381.1075854291913.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 08:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: buylow@houston.rr.com\nSubject: Howdy\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: buylow@houston.rr.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHey Ken.\n\nHow are things going for you? Is the market loving you?\n\nWe have been really busy. We sold our house after 2 weeks on the market. I \ndon't think I had it underpriced. I looked at the average $/sq ft for sales \nin our neighborhood for the last 6 months and I was pretty high above the \naverage. Anyway, we got what we wanted and made a little money, so we were \nhappy. Two days after we sold our house, Tonya found the one she wanted in \nOaks of Devonshire. It's over at Louetta and I-45, just before The Thicket. \nIt's a little bigger than we were looking for (3100 sq ft), but it's got a \ngreat game room/sunroom for the kids. It was built in 86, so it needs a \nlittle work. But that's ok with me. Anyway, we are closing on both houses \non Monday and moving Tuesday and Wednesday. We will have you and Linda over \nfor lunch or dinner one of these days. We also had tubes put into Jake's \nears this month. We hated having to do that, but it has really made a \ndifference. He had a constant ear infection since October. Now you can tell \nthat he feels so much better. He's learning more and more each day. We have \nnothing that is \"Jake proof\". Even those plastic locks you put on cabinets \ndon't hold him. He knows that if you keep yanking on the door over and over \nthat it will eventually slip or break and then your in. I'm going to install \npad locks on the cabinets at the new house. We'll see if that stops him. \nAnyway, everybody's doing well. I will be alot better after we finish this \nhouse business. I don't feel so good when I'm writing all those checks. \nTalk to you later.\n\nD", "Howdy", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 21, "information", ["made", "money"], "information", " anyway, we got what we wanted and made a little money, so we were happy."], ["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 68, "nninformation", ["hold", "him"], "request", " even those plastic locks you put on cabinets don't hold him."]], "Hey Ken.\n\nHow are things going for you? Is the market loving you?\n\nWe have been really busy. We sold our house after 2 weeks on the market. I \ndon't think I had it underpriced. I looked at the average $/sq ft for sales \nin our neighborhood for the last 6 months and I was pretty high above the \naverage. Anyway, we got what we wanted and made a little money, so we were \nhappy. Two days after we sold our house, Tonya found the one she wanted in \nOaks of Devonshire. It's over at Louetta and I-45, just before The Thicket. \nIt's a little bigger than we were looking for (3100 sq ft), but it's got a \ngreat game room/sunroom for the kids. It was built in 86, so it needs a \nlittle work. But that's ok with me. Anyway, we are closing on both houses \non Monday and moving Tuesday and Wednesday. We will have you and Linda over \nfor lunch or dinner one of these days. We also had tubes put into Jake's \nears this month. We hated having to do that, but it has really made a \ndifference. He had a constant ear infection since October. Now you can tell \nthat he feels so much better. He's learning more and more each day. We have \nnothing that is \"Jake proof\". Even those plastic locks you put on cabinets \ndon't hold him. He knows that if you keep yanking on the door over and over \nthat it will eventually slip or break and then your in. I'm going to install \npad locks on the cabinets at the new house. We'll see if that stops him. \nAnyway, everybody's doing well. I will be alot better after we finish this \nhouse business. I don't feel so good when I'm writing all those checks. \nTalk to you later.\n\nD", "<6487381.1075854291913.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-6-2000-5:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"8-6-2000-5:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["8-6-2000-5:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "nagesh.kavi@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27602966.1075854155455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 05:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: nagesh.kavi@enron.com\nSubject: CPR Position Manager sort\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Nagesh Kavi\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nNagesh ,\n\nI would like to have the CPR Position Manager resorted for the Texas/HPLC \nscreen as Follows:\n\nHouston Pipe Line\nEast Texas Gas Systems\nNNGB\nHumble Gas Pipeline\nOasis Pipeline Company\nPG&E Valero\nPG&E TECO\nRemaining pipelines in alphabetical order.\n\nIn addition to this, please sort the location level (zones) under Houston \nPipeline as follows:\n\n01-Thompsonville\n14-South Texas\n02-Robstown\n19-King Ranch\n11-Corpus\n03-A/S South\n04-A/S Central\n07-A/S East\n08-East Texas\n15-Katy\n16-West Loop\n10-Ship Channel\nRemaining zones in numerical order\n\nLet me know if you have any questions or problems. Thanks.\n\nDaren", "CPR Position Manager sort", "", [["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 16, "nninformation", ["order", "remaining"], "intention", " i would like to have the cpr position manager resorted for the texas/hplc screen as follows: houston pipe line orgname gas systems nngb humble gas pipeline oasis pipeline company orgname valero orgname teco remaining pipelines in alphabetical order."], ["stay_remain_delay_continue line_pipeline{balance}", 47, "information", ["order", "remaining"], "information", " in addition to this, please sort the location level (zones) under houston pipeline as follows: numeric -thompsonville numeric -south texas numeric -robstown numeric -king ranch numeric -corpus numeric -a/s south numeric -a/s central numeric -a/s east numeric orgname numeric -katy numeric -west loop numeric -ship channel remaining zones in numerical order let me know if you have any questions or problems."]], "Nagesh ,\n\nI would like to have the CPR Position Manager resorted for the Texas/HPLC \nscreen as Follows:\n\nHouston Pipe Line\nEast Texas Gas Systems\nNNGB\nHumble Gas Pipeline\nOasis Pipeline Company\nPG&E Valero\nPG&E TECO\nRemaining pipelines in alphabetical order.\n\nIn addition to this, please sort the location level (zones) under Houston \nPipeline as follows:\n\n01-Thompsonville\n14-South Texas\n02-Robstown\n19-King Ranch\n11-Corpus\n03-A/S South\n04-A/S Central\n07-A/S East\n08-East Texas\n15-Katy\n16-West Loop\n10-Ship Channel\nRemaining zones in numerical order\n\nLet me know if you have any questions or problems. Thanks.\n\nDaren", "<27602966.1075854155455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn": {"value": "arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn", "ne": "arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system gas nngb pipe0line screenTnnnnn"]}, "36": {"value": "04", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["central numericTnn"]}, "gas pipe0line systemTnnn": {"value": "gas pipe0line systemTnnn", "ne": "gas pipe0line systemTnnn", "patterns": ["gas pipe0line systemTnnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipe0lineTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn"]}, "line_pipe0line systemTnn": {"value": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "ne": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "patterns": ["line_pipe0line systemTnn"]}, "location_position pipelineTnn": {"value": "location_position pipelineTnn", "ne": "location_position pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["location_position pipelineTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "11", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "corpus", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "katy", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-8-2000-7:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-8-2000-7:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-8-2000-7:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "Message-ID: <33277914.1075854153824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 07:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meter #: 6599\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd, Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Robert Cotten, Vance L Taylor\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe term contract with Four Square attached to deal #138049 has been \nterminated. Therefore, we need to take that deal to zero for August 2000 \nforward. Additionally, we entered into a base load (August only) deal to \npurchase the gas from Four Star at mtr 6599 (#348446). The 1,500/day should \nbe schueduled on this deal. \n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/02/2000 09:18 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter #: 6599\n\n\n Deal 138049 is committed reserve long term gas totaling 1,350mm per day \nwhich is a good deal.\n \n However, deal #: 348446 is a duplicate deal which was overstated and \nshould be zeroed out {bad deal}.\n \n This is Vance response to an inquiry made by Bob.\n \n Daren, do you want me to zero out deal #: 348446 ?\n \n\n", "Re: Meter #: 6599", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 4, "information", ["attached", "term"], "information", "the term contract with orgname attached to deal # numeric has been terminated."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 13, "nninformation", ["deal", "forward"], "request", " therefore, we need to take that deal to zero for datenumeric numeric forward."], ["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 15, "information", ["deal", "entered"], "information", " additionally, we entered into a base load (august only) deal to purchase the gas from orgname at mtr numeric (# numeric )."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 18, "information", ["purchase", "deal"], "information", " additionally, we entered into a base load (august only) deal to purchase the gas from orgname at mtr numeric (# numeric )."]], "The term contract with Four Square attached to deal #138049 has been \nterminated. Therefore, we need to take that deal to zero for August 2000 \nforward. Additionally, we entered into a base load (August only) deal to \npurchase the gas from Four Star at mtr 6599 (#348446). The 1,500/day should \nbe schueduled on this deal. \n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 08/02/2000 09:18 AM\n\t\n\n", "<33277914.1075854153824.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "138049", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract deal numeric termTnnnn", "contract_transport0contract deal numericTnnn", "deal numeric termTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract deal termTnnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "6599", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric zeroTnnn", "numeric zeroTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "1,500", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "6599", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-2-2000-23:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-2-2000-23:8:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-23:8:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "heidi.withers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12924135.1075854054689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 23:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: heidi.withers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Gathering Contract Volumes Feb 00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Heidi Withers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHeidi, \n\nI expect the wellhead volumes to be around 625,000 to 650,00 per day.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Heidi Withers 02/11/2000 05:01 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Michael Walters/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa \nHesse/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Gathering Contract Volumes Feb 00\n\nWe have been looking at the daily volumes for the gathering contract to \nanalyze the Producer Services portion of the P&L. To do this, we have been \nlooking at daily volumes on the 96026572 contract. POPS shows a daily BAV of \napproximately 612,000. MOPS shows a daily BAV of approximately 601,000. I \nwanted to confirm that these volumes sound reasonable for you. By the way, \nit also looks like the noms for the gathering contract are a lot higher, \naround 750,000 per day.\n\nPlease advise as to how you feel these BAv's come in compared to what you \nexpect. Thank you.\n\n\nHeidi\n\n", "Re: Gathering Contract Volumes Feb 00", "", [["expect volume", 4, "nninformation", ["expect", "volumes"], "intention", "heidi, i expect the wellhead volumes to be around numeric to numeric per day."]], "Heidi, \n\nI expect the wellhead volumes to be around 625,000 to 650,00 per day.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Heidi Withers 02/11/2000 05:01 PM\n\t\n\n", "<12924135.1075854054689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract volumeTnn": {"value": "contract volumeTnn", "ne": "contract volumeTnn", "patterns": ["contract volumeTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "625,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-8-2000-6:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"11-8-2000-6:43:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-6:43:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "john.griffith@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <863824.1075854088868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 06:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: john.griffith@enron.com\nSubject: Cornhusker\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: John Griffith\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJohn, \n\nI need information on the following questions related to Cornhusker:\n\n1) I understand that we will be handling the invoicing and settlements of \nthe supply, transport, and sales contracts. Who will be handling the \nfinanciol accounting and reporting for these deals?\n\n2) Is someone in Legal currently assigning the contracts to ENA?\n\n3) What is the name of the company purchasing the supply/fuel at the plant?\n\n4) Tenaska told us that we are supposed to be paying the suppliers and the \npipeline for July and August activity. Is this true? I thought we weren't \ntaking responsibility for this until September business. We are not prepared \nto pay the suppliers for July.\n\n5) Should these deals be in an accrual or MTM book?\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "Cornhusker", "", [["put_assign contract", 20, "nninformation", ["assigning", "contracts"], "request information", " numeric ) is someone in legal currently assigning the contracts to ena?"], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 26, "nninformation", ["purchasing", "plant"], "request information", " numeric ) what is the name of the company purchasing the supply/fuel at the plant?"], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 32, "information", ["paying", "pipeline", "suppliers"], "information", " numeric ) orgname told us that we are supposed to be paying the suppliers and the pipeline for july and august activity."], ["pay supplier{pipeline}", 42, "nninformation", ["pay", "suppliers"], "intention", " we are not prepared to pay the suppliers for july."]], "John, \n\nI need information on the following questions related to Cornhusker:\n\n1) I understand that we will be handling the invoicing and settlements of \nthe supply, transport, and sales contracts. Who will be handling the \nfinanciol accounting and reporting for these deals?\n\n2) Is someone in Legal currently assigning the contracts to ENA?\n\n3) What is the name of the company purchasing the supply/fuel at the plant?\n\n4) Tenaska told us that we are supposed to be paying the suppliers and the \npipeline for July and August activity. Is this true? I thought we weren't \ntaking responsibility for this until September business. We are not prepared \nto pay the suppliers for July.\n\n5) Should these deals be in an accrual or MTM book?\n\nThanks.\n\nDaren", "<863824.1075854088868.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract supplyTnn": {"value": "contract supplyTnn", "ne": "contract supplyTnn", "patterns": ["contract supplyTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "fuel plantTnn": {"value": "fuel plantTnn", "ne": "fuel plantTnn", "patterns": ["fuel plantTnn"]}, "plant supplyTnn": {"value": "plant supplyTnn", "ne": "plant supplyTnn", "patterns": ["plant supplyTnn"]}, "sale supplyTnn": {"value": "sale supplyTnn", "ne": "sale supplyTnn", "patterns": ["sale supplyTnn"]}, "sale transportTnn": {"value": "sale transportTnn", "ne": "sale transportTnn", "patterns": ["sale transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-11-2000-6:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-11-2000-6:51:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-6:51:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jackie.young@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30035299.1075854150857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 06:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jackie.young@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Jackie Young\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJackie, \n\nI didn't pay any attention to the date on this message. We should be able to \nhandle this on our side with out involving the East Desk. If the OBA can be \nused, apply the volume there. If nothing else, we can write it off.\n\nD\n---------------------- Forwarded by Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000 \n02:47 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Victor Lamadrid 11/01/2000 06:34 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clem \nCernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Cynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Beverly \nBeaty/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO \n\nIs this date really June of 1999? Hopefully we're not just finding out about \nthis?\n\nI don't think we can even process this request. The East Desk was not up and \nrunning on Unify in June of 1999. All of our pathing for June of 1999 was in \nAutonoms and it's not y2K compatabile. With the volumes involved being so \nsmall and the accuracy of the data at Enerfin in question, why don't we let \nthis volume hit the new OBA at Enerfin as a PPA???\n\nI welcome your thoughts.\nVictor \n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Cynthia Franklin @ ENRON 11/01/2000 02:50 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO\n\nVictor,\nCan we go this far back? Please advise.\nCindy\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron on 11/01/2000 \n02:54 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young@ECT\n11/01/2000 11:25 AM\nTo: Cynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Meredith Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO\n\nCynthia/Meredith,\n\nCan you please scroll below to my request to Daren regarding 98-0439 and see \nif you can assist me w/this request?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 11/01/2000 11:23 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n11/01/2000 10:16 AM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO \n\nJackie, \n\nPlease get with the East Desk on this. If they agree, we can roll the deal.\n\nD\n\n\n\nJackie Young\n11/01/2000 10:03 AM\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Clem Cernosek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO\n\nDaren,\n\nOn the above mentioned dates, there was no nomination at the Enerfin meter.\n\n6/3/99 and 6/8/99 revealed activity for ENA (202K). Can the deal be extended \nfor 6/4 (548 dec.) and 6/9 (40 dec.) to cover this flow so that Volume \nManagement can create an accounting arrangement for these two days?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: 6/4/99 and 6/9/99 (98-0439) Enerfin TETCO", "", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["apply", "volume"], "intention", " if the oba can be used, apply the volume there."]], "Jackie, \n\nI didn't pay any attention to the date on this message. We should be able to \nhandle this on our side with out involving the East Desk. If the OBA can be \nused, apply the volume there. If nothing else, we can write it off.\n\nD\n", "<30035299.1075854150857.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-5-2000-7:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"1-5-2000-7:33:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["1-5-2000-7:33:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "michael.eiben@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <19215109.1075854012522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 1 May 2000 07:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: michael.eiben@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Unify/Sitara Enhancements\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Michael Eiben\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nMike, \n\nWhat is the status of the list we compiled a few months ago? I had a few \nitems on that list, but I can't remember the details now. Since I don't deal \nwith Unify as much as I used to, the only thing that I can remember is:\n\nWe need to add a column with the initials of the schedulers responsible for \neach meter.\n\nD", "Re: Unify/Sitara Enhancements", "", [["use_apply deal{numeric}", 8, "information", ["used", "deal"], "information", " since i don't deal with unify as much as i used to, the only thing that i can remember is: we need to add a column with the initials of the schedulers responsible for each meter."]], "Mike, \n\nWhat is the status of the list we compiled a few months ago? I had a few \nitems on that list, but I can't remember the details now. Since I don't deal \nwith Unify as much as I used to, the only thing that I can remember is:\n\nWe need to add a column with the initials of the schedulers responsible for \neach meter.\n\nD", "<19215109.1075854012522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-1-2001-4:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-4:47:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-4:47:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "brenda.herod@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27302301.1075854327156.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 04:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: brenda.herod@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Enron Industrial Markets - Super Saturday Recruiting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Brenda F Herod\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBH, \n\nIf the Super Saturday occurred on a different weekend, I would help you out. \nHowever, we have a pretty important family weekend coming up. Cole's 3rd \nbirthday is today. We will be doing a little celebrating with that. Plus, \nwe are putting our house on the market this week and are scheduling \nappointments to view other houses. Anyway, I hope everything else is going \nwell for you. We need to talk sometime. I will call you in a couple of days.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brenda F Herod 01/15/2001 09:39 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M \nHall/NA/Enron@Enron, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charles A Taylor/NA/Enron@Enron, Rick Suttle/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kathy \nNeal/NA/Enron@ENRON, Daniel Hamilton/Enron@enronXgate, Delmar \nDavis/Enron@enronXgate, Yvette G Connevey/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Enron Industrial Markets - Super Saturday Recruiting\n\nI need your help! On Saturday, 01/20/01, EIM is having a Super Saturday to \nrecruit experienced Commercial Support personnel to fill many of our \nvacancies. Unfortunately, we don't have enough personnel to do the \ninterviewing. To round out the Logistics team, I am looking for one more \ninterviewer. The current team is Roy Lipsett, Dan Hamilton and Del Davis. \nBoth Dan and Del are new to Enron (Del started 1/8 and Dan is still \ntransitioning his prior job and moving to Houston), but bring a wealth of \nLogistics experience for our industries. I would love to have one additional \nteam member to provide input from the Enron perspective. Will this candidate \nfit into the expectations of Enron? Will the candidate compete when compared \nto their peers. Unfortunately, Logistics candidates below Manager have been \ndifficult to find from the industry. There seems to be a tendancy towards \nclerical skill sets but compensation at a Specialist level. Consequently, I \nhave been cautious around these candidates as I would not want to set them up \nto fail.\n\nI know the sacrifice of a Saturday, but I would value the input that any one \nof you might offer. We do expect it to be a full day commitment as we have \nseveral candidates, and we will have a follow-up evaluation session. I know \nI can't adequately compensate you for your day, but I would be happy to buy \nyou a dinner for two. Please let me know ASAP. Assuming worst case that noe \nof you are available, I would welcome other suggestions.\n\nIn advance, I appreciate your help.\n\nBrenda\nx35778\n\n", "Re: Enron Industrial Markets - Super Saturday Recruiting", "", [["put_assign contract", 15, "nninformation", ["market", "putting"], "intention", " plus, we are putting our house on the market this week and are scheduling appointments to view other houses."]], "BH, \n\nIf the Super Saturday occurred on a different weekend, I would help you out. \nHowever, we have a pretty important family weekend coming up. Cole's 3rd \nbirthday is today. We will be doing a little celebrating with that. Plus, \nwe are putting our house on the market this week and are scheduling \nappointments to view other houses. Anyway, I hope everything else is going \nwell for you. We need to talk sometime. I will call you in a couple of days.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brenda F Herod 01/15/2001 09:39 AM\n\t\n\n", "<27302301.1075854327156.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "2-2-2001-8:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"2-2-2001-8:6:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["2-2-2001-8:6:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "jvobergfell@aep.com", "", "Message-ID: <5932724.1075854336512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 08:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: jvobergfell@aep.com\nSubject: Entex Forecasting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: jvobergfell@aep.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nTo forecast Entex:\n\nWe have a database that contains the citygate volumes by day, with the low \nand high temps for each day. When we get a weather report for the new day, \nwe enter the projected low temp and the spread into the file. The database \nis sorted by that information with a +/- 2 degrees on the temps, and provides \nan average volume for that criteria. (For example: With temps of 40-60, the \nsort would produce a list of the volumes pulled for each day with a low of 38 \nto 42 degrees and a temperature spread of 20 to 22 degrees. An average is \nthen calculated from that volumetric data. In this case, the average is \ncalculated to 259,000 Mmbtu.) Upon calculating the average, we then apply \ninformation we obtain through daily business and adjust that estimate. \nThings to consider: if weather is cloudy or sunny, wet or dry; wind chill; \nEntex's obligation on Midcon; Entex's recent operating procedures; Entex \ntakes versus our prior estimates (have we been under or overestimating \nvolumes each day), etc.\n\nAdditionally, since we only see about 30% of the meters, we apply a factor to \nestimate the remaining 70%. If we have an unaccounted volume for a few days \nthat is fairly consistent (and we have determined that the ua4 has not been \ncaused by something else), we may adjust the factor to bring the estimates \nmore in line.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nDaren\n", "Entex Forecasting", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 81, "nninformation", ["see", "meters"], "intention", " additionally, since we only see about numeric % of the meters, we apply a factor to estimate the remaining numeric %."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 93, "information", ["determined", "volume"], "information", " if we have an unaccounted volume for a few days that is fairly consistent (and we have determined that the ua numeric has not been caused by something else), we may adjust the factor to bring the estimates more in line."]], "To forecast Entex:\n\nWe have a database that contains the citygate volumes by day, with the low \nand high temps for each day. When we get a weather report for the new day, \nwe enter the projected low temp and the spread into the file. The database \nis sorted by that information with a +/- 2 degrees on the temps, and provides \nan average volume for that criteria. (For example: With temps of 40-60, the \nsort would produce a list of the volumes pulled for each day with a low of 38 \nto 42 degrees and a temperature spread of 20 to 22 degrees. An average is \nthen calculated from that volumetric data. In this case, the average is \ncalculated to 259,000 Mmbtu.) Upon calculating the average, we then apply \ninformation we obtain through daily business and adjust that estimate. \nThings to consider: if weather is cloudy or sunny, wet or dry; wind chill; \nEntex's obligation on Midcon; Entex's recent operating procedures; Entex \ntakes versus our prior estimates (have we been under or overestimating \nvolumes each day), etc.\n\nAdditionally, since we only see about 30% of the meters, we apply a factor to \nestimate the remaining 70%. If we have an unaccounted volume for a few days \nthat is fairly consistent (and we have determined that the ua4 has not been \ncaused by something else), we may adjust the factor to bring the estimates \nmore in line.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nDaren\n", "<5932724.1075854336512.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"21": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["degree_level numericTnn", "info_information numericTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "42", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["degree_level numericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "22", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["degree_level numericTnn"]}, "82": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "259,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "prior volumeTnn": {"value": "prior volumeTnn", "ne": "prior volumeTnn", "patterns": ["prior volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-4-2001-17:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"5-4-2001-17:3:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["5-4-2001-17:3:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17000351.1075840439915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 17:03:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Wellhead Volumes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\'Sent Mail\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nBob, \n\nI highlghted some changes on your spreadsheet. Look over these and call me if you have questions. A couple of the deals have Gas Daily tiers, so I moved them down in the sheet. I would like for you to make the changes tomorrow after trading.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Robert Cotten 04/05/2001 11:20 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tDaren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tWellhead Volumes\n\nDaren,\n\nPlease click on the Supply Analysis tab of the attached spreadsheet to view the wellhead volumes through 4/4/01.\n\nBob\n\n \n\n", "Re: Wellhead Volumes", "", [["make change", 14, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", " i would like for you to make the changes tomorrow after trading."]], "Bob, \n\nI highlghted some changes on your spreadsheet. Look over these and call me if you have questions. A couple of the deals have Gas Daily tiers, so I moved them down in the sheet. I would like for you to make the changes tomorrow after trading.\n\nD\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp. From: Robert Cotten 04/05/2001 11:20 AM\t\n\t\t\n\n\n", "<17000351.1075840439915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-9-2000-9:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-9:59:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-9:59:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27026424.1075854152110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: October Deals\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Robert Cotten, Julie Meyers\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have entered the following deals into Sitara for October:\n\nCamden Resources Inc. @ mtr 9858, 3000/day #420113 (This counterparty is not \ncurrently in the system)\nNorth Central Oil Corporation @ mtr 5228, 3000/day #420114\n\nThese deals have not been finalized as of yet. But, I have entered them to \nassist us with managing our postion and scheduling the pipe. Let me know if \nyou have any quesitons.\n\nD", "October Deals", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 1, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "i have entered the following deals into sitara for october: orgname @ mtr numeric , numeric /day # numeric (this counterparty is not currently in the system) orgname @ mtr numeric , numeric /day # numeric these deals have not been finalized as of yet."]], "I have entered the following deals into Sitara for October:\n\nCamden Resources Inc. @ mtr 9858, 3000/day #420113 (This counterparty is not \ncurrently in the system)\nNorth Central Oil Corporation @ mtr 5228, 3000/day #420114\n\nThese deals have not been finalized as of yet. But, I have entered them to \nassist us with managing our postion and scheduling the pipe. Let me know if \nyou have any quesitons.\n\nD", "<27026424.1075854152110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "9858", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "420114", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "5228", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-2-2000-8:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-8:15:0Sdaren.farmer@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-8:15:0", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23847458.1075854026573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 08:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: daren.farmer@enron.com\nTo: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com\nSubject: King Ranch\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, julie.meyers@enron.com\nX-From: Daren J Farmer\nX-To: Mandy MacKinnon, Stella L Morris\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Julie Meyers\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAs discussed in our 3-Rivers/King Ranch meeting, I have set up purchases from \nthe liquids group and the other 3rd parties at HGPL mtr 0012. Due to \nbridgebacks, I had to create new deal numbers for the days prior to 2/16/99. \n(I went back to Dec 1999, in case it is needed.) Please see the deal #s \nbelow.\n\nTeco 113858 &169759\nHPLR Liquids 114099 & 169765 (existing deal to cover excess residue)\nSwift 93779 & 169761\nERAC 138094 & 169760\nTejones 133173 & 169762\n\n\nMandy - I understand that you will be setting up the buy and sale with HPLR \nLiquids to cover the transport on HGPL.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "King Ranch", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 16, "information", ["create", "deal"], "information", " due to bridgebacks, i had to create new deal numbers for the days prior to datenumeric ."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 22, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", ") please see the deal #s below."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 31, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal", "169765"], "intention", " teco numeric & numeric hplr liquids numeric & numeric (existing deal to cover excess residue) orgname numeric & numeric orgname numeric & numeric tejones numeric & numeric mandy - i understand that you will be setting up the buy and sale with hplr liquids to cover the transport on hgpl."], ["see_understand_determine_check gas", 42, "nninformation", ["sale", "understand"], "intention", " teco numeric & numeric hplr liquids numeric & numeric (existing deal to cover excess residue) orgname numeric & numeric orgname numeric & numeric tejones numeric & numeric mandy - i understand that you will be setting up the buy and sale with hplr liquids to cover the transport on hgpl."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 44, "nninformation", ["buy", "sale"], "intention", " teco numeric & numeric hplr liquids numeric & numeric (existing deal to cover excess residue) orgname numeric & numeric orgname numeric & numeric tejones numeric & numeric mandy - i understand that you will be setting up the buy and sale with hplr liquids to cover the transport on hgpl."]], "As discussed in our 3-Rivers/King Ranch meeting, I have set up purchases from \nthe liquids group and the other 3rd parties at HGPL mtr 0012. Due to \nbridgebacks, I had to create new deal numbers for the days prior to 2/16/99. \n(I went back to Dec 1999, in case it is needed.) Please see the deal #s \nbelow.\n\nTeco 113858 &169759\nHPLR Liquids 114099 & 169765 (existing deal to cover excess residue)\nSwift 93779 & 169761\nERAC 138094 & 169760\nTejones 133173 & 169762\n\n\nMandy - I understand that you will be setting up the buy and sale with HPLR \nLiquids to cover the transport on HGPL.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nD", "<23847458.1075854026573.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"28": {"value": "169765", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric residue_restTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "0012", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric riverTnn"]}, "sale transportTnn": {"value": "sale transportTnn", "ne": "sale transportTnn", "patterns": ["sale transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-4-2000-9:26:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"7-4-2000-9:26:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["7-4-2000-9:26:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24495185.1075854188435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 09:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: WELLHEAD\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nShoreline has sent a revision to trim down the 6722 meter from 570 to 428. \nDaren I can't tell you what it flowed last month due to more than one \nperson is at that meter. We only have 30 nominated there now. Let me know \nwhat you think. Thanks.", "WELLHEAD", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", " daren i can't tell you what it flowed last month due to more than one person is at that meter."]], "Shoreline has sent a revision to trim down the 6722 meter from 570 to 428. \nDaren I can't tell you what it flowed last month due to more than one \nperson is at that meter. We only have 30 nominated there now. Let me know \nwhat you think. Thanks.", "<24495185.1075854188435.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "6722", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-4-2000-15:33:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"25-4-2000-15:33:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-15:33:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32623588.1075854188096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 15:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nCc: julie.meyers@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: julie.meyers@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Vance L Taylor\nX-cc: Julie Meyers, Lisa Hesse, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves, Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI have inputted the spot deals into system and added the Sitara ticket no to \nthe below list. I have yet to do the Gasper Rice deal ticket.\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor@ECT\n04/25/2000 05:23 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: \n\nTom,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of May. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" basis \nand deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price\n\nEngage Energy US, LP 5839 #252058 598mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 #252059 285mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 #252060 671mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEngage Energy US, LP 6801 #252061 1,157mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less $0.20\nEl Sordo Gathering 6315 #252062 103mmbtu/d 70% IF/HSC \nSwift Energy 2630 #252063 21mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC less $0.258\nEEX Corporation 6500 #252064 1,778mmbtu/d 95% IF/HSC\nEEX Corporation 5999 #252065 14,000mmbtu/d 95% IF/HSC\n\nAdditionally, Samson Lone Star LP reduced its working interest in contract \n(#96016761) to 33.375% effective 3/1/00. The remaining 66.625% working \ninterest was sold to Gasper Rice, Ltd. HPLC amended and ratified the \ncontract effective 3/1/00. The term of the contract has not been extended as \nof yet and is currently in an \"evergreen\" status with 100% of the volumes \nallocated to Samson Lone Star.\n\nBased on the aforementioned information, please create a sitara deal ticket \nfor the following:\n\nGasper Rice, Ltd. 6722 1mmbtu/d 95%IF/HSC less $.09 Apr & May months\n evergreen price\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re:", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 4, "information", ["added", "deals"], "information", "i have inputted the spot deals into system and added the sitara ticket no to the below list."]], "I have inputted the spot deals into system and added the Sitara ticket no to \nthe below list. I have yet to do the Gasper Rice deal ticket.\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor@ECT\n04/25/2000 05:23 PM\n", "<32623588.1075854188096.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-5-2000-7:5:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"1-5-2000-7:5:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["1-5-2000-7:5:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8143097.1075854068887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 1 May 2000 07:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: well heads\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPhillips has changed there nom at meter 6673. Vance had 119 in his file but \nphillips sent in a nom today for 948. So far it has flowed for April \nbetween 1100 and 841. \n\nPrize has some changes.\nmeter From \nTo March range.\n\n4028 1113 \n717 1137 to 887\n5579 2733 \n2381 2800 to 2578\n5767 115 \n150 140 to 103\n6191 249 \n154 253 to 217\n6675 120 \n239 78 to 156\n9604 109 \n32 38 to 63\n4965 149 \n180 71 to 288 \n5121 1163 \n1135 303 to 703\n\n\nVintage\n989603 0 \n330 no mom in April, nomed 270 \nin March. \n \n ", "well heads", "", [["send_attach file", 8, "nninformation", ["sent", "file"], "intention", " vance had numeric in his file but phillips sent in a nom today for numeric ."]], "Phillips has changed there nom at meter 6673. Vance had 119 in his file but \nphillips sent in a nom today for 948. So far it has flowed for April \nbetween 1100 and 841. \n\nPrize has some changes.\nmeter From \nTo March range.\n\n4028 1113 \n717 1137 to 887\n5579 2733 \n2381 2800 to 2578\n5767 115 \n150 140 to 103\n6191 249 \n154 253 to 217\n6675 120 \n239 78 to 156\n9604 109 \n32 38 to 63\n4965 149 \n180 71 to 288 \n5121 1163 \n1135 303 to 703\n\n\nVintage\n989603 0 \n330 no mom in April, nomed 270 \nin March. \n \n ", "<8143097.1075854068887.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"3": {"value": "6673", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-2-2000-7:25:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"16-2-2000-7:25:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["16-2-2000-7:25:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "susan.trevino@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com lauri.allen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27878344.1075854026935.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 07:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: susan.trevino@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 1st rev Feb. 2000 Josey Ranch nom\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, lauri.allen@enron.com\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Susan D Trevino\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Lauri A Allen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren I since you were at the offsite I went ahead and changed the volume \ndown to 12,400 from 13,000.", "Re: 1st rev Feb. 2000 Josey Ranch nom", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 6, "information", ["changed", "volume"], "information", "daren i since you were at the offsite i went ahead and changed the volume "]], "Daren I since you were at the offsite I went ahead and changed the volume \ndown to 12,400 from 13,000.", "<27878344.1075854026935.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-11-2000-0:14:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"9-11-2000-0:14:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-0:14:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com earl.tisdale@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10299360.1075854140538.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 00:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: lauri.allen@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, earl.tisdale@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Nomination For Gas Flow / 11/07/00 / Southland Pipeline\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Lauri A Allen, Gary A Hanks, Earl Tisdale, Aimee Lannou, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI now have this on the strangers contract till we get a new transport \ncontract assigned. \n\n\n\n\nLauri A Allen@ECT\n11/07/2000 01:14 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Nomination For Gas Flow / 11/07/00 / Southland Pipeline\n\nFYI. We will probably see even more volatility at our delivery into the \nLufkin Paper Mill, since Cleco will now be serving them with this new \nproduction they're bringing on line.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT on 11/07/2000 12:00 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Pryor, Steve\" on 11/07/2000 10:48:43 AM\nTo: lauri.a.allen@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\ncc: \"Conant, Steve\" , \"Shaddox, Terry\" \n, \"Haley, Paula\" , \n\"Schroeder, Doug\" , ron.duncan@enron.com, \njack.simunek@enron.com \nSubject: Nomination For Gas Flow / 11/07/00 / Southland Pipeline\n\n\n\n\nLauri, \n\nPlease accept this transmission as nomination for gas flow on Southland \nPipeline (Now Desoto Pipeline) operated by HPL for 700/mmbtu/day transport \nfrom Receipt Damascus Point (meter #980441-10) to a new Delivery Point (meter \nnumber not yet assigned) at Lufkin Mill.\n\nPlease supply assigned meter number for Lufkin Mill and the assigned Contract \nnumber for our transport arrangement when assigned.\n\nThanks for your assistance. \n\nSteve Pryor \n(281) 556-5877 \nCleco Energy LLC \n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Nomination For Gas Flow / 11/07/00 / Southland Pipeline", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 2, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " nomination for gas flow / datenumeric / southland pipeline."], ["put_assign contract", 11, "information", ["assigned", "contract"], "information", "i now have this on the strangers contract till we get a new transport contract assigned."]], "I now have this on the strangers contract till we get a new transport \ncontract assigned. \n\n\n\n\nLauri A Allen@ECT\n11/07/2000 01:14 PM\n", "<10299360.1075854140538.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-4-2000-6:35:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"6-4-2000-6:35:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-6:35:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "heidi.withers@enron.com", "lisa.hesse@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11262722.1075854188456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 06:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: heidi.withers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Producer Connects on the 215 Contract - April\nCc: lisa.hesse@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lisa.hesse@enron.com, mary.smith@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Heidi Withers\nX-cc: Lisa Hesse, Mary M Smith, Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Wellhead\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThanks for the info Heidi. It's always good to have a second pair of eyes \nwith all these wells. I have done some research and all but one are HPLC \ndeals and were not putting those on the gathering contract. I'll run this by \nDaren and make the changes if needed. Please let me know if you see anything \nelse it just takes a minute to check on it. ", "Re: Producer Connects on the 215 Contract - April", "", [["put_assign contract", 9, "information", ["putting", "contract"], "information", " i have done some research and all but one are orgname deals and were not putting those on the gathering contract."], ["make change", 14, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "request", " i'll run this by daren and make the changes if needed."]], "Thanks for the info Heidi. It's always good to have a second pair of eyes \nwith all these wells. I have done some research and all but one are HPLC \ndeals and were not putting those on the gathering contract. I'll run this by \nDaren and make the changes if needed. Please let me know if you see anything \nelse it just takes a minute to check on it. ", "<11262722.1075854188456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-5-2001-7:2:13Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": {"1-5-2001-7:2:13Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-7:2:13", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27559189.1075840435777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 07:02:13 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Guadalupe Power Partners- March 01 Prod\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Herrera, Katherine \nX-To: Meyers, Julie \nX-cc: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nJulie-\n\nCould you please change the following deal tickets to the rates detailed below:\n\nENA\nDeal # 628368\nKATY.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of $4.651( per the contract the rate is the KATY. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\nENA\nDeal # 628363\nWAHA.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of 4.621( per the contract the rate is the WAHA. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\nENA\nDeal # 628367\nWAHA.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of 4.621( per the contract the rate is the WAHA. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\nENA\nDeal # 682397\nWAHA.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of 4.621( per the contract the rate is the WAHA. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\n\nI will also send you the rates that need to be changed for 02/01 production.\n\n\nThanks for all your help- Katherine 5-8643\n", "Guadalupe Power Partners- March 01 Prod", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 5, "nninformation", ["change", "deal", "tickets"], "request", "julie- could you please change the following deal tickets to the rates detailed below: orgname deal # numeric katy."]], "Julie-\n\nCould you please change the following deal tickets to the rates detailed below:\n\nENA\nDeal # 628368\nKATY.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of $4.651( per the contract the rate is the KATY. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\nENA\nDeal # 628363\nWAHA.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of 4.621( per the contract the rate is the WAHA. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\nENA\nDeal # 628367\nWAHA.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of 4.621( per the contract the rate is the WAHA. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\nENA\nDeal # 682397\nWAHA.HUB.GDP.DA should be a fixed rate of 4.621( per the contract the rate is the WAHA. GDP.DA -WACOG +.02)\n\n\nI will also send you the rates that need to be changed for 02/01 production.\n\n\nThanks for all your help- Katherine 5-8643\n", "<27559189.1075840435777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"47": {"value": "621", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric rateTnn"]}, "33": {"value": "621", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric rateTnn"]}, "61": {"value": "621", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn", "numeric rateTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "52": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "628368", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "02", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric rateTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric rateTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric rateTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric rateTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-1-2001-3:2:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": {"10-1-2001-3:2:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-3:2:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27052789.1075854318341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Dec 2000 Prod: Panther Pipeline Demand Charge\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease let me know if this is a vaild Demand Charge.\n\nThe deal is under a GTC contract and Daren indicated that he was not aware of \nthis deal unless it has something to do with ENTEX. \nFYI the volume flow at this meter ( #981598) for Dec 2000 was zero.\n\nPlease advise- Katherine\n\n", "Dec 2000 Prod: Panther Pipeline Demand Charge", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 20, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " fyi the volume flow at this meter ( # numeric ) for datenumeric numeric was zero."]], "Please let me know if this is a vaild Demand Charge.\n\nThe deal is under a GTC contract and Daren indicated that he was not aware of \nthis deal unless it has something to do with ENTEX. \nFYI the volume flow at this meter ( #981598) for Dec 2000 was zero.\n\nPlease advise- Katherine\n\n", "<27052789.1075854318341.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "meter zeroTnn": {"value": "meter zeroTnn", "ne": "meter zeroTnn", "patterns": ["meter zeroTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "981598", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-5-2001-14:38:39Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": {"8-5-2001-14:38:39Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["8-5-2001-14:38:39", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "", "robert.cotten@enron.com jennifer.pattison@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16356945.1075840435579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 May 2001 14:38:39 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska Marketing Ventures - 04/01 prod\nCc: robert.cotten@enron.com, jennifer.pattison@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: robert.cotten@enron.com, jennifer.pattison@enron.com\nX-From: Herrera, Katherine \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: Cotten, Robert , Pattison, Jennifer \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\n\nSale\nDeal # 714540\n\nDaren-\nLooks like the meter statement is showing some gas was pulled on days April 04 & 07 that was not priced or pathed.\nPlease let me know what price Tenaska should be billed for these two days. \n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Tenaska Marketing Ventures - 04/01 prod", "", [["show deal", 10, "information", ["gas", "showing"], "information", " sale deal # numeric daren- looks like the meter statement is showing some gas was pulled on days datenumeric & numeric that was not priced or pathed."]], "\nSale\nDeal # 714540\n\nDaren-\nLooks like the meter statement is showing some gas was pulled on days April 04 & 07 that was not priced or pathed.\nPlease let me know what price Tenaska should be billed for these two days. \n\nThanks- Katherine\n5-8643\n\n\n\n\n\n", "<16356945.1075840435579.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "714540", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "07", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-4-2000-6:30:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": {"25-4-2000-6:30:0Skatherine.herrera@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-6:30:0", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "brian.riley@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26762701.1075854068191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 06:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: February 2000 Production, PG&E discrepancy for 02/24/00 ( Pan\n Energy Exchange Deal)\nCc: brian.riley@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: brian.riley@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nX-From: Katherine Herrera\nX-To: Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: Brian M Riley, Daren J Farmer, Sherlyn Schumack\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nStacey-\n\nAs per my earlier voice mail messages, I needed to confirm what the actual \nflow of gas was on PG&E for February 24th. The Service Summary Report from \nPG&E indicated a flow of 50,000 mmbtus on the 24th, however, the Swamp Rat \nFuel Allocations (HPL) indicates a flow of 53,000 mmbtus. Can you ask PG&E \nto confirm which of these volume is correct so that the February allocations \ncan be finalized? Please let me know if there is any additional information \nI need to provide you. \n\nThanks for your help-\n\nKatherine ", "February 2000 Production, PG&E discrepancy for 02/24/00 ( Pan\n Energy Exchange Deal)", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 13, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "stacey- as per my earlier voice mail messages, i needed to confirm what the actual flow of gas was on orgname for datenumeric th."]], "Stacey-\n\nAs per my earlier voice mail messages, I needed to confirm what the actual \nflow of gas was on PG&E for February 24th. The Service Summary Report from \nPG&E indicated a flow of 50,000 mmbtus on the 24th, however, the Swamp Rat \nFuel Allocations (HPL) indicates a flow of 53,000 mmbtus. Can you ask PG&E \nto confirm which of these volume is correct so that the February allocations \ncan be finalized? Please let me know if there is any additional information \nI need to provide you. \n\nThanks for your help-\n\nKatherine ", "<26762701.1075854068191.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "26-3-2001-12:52:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": {"26-3-2001-12:52:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["26-3-2001-12:52:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "katherine.herrera@enron.com", "Message-ID: <230809.1075840437200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 12:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: CP&L\nCc: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: katherine.herrera@enron.com\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier \nX-To: Daren J Farmer \nX-cc: Katherine Herrera \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nCan we verified this gas flowed? If it did it should have been billed on his term deal if there was one in place. If the gas flowed and we did not invoice for it on term let me know and I will put it in.\n\n\n\n\nJanet H Wallis\n03/22/2001 04:53 PM\nTo:\tGary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tKatherine Herrera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject:\tCP&L\n\nBob says he was not billed for a purchase he made from you at 5K $5.16 on Feb 21st. Will you check this out and get with\nBob A and Katherine Herrera.\n\nJW\n\n", "Re: CP&L", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", "can we verified this gas flowed?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", " if the gas flowed and we did not invoice for it on term let me know and i will put it in."]], "Can we verified this gas flowed? If it did it should have been billed on his term deal if there was one in place. If the gas flowed and we did not invoice for it on term let me know and I will put it in.\n\n\n\n\nJanet H Wallis\n03/22/2001 04:53 PM\n", "<230809.1075840437200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-12-2000-4:40:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": {"21-12-2000-4:40:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["21-12-2000-4:40:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "dan.hyvl@enron.com gary.lamphier@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21309382.1075842229164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 04:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: dan.hyvl@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Lyondell Citgo\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Dan J Hyvl, Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nDan,\nI have extended the Lyondell Citgo agreement through December 31, 2001. \nPlease prepare the paperwork. Your file name is \no:\\Legal\\DHYVL\\DJH\\2000\\Ltr\\20001ltr.doc\nPlease change firm 15,000 mmbtu per day price to IF-HSC +.015 and keep all \nother pricing the same.\nThanks,\nGary", "Lyondell Citgo", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 15, "nninformation", ["change", "price"], "request", "doc please change firm numeric mmbtu per day price to if-hsc numeric and keep all other pricing the same."]], "Dan,\nI have extended the Lyondell Citgo agreement through December 31, 2001. \nPlease prepare the paperwork. Your file name is \no:\\Legal\\DHYVL\\DJH\\2000\\Ltr\\20001ltr.doc\nPlease change firm 15,000 mmbtu per day price to IF-HSC +.015 and keep all \nother pricing the same.\nThanks,\nGary", "<21309382.1075842229164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"17": {"value": "15,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-10-2000-3:54:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"18-10-2000-3:54:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-3:54:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com kenny.soignet@enron.com jim.schwieger@enron.com troy.klussmann@enron.com greg.whiting@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5544664.1075854101772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 03:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, kenny.soignet@enron.com, jim.schwieger@enron.com,\n\ttroy.klussmann@enron.com, greg.whiting@enron.com\nSubject: WACOG for Sale to Cannon Winter 2000-01\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Baumbach\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Kenny J Soignet, Jim Schwieger, Troy Klussmann, Greg Whiting\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAccording to the contract the pricing of the gas we are selling back to \nCannon is a WACOG of what we bought it for this summer. Here is the \ncalculation of the WACOG. Let me know if there are any questions/comments.\n\nDave\n", "WACOG for Sale to Cannon Winter 2000-01", "", [["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 5, "information", ["according", "contract"], "information", "according to the contract the pricing of the gas we are selling back to cannon is a wacog of what we bought it for this summer."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 9, "nninformation", ["gas", "selling"], "request", "according to the contract the pricing of the gas we are selling back to cannon is a wacog of what we bought it for this summer."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 11, "information", ["bought", "gas"], "information", "according to the contract the pricing of the gas we are selling back to cannon is a wacog of what we bought it for this summer."]], "According to the contract the pricing of the gas we are selling back to \nCannon is a WACOG of what we bought it for this summer. Here is the \ncalculation of the WACOG. Let me know if there are any questions/comments.\n\nDave\n", "<5544664.1075854101772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-6-2001-8:54:50Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"6-6-2001-8:54:50Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["6-6-2001-8:54:50", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "jim.schwieger@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3836246.1075845296197.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:54:50 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: jim.schwieger@enron.com\nSubject: Bammel Adjustments\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Baumbach, David \nX-To: Schwieger, Jim \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Schwieger, Jim\\Schwieger, Jim\\Inbox\nX-Origin: SCHWIEGER-J\nX-FileName: Schwieger, Jim.pst\n\nJim, how far back would you like to make adjustments? Here is a spreadsheet that compares what we booked vs. what is on Sch 6. The net of this analysis is that we have withdrawn more on our schedule vs. Sch 6. In the end, if we make all of these adjustments, it would result in 21,259 adjustment.\n\nDave\n\n ", "Bammel Adjustments", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["adjustments", "make"], "request", "jim, how far back would you like to make adjustments?"], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 19, "nninformation", ["adjustments", "make"], "intention", " in the end, if we make all of these adjustments, it would result in numeric adjustment."]], "Jim, how far back would you like to make adjustments? Here is a spreadsheet that compares what we booked vs. what is on Sch 6. The net of this analysis is that we have withdrawn more on our schedule vs. Sch 6. In the end, if we make all of these adjustments, it would result in 21,259 adjustment.\n\nDave\n\n ", "<3836246.1075845296197.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-10-2001-12:1:26Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"1-10-2001-12:1:26Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["1-10-2001-12:1:26", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "a..martin@enron.com c..koehler@enron.com jim.schwieger@enron.com jim.coffey@enron.com brian.redmond@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24768629.1075859023016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 12:01:26 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: a..martin@enron.com, c..koehler@enron.com, jim.schwieger@enron.com,\n\tjim.coffey@enron.com, brian.redmond@enron.com\nSubject: Schedules\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Baumbach, David \nX-To: Martin, Thomas A. , Koehler, Anne C. , Schwieger, Jim , Coffey Jr., Jim , Redmond, Brian \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\TMARTIN (Non-Privileged)\\Inbox\nX-Origin: Martin-T\nX-FileName: TMARTIN (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n \n\nPlease let me know of any changes that need to be made.\n\nDave", "Schedules", "", [["make change", 5, "nninformation", ["changes", "made"], "intention", " please let me know of any changes that need to be made."]], " \n\nPlease let me know of any changes that need to be made.\n\nDave", "<24768629.1075859023016.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-8-2000-2:27:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"28-8-2000-2:27:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["28-8-2000-2:27:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "brenda.herod@enron.com", "patrick.wade@enron.com thomas.martin@enron.com edward.gottlob@enron.com jim.schwieger@enron.com brian.redmond@enron.com jim.coffey@enron.com sally.beck@enron.com wes.colwell@enron.com steve.jackson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14257843.1075855845013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 02:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: brenda.herod@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Project Triple Lutz\nCc: patrick.wade@enron.com, thomas.martin@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com,\n\tjim.schwieger@enron.com, brian.redmond@enron.com,\n\tjim.coffey@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com, wes.colwell@enron.com,\n\tsteve.jackson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: patrick.wade@enron.com, thomas.martin@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com,\n\tjim.schwieger@enron.com, brian.redmond@enron.com,\n\tjim.coffey@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com, wes.colwell@enron.com,\n\tsteve.jackson@enron.com\nX-From: David Baumbach\nX-To: Brenda F Herod\nX-cc: Patrick Wade, Thomas A Martin, Edward D Gottlob, Jim Schwieger, Brian Redmond, Jim Coffey, Sally Beck, Wes Colwell, Steve Jackson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sally_Beck_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Beck-S\nX-FileName: sbeck.nsf\n\nAll fixed priced deals (esp. Calpine) have their risk assigned to the Price \nBook. Dutch Quigley confirmed that these deals were more than likely hedged \n(although it is difficult to hedge 20 year deals since we are one of the few \nplaying out that far). If we are under the assumption that we will be able \nto transfer all hedges along with the deal(s), then these deals are not \nunderwater. However, there will be some costs associated with transferring \nthe hedges. When I get a better idea of these costs I will relay them to \nyou. \n\nDave\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brenda F Herod 08/25/2000 06:26 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Patrick Wade/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thomas A Martin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward D \nGottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Schwieger/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian Redmond/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJim Coffey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wes Colwell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nDavid Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Yvette G Connevey/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Project Triple Lutz\n\nTo date, my primary duties have been to oversee the internal valuation of the \ncontracts, and their unwind costs in our Risk books. I have also been \ninvolved with the Entex contract valuation. Dave Baumbach has been the real \nkey to providing the data, and has all of the information. Steve Jackson is \ntalking with Ed McMichael of Structuring on Monday to get some additional \neyes and resources looking at this also. I feel we have done a thorough job, \nbut we do need everyone thinking of \"what if's.\" Our risk books are complex, \nwith many hand-offs internally. Obviously our goal is to ensure that all of \nthe stones have been turned, and there are no surprises at the end of the \nday. I think Structuring will really be helpful in this arena. After our \nmeeting yesterday, I believe everyone is much more comfortable in our \napproach. There were a couple of things that Dave was going to follow-up on \n(Fixed-price deals, especially Calpine).\n\nFYI: I will be out of town on another project all of the week of 8/28 - 9/1, \nand Tuesday, 9/5 and Wednesday, 9/6. I have made arrangements to ensure that \nI am in Houston on Thursday, 9/7 and Friday, 9/8 for the first visit to the \nTriple Lutz data room. \n\nIn my absence next week, I want to reiterate to each of you that I am \navailable, and will have the Triple Lutz data with me. If any issues come up \nthat you feel I can be helpful, please contact yvette Connevey @ \n713-853-5953, and she will get in touch with me. Once again, DO NOT HESITATE \nTO CALL ME!!! I do not want anything falling through the cracks!\n\n", "Re: Project Triple Lutz", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["deals", "fixed"], "information", "all fixed priced deals (esp."]], "All fixed priced deals (esp. Calpine) have their risk assigned to the Price \nBook. Dutch Quigley confirmed that these deals were more than likely hedged \n(although it is difficult to hedge 20 year deals since we are one of the few \nplaying out that far). If we are under the assumption that we will be able \nto transfer all hedges along with the deal(s), then these deals are not \nunderwater. However, there will be some costs associated with transferring \nthe hedges. When I get a better idea of these costs I will relay them to \nyou. \n\nDave\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Brenda F Herod 08/25/2000 06:26 PM\n\t\n\n", "<14257843.1075855845013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-9-2000-5:28:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"25-9-2000-5:28:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["25-9-2000-5:28:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "carla.nguyen@enron.com eric.calub@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6563372.1075853982022.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 05:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: carla.nguyen@enron.com, eric.calub@enron.com\nSubject: Cleburne\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com\nX-From: David Baumbach\nX-To: Carla Nguyen, Eric Francis Calub\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Bob M Hall\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCleburne should be it's own desk. Rick Hill should be set up as trader/head \nof desk. Let me know if you have more questions.\n\nDave", "Cleburne", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["set", "desk"], "intention", " rick hill should be set up as trader/head of desk."]], "Cleburne should be it's own desk. Rick Hill should be set up as trader/head \nof desk. Let me know if you have more questions.\n\nDave", "<6563372.1075853982022.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "31-1-2000-11:5:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"31-1-2000-11:5:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["31-1-2000-11:5:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com kenneth.seaman@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32944692.1075854051379.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 11:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, kenneth.seaman@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Storage\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Baumbach\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Kenneth Seaman, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI updated the storage ticket for Feb and created an injection ticket, Sitara \n#159640.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nDave", "Storage", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 4, "information", ["created", "ticket"], "information", "i updated the storage ticket for feb and created an injection ticket, sitara # numeric ."]], "I updated the storage ticket for Feb and created an injection ticket, Sitara \n#159640.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nDave", "<32944692.1075854051379.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "159640", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-2-2001-5:56:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"6-2-2001-5:56:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-5:56:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31845917.1075854289571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 05:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: edward.terry@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, mary.poorman@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Cleburne Plant Maintenance Update\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Edward Terry, Daren J Farmer, Mary Poorman, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI----\n\nI checked with Ken Reisz with Tenaska IV this afternoon re: maintenance being \ncompleted, and at this point they are still on track to come back up on the \n9th sometime......however, he did say that they have not gotten a look at \neverything just yet, but expect to have a better idea as to their downtime in \nthe morning. He said he would call Mary with the latest news. Mary, please \ncheck with him on Thursday to see where they are at, at if we need to nom gas \nto Lonestar or not.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "Cleburne Plant Maintenance Update", "", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 22, "nninformation", ["see", "gas"], "intention", " mary, please check with him on thursday to see where they are at, at if we need to nom gas to lonestar or not."]], "FYI----\n\nI checked with Ken Reisz with Tenaska IV this afternoon re: maintenance being \ncompleted, and at this point they are still on track to come back up on the \n9th sometime......however, he did say that they have not gotten a look at \neverything just yet, but expect to have a better idea as to their downtime in \nthe morning. He said he would call Mary with the latest news. Mary, please \ncheck with him on Thursday to see where they are at, at if we need to nom gas \nto Lonestar or not.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "<31845917.1075854289571.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-4-2001-11:2:25Srita.wynne@enron.com": {"24-4-2001-11:2:25Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-11:2:25", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "", "milton.bolanos@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28620287.1075840436100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 11:02:25 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: PLE00004 2000\nCc: milton.bolanos@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: milton.bolanos@enron.com\nX-From: Wynne, Rita \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: Bolanos, Milton \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nDaren,\n\nWhen I look back in CPR for the delivery periods of 10/00 - 12/00 on CPR Pipeline Exchange, I do not see anything being flashed as an imbalance, i.e. the buys and sales always equal in CPR. However, we are booking an imbalance every month on the parking and lending contract. Should there be something in CPR for these volumes? Let me know because it is causing an OA variance for us. Thanks!\n---------------------- Forwarded by Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 12:58 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t From: Thu T Nguyen 04/24/2001 12:14 PM\t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tRita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tPLE00004 2000\n\nImbalances :\n\n\tOct\t26687\n\tNov\t-44177\n\tDec\t-9248\n", "PLE00004 2000", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 12, "nninformation", ["buys", "sales"], "intention", " the buys and sales always equal in cpr."]], "Daren,\n\nWhen I look back in CPR for the delivery periods of 10/00 - 12/00 on CPR Pipeline Exchange, I do not see anything being flashed as an imbalance, i.e. the buys and sales always equal in CPR. However, we are booking an imbalance every month on the parking and lending contract. Should there be something in CPR for these volumes? Let me know because it is causing an OA variance for us. Thanks!\n", "<28620287.1075840436100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-5-2002-9:42:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": {"17-5-2002-9:42:0Srita.wynne@enron.com": ["17-5-2002-9:42:0", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "chris.germany@enron.com ruth.concannon@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29513252.1075840503425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 17 May 2002 09:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: rita.wynne@enron.com\nTo: chris.germany@enron.com, ruth.concannon@enron.com\nSubject: Union Gas Limited - Synthetic Storage\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Wynne, Rita \nX-To: Germany, Chris , Concannon, Ruth \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Germany, Chris\\Bankrupt\\Transport\\Union Gas\nX-Origin: GERMANY-C\nX-FileName: chris germany 6-25-02.pst\n\nThis morning I called Union to inquire about an imbalance statement for Apr=\nil 2002 primarily because the statement that I received for April 2002 was =\nmissing the park and loan balances for contract HUB210E14, HUB210E28 and HU=\nB210E29, totaling roughtly 1,461,431 mmbuts due Union. In turn, I was refe=\nrred to their Legal Dept. and spoke with Larry Fedchun (519-436-4690). He =\ninformed me that because ENA owedUnion way in excess of the value of this g=\nas, they have decided to net this gas due them against everything that they=\n owed ENA. I asked how they valued this gas and he said they went through =\nseveral pricing models and scenarios yielding anywhere from $13MM to $16MM =\nand finally settled upon somewhere around $13MM as the value of the gas due=\n them on a volume of 2,528,557 mmtus (per the Mar. 2002 statement that show=\ned the outstanding volumes). We are currently showing this gas in our syst=\nem as gas owed to Union and we are carrying it at a $0.00 value because it =\nwas classified as synthetic storage. Please let me know your thoughts on t=\nhis and how we need to proceed. If you need copies of any statements, plea=\nse let me know.\n\n\nThanks,\nRita", "Union Gas Limited - Synthetic Storage", "", [["show deal", 78, "information", ["gas", "showing"], "information", " we are currently showing this gas in our system as gas owed to union and we are carrying it at a pricenumeric value because it was classified as synthetic storage."]], "This morning I called Union to inquire about an imbalance statement for April 2002 primarily because the statement that I received for April 2002 was missing the park and loan balances for contract HUB210E14, HUB210E28 and HUB210E29, totaling roughtly 1,461,431 mmbuts due Union. In turn, I was referred to their Legal Dept. and spoke with Larry Fedchun (519-436-4690). He informed me that because ENA owedUnion way in excess of the value of this gas, they have decided to net this gas due them against everything that they owed ENA. I asked how they valued this gas and he said they went through several pricing models and scenarios yielding anywhere from $13MM to $16MM and finally settled upon somewhere around $13MM as the value of the gas due them on a volume of 2,528,557 mmtus (per the Mar. 2002 statement that showed the outstanding volumes). We are currently showing this gas in our system as gas owed to Union and we are carrying it at a $0.00 value because it was classified as synthetic storage. Please let me know your thoughts on this and how we need to proceed. If you need copies of any statements, please let me know.\n\n\nThanks,\nRita", "<29513252.1075840503425.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"excess_extra gasTnn": {"value": "excess_extra gasTnn", "ne": "excess_extra gasTnn", "patterns": ["excess_extra gasTnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "gas volumeTnn": {"value": "gas volumeTnn", "ne": "gas volumeTnn", "patterns": ["gas volumeTnn"]}, "70": {"value": "2,528", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-5-2000-2:15:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"23-5-2000-2:15:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["23-5-2000-2:15:0", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13507729.1075854071561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 May 2000 02:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Sale to El Paso Merchant for 4/00\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-To: Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nStacey,\n\nSettlements has brought an invoice to zero out a sale of 10,000 mmbtu to El \nPaso Merchant Energy for 4/20/00 on PGEV. There are 2 packages of 5000 deal \nnumbers 247426 and 247583 on the market side and deal 247676 on the supply \nside. These are HPLC brokered deal on PGEV that are buying and selling the \nsame 10,000 to El Paso Merchant Energy. The purchase and sale price is the \nsame $3.02. I do not know the intent of these deals so I am hesitant to just \nzero out the volume. Will you let me know if that is okay?", "Sale to El Paso Merchant for 4/00", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 25, "information", ["buying", "deal"], "information", " these are orgname brokered deal on pgev that are buying and selling the same numeric to orgname merchant energy."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 26, "information", ["deal", "selling"], "information", " these are orgname brokered deal on pgev that are buying and selling the same numeric to orgname merchant energy."]], "Stacey,\n\nSettlements has brought an invoice to zero out a sale of 10,000 mmbtu to El \nPaso Merchant Energy for 4/20/00 on PGEV. There are 2 packages of 5000 deal \nnumbers 247426 and 247583 on the market side and deal 247676 on the supply \nside. These are HPLC brokered deal on PGEV that are buying and selling the \nsame 10,000 to El Paso Merchant Energy. The purchase and sale price is the \nsame $3.02. I do not know the intent of these deals so I am hesitant to just \nzero out the volume. Will you let me know if that is okay?", "<13507729.1075854071561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"33": {"value": "$3 02", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "5000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "247583", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-9-2000-3:57:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"12-9-2000-3:57:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["12-9-2000-3:57:0", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "rebecca.griffin@enron.com katherine.herrera@enron.com", "Message-ID: <53111.1075854138091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 03:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Duke purchase on 8/2/00\nCc: rebecca.griffin@enron.com, katherine.herrera@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: rebecca.griffin@enron.com, katherine.herrera@enron.com\nX-From: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Rebecca Griffin, Katherine Herrera\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\nDeal 351653 is set up for 20,000mmbtu purchase from Duke at meter 981040 on \nHPL, but the actuals on CENT show a volume of 19,606 mmbtu at meter 77455 on \n8/2/00 with no deal set up. Should this sale to Mobil have taken place on \nCENT instead of HPL?\n", "Duke purchase on 8/2/00", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 4, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", "daren, deal numeric is set up for numeric mmbtu purchase from orgname at meter numeric on hpl, but the actuals on cent show a volume of numeric mmbtu at meter numeric on datenumeric with no deal set up."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 18, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", "daren, deal numeric is set up for numeric mmbtu purchase from orgname at meter numeric on hpl, but the actuals on cent show a volume of numeric mmbtu at meter numeric on datenumeric with no deal set up."]], "Daren,\nDeal 351653 is set up for 20,000mmbtu purchase from Duke at meter 981040 on \nHPL, but the actuals on CENT show a volume of 19,606 mmbtu at meter 77455 on \n8/2/00 with no deal set up. Should this sale to Mobil have taken place on \nCENT instead of HPL?\n", "<53111.1075854138091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "19,606", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "mmbtu numeric volumeTnnn", "mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "351653", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "77455", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "981040", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "20,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-12-2000-7:17:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"28-12-2000-7:17:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["28-12-2000-7:17:0", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "nick.moshou@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com thu.nguyen@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21230370.1075854317848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 07:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: nick.moshou@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Richardson Volumes Nov 99 and Dec 99 Meter 0987283\nCc: tom.acton@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tom.acton@enron.com, thu.nguyen@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-To: Nick Moshou\nX-cc: Tom Acton, Thu T Nguyen, Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nNick,\nI am not sure what happened to this volume. I cannot tell by the audit \ntrail, but there is a connection between meter HPL meter 987283, and MIDT \n989807. The volume you are referring to is on Mid-Tex Pipeline under meter \n989807. It it pathed as a point to point nom with no deal reference. I do \nnot think this is correct because the deal you reference show HPLC as \npurchaser. The volume is in MIPS under meter 989807, but the supply deal \nis set up on HPL meter 987283, and the audit trail in Sitara shows the deal \nwas moved from MIDT to HPL. Get with Thu when she returns to see if she \nknows anything about this.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNick Moshou@ENRON\n12/20/2000 09:07 AM\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Richardson Volumes Nov 99 and Dec 99 Meter 0987283\n\nHi Sherlyn,\n\nCould you check to see why the volumes at this meter were zeroed out for the \nabove months. We paid Richardson back then and yesterday I noticed that we \nhave a recoverable amount for the entire amounts paid for each month. The \nsitara Deal #s are 127856 for Nov and 131729 for Dec. Let me know if you \nadditionall info from me.\n\nThanks,\n nick\n\n", "Re: Richardson Volumes Nov 99 and Dec 99 Meter 0987283", "", [["pathe deal", 23, "information", ["deal", "pathed"], "information", " it it pathed as a point to point nom with no deal reference."], ["show deal", 31, "information", ["deal", "show"], "information", " i do not think this is correct because the deal you reference show orgname as purchaser."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 38, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", " the volume is in mips under meter numeric , but the supply deal is set up on hpl meter numeric , and the audit trail in sitara shows the deal was moved from midt to hpl."], ["show deal", 43, "information", ["deal", "shows"], "information", " the volume is in mips under meter numeric , but the supply deal is set up on hpl meter numeric , and the audit trail in sitara shows the deal was moved from midt to hpl."]], "Nick,\nI am not sure what happened to this volume. I cannot tell by the audit \ntrail, but there is a connection between meter HPL meter 987283, and MIDT \n989807. The volume you are referring to is on Mid-Tex Pipeline under meter \n989807. It it pathed as a point to point nom with no deal reference. I do \nnot think this is correct because the deal you reference show HPLC as \npurchaser. The volume is in MIPS under meter 989807, but the supply deal \nis set up on HPL meter 987283, and the audit trail in Sitara shows the deal \nwas moved from MIDT to HPL. Get with Thu when she returns to see if she \nknows anything about this.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNick Moshou@ENRON\n12/20/2000 09:07 AM\n", "<21230370.1075854317848.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"35": {"value": "989807", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "987283", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "989807", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "987283", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-2-2000-3:20:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"18-2-2000-3:20:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["18-2-2000-3:20:0", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "joanie.ngo@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23973474.1075854026348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 03:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Deal 107937 for 1/2000\nCc: joanie.ngo@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: joanie.ngo@enron.com\nX-From: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Joanie H Ngo\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nStacey is out of the office today, I hope you can help. Deal 107937 was \noriginally set up for 155,000, but the nom was changed to 140,000. I show \n5,000 was purchased from Conoco, where did HPLC get the additional 135,000? \nSitara shows HPLC IM Wellhead. Joanie Ngo says TXU is saying they bought \n155,000. I am trying to back track to the purchase invoices to see what we \nwere invoiced. ", "Deal 107937 for 1/2000", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 10, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", " deal numeric was originally set up for numeric , but the nom was changed to numeric ."]], "Daren,\n\nStacey is out of the office today, I hope you can help. Deal 107937 was \noriginally set up for 155,000, but the nom was changed to 140,000. I show \n5,000 was purchased from Conoco, where did HPLC get the additional 135,000? \nSitara shows HPLC IM Wellhead. Joanie Ngo says TXU is saying they bought \n155,000. I am trying to back track to the purchase invoices to see what we \nwere invoiced. ", "<23973474.1075854026348.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "107937", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "107937", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-4-2000-7:6:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"13-4-2000-7:6:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["13-4-2000-7:6:0", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com sherlyn.schumack@enron.com gregory.steagall@enron.com anita.luong@enron.com charlotte.hawkins@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com heidi.withers@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30812027.1075854066860.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 07:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: howard.camp@enron.com, sherlyn.schumack@enron.com,\n\tgregory.steagall@enron.com, anita.luong@enron.com,\n\tcharlotte.hawkins@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\theidi.withers@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PG&E Texas Meeting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-To: Howard B Camp, Sherlyn Schumack, Gregory Steagall, Anita Luong, Charlotte Hawkins, Robert E Lloyd, Heidi Withers, Stacey Neuweiler, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRecap of PG&E Texas meeting 4/12/00.\n\nVolume Issues:\n? Sherlyn Schumack will provide Stacey Neuweiler with volume variances by d=\nay=20\nand contract as soon as possible (preferably the same day allocation is=20\nreceived).\n? Stacey will notify Sherlyn of correct volume or status if further researc=\nh=20\nis necessary as soon as possible.\n? Sherlyn will notify logistics, Stacey, and Lorraine of PG&E Texas of=20\ninterconnect variances by day.\n? Each group will respond promptly to ensure payment can be made through th=\ne=20\nsystem, eliminating manual line items on invoice.\n? Charlotte Hawkins will see what was confirmed on the outstanding=20\ninterconnect issue for 2/00, and Daren or Charlotte will make the necessary=\n=20\ncorrection. =20\n\nRate Issues:\n? Heidi Withers will pull daily rates from PG&E Texas bulletin board.\n? Greg Steagall will provide Heidi with service verification(s) and the dai=\nly=20\nallocation summary received from PG&E Texas during close, which shows rates=\n=20\nfrom PG&E Texas.\n? No action will be taken on rate variances where PG&E was paid per their=\n=20\ninvoice. Heidi has talked with Brenda Herod, and Brenda is okay with this=\n=20\ncourse of action.=20\n? There are four invoices from 1999 production where PG&E was underpaid, so=\n=20\nHeidi and Greg will work to correct those months to pay PG&E correctly. =20\nThere are no open invoices in Settlements.\n? It was noted that manual line items are not to be used to pay PG&E per=20\ntheir invoice in the future. We expect to correct issues in the system pri=\nor=20\nto the due date of the invoice unless there is a valid disagreement between=\n=20\nENA and PG&E. If ENA has a valid disagreement, we will pay per ENA=01,s=20\nverification.\n\nDaren has put in a request for legal to transfer the ENA transport contract=\ns=20\nto HPL. This would eliminate Stacey having to schedule the transport on E=\nNA=20\nas well as the desk to desk deal. It would also prevent Sherlyn from havin=\ng=20\nto allocate the transport expense contract and the brokered desk to desk=20\ndeal. =20\nHe has not had a response from legal yet.", "Re: PG&E Texas Meeting", "", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 152, "nninformation", ["allocate", "contract"], "intention", " it would also prevent sherlyn from having numeric to allocate the transport expense contract and the brokered desk to desk numeric deal."]], "Recap of PG&E Texas meeting 4/12/00.\n\nVolume Issues:\n? Sherlyn Schumack will provide Stacey Neuweiler with volume variances by day=20\nand contract as soon as possible (preferably the same day allocation is=20\nreceived).\n? Stacey will notify Sherlyn of correct volume or status if further research=20\nis necessary as soon as possible.\n? Sherlyn will notify logistics, Stacey, and Lorraine of PG&E Texas of=20\ninterconnect variances by day.\n? Each group will respond promptly to ensure payment can be made through the=20\nsystem, eliminating manual line items on invoice.\n? Charlotte Hawkins will see what was confirmed on the outstanding=20\ninterconnect issue for 2/00, and Daren or Charlotte will make the necessary=20\ncorrection. =20\n\nRate Issues:\n? Heidi Withers will pull daily rates from PG&E Texas bulletin board.\n? Greg Steagall will provide Heidi with service verification(s) and the daily=20\nallocation summary received from PG&E Texas during close, which shows rates=20\nfrom PG&E Texas.\n? No action will be taken on rate variances where PG&E was paid per their=20\ninvoice. Heidi has talked with Brenda Herod, and Brenda is okay with this=20\ncourse of action.=20\n? There are four invoices from 1999 production where PG&E was underpaid, so=20\nHeidi and Greg will work to correct those months to pay PG&E correctly. =20\nThere are no open invoices in Settlements.\n? It was noted that manual line items are not to be used to pay PG&E per=20\ntheir invoice in the future. We expect to correct issues in the system prior=20\nto the due date of the invoice unless there is a valid disagreement between=20\nENA and PG&E. If ENA has a valid disagreement, we will pay per ENA=01,s=20\nverification.\n\nDaren has put in a request for legal to transfer the ENA transport contracts=20\nto HPL. This would eliminate Stacey having to schedule the transport on ENA=20\nas well as the desk to desk deal. It would also prevent Sherlyn from having=20\nto allocate the transport expense contract and the brokered desk to desk=20\ndeal. =20\nHe has not had a response from legal yet.", "<30812027.1075854066860.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "140": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract volumeTnn": {"value": "contract volumeTnn", "ne": "contract volumeTnn", "patterns": ["contract volumeTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "120": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn", "numeric priorTnn"]}, "deal deskTnn": {"value": "deal deskTnn", "ne": "deal deskTnn", "patterns": ["deal deskTnn"]}, "159": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "line_pipe0line systemTnn": {"value": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "ne": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "patterns": ["line_pipe0line systemTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric rateTnn"]}, "76": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric rateTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-8-2001-7:39:31Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"13-8-2001-7:39:31Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["13-8-2001-7:39:31", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com michael.olsen@enron.com", "charles.jacobs@enron.com", "Message-ID: <176472.1075852200847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 07:39:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: j..farmer@enron.com, michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Entex May 2001\nCc: charles.jacobs@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: charles.jacobs@enron.com\nX-From: Schumack, Sherlyn \nX-To: Farmer, Daren J. , Olsen, Michael , 'hbcamp@aep.com'\nX-cc: Jacobs, Charles \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\DFARMER (Non-Privileged)\\Entex\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: DFARMER (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHoward, \nCan you please respond to Daren's question? Howard after we talked I thought you were going to just make the change effective 6/2001. Even if they do add these meters to the deals ENA does not have a transport contract on Unit to sell the gas to Entex. \n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFarmer, Daren J. \nSent:\tMonday, August 13, 2001 9:24 AM\nTo:\tSchumack, Sherlyn; Olsen, Michael\nCc:\tJacobs, Charles\nSubject:\tRE: Entex May 2001\n\nWe haven't had those meters on these deals for the entire year. Why do we need to add them on the last month we have the deal?\n\nD\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tSchumack, Sherlyn \nSent:\tMonday, August 13, 2001 8:41 AM\nTo:\tFarmer, Daren J.; Olsen, Michael\nCc:\tJacobs, Charles\nSubject:\tFW: Entex May 2001\n\nDaren or Mike, \nCan you add these meters to the deals below?\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \thbcamp@aep.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-hbcamp+40aep+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] \nSent:\tThursday, August 09, 2001 12:37 PM\nTo:\tSchumack, Sherlyn\nCc:\thbcamp@aep.com; ttnguyen@aep.com; ccernosek@aep.com\nSubject:\tEntex May 2001\n\n\nSherlyn, \nThe POPS meters 7107, 7108, and 7109 need to stay non allocatable and need to be allocated on Unit Gas Pipeline. You will need Daren or Michael at Enron to do the following \nAdd Meters 7107, 7108 and 7109 on Unit Pipeline to Sitara Deals 70550 \n 70549 \n 70119 \nThen you can run the POPS 53 report for these meters or use your allocation to properly allocate to the meters on Unit Pipeline. \nOnce this is done, Let me know and I will zero out the POPS meters. \nHC", "RE: Entex May 2001", "", [["make change", 8, "nninformation", ["effective", "change"], "intention", " howard after we talked i thought you were going to just make the change effective datenumeric numeric ."], ["add deal{numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["add", "deals"], "request", " even if they do add these meters to the deals orgname does not have a transport contract on unit to sell the gas to entex."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 17, "nninformation", ["gas", "sell"], "intention", " even if they do add these meters to the deals orgname does not have a transport contract on unit to sell the gas to entex."]], "Howard, \nCan you please respond to Daren's question? Howard after we talked I thought you were going to just make the change effective 6/2001. Even if they do add these meters to the deals ENA does not have a transport contract on Unit to sell the gas to Entex. \n\n ", "<176472.1075852200847.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-3-2000-2:33:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": {"22-3-2000-2:33:0Ssherlyn.schumack@enron.com": ["22-3-2000-2:33:0", "sherlyn.schumack@enron.com", "stephanie.gomes@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24352584.1075854127471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 02:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: sherlyn.schumack@enron.com\nTo: stephanie.gomes@enron.com\nSubject: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Sherlyn Schumack\nX-To: Stephanie Gomes\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nStephanie,\n\nThe problem with the January payment is that the deal is set up incorrectly \nin sitara. For January production deal 153864 shows HPLC purchasing gas \nfrom GMT Company Inc, not GMT Inc. Someone needs to either correct the deal \nfor 1/00 or put in a new deal, then I can do an accounting arrangement to \nmake the necessary correction. It is correct for 2/00 on deal 156292. I \nemailed Daren on this because I see his name in sitara as the contact, but I \nam not sure who actually takes care of it.\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2000 \n10:27 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Thu Nguyen 03/20/2000 03:07 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Sherlyn Schumack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production\n\nSherlyn,\n\n I believe this is your meter........\n---------------------- Forwarded by Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2000 03:05 PM \n---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Stephanie Gomes 03/18/2000 09:21 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Thu Nguyen/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production\n\nThu,\nI'm not sure if this is your meter or not. If it is not, could you please \npass this email on to the correct person.\nFor meter # 9814, Jan. 2000 production, the volume was allocated to the wrong \ncompany. The gas was allocated to GMT Company Inc., but it should have been\nallocated to GMT, Inc. For Feb. 2000 it is done correctly.\nI need to recoup the money from GMT Company, so could you please let me know \nwhen the change has been made in the system.\nThanks for your help.\n\nStephanie ( 3-6004 )\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT on 03/18/2000 \n09:09 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nNick Moshou@ENRON\n03/15/2000 03:25 PM\nTo: Stephanie Gomes/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nHere you go let me know if you need anything else.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron on 03/15/2000 \n03:22 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman @ ECT 03/06/2000 10:34 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nWould you please send a note to Brian Riley verifying that the GMT payment \nhas gone out to the Houston company? Please include the amount.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 03/06/2000 \n10:20 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 03/03/2000 04:18 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cynthia \nHakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nNick, it appears that we paid GMT Company, Inc. (BA 01474) of Corpus Christi \ninstead of GMT, Inc. (BA 75046) of Houston. These companies are not \nrelated. We should pay the Houston GMT for production at meter 098-9814. \nWould you please make the necessary adjustments? Thanks.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 03/03/2000 \n04:14 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nNick Moshou@ENRON\n03/03/2000 03:00 PM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nI was looking in Unify for last month and this invoice was finalled under the \nGMT Company Inc for 15975 mmbtu at meter 0989814. The check was sent to \ntheir Corpus Christi address. The Sitara# was 153864. The Sitara # you gave \nme is showing February as the beginning month with GMT, Inc. as the payee. \nDo you know if these are different companies?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron on 03/03/2000 \n02:25 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nCynthia Hakemack@ECT\n03/02/2000 04:07 PM\nTo: Nick Moshou/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nNick, Can you please handle this?\n---------------------- Forwarded by Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT on 03/02/2000 \n03:58 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 03/02/2000 02:21 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Cynthia Hakemack/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nCindy, GMT has advised Brian that they have not yet received payment for \nproduction at meter 098-9814 for the period from 1/14/2000 to 1/31/2000. \nWould you look into this and have them paid as promptly as possible? It \nappears that the January deal was 156292 and I believe GMT produced 15,984 \nMmbtu in January.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 03/02/2000 \n02:16 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 01/13/2000 09:11 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron\ncc: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert D Morgan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nVic, attached is a Physical Well Connect form authorizing you to turn-on the \nGMT Tillison #1 well. We expect this production to commence either late \ntoday or tomorrow at Meter 098-9814.\n\nNathan, WO C59605 on its way to you.\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 01/13/2000 \n09:01 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: George Weissman 01/13/2000 07:45 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Robert D Morgan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vicente Sarmiento/GCO/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1\n\nBrian, for your information. Please note Robert's cautionary warning with \nrespect to additional wells that GMT may want to drill and add to this \nmeter. Does GMT have additional drilling plans? If so, should we alert them \nto the gas quality issue early on?\n\nGeorge x3-6992\n---------------------- Forwarded by George Weissman/HOU/ECT on 01/13/2000 \n07:41 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRobert D Morgan\n01/12/2000 10:04 AM\nTo: George Weissman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: GMT, Inc. Tillison #1 \n\nAlthough the gas is non-spec, the volumes and gas total inerts are low enough \nthat it can be blended okay before reaching Beaumont. GO FOR IT.\n\nAs a precaution, we are starting a trend and I want to be very cautious. \nOnce we connect a well, we can't go backwards. Please be specific with GMT \nand limit him to this one well. Otherwise he could drill more wells and flow \nthem ALL through this new meter.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Meter # 0989814 - GMT, Inc. - 1/00 production", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 8, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", "stephanie, the problem with the january payment is that the deal is set up incorrectly in sitara."], ["show deal", 14, "information", ["deal", "shows"], "information", " for january production deal numeric shows orgname purchasing gas from gmt company orgname not gmt orgname someone needs to either correct the deal for datenumeric or put in a new deal, then i can do an accounting arrangement to make the necessary correction."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 15, "information", ["purchasing", "deal"], "information", " for january production deal numeric shows orgname purchasing gas from gmt company orgname not gmt orgname someone needs to either correct the deal for datenumeric or put in a new deal, then i can do an accounting arrangement to make the necessary correction."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 20, "information", ["deal", "put"], "information", " for january production deal numeric shows orgname purchasing gas from gmt company orgname not gmt orgname someone needs to either correct the deal for datenumeric or put in a new deal, then i can do an accounting arrangement to make the necessary correction."]], "Stephanie,\n\nThe problem with the January payment is that the deal is set up incorrectly \nin sitara. For January production deal 153864 shows HPLC purchasing gas \nfrom GMT Company Inc, not GMT Inc. Someone needs to either correct the deal \nfor 1/00 or put in a new deal, then I can do an accounting arrangement to \nmake the necessary correction. It is correct for 2/00 on deal 156292. I \nemailed Daren on this because I see his name in sitara as the contact, but I \nam not sure who actually takes care of it.\n\n\n\n", "<24352584.1075854127471.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "153864", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "156292", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-11-2000-8:16:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": {"9-11-2000-8:16:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-8:16:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "dan.hyvl@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27519118.1075842259731.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 08:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Valero\nCc: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: Dan J Hyvl\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\Gas\\Hpl customers\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nDan,\nThese Gas Daily prices should all be two days after flow.\nThanks,\nGary\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 10/27/2000 03:57 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Valero\n\nDan,\nPlease prepare necessary documents. They accepted the proposal without \nfloors.\nThanks,\n\nGary\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Valero", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 2, "information", ["flow", "prices"], "information", "dan, these orgname prices should all be two days after flow."]], "Dan,\nThese Gas Daily prices should all be two days after flow.\nThanks,\nGary\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 10/27/2000 03:57 PM\n\t\n\n", "<27519118.1075842259731.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-6-2000-4:41:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": {"27-6-2000-4:41:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-4:41:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "dan.hyvl@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5763335.1075842258989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 04:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: dan.hyvl@enron.com\nSubject: Shell contract\nCc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Dan J Hyvl\nX-cc: Gary W Lamphier\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Dan_Hyvl_Dec2000_June2001\\Notes Folders\\Gas\\Hpl customers\nX-Origin: HYVL-D\nX-FileName: dhyvl.nsf\n\nDan,\nAt bottom of page is first run at contract. Middle is changes to bottom. \nTop is summary. Call if you have questions.\n\n1) 50,000 a day firm @ Index (.01)\n2) 0-60,000 first of the month nomination must be received prior to the \nend of bid week (3 business days prior to end of month).\n Also priced @ Index (.01)\n3) Swing: First 20,000 mmbtu/d priced @ GD Mid +.04 two days after\n From 20,001 - 50,000 mmbtu/d priced @ GD Mid+ .10 two days after\n4)Buyback:\n Any volumes flowing less than first of month nom will be bought back on a \ndaily basis @ Katy Mid two days after.\n\nGary,\n\n1. Backup swing - I can live with a two-tiered pricing structure for\nno-notice backup swing service. Just for clarification the tiers and pricing\nwould be as follows:\n a) 0 - 20,000 MMBtu/d at Gas Daily, Houston Ship Channel, Midpoint,\ntwo days after flow plus $0.04/MMBtu and,\n b) 20,001 - 50,000 MMBtu/d at Gas Daily, Houston Ship Channel,\nMidpoint, two days after flow plus $0.10/MMBtu.\n\n2. Firm Gas - The flexibility of the firm gas delivery is for plant\nmaintenance only. I can drop the maximum volume to 110,000 MMBtu/d but\nthat's it. Given our current maintenance schedule, the expected demand and\nyour nominated volume would be as follows:\n\n Month Deer Park Demand HPL\nNomination\n July 2000 207,000 MMBtu/d 105,000\nMMBtu/d\n August 207,000 105,000\n September 207,000 105,000\n October 190,000 95,000\n November 210,000 110,000\n December 210,000 110,000\n January 2001 145,000 70,000\n February 165,000 80,000\n March 213,000 110,000\n April 108,000 50,000\n May 108,000 50,000\n June 213,000 110,000\n\nIf you do the math, the total HPL nomination volume is 33,485,000 MMBtu for\na daily average take of 91,700 MMBtu/d. The uncertainty is that the\nmaintenance schedule is dynamic and the above numbers are subject to\nrevision. That's why we need the flexibility.\n\n3. Curtailment/Interruption - My expectation is that this is a firm gas\nsupply. If I need to curtail and/or interrupt, it would trigger the buyback\noption and would count against my annual average. However, if you curtail\nand/or interrupt the buyback option would not be trigged and my annual\naverage would be adjusted accordingly.\n\n4. Nominations - your definition of bidweek is perfectly acceptable. Can I\nmake a nomination of 105,000 MMBtu/d today?\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 06/27/2000 \n11:34 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Shankster JL (Luther)\" on 06/13/2000 04:43:18 PM\nTo: \"'Lamphier, Gary'\" \ncc: \"Coute, Sonia\" , \"Harrison, Rusty\" \n, \"Kendrick, Katrina\" \n, \"King, Alan\" , \n\"Martin, William\" , \"Moseley, Richard\" \n, \"Osterwisch, Glenn\" \n, \"Buller, Thomas\" , \n\"Carter, John\" , \"Ricks, Ruth\" \nSubject: Revised Shell Deer Park Confirmation - HPL\n\n\nGary,\n\nBased on previous conversations, here is a revised confirmation outlining\nthe terms of the award for gas supply to Deer Park. Will work to schedule a\nmeeting at Deer Park to begin discussions on the HPL-South meter station\nrevisions on 6/19/2000. Will let you know as soon as final arrangements can\nbe made.\n\n <>\nIf you have any questions or do not agree to the terms of this confirmation,\nplease contact me immediately.\n\nJ. Luther Shankster\n\nEnergy & Utilities Planning\nPhone: 713/241-4851\nFax: 713/241-4599\nE-Mail: jlshankster@equiva.com\nHome Page: http://rsweb\n\n\n - revised HPL.doc\n", "Shell contract", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 46, "information", ["flowing", "4", "volumes"], "information", " also priced @ index ( numeric ) numeric ) swing: first numeric mmbtu/d priced @ gd mid numeric two days after from numeric - numeric mmbtu/d priced @ gd mid numeric two days after numeric )buyback: any volumes flowing less than first of month nom will be bought back on a daily basis @ katy mid two days after."], ["expect volume", 103, "information", ["expected", "volume"], "information", " given our current maintenance schedule, the expected demand and your nominated volume would be as follows: month deer park demand hpl nomination datenumeric numeric numeric mmbtu/d numeric mmbtu/d datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric datenumeric numeric numeric if you do the math, the total hpl nomination volume is numeric , numeric mmbtu for a daily average take of numeric mmbtu/d."]], "Dan,\nAt bottom of page is first run at contract. Middle is changes to bottom. \nTop is summary. Call if you have questions.\n\n1) 50,000 a day firm @ Index (.01)\n2) 0-60,000 first of the month nomination must be received prior to the \nend of bid week (3 business days prior to end of month).\n Also priced @ Index (.01)\n3) Swing: First 20,000 mmbtu/d priced @ GD Mid +.04 two days after\n From 20,001 - 50,000 mmbtu/d priced @ GD Mid+ .10 two days after\n4)Buyback:\n Any volumes flowing less than first of month nom will be bought back on a \ndaily basis @ Katy Mid two days after.\n\nGary,\n\n1. Backup swing - I can live with a two-tiered pricing structure for\nno-notice backup swing service. Just for clarification the tiers and pricing\nwould be as follows:\n a) 0 - 20,000 MMBtu/d at Gas Daily, Houston Ship Channel, Midpoint,\ntwo days after flow plus $0.04/MMBtu and,\n b) 20,001 - 50,000 MMBtu/d at Gas Daily, Houston Ship Channel,\nMidpoint, two days after flow plus $0.10/MMBtu.\n\n2. Firm Gas - The flexibility of the firm gas delivery is for plant\nmaintenance only. I can drop the maximum volume to 110,000 MMBtu/d but\nthat's it. Given our current maintenance schedule, the expected demand and\nyour nominated volume would be as follows:\n\n Month Deer Park Demand HPL\nNomination\n July 2000 207,000 MMBtu/d 105,000\nMMBtu/d\n August 207,000 105,000\n September 207,000 105,000\n October 190,000 95,000\n November 210,000 110,000\n December 210,000 110,000\n January 2001 145,000 70,000\n February 165,000 80,000\n March 213,000 110,000\n April 108,000 50,000\n May 108,000 50,000\n June 213,000 110,000\n\nIf you do the math, the total HPL nomination volume is 33,485,000 MMBtu for\na daily average take of 91,700 MMBtu/d. The uncertainty is that the\nmaintenance schedule is dynamic and the above numbers are subject to\nrevision. That's why we need the flexibility.\n\n3. Curtailment/Interruption - My expectation is that this is a firm gas\nsupply. If I need to curtail and/or interrupt, it would trigger the buyback\noption and would count against my annual average. However, if you curtail\nand/or interrupt the buyback option would not be trigged and my annual\naverage would be adjusted accordingly.\n\n4. Nominations - your definition of bidweek is perfectly acceptable. Can I\nmake a nomination of 105,000 MMBtu/d today?\n\n", "<5763335.1075842258989.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"43": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "delivery gasTnn": {"value": "delivery gasTnn", "ne": "delivery gasTnn", "patterns": ["delivery gasTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas supplyTnn"]}, "index priceTnn": {"value": "index priceTnn", "ne": "index priceTnn", "patterns": ["index priceTnn"]}, "143": {"value": "33,485", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "97": {"value": "110,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numeric volumeTnnn", "mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "38": {"value": "50,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "66": {"value": "20,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "112": {"value": "207,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "114": {"value": "105,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "76": {"value": "50,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "190": {"value": "105,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "148": {"value": "91,700", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "144": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "20,001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "20,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric priceTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "$0 04", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priorTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-1-2000-5:25:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": {"7-1-2000-5:25:0Sgary.lamphier@enron.com": ["7-1-2000-5:25:0", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "kenneth.seaman@enron.com joanie.ngo@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14475143.1075854035646.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 05:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nTo: kenneth.seaman@enron.com, joanie.ngo@enron.com\nSubject: Issues\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Gary W Lamphier\nX-To: Kenneth Seaman, Joanie H Ngo\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nValero has accepted this proposal. Please set up appropriate deal tickets \nand Dan Hyvl is preparing a new contract.\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 01/07/2000 \n01:23 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 01/07/2000 10:53 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Issues\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Gary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT on 01/07/2000 \n10:52 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Gary W Lamphier 01/07/2000 09:38 AM\n\t\n\nTo: brotherss@valero.com\ncc: \nSubject: Issues\n\nSusan,\n\nHope you had a great new year and holiday season! I have a couple of issues \nI want ot clear up for this year's contract.\n\nThe question is how valero wants to treat the three meter locations where you \nare currently pulling gas. Our new contract that was just sent to you has a \nminimum take of 60,000 mmbtu (estimated 35,000 @ 8018 Celanese, 15,000 @ 1233 \nTexas City, and 10,000 @ 1394 Dodge Street). If you undertake at any meter \nexcess volumes from another meter would be used to fulfill the entire 60,000 \nmmbtu. My accountant has told me that this is causing difficulties with the \ntwo plants and how they want to see gas purchases broken out. We discussed \nthis on the phone and I got your consent to split these invoices. Now we are \nbeing told all three invoices need to be separate. Since we always aim to \nplease the customer, here is my recommendation for handling the contract \nthrough it's term. Please let me know if this is fine.\n\nCelanese 35,000 mmbtu/d minimum On any given day if volumes fall below \n35,000 HPLC will buy back these volumes at GD Katy mid\n two days after flow\n\nTexas City 15,000 mmbtu/d minimum On any given day if volumes fall below \n15,000 HPLC will buy back these volumes at GD Katy mid\n two days after flow\n\nDodge Street 10,000 mmbtu/d minimum On any given day if volumes fall below \n10,000 HPLC will buy back these volumes at GD Katy mid\n two days after flow\n\nAny excess volumes taken at all three locations would be billed @ GD HSC High \n2 day after\n\n", "Issues", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["set", "deal"], "request", " please set up appropriate deal tickets and dan hyvl is preparing a new contract."]], "Valero has accepted this proposal. Please set up appropriate deal tickets \nand Dan Hyvl is preparing a new contract.\n\n", "<14475143.1075854035646.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-8-2000-1:43:0Skristen.hanson@enron.com": {"15-8-2000-1:43:0Skristen.hanson@enron.com": ["15-8-2000-1:43:0", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21018062.1075855785652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 01:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nTo: sally.beck@enron.com\nSubject: Showstopper Report Status 8/14\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Kristen J Hanson\nX-To: Sally Beck\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sally_Beck_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Beck-S\nX-FileName: sbeck.nsf\n\nPlease see the attached file for the latest information on the showstopper \nreports.\n", "Showstopper Report Status 8/14", "", [["send_attach file", 4, "information", ["attached", "file"], "information", "please see the attached file for the latest information on the showstopper "]], "Please see the attached file for the latest information on the showstopper \nreports.\n", "<21018062.1075855785652.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-4-2000-9:19:0Skristen.hanson@enron.com": {"17-4-2000-9:19:0Skristen.hanson@enron.com": ["17-4-2000-9:19:0", "kristen.hanson@enron.com", "ami.chokshi@enron.com dan.hyvl@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "lisa.csikos@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15988674.1075854129951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 09:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: kristen.hanson@enron.com\nTo: ami.chokshi@enron.com, dan.hyvl@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Calpine Force Majeure\nCc: lisa.csikos@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lisa.csikos@enron.com\nX-From: Kristen J Hanson\nX-To: Ami Chokshi, Dan J Hyvl, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Lisa Csikos\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAttached is a summary of the days Calpine has claimed force majeure beginning \n7/1/99.\n\nThe file is located in the 99Calpine directory under logistics if you wish to \nmake changes.\n\nI left cells blank where I could not locate the information.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nKris", "Calpine Force Majeure", "", [["make change", 14, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "intention", " the file is located in the numeric calpine directory under logistics if you wish to make changes."]], "Attached is a summary of the days Calpine has claimed force majeure beginning \n7/1/99.\n\nThe file is located in the 99Calpine directory under logistics if you wish to \nmake changes.\n\nI left cells blank where I could not locate the information.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nKris", "<15988674.1075854129951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-2-2000-4:8:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": {"28-2-2000-4:8:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-4:8:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com charlotte.hawkins@enron.com george.grant@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com mandy.mackinnon@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com susan.trevino@enron.com ragayle.pellum@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com james.mckay@enron.com earl.tisdale@enron.com brenda.herod@enron.com edward.gottlob@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com steve.venturatos@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4809860.1075854057757.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 04:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: pat.clynes@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.vaughn@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, charlotte.hawkins@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.grant@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tmandy.mackinnon@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com,\n\tstella.morris@enron.com, susan.trevino@enron.com,\n\tragayle.pellum@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Cross Training\nCc: lauri.allen@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, james.mckay@enron.com,\n\tearl.tisdale@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tedward.gottlob@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, steve.venturatos@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lauri.allen@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com, james.mckay@enron.com,\n\tearl.tisdale@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tedward.gottlob@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com, steve.venturatos@enron.com\nX-From: Pat Clynes\nX-To: Kimberly Vaughn, Aimee Lannou, Carlos J Rodriguez, Charlotte Hawkins, George Grant, Jackie Young, Mandy MacKinnon, Robert E Lloyd, Stella L Morris, Susan D Trevino, Ragayle Pellum, Tom Acton\nX-cc: Lauri A Allen, Gary A Hanks, James McKay, Earl Tisdale, Brenda F Herod, Edward D Gottlob, Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler, Rita Wynne, Howard B Camp, Steve Venturatos\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nIn an attempt to continue cross training on our desk, Jackie and Susan will \nbe switching duties.\nJackie will start training on Susan's desk and Susan on Jackie's and the \ntransition will last most\nof March and they will finalize it with April business. It is important that \nwe start communicating the\nchanges to our customers and make it as smooth as possible on them. Thanks, \nPat", "Cross Training", "", [["keep_continue desk", 3, "nninformation", ["continue", "desk"], "intention", "in an attempt to continue cross training on our desk, jackie and susan will be switching duties."]], "In an attempt to continue cross training on our desk, Jackie and Susan will \nbe switching duties.\nJackie will start training on Susan's desk and Susan on Jackie's and the \ntransition will last most\nof March and they will finalize it with April business. It is important that \nwe start communicating the\nchanges to our customers and make it as smooth as possible on them. Thanks, \nPat", "<4809860.1075854057757.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "14-8-2000-3:28:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": {"14-8-2000-3:28:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["14-8-2000-3:28:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24738941.1075854117717.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 03:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pat.clynes@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Meter #1552\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Pat Clynes\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Industrials\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRobert,\nThere is a large variance between noms and flow at this meter. Is everyone \nin the loop on this. Pat", "Meter #1552", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "robert, there is a large variance between noms and flow at this meter."]], "Robert,\nThere is a large variance between noms and flow at this meter. Is everyone \nin the loop on this. Pat", "<24738941.1075854117717.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "1552", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-5-2000-10:11:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": {"24-5-2000-10:11:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["24-5-2000-10:11:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "kimberly.vaughn@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com charlotte.hawkins@enron.com george.grant@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com susan.trevino@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "lauri.allen@enron.com edward.gottlob@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com steve.venturatos@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19614076.1075854072088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 May 2000 10:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pat.clynes@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.vaughn@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, charlotte.hawkins@enron.com,\n\tgeorge.grant@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\trobert.lloyd@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com,\n\tsusan.trevino@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com,\n\tmark.mccoy@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nSubject: Work distribution\nCc: lauri.allen@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tsteve.venturatos@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: lauri.allen@enron.com, edward.gottlob@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tsteve.venturatos@enron.com\nX-From: Pat Clynes\nX-To: Kimberly Vaughn, Aimee Lannou, Carlos J Rodriguez, Charlotte Hawkins, George Grant, Jackie Young, Robert E Lloyd, Stella L Morris, Susan D Trevino, Tom Acton, Sabrae Zajac, Mark McCoy, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Rita Wynne, Howard B Camp\nX-cc: Lauri A Allen, Edward D Gottlob, Gary A Hanks, Lisa Csikos, Daren J Farmer, Steve Venturatos\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLogistics has made the following changes:\n\nBob Cotten - will handle the wellhead portfolio (currently handled by Tom \nActon)\nTom Acton - will handle Gulf Energy, Entex, Copano, Sempra, and the rest of \nGeorge Grant's desk\nMark McCoy - will handle Oasis activity, Midcon, WGR, Lonestar, Trunkline\nJackie Young - will handle Exxon Katy (from Susan)\nSabrae Zajac - Anadarko, Conoco, Tejas, Coral, Corpus Christi, Dynegy, and \nimbalance reports\n\n\nThanks, Pat", "Work distribution", "", [["make change", 3, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", "logistics has made the following changes: bob cotten - will handle the wellhead portfolio (currently handled by tom acton) tom acton - will handle gulf energy, entex, copano, orgname and the rest of personname grant's desk mark mccoy - will handle oasis activity, orgname wgr, lonestar, trunkline jackie young - will handle exxon katy (from susan) sabrae zajac - orgname conoco, tejas, orgname corpus christi, orgname and imbalance reports "]], "Logistics has made the following changes:\n\nBob Cotten - will handle the wellhead portfolio (currently handled by Tom \nActon)\nTom Acton - will handle Gulf Energy, Entex, Copano, Sempra, and the rest of \nGeorge Grant's desk\nMark McCoy - will handle Oasis activity, Midcon, WGR, Lonestar, Trunkline\nJackie Young - will handle Exxon Katy (from Susan)\nSabrae Zajac - Anadarko, Conoco, Tejas, Coral, Corpus Christi, Dynegy, and \nimbalance reports\n\n\nThanks, Pat", "<19614076.1075854072088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-7-2000-4:25:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": {"24-7-2000-4:25:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["24-7-2000-4:25:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "aimee.lannou@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com clem.cernosek@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com ricky.ellis@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <312995.1075853995861.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 04:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pat.clynes@enron.com\nTo: aimee.lannou@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\trobert.lloyd@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com,\n\tclem.cernosek@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tricky.ellis@enron.com, eddie.janzen@enron.com,\n\tmary.poorman@enron.com\nSubject: EOL deals\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Pat Clynes\nX-To: Aimee Lannou, Carlos J Rodriguez, Jackie Young, Robert E Lloyd, Stella L Morris, Tom Acton, Sabrae Zajac, Mark McCoy, Clem Cernosek, Robert Cotten, Ricky Ellis, Eddie Janzen, Mary Poorman\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nREMINDER:\n\n\nAll EOL deals at Katy must stay at the tailgate of the Exxon Katy Plant \n#4132. They can not move between\nother Katy points. The sitara deal tickets must not be changed on EOL deal \ntickets. This also includes our\npool meters. Meters 7342, 7349, 7350, 7351.\n\nThanks", "EOL deals", "", [["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 13, "nninformation", ["changed", "deal", "tickets"], "intention", " the sitara deal tickets must not be changed on orgname deal tickets."]], "REMINDER:\n\n\nAll EOL deals at Katy must stay at the tailgate of the Exxon Katy Plant \n#4132. They can not move between\nother Katy points. The sitara deal tickets must not be changed on EOL deal \ntickets. This also includes our\npool meters. Meters 7342, 7349, 7350, 7351.\n\nThanks", "<312995.1075853995861.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "4132", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-9-2000-9:35:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": {"5-9-2000-9:35:0Spat.clynes@enron.com": ["5-9-2000-9:35:0", "pat.clynes@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5656724.1075853985947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 09:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pat.clynes@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: possibly adding deal prices to Path Manager\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Pat Clynes\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Donna Greif @ ECT 09/05/2000 02:28 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Patti Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, George \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kevin Heal/CAL/ECT@ECT\ncc: Diane H Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dave \nNommensen/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: possibly adding deal prices to Path Manager\n\nPlease see note from Nommensen below and let me know your thoughts (note: \nthis additional functionality/screen \nview may cause an impact on system performance).\n\nTHanks!\n\ndg\n---------------------- Forwarded by Donna Greif/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 02:23 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Dave Nommensen 08/31/2000 11:37 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Donna Greif/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Matt Pena/NA/Enron@Enron, Dave McMullan/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: possibly adding deal prices to Path Manager\n\nDonna,\n\nA request was brought up this week that I would like you to run by the \nmanagers for input:\n - add the deal price to the Sales and Supply list windows of Path Manager\nThis seems more significant based on the transactions from EOL.\n\nThis has been mentioned in the past, but has had some related \"baggage\":\n - impact on performance, may run slower. Could make it an option so you pay \nthe price when you need it.\n - ability to show tier info. Maybe just use the work \"Tiered\" and not try \nto represent the actual pricing\n - agreed format for those deals that have index pricing and percentage and \nfixed price offset (ie 98% of IF.Transco.ZN1 + .02)\n\nThis column would be customizable by resizing and relocating it by user \npreference.\n\nLet me know what you hear. d.n.\n\n\n\n", "Re: possibly adding deal prices to Path Manager", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 1, "information", ["adding", "deal"], "information", " possibly adding deal prices to path manager."]], " \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Donna Greif @ ECT 09/05/2000 02:28 PM\n\t\n\n", "<5656724.1075853985947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price dealTnn": {"value": "cost_price dealTnn", "ne": "cost_price dealTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price dealTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-3-2000-6:30:0Stom.acton@enron.com": {"28-3-2000-6:30:0Stom.acton@enron.com": ["28-3-2000-6:30:0", "tom.acton@enron.com", "vance.taylor@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "carlos.rodriguez@enron.com lisa.hesse@enron.com susan.smith@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com melissa.graves@enron.com julie.meyers@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15962967.1075854018603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 06:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tom.acton@enron.com\nTo: vance.taylor@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Re: April Spot Tickets\nCc: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, lisa.hesse@enron.com, susan.smith@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com, melissa.graves@enron.com,\n\tjulie.meyers@enron.com\nX-From: Tom Acton\nX-To: Vance L Taylor, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Carlos J Rodriguez, Lisa Hesse, Susan Smith, Donald P Reinhardt, Melissa Graves, Julie Meyers\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n The spot deals are in and the deal numbers are added below to the original \nnotice.\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor@ECT\n03/28/2000 01:40 PM\nTo: Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Carlos J Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Hesse/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan \nSmith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald P Reinhardt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa \nGraves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie Meyers/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: April Spot Tickets\n\nTom,\n\nHPLC will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the \nproduction month of April. This production will be purchased on a \"spot\" \nbasis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the \nfollowing information:\n\nCounterparty Meter Volume Price \nDeal # \n\nEngage Energy US, LP 5839 598mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.20 229490\nEngage Energy US, LP 5848 285mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.20 229501\nEngage Energy US, LP 5923 671mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.20 229532\nEngage Energy US, LP 6801 1,157mmbtu/d 100% IF/HSC less \n$0.20 229535\nEl Sordo Gathering 6315 103mmbtu/d 70% \nIF/HSC 229541\nSwift Energy 2630 21mmbtu/d 90% IF/HSC less $0.258 \n229575\nEEX Corporation 6500 1,778mmbtu/d 95% \nIF/HSC 229586\nEEX Corporation 5999 8,648mmbtu/d 95% \nIF/HSC 229609\n\nThanks,\n\nvlt\nx3-6353\n\n", "Re: April Spot Tickets", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 5, "information", ["added", "deal"], "information", "the spot deals are in and the deal numbers are added below to the original "]], " The spot deals are in and the deal numbers are added below to the original \nnotice.\n\n\n\n\nVance L Taylor@ECT\n03/28/2000 01:40 PM\n", "<15962967.1075854018603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal position_spotTnn": {"value": "deal position_spotTnn", "ne": "deal position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["deal position_spotTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-4-2000-4:58:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"5-4-2000-4:58:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["5-4-2000-4:58:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29186480.1075854016670.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 04:58:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Buyback / Deficiency Deals Worksheet\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Please make the following changes and redistribute your worksheet. Thanks \n!\n\n\n 1). Please update Equistar \"Swing\" Sitara ticket # as: 156337. Equistar \n\"Sale\" should reflect \n \" various\" due to the different deals associated with this \ncounterparty. \n\n 2). Valero Marketing & Supply \"undertake\" Sitara ticket #'s are as follows:\n\n Mtr. 981394....148396\n Mtr. 988018....148381\n Mtr. 981233....148388\n \n\n 3). Valero Marketing & Supply \"Swing\" Sitara ticket #'s are as follows: \n \n Mtr. 981394......148391\n Mtr. 988018......148382\n Mtr. 981233......148386", "Buyback / Deficiency Deals Worksheet", "", [["make change", 4, "nninformation", ["changes", "make"], "request", "please make the following changes and redistribute your worksheet."], ["reflect deal", 14, "nninformation", ["deals", "reflect"], "intention", " orgname \"sale\" should reflect \" various\" due to the different deals associated with this counterparty."]], " Please make the following changes and redistribute your worksheet. Thanks \n!\n\n\n 1). Please update Equistar \"Swing\" Sitara ticket # as: 156337. Equistar \n\"Sale\" should reflect \n \" various\" due to the different deals associated with this \ncounterparty. \n\n 2). Valero Marketing & Supply \"undertake\" Sitara ticket #'s are as follows:\n\n Mtr. 981394....148396\n Mtr. 988018....148381\n Mtr. 981233....148388\n \n\n 3). Valero Marketing & Supply \"Swing\" Sitara ticket #'s are as follows: \n \n Mtr. 981394......148391\n Mtr. 988018......148382\n Mtr. 981233......148386", "<29186480.1075854016670.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "counterparty dealTnn": {"value": "counterparty dealTnn", "ne": "counterparty dealTnn", "patterns": ["counterparty dealTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "981394", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "148396", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "29": {"value": "148381", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "981394", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "148391", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "148382", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "156337", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-7-2000-3:29:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"25-7-2000-3:29:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["25-7-2000-3:29:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "lucy.ortiz@enron.com craig.breslau@enron.com", "anita.luong@enron.com lee.papayoti@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23966352.1075853995543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 03:29:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: lucy.ortiz@enron.com, craig.breslau@enron.com\nSubject: Settelement Request for an Equistar \"Buyback\" ticket with ENA as\n Shipper\nCc: anita.luong@enron.com, lee.papayoti@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.luong@enron.com, lee.papayoti@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Lucy Ortiz, Craig Breslau\nX-cc: Anita Luong, Lee L Papayoti, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n I spoke to Anita this morning and she suggested I forward you this request \nto set up a Sitara ticket for an \"ENA\" deal \n ticket to handle the buyback on meters 981373 & 981384 that pretain to \nEquistar for June and July 2000.\n \n Equistar invoice can not be drafted without this deal ticket.\n \n This is an urgent request for Settlement to finalize Equistar invoice for \nJune 2000 activity.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 07/25/2000 \n10:23 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 07/14/2000 10:27 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Craig Breslau/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J \nFarmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Settelement Request for an Equistar \"Buyback\" ticket with ENA as \nShipper\n\n\n Lee ask me to forward this note-mail to you. Settlement is trying to close \ntoday thus, it is urgent that I get this resolved ASAP.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT on 07/14/2000 \n10:24 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 07/14/2000 09:29 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Anita Luong/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Settelement Request for an Equistar \"Buyback\" ticket with ENA as \nShipper\n\n\n \n Daren wanted me to make this request to you for an Equistar Buyback Ticket \non Enron North America{ENA}.\n \n Equistar has nominated activity on ENA for June and July 2000 production.\n \n Settlement seems to think a Buyback ticket is necessary to properly account \nfor Equistar's monthly activity.\n\n\n", "Settelement Request for an Equistar \"Buyback\" ticket with ENA as\n Shipper", "", [["forward deal{ticket}", 9, "information", ["forward", "ticket"], "information", "i spoke to anita this morning and she suggested i forward you this request to set up a sitara ticket for an \"ena\" deal ticket to handle the buyback on meters numeric & numeric that pretain to orgname for june and datenumeric numeric ."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 11, "information", ["set", "deal"], "information", "i spoke to anita this morning and she suggested i forward you this request to set up a sitara ticket for an \"ena\" deal ticket to handle the buyback on meters numeric & numeric that pretain to orgname for june and datenumeric numeric ."], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 16, "information", ["handle", "deal"], "information", "i spoke to anita this morning and she suggested i forward you this request to set up a sitara ticket for an \"ena\" deal ticket to handle the buyback on meters numeric & numeric that pretain to orgname for june and datenumeric numeric ."]], " I spoke to Anita this morning and she suggested I forward you this request \nto set up a Sitara ticket for an \"ENA\" deal \n ticket to handle the buyback on meters 981373 & 981384 that pretain to \nEquistar for June and July 2000.\n \n Equistar invoice can not be drafted without this deal ticket.\n \n This is an urgent request for Settlement to finalize Equistar invoice for \nJune 2000 activity.\n\n\n", "<23966352.1075853995543.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "981373", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-7-2000-3:9:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"12-7-2000-3:9:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["12-7-2000-3:9:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com gary.hanks@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com lee.papayoti@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12976141.1075853997941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 03:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, gary.hanks@enron.com\nSubject: Global Octane Meter #: 1528 July 2000 Activity\nCc: rita.wynne@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tlee.papayoti@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: rita.wynne@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tlee.papayoti@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Gary A Hanks\nX-cc: Rita Wynne, Howard B Camp, Robert Cotten, Lee L Papayoti, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nLee informed me today {7/12th} that Global Octane has experience \n\"operational\" problems beginning last night and will be down until further \nnotice.\n \n Note: This outage is considered \"Force Majeure\" thus, whatever flows \nduring this time period should be allocated to the \"term\" deal.\n \n Lee was very specific toward this issue not being a buyback. \n \n \nHoward, Please forward this information to whomever need it in \nSettlement....thanks.", "Global Octane Meter #: 1528 July 2000 Activity", "", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 24, "nninformation", ["allocated", "deal"], "intention", " note: this outage is considered \"force majeure\" thus, whatever flows during this time period should be allocated to the \"term\" deal."]], "Lee informed me today {7/12th} that Global Octane has experience \n\"operational\" problems beginning last night and will be down until further \nnotice.\n \n Note: This outage is considered \"Force Majeure\" thus, whatever flows \nduring this time period should be allocated to the \"term\" deal.\n \n Lee was very specific toward this issue not being a buyback. \n \n \nHoward, Please forward this information to whomever need it in \nSettlement....thanks.", "<12976141.1075853997941.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "1528", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-4-2000-3:11:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"6-4-2000-3:11:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-3:11:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "gary.lamphier@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9706047.1075854118873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 03:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: gary.lamphier@enron.com\nSubject: Valero Marketing & Supply {Pasadena} Meter #: 1394 / Sitara #:\n 148396\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Gary W Lamphier\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Rita Wynne, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Industrials\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n FYI...ONLY !\n\n Presently, I have scheduled a 10.0m buyback at this interconnect due to the \nplant being down and \n the status is day to day.\n\n The 10.0m buyback begun Wednesday, April 5th.\n \n Gary, please let me know how you want this interconnect allocated { ie: \nforce majeure & allocate total \n flow to the base ticket ; Sitara # 148390}.", "Valero Marketing & Supply {Pasadena} Meter #: 1394 / Sitara #:\n 148396", "", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 28, "nninformation", ["allocate", "ticket"], "intention", " gary, please let me know how you want this interconnect allocated { ie: force majeure & allocate total flow to the base ticket ; sitara # numeric }."]], " FYI...ONLY !\n\n Presently, I have scheduled a 10.0m buyback at this interconnect due to the \nplant being down and \n the status is day to day.\n\n The 10.0m buyback begun Wednesday, April 5th.\n \n Gary, please let me know how you want this interconnect allocated { ie: \nforce majeure & allocate total \n flow to the base ticket ; Sitara # 148390}.", "<9706047.1075854118873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "1394", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "148390", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-2-2000-8:44:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"9-2-2000-8:44:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["9-2-2000-8:44:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com george.grant@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com susan.trevino@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com kimberly.vaughn@enron.com charlotte.hawkins@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29600461.1075854054314.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 08:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com,\n\tjackie.young@enron.com, susan.trevino@enron.com,\n\tstella.morris@enron.com, kimberly.vaughn@enron.com,\n\tcharlotte.hawkins@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com,\n\ttom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: Pathing Procedures for Buybacks\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\thoward.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Mandy MacKinnon, George Grant, Aimee Lannou, Jackie Young, Susan D Trevino, Stella L Morris, Kimberly Vaughn, Charlotte Hawkins, Carlos J Rodriguez, Tom Acton\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Rita Wynne, Daren J Farmer, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n To path a buyback {MOP; Supply List} with an existing Market Deal \n{typically baseload} please follow these steps:\n \n Theory # 1: Example; Supply Deal = 5.0/d & Market Deal = 5.0/d\n \n 1.) Attach the Supply Deal with the Market Deal to establish a \"buy/sell\" \npath list contract oppose to a transport contract.\n\n 2.) Path the transaction on the \"buy/sell\" { or broker the deal} contract.\n \n 3.) This process is applicable only if the Supply Deal and the Market Deal \nare the same quantity.\n \n 4.) This example will yield a net zero activity in POP.\n \n Theory # 2: Example ; Supply Deal = 7.0/d & Market Deal = 10.0/d\n \n 1) Follow steps 1 & 2 in Theory # 1.\n \n 2.) Additionally, create a service transportation contract {i.e. K-215} in \nthe path list.\n \n 2.) Path 7.0 on the \"buy/sell\" path list contract and 10.0 on the \ntransport {i.e. K-215} contract.\n \n This procedure will eliminate an out-of-balance in MOP for both the \"Supply \nDeal and the Market Deal\" and send 3.0 to POP via x-port K-215.\n \n Note: Never path a buyback {Supply Deal} using a receipt transport contact \nand the{ Market Deal} using a delivery transport contract.\n \n POP's should only reflect the \"net\" on these two transactions {buyback \nand baseload deal}. ", "Pathing Procedures for Buybacks", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 22, "information", ["attach", "deal"], "information", ") attach the supply deal with the market deal to establish a \"buy/sell\" path list contract oppose to a transport contract."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 28, "nninformation", ["buy", "deal"], "intention", ") attach the supply deal with the market deal to establish a \"buy/sell\" path list contract oppose to a transport contract."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 29, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "intention", ") attach the supply deal with the market deal to establish a \"buy/sell\" path list contract oppose to a transport contract."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 38, "nninformation", ["buy", "deal"], "request", ") path the transaction on the \"buy/sell\" { or broker the deal} contract."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 39, "nninformation", ["deal", "sell"], "request", ") path the transaction on the \"buy/sell\" { or broker the deal} contract."], ["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 104, "nninformation", ["send", "deal"], "intention", " this procedure will eliminate an out-of-balance in mop for both the \"supply deal and the market deal\" and send numeric numeric to pop via x-port k numeric ."]], " To path a buyback {MOP; Supply List} with an existing Market Deal \n{typically baseload} please follow these steps:\n \n Theory # 1: Example; Supply Deal = 5.0/d & Market Deal = 5.0/d\n \n 1.) Attach the Supply Deal with the Market Deal to establish a \"buy/sell\" \npath list contract oppose to a transport contract.\n\n 2.) Path the transaction on the \"buy/sell\" { or broker the deal} contract.\n \n 3.) This process is applicable only if the Supply Deal and the Market Deal \nare the same quantity.\n \n 4.) This example will yield a net zero activity in POP.\n \n Theory # 2: Example ; Supply Deal = 7.0/d & Market Deal = 10.0/d\n \n 1) Follow steps 1 & 2 in Theory # 1.\n \n 2.) Additionally, create a service transportation contract {i.e. K-215} in \nthe path list.\n \n 2.) Path 7.0 on the \"buy/sell\" path list contract and 10.0 on the \ntransport {i.e. K-215} contract.\n \n This procedure will eliminate an out-of-balance in MOP for both the \"Supply \nDeal and the Market Deal\" and send 3.0 to POP via x-port K-215.\n \n Note: Never path a buyback {Supply Deal} using a receipt transport contact \nand the{ Market Deal} using a delivery transport contract.\n \n POP's should only reflect the \"net\" on these two transactions {buyback \nand baseload deal}. ", "<29600461.1075854054314.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "contract deliveryTnn": {"value": "contract deliveryTnn", "ne": "contract deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["contract deliveryTnn"]}, "95": {"value": "-215", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "91": {"value": "10", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "deal deliveryTnn": {"value": "deal deliveryTnn", "ne": "deal deliveryTnn", "patterns": ["deal deliveryTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "64": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "63": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal provision_supplyTnn": {"value": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "ne": "deal provision_supplyTnn", "patterns": ["deal provision_supplyTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-6-2000-20:33:0Sbuylow@houston.rr.com": {"22-6-2000-20:33:0Sbuylow@houston.rr.com": ["22-6-2000-20:33:0", "buylow@houston.rr.com", "daren.j.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28829868.1075854146888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 20:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: buylow@houston.rr.com\nTo: daren.j.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Note from Ken Seaman\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: \"buylow\" \nX-To: \"Daren J Farmer\" \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHi,\n?\nHow is the family???? and the multiple jobs??????\n?\nWe just got back from Omaha --- Linda's 40th High School reunion. I wish \nsomeone would explain to me who all those old people were that attended.\n?\nPutting $1.85 a gallon gas in that beast of hers was sure fun. I may need a \npart-time job if this keeps up long. (Just kidding -- you probably have \nenough to deal with -- right)\n?\nJennifer has decided to journey off to Law school at Baylor. She and Linda \nare going to Waco Friday to finalize an apartment. \nChris is managing the I-10 Texas Land & Cattle store. Keeps him very busy. \n(can't even send an e-mail ----- like someone else I know) (Just kidding)\n?\nWe are looking for property on a lake (Linda's request). Like there is \nanything like that left in Texas. We will probably drop in this house.\n?\nPretty quiet here all things considered.\n?\nDrop me a line or give me a call when you have some time. Or if you are \nreally free we could actually plan a lunch. The price of natural gas should \nhelp keep Tom from hassling you too much.\n?\nKen", "Note from Ken Seaman", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 42, "information", ["keeps", "him"], "information", " keeps him very busy."], ["keep_continue desk", 73, "nninformation", ["keep", "tom"], "intention", " the price of natural gas should help keep tom from hassling you too much."]], "Hi,\n?\nHow is the family???? and the multiple jobs??????\n?\nWe just got back from Omaha --- Linda's 40th High School reunion. I wish \nsomeone would explain to me who all those old people were that attended.\n?\nPutting $1.85 a gallon gas in that beast of hers was sure fun. I may need a \npart-time job if this keeps up long. (Just kidding -- you probably have \nenough to deal with -- right)\n?\nJennifer has decided to journey off to Law school at Baylor. She and Linda \nare going to Waco Friday to finalize an apartment. \nChris is managing the I-10 Texas Land & Cattle store. Keeps him very busy. \n(can't even send an e-mail ----- like someone else I know) (Just kidding)\n?\nWe are looking for property on a lake (Linda's request). Like there is \nanything like that left in Texas. We will probably drop in this house.\n?\nPretty quiet here all things considered.\n?\nDrop me a line or give me a call when you have some time. Or if you are \nreally free we could actually plan a lunch. The price of natural gas should \nhelp keep Tom from hassling you too much.\n?\nKen", "<28829868.1075854146888.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas priceTnn": {"value": "gas priceTnn", "ne": "gas priceTnn", "patterns": ["gas priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-12-1999-10:9:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": {"16-12-1999-10:9:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": ["16-12-1999-10:9:0", "stella.morris@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "mary.smith@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28312099.1075854038806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 10:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stella.morris@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: UA4 for Meter 8608 - 6/98 - deal 96731\nCc: mary.smith@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mary.smith@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Stella L Morris\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Mary M Smith, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - deal 96731 is not in CPR for 6/98 or OSS. Please enter deal for \nsale on contract 078-15631-102 for 17,462 MMBTU.\n\nThanks, Stella", "UA4 for Meter 8608 - 6/98 - deal 96731", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "enter"], "request", " please enter deal for sale on contract phonenumber numeric numeric for numeric mmbtu."]], "Daren - deal 96731 is not in CPR for 6/98 or OSS. Please enter deal for \nsale on contract 078-15631-102 for 17,462 MMBTU.\n\nThanks, Stella", "<28312099.1075854038806.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract_transport0contract dealTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract dealTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract dealTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "96731", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "17,462", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-12-1999-9:55:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": {"28-12-1999-9:55:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": ["28-12-1999-9:55:0", "stella.morris@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22002578.1075854046045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 09:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stella.morris@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Revision - Black Marlin - meter 986782 for 8/98 - UA4\nCc: howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Stella L Morris\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nRevision - According to measurement, there is flow of 7,394 in 8/98, however, \nthere is nothing to indicate this is gas that was received on HPL in OSS. I \nchecked MIPs and there is a measurement statement that supports the flow rate \nof 7,394 MMBTu. \n\nDaren is there a deal in CPR which may not have fed over to OSS? I checked \nOSS for the whole year of 1998 and there are no other deals in OSS. It does \nseem strange that this is the only month of flow.\n\nThanks, Stella", "Revision - Black Marlin - meter 986782 for 8/98 - UA4", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 11, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "revision - according to measurement, there is flow of numeric in datenumeric numeric , however, there is nothing to indicate this is gas that was received on hpl in oss."], ["receive_incur gas", 16, "information", ["gas", "received"], "information", "revision - according to measurement, there is flow of numeric in datenumeric numeric , however, there is nothing to indicate this is gas that was received on hpl in oss."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 30, "information", ["checked", "deals"], "information", " i checked oss for the whole year of numeric and there are no other deals in oss."]], "Revision - According to measurement, there is flow of 7,394 in 8/98, however, \nthere is nothing to indicate this is gas that was received on HPL in OSS. I \nchecked MIPs and there is a measurement statement that supports the flow rate \nof 7,394 MMBTu. \n\nDaren is there a deal in CPR which may not have fed over to OSS? I checked \nOSS for the whole year of 1998 and there are no other deals in OSS. It does \nseem strange that this is the only month of flow.\n\nThanks, Stella", "<22002578.1075854046045.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"32": {"value": "1998", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "986782", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "7,394", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric rateTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-12-1999-9:37:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": {"28-12-1999-9:37:0Sstella.morris@enron.com": ["28-12-1999-9:37:0", "stella.morris@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7600434.1075854120110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 09:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stella.morris@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Black Marlin - meter 986782 for 8/98 - UA4\nCc: howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Stella L Morris\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAccording to measurement, there is flow of 7,394 in 8/98, however, there is \nnothing to indicate this is gas that was received on HPL in OSS. I checked \nMIPs and there is a measurement statement that supports the flow rate of \n7,394 MMBTu. \n\nDaren is there a deal in CPR which may not have fed over to OSS? \n\nThanks, Stella", "Black Marlin - meter 986782 for 8/98 - UA4", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "according to measurement, there is flow of numeric in datenumeric numeric , however, there is nothing to indicate this is gas that was received on hpl in oss."], ["receive_incur gas", 14, "information", ["gas", "received"], "information", "according to measurement, there is flow of numeric in datenumeric numeric , however, there is nothing to indicate this is gas that was received on hpl in oss."]], "According to measurement, there is flow of 7,394 in 8/98, however, there is \nnothing to indicate this is gas that was received on HPL in OSS. I checked \nMIPs and there is a measurement statement that supports the flow rate of \n7,394 MMBTu. \n\nDaren is there a deal in CPR which may not have fed over to OSS? \n\nThanks, Stella", "<7600434.1075854120110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "8", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "986782", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "7,394", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric rateTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-1-2002-9:41:57Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"24-1-2002-9:41:57Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["24-1-2002-9:41:57", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "joe.parks@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18843715.1075841393001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:41:57 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: joe.parks@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Olsen, Michael \nX-To: Parks, Joe \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Parks, Joe\\Inbox\nX-Origin: PARKS-J\nX-FileName: joe parks 6-26-02.pst\n\nHere are the details from my conversation with Lonestar...\n\nThey will not burn off large imbalances in the winter due to pressure constraints.\n\nAs for selling off some off the imbalance base load, they have no problem with base loading 5 or 10, as long as we are capable of purchasing gas from spot suppliers if a cold front comes through and the plant begins to burn full capacity. They will ask us to get on rate if that happens, if Tenaska burns the full 44,500, then we need to be putting that into the pipe, it cannot come from our length. \n\nLooks like they want us to stay on rate with the plant. From looking at the plant's burns to this point, I think it would be safe to base load 5, and try to sell more each day to stay flat with the plant. For the rest of January, you can try and sell some of that gas on the spot market. The purchaser would need to buy it directly at the supply point and transport it away themselves. \n\nLet me know what you all need from me. I am about to get supply points for February. \n\nMIke", "", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 16, "information", ["purchasing", "gas"], "information", " as for selling off some off the imbalance base load, they have no problem with base loading numeric or numeric , as long as we are capable of purchasing gas from spot suppliers if a cold front comes through and the plant begins to burn full capacity."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 48, "nninformation", ["plant", "sell"], "intention", " from looking at the plant's burns to this point, i think it would be safe to base load numeric , and try to sell more each day to stay flat with the plant."], ["sell_trade natural0gas{plant}{counterparty}", 55, "nninformation", ["gas", "sell"], "intention", " for the rest of january, you can try and sell some of that gas on the spot market."]], "Here are the details from my conversation with Lonestar...\n\nThey will not burn off large imbalances in the winter due to pressure constraints.\n\nAs for selling off some off the imbalance base load, they have no problem with base loading 5 or 10, as long as we are capable of purchasing gas from spot suppliers if a cold front comes through and the plant begins to burn full capacity. They will ask us to get on rate if that happens, if Tenaska burns the full 44,500, then we need to be putting that into the pipe, it cannot come from our length. \n\nLooks like they want us to stay on rate with the plant. From looking at the plant's burns to this point, I think it would be safe to base load 5, and try to sell more each day to stay flat with the plant. For the rest of January, you can try and sell some of that gas on the spot market. The purchaser would need to buy it directly at the supply point and transport it away themselves. \n\nLet me know what you all need from me. I am about to get supply points for February. \n\nMIke", "<18843715.1075841393001.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas marketTnn": {"value": "gas marketTnn", "ne": "gas marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas marketTnn"]}, "gas spotTnn": {"value": "gas spotTnn", "ne": "gas spotTnn", "patterns": ["gas spotTnn"]}, "point transport_transport0contractTnn": {"value": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "ne": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "patterns": ["point transport_transport0contractTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-4-2001-9:35:24Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"12-4-2001-9:35:24Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["12-4-2001-9:35:24", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <1808344.1075840436572.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 09:35:24 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nSubject: deal 557695\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Olsen, Michael \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nMeter 985688 recorded flow from March 14th to the end of the month, averaging around 130 per day. The above deal has a zero volume in it, creating an allocation exception at that point. Bob is out and this is a gathering point, so do you have any objection with me inserting a deal volume of 130 per day for that time period?\n\nThanks.", "deal 557695", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 5, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", "meter numeric recorded flow from datenumeric th to the end of the month, averaging around numeric per day."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 11, "information", ["creating", "deal", "volume"], "information", " the above deal has a zero volume in it, creating an allocation exception at that point."]], "Meter 985688 recorded flow from March 14th to the end of the month, averaging around 130 per day. The above deal has a zero volume in it, creating an allocation exception at that point. Bob is out and this is a gathering point, so do you have any objection with me inserting a deal volume of 130 per day for that time period?\n\nThanks.", "<1808344.1075840436572.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"22": {"value": "130", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric volumeTnnn", "numeric period_pointTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "557695", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal period_pointTnn": {"value": "deal period_pointTnn", "ne": "deal period_pointTnn", "patterns": ["deal period_pointTnn"]}, "deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "985688", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-1-2002-6:52:27Smichael.olsen@enron.com": {"30-1-2002-6:52:27Smichael.olsen@enron.com": ["30-1-2002-6:52:27", "michael.olsen@enron.com", "t..muzzy@enron.com", "joe.parks@enron.com eric.boyt@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28564380.1075841392951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 06:52:27 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: michael.olsen@enron.com\nTo: t..muzzy@enron.com\nSubject: Tenaska IV\nCc: joe.parks@enron.com, eric.boyt@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: joe.parks@enron.com, eric.boyt@enron.com\nX-From: Olsen, Michael \nX-To: Muzzy, Charles T. \nX-cc: Parks, Joe , Boyt, Eric \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Parks, Joe\\Inbox\nX-Origin: PARKS-J\nX-FileName: joe parks 6-26-02.pst\n\nCharlie,\n\nJoe Parks told me that you would be handling the Clebure deal for the estate team. Attached are the forms you will need and some other basic information about the deal. Let me know when you would like to go over it all.\n\nMike\n\n ", "Tenaska IV", "", [["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 3, "nninformation", ["handling", "deal"], "intention", "charlie, joe parks told me that you would be handling the clebure deal for the estate team."]], "Charlie,\n\nJoe Parks told me that you would be handling the Clebure deal for the estate team. Attached are the forms you will need and some other basic information about the deal. Let me know when you would like to go over it all.\n\nMike\n\n ", "<28564380.1075841392951.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-11-2000-7:55:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-7:55:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-7:55:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com bob.hall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8589287.1075854247777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 07:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Apache deal 384247 10/00\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, bob.hall@enron.com\nX-From: David Baumbach\nX-To: Megan Parker\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Bob M Hall\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Cleburne plant - \"cornhusker\"\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAccording to the contract brief I received, the 2.175 is a 1999 price. I \nbelieve my pricing is correct. Bob or Darren may be able your questions \nbetter.\n\nDave\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/21/2000 03:27 PM\n\t\n\nTo: David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Apache deal 384247 10/00\n\nI got an invoice for the gas we bought from Apache for Tenaska IV and they \nhave a different price. For deal 384247, we have a price of 2.285 and a \ndemand fee of 0.457 for 25,000/day. Apache is billing us at 2.175 with no \ndemand charge. Can you verify this price for me and let me know which is \ncorrect?\n\nThanks,\nMegan\n\n", "Re: Apache deal 384247 10/00", "", [["agree_match_fit_accord contract", 2, "information", ["according", "contract"], "information", "according to the contract brief i received, the numeric numeric is a numeric price."]], "According to the contract brief I received, the 2.175 is a 1999 price. I \nbelieve my pricing is correct. Bob or Darren may be able your questions \nbetter.\n\nDave\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Megan Parker @ ENRON 11/21/2000 03:27 PM\n\t\n\n", "<8589287.1075854247777.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "384247", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "1999", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-2-2001-10:2:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": {"7-2-2001-10:2:0Sdavid.baumbach@enron.com": ["7-2-2001-10:2:0", "david.baumbach@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9698061.1075854319254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 10:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: david.baumbach@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: David Baumbach\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nCheck these deals:\n70422\n92754", "", "", [["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 0, "nninformation", ["check", "deals"], "request", "check these deals: "]], "Check these deals:\n70422\n92754", "<9698061.1075854319254.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-4-2001-20:0:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": {"9-4-2001-20:0:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": ["9-4-2001-20:0:0", "bob.hall@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <29123386.1075845082362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 20:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bob.hall@enron.com\nTo: sally.beck@enron.com\nSubject: HPL I.T. Services Transition Summary\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Bob M Hall \nX-To: Sally Beck \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Beck, Sally\\Beck, Sally\\Hall, Bob\nX-Origin: BECK-S\nX-FileName: Beck, Sally.pst\n\nIt version.\n\nFunny how it reads like mine first memo.\n\nkeep you posted.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Bob M Hall/NA/Enron on 04/09/2001 04:55 PM ---------------------------\nFrom:\tTommy Yanowski/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/06/2001 09:26 AM\nTo:\tBob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Barbara N Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian Redmond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russell Long/ENRON@enronXgate\ncc:\t \n\nSubject:\tHPL I.T. Services Transition Summary\n\nAttached is a document that attempts to summarize the HPL transition related to IT Services. Please review and let me know your thoughts. - Tommy\n\n \n", "HPL I.T. Services Transition Summary", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 8, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "request", " keep you posted."]], "It version.\n\nFunny how it reads like mine first memo.\n\nkeep you posted.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n", "<29123386.1075845082362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "19-10-2000-5:56:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": {"19-10-2000-5:56:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": ["19-10-2000-5:56:0", "bob.hall@enron.com", "fran.mayes@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com leslie.reeves@enron.com jeffrey.gossett@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24527379.1075855772472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 05:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bob.hall@enron.com\nTo: fran.mayes@enron.com\nSubject: HPL staffing\nCc: sally.beck@enron.com, leslie.reeves@enron.com, jeffrey.gossett@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sally.beck@enron.com, leslie.reeves@enron.com, jeffrey.gossett@enron.com\nX-From: Bob M Hall\nX-To: Fran L Mayes\nX-cc: Sally Beck, Leslie Reeves, Jeffrey C Gossett\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sally_Beck_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Beck-S\nX-FileName: sbeck.nsf\n\nAttached is the requested information\n\nPlease let me know if you need addtional info.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n\n\n", "HPL staffing", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 1, "information", ["attached", "information"], "information", "attached is the requested information please let me know if you need addtional info."]], "Attached is the requested information\n\nPlease let me know if you need addtional info.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n\n\n", "<24527379.1075855772472.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-10-2000-9:53:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": {"20-10-2000-9:53:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": ["20-10-2000-9:53:0", "bob.hall@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8683917.1075855772328.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 09:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bob.hall@enron.com\nTo: sally.beck@enron.com\nSubject: Oct. 17 RRC letter re continuing audit violations\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Bob M Hall\nX-To: Sally Beck\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Sally_Beck_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Beck-S\nX-FileName: sbeck.nsf\n\nI'll keep you posted.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n---------------------- Forwarded by Bob M Hall/NA/Enron on 10/20/2000 04:53 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Tom Shelton @ ECT 10/20/2000 02:29 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Michael Eiben/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karry Kendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cassandra \nPollack/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim Pond/Corp/Enron@Enron, Becky Pitre/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJim Coffey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Irene Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, \nMary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julia H Chin/NA/Enron@Enron, Troy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Steve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Oct. 17 RRC letter re continuing audit violations\n\n I just received a letter from Ed Abrahamson at the Railroad Commission, \nasserting that we have still not fully corrected or explained all of the \naudit violations they previously alleged. I will have delivered to each of \nyou this afternoon a copy of the letter, to which we must respond by October \n27. The tone of the letter indicates some frustration on the audit staff's \npart, and it will behoove us to try to get the remaining matters resolved \npromptly.\n I will be out of town Monday, but I will have my assistant, Monica Jackson, \nset up a meeting for Tuesday afternoon to discuss how we are going to satisfy \nthe Commission regarding the remaining exceptions. In the meantime, please \ncarefully review each item and commence doing whatever needs to be done to be \nin a position to finalize our response by October 26, Thursday of next week. \nI think some of the fixes will be fairly easy, but others will be more \nproblematic. Please provide this memo and a copy of the letter to anyone who \nshould be aware or involved.\n \n", "Oct. 17 RRC letter re continuing audit violations", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 5, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", "i'll keep you posted."]], "I'll keep you posted.\n\nthanks\n\nbob\n", "<8683917.1075855772328.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-8-2000-4:36:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": {"15-8-2000-4:36:0Sbob.hall@enron.com": ["15-8-2000-4:36:0", "bob.hall@enron.com", "steve.venturatos@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com michael.eiben@enron.com robert.superty@enron.com jefferson.sorenson@enron.com katherine.kelly@enron.com bryce.baxter@enron.com", "leslie.reeves@enron.com steve.jackson@enron.com sally.beck@enron.com patti.thompson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5889730.1075854112747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 04:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: bob.hall@enron.com\nTo: steve.venturatos@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,\n\tmary.smith@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, lisa.csikos@enron.com,\n\tmichael.eiben@enron.com, robert.superty@enron.com,\n\tjefferson.sorenson@enron.com, katherine.kelly@enron.com,\n\tbryce.baxter@enron.com\nSubject: Organisational Meeting\nCc: leslie.reeves@enron.com, steve.jackson@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,\n\tpatti.thompson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: leslie.reeves@enron.com, steve.jackson@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,\n\tpatti.thompson@enron.com\nX-From: Bob M Hall\nX-To: Steve Venturatos, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Mary M Smith, Rita Wynne, Lisa Csikos, Michael Eiben, Robert Superty, Jefferson D Sorenson, Katherine L Kelly, Bryce Baxter\nX-cc: Leslie Reeves, Steve Jackson, Sally Beck, Patti Thompson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Enron news\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPlease plan on attending an Organisational meeting today at 2:30 in room 46C1.\n\nSorry for the short notice.\n\nIf you can not make it, please get with Steve Jackson, Leslie Reeves or \nmyself so we can\nkeep you informed.\n\nThanks \n\nBob", "Organisational Meeting", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 16, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " if you can not make it, please get with steve jackson, leslie reeves or myself so we can keep you informed."]], "Please plan on attending an Organisational meeting today at 2:30 in room 46C1.\n\nSorry for the short notice.\n\nIf you can not make it, please get with Steve Jackson, Leslie Reeves or \nmyself so we can\nkeep you informed.\n\nThanks \n\nBob", "<5889730.1075854112747.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "46", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric roomTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-3-2000-0:52:0Stina.valadez@enron.com": {"27-3-2000-0:52:0Stina.valadez@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-0:52:0", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16100479.1075854062909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 00:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: tina.valadez@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Jan & Feb Midcon Invoices\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Tina Valadez\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nPat Dresner (accountant) at Midcon Texas says she does not show these deals \nin her system and she can not pay on them. You created the deals in Sitara \nand I don't have another trader's name. Could you please talk to your KN \ntrader regarding this situation? If Midcon really got this gas, then someone \nat KN should tell their accountant about the deal.\n\nProd Mo. Entity Point Volume Total Amount Sitara #\n1/2000 Midcon Texas Gas Services Corp. 0984132 20000 $51,600.00 157006\n2/2000 Midcon Texas Gas Services 0984132 36000 $90,900.00 166523\n2/2000 Midcon Texas Pipeline Corp. 0984132 80,000 $206,800.00 170133\n\n\nPlease let me know as soon as possible what you find out. The 2/2000 \nproduction invoices are due to be paid 3/27.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548", "Jan & Feb Midcon Invoices", "", [["show deal", 4, "information", ["deals", "show"], "information", "pat dresner (accountant) at orgname texas says she does not show these deals in her system and she can not pay on them."], ["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 8, "information", ["created", "deals"], "information", " you created the deals in sitara and i don't have another trader's name."]], "Pat Dresner (accountant) at Midcon Texas says she does not show these deals \nin her system and she can not pay on them. You created the deals in Sitara \nand I don't have another trader's name. Could you please talk to your KN \ntrader regarding this situation? If Midcon really got this gas, then someone \nat KN should tell their accountant about the deal.\n\nProd Mo. Entity Point Volume Total Amount Sitara #\n1/2000 Midcon Texas Gas Services Corp. 0984132 20000 $51,600.00 157006\n2/2000 Midcon Texas Gas Services 0984132 36000 $90,900.00 166523\n2/2000 Midcon Texas Pipeline Corp. 0984132 80,000 $206,800.00 170133\n\n\nPlease let me know as soon as possible what you find out. The 2/2000 \nproduction invoices are due to be paid 3/27.\n\nThank You,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548", "<16100479.1075854062909.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "name", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "20000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "$51,600", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "39": {"value": "36000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "$90,900", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "80,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "$206,800", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-4-2000-6:1:0Stina.valadez@enron.com": {"6-4-2000-6:1:0Stina.valadez@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-6:1:0", "tina.valadez@enron.com", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18006056.1075854016030.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 06:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tina.valadez@enron.com\nTo: julie.meyers@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Tina Valadez\nX-To: Julie Meyers\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nAre you still available to assist Robert with entering the new deal tickets \nfor Equistar? After talking with Bryan Hull and Anita Luong, Kyle and I \ndecided we only need 1 additional sale ticket and 1 additional buyback ticket \nset up.\n---------------------- Forwarded by Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2000 12:56 \nPM ---------------------------\nFrom: Robert E Lloyd on 04/06/2000 12:40 PM\nTo: Tina Valadez/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Equistar Deal Tickets \n\nYou'll may want to run this idea by Daren Farmer. I don't normally add \ntickets into Sitara.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTina Valadez\n04/04/2000 10:42 AM\nTo: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bryan Hull/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Equistar Deal Tickets\n\nKyle and I met with Bryan Hull this morning and we decided that we only need \n1 new sale ticket and 1 new buyback ticket set up. The time period for both \ntickets should be July 1999 - Forward.\n\nThe pricing for the new sale ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara #156337 \nbelow:\n\n\n\nThe pricing for the new buyback ticket should be like tier 2 of Sitara \n#156342 below:\n\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks,\nTina Valadez\n3-7548\n\n\n\n", "Re: Equistar Deal Tickets", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 4, "nninformation", ["deal", "entering"], "request information", "are you still available to assist robert with entering the new deal tickets for equistar?"]], "Are you still available to assist Robert with entering the new deal tickets \nfor Equistar? After talking with Bryan Hull and Anita Luong, Kyle and I \ndecided we only need 1 additional sale ticket and 1 additional buyback ticket \nset up.\n", "<18006056.1075854016030.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"18": {"value": "buyback", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["buyback numericTnn"]}, "buyback saleTnn": {"value": "buyback saleTnn", "ne": "buyback saleTnn", "patterns": ["buyback saleTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "robert", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["deal personnameTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "sale", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-6-2000-6:17:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"5-6-2000-6:17:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-6:17:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com charlotte.hawkins@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com george.grant@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com ricky.ellis@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5338623.1075854006819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 06:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com, charlotte.hawkins@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, ricky.ellis@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tmark.mccoy@enron.com, eddie.janzen@enron.com\nSubject: Weekend Activity Dated: June 2 thru June4th\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com,\n\trobert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com,\n\trobert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Robert Cotten, Jackie Young, Charlotte Hawkins, Carlos J Rodriguez, Stella L Morris, Aimee Lannou, George Grant, Sabrae Zajac, Ricky Ellis, Tom Acton, Mark McCoy, Eddie Janzen\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n \n REVISION #1\n\n\n Friday Night --6:45 pm:\n \n \nSherry Fontenot ( w/Texaco) called stating Tank Batteries 5 & 7 (meters: \n6592,6593) production was going to increase however, nothing materialized.\n \n Saturday :\n \n\n 8:00 am; Debbie Valenzuela called concerning some Channel changes\n Matter was resolved around 8:30 am\n \n Shawn {in Gas Control} also mention Equistar had pull gas at their \nPt. Arthur Plant/mtr. # 1062 ,approx. gas flow of 6.0 mm for the weekend.\n I will inform Janice Burke Davis{w/Equistar} of there weekend \nactivity. She did not nominate this point for June business.\n \n 9:30 am: /6:00pm Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of \n4,886-mm for saturday. Meter Total should be 79,059 mm on K#: HPL 216 \n 1:40 pm : Karen Zinn(w/Louis Dryfus) called with a cut on OasisMidcon \ntotaling 31,595. Oasis & Midcon (down stream p/line) were notified. \nnote: Paul McPheeters @ Oasis & Patsy Shimek @ Midcon.\n Daren was notified because this cut is firm gas serving Entex. \n Daren chose Hardy Street (mtr. # 68) to balance with Midcon for \ncontinuing to serve Entex on HPL's behalve.\n Thus, HPL's receipts at Hardy Street was reduce by 31,595-mm as a \ndisplacement.. Meter total = 61,804 mm.\n Confirmed with Patsy @ Midcon.\n \n note: This change is only for Saturday, June 3rd\n \n Sunday : \n\n 9:30 am Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of 11,000 mm \nfor Sunday. \n K # HPL 216 ; meter total = 70,945\n 1:00 pm Daren called to inform me of an additional 20.0mm cut at Texoma. \nK # HPL 215.\n\n Cindy reconfirm the point as 50,945-mm for gas day Sunday, June 4th.\n\n The 20.0 cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} was moved to PGEV/MidTexas Dewvill \n(980388).\n \n\n Pleas check meters: 6780, 71, 68 for weekend scheduling changes. K #: \n012-35985-201\n\n\n", "Weekend Activity Dated: June 2 thru June4th", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 39, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " gas flow of numeric numeric mm for the weekend."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 146, "nninformation", ["check", "meters"], "other", " pleas check meters: numeric , numeric , numeric for weekend scheduling changes."]], " \n REVISION #1\n\n\n Friday Night --6:45 pm:\n \n \nSherry Fontenot ( w/Texaco) called stating Tank Batteries 5 & 7 (meters: \n6592,6593) production was going to increase however, nothing materialized.\n \n Saturday :\n \n\n 8:00 am; Debbie Valenzuela called concerning some Channel changes\n Matter was resolved around 8:30 am\n \n Shawn {in Gas Control} also mention Equistar had pull gas at their \nPt. Arthur Plant/mtr. # 1062 ,approx. gas flow of 6.0 mm for the weekend.\n I will inform Janice Burke Davis{w/Equistar} of there weekend \nactivity. She did not nominate this point for June business.\n \n 9:30 am: /6:00pm Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of \n4,886-mm for saturday. Meter Total should be 79,059 mm on K#: HPL 216 \n 1:40 pm : Karen Zinn(w/Louis Dryfus) called with a cut on OasisMidcon \ntotaling 31,595. Oasis & Midcon (down stream p/line) were notified. \nnote: Paul McPheeters @ Oasis & Patsy Shimek @ Midcon.\n Daren was notified because this cut is firm gas serving Entex. \n Daren chose Hardy Street (mtr. # 68) to balance with Midcon for \ncontinuing to serve Entex on HPL's behalve.\n Thus, HPL's receipts at Hardy Street was reduce by 31,595-mm as a \ndisplacement.. Meter total = 61,804 mm.\n Confirmed with Patsy @ Midcon.\n \n note: This change is only for Saturday, June 3rd\n \n Sunday : \n\n 9:30 am Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of 11,000 mm \nfor Sunday. \n K # HPL 216 ; meter total = 70,945\n 1:00 pm Daren called to inform me of an additional 20.0mm cut at Texoma. \nK # HPL 215.\n\n Cindy reconfirm the point as 50,945-mm for gas day Sunday, June 4th.\n\n The 20.0 cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} was moved to PGEV/MidTexas Dewvill \n(980388).\n \n\n Pleas check meters: 6780, 71, 68 for weekend scheduling changes. K #: \n012-35985-201\n\n\n", "<5338623.1075854006819.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"control gasTnn": {"value": "control gasTnn", "ne": "control gasTnn", "patterns": ["control gasTnn"]}, "135": {"value": "50,945", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "gas pointTnn": {"value": "gas pointTnn", "ne": "gas pointTnn", "patterns": ["gas pointTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "71", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "117": {"value": "71", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "120": {"value": "216", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "139": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "148": {"value": "6780", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-7-2000-8:50:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"14-7-2000-8:50:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["14-7-2000-8:50:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "gary.hanks@enron.com angela.henn@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com lee.papayoti@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com gary.lamphier@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com joanie.ngo@enron.com jennifer.blay@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29066280.1075853996991.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 08:50:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Preliminary \"Buyback & Deficiency Deals\" Worksheet for July\n 2000 Activity\nCc: gary.hanks@enron.com, angela.henn@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tlee.papayoti@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tgary.lamphier@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, joanie.ngo@enron.com, jennifer.blay@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: gary.hanks@enron.com, angela.henn@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com,\n\tlee.papayoti@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tgary.lamphier@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com,\n\tlisa.csikos@enron.com, joanie.ngo@enron.com, jennifer.blay@enron.com,\n\tpat.clynes@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Gary A Hanks, Angela Henn, Howard B Camp, Lee L Papayoti, Daren J Farmer, Gary W Lamphier, David Baumbach, Lisa Csikos, Joanie H Ngo, Jennifer Blay, Pat Clynes\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n \n Attached is the final \"Buyback & Deficiency Deals\" worksheet for July 2000 \nactivity.\n\n \n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 06/30/2000 05:44 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angela Henn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Howard B \nCamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lee L Papayoti/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGary W Lamphier/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa \nCsikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joanie H Ngo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Blay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat \nClynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Preliminary \"Buyback & Deficiency Deals\" Worksheet for July 2000 \nActivity\n\n\n \n Attached is a preliminary \"Buyback & Deficiency Deals\" worksheet for July \n2000 activity.\n \n \n \n\n", "Re: Preliminary \"Buyback & Deficiency Deals\" Worksheet for July\n 2000 Activity", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 8, "information", ["attached", "deals"], "information", " attached is the final \"buyback & deficiency deals\" worksheet for datenumeric numeric "]], " \n Attached is the final \"Buyback & Deficiency Deals\" worksheet for July 2000 \nactivity.\n\n \n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Robert E Lloyd 06/30/2000 05:44 PM\n\t\n\n", "<29066280.1075853996991.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-5-2000-1:54:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"22-5-2000-1:54:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-1:54:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "lee.papayoti@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9492228.1075854010173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 01:54:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com\nSubject: Global Octane for May 2000\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti, Pat Clynes\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Rita Wynne, Howard B Camp\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n Attached is a M-T-D daily reading of gas that has flowed at meter #: 1528 \nduring May 2000 production.\n \n This data is provided to inform you of the activity at this meter. \n \n HPL is the only counterparty doing business at this meter thus, Sitara \nticket # 92887 will take the swing.\n \n \n \n ", "Global Octane for May 2000", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["flowed", "gas"], "information", "attached is a m-t-d daily reading of gas that has flowed at meter #: numeric during datenumeric numeric production."]], " Attached is a M-T-D daily reading of gas that has flowed at meter #: 1528 \nduring May 2000 production.\n \n This data is provided to inform you of the activity at this meter. \n \n HPL is the only counterparty doing business at this meter thus, Sitara \nticket # 92887 will take the swing.\n \n \n \n ", "<9492228.1075854010173.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "1528", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "92887", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-7-2000-4:41:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"11-7-2000-4:41:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-4:41:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "lee.papayoti@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23101069.1075853998320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 04:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com\nSubject: Plant Outage Affecting \"meter # 8291\" Enron Methanol\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com,\n\tstacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n \n Please advise me if you want the 36.0/day term deal bought back for days ; \nJuly 4th & July 5th.\n \n Presently, the buyback deal {#139058} is being allocated 35,261mm for day \n7/4th & 35,903 for day 7/5th.\n\n Daily flow for 7/4th = 739mm -&- 7/5th = 97mm.\n \n The term deal of 36.0 mm has been bought back for July 6th thru July 16th.", "Plant Outage Affecting \"meter # 8291\" Enron Methanol", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 12, "information", ["bought", "deal"], "information", " please advise me if you want the numeric numeric /day term deal bought back for days ; datenumeric th & datenumeric th."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 17, "information", ["allocated", "buyback"], "information", " presently, the buyback deal {# numeric } is being allocated numeric mm for day numeric / datenumeric h & numeric for day numeric / datenumeric h."], ["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 35, "information", ["bought", "deal"], "information", " the term deal of numeric numeric mm has been bought back for datenumeric th thru datenumeric th."]], " \n Please advise me if you want the 36.0/day term deal bought back for days ; \nJuly 4th & July 5th.\n \n Presently, the buyback deal {#139058} is being allocated 35,261mm for day \n7/4th & 35,903 for day 7/5th.\n\n Daily flow for 7/4th = 739mm -&- 7/5th = 97mm.\n \n The term deal of 36.0 mm has been bought back for July 6th thru July 16th.", "<23101069.1075853998320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"buyback dealTnn": {"value": "buyback dealTnn", "ne": "buyback dealTnn", "patterns": ["buyback dealTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric termTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "32": {"value": "36", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric termTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "139058", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "8291", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-6-2000-9:26:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": {"4-6-2000-9:26:0Srobert.lloyd@enron.com": ["4-6-2000-9:26:0", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "robert.cotten@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com charlotte.hawkins@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com george.grant@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com ricky.ellis@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com mark.mccoy@enron.com eddie.janzen@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14842752.1075854074008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 09:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nTo: robert.cotten@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com, charlotte.hawkins@enron.com,\n\tcarlos.rodriguez@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com,\n\taimee.lannou@enron.com, george.grant@enron.com,\n\tsabrae.zajac@enron.com, ricky.ellis@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tmark.mccoy@enron.com, eddie.janzen@enron.com\nSubject: Weekend Activity Dated: June 2 thru June4th\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com,\n\trobert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com,\n\trobert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Robert E Lloyd\nX-To: Robert Cotten, Jackie Young, Charlotte Hawkins, Carlos J Rodriguez, Stella L Morris, Aimee Lannou, George Grant, Sabrae Zajac, Ricky Ellis, Tom Acton, Mark McCoy, Eddie Janzen\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n \n Friday Night --6:45 pm:\n \n \nSherry Fontenot ( w/Texaco) called stating Tank Batteries 5 & 7 (meters: \n6592,6593) production was going to increase however, nothing materialized.\n \n Saturday :\n \n\n 8:00 am; Debbie Valenzuela called concerning some Channel changes\n Matter was resolved around 8:30 am\n \n Shawn {in Gas Control} also mention Equistar had pull gas at their \nPt. Arthur Plant/mtr. # 1062 ,approx. gas flow of 6.0 mm for the weekend.\n I will inform Janice Burke Davis{w/Equistar} of there weekend \nactivity. She did not nominate this point for June business.\n \n 9:30 am: /6:00pm Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of \n4,886-mm for saturday. Meter Total should be 79,059 mm on K#: HPL 216 \n 1:40 pm : Karen Zinn(w/Louis Dryfus) called with a cut on Oasis Katy(mtr \n#6780) totaling 31,595. Oasis & Midcon (down stream p/line) were \nnotified. note: Paul McPheeters @ Oasis & Patsy Shimek @ Midcon.\n Daren was notified because this cut is firm gas serving Entex. \n Daren chose Hardy Street (mtr. # 68) to balance with Midcon for \ncontinuing to serve Entex on HPL's behalve.\n Thus, HPL's receipts at Hardy Street was reduce by 31,595-mm as a \ndisplacement.. Meter total = 61,804 mm.\n Confirmed with Patsy @ Midcon.\n \n note: This change is only for Saturday, June 3rd\n \n Sunday : \n\n 9:30 am Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of 11,000 mm \nfor Sunday. \n K # HPL 216 ; meter total = 70,945\n 1:00 pm Daren called to inform me of an additional 20.0 mm cut at Texoma. \nK # HPL 215. \n \n Cindy reconfirm the point as 50,945-mm for gas day Sunday, June 4th.\n \n\n Pleas check meters: 6780, 71, 68 for weekend scheduling changes. K #: \n012-35985-201\n\n\n", "Weekend Activity Dated: June 2 thru June4th", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 37, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " gas flow of numeric numeric mm for the weekend."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 139, "nninformation", ["check", "meters"], "other", " pleas check meters: numeric , numeric , numeric for weekend scheduling changes."]], " \n Friday Night --6:45 pm:\n \n \nSherry Fontenot ( w/Texaco) called stating Tank Batteries 5 & 7 (meters: \n6592,6593) production was going to increase however, nothing materialized.\n \n Saturday :\n \n\n 8:00 am; Debbie Valenzuela called concerning some Channel changes\n Matter was resolved around 8:30 am\n \n Shawn {in Gas Control} also mention Equistar had pull gas at their \nPt. Arthur Plant/mtr. # 1062 ,approx. gas flow of 6.0 mm for the weekend.\n I will inform Janice Burke Davis{w/Equistar} of there weekend \nactivity. She did not nominate this point for June business.\n \n 9:30 am: /6:00pm Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of \n4,886-mm for saturday. Meter Total should be 79,059 mm on K#: HPL 216 \n 1:40 pm : Karen Zinn(w/Louis Dryfus) called with a cut on Oasis Katy(mtr \n#6780) totaling 31,595. Oasis & Midcon (down stream p/line) were \nnotified. note: Paul McPheeters @ Oasis & Patsy Shimek @ Midcon.\n Daren was notified because this cut is firm gas serving Entex. \n Daren chose Hardy Street (mtr. # 68) to balance with Midcon for \ncontinuing to serve Entex on HPL's behalve.\n Thus, HPL's receipts at Hardy Street was reduce by 31,595-mm as a \ndisplacement.. Meter total = 61,804 mm.\n Confirmed with Patsy @ Midcon.\n \n note: This change is only for Saturday, June 3rd\n \n Sunday : \n\n 9:30 am Cindy Golly called with a cut at Texoma {mtr. 71} of 11,000 mm \nfor Sunday. \n K # HPL 216 ; meter total = 70,945\n 1:00 pm Daren called to inform me of an additional 20.0 mm cut at Texoma. \nK # HPL 215. \n \n Cindy reconfirm the point as 50,945-mm for gas day Sunday, June 4th.\n \n\n Pleas check meters: 6780, 71, 68 for weekend scheduling changes. K #: \n012-35985-201\n\n\n", "<14842752.1075854074008.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"control gasTnn": {"value": "control gasTnn", "ne": "control gasTnn", "patterns": ["control gasTnn"]}, "135": {"value": "50,945", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "gas pointTnn": {"value": "gas pointTnn", "ne": "gas pointTnn", "patterns": ["gas pointTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "7", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "54": {"value": "71", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "70": {"value": "6780", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "117": {"value": "71", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "120": {"value": "216", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "141": {"value": "6780", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-12-1999-3:15:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": {"31-12-1999-3:15:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": ["31-12-1999-3:15:0", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12353300.1075854120528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 03:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nTo: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Unresolved Issues for Jan 1.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-To: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nI think everyone agrees that there was a lot of confusion in Desk assignments \nand responsibilities. With that said, I am listing some of the current \nissues that I have seen, that will need to be addressed quickly. Most of \nthese issues are none of my business, but since I see unpathed gas I thought \nyou two might want to dicsuss these issues.\n\nEnron Field Services - Has not been nominated since September 99. Have we \nstopped doing business on this pipe? (Just an FYI - ?) Do we need to get \nthis assigned? I can find old\n notes and try to get this pathed if necessary. Someone just needs to let \nme know.\n\nLavaca Expense Transport - This is offsystem gas that HPLC Transports for \nENA. ENA has no nom at meter 1000 in Pops for Jan 1.\n\nMidCon Texas Pipeline - There were deals left unpathed for Jan 1 (and \nDec?). I brokered and nominated the obvious but we seem to have 10,000 with \ntransport contract to move this gas on and no sale to broker to. As it \nstands, it looks like we have a long position. Who is this assigned to? I \nthought Carlos was handling this one, but I could be wrong.\n\nChannel Industries Pipeline - Several issues here:\n\n 1. All Deals with the exception of the long term Transport Expense were left \nunpathed for Jan 1. I viewed prior month transactions and pathed \nappropriately. Someone\n needs to review for accuracy. Also, there were deals that went to zero, \nthat were nominated for January.\n\n 2. We still do not have enough supply to meet our sales requirement. This \nissue has been left unsresolved since October 99. Volume Management cannot \nallocate was is\n not pathed and nominated. \n\n 3. There is a transaction for January that is once again not on our point \nspecific transport contracts. (Rec Mtr 1-6366 10,000 to Del Mtr 2-6203 \n10,000). This is a pathed pipeline. We have no rate. We need to know the \nrate and whether one of the expense contracts needs to be amended for this \ntransaction, we are not legally covered. Carlos was handling this pipe in \nDec. Who is this assigned to for Jan?\n\nHPL Operational - This Shipper on HPL has been left unpathed for December \nand January 1. Who is this assigned to? This can wait until we get back \nnext week. If it is left unresolved, I will get it pathed when I return.\n\n\n\nPat - The following was my recollection of the assignments for Dec 1 to \nthe present. You might want to confirm with Mary Smith and then you can \nproceed with decisions that need to be made based on possible unassigned \nissues.\n\nHank Eisenhours duties were split :\n\nMandey - Handle all long term HPLC expense issues: undeveloped contracts, \nDecember flow forward and cleanup of 1999 unresolved issues.\n\nCarlos - All offsystem transactions for ENA and HPLC in Unify and all \noffsystem paper and electronic noms on Intrastate Pipes. Ami and Stacey\n also handle some. There is a lot of confusion here. I found unpathed gas \nfor December. We'll need to address this one quickly.\n\nHPL Transports were all split by zone. Each Logistics rep is responsible for \npathing all meters in their assigned zones in Unify.\n\nHPL Operational seems to be left unassigned. \n\nI think most of the desk assumed that Carlos took over Hanks \nresponsibilities. The assignments above are my recollection only.", "Unresolved Issues for Jan 1.", "", [["see_understand_determine_check gas", 15, "nninformation", ["see", "gas"], "intention", " most of these issues are none of my business, but since i see unpathed gas i thought you two might want to dicsuss these issues."], ["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 104, "nninformation", ["allocate", "volume"], "intention", " volume management cannot allocate was is not pathed and nominated."]], "I think everyone agrees that there was a lot of confusion in Desk assignments \nand responsibilities. With that said, I am listing some of the current \nissues that I have seen, that will need to be addressed quickly. Most of \nthese issues are none of my business, but since I see unpathed gas I thought \nyou two might want to dicsuss these issues.\n\nEnron Field Services - Has not been nominated since September 99. Have we \nstopped doing business on this pipe? (Just an FYI - ?) Do we need to get \nthis assigned? I can find old\n notes and try to get this pathed if necessary. Someone just needs to let \nme know.\n\nLavaca Expense Transport - This is offsystem gas that HPLC Transports for \nENA. ENA has no nom at meter 1000 in Pops for Jan 1.\n\nMidCon Texas Pipeline - There were deals left unpathed for Jan 1 (and \nDec?). I brokered and nominated the obvious but we seem to have 10,000 with \ntransport contract to move this gas on and no sale to broker to. As it \nstands, it looks like we have a long position. Who is this assigned to? I \nthought Carlos was handling this one, but I could be wrong.\n\nChannel Industries Pipeline - Several issues here:\n\n 1. All Deals with the exception of the long term Transport Expense were left \nunpathed for Jan 1. I viewed prior month transactions and pathed \nappropriately. Someone\n needs to review for accuracy. Also, there were deals that went to zero, \nthat were nominated for January.\n\n 2. We still do not have enough supply to meet our sales requirement. This \nissue has been left unsresolved since October 99. Volume Management cannot \nallocate was is\n not pathed and nominated. \n\n 3. There is a transaction for January that is once again not on our point \nspecific transport contracts. (Rec Mtr 1-6366 10,000 to Del Mtr 2-6203 \n10,000). This is a pathed pipeline. We have no rate. We need to know the \nrate and whether one of the expense contracts needs to be amended for this \ntransaction, we are not legally covered. Carlos was handling this pipe in \nDec. Who is this assigned to for Jan?\n\nHPL Operational - This Shipper on HPL has been left unpathed for December \nand January 1. Who is this assigned to? This can wait until we get back \nnext week. If it is left unresolved, I will get it pathed when I return.\n\n\n\nPat - The following was my recollection of the assignments for Dec 1 to \nthe present. You might want to confirm with Mary Smith and then you can \nproceed with decisions that need to be made based on possible unassigned \nissues.\n\nHank Eisenhours duties were split :\n\nMandey - Handle all long term HPLC expense issues: undeveloped contracts, \nDecember flow forward and cleanup of 1999 unresolved issues.\n\nCarlos - All offsystem transactions for ENA and HPLC in Unify and all \noffsystem paper and electronic noms on Intrastate Pipes. Ami and Stacey\n also handle some. There is a lot of confusion here. I found unpathed gas \nfor December. We'll need to address this one quickly.\n\nHPL Transports were all split by zone. Each Logistics rep is responsible for \npathing all meters in their assigned zones in Unify.\n\nHPL Operational seems to be left unassigned. \n\nI think most of the desk assumed that Carlos took over Hanks \nresponsibilities. The assignments above are my recollection only.", "<12353300.1075854120528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}, "56": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "deal line_pipelineTnn": {"value": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "ne": "deal line_pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["deal line_pipelineTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "47": {"value": "1000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "115": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "118": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "point transport_transport0contractTnn": {"value": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "ne": "point transport_transport0contractTnn", "patterns": ["point transport_transport0contractTnn"]}, "sale supplyTnn": {"value": "sale supplyTnn", "ne": "sale supplyTnn", "patterns": ["sale supplyTnn"]}, "sale transportTnn": {"value": "sale transportTnn", "ne": "sale transportTnn", "patterns": ["sale transportTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-12-1999-7:39:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": {"14-12-1999-7:39:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": ["14-12-1999-7:39:0", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com", "karry.kendall@enron.com michael.bilberry@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com mary.smith@enron.com", "marlene.hilliard@enron.com stella.morris@enron.com edward.gottlob@enron.com fred.boas@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24815821.1075854044382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 07:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nTo: karry.kendall@enron.com, michael.bilberry@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\tmary.smith@enron.com\nSubject: King Ranch\nCc: marlene.hilliard@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com,\n\tedward.gottlob@enron.com, fred.boas@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: marlene.hilliard@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com,\n\tedward.gottlob@enron.com, fred.boas@enron.com\nX-From: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-To: Karry Kendall, Michael C Bilberry, Daren J Farmer, Mary M Smith\nX-cc: Marlene Hilliard, Stella L Morris, Edward D Gottlob, Fred Boas\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThere are two fields of gas that I am having difficulty with in the Unify \nSystem.\n\n1. Cage Ranch - Since there is no processing agreement that accomodates this \ngas on King Ranch, it is my understanding HPL is selling the liquids and \nKing Ranch is re-delivering to stratton. It is also my understanding that \nthere is a .05 cent fee\n to deliver this gas. We need a method to accomodate the volume flow on HPL \nat meter 415 and 9643. This gas \n will not be reflected on Trans. Usage ticket #123395 and #95394 since it is \nnot being nominated from a processing agreement. We either, need to input \na point nom (on HPL or KRGP) at these meters to match the nom at meter 9610, \nor a deal for Purchase and Sale (if King Ranch is taking title to the gas) \nneeds to be input into Sitara at these meters with the appropriate rate. I \nhave currently input a point nom on KRGP to accomodate this flow, so we can \ndivert some of this gas to the current interstate sales that are being made.\n\n2. Forest Oil - There is a processing agreement that will accomodate flow \nfrom the meter (6396) into King Ranch. It is my\n understanding that this agreement was originally setup until Texaco had \ntheir own processing agreement. I need confirmation that the gas from this \nmeter should be nominated on contract # (96006681) and that this agreement \nshould have been reassigned to HPLC. (It is currently still under HPLR). \n\n If this gas is not nominated on the above transport agreement, then once \nagain we need to accomodate the flow volume on the HPL pipe with either a \npoint nom or a Sitara Deal at meters 415 and 9643.", "King Ranch", "", [["deliver gas", 26, "nninformation", ["deliver", "gas"], "intention", " it is also my understanding that there is a numeric cent fee to deliver this gas."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 32, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " we need a method to accomodate the volume flow on hpl at meter numeric and numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 70, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " i have currently input a point nom on krgp to accomodate this flow, so we can divert some of this gas to the current interstate sales that are being made."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 83, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " forest oil - there is a processing agreement that will accomodate flow from the meter ( numeric ) into king ranch."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 111, "information", ["flow", "volume"], "information", " if this gas is not nominated on the above transport agreement, then once again we need to accomodate the flow volume on the hpl pipe with either a "]], "There are two fields of gas that I am having difficulty with in the Unify \nSystem.\n\n1. Cage Ranch - Since there is no processing agreement that accomodates this \ngas on King Ranch, it is my understanding HPL is selling the liquids and \nKing Ranch is re-delivering to stratton. It is also my understanding that \nthere is a .05 cent fee\n to deliver this gas. We need a method to accomodate the volume flow on HPL \nat meter 415 and 9643. This gas \n will not be reflected on Trans. Usage ticket #123395 and #95394 since it is \nnot being nominated from a processing agreement. We either, need to input \na point nom (on HPL or KRGP) at these meters to match the nom at meter 9610, \nor a deal for Purchase and Sale (if King Ranch is taking title to the gas) \nneeds to be input into Sitara at these meters with the appropriate rate. I \nhave currently input a point nom on KRGP to accomodate this flow, so we can \ndivert some of this gas to the current interstate sales that are being made.\n\n2. Forest Oil - There is a processing agreement that will accomodate flow \nfrom the meter (6396) into King Ranch. It is my\n understanding that this agreement was originally setup until Texaco had \ntheir own processing agreement. I need confirmation that the gas from this \nmeter should be nominated on contract # (96006681) and that this agreement \nshould have been reassigned to HPLC. (It is currently still under HPLR). \n\n If this gas is not nominated on the above transport agreement, then once \nagain we need to accomodate the flow volume on the HPL pipe with either a \npoint nom or a Sitara Deal at meters 415 and 9643.", "<24815821.1075854044382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agreement gasTnn": {"value": "agreement gasTnn", "ne": "agreement gasTnn", "patterns": ["agreement gasTnn"]}, "agreement transportTnn": {"value": "agreement transportTnn", "ne": "agreement transportTnn", "patterns": ["agreement transportTnn"]}, "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["area_field gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}, "contract gasTnn": {"value": "contract gasTnn", "ne": "contract gasTnn", "patterns": ["contract gasTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "9610", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numeric purchaseTnnn", "deal numeric saleTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric purchaseTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas systemTnn": {"value": "gas systemTnn", "ne": "gas systemTnn", "patterns": ["gas systemTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution transfer_transportTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas transport_transportationTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "415", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "85": {"value": "6396", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "123395", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}, "ticket usageTnn": {"value": "ticket usageTnn", "ne": "ticket usageTnn", "patterns": ["ticket usageTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-2-2000-0:30:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": {"22-2-2000-0:30:0Smandy.mackinnon@enron.com": ["22-2-2000-0:30:0", "mandy.mackinnon@enron.com", "stella.morris@enron.com fred.boas@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32189825.1075854026214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 00:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mandy.mackinnon@enron.com\nTo: stella.morris@enron.com, fred.boas@enron.com\nSubject: HGPL and KGPL - 3 Rivers Gas\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Mandy MacKinnon\nX-To: Stella L Morris, Fred Boas\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nBased on the conversation we had at the meeting last Thursday, I am \nimplementing the following changes to Humble Gas Pipeline and King Ranch Gas \nPlant. If you disagree or feel you had a different understanding than the \nitems below, please be sure to call me asap.\n\n1. Input HPLC purchase from HPLR Liquids at meter 8793 (HPL/HGPL). Remove \nthe 3 Rivers gas from the Interconnect ticket and input on\n the Purchase Deal.\n\n2. Input HPLC sale to HPLR Liquids at meters 9643 (KGPL/HPL) and 12 \n(KGPL/HGPL). Remove 3 rivers volumes from the interconnect tickets \n at these meters and input on the sales Deals appropriately.\n\n3. Change swing parameters for the King Ranch contracts to swing on Cage \nRanch before swinging on 3 Rivers Gas. This will hopefully allow \n the sale for 3 Rivers gas to remain at one meter as much as possible.\n\nI will hopefully have all of these changes made by the end of the day, and \nhave all contracts repathed. It is my understanding that we are implementing \nthese changes effective Feb. 1st.\n\nStella, This may or may not effect repathing of the HPLC gas at meter 9643, \nbased on the swing parameters that you have been using.\n\nThank you.", "HGPL and KGPL - 3 Rivers Gas", "", [["make change", 80, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " i will hopefully have all of these changes made by the end of the day, and have all contracts repathed."]], "Based on the conversation we had at the meeting last Thursday, I am \nimplementing the following changes to Humble Gas Pipeline and King Ranch Gas \nPlant. If you disagree or feel you had a different understanding than the \nitems below, please be sure to call me asap.\n\n1. Input HPLC purchase from HPLR Liquids at meter 8793 (HPL/HGPL). Remove \nthe 3 Rivers gas from the Interconnect ticket and input on\n the Purchase Deal.\n\n2. Input HPLC sale to HPLR Liquids at meters 9643 (KGPL/HPL) and 12 \n(KGPL/HGPL). Remove 3 rivers volumes from the interconnect tickets \n at these meters and input on the sales Deals appropriately.\n\n3. Change swing parameters for the King Ranch contracts to swing on Cage \nRanch before swinging on 3 Rivers Gas. This will hopefully allow \n the sale for 3 Rivers gas to remain at one meter as much as possible.\n\nI will hopefully have all of these changes made by the end of the day, and \nhave all contracts repathed. It is my understanding that we are implementing \nthese changes effective Feb. 1st.\n\nStella, This may or may not effect repathing of the HPLC gas at meter 9643, \nbased on the swing parameters that you have been using.\n\nThank you.", "<32189825.1075854026214.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal saleTnn": {"value": "deal saleTnn", "ne": "deal saleTnn", "patterns": ["deal saleTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "73": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "numeric riverTnn", "numeric saleTnn"]}, "92": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "numeric riverTnn"]}, "67": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "numeric riverTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas numericTnn", "numeric riverTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}, "gas saleTnn": {"value": "gas saleTnn", "ne": "gas saleTnn", "patterns": ["gas saleTnn"]}, "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0distribution pipelineTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "9643", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "8793", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric riverTnn", "numeric volumeTnn"]}, "sale ticketTnn": {"value": "sale ticketTnn", "ne": "sale ticketTnn", "patterns": ["sale ticketTnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-4-2000-6:33:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"13-4-2000-6:33:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["13-4-2000-6:33:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "fred.boas@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com karry.kendall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <245545.1075854129658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 06:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: fred.boas@enron.com\nSubject: February and March 2000 Meter 5688\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com, karry.kendall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com, karry.kendall@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Fred Boas\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer, Karry Kendall\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFred,\n\nI spoke w/Karry this morning on this issue and it appears as if this gas will \nbe purchased by HPLC as wellhead.\n\nI'm waiting for Karry to phone me back, after he's spoken w/Legal, before I \ngive you a concrete answer.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/13/2000 01:31 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nFred Boas\n04/11/2000 10:29 AM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: February and March 2000 Meter 5688 \n\n\n\t\n\nJackie:\n\nMeter 5688 is incorrectly scheduled to the HPL Liquids contract \n012-41970-02-002 in March 2000. Also last month when you were out, Robert \nremoved the volume from the Liquids contract at this meter and temporarily \nput it on a Strangers Gas contract. If you could fix both months today and \nlet me know when it is corrected I would appreciate it.\n\nThanks,\n\nFred\n\n\n\nFred Boas\n02/16/2000 04:35 PM\nTo: Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Howard B Camp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert E Lloyd/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita \nLuong/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: 1/2000 Meters 5688 & 5801\n\n\n\t\n\nJackie:\n\nI am new at the 3 Rivers allocation so bear with me, I took this over from \nAnita Luong. In January 2000, and going forward, please make sure that \nMeters 5688 and 5801 are not scheduled on the HPL Liquids contract \n012-41970-02-002. The contract is currently out of balance by the total \nvolume at these two meters so if you could fix this by early tomorrow morning \nI would appreciate it.\n\nThanks,\n\nFred\n\n\n\n", "February and March 2000 Meter 5688", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 9, "nninformation", ["purchased", "gas"], "intention", "fred, i spoke w/karry this morning on this issue and it appears as if this gas will be purchased by orgname as wellhead."]], "Fred,\n\nI spoke w/Karry this morning on this issue and it appears as if this gas will \nbe purchased by HPLC as wellhead.\n\nI'm waiting for Karry to phone me back, after he's spoken w/Legal, before I \ngive you a concrete answer.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<245545.1075854129658.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"0": {"value": "00", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-4-2000-9:27:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"6-4-2000-9:27:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["6-4-2000-9:27:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22139386.1075854015934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 09:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-1188 K for 4/1 & 4/2/2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe above meter flowed on the 215K for 3/2000. I has flow for the first two \ndays of this month (Sitara deal #205569-deal ends 3/31/2000).\n\nCan you please see if the deal can be extended or if the gas should be placed \non stranger's?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-1188 K for 4/1 & 4/2/2000", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 3, "information", ["flowed", "meter"], "information", "daren, the above meter flowed on the numeric k for datenumeric numeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 6, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " i has flow for the first two days of this month (sitara deal # numeric -deal ends datenumeric )."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["see", "deal"], "request", " can you please see if the deal can be extended or if the gas should be placed on stranger's?"], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 12, "nninformation", ["deal", "extended"], "request", " can you please see if the deal can be extended or if the gas should be placed on stranger's?"]], "Daren,\n\nThe above meter flowed on the 215K for 3/2000. I has flow for the first two \ndays of this month (Sitara deal #205569-deal ends 3/31/2000).\n\nCan you please see if the deal can be extended or if the gas should be placed \non stranger's?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<22139386.1075854015934.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "205569", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "deal place_positionTnn": {"value": "deal place_positionTnn", "ne": "deal place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["deal place_positionTnn"]}, "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn": {"value": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "ne": "deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn", "patterns": ["deal_trade gas_gas0distributionTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-1-2000-3:24:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"18-1-2000-3:24:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["18-1-2000-3:24:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28785146.1075854121748.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 03:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Rita Wynne\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren, can you help me with placing K's @ the below listed meters? I don't \nknow if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up.\n\nI'll need a K @ each specified meter for the month following the noted month \nthat had a K @ it.\n\nThanks in advance for your help.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n98-1534 (Delivery) Last flowed w/ a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95541(Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-6563 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was11/99 on 203K Sitara #26511, then new \nsitara #130913(which was killed) Evergreen was checked on this one.\n98-6614 (Receipt) Sitara #130917-this deal's stop date is 2/29/2000. The \ndeal amount is for 1487 mmbtu's but the estimated vols. are \"0\". Did not \nwant to change anything in Sitara without your knowledge.\n\n98-9758 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #133088(Stop \nDate 12/99) Evergreen was checked on this one.\n98-9651 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #51491(Stop \nDate 12/99) New Deal #136744 (Deal Killed)\n98-9789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 11/99 on 012-41500-02-203 Sitara \n#108246 (Stop Date 11/99)\n98-5789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #26569 \n(Stop Date 12/99)\n98-6855 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #94120 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-6725 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a Kwas 12/99 on 215K Sitara #138332 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-9676 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95912 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-4548 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #94147 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n", "12/99 K's Needed and 1/2000 K's Needed", "", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["deals", "rolled"], "intention", " i don't know if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up."], ["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 11, "information", ["set", "deals"], "information", " i don't know if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 82, "information", ["deal", "flowed"], "information", " numeric phonenumber (receipt) last flowed w/a k was datenumeric numeric on phonenumber numeric sitara # numeric (stop date datenumeric numeric ) new deal # numeric (deal killed) numeric phonenumber (receipt) last flowed w/a k was datenumeric numeric on phonenumber numeric numeric numeric sitara # numeric (stop date datenumeric numeric ) numeric phonenumber (receipt) last flowed w/a k was datenumeric numeric on phonenumber numeric sitara # numeric (stop date datenumeric numeric ) numeric phonenumber (receipt) last flowed w/a k was datenumeric numeric on numeric k sitara # numeric (stop date datenumeric numeric ) numeric phonenumber (receipt) last flowed w/a kwas datenumeric numeric on numeric k sitara # numeric (stop date datenumeric numeric ) numeric phonenumber (receipt) last flowed w/a k was datenumeric numeric on numeric k sitara # numeric (stop date datenumeric numeric ) numeric phonenumber (receipt) last flowed w/a k was datenumeric numeric on phonenumber numeric sitara # numeric (stop date datenumeric numeric ) "]], "Daren, can you help me with placing K's @ the below listed meters? I don't \nknow if these deals should be rolled or if new ones were set up.\n\nI'll need a K @ each specified meter for the month following the noted month \nthat had a K @ it.\n\nThanks in advance for your help.\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n98-1534 (Delivery) Last flowed w/ a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95541(Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-6563 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was11/99 on 203K Sitara #26511, then new \nsitara #130913(which was killed) Evergreen was checked on this one.\n98-6614 (Receipt) Sitara #130917-this deal's stop date is 2/29/2000. The \ndeal amount is for 1487 mmbtu's but the estimated vols. are \"0\". Did not \nwant to change anything in Sitara without your knowledge.\n\n98-9758 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #133088(Stop \nDate 12/99) Evergreen was checked on this one.\n98-9651 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #51491(Stop \nDate 12/99) New Deal #136744 (Deal Killed)\n98-9789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 11/99 on 012-41500-02-203 Sitara \n#108246 (Stop Date 11/99)\n98-5789 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #26569 \n(Stop Date 12/99)\n98-6855 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #94120 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-6725 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a Kwas 12/99 on 215K Sitara #138332 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-9676 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 215K Sitara #95912 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n98-4548 (Receipt) Last flowed w/a K was 12/99 on 96026573 Sitara #94147 (Stop \nDate 12/99)\n", "<28785146.1075854121748.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"72": {"value": "51491", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "136": {"value": "94147", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "126": {"value": "95912", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "117": {"value": "138332", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "95541", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "60": {"value": "133088", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "88": {"value": "108246", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "98": {"value": "26569", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "107": {"value": "94120", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date numericTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "130917", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "77": {"value": "136744", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "75": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "46": {"value": "1487", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-12-2000-7:53:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"11-12-2000-7:53:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["11-12-2000-7:53:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "cynthia.franklin@enron.com meredith.mitchell@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24634735.1075854142010.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 07:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: cynthia.franklin@enron.com, meredith.mitchell@enron.com\nSubject: 10/2000 - Days 6 and 19 (98-0439)\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Cynthia Franklin, Meredith Mitchell\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Notes inbox\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe above referenced days have been placed on strangers gas due to (I guess) \nthe meter not being turned off in time. The day prior to each of these days \nthat are assessed to strangers gas, the only active K is the HPL 216.\n\nCan these deals be rolled to cover these couple of days?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "10/2000 - Days 6 and 19 (98-0439)", "", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["deals", "rolled"], "request information", " can these deals be rolled to cover these couple of days?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 19, "nninformation", ["cover", "deals"], "request information", " can these deals be rolled to cover these couple of days?"]], "The above referenced days have been placed on strangers gas due to (I guess) \nthe meter not being turned off in time. The day prior to each of these days \nthat are assessed to strangers gas, the only active K is the HPL 216.\n\nCan these deals be rolled to cover these couple of days?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<24634735.1075854142010.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-4-2000-2:33:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"11-4-2000-2:33:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-2:33:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "robert.lloyd@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com gary.lamphier@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8165462.1075854015411.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 02:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: FYI - Gas flow\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Gary W Lamphier\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2000 09:32 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Allen, John S.\" on 04/11/2000 08:34:41 AM\nTo: \"'Young, Jackie'\" \ncc: \nSubject: FYI - Gas flow\n\n\nYou will see a change later today in gas flow, going from 15 + 5 = 20 to 15\ntotal for flow date 12.\n", "FYI - Gas flow", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 2, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", "fyi - gas flow."]], "", "<8165462.1075854015411.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "5-6-2000-4:30:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"5-6-2000-4:30:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-4:30:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "janet.wallis@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26177533.1075854006939.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 04:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: janet.wallis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: 98-1601\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Janet H Wallis\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nJanet,\n\n.16 decatherms allocated at this meter for 5/31/2000. Can you please extend \ndeal (one more time for me) for 5/31/2000.\n\nThanks again for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 06/05/2000 11:28 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaren J Farmer\n06/02/2000 11:00 AM\nTo: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Young/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: 98-1601 \n\nDone\n\nTo: dfarmer@enron.com\ncc: pam.leigh@southernunionco.com \nSubject: 98-1601\n\nPlease extend the sale at Lockhart to Southern Union for two extra days at \nthe same price.\n\nThank you,\nJanet\n---------------------- Forwarded by Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT on 06/02/2000 \n10:16 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJackie Young\n06/02/2000 09:32 AM\nTo: Janet H Wallis/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: 98-1601\n\nCan you please extend deal #254839 to cover flow for 5/20 and 5/21? On the \n20th, 578 decatherms flowed. On the 21st, 109 decatherms flowed.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: 98-1601", "", [["allocate volume0management{deal}{contract}{meter_mtr}{numeric}", 4, "information", ["allocated", "meter"], "information", "janet, numeric decatherms allocated at this meter for datenumeric ."], ["extend deal{numeric}{rest}", 6, "nninformation", ["deal", "extend"], "request", " can you please extend deal (one more time for me) for datenumeric ."]], "Janet,\n\n.16 decatherms allocated at this meter for 5/31/2000. Can you please extend \ndeal (one more time for me) for 5/31/2000.\n\nThanks again for your help.\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<26177533.1075854006939.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-12-1999-8:44:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"21-12-1999-8:44:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["21-12-1999-8:44:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8129799.1075854045345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 08:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-1052 (Pasadena Plant Phillips) and 98-6614 (Lehrer \"C\" #1)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\n98-1052 (del. meter) has flow for 11/10/99 and 11/11/99. Maxey Walters \n(field guy) informed me that he rec'd a call from our Mktg. people asking him \nto flow gas these two days due to problems ocurring at Phillips on these two \ndays. Can you please look into this for me and see if you can provide me \nwith a K# to assess this business to? Thanks.\n\n98-6614 (rec. meter) has flow for every day this month but no K. Last month \nit was on the 215K, Sitara #93035. The start date on this deal is 7/1/99 and \nthe stop date is 11/30/99. Sitara #130917's start and stop date is 10/1/99 \nand 1/31/00 but the expected vols for 12/99 are \"0\". Can you look into this \nand tell me is the expected vols. for 12/99 should be different?\n\nThanks again.\n\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-1052 (Pasadena Plant Phillips) and 98-6614 (Lehrer \"C\" #1)", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 9, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " meter) has flow for datenumeric and datenumeric ."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 20, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " people asking him to flow gas these two days due to problems ocurring at phillips on these two days."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 33, "information", ["flow", "meter"], "information", " meter) has flow for every day this month but no k."]], "98-1052 (del. meter) has flow for 11/10/99 and 11/11/99. Maxey Walters \n(field guy) informed me that he rec'd a call from our Mktg. people asking him \nto flow gas these two days due to problems ocurring at Phillips on these two \ndays. Can you please look into this for me and see if you can provide me \nwith a K# to assess this business to? Thanks.\n\n98-6614 (rec. meter) has flow for every day this month but no K. Last month \nit was on the 215K, Sitara #93035. The start date on this deal is 7/1/99 and \nthe stop date is 11/30/99. Sitara #130917's start and stop date is 10/1/99 \nand 1/31/00 but the expected vols for 12/99 are \"0\". Can you look into this \nand tell me is the expected vols. for 12/99 should be different?\n\nThanks again.\n\n\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<8129799.1075854045345.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"0": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-3-2000-3:23:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"7-3-2000-3:23:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["7-3-2000-3:23:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6571000.1075854059649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 03:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: FW: Monday evening's gas flow\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Robert E Lloyd\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nThe below memo was rec'd on today from my contact at Lyondell (John Allen) \nreferencing meter 98-1063's gas pressure problems on last night (3-7-00).\n\nI thought that this might be some useful information to you.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n---------------------- Forwarded by Jackie Young/HOU/ECT on 03/07/2000 11:15 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Allen, John S.\" on 03/07/2000 10:56:35 AM\nTo: \"'Young, Jackie'\" \ncc: \nSubject: FW: Monday evening's gas flow\n\n\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: john allen [SMTP:j_s_allen77@hotmail.com]\n> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 9:53 PM\n> To: roger.maake@lyondell-citgo.com\n> Cc: john.allen@lyondell-citgo.com; tony.cucinotta@lyondell-citgo.com;\n> gmason@noram.com; david.rasco@lyondell-citgo.com;\n> greg.wilson@lyondell-citgo.com\n> Subject: Monday evening's gas flow\n>\n> The natural gas pressure issue was attributed to 2 HPL values. The north\n> one was not operative and the south one had leaking bellows.\n> It was determined that an alternator supply for pressure contract was not\n> readily available, being that it was after normal work hours.\n>\n> Th HPL technician determined that he would be able to make repairs while\n> the\n> line was operative, and that it would not be necessary to request a\n> shut-in\n> condition. It would just take longer for him to make the repairs. The\n> technician was able to control the pressure through the south valve while\n> repairing the north valve.\n>\n> HPL agreed to the utilities department's request that the technician was\n> not\n> to leave LCR's facility this evening until such time as both valves were\n> operative.\n>\n> \n", "FW: Monday evening's gas flow", "", [["flow deal{gas}{price}", 2, "information", ["flow", "gas"], "information", " monday evening's gas flow."]], "Daren,\n\nThe below memo was rec'd on today from my contact at Lyondell (John Allen) \nreferencing meter 98-1063's gas pressure problems on last night (3-7-00).\n\nI thought that this might be some useful information to you.\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497\n", "<6571000.1075854059649.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"11": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtr numericTnnn", "gas numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "gas meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "gas meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["gas meter_mtrTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-4-2000-1:53:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"25-4-2000-1:53:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["25-4-2000-1:53:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "pat.clynes@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31819357.1075854068080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 01:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-2601\nCc: pat.clynes@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pat.clynes@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Pat Clynes, Howard B Camp, Aimee Lannou\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHi Daren,\n\nI'm attempting to clear the above mentioned meter from an error report \n(Revenue Volume Comparison Report). Howard apprised me, in a meeting last \nweek, that the reason this meter is appearing in the aforementioned report is \ndue to no volumes being scheduled in POPS but volumes appearing in MOPS. The \nvolumes @ this meter is for 4449 (Sitara deal tickets 240095 and 227697. Due \nto this being a \"check meter\" the volumes will not bridge to POPS from MOPS. \nI'd like to request to revise the nome of 4449 to show \"0\" instead. Can you \napprove this modification?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-", "98-2601", "", [["schedule volume", 20, "information", ["scheduled", "volumes"], "information", " howard apprised me, in a meeting last week, that the reason this meter is appearing in the aforementioned report is due to no volumes being scheduled in pops but volumes appearing in mops."], ["see_determine_check_view deal{numeric}", 31, "nninformation", ["check", "volumes"], "intention", " due to this being a \"check meter\" the volumes will not bridge to pops from mops."]], "Hi Daren,\n\nI'm attempting to clear the above mentioned meter from an error report \n(Revenue Volume Comparison Report). Howard apprised me, in a meeting last \nweek, that the reason this meter is appearing in the aforementioned report is \ndue to no volumes being scheduled in POPS but volumes appearing in MOPS. The \nvolumes @ this meter is for 4449 (Sitara deal tickets 240095 and 227697. Due \nto this being a \"check meter\" the volumes will not bridge to POPS from MOPS. \nI'd like to request to revise the nome of 4449 to show \"0\" instead. Can you \napprove this modification?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-", "<31819357.1075854068080.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"26": {"value": "4449", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtr numericTnnn", "deal numericTnn", "meter_mtr numericTnn", "numeric ticketTnn"]}, "deal meter_mtrTnn": {"value": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "ne": "deal meter_mtrTnn", "patterns": ["deal meter_mtrTnn"]}, "deal ticket volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal ticket volumeTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["instead numericTnn"]}, "meter_mtr ticketTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr ticketTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr ticketTnn"]}, "meter_mtr volumeTnn": {"value": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "ne": "meter_mtr volumeTnn", "patterns": ["meter_mtr volumeTnn"]}, "pop volumeTnn": {"value": "pop volumeTnn", "ne": "pop volumeTnn", "patterns": ["pop volumeTnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-4-2000-2:24:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"4-4-2000-2:24:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["4-4-2000-2:24:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "tom.acton@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23145627.1075854064759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 02:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: tom.acton@enron.com\nSubject: 98-9794 (Saxet)\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Tom Acton\nX-cc: Daren J Farmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe above meter is currently doing 13.0 on a 26.0 nom.\n\nPlease take a look and see if nom adjustments might be a solution.\n\nLooking @ deal #109670, the terms indicates that HPLC buys 2.5% of Saxet \nvolumes. Should I assume that I should take the total flow amount (per day \nfor this deal ticket) and adjust the expected volumes to reflect a nom that \nis 2% of the daily flow versus the \"1\" that is currently nomed?\n\nH - E - L - P!!!\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-9794 (Saxet)", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 15, "information", ["buys", "deal"], "information", " looking @ deal # numeric , the terms indicates that orgname buys numeric numeric % of saxet volumes."], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 22, "nninformation", ["deal", "flow"], "request information", " should i assume that i should take the total flow amount (per day for this deal ticket) and adjust the expected volumes to reflect a nom that is numeric % of the daily flow versus the \" numeric \" that is currently nomed?"], ["adjust_set volume{numeric}{wellhead}", 26, "nninformation", ["adjust", "volumes"], "request information", " should i assume that i should take the total flow amount (per day for this deal ticket) and adjust the expected volumes to reflect a nom that is numeric % of the daily flow versus the \" numeric \" that is currently nomed?"], ["expect volume", 27, "nninformation", ["expected", "volumes"], "request information", " should i assume that i should take the total flow amount (per day for this deal ticket) and adjust the expected volumes to reflect a nom that is numeric % of the daily flow versus the \" numeric \" that is currently nomed?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 31, "nninformation", ["flow", "volumes"], "request information", " should i assume that i should take the total flow amount (per day for this deal ticket) and adjust the expected volumes to reflect a nom that is numeric % of the daily flow versus the \" numeric \" that is currently nomed?"]], "The above meter is currently doing 13.0 on a 26.0 nom.\n\nPlease take a look and see if nom adjustments might be a solution.\n\nLooking @ deal #109670, the terms indicates that HPLC buys 2.5% of Saxet \nvolumes. Should I assume that I should take the total flow amount (per day \nfor this deal ticket) and adjust the expected volumes to reflect a nom that \nis 2% of the daily flow versus the \"1\" that is currently nomed?\n\nH - E - L - P!!!\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<23145627.1075854064759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "109670", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numeric termTnnn", "deal numericTnn"]}, "deal termTnn": {"value": "deal termTnn", "ne": "deal termTnn", "patterns": ["deal termTnn"]}, "deal ticket volumeTnnn": {"value": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "ne": "deal ticket volumeTnnn", "patterns": ["deal ticket volumeTnnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "13", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}, "17": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "ticket volumeTnn": {"value": "ticket volumeTnn", "ne": "ticket volumeTnn", "patterns": ["ticket volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-6-2000-7:42:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": {"11-6-2000-7:42:0Sjackie.young@enron.com": ["11-6-2000-7:42:0", "jackie.young@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24906912.1075854133362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 07:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: jackie.young@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: 98-6725 (Sitara deal 266149)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Jackie Young\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren,\n\nI can't remember if I'd already sent you this request or not. But can you \nplease roll the above deal to cover flow for the 10th and 11th of May 2000?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "98-6725 (Sitara deal 266149)", "", [["wrap_roll deal{numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["deal", "roll"], "request", " but can you please roll the above deal to cover flow for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h of datenumeric numeric ?"], ["handle_cover deal{numeric}{meter_mtr}", 9, "nninformation", ["cover", "deal"], "request", " but can you please roll the above deal to cover flow for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h of datenumeric numeric ?"], ["flow deal{gas}{price}", 10, "information", ["deal", "flow"], "information", " but can you please roll the above deal to cover flow for the datenumeric h and datenumeric h of datenumeric numeric ?"]], "Daren,\n\nI can't remember if I'd already sent you this request or not. But can you \nplease roll the above deal to cover flow for the 10th and 11th of May 2000?\n\nThanks\n-Jackie-\n3-9497", "<24906912.1075854133362.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"0": {"value": "9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-11-2000-9:19:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"9-11-2000-9:19:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["9-11-2000-9:19:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "lee.papayoti@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com gary.lamphier@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com joanie.ngo@enron.com jennifer.blay@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26615908.1075853972322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 09:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, lisa.csikos@enron.com,\n\tjoanie.ngo@enron.com, jennifer.blay@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: UPDATED LIST\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti, Daren J Farmer, Gary W Lamphier, David Baumbach, Lisa Csikos, Joanie H Ngo, Jennifer Blay, Rita Wynne, Kristen J Hanson, Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nValero deals have now been added.\n\n\n\nPlease make sure that this list is forward to anyone in your groups that \nmight need it.\n\nJulie", "UPDATED LIST", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 3, "information", ["added", "deals"], "information", "valero deals have now been added."]], "Valero deals have now been added.\n\n\n\nPlease make sure that this list is forward to anyone in your groups that \nmight need it.\n\nJulie", "<26615908.1075853972322.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-11-2000-6:11:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"17-11-2000-6:11:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["17-11-2000-6:11:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "rita.wynne@enron.com", "melissa.graves@enron.com pat.clynes@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com vance.taylor@enron.com donald.reinhardt@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16137390.1075854107701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 06:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: rita.wynne@enron.com\nSubject: RETRO ASSIGNMENTS\nCc: melissa.graves@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: melissa.graves@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com,\n\trobert.cotten@enron.com, vance.taylor@enron.com,\n\tdonald.reinhardt@enron.com\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Rita Wynne\nX-cc: Melissa Graves, Pat Clynes, Daren J Farmer, Robert Cotten, Vance L Taylor, Donald P Reinhardt\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThis is a follow up to the conversation you had with Pat yesterday and to \nreiterate retro contract assignments. We have decided to go back to the old \nprocess of handling contract assignments mid-month. This means that if we \nreceive an assignment from legal after the 10th workday, that assignment will \nbecome effective for current month the following month. For example, if I \nreceive a notice from whomever that XYZ has been assigned to ABC on 11/15/00 \nfor an legal effective date of 4/00, I will create a new deal from 4/00 \nforward. On the new deal the currect month will be zeroed out under the \nexpected volumes. Bob would not start nominating this new deal until 12/00, \nleaving 4/00 - 11/00 to be moved by volume mangement.\n\nIf this is not a clear understanding from all parties, please let me know.\n\nRita: If this becomes burdensome on your group, please let me know and we \nwill readdress this issue.\n\nThanks!!\n\nJulie", "RETRO ASSIGNMENTS", "", [["create deal{numeric}{ticket}", 32, "nninformation", ["create", "deal"], "intention", " for example, if i receive a notice from whomever that xyz has been assigned to abc on datenumeric for an legal effective date of datenumeric , i will create a new deal from datenumeric forward."], ["forward deal{ticket}", 34, "nninformation", ["deal", "forward"], "request", " for example, if i receive a notice from whomever that xyz has been assigned to abc on datenumeric for an legal effective date of datenumeric , i will create a new deal from datenumeric forward."], ["expect volume", 38, "information", ["expected", "volumes"], "information", " on the new deal the currect month will be zeroed out under the expected volumes."]], "This is a follow up to the conversation you had with Pat yesterday and to \nreiterate retro contract assignments. We have decided to go back to the old \nprocess of handling contract assignments mid-month. This means that if we \nreceive an assignment from legal after the 10th workday, that assignment will \nbecome effective for current month the following month. For example, if I \nreceive a notice from whomever that XYZ has been assigned to ABC on 11/15/00 \nfor an legal effective date of 4/00, I will create a new deal from 4/00 \nforward. On the new deal the currect month will be zeroed out under the \nexpected volumes. Bob would not start nominating this new deal until 12/00, \nleaving 4/00 - 11/00 to be moved by volume mangement.\n\nIf this is not a clear understanding from all parties, please let me know.\n\nRita: If this becomes burdensome on your group, please let me know and we \nwill readdress this issue.\n\nThanks!!\n\nJulie", "<16137390.1075854107701.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal volume zeroTnnn": {"value": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "ne": "deal volume zeroTnnn", "patterns": ["deal volume zeroTnnn"]}, "deal volume_volume0managementTnn": {"value": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "ne": "deal volume_volume0managementTnn", "patterns": ["deal volume_volume0managementTnn"]}, "deal zeroTnn": {"value": "deal zeroTnn", "ne": "deal zeroTnn", "patterns": ["deal zeroTnn"]}, "volume zeroTnn": {"value": "volume zeroTnn", "ne": "volume zeroTnn", "patterns": ["volume zeroTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-12-2000-1:59:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"1-12-2000-1:59:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-1:59:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "lee.papayoti@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com gary.lamphier@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com joanie.ngo@enron.com jennifer.blay@enron.com rita.wynne@enron.com kristen.hanson@enron.com aimee.lannou@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <32608143.1075853968484.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 01:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: lee.papayoti@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, lisa.csikos@enron.com,\n\tjoanie.ngo@enron.com, jennifer.blay@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com,\n\tkristen.hanson@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com\nSubject: REVISED BUYBACK\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Lee L Papayoti, Daren J Farmer, Gary W Lamphier, David Baumbach, Lisa Csikos, Joanie H Ngo, Jennifer Blay, Rita Wynne, Kristen J Hanson, Aimee Lannou\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nThe marathon-ashland deal has been added.\n\n\n\nJulie", "REVISED BUYBACK", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 4, "information", ["added", "deal"], "information", "the marathon-ashland deal has been added."]], "The marathon-ashland deal has been added.\n\n\n\nJulie", "<32608143.1075853968484.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-4-2000-8:26:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": {"28-4-2000-8:26:0Sjulie.meyers@enron.com": ["28-4-2000-8:26:0", "julie.meyers@enron.com", "angela.henn@enron.com howard.camp@enron.com brenda.herod@enron.com stephen.schwarz@enron.com lee.papayoti@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com gary.lamphier@enron.com bryan.hull@enron.com kenneth.seaman@enron.com david.baumbach@enron.com lisa.csikos@enron.com joanie.ngo@enron.com robert.lloyd@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24667587.1075854130574.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 08:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: julie.meyers@enron.com\nTo: angela.henn@enron.com, howard.camp@enron.com, brenda.herod@enron.com,\n\tstephen.schwarz@enron.com, lee.papayoti@enron.com,\n\tdaren.farmer@enron.com, gary.lamphier@enron.com,\n\tbryan.hull@enron.com, kenneth.seaman@enron.com,\n\tdavid.baumbach@enron.com, lisa.csikos@enron.com,\n\tjoanie.ngo@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com\nSubject: UPDATED SPREADSHEET\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Julie Meyers\nX-To: Angela Henn, Howard B Camp, Brenda F Herod, Stephen P Schwarz, Lee L Papayoti, Daren J Farmer, Gary W Lamphier, Bryan Hull, Kenneth Seaman, David Baumbach, Lisa Csikos, Joanie H Ngo, Robert E Lloyd\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nHere are the updates for May. You will notice I have not added the extra \ndeals for Equistar Chemical because it didn't effect the whole month, plus I \nonly found the split out for the sale upto 4/00 not the purchase.\n\nJulie\n", "UPDATED SPREADSHEET", "", [["add deal{numeric}", 4, "information", ["added", "deals"], "information", " you will notice i have not added the extra deals for orgname chemical because it didn't effect the whole month, plus i only found the split out for the sale upto datenumeric not the purchase."]], "Here are the updates for May. You will notice I have not added the extra \ndeals for Equistar Chemical because it didn't effect the whole month, plus I \nonly found the split out for the sale upto 4/00 not the purchase.\n\nJulie\n", "<24667587.1075854130574.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"purchase saleTnn": {"value": "purchase saleTnn", "ne": "purchase saleTnn", "patterns": ["purchase saleTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-9-2000-10:9:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"7-9-2000-10:9:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["7-9-2000-10:9:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10537275.1075854094036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 10:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Supply for Midlothian\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren - \n\n-FYI-\n\n\nExxon supply at Mobil Cayanosa has fallen off due to problems, so starting \n9/9 there nom will go from 5.000 down to .520 and going at least through the \nweekend 9/11. Stacey has already bought gas from Duke to resupply (the \ndifference 4.480) Midlothian at Duke Pegasus, in addition to the 8.600 \nincremental she bought there. So for the weekend, we should have a sale to \nMidlothian of 13,080 at Pegasus.\n\n---Mark\nx33396 ", "Supply for Midlothian", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 12, "information", ["bought", "gas"], "information", " stacey has already bought gas from orgname to resupply (the difference numeric numeric ) midlothian at orgname pegasus, in addition to the numeric numeric incremental she bought there."]], "Daren - \n\n-FYI-\n\n\nExxon supply at Mobil Cayanosa has fallen off due to problems, so starting \n9/9 there nom will go from 5.000 down to .520 and going at least through the \nweekend 9/11. Stacey has already bought gas from Duke to resupply (the \ndifference 4.480) Midlothian at Duke Pegasus, in addition to the 8.600 \nincremental she bought there. So for the weekend, we should have a sale to \nMidlothian of 13,080 at Pegasus.\n\n---Mark\nx33396 ", "<10537275.1075854094036.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-5-2001-11:24:1Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"24-5-2001-11:24:1Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["24-5-2001-11:24:1", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <26820729.1075845121751.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 May 2001 11:24:01 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nSubject: FYI\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: McCoy, Mark \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Farmer, Daren J.\\Farmer, Daren J.\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: Farmer, Daren J..pst\n\nDaren---Just so you know...\n\nMike will be taking Cornshucker today from me, (I no longer have access to the deal tickets concerning this), he is doing both the hub business and oasis also, which should keep him pretty busy. It looks like he has pretty much got it, but we will help him if he needs something. \n\n--Mark", "FYI", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 11, "nninformation", ["keep", "him"], "intention", " mike will be taking cornshucker today from me, (i no longer have access to the deal tickets concerning this), he is doing both the hub business and oasis also, which should keep him pretty busy."]], "Daren---Just so you know...\n\nMike will be taking Cornshucker today from me, (I no longer have access to the deal tickets concerning this), he is doing both the hub business and oasis also, which should keep him pretty busy. It looks like he has pretty much got it, but we will help him if he needs something. \n\n--Mark", "<26820729.1075845121751.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-3-2001-12:30:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"22-3-2001-12:30:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["22-3-2001-12:30:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "megan.parker@enron.com kimberly.vaughn@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10579552.1075840437353.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 12:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: megan.parker@enron.com, kimberly.vaughn@enron.com\nSubject: Net Out with Kinder Morgan-Beginning March 21st\nCc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: daren.farmer@enron.com\nX-From: Mark McCoy \nX-To: Megan Parker , Kimberly Vaughn \nX-cc: Daren J Farmer \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nMegan/Kim---\n\nPlease make a note that we did a deal with Kinder Morgan that nets out and should not be billed or paid. The purchase deal ticket is 682244 @ Hardy St. #980068 & and the sale is 682229 @ Mobil Beaumont #981040 for a volume of 30.000 MMBtu. \n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396", "Net Out with Kinder Morgan-Beginning March 21st", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 5, "nninformation", ["deal", "make"], "request", "megan/kim--- please make a note that we did a deal with kinder orgname that nets out and should not be billed or paid."]], "Megan/Kim---\n\nPlease make a note that we did a deal with Kinder Morgan that nets out and should not be billed or paid. The purchase deal ticket is 682244 @ Hardy St. #980068 & and the sale is 682229 @ Mobil Beaumont #981040 for a volume of 30.000 MMBtu. \n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396", "<10579552.1075840437353.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"deal purchaseTnn": {"value": "deal purchaseTnn", "ne": "deal purchaseTnn", "patterns": ["deal purchaseTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "980068", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric saleTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "682244", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "981040", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric volumeTnn"]}, "sale volumeTnn": {"value": "sale volumeTnn", "ne": "sale volumeTnn", "patterns": ["sale volumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-4-2001-6:48:38Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"16-4-2001-6:48:38Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-6:48:38", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com carlos.rodriguez@enron.com michael.olsen@enron.com mary.poorman@enron.com robert.cotten@enron.com tom.acton@enron.com sean.maki@enron.com sabrae.zajac@enron.com jackie.young@enron.com juliann.kemp@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17629035.1075840436520.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 06:48:38 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: edward.terry@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, michael.olsen@enron.com,\n\tmary.poorman@enron.com, robert.cotten@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,\n\tsean.maki@enron.com, sabrae.zajac@enron.com, jackie.young@enron.com,\n\tjuliann.kemp@enron.com\nSubject: On Call Notes April 13th-15th\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: McCoy, Mark \nX-To: Terry, Edward , Rodriguez, Carlos , Olsen, Michael , Poorman, Mary , Cotten, Robert , Acton, Tom , Maki, Sean , Zajac, Sabrae , Young, Jackie , Kemp, Juliann , Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nFriday - April 13th\n\n6:00pm Notified by gas control that we needed to deliver to Centana for operational reasons, approx. 30-50 MMBTU rate. Contacted Carlos to see if it was possible since we are over are storage capacity at Centana...he spoke with Ron with Centana and it was approved. \n\nSaturday - April 14th\n\n8:30am Notified by gas control that the Freeport delivery to Dow was increased to 10.0. Also, Exxon Katy was over delivering approx. 7-9 MMBTU, and they had over delivered a similar volume on Friday. Confrimed with Jackie that it was ok for Saturday.\n\nSunday - April 15th \n\nNo calls - except from the Easter Bunny!", "On Call Notes April 13th-15th", "", [["deliver gas", 6, "information", ["deliver", "gas"], "information", "friday - datenumeric th numerictime notified by gas control that we needed to deliver to orgname for operational reasons, approx numeric numeric mmbtu rate."]], "Friday - April 13th\n\n6:00pm Notified by gas control that we needed to deliver to Centana for operational reasons, approx. 30-50 MMBTU rate. Contacted Carlos to see if it was possible since we are over are storage capacity at Centana...he spoke with Ron with Centana and it was approved. \n\nSaturday - April 14th\n\n8:30am Notified by gas control that the Freeport delivery to Dow was increased to 10.0. Also, Exxon Katy was over delivering approx. 7-9 MMBTU, and they had over delivered a similar volume on Friday. Confrimed with Jackie that it was ok for Saturday.\n\nSunday - April 15th \n\nNo calls - except from the Easter Bunny!", "<17629035.1075840436520.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"control gasTnn": {"value": "control gasTnn", "ne": "control gasTnn", "patterns": ["control gasTnn"]}, "delivery gasTnn": {"value": "delivery gasTnn", "ne": "delivery gasTnn", "patterns": ["delivery gasTnn"]}, "34": {"value": "-9", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numeric volumeTnnn", "mmbtu numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "-50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["mmbtu numericTnn", "numeric rateTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-5-2001-7:16:31Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"25-5-2001-7:16:31Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["25-5-2001-7:16:31", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "clem.daren@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28099501.1075840435051.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 25 May 2001 07:16:31 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: clem.daren@enron.com\nSubject: Mtr 980070 for 10/29-31/1999\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: McCoy, Mark \nX-To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ENRON, Cernosek, Clem \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\ExMerge - Farmer, Darren\\Logistics\nX-Origin: FARMER-D\nX-FileName: darren farmer 6-26-02.pst\n\nThose deals have been manually entered into POPS and reallocated. All is well.\n\nMark", "Mtr 980070 for 10/29-31/1999", "", [["enter deal{numeric}{ticket}{meter}{purchase}{wellhead}", 6, "information", ["deals", "entered"], "information", "those deals have been manually entered into pops and reallocated."]], "Those deals have been manually entered into POPS and reallocated. All is well.\n\nMark", "<28099501.1075840435051.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "980070", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meter_mtr numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-3-2001-6:18:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"29-3-2001-6:18:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["29-3-2001-6:18:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "edward.terry@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6396484.1075854191293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 06:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Oasis On-Line\nCc: edward.terry@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: edward.terry@enron.com\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: Edward Terry\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren--- \n\nOasis will be doing away with the temporary passwords for their on-line nom & \nconfirm system effective 4/1/01, so it looks like you will need to review the \nagreement and get set up on it. It is not mandatory, however; they are \nencourageing everyone to get on board. Let me know what you want to do. I \nhave attached the agreement, and info on the nom/confirm cycles. I have been \nusing it this week and it is pretty user friendly. The reporting \ncapabilities are still being developed, but I am told it should be ready \nsoon. Take a look for yourself @ www.oasispipeline.com..........logon: \nnorth.....password: enron........currently, no intradays are allowed \nonline(only by fax/email) because they want to approve same days, but they \nare looking at allowing them in the future.\n\n\n\n--Mark", "Oasis On-Line", "", [["send_attach_ship transport0contract{deal}{term}", 23, "information", ["attached", "info"], "information", " i have attached the agreement, and info on the nom/confirm cycles."]], "Daren--- \n\nOasis will be doing away with the temporary passwords for their on-line nom & \nconfirm system effective 4/1/01, so it looks like you will need to review the \nagreement and get set up on it. It is not mandatory, however; they are \nencourageing everyone to get on board. Let me know what you want to do. I \nhave attached the agreement, and info on the nom/confirm cycles. I have been \nusing it this week and it is pretty user friendly. The reporting \ncapabilities are still being developed, but I am told it should be ready \nsoon. Take a look for yourself @ www.oasispipeline.com..........logon: \nnorth.....password: enron........currently, no intradays are allowed \nonline(only by fax/email) because they want to approve same days, but they \nare looking at allowing them in the future.\n\n\n\n--Mark", "<6396484.1075854191293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"line_pipe0line systemTnn": {"value": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "ne": "line_pipe0line systemTnn", "patterns": ["line_pipe0line systemTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-2-2001-8:25:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"27-2-2001-8:25:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["27-2-2001-8:25:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16420991.1075854319855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 08:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: Guadalupe for 2/27----Intraday\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\Logistics\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI------Guadalupe had a plant go down today 2/27, and therefore had to get \nsome gas off Oasis, so they took all 40.0 from AEC back into the Aquila \nHeader, so I moved the deals to reflect this on WGR (Aquila Header ). \nGuadalupe deals: 594527 & 578932.\n\nThey said there is a chance they will have to do it again tomorrow.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\n\nMark", "Guadalupe for 2/27----Intraday", "", [["reflect deal", 12, "information", ["deals", "reflect"], "information", "fyi------guadalupe had a plant go down today datenumeric , and therefore had to get some gas off oasis, so they took all numeric numeric from aec back into the orgname header, so i moved the deals to reflect this on wgr orgname header )."]], "FYI------Guadalupe had a plant go down today 2/27, and therefore had to get \nsome gas off Oasis, so they took all 40.0 from AEC back into the Aquila \nHeader, so I moved the deals to reflect this on WGR (Aquila Header ). \nGuadalupe deals: 594527 & 578932.\n\nThey said there is a chance they will have to do it again tomorrow.\n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\n\nMark", "<16420991.1075854319855.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "0", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "16": {"value": "594527", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["deal numericTnn"]}, "gas plantTnn": {"value": "gas plantTnn", "ne": "gas plantTnn", "patterns": ["gas plantTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-6-2000-1:25:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"7-6-2000-1:25:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["7-6-2000-1:25:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "stacey.neuweiler@enron.com daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7045907.1075854074743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 01:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: stacey.neuweiler@enron.com, daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: El Paso cuts on Oasis\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Stacey Neuweiler, Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI---\n\nSome of the gas purchased from Dynegy on gas day 6/6 was cut:\n\n9B5P \n\n662 cut to 599\n10,000 cut to 9,061\n\n(per Joanie Adams at Oasis)\n\nI will enter in MOPS as estimates.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "El Paso cuts on Oasis", "", [["purchase_buy gas{plant}", 4, "information", ["purchased", "gas"], "information", "fyi--- some of the gas purchased from orgname on gas day datenumeric was cut: numeric b numeric p numeric cut to numeric numeric cut to numeric (per joanie adams at oasis) i will enter in mops as estimates."]], "FYI---\n\nSome of the gas purchased from Dynegy on gas day 6/6 was cut:\n\n9B5P \n\n662 cut to 599\n10,000 cut to 9,061\n\n(per Joanie Adams at Oasis)\n\nI will enter in MOPS as estimates.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "<7045907.1075854074743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "25-9-2000-2:17:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"25-9-2000-2:17:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["25-9-2000-2:17:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <21278981.1075853982108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 02:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com\nSubject: Cornhusker Deal Tickets\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nDaren--\n\nI know you're busy with bid week, so here are a couple questions & comments \nfor you:\n\nSeptember\nI need to know if a ticket has been set up for September for the market side \nof the Williams & Apache gas. We still only the supply is in MOPS. If it \njust needs points added to it, just let me know the deal ticket #.\n\nAugust 31st\nThis was the day we scheduled the payback to our two transport contracts on \nLonestar 1023 & 1460. Currently, they do not have the supply points needed \nfor the Williams & Apache gas in order for the gas to be pathed to \nimbalance...so I will get them added so this gas can be pathed. \n\nJuly 31 - Aug 7\nThese days were pathed as buy/sells from Tenaska IV to Tenaska Marketing \nVentures.\n\nI worked with volume management to get these out in time for payment (July & \nAug business), and had them do a manual entry for Aug 31st.\n\n\nPlease let me know what you think when you get a chance.\n\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396", "Cornhusker Deal Tickets", "", [["set_put_fix_determine_adjust deal{numeric}", 12, "information", ["set", "ticket"], "information", "daren-- i know you're busy with bid week, so here are a couple questions & comments for you: september i need to know if a ticket has been set up for september for the market side of the orgname & orgname gas."], ["add deal{numeric}", 18, "information", ["added", "deal"], "information", " if it just needs points added to it, just let me know the deal ticket #."]], "Daren--\n\nI know you're busy with bid week, so here are a couple questions & comments \nfor you:\n\nSeptember\nI need to know if a ticket has been set up for September for the market side \nof the Williams & Apache gas. We still only the supply is in MOPS. If it \njust needs points added to it, just let me know the deal ticket #.\n\nAugust 31st\nThis was the day we scheduled the payback to our two transport contracts on \nLonestar 1023 & 1460. Currently, they do not have the supply points needed \nfor the Williams & Apache gas in order for the gas to be pathed to \nimbalance...so I will get them added so this gas can be pathed. \n\nJuly 31 - Aug 7\nThese days were pathed as buy/sells from Tenaska IV to Tenaska Marketing \nVentures.\n\nI worked with volume management to get these out in time for payment (July & \nAug business), and had them do a manual entry for Aug 31st.\n\n\nPlease let me know what you think when you get a chance.\n\n\nThanks,\nMark\nx33396", "<21278981.1075853982108.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"27": {"value": "1023", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["contract numericTnn"]}, "contract_transport0contract transportTnn": {"value": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "ne": "contract_transport0contract transportTnn", "patterns": ["contract_transport0contract transportTnn"]}, "deal ticketTnn": {"value": "deal ticketTnn", "ne": "deal ticketTnn", "patterns": ["deal ticketTnn"]}, "gas marketTnn": {"value": "gas marketTnn", "ne": "gas marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas marketTnn"]}, "gas pointTnn": {"value": "gas pointTnn", "ne": "gas pointTnn", "patterns": ["gas pointTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas supplyTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas supplyTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-3-2001-1:40:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": {"7-3-2001-1:40:0Smark.mccoy@enron.com": ["7-3-2001-1:40:0", "mark.mccoy@enron.com", "daren.farmer@enron.com stacey.neuweiler@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27904947.1075854195894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 01:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: mark.mccoy@enron.com\nTo: daren.farmer@enron.com, stacey.neuweiler@enron.com\nSubject: CORNSHUCKER 3/6 & 3/7\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Mark McCoy\nX-To: Daren J Farmer, Stacey Neuweiler\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Darren_Farmer_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Farmer-D\nX-FileName: dfarmer.nsf\n\nFYI ---I entered the changes for Tenaska IV & Brazos for the 6th & 7th....I \nmade the changes to the Brazos ticket #458433, and the Tenaska IV ticket \n#384258, let me know if you have any questions or if a wrong ticket was \nchanged. Spreadsheet is updated.\n\nBrazos called for the following:\n\n6th 27,966\n7th 19,735\n\nStill waiting to hear when the plant will be back up.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "CORNSHUCKER 3/6 & 3/7", "", [["make change", 3, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", "i made the changes to the orgname ticket # numeric , and the orgname ticket # numeric , let me know if you have any questions or if a wrong ticket was changed."], ["change_convert deal{numeric}{price}{ticket}{pricing}{counterparty}", 14, "information", ["changed", "ticket"], "information", "i made the changes to the orgname ticket # numeric , and the orgname ticket # numeric , let me know if you have any questions or if a wrong ticket was changed."]], "FYI ---I entered the changes for Tenaska IV & Brazos for the 6th & 7th....I \nmade the changes to the Brazos ticket #458433, and the Tenaska IV ticket \n#384258, let me know if you have any questions or if a wrong ticket was \nchanged. Spreadsheet is updated.\n\nBrazos called for the following:\n\n6th 27,966\n7th 19,735\n\nStill waiting to hear when the plant will be back up.\n\nThanks,\nMark", "<27904947.1075854195894.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "458433", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}, "8": {"value": "384258", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric ticketTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-12-2000-7:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"18-12-2000-7:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-7:35:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "kristin.gandy@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com bob.lee@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6015936.1075856245791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 07:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: kristin.gandy@enron.com\nSubject: Carnegie Mellon Candidates\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Kristin Gandy\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, Bob Lee\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKristin:\n\nWe are sending the Interview Request Form information to Molly Magee to \nbring the following two candidates in for interviews:\n\nFrank (Feng) Qian\nPunit Rawal\n\nWe have no further interest in the following two candidates. Do you handle\ncontacting them?\n\nHeap-Ho Tan\nKyubaek Heo\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n", "Carnegie Mellon Candidates", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 4, "information", ["sending", "request"], "information", "kristin: we are sending the interview request form information to molly magee to bring the following two candidates in for interviews: frank (feng) qian punit rawal we have no further interest in the following two candidates."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 11, "nninformation", ["bring", "interviews"], "intention", "kristin: we are sending the interview request form information to molly magee to bring the following two candidates in for interviews: frank (feng) qian punit rawal we have no further interest in the following two candidates."]], "Kristin:\n\nWe are sending the Interview Request Form information to Molly Magee to \nbring the following two candidates in for interviews:\n\nFrank (Feng) Qian\nPunit Rawal\n\nWe have no further interest in the following two candidates. Do you handle\ncontacting them?\n\nHeap-Ho Tan\nKyubaek Heo\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n", "<6015936.1075856245791.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-11-2000-5:57:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"15-11-2000-5:57:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["15-11-2000-5:57:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <194723.1075856584988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 05:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for maureen.raymond@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Software\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince:\n\nMaureen needed this access for her new lap top so she can take it with\nher on vacation. There was no one here to approve it, so I approved it\nfor you. Hope that was ok.\n\nHave a great time!\n\nShirley\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 \n01:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nARSystem@mailman.enron.com on 11/15/2000 01:18:27 PM\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for maureen.raymond@enron.com\n\n\nYou have received this email because the requester specified you as their VP. \nPlease click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000007498&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000007498\nRequest Create Date : 11/15/00 1:14:32 PM\nRequested For : maureen.raymond@enron.com\nResource Name : VPN\nResource Type : Applications\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Request Submitted: Access Request for maureen.raymond@enron.com", "", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["request", "submitted"], "information", "request submitted: access request for maureen."]], "Vince:\n\nMaureen needed this access for her new lap top so she can take it with\nher on vacation. There was no one here to approve it, so I approved it\nfor you. Hope that was ok.\n\nHave a great time!\n\nShirley\n\n\n", "<194723.1075856584988.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-8-2000-8:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"31-8-2000-8:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["31-8-2000-8:21:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vistone@yahoo.com", "kevin.kindall@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27881377.1075856624009.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vistone@yahoo.com\nSubject: Informal Exploratory Interview with Enron Research Group\nCc: kevin.kindall@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kevin.kindall@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vistone@yahoo.com\nX-cc: Kevin Kindall, Vince J Kaminski, Grant Masson, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMs. Stone:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to the Enron Research Group and they would \nlike to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience.\n\nPlease let me know your availability the week of September 11th. The\nindividuals that would like to interview you are:\n\nVince Kaminski\nGrant Masson\nKevin Kindall\nTanya Tamarchenko\n\nThey will need approximately 30 minutes each (2-2 1/2 hours)\n\nYou may reach me at 713/853-5290 or by email: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group", "Informal Exploratory Interview with Enron Research Group", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 7, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " stone: your resume was forwarded to the enron research group and they would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["conduct", "informal", "interview"], "intention", " stone: your resume was forwarded to the enron research group and they would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 18, "nninformation", ["individuals", "interview"], "intention", " the individuals that would like to interview you are: vince kaminski grant masson kevin kindall tanya tamarchenko they will need approximately numeric minutes each ( numeric numeric datenumeric hours) you may reach me at numeric datenumeric numeric phonenumber or by email: shirley."]], "Ms. Stone:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to the Enron Research Group and they would \nlike to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience.\n\nPlease let me know your availability the week of September 11th. The\nindividuals that would like to interview you are:\n\nVince Kaminski\nGrant Masson\nKevin Kindall\nTanya Tamarchenko\n\nThey will need approximately 30 minutes each (2-2 1/2 hours)\n\nYou may reach me at 713/853-5290 or by email: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group", "<27881377.1075856624009.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"exploratory interviewTnn": {"value": "exploratory interviewTnn", "ne": "exploratory interviewTnn", "patterns": ["exploratory interviewTnn"]}, "31": {"value": "-2**hours", "ne": "numeric0hour", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour minute numericTnnn", "numeric numeric0hourTnn"]}, "28": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour minute numericTnnn", "minute numericTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "30": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric numeric0hourTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2000-2:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-4-2000-2:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-2:35:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "amyn@uclink4.berkeley.edu", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com osman.sezgen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21670472.1075857067604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 02:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: amyn@uclink4.berkeley.edu\nSubject: Telephone Interview with Enron Corp. Research\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: amyn@uclink4.berkeley.edu\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Osman Sezgen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Amyn:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you at your convenience. This will be as a \"summer\nIntern\" with the Research Group.\n\nPlease let me know your availability on Monday, May 1st or Thursday;\nMay 4th.\n\nThe persons who will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nThank you and have a great day\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\n713-852-5290", "Telephone Interview with Enron Corp. Research", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " the orgname research group would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 13, "nninformation", ["persons", "interviewing", "you"], "intention", " the persons who will be interviewing you are: vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president krishna krishnarao director osman sezgen manager i look forward to hearing from you."]], "Good morning Amyn:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you at your convenience. This will be as a \"summer\nIntern\" with the Research Group.\n\nPlease let me know your availability on Monday, May 1st or Thursday;\nMay 4th.\n\nThe persons who will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nThank you and have a great day\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\n713-852-5290", "<21670472.1075857067604.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2000-2:59:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-4-2000-2:59:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-2:59:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "yongcho70@aol.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com osman.sezgen@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11545608.1075856823430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 02:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: yongcho70@aol.com\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Yongcho70@aol.com\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Osman Sezgen\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Yongcho:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you at your convenience. This would be for a full-time\nposition with the Research Group.\n\nPlease let me know your availability Monday, May 1 or Thursday, May\n4.\n\nThe persons who will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nThank you\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\n713-853-5290", "Telephone Interview with the Enron Corp. Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " the orgname research group would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 16, "nninformation", ["persons", "interviewing", "you"], "intention", " the persons who will be interviewing you are: vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president krishna krishnarao director osman sezgen manager i look forward to hearing from you."]], "Good morning Yongcho:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you at your convenience. This would be for a full-time\nposition with the Research Group.\n\nPlease let me know your availability Monday, May 1 or Thursday, May\n4.\n\nThe persons who will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director\nOsman Sezgen Manager\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nThank you\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\n713-853-5290", "<11545608.1075856823430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-11-2001-10:29:53Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-11-2001-10:29:53Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-11-2001-10:29:53", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "rakesh.bharati@enron.com r..brackett@enron.com hang.chang@enron.com rabi.de@enron.com vladimir.gorny@enron.com frank.hayden@enron.com winston.jia@enron.com jaesoo.lew@enron.com mary.nordstrom@enron.com e.presley@enron.com mark.ruane@enron.com jason.sokolov@enron.com e-mail .sriram@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com e-mail .vince@enron.com dave.wei@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <25086613.1075862452164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:29:53 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: rakesh.bharati@enron.com, r..brackett@enron.com, hang.chang@enron.com,\n\trabi.de@enron.com, vladimir.gorny@enron.com, frank.hayden@enron.com,\n\twinston.jia@enron.com, jaesoo.lew@enron.com,\n\tmary.nordstrom@enron.com, e.presley@enron.com, mark.ruane@enron.com,\n\tjason.sokolov@enron.com, e-mail <.sriram@enron.com>,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, e-mail <.vince@enron.com>,\n\tdave.wei@enron.com\nSubject: Tanya's V@R Meeting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-To: Bharati, Rakesh , Brackett, Debbie R. , Chang, Hang , De, Rabi , Gorny, Vladimir , Hayden, Frank , Jia, Winston , Lew, Jaesoo , Nordstrom, Mary , Presley, Mike E , Ruane, Mark , Sokolov, Jason , Sriram Vasudevan (E-mail) , Tamarchenko, Tanya , Vince J Kaminski (E-mail) , Wei, Dave \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nHello everyone:\n\nTanya will have her scheduled V@R meeting tomorrow at 11:30 in 19C1.\nLunch will be served as usual.\n\nCheers!\n\nShirley\n", "Tanya's V@R Meeting", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 3, "information", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "information", " tanya will have her scheduled v@r meeting tomorrow at numerictime in numeric c numeric ."]], "Hello everyone:\n\nTanya will have her scheduled V@R meeting tomorrow at 11:30 in 19C1.\nLunch will be served as usual.\n\nCheers!\n\nShirley\n", "<25086613.1075862452164.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "31-5-2000-8:10:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"31-5-2000-8:10:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-8:10:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10573269.1075857021987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 08:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Miscellaneous Items\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince:\n\nHere are several items that you need to know about.\n\n1. Paul Johnson said that Monday night would be fine for the dinner with \nSpyros.\n\n2. Lucy Deathridge from Risk called and needed your presentation for the\n Boston conference by this evening in order to have copies made. I told \nher\n you were in meetings and had been very busy, I did not know whether your\n presentation was ready or not. We can have 500 copies made from the\n copy center and overnight them to her next week, but you won't be here on\n the 9th to do this. Do you have any suggestions?\n\n3. I have been trying to schedule a meeting that Mike Roberts called about\n regarding e-online. He said to schedule it for Friday at 11:30 am. I \ncalled\n Mark Palmer and he knew nothing about the meeting, but said he would\n be here at 11:30 am. However, I have been unable to reach Dan Diamond.\n Mike said that you might have his cell phone?\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n", "Miscellaneous Items", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 31, "information", ["meeting", "schedule"], "information", " i have been trying to schedule a meeting that mike roberts called about regarding e-online."]], "Vince:\n\nHere are several items that you need to know about.\n\n1. Paul Johnson said that Monday night would be fine for the dinner with \nSpyros.\n\n2. Lucy Deathridge from Risk called and needed your presentation for the\n Boston conference by this evening in order to have copies made. I told \nher\n you were in meetings and had been very busy, I did not know whether your\n presentation was ready or not. We can have 500 copies made from the\n copy center and overnight them to her next week, but you won't be here on\n the 9th to do this. Do you have any suggestions?\n\n3. I have been trying to schedule a meeting that Mike Roberts called about\n regarding e-online. He said to schedule it for Friday at 11:30 am. I \ncalled\n Mark Palmer and he knew nothing about the meeting, but said he would\n be here at 11:30 am. However, I have been unable to reach Dan Diamond.\n Mike said that you might have his cell phone?\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n", "<10573269.1075857021987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cell phoneTnn": {"value": "cell phoneTnn", "ne": "cell phoneTnn", "patterns": ["cell phoneTnn"]}, "conference_conference0room presentationTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0room presentationTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0room presentationTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0room presentationTnn"]}, "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn": {"value": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "ne": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "patterns": ["demonstration_presentation meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-5-2000-8:52:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"31-5-2000-8:52:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["31-5-2000-8:52:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "daniel.diamond@enron.com mark.palmer@enron.com mark.taylor@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13497763.1075859929980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2000 08:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: daniel.diamond@enron.com, mark.palmer@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: E-Online Meeting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Daniel Diamond, Mark Palmer, Mark Taylor, Vince J Kaminski, Mike A Roberts\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Taylor _Dec_2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Taylor-M\nX-FileName: mtaylor.nsf\n\nHello everyone:\n\nA meeting has been scheduled to discuss e-online, this Friday, June 2 at\n11:30 AM, in EB19C2.\n\nPlease let me know if you have a conflict.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw", "E-Online Meeting", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 3, "information", ["eb**19", "meeting", "scheduled"], "information", " a meeting has been scheduled to discuss e-online, this friday, datenumeric at numerictime am, in eb numeric c numeric ."]], "Hello everyone:\n\nA meeting has been scheduled to discuss e-online, this Friday, June 2 at\n11:30 AM, in EB19C2.\n\nPlease let me know if you have a conflict.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw", "<13497763.1075859929980.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "eb**19", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-11-2000-3:16:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-3:16:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-3:16:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "takriti@us.ibm.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25811950.1075856578160.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 03:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: takriti@us.ibm.com\nSubject: Re: American Express Charges\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Samer Takriti\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Samer!\n\nHope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving!\n\nI found out the \"scoop\" on the ticket. It was non-refundable and non-\nrefundable tickets cannot be transferred. It was just your seat that\nMaureen's husband used. \n\nI will send in a check request for reimbursement in the amount of $330.50.\nThe best thing would be for you to go ahead and pay the bill or wait for\nthe check from us.\n\nSorry for the confusion!\n\nCheers!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Samer Takriti\" on 11/20/2000 01:41:23 PM\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: stinson.gibner@enron.com \nSubject: American Express Charges\n\n\nShirley,\nHow are you? Things are fine over here. We are still trying to settle in;\nthis process seems to be taking forever.\nI would like to ask for your help. I have received a statement from\nAmerican Express related to my Enron account. The charge amount is $330.50,\nwhich is supposed to be for an airplane ticket. After calling the Travel\nAgency in the Park, I found out that this was the ticket that I was\nsupposed to have used to fly to Colorado. However, the ticket was used by\nMaurine's husband and Maurine claimed to have paid for the ticket. Also, I\nremember calling the TAP and cancelling prior to the travel date. Can you\nhelp me figure out what is going on here? I am not sure who is supposed to\npay for this. I disputed the charge before but my dispute was rejected.\nI appreciate your help. Thanks.\n-Samer\n\n\n\n", "Re: American Express Charges", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 16, "nninformation", ["send", "request"], "intention", " i will send in a check request for reimbursement in the amount of pricenumeric ."]], "Hi Samer!\n\nHope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving!\n\nI found out the \"scoop\" on the ticket. It was non-refundable and non-\nrefundable tickets cannot be transferred. It was just your seat that\nMaureen's husband used. \n\nI will send in a check request for reimbursement in the amount of $330.50.\nThe best thing would be for you to go ahead and pay the bill or wait for\nthe check from us.\n\nSorry for the confusion!\n\nCheers!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Samer Takriti\" ", [], false]}, "11-8-2000-1:36:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"11-8-2000-1:36:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-1:36:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22252324.1075856566277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 01:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Houston Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"qkerr\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Australia\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Quentin:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Research Group would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you sometime next week. Considering the time difference \nbetween\nHouston and Australia, it probably makes sense to try and schedule it very\nearly in the morning your time, say 7:00 AM? It would be 5:00 pm here in\nHouston.\n\nHow does next Wednesday or Thursday, (8/16 or 8/17) at 7:00 AM your time\nsound?\n\nAlso, please let me know if you want to be reached at home or work.\n\nThanks Quentin and have a great day!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "Telephone Interview with the Houston Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " vince kaminski and the research group would like to conduct a telephone interview with you sometime next week."]], "Good morning Quentin:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Research Group would like to conduct a telephone\ninterview with you sometime next week. Considering the time difference \nbetween\nHouston and Australia, it probably makes sense to try and schedule it very\nearly in the morning your time, say 7:00 AM? It would be 5:00 pm here in\nHouston.\n\nHow does next Wednesday or Thursday, (8/16 or 8/17) at 7:00 AM your time\nsound?\n\nAlso, please let me know if you want to be reached at home or work.\n\nThanks Quentin and have a great day!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n", "<22252324.1075856566277.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-7-2000-4:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-4:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-4:21:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28201674.1075856306787.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 04:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Candidate Decisions\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince:\n\nThey are already asking for evaluations on the following individuals most\nof whom were just interviewed yesterday! However, I do not know who\nBruce Kamich is - I don't remember his interview at all.\n\nCan you give me something to tell Toni.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 07/28/2000 \n11:17 AM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Toni Graham @ ENRON 07/28/2000 02:39 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Candidate Decisions\n\nShirley,\n\nCould you please give me a Yes, No, Maybe decision on the following \ncandidates interviewed:\n\nBruce Kamich\nPhilip Roan\nJerzy Jarosz \nBruce James\nOleg Bondar\n\nThanks\nToni\n", "Candidate Decisions", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["individuals", "interviewed"], "intention", "vince: they are already asking for evaluations on the following individuals most of whom were just interviewed yesterday!"]], "Vince:\n\nThey are already asking for evaluations on the following individuals most\nof whom were just interviewed yesterday! However, I do not know who\nBruce Kamich is - I don't remember his interview at all.\n\nCan you give me something to tell Toni.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n", "<28201674.1075856306787.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-4-2000-6:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-4-2000-6:35:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-6:35:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "greg_j_ball@hotmail.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "Message-ID: <33355656.1075857067447.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 06:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: greg_j_ball@hotmail.com\nSubject: Interview with Enron Corp. Research Group\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\talex.huang@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\talex.huang@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: greg_j_ball@hotmail.com\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Zimin Lu, Alex Huang, Grant Masson, Tanya Tamarchenko, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood afternoon Mr. Ball:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct an informal interview \nwith you at your convenience. Please give me some dates and times within\nthe next 2 weeks that you might be available and I will arrange the schedule.\n\nThe people that will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nGrant Masson Vice President\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director\nZimin Lu Director\nTanya Tamarchenko Manager\nAlex Huang Manager\n\nEach individual interview will last approximately 15 - 20 minutes, so we \nprobably\nshould allow at least 3 hours.\n\nIf you would prefer to call me with some dates and times - I can check \nthe calendars while we are talking.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nThank you.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n713/853-5290\n", "Interview with Enron Corp. Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["conduct", "informal", "interview"], "intention", " ball: the orgname research group would like to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 11, "nninformation", ["arrange", "schedule"], "intention", " please give me some dates and times within the next numeric weeks that you might be available and i will arrange the schedule."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["interviewing", "you"], "intention", " the people that will be interviewing you are: vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president grant masson vice president vasant shanbhogue vice president krishna krishnarao director zimin lu director tanya tamarchenko manager alex huang manager each individual interview will last approximately numeric - numeric minutes, so we probably should allow at least numeric hours."]], "Good afternoon Mr. Ball:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would like to conduct an informal interview \nwith you at your convenience. Please give me some dates and times within\nthe next 2 weeks that you might be available and I will arrange the schedule.\n\nThe people that will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nGrant Masson Vice President\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director\nZimin Lu Director\nTanya Tamarchenko Manager\nAlex Huang Manager\n\nEach individual interview will last approximately 15 - 20 minutes, so we \nprobably\nshould allow at least 3 hours.\n\nIf you would prefer to call me with some dates and times - I can check \nthe calendars while we are talking.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nThank you.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n713/853-5290\n", "<33355656.1075857067447.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date_date0time numericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "3**hours", "ne": "numeric0hour", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour minute numericTnnn"]}, "38": {"value": "20", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour minute numericTnnn", "minute numericTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "37": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-5-2000-4:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"23-5-2000-4:21:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["23-5-2000-4:21:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "darlene.rhienien@enron.com", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com kathy.mckay@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10281259.1075856734568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 May 2000 04:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: darlene.rhienien@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview\nCc: elizabeth.grant@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com, kathy.mckay@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.grant@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com, kathy.mckay@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Darlene Von Rhienien\nX-cc: Elizabeth Grant, Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Kathy McKay\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Darlene:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Research Group would like to bring Todd Perry in\nfor an interview. \n\nThey have already had a \"telephone interview\" and feel like he may be a\ngood fit somewhere in the Research Group. A copy of his resume is attached.\n\nHe will be able to come on Friday, June 2.\n\nPlease contact him and arrange his travel. When this is completed, call\nme and we will set up the interview schedule.\n\nThe Interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nKrishna Krishnarao\nGrant Masson\nZimin Lu\nVasant Shanbhogue\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\nTodd A. Perry\n - resume2.doc\n\n....................................................\nTodd A. Perry\nDepartment of Finance 541.346.1341 (voice)\nLundquist College of Business 541.346.3341 (fax)\n1208 University of Oregon\nEugene, OR 97403-1208\n\nhttp://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~taperry\n\n\n", "Re: Telephone Interview", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview", "perry"], "intention", " vince kaminski and the research group would like to bring todd perry in for an interview."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 17, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " a copy of his resume is attached."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 25, "nninformation", ["schedule", "set"], "intention", " when this is completed, call me and we will set up the interview schedule."]], "Hi Darlene:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Research Group would like to bring Todd Perry in\nfor an interview. \n\nThey have already had a \"telephone interview\" and feel like he may be a\ngood fit somewhere in the Research Group. A copy of his resume is attached.\n\nHe will be able to come on Friday, June 2.\n\nPlease contact him and arrange his travel. When this is completed, call\nme and we will set up the interview schedule.\n\nThe Interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nKrishna Krishnarao\nGrant Masson\nZimin Lu\nVasant Shanbhogue\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\nTodd A. Perry\n - resume2.doc\n\n....................................................\nTodd A. Perry\nDepartment of Finance 541.346.1341 (voice)\nLundquist College of Business 541.346.3341 (fax)\n1208 University of Oregon\nEugene, OR 97403-1208\n\nhttp://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~taperry\n\n\n", "<10281259.1075856734568.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "perry", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2000-4:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-4-2000-4:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-4:20:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com clayton.vernon@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1767671.1075856823455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com\nSubject: Interview with Norberto Valdes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Grant Masson, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko, Clayton Vernon\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello all:\n\nNorberto telephoned me this morning and will not be able to come on\nFriday, May 5th. We have rescheduled the interview for Monday, May 1.\n\nThe times are as follows:\n\nVasant Shanbhogue 1:00 PM\nVince Kaminski 1:15 PM\nClayton Vernon 1:30 PM\nStinson Gibner 1:45 PM\nTanya Tamarchenko 2:00 PM\nGrant Masson 2:15 PM\n\nThey will be conducted in EB1938\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n", "Interview with Norberto Valdes", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 6, "information", ["interview", "rescheduled"], "information", " we have rescheduled the interview for monday, datenumeric ."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 21, "nninformation", ["conducted", "eb**1938"], "intention", " the times are as follows: vasant shanbhogue numerictime pm vince kaminski numerictime pm clayton vernon numerictime pm stinson gibner numerictime pm tanya tamarchenko numerictime pm grant masson numerictime pm they will be conducted in eb numeric thanks!"]], "Hello all:\n\nNorberto telephoned me this morning and will not be able to come on\nFriday, May 5th. We have rescheduled the interview for Monday, May 1.\n\nThe times are as follows:\n\nVasant Shanbhogue 1:00 PM\nVince Kaminski 1:15 PM\nClayton Vernon 1:30 PM\nStinson Gibner 1:45 PM\nTanya Tamarchenko 2:00 PM\nGrant Masson 2:15 PM\n\nThey will be conducted in EB1938\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n", "<1767671.1075856823455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "31-1-2000-0:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"31-1-2000-0:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["31-1-2000-0:14:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "pat.scarborough@enron.com dolores.sustaita@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kevin.moore@enron.com william.smith@enron.com clayton.vernon@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5624239.1075857024014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: pat.scarborough@enron.com, dolores.sustaita@enron.com\nSubject: White Marker Board Wall for EB 19C2\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.moore@enron.com, william.smith@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.moore@enron.com, william.smith@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Pat Scarborough, Dolores Sustaita, Facilities Help Desk 1@ECT\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin G Moore, William Smith, Clayton Vernon\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning all:\n\nI don't know where this request should go, would you please direct me in\nthe right direction?\n\nConference room EB 19C1 has one whole wall that is a white marker board.\nWe would like to see about having a wall like this installed in 19C2. Please\nlet me know the costs and time involved. Vince Kaminski has approved.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\nShirley\n3-5290", "White Marker Board Wall for EB 19C2", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 7, "nninformation", ["direct", "request"], "request", " i don't know where this request should go, would you please direct me in the right direction?"]], "Good morning all:\n\nI don't know where this request should go, would you please direct me in\nthe right direction?\n\nConference room EB 19C1 has one whole wall that is a white marker board.\nWe would like to see about having a wall like this installed in 19C2. Please\nlet me know the costs and time involved. Vince Kaminski has approved.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\nShirley\n3-5290", "<5624239.1075857024014.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "eb**19", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["conference0room eb0numeric numericTnnn", "conference_conference0room eb0numericTnn", "eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["conference0room eb0numeric numericTnnn", "eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "3": {"value": "eb**19", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "4": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-11-2000-8:6:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-8:6:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-8:6:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <8503888.1075856621364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Zimin Lu, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI have had to reschedule the interview with Nina Knirel for tomorrow. The\nfollowing is the new schedule.\n\nZimin Lu and Tanya Tamarchenko 3:30 - 4:00 PM\nVince Kaminski and Stinson Gibner 4:00 - 4:30 PM\n\nHer flight does not arrive until noon.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 \n04:01 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n11/29/2000 09:59 AM\nTo: nina knirel @ ENRON\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin \nLu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group \n\nHi Nina:\n\nWe would be glad to see you tomorrow. Since this is a preliminary\ninterview to see if there is a fit and an interest, we will schedule an hour\nand probably the interviewers will double up their time.\n\nI have scheduled the following, if the times do not work for you, please\nlet me know.\n\n9:00 AM Vince Kaminski and Stinson Gibner\n9:30 AM Tanya Tamarchenko and Zimin Lu\n\nWhen you come into the Enron Bldg, go to the security desk and ask\nfor me, They will call me and I will meet you in the lobby of the 19th\nfloor.\n\nThanks and have a safe trip.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\nnina knirel on 11/29/2000 09:52:02 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\n\n\nDear Shirley Crenshaw,\n\nThank you very much for your interest. I will be in\nHouston tomorrow morning and I thought that it could\nbe more convenient if we can meet in person. If you\nprefer the phone interview , let me know what number i\nshould call and we can have it tomorrow.\n\nThanks again,\n\nNina Knirel\n\n\n--- Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com wrote:\n> Good morning Ms. Knirel:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski and several members of the Research\n> Group would like\n> to conduct a telephone interview with you sometime\n> this week at your\n> convenience. Please let me know the times that you\n> are available and\n> they will contact you.\n>\n> The telephone interviews usually last approximately\n> 1 hour and will be\n> conducted via a speaker phone.\n>\n> The Interviewers will be:\n>\n> Vince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of\n> Research\n> Stinson Gibner Vice President, Research\n> Tanya Tamarchenko Director, Research\n> Zimin Lu Director, Research\n>\n> Look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n> Best regards,\n>\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group\n>\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.\nhttp://shopping.yahoo.com/\n\n\n\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 3, "information", ["interview", "reschedule"], "information", "i have had to reschedule the interview with nina knirel for tomorrow."]], "I have had to reschedule the interview with Nina Knirel for tomorrow. The\nfollowing is the new schedule.\n\nZimin Lu and Tanya Tamarchenko 3:30 - 4:00 PM\nVince Kaminski and Stinson Gibner 4:00 - 4:30 PM\n\nHer flight does not arrive until noon.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n", "<8503888.1075856621364.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-2-2000-1:2:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"15-2-2000-1:2:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["15-2-2000-1:2:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "kimberly.watson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20363172.1075857036188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 01:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.watson@enron.com\nSubject: Presentation on Equilibrium Modeling for Gas Market\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Kimberly Watson\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Techmemos\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Kim:\n\nYou and your associates are invited to attend this meeting.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n***************************************************************************=\n***\n*************\nThe following presentation will be this Friday, the 18th of February from\n1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in EB 19C2 (Our large conference room).\n\nPlease plan to attend this presentation by ICF Consulting.=20\n\nAgenda for Presentation by ICF Consulting\n\n1. Qualifications for ICF Consulting (6 slides)\n\n A. Energy consulting background (2 slides)\n B. Experience with computational market equilibrium modeling methodolgies =\n(2=20\nslides)\n C. Experience of key ICF individuals (2 slides)\n\n2. Description of Enron=01,s Modeling Interests (to be discussed with Enron=\n)\n\n3. ICF=01,s Intertemporal, Interregional Equilibrium model of the North Ame=\nrican=20\nNatural Gas Analysis\n System (NANGAS) (14 slides)\n\n A. Overview of NANGAS (2 slides)\n B. Upstream components (3 slides)\n C. Downstream components (4 slides)\n D. Computation of market equilibrium prices, quantities, and flows (5 slid=\nes)\n\n4. Potential Modeling Consulting (9 slides)\n\n A. Assistance in developing market equilibrium models for the energy secto=\nr=20\n(1 slide)\n B. Investigate alternative market equilibrium models for energy applicatio=\nns\n i. Models of imperfect competition (e.g., Nash-Cournot, etc.) (3 slides)\n ii. Models of auctions in market forecasting (1 slide)\n ii. Models that incorporate stochastic inputs (e.g., stochastic=20\nprogramming) to take into account risk (2 slides)\n\n C. Actions Items (to be completed in consultation with Enron) (2 slides)\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Presentation on Equilibrium Modeling for Gas Market", "", [["attend meeting", 8, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " you and your associates are invited to attend this meeting."]], "Hi Kim:\n\nYou and your associates are invited to attend this meeting.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n******************************************************************************\n*************\nThe following presentation will be this Friday, the 18th of February from\n1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in EB 19C2 (Our large conference room).\n\nPlease plan to attend this presentation by ICF Consulting.=20\n\nAgenda for Presentation by ICF Consulting\n\n1. Qualifications for ICF Consulting (6 slides)\n\n A. Energy consulting background (2 slides)\n B. Experience with computational market equilibrium modeling methodolgies (2=20\nslides)\n C. Experience of key ICF individuals (2 slides)\n\n2. Description of Enron=01,s Modeling Interests (to be discussed with Enron)\n\n3. ICF=01,s Intertemporal, Interregional Equilibrium model of the North American=20\nNatural Gas Analysis\n System (NANGAS) (14 slides)\n\n A. Overview of NANGAS (2 slides)\n B. Upstream components (3 slides)\n C. Downstream components (4 slides)\n D. Computation of market equilibrium prices, quantities, and flows (5 slides)\n\n4. Potential Modeling Consulting (9 slides)\n\n A. Assistance in developing market equilibrium models for the energy sector=20\n(1 slide)\n B. Investigate alternative market equilibrium models for energy applications\n i. Models of imperfect competition (e.g., Nash-Cournot, etc.) (3 slides)\n ii. Models of auctions in market forecasting (1 slide)\n ii. Models that incorporate stochastic inputs (e.g., stochastic=20\nprogramming) to take into account risk (2 slides)\n\n C. Actions Items (to be completed in consultation with Enron) (2 slides)\n\n\n\n\n\n", "<20363172.1075857036188.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-2-2001-1:23:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"1-2-2001-1:23:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["1-2-2001-1:23:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "sapsecurity@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21443101.1075856398377.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 01:23:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: sapsecurity@enron.com\nSubject: Security Request for adding a timekeeper to Cost Center 107043\nCc: anita.dupont@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.dupont@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: SAPSecurity@enron.com\nX-cc: Anita DuPont\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAttached please find the Security Request to have Anita DuPont added\nto the Research Group Timekeepers.\n\nShe is my backup and needs to be able to do the timesheets in case I\nhave to be out of the office.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n3-5290\n", "Security Request for adding a timekeeper to Cost Center 107043", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 5, "information", ["attached", "request"], "information", "attached please find the security request to have anita dupont added to the research group timekeepers."]], "Attached please find the Security Request to have Anita DuPont added\nto the Research Group Timekeepers.\n\nShe is my backup and needs to be able to do the timesheets in case I\nhave to be out of the office.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n3-5290\n", "<21443101.1075856398377.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "26-4-2000-1:58:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"26-4-2000-1:58:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["26-4-2000-1:58:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "kathy.mckay@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com felicia.solis@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25979956.1075856822553.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 01:58:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: kathy.mckay@enron.com\nSubject: Interview with Hao Peng\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, felicia.solis@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, felicia.solis@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Kathy McKay\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Felicia Solis\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Kathy:\n\nThe Research Group would like to bring Hao Peng in for an interview. His\nresume is attached.\n\nThe following would be included in the interview schedule. Since all of\nthem are in the Research Group (with the exception of HR) we can have the \ninterviews in EB1938.\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu\nPaulo Issler\nGrant Masson\nKrishna Krishnarao\nVasant Shanbhogue\nHR ?\n\n\nMr. Peng's availability is flexible with the exception of May 2 and May 4 (He\nhas finals).\n\nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n - Cover-Enron.doc\n - Resume-GSIA.doc\n\n\n\n\n", "Interview with Hao Peng", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview", "peng"], "intention", " the research group would like to bring hao peng in for an interview."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 10, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " his resume is attached."]], "Hello Kathy:\n\nThe Research Group would like to bring Hao Peng in for an interview. His\nresume is attached.\n\nThe following would be included in the interview schedule. Since all of\nthem are in the Research Group (with the exception of HR) we can have the \ninterviews in EB1938.\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu\nPaulo Issler\nGrant Masson\nKrishna Krishnarao\nVasant Shanbhogue\nHR ?\n\n\nMr. Peng's availability is flexible with the exception of May 2 and May 4 (He\nhas finals).\n\nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n - Cover-Enron.doc\n - Resume-GSIA.doc\n\n\n\n\n", "<25979956.1075856822553.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"17": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric interviewTnn"]}, "7": {"value": "peng", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-4-2000-3:8:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"18-4-2000-3:8:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["18-4-2000-3:8:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "nick.mooney@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com mark.tawney@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16192723.1075856747184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 03:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: nick.mooney@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Video Conference with Ross McIntyre\nCc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, mark.tawney@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, mark.tawney@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Nick Mooney\nX-cc: Vasant Shanbhogue, Vince J Kaminski, Mark Tawney\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNick:\n\nWe are unable to get a VC location for 10:30 AM, however, we can have one \nat 11:00 AM. Houston time. Is there anyway that we could push the interview \nto 11:00 AM? I know you have to make reservations for your conference room\nalso. If not, we will have to do a phone interview.\n\nPlease let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/18/2000 \n10:02 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/18/2000 10:01 AM\nTo: Nick Mooney/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Tawney/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Video Conference with Ross McIntyre \n\nNick,\n\nWe may have problems getting the VC location in Houston on short notice.\nWe are currently on stand-by. We shall default, if we have no other choice,\nto a phone interview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Nick Mooney 04/18/2000 09:09 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Mark Tawney/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Video Conference with Ross McIntyre\n\nVince,\n\nyou should have received an invitation through lotus notes which outlines the \nVC location for the conference call tomorrow. It is schedule for 4:30pm UK \ntime (10:30am Houston time)\n\nRoss's background is from Investment banking ex Dresner bank, he has a PhD in \nMathematical and is currently with speedwell weather derivatives where he has \nbeen developing weather derivative pricing and portfolio optimisation tools \nwhich they have been marketing to end-users with weather risks.\nThe attached word documents are articles that he has written for publication.\n\nregards\nNick Mooney\n\n - MCS.doc\n - Analytic.doc\n - PAR.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: Video Conference with Ross McIntyre", "", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 13, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " i know you have to make reservations for your conference room also."]], "Nick:\n\nWe are unable to get a VC location for 10:30 AM, however, we can have one \nat 11:00 AM. Houston time. Is there anyway that we could push the interview \nto 11:00 AM? I know you have to make reservations for your conference room\nalso. If not, we will have to do a phone interview.\n\nPlease let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n\n\n\n", "<16192723.1075856747184.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-5-2001-4:40:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"1-5-2001-4:40:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-4:40:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com kenneth.deng@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com rakesh.bharati@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30677057.1075856601175.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 04:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com,\n\tkenneth.deng@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, rakesh.bharati@enron.com\nSubject: Agenda for Larry Thorne's Presentation and Meetings, Friday, May\n 4th\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Alex Huang, Kenneth Deng, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko, Rakesh Bharati\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Consultants\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAttached is the agenda for Larry Thorne's presentation, Friday,\nMay 4th.\n\nI have scheduled Vasant and Krishna to take him to lunch. Please let me\nknow where you would like to go and I will make reservations.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n", "Agenda for Larry Thorne's Presentation and Meetings, Friday, May\n 4th", "", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 19, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "intention", " please let me know where you would like to go and i will make reservations."]], "Attached is the agenda for Larry Thorne's presentation, Friday,\nMay 4th.\n\nI have scheduled Vasant and Krishna to take him to lunch. Please let me\nknow where you would like to go and I will make reservations.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n", "<30677057.1075856601175.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"demonstration_presentation meetingTnn": {"value": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "ne": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "patterns": ["demonstration_presentation meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-10-2000-4:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"9-10-2000-4:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["9-10-2000-4:20:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "", "Message-ID: <25261121.1075856281026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 04:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Fwd: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMr. Shen:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Research Group would like to bring you in for an\ninterview this Friday, if possible. Please forward me a copy of your\nresume, as soon as possible, and I will have our HR dept. contact you.\n\nThank you.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Dept.\n713/853-5290\n", "Fwd: hello from Charles Shen at Williams Co.", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", " shen: vince kaminski and the research group would like to bring you in for an interview this friday, if possible."], ["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 10, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "request", " please forward me a copy of your resume, as soon as possible, and i will have our hr dept."]], "Mr. Shen:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Research Group would like to bring you in for an\ninterview this Friday, if possible. Please forward me a copy of your\nresume, as soon as possible, and I will have our HR dept. contact you.\n\nThank you.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Dept.\n713/853-5290\n", "<25261121.1075856281026.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-9-2000-3:13:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-9-2000-3:13:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-9-2000-3:13:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20138202.1075856642220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 03:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Risk Systems Enhancements Meeting 9/29/00 - 11:30 - 1:00 p.m.EB2868\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Var\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTanya:\n\nFYI. This is the meeting you will be attending for Vince tomorrow. \n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 09/28/2000 \n10:09 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDorothy Youngblood\n09/28/2000 09:11 AM\nTo: Karen K Heathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jo Corbitt/NA/Enron@Enron, Rita \nHennessy/NA/Enron@Enron, Cherylene R Westbrook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy McCurley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Thompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGiselle James/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Risk Systems Enhancements Meeting 9/29/00 - 11:30 - 1:00 p.m.EB2868\n\nLadies,\n\nGood Morning,\n\nJust a reminder of the above referenced meeting will be held tomorrow \n9/29/2000 @ 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be served.\n\n\n ATTENDEES:\n\n Rick Buy\n Sally Beck \n Philippe Bibi (or representative from his Group)\n Bill Bradford\n Debbie Brackett\n Vince Kaminski (or representative from his Group)\n Ted Murphy\n Beth Perlman\n David Port\n Stephen Stock\n\n\nThank you in advance..\n\nDorothy\n3-6114\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Dorothy Youngblood/HOU/ECT on 09/28/2000 \n08:37 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDorothy Youngblood\n09/21/2000 11:41 AM\nTo: Karen K Heathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jo Corbitt/NA/Enron@Enron, Rita \nHennessy/NA/Enron@Enron, Cherylene R Westbrook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy McCurley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Thompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGiselle James/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Risk Systems Enhancements Meeting 9/22/00 - 11:30 - 1:00 p.m.EB2868\n\nLadies,\n\nJust a quick reminder about the meeting tomorrow. Lunch will be served -- so \neach of your bosses or their representatives will be served. So they do not \nhave to worry about bringing their lunches. YEAH!!!!! \n\n\n ATTENDEES:\n\n Rick Buy\n Sally Beck \n Philippe Bibi (or representative from his Group)\n Bill Bradford\n Debbie Brackett\n Vince Kaminski (or representative from his Group)\n Ted Murphy\n Beth Perlman\n David Port\n Stephen Stock\n \n \n \n \n\nPlease see below:\n\n MENU\n\n\n Blackened Chicken \n Fettuccine\n Fresh Seasonal Vegetables\n Ceasar Salad w/Assorted Dressings\n Fresh Baked Rolls w/Butter\n Bottled Water\n Assorted Drinks\n Cookies (Assorted)\n \n\nThank you very much in advance.\n \n\nThanks..dy\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Dorothy Youngblood/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000 \n10:59 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDorothy Youngblood\n09/19/2000 12:52 PM\nTo: Karen K Heathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jo Corbitt/NA/Enron@Enron, Rita \nHennessy/NA/Enron@Enron, Cherylene R Westbrook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy McCurley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Thompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGiselle James/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Risk Systems Enhancements Meeting\n\nLadies\n\nRick Buy would like to have the above meeting on a weekly basis. Debbie \nBrackett asked that I send an email to invite your bosses. The meeting will \nbe from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. This meeting will be held each Friday - room \nEB2868 for the rest of the year.\n\n\n Attendees:\n \n Rick Buy\n Bill Bradford\n Debbie Brackett\n Philippe Bibi\n Ted Murphy\n David Port\n Stephen Stock\n Vince Kaminski\n Beth Perlman\n Sally Beck\n\n\n\nThank you\n\nDorothy\n3-6114 \n---------------------- Forwarded by Dorothy Youngblood/HOU/ECT on 09/19/2000 \n12:29 PM ---------------------------\n \n\n\nFrom: Debbie R Brackett \n 09/11/2000 10:09 AM\t\n\t\n\t\n\t \n\t\n\nTo: Dorothy Youngblood/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RAC IT Improvement Projects\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT on 09/11/2000 \n10:09 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\tRick Buy @ ENRON\n\t09/07/2000 04:35 PM\n\t\nSent by: Jo Corbitt@ENRON\nTo: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debbie R \nBrackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike \nJordan/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nSherriff/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: RAC IT Improvement Projects\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Risk Systems Enhancements Meeting 9/29/00 - 11:30 - 1:00 p.m.EB2868", "", [["attend meeting", 9, "nninformation", ["attending", "meeting"], "intention", " this is the meeting you will be attending for vince tomorrow."]], "Tanya:\n\nFYI. This is the meeting you will be attending for Vince tomorrow. \n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n", "<20138202.1075856642220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"risk systemTnn": {"value": "risk systemTnn", "ne": "risk systemTnn", "patterns": ["risk systemTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2001-2:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"11-1-2001-2:18:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-2:18:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "eric.gonzales@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com jennifer.burns@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30625905.1075856234535.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 02:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: eric.gonzales@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meetings with Petronas on February 8th\nCc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.burns@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tjennifer.burns@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Eric Gonzales\nX-cc: Jeffrey A Shankman, Vince J Kaminski, Jennifer Burns\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEric:\n\nMr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar of Petronas, along with 4 of\nhis Corporate Risk Management team will visit Enron on\nThursday, February 8th. Jeff Shankman and Vince Kaminski\nwould like to invite you to attend all or some of the\npresentations.\n\nA tentative agenda has the Petronas team meeting with\nJeff and John Nowlan at 10:00AM and then a presentation\nby David Port and the RAC group, followed by Vince \nKaminski and the Research group. Vince will take the\nteam to lunch and you are invited.\n\nPlease let me know if you plan to attend all or part of\nthe presentations and if you would like to go to lunch.\n\nThanks Eric.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n3-5290\n", "Re: Meetings with Petronas on February 8th", "", [["invite personnelpronoun", 18, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " jeff shankman and vince kaminski would like to invite you to attend all or some of the presentations."], ["invite personnelpronoun", 42, "information", ["invited", "you"], "information", " vince will take the team to lunch and you are invited."]], "Eric:\n\nMr. Nur Azmin Abu Bakar of Petronas, along with 4 of\nhis Corporate Risk Management team will visit Enron on\nThursday, February 8th. Jeff Shankman and Vince Kaminski\nwould like to invite you to attend all or some of the\npresentations.\n\nA tentative agenda has the Petronas team meeting with\nJeff and John Nowlan at 10:00AM and then a presentation\nby David Port and the RAC group, followed by Vince \nKaminski and the Research group. Vince will take the\nteam to lunch and you are invited.\n\nPlease let me know if you plan to attend all or part of\nthe presentations and if you would like to go to lunch.\n\nThanks Eric.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n3-5290\n", "<30625905.1075856234535.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"management riskTnn": {"value": "management riskTnn", "ne": "management riskTnn", "patterns": ["management riskTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-5-2000-8:30:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"8-5-2000-8:30:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-8:30:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "pinsky@uh.edu jmccauley@uh.edu greiter@uh.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com yannis.tzamouranis@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21573045.1075857078224.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 May 2000 08:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: pinsky@uh.edu, jmccauley@uh.edu, greiter@uh.edu\nSubject: Development of a Program in \"Econo-Physics\"\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, yannis.tzamouranis@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, yannis.tzamouranis@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: pinsky@uh.edu, jmccauley@uh.edu, greiter@uh.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Yannis Tzamouranis\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Ut\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood afternoon Professors:\n\nI am the Administrative Coordinator for the Enron Corp. Research Group.\nYannis Tzamouranis spoke with Vince Kaminski about meeting with you to\ndiscuss the development of a program for the U of H.\n\nI understand from your email that you will be available Wednesday, May\n24th. If this is correct, and if Professors McCauley and Reiter will also be\navailable that date, we would like to schedule a meeting at 4:00 pm on the\n24th of May at Vince Kaminski's Enron office.\n\nIf this is not acceptable, please let me know.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.comI", "Development of a Program in \"Econo-Physics\"", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 23, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "intention", " if this is correct, and if professors mccauley and reiter will also be available that date, we would like to schedule a meeting at numerictime pm on the datenumeric h of may at vince kaminski's enron office."]], "Good afternoon Professors:\n\nI am the Administrative Coordinator for the Enron Corp. Research Group.\nYannis Tzamouranis spoke with Vince Kaminski about meeting with you to\ndiscuss the development of a program for the U of H.\n\nI understand from your email that you will be available Wednesday, May\n24th. If this is correct, and if Professors McCauley and Reiter will also be\navailable that date, we would like to schedule a meeting at 4:00 pm on the\n24th of May at Vince Kaminski's Enron office.\n\nIf this is not acceptable, please let me know.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research Group\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.comI", "<21573045.1075857078224.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-5-2000-1:53:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"16-5-2000-1:53:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["16-5-2000-1:53:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "scott.earnest@enron.com brad.hitch@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16577750.1075857032445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: scott.earnest@enron.com, brad.hitch@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com\nSubject: LNG Meeting\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Scott Earnest, Brad Hitch, Kevin Kindall, Grant Masson\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello all:\n\nThe LNG meeting that was to be held this morning has been changed to\ntomorrow, Wednesday, the 17th at 11:00 AM in EB1938.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n", "LNG Meeting", "", [["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 4, "nninformation", ["eb**1938", "held"], "intention", " the lng meeting that was to be held this morning has been changed to tomorrow, wednesday, the datenumeric h at numerictime am in eb numeric ."]], "Hello all:\n\nThe LNG meeting that was to be held this morning has been changed to\ntomorrow, Wednesday, the 17th at 11:00 AM in EB1938.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n", "<16577750.1075857032445.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric meetingTnn"]}, "lng meetingTnn": {"value": "lng meetingTnn", "ne": "lng meetingTnn", "patterns": ["lng meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-5-2001-0:55:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"2-5-2001-0:55:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-0:55:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "bubenko@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24748761.1075856431084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 00:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: bubenko@enron.com\nSubject: VP & Director Count for the Research Group\nCc: anita.dupont@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.dupont@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Deborah. Bubenko@enron.com\nX-cc: Anita DuPont, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Deborah:\n\nI would like to introduce myself and Anita Dupont to you as we will probably\nbe working together quite a bit between now and our move. Please feel \nfree to contact either one of us regarding any questions or needs you \nmay have.\n\nHeadcount\nThe Executive, VP and Director headcount for the Research group is:\nManaging Director 1\nVice Presidents 6\nDirectors 5\n\nAlso, Anita and I would like to invite you to meet with us and go over our \nlibrary space requirements. Please let me know when you have some \nfree time and we will be available.\n\nMy number is: 3-5290 - EB1961\nAnita's # is: 3-0329 - EB1969\n\nI look forward to meeting you,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n3-5290", "VP & Director Count for the Research Group", "", [["invite personnelpronoun", 27, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " headcount the executive, vp and director headcount for the research group is: managing director numeric vice presidents numeric directors numeric also, anita and i would like to invite you to meet with us and go over our library space requirements."]], "Hello Deborah:\n\nI would like to introduce myself and Anita Dupont to you as we will probably\nbe working together quite a bit between now and our move. Please feel \nfree to contact either one of us regarding any questions or needs you \nmay have.\n\nHeadcount\nThe Executive, VP and Director headcount for the Research group is:\nManaging Director 1\nVice Presidents 6\nDirectors 5\n\nAlso, Anita and I would like to invite you to meet with us and go over our \nlibrary space requirements. Please let me know when you have some \nfree time and we will be available.\n\nMy number is: 3-5290 - EB1961\nAnita's # is: 3-0329 - EB1969\n\nI look forward to meeting you,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n3-5290", "<24748761.1075856431084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"24": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}, "25": {"value": "anita", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["numeric personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-5-2000-1:41:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"11-5-2000-1:41:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-1:41:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com paulo.issler@enron.com amitava.dhar@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31391108.1075857067177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 May 2000 01:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, paulo.issler@enron.com,\n\tamitava.dhar@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Interview Schedule for Sanjeev Khanna\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Zimin Lu, Grant Masson, Paulo Issler, Amitava Dhar, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello all:\n\nSanjeev Khanna spoke with Vince at the \"Power 2000\" conference and Vince\nhas invited him to come in for an informal interview. He will be in the \noffice Friday \nafternoon, May 12th. With the exception of Vince, each of you might spend \nat least 15 min with the individual. All interviews will be in EB1938\n\nThe schedule is below and his resume is attached.\n\nVince 1:00 PM (5 min)\nVasant 1:15 PM \nAmitava 1:30 PM \nStinson 1:45 PM\nTanya 2:00 PM\nZimin 2:15 PM\nPaulo 2:30 PM\nKrishna 2:45 PM\nGrant 3:00 PM\n\n\n\nPG&E Energy Trading and any other company referenced herein which uses the \nPG&E name or logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric \nCompany, the California utility. These companies are not regulated by the \nCalifornia Public Utilities Commission, and customers do not have to buy \nproducts from these companies in order to continue to receive quality \nregulated services from the utility.\n - ResumeSanjeevKhanna.doc\n\n\n", "Interview Schedule for Sanjeev Khanna", "", [["invite personnelpronoun", 12, "information", ["invited", "him"], "information", " sanjeev khanna spoke with vince at the \"power numeric \" conference and vince has invited him to come in for an informal interview."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 27, "information", ["attached", "interviews", "resume"], "information", " all interviews will be in eb numeric the schedule is below and his resume is attached."]], "Hello all:\n\nSanjeev Khanna spoke with Vince at the \"Power 2000\" conference and Vince\nhas invited him to come in for an informal interview. He will be in the \noffice Friday \nafternoon, May 12th. With the exception of Vince, each of you might spend \nat least 15 min with the individual. All interviews will be in EB1938\n\nThe schedule is below and his resume is attached.\n\nVince 1:00 PM (5 min)\nVasant 1:15 PM \nAmitava 1:30 PM \nStinson 1:45 PM\nTanya 2:00 PM\nZimin 2:15 PM\nPaulo 2:30 PM\nKrishna 2:45 PM\nGrant 3:00 PM\n\n\n\nPG&E Energy Trading and any other company referenced herein which uses the \nPG&E name or logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric \nCompany, the California utility. These companies are not regulated by the \nCalifornia Public Utilities Commission, and customers do not have to buy \nproducts from these companies in order to continue to receive quality \nregulated services from the utility.\n - ResumeSanjeevKhanna.doc\n\n\n", "<31391108.1075857067177.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["conference_conference0room numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric interviewTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-2-2000-7:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"14-2-2000-7:29:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["14-2-2000-7:29:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "kathy.mckay@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10593083.1075857069091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 07:29:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: kathy.mckay@enron.com\nSubject: Exploratory Interview for Grant Masson's Support for Power Trading\nCc: grant.masson@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: grant.masson@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Kathy McKay\nX-cc: Grant Masson, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Kathy:\n\nAttached is the resume for Lance Cunningham, who is a PhD candidate from\nthe University of Texas.\n\nGrant Masson would like to bring him in for an exploratory interview at his\nconvenience. The position he would be interviewing for is: Manager,\nTransmission/Power Trading Support, reporting to Grant Masson.\n\nThe interviewees would be:\n\nGrant Masson *\nVince Kaminski *\nMartin Lin\nZimin Lu\nGeorge Hopley *\nBill Rust\n\nIt is essential that the ones marked with an asterik interview him, but it\nwould be great if the others could also.\n\nIf you need any more information, please let me know.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\t\n\t\n - Enron GM.doc\n - LCunningham Resume.doc\n\n", "Exploratory Interview for Grant Masson's Support for Power Trading", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " attached is the resume for lance cunningham, who is a phd candidate from the university of texas."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 16, "nninformation", ["bring", "exploratory", "interview"], "intention", " grant masson would like to bring him in for an exploratory interview at his convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 20, "nninformation", ["interviewing", "position"], "intention", " the position he would be interviewing for is: manager, transmission/power trading support, reporting to grant masson."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 43, "nninformation", ["interview", "him"], "request", " the interviewees would be: grant masson * vince kaminski * martin lin zimin lu personname hopley * bill rust it is essential that the ones marked with an asterik interview him, but it would be great if the others could also."]], "Hi Kathy:\n\nAttached is the resume for Lance Cunningham, who is a PhD candidate from\nthe University of Texas.\n\nGrant Masson would like to bring him in for an exploratory interview at his\nconvenience. The position he would be interviewing for is: Manager,\nTransmission/Power Trading Support, reporting to Grant Masson.\n\nThe interviewees would be:\n\nGrant Masson *\nVince Kaminski *\nMartin Lin\nZimin Lu\nGeorge Hopley *\nBill Rust\n\nIt is essential that the ones marked with an asterik interview him, but it\nwould be great if the others could also.\n\nIf you need any more information, please let me know.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\t\n\t\n - Enron GM.doc\n - LCunningham Resume.doc\n\n", "<10593083.1075857069091.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"exploratory interviewTnn": {"value": "exploratory interviewTnn", "ne": "exploratory interviewTnn", "patterns": ["exploratory interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-11-2000-7:37:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"30-11-2000-7:37:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["30-11-2000-7:37:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "enron.security@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27552628.1075856253561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 07:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: enron.security@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Project Tracking database access\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Enron Messaging Security\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Sandy:\n\nYes he does. Actually in our group meeting today, Vince Kaminski said\nthat he wants most of his group to have access. I believe Stinson Gibner\nis working on the list. Is there a way we could submit a request to \nincorporate \na list of people to give them access? They would need writing access also.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Enron Messaging Security @ ENRON 11/30/2000 \n03:26 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Project Tracking database access\n\nShirley,\n\nThe default access is Read Only. Does this person need more rights, i.e. \nEditor?\n\nThanks,\nSandy\n---------------------- Forwarded by Enron Messaging Security/Corp/Enron on \n11/30/2000 03:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\tSecurity Resource Request System\t\nApplication Line Item\t\tPending Provider Processing\n\nApplication Name:\tUnlisted Lotus Notes Appliction\t\tHow to process this request...\nFor:\tKenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron \t\t\nRequest Type:\tGrant\t\t\n\t\t\t\nComments:\tEFC\\Research\\projtrak.nsf - Needs access to project tracking database\t\tClick \n.\n\t\t\tIf you wish to approve this request, select \"Approve\" in the dialog box. \nOtherwise, select \"Reject\".\n\t\t\tEnter comments (if any).\n\t\t\t\n\n\n\tProvider Approval Section \t\t\nProvider(s):\tEnron Messaging Security/Corp/Enron\tStatus:\t\nE-Mail Message:\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\nComments:\t\t\tsr\n\n\n\n\tGeneral \tRequest:\tSCRW-4RJL94 \nRequested By:\tShirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT\tPhone:\t3-5290\nCompany:\t0413\tRC #:\t107043\n\t\tPriority:\tNormal\n\n\tApplication \t\t\nIcons Added:\t\tExpiration Date:\t\nUNIX Db Required:\tNo\t\t\nNetwork Login ID:\tkparkhil\tUNIX Login ID:\t\nRequired Information:\t\t\t\nGeneral Comments\t\t\tKenneth Parkhill is a new Research employee that needs access\nto the Project Tracking Database\n\n\n\t\tEditing History (Only the last five (5) are shown)\t\n\t\t\t\nEdit #\tPast Authors\tEdit Dates\t\n1\n2\tInformation Risk Management\nEnron Messaging Security \t11/29/2000 02:47:37 PM\n11/30/2000 10:00:43 AM \t\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Project Tracking database access", "", [["submit request{access}", 16, "nninformation", ["request", "submit"], "request information", " is there a way we could submit a request to incorporate a list of people to give them access?"]], "Hi Sandy:\n\nYes he does. Actually in our group meeting today, Vince Kaminski said\nthat he wants most of his group to have access. I believe Stinson Gibner\nis working on the list. Is there a way we could submit a request to \nincorporate \na list of people to give them access? They would need writing access also.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Enron Messaging Security @ ENRON 11/30/2000 \n03:26 PM\n\t\n\n", "<27552628.1075856253561.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-11-2000-2:54:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-2:54:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-2:54:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "ordonez@shasta.phys.us.edu", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7039657.1075856621853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 02:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: ordonez@shasta.phys.us.edu\nSubject: Preliminary Interviews with the Research Group\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: ordonez@shasta.phys.us.edu\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Professor Ordonez:\n\nVince would like to bring Ernesto and Carlos in for a preliminary interview.\nVince and Stinson are available on Tuesday, December 5 or Wednesday,\nDecember 6. \n\nShould I contact them personally, or will you arrange the interviews?\n\nI will need to know the times they are available on these days and I will also\nneed copies of their resumes.\n\nIf you need any information, please call me at 713/853-5290.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n10:48 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n11/27/2000 10:47 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Greetings\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, invite them for a preliminary interview,\nStinson, Zimin, Paulo and myself.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n10:46 AM ---------------------------\n\n\ncarlos ordonez on 11/27/2000 10:15:51 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Greetings\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI am sorry for the dely in answering. These are their phone numbers:\n\nErnesto Hernandez: (713) 532-0573\nCarlos Gorrichategui: (713) 668-0408.\n\nThe best way to get a hold of them at this point would be through\nme. I would pass along the information and then they can contact you.\n\nCheers,\n\nCarlos\n\n\n\nAt 12:50 PM 11/21/00 -0600, you wrote:\n>\n>Carlos,\n>\n>I need their phone numbers.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>carlos ordonez on 11/21/2000 11:45:45 AM\n>\n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>cc:\n>Subject: Re: Greetings\n>\n>\n>Vince,\n>\n>I gave you both their academic reports from here and Mexico and Panama.\n>This\n>information I believe also contain some personal info. Would you need more?\n>One of them was a bit nervous about the formality of turning in an actual\n>resume...\n>\n>Please let me know whether the academic info is not enough.\n>\n>Cheers,\n>\n>Carlos\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>At 10:41 AM 11/21/00 -0600, you wrote:\n>>\n>>Carlos,\n>>\n>>Please, forward their resumes to us and we shall set up an interview for\n>>them.\n>>\n>>Vince\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>carlos ordonez on 11/21/2000 09:30:08 AM\n>>\n>>To: Stinson.Gibner@enron.com\n>>cc: vkamins@enron.com\n>>Subject: Re: Greetings\n>>\n>>\n>>Dear Vincent and Stinson,\n>>\n>>Both my students would love to come visit you guys for an informal\n>>visit in the near future. Please let me know well ahead of time\n>>when they can come. If possible, see to it that their parking expenses\n>>be paid when they do come.\n>>\n>>\n>>I'll be in touch with you all over the next months about this and\n>>a possible postdoctoral/trainee agreement (World Lab.).\n>>\n>>Cheers,\n>>\n>>Carlos\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n\n", "Preliminary Interviews with the Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview", "ernesto"], "intention", "good morning professor ordonez: vince would like to bring ernesto and carlos in for a preliminary interview."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 16, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interviews"], "request information", " should i contact them personally, or will you arrange the interviews?"]], "Good morning Professor Ordonez:\n\nVince would like to bring Ernesto and Carlos in for a preliminary interview.\nVince and Stinson are available on Tuesday, December 5 or Wednesday,\nDecember 6. \n\nShould I contact them personally, or will you arrange the interviews?\n\nI will need to know the times they are available on these days and I will also\nneed copies of their resumes.\n\nIf you need any information, please call me at 713/853-5290.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n\n\n\n", "<7039657.1075856621853.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "ernesto", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-12-2000-0:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"19-12-2000-0:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["19-12-2000-0:28:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "fqian@andrew.cmu.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com molly.magee@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13830856.1075856380816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: fqian@andrew.cmu.edu\nSubject: Interview with the Enron Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, molly.magee@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, molly.magee@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: fqian@andrew.cmu.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Molly Magee\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Frank:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Enron Research Group would like to bring you to \nHouston for an interview, sometime around the last of Januray or the first\nof February. Our Human Resources rep will be contacting you as to the\nbest day and time for you.\n\nCould you please furnish me an electronic version of your resume? I will\nneed this to pass to the HR Dept.\n\nThe people in the Research Group that will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director (will be out of the office until the\n end of January - thus the time frame)\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nZimin Lu Director\n\nThank you very much and we look forward to seeing you soon.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n ", "Interview with the Enron Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "intention", " vince kaminski and the enron research group would like to bring you to houston for an interview, sometime around the last of januray or the first of february."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 24, "nninformation", ["interviewing", "you"], "intention", " the people in the research group that will be interviewing you are: vince kaminski managing director and head of research stinson gibner vice president krishna krishnarao director (will be out of the office until the end of january - thus the time frame) vasant shanbhogue vice president tanya tamarchenko director zimin lu director thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you soon."]], "Good morning Frank:\n\nVince Kaminski and the Enron Research Group would like to bring you to \nHouston for an interview, sometime around the last of Januray or the first\nof February. Our Human Resources rep will be contacting you as to the\nbest day and time for you.\n\nCould you please furnish me an electronic version of your resume? I will\nneed this to pass to the HR Dept.\n\nThe people in the Research Group that will be interviewing you are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nKrishna Krishnarao Director (will be out of the office until the\n end of January - thus the time frame)\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President\nTanya Tamarchenko Director\nZimin Lu Director\n\nThank you very much and we look forward to seeing you soon.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n ", "<13830856.1075856380816.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-7-2000-4:11:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-7-2000-4:11:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-7-2000-4:11:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "amy.oberg@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23862283.1075856336497.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 04:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: amy.oberg@enron.com\nSubject: Value Lab Meeting on the 1st of August\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Amy Oberg\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAmy:\n\nBelow are the individuals Vince wants to include in this meeting. Do you\nwant me to send the email out or is it better coming from you? I have\nreserved EB19C1, however, since most of the guys are located on an\nupper floor we may want to see if we can get something up there.\n\nLet me know. \n\nAttendees\n\nAmy Oberg\nVince Kaminski\nRick Causey\nRick Buy\nMark Koenig", "Value Lab Meeting on the 1st of August", "", [["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 12, "information", ["eb**19", "reserved", "1"], "information", " i have reserved eb numeric c numeric , however, since most of the guys are located on an upper floor we may want to see if we can get something up there."]], "Amy:\n\nBelow are the individuals Vince wants to include in this meeting. Do you\nwant me to send the email out or is it better coming from you? I have\nreserved EB19C1, however, since most of the guys are located on an\nupper floor we may want to see if we can get something up there.\n\nLet me know. \n\nAttendees\n\nAmy Oberg\nVince Kaminski\nRick Causey\nRick Buy\nMark Koenig", "<23862283.1075856336497.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"13": {"value": "eb**19", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "14": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-5-2001-6:13:53Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"11-5-2001-6:13:53Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-5-2001-6:13:53", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "r..fellers@enron.com", "j..kaminski@enron.com anita.dupont@enron.com move-team@enron.com g..moore@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23158514.1075840775896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 May 2001 06:13:53 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: r..fellers@enron.com\nSubject: RE: iBuyit User Set Up\nCc: j..kaminski@enron.com, anita.dupont@enron.com, move-team@enron.com,\n\tg..moore@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: j..kaminski@enron.com, anita.dupont@enron.com, move-team@enron.com,\n\tg..moore@enron.com\nX-From: Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-To: Fellers, Diane R. \nX-cc: Kaminski, Vince J. , Dupont, Anita , Move-Team , Moore, Kevin G. \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\c:\\mangmt\\ENE/ECT\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nDiane:\n\nWe have had quite a few problems with this iBuyit procedure. I have submitted several invoices for payment since May 1st and\nhave reveived none of them back for coding and approval. I am afraid the vendors are going to be coming after us!\n\nWe also have had approval problems. I submitted a hardware request and it went to every manager in our group. I think we \nhave finally gotten that straightened out for the present.\n\nThe requestors and coders would be:\nShirley Crenshaw\nAnita DuPont\nKevin Moore\n\nThe only approved for our group is Vince J. Kaminski (CO 0413 - CC 107043)\n\nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\n\nShirley\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tFellers, Diane R. \nSent:\tThursday, May 10, 2001 4:56 PM\nTo:\tKaminski, Vince J.\nCc:\tCrenshaw, Shirley\nSubject:\tFW: iBuyit User Set Up\n\nVince,\n\nPer the request below, I need a list of people you would like to serve as approvers and requestors for the Research group for the iBuyit program. Of course, they want this as soon as possible. Please let me know who you would like to include.\n\nThanks,\nDiane\nX5-7996\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tVandor, David \nSent:\tThursday, May 10, 2001 4:18 PM\nTo:\tFellers, Diane R.; Guilliams, Lisa; Heath, Holly; Nguyen, Vivian\nCc:\tLeschber, Edie\nSubject:\tFW: iBuyit User Set Up\n\nCould you please gather this info for all your support departments? \n\nIn case you don't know, iBuyit is the web site where employees can purchase, code, and approve invoices for items online.\n\n\nThanks,\nDavid\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tDay, Misti \nSent:\tThursday, May 10, 2001 3:43 PM\nTo:\tBecton, Pam; Brown, Sarah; Cameron, Marlene; Carter, Carol; Coffey Jr., Jim; Davis, Angelic; Dawson, Brian; East, Laynie; Fredericks, Kristi; Hanslip, David; Hardy, Stacy; Hardy, Trey; Harris, Paula; Helton, Susan; Killen, Faith; Lamb, Marnie; Leschber, Edie; Long, Lindsay; Mayeux, Cassandra; Orsak, Susie; Patterson, Grant; Pierce, Jody; Schwertner, Brian; Vandor, David; Vargas, Hope; Vu, Nancy H.; Washington, Deanna; Wolfe, Stephen\nSubject:\tiBuyit User Set Up\n\nThe iBuyit team is trying to get a complete list of approvers and requestors for this program. \nFor each of your teams, please send me the following:\n\nnames of approvers (team head, CC owner, etc.)\nnames of requestors (admins, anyone who would be ordering)\nCost Center\n\nThe iBuyit team wants to keep the number of requestors and approvers limited, but each team will need more than one approver. Every requestor will have a pre-approved limit for each transaction. Approvers will be required to go into the system and approve all transactions that exceed that limit in order for the transaction to be completed.\n\nUnfortunately, we need this information as soon as possible (Monday afternoon at the latest)!\n\nPlease feel free to call me with any questions.\n\nThanks,\nMisti\nx39525", "RE: iBuyit User Set Up", "", [["submit request{access}", 17, "information", ["request", "submitted"], "information", " i submitted a hardware request and it went to every manager in our group."]], "Diane:\n\nWe have had quite a few problems with this iBuyit procedure. I have submitted several invoices for payment since May 1st and\nhave reveived none of them back for coding and approval. I am afraid the vendors are going to be coming after us!\n\nWe also have had approval problems. I submitted a hardware request and it went to every manager in our group. I think we \nhave finally gotten that straightened out for the present.\n\nThe requestors and coders would be:\nShirley Crenshaw\nAnita DuPont\nKevin Moore\n\nThe only approved for our group is Vince J. Kaminski (CO 0413 - CC 107043)\n\nIf you need anything else, please let me know.\n\nShirley\n\n\n ", "<23158514.1075840775896.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-8-2000-6:10:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"21-8-2000-6:10:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-6:10:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23127749.1075856586473.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 06:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request (SCRW-4N9S2F)\nCc: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Software\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI!\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 \n01:07 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nInformation Risk Management\n08/16/2000 03:34 PM\nSent by: Shirley Crenshaw\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request (SCRW-4N9S2F)\n\nThank you for your request.\n\nYou will be notified via eMail when your request has been processed. You can \ncheck the progress of your request by doing one of the following:\nIn the SRRS application, click on Requests I Have Made. A listing of recent \nrequests will be appear sorted by resource name.\nClick on the Request Link below. This is a link to information regarding your \nrequest.\n\nBelow is a summary of your request.\n\nRequested For: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT\nRequest Date: 8/16/2000 3:32:19 PM\nRequest Type: Update Access\nRequest Link: \n\nRequested Resources\nComet\nGRMS (Global Risk Management System)\nUnlisted Application/Software\n\n\nIf you have any questions, please contact Information Risk Management at 35536", "Request Submitted: Access Request (SCRW-4N9S2F)", "", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["request", "submitted"], "information", "request submitted: access request (scrw numeric n numeric s numeric f)."]], "FYI!\n\n\n", "<23127749.1075856586473.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-5-2001-11:32:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"2-5-2001-11:32:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-11:32:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "rwheo@yahoo.com", "", "Message-ID: <14682501.1075840785540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 11:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: rwheo@yahoo.com\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw \nX-To: rwheo \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\resumes\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nGood morning Richard:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research group\nand they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your\nconvenience.\n\nPlease give me some dates and times that you would be available and\nI will coordinate the schedule. Also, the telephone number you wish to be\ncontacted at. \n\nThe telephone interview will be last approximately an hour and the \ninterviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\t\tManaging Director, Research\nStinson Gibner\t\tVice President, Research\nVasant Shanbhogue\tVice President, Research\n\nThanks Richard and we look forward to hearing from you.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 4, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " your resume was forwarded to vince kaminski and the research group and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " your resume was forwarded to vince kaminski and the research group and they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 14, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "dates**times"], "intention", " please give me some dates and times that you would be available and i will coordinate the schedule."]], "Good morning Richard:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research group\nand they would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your\nconvenience.\n\nPlease give me some dates and times that you would be available and\nI will coordinate the schedule. Also, the telephone number you wish to be\ncontacted at. \n\nThe telephone interview will be last approximately an hour and the \ninterviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\t\tManaging Director, Research\nStinson Gibner\t\tVice President, Research\nVasant Shanbhogue\tVice President, Research\n\nThanks Richard and we look forward to hearing from you.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "<14682501.1075840785540.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn": {"value": "hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn", "ne": "hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-5-2000-8:55:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"22-5-2000-8:55:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-8:55:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com osman.sezgen@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20318592.1075857066974.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 08:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nSubject: Telephone Interview with Ming Sit\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Osman Sezgen, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThe telephone interview with Ming Sit has been scheduled for Tuesday,\nMay 23rd at 12:30 PM Houston time. It will be in EB19C2.\n\nKrishna will find out if he will call you or if you should call him at work.\n\nThanks\n\nShirley\n\n", "Telephone Interview with Ming Sit", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 8, "information", ["interview", "scheduled"], "information", "the telephone interview with ming sit has been scheduled for tuesday, datenumeric rd at numerictime pm houston time."]], "The telephone interview with Ming Sit has been scheduled for Tuesday,\nMay 23rd at 12:30 PM Houston time. It will be in EB19C2.\n\nKrishna will find out if he will call you or if you should call him at work.\n\nThanks\n\nShirley\n\n", "<20318592.1075857066974.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"10": {"value": "eb**19", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-7-2000-4:5:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"6-7-2000-4:5:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["6-7-2000-4:5:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "toni.graham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com paulo.issler@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2933709.1075856314714.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 04:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: toni.graham@enron.com\nSubject: Interview with the Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com, paulo.issler@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com, paulo.issler@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Toni Graham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Stinson Gibner, Zimin Lu, Paulo Issler, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Toni:\n\nThe Research Group would like to bring in Jerzy Jarosz for an exploratory\ninterview at his convenience..\n\nThe interviewers from the Research Group would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\nP. V. Krishnarao\nZimin Lu\nPaulo Issler\nTanya Tamarchenko\nStinson Gibner\nGrant Masson (if the interview is after the 18th of July)\nVasant Shanbhogue (if the interview is after the 21st of July)\n\nFrom other departments:\n\nTed Murphy\nBill Bradford\nGary Hickerson\n\nHis resume is attached.\n\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n", "Interview with the Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["bring", "exploratory", "interview"], "intention", " the research group would like to bring in jerzy jarosz for an exploratory interview at his convenience."]], "Good morning Toni:\n\nThe Research Group would like to bring in Jerzy Jarosz for an exploratory\ninterview at his convenience..\n\nThe interviewers from the Research Group would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\nP. V. Krishnarao\nZimin Lu\nPaulo Issler\nTanya Tamarchenko\nStinson Gibner\nGrant Masson (if the interview is after the 18th of July)\nVasant Shanbhogue (if the interview is after the 21st of July)\n\nFrom other departments:\n\nTed Murphy\nBill Bradford\nGary Hickerson\n\nHis resume is attached.\n\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n", "<2933709.1075856314714.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"exploratory interviewTnn": {"value": "exploratory interviewTnn", "ne": "exploratory interviewTnn", "patterns": ["exploratory interviewTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "jarosz", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-5-2000-2:27:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"26-5-2000-2:27:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["26-5-2000-2:27:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com darlene.rhienien@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16467341.1075856829444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 26 May 2000 02:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.grant@enron.com, darlene.rhienien@enron.com\nSubject: Summer Intern for the Research Group\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Elizabeth Grant, Darlene Von Rhienien\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nElizabeth,\n\nCan you please direct me to someone to assist us in making an offer to a \nyoung lady we just interviewed? We would like to bring her in as a summer \nintern the same way that we brought in James Bradley Aimone.\n\nShe will be reporting to Stinson Gibner and I believe she is available right\naway.\n\nI am attaching her resume.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\n", "Summer Intern for the Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 14, "information", ["brought", "aimone"], "information", " we would like to bring her in as a summer intern the same way that we brought in james bradley aimone."]], "Elizabeth,\n\nCan you please direct me to someone to assist us in making an offer to a \nyoung lady we just interviewed? We would like to bring her in as a summer \nintern the same way that we brought in James Bradley Aimone.\n\nShe will be reporting to Stinson Gibner and I believe she is available right\naway.\n\nI am attaching her resume.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\n", "<16467341.1075856829444.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "19-4-2000-2:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"19-4-2000-2:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["19-4-2000-2:14:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "ruwan@rice.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com pushkar.shahi@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1012234.1075856746475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 02:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: ruwan@rice.edu\nSubject: Interview with Ruewan Jayasuriya\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpushkar.shahi@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tpushkar.shahi@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: ruwan@rice.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko, Zimin Lu, Pushkar Shahi\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Ruwan:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would very much like to interview you on\nFriday, April 28. The following schedule has been set up. Please let me\nknow if it is not convenient for you.\n\nFriday, April 28th:\n\n1:00 PM Vasant Shanbhogue\n1:30 PM Vince Kaminski\n2:00 PM Stinson Gibner\n2:30 PM Krishna Krishnarao\n3:00 PM Zimin Lu\n3:30 PM Tanya Tamarchenko\n\nAll interviews will be conducted in conference room EB 1938.\n\nPlease come to the reception desk in the lobby of the Enron Bldg. and ask\nfor me. They will call me and I will meet you in the 19th floor elevator \nlobby.\n\nIf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2000 \n09:03 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/19/2000 08:56 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Pushkar Shahi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson \nGibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Ruewan's resume\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease set up an informal interview:\n\nVK\nVS\nSG\nKP\nZL\nTT\n\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2000 \n08:57 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nPushkar Shahi\n04/18/2000 04:52 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Ruewan's resume\n\n\n\n\nVince:\n\nAs discussed , I am forwarding Ruwan's resume to you. Ruwan is very excited \nabout meeting with you and elaborating on his qualifications. Please let me \nknow a convenient time for next Friday (4/28/00) when he could visit with \nyou (or any other day next week at your convenience). \n\nI have briefly explained to him the nature of the job at Enron Research \nlaying special stress on quantitative, programming and modelling experience. \nRuwans seems very interested in that kind of work.\n\n\n\n\nSincerely,\n\nPushkar Shahi\nFinancial Trading\n\n\n", "Interview with Ruewan Jayasuriya", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["interview", "you"], "intention", " the orgname research group would very much like to interview you on friday, datenumeric ."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 8, "information", ["schedule", "set"], "information", " the following schedule has been set up."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 24, "nninformation", ["conducted", "eb**1938"], "intention", " friday, datenumeric th: numerictime pm vasant shanbhogue numerictime pm vince kaminski numerictime pm stinson gibner numerictime pm krishna krishnarao numerictime pm zimin lu numerictime pm tanya tamarchenko all interviews will be conducted in conference room eb numeric ."]], "Good morning Ruwan:\n\nThe Enron Corp. Research Group would very much like to interview you on\nFriday, April 28. The following schedule has been set up. Please let me\nknow if it is not convenient for you.\n\nFriday, April 28th:\n\n1:00 PM Vasant Shanbhogue\n1:30 PM Vince Kaminski\n2:00 PM Stinson Gibner\n2:30 PM Krishna Krishnarao\n3:00 PM Zimin Lu\n3:30 PM Tanya Tamarchenko\n\nAll interviews will be conducted in conference room EB 1938.\n\nPlease come to the reception desk in the lobby of the Enron Bldg. and ask\nfor me. They will call me and I will meet you in the 19th floor elevator \nlobby.\n\nIf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\n713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n", "<1012234.1075856746475.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"26": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["conference_conference0room eb0numericTnn", "eb0numeric interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-6-2000-8:40:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"21-6-2000-8:40:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["21-6-2000-8:40:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "toni.graham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31996998.1075856327798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 08:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: toni.graham@enron.com\nSubject: Candidate to bring in for Interviews with the Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Toni Graham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Toni:\n\nThe Research Group would like to bring Bruce R. James in for an exploratory\ninterview sometime next week (June 26 - 30).\n\nThe individuals who would be interviewing him are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nGrant Masson Vice President\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nZimin Lu Director\nTanya Tamarchenko Manager\n\nPlease ask Bruce to give you several dates within next week that would \naccommodate him and we can coordinate his dates with Vince's schedule \nand the schedules of the rest of the group. Just call me when you have some\ndates and times.\n\nHis resume is attached.\n \n\n\n", "Candidate to bring in for Interviews with the Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 1, "nninformation", ["bring", "interviews"], "intention", "candidate to bring in for interviews with the research group."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["bring", "bruce"], "intention", " the research group would like to bring bruce r."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 13, "nninformation", ["individuals", "interviewing", "him"], "intention", " the individuals who would be interviewing him are: vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president grant masson vice president vasant shanbhogue vice president p."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 38, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "dates"], "intention", " krishnarao director zimin lu director tanya tamarchenko manager please ask bruce to give you several dates within next week that would accommodate him and we can coordinate his dates with vince's schedule and the schedules of the rest of the group."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 48, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " his resume is attached."]], "Hello Toni:\n\nThe Research Group would like to bring Bruce R. James in for an exploratory\ninterview sometime next week (June 26 - 30).\n\nThe individuals who would be interviewing him are:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director\nStinson Gibner Vice President\nGrant Masson Vice President\nVasant Shanbhogue Vice President\nP. V. Krishnarao Director\nZimin Lu Director\nTanya Tamarchenko Manager\n\nPlease ask Bruce to give you several dates within next week that would \naccommodate him and we can coordinate his dates with Vince's schedule \nand the schedules of the rest of the group. Just call me when you have some\ndates and times.\n\nHis resume is attached.\n \n\n\n", "<31996998.1075856327798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"exploratory interviewTnn": {"value": "exploratory interviewTnn", "ne": "exploratory interviewTnn", "patterns": ["exploratory interviewTnn"]}, "11": {"value": "30", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-9-2001-7:1:33Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"20-9-2001-7:1:33Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["20-9-2001-7:1:33", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "j.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <26008458.1075863404651.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 07:01:33 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: j.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-To: Kaminski, Vince J \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nVince:\n\nI did not get her resume - can you send it as an attachment?\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tKaminski, Vince J \nSent:\tTuesday, September 18, 2001 4:26 PM\nTo:\t''; vkamins@enron.com\nCc:\tCrenshaw, Shirley; Raymond, Maureen\nSubject:\tRE: Resume\n\nSuzanne,\n\nThanks for your message. We shall invite Asta for an interview.\n\nVince Kaminski\n(713) 853 3848\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tCarol_Benter@mckinsey.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Carol+5FBenter+40mckinsey+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] On Behalf Of \nSent:\tTuesday, September 18, 2001 3:41 PM\nTo:\tvkamins@enron.com\nSubject:\tResume\n\nAttached is the resume of Asta Sendonaris a PhD in economics from the\nUniversity of Houston. She comes highly recommended by a former colleague\nof mine, however, we are not hiring at this time. Please feel free to call\nher if you have an interest.\n\n(See attached file: Resume Asta Sendonaris.doc)\n\n\nSuzanne Nimocks\n713/751-4390\n\n\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n| This message may contain confidential and/or privileged |\n| information. If you are not the addressee or authorized to |\n| receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy, |\n| disclose or take any action based on this message or any |\n| information herein. If you have received this message in |\n| error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail |\n| and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation. |\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n(See attached file: Resume Asta Sendonaris.doc)\n - Resume Asta Sendonaris.doc << File: Resume Asta Sendonaris.doc >> ", "RE: Resume", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 4, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", "vince: i did not get her resume - can you send it as an attachment?"]], "Vince:\n\nI did not get her resume - can you send it as an attachment?\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ", "<26008458.1075863404651.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-3-2000-6:49:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-3-2000-6:49:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-3-2000-6:49:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "scott.yeager@enron.com", "sue.wadsworth@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27276667.1075857042317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 06:49:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: scott.yeager@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum\nCc: sue.wadsworth@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sue.wadsworth@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Scott Yeager\nX-cc: Sue Wadsworth\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Eci\\Eci\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nScott:\n\nThis is the memo that Vince sent to the \"top\" management for the offsite. \nI am sending it to you for your information. Glad you can be there on \nThursday evening.\n\n******************************************************************************\n************\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are inviting Ken Rice and Kevin Hannon to this meeting. We would \nappreciate if you could\nspeak, together with Kevin and Ken, on strategic directions of EBS. It is \nimportant for a group\nof technical people, with relatively specialized technical skills, to \nunderstand the big picture.\n\nI am attaching the preliminary agenda for this meeting.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n", "Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 12, "information", ["sending", "information"], "information", " i am sending it to you for your information."]], "Scott:\n\nThis is the memo that Vince sent to the \"top\" management for the offsite. \nI am sending it to you for your information. Glad you can be there on \nThursday evening.\n\n", "<27276667.1075857042317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-9-2000-1:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-9-2000-1:14:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-9-2000-1:14:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "yaralov@usc.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20417702.1075856623758.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 01:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: yaralov@usc.edu\nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Georgi Yaralov\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Grant Masson, Zimin Lu, Tanya Tamarchenko, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMr. Yaralov:\n\nI want to apologize to you, I have had the flu and have been out of the\noffice. Would you be able to receive the call in the morning (Thursday,\nSeptember 28th) at 8:30 AM California time (10:30 AM Houston time)?\nWe will call you at your home, 213/250-5424.\n\nPlease let me know as soon as possible and I will arrange the interview.\n\nSincerest apologies!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Georgi Yaralov\" on 09/25/2000 06:51:45 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\n\n\nDear Shirley Crenshaw.\n\nUnfortunately I did not get any response on my previous e-mail. I would like\nto find out if you want me to set up new time frames for the interview.\nPlease let me know.\n\nSincerely,\nGeorgi Yaralov\n\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \nTo: \nSent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 8:50 AM\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\n\n\n> Good morning Mr. Yaralov:\n>\n> Your resume was forwarded to Vince Kaminski and the Research Group\n> with Enron. They would like to schedule a telephone interview with you\n> at your convenience to see if there might be a fit somewhere within our\n> group.\n>\n> Please let me know several time frames that might be acceptable to you\n> for this interview.\n>\n> The interviewers would be:\n>\n> Stinson Gibner (before Monday the 25th) Vice President\n> Grant Masson (after Monday the 25th) Vice President\n> Zimin Lu Director\n> Tanya Tamarchenko Director\n> Vasant Shanbhogue Vice President\n>\n>\n> Regards,\n>\n> Shirley Crenshaw\n> Administrative Coordinator\n> Enron Research Group\n> 713-853-5290\n> email: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n", "Re: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 16, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "intention", " please let me know as soon as possible and i will arrange the interview."]], "Mr. Yaralov:\n\nI want to apologize to you, I have had the flu and have been out of the\noffice. Would you be able to receive the call in the morning (Thursday,\nSeptember 28th) at 8:30 AM California time (10:30 AM Houston time)?\nWe will call you at your home, 213/250-5424.\n\nPlease let me know as soon as possible and I will arrange the interview.\n\nSincerest apologies!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Georgi Yaralov\" ", {"interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnelpronounTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-11-2000-1:33:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"1-11-2000-1:33:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-1:33:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com molly.magee@enron.com kevin.moore@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22728495.1075856622565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 01:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, molly.magee@enron.com, kevin.moore@enron.com,\n\tmike.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Interviews scheduled for Monday, November 6th (Gary Hickerson's\n position)\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Molly Magee, Kevin G Moore, Mike A Roberts\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning all:\n\nBelow are two more candidates for Gary Hickerson's Tech position. They\nwill be here Monday, November 6th for interviews. \n\nCynthia Shanley\nVince Kaminski 8:30 AM EB1938\nMike Roberts 9:00 AM EB1938\n\nChristopher Burford\nVince Kaminski 9:00 AM EB19C2\nMike Roberts 9:30 AM EB19C2\n\nPlease mark your calendars.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\nMolly:\n\nDo you have copies of the resumes for these two and the others that\nare being interviewed today and tomorrow?\n\nThanks!", "Interviews scheduled for Monday, November 6th (Gary Hickerson's\n position)", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 1, "nninformation", ["interviews", "scheduled"], "intention", "interviews scheduled for monday, datenumeric th (gary hickerson's returnlinen position)."]], "Good morning all:\n\nBelow are two more candidates for Gary Hickerson's Tech position. They\nwill be here Monday, November 6th for interviews. \n\nCynthia Shanley\nVince Kaminski 8:30 AM EB1938\nMike Roberts 9:00 AM EB1938\n\nChristopher Burford\nVince Kaminski 9:00 AM EB19C2\nMike Roberts 9:30 AM EB19C2\n\nPlease mark your calendars.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\nMolly:\n\nDo you have copies of the resumes for these two and the others that\nare being interviewed today and tomorrow?\n\nThanks!", "<22728495.1075856622565.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-5-2000-0:48:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"9-5-2000-0:48:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["9-5-2000-0:48:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17449633.1075857042065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 9 May 2000 00:48:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Meeting w Kevin Hannon\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Eci\\Eci\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince and Stinson:\n\nCarol Brown called and we have scheduled the meeting for 4:00 PM on\nThursday, May 11.\n\nIt will be in Kevin's office at EB4508.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n05/08/2000 04:42 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meeting w Kevin Hannon\n\nShirley,\n\nCould you call Carol Brown and set up a time for Vince and I to meet with \nKevin Hannon later this week?\n\nthanks,\nStinson\n\n\n", "Re: Meeting w Kevin Hannon", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 6, "information", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "information", " carol brown called and we have scheduled the meeting for numerictime pm on thursday, datenumeric ."]], "Vince and Stinson:\n\nCarol Brown called and we have scheduled the meeting for 4:00 PM on\nThursday, May 11.\n\nIt will be in Kevin's office at EB4508.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n05/08/2000 04:42 PM\n", "<17449633.1075857042065.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-6-2000-0:25:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"9-6-2000-0:25:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["9-6-2000-0:25:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vanessa.carranza@enron.com", "leandro.ibasco@enron.com maureen.raymond@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27811439.1075856582227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 00:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vanessa.carranza@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Moving Roy Ibasco\nCc: leandro.ibasco@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: leandro.ibasco@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vanessa Carranza\nX-cc: Leandro Ibasco, Maureen Raymond, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Vanessa:\n\nYou will need to fill out a \"Churn Request\" and forward it to the \"Move Team\"\nthey will take care of everything that you put on the form. I am attaching a \ncopy \nof the form for your information. The receiving department is responsible \nfor \ndoing this. He will need boxes to pack his belongings (ask him how many \nhe needs - he will have to do the packing). The only item that moves other\nthan his personal items, is his telephone. The computer, chair, etc. \nbelongs to \nthe Research Group.\n\nIf you have any questions, or need help, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVanessa Carranza@ENRON\n06/08/2000 04:47 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Moving Roy Ibasco\n\nShirley-\n\nI need to have Roy Ibasco's things moved to EB2930C from EB1948 and have it \ncharged to Co/RC 413-1708. Please give me a call if you have any questions!\n\nThanks-\nVanessa C\n3-5030\n\n", "Re: Moving Roy Ibasco", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 12, "information", ["attaching", "form"], "information", " i am attaching a copy of the form for your information."]], "Hi Vanessa:\n\nYou will need to fill out a \"Churn Request\" and forward it to the \"Move Team\"\nthey will take care of everything that you put on the form. I am attaching a \ncopy \nof the form for your information. The receiving department is responsible \nfor \ndoing this. He will need boxes to pack his belongings (ask him how many \nhe needs - he will have to do the packing). The only item that moves other\nthan his personal items, is his telephone. The computer, chair, etc. \nbelongs to \nthe Research Group.\n\nIf you have any questions, or need help, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVanessa Carranza@ENRON\n06/08/2000 04:47 PM\n", "<27811439.1075856582227.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"churn requestTnn": {"value": "churn requestTnn", "ne": "churn requestTnn", "patterns": ["churn requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-9-2000-2:38:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"1-9-2000-2:38:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["1-9-2000-2:38:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "valeria.i.stone@exxon.sprint.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32721572.1075856623985.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 02:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: valeria.i.stone@exxon.sprint.com\nSubject: RE: Informal Exploratory Interview with Enron Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Valeria.I.Stone@EXXON.sprint.com @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, Grant Masson, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nValeria:\n\nThank you for your prompt response.\n\nI have arranged the following schedule for your interviews. Please let me\nknow if any of the times are inconvenient.\n\nWednesday, September 13th:\n\n3:30 PM Vince Kaminski, Managing Director\n4:00 PM Grant Masson, Vice President\n4:30 PM Tanya Tamarchenko, Director\n5:00 PM Kevin Kindall, Manager\n\nWhen you enter the lobby of the Enron Bldg., go to the security area and\nthey will call me on the telephone to let us know you are here and will\ngive you a visitor's security pass.\n\nYour interviews will be held in EB1938.\n\nHave a great weekend and we will see you on the 13th of September.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nValeria.I.Stone@EXXON.sprint.com on 09/01/2000 08:43:27 AM\nTo: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: RE: Informal Exploratory Interview with Enron Research Group\n\n\n Date: September 1, 2000\n From: Stone, V.I. (Valeria) VISTONE - AMERICAS\n To: EXT-SHIRLEY.CRENSHAW(A)ENRON.CO SHIRLEC1 - FPEXMAIL\n Subject: RE: Informal Exploratory Interview with Enron Research Group\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n I want to thank you for giving me this excellent opportunity to meet with\nEnron Research Group. I would be my pleasure to visit with you any time\nafter 3 PM September 12-15 th. If this time frame is not suitable for you,\nplease let me know. Also, it would be preferable for me to schedule the\ninterview as late as you can in the afternoon or as early in the morning as\npossible.\n As I has already mentioned above, I am very honored by the interest\ndisplayed by Enron Research Group in interviewing me. I believe your company\ndisplays an excellent example of the well respected leader of the energy\nindustry. Enron's overall orientation of staying on the cutting edge of\ntechnology (with such breathtaking projects as e-commerce development) will\nmake the employment with Enron very interesting, pleasant, and rewarding\nexperience. Furthermore, it will provide me with an excellent opportunity to\nmake the contribution to your company's continuing growth and profit.\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: FPEXMAIL(SHIRLEC1)\nSent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 5:29 PM\nTo: Stone, V.I. (Valeria)\nSubject: Informal Exploratory Interview with Enron Research Group\n\n\n\nMs. Stone:\n\nYour resume was forwarded to the Enron Research Group and they would\nlike to conduct an informal interview with you at your convenience.\n\nPlease let me know your availability the week of September 11th. The\nindividuals that would like to interview you are:\n\nVince Kaminski\nGrant Masson\nKevin Kindall\nTanya Tamarchenko\n\nThey will need approximately 30 minutes each (2-2 1/2 hours)\n\nYou may reach me at 713/853-5290 or by email: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n\n\n\n\n \n\n", "RE: Informal Exploratory Interview with Enron Research Group", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 8, "information", ["arranged", "interviews", "schedule"], "information", " i have arranged the following schedule for your interviews."], ["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 40, "nninformation", ["eb**1938", "held"], "intention", " your interviews will be held in eb numeric ."]], "Valeria:\n\nThank you for your prompt response.\n\nI have arranged the following schedule for your interviews. Please let me\nknow if any of the times are inconvenient.\n\nWednesday, September 13th:\n\n3:30 PM Vince Kaminski, Managing Director\n4:00 PM Grant Masson, Vice President\n4:30 PM Tanya Tamarchenko, Director\n5:00 PM Kevin Kindall, Manager\n\nWhen you enter the lobby of the Enron Bldg., go to the security area and\nthey will call me on the telephone to let us know you are here and will\ngive you a visitor's security pass.\n\nYour interviews will be held in EB1938.\n\nHave a great weekend and we will see you on the 13th of September.\n\nBest regards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nValeria.I.Stone@EXXON.sprint.com on 09/01/2000 08:43:27 AM\n", "<32721572.1075856623985.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"41": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric interviewTnn"]}, "exploratory interviewTnn": {"value": "exploratory interviewTnn", "ne": "exploratory interviewTnn", "patterns": ["exploratory interviewTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-2-2000-0:40:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-2-2000-0:40:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-0:40:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com jason.sokolov@enron.com vincent.tang@enron.com alexios.kollaros@enron.com martin.lin@enron.com maureen.raymond@enron.com osman.sezgen@enron.com paulo.issler@enron.com michael.sergeev@enron.com patricia.tlapek@enron.com farouk.lalji@enron.com amitava.dhar@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com ronnie.chahal@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com kevin.moore@enron.com clayton.vernon@enron.com william.smith@enron.com ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com leandro.ibasco@enron.com yanna.crystal@enron.com jose.marquez@enron.com samer.takriti@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <13578817.1075857015793.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 00:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tmike.roberts@enron.com, joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com,\n\tzimin.lu@enron.com, jason.sokolov@enron.com, vincent.tang@enron.com,\n\talexios.kollaros@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com,\n\tmaureen.raymond@enron.com, osman.sezgen@enron.com,\n\tpaulo.issler@enron.com, michael.sergeev@enron.com,\n\tpatricia.tlapek@enron.com, farouk.lalji@enron.com,\n\tamitava.dhar@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com,\n\tronnie.chahal@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com,\n\tkevin.moore@enron.com, clayton.vernon@enron.com,\n\twilliam.smith@enron.com, ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com,\n\tleandro.ibasco@enron.com, yanna.crystal@enron.com,\n\tjose.marquez@enron.com, samer.takriti@enron.com\nSubject: Off Duty Days\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Vasant Shanbhogue, Mike A Roberts, Joseph Hrgovcic, Grant Masson, Tanya Tamarchenko, Zimin Lu, Jason Sokolov, Vincent Tang, Alexios Kollaros, Martin Lin, Maureen Raymond, Osman Sezgen, Paulo Issler, Michael Sergeev, Patricia Tlapek, Farouk Lalji, Amitava Dhar, Alex Huang, Ronnie Chahal, Kevin Kindall, Kevin G Moore, Clayton Vernon, William Smith, Ravi Thuraisingham, Leandro Ibasco, Yanna Crystal, Jose Marquez, Samer Takriti\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Ene_ect\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning all:\n\nMost of you do this, but just in case, please advise me of any off duty\ndays, i.e. vacation, sick, personal, jury duty, etc. as soon as possible,\neither before or as soon as you take them.\n\nAlso, I am making new wallet info cards and if you have not sent me\nyour home telephone number, or if you have a new one, please let\nme know as soon as possible.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\nShirley\n\n ", "Off Duty Days", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 14, "information", ["sent", "info"], "information", " also, i am making new wallet info cards and if you have not sent me your home telephone number, or if you have a new one, please let me know as soon as possible."]], "Good morning all:\n\nMost of you do this, but just in case, please advise me of any off duty\ndays, i.e. vacation, sick, personal, jury duty, etc. as soon as possible,\neither before or as soon as you take them.\n\nAlso, I am making new wallet info cards and if you have not sent me\nyour home telephone number, or if you have a new one, please let\nme know as soon as possible.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\nShirley\n\n ", "<13578817.1075857015793.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-5-2000-2:51:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"8-5-2000-2:51:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-2:51:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com kathy.mckay@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2808747.1075856825456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 May 2000 02:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.grant@enron.com, kathy.mckay@enron.com\nSubject: Interview with the Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Elizabeth Grant, Kathy McKay\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi Kathy and Elizabeth:\n\nVince Kaminski would like to bring Chris Kenyon in for a formal interview\nwith the Research Group. We would like to bring him in on Monday,\nMay 15th, or Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the week of \nMay 22 - 26th. If these dates do not work for Chris, please let me know.. \n\nThe interview participants would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu\nVasant Shanbhogue\nGrant Masson\nPaul Issler\nKrishna Krishnarao\n\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2000 \n09:41 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/08/2000 09:25 AM\nTo: Christopher M Kenyon @ ENRON\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: real options openings? \n\nChris,\n\nWe shall make arrangements to bring you over for an interview.\nOur HR Department will contact you later this week.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nChristopher M Kenyon on 05/05/2000 07:56:11 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: real options openings?\n\n\nDear Vince Kaminski,\n I was auditing Prof Dyer's Real Options class on Thursday when you spoke\non Enron's activities in this area. I would be interested in exploring the\npossibility of joining the group that works on real options in response to\nand in anticipation of Enron's business requirements. I'm currently\nworking in the development and application of real options methodology at\nSchlumberger. In particular I'll be speaking at an industry Real Options\nValuation conference in London (http://www.iqpc.co.uk/finance/rov/) and I\njust had the paper accepted for publication in Operations Research. Could\nyou pass my resume on to the relevant people to have a look at?\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nChris Kenyon\n\n - cmkenyon_cv_may00.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Interview with the Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 7, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview", "kenyon"], "intention", "hi kathy and elizabeth: vince kaminski would like to bring chris kenyon in for a formal interview with the research group."]], "Hi Kathy and Elizabeth:\n\nVince Kaminski would like to bring Chris Kenyon in for a formal interview\nwith the Research Group. We would like to bring him in on Monday,\nMay 15th, or Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the week of \nMay 22 - 26th. If these dates do not work for Chris, please let me know.. \n\nThe interview participants would be:\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nZimin Lu\nVasant Shanbhogue\nGrant Masson\nPaul Issler\nKrishna Krishnarao\n\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\n\nThanks and have a great day!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n", "<2808747.1075856825456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "kenyon", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-4-2001-17:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"10-4-2001-17:20:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-17:20:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "barrett@rice.edu uecker@rice.edu cmiller@rice.edu lounghrid@rice.edu luigical@rice.edu", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22541629.1075840787788.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 17:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu, lounghrid@rice.edu,\n\tluigical@rice.edu\nSubject: Re: ALP presentation\nCc: christie.patrick@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: christie.patrick@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw \nX-To: barrett , uecker , cmiller , lounghrid , luigical \nX-cc: Christie Patrick \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Rice\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nFor your information, the ALP Project presenation that Vince Kaminski\ninvited you to will be held in the Enron Bldg. in conference room EB49C1.\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "Re: ALP presentation", "", [["invite personnelpronoun", 8, "information", ["invited", "you"], "information", "for your information, the alp project presenation that vince kaminski invited you to will be held in the enron bldg."]], "For your information, the ALP Project presenation that Vince Kaminski\ninvited you to will be held in the Enron Bldg. in conference room EB49C1.\nIf you need any other information, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group\n713-853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com", "<22541629.1075840787788.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"12": {"value": "eb**49", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["conference0room eb0numeric numericTnnn", "conference_conference0room eb0numericTnn", "eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "13": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["conference0room eb0numeric numericTnnn", "eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-4-2001-11:10:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"23-4-2001-11:10:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["23-4-2001-11:10:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "iris.mack@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13025152.1075840777957.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 11:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: iris.mack@enron.com\nSubject: RE: visit to Enron by Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of Boston\n University\nCc: anita.dupont@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.dupont@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw \nX-To: Iris Mack \nX-cc: Anita DuPont \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\c:\\technote\\mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nHI Iris:\n\nMay 17th is fine. He will probably need to come in the night before (the 16th)\nand he can make a hotel reservation at the Doubletree or the Hyatt and tell\nthem he is a guest of Enron and he will get a corporate rate. We will reimburse \nhim for room expense only. He will need to pick up any miscellaneous room \ncharges. We will also reimburse him for his flight expense and cab fare.\nThe Doubletree Telephone # is: 713-759-0202 and the Hyatt Telephone is:\n713-654-1234.\n\nHe can either leave his receipts with me when he is here or mail them\nto me and I will have a check cut. I will need his SS#.\n\nIf you have any more questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tIris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/20/2001 04:32 PM\nTo:\tVince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/Houston/Eott@Eott\ncc:\tnalink@bu.edu@SMTP@enronXgate \nSubject:\tRE: visit to Enron by Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of Boston University\n\n\nHi Shirley,\n\n\tVince has requested that we invite Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of Boston University to speak at one of our Thursday group luncheons/seminars.\n\n\tNalin says he is available to speak on May 17th. \n\n\tCan you let me know if this is okay, and what the procedure is for invited speakers.\n\nThanks and have a good weekend,\nIris\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: visit to Enron by Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of Boston\n University", "", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 9, "nninformation", ["make", "reservation"], "intention", " he will probably need to come in the night before (the datenumeric h) and he can make a hotel reservation at the doubletree or the hyatt and tell them he is a guest of enron and he will get a corporate rate."]], "HI Iris:\n\nMay 17th is fine. He will probably need to come in the night before (the 16th)\nand he can make a hotel reservation at the Doubletree or the Hyatt and tell\nthem he is a guest of Enron and he will get a corporate rate. We will reimburse \nhim for room expense only. He will need to pick up any miscellaneous room \ncharges. We will also reimburse him for his flight expense and cab fare.\nThe Doubletree Telephone # is: 713-759-0202 and the Hyatt Telephone is:\n713-654-1234.\n\nHe can either leave his receipts with me when he is here or mail them\nto me and I will have a check cut. I will need his SS#.\n\nIf you have any more questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tIris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/20/2001 04:32 PM\n", "<13025152.1075840777957.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"hotel reservationTnn": {"value": "hotel reservationTnn", "ne": "hotel reservationTnn", "patterns": ["hotel reservationTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-8-2000-6:11:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"11-8-2000-6:11:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-6:11:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "larry.may@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com bob.lee@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <27216876.1075856341656.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 06:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: larry.may@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tbob.lee@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com\nSubject: Gas Transportation Meeting - 8/16/00\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Larry May, Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski, Bob Lee, Zimin Lu\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello everyone:\n\nA meeting has been scheduled between the addressees for Wednesday,\nAugust 16th at 4:00PM in EB1938.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley", "Gas Transportation Meeting - 8/16/00", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 4, "information", ["eb**1938", "meeting", "scheduled"], "information", " a meeting has been scheduled between the addressees for wednesday, datenumeric th at numerictime pm in eb numeric ."]], "Hello everyone:\n\nA meeting has been scheduled between the addressees for Wednesday,\nAugust 16th at 4:00PM in EB1938.\n\nIf you have any questions, please let me know.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley", "<27216876.1075856341656.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "eb**1938", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-11-2000-2:15:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"3-11-2000-2:15:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["3-11-2000-2:15:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com lance.cunningham@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com sevil.yaman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14336743.1075856365820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 02:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tjoseph.hrgovcic@enron.com, lance.cunningham@enron.com,\n\talex.huang@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tsevil.yaman@enron.com\nSubject: Weather Delta Demonstration Meeting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Joseph Hrgovcic, Lance Cunningham, Alex Huang, Vasant Shanbhogue, Sevil Yaman\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nThe Weather Delta Demonstration will be held Wednesday, November\n8th from 10:00 - 11:30 AM in EB19C2. \n\nPlease let me know if this is ok with everyone.\n\nShirley\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 11/03/2000 \n10:06 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nAlex Huang@ENRON\n11/02/2000 01:06 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: WeatherDelta demonstration scheduling\n\nShirley,\nCan you schedule a meeting for the following people?\nVince J Kaminski, Joseph Hrgovcic, Vasant Shanbhogue, Lance Cunningham, Sevil \nYaman, Stinson Gibner and I.\nThe preferred time is the week after next week.\n\nThanks a lot.\nAlex\n---------------------- Forwarded by Alex Huang/Corp/Enron on 11/02/2000 01:04 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n11/01/2000 05:27 PM\nTo: Alex Huang/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: RE: WeatherDelta demonstration scheduling \n\nAlex,\n\nI agree. Let them make up the data. Please, ask Shirley to determine \nconvenient date and time.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "Weather Delta Demonstration Meeting", "", [["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 7, "nninformation", ["eb**19", "held", "2"], "intention", "the weather delta demonstration will be held wednesday, november datenumeric h from numerictime - numerictime am in eb numeric c numeric ."]], "The Weather Delta Demonstration will be held Wednesday, November\n8th from 10:00 - 11:30 AM in EB19C2. \n\nPlease let me know if this is ok with everyone.\n\nShirley\n\n\n", "<14336743.1075856365820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "eb**19", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["demonstration_presentation eb0numericTnn", "eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn": {"value": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "ne": "demonstration_presentation meetingTnn", "patterns": ["demonstration_presentation meetingTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-6-2000-7:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-6-2000-7:28:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-6-2000-7:28:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "scollins@vailresorts.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7717249.1075856317809.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 07:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: scollins@vailresorts.com\nSubject: Re: Enron Offsite\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: \"Steve Collins\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLet's do it! August 18 - 20 is our first choice!\n\nPlease send me all the information and then we will discuss the particulars.\n\nI will get Vince to sign it immediately.\n\n\nThanks Steve!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Steve Collins\" on 06/27/2000 02:22:27 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Enron Offsite\n\n\nHello again!\n\nI PROMISE I am not running! The deal that we worked out with the General \nManager (Tom Pratt) is that Enron has a $6000 credit with the Great Divide \nLodge that will expire on 8/1/00. You can either use that credit for \nindividual rooms PRIOR to 8/1/00, or we have agreed that we can apply that \namount to a meeting prior to the Thanksgiving holiday in 2000 IF the contract \nis SIGNED before 8/1/00.\n\nAt this point, August 18-20 is available, but the 25-28 is not. If we can \nget this signed prior to 7/31/00, your $6000 credit would be able to be \napplied to this event.\n\nPlease let me know if this will work for you. Thanks!\n\nSteve\n\n\n\nSteve Collins\nNational Sales Manager\nThe Village at Breckenridge/Great Divide Lodge\n(800) 332-0424 or (970)453-3156 direct\nscollins@vailresorts.com\n\n>>> \"Shirley Crenshaw\" 06/27/00 01:06PM >>>\n\n\nHello Steve:\n\nPlease don't run! I know after the last fiasco with an Enron offsite you are\nprobably running for the hills!\n\nI do want to apologize to you and thank you for all of your assistance even\nthough we were unable to make the trip.\n\nHowever, I understand there has been an arrangement made with Enron,\nthat if we book a time and come before Thanksgiving we can recoup the money\nthat we forfeited? Please let me know if I am understanding this correctly.\n\nIf so, we have been told that our group can use this for an offsite.\n\nWe are looking at the weekends of August 18, 19 and 20 or August 25,\n26 and 27th. There will be approximately 12 people.\n\nPlease let me know your understanding of the arrangement and the\navailability of the dates mentioned.\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nRegards,\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Corp. Research\nTelephone: 713/853-5290\nemail: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Enron Offsite", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "request", " please send me all the information and then we will discuss the particulars."]], "Let's do it! August 18 - 20 is our first choice!\n\nPlease send me all the information and then we will discuss the particulars.\n\nI will get Vince to sign it immediately.\n\n\nThanks Steve!\n\nShirley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Steve Collins\" ", [], false]}, "25-10-2001-12:8:56Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"25-10-2001-12:8:56Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["25-10-2001-12:8:56", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "program.associate@enron.com doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com harry.arora@enron.com robert.stalford@enron.com dana.davis@enron.com steve.wang@enron.com iris.mack@enron.com jim.meyn@enron.com nick.hiemstra@enron.com rahul.seksaria@enron.com pete.heintzelman@enron.com d..baughman@enron.com tom.may@enron.com anne.dean@enron.com clint.dean@enron.com utku.gulmeden@enron.com utku.gulmeden@enron.com john.will@enron.com lloyd.will@enron.com c..aucoin@enron.com edith.cross@enron.com naveen.andrews@enron.com rika.imai@enron.com ed.mcmichael@enron.com mark.breese@enron.com d..cisneros@enron.com sanjeev.khanna@enron.com michelle.zhang@enron.com zhiyun.yang@enron.com e-mail .adam@enron.com e-mail .alex@enron.com e-mail .amitava@enron.com e-mail .anguel@enron.com e-mail .anita@enron.com e-mail .bob@enron.com e-mail .chonawee@enron.com e-mail .christopher@enron.com e-mail .gwyn@enron.com e-mail .heather@enron.com e-mail .jaesoo@enron.com e-mail .jason@enron.com e-mail .jose@enron.com e-mail .joseph@enron.com e-mail .karthik@enron.com e-mail .kenneth@enron.com e-mail .kevin@enron.com e-mail .lance@enron.com e-mail .leann@enron.com e-mail .martin@enron.com e-mail .maureen@enron.com e-mail .mauricio@enron.com e-mail .mike@enron.com e-mail .mitra@enron.com e-mail .nelson@enron.com e-mail .osman@enron.com e-mail .paulo@enron.com e-mail .pinnamaneni@enron.com e-mail .pravas@enron.com e-mail .praveen@enron.com e-mail .rabi@enron.com e-mail .rakesh@enron.com e-mail .sandeep@enron.com e-mail .sarah@enron.com e-mail .seksan@enron.com e-mail .sevil@enron.com e-mail .shalesh@enron.com e-mail .shane@enron.com e-mail .shravan@enron.com e-mail .sofya@enron.com e-mail .sriram@enron.com e-mail .steve@enron.com e-mail .tanya@enron.com e-mail .therese@enron.com e-mail .tom@enron.com e-mail .tom@enron.com e-mail .vasant@enron.com e-mail .vince@enron.com e-mail .wichai@enron.com e-mail .william@enron.com e-mail .zimin@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20211318.1075852137959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 12:08:56 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: program.associate@enron.com, doug.gilbert-smith@enron.com,\n\tharry.arora@enron.com, robert.stalford@enron.com,\n\tdana.davis@enron.com, steve.wang@enron.com, iris.mack@enron.com,\n\tjim.meyn@enron.com, nick.hiemstra@enron.com,\n\trahul.seksaria@enron.com, pete.heintzelman@enron.com,\n\td..baughman@enron.com, tom.may@enron.com, anne.dean@enron.com,\n\tclint.dean@enron.com, utku.gulmeden@enron.com,\n\tutku.gulmeden@enron.com, john.will@enron.com, lloyd.will@enron.com,\n\tc..aucoin@enron.com, edith.cross@enron.com, naveen.andrews@enron.com,\n\trika.imai@enron.com, ed.mcmichael@enron.com, mark.breese@enron.com,\n\td..cisneros@enron.com, sanjeev.khanna@enron.com,\n\tmichelle.zhang@enron.com, zhiyun.yang@enron.com,\n\te-mail <.adam@enron.com>, e-mail <.alex@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.amitava@enron.com>, e-mail <.anguel@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.anita@enron.com>, e-mail <.bob@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.chonawee@enron.com>, e-mail <.christopher@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.gwyn@enron.com>, e-mail <.heather@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.jaesoo@enron.com>, e-mail <.jason@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.jose@enron.com>, e-mail <.joseph@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.karthik@enron.com>, e-mail <.kenneth@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.kevin@enron.com>, e-mail <.lance@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.leann@enron.com>, e-mail <.martin@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.maureen@enron.com>, e-mail <.mauricio@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.mike@enron.com>, e-mail <.mitra@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.nelson@enron.com>, e-mail <.osman@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.paulo@enron.com>, e-mail <.pinnamaneni@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.pravas@enron.com>, e-mail <.praveen@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.rabi@enron.com>, e-mail <.rakesh@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.sandeep@enron.com>, e-mail <.sarah@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.seksan@enron.com>, e-mail <.sevil@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.shalesh@enron.com>, e-mail <.shane@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.shravan@enron.com>, e-mail <.sofya@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.sriram@enron.com>, e-mail <.steve@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.tanya@enron.com>, e-mail <.therese@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.tom@enron.com>, e-mail <.tom@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.vasant@enron.com>, e-mail <.vince@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.wichai@enron.com>, e-mail <.william@enron.com>,\n\te-mail <.zimin@enron.com>\nSubject: Presentation Announcement\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-To: Associate & Analyst Program , Gilbert-smith, Doug , Arora, Harry , Stalford, Robert , Davis, Mark Dana , Wang, Steve , Mack, Iris , Meyn, Jim , Hiemstra, Nick , Seksaria, Rahul , Heintzelman, Pete , Baughman, Edward D. , May, Tom , Dean, Anne , Dean, Clint , Gulmeden, Utku , Gulmeden, Utku , Will, John , Will, Lloyd , Aucoin, Berney C. , Cross, Edith , Andrews, Naveen , Imai, Rika , McMichael Jr., Ed , Breese, Mark , Cisneros, Michelle D. , Khanna, Sanjeev , Zhang, Michelle , Yang, Zhiyun , Adam Stevens (E-mail) , Alex Huang (E-mail) , Amitava Dhar (E-mail) , Anguel Grigorov (E-mail) , Anita DuPont (E-mail) , Bob Lee (E-mail) , Chonawee Supatgiat (E-mail) , Christopher Pernoud (E-mail) , Gwyn Koepke (E-mail) , Heather A. Johnson (E-mail) , Jaesoo Lew (E-mail) , Jason Sokolov (E-mail) , Jose Marquez (E-mail) , Joseph Hrgovcic (E-mail) , Karthik Rajan (E-mail) , Kenneth Deng (E-mail) , Kevin G Moore (E-mail) , Lance Cunningham (E-mail) , Leann Walton (E-mail) , Martin Lin (E-mail) , Maureen Raymond (E-mail) , Mauricio Mora (E-mail) , Mike A Roberts (E-mail) , Mitra Mujica (E-mail) , Nelson Neale (E-mail) , Osman Sezgen (E-mail) , Paulo Issler (E-mail) , Pinnamaneni Krishnarao (E-mail) , Pravas Sud (E-mail) , Praveen Mellacheruvu (E-mail) , Rabi De (E-mail) , Rakesh Bharati (E-mail) , Sandeep Kohli (E-mail) , Sarah Wooddy (E-mail) , Seksan Kiatsupaibul (E-mail) , Sevil Yaman (E-mail) , Shalesh Ganjoo (E-mail) , Shane Green (E-mail) , Shravan Chopra (E-mail) , Sofya Tamarchenko (E-mail) , Sriram Vasudevan (E-mail) , Steve Bennett (E-mail) , Tanya Tamarchenko (E-mail) , Therese Candella (E-mail) , Tom Barkley (E-mail) , Tom Halliburton (E-mail) , Vasant Shanbhogue (E-mail) , Vince J Kaminski (E-mail) , Wichai Narongwanich (E-mail) , William Smith (E-mail) , Zimin Lu (E-mail) \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\CDEAN (Non-Privileged)\\Dean, Clint\\Inbox\nX-Origin: DEAN-C\nX-FileName: CDEAN (Non-Privileged).pst\n\n\nYou are invited to attend the following presentation: \n\nPSIM: A Power Simulation Tool\n\nPSIM is a proprietary model developed by Enron Research Group.\n\n?\tIt takes Power, Gas, Weather and demand information into consideration and \n\tuses Monte-Carlo simulation to assess the expected deal value and risk distribution. \n?\tIt evaluates complex electricity related contracts such\nas Full Requirement and load following contract. \n?\tIt also provides a valuation tool for power assets and asset management deals.\n?\tIt works for both deal specific or portfolio issues.\n\nIn this presentation we will show how the model can be used to deal with various types \nof contracts, explain the model structure and point out further applications. \n\nDate:\t\tOctober 30, 2001\nTime: \t4:00 pm\nLocation: \tEB5C2\nPresenter: \tAlex Huang\n\n\nRegistration is required for a head count. \nPlease call Shirley Crenshaw at 3-5290 to register.\n\nPizza and soft drinks will be served. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Presentation Announcement", "", [["invite personnelpronoun", 3, "information", ["invited", "you"], "information", " you are invited to attend the following presentation: psim: a power simulation tool psim is a proprietary model developed by enron research group."]], "\nYou are invited to attend the following presentation: \n\nPSIM: A Power Simulation Tool\n\nPSIM is a proprietary model developed by Enron Research Group.\n\n?\tIt takes Power, Gas, Weather and demand information into consideration and \n\tuses Monte-Carlo simulation to assess the expected deal value and risk distribution. \n?\tIt evaluates complex electricity related contracts such\nas Full Requirement and load following contract. \n?\tIt also provides a valuation tool for power assets and asset management deals.\n?\tIt works for both deal specific or portfolio issues.\n\nIn this presentation we will show how the model can be used to deal with various types \nof contracts, explain the model structure and point out further applications. \n\nDate:\t\tOctober 30, 2001\nTime: \t4:00 pm\nLocation: \tEB5C2\nPresenter: \tAlex Huang\n\n\nRegistration is required for a head count. \nPlease call Shirley Crenshaw at 3-5290 to register.\n\nPizza and soft drinks will be served. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "<20211318.1075852137959.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"64": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["date_date0time numericTnn"]}, "67": {"value": "eb**5", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric location_positionTnn", "eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "68": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-11-2000-2:6:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-2:6:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-2:6:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "knirel@yahoo.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2591961.1075856621874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 02:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: knirel@yahoo.com\nSubject: Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Knirel@yahoo.com\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Ms. Knirel:\n\nVince Kaminski and several members of the Research Group would like\nto conduct a telephone interview with you sometime this week at your\nconvenience. Please let me know the times that you are available and\nthey will contact you.\n\nThe telephone interviews usually last approximately 1 hour and will be \nconducted via a speaker phone.\n\nThe Interviewers will be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President, Research\nTanya Tamarchenko Director, Research\nZimin Lu Director, Research\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nBest regards,\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group", "Telephone Interview with the Enron Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["conduct", "interview", "telephone"], "intention", " knirel: vince kaminski and several members of the research group would like to conduct a telephone interview with you sometime this week at your convenience."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 21, "nninformation", ["conducted", "interviews", "telephone"], "intention", " the telephone interviews usually last approximately numeric hour and will be conducted via a speaker phone."]], "Good morning Ms. Knirel:\n\nVince Kaminski and several members of the Research Group would like\nto conduct a telephone interview with you sometime this week at your\nconvenience. Please let me know the times that you are available and\nthey will contact you.\n\nThe telephone interviews usually last approximately 1 hour and will be \nconducted via a speaker phone.\n\nThe Interviewers will be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President, Research\nTanya Tamarchenko Director, Research\nZimin Lu Director, Research\n\nLook forward to hearing from you.\n\nBest regards,\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdministrative Coordinator\nEnron Research Group", "<2591961.1075856621874.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"20": {"value": "1**hour", "ne": "numeric0hour", "patterns": ["hour_numeric0hour interviewTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-5-2000-4:5:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"15-5-2000-4:5:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-4:5:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "taperry@oregon.uoregon.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com david.hunker@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29393232.1075856826564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 May 2000 04:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: taperry@oregon.uoregon.edu\nSubject: Telephone Interview with Enron Corp. Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, david.hunker@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, david.hunker@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: taperry@oregon.uoregon.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, David Hunker\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGood morning Todd:\n\nDavid Hunker has suggested that you might be a good fit with the Research\nGroup of Enron Corp. With this in mind, we would like to conduct and \ninformal \ntelephone interview with you at your convenience.\n\nIf you could give me some times and dates during the week of May 22nd,\nI will coordinate the interview. Please let me know the telephone number \nthat you may be reached at, also.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President, Research\nZimin Lu Director, Research\n\nThanks.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdminstrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n713/853-5290", "Telephone Interview with Enron Corp. Research Group", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["conduct", "informal", "interview"], "intention", " david hunker has suggested that you might be a good fit with the research group of orgname with this in mind, we would like to conduct and informal telephone interview with you at your convenience."], ["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 17, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "dates", "interview"], "intention", " if you could give me some times and dates during the week of datenumeric nd, i will coordinate the interview."], ["reach cell0phone", 23, "nninformation", ["you", "reached", "telephone**number"], "intention", " please let me know the telephone number that you may be reached at, also."]], "Good morning Todd:\n\nDavid Hunker has suggested that you might be a good fit with the Research\nGroup of Enron Corp. With this in mind, we would like to conduct and \ninformal \ntelephone interview with you at your convenience.\n\nIf you could give me some times and dates during the week of May 22nd,\nI will coordinate the interview. Please let me know the telephone number \nthat you may be reached at, also.\n\nThe interviewers would be:\n\nVince Kaminski Managing Director and Head of Research\nStinson Gibner Vice President, Research\nZimin Lu Director, Research\n\nThanks.\n\nShirley Crenshaw\nAdminstrative Coordinator\nResearch Group\n713/853-5290", "<29393232.1075856826564.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"date interviewTnn": {"value": "date interviewTnn", "ne": "date interviewTnn", "patterns": ["date interviewTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "interview phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "interview phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["interview phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun telephone_telephone0numberTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-8-2000-8:33:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"10-8-2000-8:33:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["10-8-2000-8:33:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "move-team@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com amitava.dhar@enron.com martin.lin@enron.com paulo.issler@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com jose.marquez@enron.com kevin.moore@enron.com anita.dupont@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13382577.1075856580547.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 08:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: move-team@enron.com\nSubject: Research Dept. Move\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, amitava.dhar@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com,\n\tpaulo.issler@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com,\n\tjoseph.hrgovcic@enron.com, jose.marquez@enron.com,\n\tkevin.moore@enron.com, anita.dupont@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, amitava.dhar@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com,\n\tpaulo.issler@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com,\n\tjoseph.hrgovcic@enron.com, jose.marquez@enron.com,\n\tkevin.moore@enron.com, anita.dupont@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Move-Team\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Amitava Dhar, Martin Lin, Paulo Issler, Mike A Roberts, Joseph Hrgovcic, Jose Marquez, Kevin G Moore, Anita DuPont\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello everyone:\n\nAttached is the churn relocation request for some office exchanges within \nthe Research group on the 19th Floor. I have grouped them in sets of two\nwhich are the exchanges.\n\nThis is a very RUSH order. We would appreciate your getting to this as\nsoon as possible - the 15th of August would be great, if possible.\n\nLet me know if there is something that you do not understand. Thanks!\n\nShirley\n", "Research Dept. Move", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 1, "information", ["attached", "request"], "information", " attached is the churn relocation request for some office exchanges within the research group on the datenumeric h floor."]], "Hello everyone:\n\nAttached is the churn relocation request for some office exchanges within \nthe Research group on the 19th Floor. I have grouped them in sets of two\nwhich are the exchanges.\n\nThis is a very RUSH order. We would appreciate your getting to this as\nsoon as possible - the 15th of August would be great, if possible.\n\nLet me know if there is something that you do not understand. Thanks!\n\nShirley\n", "<13382577.1075856580547.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"churn requestTnn": {"value": "churn requestTnn", "ne": "churn requestTnn", "patterns": ["churn requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-8-2000-2:52:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"28-8-2000-2:52:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["28-8-2000-2:52:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "norma.villarreal@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27393796.1075856293234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 02:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: norma.villarreal@enron.com\nSubject: Research Group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Norma Villarreal\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello Norma:\n\nIn answer to your phone message I am sending you the following information.\n\nThere is one thing you probably need to be aware of. On the Research\nlist, Elena Chilkina is shown as an Analyst P/T, however, in the records she\nis shown as an \"Adm Coord\". This was done so that she could be considered\nnon-exempt and receive overtime. However, her actual job is an analyst.\n\nAlso, Roman Zadarozhny is an analyst that rotated out of our group 6 months\nago, but was never moved to the new group. He is now up for rotation again\nand Vince said that we will just keep him until he finds a new rotation.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n", "Research Group", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 4, "information", ["sending", "information"], "information", " in answer to your phone message i am sending you the following information."]], "Hello Norma:\n\nIn answer to your phone message I am sending you the following information.\n\nThere is one thing you probably need to be aware of. On the Research\nlist, Elena Chilkina is shown as an Analyst P/T, however, in the records she\nis shown as an \"Adm Coord\". This was done so that she could be considered\nnon-exempt and receive overtime. However, her actual job is an analyst.\n\nAlso, Roman Zadarozhny is an analyst that rotated out of our group 6 months\nago, but was never moved to the new group. He is now up for rotation again\nand Vince said that we will just keep him until he finds a new rotation.\n\nIf you have any questions, please call me.\n", "<27393796.1075856293234.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"exempt overtimeTnn": {"value": "exempt overtimeTnn", "ne": "exempt overtimeTnn", "patterns": ["exempt overtimeTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-1-2001-3:42:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"2-1-2001-3:42:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-3:42:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com martin.lin@enron.com maureen.raymond@enron.com osman.sezgen@enron.com paulo.issler@enron.com amitava.dhar@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com kevin.moore@enron.com clayton.vernon@enron.com william.smith@enron.com jose.marquez@enron.com chonawee.supatgiat@enron.com shalesh.ganjoo@enron.com tom.halliburton@enron.com elena.chilkina@enron.com sevil.yaman@enron.com sofya.tamarchenko@enron.com bob.lee@enron.com gwyn.koepke@enron.com hector.campos@enron.com anita.dupont@enron.com youyi.feng@enron.com v.weldon@enron.com yana.kristal@enron.com praveen.mellacheruvu@enron.com li.sun@enron.com stephen.bennett@enron.com roman.zadorozhny@enron.com lance.cunningham@enron.com leann.walton@enron.com shane.green@enron.com seksan.kiatsupaibul@enron.com kate.lucas@enron.com nelson.neale@enron.com rabi.de@enron.com kenneth.parkhill@enron.com jaesoo.lew@enron.com jason.sokolov@enron.com steve.bigalow@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <4863761.1075856239849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 03:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tmike.roberts@enron.com, joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tmartin.lin@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com,\n\tosman.sezgen@enron.com, paulo.issler@enron.com,\n\tamitava.dhar@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com,\n\tkevin.kindall@enron.com, kevin.moore@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com, william.smith@enron.com,\n\tjose.marquez@enron.com, chonawee.supatgiat@enron.com,\n\tshalesh.ganjoo@enron.com, tom.halliburton@enron.com,\n\telena.chilkina@enron.com, sevil.yaman@enron.com,\n\tsofya.tamarchenko@enron.com, bob.lee@enron.com,\n\tgwyn.koepke@enron.com, hector.campos@enron.com,\n\tanita.dupont@enron.com, youyi.feng@enron.com, v.weldon@enron.com,\n\tyana.kristal@enron.com, praveen.mellacheruvu@enron.com,\n\tli.sun@enron.com, stephen.bennett@enron.com,\n\troman.zadorozhny@enron.com, lance.cunningham@enron.com,\n\tleann.walton@enron.com, shane.green@enron.com,\n\tseksan.kiatsupaibul@enron.com, kate.lucas@enron.com,\n\tnelson.neale@enron.com, rabi.de@enron.com,\n\tkenneth.parkhill@enron.com, jaesoo.lew@enron.com,\n\tjason.sokolov@enron.com, steve.bigalow@enron.com\nSubject: RESEARCH SEMINAR\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Vasant Shanbhogue, Mike A Roberts, Joseph Hrgovcic, Tanya Tamarchenko, Zimin Lu, Martin Lin, Maureen Raymond, Osman Sezgen, Paulo Issler, Amitava Dhar, Alex Huang, Kevin Kindall, Kevin G Moore, Clayton Vernon, William Smith, Jose Marquez, Chonawee Supatgiat, Shalesh Ganjoo, Tom Halliburton, Elena Chilkina, Sevil Yaman, Sofya Tamarchenko, Bob Lee, Gwyn Koepke, Hector Campos, Anita DuPont, Youyi Feng, V Charles Weldon, Yana Kristal, Praveen Mellacheruvu, Li Sun, Stephen Bennett, Roman Zadorozhny, Lance Cunningham, Leann Walton, Shane Green, Seksan Kiatsupaibul, Kate Lucas, Nelson Neale, Rabi De, Kenneth Parkhill, Jaesoo Lew, Jason Sokolov, Steve Bigalow\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince has asked that I forward the following:\n\n************************************************************************\n\nWe will begin a seminar devoted to the book on \"Energy \nDerivatives\", written by Clewlow and Strickland, every first and \nthird Friday of each month, beginning January 19th. Stinson \nGibner has volunteered to act as the seminar coordinator. \n\nOn January 19th only, the seminar will be held in EB30C1. \nEvery session thereafter will be in EB49C1. The seminar will be \nconducted like a \"brown bag\" (everyone bring their own lunch).\n\nThe seminar is mandatory for every member of the group who \nstarted after January 1, 2000. However, all other members of \nthe group are invited to participate.\n\nThe books have been ordered and hopefully will arrive by the \nday of the first meeting. \n\nVince Kaminski\n\n************************************************************************", "RESEARCH SEMINAR", "", [["reserve_hold eb0numeric", 19, "nninformation", ["eb**30", "held", "1"], "intention", " on datenumeric th only, the seminar will be held in eb numeric c numeric ."]], "Vince has asked that I forward the following:\n\n************************************************************************\n\nWe will begin a seminar devoted to the book on \"Energy \nDerivatives\", written by Clewlow and Strickland, every first and \nthird Friday of each month, beginning January 19th. Stinson \nGibner has volunteered to act as the seminar coordinator. \n\nOn January 19th only, the seminar will be held in EB30C1. \nEvery session thereafter will be in EB49C1. The seminar will be \nconducted like a \"brown bag\" (everyone bring their own lunch).\n\nThe seminar is mandatory for every member of the group who \nstarted after January 1, 2000. However, all other members of \nthe group are invited to participate.\n\nThe books have been ordered and hopefully will arrive by the \nday of the first meeting. \n\nVince Kaminski\n\n************************************************************************", "<4863761.1075856239849.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"20": {"value": "eb**30", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "eb**49", "ne": "eb0numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["eb0numeric numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-1-2001-1:39:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": {"24-1-2001-1:39:0Sshirley.crenshaw@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-1:39:0", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "kimberly.hillis@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30339686.1075856576054.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 01:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.hillis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Punit Rawal's Interview with Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-To: Kimberly Hillis\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKim:\n\nThe interviews conducted on February 2 are just exploratory interviews to\nsee where Punit might fit within Enron. Vince thought he might fit in John's\ngroup. \n\nThe title and $$ amount will not be determined until it is decided where he\nshould be (if at all). If John is interested after the interview, then he and\nVince can get together to discuss $$ and title.\n\nIf you or John have any other questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Punit Rawal's Interview with Enron \n\nShirley,\n\nIt is to my understand that Vince is bringing in Punit for a day of \ninterviews. John has agreed to meet with him on February 2.\n\nPlease inform Vince and have Vince get with John on what his title/$$ will be.\n\nThanks\n\nk\n\n\nKim Hillis\nEnron Americas\nOffice of the Chairman\nPhone: 713-853-0681\nFax: 713-646-3227\n\n\n\n\tShirley Crenshaw\n\t12/21/2000 11:03 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: Kimberly Hillis/HOU/ECT@ect\n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: Punit Rawal's Interview with Enron\n\nKim:\n\nPunit is a Carnegie Mellon student that will be graduating with an MS in\nComputational Finance in May 2001. Several of our guys interviewed him\nat Carnegie Mellon recently and were very impressed. Vince says that he \nis definately a trading candidate.\n\nWould John be interested in interviewing him? I am attaching his resume\nfor you to look over and then let me know if John would be interested.\n\nThanks!\n\nHave a Merry Christmas!\n\nShirley\n\n - Punit+Rawal+newresume.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Punit Rawal's Interview with Enron", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "information", ["conducted", "interviews"], "information", "kim: the interviews conducted on datenumeric are just exploratory interviews to see where punit might fit within enron."]], "Kim:\n\nThe interviews conducted on February 2 are just exploratory interviews to\nsee where Punit might fit within Enron. Vince thought he might fit in John's\ngroup. \n\nThe title and $$ amount will not be determined until it is decided where he\nshould be (if at all). If John is interested after the interview, then he and\nVince can get together to discuss $$ and title.\n\nIf you or John have any other questions, please let me know.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "<30339686.1075856576054.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"exploratory interviewTnn": {"value": "exploratory interviewTnn", "ne": "exploratory interviewTnn", "patterns": ["exploratory interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "5-4-2001-7:9:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"5-4-2001-7:9:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["5-4-2001-7:9:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30714125.1075856417233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 07:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Research Resumes\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nBelow are the resumes sent to us by Focus. Vince suggested that we \ninterview one person plus Sriram, who already lives in Houston. Karim looks \nlike the most qualified, but my fear is that we may not be able to afford \nhim. I am assuming that Vince will want to hire at most at the manager \nlevel. Can you first check and see if Karim would consider coming at a \nmanager level salary before we spend time talking with him. If he is too \nsenior, then we should talk to Samir, who looks like a more junior level \nperson.\n\nThanks,\n\nStinson\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 04/05/2001 \n02:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n04/05/2001 08:42 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Resumes \n\nVince,\nSee below for my picks based on the resumes. The others marked as \"no\" \nmight be OK as well, but did not seem to have as much slant towards finance.\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/04/2001 03:45 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resumes\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2001 \n03:45 PM ---------------------------\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Resumes\n\n\n\nHere are some people you might want to speak with .? Siriam lives in \nHouston.? Please see the attached resumes of the following:\n?\nKarim Ashktorab Yes (might be expensive?)\nStephen Liu No\nFarshad Ravanshad No\nMatthew Rusk No\nSamir Ranjan Yes\nCedric Chow No\nSriram Vasudevan Maybe (already in Houston)\n?\nRegards,\n?\nScott Gerson\nFocus Capital Markets\n71 Vanderbilt Avenue\nSuite 200\nNew York, NY 10017\n(212) 986-3344 Tele\n(212) 986-3370 Fax\n - FOCUS SRIRAM VASUDEVAN.Doc\n - FOCUS CEDRIC CHOW.doc\n - FOCUS SAMIR RANJAN.doc\n - FOCUS MATTHEW RUSK.doc\n - FOCUS FARSHAD RAVANSHAD.doc\n - FOCUS STEPHEN LIU.doc\n - FOCUS KARIM ASHKTORAB.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Research Resumes", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 3, "information", ["sent", "resumes"], "information", "molly, below are the resumes sent to us by focus."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 7, "information", ["person", "interview"], "information", " vince suggested that we interview one person plus sriram, who already lives in houston."]], "Molly,\n\nBelow are the resumes sent to us by Focus. Vince suggested that we \ninterview one person plus Sriram, who already lives in Houston. Karim looks \nlike the most qualified, but my fear is that we may not be able to afford \nhim. I am assuming that Vince will want to hire at most at the manager \nlevel. Can you first check and see if Karim would consider coming at a \nmanager level salary before we spend time talking with him. If he is too \nsenior, then we should talk to Samir, who looks like a more junior level \nperson.\n\nThanks,\n\nStinson\n\n\n", "<30714125.1075856417233.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-3-2001-4:39:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"27-3-2001-4:39:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["27-3-2001-4:39:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "mark.taylor@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2166929.1075860199873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 04:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: mark.taylor@enron.com\nSubject: Legal Specialist Position\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Mark Taylor\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Mark_Taylor_Jun2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Taylor-M\nX-FileName: mtaylor.nsf\n\nMark: I am attaching the resumes of two Enron employees who are interested \nin your open position. Marie Heard is here in Houston at EBS. Tracy Cooper \nis presently in Portland. Her husband, Bob Cooper, works for Enron as well, \nand they will be relocating to Houston shortly. Tracy will actually be in \nHouston April 3,4, and 5 so she would be available for interviews then.\n\nI have the resumes of several other qualified candidates, but I know that you \nwanted to try the internal route first. Actually, both of these candidates \nlook pretty good! Give me a call with your thoughts, and we can move \nforward with scheduling interviews for you.\n\nPlease call me with any questions\n\nMolly \nx34804\n\n", "Legal Specialist Position", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 4, "information", ["attaching", "resumes"], "information", "mark: i am attaching the resumes of two enron employees who are interested in your open position."]], "Mark: I am attaching the resumes of two Enron employees who are interested \nin your open position. Marie Heard is here in Houston at EBS. Tracy Cooper \nis presently in Portland. Her husband, Bob Cooper, works for Enron as well, \nand they will be relocating to Houston shortly. Tracy will actually be in \nHouston April 3,4, and 5 so she would be available for interviews then.\n\nI have the resumes of several other qualified candidates, but I know that you \nwanted to try the internal route first. Actually, both of these candidates \nlook pretty good! Give me a call with your thoughts, and we can move \nforward with scheduling interviews for you.\n\nPlease call me with any questions\n\nMolly \nx34804\n\n", "<2166929.1075860199873.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"20": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["interview numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-11-2000-7:5:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"2-11-2000-7:5:0Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["2-11-2000-7:5:0", "molly.magee@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21241930.1075856266798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 07:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Jaesoo Lew\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Molly Magee\nX-To: Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTanya: Although you and I didn't have an opportunity to talk this morning, \nVince conveyed to me that an offer should be extended to Jaesoo Lew. He also \ntold me that Jaesoo would be reporting to you. I need some information \nconcerning the position, so I am attaching a form that needs to be completed \nand returned to me as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I will contact \nJaesoo to verbally offer him the position. \n\nPlease call me with any questions.\n\nMolly\nx34804\n\n ", "Jaesoo Lew", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 17, "information", ["attaching", "form"], "information", " i need some information concerning the position, so i am attaching a form that needs to be completed and returned to me as quickly as possible."]], "Tanya: Although you and I didn't have an opportunity to talk this morning, \nVince conveyed to me that an offer should be extended to Jaesoo Lew. He also \ntold me that Jaesoo would be reporting to you. I need some information \nconcerning the position, so I am attaching a form that needs to be completed \nand returned to me as quickly as possible. In the meantime, I will contact \nJaesoo to verbally offer him the position. \n\nPlease call me with any questions.\n\nMolly\nx34804\n\n ", "<21241930.1075856266798.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-10-2001-11:32:13Smolly.magee@enron.com": {"22-10-2001-11:32:13Smolly.magee@enron.com": ["22-10-2001-11:32:13", "molly.magee@enron.com", "j.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "paul.weinberger@enron.com", "Message-ID: <785753.1075863406359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:32:13 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: molly.magee@enron.com\nTo: j.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Valery Kholodnyi\nCc: paul.weinberger@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: paul.weinberger@enron.com\nX-From: Magee, Molly \nX-To: Kaminski, Vince J , Crenshaw, Shirley \nX-cc: Weinberger,Paul \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nVince: I understand that you had expressed an interest in this candidate some time ago. He was placed at TXU by Paul Weinberg when Paul was associated with an agency. Paul is now recruiting with us, and has been back in touch with Valery, who says that he would be very interested in talking with you and your group. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you with arranging interviews, etc.\n\nMolly\n\n \n\n ", "Valery Kholodnyi", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 24, "nninformation", ["arranging", "interviews"], "intention", " please let me know if i can be of any assistance to you with arranging interviews, etc."]], "Vince: I understand that you had expressed an interest in this candidate some time ago. He was placed at TXU by Paul Weinberg when Paul was associated with an agency. Paul is now recruiting with us, and has been back in touch with Valery, who says that he would be very interested in talking with you and your group. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you with arranging interviews, etc.\n\nMolly\n\n \n\n ", "<785753.1075863406359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-4-2000-6:17:0Sgrant.masson@enron.com": {"27-4-2000-6:17:0Sgrant.masson@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-6:17:0", "grant.masson@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <14628622.1075857067469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 06:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: grant.masson@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Greg Ball interview\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Grant Masson\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley:\nCould you please organize interviews for Mr. Ball with the usual Research \nsuspects, including Alex Huang and Tanya Tamerchenko?\nMr. Ball's phone numbers are on his enclosed resume. Thanks.\n\nGrant.\n=======================================\nVince:\nI talked to this guy briefly. I think he is desparate to get out of Unocal \nbefore they downsize him out of a job.\nHe has a decent resume and the attached comment from Don Winslow is \ninteresting.\n\nGrant.\n\n=======================================\nGrant - here's the resume of the guy that called. Sorry for the delay. Here \nare Don Winslow's comments:\n\n\"Greg was my predecessor in the risk mgt dept at Unocal. He reminds me\nsomewhat of Remi's cousin-mild mannered, Physics Phd. He is brilliant and\nexpresses himself well. I think he might fit in Vince's group better than\nin your group. He has not had much exposure to commercial transactions. He\nwas in Bill Bradford's MBA class. He graduated #1.\"", "Greg Ball interview", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 31, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " he has a decent resume and the attached comment from don winslow is interesting."]], "Shirley:\nCould you please organize interviews for Mr. Ball with the usual Research \nsuspects, including Alex Huang and Tanya Tamerchenko?\nMr. Ball's phone numbers are on his enclosed resume. Thanks.\n\nGrant.\n======================================Vince:\nI talked to this guy briefly. I think he is desparate to get out of Unocal \nbefore they downsize him out of a job.\nHe has a decent resume and the attached comment from Don Winslow is \ninteresting.\n\nGrant.\n\n======================================Grant - here's the resume of the guy that called. Sorry for the delay. Here \nare Don Winslow's comments:\n\n\"Greg was my predecessor in the risk mgt dept at Unocal. He reminds me\nsomewhat of Remi's cousin-mild mannered, Physics Phd. He is brilliant and\nexpresses himself well. I think he might fit in Vince's group better than\nin your group. He has not had much exposure to commercial transactions. He\nwas in Bill Bradford's MBA class. He graduated #1.\"", "<14628622.1075857067469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "6-7-2000-9:57:0Stanya.tamarchenko@enron.com": {"6-7-2000-9:57:0Stanya.tamarchenko@enron.com": ["6-7-2000-9:57:0", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "andreas.barschkis@mgusa.com", "ganapathy.ramesh@enron.com bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20153605.1075856643243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 09:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nTo: andreas.barschkis@mgusa.com\nSubject: Re: ORACLE tables which contain the position and curves information\n for Enron's VAR system\nCc: ganapathy.ramesh@enron.com, bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: ganapathy.ramesh@enron.com, bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-To: Andreas.barschkis@mgusa.com\nX-cc: Ganapathy Ramesh, Bjorn Hagelmann, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Var\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAndreas,\nas we discussed today, I am sending you some information on how the positions \nand curves\nare stored in our database. In the enclosed file you'll find the list of \ncolumns for 4 tables and\n2 quarries as an example. 3 of these tables contain the positions \ninformation, 1 table has the curves information.\n\nRamesh (who supports our VAR model from IT side) will send you the \ndescription of these tables.\n\nRegards,\n\nTanya.\n", "Re: ORACLE tables which contain the position and curves information\n for Enron's VAR system", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 10, "nninformation", ["sending", "information"], "intention", "andreas, as we discussed today, i am sending you some information on how the positions and curves are stored in our database."]], "Andreas,\nas we discussed today, I am sending you some information on how the positions \nand curves\nare stored in our database. In the enclosed file you'll find the list of \ncolumns for 4 tables and\n2 quarries as an example. 3 of these tables contain the positions \ninformation, 1 table has the curves information.\n\nRamesh (who supports our VAR model from IT side) will send you the \ndescription of these tables.\n\nRegards,\n\nTanya.\n", "<20153605.1075856643243.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "12-10-2000-9:52:0Szimin.lu@enron.com": {"12-10-2000-9:52:0Szimin.lu@enron.com": ["12-10-2000-9:52:0", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "jeffery.fawcett@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14106183.1075856592092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 09:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: zimin.lu@enron.com\nTo: jeffery.fawcett@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Options model\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Zimin Lu\nX-To: Jeffery Fawcett\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nI got 20 cents for the swith option per Dth. My assumptions are as follows:\n\nprice curve assumption:\nWaha --- IF-WAHA\nLa Plata Pool and TW(Ignacio) -- IF-EPSO/SJ\nCalifornia Border -- NGI-SOCAL\n\nCorrelation assumption:\n\nWaha- SJ 95%\nSocal- SJ 90%\n\nSee the attached spreadsheet for more info. Call me for questions.\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJeffery Fawcett@ENRON\n10/11/2000 02:56 PM\nTo: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Options model\n\nZimin,\nWe're trying to price out a \"live\" options deal. Here are the parameters:\n\nVolume: 32,000 Dth/d\nTerm: Jan. 1, 2002 through Oct. 31, 2006 (58 mos.)\nPrice: One part rate, $0.2175/Dth, plus applicable fuel \nPrimary Receipt/Delivery Points: (East - to -East Transport)\n Receipt: La Plata Pool (use San Juan, Blanco price equivalent)\n Delivery: Waha area \n\nOption:\n Alternate Delivery Pnt.: California Border (East - to- West Transport)\n Price:\n Floor- $0.2175/Dth, plus 4.75% pipeline fuel, plus 50% of the difference \nbetween the California Border index\n price and the San Juan Basin index price. Specifically, we'll use:\n (SoCalGas large pkgs. minus TW (Ignacio, pts. south))\n\nAn important things to consider:\nThis option is only for Alternate Firm deliveries. Alternate firm is really \njust a glorified version of interruptible.\n\nCan you run the option model and tell me what is the dollar value of this \nrather \"unpure\" option?\n\nI appreciate it. Give me a call at 3-1521 if you have any questions. Also, \ncan you get us an answer by Friday, 10/13/00? We're looking to get the \nproposal out to the customer by the end of the week if possible. Thanks.\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Options model", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 28, "information", ["attached", "info"], "information", " my assumptions are as follows: price curve assumption: waha --- if-waha la plata pool and tw(ignacio) -- if-epso/sj california border -- ngi-socal correlation assumption: waha- sj numeric % socal- sj numeric % see the attached spreadsheet for more info."]], "Jeff,\n\nI got 20 cents for the swith option per Dth. My assumptions are as follows:\n\nprice curve assumption:\nWaha --- IF-WAHA\nLa Plata Pool and TW(Ignacio) -- IF-EPSO/SJ\nCalifornia Border -- NGI-SOCAL\n\nCorrelation assumption:\n\nWaha- SJ 95%\nSocal- SJ 90%\n\nSee the attached spreadsheet for more info. Call me for questions.\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJeffery Fawcett@ENRON\n10/11/2000 02:56 PM\n", "<14106183.1075856592092.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "2-1-2001-7:1:0Svasant.shanbhogue@enron.com": {"2-1-2001-7:1:0Svasant.shanbhogue@enron.com": ["2-1-2001-7:1:0", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "rakesh.bharati@enron.com lance.cunningham@enron.com rabi.de@enron.com amitava.dhar@enron.com tom.halliburton@enron.com joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com alex.huang@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com jaesoo.lew@enron.com kate.lucas@enron.com nelson.neale@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com li.sun@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com clayton.vernon@enron.com sevil.yaman@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31463933.1075856576842.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 07:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nTo: rakesh.bharati@enron.com, lance.cunningham@enron.com, rabi.de@enron.com,\n\tamitava.dhar@enron.com, tom.halliburton@enron.com,\n\tjoseph.hrgovcic@enron.com, alex.huang@enron.com,\n\tkevin.kindall@enron.com, jaesoo.lew@enron.com, kate.lucas@enron.com,\n\tnelson.neale@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tli.sun@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com, sevil.yaman@enron.com\nSubject: Happy New Year, and some new year's resolutions\nCc: anita.dupont@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.dupont@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-To: Rakesh Bharati, Lance Cunningham, Rabi De, Amitava Dhar, Tom Halliburton, Joseph Hrgovcic, Alex Huang, Kevin Kindall, Jaesoo Lew, Kate Lucas, Nelson Neale, Vasant Shanbhogue, Li Sun, Tanya Tamarchenko, Clayton Vernon, Sevil Yaman\nX-cc: Anita DuPont, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nWith the new year, we would like to institute some rules within the Research \nGroup. This applies to everybody in Research and is at the express request \nof Vince, but I am just sending it to my reports (and their reports) as of \nnow.\n\nPeople are expected to report to work in the morning around 8:00 am to 8:30 \nam but NO LATER than 8:30 am. This is primarily because our clients from \nother groups typically start calling around 8:00 am and we need to be \nresponsive. Of course, once in a while if something urgent comes up then \nthis may be relaxed but you are responsible for letting both your supervisor \nand your assistant (Anita and/or Shirley) know in advance.\n\nI am trying to come up with a schedule that will allow me to get updated on \nall the work that you guys are doing, and I will probably set this up next \nweek after Vince finishes drawing up the overall directions for the group for \n2001.\n\nThanks,\nVasant\n", "Happy New Year, and some new year's resolutions", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 11, "information", ["sending", "request"], "information", " this applies to everybody in research and is at the express request of vince, but i am just sending it to my reports (and their reports) as of now."]], "With the new year, we would like to institute some rules within the Research \nGroup. This applies to everybody in Research and is at the express request \nof Vince, but I am just sending it to my reports (and their reports) as of \nnow.\n\nPeople are expected to report to work in the morning around 8:00 am to 8:30 \nam but NO LATER than 8:30 am. This is primarily because our clients from \nother groups typically start calling around 8:00 am and we need to be \nresponsive. Of course, once in a while if something urgent comes up then \nthis may be relaxed but you are responsible for letting both your supervisor \nand your assistant (Anita and/or Shirley) know in advance.\n\nI am trying to come up with a schedule that will allow me to get updated on \nall the work that you guys are doing, and I will probably set this up next \nweek after Vince finishes drawing up the overall directions for the group for \n2001.\n\nThanks,\nVasant\n", "<31463933.1075856576842.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-1-2000-3:5:0Svasant.shanbhogue@enron.com": {"7-1-2000-3:5:0Svasant.shanbhogue@enron.com": ["7-1-2000-3:5:0", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <31248165.1075856784312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 03:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: My resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n Hi Vince,\n\n I spoke with Ray again, and he seems to have the background necessary to \nwork with the insurance group here.\nHe is not an actuary, but he can work with data. Would you mind calling him \non the phone sometime next week?\nPlease let me know what time you would call him, so I can let him know. Once \nyou speak with him, then maybe we can \nbring him down for interviews, if you think it appropriate.\n\nHis business phone number is 816 889 4417\n\nThanks,\n Vasant\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT on 01/07/2000 \n11:01 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Spudeck, Ray E. MS-RES\" on 12/29/99 02:24:09 PM\nTo: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: My resume\n\n\n\nVasant,\n\nI enjoyed our telephone conversation this morning. From our conversation,\nit sounds like Enron is moving out on the cutting edge of risk transfer and\ninsurance finance. In my mind, there seem to be a myriad number of\ninteresting opportunities moving forward. As well, I see a number of issues\nthat would need to be resolved. Frankly, I find that quite exciting. I\nleft academics largely because I wanted to move into a more \"front line\"\ncareer. While I've enjoyed my work here at the NAIC, it is still not where I\nultimately see myself. I gathered from your comments some concern about my\nbeing too senior in the organization. If I am interpreting you correctly,\nyou are concerned about hands on technical work. I enjoy that immensely and\nsome of the strengths I bring to the table are the ability to think\ncreatively about solving financial problems and the the ability to make data\ntell the underlying story.\n\nI look forward to talking to you next week. I just found out that our\noffice building will be closed Monday, so I will not be in until Tuesday\na.m.\n\nRay Spudeck\nSr. Research Associate\n(816)889-4417\nrspudeck@naic.org\n\n <>\n\n - resumeRES.doc\n", "My resume", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 23, "nninformation", ["bring", "interviews"], "intention", " once you speak with him, then maybe we can bring him down for interviews, if you think it appropriate."]], " Hi Vince,\n\n I spoke with Ray again, and he seems to have the background necessary to \nwork with the insurance group here.\nHe is not an actuary, but he can work with data. Would you mind calling him \non the phone sometime next week?\nPlease let me know what time you would call him, so I can let him know. Once \nyou speak with him, then maybe we can \nbring him down for interviews, if you think it appropriate.\n\nHis business phone number is 816 889 4417\n\nThanks,\n Vasant\n\n", "<31248165.1075856784312.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "9-2-2001-3:19:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"9-2-2001-3:19:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["9-2-2001-3:19:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com sandeep.kholi@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26851723.1075856400283.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 03:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Summer Hire\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, sandeep.kholi@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, sandeep.kholi@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Sandeep Kholi, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nWe would like to hire Mr Bhalachandra Mehendale for a summer position. He is \ncurrently working on his MS Finance at U. of Wisconsin and is scheduled to \nfinish December 2001. His resume is attached. \n\nHe will be available from about May 28 until the end of August. Please let \nme know what additional info you need research to provide.\n\n\nRegards,\n\nStinson\n\n - Bhala_Resume.doc", "Summer Hire", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 16, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " his resume is attached."]], "Molly,\n\nWe would like to hire Mr Bhalachandra Mehendale for a summer position. He is \ncurrently working on his MS Finance at U. of Wisconsin and is scheduled to \nfinish December 2001. His resume is attached. \n\nHe will be available from about May 28 until the end of August. Please let \nme know what additional info you need research to provide.\n\n\nRegards,\n\nStinson\n\n - Bhala_Resume.doc", "<26851723.1075856400283.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-4-2000-3:5:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"10-4-2000-3:5:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["10-4-2000-3:5:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <11517733.1075856817470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 03:05:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: grant.masson@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Academic seeks job\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Grant Masson, Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFind below resume and email from someone who has built an electric generation \ncommitment optimization model and is job-hunting.\n\nHis skills look pretty good.\nShould we bring him for an interview?\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2000 \n10:01 AM ---------------------------\nFrom: Samer Takriti@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 04/07/2000 03:32 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FW: Resume\n\nAnother one.\n-Samer\n\n----- Forwarded by Samer Takriti/Enron Communications on 04/07/00 03:34 PM \n-----\n\n\t\"Stephen Schwartz\" \n\t02/02/00 10:14 AM\n\t\t \n\t\t To: \"Samer Takriti\" \n\t\t cc: \n\t\t Subject: FW: Resume\n\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jorge F Valenzuela [mailto:\"jorgev+\"@pitt.edu]\nSent: Monday, January 31, 2000 9:46 PM\nTo: stakrit@ei.enron.com; stakrit@ei.enron.com\nSubject: Resume\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDear Dr. Takriti,\n\nMy name is Jorge Valenzuela. We met last year in the workshop, \"The new\ngeneration of unit commitment models\". After your presentation, we had a\nbrief conversation. I defended my Ph.D. dissertation in Industrial\nEngineering at the University of Pittsburgh last December. Currently, I am\nteaching at the Business School of the University of Pittsburgh, but my\ninterest is to work for an electric power company such as Enron.\n\nDuring the last three years, my work has revolved around modeling of\nelectric power systems. My Ph.D. dissertation deals with the scheduling of\ngenerating units under the new operating environment. I have proposed a\nformulation that includes the option of trading at market-clearing prices\nwith a power pool. I model the market-clearing price by a stochastic\nprocess based on the stochastic processes of the generating unit\navailabilities and the aggregate load. I use probabilistic dynamic\nprogramming to obtain the schedule that maximizes the expected profit.\n\nIn my resume, herewith attached, I have listed some other work that I have\ndone in modeling electric power systems. I would like to add that I am a\nvery versatile person with strong background in Operations Research,\nStatistics, and Information Technology.\n\nPlease call or e-mail me if you think that your company could make use of\na person as me. Thank you very much for your kind consideration.\n\nBest regards,\n\nJorge Valenzuela\n215 Sandy Dr.\nGlenshaw, PA 15116\nTelephone: (412) 492-9886\nEmail: jorgev@pitt.edu\nEnclosure\n\n\n - Resume.doc\n\n", "Academic seeks job", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 17, "nninformation", ["bring", "interview"], "request information", " should we bring him for an interview?"]], "Find below resume and email from someone who has built an electric generation \ncommitment optimization model and is job-hunting.\n\nHis skills look pretty good.\nShould we bring him for an interview?\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n", "<11517733.1075856817470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "5-1-2000-0:44:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"5-1-2000-0:44:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["5-1-2000-0:44:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "information.management@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32421707.1075856785249.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 00:44:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: information.management@enron.com\nSubject: Re: revision of 1st request\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Information Risk Management\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI approve of the attached request.\n--Stinson Gibner\nx34748\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Information Risk Management 12/30/99 12:02 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: revision of 1st request\n\nSorry don't know if you can see the request below. But, William Smith is \nrequest access to the O:research drive. Need your approval or rejection.\n\nThanks\nInformation Risk Management\n\nfor your approval. \n\nTori\n---------------------- Forwarded by Information Risk Management/HOU/ECT on \n12/30/99 12:00 PM ---------------------------\n\n\tSecurity Resource Request System\t\nDirectory Line Item\t\tPending Access Processing\n\nDirectory Name:\to:\\research\\(all folders)\t\t\nService Type:\tGrant\t\t\nExpiration Date:\t\t\t\nComments:\tI need to be able to save/modify files in these folders. To make it \neasier on you, you can just copy whatever rights Kevin Moore (kmoore2) has. \nThose will be all that I will need.\t\t\n\n\tSecurity Processing \t\t\nProcessing Status:\t\t\t\nE-Mail To Requestor:\t\t\t\nComments/Justification:\t\t\t\n\n\tGeneral Information \tRequest:\tWSMH-4ESNVA \nRequested By:\tWilliam Smith/Corp/Enron\tPhone:\t713-345-8322\nRequested For:\tWilliam Smith/Corp/Enron\tEmployee Type:\t\nCompany:\t0011\tRC #:\t100038\nPriority:\tNormal\t\t\nComments/Justification:\t\t\t\n\n\n\t\tEditing History (Only the last five (5) are shown)\t\n\t\t\t\nEdit #\tPast Authors\tEdit Dates\t\n1\tInformation Risk Management \t12/22/99 12:35:11 PM \t\n\n\n", "Re: revision of 1st request", "", [["send_direct_attach request", 3, "information", ["attached", "request"], "information", "i approve of the attached request."]], "I approve of the attached request.\n--Stinson Gibner\nx34748\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Information Risk Management 12/30/99 12:02 PM\n\t\n\n", "<32421707.1075856785249.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"management riskTnn": {"value": "management riskTnn", "ne": "management riskTnn", "patterns": ["management riskTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-12-2000-8:40:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"18-12-2000-8:40:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-8:40:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "mike.golden@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25157183.1075856380704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 08:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: mike.golden@enron.com\nSubject: Research\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Mike golden\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMike,\n\nVince and I are eager to see if our group can play a role in helping you in \nyour development work using some combination of the OR experts in our group \nand the resources to which we have access at Stanford. \n\nCan we get together for a short planning session when you are next in \nHouston? Please let me know your schedule, or have your assistant coordinate \na time with Vince's assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (x35290).\n\nThanks,\n\nStinson", "Research", "", [["coordinate date0time{schedule}{interview}", 24, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "schedule"], "intention", " please let me know your schedule, or have your assistant coordinate a time with vince's assistant, shirley crenshaw (x numeric )."]], "Mike,\n\nVince and I are eager to see if our group can play a role in helping you in \nyour development work using some combination of the OR experts in our group \nand the resources to which we have access at Stanford. \n\nCan we get together for a short planning session when you are next in \nHouston? Please let me know your schedule, or have your assistant coordinate \na time with Vince's assistant, Shirley Crenshaw (x35290).\n\nThanks,\n\nStinson", "<25157183.1075856380704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "11-1-2000-9:46:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": {"11-1-2000-9:46:0Sstinson.gibner@enron.com": ["11-1-2000-9:46:0", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30389116.1075863704455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 09:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Possible hire\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Stinson Gibner\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVince:\n\nThere is another person at Azurix looking for a possible Enron position. \nHe has an OR background and has good programming skill. One possible \nweakness may be communication skills (I interviewed him for Azurix way back \nwhen.) I would like him to come over and talk to Zimin and myself again to \nevaluate him for a possible spot supporting ENA since we seem to be unable to \nattract anyone in the outside market right now, and we are rapidly getting \nmore back-logged with requests. I do not know what his compensation is, \nbut I can check with him. \n\n--Stinson\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2000 \n05:38 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Chonawee Supatgiat@AZURIX on 01/11/2000 03:47 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Candidate\n\n\nHi Dr. Gibner, I just called you but you were not there. As you might \nremember, I am working with Samer and you was the one who interviewed me for \nthis position. Samer and I now keep our eyes open for the other job \npossibilities. I would like to know if there is a position available in Enron \nResearch group that I might fit in ? My updated resume and transcript are \nattached in Hector's e-mail. I am looking forward to hearing from you.\n-Chonawee \n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Chonawee Supatgiat/HOU/AZURIX on \n01/11/2000 03:37 PM ---------------------------\n Hector Campos @ ECT 01/11/2000 11:26 AM\n\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Chonawee Supatgiat/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, chonawee@umich.edu \n\nSubject: Candidate\n\n\nStinson, \n\nHere's my friend's information. He is looking for other opportunities within \nEnron. I think he would be a good candidate for\nthe Research Group. His extension at Azurix is 6-9654. \n\n-Hector\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Hector Campos/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2000 11:22 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Chonawee Supatgiat\" on 01/10/2000 09:50:36 AM\nTo: Hector Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: here they are\n\n\n\nThank you, Hector. Attached are my resume and transcript.\n-chonawee\n - att1.htm\n - ChonaweeCV.doc\n - AcadRep.txt\n\n\n\n\n", "Possible hire", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 10, "information", ["interviewed", "him"], "information", " one possible weakness may be communication skills (i interviewed him for azurix way back when."]], "Vince:\n\nThere is another person at Azurix looking for a possible Enron position. \nHe has an OR background and has good programming skill. One possible \nweakness may be communication skills (I interviewed him for Azurix way back \nwhen.) I would like him to come over and talk to Zimin and myself again to \nevaluate him for a possible spot supporting ENA since we seem to be unable to \nattract anyone in the outside market right now, and we are rapidly getting \nmore back-logged with requests. I do not know what his compensation is, \nbut I can check with him. \n\n--Stinson\n\n", "<30389116.1075863704455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-10-2001-9:20:12Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com": {"15-10-2001-9:20:12Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com": ["15-10-2001-9:20:12", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "kent.miller@enron.com", "j.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15726376.1075863404759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 09:20:12 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nTo: kent.miller@enron.com\nSubject: Research Support\nCc: j.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: j.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni \nX-To: Miller, Kent \nX-cc: Kaminski, Vince J \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\Deleted Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nDear Kent:\n\tI spoke to Vince about Research support for Pipelines following our conversation on last Thursday. He said that we don't have another group that requires only 50% FTE suppport to split a person between Pipelines and that group. However, we will try to support you folks by reassigning resources within Research, to the extent possible, when there is work on the optimization project for the rest of the year. Also, for the support on the options side, we have one candidate scheduled to come for interviews this Friday. I am hopeful about this guy as he has background in optimization and some knowledge on derivatives.\n\nThanks,\nKrishna.\n", "Research Support", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 27, "nninformation", ["interviews", "scheduled"], "intention", " also, for the support on the options side, we have one candidate scheduled to come for interviews this friday."]], "Dear Kent:\n\tI spoke to Vince about Research support for Pipelines following our conversation on last Thursday. He said that we don't have another group that requires only 50% FTE suppport to split a person between Pipelines and that group. However, we will try to support you folks by reassigning resources within Research, to the extent possible, when there is work on the optimization project for the rest of the year. Also, for the support on the options side, we have one candidate scheduled to come for interviews this Friday. I am hopeful about this guy as he has background in optimization and some knowledge on derivatives.\n\nThanks,\nKrishna.\n", "<15726376.1075863404759.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-2-2000-9:11:0Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-9:11:0Spinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-9:11:0", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18642792.1075856769469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.grant@enron.com\nSubject: Interviews for a new candidate\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-To: Elizabeth Grant\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nElizabeth:\n We have yet another candidate Allen Humbolt who we want to interview. His \nskills seem to match our requirements very well. We appreciate your help in \nsetting up interviews for him with the following people:\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nGrant Masson\nVasant Shanbhogue\nRonnie Chahal\nOsman Sezgen\nJohn Henderson (EES) \nAnoush Farhangi\nand myself.\n\nThanks,\nKrishna.", "Interviews for a new candidate", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 13, "nninformation", ["setting", "interviews"], "intention", " we appreciate your help in setting up interviews for him with the following people: vince kaminski stinson gibner grant masson vasant shanbhogue ronnie chahal osman sezgen john henderson (ees) anoush farhangi and myself."]], "Elizabeth:\n We have yet another candidate Allen Humbolt who we want to interview. His \nskills seem to match our requirements very well. We appreciate your help in \nsetting up interviews for him with the following people:\n\nVince Kaminski\nStinson Gibner\nGrant Masson\nVasant Shanbhogue\nRonnie Chahal\nOsman Sezgen\nJohn Henderson (EES) \nAnoush Farhangi\nand myself.\n\nThanks,\nKrishna.", "<18642792.1075856769469.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "31-7-2000-8:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-7-2000-8:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-8:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "beth.miertschin@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23785234.1075856305392.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:10:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: beth.miertschin@enron.com\nSubject: Harvard Business School case studies\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Beth Miertschin\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBeth,\n\nI have a favor to ask. Do we have copies of Harvard Business School\ncase studies about Enron? We use these case studies during Super Saturdays.\nI need a few copies. This is for Prof. John Martin.\n\nVince", "Harvard Business School case studies", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 9, "nninformation", ["use", "case**studies"], "intention", " we use these case studies during super saturdays."]], "Beth,\n\nI have a favor to ask. Do we have copies of Harvard Business School\ncase studies about Enron? We use these case studies during Super Saturdays.\nI need a few copies. This is for Prof. John Martin.\n\nVince", "<23785234.1075856305392.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-5-2000-2:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-5-2000-2:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-2:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12957602.1075857067291.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 May 2000 02:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.grant@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resume - Norberto Valdes\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Elizabeth Grant\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Grant Masson, Shirley Crenshaw, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nElizabeth,\n\nYes, she referred Norberto to us. We had an informal interview\nwith him.\n\nWe would like to invite him for a round of formal interviews later this week.\nPlease include me, Tanya Tamarchenko, Ted Murphy, Krishnarao Pinnamaneni,\nGrant Masson.\n\nI asked Liza to talk to you to set up formal arrangements with Enron\nHR (a contract, fee schedule approval, etc.).\n\nI shall ask you for help next week when we have more information:\nseveral members of our group from London will rotate through our Houston\noffice this summer. We shall need help in making living arrangements,\nincluding apartments, car, etc. Also, we have an employee from India\nrotating through our group this summer. Please, let me know \nwho is the best person in HR to ask for assistance.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Elizabeth Grant 05/05/2000 08:10 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume - Norberto Valdes\n\nVince,\n\nLisa Woods Ford (Independent Recruiter) tells me that she has referred this \nresume to you. Any interest in setting Norberto up for interviews?\n\n- Elizabeth\n---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Grant/HOU/ECT on 05/05/2000 \n08:08 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nnvaldes@txuenergy.com on 05/03/2000 09:32:29 AM\nTo: Elizabeth.grant@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Norberto's Resume\n\n\nDear Elizabeth\n Per our conversation here is Norberto's Resume. Thanks.\n Lisa Ford\n(See attached file: resumen 4.doc)\n\n - resumen 4.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: Resume - Norberto Valdes", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 9, "nninformation", ["invite", "him"], "intention", " we would like to invite him for a round of formal interviews later this week."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 25, "information", ["set", "liza"], "information", " i asked liza to talk to you to set up formal arrangements with enron hr (a contract, fee schedule approval, etc."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 42, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "making"], "intention", " we shall need help in making living arrangements, including apartments, car, etc."]], "Elizabeth,\n\nYes, she referred Norberto to us. We had an informal interview\nwith him.\n\nWe would like to invite him for a round of formal interviews later this week.\nPlease include me, Tanya Tamarchenko, Ted Murphy, Krishnarao Pinnamaneni,\nGrant Masson.\n\nI asked Liza to talk to you to set up formal arrangements with Enron\nHR (a contract, fee schedule approval, etc.).\n\nI shall ask you for help next week when we have more information:\nseveral members of our group from London will rotate through our Houston\noffice this summer. We shall need help in making living arrangements,\nincluding apartments, car, etc. Also, we have an employee from India\nrotating through our group this summer. Please, let me know \nwho is the best person in HR to ask for assistance.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Elizabeth Grant 05/05/2000 08:10 AM\n\t\n\n", "<12957602.1075857067291.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"employee summerTnn": {"value": "employee summerTnn", "ne": "employee summerTnn", "patterns": ["employee summerTnn"]}, "formal interviewTnn": {"value": "formal interviewTnn", "ne": "formal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["formal interviewTnn"]}, "informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-5-2001-10:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-5-2001-10:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-10:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <24319933.1075856430775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 10:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Very rough draft of the \"Enron Strategic Plan\" to be sent to\n Professor Duffie\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 \n05:01 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Iris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/30/2001 11:50 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Very rough draft of the \"Enron Strategic Plan\" to be sent to \nProfessor Duffie\n\nHi,\n\n As per your request, here is a very rough draft of the document you \nrequested. It is far from being complete.\n\n Hopefully while in London I will have time to work on it some more.\n\n Your comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated.\n\nThanks,\nIris\n", "Very rough draft of the \"Enron Strategic Plan\" to be sent to\n Professor Duffie", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 4, "nninformation", ["draft", "sent"], "intention", "very rough draft of the \"enron strategic plan\" to be sent to returnlinen professor duffie."]], "", "<24319933.1075856430775.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"plan strategicTnn": {"value": "plan strategicTnn", "ne": "plan strategicTnn", "patterns": ["plan strategicTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-4-2001-5:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-4-2001-5:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-4-2001-5:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "sevil.yaman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5589981.1075856438567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 05:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sevil.yaman@enron.com\nSubject: HIB Visa Application - Sevil Yaman\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Sevil Yaman\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSevil,\n\nPlease, make sure you provide this information ASAP.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2001 \n12:35 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMargaret Daffin\n04/25/2001 12:04 PM\nTo: Sevil Yaman/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Norma Villarreal/Enron@EnronXGate, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ramona \nPerkins/Enron@EnronXGate \nSubject: HIB Visa Application - Sevil Yaman\n\nSevil: please let me know when you will be sending me the information for \nyour HIB visa?\nThanks\nMargaret\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Margaret Daffin/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2001 \n12:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nMargaret Daffin\n04/10/2001 04:04 PM\nTo: Sevil Yaman/Corp/Enron@Enron\ncc: Norma Villarreal/Enron@EnronXGate, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ramona \nPerkins/Enron@EnronXGate \nSubject: HIB Visa Application - Sevil Yaman\n\nSevil: In order that we may proceed with your request for Permanent \nResidency, our immigration attorneys have advised us that we need to process \nthe HIB visa, prior to the Permanent Residency application.\n\nTherefore, I am attaching an HIB visa questionnaire that I would like you to \ncomplete and return to me, together with copies of all of the documents \nlisted at the bottom of the form.\n\nPlease bring these to me in 3AC2026A.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions at x55083.\n\nThank you\n\nMargaret\n\n \n\n\n", "HIB Visa Application - Sevil Yaman", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 4, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "request", "sevil, please, make sure you provide this information asap."]], "Sevil,\n\nPlease, make sure you provide this information ASAP.\n\nVince\n\n", "<5589981.1075856438567.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "5-1-2000-5:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"5-1-2000-5:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-1-2000-5:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <9955341.1075856793677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 05:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Enron On Line and Tracking\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2000 \n01:05 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nAlex Saldana\n01/05/2000 12:15 PM\nTo: George Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L \nKelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nHunter S Shively/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert \nShring/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT, Airam \nArteaga/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Flores-Cuellar/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth \nRivera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Enron On Line and Tracking\n\nThis meeting has been rescheduled for:\n\nFriday, January 7th\n2:15-3:15pm\nEB 3084\n\nIf you have questions please call George Smith @36993\nor Alex @ 57389. I will keep you informed of any changes.\n\nThanks\nAlex\n---------------------- Forwarded by Alex Saldana/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2000 12:10 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nAlex Saldana\n01/05/2000 11:30 AM\nTo: George Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L \nKelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nHunter S Shively/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert \nShring/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Heather Choate/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT, Airam \nArteaga/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Flores-Cuellar/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth \nRivera/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Enron On Line and Tracking\n\n\nPlease plan to attend the above mentioned meeting:\n\n Thursday, January 6th\n 3:30-4:30pm\n EB 3013\n\nIf you have any questions please call George Smith @ 36993, \nfor any scheduling conflicts call me at @ 57389.\n\nThanks\nAlex\n\n\n", "Enron On Line and Tracking", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["schedule", "put"], "request", "shirley, please, put on my schedule."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<9955341.1075856793677.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-8-2000-8:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-8-2000-8:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-8-2000-8:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeff.skilling@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com mark.palmer@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10663836.1075856490782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 08:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeff.skilling@enron.com\nSubject: Wharton Partnership\nCc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, mark.palmer@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, mark.palmer@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeff Skilling\nX-cc: Jeffrey A Shankman, Vince J Kaminski, Mark Palmer\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nI am sending you a recommendation regarding our cooperation with the Wharton\nSchool, following my visit with Tom Piazze in May. Tom is a Corporate \nRelations Officer\nat Wharton.\n\nRecommendation.\n\nI am writing to you to recommend joining The Wharton Partnership.\nThe Partnership is an umbrella program established to coordinate\nWharton School initiatives for industry-academic cooperation. Currently,\nthe partnership supports alliances with approximately 200 companies \nworldwide.\n\nThe recommended annual contribution by Enron is between $100K-150K,\nthat puts us in the top bracket of contributing companies, such as GE, \nCitigroup,\nGoldman, Sachs & Co., Intel, and many others. The contribution is executed \nthrough\ngrants to different research projects that would directly benefit Enron. The \nchoice\nof the projects is at our discretion and can be changed over time\ndepending on the business needs.\n\nBenefits to Enron. \n\nEnron can benefit from the Partnership by:\n\n - gaining advance access to current academic research \n - significantly increasing our presence and visibility on the campus,\n enhancing our recruiting efforts\n - taking our message directly to influential academics who have significant\n influence on public opinion\n - gaining access to high quality executive education programs\n\nSpecific Programs.\n\nThe Partnership functions through involvement in different research projects. \nI have\nidentified a few projects that will maximize the benefit to Enron.\n\n1. WeBI (Wharton e-Business Initiative). This programs provides an umbrella\n for different initiatives in the area of curriculum development, research \nand \n corporate engagement related to e-commerce.\n\n Main benefits: access to e-commerce research and\n enhanced recruitment opportunities.\n\n2. Emerging Technologies Management Research Program. Interdisciplinary\n program addressing issues facing companies in new markets: managing \nintellectual\n property, participating in emerging technologies, selecting the optimal\n organizational structures.\n\n Benefits to Enron: access to financial technology in the area of \nvaluation of\n intangible assets and new forms of business organizations.\n\n3. Risk Management and Decision Process Center. Development of techniques for\n assessment and management of non-traditional risks (risks outside the \nscope\n of traditional insurance contracts and capital markets instruments). \n\n Benefits to Enron: access to new risk management tools, dissemination\n of information about our capabilities in this area.\n\nPotential users of the program at Enron.\n\nMy group could coordinate the cooperation with the Risk Management and \nDecision Process Center.\n\nGreg Whalley is a potential customer for WeBI. Several different units of \nEnron can be involved \nwith Emerging Technologies Management Research Program.\n\nVince", "Wharton Partnership", "", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 187, "nninformation", ["coordinate", "risk**management"], "intention", " my group could coordinate the cooperation with the risk management and decision process center."]], "Jeff,\n\nI am sending you a recommendation regarding our cooperation with the Wharton\nSchool, following my visit with Tom Piazze in May. Tom is a Corporate \nRelations Officer\nat Wharton.\n\nRecommendation.\n\nI am writing to you to recommend joining The Wharton Partnership.\nThe Partnership is an umbrella program established to coordinate\nWharton School initiatives for industry-academic cooperation. Currently,\nthe partnership supports alliances with approximately 200 companies \nworldwide.\n\nThe recommended annual contribution by Enron is between $100K-150K,\nthat puts us in the top bracket of contributing companies, such as GE, \nCitigroup,\nGoldman, Sachs & Co., Intel, and many others. The contribution is executed \nthrough\ngrants to different research projects that would directly benefit Enron. The \nchoice\nof the projects is at our discretion and can be changed over time\ndepending on the business needs.\n\nBenefits to Enron. \n\nEnron can benefit from the Partnership by:\n\n - gaining advance access to current academic research \n - significantly increasing our presence and visibility on the campus,\n enhancing our recruiting efforts\n - taking our message directly to influential academics who have significant\n influence on public opinion\n - gaining access to high quality executive education programs\n\nSpecific Programs.\n\nThe Partnership functions through involvement in different research projects. \nI have\nidentified a few projects that will maximize the benefit to Enron.\n\n1. WeBI (Wharton e-Business Initiative). This programs provides an umbrella\n for different initiatives in the area of curriculum development, research \nand \n corporate engagement related to e-commerce.\n\n Main benefits: access to e-commerce research and\n enhanced recruitment opportunities.\n\n2. Emerging Technologies Management Research Program. Interdisciplinary\n program addressing issues facing companies in new markets: managing \nintellectual\n property, participating in emerging technologies, selecting the optimal\n organizational structures.\n\n Benefits to Enron: access to financial technology in the area of \nvaluation of\n intangible assets and new forms of business organizations.\n\n3. Risk Management and Decision Process Center. Development of techniques for\n assessment and management of non-traditional risks (risks outside the \nscope\n of traditional insurance contracts and capital markets instruments). \n\n Benefits to Enron: access to new risk management tools, dissemination\n of information about our capabilities in this area.\n\nPotential users of the program at Enron.\n\nMy group could coordinate the cooperation with the Risk Management and \nDecision Process Center.\n\nGreg Whalley is a potential customer for WeBI. Several different units of \nEnron can be involved \nwith Emerging Technologies Management Research Program.\n\nVince", "<10663836.1075856490782.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"academic industryTnn": {"value": "academic industryTnn", "ne": "academic industryTnn", "patterns": ["academic industryTnn"]}, "company issue_topicTnn": {"value": "company issue_topicTnn", "ne": "company issue_topicTnn", "patterns": ["company issue_topicTnn"]}, "35": {"value": "200", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["company numericTnn"]}, "contribution_part projectTnn": {"value": "contribution_part projectTnn", "ne": "contribution_part projectTnn", "patterns": ["contribution_part projectTnn"]}, "decision procedure_processTnn": {"value": "decision procedure_processTnn", "ne": "decision procedure_processTnn", "patterns": ["decision procedure_processTnn"]}, "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn"]}, "evaluation_valuation formTnn": {"value": "evaluation_valuation formTnn", "ne": "evaluation_valuation formTnn", "patterns": ["evaluation_valuation formTnn"]}, "executive programTnn": {"value": "executive programTnn", "ne": "executive programTnn", "patterns": ["executive programTnn"]}, "information risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "information risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "information risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["information risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "intellectual propertyTnn": {"value": "intellectual propertyTnn", "ne": "intellectual propertyTnn", "patterns": ["intellectual propertyTnn"]}, "involvement_participation projectTnn": {"value": "involvement_participation projectTnn", "ne": "involvement_participation projectTnn", "patterns": ["involvement_participation projectTnn"]}, "issue_topic programTnn": {"value": "issue_topic programTnn", "ne": "issue_topic programTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic programTnn"]}, "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn"]}, "42": {"value": "-150", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "41": {"value": "$100", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "opinion publicTnn": {"value": "opinion publicTnn", "ne": "opinion publicTnn", "patterns": ["opinion publicTnn"]}, "process risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "process risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "process risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["process risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-10-2000-4:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-10-2000-4:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-4:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23224199.1075856544240.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 04:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: j_martin@baylor.edu\nSubject: Re: Good morning\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"John D. Martin\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com, Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nI shall see Christie tomorrow and I shall talk to her about\nthe project.\n\nFriday, Feb 23 works for me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"John D. Martin\" on 10/18/2000 10:00:57 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Good morning\n\n\nVince,\n\nJust an update for you and a question. First, I have talked to Christie\nand corresponded via e-mail. We don't have dates to talk to Lay, Skilling\nand Fastow as yet but Christie is working on it. I will prompt her again\nnext week.\n\nThe second item of business is a question. I want to see if we can move\nour meeting in Spring (Business education and the new economy workshop)\nback a week to Friday February 23rd. One of the attendees has a conference\nhe wants to attend on March 2nd. Let me know asap if the 23rd works for\nyou. I have committments from a number of folks for the workshop and I\nthink it will be great fun and a wonderful learning experience for us all.\n\nJohn\n\nJohn D. Martin\nCarr P. Collins Chair in Finance\nFinance Department\nBaylor University\nPO Box 98004\nWaco, TX 76798\n254-710-4473 (Office)\n254-710-1092 (Fax)\nJ_Martin@Baylor.edu\nweb: http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/martinj/home.html \n\n", "Re: Good morning", "", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 1, "nninformation", ["see", "project"], "intention", "john, i shall see christie tomorrow and i shall talk to her about the project."]], "John,\n\nI shall see Christie tomorrow and I shall talk to her about\nthe project.\n\nFriday, Feb 23 works for me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"John D. Martin\" ", [], false]}, "17-10-2000-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-10-2000-9:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-9:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <33331915.1075856544553.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 09:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Arthur Andersen 21st Annual Energy Symposium\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/17/2000 \n04:15 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nSabrina Whaley@ENRON\n10/17/2000 10:09 AM\nTo: Rick Baltz/HOU/EES@EES, Misty Barrett/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis \nBenevides/HOU/EES@EES, Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES, Jim Brown/HOU/EES@EES, \nBrian Keith Butler/GCO/Enron@ENRON, Ford Cooper/HOU/EES@EES, Cory \nCrofton/HOU/EES@EES, Wanda Curry/ENRON@Gateway, Meredith M \nEggleston/HOU/EES@EES, Mike Harris/HOU/EES@EES, Neil Hong/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin \nHughes/HOU/EES@EES, Shawn Kilchrist/NA/Enron@Enron, Dana Lee/HOU/EES@EES, \nGayle W Muench/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES, Nina \nNguyen/HOU/EES@EES, Lou Pai and Tom White/HOU/EES@EES, Lisa Polk/HOU/EES@EES, \nGeorge W Posey/HOU/EES@EES, David Saindon/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott \nStoness/HOU/EES@EES, Wade Stubblefield/HOU/EES@EES, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, \nThomas E White/HOU/EES@EES, Jim Badum/HOU/EES@EES, Ronnie \nShields/HOU/EES@EES, Kristin Albrecht/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Cliff Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lynn \nBellinghausen/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, John \nBerggren/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nKenny Bickett/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES, Dan \nBoyle/Corp/Enron@Enron, Eric Boyt/Corp/Enron@Enron, Bob \nButts/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rick L Carson/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nRebecca Carter/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lou Casari/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Kent Castleman/NA/Enron@Enron, Becky Caudle/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nCraig Childers/HOU/EES@EES, Mary Cilia/NA/Enron@Enron, Wes \nColwell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane H Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathryn Cordes/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nLisa B Cousino/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wanda Curry/ENRON@Gateway, Glenn \nDarrah/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lori Denison/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Timothy J \nDetmering/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Donahue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janell Dye/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nScott Earnest/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Echols/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Meredith M Eggleston/HOU/EES@EES, Sharon E Sullo/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nJill Erwin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Archie N Eubanks/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, \nRodney Faldyn/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jim Fallon/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Stanley Farmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ellen Fowler/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark \nFriedman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sonya M Gasdia/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGeorge N Gilbert/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Glassford/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Monte L \nGleason/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben F Glisan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nEric Gonzales/LON/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nGorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eve Grauer/HOU/EES@EES, Paige B Grumulaitis/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nBill Gulyassy/NA/Enron@Enron, Dave Gunther/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark E \nHaedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, \nStephen Harper/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Susan Harrison/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nHenderson/HOU/EES@EES, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patrick Hickey/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Georgeanne Hodges/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean A \nHolmes/HOU/EES@EES, Shirley A Hudler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cindy Hudler/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nGene Humphrey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve \nJernigan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sheila Kahanek/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven J \nKean/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawn Kilchrist/NA/Enron@Enron, Faith \nKillen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron, \nTroy Klussmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, David \nLeboe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Ledbetter/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, \nConnie Lee/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Billy \nLemmons/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tod A Lindholm/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark E \nLindsey/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Phillip D Lord/LON/ECT@ECT, Drew C \nLynch/LON/ECT@ECT, Herman Manis/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Keith \nMarlow/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Arvel Martin/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMichelle Mayo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mike \nMcConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie McGinnis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Monty McMahen/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Kellie Metcalf/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Trevor Mihalik/NA/Enron@Enron, Gayle W \nMuench/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nina \nNguyen/HOU/EES@EES, Roger Ondreko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jere C Overdyke/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nBeth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randy Petersen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nPeterson/HOU/EES@EES, Lisa Polk/HOU/EES@EES, George W Posey/HOU/EES@EES, \nBrent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Quaintance/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Monica \nReasoner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andrea V Reed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stuart G \nRexrode/LON/ECT@ECT, Ken Rice/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Mark \nRuane/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jenny Rub/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mary Lynne Ruffer/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nElaine Schield/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven (PGE) SCHNEIDER/ENRON@Gateway, \nCassandra Schultz/NA/Enron@Enron, Howard Selzer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeffrey A \nShankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cris Sherman/HOU/ECT@ECT, David \nShields/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ryan Siurek/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nJeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dave Sorenson/ENRON@Gateway, Wade \nStubblefield/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Sweeney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ken Tate/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Gail Tholen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheri \nThomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carl Tricoli/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark Warner/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nTodd Warwick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W \nWhite/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jimmie Williams/HOU/EES@EES, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, \nMark P Wilson/LON/ECT@ECT, Steve W Young/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Jennifer Stevenson/AA/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jane Champion/AA/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Arthur Andersen 21st Annual Energy Symposium\n\nIt is with great pleasure that I invite you to Arthur Andersen's 21st Annual \nEnergy Symposium. This year's conference will be held December 7th and 8th \nat the Westin Galleria Hotel in Houston. Arthur Andersen is offering a \nvaluable program with many of the industries top executives speaking on \nindustry wide applications.\n\n A few weeks ago some of you may have received information regarding the \nregistration process. However, due to the level of Enron's attendance, we \nhave arranged to facilitate your group's registration. If you would like to \nregister or would like more information about the Symposium, please contact \nSabrina Whaley at 853-7696 by October 31, 2000 or forward your completed \nregistration form to her at EB2355. A copy of the Symposium agenda has been \nattached for your information. The registration fee is $950 per person; \nhowever, in the past we have given Enron personnel interested in attending a \n50% discount.\n\nWe are excited about the upcoming Symposium and hope that you will be able to \nattend.\n\n\n\n", "Arthur Andersen 21st Annual Energy Symposium", "", [["register conference", 6, "nninformation", ["conference", "register"], "request", "shirley, please, register me for this conference."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<33331915.1075856544553.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy symposiumTnn": {"value": "energy symposiumTnn", "ne": "energy symposiumTnn", "patterns": ["energy symposiumTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2001-4:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-4-2001-4:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-4:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "gdarrah@bigfoot.com", "rudi.zipter@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25276135.1075856616882.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 04:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: gdarrah@bigfoot.com\nSubject: Re: Contact Info\nCc: rudi.zipter@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: rudi.zipter@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: gdarrah@bigfoot.com\nX-cc: Rudi Zipter, Vasant Shanbhogue, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Rac\\Rac\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGlenn,\n\nPlease, contact Rudi Zipter to set up an interview with him and David Port.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Glenn Darrah\" on 04/25/2001 04:27:03 PM\nPlease respond to gdarrah@bigfoot.com\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@Enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Contact Info\n\n\nVincent,\nCongratulations on spearheading the Mind's Eye Madness event - it looks like\nquite a success. My biggest disappointment is that I am leaving Enron this\nweek and have been too busy to participate as much as I would like. I have\nhad continued interest in the work and presentations that Amy Oberg has\ndone, so would have really enjoyed the workshop yesterday. I am still\nconsidering doing some or all of the Motorcade Friday, however that may\nwork.\n\nSeparately, thanks for the update in the lobby today on the Enterprise Risk\nproject. Please keep in touch with me. As I mentioned, my redeployment\nperiod ends tomorrow (April 26), but I currently do not have an outside job\nlined up and still have a lot of interest in the project if something can be\nworked out over the next few weeks. Although he is not in the same group as\nDavid Port, I have worked a lot with Brad Larson in the RAC underwriting\ngroup - he may be a good source of information on me also.\n\n Contact information:\ne-mail: gdarrah@bigfoot.com\nphone: 713.668.4277\ncell: 713.320.5615\n\nThanks,\nGlenn Darrah\n_________________________________________________________________\nGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com\n\n\n", "Re: Contact Info", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 5, "nninformation", ["set", "zipter"], "request", "glenn, please, contact rudi zipter to set up an interview with him and david port."]], "Glenn,\n\nPlease, contact Rudi Zipter to set up an interview with him and David Port.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Glenn Darrah\" ", {"4": {"value": "zipter", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-7-2000-1:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-7-2000-1:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-1:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tarnold@finance.lsu.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19039892.1075856494013.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 01:38:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tarnold@finance.lsu.edu\nSubject: Re: EFA meetings\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tom Arnold @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nThanks for your message.\n\nI shall be glad to attend the meeting (of course a lot may happen between \nnow and then and we may have many unexpected developments\nin a company as dynamic as Enron).\n\nI want to get back to you at some point with comments on your paper.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTom Arnold on 07/03/2000 05:19:48 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: EFA meetings\n\n\nHello Vince,\n\nA colleague and I are hoping to have a panel discussion on energy\nsecurities for the coming Eastern Finance Association Meetings (April\n25-28, 2001 in Charleston, South Carolina). I was wondering if you or\nsomeone you know at Enron would be interested in participating in such a\nmeeting. I realize that you may not be able to plan this far in advance\nand would certainly not be offended in the least if you cannot participate.\n We already appreciate you taking time out of your schedule this past\nsemester to visit LSU.\n\nI hope all is going well and wish you continued success in your ventures,\n\nTom Arnold\n\n", "Re: EFA meetings", "", [["attend meeting", 4, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "intention", " i shall be glad to attend the meeting (of course a lot may happen between now and then and we may have many unexpected developments in a company as dynamic as enron)."]], "Tom,\n\nThanks for your message.\n\nI shall be glad to attend the meeting (of course a lot may happen between \nnow and then and we may have many unexpected developments\nin a company as dynamic as Enron).\n\nI want to get back to you at some point with comments on your paper.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTom Arnold ", [], false]}, "12-7-2000-2:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-7-2000-2:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-7-2000-2:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "erin.rice@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24195401.1075856616646.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 02:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: erin.rice@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Pre-submitted question on eSpeak\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Erin Rice\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Presentations\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nErin,\n\nA book by Martha Amram and Nalin Kulatilaka is an excellent\nnon-technical introduction to real options and it contains all the most \nimportant\nreferences to more advanced books and papers.\nThe book has an endorsement by Jeff Skilling on the cover page.\n\nThe Research Group offered several one-day seminars on real options\nand applications to the energy industry. We still have a few binders with\nthe presentation materials available if you are interested.\nWe plan to repeat the seminar sometimes in the fall.\nThe first part of the seminar (about 4 hours in the morning) covers general \nconcept of real options\nand their applicability to the energy business.\nThe second, more technical afternoon session, covers stochastic processes used\nto model price uncertainty in the energy markets and specific case\nstudies (valuation of natural gas storage facilities and of peaking gas-fired \npower plants).\n\nThe real options approach has been developed specifically to address the \nproblem of making\ninvestment decisions under uncertainty. Nobody in this field claims that this \nis a\nperfect tool, but it represents a significant progress compared to other \ntechniques developed\nearlier.\n\nDiscounted cash flow analysis that tries to incorporate uncertainty through\nanalysis of several, in most cases, arbitrary scenarios (most likely, \noptimistic,\npessimistic). These scenarios don't identify explicitly the risk drivers\nand don't specify the future proactive management decisions.\n\nThe real, option approach is very powerful because it allows to (1) capture\nuncertainty in an explicit way and (2) to design investment projects that\nallow to exploit future positive developments and reduce future exposures to \ndownside risk.\nThis approach allows also create a link between investment decisions and \nfuture\noperational decisions. Forward-looking investment decisions create options \nthat are exercised\nin the future through active management of a project.\n\nThe real options technology relies heavily on advanced statistical tools to \ncome\nup with the representation of future possible states of the world. The real \nchallenge is\nto use these tools in a sensible way. I have seen in my career (almost 30 \nyears\nof applying mathematical tools to business and economic problems) many quants \narmed with \npowerful computers who reminded me of monkeys armed with hammers. The \nchallenge is not\nto run mechanically thousands of simulations based on arbitrary assumptions\nbut to translate in a creative way the insights of people who understand \nspecific businesses\ninto parsimonious quantitative models. It is especially critical to \nstress-test the assumptions\nof any model and to ask the question if the outcome of a model depends \ncritically on any set of assumptions.\nIf this is the case one should use common sense to examine the underlying \nassumptions.\nI remember that in the early eighties quite a few models simulated the \ndynamics of oil prices,\nbut all the stochastic scenarios represented fluctuations around a very \noptimistic upward trend.\nOne would have been better off stepping back and asking a simple question \nwhat Economics 101\nteaches about cartels and the dynamics of supply and demand.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Erin Rice @ ENRON 06/27/2000 03:52 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Pre-submitted question on eSpeak\n\nGood news! There is already a question waiting for your July 12 eSpeak \nsession. I have pasted it below, although you don't have to respond until \nthe actual event. Don't forget to send a bulleted list of discussion topics \nif you would still like us to advertise the event on the elevator screens.\n\nThanks.\n\n- er\n\nsubmitted by breineck\nI was doing some reading about the application of real options in the \nevaluation of non-financial assets. Would you recommend any texts or articles \nfor a \nmore in-depth study of this area? Is quantification of risk or uncertainty \nthe major challenge in using this concept? Can statistical tools be used with \nthis to do \na sort of sensitivity analysis? \n\n", "Re: Pre-submitted question on eSpeak", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 54, "information", ["used", "model"], "information", " the second, more technical afternoon session, covers stochastic processes used to model price uncertainty in the energy markets and specific case studies (valuation of natural gas storage facilities and of peaking gas-fired power plants)."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 76, "nninformation", ["decisions", "making"], "intention", " the real options approach has been developed specifically to address the problem of making investment decisions under uncertainty."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 170, "nninformation", ["use", "tools"], "intention", " the real challenge is to use these tools in a sensible way."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 177, "information", ["applying", "tools"], "information", " i have seen in my career (almost numeric years of applying mathematical tools to business and economic problems) many quants armed with powerful computers who reminded me of monkeys armed with hammers."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 220, "nninformation", ["model", "set"], "request", " it is especially critical to stress-test the assumptions of any model and to ask the question if the outcome of a model depends critically on any set of assumptions."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 223, "nninformation", ["use", "case"], "intention", " if this is the case one should use common sense to examine the underlying assumptions."]], "Erin,\n\nA book by Martha Amram and Nalin Kulatilaka is an excellent\nnon-technical introduction to real options and it contains all the most \nimportant\nreferences to more advanced books and papers.\nThe book has an endorsement by Jeff Skilling on the cover page.\n\nThe Research Group offered several one-day seminars on real options\nand applications to the energy industry. We still have a few binders with\nthe presentation materials available if you are interested.\nWe plan to repeat the seminar sometimes in the fall.\nThe first part of the seminar (about 4 hours in the morning) covers general \nconcept of real options\nand their applicability to the energy business.\nThe second, more technical afternoon session, covers stochastic processes used\nto model price uncertainty in the energy markets and specific case\nstudies (valuation of natural gas storage facilities and of peaking gas-fired \npower plants).\n\nThe real options approach has been developed specifically to address the \nproblem of making\ninvestment decisions under uncertainty. Nobody in this field claims that this \nis a\nperfect tool, but it represents a significant progress compared to other \ntechniques developed\nearlier.\n\nDiscounted cash flow analysis that tries to incorporate uncertainty through\nanalysis of several, in most cases, arbitrary scenarios (most likely, \noptimistic,\npessimistic). These scenarios don't identify explicitly the risk drivers\nand don't specify the future proactive management decisions.\n\nThe real, option approach is very powerful because it allows to (1) capture\nuncertainty in an explicit way and (2) to design investment projects that\nallow to exploit future positive developments and reduce future exposures to \ndownside risk.\nThis approach allows also create a link between investment decisions and \nfuture\noperational decisions. Forward-looking investment decisions create options \nthat are exercised\nin the future through active management of a project.\n\nThe real options technology relies heavily on advanced statistical tools to \ncome\nup with the representation of future possible states of the world. The real \nchallenge is\nto use these tools in a sensible way. I have seen in my career (almost 30 \nyears\nof applying mathematical tools to business and economic problems) many quants \narmed with \npowerful computers who reminded me of monkeys armed with hammers. The \nchallenge is not\nto run mechanically thousands of simulations based on arbitrary assumptions\nbut to translate in a creative way the insights of people who understand \nspecific businesses\ninto parsimonious quantitative models. It is especially critical to \nstress-test the assumptions\nof any model and to ask the question if the outcome of a model depends \ncritically on any set of assumptions.\nIf this is the case one should use common sense to examine the underlying \nassumptions.\nI remember that in the early eighties quite a few models simulated the \ndynamics of oil prices,\nbut all the stochastic scenarios represented fluctuations around a very \noptimistic upward trend.\nOne would have been better off stepping back and asking a simple question \nwhat Economics 101\nteaches about cartels and the dynamics of supply and demand.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Erin Rice @ ENRON 06/27/2000 03:52 PM\n\t\n\n", "<24195401.1075856616646.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"application real0optionTnn": {"value": "application real0optionTnn", "ne": "application real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["application real0optionTnn"]}, "book paperTnn": {"value": "book paperTnn", "ne": "book paperTnn", "patterns": ["book paperTnn"]}, "business_job problemTnn": {"value": "business_job problemTnn", "ne": "business_job problemTnn", "patterns": ["business_job problemTnn"]}, "energy option_real0optionTnn": {"value": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "ne": "energy option_real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["energy option_real0optionTnn"]}, "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price model_simulationTnn"]}, "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0price marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0price marketTnn"]}, "exposure riskTnn": {"value": "exposure riskTnn", "ne": "exposure riskTnn", "patterns": ["exposure riskTnn"]}, "gas_gas0price power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "gas_gas0price power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "gas_gas0price power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas_gas0price power_power0marketTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas storageTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas storageTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas storageTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas storageTnn"]}, "40": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour numericTnn", "numeric seminarTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn"]}, "market priceTnn": {"value": "market priceTnn", "ne": "market priceTnn", "patterns": ["market priceTnn"]}, "market valuationTnn": {"value": "market valuationTnn", "ne": "market valuationTnn", "patterns": ["market valuationTnn"]}, "model_modeling operation_processTnn": {"value": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "ne": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling operation_processTnn"]}, "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn": {"value": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "ne": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling process stochasticTnnn"]}, "model_modeling quantitativeTnn": {"value": "model_modeling quantitativeTnn", "ne": "model_modeling quantitativeTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling quantitativeTnn"]}, "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn": {"value": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "ne": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn"]}, "plant powerTnn": {"value": "plant powerTnn", "ne": "plant powerTnn", "patterns": ["plant powerTnn"]}, "price processTnn": {"value": "price processTnn", "ne": "price processTnn", "patterns": ["price processTnn"]}, "real0option seminarTnn": {"value": "real0option seminarTnn", "ne": "real0option seminarTnn", "patterns": ["real0option seminarTnn"]}, "storage valuationTnn": {"value": "storage valuationTnn", "ne": "storage valuationTnn", "patterns": ["storage valuationTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-2-2000-0:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-2-2000-0:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-0:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30280859.1075856941912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 00:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Altos, Pipeline Modeling Demo\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPleae, invite Clayton.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/28/2000 \n08:29 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nKimberly Watson@ENRON\n02/28/2000 08:27 AM\nTo: Rockey Storie/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni \nKrishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Goodpasture/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Sarabeth \nSmith/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Martha Janousek/ET&S/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: Altos, Pipeline Modeling Demo\n\nPlease plan to attend a demo of the Altos Pipeline Modeling System on \nWednesday, March 1 from 1:30 to 3:30 in EB19C2. Please feel free to invite \nothers who may be interested in viewing this system. Thanks, Kim.\n", "Altos, Pipeline Modeling Demo", "", [["invite personname", 5, "nninformation", ["invite", "clayton"], "request", "shirley, pleae, invite clayton."]], "Shirley,\n\nPleae, invite Clayton.\n\nVince\n", "<30280859.1075856941912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-1-2001-5:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-1-2001-5:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-5:35:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com jeffrey.shankman@enron.com kristin.gandy@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16414165.1075856232052.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 05:35:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com,\n\tkristin.gandy@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com,\n\tkristin.gandy@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Jeffrey A Shankman, Kristin Gandy\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nI am sending you the resume of David Gershenson, an MBA student from Wharton.\nHe is interested in a summer internship with Enron and I shall be glad\nto take him.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/17/2001 \n01:34 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Chen, Vincent\" on 01/17/2001 02:35:00 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \"Gershenson, David\" \nSubject: Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson\n\n\nVince, I am passing along a cover letter and resume for my classmate and \nfriend, Dave Gershenson, who is very interested in working for Enron this \nsummer. He is working on Reliant Energy's Tiger Team this quarter. Please let \nus know if you have any questions.\n\nThanks much and see you Friday!\nVincent\n--------------------------------------------\nVincent Y Chen\nMBA Candidate, Class of 2002\nThe Wharton School\nUniversity of Pennsylvania\nchenvinc@wharton.upenn.edu\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Gershenson, David\n> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 6:24 AM\n> To: Chen, Vincent\n> Subject: Enron Cover Letter & Resume\n>\n> Vincent,\n>\n> Please find attached a cover letter and resume for the Enron summer finance \ninternship. As we discussed, I would appreciate it if you could pass these \nalong to your Tiger Team contact, Mr. Kaminski.\n>\n> Thanks,\n> Dave\n>\n> > <> > > <>\n\n - Enron Letter.doc\n - Dave Gershenson.doc\n", "Enron Cover Letter & Resume for Dave Gershenson", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 6, "information", ["sending", "resume"], "information", "celeste, i am sending you the resume of david gershenson, an mba student from wharton."]], "Celeste,\n\nI am sending you the resume of David Gershenson, an MBA student from Wharton.\nHe is interested in a summer internship with Enron and I shall be glad\nto take him.\n\nVince\n\n", "<16414165.1075856232052.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cover letterTnn": {"value": "cover letterTnn", "ne": "cover letterTnn", "patterns": ["cover letterTnn"]}, "interested internship_summer0internshipTnn": {"value": "interested internship_summer0internshipTnn", "ne": "interested internship_summer0internshipTnn", "patterns": ["interested internship_summer0internshipTnn"]}, "resume studentTnn": {"value": "resume studentTnn", "ne": "resume studentTnn", "patterns": ["resume studentTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-7-2000-6:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-7-2000-6:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-7-2000-6:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "chonawee.supatgiat@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6752067.1075856560493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 06:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: chonawee.supatgiat@enron.com\nSubject: Re: short-sell vs exercise\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Chonawee Supatgiat\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nChonawee,\n\nAs I have pointed out, short-selling the stock may be a bad \ndecision because of tax implications (ignoring the legal aspects).\n\nSuppose the strike is $70 and you were granted an ATM option.\nYou sell short at $70 ten lots (one lot = 100 shares). The price goes to \n$100. \nYou lose $30 x 1000 = $30,000 on your short position. Option exercise \ngives you $30,000. This is before taxes. You pay taxes\non your option income (it's treated as ordinary income). The tax is\n28% x $30,000 = $8,400. You can use only $3,000 of your loss against\nordinary income. This saves you only $840 in taxes. \n\nOf course, if you have capital gains, you can use losses on your option \nposition\nas an offset.\n\nThe remaining part of your capital loss is carried forward and you get the\ntax benefits over time (less the time value of money), assuming you have \nincome in the\nfuture (or capital gains).\n\nNot so good.\n\nBy the way, valuation and optimal exercise of employee stock options\nis a very interesting and difficult problem.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChonawee Supatgiat@ENRON\n07/10/2000 11:40 AM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: short-sell vs exercise\n\nBelow is my writing that was originally planned to post somewhere. It \nexplains how to handle a special type of call options which can be exercised \nbut cannot be sold. (As we know that it is never optimal to exercise a call \noption before its maturity). However, after taking Vince's comments on the \nordinary income/capital loss TAX offsetting issue, I think this is not a good \narticle anymore. I guess I could just throw this article away. :-)\n-chonawee\n\n\nShort-selling is better than exercising your employee stock options\n\nIn general, the sensible time to exercise your employee stock option is when \nyou speculate that ENE is going down or its growth rate is extremely low. In \nfact, when exercising the options, you are speculating that ENE would never \nreach this point (plus interest) again during the 10 years maturity date or \nuntil you leave the company. If you do not anticipate that, you should hold \non to your options because you can gain higher profit by delaying your \nexercise.\n\nHowever, if you believe that ENE is reaching its peak. Then, instead of \nexercising the options, you should short-sell (or sell) the stocks in that \namount. After short-selling, when you feel that the stock starts to go up, \nyou can buy them back (to cover), make profit, and still keep the options. On \nthe other hand, if the stock does not go down as expect, you can exercise the \noptions to cover your short position anytime. \n\nLet us take a look at a simple case where there are no taxes, no dividends, \nand zero risk-free rate. Suppose that ENE follows a simple sample path as \nfollow\n\n\nIf you exercise 100 ENE options with a grant price of 45 when ENE reaches 70, \nyou would earn (70-45)*100 = $2,500. But if you short sell 100 ENE at 70, no \nmatter how much ENE is in the future, you can exercise the options to cover \nthe short position and still earn (70-45)*100 = $2,500. The advantage of \nshort-selling comes when ENE at the period 2 is 60. At this point, you can \ncover your short position, get (70-60)*100 = $1,000, and still keep your \noptions or you can exercise the options and gain $2,500. That is, you still \nkeep the flexibility of your options when you short-sell. In conclusion, the \nonly sensible time to exercise your employee stock options is to cover your \nshort position.\n\n\n", "Re: short-sell vs exercise", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 46, "nninformation", ["use", "$3,000"], "intention", " you can use only pricenumeric of your loss against ordinary income."]], "Chonawee,\n\nAs I have pointed out, short-selling the stock may be a bad \ndecision because of tax implications (ignoring the legal aspects).\n\nSuppose the strike is $70 and you were granted an ATM option.\nYou sell short at $70 ten lots (one lot = 100 shares). The price goes to \n$100. \nYou lose $30 x 1000 = $30,000 on your short position. Option exercise \ngives you $30,000. This is before taxes. You pay taxes\non your option income (it's treated as ordinary income). The tax is\n28% x $30,000 = $8,400. You can use only $3,000 of your loss against\nordinary income. This saves you only $840 in taxes. \n\nOf course, if you have capital gains, you can use losses on your option \nposition\nas an offset.\n\nThe remaining part of your capital loss is carried forward and you get the\ntax benefits over time (less the time value of money), assuming you have \nincome in the\nfuture (or capital gains).\n\nNot so good.\n\nBy the way, valuation and optimal exercise of employee stock options\nis a very interesting and difficult problem.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChonawee Supatgiat@ENRON\n07/10/2000 11:40 AM\n", "<6752067.1075856560493.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"24": {"value": "$100", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "decision pointTnn": {"value": "decision pointTnn", "ne": "decision pointTnn", "patterns": ["decision pointTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "stock", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["dot_point personnameTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric part_shareTnn", "numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "20": {"value": "$70", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "27": {"value": "1000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "26": {"value": "$30", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "28", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}, "44": {"value": "$30,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["numeric pricenumericTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2000-5:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-5:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-5:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.goodpasture@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4619304.1075856536802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 05:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.goodpasture@enron.com\nSubject: Letter to Nesbitt\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Goodpasture\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nThe outline of a message to Nesbitt.\n\n\nDale,\n\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you \nmentioned \nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your company \nemployees on a case-study.\n\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the \npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us \nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model \ninternally.\n\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\n\nVince", "Letter to Nesbitt", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 22, "nninformation", ["applied", "price"], "intention", " the cost of a weekly project would be pricenumeric that would be applied to the purchase price should we go ahead and decide to acquire the software."], ["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 27, "nninformation", ["acquire", "price"], "intention", " the cost of a weekly project would be pricenumeric that would be applied to the purchase price should we go ahead and decide to acquire the software."], ["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 31, "nninformation", ["estimate", "evaluate"], "intention", " this project would allow us to evaluate the model and come up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model internally."]], "John,\n\nThe outline of a message to Nesbitt.\n\n\nDale,\n\nThanks for your message. In our phone conversation before the meeting you \nmentioned \nanother contractual arrangement under which we could work with your company \nemployees on a case-study.\n\nThe cost of a weekly project would be $12,000 that would be applied to the \npurchase price should\nwe go ahead and decide to acquire the software. This project would allow us \nto evaluate the model and\ncome up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model \ninternally.\n\nPlease, let me know more about this option.\n\nVince", "<4619304.1075856536802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrangement_organization meetingTnn": {"value": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "ne": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_organization meetingTnn"]}, "arrangement_system companyTnn": {"value": "arrangement_system companyTnn", "ne": "arrangement_system companyTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_system companyTnn"]}, "case0study companyTnn": {"value": "case0study companyTnn", "ne": "case0study companyTnn", "patterns": ["case0study companyTnn"]}, "company employeeTnn": {"value": "company employeeTnn", "ne": "company employeeTnn", "patterns": ["company employeeTnn"]}, "conversation phone_telephoneTnn": {"value": "conversation phone_telephoneTnn", "ne": "conversation phone_telephoneTnn", "patterns": ["conversation phone_telephoneTnn"]}, "21": {"value": "$12,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn", "pricenumeric projectTnn"]}, "example_model projectTnn": {"value": "example_model projectTnn", "ne": "example_model projectTnn", "patterns": ["example_model projectTnn"]}, "internally model_model0validationTnn": {"value": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "ne": "internally model_model0validationTnn", "patterns": ["internally model_model0validationTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-7-2000-4:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"14-7-2000-4:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-7-2000-4:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "lloyd.fleming@enron.com", "richard.sage@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com anjam.ahmad@enron.com bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com ted.murphy@enron.com dale.surbey@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15210400.1075856493456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 04:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lloyd.fleming@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Agenda for NY MG Metals Visit\nCc: richard.sage@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, anjam.ahmad@enron.com,\n\tbjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com,\n\tdale.surbey@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: richard.sage@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, anjam.ahmad@enron.com,\n\tbjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com,\n\tdale.surbey@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Lloyd Fleming\nX-cc: Richard Sage, Vince J Kaminski, Anjam Ahmad, Bjorn Hagelmann, Ted Murphy, Dale Surbey, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLloyd,\n\nNo problem. I wanted to make sure that everybody realizes how \ndetailed-oriented our tasks are\nand that we have to be in direct communication with our counterparties.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Lloyd Fleming 07/14/2000 10:40 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anjam \nAhmad/LON/ECT@ECT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale \nSurbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Agenda for NY MG Metals Visit \n\nVince,\n\nI certainly think Anjam & Tanya should visit NY, but I simply had a concern \nthat some of the questions being asked had already been covered by Anjam / \nmyself and Andreas but had somehow not been communicated.\n\nMy message was not intended to convey any another impression. I've also now \nspoken with Anjam & Tanya and clarified this.\n\nregards\n\nLloyd\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n14/07/2000 15:04\nTo: Lloyd Fleming/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anjam \nAhmad/LON/ECT@ECT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale \nSurbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Agenda for NY MG Metals Visit \n\nLloyd,\n\nSpeaking from experience, I think that it's critical for Tanya and Anjam to \nvisit MG in New York\nand establish direct relationship with technical people. Merging two risk \nmanagement systems\nrequires handling many very technical issues and face to face discussions \nbetween IT and quants\n will be very helpful. \n\nVince \n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Lloyd Fleming 07/14/2000 03:42 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Andreas.Barschkis@mgusa.com @ ENRON, Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anjam Ahmad/LON/ECT@ECT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nTed Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Agenda for NY MG Metals Visit \n\nTanya,\n\nI think most of your queries can be dealt with on the phone - I'll be at MG \nwith Andreas today and we'll call you. Most of these points have already \nbeen covered with Anjam in any case. I'm also attaching a file downloaded \nfrom Mercur (MG's risk aggregation system) showing monthly total positions \nfor each metal in each entity. You can fairly easily create tables and graph \nwhat you want to see. We can talk today about getting a full deal download.\n\nRegards\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n13/07/2000 22:45\nTo: Andreas.Barschkis@mgusa.com @ ENRON\ncc: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Lloyd Fleming/LON/ECT@ECT, Richard \nSage/LON/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anjam Ahmad/LON/ECT@ECT, \nStinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bjorn Hagelmann/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted \nMurphy/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Agenda for NY MG Metals Visit \n\nHi Andreas,\n\nHere are the issues we would like to discuss on our Thursday meeting in NY:\n\n1. Inputs for options valuation, in particular the origins of volatility \ncurves;\n2. Information on exotic options structures (existing & potential);\n3. The data flow (are we going to get data from London or NY).\n4a. Storage of positions information at MG. How to extract the positions \ninfo from\nMG database into spreadsheets.\n4b. Existing positions structure for each metal.\n5. Introduction to concentrates trading business, key personnel.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nTanya & Anjam\n\n713 853 3997\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Agenda for NY MG Metals Visit", "", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 9, "information", ["tasks", "realizes"], "information", " i wanted to make sure that everybody realizes how detailed-oriented our tasks are and that we have to be in direct communication with our counterparties."]], "Lloyd,\n\nNo problem. I wanted to make sure that everybody realizes how \ndetailed-oriented our tasks are\nand that we have to be in direct communication with our counterparties.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Lloyd Fleming 07/14/2000 10:40 AM\n\t\n\n", "<15210400.1075856493456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"communication directTnn": {"value": "communication directTnn", "ne": "communication directTnn", "patterns": ["communication directTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-4-2001-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-4-2001-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-4-2001-9:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "focuscapital@email.msn.com", "", "Message-ID: <26243388.1075856417713.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 09:01:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: focuscapital@email.msn.com\nSubject: Re: resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Focuscapital\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nScott,\n\nThanks. My HR people should we get in touch with you.\nWe gave them the names of candidates we are interested in and\nthey will send the others to the IT group for consideration.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Focuscapital\" on 04/06/2001 12:05:41 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: resume\n\n\n\nThis guy lives in Houston.\n?\nThanks, Scott\nFocus Capital Markets\n71 Vanderbilt Avenue\nSuite 200\nNew York, NY 10017\n(212) 986-3344 Tele\n(212) 986-3370 Fax\n - FOCUS JAY DAVE.Doc\n\n", "Re: resume", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 9, "nninformation", ["candidates", "send"], "intention", " we gave them the names of candidates we are interested in and they will send the others to the it group for consideration."]], "Scott,\n\nThanks. My HR people should we get in touch with you.\nWe gave them the names of candidates we are interested in and\nthey will send the others to the IT group for consideration.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Focuscapital\" ", [], false]}, "12-12-2000-2:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-12-2000-2:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-12-2000-2:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2929196.1075856249499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: christie.patrick@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Follow-up Meeting on Wharton\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Christie Patrick\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nChristie,\n\nThis is regarding the risk management project.\n\nI shall set up a separate meeting with Jeff regarding Wharton Tiger Team.\nI would appreciate if you could call in as well.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick\n12/12/2000 10:14 AM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: James L Bouillion/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Carrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant \nShanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Follow-up Meeting on Wharton \n\nHi Shirley!\n\nI'll be on vacation, but will be Happy to call in at that time, or any other \ntime that is convenient for Vince. Should we also include Jeff Shankman?\n\nPlease let me know the time and telephone number to call, and I'll be there!\n\nThanks!\n\n--Christie.\n\n", "Re: Follow-up Meeting on Wharton", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 5, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " i shall set up a separate meeting with jeff regarding wharton tiger team."]], "Christie,\n\nThis is regarding the risk management project.\n\nI shall set up a separate meeting with Jeff regarding Wharton Tiger Team.\nI would appreciate if you could call in as well.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick\n12/12/2000 10:14 AM\n", "<2929196.1075856249499.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"project risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "project risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "project risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["project risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-2-2000-4:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-2-2000-4:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-2-2000-4:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com lynn.dunphy@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10329977.1075856772222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 04:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com, lynn.dunphy@enron.com\nSubject: Summer Internship Position\nCc: grant.masson@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: grant.masson@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts, Lynn Dunphy\nX-cc: Grant Masson, Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nI would like to ask you for a favor. We would like to have Sevil as an intern \nin our group\nthis summer. She prepares a Ph.D. dissertation on transmission: a critical \nissue to the power\nmarkets everywhere.\n\nI have also a few other students I would like to take in as summer interns. I \nshall send you \nthe resumes in separate messages.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/11/2000 \n12:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nsevil yaman on 02/10/2000 10:22:28 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Summer Internship Position\n\n\nHi Dr. Kaminski,\n\nAs I told you last Monday in Dr. Kao's class I am\nlooking for a summer internship position in your group\nin which I can use my economics background together\nwith my quantitative skills and knowledge in\nelectricity markets. Currently, I am a third year\nPh.D. student at the Economics Department of the\nUniversity of Houston. At the end of this semester\nI'll be completing my coursework and starting to write\nmy dissertation which analyzes the access pricing\nissue in network industries, especially in electricity\ntransmission.\nI would like to give you a few examples from my\ncoursework. In addition to basic Statistics I-II and\nEconometrics I-II, I have taken \"Macroeconomic\nModeling and Forecasting\" (Time Series) class in which\nI learned RATS. In \"Applied Econometrics\" class, it\nwas given a great deal of attention to the case method\nlearning approach that involved extensive computer\nanalysis. We were taught SAS. As a term paper I worked\non electricity demand forecasting. This semester I am\ntaking \"Special Topics in Applied Econometrics\" course\nin which I am being taught Qualitative Dependent\nModels, MLE, Panel Data Techniques, and so on, and as\nsoftware STATA. Moreover, this semester I am also\ntaking \"Options Theory and Its Applications\" class and\nauditing Dr. Kao's class. I definitely agree with you\nin what you mentioned in your lecture last Monday\nabout the understanding of the options theory as a\nnecessity in the energy sector.\nBesides, I spent my last summer in the Oil and Gas\nunit of the World Bank as a research assistant. This\nwork experience in which I had great exposure to the\nenergy market issues and my own research area, which\nis regulation of transmission pricing (congestion\npricing), made me believe that the ongoing\nrestructuring of the electricity sector, especially\nthe transmission network issue, could be well\nunderstood by working in the industry.\nDr. Kaminski, attached you can find my resume. I would\nbe glad if you could find a chance to review it and\nget back to me soon.\n\nMany thanks,\n\n\n\n\n\n=====\nSevil Yaman\nDepartment of Economics\nUniversity of Houston\nHouston, TX 77204-5882\n(713) 743-3814 / 3817\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nTalk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.\nhttp://im.yahoo.com\n - resume-sevil.doc\n", "Summer Internship Position", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 21, "nninformation", ["send", "resumes"], "intention", " i shall send you the resumes in separate messages."]], "Celeste,\n\nI would like to ask you for a favor. We would like to have Sevil as an intern \nin our group\nthis summer. She prepares a Ph.D. dissertation on transmission: a critical \nissue to the power\nmarkets everywhere.\n\nI have also a few other students I would like to take in as summer interns. I \nshall send you \nthe resumes in separate messages.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n", "<10329977.1075856772222.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"critical issueTnn": {"value": "critical issueTnn", "ne": "critical issueTnn", "patterns": ["critical issueTnn"]}, "intern student0summer_summerTnn": {"value": "intern student0summer_summerTnn", "ne": "intern student0summer_summerTnn", "patterns": ["intern student0summer_summerTnn"]}, "power_power0market transmissionTnn": {"value": "power_power0market transmissionTnn", "ne": "power_power0market transmissionTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0market transmissionTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-5-2000-2:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-5-2000-2:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-5-2000-2:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "greg.whalley@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11171812.1075856826252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 May 2000 02:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: greg.whalley@enron.com\nSubject: Brad Romine\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Greg Whalley\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGreg,\n\nAs you may know, Brad Romine's dot.com venture fell apart.\n\nThe offer from Enron looks much better now. I have arranged for him\na number of different interviews (including one with you). I think we should \nnot be too\npunitive and give him the 2nd chance. I am also setting up for him interviews \nwith RAC\nand EBS and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation.\n\nPlease, give me a call if you have any other question.\n\nVince Kaminski", "Brad Romine", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 11, "information", ["arranged", "interviews"], "information", " i have arranged for him a number of different interviews (including one with you)."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 18, "information", ["setting", "interviews"], "information", " i am also setting up for him interviews with rac and ebs and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation."]], "Greg,\n\nAs you may know, Brad Romine's dot.com venture fell apart.\n\nThe offer from Enron looks much better now. I have arranged for him\na number of different interviews (including one with you). I think we should \nnot be too\npunitive and give him the 2nd chance. I am also setting up for him interviews \nwith RAC\nand EBS and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation.\n\nPlease, give me a call if you have any other question.\n\nVince Kaminski", "<11171812.1075856826252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "romine", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["dot_point personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-6-2000-2:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-6-2000-2:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-6-2000-2:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "david.dupre@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5277858.1075856563961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 02:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: david.dupre@enron.com\nSubject: Re: interest\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: David P Dupre\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDavid,\n\nPlease, call Shirley Crenshaw (my assistant),\nextension 5-5290 to set it up.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid P Dupre\n06/15/2000 05:18 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: interest \n\nWhat time(s) are you available over the next few days?\n\nThanks\nDavid\n3-3528\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/15/2000 05:16 PM\nTo: David P Dupre/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: interest \n\nDavid,\n\nPlease, stop by to chat about it for a few minutes.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid P Dupre\n06/15/2000 11:57 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: interest\n\nMay we meet to discuss my interest in joining your group?\nI have a strong quantitative discipline and am highly numerate.\n\nThanks\nDavid 3-3528\n---------------------- Forwarded by David P Dupre/HOU/ECT on 06/15/2000 11:53 \nAM ---------------------------\nTo: David P Dupre/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: interest \n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: interest", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 7, "nninformation", ["set", "crenshaw"], "intention", "david, please, call shirley crenshaw (my assistant), extension phonenumber to set it up."]], "David,\n\nPlease, call Shirley Crenshaw (my assistant),\nextension 5-5290 to set it up.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid P Dupre\n06/15/2000 05:18 PM\n", "<5277858.1075856563961.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"4": {"value": "crenshaw", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["assistant personnameTnn", "extension_reference personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-1-2001-2:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-1-2001-2:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-1-2001-2:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "paula.corey@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23293850.1075856224176.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 02:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: paula.corey@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Resume Forwarded at Request of Brian Mihura\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Paula Corey\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNo, no updates.\n\nVince\n\n\nFrom: Paula Corey@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 01/30/2001 10:04 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Resume Forwarded at Request of Brian Mihura \n\nI will ask Brian to resend - any word on Steven?\n\n", "Re: Resume Forwarded at Request of Brian Mihura", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 1, "information", ["forwarded", "request"], "information", " resume forwarded at request of brian mihura."]], "No, no updates.\n\nVince\n\n\nFrom: Paula Corey@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 01/30/2001 10:04 AM\n", "<23293850.1075856224176.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-4-2001-20:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-4-2001-20:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-20:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.goodpasture@enron.com kimberly.watson@enron.com lee.ferrell@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29836334.1075858470071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.goodpasture@enron.com, kimberly.watson@enron.com, lee.ferrell@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Job posting\nCc: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Goodpasture , Kimberly Watson , Lee Ferrell , Vince J Kaminski \nX-cc: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao \nX-bcc: demianen \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nI am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her resume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \n\nVince Kaminski\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2001 05:27 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Helen Demianenko\" on 04/24/2001 02:11:05 PM\nPlease respond to \nTo:\t\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tJob posting\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nThanks for talking to me this morning about the Sr. Risk Analyst position.\nHere is where you can find the job description for that position:\n\nhttp://www2.enron.com/jobs/cgi-bin/get_details.pl?id=0000108729&b=4x\n\nAlso, I have cut and pasted it down below, just in case.\n\nI appreciate your assistance in this matter and will start working on my\ncover letter right away.\nI would also like to talk to somebody to get a better feel for the position\n(Is this really an MBA level position and how much of the in-depth learning\nopportunities for the derivatives market does it entail?)\n\nSincerely,\n\nHelen Demianenko\n\nP.S. I have attached my resume (one more time).\n\n\nSR RISK ANALYST\nESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Primary accountability for managing the ETS Risk Book\nstructure and processes from a pipeline (front office) perspective. Work\nwithin current NNG and TW Marketing organizations to effectively integrate\nrisk books into daily marketing and structured product activities. Provide\nfeedback to management regarding overall and specific risk positions.\nProvide support for consistent and accurate deals entry/reporting for stand\nalone risk management system. Create ad-hoc reports to assist management in\nrisk analysis. Responsible for managing and providing enhancements to the\nCapacity Books :? Maintain functionality and provide leadership for new\nfunctionality from a users perspective. Provide support and direction for\nintegration of Capacity Books and Revenue Management Project.Support Revenue\nManagement Team\nESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: BA/BS in Finance or Accounting (MBA preferred).\nMinimum of two years financial instruments experience. Excellent\nquantitative/analytic and systems skills. Knowledge of commodity risk book\nconcepts. Understanding of physical natural gas market, interstate\ntransportation and financial derivatives. Ability to interface with\nstructuring/marketing groups in order to define business requirements.\nAbility to provide leadership for business and system processes. Excellent\ncommunication skills with an ability to communicate across organization with\nvaried skill sets and ideas. Must be self-motivated with a high level of\nenergy\n\nPREFERRED SKILLS: NA.\n\nSPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: This job functions in a team-oriented, fast-paced\nenvironment with multiple concurrent assignments and constantly changing\npriorities.\n\nCONTACT: Responses will be accepted through May 3, 2001. Respond to Enron\nCorp., Human Resources 235, P O Box 3330, Omaha, NE 68103-0330 or e-mail:\ndea.crum@enron.com as a .doc or .txt attachment. Please include this\nrequisition number.\n\n\nJob ID 0000108729\nDepartment RISK MANAGEMENT & REPORTI\nCompany ENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nENRON TRANSPORTATION SERVICES\nLocation HOUSTON, TX\nType\nPosting date 19-APR-01\n\n\n - Helen_D_resume.doc \n", "Job posting", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "information", ["sent", "resume"], "information", "i am teaching a class at rice and one of my very bright students sent her resume in response to this posting."]], "I am teaching a class at Rice and one of my very bright students sent her resume\nin response to this posting. Do you know who posted this job? \n\nVince Kaminski\n\n", "<29836334.1075858470071.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"bright_promising resumeTnn": {"value": "bright_promising resumeTnn", "ne": "bright_promising resumeTnn", "patterns": ["bright_promising resumeTnn"]}, "class_grade riceTnn": {"value": "class_grade riceTnn", "ne": "class_grade riceTnn", "patterns": ["class_grade riceTnn"]}, "resume studentTnn": {"value": "resume studentTnn", "ne": "resume studentTnn", "patterns": ["resume studentTnn"]}, "rice studentTnn": {"value": "rice studentTnn", "ne": "rice studentTnn", "patterns": ["rice studentTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-10-2000-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-10-2000-8:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-8:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com lew@kent.edu", "Message-ID: <30476144.1075856477679.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 08:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Confidential\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, lew@kent.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, lew@kent.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski, lew@kent.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nWe are in process of setting up an interview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 10/18/2000 02:56 PM\n\t\n\nTo: jlew@kent.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Confidential\n\nDr. Lew: Vince Kaminski has asked me to contact you in connection with your \ninterest in Enron. He would like to schedule a mutually convenient time for \nyou to visit Houston and meet with his group. The dates that have been \nsuggested are: Wednesday, 10/25/2000; Thursday, 10/26/2000; or Friday, \n10/27/2000. I hope that one of these dates will be convenient for you to \ncome in for interviews.\n\nYou may either respond to me by email, or phone me at 713 853-4804, whichever \nis easier for you. I am also leaving a voicemail message for you at your \nhome phone number.\n\nWe hope to hear from you soon.\n\nMolly Magee\nRecruiting Manager\n\n\n", "Re: Confidential", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "information", ["setting", "interview"], "information", "molly, we are in process of setting up an interview."]], "Molly,\n\nWe are in process of setting up an interview.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 10/18/2000 02:56 PM\n\t\n\n", "<30476144.1075856477679.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-12-2000-0:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-12-2000-0:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-0:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28032030.1075856532005.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: anita.dupont@enron.com\nSubject: My lunch meeting\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Anita DuPont\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAnita,\n\nShirley is out sick today.\n\n Can you, please,\nconfirm my lunch with Bjorn Hagelman (Enron),\n11.30 today (Friday).\n\nPlease, ask him if he wants me to make reservations?\nIf the answer is Yes, please, make a reservation\nfor 2 at Damian's, 11:45.\n\nVince\n", "My lunch meeting", "", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 14, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "request information", " please, ask him if he wants me to make reservations?"], ["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 17, "nninformation", ["make", "reservation"], "request", " if the answer is yes, please, make a reservation for numeric at damian's, numerictime ."]], "Anita,\n\nShirley is out sick today.\n\n Can you, please,\nconfirm my lunch with Bjorn Hagelman (Enron),\n11.30 today (Friday).\n\nPlease, ask him if he wants me to make reservations?\nIf the answer is Yes, please, make a reservation\nfor 2 at Damian's, 11:45.\n\nVince\n", "<28032030.1075856532005.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-5-2000-2:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-5-2000-2:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2000-2:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "maureen.raymond@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9669159.1075856987979.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 1 May 2000 02:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: maureen.raymond@enron.com\nSubject: Weekly meetings\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Maureen Raymond\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMaureen,\n\nThis is to remind you that we scheduled, at your request,\nregular weekly meetings. We are supposed to meet every\nFriday at 8:00 a.m.\n\nIf I am not at the office, the meeting will be rescheduled.\n\nVince", "Weekly meetings", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 13, "nninformation", ["meeting", "rescheduled"], "intention", " if i am not at the office, the meeting will be rescheduled."]], "Maureen,\n\nThis is to remind you that we scheduled, at your request,\nregular weekly meetings. We are supposed to meet every\nFriday at 8:00 a.m.\n\nIf I am not at the office, the meeting will be rescheduled.\n\nVince", "<9669159.1075856987979.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meeting regularTnn": {"value": "meeting regularTnn", "ne": "meeting regularTnn", "patterns": ["meeting regularTnn"]}, "meeting weeklyTnn": {"value": "meeting weeklyTnn", "ne": "meeting weeklyTnn", "patterns": ["meeting weeklyTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2000-6:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-6:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-6:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "george.carrick@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com james.bouillion@enron.com", "dhoog@att.net vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3320165.1075856372660.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 06:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: george.carrick@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tjames.bouillion@enron.com\nSubject: Visit to Wharton, December 6\nCc: dhoog@att.net, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: dhoog@att.net, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: George Carrick, Vasant Shanbhogue, James L Bouillion\nX-cc: dhoog@att.net, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI would like to invite you to join mewhen I visit to the Wharton Risk \nManagement and Decision Processes Center on\nDecember 6. The meeting will take place in the morning, 9:00 - 12:00, \nfollowed by lunch.\n\nThe description of the Center is at the bottom of the message. The Web site \naddress is\nhttp://grace.wharton.upenn.edu/risk/index.html.\n\nThe objective of the trip is to discuss joint research projects in the area \nof risk management and alternative risk\ntransfer.\n\nPlease, feel free to contact me with recommendations regarding discussion \nand potential research topics.\n\nThe best hotel to stay in is The Inn at Penn.\n\nhttp://www.innatpenn.com/contact.html\nTHE INN AT PENN\n Sansom Common, 3600 Sansom Street\n Philadelphia, PA. 19104\n Phone: 1-800-809-7001\n Fax: 215-222-4600\n\nVince Kaminski\n \n \n\n The mission of the Wharton Risk Management \nand Decision Processes Center is to carry\n out a program of basic and applied research \nto promote effective policies and programs for\n low-probability events with potentially \ncatastrophic consequences. The Center is especially\n concerned with natural and technological \nhazards and with the integration of industrial risk\n management policies with insurance. The \nCenter is also concerned with promoting a\n dialogue among industry, government, \ninterest groups and academics through its research\n and policy publications and through \nsponsored workshops, roundtables and forums. ", "Visit to Wharton, December 6", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", "i would like to invite you to join mewhen i visit to the wharton risk management and decision processes center on datenumeric ."]], "I would like to invite you to join mewhen I visit to the Wharton Risk \nManagement and Decision Processes Center on\nDecember 6. The meeting will take place in the morning, 9:00 - 12:00, \nfollowed by lunch.\n\nThe description of the Center is at the bottom of the message. The Web site \naddress is\nhttp://grace.wharton.upenn.edu/risk/index.html.\n\nThe objective of the trip is to discuss joint research projects in the area \nof risk management and alternative risk\ntransfer.\n\nPlease, feel free to contact me with recommendations regarding discussion \nand potential research topics.\n\nThe best hotel to stay in is The Inn at Penn.\n\nhttp://www.innatpenn.com/contact.html\nTHE INN AT PENN\n Sansom Common, 3600 Sansom Street\n Philadelphia, PA. 19104\n Phone: 1-800-809-7001\n Fax: 215-222-4600\n\nVince Kaminski\n \n \n\n The mission of the Wharton Risk Management \nand Decision Processes Center is to carry\n out a program of basic and applied research \nto promote effective policies and programs for\n low-probability events with potentially \ncatastrophic consequences. The Center is especially\n concerned with natural and technological \nhazards and with the integration of industrial risk\n management policies with insurance. The \nCenter is also concerned with promoting a\n dialogue among industry, government, \ninterest groups and academics through its research\n and policy publications and through \nsponsored workshops, roundtables and forums. ", "<3320165.1075856372660.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"address web0siteTnn": {"value": "address web0siteTnn", "ne": "address web0siteTnn", "patterns": ["address web0siteTnn"]}, "area_field projectTnn": {"value": "area_field projectTnn", "ne": "area_field projectTnn", "patterns": ["area_field projectTnn"]}, "decision procedure_processTnn": {"value": "decision procedure_processTnn", "ne": "decision procedure_processTnn", "patterns": ["decision procedure_processTnn"]}, "discussion issue_topicTnn": {"value": "discussion issue_topicTnn", "ne": "discussion issue_topicTnn", "patterns": ["discussion issue_topicTnn"]}, "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "19104", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["fax numeric phoneTnnn", "fax_phonenumber0fax numericTnn", "numeric phoneTnn"]}, "fax phone_phone0phonenumberTnn": {"value": "fax phone_phone0phonenumberTnn", "ne": "fax phone_phone0phonenumberTnn", "patterns": ["fax phone_phone0phonenumberTnn"]}, "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn"]}, "meeting placeTnn": {"value": "meeting placeTnn", "ne": "meeting placeTnn", "patterns": ["meeting placeTnn"]}, "process risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "process risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "process risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["process risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "project risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "project risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "project risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["project risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-8-2000-4:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-8-2000-4:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-8-2000-4:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mark.palmer@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17527414.1075856296772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 04:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mark.palmer@enron.com\nSubject: Invitation - Wharton ET Events\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mark Palmer\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMark,\n\nFYI.\n\nWhat about going to Wharton in October to attend the E-commerce conference?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/18/2000 \n11:56 AM ---------------------------\n\n\ntomczyk@wharton.upenn.edu (Michael Tomczyk) on 08/15/2000 01:37:34 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: Thomas.Piazze@wharton.upenn.edu \nSubject: Invitation - Wharton ET Events\n\n\nVince hello,\n\nI just wanted to followup up on our meeting at Wharton and let you know\nthat there are two upcoming events that you may want to attend - or\ndesignate others from Enron to attend. Both of these events are good\nopportunities to \"test drive\" the Emerging Technologies program and see if\nthere is an interest in joining our partner group.\n\nSEPTEMBER 8 - WHAT NEXT ON THE INTERNET?\n\nOur next insight-building event will be held at Wharton on Friday,\nSeptember 8 and is entitled \"What Next On the Internet?\"\n\nThis is primarily a Wharton faculty event and we will be exploring 3 areas:\n1) the New Economics on the Web, 2) Internet, Anywhere, and 3)\nImplications for (academic) Research and Education. Speakers will include\nJay Walker (Priceline.com), David Farber (Chief Technologist at the FCC)\nand Mohan Sawhney (Kellog Univ., one of the nation's thought leaders on\ne-Commerce), along with several senior Wharton faculty members.\n\nThere will be considerable discussion on how the next generation of the\nInternet will evolve and the implications for management and management\nresearch. We are inviting our industry partners to join us at this event,\nand participate in the discussion, which should contain some valuable\ninsights and also provides an opportunity to help set our research agenda.\nYou are most welcome to participate, or designate a colleague, if you like.\n\nOCTOBER 19&20 - WINNERS & LOSERS IN THE E-COMMERCE SHAKEOUT\n\nThis will be a major Impact Conference to explore the coming Internet\nshakeout, and apply some of the traditional shakeout measures to E-Commerce\nand try to determine what we can expect. It should be an intriguing day.\nIf you plan to attend please RSVP early since we are sure to be\n\"overbooked\" for this event. This is probably the best showcase for our\ninsight-building activities, if you would like to invite any colleagues\nhelp determine if it makes sense for Enron to become a partner in the ET\nProgram.\n\nIf you'd like to RSVP for you and any colleagues who would like to attend\none or both of the events described above, send me an email reply and I'll\nsend you a more detailed agenda and speaker description, etc.\n\nI'll be on vacation the rest of this week but if you have any questions or\ncomments you can call or email me next week.\n\nbest regards,\nMichael\n\n\nMichael S. Tomczyk\nManaging Director\nEmerging Technologies Management Research Program\n1400 SH-DH/6371\nThe Wharton School\nPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6371\n\nTel 215-573-7722\nFax 215-573-2129\n\n\n", "Invitation - Wharton ET Events", "", [["serve_attend conference", 7, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "request information", " what about going to wharton in october to attend the e-commerce conference?"]], "Mark,\n\nFYI.\n\nWhat about going to Wharton in October to attend the E-commerce conference?\n\nVince\n\n", "<17527414.1075856296772.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "2-4-2001-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"2-4-2001-1:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-4-2001-1:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "iris.mack@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28951480.1075856201494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 01:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: iris.mack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Possible visit to Enron by Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of\n Boston University\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Iris Mack\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nIris,\n\nI wrote an endorsement for his book on real options (it was on the cover \nunder Jeff Skilling's\nname). Let's invite him to the Thursday lunch.\n\nVince\n\n\nFrom: Iris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/29/2001 05:52 PM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/Enron Communications\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: FW: Possible visit to Enron by Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of Boston \nUniversity\n\nHi Stinson,\n\n A colleague of mine - Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of Boston University - \nis interested in visiting Enron to give a talk on work he is doing in the \nbroadband area.\n\n Please see the forwarded emails for further information and available \ndates.\n\n Can you let me know if we can give him a forum at one of our Thursday \nResearch lunches or a Friday brown bag lunch?\n\nThanks,\nIris\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Nalin Kulatilaka @ENRON \n[mailto:IMCEANOTES-Nalin+20Kulatilaka+20+3Cnalink+40bu+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.\ncom] \nSent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 5:40 PM\nTo: Mack, Iris\nCc: Lin, Martin\nSubject: Re: Possible visit to Enron by Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of Boston \nUniversity\n\nHi Iris\n\nI have two different hats to wear in talking to Enron. One is as a\nfinancial economist. The other as the Director of the newly formed \"Global\nMobility Innovation Initiative (GMII) -- this is the research project\nfunded by Lucent, involving BU, LBS, and INSEAD, to study various aspects\nof the mobile Internet (read 3G).\n\nOn the former I am working with a couple of Ph.D. students in understanding\n\n(a) details of how having physical supply (inventory) can be used by a\nmarket maker. This is a problem that has been studies in the context of\nspecialists inventory in the stock market but I think really interesting in\nthe way Enron does it in some of the newer markets like bandwidth. I\nthink this is a big issue in lighting up all the dark fiber that is in the\nground.\n\n(b) how Enron is disciplining the internal decision making process with\nmarket. This is in many ways the critical aspect of real options that\nmost finance people miss -- having options is one thing but exercising them\nand realizing their value is another. All of the incomplete contracting,\nasymmetric information, and incentive issues are ignored in real options\nvaluation models. But they are real in practice. My impression is Enron's\nreal success is in putting place an organization that is able to mitigate\nthese problems by imposing a market disciplining.\n\n(c) how Enron manages the various books that involve physicals, financials,\ncredit etc. This is specially important when many of the real assets have\noptions features and therefore, include non-linear risk profiles. The\nstory of gas is pretty well understood but not many of the others markets\nEnron has been moving into over the last few years.\n\nOn the GMII front, I think that some interesting opportunities arise when\nyou think of the spectrum in a way similar to that of dark fiber. I am\nworking with several people at Lucent on this issue. I think it would be\nwonderful to engage in a conversation with Enron and Lucent folks in the room.\n\nI can do a lunch time talk on any of these issues. Perhaps we can discuss\nsome of these over a conference call. Clearly, having Vince Kaminski in the\nroom would be very important to me.\n\nAs for schedules, the first 3 weeks of April are horrible. April 26/27,\nMay 3/4 are good for me.\n\nRegards\n\nNalin\n\n\n\nAt 06:56 PM 03/22/2001, Mack, Iris wrote:\n>Hi,\n>\n> As we briefly discussed, I spoke with one of my colleagues (Dr.\n>Martin Lin) about your visiting Enron to give a talk and to spend some\n>time with us to discuss you work in telecommunications, real options,\n>etc.\n>\n> Martin and I are working on various broadband related problems.\n>\n> We thought it might be helpful if you let us know a bit more about\n>the following:\n> * When you want to come (The research group has weekly\n>catered lunch on Thursday and brown bag lunches on every other Friday).\n>\n> * A description of what you want to talk about with respect\n>to telecoms, broadband, etc.\n> * Who you would like to meet with me - Vince Kaminski (our\n>boss), any other of our colleagues in research, broadband, etc.\n> ................. etc.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Look forward to hearing from you.\n>\n>Regards,\n>Iris\n\n\n", "Re: FW: Possible visit to Enron by Professor Nalin Kulatilaka of\n Boston University", "", [["write_publish book", 7, "information", ["book", "wrote"], "information", "iris, i wrote an endorsement for his book on real options (it was on the cover under jeff skilling's name)."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 16, "nninformation", ["invite", "him"], "intention", " let's invite him to the thursday lunch."]], "Iris,\n\nI wrote an endorsement for his book on real options (it was on the cover \nunder Jeff Skilling's\nname). Let's invite him to the Thursday lunch.\n\nVince\n\n\nFrom: Iris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/29/2001 05:52 PM\n", "<28951480.1075856201494.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "26-2-2001-3:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-2-2001-3:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-2-2001-3:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <33469096.1075856403515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 03:11:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tmike.roberts@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: Slides for Wed presentation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Vasant Shanbhogue, Mike A Roberts, Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI am sending you the slides from our presentation for Dave Delainey.\nPlease, update the slides, to account for the reorg and growth of the group.\nI shall represent Maureen.\n\nPlease, make decisions about involving additional people in this project.\n\nVince\n", "Slides for Wed presentation", "", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 2, "information", ["sending", "slides"], "information", "i am sending you the slides from our presentation for dave delainey."], ["make decision{deal_trade}", 14, "nninformation", ["decisions", "make"], "request", " please, make decisions about involving additional people in this project."]], "I am sending you the slides from our presentation for Dave Delainey.\nPlease, update the slides, to account for the reorg and growth of the group.\nI shall represent Maureen.\n\nPlease, make decisions about involving additional people in this project.\n\nVince\n", "<33469096.1075856403515.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"presentation slideTnn": {"value": "presentation slideTnn", "ne": "presentation slideTnn", "patterns": ["presentation slideTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-1-2000-23:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-1-2000-23:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-1-2000-23:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com jason.sokolov@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18345277.1075857024513.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 23:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Petition for Summer Internship\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jason.sokolov@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jason.sokolov@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Jason Sokolov, Mike A Roberts\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nI am recommending Jason Sokolov for summer internship with Enron.\nJason is currently working part-time for Mike Roberts and makes\nvery valuable contribution to a number on-going projects.\n\nWe are very happy with his performance and see him as a valuable future\nEnron employee.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2000 \n07:30 AM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jason Sokolov 01/04/2000 01:32 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Petition for Summer Internship\n\nVince:\n\nAs we discussed earlier, I attached the copy of the petition for my summer \ninternship with Enron Analyst and Associate group.\nI also have the hard copy of the letter, which I will deliver to you \npresonally.\n\nI am looking forward to, finally, become an official Enron employee. Thank \nyou very much for your valuable contributions to\nmy experience with the company.\n\nJason Sokolov\n\n", "Petition for Summer Internship", "", [["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 11, "information", ["contribution", "makes"], "information", " jason is currently working part-time for mike roberts and makes very valuable contribution to a number on-going projects."]], "Celeste,\n\nI am recommending Jason Sokolov for summer internship with Enron.\nJason is currently working part-time for Mike Roberts and makes\nvery valuable contribution to a number on-going projects.\n\nWe are very happy with his performance and see him as a valuable future\nEnron employee.\n\nVince\n\n", "<18345277.1075857024513.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"contribution_part projectTnn": {"value": "contribution_part projectTnn", "ne": "contribution_part projectTnn", "patterns": ["contribution_part projectTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-2-2001-7:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-2-2001-7:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-7:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "michalon@math.uchicago.edu", "", "Message-ID: <6811864.1075856220003.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 07:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: michalon@math.uchicago.edu\nSubject: Re: Message from David A. Michalon\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"michalon\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDavid,\n\nPlease, send me an E-mail with you phone number.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"michalon\" on 02/02/2001 01:18:50 AM\nTo: \ncc: =20\nSubject: Message from David A. Michalon\n\n\nDear Mr Kaminski,\n\nFirstly, I wanted to tell you how privileged I feel to be considered for\nsome of the opportunities within your prestigious firm.\nI am strongly interested in what Enron Global Markets has to offer in its\nresearch side. Your Training Program is widely recognized within the\nfinancial industry as being one of the best, and I would be more than\nhonored to be part of it. I believe that as member of Enron I can learn a\nlot more quantitative ways of trading energy products, and I can also learn\nhow to get a feel for the Energy markets from some of the best people in th=\ne\nbusiness.\nThus, I would sincerely appreciate to be considered as a potential member o=\nf\nyour rotational program. Indeed, I believe that my employment experiences\nhave provided me with valuable skills that will be very useful in your\nGroup. These skills include the ability to synthesize quantitative\ninformation quickly and accurately, the facility to deal with sophisticated\nfinancial products, and more importantly the ability to work as part of a\nteam by fulfilling responsibilities diligently and sometimes prior to\ndeadlines. I genuinely hope to contribute to Enron=01,s success by bringin=\ng\nthese skills, along with my strong mathematical background and knowledge of\nthe Energy Industry.\nFinally, I wanted to commend you on your high level of professionalism, and\nthe clarity with which you exposed the opportunities available within Enron=\n.\nYou surely are a genuine proof that your Group is committed to working with\npeople who exhibit a superior level of professional capabilities.\n\nSincerely Yours,\n\nDavid A. Michalon\nThe University of Chicago\nProgram in Financial Mathematics\n\n\n", "Re: Message from David A. Michalon", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 4, "nninformation", ["phone**number", "send"], "request", "david, please, send me an e-mail with you phone number."]], "David,\n\nPlease, send me an E-mail with you phone number.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"michalon\" ", [], false]}, "30-10-2000-2:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-2:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-2:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "michael.denton@caminus.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1434912.1075856542018.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 02:18:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: michael.denton@caminus.com\nSubject: Re: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Denton Mike @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMike,\n\nWe shall call you to schedule a meeting to review the product.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDenton Mike on 10/24/2000 10:14:04 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta\n\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,\n?\nNick Perry and I were recently discussing the conference in Paris, and we \ngathered that you had some interest in exploring possible uses of our new \nWeatherDelta tool-kit.? It is the only application that we know of, that \ncan?model temperature, loads, and power prices in several locations \nsimultaneously: thus allowing the user to measure the value an risk in a \nvariety of financial instruments, physical obligations and assets.? I have \nattached the product overview sheet, and would be happy to discuss its \ncapabilities with you at your convenience.?? \n?\nNick and I send our regards, \n?\n\n\n \nVice President \nNA Strategic Consulting \nCAMINUS \n747 Third Avenue, 18th Floor \nNew York, New York 10017 \n(212) 515-3667\n\n?\n\n?\n\n\n - weatherdelta.pdf\n\n", "Re: PoweRisk 2000 followup in re WeatherDelta", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 7, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "intention", "mike, we shall call you to schedule a meeting to review the product."]], "Mike,\n\nWe shall call you to schedule a meeting to review the product.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDenton Mike ", [], false]}, "11-4-2001-11:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-4-2001-11:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2001-11:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "james.bouillion@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7575063.1075840777541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 11:00:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: james.bouillion@enron.com\nSubject: Re: CHARM\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: James L Bouillion \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski , Pinnamaneni Krishnarao \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\c:\\mangmt\\group\\software\\Management\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nJim,\n\nCHARM looks more like a prototype that requires a lot of work to make it more a\nproduction tool.\n\nWe have developed a similar model (without some nice functionalities CHARM has)\nin about two weeks, at request of Rick Jones who joined EES from HSB. Rick\nworked on a similar model at his old company and wanted to have a similar tool\nfor his projects with Enron. I can tell you more about it when we meet (hopefully) later\nthis week. \n\nI would tell Willis that the model requires more work before Enron can\nconsider it as commercial product.\n\nVince \n\n\n\n\n\nJames L Bouillion\n04/11/2001 06:52 AM\nTo:\tVince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tJonathan Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject:\tRe: CHARM\n\nVince, what feedback should I give Willis on their CHARM product?\n---------------------- Forwarded by James L Bouillion/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 06:50 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nJames L Bouillion\n04/11/2001 06:50 AM\nTo:\t\"Bertil Olsson\" @ ENRON\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: CHARM \n\nNo word yet. I will follow up with the attendees.\n\nThanks for taking thje time to make the presentation.\n\n\n\n\"Bertil Olsson\" on 04/10/2001 04:07:11 PM\nTo:\tJames.L.Bouillion@enron.com\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRe: CHARM\n\n\n\nJim,\n\nAny feed-back on our meeting ? We certainly appreciated the opportunity and\nthe fact that the meeting was very interactive.\n\nRegards,\n\nBertil\n\n\n\n______________________________________________________________________\nThe information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and\nmay be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy\nthis message, delete any copies held on your systems and notify the sender\nimmediately. You should not retain, copy or use this email for any\npurpose, nor disclose all or any part of its content to any other person.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: CHARM", "", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 10, "information", ["developed", "model"], "information", " we have developed a similar model (without some nice functionalities charm has) in about two weeks, at request of rick jones who joined ees from hsb."]], "Jim,\n\nCHARM looks more like a prototype that requires a lot of work to make it more a\nproduction tool.\n\nWe have developed a similar model (without some nice functionalities CHARM has)\nin about two weeks, at request of Rick Jones who joined EES from HSB. Rick\nworked on a similar model at his old company and wanted to have a similar tool\nfor his projects with Enron. I can tell you more about it when we meet (hopefully) later\nthis week. \n\nI would tell Willis that the model requires more work before Enron can\nconsider it as commercial product.\n\nVince \n\n\n\n\n\nJames L Bouillion\n04/11/2001 06:52 AM\n", "<7575063.1075840777541.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"company example_modelTnn": {"value": "company example_modelTnn", "ne": "company example_modelTnn", "patterns": ["company example_modelTnn"]}, "model_model0validation requestTnn": {"value": "model_model0validation requestTnn", "ne": "model_model0validation requestTnn", "patterns": ["model_model0validation requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-6-2001-9:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-6-2001-9:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-6-2001-9:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "greg.whalley@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25441294.1075842046465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 09:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: greg.whalley@enron.com\nSubject: The Prediction Company\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Greg Whalley\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Lawrence_Whalley_Nov2001\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: WHALLEY-G\nX-FileName: gwhalley.nsf\n\nGreg,\n\nI scheduled a meeting with Norman Packard from the Prediction Company\nin Houston, July the 30th, 9:00 a.m.\n\nLiz blocked out a few hours for the meeting.\n\nVince", "The Prediction Company", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 3, "information", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "information", "greg, i scheduled a meeting with norman packard from the prediction company in houston, july the datenumeric h, numerictime a."]], "Greg,\n\nI scheduled a meeting with Norman Packard from the Prediction Company\nin Houston, July the 30th, 9:00 a.m.\n\nLiz blocked out a few hours for the meeting.\n\nVince", "<25441294.1075842046465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-3-2000-8:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-3-2000-8:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-8:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "joe.hirko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com john.griebling@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23562765.1075856814623.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: joe.hirko@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com, john.griebling@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com, john.griebling@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Joe Hirko\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Shirley Crenshaw, John Griebling\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJoe,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are inviting Ken Rice and Kevin Hannon to this meeting. We would \nappreciate if you could\nspeak, together with Kevin and Ken, on strategic directions of EBS. It is \nimportant for a group\nof technical people, with relatively specialized technical skills, to \nunderstand the big picture.\n\nI am attaching the preliminary agenda for this meeting.\n\nVince Kaminski", "Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 8, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting", "organization", "you", "site"], "intention", "joe, i would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of john griebling's organization and the research group."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 51, "information", ["inviting", "rice"], "information", " we are inviting ken rice and kevin hannon to this meeting."]], "Joe,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are inviting Ken Rice and Kevin Hannon to this meeting. We would \nappreciate if you could\nspeak, together with Kevin and Ken, on strategic directions of EBS. It is \nimportant for a group\nof technical people, with relatively specialized technical skills, to \nunderstand the big picture.\n\nI am attaching the preliminary agenda for this meeting.\n\nVince Kaminski", "<23562765.1075856814623.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"advanced skill_skill0areaTnn": {"value": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "ne": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "patterns": ["advanced skill_skill0areaTnn"]}, "agenda_schedule meetingTnn": {"value": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "ne": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "patterns": ["agenda_schedule meetingTnn"]}, "arrangement_organization meetingTnn": {"value": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "ne": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_organization meetingTnn"]}, "common skillTnn": {"value": "common skillTnn", "ne": "common skillTnn", "patterns": ["common skillTnn"]}, "construction0project_project designTnn": {"value": "construction0project_project designTnn", "ne": "construction0project_project designTnn", "patterns": ["construction0project_project designTnn"]}, "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn": {"value": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "ne": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "patterns": ["construction_construction0project design networkTnnn"]}, "cooperation project_taskTnn": {"value": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "ne": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "patterns": ["cooperation project_taskTnn"]}, "date locationTnn": {"value": "date locationTnn", "ne": "date locationTnn", "patterns": ["date locationTnn"]}, "direction strategicTnn": {"value": "direction strategicTnn", "ne": "direction strategicTnn", "patterns": ["direction strategicTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "ebs**engineering", "ne": "orgname0engineering", "patterns": ["forum operation orgname0engineering returnlinen technicalTnnnnn"]}, "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn": {"value": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "ne": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn"]}, "meeting objectiveTnn": {"value": "meeting objectiveTnn", "ne": "meeting objectiveTnn", "patterns": ["meeting objectiveTnn"]}, "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn": {"value": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "ne": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "patterns": ["meeting site_site0cruiseTnn"]}, "model_modeling operation_processTnn": {"value": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "ne": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling operation_processTnn"]}, "model_modeling optimizationTnn": {"value": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "ne": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling optimizationTnn"]}, "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn": {"value": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "ne": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling process stochasticTnnn"]}, "organization siteTnn": {"value": "organization siteTnn", "ne": "organization siteTnn", "patterns": ["organization siteTnn"]}, "project skillTnn": {"value": "project skillTnn", "ne": "project skillTnn", "patterns": ["project skillTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-5-2001-12:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-5-2001-12:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-5-2001-12:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "rebecca.mcdonald@enron.com james.hughes@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21025981.1075840780971.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 3 May 2001 12:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rebecca.mcdonald@enron.com, james.hughes@enron.com\nSubject: Moddeling support for DPC related issues\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rebecca McDonald , James A Hughes \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\EI\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nA quick update on the status of Sandeep Kohli.\n\nHe is working currently in my group. He is available on a very short notice to help you with\nany quantitative modeling that can be required in making decisions regarding\nour DPC strategy. In case you need his help, he can also rely on the support \nof other members of my group with skills in different areas.\n\nVince Kaminski", "Moddeling support for DPC related issues", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 16, "nninformation", ["decisions", "making"], "intention", " he is available on a very short notice to help you with any quantitative modeling that can be required in making decisions regarding our dpc strategy."]], "A quick update on the status of Sandeep Kohli.\n\nHe is working currently in my group. He is available on a very short notice to help you with\nany quantitative modeling that can be required in making decisions regarding\nour DPC strategy. In case you need his help, he can also rely on the support \nof other members of my group with skills in different areas.\n\nVince Kaminski", "<21025981.1075840780971.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"model_modeling quantitativeTnn": {"value": "model_modeling quantitativeTnn", "ne": "model_modeling quantitativeTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling quantitativeTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-1-2001-3:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-3:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-3:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7403129.1075856233073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 03:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: osman.sezgen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: I will miss the Tuesday Staff Meeting\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Osman Sezgen\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nOsman,\n\nVasant is setting up a meeting to review the credit \nmodels with EES. Please, call-in or\nattend when the meeting is set.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nOsman Sezgen@EES\n01/15/2001 02:49 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: I will miss the Tuesday Staff Meeting\n\nVince,\n\nI will not be able to attend the meeting. Here are some updates:\n\n1) I left a message to George Posey, I will follow up tomorrow (Tuesday),\n2) I will follow up on the Credit Reserve issue ASAP, I will find out what the\npresent state of the models are and come up with modification requirements\nto accomodate asset related projects.\n3) This week I will need to spend much of my time in meeting with the \nbreakthrough\nfolks. They are at a stage where\nour contribution is being defined and specifies ( curves, components, etc.). \nIf you\nwould like to contact me urgently, please leave a phone message instead of \ne-mail--\nI will be checking my phone messages more frequently.\n4) We have a VAR meeting with RAC on EAM issues Wednesday at 1pm.\n5) Other issues are covered in my project list.\n\nRegards,\nOsman\n\n\n", "Re: I will miss the Tuesday Staff Meeting", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 4, "information", ["credit**models", "setting"], "information", "osman, vasant is setting up a meeting to review the credit models with ees."], ["attend meeting", 9, "nninformation", ["attend", "meeting"], "request", " please, call-in or attend when the meeting is set."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 11, "information", ["set", "meeting"], "information", " please, call-in or attend when the meeting is set."]], "Osman,\n\nVasant is setting up a meeting to review the credit \nmodels with EES. Please, call-in or\nattend when the meeting is set.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nOsman Sezgen@EES\n01/15/2001 02:49 PM\n", "<7403129.1075856233073.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"faculty_staff meetingTnn": {"value": "faculty_staff meetingTnn", "ne": "faculty_staff meetingTnn", "patterns": ["faculty_staff meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-6-2000-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-6-2000-1:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-6-2000-1:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27029472.1075856640028.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 01:52:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\nSubject: B2B at Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nI am sending you the information about our new B2B unit.\nI have talked yesterday with Greg Whalley who is heading the new\nunit about the E-commerce project at Wharton and recommended that Enron join\nthis program.\n\nI have sent him this morning a copy of the materials you gave me.\n\nThe meeting with Jeff Skilling has been pushed till the 2nd half of July.\nI talked to him briefly twice that Jeff Shankman and I want to discuss with\nhim building a relationship with Wharton. Jeff Shankman is, by the way, a \ngreat friend of\nyour institution.\n\n\nVince\n\n******************************************************************************\n***********************\n\n COMPANIES & FINANCE: THE AMERICAS: Enron sees bricks and\n bytes mix reshaping energy market: Purchase of MG only \na start in\n building B2B platforms, writes Hillary Durgin:\n\n\n\n\n COMPANIES & FINANCE: THE AMERICAS: Enron sees bricks and \nbytes\n mix reshaping energy market: Purchase of MG only a start \nin building\n B2B platforms, writes Hillary Durgin:\n 99% match; Financial Times ; 16-Jun-2000 12:00:00 am ; \n604 words\n By HILLARY DURGIN\n\n If Jeffrey Skilling is right, \n\n Enron's acquisition of MG is only the tip of the iceberg. \nEnron's president and\n chief operating officer is engineering a fundamental \nstrategy shift at the\n Houston energy company, aimed at making it a dominant \n\"new economy\"\n player across various industrial markets. \n\n The Dollars 446m acquisition last month of MG, the \nUK-based metals trader,\n is only the first of more than Dollars 1bn in estimated \nnew investments the\n company is targeting. It is seeking vehicles on which to \nbuild\n business-to-business (B2B) platforms in sectors such as \nlogistics, chemicals,\n agricultural products and pulp & paper. \n\n Mr Skilling wants to take the business model the company \ndeveloped in\n natural gas and power and apply it to other wholesale \ncommodity markets. He\n argues the electronic platforms it creates will not only \nbecome the principal\n B2B sites for those sectors, but reshape those \nindustries. \n\n As an example, he points to Enron's new e-commerce \nplatform, EnronOnline,\n which has changed the way the company does business with \nits customers\n while significantly increasing sales. \n\n The company - the largest wholesale merchant of natural \ngas and power - saw\n wholesale, physical deliveries of natural gas surge 53 \nper cent in the first\n quarter. \n\n Critics argue that Enron's move away from its familiar \nenergy business into\n new industries, where the learning curve is steep and the \ncompetition\n entrenched, is risky. Yet a number of industry analysts \npoint out Enron has\n proved it understands markets and how to manage risks \nwhile becoming the\n largest importer of coal in the UK, the largest trader of \ngas and power in the\n US and grabbing an advantage in bandwidth. \n\n \"It's a prudent strategy, but it's got to be done in an \norderly way,\" says Ronald\n Barone, analyst with Paine-Webber in New York. \"What \nthey're doing here is\n what they've been incredibly successful at doing,\" he \nadds, noting that Enron\n posted Dollars 1.3bn in earnings before interest and \ntaxes (ebit) from its\n wholesale energy and services business in 1999, up 34 per \ncent from the\n previous year. \n\n Earnings from that division accounted for two-thirds of \nthe company's overall\n income before interest and taxes last year, and Mr Barone \nsees the unit's ebit\n increasing 15-30 per cent annually over several years. \n\n As with gas and power and now broadband, where Enron is \nstandardising\n contracts and creating a market in bandwidth, it wants to \ncreate markets by\n entering as a physical player and providing merchant, \nrisk management and\n financial services over the internet. \n\n \"We will provide electronic commerce, but we will provide \nliquidity and we will\n provide settlement, or fulfilment of that contract,\" Mr \nSkilling says. \"That is an\n extremely powerful model. If you look at other B2B sites, \nthey don't do that.\" \n\n Mr Skilling argues Enron's e-commerce platform will \ntriumph over the other,\n bulletin board-type exchanges, where striking a deal \ndepends on two parties\n hooking up and working through uncertainties over timing, \nprice, credit and\n fulfilment. \n\n Not everyone shares that view. Some energy companies, for \nexample, would\n rather not do business with a competitor. BP Amoco \nrecently purchased a 3\n per cent stake in Altra Energy Technologies, a Houston- \nbased, neutral\n wholesale energy exchange. With Koch Industries and \nAmerican Electric\n Power, it also committed to carry out a fixed volume of \ntransactions on the\n site to lend it liquidity. \n\n Just as in gas and power and now broadband and metals, \nEnron believes it\n needs networks of strategic physical assets. In acquiring \nMG, Enron got a\n stable of warehouses, lending it a strong physical \nposition. \n\n \"It should provide (MG) with a more vibrant, more active \nphysical spot market\n in more markets in the world,\" says Greg Whalley, chief \nexecutive officer of\n Enron Net Works, the new division Enron is launching to \nidentify and enter\n commodity markets. He argues that in metals and other \nmarkets, Enron will\n deliver better pricing, price risk management services, \ncross-commodity\n transactions and flexible transactions for a wider range \nof customers. \n\n Mr Skilling says there are significant rewards for \nrestructuring an industry. \n\n \"If you can take that platform, and you use the \ncapabilities the bricks bring to\n the table, e-commerce the industry and change the \nstructure, you're selling for\n more than a 50 multiple.\" \n\n Copyright , The Financial Times Limited ", "B2B at Enron", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 2, "information", ["sending", "information"], "information", "tom, i am sending you the information about our new b numeric b unit."]], "Tom,\n\nI am sending you the information about our new B2B unit.\nI have talked yesterday with Greg Whalley who is heading the new\nunit about the E-commerce project at Wharton and recommended that Enron join\nthis program.\n\nI have sent him this morning a copy of the materials you gave me.\n\nThe meeting with Jeff Skilling has been pushed till the 2nd half of July.\nI talked to him briefly twice that Jeff Shankman and I want to discuss with\nhim building a relationship with Wharton. Jeff Shankman is, by the way, a \ngreat friend of\nyour institution.\n\n\nVince\n\n", "<27029472.1075856640028.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"information unitTnn": {"value": "information unitTnn", "ne": "information unitTnn", "patterns": ["information unitTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-10-2000-9:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-10-2000-9:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-9:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kamat@ieor.berkeley.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26280381.1075856477153.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:07:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kamat@ieor.berkeley.edu\nSubject: Re: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rajnish Kamat @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRajnish,\n\nWe shall invite you for an interview in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRajnish Kamat on 10/23/2000 07:55:31 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student\n\n\nDr. Vincent Kaminski\nManaging Director and Head of Research\nEnron Corp.\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\nIt was a pleasure talking with you and attending your talk today.\nI am a graduate student in Industrial Engg. and Operations\nResearch working with Prof. Shmuel Oren\non topics in financial instrument pricing and design of\ncontracts in deregulated electricity markets. I am also\ndoing research in auction models and computable equilibrium\nmodels with applications in electricity market design.\n\nI am planning to graduate with a Ph.D. in May 2001 and would\nappreciate hearing about any opportunities in your group at Enron.\nI am attaching at copy of my resume (file: cvrkamat.doc) for your perusal.\n\nThanking you,\nSincerely,\n\nRajnish Kamat\nGraduate Student\nIEOR, UC-Berkeley\n\n4135, Etcheverry Hall\nDept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research\nUniversity of California at Berkeley\nBerkeley, CA, 94710\n\n - CVRKAMAT.DOC\n\n", "Re: UC-Berkeley Graduate Student", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 5, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "rajnish, we shall invite you for an interview in houston."]], "Rajnish,\n\nWe shall invite you for an interview in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRajnish Kamat ", {"berkeley studentTnn": {"value": "berkeley studentTnn", "ne": "berkeley studentTnn", "patterns": ["berkeley studentTnn"]}, "graduate studentTnn": {"value": "graduate studentTnn", "ne": "graduate studentTnn", "patterns": ["graduate studentTnn"]}}, false]}, "23-8-2000-10:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"23-8-2000-10:36:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-8-2000-10:36:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "rabide@yahoo.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24606353.1075856486828.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 10:36:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rabide@yahoo.com\nSubject: Re: Follow-up interview on 8/21/00\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rabi De @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRabi,\n\nThanks for your message. \nEverybody who interviewed you was greatly impressed with your technical \nskills and professional attitude.\n\nWe shall extend an offer to you within a day or two.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRabi De on 08/22/2000 02:57:37 PM\nTo: Vince Kaminsky \ncc: \nSubject: Follow-up interview on 8/21/00\n\n\n \n\nDear Dr. Kaminsky:\n\nThank you very much for arranging the follow-up interview with your internal \nclients. I visited Mr. Ted Murphy and his staff at RAC and Mr. Dennis \nBenevides at EES yesterday. I was impressed with level of risk technology \nemployed by Enron to achieve its business objectives. I want to reiterate my \nstrong interest in joining your group, which is held in very high esteem both \ninside and outside of Enron.? I look forward to hearing from you.\n\nSincerely,\n\nRabi S. De\n\n\n\n\nDo You Yahoo!?\nYahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere! \n\n", "Re: Follow-up interview on 8/21/00", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 4, "information", ["interviewed", "you"], "information", " everybody who interviewed you was greatly impressed with your technical skills and professional attitude."]], "Rabi,\n\nThanks for your message. \nEverybody who interviewed you was greatly impressed with your technical \nskills and professional attitude.\n\nWe shall extend an offer to you within a day or two.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRabi De ", {"greatly impressedTnn": {"value": "greatly impressedTnn", "ne": "greatly impressedTnn", "patterns": ["greatly impressedTnn"]}}, false]}, "16-6-2000-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-6-2000-3:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-6-2000-3:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "teresa.bien@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8989739.1075856563915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 03:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: teresa.bien@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Re[10]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Teresa Bien\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTeresa,\n\nI would like to invite Iris for an interview in Houston.\nShe works currently in London Can you call her\nand ask when she is planning to visit the States.\nWe could pay the airfare from a location in the States.\n\nI would hate to pay the 1st class ticket from London to Houston,\nthough I would go for it, if necessary (I don't\nwant a candidate to think that we are that cheap).\nBusiness class is a standard\nfor business related, cross-Atlantic flights. \n\nI would be more comfortable if you could negotiate this issue.\n\nThanks \n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/16/2000 \n10:13 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/12/2000 03:51 PM\nTo: iris.mack@bnpparibas.com @ ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Re[10]: Greetings from London (to Enron) \n\nIris,\n\nAt this point it's my group: Research, i.e. Quantitative Modeling.\nPlease, let me know what your interests are and I shall try to line up\nother groups for the interview.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 06/09/2000 02:33:50 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re[10]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nHi,\n\n I will be out of the country until Wednesday afternoon - London time.\nMaybe we can chat then.\n\n Also, could you please tell me about the group(s) that are interested in\nspeaking with me.\n\nThanks,\nIris\n\n\n\nInternet\n\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 06/06/2000 20:31 GMT\n\n\nTo: Iris MACK\n\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski\n\nbcc:\n\nSubject: Re: Re[8]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\n\nIris,\n\nLeaving for Ca in a few minutes. I shall get back to you Monday.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 06/06/2000 10:36:46 AM\n\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re[8]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nHi,\n\n Thanks for your email. Begining of July - what about July 4th week?\n\n Could you give me a bit more info regarding the best days for you and\nyour\ncolleagues.\n\n\n\nThanks,\nIris\n\n\n\nInternet\n\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 06/06/2000 14:29 GMT\n\n\nTo: Iris MACK\n\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski\n\nbcc:\n\nSubject: Re: Re[6]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\n\nIris,\n\nThe beginning of July would be better for us. Please, let me know what\nis your availability.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 06/06/2000 02:30:49 AM\n\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re[6]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nHi,\n\n Thank you for your email. How many days do we need?\n\n I have checked my calendar.and think that I should be able to come on\nMonday June 19th (Tuesday June 20th - if you need more than one day)..\n\n I can fly from London to Houston during the following weekend to\narrive in\ntime for Monday morning.\n\n Let me know if these days are good for you and your colleagues.\n\nRegards,\nIris\n\n\n\nInternet\n\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 25/05/2000 18:33 GMT\n\n\nTo: Iris MACK\n\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski\n\nbcc:\n\nSubject: Re: Re[4]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIris,\n\nWe can invite you for an interview to Houston.\n\nWhat would be a the time for you?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 05/25/2000 11:32:04 AM\n\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re[4]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nHi,\n\n Thank you for your prompt response. I am interested in any contacts\nyou\nmay have in your rolodex.\n\n Also, I would be opened to talk to Enron as well. Please let me know\nmore\ndetails.\n\nKind regards,\nIris\n\n\n\nInternet\n\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 25/05/2000 16:19 GMT\n\n\nTo: Iris MACK\n\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski, Stinson.Gibner, Grant.Masson,\nPinnamaneni.Krishnarao,\n Vasant.Shanbhogue\n\nbcc:\n\nSubject: Re: Re[2]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIris,\n\nI shall go through my Rolodex and try to find some good leads for you. I\nleft\ninvestment banking 8 years ago and this field changes very fast.\n\nAlternatively, would you be interested in a company like Enron\nor another energy company in Houston?\n\nPlease, let me know.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 05/25/2000 09:20:01 AM\n\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re[2]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nHi,\n\n How are you? Thank you kindly for your email. Sorry I have not\nresponded\nsooner.\n\n Currently I am working in Derivatives Structured Products and Risk\nManagement at BNP Paribas in London. Although I currently enjoy living and\nworking in London, I may need to return to the states - because of my\nmother's\nfailing health.\n\n Do you know of any good contacts at investment banks that I may\nforward my\ndetails to?\n\n For your information, I have attached my CV. (Please see attached\nfile:\nIris Marie Mack.doc).\n\n Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.\n\n\nKind regards,\nIris Mack\n\n\n44 (0)20 7595 8665 (work)\n44 (0)20 7229 9986 (home)\n\n\n(See attached file: Iris Marie Mack.doc)\n\n\n\n\nInternet\n\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 04/04/2000 15:03 GMT\n\n\nTo: Iris MACK\n\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski\n\nbcc:\n\nSubject: Re: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\n\nIris,\n\nPlease, feel free to give me a call when you have a few minutes.\nI shall be glad to chat with you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@paribas.com on 03/30/2000 02:24:27 AM\n\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: denis.autier@paribas.com\nSubject: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\n How are you? It was nice to meet you at the Real Options conference\nin\nNYC.\n\n I was intrigued by some of the comments in your conference talk. In\nparticular, by your use of real options to hedge financial options. This\nis\nsomething I am interested in as well.\n\n When you have some time, could we chat about this topic in a bit more\ndetail?\n\n Thanks for your time and consideration. Hope to hear from you soon.\n\nRegards,\nIris Mack\n\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis message is confidential; its contents do not constitute a\ncommitment by BNP Paribas Group* except where provided\nfor in a written agreement between you and BNP Paribas Group*.\nAny unauthorised disclosure, use or dissemination, either\nwhole or partial, is prohibited. If you are not the intended\nrecipient of the message, please notify the sender immediately.\n*BNP Paribas Group is a trading name of BNP SA and Paribas SA\n\nCe message est confidentiel; son contenu ne represente en\naucun cas un engagement de la part du groupe BNP Paribas*\nsous reserve de tout accord conclu par ecrit entre vous et le\ngroupe BNP Paribas*. Toute publication, utilisation ou diffusion,\nmeme partielle, doit etre autorisee prealablement. Si vous n'etes\npas destinataire de ce message, merci d'en avertir immediatement\nl'expediteur.\n*Le groupe BNP Paribas est le nom commercial utilise par BNP SA et Paribas\nSA\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Iris Marie Mack.doc)\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Iris Marie Mack.doc)\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Iris Marie Mack.doc)\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Iris Marie Mack.doc)\n\n\n\n\n - Iris Marie Mack.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: Re[10]: Greetings from London (to Enron)", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 4, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "teresa, i would like to invite iris for an interview in houston."]], "Teresa,\n\nI would like to invite Iris for an interview in Houston.\nShe works currently in London Can you call her\nand ask when she is planning to visit the States.\nWe could pay the airfare from a location in the States.\n\nI would hate to pay the 1st class ticket from London to Houston,\nthough I would go for it, if necessary (I don't\nwant a candidate to think that we are that cheap).\nBusiness class is a standard\nfor business related, cross-Atlantic flights. \n\nI would be more comfortable if you could negotiate this issue.\n\nThanks \n\nVince\n\n", "<8989739.1075856563915.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview iris_iris0mackTnn": {"value": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "ne": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "patterns": ["interview iris_iris0mackTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-4-2000-1:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-4-2000-1:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2000-1:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "pushkar.shahi@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14826775.1075856746625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 01:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Ruewan's resume\nCc: pushkar.shahi@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: pushkar.shahi@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Pushkar Shahi, Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Tanya Tamarchenko, Zimin Lu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease set up an informal interview:\n\nVK\nVS\nSG\nKP\nZL\nTT\n\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2000 \n08:57 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nPushkar Shahi\n04/18/2000 04:52 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Ruewan's resume\n\n\n\n\nVince:\n\nAs discussed , I am forwarding Ruwan's resume to you. Ruwan is very excited \nabout meeting with you and elaborating on his qualifications. Please let me \nknow a convenient time for next Friday (4/28/00) when he could visit with \nyou (or any other day next week at your convenience). \n\nI have briefly explained to him the nature of the job at Enron Research \nlaying special stress on quantitative, programming and modelling experience. \nRuwans seems very interested in that kind of work.\n\n\n\n\nSincerely,\n\nPushkar Shahi\nFinancial Trading\n", "Ruewan's resume", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "request", "shirley, please set up an informal interview: vk vs sg kp zl tt "]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease set up an informal interview:\n\nVK\nVS\nSG\nKP\nZL\nTT\n\n\nVince\n", "<14826775.1075856746625.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"informal interviewTnn": {"value": "informal interviewTnn", "ne": "informal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["informal interviewTnn"]}, "tt vkTnn": {"value": "tt vkTnn", "ne": "tt vkTnn", "patterns": ["tt vkTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-11-2000-5:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-11-2000-5:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-5:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "lance.cunningham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31358134.1075856366467.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 05:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lance.cunningham@enron.com\nSubject: Invitation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Lance Cunningham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLance,\n\nCan you attend this conference?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/06/2000=\n=20\n01:09 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Dennis Ray\" on 11/06/2000 12:48:08 PM\nTo: \ncc: =20\nSubject: Invitation\n\n\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski:\n\n?\n\nShmuel Oren indicated that you said that you were interested in learning mo=\nre=20\nabout the Power Systems Engineering Research Center=01,s upcoming Industria=\nl=20\nAdvisory Board meeting. Thanks for your interest.=20\n\n?\n\nAttached is file that describes the meeting=01,s objectives, agenda and=20\nattendees. It will be a very stimulating meeting given the mix of academic=\n=20\nand industry attendees. We=01,re looking forward to the attendance by peopl=\ne=20\nfrom several ISO=01,s around the country as well =01) a new addition to our=\n=20\nattendee list.\n\n?\n\nI hope you will consider joining us. If you=01,d like more information abou=\nt=20\nPSERC, you can find it on the web at www.pserc.wisc.edu. We=01,ll also be=\n=20\nsending you some information.\n\n?\n\nBy the way, you might be interested in an internet seminar we=01,re running=\n=20\ntomorrow. The information is given below. It=01,s free except for the cost =\nof=20\nlearning how to use NetMeeting if you=01,ve not already been using it.\n\n?\n\nPlease do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.\n\n?\n\nRegards,\n\n?\n\nDennis Ray\n\nExecutive Director\n\n608-265-3808\n\n?\n\n?\n\nPSerc Internet Seminar\n\nNovember 7, 2000\n\n?\n\nTime 1.10-2.00 PM Central Time (connection can be checked at 1.00)\n\n?\n\nEfficient Available Transfer Capability Analysis using Linear Methods\n\nJamie Weber\n\nPowerWorld Corporation\n\n2004 S. Wright St, Suite 102, Urbana, IL? 61801\n\nweber@powerworld.com\n\n?\n\nAbstract\n\n?\n\nWhile the concept of ATC has been around for decades, the desire to\n\ncalculate its value on a large scale is new.? Organizations responsible for\n\nthe reliable operation of the transmission system are given the task of\n\ndetermining ATC values on a daily basis.? ATC calculations typically includ=\ne\n\na large number of contingencies as well as multiple transfer directions and\n\nmultiple system conditions.? This presents a labor-intensive task for those\n\nrequired to calculate ATC values.\n\n?\n\nBecause of these circumstances, Powerworld Corporation was approached by th=\ne\n\nBonneville Power Administration (BPA) to develop a new software product for\n\ntheir use in calculating ATC values.? The new ATC tool, integrated into the\n\nSimulator OPF/ATC software product, was the culmination of this work.? This\n\ntalk will cover the basic engineering requirements and mathematics that\n\ngoverned the development of the ATC tool.? The concept of Linear ATC\n\nanalysis will be introduced, along with the underlying mathematics of Linea=\nr\n\nATC analysis including\n\n?\n\n*? Power Transfer Distribution Factors (PTDFs)\n\n*? Line Outage and Closure Distribution Factors (LODFs/LCDFs)\n\n*? Outage Transfer Distribution Factors (OTDFs)\n\n?\n\nAttention will be paid to demonstrating the accuracy of Linear ATC on large\n\nsystems as well as demonstrating what Linear ATC does not model.? Examples\n\nwill be shown on both small and large-scale systems using Simulator OPF/ATC=\n.\n\n?\n\nOther special topics integrated into PowerWorld Simulator OPF/ATC will also\n\nbe discussed such as (1) the inclusion of phase-shifting transformers\n\ndirectly in linear analysis, and (2) the iteration of linear ATC for use in\n\nmodeling controller changes.\n\n?\n\n?\n\nInstructions for Audio Connection\n\n?\n\nDail in #:??? (505) 242-2420? you will then be prompted to enter the\n\nparticipant code.? At that time punch in the number below.\n\n?\n\nParticipant code:?? 193953\n\n?\n\n?\n\nIP Address for Netmeeting\n\n?\n\nRead the instructions to down load and install Netmeeting.? At about 12.50\n\nPM Central Time on November 7, 2000, dial the following IP address in\n\nNetmeeting?? Please make sure the resolution on your machin=\ne\n\nis set to 1024 x 768 .? This will be the setting on the machine at which th=\ne\n\nPower Point slides originate.? If your machine is not set to the same\n\nresolution, the slides on your machine during the seminar will lose\n\ninformation.\n\n?\n\nJamie Weber was born in Platteville, Wisconsin, on June 13, 1973.? He\n\nreceived his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of\n\nWisconsin - Platteville in May 1995 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in\n\nelectrical engineering from the University of Illinois in January 1997 and\n\nOctober 1999.? He has worked part-time as a software developer at PowerWorl=\nd\n\n?\n\nCorporation since the company's inception in 1996, and has been employed\n\nfull-time at PowerWorld Corporation since February 1999.? His primary dutie=\ns\n\ninclude software development, consulting activities, and software training.\n\nHis research interests include power systems, economics, and computer\n\nvisualization.\n - Invitation.doc\n", "Invitation", "", [["serve_attend conference", 1, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "request", "lance, can you attend this conference?"]], "Lance,\n\nCan you attend this conference?\n\nVince\n\n", "<31358134.1075856366467.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-1-2001-5:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-5:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-5:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13910754.1075856459880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 05:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Ms. Kao\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, invite her for an interview. \nMyself, Stinson, Maureen.\n\nVince", "Ms. Kao", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "request", "shirley, please, invite her for an interview."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, invite her for an interview. \nMyself, Stinson, Maureen.\n\nVince", "<13910754.1075856459880.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-2-2000-0:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-0:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "margaret.carson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18565189.1075856770485.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: margaret.carson@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with NEBRASKA Governor Johanns\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Margaret Carson\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMargaret,\n\nI have an economist in my group and asked her if she feels qualified to make a\npresentation on this topic. I shall keep you posted. I think It would help\nEnron to oblige.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nMargaret Carson@ENRON\n02/16/2000 02:24 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with NEBRASKA Governor Johanns\n\nVince, I could work up a talk on everything they are looking for \nexcept the area of energy impacts on agri-customers...does ENA have \nsome specialist that look at this slice of the energy marke that could \nhelp me respondt? Thanks Margaret \n---------------------- Forwarded by Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron on 02/16/2000 \n02:21 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nBeth Jensen\n02/16/2000 01:19 PM\nTo: Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Rob Wilson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry DeRoin/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Bill \nCordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Beth \nJensen/NPNG/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with Governor Johanns\n\nHello Margaret. We are looking for a speaker for a meeting that is being \narranged with Nebraska Governor Johanns during the first week in April.\n\nThe potential topic is a national perspective on pricing pressures/trends on \nnatural gas, electricity and oil and their impact on agricultural production \ncosts, as well as types of risk managment tools that are being used to offset \nthe price fluctuations.\n\nDo you know of anyone, either within the Corporation or outside, who would be \navailable to travel to Omaha to make this presentation? \n\nI would appreciate any assistance that you could provide, Margaret.\n\nThanks, \n\nbeth jensen\n\n\n\n", "Re: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with NEBRASKA Governor Johanns", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 10, "information", ["make", "presentation", "topic"], "information", "margaret, i have an economist in my group and asked her if she feels qualified to make a presentation on this topic."], ["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 13, "nninformation", ["keep", "you"], "intention", " i shall keep you posted."]], "Margaret,\n\nI have an economist in my group and asked her if she feels qualified to make a\npresentation on this topic. I shall keep you posted. I think It would help\nEnron to oblige.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nMargaret Carson@ENRON\n02/16/2000 02:24 PM\n", "<18565189.1075856770485.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"issue_topic presentationTnn": {"value": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "ne": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic presentationTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-3-2001-7:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"2-3-2001-7:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-3-2001-7:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ostdiek@rice.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13327102.1075856213716.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 07:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ostdiek@rice.edu\nSubject: Vlady Gorny\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: ostdiek@rice.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBarbara,\n\nI called Vlady Gorny and explained that the presentation by Jorion is not \noffered\nunder the umbrella of the seminar sponsored by Enron and that it is a \nclosed meeting for the School faculty.\n\nI don't think that Enron would open its job interviews to Rice observers\nwho expressed interest and I made this comment to Vlady. He is OK with this.\n\nYou can let his program director know that I have explained to Vlady\nthat it is a meeting for limited audience and that he does not expect to be \ninvited.\n\n\nPlease, let me know the details of the dinners.\n\nVince", "Vlady Gorny", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 33, "nninformation", ["audience", "invited"], "intention", " you can let his program director know that i have explained to vlady that it is a meeting for limited audience and that he does not expect to be invited."]], "Barbara,\n\nI called Vlady Gorny and explained that the presentation by Jorion is not \noffered\nunder the umbrella of the seminar sponsored by Enron and that it is a \nclosed meeting for the School faculty.\n\nI don't think that Enron would open its job interviews to Rice observers\nwho expressed interest and I made this comment to Vlady. He is OK with this.\n\nYou can let his program director know that I have explained to Vlady\nthat it is a meeting for limited audience and that he does not expect to be \ninvited.\n\n\nPlease, let me know the details of the dinners.\n\nVince", "<13327102.1075856213716.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"faculty_staff meetingTnn": {"value": "faculty_staff meetingTnn", "ne": "faculty_staff meetingTnn", "patterns": ["faculty_staff meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-4-2001-8:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-4-2001-8:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-8:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "iris.mack@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <22662734.1075856200496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 08:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: iris.mack@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Enron Credit Model Docs\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Iris Mack\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nIris,\n\nDid you receive the documentation from Ben? I\ncould not open his attachment. \n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2001 \n03:25 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nBen Parsons\n04/04/2001 09:19 AM\nTo: Iris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate @ ENRON\ncc: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott \nSalmon/EU/Enron@Enron, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: RE: Enron Credit Model Docs \n\nIris\n\nI'll leave this question to Vince, Vasant and Bryan as they have more \nexperience of Duffie and what he'll be expecting.\n\nBen\n\n\nFrom: Iris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/04/2001 09:05 CDT\nTo: Ben Parsons/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott \nSalmon/EU/Enron@Enron, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT, Nigel Price/LON/ECT@ECT, \nTomas Valnek/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: RE: Enron Credit Model Docs\n\nHi Ben,\n\nThanks for your email.\n\nI will take a look at the information you forwarded to me.\n\nWhat type of \"product\" is Professor Duffie expecting - an annotated \nbibliography and/or some analysis with a comparative study of the models, \netc.?\n\nRegards,\nIris\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Parsons, Ben \nSent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 8:48 AM\nTo: Mack, Iris\nCc: Shanbhogue, Vasant; Kaminski, Vince; Salmon, Scott; Seyfried, Bryan; \nPrice, Nigel; Valnek, Tomas\nSubject: Enron Credit Model Docs\n\nIris\n\nVasant informed me that you would be helping the quant efforts of Enron \nCredit, with the first job to be compiling model documentation to be sent to \nDarrell Duffie. I've attached below a pretty complete set of current docs we \nhave produced, in no particular order:\n\nNigel's doc on FMC curve generation (he claims it is out of date now though):\n\nFMCMATHS.DOC\n\nMy doc on general theory we're using for pricing and default probability \ngeneration:\n\nCREDIT PRICING 2.1.DOC\n\nMy doc on asset swap calculation (there is one error to correct)\n\nASSET SWAP DFIS.PDF\n\nMy doc on Placement Model (a second version of the model incorporating \nratings has yet to be documented)\n\nPLACEMENT MODEL 1.0.1.DOC\n\nGeorge's doc on the neural network placement model:\n\nNEURAL NETWORK 1.0.DOC\n\nMy doc on the VAR model used for credit:\n\nVAR MODEL 1.0 .DOC \n\nand Kirstee's which preceded it:\n\nCREDITVAR2.DOC\n\nNigel's doc on the portfolio model used for CDOs and basket trades:\n\nSYNTHETICCDOS.DOC\n\nKatherine's doc on correlations:\n\nCORRELATIONS.DOC\n\n\nLet me know if you need any more information about these models and their \napplications.\n\nRegards\n\nBen\n\nPS I've had to zip the files up as they were too big:\n\n << File: CreditDocs.zip >> \n\n\n\n", "RE: Enron Credit Model Docs", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["receive", "iris"], "request information", "iris, did you receive the documentation from ben?"]], "Iris,\n\nDid you receive the documentation from Ben? I\ncould not open his attachment. \n\nVince\n", "<22662734.1075856200496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "12-5-2000-1:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-5-2000-1:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-5-2000-1:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bambos@stanford.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21639192.1075856737799.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 May 2000 01:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bambos@stanford.edu\nSubject: Re: Visit to Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Nick Bambos @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNick,\n\nThe airport is about 30 minutes by cab from the office (1400 Smith).\nThe best hotel is either Hyatt Regency Downtown or Doubletree \nDowntown (it is important to emphasize Downtown when making\nreservations). The hotels are within a walking distance\nfrom the Enron building.\n\nWe can make reservations for dinner around 6:30 - 7:00\nin a resturant within 10 minutes by car from the hotel.\n\nBy the way, we shall be very glad to reimburse you for the trip related \nexpenses.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNick Bambos on 05/11/2000 05:31:53 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Stinson.Gibner@enron.com \nSubject: Re: Visit to Enron\n\n\nVince,\n\nYes, that would be ideal. But let me call first my travel agent to\nsee if there is a flight that would satisfy all the other\nconstraints. What time should I be at Enron on Thursday, and how far is\nthe airport from your offices?\n\nThanks,\n\nNick\n\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n>\n> Nick,\n>\n> Can you come to Houston Thursday night and meet me, Stinson and\n> Kevin Hannon (one of top 3 executives at Enron Broadband Services)\n> for dinner?\n>\n> Vince\n>\n> Nick Bambos on 05/10/2000 10:49:46 AM\n>\n> To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> cc: Stinson.Gibner@enron.com\n> Subject: Re: Visit to Enron\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Many thanks for arranging that. Yes, Friday 05/26/00 is good.\n> I'm blocking off in my calendar May 26 for the visit.\n>\n> Again, many thanks. I look forward to seeing you and Stinson\n> in two weeks.\n>\n> Nick\n>\n> Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> >\n> > Nick,\n> >\n> > Thanks for your message. The best date for a visit to Enron\n> > would be Friday, May the 26th. Please, let me know if this date would\n> work\n> > for you.\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > Nick Bambos on 05/01/2000 04:26:30 AM\n> >\n> > To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> > cc:\n> > Subject: Re: Visit to Enron\n> >\n> > Vince,\n> >\n> > How are you? Hope all is well.\n> >\n> > Is there any chance we can schedule my visit to Enron on Friday, May 19,\n> > or Friday, May 26?\n> >\n> > By the end of April I was able to attract a top new student to work on\n> the\n> > project.\n> > The other one for the coming year will be Giuseppe. By spending the\n> summer\n> > at Enron, he will be in a position to bring the new one up to speed and\n> > create an intellectual team here at Stanford to look at these problems.\n> >\n> > I must move ahead soon to put the project in place and get the work\n> going.\n> >\n> > Talk to you soon,\n> >\n> > Nick\n> >\n> > Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> > >\n> > > Nick,\n> > >\n> > > We can close the loop on our commitment to support the research\n> projects\n> > > before your visit to Enron.\n> > >\n> > > My assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will call you to set up a conference\n> > call\n> > > with me, Stinson Gibner,\n> > > and Tom Gros from Enron Broadband Services to discuss all the isssues.\n> > > Friday this week would work for\n> > > both Tom and me. I think we need about 15 minutes.\n> > >\n> > > Vince\n> > >\n> > > P.S. Shirley, Nick's phone number is 650 796 8163 (cell), 650-725-5525\n> > > (office).\n> > >\n> > > Nick Bambos on 03/12/2000 05:32:35 PM\n> > >\n> > > To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com, bambos@stanford.Stanford.EDU\n> > > cc:\n> > > Subject: Visit to Enron\n> > >\n> > > Hello Vince,\n> > >\n> > > It was nice seeing you at Stanford and many thanks for the lunch\n> > > we had together. I really enjoyed our discussions, both at the\n> > > technical level and otherwise.\n> > >\n> > > I promised to send you an e-mail regarding possible dates for\n> > > a visit to Enron. I delayed it for a week till my schedule was\n> > > clearer. Let's see if we can get a match with your schedule -\n> > > mine is rather terrible:\n> > >\n> > > Friday, 21st of April looks good. But April 23rd is Easter\n> > > Sunday, so that may make it difficult for some people at Enron\n> > > to be around. Let me know if that is the case. I am willing to\n> > > visit then, because the week after that I am scheduled to be in\n> > > Japan and in the previous weeks I am all committed on Fridays.\n> > >\n> > > Friday, 19th of May is the next possibility, but this probably\n> > > is too far out. The main problem is that I am operating within\n> > > a window of opportunity for attracting top students for this\n> > > research. This window closes by the end of April, and it would be\n> > > important for the student support funds to be in place then, so\n> > > that I can make hard commitments to students and attract top\n> > > talent. I am already reviewing files of students who have\n> > > approached me for PhD advising, and I am in a mode of doing \"soft\n> > > commitments to star-level students\" to get this research and its\n> > > potential on their radar screen. Top students are highly sought\n> > > after by advisors and I want to be an early player in this\n> > > competition.\n> > >\n> > > Does my visit to Enron have to happen before we can set up the\n> > > project and student support at Stanford? If so, doing it before the\n> > > end of April is important for getting top people. If the visit can\n> > > happen after we get the ball rolling, then we can schedule it in May.\n> > > I assume there will be multiple visits both ways when the project gets\n> > > going. Please let me know what you think.\n> > >\n> > > Best Regards,\n> > >\n> > > Nick\n\n", "Re: Visit to Enron", "", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 14, "nninformation", ["making", "reservations"], "intention", " the best hotel is either hyatt regency downtown or doubletree downtown (it is important to emphasize downtown when making reservations)."], ["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 20, "nninformation", ["dinner", "make", "reservations"], "intention", " we can make reservations for dinner around numerictime - numerictime in a resturant within numeric minutes by car from the hotel."]], "Nick,\n\nThe airport is about 30 minutes by cab from the office (1400 Smith).\nThe best hotel is either Hyatt Regency Downtown or Doubletree \nDowntown (it is important to emphasize Downtown when making\nreservations). The hotels are within a walking distance\nfrom the Enron building.\n\nWe can make reservations for dinner around 6:30 - 7:00\nin a resturant within 10 minutes by car from the hotel.\n\nBy the way, we shall be very glad to reimburse you for the trip related \nexpenses.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNick Bambos ", [], false]}, "18-2-2000-0:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-2-2000-0:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-2-2000-0:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "charlene.jackson@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com celeste.roberts@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4157349.1075857068906.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 00:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: charlene.jackson@enron.com\nSubject: Resumes\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com, celeste.roberts@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com, celeste.roberts@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Charlene Jackson\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Ravi Thuraisingham, Celeste Roberts, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCharlene,\nI am sending you as promised the information I have about 3 of our summer \ninterns.\nI shall fax you this morning two additional resumes I have in hard copy.\n\nIn the case of Paulo Rocha we don't have a formal\nresume, just a letter from him with the summary of his skills.\n\nThanks for your help. Enron desperately needs this talent.\n\nVince\n", "Resumes", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 2, "information", ["sending", "information"], "information", "charlene, i am sending you as promised the information i have about numeric of our summer interns."]], "Charlene,\nI am sending you as promised the information I have about 3 of our summer \ninterns.\nI shall fax you this morning two additional resumes I have in hard copy.\n\nIn the case of Paulo Rocha we don't have a formal\nresume, just a letter from him with the summary of his skills.\n\nThanks for your help. Enron desperately needs this talent.\n\nVince\n", "<4157349.1075857068906.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"information intern_summer0internTnn": {"value": "information intern_summer0internTnn", "ne": "information intern_summer0internTnn", "patterns": ["information intern_summer0internTnn"]}, "6": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["intern_summer0intern numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2001-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-1-2001-2:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-2:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stephen.stock@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <86918.1075856460635.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 02:09:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stephen.stock@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Progress\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stephen Stock\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nThanks a lot. I think that having the pseudo code will go a long way towards \nunderstanding how the system works and making sure that there are no\nbugs in translation of a business problem (for example, complicated\ncredit insurance deals with multiple triggers and conditionality) into the \ncode.\n\nRegarding Tanya's attitude. Just a few points. \n\n1. I don't think she has the skills to do the system administrator's work\nand she does not have the\nnecessary privileges. This explains why she keeps asking Winston for help. \nIt's\nnot that the work is beneath her.\n\n2. Some members of Tanya's team came to me complaining about Winston.\nHe effectively told them to go away and work on the \"research projects\"\nand that he would take care of the IT issues. I don't think that it's just \nTanya's issue,\nthough I agree that a more outgoing personality would be helpful.\n\n3. The reality of this situation is that the internal customers beat on \nTanya and\nme whenever there is any performance problems and/or they intuitively\ndisagree with the results of a run. They could not care less about the\ndemarcation line between IT and Research. They also want Tanya\nto sign off on the model and she cannot do it without full access to the code.\n\nThe bottom line is that we are in full agreement: Tanya and\nWinston have to work as a team and I shall work on my end to make sure that \nit happens.\nCredit is emerging as a critical issue for Enron for the next few weeks and\nthe system cannot fail.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Stephen Stock/ENRON@enronXgate on 01/11/2001 08:23 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Progress\n\n\nVince,\n\nI got feedback from the lunchtime research meeting that you were talking \nabout some specific solutions to performance of IT systems... In particular \ndistributed processing. Also I heard that you had concerns about the use of \nmultiple languages etc....\n\nBoth of these sound like what I was discussing with you on previous \noccasions... Do you feel the need to discuss these further?\n\nThe multi-language issue isn't really that much of an issue, as the current \nsystem is 98% java right now. Although I am a big fan of C/C++(it is my main \ndevelopment skill) , I am also very aware that Java is a much more evolved \nand robust language. I had serious doubts about the performance, but I've had \na review conducted, and the results are showing the Sun Unix implementation \nto be nearly as fast and in some cases faster than C/C++ because of something \nthey call Hot-Spot technology. (its an instruction caching technique, I \nbelieve). The concerns I expressed to you, were really about how technical \npeople justify the use of a language on the strength of a relatively \nmeaningless metric like portability.\n\nOn the issue of distributed processing... the original review I had conducted \nby our architecture group pointed to that as a solution, and as Zhiyong Wei \nis already working on Global Valuation project, Winston is actively working \nwith Zhiyong to see if he can model the VaR architecture on that, and also to \nfind a common Valuation piece between the systems.\n\nI'd like the opportunity to talk to you about these issues if you have some \ntime over the next few days?\n\nAlso, I sat in on the Tanya / Winston meeting yesterday and as per our \ndiscussion at the elevator, I attempted to help her argument by suggesting to \nall present that she was trying to perform triage on the code... I.e. \nSeperating research domain problems from IT problems.\n\nShe said that stepping through code was the only real way in which she could \nget a feel for where performance bottlenecks were. I asked her how she would \nmeasure that, and she said she would instrument the code manually by \ninserting timing elements at strategic points. I mentioned that a profiling \ntool could probably do this job for her. Tanya again said that stepping \nthrough code is the only way she can get an idea of the code, and that \nstudying documentation wasn't enough. \n\nAbout 6 weeks ago, I commissioned a team to document the system down to \npsuedo-code level and will be able to provide this to you and your team soon. \n(in fact I've asked for a draft copy to be given to Tanya right now), and \nWinston is also working on a draft Research/IT \"working together\" document, \nwhich will identify how the exchange of information takes place.\n\nTanya also gave the impression that she wants a dedicated IT developer to do \nall the environment setup for her, because she doesn't really want to have to \ndo that. I think that this is probably the root cause of the issue. The IT \nguys are working very hard and her handling of the situation is not good, as \nit gives the impression that this kind of work is beneath her. She is \nclaiming that they are un-cooperative.... they are claiming that she \ncontinually asks the same questions about set-up over and over again, and \ndoesn't seem to want to learn how to do it. Winston on the other hand, could \nbe more proactive in determining what is a business related model issue and \nan IT issue and ask for help from research.\n\nI think you Debbie and I need to work quite hard to get them to play nicely.\n\nI have asked Tanya and Winston to go ahead and work very closely together \nover the next few days....and Debbie Brackett and I will review their \nprogress on Friday. \n\nIn the meantime l'll be looking at setting up a working test environment that \ndoesn't involve my main Quant guys in day to to day setup issues as a longer \nterm solution.\n\nRegards\n\nSteve\n\n\n", "Re: Progress", "", [["make business", 9, "information", ["business", "making"], "information", " i think that having the pseudo code will go a long way towards understanding how the system works and making sure that there are no bugs in translation of a business problem (for example, complicated credit insurance deals with multiple triggers and conditionality) into the code."], ["make business", 90, "nninformation", ["make", "team"], "intention", " the bottom line is that we are in full agreement: tanya and winston have to work as a team and i shall work on my end to make sure that it happens."]], "Steve,\n\nThanks a lot. I think that having the pseudo code will go a long way towards \nunderstanding how the system works and making sure that there are no\nbugs in translation of a business problem (for example, complicated\ncredit insurance deals with multiple triggers and conditionality) into the \ncode.\n\nRegarding Tanya's attitude. Just a few points. \n\n1. I don't think she has the skills to do the system administrator's work\nand she does not have the\nnecessary privileges. This explains why she keeps asking Winston for help. \nIt's\nnot that the work is beneath her.\n\n2. Some members of Tanya's team came to me complaining about Winston.\nHe effectively told them to go away and work on the \"research projects\"\nand that he would take care of the IT issues. I don't think that it's just \nTanya's issue,\nthough I agree that a more outgoing personality would be helpful.\n\n3. The reality of this situation is that the internal customers beat on \nTanya and\nme whenever there is any performance problems and/or they intuitively\ndisagree with the results of a run. They could not care less about the\ndemarcation line between IT and Research. They also want Tanya\nto sign off on the model and she cannot do it without full access to the code.\n\nThe bottom line is that we are in full agreement: Tanya and\nWinston have to work as a team and I shall work on my end to make sure that \nit happens.\nCredit is emerging as a critical issue for Enron for the next few weeks and\nthe system cannot fail.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom: Stephen Stock/ENRON@enronXgate on 01/11/2001 08:23 AM\n", "<86918.1075856460635.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"bug systemTnn": {"value": "bug systemTnn", "ne": "bug systemTnn", "patterns": ["bug systemTnn"]}, "business_job problemTnn": {"value": "business_job problemTnn", "ne": "business_job problemTnn", "patterns": ["business_job problemTnn"]}, "credit_reference example_modelTnn": {"value": "credit_reference example_modelTnn", "ne": "credit_reference example_modelTnn", "patterns": ["credit_reference example_modelTnn"]}, "critical issueTnn": {"value": "critical issueTnn", "ne": "critical issueTnn", "patterns": ["critical issueTnn"]}, "customer internalTnn": {"value": "customer internalTnn", "ne": "customer internalTnn", "patterns": ["customer internalTnn"]}, "example_model translation_versionTnn": {"value": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "ne": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "patterns": ["example_model translation_versionTnn"]}, "member teamTnn": {"value": "member teamTnn", "ne": "member teamTnn", "patterns": ["member teamTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-2-2000-18:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-2-2000-18:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-2-2000-18:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bambos@stanford.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <33383219.1075856768321.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 18:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bambos@stanford.edu\nSubject: Re: Stanford Meeting\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Nick Bambos @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNick,\n\nI shall be in Stanford for Parents' Weekend (my son is a junior at Stanford).\nI plan to be on the campus Friday through Sunday this week. I shall be glad \nto meet you anytime during the weekend. What about a lunch on Friday?\nI would like to talk to you about Enron underwriting research projects by \nthe graduate students\nat your department.\n\nYou can reach me at Stanford at my son's phone number: 650 497 6938.\nPlease, let me know if you are free for lunch and I shall make the \nreservation\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nNick Bambos on 02/22/2000 12:54:15 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: Ravi.Thuraisingham.Enron_Communications@enron.com, gappy@stanford.edu \nSubject: Stanford Meeting\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nGiuseppe tells me that you will be visiting Stanford soon\nand you you would like to meet with me. I would definitely\nbe glad to meet you and talk further.\n\nWould you please let me know about the time of your visit\nand your availability to meet. I look forward to seeing you.\n\nBest Regards,\n\nNick\n\nPS: Giuseppe and Amy came back very impressed by you are doing at Enron!\nThanks for hosting them.\n\n", "Re: Stanford Meeting", "", [["reach cell0phone", 20, "nninformation", ["phone**number", "reach"], "intention", " you can reach me at stanford at my son's phone number: phonenumber ."], ["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 29, "nninformation", ["make", "reservation"], "intention", " please, let me know if you are free for lunch and i shall make the reservation "]], "Nick,\n\nI shall be in Stanford for Parents' Weekend (my son is a junior at Stanford).\nI plan to be on the campus Friday through Sunday this week. I shall be glad \nto meet you anytime during the weekend. What about a lunch on Friday?\nI would like to talk to you about Enron underwriting research projects by \nthe graduate students\nat your department.\n\nYou can reach me at Stanford at my son's phone number: 650 497 6938.\nPlease, let me know if you are free for lunch and I shall make the \nreservation\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nNick Bambos ", {"graduate studentTnn": {"value": "graduate studentTnn", "ne": "graduate studentTnn", "patterns": ["graduate studentTnn"]}, "project studentTnn": {"value": "project studentTnn", "ne": "project studentTnn", "patterns": ["project studentTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-3-2001-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"14-3-2001-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-3-2001-0:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bambos@stanford.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30776146.1075856448024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 00:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bambos@stanford.edu\nSubject: Thursday\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: bambos@stanford.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNick,\n\nMy trip to Stanford is on. I shall be glad to meet\non Thursday for dinner. You can reach me at my cell \nphone (713 410 5396) and at vkaminski@aol.com.\n\nVince\n", "Thursday", "", [["reach cell0phone", 5, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reach"], "intention", " you can reach me at my cell phone phonenumber ) and at vkaminski@aol."]], "Nick,\n\nMy trip to Stanford is on. I shall be glad to meet\non Thursday for dinner. You can reach me at my cell \nphone (713 410 5396) and at vkaminski@aol.com.\n\nVince\n", "<30776146.1075856448024.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"stanford tripTnn": {"value": "stanford tripTnn", "ne": "stanford tripTnn", "patterns": ["stanford tripTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2001-14:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-4-2001-14:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-14:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mark.koenig@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27587636.1075840787336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 14:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mark.koenig@enron.com\nSubject: Invitation for you from Rice University : The National Forum on\n Corporate Finance\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mark Koenig \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Rice\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nMark,\n\nI left you a message regarding The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nat Rice.\n\nThey would be delighted if you could serve as a panel member\nat this conference.\n\nHere are the coordinates of the professor at Rice who\nis in charge. I would appreciate if you could call him\nand let him know if you can attend.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385", "Invitation for you from Rice University : The National Forum on\n Corporate Finance", "", [["serve_attend conference", 12, "nninformation", ["serve", "conference"], "request", " they would be delighted if you could serve as a panel member at this conference."]], "Mark,\n\nI left you a message regarding The National Forum on Corporate Finance\nat Rice.\n\nThey would be delighted if you could serve as a panel member\nat this conference.\n\nHere are the coordinates of the professor at Rice who\nis in charge. I would appreciate if you could call him\nand let him know if you can attend.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\nProf. David Ikenberry\nJones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n713-348-5385", "<27587636.1075840787336.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn": {"value": "corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn", "ne": "corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn", "patterns": ["corporate0finance_finance national0forumTnn"]}, "corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn": {"value": "corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn", "ne": "corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn", "patterns": ["corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn"]}, "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn": {"value": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "ne": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn"]}, "professor rice_rice0universityTnn": {"value": "professor rice_rice0universityTnn", "ne": "professor rice_rice0universityTnn", "patterns": ["professor rice_rice0universityTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-4-2000-10:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-4-2000-10:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2000-10:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "dgoodburn@rochpar.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29931628.1075856741608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 10:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: dgoodburn@rochpar.com\nSubject: Presentation\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Dgoodburn@rochpar.com\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHello,\n\nThis is the presentations I have promised.\nPlease, send me your fax # for more info.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", "Presentation", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["send", "info"], "request", " please, send me your fax # for more info."]], "Hello,\n\nThis is the presentations I have promised.\nPlease, send me your fax # for more info.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", "<29931628.1075856741608.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "30-10-2000-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-7:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-7:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "julie@lacima.co.uk", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29097733.1075856565743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 07:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julie@lacima.co.uk\nSubject: Re: Check\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Julie\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Australia\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJulie,\n\nA clarification. We had an agreement with Chris and Les to contribute AUS \n10,000\nas a part of the cost.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" on 10/30/2000 12:32:14 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Re: Check\n\n\n\nVince,\n?\nThank you for your email.? \n?\nWe will send you a copy of the book as soon as it is available, which we are \nnow estimating to be around?21 November (no need to send us a cheque; you \ndeserve it).\n?\nJust let us?know if we should use a different address than your office in \nHouston.\n?\nThanks again for all of your help.\n?\nJulie\n?\n----- Original Message ----- \nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nTo: julie@lacima.co.uk \nCc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com \nSent: Monday, October 30, 2000 2:16 PM\nSubject: Check\n\nJulie,\n\nThis message was returned to me a few times when I sent it from my home\naddress.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000\n08:00 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVKaminski@aol.com on 10/28/2000 12:12:57 PM\n\nTo:?? julie@lacima.co.uk\ncc:?? VKaminski@aol.com, vkamins@enron.com\nSubject:? Check\n\n\nJulie,\n\nAs the book is about to be released to the market, I would like to start\nthe\nprocess to issue the check to Lacima. Who will be the payee (Lacima) and\nwhat\nis the address?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Check", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "information", ["agreement", "contribute"], "information", " we had an agreement with chris and les to contribute aus numeric as a part of the cost."]], "Julie,\n\nA clarification. We had an agreement with Chris and Les to contribute AUS \n10,000\nas a part of the cost.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Julie\" ", {"8": {"value": "10,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cost_price numericTnn", "numeric part_shareTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-3-2000-8:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-3-2000-8:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-8:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kevin.hannon@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com dennis.brown@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17528478.1075856814575.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:55:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kevin.hannon@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, dennis.brown@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, dennis.brown@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kevin Hannon\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Dennis Brown\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKevin,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are inviting Ken Rice and Joe Hirko to this meeting. We would appreciate \nif you could\nspeak, together with Joe and Ken, on strategic directions of EBS. It is \nimportant for a group\nof technical people, with relatively specialized technical skills, to \nunderstand the big picture.\n\nI am attaching the preliminary agenda for this meeting.\n\nVince", "Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 8, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting", "organization", "you", "site"], "intention", "kevin, i would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of john griebling's organization and the research group."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 51, "information", ["inviting", "rice"], "information", " we are inviting ken rice and joe hirko to this meeting."]], "Kevin,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are inviting Ken Rice and Joe Hirko to this meeting. We would appreciate \nif you could\nspeak, together with Joe and Ken, on strategic directions of EBS. It is \nimportant for a group\nof technical people, with relatively specialized technical skills, to \nunderstand the big picture.\n\nI am attaching the preliminary agenda for this meeting.\n\nVince", "<17528478.1075856814575.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"advanced skill_skill0areaTnn": {"value": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "ne": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "patterns": ["advanced skill_skill0areaTnn"]}, "agenda_schedule meetingTnn": {"value": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "ne": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "patterns": ["agenda_schedule meetingTnn"]}, "arrangement_organization meetingTnn": {"value": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "ne": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_organization meetingTnn"]}, "common skillTnn": {"value": "common skillTnn", "ne": "common skillTnn", "patterns": ["common skillTnn"]}, "construction0project_project designTnn": {"value": "construction0project_project designTnn", "ne": "construction0project_project designTnn", "patterns": ["construction0project_project designTnn"]}, "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn": {"value": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "ne": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "patterns": ["construction_construction0project design networkTnnn"]}, "cooperation project_taskTnn": {"value": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "ne": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "patterns": ["cooperation project_taskTnn"]}, "date locationTnn": {"value": "date locationTnn", "ne": "date locationTnn", "patterns": ["date locationTnn"]}, "direction strategicTnn": {"value": "direction strategicTnn", "ne": "direction strategicTnn", "patterns": ["direction strategicTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "ebs**engineering", "ne": "orgname0engineering", "patterns": ["forum operation orgname0engineering returnlinen technicalTnnnnn"]}, "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn": {"value": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "ne": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn"]}, "meeting objectiveTnn": {"value": "meeting objectiveTnn", "ne": "meeting objectiveTnn", "patterns": ["meeting objectiveTnn"]}, "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn": {"value": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "ne": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "patterns": ["meeting site_site0cruiseTnn"]}, "model_modeling operation_processTnn": {"value": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "ne": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling operation_processTnn"]}, "model_modeling optimizationTnn": {"value": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "ne": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling optimizationTnn"]}, "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn": {"value": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "ne": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling process stochasticTnnn"]}, "organization siteTnn": {"value": "organization siteTnn", "ne": "organization siteTnn", "patterns": ["organization siteTnn"]}, "project skillTnn": {"value": "project skillTnn", "ne": "project skillTnn", "patterns": ["project skillTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-11-2000-2:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-11-2000-2:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-11-2000-2:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21131804.1075856256502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 02:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Greetings\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, invite them for a preliminary interview,\nStinson, Zimin, Paulo and myself.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 \n10:46 AM ---------------------------\n\n\ncarlos ordonez on 11/27/2000 10:15:51 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Greetings\n\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI am sorry for the dely in answering. These are their phone numbers:\n\nErnesto Hernandez: (713) 532-0573\nCarlos Gorrichategui: (713) 668-0408.\n\nThe best way to get a hold of them at this point would be through\nme. I would pass along the information and then they can contact you.\n\nCheers,\n\nCarlos\n\n\n\nAt 12:50 PM 11/21/00 -0600, you wrote:\n>\n>Carlos,\n>\n>I need their phone numbers.\n>\n>Vince\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>carlos ordonez on 11/21/2000 11:45:45 AM\n>\n>To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n>cc:\n>Subject: Re: Greetings\n>\n>\n>Vince,\n>\n>I gave you both their academic reports from here and Mexico and Panama.\n>This\n>information I believe also contain some personal info. Would you need more?\n>One of them was a bit nervous about the formality of turning in an actual\n>resume...\n>\n>Please let me know whether the academic info is not enough.\n>\n>Cheers,\n>\n>Carlos\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>At 10:41 AM 11/21/00 -0600, you wrote:\n>>\n>>Carlos,\n>>\n>>Please, forward their resumes to us and we shall set up an interview for\n>>them.\n>>\n>>Vince\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>carlos ordonez on 11/21/2000 09:30:08 AM\n>>\n>>To: Stinson.Gibner@enron.com\n>>cc: vkamins@enron.com\n>>Subject: Re: Greetings\n>>\n>>\n>>Dear Vincent and Stinson,\n>>\n>>Both my students would love to come visit you guys for an informal\n>>visit in the near future. Please let me know well ahead of time\n>>when they can come. If possible, see to it that their parking expenses\n>>be paid when they do come.\n>>\n>>\n>>I'll be in touch with you all over the next months about this and\n>>a possible postdoctoral/trainee agreement (World Lab.).\n>>\n>>Cheers,\n>>\n>>Carlos\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n>\n\n", "Re: Greetings", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 2, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "request", "shirley, please, invite them for a preliminary interview, stinson, zimin, paulo and myself."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, invite them for a preliminary interview,\nStinson, Zimin, Paulo and myself.\n\nVince\n", "<21131804.1075856256502.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview preliminaryTnn": {"value": "interview preliminaryTnn", "ne": "interview preliminaryTnn", "patterns": ["interview preliminaryTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-6-2000-10:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-6-2000-10:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-6-2000-10:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ehilton@earthlink.net", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28049824.1075856319767.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 10:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ehilton@earthlink.net\nSubject: Re: contact information\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Eric Hilton @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEric,\n\nThanks for your message. No resume has been attached to your communication.\nCan you, please, send me an electronic version of your CV?\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton on 06/22/2000 05:55:39 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re: contact information\n\n\nMr. Vince Kaminski\n\nThank you for your response. I inquired about sending a resume to your\ncompany, and you kindly asked me to send it directly to you and you would pass\nit on. I sent that out about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks ago. I never received a\nresponse, so I was just following up. I apologize for any inconveniences, I'm\njust very determined and dedicated about building my career, as well as my\nlife around Enron. You are very kind to respond to my emails, Mr. Kaminski. I\ndeeply appreciate it. Nobody else that I've talked to at the \"other\" energy\ncompanies have given me the \"time-of-day\". You are very professional and\ncourteous and I feel this is indicative of your well-established company.\nThat's why I sought out Enron to establish my career. Thank you for your\nvaluable time.\n\nWarmest Regards,\nEric Hilton\n\nVince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n\n> Eric,\n>\n> Thank you for your message. The only other message in my mailbox\n> from you is dated 6/11/2000 and contains a reference to a resume I cannot\n> locate. I checked the log of all the messages and could not find any other\n> communication from you.\n>\n> Please, send a message with a resume again and we shall go from there.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n> Eric Hilton on 06/21/2000 08:37:58 PM\n>\n> To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> cc:\n> Subject: contact information\n>\n> Dear Mr. Kaminski,\n>\n> I sent my resume to your well respected company a few weeks ago\n> in regards to establishing a long-lasting career with them. I never\n> received a response and was wondering if you knew who was in charge of\n> the electric power disbatching/scheduling department or know of who I\n> may contact to inquire this information? I know you are a very busy\n> professional and I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your\n> valuable time.\n>\n> Warmest Regards,\n> Eric Hilton\n\n\n", "Re: contact information", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 5, "information", ["attached", "resume"], "information", " no resume has been attached to your communication."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "nninformation", ["electronic", "send", "version"], "request", " can you, please, send me an electronic version of your cv?"]], "Eric,\n\nThanks for your message. No resume has been attached to your communication.\nCan you, please, send me an electronic version of your CV?\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton ", {"electronic versionTnn": {"value": "electronic versionTnn", "ne": "electronic versionTnn", "patterns": ["electronic versionTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-11-2000-1:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-11-2000-1:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-11-2000-1:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "lance.cunningham@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18321485.1075856262727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 01:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lance.cunningham@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Transmission Report 2000\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Lance Cunningham\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLance,\n\nPlease, ask Shirley to order.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/10/2000 \n09:16 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nLance Cunningham@ENRON on 11/09/2000 06:16:43 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Transmission Report 2000 \n\nI think that this report would be of interest and would be useful.\n\nLance\n", "Re: Transmission Report 2000", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 5, "nninformation", ["order", "shirley"], "intention", "lance, please, ask shirley to order."]], "Lance,\n\nPlease, ask Shirley to order.\n\nVince\n\n", "<18321485.1075856262727.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric paper_reportTnn", "numeric power0report_reportTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-6-2000-5:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-6-2000-5:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-6-2000-5:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "benjamin.parsons@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20821144.1075856611151.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 05:50:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: benjamin.parsons@enron.com\nSubject: Re: INSEAD High-tech Acquisitions Workshop\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Benjamin Parsons\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBen\n\nThanks for attending. I was on \"vacation\" last week (driving from Ca to \nHouston)\nand could not answer your first message regardoing Insead conference in time.\n\nThe objective was to find out more about the he Workshop on High-tech \nacquisitions \nand evaluate the usefulness of the program for Enron. I shall be making a \nrecommendation\nto Jeff Skilling that we should work with Wharton as a partner in a number of\ndifferent research projects.\n\nI shall try to catch you next week to find out what was said about valuation \nof small high-tech firms.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nBenjamin Parsons\n06/12/2000 05:50 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: INSEAD High-tech Acquisitions Workshop\n\nVince\n\nI attended the Workshop on High-tech acquisitions at Insead on Saturday \nalongside participants from Cisco, EADS, Razorfish and Cable+Wireless, and \nacademics from Insead and Wharton. The basic premise was to discuss and get \nfeedback from practitioners about the Research Project, and a PhD study which \nis currently underway at Wharton. The discussions were very interesting - \nespecially as this was my first exposure to this area. \n\nExamples of the discussions raised include\nwhy firms acquire new businesses instead of developing them in-house\nwhat degree of post-acquisition integration was optimal\ndifficulties of US firms acquiring Euro/Asian high-tech companies\nhow to value small high-tech firms\nhow to quantify the success/failure of an acquisition\n\nMy feeling is that further work with them in this area would be beneficial to \nEnron because it would help the development of the academic research and give \nus first-hand access to the results. Plus it would enable us to learn from \nthe mistakes of others, through meeting practitioners at such workshops and \nhaving greater access to the case studies. I guess it could also aid our \nrealignment within the high-tech/communication industry to be seen in such \nstudies.\n\nRegards\n\nBen\n\n", "Re: INSEAD High-tech Acquisitions Workshop", "", [["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 21, "nninformation", ["evaluate", "usefulness"], "intention", " the objective was to find out more about the he workshop on high-tech acquisitions and evaluate the usefulness of the program for enron."]], "Ben\n\nThanks for attending. I was on \"vacation\" last week (driving from Ca to \nHouston)\nand could not answer your first message regardoing Insead conference in time.\n\nThe objective was to find out more about the he Workshop on High-tech \nacquisitions \nand evaluate the usefulness of the program for Enron. I shall be making a \nrecommendation\nto Jeff Skilling that we should work with Wharton as a partner in a number of\ndifferent research projects.\n\nI shall try to catch you next week to find out what was said about valuation \nof small high-tech firms.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nBenjamin Parsons\n06/12/2000 05:50 AM\n", "<20821144.1075856611151.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"high techTnn": {"value": "high techTnn", "ne": "high techTnn", "patterns": ["high techTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-8-2000-3:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-8-2000-3:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-8-2000-3:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com eric.gadd@enron.com kirstee.hewitt@enron.com cantekin.dincerler@enron.com anjam.ahmad@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <12429444.1075856617220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 03:56:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com, bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, eric.gadd@enron.com,\n\tkirstee.hewitt@enron.com, cantekin.dincerler@enron.com,\n\tanjam.ahmad@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com\nSubject: MG memo\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski, Bjorn Hagelmann, Eric Gadd, Kirstee Hewitt, Cantekin Dincerler, Anjam Ahmad, Grant Masson\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Rac\\Rac\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI am sending you an updated version of the MG VaR memo, following the \ndiscussion\nGrant and I had with Bjorn Thursday evening.\n\nPlease, let me know if you think more changes are required.\n\nVince\n ", "MG memo", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 1, "information", ["sending", "version"], "information", "i am sending you an updated version of the mg var memo, following the discussion grant and i had with bjorn thursday evening."]], "I am sending you an updated version of the MG VaR memo, following the \ndiscussion\nGrant and I had with Bjorn Thursday evening.\n\nPlease, let me know if you think more changes are required.\n\nVince\n ", "<12429444.1075856617220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "21-12-1999-23:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-12-1999-23:38:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-12-1999-23:38:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "clayton.vernon@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5107191.1075856786987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 23:38:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: clayton.vernon@enron.com\nSubject: Re: scientific word?\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Clayton Vernon\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nClayton,\n\nPlease, mention this to Shirley. She has to submit a formal request to me\nand I have to approve it and fwd to the IT group. It will take a day or two \nto set up.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nClayton Vernon@ENRON\n12/20/99 04:36 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: scientific word?\n\nVince-\n\nI can't find Scientific Word on my computer or the list of software \napplications to request. Can you tell me where to get it? Thanks,\n\nClayton\n\n", "Re: scientific word?", "", [["submit request{access}", 5, "nninformation", ["request", "submit"], "intention", " she has to submit a formal request to me and i have to approve it and fwd to the it group."]], "Clayton,\n\nPlease, mention this to Shirley. She has to submit a formal request to me\nand I have to approve it and fwd to the IT group. It will take a day or two \nto set up.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nClayton Vernon@ENRON\n12/20/99 04:36 PM\n", "<5107191.1075856786987.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "11-4-2000-2:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-4-2000-2:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-2:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19253598.1075857058570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 02:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: RE: Test\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, remind me about making arrangements for this trip later this week.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2000 \n09:40 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Piazze, Thomas\" on 04/05/2000 02:47:10 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE: Test\n\n\nVince: My schedule indicates that should be a good day to be on campus, so\nlet's plan for it.\n\nPlease forward to me those brief topic write-ups you promised so that I can\nschedule appropriate faculty to meet with you.\n\nThanks.\n\nTOM\n\n\n\n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 11:08 AM\n> To: piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\n> Cc: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com; Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com\n> Subject: RE: Test\n>\n>\n> Tom,\n>\n> The conference in New York is held on May 18 and May 19. I can visit\n> Wharton\n> the day before.\n>\n> Vince Kaminski\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> \"Piazze, Thomas\" on 04/05/2000 08:40:55 AM\n>\n> To: \"'Vince J Kaminski'\" \n> cc:\n> Subject: RE: Test\n>\n>\n> Vince: I enjoyed talking with you yesterday and look forward to receiving\n> information relative to your visit to campus.\n>\n> TOM PIAZZE\n>\n> > -----Original Message-----\n> > From: Vince J Kaminski [SMTP:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\n> > Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 4:52 PM\n> > To: piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\n> > Subject: Test\n> >\n> >\n> >\n> > Test\n> >\n>\n>\n> \n", "RE: Test", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "making"], "intention", "shirley, please, remind me about making arrangements for this trip later this week."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, remind me about making arrangements for this trip later this week.\n\nVince\n\n", "<19253598.1075857058570.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-1-2001-6:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-1-2001-6:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-6:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jjw@ziplip.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30711740.1075856224866.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 06:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jjw@ziplip.com\nSubject: Re: Howard Haughton: No can do for Wed/Thurs.\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Vasant Shanbhogue, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nMy associates are leaving for London tonight (Monday).\nThey can still interview Howard on Tuesday afternoon.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" on 01/29/2001 02:23:12 PM\nPlease respond to \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nTo: Rachel.Quirke@enron.com, Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Howard Haughton: No can do for Wed/Thurs.\n\n\n\nHi Rachel. Please read the following email from my collegue in the UK who \nspoke directly to Howard a bit ago by tele about Wed/Thurs interview.\nCan we do this alternative he suggested? We will have to reschedule- maybe \nNY? or after Howards trip in Houston?\nThanks,\nJeff\n\nHi Jeff,\n\n I've bad news. Howard is off to New York on Wednesday for 10 days until the\n 10th of Feb. Either Enron could fly him to Houston after his holiday or\n maybe Vince's team could get out to New York. Let me know.\n\n Regards\n Vuthy\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *\n\n\n", "Re: Howard Haughton: No can do for Wed/Thurs.", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["interview", "howard"], "intention", " they can still interview howard on tuesday afternoon."]], "Jeff,\n\nMy associates are leaving for London tonight (Monday).\nThey can still interview Howard on Tuesday afternoon.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" ", [], false]}, "9-8-2000-10:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"9-8-2000-10:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-8-2000-10:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "julia.murray@enron.com mark.haedicke@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5638973.1075856300293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 10:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: julia.murray@enron.com, mark.haedicke@enron.com\nSubject: An interesting resume\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Julia Murray, Mark E Haedicke\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI shall interview this candidate next week\n(a very preliminary interview) to evaluate his potential\nand determine if he fits Enron's culture.\n\nDo you see a need for a person with his skills in your area (litigation \nsupport)?\n\nVince\n", "An interesting resume", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["candidate", "interview"], "intention", "i shall interview this candidate next week (a very preliminary interview) to evaluate his potential and determine if he fits enron's culture."]], "I shall interview this candidate next week\n(a very preliminary interview) to evaluate his potential\nand determine if he fits Enron's culture.\n\nDo you see a need for a person with his skills in your area (litigation \nsupport)?\n\nVince\n", "<5638973.1075856300293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"candidate interviewTnn": {"value": "candidate interviewTnn", "ne": "candidate interviewTnn", "patterns": ["candidate interviewTnn"]}, "interview preliminaryTnn": {"value": "interview preliminaryTnn", "ne": "interview preliminaryTnn", "patterns": ["interview preliminaryTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-2-2001-9:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-2-2001-9:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-2-2001-9:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bob.lee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3315538.1075856218704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 09:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bob.lee@enron.com\nSubject: Carnegie Mellon Interviews\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Bob Lee\nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBob,\n\nCan you help Kristin with interviews on Friday?\nPlease, let me know. You can leave a message on my voice mail.\n\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/12/2001 \n05:08 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Kristin Gandy @ ENRON 02/12/2001 04:08 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dorothy McCoppin/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Michael \nDanielson/SF/ECT@ECT, Maureen Palmer/HOU/EES@EES, Alex \nHuang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kevin Kindall/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John \nWalt/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John B Gordon/NA/Enron@Enron, Andre Beskrowni/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Bill Salvucci/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Gaurav Babbar/HOU/ECT@ECT, dan_cummings@enron.net\ncc: Michael Bradley/HOU/EES@EES, Craig Breslau/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard A \nLammers/SA/Enron@Enron, Doug Leach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laura Luce/Corp/Enron@Enron, \nDaniel Reck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Raj Thapar/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications, Hunter S Shively/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brad Richter/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Frank Bay/Enron Communications@Enron \nCommunications \nSubject: Carnegie Mellon Interviews\n\nThis is a request for your interview participation. The Associate and \nAnalyst Programs will be on the Carnegie Mellon, MBA campus interviewing \nsummer ASSOCIATE interns this week. Due to business reasons, previously \nscheduled interviewers from the Carnegie Mellon team have had to cancel their \nparticipation. \n\nCurrently, I need an additional interviewer for Friday, February 16. Please \nlet me know of your availability. Campus interviews are scheduled as follows:\n\nPlace: Carnegie Mellon \n Career Development Office\n Pittsburgh, PA 15213\n\nDate: Thursday, February 15 Friday, February 16\n Day One Interviews Day Two Interviews\nTime: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.\n\nInterviewers: Kevin Kindall - confirmed Michael Danielson - confirmed \n Jon Walt - confirmed \n Rajesh Chettiar - confirmed\n Kara Knop - confirmed\n \nIn the event that you have scheduling conflicts and cannot participate, any \nreferrals at the Director or VP level would be greatly appreciated. \n\nAs always, thank you for your time and please contact me @ ext53214 if you \nhave any questions.\nKristin Gandy\nAssociate Recruiting \n", "Carnegie Mellon Interviews", "", [["leave voice", 9, "nninformation", ["leave", "voice"], "intention", " you can leave a message on my voice mail."]], "Bob,\n\nCan you help Kristin with interviews on Friday?\nPlease, let me know. You can leave a message on my voice mail.\n\n\nVince\n\n", "<3315538.1075856218704.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "kristin", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-8-2000-3:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-8-2000-3:29:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-8-2000-3:29:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kimberly.watson@enron.com", "youyi.feng@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9913254.1075856296514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 03:29:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kimberly.watson@enron.com\nSubject: Power Point Presentations by Krishna\nCc: youyi.feng@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: youyi.feng@enron.com, pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kimberly Watson\nX-cc: Youyi Feng, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKim,\n\nI am sending you the presentations by Krishna and Y. Feng.\n\nThese presentations may be further modified by both Krishna and Youyi\nbefore Wednesday.\n\nVince\n", "Power Point Presentations by Krishna", "", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 4, "information", ["sending", "presentations"], "information", "kim, i am sending you the presentations by krishna and y."]], "Kim,\n\nI am sending you the presentations by Krishna and Y. Feng.\n\nThese presentations may be further modified by both Krishna and Youyi\nbefore Wednesday.\n\nVince\n", "<9913254.1075856296514.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"point_power0point presentationTnn": {"value": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "ne": "point_power0point presentationTnn", "patterns": ["point_power0point presentationTnn"]}, "power_power0point presentationTnn": {"value": "power_power0point presentationTnn", "ne": "power_power0point presentationTnn", "patterns": ["power_power0point presentationTnn"]}}, false]}, "25-5-2000-4:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-5-2000-4:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-4:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31173659.1075856733407.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 May 2000 04:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTanya,\n\nPlease, ask him to make the arrangements.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n05/25/2000 11:19 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling \n\nYes, I think it is useful for Vincent to attend the program.\n\nTanya.\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/22/2000 09:50 AM\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling\n\nTanya,\n\nAnother thought.\n\nShould Vincent go as well?\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n09:52 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/22/2000 08:10 AM\nTo: Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2000 \n08:12 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Kashiwamura, Shelby\" on 05/18/2000 \n02:03:19 PM\nTo: \"Isero, Alicia\" , \"Kashiwamura, Shelby\" \n\ncc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling\n\n\n\nSubject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling\n\nCredit Risk Modeling for Financial Institutions\nOctober 15 - 20, 2000\nAt Stanford University Business School\n\n\n\nRisk management specialists, Stanford Business School professors of finance\nDarrell Duffie and Kenneth Singleton will be repeating their successful\nexecutive program on Credit Risk Pricing and Risk Management for Financial\nInstitutions. The course is created for risk managers, research staff, and\ntraders with responsibility for credit risk or credit-related products,\nincluding bond and loan portfolios, OTC derivative portfolios, and credit\nderivatives.\n\nThis program includes:\n* valuation models for defaultable bonds, OTC derivatives, and credit\nderivatives, with empirical applications to corporate and sovereign markets\n* empirical and theoretical assessments of models for measuring credit\nrisk, with correlation, for portfolios\n* the strengths and limitations of current practice in credit risk\nmeasurement\n* practical issues in implementing credit modeling and risk systems\n* estimation of default and transition probabilities, and the\ncorrelations among the default risks of publicly traded companies, from\nhistorical data\n\n\n___________________________________________________________\n\nApplication Form:\nCredit Risk Modeling for Financial Institutions\nStanford, October 15 - 20, 2000\n\nThis form may be completed and returned by email, or may be printed and sent\nby fax to:\n\nStanford GSB Executive Education Programs\nFax Number: 650 723 3950\n\nYou may also apply and see more detailed information by visiting our web\nsite at:\n\nwww.gsb.stanford.edu/exed/crm\n\n\nApplications will be acknowledged upon receipt. If you have not received an\nacknowledgement within two weeks, please contact us.\n\nPlease complete all sections. All information is kept strictly confidential.\n\nName:\nPut an x beside one, please: Male: Female:\n\nCitizenship:\n\nJob Title:\n\nCompany:\n\nYour company's main activity:\n\nBusiness Mailing Address:\n\n\nBusiness Phone (all codes please):\nBusiness Fax :\nEmail Address:\nHome Address:\n\n\nHome Phone:\nNickname for identification badge:\nEmergency Contact Name:\nEmergency Contact Phone:\n\nTitle of person to whom you report:\nYour job responsibilities and experience related to this course: (Please\nprovide a brief job summary here, or attach and send a biographical summary\ncontaining information relevant to your purpose and qualifications for the\ncourse.)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCollege or University Education: please list, by degree:\n College or University Dates Degree Granted\n\n _________________ _____ _____________\n\n_________________ _____ _____________\n\n\n\nPlease note:\nAll classes and discussions are conducted in English.\nIn order to reserve a place in the course, the program fee of US$7,500 is\ndue upon notification of acceptance. This fee covers the tuition, single\nroom, meals, and all course materials (including a proprietary manuscript on\ncredit risk pricing and measurement).\nOur refund policy is available upon request.\n\n\nPlease state the source from which you heard about this course:\n\nName and Date:\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you would like a hard copy brochure and application form, please contact:\n(make sure to include your MAILING ADDRESS)\n\nShelby M. Kashiwamura\nProgram Manager\nExecutive Education\nStanford Graduate School of Business\n(650) 723-9356 Phone\n(650) 723-3950 Fax\nkashiwamura_shelby@gsb.stanford.edu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 7, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "make"], "intention", "tanya, please, ask him to make the arrangements."]], "Tanya,\n\nPlease, ask him to make the arrangements.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nTanya Tamarchenko\n05/25/2000 11:19 AM\n", "<31173659.1075856733407.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn"]}, "credit_credit0risk model_modelingTnn": {"value": "credit_credit0risk model_modelingTnn", "ne": "credit_credit0risk model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["credit_credit0risk model_modelingTnn"]}, "executive programTnn": {"value": "executive programTnn", "ne": "executive programTnn", "patterns": ["executive programTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-8-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-8-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-0:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com raymond.yeow@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1816230.1075856341455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 00:40:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: qkerr@maths.uq.edu.au\nSubject: Re: my first draft\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, raymond.yeow@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, raymond.yeow@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"qkerr\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw, Raymond Yeow\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nQuentin,\n\nI forwarded your resume to our Sydney office with a request\nto invite you for an introductory interview. I would also like to \narrange a phone interview with you sometimes next week.\nMy assistant will call you regarding the timing.\n\nVince", "Re: my first draft", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarded", "request"], "information", "quentin, i forwarded your resume to our sydney office with a request to invite you for an introductory interview."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 5, "information", ["interview", "invite"], "information", "quentin, i forwarded your resume to our sydney office with a request to invite you for an introductory interview."]], "Quentin,\n\nI forwarded your resume to our Sydney office with a request\nto invite you for an introductory interview. I would also like to \narrange a phone interview with you sometimes next week.\nMy assistant will call you regarding the timing.\n\nVince", "<1816230.1075856341455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2000-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-1:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-1:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <5877152.1075856372187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 01:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: 20th Annual CERAWeek - \"Shooting the Rapids: Strategies and Risks\n for the Energy Future\"\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 \n09:10 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nDaniel Yergin on 11/16/2000 02:50:06 PM\nTo: \"'vkamins@enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: 20th Annual CERAWeek - \"Shooting the Rapids: Strategies and Risks \nfor the Energy Future\"\n\n\n\n\nMr. Vincent J. Kaminski \nManaging Director \nEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. \n\nDear Mr. Kaminski: \n\nI am pleased to invite you to join my CERA colleagues and me at our 20th \nannual Executive Conference, \"Shooting the Rapids: Strategies and Risks for \nthe Energy Future\" to be held February 12-16, 2001 in Houston, Texas.? This \nis the premier international gathering offering senior executives new ideas, \ninsights and strategic thinking on the issues facing the global energy \nindustry.\n\nI believe you will find the conference and related social events timely and \nof considerable value.? Our focus will be on the critical implications of the \ncurrent market turmoil for energy strategies, investment, regulatory \nbacklash, competitive dynamics, and industry structure.? Presentations cover \nall key regions and energy sectors -- oil, natural gas and power -- and their \ninterconnections.? The conference is the centerpiece of CERAWeek, a full week \nof senior level meetings designed to foster exchange and learning, as well as \ninformal interaction and networking.? Last year's participants included some \n1600 executives from over 57 countries.\n\nComplete details on CERAWeek 2001 can be found at? \nhttp://www.cera.com/cfm/track/mc.cfm?p=670&c=2804? . To register, please go \ndirectly to http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/mc.cfm?p=781&c=2804? ; email \nregister@cera.com; or call us at 1 (800) 879-2372 ext. 800 (outside the U.S. \n(617) 497-6446 ext. 800).? I hope you will join us!\n\nSincerely, \n\nDaniel Yergin \nChairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates \n\nShould you experience problems reaching the web site using the links above, \nplease go to http://www.cera.com/ceraweek/ \n***************************************************************** \nOur relationship with you is very important to us.? If you wish not to \nreceive future e-mail notifications, please send a reply to this message with \n\"DoNotEmail\" as the subject of your message. ( \nmailto:info@cera.com?subject=DoNotEmail )? Please indicate whether you wish \nto be removed from the conference list or alternatively from the list for any \nfuture CERA notifications.\n\n***************************************************************** \n\n", "20th Annual CERAWeek - \"Shooting the Rapids: Strategies and Risks\n for the Energy Future\"", "", [["register conference", 10, "nninformation", ["conference", "register"], "request", "shirley, please, register me for this conference."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, register me for this conference.\n\nVince\n\n", "<5877152.1075856372187.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["returnlinen risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-3-2001-1:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-3-2001-1:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-1:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "greg.whalley@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31054847.1075856447060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 01:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: greg.whalley@enron.com\nSubject: Joe Carson\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Greg Whalley\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGreg,\n\nTwo things I did not manage to mention to you at the meeting on Monday.\n\n1. Joe Carson. I was very positively impressed by Joe Carson.\n Enron badly needs a senior economist of his stature and \n experience. He has many contacts in the industry and can represent \n Enron well. He is very pragmatic and, also, I expect a cool head on old \n shoulders.\n\n One negative is that he wants to work out of New York. The tradeoff is \nbetween\n maintaining his contacts and working closer with the desks. \n\n2. Tony Mends. I think you, or Louise, should explore the possibility of \nusing the skills of Tony Mends.\n Tony and I are good friends so I may be biased. I think that he is a very \nsmart\n and efficient person and can contribute a lot to the organization that \nrelies\n on processing huge volumes of information.\n\nVince", "Joe Carson", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 52, "nninformation", ["organization", "contribute"], "intention", " i think that he is a very smart and efficient person and can contribute a lot to the organization that relies on processing huge volumes of information."]], "Greg,\n\nTwo things I did not manage to mention to you at the meeting on Monday.\n\n1. Joe Carson. I was very positively impressed by Joe Carson.\n Enron badly needs a senior economist of his stature and \n experience. He has many contacts in the industry and can represent \n Enron well. He is very pragmatic and, also, I expect a cool head on old \n shoulders.\n\n One negative is that he wants to work out of New York. The tradeoff is \nbetween\n maintaining his contacts and working closer with the desks. \n\n2. Tony Mends. I think you, or Louise, should explore the possibility of \nusing the skills of Tony Mends.\n Tony and I are good friends so I may be biased. I think that he is a very \nsmart\n and efficient person and can contribute a lot to the organization that \nrelies\n on processing huge volumes of information.\n\nVince", "<31054847.1075856447060.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"bright_smart individual_personTnn": {"value": "bright_smart individual_personTnn", "ne": "bright_smart individual_personTnn", "patterns": ["bright_smart individual_personTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-6-2000-9:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-6-2000-9:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-6-2000-9:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "michael.moscoso@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vladimir.gorny@enron.com jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32336675.1075856324596.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 3 Jun 2000 09:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: michael.moscoso@enron.com\nSubject: Storage Book\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vladimir.gorny@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vladimir.gorny@enron.com,\n\tjeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Michael E Moscoso\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Vladimir Gorny, Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMike,\n\nThe Research Group is looking at some counterintuitive results we could \nobserve\n recently in the Value-at-Risk for the aggregate storage book.\n\nI think that the results the system is producing are incorrect and\nthat we should use instead the number produced by\nstraightforward addition of Value-at-Risk numbers for the storage book\nsubportfolios.\n\nWe are actively working with the IT to review the code and locate the source\nof the problem. We should also review the interactions between the \nspreadsheet\nthat contains the storage book and the Value-at-Risk system database.\n\nVince Kaminski ", "Storage Book", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 14, "nninformation", ["system", "use"], "intention", " i think that the results the system is producing are incorrect and that we should use instead the number produced by straightforward addition of value-at-risk numbers for the storage book subportfolios."]], "Mike,\n\nThe Research Group is looking at some counterintuitive results we could \nobserve\n recently in the Value-at-Risk for the aggregate storage book.\n\nI think that the results the system is producing are incorrect and\nthat we should use instead the number produced by\nstraightforward addition of Value-at-Risk numbers for the storage book\nsubportfolios.\n\nWe are actively working with the IT to review the code and locate the source\nof the problem. We should also review the interactions between the \nspreadsheet\nthat contains the storage book and the Value-at-Risk system database.\n\nVince Kaminski ", "<32336675.1075856324596.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn": {"value": "book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn", "ne": "book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn", "patterns": ["book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn"]}, "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "risk valueTnn": {"value": "risk valueTnn", "ne": "risk valueTnn", "patterns": ["risk valueTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-6-2000-2:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-6-2000-2:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-2:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.bottomley@enron.com", "john.sherriff@enron.com dale.surbey@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com david.gorte@enron.com mark.ruane@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24725028.1075856318864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 02:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.bottomley@enron.com\nSubject: Option Valuation\nCc: john.sherriff@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, david.gorte@enron.com,\n\tmark.ruane@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: john.sherriff@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, david.gorte@enron.com,\n\tmark.ruane@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Bottomley\nX-cc: John Sherriff, Dale Surbey, Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, David Gorte, Mark Ruane, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nI think the crucial distinction is between recognition of risks and \nelimination of\nrisks through hedges (as correctly pointed out in other messages). Being \naware of risk\ndoes not mean that one does not want to be compensated for it.\n\nNow a few more detailed comments.\n\n1. I think that illiquidity discount represents double counting when combined \nwith \na project finance discount rate. Illiquidity discount, in my view,\nshould be applied to financial options that trade in a market without \nsufficient depth.\nOne should apply a haircut if liquidating a position takes a long time. The \napproach used in valuation\nof the Turkish transaction is the same as approach used in valuation of \ninvestments in physical\nassets, which are by definition illiquid. This illiquidity is recognized \nthrough other aspects\nof valuation technology used in RAROC. \n\nIf we apply an illiquidity correction in this case, we should be consistent \nand use\nthis approach across the board for all project finance type cases (not that \nI recommend this course of action).\n\n2. Valuation of an unheadgable options.\n\nLet's look at it from the position of a seller of the option.\n\nHe cannot hedge a short call or put and Black-Scholes valuation becomes the \nfloor for\nthe valuation: the seller has to be compensated for taking a price risk (as \nopposed to taking a vol\nrisk when he hedges). The issue of the compensation he will require becomes \nfuzzy.\nThe option really becomes an insurance type product and pricing depends on \ntwo factors:\n\n1. risk preference\n2. existing portfolio positions\n\nRisk preference. Insurance companies typically require a payment that \nconsists of two parts:\nexpected loss + unexpected loss. The latter is typically defined as 1 to 2 \nstandard deviations.\nThe number of standard deviations depends on risk appetite and the ability \nto absorb the loss.\nI admit that it is a bit fuzzy, but this is the way the world works. We \nlooked into insurance pricing at the\nrequest of Jere Overdyke. You can talk to Vasant Shanbhogue to find out more \nabout it.\n\nExisting portfolio positions. An additional contract may increase or decrease \nthe risk of the overall portfolio.\nI would expect the deal to provide some risk diversification, but it does not \nlook to me as a deal that reduces risk\n(given all our positions in this region).\n\nWhat are the practical implications? Pricing depends on risk appetite (the \nutility function of a decision maker\nin technical jargon) and becomes to some degree arbitrary. \n\nIf we are short an option embedded in a deal and the option cannot be hedged,\nwe should subtract from the value of the contract\nthe value of the option (that is greater than the Black - Scholes value).\nIf we don't price this option explicitly,\nthe valuation of a contract will be based on a discount rate with a risk \npremium.\n\nIn the case of an option buyer, the situation is reversed. If he cannot \nhedge, he should recognize the risk\nof losing the value of his investment and apply a discount to the value of \nthe option.\nHow big is the discount? See the comments above. \n\nIn the special case, where hedging is possible and the Black-Scholes-Merton \nparadigm applies, both values\nwill become equal (ignoring transaction costs). The values of an option form \nthe point of view of \na seller and a buyer will converge.\n\n3. What happens in case we use simulation technology?\n\nWe can discount at the risk free rate along each scenario (each scenario will \nrecognize the downside and/or\nupside at different points in time in different states of the world).\nIf we run a sufficient number of scenarios, we shall get a distribution of \nNPV as of today.\nKnowing this distribution means that we can estimate risk, but in most cases \nwe are still holding\nit. The expected value should be, therefore, adjusted for risk. This is \nequivalent to using a \ndiscount rate with a risk premium.\n\nI hope this helps. Please, call me with additional questions. Sorry for a \ndelay in responding\nto this question. I ran my response by Stinson and Vasant, to make sure we \nall agree.\nIt's a very complicated technical problem and the financial theory does not \nhave\ngood answers.\n\n \n\nVince", "Option Valuation", "", [["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 18, "nninformation", ["compensated", "risk"], "intention", " being aware of risk does not mean that one does not want to be compensated for it."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 66, "nninformation", ["apply", "case"], "intention", " if we apply an illiquidity correction in this case, we should be consistent and use this approach across the board for all project finance type cases (not that i recommend this course of action)."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 71, "nninformation", ["case", "use"], "request", " if we apply an illiquidity correction in this case, we should be consistent and use this approach across the board for all project finance type cases (not that i recommend this course of action)."], ["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 100, "information", ["compensated", "price"], "information", " he cannot hedge a short call or put and black-scholes valuation becomes the floor for the valuation: the seller has to be compensated for taking a price risk (as opposed to taking a vol risk when he hedges)."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 269, "nninformation", ["use", "case"], "request information", " what happens in case we use simulation technology?"], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 295, "nninformation", ["holding", "risk"], "intention", " knowing this distribution means that we can estimate risk, but in most cases we are still holding it."], ["respond delay", 310, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", " sorry for a delay in responding to this question."]], "John,\n\nI think the crucial distinction is between recognition of risks and \nelimination of\nrisks through hedges (as correctly pointed out in other messages). Being \naware of risk\ndoes not mean that one does not want to be compensated for it.\n\nNow a few more detailed comments.\n\n1. I think that illiquidity discount represents double counting when combined \nwith \na project finance discount rate. Illiquidity discount, in my view,\nshould be applied to financial options that trade in a market without \nsufficient depth.\nOne should apply a haircut if liquidating a position takes a long time. The \napproach used in valuation\nof the Turkish transaction is the same as approach used in valuation of \ninvestments in physical\nassets, which are by definition illiquid. This illiquidity is recognized \nthrough other aspects\nof valuation technology used in RAROC. \n\nIf we apply an illiquidity correction in this case, we should be consistent \nand use\nthis approach across the board for all project finance type cases (not that \nI recommend this course of action).\n\n2. Valuation of an unheadgable options.\n\nLet's look at it from the position of a seller of the option.\n\nHe cannot hedge a short call or put and Black-Scholes valuation becomes the \nfloor for\nthe valuation: the seller has to be compensated for taking a price risk (as \nopposed to taking a vol\nrisk when he hedges). The issue of the compensation he will require becomes \nfuzzy.\nThe option really becomes an insurance type product and pricing depends on \ntwo factors:\n\n1. risk preference\n2. existing portfolio positions\n\nRisk preference. Insurance companies typically require a payment that \nconsists of two parts:\nexpected loss + unexpected loss. The latter is typically defined as 1 to 2 \nstandard deviations.\nThe number of standard deviations depends on risk appetite and the ability \nto absorb the loss.\nI admit that it is a bit fuzzy, but this is the way the world works. We \nlooked into insurance pricing at the\nrequest of Jere Overdyke. You can talk to Vasant Shanbhogue to find out more \nabout it.\n\nExisting portfolio positions. An additional contract may increase or decrease \nthe risk of the overall portfolio.\nI would expect the deal to provide some risk diversification, but it does not \nlook to me as a deal that reduces risk\n(given all our positions in this region).\n\nWhat are the practical implications? Pricing depends on risk appetite (the \nutility function of a decision maker\nin technical jargon) and becomes to some degree arbitrary. \n\nIf we are short an option embedded in a deal and the option cannot be hedged,\nwe should subtract from the value of the contract\nthe value of the option (that is greater than the Black - Scholes value).\nIf we don't price this option explicitly,\nthe valuation of a contract will be based on a discount rate with a risk \npremium.\n\nIn the case of an option buyer, the situation is reversed. If he cannot \nhedge, he should recognize the risk\nof losing the value of his investment and apply a discount to the value of \nthe option.\nHow big is the discount? See the comments above. \n\nIn the special case, where hedging is possible and the Black-Scholes-Merton \nparadigm applies, both values\nwill become equal (ignoring transaction costs). The values of an option form \nthe point of view of \na seller and a buyer will converge.\n\n3. What happens in case we use simulation technology?\n\nWe can discount at the risk free rate along each scenario (each scenario will \nrecognize the downside and/or\nupside at different points in time in different states of the world).\nIf we run a sufficient number of scenarios, we shall get a distribution of \nNPV as of today.\nKnowing this distribution means that we can estimate risk, but in most cases \nwe are still holding\nit. The expected value should be, therefore, adjusted for risk. This is \nequivalent to using a \ndiscount rate with a risk premium.\n\nI hope this helps. Please, call me with additional questions. Sorry for a \ndelay in responding\nto this question. I ran my response by Stinson and Vasant, to make sure we \nall agree.\nIt's a very complicated technical problem and the financial theory does not \nhave\ngood answers.\n\n \n\nVince", "<24725028.1075856318864.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "access_approach projectTnn": {"value": "access_approach projectTnn", "ne": "access_approach projectTnn", "patterns": ["access_approach projectTnn"]}, "alternative_option cost_priceTnn": {"value": "alternative_option cost_priceTnn", "ne": "alternative_option cost_priceTnn", "patterns": ["alternative_option cost_priceTnn"]}, "approach valuationTnn": {"value": "approach valuationTnn", "ne": "approach valuationTnn", "patterns": ["approach valuationTnn"]}, "attitude_position riskTnn": {"value": "attitude_position riskTnn", "ne": "attitude_position riskTnn", "patterns": ["attitude_position riskTnn"]}, "choice_option priceTnn": {"value": "choice_option priceTnn", "ne": "choice_option priceTnn", "patterns": ["choice_option priceTnn"]}, "company insuranceTnn": {"value": "company insuranceTnn", "ne": "company insuranceTnn", "patterns": ["company insuranceTnn"]}, "contract optionTnn": {"value": "contract optionTnn", "ne": "contract optionTnn", "patterns": ["contract optionTnn"]}, "cost_price riskTnn": {"value": "cost_price riskTnn", "ne": "cost_price riskTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price riskTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk hedgeTnn"]}, "decision function_procedureTnn": {"value": "decision function_procedureTnn", "ne": "decision function_procedureTnn", "patterns": ["decision function_procedureTnn"]}, "energy0price_price riskTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price riskTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price riskTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price riskTnn"]}, "122": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["factor numericTnn"]}, "option valuationTnn": {"value": "option valuationTnn", "ne": "option valuationTnn", "patterns": ["option valuationTnn"]}, "place_position riskTnn": {"value": "place_position riskTnn", "ne": "place_position riskTnn", "patterns": ["place_position riskTnn"]}, "point viewTnn": {"value": "point viewTnn", "ne": "point viewTnn", "patterns": ["point viewTnn"]}, "risk valueTnn": {"value": "risk valueTnn", "ne": "risk valueTnn", "patterns": ["risk valueTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-2-2000-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-2-2000-6:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-2-2000-6:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6867016.1075856772578.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 06:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Interviewing candidates for Research\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nI am speaking at a conference either on Monday or Tuesday. I shall let you \nknow tomorrow\nthe details of my schedule. \nWe can always invite them to visit with Enron in the evening.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n02/10/2000 11:27 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Dale Surbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Interviewing candidates for Research\n\nHi Vince\n\nDo you think you will be able to find the time to carry out some interviewing \non Monday 21st February? Are there any times you'd particularly like me to \navoid?\n\nThe first people I'm inclined to invite in are the candidates whose CVs I've \nattached below. I'd like to hear what you think before I invite them along.\n\nSteve\n\n\n", "Re: Interviewing candidates for Research", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 0, "information", ["candidates", "interviewing"], "information", " interviewing candidates for research."]], "Steve,\n\nI am speaking at a conference either on Monday or Tuesday. I shall let you \nknow tomorrow\nthe details of my schedule. \nWe can always invite them to visit with Enron in the evening.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n02/10/2000 11:27 AM\n", "<6867016.1075856772578.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-2-2000-0:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-2-2000-0:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-2-2000-0:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3057875.1075856943710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 00:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nSubject: Presentation on Equilibrium Modeling for Gas Market\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKrishna,\n\nWe should invite Kim Watson and her associates as well.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/15/2000=\n=20\n08:54 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n02/14/2000 11:27 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pinnamaneni=\n=20\nKrishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike A=20\nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joseph Hrgovcic/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT,=\n=20\nTanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jason=20\nSokolov/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vincent Tang/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alexios Kollaros/HOU/EES@EES=\n,=20\nMartin Lin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maureen Raymond/HOU/ECT@ECT, Osman=20\nSezgen/HOU/EES@EES, Paulo Issler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Sergeev/HOU/ECT@ECT,=\n=20\nPatricia Tlapek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Farouk Lalji/HOU/ECT@ECT, Roman=20\nZadorozhny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samer Takriti/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT,=\n=20\nAmitava Dhar/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Alex Huang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ronnie=20\nChahal/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Kindall/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kevin G=20\nMoore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clayton Vernon/Corp/Enron@ENRON, William=20\nSmith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron=20\nCommunications, Leandro Ibasco/Corp/Enron@Enron, Yanna=20\nCrystal/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: =20\nSubject: Presentation on Equilibrium Modeling for Gas Market\n\nThe following presentation will be this Friday, the 18th of February from\n1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in EB 19C2 (Our large conference room).\n\nPlease plan to attend this presentation by ICF Consulting. Time: Friday 18t=\nh,=20\n1PM\n\nAgenda for Presentation by ICF Consulting\n\n1. Qualifications for ICF Consulting (6 slides)\n\n A. Energy consulting background (2 slides)\n B. Experience with computational market equilibrium modeling methodolgies =\n(2=20\nslides)\n C. Experience of key ICF individuals (2 slides)\n\n2. Description of Enron=01,s Modeling Interests (to be discussed with Enron=\n)\n\n3. ICF=01,s Intertemporal, Interregional Equilibrium model of the North Ame=\nrican=20\nNatural Gas Analysis\n System (NANGAS) (14 slides)\n\n A. Overview of NANGAS (2 slides)\n B. Upstream components (3 slides)\n C. Downstream components (4 slides)\n D. Computation of market equilibrium prices, quantities, and flows (5 slid=\nes)\n\n4. Potential Modeling Consulting (9 slides)\n\n A. Assistance in developing market equilibrium models for the energy secto=\nr=20\n(1 slide)\n B. Investigate alternative market equilibrium models for energy applicatio=\nns\n i. Models of imperfect competition (e.g., Nash-Cournot, etc.) (3 slides)\n ii. Models of auctions in market forecasting (1 slide)\n ii. Models that incorporate stochastic inputs (e.g., stochastic=20\nprogramming) to take into account risk (2 slides)\n\n C. Actions Items (to be completed in consultation with Enron) (2 slides)\n\n\n\n", "Presentation on Equilibrium Modeling for Gas Market", "", [["invite personname", 6, "nninformation", ["invite", "watson"], "intention", "krishna, we should invite kim watson and her associates as well."]], "Krishna,\n\nWe should invite Kim Watson and her associates as well.\n\nVince\n\n", "<3057875.1075856943710.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"example_model marketTnn": {"value": "example_model marketTnn", "ne": "example_model marketTnn", "patterns": ["example_model marketTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas market_power0marketTnn"]}, "gas_natural0gas modelTnn": {"value": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "ne": "gas_natural0gas modelTnn", "patterns": ["gas_natural0gas modelTnn"]}, "market model_modelingTnn": {"value": "market model_modelingTnn", "ne": "market model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["market model_modelingTnn"]}, "market model_simulationTnn": {"value": "market model_simulationTnn", "ne": "market model_simulationTnn", "patterns": ["market model_simulationTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-7-2000-1:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-7-2000-1:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-1:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ted.murphy@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com anjam.ahmad@enron.com bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com eric.gadd@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com kirstee.hewitt@enron.com cantekin.dincerler@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2472129.1075856642785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 01:42:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ted.murphy@enron.com\nSubject: MG VaR\nCc: rick.buy@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, anjam.ahmad@enron.com,\n\tbjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, eric.gadd@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\tkirstee.hewitt@enron.com, cantekin.dincerler@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: rick.buy@enron.com, tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com, anjam.ahmad@enron.com,\n\tbjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, eric.gadd@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, grant.masson@enron.com,\n\tkirstee.hewitt@enron.com, cantekin.dincerler@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Ted Murphy\nX-cc: Rick Buy, Tanya Tamarchenko, Anjam Ahmad, Bjorn Hagelmann, Eric Gadd, Vince J Kaminski, Grant Masson, Kirstee Hewitt, Cantekin Dincerler\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Var\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTed,\n\nWe have the first running version of VaR model for the MG positions. Many \nthanks to Tanya and Anjam for taking lead\nin this effort. We had also great help from Cantekin and Kirstee. We want to \nvalidate some inputs\nbefore releasing the number. Specifically, I want to make sure that both \nLondon and Houston work\nwith the same position numbers every day to avoid confusion.\n\nA few comments.\n\n1. We plan to set up the models to run VaR concurrently in Houston \n(Cantekin) and London (Kirstee) with the same inputs.\nThe reason to do it this way is that we may have to respond quickly to \nmultiple inquiries in both locations. (Cantekin and Kirstee,\nplease stay in touch and synchronize the inputs ).\n\n2. It is critical that we run the model daily and receive the updated \npositions and prices on a regular basis.\n\n3. We shall continue work in Houston to improve the model. Two critical areas:\n\n a. VaR model, by its nature, does not capture one big risk MG has in its \nportfolios. This is the liquidity risk\n resulting from different cash consequences of the hedges and the \nunderlying positions.\n b. We should go through due diligence to validate the process generating \nthe position numbers (i.e. look\n into the details of specific transactions). From what \nI know, MG has a fairly rudimentary risk\n management system and I am not quite sure how they generate option \nprices (and deltas). They get some\n option prices by calling brokers.\n\n4. I think the current VaR is within 80-85% of the true number (assuming the \ninputs are right). But, as I have said,\n VaR does not capture all the risks that we have to worry about.\n\nVince ", "MG VaR", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 26, "nninformation", ["models", "set"], "intention", " we plan to set up the models to run var concurrently in houston (cantekin) and london (kirstee) with the same inputs."]], "Ted,\n\nWe have the first running version of VaR model for the MG positions. Many \nthanks to Tanya and Anjam for taking lead\nin this effort. We had also great help from Cantekin and Kirstee. We want to \nvalidate some inputs\nbefore releasing the number. Specifically, I want to make sure that both \nLondon and Houston work\nwith the same position numbers every day to avoid confusion.\n\nA few comments.\n\n1. We plan to set up the models to run VaR concurrently in Houston \n(Cantekin) and London (Kirstee) with the same inputs.\nThe reason to do it this way is that we may have to respond quickly to \nmultiple inquiries in both locations. (Cantekin and Kirstee,\nplease stay in touch and synchronize the inputs ).\n\n2. It is critical that we run the model daily and receive the updated \npositions and prices on a regular basis.\n\n3. We shall continue work in Houston to improve the model. Two critical areas:\n\n a. VaR model, by its nature, does not capture one big risk MG has in its \nportfolios. This is the liquidity risk\n resulting from different cash consequences of the hedges and the \nunderlying positions.\n b. We should go through due diligence to validate the process generating \nthe position numbers (i.e. look\n into the details of specific transactions). From what \nI know, MG has a fairly rudimentary risk\n management system and I am not quite sure how they generate option \nprices (and deltas). They get some\n option prices by calling brokers.\n\n4. I think the current VaR is within 80-85% of the true number (assuming the \ninputs are right). But, as I have said,\n VaR does not capture all the risks that we have to worry about.\n\nVince ", "<2472129.1075856642785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"alternative_option cost_priceTnn": {"value": "alternative_option cost_priceTnn", "ne": "alternative_option cost_priceTnn", "patterns": ["alternative_option cost_priceTnn"]}, "choice_option priceTnn": {"value": "choice_option priceTnn", "ne": "choice_option priceTnn", "patterns": ["choice_option priceTnn"]}, "consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "credit0model_model position_statusTnn": {"value": "credit0model_model position_statusTnn", "ne": "credit0model_model position_statusTnn", "patterns": ["credit0model_model position_statusTnn"]}, "credit0model_model varTnn": {"value": "credit0model_model varTnn", "ne": "credit0model_model varTnn", "patterns": ["credit0model_model varTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn"]}, "example_model translation_versionTnn": {"value": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "ne": "example_model translation_versionTnn", "patterns": ["example_model translation_versionTnn"]}, "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["exotic0option_option risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "final0version_version modelTnn": {"value": "final0version_version modelTnn", "ne": "final0version_version modelTnn", "patterns": ["final0version_version modelTnn"]}, "location_position priceTnn": {"value": "location_position priceTnn", "ne": "location_position priceTnn", "patterns": ["location_position priceTnn"]}, "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management organization_systemTnn"]}, "model position_spotTnn": {"value": "model position_spotTnn", "ne": "model position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["model position_spotTnn"]}, "model risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["model risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "101": {"value": "80", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric varTnn"]}, "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "position_spot priceTnn": {"value": "position_spot priceTnn", "ne": "position_spot priceTnn", "patterns": ["position_spot priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-1-2001-8:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-1-2001-8:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-1-2001-8:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ashley.baxter@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17079740.1075856569361.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 08:26:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ashley.baxter@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Invitation...Welcome New Analyst Reception\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Ashley Baxter\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Ene_ect\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAshley,\n\nThnaks. I shall attend the reception. I shall ask Shirley to set up a meeting \nwith you to discuss \nspring events on campus.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAshley Baxter@ENRON on 01/04/2001 04:01:01 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Invitation...Welcome New Analyst Reception\n\nHello Vince\n\nI wanted to forward the following invitation to you. We are putting the \nTechnologists through an orientation which includes a few days with the \nAnalyst program - and the following is one of the events that they have \nscheduled on Jan. 16th. I wanted to forward to you as more of an FYI since \nwe do not have any Cal Berkeley candidates starting on Jan. 8th. Also - we \nare starting to set some of the events on campus for the Spring - so we \nshould probably get together soon. Please let me know what works best for \nyou!\n\nThanks,\nAshley\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Invitation...Welcome New Analyst Reception", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 9, "nninformation", ["set", "shirley"], "intention", " i shall ask shirley to set up a meeting with you to discuss spring events on campus."]], "Ashley,\n\nThnaks. I shall attend the reception. I shall ask Shirley to set up a meeting \nwith you to discuss \nspring events on campus.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAshley Baxter@ENRON on 01/04/2001 04:01:01 PM\n", "<17079740.1075856569361.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-1-2001-3:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-1-2001-3:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-3:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "j_martin@baylor.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <21824179.1075856390904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 03:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: j_martin@baylor.edu\nSubject: Risk Model\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: J_Martin@Baylor.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nI am sending you an old write-up on the risk management system.\nThis is for \"your eyes only\", though this info is out already. Some people \nleft\nthe company and also the consultants who audited the model use these ideas.\n\n\nVince", "Risk Model", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 15, "information", ["use", "model"], "information", " some people left the company and also the consultants who audited the model use these ideas."]], "John,\n\nI am sending you an old write-up on the risk management system.\nThis is for \"your eyes only\", though this info is out already. Some people \nleft\nthe company and also the consultants who audited the model use these ideas.\n\n\nVince", "<21824179.1075856390904.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"company example_modelTnn": {"value": "company example_modelTnn", "ne": "company example_modelTnn", "patterns": ["company example_modelTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn"]}, "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management organization_systemTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management organization_systemTnn"]}, "model risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["model risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["organization_system risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "14-2-2000-8:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"14-2-2000-8:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["14-2-2000-8:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "benjamin.parsons@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com anjam.ahmad@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32482906.1075857050973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 08:53:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: benjamin.parsons@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Agenda for next week\nCc: steven.leppard@enron.com, anjam.ahmad@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: steven.leppard@enron.com, anjam.ahmad@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Benjamin Parsons\nX-cc: Steven Leppard, Anjam Ahmad, Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBen,\n\nI spoke with Anjam and gave him the information about my trip.\nHere is the short summary:\n\n1. If you are free for dinner on Sunday, I would be glad to meet with you \n(as well\nas Anjam and Steve). I would like to review what's going on in Houston and \nLondon.\n\n2. We can arrange the interviews for all the candidates you lined up Monday \nafternoon\n(Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are the alternative dates). We treat the \ninterviews as internal\nto the Research Group and we shall arrange full interview schedules at a \nlater day for those candidates\nwho pass our internal test.\n\n3. Please, feel free to put on my agenda other meetings you think might be \nuseful.\nPlease, coordinate the meetings with Anjam and Steve. I am busy on Tuesday \nafternoon\n(I a speak at a conference).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nBenjamin Parsons\n02/14/2000 08:18 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Agenda for next week\n\nVince,\n\nCould you give me an idea of your agenda for next week's London visit - in \nparticular which day(s) would be best to bring some candidates in for \ninterviews for my old role.\n\nThanks\n\nBen\n\n", "Re: Agenda for next week", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 14, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interviews"], "intention", " we can arrange the interviews for all the candidates you lined up monday afternoon (tuesday and wednesday mornings are the alternative dates)."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 24, "nninformation", ["schedules", "arrange"], "intention", " we treat the interviews as internal to the research group and we shall arrange full interview schedules at a later day for those candidates who pass our internal test."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 34, "nninformation", ["agenda", "put"], "intention", " please, feel free to put on my agenda other meetings you think might be useful."]], "Ben,\n\nI spoke with Anjam and gave him the information about my trip.\nHere is the short summary:\n\n1. If you are free for dinner on Sunday, I would be glad to meet with you \n(as well\nas Anjam and Steve). I would like to review what's going on in Houston and \nLondon.\n\n2. We can arrange the interviews for all the candidates you lined up Monday \nafternoon\n(Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are the alternative dates). We treat the \ninterviews as internal\nto the Research Group and we shall arrange full interview schedules at a \nlater day for those candidates\nwho pass our internal test.\n\n3. Please, feel free to put on my agenda other meetings you think might be \nuseful.\nPlease, coordinate the meetings with Anjam and Steve. I am busy on Tuesday \nafternoon\n(I a speak at a conference).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nBenjamin Parsons\n02/14/2000 08:18 AM\n", "<32482906.1075857050973.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"agenda_schedule meetingTnn": {"value": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "ne": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "patterns": ["agenda_schedule meetingTnn"]}, "candidate interviewTnn": {"value": "candidate interviewTnn", "ne": "candidate interviewTnn", "patterns": ["candidate interviewTnn"]}, "interview scheduleTnn": {"value": "interview scheduleTnn", "ne": "interview scheduleTnn", "patterns": ["interview scheduleTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-2-2000-6:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-2-2000-6:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-2-2000-6:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23999083.1075856772653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 06:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Confirmation\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\nPlease, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/10/2000 \n02:06 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKevin G Moore\n02/10/2000 01:14 PM\nTo: Mike A Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jason Sokolov/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patricia \nTlapek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Sergeev/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jose \nMarquez/Corp/Enron@ENRON, William Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Confirmation\n\nPlease mark your calender for the following ......\n---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT on 02/10/2000 01:11 \nPM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Susan L Kennedy 02/10/2000 09:30 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Confirmation\n\nKevin,\n\nWe will hold a Dow Jones Interactive training session for your group totaling \n8 people. It will be held on Friday February 18, 2000, in room 30C2. We \nwill begin training at 1:30.\n\nThank you for you help\n\nSusan\n\n\n", "Confirmation", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 2, "nninformation", ["schedule", "put"], "request", "fyi please, put on my schedule."]], "FYI\nPlease, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n", "<23999083.1075856772653.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-4-2000-10:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-4-2000-10:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2000-10:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.cote@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17613843.1075856992820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 10:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.cote@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Keane Proposal - Spiderman\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John A Cote\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nLet's meet on Wednesday or Thursday this week.\n\nI shall give you a call tomorrow to set up a meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: John A Cote 04/06/2000 08:25 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Keane Proposal - Spiderman\n\nVince,\nGood morning,\n\nHave you had a chance to review Keane's proposal?\nWhat are your thoughts?\n\nI would very much like to speak with you for 5-10 minutes regarding moving \nforward on this project.\nI have some ideas that I would like to bounce around with you.\n\nThank you,\nJohn\nx3-3830\n\nPS I'm going to Boston this weekend for a search engine conference.\nI will also be meeting with Northern Light in Cambridge.\n\n", "Re: Keane Proposal - Spiderman", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 8, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " i shall give you a call tomorrow to set up a meeting."]], "John,\n\nLet's meet on Wednesday or Thursday this week.\n\nI shall give you a call tomorrow to set up a meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: John A Cote 04/06/2000 08:25 AM\n\t\n\n", "<17613843.1075856992820.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-7-2000-2:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-7-2000-2:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-7-2000-2:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kevin.mcgowan@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7903987.1075856313470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 02:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kevin.mcgowan@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Interview Request\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kevin McGowan\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKevin,\n\nYes, I am available. Please send a resume to Shirley Crenshaw.\nShirley will call you to set up the time.\n\nVince \n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Kevin McGowan @ ENRON 07/10/2000 09:28 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Hopley/HOU/ECT@ect\ncc: \nSubject: Interview Request\n\nI am trying to schedule an interview with a gentleman who is currently a \nprofessor at Rice. We are interested in possibly hiring him in a research \ncapacity in the Coal and Emissions group. Would you have time to interview \nhim tom'w? Let me know if you can.\n\nThank you\n\nKevin McGowan x-3-7499\n\n", "Re: Interview Request", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 3, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " please send a resume to shirley crenshaw."]], "Kevin,\n\nYes, I am available. Please send a resume to Shirley Crenshaw.\nShirley will call you to set up the time.\n\nVince \n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Kevin McGowan @ ENRON 07/10/2000 09:28 AM\n\t\n\n", "<7903987.1075856313470.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "13-10-2000-4:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"13-10-2000-4:9:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-4:9:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29086694.1075856545147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 04:09:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Support for Exotica\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nI have to draft an announcement and send it to John Sheriff. I shall do it \nthis weekend.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n10/13/2000 09:27 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Support for Exotica \n\nHi Vince\n\nGood luck calling Anjam. He never seems to answer his mobile when Sharad \ncalls him to track him down. Furthermore he's off work until Tuesday.\n\nI've had Tani ask me what's happened to the announcement about my new \nappointment. Any progress there?\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n13/10/2000 14:44\nTo: Steven Leppard/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Support for Exotica \n\nSteve,\n\nI am calling Anjam to give him a deadline regarding move to Houston.\nIf he decides to stay in Houston, you should meet with him to convey\nthe concerns regarding his performance. \n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n10/13/2000 03:50 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale \nSurbey/LON/ECT@ECT, Tani Nath/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc: Paulo Issler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sharad Agnihotri/LON/ECT@ECT, Zimin \nLu/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Support for Exotica\n\nAll\n\nSharad's investigations of Exotica's status in London have turned up a very \nconfused state of affairs. This isn't being helped by the fact that:\n1. Anjam is rarely at his desk, and can't be found anywhere in the building.\n2. When he is around he isn't willing or able to provide all the information \nSharad might need to support Exotica. \nThis is worrying since much of our business depends on the validity of \nExotica's valuations.\n\nSharad will now request information from Anjam via email to leave a trail, \nand I want to alert you to the fact that Sharad will be cc'ing you in on \nthese emails. \n\nIf things don't improve soon, I may need to request some assistance in \nextracting this information from Anjam.\n\nMany thanks,\nSteve\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Support for Exotica", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 5, "nninformation", ["draft", "send"], "intention", "steve, i have to draft an announcement and send it to personname i shall do it this weekend."]], "Steve,\n\nI have to draft an announcement and send it to John Sheriff. I shall do it \nthis weekend.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n10/13/2000 09:27 AM\n", "<29086694.1075856545147.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-1-2001-5:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-1-2001-5:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-1-2001-5:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23434498.1075856232098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 05:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: christie.patrick@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Schedule for trip\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Christie Patrick\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nChristie,\n\nJohn Henderson committed in principle to speaking to the Tigers.\nPlease, send him the location info and conform the time (2:00 p.m.).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick@ECT\n01/17/2001 07:46 AM\nTo: \"Kim Whitsel\" @ ENRON\ncc: @ENRON, @ENRON, \n\"Chen, Vincent\" @ENRON, \"Levitt, Nicholas\" \n@ENRON, \"Bhalla, Tulika\" \n@ENRON, \"Mallik, Deepa\" \n@ENRON, \"Whitsel, Kimberly\" \n@ENRON, @ENRON \nSubject: Re: Schedule for trip \n\nHi Kim,\n\nVince and I have received your questions, along with those of other Tiger \nTeams, and we are planning the agenda for the day accordingly. \n\nWe look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening at Churrasco's!\n\nSafe travel!\n\n--Christie.\n\n", "Re: Schedule for trip", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["send", "info"], "request", " please, send him the location info and conform the time ( numerictime p."]], "Christie,\n\nJohn Henderson committed in principle to speaking to the Tigers.\nPlease, send him the location info and conform the time (2:00 p.m.).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick@ECT\n01/17/2001 07:46 AM\n", "<23434498.1075856232098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-8-2000-1:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-8-2000-1:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-8-2000-1:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "becky.pham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22154292.1075856485794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 01:46:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: becky.pham@enron.com\nSubject: Budget\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Becky Pham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBecky,\n\nI have finished my budget but before I send it out,\nI would like to run it by you. I made a few assumptions and changes\nto the template.\n\nCan you find 15 minutes today or tomorrow? I can walk you through the \nspreadsheet.\n\nVince\n\n ", "Budget", "", [["make change", 7, "information", ["changes", "made"], "information", " i made a few assumptions and changes to the template."]], "Becky,\n\nI have finished my budget but before I send it out,\nI would like to run it by you. I made a few assumptions and changes\nto the template.\n\nCan you find 15 minutes today or tomorrow? I can walk you through the \nspreadsheet.\n\nVince\n\n ", "<22154292.1075856485794.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-11-2000-2:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-2:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-2:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "laine.borgman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28557825.1075856254808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 02:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: laine.borgman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: D-G Energy\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Laine Borgman\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLaine,\n\nI can initial it. Please, contact Beth Perlman as an IT officer.\nI shall explain the reason we are buying the software to her.\n\nI want the software to reside in our London office - the software is used\nprimarily by European utilities and we shall use it as a pricing tool\nin negotiations with European clients.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Laine Borgman@ENRON on 11/29/2000 09:29 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: D-G Energy\n\nVince, I am circulating the D-G Energy Software License Agreement for \nsignature. I need for you or your Senior Director to initial and I also need \nto know if you have identified an Enron Officer within IT to execute on \nbehalf of Enron Corp. Please let me know.\n\nThanks, \n\nlaine\n\n", "Re: D-G Energy", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 17, "nninformation", ["use", "tool"], "intention", " i want the software to reside in our london office - the software is used primarily by european utilities and we shall use it as a pricing tool in negotiations with european clients."]], "Laine,\n\nI can initial it. Please, contact Beth Perlman as an IT officer.\nI shall explain the reason we are buying the software to her.\n\nI want the software to reside in our London office - the software is used\nprimarily by European utilities and we shall use it as a pricing tool\nin negotiations with European clients.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Laine Borgman@ENRON on 11/29/2000 09:29 AM\n", "<28557825.1075856254808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-10-2000-10:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-10-2000-10:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-10:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kate.lucas@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14653384.1075856579293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 10:58:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kate.lucas@enron.com\nSubject: Re: rotational opportunities within your group\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kate Lucas\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKate,\n\nMy assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will schedule a meeting.\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKate Lucas\n10/17/2000 11:57 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: rotational opportunities within your group\n\nDear Vince,\n\nI am a rotating associate and would like to learn more about opportunities \nwithin your group. I have worked in RAC and am currently in Financial \nTrading. I believe the Associate/Analyst program may forward you my CV, but I \nthought it good to get in touch personally. \nPlease let me know if there is someone with whom I could speak about the \ngroup and its needs for associates. \n\nWith best regards,\nKate \n\n", "Re: rotational opportunities within your group", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 7, "nninformation", ["assistant", "meeting", "schedule"], "intention", "kate, my assistant, shirley crenshaw, will schedule a meeting."]], "Kate,\n\nMy assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, will schedule a meeting.\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKate Lucas\n10/17/2000 11:57 AM\n", "<14653384.1075856579293.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-1-2001-4:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-1-2001-4:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-1-2001-4:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <311956.1075856236825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 04:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kenneth.parkhill@enron.com\nSubject: Action Learning Project Information\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kenneth Parkhill\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFYI\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001=\n=20\n12:33 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKathy Spradling on 01/05/2001 05:04:21 PM\nTo: (Recipient list suppressed)\ncc: chamberl@rice.edu, castro@rice.edu, spradlin@rice.edu=20\nSubject: Action Learning Project Information\n\n\nDear Company Representative,\n\nWe are pleased to announce that your company=01,s proposal has been selecte=\nd\nas a potential project in the Jones Graduate School of Management's Action\nLearning Project (ALP) Program. As indicated in the ALP brochure, company\nrepresentatives are invited to attend the ALP Program Introduction and\nStudent Networking Session on Wednesday, January 10. Please RSVP to Kathy\nSpradling, MBA Program Coordinator, at 713-348-3313 or e-mail her at\nspradlin@rice.edu by Monday, January 8 to let her know if you plan to\nattend the session. Please provide your company name and the names of\nrepresentatives attending the session so nametags can be prepared. Dress\nis business casual. Below is the schedule of events:\n\n8:30 9:00 a.m.\n? Continental Breakfast and setup of your company table\n? Farnsworth Pavilion (located in Rice Student Center)\n\n9:00 9:45 a.m.\n? Introduction and Program Overview with company representatives, ALP\nadministration and faculty liaisons\n? Farnsworth Pavilion (located in Rice Student Center)\n\n10:00 12:00 p.m.\n? Student Networking Session with company representatives and\nfirst-year students\n? Grand Hall (located in Rice Student Center)\n\nThe ALP Program Introduction and Student Networking Session will be held in\nthe Rice Student Center (numbers 10 and 11 on the campus map sent with your\nacceptance letter). Please contact Kathy Spradling if you need an\nadditional map faxed to you. There is a large amount of construction taking\nplace on campus. Once the Visitor=01,s lot near the Rice Memorial Center i=\ns\nfull, we recommend you park in the stadium lot in the designated Visitor\narea and take the shuttle bus to the Rice Memorial Center. Make sure to\nlet the bus driver know your destination.\n\n\nThe MBA Program Office has reserved the Grand Hall for the Student\nNetworking Session. Each company represented will have a table set up with\nsignage for your company. You may bring additional materials you feel\nmight be of interest to students such as company brochures, articles and\npackets. Due to the limited space, we are discouraging the use of display\nboards in the networking session. Unfortunately, no internet connections\nwill be available for use during the session.\n\nAgain, thank you for your interest in Rice. We look forward to working\nwith you, and hope to see you on Wednesday, January 10.\n\nCarrie Miller\nPam Castro\nKathy Spradling\n\n\n\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\n\n", "Action Learning Project Information", "", [["read_translate_learn information", 1, "information", ["information", "learning"], "information", "action learning project information."]], "FYI\n\nVince\n", "<311956.1075856236825.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-6-2000-3:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-6-2000-3:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-6-2000-3:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18981882.1075856496624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 03:22:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: zimin.lu@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Improve Communication\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Zimin Lu\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nZimin,\n\nI will make sure that you have the opportunity to present your contributions.\nIt makes also sense to ask Paulo every time to say a few words.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nZimin Lu\n06/22/2000 10:06 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Improve Communication \n\n\nVince,\n\nThanks for your reply. That is what I feel too: Vince knows what we are \ndoing, so he does not have to ask us again.\n\nIn another dimension, I want to make sure that people like Paulo get enough \nincentive to perform. The group meeting, I\nthink, will provide a sense of accomplishment when other members in the group \nknow what we have been through.\n\nThanks again for your understanding.\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n06/21/2000 06:30 PM\nTo: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Improve Communication \n\nZimin,\n\nSorry if you get this impression. The real reason is that I treat\nthe lunch meetings as an opportunity to get updates on things\nthat are going on at more remote locations. I interact with each of the\nmembers of your group daily and I know what's going on.\n\nI agree with you, however, that the lunch meetings are not exclusively\nfor my benefit, but also for the benefit of the other members of\nthe group. I shall make sure that you have the opportunity\nto communicate your contribution to the company.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nZimin Lu\n06/20/2000 02:47 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Improve Communication\n\n\nVince and Stinson,\n\nThe valuation group has accomplished a lot during last six months. The \nnumber of\nprojects we are working on is keeping increasing. However, when comes to the\nstaff meeting (Thursday lunch meeting), we are often left out for updating \nour projects.\nThis makes me feel that what we are doing is no longer interesting or worth \nmentioning.\n\nI am hoping that we can get more exposure, despite we are still in the old \neconomy.\n\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Improve Communication", "", [["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 3, "nninformation", ["contributions", "make"], "intention", "zimin, i will make sure that you have the opportunity to present your contributions."]], "Zimin,\n\nI will make sure that you have the opportunity to present your contributions.\nIt makes also sense to ask Paulo every time to say a few words.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nZimin Lu\n06/22/2000 10:06 AM\n", "<18981882.1075856496624.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-2-2000-7:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-2-2000-7:50:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-2-2000-7:50:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jaroslaw.solecki@worldnet.att.net", "", "Message-ID: <17759149.1075856773041.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 07:50:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jaroslaw.solecki@worldnet.att.net\nSubject: Re: Fw: Resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Jaroslaw Solecki\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJarek,\n\nI forwarded your resume to our SAP team leader.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jaroslaw Solecki\" on 02/07/2000 11:44:01 \nPM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Fw: Resume\n\n\n\n?\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jaroslaw Solecki \nTo: Vincent Kaminski \nDate: Monday, February 07, 2000 10:18 PM\nSubject: Resume\n\n\nWicku,\n?\nZgodnie z nasza dzisiejsza rozmowa w zalaczeniu przesylam Ci moje resume.\nPrawniczka, o ktorej Ci wspominalem twierdzi, ze proces transferu vizy H1B, \na taka wlasnie posiadam, nie bedzie trwal dluzej niz 30-45 dni maximum i \npowinien byc on tym krotszy im bardziej reputowana jest firma sklonna mnie \nzatrudnic.\nBylbym bardzo wdzieczny za wszelka pomoc.\n?\nDo uslyszenia,\nJarek Solecki\n - JAROSLAW SOLECKI.doc\n\n", "Re: Fw: Resume", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", "jarek, i forwarded your resume to our sap team leader."]], "Jarek,\n\nI forwarded your resume to our SAP team leader.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Jaroslaw Solecki\" ", [], false]}, "25-5-2000-10:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-5-2000-10:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-10:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "daniel.diamond@enron.com", "mike.roberts@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30054078.1075856733004.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 May 2000 10:16:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: daniel.diamond@enron.com\nSubject: EOL\nCc: mike.roberts@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mike.roberts@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Daniel Diamond\nX-cc: Mike A Roberts, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDan,\n\nI am forwarding you the summary of the information for EOL that we can \nprovide. I shall talk to RISK magazine to settle the\ncopyright issues.\n\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 \n05:17 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Mike A Roberts 05/25/2000 02:56 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: EOL\n\n\nVince -\n\nAs a follow-up to this afternoon's telephone conversation, the following four \ncategories of information were discussed with Dan Diamond for inclusion in \nthe Research Group's contribution to EOL content:\n\n 1. Published Articles authored by Research Group members\n a. mostly Risk Magazine stuff\n b. copyright issues\n\n 2. Research Intelligence Articles\n a. backlog of around 50 articles\n b. needs screening prior to release\n c. review system in place for future articles\n d. weekly \n\n 3. Technical Analysis\n a. cross commodity analyses\n b. intranet material ready for internet\n c. generic informative content available\n\n 4. Streaming Video of Weather\n a. daily 2-3 minutes capsule\n b. toned-down verson of whats given to traders\n c. energy-focused\n\n- - Mike\n", "EOL", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 3, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "intention", "dan, i am forwarding you the summary of the information for orgname that we can provide."]], "Dan,\n\nI am forwarding you the summary of the information for EOL that we can \nprovide. I shall talk to RISK magazine to settle the\ncopyright issues.\n\n\nVince\n\n", "<30054078.1075856733004.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["consequence_issue risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["issue_publication risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["issue_result risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-1-2001-6:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-1-2001-6:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-6:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15269938.1075856458785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 06:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nI shall ask Sandeep to do it when he comes back from India next week.\nI have just learned that Anshuman has B1 visa and he can start on a project \nas a person\ndelegated by Dhabol Power Company to Houston. To be absolutely above the line,\nI would still arrange the L1 visa.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 01/19/2001 10:44 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Margaret Daffin/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update \n\nI agree that it makes sense to put the L1 in place. There are several things \nwe will need from you in order to start the visa process. The first is a \nfairly detailed job description for Anshuman. Secondly, we also need to know \nwhether or not he will be in a managerial position here and/or managing a \nproject. If there is someone else in your group who can furnish this job \ndescription, just let me know and I will be happy to contact him/her. \n\nAs for Sandeep, I have been told that he is a U.S. resident so there should \nbe no problems with him. Margaret Daffin will be contacting him to be \nabsolutely sure.\n\nThanks,\nMolly\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/19/2001 10:21 AM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update \n\nMolly,\n\nLet's get L1 for Anshuman, just in case. I am sure he will stay here for a \nwhile\nonce he comes. It is quite obvious Jeff Shankman will have to keep him \nlonger,\ngiven the priority of the project.\n\nI assume there are no problems with Sandeep.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 01/19/2001 09:54 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Margaret Daffin/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update \n\nThank you for the update, Vince. I have been working with Margaret Daffin \nwith regard to Anshuman's visa status. We will have to get an L1 visa in \nplace before he can come to the United States, even in a temporary \ncapacity. Do you want to move forward with that effort at this time, or \nis the possibility of him coming to the U.S. so remote that it wouldn't be \nworth the time and money right now?\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/19/2001 09:42 AM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Transition to Research Group - An Update\n\nMolly,\n\nThis is an update on Anshuman. Please, see below. It seems\nthat his transfer is not an issue for the time being.\n\nWe can put it on a back-burner till he gets here. \n\nVince\n\nP.S. The relevant section.\n\nI also spoke about Anshuman, and there was resistance to his leaing for such \na long time. However, I have agreement from folks here to send him to \nHouston for a shorter stint on DPC budget. I will try to finalize that \nbefore I leave. I will call you in the evening to just chat.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n09:45 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nSandeep Kohli@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n01/19/2001 04:32 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Transition to Research Group - An Update\n\nVince,\n\nJust wanted to let you know that I had a meeting with Wade Cline (COO, Enron \nIndia), Neil McGregor (President, DPC), and Mohan Gurunath (CFO, DPC) today. \nThough I had already spoken to all of them earlier about my joining your \ngroup, today it became official, and all of them supported the move. I \nexplained to them what we would be doing, and the results expected from the \nHenwood study.\n\nDPC would like to pay the costs for the study, and that was mentioned. There \nmaybe some tax issues etc. that need to be cleared, and other related issues \nthat I would like to discuss with you, so I will leave them till I get to \nHouston.\n\nI also spoke about Anshuman, and there was resistance to his leaing for such \na long time. However, I have agreement from folks here to send him to \nHouston for a shorter stint on DPC budget. I will try to finalize that \nbefore I leave. I will call you in the evening to just chat.\n\nI am very thankful to you for giving the opportunity you have. Things here \nhave deteriorated dramatically over the last few weeks. Morale is quite down \ndue to many lay-offs.\n\nI am really looking forward to returning to Houston, and the family!!\n\nRegards,\nSandeep.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update", "", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 6, "information", ["learned", "project"], "information", " i have just learned that anshuman has b numeric visa and he can start on a project as a person delegated by dhabol power company to houston."]], "Molly,\n\nI shall ask Sandeep to do it when he comes back from India next week.\nI have just learned that Anshuman has B1 visa and he can start on a project \nas a person\ndelegated by Dhabol Power Company to Houston. To be absolutely above the line,\nI would still arrange the L1 visa.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 01/19/2001 10:44 AM\n\t\n\n", "<15269938.1075856458785.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric visaTnn"]}, "18": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric visaTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-5-2000-2:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-5-2000-2:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-2:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "cmkenyon@concentric.net", "stinson.gibner@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27370388.1075856739380.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 May 2000 02:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: cmkenyon@concentric.net\nSubject: Re: real options openings?\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Christopher M Kenyon @ ENRON\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nChris,\n\nWe shall make arrangements to bring you over for an interview.\nOur HR Department will contact you later this week.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nChristopher M Kenyon on 05/05/2000 07:56:11 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: real options openings?\n\n\nDear Vince Kaminski,\n I was auditing Prof Dyer's Real Options class on Thursday when you spoke\non Enron's activities in this area. I would be interested in exploring the\npossibility of joining the group that works on real options in response to\nand in anticipation of Enron's business requirements. I'm currently\nworking in the development and application of real options methodology at\nSchlumberger. In particular I'll be speaking at an industry Real Options\nValuation conference in London (http://www.iqpc.co.uk/finance/rov/) and I\njust had the paper accepted for publication in Operations Research. Could\nyou pass my resume on to the relevant people to have a look at?\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nChris Kenyon\n\n - cmkenyon_cv_may00.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: real options openings?", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "interview", "make"], "intention", "chris, we shall make arrangements to bring you over for an interview."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "bring"], "intention", "chris, we shall make arrangements to bring you over for an interview."]], "Chris,\n\nWe shall make arrangements to bring you over for an interview.\nOur HR Department will contact you later this week.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nChristopher M Kenyon ", [], false]}, "19-4-2000-10:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-4-2000-10:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-4-2000-10:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "lenos@ucy.ac.cy", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16570923.1075856746149.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 10:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lenos@ucy.ac.cy\nSubject: Re: Confirm participation at Real Options Conference at Cambridge\n U.-URGENT\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Lenos Trigeorgis \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLenos,\n\nMy busy schedule does not allow me to attend.\n\nI would like, however, to recommend my colleague who works\nin London, Steve Leppard.\nHe can make a very interesting and original presentation on real options.\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLenos Trigeorgis on 04/18/2000 09:29:18 PM\nTo: lenos.trigeorgis@rogroup.com\ncc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: Confirm participation at Real Options Conference at Cambridge \nU.-URGENT\n\n\n\nThe attached file contains the tentative program for two back-to-back real\noptions conferences (a professional one for July 5-6, and the standard\nannual academic one for July 7-8) at Cambridge U.\n\nYour name has been provisionally included on the program. Please check all\nthe information relating to you and confirm your participation as listed\n(or advice us of desired changes immediately).\n\nThank you.\n\nLenos\n\n - 4thconfsessions.doc\n\n\nLenos Trigeorgis\nProfessor of Finance\nUniversity of Cyprus\nDept of Business\n75 Kallipoleos, PO Box 20537\nCY 1678 Nicosia CYPRUS\n\nTel: +357 2 892261\nFax: 339063\n\n", "Re: Confirm participation at Real Options Conference at Cambridge\n U.-URGENT", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 17, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " he can make a very interesting and original presentation on real options."]], "Lenos,\n\nMy busy schedule does not allow me to attend.\n\nI would like, however, to recommend my colleague who works\nin London, Steve Leppard.\nHe can make a very interesting and original presentation on real options.\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLenos Trigeorgis ", {"conference returnlinenTnn": {"value": "conference returnlinenTnn", "ne": "conference returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["conference returnlinenTnn"]}, "introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn": {"value": "introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn", "ne": "introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn", "patterns": ["introduction_presentation option_real0optionTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-10-2000-22:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-10-2000-22:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-10-2000-22:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "tom.halliburton@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <10191366.1075856282771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 22:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: tom.halliburton@enron.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for tom.halliburton@enron.com\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Tom Halliburton\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nThe system does not take my approval of this request.\n\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/02/2000 \n11:25 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nARSystem@ect.enron.com on 09/27/2000 09:18:47 AM\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for tom.halliburton@enron.com\n\n\nPlease review and act upon this request. You have received this email because \nthe requester specified you as their Manager. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000003619&Page=\nApproval to approve the request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000003619\nRequest Create Date : 9/27/00 9:18:21 AM\nRequested For : tom.halliburton@enron.com\nResource Name : Unlisted Application/Software\nResource Type : Applications\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Request Submitted: Access Request for tom.halliburton@enron.com", "", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["access", "request", "submitted"], "information", "request submitted: access request for tom."]], "Tom,\n\nThe system does not take my approval of this request.\n\n\nVince\n", "<10191366.1075856282771.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}, "approval_approval0overdue requestTnn": {"value": "approval_approval0overdue requestTnn", "ne": "approval_approval0overdue requestTnn", "patterns": ["approval_approval0overdue requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-4-2000-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-4-2000-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-4-2000-1:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "michael.sergeev@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com margaret.carson@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23052939.1075856750382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: michael.sergeev@enron.com\nSubject: WTI CRUDE PRICE and NY Harbor Resid prices VS HENRY HUB and New\n York city gate gas BY MONTH\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, margaret.carson@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, margaret.carson@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Michael Sergeev\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Margaret Carson\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMichael,\n\nCan you, please, provide this information.\nLet me take a look at it before it's released.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2000 \n08:15 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMargaret Carson@ENRON\n04/06/2000 04:15 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: WTI CRUDE PRICE and NY Harbor Resid prices VS HENRY HUB and New York \ncity gate gas BY MONTH\n\nVince I am doing some advocacy for ENA to refute a law suit about \nchanges in\ngas prices spiking in New York in Dec 1999 - Jan/Mar 2000 compared to \nDec 1998 - Jan/Mar 1999.\n\nFor the December 1998 through March 2000 16 month period can you \nplease have someone in your group\nprovide me with a set of avg monthly prices for WTI oil and NY harbor \nresid vs Henry Hub and NY city gate avg monthly prices during this \nperiod? Thanks for helping us out on this. Margaret\n", "WTI CRUDE PRICE and NY Harbor Resid prices VS HENRY HUB and New\n York city gate gas BY MONTH", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 13, "nninformation", ["information", "provide"], "request", "michael, can you, please, provide this information."]], "Michael,\n\nCan you, please, provide this information.\nLet me take a look at it before it's released.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n", "<23052939.1075856750382.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "6-2-2001-6:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-2-2001-6:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-2-2001-6:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jjw@ziplip.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "Message-ID: <26872667.1075856619503.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 06:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jjw@ziplip.com\nSubject: Re: Video Conference\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nWe have video facilities both in Houston and London.\nWe shall invite Howard to visit our office in London again.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" on 02/06/2001 01:44:27 PM\nPlease respond to \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Video Conference\n\n\nHi Vince,\nThe following (below) is what London RW wrote back- Is it true Enron can do \nit inhouse between Houston and London?...if so, I will get Alec to have \nHoward available for you upon arrive back from his holiday for the video \nconference.\nLet me know if this is what you want and ment. MRI has video conferencing \nbut, not in UK...so I can't provide the service, either.\nI don't want to let you down.\nThanks,\nJeff\n*******************************************************\nJeff, not available at RW - will be done between Enron London and\n houston.\nAlec\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *\n\n\n", "Re: Video Conference", "", [["invite personname", 4, "nninformation", ["invite", "howard"], "intention", " we shall invite howard to visit our office in london again."]], "Jeff,\n\nWe have video facilities both in Houston and London.\nWe shall invite Howard to visit our office in London again.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" ", [], false]}, "16-4-2001-16:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-4-2001-16:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-16:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "gina.corteselli@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12585404.1075862445315.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 16:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: gina.corteselli@enron.com\nSubject: Re: PRC Feedback forms\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Gina Corteselli \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski , Shirley Crenshaw \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\VKAMINS (Non-Privileged)\\Kaminski, Vince J\\c:\\mangmt\\ENE/ECT\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: VKAMINS (Non-Privileged).pst\n\nGina,\n\nI shall be glad to speak with you. Shirley Crenshaw will call you to set up a meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tGina Corteselli/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/16/2001 01:12 PM\nTo:\tVince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tPRC Feedback forms\n\nMr. Kaminski:\n\nI would like to try to get on your schedule for a few moments this week to discuss the draft PRC 360 evaluation forms (provided below for your info) to ensure that the criteria and skills and behaviors we have used are adequate for your employee population. The generic forms that were presented at the PRC Committee meeting a week ago may best reflect commercial employees, and to some extent commercial support employees, and may not be entirely appropriate for employees in some of the specialized technical and technical areas. I would appreciate your input on this so that, if possible and time permitting, we can try to tailor the form to suit needs across the organization. \n\nOne simple solution may be to add a skills/behaviors block requesting evaluation and feedback on the employees specific job and performance, another solution would be to add job specific behaviors and descriptors to the list of those already developed (second attachment below). I would welcome your thoughts and a few moments of your time to chat with you about this. \n\n \n \n\n\n\nMany Thanks, \nGina Corteselli\n Global Performance Management\n713 853-3377\n713 569-5589 (mobile)\n\n\n", "Re: PRC Feedback forms", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 9, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " shirley crenshaw will call you to set up a meeting."]], "Gina,\n\nI shall be glad to speak with you. Shirley Crenshaw will call you to set up a meeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tGina Corteselli/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/16/2001 01:12 PM\n", "<12585404.1075862445315.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-8-2000-2:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-8-2000-2:26:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-8-2000-2:26:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com", "mike.roberts@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7634872.1075856556046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 02:26:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nCc: mike.roberts@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: mike.roberts@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Joseph Hrgovcic\nX-cc: Mike A Roberts, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJoe,\n\nI have written to Pal Quilkey to invite Christian Werner to Houston\nfor a week to discuss how much of his research we can use.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJoseph Hrgovcic\n08/01/2000 06:51 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike A Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nVince,\n\n I have inquired into Christian's climate models. It seems to me like a long \nterm project. Chiristian says that his model might be able to do better than \nthe Australian Met given that they ignore some of the variables he uses and \nthat they are an \"old boy's network\" resistant to new developments, but I \ndon't think the same can be said of most other weather services. As far as \nthe NWS goes, they run their model on a Cray, they have several very talented \nPhD's working on it full-time, and even then, they can only get a dozen or \nso runs per night. In other words, it's a huge system. Replicating something \neven close to that will not be an easy task. \n\n That being said, I think there are related applications that we could look \ninto. Since I've already promised the RAC group and the weather desk's PJM \ntraders to put together a Vector AutoRegressive model of daily temperatures, \nI think it makes sense to see if something better than a VAR model can be put \ntogether, perhaps a very stripped down version of the kind of model Christian \nhas. What I have in mind is something that would give us say, up to several \ndozens of \"possible\" temperature forecasts every morning, which would be \ncalculated using actual climate models (as opposed to time series models). I \nwould not use this as a forecasting tool (the NWS model results would make a \nfar better \"best guess\"), but our ensemble could still be used to provide a \ndistribution of temperature scenarios. This ensemble would have several uses:\n\n 1) we could price the book for the ensemble of runs and thereby obtain a \nmore realistic daily V@R for the Weather Book (and eventually interface that \nwith the power desk's V@R calculations)\n\n 2) we could use the ensemble of forecasts to relate temperature forecasts to \nweek-ahead CDD and HDD distributions (for use in our demand swaps)\n\n 3) if Freese-Notis were to give us one of their qualitative forecasts, \ne.g., \"expect the trough to recede\" we could sort through the different Monte \nCarlo scenarions, find one in which the trough in question is receding, and \nuse corresponding output statistics to download the actual temperatures \ncorresponding to that scenario. Up till now, we haven't found a good way of \ngetting a numerical fix on what different forecasts actually mean \ntemperature-wise\n\n 4) we could use the associated visualization routines that come with such \nmodels to get animations of the evolution of historical weather patterns. The \ntraders could use these in order to look for historical periods which roughly \nmatch current weather conditions and get an idea of what could happen; \nalthough these meteorological models would not be good for simulating \nmonth-ahead or season-ahead weather (trust me on this) we could still use the \nvisualization technology to do to analogous seasonal animations.\n\n Just today, I've spoken with Dr. Jacobsen of Stanford University, who has \nwritten one of the more recent textbooks on climate forecasting , and who \nworked with UCLA's general circulation model. He says that getting a \nsimplified version of MM5 (which is itself a simplified, limited-area version \nof the GCM models that NWS, COLA, and UCLA use) would take several months to \nimplement, assuming the people involved are already well versed in the \ntechnology. Also, I have contacted AER, a Massachusetts- based weather \nconsulting firm, and they tell me that they have a MM5 model running daily \n(only one run per night), and also some smaller PC models up and running. \nThey are of course willing to work with us for a fee. Their MM5 version runs \non a $200,000 parallel processor.\n\n I am open to your suggestions (or objections as the case may be). I'm not \nsure how the costs would be apportioned given that this would benefit all of \nEnron, and not just the weather desk.\n\n I am scheduled to go to Boston next week anyway, and would like to use the \nopportunity to visit with AER. I will of course coordinate any projects with \nChristian (if we get something like this up and running it will be more \nlikely that he can get the computing power he needs to run his own Australian \nmodel).\n\nJoe\n\n\n", "Re:", "", [["invite personname", 4, "nninformation", ["invite", "quilkey"], "intention", "joe, i have written to pal quilkey to invite christian werner to houston for a week to discuss how much of his research we can use."]], "Joe,\n\nI have written to Pal Quilkey to invite Christian Werner to Houston\nfor a week to discuss how much of his research we can use.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJoseph Hrgovcic\n08/01/2000 06:51 PM\n", "<7634872.1075856556046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "17-10-2000-8:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-10-2000-8:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-10-2000-8:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "brittab@infocastinc.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <840547.1075856275929.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 08:57:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: brittab@infocastinc.com\nSubject: Re: Invitation to speak at Infocast's Managing Summer Price\n Volatilit y Conference in Houston\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Britta Bothe @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Ms. Bothe,\n\nI have forwarded my message to one of my associates who\nspecializes in weather derivatives.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nBritta Bothe on 10/17/2000 12:38:33 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Invitation to speak at Infocast's Managing Summer Price Volatilit y \nConference in Houston\n\n\nDear Ms. Kaminsky:\nAs I just mentioned on your voicemail, Infocast is going to host a Managing\nSummer Price Volatility course, January 30 - February 1, 2001 in Houston.\nThe course will focus on the various tools at hand to manage summer price\nand load volatility. Our target audience for this event will primarily be\nrisk managers and managers in bulk power sales & purchase (our secondary\ntarget audience is energy traders).\n\nAttached you will find a draft program agenda for your review. Please let\nme know if you or someone else at Enron is interested in presenting at this\nevent. In particular, we are looking for someone to talk about weather\nderivatives.\n\nI appreciate you taking the time to review the conference schedule and I\nhope that I will have an opportunity to talk to you. Unfortunately, I am\nrunning behind schedule in finalizing this program. I will call tomorrow to\nsee what your feedback is. If you have any questions or suggestions, please\ndo not hesitate to contact me at (818) 888-4445 ext. 30.\n\nSincerely,\n\nBritta Bothe\nInfocast\nConference Manager\n(818) 888-4445 ext. 30\n <>\n\n\n - Agenda 5.doc\n\n", "Re: Invitation to speak at Infocast's Managing Summer Price\n Volatilit y Conference in Houston", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 8, "information", ["associates", "forwarded"], "information", " i have forwarded my message to one of my associates who specializes in weather derivatives."]], "Dear Ms. Bothe,\n\nI have forwarded my message to one of my associates who\nspecializes in weather derivatives.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\nBritta Bothe ", {"conference cost_priceTnn": {"value": "conference cost_priceTnn", "ne": "conference cost_priceTnn", "patterns": ["conference cost_priceTnn"]}, "conference returnlinenTnn": {"value": "conference returnlinenTnn", "ne": "conference returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["conference returnlinenTnn"]}, "cost_price summerTnn": {"value": "cost_price summerTnn", "ne": "cost_price summerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price summerTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-5-2000-1:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-5-2000-1:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-5-2000-1:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5683950.1075856735550.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 22 May 2000 01:12:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: EPRM conference\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nNo problem. Please, call EPRM and register as my guest.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n05/18/2000 07:26 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: EPRM conference\n\nVince\n\nDuring my proposed visit to Houston (21st Aug - 15th Sep), I note you're \nspeaking at EPRM's Financial Mathematics course. Any chance of my tagging \nalong? I want to use my Houston visit to get some exposure to derivatives \npricing, and this seems like a useful course.\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n", "Re: EPRM conference", "", [["register conference", 4, "nninformation", ["guest", "register"], "request", " please, call eprm and register as my guest."]], "Steve,\n\nNo problem. Please, call EPRM and register as my guest.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n05/18/2000 07:26 AM\n", "<5683950.1075856735550.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "27-10-2000-9:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-10-2000-9:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-10-2000-9:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.nowlan@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stefan-jorg.gobel@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2740911.1075856363460.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.nowlan@enron.com\nSubject: Forward oil prices\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stefan-jorg.gobel@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stefan-jorg.gobel@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John L Nowlan\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stefan-Jorg Gobel\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nI am forwarding to you the request by Jens. We gave in the past \nour forward oil curves (with approval of Greg Whalley) to some academics.\nWhat is your position on this request?\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/27/2000 \n04:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nJens Gobel@ENRON\n10/26/2000 12:06 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Forward oil prices \n\n\nVince,\n\nAs discussed on the phone, I am sending you the request that I have received \nfrom Prof. Buehler. Prof. Buehler is the \nhead of the faculty of finance at Mannheim University in Germany. Currently, \nhe is writing a study about the hedging \nstrategy that led to the Metallgesellschaft debacle. For this study he would \nlike to get forward oil prices form us.\n\nThe forward oil prices should be for WTI with Cushing as the delivery point \nfor the time period July 1986 and December 1996 \nwith remaining contract durations between one and ten years. It would be \nideal to get this data on a daily basis. Weekly \nor monthly data is helpful as well, of course. \n\nSince Mannheim University is among Enron's tier one recruiting universities \nin Germany, it would be great if we could help \nhim with some data. Thanks a lot for your help.\n\nJens\n\n\n\n\n\no.korn@uni-mannheim.de on 10/10/2000 11:44:57 AM\nTo: Jens.Gobel@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: Daten\n\n\nSehr geehrter Herr Goebel,\n\nbezugnehmend auf Ihr heutiges Telefongespraech mit Herrn Prof.\nBuehler hat mich Prof. Buehler gebeten, Ihnen genauer\ndarzustellen, welche Daten idealerweise fuer unsere Studie\nbenoetigt wuerden.\n\nZunaechst zum Hintergrund. Wir sind auf ENRON gestossen, weil\nEduardo Schwartz in einer seiner Arbeiten die folgende Datenquelle\nangibt:\n\n\" In addition to the publicly available futures data described above,\nfor the purpose of this study Enron Capital and Trade Resources\nmade available some proprietary historical forward price curves\nfrom 1/15/93 to 5/16/96. From these data ten forward prices were\nused in estimation, ranging in maturities from two months to nine\nyears\"\n\nDies laesst uns annehmen, dass Enron bestimmte Daten\nverfuegbar hat.\n\nNun zum idealen Datensatz:\n\nForwardoelpreise (am besten WTI mit Lieferung in Cushing) fuer\nRestlaufzeiten zwischen einem und zehn Jahren fuer den Zeitraum\nJuli 1986 bis Dezember 1996. Dabei waere eine hohe\nDatenfrequenz ideal (taeglich, ansonsten woechentlich oder\nmonatlich). Zusaetzlich waeren auch Spotpreise fuer WTI mit\nLieferung in Cushing nuetzlich.\n\nDiese idealen Datenanforderungen werden sich vermutlich nicht\nerfuellen lassen. Jedoch waere uns auch schon geholfen, wenn ein\nkuerzerer Zeitraum oder eine niedrigere Datenfrequenz vorlaege.\n\nWir waernen Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie in Erfahrung bringen\nkoennten, inwiefern solche Daten von Enron zu erhalten sind.\n\nHerzlichen Dank fuer Ihre Muehe und beste Gruesse\n\nOlaf Korn\n\n\np.s. Bei Rueckfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit gern zur Verfuegung\n\n__________________________________________________________\nDr. Olaf Korn\nUniversity of Mannheim\nChair of Finance\nD-68131 Mannheim\nGermany\nTel.: ++49/621/181-1487\nFax.: ++49/621/181-1519\ne-mail: o.korn@uni-mannheim.de\n\n\n\n", "Forward oil prices", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["forwarding", "request"], "information", "john, i am forwarding to you the request by jens."]], "John,\n\nI am forwarding to you the request by Jens. We gave in the past \nour forward oil curves (with approval of Greg Whalley) to some academics.\nWhat is your position on this request?\n\nVince\n\n", "<2740911.1075856363460.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "23-1-2001-4:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"23-1-2001-4:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-1-2001-4:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "norma.villarreal@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19923573.1075856576098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 04:17:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: norma.villarreal@enron.com\nSubject: Merit and Equity Increases\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Norma Villarreal\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNorma,\n\nI am sending you an Excel spreadsheet with proposed\nmerit and equity increases.\n\nI have slightly exceeded the merit quota.\nThe equity increases address two issues: retention and\nand an error in setting a salary at hiring (I tend to be too stingy).\n\nPlease, let me know if there are any questions.\nI am forwarding a copy of the spreadsheet to my home address\nso I can work on it tonight, if necessary.\n\nVince", "Merit and Equity Increases", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 4, "information", ["sending", "spreadsheet"], "information", "norma, i am sending you an excel spreadsheet with proposed merit and equity increases."]], "Norma,\n\nI am sending you an Excel spreadsheet with proposed\nmerit and equity increases.\n\nI have slightly exceeded the merit quota.\nThe equity increases address two issues: retention and\nand an error in setting a salary at hiring (I tend to be too stingy).\n\nPlease, let me know if there are any questions.\nI am forwarding a copy of the spreadsheet to my home address\nso I can work on it tonight, if necessary.\n\nVince", "<19923573.1075856576098.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"address_reference issue_topicTnn": {"value": "address_reference issue_topicTnn", "ne": "address_reference issue_topicTnn", "patterns": ["address_reference issue_topicTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-1-2001-7:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-1-2001-7:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-1-2001-7:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "norma.villarreal@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27872012.1075856462455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 07:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: norma.villarreal@enron.com\nSubject: L Xu\nCc: molly.magee@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: molly.magee@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Norma Villarreal\nX-cc: Molly Magee\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNorma,\n\nHappy New Year. Look forward to working with you in 2001.\n\nCan you send the resume of L Xu to me in an electronic form?\n\nThanks\n\nVince", "L Xu", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 7, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " can you send the resume of l xu to me in an electronic form?"]], "Norma,\n\nHappy New Year. Look forward to working with you in 2001.\n\nCan you send the resume of L Xu to me in an electronic form?\n\nThanks\n\nVince", "<27872012.1075856462455.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-4-2000-1:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-4-2000-1:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-1:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com maureen.raymond@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27188541.1075856745011.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 01:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: grant.masson@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tmike.roberts@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com\nSubject: Monday presentation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Grant Masson, Vasant Shanbhogue, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao, Stinson Gibner, Mike A Roberts, Maureen Raymond\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI am enclosing the copies of presentations I have reviewed over the weekend.\nPlease, take a final look at your sections. I have made no changes or minor \ncosmetic changes.\n\nThe overall presentation time is limited and we have to limit every presenter \nto a maximum\ntime allocation of 5 minutes (strictly enforced). \n\nVince\n\nP.S. Mike, still missing the electronic version of your presentation.\n\n", "Monday presentation", "", [["make change", 7, "information", ["changes", "made", "minor"], "information", " i have made no changes or minor cosmetic changes."]], "I am enclosing the copies of presentations I have reviewed over the weekend.\nPlease, take a final look at your sections. I have made no changes or minor \ncosmetic changes.\n\nThe overall presentation time is limited and we have to limit every presenter \nto a maximum\ntime allocation of 5 minutes (strictly enforced). \n\nVince\n\nP.S. Mike, still missing the electronic version of your presentation.\n\n", "<27188541.1075856745011.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"change minor_smallTnn": {"value": "change minor_smallTnn", "ne": "change minor_smallTnn", "patterns": ["change minor_smallTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-12-1999-7:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-12-1999-7:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-12-1999-7:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "joseph.hirl@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <74255.1075857007500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 07:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: joseph.hirl@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Thank you for the e-mail.\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Joseph P Hirl\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJoe,\n\nI am forwarding you the information about the student from Stanford of\nJapanese ancestry interested in Enron.\n\nHe lives currently in California.\n\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/17/99 \n03:23 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n10/20/99 07:07 AM\nTo: hoshino@leland.Stanford.EDU\ncc: Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg \nWhalley/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Thank you for the e-mail. \n\nTaiichi,\n\nThank you for your messsage. I shall forward to our Analyst/Associate\nprogram and a few other units of Enron.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nhoshino@leland.Stanford.EDU on 10/19/99 09:14:05 AM\nPlease respond to hoshino@leland.Stanford.EDU\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, vkaminski@aol.com\ncc: \nSubject: Thank you for the e-mail.\n\n\n\nDear Vince Kaminski\n\nThank you so much for the kind invitation for the meeting.\n\nI have been always inspired by and having respect for the\nrecent revolutionary achievements of Enron in the energy markets\nMy former employer McKinsey Tokyo in fact featured\nyour company*s success in the last Quarterly, and it clearly states\n(in Japanese though) that the quantitative research capability at Enron\nis now at the world*s top level, which has been always behind the scene.\n\nI am extremely honored to receive the email from you and in fact\ninterested in knowing the opportunity of working in the energy field;\nHowever, very unfortunately I will have to come back to Japan, or at\nleast to the East Asian region, upon graduation due to an inevitable\nfamily reason. My wife*s father passed away recently and an old\nmother-in-law is now left alone without relatives. I understand that\nEnron has not yet embarked on the next big project of freeing\nthe outdated Japanese energy market, (which by the way I strongly\nhope ) so I may not have a very good chance of making contribution\nat your company right now.\n\nLastly, if you need a staff in Tokyo in some future who understands\n both the risk management analytics at the F622 level and the local\nlanguage and business custome better than average, please contact\nme any time. I will be happy to assist as much as possible.\n\nYours sincerely,\n\n/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~\n\nTaiichi Hoshino\nPh.D. Candidate\nEngineering Economic Systems & Operations Research\nGraduate School of Engineering\nStanford University\n\nThe Shadows APT#171\n750 North Shoreline Blvd.\nMountain View CA94043\nTEL/FAX)650-960-1993\n\n/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Thank you for the e-mail.", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarding", "student"], "information", "joe, i am forwarding you the information about the student from stanford of japanese ancestry interested in enron."]], "Joe,\n\nI am forwarding you the information about the student from Stanford of\nJapanese ancestry interested in Enron.\n\nHe lives currently in California.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", "<74255.1075857007500.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "11-8-2000-6:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-8-2000-6:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-8-2000-6:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <30973274.1075856555046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 06:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: anita.dupont@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Li Sun, Associate/Analyst\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Anita DuPont\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAnita,\n\nI need 15 minutes to explore if she fits the group. Please, schedule a \nmeeting on\nThursday, Aug 17.\n\nVince\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAnita DuPont@ENRON\n08/11/2000 12:41 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Li Sun, Associate/Analyst\n\nVince:\n\nLi Sun called you today. She is interested in the Research Dept. and wanted \nto set an appt. to visit with you. I checked your calendar and it is pretty \ntight for the next week or so. Do you want to visit with her and if so do \nyou want me to make the appt. for 2 weeks from now? She is going to call \nback after 4:00 PM today. Thanks. Anita\n\n", "Re: Li Sun, Associate/Analyst", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 8, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "request", " please, schedule a meeting on thursday, datenumeric ."]], "Anita,\n\nI need 15 minutes to explore if she fits the group. Please, schedule a \nmeeting on\nThursday, Aug 17.\n\nVince\n\n \n\n\n\n\nAnita DuPont@ENRON\n08/11/2000 12:41 PM\n", "<30973274.1075856555046.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-9-2000-10:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-9-2000-10:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-9-2000-10:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mary.bailey@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31285725.1075856550454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 10:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mary.bailey@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Faculty Lunch\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tkevin.kindall@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tkevin.kindall@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mary Alison Bailey\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, cc: Kristin Gandy\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAlison,\n\nI recommended inviting Duane Seppi and Steven Shreve. I would also invite \nBrian Routledge.\nI don't know him but heard many good things about him. Kevin Kindall may have \nother recommendations.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mary Alison Bailey 09/08/2000 05:04 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin \nKuykendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Kuykendall/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kristin Gandy/NA/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Faculty Lunch\n\nKristin had said she was interested in a faculty lunch, and Kevin said he \nwould host it. Are there any professors you would recommend be invited?\n\n\nHere is a list of Finance Faculty:\n\n Robert Dammon rd19@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.3696\n Richard Green rg0b@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.2302\n David Heath heath@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.2545\n Christine Parlour parlourc@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.5806\n Brian Routledge rout@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.7588\n Duane Seppi ds64@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.2298\n Steven Shreve shreve@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.8484\n Chester Spatt cs9z@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.8834\n Christopher Telmer telmerc@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.8838\n Stanley Zin sz0h@andrew.cmu.edu 412.268.3700\n\n\n\n*\n\n\n\n", "Re: Faculty Lunch", "", [["invite personname", 4, "information", ["inviting", "seppi"], "information", "alison, i recommended inviting duane seppi and steven shreve."], ["invite personname", 9, "nninformation", ["invite", "routledge"], "intention", " i would also invite brian routledge."]], "Alison,\n\nI recommended inviting Duane Seppi and Steven Shreve. I would also invite \nBrian Routledge.\nI don't know him but heard many good things about him. Kevin Kindall may have \nother recommendations.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mary Alison Bailey 09/08/2000 05:04 PM\n\t\n\n", "<31285725.1075856550454.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-3-2000-2:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-3-2000-2:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-2:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "natasha_marwaha@yahoo.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23633229.1075856765381.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 02:07:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: natasha_marwaha@yahoo.com\nSubject: Re: My resume per our discussion\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Natasha Marwaha @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNatasha,\n\nThanks for your message. Please, contact my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw,\n(713 853 5290) to schedule an interview with myself, Stinson Gibner,\nVasant Shanbhogue, Grant Masson.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nNatasha Marwaha on 02/29/2000 06:48:17 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: My resume per our discussion\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski:\n\nThank you for returning my call. As I mentioned I\ncompleted my MBA in December 1999 and will formally\ngraduate in March 2000 from The University of Chicago\nGraduate School of Business. I am interested in\napplying for a position as an MBA recruit at Enron.\n\nMy interest in research has grown out of the 18 months\nof intense experience working with the Chief Financial\nOfficer of INOVA Health System, my former employer. My\nexperience in finance led me to apply for the MBA\ncourse at the University of Chicago, an\ninternationally reputed institution in finance and\neconomics.\n\nI can contribute to this position previous finance\nexperience and strong analytical and quantitative\nskills. I have used statistical and other quantitative\nanalysis extensively in both my course work and my\nwork at INOVA Health System, where I worked with a\nteam of financial analysts to develop a corporate\ninvestment model.\n\nI enjoyed speaking with you about an opportunity in\nyour division. I believe if given the opportunity to\ninterview with your firm, you will be pleased with our\ndiscussion on how I can be a productive member of the\nyour team. I have attached my resume and will call you\nnext week to follow up on this letter. Thank you for\nyour consideration.\n\n\nSincerely,\n\nNatasha Marwaha\n\n\n__________________________________________________\nDo You Yahoo!?\nTalk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.\nhttp://im.yahoo.com\n - Natasha M's Resume in word.doc\n\n", "Re: My resume per our discussion", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 9, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "intention", " please, contact my assistant, shirley crenshaw, phonenumber ) to schedule an interview with myself, stinson gibner, vasant shanbhogue, grant masson."]], "Natasha,\n\nThanks for your message. Please, contact my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw,\n(713 853 5290) to schedule an interview with myself, Stinson Gibner,\nVasant Shanbhogue, Grant Masson.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nNatasha Marwaha ", {"7": {"value": "crenshaw", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["assistant personnameTnn", "interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-7-2000-9:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-7-2000-9:18:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-7-2000-9:18:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.sherriff@enron.com", "dale.surbey@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com richard.lewis@enron.com grant.masson@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24048814.1075856610427.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 09:18:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.sherriff@enron.com\nSubject: London Research Group\nCc: dale.surbey@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, richard.lewis@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: dale.surbey@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, richard.lewis@enron.com,\n\tgrant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Sherriff\nX-cc: Dale Surbey, Vince J Kaminski, Richard Lewis, Grant Masson, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nI am writing to you regarding the management of the London Research group.\n\nAs you know, Dale Surbey, who was managing the London unit of the Research \nGroup,\nis moving to EBS. Dale did a terrific job helping me to develop the pool of \ntalent we have currently\nin London.\nGiven that Dale is likely to be transfered to Houston, it's time\nto nominate one member of the Research Group for a management position.\n\n\nMy recommendation is Steve Leppard. Steve emerged not only as the most\ntechnically qualified member of the group but also as a natural leader, \nhighly\nrespected by his peers and internal customers. Steve has a very high energy \nlevel\nand is very efficient as a manager and as coach of new talent.\n\nHis promotion is likely to cause Anjam's departure form Enron. I value \ntechnical\nskills of Anjam, but in spite of my loyalty to him, don't think he is the \nsame caliber\nas Steve. However, I would not like to lose him and think about moving him to \nHouston\nfor 2 years. I think that the opportunity to work in Houston, would be a \nsufficient\nincentive to keep him in Enron. By the way, his performance feedback has \ngreatly improved.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince", "London Research Group", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 73, "nninformation", ["keep", "him"], "intention", " i think that the opportunity to work in houston, would be a sufficient incentive to keep him in enron."]], "John,\n\nI am writing to you regarding the management of the London Research group.\n\nAs you know, Dale Surbey, who was managing the London unit of the Research \nGroup,\nis moving to EBS. Dale did a terrific job helping me to develop the pool of \ntalent we have currently\nin London.\nGiven that Dale is likely to be transfered to Houston, it's time\nto nominate one member of the Research Group for a management position.\n\n\nMy recommendation is Steve Leppard. Steve emerged not only as the most\ntechnically qualified member of the group but also as a natural leader, \nhighly\nrespected by his peers and internal customers. Steve has a very high energy \nlevel\nand is very efficient as a manager and as coach of new talent.\n\nHis promotion is likely to cause Anjam's departure form Enron. I value \ntechnical\nskills of Anjam, but in spite of my loyalty to him, don't think he is the \nsame caliber\nas Steve. However, I would not like to lose him and think about moving him to \nHouston\nfor 2 years. I think that the opportunity to work in Houston, would be a \nsufficient\nincentive to keep him in Enron. By the way, his performance feedback has \ngreatly improved.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince", "<24048814.1075856610427.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"customer internalTnn": {"value": "customer internalTnn", "ne": "customer internalTnn", "patterns": ["customer internalTnn"]}, "member place_positionTnn": {"value": "member place_positionTnn", "ne": "member place_positionTnn", "patterns": ["member place_positionTnn"]}, "67": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnelpronounTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-1-2001-5:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-1-2001-5:10:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-1-2001-5:10:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "sandeep.kohli@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12746138.1075856576699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 05:10:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sandeep.kohli@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Reminder\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Sandeep Kohli\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSandeep,\n\nI am meeting Jeff on Tuesday, 1:30.\n\nThe best number to reach me (outside the office) is my cell phone\n(always on): 713 410 5396.\nMy home number is 281 367 5377.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nSandeep Kohli@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n01/06/2001 08:30 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Reminder\n\nVince,\n\nBefore leaving for India I just wanted to jot you this small reminder to talk \nto Jeff Shankman on Monday.\n\nAside from myself, I wanted to remind you to talk about Anshuman Shrivastava, \nwho is currently Assistant Manager in India, and has my recommendation for \npromotion to Manager. He is our point person on many DPC matters, and is \nalso the person I have used on most fuel related issues. He will be a real \nasset to Jeff when located in HOuston. Sinc he is single, and quite young, \nit will not be a problem to move him here at short notice.\n\nI will call you from India as soon as I get in. It will be Monday evening in \nHouston at that time, so could you please jot me a note telling me what would \nbe a good number to call you on. \n\nI look forward to working with the team in Research.\n\nThanks again,\n\nRegards,\nSandeep.\n\n", "Re: Reminder", "", [["reach cell0phone", 4, "nninformation", ["cell**phone", "reach"], "intention", " the best number to reach me (outside the office) is my cell phone (always on): phonenumber ."]], "Sandeep,\n\nI am meeting Jeff on Tuesday, 1:30.\n\nThe best number to reach me (outside the office) is my cell phone\n(always on): 713 410 5396.\nMy home number is 281 367 5377.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nSandeep Kohli@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n01/06/2001 08:30 PM\n", "<12746138.1075856576699.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-12-1999-5:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-12-1999-5:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-12-1999-5:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "helen@risk.co.uk", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18237865.1075857008423.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 05:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: helen@risk.co.uk\nSubject: Re: New EPRM Speakers\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Helen Evans\" \nX-cc: Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHelen,\n\nI forwarded your message to my associate Stinson Gibner\nwhom I can wholeheartedly recommend.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Helen Evans\" on 12/06/99 10:29:39 AM\nPlease respond to \"Helen Evans\" \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: New EPRM Speakers\n\n\n\nVince,\n\nI'm currently looking to broaden EPRM's speaker base and would like to find a \nspeaker for a training course I am producing on the Monte Carlo technique. I \nwas wondering if you might be able to recommend somebody new from Enron who \nmight like to speak on this subject. I'd really appreciate any help you could \ngive me.\n\nMany Thanks\n\nHelen Evans\nProducer, EPRM Conferences & Courses \n - att1.htm\n\n", "Re: New EPRM Speakers", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["associate", "forwarded"], "information", "helen, i forwarded your message to my associate stinson gibner whom i can wholeheartedly recommend."]], "Helen,\n\nI forwarded your message to my associate Stinson Gibner\nwhom I can wholeheartedly recommend.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Helen Evans\" ", [], false]}, "13-7-2000-9:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"13-7-2000-9:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-7-2000-9:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "sheila.walton@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <23545174.1075856493478.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 09:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sheila.walton@enron.com\nSubject: Names\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Sheila Walton\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSheila,\n\nI am attaching the list of people who are top retention priority.\nThe list is in the spreadsheet and the names are in the highlighted cell\n(red background).\n\nI am also attaching the resume you asked for.\n\nVince\n", "Names", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 12, "information", ["attaching", "resume"], "information", " i am also attaching the resume you asked for."]], "Sheila,\n\nI am attaching the list of people who are top retention priority.\nThe list is in the spreadsheet and the names are in the highlighted cell\n(red background).\n\nI am also attaching the resume you asked for.\n\nVince\n", "<23545174.1075856493478.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "18-1-2000-1:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-1-2000-1:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-1-2000-1:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jean-sebastien.fontaine@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19363753.1075856779010.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 01:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jean-sebastien.fontaine@enron.com\nSubject: Rotation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jean-Sebastien Fontaine\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJean,\n\nPlease, send me your resume and schedule an interview with me and Stinson\nGibner. You can call Shirley Crenshaw (3-5290) to get on our schedules.\n\nThanks\n\nVince ", "Rotation", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 4, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "request", "jean, please, send me your resume and schedule an interview with me and stinson gibner."]], "Jean,\n\nPlease, send me your resume and schedule an interview with me and Stinson\nGibner. You can call Shirley Crenshaw (3-5290) to get on our schedules.\n\nThanks\n\nVince ", "<19363753.1075856779010.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "25-5-2000-7:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-5-2000-7:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-7:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ostdiek@rice.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4070999.1075856733154.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 May 2000 07:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ostdiek@rice.edu\nSubject: Re: Rice/Enron Finance Seminar Series\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Barbara Ostdiek @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBarbara,\n\nWe shall extend the funding for the seminar in the fall for the next season.\n\nI shall be glad to cover the cost of a coffee mug with our logos. Can you \nidentify a\nproducer who can come up with a design?\nI think that we may use the company that produces\nRICE memorabilia.\n\nI shall run the design through our PR Department and then we can have it\nproduced.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nBarbara Ostdiek on 05/24/2000 01:15:12 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com (Vince Kaminski)\ncc: \nSubject: Rice/Enron Finance Seminar Series\n\n\nVince:\n\nI have checked with our accounting folks and it looks like the balance in\nthe seminar account is under $5000. This will get us going in the fall so\nwe have some flexibility for the next Enron funding - whatever works best\non your end.\n\nAlso, I am interested in pursuing the idea of designing some sort of a gift\n- a coffee cup perhaps - to give to our seminar guests. I think we could\ndo something neat with the Enron and Rice/JGS logos that folks would be\nhappy to display on their shelf or desk top. What do you think?\n\nAs always, thank you so much for your support of our efforts over here. It\nis truly appreciated.\n\nbbo\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nBarbara Ostdiek 713-348-5384 (voice)\nAssistant Professor of Finance 713-348-5251 (fax)\nJones Graduate School of Management ostdiek@rice.edu\nRice University www.ruf.rice.edu/~ostdiek/\n6100 Main Street - MS 531\nHouston, TX 77005-1892\n\n\n\n", "Re: Rice/Enron Finance Seminar Series", "", [["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 9, "nninformation", ["cover", "cost"], "intention", " i shall be glad to cover the cost of a coffee mug with our logos."]], "Barbara,\n\nWe shall extend the funding for the seminar in the fall for the next season.\n\nI shall be glad to cover the cost of a coffee mug with our logos. Can you \nidentify a\nproducer who can come up with a design?\nI think that we may use the company that produces\nRICE memorabilia.\n\nI shall run the design through our PR Department and then we can have it\nproduced.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nBarbara Ostdiek ", {"corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn": {"value": "corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn", "ne": "corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn", "patterns": ["corporate0finance_finance rice_rice0universityTnn"]}, "finance rice seminar0seriesTnnn": {"value": "finance rice seminar0seriesTnnn", "ne": "finance rice seminar0seriesTnnn", "patterns": ["finance rice seminar0seriesTnnn"]}, "rice seminar0seriesTnn": {"value": "rice seminar0seriesTnn", "ne": "rice seminar0seriesTnn", "patterns": ["rice seminar0seriesTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-7-2000-6:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-7-2000-6:55:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-7-2000-6:55:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com barbara.lewis@enron.com", "Message-ID: <24432671.1075856557528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 06:55:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, barbara.lewis@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, barbara.lewis@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Barbara Lewis\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nThe meeting is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.\n\nVince \n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jeffrey A Shankman 07/31/2000 12:56 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Barbara Lewis/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: \n\nPlease make sure our meeting with Skilling gets onto my calendar. Thanks. \n\nJeff\n\n", "Re:", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 2, "nninformation", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "intention", "jeff, the meeting is scheduled for wednesday afternoon."]], "Jeff,\n\nThe meeting is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.\n\nVince \n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jeffrey A Shankman 07/31/2000 12:56 PM\n\t\n\n", "<24432671.1075856557528.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-7-2000-2:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-7-2000-2:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-7-2000-2:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com jeffrey.shankman@enron.com john.arnold@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22673921.1075856560738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 02:14:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Oleg Bodnar\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, john.arnold@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, john.arnold@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Jeffrey A Shankman, John Arnold\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, put Oleg Bodnar on Jeff Shankman's and John Arnold's schedules\nfor an interview. He should be already on John Lavorato's schedule.\n\n\nVince", "Oleg Bodnar", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 10, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedules"], "request", "shirley, please, put oleg bodnar on jeff shankman's and john arnold's schedules for an interview."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, put Oleg Bodnar on Jeff Shankman's and John Arnold's schedules\nfor an interview. He should be already on John Lavorato's schedule.\n\n\nVince", "<22673921.1075856560738.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-3-2000-23:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-3-2000-23:57:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-23:57:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "david_barr@enron.net", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22026671.1075856764922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 23:57:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: david_barr@enron.net\nSubject: Re: Chicago Partners\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: David_Barr@enron.net @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDavid,\n\nI sent a message with information to several different units but no \nresponse so far. I think people need a specific need to focus\nand I shall keep the Chicago Partners in mind when a relevant\nproject arrives. I shall resend the message with attachments on\nCP in a few weeks as a reminder.\n\n\nVince\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nDavid_Barr@enron.net on 03/01/2000 10:15:57 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Chicago Partners\n\n\n\n\nVince,\n\nHope this finds you well. I am sure you are more than busy but I wanted to \nsee\nwhere we stand with feedback regarding me coordinating a potential \npresentation\nby Chris Culp at CP Risk Management.\n\nRegards,\nDavid\n\n\n\n", "Re: Chicago Partners", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 2, "information", ["sent", "information"], "information", "david, i sent a message with information to several different units but no response so far."]], "David,\n\nI sent a message with information to several different units but no \nresponse so far. I think people need a specific need to focus\nand I shall keep the Chicago Partners in mind when a relevant\nproject arrives. I shall resend the message with attachments on\nCP in a few weeks as a reminder.\n\n\nVince\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nDavid_Barr@enron.net on 03/01/2000 10:15:57 AM\n", "<22026671.1075856764922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"information unitTnn": {"value": "information unitTnn", "ne": "information unitTnn", "patterns": ["information unitTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-2-2000-8:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"2-2-2000-8:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-2-2000-8:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pehlivanova@sugar-land.oilfield.slb.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8392867.1075857059351.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 08:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: pehlivanova@sugar-land.oilfield.slb.com\nSubject: Re: AIESEC\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Biliana Pehlivanova \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBiliana,\n\nI have prior commitments on Saturday, February the 5th. Please, send me more\ninformation about the following Saturday. There is a remote possibility I \nshall have\nto go to London that weekend. Otherwise, I shall be glad to join you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBiliana Pehlivanova on 01/28/2000 \n11:54:58 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: AIESEC\n\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nThe following are the personal and work e-mail addresses of the Polish\ntrainees in College Station.\n\nSylwester Rutkowski sylwesterr@usa.net, sylwester.rutkowski@destia.com\nPatricia Dalecka pdalecka@hotmail.com, patrycia.dalecka@destia.com\nDanusia Mas danusia.mas@destia.com\nLidia Olczyk lolczyk@usa.net, lidia.olczyk@destia.com\nRobert Lyczak rlyczak@yahoo.com, robert.lyczak@destia.com\n\nI would like to invite you to join us for a paintball game next Saturday,\nFeb 5th. The purpose of this event is to develop team building among our\nstudent members, Board of Advisors, and corporate clients.\n\nIn addition, I would like to invite you to participate in our Mock\nSales day on Saturday, Feb. 12th. During this day, the new members will\nfirst receive training on AIESEC sales/knowledge and then role play with our\nBoard of Advisors and alumni acting as company\nrepresentatives. Sharing your AIESEC and work experience would be a\nvaluable contribution to our training program.\n\nI will get in touch with you regarding these events in the beginning of\nnext week, as soon as I have the time and place finalized.\n\nI appreciate your interest in working with us.\n\nBest regards,\n\nBiliana Pehlivanova\nVice President of Incoming Exchange\nAIESEC Houston\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: AIESEC", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 2, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "request", " please, send me more information about the following saturday."]], "Biliana,\n\nI have prior commitments on Saturday, February the 5th. Please, send me more\ninformation about the following Saturday. There is a remote possibility I \nshall have\nto go to London that weekend. Otherwise, I shall be glad to join you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBiliana Pehlivanova ", [], false]}, "24-4-2000-10:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-4-2000-10:53:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-10:53:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vincek@leland.stanford.edu", "Message-ID: <19725105.1075856932804.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 10:53:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Valuation of Internet companies\nCc: vincek@leland.stanford.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vincek@leland.stanford.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: vincek@leland.Stanford.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n 1. \n\n COMMENT & ANALYSIS: Stretching the figures: Calculating\n accurate values for companies in the new economy takes \nmore\n than a grasp of mathematics - a dash of economics, \npolitics and\n logic would not go amiss, says John Kay:\n\n\n\n\n COMMENT & ANALYSIS: Stretching the figures: Calculating \naccurate\n values for companies in the new economy takes more than a \ngrasp of\n mathematics - a dash of economics, politics and logic \nwould not go\n amiss, says John Kay:\n 87% match; Financial Times ; 24-Apr-2000 12:00:00 am ; \n1170 words\n\n Do the math. The slogan favoured by Jim Clark, creator of \nSilicon Graphics,\n Net-scape and Healtheon, has become the mantra of a \ngeneration of\n consultants and investment bankers. The new economy, they \nclaim, requires\n new principles of valuation. \n\n C.com is one of the most exciting prospects in \nbusiness-to-business\n commerce. It is the world leader in a growing market - \nannual sales by 2010\n are likely to be Dollars 500,000bn. If C.com can maintain \na 5 per cent share\n and earn only 1 per cent net margin its prospective \nannual earnings will be\n Dollars 250bn. \n\n If we assume that market growth after 2010 is 5 per cent \nand discount future\n revenues at 10 per cent, the prospective value of C.com \nis Dollars 5,000bn -\n about 10 times the recent market capitalisation of \nMicrosoft, Cisco or General\n Electric. \n\n You don't have to wait for the IPO. You can buy shares in \nC.com right now for\n less than 5 per cent of that value. C.com is called \nCitigroup and in addition to\n its foreign exchange trading, which is the business I \nhave described, you get\n its other wholesale, retail and investment banking \nactivities and a leading\n insurance company thrown in. \n\n Of course, nobody would be so stupid as to value \nCitigroup in this way. Yet I\n have followed more or less exactly the methodology \nrecommended in the\n latest McKinsey quarterly for the valuation of new era \ncompanies. They use\n precisely analogous calculations to arrive at a valuation \nof Dollars 37bn for\n Amazon.com. \n\n Paul Gibbs, head of merger and acquisition research at \nJ.P. Morgan, recently\n used similar principles to confirm that assessment of \nAmazon. He then\n performed the same calculation for internet service \nprovider Freeserve. \n\n Assume that UK retail sales grow at 5 per cent a year, \nthat 25 per cent of\n sales take place on the net, that portals capture 50 per \ncent of these, that\n Freeserve gets 30 per cent of the portal share and \nmaintains an 8 per cent\n commission on sales. Multiply these together and you \nestablish that in 2017\n Freeserve will make profits of o2bn (Dollars 3.2bn). \nThis, he argues, justifies a\n value today of o6.50 per share. \n\n But I prefer T.com to Freeserve. T.com has a customer \nbase four times larger\n than Freeserve. Its franchise is stronger. Its customers \nare concentrated in\n the affluent south-east of England, where it faces \nvirtually no competition.\n Market research shows that more than 95 per cent of its \ncustomers use its\n essential services every day, many of them several times \na day. \n\n T.com also has ambitious plans for expansion. At present, \nits geographical\n coverage is less than one-quarter of the market in \nEngland and Wales. T.com\n has an interest in south-east Asia. The population of \nChina is 100 times the\n number of people who today can access T.com services. \nEven after the recent\n market correction, T.com, better known as Thames Water, \nstill has a market\n valuation below that of Freeserve. At the widest point \nbetween the old and new\n economies, Freeserve was worth four times as much. \n\n The reason the Citibank calculation is nonsense is \nsimple, but fundamental.\n The margins Citibank makes on its forex business vary \nwidely. If you buy\n small quantities of notes from a bank, the spread is much \nwider than 1 per\n cent. If you are a large corporation trading major \ncurrencies, the margin is\n wafer thin. Entry and competition force prices down to \nthe related costs. \n\n In Mr Gibbs's model, Freeserve earns profits of o2bn, \nabout equal to the\n current profits of Tesco, J. Sainsbury and Marks and \nSpencer together. And it\n earns these on revenues of only o2.5bn, so that profits \nare 80 per cent of the\n value of its sales. No established business earns margins \nof that size. \n\n Thames Water is one of a tiny number of companies whose \nmarket position is\n so strong, whose output is so necessary to life, that if \nit charged five times the\n current price we would have little choice but to pay. We \ndo have one option -\n to insist the government intervenes. It confines Thames \nWater to a return on\n its capital employed of about 6 per cent. \n\n The idea that profit is a return on capital invested \nstill has some role in new\n economy valuation, at the level of the overall market. \n\n There is a key formula in the new math. The required \nyield on a security is\n equal to the difference between the rate of return \ndemanded from that class of\n securities and its expected rate of growth. So, if you \nexpect a return of 5.5 per\n cent from a share whose dividends will grow at 5 per \ncent, calculations show\n that the dividend yield should be 0.5 per cent. \n\n This is the calculation done by James Glassman and Kevin \nHassett in their\n book Dow 36,000*. Claiming that sustainable dividends \naverage half of\n earnings, this yield equates to a price/earnings ratio of \n100 - implying a target\n of 36,000 for the US index. \n\n The trouble with this theory is that it takes too long to \nproduce what the\n investor is looking for. Investors will receive only \ntwo-fifths of the cash\n sustaining the valuation this century. One-third of the \ntotal depends on\n dividend cheques that will arrive after 2200. \n\n Two hundred years ago, well before the Dow Jones average, \nprudent,\n diversified investors would have owned slave traders and \nsugar plantations, or\n perhaps a bold speculation in that symbol of the then new \neconomy -a canal.\n The next 200 years may be more stable than the last and \nMicrosoft and Cisco\n may prove more enduring than plantations. But we can \nhardly be sure. \n\n While 5 per cent may be a reasonable assumption for the \ngrowth rate of\n dividends in the US economy as a whole, it is likely that \nwell before 2200\n most of these will come from companies not yet founded. \n\n Suppose we accept Glassman and Hassett's protests that \ntheir dividend\n growth expectations are conservative. If you raise them \nonly from 5 per cent to\n 5.25 per cent, the anticipated value of the Dow Jones \naverage is 72,000. At\n 5.5 per cent the formula breaks down because the shares \nof US companies\n are infinitely valuable. Not even the most credulous \ndotcom investor believes\n that. \n\n The math also works in reverse. If expectations of return \nare 6 per cent rather\n than 5.5 per cent, the market p/e ratio falls to 50 and \nthe value of the Dow\n Jones from 36,000 to 18,000. And if equity investors \nrequire a return of 8 per\n cent, you would have to conclude that shares are worth \nonly half their current\n level. \n\n An 8 per cent expected total return is not ambitious for \nan equity investor. A\n day trader might think you were talking about a weekly \nprofit rather than\n annual. Glassman and Hassett use a figure as low as 5.5 \nper cent - the return\n on Treasury bonds - because they argue that equities have \nso consistently\n outperformed bonds that there is now no risk associated \nwith equity\n investment. In other words, because equities are sure to \noffer higher returns\n than bonds, the expected yield on equities should be the \nsame as on bonds. \n\n You do not have to be Wittgenstein to spot the flaw. The \nrules of logic hold\n even in cyberspace, and so do the principles of \neconomics. Profits are hard to\n earn in competitive businesses, and markets that are not \ncompetitive are\n usually regulated. The value of companies ultimately \ndepends on their\n capacity to generate cash for shareholders. Distant \nreturns are uncertain.\n Share prices are volatile, and investors need to be \ncompensated for the risks.\n These truths are as valid in the new economy as the old. \n\n By all means do the math. Isaac Newton, who could do the \nmath better than\n most, gave up an annuity of o650 per year to invest in \nthe South Sea Bubble.\n In addition to the math, you need the econ, the pol, and \nperhaps the\n psychology. \n\n * Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the \nComing Rise in the\n Stock Market, James K. Glassman & Kevin A. Hassett, \nRandom House,\n 1999. \n\n The author a director of London Economics. \n\n Copyright , The Financial Times Limited ", "Valuation of Internet companies", "", [["make business", 280, "information", ["business", "makes"], "information", " the margins orgname makes on its forex business vary widely."], ["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 604, "nninformation", ["compensated", "risks"], "intention", " share prices are volatile, and investors need to be compensated for the risks."]], " 1. \n\n COMMENT & ANALYSIS: Stretching the figures: Calculating\n accurate values for companies in the new economy takes \nmore\n than a grasp of mathematics - a dash of economics, \npolitics and\n logic would not go amiss, says John Kay:\n\n\n\n\n COMMENT & ANALYSIS: Stretching the figures: Calculating \naccurate\n values for companies in the new economy takes more than a \ngrasp of\n mathematics - a dash of economics, politics and logic \nwould not go\n amiss, says John Kay:\n 87% match; Financial Times ; 24-Apr-2000 12:00:00 am ; \n1170 words\n\n Do the math. The slogan favoured by Jim Clark, creator of \nSilicon Graphics,\n Net-scape and Healtheon, has become the mantra of a \ngeneration of\n consultants and investment bankers. The new economy, they \nclaim, requires\n new principles of valuation. \n\n C.com is one of the most exciting prospects in \nbusiness-to-business\n commerce. It is the world leader in a growing market - \nannual sales by 2010\n are likely to be Dollars 500,000bn. If C.com can maintain \na 5 per cent share\n and earn only 1 per cent net margin its prospective \nannual earnings will be\n Dollars 250bn. \n\n If we assume that market growth after 2010 is 5 per cent \nand discount future\n revenues at 10 per cent, the prospective value of C.com \nis Dollars 5,000bn -\n about 10 times the recent market capitalisation of \nMicrosoft, Cisco or General\n Electric. \n\n You don't have to wait for the IPO. You can buy shares in \nC.com right now for\n less than 5 per cent of that value. C.com is called \nCitigroup and in addition to\n its foreign exchange trading, which is the business I \nhave described, you get\n its other wholesale, retail and investment banking \nactivities and a leading\n insurance company thrown in. \n\n Of course, nobody would be so stupid as to value \nCitigroup in this way. Yet I\n have followed more or less exactly the methodology \nrecommended in the\n latest McKinsey quarterly for the valuation of new era \ncompanies. They use\n precisely analogous calculations to arrive at a valuation \nof Dollars 37bn for\n Amazon.com. \n\n Paul Gibbs, head of merger and acquisition research at \nJ.P. Morgan, recently\n used similar principles to confirm that assessment of \nAmazon. He then\n performed the same calculation for internet service \nprovider Freeserve. \n\n Assume that UK retail sales grow at 5 per cent a year, \nthat 25 per cent of\n sales take place on the net, that portals capture 50 per \ncent of these, that\n Freeserve gets 30 per cent of the portal share and \nmaintains an 8 per cent\n commission on sales. Multiply these together and you \nestablish that in 2017\n Freeserve will make profits of o2bn (Dollars 3.2bn). \nThis, he argues, justifies a\n value today of o6.50 per share. \n\n But I prefer T.com to Freeserve. T.com has a customer \nbase four times larger\n than Freeserve. Its franchise is stronger. Its customers \nare concentrated in\n the affluent south-east of England, where it faces \nvirtually no competition.\n Market research shows that more than 95 per cent of its \ncustomers use its\n essential services every day, many of them several times \na day. \n\n T.com also has ambitious plans for expansion. At present, \nits geographical\n coverage is less than one-quarter of the market in \nEngland and Wales. T.com\n has an interest in south-east Asia. The population of \nChina is 100 times the\n number of people who today can access T.com services. \nEven after the recent\n market correction, T.com, better known as Thames Water, \nstill has a market\n valuation below that of Freeserve. At the widest point \nbetween the old and new\n economies, Freeserve was worth four times as much. \n\n The reason the Citibank calculation is nonsense is \nsimple, but fundamental.\n The margins Citibank makes on its forex business vary \nwidely. If you buy\n small quantities of notes from a bank, the spread is much \nwider than 1 per\n cent. If you are a large corporation trading major \ncurrencies, the margin is\n wafer thin. Entry and competition force prices down to \nthe related costs. \n\n In Mr Gibbs's model, Freeserve earns profits of o2bn, \nabout equal to the\n current profits of Tesco, J. Sainsbury and Marks and \nSpencer together. And it\n earns these on revenues of only o2.5bn, so that profits \nare 80 per cent of the\n value of its sales. No established business earns margins \nof that size. \n\n Thames Water is one of a tiny number of companies whose \nmarket position is\n so strong, whose output is so necessary to life, that if \nit charged five times the\n current price we would have little choice but to pay. We \ndo have one option -\n to insist the government intervenes. It confines Thames \nWater to a return on\n its capital employed of about 6 per cent. \n\n The idea that profit is a return on capital invested \nstill has some role in new\n economy valuation, at the level of the overall market. \n\n There is a key formula in the new math. The required \nyield on a security is\n equal to the difference between the rate of return \ndemanded from that class of\n securities and its expected rate of growth. So, if you \nexpect a return of 5.5 per\n cent from a share whose dividends will grow at 5 per \ncent, calculations show\n that the dividend yield should be 0.5 per cent. \n\n This is the calculation done by James Glassman and Kevin \nHassett in their\n book Dow 36,000*. Claiming that sustainable dividends \naverage half of\n earnings, this yield equates to a price/earnings ratio of \n100 - implying a target\n of 36,000 for the US index. \n\n The trouble with this theory is that it takes too long to \nproduce what the\n investor is looking for. Investors will receive only \ntwo-fifths of the cash\n sustaining the valuation this century. One-third of the \ntotal depends on\n dividend cheques that will arrive after 2200. \n\n Two hundred years ago, well before the Dow Jones average, \nprudent,\n diversified investors would have owned slave traders and \nsugar plantations, or\n perhaps a bold speculation in that symbol of the then new \neconomy -a canal.\n The next 200 years may be more stable than the last and \nMicrosoft and Cisco\n may prove more enduring than plantations. But we can \nhardly be sure. \n\n While 5 per cent may be a reasonable assumption for the \ngrowth rate of\n dividends in the US economy as a whole, it is likely that \nwell before 2200\n most of these will come from companies not yet founded. \n\n Suppose we accept Glassman and Hassett's protests that \ntheir dividend\n growth expectations are conservative. If you raise them \nonly from 5 per cent to\n 5.25 per cent, the anticipated value of the Dow Jones \naverage is 72,000. At\n 5.5 per cent the formula breaks down because the shares \nof US companies\n are infinitely valuable. Not even the most credulous \ndotcom investor believes\n that. \n\n The math also works in reverse. If expectations of return \nare 6 per cent rather\n than 5.5 per cent, the market p/e ratio falls to 50 and \nthe value of the Dow\n Jones from 36,000 to 18,000. And if equity investors \nrequire a return of 8 per\n cent, you would have to conclude that shares are worth \nonly half their current\n level. \n\n An 8 per cent expected total return is not ambitious for \nan equity investor. A\n day trader might think you were talking about a weekly \nprofit rather than\n annual. Glassman and Hassett use a figure as low as 5.5 \nper cent - the return\n on Treasury bonds - because they argue that equities have \nso consistently\n outperformed bonds that there is now no risk associated \nwith equity\n investment. In other words, because equities are sure to \noffer higher returns\n than bonds, the expected yield on equities should be the \nsame as on bonds. \n\n You do not have to be Wittgenstein to spot the flaw. The \nrules of logic hold\n even in cyberspace, and so do the principles of \neconomics. Profits are hard to\n earn in competitive businesses, and markets that are not \ncompetitive are\n usually regulated. The value of companies ultimately \ndepends on their\n capacity to generate cash for shareholders. Distant \nreturns are uncertain.\n Share prices are volatile, and investors need to be \ncompensated for the risks.\n These truths are as valid in the new economy as the old. \n\n By all means do the math. Isaac Newton, who could do the \nmath better than\n most, gave up an annuity of o650 per year to invest in \nthe South Sea Bubble.\n In addition to the math, you need the econ, the pol, and \nperhaps the\n psychology. \n\n * Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the \nComing Rise in the\n Stock Market, James K. Glassman & Kevin A. Hassett, \nRandom House,\n 1999. \n\n The author a director of London Economics. \n\n Copyright , The Financial Times Limited ", "<19725105.1075856932804.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"business_job tradingTnn": {"value": "business_job tradingTnn", "ne": "business_job tradingTnn", "patterns": ["business_job tradingTnn"]}, "choice_option priceTnn": {"value": "choice_option priceTnn", "ne": "choice_option priceTnn", "patterns": ["choice_option priceTnn"]}, "company contribution_shareTnn": {"value": "company contribution_shareTnn", "ne": "company contribution_shareTnn", "patterns": ["company contribution_shareTnn"]}, "company insuranceTnn": {"value": "company insuranceTnn", "ne": "company insuranceTnn", "patterns": ["company insuranceTnn"]}, "469": {"value": "2200", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["company numericTnn"]}, "development_growth market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "development_growth market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["development_growth market_power0marketTnn"]}, "419": {"value": "36,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index_power numericTnn"]}, "market role valuationTnnn": {"value": "market role valuationTnnn", "ne": "market role valuationTnnn", "patterns": ["market role valuationTnnn"]}, "market valuationTnn": {"value": "market valuationTnn", "ne": "market valuationTnn", "patterns": ["market valuationTnn"]}, "218": {"value": "50", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric part_shareTnn"]}, "385": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric part_shareTnn"]}, "255": {"value": "100", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric peopleTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-1-2000-6:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-1-2000-6:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-1-2000-6:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "clayton.vernon@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <8598552.1075856784463.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 06:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: clayton.vernon@enron.com\nSubject: Re: russian loan guarantees\nCc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Clayton Vernon\nX-cc: Vasant Shanbhogue, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nClayton,\n\nMy understanding of the difference between ExIm Bank and OPIC: ExIm \nguarantees bank nad commercial transactions.\nOPIC provides insurance for physical assets located in foreign countries, \nowned by US investors. OPIC offers protection\nagainst political risk. ExIm guarantee, I think, covers commercial risk. Brad \nBlesie would know \nwhat exactly the difference is.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClayton Vernon@ENRON\n01/06/2000 01:46 PM\nTo: Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: russian loan guarantees\n\nVasant-\n\nHere is a CNN story on the Russian story I was alluding to. (Note the use of \nEx-Im loan guarantees as project insurance.)\n\nClayton\n\n\n\n", "Re: russian loan guarantees", "", [["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 32, "information", ["covers", "risk"], "information", " exim guarantee, i think, covers commercial risk."]], "Clayton,\n\nMy understanding of the difference between ExIm Bank and OPIC: ExIm \nguarantees bank nad commercial transactions.\nOPIC provides insurance for physical assets located in foreign countries, \nowned by US investors. OPIC offers protection\nagainst political risk. ExIm guarantee, I think, covers commercial risk. Brad \nBlesie would know \nwhat exactly the difference is.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClayton Vernon@ENRON\n01/06/2000 01:46 PM\n", "<8598552.1075856784463.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-1-2001-4:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-1-2001-4:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-1-2001-4:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "seth.hurwitz@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <11989757.1075856526421.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 04:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: seth.hurwitz@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Referral from Joe Hrgovcic\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Seth Hurwitz\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSeth,\n\nThanks for the resume.\nPlease, call my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, 3-5290, to set up a meeting.\n\nVince \n\n\n\n\nSETH HURWITZ@ENRON\n01/16/2001 10:51 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Joseph Hrgovcic/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Referral from Joe Hrgovcic\n\nVince, pursuant to your discussion with Joe, I am enclosing my resume for \nyour information. I would appreciate the chance to discuss rotation \nopportunities within Enron, particularly how a research position would relate \nto future commercial opportunities. \n\nFor your information, I am meeting with Maureen Raymond tomorrow. I will \ncall your assistant afterwards to set up a meeting. \n\nThank you.\n\nSeth\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Referral from Joe Hrgovcic", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 9, "nninformation", ["set", "crenshaw"], "intention", " please, call my assistant, shirley crenshaw, phonenumber , to set up a meeting."]], "Seth,\n\nThanks for the resume.\nPlease, call my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, 3-5290, to set up a meeting.\n\nVince \n\n\n\n\nSETH HURWITZ@ENRON\n01/16/2001 10:51 AM\n", "<11989757.1075856526421.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "crenshaw", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["assistant personnameTnn", "meeting personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-10-2000-8:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-10-2000-8:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-10-2000-8:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com marty.sunde@enron.com jeremy.blachman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12890129.1075856360021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 08:07:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nSubject: Requests for help\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, marty.sunde@enron.com, jeremy.blachman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, marty.sunde@enron.com, jeremy.blachman@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Marty Sunde, Jeremy Blachman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKrishna,\n\nI have received two additional requests for help from EES.\n\n1. Jeremy Blachman called and asked us to increase very significantly the \nlevel of\nour support of EES. It probably makes sense to set up a meeting with Jeremy \nASAP\nand discuss specifics (you, me, and it probably makes sense to invite Marty \nSunde\nas well).\n\n2. George Posey called and asked fro help with statistical sampling of Dublin\ncustomers. Please, give him a call to set up a meeting.\n\nI shall call you tomorrow to discuss both requests.\n\nVince", "Requests for help", "", [["invite personname", 24, "nninformation", ["invite", "sunde"], "intention", " it probably makes sense to set up a meeting with jeremy asap and discuss specifics (you, me, and it probably makes sense to invite marty sunde as well)."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 39, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " please, give him a call to set up a meeting."]], "Krishna,\n\nI have received two additional requests for help from EES.\n\n1. Jeremy Blachman called and asked us to increase very significantly the \nlevel of\nour support of EES. It probably makes sense to set up a meeting with Jeremy \nASAP\nand discuss specifics (you, me, and it probably makes sense to invite Marty \nSunde\nas well).\n\n2. George Posey called and asked fro help with statistical sampling of Dublin\ncustomers. Please, give him a call to set up a meeting.\n\nI shall call you tomorrow to discuss both requests.\n\nVince", "<12890129.1075856360021.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "29-1-2001-7:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-1-2001-7:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-1-2001-7:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "geoffrey_lubbock@nstaronline.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <22113196.1075856522607.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 07:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: geoffrey_lubbock@nstaronline.com\nSubject: Re: All best wishes for 2001\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Lubbock, Geoffrey\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGeoff,\n\nYou have very beautiful daughters. You must be a very proud father.\n\nI shall try to attend a few sessions of the CERA conference. You can also\ncall me when you are in Houston and we can meet for dinner and/or drinks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Lubbock, Geoffrey\" on 01/29/2001 11:49:52 \nAM\nTo: \"Vincent Kaminski (E-mail)\" \ncc: \nSubject: All best wishes for 2001\n\n\nVince\nLoved talking with you\nI'll be at the CERA conference in Houston Feb 12 through Feb 16\nIf I could manage to see you then I would enjoy it vey much\nGeoff\n <>\nPS it took me hours to produce the card which is hot off the press.\nBest wishes for health wealth and happiness for you and your family in 2001\n\n\n\n**********************************************************************\nThis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and\nintended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they\nare addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify\nthe system manager.\n**********************************************************************\n\n - XMAS2000.pdf\n\n", "Re: All best wishes for 2001", "", [["serve_attend conference", 8, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", " i shall try to attend a few sessions of the cera conference."]], "Geoff,\n\nYou have very beautiful daughters. You must be a very proud father.\n\nI shall try to attend a few sessions of the CERA conference. You can also\ncall me when you are in Houston and we can meet for dinner and/or drinks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\"Lubbock, Geoffrey\" ", {"cera conferenceTnn": {"value": "cera conferenceTnn", "ne": "cera conferenceTnn", "patterns": ["cera conferenceTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-1-2000-1:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-1-2000-1:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-1-2000-1:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "leewells@swbell.net", "", "Message-ID: <16987094.1075857002252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 01:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: leewells@swbell.net\nSubject: Re: Wayne Tow's resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: leewells@swbell.net\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDear Ms. Wells,\n\nI have forwarded the resume to some people at Enron.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nleewells@swbell.net on 01/25/2000 05:31:01 PM\nPlease respond to leewells@swbell.net\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Wayne Tow's resume\n\n\n\nHi there Mr. Caminski! It was a pleasure to speak with you today. I look\n\nforward to lunch one day soon at Brennans.\n\nWayne Tow is a brilliant man, He worked for many years for a man I know\nwell. This man says, Wayne is as good as it get, and he could do\nanything that is assigned to him, and do it at a level in which he was\nalways amazed.\nHe loves the E-commerce area, and this is what he wants to do\nThank you, Vince.\nLee Wells\n\n - Wayne2.doc\n\n", "Re: Wayne Tow's resume", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " i have forwarded the resume to some people at enron."]], "Dear Ms. Wells,\n\nI have forwarded the resume to some people at Enron.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nleewells@swbell.net on 01/25/2000 05:31:01 PM\nPlease respond to leewells@swbell.net\n", "<16987094.1075857002252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"people resumeTnn": {"value": "people resumeTnn", "ne": "people resumeTnn", "patterns": ["people resumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-11-2000-1:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-11-2000-1:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-11-2000-1:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "wolak@zia.stanford.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2078183.1075856535696.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 01:28:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: wolak@zia.stanford.edu\nSubject: Re:\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Frank A. Wolak\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nFrank,\n\nThanks. I have given your name to the employee Energy and Power Risk \nManagement\nmagazine who organizes Power2001 Conference in Houston (May of 2001).\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Frank A. Wolak\" on 11/28/2000 09:04:42 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: \n\n\nVince,\n\n Sorry about the delay in responding. It's the end\nof the quarter and I'm teaching 3 courses, so things are\nvery busy, plus I had to work on a response to the FERC\nProposed Order for California. Here is my student's CV.\n\n Please let me know if you need more information.\n\nFrank Wolak\n - jmyan_cv_new1.pdf\n\n", "Re:", "", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 7, "information", ["conference", "organizes"], "information", " i have given your name to the employee energy and power risk management magazine who organizes power numeric conference in houston (may of numeric )."]], "Frank,\n\nThanks. I have given your name to the employee Energy and Power Risk \nManagement\nmagazine who organizes Power2001 Conference in Houston (May of 2001).\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Frank A. Wolak\" ", {"ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["conference numeric powerTnnn", "conference numericTnn", "index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}, "conference powerTnn": {"value": "conference powerTnn", "ne": "conference powerTnn", "patterns": ["conference powerTnn"]}, "employee risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "employee risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "employee risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["employee risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "name", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["energy0power_power personnameTnn"]}, "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy0power_power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-3-2000-2:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-3-2000-2:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-3-2000-2:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "paige.grumulaitis@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <253704.1075863706097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 02:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: paige.grumulaitis@enron.com\nSubject: Thanks\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Paige B Grumulaitis\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPaige,\n\nThanks a lot for your presentation. It was an eye-opener in many cases.\n\nI shall schedule a meeting with you next week to discuss how we can help you\n\nin this project. I have some ideas I would like to run by you.\n\nVince\n\n\nP.S. Shirley, please see if Monday is OK for 30 mins?", "Thanks", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 5, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "intention", " i shall schedule a meeting with you next week to discuss how we can help you in this project."]], "Paige,\n\nThanks a lot for your presentation. It was an eye-opener in many cases.\n\nI shall schedule a meeting with you next week to discuss how we can help you\n\nin this project. I have some ideas I would like to run by you.\n\nVince\n\n\nP.S. Shirley, please see if Monday is OK for 30 mins?", "<253704.1075863706097.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"personnelpronoun projectTnn": {"value": "personnelpronoun projectTnn", "ne": "personnelpronoun projectTnn", "patterns": ["personnelpronoun projectTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-1-2000-4:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-1-2000-4:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-1-2000-4:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mark.palmer@enron.com", "traci.warner@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4165233.1075857003162.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mark.palmer@enron.com\nSubject: RE: WorldPower\nCc: traci.warner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: traci.warner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mark Palmer\nX-cc: Traci Warner, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMark,\n\nI have an inquiry from a publishing house who are preparing a book on the \nworld power markets.\nThey wanted us to sponsor it (at the cost of 19,000 pounds) but the reaction \nfrom our power desks\nwas lukewarm.\n\nThey are offering us an opportunity to advertise in this publocatio.\n I am attaching the message with the terms.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/21/2000 \n12:28 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Isherwood Production\" on 01/21/2000 06:40:08 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: WorldPower\n\n\n\nDear Mr, Kaminski,\n\nI have two advertising positions to offer you as follows:\n\n1. Outside Back Cover (plus 200 personalised books) o6,950.00\n2. Inside Front Cover Spread (plus 200 personalised books) o7,950.00\n\nPlease let me know which (if any) options you prefer.\n\nKind regards,\n\nAnna Liza\nSales Director\n\n*********************************\nWorldPower\nSuite 16, Imperial Studios\nLondon, SW6 2AG\nUnited Kingdom\n\ninfo@commodities-now.com\nwww.commodities-now.com\n\nTel: + 44 (0) 171 736 0774\nFax: + 44 (0) 171 736 1196\n - att1.htm\n", "RE: WorldPower", "", [["write_publish book", 3, "nninformation", ["book", "publishing"], "request", "mark, i have an inquiry from a publishing house who are preparing a book on the world power markets."]], "Mark,\n\nI have an inquiry from a publishing house who are preparing a book on the \nworld power markets.\nThey wanted us to sponsor it (at the cost of 19,000 pounds) but the reaction \nfrom our power desks\nwas lukewarm.\n\nThey are offering us an opportunity to advertise in this publocatio.\n I am attaching the message with the terms.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<4165233.1075857003162.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"cost_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price index_powerTnn"]}, "12": {"value": "19,000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cost_price numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-3-2000-3:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-3-2000-3:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-3-2000-3:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "gary.hickerson@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <23086460.1075856815741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 03:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: gary.hickerson@enron.com\nSubject: Fresh IDEA\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Gary Hickerson\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGary,\n\nDo you like this service? I can tell the guy to stop sending this\ninfo.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/31/2000 \n11:47 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Vadim Pokhlebkin\" on 03/31/2000 08:32:28 AM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Fresh IDEA\n\n\nGood morning Vince,\n\nWould your colleagues like to try our research for free for 30 days? I can\nsave you time by contacting them directly, so please let me know whom I may\ncall. I look forward to your reply.\n\nAs usual, attached are today's issues of our daily morning faxes:\n1. Fixed Income Today - US treasuries, agencies, and corporates' analyses,\n2. Financial Markets Today - FX majors and key bond markets' analyses.\n\nBest regards,\nVadim Pokhlebkin\nAccount Manager\nvpokhlebkin@ideaglobal.com\ntel. + 1 212 571 4332\nfax + 1 212 571 4334\n\nIDEAglobal.com\n140 Broadway, 21st Floor\nNew York, NY 10005, USA\n\nAny views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,\nexcept where the sender specifically states them to be the views of\nIDEAglobal.com. This email, its content and any files transmitted with it\nare intended solely for the addressee(s) and may be legally privileged\nand/or confidential. Access by any other party is unauthorized without the\nexpress written permission of the sender. If you have received this email in\nerror you may not copy or use the contents, attachments or information in\nany way. Please destroy it and contact the sender via the IDEAglobal.com\nswitchboard in one of the following three offices: New York +1 212 571 4332;\nLondon +44 171 430 2888; Singapore +65 332 0700\n\n - FIT0331a.pdf\n - FMT0331A.pdf\n", "Fresh IDEA", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 8, "nninformation", ["sending", "info"], "intention", " i can tell the guy to stop sending this info."]], "Gary,\n\nDo you like this service? I can tell the guy to stop sending this\ninfo.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<23086460.1075856815741.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "10-1-2000-4:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-1-2000-4:56:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-1-2000-4:56:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7237696.1075857005496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 04:56:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: elizabeth.grant@enron.com\nSubject: Interview\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Elizabeth Grant\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nElizabeth,\n\nWe would like to invite Bob Lee for an interview, January 24, Monday.\nHe will be interviewed by me, Stinson Gibner,\nZimin Lu, Paulo Issler, Vasant Shanbhogue, Krishnarao Pinnamaneni,\nGrant Masson.\n\nThanks\n\n\nVince", "Interview", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "elizabeth, we would like to invite bob lee for an interview, datenumeric , monday."]], "Elizabeth,\n\nWe would like to invite Bob Lee for an interview, January 24, Monday.\nHe will be interviewed by me, Stinson Gibner,\nZimin Lu, Paulo Issler, Vasant Shanbhogue, Krishnarao Pinnamaneni,\nGrant Masson.\n\nThanks\n\n\nVince", "<7237696.1075857005496.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"5": {"value": "lee", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["interview personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "31-1-2000-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-1-2000-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-1-2000-1:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "melissa.becker@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2371878.1075856775671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 01:04:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: melissa.becker@enron.com\nSubject: Wayne Tow's Resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Melissa Becker\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMelissa,\n\nPlease, take a look at this resume. Any interest?\nI got it from a headhunter (I don't know her,\nit was a cold call on her part and she did not make a good impression).\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2000 \n09:01 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nleewells@swbell.net on 01/25/2000 05:34:57 PM\nPlease respond to leewells@swbell.net\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Wayne Tow's Resume\n\n\n\nHi there Mr. Kaminski! It was a pleasure to speak with you today. I look\n\nforward to lunch one day soon at Brennans.\n\nWayne Tow is a brilliant man, He worked for many years for a man I know\nwell. This man says, Wayne is as good as it get, and he could do\nanything that is assigned to him, and do it at a level in which he was\nalways amazed.\nHe loves the E-commerce area, and this is what he wants to do\nThank you, Vince.\nLee Wells\n\n - Wayne2.doc\n", "Wayne Tow's Resume", "", [["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 14, "information", ["part", "make"], "information", " i got it from a headhunter (i don't know her, it was a cold call on her part and she did not make a good impression)."]], "Melissa,\n\nPlease, take a look at this resume. Any interest?\nI got it from a headhunter (I don't know her,\nit was a cold call on her part and she did not make a good impression).\n\nVince\n", "<2371878.1075856775671.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "15-12-2000-1:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-12-2000-1:47:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-1:47:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "norma.villarreal@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12498879.1075856247114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:47:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: norma.villarreal@enron.com\nSubject: A few loose ends\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Norma Villarreal\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNorma,\n\nThanks for your mesage.\n\n1. I shall ask Krishna to reduce his rollover to 40 hrs.\n\n2. Any resolution on bonus for Lance (October 2nd start)?\n Anita Dupont is in the same situation.\n\n3. Can you send me a copy of exit interview for Grant Masson?\n There is a special reason I need and I shall explain it to you in\n person.\n\n4. What time next week would be good for lunch? I would be glad \nto invite you Molly and Ramona. What about Friday the 22nd?\n\n\nVince", "A few loose ends", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 31, "nninformation", ["invite", "you"], "intention", " i would be glad to invite you molly and ramona."]], "Norma,\n\nThanks for your mesage.\n\n1. I shall ask Krishna to reduce his rollover to 40 hrs.\n\n2. Any resolution on bonus for Lance (October 2nd start)?\n Anita Dupont is in the same situation.\n\n3. Can you send me a copy of exit interview for Grant Masson?\n There is a special reason I need and I shall explain it to you in\n person.\n\n4. What time next week would be good for lunch? I would be glad \nto invite you Molly and Ramona. What about Friday the 22nd?\n\n\nVince", "<12498879.1075856247114.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "40", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hrs numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "22-8-2000-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-8-2000-2:28:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-8-2000-2:28:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16864354.1075856295689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 02:28:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nSubject: Re: li sun\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nNo problem. We shall invite her for an interview. A/A programs has real\nproblems with logistics.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jeffrey A Shankman 08/22/2000 05:11 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: li sun\n\nhi vince, i'm over in london so i'm sorry for not calling this morning. i \nmet li last year and at wharton. i'm sorry the a/a program did not contact \nyou earlier as they were supposed to. li is a great modeller and would love \nto work in your group. thanks for taking care of her. i'll be in touch \nlater. jeff\n\n", "Re: li sun", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", " we shall invite her for an interview."]], "Jeff,\n\nNo problem. We shall invite her for an interview. A/A programs has real\nproblems with logistics.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jeffrey A Shankman 08/22/2000 05:11 AM\n\t\n\n", "<16864354.1075856295689.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-3-2000-2:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-3-2000-2:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-2:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bryan.seyfried@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28421438.1075856765330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 02:13:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bryan.seyfried@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Trip to San Francisco 3/19-3/20/00\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Bryan Seyfried\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBryan,\n\nI talked to Vasant about the model review in London. He thought that he could \naccomplish this from Houston,\nbut I think direct communication makes things much easier. I think his trip \nto London\nmakes a lot of sense. KMV confirmed the meeting on the 20th. We hope to get \nmore information about\nthe scope of their model and assess its the applicability to your business.\nVasant, after a few days of immersion in your operations, will be able to \nassess better the usefulness of the\nmodel.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBryan Seyfried\n02/29/2000 03:35 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Trip to San Francisco 3/19-3/20/00 \n\nvince - it is highly unlikely that I can make the trip but I spoke with \nvasant today and he will try to get to london beforehand and will have good \nidea of our needs. hopefully this will not cause too many problems.\n\nbs\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n29/02/2000 15:57\nTo: William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT, Vasant \nShanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert.Rudy@kmv.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: Trip to San Francisco 3/19-3/20/00\n\nHello all:\n\nAttached is a copy of Vince Kaminski's itinerary for the trip to San Francisco\non March 20, 2000.\n\nPlease make your plans accordingly. If you need anything else, please\nlet me know\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\nAdm. Coord.\n713/853-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Trip to San Francisco 3/19-3/20/00", "", [["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 24, "nninformation", ["assess", "model"], "intention", " we hope to get more information about the scope of their model and assess its the applicability to your business."], ["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 30, "nninformation", ["assess", "model"], "intention", " vasant, after a few days of immersion in your operations, will be able to assess better the usefulness of the model."]], "Bryan,\n\nI talked to Vasant about the model review in London. He thought that he could \naccomplish this from Houston,\nbut I think direct communication makes things much easier. I think his trip \nto London\nmakes a lot of sense. KMV confirmed the meeting on the 20th. We hope to get \nmore information about\nthe scope of their model and assess its the applicability to your business.\nVasant, after a few days of immersion in your operations, will be able to \nassess better the usefulness of the\nmodel.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBryan Seyfried\n02/29/2000 03:35 PM\n", "<28421438.1075856765330.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"background_scope informationTnn": {"value": "background_scope informationTnn", "ne": "background_scope informationTnn", "patterns": ["background_scope informationTnn"]}, "communication directTnn": {"value": "communication directTnn", "ne": "communication directTnn", "patterns": ["communication directTnn"]}, "model_modeling operation_processTnn": {"value": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "ne": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling operation_processTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-11-2000-4:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-11-2000-4:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-4:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "hunter.shively@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18735274.1075856540487.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 04:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: hunter.shively@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting with Dale Nesbitt - Altos Management Partners\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Hunter S Shively\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHunter,\n\nThe meeting with Dale Nesbitt has been rescheduled to 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, \nNovember 7.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/06/2000 \n12:18 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: John Goodpasture @ ENRON 11/06/2000 11:58 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dave \nNeubauer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rockey Storie/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Robert \nHill/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly \nWatson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Robert Hayes/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Michael \nRatner/OTS/Enron@Enron, Yuan Tian/ET&S/Enron, Sarabeth Smith/ET&S/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \nSubject: Meeting with Dale Nesbitt - Altos Management Partners\n\nThe meeting with Dale Nesbitt has now been scheduled for 2:00 PM Tuesday, \nNovember 7, in EB 49C2 video conference room. Your attendance is welcomed. \n\nJNG\n", "Meeting with Dale Nesbitt - Altos Management Partners", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 7, "information", ["meeting", "rescheduled"], "information", "hunter, the meeting with dale nesbitt has been rescheduled to numerictime p."]], "Hunter,\n\nThe meeting with Dale Nesbitt has been rescheduled to 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, \nNovember 7.\n\nVince\n", "<18735274.1075856540487.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "25-5-2000-6:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"25-5-2000-6:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["25-5-2000-6:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "iris.mack@bnpparibas.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7129765.1075857066842.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 25 May 2000 06:33:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: iris.mack@bnpparibas.com\nSubject: Re: Re[4]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: iris.mack@bnpparibas.com\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nIris,\n\nWe can invite you for an interview to Houston.\n\nWhat would be a the time for you?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 05/25/2000 11:32:04 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Re[4]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nHi,\n\n Thank you for your prompt response. I am interested in any contacts you\nmay have in your rolodex.\n\n Also, I would be opened to talk to Enron as well. Please let me know \nmore\ndetails.\n\nKind regards,\nIris\n\n\n\nInternet\n\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 25/05/2000 16:19 GMT\n\n\nTo: Iris MACK\n\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski, Stinson.Gibner, Grant.Masson, Pinnamaneni.Krishnarao,\n Vasant.Shanbhogue\n\nbcc:\n\nSubject: Re: Re[2]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIris,\n\nI shall go through my Rolodex and try to find some good leads for you. I left\ninvestment banking 8 years ago and this field changes very fast.\n\nAlternatively, would you be interested in a company like Enron\nor another energy company in Houston?\n\nPlease, let me know.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 05/25/2000 09:20:01 AM\n\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc:\nSubject: Re[2]: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nHi,\n\n How are you? Thank you kindly for your email. Sorry I have not \nresponded\nsooner.\n\n Currently I am working in Derivatives Structured Products and Risk\nManagement at BNP Paribas in London. Although I currently enjoy living and\nworking in London, I may need to return to the states - because of my mother's\nfailing health.\n\n Do you know of any good contacts at investment banks that I may forward \nmy\ndetails to?\n\n For your information, I have attached my CV. (Please see attached file:\nIris Marie Mack.doc).\n\n Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.\n\n\nKind regards,\nIris Mack\n\n\n44 (0)20 7595 8665 (work)\n44 (0)20 7229 9986 (home)\n\n\n(See attached file: Iris Marie Mack.doc)\n\n\n\n\nInternet\n\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com on 04/04/2000 15:03 GMT\n\n\nTo: Iris MACK\n\ncc: Vince.J.Kaminski\n\nbcc:\n\nSubject: Re: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\n\nIris,\n\nPlease, feel free to give me a call when you have a few minutes.\nI shall be glad to chat with you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@paribas.com on 03/30/2000 02:24:27 AM\n\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: denis.autier@paribas.com\nSubject: Greetings from London (to Enron)\n\n\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\n\n How are you? It was nice to meet you at the Real Options conference\nin\nNYC.\n\n I was intrigued by some of the comments in your conference talk. In\nparticular, by your use of real options to hedge financial options. This\nis\nsomething I am interested in as well.\n\n When you have some time, could we chat about this topic in a bit more\ndetail?\n\n Thanks for your time and consideration. Hope to hear from you soon.\n\nRegards,\nIris Mack\n\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------\n\n\n\n\nThis message is confidential; its contents do not constitute a\ncommitment by BNP Paribas Group* except where provided\nfor in a written agreement between you and BNP Paribas Group*.\nAny unauthorised disclosure, use or dissemination, either\nwhole or partial, is prohibited. If you are not the intended\nrecipient of the message, please notify the sender immediately.\n*BNP Paribas Group is a trading name of BNP SA and Paribas SA\n\nCe message est confidentiel; son contenu ne represente en\naucun cas un engagement de la part du groupe BNP Paribas*\nsous reserve de tout accord conclu par ecrit entre vous et le\ngroupe BNP Paribas*. Toute publication, utilisation ou diffusion,\nmeme partielle, doit etre autorisee prealablement. Si vous n'etes\npas destinataire de ce message, merci d'en avertir immediatement\nl'expediteur.\n*Le groupe BNP Paribas est le nom commercial utilise par BNP SA et Paribas\nSA\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(See attached file: Iris Marie Mack.doc)\n\n\n\n\n - Iris Marie Mack.doc\n\n", "Re: Re[4]: Greetings from London (to Enron)", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "iris, we can invite you for an interview to houston."]], "Iris,\n\nWe can invite you for an interview to Houston.\n\nWhat would be a the time for you?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\niris.mack@bnpparibas.com on 05/25/2000 11:32:04 AM\n", "<7129765.1075857066842.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview iris_iris0mackTnn": {"value": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "ne": "interview iris_iris0mackTnn", "patterns": ["interview iris_iris0mackTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-11-2000-2:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-11-2000-2:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-11-2000-2:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ordonez@shasta.phys.uh.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5435266.1075856622115.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 02:41:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ordonez@shasta.phys.uh.edu\nSubject: Re: Greetings\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: carlos ordonez @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Resumes\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCarlos,\n\nPlease, forward their resumes to us and we shall set up an interview for them.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\ncarlos ordonez on 11/21/2000 09:30:08 AM\nTo: Stinson.Gibner@enron.com\ncc: vkamins@enron.com \nSubject: Re: Greetings\n\n\nDear Vincent and Stinson,\n\nBoth my students would love to come visit you guys for an informal\nvisit in the near future. Please let me know well ahead of time\nwhen they can come. If possible, see to it that their parking expenses\nbe paid when they do come.\n\n\nI'll be in touch with you all over the next months about this and\na possible postdoctoral/trainee agreement (World Lab.).\n\nCheers,\n\nCarlos\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Greetings", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "nninformation", ["forward", "resumes"], "request", "carlos, please, forward their resumes to us and we shall set up an interview for them."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 4, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "intention", "carlos, please, forward their resumes to us and we shall set up an interview for them."]], "Carlos,\n\nPlease, forward their resumes to us and we shall set up an interview for them.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\ncarlos ordonez ", [], false]}, "27-4-2001-3:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-4-2001-3:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-4-2001-3:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mike.roberts@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2255958.1075856428195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 03:51:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mike.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Recruiting for weather risk management group\nCc: christie.patrick@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: christie.patrick@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mike A Roberts\nX-cc: Christie Patrick, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMike,\n\nI am sending you a message regarding a potential candidate.\n\n\nPlease, take a look at him and see if he fits better our\ngroup or Mark Tawney's group.\n\nVince\n=20\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/27/2001=\n=20\n10:50 AM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Heather Thorne\" on 04/26/2001 08:55:56 PM\nTo: \"Christie Patrick\" , \"Vince Kaminsky\"=20\n\ncc: \"Greg Hunt home\" =20\nSubject: Recruiting for weather risk management group\n\n\n\n\nDear Vince and Christie,\n\n?\n\nI hope that you are both well, and are ready for the onset of summer in=20\nHouston!? I was disappointed that I was not able to see you at the final=20\nTiger Team presentations last month due to a family emergency.? I hope that=\n=20\nthe teams=01, analyses will be helpful to your work, and echo their appreci=\nation=20\nof your involvement and support.\n\n?\n\nI am writing with a question regarding recruiting for Enron=01,s weather ri=\nsk=20\nmanagement group. ?My boyfriend, Greg Hunt, is currently seeking=20\nopportunities to combine his background in meteorology (MS and 2 years of=\n=20\nresearch at Lawrence Livermore Nat=01,l Lab) and an MBA in finance and=20\ninformation technology.? I began thinking about Enron=01,s work in weather=\n=20\nderivatives, and realized that there could possibly be a great fit there.\n\n?\n\nI have copied Greg on this message, and would appreciate any suggestions yo=\nu=20\ncan offer regarding opportunities in this group. ?Thank you very much!\n\n?\n\nBest regards,\n\n?\n\nHeather\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\n?\n\nHeather N. Thorne\n\nMBA Candidate, 2001\n\nThe Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania\n\n2516 Pine Street\n\nPhiladelphia, PA 19103\n\n(215) 545-3022\n\n?\n", "Recruiting for weather risk management group", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 5, "information", ["potential**candidate", "sending"], "information", "mike, i am sending you a message regarding a potential candidate."]], "Mike,\n\nI am sending you a message regarding a potential candidate.\n\n\nPlease, take a look at him and see if he fits better our\ngroup or Mark Tawney's group.\n\nVince\n=20\n", "<2255958.1075856428195.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"risk_risk0management weatherTnn": {"value": "risk_risk0management weatherTnn", "ne": "risk_risk0management weatherTnn", "patterns": ["risk_risk0management weatherTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-12-2000-0:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-12-2000-0:5:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-12-2000-0:5:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com", "anita.dupont@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30106563.1075856532027.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:05:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com\nSubject: Lunch\nCc: anita.dupont@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: anita.dupont@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Bjorn Hagelmann\nX-cc: Anita DuPont, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBjorn,\n\nLet's meet 11:30 at the lobby. My cell phone number\nis 713 410 5396, just in case.\n\nDo you want me to make reservations? Can you drive \n(I took a bus today)?\n\nVince", "Lunch", "", [["make reservation{hotel}{dinner}", 9, "nninformation", ["make", "reservations"], "request information", " do you want me to make reservations?"]], "Bjorn,\n\nLet's meet 11:30 at the lobby. My cell phone number\nis 713 410 5396, just in case.\n\nDo you want me to make reservations? Can you drive \n(I took a bus today)?\n\nVince", "<30106563.1075856532027.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"case cell_cell0phoneTnn": {"value": "case cell_cell0phoneTnn", "ne": "case cell_cell0phoneTnn", "patterns": ["case cell_cell0phoneTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-5-2001-17:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-5-2001-17:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-5-2001-17:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <1942555.1075858471507.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 1 May 2001 17:19:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: The Next Transmission Roundtable\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nPlease, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 02:19 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nAnita DuPont@ENRON\n05/01/2001 12:51 PM\nTo:\tJean.Ryall@enron.com, Bill.Rust@enron.com, Steve.Walton@enron.com, Ron.Tapscott@enron.com, Sevil.Yaman@enron.com, Vasant.Shanbhogue@enron.com, Tom.Dutta@enron.com, Walter.Coffer@enron.com, vkamins@enron.com, Lloyd.Will@enron.com, martin.lin@enron.com, Christi.l.nicolay@enron.com, George.Hopley@enron.com, fred.mitro@enron.com, Patrick.Hanse@enron.com, Steve.Olinde@enron.com, Madhup.Kumar@enron.com, robert.kraszewski@enron.com, jeffrey_wilson@enron.net, john.moore@enron.com, Rmcnamar@enron.com\ncc:\tLance.cunningham@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com \nSubject:\tThe Next Transmission Roundtable\n\nThe next Transmission Roundtable will be on Wednesday, May 9, 2001, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in EB 49C1. Please notify me if you CANNOT attend. I will send another email soon with the menu we will be serving. Thanks. Anita\n", "The Next Transmission Roundtable", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 2, "nninformation", ["schedule", "put"], "request", "please, put on my schedule."]], "Please, put on my schedule.\n\nVince\n\n", "<1942555.1075858471507.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-4-2001-20:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-4-2001-20:17:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2001-20:17:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "iris.mack@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com amitava.dhar@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18880287.1075840780720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 20:17:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: iris.mack@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Enron Credit Model Docs for the Comparative Model Study -\n to be sent to Professor Duffie @ Stanford\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tamitava.dhar@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tamitava.dhar@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Iris Mack \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski , Vasant Shanbhogue , Amitava Dhar \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Credit\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nIris,\n\nWe can mention to Ben that the papers will be edited and \ncombined into a coherent review.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom:\tIris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/23/2001 01:49 PM\nTo:\tVasant Shanbhogue/ENRON@enronXgate, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amitava Dhar/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tFW: Enron Credit Model Docs for the Comparative Model Study - to be sent to Professor Duffie @ Stanford\n\n\nHi,\n\n\tAttached is a bit of feedback from Ben regarding the papers listed below.\n\n\tCan you help me out here?\n\nThanks,\nIris\n\n\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tParsons, Ben \nSent:\tMonday, April 23, 2001 3:05 AM\nTo:\tMack, Iris\nSubject:\tRE: Enron Credit Model Docs for the Comparative Model Study - to be sent to Professor Duffie @ Stanford\n\nHi Iris\n\nI would not include paper 8, as paper 7 supersedes it. Also how much rewriting of these papers do you envisage? Some of them are not up-to-date, or were written poorly and under time-pressure, so what do you envisage eventually sending to Duffie?\n\nthanks\n\nBen\n\n\nFrom:\tIris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 21/04/2001 22:30 CDT\nTo:\tBen Parsons/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tVasant Shanbhogue@/O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=NOTESADDR/CN=E6795104-40FF9820-86256525-68DAA0@EX@enronXgate, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Salmon/EU/Enron@Enron, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT, Nigel Price/LON/ECT@ECT, Tomas Valnek/LON/ECT@ECT, George Albanis/LON/ECT@ECT, Markus Fiala/LON/ECT@ECT, Craig Chaney/ENRON@enronXgate, Kim Detiveaux/ENRON@enronXgate, Amitava Dhar/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Mumford/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject:\tRE: Enron Credit Model Docs for the Comparative Model Study - to be sent to Professor Duffie @ Stanford\n\nHi Ben,\n\n\n\tI think I have read all the papers that are to be used in the comparative model study to be sent to Professor Duffie at Stanford. \n\n\tThese documents are all listed below. Please let me know if I have omitted any (However, don't get the impression that I am begging for more papers to read).\n\n\tNow I will try to transform my notes into a draft for Professor Duffie.\n\nThanks,\nIris\n\n\t\n\n\n\nList of Papers for Comparative Model Study\n\n1. Actively Managing Corporate Credit Risk: New Methodologies and Instruments for Non-financial Firms\nby R. Buy, V. Kaminski, K. Pinnamaneni & V. Shanbhogue\nChapter in a Risk Book entitled Credit Derivatives: Application for Risk Management, Investment and Portfolio Optimisation\n\n2. Neural Network Placement Model\nby George Albanis, EnronCredit (12/22/00)\n\n3. Pricing Parent Companies and their Subsidiaries: Model Description and Data Requirements\nby Ben Parsons and Tomas Valnek, Research Group\n\n4. A Survey of Contingent-Claims Approaches to Risky Debt Valuation\n by J. Bohn \nwww.kmv.com/products/privatefirm.html \n\n 5. The KMV EDF Credit Measure and Probabilities of Default\nby M. Sellers, O. Vasicek & A. Levinson \nwww.kmv.com/products/privatefirm.html \n\n6. RiskCalc For Private Companies: Moody's Default Model \nMoody's Investor Service: Global Credit Research\n\n7. Discussion Document: Asset Swap Model\nby Ben Parsons, Research Group (4/20/01)\n\n8. Asset Swap Calculator: Detailed Functional Implementation Specification (Version 1.0)\nby Ben Parsons, Research Group \n\n9. Discussion Document: Live LIBOR Bootstrapping Model\nby Ben Parsons, Research Group (4/20/01)\n\n10. The Modelling Behind the Fair Market Curves: Including Country and Industry Offsets\nby Nigel M. Price, Enron Credit Trading Group\n\n11. Pricing Portfolios of Default Swaps: Synthetic CBOs - Moody's versus the Full Monte (Carlo)\nby Nigel M. Price, Enron Credit Trading Group\n\n12. Placement Model v1.0: Discussion Document\nby Ben Parsons, Research Group, 2000\n\n13. Credit Pricing Methodology - EnronCredit.com\nby Ben Parsons, Research Group\n\n14. Correlation: Critical Measure for Calculating Profit and Loss on Synthetic Credit Portfolios\nby Katherine Siig, Enron Credit Group\n\n15. Discussion Document: VAR Model for Enron Credit\nby Ben Parsons, Research Group, (1/3/01)\n\n16. Methodology to Implement Approximate VAR Model for the Credit Trading Portfolio\nby Kirstee Hewitt, Research Group\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: FW: Enron Credit Model Docs for the Comparative Model Study -\n to be sent to Professor Duffie @ Stanford", "", [["attach_transmit_send agreement{sheet}{discussion}{cover}{draft}{document}", 6, "nninformation", ["duffie", "sent"], "intention", " enron credit model docs for the comparative model study - returnlinen to be sent to professor duffie @ stanford."]], "Iris,\n\nWe can mention to Ben that the papers will be edited and \ncombined into a coherent review.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom:\tIris Mack/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/23/2001 01:49 PM\n", "<18880287.1075840780720.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "16-4-2001-11:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"16-4-2001-11:7:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["16-4-2001-11:7:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "elena.chilkina@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7171216.1075840797059.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 11:07:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: elena.chilkina@enron.com\nSubject: Weather and energy price Data\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Elena Chilkina \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\UT\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nElena,\n\nPlease, prepare for Mulong NG and power price series. \nWe can use Henry Hub for NG, Cinergy, Cobb and PV for electricity.\n \nWe can send him NG price right away. Electricity prices are different: he has to obtain \npermission from FT (Megawatts Daily). I shall cc you on my msg to him.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001 02:03 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nmulong wang on 04/15/2001 03:43:26 AM\nTo:\tvkamins@ect.enron.com\ncc:\tRichard MacMinn \nSubject:\tWeather and energy price Data\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski:\n\nI am a PhD Candidate under the supervision of Drs. Richard MacMinn and\nPatrick Brockett. I am now working on my dissertation which is focused on\nthe weather derivatives and credit derivatives.\n\nCould you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about\nthe price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions?\n\nThe past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide, and there may be a\nsignificant price jump for natural gas or electricity. Could you\nplease offer me some energy price data during that time period?\n\nYour kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day!\n\nMulong\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Weather and energy price Data", "", [["organize_prepare_coordinate power0point{power0market}{conference}{risk0management}", 4, "nninformation", ["prepare", "power"], "request", "elena, please, prepare for mulong ng and power price series."]], "Elena,\n\nPlease, prepare for Mulong NG and power price series. \nWe can use Henry Hub for NG, Cinergy, Cobb and PV for electricity.\n \nWe can send him NG price right away. Electricity prices are different: he has to obtain \npermission from FT (Megawatts Daily). I shall cc you on my msg to him.\n\nVince\n\n", "<7171216.1075840797059.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"ability_power gas0price_priceTnn": {"value": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "ne": "ability_power gas0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["ability_power gas0price_priceTnn"]}, "cost_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price index_powerTnn"]}, "gas0price_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "gas0price_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["gas0price_price index_powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "27-3-2000-8:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"27-3-2000-8:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["27-3-2000-8:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ken.rice@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com jewel.meeks@enron.com mercedes.estrada@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19354946.1075857042451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ken.rice@enron.com\nSubject: Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, jewel.meeks@enron.com,\n\tmercedes.estrada@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, jewel.meeks@enron.com,\n\tmercedes.estrada@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Ken Rice\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Jewel Meeks, Mercedes Estrada\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Eci\\Eci\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKen,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are inviting Joe Hirko and Kevin Hannon to this meeting. We would \nappreciate if you could\nspeak, together with Joe and Kevin, on strategic directions of EBS. It is \nimportant for a group\nof technical people, with relatively specialized technical skills, to \nunderstand the big picture.\n\nI am attaching the preliminary agenda for this meeting.\n\nVince\n", "Enron Research and EBS Engineering and Operations Group Technical\n Forum", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 8, "nninformation", ["invite", "meeting", "organization", "you", "site"], "intention", "ken, i would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of john griebling's organization and the research group."], ["invite personname", 51, "information", ["inviting", "hirko"], "information", " we are inviting joe hirko and kevin hannon to this meeting."]], "Ken,\n\nI would like to invite you to an off-site meeting of John Griebling's \norganization\nand the Research Group. \n\nDate: April 27 - April 29\nLocation: Breckenridge, Colorado\n\n\nAs you know, John Griebling is managing the network design and construction \nproject\ncurrently under way in EBS. The Research Group is actively involved in this \neffort\nwhich requires advanced quantitative skills in the area of stochastic \noptimization and\nstochastic processes (for modeling and forecasting Internet traffic flows).\n\nThe objective of this meeting is to develop common language and accomplish \ntransfer \nof skills between the two groups, to facilitate cooperation on this project \nin the future.\n\nWe are inviting Joe Hirko and Kevin Hannon to this meeting. We would \nappreciate if you could\nspeak, together with Joe and Kevin, on strategic directions of EBS. It is \nimportant for a group\nof technical people, with relatively specialized technical skills, to \nunderstand the big picture.\n\nI am attaching the preliminary agenda for this meeting.\n\nVince\n", "<19354946.1075857042451.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"advanced skill_skill0areaTnn": {"value": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "ne": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "patterns": ["advanced skill_skill0areaTnn"]}, "agenda_schedule meetingTnn": {"value": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "ne": "agenda_schedule meetingTnn", "patterns": ["agenda_schedule meetingTnn"]}, "arrangement_organization meetingTnn": {"value": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "ne": "arrangement_organization meetingTnn", "patterns": ["arrangement_organization meetingTnn"]}, "common skillTnn": {"value": "common skillTnn", "ne": "common skillTnn", "patterns": ["common skillTnn"]}, "construction0project_project designTnn": {"value": "construction0project_project designTnn", "ne": "construction0project_project designTnn", "patterns": ["construction0project_project designTnn"]}, "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn": {"value": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "ne": "construction_construction0project design networkTnnn", "patterns": ["construction_construction0project design networkTnnn"]}, "cooperation project_taskTnn": {"value": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "ne": "cooperation project_taskTnn", "patterns": ["cooperation project_taskTnn"]}, "date locationTnn": {"value": "date locationTnn", "ne": "date locationTnn", "patterns": ["date locationTnn"]}, "direction strategicTnn": {"value": "direction strategicTnn", "ne": "direction strategicTnn", "patterns": ["direction strategicTnn"]}, "0": {"value": "ebs**engineering", "ne": "orgname0engineering", "patterns": ["forum operation orgname0engineering returnlinen technicalTnnnnn"]}, "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn": {"value": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "ne": "forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["forum_national0forum returnlinenTnn"]}, "meeting objectiveTnn": {"value": "meeting objectiveTnn", "ne": "meeting objectiveTnn", "patterns": ["meeting objectiveTnn"]}, "53": {"value": "hirko", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["meeting personnameTnn"]}, "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn": {"value": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "ne": "meeting site_site0cruiseTnn", "patterns": ["meeting site_site0cruiseTnn"]}, "model_modeling operation_processTnn": {"value": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "ne": "model_modeling operation_processTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling operation_processTnn"]}, "model_modeling optimizationTnn": {"value": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "ne": "model_modeling optimizationTnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling optimizationTnn"]}, "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn": {"value": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "ne": "model_modeling process stochasticTnnn", "patterns": ["model_modeling process stochasticTnnn"]}, "organization siteTnn": {"value": "organization siteTnn", "ne": "organization siteTnn", "patterns": ["organization siteTnn"]}, "project skillTnn": {"value": "project skillTnn", "ne": "project skillTnn", "patterns": ["project skillTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-2-2001-4:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-2-2001-4:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-2-2001-4:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17556479.1075856519586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 04:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com\nSubject: Re: FW: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The\n University of Texas at Austin\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Joseph Hrgovcic\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJoe, \n\nI shall probably ask Tanya to attend. It coincides with Parents' \nWeekend at Stanford. Please, send me the slides anyway.\n\nI shall help Tanya to prepare her presentation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Joseph Hrgovcic/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/12/2001 09:47 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: FW: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\n\n\nVince,\n\n I understand you'll be speaking at the CEFER conference. Gary Taylor, the \nhead of marketing in the Weather Deriv. group, would like to know if you plan \non mentioning weather derivatives at all and that if you do, he has numerous \nexisting slides and presentations that might be useful to you.\n\nJoe\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: Angela Dorsey [mailto:Angela.Dorsey@bus.utexas.edu] \nSent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 9:06 PM\nTo: Angela Dorsey \nCc: Ehud Ronn ; Sheridan Titman (E-mail) \nSubject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of \nTexas at Austin\n\nColleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and\nResearch (CEFER):\n\nHappy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.\n\nOn behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we\nwould\nlike to cordially invite you to attend our:\n\n2001 Energy Finance Conference\nAustin, Texas\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\nHosted by the University of Texas Finance Department\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\n\nDr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of\nfinalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the\nagenda\noutline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference\nsession will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest\nspeakers\non the designated topic.\n\nAs supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,\nrepresentatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,\nConoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.\nThe conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &\ndinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference\nmeals,\nsession materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel\nreservations are each participant's responsibility.\n\nA limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the\nRadisson\nHotel on Town Lake under the group name \"University of Texas Finance\nDepartment\" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the\nlatter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the\nConference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need\nto\ncontact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,\nJanuary\n22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know\nwhen you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the\nRadisson\ngives you the special room rate of $129/night.\n\nPlease RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN\nJANUARY 22nd to angela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu, or (512) 232-7386, as\nseating\navailability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to\nyour colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.\n\nCenter for Energy Finance Education and Research\nPROGRAM OF THE 2001 ENERGY FINANCE CONFERENCE\nFebruary 22 - 23, 2001\n\nThursday, Feb 22:\n\n3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for\ncheck-in\n5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to\nUT Club*\n6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor\n7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club\n8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker\n9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel\n\nFriday, Feb 23:\n\n7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT\n\n8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS\n Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)\n Sheridan Titman, UT\n John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.\n\n10:00 a.m. Coffee Break\n\n10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION\n Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)\n David Spence, UT\n Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital\nPartners/UT\n Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk\nAdvisors\n\n11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker\n\n1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center\n\n2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT\n Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)\n Vince Kaminski, Enron\n Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.\n Ehud I. Ronn, UT\n\n3:30 p.m. Snack Break\n\n3:45 p.m. Session 4 - GLOBALIZATION OF THE ENERGY BUSINESS\n Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)\n Bob Goldman, Conoco\n Ray Hill, Southern Co.\n\n5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up\n\n5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner\n\n6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance\nCenter\nTrustees\n\n\n*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the\nRadisson\nhotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an\nalternative hotel, then transportation to conference events\nwill become your responsibility.\n\n**************\nAngela Dorsey\nAssistant Director\nCenter for Energy Finance Education & Research\nThe University of Texas at Austin\nDepartment of Finance, CBA 6.222\nAustin, TX 78712\nangela.dorsey@bus.utexas.edu\n**************\n\n\n", "Re: FW: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The\n University of Texas at Austin", "", [["send_commit_attach presentation{slide}", 14, "nninformation", ["send", "slides"], "request", " please, send me the slides anyway."]], "Joe, \n\nI shall probably ask Tanya to attend. It coincides with Parents' \nWeekend at Stanford. Please, send me the slides anyway.\n\nI shall help Tanya to prepare her presentation.\n\nVince\n\n\n\nFrom: Joseph Hrgovcic/ENRON@enronXgate on 02/12/2001 09:47 AM\n", "<17556479.1075856519586.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"baylor0university_university energy0finance_financeTnn": {"value": "baylor0university_university energy0finance_financeTnn", "ne": "baylor0university_university energy0finance_financeTnn", "patterns": ["baylor0university_university energy0finance_financeTnn"]}, "conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn": {"value": "conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn", "ne": "conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn", "patterns": ["conference invitation_invitation0speakTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "2001", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["conference numericTnn", "energy0finance_finance numericTnn", "energy_energy0finance numericTnn"]}, "conference returnlinenTnn": {"value": "conference returnlinenTnn", "ne": "conference returnlinenTnn", "patterns": ["conference returnlinenTnn"]}, "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy0finance_financeTnn"]}, "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn": {"value": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "ne": "conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn", "patterns": ["conference_conference0participation energy_energy0financeTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-10-2000-8:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-10-2000-8:42:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-10-2000-8:42:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.goodpasture@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30020074.1075856268708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 08:42:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.goodpasture@enron.com\nSubject: Dale Nesbitt\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John Goodpasture\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nI talked to Dale Nesbitt. He suggested that the best way to evaluate his \nmodel is to\ngo through a one week intensive project with assistance of somebody from his \ncompany.\nOur cost is a flat fee of $12,500 that would be deducted from the purchase \nprice of $55,000,\nin case we buy the software package.\n\nThe price of 55K is indicative and will be adjusted based on the required \nlevel of support.\n\nDale will be in Houston next week. I have tentatively invited him to visit \nwith us on Tuesday,\nNovember 7, at 3:00 p.m. He will adjust if you are busy at this time.\n\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince", "Dale Nesbitt", "", [["evaluate_assess project{model}{approximation_estimate}", 5, "information", ["evaluate", "model"], "information", " he suggested that the best way to evaluate his model is to go through a one week intensive project with assistance of somebody from his company."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 33, "information", ["invited", "him"], "information", " i have tentatively invited him to visit with us on tuesday, datenumeric , at numerictime p."]], "John,\n\nI talked to Dale Nesbitt. He suggested that the best way to evaluate his \nmodel is to\ngo through a one week intensive project with assistance of somebody from his \ncompany.\nOur cost is a flat fee of $12,500 that would be deducted from the purchase \nprice of $55,000,\nin case we buy the software package.\n\nThe price of 55K is indicative and will be adjusted based on the required \nlevel of support.\n\nDale will be in Houston next week. I have tentatively invited him to visit \nwith us on Tuesday,\nNovember 7, at 3:00 p.m. He will adjust if you are busy at this time.\n\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince", "<30020074.1075856268708.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"25": {"value": "55", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["cost_price numericTnn"]}, "15": {"value": "$12,500", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "$55,000", "ne": "pricenumeric", "patterns": ["cost_price pricenumericTnn"]}, "example_model projectTnn": {"value": "example_model projectTnn", "ne": "example_model projectTnn", "patterns": ["example_model projectTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-3-2000-0:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-3-2000-0:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-3-2000-0:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "yannis.tzamouranis@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9744369.1075856755200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 00:31:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: yannis.tzamouranis@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Is this data of interest to any of you?\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, joseph.hrgovcic@enron.com,\n\tshirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Yannis Tzamouranis\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Joseph Hrgovcic, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nYannis,\n\nIt makes a lot of sense to get this info.\n\nAlso, You are welcome to make a presentation to the group this Thursday at \nlunch.\n\nPlease, call Shirley Crenshaw (X3-5290) to coordinate and order sandwich\nyou would like to have.\n\nVince\n\n\nJoe, Can you, please, babysit this presentation (make sure we have all the \naudiovisual\nequipment we need, etc.).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nYannis Tzamouranis\n03/28/2000 02:50 PM\nTo: Yannis Tzamouranis/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: Is this data of interest to any of you?\n\nFYI:\n\nThe following file describes the contents of the Monthly Energy Review \n(Application, Current, and Historical).\nThe data is available through a DoE site and we can get it for free and \nincorporate it in the LIM database, if there is interest.\n\nReview the attached file (look for keywords of interest) and let us know \nwhether need dictates loading these datasets.\n\nFor the \nMarket Analysis and Infomration Management Group,\nYannis C. Tzamouranis\nENRON IT\n\n", "Re: Is this data of interest to any of you?", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 8, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", " also, you are welcome to make a presentation to the group this thursday at lunch."], ["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 16, "nninformation", ["order", "crenshaw"], "intention", " please, call shirley crenshaw (x phonenumber ) to coordinate and order sandwich you would like to have."]], "Yannis,\n\nIt makes a lot of sense to get this info.\n\nAlso, You are welcome to make a presentation to the group this Thursday at \nlunch.\n\nPlease, call Shirley Crenshaw (X3-5290) to coordinate and order sandwich\nyou would like to have.\n\nVince\n\n\nJoe, Can you, please, babysit this presentation (make sure we have all the \naudiovisual\nequipment we need, etc.).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nYannis Tzamouranis\n03/28/2000 02:50 PM\n", "<9744369.1075856755200.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "18-1-2000-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-1-2000-0:58:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-1-2000-0:58:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "richard.causey@enron.com", "sally.beck@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13517370.1075856946805.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 00:58:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: richard.causey@enron.com\nSubject: Global Risk Management Initiative\nCc: sally.beck@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: sally.beck@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Richard Causey\nX-cc: Sally Beck, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRick,\n\nI read your memo regarding Global Risk Management Initiative. I am sending \nyou the\ninformation regarding a related initiative on which I have been working last \nyear and which\nis moving now into the implementation stage. It's Enterprise - Wide Risk \nManagement\nand it's really an effort to measure business risks consistently across the \ncompany.\nI hope my group can be helpful in designing the general approach to this \nproblem.\n\nPlease, let me know what your thoughts are.\n\n\nVince", "Global Risk Management Initiative", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 9, "nninformation", ["sending", "information"], "intention", " i am sending you the information regarding a related initiative on which i have been working last year and which is moving now into the implementation stage."]], "Rick,\n\nI read your memo regarding Global Risk Management Initiative. I am sending \nyou the\ninformation regarding a related initiative on which I have been working last \nyear and which\nis moving now into the implementation stage. It's Enterprise - Wide Risk \nManagement\nand it's really an effort to measure business risks consistently across the \ncompany.\nI hope my group can be helpful in designing the general approach to this \nproblem.\n\nPlease, let me know what your thoughts are.\n\n\nVince", "<13517370.1075856946805.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"approach generalTnn": {"value": "approach generalTnn", "ne": "approach generalTnn", "patterns": ["approach generalTnn"]}, "approach problemTnn": {"value": "approach problemTnn", "ne": "approach problemTnn", "patterns": ["approach problemTnn"]}, "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["enterprise0risk_risk management_risk0managementTnn"]}, "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["enterprise0wide_wide risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management risk_wide0riskTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-2-2000-7:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-2-2000-7:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-2-2000-7:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bambos@stanford.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32525469.1075856767476.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 07:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bambos@stanford.edu\nSubject: Re: [Fwd: Stanford Meeting]\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Nick Bambos @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNick,\n\nThe plan is OK, subject to unforeseen complications.\nMy flight from London was delayed and I had to spend a night in Newark, NJ.\nMy schedule for today was disrupted and I had to postpone my departure till \nFriday\nmorning. I should be at San Francisco around 10:00 a.m. if there is no delay.\nI should be able to meet you at noon at your office. \n\nPlease, confirm the meeting both to my office E-mail address and my private \naddress\n(vkaminski@aol.com). Can you give me the phone number\nat which I can reach you on Friday if there is a delay?\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNick Bambos on 02/24/2000 02:31:38 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: bambos@stanford.Stanford.EDU \nSubject: [Fwd: Stanford Meeting]\n\n\nVince, is this plan OK? Thanks. Nick\n\nNick Bambos wrote:\n>\n> Vince,\n>\n> Friday is fine. We can have lunch at the Faculty Club - you'll\n> be my guest. Shall we meet in my office in Packard 238 and\n> walk to the Faculty Club?\n>\n> Nick\n>\n> Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:\n> >\n> > Nick,\n> >\n> > I shall be in Stanford for Parents' Weekend (my son is a junior at\n> > Stanford).\n> > I plan to be on the campus Friday through Sunday this week. I shall be \nglad\n> > to meet you anytime during the weekend. What about a lunch on Friday?\n> > I would like to talk to you about Enron underwriting research projects by\n> > the graduate students\n> > at your department.\n> >\n> > You can reach me at Stanford at my son's phone number: 650 497 6938.\n> > Please, let me know if you are free for lunch and I shall make the\n> > reservation\n> >\n> > Vince\n> >\n> > Nick Bambos on 02/22/2000 12:54:15 PM\n> >\n> > To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\n> > cc: Ravi.Thuraisingham.Enron_Communications@enron.com, \ngappy@stanford.edu\n> > Subject: Stanford Meeting\n> >\n> > Dear Vince,\n> >\n> > Giuseppe tells me that you will be visiting Stanford soon\n> > and you you would like to meet with me. I would definitely\n> > be glad to meet you and talk further.\n> >\n> > Would you please let me know about the time of your visit\n> > and your availability to meet. I look forward to seeing you.\n> >\n> > Best Regards,\n> >\n> > Nick\n> >\n> > PS: Giuseppe and Amy came back very impressed by you are doing at Enron!\n> > Thanks for hosting them.\n\n", "Re: [Fwd: Stanford Meeting]", "", [["reach cell0phone", 27, "nninformation", ["you", "reach"], "request", " can you give me the phone number at which i can reach you on friday if there is a delay?"]], "Nick,\n\nThe plan is OK, subject to unforeseen complications.\nMy flight from London was delayed and I had to spend a night in Newark, NJ.\nMy schedule for today was disrupted and I had to postpone my departure till \nFriday\nmorning. I should be at San Francisco around 10:00 a.m. if there is no delay.\nI should be able to meet you at noon at your office. \n\nPlease, confirm the meeting both to my office E-mail address and my private \naddress\n(vkaminski@aol.com). Can you give me the phone number\nat which I can reach you on Friday if there is a delay?\n\nLook forward to meeting you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNick Bambos ", {"address_address0vkaminski privateTnn": {"value": "address_address0vkaminski privateTnn", "ne": "address_address0vkaminski privateTnn", "patterns": ["address_address0vkaminski privateTnn"]}, "individual_private meetingTnn": {"value": "individual_private meetingTnn", "ne": "individual_private meetingTnn", "patterns": ["individual_private meetingTnn"]}, "plan_program subject_topicTnn": {"value": "plan_program subject_topicTnn", "ne": "plan_program subject_topicTnn", "patterns": ["plan_program subject_topicTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-4-2000-1:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-4-2000-1:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-4-2000-1:49:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "nurit@math.utexas.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12103847.1075856933299.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 01:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: nurit@math.utexas.edu\nSubject: Re: offer\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Nurit Krausz @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNurit,\n\nWe are interviewing a number of candidates and will be able to\nmake a decision in the beginning of May.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nNurit Krausz on 04/21/2000 08:27:36 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski \ncc: \nSubject: offer\n\n\n\nDear Dr. Kaminski,\nI have received a good offer from another company, and I will have to give\nan answer shortly.\nI am writing you to find out what the status of my application is.\nI would like to stress that the position in Enron is my first preference.\nYours,\nNurit\n\n\n\n\n***********************************************************************\nNurit Krausz, Ph.D. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/nurit/\nDept. of Mathematics Phone: (512) 471-7170\nUniversity of Texas at Austin Office: RLM 11.170 Hours:MWF 8:30-10\n***********************************************************************\n\n\n\n", "Re: offer", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 2, "information", ["candidates", "interviewing"], "information", "nurit, we are interviewing a number of candidates and will be able to make a decision in the beginning of may."], ["make business", 4, "nninformation", ["candidates", "make"], "intention", "nurit, we are interviewing a number of candidates and will be able to make a decision in the beginning of may."]], "Nurit,\n\nWe are interviewing a number of candidates and will be able to\nmake a decision in the beginning of May.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nNurit Krausz ", [], false]}, "6-11-2000-8:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-11-2000-8:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-8:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <921141.1075856366837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 08:59:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\nSubject: Background information\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: piazzet@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTom,\n\nCan you send me additional copies of the information about the WeBI program? \nI want to distribute it internally.\n\nVince", "Background information", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 3, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "request", "tom, can you send me additional copies of the information about the webi program?"]], "Tom,\n\nCan you send me additional copies of the information about the WeBI program? \nI want to distribute it internally.\n\nVince", "<921141.1075856366837.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"background_scope informationTnn": {"value": "background_scope informationTnn", "ne": "background_scope informationTnn", "patterns": ["background_scope informationTnn"]}}, false]}, "13-10-2000-4:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"13-10-2000-4:11:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["13-10-2000-4:11:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20419483.1075856545123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 04:11:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: christie.patrick@enron.com\nSubject: Wharton\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Christie Patrick\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nChristie,\n\nI shall push my departure from Philly till late afternoon Friday to attend\nthe conference.\n\nVince", "Wharton", "", [["serve_attend conference", 6, "nninformation", ["attend", "conference"], "intention", "christie, i shall push my departure from philly till late afternoon friday to attend the conference."]], "Christie,\n\nI shall push my departure from Philly till late afternoon Friday to attend\nthe conference.\n\nVince", "<20419483.1075856545123.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-5-2001-5:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"7-5-2001-5:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-5:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "anurag.saksena@gmacrfc.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <32648742.1075856498695.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 May 2001 05:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: anurag.saksena@gmacrfc.com\nSubject: Re: A personal favor\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Saksena, Anurag\" @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAnurag,\n\nI shall talk about Vikas to our IT people.\nCan you send me his resume?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Saksena, Anurag\" on 05/07/2001 10:06:54 AM\nTo: \"'vkamins@ect.enron.com'\" \ncc: \nSubject: A personal favor\n\n\n\nVince,\n?\nI have left a voice mail to you and will wait to talk to you personally. My \nbrother Vikas, who is now in London, is trying to make a switch from \nconsulting world to working for a specific firm. Over last few months, I \nhave heard of great deal about the success of Enron on line business which \nfits well in the area of his expertise. I am wondering if you know of some \none in London who he can speak to regarding career opportunities. \n?\nSince I spoke to you last, a number of things have changed. Recently, my \nmanadate was broaden to include leading a charge for developing a risk \nmanagement function for both the domestic and international businesses for \nGMAC. Needless to say, this is exciting albeit making the life a little more \nhectic than usual.\n?\nTalk to you later.\n?\nAnurag\n?\n952- 857 - 6133\n\n", "Re: A personal favor", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 6, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " can you send me his resume?"]], "Anurag,\n\nI shall talk about Vikas to our IT people.\nCan you send me his resume?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Saksena, Anurag\" ", [], false]}, "9-10-2000-2:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"9-10-2000-2:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-10-2000-2:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mark.palmer@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <1508877.1075856637669.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 02:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mark.palmer@enron.com\nSubject: Enron in India\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mark Palmer\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMark,\n\nTwo points. \n\n1. You probably know about it already. ABHAY MEHTA, the author of \"Power \nPlay\", is on a\ntour of the United States. Please, take a look at the information about a \nmeeting last Sunday \nat Stanford University. The web site address is given below. My wife went to\nthe presentation and told me it was quite critical about Enron. About 40 \npeople attended.\n\n2. I was approached by John Martin, a professor of finance at Baylor, to \nwrite jointly an\nacademic paper on Enron for a financial journal. He wanted to work on an \narticle on EBS.\nI have suggested a different topic: Enron - Case Study of a Company \nReinventing Itself.\n\nI made a few points to John:\n\na. Enron's evolution did not just happen by accident.\nIt was a result of implementation of a far-reaching\nstrategy developed by the management.\n\nb. In the process of its evolution Enron changed its environment. I came up \nwith a term\n\"proactive evolution\", as opposed to \"reactive evolution.\"\n\nc. The strategy included many elements, including emphasis on the quality\nof human resources, changing corporate attitudes to risk taking and employee\nempowerment.\n\nd. There are very few companies that match Enron's experience and \naccomplishemnts.\n\nThe paper could become a standard reading at the MBA courses on corporate \nstrategy\nand would help greatly our recruiting efforts. \n\n\nWriting the paper would require interviews with Ken, Jeff and a few other key \nplayers. \nLet me know what you thing about it. John is really excited about this paper.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/09/2000 \n08:07 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVKaminski@aol.com on 10/07/2000 05:29:41 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Enron\n\n\nhttp://www.stanford.edu/group/sia/\n\n Stanford India Association \n", "Enron in India", "", [["write_publish book", 32, "information", ["paper", "write"], "information", " i was approached by john martin, a professor of finance at baylor, to write jointly an academic paper on enron for a orgname journal."], ["make business", 45, "information", ["made", "points"], "information", " i made a few points to john: a."], ["write_publish book", 98, "information", ["paper", "writing"], "information", " writing the paper would require interviews with ken, jeff and a few other key players."]], "Mark,\n\nTwo points. \n\n1. You probably know about it already. ABHAY MEHTA, the author of \"Power \nPlay\", is on a\ntour of the United States. Please, take a look at the information about a \nmeeting last Sunday \nat Stanford University. The web site address is given below. My wife went to\nthe presentation and told me it was quite critical about Enron. About 40 \npeople attended.\n\n2. I was approached by John Martin, a professor of finance at Baylor, to \nwrite jointly an\nacademic paper on Enron for a financial journal. He wanted to work on an \narticle on EBS.\nI have suggested a different topic: Enron - Case Study of a Company \nReinventing Itself.\n\nI made a few points to John:\n\na. Enron's evolution did not just happen by accident.\nIt was a result of implementation of a far-reaching\nstrategy developed by the management.\n\nb. In the process of its evolution Enron changed its environment. I came up \nwith a term\n\"proactive evolution\", as opposed to \"reactive evolution.\"\n\nc. The strategy included many elements, including emphasis on the quality\nof human resources, changing corporate attitudes to risk taking and employee\nempowerment.\n\nd. There are very few companies that match Enron's experience and \naccomplishemnts.\n\nThe paper could become a standard reading at the MBA courses on corporate \nstrategy\nand would help greatly our recruiting efforts. \n\n\nWriting the paper would require interviews with Ken, Jeff and a few other key \nplayers. \nLet me know what you thing about it. John is really excited about this paper.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<1508877.1075856637669.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"address web0siteTnn": {"value": "address web0siteTnn", "ne": "address web0siteTnn", "patterns": ["address web0siteTnn"]}, "attitude_position riskTnn": {"value": "attitude_position riskTnn", "ne": "attitude_position riskTnn", "patterns": ["attitude_position riskTnn"]}, "case0study companyTnn": {"value": "case0study companyTnn", "ne": "case0study companyTnn", "patterns": ["case0study companyTnn"]}, "company issue_topicTnn": {"value": "company issue_topicTnn", "ne": "company issue_topicTnn", "patterns": ["company issue_topicTnn"]}, "development_evolution processTnn": {"value": "development_evolution processTnn", "ne": "development_evolution processTnn", "patterns": ["development_evolution processTnn"]}, "employee risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "employee risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "employee risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["employee risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "human resourceTnn": {"value": "human resourceTnn", "ne": "human resourceTnn", "patterns": ["human resourceTnn"]}, "22": {"value": "40", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric peopleTnn"]}, "paper reading_versionTnn": {"value": "paper reading_versionTnn", "ne": "paper reading_versionTnn", "patterns": ["paper reading_versionTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-4-2000-3:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-4-2000-3:49:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-4-2000-3:49:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com", "bryan.seyfried@enron.com benjamin.parsons@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5910744.1075856742912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 03:49:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com\nSubject: Re: London Research Development platform\nCc: bryan.seyfried@enron.com, benjamin.parsons@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: bryan.seyfried@enron.com, benjamin.parsons@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Vasant Shanbhogue\nX-cc: Bryan Seyfried, Benjamin Parsons\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nVasant,\n\nMy preference is C, because of its portability. The hardware and operating \nsystems\nchange so fast that we have to use the most flexible\ndevelopment environment.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nVasant Shanbhogue\n04/26/2000 10:03 AM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: London Research Development platform\n\nI have spoken with Bryan Seyfried and Ben Parsons on the issue of model \ndevelopment platform, esp for Credit Trading group. People besides Ben will \nbe modeling in Bryan's group, and C is not a language they know. One of them \nis coding in MATLAB, and the IT group is doing Visual Basic. IT prefers not \nto support MATLAB, and would also prefer not to support C, because this would \nmake their life easier. Bryan and Ben need to make a decision as to what is \nthe common platform of choice that is best for them, taking IT in mind. Ben \nhas said that if the choice is C, he can enforce everybody learn C, and can \nlook into getting some function libraries (if needed). Similarly, if the \nchoice is VB, he can enforce common use of VB.\nWe need to of course ensure that other members of Research can crosscheck the \ncode.\nWhat are your thoughts on C, VB, or MATLAB? \n\nVasant\n\n", "Re: London Research Development platform", "", [["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 10, "nninformation", ["systems", "use"], "intention", " the hardware and operating systems change so fast that we have to use the most flexible development environment."]], "Vasant,\n\nMy preference is C, because of its portability. The hardware and operating \nsystems\nchange so fast that we have to use the most flexible\ndevelopment environment.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nVasant Shanbhogue\n04/26/2000 10:03 AM\n", "<5910744.1075856742912.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-5-2000-2:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-5-2000-2:34:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-5-2000-2:34:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "elizabeth.grant@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3570177.1075856987219.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 May 2000 02:34:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Re: real options openings?\nCc: elizabeth.grant@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: elizabeth.grant@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Elizabeth Grant, Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nAustin. Please, set up an interview with me, Stinson, Zimin, Vasant, Grant,\nPaulo, Krishna. Sometimes next week.\n\nLet's make it a formal interview (coordinated through Elizabeth Grant).\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n05/08/2000 09:27 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: real options openings? \n\nVince:\n\nIs this gentleman in Houston? When do you want to bring him over - next\nweek?\n\nThanks!\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n05/08/2000 09:25 AM\nTo: Christopher M Kenyon @ ENRON\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: real options openings? \n\nChris,\n\nWe shall make arrangements to bring you over for an interview.\nOur HR Department will contact you later this week.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nChristopher M Kenyon on 05/05/2000 07:56:11 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: real options openings?\n\n\nDear Vince Kaminski,\n I was auditing Prof Dyer's Real Options class on Thursday when you spoke\non Enron's activities in this area. I would be interested in exploring the\npossibility of joining the group that works on real options in response to\nand in anticipation of Enron's business requirements. I'm currently\nworking in the development and application of real options methodology at\nSchlumberger. In particular I'll be speaking at an industry Real Options\nValuation conference in London (http://www.iqpc.co.uk/finance/rov/) and I\njust had the paper accepted for publication in Operations Research. Could\nyou pass my resume on to the relevant people to have a look at?\n\nThanks in advance,\n\nChris Kenyon\n\n - cmkenyon_cv_may00.doc\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: real options openings?", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 4, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "request", " please, set up an interview with me, stinson, zimin, vasant, grant, paulo, krishna."], ["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 13, "nninformation", ["interview", "make"], "intention", " let's make it a formal interview (coordinated through elizabeth grant)."]], "Shirley,\n\nAustin. Please, set up an interview with me, Stinson, Zimin, Vasant, Grant,\nPaulo, Krishna. Sometimes next week.\n\nLet's make it a formal interview (coordinated through Elizabeth Grant).\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n05/08/2000 09:27 AM\n", "<3570177.1075856987219.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"formal interviewTnn": {"value": "formal interviewTnn", "ne": "formal interviewTnn", "patterns": ["formal interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-2-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-2-2000-9:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-2-2000-9:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "karen.marshall@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com ravi.thuraisingham@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17026714.1075856999088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 09:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: karen.marshall@enron.com\nSubject: Re: MIT Offers\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\travi.thuraisingham@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Karen Marshall\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Ravi Thuraisingham\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKaren,\n\nThe total of 5 offers. I sent you 2 CVs electronically, 2 hard copies to \nCharlene.\nPaulo's resume will follow.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKaren Marshall\n02/22/2000 03:51 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ginger B Gamble/HOU/ECT@ECT, Celeste \nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: MIT Offers\n\nVince,\n\nDo you want 3 offers extended or 5? I just noticed that you plan to fax two \nadditional resumes. If so, when can I expect the additional resumes?\n\nKaren \n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000 \n03:38 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nKaren Marshall\n02/22/2000 03:37 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ginger B Gamble/HOU/ECT@ECT, Celeste \nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: MIT Offers\n\nVince,\n\nI will handle the offer letters for the candidates. I have the resumes for \nDarten Williams and Sevil Yaman. I know you only provided the e-mail memo \nfor Paulo Rocha, but I really need his resume in order to capture the \nnecessary information for his offer letter.\n\nPlease have him e-mail it to me at Karen.Marshall@Enron.com\n\nThanks,\n\nKaren Marshall\nRecruiting Manager\n\n\n\n", "Re: MIT Offers", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 5, "information", ["you", "sent"], "information", " i sent you numeric cvs electronically, numeric hard copies to charlene."]], "Karen,\n\nThe total of 5 offers. I sent you 2 CVs electronically, 2 hard copies to \nCharlene.\nPaulo's resume will follow.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKaren Marshall\n02/22/2000 03:51 PM\n", "<17026714.1075856999088.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"7": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric personnelpronounTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-3-2001-23:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-3-2001-23:54:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-3-2001-23:54:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9620803.1075856515773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 23:54:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Jeff Shankman Briefing\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nShould we make arrangements for lunch?\nWhat about inviting Brad Romine: he was instrumental in\nforming this relationship?\n\nVince\n\nShirley, please include on my calendar.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n03/06/2001 04:10 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandeep Kohli@Enron, Anshuman \nSrivastav/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Jeff Shankman Briefing\n\nWe are on Jeff's calendar from 2:00-2:30 on Friday, March 9th.\n\n\nVince: EBS meetings are currently 9-10 AM in 19c2: discussion with Paul \nRacicot\n and 1-2 PM (location TBA) Giuseppe Paleologo presentation on IP \ntrading.\n\n\n--Stinson\n\n\n", "Re: Jeff Shankman Briefing", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 4, "nninformation", ["arrangements", "make"], "request information", "stinson, should we make arrangements for lunch?"], ["invite personname", 7, "nninformation", ["inviting", "romine"], "request information", " what about inviting brad romine: he was instrumental in forming this relationship?"]], "Stinson,\n\nShould we make arrangements for lunch?\nWhat about inviting Brad Romine: he was instrumental in\nforming this relationship?\n\nVince\n\nShirley, please include on my calendar.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n03/06/2001 04:10 PM\n", "<9620803.1075856515773.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "24-1-2001-1:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-1-2001-1:46:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-1-2001-1:46:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "craig.fox@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <17339236.1075856457734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 01:46:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: craig.fox@enron.com\nSubject: A resume I received\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Craig A Fox\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCraig,\n\nThis is a resume I have received. \nHe does not fit my group.\nAny interest?\n\n\nVince", "A resume I received", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 1, "information", ["received", "resume"], "information", "a resume i received."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 4, "information", ["received", "resume"], "information", "craig, this is a resume i have received."]], "Craig,\n\nThis is a resume I have received. \nHe does not fit my group.\nAny interest?\n\n\nVince", "<17339236.1075856457734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "22-12-2000-9:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"22-12-2000-9:0:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["22-12-2000-9:0:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mike.roberts@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18941793.1075856383641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 09:00:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mike.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Weather Person for London EGM\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mike A Roberts\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMike,\n\nPlease, schedule an interview with this guy.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 12/22/2000 \n05:01 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jennifer Fraser 12/21/2000 07:32 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Mahoney/LON/ECT@ECT, Mike A \nRoberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stewart Peter/LON/ECT@ECT, Niamh Clarke/LON/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Weather Person for London EGM\n\nFolks:\nWe interviewed three candidates. One of the three (Tony Hamilton) seems to \nbe a very good fit within the Enron culture and values.\nRecommended Next Steps\nVince, Mike and Jeff interview Tony via video conference or avistar\n\nTony Hamilton Key Strengths\nQuick thinker\nGood teams skills\nDriven - will be able to get the project off the ground quickly\nHas a commercial attitude\nSees \"the big picture\"\n\nTony Hamilton is available for follow up interviews the first week of January.\nThanks\nJen\n", "Weather Person for London EGM", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 3, "nninformation", ["interview", "schedule"], "request", "mike, please, schedule an interview with this guy."]], "Mike,\n\nPlease, schedule an interview with this guy.\n\nVince\n", "<18941793.1075856383641.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "3-1-2001-0:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-1-2001-0:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-1-2001-0:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "osman.sezgen@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kevin.kindall@enron.com tanya.tamarchenko@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17099014.1075856462743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: osman.sezgen@enron.com\nSubject: Re: VAR for business risk\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kevin.kindall@enron.com,\n\ttanya.tamarchenko@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Osman Sezgen\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kevin Kindall, Tanya Tamarchenko\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nOsman,\n\nKevin Kindall is working on the \nmethods for operational risk.\n\nPlease, schedule a meeting with him and Tanya\n(myself included).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nOsman Sezgen@EES\n01/02/2001 02:02 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: VAR for business risk\n\nVince,\n\nI am sorry that I had to miss the staff meeting today.\n\nI am working on the PremiumPower issues--trying to set up a \nmeeting with Global Markets. I read their Business Plan and \nwill talk to Vasant to update him on the types of products they are\ndeveloping.\n\nAnother set of issues is related to including business risk (non-market risk)\ninto the VAR calculations. Several groups here need such\nmethodologies. Can we set up a brainstorming session when your \nschedule permits? \n\nHappy New Year,\nOsman\n\n\n\n", "Re: VAR for business risk", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 10, "nninformation", ["meeting", "schedule"], "intention", " please, schedule a meeting with him and tanya (myself included)."]], "Osman,\n\nKevin Kindall is working on the \nmethods for operational risk.\n\nPlease, schedule a meeting with him and Tanya\n(myself included).\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nOsman Sezgen@EES\n01/02/2001 02:02 PM\n", "<17099014.1075856462743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"operational riskTnn": {"value": "operational riskTnn", "ne": "operational riskTnn", "patterns": ["operational riskTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-1-2001-9:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"9-1-2001-9:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-1-2001-9:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "christie.patrick@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18840268.1075856461056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 09:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: christie.patrick@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Tiger Team Agenda\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Christie Patrick\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHi, Christe\n\nThanks. The objective of the meeting with Jeff Shankman is to use his powers \nof persuasion\nto make sure that John Arnold and Louise Kitchen can make presentations to \nthe Tiger\nTeam. We can also talk to them about getting some other people from their \nunits to make presentations \nto the team.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick\n01/09/2001 04:59 PM\nTo: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nArnold/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ina \nRangel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tammie Schoppe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristin Gandy/NA/Enron@Enron, \nMelinda McCarty/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Tiger Team Agenda\n\nFriends:\n\nAttached are the detailed arrangements we've made to date for the Tiger Team \nVisit.\n\n\n\nThanks!\n\n--Christie.\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 \n04:54 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n01/09/2001 02:55 PM\nTo: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT, John \nArnold/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melinda \nMcCarty/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ina Rangel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tammie Schoppe/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Tiger Team Agenda\n\nHello everyone:\n\nA meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 16th at 3:30 PM. in\nJeff Shankman's office (EB3330). This meeting will be to put together the \nagenda for the Wharton \"Tiger Team\" group that will be arriving on \nThursday the 18th. \n\nPlease mark your calendars.\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Tiger Team Agenda", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 16, "nninformation", ["make", "presentations"], "intention", " the objective of the meeting with jeff shankman is to use his powers of persuasion to make sure that john arnold and louise kitchen can make presentations to the tiger team."], ["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 24, "nninformation", ["make", "presentations"], "intention", " we can also talk to them about getting some other people from their units to make presentations to the team."]], "Hi, Christe\n\nThanks. The objective of the meeting with Jeff Shankman is to use his powers \nof persuasion\nto make sure that John Arnold and Louise Kitchen can make presentations to \nthe Tiger\nTeam. We can also talk to them about getting some other people from their \nunits to make presentations \nto the team.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nChristie Patrick\n01/09/2001 04:59 PM\n", "<18840268.1075856461056.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"meeting objectiveTnn": {"value": "meeting objectiveTnn", "ne": "meeting objectiveTnn", "patterns": ["meeting objectiveTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-1-2001-0:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-1-2001-0:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-1-2001-0:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com john.nowlan@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19699736.1075856239429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 00:32:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, john.nowlan@enron.com\nSubject: Petronas - a short courtesy meeting on Feb 8\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeffrey A Shankman, John L Nowlan\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff and John,\n\nI was contacted by Petronas who requested a meeting\nwith Enron on risk management. I have met with them\na few years ago and they want to discuss with us \ntheir progress implementing risk management practices.\n\nI shall arrange the meeting and get RAC involved.\nWould you like to meet them for a short courtesy meeting \n(5 - 10 minutes)?\n\nUnfortunately, they gave us no choice as far as the timing is concerned\n(given a very tight schedule). They want to visit on Thursday, Feb. 8,\nat 10 a.m. I shall take them out to lunch after the meeting.\n\nVince", "Petronas - a short courtesy meeting on Feb 8", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 15, "nninformation", ["arrange", "meeting"], "intention", " i shall arrange the meeting and get rac involved."]], "Jeff and John,\n\nI was contacted by Petronas who requested a meeting\nwith Enron on risk management. I have met with them\na few years ago and they want to discuss with us \ntheir progress implementing risk management practices.\n\nI shall arrange the meeting and get RAC involved.\nWould you like to meet them for a short courtesy meeting \n(5 - 10 minutes)?\n\nUnfortunately, they gave us no choice as far as the timing is concerned\n(given a very tight schedule). They want to visit on Thursday, Feb. 8,\nat 10 a.m. I shall take them out to lunch after the meeting.\n\nVince", "<19699736.1075856239429.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"courtesy meetingTnn": {"value": "courtesy meetingTnn", "ne": "courtesy meetingTnn", "patterns": ["courtesy meetingTnn"]}, "24": {"value": "10**minutes", "ne": "numeric0minute", "patterns": ["meeting numeric0minuteTnn", "numeric numeric0minuteTnn"]}, "23": {"value": "5", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["meeting numericTnn", "numeric numeric0minuteTnn"]}, "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "meeting risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["meeting risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "practice risk0managementTnn": {"value": "practice risk0managementTnn", "ne": "practice risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["practice risk0managementTnn"]}, "progress risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "progress risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "progress risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["progress risk_risk0managementTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-3-2000-23:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-3-2000-23:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2000-23:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jason.sokolov@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <10986671.1075856941531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 23:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jason.sokolov@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Say hello to a new summer associate\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jason Sokolov\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJason,\n\nNo problem. I am glad I could help. They finally called a few\ndays ago when they had to make the decision.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jason Sokolov 03/02/2000 06:07 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Say hello to a new summer associate\n\nVince,\nI received the letter from A&A program last night.\nThey offered me a position of a summer associate, and I have to accept it by \nMarch 13.\nThis is a tremendous news for me, and I am looking forward to this summer.\n\nThanks for all your help,\n\nJason Sokolov\n\n", "Re: Say hello to a new summer associate", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 6, "information", ["decision", "make"], "information", " they finally called a few days ago when they had to make the decision."]], "Jason,\n\nNo problem. I am glad I could help. They finally called a few\ndays ago when they had to make the decision.\n\nVince\n\n\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Jason Sokolov 03/02/2000 06:07 AM\n\t\n\n", "<10986671.1075856941531.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "23-6-2000-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"23-6-2000-1:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["23-6-2000-1:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ehilton@earthlink.net", "", "Message-ID: <7794437.1075856562681.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 01:15:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ehilton@earthlink.net\nSubject: Re: replied resume\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Eric Hilton @ ENRON\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEric,\n\nI have forwarded your resume to a number of units of Enron.\nMy group hires candidates with advanced degrees in science=20\nand mathematics.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton on 06/22/2000 11:20:11 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: =20\nSubject: replied resume\n\n\nMr. Kaminski,=20\n\n??????? I sent an actual resume via the postal service. I guess you never=\n=20\nreceived it. Thank you for your patience.=20\n\nA few features I possess that suggest that I may be a representative your=\n=20\nwell established company would value are:=20\n\n?Seven-plus years as a manager/junior executive of logistics in a fast-pace=\nd,=20\ndemanding, and constantly evolving retail industry.\nExperience in effectively developing and implementing policies and tasks=20\nunder marketing, logistics, brand management, and best practices.\nBA degree in Marketing with a 3.88 GPA from the University of San Moritz,=\n=20\nLondon England.\nExtensive knowledge in management with the ability to effectively manage=20\nmultiple tasks, as well as multiple associates, to achieve specific goals i=\nn=20\nresearch and brand management within the company's deadline.\nSeven-plus years effectively implementing and teaching dynamic and successf=\nul=20\ncustomer service.\n\nWith my current employer, I am in charge of logistics research and=20\nreports/data collection, as well as responsible for developing new and=20\nsuccessful ideas and implementing them under constantly evolving brand=20\nmanagement and best practices.=20\n\nTraveling to London, England and extensively finishing my degree indicates=\n=20\nthat I am willing to go the =01&extra mile=018 to achieve and obtain my goa=\nls.=20\n\nPerhaps, Mr. Kaminiski,? I am an associate you need at your well-respected=\n=20\ncompany. I would be very happy to meet with you, at your convenience, to=20\ndiscuss the possibility of putting my education and experience to work for=\n=20\nEnron.=20\n\nThank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. I hav=\ne=20\nattached my resume to this email formatted under Microsoft Word.=20\n\nWarmest Regards,=20\nEric Hilton=20\n?\n - MY RESUME\n\n", "Re: replied resume", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", "eric, i have forwarded your resume to a number of units of enron."]], "Eric,\n\nI have forwarded your resume to a number of units of Enron.\nMy group hires candidates with advanced degrees in science=20\nand mathematics.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton ", {"resume unitTnn": {"value": "resume unitTnn", "ne": "resume unitTnn", "patterns": ["resume unitTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-12-2000-2:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"7-12-2000-2:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-12-2000-2:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "al3v@andrew.cmu.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20610530.1075856635361.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 02:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: al3v@andrew.cmu.edu\nSubject: re:developing my electricity model at Enron\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: aziz lookman @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\Universities\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAziz,\n\nYes. If you are interested in joining us next summer as an intern,\nwe would be very happy to have you.\n\nPlease, send me your resume.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\naziz lookman on 12/06/2000 01:11:57 PM\nTo: vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: re:developing my electricity model at Enron\n\n\n\nDr. Kaminski:\n\nI am the PhD student at the business school at Carnegie Mellon who is\ninterested in energy modeling. Thanks once again for taking the time\nto talk with me about my model for electricity during your recent\nvisit to Carnegie Mellon. During our conversation, you had mentioned\nthe possibility of my coming out to Enron to work on developing my\nmodel, possibly through an internship. Is this still an option? If so,\ncould you please advise me how to proceed.\n\nSincerely,\n\nAziz A. Lookman\n\n\n\n\n\n", "re:developing my electricity model at Enron", "", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 0, "information", ["developing", "model"], "information", "developing my electricity model at enron."], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 8, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", " please, send me your resume."]], "Aziz,\n\nYes. If you are interested in joining us next summer as an intern,\nwe would be very happy to have you.\n\nPlease, send me your resume.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\naziz lookman ", {"happy intern_summer0internTnn": {"value": "happy intern_summer0internTnn", "ne": "happy intern_summer0internTnn", "patterns": ["happy intern_summer0internTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-7-2000-9:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-7-2000-9:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-7-2000-9:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeffrey.shankman@enron.com gary.hickerson@enron.com john.lavorato@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5626067.1075856717061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 09:30:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, gary.hickerson@enron.com,\n\tjohn.lavorato@enron.com\nSubject: Resume of a former FX trader\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeffrey A Shankman, Gary Hickerson, John J Lavorato\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nI am forwarding the resume of Wendell Licon who works for Enron\nin the HR department (executive compensation). He used to be an\nFX trader. I am thinking about moving him to research when his current boss\nis ready to release him.\n\nI think, however, that you\nshould take a look at him as well and see if he fits your needs.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/11/2000 \n04:29 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nWendell Licon@ENRON\n07/11/2000 04:04 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Resume\n\n\n\n\nVince,\n\nPer your request, I've attached a copy of my resume. Please let me know if \nyou have any questions.\n\nRegards,\n\nWendell\n\n\n", "Resume of a former FX trader", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 4, "information", ["forwarding", "resume"], "information", "i am forwarding the resume of wendell licon who works for enron in the hr department (executive compensation)."]], "I am forwarding the resume of Wendell Licon who works for Enron\nin the HR department (executive compensation). He used to be an\nFX trader. I am thinking about moving him to research when his current boss\nis ready to release him.\n\nI think, however, that you\nshould take a look at him as well and see if he fits your needs.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<5626067.1075856717061.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-5-2001-18:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"7-5-2001-18:41:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-5-2001-18:41:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stephen.stock@enron.com beth.perlman@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <15101702.1075858473442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 May 2001 18:41:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stephen.stock@enron.com, beth.perlman@enron.com\nSubject: A resume for Londom\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stephen Stock , Beth Perlman \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nThis is a resume of one guy I met in Houston a few months ago.\nHe comes across as a very bright and qualified individual. He is interested in\na position in London. Who is the best person in London to forward the resume to?\n\nVince\n ", "A resume for Londom", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 11, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "request information", " who is the best person in london to forward the resume to?"]], "This is a resume of one guy I met in Houston a few months ago.\nHe comes across as a very bright and qualified individual. He is interested in\na position in London. Who is the best person in London to forward the resume to?\n\nVince\n ", "<15101702.1075858473442.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"bright_smart individual_personTnn": {"value": "bright_smart individual_personTnn", "ne": "bright_smart individual_personTnn", "patterns": ["bright_smart individual_personTnn"]}, "person resumeTnn": {"value": "person resumeTnn", "ne": "person resumeTnn", "patterns": ["person resumeTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-2-2000-0:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-0:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "conf@risk.co.uk", "zimin.lu@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <18474190.1075856804767.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: conf@risk.co.uk\nSubject: power 2000\nCc: zimin.lu@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: zimin.lu@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: conf@risk.co.uk\nX-cc: Zimin Lu, Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nTo all whom it may concern:\n\nI would like to register my associate Zimin Lu as my guest\nat Power 2000 conference in Houston in May. Thanks.\n\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 \n08:04 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nShirley Crenshaw\n02/16/2000 12:58 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: power 2000\n\nVince:\n\nI tried to register Zimin and they said that you would have to do it - since\nyou are the speaker and the spot is your free spot.\n\nYou can Email them the information. They will need:\n\nName: Zimin Lu\nTitle: Director\nCompany: Enron Corp.\nAddress: 1400 Smith Street EB1967\nPhone: 713-853-6388\nConference Name: Power 2000 - Houston, TX - May 9 & 10, 2000\n\nEmail the information to: conf@risk.co.uk\n\nThanks!\n\nShirley\n3-5290\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2000 \n12:54 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nZimin Lu\n02/15/2000 02:22 PM\nTo: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: power 2000\n\n\n\nShirely,\n\n\nCould you register me for the power 2000 conference in Houston as Vince's \nguest ?\nSince Vince is a speaker, I can attend for free.\n\nZimin\n\n\nTo: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Power 2000 \n\nZimin,\n\nYou are the 1st. Feel free to register as my guest.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nZimin Lu\n02/14/2000 02:59 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Power 2000\n\n\n\nVince,\n\nCould you take me as your guest for the Power 2000 conference if\nno one has asked already ? \n\nThere are a few interesting topics I would like to hear.\n\nZimin\n\n\n\n\n", "power 2000", "", [["register conference", 5, "nninformation", ["guest", "register"], "intention", "to all whom it may concern: i would like to register my associate zimin lu as my guest at power numeric conference in houston in may."]], "To all whom it may concern:\n\nI would like to register my associate Zimin Lu as my guest\nat Power 2000 conference in Houston in May. Thanks.\n\nVince Kaminski\n", "<18474190.1075856804767.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"concern personnelpronounTnn": {"value": "concern personnelpronounTnn", "ne": "concern personnelpronounTnn", "patterns": ["concern personnelpronounTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["conference numeric powerTnnn", "conference numericTnn", "index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}, "conference powerTnn": {"value": "conference powerTnn", "ne": "conference powerTnn", "patterns": ["conference powerTnn"]}, "1": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-1-2001-7:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-1-2001-7:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-1-2001-7:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeff.skilling@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com jeffrey.shankman@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12833280.1075856589651.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 07:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeff.skilling@enron.com\nSubject: Dhabol\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com,\n\tstinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeff Skilling\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Jeffrey A Shankman, Sandeep Kohli@Enron, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nWe shall forward to you shortly a copy of the message from Sandeep with the \nnumbers you have \nrequested. What follows below are the extracts from two recent articles on \nthe power situation in India\npublished by The Financial Times. \n\nThe first article describes recent power outage in northern India affecting \nmillions of people.\nOne possible line of defense is pointing out to the value of output lost due \nto power\nshortages. It is obvious that the value of lost production exceeds the cost \nof power produced\nby the Dhabol plant (expensive as it may be). The power cut affected 230 \nmillion people.\n\nThe second article is Enron specific.\n\nVince\n\n \n \n ASIA-PACIFIC: Power failure hits north India \n Financial Times; Jan 3, 2001\n By ANGUS DONALD\n\n Tens of millions of people were left without electricity \nin northern India\n yesterday after a power grid breakdown. \n\n Electricity was gradually switched on in some areas and \nmost parts of the\n capital New Delhi, with 60 to 70 per cent of supply \nexpected to be restored\n by the end of the day, according to power grid \nofficials. \n\n The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry \n(Assocham), a\n leading business organisation, expressed \"deep concern\" \nand called for a\n mechanism to prevent future disruption that could \n\"cripple the economy\". \n\n The power failure across eight Indian states, including \nNew Delhi, disrupted\n train services, water supplies and the telephone network \nand forced\n hospitals to switch to emergency generators. \n\n The fault occurred on the Northern Grid, which provides \nelectricity for 226m\n people, and affected the states of Delhi, Haryana, \nPunjab, Uttar Pradesh,\n Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jammu \nand Kashmir. \n\n A breakdown at a sub-station in Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, \nIndia's most\n populous state, caused an overload of power on other \nlines, which then\n failed as well. \n\n Trains stopped running for most of the day and signals \nsystems were\n damaged. New Delhi international airport was also \nslightly affected before\n its own power supply could be engaged. \n\n \"We will probe into the reasons for the failure. It is \nmost likely to be a\n technical failure, but we will investigate why it \nhappened,\" Suresh Prabhu,\n the power minister, was quoted as saying by Press Trust \nof India. \n\n India suffers regularly from power problems because of \nlack of funding to\n upgrade infrastructure. Theft of supplies is also a big \nproblem. Thirty per\n cent of the country's electricity is stolen, according \nto analysts. In New\n Delhi as much as 50 per cent is stolen. \n\n Two years ago, a power failure blacked out Uttar Pradesh \nand Delhi for\n hours. \n\n Assocham issued a statement, saying that increasing \nindustrial demand\n would exacerbate the problems already faced by India's \ninefficient power\n sector. \"The slow progress, particularly in \nstrengthening the transmission\n and distribution system, and ever increasing theft will \ncontribute to\n worsening the power supply situation further.\" \n\n Copyright: The Financial Times Limited\n\n \n\n\n , Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2000. \"FT\" and \"Financial Times\" \nare trademarks of The Financial Times. Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions.\n\n\n\n******************************************************************************\n*************************************\n\n\n \n\n ASIA-PACIFIC: Energy group launches image offensive: \nEnron has a\n plan to reverse its reputation as a profiteering \nmultinational\n operating in India, writes Khozem Merchant \n\n Financial Times; Jan 3, 2001\n By KHOZEM MERCHANT\n\n Enron, the US energy producer and a constant target of \ncriticism in India, is\n hitting back with a campaign to reverse its image as a \nprofiteering\n multinational. \n\n Its \"myth and reality\" offensive in local newspapers \nfollows the west Indian\n state of Maharashtra's decision to review the tariff it \npays the Texas-based\n company, whose Dollars 2.2bn electricity generating \nplant at Dabhol is\n India's biggest single foreign investment. \n\n Maharashtra's tariff has more than doubled since 1993 \nand is three times\n greater than that charged by other independent power \nproducers (IPPs).\n The tariff has risen because of the depreciation of the \nrupee against the\n dollar and the high but now falling price of naphtha \nfuel. The state also pays\n a fixed capacity charge of Rs970m (Dollars 21m) a month, \nreflecting the\n huge project cost and, controversially, irrespective of \nconsumption. \n\n A showdown looks inevitable, reminiscent of a clash six \nyears ago that\n damaged India's appeal to foreign investors. A former \nofficial of the World\n Bank, which has criticised the deal, says Enron is \nemerging \"as the East\n India Company of the 21st century\" - a reference to the \nBritish trader that\n colonised key areas of the Indian economy in the 19th \ncentury. \n\n The stand-off is the latest blot on India's power \nsector. The UK's PowerGen\n and Cogentrix of the US have quit India recently, \nfrustrated by long approval\n procedures, inadequate payments mechanisms or because of \nhigher\n returns elsewhere. \n\n \"India has lost time and opportunity and has driven \nreturns down by six\n percentage points,\" says Gerry Grove-White, former India \ngeneral manager\n of PowerGen, which has sold its 655MW plant in Gujarat \nto China Light &\n Power of Hong Kong. \n\n India's national plan for the five years to 2002 says \ngenerating capacity\n must rise by 40,000MW to about 120,000MW. But since \n1992, IPPs have\n added only 3,000MW and 2,500MW remains under \nconstruction. This is\n insufficient to support official projections of 6 to 8 \nper cent economic\n growth. \n\n Enron was a bellwether of India's liberalisation, \nwinning fast-track project\n approval in the early 1990s. Phase 1, a 740MW plant \nfuelled by expensive\n naphtha came on stream in May 1999, and phase 2, a \nDollars 1.87bn plant\n of 1,624MW capacity that will run on cheaper liquefied \nnatural gas (LNG),\n will be completed this year. Only two of seven other \nfast-track proposals\n have achieved financial closure. \n\n From the outset Enron encountered attacks, culminating \nin Maharashtra's\n then nationalist government cancelling the project \nbefore renegotiating\n terms no less onerous. Vilasrao Deshmukh, chief minister \nof the successor\n government, says the power purchase agreement is \nunaffordable. \n\n Enron, whose attackers also include cultural \nchauvinists, wants to maintain\n good political relations in a hostile but lucrative \nenvironment. Enron views\n India as a testing ground for its evolution from a \ntraditional manager of\n power plants to a broad-based trader of commodities, \nsuch as energy, gas\n and bandwidth. \n\n To support these ambitions Enron hopes to trade energy \nbetween power\n surplus and deficit states, once legislation is passed \nthis year. It is building\n an LNG terminal and pipelines to trade imported natural \ngas. And it is\n laying a 15,000km fibre-optic network to trade bandwidth \nspace in a country\n desperately short of this new economy commodity. \n\n In any event, Enron believes it has a watertight \ncontract. It is supported by\n many that believe any subversion of the contract would \nconfirm investor\n perception of Maharashtra, India's financial and \nindustrial hub, as an\n unreliable destination for investment. \n\n Mr Deshmukh - who has avoided the language of his \npredecessor, which\n threatened to \"dump Dabhol into the Arabian Sea\" - is \nunder pressure from\n radical members of his wobbly coalition. But his options \nare limited.\n Scrapping the project would be ruinous for an \neconomically troubled state\n that would have to compensate shareholders. \n\n Maharashtra State Electricity Board, the local utility \nand Enron's main\n client, is obliged to dispatch or \"off-take\" 90 per cent \nof Dabhol's output. Yet\n MSEB has never honoured these guarantees. Its off-take \nhas averaged 60\n per cent since the plant opened and, in effect, MSEB has \nbeen paying a lot\n more while consuming a lot less power. \n\n One reason off-take is low is because the state's tough \nnew regulator has\n told MSEB to buy from cheaper sources. Enron says the \ntariff would be\n Rs4.02/kWh if MSEB's off-take averaged 90 per cent. But \nwith off-take a\n third lower, the average tariff is Rs4.94 per unit, and \noften higher. In\n October, the tariff was Rs6.91 per unit, when off-take \nwas about 49 per\n cent. Enron says tariffs should come down when phase 2, \nrun on cheaper\n LNG, starts. \n\n These cost pressures have forced MSEB to take up only \nhalf of a 30 per\n cent equity option in phase 2. Enron has acquired the \nbalance and\n mandated bankers to find a buyer. \n\n Enron's difficulties have undermined the appeal of IPPs, \nwhich have failed to\n deliver the flood of investments. Potential IPPs feared \nthey would never be\n paid by state generating boards that have become a \nbyword for corrupt\n management of power. \n\n Reform of state electricity boards, whose uneconomic \npricing means\n industrial users subsidise poor farmers, as well as \ntransmission and\n distribution (T&D) services to check huge theft and \ntechnical losses, is\n overdue. \"Given the limited resources, money would be \nbetter spent on T&D\n rather than on new plant,\" says Oliver Blackaby, \nmanaging director of N M\n Rothschild in India, which is advising Karnataka on the \nprivatisation of its\n distribution network. \n\n For the moment, attention is fixed on Enron's ability to \nsatisfy the\n competing interests of investors and clients. As Sanjay \nBhatnagar, chief\n executive officer of Enron India, said in a recent trade \nmagazine, one of the\n key lessons learned from phase 2 is \"having flexibility \nto deal with\n externalities\". \n\n Copyright: The Financial Times Limited\n\n\n , Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2000. \"FT\" and \"Financial Times\" \nare trademarks of The Financial Times. Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions.", "Dhabol", "", [["produce_acquire_develop_grow_evolve_create cost_price{power0market}{index_power}", 37, "information", ["produced", "cost"], "information", " it is obvious that the value of lost production exceeds the cost of power produced by the dhabol plant (expensive as it may be)."]], "Jeff,\n\nWe shall forward to you shortly a copy of the message from Sandeep with the \nnumbers you have \nrequested. What follows below are the extracts from two recent articles on \nthe power situation in India\npublished by The Financial Times. \n\nThe first article describes recent power outage in northern India affecting \nmillions of people.\nOne possible line of defense is pointing out to the value of output lost due \nto power\nshortages. It is obvious that the value of lost production exceeds the cost \nof power produced\nby the Dhabol plant (expensive as it may be). The power cut affected 230 \nmillion people.\n\nThe second article is Enron specific.\n\nVince\n\n \n \n ASIA-PACIFIC: Power failure hits north India \n Financial Times; Jan 3, 2001\n By ANGUS DONALD\n\n Tens of millions of people were left without electricity \nin northern India\n yesterday after a power grid breakdown. \n\n Electricity was gradually switched on in some areas and \nmost parts of the\n capital New Delhi, with 60 to 70 per cent of supply \nexpected to be restored\n by the end of the day, according to power grid \nofficials. \n\n The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry \n(Assocham), a\n leading business organisation, expressed \"deep concern\" \nand called for a\n mechanism to prevent future disruption that could \n\"cripple the economy\". \n\n The power failure across eight Indian states, including \nNew Delhi, disrupted\n train services, water supplies and the telephone network \nand forced\n hospitals to switch to emergency generators. \n\n The fault occurred on the Northern Grid, which provides \nelectricity for 226m\n people, and affected the states of Delhi, Haryana, \nPunjab, Uttar Pradesh,\n Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jammu \nand Kashmir. \n\n A breakdown at a sub-station in Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, \nIndia's most\n populous state, caused an overload of power on other \nlines, which then\n failed as well. \n\n Trains stopped running for most of the day and signals \nsystems were\n damaged. New Delhi international airport was also \nslightly affected before\n its own power supply could be engaged. \n\n \"We will probe into the reasons for the failure. It is \nmost likely to be a\n technical failure, but we will investigate why it \nhappened,\" Suresh Prabhu,\n the power minister, was quoted as saying by Press Trust \nof India. \n\n India suffers regularly from power problems because of \nlack of funding to\n upgrade infrastructure. Theft of supplies is also a big \nproblem. Thirty per\n cent of the country's electricity is stolen, according \nto analysts. In New\n Delhi as much as 50 per cent is stolen. \n\n Two years ago, a power failure blacked out Uttar Pradesh \nand Delhi for\n hours. \n\n Assocham issued a statement, saying that increasing \nindustrial demand\n would exacerbate the problems already faced by India's \ninefficient power\n sector. \"The slow progress, particularly in \nstrengthening the transmission\n and distribution system, and ever increasing theft will \ncontribute to\n worsening the power supply situation further.\" \n\n Copyright: The Financial Times Limited\n\n \n\n\n , Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2000. \"FT\" and \"Financial Times\" \nare trademarks of The Financial Times. Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions.\n\n\n\n", "<12833280.1075856589651.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"article position_situationTnn": {"value": "article position_situationTnn", "ne": "article position_situationTnn", "patterns": ["article position_situationTnn"]}, "cost_price index_powerTnn": {"value": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "ne": "cost_price index_powerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price index_powerTnn"]}, "43": {"value": "230", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric peopleTnn"]}, "plant powerTnn": {"value": "plant powerTnn", "ne": "plant powerTnn", "patterns": ["plant powerTnn"]}}, false]}, "2-5-2001-11:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"2-5-2001-11:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["2-5-2001-11:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "kristin.gandy@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <16293244.1075858471892.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 2 May 2001 11:27:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: kristin.gandy@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A friend of mine\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kristin Gandy \nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vince_Kaminski_Jun2001_10\\Sent Items\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.pst\n\nKristin,\n\nThanks a lot for the resume.\nWe shall arrange a phone interview with Richard. This is out standard procedure.\nA phone interview is followed by the on-site interview, after we determine what is the best team to interview\nthe candidate.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tKristin Gandy/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 05:14 PM\nTo:\tVince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tA friend of mine\n\nVince,\n\nLast week I was contacted by one of my friends who is very interested in becoming an Enron employee. He has a PHD and several years research and lab experience. \n\nRichard is afraid that being a PHD is a dying breed and may need to go back to school to obtain an MBA. I was wondering if you would mind looking at the attached resume to assess if you have any interest in Richard, or if you feel I should encourage him to go back to school. I am unclear as to the qualifications for your group so I apologize if this request is way off base.\n\nThank you for your help,\n\nKristin Gandy\nAssociate Recruiter\nEnron Corporation\n1400 Smith Street EB 1163\nHouston, Texas 77002\n\n713-345-3214 \nkristin.gandy@enron.com\n\n \n\n\n", "Re: A friend of mine", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 12, "nninformation", ["determine", "interview", "phone"], "intention", " a phone interview is followed by the on-site interview, after we determine what is the best team to interview the candidate."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 14, "nninformation", ["candidate", "interview"], "intention", " a phone interview is followed by the on-site interview, after we determine what is the best team to interview the candidate."]], "Kristin,\n\nThanks a lot for the resume.\nWe shall arrange a phone interview with Richard. This is out standard procedure.\nA phone interview is followed by the on-site interview, after we determine what is the best team to interview\nthe candidate.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nFrom:\tKristin Gandy/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/01/2001 05:14 PM\n", "<16293244.1075858471892.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-3-2000-0:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-3-2000-0:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-3-2000-0:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5656379.1075857050734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 00:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Risk European Energy 2000\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\London\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nNo problem.\n\nGrant will speak in place, but RISK may not be aware of it yet.\nYou can just register as my guest.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n03/03/2000 06:03 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Risk European Energy 2000\n\nHi Vince\n\nDo you get your regular freebie \"ticket\" for the Risk conference in \nAmsterdam? (You know what I'm going to ask next...) It looks like there's \nsome interesting stuff, and attending would certainly broaden my horizons.\n\nWould you kindly consider bringing me along?\n\nCheers,\nSteve\n\n", "Re: Risk European Energy 2000", "", [["register conference", 10, "nninformation", ["guest", "register"], "intention", " you can just register as my guest."]], "Steve,\n\nNo problem.\n\nGrant will speak in place, but RISK may not be aware of it yet.\nYou can just register as my guest.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n03/03/2000 06:03 AM\n", "<5656379.1075857050734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "2": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["energy_energy0finance numericTnn", "energy_energy0power numeric risk_risk0managementTnnn"]}, "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0industry risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0power risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "place_position riskTnn": {"value": "place_position riskTnn", "ne": "place_position riskTnn", "patterns": ["place_position riskTnn"]}}, false]}, "28-2-2000-2:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-2-2000-2:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-2:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "nadene.pilsbury@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31945069.1075856766290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 02:06:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: nadene.pilsbury@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Rodney Greene\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Nadene Pilsbury\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNadene,\n\nI am located in Houston, EB1962. \n\nI can interview him on any day, except for Friday and Thu. \nI guess this leaves only Tue and Wed. \n\nI am available for 30 minutes,\n6:30 p.m. Houston time (12:30 London time).\nOur afternoons and early evenings will be very busy\nfor us this week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nNadene Pilsbury\n02/28/2000 09:24 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Rodney Greene\n\nHi Vince,\n\nI am trying to arrange an interview for the above. Are you still in London? \nRodney is available anyday this week between 11am to 1pm (London time)\nwhich is 5am to 7am Chicage time). Can you please let me know when you are \navailable and what country you will be in so I can arrange it for you.\n\nMany thanks\nNadene\n\n", "Re: Rodney Greene", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 5, "nninformation", ["interview", "him"], "intention", " i can interview him on any day, except for friday and thu."]], "Nadene,\n\nI am located in Houston, EB1962. \n\nI can interview him on any day, except for Friday and Thu. \nI guess this leaves only Tue and Wed. \n\nI am available for 30 minutes,\n6:30 p.m. Houston time (12:30 London time).\nOur afternoons and early evenings will be very busy\nfor us this week.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nNadene Pilsbury\n02/28/2000 09:24 AM\n", "<31945069.1075856766290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-12-2000-5:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-12-2000-5:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-12-2000-5:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "james.bouillion@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7251852.1075856253105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 05:24:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: james.bouillion@enron.com\nSubject: Wharton trip\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: James L Bouillion\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nNo changes in the schedule. The meeting will take place, as scheduled,\non the 6th of December at 9:00 a.m. We may have to cancel lunch with the \nprofessors as they have other commitments. The meeting will last\nabout 2 hours.\n\nVince ", "Wharton trip", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 8, "information", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "information", " the meeting will take place, as scheduled, on the datenumeric h of december at numerictime a."]], "Jim,\n\nNo changes in the schedule. The meeting will take place, as scheduled,\non the 6th of December at 9:00 a.m. We may have to cancel lunch with the \nprofessors as they have other commitments. The meeting will last\nabout 2 hours.\n\nVince ", "<7251852.1075856253105.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"14": {"value": "2", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["hour numericTnn", "meeting numericTnn"]}, "meeting placeTnn": {"value": "meeting placeTnn", "ne": "meeting placeTnn", "patterns": ["meeting placeTnn"]}}, false]}, "4-4-2001-8:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-4-2001-8:45:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-8:45:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <28374900.1075856510365.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 08:45:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Resumes\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nPlease, help me to decide whom we would like to interview\nand whom we can send to IT.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2001 \n03:45 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Focuscapital\" on 04/03/2001 03:17:53 PM\nTo: \ncc: \nSubject: Resumes\n\n\n\nHere are some people you might want to speak with .? Siriam lives in \nHouston.? Please see the attached resumes of the following:\n?\nKarim Ashktorab\nStephen Liu\nFarshad Ravanshad\nMatthew Rusk\nSamir Ranjan\nCedric Chow\nSriram Vasudevan\n?\nRegards,\n?\nScott Gerson\nFocus Capital Markets\n71 Vanderbilt Avenue\nSuite 200\nNew York, NY 10017\n(212) 986-3344 Tele\n(212) 986-3370 Fax\n - FOCUS SRIRAM VASUDEVAN.Doc\n - FOCUS CEDRIC CHOW.doc\n - FOCUS SAMIR RANJAN.doc\n - FOCUS MATTHEW RUSK.doc\n - FOCUS FARSHAD RAVANSHAD.doc\n - FOCUS STEPHEN LIU.doc\n - FOCUS KARIM ASHKTORAB.doc\n", "Resumes", "", [["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 6, "nninformation", ["interview", "whom"], "intention", "stinson, please, help me to decide whom we would like to interview and whom we can send to it."]], "Stinson,\n\nPlease, help me to decide whom we would like to interview\nand whom we can send to IT.\n\nVince\n", "<28374900.1075856510365.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "4-4-2001-9:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"4-4-2001-9:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["4-4-2001-9:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <2045846.1075856200252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: alex.huang@enron.com\nSubject: Meeting w/Harry Arora\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Alex Huang\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAlex,\n\nIs this meeting already scheduled?\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/04/2001 \n04:06 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nTamara Jae Black\n04/03/2001 12:41 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alex Huang/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sanjay \nGupta/Enron@EnronXGate, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Meeting w/Harry Arora\n\nPlease let me know if you are available to meet with Harry Arora and Rob \nStalford on Friday, April 6th in room 3125b from 2:30pm - 3:30pm to discuss \nnext generation option pricing model.\n\n\nThanks for your promptness in this matter,\n\nTJae Black\nSr. Admin.\nEast Power Trading\nx35800\n", "Meeting w/Harry Arora", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 5, "nninformation", ["meeting", "scheduled"], "request information", "alex, is this meeting already scheduled?"]], "Alex,\n\nIs this meeting already scheduled?\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<2045846.1075856200252.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"2": {"value": "arora", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["meeting personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "9-3-2000-14:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"9-3-2000-14:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["9-3-2000-14:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "carol.coats@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9642172.1075856761603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 14:08:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: Brad Romine\nCc: carol.coats@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: carol.coats@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts\nX-cc: Carol Coats, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nI was under the impression I sent you a message regarding Brad Romine but\nI cannot find a copy in my msg folder. There might have been a glitch in the \nCC-mail\nand the message did not go through and wasn't stored.\n\nI wanted to make the following points:\n\n1. Brad will not show up on March 15. He is still working on his dot-com \nbusiness and wants to\npursue this opportunity.\n\n2. My recommendation is that we should draw a line in the sand. Either Brad \nor a stipend\nrefund check should show up on March 15.\n\n3. I told Brad that a failure to show up on March 15 will not imperil his \nfuture employment opportunities\nwith Enron. We just need clarity and ability to plan our human resource \nneeds. If he decides to re-apply\nat some point in the future, we shall not hold his decision to pursue him \nentrepreneurial plans against him.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince", "Brad Romine", "", [["make business", 17, "information", ["make", "points"], "information", " i wanted to make the following points: numeric ."]], "Celeste,\n\nI was under the impression I sent you a message regarding Brad Romine but\nI cannot find a copy in my msg folder. There might have been a glitch in the \nCC-mail\nand the message did not go through and wasn't stored.\n\nI wanted to make the following points:\n\n1. Brad will not show up on March 15. He is still working on his dot-com \nbusiness and wants to\npursue this opportunity.\n\n2. My recommendation is that we should draw a line in the sand. Either Brad \nor a stipend\nrefund check should show up on March 15.\n\n3. I told Brad that a failure to show up on March 15 will not imperil his \nfuture employment opportunities\nwith Enron. We just need clarity and ability to plan our human resource \nneeds. If he decides to re-apply\nat some point in the future, we shall not hold his decision to pursue him \nentrepreneurial plans against him.\n\nPlease, let me know what you think.\n\nVince", "<9642172.1075856761603.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"decision pointTnn": {"value": "decision pointTnn", "ne": "decision pointTnn", "patterns": ["decision pointTnn"]}, "19": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["detail_point numericTnn", "numeric period_pointTnn"]}, "human resourceTnn": {"value": "human resourceTnn", "ne": "human resourceTnn", "patterns": ["human resourceTnn"]}}, false]}, "12-1-2001-5:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"12-1-2001-5:37:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["12-1-2001-5:37:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2606116.1075856389647.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 05:37:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for stephen.plauche@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_2\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nSame problem. Who are these people? I would deny the access and make them \ncall us first.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 \n01:37 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nARSystem on 01/11/2001 05:15:12 PM\nTo: \"vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for stephen.plauche@enron.com\n\n\nYou have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data \napprover. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000013510&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000013510\nApprover : stinson.gibner@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 1/11/01 5:15:09 PM\nRequested For : stephen.plauche@enron.com\nResource Name : \\\\enehou\\houston\\common\\Research - [Read]\nResource Type : Directory\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Request Submitted: Access Request for stephen.plauche@enron.com", "", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["access", "request", "submitted"], "information", "request submitted: access request for stephen."]], "Stinson,\n\nSame problem. Who are these people? I would deny the access and make them \ncall us first.\n\nVince\n", "<2606116.1075856389647.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-12-2000-5:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-12-2000-5:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-12-2000-5:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "james.hughes@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com pinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com", "Message-ID: <30666087.1075856246110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 05:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: james.hughes@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Dabhol Power\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com,\n\tpinnamaneni.krishnarao@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: James A Hughes\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw, Pinnamaneni Krishnarao\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nCan you meet with us tomorrow? One of my associates worked\non a few projects with DPC and will visit them in January. His name is \nKrishnarao\nPinnnamaneni and he will be gone for 3 weeks, starting Wednesday\n\nPlease, let Shirley Crenshaw, my assistant (3-5290), know what time would \nwork for you Tuesday.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJames A Hughes@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n12/18/2000 01:07 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Dabhol Power\n\nVince:\n\nAs I am sure you are aware, we are facing significant challenges with the \nDabhol project. As I have delved into the project and our problems, I have \nbeen disturbed by our lack of information/data relative to our position in \nthe grid and the overall fundamentals for the region. I would like to meet \nwith you and get your assistance in identifying some resources to try and \nhelp the India team develop a better understanding of their market and how to \nidentify/develop/use the fundamentals.\n\nThanks.\n\nJim\n\n", "Re: Dabhol Power", "", [["see_visit_realize_learn project", 6, "nninformation", ["projects", "visit"], "intention", " one of my associates worked on a few projects with dpc and will visit them in january."]], "Jim,\n\nCan you meet with us tomorrow? One of my associates worked\non a few projects with DPC and will visit them in January. His name is \nKrishnarao\nPinnnamaneni and he will be gone for 3 weeks, starting Wednesday\n\nPlease, let Shirley Crenshaw, my assistant (3-5290), know what time would \nwork for you Tuesday.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJames A Hughes@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n12/18/2000 01:07 PM\n", "<30666087.1075856246110.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "6-7-2000-10:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-7-2000-10:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-7-2000-10:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "lloyd.fleming@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com maureen.raymond@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6506488.1075856314468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 10:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: lloyd.fleming@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, maureen.raymond@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Lloyd Fleming\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Maureen Raymond\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nLloyd,\n\nI think that we can arrange a few video conference meetings instead.\nI don't see a justification for extending the stay over the weekend if we \nhave an alternative solution.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Lloyd Fleming 07/06/2000 12:37 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Maureen Raymond/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: \n\nVince\n\nI met Maureen yesterday and had a useful discussion on her role within \nEnron. I think it would be very helpful to promote the Research group \nfunction of the company, particularly given Maureen's background, if she \ncould be introduced to some of the main traders down at MG. Unfortunately \nshe won't have time to meet with MG unless we can schedule some meetings on \nMonday.\n\nWould you be happy for her to extend her stay here till Monday to allow the \nmeetings to take place?\n\nRegards\n\n", "Re:", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 2, "nninformation", ["arrange", "meetings"], "intention", "lloyd, i think that we can arrange a few video conference meetings instead."]], "Lloyd,\n\nI think that we can arrange a few video conference meetings instead.\nI don't see a justification for extending the stay over the weekend if we \nhave an alternative solution.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Lloyd Fleming 07/06/2000 12:37 PM\n\t\n\n", "<6506488.1075856314468.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-9-2000-5:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-9-2000-5:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-9-2000-5:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "becky.pham@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27171102.1075856859922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 05:39:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: becky.pham@enron.com\nSubject: Budget\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Becky Pham\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBecky,\n\nI am sending you two spreadsheets. Headcount gives the allocations by major\nbusiness units. Please, see the sheet Allocations. Line 83 gives you the \npercentages\nyou can use.\n\nBudget spreadsheet gives the budget projections. The sheet Allocations has \nbeen modified to \ninclude charges to RAC and GRM. I had to modify extensively the sheet Detail\nto account for the size of the group (as compared with 25 rows available to \nlist the\nemployees in the original spreadsheet). Please, check the logic of my \nmodifications\n(I hope I copied all the formulas correctly). I had to assume a bonus number.\n\n\nI shall work on allocations by different business units within ENA\nand GRM but it's chasing a moving target. It changes from month to month. \n\nI shall be gone for the next 4 business days. Please, call me and leave a \nmessage\non my voice mail if there is any question. I shall be listening to my voice \nmessages.\n\nSorry if there are any problems. I have to rush to catch my plane.\n\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Thanks for all the help. I owe you lunch.\n\n", "Budget", "", [["attach spreadsheet", 2, "information", ["sending", "spreadsheets"], "information", "becky, i am sending you two spreadsheets."], ["leave voice", 57, "nninformation", ["leave", "voice"], "request", " please, call me and leave a message on my voice mail if there is any question."]], "Becky,\n\nI am sending you two spreadsheets. Headcount gives the allocations by major\nbusiness units. Please, see the sheet Allocations. Line 83 gives you the \npercentages\nyou can use.\n\nBudget spreadsheet gives the budget projections. The sheet Allocations has \nbeen modified to \ninclude charges to RAC and GRM. I had to modify extensively the sheet Detail\nto account for the size of the group (as compared with 25 rows available to \nlist the\nemployees in the original spreadsheet). Please, check the logic of my \nmodifications\n(I hope I copied all the formulas correctly). I had to assume a bonus number.\n\n\nI shall work on allocations by different business units within ENA\nand GRM but it's chasing a moving target. It changes from month to month. \n\nI shall be gone for the next 4 business days. Please, call me and leave a \nmessage\non my voice mail if there is any question. I shall be listening to my voice \nmessages.\n\nSorry if there are any problems. I have to rush to catch my plane.\n\n\nVince\n\nP.S. Thanks for all the help. I owe you lunch.\n\n", "<27171102.1075856859922.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"business unitTnn": {"value": "business unitTnn", "ne": "business unitTnn", "patterns": ["business unitTnn"]}}, false]}, "7-1-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"7-1-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-1-2000-2:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "michael.guerriero@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27507560.1075856784338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 02:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: michael.guerriero@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Argentina Modelling\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Michael Guerriero\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMichael, \n\nSorry. This slot is taken, as well as all other slots for today (Friday).\n\nPlease, call my assistant (3-5290) to schedule a meeting on another day.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nMichael Guerriero@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\n01/06/2000 03:39 PM\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Argentina Modelling \n\nHow about 2 pm?\n\nMFG\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n01/06/2000 04:48 PM\nTo: Michael Guerriero/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Re: Argentina Modelling \n\nMichael,\n\nSorry, Thursday schedule is full. What about Fri, 1 to 2?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMichael Guerriero@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\n01/06/2000 08:23 AM\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Argentina Modelling \n\n1pm does not look good. How about between 3-5 pm. Is there something there \nthat works for you?\n\nMFG\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n01/05/2000 08:21 PM\nTo: Michael Guerriero/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Argentina Modelling \n\nMichael,\n\nWhat about 1:00 p.m. Thursday?\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nMichael Guerriero@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\n01/05/2000 05:47 PM\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Re: Argentina Modelling \n\nCould we meet tomorrow afternoon?\n\nMFG\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski@ECT\n12/30/99 06:41 PM\nTo: Michael Guerriero/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject: Re: Argentina Modelling \n\nMichael,\n\nSorry, I was out around the holidays.\nI shall be glad to meet with you in the 1st week\nof January. Please call me (3-3848) or my assistant,\nShirley Crenshaw, 3-5290.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nMichael Guerriero@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\n12/20/99 02:31 PM\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Argentina Modelling\n\nI am responsible for our Argentina operation and would like to discuss some \nmodelling issues with you. Could you be available Wednesday for a meeting.\n\nThanks\n\nMFG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Argentina Modelling", "", [["schedule_reschedule meeting{assistant}", 7, "nninformation", ["assistant", "meeting", "schedule"], "intention", " please, call my assistant ( phonenumber ) to schedule a meeting on another day."]], "Michael, \n\nSorry. This slot is taken, as well as all other slots for today (Friday).\n\nPlease, call my assistant (3-5290) to schedule a meeting on another day.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nMichael Guerriero@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n\n01/06/2000 03:39 PM\n\n", "<27507560.1075856784338.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "1-3-2001-1:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-3-2001-1:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-3-2001-1:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "celeste.roberts@enron.com", "kristin.gandy@enron.com christie.patrick@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com piazze@wharton.upenn.edu", "Message-ID: <4991164.1075856214802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 01:25:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: celeste.roberts@enron.com\nSubject: summer internships at Enron\nCc: kristin.gandy@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, piazze@wharton.upenn.edu\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: kristin.gandy@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com,\n\tvince.kaminski@enron.com, piazze@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Celeste Roberts\nX-cc: Kristin Gandy, Christie Patrick, Vince J Kaminski, piazze@wharton.upenn.edu\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nCeleste,\n\nIt seems that the process lasted too long for some students\nand only Kim Whitsel is interested in the internship at this point.\n\nHer resume has been forwarded to you.\nI am enclosing it just in case.\nThanks for your help.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/01/2001 \n09:20 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nFAP on 02/23/2001 02:28:48 PM\nTo: \"'vkamins@enron.com'\" \ncc: \"'piazze@wharton.upenn.edu'\" \nSubject: summer internships at Enron\n\n\nVince:\n\nThank you to you, Ken and Christie for coming to campus for the Enron Tiger\nTeam Mid-Project review. The students are working hard and appreciate your\ninsight and suggestions to the project. Thank you for your support of the\nWharton School.\n\nKim Whitsel (whitselk@wharton.upenn.edu) of Tiger Team 1 has informed me\nthat she is very much interested in a summer internship at Enron this year.\n\nI don't believe some of the students understood the process you had setup\nfor them at Enron as part of the Tiger Team. Being concerned with having\nsummer employment, they interviewed with other firms and ultimately accepted\npositions. The students asked that I express to you that this does not mean\nthey are not interested in full time work at Enron next year. I apologize\nand take responsibility for the lack of communication in this regard. I\nthink it is a lesson learned and perhaps, in the future, we can make the\nagreement to students understood in advance of their \"dedicated interview\nweek\" and eliminate their need to interview at all. This can also be an\nadded advantage of applying to be a member of the Tiger Team.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions and exactly how Kim Whitsel\nshould proceed.\n\n\nThank you,\n\nDonna Piazze\nProgram Director\nField Application Project\nThe Wharton School\nUniv. of Pennsylvania\n215.573.8394 fax 215.573.5727\nfap@management.wharton.upenn.edu\npiazze@wharton.upenn.edu\n\n", "summer internships at Enron", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 10, "information", ["forwarded", "resume"], "information", " her resume has been forwarded to you."]], "Celeste,\n\nIt seems that the process lasted too long for some students\nand only Kim Whitsel is interested in the internship at this point.\n\nHer resume has been forwarded to you.\nI am enclosing it just in case.\nThanks for your help.\n\nVince\n\n", "<4991164.1075856214802.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interested internship_summer0internshipTnn": {"value": "interested internship_summer0internshipTnn", "ne": "interested internship_summer0internshipTnn", "patterns": ["interested internship_summer0internshipTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-11-2000-8:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-8:12:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-8:12:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "norma.villarreal@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9170119.1075856468947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:12:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: norma.villarreal@enron.com\nSubject: Updated message - Preliminary rankings\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com,\n\tvasant.shanbhogue@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Norma Villarreal\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner, Vasant Shanbhogue, Mike A Roberts\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nNorma,\n\nI am sending you preliminary rankings for my entire\ngroup, based on the results of a meeting we held on Tuesday.\nWe have ranked Shalesh Ganjoo and Clayton, in case\nit's still our responsibility.\n\n\nVince\n\nPermanent goup members, manager and below:\n\nSuperior:\n\n1. Martin Lin\n2. Joe Hrgovcic\n3. Tom Haliburton\n4. Jose Marquez\n\nExcellent\n\n1. Paulo Issler\n2. Robert Lee\n3. Chonawee Supatgiat\n4. Amitava Dhar\n5. Alex Huang\n6. Kevin Kindall\n7. Praveen Mellacheruvu\n8. Shanhe Green\n9. Stephen Bennett\n\nStrong\n\n1. Lance Cunningham\n2. Clayton Vernon\n3. Youyi Feng\n4. Yana Kristal\n5. Sevil Yaman\n\nPermanent goup members, directors:\n\nSuperior\n\n1. Krishnarao Pinnamaneni\n\nExcellent\n\n1. Osman Sezgen\n2. Tanya Tamarchenko\n3. Zimin Lu\n\nSatisfactory\n\n1. Maureen Raymond\n\n\nAssociates, analysts\n\nSuperior\n\n1. Shalesh Ganjoo\n2. Gwyn Koepke\n \n\nExcellent\n\n1. Hector Campos\n2. Kate Lucas\n3. Sun Li\n4. Roman Zadorozhny\n5. Charles Weldon", "Updated message - Preliminary rankings", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 12, "information", ["ranked", "ganjoo"], "information", " we have ranked shalesh ganjoo and clayton, in case it's still our responsibility."]], "Norma,\n\nI am sending you preliminary rankings for my entire\ngroup, based on the results of a meeting we held on Tuesday.\nWe have ranked Shalesh Ganjoo and Clayton, in case\nit's still our responsibility.\n\n\nVince\n\nPermanent goup members, manager and below:\n\nSuperior:\n\n1. Martin Lin\n2. Joe Hrgovcic\n3. Tom Haliburton\n4. Jose Marquez\n\nExcellent\n\n1. Paulo Issler\n2. Robert Lee\n3. Chonawee Supatgiat\n4. Amitava Dhar\n5. Alex Huang\n6. Kevin Kindall\n7. Praveen Mellacheruvu\n8. Shanhe Green\n9. Stephen Bennett\n\nStrong\n\n1. Lance Cunningham\n2. Clayton Vernon\n3. Youyi Feng\n4. Yana Kristal\n5. Sevil Yaman\n\nPermanent goup members, directors:\n\nSuperior\n\n1. Krishnarao Pinnamaneni\n\nExcellent\n\n1. Osman Sezgen\n2. Tanya Tamarchenko\n3. Zimin Lu\n\nSatisfactory\n\n1. Maureen Raymond\n\n\nAssociates, analysts\n\nSuperior\n\n1. Shalesh Ganjoo\n2. Gwyn Koepke\n \n\nExcellent\n\n1. Hector Campos\n2. Kate Lucas\n3. Sun Li\n4. Roman Zadorozhny\n5. Charles Weldon", "<9170119.1075856468947.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"issue_result meetingTnn": {"value": "issue_result meetingTnn", "ne": "issue_result meetingTnn", "patterns": ["issue_result meetingTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-12-1999-4:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-12-1999-4:48:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-12-1999-4:48:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "sburchett@risklimited.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13746929.1075857060585.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:48:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: sburchett@risklimited.com\nSubject: Re: Happy New Year!\nCc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vkaminski@aol.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"Shannon Burchett\" \nX-cc: vkaminski@aol.com, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\Personal\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShannon,\n\nThanks. The same to you.\n\nSorry to have missed your class. I had a very bad case\nof flu with some additional complications. I shall be glad to make\na presentation on the same topic on another occasion.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shannon Burchett\" on 12/28/99 12:15:59 PM\nPlease respond to \"Shannon Burchett\" \nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Happy New Year!\n\n\n\nVince,\n\nWishing you a very happy and prosperous New Millennium!\n\nHappy New Year,\nShannon\nRisk Limited Corporation\n\nBox 612666 Dallas, Texas 75261 USA Tel: 972.245.8300 Fax: 972.245.8318 \nwww.RiskLimited.com\n\n - att1.htm\n\n", "Re: Happy New Year!", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 6, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation", "topic"], "intention", " i shall be glad to make a presentation on the same topic on another occasion."]], "Shannon,\n\nThanks. The same to you.\n\nSorry to have missed your class. I had a very bad case\nof flu with some additional complications. I shall be glad to make\na presentation on the same topic on another occasion.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Shannon Burchett\" ", {"issue_topic presentationTnn": {"value": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "ne": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic presentationTnn"]}}, false]}, "17-2-2000-0:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"17-2-2000-0:2:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["17-2-2000-0:2:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "maureen.raymond@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <2514637.1075856804743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:02:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: maureen.raymond@enron.com\nSubject: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with NEBRASKA Governor Johanns\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Maureen Raymond\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMaureen,\n\nCould you make a presentation on this topic? It would be a favor to\nour operation in Nebraska and it's not mandatory.\n\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 \n08:01 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nMargaret Carson@ENRON\n02/16/2000 02:24 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with NEBRASKA Governor Johanns\n\nVince, I could work up a talk on everything they are looking for \nexcept the area of energy impacts on agri-customers...does ENA have \nsome specialist that look at this slice of the energy marke that could \nhelp me respondt? Thanks Margaret \n---------------------- Forwarded by Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron on 02/16/2000 \n02:21 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nBeth Jensen\n02/16/2000 01:19 PM\nTo: Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Rob Wilson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry DeRoin/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Bill \nCordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Beth \nJensen/NPNG/Enron@ENRON \n\nSubject: Speakers for a CEO Meeting with Governor Johanns\n\nHello Margaret. We are looking for a speaker for a meeting that is being \narranged with Nebraska Governor Johanns during the first week in April.\n\nThe potential topic is a national perspective on pricing pressures/trends on \nnatural gas, electricity and oil and their impact on agricultural production \ncosts, as well as types of risk managment tools that are being used to offset \nthe price fluctuations.\n\nDo you know of anyone, either within the Corporation or outside, who would be \navailable to travel to Omaha to make this presentation? \n\nI would appreciate any assistance that you could provide, Margaret.\n\nThanks, \n\nbeth jensen\n\n\n", "Speakers for a CEO Meeting with NEBRASKA Governor Johanns", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 6, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation", "topic"], "request", "maureen, could you make a presentation on this topic?"]], "Maureen,\n\nCould you make a presentation on this topic? It would be a favor to\nour operation in Nebraska and it's not mandatory.\n\n\nVince\n", "<2514637.1075856804743.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"issue_topic presentationTnn": {"value": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "ne": "issue_topic presentationTnn", "patterns": ["issue_topic presentationTnn"]}}, false]}, "1-11-2000-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"1-11-2000-9:27:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["1-11-2000-9:27:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "alex.huang@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9529341.1075856585509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 09:27:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: alex.huang@enron.com\nSubject: RE: WeatherDelta demonstration scheduling\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Alex Huang\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_5\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Mangmt\\Group\\Software\\Management\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAlex,\n\nI agree. Let them make up the data. Please, ask Shirley to determine \nconvenient date and time.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAlex Huang@ENRON\n11/01/2000 03:59 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joseph Hrgovcic/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vasant \nShanbhogue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Cunningham/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sevil \nYaman/Corp/Enron@Enron, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: RE: WeatherDelta demonstration scheduling\n\nHi all,\nI got the following reply from Mike Denton. \n\nCan you let me know what time is most convenient for you so I will\narrange a time for the presentation?\n\n I don't think we should provide them any data, unless you think otherwise.\n\nAlex\n---------------------- Forwarded by Alex Huang/Corp/Enron on 11/01/2000 03:54 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\nDenton Mike on 11/01/2000 03:05:48 PM\nTo: Alex.Huang@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: RE: WeatherDelta demonstration scheduling\n\n\nMr. Huang,\n\nWe would be happy to demonstrate the features and functionality of the\nWeatherDelta tool set for your team at Enron. Early next week (Tuesday or\nWednesday) are both possible, as well as early the following week. The\ndemonstration can take 90 minutes or more, depending on the number of\nquestions and the level of detail.\n\nIdeally, you could provide us with some of your data and we could\ndemonstrate how to value a full-requirements contract to service that\nparticular load. To do this we will need one or more years of hourly\nconsumption data, and the general location of the load. Ideal data formats\nare csv files of either 365 rows x 25 columns (date,hr1,hr2..) or 8760 rows\nx 3 columns (date,hr,load). In lieu of using your data, we will provide\nsample load data.\n\nPlease feel free to call me and we can discuss schedules and the particulars\nof the product overview and demonstration.\n\nThank you for your interest,\n\nMichael J. Denton\nVP NA Strategic Consulting\nCaminus Corporation\n212-515-3667\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: WeatherDelta demonstration scheduling", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 10, "nninformation", ["determine", "shirley"], "intention", " please, ask shirley to determine convenient date and time."]], "Alex,\n\nI agree. Let them make up the data. Please, ask Shirley to determine \nconvenient date and time.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nAlex Huang@ENRON\n11/01/2000 03:59 PM\n", "<9529341.1075856585509.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"9": {"value": "shirley", "ne": "personname", "patterns": ["date_engagement personnameTnn"]}}, false]}, "21-2-2001-6:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"21-2-2001-6:51:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["21-2-2001-6:51:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7768447.1075856451755.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 06:51:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vkaminski@aol.com\nSubject: Request to Submit CVs Electronically to Update Web Page\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: vkaminski@aol.com\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/21/2001 \n02:51 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"JGSSDG\" on 02/21/2001 10:20:59 AM\nTo: \"jones news\" \ncc: \nSubject: Request to Submit CVs Electronically to Update Web Page\n\n\nDear Jones School Faculty,\n\nThe Office of Public Relations would like to update your faculty web page on\nthe Jones School website\nhttp://jonesgsm.rice.edu/content/content.cfm?PageID=121. Please send\nelectronically your most current resume to jgssdg@rice.edu and we will\nupdate your web page accordingly.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions, concerns.\n\nBest regards,\n\n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n::::::::::::\nMaileen Hamto\nAssistant Director of Public Relations\nJones Graduate School of Management -MS 531\nRice University\nP.O Box 1892\nHouston, TX 77251\n\nPh: 713-348-6364\nE-mail: hamto@rice.edu\nWeb: http://jonesgsm.rice.edu\n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n:::::::::\n\n\n\n", "Request to Submit CVs Electronically to Update Web Page", "", [["submit request{access}", 1, "nninformation", ["request", "submit"], "intention", "request to submit cvs electronically to update web page."]], "", "<7768447.1075856451755.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "7-8-2000-4:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"7-8-2000-4:13:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-8-2000-4:13:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <7428459.1075856705928.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 04:13:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nSubject: \nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Vince J Kaminski\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nPaul & Raymond,\n\nIt took more than a few days to catch up after I came back from Australia. \nThere are few things I would like to bring up to your attention.\n\nFirst of all, I would like to thank you for your hospitality. I learned a lot\nabout Australian markets and was greatly impressed with the\nquality of the people at the Sydney office.\n\n1. The resume you sent to me and Grant looks quite good.\nI think it makes sense to interview this person and we can help\nyou with a phone interview.\n\n2. I have received another resume that looks very promising. I am\nvery interested in this guy and would be ready to bring him over\nto the States where we lack desperately technical talent.\nCan you help us by interviewing him in Sydney? \nThe main determination I need from you is whether he can\nfunction in a company like Enron. As any good academic\nhe sent his resume in a ps format and I shall fax you a copy in case\nyou don't have a PostScript reader on your system.\n\n3. Christian Werner does some really neat things on\nthe weather front. I would like to determine if he can help\nus to upgrade our systems. Can we bring him to Houston\nfor a week to discuss the weather forecasting technology with Mike \nRoberts and Joe Hrgovcic. I think that he could learn a lot\nfrom Mike and other weather guys here how we translate \nweather info into business related information. I shall be glad to\nunderwrite the cost of this trip.\n\nVince\n", "", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 16, "information", ["sent", "resume"], "information", " the resume you sent to me and grant looks quite good."], ["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 28, "information", ["received", "resume"], "information", " i have received another resume that looks very promising."], ["conduct interview{telephone}{informal}{eb0numeric}", 40, "nninformation", ["interviewing", "him"], "request", " can you help us by interviewing him in sydney?"], ["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 48, "information", ["sent", "resume"], "information", " as any good academic he sent his resume in a ps format and i shall fax you a copy in case you don't have a postscript reader on your system."], ["read_translate_learn information", 80, "nninformation", ["info", "translate"], "intention", " i think that he could learn a lot from mike and other weather guys here how we translate weather info into business related information."], ["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 85, "nninformation", ["cost", "underwrite", "trip"], "intention", " i shall be glad to underwrite the cost of this trip."]], "Paul & Raymond,\n\nIt took more than a few days to catch up after I came back from Australia. \nThere are few things I would like to bring up to your attention.\n\nFirst of all, I would like to thank you for your hospitality. I learned a lot\nabout Australian markets and was greatly impressed with the\nquality of the people at the Sydney office.\n\n1. The resume you sent to me and Grant looks quite good.\nI think it makes sense to interview this person and we can help\nyou with a phone interview.\n\n2. I have received another resume that looks very promising. I am\nvery interested in this guy and would be ready to bring him over\nto the States where we lack desperately technical talent.\nCan you help us by interviewing him in Sydney? \nThe main determination I need from you is whether he can\nfunction in a company like Enron. As any good academic\nhe sent his resume in a ps format and I shall fax you a copy in case\nyou don't have a PostScript reader on your system.\n\n3. Christian Werner does some really neat things on\nthe weather front. I would like to determine if he can help\nus to upgrade our systems. Can we bring him to Houston\nfor a week to discuss the weather forecasting technology with Mike \nRoberts and Joe Hrgovcic. I think that he could learn a lot\nfrom Mike and other weather guys here how we translate \nweather info into business related information. I shall be glad to\nunderwrite the cost of this trip.\n\nVince\n", "<7428459.1075856705928.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}, "bright_promising resumeTnn": {"value": "bright_promising resumeTnn", "ne": "bright_promising resumeTnn", "patterns": ["bright_promising resumeTnn"]}, "cost tripTnn": {"value": "cost tripTnn", "ne": "cost tripTnn", "patterns": ["cost tripTnn"]}, "greatly impressedTnn": {"value": "greatly impressedTnn", "ne": "greatly impressedTnn", "patterns": ["greatly impressedTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-5-2000-1:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-5-2000-1:25:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-5-2000-1:25:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "dale.surbey@enron.com richard.lewis@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27119470.1075856986924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 May 2000 01:25:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: dale.surbey@enron.com, richard.lewis@enron.com\nSubject: Steve's trip to Houston\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Dale Surbey, Richard Lewis\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDale, Richard,\n\nI am ready to cover the cost of Steve's trip to Houston (one month in the \nsummer).\nI think very highly of Steve and think about coaching him a bit to expand his\nhorizons. I see him as a very valuable asset of Enron and a great leader\nin not too distant future. He needs exposure to more diverse business\nproblems and areas of research. I think it will be in the best interest of \nthe company\nto devote some resources to foster his development.\n\n\n\nVince\n ", "Steve's trip to Houston", "", [["cover_compensate cost_price{trip}", 4, "nninformation", ["cover", "cost"], "intention", "dale, richard, i am ready to cover the cost of steve's trip to houston (one month in the summer)."]], "Dale, Richard,\n\nI am ready to cover the cost of Steve's trip to Houston (one month in the \nsummer).\nI think very highly of Steve and think about coaching him a bit to expand his\nhorizons. I see him as a very valuable asset of Enron and a great leader\nin not too distant future. He needs exposure to more diverse business\nproblems and areas of research. I think it will be in the best interest of \nthe company\nto devote some resources to foster his development.\n\n\n\nVince\n ", "<27119470.1075856986924.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"business_job problemTnn": {"value": "business_job problemTnn", "ne": "business_job problemTnn", "patterns": ["business_job problemTnn"]}, "cost tripTnn": {"value": "cost tripTnn", "ne": "cost tripTnn", "patterns": ["cost tripTnn"]}, "cost_price summerTnn": {"value": "cost_price summerTnn", "ne": "cost_price summerTnn", "patterns": ["cost_price summerTnn"]}}, false]}, "30-3-2000-6:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-3-2000-6:33:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-3-2000-6:33:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9277234.1075857032830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 06:33:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Darden Case Study on \"The Transformation of Enron\"\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_9\\Notes Folders\\C:\\Technote\\Mail\\Projects\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, provide this info.\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/30/2000 \n02:33 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Sherri Sera @ ENRON 03/30/2000 12:47 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Lou L Pai/HOU/EES@EES, Gene Humphrey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ken Rice/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Andrew S Fastow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J \nKaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Karen Owens/HOU/EES@EES, Bert Frazier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mercedes Estrada/Enron \nCommunications@Enron Communications, Bridget Maronge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nPalmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Katherine Brown/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Fabricio \nSoares/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Darden Case Study on \"The Transformation of Enron\"\n\n\n\t\n\nGentlemen,\n\nJeff has asked that each of you make time to meet with Professors Bruner and \nBodily regardig the above referenced case (I have attached a project overview \nfor your review).\n\nThey are scheduled to be in Houston on Tuesday, April 18, to begin conducting \ninterviews (some of which may be videotaped). Please let me know your \navailablility on that date. \n\nThanks for your help, and please don't hesitate to call me (x3-5984) should \nyou need additional information. SRS\n\n\n", "Darden Case Study on \"The Transformation of Enron\"", "", [["supply_provide info_information", 4, "nninformation", ["info", "provide"], "request", "shirley, please, provide this info."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, provide this info.\n\nVince\n\n", "<9277234.1075857032830.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "19-2-2001-11:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-2-2001-11:19:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-2-2001-11:19:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jjw@ziplip.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <4640830.1075856518299.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 11:19:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jjw@ziplip.com\nSubject: Re: Tuesday biz trip\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff\n\nMy interview with Howard will be scheduled on a different day.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" on 02/16/2001 10:06:24 PM\nPlease respond to \"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" \nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Tuesday biz trip\n\n\n[Vince,]\nJeff,\n\nI cannot interview Howard on Tue (business trip) [OK- I will let London know \nthis].\nI think the organization is very interested in him [Thank you for your \nhelp...I always consider working for you, primarily- not just Enron as a \ncompany...my goal is to make you happy and do what you want; My mission was \nto get Howard to you, I understand he will go in front of the directors in \nLondon- what can I do to help you interview him? I understand that ?Melanie? \nis doing this...and the Manager of Risk at RW is directing Howard. Do you \nwant me to set Howard up with you after the second round in Enron London?]\n\nI don't know what \"illicts your attention\" means [Sorry, mistype in the \ncar...was traveling to the snow with my girlfriend on a \"mini-vacation\" today \n(I neglect her and took off to make her happy)...I constantly think of my \nwork (never peace of mind) and because I remain loyal to you...I recieved \nthis email information on Howard today(form Enron London) and felt it was \nimportant enough for you to be aware of (the 2nd interview) and make sure you \nwere happy regardless of where I'm going or what I'm doing (you said last \ntime you were going to interview this guy by video conference and Rachel said \nshe was going to set it up with you)- I didn't know, otherwise. If I don't \nknow something then I can't report to you accurate information therefore, I \nforward everything to you- so, it is transparent or maybe you knew something \ndifferent or something I overlooked. I usually send everything and anything \nrelated to this guy (Howard) because I know you liked him and I can't afford \nany mi!\nstakes- sorry to be a pest. Anything you want me to do please tell me- I'll \ndo it. Thanks, Vince. Jeff]\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\n* Get free, secure online email at http://www.ziplip.com/ *\n\n\n", "Re: Tuesday biz trip", "", [["schedule_reschedule interview{telephone}", 4, "nninformation", ["interview", "scheduled"], "intention", " my interview with howard will be scheduled on a different day."]], "Jeff\n\nMy interview with Howard will be scheduled on a different day.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\" ", [], false]}, "31-1-2001-0:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"31-1-2001-0:30:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["31-1-2001-0:30:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "zzmacmac@aol.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5278835.1075856521818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 00:30:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: zzmacmac@aol.com\nSubject: Re: SMS conference\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: ZZMACMAC@aol.com @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, vkaminski@aol.com\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nYes,\n\nI shall be glad to make a presentation.\nThanks for considering me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nZZMACMAC@aol.com on 01/31/2001 08:01:23 AM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: SMS conference\n\n\nThe Strategic Management Society is holding its annual meeting in San\nFrancisco Oct 21 to 24\nWe have a panel on Real Options, the thrustof which I attach. I was\nwondering if you would be interested in presenting on the practitioner's\nperspective - if not you would one of your colleagues be interested?\n\n - SMS 2001 1-23-01.doc\n\n", "Re: SMS conference", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 2, "nninformation", ["make", "presentation"], "intention", "yes, i shall be glad to make a presentation."]], "Yes,\n\nI shall be glad to make a presentation.\nThanks for considering me.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nZZMACMAC@aol.com on 01/31/2001 08:01:23 AM\n", "<5278835.1075856521818.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "28-6-2000-10:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-6-2000-10:24:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-6-2000-10:24:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "greg.whalley@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <15197716.1075856495750.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 10:24:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: greg.whalley@enron.com\nSubject: Dale Nesbitt\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Greg Whalley\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGreg,\n\nDale Nesbitt is a consultant who develops pricing models (spot and fwd)\nprices for E-commerce sites. He will be in Houston in the beginning of July.\nAny interest in meeting him?\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/28/2000 \n05:24 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nVKaminski@aol.com on 06/11/2000 03:17:23 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Dale Nesbitt\n\n\no: \ncc:\nSubject: RE: Follow up\n\n\nVince:\n\nThanks for your help in this matter. I dont want to be a bother to you. I\nknow you are doing your best to put this together as a go between.\n\nAs you might suspect, I am in a hurry to put together the right hearing at\nEnron because MarketPoint is just now being completed--U.S. and world oil\nand gas and North American electricity. We have just signed up our first\nweb provider (e-Acumen.com), who is preparing to vend our North American\nelectric generation data base over their website. I believe we are an\nintegral part of their offering. It wont be long before MarketPoint needs\nthe capitalization to meet our growing customer needs professionally and\nquickly, particularly when we sign up one or more vertical portals to vend\nor offer fundamental forward projections from our models. I a loath to do\nso without the capitalization and staffing we need. Also, I am loath to do\nso without the market reach that a partner like Enron could render instantly\navailable.\n\nI also would be eager during my next trip to Houston to continue the\ndiscussion with you regarding how MarketPoint might benefit Enron directly.\nI plan to be there the last week in June.\n\nThanks again for all your help and support.\n\nDale\n\n\n", "Dale Nesbitt", "", [["develop_produce_prepare_evolve example_model{model_simulation}", 4, "information", ["develops", "models"], "information", "greg, dale nesbitt is a consultant who develops pricing models (spot and fwd) prices for e-commerce sites."]], "Greg,\n\nDale Nesbitt is a consultant who develops pricing models (spot and fwd)\nprices for E-commerce sites. He will be in Houston in the beginning of July.\nAny interest in meeting him?\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<15197716.1075856495750.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy0price_price model_simulationTnn": {"value": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "ne": "energy0price_price model_simulationTnn", "patterns": ["energy0price_price model_simulationTnn"]}, "model position_spotTnn": {"value": "model position_spotTnn", "ne": "model position_spotTnn", "patterns": ["model position_spotTnn"]}, "model pricingTnn": {"value": "model pricingTnn", "ne": "model pricingTnn", "patterns": ["model pricingTnn"]}, "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn": {"value": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "ne": "model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn", "patterns": ["model_simulation oil0price_priceTnn"]}, "position_spot priceTnn": {"value": "position_spot priceTnn", "ne": "position_spot priceTnn", "patterns": ["position_spot priceTnn"]}}, false]}, "29-11-2000-2:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"29-11-2000-2:14:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["29-11-2000-2:14:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "mary.bailey@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <16963517.1075856254718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 02:14:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: mary.bailey@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Interest in a Position\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Mary Alison Bailey\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAlison,\n\nMy group needs generally people with advanced skills in mathematics and \nprogramming.\nI shall try to help you by forwarding your resume (with your permission) to \nother\nunits of Enron. Please, let me know if it's OK with you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mary Alison Bailey 11/21/2000 09:42 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Interest in a Position\n\nDear Vince,\n\nWhen we talked last, you mentioned you were considering making additions to \nyour office staff. If you are still considering these additions, I would \nlike to talk to you and see if there might be a place for me. It would be \nwonderful to work with a group such as yours.\n\nIt has been great working in recruiting, but the time has come for me to try \nsomething else. I am beginning to look around, but wanted to talk to you \nfirst. If my skill sets match a position you might be adding, please \nconsider me. I have attached my resume so that you will have an idea of what \nI have done.\n\nThank you for your consideration. Have a great Thanksgiving!\n\n\nAlison Bailey\n713-853-6778\n\n", "Re: Interest in a Position", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 14, "nninformation", ["forwarding", "resume"], "intention", " i shall try to help you by forwarding your resume (with your permission) to other units of enron."]], "Alison,\n\nMy group needs generally people with advanced skills in mathematics and \nprogramming.\nI shall try to help you by forwarding your resume (with your permission) to \nother\nunits of Enron. Please, let me know if it's OK with you.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Mary Alison Bailey 11/21/2000 09:42 AM\n\t\n\n", "<16963517.1075856254718.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"advanced skill_skill0areaTnn": {"value": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "ne": "advanced skill_skill0areaTnn", "patterns": ["advanced skill_skill0areaTnn"]}, "resume unitTnn": {"value": "resume unitTnn", "ne": "resume unitTnn", "patterns": ["resume unitTnn"]}}, false]}, "26-6-2000-7:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"26-6-2000-7:59:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["26-6-2000-7:59:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <20741616.1075856318522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 07:59:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nSubject: Resume - Rabi De\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shirley Crenshaw\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, set up a phone interview. Stinson, Krishna, Paulo, Grant.\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/26/2000 \n03:02 PM ---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Bill Berkeland @ ENRON 06/26/2000 12:20 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Kim Melodick/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Resume - Rabi De\n\nVince, thanks for returning my call. Here's Rabi's resume for your review. As \nI mentioned, I worked with Rabi for a little over a year at Shell and was \nvery impressed with both his abilities and work ethic. If you would like any \nfurther info from me, please do not hesitate to give me a call.\n\nThanks.\n\nBill\n\n\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n(For Human Resources)\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Bill Berkeland/Corp/Enron on 06/26/2000 \n11:08 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nRabi De on 06/25/2000 08:24:07 PM\nTo: Bill.Berkeland@enron.com\ncc: \n\nSubject: Resume\n\n\n \n\nDear Bill:\n\nThank you very much for volunteering to circulate my resume within Enron. As \nyou know, I am interested in exploring career opportunities in Financial \nEngineering within Enron. I am particularly interested in joining the \nresearch group headed by Dr. Vince Kaminski. \n\nEnron continues to innovate its way through the energy and telecom \nmarketplace using its substantial intellectual capital. The enclosed resume \ndetails my experience, academic background, and contributions in the area of \nrisk modeling and management. Understanding risk is a core competency of \nEnron and I am excited about the possibility of working, learning, and \ngrowing with the very best in the industry.\n\nPlease forward my resume within Enron as you see fit. Thank you in advance \nfor any referrals or recommendations you may be able to provide. \n\nBest regards,\n\nRabi S. De\n\n\n\n\nDo You Yahoo!?\nGet Yahoo! Mail- Free email you can access from anywhere!\n\n\n\n", "Resume - Rabi De", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 3, "nninformation", ["set", "interview"], "request", "shirley, please, set up a phone interview."]], "Shirley,\n\nPlease, set up a phone interview. Stinson, Krishna, Paulo, Grant.\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<20741616.1075856318522.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}}, false]}, "8-3-2001-3:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-3-2001-3:15:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-3-2001-3:15:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "hnatraj@iimb.ernet.in", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7396885.1075856515488.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 03:15:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: hnatraj@iimb.ernet.in\nSubject: RE:\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Hari Natrajan @ ENRON\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nHari,\n\nThanks. Please, keep me posted about your progress.\nAny published papers?\n\nWe shall send you the printout.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nHari Natrajan on 03/06/2001 08:47:34 PM\nTo: \"'Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com '\" \ncc: \nSubject: RE:\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nThank you very much for your prompt response. I look forward to receiving a\ncopy of your article.\n\nI would also appreciate it if you could let me know whether Enron provides\nresearch grants to individuals who are working in the area of Energy Risk\nManagement. Towards my research, I am trying to develop a model to estimate\nelectricity spot price.\n\nIn any case, I will be getting in touch with you again a year or so down the\nline when I am nearing completion of my dissertation because Enron is my\ndream job.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you.\n\nThank you,\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nHari Natarajan\nFellowship Student\nIndian Institute of Management Bangalore\nBannerghatta Road\nBangalore 560076\nIndia\nTel: 91-80-6993056\nFax: 91-80-6584050\nE-mail: hnatraj@iimb.ernet.in\n\n\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nTo: hnatraj@IIMB.ERNET.IN\nCc: Shirley.Crenshaw@enron.com; Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\nSent: 3/6/01 8:34 PM\nSubject: Re:\n\n\nHari,\n\nI shall send you a reprint of the article. I had to\ncancel my presentation at San Antonio.\n\nVince\n\nShirley,\n\nPlease, send a copy of the article to Hari.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHari Natrajan on 02/28/2001 06:45:29 AM\n\nTo: \"'vince.j.kaminski@enron.com'\" \ncc:\nSubject:\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nI am a doctoral student at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore,\nIndia. My area of interest is the Energy Sector, especially Electricity\nDerivatives. I am interested in obtaining a copy of the following items:\n\n1) Your presentation \"Current Challenges in Modeling Power Price\nVolatility\"\nat the session on Price Volatility & Probabilistic Methods in the Energy\nMarkets. (http://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000//TALKS/MD29.html)\n\n2) Your chapter \"The Challenge of Pricing and Risk Managing Electricity\nDerivatives\" in the book 'The US Power Market', Risk Publications.\n\nI would appreciate it if you could send me a soft/hard copy of the same.\n\n\nThank you,\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nHari Natarajan\nFellowship Student\nIndian Institute of Management Bangalore\nBannerghatta Road\nBangalore 560076\nIndia\nTel: 91-80-6993056\nFax: 91-80-6584050\nE-mail: hnatraj@iimb.ernet.in\n\n\n\n\n", "RE:", "", [["write_publish book", 4, "nninformation", ["papers", "published"], "request information", " any published papers?"]], "Hari,\n\nThanks. Please, keep me posted about your progress.\nAny published papers?\n\nWe shall send you the printout.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nHari Natrajan ", [], false]}, "7-8-2000-2:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"7-8-2000-2:44:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["7-8-2000-2:44:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "amy.oberg@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25082579.1075856556267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 02:44:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: amy.oberg@enron.com\nSubject: Re: MIT/AA Lab- next meeting\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Amy Oberg\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAmy,\n\nI think that Rick Causey wants simply to obtain more information to make a \nreasonable decision.\n\nWe should cancel the meeting for the time being and let Rick obtain \nclarification of some issues from AA. I would agree that AA came up with a \nrather\nvague concept of what they want to accomplish.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: MIT/AA Lab- next meeting\n\nVince: Can you shed any light on this? I'm confused (really confused).... \nDo you think this means the decision to go ahead/not is going to be made only \nby Kean, Buy and Koening? And\nDo you think this means that we shouldn't meet on Thurs?\nPersonally, I think Enron really needs to meet on Thurs to buckle down and \nstart developing some idea of needs/wants with regard to the outcomes of the \nLab. \nFrom a practical perspective, if we can't get what we want from this whole \nthing, Rick's issue of \"where AA is going with this\" is really a mute point, \nisn't it? So a working meeting might really be worth the effort. \nWould appreciate your insight and advice.\nThanks.\nAmy \n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Amy Oberg/HOU/EES on 08/07/2000 09:15 AM \n---------------------------\n\n\nRichard Causey@ENRON\n08/07/2000 09:07 AM\nTo: Amy Oberg/HOU/EES@EES\ncc: \nSubject: Re: MIT/AA New Value Research Lab \n\nI have discussed with AA and they are following up. If I am the agenda, I \nwould cancel the meeting and when I hear from AA, I will e mail everyone. I \nwould suggest we not hold a meeting until Kean, Buy , Koenig and I can all \ncome so that we can truly move forward (or decide not to). Let me know what \nyou decide. Thanks. Rick\n\n\nTo: Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: \n\nSubject: MIT/AA New Value Research Lab\n\nRick: just wanted to highlight that you ARE the agenda for this meeting (see \ninitial notice, agenda). Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. \nAmy \n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Amy Oberg/HOU/EES on 08/07/2000 08:19 AM \n---------------------------\n\n\tEnron Energy Services\n\t\n\tFrom: Carol Moffett 08/03/2000 04:21 PM\n\tPhone No: 713-853-6658 Phone\n 888-782-3518 Pager\n EB 613b\n\t\n\n\n\nTo: Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Marie Hejka/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J \nKean/HOU/EES@EES, Amy Oberg/HOU/EES@EES, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark \nRuane/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark \nKoenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON\ncc: Sharron Westbrook/Corp/Enron@Enron, Christie Connell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, \nMaureen McVicker/HOU/EES@EES, Laura Gutierrez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley \nCrenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen K Heathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joannie \nWilliamson/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: MEETING CONFIRMED: MIT/AA New Value Research Lab\n\nThis will confirm the meeting requested below. Please note, all invitees are \nnot available, but the confirmed meeting time is the best time for most of \nthe invitees.\n\n Date: Thursday - August 10\n Time: 11:00a to noon\n Place: Conference Room 4741\n Confirmed Attendees: Rick Causey\n Marie Hejka\n Steve Kean\n Amy Oberg\n Mark Palmer\n Mark Ruane\n\nThanks for your help, everyone.\n \n---------------------- Forwarded by Carol Moffett/HOU/EES on 08/03/2000 04:03 \nPM ---------------------------\n\n\tEnron Energy Services\n\t\n\tFrom: Carol Moffett 08/02/2000 03:44 PM\n\tPhone No: 713-853-6658 Phone\n 888-782-3518 Pager\n EB 613b\n\t\n\n\n\nTo: Ginger Dernehl/HOU/EES@EES, Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen K \nHeathman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sharron Westbrook/Corp/Enron@Enron, Laura \nGutierrez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laura Valencia/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Patty \nPennington/Enron Communications@Enron Communications\ncc: Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rick \nBuy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark Ruane/HOU/ECT@ECT, \nMark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Amy \nOberg/HOU/EES@EES, Marie Hejka/Corp/Enron@ENRON \nSubject: MEETING REQUEST: MIT/AA New Value Research Lab\n\nGood afternoon. I am assisting Amy Oberg with setting up a meeting among the \nindividuals listed below. Would you be so kind as to review their calendars \nand let me know if they are available during any of the suggested meeting \ntimes.\n\nMeeting Topic: MIT/AA New Value Research Lab\nMeeting Purpose: Follow up to discussion from 8/1/00; Rick Causey to brief \ngroup on \nconversations w/ AA regarding \"where they intend to go with this effort\".\nAttendees: Steve Kean \n Vince Kaminski\n Rick Buy\n Rick Causey\n Mark Ruane\n Mark Koenig\n Mark Palmer \n Amy Oberg\n Marie Hejka\n\nSuggested Meeting Dates and Times:\nThursday - August 10 anytime between 8:00a and 10:00a \nThursday - August 10 11:00 to noon \nFriday - August 11 anytime between 8:00a and 9:30a\nFriday - August 11 1:00p to 2:00p \n\nThank you.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: MIT/AA Lab- next meeting", "", [["make decision{deal_trade}", 10, "nninformation", ["decision", "make"], "intention", "amy, i think that rick causey wants simply to obtain more information to make a reasonable decision."]], "Amy,\n\nI think that Rick Causey wants simply to obtain more information to make a \nreasonable decision.\n\nWe should cancel the meeting for the time being and let Rick obtain \nclarification of some issues from AA. I would agree that AA came up with a \nrather\nvague concept of what they want to accomplish.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n", "<25082579.1075856556267.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "8-1-2001-5:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"8-1-2001-5:3:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["8-1-2001-5:3:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "spradlin@rice.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com kenneth.parkhill@enron.com", "Message-ID: <3067953.1075856461465.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 05:03:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: spradlin@rice.edu\nSubject: Re: Action Learning Project Information\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, kenneth.parkhill@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Kathy Spradling @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Kenneth Parkhill\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKathy,\n\nEnron will be represented by myself (Vince Kaminski) and Kenneth Parkhill.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKathy Spradling on 01/05/2001 05:04:21 PM\nTo: (Recipient list suppressed)\ncc: chamberl@rice.edu, castro@rice.edu, spradlin@rice.edu=20\nSubject: Action Learning Project Information\n\n\nDear Company Representative,\n\nWe are pleased to announce that your company=01,s proposal has been selecte=\nd\nas a potential project in the Jones Graduate School of Management's Action\nLearning Project (ALP) Program. As indicated in the ALP brochure, company\nrepresentatives are invited to attend the ALP Program Introduction and\nStudent Networking Session on Wednesday, January 10. Please RSVP to Kathy\nSpradling, MBA Program Coordinator, at 713-348-3313 or e-mail her at\nspradlin@rice.edu by Monday, January 8 to let her know if you plan to\nattend the session. Please provide your company name and the names of\nrepresentatives attending the session so nametags can be prepared. Dress\nis business casual. Below is the schedule of events:\n\n8:30 9:00 a.m.\n? Continental Breakfast and setup of your company table\n? Farnsworth Pavilion (located in Rice Student Center)\n\n9:00 9:45 a.m.\n? Introduction and Program Overview with company representatives, ALP\nadministration and faculty liaisons\n? Farnsworth Pavilion (located in Rice Student Center)\n\n10:00 12:00 p.m.\n? Student Networking Session with company representatives and\nfirst-year students\n? Grand Hall (located in Rice Student Center)\n\nThe ALP Program Introduction and Student Networking Session will be held in\nthe Rice Student Center (numbers 10 and 11 on the campus map sent with your\nacceptance letter). Please contact Kathy Spradling if you need an\nadditional map faxed to you. There is a large amount of construction taking\nplace on campus. Once the Visitor=01,s lot near the Rice Memorial Center i=\ns\nfull, we recommend you park in the stadium lot in the designated Visitor\narea and take the shuttle bus to the Rice Memorial Center. Make sure to\nlet the bus driver know your destination.\n\n\nThe MBA Program Office has reserved the Grand Hall for the Student\nNetworking Session. Each company represented will have a table set up with\nsignage for your company. You may bring additional materials you feel\nmight be of interest to students such as company brochures, articles and\npackets. Due to the limited space, we are discouraging the use of display\nboards in the networking session. Unfortunately, no internet connections\nwill be available for use during the session.\n\nAgain, thank you for your interest in Rice. We look forward to working\nwith you, and hope to see you on Wednesday, January 10.\n\nCarrie Miller\nPam Castro\nKathy Spradling\n\n\n\nKathy M. Spradling\nMBA Program Coordinator\nJesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management\nRice University\n6100 Main Street, MS 531\nHouston, Texas 77005-1892\nPhone: (713) 348-3313\nFax: (713) 348-5251\nEmail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.rice.edu/jgs\nE-mail: spradlin@rice.edu\nhttp://www.ruf.rice.edu/~jgs/\n\n\n", "Re: Action Learning Project Information", "", [["read_translate_learn information", 1, "information", ["information", "learning"], "information", " action learning project information."]], "Kathy,\n\nEnron will be represented by myself (Vince Kaminski) and Kenneth Parkhill.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nKathy Spradling ", [], false]}, "10-1-2001-9:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-1-2001-9:16:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-1-2001-9:16:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <3743096.1075856460944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:16:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: stinson.gibner@enron.com\nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Stinson Gibner\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nStinson,\n\nCan we give access to her and WHY?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2001 \n05:17 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nARSystem on 01/10/2001 08:59:24 AM\nTo: \"vince.j.kaminski@enron.com\" \ncc: \nSubject: Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\n\n\nYou have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data \napprover. Please click \nhttp://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000013085&Page=\nApproval to review and act upon this request.\n\n\n\n\nRequest ID : 000000000013085\nApprover : stinson.gibner@enron.com\nRequest Create Date : 1/10/01 8:59:14 AM\nRequested For : jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com\nResource Name : \\\\enehou\\houston\\common\\Research - [Read]\nResource Type : Directory\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com", "", [["submit request{access}", 1, "information", ["access", "request", "submitted"], "information", "request submitted: access request for jennifer."]], "Stinson,\n\nCan we give access to her and WHY?\n\n\nVince\n\n\n", "<3743096.1075856460944.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access requestTnn": {"value": "access requestTnn", "ne": "access requestTnn", "patterns": ["access requestTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-4-2000-1:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-4-2000-1:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-1:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "grant.masson@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com samer.takriti@enron.com", "", "Message-ID: <18505940.1075856821394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 01:43:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: grant.masson@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com,\n\tsamer.takriti@enron.com\nSubject: Re: A resume for your consideration\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Grant Masson, Stinson Gibner, Zimin Lu, Samer Takriti\nX-cc: \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nGrant,\n\nLet's invite him for a preliminary interview.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Grant Masson 04/24/2000 08:21 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: A resume for your consideration\n\nVince, Stinson:\n\nI gave a talk to a bunch of UH MBA students taking a course on options. One \nof the more interesting of the inevitable stream of resumes is the enclosed. \nPerhaps an EBS hire?\n\nGrant\n---------------------- Forwarded by Grant Masson/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000 08:18 \nAM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Matthew Crouse\" on 04/21/2000 05:06:08 PM\nTo: grant.masson@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: UH lecture and potential career opportunity\n\n\nDr. Masson,\n\nI attended your lecture at UH and enjoyed it tremendously. If possible, I\nwould like to investigate a career opportunity with your group in particular\nor Enron in general. Would you please review my resume and/or forward to\npotentially interested parties?\n\nIn tandem will all of Enron's other propaganda efforts, your top-notch\nlecture at UH spurred me to do some soul searching. I currently work at\nDuke Energy Trading and Marketing, but have been extremely impressed with\nEnron's cutting-edge research and market-leading position.\n\nI have a Ph.D in electrical engineering from Rice (statistical signal\nprocessing) with two years of experience at Duke relating to the valuation,\nrisk management, and risk measurement of financial derivatives and physical\nassets. I seek a similar position that would allow me to leverage my\nquantitative skills and grow within in the corporation.\n\nI believe I would be a great fit with Enron and hope you would consider me\nfor a potential position.\n\nBest regards,\nMatt Crouse\n________________________________________________________________________\nGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com\n\n - Matt Crouse CV.doc\n\n\n\n", "Re: A resume for your consideration", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 4, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "grant, let's invite him for a preliminary interview."]], "Grant,\n\nLet's invite him for a preliminary interview.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Grant Masson 04/24/2000 08:21 AM\n\t\n\n", "<18505940.1075856821394.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"interview preliminaryTnn": {"value": "interview preliminaryTnn", "ne": "interview preliminaryTnn", "patterns": ["interview preliminaryTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-1-2000-0:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-1-2000-0:39:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-1-2000-0:39:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "shelley.corman@enron.com", "stinson.gibner@enron.com zimin.lu@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com clayton.vernon@enron.com", "Message-ID: <20057064.1075857003421.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 00:39:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: shelley.corman@enron.com\nSubject: auctions with an incumbent's right of first refusal\nCc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: stinson.gibner@enron.com, zimin.lu@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com,\n\tclayton.vernon@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Shelley Corman\nX-cc: Stinson Gibner, Zimin Lu, Vince J Kaminski, Clayton Vernon\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nShelley,\n\nMy colleague, Clayton Vernon, who has a background in economics, wrote a \nshort summary of arguments\nagainst the ROFR. \n\nWe are working on the second approach to the problem: we try to come up with \na numerical estimate of the\nvalue of this option. The fact that an incumbent shipper has this option has \ndistributional consequences:\nhe has something of value he never paid for. Having a numerical estimate of \nthe value of this option\ncould help to argue against it. The value of such an option is case specific; \nso we shall rather \nproduce a template you can use for valuation case by case.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/20/2000 \n08:34 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nClayton Vernon@ENRON\n01/20/2000 08:29 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT, zlu/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: auctions with an incumbent's right of first refusal\n\nVince-\n\nHere is an essay on the issue you are discussing:\n\n\nThe Adverse Economic Impact of \"Rights of First Refusal\"\n\nAn option to \"first refuse\" to match a competitor's offer is a restraint of \nfree trade and an impediment to efficiency in the marketplace. This economic \nconclusion is unambiguous.\n\nIf an \"incumbent\" has the right to match an offer made by a competitor, for \nan item or service of value, then few competitors will invest the time and \nexpense necessary to prepare and submit offers, those offers will be lower \nthan they would have been otherwise, and the contract will often be awarded \nto an inefficient incumbent instead of a more efficient challenger.\n\nIn a traditional auction, where all bids are sealed and the item up for \nauction is awarded to the highest bidder, we can safely predict the item will \nbe awarded to the bidder who values it the most, at a price reflecting the \nfull value of the item up for auction. This is the efficient result in a \nmarket economy, because the financing of the high bid reflects resources \nfreely allocated to the high bidder. If the auction has open bids, we can \nagain safely predict the item to be awarded to the correct bidder, albeit at \na slightly lower price to the donor of the item since the bidder with the \nhighest valuation can simply increment by an infinitesimal amount the \nsecond-highest valuation.\n\nNow, in a modified auction, where an incumbent bidder has the right to match \nthe highest bid and retain the item for himself, each competing bidder must \njustify his own due diligence and bid preparation expenses against the \nfollowing, and likely, scenario: the incumbent does not spend himself for due \ndiligence, but instead uses these savings to help finance his matching the \ntop bid from a competitor.\n\nSimply put, the incumbent with a \"right of first refusal\" can be safely \npredicted to simply match their competitor's bid by \"rule of thumb.\" But the \nincumbent's valuation of the item up for auction can be less than the \nvaluation of the competitor, by the amount of the due diligence and \nadministrative expenses. And, the incumbent firm expropriates the expertise \nof his competitors, not only in their valuations themselves, a nontrivial \nfinancial exercise, but in any operational details required to be submitted \nalong with the bid.\n\nFurthermore, in an esoteric concept known as the \"Winner's Curse,\" a bidder \nrealizes that if his bid actually prevails, if the incumbent fails to match \nit, he almost certainly overbid.\n\nGiven this, most competitors will not even bother to bid in an auction when \nan incumbent has the right of first refusal, and those that submit a bid do \nnot rationally invest the time, expense and expertise necessary; they may \njust \"fire off\" a \"low-ball\" bid. After all, in almost every conceivable \n\"state of the world\" arising from the auction the competitors expect to lose \nmoney. So, the incumbent almost always retains the contract at a \nbelow-market price, despite the incumbent not necessarily placing the highest \nvalue on the contract because the incumbent cannot put the contract to its \nmost efficient use.\n", "auctions with an incumbent's right of first refusal", "", [["write_publish book", 9, "information", ["summary", "wrote"], "information", "shelley, my colleague, clayton vernon, who has a background in economics, wrote a short summary of arguments against the rofr."], ["use_apply model_simulation{case0study}{example_model}{case_example}", 41, "nninformation", ["use", "case"], "intention", " the value of such an option is case specific; so we shall rather produce a template you can use for valuation case by case."]], "Shelley,\n\nMy colleague, Clayton Vernon, who has a background in economics, wrote a \nshort summary of arguments\nagainst the ROFR. \n\nWe are working on the second approach to the problem: we try to come up with \na numerical estimate of the\nvalue of this option. The fact that an incumbent shipper has this option has \ndistributional consequences:\nhe has something of value he never paid for. Having a numerical estimate of \nthe value of this option\ncould help to argue against it. The value of such an option is case specific; \nso we shall rather \nproduce a template you can use for valuation case by case.\n\nVince Kaminski\n\n\n", "<20057064.1075857003421.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"approach problemTnn": {"value": "approach problemTnn", "ne": "approach problemTnn", "patterns": ["approach problemTnn"]}}, false]}, "15-5-2000-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-5-2000-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-2:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ehilton@earthlink.net", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <5364268.1075856737367.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 May 2000 02:21:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ehilton@earthlink.net\nSubject: Re: career opportunity\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Eric Hilton @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEric,\n\nPlease, send me your resume and I shall pass it on.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton on 05/14/2000 08:40:54 PM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: career opportunity\n\n\n 5-14-00\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski:\n\n I am currently wanting to make career change from retail\nlogistics to power operations/scheduling(entry-level). Would you or a\nclose contact know of an opportunity available that I might apply for? I\ngraduated with a Bachelor's in marketing in 1997 and have been a retail\nmanager/junior executive for the last three years. I feel I have reached\nmy full potential in the retail market in the logistics field and would\nvery much like to get an opportunity to \"break\" into the energy industry\nand remain there for the rest of my career. Any information you could\ngive would be greatly appreciated. Enron Corporation is a very\nwell-respected company who I would greatly like to put my education and\nexperience to work for. Since you are a very busy professional, I will\nbe very happy to send you my resume only at your request. Once again Mr.\nKaminski, thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from\nyou.\n\nWarmest Regards,\nEric Hilton\n\n\n", "Re: career opportunity", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 3, "nninformation", ["send", "resume"], "request", "eric, please, send me your resume and i shall pass it on."]], "Eric,\n\nPlease, send me your resume and I shall pass it on.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nEric Hilton ", [], false]}, "15-5-2000-2:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-5-2000-2:31:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-5-2000-2:31:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "david.hunker@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28456899.1075856737317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 15 May 2000 02:31:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: david.hunker@enron.com\nSubject: Re:\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: David Hunker\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nDavid,\n\nWe shall arrange a preliminary phone interview with Todd.\n\nVince\n\nShirley, can you, please, schedule a phone interview with Todd (me, Stinson, \nZimin).\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Hunker@ENRON\n05/12/2000 11:10 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: \n\nVince-\n\nI recently spoke with Chris Helfrich and Rodney Malcolm. They suggested that \nI contact you.\n\nTodd Perry is a PH.D. student at University of Oregon. Todd was very helpful \nto me when I was an undergrad, and has asked for any help I can lend him \nregarding employment with Enron. He has extensive Oil & Gas experience, was \na Financial Analyst for McKinsey & Co. and was an equity trader for CALPERS. \nChris Helfrich indicated that he could be a very good fit for your group.\n\nMy personal experience with Todd was limited to my undergrad days at \nUniversity of Oregon. He was the most prominent graduate student in the \nprogram and was very well liked and respected by both students and faculty.\n\nI believe Todd would be an excellent addition to any group at Enron. I am \nattaching his resume for your review.\n\nPlease feel free to contact me if you have any questions.\n\nDave Hunker\n\n\n\n", "Re:", "", [["set_determine_arrange interview{phone}", 1, "nninformation", ["arrange", "interview"], "intention", "david, we shall arrange a preliminary phone interview with todd."]], "David,\n\nWe shall arrange a preliminary phone interview with Todd.\n\nVince\n\nShirley, can you, please, schedule a phone interview with Todd (me, Stinson, \nZimin).\n\n\n\n\n\nDavid Hunker@ENRON\n05/12/2000 11:10 AM\n", "<28456899.1075856737317.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn": {"value": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "ne": "arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn", "patterns": ["arrange0phone_phone interviewTnn"]}, "interview preliminaryTnn": {"value": "interview preliminaryTnn", "ne": "interview preliminaryTnn", "patterns": ["interview preliminaryTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-4-2000-10:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-4-2000-10:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-4-2000-10:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "rick.buy@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <31788828.1075856932850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 10:20:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: rick.buy@enron.com\nSubject: Aram\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Rick Buy\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRick,\n\nAram is coming to Houston, in my view, to explore the possibility of coming \nback to Enron\n(given uncertain situation under the Scottish rule at the old Pacificorp). \n\nI shall suggest that he meet with you and/or Ted Murphy as well.\n\nI can wait for Karen to come back. It's not urgent. We are still working on\nthe volumetric risk module and the team is making a very good progress.\nThey gave a presentation today to Rick Carson and me.\n\nWe have to decide what comes next (Asset/Liability Model or\nOperational Risk Model).\n\n\nVince", "Aram", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 25, "information", ["making", "progress"], "information", " we are still working on the volumetric risk module and the team is making a very good progress."]], "Rick,\n\nAram is coming to Houston, in my view, to explore the possibility of coming \nback to Enron\n(given uncertain situation under the Scottish rule at the old Pacificorp). \n\nI shall suggest that he meet with you and/or Ted Murphy as well.\n\nI can wait for Karen to come back. It's not urgent. We are still working on\nthe volumetric risk module and the team is making a very good progress.\nThey gave a presentation today to Rick Carson and me.\n\nWe have to decide what comes next (Asset/Liability Model or\nOperational Risk Model).\n\n\nVince", "<31788828.1075856932850.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk model_modelingTnn"]}, "model risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "model risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["model risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "operational riskTnn": {"value": "operational riskTnn", "ne": "operational riskTnn", "patterns": ["operational riskTnn"]}}, false]}, "6-11-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"6-11-2000-2:22:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["6-11-2000-2:22:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "steven.leppard@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <28061306.1075856474722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 02:22:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: steven.leppard@enron.com\nSubject: Re: In confidence\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Steven Leppard\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nSteve,\n\nRAC will be a bit unhappy about it. I think that Bjorn will object to it.\nLet me talk to you tomorrow over the phone and discuss it.\nThe question is how to present it to RAC in a such a way that\nRodrigo will not be put in a bad light.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n11/06/2000 06:37 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: In confidence\n\nHi Vince\n\nI've had a chat with Rodrigo Lamas, who is a bit unhappy in his current role \nin RAC (he wants to be a bit more proactive, and finds the inertia \nfrustrating). I would be very interested in bringing him into Research with \nresponsibility for VaR/risk mgt, which is where his professional experience \nlies. He also has a PhD in optimization from Imperial College London which \nI'm sure we can make use of.\n\nThere will obviously be some political issues involving such a move only 4 \nmonths into his career at Enron, and if you're able then I'm sure he'd \nappreciate a chat with you.\n\nWe're awaiting your response before Rodrigo mentions this to anyone else.\n\nSteve\n\n", "Re: In confidence", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 13, "nninformation", ["put", "rodrigo"], "intention", " the question is how to present it to rac in a such a way that rodrigo will not be put in a bad light."]], "Steve,\n\nRAC will be a bit unhappy about it. I think that Bjorn will object to it.\nLet me talk to you tomorrow over the phone and discuss it.\nThe question is how to present it to RAC in a such a way that\nRodrigo will not be put in a bad light.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nSteven Leppard\n11/06/2000 06:37 AM\n", "<28061306.1075856474722.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "20-6-2000-8:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-6-2000-8:6:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-6-2000-8:6:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "bryan.seyfried@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14185701.1075856563250.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 08:06:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: bryan.seyfried@enron.com\nSubject: Names\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Bryan Seyfried\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nBryan,\n\nThe person from Citibank:\n\nAlla Gil, (212) 723 6275\nalla.gil@ssmb.com\n\n\nI am attaching the resume of Iris Mack.\n\n\n\n\nVince\n", "Names", "", [["send_attach resume{version}{electronic}", 8, "information", ["attaching", "resume"], "information", "com i am attaching the resume of iris mack."]], "Bryan,\n\nThe person from Citibank:\n\nAlla Gil, (212) 723 6275\nalla.gil@ssmb.com\n\n\nI am attaching the resume of Iris Mack.\n\n\n\n\nVince\n", "<14185701.1075856563250.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "5-6-2000-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"5-6-2000-1:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["5-6-2000-1:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "conrad@risk.co.uk", "vince.kaminski@enron.com mike.roberts@enron.com daniel.diamond@enron.com", "Message-ID: <14272221.1075856324456.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 01:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: conrad@risk.co.uk\nSubject: Re: Enron site/MEPR2\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com, daniel.diamond@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, mike.roberts@enron.com, daniel.diamond@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Conrad Gardner @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Mike A Roberts, Daniel Diamond\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nConrad,\n\nThanks for your message.\n\nThere are 3 papers Enron contributed to the last MEPR.\n\nThere is also another paper on electricity I contributed to the \"red book\" on \nUS\npower markets, as well as a paper or credit risk management, and a paper\non weather derivatives. All these papers included in other RISK books were \nwritten by Enron \nemployees.\n\nWe would like them included as well, if technically possible.\n\n\nI think that offering other energy related books through our site, in \naddition to MEPR2,\nis fine, but I would leave the decision to Dan Diamond, who is responsible \nfor the project.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nConrad Gardner on 06/05/2000 07:08:36 AM\nTo: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Enron site/MEPR2\n\n\n>Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 13:02:02\n>To: Vince Kaminski\n>From: Conrad Gardner \n>\n>Dear Vince\n>\n>Thanks for the call and email on Friday. I will contact Masuyuki and follow\nit from there.\n>\n>Regarding the Enron site, I think it is absolutely fine to put up the two\nEnron chapters (I'll provide pdfs), and prevent any customer leakages from\nyour site by the use of \"submit\" buttons. As mentioned, I'll offer a 20%\ndiscount on MEPR2 to customers but would you be interested in some of other\nenergy titles? - Please let me know.\n>\n>Many thanks\n>\n>Conrad Gardner\n>\nHead of Book Publishing\nRisk Books\nHaymarket House\n28-29 Haymarket\nLondon\nSW1Y 4RX\nDirect tel: +44 (020) 7 484 9750\nMain tel:+44 (020) 7 484 9700\nFax: +44 (020) 7 484 9758\ne-mail: Conrad@risk.co.uk\nwww.riskpublications.com\n\n\n", "Re: Enron site/MEPR2", "", [["write_publish book", 24, "information", ["books", "written"], "information", " all these papers included in other risk books were written by enron employees."]], "Conrad,\n\nThanks for your message.\n\nThere are 3 papers Enron contributed to the last MEPR.\n\nThere is also another paper on electricity I contributed to the \"red book\" on \nUS\npower markets, as well as a paper or credit risk management, and a paper\non weather derivatives. All these papers included in other RISK books were \nwritten by Enron \nemployees.\n\nWe would like them included as well, if technically possible.\n\n\nI think that offering other energy related books through our site, in \naddition to MEPR2,\nis fine, but I would leave the decision to Dan Diamond, who is responsible \nfor the project.\n\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nConrad Gardner ", {"book energy_energy0derivativeTnn": {"value": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "ne": "book energy_energy0derivativeTnn", "patterns": ["book energy_energy0derivativeTnn"]}, "book paperTnn": {"value": "book paperTnn", "ne": "book paperTnn", "patterns": ["book paperTnn"]}, "book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn": {"value": "book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn", "ne": "book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn", "patterns": ["book_storage0book credit0risk_riskTnn"]}, "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn": {"value": "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn", "ne": "book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn", "patterns": ["book_storage0book risk_risk0magazineTnn"]}, "book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["book_storage0book risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["credit0risk_risk power_power0marketTnn"]}, "credit_credit0risk market_power0marketTnn": {"value": "credit_credit0risk market_power0marketTnn", "ne": "credit_credit0risk market_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["credit_credit0risk market_power0marketTnn"]}, "electricity paper_reportTnn": {"value": "electricity paper_reportTnn", "ne": "electricity paper_reportTnn", "patterns": ["electricity paper_reportTnn"]}, "employee risk_risk0managementTnn": {"value": "employee risk_risk0managementTnn", "ne": "employee risk_risk0managementTnn", "patterns": ["employee risk_risk0managementTnn"]}, "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn": {"value": "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn", "ne": "management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn", "patterns": ["management_risk0management power_power0marketTnn"]}, "market_power0market paper_reportTnn": {"value": "market_power0market paper_reportTnn", "ne": "market_power0market paper_reportTnn", "patterns": ["market_power0market paper_reportTnn"]}, "5": {"value": "3", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric paper_reportTnn"]}, "paper_report weather_weather0derivativeTnn": {"value": "paper_report weather_weather0derivativeTnn", "ne": "paper_report weather_weather0derivativeTnn", "patterns": ["paper_report weather_weather0derivativeTnn"]}}, false]}, "10-4-2001-8:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"10-4-2001-8:4:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["10-4-2001-8:4:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "anne.labbe@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com norma.villarreal@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <6575755.1075856508430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 08:04:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: anne.labbe@enron.com\nSubject: Sevil Yamin\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tnorma.villarreal@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, vasant.shanbhogue@enron.com,\n\tnorma.villarreal@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Anne Labbe\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Vasant Shanbhogue, Norma Villarreal, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_4\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nAnne,\n\nVasant sent this information to Norma. I shall fwd his message to you.\n\nVince\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n03:02 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nStinson Gibner\n04/10/2001 02:57 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Sevil Yamin\n\nVince,\n\nDo you want me to do this, or Vasant?\n\n--Stinson\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 \n02:57 PM ---------------------------\nFrom: Anne Labbe/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/06/2001 09:57 AM\nTo: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Sevil Yamin\n\nStinson,\n\nI am the new HR generalist for the research group because Norma Villarreal is \nmoving to Business Analysis and Reporting. Earlier this week, Norma and I \nmet with Vince, and he said that he was going to talk to you about writing up \na list of Sevil's projects/ accomplishments for last year and this year, so \nthat we can give her a project bonus since she did not receive a bonus during \nthe normal PRC time. At your earliest convenience, will you please email me \nthis list so that I can get started putting together all of the paperwork so \nthat she can receive a check on April 16th.\n\nIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 5-7809. I look \nforward to meeting you, and the rest of the group next week at Vince's staff \nmeeting.\n\nThanks,\nAnne Labbe'\n\n\n", "Sevil Yamin", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 3, "information", ["sent", "information"], "information", "anne, vasant sent this information to norma."]], "Anne,\n\nVasant sent this information to Norma. I shall fwd his message to you.\n\nVince\n", "<6575755.1075856508430.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}, "30-4-2001-17:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"30-4-2001-17:8:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["30-4-2001-17:8:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "loughrid@rice.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com christie.patrick@enron.com", "Message-ID: <7482521.1075840787215.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 17:08:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: loughrid@rice.edu\nSubject: RE: ALP presentation\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: loughrid@rice.edu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski , Christie Patrick \nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\vkamins\\Rice\nX-Origin: KAMINSKI-V\nX-FileName: vincent kaminski 1-30-02.pst\n\nDennis,\n\nThanks for you message. I shall send you more information regarding the dinner later this week.\nChristie Patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making arrangements for\nthe evening at the Enron Field. Hopefully, we shall be able to combine dinner with a game.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" on 04/30/2001 10:49:10 AM\nPlease respond to \nTo:\t\ncc:\t \nSubject:\tRE: ALP presentation\n\n\nVince\nI will be attending the ALP presentation on May 7 and would be pleased to\njoin the team for dinner if it is not too late.\nThank you\nDennis Loughridge\n\n\nDennis W. Loughridge\nDirector of Energy Consortium\nRice University\n713-348-2812\n\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com]\nSent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:16 AM\nTo: loughrid@rice.edu\nCc: luigical@rice.edu\nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nSorry, trying again. I probably got a wrong E-mail address and the original\nmessage\nwas returned.\n\nVince Kaminski\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001\n08:15 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n04/10/2001 08:13 AM\n\nTo: barrett@rice.edu, uecker@rice.edu, cmiller@rice.edu,\n lounghrid@rice.edu, luigical@rice.edu\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christie Patrick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shirley\n Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Parkhill/NA/Enron@ENRON\nSubject: ALP presentation\n\nOn behalf of Enron Corp. I would like to invite you to an ALP Project\npresentation by a group of students\nof Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University.\n\nThe students will present the results of a research project regarding\nelectronic trading\nplatforms in the energy industry.\n\nThe presentation will be held on May 7, at 4:00 p.m. at Enron, 1400 Smith.\n\nWe would also like to invite you to dinner, following the presentation.\n\n\nVince Kaminski\n\nVincent Kaminski\nManaging Director - Research\nEnron Corp.\n1400 Smith Street\nRoom EB1962\nHouston, TX 77002-7361\n\nPhone: (713) 853 3848\n (713) 410 5396 (cell)\nFax : (713) 646 2503\nE-mail: vkamins@enron.com\n\n\n\n\n", "RE: ALP presentation", "", [["send_attach info_information{unit}{numeric}", 4, "nninformation", ["send", "information"], "intention", " i shall send you more information regarding the dinner later this week."], ["make contribution_part{field_theater}{area_field}", 13, "information", ["field", "making"], "information", " christie patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making arrangements for the evening at the enron field."]], "Dennis,\n\nThanks for you message. I shall send you more information regarding the dinner later this week.\nChristie Patrick, who is in charge of our university liaison unit, is making arrangements for\nthe evening at the Enron Field. Hopefully, we shall be able to combine dinner with a game.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Dennis W. Loughridge\" ", [], false]}, "15-2-2000-5:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"15-2-2000-5:1:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["15-2-2000-5:1:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "zimin.lu@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25907443.1075856771100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 05:01:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: zimin.lu@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Power 2000\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Zimin Lu\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_6\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nZimin,\n\nYou are the 1st. Feel free to register as my guest.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nZimin Lu\n02/14/2000 02:59 PM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Power 2000\n\n\n\nVince,\n\nCould you take me as your guest for the Power 2000 conference if\nno one has asked already ? \n\nThere are a few interesting topics I would like to hear.\n\nZimin\n\n", "Re: Power 2000", "", [["register conference", 5, "nninformation", ["guest", "register"], "intention", " feel free to register as my guest."]], "Zimin,\n\nYou are the 1st. Feel free to register as my guest.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nZimin Lu\n02/14/2000 02:59 PM\n", "<25907443.1075856771100.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"1": {"value": "2000", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["index_power numericTnn", "numeric power_power0reportTnn"]}}, false]}, "19-1-2001-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"19-1-2001-2:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["19-1-2001-2:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "molly.magee@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <17562128.1075856458808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 02:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: molly.magee@enron.com\nSubject: Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Molly Magee\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nMolly,\n\nLet's get L1 for Anshuman, just in case. I am sure he will stay here for a \nwhile\nonce he comes. It is quite obvious Jeff Shankman will have to keep him \nlonger,\ngiven the priority of the project.\n\nI assume there are no problems with Sandeep.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 01/19/2001 09:54 AM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Margaret Daffin/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update \n\nThank you for the update, Vince. I have been working with Margaret Daffin \nwith regard to Anshuman's visa status. We will have to get an L1 visa in \nplace before he can come to the United States, even in a temporary \ncapacity. Do you want to move forward with that effort at this time, or \nis the possibility of him coming to the U.S. so remote that it wouldn't be \nworth the time and money right now?\n\nMolly\n\n\n\n\n\nVince J Kaminski\n01/19/2001 09:42 AM\nTo: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: Transition to Research Group - An Update\n\nMolly,\n\nThis is an update on Anshuman. Please, see below. It seems\nthat his transfer is not an issue for the time being.\n\nWe can put it on a back-burner till he gets here. \n\nVince\n\nP.S. The relevant section.\n\nI also spoke about Anshuman, and there was resistance to his leaing for such \na long time. However, I have agreement from folks here to send him to \nHouston for a shorter stint on DPC budget. I will try to finalize that \nbefore I leave. I will call you in the evening to just chat.\n\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2001 \n09:45 AM ---------------------------\n\n\nSandeep Kohli@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n01/19/2001 04:32 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: Transition to Research Group - An Update\n\nVince,\n\nJust wanted to let you know that I had a meeting with Wade Cline (COO, Enron \nIndia), Neil McGregor (President, DPC), and Mohan Gurunath (CFO, DPC) today. \nThough I had already spoken to all of them earlier about my joining your \ngroup, today it became official, and all of them supported the move. I \nexplained to them what we would be doing, and the results expected from the \nHenwood study.\n\nDPC would like to pay the costs for the study, and that was mentioned. There \nmaybe some tax issues etc. that need to be cleared, and other related issues \nthat I would like to discuss with you, so I will leave them till I get to \nHouston.\n\nI also spoke about Anshuman, and there was resistance to his leaing for such \na long time. However, I have agreement from folks here to send him to \nHouston for a shorter stint on DPC budget. I will try to finalize that \nbefore I leave. I will call you in the evening to just chat.\n\nI am very thankful to you for giving the opportunity you have. Things here \nhave deteriorated dramatically over the last few weeks. Morale is quite down \ndue to many lay-offs.\n\nI am really looking forward to returning to Houston, and the family!!\n\nRegards,\nSandeep.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "Re: Transition to Research Group - An Update", "", [["keep_hold personnelpronoun", 12, "nninformation", ["keep", "him"], "intention", " it is quite obvious jeff shankman will have to keep him longer, given the priority of the project."]], "Molly,\n\nLet's get L1 for Anshuman, just in case. I am sure he will stay here for a \nwhile\nonce he comes. It is quite obvious Jeff Shankman will have to keep him \nlonger,\ngiven the priority of the project.\n\nI assume there are no problems with Sandeep.\n\nThanks.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n \n\tEnron North America Corp.\n\t\n\tFrom: Molly Magee 01/19/2001 09:54 AM\n\t\n\n", "<17562128.1075856458808.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"6": {"value": "1", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["case_case0study numericTnn", "case_example numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "24-10-2000-9:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-10-2000-9:32:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-10-2000-9:32:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jinbaek@ieor.berkeley.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <27084675.1075856477084.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:32:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jinbaek@ieor.berkeley.edu\nSubject: Re: Resume,\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jinbaek Kim @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJinbaek,\n\nWe shall invite you to an interview in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJinbaek Kim on 10/23/2000 07:25:36 PM\nTo: vkamins@enron.com\ncc: \nSubject: Resume,\n\n\nDear Mr. Kaminski,\n\nHi,\nI am a Ph.D student at IEOR department at U.C.Berkeley.\nThanks for your presentation today.\nIt gave me knowledge and interest in electricity markets,\nand your company.\nAs you mentioned in the presentation,\nI send a resume to give me opportunity to learn more\nabout your company.\nI hope I can join the super saturday event.\n\nJinbaek\n\n\n - resume.doc\n\n", "Re: Resume,", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 2, "nninformation", ["interview", "invite"], "intention", "jinbaek, we shall invite you to an interview in houston."]], "Jinbaek,\n\nWe shall invite you to an interview in Houston.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nJinbaek Kim ", [], false]}, "28-2-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"28-2-2000-0:40:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["28-2-2000-0:40:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "karen.marshall@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com stinson.gibner@enron.com", "Message-ID: <9682146.1075856807359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 00:40:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: karen.marshall@enron.com\nSubject: Resumes\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, stinson.gibner@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Karen Marshall\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Stinson Gibner\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_7\\Notes Folders\\Discussion threads\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nKaren,\n\nI have forwarded all the resumes to Charlene Jackson about 10 days ago. \nI am resending 4 resumes (in the case of Paolo it's a copy of his E-mail \nmessage)\nI have in electronic format. The resume for Gappy will be faxed to you.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nVince\n", "Resumes", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 2, "information", ["forwarded", "resumes"], "information", "karen, i have forwarded all the resumes to charlene jackson about numeric days ago."]], "Karen,\n\nI have forwarded all the resumes to Charlene Jackson about 10 days ago. \nI am resending 4 resumes (in the case of Paolo it's a copy of his E-mail \nmessage)\nI have in electronic format. The resume for Gappy will be faxed to you.\n\nThanks for your help.\n\nVince\n", "<9682146.1075856807359.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"8": {"value": "4", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["case_case0study numericTnn", "case_example numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "20-3-2001-23:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"20-3-2001-23:20:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["20-3-2001-23:20:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "james.bouillion@enron.com", "shirley.crenshaw@enron.com vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <12760466.1075856206054.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 23:20:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: james.bouillion@enron.com\nSubject: Re: CHARM\nCc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: James L Bouillion\nX-cc: Shirley Crenshaw, Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJim,\n\nThanks a lot. Sorry for a delay in responding to your message. March 29 works \nfor me and I shall ask Shirley Crenshaw\nto call you and agree on the time. I am in London without access to my \ncalendar.\n\nVince", "Re: CHARM", "", [["respond delay", 3, "information", ["delay", "responding"], "information", " sorry for a delay in responding to your message."]], "Jim,\n\nThanks a lot. Sorry for a delay in responding to your message. March 29 works \nfor me and I shall ask Shirley Crenshaw\nto call you and agree on the time. I am in London without access to my \ncalendar.\n\nVince", "<12760466.1075856206054.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access calendarTnn": {"value": "access calendarTnn", "ne": "access calendarTnn", "patterns": ["access calendarTnn"]}}, false]}, "18-1-2001-5:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"18-1-2001-5:43:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["18-1-2001-5:43:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "john.lavorato@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <19557447.1075856231121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 05:43:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: john.lavorato@enron.com\nSubject: A resume\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: John J Lavorato\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_1\\Notes Folders\\All documents\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJohn,\n\nThis is a resume I received today from my friend.\nPlease, take a look at it. What follows below is a copy of his message to\nme:\n\n\nDear Vincent,\n\nI very much would like to ask you for a career advice. I am looking for new\nchallenges and new professional opportunities. Possibly there would be such\nopportunity around yourself at Enron Corporation.\n\nI trust that my strongest asset is my intellectual capital and ability to\nlook from new angles into complex issues. Beside of the experience of\nworking under Jacob Goldfield an Paul Jacobson at Goldman on the interest\nrate swaps and proprietary desks, I was a part of research effort of John\nMeriwether group at Salomon Brothers, I headed the European interest options\ndesk at DKBI in London and I have managed a small hedge fund in partnership\nwith Albert Friedberg.\n\n I hold Ph.D. in mathematics from MIT and I have studied under Nobel\nLaureate in Economics, Bob Merton.\n\nI very much would like to apply my knowledge of capital markets, trading and\nresearch in the field of energy markets.\n\nWith my very best regards and personal wishes,\n\nMark Kierlanczyk\nGodel Partners LLC\n67 Wall Street, Suite 1901\nNew York, NY 10005\nTel 212 943 5300\nmkierlanczyk@fmginy.com", "A resume", "", [["invite_receive personnelpronoun{audience_interview}{meeting}{iris}{site}{preliminary}", 3, "information", ["received", "resume"], "information", "john, this is a resume i received today from my friend."]], "John,\n\nThis is a resume I received today from my friend.\nPlease, take a look at it. What follows below is a copy of his message to\nme:\n\n\nDear Vincent,\n\nI very much would like to ask you for a career advice. I am looking for new\nchallenges and new professional opportunities. Possibly there would be such\nopportunity around yourself at Enron Corporation.\n\nI trust that my strongest asset is my intellectual capital and ability to\nlook from new angles into complex issues. Beside of the experience of\nworking under Jacob Goldfield an Paul Jacobson at Goldman on the interest\nrate swaps and proprietary desks, I was a part of research effort of John\nMeriwether group at Salomon Brothers, I headed the European interest options\ndesk at DKBI in London and I have managed a small hedge fund in partnership\nwith Albert Friedberg.\n\n I hold Ph.D. in mathematics from MIT and I have studied under Nobel\nLaureate in Economics, Bob Merton.\n\nI very much would like to apply my knowledge of capital markets, trading and\nresearch in the field of energy markets.\n\nWith my very best regards and personal wishes,\n\nMark Kierlanczyk\nGodel Partners LLC\n67 Wall Street, Suite 1901\nNew York, NY 10005\nTel 212 943 5300\nmkierlanczyk@fmginy.com", "<19557447.1075856231121.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"energy_energy0derivative marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0derivative marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0derivative marketTnn"]}, "energy_energy0price marketTnn": {"value": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "ne": "energy_energy0price marketTnn", "patterns": ["energy_energy0price marketTnn"]}, "interest rateTnn": {"value": "interest rateTnn", "ne": "interest rateTnn", "patterns": ["interest rateTnn"]}, "market tradingTnn": {"value": "market tradingTnn", "ne": "market tradingTnn", "patterns": ["market tradingTnn"]}, "81": {"value": "67", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric suite0numericTnn"]}, "83": {"value": "suite**1901", "ne": "suite0numeric", "patterns": ["numeric suite0numericTnn"]}}, false]}, "3-6-2000-8:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"3-6-2000-8:35:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["3-6-2000-8:35:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "jeff.skilling@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com jeffrey.shankman@enron.com", "Message-ID: <25275319.1075856984128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Sat, 3 Jun 2000 08:35:00 -0700 (PDT)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: jeff.skilling@enron.com\nSubject: Managing Enron's relationships with the universities\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Jeff Skilling\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Jeffrey A Shankman\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nJeff,\n\nI would like to get on your calendar (together with Jeff Shankman) for 15 - \n30 minutes\nto discuss the results of my visit at the Wharton School with Tom Piazze.\nA separate message about this visit will follow.\n\nI would like also to talk to you about the way we manage our relationships \nwith\ndifferent universities. Historically, we were rather passive customers of\nthe academic institutions, trying to hire the best students and limiting our \npresence\non the campuses mostly to the recruiting trips and campus receptions.\n\nWe should rethink the way we work with universities. The efforts to get \nthe best students look more and more like a hand-to-hand combat and often we \nare not\nvery successful. It is critical that we increase our presence on the campuses\nand this can be accomplished in a number of different ways:\n\n1. Involvement in research projects. For example, we are currently \nunderwriting two research\nprojects at Stanford University, involving Ph.D. students of Professor \nNicholas Bambos\n(a top expert on communications networks). We shall participate in formulation\nof the projects' objectives and will be given access to the results.\nInvolvement in research projects allows us to obtain \naccess to current scientific developments in the leading universities and \nalso to lock-up some very\npromising students. Most companies in the high tech industries have such \nprograms.\n\n2. Lectures and presentations by Enron employees. Practically every \npresentation\nI have made so far at different universities resulted in a number of resumes \nand hiring decisions.\nIt is important that students get exposed to Enron early in their academic \nprogram. In many cases,\nthe best students have already made up their mind by the time we approach \nthem during their \nsenior years.\n\n3. Visits by faculty members in Enron. \n\nCloser cooperation with the universities has many advantages in addition to \ngetting the best students\nand obtaining access to current research. The universities are very important \nin shaping public opinion\non the issues critical to Enron's future (especially in the area of \nderegulation and design of new markets).\n\nCurrently, the relationships with many leading academic centers depend on \npersonal commitment of a number\nof overworked Enron employees. In many cases, there is no continuity and \nfocus.\n\nI want to recommend a creation of a special function (VP or MD level) \nresponsible for coordinating\nour relationships with the universities. This function would be separate from \nour Analyst/Associate\nprogram. I have many ideas how this function could be structured.\n\nVince", "Managing Enron's relationships with the universities", "", [["make presentation{topic}{student}{energy0derivative}{university}{progress}", 106, "information", ["made", "presentation"], "information", " practically every presentation i have made so far at different universities resulted in a number of resumes and hiring decisions."]], "Jeff,\n\nI would like to get on your calendar (together with Jeff Shankman) for 15 - \n30 minutes\nto discuss the results of my visit at the Wharton School with Tom Piazze.\nA separate message about this visit will follow.\n\nI would like also to talk to you about the way we manage our relationships \nwith\ndifferent universities. Historically, we were rather passive customers of\nthe academic institutions, trying to hire the best students and limiting our \npresence\non the campuses mostly to the recruiting trips and campus receptions.\n\nWe should rethink the way we work with universities. The efforts to get \nthe best students look more and more like a hand-to-hand combat and often we \nare not\nvery successful. It is critical that we increase our presence on the campuses\nand this can be accomplished in a number of different ways:\n\n1. Involvement in research projects. For example, we are currently \nunderwriting two research\nprojects at Stanford University, involving Ph.D. students of Professor \nNicholas Bambos\n(a top expert on communications networks). We shall participate in formulation\nof the projects' objectives and will be given access to the results.\nInvolvement in research projects allows us to obtain \naccess to current scientific developments in the leading universities and \nalso to lock-up some very\npromising students. Most companies in the high tech industries have such \nprograms.\n\n2. Lectures and presentations by Enron employees. Practically every \npresentation\nI have made so far at different universities resulted in a number of resumes \nand hiring decisions.\nIt is important that students get exposed to Enron early in their academic \nprogram. In many cases,\nthe best students have already made up their mind by the time we approach \nthem during their \nsenior years.\n\n3. Visits by faculty members in Enron. \n\nCloser cooperation with the universities has many advantages in addition to \ngetting the best students\nand obtaining access to current research. The universities are very important \nin shaping public opinion\non the issues critical to Enron's future (especially in the area of \nderegulation and design of new markets).\n\nCurrently, the relationships with many leading academic centers depend on \npersonal commitment of a number\nof overworked Enron employees. In many cases, there is no continuity and \nfocus.\n\nI want to recommend a creation of a special function (VP or MD level) \nresponsible for coordinating\nour relationships with the universities. This function would be separate from \nour Analyst/Associate\nprogram. I have many ideas how this function could be structured.\n\nVince", "<25275319.1075856984128.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", {"access_approach projectTnn": {"value": "access_approach projectTnn", "ne": "access_approach projectTnn", "patterns": ["access_approach projectTnn"]}, "critical issueTnn": {"value": "critical issueTnn", "ne": "critical issueTnn", "patterns": ["critical issueTnn"]}, "example_model projectTnn": {"value": "example_model projectTnn", "ne": "example_model projectTnn", "patterns": ["example_model projectTnn"]}, "faculty memberTnn": {"value": "faculty memberTnn", "ne": "faculty memberTnn", "patterns": ["faculty memberTnn"]}, "high techTnn": {"value": "high techTnn", "ne": "high techTnn", "patterns": ["high techTnn"]}, "involvement_participation projectTnn": {"value": "involvement_participation projectTnn", "ne": "involvement_participation projectTnn", "patterns": ["involvement_participation projectTnn"]}, "level vpTnn": {"value": "level vpTnn", "ne": "level vpTnn", "patterns": ["level vpTnn"]}, "9": {"value": "15", "ne": "numeric", "patterns": ["numeric numeric0minuteTnn"]}, "10": {"value": "30**minutes", "ne": "numeric0minute", "patterns": ["numeric numeric0minuteTnn"]}, "opinion publicTnn": {"value": "opinion publicTnn", "ne": "opinion publicTnn", "patterns": ["opinion publicTnn"]}, "presentation universityTnn": {"value": "presentation universityTnn", "ne": "presentation universityTnn", "patterns": ["presentation universityTnn"]}, "student universityTnn": {"value": "student universityTnn", "ne": "student universityTnn", "patterns": ["student universityTnn"]}}, false]}, "11-1-2001-0:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"11-1-2001-0:21:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["11-1-2001-0:21:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "ekao@uh.edu", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "Message-ID: <13331429.1075856460724.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 00:21:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: ekao@uh.edu\nSubject: Re: Summer Intern\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: edward kao @ ENRON\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\\Notes Folders\\Sent\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nEd,\n\nNo problem. Please, forward me her resume.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nedward kao on 01/10/2001 10:05:06 AM\nTo: \"Vince J. Kaminski\" \ncc: \nSubject: Summer Intern\n\n\nDear Vince:\n\n Happy New Year.\n\n Does Enron have a program for hiring summer interns? My daughter\nCandice Kao is a freshman at Mount Holyoke College. She has a good quan\naptitude and quite meticulous. She is looking for summer intership in\nHouston. So if you know such a program existing, please let me know.\nShe is in town for the semester break if there is such a program, may\nbe she can visit with someone there to have an interview.\n\n With best regards, Ed\n\n\n", "Re: Summer Intern", "", [["forward resume{request}{associate0program}", 3, "nninformation", ["forward", "resume"], "request", " please, forward me her resume."]], "Ed,\n\nNo problem. Please, forward me her resume.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\nedward kao ", [], false]}, "24-2-2000-8:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": {"24-2-2000-8:52:0Svince.kaminski@enron.com": ["24-2-2000-8:52:0", "vince.kaminski@enron.com", "remi.collonges@enron.com", "vince.kaminski@enron.com shirley.crenshaw@enron.com", "Message-ID: <29575427.1075856999185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\nDate: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 08:52:00 -0800 (PST)\nFrom: vince.kaminski@enron.com\nTo: remi.collonges@enron.com\nSubject: Re: curves for South America\nCc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nBcc: vince.kaminski@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com\nX-From: Vince J Kaminski\nX-To: Remi Collonges\nX-cc: Vince J Kaminski, Shirley Crenshaw\nX-bcc: \nX-Folder: \\Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_8\\Notes Folders\\'sent mail\nX-Origin: Kaminski-V\nX-FileName: vkamins.nsf\n\nRemi,\n\nNo problem. My assistant Shirley Crenshaw will call you Friday to set up a \nmeeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemi Collonges@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/24/2000 09:10 AM\nTo: Vince J Kaminski@ECT, Grant Masson@ECT\ncc: \nSubject: curves for South America\n\nVince and Grant,\n\nI have been made responsible for all gas and power curves in South America \n(plus books development, reporting, .......). I have somewhat started but, \nsince I am new on the job, I'd love to receive advice, guidance (and at some \nstage help) from you. Would you be available for a meeting next week, \npreferably Thursday or Friday? I'm planning to be in Houston these days.\n\nRemi Collonges\n(55) 11 5503 1200\n\n", "Re: curves for South America", "", [["set_arrange_put_order_rank_prepare_determine_define_adjust personname{meeting}{assistant}", 8, "nninformation", ["set", "meeting"], "intention", " my assistant shirley crenshaw will call you friday to set up a meeting."]], "Remi,\n\nNo problem. My assistant Shirley Crenshaw will call you Friday to set up a \nmeeting.\n\nVince\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemi Collonges@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n02/24/2000 09:10 AM\n", "<29575427.1075856999185.JavaMail.evans@thyme>", [], false]}}